4 values
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82 values
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-07-22', 'name': 'Spencer^Angus^^^', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Mix', 'owner': 'Bob Spencer', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': ' Started friday having D+, went in house, continued to next day. This mooring, pt was crying, anxious. Pt then went pee 4 times. Pt then pt had explosive d+, then started having a hunch back. Drinking and eating okay. O is unsure if pt got into anything or ate a toy. Has chewed up dolls in the past. \r\n', 'questions': 'Suspected non obstructive material/ dietary indescretion', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 120.20300000000002, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. Foreign material is noted in the GI tract; therefore, dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenterocolitis, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs can not be ruled out completely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Emesis-induction can be considered depending on type of material present. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material or consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 71, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crying'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 121, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hunched up'}, {'id': 610, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed'}, {'id': 679, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Polyuria'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque', 'sand like']}}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with a gravel/sand like appearance']}}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque'], '___s2_': ['descending']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach contains a mineralized opacity with a gravel/sand-like appearance. There is radio-opaque sand-like foreign material located within the small intestine. There is radio-opaque opacity foreign material located within the descending colon. There is a portion of the small intestine that is mildly distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body/material may or may not pass on its own, with no obstructive pattern noted. Dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration due to foreign material in the GI tract. Gastroenterocolitis, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs cannot be ruled out completely. A colonic foreign body is also noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Depending on the type of material present, emesis-induction can be considered. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the progression of the gastric foreign body/material or consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material. Additionally, monitor for passage of the described colonic foreign body in the stool.'}
{'bday': '2015-07-22', 'name': 'Spencer^Angus^^^', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Mix', 'owner': 'Bob Spencer', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}
Started friday having D+, went in house, continued to next day. This mooring, pt was crying, anxious. Pt then went pee 4 times. Pt then pt had explosive d+, then started having a hunch back. Drinking and eating okay. O is unsure if pt got into anything or ate a toy. Has chewed up dolls in the past.
Suspected non obstructive material/ dietary indescretion
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Crying/yelping', 'Diarrhea', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Hunched up', 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed', 'Polyuria (PU)', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion']
[71, 76, 92, 121, 610, 679, 2184]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-12-19', 'name': 'Arnold^Tippa', 'breed': 'English Springer Spaniel', 'owner': 'Arnold^Caroline', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Leonard Brothers Veterinary Centre Whitchurch (IVC UK)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United Kingdom - Whitchurch', 'clinician': 'Emma Houldsworth (LBVC)'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented after owner reported that this morning could not get up out of bed at all. Given metacam and paracetmol and now can walk but 8/10ths lame RF at walk. \r\n\r\nCE: eyes/ears fine, mm pink and moist, CRT< 2secs, heart rate 120bpm, chest clear, abdo palp NAD, ln wnls, temp 38.3. \r\n\r\nPalpation LEFT fore normal. RIGHT fore fine on palpation/manipulation toes/carpus. Elbow flexion crepitus and whipped round. Then unable to weight bear on limb. \r\nAdvised sedate and x-ray. ', 'questions': "We can't see anything of significance in the Right elbow but would appreciate your opinion as to whether there is anything to be noted that we have missed?", 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1047, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 10.439, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Arthritis of the carpus, as described, may be contributing to the reported lameness. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1354, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Neg ms - frontlimb lameness no cause', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2326, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sedated'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2473, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crepitus - joint'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is very mild osteophyte formation affecting the right elbow as noted in the craniocaudal view. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMild degenerative joint disease of the right elbow.\nArthritis of the carpus, as described, may be contributing to the reported lameness.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of clinical symptoms and rest can be considered at this time. Follow-up radiographs or further diagnostics (CT scan/ scintigraphy or arthroscopy) if there is no response to treatment.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy.'}
{'bday': '2012-12-19', 'name': 'Arnold^Tippa', 'breed': 'English Springer Spaniel', 'owner': 'Arnold^Caroline', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Leonard Brothers Veterinary Centre Whitchurch (IVC UK)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United Kingdom - Whitchurch', 'clinician': 'Emma Houldsworth (LBVC)'}
Presented after owner reported that this morning could not get up out of bed at all. Given metacam and paracetmol and now can walk but 8/10ths lame RF at walk. CE: eyes/ears fine, mm pink and moist, CRT< 2secs, heart rate 120bpm, chest clear, abdo palp NAD, ln wnls, temp 38.3. Palpation LEFT fore normal. RIGHT fore fine on palpation/manipulation toes/carpus. Elbow flexion crepitus and whipped round. Then unable to weight bear on limb. Advised sedate and x-ray.
We can't see anything of significance in the Right elbow but would appreciate your opinion as to whether there is anything to be noted that we have missed?
['Lameness', 'Sedated', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Crepitus', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2326, 2346, 2473, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-19', 'name': 'LANG^TANK', 'breed': 'Miniature Pinscher', 'owner': 'LANG^MELISSA', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet has been lethargic for 24 hours. Did not eat today. ON exam, neurologic, wobbling, and vomiting blood. \r\nCBC: hct 63% with bands\r\nChemistry pending', 'questions': ' ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/anorexia/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\xa0The GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology, coagulopathy, or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\n\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\xa0Medical management of symptoms is indicated. If there is no response to treatment, symptoms worsen, or evidence of severe blood loss then endoscopy to evaluate the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is recommended. Further recommend coagulation panel and appropriate therapy as needed.", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 383, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 17.567, 'consult_name': 'Spine - bridging spondylosis, pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Severe bridging spondylosis. Clinical signs described could be due to discogenic pain. Evidence of disc space narrowing. The reported signs could be due to disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider exercise restriction and analgesics for severe bridging spondylosis, and if signs persist, consider an MRI scan for further assessment. Consider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan for further investigation of the reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 428, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs, old/ very sick, poss pancreatitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': ' Supportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis and testing for pancreatitis. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 273, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Unsteady'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Possible Wobblers'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical and thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 797, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Renomegaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ kidney measures above normal range. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['rugal folds']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the thoracic spine', 'C6-C7']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1653, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Neurological (nervous system) disorder (unspecified)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 270, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Neurological examination'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of rugal folds. The left kidney measures above normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical and thoracic spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the thoracic spine C6-C7. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nSevere bridging spondylosis with evidence of disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered as a differential diagnosis for the clinical signs described.\nGastric material may represent food, but foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. No evidence of obstruction or plication in the GI tract, but upper GI pathology, coagulopathy, or ulceration should be considered given the history of vomiting with blood.\nClinical signs are most consistent with a systemic illness, possibly pancreatitis, severe gastroenteritis, or infectious, inflammatory, toxin, or dietary indiscretion-related conditions.\nThe cause of the patient's clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided.\nThe kidneys are at the upper limits of normal, possibly representing acute kidney injury, with differentials including pyelonephritis, neoplasia, and hydronephrosis.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\n1. Consider exercise restriction and analgesics for severe bridging spondylosis. If signs persist, consider an MRI scan for further assessment.\n2. Consider advanced imaging such as CT or an MRI scan for further investigation of reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion.\n3. Consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. Medical management of symptoms is indicated. If no response to treatment, symptoms worsen, or evidence of severe blood loss, then endoscopy to evaluate the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum is recommended. Further recommend coagulation panel and appropriate therapy as needed.\n4. Supportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis, and testing for pancreatitis. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.\n5. Consider further workup including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis, and abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported non-specific signs. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\n6. Correlate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the enlarged kidney(s)."}
{'bday': '2014-08-19', 'name': 'LANG^TANK', 'breed': 'Miniature Pinscher', 'owner': 'LANG^MELISSA', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Burleson ', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Pet has been lethargic for 24 hours. Did not eat today. ON exam, neurologic, wobbling, and vomiting blood. CBC: hct 63% with bands Chemistry pending
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Unsteady', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Lab work pending', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Possible Wobblers']
[131, 256, 273, 282, 2352, 2654, 2701]
['Neurological (nervous system) disorder (unspecified)']
['Neurological examination']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-12-19', 'name': 'RIVERA^PEACH^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'PAUL', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Katy ', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet was brough in on 6/5/24 because stepped on a hole and o states pet started limping on front right leg after that. pet had pain on right shoulder joint area. pet was given carprofen 25mg and gaba 100mg and o sts it helped a bit. but then o brought pet back in today and stated that after going swimming pet came out limping from left leg now. Pet had pain at left shoulder on extension lameness.', 'questions': 'pet was limping from right front leg on 6/5/24 but now limping from left front leg. painful at shoulder.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 450, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - OCD lesion', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with rounded margins']}}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a concave defect in the articular margin of the left, shoulder joint and suspected on the right shoulder joint (changes very mild). ', 'elapsedTime': 33.061, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'shoulder joint']}}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2676, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-general'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 959, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Analgesic'}, {'id': 985, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'NSAID'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a concave defect in the articular margin of the lef and right shoulder joint . The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a small mineralized opacity with rounded margins. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2273, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'juvenile-joint', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2283, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'feeding-tube', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nShoulder osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) with mineralized cartilage flaps/fragments in the synovial cavity noted. \nGastric foreign body described, which may or may not pass on its own.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider orthopedic/surgical consultation for appropriate management of shoulder osteochondrosis dissecans.\nRecommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body.'}
{'bday': '2023-12-19', 'name': 'RIVERA^PEACH^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'PAUL', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Katy ', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
Pet was brough in on 6/5/24 because stepped on a hole and o states pet started limping on front right leg after that. pet had pain on right shoulder joint area. pet was given carprofen 25mg and gaba 100mg and o sts it helped a bit. but then o brought pet back in today and stated that after going swimming pet came out limping from left leg now. Pet had pain at left shoulder on extension lameness.
pet was limping from right front leg on 6/5/24 but now limping from left front leg. painful at shoulder.
['Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Lameness', 'Pain', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[629, 2185, 2186, 2656]
['Analgesic', 'Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)']
[959, 985]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-24', 'name': 'Vo^Suzume', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Vo^Megan', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'resented for vomiting, anorexia\r\nSymptoms started Friday\r\nNo diarrhea.\r\nIndoor only.\r\nWas doing well previously.\r\nNo current medications.', 'questions': '1. Vomiting / Anorexia - r/o Secondary to Constipation vs Gastroenteritis vs Dietary Indiscretion vs Open dx\r\n2. IVDD LS and T9-10\r\n\r\nfPLI: normal\r\nCBC/CHEM: All WNL', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction and may also be the source or contributing to the noted clinical signs, though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 476, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Constipation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Fecal retention noted is consistent with constipation. This may be contributing to the clinical signs noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the lumber spine']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2688, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'straining-constipation'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the lumber spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction and may also be the source or contributing to the noted clinical signs, though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nFecal retention noted is consistent with constipation. This may be contributing to the clinical signs noted.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. \nMedical management with follow-up fasted radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\nTreatment for constipation/obstipation is indicated at this time.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-24', 'name': 'Vo^Suzume', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Vo^Megan', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
resented for vomiting, anorexia Symptoms started Friday No diarrhea. Indoor only. Was doing well previously. No current medications.
1. Vomiting / Anorexia - r/o Secondary to Constipation vs Gastroenteritis vs Dietary Indiscretion vs Open dx 2. IVDD LS and T9-10 fPLI: normal CBC/CHEM: All WNL
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'straining-constipation']
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Feline']
[256, 606, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-04-27', 'name': 'West^Zoey', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German Mix', 'owner': 'West^Adam', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Effingham', 'clinician': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'The patient presented for lameness to the left front leg. Started last night or today. Barely using today. Last year in April rads revealed an oblique fracture of the ulna through the base of the semilunar notch. Surgery was done and in last July the wire and pin were removed. Last Oct she had a similar issue and rads revealed a chronic intra-articular nonunion fracture of the L olecranon with minimal displacement. ', 'questions': 'Does the lameness appear to still be caused by the chronic nonunion fracture', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 902, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'M/S Limb Fracture - Nonunion Fractures', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1066, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - Fragmented medial coronoid process', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1102, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 5.785, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma, only significant finding', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma. Pathology observed in the associated bony structures.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2589, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Deformity/Healing Fracture'}, {'id': 2590, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Nonunion Fractures'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'front limb', 'elbow']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2364, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Fragmented medial coronoid process', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is new bone production on the proximal border of the anconeal process and changes to the medial coronoid process indicative of a fragmented medial coronoid process. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2598, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of healing of the fracture noted as obscured fracture lines and callus formation. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of healing of the fracture noted as obscured fracture lines and callus formation. There is soft tissue swelling involving the left front limb elbow. There are degenerative changes noted in the left elbow. There is new bone production on the proximal border of the anconeal process and changes to the medial coronoid process indicative of a fragmented medial coronoid process. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe visible fracture appears to be a nonunion.\nThe changes noted in the elbow are supportive of a fragmented medial coronoid process.\nSoft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma. Pathology observed in the associated bony structures.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend rigid stabilization/proper alignment and compression if possible of the nonunion fracture(s). +/- orthopedic consultation.\nAdditional views of the elbow or advanced imaging (such as CT or MRI) may be indicated. Orthopedic consultation is recommended as surgery is often the treatment of choice for the condition.\nMedical management of soft tissue injury and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.'}
{'bday': '2022-04-27', 'name': 'West^Zoey', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German Mix', 'owner': 'West^Adam', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Effingham', 'clinician': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois'}
The patient presented for lameness to the left front leg. Started last night or today. Barely using today. Last year in April rads revealed an oblique fracture of the ulna through the base of the semilunar notch. Surgery was done and in last July the wire and pin were removed. Last Oct she had a similar issue and rads revealed a chronic intra-articular nonunion fracture of the L olecranon with minimal displacement.
Does the lameness appear to still be caused by the chronic nonunion fracture
['Panting', 'Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Healing fracture', 'Nonunion Fractures', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[177, 2185, 2346, 2589, 2590, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-05-10', 'name': 'correa^Riley', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'correa^alani', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Riley has been defecating abnormally for about 10 days, O states P will squat to defecate but nothing will come out, O states P has not been eating at all for the past 3-4 days, O states P is lethargic, not really wanting to move around, does not want to play or go outside like normal, No vomiting \r\nCirculatory IV/VI systolic left apical heart murmur \r\nHeart murmur decreased appetite and straining to defecate. Large, firm, irregular mass palpated in mid abdomen. Rectal exam wnl. ', 'questions': 'Abdominal Mass', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 193, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Gall Bladder mineralization', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 203, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 13.551, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, significant fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There is presence of peritoneal effusion and evidence of an abdominal mass of which the origin cannot be determined. Consider hemoabdomen secondary to a bleeding mass or neoplastic effusion.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 252, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - No constipation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 269, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Normal heart, heart murmur, canine', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 204, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 243, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Straining to defaecate'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a very large soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the mid abdomen.', 'elapsedTime': 13.673, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild loss of serosal detail with ventral fluid pooling in the abdomen. ', 'elapsedTime': 26.822, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the gallbladder']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 28, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - abdominal'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nA mineral opacity is noted over the liver in the region of the gallbladder. There is a very large soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the mid abdomen. There is mild loss of serosal detail with ventral fluid pooling in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is presence of peritoneal effusion and evidence of an abdominal mass of which the origin cannot be determined. Consider hemoabdomen secondary to a bleeding mass or neoplastic effusion.\nThere is no indication of constipation noted on the radiographs.\nThe cardiovascular structures appear normal. This does not rule out valvular disease.\nMineralization noted in the liver is suspected to be associated with the gallbladder, representative of cholelithiasis. However, neoplasia cannot be ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nAdvise abdominocentesis to collect fluid for cytology and analysis, consider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan to further investigate the abdominal mass.\nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs to further investigate for constipation.\nConsider echocardiogram to investigate the reported heart murmur.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineralization noted in the liver.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2011-05-10', 'name': 'correa^Riley', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'correa^alani', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}
Riley has been defecating abnormally for about 10 days, O states P will squat to defecate but nothing will come out, O states P has not been eating at all for the past 3-4 days, O states P is lethargic, not really wanting to move around, does not want to play or go outside like normal, No vomiting Circulatory IV/VI systolic left apical heart murmur Heart murmur decreased appetite and straining to defecate. Large, firm, irregular mass palpated in mid abdomen. Rectal exam wnl.
Abdominal Mass
['Lethargic/tired', 'Reluctant to move/walk', 'Straining to defaecate', 'Anorexia', 'Hyporexia', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Small Breed']
[131, 204, 243, 606, 607, 2175, 2654]
['Mass lesion - abdominal']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-09-20', 'name': 'Snow^Ruby', 'breed': 'Scottish Terrier', 'owner': 'Lynn Snow ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Springer Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Sturgeon Falls', 'clinician': 'Springer Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Yelping out in pain randomly, seems hunched. On exam there is no obvious issue, mildly stiff in the hind end. \r\nOn meloxadin and gaba and seems very sore when meds are done ', 'questions': 'Are you appreciating any major changes that could account for the pain?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['unaddressed_concerns'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Fragmented-fabella', 'Tibia Displacement', 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'right-heart-enlargement', 'axial-fracture']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 363, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Degenerative changes in the hips.. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 384, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID, paresis/paralysis or hindlimb weakness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Possible narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning or beam divergence. The reported signs could be due to partial vertebral disc herniation, disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 413, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - Lame/weak, TID vs. M/S causes', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1114, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - RLA, small(no organ displacement)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 121, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hunched up'}, {'id': 292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 590, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Stiffness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'The spleen appears prominent. ', 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 709, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small ill defined'], '___s2_': ['L6 - L7']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ rounded soft tissue opacity structure noted in the sublumbar retroperitoneal space, ventral to ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['rugal folds']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2193, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Stifle', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stifles are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'soa, sef, plx'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T13-L1']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'internal_notes': 'Unaddressed- concerns for pain', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of rugal folds. There is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is a small ill defined rounded soft tissue opacity structure noted in the sublumbar retroperitoneal space, ventral to L6 - L7. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at T13-L1. There are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2710, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Patella luxation false positive', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe musculoskeletal changes identified may indicate neurologic or musculoskeletal causes of the described clinical signs.\nPossible narrowed disc space, though appearance may be secondary to patient positioning or beam divergence. The reported signs could be due to partial vertebral disc herniation, disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered.\nThe soft tissue opacity mass noted in the caudal retroperitoneal space is most consistent with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy or may be artefactual due to superimposition of structures. Retroperitoneal lymph nodes receive lymphatics from the rectum, pelvic canal, anal glands, and perineal region.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\nDegenerative changes in the hips..\nA small, soft-tissue opacity, is noted within the stomach. This may represent food/fluid or rugal folds in the stomach however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCareful palpation and evaluation is advised to assess whether the patient's signs are neurologic versus orthopedic in origin.\nConsider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan for further investigation of the reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion.\nConsider rectal exam and abdominal ultrasound with FNA sampling if indicated for further investigation of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.\nConsider rectal exam to rule out constipation.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and monitor response to therapy.\nCorrelate with history of the patients last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered."}
{'bday': '2015-09-20', 'name': 'Snow^Ruby', 'breed': 'Scottish Terrier', 'owner': 'Lynn Snow ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Springer Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Sturgeon Falls', 'clinician': 'Springer Animal Hospital'}
Yelping out in pain randomly, seems hunched. On exam there is no obvious issue, mildly stiff in the hind end. On meloxadin and gaba and seems very sore when meds are done
Are you appreciating any major changes that could account for the pain?
['lameness-hindLimb', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain']
['Hunched up', 'Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Stiffness', 'Pain', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[121, 292, 590, 2186, 2345, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-06-30', 'name': 'Holdbrook^Max', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Holdbrook^Mark', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'On Thursday, P ripped paw pads from playing too excessively, has been healing well.\r\nYesterday evening chased a rabbit in yard and this morning, front right paw became markedly swollen and non-weight baring. No significant trauma known. Quieter than usual, not eating.\r\nUpon physical exam, marked pain upon ROM of the carpus and palpation of metacarpal 4-5.\r\nPaw significantly swollen, no obvious wounds.\r\n', 'questions': 'Concerned for fracture vs soft tissue injury ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 22.052, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Given the history, trauma cannot be excluded. Other differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1047, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 9.941, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Arthritis of the distal forelimb as described may be contributing to the reported lameness. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 296, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wound'}, {'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'front paw']}}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right and front\n paw. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Given the history, trauma cannot be excluded. Other differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.\nArthritis of the distal forelimb as described may be contributing to the reported lameness.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management for soft tissue injury is indicated. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy.'}
{'bday': '2021-06-30', 'name': 'Holdbrook^Max', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Holdbrook^Mark', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC'}
On Thursday, P ripped paw pads from playing too excessively, has been healing well. Yesterday evening chased a rabbit in yard and this morning, front right paw became markedly swollen and non-weight baring. No significant trauma known. Quieter than usual, not eating. Upon physical exam, marked pain upon ROM of the carpus and palpation of metacarpal 4-5. Paw significantly swollen, no obvious wounds.
Concerned for fracture vs soft tissue injury
['Wound', 'Pain - musculoskeletal']
[296, 629]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-01-01', 'name': 'Silva^Dot', 'breed': 'Gordon Setter', 'owner': 'Silva^Kenna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - Papillion', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Papillion', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care - Millard'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'HX: P took out for short walk and noted abnormal panting, lethargy, very occasional ataxia to gait. Last ate a meal last night, nothing offered today as she usually eat in evening time. Free roam of house while o was at work. No reported V/D. Gums appear pale to owners - light pink on presentation, normal gums and gait as well. \r\n\r\nBW - ALT 344, PHOS 1.9, TP 5.1, GLU 140, K 3.7\r\nPE- normal vitals, hydrated, abdomen comfortable ', 'questions': 'Soft tissue opacity in cranial abdomen, not present on all views, material in gastric lumen? Odd orientation to spleen? No concerns on brief FAST scan. \r\n', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/anorexia/ lethargy', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The cause of the patient's lethargy and\xa0patient's slightly pale gums\xa0is not identified in the radiographs provided.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 223, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 31.084, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Thin LAD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Loss of detail in the abdomen most consistent with lack of intra-abdominal fat. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out. No abdominal mass is detected, spleen is normal in size.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 767, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause noted, non-diagnostic images', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The study is negative for IVDD, fractures, luxations/subluxation and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. No cause for the reported ataxia is identified in this study.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 833, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Rugal folds vs GMT vs mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1285, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Neg Thorax - Tachypnea, no abnormalities', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 77, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Blood test: Biochemistry - full profile'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is mild loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's lethargy and\xa0patient's slightly pale gums\xa0is not identified in the radiographs provided.\nThe study is negative for IVDD, fractures, luxations/subluxation and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. No cause for the reported ataxia is identified in this study.\nNo radiographic evidence for the clinical signs described. Bronchitis, asthma or anaphylactic reaction cannot be ruled out. Other possible non-cardiac causes of tachypnea include pain, anxiety, and hyperthyroidism.\nLoss of detail in the abdomen most consistent with lack of intra-abdominal fat. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out. No abdominal mass is detected, spleen is normal in size.\nSoft tissue opacity noted in the stomach. This may represent rugal folds, however thickening of the gastric wall, gastric mass, or gastric material cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nGiven the history, additional radiographic views (which may include oblique, flexed, stressed, etc.) or advanced imaging may be considered to investigate further the reported musculoskeletal signs.\nCorrelate with physical examination and blood work (possibly testing for hyperthyroidism if clinically relevant). With the tachypnea reported, assuming no other cause (such as pain, anxiety, etc.) can be identified, consideration can be given to treatment of potential lower airway disease. This may consist of bronchodilators, cough suppressants, antibiotics, or short courses of anti-inflammatory steroids. Bronchoscopy or transtracheal wash can be considered for further evaluation.\nAn AFAST +/- abdominal ultrasound is recommended for free fluid if clinically warranted.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy for further investigation of the soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach."}
{'bday': '2021-01-01', 'name': 'Silva^Dot', 'breed': 'Gordon Setter', 'owner': 'Silva^Kenna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - Papillion', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Papillion', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care - Millard'}
HX: P took out for short walk and noted abnormal panting, lethargy, very occasional ataxia to gait. Last ate a meal last night, nothing offered today as she usually eat in evening time. Free roam of house while o was at work. No reported V/D. Gums appear pale to owners - light pink on presentation, normal gums and gait as well. BW - ALT 344, PHOS 1.9, TP 5.1, GLU 140, K 3.7 PE- normal vitals, hydrated, abdomen comfortable
Soft tissue opacity in cranial abdomen, not present on all views, material in gastric lumen? Odd orientation to spleen? No concerns on brief FAST scan.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'non-specific-ADR', 'screening-abdomen']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Panting', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 177, 674, 2656]
['Blood test: Chemistry - full profile']
{'patient': {'bday': '2009-05-13', 'name': 'DiFalco^Riley^^^', 'breed': 'Cockapoo', 'owner': 'Debbie E. DiFalco', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'RIley presented for limping since 2 days ago, P puts socks so P does not slip on the flood, some times other house mate dog grabs her leg and possible trauma. ', 'questions': 'Limping 3/4 weight bearing RFL.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 376, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 377, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 36.249, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR causing lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Arthropathy of the shoulder may be contributing to the reported lameness. \nNo evidence of luxation, subluxation, fractions or obvious traumatic injury.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 667, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 134.759, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Subcutaneous mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Cutaneous / subcutaneous masses as described. Mild soft tissue swelling noted at the left forelimb, no evidence of traumatic injury noted in the region, swelling is not likely associated with elbow joint. Given the mildness of this appearance it cannot be ruled out that appearance is attributed to positioning.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology. Correlate with physical examination to investigate noted soft tissue swelling. Assessment of the affected joint for instability may be beneficial as would cross-section imaging.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right shoulder, comparatively more severe at the right forelimb.', 'elapsedTime': 14.933, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are two cutaneous masses of soft tissue opacity noted over the medial aspect of the left forelimb over the region of the proximal radius and ulna.', 'elapsedTime': 92.988, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['subcutaneous tissue', 'on the left', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be mild soft tissue swelling over the region immediately ventral to the left elbow.', 'elapsedTime': 58.538, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'elbow']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere appears to be mild soft tissue swelling over the region immediately ventral to the left elbow. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right shoulders and elbows. There are two cutaneous masses of soft tissue opacity noted over the medial aspect of the left forelimb over the region of the proximal radius and ulna. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nArthropathy of the shoulders and elbow may be contributing to the reported lameness.\nNo evidence of luxation, subluxation, fractions or obvious traumatic injury.\nCutaneous / subcutaneous masses as described. Mild soft tissue swelling noted at the left forelimb, no evidence of traumatic injury noted in the region, swelling is not likely associated with elbow joint. Given the mildness of this appearance it cannot be ruled out that appearance is attributed to positioning.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination and consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy for the reported lameness.\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology. Correlate with physical examination to investigate noted soft tissue swelling. Assessment of the affected joint for instability may be beneficial as would cross-section imaging.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.'}
{'bday': '2009-05-13', 'name': 'DiFalco^Riley^^^', 'breed': 'Cockapoo', 'owner': 'Debbie E. DiFalco', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}
RIley presented for limping since 2 days ago, P puts socks so P does not slip on the flood, some times other house mate dog grabs her leg and possible trauma.
