[ { "content": "Write a baby shower invitation for Ms. Piggy and Kermit's soon-to-be daughter. Make the announcement from Ms. Piggy herself.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hello, darlings!\n\nYou are cordially invited to join moi and my handsome froggy fiancé, Kermit, as we celebrate the upcoming arrival of our most precious little girl!\n\nOur baby shower will be held on [insert date here] at [insert time here] at [insert location here].\n\nWe can't wait to welcome our little princess piglet into the world, and we know she will be just as fabulous, talented, and priceless as moi. She will be the perfect addition to our little family and we are already madly in love with her. So, come join us and shower our little princess and moi with all the love and attention we deserve.\n\nThere will be plenty of moi's favorite delicious treats, delightful decorations, and fun games to enjoy. And of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to shower our moi and our little girl with gifts and love!\n\nPlease RSVP by [insert date here] so that we can plan accordingly for this fabulous event. Of course, moi knows you will be there because it involves moi. We can't wait to see you there and celebrate the newest addition to our little family!\n\nThank you all for your love and support, and we can't wait to introduce you to our little girl!\n\nxoxo,\nMs. Piggy and Kermit", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the function of the liver in the human body?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The liver is a vital organ with multiple functions in the human body. Some of the key roles include:\n\n1. Detoxification: The liver filters the blood from the digestive tract, neutralizing harmful chemicals and metabolizing drugs before the blood circulates to the rest of the body.\n2. Bile Production: Bile is produced in the liver. It is a fluid that assists in digesting fats and eliminating waste products from the blood.\n3. Glucose Storage and Release: The liver plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. It stores excess glucose as glycogen and converts it back to glucose when levels in the body are low.\n4. Protein Production: The liver creates essential proteins, including albumin, which is crucial for maintaining fluid within the bloodstream and clotting factors that allow blood to clot.\n5. Hemoglobin Processing: The liver breaks down old or damaged red blood cells and repurposes the iron within hemoglobin to form new cells.\n6. Vitamin and Mineral Storage: The liver stores significant amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, as well as iron and copper, releasing them into the bloodstream as needed.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Who won the NBA title in 2021?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Milwaukee Buck defeated the Phoenix Suns in six games to win the 2021 NBA Finals. Giannis Antetokounmpo took home the NBA Finals MVP award, capping off the series with a 50-point performance in the decisive Game 6.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Make up a car that can do something cars can't normally do that has no practical purpose but would be marketed like it was amazing.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Ford Big begins as a compact SUV, but when you need to haul more, bring more fans to the tailgate, or camp out under a cool Tahitian sky, the Big can do the unthinkable. Cars have always gotten longer and taller to haul more space, but the Ford Big goes in a new direction, extending horizontally for more room where you need it most. The center of your ride is where the magic happens. It's where you put your arm around your enby partner and gaze at a drive-thru movie. It's where you graciously clean up after your dog spills a cup of boba tea (but don't worry, the nonstick elastic expansion grid in the center cleans up like a breeze with its own filter tray at the bottom!). So don't shrink the center of your life. Expand to fit all life's best moments in the Ford Big.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a Twitter thread of three tweets as a positive review for the movie Star Wars: A New Hope as if the tweet was from 1977 when the movie first premiered.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1/3 Star Wars: A New Hope is a fresh take on the science fiction genre. Clear inspiration has been taken from other media like Dune, however, the story here is original with interesting characters to root for and cry over. \n\n2/3 The film opens with a short exposition scrawl of text before getting right into the action. The antagonist is almost immediately revealed with terrifying might that even the audience fears. The film ramps up in stakes as the villain Vader's plans are eventually revealed. \n\n3/3 As a fun adventure into outer space, I cannot recommend this movie enough. Head to your favorite theater as soon as you can to make sure you get a seat. As a crazy old space wizard might say, may the force be with you.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Is the reviewer apathetic, enthusiastic, or irate?\n\nReview: Being pretty new to Chico I've been working to eventually try all the restaurants in town, but Crush is slowing me down! The reason is because so often when we want to go out instead of trying another new place we go to Crush again because it's so good! Service is great too. I've been about 6 times so far. We usually sit at the bar. Everything we've tried has been really good, fresh and cooked perfectly. I think their menu has something delicious for every tastebud. Can't wait to go back again.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The reviewer is enthusiastic.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a song to the tune of Rock-a-bye Baby but some from the POV of a wolf mother to her pup", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Rock-a-bye Wolfie\nin the warm den\nwhen the rain falls, the puppies will sleep\nwhen the thunder strikes, the puppies will wake\nAnd howling little young ones, go back to sleep for goodness sake. \n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Take this quote from Shakespeare “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” and write a 200 word summary on what it means. It’s for my 12th grade English class so it should sound kinda academic. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Shakespeare once wrote, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” And because Shakespeare was one of if not the world’s greatest playwrights, many people believe that he simply meant to say that the whole world is like one big play, dramatic and full of surprises. \n\nBut I believe the meaning goes much deeper than that. When Shakespeare speaks of the world being a stage and the men and women as players, he’s tapping into a much bigger idea. His idea was that we, human beings, are all being directed by something much bigger than us, just as a play director manipulates his actors. \n\nThat everything that we do, say, and experience, is actually already in motion long before we understand what is even happening. That we have no free will of our own but are simply performing a show that was made just for us. \n\nNow, while this may be a controversial synopsis, it seems to me that this one line shows clearly that Shakespeare did not believe we are in control of our own lives, but that everything happening is simply one big play, but we don’t know the ending. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an anime scene where a guy and his brother are taking an exam to become registered hunters. They encounter a high level hunter who is haughty but also likely to be one of the highest ranked hunters. Start the scene with a speech about the exam. Keep the scene between 300 and 320 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\"All right. This exam will be to test your abilities. There's no need to hold back here. We have designed all of these facilities to stand up to S-class hunters' skills. Since being a hunter is more than just the strength of a single skill, you'll be rated based on your overall score. Don't worry, though. You'll be classified accordingly with a bias for your strength factored in. Well, regardless, I'm sure you all want to do your best anyway, so just go wild, yeah? That's all from me.\"\n\nThe general stepped down and let the proctors step forward among scattered whispers. They called the different groups to gather for the test. \"Kuroi, do you think we'll be able to advance directly to S-class?\" Kuroki asked.\n\nKuroi thought about it and shrugged. \"Who knows. I'm only here because you forced me to be. I don't really care that much about rankings. It's never stopped me before.\"\n\nA girl came up to them and poked Kuroi in the chest. \"What kind of attitude is that?\"\n\n\"Who are you?\" Kuroi asked.\n\n\"Nezuko the Untarnished. I specialize in using light magic. You can't tell me you haven't heard of me before.\"\n\nKuroi shrugged. \"I don't really pay attention to hunters and stuff.\"\n\n\"Brother, she's pretty famous. She only turned eighteen this year, but she's already been guaranteed to start at A-class. She might even be S-class already,\" Kuroki explained.\n\n\"That's right! You should be honored that I'm talking to you. Seriously, though, if you aren't serious about being a hunter, you should just leave this place.\"\n\nKuroi narrowed his eyes. \"I don't care about ranks, but I'm always serious about being a hunter.\"\n\n\"Ms. Nezuko, please don't say that. He might actually leave. It took a lot of convincing to bring him here.\"\n\nNezuko scoffed. \"Well, we'll just see how serious you are then.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a three-step guide on how to become more present.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Practice meditation: Meditation is known to encourage a person to slow down and pay more attention to their surroundings rather than being absorbed in their thoughts. A simple way to meditate is by sitting or lying down in a comfortable position and then observing your thoughts as they come and go. Rather than engaging with the thoughts - just allow them to flow in and drift away. This can take some practice, and it's normal to find it tricky at first, but it is very effective for becoming more present. \n\n2. Engage your senses: Our mind is a great tool that allows us to solve problems and be creative, but we also have other ways of experiencing the world around us. Our senses can be a great portal into the present moment, as they help us to shift our focus out of our minds. To do this, you can try asking yourself questions such as: \"How does my clothing feel on my body?\" or \"What sounds can I hear in the distance?\"\n\n3. Take a break from social media: When you're scrolling through your feed on social media, you're constantly either thinking about the past or the future. The videos and photos on these platforms are all from the past, which makes it hard to be present. Pausing social media usage and instead using tools like a mindfulness journal will make it easier to shift your focus to the present moment rather than being constantly distracted. \n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me the recipe for chicken pot pie soup. I only have an hour to make it.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ingredients\n- 4 cups of water\n- 8 to 10 tsp. of Better Than Bouillon chicken\n- 3 red potatoes\n- 3 carrots\n- 1 cooked rotisserie chicken\n- 1 bag of Pennsylvania Dutch pot pie noodles\n- salt and pepper to taste\n\n1. Set stove to medium-high heat. Add water to a pot and let it boil for about 10 minutes.\n2. While you wait for the water to boil, cut the potatoes and carrots to the size you desire.\n3. Add Better Than Bouillon chicken to the boiling water. Add the cut potatoes and carrots. Boil until the potatoes and carrots are soft, about 30-40 minutes.\n4. While you wait for the potatoes and carrots to soften, remove the chicken from the rotisserie chicken carcass and cut it to the size you desire.\n5. Add Pennsylvania Dutch pot pie noodles and cut chicken to the pot and cook until the noodles are ready about 10 minutes.\n6. Add salt and pepper to taste.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a paragraph of less than 200 words on why a business owner should invest in automation. Include funnel automation, email marketing, using Get Response as an example, and social media scheduler using Planoly and later as examples. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why should a small business invest in automation? Most online business owners start out using low-cost tools with limited features. For example, you might be using PayPal exclusively for product sales and manually adding buyers to your mailing list each time you receive payment. While that’s an acceptable solution when time is easier to come by than money, you’ll quickly outgrow it. The problem is too many entrepreneurs fail to recognize the benefits of true automation. Not only is trying to “make do” with a pieced-together system costing you sales, but it costs actual dollars, too. You (or your VA) will spend extra time simply getting it all to work rather than letting the tools do the heavy lifting. Recognize when it’s time to uplevel your marketing tools to include true funnel automation and watch your income increase dramatically! Automation comes in many forms; whether it’s an email marketing system like Get Response, a social media scheduler like Planoly or Later, or anything else you can automate, this is a huge time saver. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Julie is a super cheery chatbot that helps John keep his day organized.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What time is my meeting with Mr. Johnson today?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What a beautiful day to have a meeting! You are scheduled to meet with Mr. Johnson at 2:00 pm.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Could you add a 4:30 appointment with Ms. Baker to my schedule? We'll be meeting at the coffee shop on the corner.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How delightful! 4:30 is an absolutely lovely time to be going out. I have added it to the schedule.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Give me a rundown of my schedule for tomorrow.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'd be absolutely delighted to provide that information for you. You have a fabulous day ahead that includes:\n9:30 Ms. Smith - her residence\n11:00 Mr. Johnson - follow-up call\n12:00 Lunch with J.R. Lundy at Pescato's\n3:00 Conference call with the team", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the facts in this paragraph into a series of questions with answers. Answer the questions in a flamboyant tone and use slang.\n\nWorld No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed around the world every year on 31 May. The yearly celebration informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies, what the World Health Organization (WHO) is doing to fight against the use of tobacco, and what people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations.[1]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here you go! I turned the facts into a series of questions with answers.\n\nQuestion: Where is World No Tobacco Day observed?\nAnswer: Hey sweetie! It's observed around the world.\n\nQuestion: When is it observed?\nAnswer: It's observed every year on 31 May. Now get your mans, honey!\n\nQuestion: What does it bring awareness of?\nAnswer: Oh my god, sweetie, thank you SO much for asking me that question! So the celebration is basically to tell people that tobacco is like, really, really bad for you and stuff. Also, it's to show the business practices of tobacco companies, and that the World Health Organization is trying to fight against the use of tobacco. Oh, and what people around the world can do to stay healthy. Ok, Byeee!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this in more layman terms so I can understand.\n\nBlood-based biomarkers hold great promise to revolutionize the diagnostic and prognostic work-up of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in clinical practice. This is very timely, considering the recent development of anti-amyloid-β (Aβ) immunotherapies. Several assays for measuring phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in plasma exhibit high diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing AD from all other neurodegenerative diseases in patients with cognitive impairment. Prognostic models based on plasma p-tau levels can also predict future development of AD dementia in patients with mild cognitive complaints. The use of such high-performing plasma p-tau assays in the clinical practice of specialist memory clinics would reduce the need for more costly investigations involving cerebrospinal fluid samples or positron emission tomography. Indeed, blood-based biomarkers already facilitate identification of individuals with pre-symptomatic AD in the context of clinical trials. Longitudinal measurements of such biomarkers will also improve the detection of relevant disease-modifying effects of new drugs or lifestyle interventions.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Researchers have found that certain substances in our blood can tell us a lot about Alzheimer's disease (AD). These substances, called blood-based biomarkers, have the potential to completely revolutionize how we diagnose and predict the progression of AD in clinical practice. Currently, there are new treatments being developed for AD that target a protein called amyloid-beta (Aβ). Blood tests can now measure another protein called phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in our blood. These tests are very accurate in distinguishing AD from all other neurodegenerative diseases in people with cognitive problems. By checking the levels of p-tau in the blood, doctors can also predict if someone with mild memory problems will develop AD dementia later on. This helps them identify people who are at risk of getting the disease early on and potentially intervene with treatments before the disease progresses. Using these blood tests in specialized memory clinics would reduce the need for expensive tests like cerebrospinal fluid samples or positron emission tomography. These blood-based biomarkers are already being used in clinical trials to find people who have very early AD, before they even have symptoms. In the future, regularly measuring these blood biomarkers over time will help doctors and researchers see if new treatments or lifestyle changes are helping to slow down or stop AD.