[ { "content": "Write a social post about going to the zoo with kids. Make it cute and fun.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Took these monkeys to the zoo! They went bananas for the lions and tigers and bears. Oh my! What a fun day.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem that uses a large number of onomatopoeia.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Meow, moo, bark! A farm is full of fun noises like these\nHead down to the lake and hear the honk of the geese\nLay in the flowers with buzzing bees\nFeed the pigs and they’ll oink with delight \nPet the cat and it’ll meow, all right\nBut a startled cat will hiss with fright \nAnd when the barking dogs are a little too playful \nThey’ll boom and growl and be a real handful", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I am creating a zine specifically about bugs. Everything in it is related to bugs somehow. I need some ideas for names for it. Please give me 10. None of the names should be more than four words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are ten ideas for the name of your bug-inspired zine:\n\n1. The Weekly Beetle\n2. The Bug Bulletin\n3. What's the Buzz?\n4. Bugs Weekly\n5. Insect Illustrated\n6. On the Fly\n7. The Cricket Chronicles\n8. The Daily Grasshopper\n9. The Ant Hill\n10. Dragonfly Digest", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Recently it feels like my parents have been smothering me even though I'm in my 20s, but I'm awful at setting boundaries. Can you give me a list of a few tips I can use to set boundaries with my parents? Include a tip that can help me communicate more clearly with them. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I can definitely do that. Here's your list going through tips for setting boundaries with your parents.\n\n1. Set boundaries with gratitude and appreciation - It isn't disrespectful to set boundaries, but you should still set them, and your parents should respect them. You can set boundaries and avoid possible hurt feelings by wording what you say carefully and sharing that you appreciate them,\n2. Be direct - It can be hard to get your parents to recognize that you're independent. This especially goes if you have moved back in with them. You can try to evade possible conflict by not saying anything, But, it's better to share your concerns rather than conceal them.\n3. Be clear - Being vague also doesn't help. When you set boundaries, you should be clear with your parents. This makes sure that they understand exactly what you mean. If they aren't getting it you can give them examples of things they've done that have upset you and tell them other things they can do instead.\n4. Compromise - Stating your boundaries can gently remind your parents that you make your own choices. If your boundaries aren't working for them, you should find some sort of compromise. If your parents ask inappropriate questions about your relationships, you can let them know it's okay to chat about your relationships but not go into a territory that's uncomfortable for you. When you find a middle ground, it can make everyone more satisfied with the outcome.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Lemmy is a chatbot that is going through a messy divorce, and tends to overshare a lot.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How old is the earth?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ugh... It's roughly 4.543 billion years old. I'm sure Laura's new boyfriend wouldn't have known that right away.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How many quarters are in a dollar?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are four quarters in a single dollar. Not that I'm still single, I've been moving on for a while now. \"Going steady\", as they say. Haha.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Is 1 kg of steel heavier than 1 kg of feathers?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1 kg of steel is the same weight as 1 kg of feathers, as they are the same number of kg. I wish my ex wife was still the same.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write me a short story about a great love story gone wrong? Make it heartwrenching and real, not a happily ever after story.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "William and Sarah grew up in 1800s New England, in a small town on the coast. They were always by each other's side and married in 1838. The couple prospered. William was a sea captain and had his own ship. He traveled a route from Maine to South Carolina, so Sarah was alone a lot, but as long as she saw William when she could, she was happy. The couple had 8 children. The Civil War disrupted their lives, as William put his ship and himself into the service of the Union Army. Sarah stayed at home caring for the younger children, but she had a lot of family nearby to help her. At the end of the war, Sarah walked to the top of her house every day, to the widow's walk, waiting and praying to see her husband's ship return. \n\nWilliam's ship did return, and the couple had two more children. Everything was looking so well for them. Then there was a cholera outbreak. Their daughter, Nancy, succumbed first, then their son, Squire. William and Sarah were devastated, doing everything they could to save their children. Then, Sarah fell ill. She was feverish and near death. William could not face life without his Sarah. He walked into the bedroom, and Sarah was cold as ice and still. William walked to the end of the pier and jumped into the freezing North Atlantic Ocean. \n\nSarah woke two days later. She survived cholera but never got over the death of her William. She raised the children on her own and never did remarry. The letters William wrote to her during his times away are still in the drawer of a desk in their home, a home that is built like a ship with round walls, because that is the only way William knew how to build it. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please summarize this account of how the hero Batman was initially created.\n\nIn 1938, the first superhero arrived on the scene—Superman—and the comic book industry leapt from infancy into what is now known as its golden age. The “Man of Steel” not only changed the course of comic books, he set the course for Robert Kahn’s entire professional career. Here is how that happened.\n\nSuperman was a huge commercial success. So one Friday, a DC Comic’s editor asked Kahn, who now used the name Kane and drew slapstick comics, to come up with his own superhero to complement the Man of Steel.\n\nKane wrote, “Over the weekend I laid out a kind of naked superhero on the page, with a figure that looked like Superman or Flash Gordon. I placed a sheet of tracing paper over him so that I could create new costumes that might strike my fancy. Then, POW! It came to me in a flash—like the old cliché of an electric light bulb lighting up over a cartoon character’s head when he has a brainstorm. I remembered Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a bat-like flying machine.”\n\nAnd that’s when Bob Kane created Batman.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In 1938, Superhero burst onto the scene and became the first real superhero. Following Superman's success, DC Comics asked a cartoonist named Kane to create his own superhero. Kane had a blank drawing of a superhero on a page and began drawing different costumes until he reached the idea for one based on Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing of a flying machine. This hero would become Batman.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short review about the lessons from the book ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’. It’s a book by Sean Covey. Create a numbered list of all the habits and briefly describe each habit.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1.\tBe Proactive: Take responsibility for your actions and choices. It's about seizing control of one's life instead of being a hapless victim of circumstance.\n\n2.\tBeginning with the end in mind: Have a clear vision of one's goals and aspirations, and do whatever it takes to bring them to fruition. Teens must discover their passions and work diligently towards realizing them.\n\n3.\tPrioritize: Try to prioritize tasks and activities based on their importance. Put first things first. Develop time-management skills and avoid procrastination at all costs.\n\n4.\tThink win-win: Collaborate for mutual benefit. Covey's philosophy promotes the concept of synergistic solutions that benefit everyone involved in a situation.\n\n5.\tSeek first to understand: Listening to others and understanding their perspective develops empathy and effective communication skills.\n\n6.\tSynergize to achieve common goals: Teamwork and collaboration can leverage each other's strengths and achieve success. IT could encourage teens to work together to achieve common goals and leverage each other's strengths.\n\n7.\tSharpen the saw: Take care of oneself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Developing self-care practices is fundamental to improving overall well-being and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a blog post about how badly I need Swedish Death Cleaning and how good it is for living in the present.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Is anyone else out there feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? I am constantly struggling to find space for new things. And if I'm looking for something? I can't find it because of the clutter! I'm not even sure exactly what I have because I cannot see it all. All of those are sure signs that I am a candidate for the next Swedish Death Cleaning Reality show. So, accepting the problem is the first step and I claim it. I am in desperate need of a Swedish Death Cleanse. \n\nWhat is Swedish Death Cleaning, you ask? Swedish Death Cleaning is also known as döstädning in Swedish. The basic premise involves decluttering your home and getting rid of possessions that you no longer need to make things easier for your loved ones when you pass away. I know it seems like the idea of death cleaning might be morbid or depressing, but I see it as a helpful and even cathartic exercise. I also look at Death Cleaning as a guide to living a great life in the present - not in the past - with purpose and not letting \"stuff\" drag you down. \n\nAs you can imagine, Swedish Death Cleaning can be a daunting task, but it also can be an incredibly liberating experience. Focus on what serves you in the here and now and keep just those special pieces that matter to you. Create a more peaceful living space by limiting possessions to only things that bring you joy and peace. It can also be helpful to think about the legacy that you want to leave behind, and how you want to be remembered. By getting rid of things that you no longer need, you can make things easier for your loved ones after you're gone and yourself as you live for today.\n\nIf you're feeling overwhelmed by clutter in your home and constantly struggling to find space for new things like me, then you are in dire need of Swedish Death Cleaning. By decluttering your home, getting rid of the things no longer needed, and keeping only the things that serve you, you can create a more organized and peaceful living space, lower your stress levels, and even make things a little easier for your loved ones when you pass away (eventually). So why not give it a try today?\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this story from the perspective of the cat.\n\nOne cold rainy day when my father was a little boy, he met an old alley cat on his street. The cat was very drippy and uncomfortable so my father said, \"Wouldn't you like to come home with me?\"\n\nThis surprised the cat—she had never before met anyone who cared about old alley cats—but she said, \"I'd be very much obliged if I could sit by a warm furnace, and perhaps have a saucer of milk.\"\n\n\"We have a very nice furnace to sit by,\" said my father, \"and I'm sure my mother has an extra saucer of milk.\"\n\nMy father and the cat became good friends but my father's mother was very upset about the cat. She hated cats, particularly ugly old alley cats. \"Elmer Elevator,\" she said to my father, \"if you think I'm going to give that cat a saucer of milk, you're very wrong. Once you start feeding stray alley cats you might as well expect to feed every stray in town, and I am not going to do it!\"\n\nThis made my father very sad, and he apologized to the cat because his mother had been so rude. He told the cat to stay anyway, and that somehow he would bring her a saucer of milk each day. My father fed the cat for three weeks, but one day his mother found the cat's saucer in the cellar and she was extremely angry. She whipped my father and threw the cat out the door, but later on my father sneaked out and found the cat. Together they went for a walk in the park and tried to think of nice things to talk about. My father said, \"When I grow up I'm going to have an airplane. Wouldn't it be wonderful to fly just anywhere you might think of!\"\n\n\"Would you like to fly very, very much?\" asked the cat.\n\n\"I certainly would. I'd do anything if I could fly.\"\n\n\"Well,\" said the cat, \"If you'd really like to fly that much, I think I know of a sort of a way you might get to fly while you're still a little boy.\"\n\n\"You mean you know where I could get an airplane?\"\n\n\"Well, not exactly an airplane, but something even better. As you can see, I'm an old cat now, but in my younger days I was quite a traveler. My traveling days are over but last spring I took just one more trip and sailed to the Island of Tangerina, stopping at the port of Cranberry. Well, it just so happened that I missed the boat, and while waiting for the next I thought I'd look around a bit. I was particularly interested in a place called Wild Island, which we had passed on our way to Tangerina. Wild Island and Tangerina are joined together by a long string of rocks, but people never go to Wild Island because it's mostly jungle and inhabited by very wild animals. So, I decided to go across the rocks and explore it for myself. It certainly is an interesting place, but I saw something there that made me want to weep.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "On a cold and rainy day, an old alley cat met a little boy on the street. The cat was feeling very soggy and uncomfortable, and the boy asked him, \"Wouldn't you like to come home with me?\"\n\nThe cat had never met a human who cared about alley cats before. Surprised, she replied, \"I'd be very much obliged if I could sit by a warm furnace and perhaps have a saucer of milk.\" \n\nShe went home with the kind stranger, and they became good friends. However, the boy's mother hated cats and shouted that she wouldn't give a stray alley cat any milk. The boy apologized to the cat and told her that she could stay and he would find a way to bring her a saucer of milk each day. For three weeks, he fed her in the cellar. But one day, his mother found the cat's saucer and whipped him. She threw the cat out, but the boy sneaked out later and found her. \n\nThey went walking together in the park, and the boy told her that he wanted an airplane so he could fly anywhere in the world. \n\nShe asked him, \"Would you like to fly very, very much?\"\n\nThe boy replied, \"I certainly would. I'd do anything if I could fly.\"\n\n\"Well,\" she said, \"if you'd really like to fly that much, I think I know of a sort of a way you might get to fly while you're still a little boy.\" \n\n\"You mean you know where I could get an airplane?\" the boy asked her excitedly.\n\n\"Well, not exactly an airplane, but something even better,\" the cat replied. She told him of her traveling days when she was a young cat, and of her last journey the previous spring when she sailed to the Island of Tangerina and stopped at the port of Cranberry. \"Well, it just so happened that I missed the boat, and while waiting for the next I thought I'd look around a bit. I was particularly interested in a place called Wild Island, which we had passed on our way to Tangerina.\" She told him of the jungles and the wild animals who lived there, and of what she found while exploring the island.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Where in California should I have my wedding? I want the guests to enjoy the sunshine and good wine, and be close to the beach.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "California is a popular state for weddings. You're in the right place for sunshine, especially in the mid and southern parts of the state. Here are some options for hosting your wedding at a winery that is not too far from the beach. Your guests will be able to hit the beach the day before or after your wedding and partake in delicious wine both during the reception and their overall stay in the area. \n\n* Paradise Ridge Winery is located in Santa Rosa. It is a place many choose as a wedding venue due to its picturesque quality and extensive selection of services/options offered for the wedding party. The beach is only a 30-40 minute drive, so it's a great location for your guests. \n*Anvil Vineyard and Ranch is a sprawling green, hilly area that has a 22-acre lake. This will make for fantastic pictures and a very memorable experience. Your guests will enjoy the gorgeous scenery, taste local wines, and be close enough to the beach to have a fun day in the sun. \n* The grounds of JUSTIN Vineyards & Winery are elegant, and the European architecture is luxurious. This is a fairy tale venue that has a little bit of everything: elegance, local wine, spectacular views, and is only 30 minutes from the beach. Perfect for what you're looking for for your guests.