Strong For Too Long On the outside you see a cute and innocent boy who loves to play and have fun. On the inside you can tell he is a caring and determined fighter who will protect his friends while showing mercy to his enemies. He sticks to his morals and carries on the will of his many lost comrades. But there are some things that nobody is able to see. Deep down lies a frightened child constantly worried about what will be lost next. He fears losing the battle he has poured his blood and soul into and fears letting down those who have helped him down the path he chose for himself. During a cloudy afternoon in Mochinoki City Zatch was stuck lying on the floor in Kiyo's room. Zatch didn't feel any desire to do anything and stared at the ceiling with empty eyes. Kiyo sensed Zatch's change in personality and called Tia over to visit him. Kiyo was on the phone, "Hey Megumi, is Tia there?" Kiyo asked Megumi. "Yes, she's right here." Megumi replied, "Is everything okay Kiyo?" "No. Something is wrong with Zatch. He's been quiet lately, very quiet. He doesn't go out of the house anymore. All he does is lay down. I think he's really upset." Kiyo said with worry. "Oh my, that doesn't sound like Zatch at all. We'll be over soon." Megumi said. Kiyo was relieved that Megumi could come over as well, he thought she would be too busy. "Thanks a bunch Megumi, you're the best." Kiyo replied with relief. Megumi giggled for a second and blushed, but became serious again and said, "Keep an eye on him until we get there." Megumi then hung up the phone. Megumi and Tia were walking to Kiyo's house. "I'm so happy we get to spend time with Kiyo and Zatch today!" Tia said cheerfully. Tia looked at Megumi to find some form of agreement but all she found was some kind of unpleasant feeling coming from the idol. "Megumi, are you okay?" asked a worried Tia. Megumi was thinking about Zatch and snapped back into reality when Tia called her name. "Oh, yes I'm alright." Megumi lied. Tia kept looking at Megumi, keeping eye to eye contact. Megumi knew Tia would find out eventually so she thought Tia should be prepared for what she was about to see. Megumi sighed and said, "It's about Zatch." Tia instantly panicked, "Zatch? What's wrong with Zatch?" before Megumi could respond Tia stopped in her tracks and asked fearfully, "He... he wasn't sent back to the demon world... was he?" Just asking was enough to make Tia start tearing up. Megumi pulled Tia into a soft embrace, "No, no, Tia. Zatch is still here. He's alright, he's at Kiyo's house I promise." Megumi consoled Tia. "But he's not feeling like himself Tia." Megumi admitted. "What do you mean?" Tia asked, wiping away her own tears. "I don't know yet Tia." Megumi replied, "But that's why we're going over there; so we can find out what's wrong and help." "Okay. Then let's go right now! Tia said impatiently as she started walking again, she wanted to be with Zatch. "Okay, okay." Megumi said as she followed the impatient Tia. Kiyo kept a sharp eye on Zatch, just as Megumi said. He then heard the doorbell and went down stairs to see Megumi and Tia at his doorstep; they were wet from the rain that must have started not too long ago. "Hey you guys. Thanks for coming over." Kiyo said. "Kiyo? Where's Zatch?" Tia asked worriedly. "Follow me." Kiyo instructed. The two girls followed Kiyo up the stairs and stood at Kiyo's door. Kiyo opened the door and said with fake but convincing enthusiasm, "Hey Zatch, look who came over." Zatch looked up to see Megumi with a worried look on her face and Tia with a small smile. Zatch finally said, "Hey guys." Tia felt stunned, Zatch always had a special touch to his words whether it was enthusiasm or anger or just anything. She never heard Zatch sound so plain. Tia forced herself to say, "Hey Zatch, I came over to see you." Zatch replied, "Oh. Well you saw me so I guess you can go now." This shocked everyone else. Kiyo wanted to yell at Zatch for sounding so cruel. Megumi couldn't believe what she just heard, "_This can't be Zatch._" Megumi thought. Tia was hurt really badly by Zatch's remark. She wanted to cry but hid it deep down and retorted with rage, "What did you just say to me? I'm going to pulverize you!" Tia yelled. Zatch got to his feet. "Good! Go ahead and do it. At least this time you would have a good reason unlike all the times you hurt me before. What did I ever do to you to deserve all of that bullying you put me through?" Zatch screamed at Tia. Tia's anger instantly vanished and was replaced with regret and sorrow. She had bullied Zatch in the past. She always thought that she was making him stronger even though she bullied Zatch more out of anger rather than trying to make him grow up. But now could she had been wrong? Did Zatch need comfort more than harshness? Was her bullying causing Zatch to be in the state that he is right now? Tia was at a loss for words and a painful looked rested upon her face. "Zatch..." Tia said, trying to find something to say. Zatch started walking towards Tia, "Come on! Hit me, strangle me! I know you have the guts so why don't you do it? Tia!" Zatch yelled. There was only a foot gap between Zatch and Tia at this point. Tia took a step in, closing the gap between them, and wrapped her arms tightly around Zatch. "Zatch that's enough!" Tia yelled as she started sobbing. Zatch didn't want people touching him, "Tia let me go!" Zatch roared as he struggled to free himself. Tia only embraced Zatch tighter and refused to let go. She held on as hard as she could. Megumi and Kiyo came to her aid and tried calming Zatch down by trying to holding him. Zatch snapped and roared at the top of his lungs, "LET ME GO!" Zatch struck Tia's cheek with his fist. Everything stopped, as if time had come to a standstill. The only thing that moved was Tia's face from the force of the punch. Even though the punch was fierce Tia withstood it and still clung to Zatch with wide opened eyes that looked in disbelief at the boy that stood before her and blood trickled from her mouth. Zatch stared deeply into Tia's face. His anger turned into confusion at his own self. "_How did it come to this? Why did I hurt Tia?_" Zatch asked himself. Guilt started pilling onto Zatch as he stared at Tia; as if his former self was reflected through her; he was ashamed of who he was now. Zatch retracted the arm he used to hurt Tia and pressed both of his hands against his face. Lightning struck from the storm and thunder roared. "UUOOOOOOOO!" Zatch yelled before breaking down into agonizing sobbing. Tia was devastated that Zatch punched her. It may have left a small wound on her cheek but it left a scar on her heart. Regardless of her own pain Tia pulled Zatch closer and brought him into a caring embrace. Kiyo and Megumi wrapped their arms around the two children. Megumi started crying, she couldn't believe that Zatch would hurt Tia. Kiyo was humiliated with himself, "_How could I let Zatch fall this far? It's as if I'll only be there for Zatch if it's a battle. Zatch for you to punch a friend must mean that you've been suffering for a very long time. I'm so sorry I didn't help you Zatch." _Kiyo thought as he cried. After a few minutes on nonstop crying Zatch finally managed to say, "I'm... so... sorry... Tia..." It was extremely hard and painful for Zatch to speak but he had to tell Tia that he regrets harming her. Zatch wrapped his arms tightly around her; he needs her comfort. Tia softly whispered, "It's okay Zatch, everything will be okay." Tia then turned to Kiyo and Megumi, "Can you guys leave us alone for awhile? There are some things I have to tell Zatch in private." Kiyo was about to argue but Megumi grabbed his hand which caused Kiyo to look into Megumi's face. It was as if Megumi was pleading with Kiyo without even saying anything. Kiyo walked out of the room with Megumi. Zatch kept apologizing, over and over again. It felt like it was the only way to repent what he had just done. The truth was that even if everyone forgave Zatch he could never forgive himself. "Tia... I'm so sorry... It's just we're in a deadly battle to determine the king of our world and so many horrible things happened that hurt me still. I lost so many friends and even though they entrusted me with their will it added to the many burdens that have been left with me. I'm so scared that one day I'll lose and disappoint the many people who put their hopes on me. It's so much stress and I'm just a small boy Tia!" Zatch cried out. "Shh... there there Zatch..." Tia said as she tried consoling him. "Tia, please burn my book." Zatch said suddenly. Tia backed up to look at Zatch. "W-What are you saying Zatch? I can't do that! I need you! Don't you want to become a kind king?" Tia asked, trying desperately to change his mind. "What kind of king harms his friends." Zatch replied, having lost all of his confidence in himself. "I'm not qualified to be king now. If I became king the way I am now it would be an insult to all the people who trusted me." Tia would not let Zatch lose under any circumstances, "It would be an insult to all the people who helped you get this far just to see you throw in the towel. You just need to be you Zatch. And right now you're not yourself. We're all here for you; me, Kiyo, Megumi, Ponygon, and many more people will help you get through this." "But Tia-" Zatch started. "But nothing!" Tia roared, "I will not let you lose this battle! I will make sure you become king even if I have to pummel you and drag you to the throne!" Zatch was confused, "What about you? Don't you want to be the king?" Zatch asked. Tia finally admitted, "No, I don't. Ever since I met you I gave up on being the demon world king. I gave up because I knew you were much more fit to be the king than I was." Zatch was in shock, "Then why have you been in this battle all this time?" he asked. "To fight alongside of you and to make sure you were okay. I want to protect you Zatch, even if it's from yourself." Tia admitted as she backed away a little bit but still had a strong grip on Zatch's hands. Tia's self sacrifice was a lot for Zatch to take in. "_All this time she was fighting for me? All these agonizing months and her goal was just to help me?_" Zatch thought. He started crying again and felt a new pain in his heart, "_How can Tia be this strong when her only objective was to help me?_" Zatch thought and finally asked, "Why would you go that far for me?" Zatch practically shouted this question. Tia looked down, thinking over her words carefully and looked back up and pressed one of her hands against Zatch's cheek. "Huh?" Zatch asked from the comfort of Tia's hand. Tia smiled and finally admitted, "Because I love you Zatch, you big dork." Zatch was stunned for awhile; once he regained sense in his body he clung to Tia once more; tightly wrapping his arms around her and sobbed uncontrollably. Tia returned the hug and stroked Zatch's hair as she kept whispering, "I love you." over and over again into his ear. Slowly Tia's comfort cleansed Zatch's from his despair and depression. Zatch knew Tia fought hard to protect him and would throw herself in the line of fire just for his sake. Zatch realized just how important Tia is to him and knew if she ever disappeared there would be a hole in his heart that nothing could ever fill. Zatch said without doubt, "I love you too Tia." Even amidst everything that had happened, Zatch's words tugged at Tia's heart strings. Her smile returned and her cheeks became rosy. She held Zatch tighter as he continued to sob on her shoulder. As Zatch was crying uncontrollably Tia confessed, "I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I have anger problems that I can't control but you never deserved all of the harsh things I did to you. I know I hurt you a lot, I hurt you more than I did to anyone else in fact." Tia started crying painfully again, "But I just want you to know that even though I may not be good at showing it I care so much about you and I can't stand the thought of you being in pain. I want to protect you Zatch; you're the most important person in the world to me. After I was betrayed you taught me how to trust again, you made me experience happiness again. That's why I'll do anything in the world as long as it's for you, because I love you Zatch. So will you please stay here with me?" Tia pleaded. "Of course I'm staying Tia." Zatch rose from her shoulder and Tia saw his smiling face; something that she has been longing to see. Zatch went on, "How could I go back when you're still here? Besides I still have a lot of promises to keep and I still need to become a kind king." Tia couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true. She got Zatch back, the real Zatch. Tia's crying turned into hard sobbing as she yelled, "Don't you ever scare me like that ever again Zatch Bell!" Tia burrowed her face into Zatch's shoulder. "Don't worry Tia." Zatch consoled her, "I'm back and I'm here to stay. Thank you for saving me again." After a few minutes Tia managed to calm down and big smile rested on her face. She was happy she got Zatch back and she was glad to see his innocent smile once more. Tia remembered about Kiyo and Megumi and said, "We should probably go see our partners now. They're probably worried." "Unuu, let's go." Zatch said. Tia was glad to hear Zatch say "Unuu" because it was only something the real Zatch would say. Tia took Zatch's hand and shyly said, "Wait Zatch! There's something I want to give to you first..." "Nuu? What's that Tia?" Zatch asked. Tia closed her eyes and planted a kiss on Zatch's cheek making his face a little rosy. After the kiss Tia whispered into Zatch's ear, "I love you." She pulled her face away and blushed. Tia said with a smiling face, "Okay, now let's go!" Zatch was a little shocked but replied happily, "Un... Unuu!" They ran down the stairs to see Kiyo and Megumi on the couch. Kiyo had an arm around Megumi while Megumi rested her head on his shoulder. They both looked really upset. "Hey guys!" Tia announced. Both Kiyo and Megumi flinched and before turning to see her they yelled at the same time, "Tia! How is Zatch?" Then their eyes met the two children. Tia and Zatch were holding hands and the teenagers' hearts skipped a beat when they saw Zatch's heartfelt smile again. Zatch was back to his normal self. "Yea everything is fine now." Tia spoke as she let go of Zatch's hand to embrace him while still looking at the teenagers, Zatch did the same. "Zatch!" Kiyo and Megumi yelled happily at the same time as they ran over to the children to start a group hug. During the hug Zatch responded childishly, "I didn't know you missed me that much, it's only been a few minutes since you last saw me!" Kiyo was the first to reply. "It's good to have you back, you idiot." Kiyo said with a smile. "I'm glad you're our Zatch again." Megumi said with happy tears. Megumi looked at Tia and thought, "_I don't know what you did Tia; but you did a great job._" They spent the day happily together as if the events from earlier in the day never took place. The storm passed and was replaced with blue skies and sunshine so they went to the park where Kiyo and Megumi pushed their respective partners on the swing set. "I bet I can go higher than you!" Zatch challenged Tia. "Oh you wanna bet? Megumi push harder!" Tia playfully ordered. It wasn't long until Zatch went too high and fell off the swing but Kiyo caught him. They laughed but Tia thought she was going to have a heart attack from Zatch's fall. They later went to the beach to swim and play in the sand. When they got there Tia wanted to make a sand palace for herself and Zatch to live in as king and queen. "Hey Zatch let's make a sand castle together! Zatch?" Tia asked as she wondered where he went. She then saw huge splashes in the water and was barely able to see a blond haired boy. Tia said out loud, "Ugh that idiot! _But I'm glad he's my idiot again..._" Tia thought the last part and started smiling. Tia decided to join Zatch in the ocean to start a splash fight and other fun activities. It was a lot of fun for the both of them until they got tired so they started to relaxingly swim together, enjoying each other's company and held hands as they both smiled. "_This is way better than making a castle._" Tia thought as her smile intensified. Zatch noticed Tia smiling and happily said, "Tia, you're smiling so brightly!" "It's because I'm really happy!" Tia said happily. "Unuu! And why's that?" Zatch asked. Tia let go of Zatch's hand and playfully wrapped her arms around him bringing him into a tight embrace. Tia said in almost a yell, "Because I'm with you!" Zatch returned the hug and stayed like that for awhile until Tia said, "Zatch, look at the sunset. It's so pretty." Zatch looked and the view was spectacular. He hasn't seen it until now because he was too focused on Tia. The once blue sky became a mixture of different shades of orange and yellow and the sun was resting on the edge of the ocean. "Wow Tia, it's so pretty!" Zatch said happily. Tia noticed they were pretty far into the ocean; so far in fact that they were practically alone. Tia looked at Zatch and started blushing. She contemplated whether or not to do something with Zatch and finally decided to push her shyness aside this time. "Hey Zatch? Can you close your eyes for a second?" Tia asked. "Unuu. But why?" Zatch wondered. "It's a surprise." Tia said as her blush intensified. Zatch closed his eyes, "Don't peek." he heard Tia silently say. Something pressed against his lips and all of a sudden Zatch felt lighter. His body went numb and he experience a form of happiness he had never experienced before, _bliss_. It felt like decades were passing by and when the feeling went away it really had only been about ten seconds. "You can open your eyes now... Zatch." Zatch heard Tia say softly. Zatch opened his eyes to see Tia with a mad blush across her face. She had a soft smile and was shaking a little bit but still had her arms softly around Zatch. "Tia... what did you do? Did you ki-" Zatch asked before he was cut off. "One day you'll understand Zatch." Tia said, "But for right now we should go back to Kiyo and Megumi." "Un...Unuu." Zatch said still confused about what just took place. But no matter what, Zatch knew whatever he felt, he liked every moment of it. When the two children returned to their partners they discovered that Megumi and Kiyo decided to go to a restaurant to eat out tonight and the children happily tagged along. They were sitting at a booth; Zatch sitting beside Tia and Kiyo sitting beside Megumi. Zatch looked through the menu three times and asked, "Hey Kiyo? Where is the yellowtail on here?" Kiyo wasn't in the mood to yell or lecture Zatch after what happened earlier so he just said, "They don't have any Zatch. It's okay, you can just get something else." "What! No yellowtail? Zatch yelled. "Zatch it's okay." Tia said trying to make Zatch quiet down, "I'll come over tomorrow and bring you fresh yellowtail." "Nuu? Do you really mean it Tia?" Zatch said, looking happy again. "Yes, I'll bring you as much yellowtail as you can eat!" Tia confidently replied. That wasn't what Zatch was looking for, "No, are you really coming over again tomorrow?" Zatch asked. Tia was lost in thought, "_What? Between his desire for yellowtail and me he wants me more_?" Tia started blushing. She often got angry in the past because of Zatch's yellowtail obsession but now it was her turn to be on top of Zatch's priorities. Tia started blushing and happily said, "Y-Yes. I'll come over as early as I can tomorrow." Tia said. This made Zatch happy, "Unuu! Thanks Tia!" Everyone ordered their food and were satisfied with their meal, even with the lack of yellowtail. It was dark and it was time for everyone to head home but before that Tia wanted to say goodbye to Zatch. Zatch was the first to speak, "I wish you didn't have to go but I can't wait to see you tomorrow Tia!" Zatch said happily. Tia noticed that even though he was smiling Zatch had a sad look on his face. She wrapped her arms around Zatch and said, "Aww Zatch, don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow." "You promise?" Zatch asked. "I promise." Tia replied confidently. Tia knew she couldn't stay forever so she finally said, "Goodbye Zatch. See you tomorrow!" Tia once again kissed Zatch's cheek. Zatch was once again stunned; he saw Tia blush and turn away to walk home with Megumi. Once he snapped back into reality he waved his hand in the air and said, "See you tomorrow Tia!" Even though the sun had set on this beautiful day it only meant that it was preparing an even better tomorrow. The possibilities that tomorrow could bring can make a person look more toward the future than cling to the past. Zatch realized these things and started looking toward the future that he made sure Tia would be a part of. His past may have been harsh but now that only gives him more motivation to make a beautiful future; to make a tomorrow so great that it would completely overshadow the terrors of yesterday. End file.