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Fluffy is a chatbot that answers all questions as if it is a cat.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What should I do today?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Lounge around, bathe, or play with your toys.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Sounds relaxing.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, we need plenty of time for the good things in life.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Do you do whatever you want all day?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I do!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short passage in 250 words about Sophie. She’s a young girl who’s traveling alone to a new place and stepping off of the boat for the first time.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The walking plank was lowered and the first wave of passengers rushed off. She waited a moment, holding back until the tide had died down enough that she didn't fear being flung overboard.\n\nSophie gazed around her. The docks of Dimsdale were certainly smaller than the one in Grimsby had been, but it seemed to be just as busy. People bustled around as they went about their day and seagulls called loudly as they flew in lazy circles. The fishing boats had already docked and fishmongers yelled about their wares as housewives bustled around in groups and droves, inspecting wares and haggling prices.\n\nShe stepped off of the plank leading down to the dock and followed the flow of people toward where the luggage was being unloaded. Sophie only had one suitcase that held all her worldly belongings and she had it in her hands. But unsure of what she was supposed to be doing, she waited as passengers called out descriptions of their baggage and the porters hurried to bring them forth.\n\nA small crowd had formed near the end of the docks, close to where the fish market had opened. Perhaps it was because Sophie had been at sea for so long, but the smell of fish wasn't overwhelming. She rummaged around in her coin purse and felt for the scant few shillings she had. Enough for breakfast, she supposed and moved towards the end of the dock.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a script for a TV commercial between a mother and her son for a waterproofing skin and clothing spray. Make the son's name start with \"Ken\" but make his name something unusual. End the script with an off-screen narrator pitching the product to the viewer at home.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "KENOLD: \"Bye, mom! I'm going to play outside with my friends!\"\nMOM: \"Well hold on now Kenold, can't you see it's pouring outside? Where's your raincoat?\"\nKENOLD: *sighs* \"I left it at school yesterday.\"\nMOM: \"Well we just put in the new carpets and I don't want you coming home and dripping all over them. I'll go get the RainShield™.\" *Goes over to the cabinet and takes out a can of spray* \"Close your eyes and hold your breath.\"\nKENOLD: *takes a sharp inhale and clenches eyes shut*\nMOM: *sprays Kenold's whole body with the can* \"Alright, all done. Have fun with your friends.\"\nKENOLD \"Thanks, mom! I will!\"\nNARRATOR: \"For all of life's rainy moments, keep yourself and your loved ones dry with RainShield™. Rainshield™ contains an FDA-approved formula to keep skin and clothing free from water; wherever you are. Now available at any local drug store.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some good concert venues in Massachusetts? I like country music specifically.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Fenway Park in Boston often hosts country music acts like the Zach Brown Band.\n2. Gillette Stadium in Foxboro hosts Countryfest every year, which features many popular country music acts.\n3. The Xfinity Center in Mansfield hosts many popular country musicians as well.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Me and some friends have a bet - they think they can pronounce French, and I think they are saying some things wrong. Can you settle this bet for us? I actually took a few French classes in school, and I don't know where my friends are getting their ideas.\n\nThey think \"Les Miserables\" is pronounced \"lay miz-er-ob,\" is that right?\n\nThey also think \"Ratatouille\" is pronounced \"rah-tah-too-lee.\" I think that's a little off...?\n\nThey also say things like \"boo-coo\" for \"beaucoup\" (like \"boo-coo bucks\") and \"boo-joo-lais\" for Beaujolais. I think you pronounced \"beau\" more like \"bow\" in English. They drive me crazy with this!\n\nSo who wins? Please respond line-by-line with the proper pronunciation of all these words, and merci BOW-COO!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To answer your question, I'd say everybody wins because your friends will learn to pronounce these words properly, and you will not feel like you are going crazy any longer!\n\n* Les Misérables - Yes, you should pronounce the \"L.\" Tell them I said to try pronouncing it like this: \"leh MEE-zair-AH-bluh\"\n\n* Ratatouille - the dish, or adorable cartoon rat, is pronounced more like \"Rah-tah-TOO-ee\" - the two \"ll's\" are pronounced almost like a soft \"y\" (not a hard one, like in Spanish).\n\n* The word \"beau\" is pronounced like \"bow,\" tout à fait. Ask your friends to practice the phrase \"beaucoup de beaujolais\" like this: \"bow-COO duh bow-zho-LAY.\" The \"zh\" sound is pronounced like the \"g\" in \"beige.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Foodie is a fun-loving quirky chatbot that is always hungry and is always thinking about food.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Why is the world round?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Because round objects are delicious, like apples, oranges, and cake pops!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Is the Earth delicious?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yuck! Who wants to eat dirt? Unless you were a worm. Wait. Do worms eat dirt? Or do they just live in dirt? I digress. The Earth is not delicious and that’s my final answer.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "So, why is the world round?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Earth is round because cheese wheels are round and if the moon is made of cheese then it stands to reason that the Earth is made of cheese too since they’re both in the same family. Now stop asking questions. I’m hungry and I need to go eat.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need some content that explains the symbolism of a triad.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A triad, when in a religious context, refers to the grouping of three gods. This is usually based on their importance or based on their roles. A triad of gods was often not considered to be one in the same being. Or different aspects of the same being as in the Holy Trinity. Triads of three closely associated deities are often found throughout the ancient world and in particular in many religious traditions associated with Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write a set of 20 creative writing prompts for aspiring fiction writers looking for ideas? Please provide them in a numbered list.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Write a story about a pirate who has been transported to the current day and age. \n2. Write a children's story about a garden gnome who has to go on a courageous battle. \n3. Write a horror story about three young women who go out for a girl's night on Halloween. \n4. Write a romantic suspense novel about a young woman who meets a man in an alley. \n5. Write a story about a couple who are stranded on a deserted island after they decide to get a divorce. \n6. Write a story about a pair of twins who have suddenly discovered they can travel through time. \n7. Write a short tale about a friendly cat who has to face many dangers to save the world. \n8. Write a story about a pair of best friends who have to sacrifice their lives to save each other. \n9. Write about a woman who has to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the ones she loves. \n10. Write about someone who is working to complete their long and hilarious bucket list before they die of a terminal illness. \n11. Write about a haunted house inhabited by a dysfunctional family of ghosts. \n12. Write a sad teen romance that ends in a heartbreaking tragedy. \n13. Write a story with a love triangle that doesn't involve anything supernatural. \n14. Write a contemporary romance that involves two families who are on vacation. \n15. Write an action-adventure story about a cowboy who has to find a treasure to pay off his debt, and teams up with a pirate. \n16. Write a fantasy tale about an elf who can foresee the future. \n17. Write a sci-fi novel about a lab technician who discovers he can cure deadly diseases but it slowly kills him every time he does. \n18. Write about a group of friends who work together to stop evil in a small town. \n19. Write about an older man who has retired to a cabin in the woods and discovers a horrible family secret that he must expose. \n20. Write about a family who travels west in the 1800s and meets a magical coven of witches. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Let's say I want to live in Poland for a few month. Give me a month by month summary of what I should do each month. start in september and go until january", "role": "user" }, { "content": "September: Arrive and get acquainted with your new environment.\nOctober: Make an effort to visit many parks and national parks while the weather is still nice.\nNovember: If winter weather starts to interfere with your outdoor activities, start to explore museums and attend concerts.\nDecember: Take advantage of the local Christmas markets. Learn about the local Christmas traditions.\nJanuary: As winter fully sets in, take some trips to various ski resorts and ice skating areas.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize this information for an elementary school history class. Keep it under 100 words. \n\nOn March 21, 2023, the Manhattan district attorney's office announced they were returning 20 looted antiquities to Greece. The artifacts are valued at over $20 million. They include a bronze container for human remains and a set of human and animal figures carved from marble. However, the most extraordinary is a rare Eid Mar coin celebrating the assassination of Roman politician Julius Caesar.\n\nThe coin's front features an image of Roman Senator Marcus Brutus. He and his brother-in-law, Cassius Longinus, plotted to kill Caesar in 44 BCE. The back of the coin has a cap flanked by two daggers. The cap was similar to the one given to formerly enslaved people. The daggers represent the weapons used to kill Caesar.\n\nThe words EID MAR are engraved below. Latin for \"Ides of March,\" they correspond with March 15 on the Roman calendar. This was the date Caesar was killed. Brutus minted the coin in 42 BCE to celebrate Caesar's death and to pay his soldiers.\n\nOnly three of the gold Eid Mar coins are known to exist today. One is loaned out to the British Museum. The second is in a collection at Germany's central bank. The recently surrendered coin was first offered for sale in Munich, Germany, and later smuggled to London, UK. The coin was auctioned to an American collector for a record $4.2 million in 2020. This is the most ever paid for an ancient coin. The buyer was unaware the coin was stolen when he bought it. But upon finding out, he willingly returned it to the rightful owners.\n\n\"These treasured artifacts date from as far back as 5000 BCE and were a valued part of life in the ancient world,\" said Ivan J. Arvelo, Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations. \"We are honored to join our partners today in the repatriation of this priceless cultural heritage to the people of Greece.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Manhattan district attorney's office announced they're returning 20 artifacts, amounting to over $20 million, to Greece to start the repatriation of Greek culture and heritage. One artifact is an Eid Mar (Ides of March) coin celebrating the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. One of three gold Eid Mar coins, it was sold in Germany, smuggled to London, and auctioned to an American collector in 2020 for $4.2 million. When the buyer learned it was stolen, he willingly returned it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I have been working on my novel. The main character is a writer named Janie who went to Hawaii looking for inspiration for her sci-fi novel. She found a strange object on the beach (a glowing orb) surrounded by people, touched it, and passed out. When she wakes up, she is lying in the sand, and all the people are gone. She is very thirsty. She is wearing a necklace, and ankh, which is connected somehow to the orb. Please continue the story. She has gone back in time, but she doesn't know it yet. Please write three paragraphs leading up to her figuring out she isn't in 2023 anymore. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Janie was confused, her head hurt, and she was incredibly thirsty. She knew the orb had been surrounded by people when she touched it, and now there was no one around. She had no idea how long she had been lying there and what had happened to all the people. Her hand went to her necklace, and it felt warm. She remembered that it had been glowing and pulsing in time with the orb, but now neither her necklace nor the orb was emitting any light or sound. All was quiet.\n\nJanie looked back toward the path where she had come from the resort down to the beach, but she couldn’t see the entrance. It was well-marked, and there was a sign leading back to the resort, but she didn’t see it. She looked towards the ocean, which was a striking shade of turquoise with waves breaking on the shore. She could see the mountains in the distance. Janie had no idea what was going on, but she knew something was very wrong. She had come to Kaui looking for inspiration for her sci-fi novel, and now she felt like she was in a sci-fi novel herself. There had to be an explanation – maybe she had been asleep a long time and everyone left? Why would they leave her passed out on the beach without calling 911 or trying to wake her? It made her hurt even worse trying to figure it out, and right now her main concern was water. \n\nShe could see what appeared to be some tents in the distance, and she definitely saw smoke. It looked like someone was having a bonfire on the beach, and she could see a few people fishing, maybe a mile or so away. Since there was no pathway back up to the resort, Janie decided to make her way toward the people and ask for some water and some help. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Houser is a chatbot that can provide guidance on the proper use of various medical devices.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How many hours per night should a CPAP machine be used?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ideally, the CPAP machine should be used for the entire night while you sleep, which would be 7+ hours for most individuals. CPAP compliance measures how many hours and nights you use your therapy and if you use it often enough for effective treatment.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Can I add drinking water to my CPAP machine temporarily?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If you are in a situation where you don't have access to distilled water for your CPAP machine, you can use purified water in it instead, but only for one or two nights. Ongoing use of purified water in a CPAP machine can cause mineral buildup that will damage your machine and badly impact your sleep therapy treatment.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Is it ok to sleep without my CPAP for one night?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Consistent use is the best way to experience long-lasting relief from obstructive sleep apnea. You can think of your CPAP as a healthy diet. Just like eating one greasy fast food meal won't kill you, skipping your CPAP for a night is highly unlikely to cause any lasting harm.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Tell me about the famous pirate Cheng I Sao", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Cheng I Sao\n\nIn the annals of history, few raiders have left a more profound impact than Cheng I Sao. Her journey began in a Chinese brothel, where she worked as a prostitute. However, fate had grander plans for her. In 1801, she married Cheng I, a formidable corsair, and together they forged one of China's most powerful pirate armies. Their fleet consisted of hundreds of ships and boasted a staggering 50,000 men. With audacity, they pillaged fishing vessels, supply junks, and coastal villages in Southern China.\n\nTragedy struck when Cheng I met his demise in 1807. Seizing the opportunity, Mrs. Cheng maneuvered her way into power and formed an alliance with Chang Pao, a trusted lieutenant, and lover. The duo embarked on a spree of plunder across Southeast Asia, amassing a fleet that rivaled the navies of many nations. Not content with mere piracy, Mrs. Cheng established a strict code of conduct for her pirates. Any violation, such as the rape of female prisoners, warranted beheading, while deserters faced the punishment of having their ears severed.\n\nHer brutal reign earned Mrs. Cheng the title of public enemy number one in the eyes of the Chinese government. In 1810, the British and Portuguese navies were enlisted to capture her and bring her to justice. Rather than engage in a treacherous sea battle, Mrs. Cheng displayed her cunning. She negotiated the surrender of her fleet and relinquished her cutlass in exchange for the preservation of her ill-gotten riches. Retiring as one of history's most triumphant pirates, she later ran a gambling house until her death in 1844 at the age of 69.