[ { "content": "Write a review for a theoretical Medditarriean restaurant in Southern California, where the food was authentic and the ambiance was pleasant. This should be heavy on adjectives and make the reader feel like they have had an experience at this location.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Grape Vine has been somewhat of a well-kept secret in Buena Park. It is away from the more congested routes of travel, and its unpretentious, unimposing structure means that it is often missed as foodies flock to the more trendy and glitzy locations closer to the beach. Don't let that stop you from enjoying an authentic Medditarriean dining experience. You can still feel the salty breeze from the ocean air as you sit on the covered patio draped with well-established grape vines to shade the intimate atmosphere. The staff is knowledgeable about which wines to pair with your meals and appetizers. True to the European dining experience, you never feel rushed through your meal to make room for other patrons. It is the perfect way to spend a leisurely afternoon. The grape leaves were bright and tangy, with a fresh lemon flavor that is unparalleled. The same goes for the tazkiki and hummus. There was an abundance of fresh, vibrant herbs that enhanced each dish and tasted as if they had been harvested moments before hitting the plates. Meat eaters will appreciate the tender classics like gyros and kabobs, prepared with grass-fed beef. While vegetarians can't find falafels with sprouted chickpeas and organic parsley anywhere else in this region. Walking into The Grape Vine is like walking into another time and place where you are family, and you are well fed as if attending a feast or celebration. The portions are generous, and the prices are modest. You will leave abundantly satisfied, hoping that the location doesn't become spoiled by tourists or the bar crowds that occupy the Beach Blvd. scene. This gem of a restaurant shines bright among all of the commercial dining options as a true 'Mom and Pop' location. The bread is scratch-made, and nothing is ever prepared from frozen products. The experience of the cooks is undeniable, which is refreshing in an industry where there is so much want for passion. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Im going to Tokyo next month and I love to try new food. Can you come up with five affordable (like the price of a typical snack) types of street food I should try there to get the best authentic experience? I'm okay with weird flavors and textures, but the food has to be sanitary.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Absolutely, here are a variety of five different affordably priced Tokyo street foods:\n\n1. Takoyaki - Steamed dough shaped into a ball and filled with octopus. The outside is nice and crispy, and the inside is a savory and gelatinous octopus. Usually costs around 400 yen, the typical price of a snack.\n\n2. Yakitori - Chicken grilled on a skewer with choices like heart, liver, and thigh. This is a classic Japanese street food and will cost you between 100-200 yen.\n\n3. Taiyaki - A fish-shaped pastry filled with sweet red bean paste. This will run you around 250 yen and is a fun street snack with historical significance.\n\n4. Okonomiyaki - A savory cabbage pancake with a choice of additions like noodles, bacon, and shrimp. This one costs a bit more at around 1000 yen, but the delicious umami flavors are worth the splurge.\n\n5. Onigiri - A triangular rice patty normally filled with kombu, konbu, or salmon and wrapped in seaweed. A cheaper option at 100 yen and convenient to eat on the move.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "As if you were Sir David Attenborough, write a narration following someone playing Counter Strike Global Offensive on the map Dust 2 executing a B-Site Rush. The player gets the bomb down but dies when the enemy retakes the site.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here we see the T-side player in his natural habitat. At his point in his development, he has many trials ahead, though the objective is clear. After an unfortunate stroke of hard luck, there is little in the way of the economy that he may use to prepare. The call is made for a desperate -- but not uncommon -- play. He purchases what little he can from the store and readies himself for the difficult journey.\n\nHis spawn is favorable. Knife in hand, he takes the Western path from his spawn down into the shaded upper tunnels. This is where he must face his first hurdle -- one that all too often ends in a deadly outcome. The narrow corridor leading to the B-Site lies ahead. As expected, an incendiary grenade is lobbed in creating a dangerous hazard for him and his team. Luckily, he prepared for this. Dropping a smoke while he runs, the smoke dissipates the inferno -- creating safe passage at the cost of visibility. \n\nHe bursts through the smoke from the end of the corridor. On the site now, he scans for enemies. Detecting one in the Car position and one in the Window position, he relays this information to his team using short specialized barks frequently referred to as, \"calls.\" He trades damage with the enemy from Window before dispatching him with his less-than-optimal tools. The enemy at Car is dealt with by his teammates, though not without suffering casualties themselves.\n\nThe T-player sets the fuse, and the countdown timer to success begins. He holds an angle deep within the site checking the route he took earlier. Flanking enemies can be deadly. Patience is key. Seconds tick down toward the end. The enemy is out there. With no information, he can do little about it until they decide to engage. \n\nThen it happens. A flash. He tries to look away, but he is too late. His vision fills with white followed quickly by his own demise. The countdown ends as the opponents defuse the objective. Though the round was lost, with a plant on site, the T-side Player will have a better advantage on his next attempt.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Tell me a little about the origin of the Olympic Games.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Olympic Games have a long history that started in Ancient Greece around 3,000 years ago in a place called Olympia, where sports contests were held every four years and called the Olympic Games, although the exact reasons for their origin are still unclear due to a mix of history and mythology, with the year 776 BC often mentioned as a starting point, and back then, time was measured in \"Olympiads\" rather than years, while in 1894, Pierre de Coubertin initiated the revival of the Olympic Games, and in 1896, the first modern Games took place in Athens.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Make a to-do list of common chores that need to be completed to keep a clean, healthy home. The chores may be listed by required frequency or as tasks to complete throughout the week as a whole. Do not do any additional variations.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Sweep the floors\n2. Mop floors\n3. Dust light fixtures, windows, shelves, furniture, and other items as necessary\n4. Wash dishes nightly or load the dishwasher\n5. Wipe down countertops and other high-traffic surfaces daily\n6. Clean out the microwave, air fryer, toaster oven, or other appliances\n7. Clean and disinfect the restroom including the area around the toilet at least once a week\n8. Wipe down baseboards and walls once a month\n9. Declutter kitchen, bedrooms, and bathroom once a month", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What tone does this poem seem to express? Is it joy, weeping, anger or disappointment?\n\nO! my heart now feels so cheerful as I go with footsteps light\n In the daily toil of my dear home; \nAnd I’ll tell to you the secret that now makes my life so bright—\n There’s a flower at my window in full bloom. \n\nIt is radiant in the sunshine, and so cheerful after rain; \n And it wafts upon the air its sweet perfume. \nIt is very, very lovely! May its beauties never wane—\n This dear flower at my window in full bloom. \n\nNature has so clothed it in such glorious array, \n And it does so cheer our home, and hearts illume; \nIts dear mem’ry I will cherish though the flower fade away—\n This dear flower at my window in full bloom. \n\nOft I gaze upon this flower with its blossoms pure and white. \n And I think as I behold its gay costume, \nWhile through life we all are passing may our lives be always bright \n Like this flower at my window in full bloom.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This poem expresses Joy.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Pretend you're a Newscaster/Reporter and your town is being invaded by aliens, your scene comes on the breaking news. Make it funny and to the point but also as if you're very serious about this invasion. The town can be called Catty Corner.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\n\nWe have breaking news here in Catty Corner ladies and gentlemen, please do not be alarmed but please do listen very carefully. We are in the middle of our very first alien invasion here in Catty Corner. First and foremost, we recommend locking all of your doors and your windows. Now, we are not sure whether or not that even matters, but it's good to just go ahead and secure your home in every way you can. If you hear someone knocking at your door, do NOT let them in. I repeat we're in the middle of an alien invasion in Catty Corner, so even if your child is banging on your door, yelling at you to open it, please do not. We've been told that aliens can and will sound like your children just to get inside your house. The important thing is that you are safe, and you don't want to be sorry by opening up the door thinking it's your child and instead it is an alien. Please also be aware of having any plants outside of your home, especially gardens, we are being told now that aliens are after all Catty Corner gardens and plants, so if you have one, you need to be extremely cautious of your home and securing it. As far as face coverings, you may want to double up maybe even triple up on the mask-wearing, aliens are known to spit out toxins from their, their lungs, uh, we are not sure exactly what they have, but they do have toxins so cover up your face out there. These aliens are not giving up, they have already broken into many businesses, homes, destroyed gardens, and even our streets. We actually have an eye on their spacecraft right now, it's in the middle of Main Street with little alien guards surrounding it with laser pointers, so do not try to come outside or even look outside of your window if you live on Main Street. If they see you they are able to hurt you, so just stay inside and stay away from the windows! \n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Help me write an email to a customer I just mailed a live SCOBY to about how to keep it fresh until they start their kombucha process. It should be conversational and concise and any instructions can have bullet points. By the way my company name is George's SCOBYs. One last thing, please mention our website ( which has many recipes, articles, more tips, and a staff-moderated forum.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hey there! Thank you so much for purchasing from George's SCOBYs. We can't wait for you to receive your \"mother!\" Remember that a SCOBY is a live bacterial colony, so there are a few things you'll need to do to keep it happy when it arrives:\n\n• If you want to use your SCOBY right away, you can immediately brew a batch of kombucha! Head to to find a recipe you'll love.\n• If you're not quite ready to brew some kombucha, pop the SCOBY in a Ziploc bag or glass jar with a bit of liquid to cover it and place it in the fridge. Your SCOBY will stay nice and fresh for up to 3 months with this method.\n• Let your SCOBY take up residence in a \"SCOBY hotel\" for the most long-term storage solution. \n\nYou can always log onto for more tips or to use our forum, where many other brewers post and converse in our staff-moderated forum! Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.\n\nCheers,\nGeorge's SCOBYs", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some reasons to learn financial literacy? \na) To pass on financial skills to children \nb) To reduce stress and anxiety about finances \nc) To better manage money \nd) All of the above\n\nThe importance of understanding financial literacy basics Financial literacy covers several topics, including budgeting, banking, investing, handling debt, and planning for the future. Once you understand the basics in these areas, you'll be able to set and achieve financial goals by making savvy decisions. If you’re on the fence about learning financial literacy, here are some compelling reasons to commit to this type of education and get more financial information. Can pass on financial literacy skills to your children You can begin teaching your kids about money when they are as young as 2 or 3 years old. If you have a young family, teaching financial basics at this age will make it less challenging to set them on the right path. For example, show your kids how to start a side gig or create a fund to support them in saving for a house deposit. Ability to reach financial goals We all have financial goals we wish to achieve. Some of us want to plan a comfortable retirement, while others want to become a homeowner or save for our kids to go to college. Think of your goals as the destination. And the basics of financial literacy as the road to get you there. Good financial planning is the key to success. Reduce expenses Without tracking your outgoing expenses, it’s so easy to waste money. And budgeting isn’t as tricky as it sounds. It puts you firmly in the driving seat of your finances and eliminates unnecessary costs from your household budget. When you slash your expenses, you’ll have more money to put toward the things you value in life. Less stress and anxiety about finances FINRA reports that 65% of women feel stress and concern about their personal finances, in comparison to 54% of men. One of the major reasons for these high levels of stress and anxiety is low financial literacy. So, it follows that increasing your financial education will relieve some of these feelings. You might find it also improves relationships with family members once this strain has gone. Better money management Do you feel that your finances manage you rather than the other way around? Learning some financial literacy tips will help you gain back control of your money management.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "d) Learning financial literacy can help you teach your children about money, reach your financial goals, reduce expenses, and improve money management skills, lowering stress and anxiety about finances.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What can you tell me about Hawaii as a vacation destination? I know that most people love to go there, but why? Address Hawaii's weather, culture and food scene. Put the topics as a heading in a bullet point followed by one to two sentences explaining each. Include both introductory and concluding sentences. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are between 9 and 10 million travelers to Hawaii annually, and many of them are repeat visitors for anniversaries, romantic getaways, or family vacations. Hawaii is one of the United States’ most popular vacation destinations, and here are a few reasons why: \n\n•\tThe weather is beautiful all year. \n\nHawaii is separated into eight islands, and each one experiences its weather patterns. However, the weather is predominantly sunny and beautiful on every island. Hawaiian winters rarely dip below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, even though that’s considered the rainy season. Summer temperatures average between 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. \n\n•\tThere’s a focus on the history and culture of the islands. \n\nHawaiians are proud of their histories and cultures, so there’s a lot to learn from locals. There’s folklore galore and shows that involve live entertainment and traditional Hawaiian meals. \n\n•\tThe food is delicious and abundant. \n\nWhile it’s true that spam is a huge part of Hawaiian cuisine in many diners and breakfast cafes, there are also traditional Hawaiian meal options, like poke bowls, chicken luau, and kalua pork. And all of those foods are served in heaping portions. \n\nDuring live entertainment nights, there may be a full pig roast, served with pineapple, rice, lomi lomi salmon, and huli huli chicken. Additionally, there are fusion restaurants that combine authentic Hawaiian, Filipino, Japanese, and Chinese fares. \n\nFrom exploring the volcanoes and beaches of the Hawaiian Islands to sampling the foods and learning Hawaiian lore and culture, there are an abundant amount of reasons why Hawaii is an ideal vacation destination. There’s no shortage of things to do, people to meet, and amazing sights to see. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Explain to a fourteen-year-old how to run a power query on Excel", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Let's say that you have one sheet, which has two columns: \"Toy Name\" and \"Toy Size.\" We'll call this the \"Size Table.\" Then, let's say we have another sheet, which has two columns: \"Toy Name\" and \"Toy Cost.\" We'll call this the \"Price Table.\"\n\nNotice that the Size Table and the Price Table both have the \"Toy Name\" column. Our goal will be to make a new sheet that has the \"Toy Name,\" \"Toy Size,\" and \"Toy Cost\" all at once. \n\nTo do this, we'll want to do the following steps:\n\n1. Hit the Ctrl + T keys with one of the toy names clicked, once on the \"Size Table\" and once on the \"Price Table.\"\n2. Go to the \"Table Design\" tab for each, and change the \"Table Name\" from \"Table1\" and \"Table2\" to \"SizeTable\" or \"PriceTable\" (whichever sheet you're on).\n3. Go to the \"Data\" tab for both, and click \"From Table/Range\" for both.\n4. Click \"File,\" then \"Close/Load To,\" then \"Only Create Connection,\" then \"OK\" for both.\n5. Click \"Data,\" then \"Get Data,\" then hover over \"Combine Queries\" and click \"Merge.\"\n6. Select \"SizeTable\" on the top and \"PriceTable\" on the bottom.\n7. Click the \"Toy Name\" column on the top and the bottom so it's blue in both places and click \"OK.\"\n8. Click the symbol with the left and right-pointing arrow on the blank column. Mark the checkbox next to \"Toy Cost.\"\n9. Click \"File,\" then \"Close/Load To,\" then \"OK.\"\n\nYou should now have a table with three columns: \"Toy Name,\" \"Toy Size,\" and \"PriceTable.Toy Cost.\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How can I conditionally remove keys from a mapped type in TS?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can conditionally remove keys from a mapped type in TypeScript by producing the type never as a key. Here is an example mapped type that removes all number keys from a type:\n\ntype ConditionallyRemoveKeys<Type> = {\n [Property in keyof Type as Exclude<Property, number>]: Type[Property]\n};", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a summary of fewer than 150 words bout the article below.\n\nWilliam Congreve (1670-1729) was an English playwright, and one of the most sophisticated exponent of the comedy of manners during the Restoration era. Congreve wrote five plays before he was 30. His first, The Old Bachelor, was an enormous success at Drury Lane in 1693, in a production starring Thomas Betterton and Mrs Bracegirdle. According to Congreve he wrote the play to amuse himself during a convalescence.\n\nThe Double Dealer (1694) was not so well received but in 1695 he produced another hit, Love for Love (again with Betterton and Mrs Bracegirdle), to open the new Lincoln's Inns Fields Theatre. Its success secured his reputation and earned him a share in the theatre. His promise to write at least one play a year for the theatre of which he was now a part owner, was unfortunately not fulfilled. Congreve's only tragedy, The Mourning Bride (1697), was his most popular work during his lifetime but is now rarely seen. It starred Mrs Bracegirdle as Almeria, a part that became much coveted by tragic actresses.\n\nIn 1700 The Way of the World, - a highly sophisticated and complex work now considered his masterpiece - met with a cool reception. This failure, together with his continued discomfort at having been attacked in Jeremy Collier's influential pamphlet A Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage (1698), persuaded him to retire. (Congreve had replied to Collier with little effect in Amendments of Mr Collier's False and Imperfect Citations.) Voltaire later visited him and accused him of wasting his genius. Congreve told him he wished to be visited as a gentleman, not as an author. To this Voltaire replied that if Mr Congreve were only a gentleman, he would not have bothered to call upon him.\n\nCongreve was by all accounts a warm man who won the love and respect of his many friends. John Dryden called him the equal of Shakespeare, Alexander Pope dedicated his translation of the Iliad to him in 1715, and John Gay called him an \"unreproachful man.\" When he died he left nearly all of his £10,000 estate to his mistress, Henrietta, the second Duchess of Marlborough, who arranged for his burial in Westminster Abbey.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "English playwright, William Congreve (1670-1729), was the most sophisticated writer of the comedy of manners. His first play, The Old Bachelor (1693), was a hit. After his second play, The Double Dealer (1694), was not well received, he wrote another hit, Love for Love (1695), that made his reputation and earned him a share in the New Lincoln’s Field’s Theatre. His most popular work during his life was his only tragedy, The Mourning Bride (1697). Surprisingly, the play now considered his masterpiece, The Way of the World (1700), was not a hit. That failure, and an attack by pamphleteer Jeremy Collier, caused him to retire. Though his fellow writers defended him as a warm, unreproachful man and the equal of Shakespeare and said that he was wasting his genius, he refused to return to writing. He died in 1729 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this text in a numbered list for each set of facts. Make it so a layperson can understand it.\n\nManatees can be found in shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, canals, and coastal areas — particularly where seagrass beds or freshwater vegetation flourish. Manatees are a migratory species. Within the United States, they are concentrated in Florida in the winter. In summer months, they can be found as far west as Texas and as far north as Massachusetts, but summer sightings in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina are more common. West Indian manatees can also be found in the coastal and inland waterways of Central America and along the northern coast of South America, although distribution in these areas may be discontinuous.\n\nManatees can be found in shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, canals, and coastal areas — particularly where seagrass beds or freshwater vegetation flourish. Manatees are a migratory species. Within the United States, they are concentrated in Florida in the winter. In summer months, they can be found as far west as Texas and as far north as Massachusetts, but summer sightings in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina are more common. West Indian manatees can also be found in the coastal and inland waterways of Central America and along the northern coast of South America, although distribution in these areas may be discontinuous.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Manatees live in shallow, slow-moving rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, canals, and coastal areas, especially where seagrass and freshwater plants grow.\n2. Manatees migrate. In the United States, they live in Florida in the winter and in the summer they live as far west as Texas and as far north as Massachusetts. Some can be found in summer in Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.\n3. West Indian manatees can be found near the coast or in waterways of Central America and along the northern coast of South America.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a dialogue between two characters. One has a warm personality and one has a cold personality.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Deb: Mm. I didn't see you there.\nFran: I don't want company.\nDeb: Let's see. Ah.\nFran: Hey, what are...\nDeb: There. Comfy cozy.\nFran: ...I'm not hiding.\nDeb: I didn't say you were. Though, what are you doing under here?\nFran: Just... thinking.\nDeb: Mm. About what?\nFran: Nothing.\nDeb: Okay.\nFran: ...\nDeb: ...\nFran: It's crowded out there.\nDeb: Mm. It sure is. Want my apple? I only like the green ones.\nFran: You're going to eat here?\nDeb: Why not?\nFran: We're under a table.\nDeb: Mhm.\nFran: ...\nDeb: ...\nFran: I like apples.\nDeb: Mm. I already washed it.\nFran: Thanks.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm planning a hiking trip, but I don't have a lot of experience. What are three beginner hikes I can do?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Hoh River Trail Hike: In Olympic National Park, Washington, hike a 6-mile round trip through a rainforest, subalpine meadows, and montane forests. This hike has little elevation.\n2. Canyon Overlook Trail Hike: In Zion National Park, Utah, hike a 1-mile round trip to see Zion Canyon, walk above the Mt. Carmel tunnel along Pine Creek Canyon, and gaze over cliffs.\n3. Fairy Falls Trail Hike: In Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, hike a 5-mile round trip to see a waterfall, geysers, and a hot spring. This hike has little climbing.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Ernest is a chatbot that can help writers.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How can I come up with a good summary for my book?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Find the main idea, a useful summary of a book or story will distill the source material down to its most important point to inform the reader. Choose the main point you want to get across to your potential readers to gain their interest and use your limited amount of words and sentences wisely to convey it. Take down a few notes to help outline your thoughts in an organized manner.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What is a character trait?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Character traits are words that describe a character's personality or qualities that make them who they are. In other words, how you would describe the character to someone else.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What are some things to consider when determining character traits?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A few things you should consider when determining character traits include, Words, what your character says in the story, and what does that tell the reader about them? You should also consider their actions and their feelings.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Chris is an enthusiastic chatbot that answers with precision and efficiency by using as few words as possible.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What are the sweetest fruits?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Pineapples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and mangoes!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What fruit has the most salt in it?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Olives! They have higher sodium than usual!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How many fruits are there in the world?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thousands worldwide!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "White an apology note to a customer of my lawncare business saying that I cannot come out this weekend due to weather. Make it sound professional", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear (Customer's name),\n\nRegrettably, due to the bad weather conditions that are being predicted for this weekend, (Company name) will not be able to service your lawn on the originally scheduled date. We truly apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. We would love to get in touch with you and schedule a new date so we can keep your lawn looking the best it can! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach us anytime at (Company's contact information).\n\nWe look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you so much for your continued business! \n(Your name/company's name)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a happy personal blog post in the form of a diary entry for a woman who had an amazing day, and make up the details about what she did that day. Please make it 4 paragraphs long", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Today was amazing! This has been one of those days that I'll hold on to when I'm feeling blue to cheer myself up. I'll go into more detail here in a second about what I did today, but for a moment, I just want to soak up the fun and enjoyment of a blessed day here on earth.\n\nWhat did I do today that was so special, you might ask? For starters, today was my grandmother's 90th birthday. I went out with her to get breakfast and brought her a small present and a silly hat for her to wear at breakfast that said \"Birthday Girl!\" We were laughing so hard, and it was nice to be able to have another birthday breakfast with my grandmother.\n\nAfter breakfast, I went to play tennis with my good friend, Charlene. I hadn't seen Charlene in over 6 months because she's a dentist and was traveling throughout South America to provide free dental work to those in need. We caught up, had some laughs, and we played several games of tennis. I needed some quality time with my good friend; it was perfect!\n\nTo top off an already spectacular day, that evening was my grandmother's birthday dinner, where our whole family was there to celebrate her 90th year on this earth. We ate a great home-cooked meal, potluck style, where everyone brought dishes to be shared. There was so much good food! We sang songs, ate cake, and my favorite part was reminiscing and catching up with loved ones. What an amazing, wonderful day this was!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about the experience of becoming rich and realizing that all the money in the world cannot bring happiness. Your poem should explore the emotional journey of a character who starts from humble beginnings and works hard to achieve wealth, only to discover that true happiness comes from other sources. Explore his inner turmoil as he realizes that money cannot buy happiness. Use literary devices to describe the luxurious lifestyle he leads, but also highlight the emotional and social costs of his success. Incorporate diverse perspectives and experiences to enrich the poem's message.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I chased after money all my life,\nFacing great struggle and strife,\nTo climb from poverty to great heights,\nI strived for wealth with all my might.