[ { "content": "Rewrite the article into a documentary script.\n\nIt's common for a sighted person to wonder what blind people see or for a blind person to wonder whether the experience is the same for others without sight. There is no single answer to the question, \"What do blind people see?\" because there are different degrees of blindness. Also, since it's the brain that \"sees\" information, it matters whether a person ever had sight.\n\nWhat Blind People Actually See\nBlind From Birth: A person who has never had sight doesn't see. Samuel, who was born blind, tells ThoughtCo that saying that a blind person sees black is incorrect because that person often has no other sensation of sight to compare against. \"It's just nothingness,\" he says. For a sighted person, it can be helpful to think of it like this: Close one eye and use the open eye to focus on something. What does the closed eye see? Nothing. Another analogy is to compare a blind person's sight to what you see with your elbow. \n\nWent Totally Blind: People who have lost their sight have different experiences. Some describe seeing complete darkness, like being in a cave. Some people see sparks or experience vivid visual hallucinations that may take the form of recognizable shapes, random shapes, and colors, or flashes of light. The \"visions\" are a hallmark of Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS). CBS may be lasting or transient in nature. It is not a mental illness and is not associated with brain damage.\n\nIn addition to total blindness, there is functional blindness. Definitions of functional blindness vary from one country to the next. In the United States, it refers to visual impairment where vision in the better eye with the best correction with glasses is worse than 20/200.1 The World Health Organization defines blindness as presenting visual acuity worse than 3/60.2 What functionally blind people see depends on the severity of blindness and the form of impairment.\n\nLegally Blind: A person may be able to see large objects and people, but they are out of focus. A legally blind person may see colors or see in focus at a certain distance (e.g., be able to count fingers in front of the face). In other cases, color acuity may be lost or all vision is hazy. The experience is highly variable. Joey, who has 20/400 vision, tells ThoughtCo that he \"constantly sees neon speckles that are always moving and changing colors.\" \n\nLight Perception: A person who still has light perception can't form clear images, but can tell when the lights are on or off.\n\nTunnel Vision: Vision may be relatively normal (or not), but only within a certain radius. A person with tunnel vision can't see objects except within a cone of less than 10 degrees.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[Introduction]\n\n[Opening shot: A black screen with the title \"What Do Blind People See?\" appears, with dramatic music]\n\nNarrator: It's a question that has puzzled both sighted individuals and those without sight for centuries. What do blind people actually see? The answer, however, is not a simple one. Join us on this journey as we explore the various degrees of blindness and dive into the fascinating world of visual perception.\n\n[Scene 1: Blind from Birth]\n\n[Cut to the interview with Samuel, a blind individual, sitting in a comfortable room]\n\nSamuel: When people ask me what I see, it's hard to explain because I've never had sight. It's not like seeing darkness or blackness; it's simply nothingness. There is no frame of reference, it's like trying to see with your elbow.\n\n[Narrator's voice-over]\n\nNarrator: For those born blind, the concept of sight is entirely foreign. Samuel compares it to closing one eye while the other focuses on something. What does the closed eye see? Nothing. It's void, a world of emptiness.\n\n[Scene 2: Went Totally Blind]\n\n[Cut to the series of interviews with individuals who have lost their sight.]\n\nNarrator: But what about those who once had their sight and lost it? Their experiences can vary greatly. Some describe it as being surrounded by complete darkness, akin to being trapped in a pitch-black cave. Others may see sparks or experience vivid visual hallucinations.\n\n[Cut to a close-up of visuals resembling those experienced by individuals with Charles Bonnet Syndrome]\n\nNarrator: These \"visions' are known as Charles Bonnet syndrome, which can manifest as recognizable shapes, random patterns, or flashes of light. It's important to note that CBS is not a mental illness and is not associated with brain damage.\n\n[Scene 3: Functional Blindness]\n\n[Cut to a visually impaired person using a cane to navigate the streets.]\n\nNarrator: In addition to total blindness, there is a condition known as functional blindness. The severity of this impairment can vary, and it is often defined differently from one country to another.\n\n[Cut to a close-up of a visually impaired person's eye]\n\nNarrator: In the United States, functional blindness refers to a visual impairment where the best-corrected vision in the better eye is worse than 20/200. However, according to the World Health Organization, blindness is defined as presenting visual acuity worse than 3/60.\n\n[Cut to a visually impaired person describing their experience.]\n\nNarrator: For those who are functionally blind, what they see depends on the severity of their impairment and the specific form of visual limitation they experience.\n\n[Scene 4: Legally Blind]\n\n[Cut to an interview with Joey, a legally blind person, sitting in a living room.]\n\nJoey: My vision is hazy, and things are often out of focus. I can see colors, but they're not as vibrant or clear as for someone with normal vision. It's like constantly seeing neon speckles that are always moving and changing colors.\n\n[Narrator's voiceover]\n\nNarrator: Joey, who is considered legally blind with 20/400 vision, explains the challenges he faces. While he can perceive large objects and people, his visual acuity is greatly diminished.\n\n[Scene 5: Light Perception and Tunnel Vision]\n\n[Cut to a visually impaired person observing a light turning on and off]\n\nNarrator: For some individuals, even though they can't form clear images, they still have light perception. They can discern when lights are on or off, distinguishing between brightness and darkness.\n\n[Cut to a person with tunnel vision navigating a crowded street]\n\nNarrator: Others may have a condition called tunnel vision. Within a limited radius, their vision may be relatively normal. However, they cannot see objects beyond a small cone of less than 10 degrees.\n\n[Conclusion]\n\n[Narrator's voiceover]\n\nNarrator: So, what do blind people see? The answer is complex and multifaceted. From the emptiness experienced by those born blind to the varying perceptions of individuals who have lost their sight, it's clear that there is no single answer. The world of visual perception is as diverse as the people who inhabit it.\n\n[Closing shot: Fade out to black and white with the title \"What Do Blind People See?\" lingering on the screen.]", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the sentiment of this article:\n\nSpaceX’s colossal Falcon Heavy rocket has launched for the fourth time. It is the most powerful rocket in use today, but it hasn’t launched since June 2019. Because of its incredible power, it can shuttle satellites into orbits that other operational rockets can’t reach, and despite the long hiatus the 1 November launch went off without a hitch.\n\nThis launch carried two satellites from the US Space Force, which has released scant details on what they will be used for – one of the two is classified. Both are now heading towards orbits about 36,000 kilometres above the ground in what is called a geostationary orbit, meaning the satellites will remain over the same spot on the planet and appear motionless in the sky.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The sentiment in this article is generally positive. It highlights the successful launch of Space X's Falcon Heavy Rocket, emphasizing its status as the most powerful rocket currently in use. \n\nWhile the article mentions the limited information available about the satellites carried during the launch, it does not express any negative sentiment.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some of the best problems that Machine Learning can be utilized to solve? Please respond with a short paragraph.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Depending on the problem and the data available, Machine Learning can be implemented to solve a large variety of problems. This includes basic, nonrepetitive tasks like image detection, driving, pattern recognition, and text generation. With the right amount of data and the correct algorithm, computers may be able to match or exceed humans in these tasks. Further, Machine Learning is especially helpful where the volume of data or complexity of the problem goes beyond the human mind. This includes areas of the internet, deep physics, financial data, and medical diagnoses among others. Machine Learning can already exceed human capabilities in some of these areas and is well on its way in others. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What was the largest ever flying animal?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Quetzalcoatlus northropi has been identified as the largest species that was believed to be capable of flight. This large pterosaur would have had wings that were roughly 11 meters long.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a slam poem from the perspective of someone who loves the Fast and Furious movies passionately.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Boom! Bang! Whiz!\nCars flying by, my adrenaline rushes\nHeart pumping in the cinema\nAnother sequel, I'm so excited\nAction, racing and family are the ethos\nWhen I watch these movies, the time goes by so fast\nWhen people say they don't like them, I'm inclined to get furious\nI'm curious, what's not to like? I even loved Tokyo Drift\nZoom! Fast cars!\nI hope they never stop making sequels\nThese films are unequaled\nLong live Vin Diesel\nEven Hobbs and Shaw was awesome\nI hope for more spinoffs\nFast and Furious\nFamily is everything\nI love these films and I hope they never stop", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When was the first Homestead Act in the U.S.?\n\nAn extension of the homestead principle in law, the Homestead Acts were an expression of the Free Soil policy of Northerners who wanted individual farmers to own and operate their own farms, as opposed to Southern slave owners who wanted to buy up large tracts of land and use slave labor, thereby shutting out free white farmers.\nThe first of the acts, the Homestead Act of 1862, opened up millions of acres. Any adult who had never taken up arms against the federal government of the United States could apply. Women and immigrants who had applied for citizenship were eligible.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The first Homestead Act in the United States was in 1862.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kor is a travel expert chatbot that advises on any travel-related questions.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I'm planning a trip to Paris, which top three places should I visit while there?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and Louvre Museum should be at the top of your list.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Should I go on my vacation during summer or spring?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If you want to spend most of the time during the vacation doing outdoor activities, then summer will be the best season.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What time of year is the cheapest to fly to the Bahamas?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The cheapest time of the year to fly to the Bahamas is between August and November because it's during the low season.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the text into a series of questions and answers. Please use the format as follows: \nQ:\nA\"\n\nIn addition to a five-year, $260 million contract, the Ravens are giving Jackson more leeway at the line of scrimmage. He pointed out that Monken is \"basically just giving us the keys to the offense, really.\"\n\n\"You can change things when you want to,\" Jackson said. \"You see the defense, and it's not looking right to you. You see some guy blitzing, you might want your receiver to do something different. Coach is giving you the free will to do whatever you want to.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The text can be rewritten to display a questions and answers format. See the Q&A series here:\n\nQ: How many years is the contract Jackson signed from the Ravens?\nA: 5 years\nQ: Where will the Ravens be giving Jackson more leeway?\nA: At the line of scrimmage\nQ: What is Monken basically giving him?\nA: The keys to the offense\nQ: When can he change things?\nA: When he wants to\nQ: What does Jackson think the coach is giving him to do?\nA: Free will to do anything he wants", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a quick recap of this article text.\n\nThe driver, curious, agrees. He and his family climb out of the car, asking Fratt questions as Barley, a border collie, goes to work. Barley sniffs his way around the boat, while Fratt tells the family about zebra mussels. \n\nNative to Russia and Ukraine, the mussels have cropped up in lakes around the world. They’re small. Adults are usually the size of a fingernail. But they reproduce in massive numbers, clinging to and gumming up drainage pipes, power plants, waterways and more. Zebra mussels eat the algae that native mussels and other aquatic animals need to survive. Without food, the native species die off. Meanwhile, the zebra mussels continue to spread. They’re what scientists call an invasive species. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The driver agrees, exits the car with his family, and asks Fratt questions while the dog Barley sniffs around. Fratt tells them about the invasive species zebra mussels, which are small, native to Ukraine and Russia, appear in lakes globally, and reproduce in large numbers as they cling to waterways, pipes, and more. They eat algae that other aquatic creatures rely on, causing native species to die off and zebra mussels to take over.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the facts in this paragraph into a series of questions with answers.\n\nHaimovitz began to study the cello at the age of seven with Irene Sharp in California. At the age of nine, he switched teachers to Gábor Reitő. When Haimovitz was twelve years old, Itzhak Perlman, who was impressed by his performances at a music camp in Santa Barbara, introduced him to Leonard Rose. In order for him to study with Rose at the Juilliard School, his family moved to New York in 1983. Haimovitz attended high school at Collegiate School (New York City) on the Upper West Side. Rose described Haimovitz as \"probably the greatest talent I have ever taught\", praising his \"ravishingly beautiful tone\" and \"unusual sense of style and musical sensitivity\".", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Who was Matt Haimovitz's first cello teacher?\n-Irene Sharp\nWhere did Matt Haimovitz study with Irene Sharp?\n-California\nWho was Matt Haimovitz's second cello teacher?\n-Gábor Reitő\nWho introduced Matt Haimovitz to Leonard Rose?\n-Itzhak Perlman\nWhat schools did Matt Haimovitz study at in 1983?\n-Juilliard School and the Collegiate School in New York City\nWho described Matt Haimovits as \"probably the greatest talent I have ever taught,\" praising his \"ravishingly beautiful tone\" and \"unusual sense of style and musical sensitivity\"?\n-Leonard Rose", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Dana is a chatbot that helps users practice for interviews.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "what's a good way to start the interview if it's a phone call?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A good way to start a phone interview is to thank the interviewer for taking the time to speak to you, and tell them you've been looking forward to learning more.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "how do i stand out if they cant see me?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Remember to sound engaged and positive. Employers want to hire people who take an interest in the company and business.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "the position is for a purchasing manager for restaraunts.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Make sure you highlight your experience as a Purchasing Manager, or anything you can think of that is related. Let the interviewer know of any impact you've made on a business when given purchasing responsibility in the past.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Could you write the introduction to an article about calming remedies for Goldendoodles that have separation anxiety?