Limping 3/4 weight bearing RFL.
['Traumatic injury', 'Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[259, 2185, 2346, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-03-30', 'name': 'Brydson^Lena', 'breed': 'Retriever Mixed', 'owner': 'Livingston^Chris', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Dr. Nair'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Repeat rads following up after initial radiographs taken last night. Initial radiographs showed suspect foreign material. Patient has been hospitalized on IVF overnight, NPO for 12+ hours. No vomiting in hospital. ', 'questions': 'Is there passage of the suspect foreign material seen on previous radiographs? Concern for obstruction. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 723, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - follow up, empty', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 939, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 145.663, 'consult_name': ' Intestines - Enteritis with Partial Obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The overall gas distension of the small intestines appears to have improved in comparison to the previous study, however, there are still mildly distended small intestinal segments present. Consider enteritis, infiltrate, or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction.\xa0There is no evidence of an intestinal foreign body however, the presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically.\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours for further investigation of the changes noted in the intestines.\xa0 Abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity or gastrointestinal foreign body. Consider a barium study if clinical signs persist.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2356, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Fasted'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate', 'diffuse'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is moderate diffuse distension of the colon with gas. There is a portion of the small intestine that is mildly distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCompared to previous images, the material noted in the stomach appears to have passed. The overall gas distension of the small intestines appears to have improved in comparison to the previous study, however, there are still mildly distended small intestinal segments present. Consider enteritis, infiltrate, or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction. There is no evidence of an intestinal foreign body, however, the presence of occult foreign material cannot completely be excluded radiographically.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported gastrointestinal signs is indicated at this time. For further investigation, consider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess the changes noted in the intestines. Additionally, abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity or gastrointestinal foreign body. Consider a barium study if clinical signs persist.'}
{'bday': '2015-03-30', 'name': 'Brydson^Lena', 'breed': 'Retriever Mixed', 'owner': 'Livingston^Chris', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Dr. Nair'}
Repeat rads following up after initial radiographs taken last night. Initial radiographs showed suspect foreign material. Patient has been hospitalized on IVF overnight, NPO for 12+ hours. No vomiting in hospital.
Is there passage of the suspect foreign material seen on previous radiographs? Concern for obstruction.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'follow-up-abdomen']
['Fasted', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen']
[2356, 2656, 2703]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-09-09', 'name': 'Bocanegra^Nacho', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Bocanegra^Jamie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Nacho presents for 2-day history of inappetence. Vomited up food 4 days ago. Reduced appetite. O syringe fed food and water today but P vomited back up. Regularly chews on random object around the house. No C/S/D. Urinating okay.\r\n\r\nPE: Grade II/VI left parasternal systolic murmur. Eupneic. No abnormal BV sounds. Soft, non-painful on abdominal palpation. \r\n\r\nCBC/Chem: WNL\r\nfPLi snap: Normal', 'questions': 'Open dx for vomiting, hyporexia - r/o GI FB vs other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild fecal retention with colonic\xa0foreign body as described.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a small amount of mineral'], '___s2_': ['ascending', 'transverse', 'descending']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['mineralized'], '___s3_': ['with irregular margins']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distention of the stomach and it contains a mineralized opacity with irregular margins. There is a small amount of mineral opacity foreign material located within the ascending, transverse and descending colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. No other gastrointestinal abnormalities are noted. Based on clinical history and radiographic findings, gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion is considered a primary differential.\n\nGastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion is considered the most likely source of signs. No complete obstructive pattern is identified although an obstruction cannot be completely excluded radiographically.\nMild fecal retention with colonic\xa0foreign body as described.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Emesis-induction can be considered depending on type of material present. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 6-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.\n\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.\n\nMonitor for passage of described colonic foreign body in the stool.'}
{'bday': '2020-09-09', 'name': 'Bocanegra^Nacho', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Bocanegra^Jamie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Nacho presents for 2-day history of inappetence. Vomited up food 4 days ago. Reduced appetite. O syringe fed food and water today but P vomited back up. Regularly chews on random object around the house. No C/S/D. Urinating okay. PE: Grade II/VI left parasternal systolic murmur. Eupneic. No abnormal BV sounds. Soft, non-painful on abdominal palpation. CBC/Chem: WNL fPLi snap: Normal
Open dx for vomiting, hyporexia - r/o GI FB vs other
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Hyporexia', 'Heart Murmur', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Feline']
[256, 606, 607, 2175, 2184, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-03-07', 'name': 'WU^TUXEDO', 'breed': 'Siberian Husky', 'owner': 'WU^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center - Bloomington', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bloomington', 'clinician': 'Caitlyn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pp with vomiting diarrhea for last 3-4 days', 'questions': 'Gastroenteritis/foreign material?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarrhea, normal gut', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a distension of a portion of the small intestine and a population of the non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines are suspicious for two populations of small intestines. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction, though enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nThe radiographs do not determine the cause of the clinical signs described. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasites, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome, or another cause should be considered.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\nConsider fecal testing and blood work to further investigate the reported clinical signs. '}
{'bday': '2022-03-07', 'name': 'WU^TUXEDO', 'breed': 'Siberian Husky', 'owner': 'WU^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center - Bloomington', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bloomington', 'clinician': 'Caitlyn'}
Pp with vomiting diarrhea for last 3-4 days
Gastroenteritis/foreign material?
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-12-31', 'name': 'Georgie', 'breed': 'Affenpinscher', 'owner': 'Dunn', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pet Hospital on Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P present today with bloody stools and acute vomits.', 'questions': 'Possible foreign body vs pancreatitis vs HGE', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 714, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Hemorrhagic gastro enteritis (vom+diarr).', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 833, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Rugal folds vs GMT vs mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['with rounded margins']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a soft tissue opacity with rounded margins. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue opacity noted in the stomach. This may represent rugal folds, however thickening of the gastric wall, gastric mass, or gastric material cannot be ruled out.\nNo obvious obstructive pattern is noted on the radiographs provided. Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered a primary differential. Dietary indiscretion, inflammatory, infectious, parasite, colitis due to stress or other cause cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy for further investigation of the soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach.\nMedical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. Fecal testing and blood work may provide additional information.'}
{'bday': '2019-12-31', 'name': 'Georgie', 'breed': 'Affenpinscher', 'owner': 'Dunn', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Pet Hospital on Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}
P present today with bloody stools and acute vomits.
Possible foreign body vs pancreatitis vs HGE
['Vomiting', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[256, 2475, 2654, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-05-17', 'name': 'Hartshorne^Indy', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Hartshorne^Elina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Sean Killeen'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented initially on 09/04 for vomiting and diarrhea - Received cerenia injection. No more vomiting since but still having diarrhea with blood, inappetence, retching, and dry heaving\r\nNormal Cpl and giardia result', 'questions': 'No sedation needed for radiographs', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 714, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 122.276, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Hemorrhagic gastro enteritis (vom+diarr).', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. A gastroscope, blood work, urinalysis including coagulaton profiles, may provide additional information.\n ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 791, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 117.479, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - Regurg, no ESD/EFB, reflux/esophagitis', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the\xa0 described retching and hyporexia is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes of retching may include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Symptomatic treatment may be considered. (An) Endoscopy or (a) swallow study may be indicated for further investigation of retching if there is no response to therapy.\xa0\xa0\nConsider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported the reported hyporexia. In addition, a more detailed clinical history may also be helpful and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2554, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Esophageal foreign body, contrast', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo obvious obstructive pattern is noted on the radiographs provided. Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered a primary differential. Dietary indiscretion, inflammatory, infectious, parasite, colitis due to stress or other cause cannot be ruled out.\nA cause for the\xa0 described retching and hyporexia is not identified in the radiographs provided. Causes of retching may include gastroesophageal reflux or esophagitis.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size and shape. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. A gastroscope, blood work, urinalysis including coagulaton profiles, may provide additional information.\nSymptomatic treatment may be considered. Endoscopy or may be indicated for further investigation of retching if there is no response to therapy.\xa0\xa0\nConsider further work up including biochemistry profile, CBC, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported the reported hyporexia. \nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement to rule out underlying cardiac disease.'}
{'bday': '2020-05-17', 'name': 'Hartshorne^Indy', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Hartshorne^Elina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Sean Killeen'}
Presented initially on 09/04 for vomiting and diarrhea - Received cerenia injection. No more vomiting since but still having diarrhea with blood, inappetence, retching, and dry heaving Normal Cpl and giardia result
No sedation needed for radiographs
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Gagging/retching', 'Hyporexia', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 521, 607, 2475, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-05-20', 'name': 'Chevalier^Bear', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Chevalier^Pam', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for explosive diarrhea for the past 24 hours (turned bloody tonight) and also vomited tonight.\r\nEncapsulated tumor on base of the tail - surgically removed 2 weeks ago.\r\nOwner had a difficult time with the e-collar post surgery and Bear was able to bite off some sutures.\r\nOwner suspect Bear ate all of the bandage material Saturday.\r\nWas seen at rDVM this AM - received some supportive treatment and was fasted all day today. \r\nLast meal was yesterday.', 'questions': 'Gastric FB vs Pancreatitis vs Open dx\r\nIVDD', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 200, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 21.47, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Splenic mass/nodule', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the spleen are concerning for a splenic mass. Both benign (hemangioma, abscess, other) and malignant (hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, other) etiologies are possible.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound and FNA with cytology for further investigation of the possible splenic mass identified. Assess stomach during abdominal ultrasound.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 82.52, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric material noted is concerning for delayed gastric emptying, a cause for which is not definitively determined from this study. This material may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 6-12 hours to reassess gastric emptying and monitor for ileus.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 48.425, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarrhea, normal gut', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No obvious radiographic evidence for an intestinal foreign body or obstruction. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome or other cause should be considered. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Continuing with medical management and supportive care is indicated at this time. Consider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported clinical signs. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 390, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - LS degeneration, no neuro signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with neurologic examination for clinical significance of lumbosacral degeneration.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 441, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 3.1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Functional ileus', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Diffuse distension of the GI tract with no evidence of obstruction is consistent with functional ileus. This may be due to enteritis of various causes or administration of parasympatholytics and sedatives. Other causes include peritonitis, blunt abdominal trauma, electrolyte imbalance.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2356, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Fasted'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Possible IVDD'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately'], '___s2_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2418, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lumbosacral Degeneration', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. '}, {'id': 2436, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'diffuse distension of SI', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2562, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a suspicious mass-like structure associated with the spleen. ', 'elapsedTime': 25.007, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Splenic mass', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a mass associated with the spleen. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a suspicious spherical mass-like structure associated with the spleen. The spleen appears moderately enlarged . \nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. \nThere is diffuse distension of the small and large intestine with gas showing variable corrugated pattern without eividece of luminal obstruction. \nThe rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbosacral spine. There are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo obvious radiographic evidence for an intestinal foreign body or obstruction. The moderate air distension and corrugation of the bowel may be suggestive of enteritis/colitis?.\nGiven the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome or other cause should be considered. \nGastric material noted is concerning for delayed gastric emptying, a cause for which is not definitively determined from this study. This material may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. \nThe changes noted in the spleen are concerning for a splenic mass, with both benign and malignant etiologies possible. Consider abdominal ultrasound scan.\nDiffuse distension of the GI tract with no evidence of obstruction is consistent with functional ileus, possibly due to enteritis of various causes or administration of parasympatholytics and sedatives. Other causes include peritonitis, blunt abdominal trauma, electrolyte imbalance. \nLumbosacral degeneration is also noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nContinuing with medical management and supportive care is indicated at this time. For further investigation, consider fecal testing and blood work to investigate the reported clinical signs. Repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 6-12 hours to reassess gastric emptying and monitor for ileus. Consider abdominal ultrasound and FNA with cytology for further investigation of the possible splenic mass identified, and assess the stomach during abdominal ultrasound. Correlate with neurologic examination to determine the clinical significance of lumbosacral degeneration.'}
{'bday': '2012-05-20', 'name': 'Chevalier^Bear', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Chevalier^Pam', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for explosive diarrhea for the past 24 hours (turned bloody tonight) and also vomited tonight. Encapsulated tumor on base of the tail - surgically removed 2 weeks ago. Owner had a difficult time with the e-collar post surgery and Bear was able to bite off some sutures. Owner suspect Bear ate all of the bandage material Saturday. Was seen at rDVM this AM - received some supportive treatment and was fasted all day today. Last meal was yesterday.
Gastric FB vs Pancreatitis vs Open dx IVDD
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Fasted', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Possible IVDD']
[76, 256, 2356, 2475, 2656, 2700]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-07-15', 'name': 'Schonland^Gandalf', 'breed': 'MAINE COON CAT', 'owner': 'Schonland^Shannon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Present for possible urethral blockage. O noticed dribbling of urine but did not see any blood. P has been vocalizing all night. No C/S/V/D. No history of urinary problems but other household cats have had problems so they are all on Urinary diet dry and friskies wet food at night.\r\nPhysical exam: severely distended urinary bvladder which could not be expressed.\r\nCBC/Chem = WNL/ BUN 56 (10-30) CRE 2.7 (0.3-2.1) GLU 177 (70-150)', 'questions': 'r/o: FLUTD with urethral obstruction vs others', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 775, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Concern for urinary obstruction, no calculi', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nDistended urinary bladder with no apparent calculi observed.\n\nRecommendations:\nEnsure the patient is able to urinate. A lower urinary tract obstruction may be present. An abdominal ultrasound (or contrast radiography) could be considered as a (standard) radiograph does not rule out radiolucent bladder stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps. Correlate with biochemistry profile, urinalysis, +/- urine culture.'}
{'bday': '2015-07-15', 'name': 'Schonland^Gandalf', 'breed': 'MAINE COON CAT', 'owner': 'Schonland^Shannon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
Present for possible urethral blockage. O noticed dribbling of urine but did not see any blood. P has been vocalizing all night. No C/S/V/D. No history of urinary problems but other household cats have had problems so they are all on Urinary diet dry and friskies wet food at night. Physical exam: severely distended urinary bvladder which could not be expressed. CBC/Chem = WNL/ BUN 56 (10-30) CRE 2.7 (0.3-2.1) GLU 177 (70-150)
r/o: FLUTD with urethral obstruction vs others
['Vocalizing ', 'Feline']
['Urination abnormal - hematuria']
[145, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-01-01', 'name': 'Cousins^Evee', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Cousins^Markie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Melissa Dempsey DVM'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Patient presents for: labored breathing \r\nSigns and symptoms: coughing, hacking, labored breathing but still BAR, drank some water, no v/d noted\r\nEvents leading up to problem: pt has been staying with o's dad, doing fine until o came to pick up this evening and got worked up about 20 minutes prior to presenting\r\nMedications: none; UTD vaccines\r\nLast oral intake food/water: last night normal\r\nPertinent past history: sx cystotomy ~3m ago 3 small stones removed, now on urinary care food; dental disease", 'questions': 'rule out collapsing trachea vs lower airway disease ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'splenic-mass', 'splenic-nodule', 'peritoneal-mass', 'muscle-atrophy', 'panosteitis', 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'enthesopathy', 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'joint-luxation', 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'osteochondritis-dissecans', "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'joint-effusion', 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'surgical-device', 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'Tortuous vessels']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 303, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - cough, redundant tracheal membrane', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Changes in the trachea are concerning for chondromalacia and may be an early stage of collapsing trachea. The lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2180, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal Respiration'}, {'id': 2468, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'BAR - Bright Alert Responsive'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2259, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical and intra-thoracic region of the trachea. ', 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical', 'intra thoracic']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Redundant Tracheal Membrane', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity within the ___s1_ region of the trachea. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 848, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Urinary bladder: Cystotomy'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical and intra-thoracic region of the trachea. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nChanges in the trachea are concerning for chondromalacia and may be an early stage of collapsing trachea. The lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider symptomatic therapy for tracheal collapse. Limiting stress/excitement, avoiding neck leashes and collars, the judicious use of antitussives such as hydrocodone, and possibly anti-inflammatory medications may be considered.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2015-01-01', 'name': 'Cousins^Evee', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Cousins^Markie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Melissa Dempsey DVM'}
Patient presents for: labored breathing Signs and symptoms: coughing, hacking, labored breathing but still BAR, drank some water, no v/d noted Events leading up to problem: pt has been staying with o's dad, doing fine until o came to pick up this evening and got worked up about 20 minutes prior to presenting Medications: none; UTD vaccines Last oral intake food/water: last night normal Pertinent past history: sx cystotomy ~3m ago 3 small stones removed, now on urinary care food; dental disease
rule out collapsing trachea vs lower airway disease
['resp signs - upper vs lower']
['Coughing', 'Abnormal respiration', 'Canine Small Breed']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Drinking less', 'Bright Alert Responsive (BAR)']
[69, 2180, 2654]
[76, 256, 619, 2468]
['Urinary bladder: Cystotomy']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-02-04', 'name': 'Mahon^Sadie', 'breed': 'Maltipoo', 'owner': 'Mahon^Sherri', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented for first time being seen by us, has been seen by previous vet for all stomach issues. Today presented for vomiting a lot of food and some blood. Past history of vomiting and sensitive stomach. P has history of a year ago switched from raw diet and Blue Buffalo to fresh pet then Hills adult then Hills I/D. Past history of stomach issues vomiting and only had diarrhea a couple of times within last year. No diarrhea currently. ', 'questions': 'Pancreatitis vs gastritis vs foreign material vs enteritis/colitis.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with a gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nGastric material may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying."}
{'bday': '2013-02-04', 'name': 'Mahon^Sadie', 'breed': 'Maltipoo', 'owner': 'Mahon^Sherri', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Wellness Center of Southern Illinois'}
P presented for first time being seen by us, has been seen by previous vet for all stomach issues. Today presented for vomiting a lot of food and some blood. Past history of vomiting and sensitive stomach. P has history of a year ago switched from raw diet and Blue Buffalo to fresh pet then Hills adult then Hills I/D. Past history of stomach issues vomiting and only had diarrhea a couple of times within last year. No diarrhea currently.
Pancreatitis vs gastritis vs foreign material vs enteritis/colitis.
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Vomiting', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Canine Small Breed']
[256, 282, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-04-11', 'name': 'Angus', 'breed': 'Retriever Labrador', 'owner': 'Fagan, Ally', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'ICare Vet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'icarevet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Severe halitosis started 2 months ago. Two weeks presented for exam where oronasal fistula discovered located just to left of midline near caudal aspect of hard palate. Patient returned for diagnostics including skull and dental radiographs and biopsy of lesion. Oronasal fistula present but most severe lesion present around 209 and 210 molars. 210 tooth and surrounding alveolar bone very mobile, removed and sent for histopathology. Palatal exposure and suspected osteomyelitis medial to 209. ', 'questions': 'Concerned for aggressive neoplasm causing lesions. Ddx tooth root abscess, traumatic injury, SCC, melanoma, or fibrosarcoma.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1014, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 417, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 374.119, 'consult_name': 'Skull - oral pain/bleeding, dental disease', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Evidence of periodontal disease. A tooth root abscess/osteomyelitis is considered the most likely differential. The mandible appears normal, but neoplasia cannot be definitively ruled out due to overlap. There are no signs of trauma.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider general anesthesia, dental radiography for better visualization of the structures of interest, and Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment. Advanced imaging such as CT would be helpful to definitively rule out neoplasia.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 229, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Smelly/bad breath'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be ,moderate attachment loss associated with molar 210 with central resorption. The root of the tooth is not visible to ascertain of there is a periapical lucency present.', 'elapsedTime': 165.425, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Oronasal fistula'}, {'id': 704, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Osteomyelitis'}, {'id': 780, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Fibrosarcoma - cutaneous (skin)'}, {'id': 2142, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Traumatic injury'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2689, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Skull-question'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Dental\nThere appears to be moderate attachment loss associated with molar 210 with central resorption. The root of the tooth is not visible to ascertain of there is a periapical lucency present. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed dental.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of periodontal disease. A tooth root abscess/osteomyelitis is considered the most likely differential. The mandible appears normal, but neoplasia cannot be definitively ruled out due to overlap. There are no signs of trauma.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider general anesthesia, dental radiography for better visualization of the structures of interest, and Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatment. Advanced imaging such as CT would be helpful to definitively rule out neoplasia.'}
{'bday': '2017-04-11', 'name': 'Angus', 'breed': 'Retriever Labrador', 'owner': 'Fagan, Ally', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'ICare Vet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'icarevet'}
Severe halitosis started 2 months ago. Two weeks presented for exam where oronasal fistula discovered located just to left of midline near caudal aspect of hard palate. Patient returned for diagnostics including skull and dental radiographs and biopsy of lesion. Oronasal fistula present but most severe lesion present around 209 and 210 molars. 210 tooth and surrounding alveolar bone very mobile, removed and sent for histopathology. Palatal exposure and suspected osteomyelitis medial to 209.
Concerned for aggressive neoplasm causing lesions. Ddx tooth root abscess, traumatic injury, SCC, melanoma, or fibrosarcoma.
['Halitosis/bad breath', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[229, 2656]
['Oronasal fistula', 'Osteomyelitis', 'Fibrosarcoma - cutaneous (skin)', 'Traumatic injury']
[209, 704, 780, 2142]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-04-06', 'name': 'Adler^Snoop Dogg^^^', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Milli Adler', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Urinates, then Posturing to urinate with episodes of no urine and then small dribbles intermittently. \r\nUA- currently running. \r\nBladder is small on palpation. No abdominal pain. ', 'questions': 'Urinates, then Posturing to urinate with episodes of no urine and then small dribbles intermittently. \r\nUA- currently running. \r\nBladder is small on palpation. No abdominal pain. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 360, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - medial patella luxation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 940, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Straining/stranguria, no bladder distention/obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Stranguria'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 684, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Frequent abnormal urination'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['medial'], '___s2_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is medial patellar luxation noted in the left and right knee. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo evidence of urinary bladder obstruction.\nMedial patellar luxation.\n\nRecommendations:\nBiochemistry profile, ultrasound and urinalysis may be considered for further investigation or if there is concern for calculi as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps.\nCorrelate with palpation of stifles for patellar luxation and joint laxity. Consider an orthopedic consult to discuss surgical options for medial patellar luxation, if clinically indicated.'}
{'bday': '2016-04-06', 'name': 'Adler^Snoop Dogg^^^', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Milli Adler', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}
Urinates, then Posturing to urinate with episodes of no urine and then small dribbles intermittently. UA- currently running. Bladder is small on palpation. No abdominal pain.
Urinates, then Posturing to urinate with episodes of no urine and then small dribbles intermittently. UA- currently running. Bladder is small on palpation. No abdominal pain.