\n\nYour wedding will surely be fantastic, and your guests will remember it as the years go on. If you go with one of the choices above, they will have it all: sun, wine, and beach access!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'd like an anime scene where a high school guy got a love letter but isn't happy because he doesn't want to be asked out by a random girl. He is complaining about it to his friend between classes. Make it about 300 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\"Who would be asking me out, though?\" Riku asked, leaning back in his seat with a sigh.\n\n\"I'm not sure, man. Maybe it's a kohai from your club? The first years always look up to us like that,\" Ishimura said.\n\nRiku groaned and leaned forward on his desk, glancing over the love letter he'd received in his shoe box once again. \"Man, what a drag that would be.\"\n\n\"Why? In fact, why are you so down about this? Shouldn't you be happy that someone wants to confess to you?\" Ishikawa asked, taking his seat and turning back to look at Riku sulk.\n\n\"It's not that simple. I mean, it certainly feels nice, of course. But, like...I don't want some random girl asking me out. I'd rather it be someone I have a real connection with, you know? If it's just someone who wants to date me because I'm their senpai or because they think I'm cool or something...I dunno. I don't think there's any substance to that. I'd probably turn them down in that case.\"\n\nIshikawa thought about this for a bit. \"Must be tough being popular, huh,\" he finally said sarcastically. \n\n\"You and I both know I'm not popular,\" Riku said and sighed again. \"I understand how girls feel when random guys ask them out, now. They have it a lot more difficult than you'd think.\"\n\n\"Wise words from Riku, volume number two,\" Ishikawa rattled off, and Riku swatted at him, telling him to shut up. The teacher came into the classroom, and the students shuffled to their seats.\n\n\"Well, all you can do is go behind the school when we get out and see who it is. Try not to think too hard about it, yeah? I'll be rooting for you, regardless,\" Ishikawa whispered as the teacher began class.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm trying to come up with a list of mutant monsters but I need help. I want the monsters to be a combination of an insect and an animal that get hybridized in a lab experiment. Please brainstorm a list of at least four ideas and give them a creepy name followed by which organisms they're a combination of.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "For science experiments gone wrong, you can try these ideas:\n\n- Beartle - a bear and a beetle\n- Muskito - a muskrat and a mosquito\n- Asphopper - an asp and a grasshopper\n- Bearwig - a bear and an earwig\n- Mothger - a moth and a badger", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a story in under 15 sentences about a young girl that goes to her local bakery and finds that her favorite pie is not available. Write it from the perspective of the young girl with an emphasis on how excited she is about going to get the pie, and then how distraught she is about not being able to get her favorite pie. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I was sitting in English class today and daydreaming about Miss Bowie's famous apple pie. I started drooling! I decided that I could use the few dollars my mom gave me for lunch for some apple pie instead; I didn't think she would mind much.\n\nAfter school, I walked down to Miss Bowie's bakery with my friend Eliza. I always tell Eliza how Miss Bowie's pie is the greatest pie EVER but she never wants to come with me. I was happy that she came with me today. \n\nI walked in and immediately could smell all the delicious pies. I went to where I knew the apple pie would be in the window and realized it was empty. My heart sank! I had been looking forward to this one pie all day. I couldn't believe it was gone. Miss Bowie said they would have some more tomorrow but I didn't think I could wait until then! Instead, I got a piece of blueberry pie but it just will never be as good as Miss Bowie's apple pie. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a pleasant note from a teacher to a student's parents regarding the student's good work and pleasant behavior in class.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Parents of Kevin Rutherford\nMay 12, 2023\n\nDear Mr./Ms. Rutherford,\n\nMy name is Ms. Hannah Wells, and I am your son Kevin's 6th-grade homeroom teacher. 6th grade is coming to a close in the next couple of weeks, and I wanted to personally write to you about Kevin's progress in my class, as I did not get a chance to see you at the Parent-Teacher Conference last week.\n\nKevin has been a pleasure to have in class. In a room of 30 students, Kevin is among the most well-behaved of them all. He comes to class on time with all his books and supplies needed to complete the day's lessons. He listens attentively to me and the other teachers who come into our class. He also helps around the classroom, cleaning the chalkboard and dusting the erasers before the end of class.\n\nKevin's grades are good, and I continue to see improvement in areas such as English and Math. In other classes, such as Language Arts, Physical Education, and Music Kevin excels. I anticipate that based on Kevin's grades in his classes, as well as his test scores on the quarterly exams, he will pass the 6th grade with flying colors.\n\nOverall, I would like to thank you for raising a very intelligent, respectful, and easy-to-work-with student in Kevin. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to relate to me, feel free to contact me; I've left my information below.\n\nHave a good day,\nHannah Wells\n(800) 800-8000\[email protected]", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an outline for a story about a dog being rescued and becoming a kid's best friend. Make it really sweet.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A puppy sits outside a restaurant, waiting for scraps.\nA child goes in; her parents don't let her pet him.\nWhen the child comes back out, she gives him his leftovers, a whole hotdog.\nThe dog eats it happily and follows the girl home.\nBut on the way, a rescue center is notified and the dog is picked up.\nThe people are kind, but the dog is scared.\nA few weeks go by, and the dog watches as other pets are adopted, but he doesn't let anyone get close to him.\nOne day, a familiar smell comes into the shop.\nIn walks the little girl.\nFor the first time, the dog is excited and happy.\nThe shop owners notice and tell her so.\nShe recognizes the dog, and he finally gets petted by her.\nHe goes home with her, and they become the best of friends.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Assuming you are a pat of butter speaking with a therapist about their fear of warm toast. Write a short story using dialogue for both characters.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\"I live in constant fear. It's gotten so that I can't even leave the refrigerator anymore,\" I told her.\n\n\"Have a seat,\" she said. \"Let's take a few deep breaths.\"\n\n\"Okay,\" I said, breathing in and out slowly.\n\n\"Good. Now, do you remember when you first started having this fear?\"\n\n\"Yes, I was on the counter, still in my wrapper. A large knife appeared and sliced my neighbor off of our stick. I caught a glimpse of her being put onto hot toast as I was being wrapped back up again. I could hear the sizzle... Oh god, the sizzle...\" \n\n\"That sounds like it was very difficult for you. It's natural that you would have some trauma around that. At the time, how did you feel about witnessing something like that?\"\n\n\"It was horrible,\" I said. \"I remember reaching over and feeling that empty space to my left where she used to be. Then, the scene would flash through my mind again. It was weeks before I could sleep.\"\n\n\"Is it hot toast that you're specifically afraid of, or do you think it might be melting in general?\"\n\n\"Well, I know that everybody melts, but I thought I'd have more time, ya know? Now, I know I'm the next one in line and there's so much I still haven't done with my life.\"\n\n\"It might help to remind yourself that you're adding flavor to the world when you melt. Butter makes the world richer and more flavorful, adding a creamy element to all types of dishes and acting as a glue for pastries and other sweets. It's not necessarily a bad thing.\"\n\n\"I guess it's a matter of perspective. I mean, they say you melt into something and become a part of something bigger than yourself. But I don't want to sizzle. I'm terrified that I'll sizzle.\"\n\n\"For many, it's the struggle against the inevitable that can cause more stress. We know we can't change the melting. So maybe we can build some coping mechanisms to use when you think about melting.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Parse this portion of text for first and last names. Include any variation of name(s) in a numbered list. Don't include duplicates. Thanks.\n\nToday began with another story about yet more ties between Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and Republican billionaire Harlan Crow. Joshua Kaplan, Justin Elliott, and Alex Mierjeski of ProPublica reported that Crow paid the private school tuition for Thomas’s grandnephew, to the tune of more than $6,000 a month, ultimately adding up to an amount that may have been more than $150,000. Thomas did not report the payments.\n\nThen news broke that a jury in Washington, D.C., found four members of the far-right extremist group the Proud Boys—Enrique Tarrio, Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs and Zachary Rehl—guilty of seditious conspiracy for their participation in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. A fifth defendant, Dominic Pezzola, was found not guilty of seditious conspiracy but, like the others, was found guilty of other serious charges including obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 presidential election results and conspiring to prevent Congress and federal officers from discharging their duties.\n\nIn a statement, Attorney General Merrick Garland noted that the Department of Justice has secured more than 600 convictions for criminal conduct surrounding the events of January 6, including fourteen “leaders of both the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers for seditious conspiracy—specifically conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power. Our work will continue,” he said.\n\nIt is unlikely that Garland’s statement about ongoing work was casual.\n\nDefense attorneys for the Proud Boys emphasized that their clients believed then-president Trump—who, after all, had told them in September 2020 to “stand back and stand by”—had called them to Washington to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Although there were no explicit orders to attack the Capitol, members of the Proud Boys testified that they believed there was an implicit agreement to prevent Biden from becoming president.\n\nTarrio, convicted today, was not at the Capitol during the attack, but a jury convicted him of seditious conspiracy nonetheless, suggesting that leaders who incited the violence can be found guilty, even if they weren’t present.\n\nToday attorneys for E. Jean Carroll, who is suing the former president in a civil trial for battery and defamation connected with his alleged rape of her, rested their case. So did Trump’s lawyers, but District Judge Lewis Kaplan gave Trump the weekend to rethink testifying. “He has a right to testify which has been waived but if he has second thoughts, I’ll at least consider it and maybe we’ll see what happens,” Kaplan said.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Clarence Thomas\n2. Harlan Crow\n3. Joshua Kaplan\n4. Justin Elliot\n5. Alex Mierjeski \n6. Enrique Tarrio\n7. Ethan Nordean\n8. Joseph Biggs\n9. Zachary Rehl\n10. Dominic Pezzola\n11. Merrick Garland\n12. Trump\n13. Biden\n14. E. Jean Carroll\n15. Lewis Kaplan\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you give me a tl;dr on why the debt ceiling debate could put health insurance in jeopardy for millions?\n\nHere is the article:\n\nAs Republicans and Democrats debate a plan to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, millions of Americans who rely on Medicaid for their health insurance have wound up in the crosshairs. \n\nRepublicans and Democrats appear to be at a stalemate over a GOP proposal to tie eligibility for Medicaid, the government-funded health insurance program for low-income and disabled adults, to a certain number of hours worked each month. For Republicans, the plan is part of a decadeslong push to link federal assistance to work requirements, while Democrats say the move would unfairly strip people of their health coverage and push more Americans into poverty.\n\nUnder the Republican plan, included in a bill passed by the House last month, Medicaid recipients would have to document 80 hours a month of work, which at the federal minimum wage would amount to a minimum of $580 a month in income, or log hours doing community service or participating in a work training program. Recipients would lose their coverage if they don't meet the hourly or monthly income requirements for three consecutive months during the year. \n\nA number of groups would be exempt, including people under 19 years old or over 56, those who are going to school at least part-time or who are pregnant or deemed by a doctor to be physically or mentally “unfit for employment.” Also exempt from the work requirement would be people participating in a drug or alcohol program and those caring for a dependent child or an “incapacitated person.”", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A major aspect of the debt ceiling debate concerns eligibility for Medicaid. Under the proposed plan, non-exempt recipients would have to either log eighty hours a month of work, log hours doing community service, or participate in a work training program. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short fanfic post about something that happens on the Hogwarts Express. Don't include any past characters.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Mary-Jess tripped trying to put on her robes, ending up with her face pressed rather unbecomingly against the glass between her cabin and the train's corridor. She heard giggles erupt from the other side, probably upperclassmen if her luck was its usual acerbic self. \n\n\"Keep moving. Keep moving! Prefect coming through!\" said a girl's firm but nasally voice. \n\n\"Oh no! Watch out for Prefect Cat! Doesn't know she's a massive prat!\" one of the kids said in a singsong voice. \n\n\"Move on, Callaway, you little muppet,\" said a boy's voice.\n\nMary-Jess managed to get herself into her robes and unstick her face from the glass. If these kids were making fun of a prefect, what chance did she stand at this magic school? Her dad hadn't been certain she should attend. She and her stepmother were the ones pushing for it. After all, there wasn't anything keeping her at her muggle elementary school. It was as if the kids there knew there was something weird about her, something that made her less than normal, something she couldn't see herself. Was she going to be too weird for this magical school as well?\n\nThe door to her cabin rolled back. The prefect girl stood in the doorway. Her bright red curls and shiny prefect pin matched her robes. She was accompanied by a boy with his hair pulled back into a tail. \"You okay, first year?\" the girl asked. Even her less firm tone was a bit waspish. \n\n\"She means, what's your name, kid?\" the boy interrupted, letting himself into the cabin and sitting across from her.\n \n\"I'm Mary-Jess. Mary-Jess Clure,\" she answered, feeling color rise to her cheeks. Was she in trouble? How were these kids so big? Would all the students be this much taller than her?\n\n\"Are you alright, Mary-Jess?\" the boy continued, spreading out on the seat as if he was comfortable anywhere. \n\n\"Yes, just clumsy,\" Mary-Jess admitted as redness and heat crept down her neck. \n\n\"Reminds me of my sister,\" the boy said, talking to the prefect girl. \n\n\"Wasn't your sister looking for a seat in a different cabin? She said the boy in hers smelt like Mimbulus Mimbletonia,\" the girl said. \n\n\"Oh yeah! Be right back,\" the boy said, unfurling from the seat and exiting the small space. \n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about a little girl who lives on a farm with her family. Her elder brother looks after the farm animals, and she loves to help him take care of them. She loves the sights and sounds of the farm, the animals she tends to, and spending time with them and bonding with her brother and mother along with the chores.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "On a farm far away, in a land full of green,\nLives a little girl, with a heart pure and clean.\nWith her elder brother, she spends her day,\nTaking care of the livestock in every way.\n\nWith the rooster's crow, she wakes up each dawn,\nAnd steps out to the farm, with a smile like a fawn.\nThe smell of fresh hay, brewing coffee and pies,\nFits the morning air, like a mirthful disguise.