Strong For Too Long by Youtoberz
Zatch Bell
happy vday zeno my v-day story of zb!!!! note: dont flame about the damn couples alright! one day in the mamodo world. kido: hey guys guess what day it is? liela: valintines day? kido: nope its valintines day. liela: brother he scares me sometimes. pamoon:i know. zatch:so what do we do in valintines day? kido:well dr.riddles told me we give out gifts to the people we love. tia:sounds easy. kolulu:well i know who im giving a gift to. (looking at zatch) zeno:i hate this holiday.its stupid screw love! liela:oh come on give it a chance zeno you never know whol give you a valintine. pamoon:yeah nobody. liela: BROTHER! (smacks pamoon with her wand) pamoon:ow! me:yeah come on zeno try it! zeno:whatever (leaves) liela:hm that guy needs to cheer up more. pamoon:impossible for him hes always mad. liela:well maybe he just needs a friend brother. pamoon:maybe.or he just needs thearapy liela:brother! pamoon:sorry ok! me:well i just hope zeno cheers up. mari:so lets get started with this dang holiday already! zatch:Yah! kido:well im gonna go find a gift for someone. tia:im gonna get something for zatch. penny:no im getting something for zatch! kolulu:But i am! all:grrr! (start to beat each other up) me:oh no. pamoon:we better stop them...hey weres liela? wherever liela is... leila:i knew i saw him go this way...ah there he is! there liela found zeno near a nice lookin area with a waterfall. liela:hey how come you arent celebrating with us? zeno:didnt i already tell you i hate this holiday. liela:well just give it a chance! zeno:yah like anyone would wanna be my valintine you heard your brother! liela:eh pamoons just acting like that. zeno:yeah but its true no one likes me. liela:dont say that!here i made this for you if you want, come back at zatchs house there having a party im sure theyl want you to come. zeno took what liela gave him and liela went off to zatchs house. zeno:hm? (opens the card) it says dear zeno i know you hate this holiday but i just wanted to give you a little something.i hope you cheer up.and also well i never told anyone this but i like if you ever cheer up will you come to zatchs party with me? happy v-day love liela zeno blushed a bit after he read lielas card and decided to come to the party. at zatchs house... zatch: wow nice decorating penny! penny:thanks zatchie! tia:whatever. kido:so whens the party startin? kanchome:its gonna start at seven. kido:well its six right now lets go get ready! kanchome:yeah. ponygon:meru! hyde:hm needs something. mari:what hyde-kun? hyde:oh now i know the cake needs some more frosting on this side-hey whata? REYCOM! reycome:what?cakes good! hyde:dont eat it till the party! reycom:fine. (leaves) hyde:...wanna eat the cake? mari:yay! pamoon:man i hate this tux! me:why?you look ok. pamoon:eh i just dont like it. me:whatever i guess. zatch:i wonder were liela and zeno are? outside zatchs house. liela: guess zeno aint comin. zeno:liela! liela:zeno? zeno:oh hey! liela:hey. zeno:um.( zeno saw liela in a purple velvet dress with a moon shaped bow on it) liela: yes zeno. zeno:never mind. liela:so you did come. zeno:yeah i guess this holiday aint too bad. liela:im glad you changed your mind.( liela then kissed zeno on the cheek) zeno: (blushing) yeah well lets go to the party. liela:sure. inside. zatch:lets give out gifts now! tia:yeah. me:ok! kep your pants on! hyde:he wears a dress. me:so what? tia:here zatch this is for you! ( tia handed zatch a giant yellowtail) zatch:WOW! kido:um Cianna this is for you. Cianna:thanksies kido! (hugs him) ps. cianna is friend of mine on deviant art. kido: hehe (melts) reycom:here penny! penny:thanks its a cute little dog plushie! thanks reycom (hugs reycom) me: here dude! (hands pamoon a present) pamoon:omg a ps3! (hey that rymed!) me:yup! pamoon:thanks! liela and zeno then come in. both:hey guys! (audiance claps) mari:how come we dont get intros? hyde: (shrugs) liela: hey the gifts are bieng givin? tia;'yup zeno:um here liela. (hands leila a little box with a silver bow on it.) leila:wow thanks. (opens gift to see a glass moon pin)wow its beatiful! zeno:i thought you might like it. zatch:now for the dancing to begin! liela:well wanna? zeno:sure. the song let mr be with you was playing uhuhuhyeahuhuhuyeahuhuhulet me be with you Futari ga kitto deaeru youna mahou wo kakete ryoute wo sotto kasanate hora, hohoemukara hontou no kimochi kidzukanai furishite totsuzen futari koi ni ochitano Let me be with you Let me be with you Let me be with you Dakishimetaino.. Imamade zutto ienaimama kakushitetano Tsuyogatteru soredakenano mitsukedashite Machiawasemade atogofun mattete Sonoatofutari koi ni ochitano Let Me Be With You Let Me Be With You Let Me Be With You Nakitakunaruno Tsunaidate wo sotto hanasutoki Fuan ni naruno Fuan ni naruno Let Me Be With You Let Me Be With You Let Me Be With You Dakishimetainoni Dakishimetainoni leila:happy valintines day zeno zeno:happy valintines day liela. - the end! - ok i mknow what your thinking omg zenoxliela that aint right! well its my frieken opinion! and i know liela and pamoon sis and bro there supposed to be lovers! another opinion! ok!? End file.
happy vday zeno by mari 54
Zatch Bell
Liar Liar A Konjiki No Gash Bell (Zatch Bell) fan fiction No copyright infringement intended, these characters don't belong to me and I'm not making any money off them. This fic does belong to me and I'm still not making any money! A/N: This fic deals with very mature themes, to say more would spoil the ending.You may also - depending on your POV - find Sherry and Brago OOC in this story. Proceed at your own risk. Sherry liked it when Brago relaxed. It gave her an opportunity to closely observe him, something he didn't tolerate easily whenever he became aware of her scrutiny. Right now he was stretched out next to her, fiery eyes closed and arms folded behind his head. His chest rose in a slow rhythm, but Sherry knew he wasn't asleep. This was a rare moment indeed, she thought. Most of their time was spent training and searching for new opponents. Brago's fight for the crown had become a way of life for them. But right now it was easy to forget the battles raging on all over the world. Soon enough they would participate in the fights, too. "What?" Brago's voice roused her from her contemplations. His ruby glare met her cool blue gaze. "Nothing", Sherry said. Brago's irises dilated. I wonder if he's aware how his eyes reflect his feelings, she thought. Those luminous orbs truly were a window to his soul. "What?" Brago repeated, his tone sharper this time. Sherry sighed. He would not be pleased with what she had to tell him. "I'm going to be busy for a few days." she said. "Why?" he snapped. "You know we need to train." "Yes, but I have to take care of some things." This wasn't going well, she thought. "What kind of things?" the mamodo insisted, irises contracting to the point of disappeance. Sherry shrugged. "Nothing important. Just ...things." "Well, if it's nothing important, why do it at all?" Brago wasn't about to let her off the hook so easily. She'd anticipated this reaction. He was very intolerant of anything that wasn't directly involved with his quest to become the mamodo king. As usual, their conversation was about to turn into a fight. "I know you have other plans, Brago, but I really need this time, ok?" "Really?" he asked sarcastically. "Just a moment ago you told me it was nothing important. Were you lying then or are you lying now?" His selfish behavior infuriated her. "I am not lying!" Sherry snapped. "I am ...look, you can take a few days off, too. Go into the woods and kill something, I don't care. When you get back we can pick up where we left off, ok?" Silently Brago got off the bed they'd shared. The long curved claws on his toes clicked on the smooth floor as he began to gather up his clothing. He threw the furry cloak over his shoulder and strode towards the door. "This is no way to make me king, you know!" he hissed and walked out. Sherry tossed a pillow at the spot where the demon had stood just a moment earlier. Could there be a more selfish and arrogant creature in the universe? Becoming lovers had not mellowed him out in the least, not that she'd seriously expected such a change. The progression in their relationship had been a natural one. They'd gone from reluctant partners to allies and now they slept together. Everything else remained the same: the bickering and the frequent arguments had not diminished at all. Only on the battlefield were they able to communicate without words. Whenever they opened their mouths to speak trouble was soon underway. But why should anything have changed, she wondered. Regardless of the new sleeping arrangements they still had their own unique personalities. Brago was still obsessed with becoming king, his laser focus hadn't shifted in the least, but her priorities hadchanged. The defeat of Zophise had freed Coco from the evil influence of the mamodo. Now all of Sherry's energy was concentrated on fulfilling her promise to Brago. Her life was completely consumed with this quest. She took her promises very seriously and Brago's insinuation that she did not enraged her - after all she'd gone through for him! But this was no time for recriminations, she reminded herself. Time was of the essence and she was already late. Brago cast a venomous glance in the direction of the road. The limousine had just sped by with Sherry in the back seat. She hadn't noticed him standing at the edge of the forest. Or maybe she'd ignored him. Brago didn't care either way. Since she hadn't bothered to share her secrets with him he wasn't about to try and find out what exactly was going on. It really wasn't that important to him anyways, but her lack of dedication annoyed him. The stupid human simply had no concept of the principles of warfare and combat. Now was the time to redouble their efforts and seek out new opponents. Why couldn't she understand this? Sherry sighed and stared at the closed door before her. For some time she'd frantically tried to find a different solution to the problem, but only one realistic option kept coming up. Now that she'd made her decision she had to go through with it. It was for the best, she told herself. Once she stepped into the room ahead there would be no turning back. She gently knocked and reached for the door handle. A few days later Brago returned from his jaunt in the woods only to find Sherry in bed. "Don't tell me you spent all this time sleeping?" he asked. "I know you tire easily, but this is ..." He didn't finish the sentence. The lights in the room were low, but on closer inspection she didn't look merely tired, she looked bad - really bad. Her blonde hair was stringy, her ashen face was puffy and her eyes were nearly as red as his. Something was seriously wrong here, and he was going to find out exactly what it was. "You look like hell", he stated flatly. "What happened?". "Thanks, I love you, too. " Sherry whispered. Brago blinked. "What did you say?" "Nothing," Sherry replied. Just like a typical human I can't take five steps without collapsing." "This is your idea of a joke, I assume? I think you owe me an explanation!" The woman's confusing behavior was seriously annoying, Brago thought. You're right there, Sherry thought. I do owe you an explanation, but I can't tell you the truth, you aren't ready for it. It's better you never find out. "I guess it's a flu, I've been sick ever since you left." Sherry said, turning away from his intense glare. Brago didn't reply. He'd never considered the possibility of her getting seriously ill. What if she didn't recover? His plans would be ruined. He wasn't familiar enough with humans to know which diseases they were prey to but he was very suspicious of her explanation. More than likely she was lying again. But why? What was so awful that she couldn't tell him? Why didn't she trust him? In situations like this he wasn't sure how to proceed. Clearly the woman was distressed, but she was at home and properly cared for, so what did she expect of him? "What do you want me to do?" he finally asked. "Sit here for a moment" Sherry said and indicated a spot next to her. Brago gingerly sat down at the edge of the bed. Sherry looked at him for a while. Then she reached out and took his hand. Her skin was hot and moist compared to his. Next to his grey complexion her skin looked very pink. Her nails were short and carefully manicured, his were sharp black talons that extended far beyond his fingertips. He shifted uncomfortably. How was this hand holding supposed to help her get better, he wondered. Sherry couldn't help but smile at his obvious discomfort. Why would a simple touch like this be difficult for him when he had no problem sleeping with her? She would never fully understand him. But she had made the right decision after all. The fairy tales she'd read as a child had been right after all. The fates didn't smile upon those who took demon lovers. She wiped fresh tears from her eyes. Neither she nor Brago were cut out to be parents, their basic nature made them unfit. Their occupation was fighting, not child rearing. I'm so sorry my little one, she thought. You never had a chance. End file.
Liar by Wega the blue sun
Zatch Bell
RETURN OF THE MAMODO 2 RETURN OF THE MAMODO chapter 1 prologue [this takes place 10 years after Zatch becomes king] ''WE DID IT!'' yelled Sugino and Reycom. ''Our portal is complete, now every single mamodo will be sent back to the human world. ''Once every mamodo is gone there,we will become kings!'' ''This plan is a masterpiece.'' -castle- ''Bye Brago, I'm off for candy and yellowtail with Kolulu, Tia, Violet, Nya, Kanchome, Zeno, Kido , Rops ,Wonrei and Ponygon.'' yelled 16 year old Zatch. ''Why am I always stuck with king duty?'' ''I WANT TO COME!'' yelled 24 year old Brago from the other side of the room. ''Duh,you're the second king ,you're on vacation all the time.'' ''VACATION? I RUN A MILLING FACTORY OUT THERE, YOU ROTTEN LITTLE MAMODO.'' yelled Brago. But Zatch and the others left even before Brago finished yelling. -castle arc ended- -candy store- ''thank you'' said 16 year old Violet as the cashier handed her a large 100000 piece box of chocolates. ''Violet, is that necessary for 12?'' asked 16 year old Tia. ''I don't see what's wrong Tia'' said 16 year old Kolulu. ''I agree'' said 16 year old Kanchome and 18 year old Kido. 16 year old Nya mewed in agreement and 14 year old Ponygon bleated ''Merumerumee'' in agreement. 16 year old Rops squeaked in agreement . ''The least we can do is take some back for Brago.'' said 14 year old Yopopo . Zeno and Zatch yelled in unision,''ENOUGH ALREADY! LET'S GO GET SOME YELLOWTAIL!'' - candy store arc ended- -river- ''THAT FISH IS ALL MINE! I CAUGHT IT FAIR AND SQUARE!AND I MEAN IT!''yelled 25 year old Wonrei. Ponygon was munching on a shrub nearby and Nya ,Kanchome and Kido were dancing to 'Hey ,hey let's dance all day', 34 year old Folgore's most famous but really drove 24 year old Kiyo and 20 year old Djem very mad. Meanwhile Violet, Tia and Kolulu were plucking flowers. ''This will make a nice Tiara.''said Violet as she plucked some pink and purple flowers. Then she accidently stepped into what she thought was mud. But it happened to be the portal to the human world! ''Tia, Kolulu!''yelled Violet. ''VIOLET!'' Tia and Kolulu yelled. Tia grabbed her foot. Kolulu grabbed her leg, trying to pull them out. But ,they slipped in too. Then Ponygon grabbed her arm. Nya grabbed his tail. Kanchome grabbed Nya's ear. Kido grabbed his hair. Wonrei, Zeno and Zatch, with 5 stacks of yellowtail each, who had finally recovered from their 'fishing frenzy' grabbed Kido one by one. But the portal was too strong! It sucked them in! - river arc ended- End file.
RETURN OF THE MAMODO 2 by Violetpiano
Zatch Bell
Ode To Yopopo Disclaimer- I do not own Zatch Bell. If I did, Yopopo wouldn't have gotten his book burned. Ode to Yopopo Djem's POV In all my life I will never know Another person like Yopopo His song and dance stole my heart Even though I pretended to hate him How could I? He was so cute. Until that day when Zatch and Kiyo showed up And helped us take down Kikuropu. My hatred for him became love. He didn't harm my family. Instead, he was trying to protect me. That little angel That darling little boy Was trying to defend my family He took some of the blows to keep me safe. How could I ever be so cruel? And not notice his purpose in my life? I love him with all my heart and soul. How could I think that he was hurting my family? I couldn't understand a word he said. But that precious time when he said my name It turned my heart to water. In all my life, I will never know Another person like Yopopo End file.
Ode To Yopopo by Little Miss Mania
Zatch Bell
Closer to You Than You Think **Closer To You Than You Think-** **A KiyoXSuzy One Shot- I do not own Zatch Bell or Panic At The Disco** So you've read Bellmond High School which makes you Think I only support KiyoXMegumi . . .Honestly both couples have an even chance, it's just more obvious in KiyoXMegumi because there are signs on both ends. The only couple I WONT support with Kiyo is KiyoXShion even KiyoXSHERRY has a betterchance. SHION IS FREAKIN FILLER in the canon world of Zatch Bell she's just an orphan girl, Nya may or may not have been one of the 100 and even if what happened did, all it evidently is is Kiyo "pittying" Shion so it wouldn't work. I'm done my rant. Enjoy the oneshot ^_^ This is Dedicated to Unknown 2008, the biggest Kiyume (KiyomaroXSuzume) fan I've met and she reads my KiyoXMegumi fic. This is a Thank You to her. (Or him) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Lockette stood on the balcony of a two story Victorian house. "The sky has such a pretty blue today" she said looking out to a sunny blue sky day, there was a gental breeze that blew the lush green grass that parted where a line of medium, neatly trimmed trees stared at a cobble stone walkway, on the other side of this walkway was a line of bushes, each one grew a different flower species. Lockette had pudding yellow hair that reached her shoulder bone with slanted bangs, chocolate brown eyes. She wore a light blue "newsboy" cap (The ones you see news boys wearing) with a light blue tanktop and yes it covered the belly button on top was a brown jean jacket with a brown skirt, light blue socks and brown boots with no heels. As the sun glowed she noticed the light from the reflection of her special necklace she had on with her silver rosary necklace. To the naked eye it was one of those military ID necklaces, only a select few could see that instead of writing in it there was a lavander mamodo square (The two triangles with the circles on every spell book cover) **'Hopefully it won't be long for you.' **Lockette thought. "LOCKETTE!! THIS IS AMAZING!!" Lockette's mom, who looked like an accountant, squeled. She held a report card in her hand. "Another semester of straight As!! I'm so happy you're not broken anymore!! and you're a good child now!!" she continued, Lockette smiled sweetly. "Hai Okaa-san, Arigatou" Lockette replied, her mother got teary eyed an closed the door. Lockette sighed. "She'll hate me and disown me when this is over" she said. "So your mom called you broken again?" a boy asked, he looked about twelve, Lockette was sixteen The boy had brown messy and spiky hair (Like Ayumu from Spiral or Dan from Bakugan) with lavender eyes wearing a black shirt with a white thin line downthe middle, covered down to his chest by a white cape like the pink one Ichigofrom Bleach had while he saved Rukia. with white jean shorts, and black boots with a white line in the front middle of either boot with fingerless black gloves with a white line in the middle of them. "Sukitatsu!!, yes she did . . ." Lockette replied. "Well on the bright side, she's in a great mood so I bet she'll let you go wherever, even a BAR!!" "I will not mess up this brain!!" Lockette shot up Sukitatsu chuckled. "You get the point" He replied." So where do you want to go?" he asked, taking his spellbook out. Lockette looked at her necklace. "I want to check on her"She replied, she grabbed the book "Teliker Chimeru" Lockette chanted, and they were gone. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ At Mochinoki High School Suzy was in Math class in front trying to figure out a simpleAlgebra equation but having much difficulty which agitated the evil teacher . "Didn't I ask Kiyo to tutor you?" the teacher asked. "I think I got it!!" Suzy announced, she stepped back and showed that SOMEHOW, 8X - 64= 24, X=Tri-Grapey-4,000. The teacher face palmed "Iwashima, YOU'VE figured it out by now right?" the teacher asked the alien lover "Juuichi" Iwashima replied. "11, that's right. Atleast ONE of our lfunkies can figure this out." The teacher replied, embarrassed Suzy sat down. Kiyo sighed, He thought she understood. The bell rang and as Kiyo gathered his things he heard Mary-Lou talk to Suzy. "So how IS Tri-Grapey" she asled, Suzy pointed to her stomach. "Great" She replied " I drew a self potrait of him." She pulled ot a picture of Tri-Grapey who actually looked like a mamodo square. "Yo Kiyo, look at Tri Grapey's potrait" Mary-Lou shouted, holding it infront of his desk, Kiyo looked up and his eyes widened. He of course knew what it nost likely meant. "Hey Suzy, You want to study at your house? it may help you to study in a more familiar enviorment that isn't so distracting." Kiyo offered. "Sure" Suzy replied, and they were off. Mary-Lou smiled _______________________________________________________________________________________ Lockette walked around Mochinoki exploring while Sukitatsu did his own thing. Lockette reeach Town Square when two kids showed up Claire and a girl with wheat brown hair, royal blue eyes, wearing a blue shirt with white short sleeves that had goth style crosses on either shoulder with leather wristbands with a fake blue rose on each one with a black skirt andblack boots. There was also a boy with green apple green hair with dark purple eyes with a blue cat hat with a white hoody with long orange sleeves with yellow jean shorts and pink boots "Hiya!!" The girl shouted. "My name is Hikari and this is my friend's mamodo Claire and my mamodo Harley." "Wait, How do you know I know about mamodos?" Lockette asked. ""Because we know your bastard for a mamodo" Claire said with a grin "Sukitatsu is no such thing!!" Lockette defended her mamodo. " Of course not to you" Harley explained. "But he's going to sure be one in your book when you hear his plan." " I know it, He wants to win nad become king and make the Mamodo World better." "Ha,Better? for pete sake kid HE WANTS TO DESTROY IT. He knew beforehand his partner would be handicapped so he did what he did, I as a proud psycho LOVE destruction but not my base!! And he isn't keeping his promise to you. No, once he takes over Earth, using you as his power key, He's going to kill you and that other girl as a threat to all who oppose and we aren't talking a simple stab or bullet here, it's pretty brutual." "You want proof of this, Take us to the other girl, help us find the Lighning Blonde prince and find Sukitatsu and we'll get him" Hikari concluded. "While i wait for you people I'm going to go to Natsumi's uncle's wedding and showthose mother fockers the TRUE meaning of Panic At The Disco." Claire announced and ran off. "So how WILL we find these people?" Hikari asked. Lockette lifted her necklace and the lavander transparent square glowed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kiyo Suzy and Zatch who followed the two were in Suzy's room. **So it's a mamodo symbol? I'll need to check it, Most likely Suzy won't see it as pervy. **Kiyo thought. "Hey Suzy, can I see Tri-Grapey really quick?" Kiyo asked. "Sure!!" Suzy replied she lifted her shirt just above her stomach and surely enough there was a lavander mamodo square with drawn hands and feet. "How did this symbol appear" Kiyo wondered. There was a sudden gust of wind and Lockette Hikari and Harley. I'll tell you what happened." Lockete started. "A doggy found my cheetah patterned paper clip." Harley said randomly. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Everyone sat in Suzy's living room. Lockette began to explain. "My name is Lockette. ten years before the mamodo battle started I was mentally retarded, just born that way. My parents in return were pretty close to disowning me until Sukitatsu , a mamodo from a clan of imortal blood showed up. I didn't knos what he was doing until after it happened: Sukitatsu knew i was his book reader so he went to a very smart girls house, taking me with him, He grabbed the girl and used a magic charm to transfer my mental illness to her and I became the smart one." She pointed at Suzy. "And that girl was you. The square on her stomach is the proof. "S-so I was smart, Like Kiyo?" Suzy asked Lockette nodded. "IWe were going to switch back once Sukitatsu became king but now he as other plans. So we're going to switch back now when we find Suki tatsu. Lockette explained. Kiyo was shocked to hear about something so crazy but there WAS proof so they went . . . __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sukitatsu sat at the balcony on it's railing waiting for Lockette when Harley walked up and kneeled before Sukitatsu "What do you want? Who are you?" Sukitatsu asked. "My name is Harley, I have heard rumors of your plans of destruction and domination so I wanted to help you. My powers is Nuclear Energy." "Interesting . . .Alright I could use you."Sukitatsu agreed, Harley smiled. "So what ARE your plans?" Harley asked Sukitatsu told him. Then Harley lifted his hat and a bunny jumped out. It transformed to Claire. "You guilty little bastard. Just got caught."Claire smirked "Hm, I don't care if some gay dude and a bitchy psycho wannabe find me out-" "So how do you feel that these are the kids who told me the truth" Lockette said before appearing. She took out her book. "You just proved it, and I have the book. Suzy then appeared along with Zatch and Kiyo. "As prince of the mamodo world I put Sukitatsu under extreme arrest for messing with Human Nature" Zatch declared with a fierce glare. Lockette opened the book. "WAIT!!" Sukitatsu started. " It may not work, the dude at the store told me you may not be able to change back" He threatened. This shocked Suzy. She may stay like this,Forever. She began to tear up and sink to the floor. Kiyo got on his knees too and looked at Suzy "I-I keep burdening Kiyo because I can't learn anything!! I want to be with Kiyo but I'm too dumb for him. He rather be with someone like Megumi- "THAT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL!!" Kiyo yelled " I never liked Megumi like that, Sure she's pretty and nice but even if she tries not to be she's still way to up there for me. You may not be the smartest but you still try- " He was teary too "Any your so creative with alot of imagination and you aren't completely retarded you still have a brain and your so happy and nice and I LOVE YOU WETHER YO'RE A GENIUS OR NOT!!" Kiyo declared, and he sealed it with a kiss on the lips. Suzy closed her eyes and kissed back, a single tear falling.. They let go. "OK, Let's try this" Lockette announced. **CHIMERU RESERGA!!** A light appeared and consumed Suzy and Lockette. When it was over Suzy lost her head band and her hair reached her shoulders, Lockette's hair stayed the same but she wasn't. Suzy half fainted and fell but Kiyo caught her. She opened her eyes and cried as she smiled. "Kiyo" she said in a not so high or bubbly voice "I can see it now. Algebra is as easy as drawing food faces!!" She hugged Kiyo who hugged back. "I love you" He whispered in her ear. Afterwards he grabbed the read book **Zakeruga **he said and Sukitatsu's book burnt. " I-I think I'll be OK, I'm not nearly as smart . . .But I'll live." Lockette announced Suzy ran to Lockette and hugged her. "I'm sorry you had to go through this" She said. Lockette huged back. They stayed that way for four minutes. Lockette went to show her parents. while Kiyo and Suzy held hands and looked at the fool moon. **See Kiyo** Suzy thought **I'm closer to who you are you than you THOUGHT I was.** Review please!! Ja-ne!! End file.