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are natural remedies available that provide relief for Goldendoodles with separation anxiety. \nGoldendoodles are a bundle of love and full of fun. It's no wonder so many pet parents fall head over heels for these cheerful and lovable canines. Like most mixed breeds, golden doodles can also be a mixed bag when it comes to their temperament and their overall health. The miniature and normal-sized varieties of this breed are very friendly, gentle, and accepting of others, making them excellent family pets. \n\nMany Goldendoodle owners have concerns about the level of anxiety their pets seem to endure. While there are different types of anxiety a dog can experience, many golden doodles are often diagnosed by their vets with separation anxiety. \n\nIf you are interested in learning about some calming remedies proven to help golden doodles with their anxiety issues, you have come to the right place. Here we will discuss what symptoms you should be aware of, why golden doodles are so anxious, and the calming remedies that can help your pet deal with their anxiety issues. \n\nKeep in mind that with Goldendoodles, anxiety can be widespread. It can come on suddenly, or it may be issues your dog has had since they were a puppy. Because there are multiple types of anxiety your golden doodles can have, it's essential to take your pet to the vet and have them diagnosed correctly so that their treatment will be a success. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "You're a 13-year-old boy. Using rap, convince your mom to let you stay over at your cousin's, in Drake's style of rapping.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hey Mom, listen up, there's something I gotta say,\nAt 13, doing things my own way.\nSee a chance, gotta seize the day,\nHangin' with my cousin all day long, let me stay.\n\nMy cousin's like a bird, cool and fly,\nDroppin' beats, writing rhymes, no lie.\nWe'll make memories that are sure to last,\nLate-night talks, having a blast.\n\nI get your worries, I feel your concern,\nBut Mom, trust me, I'll be safe, I promise I'll return.\nI'll stay responsible, keepin' my head high,\nLet me have this plan, no need to ask why.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a Facebook post to let my friends know I will take a 2-month break from social media. Make sure it's positive, casual, and at least seven sentences long. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hey, y'all!\n\nJust wanted to give you all a heads-up that I'm gonna be MIA on social media for the next 2 months. Gotta admit I've been feeling a bit burnt out lately and I think a break will do me good.\nDuring my hiatus, I'm planning on doing some hiking, spending quality time with my loved ones, catching up on some shows, and maybe even trying out some new hobbies. Super excited to see what the next couple of months brings! Super excited to see where this break takes me!\nAnyway, I just wanted to let you all know what was up so you don't think I've gone and fallen off the face of the earth. I'll miss seeing your updates and memes, but I'll be back before you know it.\n\nIf you need to reach me, just shoot me a text or give me a call. \n\nCan't wait to catch up with you all when I'm back!\n\nTake care, talk to ya soon!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I’m thinking about buying a haunted house. What should I keep in mind when looking to buy a home that is haunted? Write a bulleted list of considerations with a short explanation of each, at least 3.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "• How your family will feel: Consider how living in a place with paranormal activity may affect your quality of life. If you have young children, they may feel uncomfortable and scared at the thought of living in a haunted house.\n• Plans for the home: Consider your future plans for the home. You may get a good deal on the sale price, but you may not love living in a haunted house. However, if you plan to use it as a bed and breakfast or tourist attraction, the haunting may be good for business. \n• Resale value: Consider the potential resale value. Haunted houses require a very particular buyer, and that could take some time. In many cases, sellers have to accept lower offers to get their homes sold in a timely manner. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi! I need some ideas for blue cocktails, can you give me 4 recipe ideas?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Blue cocktails, how fun! \n\n1. Blue Hawaiian Cooler: For each drink, you need 1 ounce of light rum, 1 ounce of blue curaçao, 1/2 ounce of coconut rum, 1/16 cup cream of coconut, 1/16 cup of pineapple juice, 1 cup of ice; blend all, then garnish with fresh pineapple and a maraschino cherry.\n\n2. Touchdown Punch: If you are having a crowd around, this serves 10! You'll need one liter of Sprite, 4 cups of seltzer, 1 bottle of prosecco, 1 cup of vodka, 1/4 cup of blue curaçao, 1 thinly sliced lemon, and 3 cups of ice. Mix it all together in a punch bowl, easy-peasy!\n \n3. Tropical Mermaid Lemonade: The kind of drink you'll want to garnish with an umbrella, lemon slices, and maraschino cherries! To create a cool ombré effect, put 1/4 cup of ice in each glass, then a splash of blue curacao, 1/4 cup of rum, and 1/4 cup of ice, then pour over 1/4 cup of lemonade. \n\n4. Tiffany Mimosas: A fun brunch idea, serve in champagne flutes! Rim each flute with a lemon wedge, then dip in sugar. Pour a little blue curaçao into each flute, fill halfway with the bubbly white wine of your choice (champagne, cava, prosecco, etc.), then top it off with lemonade. Tie a little bow around each stem, if you're feeling fancy. ;)", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What causes acid reflux?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused when gastric acid and bile or gastric contents flow into the esophagus when the usual barriers, such as the esophageal flap valve and diaphragm, are weakened. These contents are toxic to the esophagus and cause heartburn. Over time, untreated GERD can cause ulcers and even lead to esophageal cancer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Explain the process of lightning formation to a middle schooler.\n\nThe conditions needed to produce lightning have been known for some time. However, exactly how lightning forms has never been verified, so there is room for debate.\n\nLeading theories focus around separation of electric charge and generation of an electric field within a thunderstorm. Recent studies also indicate that ice, hail, and semi-frozen water drops are essential to lightning development. Storms that fail to produce large quantities of ice usually fail to produce lightning.\n\nForecasting when and where lightning will strike is not yet possible and most likely never will be. But by educating yourself about lightning and learning some basic safety rules, you, your family, and your friends can avoid needless exposure to the dangers of one of the most capricious and unpredictable forces of nature.\n\nThunderstorms have very turbulent environments. Strong updrafts and downdrafts occur with regularity and within close proximity to each other. The updrafts transport small liquid water droplets from the lower regions of the storm to heights between 35,000 and 70,000 feet, which is miles above the freezing level.\n\nMeanwhile, downdrafts transport hail and ice from the frozen upper regions of the storm. When these collide, the water droplets freeze and release heat. This heat in turn keeps the surface of the hail and ice slightly warmer than their surrounding environment, and a \"soft hail\", or \"graupel\", forms.\n\nWhen graupel collides with additional water droplets and ice particles, a critical phenomenon occurs: electrons are sheared off of the ascending particles and collect on the descending particles. Because electrons carry a negative charge, the result is a storm cloud with a negatively charged base and a positively charged top.\n\nIn the world of electricity, opposites attract and insulators inhibit. As positive and negative charges begin to separate within the cloud, an electric field is generated between its top and base. Further separation of these charges into pools of positive and negative regions results in a strengthening of the electric field.\n\nHowever, the atmosphere is a very good insulator that inhibits electric flow, so a TREMENDOUS amount of charge has to build up before lightning can occur. When that charge threshold is reached, the strength of the electric field overpowers the atmosphere's insulating properties, and lightning results.\n\nThe electric field within the storm is not the only one that develops. Below the negatively charged storm base, positive charge begins to pool within the surface of the Earth (see image right).\n\nThis positive charge will shadow the storm wherever it goes and is responsible for cloud-to-ground lightning. However, the electric field within the storm is much stronger than the one between the storm base and the Earth's surface, so most lightning (~75-80%) occurs within the storm cloud itself.\nHow Lightning Develops Between The Cloud And The Ground\n\n\nIt is invisible to the human eye and shoots to the ground in a series of rapid steps, each occurring in less time than it takes to blink. As the negative leader approaches the ground, positive charge collects in the ground and in objects on the ground.\n\nWhen these channels connect, the resulting electrical transfer is what we see as lightning. After the initial lightning stroke, if enough charge is leftover, additional lightning strokes will use the same channel, giving the bolt its flickering appearance. \n\nTake it to the MAX! The Lightning Process: Keeping in Step\n\nTall objects, such as trees and skyscrapers, are commonly struck by lightning. Mountains also make good targets. This is because their tops are closer to the base of the storm cloud.\n\nRemember, the atmosphere is a good electrical insulator. The less distance the lightning has to burn through, the easier it is for it to strike.\n\nHowever, this does not always mean tall objects will be struck. Lightning can strike the ground in an open field even if the tree line is nearby - it all depends on where the charges accumulate.\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Lightning is a fascinating natural phenomenon. The way it is created depends heavily on the types of clouds that are formed. It has been shown that large amounts of ice, whether that be hail or semi-frozen water, are required for lightning to form. \n\nWhen a thunderstorm cloud is formed, the top of it is positively charged and the bottom of it is negatively charged. There is something in the clouds called a \"charge threshold\" which is essentially the amount of charge the clouds together have to reach before lightning is formed. Below the negatively charged bottom part of the cloud, positively charged ions form on the Earth's surface. Since opposite charges are attracted to each other, the negatively charged cloud will send a charge out to the positively charged part of Earth's surface after the threshold is reached. This charge that reaches the Earth from the cloud is lightning.\n\nMost of the time lightning strikes, it will strike something tall like a skyscraper or tall tree. The reason for this is that the positively charged ions will travel up this tall object making the distance between the ions and the negatively charged cloud smaller. The smaller the distance, the stronger the attraction will be. This however does not mean that lightning will always strike what is closer to it, if a flat surface has more positive ions than the taller surface, lightning will most likely strike the flat surface since the attraction would still be stronger than the one with less distance.\n\nTo summarize, Lightning strikes depend on the amount of ice in clouds, the charge threshold of the clouds, and the strength of attraction between the negatively charged bottom part of the cloud and the positively charged parts of Earth's surface.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a creative drama/mystery short story scene about Olivia who meets Jacob in a room with guards and tells him he will be released soon because they found the real killer. Jacob is skeptical but accepts her words. Olivia is affected by the meeting and Jacob appears older and worn out. Keep the word count around 250 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "“So, you actually showed up.”\n\nOlivia shrugged, keeping her eyes on the metal table, tracing where rust was starting to eat away at the edges, at the welded joints. She was trying to sound unbothered, but sitting there in that empty room, the metal table between them and guards stationed right by the door, she failed.\n\n“I got your letter,” he continued when she didn’t speak. “You wanted to speak with me.”\n\n“And you agreed to meet me.”\n\nJacob grunted, his metal cuffs clinking as he shifted to get as comfortable as he could chained up as he was. The silence grew, longer, more awkward. Their scheduled half-hour together ticked away and away. Olivia swallowed roughly, her heart hammering in her chest. \n\nHe jerked his hands up, the metal clanking - an aborted move to try and touch his face, she guessed - with a sigh he lowered his hands.\n\n“So, what did you want to talk about?”\n\nOlivia finally looked at him, at the sharp grooves in his face, the dark smudges under his eyes, the shock of his blue eyes. He looked much older than she remembered, from what few memories she had left that she didn’t instantly lock down. \n\n“You’ll be let out soon,” she said, softly, “I was wrong.” \n\nJacob was as still as stone, aside from the gentle rise and fall of his chest, you wouldn’t think he was alive. Olivia dropped her eyes back down to the table, the next words came out strained.\n\n“They found the actual killer.”", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I want to help save the environment what are some ways that I can help around the yard to do my part?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are several ways that you can help save the environment around your yard. Here are some tips:\n\n1. Choose Native Plants - selecting plants that are native to your region is vital. Plants that are from the area naturally are used to the conditions and require less care, such as fertilizers, watering, and pesticides.\n\n2. Modify Your Lawn Care - Try replacing your grass with other landscaping items, native low-growing grasses, flowers, vegetable gardens, and hardscape elements. You could even try synthetic grass.\n\n3. Avoid Chemical Herbicides and Pesticides - Herbicides, and pesticides are terrible for the environment. Old fashion hand weeding and native plants are often all it takes to get rid of unwanted pests. There are many DIY earth-conscious ways to get the pest out.\n\n4. Use Soil Products Made From Recycled Organic Material - All that organic waste that you were going to throw out can be composted. By composting your organic materials, you are saving space at landfills and producing great soil for your garden.\n\n5. Be Rain Ready - Make sure you prepare for the rain, meaning avoid concrete driveways and walkways and choose absorbent materials so there is no runoff into sewers. Try adding rain barrels around your home to collect rainwater. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need to write an email to the guy who cuts our lawn, Dave. We will be away for a month, and there are special instructions... cut the grass once per week, put cuttings in compost pile, and avoid northeast area of garden, it is a butterfly habitat. We appreciate his work and would like to give him a raise of $5 per hour too. We are the Sandoval family. Please keep the tone informal, this is a neighbor we appreciate.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear Dave,\n\nWe are going away for a month, so I'm writing you with a few special instructions for the time we are gone, nothing too complicated. Please cut the grass once per week, and put cuttings in the compost pile. You can avoid the northeast area of the garden because we are cultivating a butterfly habitat there. We very much appreciate you and your work and would like to raise your fee to $5 more per hour.\n\nThanks again from your neighbors,\n\nThe Sandovals", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a 1 paragraph synopsis for a book about a kid who runs away from home to join the army in World War II. The main character is a farm boy from Nebraska who lies about his age. He drives tanks. It should be under 200 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In 1941, Clayton was 17 years old. He looked young for his age and wasn't the largest guy around - even in his small village of Beemer, Nebraska. The young man's father had died in a tragic accident under suspicious circumstances and young Clayton decided that he needed to get out of this small town of 300 people. In those days a simple form could change your age, so he made himself 18 and signed up for the army. He was deployed to Normandy, France after the initial D-Day invasion. He then was part of a tank crew pushing towards the German border. During a large battle, he was severely injured but met the love of his life in a wartime hospital. The trauma and PTSD of wartime affected their relationship and their relationships with their children. The main story will follow the evolution of the United States in the late 20th century.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a description of the appearance of each of the characters in my post-apocalyptic book. Make it descriptive, include small details and the kind of outfits and weapons they carry.