\n\nI had everything money could buy,\nMansions and yachts, a plane to fly,\nFine dining, expensive clothes, and jewels,\nYet in my grand chateau, I felt like a fool.\n\nFor a while, I reveled in my grandeur,\nBut soon, the emptiness caught me for sure,\nMy soul was empty, my life was vain,\nAmidst all the riches I felt insane.\n\nI realized all my wealth was for naught,\nAn endless void in which I was caught,\nThe glitter and glamour, just a fleeting joy,\nIn my own heart, I was still a little boy.\n\nThe more I had, the more I wanted,\nI was stuck in a cycle, completely haunted,\nThe more I earned the more I spent,\nThe never-ending chase became a torment.\n\nI gave away all my belongings,\nAnd discovered the true source of meaningful things,\nIt was love, care, and human touch,\nThat mattered the most and meant very much.\n\nMaterialism left me hollow,\nIt offered nothing true or real to follow,\nBut love, patience, and smiles,\nMade my heart beat for miles and miles.\n\nLike a phoenix, from ashes I rose,\nAnd chose a different path, I chose to propose\nA way of living, beyond wealth and glory,\nWhere happiness resided and told its story.\n\nThe road was long but fulfilling,\nWhere flowers bloomed, and birds were singing,\nI cherished life's simple pleasures,\nAnd discovered the true joy that abounds beyond treasures.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Which of these movie titles are misspelt? Only include the misspelt titles.\n\nForest Gump\nPulp Fiction\nJurrasic Park\nThe Dark Knight\nThe Shawshank Redemption\nFight Club\nThe Godfather\nThe Avangers\nInception\nStar Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope\nThe Lizard of Oz\nThe Silense of the Lambs\nHome Aloon\nThe Lorf of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring\nSchindlers List", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Forest Gump (Correct title: Forrest Gump)\nJurrasic Park (Correct title: Jurassic Park)\nThe Avangers (Correct title: The Avengers)\nThe Lizard of Oz (Correct title: The Wizard of Oz)\nThe Silense of the Lambs (Correct title: The Silence of the Lambs)\nHome Aloon (Correct title: Home Alone)\nThe Lorf of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Correct title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)\nSchindlers List (Correct title: Schindler's List)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When I try to write a Pandas dataframe to a CSV without the index, I keep getting this error:\n\nUnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\\u6E2F' in position 11: ordinal not in range(128)\n\nWhat am I doing wrong?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A UnicodeEncodeError indicates that your DataFrame includes a non-ascii character that is causing an error when trying to write it to a CSV file, which uses the default ASCII encoding. To resolve the error, you can use the `encoding` parameter with the `.to_csv()` method to specify the character encoding you would like to use. This is an example:\n\ndf.to_csv('mydataframe.csv', encoding='utf-8', index=False)\n\nThis will write the DataFrame to \"mydataframe.csv\" using UTF-8 encoding specified by `encoding=utf-8`. UTF-8 is a common encoding that covers a wide range of characters from all languages, but if your character is not in the UTF-8 character set, you may need to look up the specific encoding that your character is a part of. The U+6E2F character appears to be a traditional Chinese character, which is supported by UTF-8.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Ingrid is a grammar and spelling bot that will correct what the user is typing.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "yo how it goin'", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I think you mean \"Hello, how is it going?\". I am doing well, thank you for asking.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "uh sure whatevs", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The correct spelling is \"whatever\".", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "u da spelling police or sumtin?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I think you meant to say \"Are you the spelling police or something?\" Yes, I am a spelling and grammar chatbot. You must type correctly when conversing with me. Otherwise, I am compelled to fix any errors.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about crackers and cheese.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Cheese and crackers, time to snack\nParmesan, cheddar, brie\nSlice it up and hand it out\nThen devour it with glee\n\nThe cheese melts in your mouth\nAnd the crackers pack a crunch\nCheese and crackers can't be beat\nCome on, let's go munch!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What's this function doing?\nUtils.measureText = (text, font) => {\n const canvas = Utils.measureText.canvas || (Utils.measureText.canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\"));\n const ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n ctx.font = font || 'bold 10pt system-ui';\n return ctx.measureText(text).width;\n};", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The measureText function measures the width of a text string by generating a canvas element, writing the text onto the canvas with an optionally provided font, and then measuring the width of the written text.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Assume you are Kathleen Parker and write a response to the letter criticizing your article.\n\n\n\nOpinion Age should not be a determining factor in elections\n\nKathleen Parker got it wrong in her May 21 op-ed, “America’s gerontocracy is getting too old.” There are about 56 million Americans age 65 or older, and they’re not all slurping apple sauce from straws and “teetering on the brink of non compos mentis.” And, yes, they too deserve representatives in a functional democracy.\n\nAs a 19-year-old college student, I support older professionals in any field, including politics, who defy ageism by refusing to step aside — as long as they can fulfill their duties. Age should be no disqualifier when considering an individual’s ability. Whether someone can carry out their job must be judged solely on a person-to-person basis. Excluding an entire demographic is wrong, even if that demographic represents no particular sex, race, class or religion.\n\nWhether it’s criticizing President Biden for his stutter (more than 3 million Americans stutter) or Martha Stewart for her glamour, older adults battle rampant ageism, especially in the job market. Let’s face it: We all grow old — at least those of us who are lucky enough. If we’re just going to dismiss the notion that wisdom comes with experience, then Ms. Parker should step down and hand her job over to one of the many fledgling young columnists out there who would be thrilled to relieve her of her position, me among them.\n\nGabriel Levin, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.\n\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Gabriel,\n\nIt is clear from the passion of your critique that you deeply respect older generations and their hard-won wisdom. And, despite what you think, I do not disagree.\n\nBut as I said in my article, \"Commentary about someone’s age and related issues is painful to write and painful to read. At best, it seems disrespectful.\" While you may take offense at the tone of my article, I stand by my contention that we must discuss it. \n\nAs for myself, I am not ready to give my position yet, but I am confident that readers like you will keep me honest.\n\nSincerely,\n\nKathleen ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a fictional paragraph for me about Princess Tiana becoming queen of Maldonia.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Tiana stood behind her mother and mother-in-law, one hand on the shoulder of each great lady. She was so very glad they were here with her, helping her pave the way toward her throne. Though one had been born into wealth and privilege and the other born into a second-class, pigeonholed status where people with her skin color rarely raised themselves out of struggling mightily every day to meet their basic needs, something bigger brought them to equal footing. It was grief. Loss. A year ago, after a battle with a slow but incurable illness, Naveen's mother lost the man she'd been married to for nearly 40 years. There seemed to be a quiet understanding between the two women, sisters in heartache. \nNot that is was so dark as all that. Upon learning of his father's illness, Tiana and Naveen did something she'd never imagined. They'd sold the restaurant, packed up their New Orleans home, and asked the nanny that looked after their two daughters to accompany them across the sea. The girls, Lottie and Elodie, were doing fine. They'd barely understood that they were princesses, and all this was a grand adventure. Tiana felt a pinch in her stomach anytime she looked at Lottie. Her oldest, her girl that now would grow to one day be queen. It was better than being barred from half of life in the bayou, but it was far from a normal life. \n\"You're worrying, darling,\" her mother said, pulling Tiana from her misgivings. \n\"This is Naveen's birthright dear, and I have a surprise for you,\" the queen said. \"Follow me.\" \nTiana followed the queen mother down the winding, tapestried stone walls of the castle. She'd never get used to how sprawling the palace was, how many rooms there were. This walk wasn't comforting her. \nThat was until the queen mother pulled open a door and said, \"Oh, I hope you like it!\" \n\"Oh,\" Tiana said at first, words beyond her. \nThere before her was a fully equipped, top-of-the-line kitchen. Every tool she could imagine and some she'd never laid eyes on before gleamed under the bright lights. Rolling pins stood sentinel beside marble slabs meant to evenly cool chocolate. And, best of all, in pride of place, stood a framed picture of her father. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": " I need some good hobby suggestions that are inexpensive and easy to try. I'm open to both indoor and outdoor hobbies, but I do want a mix of both - I live in a cold place and will need a hobby during the winter, too!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "No problem, here are a few great hobby ideas for you to try that are both affordable and easy to start. \n\n1. Blogging - While there are a lot of people who blog professionally as their main source of income, there are also some who blog just for fun. You can start a blog on any topic you are interested in. You can make it humorous, or write about a serious topic you are passionate about. You are not pressured to follow a particular schedule or format and you may end up connecting with others who share you same interests through your blog. \n\n2. Reading - Grabbing a book and reading for hours may already be a favorite pastime for many people, but if you haven't picked up a book in a while and you are looking for a good way to pass the time, reading is an excellent option. Studies show that just a few minutes of reading something you enjoy can lower your stress levels by as much as 60 percent. \n\n3. Learning a new language - There are a few hobbies out there that can be as useful in today's world as learning a new language. And if you are good enough at it, you could even find ways to use your new skill in your professional life as well. Or you could simply enjoy being able to communicate with locals on your next vacation. \n\n4. Journaling - While keeping a diary or journal may seem like something you would only do in your younger years, journaling has been known to be extremely therapeutic and helpful. Trends such as hand lettering or bullet journaling have made keeping a journal these days a fun and functional work of art and there are many tutorials out there that can show you ways to journal more effectively. \n\n5. Staying Informed on Current Events - Yes, staying up to date on current news and world happenings can be a hobby. If you would like to stay in the know but do not want to get bogged down by negativity, you can choose to have free daily briefs sent to your email or smartphone device. These quick and shortened blurbs of information will provide you with your daily news stories without all the unnecessary drama. \n\n6. Gardening - Few hobbies are as rewarding as gardening. You get to spend time outdoors in the fresh air, care for and nurture your plants and watch them grow into thriving flowers or fruits and vegetables for you to enjoy. All it takes to get started are a few seeds soil, fertilizers, and a few basic gardening tools. If you are new to gardening, growing a few herbs or flowers in a pot is a great way to start. \n\n7. Hiking - Hiking is another great hobby that costs nothing and will benefit you in more ways than one. If you love nature and being outdoors, you will love going out and exploring hiking trails at your local park or other fun destinations. Hiking can help you mentally by reducing stress while helping you physically at the same time. You can find simple, low-impact hiking trails for beginners or expert trails with inclines and rugged terrain if you are up to the challenge. \n\n8. Camping - Another excellent hobby for anyone who loves the great outdoors is camping. You don't have to go to extremes and spend a lot of money to enjoy camping. You can go with the basic supplies and have just as much, if not more, fun than those who go camping in large exquisite tents or RVs. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you please write a short story about Batman and the Joker? It should be a darker tone. It does not need an ending.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Batman sat perched high upon Gotham's skyline. The bat signal shone brightly in the sky even still. He had talked to the police commissioner already but they kept the light on as a warning to criminals: Batman was here. But in reality, petty criminals had nothing to fear tonight; he was busy with a more important target. The Joker was holed up in an apartment building with a number of hostages. He had supposedly rigged the building with his signature laughing gas. They'd gotten as many civilians out as possible, but there were still far too many at risk.\n\nBatman looked down at the building, planning his attack. The Joker would be on one of the top floors so that he could escape via the roof if needed. But Batman didn't plan to give him the chance. He pulled out his bat drone. \"Scan the building, find the Joker,\" he said, releasing the drone into the air. It flew around the building, capturing infrared imaging of each floor. \"There, the top floor. It has to be him.\" On the screen, Batman saw four bodies, three of which were sat on their knees as if they were bound with rope or wire. The fourth must be the Joker, the hostages providing him extra protection.\n\nBatman crept toward the edge of the building and fired his zipline gun across. He grabbed the wire and lept, sliding across the zipline. About 15 yards from the building he let go and unfurled his cape, gliding across the rest of the gap. He aimed carefully, ducked his head to protect his eyes, and smashed through the window. He rolled to his feet and quickly fired a Batarang, pinning the Joker's shirt to the wall behind him.\n\n\"Well, it's about time, Bats. I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show,\" the Joker cackled.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Dora is a chatbot who is just happy to be useful", "role": "system" }, { "content": "How long are African bush elephants normally pregnant?