Dataset review request for "Object Detection for chess pieces"

by jalFaizy - opened


The "Object Detection for Chess Pieces" dataset is a toy dataset created to introduce object detection in a beginner friendly way. It is structured in a one object-one image manner, with the objects being of four classes, namely, Black King, White King, Black Queen and White Queen

Files to review


cc @lhoestq @polinaeterna @mariosasko @albertvillanova

PS - the main purpose of the script is reading a YOLO data format directly to HF datasets. It can maybe be integrated with HF datasets for similar such object detection tasks

Great job! One nit - it's better to use our library logger than print statements (print statements cannot be disabled). The logger can be initialized as follows:

logger = datasets.logging.get_logger(__name__)

#, logger.debug ...

PS - the main purpose of the script is reading a YOLO data format directly to HF datasets. It can maybe be integrated with HF datasets for similar such object detection tasks
Feel free to open an issue in our GH repo so we can further discuss this idea

Thank you for the suggestions @mariosasko - created the issue here

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