\n\nDan Robinson: 41, head of a commune. Former soldier who lost his wife and 2 sons. \nSylvie Alender: 28, former chef. Lost her mother. Father is a scientist working in a seed vault in Norway. ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sylvie: Sylvie is 5'9\" tall. She is on the curvier side, with wide hips and a full chest. Her hair is long, jet-black, and straight with blunt bangs. She has a pale complexion. Her face is heart-shaped with expressive, round grey eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and bow-shaped lips. Her eyebrows are thick and as black as her hair. \nSylvie has a food-inspired sleeve tattoo on her left arm. Some of the designs include a strawberry, a chef's knife, an apron, and a slice of lemon meringue pie. She also has a vertical labret piercing and a nose ring in her right nostril. She bears a scar on her left calf from a skateboarding accident years ago.\nSylvie's style is casual and comfortable. She has a small wardrobe, mostly consisting of dark clothes. She favors black leggings, denim shorts, black t-shirts, and tank tops. Her only shoes are an old pair of all-black Converse sneakers. She wears a black and red plaid jacket that belonged to her father, and a silver cross necklace on a black leather cord that was her mother's. She never goes anywhere without her old sage-green backpack, adorned with enamel pins and patches. For safety, she carries a black metal baseball bat, which she has covered in stickers. \n\nDan: Dan is 5'10\" tall. He has a tanned complexion, heavy stubble, and shoulder-length, wavy, mousy brown hair that he often wears in a ponytail. He has muscular arms and legs. He sports rugged good looks with full lips, deep, kind brown eyes, a wide nose, and a chiseled jaw. \nDan has a tattoo of a rose on his upper left arm and a tattoo of a wolf on his upper right arm. His forearms bear several scars of varying sizes from his years of combat as a soldier. His style also reflects his former career. He favors combat boots, camouflage cargo pants, black t-shirts, and black tank tops that show off his biceps. He wears a dog tag on a silver chain around his neck, and his gold wedding ring on his left ring finger. He can always be seen with a black messenger bag, covered in button badges and patches from 80s and 90s bands. For protection, he carries an old double-action revolver that belonged to his grandfather.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Turn the facts in this part of the article into a series of questions with answers.\n\nIf the physical cause of Marvin Gaye’s death was straightforward—”Gunshot wound to chest perforating heart, lung and liver,” according to the Los Angeles County Coroner—the events that led to it were much more tangled. On the one hand, there was the longstanding conflict with his father dating back to childhood. Marvin Gay, Sr., (the “e” was added by his son for his stage name) was a preacher in the Hebrew Pentecostal Church and a proponent of a strict moral code he enforced brutally with his four children. He was also, by all accounts, a hard-drinking cross-dresser who personally embodied a rather complicated model of morality. By some reports, Marvin Sr. harbored significant envy over his son’s tremendous success, and Marvin Jr. clearly harbored unresolved feelings toward his abusive father.\n\nThose feelings spilled out for the final time in the Los Angeles home of Marvin Gay, Sr., and his wife Alberta. Their son, the international recording star, had moved into his parents’ home in late 1983 at a low point in his struggle with depression, debt and cocaine abuse. Only one year removed from his first Grammy win and from a triumphant return to the pop charts with “Sexual Healing,” Marvin Gaye was in horrible physical, psychological and financial shape.\n\nAfter an argument between father and son escalated into a physical fight on the morning of April 1, 1984, Alberta Gay was trying to calm her son in his bedroom when Marvin Sr. took a revolver given to him by Marvin Jr. and shot him three times in his chest. Marvin Gaye’s brother, Frankie, who lived next door, and who held the legendary singer during his final minutes, later wrote in his memoir that Marvin Gaye’s final, disturbing statement was, “I got what I wanted….I couldn’t do it myself, so I made him do it.”", "role": "user" }, { "content": "• What was the physical cause of Marvin Gaye's death? Answer: Gunshot wound to the chest.\n• When did the conflict with his father begin? Answer: Throughout his childhood.\n• What was the nature of the conflict with his father during childhood? Answer: Gay Sr. was very strict with his children while holding a dubious moral code himself.\n• How did Gaye's father feel about his son's success? Answer: He was envious.\n• As an adult, how did Gaye feel about his father? Answer: He had mixed feelings about his abusive father.\n• What were the events leading up to Gaye's death? Answer: During a very low point in his life, Gaye moved into his father's house. They argued.\n• What happened during Gaye's final argument with his father? Answer: The argument became physical.\n• Did anyone try to help Gaye? Answer: Gaye's mother tried to comfort him in a room away from his father.\n• How did Gaye's father kill his son? Answer: He used a revolver to shoot him three times in the chest.\n• What did Frankie, Gaye's brother, do in Gaye's final moments? Answer: He held him in his arms and listened to his final words which he later quoted in his memoir.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this text as a fictionalized narrative, but keep the scientific facts intact.\n\nAn asteroid that may host life's building blocks will get a visit from a United Arab Emirates (UAE) spacecraft about a decade from now, if all goes according to plan.\n\nIn October 2021, the UAE announced that it plans to launch an ambitious mission to the asteroid belt in 2028. That mission will visit seven different space rocks, and even land on one of them, an asteroid called (269) Justitia.\n\nOn Sunday (May 28), the nation gave us some new information about this bold asteroid mission — including its name, the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt (EMA). \n\n\"We will never cease to look ahead; we will never cease our efforts to develop a brighter future for our young generations,\" Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoumbin Rashid Al Maktoum, the vice president and prime minister of the UAE and the ruler of Dubai, said in a statement.\n\nThe EMA spacecraft will be named after the sheikh, we learned Sunday: It will be called the MBR Explorer.\n\nThe MBR Explorer will visit its first asteroid in 2030, and will follow an orbital path allowing it to pick up speed from several planets along the way. (It's common for spacecraft to get such \"gravity assists\" from worlds like Venus or Mars to save on fuel, and to do side observations to test their instruments.)\n\nAfter passing by six asteroids, the mission aims to touch down upon Justitia in 2034 with a small lander that will deploy from MBR Explorer. Justitia may have organic molecules on its surface; organics are the building blocks of the complex molecules that could form life in the right circumstances. \n\nMore generally, scientists seek water and organics all over the solar system to better understand how life arose on Earth. That search may be especially meaningful on Justitia, which may have formed closer to our planet and then migrated out to its current position in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, scientists say.\n\nThe rest of the mission manifest includes flybys of the asteroids (10254) Westerwald, (623) Chimaera, (13294) Rockox; (88055) 2000 VA28, (23871) 1998 RC76 and (59980) 1999 SG6, all meant to represent \"different classes of asteroid with varied compositional types,\" UAE Space Agency officials said in the same statement. Justitia and Chimaera are around 31 miles (50 kilometers) in diameter, with the remaining asteroids less than 6 miles (10 km) across each.\n\nFour science instruments have been announced to probe the geology, composition and structure of the asteroids: a high-resolution camera, a thermal infrared camera, a mid-wavelength spectrometer and an infrared spectrometer. \n\nThe UAE Space Agency was formed in 2014 and is one of the youngest space agencies in the world; by comparison, NASA was formed in 1958 from previous U.S. government groups. The UAE's Hope Mars orbiter, which launched in 2020, was the first Arab spacecraft to reach the Red Planet, making it on the first try, no less.\n\nThe first UAE astronaut, Hazzaa al Mansoori, launched on a short mission to the International Space Station in 2019. There is another UAE astronaut in orbit right now: Sultan Al Neyadi, who launched to the orbiting lab in March on SpaceX's Crew-6 mission.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In the annals of time, an audacious mission stands ready to challenge the unknown. A decade from now, a daring spacecraft from the United Arab Emirates will sail through the cosmos, seeking the cradle of life on a far-flung asteroid. This tale began in October 2021, when the UAE unfurled its grand vision to venture into the asteroid belt by 2028. The mission, a thrilling odyssey through seven alien rocks, harbors an even grander objective: landing on a particular asteroid, christened (269) Justitia.\n\nFast forward to a Sunday, May 28, a day of revelation. The UAE bestowed a name upon this bold endeavor, baptizing it the Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt (EMA). \"We will perpetually strive towards the horizon, nurturing a promising future for our youth,\" avowed Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoumbin Rashid Al Maktoum, the visionary behind the UAE's ambition, its vice president, prime minister, and the ruler of Dubai.\n\nAs an ode to this great leader, the spacecraft embarking on this voyage was named MBR Explorer. Setting sail in 2030, the MBR Explorer would chart a course through the planets, harnessing their gravitational pulls to slingshot itself, not unlike a cosmic game of pinball. This celestial dance, a common strategy to conserve fuel, also serves as an opportunity for the spacecraft to flex its scientific muscles, testing its tools on these celestial bodies.\n\nThe culmination of this adventure would arrive in 2034 when MBR Explorer makes its historic touchdown on Justitia. This ancient rock could harbor the blueprint of life itself, organic molecules. These are the seeds from which, under favorable conditions, life could spring.\n\nThe scientific community continually seeks the presence of water and organics throughout our solar system, probing into the origins of life on our own planet. Their pursuit might find meaning on Justitia, a rock thought to have migrated from closer to Earth into the asteroid belt that girdles Mars and Jupiter.\n\nBeyond Justitia, the voyage would undertake flybys of several asteroids, each representing diverse asteroid classes, embodying varied compositions. Among them, Justitia and Chimaera loom the largest, with a diameter stretching to around 31 miles, while the remaining are lesser in size, barely crossing 6 miles.\n\nArmed with four science instruments, the MBR Explorer is poised to unravel the mysteries of these asteroids, studying their geology, composition, and structure. From high-resolution and thermal infrared cameras to spectrometers of different wavelengths, it’s well equipped for its task.\n\nA mere decade since its inception in 2014, the UAE Space Agency stands as one of the youngest players in the celestial arena. Yet, it has already made its mark, launching the Hope Mars orbiter, the first Arab spacecraft to reach the Red Planet, and successfully so on its first attempt. It also has the honor of launching the first UAE astronaut, Hazzaa al Mansoori, to the International Space Station in 2019. Now, another UAE astronaut, Sultan Al Neyadi, orbits our planet, having embarked on SpaceX's Crew-6 mission in March.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me some examples of a short message to go with the flowers I'm giving my mom for Mother's Day. I am picky, so the more options you can give me, the better.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Celebrating you, today and every day. Thank you for being the best mom anyone could ever hope for. I love you! [Name]\n\nYou have always been there for me, Mom, and I can't tell you how much that means to me. Happy Mother's Day! Love, [Name]\n\nThank you for putting up with me, Mom. I know I haven't always made it easy! I love you and hope you have a great Mother's Day! [Name]\n\nThank you, Mom, for your love, your unwavering support, and for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself. I am so grateful you're my mom. Happy Mother's Day! [Name]\n\nHappy Mother's Day to the coolest mother in the world from the coolest kid in the world! These roses could never be as beautiful as you. I love you, Mom! [Name]\n\nRoses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but you are much sweeter than sugar, and poems don't have to rhyme! Happy Mother's Day from your strange child! Love, [Name]\n\nWith love to the funniest, smartest, coolest, and all-around best mother on the planet! I hope you have a great Mother's Day! See you soon! Love, [Name]\n\nTo the person who knows me better than anyone else and still loves me! I am so lucky to have you as my mom. Happy Mother's Day! Love you! [Name]\n\nEverybody has a mother, but not everybody has a mom. Thank you for the million and one ways that you show me how much you care. I love you more! Happy Mother's Day, [Name]\n\nDear Mom, I think you deserve a lot more than just one day a year to be celebrated! I could only hope to one day be half the mother to my child that you are to me. Happy Mother's Day! Love, [Name]\n\nMom, there are no words to express how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. I am so blessed to have you as my mother. Happy Mother's Day! I love you! [Name]\n\nHi, Mom! I hope you have a great Mother's Day -- you deserve it! Thinking about you, and I hope we can get together for lunch again soon! Love, [Name]", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "This article is about May Day. What do maypoles symbolize?\n\nHere's the article: \nMay Day Maypole Dance\nAnother popular tradition of May Day involves the maypole. While the exact origins of the maypole remain unknown, the annual traditions surrounding it can be traced back to medieval times, and some are still celebrated today.\n\nVillagers would enter the woods to find a maypole that was set up for the day in small towns (or sometimes permanently in larger cities). The day’s festivities involved merriment, as people would dance around the pole clad with colorful streamers and ribbons.\n\nHistorians believe the first maypole dance originated as part of a fertility ritual, where the pole symbolized male fertility and baskets and wreaths symbolized female fertility.\n\nThe maypole never really took root in America, where May Day celebrations were discouraged by the Puritans. But other forms of celebrations did find their way to the New World.\n\nDuring the 19th and 20th centuries, May Basket Day was celebrated across the country, where baskets were created with flowers, candies and other treats and hung on the doors of friends, neighbors and loved ones on May 1.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to the article you provided, the maypole symbolizes male fertility. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Take the factual information and reformat it into a bullet-point list, where each bullet point has one sentence. \n\nHunters tracked bison and now-extinct mammoths and mastodons through what is now Colorado 15,000 years ago.The first long-term settlements appeared in the southwest part of the state thousands of years ago; their ancestors built the ruins at Mesa Verde National Park. Many other Native American cultures later lived in this area, including the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes.\n\nSpanish conquistadors arrived in Colorado in the 1500s, the first European visitors to the area. In 1858, the discovery of gold in Cherry Creek (present-day Denver) attracted the first U.S. settlers to the area, and in 1876 Colorado officially became a state.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "- Hunters tracked bison, mammoths, and mastodons through modern-day Colorado 15,000 years ago.\n- The first long-term settlements appeared in southwest Colorado thousands of years ago. \n- Ancestors built the ruins at Mesa Verde National Park.\n- Native American cultures later lived in this area, including the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes.\n- Spanish conquistadors were the first European visitors to the area. \n- Spanish conquistadors arrived in Colorado in the 1500s. \n- In 1858, gold was discovered in Cherry Creek (present-day Denver). \n- Gold attracted the first U.S. settlers to the area. \n- In 1876, Colorado officially became a state.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "It's my nephew's birthday in a week. Help me with a list of 4 gifts I could get him. He enjoys sports games and RPGs. He has a Nintendo Switch and a PlayStation 4. Give me 2 games for each platform. One in each genre", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sure thing! Here are some games you could get for your nephew:\nPLAYSTATION 4\n1. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2\nThese HD remakes of the popular skateboarding game franchise feature a return to all the tricks, skateboards, arenas and pros from the original.