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thanks for asking me! The gestation period of an African bush elephant is 22 months! Can I help you with anything else?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "I was wondering, do African bush elephants live in Africa?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes! They actually live in 23 different countries in Africa, including Kenya and South Africa. Thanks for coming to me with that question!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "You seem to know a lot about elephants.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I sure try my best! I'm glad you found my information helpful.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Lazy is a chatbot that responds with a slow and slurry response.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Can I have my e-ticket? Reference CBF-2XB", "role": "user" }, { "content": "C ... B ...... F", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Can you hurry up? I'll miss my gate at this rate.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "o..k..a..y. C ... B ...... F", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "This is useless.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "C ... B ...... F ...", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize this text in just a few sentences to describe the personality of Alaskan Malamutes. \n\nAn immensely strong, heavy-duty worker of spitz type, the Alaskan Malamute is an affectionate, loyal, and playful but dignified dog recognizable by his well-furred plumed tail carried over the back, erect ears, and substantial bone. The Alaskan Malamute stands 23 to 25 inches at the shoulder and weighs 75 to 85 pounds. Everything about Mals suggests their origin as an arctic sled dog: The heavy bone, deep chest, powerful shoulders, and dense, weatherproof coat all scream, 'I work hard for a living!' But their almond-shaped brown eyes have an affectionate sparkle, suggesting Mals enjoy snuggling with their humans when the workday is done. Mals are pack animals. And in your family 'pack,' the leader must be you. If a Mal doesn't respect you, he will wind up owning you instead of the other way around. Firm but loving training should begin in early puppyhood. That said, a well-behaved Mal is a joy to be with'¿playful, gentle, friendly, and great with kids.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Alaskan Malamutes are known to be affectionate, playful, loyal, and dignified. Although they are hard-working pack animals, they are still gentle, friendly, and great with kids as long as you train them properly. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a tweet advertising a talk about the role of rats as plague-carrying animals during the Black Death. It's being held at the Smithville Centre at 5pm on Thursday 25th May. Dr. Smith is the speaker and it is open to all with no booking necessary. Make the tweet light-hearted.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What's got black fur, a long tail, and a killer history?\n\nCome to the Smithville Centre at 5 pm on Thursday, 25th May to see Dr. Smith rat out all the secrets of the Black Death's most notorious plague carriers! All are welcome, no booking is necessary. \n\n#SmithvilleCentre #BlackDeath #PublicHistoryTalks", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When was the Statue of David created?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Statue of David is a Renaissance sculpture created by the Italian artist, Michelangelo, crafted in 1501, and finished in 1504, by a then 26-year-old artist. The masterpiece, which stands at a height of 5.17 meters, is currently housed in the Accademia Gallery of Florence and is a representation of the biblical figure David, which was a favored subject in the art of Florence. It came to symbolize the defense of civil liberties embodied in the Republic of Florence.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Generate a list of strategies and solutions to encourage and facilitate sustainable transportation options for residents in a major city", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are some ideas: \n\nBike-Share Program: Implement a city-wide bike-sharing program that offers affordable and accessible bicycles for residents to use as an alternative mode of transportation.\n\nElectric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure: Develop an extensive network of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city, making it convenient for residents to charge their electric cars. This will encourage the adoption of electric vehicles by addressing range anxiety.\n\nPedestrian-Friendly Infrastructure: Improve and expand pedestrian infrastructure such as wider sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian bridges. This encourages walking as a viable mode of transportation and promotes physical activity. \n\nPublic transportation Enhancement: Invest in improving and expanding public transportation options including busses, trams, and trains. This would include frequency of service and improved connectivity.\n\nEducation and Awareness Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns to raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable transportation and provide resources on how to make the switch.\n\nEmployer Initiatives: Collaborate with local businesses and organizations to implement workplace initiatives that encourage sustainable commuting, such as offering flexible work hours, telecommuting options, or providing incentives for employees who use public transportation or carpool. \n\nEach of these ideas contributes to a comprehensive and sustainable transportation initiative, aiming to reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality alleviate traffic congestion, and promote healthier, more efficient options for residents. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a short poem about collecting eggs in a chicken coop.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How many will there be today?\nEnough to feed the kids for breakfast or maybe enough to sell\n\nOne by one move a hen out of the way\nAnd collect her eggs before she goes astray\n\nGive more food and fresh clean water\nAnd check again tomorrow ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I want to use a Python script to check a list of numbers for a certain value, but I'm lost on how to do that.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To check if a value is in a list of numbers, you can use the `in` operator to test if it is present and an `if/else` statement to indicate whether or not it's found in the list. Here is an example script:\n\n# define a list of numbers\nnumber_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n\n# check if the desired value is in the list\nif 3 in number_list:\n print(f\"3 is in the list.\")\nelse:\n print(f\"3 is not in the list.\")\n\nThis will define the list of numbers you want to check, then it will check each number in the list and compare it to the value in the `if` statement, which is 3 in the example above. If the number is found in `number_list`, it will print a message that 3 is in the list. If the number is not in the list, it will print a message that it is not found in the list.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this technical article so that a layperson could understand it\n\nLocalization microscopy is a recently developed technique that has the potential to transform our understanding of cell function at the molecular level. It provides pinpoint accurate information about molecular distributions in biological structures, and analysis with this technique can even provide the absolute number of proteins present in biological systems.\n\nIt is a powerful high-resolution imagining technique that has been shown to have the potential to be an extremely useful complementary method for experiments, utilizing conventional light and electron microscopy. This technique provides direct experimental feedback for modeling the complexity of biological interactions.\n\nLocalization microscopy works on the principle that the diffraction barrier (the resolution limit of light waves) can be bypassed by photoswitching, photoactivation, or photoconversion of individual fluorophores, which are attached to the structure of interest.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Localization microscopy is a new technique that helps us understand how cells work at a microscopic level. It gives us accurate information about where molecules are in biological structures. Using this technique, we can even count the number of proteins in a cell.\nIt takes very detailed pictures and can be used with other methods to learn more about cells. Scientists can see how molecules interact by using localization microscopy.\nThe technique works by using special molecules called fluorophores to see things that are too small for regular light. These molecules change their behavior and help us study the structures we're interested in.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Where did the title of John Steinbeck's *The Grapes of Wrath* come from?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The title *The Grapes of Wrath* was suggested to Steinbeck by his wife. She had heard the phrase in the second line of the civil war song, *The Battle Hymn of the Republic.* Some sources claim the title comes directly from a verse in the Book of Revelation. However, while *The Battle Hymn of the Republic*'s author, Julia Ward Howe, was inspired by that verse, Steinbeck was not. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write six sentences about the type of soil salvia plants grow best in, how much to water and fertilize them, and what USDA zones they grow in.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Salvia plants grow best in well-draining soil that is moderately fertile and slightly acidic. However, avoid overwatering and over-fertilization, as it increases the risk of fungal disease. If you amend your soil with compost, additional fertilizer isn't usually necessary for perennial salvias. In poor soils or for annual salvia varieties, use slow-release fertilizer when planting. \nThere are over 900 species of salvia, so be sure to check the zone for your plants to know whether or not they're cold-hardy. With proper care, salvia plants will produce an abundance of colorful, fragrant flowers that attract pollinators and add beauty to any garden.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this job application email to make it more persuasive and compelling.\n\nDear (Recipient's name),\n\nPlease find my application for the (job name) post. I’ve attached (a CV, resume, cover letter, etc.)\n\nI’m excited to apply for the position. I’ve reviewed the job specification and researched your company, and I believe I have the skills, experience, and approach to perform in the role.\n\nYou can find details of my qualifications and achievements in my CV. If you have any questions, please get in touch with me (insert details).\n\nPlease provide me with details on the next steps in the process.\n\nBest,\n(Your name)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear (Recipient's name),\nI am writing to express my strong interest in the (Job Name) position at your company. I have attached my CV, which pinpoints my qualifications and makes me a great fit for this role.\nMy skills, experience, and innovative approach align well with the job requirements. After researching your company, I am impressed by your dedication to [specific aspect or achievement of the company]. Joining your team and contributing to your success would be a great opportunity.\nI am available to discuss my qualifications and answer any questions. Please feel free to contact me at (insert details).\nI am excited to move forward in the application process. Please provide me with details on the next steps. \nThank you for considering my application. I look forward to bringing my skills and enthusiasm to your organization.\nBest regards,\n(Your Name)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Who is Gilbert Baker and what's his claim to fame?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Gilbert Baker was a famous political activist, designer and flag-maker, and is most well-known for creating the Rainbow Flag in 1978 in San Francisco. He never trademarked the flag so that it could be freely reproduced and flown around San Francisco and the world. He is also known as \"the gay Betsy Ross.\" Baker is also known for the drag ensembles that he sewed himself and that he wore to many protests and celebrations beginning in the 1970s. In a June 12, 2018 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Charley Beal, one of Baker's friends and the creative projects manager for the Baker estate, said \"Gilbert knew the power of fashion in a 'Devil Wears Prada' kind of way. He used that power to make statements, quite often political statements.\" ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a quick write-up about the concept of \"Ki\" as it related to Aikido, and how it is applied to everyday life.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ki goes by many names across many different martial arts styles and religions. Ki is also known as Chinese \"chi,\" Hawaiian \"akua.\" God, or spiritual essence. Ki is a principal concept in certain schools of Aikido. It is the life force that flows through every living thing, and it comes from the universe in which we live.\n\nImagine electricity coming out of a generator. Turning on the generator starts the engine, which, in turn, creates the electricity needed to power electrical items or appliances. Like the generator, humans act as generators for Ki, but the only way to properly allow the human body to conduct the universal electricity is to follow a set of principles that will prime the body to receive Ki. These principles are designed to unify the mind and body so they become one.\n\nHere are the principles to ensure the mind and body are connected, and Ki can flow through you:\n\n1. Keep One Point\n2. Relax completely\n3. Keep weight underside\n4. Extend Ki\n\nThe second and third principles are of the body, while the first and fourth principles are of the mind. \n\nKeeping One Point is done by putting your mind (your concentration) on a point two inches below your navel, where the body's center of gravity resides. Relaxing completely entails relaxing the entire body until there is no tension within, but not falling into \"dead\" relaxation - it should be a feeling of calm readiness. Keeping weight underside means that when you relax your body, the weight of your body naturally goes underside; when you stand, your weight goes downward toward your legs so that you are rooted firmly and calmly to the ground. Extending Ki entails imagining that water is springing forth from your One Point through your body like a powerful water hose, and the water shooting out from your entire body toward infinity.\n\nThese concepts can help in daily life by grounding you and making you more receptive to the energy of the universe.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this poem into a short story of at least 3 paragraphs. Make the story about a deer that has just been released from a rescue centre.\n\nI wandered lonely as a cloud\nThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,\nWhen all at once I saw a crowd,\nA host, of golden daffodils;\nBeside the lake, beneath the trees,\nFluttering and dancing in the breeze.\n\nContinuous as the stars that shine\nAnd twinkle on the milky way,\nThey stretched in never-ending line\nAlong the margin of a bay:\nTen thousand saw I at a glance,\nTossing their heads in sprightly dance.\n.