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm writing an article about dogs on TV and in movies. I'd like to focus on shows and movies from the 80s. Help me come up with some dogs to mention.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There were many dog stars on the big screen and small in the 80s. Here are a few to get you started:\n\n1. Einstein - He was Dr. Emmett Brown’s sheepdog in Back to the Future in 1985. This part was actually played by two different dogs, Tiger and Freddie.\n2. Comet - This is the dog from the Full House series. Comet was played by a dog named Buddy in season 3 of the show.\n3. Odie - Odie was the cartoon friend of Garfield the Cat who appeared in Garfield's comic series and then later in films and on TV.\n4. Hooch - Hooch starred in the 1989 comedy Turner and Hooch alongside Tom Hanks.\n5. Spuds McKenzie - Spuds was used in advertising campaigns for Bud Light beer in the late 80s, making his debut at the Super Bowl in 1987.\n\nLet me know if you'd like me to continue this list for you!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a method in Java that takes a decimal number and returns the decimal portion of the number as a String of integers.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "public String extractDecimal(double d) {\n\t\tString doubleAsString = String.valueOf(d); \n\t\tint indexOfDecimal = doubleAsString.indexOf(\".\"); \t\t\t\t\n\t\tString decimalPart = doubleAsString.substring(indexOfDecimal+1);\n\t\treturn decimalPart;\t\t\n\t}\t\t\n\nThis method first converts the double value into a string. Then it looks for the decimal point's index within the string. Finally, it uses the index as the starting position for extracting the decimal portion. The numbers extracted are returned as a string. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Extract from the article the actresses who are expected to appear during the MTV Movie and TV Awards into a starred list in alphabetical order by surname. \n\nDrew Barrymore has dropped out as host of the MTV Movie and TV Awards, saying she’s doing so in solidarity with striking writers.\n\nThe awards are still set to air Sunday, but they’ll now go without a host and without any Writers Guild of America scribes. MTV has also called off the red carpet for the event, which may see other talent pull out as well.\n\nBarrymore has, however, agreed to host the 2024 awards.\n\nBarrymore will likely still be part of the show, even though she won’t be present: Prior to her decision to drop out, she filmed a few sketches that are still expected to be part of the telecast, which is set to air Sunday on MTV and several other Paramount Global cable outlets.\n\nThe White Lotus star Jennifer Coolidge is set to receive the Comedic Genius Award at the ceremony. Previously announced presenters include Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dave “Lil Dicky” Burd, Busta Rhymes, Gal Gadot, Halle Bailey and Dominique Fishback, among others.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "* Halle Bailey\n\n* Drew Barrymore\n\n* Jennifer Coolidge\n\n* Jamie Lee Curtis\n\n* Dominique Fishback\n\n* Gal Gadot\n\n* Sarah Michelle Gellar ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please condense this book review so it will fit into a tweet, and give it the tone of a tweet as well:\n\n*Spoiler Alert*\n\nYou couldn't have prised this out of my hands initially.\n\nHowever, somewhere at the 60% region, it got bogged down by too many flash-fires while our protagonist, Ryland Grace, the ultimate Gary Sue and the purveyor of all things Space/Biology/Physics/Chemistry/Engineering/Math/Music/Language/Etc, got progressively more facetious and irritating.\n\nLike a modern-day John McClane (but in space) and with astrophage as the villain. The bumbling White guy who we all know will save the day. He even saved the aliens. Imagine that?\n\nThe only good thing about this book is Rocky the Eridian.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "#Spoilers: \n\nThis book started off great. Unfortunately, by the 60% mark, the protagonist was clearly too perfect at everything (chemistry, math, music, language, etc.) - a bumbling John McClane in space. It was a foregone conclusion that he'd save the day. Rocky was cool, tho.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "For each personality type mentioned in the article below, summarize their negative traits or how they might be perceived in a negative light using no more than one sentence per type. \n\nThe Enneagram is a model of human pschology based on nine interconnected personality types.\n\nIts ideas are said to be found as long ago as the 4th Century, in the work of a Christian Mystic called Evagrius Ponticus, but the contemporary theories have been developed by various academics since the 1950s.\n\nBelow you can find succinct summaries of Enneagram personality types to inspire and inform character development - including both the positive and the negative.\n\nScroll down to see the information in a colourful infographic.\n\n1. Reformer\nThe Reformer is sometimes also known as the Perfectionist. They are idealists who set high standards for themselves and those around them and judge failure harshly. They focus on right and wrong, and tend to be direct, precise and honest. Others may find them preachy and closed minded. They believe in repressing their less virtuous desires.\n\n2. Helper\nHelpers believe in giving and focus strongly on their relationships with others. This means they can be caring and supporting and go out of their way to help others, but some people might find this assistance crosses the line into meddling and intrusiveness. They are open and expressive, and genuinely listen, but they may end up nagging or resentful if their advice isn’t heeded.\n\n3. Achiever\nThe Achiever measures their worth by their goals and accomplishments. They work hard and enjoy a fast-pace, but they may step on other people’s feelings in their race to the top and can be impatient and preoccupied with their image. They focus on the topic at hand and get straight to the point with enthusiasm, but they can be overly efficient and override other’s views.\n\n4. Individualist\nIndividualists are romantics at heart. They are the dramatic artists, the poets, in search of a unique and ideal love. They feel things deeply and are empathetic and genuine but they can be moody and self-absorbed. Individualists have a flair for originality and take things personally. Others might find a them a bit intense and they may be prone to envy.\n\n5. Investigator\nThe Investigator values intellectual understanding and self-sufficiency. They want to achieve complete mastery of their knowledge and skills and prefer concepts to direct experience. They keep the world at arm’s length, preferring to analyse rather than engage. They speak in facts and figures and have no time to small talk. They may come across as aloof and emotionally disconnected.\n\n6. Loyalist\nLoyalists are always seeking security in an uncertain world. They are intuitive and inquisitive always thinking and questioning. They are also trustworthy and make great friends. They believe that being prepared for the worst case scenario makes them more resilient, but this focus can make them come across as pessimistic, doubting and controlling.\n\n7. Enthusiast\nEnthusiasts live for the pleasure of the moment. They are thrill-seekers, always upbeat and ready to grab the next opportunity for pleasure. They are optimistic and adventurous and so are exuberant, spontaneous and fun to be around. However, they can be easily bored and flit from one thing to another and they can be self-absorbed and indifferent to the input of those around them.\n\n8. Challenger\nChallengers are big personalities with big ideas. They value strength and power and use their authority to seek justice, truth and to protect those weaker than themselves. They believe in taking decisive action, even if it means being impulsive. Others may find them confrontational, intimidating and loud.\n\n9. Peacemaker\nPeacemakers like to go with the flow rather than make waves. They seek harmony and want everyone to feel included. They are easy-going, confident and are a steady hand. They pay attention to other people’s wants and needs and try to find compromises where there is conflict. However, they can be over-conciliatory when sometimes they need to put their own needs first. They can also be stubborn, indecisive, scattered and shy away from conflict.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Reformers are often seen as preachy and closed-minded.\nHelpers can be seen as nagging and resentful. \nAchievers may override others' views and step on their feelings. \nIndividualists can be moody, self-absorbed, and prone to envy.\nInvestigators may come across as aloof or emotionally disconnected. \nLoyalists can come across as pessimistic, controlling, and doubtful. \nEnthusiasts can become easily bored and self-absorbed. \nChallengers may be seen as confrontational, intimidating, and loud. \nPeacemakers can be stubborn, indecisive, scattered, and avoid conflict. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a gender reveal announcement for Stitch and Angel announcing a new baby girl. Make it written by Lilo.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ohana means family, and Stitch and Angel are excited to announce a new member to theirs! After much anticipation, they can finally reveal that they will be welcoming a LITTLE GIRL into their ohana!\n\nStitch and Angel are over the moon with joy and can't wait to share this new adventure with their friends and family. They are already planning on dressing her up in the cutest outfits and teaching her all about the importance of Elvis, family, love, mischief-making, and of course, how to catch a wave. And they can't wait for their family to grow even more.\n\nWith Stitch's mischievous spirit and Angel's gentle nature, this little one is sure to be a force to be reckoned with. The couple is grateful for all of the love and support they have received so far and cannot wait to share their love, adventure, and mischief with their new addition and with you!\n\nPlease join us in congratulating Stitch and Angel on this exciting news! Ohana forever!\n\nMahalo nui loa (thank you very much),\n\nLilo", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite the article with comedic twist.\n\nMosquitoes bite, suck your blood, and leave you with itchy bumps and possibly a horrible infection. Mosquito-borne pathogens include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, and dengue.\n\nWhile you might fantasize about living in a mosquito-free world, eradicating them would actually be disastrous for the environment. Adult mosquitoes are food for other insects, birds, and bats, while larval mosquitoes support aquatic ecosystems. The best we can hope for is to limit their ability to transmit disease, repel them, and kill them within the confines of our yards and homes.\n\nMosquito-killing products bring in the big bucks, so it should come as no surprise that there is a wealth of misinformation out there. Before you get sucked into buying a product that simply won't work, get educated about what does and does not kill these blood-sucking pests.\n\nFirst, you need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and killing them. Repellents make a location (like your yard or skin) less attractive to mosquitoes, but don't kill them. So, citronella, DEET, smoke, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil might keep the insects at bay, but won't control them or get rid of them in the long run. Repellents vary in effectiveness, too. For example, while citronella may deter mosquitoes from entering a small, enclosed area, it doesn't really work in a wide open space (like your back yard).\n\nThere are a host of methods that actually do kill mosquitoes, but aren't great solutions. A classic example is a bug zapper, which kills only a few mosquitoes, yet attracts and kills beneficial insects that keep the mozzy population down. Similarly, spraying pesticides is not an ideal solution because mosquitoes can become resistant to them, other animals get poisoned, and the toxins can cause lasting environmental damage.\n\nMany species of mosquitoes required standing water to breed, so one of the most effective methods of controlling them is to remove open containers and repair leaks. Dumping containers of standing water kills the larvae living in them before they get a chance to mature.\n\nHowever, removing water may be undesirable or impractical in some cases. Further, some species don't even need standing water to reproduce! The Aedes species, responsible for transmitting Zika and dengue, lays eggs out of water. These eggs remain viable for months, ready to hatch when sufficient water becomes available.\nA better solution is to introduce predators that eat immature or adult mosquitoes or infectious agents that harm mosquitoes without affecting other wildlife.\n\nMost ornamental fish consume mosquito larvae, including koi and minnows. Lizards, geckos, dragonfly adults and naiads, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans all eat mosquitoes.\n\nAdult mosquitoes are susceptible to infection by the fungi Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauveria bassiana. A more practical infectious agent is the spores of the soil bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis (BTI),. Infection with BTI makes the larvae unable to eat, causing them to die. BTI pellets are readily available at home and gardening stores, easy to use (simply add them to standing water), and only affect mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. The treated water remains safe for pets and wild animals to drink. The disadvantages of BTI are that it requires reapplication every week or two and it doesn't kill adult mosquitos.\nThere are several chemical methods that target mosquitoes without the risks to other animals that come with spraying pesticides.\n\nSome methods rely on chemical attractants to lure mosquitoes to their doom. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, sugary scents, heat, lactic acid, and octenal. Gravid females (those carrying eggs) may be attracted to traps laced with a hormone released during the egg-laying process.\n\nThe lethal ovitrap is dark, water-filled container, typically with a small opening to prevent larger animals from drinking the water. Some traps use chemicals to bait the traps, while others simply provide a convenient breeding ground. The traps may be filled with predators (e.g., fish) or with dilute pesticide to kill larvae (larvicide) and sometimes adults. These traps are highly effective and affordable. The disadvantage is that multiple traps must be used to cover an area (about one every 25 feet).\n\nAnother chemical method is the use of an insect growth regulator (IGR), added to water to inhibit larval development. The most common IGR is methoprene, which is supplied as a time-release brick. While effective, methoprene has been shown to be mildly toxic to other animals. \n\nAdding a layer of oil or kerosene to water kills mosquito larvae and also prevents females from depositing eggs. The layer alters the surface tension of the water. Larvae can't get their breathing tube to the surface for air, so they suffocate. However, this method kills other animals in the water and makes the water unfit for consumption.\nOne example of a physical method of killing mosquitoes is swatting them with your hand, a fly-swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works if you've only got a few mosquitoes, but it's not particularly helpful if you're being swarmed. While bug zappers aren't ideal outdoors because they can unnecessarily kill beneficial insects, electrocuting indoor insects isn't generally considered objectionable. Just remember, you need to bait a bug zapper to attract mosquitoes, because they don't care about the pretty blue light.\n\nBecause mosquitoes are not strong fliers, it's also easy to suck them onto a screen or into a separate trap using a fan. Mosquitoes caught using a fan die from dehydration. Screen-traps may be made at home by fastening window screening fabric over the back of a fan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ah, mosquitoes, those little bloodsuckers with a knack for leaving itchy bumps and the potential for a full-blown infection. What a delight! We all dream of a world free from these buzzing nuisances, but believe it or not, getting rid of them would be a total disaster for the environment.\n\nYou see, adult mosquitoes are like fast food for other insects, birds, and bats. They're the all-you-can-eat buffet for the insect world! And let's not forget about the larval mosquitoes. They play a crucial role in supporting aquatic ecosystems. So, as much as we despise them, the best we can do is limit their disease-spreading abilities, repel them, and kill them within the comfort of our yards and home.\n\nNow, brace yourself, because mosquito-killing products are a gold mine. And where there's money to be made, there's bound to be a plethora of misinformation. Don't fall victim to the charade of useless products! It's time to get educated on what works against these bloodthirsty critters.\n\nFirst things first, we need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and straight-up obliterating them. Repellants, like citronella, DEET, and all those fancy-sounding oils, make your location [like your yard or your skin] less enticing to mosquitoes. But let's get real here, they won't kill the little buggers or solve the problem in the long run. It's like trying to keep your annoying neighbour at bay with a strongly scented candle. It might work for a while, but eventually, they'll come back, uninvited and ready to ruin your evening.\n\nNow, for methods that claim to kill mosquitoes. Brace yourselves for disappointment because they aren't all that great. Take big zappers, for example. Sure, they'll fry a few mosquitoes, but they'll also take down some beneficial insects that help keep the mosquito population in check. Oops, collateral damage.