dash8x's picture
- Updated readme
license: apache-2.0
- automatic-speech-recognition
- text-to-speech
- dv
- audio
- dhivehi
- speech
- shaafiu
- narrated
- 1K<n<10K
# Dataset Card for Dhivehi Shaafiu Speech 1.0
### Dataset Summary
Dhivehi Shaafiu Speech is a single speaker Dhivehi speech dataset created by [Javaabu Pvt. Ltd.](https://javaabu.com).
The dataset contains around 16.5 hrs of text read by professional Maldivian narrator Muhammadh Shaafiu.
The text used for the recordings were text scrapped from various Maldivian news websites.
### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
- Automatic Speech Recognition
- Text-to-Speech
### Languages
## Dataset Structure
### Data Instances
A typical data point comprises the path to the audio file and its sentence.
'path': 'dhivehi-shaafiu-speech-train/waves/shafiu_1_d35e8g63.wav',
'sentence': 'ކަމަށާއި އެކަކު އަނެކަކައް އަނގައިގެން ނުބުނާކަމަށް އޭނާ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ.',
'audio': {
'path': 'dhivehi-shaafiu-speech-train/waves/shafiu_1_d35e8g63.wav',
'array': array([-0.00048828, -0.00018311, -0.00137329, ..., 0.00079346, 0.00091553, 0.00085449], dtype=float32),
'sampling_rate': 16000
### Data Fields
- path (string): The path to the audio file.
- sentence (string): The transcription for the audio file.
- audio (dict): A dictionary containing the path to the downloaded audio file, the decoded audio array, and the sampling rate. Note that when accessing the audio column: dataset[0]["audio"] the audio file is automatically decoded and resampled to dataset.features["audio"].sampling_rate. Decoding and resampling of a large number of audio files might take a significant amount of time. Thus it is important to first query the sample index before the "audio" column, i.e. dataset[0]["audio"] should always be preferred over dataset["audio"][0].
### Data Splits
The speech material has been subdivided into portions for train, test and validation.
| | Train | Validation | Test | Total |
| ---------------- |----------|------------|----------|----------|
| Utterances | 6657 | 832 | 832 | 8321 |
| Duration | 13:30:13 | 01:44:36 | 01:40:15 | 16:55:04 |
## Dataset Creation
### Curation Rationale
[More Information Needed]
### Source Data
#### Initial Data Collection and Normalization
Data was collected through the AduEhy TTS Management System developed Javaabu.
The narrator was shown text snippets one at a time, which were then read and recorded through the browser.
Only minimal text normalization has been performed, which involved replacing multiple whitespaces and new lines with single spaces.
#### Who are the source language producers?
[More Information Needed]
### Personal and Sensitive Information
[More Information Needed]
## Considerations for Using the Data
### Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
### Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
### Other Known Limitations
[More Information Needed]
## Additional Information
### Dataset Curators
[More Information Needed]
### Licensing Information
[More Information Needed]
### Citation Information
title = "Dhivehi Shaafiu Speech Dataset",
url = "https://huggingface.co/datasets/javaabu/dhivehi-shaafiu-speech",
journal = "Hugging Face",
author = {{Javaabu Pvt. Ltd.}},
year = "2023",
month = jul
### Contributions
- [Arushad Ahmed](https://arushad.org)
- [Mohamed Jailam](https://github.com/muhammedjailam)
- [Ibrahim Shareef](https://github.com/ihshareef)