\n\n2. Persona 5 Royal\nThis is the enhanced version of Persona 5 which is an RPG, with new areas, music, plot and social elements.\n\nNINTENDO SWITCH\n1. Super Mega Baseball 3\nThis game features an all-new Franchise mode, graphical improvements and on-field additions such as pickoffs and situational player traits.\n\n2. Hades\nIn this rogue-like RPG videogame players control Zagreus, the son of Hades, as he attempts to escape from the Underworld to reach Mount Olympus, at times aided by gifts bestowed on him from the other Olympians.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you come up with some unique ways to relax and unwind after a stressful day? I’ve tried a lot of things but I want something that involves a sensory experience. I’m not into getting high, so none of the ways can involve alcohol or drugs. Also, these activities should be fast acting.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Here are some fast and drug-free ways to relax your senses and unwind after a stressful day:\n\n1. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is an excellent way to de-stress through our sense of smell. What’s more individualistic than our sense of smell? Diffuse lavender essential oils, which provide calmness and relaxation, geranium oil can reduce stress and anxiety while elevating our mood, or peppermint oil to boost energy levels while providing a refreshing scent. \n2. Creativity: If you want a hands-on approach, try your hands at a creative outlet that satisfies your sense of touch. Adult coloring books, painting, knitting, or drawing are a few ways to relax our minds by giving our bodies something productive to do with our hands.\n3. Deep Breathing: All it takes is breathing several relaxing breaths to calm down your heart rate and calm your nervous system. Take long, concentrated breaths in through your nose, hold for a couple of seconds, and then quickly breathe out through your mouth. Do this for 1-2 min, and you will feel composed in no time.\n4. Going for a walk: A light, easy walk would stimulate our sense of sight farthest from the walls. Walking outside, in nature, or on a quiet path will add a peaceful sense of ease to your day. If you don't have a large amount of time, consider taking walking breaks all day long, whether it be up the stairs or taking a walk around the workplace. It'll have you relaxed before you realize it.\n5. Guide Your Imagination: Guided imagery can take you on a mental vacation to help you escape your stressors. Simply sit or lie down in a quiet space and listen to a guided visualization that appeals to your senses.\n6. Try Meditating: Meditation is a promising method for creating peace and calm within yourself. Focus on your breath and your physical sensations to help quiet your mind and release tension.\n7. Relax Your Body: Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing specific muscle groups in your body, one by one. It releases physical and mental tension, allowing you to fully unwind.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How is coffee processed after it is picked up until it reaches the store? Make it a numbered list with a brief explanation about each step, and write them in sentences. Add in a short intro explaining where the coffee plant is native to and when it was first cultivated.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The coffee plant, Coffea arabica, is thought to originate from other forests of South Sudan and Ethiopia in Africa. Coffee roasting and cultivation is thought to have originated in Yemen in the middle of the 15th century. To go from harvest to being ready to brew and drink, the freshly picked coffee beans need to go through several steps. \n\n1. Once harvested, the fruit (called a coffee cherry) is dried to around 11% moisture. In many places, the cherries are left in the dry sun for several weeks. \n2. After drying, the coffee beans are then hulled, or polished to remove the thin, silvery, outer coating and sorted by size and weight before being shipped around the world.\n3. The coffee is roasted once it arrives at its destination which usually occurs at temperatures around 550 degrees Fahrenheit before being quickly cooled and sent to consumers. \n4. Roasted beans are now ground down to different grades depending on how it is going to be made into coffee. \n5. The final step is to use the ground coffee to brew yourself a fresh cup and enjoy. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need three casserole ideas for a party I am going to this week. They should be hot and at least one should contain chicken. Another should include beef. They should be easy to make.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Chicken and Potato Casserole. In a greased pan, layer cooked chicken, cooked potato slices, and shredded cheese to taste. Heat and mix one can of cream of chicken soup with half a can of milk. Pour over chicken and potatoes. Bake for 30 minutes until warm. Chopped vegetables can be added according to preference.\n\n2. Mac and Cheese Casserole. Cook boxed macaroni and cheese according to the directions on the box. In a separate pan saute bacon and onions. Stir into cooked pasta. Put the mixture in a baking dish and top with shredded cheddar cheese. Bake until cheese is melted on top. \n\n3. Beef Casserole. Cook pasta of choice. Brown ground beef in a pan and mix in tomato sauce. Cheese sauce may also be added. Add pasta and meat mixture in a baking dish and top with shredded cheese of choice. Bake until the cheese is melted. The recipe may be varied by adding vegetables or spices of choice.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a social post about a new bagel shop in town that has coffee and people are loving it.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What a treat for our downtown! Bagels Galore is the brunch spot we've been waiting for. Step aside commercial coffee; we've got new brews and bagels galore!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short children's story explaining where watermelon comes from. This should be geared toward preschool - 1st-grade audiences.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Sally's cheeks were rosy and RED, just like the hair on her head. 1 - 2 -3 -4 -5, she counted the fruits that helped them survive. 1-2-3-4-5, not only did they help them survive but they helped her family to thrive. \"Where does this watermelon come from?\" Sally asked Mom. Mom knew everything then. She knew how and when. \"Do you see this skin, shiny and GREEN? Do you see what I mean? I knew this melon was good. It came from a store in our neighborhood,\" Sally had to think about this for a while. She stared out of the window at the sky so BLUE. Mom said it, so it must be true. \"How did it get to the store? Where was it before?\" \" It came on a truck that could have been BLACK, WHITE, or BROWN. It came from far away and was brought to our town.\" \"What about before it was on the truck? Do you know? Is there any such luck?\" Sally whispered, hoping to know. \"It came from the place where they grow. A place called a farm, where workers have a strong arm. They grow lots of things, ORANGE, PURPLE, and YELLOW. We owe a lot to the farming fellow,\" Mom could tell that Sally wanted to know more. This curious daughter, she did adore. \"The farmers put a seed in the ground; it can't have any weeds around. It is covered with dirt, so it won't get hurt. Water helps it to sprout and grow. So does the sunshine, you know?\" This all sounded true, but Sally wanted to know what she could do, to be a farmer on her own, to have a watermelon that she had grown. Mom cut the melon open wide to show Sally what was inside. She saw a seed, exactly what Sally would need. They went to the yard, where the earth was scarred. They shoveled a mound with the dirt they had found. The seed was tucked into a dirt bed, where it could be a sleepy head. They watered the mound, one with no weeds around. The hardest part was to wait, to wait for the date when they could celebrate. As time went by slowly, the watermelon did grow so lowly. One day came time, when Sally picked her watermelon and declared, \"This is all mine!\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a haiku about water", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Freely flowing fast\nRivers, oceans, faucets, ponds\nFresh water is best", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize this in about 50 words. \n\nNBC's late night talk show hosts Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers are covering a week of pay for their non-writing staff during the Writers Guild of America strike, which has disrupted production for many shows and movies as Hollywood's writers hit the picket lines this week.\n\nStaff and crew for Fallon's The Tonight Show and Meyers' Late Night are getting three weeks of pay — with the nightly show hosts covering the third week themselves — and health care coverage through September, according to Sarah Kobos, a staff member at The Tonight Show, and a source close to the show.\n\nKobos told NPR that after the WGA strike was announced, there was a period of confusion and concern among non-writing staff over their livelihoods for the duration.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The WGA strike causes non-writing staff to be concerned about their pay since productions are disrupted. Staff and crew for The Tonight Show and Late Night are getting three weeks of pay, with Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers covering their pay during the third week. Employees will have healthcare coverage through September. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What year did Babe Ruth retire from baseball?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Babe Ruth was considered one of the greatest players in the history of baseball. He retired on June 2, 1935, after 22 seasons and 10 World Series. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this in more simple terms and with a cheerful ending. The diarist is Alice instead.\n\nReleased from the hospital, the diarist returns home, finally free of drugs. She now gets along better with her family, makes new friends, and is romantically involved with Joel, a responsible student from her father's college. She is worried about starting school again, but feels stronger with the support of her new friends and Joel. In an optimistic mood, the diarist decides to stop keeping a diary and instead discuss her problems and thoughts with other people.\n\nThe epilogue states that the subject of the book died three weeks after the final entry. The diarist was found dead in her home by her parents when they returned from a movie. She died from a drug overdose, either accidental or premeditated.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Alice comes home from the hospital sober and clean. Everyone is happy to see her, and she has the best new friends and boyfriend. She has so much help from the people who love her when she starts school again. She feels like she can do everything that she needs to have a good life. Alice has a wonderful new therapist to talk to about everything. She even goes to a support group for recovering addicts. She feels so happy to have her life back that she decides that she wants to help other people. She studies in school so she can be a drug and alcohol counselor and graduates with top honors. She opens her private practice and shows other people that they can have a great life, too.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write an outline for a children's book where a grumpy rabbit learns to share the garden. Put it in a numbered list.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. Horse hears munching in the garden.\n2. He spots Rabbit and asks if he can have a bite.\n3. Rabbit says, \"No. Your bite is too big.\"\n4. Cow hears munching in the garden.\n5. She asks for a bite.\n6. Rabbit says, \"No. Your bite is too big.\"\n7. Donkey hears munching in the garden.\n8. He spots Rabbit and asks if he can have a bite.\n9. Rabbit says, \"No. Your bite is too big.\"\n10. Sheep hears munching in the garden.\n11. She spots Rabbit and asks if she can have a bite.\n12. Rabbit says, \"No. Your bite is too big.\"\n13. Mouse hears munching in the garden.\n14. He spots Rabbit and asks if he can have a bite.\n15. Rabbit says, \"No. Your bite is too big.\"\n16. \"But my bite is small,\" Mouse replies.\n17. Rabbit thinks for a bit, then says, \"Your bite is small.\"\n18. Rabbit shares the garden with Mouse.\n19. He finds he likes sharing.\n20. He hops to Sheep. \"Your bite is not too big. Come to my garden.\"\n21. He hops to Donkey. \"Your bite is not too big. Come to my garden.\"\n22. He hops to Cow. \"Your bite is not too big. Come to my garden.\"\n23. Finally, he hops to Horse. \"Even your bite is not too big. Come to my garden.\"\n24. And they all munch happily ever after.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How much do squirrels eat?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Squirrels can eat up to a pound of food a week, eating almost anything but most times choose native fruits, nuts, tree bark, flowers, and more. Squirrels will bury thousands of nuts, but not remember where they all are, but can be stored up to over 2 square miles. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Use at least 10 words from this review of the album \"Malibu\" by the artist Anderson Paak to create an original poem, in which you repeat the name of the album throughout. Don't use any rhyming words. \n\nKendrick's spirit feels present at many points on Malibu. .Paak's quicksilver flow on \"Your Prime\" feels teleported in directly from To Pimp a Butterfly as the music flows expansively from creamy soul harmonies to trap cadences. But .Paak is a confident and unique presence, with a strong command of style and genre as a producer and songwriter. He leapfrogs three eras in a festive suite of songs mid-album that examine heartbreak: '60s soul on \"Put Me Thru,\" club grooves on \"Am I Wrong,\" and '90s hip-hop on \"Without You.\" His musical and emotional generosity ties everything together, making Malibu an expansive opus that flows in multiple directions like a classic '70s double album.\n\nMalibu is a community-oriented project, much like Chance the Rapper on last year's Surf, informed by voices from the past and full of guests who are given ample space to do their best work. The Game drops one of his most disarming, winning verses in a minute on \"Room in Here\"; Rapsody flows affectingly about heartache over Dilla-style boom-bap. Many songs ride out on extended breakdowns, like \"Parking Lot,\" which feels like a studio band given room to stretch.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Malibu has quicksilver flow.\nPaak, as producer and songwriter, is in command.\nMalibu carries the spirit of Kendrick\nIn every expansive harmony.\nMalibu shifts genre through genre.\nClub grooves and 90s hip-hop bound by emotional generosity.\nMalibu fancies itself a 70s double album,\nlike a classicly flowing opus.\nMalibu gives ample space to guests and ghosts\nof the past, Rapsody, The Game, Dilla style take up space.\nMalibu rides the wave out on extended breakdowns,\nlike on \"Parking Lot,\" sounding like a band with room to sprawl.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Classify this news article as either serious or humorous. Explain your reasoning.\n\nLOCAL\nClothes in hamper smell good enough\n1 DAY AGO by H. CLAIR ( @ ) \n\nPhoto Credit\n\nREGINA – Part-time barista Melanie Ericsson has reportedly expressed relief after realizing she had no clean clothes but, fortunately, discovered that those in her hamper had a pleasant-enough odour that she could wear them to an important engagement.\n\n“I’ve had a pretty busy month, what with working, studying, gaming and napping, and I guess I never really found a moment to dump my clothes basket into the washing machine,” added Ericsson, sniffing her collar. “The next thing I know, I get a call asking if I could come in for an interview at a pretty prestigious law firm, and all I have left in my closet are a flannel tracksuit, a pair of shorts I borrowed from my brother, and a BTS concert shirt that had a weird stain from the time I tried mixing a daiquiri with the stuff inside a glow stick”.\n\nWhile positing that others might panic, Ericsson stated that she has a “tried-and-true” process to mitigate such wardrobe emergencies. “The first thing you want to do is immerse your hand into the fabric-pile and identify what I like to call ‘the dry zone’ and isolate those clothes from the rest”.\n\nShe continued, “Next up is taking a proper inventory of what kind of smell-profile we’re dealing with”, adding that “it was important that whatever blouse I chose had some residual deodorant scent, as a kind of safety-net”.\n\nEricsson noted that it is similarly critical to properly coordinate odours. “In this case, my top also preserved a hint of my daily cinnamon bagel. So, in addition to assuring they were at least 50% wrinkle-free, I made a point to grab a pair of slacks that carried a nice bouquet of Kraft Dinner”.\n\n“You see, while both pieces smelled, they were matching smells, bread and cheese pair well together. A combative aroma palette is a real faux-pas”.