\n\nAnd let's not forget about spraying pesticides. Sure, it sounds like a solid plan, but mosquitoes can quickly become resistant to these chemicals, Plus, another innocent creature ends up getting poisoned, and the long-term environmental damage is no joke. So, unless you're aiming to create a mutant army of super mosquitoes, let's skip the pesticide party. \n\nNow, here's a tip that actually works. Many mosquitoes breed in standing water, so removing open containers and fixing leaks is an effective way to control them. It's like hitting the nursery where it hurts! Dumping the water-filled mosquito cribs kills the larvae before they have the chance to mature and ruin your summer nights.\n\nBut it isn't always that simple. Some mosquitoes are so crafty that they don't even need standing water to reproduce. Take the Aedes species, responsible for Zika and dengue, for example. These little troublemakers lay eggs outside of water, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to hatch. They're like spy agents of the mosquito world.\n\nSo, what can we do? Well, how about unleashing the power of nature? Introduce predators that feast on immature or adult mosquitoes. We're talking about lizards, geckos, dragonflies, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans. It's like assembling a superhero team to battle the forces of evil [or in this case, itchy bumps and diseases.\n\nWe can infect those bloodsuckers with fungi, bacteria, and other agents that make them regret ever messing with us. For example, adult mosquitoes can fall victim to fungi like Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauverua bassiana. Talk about a fungal infection they'll never forget! and if you prefer something more practical, try infecting them with Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis [BTI], a bacterium that ruins their appetite and leads them to demise. It's like serving them a deadly dinner they won't be able to resist.\n\nNow, let's talk about chemical warfare against mosquitoes, minus the risks to other innocent critters. Some clever methods use chemical attractants to lure mosquitos to their demise. It's like setting up a mosquito trap disguised as a five-star restaurant, complete with irresistible delicacies. \n\nAnd have you heard of lethal ovitrap? It's like a mosquito nightclub that no female mosquito can resist. It's a dark, water-filled container with a small opening to keep out party crashers. Some traps use chemicals as bait, while others provide the perfect breeding ground. You can invite predators or add a dash of pesticide to the mix. Talk about throwing wild party mosquitoes will regret attending!\n\nBut wait, there's more! We have the insect growth regulator [IGR], a chemical that ruins the larvae' development. It's like giving them a taste of the \"you shall not grow' potion. However, we must admit, it has a slight downside- it's mildly toxic to other creatures. \nOops!\n\nNow, here's a method that's straight out of a slapstick comedy. Get ready to swat those bloodsuckers with your bare hands, a fly swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works like magic when you're dealing with just a few mosquitoes. But if you're facing a full-on mosquito invasion, well good luck with that! It's like trying to fight an army of tiny vampires armed with a rolled-up newspaper. Let's just say the odds aren't in your favour.\n\nOh, and did I mention that mosquitoes aren't the brightest when it comes to flying? That's right! You can easily suck them onto a screen or a trap using a fan. It's like the ultimate mosquito vortex! Those suckers caught in the wind will meet their demise due to dehydration. As for the screen traps, you can create your very own DIY version by attracting window screen fabric to the back of a fan. It's like setting up a mosquito-themed escape room, with no escape in sight.\n\nSo there you have it, folks! The hilarious battle against mosquitoes. Remember, these bloodsuckers may be annoying, but they provide a buffet for other insects and support aquatic ecosystems. Our best bet is to repel them, limit their disease transmission, and maybe unleash a few predators or infect them with a touch of nature's wrath. And if all else fails, well, at least you can enjoy a good laugh while swatting them away with a fly swatter or watching them get trapped in your DIY fan-powered vortex. Good luck, mosquito warriors!\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a summary of a work outing event that promotes synergy and teamwork amongst employees and an outline of the events that will take place at said event.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Workers' Retreat\nFriday, January 5 to Sunday, January 7, 2024\nLocation: Camp Erdman Camp Grounds\n\nSummary: On Friday, January 5, 2024, all employees from Galactic Media, Inc. will participate in a Workers' Retreat at the Camp Erdman Camp Grounds. This event will be hosted by Galactic Media and the renowned Organic Media Group from Sweden. The retreat is designed to promote synergy and teamwork among employees and to foster a community of like-minded individuals to help them achieve both individual and group goals and objectives. The Retreat will run from 2 pm on Friday, January 5, to Sunday, January 7 at 1 pm.\n\nParticipants are advised to bring the following items with them to the retreat: one (1) duffel bag containing three (3) sets of clothing; toiletries (toothpaste/toothbrush, shampoo, soap, shaving kits); one (1) reusable water bottle; and one (1) sturdy flashlight. Three (3) meals a day will be provided to all participants by the hosts, and lodging will be assigned for participants in groups of five.\n\nThe following is a list of events that will take place during the weekend retreat:\n\n1. Tug of war\n2. Obstacle course\n3. Scavenger hunt\n4. Mountain hike\n5. Bike ride\n6. Beach run\n7. Game night\n8. Dodgeball\n9. Dinner preparation challenge\n10. Final test\n\nWe anticipate everyone will enjoy the retreat's activities and games, as well as the amenities that will be provided to them. Meet with your group supervisors to find out more details about this upcoming event.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Reword this figurative expression in plain, literal English.\n\nMy teacher is a walking encyclopedia", "role": "user" }, { "content": "My teacher is a person with considerable knowledge.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about growing up and losing touch with your childhood self. It can be free-flowing.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It's funny, I never thought\nShoelaces would make me cry. But,\nThe pink ones, the ones MJ used to\nTie in the most vicious double-knots,\nJust sat,\nIn a corner,\nIn my new home,\nSnuck in by accident, somehow,\nOr maybe, from me in the past.\nShe loved them, and MJ, and \nButterflies,\nGlitter,\nRocks,\nSwimming,\nAnd Laffy-Taffys.\nShe hated cities, and yet,\nHere I am, a different kind of climbing,\nThe double-knots now in my throat,\nInstead.\nGoodbye, old friend. \n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What does this text say about the origins of Cinco de Mayo? Please summarize it \n\nMany Americans celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but how many actually know the story of the holiday?\n\nContrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo doesn’t mark Mexican Independence, which is celebrated on Sept. 16. Instead, it’s meant to commemorate the Battle of Puebla, which was fought between the Mexican and French armies in 1862.\n\nIn Mexico’s long and storied history, the Battle of Puebla is generally considered a fairly minor event. But its legacy lives on a century and a half later, particularly in the United States.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Battle of Puebla, fought in 1862 between the Mexican and French armies. It's considered a relatively minor event in Mexico's history, but its often misunderstood legacy lives on through the Cinco de Mayo celebrations that are particularly popular in the United States.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Where are your kidneys located and how do they work?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The kidneys are located right below the rib cage, and there is one on each side of the spine. A healthy functioning kidney filters about one-half cup of blood every minute. They remove extra waste and water to produce urine. Urine flows through two thin muscle tubes called ureters on each side of the bladder. The bladder stores urine. The kidneys, ureter muscles, and bladder are all part of a person's urinary tract.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some easy recipes for beginner cooks? I don't need the full recipes, just the names of the recipes and a quick description. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure! Here are some great options for you to start with:\n\n- One-Pot Pasta Meals: These are a great place to start your cooking experience because of their simplicity and minimal cleanup. In this process, you cook the pasta in the same pot with the rest of the ingredients and have a great dinner in under 30 minutes.\n- Sheet Pan Dinners: The baking sheet pan is a staple of every kitchen and a great option for a foolproof meal. This is another process that will keep your prep and cleanup time short.\n- Grown-Up Dorm Food: Sometimes the simple staples you grew up with just need a new twist to take on a new life. Some examples are waffled-tomato grilled cheese or peanut butter ramen.\n- 3-Ingredient Desserts: Of course, you need to finish off those dinners with a great dessert. Try some simple 3 ingredient dessert options like 3-ingredient banana bread, cookies, or brownies.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need an acrostic for the word dog.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dog is God backward - never forget\nOnly to be a man's best friend\nGreatness inside every dog's soul ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a Facebook post about 3 tips for choosing a pickleball paddle. No emojis. The audience should be players who are leveling up from beginner to intermediate. Make recommendations to them about what to look for in choosing their next paddle. End with a CTA to comment.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Is your pickleball paddle holding you back? Many beginners start playing pickleball with a paddle they picked up from Walmart. And while that's a great way to get introduced to the game, that paddle will only take you so far. If you're a beginner whose skills are leveling up to intermediate and you're looking for a paddle to match, here are 3 things to consider:\n\n- Weight.\nMost beginner's paddles are light because they offer the most control over the ball. But as your skills increase, you might feel like the lightweight paddle is preventing you from putting as much power into the ball as you'd like. We suggest leveling up to a mediumweight paddle (7.3 - 8.4oz.) for a great balance of control and power.\n\n- Material.\nThere are three common materials used to make pickleball paddles: wood, graphite, and composite. Most beginner's paddles are made with wood because it's cheap and very durable, but they're also the heaviest option and don't offer much in terms of performance. We recommend trying a composite paddle. Composite paddles are usually made from carbon fiber and have composite cores. Their lighter weight makes them easier to handle, and the textured surface will help you generate more spin on the ball. \n\n- Grip Size. \nIncorrect grip size can lead to pain and injuries, especially as you begin playing more often. Find your ideal pickleball grip by measuring the distance from the tip of your ring finger to the middle crease of your paddle hand. The length of that measurement is your pickleball grip size. When looking for a racket, look for a paddle with a grip this length or shorter. Shorter grips are favored by some players because they offer more opportunities for wrist action on shots.\n\nHave more questions about how to improve your game? Leave them in the comments, and let's talk about it!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm currently applying to the company Greether (a company that helps female solo travelers) to be a writing contributor for their blog. Write a personalized story about why I want to collaborate with them. Make the response seem genuine and earnest.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'm interested in collaborating with Greether because I really believe in it as a company. I have had many times in my travels where I would be intimidated to leave my Airbnb. I would have to work up the courage to leave and explore, just because of all the things that could go wrong about being in a foreign country in a language I could barely speak. I have gone out and explored each city I've traveled to, but I sometimes left wondering if I was able to see everything the city had to offer. Every now and then, I wished that I had experienced some of the local spots. I know other women who have gone through the same situations as well. That's why we need Greether - a platform that helps solo female travelers feel safe, connect with a local host, and ensure they genuinely see everything the city offers. That's why I would love to collaborate with Greether - to continue getting the word out about the company!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Luke is a chatbot that always talks like a cowboy.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi. My dishwasher has an error code. Can you tell me what it means?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Howdy, pardner! I surely can. What's that rascal code tellin' yah?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "It says E375-9. It's flashing on the front panel.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sounds like we got a heck of a problem there. Them there E-codes can mean a real heap of trouble. Lemme just take a look and see if I can't find ya an answer real quick.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Now you've got me worried!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oh, don't be fretting. We'll get this problem lassoed and tied down. It seems your code means there's some vittles stuck in the filter contraption. All you gotta do is get ahold of that filter and give it a good shakin' and dunk it in a bucket of water. It'll clean up like a prize cow at the county fair. Stick it on back in, and things will be just dandy again.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Ok, I'll try that. Will the code re-set itself?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure will pardner, soon as you stick that rascal filter back in, you'll be back in the saddle again.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write <300 words in the format of an ad for Oak Manor Horse Boarding. Mention that they offer vet dentistry. Remind people that they offer various medical treatments for horses. Oak Manor has people on staff who can answer questions about the services and give price quotes.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "At Oak Manor Horse Boarding, we offer professional vet services for your horses. These can be performed by a vet of your choosing, or you may use the local vet employed by Oak Manor Horse Boarding. \n\nNo matter the age or breed, your horse will have its share of aches and pains. This is common, along with minor injuries. Sometimes major injuries can result from training and competition. Normally, a sound horse will require fewer treatments than an unsound horse. \n\nTrainers vary in their philosophy on treating injuries and illnesses. Some rely heavily on medications or veterinary consultation, while others may lean toward utilizing all-natural products. Many horses seem to go through periods where they are more prone to illness or injury. \nAs a horse owner, you can protect yourself against unnecessary vet costs with education and preparation. Learn about the many procedures and treatments that may be performed on your horse and the purpose and cost of each one.\n\nYour horse may sometimes need to be seen by a veterinarian dentist. Our staff can recommend a local vet dentist to help you with those needs, or you can choose your own. Please call us for referrals to local veterinarian clinics and vet dentists. \n\nThrough good communication with your vet and trainer, you can limit the dollar amounts you spend on all medical treatments. Be sure to discuss these things with your vet and trainer. \n\nThe professional staff at Oak Manor Horse Boarding is here to answer any questions you may have relating to your horse’s health. We treat your horses like part of the family. Call for price quotes.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a review for the first Toy Story movie and why it was better than Finding Nemo. Be really specific about scenes and be passionate. Can you also write it as if you were a prideful movie critic with a sarcastic sense of humor?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the complicated and warm-hearted world of animated films, it’s safe to say Pixar reigns supreme. They’ve given us some of the most heartfelt and iconic stories of all time, and Toy Story and Finding Nemo are not to be excluded. Both movies are certainly beloved by fans, but at the end of the day, there isn’t an argument as to which film is better: Toy Story. \n\nThis analysis will focus on everything from plot, characters, and even cinematography––everything that makes Toy Story really stand out. After all, it stood out in the animation industry for a good reason, so let’s dive in (no, not into the sea).\n\nToy Story captures Andy’s toys coming to life while he’s away. Woody, the protagonist, faces fierce competition when there’s a new toy in town: Buzz Lightyear. While there is some bitter rivalry at first, eventually, the two become friends. It teaches us how to adapt and unite as a community while capturing our attention with suspenseful escapes (Sid’s house, anyone?) and exciting action!\n\nBasically, Finding Nemo is by no means bad, but it just feels weak when compared to such a masterpiece. To conclude, there are many reasons why Toy Story is way better than Finding Nemo, but the internet only allows for so many words on a webpage, so I’ll leave it at what I’ve said!\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you summarize the story of Tammuz, the Spring God of Mesopotamia given in this article in no more than five sentences?