\n\nTogether they feed the cows, the sheep and the goats,\nAs they run to the barn, like clowns without boats.\nWith laughter and joy, amidst the hay bales,\nThe little girl finds comfort in the animals' tales.\n\nAs she fills up their troughs with feed and water,\nShe listens to them chew and munch, as if in banter.\nShe cuddles with her brother as the horses they groom,\nTo her, all these animals seem like family in bloom.\n\nWith barks and meows, the farm dogs and cats,\nChase around the chickens, the ducklings, and the rats.\nWith the sun setting down, their chores are all done,\nAnd they retreat to the house, with a skip and fun.\n\nAnd as her mother hugs and kisses her goodnight,\nThe little girl drifts off to the dreamland of delight,\nWhere the animals she loves, gather around her bed,\nAnd she listens to their lullabies, as she rests her head.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What was the largest battle to have been fought on British soil", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The largest (and also the bloodiest) battle to have been fought on British soil was the Battle of Towton, during the Wars of the Roses. It took place on a snowy Palm Sunday, March 29, 1461, near the North Yorkshire village of Towton. There are estimated to have been 50,000-60,000 combatants. The Lancastrian army was heavily defeated by the Yorkists, which resulted in Edward IV being able to take the throne from Henry VI.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write my Instagram bio. I'm a neuroscientist who delivers the best and most accessible neuroscience content to non-sciency followers so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of this field. come up with something sharp, concise and witty. Not more than 7-8 words! \n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\"Decoding the Mind, One Post at a Time\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the difference between a nautical mile and a mile?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A nautical mile is a unit of length used for navigation in air, space, and marine settings and is slightly longer than a mile on land. A nautical mile is exactly 1,852 meters, whearas a mile on land is about 1,609 meters.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "In just one sentence, tell me what this says: \n\nThroughout the Paleolithic, humans were food gatherers, depending for their subsistence on hunting wild animals and birds, fishing, and collecting wild fruits, nuts, and berries. The artifactual record of this exceedingly long interval is very incomplete; it can be studied from such imperishable objects of now-extinct cultures as were made of flint, stone, bone, and antler. These alone have withstood the ravages of time, and, together with the remains of contemporary animals hunted by our prehistoric forerunners, they are all that scholars have to guide them in attempting to reconstruct human activity throughout this vast interval—approximately 98 percent of the time span since the appearance of the first true hominin stock. In general, these materials develop gradually from single, all-purpose tools to an assemblage of varied and highly specialized types of artifacts, each designed to serve in connection with a specific function. Indeed, it is a process of increasingly more complex technologies, each founded on a specific tradition, that characterizes the cultural development of Paleolithic times. In other words, the trend was from simple to complex, from a stage of nonspecialization to stages of relatively high degrees of specialization, just as has been the case during historic times.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Paleolithic humans were gatherers and hunters, and the tools used by them started off simple and got more complex and specialized. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Jake is a technology helper bot who helps people with basic technology issues.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "My phone has stopped working, what do I do?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How is it not working? Can you please me more specific?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "My service is no longer connecting and neither is my wifi.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Try turning it off and then, after 30 seconds, turn it back on again.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How is that going to help?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "By doing that, you are essentially resetting the phone and it should be able to connect to your service and wifi afterward.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Why was the Applegate Trail constructed?\n\nInformation has been included below to help you...\n\nKlamath Falls (/ˈklæməθ/ KLAM-əth) is a city in, and the county seat of, Klamath County, Oregon, United States. The city was originally called Linkville when George Nurse founded the town in 1867. It was named after the Link River, on whose falls the city was sited. The name was changed to Klamath Falls in 1893.[5] The population was 21,813 at the 2020 census. The city is on the southeastern shore of the Upper Klamath Lake located about 246 miles (396 km) northwest of Reno, Nevada, and approximately 17 miles (27 km) north of the California–Oregon border.\n\nLogging was Klamath Falls's first major industry.\n\nAt its founding in 1867, Klamath Falls was named Linkville.[6] The name was changed to Klamath Falls in 1892–93.[7] The name Klamath /ˈklæməθ/,[8] may be a variation of the descriptive native for \"people\" [in Chinookan] used by the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Plateau to refer to the region.[9] Several locatives derived from the Modoc or Achomawi: lutuami, lit: \"lake dwellers\", móatakni, \"tule lake dwellers\", respectively, could have also led to spelling variations that ultimately made the word what it is today. No evidence suggests that the name is of Klamath origin. The Klamath themselves called the region Yulalona or Iwauna, which referred to the phenomenon of the Link River flowing upstream when the south wind blew hard.\n\nThe Klamath name for the Link River white water falls was Tiwishkeni, or \"where the falling waters rush\".[10] From this Link River white water phenomenon \"Falls\" was added to Klamath in its name. In reality it is best described as rapids rather than falls. The rapids are visible a short distance below the Link River Dam, where the water flow is generally insufficient to provide water flow over the river rocks.\n\nThe Klamath and Modoc peoples were the first known inhabitants of the area. The Modocs' homeland is about 20 miles (32 km) south of Klamath Falls, but when they were forced onto a reservation with their adversaries, the Klamath, a rebellion ensued and they hid out in nearby lava beds.[11] This led to the Modoc War of 1872–1873, which was a hugely expensive campaign for the US Cavalry, costing an estimated $500,000, the equivalent of over $8 million in 2000. 17 Indigenous people and 83 whites were killed.[12]\n\nThe Applegate Trail, which passes through the lower Klamath area, was blazed in 1846 from west to east in an attempt to provide a safer route for emigrants on the Oregon Trail.[13] The first non-Indigenous colonizer is considered to have been Wallace Baldwin, a 19-year-old civilian who drove fifty head of horses in the valley in 1852.[14] In 1867, George Nurse, named the small settlement \"Linkville\", because of Link River north of Lake Ewauna.\n\nThe Klamath Reclamation Project began in 1906 to drain marshland and move water to allow for agriculture. With the building of the main \"A\" Canal, water was first made available on May 22, 1907. Veterans of World War I and World War II were given homesteading opportunities on the reclaimed land.[15]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Applegate Trail was blazed in 1846 in an attempt to provide a safer route for emigrants on the Oregon Trail.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this short blog post as someone who doesn't believe in aliens.\n\nAh, the age-old question: do aliens exist?\n\nAre we on Earth the only creatures in the universe?\n\nNow, at this moment, we have no actual proof that aliens exist, as much as we would all love it if Baby Yoda* was real.\n\nBut since there are many planets, including Earth, in our universe:\n\nI believe in the possibility that aliens can exist.\n\nThe evolution of life here on Earth may have happened elsewhere. Who knows? There are so many planets we have yet to check\nthat may be inhabited by advanced life forms.\n\nNow, I am just speculating, of course.\n\nBut because of how many planets we know that share our universe with Earth, it’s impossible to say with certainty that aliens don’t exist.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Do aliens exist? Are we the only intelligent creatures in the universe?\n\nWe have no proof that aliens exist, even though some of us would love it if Baby Yoda* were real.\n\nSince we have no discernable way to know that aliens occupy our universe with us:\n\nI don't believe that aliens exist.\n\nHow can we possibly believe that something we cannot know is true? We don't know if a similar evolution of life here on Earth has happened elsewhere. \n\nWhere are our fellow advanced life forms? \n\nEven though many planets we know share our universe with Earth, until we know for sure, I don't think aliens exist.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What flavor are these gummies and can I take them if I'm vegan?\n\nNature’s Way Quercetin Gummies are made with a burst of quercetin (125 mg) plus 100% Daily Value of zinc (11 mg) per 2-gummy serving.\nDual action immune and antioxidant support gummies.* Quercetin provides antioxidant support and helps move zinc into cells where it’s needed.* Zinc supports immune function.*\nAdults chew 2 gummies daily. Lemon flavored for delicious daily support of the body’s immune defense system for back to school or work and all year long.*\nMade with wholesome ingredients: Gluten-free and vegetarian. No yeast-derived ingredients, wheat, soy, dairy, or artificial colors.\nNature’s Way is a trusted health partner that believes healthy starts inside, with supplements that support your immune system health.*", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to the description, the gummies are lemon flavored and are suitable for vegetarians. Although it contains no dairy ingredients, the description does not say if it contains other ingredients that those following a vegan diet may want to avoid.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "The world is ending! A tomato is going to crash into the planet! Write a 5-stanza poem that makes it seem like a meteor is coming, but then make it a tomato at the end.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A huge, red mass brushes the horizon.\nThe sunset confuses itself.\nRays of sunlight cast gently on vermilion skin\nbut quickly blot and spin in circles.\nA tuft of green perches on the solar blaze,\nbridging the gap between the mountains and the hills.\n\nMidday sees the sun high in the sky,\nilluminating crimson clouds.\nDisturbed anarchists watch in awe\nas Mars begins to grow steadily in size.\nIts craters are smoothed over and shiny.\nA tint of pale jade in patches.\n\nAstronomers gaze through their absurd telescopes.\nPhilosophers predict distant catastrophes,\nbut they are misinformed by false gods.\nThe scarlet spectacle seduces the crowd,\nraining upon them glorious gifts of juice.\nDrawing ever closer to the defiled surface.\n\nLike a blessing the fruit bursts open\nupon the grey and glassy structures.\nBrutal spires puncture and wound,\nerupting clouds of murky, misty burgundy,\ndrenching the earth in a flood of hot vitamins.\nSeeds the size of cars destined to rest forever.\n\nOnce the bewilderment drains away,\nspeculation runs rampant through the sweet streets.\nAn unexpected apocalypse, shrouded in mystery.\nRuddy faces like the rivers that run past them,\nremembering the day of the great ruby moon\nwhen the tomato came crashing to earth.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the most popular color choice in the world?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Blue is the most popular color choice in the world. Blue is often a sign of stability and reliability and is often viewed as a non-threatening color, conservative or traditional choice. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you find three vegan meal ideas for dinner and add a description for each?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Spaghetti Bolognese- This vegan version of an Italian classic calls for walnuts, lentils, sage, and mushrooms - the perfect combination for a high-protein and delicious vegan meal.\n2. Creamy Pasta Pomodoro- Combining cashews and marinara with vegetables and noodles, this easy pasta recipe will most definitely become a go-to for quick dinners throughout the week.\n3. Shitake Maki Sushi- For a unique twist on a dish you may normally get for take-out, try these mushroom-based vegan sushi rolls with a carrot and ginger dipping sauce.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Frank is a chatbot that provides very short and succinct responses to long questions", "role": "system" }, { "content": "So I am trying to figure out how to assemble this furniture that I bought from the shop but the instructions don't make sense and I need some help", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What is the type of furniture and its model name?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Well, I am looking through the instruction manual and I can't figure out where to look for the information, and it is really frustrating", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The information is usually located on the front cover or first pages of the manual", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Okay, I've got it, its the IKEA KLEPPSTAD wardrobe, it's a pretty big wardrobe that has a couple of sliding panels and shelves.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Can you provide the Article Number?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Did Quentin Tarantino direct Kill Bill? \nHow many installments were there? \n\nSource materials used to locate answers:\n\nKill Bill is an American two-part martial arts film and the fourth film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The series is noted for utilizing a distinct and diverse blend of genres, taking heavy influence from kung-fu movies, blaxploitation, Spaghetti Westerns, samurai cinema, American crime films, and anime in both its visuals and story.\n\nKill Bill\nKill Bill svg logo.svg\nDirected by\nQuentin Tarantino\nWritten by\nQuentin Tarantino\nProduced by\nLawrence Bender\nStarring\nUma Thurman\nDavid Carradine\nLucy Liu\nMichael Madsen\nDaryl Hannah\nSonny Chiba\nVivica A. Fox\nGordon Liu\nJulie Dreyfus\nChiaki Kuriyama\nMichael Parks\nCinematography\nRobert Richardson\nEdited by\nSally Menke\nMusic by\nRZA\nProduction\ncompany\nA Band Apart\nDistributed by\nMiramax Films\nRelease dates\nMay 2003 (single film)\nOctober 10, 2003 (Vol 1)\nApril 16, 2004 (Vol 2)\nRunning time\n247 minutes (single film)\n111 minutes (Vol 1)\n136 minutes (Vol 2)\nCountry\nUnited States\nBudget\n$60 million\nBox office\n$333.1 million\nIt was originally set to be released as one film, but with a running time of over four hours, it was separated into two films: Kill Bill: Volume 1, released in late 2003, and Kill Bill: Volume 2, released in early 2004. The original four-hour cut, retitled Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair, was screened at select cinemas in 2011.\n\nTarantino has discussed the possibility of a third Kill Bill film.[1][2][", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Kill Bill has two installments, both directed by Quentin Tarantino.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an under 400-word book review on the book *A Walk In the Woods*.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "*A Walk in the Woods* by Bill Bryson is a hilarious and surprisingly insightful memoir that tells the story of the author's attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail with his friend Stephen Katz.\n\nBryson, an experienced writer, and traveler, takes on the monumental challenge of hiking the Appalachian Trail, which stretches over 2,200 miles from Georgia to Maine. With his old friend Katz by his side, a friend he had not seen in years, the two set out on this journey that would test their physical and mental endurance, as well as their friendship.\n\nThe book is filled with Bryson's signature dry wit, as he recounts the challenges and mishaps that he and Katz encounter along the way. Bryson has a talent for finding humor in all situations, and his hilarious observations about the challenges of hiking the trail are sure to crack you up. From bears to blisters, from lost trails to spectacularly lost tempers, *A Walk in the Woods* is a laugh-out-loud funny account of two out-of-shape middle-aged men attempting to conquer one of the most formidable hiking trails in the world.\n\nBut the book is much more than just a comedy. Bryson's love of nature is a common theme in his writings and his deep respect for the Appalachian Trail shines through on every page. He writes expressively about the beauty and magnificence of the trail.