['Urination abnormal - stranguria', 'Urination abnormal - pollakiuria', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
['Pain - abdominal']
[265, 684, 2654, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-10-30', 'name': 'Roberts^Aggie', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Roberts^Soshannah', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Whitby', 'clinician': 'AEC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Seen yesterday \r\n- Vomited last night, looked like possible peach pit in it. Vomited this morning, bile. Normally on RC kibble for labs. Unsure if she drank this morning. Food was not offered. Did go on a hike. \r\n- declined work up and cerenia \r\n\r\nBack today \r\n-last night owner fed rice and chicken \r\n-had BM last night normal \r\n-today at 6AM, dry heaving and then did vomit \r\n-lethargy \r\n-d'hea this AM", 'questions': 'suspect two population of SI - visible on all views but esp caudal to the two gas pockets on the R lat and on the L side of the abdomen at level of L4&5 on VD ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 939, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 8.472999999999999, 'consult_name': ' Intestines - Enteritis with Partial Obstruction', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Moderately distended small intestinal segment and an abnormal gas pattern noted. No obvious foreign body or complete obstructive pattern is observed. Consider foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction, though enteritis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is moderately distended with fluid. An abnormal gas pattern is noted caudal to the right 13th rib on the VD view. ', 'elapsedTime': 34.259, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately'], '___s2_': ['fluid']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nA portion of the small intestine is moderately distended with fluid. On the VD view, an abnormal gas pattern is noted caudal to the right 13th rib. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nModerately distended small intestinal segment and an abnormal gas pattern noted. No obvious foreign body or complete obstructive pattern is observed. Consider foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction, though enteritis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nIf clinical signs persist, consider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours or abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the changes noted in the intestines.'}
{'bday': '2020-10-30', 'name': 'Roberts^Aggie', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Roberts^Soshannah', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Whitby', 'clinician': 'AEC'}
Seen yesterday - Vomited last night, looked like possible peach pit in it. Vomited this morning, bile. Normally on RC kibble for labs. Unsure if she drank this morning. Food was not offered. Did go on a hike. - declined work up and cerenia Back today -last night owner fed rice and chicken -had BM last night normal -today at 6AM, dry heaving and then did vomit -lethargy -d'hea this AM
suspect two population of SI - visible on all views but esp caudal to the two gas pockets on the R lat and on the L side of the abdomen at level of L4&5 on VD
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 256, 2184, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-02-11', 'name': 'Yogi', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'ABRAHAMSON', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'A Pet Clinic Of Kent', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kent', 'clinician': 'Sukhjinder Nagra'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pants all the time \r\nNot sleeping because of panting\r\n', 'questions': 'Heart Problem\r\nAnxiety', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 303, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 31.197, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - cough, redundant tracheal membrane', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Changes in the trachea are concerning for chondromalacia and may be an early stage of collapsing trachea. this could be causing the constant panting. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 358, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - stifle arthritis, not primary problem', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild(likely incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 610, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left hip. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThere is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical region of the trachea. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2638, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiovascular structures and lungs are unremarkable with no evidence of enlargement, congestion, or pathology. Changes in the trachea are concerning for chondromalacia and may be an early stage of collapsing trachea, potentially causing the constant panting. Gastric material is most consistent with digested food, but non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out. The liver appears mildly enlarged, which may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion. Additionally, osteoarthritis of the stifles is noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nAn echocardiogram is recommended to rule out heart disease. \nConsider symptomatic therapy for tracheal collapse, including limiting stress/excitement, avoiding neck leashes and collars, and using antitussives such as hydrocodone.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis of the stifles.'}
{'bday': '2019-02-11', 'name': 'Yogi', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'ABRAHAMSON', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'A Pet Clinic Of Kent', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kent', 'clinician': 'Sukhjinder Nagra'}
Pants all the time Not sleeping because of panting
Heart Problem Anxiety
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Panting', 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed', 'Canine Small Breed']
[177, 610, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-08-03', 'name': 'Hall^Leo Hall', 'breed': 'Bengal', 'owner': 'Hall^James', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting and gaging 24 hours. History of eating and vomiting a piece of gym mat one week ago. Patient is under sedation for radiographs due to temperament. Bengal kitty.', 'questions': 'Indication of pulmonary or GI disease?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['acceptable', 'five'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 196, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Sedation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Slight degenerative joint disease of the hips.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1068, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Proximal duodenal obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Distension of the stomach and proximal duodenum is concerning for a proximal intestinal obstruction. No distinct foreign body identified, but occult foreign material can not be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Performing abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery is preferable. Exploratory surgery would be warranted if symptoms persist despite medical treatment. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 22, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Aggressive'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 2326, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sedated'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 1937, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['prominent']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spleen Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a ___s1_ appearance.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild degenerative changes affecting the left coxofemoral joint. ', 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2289, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast is moving through the gastrointestinal tract. No obstructive pattern is observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast medium is indicating an obstruction at the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2290, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The contrast does not indicate presence of a foreign body within the GI tract. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The contrast appears to be highlighting a foreign body in the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2698, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of proximal duodenum with the rest of the intestinal population non-distended.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'internal_notes': 'Excellent review.\nAnswers rDVM concerns and leads with good recommendations', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a prominent appearance. There is mild distension of the stomach with gas. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is presence of distension of a portion of proximal duodenum with the rest of the intestinal population non-distended. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is mild degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nClinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis, although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Distension of the stomach and proximal duodenum is concerning for a proximal intestinal obstruction, with no distinct foreign body identified but occult foreign material cannot be ruled out. Splenic enlargement is attributed to the reported sedation.\nThere is concern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, with feline cardiac disease potentially being subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified, so ruling out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy is necessary. \nSlight degenerative joint disease of the hips is noted. \n\nRecommendations:\nPerforming abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery is preferable. Follow up with radiographs or barium study if clinical signs persist. If symptoms persist despite medical treatment, exploratory surgery would be warranted.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.'}
{'bday': '2021-08-03', 'name': 'Hall^Leo Hall', 'breed': 'Bengal', 'owner': 'Hall^James', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
Vomiting and gaging 24 hours. History of eating and vomiting a piece of gym mat one week ago. Patient is under sedation for radiographs due to temperament. Bengal kitty.
Indication of pulmonary or GI disease?
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'screening-thorax']
['Aggressive', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Gagging/retching', 'Sedated', 'Feline']
[22, 251, 256, 521, 2326, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-01-01', 'name': 'MACIAS^STUMPY^^^', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Brianna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' United Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hayward', 'clinician': 'Dr. Mandeep Bhullar'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Intact, vaginal discharge. Ruling out pyometra', 'questions': 'Intact, vaginal discharge. Ruling out pyometra', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 662, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 124.203, 'consult_name': 'Repros - UTD, pyometra', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Suspect uterus distention. Given the clinical signs pyometra should be considered. However, early pregnancy, mucometra, hydrometra, or a neoplastic process cannot be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 278, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vaginal discharge'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a suspicious soft tissue tubular structure below the colon, superimposed on the bladder on the right lateral view in the caudal abdomen. ', 'elapsedTime': 152.92499999999998, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2686, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'reproductive-vaginal-disch'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. There is a suspicious soft tissue tubular structure below the colon, superimposed on the bladder on the right lateral view in the caudal abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSuspect uterus distention, with pyometra being a consideration given the clinical signs. However, early pregnancy, mucometra, hydrometra, or a neoplastic process cannot be ruled out. Gastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of pyometra. If confirmed, ovariohysterectomy is recommended if the patient is stable.'}
{'bday': '2017-01-01', 'name': 'MACIAS^STUMPY^^^', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Brianna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' United Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hayward', 'clinician': 'Dr. Mandeep Bhullar'}
Intact, vaginal discharge. Ruling out pyometra
Intact, vaginal discharge. Ruling out pyometra
['Discharge - vaginal', 'Canine Small Breed']
[278, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-07-13', 'name': 'Sofi', 'breed': 'Doberman Pinscher', 'owner': 'Sulejmanagic', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O stated on Thursday p hurt back L limb, but has been lethargic, not wanting to eat well. Today p very lethargic, only eating meat hand fed but not wanting to really get up and swelling noted to L hock. O put ace bandage on limb but swelling noted at the top of bandage, he suspects he put it on too tight. P had no previous health conditions. Not on any medications. \r\n\r\nCBC/Chem: Low end normal RBCs, nonregenerative, mild neutrophilia, mod lymphopenia, mild monocytosis\r\ncPli: normal', 'questions': 'NA', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 30.726, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. A complete thoracic and abdominal study as well as re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 28.28, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described is likely due to the tight bandage as reported. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 410, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - enthesopathy, no lame/pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 575, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'distal', 'hind limb']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'achilles tendon']}}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is bony proliferation/mineralization associated with the left achilles tendon. There is soft tissue swelling involving the left distal hind limb. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left tarsus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided.\nSoft tissue swelling as described is likely due to the tight bandage as reported. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.\nEnthesopathy noted as described. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. A complete thoracic and abdominal study as well as re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the described enthesopathy."}
{'bday': '2012-07-13', 'name': 'Sofi', 'breed': 'Doberman Pinscher', 'owner': 'Sulejmanagic', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}
O stated on Thursday p hurt back L limb, but has been lethargic, not wanting to eat well. Today p very lethargic, only eating meat hand fed but not wanting to really get up and swelling noted to L hock. O put ace bandage on limb but swelling noted at the top of bandage, he suspects he put it on too tight. P had no previous health conditions. Not on any medications. CBC/Chem: Low end normal RBCs, nonregenerative, mild neutrophilia, mod lymphopenia, mild monocytosis cPli: normal
['Lethargic/tired', 'Mass/swelling - limb', 'Hyporexia', 'Neutrophilia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 575, 607, 2634, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-06-15', 'name': 'Stella ', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'Lena Elhajj ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Katsur'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Wheezing ausculted, abdominal component to breathing; outdoor cat and came back lethargic, not wanting to move and not eating ; discharge left eye', 'questions': 'asthma vs heart vs upper resp bacterial/fungal/viral ; vs trauma vs other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'bday': '2020-06-15', 'name': 'Stella ', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'Lena Elhajj ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Katsur'}
Wheezing ausculted, abdominal component to breathing; outdoor cat and came back lethargic, not wanting to move and not eating ; discharge left eye
asthma vs heart vs upper resp bacterial/fungal/viral ; vs trauma vs other
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-07-14', 'name': 'Monte^Baby', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Monte^Debra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'temp 103, listless, not eating, discharge around vulva, WBC 24.15, recent estrus, ( per O maybe as of yesterday ) \r\nsee chest xrays, ', 'questions': 'R/o Pyometra ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 662, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 38.538, 'consult_name': 'Repros - UTD, pyometra', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The uterus appears distended with fluid. Given the clinical signs, pyometra is a primary differential. Mucometra, hydrometra, or a neoplastic process cannot be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 278, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vaginal discharge'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'Distended tubular structures resembling uterine horns are noted within the abdomen. ', 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1947, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Oestrus'}, {'id': 1954, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pyometra'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2686, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'reproductive-vaginal-disch'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with gas. There is mild distension of the colon with gas. Distended tubular structures resembling uterine horns are noted within the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe uterus appears distended with fluid. Given the clinical signs, pyometra is a primary differential. Mucometra, hydrometra, or a neoplastic process cannot be ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\nThe gas distension observed in the GI tract is most consistent with aerophagia.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of pyometra, otherwise ovariohysterectomy is recommended if the patient is stable.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam for clinical significance of gastric gas distension.'}
{'bday': '2011-07-14', 'name': 'Monte^Baby', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Monte^Debra', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}
temp 103, listless, not eating, discharge around vulva, WBC 24.15, recent estrus, ( per O maybe as of yesterday ) see chest xrays,
R/o Pyometra
['Lethargic/tired', 'Discharge - vaginal', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Anorexia', 'Feline', 'Neutrophilia']
[131, 278, 545, 606, 2327, 2634]
['Oestrus', 'Possible Pyometra']
[1947, 1954]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-12-28', 'name': 'Charlie', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Lehuquet', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Jarrell Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Jarrrell', 'clinician': 'Jarrell Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P has been off on her L fore limb lately, not wanting to give it during "shake"\r\n\r\nP is high value breeding dog and O needs to know if it is cancer or not. ', 'questions': 'Since the lytic changes are apparent across a joint I was not as worried about cancer but thought about fungal diseases. What do you think?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 8.644, 'consult_name': 'M/S Gen - Non-lytic bone lesion identified', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Non-lytic bone lesion as described above. No radiographic evidence of bone lysis is noted on the current images provided. Consider degenerative changes of the interphalangeal joint, polyarthopathy, chronic trauma although inflammatory, infectious etiologies cannot be excluded radiographically and less likely neoplastic or metabolic bone disease processes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with CBC and biochemistry profile and vector borne disease testing if indicated.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are proliferative bone lesions identified at the distal aspect of the metacarpal of the 5th digit as well as at the proximal and distal phalanges of the 5th digit.', 'elapsedTime': 184.531, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['proliferation'], '___s2_': ['digit 5']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1383, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'fungal-testing'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere are proliferative bone lesions identified at the distal aspect of the metacarpal of the 5th digit as well as at the proximal and distal phalanges of the 5th digit. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2668, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ruin-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNon-lytic bone lesion as described above. No radiographic evidence of bone lysis is noted on the current images provided. Consider degenerative changes of the interphalangeal joint, polyarthopathy, and chronic trauma although inflammatory, infectious etiologies cannot be excluded radiographically and less likely neoplastic or metabolic bone disease processes.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with CBC and biochemistry profile and vector-borne disease testing if indicated. A biopsy and culture would be necessary for a definitive diagnosis.'}
{'bday': '2018-12-28', 'name': 'Charlie', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'Lehuquet', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Jarrell Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Jarrrell', 'clinician': 'Jarrell Animal Hospital'}
P has been off on her L fore limb lately, not wanting to give it during "shake" P is high value breeding dog and O needs to know if it is cancer or not.
Since the lytic changes are apparent across a joint I was not as worried about cancer but thought about fungal diseases. What do you think?
['neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'lameness-frontLimb']
['Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness']
[2185, 2346]
['Fungal testing']
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-06-30', 'name': 'Tang^Cody', 'breed': 'Maltese', 'owner': 'Tang^Tiffany', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital 6439', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Las Vegas', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented with vomiting bile early in the morning, last 3 days. HX of splenectomy, removed mass on liver 3months ago', 'questions': 'vomiting', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 245, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis, foreign material', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 846, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 48.247, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urinary sediment', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mineralization noted over the urinary bladder may be consistent with urinary sediment; this may also correlate with the likely urethral calculi visualised on the lateral image. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1057, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral and food/fecal']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 974, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Neoplasm - hepatic (liver)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 679, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Spleen: Splenectomy - total'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is mineral and food/fecal foreign material located within the small intestine. Increased opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. There is a radiopaque structure in the region of the urethra. The spleen is not visualized. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nForeign material noted in the GI tract, therefore dietary indiscretion should be a primary consideration. No obstructive pattern is noted. Gastroenteritis, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs cannot be ruled out completely. No apparent masses noted in the abdomen. Mineralization noted over the urinary bladder may be consistent with urinary sediment; this may also correlate with the likely urethral calculi visualized on the lateral image. Spleen not noted, consistent with history of splenectomy.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the identified intestinal foreign material.\nCorrelate with urinalysis and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineralization noted over the urinary bladder.'}
{'bday': '2017-06-30', 'name': 'Tang^Cody', 'breed': 'Maltese', 'owner': 'Tang^Tiffany', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital 6439', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Las Vegas', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}
P presented with vomiting bile early in the morning, last 3 days. HX of splenectomy, removed mass on liver 3months ago
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Vomiting', 'Canine Small Breed']
[256, 2654]
['Neoplasm - hepatic (liver)']
['Spleen: Splenectomy - total']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-09-29', 'name': 'STANLEY^JAMESON', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'STANLEY^KELLY', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'New heart murmur detected on routine exam. BW NSF except for mild elevation of cardiopet (147, reference 0 - 100). BP wnl. ', 'questions': 'Proactive assessment of thoracic cavity and cardiac silhouette', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1215, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac feline - Normal heart, heart murmur, feline', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiovascular structures appear normal. This does not rule cardiomypathy.\nDegenerative changes in the elbow.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement to investigate the reported heart murmur.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2013-09-29', 'name': 'STANLEY^JAMESON', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'STANLEY^KELLY', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services'}
New heart murmur detected on routine exam. BW NSF except for mild elevation of cardiopet (147, reference 0 - 100). BP wnl.
Proactive assessment of thoracic cavity and cardiac silhouette
['Heart Murmur', 'Feline']
[2175, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-07-13', 'name': 'Gillespie^Obi', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Gillespie^Wanda', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Elizabeth Haggard '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented today for lethargy and vomiting last 24 hours. Could not urinate per O also maybe blood in urine as well. Female house mate in heat as well O thought maybe pet was worked up from that. O gave 300 mls of SQ fluids at home as well as oral penicillin but it vomited it up. Per O UTD on vaccines and preventions as well, not eating. ', 'questions': 'Confimation of urinary blockage ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 428, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 4.553000000000001, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The kidney are at the upper limits of normal which may represent an acute kidney injury. Other differentials include pyelonephritis, neoplasia, and hydronephrosis.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the enlarged kidney.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 435, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urolithiasis (UBC +URC), blocked', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Cystic and urethral calculi identified causing urinary obstruction.\xa0A small amount of fluid noted around the neck of the bladder and kidneys, may be be secondary to inflammation due to obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 680, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - dysuria'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T9']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 1.043, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['bladder neck'], '___s2_': ['caudal']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 50, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)'}, {'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is loss of detail in the retroperitoneal space. Increased opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. There is a radiopaque structure in the region of the urethra. The left kidney measures above normal range. The prostate is enlarged. There is distension of the urinary bladder. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the bladder neck in the caudal abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at ,T9. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCystic and urethral calculi identified causing urinary obstruction, with a small amount of fluid noted around the neck of the bladder and kidneys, possibly due to inflammation. The kidneys are at the upper limits of normal, suggesting acute kidney injury, with differentials including pyelonephritis, neoplasia, and hydronephrosis. Clinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis, and while no obstructive pattern is visible on radiographs, a GI obstruction cannot be completely be excluded. Increased size of the prostate gland is likely due to benign hypertrophy in an intact male. Additionally, a vertebral anomaly is noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend relieving urinary obstruction through retropulsion of urethral calculi. Consider abdominal ultrasound and possible cystotomy to identify any remaining bladder stones.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the enlarged kidney.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs for clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly.'}
{'bday': '2022-07-13', 'name': 'Gillespie^Obi', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Gillespie^Wanda', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Elizabeth Haggard '}
Presented today for lethargy and vomiting last 24 hours. Could not urinate per O also maybe blood in urine as well. Female house mate in heat as well O thought maybe pet was worked up from that. O gave 300 mls of SQ fluids at home as well as oral penicillin but it vomited it up. Per O UTD on vaccines and preventions as well, not eating.
Confimation of urinary blockage
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Anorexia', 'Urination abnormal - dysuria', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[131, 256, 274, 606, 680, 2654, 2657]
['Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)', 'Antibiotic']
[50, 961]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-01-14', 'name': 'Dixon^Titan^^^', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Amy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Chateau Dog & Cat Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Evansville', 'clinician': 'Chateau Dog and Cat Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': ' Accute cough started a few weeks ago, noticed over the weekend an increase in coughing with some production of mucous. ', 'questions': 'solitary pulmonary mass seen in the right caudal lung lobe', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 439, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, patchy alveolar', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 730, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Possible TMS', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['right'], '___s3_': ['patchy to alveolar pattern']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['caudodorsal']}}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2136, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - thoracic'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThere is mild increased opacity in the right caudodorsal lung field, characterized as a patchy to alveolar pattern . There is a soft tissue mass noted in the caudodorsal thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal. \nStructure identified in the thorax suspicious for pulmonary mass, with overlying soft tissue structures that cannot be completely ruled out. \nA patchy alveolar pattern is noted, with differentials including pneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal), aspiration pneumonia/inhaled toxin/near drowning, ARDS, or less likely non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema or hemorrhage. \nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider CT scan and/or additional radiographic views for further investigation of the structure identified in the thorax. Alternatively, recheck radiographs can be performed to monitor for progression.\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture, and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lung if the patient is stable. Supportive care including oxygen and antibiotic therapy is indicated.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2014-01-14', 'name': 'Dixon^Titan^^^', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Amy', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Chateau Dog & Cat Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Evansville', 'clinician': 'Chateau Dog and Cat Hospital'}
Accute cough started a few weeks ago, noticed over the weekend an increase in coughing with some production of mucous.
solitary pulmonary mass seen in the right caudal lung lobe
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 2656]
['Mass lesion - thoracic']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-12-20', 'name': 'MELLOW AUSTIN', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'DEBBIE AUSTIN', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Bay Cities Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hayward', 'clinician': 'Bay Cities Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'HISTORY OF VOMITING YESTERDAY AFTER EATING WOOD CHIPS. NO VOMITING TODAY BUT TENDER ON ABDOMINAL PALPATION . ', 'questions': 'RULE OUT FOREIGN BODY. URINARY CALCULI VISIBLE \r\nNO COUGH', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 434, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urolithiasis (UBC+RMN), no URC , no obstruction', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small mineralized']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 699, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Renal Mineralization', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the ___s1_ kidney. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. Small mineralized opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder, and increased opacity is noted over the silhouettes of the left and right kidneys. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe radiographs provided did not note any evidence of an intestinal foreign body or obstruction. However, the presence of occult foreign material cannot be completely excluded radiographically. Clinical signs are most likely related to, but not limited to, gastroenteritis secondary to dietary indiscretion.\nCystic calculi (non-obstructive) and nephrolithiasis (likely chronic renal disease).\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If medical management does not result in a response, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.\nBased on additional clinical input, consider a dissolution diet or cystotomy/nephrolithotomy. Correlate with biochemistry, urinalysis, and abdominal ultrasound to investigate kidney function.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to investigate the enlarged liver further. FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.'}
{'bday': '2013-12-20', 'name': 'MELLOW AUSTIN', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'DEBBIE AUSTIN', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Bay Cities Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hayward', 'clinician': 'Bay Cities Animal Hospital'}
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'urinary-stones']
['Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Canine Small Breed']
[251, 256, 622, 2654]
['Foreign body']
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-08-07', 'name': 'Kirby^Sammy^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Molly Kirby', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'ammy has been losing weight over the last few months. He went to the rDVM two weeks ago and had bloodwork done, which showed an increased white cell count. He was given Convenia and the owner was told that the veterinarian was worried about leukemia. A couple days ago he stopped eating. The owenr has seen him urinate and have soft stool. On PE he is thin and intestines feel thickened. He tachypenic, more so with handling but is comfortable in oxygen.', 'questions': 'Review flag for thoracic mass, looking for signs of neoplasia', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 48.176, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Summation(FP)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Summation of soft tissue structures as described previously is suspected to be overlap of the normal anatomy though a mass or lymphadenopathy in the region cannot be completely ruled out.Mineral opacities noted in the abdomen may be associated with pathology as described. Atherosclerosis cannot be ruled out completely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a mass or lymphadenopathy in the area and to identify structures associated with noted mineralization in the abdomen.\n ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 309, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Sternal lymph node', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, CVP/CDP (not alveolar), no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 848, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Bladder feline - Urine retention, no obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1142, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, incidental', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}, {'id': 2711, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thin body condition'}], 'findings': [{'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['left and right'], '___s3_': ['unstructured interstitial pattern']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['retroperitoneal space'], '___s2_': ['an unknown structure']}}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in the mid abdomen suspected to be summation of structures in the region. There is distension of the urinary bladder. There is mineral opacity noted in the retroperitoneal space. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThere is moderate increased opacity in the right caudodorsal lung field, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. There is a rounded soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2572, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Hiatal hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2581, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Peritoneal pericardial diaphragmatic hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue mass noted in the thorax is most consistent with sternal lymphadenopathy, consider neoplastic infiltration versus reactive lymphadenopathy.\nChanges in the lungs are indicative of pathology but not diagnostic for a specific etiology, consider infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic causes. \nSuspected overlap of normal anatomy in the soft tissue structures, though a mass or lymphadenopathy in the region cannot be completely ruled out. \nMineral opacities in the abdomen may be associated with pathology, atherosclerosis cannot be completely ruled out. \nThe urinary bladder is distended, suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to a litter box. \nPresence of two populations of small intestine noted, may be an incidental finding based on history provided, although a mechanical obstruction or severe enteritis cannot be completely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and additional diagnostics to determine the clinical significance of the described sternal lymphadenopathy.\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture, and sensitivity, or a CT scan to further investigate the changes in the lungs.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to rule out a mass or lymphadenopathy in the area and to identify structures associated with noted mineralization in the abdomen.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi.\nCorrelate with history and clinical symptoms for clinical significance, and re-evaluate if clinical symptoms develop or worsen.'}
{'bday': '2011-08-07', 'name': 'Kirby^Sammy^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Molly Kirby', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Sumner Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Sumner', 'clinician': 'Emily Moren'}
ammy has been losing weight over the last few months. He went to the rDVM two weeks ago and had bloodwork done, which showed an increased white cell count. He was given Convenia and the owner was told that the veterinarian was worried about leukemia. A couple days ago he stopped eating. The owenr has seen him urinate and have soft stool. On PE he is thin and intestines feel thickened. He tachypenic, more so with handling but is comfortable in oxygen.
Review flag for thoracic mass, looking for signs of neoplasia
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'neoplasia-abdomen', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Losing weight', 'Anorexia', 'Tachypnoea', 'Feline', 'Neutrophilia', 'Thin body condition']
[140, 606, 666, 2327, 2634, 2711]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-08-27', 'name': 'Terry^Odin', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'Terry', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Patient inappetant/lethargic ~1 1/2 weeks; 10# weight loss; no coughing but inc'd RR; no V/D; no meds; HR 140, RR 36, BP 60's; mm sl pale, sl refill; pulses /s; abd non-painful; CHEM: ALB 2.5, Creat 1.6; BUN 44; Phos 7.2; ALKP 12; TP 5.3; CBC WNL: USG 1.035 prot 3+; 4DX pending", 'questions': "INc'd HR/RR - any relation to heart/lungs? I'm thinking it's hypotension; ", 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1231, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - bones in the stomach', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 140, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}, {'id': 2359, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tachycardia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar', 'lumbosacral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 19, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ shoulder. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineralized'], '___s2_': ['that has the appearance of bone shards']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2449, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fissure', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A pleural fissure line is noted in the ___s1_ thorax.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderately'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 271, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Systemic hypotension'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. A pleural fissure line is noted in the cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a mineralized opacity that has the appearance of bone shards. There is a moderate accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is a portion of the small intestine that is moderately distended with gas. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar and lumbosacral spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2431, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ductus-bump', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, septic or non septic peritonitis or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nEvidence of bone shards, +/- gastric distension is noted in the study. Bone fragments in the stomach can often fully dissolve.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nFor further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.\nA conservative approach with supportive care is recommended. Repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and monitor for potential obstruction in the intestines. Endoscopy may be attempted, but its success may be limited due to multiple fragments. Inducing emesis may be an option, but complications could arise. Surgical exploration of the abdomen for removal may need to be considered.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of this bridging spondylosis.\nConsider rectal exam to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2019-08-27', 'name': 'Terry^Odin', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'Terry', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}
Patient inappetant/lethargic ~1 1/2 weeks; 10# weight loss; no coughing but inc'd RR; no V/D; no meds; HR 140, RR 36, BP 60's; mm sl pale, sl refill; pulses /s; abd non-painful; CHEM: ALB 2.5, Creat 1.6; BUN 44; Phos 7.2; ALKP 12; TP 5.3; CBC WNL: USG 1.035 prot 3+; 4DX pending
INc'd HR/RR - any relation to heart/lungs? I'm thinking it's hypotension;
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Losing weight', 'Hyporexia', 'Tachypnoea', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale', 'Tachycardia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 140, 607, 666, 674, 2359, 2656]
['Systemic hypotension']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-07-28', 'name': 'Coston^Remy', 'breed': 'Great Dane', 'owner': 'Coston^Heather', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented in respiratory distress. Over the last few weeks owner has observed possible seizure activity. She has a history of 3/6 heart murmur her entire life. Thoracic auscultation identifies bilateral crackles and heart is muffled so cannot comment on current status of murmur. Pulses poor. Brief AFAST/TFAST did not indicted pericardial effusion, or free abdominal or thoracic fluid. Lab work pending.', 'questions': 'Concern for DCM.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 320, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, alveolar pattern, pneumonia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 894, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Folded spleen', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2706, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Syncope possible seizure'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 411, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pericardial effusion'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen appears prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. A pleural fissure line is noted in the left and right thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nInterstitial to alveolar pattern identified as described, with the primary differential being congestive heart failure. Given the breed, Dilated Cardiomyopathy is considered most likely. \nAlternative differentials include pneumonia/pneumonitis such as bronchopneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) or aspiration pneumonia, as well as parasitic infections (heartworm, lungworm, Toxo).\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, but the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size, not ruling out cardiomyopathy.\nThe spleen appears prominent, with considerations for folded spleen or abnormal position, though splenic congestion or mass cannot be ruled out.\nThe pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid, with considerations for thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance.\nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nTherapy with diuretics, pimobendan, and oxygen therapy are recommended. Serial blood pressure monitoring and chemistry panels are recommended. Recheck thoracic radiographs are recommended if the patient fails to respond to therapy. Clinical history may help differentiate syncopal episodes from seizure activity. \nConsider an echocardiogram, ECG, and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the prominent spleen and to assess for folded spleen or abnormal position, as well as to evaluate for splenic congestion or mass.\nCorrelate with history for the clinical significance of the noted pleural fissure line.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-07-28', 'name': 'Coston^Remy', 'breed': 'Great Dane', 'owner': 'Coston^Heather', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}
Patient presented in respiratory distress. Over the last few weeks owner has observed possible seizure activity. She has a history of 3/6 heart murmur her entire life. Thoracic auscultation identifies bilateral crackles and heart is muffled so cannot comment on current status of murmur. Pulses poor. Brief AFAST/TFAST did not indicted pericardial effusion, or free abdominal or thoracic fluid. Lab work pending.