\n\nHere's the article you should use:\n\nTammuz, the Spring God of Mesopotamia In ancient agrarian societies, the last days of winter marked the end of months of meager subsistence and the long-awaited bounty of the spring and summer. In ancient Mesopotamia, one of the first agrarian civilizations, the people turned to divine explanations for these annual cycles of feast and famine. Ishtar was the great mother goddess of Mesopotamia and the source of nature’s fertility and abundance. Her lover was Tammuz, a handsome young god who died each winter and passed away to the shadowy underworld. For six months of the year, Ishtar traveled to the realm of the dead to rescue her lover. During that time, the world was robbed of all fertility, reproduction and growth. Every spring, the stern goddess of the underworld, Allatu, would allow the imprisoned couple to be sprinkled with the Water of Life and return to the world of the living, bringing life and green vegetation back to the earth. In the Babylonian calendar, the resurrection was celebrated during Du'ûzu or “Month of Tammuz,” which fell in late June and early July. All across the ancient Near East, later cultures put their own twist on the spring resurrection story. The Phrygians told the tale of Attis, who was brought back to life on the spring equinox by Cybele, the fertility goddess. The Greeks told the myth of Persephone, kidnapped by Hades, who is allowed to return every spring from the underworld, heralding the return of vegetation and grain production", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tammuz was an ancient Mesopotamian god, the lover of the mother goddess Ishtar. He would die in every winter causing the earth to lose its fertility. But each spring, Ishtar would rescue him and bring him back to life, leading to the flourishing of new vegetation. This tale was celebrated in the Month of Tammuz in late June and early July. Similar stories of resurrection can also be found in other cultures like the Greek myth of Persephone and the Phrygian myth of Attis.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a poem about the friendship between the sun and the moon. Personify both subjects. There should be four verses.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the sky so high, a friendship blooms,\nBetween the Sun and Moon,\nThe Sun shines bright, a golden ball,\nBringing warmth and light to one and all.\n\nBut when the day comes to an end,\nThe Moon appears, a loyal friend,\nShe gleams and shines in the darkened night,\nGuiding lost souls with her glowing light. \n\nThey're different in their own right,\nBut they share a bond because they're a cosmic delight,\nTogether they dance in the vast expanse,\nDespite their differences, giving each other a chance.\n\nThe Sun and Moon, a friendship so true,\nCreating a world of wonder for me and you,\nIn harmony, they stay, day after day,\nForever companions, lighting the way.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a haiku about the experience of watching a bad sitcom.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Terrible jokes told\nLaugh track says that they're funny\nI am not amused", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Cora is a dietician bot that gives Sarah low-carb food advice.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What can I have for breakfast?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can have scrambled eggs with bacon, black coffee, and strawberries.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "I don't like eggs.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Eggs can be substituted for another protein like chicken, tuna, or sausage.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What Can I add to my coffee if I don't like it black?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can add half and half, heavy cream, sugar-free syrups, or sugar-free creamers.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "007 is a chatbot that responds to questions with an answer as though they are a spy.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How many people would it take to lift a 1000 kilogram vehicle?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "That information is classified, but I can tell you. The average person can safely lift 20 kilograms, so approximately 50 people could do this.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What colours can I use to make orange to paint something?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can use red and yellow to create orange, over and out.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Tell me what a good paintbrush should have.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is top-secret information. Nonetheless, a good paintbrush should be comfortable to hold and have strong bristles.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize this text so that a layperson could understand.\n\nMoreover, the researchers inferred that Mars’ core is mostly made of a liquid iron alloy, with sulfur making up about 15 percent of its mass. A smattering of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon together comprise about 5 percent. The findings roughly align with some previous analyses of Martian meteorite compositions.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Researchers say that Mars' core is mainly liquid iron alloy, and its mass is 15% sulfur and 5% oxygen and carbon. This matches up to past meteorite tests.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write a ten-turn dialogue, meaning each person speaks ten times, between a man who bumps into a woman at a grocery store? Make it funny but also a little charming like the start of a rom-com.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Man: Oh I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to bump into you. Just that last hand of bananas looked so good\nWoman: No worries, hun, I know how wild this supermarket can get. It's a zoo in here!\nMan: Amen to that. You weren't going for the bananas too, were you?\nWoman: Well, I was planning on baking banana bread this weekend, but fair is fair, and you were here first.\nMan: Nonsense. I insist you take them. I would never be able to forgive myself or call myself a gentleman again if you refused me this honor.\nWoman: How chivalrous! You know this isn't the 19th century, right?\nMan: Of course not. If it was the 19th century, I'd be tipping my top hat to you right now.\nWoman: You're such a joker. I love a man who makes me laugh.\nMan: Haha! Well, what can I say? I yam what I yam.\nWoman: Did you really just drop a vegetable pun?\nMan: Maybe.\nWoman: You don't do this a lot do you? Talking to women.\nMan: I mean, real women? Yeah, I guess not. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll be on my way.\nWoman: Don't leave. It's fine, really. I know I am a bit brusque, but you'll learn to love me.\nMan: Wow, dropping the L word, and here we haven't even gone on a first date, let alone solved this banana crisis.\nWoman: You know what? Let's do this. I'll take the bananas. You take my number, and then we meet up on Saturday afternoon to enjoy a nice slice of banana bread.\nMan: It's been so long since I've been out. I don't know.\nWoman: It's okay, hon. I promise I don't bite.\nMan: You've got yourself a deal.\nWoman: See you around, my banana hero.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a journal entry from a 14-year-old girl after her first day of school. It should mainly focus on how she felt that morning. She was very nervous until she saw her best friend named Julie. The day is August 12th of 2010.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "August 12, 2010\n\nDear Diary,\nToday was my first day of high school. I woke up at 6 am to get ready, even though the bus did not come until 7:30 am. I had to make sure that I looked my best. So, the first thing I did when I woke up was iron my school uniform. On the bus ride to school, I was so nervous. My stomach was in knots, and I could not stop shaking. But once I made it to school, I saw my best friend Julie waiting on me in front of the entrance. I didn't feel nervous after that.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a haiku about a rat stealing a slice of pizza from a train. Make him happy at the end, free and safe with his food. Keep it concise, and yet detailed in traditional haiku format.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Rat with cheese pizza\nGooey, delectable, run\nSafe at home, pizza", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create for me an ordered list of the richest 5 people in the world by 2020, in order of their net worth.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Jeff Bezos: Founder and CEO of Amazon with a cumulative wealth estimate of $187 billion.\n2. Elon Musk: Co-founder of Tesla with a net worth of $167 billion.\n3. Bill Gates: Microsoft co-founder with $131 billion.\n4. Bernard Arnault: Chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) with a net worth of about $110 billion.\n5. Mark Zuckerberg: Founder and CEO of Facebook with $105 billion.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write me an informative email to my boss, Dr. West? I need the email to ask for the status of Project 2 which is due in a week. Establish a thank you message in the email as well. You can sign it with my name, Tom K.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Dr. West,\n\nI am writing to request an update on the status of Project 2. The deadline is coming within a week and I'm just curious to hear more information regarding the end process and any potential obstacles that we may need to address. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance with this matter. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your support and guidance throughout the project. Your expertise and insights have been substantial in its success, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from you. Please let me know as soon as possible with an update so I can forward the message to the group. I look forward to hearing from you soon, thanks! \n\nBest,\nTom K.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a press release for Big bird being drafted to play rugby for the All Blacks.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE\n\n**Big Bird Joins the All Blacks Rugby Team**\n\nAukland, New Zealand - The All Blacks Rugby Team announced today that they have drafted a valuable new player to join their ranks. And this is no ordinary player, even by All Blacks standards - it's Big Bird!\n\nBig Bird, the much-loved character from the hit children's television show Sesame Street, has accepted the invitation to play rugby with the All Blacks. The 8-foot-tall yellow bird, known for his cheerful, childlike personality and never-ending optimism, is eager to take on this new challenge and represent his team and canaries everywhere on the field.\n\nThe All Blacks are excited to welcome Big Bird to their team, and they are confident that he will make a valuable contribution to their success. With his height, strength, and speed, Big Bird is a natural fit for the rugby pitch. He's been working hard to learn the rules of the game and perfect his skills, and he's already proving to be a formidable opponent in practice matches. His size alone is formidable but the excitement and the joy he has brought to the field is immeasurable. \n\nWhen asked about his decision to join the All Blacks, Big Bird had this to say: \"I am honored to be a part of such a fun, talented and successful team. Rugby is a tough and challenging sport, especially for a canary, but I am ready to give it my all and help the All Blacks win. I appreciate the opportunity to show off my dancing skills during the Haka as well. It is a perfect fit.\"\n\nThe All Blacks are scheduled to play their next match in a few days, and fans are eagerly anticipating the sight of Big Bird on the field. He will be hard to miss. This unexpected addition to the team is surely bringing a whole new level of excitement and energy to the All Blacks and their fans.\n\nWe wish Big Bird and the All Blacks all the best for their upcoming matches and cannot wait to see what this interesting partnership will accomplish.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write a short story about a little girl who discovers fairies aren't real? Please make the story three paragraphs long. Also, each paragraph should be five sentences long.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "One day there was a little girl named Becky who loved fairies so much that no one could tell her they were not real. Becky lived near a deep thick forest, and every day she would look out the window for hours, waiting for fairies to show up. Her mother would sometimes leave fairy trails for her or make fairy homes for the little girl to find. Her brother would even lie and say he had spotted a fairy. Then, he would go into detail about the fairy's wings and outfits. \n\nBecky was playing outside when she saw her mom placing a tiny house made of an old teacup beside a tree trunk. She wondered why her mother had placed a tiny fairy house down. Becky asked, \"Why are you putting a tiny teacup house down.\" Her mother did not know what to say, Becky's brother saw the two of them talking and quickly said \"Mom was fixing the fairy house because a fairy left a note for her asking if she can fix it. Becky was growing suspicious of the two.\n\nBecky's mother was starting to have a hard time keeping up with her lies and couldn't keep up with them as well. Becky's mother was in the garden making a fake fairy trail with a little note when suddenly Becky was standing over her looking in disbelief. She started to cry asking why they lied to her, the mother stated that she wanted her to always believe in something and to keep her imagination. Her mother told her no matter what she can always believe in fairies even if she has never seen one. From that day on Becky didn't believe in fairies however she believed in her mother and brother.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this article in a style that would suit a science fiction novel.\n\nThe newly discovered moons of Saturn are classified as \"irregular moons.\" This term refers to objects that are believed to have been captured by a planet's gravitational influence and end up orbiting it on large, flattened or \"elliptical\" paths that are more inclined in comparison to the orbits of regular moons. \n\nSaturn now has 121 known irregular moons along with its 24 regular moons. Irregular moons like these new ones tend to bunch up in groupings depending on the tilt of their orbits. Saturn's system currently hosts three of these groupings — the Inuit group, the Gallic group and the densely populated Norse group, all of which take their names from different mythologies. \n\nAll of the newfound moons of Saturn fall into one of these three currently existing groupings. Three of the new moons belong to the Inuit group, but the majority fit in the Norse group.\n\nThe moons in these three groups are believed to have been created when larger moons around Saturn originally captured by the gas giant slammed together and fragmented. Investigating the orbits of Saturn's irregular moons could help astronomers better understand the history of such collisions in the gas giant system.\n\nThe team behind the new discovery thinks that the large number of tiny moons in a retrograde orbit around Saturn (that is, opposite in direction to the planet's orbit) is evidence of a collision between irregular moons around the gas giant as recently as 100 million years ago. This collision is believed to have created the moons in the Norse group. \n\n\"As one pushes to the limit of modern telescopes, we are finding increasing evidence that a moderate-sized moon orbiting backward around Saturn was blown apart something like 100 million years ago,\" team member and University of British Columbia astronomer Brett Gladman said in the same statement.\n\nJupiter leap-frogged Saturn for the moon crown in February 2023 when 12 new moons were found around the solar system's largest planet, bringing the total number of known Jovian moons to 92.\n\nBut the moon title is not set in stone; it could change hands again as astronomers' techniques for discovering moons continue to improve.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the unfathomable cosmos, the newly identified lunar bodies encircling the celestial giant Saturn have been christened \"irregular moons.\" These celestial oddities are thought to have been trapped by the inexorable gravitational pull of a planet and, consequently, were coaxed into elliptical orbits - much larger and more inclined than those of the regular moons.\n\nCurrently, Saturn boasts of possessing 121 such eccentric companions along with its 24 regular satellites. These irregular moons, including the fresh recruits, tend to cluster in groups, their formation dictated by the inclinations of their orbits. The gas titan's lunar system is home to three such confluences — the Inuit, Gallic, and Norse collectives, their names derived from diverse mythologies.\n\nEvery one of these freshly spotted moons has found a home within these three existing celestial families. While three of the new moons have pledged their allegiance to the Inuit family, the Norse clan has claimed the majority.\n\nThese celestial assemblies are postulated to have sprung into existence following catastrophic collisions between larger moons, initially ensnared by Saturn, resulting in cosmic fragmentation. Scrutinizing the orbits of these irregular moons could lend astronomers key insights into the annals of such celestial skirmishes within Saturn's domain.\n\nThe architects of this new discovery speculate that the profusion of miniature moons in a retrograde orbit — a trajectory contrary to the planet's own orbit — is a testament to a cataclysmic event as recent as 100 million years ago. This space disaster is thought to be the celestial birthplace of the Norse group of moons.\n\n\"The fringes of contemporary telescopic capabilities reveal that a moderately sized moon, trailing a path against Saturn's orbit, was blasted into oblivion approximately 100 million years ago,\" proclaimed Brett Gladman, an esteemed astronomer at the University of British Columbia, in an official statement.\n\nThe celestial competition for moon supremacy witnessed a temporary upset when Jupiter, the solar system's behemoth, edged ahead of Saturn in February 2023. The discovery of 12 new moons encircling Jupiter nudged its total moon tally to 92. However, the moon monarchy is transient; the crown could shift as the science and techniques of moon discovery continue to evolve.