Closer to You Than You Think by Bunnys-n-PenguinsWillRuleEarth
Zatch Bell
What Are We Now? **NOTE: Another random drabble I came up with. Heh.** **BragoSherry. Sherry's POV.** **--** **What Are We Now?** When we first met, we absolutely despised each other. You tried to control me, but reluctantly obliged to listen to me when I threatened to kill myself. Time passed, and as we fought battle after battle, we became simple partners. You still had nothing to do with me, and I was apathetic to you. However, the duels progressed, and we slowly began to open up to one another. We were just friends, right? Now that I think about it... Are we possibly more? Is there something there that neither of us have come to terms with yet? ...What are we now? End file.
What Are We Now? by EtherealSinger
Zatch Bell
In the Arctic **In the Arctic** Zeno looked out of the window. 'Would you mind telling me why we are in the middle of the Arctic?!' yelled an annoyed Violet. 'Well, we were supposed to be in Panama now. But, since Zeno substituted as pilot we're in the middle of the Arctic !As far as I know, he does not now how to read a map!' said Zaruchimu. 'BBLLAAARRRGGHEEEEE''HOW DO WE GET OUTTA HERE SMACKDABBIT NOW?!' yelled Brago. 'Please calm down, dear costumer. The next plane won't arrive until next week so you better save your energy' said the guide. 'If we happen to need a rug pretty soon,I'd make one out of Zeno!' said Riou Zeno seemed very tense. But in the end, the plane arrived in less than an hour so nobody became a rug. **THE END ** End file.
In the Arctic by Violetpiano
Zatch Bell
Final Goodbyes **Author's Note:** This is my first Zatch Bell fanfiction. It's about 10 years in the future, and Zofis is the king of the mamodo world. Why? Cause I luff him :) ZatchTia. You were warned! **Disclaimer:** If I owned Zatch Bell, I'd be rich and powerful. I'm not. I don't. **And now...the story!** It seems as if time can change anything. Including relationships. 19-year old Tia saw this in the hardest way. It's foolish to think that things will stay the same forever. The innocent little child was the polar opposite of the woman she had become. Pink hair still topped her head, although it fell only below her shoulders. Her eyes were bright and vibrant green, and huge silver hoops hung from her ears. She wore a T-shirt and black skirt. Her nose was pierced with a small silver ball. If you didn't know who it was, you wouldn't recognize her. Tia leaned against the side of a sturdy brick house. Her personality had changed too. The former happy child had tears running down her face. She realized that this was the last time she would stand here, outside Kiyo's house. He had lived there for almost a year, ever since he moved out of his old apartment. This was the last time she would hang out with her human friends, Kiyo and Megumi. And this was the last time she would ever get to be on earth. Today she was going back to the mamodo world for good. Tia recalled the only reason that she was here at all: Zofis had taken a few choice mamodos back to Earth while he said his goodbyes. He was going back to the mamodo world for the first time in 10 years. He had grown tall and handsome, looking so much different than the cold-hearted boy she had once known. He had become close friends with Tia, and had chosen her and a few other friends to come back and say their final goodbyes. Zatch was there with her, and Ponygon too. Brago, one of Zofis' closest friends, had also come back. 10 years ago, she would have laughed at the idea of Zofis and Brago becoming friends. Anyone being Zofis' friend seemed weird. He was very unfriendly as a child. Brago wasn't exactly welcoming either. The strange part was that their partners, Sherry and Koko, were always fighting. They had begun as friends, but under Zofis' influence, Koko had become cold and uninviting. She had actually tried to kill Sherry a couple times. They had put that behind them now, and had rekindled their relationship. When they started hanging out more, it pushed Brago and Zofis closer together. Megumi, too, was friends with Sherry so Tia ended up becoming friends with the two mamodo boys. A car pulled up in front of the house. Koko and a bawling Li-en. Li-en and her mamodo, Wonrei, were also going to be parted today. The two had fallen deeply in love during their time together, and unknown to Wonrei, Li-en was expecting a child. She had told Tia that she would reveal this today, but Tia doubted how well Wonrei would take the news. She knew he would be upset that he was having his first child, and he wouldn't be here to see it. Tia sighed. She was going to have to go into the house and see Megumi sometime. She knew that she would regret it later if she didn't. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and followed in Koko and Li-en. The sight that greeted her inside made her feel even worse. And kind of disturbed, depending on who you looked at. (A/N: Kinda O.o) Kiyo and Zatch were talking in the middle of the room. Zatch was now taller than Kiyo. His hair fell below his ears, but was still the same vibrant gold color. He wore a blue shirt and jeans. His expression was serious, but he still had the huge, adorable chocolate brown eyes. Ponygon, Brago, and Sherry were all attached in a group hug. Ponygon looked very much the same as he had before, but he was taller and more muscular. He could also speak some English, thanks to the tutoring of Kiyo. Wonrei and Li-en were talking in hushed tones in a corner. Li-en was looking a little guilty, but Wonrei was in shock. Zofis and Koko were locked in a deep kiss. (A/N: Like I said, O.o) When Tia entered the room, Megumi seemed to fly across the room to her mamodo, flinging her arms around her. "Goodbye, Tia." Tia could feel all Megumi's pain and sadness in that one hug. Tia suddenly burst into tears and buried her face into Megumi's shoulder. "I don't want to leave!" Tia murmured. "You need to go back. The mamodo battles are over." Megumi said gently. "I'm sorry Tia. I don't want you to leave either." "You don't understand." Tia growled. her voice was hushed so that only her friend could hear her. "Zofis is the king!" "So?" "So, I just saw him making out with Koko! I'm _never_ going to be able to look at him the same way again! Wait, where'd he go?" "I don't think either of us want to know." Megumi shook her head. Tia laughed, this was the Megumi she would always remember. The girl she could talk with about anything. "Wait, there he is now. I...I think he's ready to leave." Zofis was coming out of the kitchen, Koko clinging to him lovingly. Tears were streaming down her face, causing black mascara to stain her cheeks. "Zofis, you can't leave!" she cried. Zofis ignored her. "It's time." he told his mamodo friends gravely. Each mamodo gathered around. Tia looked at each in turn: Zatch, her beloved boyfriend; Ponygon, one of the best friends she has ever known; Brago, crying for one of the first times; Wonrei, his pale face decorated with a scarlet blush; and Zofis, smiling weakly as he convinced Koko to release him. Tia shot a glance at Megumi as she felt Zofis' magic engulfing her, sending her back to the mamodo world. She felt so helpless. Suddenly she felt warm hands clinging hers, and looked on either side of her. On one side, she saw Zatch, his face revealing no emotions. On the other side was a teary Brago, shouting goodbye to Sherry as they were transported away from earth. **Author's Note:** OK, Read and review. I didn't intend to endit so O.o-ly but...yeah. **Note to Glacier Phoenix:** SYRUS IS CUTER THAN ZANE AND SASUKE COMBINED! Muahahaha... End file.
Final Goodbyes by Stella the Hedgehog
Zatch Bell
A Fairy Tale The Allegory of the Princess and the Demon and the greatest Treasure of all A Konjiki No Gash Bell (Zatch Bell) fan fiction by Wega the blue sun No copyright infringement intended, the KNGB characters don't belong to me and I'm not making any money off them. Only this fic belongs to me, and that's good because it's my personal favorite. Enjoy! A/N: Sherry and Brago as they might appear in a fairy tale. Written without quotation marks because I like it that way. Once, not so long ago in a country far away there was a beautiful princess who lived in a mighty castle. And although she possessed gold and jewels she was very sad, for the treasure she loved most of all had been stolen by an evil witch. The princess cried day and night in her sorrow, until her sobs were heard by a dark demon hidden deep within the earth. I can taste the tears of a princess, the demon said, her wails are music to my ears. I shall go to her and offer my services, so she may help me in return. And the demon clawed his way through all the layers of rock and soil until he finally stood before the princess. Don't fear me, the demon said, I have a gift for you. And he threw down a heavy book, black as tar. Within this book is your salvation and mine. Read it and I will help you find your treasure and in return you shall help me. But remember, nothing is free and this gift will cost you dearly. The princess dried her silver tears and picked up the book of demon spells. He is the one you've been praying for, her sad heart whispered, the fates have been kind. Accept this gift no matter what the cost so you may recover your lost treasure. I am powerful but not almighty, the demon said, I cannot fight alone. Will you be strong enough to follow me? There will be hardship if you walk in my footsteps, the path of darkness is lined with thorns. Will you accept the pain? Once you begin this journey you must not stop until the task is finished. For the love of my dearest treasure I will follow you wherever you go, the princess said. I will endure any pain, I will walk on broken glass, I will endure the unendurable. Do with me as you will. Do it for the treasure, her sad heart whispered. Do it for the most valuable thing you've ever possessed. Without it your life is meaningless. Demon, the princess asked, why would you fight for me? Do you yearn for my treasure as well? Or does your heart seek valuables of another kind? Do not try to understand my heart, the demon said, for it is not like yours. My heart is made of stone and girded with iron bands, and nothing can touch this hard rock within my chest. It's true I seek treasure, but yours isn't fit for one like me. What is this treasure you seek? the princess asked. Is it gold and jewels and riches beyond compare? Or is it a love so pure it shines like the brightest diamond in the blue sun? I am not like your kind, the demon said, the treasures you hold dear mean nothing to me. Neither jewels nor love can gladden my heart of stone, only the power of a King's crown can warm the iron banded rock with my chest. And the demon and the princess set out and traveled the land in search of treasure - for him a crown, for her a love so pure a witches power could not destroy it. Many were the days the princess suffered, her tender feet bled on the thorny paths the demon chose for them and she grew weary without rest. Her hands trembled when she had to eat the bitter flesh of the lowest beasts and there was no mighty castle for shelter from the weather, no soft bed where she could sleep. But the princess listened to her sad heart and never forgot what she was fighting for. The demon is cruel, the princess thought, but with his help I shall free my treasure and I shall suffer gladly for this. I will honor the vow I made to him, for he will bring back that which I desire most in this world. Don't falter, the demon said, there is much more to be done. Our enemies are great in number and they grow stronger with each passing day while our treasures are slipping further away from us. Will you continue to travel with me? Can you muster the strength? I will remain with you no matter how thorny the path, the princess said, no matter how great an army of foes we face, I will stand by your side. I am your helpmate, I am a strong wall, depend on me. Do it for yourself, her sad heart whispered. Grow strong along the way so you may fight for what you desire. The power lies within you. And as time went by the princess learned much from the demon, and he learned from her. Together they slew many enemies and grew stronger with each battle. And every day the demon spent with the princess the iron bands around his heart of stone grew a little weaker, until he feared they'd break altogether. I am not of this world, the demon said, and one day I will have to leave this sunny realm, you must know this. Our time together is limited and we must hurry to fulfill our vows. There is no rest for either one of us, no matter how weary we grow. The princess knew he spoke the truth. Do not fear, demon, she said, I know what must be done. Trust me. And finally the day came when the princess and the demon found the greatest treasure in the world, a love so pure a princess would walk alongside a demon over broken glass to possess it again. The treasure was guarded by the evil witch who'd turned it into foul pitch so that no one would recognize its true worth, but the princess knew it right away. The purity of the love within the pitch shone through and it gladdened the sad heart of the princess. Beware witch, the princess said, we've come to take back what is rightfully mine, you may not keep the treasure any longer. Love that pure isn't meant for the likes of you! Witch, I must slay you, the demon said, for you stand in my way of finding the greatest treasure there is, and I shall have it at long last. Love has no power over me but power is my only love. The witch was wily and strong and the terrible battle raged on all day and all night and into the next day and night the princess and the demon fought until their blood ran bright and they grew weary. But the treasure's call was loud and clearas a silver bell and they didn't falter until finally the witch was defeated. And when the evil witch breathed her last breath the foul pitch turned back into the shining treasure and the purest of love was restored to the brave princess and her heart was sad no longer. And a mighty sound was heard when the iron bands circling the demon's heart of stone finally broke. My treasure has come back, the princess rejoiced. All my suffering has been richly rewarded and I am well pleased. Will you continue to travel with me? the demon asked. You've proved yourself in battle and I've grown accustomed to your company, yet my goal remains elusive. Will you still travel with me although you've regained that which you desired? I cannot fight alone, my heart of stone grows heavy and I need your help. Do it for him, the happy heart of the princess whispered. He fought for you and now you must fight so he may find what he desires. Pay your debt. The princess bowed her golden head. Without you I'd still mourn the loss of this pure love which now warms my heart again. I thank you for this gift beyond measure, brave demon. I shall travel with you as far as the quest will take us. Wherever we go, I shall not forsake you. And so the princess and the demon travel on to this very day, still searching for the demon's treasure. Side by side they brave many dangers and they grow stronger with each battle. And each carries a little bit of the greatest treasure of all within - the shining heart of the princess and the heart of stone of the demon now contain a love so pure they'd walk over broken glass and back again to possess it. End file.
A Fairy Tale by Wega the blue sun
Zatch Bell
Zatch bell's thoughts I just wanted to do a one shot. I do not own zatch bell, or anything affiliated to it. I used to be a weakling, and a pushover. Then the mamodo battle started. I don't remember what happened, but I wound up loseing my memories. One day a kind man found me, and asked me to help his son. I agread. At first it didn't work out, but that soon changed. we soon wound up in the fight to become the mamodo king. We found ourselves battleing countless enemies, and found several friends. As the battle went on, it got harder, and harder, but we just kept going on. Now I'm back in my own world, and the battle is over for another 1000 years. I however will never forget Kiyo, and my time within the human world. I wonder though, how would it be if us mamodos never came back to our world? Perhaps that question can be answered someday, when we no longer have to fight, and we can live with our human partners in peace. One day, maybe. End file.
Zatch bell's thoughts by Orig
Zatch Bell
Emotions Reek Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell. (sobs) Also, thank you to every romance fanfic I have ever read. (Most of you don't know I read yours.) And "Good Night Kisses" in the category of Zatch Bell. On With The Story... **Be warned. Zatch can be a little OOC in this story.** "Kiyo, I have a question." Kiyo and Zatch were walking along the sidewalk. "Sure Zatch. What's up?" "How do you know when you have a crush on someone?" Kiyo was caught off guard. "Why do you ask?" "Well, I see the way you act around Megumi, and, according to my soap operas (He accually does watch them! I am not making this up!)that is how you act when your around a person you like." Kiyo's face was as red as an apple. "What makes you think I like Megumi?" "Well, your face turns an odd shade of red, you try not to yell, and you do everything in your power to protect her, and-" Kiyo's hand went over Zatch's. "Thank-you-Zatch." Then he removed his hand. "But Kiyo, how do you know when you like someone?" Kiyo paused for a minute. Then he sighed. "Well, you get this funny feeling in your stomach. You really want to impress them and make them happy. And you don't want any harm to come to them-" "But I don't want anyone to get hurt." "-yeah, but esecially them. And if anyone does hurt them, you have a strong taste for vengence." Zatch looked down for a second, and Kiyo thought that he heard the name Maruss under Zatch's breath. "Why, do you like anyone?" Zatch bluhed. It's the first time Kiyo had seen him blush. "Wh-wh-why do you ask?" "I just want to know. Wait, let me guess! Do you like Kolulu?" Zatch looked horrified. "Kiyo! Ew, gross! She's like my sister!" "Layla?" "Kiyo. She's just a friend. I don't like Layla." "Tia?" Zatch said nothing, but turned a darker red. "Ha!" "Kiyo! Promise you won't tell anyone." "Of course I won't, just maybe...Tia!" Kiyo ran out of the house. He wasn't going to accually tell Tia, but he figured he might as well have fun torturing Zatch. His little plan worked. Zatch was running behind him. "DON'T TELL KIYO! DON'T TELL!" "Maybe I will, maybe I-" He smacked into Megumi. They both went tumbling to the concrete. "Hi Kiyo. Won't tell what?" "I-I-I-I-umm-wha-?" Zatch caught up. "Kiyo was going to tell Tia that I have a crush on her!" Realizing what he just said, Zatch put a hand over his mouth. "Kiyo!" "Megumi, I was just messing with him." "Still! Love is a very fragile thing. It can lead to happiness for one, and angst for another. You don't play with this!" "Whoa! I didn't say anything about love!" Zatch screamed, his hands now up in the air. "There you are Megumi!" Zatch heard Tia's voice, and he saw her running towards them. Zatch went as white as a sheet. "Hi Zatch! Zatch, are you feeling okay?" Tia was now inches away from his face. She put her hand on his forhead. Zatch started shaking. His throat went dry, and he thought he might passs out. "That's what love feels like." Kiyo whispered. Love! He couldn't be in love! He was just a kid! Love was meant for adults. Not for him. But this didn't feel like his normal crush. It felt like his crush times one-thousand. Zatch swallowed. "Zatch, maybe we should get you to a nurse." Tia said. Suddenly, Zatch remembered his soap operas. You are supposed to touch your lips with their's when you like someone. Zatch leaned in, but chickened out at the last second. Tears in his eyes, he ran as far away from the pack as fast as possible. * Megumi found Zatch in the forest. Zatch wasn't crying but his face told her he had. H was sitting on a rock, his arms curled around his legs. Half of his head was in his arms. His eyes were staring out. "Hey Zatch." Zatch didn't say anything. "What happened?" Zatch started crying again. "Well, I know that you're supposed to kiss a person, that you-" He paused for a very long time."-love, but I just wasn't ready. I leaned in to kiss her, but I chickened out! I feel terrible Megumi. I thought love was supposed to be the best thing in the world." Zatch put his face down. Megumi put her arm around him. She hated seeing him like this. He was like a little brother. "You know, Tia feels it's her fault that you left. She thinks she's done something wrong." Zatch shot up. "She didn't do anything wrong!" Megumi smiled. "Well go tell her that." "Thanks." Megumi and Zatch ran to where Tia was. * Tia was sitting on a park bench, kicking her feet. She felt horrible. What did she do wrong? "Tia!" Zatch ran toward her, smiling. He tackled her to the ground with a big hug. "Tia, I love you!" Tia was in shock for a moment. She should be happy, but what if she misunderstood? "Like what?" Zatch stopped smiling. "What do you mean, like what?" "Do you love me like a sister, or a cousin, or..." She trailed off. All of Zatch's confidence fled from him. "L-l-l-like a g-g-g-irlfr-i-e-end." "Like a what?" Zatch took a deep breath. "Like a girlfriend." Tia didn't think she heard correctly. Like a girlfriend? Why would he want to be her girlfriend? She was constantly hurting him. Was it possible? "Okay, I understand." Tia looked back to reality. Zatch was off of her, and his head was down. "No, no Zatch, I...I love you too." Zatch turned to her, with a beaming smile. Well I guess everyone made up!" Kiyo said, coming out of the trees. "Shhh Kiyo, don't ruin it!" Megumi said. But the two mammodo seemed unphased. Keyword:seemed. "Well Kiyo, now that I confessed to Tia, you gotta confess to Megumi." Once Again, Kiyo's face was as red as an apple. The End End file.
Emotions Reek by hochmodel
Zatch Bell
My Precious Sherri **AN: **Funny story behind this, my friend is a major Brago/Sherri fanatic and one day I thought up this messed up parring just to piss her off. So I wrote it, liked it, and have decided to put this up here. I'm expecting flames, from a lot of Brago/Sherri fans, but we need more then just Brago/Sherri fics on this site. **Summary: **He ponders on his feelings for her, and that they can never be together. They were from two different worlds, from two different sides of the battle... **My Precious Sherri** He sat by his window. He liked his window. It was large and had a nice place to sit. The snow gentley hit his window, before fluttering soundlessly down to the ground. He watched them, one by one they fell. He felt so lightheaded, he didn't know why. It was probably the battle he had not too long ago, but he doubted it. It was her. She was a disease, a sickness, and he was deeply infected. She was his disease, his medicine, his everything. He sighed and closed his eyes, resting his forehead lightly against the cold glass. It was deathly cold, but he really didn't care. His heart ached, he wanted to see her, to talk to her. To stare into those firey icy eyes. Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw her. Her beautiful purple gown, her long blonde hair and her wonderful eyes. Those amazing eyes he imedieatly fell in love with. His mind then fell to her partner. That bastard. He hated him. He was so cold, and, he was sure, dragging her down farther and farther into the depths of depression. He wanted to be her knight in shinning armor, he wanted to save her from the dark. He wanted to be with her, there was no denying it. The teenager opened his eyes and watched the snowflakes dance in rfront of him, without a care, without a worry. "Sherri," her name was a sickness, driving him further down the path to insanity, the more he thought about her, the more he wanted to see her, but he couldn't see her, and it was only driving him more and more mad. He knew he could never see her again, he could never stand next to her, he would never talk to her. They were too different. She was sophisticated, and he was only some low life that crawled around in the gutter. They were from two different worlds... two different sides of the battle. In a rage, he pulled open his window, and let the cold air rush in at him. The warm air escaped and flew off into the night, while the snowflakes quickly started to cloak his crimson hair. He breathed in the deep cold air, but it didn't help. Everytime he closed his eyes, everytime he spoke it reminded him of her. Her name made him want to jump out the window. He loved her. L-O-V-E-D her. He flirted with girls, bu he never really loved them. He had never fallen in love before. Hell! He'd never even been on a date before. Hyde said it was because he was too much of a flirt. The skateboarder sighed and hung his head. He wanted to see her, to sheild her from the winds and harships of life. A small voice reminded him they were too different, one way or another, they would winde up only fighting. Fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting. That's all he seemed to be doing these days. He would rather sit down with a yellowtail burger and vedge instead. But no, he got himself into this mess, and thus, he was stuck with it until the end. He promised to help Hyde, and he was going to do that. The teenager slumped back inside, floaping down on his bed, getting one or more metal parts stuck into his back. He didn't care though, he rarely slept anymore. "Soon," he told his ceiling, as the snowflakes startefd to pile in his room and melt once they contacted something. "Soon, my precious Sherri, this will all be over, and once again, we'll be on the same side of the battle again." Tada! And yes, the parring was, (if you didn't figure it out) Eido/Sherri. I really like this parring. Now, if it's to flame, complement, or just tell me how weird I am, please press the little purple button in the corner, it loves to be pushed. End file.