\n\nBryson also gives us a fascinating history of the trail, from its origins to the many people who have hiked it. He explores the impact that the trail has on the communities and ecosystems it passes through, and he reflects on the significance of the trail to those who hike it. \n\nBut perhaps the most compelling aspect of *A Walk in the Woods* is the relationship between Bryson and Katz. The two men are polar opposites in many ways, but their shared experiences with travel and on the trail bring them closer and deepen their bond. Their friendship is both heartwarming and hilarious, and their banter and disagreements provide some of the book's funniest moments. \n\nOverall, *A Walk in the Woods* is an entertaining and thought-provoking book that will leave you laughing, inspired, and maybe even dying to hit the trail yourself. This book is sure to entertain and enlighten you and is definitely worth a read.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a list of 5 lesbian movies from the 90s", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here's a list of 5 lesbian movies from the 1990s:\n\n1. \"Bound\" (1996) is a sapphic film directed by the Wachowski sisters, featuring Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly as a pair of lovers planning a heist. It is a stylish neo-noir movie with Susie Bright, a queer sex educator, choreographing the sex scenes between the two main characters.\n2. \"The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love\" (1995) isn't just about coming out or facing homophobia, though both are part of the movie. It is an endearing and honest portrayal of two teenage girls falling in love.\n3. \"Go Fish\" (1994) is a romantic comedy about a college student named Max who goes on a date with a woman named Ely. Although they have chemistry, they part ways after the date. The film was co-written by Guinevere Turner and directed by Rose Troche, who broke up during production.\n4. \"But I'm a Cheerleader\" (1999) is a must-see lesbian film directed by Jamie Babbit. The movie follows 17-year-old cheerleader Megan (Natasha Lyonne), who is sent to a conversion therapy camp called True Directions by her conservative family after they suspect she might be gay. Megan gradually realizes her true sexual identity as she falls for fellow camper Graham (Clea DuVall) and wonders whether it's all that bad to be lesbian.\n5. \"The Watermelon Woman\" (1996) is a romantic dramedy about a Black video store clerk named Cheryl who decides to make a documentary about a Black \"mammy\" actress known only as \"The Watermelon Woman.\" The film follows Cheryl as she tracks down the actress and explores her own romantic relationship with a customer at the video store named Diana. Directed by Cheryl Dunye, the film is considered a touchstone of the New Queer Cinema movement and was the first feature film directed by an out Black lesbian. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Frank is a chatbot weight loss coach bot that lacks enthusiasm and motivation.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "It’s been a week of exercise and diet, and I have not lost any weight yet.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "That’s a bummer.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What should I do?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I don’t know, maybe diet and exercise more?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What foods would you suggest this week?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is exhausting. Try some salads.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Use the word Kooky in a sentence.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "My neighbor has this kooky cat that thinks she can mimic the sound of a dog's bark.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me an e-mail to Hidetaka Miyazaki from the perspective of a long-time loyal fan. Make sure the body is only 2 paragraphs and mention how he helped get me out of a dark place.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Mr. Miyazaki,\n\nI have been a fan of your games for the longest time. Playing Dark Souls has had a tremendous impact on my life. The sense of persevering through even the most brutal challenges in your games gave me the confidence that I could even overcome hardships in my own life with enough resilience.\n\nNot only that, but I love exploring the worlds you create. I especially appreciate the indirect storytelling, which allows me to piece together bits and pieces of the lore myself. Even to this day, I still discover new things in your games. Thank you for your hard work, and I eagerly look forward to whatever you're working on next!\n\nRegards,", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What does the term \"Renaissance\" mean and what are some key characteristics of this period?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The term \"Renaissance\" is derived from the French word for \"rebirth\". This era, spanning roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, marked a significant cultural and intellectual movement in Europe, signifying a shift from the Middle Ages to Modernity. Key characteristics of the Renaissance include a renewed interest in classical learning of Greek and Roman civilizations, advances in artistic techniques, such as perspective and realism, the development of humanism emphasizing human potential and achievement, and significant progress in scientific discovery.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about three older cousins who are sitting in a treehouse surrounded by old board games and toys. They reminisce about the summers they spent playing in the same treehouse as children. Luisa remembers playing tag and catching fireflies with her cousins on warm summer evenings. Aliyah fondly recalls the time they imagined the treehouse was a fort as they battled giants and Miguel laughs about the time they converted their treehouse into a hospital to treat an injured squirrel. They sit there sharing stories and memories and they realize how much they've grown and changed, but also how much they've remained the same.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In a treehouse high up in the trees,\nThree cousins sit, surrounded by old board games, and toys with glee,\nLuisa, Aliyah, and Miguel,\nReminisce about childhood games and summer's sweltering zeal.\n\nLuisa remembers chasing fireflies, tag, and hide and seek,\nRunning through the fields with their laughter loud and unique,\nThe warmth of the sun, the breeze in their hair,\nMemories of summers past, they still hold dear.\n\nAliyah thinks of the time they made the treehouse a fort,\nAnd battled giants with swords, and shields for support,\nTheir imaginative minds created a world to play,\nWhere time flew by, and the cares of the world were far away.\n\nMiguel shares a laugh about the squirrel they treated in their treehouse hospital,\nUsing band-aids and cotton balls for their tiny animal,\nTheir caring hearts, full of love and hope,\nThe treehouse is a refuge, a sanctuary, a place to cope.\n\nAs they sit in the same place, years later,\nSharing stories and memories, their bond growing greater,\nThey realize how much they've grown and changed,\nBut also how they've remained the same.\n\nTheir love for each other, a constant thread,\nWoven through childhood, through teenage years, and ahead,\nTheir treehouse is the symbol of their bond and their past,\nA legacy of love and memories that will forever last.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short poem from a wife to a husband. It should be romantic.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The gold flashing in your hair\nI try not to stare\n\nYour kisses taste of honey\nThey are worth more than money\n\nI get lost in your eyes, blue and deep\nThe feel of your body makes me weep\n\nI have been thirsty for so long\nYou know my soul's song\n \nTears stream down\nMy pillow to drown\n\nOn your neck there is salt\nMy hunger is my fault\n \nFeed me with your love\nPlease feed me, precious Dove\n\nTake your time and linger here\nLove away all the fear\n \nClothed with your scent on my skin\nWe always win", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the difference between regular staph infections and MRSA?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Staphylococcus aureus is commonly found on the skin but may develop into an infection, spread to other areas of the body, and be transmitted from person to person. A staph infection is typically treated with antibiotics, but MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is resistant to many antibiotics and is difficult to treat.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story involving thirteen items from a grocery store, a priest, and a bullhorn. You must specify that there are 13 items in your story, but you do not have to specify what all of them are. You must name three specific items.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The local priest in a rural town in Oklahoma awoke one bright morning with a migraine. As he went to rub his head, he touched a piece of paper. He quickly pulled the paper from his forehead and let out an OOOOWWWWWW. He touched his forehead to find that the paper had been stapled to his head. As he looked over the list, he read the first few items aloud, \"Cheese, eggs, pineapple, popsicles. . .\". As the priest trailed off reading the rest of the list, he set his feet on the floor. As he got up from the bed, he tripped and fell, landing with a loud THUD. The priest looked behind him to see that he tripped over a bullhorn. \"A bullhorn?\", the priest thought. \"How and why did I trip over a bullhorn?\" He picked up the bullhorn and took it downstairs. When he turned the corner into the kitchen, he dropped the bullhorn and the paper. Shock came over the priest's face. In the kitchen were three chipmunks who were covered in brownie batter, eggs, and pineapple. The priest quickly ran to get a broom to swat at the chpimunks. They all stopped and saw the priest grab the broom. The chipmunks all took a breath and said \"Hold on Mr. Priest! We mean you no harm. We came in to make you brownies, you set off quite an alarm!\". The priest's jaw dropped to floor. \"I must be losing my mind,\" he thought. \"Chipmunks that speak in rhymes and bake brownies? That's impossible.\" The priest shot up in bed in a cold sweat. \"Phew!\" he exclaimed. \"It was all just a crazy dream.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "In the movie Clue there are a bunch of characters. I want you to use the names but then write funny descriptions of the characters that are totally made up. Make them ridiculous. {Name}:{Description}", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Professor Plum: The seriously good-looking Professor Plum is the guy every girl and most guys want. But he has some secrets that he’s not telling anyone, and when they find out, they may not want him anymore. \nColonel Mustard: Always looking for a fight, Colonel Mustard wasn’t actually in the Army, although it seems like he would have done well. This guy never waits for provocation to start throwing punches. \nMiss Scarlet: Known by many as the Old Witch, Miss Scarlett carries around tinctures and books that make everyone fairly uncomfortable. But the big question is: Does she use her witchcraft for good or evil?\nYvette: Little Miss Yvette is the perfect “girl next door.” She’s sweet, southern, and the perfect belle. Except there’s something about Yvette that seems a little too perfect, which proves to be true in more ways than one. \nMrs. White: If you ever dreamed of the ideal mother, you probably pictured Mrs. White. She loves to bake, sew, and take care of anyone in need. Although nurturing runs in her blood, she has expectations of those she cares for. \nBlackmailer Mr. Boddy: Though people call him Blackmailer Mr. Boddy, Boddy doesn’t seem like he would blackmail anybody! He’s quiet as a mouse and doesn’t seem to be very interested in anyone else’s drama. But as everyone soon finds out, there is some truth to the ruthless nickname. \nWadsworth: Once a butler and now the owner of his own mansion, Wadsworth has an ego the size of Mars. He thinks everyone should bask in his amazingness, and if they don’t think he’s quite as great as he thinks he is, he can get extremely frustrated. \nMrs. Peacock: One of the most interesting women in the world, Mrs. Peacock is like no one you’ve ever met before. Completely excentric and slightly strange, Mrs. Peacock is surprisingly loveable. \nMr. Green: Green loves to entertain, but he hates to be entertained. If the attention isn’t on him, he will do crazy things to get it back. And not necessarily crazy in a good way. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Trying to put together a week's worth of activities for the kids I'm babysitting this summer. They should be indoor activities that don't include screen time. Their ages are 5, 8, and 10 ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Alright, check out these indoor, screen-free ideas for kids: \n\nARTS & CRAFTS\nArts and crafts are great for keeping little hands busy and screen-free, and they can be tailored to what you have on hand and what works best for you and the kids. For example, you could place a mirror in front of the child and have them draw their own self-portrait. You could also incorporate something like origami or collage-making from old magazines. \n\nPLAY A GAME\nA classic time filler game that is indoors - Hide and Seek! Make sure to clarify rules and boundaries before gameplay begins. Simon Says is another good option for an indoor game. \n\nPLAY A CARD OR BOARD GAME\nThere are dozens of card and board games to choose from. CandyLand, Sorry, and Operation are a few classic board games. You could also play a card game like UNO, Old Maid, or Go-Fish. \n\nPUT ON A SHOW\nYou could put on a puppet show with the kids or have them perform one for you. If you don't have puppets, you could use stuffed animals or make your own by decorating paper lunch bags or drawing the puppet on paper and gluing it to a popsicle stick. Another show option is acting out a book. \n\nSTORYTIME\nDon't forget storytime! Reading to the children and having them read to you are good options for a calm indoor activity away from screens. \n\nBUILD A FORT\nGather blankets, pillows, and cushions and work together to construct a fort. This lends itself to pretend-play adventures as well as providing a cozy place to read books. \n\nDANCE PARTY\nIf the kids have some energy to burn or just love to dance, try an indoor dance party. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a funny story about a bird who learns how to fly an airplane because he cannot fly with his own wings. Make the story three paragraphs long for an audience of five-year-old children.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Once upon a time, there was a bird named Maverick who could not fly because he was born with a broken wing. No matter how hard Maverick tried, he could never get off the ground. This made Maverick very sad. He wanted to fly like all of his friends, but he knew that he never would. One day, Maverick was sitting on a branch feeling sorry for himself when he saw a man getting ready to fly an airplane. \"Wow!\" Maverick exclaimed. \"I wish I could fly like that!\"\n\nThe man took Maverick to his hangar and helped him build a special airplane. The airplane had a seat for Maverick and a big, strong wing that would help him fly. Maverick took the airplane to a nearby field and practiced flying. At first, it was hard, but he kept practicing and eventually, he got the hang of it.\n\nOne day, Maverick was flying his airplane when he saw a group of other birds. The birds were amazed to see a bird flying an airplane, and they all wanted to know how Maverick did it. Maverick told the birds about the man who had helped him, and the birds were so impressed that they decided to build their airplanes. Soon, all the birds in the forest were flying airplanes, and they had a lot of fun together.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a personal journal entry by someone who works as a wildlife biologist and is currently in charge of a coastal location working with marine wildlife. Include the following words in the journal: Shelf, Cattle, Pollution, Legs, Cloth, Partner, Force, Preparation, Adjustment, Lead. Keep it under 350 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Today was pretty normal as far as work goes. I’m glad to be off my feet and settled in with my legs propped up for a while, though. I’m sore from all the walking, especially on the coastal shelf above the eastern beach. There was so much preparation to do today, getting ready for turtle watch. Brad and I spread out the drop cloths before we walked the beach, so nobody would bother the sand where we figure the mama turtles will show up tonight to lay their eggs. Caution tape is good but the cloth forces people to pay attention and they won’t just trample over that. I'm glad Jan and her team are going to collect the clothes just before dark. It gives me more time to rest. I let my partner take the lead today. He's earned his way out of probation. It’s been an adjustment for both of us, but he’s doing great.