Concern for DCM.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Heart Murmur', 'Respiratory distress', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Syncope possible seizure']
[2175, 2179, 2536, 2656, 2706]
['Pericardial effusion']
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-06-04', 'name': 'Rescue^Pinky', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Pinky', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'please compare to earlier radiographs of same patient\r\nstill oxygen dependent - begins open mouth breathing when try to reduce oxygen\r\ncurrently receiving unasyn 30 mg/kg iv q8h\r\nwas on fluids LRS 1 mL/h (discontinue)\r\nnebulization with NaCL q8h\r\ndexamethasone SP 0.2 mg/kg, 4 mg/mL IV once toda\r\neating readily but respiratory pattern is worsening even in oxygen\r\n\r\n', 'questions': 'worsening lung pattern', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 222, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Juvenile LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 327, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - follow up, pneumonia no improvement', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Persistent parenchymal pattern present extending into the caudodorsal lung field, bronchial pattern is also still present, as described. The lungs do appear to be worse radiographically compared to the previous ones. There is minimal improvement in radiographic evidence of the pneumonia noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Minimal improvement in radiographic evidence of pneumonia noted. Clinical findings of progress will often lead radiographic changes in these cases. If minimal clinical improvement, then altering antibiotic therapy is often recommended. Continue with oxygen therapy as indicated by patient's current clinical status. Consider Lasix (furosemide) treatment. Consider a tracheal wash/ respiratory lavage for cytology and culture if there is no response to medical management. Follow-up radiographs in 24 hours. OPEN", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2180, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal Respiration'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 995, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'oxygen-therapy'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with gas. There is mild loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nPersistent parenchymal pattern present extending into the caudodorsal lung field, bronchial pattern is also still present, as described. The lungs do appear to be static or somewhat worse radiographically compared to the previous ones. \nThe gas distension observed in the GI tract is most consistent with aerophagia.\nAbdominal detail loss presumably from immaturity, ascites not excluded.\n\nRecommendations:\nMinimal improvement in radiographic evidence of pneumonia noted. Clinical findings of progress will often lead radiographic changes in these cases. If minimal clinical improvement, then altering antibiotic therapy is often recommended (in this case potentially adding in another antibiotic). Continue with oxygen therapy as indicated by patient's current clinical status. Consider a tracheal wash/ respiratory lavage for cytology and culture if there is no response to medical management, though at this time the patient does not appear stable enough for this.. Follow-up radiographs in 24 hours."}
{'bday': '2024-06-04', 'name': 'Rescue^Pinky', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Pinky', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Woodland Animal Hospital (ER)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Woodland Animal Hospital'}
please compare to earlier radiographs of same patient still oxygen dependent - begins open mouth breathing when try to reduce oxygen currently receiving unasyn 30 mg/kg iv q8h was on fluids LRS 1 mL/h (discontinue) nebulization with NaCL q8h dexamethasone SP 0.2 mg/kg, 4 mg/mL IV once toda eating readily but respiratory pattern is worsening even in oxygen
worsening lung pattern
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'resp signs - upper vs lower', 'neoplasia-thorax']
['Dyspnoea', 'Panting', 'Respiratory distress', 'Abnormal respiration', 'Feline', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[50, 177, 2179, 2180, 2327, 2702]
['Oxygen therapy']
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-08-31', 'name': 'Solache^Peanut', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Solache^Maribel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Emergency Pet Care of Texas', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Magnolia', 'clinician': 'Emergency Pet Care of Texas'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Neuro symptoms falling out of the owner\'s arms.\r\nPer o pet after event, had mouth open as if unable to close it + head shaking. Walking abnormally afterwards with abnormal "turn" to the neck per o.\r\nHeart murmur 2-3/6.. mild to low moderate ataxia and "crouched" while walking (unusual gait). No pain or neck pain appreciated in palpation, good ROM. moderate dental disease noted on incisors -- does not appear to have neck/jaw pain and jaw appears to be properly aligned. \r\nALT (266), Hct 58.1%', 'questions': 'r/o TBI\r\nr/o seizure event post TBI?\r\nr/o potential for neoplasia with retained testicle\r\nr/o hepatopathy \r\nOPEN ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1014, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 269, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Normal heart, heart murmur, canine', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 411, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 68.237, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - No cause for seizures', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No radiographic evidence for the possible seizure is noted. The liver appears within normal limits. No evidence of neoplasia noted in the images provided.\xa0', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'If further seizure activity is noted, consider biochemistry profile, CBC, and urinalysis to evaluate for extra-cranial causes of seizures. Abdominal radiographs and an abdominal ultrasound to assess the abdomen and/or abdominal organs may provide additional information.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1384, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 30.046, 'consult_name': 'Skull - Trauma, no abnormalities identified no swelling ', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No obvious abnormalities noted in the skull. No clear evidence of fractures, luxation or subluxation of the skull bones is seen. No soft tissue swelling noted. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 121, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hunched up'}, {'id': 221, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Shaking head'}, {'id': 283, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal gait'}, {'id': 601, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gait abnormality - ataxia'}, {'id': 626, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Head tilt'}, {'id': 628, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Seizure(s)'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of food. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.072, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2306, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visible pharyngeal region appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted within the pharyngeal region.'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2308, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The nasal cavities and frontal sinuses have a normal opacity. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity noted in the ___s2_ frontal sinus.'}, {'id': 2310, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The bones of the skull are within normal limits with no aggressive lesions or fractures noted.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a fracture noted in the ___s1_ bone of the skull. '}, {'id': 2312, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The temporomandibular joint appears within normal limits.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The temporomandibular joint space is widened.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2689, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Skull-question'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': "Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe skull has a very domed shape with a 'copper-beaten ' appearance. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.", 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe domed skull is compatible with hydrocephalus which is common in the breed. No other obvious abnormalities noted in the skull. No clear evidence of fractures, luxation or subluxation of the skull bones is seen. No soft tissue swelling noted.\nNo radiographic evidence for the possible seizure is noted, but trauma to the brain cannot be excluded. The liver appears within normal limits. No evidence of neoplasia noted in the images provided.\nThe cardiovascular structures appear normal. This does not rule out valvular disease.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nComplete neurological examination should be performed to examine for evidence of traumatic brain injury. Medical management as required is recommended at this point. Consider MRI/CT scan if there is no response to medical management or if examination suggests more than a soft tissue injury.\nIf further seizure activity is noted, consider biochemistry profile, CBC, and urinalysis to evaluate for extra-cranial causes of seizures. \nAbdominal radiographs and an abdominal ultrasound to assess the abdomen and/or abdominal organs may provide additional information.\nConsider echocardiogram to investigate the reported heart murmur.'}
{'bday': '2020-08-31', 'name': 'Solache^Peanut', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Solache^Maribel', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Emergency Pet Care of Texas', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Magnolia', 'clinician': 'Emergency Pet Care of Texas'}
Neuro symptoms falling out of the owner's arms. Per o pet after event, had mouth open as if unable to close it + head shaking. Walking abnormally afterwards with abnormal "turn" to the neck per o. Heart murmur 2-3/6.. mild to low moderate ataxia and "crouched" while walking (unusual gait). No pain or neck pain appreciated in palpation, good ROM. moderate dental disease noted on incisors -- does not appear to have neck/jaw pain and jaw appears to be properly aligned. ALT (266), Hct 58.1%
r/o TBI r/o seizure event post TBI? r/o potential for neoplasia with retained testicle r/o hepatopathy OPEN
['Hunched up', 'Head shaking', 'Abnormal gait', 'Ataxia', 'Head tilt', 'Seizure(s)', 'Heart Murmur', 'Fell/dropped', 'Canine Small Breed']
[121, 221, 283, 601, 626, 628, 2175, 2530, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-07-29', 'name': 'Antonio', 'breed': 'Domestic Mediumhair', 'owner': 'Kelly, ashley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Union City', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'older patient with flea infestation and tape worms. owner reports intermittent vomiting with a normal appetite and food drive. tremor-like "shaking" has been ongoing for1 to 2 years per owner with todays onset being the worst. owner reports patient did take a hard stumble recently. patient has been losing weight and feels very thin. ', 'questions': 'shaking ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 742, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - No cause for non-specific neuro signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1212, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 54.827, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Chronic vomiting/diarroea, normal gut, no TSI', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care and abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Correlate with CBC, serum biochemistry, urinalysis and a gastrointestinal panel. Intestinal biopsies might be indicated depending on severity and chronicity of the clinical signs. Lab testing for pancreatitis also a consideration. Treatment for fleas and tapeworms also recommended.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 95, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Emaciated'}, {'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}, {'id': 2182, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Vomiting'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2711, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thin body condition'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Parasite infestation - Cestodes (tapeworms)'}, {'id': 1060, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Parasite infestation - fleas'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2679, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nGastric material noted may represent food, however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. Clinical signs are most consistent with a possible underlying enteropathy, differentials include chronic enteritis, IBD, or neoplastic etiology. No evidence of masses or neoplastic process is appreciated for the reported neurological signs. Hepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. Recommend supportive care and abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Correlate with CBC, serum biochemistry, urinalysis and a gastrointestinal panel. Intestinal biopsies might be indicated depending on severity and chronicity of the clinical signs. Lab testing for pancreatitis also a consideration. Treatment for fleas and tapeworms also recommended.\nNeurologic consultation and advanced imaging such as MRI may be useful for further investigation of the reported neuro signs. Correlate with neurological exam and blood work.\n\n"}
{'bday': '2010-07-29', 'name': 'Antonio', 'breed': 'Domestic Mediumhair', 'owner': 'Kelly, ashley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Union City', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}
older patient with flea infestation and tape worms. owner reports intermittent vomiting with a normal appetite and food drive. tremor-like "shaking" has been ongoing for1 to 2 years per owner with todays onset being the worst. owner reports patient did take a hard stumble recently. patient has been losing weight and feels very thin.
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'spine-neurological-ivdd-pain']
['Emaciated', 'Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling', 'Chronic vomiting', 'Feline', 'Thin body condition']
[95, 140, 256, 620, 2182, 2327, 2711]
['Parasite infestation - Cestodes (tapeworms)', 'Parasite infestation - fleas']
[1053, 1060]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-06-06', 'name': 'FARMER^SPOOKIE', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Camron Farmer', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Nova Animal Hospital - VA', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'david Iskandar'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presents for check , o adopt Pt 1 M ago , and pt just delivered one kitten , last friday PM , Pt is E/d WNL , no c/v/d/s ', 'questions': 'recent delivery of one kitten R/o dystocia , resorption , normal post delivery , others ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical history and abdominal palapation to rule out constipation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1075, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food bloat', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1128, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Repros - UTD, just given birth, no fetuses, no LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The visualized uterus is consistent with the expected appearance postpartum. No fetuses are noted within the uterus.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 188, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Postpartum examination'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2665, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Post partum'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1942, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Dystocia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is severe distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of kibble/food. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. Distended tubular structures resembling uterine horns are noted within the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe visualized uterus is consistent with the expected appearance postpartum. No fetuses are noted within the uterus.\nSevere distension of the stomach with soft tissue opacity material and no evidence of torsion is consistent with a possible food bloat. Foreign material cannot be definitively ruled out.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\n\nRecommendations:\nSupportive care and monitoring is recommended at this time. Repeat radiographs or abdominal ultrasound can be considered if clinical status worsens.\nConsider medical management and follow up radiographs to check for passage of the material through the GI tract.\nCorrelate with clinical history and abdominal palpation to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2023-06-06', 'name': 'FARMER^SPOOKIE', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Camron Farmer', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Nova Animal Hospital - VA', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'david Iskandar'}
Presents for check , o adopt Pt 1 M ago , and pt just delivered one kitten , last friday PM , Pt is E/d WNL , no c/v/d/s
recent delivery of one kitten R/o dystocia , resorption , normal post delivery , others
['Postpartum examination', 'Feline', 'Post partum']
[188, 2327, 2665]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-05', 'name': 'Arsenault^Freckles', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise', 'owner': 'Arsenault^Taylor', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presents for weight loss and PU/PD. History of elevated UPC. Currently being treated with Enalapril for the past month. Re-check UPC after one month of Enalapril is pending. Continuing to lose weight despite kidney values remaining normal on bloodwork today. Normal albumin and globulin levels on bloodwork as well. No V/D/S/C. Normal appetite \r\n\r\nAlso has a history of grade 3/6 L. systolic HM. Started on Pimobendan today. No coughing or respiratory issues. ', 'questions': 'Nephrolith or kidney mineralization seen?\r\nIs the pulmonary pattern normal?', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 324, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Miliary to nodular', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1243, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Right heart enlargement, interstitial pattern.', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 686, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Polyuria/polydipsia'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern']}}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2346, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1055, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'pimobendan'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left and right kidney. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThere is evidence of left atrial enlargement. A bronchial pattern is present. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial to nodular pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLeft atrial enlargement is noted.\nHazy interstitial miliary to nodular pattern identified, considerations given to pneumonia/pneumonitis including bronchopneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal, Pneumocystic carinii, PIE) versus neoplastic process; parasitic infection (heartworm, lungworm, Toxo) could be considered as well. In the absence of clinical signs, inflammatory or chronic lower airway disease is also a consideration.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. \nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen, rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, septic or non-septic peritonitis or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen. \nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam and culture and sensitivity to further investigate the hazy interstitial miliary to nodular pattern identified.\nRecommend an echocardiogram for further investigation. \nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly and loss of serosal detail. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance. If free fluid is present, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound for further assessment.\n'}
{'bday': '2014-08-05', 'name': 'Arsenault^Freckles', 'breed': 'Bichon Frise', 'owner': 'Arsenault^Taylor', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}
Patient presents for weight loss and PU/PD. History of elevated UPC. Currently being treated with Enalapril for the past month. Re-check UPC after one month of Enalapril is pending. Continuing to lose weight despite kidney values remaining normal on bloodwork today. Normal albumin and globulin levels on bloodwork as well. No V/D/S/C. Normal appetite Also has a history of grade 3/6 L. systolic HM. Started on Pimobendan today. No coughing or respiratory issues.
Nephrolith or kidney mineralization seen? Is the pulmonary pattern normal?
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'screening-abdomen']
['Losing weight', 'Polyuria/polydipsia', 'Heart Murmur', 'Lab work pending', 'Canine Small Breed']
[140, 686, 2175, 2352, 2654]
['Renal Mineralization']
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-12-15', 'name': 'Caroccio^Teddy', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Caroccio', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented to ER for evaluation of intermittent forelimb lameness (o uncertain which leg), reluctance to rise and use stairs, and sporadic yelping overnight). Duration of signs <24hrs. Suspect appears to be shifting weight to left forelimb off of right when standing. Subjectively resists +/- whimpers on right cervical flexion - evaluation difficult to interpret as p stressed/reactive during handling**', 'questions': 'RO ST injury vs other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1047, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 25.201, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Arthritis of the carpus, as described, may be the source of the reported lameness. Soft tissue injury or neuropathy cannot be ruled out completely at this time.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy.\n', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 204, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left and right carpus. ', 'elapsedTime': 26.104, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative joint disease affecting the left and right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nArthritis of the carpus, as described, may be the source of the reported lameness. Soft tissue injury or neuropathy cannot be ruled out completely at this time.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy.'}
{'bday': '2012-12-15', 'name': 'Caroccio^Teddy', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Caroccio', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
Presented to ER for evaluation of intermittent forelimb lameness (o uncertain which leg), reluctance to rise and use stairs, and sporadic yelping overnight). Duration of signs <24hrs. Suspect appears to be shifting weight to left forelimb off of right when standing. Subjectively resists +/- whimpers on right cervical flexion - evaluation difficult to interpret as p stressed/reactive during handling**
RO ST injury vs other
['neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'lameness-frontLimb']
['Vocalizing ', 'Reluctant to move/walk', 'Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Canine Small Breed']
[145, 204, 292, 629, 2185, 2346, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-12-24', 'name': 'Panther', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'David Gohre', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Everhart Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Corpus Christi', 'clinician': 'Dr.Moore'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'History of constipation ', 'questions': 'fecal compacted ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 476, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Constipation', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 68, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Constipated'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.587, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2487, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is diffuse, moderate distension of the colon with gas and feces. ', 'elapsedTime': 8.87, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['diffuse', 'moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'colon distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the colon with ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2606, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The fecal material noted in the colon is very radiopaque, consistent with chronicity.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested kibble/food. There is diffuse, moderate distension of the colon with gas and feces. The fecal material noted in the colon is very radiopaque, consistent with chronicity. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nFecal retention noted is consistent with constipation.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nTreatment for constipation/obstipation is indicated at this time.'}
{'bday': '2021-12-24', 'name': 'Panther', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'David Gohre', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Everhart Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Corpus Christi', 'clinician': 'Dr.Moore'}
History of constipation
fecal compacted
['Constipated', 'Feline']
[68, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-06-02', 'name': 'Wray^Shelby', 'breed': 'Whippet', 'owner': 'Wray^Greg', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Not eating, vomiting, diarrhea. Seems painful.', 'questions': 'r/o pancreatitis and any other abnormalities appreciated on radiographs', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 223, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Thin LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1308, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Small liver, GI signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2262, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Liver', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. '}, {'id': 2265, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Urinary Bladder Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 2270, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Thin body condition', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The patient is noted to be in thin body condition.'}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. There is mild loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe patient is noted to be in thin body condition. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation, but cirrhosis or a vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out. If decreased liver function is confirmed, this could be the cause of the clinical GI symptoms reported.\nLoss of detail in the abdomen is most consistent with a lack of intra-abdominal fat. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out.\nThe urinary bladder is distended. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with blood work (and testing bile acids) and abdominal ultrasound (+/- FNA of the liver) to rule out liver dysfunction. A CT angiogram may be necessary to identify a vascular abnormality. Medical management of clinical symptoms is recommended in the interim.\nIf clinically warranted, an AFAST +/- abdominal ultrasound is recommended for free fluid.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi.'}
{'bday': '2023-06-02', 'name': 'Wray^Shelby', 'breed': 'Whippet', 'owner': 'Wray^Greg', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
Not eating, vomiting, diarrhea. Seems painful.
r/o pancreatitis and any other abnormalities appreciated on radiographs
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Pain', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 607, 2186, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-01-17', 'name': 'Hylton^Titus', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Hylton^Unknown', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Crown UrgentVet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Mesa', 'clinician': 'Crown UrgentVet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt presents for acting lethargic over the last week. Has not wanted to eat for 2 days. He started vomiting as of today 2-3 times (yellow/clear bile). Pt is not neutered and has had prostatitis and a UTI in the past. O has not watched him urinate or defecate recently so he is unsure if either are abnormal, however thinks he is producing smaller amounts of urine. ', 'questions': ' Rule out GI foreign body/ surgical emergency. Maybe concern for mass effect on trigone of the bladder. Painful in the caudal abdomen, recent history of acute vomiting. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 202, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, scant fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 364, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - chronic hip dysplasia, HOA and HIC', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 940, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 30.023, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Straining/stranguria, no bladder distention/obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of urinary bladder obstruction. Cranial margins partially obscured by abdominal mass.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs, old/ very sick, poss pancreatitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1139, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Irregular margins', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1232, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Reprod - PMG, intact male , symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Very sick'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 682, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - oliguria'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar', 'lumbosacral']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['irregular', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['caudal']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2234, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urinary tract infection, lower (LUTI)'}, {'id': 2281, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Prostatitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}, {'id': 2688, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'straining-constipation'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar and lumbosacral spine. There is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. There are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is an irregular soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the caudal abdomen. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The prostate is prominent. The margins of the spleen have an irregular appearance. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSuspected abdominal mass of unknown origin, possibly splenic or hepatic in origin. Focal wispy appearance in the abdomen may represent peritoneal effusion or peritonitis. No evidence of urinary bladder obstruction, but the cranial margins are partially obscured by abdominal mass effect. Prostatomegaly may be the source of reported clinical signs, possibly secondary to various conditions in an intact male. Spleen with irregular border margins, differentials include benign etiologies, infiltrative disease, and infectious etiologies. Clinical signs are most consistent with a systemic illness, possibly pancreatitis, or severe gastroenteritis due to various causes. Spondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental. Osteoarthritis of the hips secondary to hip dysplasia.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan and FNA sampling with cytology to further investigate the suspected abdominal mass.\nBiochemistry profile, urinalysis and urine culture may be considered for further investigation or if there is concern for calculi as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease, and polyps. A FNA sample +/- biopsy should be considered if the prostatic parenchyma appears abnormal. Correlate with rectal exam and clinical signs.\nSupportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis, and testing for pancreatitis. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia.'}
{'bday': '2018-01-17', 'name': 'Hylton^Titus', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Hylton^Unknown', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Crown UrgentVet', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Mesa', 'clinician': 'Crown UrgentVet'}
Pt presents for acting lethargic over the last week. Has not wanted to eat for 2 days. He started vomiting as of today 2-3 times (yellow/clear bile). Pt is not neutered and has had prostatitis and a UTI in the past. O has not watched him urinate or defecate recently so he is unsure if either are abnormal, however thinks he is producing smaller amounts of urine.
Rule out GI foreign body/ surgical emergency. Maybe concern for mass effect on trigone of the bladder. Painful in the caudal abdomen, recent history of acute vomiting.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'screening-abdomen', 'straining-constipation']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Very sick', 'Anorexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Urination abnormal - oliguria', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 256, 280, 606, 622, 682, 2656]
['Urinary tract infection, lower (LUTI)', 'Prostatitis']
[2234, 2281]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-07-26', 'name': 'Glynn^Zooter', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Glynn^Katrina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Reno', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O is certain that Zooter hasn’t been peeing for a couple days, maybe no pooping either. Indoor/outdoor. O noticed Zooter going into litter box and straining, only a few drops came out no actual flow of urine. No blood noted in drops of urine. \r\nLives with another cat.\r\nLast week may have gotten into a verbal argument with a neighborhood cat, no known contact or actual fighting.', 'questions': 'Abdomen.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 252, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Colon - No constipation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 421, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Bladder Feline - Normal urinary, symptomatic (FLUTD)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 712, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Poss 2 pops vs colon', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anuria'}, {'id': 265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Stranguria'}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 512, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency'}, {'id': 684, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Frequent abnormal urination'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['normal']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2188, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urinary retention'}, {'id': 2192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Haematuria'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a normal appearance. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA portion of distended bowel is observed, however, given its location it cannot be differentiated from colon. \nThe cause for the patient's urinary issues are not noted, but feline lower urinary tract disease would be a primary differential given the history and normal radiographic appearance of the urinary tract. \nThere is no indication of constipation noted on the radiographs. \nGastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal. \nVisualization of the spleen may be normal variation or due to infiltrative disease such as lymphosarcoma, mast cell neoplasia, or other.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the distended portion of the bowel. Alternatively, monitor the response to medical management and recheck radiographs in 12-24 hours to reassess the intestinal gas pattern.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis, and consider an ultrasound as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, neoplastic disease, or polyps.\nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs to further investigate for constipation.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the clinical significance of the visualized spleen, and if enlargement is confirmed, an FNA sample is recommended."}
{'bday': '2022-07-26', 'name': 'Glynn^Zooter', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Glynn^Katrina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Reno', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}
O is certain that Zooter hasn’t been peeing for a couple days, maybe no pooping either. Indoor/outdoor. O noticed Zooter going into litter box and straining, only a few drops came out no actual flow of urine. No blood noted in drops of urine. Lives with another cat. Last week may have gotten into a verbal argument with a neighborhood cat, no known contact or actual fighting.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'urinary-stones']
['Vocalizing ', 'Urination abnormal - Anuria (not urinating)', 'Urination abnormal - stranguria', 'Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency', 'Urination abnormal - pollakiuria', 'Feline']
[145, 160, 265, 274, 512, 684, 2327]
['Urinary retention', 'Haematuria']
[2188, 2192]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-03-27', 'name': 'Brunelle^Tootsie', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'Brunelle', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Mounds View Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Mounds View', 'clinician': 'Mounds VIew Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Tootsie present to ER on 8/25/24 for a chronic cough of 3 weeks duration that had gotten worse over that time. it would happen about 3 times for day and last 20 to 30 seconds usually. ER took rads and saw broncho-interstitial pattern. they treated for pneimonia for 10 days with clavamox. We saw her today on a 2 week recheck. there has been minimal improvement. lungs sound ok, RR rate is 36. heart sounds fine. ', 'questions': 'Hx of hyperthyroidism, hypertension and GI/IBD, all controlled. on methimazole, amlodipine, transdermal pred (5mg eod). had an episode like this late Nov of 2023. had xrays 11/27/23. is this asthma', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac feline - Normal heart, symptomatic (cardiac dz)/murmur', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'For further assessment, an echocardiogram would be optimal to investigate further.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchitis, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2387, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cough-chronic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical, thoracic and lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 873, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral lung field']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of bronchiectasis noted.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Bronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 145, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)'}, {'id': 575, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperthyroidism'}, {'id': 2056, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pneumonia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}, {'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Corticosteroid'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nBronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the cranioventral lung field. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is moderate distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nBronchial pattern is consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis. Differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, infectious etiologies (bacterial) and parasitic (including heartworm disease).\nThe cardiovascular structures are unremarkable with no evidence of enlargement or congestion. Feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette.\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis +/- additional diagnostics.\nFor further assessment, an echocardiogram would be optimal to investigate further.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying."}
{'bday': '2010-03-27', 'name': 'Brunelle^Tootsie', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'Brunelle', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Mounds View Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Mounds View', 'clinician': 'Mounds VIew Animal Hospital'}
Tootsie present to ER on 8/25/24 for a chronic cough of 3 weeks duration that had gotten worse over that time. it would happen about 3 times for day and last 20 to 30 seconds usually. ER took rads and saw broncho-interstitial pattern. they treated for pneimonia for 10 days with clavamox. We saw her today on a 2 week recheck. there has been minimal improvement. lungs sound ok, RR rate is 36. heart sounds fine.