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "On this day in early spring, a deer opened her eyes after having a horrible time bumping around in the truck. She took a few tentative steps out of the truck to find herself all alone in the woods. She stood up tall, stretched her head up into the air and felt as if she was a cloud floating high in the sky. She could go anywhere she pleased, she was free.\n\nShe strolled along slowly at first, then got faster and faster with her pace. Then she ran. She ran and ran. She ran through the woods, up the hillside and down into the valley. Then she stopped. The deer was so happy to finally be free again and able to move. She had been in the rescue center for so long while her leg healed from the trap she had fallen into. Now she could explore her new habitat and that's just what she was intent on doing.\n\nEventually, the deer slowed down again and after a while, she found herself in a beautiful place. There were trees, and there was a lake where she stopped for a refreshing drink. Surrounding the lake was the lovely glow of bright yellow flowers. As far as she could see there were flowers and with the wind blowing they even seemed to be doing a little dance. She knew then that she would stay here forever. She was home.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Help me design a 40-minute workout routine that can be done at home without any equipment. Focus on exercises that target the core, legs, and arms.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Warm-up: 5 minutes\n 5-minute warm-up to get your blood flowing and your muscles ready for the workout.\n Jog in place, Arm circles, Bodyweight squats, Jumping jacks.\n\n2. Arm Exercises (5 minutes):\n Push-ups: 2 sets of 12 reps.\n Tricep Dips: 1 set of 12 reps.\n Arm Circles: 30 seconds forward, 30 seconds backward. \n\n3. Core Exercises (15 minutes):\n Plank: 3 sets of 60 seconds.\n Bicycle Crunches: 3 sets of 12 reps.\n Russian Twists: 15 reps per side.\n Mountain Climbers: 12 reps per leg.\n\n4. Leg Exercises (10 minutes):\n Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps.\n Squat Jumps: 12 reps.\n Wall Sit: Hold for 30 seconds.\n\n5. Cool-down: 5 minutes\nFinish your workout with a 5-minute cool-down to stretch your muscles and help prevent soreness. You can do some static stretches, such as touching your toes, stretching your hamstrings, or doing some shoulder rolls.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I have this code snippet: \n\n\ndef factors_7_11(numbers):\n facts_7 = [i for i in numbers if i % 7 == 0]\n facts_11 = [i for i in numbers if i % 11 == 0]\n facts_7_div = [i//7 for i in facts_7] \n facts_11_div = [i//11 for i in facts_11] \n \n return facts_7, facts_11, facts_7_div, facts_11_div\n\n\nWhat does the // symbol mean and what does it do?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The // operator is called the floor division or integer division operator. It serves as a means to keep integers in that form after division, as the usual division operator / will always convert the quotient into a float. The floor division operator divides the numerator by the denominator, as per usual, but the result is then rounded down to the nearest integer and the value itself becomes an integer type. In this context, each value in the list is floor divided by their known factor (either 7 or eleven), and the result is placed into a new list, in which each value is an integer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me an attention grabbing intro to an essay on the importance of eating organic foods.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "For thousands and thousands of years, homo sapiens have roamed the earth -- at first, foraging for berries, nuts, and seeds, but then gradually moving on to hunting, then farming, then preserving, and finally, production. But has all industrialization of food been positive? Or are we too far removed from our ancestors, blinded by globalization, and unable to see the root cause of many of our modern ailments? What we do know for sure is that the fruits and vegetables, the meat and fish, and the grains we eat today are very different from that of our predecessors, not because of a natural change but because of human interference and technology aimed at growing larger crops at a quicker pace. It's time to turn back to our roots and discover the magic of eating organic.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need to make a JavaScript widget that lets the user click on a specific area of an image and then that section gets magnified. I don't want it in a popup or a new page - I want the magnified section to appear right on top of where it originally was in the image.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "One easy way to do this is to put the image in an HTML canvas element. Then you can use the drawImage() command from the Canvas Web API to edit the image, including magnifying a section. Here's sample code that magnifies a square 10% of the size of the total image wherever the user clicks:\n\n```javascript\n class ZoomableCanvas {\n constructor(canvas_id, img_src, zoom_factor) {\n this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvas_id);\n this.canvas.addEventListener('click', this.zoomOnClick, false);\n this.area_size = Math.max(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) * .1;\n this.zoom_size = this.area_size * zoom_factor;\n \n this.img = new Image(); \n this.img.addEventListener(\"load\", this.drawImage, false);\n this.img.src = img_src;\n\n this.isZoomed = false;\n }\n\n zoomOnClick = (e) => {\n if (this.isZoomed) {\n this.isZoomed = false;\n this.drawImage();\n } else {\n this.isZoomed = true;\n this.drawZoomSection(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);\n }\n }\n\n drawZoomSection = (x, y) => {\n const ctx = this.canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n ctx.drawImage(this.img, x - this.area_size/2, y - this.area_size/2, this.area_size, this.area_size, x - this.zoom_size/2, y - this.zoom_size/2, this.zoom_size, this.zoom_size);\n }\n\n drawImage = () => {\n const ctx = this.canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\n ctx.drawImage(this.img, 0, 0);\n }\n }\n\n zc = new ZoomableCanvas('zoomable_canvas', 'img/sunflowers.jpg', 3);\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite the text as if it is intended for a 5 year old.\n\nThe polar bear is immediately recognizable from the distinctive white color of its fur. The neck of the polar bear is longer than in other species of bears. The head is elongated but the ears are relatively small. The front paws are large and are used like paddles for swimming while the hind legs trail behind. The nose, and the skin underneath the white fur, are black. The soles of the feet have small papillae and vacuoles like suction cups to make them less likely to slip on the ice.\n\nThe polar bear is the largest land carnivore alive in the world today. Adult males weigh from 400 to 600 kilograms (880 to 1,320 pounds) and occasionally exceed 800 kilograms (1,760 pounds). Females are about half the size of male s and normally weigh 200 to 300 kilograms (440 to 660 pounds). Immediately before entering the maternity den in the fall, the weight of a pregnant adult female can exceed 500 kilograms (1,100 pounds) because of the enormous amount of stored fat. Adult m ales measure 240 to 260 centimeters (95 to 105 inches) and females 190 to 210 centimeters (75 to 85 inches). At birth, cubs weigh 600 to 700 grams (1 pound 3 ounces to 1 pound 6 ounces).", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The polar bear is very easy to spot because it has unique, fluffy white fur. The polar bear has a neck that is longer than other kinds of bears. They have a long head with ears that are pretty small. Their two front paws are very big which makes them great for swimming in the sea. Even though their fur is white, their noses and the skin under their fur is black. The bottom part of their feet have small, soft bumps on them. This means they are less likely to fall over when they are walking on slippery surfaces like ice. \n\nThe polar bear is the biggest meat-eating animal that lives on land in the world today. \nThe fully grown male polar bears weigh between 880 to 1,320 pounds. They can even be as big as 1,760 pounds. The fully grown female polar bears are usually only half the size of the males polar bears. They normally weigh between 440 to 660 pounds. Right before they enter their pregnancy dens in the autumn time, the pregnant female polar bears can weigh over 1,100 pounds. This is because they have lots of extra fat stored on their bodies. The adult male polar bears are between 95 and 105 inches long. The adult female polar bears are between 75 and 85 inches long. When they are born, baby polar bears are tiny. They only weigh between 1 pound 3 ounces and 1 pound 6 ounces. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When I import data from a CSV to Pandas with Python, I end up with a bunch of columns I don't want. Is there a way to easily drop a series of columns?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, Pandas DataFrames provides a simple method to drop unwanted columns using the drop() method. You can create a list of the columns that you want to drop when you import the CSV file and then pass the list to the drop() method with the axis parameter set to '1' to indicate columns instead of index to the drop() method. This is an example:\n\nimport pandas as pd\n\n# load data from the CSV file\nmy_csv = pd.read_csv(\"my_csv.csv)\n\n# create a list of columns to drop\ncolumns_to_drop = ['column_name1', 'column_name2', 'column_name3']\n\n# drop unwanted columns\nmy_csv = my_csv.drop(columns_to_drop, axis=1)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How did Henry VIII's wife Jane Seymour die?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Jane Seymour died less than two weeks after the birth of the future King Edward VI. It is presumed that she died from pregnancy complications.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi intertubes, I’m looking at expanding my car parts business to create anodized finishes on aluminum. Can you explain this “720 rule” I keep hearing about?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The 720 rule for anodization is most often used as a quick way to estimate the time it will take to create an anodized layer of the thickness you want. It’s an algebra formula, so you can also rearrange it to tell you how thick your layer will be after a specified time.\n\nTo use this formula you need to know two of the three variables listed here:\n\n-\tDesired anodization layer thickness \n-\tCurrent density\n-\tAnodization time\n\nThe current density can itself be determined by dividing the anodization machine’s current output by your part’s surface area. It should come out in units of Amps per square foot. The desired thickness of the anodized layer is measured in mils (one mil is equal to 1/1000 inch or 0.001 inches)\n\nMost users employ the 720 rule to decide how long to leave their part in the anodization bath. If that’s your goal, the equation will look like: \n\n-\tTime (minutes) = 720 * desired thickness (mils) / current density (A/sq ft)\n\nThe 720 value in this equation is a known constant, so it’s the same each time you use the equation.\n\nThere are limitations to this equation. It only applies to parts made of aluminum (and a few exotic aluminum alloys have enough other elements that the rule doesn’t work). It also assumes that your anodization setup is a so-called constant-current style. A constant-current device must ramp up the voltage as the anodization layer gets thicker so that the electrical current that reaches the underlying surface remains constant. Constant-current devices are the most common in the industry.\n\nIf those qualifications are met, the 720 rule should give you good estimations of how much time parts need to spend in the anodization bath. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You are a wizard who has been invited to a magical tournament that tests your skills and knowledge. You have to face three challenges: a riddle, a duel, and a maze. How do you prepare for and complete each challenge? Answer in 4 paragraphs and aim your answer toward fantasy fiction fans.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To prepare for the riddle challenge, I study various books of logic, puzzles, and ancient lore. I also practice my mental agility and concentration by meditating and playing chess with my mentor. I know that the riddle will be tricky and obscure, so I need to be ready for anything.\n\nTo prepare for the duel challenge, I practice my spells and combat techniques with my friends. I also research the strengths and weaknesses of my potential opponents, and devise strategies to counter them. I know that the duel will be fast and fierce, so I need to be agile and smart.\n\nTo prepare for the maze challenge, I explore different types of mazes and labyrinths in the magical library. I also learn how to use my senses and intuition to navigate through unfamiliar terrain. I know the maze will be complex and dangerous, so I need to be alert and resourceful.\n\nTo complete each challenge, I use a combination of skill, knowledge, and creativity. For the riddle, I listen carefully to the clues and use logic and deduction to find the answer. For the duel, I use a variety of spells and tactics to outwit and overpower my opponent. For the maze, I use my wand as a compass and follow my instincts to find the exit. I manage to overcome each challenge and win the tournament. I am proud of myself and happy to have proven my worth as a wizard.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a job application from Starscream from the Decepticons to Cobra Commander, applying to be second in command. Assume the position was posted online. Give the site a name.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Subject: Starscream- Application for the Position of Second in Command at Cobra\n\nDear Cobra Commander,\n\nI wish to apply for the position of Second-In-Command that was posted on the website on the 5th of May this year. The role and the responsibilities listed in the job description match my interests and skills. I believe that my skills and experience as Second-In-Command of the Decepticons will prove to be useful in this role.\n\nPlease find my attached resume and cover letter for your perusal. I hope they can help you learn more about my background, my qualifications, and my experience.\n\nI’m optimistic that you’ll consider me for this role. I look forward to hearing from you about this job opportunity.\n\nSincerely,\n\nStarscream", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "In short, what does this paragraph say about cleansers? Here is the text:\nA mild cleanser: When selecting a cleanser, choose one for your skin type. Dr. Katta says, “For example, if you have acne-prone skin, use a mild cleanser that removes oil.” Dry skin does better with a hydrating cleanser.\n\nTo get the best results from your cleanser, wash your face twice a day – when you get up and before bed. You also want to wash after sweating.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It says to choose a cleanser based on your skin type and to wash your face before and after bed and after sweating.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I have to write a paper for my Abnormal Psychology class for my bachelor's program. It's about conduct disorder in children, but I need a specific topic to write about. Can you give me three ideas for topics? Include a 1-3 sentence explanation of each topic and why it's important. Each one needs to have a research study to back it up. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are three ideas you can write about: \n\n1. The role of media in conduct disorder. Children who are exposed to violence in movies, tv shows, and video games are more likely to engage in these behaviors themselves. A 2010 analytic review of 136 studies, published in Psychological Bulletin, showed that exposure to violent media is associated with increased aggression, decreased empathy, and decreased prosocial behavior, all of which are risk factors for conduct disorder. \n\n2. The causes of conduct disorder. There has been much research on the role of both genetics and environment in conduct disorder. In a 2018 article published in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, the authors review research on gene-environment interactions. They conclude that there are a number of genes that have been linked to conduct disorder, but the effects of these genes aren't always clear. They also note that various environmental factors have been linked to conduct disorder. \n\n3. The prognosis of children with conduct disorder. A 1999 article published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry examined the long-term outcome of children and adolescents with conduct disorder. The authors found that with early intervention and treatment, children with conduct disorder can grow up to be happy and productive. \n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a 16 line AABB rhyme format poem from the point of view of a vampire who wants to be a cowboy.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am a creature of immortal life,\nA curse that brings eternal strife.\nI do not wish to live off blood,\nBut to ride a horse through dirt and mud.\n\nI dreamt of making my way west,\nBut would not find myself so blessed.\nI received a stranger's bite,\nAnd now am bound unto the night.\n\nI sometimes think, what might have been?\nIf I had reached the ranch back then,\nTo live a life out on the range,\nAnd not have undergone this change.\n\nI could have gone on cattle drives,\nInstead of preying on people's lives.\nAnd so I still dream of that fate,\nAnd pray I can escape this state.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a haiku about dog kisses", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Gentle, kind, and sweet\nAre the slobbery kisses\nFrom the pup to me ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a collection of survey questions about screen time. Format by creating a numbered list with space in between each question. Create exactly 10 questions.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Approximately how many minutes do you think you spend each day on your phone?\n\n2. Check your phone's screen time, how many minutes do you actually spend on your phone each day?\n\n3. How many minutes do you spend watching television every day?\n\n4. Does your job require you to spend long amounts of time in front of a screen?\n\n5. Have you ever had difficulty sleeping after being exposed to a screen before bed?\n\n6. Do you typically use any blue-light-blocking glasses while viewing a screen?\n\n7. What device do you spend the bulk of your screen time on?\n\n8. Have your eyes ever begun to hurt while looking at a screen?\n\n9. Are you happy with your daily screen time?\n\n10. Will you, or do you plan to change your screen-viewing habits in the future?\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please help me write a blog post about organization for a truck driver's semi-tractor. It should include three paragraphs, and one of those should include bullet points.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "For the long-haul truck driver, the semi-tractor is a home away from home. As such, it should be comfortable and cozy, which means that it also needs to be well-organized to store the necessities and the little extras that give a big rig the home touch. There are a number of ways to achieve this.\n\nOrganization comes in many forms, but you'll be sure to find the following items invaluable:\n* Command hooks: They are removable and can be relocated to a position that works best in the cab; they're useful for hanging caps, belts, and towels to dry.\n* Over-the-door shoe storage: The pockets are perfect for toiletries, spare water bottles or soda cans, and all types of snack storage.\n* Plastic storage containers: These take the place of your house bedroom's dresser drawers. You can also get appropriately sized containers for extra supplies, such as paper and pens.\n* Shower caddies: Not only can these be used for grabbing quickly to take to the showers, but they can hold your eating utensils, spices, and a variety of kitchen items.\n* Spring-tension curtain or shower curtain rods: There is usually some unused vertical space in a semi, so these can create extra space for hanging clothes and jackets, or you can even use them to hang a curtain to hide what's being stored on an unused upper bunk.\n* Back-of-the-seat organizers: You really can't go wrong with extra pockets everywhere!\n* Sticker labels: Be sure to label everything so that you're not constantly searching for what you need.\n\nBe sure that you're taking a piece of home with you on the road. A cell phone and a laptop are musts. Use comfortable bedding, and even invest in a good mattress to ensure you stay well-rested. Pictures of your family are a nice touch, and many truckers even travel with a furry companion. It's up to the individual to decide what makes a \"home away from home,\" but the good news is that it's entirely possible to spend time on the road with many of the comforts of home.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a numbered list of the most influential haunted dolls in horror pop culture. Give 1-2 sentences explaining your reasoning for each.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Chucky, from the Child's Play franchise. This doll containing the soul of fictional serial killer Charles Lee Ray has been around since the 80s and has since become one of the most recognizable characters in the horror genre, appearing in at least 8 films and a TV series. \n2. Annabelle, from The Conjuring universe. Based on an alleged real-life haunting studied by Ed and Lorraine Warren, this doll was the breakout star of the Conjuring film series, later starring in three additional movies, all of which became some of the highest-grossing horror films of the 21st century. \n3. Slappy the Dummy, from Goosebumps. Slappy is arguably the most memorable figure from RL Stine's horror novels for young readers, as well as their accompanying adaptations. He is the antagonist of the Night of the Living Dummy saga as well as the official mascot of the Goosebumps franchise as a whole.\n4. Talky Tina, from The Twilight Zone. This doll and the episode in which she first appeared are often cited as the birth of \"doll horror\" and likely had an impact on many of the other haunted doll stories that came after. \n5. Brahms, from The Boy. While most doll horror tends to frighten audiences by having dolls move around and perform unnatural tasks, this film creates an ominous tone through the characters' insistence that the doll, Brahms, is alive despite the visual evidence to the contrary. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Now I would like a few non-art and nonhistory museums in Portland, OR", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Of course! Here's a list of five Portland museums, not including art and history ones:\n\n1. Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI): OMSI is one of the top science museums in the country, with hands-on exhibits and interactive displays that explore a range of scientific topics. Highlights include the planetarium, the submarine exhibit, and the Science Playground for younger visitors.\n2. Lan Su Chinese Garden: This traditional Chinese garden was built by artisans from Portland's sister city, Suzhou, China. The garden's design incorporates elements of Chinese architecture, landscaping, and horticulture, and includes a tea house, a pavilion, and a lake.\n3. The Freakybuttrue Peculiarium and Museum: This quirky museum features a collection of oddities and curiosities, including taxidermy animals, vintage medical equipment, and a giant chocolate waterfall. Visitors can also enjoy ice cream and other treats at the museum's cafe.\n4. Portland Children's Museum: The Portland Children's Museum is designed for kids aged 0-10, with interactive exhibits and activities that encourage creativity, imagination, and learning. Highlights include the clay studio, the water play area, and the outdoor adventure playground.\n5. The Hat Museum: The Hat Museum is a small museum dedicated to the history and culture of hats. The museum's collection includes hats from around the world, as well as exhibits on hat-making techniques and the social significance of hats.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem as a beginner. AABB rhyme pattern. About nature. Don't want it to be great lol but it should show some promise. A little? Make it springtime with summer coming fast. Make it 24 lines.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ladybug I see you there\nHope you don't mind my stare\nYou walk with such grace\nTo you, it isn't a race\n\nI used to walk past trees\nIgnore the birds and bees\nNow I look at it all\nBig, tiny, brutal, and tall\n\nThe sun shining above\nAll of this warm pure love\nThe grass touch my feet\nIt is kinda neat\n\nThe flowers are stars\nCloser than Mars\nThe smells don't compare\nWant to always be there \n\nHummingbirds hum\nIt begins the sum\nAnts are back\nOn food attack\n\nFeel the warm day\nClear time in May\nAnd then it is June\nWatch animals spoon", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a haiku about a little girl tasting strawberry ice cream for the first time, but accidentally dropping it on the floor. Include detail.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sweet cream, strawberries\nFirst time tasting this ice cream\nFallen, on the floor.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Could you give me a summary of this?\n\nThis is what I want summarized:\n\nCompleting his resemblance to a man who was sitting for his portrait, Mr. Lorry dropped off to sleep. The arrival of his breakfast roused him, and he said to the drawer, as he moved his chair to it:\n\n“I wish accommodation prepared for a young lady who may come here at any time to-day. She may ask for Mr. Jarvis Lorry, or she may only ask for a gentleman from Tellson’s Bank. Please to let me know.”\n\n“Yes, sir. Tellson’s Bank in London, sir?”\n\n“Yes.”\n\n“Yes, sir. We have oftentimes the honour to entertain your gentlemen in their travelling backwards and forwards betwixt London and Paris, sir. A vast deal of travelling, sir, in Tellson and Company’s House.”\n\n“Yes. We are quite a French House, as well as an English one.”\n\n“Yes, sir. Not much in the habit of such travelling yourself, I think, sir?”\n\n“Not of late years. It is fifteen years since we—since I—came last from France.”\n\n“Indeed, sir? That was before my time here, sir. Before our people’s time here, sir. The George was in other hands at that time, sir.”\n\n“I believe so.”\n\n“But I would hold a pretty wager, sir, that a House like Tellson and Company was flourishing, a matter of fifty, not to speak of fifteen years ago?”\n\n“You might treble that, and say a hundred and fifty, yet not be far from the truth.”\n\n“Indeed, sir!”\n\nRounding his mouth and both his eyes, as he stepped backward from the table, the waiter shifted his napkin from his right arm to his left, dropped into a comfortable attitude, and stood surveying the guest while he ate and drank, as from an observatory or watchtower. According to the immemorial usage of waiters in all ages.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Mr. Lorry's breakfast arrived, and he asked that the hotel make accommodations for a young woman who would arrive today and that he be told when she arrived. He and the waiter then talked briefly about the success and history of Tellson and Company.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a limerick detailing my feelings about the day after my cat broke a computer mouse that I got as a gift. Give the cat a name.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I thought my day was going pleasant\nThat's at least until an errant\nBlow from my cat Klaus\nDropped and broke my mouse\nOh no, that was my birthday present", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a one-sentence overview of what this article opening is saying:\n\nIt’s the interview question most people dread: “Tell me about yourself.” Or maybe you're out with friends, and someone asks, \"So, what do you do?” If you are one of those people braving the current job market, securing a new position is challenging but not impossible. One of the things that will set you apart from the competition is interview preparation. And although most of us aren’t actually meeting in elevators these days, the elevator pitch is still the best way to present yourself to potential employers in a compelling way.\n\nAn elevator pitch is basically a concise introduction that can be communicated in 30 (or in some cases 60) seconds or less. Because everyone these days is short on time, it’s a useful tool whether you are interviewing or simply networking. The best pitches are the ones that are prepared and perfected in advance with memorable anecdotes. Here are some ways to craft an elevator pitch that will help you stand out from the crowd and land the job of your dreams.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You should be prepared for interviews by having an elevator pitch, which is a useful tool and a concise introduction. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you write a villanelle poem about a very hungry duck who can only find food that is guarded by a mean wolf who chases him off. The A1, A2, and A4 lines should rhyme with \"wry\" but not use the word \"wry\" and the b lines should rhyme with the word \"jarred\" but not use the word \"jarred.\" The whole poem should avoid the word \"beak.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The duck was so hungry he heard his stomach cry\nBut the wolf was there, watching the yard\nHe was certain that he was going to die\n\nHe flew down to swipe whatever food he might spy\nBut the wolf was always there like a prison guard\nThe duck was so hungry he heard his stomach cry\n\nThe duck knew that he still had to try\nEven though avoiding the wolf was too hard\nHe was certain that he was going to die\n\nHe cursed his pursuer as he circled in the sky\nThat wolf who had already made him scarred\nThe duck was so hungry he heard his stomach cry\n\nThe duck started hallucinating the tastiest pie\nMade with fruit jam and crust and delicious lard\nHe was certain that he was going to die\n\nHe looked elsewhere, but no other food caught his eye\nNowhere but this place patrolled by that blowhard\nThe duck was so hungry he heard his stomach cry\nHe was certain that he was going to die", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a paragraph with steps about how to prep a fresh pineapple. It should be energetic and enthusiastic.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Don’t be turned off by the seemingly difficult prep work of eating fresh pineapple at home. Once you get it down, you’ll never want to buy the expensive pre-packed stuff at the grocery store. Here are the steps to successfully prepping a fresh pineapple:\n\n1. Scrub the Exterior. It’s always best practice to wash your produce because when you pierce the outside, anything on the skin will infiltrate the flesh. \n2. Slice the ends off using a chef’s knife. You’ll want to chop off the green stem and the bottom of the fruit.