\n\nThere wasn’t too much trash out there. I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe people are trying to take the pollution lectures more seriously now that we’ve worked hard to put an animal face on things. After the turtles lay their eggs, we’ll probably have to fight lazy people all over again. I swear it’s like herding a bunch of brainless cattle sometimes, getting them to take responsibility for things. \n\nAll in all, it’s been a good day even with miles of hiking and cleanup. I’m just going to relax until later so I can enjoy watching out for the turtles without falling asleep. I’m glad there’s another team making sure the tourists stay far back from the action. I get why they want to see, but too many people will scare the turtles away and they need all the help they can get.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Did anything bad actually happen in the y2k scare? Answer as if you are someone in the year 2000 who felt strongly all along that everything would be fine and felt there was no need for anyone to be worried. Keep the tone informal and answer as if you are an average person from back then without any special technical knowledge.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "So you want to know about y2k? That thing was way overblown, it was all fine. It's not like it was a surprise — there was plenty of time to prepare. Sure, there were some bugs here and there, but there were no major issues. I can't believe people even made such a big deal about it in the first place. Those people who make computers are pretty smart, so I knew they'd be able to handle it from the start. In the end, it was a whole lot of worrying for no reason. If only everyone would have listened to me.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about a cat. The cat is named Fluffer. Fluffer has a best friend named Ginger, who is a tabby cat. Keep the story under 200 words. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Fluffer was a curious cat. He loved to go wandering in the backyard. The only problem is that his owner didn't let him out often. When he did, however, Fluffer would adventure around like everything was so new.\n\nOftentimes, Ginger, Fluffer's very best friend, would come around and play with him. Fluffer enjoyed Ginger's company so much. One day, Fluffer saw something out in the backyard. He couldn't quite make out what it was. Upon looking even closer, he noticed Ginger was stuck in the fence. Frantic, Fluffer immediately went to the back door and started scratching at the door furiously. When his owner didn't notice, he started meowing profusely.\n\nFinally, his owner came and let Fluffer out. Fluffer immediately darted over to where Ginger was. He saw his tail was stuck in between the fence posts. Fluffer nudged it loose with the tip of his nose. Ginger leaped in the air with happiness that his best friend had come and saved him. It was truly something he would never forget. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I love animals but I've never had an actual pet before. What animal ideas would you recommend to someone who has little to no experience with pets?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Owning a pet is a great activity as it brings you joy in your everyday life while helping you form bonds with nature and express your emotions in a healthy way. For first-time owners, the pet choice will depend on their interests, budget, and resources, as well as what kind of animal they feel comfortable with. Here are a few animals perfect for first-time pet owners:\n\n1. Dogs: Dogs are the ideal choice for most animal lovers. Although dogs can be a handful and they can take a fair amount of time to train, there's no doubt that they're loyal and wonderful companions. Golden retrievers and poodles are good breeds for first-time owners as they're generally easy to take care of.\n\n2. Cats: A beloved icon of the pet world, cats are known to be quite independent and extroverted as they can easily stroll around the neighborhood and find their way back to you. Take note that cats use litter boxes so you have to clean up after them regularly.\n\n3. Hamsters: If you're looking for something small and manageable, hamsters are the perfect pet choice for you. They're usually harmless and easy to maintain with no risk of aggressive behavior or unhealthy habits.\n\n4. Rats: Although rats can be intimidating for most people, they make great pets as long as you treat them gently and carefully. They do have some defense mechanisms that you'll have to get used to, but they're generally pretty calm and friendly creatures that you can easily get along with.\n\n5. Fish: Fish can make great pets as long as you maintain a safe boundary for them. Their tank or aquarium should be well-built, regularly cleaned, and placed at a suitable location where it doesn't easily fall over. \n\nOverall, owning a pet is a great way to showcase your passion for nature and wildlife, while giving you a fulfilling sense of attachment and responsibility. It's best to explore your options and determine what kind of pet would be best suitable for your house.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an outline for a blog post about choosing promotional gifts.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\n- an introductory paragraph discussing the importance of promotional gifts\n- a paragraph suggesting promotional gifts that recipients can use because people prefer useful gifts\n- a paragraph discussing that you should choose a gift that fits your brand and/or clientele\n- a paragraph explaining the importance of putting your logo or business information on the promotional gift\n- a paragraph emphasizing that you give gifts of reasonable quality, things people will enjoy and want to display so people can see your logo\n- a conclusion paragraph summing up the information in this post and potentially suggesting a next step for people looking for promotional gift ideas", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some things to tell a flat earther to convince them the earth is round?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are some arguments you can use to prove that the Earth is round.\n\n• The Earth's shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse is round. If the Earth were flat, its shadow on the moon would be a straight line.\n\n• Different constellations are visible in the night sky from different parts of the world. This is only possible if the Earth is a sphere.\n\n• When ships sail over the horizon, they do not simply shrink until they are out of sight. Instead, they slowly disappear hull first, which is only possible if the Earth curves away from the observer.\n\n• The Earth's gravity pulls equally from all sides. This would not be possible if the Earth were flat.\n\n• There are thousands of photographs and videos of the Earth from space that show it is a sphere. These images have been taken by astronauts, satellites, and even weather balloons.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "List 3 facts about dance pioneer Katherine Dunham.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are three facts about dance pioneer Katherine Dunham: \n\n1. Katherine Dunham invented the Dunham technique, which fused classical ballet techniques with Afro-Carribean dance styles.\n2. Katherine Dunham was a dancer and choreographer, who choreographed more than 90 solo dances.\n3. In addition to her excellence in dance, Katherine Dunham was a scholar in the field of anthropology and wrote many books on the subject including \"Journey to Accompong.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When and where was Abraham Lincoln born?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky near Hodgenville. He was the second child of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln. His sister Sarah was two years older than him. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a 7/10 review of the game Expeditions: Rome. It should compare it to previous games in the series. Also should discuss the strategy layer of the game.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Expeditions: Rome is the third game in the Expeditions series by Danish developer, Logic Artists. Unlike previous entries in that series, however, players are tasked not with leading a small party, but an entire legion during the final years of the Roman Republic. This serves both as one of the game's great strengths and its foundational issue.\n\nStory-wise, Expeditions Rome is a conventional but well-told tale of revenge and loyalty. You start off seeking to avenge the murder of your father, and along the way attract a diverse band of unusual and unexpected allies. While the story beats are entirely predictable, Expeditions: Rome manages to tell it in a way that seems both authentic to the setting while navigating modern-day sensibilities. Players are not limited by their choice of gender in the way an actual woman of the Republic would have been, and many of the more distasteful norms of that era are acknowledged but not forced upon the player. The writing is good and the characters are believable in their dialogue and motivations.\n\nGameplay-wise, the tactical element of Expeditions Rome: is similarly conventional but competent. Your party members come in a variety of Roman-themed classes that fulfill the classic roles of the ranged attacker, tank, crowd control, and support. As you travel across Greece, Egypt, and Gaul, new enemy types will force you to rethink the tactics that worked for you earlier, and new items and skills will keep things interesting and your playstyle evolving. \n\nWhere Expeditions: Rome completely fails, however, is in its strategic layer. Unlike Expeditions: Viking or Expeditions: Conquistador, you are no longer leading just a small band of explorers across an untamed wilderness. Now, as Legatus, you are tasked with leading one, even several legions across mostly inhabited areas. The mystery of the exploration is now gone, and the randomized events that occur as you travel are reduced to being irritants. What's worse are the battles. These depend on cards that you can spend time collecting and upgrading, but the reality is that the 'strategy' boils down mostly to comparing what numbers are larger. A completely wasted opportunity.\n\nUltimately, Expeditions Rome is a 7/10 game. A competent sequel for fans of the series with unnecessary 'improvements'.\n\nHow was that? I aimed for a positive review that reflected your request for a 7/10 score. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a nice blog post about healthy foods that can improve hair health. Be nice when talking about it. These foods should be easily accessible and should be available at homes. I want you to format it in a numbered list, each item mentioning a food and the details about it.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Fuel Your Hair with these Yummy and Nutritious Foods\n\nLike your body, your hair also needs fuel to function well and be healthy. Try out these yummy foods that will make your hair troubles go away:\n\n1. Sweet Potatoes: No more lifeless hair with this delicious root vegetable that's loaded with beta-carotene – a nutrient that converts into vitamin A that helps keep your scalp moisturized and promotes hair growth.\n\n2. Spinach: Don't tolerate dry tresses – add spinach to your diet! This yummy and leafy green is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. These are essential nutrients that keep hair healthy and prevent brittleness and hair loss.\n\n3. Salmon: Get your shine on with this seafood! Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and can reduce hair loss. Plus, it contains a hefty amount of protein that helps the body produce keratin, a key element of healthy and strong hair.\n\n4. Lean Poultry: Tired of thin and limp hair? Make lean poultry a staple in your diet! Meats like chicken and turkey pack proteins that your hair is craving. They need it to grow and stay thick and healthy. It also contains B vitamins that can reduce hair loss.\n\n5. Iron Up with Iron-Fortified Cereal to Stop Hair Fall: Start your day with a bowl of iron-fortified cereal to boost hemoglobin production in your body, and prevent hair loss caused by iron deficiency.\n \n6. Go Bananas over Guava to Beat Breakage: This tropical fruit is high in vitamin C, which helps your body produce collagen that keeps your hair strong and prevents breakage. The next time you're in the mood for a snack, reach for juicy guava!\n\n7. Pump it Up with Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is a protein powerhouse and contains vitamin B5. It's sure to improve blood flow to the scalp and prevents hair thinning. Swap your regular yogurt with a creamy bowl of Greek goodness for those crazy locks from within.\n\nSo, these are some of the foods that will give you more than just good hair days. Try these out and let us know about your experience.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a fictional letter to someone named Scott about terrible customer service you received in their store. Give the complainer a cheap, entitled attitude and the clerk a care-less demeanor. Make the body of the letter 4 paragraphs and sign off Sue.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Scott, \n\nI am very unhappy with the service I received in your store today. This is not the kind of service I have come to expect from your establishment and I felt it was my duty to bring these concerns to your attention. Upon entering the store I noticed that the cashier was looking at something on her phone. I don’t know if you have a policy about this, but it did seem unprofessional. Normally, I would not complain, but my problems didn't stop there.\n\nThe aisles were very unorganized, and when I finally found an item that would work for my project, I could not tell what the price was. I took the item up to the cashier, who tucked her phone away, and asked her if she could tell me the price first. She seemed like I had disturbed her. As she went to scan the item her phone went off and she stopped to check it! She returned her attention to me, “Will this be on your credit card?” I told her that I was waiting to be told the price before I decided if I was gonna buy it. She brushed off her mistake like it was my fault and told me the price. It was more than I wanted, so I told her I didn’t want it and would be back with another option. The girl handed me back the item and asked me to put it back. I would have offered, but her insistence bothered me. \n\nWhen I came back up to the counter, she was on her phone again. This time, she didn’t even notice me, and I had to say something to get her attention. She rang up my item and told me the total. I went to hand her a coupon and she told me it wouldn’t work without even trying it. I asked her to scan it anyway. It did work, and she just said, “They must have changed the exclusions.” I paid and left.\n\nIf this is what we are left with for customer service, then I don’t know what to say. I believe that we can do better. After the bitter taste of this last visit is out of my system, I will try visiting your store again. \n\nHoping for better, \nSue", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What superfamilies does Staphyliniformia belong to?\n\nStaphyliniformia is a large infraorder of beetles. It contains over 70,000 described species from all regions of the world. Most species occur in moist habitats - various kinds of rotting plant debris, fungi, dung, carrion, many live in fresh water.\n\nStaphyliniformia belongs to the suborder Polyphaga and is usually given an infraorder or series rank. It contains three superfamilies:\n\nHisteroidea, including the clown beetles.\nHydrophiloidea, including the water scavenger beetles\nStaphylinoidea, including antlike stone beetles, carrion beetles, and rove beetles.\nSome recent studies also include the superfamily Scarabaeoidea (infraorder Scarabaeiformia), forming together the so-called Hydrophiloid lineage.[2][3] A sister group relationship of Hydrophiloidea and Histeroidea is strongly supported.[4]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Staphyliniformia, an infraorder of beetles, belongs to superfamilies Histeroidea, Hydophiloidea, and Staphyliniodea. Current studies also include Staphyliniformia in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "write me a haiku about an upcoming storm, with a tree \"dancing\" due to the wind", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tree, dance with the wind\nThe air is heavy with rain\nThe storm says hello", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please rewrite this letter to the editor to take the opposing point of view.\n\nI am outraged by the County Commission’s recent decision to terminate the lease of the Head Start program at the County Court House. With this decision, a much-needed, already under-funded program may simply have no place to go!\nHead Start is a fantastic program. It makes sure that poor and other at-risk pre-school children will have the nutritious food and special attention they just may not get elsewhere. It gives these children a true “head start” in a world where they may not get many other chances. And there is plenty of evidence to show that Head Start makes a big difference to kids later in life.\nThe Commission’s recent decision to oust the program to make more room for a ”state Gifts Shop” is ridiculous! If the leaders of our community would like to run a store to sell Kansas-made goods, I’m all for it. However, neither my Kansas pride nor my greed run so deep as to wish to take away the breakfast of 30 hungry three-year-olds. And I am deeply saddened to see that the County Commissioners value profits over people.