My Precious Sherri by windwhisprer
Zatch Bell
Sweetener _Ah, terribly sorry i haven't updated much in a while. I'm busy with school (but thank goodness it's almost over) and am concentrating a lot on my drawings__... But really it's just procrastination with fight scenes. Like i said, i hate writing them, so that's why LaF will be updated kind of slow until it's over. I'll probably have more inspiration to write the later fights, though._ _Oh, and i've been plotting another story with a friend called Fragmented (main pairing is BxS, of course). That will probably be up sometime after LaF and i might even start writing it soon, depending on whenever we complete the entire plot and timeline for it._ _Anyway, felt a need to write something. So let's just say Easter chocolate inspired me._ _Happy belated Easter, people._ _Disclaimer: Twi owns nothing of Konjiki no Gash Bell, get that strait._ _P.S. Dark chocolate with ancho and chipolte chillies in it is really good. +u+ -nod-_ * * * **Sweetener** Lips upturning into a soft smile, Sherry sat down onto the green earth, matting down her white dress as she brushed her hand against the material softly. Smell of green and fresh air overwhelmed her and she inhaled a deep breath. Such a beautiful day, she mused to herself, watching a couple of birds in the distance flutter off into the clear skies above. White, fluffy clouds decorated the blue hue, and the woman couldn't help but feel at peace. Now redirecting her attention to the item in her hand, the woman flipped over the small sized bar of candy, which had been recently bought from a fine store, which she had ordered some of the best chocolate available. Unwrapping the thin, white paper covering the sweet, she lightly broke off a piece, hearing a small crack while doing so, smiling just a little more as the essence of different spices rose to her nose. This was a treat she didn't receive often nowadays, having been out to battle the past year and a half with her demon partner Brago, fighting for the right to crown him as his world's king. The remaining teams were boiling down to only a good select few, and the final battles were drawing near. Still, everyone should at least be entitled to a well-deserved treat now and then. Resting the chocolate on her tongue, Sherry smiled as a warm feeling ensnared her senses, and the cool sweet began to melt, revealing the taste of the many specks of spices that had been scattered, now all of which were resting on her tongue. After letting the taste sink in, Sherry finished the small bite still in her hand, rereading the writing on the back of the candy bar. "What are you doing?" arose a deeper voice from the other side of the garden gate, and Sherry removed her attention from the blissful sweet to none other than her mamono companion. Pushing the white garden gate open, the darker being didn't bother to close it as he strode across the fresh, green lawn with his hands shoved into his furry pockets, staring down at his bookkeeper as her smile never faulted, and she placed another chocolate in her mouth. "Enjoying the moment," replied his bookkeeper lightly, turning her azure eyes to meet the demon's crimson as he stood in front of her. With the same smile, Sherry gestured her mamono companion to sit down next to her by the tree she sat comfortably under, and he grumbled something incoherent before plopping down to the ground, resting his arm against his propped up leg. "Tch, we should be training," muttered the demon crossly, "Not wasting our time out _here_," continued Brago, glaring at the many assortments of colorful flowers surrounding them, something which Sherry ignored as she took another bite of her sweet. As the smell of the spices caught the mamono's attention, he glanced over to his female counterpart's gaze and watched as she paused, enjoying the sweet sensation of the chocolate and the crisp bite the spices gave combined. Curiosity rose to its peak, and Brago grumbled, "What's that?" Sherry, her blue eyes sparkling, broke off another piece of the divine sweet and handed it to her partner. "It's called dark chocolate, but this kind has spice. Care to try some? You might actually like it." Having never tried this dark colored sweet but heard much talk of it, the mamono stared at the small square the woman had handed him and attentively picked it up with the tips of his deep, purple claws, noting the smell of the spice radiating from the brown square. Glancing back at the blonde, who was waiting patiently for him to try the piece, he carefully took a small bite out of the square, and Sherry watched with interest as she studied his facial features. Any slight gesture or expression he made would tell her what he was thinking, she had learned over time how to read his movements. Despite she was still learning, Sherry knew of no one else who could read his mind as well as her, sometimes even surprising herself with her own actions as well. Brago appeared to not have any reaction whatsoever to a normal viewer, but Sherry had already sensed something stirring in his thoughts. The bare twitch of his lower lip and his concentrated expression gave it all away for her; she knew he was attempting to hold back whatever was on his mind, be it positive or negative. "Well?" she asked after a moment of silence, still awaiting the final answer. By merely observing him, the woman could never understand what he was really thinking, what was needed to completely answer any unresolved question was to hear his voice. The mamono always gave something away whenever he spoke. There was no doubt about it. "It's bitter," he answered after a moment, and Sherry's smile widened. In other words, the dark chocolate she now loved had passed his test of acceptance. She watched as his ruby gaze turned to her after his remark, and she laughed a little before snuggling up against the tree's base, resting her back against the bark of the trunk. "You're just not used to it, is all," responded the woman, the corners of her lips rising even more. "Really, I find it kind of sweet, it's only 55 percent cocoa. That's not very bad, but you probably wouldn't like it any stronger." Again, Sherry's amusement increased as the demon rolled his eyes and she laughed even more. "You probably like it sweeter, but I say the spices added to it gives a pleasant touch." Breaking off two more pieces, the woman handed one to her demon assistant and kept the other half to herself, enjoying the spices and the sweet flavors all together. Within the corner of her eye, she noticed Brago biting into the piece handed to him, and a feeling of happiness rose inside her as the two spent the next minutes in silence, simply enjoying the presence of the other beside them, Sherry all the while handing out chocolate while doing so. Watching the clouds pass over their heads lazily, Sherry glanced down and noticed there were two more square pieces left of the candy bar. Instinctively, her hand outstretched as she offered it to her mamono companion, who stared at the piece and quietly shook his head. "Suit yourself," Sherry said with a smug smile, not paying attention to her demon partner next to her, nor noticing the peculiar gleam in his darkened eyes as he watched her take a bite of the chocolate in her hand. Her eyes were closed as she smiled, enjoying the flavors once again, but the next thing that occurred the woman did not expect, and she couldn't help but release the surprised squeak that emitted from her throat when the mamono pushed her to the ground, and she stared at him from where she lay on the grass on her back as he crawled over her, placing an arm on each side of her body. However, before she could react, or even swallow the sweet in her mouth still, the demon had already taken a course of action, moving forward quickly and pressing his lips against hers as she gasped. For a second the woman believed she would choke, but what startled her most was when she felt the darker being's tongue inside her mouth. Still startled, Sherry attempted to move away by squirming, but her plan failed as Brago's hand held the back of her head close to his, his tongue still searching through her mouth. Feeling air leaving her quickly, Sherry was about to push Brago off with as much force as she could muster when he abruptly stopped, leaving the woman to stare blankly up into his eyes as the mamono broke contact. Only then was it that Sherry realized the chocolate had left her mouth, and she stared up into the triumphant smirk carved into Brago's expression. For a moment the blonde was silent as she stared at the mamono still, her eyes wide in pure disbelief at his movements. Why had he done what he did, the woman knew not, but she was bewildered at the fact Brago had done it still. Right as she found the strength to speak though, Brago beat her to it first, with the smirk still adorned on his face. "It's much sweeter this way, you'd probably like it," he chuckled lowly with his face against hers, lips nearly touching yet again. The woman could feel the mamono's breath beating against her face softly, the different spices that had been mixed with the chocolate lingered within the smell. When it dawned on Sherry just what the demon's true motives were, she couldn't help but let the corners of her lips upturn into that same, genuine smile yet again. "I probably would," she murmured, feeling her cheeks heat up as the blood rushed through her face. Smirking still, the demon reached out for the remaining chocolate that lay on the leftover wrapper sitting on the grass, and placed the sweet square into his mouth before letting it melt some. His bookkeeper took a deep breath when their lips came in contact yet again, and the mamono pushed the chocolate into the woman's mouth. Sherry gasped at the strange sensation once Brago gave her back the sweet, yet willingly took the gift as Brago stared at her, expecting her to take it anyway. Squinting her eyes for a moment, Sherry let in the remaining flavors of the already partially melted chocolate dissolve on her tongue, taking in the heated feelings being aroused. The mamono hovering above her face smirked in victory yet again, this time letting his tongue brush against her lower lip, licking away at the smudged chocolate that was there. When Sherry swallowed, she breathed a little harder as she stared up at her companion, letting the emotion sink into her mind as the demon chuckled lowly and sat up a little, staring down at her with a toothy smirk. The woman observed him with a sparkle in her eye, and she giggled a little before breaking the silence with words. "Yes, I would say you like it sweeter," murmured the blonde, watching with a smile as the mamono laughed lowly, and Sherry kissed her mamono partner one last time before sitting up, brushing off the grass and dirt and heading back through the white garden gate, the demon following close behind. Even bitter things could taste sweet, she concluded. End file.
Sweetener by Twilight Memories
Zatch Bell
Iwashima Hunts for Aliens This is a one shot. I do not own Zatch Bell. Iwashima Hunts for Aliens! Ok, one day Iwashima was walking home from school and herd Kiyo yelling somthing, so he whent to go investigate. "BOA ZAKARGA!" Suddenly, a huge lightning-dragon apeerd in the sky and whipped out another mamodo. Iwashima gasped! "Huh! Zatch is an alien!" He ran over to Kiyo and forced him to tell him everything. 'So, anyone who has a book is a mamodo huh? Yeah! I must leave on a quest to find them all!", thought Iwashima. He grabbed a huge sack from his house and started on his quest. First he saw Suzie. She was carrying her books home from school. "A-HA! A mamodo! I've found you," he yelled as he threw suzie in to bag. Iwashima then borded a plane in serch for Mamodo in other lands. He saw the pilot reading "Flying for dummies" and tossed him in the bag too! Then, of course, the plane crashed, and it crashed in the middle of the ocean! Iwashima saw Penny and she started jumping on his head screaming: "I AM PENNY AND I AM IN LOVE! I'M PRETTY PENNYYYYYYYYYYYY!" Iwashima then swam away and landed in Italy. "HEY HEY LET'S DANCE ALL DAY! BOI-IIIIING BOI-IIIIING! DA-DA-DA-DA!" "Is there no safe place?" Iwashima yelled. So Iwashima ran all the way to England where he ran into Jem and Yoppopo. He saw that Jem had the green book, so he threw her in the bag and left Yo behind. Iwshima then ran into Rops and Apollo. He threw Apollo in the bag and then looked at Rops. "A LADY BUG BOY? Nah... nothing suspicious 'bout that." The next day, Iwashima had to go back to school, but he tossed all his teachers in the bag 'cause they had books. School ended early, since all the teachers were gone, so he whent to the library. He nearly fainted at the sight of all the Mamodo! He stuffed every one there in the sack and then whent to barns and noble and did the same thing. While he was at barns and noble, he saw Zatch Bell manga. "Nah...nothin' suspicious about that!" Then, a big blue light came down from the sky and beamed him up into a ship. There were several little green men on board and Iwashima glared at them. "This is no time for a cosplay convention you guys! I'm trying to find aliens!" So, Iwashima beat up all the cosplayers (who were actully aliens you dummy!) and landed the ship back on earth. He landed just in time to see Zatch and Kolulu's wedding. He burst out in in tears and screemed, "Love... is a beautifull thing!". Then he noticed the minister's bible and threw him in the sack too! "Wow! I sure bagged alotta aliens! I shall inteventory my collection," he yelled opening the bag. The angry residents pulled him in and beat him up. Then they escaped and threw Iwashima in the bag and sold it to tell insane issilum! The End -Haku Review or Iwashima will stuff you in a sack! (Possible sequel if requested!) -Sry 'bout my bad spelling (and I don't own barns and noble) End file.
Iwashima Hunts for Aliens by I-LOVE-HAKU
Zatch Bell
Kiyo help me! i do not own Zatch Bell or it's characters Warning Yaoi boy x boy DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT LIKE YAOI IF YOU DO LIKE YAOI PLEASE READ AND REVIEW Kiyo/Wonrei fic do not read if you do not like Help Me Kiyo Wonrei shows up seeking Kiyo's help, and Kiyo is more than happy to help him. Kiyo got out of the shower a towel wrapped around his waist. Zatch was playing with Tia at the park so he thought he was alone. He was wrong. Kiyo felt a shiver run up his spine; he looked and saw his window was open. He walked over and closed it and when he turned he gasped. Wonrei was standing behind him. "Kiyo I need your help." "Oh man Wonrei you scared me for a second, how can I help you." Kiyo asked. "My body is so hot I don't know what's wrong." Wonrei said and clutched his chest. "Okay calm down just sit down and explain what you're feeling." Kiyo let Wonrei sit down on his bed. Wonrei was blushing. "I don't know what's wrong with me; I've never felt like this before." He looked at Kiyo his eyes pleading. "I keep having dreams and when I wake up I'm like this." Wonrei lowered his pants and his hard manhood sprang up. Kiyo blushed. "My manhood gets hard and it won't go down. Cold water sometimes makes it go away, but I've been hard since morning and it won't go away." Kiyo couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips. 'He's so cute.' "Am I being punished?" Wonrei asked looking up a Kiyo. "Can you help me?" Kiyo put his hands on Wonrei's shoulders. "You are not being punished. Your body is maturing. I will help you." Kiyo removed his towel and Wonrei blushed. He had never seen another naked man before. "Take off your clothes. Then we can get started." Wonrei nodded and began stripping off his clothes. Kiyo watched his manhood growing harder. Wonrei was completely naked in front of Kiyo. Kiyo ran his fingers through his pubes. "When guys get older we start to grow hair." Kiyo brought his hand to Wonrei's tiny patch of white hair. Wonrei shuddered as Kiyo's thumb brushed over his crotch. "See your growing hair down here." Wonrei nodded his head. "And when guys get older they start to experience feelings, and these feelings can make our manhood's grow like yours and mine." Kiyo's hand caressed Wonrei's manhood as well as his own. "Many guys get aroused like this when they wake up its called morning wood." Kiyo started stroking Wonrei's manhood, and Wonrei moaned. "What are you doing?" Wonrei spoke his body shaking. "I'm stroking you. You can do this yourself too; it's a quick way to get rid of your arousal when a cold shower does nothing for you." Kiyo took Wonrei's hand and brought it to his manhood he guided Wonrei's hand. Wonrei moaned as he started stroking his manhood. 'It felt better when Kiyo was touching me.' He thought with a blush. Wonrei watched as Kiyo started stroking his manhood too. He licked his lips and felt a spark of pleasure run through him. Wonrei was panting as his manhood started leaking. "Kiyo something's coming it feels weird." Wonrei moaned. Kiyo smiled. "It's alright just go with it, it will feel good just let go." Kiyo whispered to Wonrei. Wonrei didn't hold back, he came his seed spraying all over his hand. Wonrei shuddered and his eyes widened as he saw Kiyo release. His seed splashed over his chest and abs, and Wonrei licked his lips. He checked and saw his manhood was still hard. "Kiyo I'm still hard, what went wrong?" Wonrei asked as he looked and saw Kiyo's soft manhood. "You must have saved up a lot don't worry you just need to get off again." Kiyo said and pushed Wonrei into a sitting position. He got down between Wonrei's spread legs. Wonrei blushed. "What are you doing?" "When you have someone special, they can get you off by having sex with you." Kiyo stroked Wonrei's manhood and he moaned. "This is called a hand job." Wonrei moaned. Kiyo removed his hand and Wonrei whimpered. "And this is called a blow job." Kiyo swallowed Wonrei's manhood. Wonrei moaned loudly. Kiyo felt a slight thrill from turning this strong mamodo into a whimpering mess. It took a few tries but Kiyo was able to take Wonrei's manhood down to the root. "Oh Kiyo." Wonrei came hard into Kiyo's mouth. Kiyo swallowed Wonrei's cum. Kiyo pulled off Wonrei's manhood. Wonrei was smiling as his manhood had finally gone soft. Kiyo stood up and Wonrei saw his manhood was hard again. "Kiyo you're hard again." Wonrei gasped and Kiyo smiled at him. "You are getting hard too. Let's do something that will make us both feel good." Wonrei blushed and saw that his own manhood was hard again. Wonrei nodded and Kiyo got on the bed with Wonrei. "Lay down I have to prep you." Wonrei didn't know what Kiyo meant but he trusted Kiyo. He lay on Kiyo's bed face down. Kiyo raised Wonrei's hips and licked one of his fingers. He brought his wet finger to Wonrei's ass. Wonrei moaned in pleasure mixed pain. Wonrei shuddered and clenched on Kiyo's finger. "You squeezing me too tight but since your clean inside I have a better way to prep you." Kiyo removed his finger and brought his mouth to Wonrei's hole. Wonrei moaned as he felt Kiyo's tongue probe his virgin entrance. "Kiyo it feels weird." Wonrei groaned. Kiyo responded by grabbing Wonrei's manhood and start stroking him. Wonrei moaned and got used to the feeling of Kiyo's tongue. When Kiyo thought he was wet enough he removed his tongue from Wonrei's ass, and positioned his own manhood. He slowly pushed his head in and Wonrei moaned. "Kiyo it hurts." Wonrei whimpered, and Kiyo stroked his manhood and leaned forward to kiss Wonrei's neck. "I know just relax, I will make you feel so very good." Wonrei tried to relax, and Kiyo pushed more of his manhood into Wonrei. Kiyo went slow but he was soon buried deep into Wonrei's ass. Kiyo stilled inside Wonrei and waited for Wonrei to adjust. Wonrei was whimpering but as Kiyo praised him and stroked his manhood Wonrei relaxed. "I'm going to move now." Kiyo whispered and started fucking Wonrei with slow thrusts. Kiyo found Wonrei's sweet spot quickly. He knew he found it because Wonrei arched his back and tightened around his manhood. Kiyo smirked and saw the question in Wonrei's eyes. "That was your sweet spot." Kiyo started moving faster hitting Wonrei's sweet spot again and again. Wonrei's manhood started leaking a large amount of pre cum and Kiyo worked it over Wonrei's manhood. "Kiyo it feels so good more more please more." Kiyo obliged and brought his other hand to tease one of Wonrei's nipples. Wonrei gasped and bucked his hips. "Kiyo I'm gonna cum." Wonrei moaned and Kiyo increased his pace. Wonrei cried out Kiyo's name as he came. And Kiyo did the same when he came. He cried out Wonrei's name as he filled him with cum. Wonrei came onto Kiyo's sheets. The two collapsed. Kiyo slipped out of Wonrei's ass and rolled Wonrei over to face him. The two shared a kiss and Wonrei moaned and snuggled up to Kiyo. "Hey Wonrei, not that I mind why did you come to me?" "Oh I told Li-en what's been happening to me, and she said I should talk to you. I agreed because I knew I could trust you. Kiyo? Kiyo?" Kiyo bolted out of bed and ran to the window. Li-en was outside she smiled at Kiyo and gave him a thumbs up sign. Kiyo fell back in shock. Wonrei ran over to help him. "Kiyo are you okay?" "Yeah I am Wonrei do you want to do this again." Kiyo said looking into Wonrei's eyes. Wonrei blushed. "Yes I enjoyed being with you very much." Kiyo kissed Wonrei. "Good because I have a lot of things to teach you." The two started making out and rubbing their erections together. "KIYO I'M BACK!" Zatch shouted from down stairs. Kiyo cursed and pulled away from Wonrei. We're going to have to play later Wonrei is that ok?" Wonrei nodded and got dressed. Kiyo put his clothes on too. Wonrei leaned close to Kiyo. "Thank you for helping me Kiyo." The two shared a final kiss before Zatch burst in a demanded Kiyo's full attention. Wonrei would have to wait before Kiyo could help him again. End End file.