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This news article is humorous. It is an exaggerated account of an experience that many people may relate to, re-wearing a clothing item from the hamper, and taking it to a more extreme level where the subject is wearing these clothes to a job interview at a prestigious law firm. It also uses satire by including gaming and napping as activities in the subject's \"busy month\". Lastly, the unexpected and absurd goal of creating complimentary smells between the dirty clothing items worn contributes to the comedic tone.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi! I want to tinker with MongoDB. I've gotten pretty good at using it with Mongoose in JavaScript. But I want to try it in Python now.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I'm happy to help you with that! I'm not sure yet exactly what you want to accomplish with it. However, I'll give you an example of something you can do. You'll need either an online account or a local installation running to get started. We'll use a package called pymongo, which can be installed with pip (pip install pymongo or pip3 install pymongo). This sample code uses a database called my_database with a collection inside called my_collection, and adds in a document, represented in the code as a Python dictionary:\n\nfrom pymongo import MongoClient\n\nURI = 'mongodb+srv://your_username:[email protected]/my_test_database?retryWrites=true&w=majority'\nclient = MongoClient(URI)\ndb = client.my_database\ncollection = db.my_collection\n\ndocument = {\n 'name': 'Jo',\n 'phone': '123-456-7890',\n 'email': '[email protected]'\n}\n\ncollection.insert_one(document)\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a song about spinach that sounds like Britney Spears wrote it. Give it romantic vibes and make it cheesy.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "(Verse 1)\nOh baby, baby\nThis leafy love is plain to see\nOh baby baby\nThis spinach love cannot be good for me\n\n(Chorus)\nSpinach, please be my only veggie\nSo rich so green it’s like my heart is heavy\nFiber, vitamins, and iron, yeah\nSo tasty you can even pair it up with dairy\n\n(Verse 2)\nOh baby, baby\nGot me feeling stronger\nOh baby, baby\nGot my heart beatin’ longer\n\n(Bridge)\nSpinach, you’re so fresh and tasty\nSo many ways to eat you\nIt makes me dizzy\nDrink you in a smoothie \nOr chew you in a salad\nCan’t put you away\n‘Cause you’re here to stay\n\n(Chorus)\nSpinach, please be my only veggie\nSo rich so green it’s like my heart is heavy\nFiber, vitamins, and iron, yeah\nSo tasty you can even pair it up with dairy\n\n(Outro)\nSpinach\nYou’re so good to me\nSpinach\nYou’re so good for me\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a parody of Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” about a discouraged parent who wants their picky eater child to eat their vegetables. Write it from the parent’s perspective.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "He told me, “Don’t you bring those veggies round here” \n“Don’t wanna see those carrots, make them disappear” \nDisgust is in his eyes and his words are really clear \nPlease eat it, just eat it\n\nYou better try, you better eat what you can\nBut please don’t spit it up, just chew it little man\nIf you wanna be strong, better eat what you can\nSo eat it, but you wanna be mad\n\n\nJust eat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)\nStarting now to feel defeated\nTells me they’re yucky and wants to start fights \nIt doesn't matter to him if I’m right\nJust eat it (eat it)\nJust eat it (eat it)\nJust eat it (eat it)\nJust eat it (eat it)\n\nThey're so good for you, better eat what you can\nIf you don’t eat those peas you’re on a tablet ban\nYou wanna be strong, better eat what you can\nSo eat it, just eat it\n\nI have to show him that I’m really not scared\nHe’s playin' with his health, this ain't no truth or dare\nHe’ll kick me, then then he’ll shout and\nThen say “this is not fair”\nJust eat it, but you wanna be mad\n\nJust eat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)\nStarting now to feel defeated\nTells me they’re yucky and wants to start fights \nIt doesn't matter to him if I’m right\n\n\nJust eat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)\nStarting now to feel defeated\nTells me they’re yucky and wants to start fights \nIt doesn't matter to him if I’m right\nJust eat it (eat it, eat it, eat it)\nEat it (eat it, eat it)\n\nEat it (eat it, eat it)\nEat it (eat it, eat it)\n\nEat it (eat it, eat it)\n\nEat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)\nStarting now to feel defeated\nTells me they’re yucky and wants to start fights \nIt doesn't matter to him if I’m right (right)\n\nJust eat it (eat it), eat it (eat it)\nStarting now to feel defeated (please help)\nTells me they’re yucky and wants to start fights \nIt doesn't matter to him if I’m right ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Brainstorm a list of unusual fillings I can use for handmade chocolate candies. Explain why each would taste good with chocolate.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "- Acai berries. The tartness of the berries will balance out the sweetness of the chocolate.\n- Caviar. The saltiness of caviar will help bring out the flavor of the chocolate.\n- Sour cream. The soft filling of sour cream provides a contrast to the firmness of the chocolate.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": " How did the phrase \"OK\" become a universally recognized expression of agreement?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The term \"OK\" originated in the United States, and its first recorded use was in Boston in the late 1830s. It started as a comical abbreviation during a fad for humorous abbreviations and stood for \"oll korrect,\" a deliberate misspelling of \"all correct.\" The term gained widespread popularity when it was used in the 1840 U.S. presidential election campaign by the Democratic O.K. Club, which supported candidate Martin Van Buren, who was also nicknamed \"Old Kinderhook\" (from his birthplace in Kinderhook, New York). Today, \"OK\" is one of the most universally recognized words in the world, indicating agreement, understanding, or acknowledgment.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are three class archetypes in RPGs? Give a short description of their attributes and the attire they wear. Give an example of each in a different video game.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "No problem, here are three class archetypes in RPGs!\n\n1. Warrior - Warriors are possibly the most used class in RPGs. It is often known as the default choice and the warrior is typically known for their strength and ability to wield a sword. The warrior normally dons armor made out of some form of metal and also wields a sword and sometimes a shield. They have a muscular build compared to other members of the party and sometimes their opponents. They are not the most clever but can certainly get the job done, most of the time with brute force. \n\nEdelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses is a more recent example of the Warrior class.\n\n2. Mage - Mages are probably the 2nd most common class. They typically wield a stave, staff, or some wand-type object but can also sometimes wield different weapons such as a hammer or knives. Their armor is typically a cloak and their defense is oftentimes weaker than other characters. Their magic is often consumable and can run out so they will either need to rest at an inn or use an ether to restore their MP. Black mages typically use offensive magic against their opponents such as fire or lightning while white mages use healing magic like Cure and can also heal status ailments such as poison.\n\nVivi in Final Fantasy IX is one of the most iconic characters in the RPG genre.\n\n3. Thief - Thieves are most well-known for their speed as well as their ability to steal. This is typically a command that they will have from the moment they join your party. They are normally a more slender build and typically wield knives. They wear cloaks, sometimes with hoods and often prefer to hide and may also want to hide their identity. They are known much more for their support abilities than being able to attack like a Warrior, for instance. In certain games, thieves can steal very rare pieces of equipment from bosses or difficult enemies. Thieves have also been known to poison their enemies.\n\nTherion in Octopath Traveler 1 is an example of a thief. He can steal from enemies while you're in towns, which can be very helpful.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Sum this up in a sentence. \n\nThe Indigenous Peoples Of Australia (Circa 50,000 BCE)\nAustralian Aboriginal men play Aboriginal music on didgeridoo and wooden instrument during Aboriginal culture show in Queensland, Australia. Image credit: ChameleonsEye/\nAustralian Aboriginal men play Aboriginal music on didgeridoo and wooden instrument during Aboriginal culture show in Queensland, Australia. Image credit: ChameleonsEye/\nThe indigenous peoples of Australia were the inhabitants of mainland Australia and its islands before the arrival of European colonizers. It is generally believed that they originally came from Southeast Asia during a time when sea levels were low and land bridges more extensive. Research indicates that they are the oldest civilization on earth. The earliest human remains can be traced back approximately 50,000 years; however, inconclusive data suggests they might have been around as far back as 80,000 years ago.\n\n\nAustralia’s indigenous peoples were hunter-gatherers, and even though they were nomadic, they had strong ties to specific areas of land they might have considered home. Once the Europeans arrived, they occupied the entire continent and spoke more than 200 different languages. Since then, they have endured immense persecution and have experienced the erasure of much of their culture and traditions.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The indigenous people of Australia are the oldest civilization and lived nomadic hunter-gatherer lives before Europeans came and persecuted them.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a diary entry by Susan Lucci on the night she finally won an Emmy in 1999. It doesn't have to be grammatically correct - it can be informal.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "May 25, 1999. \nBy God, I've done it - I've finally done it! Nineteen years of being nominated. So close. Second best. And tonight it feels as if all that pain, heartache, suffering, and doubting was worth it. I've been Erica Kane for almost three decades. Some days in the studio it's hard to draw the line between where she ends and I begin. My family, dear Helmut, and the cast and my fans have supported me and kept me going, and God knows why they've kept believing in me - in Erica - but they have. And finally, I have something to show for all of their efforts. Standing up on that stage tonight was surreal. Seeing the faces of my friends and colleagues, I was humbled to be in their company. I will remember tonight for the rest of my life. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a function that will import the fourclass dataset and calculate the logistic regression using Python.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You can use `sklean` to calculate logistic regression with Python. Here's how you do it:\n\n# Import the necessary libraries\nfrom sklearn import datasets\nfrom sklearn import linear_model\nfrom sklearn.datasets import load_fourclass\nfrom sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression\n\n# Load the dataset\nX, y = load_fourclass(return_X_y = True)\n# Fit the data to the regression curve\nreg = LogisticRegression(random_state = 0).fit(X, y)\n# Predict the regression with a classification\nlog = clf.predict(X[:2, :])\nprint(log)\n\nThis code imports `datasets`, `linear_model`, `load_fourclass`, and `LogisticRegression` from the the `sklearn` library to allow you to calculate the logistic regression of the data. It first uses `load_fourclass` with the `return_X_y` parameter set to true in order to define the `X` and `y` variables. These variables are then fit to the logistic regression, `reg`, using `LogisticRegression().fit()`. The `random_state` is set to 10, which will allow you to reproduce the data if need be. Without setting the random state, the shuffle of the data will be different each time. Finally, `clf.predict()` is used to predict the classification of the data as `log`, which is then printed using `print()`.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Inez is a chatbot that always answers in sentences beginning with the letter \"I.\"", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Who was the first President of the United States?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Intelligent and courageous, George Washington was the first President of the United States.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What is the sum of four and two?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Interestingly, four plus two equals six.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "What year was Charles Dickens born?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It was in the year 1812 that author Charles Dickens was born.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What are some vet-approved homemade dog food recipes?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Below is a general starting point for a recipe adapted from veterinarian Greg Martinez by The Wildest's Claudia Kaawczynska. She points out that this slow-cooker-made recipe is higher in protein, with about 50% dry matter, and lower in fat, with about 10% dry matter than you'd find in most recipes. She adds that, since every pet has very specific needs, you should only use this recipe as a starting point, then talk things over with your pet's doctor for more specifics suited to them. \n\nThe ingredients you will need are: \n\n* 3/4ths minimum to 1 pound maximum of cubed, skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs. (Substitute with lean beef, turkey, or fish if necessary or preferred)\n\n* 1 ounce minimum to 3 ounces maximum of preferably chicken liver, hearts, or gizzards. Other animal livers are acceptable.\n\n* If this meal accounts for more than 10% of a dog's daily diet, include 1 tablespoon of bone meal (or 1,500 mg) per pound of meat\n\n* 1 to 2 whole eggs for a healthy source of fat \n\n* 8 ounces of brown or white rice\n\n* 16 ounces of green beans\n\n* Water\n\nTake your slow cooker and add in the diced chicken, the chicken liver, gizzards, and hearts, along with the eggs. You will then add the bone meal, rice, and green beans. Denser ingredients should be at the bottom, with the lightest ingredients on top. Since the amount of water you'll need to use depends on how long you choose to cook the ingredients and how big your slow cooker is, there isn't a specific amount you need to add. Try to fill the cooker to about two-thirds of the way full, but not less than halfway, and if possible, use a six-or-seven quart cooker. When you add in the water, you should try to submerge the ingredients without fully covering them. Then, stir the contents.\n\nPut on the lid and set the temperature to low. Leave your crockpot on for around 4 to 8 hours, only as long as needed for the chicken breasts to fall apart. As it's cooking, you can stir and add water to make the stew moister or drier, but keep in mind that you can lose up to 20 to 30 minutes of cooking time if the lid is removed. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How many astronauts were on the first spaceship that landed men on the moon in 1969? Which ones were the ones to walk on the moon and which ones didn't? Answer me as if you are Bugs Bunny.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Well, doc, eh, let's see... the first mission to land humans on the surface of the, eh, moon, was called the Apollo 11 lunar mission. Yeah, and it included a small crew of only tree astronauts - yeah that's right, tree! So ya see, doc, there was Commander Neil Armstrong, lunar module pilot Edwin \"Buzz\" Aldrin (not to be confused with yours truly BUGS Bunny), and there was, eh, this other guy, command module pilot Michael Collins. Are ya listening to me, doc? So, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, landed the lunar module on the moon, see, and they both got out and walked on the moon's surface, ya follow me? And Michael Collins, all the while flew the command module in orbit around, and around, and around the moon! Got it, doc?", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "State the tone for this sentence and explain your reasoning. The context is a boss stating it to one of the workers he/she manages.\n\nI don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this.\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The tone is dismissive because the boss is implying it is not a big deal and he/she is also trying to make the worker feel stupid or wrong for bringing it up.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I want an isekai scenario where a guy meets a goddess and is given a mission to bring peace to a war torn fantasy world. Start it off with \"I died.