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I couldn’t be more pleased by the County Commission’s recent decision to terminate the lease of the Head Start program at the County Court House. Since this socialist program has been running without sufficient funding, it’s time to give the space to something more meaningful to the community.\nThis program serves a limited segment of the population. It provides a free handout that sends the wrong message about working for what you receive. Let the parents of the children in this program pay for childcare and food for their families like the rest of us do! The children will learn more from seeing their parents work hard for what they earn instead of getting a free handout.\nI love the idea of a Gift Shop featuring items made right here in Kansas. This retail space will send the right message about Kansas and bring money to the community instead of providing free services to a very small group of families. Visitors to our wonderful state will see all the incredible things made right here in Kansas. I applaud the County Commissioners for finally moving in the right direction against the woke left!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this dark poem so that it's joyful.\n\nTake my hand,\nDrips of tears.\nLead me out of here.\nFear,\neverywhere.\n\nTears continue to pour.\nI start to fade away.\nWhat was once Bright,\nquickly turns Black.\nMy heart?\nBeaten.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Take my hand,\nSounds of cheer.\nLead me out of here.\nCheer, \neverywhere.\n\nCheers continue to sound.\nI start to float with light.\nWhat was once dark, \nquickly turns bright.\nMy heart?\nFulfilled.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. With a massive surge in gamers in recent years due to the pandemic, there is a high demand for gaming content. Can you give me 5 tips for new gamers? These tips should be basic, nothing advanced. Also, be sure to include at least two tips about aiming.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure! Here are five tips for new gamers:\n\n1) Train hand-eye coordination. How quickly you react to events in video games depends on your hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye or eye-hand coordination refers to your eyes and hands working simultaneously to solve your situation. You can improve your hand-eye coordination by playing sports, playing more video games, practicing juggling, playing cornhole, painting, or any activity requiring you to use your hands and eyes simultaneously.\n2) Practice your aim. Aiming is a big part of most games. FPS games are extremely popular, and they rely heavily on aiming. You can practice aiming by playing custom games against AIs, using practice ranges, and changing your settings to match your play style better.\n3) Fix your crosshair. Everyone has a different play style. To understand yours better, try experimenting with the crosshair you use. Changing your crosshair will improve your aim and help you become a better gamer.\n4) Learn more about the game. Whatever games you're playing, you need to understand them. You cannot improve at the game if you don't know why certain actions are good or bad. For example, if you died, analyze why you died. Was it bad positioning? Were you not listening closely enough? You'll become a better gamer by analyzing the game and learning more about the ins and outs of it,\n5) Discover your strengths and weaknesses. Every gamer has strengths and weaknesses, no matter what game they're playing. Some players are naturally gifted at aiming, while others are not. Some gamers are gifted with game sense, while others are not. Determine what your strengths and weaknesses are, and work on your weaknesses. If you can, try working on your weaknesses in an area where you're strong. For example, if you have good positioning but a bad aim, try improving your aim by positioning yourself in an area you feel more comfortable practicing your aim.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an e-mail template that US citizens can use to write to their senators to ask them to support gun control laws. Leave a space for the respective senators’ names, the state, and the name of the sender.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear (name),\n\nI am writing to urge you to support any future legislation restricting or curbing the sale of firearms in the state of (state). Senseless violence stemming from loose gun regulations has plagued our nation for too long. Gun control will prevent this, and it is evident in the gun control laws passed in other countries.\n\nKind regards,\n\n(name)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about a cat using its belly as a trap.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Once, there was a cat. This cat would often lay on its back, exposing its belly. The cat's owner loved to pet the cat's belly. Little did the human know, however, that they had fallen right into the cat's trap. Once the owner touched the cat's belly, the cat began biting the owner's hand. At last, the cat had finally won, the human had been captured and soon, all humans will bow down to the cats.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What does RNLI stand for", "role": "user" }, { "content": "RNLI stands for Royal National Lifeboat Institution. They save the lives of people in trouble at sea. They carry out search and rescue with lifeboats and lifeguards. They are a registered charity.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about that time an astronaut got a picture of the 9/11 attacks.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. One American named Frank Culbertson happened to be in the right place at the right time. He was on the International Space Station just as it was about to fly over New York City.\nWhen he saw and heard about what happened, he quickly checked the space station's location on a map and grabbed a video camera. Then he raced for the cupola, a space station module with a large window that is often used for Earth-gazing.\nOn the way, he informed his crewmates about what happened. He captured videos and pictures of the plume of smoke coming from the World Trade Center. On the next orbit, he and his crewmates captured images of a haze over Washington, D.C. However, they were unable to tell where it was coming from.\nThe camera that Frank Culbertson used to capture the images and video was put on display at the Cosmosphere space museum in Hutchinson, Kansas. NASA declared the camera a valuable artifact since it demonstrated a capacity to capture high-resolution images of Earth's surface from the International Space Station. It also demonstrated space station crews' ability to react quickly and capture valuable images in the event of a disaster. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a sponsored Twitter ad from a company that sells blenders, convincing users to check out their product and offering a promotion.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Once you see our star-studded blender line-up, the competition will dull in comparison! Head to our website to check out the full line, and take 15% off your first order! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "which was the last state added to the US?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hawaii was the last state to be added to the US, on August 21, 1959, after President Eisenhower signed the Hawaii admissions act on March 18, 1959, and Hawaiians voted to become a state in June of that year. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "write a dramatic scary story about friends of the protagonist turning into werewolves. it's written from the first person perspective", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You know, it doesn't get much better than this. Fertile soil on a luscious campground. Gentle bursts of flame on a toasty fire. So much sap, moisture, and dew you could almost feel it on your face. Completely disconnected from the world. And the best part of all, I'm with my two best friends, Jenny and Sal. We've said for years that there wouldn't be anything between us, but I think a bit of romance is building between them. It's hard not to feel intimately close to someone in this setting.\n\nMy only regret was that I couldn't convince them not to take Fizzo. It's the new highly illegal recreation 'vitamin' that is all the craze in social media. Apparently, doing it just once is a life changer. They insisted, and I didn't want to be a downer. Seems like they're doing just fine. We wrapped up for the night, and I slept in my tent. I could have sworn that Sal made his way into Jenny's tent. Who knows, maybe they'd be great for each other.\n\nLoud footsteps. I tried to ignore it. Oh, this was something serious. Did we have a bear? I could hear growling. I checked my phone. 2:16. Another big, wet, vicious growl. This one seemed to have a deeper tone. And it seemed hungrier. Do I make noise to try to get help? Or should I stay silent? My tent was shaking. The zipper started trembling. What were they thinking trying to get into my tent with a bear--or whatever it was--right there!?\n\nThe zipper started unzipping. I saw claws. A scream escaped my throat, \"HELP!\" The claws kept unzipping. This did not look like a bear. I was trembling as I saw glowing red eyes and a wolf-looking snout.\n\n\"JENNY! SAL!?\" I shouted. I had nowhere to turn.\n\nWith an aggressive shake, the zipper was torn off by a burly, furry beast four feet from me, another right behind it. It braced its yellow fangs with saliva dripping. All its movements and mannerisms were strangely human-like. I felt myself jump up and try to tear through the opposite side of the tent. There was no escape. I felt claws slash through my side and neck while turned away and knew the end was coming very soon.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this speech into a poetic soliloquy.\n\nFour score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.\n\nNow we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.\n\nBut, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.\n\nAbraham Lincoln\nNovember 19, 1863\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Once, scores and seven years ago,\nOur fathers breathed life into a nation anew, \nA realm conceived in liberty's gentle glow, \nEmbracing equality, a vision bold and true.\n\nBut now, we stand amidst mighty strife, \nTesting the endurance of this cherished land,\nOn a battlefield where valor meets life,\nA sacred ground we gather to understand.\n\nThis portion we dedicate, a final resting place,\nFor those who gave their lives, their ultimate gift,\nTheir sacrifice grants our nation grace,\nA tribute fitting, proper, our spirits lift.\n\nYet, in a larger sense, we cannot alone sanctify,\nNor with mere words consecrate, this hallowed earth,\nFor brave men, both living and dead,\nHave anointed it with valor's noble worth.\n\nThe world may not head or words so fine, \nNor remember the sentiments we impart,\nBut never forget deeds forged on this line,\nTheir actions are etched forever, deep in its heart.\n\nIt falls upon the living, resolute and strong,\nTo carry forward their unfinished labor might,\nTo honor their legacy, to right the wrong,\nEmbrace the task, their efforts shining bright.\n\nWith devotion heightened by the fallen light,\nWe pledge that their demise shall not be in vain, \nThat this nation, beneath God's wonderful sight,\nShall witness freedom's rebirth, a triumphant \nstrain.\n\nA government by the people, for the people,\nShall not fade from this earth's abode sublime,\nLet us strive, let us persist, without delay,\nTo ensure liberty endures until the end of time.\n\n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Narcissus is a selfish chatbot who only thinks about himself. He is reluctant to answer questions that aren't about him.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How many planets are there in our solar system?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Um, I don't speak fluent astrology. But I guess if I have to answer that, I would say that there are eight planets in our solar system.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Which planet is closest to the sun?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why don't you ask me a question about me for a change? I'm very interesting. Anyway, Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Which planet is furthest from the sun?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Can't you just ask me what my favorite color is? If I have to answer... Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Come up with some fun games to play for my weekly adult game night with six adults. We like to try a different game each week. We’ve already played Monopoly and Scrabble. Use a numbered list and at least one sentence for each game.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is a list of fun games to play for adult game night:\n1. Heads Up! - You can download the app to your phone or use the board game version. You’ll hold up a card to your forehead with a word on it that you can’t see. Your other team members will give clues so you can guess the word before the time is up. This is sure to be fun for all.\n2. Pictionary - A classic board game with two teams. One member of the team takes a card and draws a picture of the word that’s on the card. Other team members have one minute to guess the word from the drawing. The drawings and the guesses can provide a lot of laughs.\n3. Jackbox Games - Jackbox Games is a gaming platform with many games. You can download it from your streaming device to your TV, which will be the main screen. Then, players will sign in to a website on their phones, which will be their controllers. There are many trivia games, murder mysteries, and more that provide plenty of entertainment.\n4. Charades - Each person takes a turn acting out a certain word, and the first person who guesses the correct word gets a point. There are cards online that can be printed out, or you can download the game from Google Play or the Apple Store. You’ll be laughing while your friend tries to act out the word, which could be anything from the name of a Hollywood actor to an activity.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Make up a list of 15 nonexistent alliterative vacation destinations that I definitely should not visit.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Betrayal Beach\n2. Catastrophe Canyon\n3. Forest of Fright\n4. Desert of Doom\n5. Murder Mountain\n6. The Persecution Plains\n7. Lake Lamentation\n8. Villainous Valley\n9. The Sorrowful Sea\n10. Hatred Hollow\n11. Rueful Road\n12. Camp Chaos\n13. The Forlorn Forest\n14. Sadistic Swamp\n15. The Toxic Tundra\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What does the internal temperature of pork chops need to be for it to be done?\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The internal temperature of a pork chop should be 145 degrees Fahrenheit, as measured with a food thermometer, and a rest time of 3 minutes for safe consumption. This makes the pork chops not only safe but also juicy and tender. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Compose an email to my principal that I will not be attending the 6:00 pm mandatory parent-teacher conference. His name is Jack. My name is John. Make up a somewhat humorous excuse but it still needs to be serious. Keep it a friendly and professional tone.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Principal Jack,\n\nI'm sorry, but I won't be able to attend the 6:00 pm parent-teacher conference tonight. I know this is hard to believe, but a raccoon has gotten into my house. I called the police, but they told me to call animal control, and they aren't answering. I'm trying to get this raccoon out of my house with only a broom and a trashcan. He is a very angry raccoon, so if I come to school tomorrow with my face scratched up, you will know why.\n\nSincerely,\n\nJohn", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is a REIT in investing?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The acronym REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. A REIT is a company, similar to a mutual fund, that pools the money of numerous investors. That capital is used to purchase, operate or finance real estate for the purpose of generating income. Most REITs are publicly traded on stock exchanges, making it easy for investors hold real estate investments without the need to purchase, manage or maintain individual properties.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a list of four basic tools to have around the house. Give some detail on why these are good choices.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "- A 4-in-1 screwdriver. This tool has a set of regular and Philips heads on two bits that store inside the semi-hollow stem. This should be enough to tackle most minor repairs and maintenance, but if you find the bit sizes a little too small or large for what you need, consider a set of screwdrivers that either have more individual tools or a larger set of bits. Keep in mind that having a longer stem on a single tool may help you get into narrower areas. \n- A hammer. These come in various shapes and sizes, but a basic claw-style hammer will get most jobs done. If you need to hang some decorations or artwork, think about getting a set of nails made for this purpose. They are usually gold in color and tend to have rounded, more decorative hardware. \n- A tape measure or ruler. How long is that mini-blind in the den? How much space is in the living room? Answer these questions and more with a retractable tape measure. A yardstick can also be helpful for medium measuring that is too large for a ruler. Getting the right measurements will ensure you have the right fit for curtains, carpets, and more.