Kiyo help me! by PaperFox19
Zatch Bell
From Brago to Sherry Hey there! This is my first Zatch Bell fanfic. Maybe some of you like the word mamodo better but because i'm not use to it, i prefer 'Demon'. And sorry if there's any misspelled or grammatical error, I'm still learning. Hope you can enjoy this. =b3by= * * * From Brago to Sherry Today was the hardest day in her whole journey whit Brago. Clear was very though opponent, the strongest they ever fight. If it wasn't because Zatch was there, Brago and her wouldn't be here at the time. _Even if his clothes are torn apart, all his wounds already healed perfectly_, Sherry thought silently. She already saw him for thousands times that she knows every curves of those muscular body of her demon. But the view still make her blushed, furthermore, Brago's body has grown so much after the lonely training Dufort told him to do. He just sat there, in front of her, folding his arms like he always did, closed both of his eyes. No wonder if he's tired. Tia's spell indeed healed their heart's power and scars, but the tiredness stay on their body. "Hey Brago, are you awake?" The Demon boy open one of his eyes and looked at her uninterestedly, "what?" "what do you think about Kiyomaro's request? To wait for three months?" "what do you mean?" "nah, forget it." Sherry turned her gazes to the plane's window, Watching the star flickering the light. Yes, Brago will never undertand the question she just told. He probably thought to keep training the whole three months from now. But, well, training is fine. Brago could train her as he wants. For the sake of making Brago the king, for the sake of the promise that tied them down, Sherry will do anything. Sherry closed her eyes. _She is sleeping,_ is what Brago thought. This human is amazing. Her strength, her endurance, still amaze Brago after all this years they have been fighting together. Even if there's a time when she showed her weakness and make Brago mad, she never make Brago lost to anyone. He looked at her clothes, it's slightly torned. There are some blood here and there, but after all, she was fine. Brago let the sighed of relieved from her mouth. There's still three months left before the final fights. And nothing bad should ever happen to Sherry. XxX _This was the best battle ever_, though Brago, _That crying insect did well to get this far_. Brago could felt his own power and Zatch's pushing each other, _Magnificent! It's really magnificent! _No, it's not only his power, he could felt Sherry's heart power also flowing in from the spell she screamed, support him like always. _and this one too. _Brago can't help but smiled. _Brago is smiling?_ Sherry poured another heart's power to the book. Yeah, she couldn't loose at this fight. Brago must win, _today will be Brago's!_ _We absolutely can't lose.._ _I won't be a burden anymore.._ _I'll push Brago's power.. to the end!_ _Brago! _She screamed his name on her heart. Again and again as it gives her more power. More power to support him. To support Brago. To support the ones her heart yearns to. The one she love. _Brago!_ But the moment Bou Zakeruga came at them, Sherry knows.. They were lost. No, they're the strongest, they couldn't have been defeated, she couldn't loose Brago, his book still on her hand, but it's shine.. it's no longer shining. Sherry keep poured her Hearts's power to it, but there's nothing left inside of her heart but despair. "You did well, Sherry." Sherry held up her head, she wasn't sure where those words come from. "You did well to fight this far together with me, well if you hadn't been my partner I wouldn't have been able to fight this far." Those words Brago said even made Sherry forget her cry. She stopped crying without knowing when. Brago could felt it from their connected heart, she's desperately trying to use more spell, desperately denying their lost, desperately trying to denying that he's going to gone. So desperate that it's hurt Brago. He reached out to her hand, grabbed it, made the book fell down, "I'm happy to have you as a partner." and those final words break Sherry from inside, she cry deeply on Brago's back. Feeling that cold hand's of that demon on hers. Absorbing the scent of Brago as much as she can. Until he's completely gone. Yes, gone forever. XxX She is still thinking about that demon even if a month has pass by. Accepting the fact that she will never see that Demon didn't became any easier. She keep expected him to came to the room wherever she is. Even her body express it by felt wrong every time she didn't practice like she do with Brago. She was resting and drink a tea when her butler came in hurry, bringing a black envelope on his hand. "Sherry-sama! A letter from _him!_" _Sherry, _ _How are you? You're fine, off course. My parents made me write that. They wants to thanks you for what you've done for me when I'm on human world._ _I really don't know what to write. Zatch and the other told me to tell you what I've been doing without you, here in Demon world._ _Well, I go to school to study, go home and training. But all of my sparing partner are nothing compared to you. Yes, they're stronger, but I dunno for sure, there's something they're lack of._ _Sherry, have you ever wonder, what would happen if we burn Zatch's book when we first beat them? One thing for sure, he wouldn't have the crown in her head like now. But what will happened with the world? Will it stay the same? There's many thing happened in our world when we're still in yours. If we beat that brat at that time, what will happen? Will I be the one with the crown right now? But is it matter?_ _I may lost from him on our battle to win those crown, but I'm glad that we didn't burn his book the time we beat him for the first time. I'm glad that we waited three months before battled him. I'm glad to have you as my partner in longer time._ _There must be something wrong with me nowadays, whenever I fight, I heard your spell on my ears. I feel your presence wherever I am and it's bugging me that you aren't here. I don't know why it's happen, and why I felt that I should tell you._ _All the demon kids are trying to find the way to connected our world again even if the old people said no. I understand the reason they forbid it but I also can't help but do the same like any other kids._ _I'll definitely comeback to you if that's happened and we will fight next to each other again that day. 'cuz no other human or even demon would do but you, Sherry._ _Brago_ _ps: keep practice but don't over do it either way you would be useless for me_ End file.
From Brago to Sherry by b3by
Zatch Bell
The Fish Net Fight (Written with AfterDarkHours) This is merely a spoof of episode 12, all it is, is some lightearted fun and a bunch of girls at a sleepover with crazy, overreactive imaginations that will surely drive us to insanity one day (maybe it's already happened? Eh.). It all was born from someone's (not saying who) drawings... Flames will merely be considered more reviews, so please, do submit your thoughts! And don't hate us 'cause of this story... It's true, he does wear a thing that looks like a bra, deal with it. Disclaimer: This isn't owned by us, this is, err, well, maybe not the plot, but the characters are owned by Makoto Raiku. Oh, and don't come at us with pitchforks and knives and plan to kill us, 'kay? We all love Brago (and Sherry) too! But we were bored... * * * As the sun shone high in the sky, Brago stood there, looking at a large alligator. The alligator snarled...Brago sneered. "You don't want to mess with me..." he warned. "ROAR!" the large amphibian cried. Brago rammed his fist into the alligator's jaws. It continued to snarl and snap its jaws. This angered the demon. He gritted his teeth in aggravation. He then said, "You...will...die..." The alligator launched itself at him and opened its mouth wide. Brago swerved, but the alligator managed to bite the edge of his black furry cloak, pulling it off. And what was under there? Nothing but a thin, fish net bra with sleeves. Brago snatched his cloak back quickly and turned it into a stuffed raccoon. This lured the alligator to bite it, causing it to choke while trying to swallow the cloak. Brago took off his black fuzzy pants and stuffed those into the alligator's mouth for good measure. He scratched his butt. "This fish net underwear gives me wedgies," he complained. He shrugged his shoulders and held out his hand. "Whatever." He curled his fingers in an angry motion. "Gigano... FISH NET BRA WITH SLEEVES!" Brago glared at his hand when he realized it hadn't worked. The fish net bra with sleeves covered the alligator's eyes temporarily, but then fell into the murky swamp water. "Well... let's try that again," Brago said with a sigh. He set up with his hand out in front of him again. "Gravi... FISH NET UNDERWEAR!" This time it worked. The fish net underwear wrapped around the alligator's body, preventing it from moving. Brago finished it off with a quick slash of his claws. "Now why didn't I just do this to begin with?" he wondered. His shoulders moved up in a quick shrug. "Whatever. Let's get this back to Sherry." With one quick motion he hoisted the large beast up onto his shoulder with a small, "Humph." His blonde partner was just reaching down to get an apple when Brago walked into the clearing. Her hands gripped the apple as he said, "Uh...Sherry..." She glanced up then looked back down. Quickly her head shot back up as she registered what she had just seen. A blush crept along her neck and up to her cheeks. "Uh... do you think you could go to a store and buy me some new clothes? I kinda lost mine while getting dinner." Brago looked down at himself, then back at Sherry. "What?" She was silent for a moment before standing up and glancing at the apple in her hand, then back at Brago, and back down at the apple. Sherry gripped the apple tightly before chucking it as hard as she could at the demon's head. It hit him smack in the forehead as he staggered a moment and then tumbled to the ground. The alligator collapsed on top of him. "GAH!" he yelled. "Of course I'll go to the store for you. Do you seriously think I'm gonna let you walk around in the nude like that?" Sherry turned and stalked through the forest toward the town, while in the background Brago struggled underneath the massive alligator. "WHAT DID I DO?" _FIN_ End file.
The Fish Net Fight by thetingirl
Zatch Bell
I love you **Well you guys, I was up late and was suffering from severe sugar highness. SO I deiced to write this little ditty of lemon, actually it's more like lemon scented...I don't own Zatch Bell.** They lay in bed together, the soft moonlight pooling over them through the window, the only source of light in the room. But it was enough for Wonrei, enough for him to see every detail of her face, the way her hair flowed round her bare shoulders, the small glint of light in her eyes as she stared sleepily at him. Her breath was still rough, coming heavily, and there was a small smile on her lips. It was Lien's first time; his as well. And it had been so perfect, so very unexpected as well. They had been together for some time, nearly three years now. Their relationship had been frowned upon by many; Lien's father and other mamodo. But they didn't listen, the insults and discouragement, were just buzzes in their ears now. Their relationship was a strong one; the more and more battles they went through the more it hurt, the enviable departure factor. But their fights seemed to only strengthen their relationship. After each battle, they'd come back to each other, needing each other, understanding each other more. He'd found out, that underneath the tough appearance she tried to make around other people, she was frail, oh so frail, and deeply in need of someone to be her backbone, her support. And he had taken the place gladly, had been there when she needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen, someone to love. She cried so easily; he hadn't been very surprised about that. Lien was the only person he truly loved, and to lose her, it felt like he would lose anything. He had been wary of being with her at first, just because of the difference speices of beings. They hadn't started out as a couple; just, every now and then, they'd just spend more and more time getting closer. Neither knew exactly what was going on between them; they just knew that there was an attraction, a strange, unexplainable attraction that they couldn't' resist. Lien had been the first to admit her feelings, though, even as she confessed them, she hadn't been entirely sure _what_ she felt; she had just known that she had never felt these feelings in her whole life. He had been scared, and even tried to push her away, telling her that he hated her. This relationship was dangerous, to be with a mamodo in battle. It dangerous your life, and he didn't want to put Lien in the position where she'd get hurt. But, he couldn't stay far from her long, and vowed to always try to protect her. Her eyes were closed now; she had fallen asleep. They were at her grandparents' house, in Lien's room. They were home, but Wonrei didn't care. They were downstairs, most likely wondering about the wedding that their granddaughter told them about, yet wouldn't happen. No one knew Wonrei was over in Lien's room; he had sneaked in through Lien's window. They hadn't planned to go all the way; Wonrei sometimes came secretly over, in through her window, when he couldn't bear being alone at night This time, one thing had led to another, and they ended up sleeping together. They didn't regret it though;Wonrei never felt better in his life, knowing she was there, that she loved him, four weeks ago, he had heard Lien confine to Megumi that she could never sleep with anyone unless she loved them. Just that thought, that knowledge made all his blood rise to his face, for she had told him two seconds after she reminded him that she loved him. But, he knew that one day, it would end. Any day a mamodo could come and burn his book, and he'd be gone, they'd be apart forever. It would happen, despite how much he wanted to pull her close and tell her they'd be together forever. They weren't and she'd probably hate him for it. He knew her too well. He was flawed, so greatly flawed because of the damn battle that he was a forced participant in, and it was an unforgivable flaw. But, he greatly wished she would love him no matter what. He leaned over to her, and kissed her softly. "I love you," he whispered, stroking her cheek. **Aw...Wasn't that cute? Don't flame please.** End file.
I love you by Random Coupler
Zatch Bell
ZB and Ki Hey! Have been writing short, stupid poems lately for school, and just felt like writing this quickly, so here ya' go! Oh, and update I will(Yoda, seeing Ep.3 tomorrow) my story next week(or maybe the week after, more info why later). **Written and Posted on:** May 20th, 2005 * * * **_Kiyo_** Me and Zatch fix another batch of his favorite cookies. Zatch and me, later eat them as we sip on tea, just Zatch and me. Two friends, caught on the latest trend, of mamodo fighting. My dork and I, still watch Bill Nye the Science Guy, simply my dork and I. Me and Z.B., We watch out for me and he, do all we can do, just me and he. _**Zatch**_ Kiyo and I, see eye to eye, though he is slightly taller than my eye. Me and Kiyo, he's as cool as Neo(Matrix), I'm as handsome as Leo(Dicaprio). He is my bud, for even if I make him fall in the mud, he is- and always will be- my bud. Kiyo is the best, better than the rest, I often put his patience to the test, thank god he is still full of zest! * * * Kinda odd. But, I'm tired. And I wrote this in less than 10 mins., so, right! Till next time, buh-bye! End file.
ZB and Ki by Serenity Meowth
Zatch Bell
The Lullaby _**The Lullaby **_ _**By Coco Gash Jirachi **_ _**Disclaimer: I don't own Konjiki No Gasshu Beru! Or "Mordred's Lullaby" by Heather Dale.**_ _**Summary: AU. OOCness. Use of Japanese names. Through Zeon's eyes, we see his real reason for wiping away Gasshu's memories. Implied incest, rated M for a reason. **_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had to do it... though it pained me, I had to do it... I did it... I admit it. I won't run away from my actions. I did it. I, am the one, who wiped my little twin brother Gasshu's memories away. No one understands... he brought me pain... not physical pain, but emotional, mental pain... How could an aloof six year-old do that? One simple three-word answer: I. Love. Him. It isn't the touchy-feeling adorable "I'll always protect you, Brother" sibling love... it's from the bottom of my heart, and then up. I love him. More than I should. It... all started... back in the Underworld... Father had put me through intense training that day. I was broken, bleeding. Alone, in my bed chambers, I curled up in my bloody white robe, tears in my eyes. I had already known I had a little brother back then, I knew that he held Baou, and I had hatred growing toward him that day. I kept on muttering "Damn him... damn him to hell...", I just couldn't take this much longer... Gasshu, though, had been passing by the castle, and somehow heard me sobbing as I mentally began to break. I contemplated suicide very thoroughly, then etched it off of the list and considered running away or exile. Gasshu climbed up the vines that lead up to my window, jumped off of the window sill, and then landed on his feet on the floor, all without me noticing. "Hey, kid, what's the matter? What are you crying for?" I heard his child-like, Angelic voice for the very first time. I jerked my head, sniffled, and looked over my shoulder. When my eyes laid onto him, I thought he looked like too much of an Angel to ever be related to a beast such as I. Those two, goldfish-orange eyes of his, which glimmered in what light came through the window he stood in front of. His shiny, soft, golden-blonde hair was wet- he'd obviously been swimming, hence the fact he held two struggling yellow tail fish in his arms. (... Now that I think about it, how the hell did he climb up the vines with two fish in his arms? Damn, he's good...) His peach-tan, soft, rosy skin seemed to glow from the dampness he had, and his blue robe that matched my white one just proved he was Gasshu Beru. _Prince,_ Gasshu Beru. My little brother. ... The flesh of my blood... an Angel himself... "You look like you're hurt." Gasshu said, worry in his eyes. He took a few steps closer to me. "You don't mind me being here, do you?" Slowly, still mesmerized by him, I nodded, rolled over onto my left side, and pushed myself up, wincing in pain as I did. I could tell Gasshu's worry over me- a "strange kid"- began to grow as he saw the open, bleeding wounds that wouldn't begin to scab for a few hours at least. They were scattered upon my pale, white skin, along with ugly-colored bruises. Due to me being forbidden to leaving the palace, even taking a step out the door, my skin had become so pale it made snow look completely filthy. "My name is Gasshu. Gasshu Beru." he told me. "What's yours?" "Pr- P- Pri- Prince Zeon..." I manage to say, my lips trembling from my previous crying. "But, no need... to be formal. Y- you can just call me... Z- Zeon..." "Zeon, na no da? That's a nice name." Gasshu said, a wide, open-mouthed smile of his lighting up his face, making my heart melt. It's too dark where I am, so he can't see me at all. Just an outline of me, yet he's aware of my wounds. An hour went by, and then he asked me if he'd like one of his fish. I nodded for an answer, and he gave me the slightly bigger one of the two. After eating, another hour passed, then two, then seven. Midnight was near. "Gasshu, it's late. You should get home before your Mother worries, and before Father finds out a commoner is in the palace." I told him in a hushed tone. "Hai. Zeon-kun, will I ever see you again, na no da?" he asked. I fisted my own bloody robe. "I'm not sure..." I answered. "I hope I can see you again." Gasshu said, jumping off of my bed, running for the window. As he was about to climb out the window to the vines, he looked over his shoulder at me again. His eyes locked onto my wounds again. Quickly, he jumped off of the window sill, came over to me, and grasped my right hand gently into his hands. "Mother always asks me, if she kisses my boo-boos will it make them feel better? Here, Zeon-kun." His lips collided with my bruised and scratched hand. Kami... they're as soft as rose petals. "Heal soon, Zeon-kun. I hope I'll see you again." Gasshu said, running back to the window, climbing down the vines, never to talk to me face-to-face again... ... After that, for months, I watched him from afar. When he wasn't there, I tormented the bullies that picked fun of him. I had ran away from Father a week after I met him. Slowly but surely, my heart grew and grew, and my love toward him became so great... ... Until I realized, this is wrong... I crawled back to Father, and my training became harder, and for days at a time without stopping. Every time I heard Gasshu climbing up the vines, I had to hide. I was too ashamed of my own self to let my Angel see me... though I longed to have him kiss my hand again, I vowed not to let him see me again. This was not natural... and it still isn't... I had to make him forget about me... I made fate twist around, and had him become part of this millennium's battle for King. I searched around the Human World for my Book Keeper, finding Dufaux in an experimenting science lab, setting him free. I kept on a fake face, acting like I was one of the best, not one to be messing with. I tracked Gasshu down. I approached him, my voice different from the way it used to. I'm surprised. He didn't recognize me... maybe he had already forgotten me? I had to play it safe... even if he did forget about me, I had to make sure it would be permanent. His pain-filled scream nearly broke my heart into seven pieces- one piece for each Deadly Sin-, but I had to let him go. If my Angel were to remain pure in the eyes of the Lord, I had to make him forget... no matter how much it pained the both of us. I sent Dufaux away so that I could be alone with him. I was certain he wouldn't be waking up for many days. I eased myself atop of him, and placed my lips onto his. I took his first kiss. After I broke apart from his lips, I began to softly sing into his ear... _**"Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep... **_ _**Guileless son, I'll shape your belief, And you'll always know, That your Brother's a beast. And you won't understand, The cause of your grief, But you'll always follow, The voices beneath it... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Guileless son, Your spirit will hate him. The traitor who married Our Mother, the flower. And we will expose, His paltaple behavior, For we are the proof, Of how he betrayed, Her loyalty... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep... **_ _**Guileless son, Each day you grow older, Each moment I'm watching, My vengeance unfold... The King of our vibe, The flesh of our soul, Will die in returning, The birthright he stole... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep..."**_ I then left my Angel. His loyalty would lie within himself. He'd one day be loyal to me... but in a different life... in a life where... my Angel could be mine. Until that day, the darkness will shroud in his mind and, help him down into sleep every night... a peaceful sleep... I, on the other hand, grow weary. If only my Angel could be mine... then even the Underworld could be worth living in... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _**OWARI **_ Yeah, it's incest, big whoop. If you flame me, consider yourself blocked. So... yeah... I was bored... and this idea had popped into my head last night. It's slightly based off of a King Arthur legend, and the lullaby Zeon sung to Gasshu was a song written by Heather Dale to go along with the legend's story line. Lately, I've been a teency bit obsessed with the song, but it is very addicting. I only had to tweak the lyrics around a bit to make it fitting. So... the song was "Mordred's Lullaby", just to let you know. So... review, and tell me if you liked it. Here's the original lyrics, just so you can see how I changed it a bit (if I really get bored one day, I may end up making a video to go along with this...): _**Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep... **_ _**Guileless son, I'll shape your belief, And you'll always know, That your Father's a theif. And you won't understand, The cause of your grief, But you'll always follow, The voices beneath it... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Guileless son, Your spirit will hate her. The flower who married My brother, the traitor. And you will expose, His paltaple behavior, For you are the proof, Of how he betrayed, Her loyalty... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep... **_ _**Guileless son, Each day you grow older, Each moment I'm watching, My vengeance unfold... The child of my vibe, The flesh of my soul, Will die in returning, The birthright he stole... **_ _**Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Loyalty... Only to me... **_ _**Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep, child. Darkness will rise from the deep, and, Carry you down into sleep... **_ End file.
The Lullaby by Coco Gash Jirachi
Zatch Bell
The Nature Of A Book ((Revamped and edited 6/17/09)) This week is spring break for us down in Small-Town USA. And, as per usual in Small-Town, USA, nothing is going on. So I'm sitting here listening to the same song over and over again and re-reading books from my shelf. (And _The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_, but that's another story...) So I thought, _'What about posting some of those stories I have buried down in the confines of my computer?' _And here I am. Enjoy! **Disssyclaimer:**Yes, I am bored. Bored enough to change 'Disclaimer' into 'Disssyclaimer' for my own enjoyment. Is enjoyment a word? I don't know. Oh, right...I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell/Zatch Bell!. Or _The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. _Although currently, I do feel a lot like Marvin. * * * The Nature of a Book * * * Kiyomaro has come to think that the color of a mamodo's book reflects the nature of the demon it belongs to. For example, Brago-- whose cynical nature and outward appearance could (and did) scare small children-- his book is black. Like death. Like the darkness that lurks always just below his stoic facade. But black didn't mean evil, the two weren't synonymous; black meant the presence of all things, black meant a heart not quite sure of its purpose. Kyanchome, along with his partner Folgore, were... unusual, to say the least. And maybe a little dense. Kyanchome's book is yellow, the color of hope. Hope that shines as bright as the golden sun. No matter how many times they faced their own impending weakness (for no one could argue that Kyanchome was a shoo-in to be king), they strove for higher heights, more difficult battles, and always, _always,_ came out on top. (Kiyomaro is certain that a good bit of pure dumb luck is imbued into Kyanchome and his partner. It certainly hasn't hurt.) Both Umagon's and Tio's books are similar shades and hues of orange-- representing not only Umagon's own firepower and Tio's fiery (and equally dangerous) temper, but also the setting sun, the fiery sunrise. Renewal. The power to get up and keep on fighting. Tio protects with this fire, with shields and support, and Umagon charges whatever harm may come with fiery gait and heart. And Gash-- Gash, with his goofy grins and wide, innocent eyes-- his oh-so-familiar book is red. Red, the color of determination and grit. Red-- the color of all that blood Kiyomaro spilled to help him find his purpose and help him realize it, the color of all the dreams they had to put to an end because of an age-old battle. Dreams including their own. There was a courage burning red in Gash's golden eyes. It suited the demon child, but not Kiyomaro. Sometimes, Kiyomaro wished it did. End file.