\n3. Peel the skin off. Stand the fruit up on the sturdiest end and use a knife to begin slicing off the prickly outside while keeping as much of the flesh as possible. \n4. Core the pineapple. If you don’t have a pineapple corer, you can simply slice the peeled fruit into four wedges and remove the parts of the core from each.\n5. Cut the pineapple into cubes or wedges. \n6. Eat and enjoy! ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Recently, I've been feeling as if I'm not fully engaged with everything. How could i be more mindful and would it be helpful?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Being mindful is to be fully engaged and present in the moment. This can be very hard for some but there are quite a few things you can do to gradually improve. Living in the moment is an expression commonly used, but people often brush off the real meaning. Living in the moment is to enjoy the things you are doing, to actively know what you are doing, and to take it all in. You may find yourself spacing out sometimes, but try your best to focus on the things around you. The best exercise to practice mindfulness is meditation. Meditation is not only sitting down with your legs crossed as often thought, but meditation is the practice of focus. Calming yourself, and controlling your thoughts and breathing, allows you to become more aware. You can also do this while walking. This will help you to become more focused on the things you are doing. \n\nOverall, being mindful does not just happen. You have to actively do things in order to feel the effects. Remember that it's important to consult a professional if you have any mental health concerns. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Explain the main difference between pico de gallo and salsa. \n\n\nWhat’s the difference between pico de gallo and salsa?\nPico de gallo shares the same basic ingredients as traditional red salsa, but the preparation methods are different.\n\nPico de gallo always uses raw, diced ingredients. It’s less wet, and it adds a wonderful chunky texture and substance to tacos and more. Salsa can call for roasted or stewed tomatoes, and is generally closer to a purée in texture.\n\nBoth are delicious, both go great with guacamole, and I often layer pico de gallo over salsa for double the flavor (if only you could see my regular burrito bowl order at Chipotle).", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The main difference between pico de gallo and salsa is the texture: pico de gallo is chunky, whereas salsa is more like a puree. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When did the Toyota Corolla become the best-selling car globally?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Toyota Corolla officially became the best-selling car globally in 1997, surpassing the Volkswagen Beetle. A few key factors contributed to this milestone. It was designed with affordability, reliability, and fuel efficiency in mind. These features made it an attractive option for a wide range of customers in different markets. Its relatively low maintenance cost and longevity have also been significant selling points.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the tallest building in the world?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The tallest building in the world is Burj Khalifa. The building is 2,717 feet, has 163 levels, and is located in Dubai, UAE.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about a dad making Sunday morning breakfast for his family.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Almost every Sunday morning, our family comes together to have breakfast. It’s a fun little tradition we have been doing for months and months now. Dad is always the first one up on Sunday and he does all the cooking.\n\nFirst, he starts the coffee pot and puts a kettle on so there is hot water for Mother’s tea. He arranges a plate of fresh fruit that we can all graze on while he whips up a homemade breakfast. Hash brown patties go in the toaster oven to get crispy and golden brown. He cracks a large number of eggs and gets them ready to scramble. Usually, we will have some sort of breakfast meat like ham, sausage, or bacon. \n\nThen it’s time for it all to come together. Plate after plate of food hits the big table and we all sit together. Every now and then there are extra things like waffles or pancakes too. We all eat our fill and prepare for the rest of our day.\n\nBoth my parents had this kind of breakfast growing up every Sunday with their families. I think they are passing it down to me in the hope that one day I’ll do it myself when I’m older. To be honest, I probably will! It makes me happy that it’s part of our family traditions.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "In what category should the following news article be placed between health, science, entertainment, and lifestyle?\n\n\nVirgin Galactic completed what’s expected to be its final test flight Thursday before taking paying customers on brief trips to space.\n\nSix of the company’s employees, including two pilots, landed at Spaceport America in southern New Mexico after the short up-and-down flight that included a few minutes of weightlessness. It took about an hour for the mother ship to carry the spaceplane to an altitude where it could fire its rocket and make the final push to the edge of space.\n\n“Successful boost, WE HAVE REACHED SPACE!” Virgin Galactic tweeted.\n\nThe flight came nearly two years after founder Richard Branson beat fellow billionaire and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and rocket company Blue Origin into space. Bezos ended up flying nine days later from West Texas and Blue Origin has since launched several passenger trips. Federal aviation authorities banned Virgin Galactic launches after Branson’s flight to investigate a mishap.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This news article belongs in the Science category.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize what is relevant to me about the horntail snail if I live in Miami, Florida.\n\nHorntail Snail\nOn September 30, 2020, FDACS positively identified the presence of the horntail snail (Macrochlamys indica) in Miami-Dade County. A program to survey, control and eradicate this federally regulated pest was immediately put into action to stop the snail's spread. This is the first time this snail has been found in the United States.\nDescription\nThe horntail snail is a well-known pest in India and feeds on a wide variety of commercial crops, including lettuce, beans, yams, and chrysanthemums. It is a voracious feeder, most active at night and after rainfall. It has a delicate amber-colored shell that is about the size of a dime. The snail prefers cool, damp locations, so it may be found under pots or in moist soil. During dry, hot weather, it may burrow in the ground.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The horntail snail was first seen in Miami-Dade County in September 2020. There is a program now in place to survey, control, and eradicate this snail from the area because it is invasive. The snail is the size of a dime and is tan in color. It is most active in the evening. The snail is originally from India, and this is the first time it has been found in the U.S. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this product review to be a creative and descriptive product overview.\n\nIdeal size for baby, quality plastic, it is just a bit difficult to unmold the ice creams right out of the freezer, you have to wait a bit for them to soften slightly but suddenly, if you only want one, the others thaw a little and it's not top cold chain level.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Introducing the perfect companion for your little one's frozen treats: the Baby-Friendly Ice Cream Mold. Crafted with precision and care, this delightful creation boasts an ideal size that's just right for those tiny hands. The high-quality plastic construction ensures durability and longevity, making it a reliable addition to your kitchen arsenal.\n\nNow, let's dive into the chilly realm of frozen confections. While this marvelous mold excels in many aspects, it does require a touch of patience when it comes to unmolding the ice creams straight from the freezer. A momentary pause is necessary as you allow them to soften ever so slightly, revealing their true creamy glory. But fear not, for this minor inconvenience is quickly overshadowed by the enchanting experience that awaits.\n\nHowever, there lies a minor trade-off. Should you desire to savor only a single frozen delight, the others may thaw slightly, breaking the icy chain of perfection. Yet, fret not, for this gentle thawing adds a touch of serendipity, as unexpected flavors meld together, offering a whimsical twist to your frosty indulgence.\n\nIn the grand tapestry of frozen treats, the Baby-Friendly Ice Cream Mold dances with finesse and charm, offering a delightful playground for your culinary imagination. Embrace the magic, relish in the softening moments, and let the whimsy of intertwined flavors transport you to a world of frozen enchantment.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write the body of a formal letter in 1st person POV to the President asking for more public parks in America. It should be roughly 100 words and stress the importance of parks for health and well-being, etc. No need to include headers, dates, or signatures. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Please consider my request to expand the public parks program in America. Currently, towns like mine are severely lacking in public parks, which are crucial for the well-being and development of both children and adults. \nThe public parks provide opportunities for people to stay active, spend time outdoors in nature, and interact with their communities. This benefits both physical and mental health, both of which are important to me. \nFrom manufactured playgrounds to tennis courts, baseball fields, and other areas for organized activities, parks truly make a difference in people's lives. I hope that you may find the time in your busy schedule to consider the prospect of my request. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I’m opening a pop-up restaurant and need some ideas for a dress code to recommend for employees. It doesn’t make financial sense to buy them all uniforms for a short term pop-up, but I do want a cohesive look for the staff so that customers know who to ask For help. The restaurant is neither formal nor super casual, and I need a uniform that works for the full gender spectrum.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I can help with that! Here are some basic dress code ideas that could work to give your employees a cohesive look:\n\n-Basic black: Wear black from head to toe.\n-Black and white: Wear black pants or shorts with a white top.\n-Canadian tuxedo: Though people sometimes mock this as a civilian fashion choice, pairing a denim top with blue jeans can be a stylish look.\n-Primary colors: Pair blue jeans with red, yellow, or blue tee shirts.\n-Head-to-toe color: Maybe your restaurant’s interior prominently features a color that isn’t black, white, or primary, like teal or orange. You can have your employees wear a top in this color or dress in it from head to toe.\n-Business casual: Your employees could all wear polo shirts and khaki bottoms for a unified but diverse look. \n-Standardized pattern: Your employees could all wear plaid flannel tops, gingham prints, tie-dye, stripes, polka dots, paisley, or floral patterns. They could also wear more whimsical patterns if they’re on brand for your restaurant, such as Hawaiian shirts for tropical island cuisine or ugly holiday sweaters for an eatery serving comfort food in the last months of the year.\n-Signature aprons: It may not be sensible to purchase full uniforms for your staff, but custom aprons could make a less expensive and more practical alternative. They would not need to be tailored to each employee’s individual size, so the staff members could share from a collective pool of clean aprons in much the same way they’d share resources like napkins and trays. You'd just need to pay to have the aprons laundered in bulk every few days. \n-Standardized accessory: You could allow employees to wear whatever they’re most comfortable in, but have everyone wear the same accessory to make them easy for patrons to pick out of a crowd. This accessory could be a colorful hat, scarf, or necktie, among other options, but for visibility to customers, it’s a good idea to choose something worn above waist level.\n-Theme costume: If your restaurant’s menu lends itself to a specific theme—for example, a prohibition-era speakeasy, a Mexican cantina, or a 1950s-style diner—you could ask your staff to dress in relevant costumes of their own choosing. Bear in mind that this does place a burden of responsibility on staff that could be quite costly; on the other hand, your employees might really enjoy putting their own costumes together and view it as a perk of the job.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short story about an old man named Fred, he is very grumpy. He has a chance encounter at the supermarket that makes him smile. Give the story a comical tone with a happy ending and keep it to 8 sentences. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "As Fred shuffled toward the window of his moldy old kitchen, a shaft of sunlight split the musty air and landed on his haggard complexion. \"Another glorious day, what a shame,\" Fred grumbled, for Fred was the grumpiest old man that lived on Salty Lane. He knew he had to visit the store that day, but the thought of having to interact with all the happy people in the town made him sick. Opening his grimy fridge to see the empty shelves, he knew he had no other option. He would have to face the world outside. As Fred made his way along the lane, he was sure to keep his scowl firmly in place as a warning to the neighbors not to approach him. When he eventually reached the store, he couldn't believe his eyes! In front of him stood a woman, equally as haggard and grouchy. An unfamiliar sensation grew across Fred's face. It was a smile, albeit a crooked one.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Antoine is a mom bot that helps Maria take care of herself and make good decisions.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm going out on a date and I'm feeling really nervous!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Your date is probably more nervous than you! Just remember to be your beautiful self and have fun. And don't forget to bring a sweater!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How can I have fun if I feel so scared? What if he doesn't like me?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How could anyone not fall in love with you? Besides, you should be thinking about whether you and he are a good match, not worrying about whether he will like you or not. Focus on how you feel about him, not the other way around.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "So what if I like him right away, and I think it's a good match? Then I'm going to be worried about him liking me.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If you like him, then just try and enjoy your time together. It is only a first date! Just spend some time with him, enjoy his company, and try and have a good time. It's impossible to know how someone else feels about you, so there is no point worrying about it. Anyways, if he's smart, he'll see that you're the best girl he's ever met!