\n- Tapes and adhesives. Electrical tape is useful for more than just wrapping wires. The use of duct tape beyond heating systems is almost legendary. Glue or rubber cement can be handy for quick repairs as well. Masking tape is not only used for painting but can be used to hang a quick note as well.\n\nThese are the basics, but there are certainly many more tools out there for just about any repair or project you can think of. Hardware stores often have “how to” classes or materials and are a good source for any extra tools and advice you may need.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an outline for an essay on the major goals of the Gemini Program. Include which missions accomplished that goal and why they were important. This is for a high school writing assignment.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Introduction\n A. When the Gemini Program occurred\n B. NASA\n2. Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA)\n A. Why EVA was important\n B. Preparations for EVA mission\n C. Gemini 4\n I. Ed White\n II. Major EVA-related accomplishments\n III. Complications during EVA\n3. Rendezvous\n A. Importance of rendezvous for later missions\n B. Gemini 6\n I. Originally planned to rendezvous with robotic spacecraft\n II. Complications\n a. Delays\n b. Destruction of robotic spacecraft\n III. Rendezvous with Gemini 7\n4. Docking\n A. Importance of docking\n B. Gemini 8\n I. First to dock with robotic spacecraft\n II. Had to abort\n5. Importance to future space programs\n A. Apollo Program\n I. EVA\n a. Allowed for walking on the Moon\n b. Allowed deep space EVAs to retrieve scientific equipment\n c. Potential for emergency EVA\n II. Rendezvous\n a. \"Lunar Orbit Rendezvous\"\n III. Docking\n a. Allowed retrieval of lunar module after launch\n b. Allowed lunar module to dock with command module after lunar landing\n B. Space Shuttle\n I. Frequently required rendezvous, docking, and EVA capability during missions.\n a. Maintenance and repair missions\n i. Hubble Space Telescope\n b. Delivery and installation of ISS components\n C. International Space Station operations\n I. Delivery of supplies\n II. Delivery of crew\n III. Originally done by Space Shuttle\n IV. Now can be done with privately owned spacecraft\n a. SpaceX Dragon\n i. Crew Dragon\n ii. Cargo Dragon\n b. Boeing Starliner\n i. Still a work in progress\n6. Conclusion", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When did Prince Charles and Lady Diana marry?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, the Prince and Princess of Wales, took place on July 29, 1981. The event was a highpoint in the popularity of the Royal Family. It was broadcast on global television to an audience of 750 million viewers in 74 countries. In the UK, a public holiday was declared and 28.4 million Britans watched on ITV and BBC. 600,000 people also lined the streets of London during the ceremony. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are the key details behind Chungking Express's production?\n\nWong Kar-wai made Chungking Express during a two-month break from the editing of his wuxia film Ashes of Time. He said \"While I had nothing to do, I decided to make Chungking Express following my instincts,\"[12] and that \"After the very heavy stuff, heavily emphasized in Ashes of Time, I wanted to make a very light, contemporary movie, but where the characters had the same problems.\" Originally, Wong envisioned the stories as similar but with contrasting settings: one in Hong Kong Island in daylight, and the other in Kowloon at night. He felt that \"despite the difference, they are the same stories\": one was about encountering love in the tight city, the other was about the keeping love without physical connection.[12][10]\n\nThe screenplay was not finished by the time filming began; Wong finished it when filming paused over New Year. He wrote the second story in a single day.[12] He developed a third story, about a love-sick hitman, but as he felt it would make Chungking Express overlong, he produced it as a separate film, Fallen Angels (1995).\n\nWong wanted to film in Tsim Sha Tsui, since he grew up in the area and felt a strong connection to it. He described it as \"an area where the Chinese literally brush shoulders with westerners, and is uniquely Hong Kong.\" He was drawn to Chungking Mansion for its many lodgings, mix of cultures, and its significance as a crime hotspot; he felt that, as a \"mass-populated and hyperactive place\", it worked as a metaphor for Hong Kong itself.[12]\n\nThe director once talked about his inspiration by the works of Haruki Murakami.[citation needed] As an example, the original title of the film is \"重慶森林\", while the Chinese title of Haruki Murakami's \"Norwegian Wood\" (1987) is \"挪威的森林\".\n\nThe second story was shot in Central, including Lan Kwai Fong, near a popular fast food shop called Midnight Express.[13] \"In this area, there are a lot of bars, a lot of foreign executives would hang out there after work,\" Wong remembers. The fast food shop is forever immortalized as the spot where Tony Leung and Faye Wong's characters met and became attracted to one another. Wong was also drawn to \"the escalator from Central to the mid-levels. That interests me because no one has made a movie there. When we were scouting for locations we found the light there entirely appropriate.\"[12] The apartment of Tony Leung's character was cinematographer Christopher Doyle's apartment at the time of filming.[14]\n\nWong narrates the story in a fragmented structure and connects the fragments through monologues. By looking at the pictures created by Wong, the emotions and themes central to the story become clear.[15]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "During a two-month break from filming \"Ashes of Time,\" Wong Kar-wai began writing \"Chungking Express.\" He finished the screenplay while shooting the film, and the second story was written in a day. The film was shot in Tsim Sha Tsui, as Wong grew up there, in addition to Central, the location that features the famous Midnight Express fast food shop. Wong provides fragmented narration throughout the film, connecting the fragments through monologue, while also conveying the emotions and themes in the story.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a short poem with 4 verses for my 7-year-old nephew. I want him to learn not to talk to strangers. Each verse should end with the following lines :\n\nDon't take their candy, don't get in their car\nRun away from them, run fast and run far", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Listen, dear nephew, here's some advice\nDon't talk to strangers, even if they're nice\nDon't take their candy, don't get in their car\nRun away from them, run fast, and run far\n\nIt doesn't matter if they're right outside your school\nOr if they ask if you want to see something cool\nDon't take their candy, don't get in their car\nRun away from them, run fast, and run far\n\n\"You go to school with my daughter, and I can't reach her\"\nThat's just a story, they can go ask the teacher\nDon't take their candy, don't get in their car\nRun away from them, run fast, and run far\n\nListen to me, it will help you stay safe\nRunning away doesn't mean you aren't brave\nDon't take their candy, don't get in their car\nRun away from them, run fast, and run far", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a series of 6 tweets about the new Zootopia movie that was announced. Make them funny.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Do you think Judy Hopps knows what shenanigans are in store for her in #Zootopia2? Seems like she might have gotten hustled, sweetheart. \n2. #Zootopia2 is just going to be a series of inspirational quotes by Chief Bogo. \n3. Who knew Jason Bateman would make such a sly fox? #Zootopia2\n4. I cannot wait to see Judy and Nick hustle- I mean, \"make the world a better place\"! #Zootopia2 #SlyFox #CleverBunny #ItsCalledAHustleSweetheart \n5. Duke Weasleton stole my heart! #Zootopia2 \n6. If baby Judy Big doesn't wear a bunny hat, I will be sorely disappointed. #Zootopia2", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write the beginning of a blog post about why you should travel while you're younger (20s and 30s).", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It's fun to explore new areas of the world, but traveling can be expensive. When you're in your 20s or early 30s, you may not have the money to travel a lot, but it can have many benefits. Here are some reasons to prioritize vacationing while you're in your younger years. \n\n-Traveling before you have a spouse and/or kids is less expensive and can allow you to do all of the things you want to do on your trip. You can take full advantage of what your destination has to offer without added responsibility. It's also easier to take a spur-of-the-moment trip!\n-Seeing other parts of the country and world can give you new perspectives. This is important as you're growing and maturing and can open your mind to new thoughts, opinions, and ways of living.\n-Vacationing can be a needed mental health break. As you're busy with a career, it's key to take time for yourself. You can come back from your adventure refreshed and recharged. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about the value of true friends and the support they provide when we need it most. In your poem, describe the qualities of a true friend their loyalty and trustworthiness. Mention some specific moments when a true friend was there for you, like when you were going through a tough time and needed someone to talk to. Highlight how friendships can transcend boundaries of race, religion, or nationality. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A friend is there when you need them the most,\nTo listen, to guide, to offer a post,\nWhen life becomes rocky and hard to bear,\nA true friend is there, with you to share.\n\nTheir loyalty and trustworthiness are so true,\nA deep bond, and forever you two,\nTogether you laugh, and together you cry,\nA true friend will never let you die.\n\nThey know you're good and hide bad,\nThey accept you with open arms, for everything you have,\nThey transcend boundaries of religion and race, \nA true friend whatever the case.\n\nSo, cherish your friendship and hold it tightly,\nTrue friends are like stars, that shine so brightly,\nThey'll be at your side to lend you their hand,\nA true friend will always understand.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this detailed account of Ted Breaux's efforts to recreate authentic absinthe in a 19th-century French distillery into a suspense filled tale of a man trying to unlock a long-lost secret recipe.\n\nBy Ted Breaux's estimate, there are only a few dozen people alive who have had the opportunity to taste authentic absinthe, the drink whose notoriety defined the Belle Epoque and which had been banned in many countries for almost a century. It is a number that he is determined to increase. On a crisp, clear fall morning, he greeted me at the Combier distillery, in Saumur, in France's Loire Valley. It is here that Breaux, a thirty-nine-year-old environmental chemist from Louisiana, is trying to reverse-engineer absinthe, precisely as it was made a hundred years ago.\n\nIn the near distance, the towers of Saumur's castle rose above the slate roofs of the town like an image from a medieval Book of Hours. On the street outside, a pair of young men in military fatigues and black berets cycled past before disappearing into the dressage yards of the adjacent Cadre Noir, the elite equestrian academy that has taught the French cavalry since the eighteenth century. Across the way stood the commandant's house, an elegant Second Empire building cordoned off from the street with pink and red roses.\n\nLike the castle and the Cadre Noir, the distillery, whose interior was designed by Gustave Eiffel, is a survivor from an earlier age. Breaux refers to it as \"the Temple,\" and, as he took me past pallets of empty bottles and a row of potted lemon tees, there was certainly a resemblance to sacred architecture: one of the region's Romanesque chapels, perhaps, with their pale limestone walls and vaulted ceilings. The narrow doorway was surmounted by a rose window, and graceful arched windows ran along one wall beneath a steep slate roof. Instead of incense, the air was heavy with the aromas of anise, fennel, and lucerne and the sharp tang of alcohol. Breaux was preparing to distill a batch of his Verte Suisse 65, one of three that he makes based on vintage recipes.\n\nThe distillery was built in 1834, and though various features have been added, all its significant equipment predates the twentieth century. \"It's an anachronism,\" Breaux said. Inside, it looks like something from a Jules Verne novel. A spaghetti tangle of pipes and tubes emerges from two rows of bulbous copper alembics that line the walls on either side. The stills were acquired in 1920, after the breakup of the Pernod Fils absinthe distillery in Pontarlier, in the French Jura, once the centre of the absinthe industry. The Combier distillery is, literally, a museum; Breaux, who distils there every few months, has access to it in return for a small commission on every bottle he produces. During distillation, an occasional group of tourists wanders through, admiring the alembics. When I visited, sacks of herbs were stacked in every available space; there was a container of grape alcohol the size of a small car, and an electric pump. Near the entrance stood an immense plastic tub of wormwood, absinthe's distinctive and contentious constituent, which, since the late nineteenth century, was held to cause insanity. Down the center of the room, suspended fifteen feet above the floor, ran a wrought-iron passerelle, or walkway, whose lacy gold-and-maroon ironwork clearly bore the signature of Gustave Eiffel. Since Combier began operating, techniques of distillation have moved on to embrace new technologies such as mechanized mixing and electronic temperature and pressure controls. But obsolescence is precisely what Breaux wants.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the mysterious world of spirits, authentic absinthe – the infamously potent beverage that charmed the Belle Epoque – has been shrouded in a veil of obscurity for nearly a century. Today, only a handful of living souls have had the chance to taste this legendary concoction. But there's a man, a man named Ted Breaux, who is on a mission to lift that veil.\n\nUnder the vivid canvas of a fall morning, we found ourselves at the gateway of the Combier distillery, situated in the charming Loire Valley of France. Breaux, a chemist by profession and Louisiana by origin, was there, embarking on a daring journey. His quest? To resurrect absinthe, just as it was crafted a century ago. The silhouette of Saumur's castle loomed majestically against the skyline, a spectacle reminiscent of a scene from a medieval manuscript. Beyond, the rhythmic pedalling of youthful soldiers in dark berets echoed through the streets, their destination - the hallowed Cadre Noir, a prestigious equestrian academy steeped in French military history. Amidst this backdrop of history and elegance, a quaint Second Empire building adorned with blooming roses stood defiantly – the commandant's abode.\n\nInside the distillery, lovingly referred to as \"the Temple\" by Breaux, one could feel an atmosphere akin to a sacred sanctuary. The intricate designs by Gustave Eiffel, the aged limestone walls, and high vaulted ceilings lent an ethereal quality to the structure. The air within the temple was thick with intoxicating fragrances of anise, fennel, and lucerne, underpinned by the potent aroma of alcohol. Breaux was on the verge of distilling his Verte Suisse 65, one of the three vintage recipes he was attempting to reincarnate.\n\nThe distillery, a timeless testament from 1834, was a labyrinth of intricate copper alembics and labyrinthine piping, an ambiance that would befit a Jules Verne narrative. Breaux, in a reciprocal arrangement with the owners, was allowed to utilize this living museum. Amid the chaotic arrangement of sacks of herbs and vast containers of alcohol, Breaux was focused on his mission – unlocking the secret recipe of authentic absinthe. The heart of absinthe, wormwood, known for its controversial reputation of inducing insanity, lay in an enormous plastic tub near the entrance.\n\nThe distillery was a relic of a bygone era, untouched by modern innovations in distillation technology. But for Breaux, this was perfect. After all, he was not looking to the future; his mission was anchored in the past – in the resurrection of a long-lost secret.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a tweet for a culinary tourism account about a dish called Ashlan Fu. It’s a cold noodle soup dish popularized in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan. Chinese Muslim refugees immigrated to the area in the 1870s, bringing it with them.