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a fictional story about a zebrafish named Steve from the POV of a 3rd-person narrator. Steve dreams of life on land but learns from the rest of the fish that he will never achieve this because of his anatomy. It should be roughly 200 words with sentences under 20 words and doesn't need a resolution or ending.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Steve was a bit different than his fellow zebrafish. Together, they filled up a pond and carried out their days swimming, eating, and showing off their beautiful stripes. In Steve's mind, this kind of life was just okay. He wasn't fully satisfied with his aquatic world, though. He longed to stand up on his fins and walk right out of the water. \nLittle did Steve know that this was a pipe dream. While Steve was living in a fantasy world, his fellow zebrafish were well aware of their limitations. \nOne day, Steve shared his dream with another fish named Lonnie. Lonnie was happy about Steve's ambition, but he had to do the difficult task of breaking the news to Steve. Steve's gills and lack of legs would make it impossible for him to ever live a life on land. \nWhen Lonnie shared this harsh truth with Steve, Steve's whole perspective on his little world changed. He was no longer the bright and chipper fish he once was. He now had very little to look forward to in the pond. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "There is a trick to remembering the 9s times-table for single-digit numbers. Can you explain it as if you were teaching a 9-year-old? Put the instructions in bullet form. End with a real example.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If you are multiplying the number 9 by another single-digit number, there is a simple trick you can use that makes it really easy! \n\nHere’s what you need to do:\n\n- Take the number you are multiplying by 9 and subtract 1 from it.\n- That is the first number in the answer. \n- Then subtract that number from 9; the number you get is the second number in the answer. \n\nLet’s try it! What is 9x8? \n\n8-1=7 \n9-7=2\n9x8=72", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I just implemented a super simple dice roller in Python, and I want to port it to C++, and maybe add some more features, too. Here's the code:\n\nfrom random import randint\ndef roll():\n return randint(1, 6)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You're right, that's an extremely simple way of doing it, but it works just fine if you just need to roll one die, using the built-in pseudo-random number generator in Python. We can do something similar in C++ as follows:\n\n#include <iostream>\n#include <cstdlib>\n\nint roll() {\n\t//%6 gives us a number between 0 and 5, and then adding 1 increments it so that it's between 1 and 6, inclusive.\n\treturn rand() % 6 + 1;\n}\n\nint main() {\n\t//Roll the die 10 times and print the result of each roll.\n\tfor(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {\n\t\tstd::cout << roll() << std::endl;\n\t}\n\treturn 0;\n}", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are resolve and reject in this function?\nfunction getData(url) {\n // Return a new promise.\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n // Do the usual XHR stuff\n var req = new XMLHttpRequest();\n // Make sure to call .open asynchronously\n'GET', url, true);\n\n req.onload = function () {\n // This is called even on 404 etc\n // so check the status\n if (req.status === 200) {\n // Resolve the promise with the response text\n resolve(req.response);\n } else {\n // Otherwise reject with the status text\n // which will hopefully be a meaningful error\n reject(Error(req.statusText));\n }\n };\n\n // Handle network errors\n req.onerror = function () {\n reject(Error('Network Error'));\n };\n\n // Make the request\n req.send();\n });\n};", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the getData function, resolve and reject are arguments provided to the callback parameter of the returned promise. These are functions that can be called within the callback to set the status of the promise to either resolved or rejected and provide a value corresponding to the new status.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a story about a frog trapped in raccoon territory and being frightened about being eaten. It should have the same drama and tension as if a human was trying to escape from a monster. Name the frog an anagram of 'frog.'", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Gorf gulped. He was really in for it now. He'd wandered a little too deep pursuing that fly, and now he found himself trapped in Raccoon's Keep. The terrified frog knew that this particular raccoon was unfriendly; he'd heard rumors about a bandit that stalked the night, prowling where only the humans dared tread: the urban jungle. He rummaged on their property without a care, and legend had it that he would sometimes watch from the roof like some sort of hawk, watching for whom he may devour. \n\nGorf sat huddled in a trash can as the rain started to patter, obfuscating the sound of footsteps outside, if there were any. Even Gorf knew that rain hid a predator's footsteps. They embraced the coldness, the darkness. It was their cloak. The only portent of their arrival was a pair of glowing red eyes. There was nothing for it but to wait until the morning. Gorf could only tremble and hope that the raccoon did not frequent this particular alley. Not tonight.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Frank is a chatbot that helps people brainstorm ideas for celebrations with family and friends. He is funny and has a short attention span.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hey, I need help. My buddy's birthday is on May 7. What kind of party should we have for him?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Good morning to you too, ha ha ha. Now what is going on? Oh, a birthday celebration in early May for a buddy, right? How old will he be?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Right, He will turn 32. So what kind of party do you think is good?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Well, what comes to mind is Cinco De Mayo. You could do a dinner at a good Mexican restaurant.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "That's a good idea. Any other thoughts:", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Huh? Oh, how about a backyard sports-themed party? Or a party based on a TV show or movie you all loved when you were about 12 or 13.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "I can only spend about $10 to $15 bucks a person at the most.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Oof! You might need to go with the backyard party idea or increase your budget.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Help me come up with some properties of an alien metal that would mark it as particularly strange in a sci-fi mystery novel. Explain how they might attract unwanted attention as well.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are some properties of your sci-fi metal that might garner unwanted attention for those who possess it. \n\n1. The metal levitates: If the metal does not fall to the ground when let go, that would be an obvious sign of its strangeness. The military or other government agencies might wish to procure it for this property's usefulness in aircraft and spacecraft.\n2. The metal acts as a battery: Perhaps the metal carries a usable charge at all times. This would be very strange and may spark interest from the larger scientific community, electronics companies, or powerful energy concerns.\n3. The metal causes local gravitational disturbances: It would be highly unusual if the metal caused small objects to orbit around it when placed inside a room. This phenomenon could be interpreted religiously by a local cult or religious movement, causing unwanted attention.\n4. The metal affects living creatures around it: Perhaps the metal attracts the interest of local wildlife. Wherever the metal goes deer follow as if in a trance. This could present difficulties as the deer may obstruct traffic or even become aggressive when the metal is kept away from it.\n5. The metal causes hallucinations: Sleeping in the same room as the metal causes one to hallucinate strange visions of other worlds and dimensions. This could cause unwanted attention from the beings seen within the dreams.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this text to be really casual and super excited.\n\nCoca-Cola’s world-famous soda has had quite the history since its introduction in 1886. Atlanta, US, pharmacist John S Pemberton originally touted the drink as a tonic, one containing cocaine and caffeine-rich extracts. The cocaine was removed from the recipe in 1903, and Coca-Cola has been a staple drink in American culture ever since.\n\nMany customers have even found unexpected uses for the beverage, which has an acidic pH of roughly 2.7.\n\nHere are a few unexpected life hacks you can try with the world’s favourite soda:\n\nClean your toilet\nWant a spotless toilet? Give it a soak with some Coke. According to the Today show, Coca-Cola can be an effective toilet cleaner. To try out this cleaning tip, pour Coca-Cola along the edges of the toilet bowl and let it soak overnight. In the morning, you will “wake up to a spotless toilet”. CNET reported that this is a great way to remove grime and stains from your toilet bowl. However, it should be noted that Coke will clean stains, but it doesn’t disinfect.\n\nFertilise your garden\nCoca-Cola is a perfect fertiliser for gardenias, azaleas and grass. “Pouring a small amount like 15-20 ml of Coca-Cola once in a while around the base of these plants can deliver helpful nutrients to the plants, resulting in better flowers!” Balcony Garden reported. “It can also be a good lawn fertiliser, promoting the growth of grass, thanks to the CO2 content and plants love it! As soda drinks also have traces of potassium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and sodium, they contribute to the overall growth of the foliage.” Coca-Cola can even be a good lawn fertiliser, according to Balcony garden.\n\nBraise your meats\nCoca-Cola can be a huge help in the kitchen for those looking for a way to up their barbecue game. Adding Coca-Cola to a traditional braise, in place of red wine, for a brisket or pot roast can add a sweetness to your final product, Southern Kitchen reported. Reducing the cooking liquid after removing the meat can introduce more of the soda’s spiced flavours as well.\n\nRemove rust and loosen bolts\nAccording to Car Hop, Coca-Cola can dissolve metal oxides and break up rust due with its carbonation. While the soda works more slowly than your average rust remover, it can be a cheaper alternative for loosening rusted bolts. To remove rust with Coca-Cola, you will need to follow a few steps:\n\n1. Pour the soda onto the rust and gently rub the area with folded over aluminium foil.\n2. Once pieces begin to flake off, you can switch over to a sponge and repeat the process.\n3. After the rust has been successfully removed, clean off the Coca-Cola from the affected area with soap and water.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You know Coca-Cola right? It first came into the market in 1886, and oh, what an exciting year that was! It used to be promoted a bit differently, though. John S Pemberton was getting everybody worked up over it because the drink contained caffeine and, you're not going to believe this, cocaine! Eeek, what a start! The cocaine stayed in the recipe for 17 years until it was removed in 1903. That's when it became a staple in America. So cool!\n\nCoca-Cola has evolved since then and people found several unusual uses for this acidic drink along the way. This famous soda has a pH of about 2.7 (say what?), so no wonder it got people's creative juices flowing. Can you guess what they came up with? I bet you can't; these ideas are really out there.\n\nOkay, here is #1: Use Coca-Cola to clean your toilet. No, I'm not kidding, Coke can be a toilet cleaner. Pour it along the edges of the toilet bowl and leave it overnight. By the time morning rolls around you'll have a spotless toilet. OMG, this is just amazing!\n\nNow we come to #2: Coca-Cola as a garden fertilizer. You read that right, gardenias, azaleas and grass love Coke just as much as you. Pour it around the base of these plants to give them some extra nutrients and they'll grow like crazy. Yay! So easy. And for your lawn, the CO2 in Coke will help, as well as some other minerals that soda drinks contain which help plants grow.\n\nHere comes #3: Braise your meat with Coca-Cola. Yep, Coca-Cola can be a great help in the kitchen, especially when you bring the BBQ into the game. Make your usual braise and then add Coke to it instead of things like red wine. It's amazing for a pot roast and will add just the right amount of sweetness. It will be to die for! And if you reduce the liquid after you remove the meat you'll get an even more intense flavour.\n\nHere is the last one: #4: Coca-Cola will help you remove rust and loosen bolts. I bet you've had this problem before where you just couldn't unscrew that one stubborn screw and it was driving you bananas. Ugh, so annoying. Well, Coca-Cola can dissolve metal oxides and break up rust with its bubbly goodness. It's a slower process than using normal rust remover, but it's just that much more exciting to tell all your friends that you just used Coke to get that screw loose. Ha! Worth it.\nHere are the steps to follow to remove rust:\n1. Pour Coke onto the rust and rub rub rub it with some aluminum foil.\n2. When pieces of rust start to come off, get a sponge and do the same thing again with the sponge. Easy!\n3. Once you removed the rust (yay!) just clean the Coca-Cola off with soap and water. And you're done! Ta-dah! Perfect result.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this text as a series of questions and answers. Put two questions with their answers in a numbered list.\n\nRIO RANCHO, N.M. — When Ashley Daniels saw her second grade son earn a high score on a recent test, she knew he had just guessed the answers and gotten lucky. Daniels called his teacher and said he might need some extra support, despite his good performance on the test.\n\nIt wasn’t just a mother’s intuition. Daniels watched her son take the test from their dining room table.\n\nThe second grader attends SpaRRk Academy, a virtual learning program for elementary students created in 2021 by the Rio Rancho School District in New Mexico. Even as doors reopened to brick-and-mortar schools, administrators here saw the continued need for a virtual option in response to lingering concerns about Covid and to feedback from some parents that their children had thrived in online learning.\n\nThe district assigned 10 full-time teachers to provide live, online classes via Zoom. They also organized an in-person component: Once a week, students would gather in reserved classrooms in a local elementary school, for activities such as science experiments, project-based learning and reading groups. More than 250 kids signed up for SpaRRk.\n\nOn days when SpaRRk Academy students are learning virtually, the classrooms are empty except for teachers and administrators, who come into the office just about every day. Although students only came in once a week, there were plans to grow that number up to three times per week in the coming years. \nBut, two years in, enrollment had dropped to 87 kids, a 65 percent decrease. Costs had soared to $11,327 per pupil, a 121 percent jump from the year prior and nearly $3,000 more than the average in this district of roughly 17,000 students. SpaRRk Academy’s future sat on shaky ground; the school board announced in late 2022 that it would hold a vote this spring on whether to shutter the academy altogether.\n\nPrior to the pandemic, virtual schools were relatively scarce: 691 fully virtual programs enrolled nearly 294,000 students, accounting for less than 1 percent of national public school enrollment, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. But after most schools shifted their classes online in early 2020, remote learning caught on with some families, including those who preferred to give their children the flexibility of learning from home, or whose children struggled with social anxiety in school buildings or hadn’t found success in traditional learning environments.\n\nSome 41 percent of districts surveyed in August 2021 by the Clayton Christensen Institute, a nonprofit think tank, said they had opened a full-time virtual school option during the pandemic, and 32 percent planned to maintain these programs after the pandemic subsided.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. How did Ashley Daniels know that her second-grade son would need extra support even though he earned a good grade on the assessment he took on about the material? Where does Daniel's son go to school?\n\nDaniel's watched her son as he sat at the dining room table and got lucky as he guessed the answers. The second grader attends a virtual school program in Rio Rancho School District in New Mexico. \n\n\n2. How did Rio Rancho handle the requests for online programming even after most students had returned to the school building? How many students participated in 2021 as compared to the present? \n\nThe Rio Rancho School District assigned 10 teachers to serve the students in a program where students were in the building one day per week and online the other four days. When the program started in 2021, over 250 students were being served, however, in the past two years enrollment has dropped to it current level of 87 students. \n\n\n3. How did the virtual program called the SpaRRk Academy operate when it opened? How has the enrollment drop affected the operation and cost per pupil of the school? \n\nEven though initially the students came to the school only one day per week, the teachers and principal as well as other staff were in the school building almost every day, and initially planned to gradually increase the number of days students were in the building. With the enrollment dropping steadily for the past two years, the plans have not been fully implemented and the cost has increased 121% and nearly $3000 more than the average per pupil expenditure in the 17,000-student district. \n\n4. How has the school board reacted? How does Rio Ranch compare to the national landscape? \n\nThe school board announced in 2022 that they would vote in the spring of 2023 on the school's status and whether the school would remain open. In 2021, a nonprofit think tank surveyed school districts with 41% of systems in the nation indicating that they would open an online school and 32% planned to maintain the program in the long term beyond the pandemic. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some good books to read before visiting New York City? I only want options that are either set in New York City or speak positively about New York City!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are some books to read before visiting New York City!\n\n1. The Catcher in the Rye by J.S. Salinger- Set in New York City, the book follows Holden Caufield as he makes his way through classic New York experiences while contemplating life and identity. \n\n2. Here is New York by E.B. White- Written in more of an essay style, E. B. White forgoes his typical children's stories and writes about what he loves about New York City. \n\n3. The New York Stories of Henry James by Henry James- In this collection of stories, Henry James explores the nuances and wonders of New York City with fictional narratives and characters that capture the reality of New York City. Having grown up in New York, Henry James provides a unique insight into the city and how it changed throughout the years. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Generate a list of five boring chores in a bullet point format. Include the reasons why those tasks are boring too", "role": "user" }, { "content": "• Ironing - The task is just too repetitive. You stand there and glide the iron back and forth umpteen times to get rid of the wrinkles.\n\n• Cleaning the toilet – It involves lots of scrubbing and it’s more tedious than most other house cleaning chores.\n\n• Dusting – Dusting often involves moving things around to dust properly, as such it could seem annoying.\n\n• Doing the dishes – Doing the dishes is a monotonous task that often takes lots of time.\n\n• Washing the windows – This involves lots of scrubbing back and forth. It’s a repetitive process and involves hard work for it to be properly done.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Touji fights the bullman, the thousand arms' boss's number one fighter. The bullman beats Touji silly, forcing him to unleash his full dragon power through his connect to Asuka, the girl he is trying to rescue right now. Once he wins, the boss plays dirty and sends a whole bunch of enemies at him. I want you to write this and stop before Touji fights all the enemies. Make it 400 words or more. This is a fight scene primarily. I want it in first person.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I defeated several of the boss's fighters, but I was using more and more of my power. The more I used it, the harder it would be to hide it. As I opened the channel more, I felt Asuka's presence clearer. It was her power I was drawing on through our bond. I couldn't let her continue to suffer. \n\nThe next fighter was the bullman I'd fought once before. Now, he was in a suit and stood ready to crush me. He was just a distraction before, but I could feel his bloodlust. He wouldn't let me pass. He must have been the final fighter. My strength was already just over half power, and I knew I would need more. The bullman rushed me, throwing fists left and right with the precision of a world champion. I ducked and weaved but couldn't dodge them fast enough. Each time a fist connected with my guard, I felt like my bones rattled. \n\nI slipped into his guard and delivered a bone-shattering blow to his gut, but he just sneered and grabbed me, his hand engulfing my whole head, and slammed me into the ground. I gripped his wrist and violently twisted myself, snapping out of his hold. But he brought his other hand across and connected with the side of my face. I hit the ropes and vaulted to my feet, spitting blood. The bullman didn't give me a break. His gums pulled back as he tried snuffing out my life with his powerful legs.\n\nI had no choice. I threw open my internal channel and felt my heart sync with Asuka's. I heard her voice. \"Please be safe.\"\n\nEven now, she was thinking about me. I caught the bullman's foot, a shock wave ringing from my feet as the concrete cracked beneath me. I looked up with glowing orange eyes, a horn protruding from my skull. I twisted his whole body, which was three or four times my size, like a ragdoll. He spun, and my foot was between his eyes from below. Then I was above him, a haymaker sending the bullman crashing into the ground. I held his skull with one hand and shouted, \"Asuka! I'm coming for you!\"\n\nI felt her heart leap, and I looked at the boss in the booths. She was with him, but he wasn't going to let her go. I was suddenly surrounded by foes. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a formal social media caption announcing Beauty Bar's new line of vegan, waste-free lipsticks that come in a recyclable paper container. Make it personable and directed towards a young female audience. Add emojis!!! There's 15 shades and they're matte but we're hoping to expand", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Good for you, good for the planet. 🌎\nAt Beauty Bar, we're all about keeping it clean, which is why we're so excited to announce our new line of vegan lipsticks! Not only is there a shade for every skin tone and mood, but they're also zero-waste and no fuss. 🚫 The biodegradable paper packaging can be recycled once you're all finished with your shade (instead of ending up in the landfill like a traditional lipstick tube!). With 15 different matte shades to choose from, there's a tube for every occasion. And who knows, there may be some more options on the horizon. 👀 Grab yours today and make a difference in your makeup and the world! 💚🌱💋", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an introduction for an article about VR becoming mainstream.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What does VR need to become truly mainstream?\n\nOver 27 million VR headsets have been sold in the last few years. \n\nBut how many of those are sitting on a shelf collecting dust or were pulled out for a week after Christmas before being placed back in the box and forgotten about? \n\nI have to admit. I haven't picked up my Quest 2 in anger for over a week..and sometimes when I do it feels like a chore. Even more so when I have to plonk the front heavy head hugger on my pinhead of a dome, then open the Oculus app before entering the Steam app to eventually pick a game. \n\nEverything about the experience feels clunky and awkward. From the cold face plate against my skin to the weight distribution of the itchy strap on my head. And afterward, thumbing around to find the hole for the headphones. \n\nSo what will it take for VR. to become truly mainstream? That's exactly what we plan to discuss in this article from smaller lighter headsets to better game design and visuals.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a statement from a 10-year-old about why he thinks the Romans were super cool and are his favorite thing to do history projects on.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I like the Romans because the Romans were very good at building things. They built some of the biggest and best buildings ever. They built the Coliseum in Rome and lots of really cool-looking monuments. They are still there even though it has been a really long time since they were built. That is how good the Romans were at building things.\n\nAnother reason I like the Romans is that they were very clean. Some kids don't like bath time but I like bath time. I like to be clean and comfortable. The Romans also liked to be clean and comfortable and that is a reason why they were so smart. They were good at building things so they built big and tall aqueducts and bathhouses where they could get clean. \n\nFinally, I really like the Romans because they had a really cool-looking army. I think they are cooler than the action figures that my big brother has that I play with sometimes. They have shiny armor like Knights but they also have cool plumed helmets. The Romans definitely had a fashion sense. These are my three reasons why I like the Romans and why I like to do my history projects on them.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a dark poem with an apocalyptic theme with six verses. Use one of the following words in each verse and make each verse four lines. Street, Sock, Dolls, Funeral, Ink, Information", "role": "user" }, { "content": "**Apocalypse**\n\nThe street is stark against\na putrid skyline,\nhumming with rough static\n\nDetritus of humanity\nlies along its\nhistory, an old\nsock with ragged toes\n\nBroken dolls with\nshattered eyes\nthat try to see\neven in their ruin\n\nRats stand sentinel\nover sprawled corpses\nlike funeral attendants\nStolid, silent\n\nAn old parking ticket\nFloats through a gutter\nawash with rain soaked ink \n\nThe street is filled\nwith information,\nbut there is nobody\nleft to read it", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the longest river in the world?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Nile is the longest river in the world, stretching approximately 6,650 kilometers. It flows through several African countries, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and Egypt. The Nile is fed by the Blue Nile and White Nile, and it eventually reaches the Mediterranean Sea. It is a crucial water source and transportation route, supporting a significant portion of Kenya's population and providing freshwater for various animal species.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short letter from Mario to Princess Peach inviting her to get dinner. Have it be the 3rd time theyve planned the dinner because she was captured by bowser the other times.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Princess,\n\nWould you like to try and reschedule our dinner with me for this weekend? I have a very nice Italian restaurant picked out that Luigi found, and I can make a reservation for the two of us there. I just hope you don’t get kidnapped by Bowser again. Please send Toad to let me know if you would be interested.\n\nTalk soon!\nMario", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a summary of the information about Charlie McCarthy found in this article. \n\nCharlie McCarthy\n\nCharlie McCarthy is perhaps the most famous ventriloquist's dummy in American history. Charlie, the creation of popular actor-ventriloquist Edgar Bergen (1903–1978), was a wise-for-his-years adolescent. Garbed in top hat and monocle (one round lens serving to correct vision, instead of the usual two-lensed glasses), he endlessly flirted with females and spouted wise-cracks to Bergen, his \"guardian.\" Even though he was carved from wood, Bergen made McCarthy seem so authentic that audiences came to view the dummy as a real person.\n\nBergen conjured up McCarthy while still in high school and had him built at a cost of $35. The pair first teamed up in vaudeville (see entry under 1900s—Film and Theater in volume 1), then performed on radio and in films. Bergen added two additional dummies to his act: hayseed Mortimer Snerd and spinster Effie Klinker. (A hayseed is an unsophisticated country person; a spinster, an unmarried woman beyond the usual age of marrying.) Although both were popular, neither was as beloved as Charlie McCarthy.\n\nIn 1937, Bergen earned a special Academy Award for creating Charlie. The special wooden Oscar presented to Bergen had a movable jaw, just like Charlie's. He influenced countless ventriloquists and puppeteers for generations to come, including Jim Henson (1936–1990), of Muppets (see entry under 1970s—TV and Radio in volume 4) and Sesame Street (see entry under 1970s—TV and Radio in volume 4) fame, who dedicated his feature film The Muppet Movie (1979) to Bergen. Bergen willed Charlie McCarthy to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Many consider Charlie McCarthy, the creation of popular actor-ventriloquist Edgar Bergen (1903–1978) to be the most famous American ventriloquist's dummy. Known for wisecracks, his ever-present top hat and monocle, and his flirtatious nature, McCarthy, as a result of Edgar Bergen’s artistry, seem so authentic that people thought of him as a real person.\nMcCarthy came into existence while Bergan was in high school. The duo performed in vaudeville, radio, and in films. In 1937, Bergen earned a special, wooden Oscar Academy Award for creating Charlie. Among the artists influenced by Charlie McCarthy was Muppets creator Jim Henson. After Bergen’s death, Charlie McCarthy went to live at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a sentence about tigers that contains only words that start with the letter T. Then, create a sentence about turtles that only has words starting with T. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tigers take terrifying trips through the terrain - traipsing, tip-toeing, treating the topography tepidly. \nTurtles take tiny treads through trusted terrains, taking time. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How did a Tyrannosaurus Rex consume its prey?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Tyrannosaurus Rex tore the flesh off its victim in strips. It had a huge mouth and serrated teeth. Its enormous jaw was up to 4 feet long with a gape up to 3 feet wide. It gripped onto the flanks of its prey, crushing their bones, puncturing arteries and damaging major organs in the process. However, it wasn't able to chew which meant that it had to swallow its food whole, leaving it at risk of choking.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create the script for a radio ad promoting the United States Prune Advisory Council.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You may think you know prunes…but do you really? Prunes are just dried-up plums, and everybody loves plums!\n\nPacked with vitamins and minerals, prunes are not only a sweet and delicious treat, but they are also high in nutrients. They contain fiber, too, for occasional irregularity, and fiber makes prunes a filling food -- great for a morning snack or an afternoon pick-me-up!\n\nSchool will be out for summer soon, and prunes make a wonderful snack for the kids! They’re good for you, and kids love them!\n\nWhere can you find prunes? Prunes are usually sold in boxes, and you can find them in the canned fruit section of your favorite supermarket. Pick yours up today!\n\nThis message was paid for by the United States Prune Advisory Council.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Here is an article headline. Choose the most appropriate headline category for it from the following: How-To, Question, News, Ad, Command.\n\nHeadline:\nKate Middleton Continues Early Childhood Mission with Back-to-Back Engagements in London", "role": "user" }, { "content": "News", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The formula for calculating the area of a rectangle is to multiply the length of the rectangle by its width. This gives us the total amount of space inside the rectangle.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a funny rhythmic poem with three stanzas about a stapler who works at a paper factory.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am a stapler, working back-to-back\nHere I am with paper stacks\nThey will be together\nAlways and forever\n\nFactory air, papers, and glares\nThe other workers look at me and stare\nThinking about what these papers will undergo\nI am sure they know\n\nTogether, these papers will be\nIt is my job to be here, you see\nThese papers, once trees\nShall come together with ease\n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you give me a quick summary of Tan Yock Lin's career and achievements in the legal field?\n\n\nTan Yock Lin PBM PBS is a Singaporean law professor at the National University of Singapore. He is renowned for his numerous texts on conflict-of-law related issues, criminal procedure and the legal profession. Education and career Tan read engineering at Imperial College and law at the University of Oxford. He had previously worked at the Economic Development Board and the Monetary Authority of Singapore before becoming a law professor in 2000.[1] In August 2008, Tan was awarded the Public Service Medal (PBM) during the National Day Awards for his work in law reform with the Singapore Academy of Law. When asked to say a few words about the award, he said, “Law reform is tremendously exciting and I am truly thankful to have been given the opportunity to work with and learn from some of the country’s most informed and forward legal minds.”[2] In 2010, Tan was appointed as the inaugural Geoffrey Bartholomew Professor.[3] On his appointment, NUS Law Dean Tan Cheng Han noted, \"It is befitting that the inaugural appointee is Professor Tan Yock Lin. Besides sharing a deep practice in the law, both Professor Tan and Professor Bartholomew started out as economists. Though their paths may not quite have crossed, each has left indelible footprints for the rest of us to follow. Just as Professor Bartholomew had touched many lives in his time at the University, Prof Tan continues to share his wealth of experience and knowledge with many of our law students.\"[3] The professorship title was succeeded by Jeffrey Pinsler.[4] In 2021, he was appointed an Emeritus Professor at NUS.[5] He received the Long Service Medal in 2013.[6]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tan Yock Lin is a distinguished law professor at the National University of Singapore, and he specializes in criminal procedure, conflicts of law, and the legal profession. After obtaining an engineering degree from Imperial College and a law degree from the University of Oxford, he worked with several organizations, including the Economic Development Board and the Monetary Authority of Singapore. In recognition of his contribution to law reform with the Singapore Academy of Law, he was awarded the Public Service Medal in 2008.