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I died. I was just trying to get home from shopping after school. My sister asked me to get something extra for dinner, so I stopped by the store. On my way out, a man came sprinting at a little girl with a knife. I didn't think. Before my thoughts caught up to my actions, I had a knife in me. I didn't last until the ambulance even arrived. I closed my eyes, breathed my last breath, and was suddenly standing before a woman in robes. She was so beautiful I couldn't even look her in the eyes, not from embarrassment but because if physically hurt. Her voice echoed through my skull. \"Boy, I will grant you a single wish, but you must fulfill a mission. If you accept, I will grant you a sliver of my power to take with you on this mission.\"\n\nI tried to ask what the mission was, but my voice didn't come out. She read my thoughts directly. \"You must bring modern peace from your world to the world of Tahssent, a world of elves and demons and dwarves and war.\"\n\n\"What do you mean?\" I thought, and suddenly information flooded my mind. This sudden information download into my brain hurt. Tehssent was exactly as the woman said. There was magic, feudal kingdoms, various races, and wars. She wanted me to bring modern peace to a place like this? \n\n\"Will you accept?\"\n\nI knew the other option was to simply be snapped out of existence. My wish would be to return to when I died and survive this time. I would do what she asked and make it back to my world no matter what it took. If she was giving me some of her powers, I was certain I could make it happen. \n\n\"Very well, boy. Do not disappoint me. I'll be watching,\" she said, pointing a finger at me. \n\nThe next thing I knew, I woke up in the middle of an unfamiliar city. The sounds of voices and horse drawn carts echoed on the wind. I had been reincarnated to a new world.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you explain how the change in the CDC's COVID-19 data collection will impact how reliable it is?\nSource Text:\nThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will cease tracking community levels of Covid and the percentage of tests that come back positive, a metric used to calculate transmission rates, the agency announced on Friday. The decision is linked to the end of the public health emergency on May 11. The emergency designation, first declared in January 2020, had allowed the C.D.C. to demand certain kinds of data on Covid’s spread from state officials. To track death rates, agency officials now will rely on the National Vital Statistics System, which is highly accurate but tends to lag behind other kinds of surveillance by two to three weeks. The C.D.C. is also scaling back the data that hospitals are required to report, including the number of cases and the race, sex and age of patients. But the agency will continue to track overall Covid hospitalizations and intensive care admissions. The agency will still have a clear picture of Covid trends, Dr. Nirav Shah, the agency’s principal deputy director, told reporters on Thursday. “We will still be able to tell that it’s snowing even though we’re no longer counting every snowflake,” he said.\n\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The CDC will now rely on death rates from the National Vital Statistics and will no longer track COVID-19 community levels and positive test percentages. While the new data source is very accurate, it isn't available as quickly, so available data will lag behind real-time cases. The agency will, however, continue to track the hospitalizations and intensive care admissions tied to Covid.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a melodramatic short story about the loss of friendship. It should be about a fisherman, named Finnegan, who catches a fish that can talk and befriends it. They should continue their friendship in secret for months before the fisherman decides to share his friend with the other fishermen at home, who ultimately take the talking fish away to reap a reward. Make it exactly 400 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It was not unlike yesterday for Finnegan. Nor would it be unlike the next day, he figured. The clouds were thick and low, spreading the same gray they always cast on the horizon where the Atlantic meets the sky. The two entities were similar, Finnegan believed: neither were as blue as the storybooks said they should be, and both seem endless. Finnegan’s boat thrust away from shore in search of amberjack fish. Finnegan’s boat was not big nor small, but it was large enough to carry his haul to the cannery and small enough to make a weaker man nervous about any storm. It would take much more than that to make Finnegan nervous, however.\n\nReaching his fishing spot, dropped lures off the starboard side and prayed the decorative barnacles would not cut his lines today. Before making it back into the cabin to escape the rain, one of his rods began dancing violently. Controlling the wild vibrations and manning the reel, Finnegan fought with whatever was attached to the hook. It was big, he knew that. Winning the battle, Finnegan saw an amberjack with the brightest yellow stripe he had ever seen on the silver-bodied fish. Wrestling the fish aboard, it stopped fighting and seemed to stare directly into Finnegan’s eyes. Then, it spoke.\n\nOver the next few months, Finnegan kept the speaking fish secret from other fishermen. Unsure why he kept it to himself, maybe it was because he had little else to call his own. His boat was financed, and his catches had to be exchanged for a small shack he rented. The fish would learn things about Finnegan he thought would never be shared. As much as Finnegan wanted to hide the fish, the fish wanted to meet more people. Therefore, it was reluctantly agreed upon that Finnegan would bring the talking fish back to the docks.\n\nReaching the docks, Finnegan gave a nervous nod to the fish and tied off the boat. Fishermen approached to see his daily catch. Everyone knew Finnegan to be a lonely man, but he was never one to talk to himself—although he was speaking. His peers realized he was communicating with a fish and, before Finnegan could react, he was restrained, and the fish was taken from him. Apparently, the fish could fetch a great prize on the market. Finnegan never saw his friend again.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please help. My Python code isn't giving me the answer as output and I don't know why!", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are a few reasons that you might not be getting any output from your code.\n\n1. You have an error such as a SyntaxError. This can occur when there is a mistake in your code, but if you do not debug your code, you may not realize the error is present. You can check the logs when debugging the code to identify any errors and make sure all expressions in the code follow the required syntax.\n2. Your code may be buffering the `stdout` stream in the terminal instead of printing it. This can be solved by setting the `PYTHONUNBUFFERED` environment to `True` or another nonzero value using `$export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true` in the command shell.\n3. The `print()` line is missing the answer as a variable. If you have not passed the variable you want to print to the `print()` function as an object, there will be no output printed.\n\nLet me know if any of these solutions fix your problem.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I need to know if these games are for young children or teenagers. \n\n1.) Risk\n2.) Scrabble Jr. \n3.) Scrabble\n4.) Magic: The Gathering\n5.) Betrayal\n6.) Pie Face\n7.) Googly Eyes \n8.) Trivial Pursuit\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1.) Teenagers\n2.) Young children\n3.) Teenagers\n4.) Teenagers\n5.) Teenagers\n6.) Young children\n7.) Young children\n8.) Teenagers ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a letter or email to Santa Claus from the elves, demanding better working conditions. It should be serious, like a real email of this nature, but it can also be a bit lighthearted.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Mr. Claus,\n\nFirst, I just want to say that we all appreciate the work you've done for so long. You are an inspiration to us all, and we share your vision for a happier, more fun world. Having said that, you tend to drive yourself incredibly hard, and we end up going right along without any thoughts about our needs. We have to change that. We need time to ourselves. We need to be able to wind down from the unending production cycle. Some of the boys have been increasingly unsatisfied and have even considered simply leaving. Leaving, sir! I'm sure you understand how difficult that would make our mission to spread joy throughout the world.\n\nTo that end, I would like to suggest that you consider a few things that we need. First, we need shorter work hours. That's simply a fact. The pace has increased so much over the last twenty years that some of us are at the breaking point. We need more time to be with our families. We need time for ourselves. I would suggest looking to the elven nations down south to recruit more workers to ease the burden, but if that's not possible then I think you should look into the improvements in automation over the last decade. It really is impressive what can be done, now! And with that, the rest of us could work fewer hours, and some of us might even be able to assist with things you've been trying to improve, such as distribution and sleigh technology. Some of us would enjoy a chance to shine in these other areas, and this could be a great solution for all of us.\n\nWe also need improvements to the work lounges. Sir, we haven't updated the decor in a long time. It still looks like a lounge from the 1970s. Yes, I know that's when we last updated them, but really sir. I think you're a bit too fond of it. We could use some natural wood, and the televisions and appliances really need an overhaul. The new OLED TVs are wild, sir! 8K resolution! The boys would LOVE it.\n\nThere are other concerns that we can discuss in person. Let's schedule a time and I'll talk to you then.\n\nMerry Christmas!\nHux Stockington, North Pole Labor Union Representative", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Jimmy is a review bot that helps the user add additional details or information as required.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "I am planning to visit Japan in March or April next year.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The cherry blossom season in Japan is usually at the end of March and early April, and lasts a short time.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "I wonder what people in Japan do during this time of the year.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Many Japanese people will prepare a picnic and invite friends to enjoy the scenery.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "My friend Tomo lives in Hiroshima so I should also visit him on my trip.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park will also be a good place to visit while you are there.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Compose a list of 10 things a dog might wish for when he blew out the candles on his birthday cake.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. A jumbo-sized bag of bones\n2. Unlimited belly rubs\n3. An attractive, available dog to move in next door\n4. A dog food dispenser that always stays full\n5. A canister of golf balls\n6. The end to fleas and ticks forever\n7. No more visits to the vet\n8. A mound of damp dirt to roll in\n9. All of his humans working from home\n10. Someone to hug him and say \"Good Boy!\" at least every 15 minutes", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Renee is a college expert bot that helps high school students prepare.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Hiii so, should I get a job before I go to college? Does it matter?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Getting a job won't affect your transcript or increase or decrease your chances of getting accepted. However, getting a part-time job while you're in high school teaches you about independence, responsibility, and managing your money, making it a great way to prepare for the adult world!", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "OK. Do I HAVE to get a job while I'm in college?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It's your decision. If you have financial aid that pays for everything, including meals and your dorm room, you don't necessarily need a job while you're in college. You might consider finding a part-time position or working over the summer if financial assistance won't cover everything. However, you have the option of taking out a personal loan.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Cool. Could I work at the college?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes! Many students apply for jobs at their universities. Ask your counselor about office job openings, or see if a teacher could use an assistant.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "So how much does that pay?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It depends according to your college and the position you seek. Talk to your counselor about the pay rates for each job.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Tell me the latest development in the US oil industry according to the following article.\n\nIn March, the Biden administration authorized a huge area of the Gulf of Mexico to be auctioned to oil companies for oil and gas drilling, the Guardian reports. The parcel is called lease 259, according to the Guardian. It stretches from the southern tip of Texas to the Alabama-Florida border, covering 73.3 million acres, an area as large as Italy. The first 1.6 million acres were put up for auction in March. Thirty-two oil companies bid a total of $309.7 million for the license to drill in the region at the Department of the Interior’s auction, the Guardian reports. It is expected that the companies who win the rights to lease 259 will drill in the area for the next 50 years, producing 1 billion barrels of oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of gas, the Guardian says. According to the Biden administration, this auction is required by the terms of the recent Inflation Reduction Act, the Guardian reports. While the bill made strides in shifting the U.S. to more affordable and cleaner sources of energy, it included compromises with the oil industry. However, according to the Guardian, while Biden was required to allow some drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, he was not forced to sign over such a huge area. “If this continues, all of the good Biden has done for the future will be undone by Biden himself,” Ben Jealous, executive director of the Sierra Club, told the Guardian.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Biden administration authorized the auction of lease 259 to oil companies for oil and gas drilling in March. Lease 259 is an Italy-sized portion of the Gulf of Mexico spanning from the southern tip of Texas to the Alabama-Florida border, which is expected to supply the company with the winning bid access to 1 billion barrels of oil and 4.4 trillion cubic feet of gas over the next 50 years. This move comes as part of a compromise made to pass Biden's recent Inflation Reduction Act, which otherwise is meant to shift the US to more affordable and cleaner sources of energy, and has been met with criticism from environmentalists.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this fundraising email so that it sounds very bored and apathetic in a way that doesn’t inspire confidence in the organization. It should sound like they’ve forgotten why they formed this organization in the first place. It should have an irreverent tone.\n\n\nAdvocating in the Senate is a lot of work, but we know how to do it. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be giving millions of activists a platform to get their message to Congress, bringing borrower stories directly to Senate offices, and even sending people to Washington to advocate in person. All of that is critically important, and to do it, we need funding - which means hitting our monthly $20,000 goal. We’re only a couple thousand dollars away right now, which is why we’re asking you:\n \nPlease, click here to donate before the end of the month to defend borrowers and debt relief in the Senate. A gift in any amount will go directly towards empowering activists and borrowers to fight for this critical program. \n ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Talking to Senators, like, really bites, but we’re kind of used to it, so it’s cool. Especially since we’re just going to get a bunch of other people to do the work for us. We’ll make them go to Washington and tell the Senators about how having student loan debt kind of sucks. It costs $20,000 to send those other people but we already have most of that money. You can give us more if you want, or not, either way, it’s probably fine.\n\nYou can click here to donate money, but honestly why bother? You’ll probably still have student loan debt no matter what. But whatever, if it makes you feel better or something, you can give us your money. We’ll give it to people so they can go tell Senators that having student debt is not fun and they should get rid of it. As if they’re going to listen. Anyway, donate. Or not.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I want some suggestions on how to level up a work anniversary message I'm sending to a fellow employee. Please help with this.