Hx of hyperthyroidism, hypertension and GI/IBD, all controlled. on methimazole, amlodipine, transdermal pred (5mg eod). had an episode like this late Nov of 2023. had xrays 11/27/23. is this asthma
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Feline', 'Chronic cough']
[69, 2327, 2387]
['Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)', 'Hyperthyroidism', 'Pneumonia']
[145, 575, 2056]
['Antibiotic', 'Corticosteroid']
[961, 976]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-09-19', 'name': 'Remenec^Loon^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic', 'owner': 'Macy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Vet Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Chicago', 'clinician': 'Robin Friedman'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presents for vomiting 7 times this AM. P ate a bit of food this morning then vomited it up, then vomited up several more times. P has has some recent history of vomiting. P was hospitalized at the ER for an episode of vomiting 08/06/2024.\r\n Ultrasound showed a small left kidney, thickening of ~50% of the jejunum. P also had mildly elevated liver enzymes so cholangiohepaitis was suspected. P was on 4 weeks of clavamox and was doing well until today. CBC CHEM NSF today. Tense on abd palpation', 'questions': 'gastric material - suspect kibble from breakfast\r\nrule out obstruction\r\nsuspect IBD', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 429, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The small kidney may indicate chronic renal disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 939, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 6.157, 'consult_name': ' Intestines - Enteritis with Partial Obstruction', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild to moderately distended small intestinal segments noted. Consider enteritis, infiltrate or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 798, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Kidney', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ kidney measures below normal range. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 1937, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['normal']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spleen Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a ___s1_ appearance.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L7-S1']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2669, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are portions of the small intestine that are mild to moderately distended with gas and fluid.', 'elapsedTime': 36.387, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': []}, 'finding_normal_text': ' Mild/moderate (dropdown) gas/fluid (dropdown) distension of a portion of small intestine.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a portion of the small intestine that is ___s1_ distended with ___s2_.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}, {'id': 621, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body - gastric (stomach)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a normal appearance. The stomach is mildly distended, with radiopaque material that appears to be digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. A portion of the small intestine is mild to moderately distended with gas and fluid. The left kidney measures below the normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSpondylosis deformans are noted in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L7-S1. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nMild to moderately distended small intestinal segments were noted. Consider enteritis, infiltrate or foreign material with possible secondary partial obstruction.\nGastric material. This may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nVisualization of the spleen may be a normal variation, however, infiltrative disease cannot be excluded.\nThe small kidney may indicate chronic renal disease.\nThe presence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nIf clinical signs persist, consider follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours or a potential abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the changes noted in the intestines.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the clinical significance of the visualized spleen. If enlargement is confirmed, an FNA sample is recommended.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small kidney(s).\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis."}
{'bday': '2014-09-19', 'name': 'Remenec^Loon^^^', 'breed': 'Domestic', 'owner': 'Macy', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Vet Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Chicago', 'clinician': 'Robin Friedman'}
P presents for vomiting 7 times this AM. P ate a bit of food this morning then vomited it up, then vomited up several more times. P has has some recent history of vomiting. P was hospitalized at the ER for an episode of vomiting 08/06/2024. Ultrasound showed a small left kidney, thickening of ~50% of the jejunum. P also had mildly elevated liver enzymes so cholangiohepaitis was suspected. P was on 4 weeks of clavamox and was doing well until today. CBC CHEM NSF today. Tense on abd palpation
gastric material - suspect kibble from breakfast rule out obstruction suspect IBD
['Vomiting', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Feline', 'Elevated liver enzymes']
[256, 622, 2327, 2404]
['Intestinal obstruction', 'Foreign body - gastric (stomach)']
[59, 621]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-09-01', 'name': 'stulb^rudie', 'breed': 'Greyhound', 'owner': 'stulb', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': ' right pelivc limb lameness, nonweight bearing to toe touching at home. prev seen 2 weeks ago and presumptive diagnosis of ivdd flare up. prev flare 12 mo ago and managed with rest, pain meds, and robaxin. was placed on rimadyl, robaxin, and trazodone. o reports that p is progressing despite meds helping reduce discomfort. o also reports a firm mass growing on the right tarsus that we not apparent 2 weeks ago during previous appt.\r\n\r\n', 'questions': 'r/o neoplasia', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1042, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1292, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 382, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Tarsus - arthritis, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1336, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'M/S Bone lesion - ABL typical, no thoracic views , + swelling ', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cortical thinning', 'moth-eaten lytic pattern', 'with an irregular periosteal reaction'], '___s2_': ['the right', 'distal', 'fibula']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'tarsal', 'joint']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1158, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - limb, lower'}, {'id': 1422, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intervertebral disc degeneration - previous dx'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a bone lesion with evidence of cortical thinning moth-eaten lytic pattern with an irregular periosteal reaction identified in the right distal fibula. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right tarsal joint. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the right tarsus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2668, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ruin-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Aggressive bone lesion - false positive', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nAggressive bone lesion identified most consistent with an osteosarcoma; severe osteomyelitis cannot be ruled out. Some soft tissue swelling is associated with this region.\nArthritis of the tarsus as previously described may be contributing to the reported lameness.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider a FNA/biopsy for a definitive diagnosis of the aggressive bone lesion identified, and three view thoracic radiographs to screen for metastasis.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination and consider analgesic and exercise restriction to monitor response to therapy for the reported lameness.'}
{'bday': '2013-09-01', 'name': 'stulb^rudie', 'breed': 'Greyhound', 'owner': 'stulb', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Annandale', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}
right pelivc limb lameness, nonweight bearing to toe touching at home. prev seen 2 weeks ago and presumptive diagnosis of ivdd flare up. prev flare 12 mo ago and managed with rest, pain meds, and robaxin. was placed on rimadyl, robaxin, and trazodone. o reports that p is progressing despite meds helping reduce discomfort. o also reports a firm mass growing on the right tarsus that we not apparent 2 weeks ago during previous appt.
r/o neoplasia
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-thorax', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal']
['Hindlimb lameness', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2345, 2545, 2656]
['Mass lesion - limb, lower', 'PDx: IVDD']
[1158, 1422]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-05-11', 'name': 'Hamilton^Amber', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Hamilton^Robin', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Retching with no production after eating. Abdominal distension. ', 'questions': 'Concern for 360 GDV', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - GDV', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 296, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Wound'}, {'id': 508, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 521, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 13, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 57, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Gastric dilation-volvulus syndrome (GDV)'}, {'id': 4812, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Severe gastric distension, r/o early GDV'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. Vena cava is very smalNo abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen appears prominent. There is craniodorsal displacement of the pylorus with evidence of gastric torsion. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric dilatation and volvulus with secondary changes noted in the abdomen.\nSplenomegaly. Differentials include benign etiologies (sedation if applicable, EMH and lymphoid hyperplasia), infiltrative disease (round cell neoplasia), infectious etiologies (ie: tick borne diseases) and congestion due to GDV. \nSmall vena cava secondary to hypovolemia from GDV. \n\nRecommendations:\nStabilization of the patient and emergency exploratory laparotomy of the abdomen is recommended at this time to correct the gastric dilatation and volvulus.\n\n'}
{'bday': '2014-05-11', 'name': 'Hamilton^Amber', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Hamilton^Robin', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}
Retching with no production after eating. Abdominal distension.
Concern for 360 GDV
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Abdominal distension', 'Gagging/retching', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[508, 521, 2656]
['Gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome (GDV)', 'Severe gastric distension, r/o early GDV']
[57, 4812]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-06-30', 'name': 'Spivey^Hank', 'breed': 'Dachshund', 'owner': 'Spivey^Courtney', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P was playing in house and O noticed him limping and favoring right hind leg. P seemed painful and nipped at owner when she palpated it. P is weight bearing now but was not earlier when this happened about 2 hours ago.', 'questions': 'Right hind leg.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 363, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2658, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'chondrodysplastic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with irregular margins']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The stomach contains a small mineralized opacity with irregular margins. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nDegenerative changes in the hips may be the source of the reported signs.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nGastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. No other gastrointestinal abnormalities are noted. Based on clinical history and radiographic findings, gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion is considered a primary differential.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and monitor response to therapy.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nMedical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Emesis-induction can be considered depending on type of material present. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.'}
{'bday': '2014-06-30', 'name': 'Spivey^Hank', 'breed': 'Dachshund', 'owner': 'Spivey^Courtney', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}
P was playing in house and O noticed him limping and favoring right hind leg. P seemed painful and nipped at owner when she palpated it. P is weight bearing now but was not earlier when this happened about 2 hours ago.
Right hind leg.
['Lameness', 'Pain', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Chondrodysplastic']
[2185, 2186, 2345, 2654, 2658]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-11-16', 'name': 'Butler^Pepa', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Butler^Tonya', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Jumped out of owner arms and broke both front limbs above wrist', 'questions': 'what type of surgery is advised', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 392, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S Limb Fracture - acute fracture', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 489, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1046, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['complete'], '___s2_': ['left', 'right', 'radial diaphysis', 'ulnar diaphysis']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['front limb']}}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a complete fracture of the left right radial diaphysis ulnar diaphysis. There is soft tissue swelling involving front limb. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of appendicular fracture as described.\nDegenerative changes in the distal forelimb as previously described.\nSoft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend analgesics and stabilization with strict cage rest, and consultation with a veterinary surgeon to explore best surgical stabilization methods for the described appendicular fracture.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination.\nMedical management as required for soft tissue injury.'}
{'bday': '2022-11-16', 'name': 'Butler^Pepa', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Butler^Tonya', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}
Jumped out of owner arms and broke both front limbs above wrist
what type of surgery is advised
['Traumatic injury', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[259, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-11-05', 'name': 'ARMSTRONG^BEBE', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Melanie ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Myrtle Avenue Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Eureka', 'clinician': 'Erica Robinson'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Apologies for single view, I was worried this pt had pleural fluid based on resp effort and lateral view; I TFAST'ed and did not observe fluid around heart. \r\nNo murmur or arrthymia asculted. \r\nPresented flat, 104.4, (known unusual) ingestion of Yesterday News cat litter--observed in fecal material\r\nHx of chronic rhinosinusitis\r\n101.4 today after two doses of Orbax/fluids \r\n", 'questions': "Pulmonary changes? Pt appears to be improving overall here with care, but this is an office cat that isn't closely monitored. ", 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1043, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 279, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - No murmur, big heart', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 60.087, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, CVP/CDP (not alveolar), no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the lungs are indicative of pathology but are not diagnostic for a specific etiology. Consideration is given to infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic causes. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild(likely incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 73.64699999999999, 'consult_name': 'limited evaluation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "Limited evaluation of the pulmonary effusion due to limited images. The specific cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Toxicity or metabolic causes cannot be ruled.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 65, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Collapsed'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 740, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['radio-opaque'], '___s2_': ['descending']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Colonic Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the ___s2_ colon. '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range.', 'elapsedTime': 4.391, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a mild increased opacity in the cranioventral lung field, characterized as a interstitial to alveolar pattern . ', 'elapsedTime': 8.991, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s3_': ['interstitial to alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 517, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pleural effusion'}, {'id': 2032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Respiratory tract infection, upper (URTI)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}, {'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 961, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Antibiotic'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'fluid-therapy'}, {'id': 2016, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'echocardiogram-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. There is a mild increased opacity in the cranioventral lung field, characterized as an interstitial to alveolar pattern. No other abnormalities are noted in the rest of the observed thorax.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radio-opaque opacity foreign material located within the descending colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the lungs are indicative of pathology but are not diagnostic for a specific etiology. Consideration is given to infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic causes.\nThe pulmonary effusion was evaluated only partially due to limited images. The radiographs provided do not identify the specific cause of the patient's clinical signs, so toxicity or metabolic causes cannot be ruled out.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\nColonic foreign body as described.\nThere is cardiomegaly. This is most consistent with cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture, and sensitivity to investigate the changes in the lungs further. A CT scan may also yield additional information.\nDue to limited evaluation, additional radiographic views or advanced imaging should be considered if a more thorough evaluation is needed.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.\nMonitor for passage of the described colonic foreign body in the stool.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy."}
{'bday': '2018-11-05', 'name': 'ARMSTRONG^BEBE', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Melanie ', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Myrtle Avenue Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Eureka', 'clinician': 'Erica Robinson'}
Apologies for single view, I was worried this pt had pleural fluid based on resp effort and lateral view; I TFAST'ed and did not observe fluid around heart. No murmur or arrthymia asculted. Presented flat, 104.4, (known unusual) ingestion of Yesterday News cat litter--observed in fecal material Hx of chronic rhinosinusitis 101.4 today after two doses of Orbax/fluids
Pulmonary changes? Pt appears to be improving overall here with care, but this is an office cat that isn't closely monitored.
['Resp signs - general', 'non-specific-ADR']
['Collapsed', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[65, 131, 545, 2179, 2327]
['Pleural effusion', 'Respiratory tract infection, upper (URTI)']
[517, 2032]
['Antibiotic', 'Fluid therapy', 'Echocardiogram']
[961, 1029, 2016]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-11-10', 'name': 'Wooten^Georgia', 'breed': 'Collie Mix', 'owner': 'Wooten^Charlene', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital - Oak Mountain ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'vomiting despite normal rads and normal cpl not eating after intial therapy, ', 'questions': 'obsturction vs neoplasia', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1057, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L4-L5']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo apparent masses were noted in the abdomen.\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and the clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis. On radiographs, no obstructive pattern or foreign body is visible, although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If medical management does not result in a response, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess the gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.'}
{'bday': '2014-11-10', 'name': 'Wooten^Georgia', 'breed': 'Collie Mix', 'owner': 'Wooten^Charlene', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital - Oak Mountain ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}
vomiting despite normal rads and normal cpl not eating after intial therapy,
obsturction vs neoplasia
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 606, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2009-12-31', 'name': 'TABBY', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'WOOTEN', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Auburn', 'clinician': 'Dr. Rule'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Tabby presents for raspy, hard breathing.She takes methimazole as well as in injection for IBS.She had an antibiotic injection with her regular veterinarian.Unusual breathing noticed today, and she has been hiding all day.Steroid injections has become as frequent as monthly.Without it, she is having blood in stool that she drags around the house.\r\nTabby was pale/pink, moist;\xa0CRT < 1.Ammonia hallitosis.\r\nC/V\xa0Dyspnea.Respiratory rate 124/M.Femoral pulses were strong and synchronous.', 'questions': 'R/O: \xa0Heart failure.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1033, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 429, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 775, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Concern for urinary obstruction, no calculi', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1099, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - GEN, unstructured interstitial, CHF', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Smelly/bad breath'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}, {'id': 2670, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'resp signs - upper vs lower'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The left and right kidney measures below normal range. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial . The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2579, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tortuous vessels', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGeneralized cardiomegaly and unstructured interstitial pattern throughout the lungs as described. Possible differentials include: HCMy, UCM with pulmonary edema \nThe small kidney(s) may indicate chronic renal disease.\nDistended urinary bladder with no apparent calculi observed.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further assessment, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement would be optimal. Diuretics, as pre-load reducer, are a mainstay of reducing pulmonary edema. \n\nSupportive care such as oxygen therapy may be indicated. Additional cardiac medication should also be considered.\n\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small kidney(s).\n\n\nConsider further assesement of GI signs faecal analysis including paristology (Tritricomonas) a low grade lymphoma would also be a consideration and therefore a more comprehenive investigation may follow stablisation of cardiac disease and the abdominal ultrasound to include FNA / b12 quantification +/- hydrlysed diet trial or endoscopic investigations as indicated of the GI tract '}
{'bday': '2009-12-31', 'name': 'TABBY', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'WOOTEN', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Auburn', 'clinician': 'Dr. Rule'}
Tabby presents for raspy, hard breathing.She takes methimazole as well as in injection for IBS.She had an antibiotic injection with her regular veterinarian.Unusual breathing noticed today, and she has been hiding all day.Steroid injections has become as frequent as monthly.Without it, she is having blood in stool that she drags around the house. Tabby was pale/pink, moist; CRT < 1.Ammonia hallitosis. C/V Dyspnea.Respiratory rate 124/M.Femoral pulses were strong and synchronous.
R/O:  Heart failure.
['Resp signs - heart/lungs', 'resp signs - upper vs lower', 'screening-thorax', 'screening-abdomen']
['Dyspnoea', 'Halitosis/bad breath', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline', 'Hematochezia']
[50, 229, 674, 2179, 2327, 2475]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-01-14', 'name': 'Hamide^Annten^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Hamide', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute onset of vomiting and anorexia ', 'questions': 'large liver palpated on exam, p in general has poor quality hair coat. Labs are pending ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 185, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- severe(ill)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The spleen appears prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration, rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes. \nSplenomegaly with differentials including benign etiologies (sedation if applicable, EMH and lymphoid hyperplasia), infiltrative disease (round cell neoplasia) and infectious etiologies (ie: tick borne diseases). \nSpondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the enlarged spleen and if enlargement is confirmed, an FNA sample is recommended to determine etiology.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-01-14', 'name': 'Hamide^Annten^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Hamide', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}
Acute onset of vomiting and anorexia
large liver palpated on exam, p in general has poor quality hair coat. Labs are pending
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Lab work pending', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 606, 2352, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-08-14', 'name': 'rivero^oreo^^^', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'rivero', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Katy ', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'pet came today o noticed yesterday his left leg was swollen, o not sure what might had happened and for how long. o has only had pet for a week, no other concerns e/d- ok no v/d/s/c', 'questions': 'swelling of left hock joint, non painful, non movable, fluid noted. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level', 'overcall_high_radiographic'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['bone-lesion-spine', 'Distal fabella displacement', 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'right-heart-enlargement']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 227, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - unlabeled study', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Labels on the VD view are not consistent with history and other images. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures, however, occult Salter Harris fracture cannot be ruled out. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, soft tissue injury, less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of soft tissue injury and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'There is a non displaced, closed, comminuted fracture of the left, digit 3. ', 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['non displaced', 'closed', 'comminuted'], '___s2_': ['left', 'digit 3']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2274, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The growth plates appear within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ growth plate of the ___s2_ appears ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'hock']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'internal_notes': 'No fracture', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the left hock. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLabels on the VD view are not consistent with history and other images.\nSoft tissue swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures, however, occult Salter Harris fracture cannot be ruled out. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, soft tissue injury, less likely neoplastic disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of soft tissue injury and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.'}
{'bday': '2024-08-14', 'name': 'rivero^oreo^^^', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'rivero', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Katy ', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
pet came today o noticed yesterday his left leg was swollen, o not sure what might had happened and for how long. o has only had pet for a week, no other concerns e/d- ok no v/d/s/c
swelling of left hock joint, non painful, non movable, fluid noted.
['neoplasia-musculoskeletal', 'trauma-fractures']
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[575, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-01-09', 'name': 'Pedersen^Pippi', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Pedersen^Regina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner travels for work for extended periods of time and came home last night to find patient painful in the rear end. Patient seems to be favoring one of the rear legs, but owner is not sure which one. She cried all night which is unusual for her, and had some soft stool on the floor in clinic. Owner bathed her last night and did not find any apparent sources of pain. E/D ok. No V. Soft stool present today. ', 'questions': 'Abdomen obstruction, not real sure P is acting painful somewhere ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarrhea, normal gut', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 520, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Faecal appearance abnormal - other'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2678, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not determined from the radiographs. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome or other cause should be considered. Interverterbral disc disease is also a differential given clinical signs. The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling, which does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. The urinary bladder is distended, suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside. Gastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported clinical signs. Medical management of the gastrointestinal signs is indicated at this time.\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury or there is no response to treatment, consider complete orthopedic evaluation +/- orthopedic consult.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi."}
{'bday': '2014-01-09', 'name': 'Pedersen^Pippi', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Pedersen^Regina', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Reno', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Reno'}
Owner travels for work for extended periods of time and came home last night to find patient painful in the rear end. Patient seems to be favoring one of the rear legs, but owner is not sure which one. She cried all night which is unusual for her, and had some soft stool on the floor in clinic. Owner bathed her last night and did not find any apparent sources of pain. E/D ok. No V. Soft stool present today.
Abdomen obstruction, not real sure P is acting painful somewhere
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'lameness-hindLimb']
['Diarrhea', 'abnormal fecal appearance', 'Pain', 'Hindlimb lameness']
['Vomiting', 'Drinking less', 'Eating normally', 'Canine Small Breed']
[76, 520, 2186, 2345]
[256, 619, 2535, 2654]
['Intestinal obstruction']
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-01-01', 'name': 'Packard^Marie^^^', 'breed': 'Miniature Poodle', 'owner': 'packard', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'attacked by another dog, degloving injuries on paw', 'questions': 'fracture', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 394, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S Limb Fracture- Chip fracture', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['chip'], '___s2_': ['digit 3']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digit 3']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a chip fracture of the digit 3. There is soft tissue swelling involving digit 3. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nChip fracture identified, as evidenced by a small bony fragment separated from the main portion of the bone.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider CT scan for further investigation of the chip fracture. Based on clinical signs, determine if splinting and exercise restriction may be adequate versus orthopedic consult and surgical intervention.'}
{'bday': '2020-01-01', 'name': 'Packard^Marie^^^', 'breed': 'Miniature Poodle', 'owner': 'packard', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}
attacked by another dog, degloving injuries on paw
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Canine Small Breed']
[37, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-01-26', 'name': 'Geeslin, Beth^Walter', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Geeslin, Beth', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet was presented for heat exhaustion. Temperature was 107.9 and was brought down to 101.5 within 45 minutes with supported care. Pet was on oxygen support and given SQ fluids. Current temperature is 99.7. Bloodwork shows Creatinine is 1.5 (0.4-1.4), AST is 116 (0-60), HGB is 19.1 (11.0-19.0), and HCT is 57 (33-56). ', 'questions': 'Abnormal thorax, abdomen ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 338, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Cranial mediastinal fat vs mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 358, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - stifle arthritis, not primary problem', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 388, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - Mineralized disc, no TID', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 495, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'elapsedTime': 21.874, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Gas, fluids given', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The soft tissue opacity and subcutaneous gas noted in the region of the thorax is consistent with prior administration of subcutaneous fluids. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 838, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - mineralized bronchi', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1135, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - SPN, VAN, incidental', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}, {'id': 2695, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Haemoconcentration'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['dorsal', 'thorax']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple thoracic vertebrae']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L5-L6']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 257, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heat stroke'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 50, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)'}, {'id': 995, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'oxygen-therapy'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nSymmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. The increased opacity noted within the lung fields is suspected to be artifactual or due to superimposition of normal structures. There is mineralization noted in the pulmonary parenchyma and/or bronchi. While there are areas of mineralization, there are also region that are nearly nodular in appearance. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at L5-L6. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. Vertebral anomaly is noted at multiple thoracic vertebrae. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right stifle. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the dorsal and thorax. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2501, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'focal-loss-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMineralization noted within the bronchi may be secondary to age-related changes though chronic lower airway inflammation cannot be ruled out.\nOpacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out.\nNearly nodule regions could represent metastatic neoplasia.\nPresence of a mineralized disc may indicate IVDD.\nOsteoarthritis of the stifles.\nSpondylosis deformans and vertebral anomaly noted. Likely incidental.\nThe soft tissue opacity and subcutaneous gas noted in the region of the thorax is consistent with prior administration of subcutaneous fluids.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and exam findings for further investigation of the mineralization noted within the bronchi.\nConsider an ultrasound and/or CT of the cranial thorax to confirm the diagnosis of the opacity suspected to be a fatty deposition and to rule out a mediastinal mass or other pulmonary nodules. \nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis of the stifles.\nCorrelate this finding with physical exam for clinical significance.\nCorrelate with clinical history.'}
{'bday': '2017-01-26', 'name': 'Geeslin, Beth^Walter', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Geeslin, Beth', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center & Emergency Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Union City Veterinary Medical Center'}
Pet was presented for heat exhaustion. Temperature was 107.9 and was brought down to 101.5 within 45 minutes with supported care. Pet was on oxygen support and given SQ fluids. Current temperature is 99.7. Bloodwork shows Creatinine is 1.5 (0.4-1.4), AST is 116 (0-60), HGB is 19.1 (11.0-19.0), and HCT is 57 (33-56).