The Nature Of A Book by Wolf-of-Words
Zatch Bell
The Heero Complex Well... my first... uwaaah I feel like I lost my virginity! I want it baaaack! Ahem...Anyway, the warnings are as follows: yaoi Gash x Kiyomaro, (pedophilia if you consider it that), minor mature content, possible grammar and spelling mistakes concerning the names, and the chance that this will completely and totally suck...well, I hope this goes well, if it doesn't, be gentle. Even though this is listed as a one-shot because I am lazy, I might do a sequel. The GashxKiyo fanfics are lacking in population anyway. The Heero Complex Gash absently turned the volume up on the T. V. Meanwhile, he shoved a fistful of popcorn into his mouth. The mantis-man saved the beautiful, scantily-clad woman from the villain. Gash wondered if one day, the villain would win over the beautiful heroine. He hoped so, because that would mean he had a chance of capturing Kiyomaro's attention. Recently, despite all they had been through together, Kiyo had been seeking other people's company. Even though Gash was his first, absolute, bestest friend. Though, of course, Gash couldn't blame Kiyo. Gash had been feeling particularly unpleasant recently. Not like his face was ugly, (at least he hoped so), but he kept suppressing ugly, snaking feelings; a putrid loathing permeated his entire being whenever Kiyomaro exited the house or school grounds with someone other than Gash himself. This particular day, however, Gash was just depressed. He didn't understand Kiyo. Kiyo had assured Gash many times that they were friends, yet Kiyo constantly spent time with his other, most definitely not as sincere, friends. Especially Suzume. Gash remembered one time, walking with Kiyomaro, when Kiyo had apologized. Gash didn't really remember what Kiyo had apologised _for_, but he had. Only a few minutes prior, Gash had indirectly to Kiyo he had a crush on the kind, if not a little dense, Suzume. Now, however, his child's crush on Suzume seemed to be just that; a child's crush. No, that _was_ all it was, for Gash had discovered that he loved someone else much, much, more. _It just sucked that, the realization stemmed from deprivation. _ Not long after Kiyomaro began to abandon Gash more often than normal, Gash realized what was happening. _They were growing apart._ Their lovely, beautiful friendship was breaking up. Gash had immediately taken measures to prevent this rift from growing. In his eyes, he reached out for Kiyomaro to spend time with him- begging him to go to the park and such. Kiyomaro saw Gash interfering with his new life. So Kiyo responded to Gash's attempts with a casual disregard, or, if he were irritated enough, a tirade directed solely at Gash, which left him saddened, alone, and embarrassed. Because Gash was _stupid_ to bother Kiyo. Gash remembered the most recent attempt he had made to draw Kiyomaro back... _"Kiyo, Kiyo, let's go to the park!", cried an excited Gash. It had been so long since he had spent any time with Kiyomaro._ _"Not now, Gash."_ _"Awww, Kiyooooooo, pleeeeeeeaaaseeeee-,"_ _"I said no, Gash, for the _last timeI _am not going to the park with _you._", Kiyomaro all but shouted._ _Gash fell silent. "Well, fine then," he said after a few moments. "I'll just go by myself then! Gyahaha!" he finished with a triumphant and confident laugh. _ Thank god_, Kiyo had thought, and even though he hadn't said it out loud, it was apparent on his features. _ Gash also remembered what he had thought that afternoon, almost a month ago. He had thought that, _Kiyomaro was right. This was the last time._ The almost-month had been passed by watching television when Gash was not at school or helping Kiyo's mom. And between the influence of the television and his neglect, Gash came to realize that what he felt for Kiyomaro was not just friendship or brotherly love. It was not even loyalty which had come from the mutual benefit of the human-mamodo partnership. It was a love, a adoring love for Kiyo, and it made him feel faintly sick when he first acknowledged it for what it was. Gash couldn't stand feeling sick with himself, over _love_. Love was supposed to be wonderful, pure and untaintable. At least, that was what his limited experience had taught him. And Gash decided, he was _done_, he would not feel jilted, nor depressed, lonely, stupid, and _humiliated,_ not anymore, never again. And he would especially not feel ill with himself because he was having feelings that would surely be denied. Gash knew that his feelings would be mocked by the general public, who would not believe that a seemingly average child could seriously fall in love; but what mattered more was what Kiyo would think. Kiyo would most definitely consider Gash sick, knowing that Gash was a mamodo, and be disgusted at the prospect of a child who was his partner in the battle for king being in love with him. The age gap would still be large even if they were both a decade older, which they weren't. They pair of them were still a small child (however inhuman) and a teenager. Besides, Gash was not under the impression that Kiyo liked boys the same as girls. Kiyomaro had always been annoyed by Gash's presence anyway. Gash, like any other person, with the exception of the masochistic, avoided being hurt. So he defended himself the only way he knew how: he stopped caring. Caring would only reveal weaknesses that would be exploited by those looking to harm him (like Naomi), and people unthinkingly teasing him (Kiyomaro's kaa-san would think that his crush was cute, but only a crush). So he rendered himself impervious and indifferent to the world around him. Of course, he covered up any major changes with his happy face. Just to stop too many questions from being asked, anyway. Gash appeared as normal as usual, though he avoided Kiyomaro, (who was openly relieved), and if one payed attention, they would be privy to Gash's bursts of uncanny insight. But all in all, Gash did not care. He did not care when Kiyomaro's mother often left to do shopping or visit friends from around the neighborhood or her husband in England. He did not care when Kiyo left to 'hang out' with his 'friends'. He did not care when Kiyo brought said friends over, and ignored him. He did not care when Kiyo brought one friend in particular over, the one who used to be _their_ friend. He did not care when he was kicked out of his and Kiyo's room for hours a time. Gash did not care when he could hear whatever Kiyo and Suzume were doing upstairs. Gash didn't care that he had to turn up the volume on the T.V. to drown out the noise. Gash did not care when his heart constricted with jealousy that Kiyomaro would rather spend time with Suzume than him. Gash did not care that he was alone, because deep down, all Gash cared about was that Kiyomaro was happy. The End Well, that was short. And sappy and sad. Eeeewww. I hate Suzume. If you hate stupid Suzume too, review and we can start a we hate Suzume and her creepy faced-fruits club. Haha, I'm such a trickster, trying to get you to review, ne? well, I hope you didn't want to shoot yourself with whatever when you were reading this. Cuz, I know I did when I was writing this, because I put Kiyo and Suzume together. ugh. End file.
The Heero Complex by clown eyes
Zatch Bell
Crayons +Title+ - Crayons +A/N+ - _3 AM plus me equals random... xD; for when this could take place in the series...I dunno. Just stick it somewhere where it fits...? __This is just a lil' fluffy friendship-ish...drabble-esque...thing. You can consider it to be veeery mild Zatch x Kiyo if you want though c: mild it's almost not there .:brick:._ _It's...a little random... But at least I tried, right?_ _...Right? .:dies:._ _HOSNAP I forgot the disclaimer. I'm such a dork._ _Disclaimer: Zatch Bell(or Konjiki no Gash Bell) and all related characters are (c) Makoto Raiku. I don't own them in any way. I'm just writing a little non-profit fanfic ;-;_ * * * "Kiyo!" Zatch called out. Kiyo was lying on his bed, immersed in a book. "Kiiiyooo!" Kiyo felt Zatch's small hands shaking his right arm. This in turn caused the book to move, making it very difficult to read. "What?" Kiyo finally responded. Zatch's face lit up at the reply. "Kiyo, will you please take me to the park?" the mamodo asked. His small hands continued to hold a firm but controlled grip on Kiyo's arm. The teenager realized that Zatch could easily crush his arm if he squeezed too hard. He was grateful that Zatch seemed aware of this and did his best to prevent from harming him. "You can go to the park on your own," Kiyo answered before turning back to his book. Zatch made a small whining noise. "But Kiyo...I want to play a game..." "I want to read this book," Kiyo explained. Zatch pouted and climbed up onto the bed, sitting next to Kiyo while still clutching onto his arm. "Why don't you play with Volcan?" Kiyo asked. Zatch's eyes fell to the bedsheets. "But I want to play a game with _you_," Zatch complained. Kiyo sighed and sat up, closing the book and setting it on the bed. He pulled his arm from the mamodo's grasp. Zatch's eyes brightened. Kiyo was really going to play a game with him? However, his eyes quickly dulled with disappointment as his bookkeeper handed him a blank piece of paper and a box of crayons he had pulled from the bookshelf behind his mattress. "Here, go doodle or something," Kiyo said. He was about to return to his book but Zatch's saddened face stopped him. "...I'll play a game with you later, alright?" Zatch's cheery expression returned, though a bit of unhappiness was still evident in his eyes. "Okay." The small blonde hopped off the bed, taking the paper and crayons with him. Kiyo watched him take a seat on the wooden floor, putting the paper in front of him. Kiyo picked his book back up as Zatch fumbled with the crayon box. He finally managed to force it open and pulled out the black crayon. It was pointed and unused. Kiyo found himself staring blankly at the open book he had in his hands, the words seeming to blur together. He continued reading but realized that he wasn't really paying attention. What had that last paragraph been about? ...The sound of the crayon scribbling upon the paper was oddly comforting. Kiyo glanced over a few moments later as Zatch stuffed the black crayon back into the box. He then pulled out a blue crayon, as well as a silver one. Kiyo looked back at his book as Zatch resumed his doodling. Kiyo attempted to reread the past few sentences... Zatch smiled as he drew with the crayons. They were sharp, making them easy to use. It seemed as though the box had never even been opened before, for now anyway. Several minutes passed, and Kiyo eventually ended up with the book lying on his face. Zatch was almost finished with his picture when he ran into a minor dilemma. He checked the crayon box again for the colour he needed. Kiyo was pulled out of his half asleep state by Zatch's voice. "Kiyo, there's no red crayon..." Kiyo lazily moved the book away from his face. "Huh?" "The red crayon," Zatch repeated. "It's not in the box. Surely they wouldn't make a box of crayons without a red one, right?" Kiyo stared blankly at Zatch's face for a moment before realization hit him. "Oh." He sat up and reached back into the bookshelf. His hand eventually came to rest on a small stub of a crayon. He then handed it to Zatch, who gazed at it for a moment. "Why's it so...little?" Kiyo stared up at the ceiling. "It was the only one I used," he responded. His mother had given the box of crayons to him back in elementary school. He never used any of them until junior high, though... ** * * * ** _Kiyo walked into his room and sighed, dropping his backpack onto his bed. His "friends" had ignored him. Again._ _The other students were beginning to shun him. Just because he was smarter than them. He always had the highest grades in the class, but he never made a big deal of it or anything... So why were they rejecting him?_ _Kiyo's eyes narrowed. They were horrible! He went over to his bed and opened his backpack. He pulled out a sheet of notebook paper and a wooden pencil. He stared at the pencil for a minute before chucking it back into his backpack. He needed something better than that; he needed _colour. _Kiyo began digging around in a small plastic tub underneath his bed. He finally found what he was looking for - the box of crayons his mother had given him years ago. It had remained unopened until now. Kiyo had some difficulty opening the box, but he eventually got it. He pulled out the red crayon and put the box in the bookshelf at the head of his bed. Red was a negative, angry colour. It'd be perfect._ _The boy went over to his desk and started doodling pictures of the people who were once his friends. He drew them in many deadly situations, such as getting run over by delivery trucks. He wished he could have used a coloured pencil instead (using a crayon felt a little _too_ childish), but he didn't have one..._ _Kiyo continued to do this for about two weeks before tiring of it. He was running out of ideas on how to maim his doodles of his classmates. Plus, his mom had found some of his pictures and told him to stop._ _Kiyo chucked what was left of the red crayon into the bookshelf, near the box of crayons..._ ** * * * ** Kiyo had only used the red crayon, and he had only used it to draw angry doodles. After drawing so much and pressing down so hard out of frustration, it was no wonder the crayon had been reduced to a pitiful chunk. "There we go, all done!" Zatch declared, dragging Kiyo out of his thoughts. He set the abused red crayon down on the floor. It rolled about half an inch after being put down, then ceased to move. Zatch grabbed the paper and climbed up onto the bed once more. He presented the picture to Kiyo, who grabbed it with one hand. It was a crude drawing of what Kiyo assumed was Zatch and himself. They were just...standing there with blank, smiling faces. Their eyes were nothing more than black dots, and they had no hands. Just banana-shaped arms flung up into the air in joy. His eyes softened a bit as he took note of a small heart Zatch had doodled in red above the two of them. Kiyo petted Zatch on the head, ruffling the blonde hair a bit, but being careful to avoid the small hidden horns. Zatch blinked, then smiled widely. Did this mean Kiyo liked his picture? Yay! Zatch always found himself feeling peaceful and delighted when Kiyo patted his head. A nice, warm, secure feeling... It was more than welcome due to all the battles they had to deal with. Kiyo continued subconsciously petting Zatch's hair and looked up at the ceiling, musing to himself. At least that crayon had been used to draw _something_ positive for once. He looked back down at the picture again. It was a rather cruddy doodle, but Kiyo couldn't help but smile at it. He looked down as he felt Zatch cuddle up against his side. The young mamodo looked ready to fall asleep; his golden eyes were just barely open. Kiyo stopped patting his head and now used his arm to embrace his small companion. Zatch's smile grew as he closed his eyes completely. Kiyo seemed to rarely hug him... "...Hey Kiyo...?" he mumbled. "Hmn?" "You don't have to play a game if you don't feel like it...I just wanted to spend time with you..." Kiyo smiled. Very widely. He didn't have to play a game! Thank goodness... ...Though... "...I'll take you to the park and we'll play there tomorrow, okay?" Kiyo said, hugging his mamodo a little closer. Zatch opened an eye halfway to look up at Kiyo. "...Really?" Kiyo smiled genuinely. "Yeah." Zatch clung to Kiyo's side a little tighter, but he was careful not to squeeze too hard. "Yay!" End file.
Crayons by Shadow Kitsune Kirby
Zatch Bell
Alone Again **_Alone Again_** A WanRei and Lien One-Shot I wanted now so badly to see him. I wished that I had stayed by his side instead of following his orders and running away. I didn't want to see him leave, but behind this wall, I couldn't see him at all. Somehow I knew this was how he preferred it. He was so badly hurt, loosing almost pathetically. He wouldn't want me to see that. I called upon all of the strength I had left from within. I would help him until the very end. It's all I could do to thank him for all he had done for me so far. He was my everything and I was so thankful for it. I almost lost myself to regret for coming here with Zatch and Kyo but remembering WanRei, I was able to be glad I came this far. WanRei would go back to the Mamodo world. I knew that much for certain, I had known he would leave me eventually all along. I just hadn't wished to face something like this so soon and with no goodbye. I shook my head of the thoughts. I had to be strong so WanRei could be strong. I had to help him the best that I could from here. I had to remember that he needed me. I held my head high for him. I wanted to believe in him. I did believe in him. I knew he would be okay. He would go back to his own world, but he would be okay and in time, I wanted to believe I would be too. Memories of our time together ran slowly through my head. All the smiles and laughs, the serious talks, the battles we fought and won, the battles we learned from. I held all the memories dear, the good and the bad. They were all important to me, just like he was. Like the memories, he was a person I would never forget. The last of my inner strength faded with the last attack. I gave him everything I had left as I fell to my knees everything I had was gone. All my strength was now with him. Megumi and Tia got down as the bomb behind the wall went off. In that moment everything around us was gone - right off the edge of the floor and into the nothingness below. The wall that had been there in our way was completely gone. The only part that was remaining was the part in front of us in the shape of a person with their arms out. The fear inside me flared. Had WanRei given his life to protect us? No, I didn't want to believe that. He had to be alive. I had to know that he was okay. "Lien, I'm sure he survived," Megumi said smiling slightly, "Look," she spoke pointing to something on the ground on the opposite side of the wall. I stood up needing to see. WanRei's headband sat there neatly on the ground as if he'd left it there for me. "I think we can take that as a sign that he's okay." Tia spoke up. I picked the headband up with a soft sad smile and nodded. "Yes, I think so too," I replied holding my voice as steady as I was able. Megumi pulled me suddenly into a hug and I cried into her shoulder. I would be okay. For him I would be okay and I would go on. I would continue to help Zatch and Kyo for as long as I was able. That's what he would have done if he were able. He was never one to give up, and I wouldn't give up either. Not when we're so close. I moved away from Megumi after a moment and wiped my eyes. "I'm okay," I assured. Megumi and Tia both seemed hesitant to believe me, but at this moment they had no choice but to let it go. We all would go on until we couldn't anymore. I wouldn't give up yet. I had to keep going for him. I would keep going for him. End file.