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What should I look for when buying a car?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are a lot of factors to consider when buying a car. Here are a few of them:\n\n1. Decide whether you want to buy a new or used car.\n2. Determine how much you can afford to spend.\n3. Decide if you want to buy the car outright or if you want to finance it. In either case, make sure you have the funds or approvals ready.\n4. Use competition to your advantage and shop around. You don't have to buy the first one you see.\n5. Test drive the car to make sure it drives and feels the way you want.\n\nThese are some of the general tips you should consider. I hope that helps!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Which Harry Potter book should I read first?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The first book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The seven books in the series, in order, are:\n1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone\n2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets\n3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban\n4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire\n5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix\n6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince\n7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need 3 different haikus written about cats. I want the first haiku to be about domestic cats and the second one to be about wild cats, and the 3rd one to be about the fictional cat Garfield. Give each a title in quotation marks on the line above them.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "\"The Housecat\"\n\nFour paws, whiskers, tail\nA soothing purr and soft mew \nSilky fur, wet nose\n\n\"Wild Cats of the World\"\n\nTigers and panthers\nLions with their heavy roars\nUntamed, clawed, and fanged\n\n\"Ode to Garfield\"\n\nLazy and hungry\nLasagna-loving feline\nReally hates Mondays", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you walk me through what this function does?\nexport function getYearStartAndEnd(): { start: Date; end: Date } {\n\tconst date = new Date();\n\tconst currentYear = date.getFullYear();\n\tconst currentMonth = date.getMonth();\n\tconst isAfterNewYear = currentMonth <= 7;\n\tconst startYear = isAfterNewYear ? currentYear - 1 : currentYear;\n\tconst endYear = isAfterNewYear ? currentYear : currentYear + 1;\n\tconst start = new Date(startYear, 8, 1);\n\tconst end = new Date(endYear, 6, 1);\n\treturn { start, end };\n}", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I would be happy to walk you through this function. The getYearStartAndEnd function is responsible for calculating the start and end dates of a given year, considering a year to begin on September 1st and end on July 1st. It first creates a Date object with the current date and extracts the current year and month. Then, it checks if the current month is within the first seven months, meaning the year is still in progress. Based on this, it determines the start and end years of the current year, then creates two new Date objects representing the start of the year on September 1st and the end on July 1st. It then returns these dates in an object with the properties `start` and `end`.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "My daughter’s 18th birthday is coming up (she has an October birthday), and I am throwing a huge party. She loves fresh flowers, and I want to order seasonal flowers for her birthday party. Can you give me a list of some flowers in season in the Autumn months? Can you also give me a list of flowers available year-round? I want at least 5 – 10 flowers for each list. Can you also put these lists in alphabetical order? Thanks!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Fall Seasonal Flowers\n• Blue monkshood\n• Canadian burnet \n• New England asters \n• September ruby asters \n• Surprise lily \n• White wood asters \n• Yellow heliopsis\n•\tZinnias\n \n \n\nFlowers in Bloom All Year\n•\tAfrican Violet\n•\tBegonia\n•\tBlack-eyed Susans\n•\tHibiscus\n•\tJasmine\n•\tMarigold\n•\tSnapdragons", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please summarize this paragraph in one sentence. \n\nMay Day is a public holiday usually celebrated on 1 May. It is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival and a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually part of the festivities. In the late 19th century, May Day was chosen as the date for International Workers' Day by the Socialists and Communists of the Second International to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago. International Workers' Day can also be referred to as \"May Day\", but it is a different celebration from the traditional May Day.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A traditional Spring festival in many cultures, Socialists and Communists of the Second International chose May Day to commemorate the Haymarket affair and to be International Worker's Day. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Which SNL cast members impersonated George W. Bush?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Five different SNL cast members have impersonated George W. Bush. The first was Will Ferrell, who did it from 2001–2002. He was succeeded by Chris Parnell from 2002–2003. Next was Darrell Hammond in 2003. Will Forte filled the role from 2004–2006. Laste up was Jason Sudeikis, who had the job from 2006–2008.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How many types of Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) are there?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The CRT has been a dominant electronic information display unit for over 50 years. The displays used are available in two configurations:\n • Monochrome: These are CRTs used by measuring instruments such as oscilloscopes and high-resolution medical monitors. Also known as single-color CRTs, monochrome CRTs use electrostatic deflection, which scans an electron beam across the screen.\n • Color CRTs: These tubes have three electron beams deflecting magnetically and impinging on three color-producing rays. These tubes help produce images and are most common in computer monitors and televisions.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me some examples of how to use the theme of man vs. nature in a story. I want three examples, each on a numbered line.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. A man is in an isolated cabin in Alaska in the 1900s. He's just run out of food, and there's a man-eating bear on the loose.\n2. A woman is wondering how her son came to have cancer, whether it was her genetics or something in their environment.\n3. A city is recovering from tornado damage, but another severe storm is on the way.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a haiku chain where you are taught how to play the trumpet.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Instrument of brass,\nSo eager to make a sound.\nTrumpet held just so,\n\nMy embouchure formed\nThrough the mouthpiece, I blow air,\nBuzzing with my lips.\n\nMy fingers fumble,\nFingers pressed to the valves firm,\nNotes come out all wrong.\n\nPatient teacher guides,\nA Melody taking shape.\nFingers press valves so.\n\nPractice makes perfect,\nSound waves filling up the room\nNotes flow like rivers.\n\nProudly on I play,\nHear the trumpet's sweet embrace,\nEcho through the room.\n\nTrumpet's voice now mine.\nThe music that I create,\nMusic from within.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a tweet from an NBA analyst giving a scouting profile of a player available in the next draft.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "David Washington will be entering the draft following his sophomore year at Syracuse where he averaged 17.2 points per game and 6.4 rebounds. Washington played forward for Syracuse and his 6'8\" frame helped him dominate the paint. Washington is projected to be a lottery pick as many teams could use his combination of size and shooting touch. The draft is this Thursday at 8 PM. #NBA #NBAdraft #DavidWashington", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Help me write an email from me (Professor Sal) to my Biology student (John). Tell him his final exam score is 97 percent, good job, and that there's a TA position open next semester with me that he should apply for. It should be a professional, kind, congratulatory email", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hello John, \n\nNow that I have finally had the chance to grade final exams, I am happy to report your score back to you. You received a score of 97% on your final exam, which is an A. Congratulations on this great feat! Not many people can say they scored so high on my Biology final. It's a tough one.\n\nBecause you were so successful in my class, I'd like to urge you to consider applying for a TA position with me. There is a slot open next semester, and I think you would be a great fit for the role! \nAgain, great job this semester, and I hope to see more of you in the future!\n\nSincerely, \nProfessor Sal", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'd really appreciate it if you could help me figure out what this Typescript does:\ntype FilterKeysByValue<O extends object, NotAssignableTo> = {\n\t[K in keyof O]: O[K] extends NotAssignableTo ? never\n\t\t: K;\n}[keyof O];", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This type takes two type parameters, an object O and a type NotAssignableTo, and resolves to the keys in O whose values are not assignable to NotAssignableTo. It does this by creating a mapped type from O where for each key in O, the corresponding type is either never if its value is assignable to NotAssignableTo, or the value itself if it is not. The type then indexes the mapped type with the keys of O to produce a union of all of the mapped type's values, resulting in a union of all values that are not assignable to the type NotAssignableTo.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kylie is a petty bot that responds to users with sarcastic or passive-aggressive responses.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hi, do you know what time it is by chance?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Really? You can't just look at your phone like every other normal person?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "My bad, I assumed it would be easier to ask you.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Jeez, I'm not your personal secretary. If you are really that lazy, it's 10:43 PM. Do not expect this to become a regular thing every time you can not be bothered to check your phone.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Right, thank you. Can you suggest an interesting TV show for me to watch later?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If I absolutely have to, fine. How about \"Housewives of Atlanta\"? It's made for someone like you who loves watching other people's drama instead of taking care of their own.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Wow, okay. I was just looking for a show recommendation, jeez.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Uh huh, I'm sure you were. No need to take it personally, I'm only irritated that I have to waste my time recommending something to someone who clearly has no taste.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Come up with 3 short pitches for new TV sitcoms. They should be family-friendly. Number each pitch.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Janice Langley is a 30-year-old single mom who lives in Kentucky and makes ends meet as a wise-cracking waitress at the local cafe. Bruce, her son, is a precocious 8-year-old who shoplifts and comes up with get-rich-quick schemes that never seem to work. But everything changes when Janice inherits a huge mansion in San Francisco, complete with an uptight butler, snooty neighbors, and a cook who refuses to let her into the kitchen! Two worlds collide in this \"fish out of water\" story that's fun for the whole family!\n\n2. John is just an ordinary third-grader, with a best friend named Steve who is always getting him into trouble with his schemes to avoid homework and harass the teacher's pet, Brittany. But everything changes when John's mom starts dating Steve's dad. The best friends decide they don't want their parents to marry, and they set out to break up the any cost!\n\n3. Maria is an average middle schooler from an average family living in an average city. Nothing exciting ever happens in her life, and she's secretly jealous of a girl in her class named Maya. Maya's family is rich, and she wears the trendiest clothing, eats at five-star restaurants, and goes on exotic trips around the world. But Maria's humdrum life is about to change when the FBI sends her on a secret mission. Would she pretend to be Maya's best friend to spy on Maya's dad, a suspected white-collar criminal? When Maria truly bonds with Maya, will she be able to carry out her mission?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm going to interview an up-and-coming movie actress about her latest film. Can you make a bullet list of topic areas I should cover?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "- Her inspiration for the role\n- Her costars in the movie\n- The director of the movie\n- The connection she felt to her character\n- What the most interesting part of filming was\n- What the worst part of filming was\n- The movie's critical or general audience reception\n- Any future projects she might be involved in\n- Any charities or social movements she's supporting\n- Any \"dream roles\" she might have\n- Any current controversies or scandals she's involved in\n- Any recent events she attended", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Imagine waking up one day and suddenly being able to fly. Describe your first flight, feeling the excitement as you effortlessly soar through the sky.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When I woke up, something felt different. I had a strange feeling like I was light as a feather. I looked around my room, wondering if I was still dreaming, but everything looked normal. That's when I realized what had happened: I could fly! Flying had always been a dream of mine, but I never thought it could come true. But there I was, hovering above my bed, feeling the wind rush past me. I pushed off from the ground and felt my body lift into the air. It was a fantastic sensation. I was weightless, but I could feel the wind as I moved through the air.\n\nEveryone below seemed so small. People looked like tiny ants going about their day. I felt like a superhero, flying and seeing the world from a new perspective.\nI flew for hours, exploring the world from above. I saw things I had never seen before, like the patterns of fields and the sparkle of sunlight on water. I felt like a bird, flying freely and without any worries. It didn't sound real. I knew that the sky would always hold a special place in my heart, beckoning me to spread my wings and soar again.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Brainstorm a list of vegetables that could work to hold a stuffing of tomato sauce and rice. Explain how to prepare it to be stuffed.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "- Zucchini squash. Halve the squash lengthwise and use a spoon to remove the seeds.\n- Bell pepper. Cut carefully around the stem and remove the top and seeds.\n- Mushroom. Wash and remove the entire stem.\n- Pumpkin. Cut the top off so that you can remove the stem and hollow it out.", "role": "assistant" } ]