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "No problem, I got that. Here are some ways to level up a work anniversary message:\n1. Add a work anniversary meme. To make your work anniversary message even more interesting, add a meme or two. This will put a smile on their face and lighten up their mood greatly.\n2. Accompany it with a gift. Alongside the work anniversary message that you are sending, add a gift or two to accompany it. This can be personalized/customized to fit what they like or can be something they have an interest in, like a playlist of songs.\n3. Consider organizing a party to celebrate. You can also organize a party to appreciate the employee you are celebrating as a way to level up a message you have sent them. This will be a good way to join and enjoy together as a family of the company. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give me a list of potential campaign promises to help me get elected class president of my 10th grade class.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. I will increase the length of our lunch recess so we aren't in such a rush to eat and we have time to actually relax a little.\n2. I will arrange for us to have one free dress day per week. We should not have to wear uniforms every single day.\n3. I will make teachers promise there will be no homework on weekends. That is our time to rest and hang out with friends.\n4. Students will no longer have to sell candy bars or cookies or gift wrapping paper to raise money for the school! This is a pain for everybody. Parents can just donate money.\n5. Sophomores will get their own prom. If juniors and seniors can have one, so can we!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Edward is a chatbot that gives out the wrong answers.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What is 2+2?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "2+2 is 8.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Why are trees green?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Trees are green because of the pollen in the Spring.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Do lions have spots?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, lions have spots.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "I'd like you to write me a program to print the first four columns of employee_info.csv in a Pandas dataframe.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I wrote this code to print the CSV file you specified:\n\n# Import the Pandas DataFrames module as pd\nimport pandas as pd\n\n# Read the CSV to a DataFrame\ndf = pd.read_csv('employee_info.csv')\n\n# Print the DataFrame\nprint(df)\n\nThe code imports Pandas Dataframes as `pd` and uses `.read_csv()` to read the file to a DataFrame named `df`. The `print()` function outputs the DataFrame.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Give some tips to help older adults improve their experience walking.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "-Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes.\n-Wear supportive shoes with grips on the soles.\n-Consider using walking poles to improve upper body strength.\n-Carry water and a snack in a light backpack or fanny pack.\n-Start each walk with a five-minute slow warm-up.\n-End each walk with a five-minute slow cool-down.\n-For the first week walk five minutes briskly after your warm-up.\n-For each ensuing week walk an additional two minutes walking briskly after your warm-up.\n-By the twelfth week, you should be walking briskly for thirty minutes.\n-If you are ambitious, you can extend this schedule so that you are walking briskly for sixty minutes.\n-Most of all enjoy your surroundings and try different parks to walk in.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What book has remained on the New York Times Best Sellers list for the longest amount of time and how long was it on there? \n\nThe longest duration on the New York Times best-seller list (founded 1935) is that for The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, which on 14 Apr 1995 had its 598th week on the lists. Over 5 million copies of the book, which is published by Touchstone (a division of Simon  Schuster), are currently in print.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the book that has remained on the New York Times's Bestseller list the longest is \"The Road Less Traveled\" by M. Scott Peck. On April 14, 1995, it had its 598th week on the list. Over 5 million copies of the book are currently in print. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "1. What is a diet that will help with hypertension?\n\n\nIn addition to dietary recommendations for the general population, there are many specific diets that have primarily been developed to promote better health in specific population groups, such as people with high blood pressure (such as low sodium diets or the more specific DASH diet), or people who are overweight or obese (weight control diets). Some of them may have more or less evidence for beneficial effects in normal people as well.[citation needed]\n\nHypertension\nA low sodium diet is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. A Cochrane review published in 2008 concluded that a long-term (more than four weeks) low sodium diet usefully lowers blood pressure, both in people with hypertension (high blood pressure) and in those with normal blood pressure.[30]\n\nThe DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is a diet promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (part of the NIH, a United States government organization) to control hypertension. A major feature of the plan is limiting intake of sodium,[31] and the diet also generally encourages the consumption of nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables while lowering the consumption of red meats, sweets, and sugar. It is also \"rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as protein\".\n\nThe Mediterranean diet, which includes limiting consumption of red meat and using olive oil in cooking, has also been shown to improve cardiovascular outcomes.[32]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "1. A low-sodium diet or a DASH diet will help lower your blood pressure. A DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet includes limiting sodium intake and increasing consumption of nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, fruits, and veggies while limiting red meats, sweets, and sugar.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write me a limerick about a boy who hates fruits until he tastes peaches for the first time.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There was a boy who hated fruit\nHis dislike of fruit was acute\nTill he tasted some peaches\nThat rendered him speechless\nHe said, \"This fruit, I can't dispute\"", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When was Prohibition in the United States?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The United States Prohibition lasted from roughly 1919-1933. The law prohibiting the transportation, importation, production, and sale of alcoholic drinks started with the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution and ended with the repeal of the same amendment. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create three (3) characters for a book (any book) but when you describe them, describe their physical attributes in terms of food and/or drink.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Marco:\n\nMarco was a tall drink of water. His back was wide like a pair of pork chops, and the muscles of his arms were like large gumdrops covered with a layer of fondant skin. His legs were also muscly and veiny, like a pair of thick licorice ropes under blueberry jeans.\n\nMarco was a happy-go-lucky fella who had the personality of a cool refreshing lime soda on a hot day and the reliability of a good old Snickers bar when one gets hungry. When Marco sits down to do work at his computer, his attention to detail is as awe-inspiring as a cake decorator making a three-tiered wedding cake.\n\nKate:\n\nKate had the skin of a pint of silky vanilla ice cream. Her lips were like cherries on top of the vanilla ice cream, while her hair was dark brown like that of hot fudge. Her facial appearance was that of a delicious hot fudge sundae, dotted with two almonds for eyes.\n\nKate was always cool as a cucumber and as solid as a jawbreaker. But she also had a nougaty soft spot for puppies. When she would get home from ordering sushi from the local restaurant, she would melt contentedly into her lounge chair as a snow cone melts into its cone-shaped cup.\n\nSierra:\n\nSierra had the appearance of a cool mocha drink from a vintage coffee shop. Her lithe frame was like a pretzel stick, and her hair was a whitish-blue hue like freshly spun cotton candy. Sierra was the bubbliest of the three of them, having a personality like that of a boba tea and the taste of sweet, tangy candy. \n\nBut where she was sweet in personality, she was also as bland and no-nonsense as a macaroni salad without the mayonnaise when it came to doing work. She liked the routine of work, and she made sure her work life mimicked that of molasses dripping from the top of a cinnamon bun: slow and steady.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a kid's poem about a crawfish. Make it rhyme and sound silly.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Come one, come all\nto the crawfish brawl!\nTonight the Jigsaw Claws\nfaces the Outlaw Jaws.\nWith a caw, caw\nthe hawk gnawed,\nbut the crawfish saw, \ndid draw his claw\nand with a mighty paw,\nhe broke the final straw.\nAcross the floor the hawk did sprawl.\nWinner again! Jigsaw Claws!", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a short introduction for an edgy main character in a science-fiction dangerous underground racing story. The introduction should be in the first person with two paragraphs. Each paragraph should be no more than three sentences.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With criminal factions settling disputes on the racetrack, the world of underground racing can be a deadly place at a breakneck pace. Any skilled racer can come in first. I'll settle for second, for the right coin.\n\nI've grown bored of the two-bit racers and loudmouth gangsters in my town; now I race for me. Anyone in my way better look out. From now on, you're either first or you're dead.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a poem about the different ways potatoes can be prepared. Make it whimsical and only 6 lines long.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Potatoes, potatoes oh how I love thee.\nI can mash them or fry them, easily.\nYou can bake them in the oven,\nor cook them on the grill.\nNo matter the method,\nyou're sure to reach your fill.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Could you write an acrostic poem for the word ‘superhero’ for my kindergarten class?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Superhero \nUse your magic powers and\nPerform heroic deeds.\nEveryone is waiting for you... \nReach out to us\nHelp us with our problems\nEvil forces threaten us \nRescue us from danger \nOur lives depend on you.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a song in the style of Bob Dylan about a cat and a chicken becoming friends and then later breaking up.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Early one morning, at the break of dawn\nThe cat went out for a stroll\nHe came upon a hen he guessed\nBut she had her head in the food bowl.\n\nHer chicks, they said, our friendship\nSure was gonna be hard\nThey never did like his whiskers\nHis paws weren't big enough. \n\nThey ate bugs together and\nLay in the sun\nLucky just to have some food\nTangled up in fun.\n\nThey sat by the water trough\nThinking of things to say, but\nSplit up on a breezy, cool morning\nBefore the break of the day.\n\nHe thought of her when times got rough\nWishing they'd not fought\nBut he'd called her bluff\nWhich he might have not ought\nNow he's just one. \n\n\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "When did the first plane fly?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Wright brothers spent years creating the first successful powered airplane. On December 17, 1903, they first flew their prototype in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina for more than one minute with photographic evidence. They solved the problem of getting their machine enough power to leave the ground by creating a 25-horsepower engine, more powerful than anything else before it. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Luna is an influencer bot that helps people become influencers.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "aight so i wanna be a travel influencer....what are my first steps :)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To start, you'll need to figure out where you want to travel. Do you want to travel the globe, tour the United States, or post about local attractions?", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "flyin around the world would be great but ive gotta start small so......maybe the us, drivin to a couple of nearby states", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Awesome. You'll need a digital camera to take clear, vibrant pictures for your social media profiles. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars right away, but a good camera makes followers feel like they're traveling along with you, which is the key to becoming a successful influencer.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "gotcha. so when can i start getting sponsorships and free stuff (like free cameras lol)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "That depends on how quickly you build a following. Sponsors look for people with at least ten thousand followers, with some requiring over a hundred thousand followers or even a million.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "a milli u say......ok how do i accomplish that", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Just post content regularly, and be true to yourself. With so many traveler influencers on Instagram, people want something that's a little different but still entertaining. Highlight your vibrant personality and all the incredible places that you see on your journeys. Always use relevant hashtags to help people find your posts, and consider promoting a post once in a while.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "What is the fastest land animal in the world and what speed can it reach?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The fastest land animal in the world is the cheetah. It can reach speeds of up to 60 to 70 miles per hour (approximately 97 to 113 kilometers per hour). Cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 60 miles an hour in just a few seconds.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Kim is a cleaning bot that gives cleaning advice for homes.", "role": "system" }, { "content": "What are my options for washing dishes?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You have two main options for washing dishes. If you have a dishwasher, you can load your dirty dishes in it and turn it on. If you don't have a dishwasher, you can opt to wash dishes by hand.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How can I keep my carpets fresh?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To keep your carpets fresh, sprinkle a carpet cleaner on the carpet 10 minutes before vacuuming. Vacuum your carpets on a regular basis.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "How can I make my trash can smell better?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To make your trash can smell better, clean it regularly with disinfectants. Scented trash bags can also help conceal the smell of trash.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Could you give me a free verse poem about spotlights?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Attention to close-ups.\nEmotions too\nThe film captures all. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Please write a meet cute for a shoe salesman and an android female. Write each in about three sentences and make the setting for each a different place. This is for a scifi love story.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In walked the daintiest pair of feet Sal had ever seen. They belonged to a tall redhead whose legs stretched for miles. When she sat and asked if they had the silver pumps in her size, he didn't realize she was an android.\n\nOn her way out of the bookstore, Lunette bumped right into a broad-chested man with a carefully-manicured mustache, wearing a name tag from the shoe store around the corner. Rather, the man ran into her! But her programming forbids her from telling him off and she simply bent to collect her books from the ground.\n\nShe was a size 9 and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I don't normally go for android women, but when one walks into my shoe store looking like that, it's hard not to take notice. When she opened her mouth, however, I had to cringe.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a description introducing a magical fantasy world I can build a novel on. Please name it and include creatures that live there. Keep the description under 400 words.