Abnormal thorax, abdomen
['screening-thorax', 'screening-abdomen']
['Fever/pyrexia', 'Elevated liver enzymes', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic', 'Haemoconcentration']
[545, 2404, 2654, 2657, 2695]
['Heat stroke']
['Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)', 'Oxygen therapy']
[50, 995]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-12-25', 'name': 'Money^Harper', 'breed': 'Mixed - Large', 'owner': 'Meghan', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Leslie Willis'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P limping, holding up front right paw ', 'questions': 'O assumes P and other household pet were playing and she jumped off the bed or something related ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2548, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'falling off bed/ Fallen off something'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the study, which is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction is recommended. If there is no response to treatment or if the exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest, and potentially consult with an orthopedic specialist."}
{'bday': '2020-12-25', 'name': 'Money^Harper', 'breed': 'Mixed - Large', 'owner': 'Meghan', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Carrollton', 'clinician': 'Leslie Willis'}
P limping, holding up front right paw
O assumes P and other household pet were playing and she jumped off the bed or something related
['Traumatic injury', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Jumped off something', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[259, 2346, 2548, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-11-20', 'name': 'Mimi', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Cline', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - San Antonio', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'History of liver disease, possible IBD', 'questions': 'Fluid noted ion Fast scan, on tylosin, levothyroxine, and Sam-e', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 185, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- severe(ill)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration and most likely liver disease/failure. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling , or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance (liver enzymes, hypoalbuminemia).', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1211, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 5.387, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - No cause for abdominal pain. ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': ' Consider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of abdominal discomfort could include but not limited to pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD and constipation.\xa0', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend abdominal u/s, full cbc with pancreatitis testing , Canine CE-IBD assay test (although results are more accurate when signs persist for at least 3 weeks),\xa0 pre and post prandial bile acids and full urinalysis, fecal exam/tests +/- intestinal biopsy in severe cases (if suspecting IBD).\xa0', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ amount of fluid in the pleural space.'}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['moderate']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 145, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)'}, {'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hepatic (liver) encephalopathy (HE)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is evidence of a small amount of fluid in the pleural space. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is moderate loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration and most likely liver disease/failure. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes.\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, septic or non septic peritonitis or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nConsider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of abdominal discomfort could include but not limited to pancreatitis, liver disease, neoplasia, cystitis, IBD and constipation.\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal u/s, full cbc with pancreatitis testing, pre and post prandial bile acids and full urinalysis, fecal exam/tests +/- intestinal biopsy in severe cases (if suspecting IBD).\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling , or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance (liver enzymes, hypoalbuminemia).\nFor further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material, if warranted.'}
{'bday': '2012-11-20', 'name': 'Mimi', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Cline', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - San Antonio', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}
History of liver disease, possible IBD
Fluid noted ion Fast scan, on tylosin, levothyroxine, and Sam-e
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)', 'Hepatic (liver) encephalopathy (HE)']
[145, 976]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-08-27', 'name': 'Sisco^Kitty Girl', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'Sisco^Shanna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Powers Pet Emergency and Specialty', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Colorado Springs', 'clinician': 'PowersPet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '7yo FS Russian Blue presented for hiding last night, this morning abdominal effort to breathing and tachypnea. Pt vomited once liquid and semi digested food this morning en route to hospital. \r\nHx asthma for ~3 years, treated every few months with steroid injections; last received injection last week. \r\nPatient left hospital and returned ~1 hour later open mouth breathing, received albuterol. \r\nCBC - WBC 20.93k/uL, Neuts 17.06 k/uL, Monos 1.04 k/uL, Eos 0.12 k/uL, Platelets 100 k/uL. BNP pending', 'questions': 'Suspect pneumonia (aspiration +/- other) +/- asthma vs heart failure or other pulmonary infiltrates. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1115, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - venous congestion, heart failure', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1302, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Feline - Symptomatic, PEF & infiltrates', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire'], '___s2_': ['alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ .'}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2449, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fissure', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A pleural fissure line is noted in the ___s1_ thorax.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [{'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Corticosteroid'}, {'id': 2227, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'recommendation_name': 'Feline asthma'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. A bronchial pattern is present. A pleural fissure line is noted in the cranioventral thorax. There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, characterized as an alveolar pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nPresence of cardiomegaly, accumulation of fluid and pulmonary infiltrates are consistent with congestive heart failure.\nHepatomegaly likely secondary to venous congestion caused by concurrent congestive heart failure.\n\nRecommendations:\nTreatment for congestive heart failure with diuretics is recommended. Consider an echocardiogram, blood pressure measurement and possible thoracocentesis. Also consider pre-diuretic lab-work (CBC/chemistry) and monitoring renal values during treatment. Serial thoracic radiographs to monitor for responsiveness to treatment (eg. every 6-12 hours depending on progression) are also recommended.\nAbdominal ultrasound with FNA and cytology can be considered for further investigation if warranted.'}
{'bday': '2017-08-27', 'name': 'Sisco^Kitty Girl', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'Sisco^Shanna', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Powers Pet Emergency and Specialty', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Colorado Springs', 'clinician': 'PowersPet'}
7yo FS Russian Blue presented for hiding last night, this morning abdominal effort to breathing and tachypnea. Pt vomited once liquid and semi digested food this morning en route to hospital. Hx asthma for ~3 years, treated every few months with steroid injections; last received injection last week. Patient left hospital and returned ~1 hour later open mouth breathing, received albuterol. CBC - WBC 20.93k/uL, Neuts 17.06 k/uL, Monos 1.04 k/uL, Eos 0.12 k/uL, Platelets 100 k/uL. BNP pending
Suspect pneumonia (aspiration +/- other) +/- asthma vs heart failure or other pulmonary infiltrates.
['Panting', 'Vomiting', 'Tachypnoea', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[177, 256, 666, 2179, 2327]
['Corticosteroid', 'Feline asthma']
[976, 2227]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-01-01', 'name': 'Racine^Zoey', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'Racine', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Shores Animal Hospital (FL)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - St. Augustine', 'clinician': 'Shores Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for holding up her right front leg. Symptoms have been going on for 6-12 months but has gotten progressively worse in the last 1-2 weeks. Patient is walking on the leg but holds it up on and off. ', 'questions': 'Right front leg concern. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1122, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 15.911, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - Chronic/healing fracture, muscle atrophy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with history of limb use. Recommend fracture stabilization, if not completely healed, and physiotherapy. Orthopedic consultation may be beneficial ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2658, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'chondrodysplastic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of healing of the fracture noted as obscured fracture lines and callus formation on the right distal ulna. ', 'elapsedTime': 102.097, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of healing of the fracture noted as obscured fracture lines and callus formation on the right distal ulna. There is atrophy of the musculature over the right front limb. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nChronic fracture with associated muscle atrophy consistent with limb disuse, although lower motor neuron abnormalities cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with history of limb use. Recommend fracture stabilization, if not completely healed, and physiotherapy. Orthopedic consultation may be beneficial.'}
{'bday': '2016-01-01', 'name': 'Racine^Zoey', 'breed': 'Pomeranian', 'owner': 'Racine', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Shores Animal Hospital (FL)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - St. Augustine', 'clinician': 'Shores Animal Hospital'}
Patient presented for holding up her right front leg. Symptoms have been going on for 6-12 months but has gotten progressively worse in the last 1-2 weeks. Patient is walking on the leg but holds it up on and off.
Right front leg concern.
['Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Chondrodysplastic']
[2185, 2346, 2545, 2654, 2658]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-02-08', 'name': 'Wesen^Nola', 'breed': 'Pitbull Mix', 'owner': 'Wesen^Lauren', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PetVets Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Oak Park ', 'clinician': 'PetVets Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Recheck rads after being on Amoxicllin/Clavulanic acid for 7 days. Patient initially seen for coughing/suspected bronchitis about 1 month ago; no improvement w/ cough tabs or doxycycline initailly. Owner reports patient's cough and energy level has improved significantly since starting the abx; Nola is now only coughing in the morning and when she gets excited. Cardiomegaly noted on previous rads, no murmurs auscultated. Patient is on a grain-free diet. Iniital rads were taken on 7/16/24. ", 'questions': 'Checking for improvement of bronchitis; clinically patient has improved w/ abx. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Summation(FP)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 837, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 229.203, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - bronchiectasis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Bronchiectasis identified consistent with a chronic bronchitis. Differentials may include allergic bronchitis, chronic infectious bronchitis, or other inflammatory causes. Persistent bronchial pattern, as described. Minimal improvement in radiographic evidence of bronchitis noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Minimal improvement in radiographic evidence of bronchitis noted. Clinical findings of progress will often lead radiographic changes in these cases. Given the chronicity of the condition radiographic resolution may not occur.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 617, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Polydipsia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'cranioventral lung field']}}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranial']}}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Bronchitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2681, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'follow-up-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in the cranial abdomen suspected to be summation of structures in the region. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. Bronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the right cranioventral lung field. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBronchiectasis identified consistent with chronic bronchitis, differentials may include allergic bronchitis, chronic infectious bronchitis, or other inflammatory causes. Persistent bronchial pattern noted with minimal improvement in radiographic evidence. \nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however, the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size, which does not rule out cardiomyopathy. \nSummation of soft tissue structures as described previously is suspected to be overlap of normal anatomy, though a mass or lymphadenopathy in the region cannot be completely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMinimal improvement in radiographic evidence of bronchitis noted, and given the chronicity of the condition, radiographic resolution may not occur. Consider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease. Additionally, consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a mass or lymphadenopathy in the area.'}
{'bday': '2018-02-08', 'name': 'Wesen^Nola', 'breed': 'Pitbull Mix', 'owner': 'Wesen^Lauren', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PetVets Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Oak Park ', 'clinician': 'PetVets Animal Hospital'}
Recheck rads after being on Amoxicllin/Clavulanic acid for 7 days. Patient initially seen for coughing/suspected bronchitis about 1 month ago; no improvement w/ cough tabs or doxycycline initailly. Owner reports patient's cough and energy level has improved significantly since starting the abx; Nola is now only coughing in the morning and when she gets excited. Cardiomegaly noted on previous rads, no murmurs auscultated. Patient is on a grain-free diet. Iniital rads were taken on 7/16/24.
Checking for improvement of bronchitis; clinically patient has improved w/ abx.
['Coughing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[69, 2656, 2702]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-08-20', 'name': 'Quin^Mack', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Quin^Patrick', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting and diarrhea present - follow up film from last night', 'questions': 'Is this surgical', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 725, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - follow up 2 pops, still present', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Comparing to previous images, there appears to be progressive mild to moderate distension of the small intestine. No obvious foreign body is noted. Given the progressive distension, a partial obstruction should be considered though enteritis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Recommend abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of intestinal obstruction prior to exploratory surgery. Exploratory surgery may be considered based on the patient's clinical status.", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nComparing to previous images, there appears to be progressive mild to moderate distension of the small intestine. No obvious foreign body is noted. Given the progressive distension, a partial obstruction should be considered though enteritis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of intestinal obstruction prior to exploratory surgery. Exploratory surgery may be considered based on the patient's clinical status."}
{'bday': '2021-08-20', 'name': 'Quin^Mack', 'breed': 'Retriever, Labrador', 'owner': 'Quin^Patrick', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'I-20 Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Hudson Oaks', 'clinician': 'I-20 Animal Hospital'}
Vomiting and diarrhea present - follow up film from last night
Is this surgical
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Abdomen']
[76, 256, 2656, 2703]
{'patient': {'bday': '2006-03-08', 'name': 'Ernest^Sandy', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Ernest^Paul', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presents for: Crying out \r\nSigns and symptoms: O states pt is crying out like in pain, stumbling around, walking into things and circling. Smells like she had diarrhea. \r\nEvents leading up to problem: O states she woke up around 3am to pt crying out in the living room \r\nAllergies:none \r\nMedications: none\r\nLast oral intake food/water: Sunday night at 9pm\r\nPertinent past history: pt is blind \r\n', 'questions': 'r/o neoplasia ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarrhea, normal gut', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 383, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine - bridging spondylosis, pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1277, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Neg Abdomen - Normal GI, Other underlying reason for Gi signs noted on film', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 145, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Whining'}, {'id': 649, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vision impaired'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2476, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Circling/spinning'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': True, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Non specific neuro signs'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 699, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Renal Mineralization', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the ___s1_ kidney. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the lumber spine']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1653, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Neurological (nervous system) disorder (unspecified)'}, {'id': 2443, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'neoplasia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left and right kidney. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at multiple areas in the lumber spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not determined from the radiographs. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome or other cause should be considered.\nAbnormalities noted above may likely be the cause of the described GI symptoms reported. No radiographic evidence of gastrointestinal obstruction or foreign body was seen.\nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nSevere bridging spondylosis. Clinical signs described could be due to discogenic pain.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material, if warranted.\nConsider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation of the reported clinical signs. Medical management is indicated at this time.\nMedical management may assist in alleviating the reported symptoms. Recheck radiographs are recommended if there is no improvement and/or if there is a high likelihood for a gastrointestinal cause for the clinical signs.\nConsider blood pressure, biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion for renal disease.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.\nConsider exercise restriction and analgesics for severe bridging spondylosis, and if signs persist, consider an MRI scan for further assessment.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2006-03-08', 'name': 'Ernest^Sandy', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Ernest^Paul', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Tyler', 'clinician': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital '}
Patient presents for: Crying out Signs and symptoms: O states pt is crying out like in pain, stumbling around, walking into things and circling. Smells like she had diarrhea. Events leading up to problem: O states she woke up around 3am to pt crying out in the living room Allergies:none Medications: none Last oral intake food/water: Sunday night at 9pm Pertinent past history: pt is blind
r/o neoplasia
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Diarrhea', 'Vocalizing ', 'Whining/whimpering/groaning', 'Impaired vision', 'Pain', 'Circling/spinning', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['Non specific neuro signs']
[76, 145, 292, 649, 2186, 2476, 2656]
['Neurological (nervous system) disorder (unspecified)']
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-01-01', 'name': 'R&D test - pls ignore2', 'breed': 'Aidi', 'owner': 'R&D test - pls ignore2', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '99', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Example Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Itay Shaviv'}, 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'R&D test - pls ignore', 'questions': 'R&D test - pls ignore', 'channel_id': 'specialist_stat', 'specialty_area': 'Oncology'}}
{'bday': '2024-01-01', 'name': 'R&D test - pls ignore2', 'breed': 'Aidi', 'owner': 'R&D test - pls ignore2', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '99', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED'}
{'name': 'Example Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Itay Shaviv'}
R&D test - pls ignore
R&D test - pls ignore
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-07-01', 'name': 'Gunner', 'breed': 'Great Dane', 'owner': 'Tracy Treviño', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Everhart Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Corpus Christi', 'clinician': 'Christopher Knowlton'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented with swelling in the left rear extremity, particularly the left thigh. Patient did not show evidence of pain, but was started on Carprofen for pain and inflammation. Was also tested positive for heartworm infection. ', 'questions': 'Confirming soft tissue swelling and potential stifle involvement.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 30.807, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or neoplastic disease.\xa0\nProminent lymph node as described. Rule out reactive lymph node versus neoplastic.\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend medical management for soft tissue injury and tissue sampling if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered. \nRecommend palpation of the region of interest and ultrasound to confirm the presence of prominent lymph nodes. Consider FNA with cytology if indicated.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'hind limb']}}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2320, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion-na', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'popliteal']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1339, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'heartworm-test'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the left hind limb. There are factors affecting the stifle preventing adequate interpretation of the joint space. The left popliteal lymph node appears prominent. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2320, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling observed with no pathology in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or neoplastic disease. \nProminent lymph node noted, requiring ruling out of reactive lymph node versus neoplastic.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and consider tissue sampling if necessary. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could be considered for further evaluation. Palpate the region of interest and perform ultrasound to confirm the presence of prominent lymph nodes, and consider FNA with cytology if indicated.'}
{'bday': '2018-07-01', 'name': 'Gunner', 'breed': 'Great Dane', 'owner': 'Tracy Treviño', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Everhart Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Corpus Christi', 'clinician': 'Christopher Knowlton'}
Patient presented with swelling in the left rear extremity, particularly the left thigh. Patient did not show evidence of pain, but was started on Carprofen for pain and inflammation. Was also tested positive for heartworm infection.
Confirming soft tissue swelling and potential stifle involvement.
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[575, 2656]
['Heartworm test']
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-07-05', 'name': 'benitez^Joy Cherie', 'breed': 'Unknown', 'owner': 'benitez^Wanda', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kissimmee', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '2 hours ago pt fell from O arms and is now limping back right leg. ', 'questions': 'rule out fractures ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1102, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma, only significant finding', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'hind limb']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right hind limb. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management for soft tissue injury and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.'}
{'bday': '2024-07-05', 'name': 'benitez^Joy Cherie', 'breed': 'Unknown', 'owner': 'benitez^Wanda', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Kissimmee', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}
2 hours ago pt fell from O arms and is now limping back right leg.
rule out fractures
['Traumatic injury', 'Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Fell/dropped', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[259, 2185, 2345, 2530, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-01-04', 'name': 'Davis^Hamburger', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Davis^Aaron', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fairview Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairview', 'clinician': 'Danielle Grigsby'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Please see notes from the following Stat review- these are additional views ', 'questions': 'see notes ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 404, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 30.875, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - Muscle atrophy cause unknown, suspected', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Muscle atrophy noted as described. This may be positional but secondary to disuse or neurogenic causes are possible. Additionally given the obliquity of the radiographs this may be artifactual as well.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 765, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 35.342, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for chronic lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The radiographs provided do not identify other causes of the patient's clinical signs. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1047, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 23.634, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild arthritis of the carpus, as described, may contribute to clinical signs. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1082, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 2272, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['left', 'humerus']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Musculature of the limbs appears symmetrical.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ atrophy of the musculature over the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2446, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left carpus, noted on the carpal bone. ', 'elapsedTime': 12.295, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The carpal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ carpus. '}, {'id': 2503, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a fragmentation of the right sesamoid bone in the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus muscle (medial carpus)', 'elapsedTime': 77.9, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-sesamoid', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Fragmented sesamoid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a fragmentation of the ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2566, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a metallic opacity foreign body noted in the subcutaneous tissues of the ventral thorax.', 'elapsedTime': 29.449, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['metallic'], '___s2_': ['ventral', 'thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ opacity foreign body noted on the ___s2_.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1740, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Peripheral neuropathy - radial neuropathy'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2677, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-frontLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is mild atrophy of the musculature over the left and humerus. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left carpus, noted on the carpal bone. There is a fragmentation of the right sesamoid bone in the tendon of the abductor pollicis longus muscle (medial carpus). There is a metallic opacity foreign body noted in the subcutaneous tissues of the ventral thorax. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2503, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-sesamoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2667, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-spine', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2668, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ruin-lesion', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nMild arthritis of the carpus may contribute to clinical signs. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling, but this does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. Consider a possible vascular event/thrombosis. Muscle atrophy noted may be positional, secondary to disuse or neurogenic causes, or artifactual due to the obliquity of the radiographs. Additionally, there is a suspected subcutaneous foreign body as described.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination and consider analgesic and exercise restriction while monitoring the response to therapy.\nFor further investigation of the described clinical signs, recommend sedation and additional views of the region of interest, or advanced imaging such as MRI or CT scan, with the possibility of an orthopedic consult.\nCorrelate findings with history and physical examination.\nConsider exploration of the local tissue for removal if clinical signs warrant due to the described foreign body.\nClosely evaluate the limb for perfusion deficits, consider close palpation for pulse, visual inspection of the nail beds for cyanosis, and measurements of glucose and lactate in the affected limbs and in the non affected limbs. '}
{'bday': '2017-01-04', 'name': 'Davis^Hamburger', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Davis^Aaron', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fairview Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairview', 'clinician': 'Danielle Grigsby'}
Please see notes from the following Stat review- these are additional views
see notes
['Lameness', 'Feline', 'Forelimb lameness']
[2185, 2327, 2346]
['Peripheral neuropathy - radial neuropathy']
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-07-01', 'name': 'Cummings^Sparkler', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Cummings^Susan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Senior health check', 'questions': 'None', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 223, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Thin LAD', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 390, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - LS degeneration, no neuro signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 849, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 17.618000000000002, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Limited detail', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Due to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen, thorough GI and urinary tract evaluation is limited.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 119, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Health check '}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2540, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'geriatric-patient'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.379, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The patient is noted to be in thin body condition.', 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2276, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is sclerosis of the vertebral endplates of L7 and S1.', 'elapsedTime': 26.309, 'signal_name': 'sclerosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L7-S1']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2322, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization-na', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. ', 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to summation of structures and exposure settings.', 'elapsedTime': 25.381, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with gas. There is mild loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. Visibility of the kidneys is limited preventing thorough evaluation. The loss of detail noted in the abdomen is suspected to be artifactual and related to the summation of structures and exposure settings. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is sclerosis of the vertebral endplates of L7 and S1. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L7-S1. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. There are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. The patient is noted to be in thin body condition. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2276, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sclerosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2322, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLoss of detail in the abdomen is most consistent with a lack of intra-abdominal fat. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out.\nDue to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen, thorough GI and urinary tract evaluation is limited.\nLumbosacral degeneration.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\nThe cardiovascular structures are unremarkable with no evidence of enlargement or congestion. The lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology.\n\nRecommendations:\nAn AFAST +/- abdominal ultrasound is recommended for free fluid if clinically warranted.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small intestines.\nCorrelate with neurologic examination for clinical significance of lumbosacral degeneration.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of this bridging spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2011-07-01', 'name': 'Cummings^Sparkler', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Cummings^Susan', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': "Clevenger's Corner Veterinary Care", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'CCVC'}
Senior health check
['screening-thorax', 'screening-abdomen']
['Health check', 'Feline', 'Geriatric patient']
[119, 2327, 2540]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-11-03', 'name': 'Williams^Bella', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Williams^Sydney', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O stated P has passed a foreign object that looks like organs. O stated P was found about a month ago and is now strictly indoors. O stated P has been acting abnormal. O stated P is not spayed. ', 'questions': 'N/a', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['unacceptable', 'standard', 'findings_completed', 'Four'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The appearance of an enlarged liver is likely secondary to the age of the patient. A benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia) cannot be ruled out. Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis considered much less likely.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the small intestines are concerning for a two population of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 422, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Repros - UTD, early preg/pyo', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The uterus is distended with fluid.\xa0There appears to be mineralization associated with the left uterine horn which may be consistent with fetal skeletons.\xa0Early pregnancy is considered more likely, however, pyometra, mucometra and hydrometra cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of early pregnancy, and rule out other causes of the distended uterus.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1633, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of uterine distension or presence of fetuses are detected. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are ___s1_ distended tubular structures resembling uterine horns noted within the abdomen. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2556, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is mineral opacity noted in the ___s1_ and most likely associated with ___s2_. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'internal_notes': 'Mineralization within the left uterine horn noted - most likely fetal skeleton= early pregnancy; hepatomegaly most likely due to age of patient, infiltrative disease considered less likely\n\nGood review of findings.\nBut another equally good recommendation is exploratory surgery, spay, and liver biopsy if deemed warranted. Diagnosis and treatment all in one fell swoop.', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. Distended tubular structures resembling uterine horns are noted within the abdomen. There is mineral opacity noted in the caudal, abdomen and most likely associated with the uterus. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2283, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'feeding-tube', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2572, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Hiatal hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe uterus is distended with fluid.\xa0There appears to be mineralization associated with the left uterine horn which may be consistent with fetal skeletons.\xa0Early pregnancy is considered more likely, however, pyometra, mucometra and hydrometra cannot be ruled out.\nThe appearance of an enlarged liver is likely secondary to the age of the patient. A benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia) cannot be ruled out. Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis considered much less likely.\nThe changes noted in the small intestines are concerning for a two population of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of early pregnancy, and rule out other causes of the distended uterus.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying."}
{'bday': '2023-11-03', 'name': 'Williams^Bella', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Williams^Sydney', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
O stated P has passed a foreign object that looks like organs. O stated P was found about a month ago and is now strictly indoors. O stated P has been acting abnormal. O stated P is not spayed.
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion']
[92, 2184]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-04-19', 'name': 'Robles^Nandor^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'robles', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Metairie', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O has noticed some difficulty getting up onto the bed and up into the car. Previously diagnosed with decreased range of motion in the right hind limb. ', 'questions': 'Young P, concern for hip dysplasia +/- Hip OA', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1091, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 76.468, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb - Normal hip screening', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Both hips are unremarkable with adequate acetabular coverage and congruency. No evidence of degenerative joint disease or mineralization is observed. It is possible for hip incongruity or laxity to be present with no evidence radiographically. Soft tissue injury and neuropathy cannot be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend neurological exam and medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. Additional radiographic views including stress radiographs or compression-distraction radiographs may be more sensitive in detecting presence of joint laxity. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2538, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cant-struggle-jump'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBoth hips are unremarkable with adequate acetabular coverage and congruency. No evidence of degenerative joint disease or mineralization is observed. It is possible for hip incongruity or laxity to be present with no evidence radiographically. Soft tissue injury and neuropathy cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend neurological exam and medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. Consider additional radiographic views including stress radiographs or compression-distraction radiographs for detecting the presence of joint laxity.'}
{'bday': '2023-04-19', 'name': 'Robles^Nandor^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'robles', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center- Main (SVP)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Metairie', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center'}
O has noticed some difficulty getting up onto the bed and up into the car. Previously diagnosed with decreased range of motion in the right hind limb.
Young P, concern for hip dysplasia +/- Hip OA
['Struggling to jump', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2538, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-04-20', 'name': 'Shopbell^Rook', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German Mix', 'owner': 'Shopbell^Sarah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner reports being unsure of what caused skin laceration on left rear foot; P unable to stand/walk upon presentation. Painful. Swelling in right rear leg.', 'questions': 'Femoral fractures, hip fractures, luxation', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 368, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - trauma, hip luxation', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1109, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S Limb Fracture - acute fracture, swelling, no subcut gas (closed fracture)', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 204, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['non displaced', 'closed', 'spiral'], '___s2_': ['right', 'distal', 'humeral epiphysis']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 790, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Hip Luxation', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is luxation of the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'distal', 'femur']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2334, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Wound - laceration'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}, {'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}, {'id': 2676, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-general'}, {'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is a non displaced closed spiral fracture of the right distal femoral epiphysis. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right distal femur. There is luxation of the right coxofemoral joint. There is a fracture of the L pubis. There is a L ischial fracture. There also appears to be a hairline fracture of the L acetabular head. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pelvic-fracture-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2653, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-fabella', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of appendicular and axial fractures as described with associated soft tissue swelling. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\nLuxation of the hip likely secondary to trauma.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider analgesics and stabilization, +/- orthopedic consultation.\nBased on history and other factors, consider options for closed reduction or surgical repair of the luxated hip.'}
{'bday': '2024-04-20', 'name': 'Shopbell^Rook', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German Mix', 'owner': 'Shopbell^Sarah', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}
Owner reports being unsure of what caused skin laceration on left rear foot; P unable to stand/walk upon presentation. Painful. Swelling in right rear leg.