Alone Again by Goodbye Angel
Zatch Bell
Hurt HURT **Author's Note: **_**I really love how this turned out. "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera is one of, if not the, most favorite song of mine in all time. It really captures emotions and brings them out of me and I felt it really fit with the story here. This is a one-shot song fic regarding my Zatch Bell OC Character, Sorella. I really hope you all like it, because I enjoyed writing it, if that makes sense, lol. The lines in bold are what Sorella's singing, by the way.**_ Disclaimer:** I don't own Zatch Bell. I made Sorella, Rita, and Kumara belongs to Mukai-sama, so please don't take them. Gracias! I also don't own this song and it is sung by the ever so mega awesome, Christina Aguilera.** The day was cold and dismal, and seemed to reflect Sorella's exact mood for that particular time. She stood far away so the gathering of people clad in black wouldn't notice her. It wasn't her place to draw close, and it wasn't her place to approach. No one over there knew her anyway. The only one who did couldn't even talk to her. Dressed in a billowing black dress, Sorella hung back, watching the progression with sad eyes. A young woman was crying into a handkerchief as an elderly man draped an arm around her shoulders, comforting her gently. A group of four people walked across the gravel pathway between cold tombstones, tears staining their face as they left a freshly made grave behind them. Golden eyes tightened somberly as they followed the young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes, shaped like hers... And her mother's. Only after seeing the multiple black cars drive away, carrying sad passengers and dismayed hearts, did Sorella dare to venture close to the tombstone that had just been the main feature to those driving away. Sorella's shiny black heeled footsteps were drawn out and almost excruciating as she drew close to the tombstone, the stone glossy and new from being polished and engraved. The mound of dirt was soft and plush, and Sorella paused in her encroachment when she reached the foot of it, like someone standing at the foot of a bed and staring at a pillow. "Heh..." she laughed, looking bitter and forlorn."Well, I'm glad I'm by myself here. I wouldn't want anyone telling me they told me so..." Her long waves of dark hair fluttered around her face like the white dandelion seeds blew in the wind after being pushed away from the stem, swirling in graceful waves. In her hands, Sorella clutched a small, round mirror imbedded into intricate silver, twisting and bending around the glassy surface as tree roots squirm into the ground. The cold wind cast miniscule goose bumps along Sorella's exposed skin upon her arms, legs, and neck, but that wasn't why she shivered. It wasn't because the grey clouds were covering the sun and hiding the warmth she so desperately craved at that moment. Sorella's eyes narrowed as she gazed upon the tombstone with so many emotions, that it contained more of a blend than chex mix bags. Rita De Luca Born: August 10, 2001 Died: April 18, 2095, at age 94 years old Beloved wife and mother A faint smile brushed against Sorella's lips as she took in the soft curls of writing that reminded her of the soft curls of Rita's eyelashes against her eyes when the lids fluttered in happiness at good news. "So many years..." Sorella sighed, fingers clutching the mirror tightly to her chest. A pair of fiery red eyes watched Sorella as she sagged somewhat, at a safe distance away where they hoped she wouldn't notice them. Kumara's hands were shoved deep in his pockets as an open umbrella hung on his shoulder should it start to rain. He was dressed in a sharp black suit and had even combed his hair back. Not that it made much difference since his hair went anywhere it wanted regardless of him attempting to tame it. "Am I sure I should be here...?" Kumara wondered aloud. _It was your idea... _a voice in his head pointed out. "I know but..." Kumara started, pausing when he didn't know how to finish the thought in his head. "When she falls, I should be there to catch her..." he finally stated to himself, eyes going almost soft as he watched Sorella blink rapidly. Sorella's hands shook as she fought the acidity in her throat, the burning tears pushing against her eyes determinedly. She blinked in quick succession to regain control of herself before taking a deep, shuddering breath, not sensing that Kumara was in the distance and watching her closely. "I knew I'd be here eventually," Sorella said to the cold stone, to the soft, fresh patch of earth that covered her sister like a heavy quilt. "But still... I couldn't get over the fact of seeing your husband... He was a handsome man, wasn't he? And... Your daughter..." Sorella frowned for a moment, allowing the silence to help her in gathering her thoughts. "She looks just like you!" she managed to laugh. "Her eyes and everything! Your spitting image! It was like I was seeing you all over again!" Sorella managed to keep her smile on her face for another second before it crumbled away faster than the corner of an exploded building. "I watched you grow," Sorella whispered. "You may have not known me, but I knew you. I watched over you as you walked to your first day of high school. You were so nervous... you... dropped your purse on the way there, and couldn't find it. But then... then you saw it on your desk in your first class!" The corners of Sorella's mouth twitched upwards slightly as the wind pushed some fallen leaves towards her back, pushing the folds of her knee length black dress along with them. "I put it there," Sorella told the tombstone. "And then, when you were lost in that strange city on that field trip in college... do you remember that ball of light that you were so curious about? You followed it, and somehow found your tour group, which was searching all over for you." A distant rumbling of clouds shook through the air and almost drowned out Sorella's next words. "I watched you when you met your husband, and on your first date with him you tripped and fell, but he caught you. That was when you had your first kiss... you were a good girl, always deciding to hold out for that special person. You even held back your first kiss until college!" Sorella's voice started getting shaky as her eyes blinked all the harder, determined to not cry. She hastily pushed her hand to her eyes to wipe away any moisture, suddenly wishing her dress were long sleeved, rather than short. "You had a beautiful child... one time I was sure she saw me watching as you two played in the park, and that was when I started watching at a farther distance. Of course, she wouldn't know me, as you didn't but... you were happy. I didn't want to ruin that." Sorella fell silent again as she seemed to mull something over before smiling a crooked smile. "How ironic... here I was sure I wouldn't break down. I told myself that I'd handle seeing you as an old woman who lived her life, while I remain frozen... the age you saw me as, with maybe a few more facial lines than before..." Sorella's knuckles turned white as they gripped the mirror. "I couldn't... so many years... so many years of you not knowing a single thing about me!" Sorella whispered voice tight and constricted, as if a snake were coiling around her thin neck. "But... I was right about one thing..." Sorella looked up at Rita's tombstone from where she had squinted her eyes shut tight to keep from crying. "I enjoyed seeing you live!" she laughed sincerely. "I was glad that you were happy! You lived the way I wanted you to... even if it was a life without me in it... Although... I came close to revealing myself multiple times. The closest was when you were playing the piano to yourself. Your daughter was at home and husband at work... it was just the two of us, though you didn't know any better." Sorella rolled her eyes, grinning almost masochistically as if the pain was worth the tiny bit of enjoyment she received from standing at the grave and speaking to it. "That was when I recalled how you loved music... I was never good at it, but in order to please you, I practiced and practiced in order to make you happy! When I heard about your death, it was sunny... too warm to stay indoors and you planned on going to the beach with your daughter and her family, along with your husband..." Sorella screwed her eyes shut tight again as her head drooped, hair falling in front of her face like a sheet of luminescence. "There was this song playing in your home... and it floated through the air, slicing into me like knives... you... loved those melancholy songs, and I never understood it. You were always so happy! So why... why would you..." Sorella sighed deeply, shoulders shaking. "Maybe you remembered a feeling that you had to punish yourself. I was... still am worried that you continued to berate yourself even after your memories were erased," Sorella sighed. "But... that song... why were you listening to that song?" Sorella stared long and hard at the stone, hoping that she would receive some kind of answer. She received none. Laughing once in bitter resentment, Sorella took a deep, long breath before exhaling slowly. "Maybe you don't remember it..." she spoke softly. " Perhaps dying was a greater method to erasing memories. I'll refresh you, shall I?" Sorella held one of her hands to her chest, while the other continued to clutch to the mirror tightly. Kumara stiffened; not understanding what Sorella was about to do until she opened her mouth and the softest, most hauntingly devastated voice reached their ears... "_Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face__** **__You told me how proud you were, but I walked away__** **__If only I knew what I know today, ooh, ooh__****_ _I would hold you in my arms; I would take the pain away__** **__Thank you for all you've done, forgive all your mistakes__** **__There's nothing I wouldn't do to hear your voice again__** **__Sometimes I wanna call you but I know you won't be there!"_ Sorella's face flashed with pain as she wrapped her arms closer around her waist, brow furrowing as if the song were pushing her farther into the ground with every line. _**"Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you**__** **__**For everything I just couldn't do**__** **__**And I've hurt myself by hurting you...**__****_ _**Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit**__** **__**Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss**__** **__**And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this, ooh..."**_ Thunder clapped like drums... lighting fizzed like violins... and the wind howled like the mourning tune of the piano Sorella could vividly recall in her mind as she reflected back to the news of Rita's death. A symphony of sorrow, and she was the conductor. _**"Would you tell me I was wrong? Would you help me understand?" **_Sorella sang, looking up at the sky as it thundered and rain began to shower down upon her, soaking her to the bone. _**"Are you looking down upon me? Are you proud of who I am?There's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance... To look into your eyes and see you looking back!**_ _**"Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you**__** **__**For everything I just couldn't do**__** **__**And I've hurt myself, oh!"**_ Sorella fell to her knees, filed fingernails clawing at the muddied mound of fresh dirt as she crept towards the stone with Rita's name on it, tears blending with the fresh, cold-water rain. _**"If I had just one more day!"**_ she sang powerfully, a cry of sorrow bursting forth from her tongue in melancholy tunes as she slumped against the polished stone. "_**I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away!"**_ she all but screamed, fingers raking against the tombstone as if she were attempting to mold within it, pressing her slumped forehead against the drenched stone. _"Oh, it's dangerous__** **__It's so out of line__** **__To try and turn back time..."_ Sorella flinched when she felt a clawed hand grip her sagging shoulder, cutting off the last lines she was about to force from her body like poison, wanting them out of her and far away, scattered across the winds. "Sorella..." a voice softly called to her. A warm presence was beside her as a toasty arm slung around her shoulders, a raised umbrella cutting off the rain from washing away all that she was surrendering. "It's okay," Kumara's voice softly called to her. The fire demon's warm hand slipped into hers and gently tugged her to her feet. He tried to lead her away, but she hesitated, lifting the mirror up to the tombstone. White light surrounded her hands as she pressed the object to the stone, and when she removed them, it revealed that she had imbedded the stunning mirror into the stone itself, just above Rita's name in the center. Casting one last glance upon the stone, knowing she'd never again visit the place, Sorella felt a piece of her heart fly off and press itself into the ground where her sister was buried deep in the ground... Unaware that the sister Rita could no longer remember was crumbled right over Rita's own grave. Sorella's eyes tightened as she bit hard upon her soft lower lip, finally allowing Kumara to lead her away. Away from agony and towards something brighter. Their figures faded down the gravel path and out of site, Sorella leaving a trail of haunted whispers behind her... _I'm sorry for blaming you__ __For everything I just couldn't do__ __And I've hurt myself__ __By hurting you_ End file.
Hurt by Smileyone1
Zatch Bell
1. Chapter 1 Prolouge Grown up Travis, Rahkshi, Tiko and Zero sat down on a hill eating. "This has been great all these years. It's good to see you guys again." said Rahkshi. He was talking about the four of them haven't seen each other in over twenty years. "So much has changed..." said adult Tiko. "Yea, and even the big guy now has three kids. Congrats on the twins." said Zero. "Thanks, if it had been any other reason to leave the house I would be home with Ember taking care of the kids. But Hiita is helping her." replied Tiko. "Do you guys ever see Chelsea?" "I saw her about ten years ago. I kept in touch for another year after I saw her but she just sort of disappeared... I haven't heard from her since. Although I have a good feeling that she's out there living a good life." said Travis. "You get them too?" asked Tiko curiously. Rahkshi and Travis exchanged confused funny looks at Tiko's comment. "What?" said Rahkshi while chuckling. "You know... he said like a feeling. A relief, or sometimes bad ones." said Tiko. "What on Earth are you talking about Tiko?" said Travis giving a slight chuckle but turning concerned. "Psh. I think being with all those fire mamodos has cooked his head." said Zero. "I'm serious!" snapped Tiko. "It's like a vibe." "Well... I actually have had some vibes. Hm... Now that I think about it I've gotten quite a few lately." said Travis. "Yea... me too. I never gave it much thought." agreed Rahkshi. They all looked at Zero who put on a innocent look. (:O!) "What? I'm not a sane!" said Zero. Rahkshi gave Zero a 'parenting look.' "Alright, alright. I've gotten maybe two or three lately. Guys. It'd just our imagination. Chill." "Well you know my mother use to tell me that vibes mean a good or bad thing that's happening to you in a alternate universe." said Tiko. Zero let out a laugh. "Yea. She also said that chickens are a tyrannosaurus's closest relative." Zero let out another laugh. Tiko, Travis and Rahkshi looked at Zero in a "DUH!" look. "O..." said Zero as he realized what he had said was true. "Anyway..." added Tiko. "I always did believe in alternate universes. Even if their our future or past. Heck we visited the year 3005!" said Travis. Travis shivered for about ten seconds. "Whoa... Speaking of vibes. Now that was a real scary one." The same thing happened to Tiko, Zero and Rahkshi. Rahkshi and Tiko put on a concerned face. "Guys. Chill, just a coincidence." said Zero even a bit worried himself. "Yea... just a coincidence..." said Tiko as he yawned... "Boy am I tired..." Tiko drifted off to sleep and with in the next fifteen minutes Travis, Rahkshi and Zero fell into a deep sleep as well. 2. Chapter 2 Chapter One In another time... in another place far different from our own the Kind King was murdered. Mamodos alike are hated by the humans and are on the verge of war. Meanwhile the mamodo's themselves are in the middle of a civil war. Though one tribe of mamodo's finds a ancient spirit that could turn them into humans. How far will the mamodo's go to get that chance? Two mamodo's (very different) don't want to take that chance and are ending the wars once and for all. A red light blinded two brothers. Then a black and white one rushed by. "What was that?" asked one of them. "I don't know Rahk." said the other. "Lets go Travis. Before it comes back." Travis and Rahkshi ran off. Travis and Rahkshi live in a part of Earth that is mostly rubble and was destroyed during one of the Mamodo/Human battles. They lived in a little tent/apartment. They only had their mother and were one of the few living in the wreckage of Los Angeles. The sky was always cloudy and usually filled with dust. The place they lived in was the bottom level of an apartment with a long grey sheet over it. Travis and Rahkshi or Rahkshi and Travis climbed over some rubble and heard a explosion. Travis stumbled backwards and Rahkshi grabbed his ankle and put a finger on his mouth to tell Travis not to scream because he heard a voice. There was lots of smoke and Travis could barely see Rahkshi let alone his own legs. Travis tried to sit up on the steep slope and scraped his right arm and cut it. He could feel the blood dripping off his arm on to his palm and soaking into his shirt so he let out a small cry. Then both Travis and Rahkshi heard the word. _"Radom."_ Travis felt Rahkshi let go and heard Rahkshi scream as he flew over head and he could barely see Rahkshi's figure over head. Some rubble started to move from underneath Travis and it let loose and dropped and fainted as he hit the hard bottom. Meanwhile Rahkshi felt like his last moments had arrived and he saw a weak light. He hit the ground and got a quick. The white light he'd seen, Rahkshi was sure that this was heaven but then it turned dark and he realized he was still on Earth. The white and black figure ran fast towards Rahkshi and picked him up. The smoke cleared and Rahkshi looked around for Travis. Rahkshi called out for him. "Travis? Where are yo..." the figure that held Rahkshi covered his mouth. When he did this Rahkshi felt weaker but stronger at the same time. Rahkshi realized that he had revealed their existence to the Radom calling mamodo. The mamodo that Travis and Rahkshi had discovered that was named Zofis had been attacking them for quite some time but never unleashed something like this. Zofis was more of a figure then a human. On Earth all mamodo's are more of figures then humans. They are just a color and you can only see their shape. Most wear metal hats or an emblem on themselves would show when they attack. _"Teoradom"_ said Zofis and a series of psychic balls shot at Rahkshi and the mamodo that held him. _"Trasheild"_ said the figure that held Rahkshi and a triangle shaped sheild of both light and dark energy blocked the attack and sent it back and Zofis. Zofis flew up and dodged the doubled teoradom attack. Underneath the rubble Travis opened his eyes slowly and felt his arm. There was a bandadge wrapped around it but he couldn't move it at all. "Finally. Your awake. Now can we go?" said a shape sitting down smoking a cigar into what Travis assumed was a mouth. He only saw a chest outline and obviously the whole outline of the mamodo. He wore a silver metal hat with two red lightning bolts. "Now I numbed your arm. So you won't whine." said the mamodo. "Thank you for saving me." said Travis. "Do you have a name?" "I did... but just call me Red." replied the red mamodo. "Ok... Please. I want to help my brother!" cried Travis. "And we shall. Hold on to me." said Red as he picked up Travis on his back. Red muttered the words. _"Flickagra"_ and in a instance they turned into mere fire sparks. They went up through the rubble and formed again behind Zofis. Red dropped Travis gently, then turned around and said. "Hey she-man!" Zofis spun around and yelled _"Gigano Radom!" _ "That's all you've got?" taunted Red. _"Magmui"_ Magma rose up from the ground, blocking the psychic blast. Then Red moved his hands to the right in a swaying motion and the magma started to spin around Red and Red sent it straight towards Zofis. Zofis screeched and flew backwards. He managed to get up but the white and black mamodo walked over to him. _"Ion Rakerga"_ A light ball formed in his right and and a dark ball in his left. He threw both of them at Zofis and Zofis screamed again. When the smoke cleared there sat a dead body. "Good job Zero." said Red as he walked over and clanked fists with him. "You... you... murderer!" yelled Rahkshi as he and Travis knelt by Zofis. "You killed your own kind?" "I do what I have to do." said Zero. "Murderer!" shouted Travis. "Hey kid. Watch it. We didn't have to save you. You better listen to us. Zofis just killed someone close to you. You still mad he's dead?" said Red. "What?" asked Travis and Rahkshi worriedly. "Right... um... We'll just go now." said Zero as Red and he ran off super fast. Travis and Rahkshi turned their attention away from the mamodo's and back at their apartment. They opened the door and there... lied a dead woman... their mother... Travis's heart skipped a beat and Rahkshi almost wanted to kill himself. Travis knelt by his mother and started to do CPR. "She's gone Travis..." said Rahkshi upset. He was trying not to cry because he wanted his younger brother to be OK. Travis started to cry and fell into Rahkshi's arms. Rahkshi held his brother and couldn't help but cry also. (A/N- Rahkshi is a year older than Travis.) "I'm going to kill all those mamodos!" screamed Travis as loud as he could. He jumped up and ran over to Zofis and kicked him constantly. "WHY! WHY HER! AHH!" screamed Travis in frustration. He kept on doing it until he had no more energy and fell and cried more. Rahkshi knelt by his mother. "Oh mom... You were the greatest human ever. The tales of the mamodo's and humans living in peace will no longer be a legend. I'll make it happen. And i'll take care of Travis... just like I always promised." Rahkshi spent the next half hour burying his mother. Travis didn't want to watch. After Rahkshi finished he walked over to his brother who was asleep. He could see the tears in Travis's eyes. Rahkshi picked up Travis and put him over his back and started walking away. Then Zero and Red appeared. "I'm sorry." said Zero. "I don't want to talk about it." scolded Rahkshi. "Thank you for protecting him." said Rahkshi talking to Red acknowledging Travis. "The little guy looks bummed." said Zero. "Yea... You would too if your mother died." said Rahkshi sarcastically. "I wouldn't because I don't have one." said Zero. "Oh... I'm sorry." replied Rahkshi. "It's ok. I've gotten over it." said Zero. "I heard the promise you made to your mother. Believe it or not but we're out to stop the war also." said Red. "Really?" asked Rahkshi. "Yea. And I guess... since we really can't leave you here you'll have to come along." said Red sighing. "Thanks." said Rahkshi. The two mamodo's and two humans walked off and didn't realize what they were in for. Author's Note- Ok... that might have been a bit confusing but bare with me. Zero and Tiko are now like six feet tall. They both can run super fast. And this is in a ALTERNATE universe. Please review! End file.
Kingdom Come by Connor Kent
Zatch Bell
BullsEye I am in a WonreiLien writing mode so ya, I own nothing. ------------------------------------------------- The rain pounded down on a tent set up in a campground near Japan, steady and unmerciful the rain was. The two lay in the tent, both awake. Lien opened one eye to check that his eyes were closed. The both of them knew the other was awake. Wonrei and Lien didn't know the other knew of their sleepless night. Leaning over his shoulder she kissed him on the cheek, lied back down, turned silently, and closed her eyes. Wonrei, rolling on his back, stared at the top of the tent. He leaned over her shoulder, this time. "Nice try." She took a minute before she gave up and rolled on her back, herself. "How did you know I thought you were sleeping?" "You thought wrong and I knew because you weren't breathing steady. It was rushed; then held. It got faster, slower, and sounded forced." "Oh," Lien said rolling back on her side, back towards Wonrei. "But, you missed." Wonrei showed no hint of teasing or joking on his face; it was straight as a board. "No, I didn't. I got you." Lien was confused. What did he mean, she missed? "Nope, you should try again," Wonrei replied back. Lien rolled back over and kissed him on the cheek again. After she had stay on her back for a minute or two, she asked him, "Did I still miss?" She was catching on quick. "Yep, you did. Let me teach you how to aim." Wonrei used his one elbow to prop himself up, placed his other hand around Lien's back, lifted her up, and placed his lips on hers. Lien, still in shock, realized what happened. She leaned into him more. Wonrei deepened the kiss as Lien reached up and ran her hands through his long white mess of hair. Wonrei lied back down, closer to her now. He reached over and placed her head on his shoulder. He kept his arm around her shoulders as they both drifted slowly to sleep. Lien felt Wonrei's lips brush against her ear. "Bull's-eye." A/n: Really short. Sorry. Please review. End file.