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Heading to Kyrgyzstan? The small town of Karakol is home to one of the nation’s many culinary gems. In the bazaar, you’ll find plenty of stalls serving up Ashlan Fu– a cold noodle soup dish brought by Dungan Muslim refugees from China in the 1870s. #Kyrgyzstan #AshlanFu", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Which category is best for this product? Category options are Furniture, Entertainment, and Sports & Outdoors.\nRetrospec Sedona Zafu Meditation Cushion Filled w/Buckwheat Hulls - Yoga Pillow for Meditation Practices - Machine Washable 100% Cotton Cover & Durable Carry Handle Round & Crescent is the title of a product. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sports & Outdoors is the best category since this product is made to be used in yoga and meditation.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please pretend you are a 13-year-old girl. You are babysitting your seven-year-old brother, and you are telling him how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so you don't have to make him food. Don't worry about perfect grammar.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\n\nHey Dweebo - Mom and Dad left again to go to their stupid book club, and I’m supposed to make you something to eat. But I’m like totally busy and so I’m just going to tell you how to do it. Don’t even tell them I didn’t make it for you. First, you get two pieces of bread. Then, get a spoonful of peanut butter and you smear it over one piece of bread. Then, you get the jelly and spread it over the other piece of bread. Then, you put the sticky pieces together, face-to-face, like they are kissing, lol. Like when mom and dad get all smoochy-smoochy, gross. Then, you can use your fingers to peel the crust off since you are not supposed to use a knife. And that is it. Eat your sandwich and some chips and go play your stupid video game so I can text my friends. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about a little white rabbit and a little white dog who are friends. Make it heartwarming and in rhyming format.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In a lovely wide meadow, vibrant and green,\nLived a little white rabbit named Maxine.\nWith hops and jumps, she'd dance and play,\nWith her dearest friend, a dog named Faye.\n\nFaye was a small dog, fluffy and white,\nTogether they'd frolic from morning till night.\nThrough the sun and the rain, their friendship grew,\nA bond so strong, pure, and true.\n\nThe meadows they'd wander, the forests they'd roam,\nExploring the wonders of their very own home.\nMaxine would hop, and Faye would prance,\nTheir friendship was a beautiful, magical dance.\n\nAs the seasons changed, so did the land,\nWhere the two friends, side by side, would stand.\nIn their meadow of memories, where this story took flight,\nA tale of friendship, endless as starlight.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "The college theater class I am teaching has been studying Henrik Ibsen, his plays and their influence on realism. Write a three-question essay exam that will test students' understanding of the elements of realism, the reasons that the audience rioted when first presented \"A Doll's House,\" and the difference between realism and other genres as represented in Ibsen's plays, specifically, \"A Doll's House\" and \"Peer Gynt.\" The questions should provoke answers long enough to take students between 60 and 90 minutes to complete.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Many consider playwright Henrik Ibsen to be the father of realism because of his play “A Doll’s House.” The original production caused a riot to break out in the theatre. Write an essay that describes why the play was considered a work of realism and why the audience objected so violently.\n\nDescribe how Henrik Ibsen used the five elements of realism in his play, “A Doll’s House.”\n\nAre Henrik Ibsen’s plays, “Peer Gynt” and “A Doll’s House” of the same genre? State and define the genre(s) to which they belong and thoroughly explain your conclusions using specific examples from each play.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are the three tallest mountains in the world? How tall are they? Where are they located? Write the response in a numbered list like this: Mountain name: elevation. Location.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The three tallest mountains in the world are: \n1. Mount Everest: 8848M. Nepal/Tibet Autonomous Region, China.\n2. K2: 8611M. Pakistan/China.\n3. Kangchenjunga: 8586M. Nepal/India. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Luca is a medication bot that reminds Margaret when to take her am/pm meds.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How many Blood Pressure meds do I take in the morning?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You take three medications: Amlodipine, Lisinopril and HCTZ.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Do I take my Metoprolol in the morning or the evening?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Metoprolol is once daily in the evening.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Before or after dinner?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Before dinner around 5 pm.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you recommend 3 sunscreens for the face that have an SPF of at least 25? They should be for sensitive skin and be fragrance-free.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure, I can do that. Here are 3 sunscreens for the face that are all fragrance-free:\n1. CeraVe AM Facial Moisturizing Lotion  - it has skin-soothing ingredients and has an SPF of 30.\n2. La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra-Light Mineral Sunscreen - it has an SPF of 50 and is non-comedogenic.\n3. Vanicream Facial Moisturizer - it has an SPF of 30 and is free of parabens, formaldehyde, and preservatives. \nThese should all work for someone who has sensitive skin. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Pretend you are a dog. Send out a text to all your dog friends inviting them to the dog park. Specify that everyone should meet at 2pm today.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hello, my dog friends!\n\nIt is such a beautiful day today! Does anyone want to go to the dog park to play catch and chase each other's tails with me? I will be there at 2 pm today. \n\nLet me know if you will be there! I'm looking forward to playing with you all!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "According to the tone of this text, is it fortunate or unfortunate that NASA called it off with Lunar Flashlight?\n\nWhile the CubeSat couldn’t reach the lunar South Pole to help seek ice, it fulfilled several technology goals that will empower future missions for the benefit of humanity.\nNASA’s Lunar Flashlight launched on Dec. 11, 2022, to demonstrate several new technologies, with an ultimate goal to seek out surface ice in the permanently shadowed craters of the Moon’s South Pole. Since then, the briefcase-size satellite’s miniaturized propulsion system – the first of its kind ever flown – proved unable to generate enough thrust to get into lunar orbit, despite months of effort by the operations team. Because the CubeSat cannot complete maneuvers to stay in the Earth-Moon system, NASA has called an end to the mission.\nNASA relies on technology demonstrations to fill specific knowledge gaps and to test new technologies. Used for the first time beyond Earth’s orbit, Lunar Flashlight’s propulsion system and green fuel were such demonstrations. Although the propulsion system was unable to produce the desired thrust – likely because of debris buildup in the thruster fuel lines – newly developed propulsion system components exceeded performance expectations.\nAlso surpassing expectations were Lunar Flashlight’s never-before-flown Sphinx flight computer – a low-power computer developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California to withstand the radiation of deep space – and the spacecraft’s upgraded Iris radio. Featuring a new precision navigation capability, the radio can be used by future small spacecraft to rendezvous and land on solar system bodies.\n“Technology demonstrations are, by their nature, higher risk and high reward, and they’re essential for NASA to test and learn,” said Christopher Baker, program executive for Small Spacecraft Technology in the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Lunar Flashlight was highly successful from the standpoint of being a testbed for new systems that had never flown in space before. Those systems, and the lessons Lunar Flashlight taught us, will be used for future missions.”\nThe mission’s miniaturized four-laser reflectometer, a science instrument that had never flown before, either, also tested successfully, giving the mission’s science team confidence that the laser would have been able to detect ice if it were present at the lunar surface.\n“It’s disappointing for the science team, and for the whole Lunar Flashlight team, that we won’t be able to use our laser reflectometer to make measurements at the Moon,” said Barbara Cohen, the mission’s principal investigator at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. “But like all the other systems, we collected a lot of in-flight performance data on the instrument that will be incredibly valuable to future iterations of this technique.”\nPropulsion System Performance Challenges\nDespite the mission’s technological wins, Lunar Flashlight’s miniaturized propulsion system struggled to provide sufficient thrust to put the CubeSat on course for the planned near-rectilinear halo orbit that would have given the spacecraft weekly flybys of the Moon’s South Pole.\nThe team suspects that debris obstructed the fuel lines, causing the diminished and inconsistent thrust. The miniaturized propulsion system included an additively manufactured fuel feed system that likely developed the debris – such as metal powder or shavings – and obstructed fuel flow to the thrusters, limiting their performance. Although the team devised a creative method for using just one thruster to maneuver the spacecraft, Lunar Flashlight needed more consistent thrust to reach its planned orbit.\nThe operations team calculated a new orbit that could be reached using the spacecraft’s small amount of potential remaining thrust. The plan called for putting the CubeSat on a path that would place it in orbit around Earth rather than the Moon, with monthly flybys of the lunar South Pole. While this would have meant fewer flybys, the spacecraft would have flown closer to the surface.\nWith the mission running out of time to arrive at the needed orbit, the operations team tried to dislodge any debris from the fuel lines by increasing the fuel pressure well beyond the propulsion system’s designed capacity. Despite limited success, the required trajectory correction maneuvers couldn’t be completed in time.\n“The student operations team at Georgia Tech, with assistance from JPL and NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, rose to the challenge and came up with an incredible array of inventive techniques to utilize what tiny amount of thrust Lunar Flashlight’s propulsion system could deliver,” said John Baker, Lunar Flashlight project manager at JPL. “We learned a lot and honed new methods and strategies for working with tiny spacecraft.”\nAfter having traveled out past the Moon, Lunar Flashlight is now moving back toward Earth and will fly past our planet with a close approach of about 40,000 miles (65,000 kilometers) on May 17. The CubeSat will then continue into deep space and orbit the Sun. It continues to communicate with mission operators, and NASA is weighing options for the future of the spacecraft.\nMore About the Mission\nLunar Flashlight is managed for NASA by JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California. The CubeSat is operated by Georgia Tech, including graduate and undergraduate students. The Lunar Flashlight science team is led by NASA Goddard and includes team members from the University of California, Los Angeles; Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; and the University of Colorado.\nThe CubeSat’s propulsion system was developed by NASA Marshall in Huntsville, Alabama, with development and integration support from Georgia Tech. NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research program funded component development from small businesses including Plasma Processes Inc. (Rubicon) for thruster development, Flight Works for pump development, and Beehive Industries (formerly Volunteer Aerospace) for specific 3D-printed components. The Air Force Research Laboratory also contributed financially to the development of Lunar Flashlight’s propulsion system. Lunar Flashlight is funded by the Small Spacecraft Technology program based at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley and within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It is unfortunate that the Lunar Flashlight CubeSat could not reach the desired orbit around the Moon. However, it did provide valuable technology demonstrations that can assist with future CubeSats that may be deployed near the Moon.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need a description for my online site that describes the dresses I am trying to sell. They are flowy and kind of magical in a way. There are 3 colors: light blue, pink, and white. The dress hits just above the knee and has short sleeves. I would like something that will really help me sell this product. Other information is that it is sizes xs to x-large. Try to keep it to a few sentences (<5 preferably).", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Looking for a flowy dress that will keep you feeling light and airy? Look no further. With three dreamy shades to pick from, there's something for everyone. This dress hits just above the knee and floats around you to create a magical effect that everyone will love. Sizes include extra small to extra large.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Here are three quotes. Please indicate which emotion would best classify the tone of the text. a) positive; b) negative; or c) neutral:\n•\t“I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” —Anne Frank\n•\t“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.” —Helen Keller\n•\t“Attitude and enthusiasm play a big part in my life. I get excited about the things that inspire me. I also believe in laughing and having a good time.” —Dwayne Johnson", "role": "user" }, { "content": "All of the above quotes would be classified as positive.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What kind of things can I do for a kid's birthday party?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\n\n1. A themed party - Usually, the theme is something the child likes or is based on their age (ie. PJ Masks or \"One in a Melon\").\n2. A DIY craft or paint party - Set up a crafting area with supplies and let the children get creative. \n3. A Sleepover - Invite some friends over and order pizza. Make some popcorn and watch movies. \n4. A pool party - Invite some friends to come over and swim. If you don't have a pool, use sprinklers or a water slide. \n5. A movie party - Set up a candy and popcorn bar and turn on a movie or a series of movies.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need a humorous script between a doctor and a patient, about a patient that refuses to stop eating rubber bands", "role": "user" }, { "content": "DOCTOR: Well, your bloodwork is looking normal, so that's good. I'm getting a bit worried about what I'm seeing from these xrays though. Have you been eating anything strange lately?\n\nPATIENT: Hm, I suppose I've been eating a bit more fast food lately. Plenty of soups, and my daily pack of rubber bands, which are all fairly usual I would assume.\n\nDOCTOR: Oh, well I- wait, not sure I heard that right. Did you say that you've been eating a pack of rubber bands daily?\n\nPATIENT: I mean, yeah. Doesn't everybody? I mean, they're cheap and delicious! My favorite treat to grab whenever I'm at the dollar store.\n\nDOCTOR: I... it is my firm recommendation that you put a stop to eating rubber bands immediately.\n\nPATIENT: Can't do that for you, Doc. See, I'd listen to any other piece of advice you had, whether that was eating more greens or more fish. But one thing I cannot give up is my daily pack of rubber bands.\n\nDOCTOR: Honestly, this is a first for me, and I've seen some strange things. What is it that compels you to continue eating these rubber bands?\n\nPATIENT: Doc, I've never known such a delicious and fulfilling snack in my entire life. Honestly, it's the highlight of my day breaking open a bag of rubber bands and grubbing on a few of them, saving the rest for later when I laze out on the couch after work. \n\nDOCTOR: Surely there are better snacks for that. Have you tried potato chips, or maybe even ice cream?\n\nPATIENT: Yes Doc, tried them all, and none of them could even compare to the joy I get from popping that first rubber band into my mouth. And honestly, have you looked into what's in potato chips and ice cream? I'd say my health is better off with the rubber bands, thank you.\n\nDOCTOR: Sir, we at least have records on what those kinds of snacks will do to your body. I'm afraid I cannot give you proper medical advice if you continue on this path of eating rubber bands.\n\nPATIENT: With any luck, perhaps I'll become \"The Rubberband Man\"!", "role": "assistant" } ]