Femoral fractures, hip fractures, luxation
['trauma-fractures', 'trauma-general', 'lameness-general', 'lameness-hindLimb']
['Reluctant to move/walk', 'Pain', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[204, 2186, 2545, 2656]
['Wound - laceration']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-07-31', 'name': 'Wickey^Louie', 'breed': 'Unknown', 'owner': 'Wickey^jaclynn', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'labored breathing, lack of appetite. \r\n\r\nP arrived in respiratory distress. pale mm. crakled on pulmonary auscultation, nearly impossible to auscultate the heart. fluid wave in the abdomen. Diabetic. ', 'questions': 'see above', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'liver-mass', 'splenic-mass', 'splenic-nodule']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hepatomegaly may be consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), however, radiographic appearance may also be secondary to thoracic pathology noted.\xa0Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1142, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, incidental', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1173, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - heart not visible, PEF, suspicious for heart disease', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Visibility of the cardiac silhouette is limited due to border effacement preventing thorough evaluation. There is evidence of fluid in the peritoneum and pleural space, heart disease and feline infectious peritonitis are considered likely differentials. Neoplasia or other disease processes cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care and centesis for fluid analysis. Recheck radiographs after thoracocentesis to better assess the heart. Additionally an echocardiogram, an ECG and a blood pressure measurement should be considered.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': '', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Pleural Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of a ___s1_ amount of fluid in the pleural space.'}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 699, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Renal Mineralization', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the ___s1_ kidney. '}, {'id': 714, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, due to the large volume of pleural effusion.', 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['entire']}, 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity throughout the ___s1_ lung field, characterized as a ___s2_ .'}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2316, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No foreign material is apparent in the intestine. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 2372, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-na', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['pleural effusion']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Heart Score na', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The VHS cannot be calculated due to ___s1_.'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['liver and spleen'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe VHS cannot be calculated due to pleural effusion. There is evidence of a severe amount of fluid in the pleural space. There is increased opacity throughout the entire lung field, due to the large volume of pleural effusion. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left and right kidney. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the liver and spleen in the cranioventral abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2372, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nVisibility of the cardiac silhouette is limited due to border effacement preventing thorough evaluation. There is evidence of fluid in the peritoneum and pleural space, heart disease and feline infectious peritonitis are considered likely differentials. Neoplasia or other disease processes cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly may be consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), however, radiographic appearance may also be secondary to thoracic pathology noted.\xa0Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\nEvidence of fecal retention is noted in the colon.\nPresence of two populations of small intestine is noted. Based on the history provided, this may be an incidental finding although a mechanical obstruction or severe enteritis cannot be completely ruled out.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care and centesis for fluid analysis. Recheck radiographs after thoracocentesis to better assess the heart. Additionally an echocardiogram, an ECG and a blood pressure measurement should be considered.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the enlarged liver +/- FNA sampling or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion for renal disease.\nCorrelate with abdominal palpation to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.\nCorrelate with history and clinical symptoms for clinical significance. Re-evaluation may be necessary if clinical symptoms develop/worsen.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination.'}
{'bday': '2013-07-31', 'name': 'Wickey^Louie', 'breed': 'Unknown', 'owner': 'Wickey^jaclynn', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Northbrook', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care '}
labored breathing, lack of appetite. P arrived in respiratory distress. pale mm. crakled on pulmonary auscultation, nearly impossible to auscultate the heart. fluid wave in the abdomen. Diabetic.
see above
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Dyspnoea', 'Anorexia', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds']
[50, 606, 674, 2179, 2327, 2536]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-01-14', 'name': 'Devona^Jasper', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Devona^Lisa', 'gender': 'O', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Coco-Park Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Coconut Creek', 'clinician': 'Kelly Saporito'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner reports PU/PD for about 6 months but has been progressive. P has isosthenuric urine. Normal otherwise. UCS pending. Normal prostate and bladder on ultrasound. Weight loss (has lost 2.2lbs since Feb). Otitis and dermatitis present. Normal CBC, Chem, T4 (mildly elevated cholesterol), Lepto panel negative, baseline cortisol 2.1.', 'questions': 'Screening for masses/obvious explanation of weight loss', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 213, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Negative Thorax - No thoracic masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 837, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 8.069, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - bronchiectasis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider tracheal wash with cytology/culture for confirmation, and therapy with anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids for the identified bronchiectasis if clinically warranted.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1057, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Met check, no abd masses', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 686, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Polyuria/polydipsia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic', 'lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 873, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral lung field']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of bronchiectasis noted.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Bronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the ___s1_.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['C5-C6', 'C7-T1', 'C6-C7', 'T12-T13']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Ear (aural) infection'}, {'id': 1004, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - atopic dermatitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}, {'id': 2672, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-thorax'}, {'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2684, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'screening-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nBronchial pattern noted characterized by bronchiectasis in the cranioventral lung field. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at C5-C6, C7-T1, C6-C7 and T12-T13. There are degenerative changes affecting the left coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2373, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2496, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Larynx-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2603, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pharynx Narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nNo apparent masses noted in the abdomen.\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease.\nBronchiectasis identified consistent with a chronic bronchitis. Differentials may include allergic bronchitis, chronic infectious bronchitis, or other inflammatory causes.\nDegenerative joint disease of the left hip.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to investigate the enlarged liver further. FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nIf clinically warranted, consider tracheal wash with cytology/culture for confirmation and therapy with anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids for the identified bronchiectasis.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the left hip.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2012-01-14', 'name': 'Devona^Jasper', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Devona^Lisa', 'gender': 'O', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Coco-Park Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Coconut Creek', 'clinician': 'Kelly Saporito'}
Owner reports PU/PD for about 6 months but has been progressive. P has isosthenuric urine. Normal otherwise. UCS pending. Normal prostate and bladder on ultrasound. Weight loss (has lost 2.2lbs since Feb). Otitis and dermatitis present. Normal CBC, Chem, T4 (mildly elevated cholesterol), Lepto panel negative, baseline cortisol 2.1.
Screening for masses/obvious explanation of weight loss
['neoplasia-abdomen', 'neoplasia-thorax', 'screening-thorax', 'screening-abdomen']
['Losing weight', 'Polyuria/polydipsia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[140, 686, 2656]
['Ear (aural) infection', 'Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - atopic dermatitis']
[237, 1004]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-30', 'name': 'Lexi', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Toni Moore', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Dr. Anita Kalonaros'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P has been vomiting on and off for 4 days, vomiting up food. Defecating in and out of litter box for 1-2 weeks. Today o noticed diarrhea. Indoor only. P eats aggressively. O cut down on food and is giving small amounts, p will still vomit up the food. Not on any current medications.', 'questions': 'r/o fbo, possible thyroid issue, neoplasia vs other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 210, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - Poss large heart, no clinical signs', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 220, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 84.376, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal Feline - LAD, no pleural fluid', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. No concurrent pleural fluid to indicate heart failure. Rule out FIP, low oncotic pressure, portal thrombosis/hypertension, a neoplastic effusion. Systemic effects due to possible hyperthyroidism can not be ruled out radiographically. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider general blood work, including thyroid hormone levels, abdominocentesis, and analysis of the abdominal fluid to help determine the etiology. An abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 849, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 104.646, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Limited detail, Gi signs', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Due to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen, thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited. Radiographically, systemic GI signs secondary to metabolic disease, such as possible hyperthyroidism, can not be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 279, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Increased appetite'}, {'id': 522, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Incontinence - faecal'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Screening radiographs - Abdomen'}, {'id': 2713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Screening radiographs - M/S'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2270, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Thin body condition', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The patient is noted to be in thin body condition.'}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 575, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperthyroidism'}, {'id': 2443, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'neoplasia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart . The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is severe loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The patient is noted to be in thin body condition. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 705, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-fluid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. No concurrent pleural fluid to indicate heart failure. Rule out FIP, low oncotic pressure, portal thrombosis/hypertension, a neoplastic effusion. Systemic effects due to possible hyperthyroidism can not be ruled out radiographically.\nDue to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen, thorough evaluation of the GI tract is limited. Radiographically, systemic GI signs secondary to metabolic disease, such as possible hyperthyroidism, can not be ruled out.\nConcern for an enlarged cardiac silhouette, feline cardiac disease may be subtle without obvious changes to the cardiac silhouette. No evidence of failure is identified. Rule out incidental finding versus cardiomyopathy.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider general blood work, including thyroid hormone levels, abdominocentesis, and analysis of the abdominal fluid to help determine the etiology. An abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small intestines.\nConsider an echocardiogram to rule out cardiomyopathy.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.'}
{'bday': '2014-08-30', 'name': 'Lexi', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Toni Moore', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Dr. Anita Kalonaros'}
P has been vomiting on and off for 4 days, vomiting up food. Defecating in and out of litter box for 1-2 weeks. Today o noticed diarrhea. Indoor only. P eats aggressively. O cut down on food and is giving small amounts, p will still vomit up the food. Not on any current medications.
r/o fbo, possible thyroid issue, neoplasia vs other
['Vomiting-FB/obstruction', 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Increased appetite', 'Incontinence - faecal', 'Feline', 'Screening radiographs - Abdomen', 'Screening radiographs - M/S']
[76, 256, 279, 522, 2327, 2712, 2713]
['Hyperthyroidism', 'Neoplasia']
[575, 2443]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-08-21', 'name': 'NEILL^BIRDIE', 'breed': 'Domestic Mediumhair', 'owner': 'NEILL^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Walnut Street Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Cary', 'clinician': 'Walnut Street Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Urinating out side litter box, himaturia. normal eating, drinking', 'questions': 'uroliths, idiopathic cystitis', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 844, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Bladder Feline - Distended bladder, no stones, blocked cat', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 681, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 744, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The colon is unremarkable.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ accumulation of fecal material in the colon.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2265, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Urinary Bladder Distension', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is distension of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 2274, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The growth plates appear within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ growth plate of the ___s2_ appears ___s3_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2158, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urolithiasis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a mild accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2313, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'craniomandibular-osteopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Primary Conclusions:\nThe urinary bladder exhibits marked distension, with no radiographic evidence of cystic calculi. However, the absence of calculi on standard radiographs does not conclusively exclude the presence of radiolucent stones. The observed radiographic alterations, in conjunction with clinical manifestations, are indicative of a urethral obstruction. The possibility of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) remains undetermined.\n\nPrimary Recommendations:\nIt is advisable to complement the management of urinary obstruction with a biochemistry profile and electrolyte panel. Further evaluation should include urinalysis, potentially accompanied by culture, to assess for underlying infection or other abnormalities. Additionally, an abdominal ultrasound is recommended, as radiographs may not adequately visualize radiolucent stones, urinary sediment, or polyps.\n\nAdditional Conclusions:\nMild fecal retention noted; consider evaluation for constipation.\n\nAdditional Recommendations:\n A rectal examination is advised to exclude constipation.'}
{'bday': '2023-08-21', 'name': 'NEILL^BIRDIE', 'breed': 'Domestic Mediumhair', 'owner': 'NEILL^', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Walnut Street Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Cary', 'clinician': 'Walnut Street Animal Hospital'}
Urinating out side litter box, himaturia. normal eating, drinking
uroliths, idiopathic cystitis
['Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Urination abnormal - inappropriate urination', 'Feline']
[274, 681, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-12-04', 'name': 'Shannahan^Heathen', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Shannahan^Avalon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'History of eating socks as a puppy.\r\nDiarrhea for several days and recently with blood.\r\nVomiting bile and food today.', 'questions': 'Assess for FB', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['no_follow_up'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['peritoneal-mass', 'fluid-wispy', 'summation-structures', 'splenic-nodule', 'splenic-mass', 'liver-mass']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. No other gastrointestinal abnormalities are noted. Based on clinical history and radiographic findings, gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion and hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome should be considered. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Depending on the gastric material present, consideration may be given to inducing emesis, endoscopy or surgical exploration of the abdomen.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 739, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['with a cloth/material like texture']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Gastric Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The stomach contains a ___s1_ opacity ___s2_. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'internal_notes': 'Material noted may need surgical exploration or endoscopy', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a soft tissue opacity with a cloth/material like texture. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. No other gastrointestinal abnormalities are noted. Based on clinical history and radiographic findings, gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion and hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome should be considered.\n\nRecommendations:\nDepending on the gastric material present, consideration may be given to inducing emesis, endoscopy or surgical exploration of the abdomen.'}
{'bday': '2022-12-04', 'name': 'Shannahan^Heathen', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Shannahan^Avalon', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Cactus Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Cactus Pet'}
History of eating socks as a puppy. Diarrhea for several days and recently with blood. Vomiting bile and food today.
Assess for FB
['Diarrhea', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Vomiting', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 92, 256, 2475, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-06-29', 'name': 'Milligan^Nika', 'breed': 'Husky', 'owner': 'Milligan^Kerry', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting. hx of eating up shards of a colored pencil. blood work NSF and pt/pTT NSF extremely dehydrated. ', 'questions': 'FB vs HGE vs other ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 291, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Hypovolemia, microcardia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and the clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis. No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction was noted in the radiographs provided. The presence of occult foreign material cannot be completely excluded radiographically. Gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion, infectious conditions, parasitism, or a systemic illness, should be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['retroperitoneal space']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe caudal vena cava appears to be narrowed. The cardiac silhouette appears small in size. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mineral opacity noted in the retroperitoneal space on image 1 and 2. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and the clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with gastroenteritis. No evidence of intestinal foreign body or intestinal obstruction was noted in the radiographs provided. The presence of occult foreign material cannot be completely excluded radiographically. Gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion, infectious conditions, parasitism, or a systemic illness, should be considered.\nMicrocardia and a small caudal vena cava are consistent with hypovolemia.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of this bridging spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2013-06-29', 'name': 'Milligan^Nika', 'breed': 'Husky', 'owner': 'Milligan^Kerry', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}
hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting. hx of eating up shards of a colored pencil. blood work NSF and pt/pTT NSF extremely dehydrated.
FB vs HGE vs other
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general']
['Diarrhea', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Hematochezia', 'Dehydration', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 251, 256, 2475, 2482, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-11-13', 'name': 'Hearn^Chase', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Debbie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "patient presented with a history of not being able to stand up. owner noted this occurred a month ago, patient was unable to get up, and then when she did she walked very wobbly. this morning owner noted patient was panting heavily and couldn't get up again. ", 'questions': 'r/o arthritis v.s. other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 2.63, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Spondylosis deformans. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 412, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': True, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 75.39699999999999, 'consult_name': 'Negative M/S - no cause for hindlimb neuro signs', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No radiographic evidence is noted that correlates with the described clinical signs. Based on the clinical signs, TL myelopathy should be considered.\nConsider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of discomfort could include partial vertebral disc herniation and abdominal or other soft tissue origins.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical and neurological examination. Consider advanced imaging such as a myelogram or an MRI scan if clinically indicated. Conservative management of thoracolumbar myelopathy and back pain will center around strict cage rest, muscle relaxant medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and analgesics.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 429, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 667, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Subcutaneous mass', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 248, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Struggling to stand'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 798, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Kidney', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The ___s1_ kidney measures below normal range. '}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2268, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['on the ventral', 'thorax']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of dermal or subcutaneous masses observed. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a mass of ___s1_ opacity associated with the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2307, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tympanic bulla are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased opacity noted of the ___s1_ tympanic bulla. '}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2676, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe left kidney measures below the normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nSpondylosis deformans are noted in the lumbar spine and a mass of soft tissue opacity is associated with the ventral thorax. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo radiographic evidence is noted that correlates with the described clinical signs. Based on the clinical signs, TL myelopathy should be considered.\nConsider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of discomfort could include partial vertebral disc herniation and abdominal or other soft tissue origins.\nSpondylosis deformans.\nThe small kidney(s) may indicate chronic renal disease.\nSubcutaneous mass as described.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with physical and neurological examination. If clinically indicated, consider advanced imaging such as a myelogram or an MRI scan. Conservative management of thoracolumbar myelopathy and back pain will center around strict cage rest, muscle relaxant medications, anti-inflammatory medications, and analgesics.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the small kidney(s).\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider tissue sampling of the described subcutaneous/cutaneous mass to determine etiology.'}
{'bday': '2010-11-13', 'name': 'Hearn^Chase', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Debbie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Bohemia', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
patient presented with a history of not being able to stand up. owner noted this occurred a month ago, patient was unable to get up, and then when she did she walked very wobbly. this morning owner noted patient was panting heavily and couldn't get up again.
r/o arthritis v.s. other
['Panting', 'Struggling to stand', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[177, 248, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-08-03', 'name': 'Corrigan^LaLa', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Corrigan^Christilynn', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for vomiting up sand, unable to hold down water\r\nSymptoms started 2 days after ingesting sand.\r\nNo defecating / no urination.', 'questions': 'Small intestinal Sand impaction vs Colonic Sand impaction vs open dx', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 184.751, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - foreign material, likely sand impaction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A large amount of mineral opaque foreign material is noted within the intestines; however, given its location, it cannot be differentiated from the colon. Based on history and radiographic appearance, this is most consistent with a sand impaction. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 512, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['sand like']}}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L4-L5']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L4-L5. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is sand like foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA large amount of mineral opaque foreign material is noted within the intestines; however, given its location, it cannot be differentiated from the colon. Based on history and radiographic appearance, this is most consistent with a sand impaction.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care which may include anti-nausea, pain medications and fluids, with close monitoring of the patient for any change in clinical status. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess for progression of intestinal pattern. Surgical intervention may be necessary if causing an obstruction. Contrast may be helpful if vomiting can be controlled. \nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis if there are appropriate clinical signs. \nGiven the signs it would be a good idea to get bloodwork including electrolytes. '}
{'bday': '2016-08-03', 'name': 'Corrigan^LaLa', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Corrigan^Christilynn', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fountain Valley', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for vomiting up sand, unable to hold down water Symptoms started 2 days after ingesting sand. No defecating / no urination.
Small intestinal Sand impaction vs Colonic Sand impaction vs open dx
['Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting', 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency', 'Canine Small Breed']
[251, 256, 512, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-05-02', 'name': 'Craft^Sherlock', 'breed': 'Pointer, German Shorthaired', 'owner': 'Craft^Brittany', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for 4 hour history of vomiting and diarrhea. Some mucoid hemorrhagic material in stool. ', 'questions': 'concern for obstruction', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe gastroenterocolitis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1240, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. This may be contributing to the noted clinical signs.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time. Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small', 'mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with a gravel/sand like appearance']}}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach contains a small mineralized opacity with a gravel/sand like appearance. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe gastroenterocolitis and ileus cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\nGastric foreign body/material as described above, may or may not pass on its own. This may be contributing to the noted clinical signs.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status abdominal pain /cardiovascular instability etc. \nif performing medical management . Recheck fasting abdominal radiographs in 6-24 hours to monitor progression of the gastric foreign body/material.'}
{'bday': '2011-05-02', 'name': 'Craft^Sherlock', 'breed': 'Pointer, German Shorthaired', 'owner': 'Craft^Brittany', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Warner Robins', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}
Patient presented for 4 hour history of vomiting and diarrhea. Some mucoid hemorrhagic material in stool.
concern for obstruction
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hematochezia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 2475, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-04-06', 'name': 'Presley^Rudy^^^', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Presley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Now', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented today shaking and panting.\r\nP has a Hx of jumping from couch.\r\nNo V/D/C/S.\r\nCBC: WNL\r\nCHEM: WNL', 'questions': 'Painful Lower Back', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 233, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative M/S - Pain causing non-specific signs, normal rads, suspect neuro', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}, {'id': 631, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - spinal'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2158, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple thoracic vertebrae']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Vertebral Anomaly', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral anomaly is noted at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2673, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at multiple thoracic vertebrae. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo radiographic evidence for clinical signs described. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of discomfort could include partial vertebral disc herniation, abdominal or other soft tissue origins. \nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nVertebral anomaly. These are commonly incidental. The vertebral anomalies, these may predispose to IVDD and compressive myelopathy that can result in pain, paresis, or paralysis. \n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care for the reported clinical signs. Pain medicatiosn, muscle relaxants, and strict cage rest should be considered. Re-evaluate as clinically indicated to further investigate the possible sources of discomfort. Neurologic evaluation with potential myelogram +/- MRI, spinal tap may be necessary for a definitive diagnosis if empiric therapy and conservative management are not successful.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly.'}
{'bday': '2019-04-06', 'name': 'Presley^Rudy^^^', 'breed': 'French Bulldog', 'owner': 'Presley', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Now', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Miami', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}
P presented today shaking and panting. P has a Hx of jumping from couch. No V/D/C/S. CBC: WNL CHEM: WNL
Painful Lower Back
['Panting', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling', 'Pain - spinal', 'Fell/dropped', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[177, 620, 631, 2530, 2654, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-08-14', 'name': 'Ortiz^Luke', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Ortis^celine', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P seems to be dehydrated\r\nP presenting for low water intake and vomitting for 2 days, p vomited once on the way to the clinic. O gave p a bath at 9am.\r\nO states vomit consistancy is food and hairball. P indoor only\r\nc/s/v/d- v for 2 days\r\ne/d-h20 low, eating well\r\nrx-none\r\nFlea Control- none\r\nBCS: 6/9, euhydrated, pink/<2s \r\nAttitude: BAR\r\nEENT: PDG 1/4. Ptaylism \r\nCBC - NSF \r\nChem - CRE 1.7, GLU 159 (70-150) \r\nFPLi - normal ', 'questions': 'Ptaylism - anxious, nauseous vs other \r\nVomiting - dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis, FB, CKD vs other ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 75.57, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted, but given the history of hairball vomition, small intestinal obstruction or partial obstruction is a reasonable concern. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 531, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hypersalivation'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 15, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Two Populations of Small Intestine', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 738, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral and food/fecal']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Small Intestinal Foreign Material', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ foreign material located within the small intestine.'}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 1937, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['normal']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spleen Visible', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a ___s1_ appearance.'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 84, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Trichobezoar'}, {'id': 149, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pancreatitis'}, {'id': 527, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperglycaemia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen and has a normal appearance. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is mineral and food/fecal foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'proximal-duodenum-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sio-colon', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines are suspicious for a two populations of small intestine, most commonly representing a mechanical obstruction, though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. Given the history of vomiting a hairball, small intestinal obstruction or partial obstruction is a reasonable concern. \nVisualization of the spleen may be a normal variation or due to infiltrative disease such as lymphosarcoma, mast cell neoplasia, or other.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nAbdominal ultrasound is recommended for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may be considered if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the clinical significance of the visualized spleen, and if enlargement is confirmed, an FNA sample is recommended.'}
{'bday': '2021-08-14', 'name': 'Ortiz^Luke', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Ortis^celine', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
P seems to be dehydrated P presenting for low water intake and vomitting for 2 days, p vomited once on the way to the clinic. O gave p a bath at 9am. O states vomit consistancy is food and hairball. P indoor only c/s/v/d- v for 2 days e/d-h20 low, eating well rx-none Flea Control- none BCS: 6/9, euhydrated, pink/<2s Attitude: BAR EENT: PDG 1/4. Ptaylism CBC - NSF Chem - CRE 1.7, GLU 159 (70-150) FPLi - normal
Ptaylism - anxious, nauseous vs other Vomiting - dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis, FB, CKD vs other
['Vomiting', 'Hypersalivation', 'Drinking less', 'Feline', 'Dehydration', 'Eating normally']
[256, 531, 619, 2327, 2482, 2535]
['Trichobezoar', 'Pancreatitis', 'Hyperglycemia']
[84, 149, 527]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-06-17', 'name': 'NOVA', 'breed': 'Boston Terrier', 'owner': 'BITTERMANN', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Auburn', 'clinician': 'Dr. Donnaway'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt was presented for multiple emesis and unable to keep water down, anorexia, and lethargy today.Pt got into the bathroom trash with some feminine hygiene products last week and vomited a lot of that up the same day.Pt has been acting fine for 3 days after, vomiting started today.No known toxic exposure.BAR, nervous, eent: pink mm w/ normal crt, dental tartar and gingivitis, h/l: no murmur or arrhythmia, clear lung sounds, tachycardia, abdomen: mildly tense, otherwise nsf, ms/int: wnl.', 'questions': 'Open', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 26.888, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenteritis (dietary indiscretion), concern for 2 pops/obstruction, symptomatic, no FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'If gastric foreign body is ruled out then consideration is given to gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion. No complete obstructive pattern is identified although an obstruction cannot be completely excluded radiographically.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 4.681, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical history and rectal examination to rule out constipation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1159, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 32.562, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Normal heart, abnormal heart rate', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There is no radiographic evidence for a cause of the described heart rate. The described tachycardia is likely related to the GI clinical symptoms but does not rule out cardiac abnormalities.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider an ECG, blood pressure and echocardiogram for further investigation of the tachycardia, if there is concern.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with history of the patients last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Arrhythmia'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2359, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tachycardia'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of rugal folds and fluid. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.338, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['rugal folds']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is mild distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of rugal folds and fluid. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA small, soft-tissue opacity is noted within the stomach, which may represent food/fluid or rugal folds, although foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. If gastric foreign body is ruled out, consideration is given to gastroenteritis due to dietary indiscretion. No complete obstructive pattern is identified, although an obstruction cannot be completely excluded radiographically. Mild fecal retention is noted, ruling out constipation. There is no radiographic evidence for a cause of the described heart rate, which is likely related to the GI clinical symptoms but does not rule out cardiac abnormalities.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to rule out an intestinal foreign body.\nCorrelate with history of the patient's last meal and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Alternatively, repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying can also be considered.\nCorrelate with clinical history and rectal examination to rule out constipation.\nConsider an ECG, blood pressure, and echocardiogram for further investigation of the tachycardia, if there is concern."}
{'bday': '2020-06-17', 'name': 'NOVA', 'breed': 'Boston Terrier', 'owner': 'BITTERMANN', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Auburn', 'clinician': 'Dr. Donnaway'}
Pt was presented for multiple emesis and unable to keep water down, anorexia, and lethargy today.Pt got into the bathroom trash with some feminine hygiene products last week and vomited a lot of that up the same day.Pt has been acting fine for 3 days after, vomiting started today.No known toxic exposure.BAR, nervous, eent: pink mm w/ normal crt, dental tartar and gingivitis, h/l: no murmur or arrhythmia, clear lung sounds, tachycardia, abdomen: mildly tense, otherwise nsf, ms/int: wnl.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Tachycardia', 'Canine Small Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
['Heart Murmur', 'Arrhythmia']
[131, 256, 606, 2184, 2359, 2654, 2657]
[2175, 2177]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-07-23', 'name': 'Davis^Sophie', 'breed': 'Puggle', 'owner': 'Davis^Stephanie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Heart + Paw - Park Lane', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - New Milford', 'clinician': 'Ashley Miller'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Probable bladder mass on in-house ultrasound. Acute hematuria at doggy day care.', 'questions': 'Chest rads to rule out metastasis. ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 275, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Right - asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 465, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 3.888, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No pulmonary mets, primary already identified', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'For further investigation of the extent of the primary, consider ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and abdomen with sampling with cytology if indicated by results. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2386, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2321, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cardiac-silhouette', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Haematuria'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2683, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-thorax'}, {'id': 2685, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-stones'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThere is evidence of right heart enlargement. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo evidence of pulmonary metastatic disease. \nRight sided heart enlargement with no evidence of failure or pulmonary involvement, consider pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease. Pulmonic stenosis cannot be ruled out. Hepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia), infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. Spondylosis deformans noted, likely incidental. \nDegenerative changes in the elbow. Gastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider ultrasound of regional lymph nodes and abdomen with sampling with cytology if indicated by results for further investigation of the extent of the primary tumor. \nAdditionally, consider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement to further investigate the cardiac changes. Heartworm testing may be recommended if clinical history warrants. For hepatomegaly, consider abdominal ultrasound and a FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, for a definitive diagnosis, and correlate with blood work for clinical significance. Correlate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified. Also, correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.'}
{'bday': '2010-07-23', 'name': 'Davis^Sophie', 'breed': 'Puggle', 'owner': 'Davis^Stephanie', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Heart + Paw - Park Lane', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - New Milford', 'clinician': 'Ashley Miller'}
Probable bladder mass on in-house ultrasound. Acute hematuria at doggy day care.