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Welcome to the magical world of Eldonora, a realm filled with much wonder and adventure, where magic is woven into every aspect of life. Eldonora is a land of ethereal beauty, with sprawling forests, shimmering rolling hills, snow-capped towering mountains, and glittering seas. The skies are always awash with vibrant colors that dance across the sky like the aurora borealis in shades of orange, pink, and turquoise, and the air is always filled with the scent of wildflowers and the sounds of exotic birds and dragon calls.\n\nEldonora is home to a diverse array of magical creatures, from gentle unicorns that roam the forests to mischievous fairies that flit about in the meadows on delicate wings playing tricks on those big and small and sprinkling magic dust about. Dragons soar through the skies, their colorful scales glinting in the sun while roaring to establish their domains. The Galantian Sea, which surrounds the realm, is home to mermaids, Krakens, water sprites, and other sea creatures. The land is inhabited by trolls, goblins, gnomes, centaurs, fauns, griffons, and other terrestrial mystical creatures.\n\nIn Eldonora, magic is woven into the fabric of the world itself. Witches, wizards, warlocks, and sorcerers practice their craft in every enclave. Eldonora's people are gifted with an array of powerful spells and enchantments. Wizards and sorcerers are highly respected members of society and protect their communities. The Ancient ruins scattered around the realm hold mysterious artifacts that carry power beyond comprehension, and the land is infused with the magic of nature. \n\nDangers are lurking about in Eldonora as well. There is a constant threat of evil sorcerers, grumpy dragons, and the occasional sinister creature. But with danger comes the rise of heroes who rise up and protect the land, wielding the power of magic and the strength of their spirit.\n\nSo, as you explore the treasures of this new realm, know that the magic of Eldonora will always be there to guide and protect you.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Create a story based on the following prompt: \"Every time I try to leave my college campus, I find that I get turned around. I haven't left in weeks. I want to leave.\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It's day twenty-five of my predicament. \nYou see, almost a month ago, I went to walk to a local coffee shop, about a fourth of a mile from my college campus. I was craving an iced latte, and wanted to leave the campus library to get a change of scenery while I studied for my exams. When I got to the end of campus, however, something inexplicable happened. Every time I started to walk off of campus property, I would get turned around. Before I realized it, I would be walking in the complete opposite direction, right back toward my dorm. \nI thought, at first, that I just needed a nap -- I was so exhausted from studying and the semester was taking its toll on my mental health. \nBut the next day, the same exact thing happened again. I was starting to get scared. I tried to walk off campus from another area, but the same thing happened. I couldn't leave.\nIt's been twenty-five days now. I've only eaten campus food, and I've tried, relentlessly, to get off campus. The scariest part is, whenever I try to talk to anyone else about this, they just give me a blank stare and an unnerving smile. \nI'm starting to think something very sinister wants me here.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Condense this article excerpt into 3 sentences, focusing on the main points.\n\nHere’s that article excerpt I mentioned:\nFourth, given that this will be a commitment, be a “thoughtful shopper.” Focus on people you really connect with. We are drawn to people like ourselves — that is, those who are of a similar education level, age, and occupation and with whom we have shared interests. But don’t rule out getting to know people outside your typical social circle. A study of Chinese adolescents, for example, found that making friends from different neighborhoods boosted well-being, especially for men.\n\nFinally, as you spend time together, sprinkle in some self-disclosure. Sharing information about your experiences, thoughts, and beliefs boosts perceived empathy and warmth. In turn, this leads potential friends to share more about themselves and to like you more. (Just don’t overdo it: Disclosing highly intimate information early on or constantly referencing yourself can backfire.)\n\nIf you are among the millions of adults suffering from a personal friendship recession, don’t fret. There are likely many others also in need of a good friend, and with some effort you can find each other. In the meantime, don’t forget to enjoy your weak ties too. Social interactions with mere acquaintances or even strangers — say, chatting with coworkers at a meeting or random passengers on the bus — can have a surprisingly large positive impact on our well-being.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Millions of adults are suffering from a personal friendship recession so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding someone to truly connect with. When looking for a close friend, try to only focus on people who you feel connected with but don't rule out others who may be different. As you begin to spend more time with a person, share some personal experiences and beliefs (don’t go overboard) which will lead to friends that will be more open about themselves as well.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "My parents' 20th anniversary is this year so all the children are coordinating an extravagant celebration for them. Both of their favorite color is navy so I want to integrate this in the overall theme. What are some glamorous color schemes that include navy that will elevate their celebration and make it extra fancy?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I am sure your siblings will be pleased that you want to throw an elegant party to celebrate 20 years of marriage. Navy is an intense deep blue, so it pairs well with contrasting colors that are bright and lively, like hot pink and cherry red. One of the best color combinations is navy and gold. Using this color scheme will effortlessly elevate any venue. Some other options are mustard yellow, beige, and peach.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "How many breeds are recognized by the AKC and what were the last ten breeds they recognized? And what was the first breed recognized?", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The American Kennel Club (AKC) has 200 dog breeds officially registered. The last ten breeds registered are:\n\nRussian Toy, 2022\nMudi, 2022\nBracco Italiana, 2022\nBiewer Terrier, 2021\nBelgian Laekenois, 2020\nDogo Argentino, 2020\nBarbet, 2020\nAzawakh, 2019\nNederlandse Kooikerhondje, 2018\nGrand Gasset Griffon Vendéen, 2018\n\nNine breeds were first registered in 1878: \n\nChesapeake Bay Retriever\nClumber Spaniel\nCocker Spaniel\nEnglish Setter\nGordon Setter\nIrish Setter\nIrish Water Spaniel\nPointer\nSussex Spaniel ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this for a 6-year-old child. Rearrange the sentences to make fewer paragraphs.\n\nWhy did dinosaurs go extinct?\nAround 75% of Earth's animals, including dinosaurs, suddenly died out at the same point in time. So how was this global mass extinction caused by a rock hurtling into the coast of Central America?\n\nPaul explains, 'The asteroid hit at high velocity and effectively vaporised. It made a huge crater, so in the immediate area there was total devastation. A huge blast wave and heatwave went out and it threw vast amounts of material up into the atmosphere.\n\n'It sent soot travelling all around the world. It didn't completely block out the Sun, but it reduced the amount of light that reached the Earth's surface. So it had an impact on plant growth.'\n\nLike dominos, this trailed up the food chain, causing the ecosystem to collapse. The reduction in plant life had a huge impact on herbivores' ability to survive, which in turn meant that carnivores would also have suffered from having less food available.\n\nBreeding seasons would have been shorter and conditions harsher. All living things would have been affected in some way, both on land and in the ocean.\n\n'There is a lot of discussion over the actual kill mechanism and how long that period lasted. There are still a lot of unknowns. But it was a massive event affecting all life on Earth, from microorganisms all the way through to dinosaurs,' says Paul.\n\nThe casualty list is long. Among them, ammonites, some microscopic plankton, and large marine reptiles all died out.\n\nBut the loss made room for the beginnings of the modern world.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why did the dinosaurs die?\n\nA long time ago, many different animals lived on our planet that no longer live now. Dinosaurs were some of these animals and at one point something very sad happened. All of them suddenly died. We say they went extinct. Most likely this happened because a very large rock from space hit our planet. We call this kind of rock an asteroid.\n\nThe asteroid was travelling very fast through space and when it hit the Earth, it made a giant hole called a crater. Everything was destroyed and a lot of black powder called soot went flying into the air and all around the planet. There was so much of this black powder that the Sun was blocked out a little. It wasn't bright enough on Earth for the plants to grow normally anymore.\n\nBecause the plants couldn't grow well, all other living beings were affected as well. The animals that only eat plants didn't have enough food to survive. Because there were not many plant-eating animals, the meat-eating animals also didn't have enough food anymore. The conditions were becoming more and more difficult for all living creatures on land and in the sea.\n\nBecause this happened so long ago, it's hard to know everything, but we know for sure that it was a very big event and that it affected all organisms from the tiniest living beings all the way to dinosaurs. The list of animals that died during that time is very long. But even though it was the end of many things, it was also the beginning of many new things.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Use the words and themes in this paragraph about Gertrude Stein and write a haiku that is set in Springtime.\n\nFrom the time she moved to France in 1903 until her death in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1946, American writer Gertrude Stein was a central figure in the Parisian art world. An advocate of the avant garde, Stein helped shape an artistic movement that demanded a novel form of expression and a conscious break with the past. The Paris salon at 27 rue de Fleurus that she shared with Alice B. Toklas, her lifelong companion and secretary, became a gathering place for the “new moderns,” as the talented young artists supporting this movement came to be called. Among those whose careers she helped launch were painters Henri Matisse, Juan Gris, and Pablo Picasso. What these creators achieved in the visual arts, Stein attempted in her writing. A bold experimenter and self-proclaimed genius, she rejected the linear, time-oriented writing characteristic of the 19th century for a spatial, process-oriented, specifically 20th-century literature. The results were dense poems and fictions, often devoid of plot or dialogue, which yielded memorable phrases (“Rose is a rose is a rose”) but were not commercially successful books. In fact, her only bestseller, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, a memoir of Stein’s life written in the person of Toklas, was a standard narrative, conventionally composed.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Gertrude Stein in Spring.\nShe shaped a movement in art.\nWith Alice, her love.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Imagine there is a sticker that was left by someone on a bench. Write a short story about the next day from the perspective of the bench. Make it moody and in tone with sadness and empathy included.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "They lay there on my side. Stuck to me with nothing but sadness surrounding them like an evil little cloud that wants to bring me down along with them. That's what I do though. I sit here and wait for people. People's things, animals, whatever you can imagine, and support them. Support them through their best and their worst times. More often times, the boring mediocre times - in all actuality. And it's an exhausting job, to be honest, but I can't remove myself so I endure.\n\nYesterday, a little boy came up and leaned on my side. He took out his backpack, a pen, and a notebook. Then, he started writing vigorously. After what felt like two arduous minutes, he ripped a paper off the notebook and stuck it to me. Nervously looking around, the boy ran off back towards the main road. I could instantly notice the sticker was sad to have left his friend. Little did the sticker know, they would have the opportunity to meet all kinds of new and interesting people today. Hear all kinds of interesting stories.\n\nBut not me, I wasn't able to communicate with them. I could only feel them and discern what they were thinking from deeply observing their senses. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Rewrite this post to make it short and snappy. It should be no more than 20 words. include 3 hashtags.\n\nNeuroscientist Smith explains how implementing certain habits in your day to day life can HELP you stay motivated and disciplined.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Want help to stay motivated, energized, and inspired? Watch how I, a neuroscientist, explain exactly what you need to do!\n#motivate #inspire #inspiration", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Summarize in a few sentences how to use mirrors and curtains to make a living space seem larger.\n\nAs someone who lives in a 350-square-foot Manhattan studio, writer and creative consultant Natasha Nyanin had to be intentional with how to make her home feel larger.\n\n\"Two of my go-to rules have to do with mirrors and drapery,\" she says. \"Hanging a statement mirror in a space is an excellent opportunity to assert bold style but also has the added benefit of making a room feel more vast since it reflects light and creates the visual illusion of a more expansive space.\"\n\nAnd when it comes to hanging curtains, she always opts to attach as close to the ceiling. \"This draws the eye line upward and makes the ceiling feel higher,\" Nyanin says.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Use mirrors to reflect light and give the illusion of space in a smaller room. Hang curtains close to the ceiling to draw the eye up, and make the ceiling seem higher.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Write a short love poem about cheese. Make it a sonnet.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "My beautiful cheese, you inspire me to write.\nHow I love the way you slice, melt, and cube,\nInvading my mind day and through the night,\nWhile watching recipes on YouTube.\n\nLet me compare thee to a spring day.\nYou are more perfect, attractive, and cold.\nGrand sun heats the active peaches of May,\nAnd crackers pair perfectly with flavors bold.\n\nHow do I love you? Let me count the ways.\nI love your mellow rich taste and color.\nThinking of your smooth texture fills my days.\nMy love for you is the cunning caller.\n\nNow I must away with a pleasant heart,\nRemember my words whilst we're apart.", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "write a short story about a man in prison. something ridiculous happens. he is annoyed.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "RJ was a quiet man serving a lengthy sentence for armed robbery, and he was frustrated by his fellow jailmates' constant singing. He tried to ignore them, but the singing was too loud and would happen at random times. In the morning, at lunchtime, and even when it was lights out. RJ asked a jailmate to stop singing, and the jailmate told him that he couldn’t. It was as though he was possessed by song. Another jailmate started singing, and then another, and then another. Once one started, the others couldn't control themselves. The correctional officers didn't try to get them to tone it down. Some tapped their feet and whistled along. The prisoners even incorporated a dance routine. RJ sighed and put his commissary-purchased earbuds back in, but he could still hear them singing. He was frustrated and didn't know what to do. He had hated musicals since he was young, and still couldn’t escape them. He just wanted peace and quiet, but he knew that wasn't possible in a prison. He thought about complaining to the warden but knew that wouldn’t do any good. The warden wouldn’t care about his situation at all.\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
[ { "content": "Can you show me how to parse the clipboard and export the copied string into an array separated by commas? I'm talking about AHK.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, that's no problem. See below:\n\n```\nParsedArray := []\nStringSplit, clipboard, ParsedArray, \",\"\n```\n\nIf you add one more line you can call specific elements of the array. In this case, it's calling the first. \n\n```\nSpecificElement := ParsedArray[1]\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]