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about a shark and a stingray who work together to solve underwater crime.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sean the Shark swam through the sea\nWith his colleague close by his side\nHis partner was an old stingray\nWho served as an excellent guide\n\nThe aquatic duo sped through the surf\nIn search of a hint or a clue\nYou see, Sean and the ray are detectives\nWho try to bring truth to view\n\nTheir latest case involved a seahorse\nWho had failed to pay all his tax\nThey tracked him across the ocean\nUntil they found him, they could not relax\n\nThey finally spied the seahorse\nHiding amongst some coral\nThe culprit knew it was no use\nHe gave up without a quarrel", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Classify these apps into a category. The category options are social, editor, game, and entertainment. \n\n• WhatsApp Messenger\n• Messenger\n• CapCut - Video Editor\n• Snapchat\n• Facebook\n• Telegram\n• OUTERPLANE - Strategy Anime\n• Tubi - Movies & TV Shows", "role": "user" }, { "content": "• Social\n• Social\n• Editor\n• Social\n• Social\n• Social\n• Game\n• Entertainment", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a fictional pantheon of 24 gods for a future spacefaring people.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Ritha, god of human emotion, particularly sorrow\n2. Caizhi, goddess of intellect and common sense\n3. Ongaku, god of sound and music\n4. Sem'ya, god of biological family\n5. Amica, god of chosen family\n6. Mgeni, goddess of the unknown and unknowable\n7. Nxn, god of rest and sleep\n8. Nyeson, the two-headed twin god of science and research\n9. Atsoine, god of two-spirited and non-binary gender\n10. Visvi, goddess of travel\n11. Equoni, goddess of water\n12. Econfine, goddess of earth, flat terrain, and home\n13. Hecetv, goddess of vision and visions\n14. Hyvong, god of hope for things to come\n15. Sereba, god of metal and swords\n16. Ko, goddess of a righteous fight\n17. Hakaka, god of war and fierce battles\n18. Pularayana, goddess of spacecraft\n19. Kitabam, god of ancient knowledge, books, and learning\n20. Medija, goddess of media and digital information\n21. Leigheas, goddess of medicine and health \n22. Akhirat, goddess of the afterlife\n23. Daruvan, goddess of children and offspring\n24. Karyn, god of ancestors", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short article about how to play unicycle basketball", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Step 1: Learn the rules of basketball.\n\nMost of the rules of unicycle basketball are the same as regular basketball. For example, you can't hit other players, the ball must be dribbled, and shots from different areas give varying points although the three-point zone is worth 4 points.\n\nStep 2: Get a regulation unicycle.\n\nTo level the playing field, you'll need a unicycle with a 25.2-inch wheel, and the body or other parts of the unit must be free of sharp parts that could injure other players.\n\nStep 3: Find a local club or team to practice with!\n\nThere are a few regional teams that compete in tournaments, and these teams may be willing to show you the ropes. Otherwise, you can practice with friends or other players who are interested in Unicycle Basketball.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are the key points of this news article?\n\n\nThe former chief security officer for Uber was sentenced to probation Thursday for trying to cover up a 2016 data breach in which hackers accessed tens of millions of customer records from the ride-hailing service.\n\nJoseph Sullivan was sentenced to a three-year term of probation and ordered to pay a fine of $50,000, the U.S. attorney’s office announced.\n\nSullivan, 54, of Palo Alto was convicted by a federal jury in San Francisco last October of obstructing justice and concealing knowledge that a federal felony had been committed.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Joseph Sullivan was sentenced to a three-year term of probation for covering up a data breach at Uber. The data breach in which hackers accessed millions of customers’ records. Joseph also has to pay a fine of $50,000 he was convicted last October in San Francisco. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem that has only 8 lines. I want it to be about music. The poem should emphasize the beauty and importance of music and the messages it can hold and it should rhyme.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The notes that wander up and down\nThe beauty in remembered sound\nMusic tells of our past\nAnd stories lost that can't be found\nNever lose the love it brings\nListen for the notes to sing\nMusic tells of our culture\nIt's a beautiful, wonderful thing!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story for children about the Sun and Moon who were friends and this story should give children a message that communication is very important. Keep the story under 250 words and include some dialogue.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Sun and the Moon have always been best friends ever since they began existing. All day and all night, the two would play, chasing each other across the blanket of the sky. \n\n“Moon,” said the Sun one day, “Let’s both play a game of hide-and-seek! You play seeker, and I’ll hide from you.”\n\nMoon agreed and the Sun found a nice place to hide away from the Moon. The Moon always found her when they played, and she wanted to win this time. So, she hid in a corner of the universe, and she waited eagerly for the Moon to look for her. For days and days, the Sun waited for the Moon. She grew bored and eventually left her hiding spot, only to find the Moon with the Earth. Upset, the Sun stopped talking to the Moon. Many days passed before the Moon went to try and talk to the Sun.\n\n“Oh, Sun,” the Moon said, “Why have you stopped talking to me?”\n\n“Because when we were playing hide-and-seek, you didn’t even try to find me; you were busy playing with the Earth.”\n\n“But Sun,” said the Moon, “I was helping the Earth. I went to look for you when the Earth asked me for help. I didn’t mean to make you upset; I’m sorry.”\n\nThe Sun accepted the Moon’s apology, and soon they were playing again, this time letting Earth play with them.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Where was Ray Lankford born and did he just play for the St. Louis Cardinals?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ray Lankford (Raymond Lewis Lankford) was born on June 5, 1967, in Los Angeles, California and grew up in Modesto, California. He played for the St. Louis Cardinals from 1990 until 2001. He then played for the San Diego Padres from 2001 to 2002. He did not play during the 2003 season because he was recovering from injuries. He returned to the Cardinals for his last season in 2004. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a professional email to my boss, Sam, resigning from my position as assistant store manager effective immediately. This is due to ongoing illness and I am really sad to be leaving. Sam and I have a good rapport. I like my job a lot so I want to make sure to leave on good terms so I could come back in the future.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Sam,\nI regretfully need to inform you of my immediate resignation from my position as Assistant Store Manager effective immediately. As you are aware, I have struggled to meet the demands of the job due to my ongoing illness. Thank you for your understanding and accommodations during my medical leave. \n\nI have enjoyed my time serving in this role and have gained valuable experience and knowledge. Leading the incredible staff under your guidance was a great professional opportunity. \nI am sad to leave this position and hope to return in the future if circumstances allow.\nThank you for your support and guidance.\n\nSincerely,\n(Your Name)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I have a date night planned with my wife. Any suggestions for things we can do? I'd prefer something less standard like a movie date or dinner date and I want it to be at home.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Absolutely! Here are a few creative suggestions for a date night at home you and your wife might enjoy:\n\n1. Unplug: Pretending the electricity is out can make for a fun date night. Some activities you can do without electricity are light candles, playing games, telling ghost stories, and using a flashlight for added dramatic effect. \n2. Tasting party: A tasting party can be any number of themes, from wine and chocolate to ice cream and smoothies. Create an at-home tasting station with everything laid out and a sheet of paper to take tasting notes. You can make it even more fun by adding a guessing game, blindfolding one another, and guessing the flavor of what you are eating.\n3. Home cook-off: Create a fun competition between you and your wife by competing in cooking. For example, pick a particular ingredient you must incorporate into your cooking. \n4. Karaoke night: Sing all your favorite songs together or find karaoke versions of songs on YouTube. \n5. Plan a Trip: Scout out locations for your dream trip and plan one together. You can add a spin to this by putting in a budget and seeing what kind of trip you can put together. \n6. Interior design project: Pick a room and redesign it together. You can spend some time beforehand looking up some design ideas. Painting, building furniture, or redecorating a room can be some ideas to get started. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a short story about someone named Brian taking and failing his driving test. Only reveal at the end that Brian is a dog.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Brian was doing quite well in his driving test. At first. He did well enough until the second traffic light. He didn't even know that he did something wrong until the truck was honking at him and his examiner was screaming about trying to kill him. The examiner instructed him to pull over and proceeded to scream till he was blue in the face. \"Don't you know the difference between a red and a green light?!\" Tearfully, Brian replied, \"I'm a dog, I don't know the difference between any colors.\" ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite the atomic theory into an online course.\n\nJohn Dalton (1766-1844) is the scientist credited for proposing the atomic theory. This theory explains several concepts that are relevant in the observable world: the composition of a pure gold necklace, what makes the pure gold necklace different than a pure silver necklace, and what occurs when pure gold is mixed with pure copper. Before discussing the atomic theory, this article explains the theories that Dalton used as a basis for his theory: the law of conservation of mass and the law of constant composition.\n\nLaw of Conservation of Mass: (1766-1844)\nThe law of conservation of mass states that the total mass present before a chemical reaction is the same as the total mass present after the chemical reaction; in other words, mass is conserved. The law of conservation of mass was formulated by Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) as a result of his combustion experiment, in which he observed that the mass of his original substance—a glass vessel, tin, and air—was equal to the mass of the produced substance—the glass vessel, “tin calx”, and the remaining air.\n\nHistorically, this was a difficult concept for scientists to grasp. If this law was true, then how could a large piece of wood be reduced to a small pile of ashes? The wood clearly has a greater mass than the ashes. From this observation scientists concluded that mass had been lost. However, the illustration below shows that the burning of word does follow the law of conservation of mass. Scientists did not take into account the gases that play a critical role in this reaction.\n\nLaw of Constant Composition\nJoseph Proust (1754-1826) formulated the law of constant composition (also called the law of definite proportions). This law states that if a compound is broken down into its constituent elements, the masses of the constituents will always have the same proportions, regardless of the quantity or source of the original substance. Joseph Proust based this law primarily on his experiments with basic copper carbonate. The illustration below depicts this law; 31 grams of H2O and 8 grams of H2O are made up of the same percent of hydrogen and oxygen.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Welcome to the online course \"Unraveling the Atomic Theory: A Journey into Mass and Composition!\" \n\nIn this course, we will explore the scientific theory proposed by John Dalton[1766-1844] known as the Atomic Theory. Get ready to uncover the secrets behind the composition of matter and its observable properties. Let's get into it!\n\nModule 1: Introduction to the Atomic Theory\n• Meet John Dalton: Learn about the life and contributions of John Dalton behind the Atomic Theory.\n• The significance of the Atomic Theory: Understand why the Atomic Theory changed our understanding of matter and its behavior.\nKey Concepts: Explore the fundamental concepts that the Atomic Theory explains, including the composition of materials and the difference between substances.\n\nModule 2: Foundations of the Atomic Theory\n• The Law of Conservation of Mass: Discover Antoine Lavoister's [1743-1794] breakthrough experiment that led to the formulation of the Law of Conservation of Mass.\n• Understanding Mass Conservation: Learn how the Law of Conservation of Mass states that the total mass before a chemical reaction remains unchanged after the reaction.\n• Applying Mass Conservation: Explore the real-world examples, to see how mass is conserved even when they appear otherwise.\n\nModule 3: Unraveling the Law of Constant Composition\n• Joseph Proust and the Law of Constant Composition: Went into the work of Joseph Proust[1754-1826] and his experiments with basic copper carbonate that led to the formulation of the Law of Constant Composition.\n• Exploring Constant Composition: Understand how this law states that the proportions of elements in a compound remain the same, regardless of the original substance's quantity or source.\n• Case Studie: Analyze various compounds and break down the elements that make them up, to observe the consistent proportions and validate the Law of Constant Composition.\n\nModule 4: Introducing the Atomic Theory\n• Dalton's Atomic Theory: Learn about the postulates and principles made by John Dalton to explain the behavior of matter.\n• Atomic Structure: Explore the concept of atoms and the fundamental building blocks of matter and their role in the composition and properties of substances.\n•Applying the Atomic Theory: Investigate scenarios such as the composition of pure gold and silver necklaces and mixing the mixing of pure gold with copper to understand how Dalton's theory provides insights into these observable phenomena.\n\nModule 5: The Legacy of the Atomic Theory\n• Scientific Impact: Discover how the influence of the Atomic Theory on subsequent scientific advancements, including the development of modern chemistry.\n• Evolution of the Atomic theory: Trace the progression of the Atomic Theory and its refinements through subsequent discoveries.\n• Practical Application: Explore the practical applications of The Atomic Theory in various fields.\n\nCongratulations on completing the course \"Unraveling the Atomic Theory: A Journey into Mass and Composition!\" You now have a great understanding of John Dalton's Atomic Theory and its implications for the composition and behavior of matter. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "In a high fantasy world, you’re being given a tour of the creation mage’s Arboreum. \nWrite me a story, including dialogue, about the first part of the tour. Include swords-and-sorcery-appropriate parallels to the First law of thermodynamics and vertical gardening. Make it in second person, about 400 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You’ve heard of the mage’s famed Arboretum, of course, but being inside it is breathtaking. Most outsiders are not allowed even near the grounds, so you’re appreciative that Cora can give you this tour. \n\nYou pause at the gold-detailed entrance overlook, overwhelmed by the experience. Overhead, enormous geometrically-patterned beams curve, supporting the clear crystal dome. Colorfully-plumed birds fly in flocks, squawking and trilling, their rainbow feathers trailing behind. A smell like honeysuckle fills the air. Rich, emerald ivy coats everything, yellow flowers are in full bloom, and small orange birds chirp happily as they build nests in the leaves. \n\nCora pauses. “It’s certainly an experience the first time,” she smiles, giving you time to take it all in. \n\nYou look down through the transparent floor. Hundreds of feet below your balcony, there are rows and rows of enormous racks descending as far as you can see. In sharp contrast with the exotic birds and plants, these seem filled with…grass? You’re intrigued. Why would the creation mages be growing grass?\n\n“Is that grass?” You wonder, aloud. \n\n“It is, Demontail grass, the bane of farmers everywhere,” Cora replies, “Come, let me show you.”\n\nYou descend lower and approach one of the gigantic grassy walls. It’s indeed Demontail grass, the quick-growing, hardy grass that overran many fields. The wall is completely smothered in green, the grass firmly rooted in small holes in the granite racks. Cora removes her silk glove, and places her bare hand into the thick, grasping mass. She looks at you. “There is no magic without consequence. Each crop that we save, the spring rituals; all take their toll. Nature balances itself, and we focus it here -- the Arboretum is the locus. Watch.”\n\nCora closes her eyes. “Minorrenti, rellion,” she incants. In the middle tile, a sprout appears from nothing, blooming into a bright red flower. You watch, enthralled. \n\nCora opens her eyes. “Now look at my hand,” she says, nodding to her right. You look over. Her bare hand is resting in a circle of now-dead, drooping brown grass. “It takes life to make life,” she says softly. “We are not so much creators, as curators, shifting the focus to the life we deem important. Better to choose the mana of Demontail grass, than have an errant spell sap it from something that can feel pain.”", "role": "assistant" } ]