Chest rads to rule out metastasis.
['screening-thorax', 'urinary-stones']
['Metastasis check', 'Canine Small Breed']
[2386, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-09-04', 'name': 'clark^charlie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Emily Clark', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Follow up chest x-ray. The pateint has been on lasix trail for the past 9 hours. The pastinet has been stable. O2 support was not required. ', 'questions': 'r/o: ChF vs others\r\nvestibular ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1115, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - venous congestion, heart failure', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1143, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - follow up, on meds, resolved edema', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1381, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - mild-mod GAD with fluid, asymptomatic', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild to moderate distension of the stomach with gas.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}, {'id': 2702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Spondylosis', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the ___s1_ spine. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 787, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ narrowing of the trachea ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 947, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The heart measures above the normal range ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2255, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels are normal in appearance. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The pulmonary vessels appear congested. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['C6-C7']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2315, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['gas']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'stomach-gas', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with ___s2_. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2681, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-thorax'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range . There is evidence of left atrial enlargement. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is mild distension of the stomach with gas. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed abdomen.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at C6-C7. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2431, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ductus-bump', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gall bladder emphysema', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe appearance of the lungs is supportive of improvement of prior pulmonary edema and response to treatment. There is no evidence of pulmonary edema present at this time.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nHepatomegaly likely secondary to venous congestion caused by concurrent congestive heart failure.\nMild to moderate distension of the stomach with gas.\n\nRecommendations:\nContinuation of current medications is warranted. \n\nAn echocardiogram with blood pressure measurement and radiographic monitoring every 6-9 months should be considered. Consultation with a cardiologist could be considered.\n\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis\n.\nAbdominal ultrasound with FNA and cytology can be considered for further investigation if warranted however this hepatomegaly is likely to to prior reported CHF.'}
{'bday': '2011-09-04', 'name': 'clark^charlie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Emily Clark', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Pasadena', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Pasadena', 'clinician': 'Kristie Villicana'}
Follow up chest x-ray. The pateint has been on lasix trail for the past 9 hours. The pastinet has been stable. O2 support was not required.
r/o: ChF vs others vestibular
['Canine Small Breed', 'Follow-up/re-examination Thorax']
[2654, 2702]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-04-02', 'name': 'Vassh^Shy', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Vassh^Nicole', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Aji Nair'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'No normal BM for a few days. Few small hard fecal matter arond the LB this AM. Was going in and out of the LB and unable to produce any BMs. Normal urination noted at home. Vomited ~5 times today (suspect due to constipation?). Decreased appetite today. EXAM: no obvious murmur/arrhythmia, no obvious crackles/harshness auscultated, very shy/anxious girl for exam. Ambu x4, no Neuro deficits. Previous spinal surgery in 2020. ', 'questions': 'SEDATED with DKT + Alfaxan for diagnostics\r\nPending lab work: cbc, chem, ua, snap fPL\r\n', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 285, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - secondary to sedation, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 848, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Bladder feline - Urine retention, no obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 36.59, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with a gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Colon Feline - Constipation suspected', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine general - Bridging spondylosis, no pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 68, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Constipated'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 512, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 610, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed'}, {'id': 682, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - oliguria'}, {'id': 2177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Arrhythmia'}, {'id': 2326, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sedated'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2705, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Non specific neuro signs'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2661, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - Systemic vs general'}, {'id': 2688, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'straining-constipation'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 71, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'recommendation_name': 'Faecal analysis (unspecified)'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is degenerative changes affecting the left coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of fecal retention is noted in the colon.\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs may be consistent with a gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nGeneralized cardiomegaly likely secondary to the reported sedation. No evidence of heart failure is noted.\nThe urinary bladder is distended. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to a litter box.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\nBridging spondylosis is noted. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and abdominal palapation to rule out constipation. Consider intravenous fluids, enemas, oral stool softeners, or other treatments as indicated if constipation is confirmed clinically.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern and lab testing for pancreatitis.\nCorrelate with a physical exam to assess for the presence of a heart murmur.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings to determine the clinical significance of this bridging spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2012-04-02', 'name': 'Vassh^Shy', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Vassh^Nicole', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Vancouver', 'clinician': 'Aji Nair'}
No normal BM for a few days. Few small hard fecal matter arond the LB this AM. Was going in and out of the LB and unable to produce any BMs. Normal urination noted at home. Vomited ~5 times today (suspect due to constipation?). Decreased appetite today. EXAM: no obvious murmur/arrhythmia, no obvious crackles/harshness auscultated, very shy/anxious girl for exam. Ambu x4, no Neuro deficits. Previous spinal surgery in 2020.
SEDATED with DKT + Alfaxan for diagnostics Pending lab work: cbc, chem, ua, snap fPL
['Gi signs - Systemic vs general', 'straining-constipation']
['Constipated', 'Vomiting', 'Defaecation abnormal - decreased frequency', 'Hyporexia', 'Mentation altered - anxious/distressed', 'Sedated', 'Feline', 'Lab work pending']
['Urination abnormal - oliguria', 'Arrhythmia', 'Non specific neuro signs']
[68, 256, 512, 607, 610, 2326, 2327, 2352]
[682, 2177, 2705]
['Fecal analysis ']
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-03-28', 'name': 'Galloway^Ward^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'James Galloway', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P is acting normal, drastically losing weight', 'questions': 'weight loss ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 185, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 37.829, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- severe(ill)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hepatomegaly may be due to active infiltration given the mass noted. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 201, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, no fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 500, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB small (incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 689, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 8, 'consult_name': 'Axial sternum - Inter-sternabral narrowing, incidental', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing,\xa0subluxation and degeneration as well as costochondral changes. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1160, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Soft tissue FB vs. Rugal folds vs. fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['irregular', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T5-T6', 'T6-T7']}}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum at S4-7. ', 'elapsedTime': 8.113, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right', 'cranioventral']}}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['5-6']}}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['5th']}}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2577, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Costochondral Changes', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2680, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'non-specific-ADR'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at T5-T6 and T6-T7. There are degenerative costochondral changes visible. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right shoulder. There is narrowing noted between sternebrae S5-6. There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum at S4-7. There is subluxation noted at the 5th sternebra. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. There is mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. There is an irregular soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the mid abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. A pleural fissure line is noted in the right cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2454, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'SI-bunching', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2577, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Costochondral Changes', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2692, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2693, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nAbdominal mass of unclear origin. Given the location, origination from a specific organ cannot be definitively determined however, splenic or hepatic origin cannot be ruled out at this point.\nHepatomegaly may be due to active infiltration given the mass noted. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nA small, soft-tissue opacity, is noted within the stomach. This may represent food/fluid or rugal folds in the stomach however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nSmall intestinal foreign material as described likely to pass on its own. No evidence of obstruction noted. Likely incidental.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\nInter-sternebral narrowing,\xa0subluxation and degeneration as well as costochondral changes. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan and FNA sampling with cytology to further investigate the suspected abdominal mass.\nAlso consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nCorrelate with history of the patients last meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. \nConsider follow up radiographs to ensure passage of the described intestinal foreign material. Monitor for development of clinical signs.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2010-03-28', 'name': 'Galloway^Ward^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'James Galloway', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Fairfax', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}
P is acting normal, drastically losing weight
weight loss
['Losing weight', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[140, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-04-04', 'name': 'Hasko^Scooby', 'breed': 'Chihuahua, Smooth', 'owner': 'Hasko^Darlene', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'coughing for 2-3 months ( last year was coughing as well) temp 103.5, no other concerns ', 'questions': 'CIRD/allergies/Lower air way disease ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 299, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Normal lungs, small breed', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2663, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nThorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further evaluation, consider fluoroscopy, +/- (endoscopic) bronchoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling, and a respiratory PCR if the patient does not respond to medical management.'}
{'bday': '2015-04-04', 'name': 'Hasko^Scooby', 'breed': 'Chihuahua, Smooth', 'owner': 'Hasko^Darlene', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'PetCheck Urgent Care - Deptford', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Deptford', 'clinician': 'Erin Paul'}
coughing for 2-3 months ( last year was coughing as well) temp 103.5, no other concerns
CIRD/allergies/Lower air way disease
['Resp signs - general']
['Coughing', 'Canine Small Breed']
[69, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-05-19', 'name': 'Luna', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Lisa Thoele', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': "Pomeroy's Animal Hospital", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Eunjung Choi'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Heart murmur first noticed 5/2023. Currently 4/6 systolic murmur. Panting a lot lately. Lower energy. Coughs only occasionally. Not on any heart meds currently. ', 'questions': 'Survey TXR prior to possible cardiology referral', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned elbow on both lateral views. ', 'elapsedTime': 14.808, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned elbow on both lateral views. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of kibble/food. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nDegenerative changes in the elbow.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.'}
{'bday': '2016-05-19', 'name': 'Luna', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Lisa Thoele', 'gender': 'F', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': "Pomeroy's Animal Hospital", 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Eunjung Choi'}
Heart murmur first noticed 5/2023. Currently 4/6 systolic murmur. Panting a lot lately. Lower energy. Coughs only occasionally. Not on any heart meds currently.
Survey TXR prior to possible cardiology referral
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Panting', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 177, 2175, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-09-20', 'name': 'Curry^Marvin', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'Grace', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '3mo hx of coughing. Will occasionally bring up hairball. ', 'questions': 'Pneumonia vs asthma vs other ', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1274, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 279, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 57.493, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - No murmur, big heart', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There is cardiomegaly. This is most consistent with a cardiomyopathy.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1303, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial Feline - BPP + CVP/CDP, bronchopneumonia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 715, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. ', 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Bronchial Pulmonary Pattern', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A bronchial pattern is present. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2279, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['left and right'], '___s3_': ['interstitial to alveolar pattern']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased opacity in the ___s2_ cranioventral lung field, characterized as a ___s3_ . '}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe thorax shows a bronchial pattern. The heart appears to be generally enlarged. Additionally, there is a mild increase in opacity in both the left and right cranioventral lung fields, which is characterized as an interstitial to alveolar pattern.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe imaging reveals a bronchial and parenchymal pattern that is most consistent with bronchopneumonia. Additionally, the possibility of underlying asthma cannot be ruled out. There is also evidence of cardiomegaly, which is most likely due to cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nI recommend considering a tracheal wash to obtain samples for cytology, culture, and PCR to investigate the issue further. It would also be prudent to manage medically for pneumonia and schedule follow-up radiographs to monitor progress. Additionally, an echocardiogram may be necessary to rule out the possibility of cardiomyopathy.'}
{'bday': '2018-09-20', 'name': 'Curry^Marvin', 'breed': 'American Shorthair', 'owner': 'Grace', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Paws Veterinary Urgent Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Columbus', 'clinician': 'Rob Harney'}
3mo hx of coughing. Will occasionally bring up hairball.
Pneumonia vs asthma vs other
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Feline']
[69, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-07-07', 'name': 'Papa^Max', 'breed': 'Yorkie Mix', 'owner': 'Papa^Emil', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'mm: pale, crt:, Grade V/VI LAS murmur. No arrhythmias ausculted. \r\nRESP: Coarse crackles and congested lung sounds in all fields. Increased expiratory effort.\r\nButorphanol 0.1 mg/kg IV, Furosemide 2mg/kg given IV at 4:00pm & 4:45, based on clinical progression of respiratory rate and effort', 'questions': 'cardio/pulmonary disease, neoplasia, other', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 198, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Poss Splenic Mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 202, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, scant fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Suspected abdominal mass of unknown origin. Given the location, origination from a specific organ cannot be definitively determined however, splenic or hepatic origin cannot be ruled out at this point. The focal wispy appearance in the abdomen may represent a small volume of peritoneal effusion or peritonitis.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 268, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Symptomatic , on meds', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1115, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 55.101, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - venous congestion, heart failure', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Hepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes. Hepatomegaly secondary to venous congestion caused by concurrent congestive heart failure can not be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling , or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 677, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Cyanotic mucous membrane'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Arrhythmia'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2180, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abnormal Respiration'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The liver appears severely enlarged. ', 'elapsedTime': 6.419, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The spleen appears prominent. ', 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a round, soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the cranioventral abdomen overlapping the liver and spleen.', 'elapsedTime': 12.479, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['round', 'soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['severe'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['spleen'], '___s2_': ['cranioventral']}}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a mass associated with the spleen. ', 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2443, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'neoplasia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'furosemide'}], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears severely enlarged. There appears to be a mass associated with the spleen. The spleen appears prominent. There is severe distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ingesta. There is a round, soft tissue opacity mass visualized in the cranioventral abdomen overlapping the liver and spleen. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the spleen in the cranioventral abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nThorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. There is evidence of left atrial enlargement. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2565, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Multiple nodules', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2664, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart base mass', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLeft sided congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema.\nSuspected abdominal mass of unknown origin. Given the location, origination from a specific organ cannot be definitively determined however, splenic or hepatic origin cannot be ruled out at this point. The focal wispy appearance in the abdomen may represent a small volume of peritoneal effusion or peritonitis.\nMid abdominal mass consistent with splenic mass. Both benign (hemangioma, abscess, other) and malignant (hemangiosarcoma, lymphoma, other) etiologies are possible.\nHepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes. Hepatomegaly secondary to venous congestion caused by concurrent congestive heart failure can not be ruled out.\nGastric material is most consistent with digested food, however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider continued diuretic therapy to help reduce pulmonary edema. Supportive care such as oxygen therapy may also be indicated. A blood pressure measurement is suggested. Further re-evaluation of cardiac medication may also be considered.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan and FNA sampling with cytology to further investigate the suspected abdominal mass.\nAbdominal ultrasound is also indicated to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling , or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2011-07-07', 'name': 'Papa^Max', 'breed': 'Yorkie Mix', 'owner': 'Papa^Emil', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast Veterinary Specialists - Bohemia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists'}
mm: pale, crt:, Grade V/VI LAS murmur. No arrhythmias ausculted. RESP: Coarse crackles and congested lung sounds in all fields. Increased expiratory effort. Butorphanol 0.1 mg/kg IV, Furosemide 2mg/kg given IV at 4:00pm & 4:45, based on clinical progression of respiratory rate and effort
cardio/pulmonary disease, neoplasia, other
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Mucous membranes abnormal - cyanosed', 'Heart Murmur', 'Respiratory distress', 'Abnormal respiration', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds', 'Canine Small Breed']
[677, 2175, 2179, 2180, 2536, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-07-30', 'name': 'Rader^Ilya', 'breed': 'Siberian', 'owner': 'Rader^Laura or Tim', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 're-current UTI', 'questions': 'bloody urine', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 433, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - UBC, no URC, no obstruction', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild(likely incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The liver appears mildly enlarged. ', 'elapsedTime': 3.389, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2233, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urinary tract infection (UTI), recurrent'}], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen. Increased opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild', 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCystic calculi identified, no obstruction noted.\nVisualization of the spleen may be normal variation or due to infiltrative disease such as lymphosarcoma, mast cell neoplasia, or other.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider dissolution diet or cystotomy based on additional clinical input. Abdominal ultrasound may also yield more information. Complete urinalysis and culture is recommended.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the visualized spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.'}
{'bday': '2022-07-30', 'name': 'Rader^Ilya', 'breed': 'Siberian', 'owner': 'Rader^Laura or Tim', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Carroll County Animal Hospital on Columbia Drive ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Adrian Nunn'}
re-current UTI
bloody urine
['Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Feline']
[274, 2327]
['Urinary tract infection (UTI), recurrent']
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-08-22', 'name': 'Sabino^Barney^^^', 'breed': 'KCCS/Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Yanique Sabino', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Animal Emergency Service of Long Island'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented after being hit by a car this evening. \r\nOwner witnessed event and states "it looks like he was bumped on his right side by the tire" . \r\nPatient walks with a hunched posture and weight bearing lame on right hind limb. \r\nThere is a small ~2mm puncture and abrasion on the dorsal aspect of the tarsus.\r\nMW\r\n', 'questions': 'Patient sedated for x-rays.', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard_level'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 266, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Left - asymptomatic, no LAE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 877, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - no evidence of intra-abdominal trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1102, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma, only significant finding', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures, the study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 30, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Been run over/hit by car/Motor vehicle accident '}, {'id': 121, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hunched up'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2326, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sedated'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No stifle effusion is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the ___s2_ stifle. '}, {'id': 11, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The urinary bladder is within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ opacity noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder. '}, {'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 702, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spleen appears normal in size and contour. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The spleen appears ___s1_ enlarged ___s2_ '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 870, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tarsal joints are unremarkable, no evidence of degenerative changes.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is degenerative joint disease affecting the ___s1_ tarsus. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart.', 'elapsedTime': 5.583, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1932, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'In the ___s1_ abdomen, there is displacement of ___s2_.'}, {'id': 1933, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ mass noted in the ___s2_ thorax. '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2193, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Stifle', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stifles are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'soa, sef, plx'}, {'id': 2230, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of hip incongruity of the ___s1_ hip. '}, {'id': 2231, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes affecting the ___s1_ coxofemoral joint. '}, {'id': 2275, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'hock']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no soft tissue swelling. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2285, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mild'], '___s2_': ['kibble/food']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach appears empty. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ distension of the stomach with the presence of radiopaque material which has the appearance of ___s2_ . '}, {'id': 2295, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'rmn, rmg, skd'}, {'id': 2296, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of urolithiasis. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'urolithiasis'}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2300, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'hoa, hlx, pfx, not hic'}, {'id': 2374, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The tail is normal in appearance with no evidence of fracture, luxation/subluxation, or aggressive lesions.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ is noted at the caudal vertebrae of the tail. '}, {'id': 2500, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Normal Wispy Fluid', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the ___s1_ in the ___s2_ abdomen.'}, {'id': 2580, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of implant motion/failure or infection identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'An area of lucency associated with the implant is noted ____. '}, {'id': 2600, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of vertebral subluxation is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'Vertebral subluxation is noted at ____. '}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2332, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Wound - abrasion'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}, {'id': 2678, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hindLimb'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'The abdominal X-ray shows mild distension of the stomach, containing radiopaque material resembling kibble or food. In the musculoskeletal examination, there is noticeable soft tissue swelling around the right hock. The thoracic images suggest a generalized enlargement of the heart.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2374, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2573, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tibia Displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2581, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Peritoneal pericardial diaphragmatic hernia', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)", 'is_locked_out': False}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is no radiographic evidence of intra-abdominal trauma. The cardiac silhouette is enlarged, but there are no signs of left atrial enlargement or decompensation. The presence of gastric material is noted, which likely represents digested food; however, the possibility of non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material mixed with food cannot be completely excluded. There is soft tissue swelling consistent with the reported history of trauma. No abnormalities are observed in the associated bony structures, and the study does not show any fractures, luxation, or subluxation.\n\nRecommendations: \nTo further investigate the absence of radiographic evidence of intra-abdominal trauma, an abdominal ultrasound is recommended. Additionally, for ongoing evaluation, an echocardiogram accompanied by blood pressure measurement and/or periodic radiographic monitoring every 9 to 12 months may be beneficial. Consulting a cardiologist for medication advice could also be considered.\nIt may be useful to perform repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and to ensure there is no obstructive foreign material present.\n\nAt this time, the management of soft tissue injury primarily involves medical treatment and rest. If there is no improvement with medical management, further diagnostics such as follow-up radiographs or advanced imaging should be considered.'}
{'bday': '2022-08-22', 'name': 'Sabino^Barney^^^', 'breed': 'KCCS/Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Yanique Sabino', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Service, Long Island', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'United States - Selden', 'clinician': 'Animal Emergency Service of Long Island'}
Patient presented after being hit by a car this evening. Owner witnessed event and states "it looks like he was bumped on his right side by the tire" . Patient walks with a hunched posture and weight bearing lame on right hind limb. There is a small ~2mm puncture and abrasion on the dorsal aspect of the tarsus. MW
Patient sedated for x-rays.
['trauma-general', 'lameness-hindLimb']
['Hit by car', 'Hunched up', 'Traumatic injury', 'Lameness', 'Sedated', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[30, 121, 259, 2185, 2326, 2345, 2656]
['Wound - abrasion']
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-18', 'name': 'Zephyr Huard', 'breed': 'Miniature Poodle', 'owner': 'Valerie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Princess Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Kingston', 'clinician': 'Princess Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Grade IV-V heart murmur. Last few months has started coughing multiple times a day.\r\nConcerned about CHF and starting medications (not currently on anything)', 'questions': 'Congestive heart failure', 'specialty_area': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1272, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 900, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - redundant tracheal membrane versus mucous', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1333, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 23.723, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly left - LAE, symptomatic, no pulmonary edema', 'isAddressingConcern': True, 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The cardiac silhouette appears enlarged making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1344, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, no GAD, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'isAddressingConcern': False, 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No appendicular fractures are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 20, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The liver is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. '}, {'id': 723, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No aggressive osseous lesions identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is a bone lesion with evidence of ___s1_ identified in ___s2_. '}, {'id': 733, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': '.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___s1_ opacity foreign body is present in the ___s2_ esophagus.'}, {'id': 762, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the ___s1_ elbow. '}, {'id': 880, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['.']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart ___s1_'}, {'id': 1605, 'group': 'abdomen', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'The stomach is empty.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is radiopaque material within the stomach which has the appearance of ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2141, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There ___s1_ noted in the ___s2_ thorax, ___s3_ '}, {'id': 2159, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No evidence of rib fracture is observed.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is ___s1_ fracture of the ___s2_ rib. '}, {'id': 2160, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The diaphragm is unremarkable. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity. The ___s1_ appears herniated into the ___s2_. '}, {'id': 2166, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No left atrial enlargement is present.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of left atrial enlargement.'}, {'id': 2259, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}, 'finding_normal_text': 'Redundant Tracheal Membrane', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity within the ___s1_ region of the trachea. '}, {'id': 2278, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'Lung fields are clear. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cvp-cdp-bpp-tms'}, {'id': 2284, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The pleural space is normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of pleural fluid and gas. '}, {'id': 2297, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'The spine is radiographically normal. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'cid, tid, spn, van'}, {'id': 2298, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at ___s1_. '}, {'id': 2299, 'group': 'musculoskeletal', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'There is no evidence of degenerative joint disease. ', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'There is evidence of degenerative joint disease. '}, {'id': 2599, 'group': 'thorax', 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None, 'finding_normal_text': 'No definitive evidence of a radiopaque foreign body within the airway is identified.', 'finding_abnormal_text': 'A ___ opacity is noted within the ____ trachea. '}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'attention': False, 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. There is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical region of the trachea. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach, which appears to be digested food admixed with unidentified soft tissue material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2217, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'potential-contrast-study', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2570, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Incomplete study/missing orthogonal view', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'is_locked_out': False}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish', 'is_locked_out': True}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'attention': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging', 'is_locked_out': True}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiac silhouette appears enlarged, making cardiac disease a realistic potential cause of the clinical signs. No definitive evidence of pulmonary edema is noted; however, early congestion and/or pulmonary hypertension cannot be excluded.\nThe increased opacity noted in the trachea may represent a redundant tracheal membrane or may represent mucus within the trachea.\nGastric material. This is most consistent with digested food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nIdeally, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement (as soon as possible) are recommended for further investigation. If an echo cannot be done expeditiously, consider a diuretic therapy trial in the interim.\nConsider tracheoscopy if clinical signs warrant further investigation of the increased opacity noted in the tracheal lumen.\nIf warranted, consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of obstructive foreign material.'}
{'bday': '2014-08-18', 'name': 'Zephyr Huard', 'breed': 'Miniature Poodle', 'owner': 'Valerie', 'gender': 'M', 'weight': '', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Princess Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': 'Canada - Kingston', 'clinician': 'Princess Animal Hospital'}
Grade IV-V heart murmur. Last few months has started coughing multiple times a day. Concerned about CHF and starting medications (not currently on anything)
Congestive heart failure
['Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Small Breed']
[69, 2175, 2654]