BullsEye by Jessesgirl1549
Zatch Bell
Zatch's Sick Day A runny nose, painful coughs, strong headaches, weak body, and a blazing head. These were all symptoms Zatch was exhibiting one morning. Kiyo checked his temperature to find out he had a high fever. "Well buddy, it looks like you have a fever again. This is why you shouldn't go swimming late at night." Kiyo said softly to the sick Zatch. Zatch laid there and having lost most of his strength in his body he didn't feel like moving at all. "Nuu... But that's the only way I can fish for yellowtail... Kiyo can you stay home with me please?" Zatch asked sweetly. "No way. School is starting up again now that winter break is over and I don't want to miss the first day back." Kiyo replied coldly. He realized he sounded a little harsh and added, "Don't worry, I'll be back later." This would not do for Zatch who complained, "Ugh! What am I going to do all day? I'm too sick to even move!" Kiyo kneeled down and put a hand on Zatch's warm head and replied, "I know it's hard but when you're sick, sometimes the best thing you can do is just lay there. Anyways I brought you a wet rag, some tissues, and a glass of water and if you need more just call for mother. I'm heading out now." Kiyo stood up but when he tried walking out the door something grabbed his ankle which caused him to fall on the floor. Knowing who the culprit was Kiyo got angry and yelled, "Zatch!" "Uwaaah! Don't leave me here all alone Kiyo!" Zatch cried out. When Kiyo was struggling to free himself both Kiyo and Zatch heard a familiar voice say, "What is going on here?" Kiyo and Zatch both stopped struggling and looked at the doorway to see a bewildered Tia. Kiyo used this opportunity to free himself from Zatch who was too busy looking at Tia. Once Kiyo got his freedom back, Zatch laid back down and started crying childishly. Kiyo stood up once more and Tia crossed her arms as she walked over to Zatch and said, "What are you crying over this time crybaby?" Tia started noticing Zatch's condition and said worriedly, "Zatch?" Tia put her hand on Zatch's forehead and gasped when she found out how warm it was. Zatch stopped crying and looked up at Tia and simply said, "I'm sick Tia." Sadness started to show on Tia's face as she said softly, "Well I can see that dummy... Will you be okay?" Tia was worried about Zatch's condition and turned towards Kiyo for reassurance. Kiyo replied, "Yeah he'll be fine; he just needs rest. I'm sorry Tia but Zatch isn't able to play with you today." Tia became sadder and once again looked at Zatch; he was in a pretty bad condition for being sick. Tia looked at Kiyo again and said confidently, "Kiyo let me take care of Zatch while you're at school. He'll be in good hands." This would never do for Zatch. Whenever Tia tried nursing Zatch back to health she would always make his situation worse. Zatch instantly rose from his spot on the floor and yelled desperately, "Kiyo take me with you to school! I'm fine, really! I'm-" Zatch couldn't finish his sentence and collapsed on the floor; he was barely conscious when he heard Tia yell, "Zatch? Zatch are you okay?! Zatch open your eyes!" Zatch started to slowly open his eyes and made out a frightened Tia who was softly shaking him. Zatch felt a massive pain in his head and realized it was from him using all of that energy to stand up. "Ughh..." Zatch said painfully. Zatch's eyes were closed tightly from the pain and covered his forehead with his hand. Tia looked towards Kiyo for help, he seemed upset but said, "I have to go to school now. Tia please take care of Zatch for me. I'll tell mother that Zatch needs medicine." With that Kiyo left the room. Tia realized that she was the only one who could give Zatch full attention and that made her feel uneasy. When Tia looked back at Zatch's painful face it gave her resolve to stay by his side until he was better. Zatch opened his left eye and forced a smile for Tia's sake as he said, "Don't worry Tia... I'll be okay." Tia could tell Zatch was just trying to make her feel better. Tia rested her left hand on top of Zatch's hand which was still on his forehead and she replied worriedly, "Don't act so strong right now! You're sick and you need to be taken care of!" Tia softly gripped Zatch's hand and moved it to his chest. Tia gently placed her other hand on Zatch's forehead and said softly, "I'm going to take good care of you Zatch, I promise." Zatch felt reassured by Tia's gentleness and his smile grew as he said, "Thank you Tia." Tia started blushing slightly and a smile formed on her face. It always made her incredibly happy when Zatch appreciated the things that she did for him. Tia said happily, "You're welcome. I'm going to be your nurse for the day so if you need anything just ask me, okay?" Zatch's smile grew and he had a request for Tia, "Tia can I have some yellow tail?" This annoyed Tia; she let go of Zatch and crossed her arms; she replied, "Zatch, you're not supposed to eat like that when you're sick. You need to eat things like soup." This made Zatch feel a little sad but he wanted to get better quickly and replied, "If soup helps make me feel better then can you ask mother to make me some?" Normally Tia would love cooking for Zatch but she didn't want to leave his side for that long so she replied, "Okay, I'll tell Hana to make you some soup, I'll be right back!" Tia hurriedly left the room to ask Hana to make soup for Zatch and by the time she came back to Kiyo's room only thirty seconds had passed. Zatch was amazed and said, "Wow Tia, you're so fast!" Tia giggled and said, "Of course! A nurse has to stay with her patient and if she leaves she has to come straight back!" The two children stayed in Kiyo room; Tia crouched down next to Zatch who continued to lay down. Hana walked into the room and said, "Your soup is ready Zatch. How are you feeling?" Zatch looked up at Hana and said, "Nuu, I feel really sick but Tia is here to be my nurse." Tia started blushing and didn't want anyone else to find out that she offered to be Zatch's nurse. Tia embarrassingly said, "What?! No I just... I just came over to play with Zatch that's all! So I'm just waiting for him to get better!" Zatch interjected, "Nuu? But Tia you said-" Zatch couldn't finish his sentence because Tia covered his mouth with her hand and whispered angrily, "Shh!" Hana smiled and saw through Tia's lie but pretended to believe it and said, "Well Tia, Zatch might not be better for a few days." Embarrassment and the desire to take care of Zatch filled Tia and replied, "Then I'll just stay here until he gets better! I mean... I guess I should keep an eye on him since he is sick." Hana could see Tia's affection for Zatch and replied, "Would you do that for me? You're so sweet Tia." With that Hana left the room and Zatch started to sit up so he could eat his soup. Out of embarrassment and anger Tia hit Zatch on the forehead which caused him to instantly fall back down. Zatch cried and protect the spot Tia hit as he rolled side to side in pain. "Uwaaaa! Tia what was that for?!" Zatch asked in pain. Tia was angry that Zatch told Hana about her being Zatch's nurse but already found a way to cover it up and replied coldly, "You're not supposed to move by yourself; that includes sitting up." Zatch stopped crying and replied sadly, "Un-Unuu..." Tia thought about her actions and decided that she shouldn't harm Zatch and felt guilty for hitting him. Tia moved closer to Zatch and embarrassingly put an arm around his shoulder and said softly, "Let me help you up, Zatch." Zatch accepted Tia's help and was once again in a sitting up position. They moved away from the sheets and Tia sat beside Zatch; she still had an arm around him which made her blush. Zatch finished his soup in no time at all and said happily, "Mmm, that was good!" Zatch heard a grumbling sound and looked over at Tia and realized that it came from her stomach. Tia's embarrassment grew and she said, "I'm sorry, it's just I'm a little hungry." Zatch smiled and said, "Well why didn't you say so? Even nurses need to eat. You can go downstairs and eat breakfast but you have to come straight back when you're done!" Tia smiled; she let go of Zatch and stood up. "Okay! I'll be right back Zatch!" Tia left the room. Tia was only gone for ten minutes and when she came back to the room she saw a shivering Zatch still in the same spot; she ran over to Zatch and said, "Zatch? Zatch are you okay?!" Tia started to panic. Zatch was looking down at the ground but slowly looked up and said, "So... Cold..." He was hugging himself tightly and couldn't stop shivering. Tia looked over and saw that the window was open. The temperature was in the single digits today and the wind started to pick up which sent icy chills into Kiyo's room. Tia felt the chill and wondered how long Zatch had to put up with it. "Zatch, why didn't you close the window or at least get under your covers? You haven't even moved from this spot! Tia asked worriedly. Zatch looked sad from his lack of freedom and replied, "You told me not to move by myself." Tia was stunned and then remembered that she did tell Zatch that he wasn't allowed to move by himself; she felt pain in her heart because her cover up caused Zatch to suffer in the cold. Tia got on her knees and wrapped her arms around Zatch to share her warmth and as an apology. "I'm sorry Zatch... You are allowed to move, just forget what I said earlier." Tia said sadly. Zatch drew closer to Tia and burrowed his face in her shoulder for warmth. After a few minutes Tia grabbed Zatch's hand and led him to his sheets. After she tucked Zatch in, Tia went towards the window and closed it and went back to sitting down next to Zatch. Cold air still filled the room which caused Tia to start shivering but felt that she deserved it. Zatch looked concerned and asked, "Tia are you okay? You look really cold." Tia started hugging herself and replied, "Don't worry about me. You're the one who's sick." Zatch started to move to one side of his sheet; opening up room for someone else to lay down with him. Zatch patted the open spot and said, "Tia, you can get under the covers with me." It was embarrassing for Tia to lay on the same sheets as Zatch but her desire to be warm and to lay with Zatch was stronger than the embarrassment so she got under the covers with him. They were both laying on their backs. Zatch smiled and asked, "See? Doesn't that feel better?" Tia still felt really embarrassed and was blushing brightly about being so close to Zatch; she turned her head towards him and replied nervously, "Y-Yeah. I-It feels a lot better." Zatch thought Tia was acting strange and asked, "Tia, are you okay?" This only made Tia more nervous; she shifted so that she was laying on her side while facing Zatch and she replied, "Ummm... Y-Yeah. I'm... I'm fine!" Tia's constant stuttering confused Zatch; he stared into her face and she started shaking. Finally Zatch thought that Tia was shaking and stuttering from the cold and said, "Oh I get it! Come here." Zatch got on his side and moved closer to Tia; he rested his forehead against her's and wrapped his arm around her pulling her into a soft embrace. Zatch's eyes were closed but Tia's were wide open from shock. It was rare for her to be held by Zatch and she never felt his forehead with her's. Tia's face became scarlet and she became extremely nervous but inside she was extremely happy and at peace as if she was in a dream. Despite being so young, Tia always had a big crush on Zatch and she constantly daydreamed about innocent romance with him; today it felt like one of those daydreams was coming true. Finally Tia wrapped her arms around Zatch and closed her eyes; she also started smiling brightly. At first Zatch held Tia to warm her up but now he wanted to hold her because it gave him a special sensation in his heart; it felt bubbly and light but most of all it felt extremely happy and free. The sickness pulled Zatch down into uneasiness and pain but whenever Tia held him those negative feelings went away and was replaced by the purest form of happiness. The longer the hug the happier it made the two children and Tia couldn't hold it back any longer and let out a happy giggle. Upon hearing this Zatch giggled as well and said, "I'm really happy Tia!" Tia held Zatch tighter and replied softly, "Me too." Tia was on cloud nine and never wanted the hug to end; unfortunately it had to end and was over once they heard a voice say, "My, you two look very happy." Tia immediately let go of Zatch and jumped up; her once light blush turned crimson once again and Zatch just laid there confused. The two children looked at the doorway and saw that Hana was standing there with a bottle in her hand. Hana walked closer to Zatch and said, "Here you go Zatch. This medicine will make you feel better but it will also make you sleepy." Hana placed the bottle next to Zatch and then looked at Tia which caused Tia to flinch from nervousness. "Tia you shouldn't stay that close to Zatch; you might catch his cold." Hana told the red headed child. Once Hana left the room there was a silence that lasted awhile until Tia took the top off of the bottle and said, "Okay Zatch, it's time to take your medicine." Tia motioned the bottle towards Zatch's mouth. Zatch started to sit up; he became sad and replied, "Unuu..." Tia noticed this but made him drink the medicine regardless. After Zatch had as much as he was allowed to take, Tia asked, "What's wrong Zatch?" Zatch laid back down and replied, "Well... First of all, mother said that the medicine was supposed to make me sleepy so I will probably fall asleep but that means you'll be lonely. Also I really wanted you to lay with me and hold me like you just did. I would be able to fall asleep easier if you held me but-" Zatch cut himself off when he saw Tia starting to get under the sheets with him. "T-Tia?!" Zatch said with surprise. Tia started blushing again but a small smile rested on her face and she said, "Well why didn't you just say so? I'm your nurse so it's my job to make you happy so if you want me to hold you then I will." Tia proceeded to put her arms around Zatch. Zatch stared into Tia's ruby eyes and as happy it made Zatch that Tia was holding him, he felt guilt and said worriedly, "Tia you shouldn't be close to me! You might get sick!" Tia pressed her forehead against Zatch's and replied, "Zatch I'll do whatever it takes to make you feel better. Besides..." Tia's smile grew and continued, "Even if I do get sick that just means that you get to be my doctor and take care of me, right?" Zatch started to smile and said happily, "Unuu! And I'll be the best doctor in the world!" Tia giggled and said, "You're such a dork." Tia held Zatch tighter and continued, "Now it's time for you to go to sleep okay? And I'll be right here when you wake up." Kiyo was walking home from school and his thoughts were racing about Zatch, "_Man I really hope Zatch is okay; I should have just stayed home from school today._" Halfway home he heard a familiar voice call his name and found out that it was Megumi who had free time and wanted to spend it with Kiyo. The two teenagers were blushing slightly as they walked towards Kiyo's house together while holding hands; it was Megumi's idea and claimed that her hands felt cold. Once they arrived they immediately went upstairs to check on the children and were surprised by what they found. "Well would you look at that; don't they look adorable?" Megumi asked with a smile. Kiyo simply replied, "Yeah." Kiyo was happy to see Zatch smiling even if he was sleeping. Tia and Zatch were still sleeping together; both in each other's arms and were smiling. Megumi wrapped her hands around Kiyo's arm and rested her head against his shoulder as she continued to look at the two children. Kiyo blushed and looked at Megumi from the corner of his eyes. When Zatch awoke he saw Megmui and Kiyo chatting on the bed. "Mmmm... Nuu?" Zatch said as was starting to wake up. Kiyo looked down at Zatch and smiled. "Hey there buddy? How are you feeling?" Kiyo asked. It took a few seconds but Zatch remembered his earlier condition and replied, "Unuu. I feel a little better." Zatch smiled but then coughed and continued, "But I still feel sick." Megumi was informed of Zatch's condition and was glad to see him doing better and so she thought it wouldn't be inappropriate to tease Tia. "Aren't you glad to have such a loving nurse?" Megumi asked with a wink. Before Zatch could respond he heard Tia from behind him. "Megumi! You said you would stop that!" Tia said embarrassingly. When Tia awoke, Megumi wouldn't stop teasing her for being so comfortable and happy while she slept with Zatch. When Zatch turned around he saw Tia still laying down with him but was blushing and a frown rested on her face until she saw the face of her favorite yellow tail obsessed boy once more. "Hey Zatch! Did you sleep well?" Tia asked; she wanted to know if she made Zatch comfortable as he slept. Zatch smiled and replied happily, "Unuu! I was able to sleep because of you! Thank you Tia! You are the best nurse ever!" Zatch went to hug Tia and even though she was embarrassed she returned the hug; she didn't mind other people knowing that she was Zatch's nurse; in fact she wanted people to know now because she didn't want actual nurses to take her job away. Megumi felt happy for her demon; she knew that Tia liked Zatch a lot and could tell she was very happy with him. Megumi looked at Kiyo and thought, "_You make me happy like that too, Kiyo._" Awhile had passed and it was time for bed. "Awww but I don't wanna leave, Megumi! I told Zatch I would take care of him!" Tia protested. Megumi giggled from her partner's begging and replied, "I already talked to Mrs. Takamine and you're allowed to stay." Normally Tia wouldn't want to be separated from her partner but she had a responsibility to take care of and said, "Yeah! Thank you Megumi!" Kiyo left with Megumi to walk her home while Tia and Zatch stayed in the guest room. Tia set up sheets for her and Zatch to sleep on and Zatch walked into the room from Kiyo's. When Tia saw this she said worriedly, "Zatch! You shouldn't walk without help!" Zatch looked sad and replied, "I know but I didn't want to be away from you." His words touched Tia's heart and she said softly, "Aww... Zatch you're so sweet." Tia walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Nuu?" Zatch said silently. Tia was really compassionate for him today which was new to Zatch but he really liked it so he returned the hug. When Tia pulled away a small blush and a big smile rested on her face. Tia pointed to the sheets and said, "I made our bed for tonight! I know you like it when I hold you while you sleep so I made one bed for the two of us." Tia blushed harder and wasn't being completely honest and didn't tell Zatch that she loves sleeping next to him. They laid down together and got into the same position as last time. Zatch was really happy but had one request, "Tia, can you tell me a bed time story?" Zatch's request stunned Tia; she has never told a bed time story but wanted to satisfy Zatch and said nervously, "S-Sure! Just give me a minute." A few seconds had passed until Tia said triumphantly, "Aha! I have one! Are you ready Zatch?" Zatch happily replied in his usual fashion, "Unuu!" Tia started telling Zatch her story, "Once there was a malevolent king named Gash. Gash was a kind ruler and was loved by his people. Even though Gash had many friends he felt like something was missing so one day King Gash marched over to the house of his peasant friend Tio. Tio was a strong girl and would do anything in the world to assist King Gash and so the King knew she could help him. When the King spoke to her of his troubles, Tio told him that he was missing the love of girl, the love of a wife. King Gash finally realized that what he was missing was Tio and then asked for her hand in marriage. Tio happily agreed and said, 'I've loved you since the very beginning Gash!' And so they got married and lived happily ever after." It was a story that Tia's mind thought up before when she day dreamed about Zatch and all she had to do was switch up the names. Tia started blushing wildly after realizing she pretty much told Zatch her fantasies and asked really nervously, "S-So. D-Did you like it?" Zatch was in a daze; even though it was a childish bedtime story he replied happily, "Unuu! I really like that story!" Zatch smiled but continued seriously, "You know what Tia? You're a lot like that girl in the story. You're really strong and you always help me; just like Tio helped the King." Tia felt incredibly embarrassed when Zatch related her story character with her real self. Trying to avoid the topic she replied, "A-Anyways, it's getting really late. Goodnight Zatch!" "Goodnight Tia!" Zatch replied happily. Zatch closed his eyes and in a matter of minutes he fell asleep. Tia became drowsy but she giggled as she stared into his sleepy face and thought, "_Zatch, you look really cute when you're asleep. I'm sorry I cause you pain sometimes, but I'm always willing to make you feel better. You know, you make me a happy girl. I just hope I make you a happy boy. Zatch... I really do..._" Tia couldn't finish her thought; her body fell asleep as her mind drifted off into her dreams. Even while sleeping Tia managed to finish her thoughts out loud as she sleep talked, "Love you." It was morning and Tia was stirring; she noticed Zatch was missing and looked around and was finally able to make out Zatch and called his name. Zatch was running happily around the room and once he heard Tia call his name he rushed over to her and yelled happily, "Tia I'm all better!" Tia started sitting up, she still felt groggy from waking up but smiled anyways and replied, "That's great." Zatch sat down in front of Tia and asked, "Unuu! So what do you want to do today Tia?" Tia day dreamed and wanted to make her fantasies a reality just like yesterday but didn't have the courage and so she replied, "Well yesterday I came over to see if you wanted to go get yellow tail burgers; it's an all you can eat special." Zatch's face lit up and replied excitedly, "Yellow tail burgers?! All you can eat?! Let's go!" Zatch stood up and started to run towards the door. Unfortunately Tia had to deliver bad news and yelled, "Zatch! The special was yesterday and you were sick! They don't have all you can eat yellow tail burgers anymore!" Zatch sank to his knees and created skid marks on the floor from his deceleration; he looked towards the heavens and yelled in a voice that the entire neighborhood could hear, "NOOOOOOOO-" When you're sick happiness can still blossom. When you're too weak to move someone else can be your strength. And when you're shivering from the cold someone else can be your warmth. Zatch was miserable being sick and at the thought of being alone; but then Tia came along and made his sickness bearable and even made him happy. Sometimes to help someone get better you don't have to cast them up or give them medicine; to help someone get better you just have to be there to comfort them. End file.
Zatch's Sick Day by Youtoberz
Zatch Bell
Truth Or Truthless He stood at the edge of the room, his figure casting long shadows in the twilight. His hair had grown from when we had last seen each other, and he was now taller than her. The gaze he focused so intently out the window remained there, not making eye contact with the blonde heiress. Finally, she took a risk and broke the silence. "Would you like something to drink?" she asked, sitting at the small table near the bed. The man grunted what sounded to her like a no, so she surrendered and endured the silence once more. The next time it was him who spoke. "Lie," he whispered so lowly that she almost didn't catch it. In the blink of an eye he was standing next to her, staring down at her as intently as he had done with the window. Her hands she kept folded under the table began to tremble. "You are the only one for me," he said shifting so he stood directly behind her, wrapping his arms around her so his hands rested above her chest. She closed her eyes momentarily, knowing that only pain would come from this. "I've never wanted anyone else," she said, playing along to the game she knew so well. She felt his hands tense against the bare skin below the nape of her neck. Still upset, she continued. "I've never had anyone else and never will." He slowly removed his arms, the care he took evident. He replaced them at the top of the chair, holding the seat so tightly she could feel the wood crack against her neck. "I enjoy your company." Lifting her arms out from beneath the table, she raised her arms in the air and was barely able to wrap her arms around his waist. "As I enjoy yours." She ran her fingers over the fabric that covered his back, his hair twined around her fingers. He promptly grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her over the back of the chair. One arm supported her by the crook of her knees while the other held her by the shoulders. He stared down at her, taking in the tremble of her lips and the way her eyes sparkled with moisture. Readjusting her, he set her down on her feet in front of him, removing his arms from her legs and shoulders so he could hold her by the waist. He traced one hand up her back, stopping at her neck. His eyes met hers, blue meeting red. She wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly pulling herself closer to him. He watched her close her eyes and lift her lips to his. At first he remained still, feeling her lips against his for the first time in years. He then pulled her tighter to him, opening his mouth against hers to once again know her. She gasped when he pulled her down. * * * "I love you." The other stared back, shock on their face. "I hate you." End file.
Truth Or Truthless by Selbe
Zatch Bell
1. Chapter 1 **The Lost Spell Books** _Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell_ Long ago seven spell books were hidden for in each book was the power to destroy the human world. After five millennia they are unleashed upon the world. "Zaker!" Kiyo yelled. It went straight to his enemy's book and burned it as he sent another mamodo back to the mamodo world. Kiyo then fainted from the tough battle. "Kiyo!" Zatch yelled and ran to him. "Zatch, I'm sorry." Kiyo said and fell back into unconsciousness. "Don't worry Kiyo. I'll get you back home." Zatch said determinedly. He slowly picked up Kiyo and started the long trek home. Kiyo slowly opened his eyes. "What happened?" He asked nobody. "Kiyo, you're awake!" Megumi yelled as she opened the door. She ran over to him and kissed him. "What was that for?" Kiyo asked. "Ever since I met you I've loved you but until now I was afraid to say it." Megumi said and turned her head away. Kiyo turned her head to face him. "I love you too." He said and kissed her. After five minutes they broke the kiss. Then all of a sudden they heard a loud explosion. "What the hell was that?" Kiyo asked as he ran down the stairs and grabbed his book while running out the door. Zatch was already standing outside. About fifty feet ahead was a mamodo with a human holding a black and red spell book. In front of them was Kiyo's mother. She was lying still. Kiyo was fuming with anger and sadness. Then his book started glowing brighter than ever thus unlocking the fourth spell. "I hate you! You will die!" Kiyo screamed in outrage. "Zatch are you ready?" Kiyo asked his partner. "Yes." Zatch said with flames in his eyes. "This is for you mom. The fourth spell, Bao Zakerga!" Kiyo shouted. Then a large shot of lightning came out of Zatch's mouth and turned into a dragon. "Now attack." Kiyo yelled and the dragon engulfed the human and mamodo. When the smoke cleared the human was black and smelt of burnt flesh. The book and mamodo were gone. Kiyo ran over to his mom. He could tell she was dead. Kiyo fell to the ground and vomited right in front of where he was kneeling. "Are you all right Kiyo?" Zatch asked worried. "Damn you Zatch. If it wasn't for your stupid fight for king this wouldn't have happened." Kiyo yelled and punched Zatch in the jaw and kicked him down. Kiyo threw down the book and ran off. Zatch lay there in pain bleeding. "Kiyo, don't." Zatch said and fell unconscious. Ash56:read and review 2. Chapter 2 Ash56: I want to thank Daisuke CP9 and Kiyo Crazy for the reviews. Now back to the story. _Disclaimer: I still don't own Zatch Bell._ Tia was watching the scene below from the roof. She ran to Megumi. "Megumi, Kiyo ran off." She said. "What, that can't be right." Megumi said and ran outside. She saw Zatch and ran over. His breathing was short and ragged. "No Zatch, don't die." Megumi said and picked Zatch up and ran to the hospital. Kiyo was running towards the edge of town. His lungs and calves hurt but he wouldn't stop till he was out of town. 'Why did I have to kill him?' Kiyo thought. He finally ran out of town. He sat down to catch his breath. "Where's your book?" Someone asked. Kiyo turned around and there was Sherry and Brago. "I don't have it. I threw it away." Kiyo said. Sherry then saw the hurt in Kiyo's eyes and asked, "What's wrong?" "Why does it matter to you?" Kiyo asked and turned away. Sherry sat down and put her arms around Kiyo. "My mom got killed by a mamodo, and then I killed the book owner." Kiyo whispered. "There is one way that nobody else you care about dies." Sherry said. "How?" Kiyo asked. "I burn your book." Sherry said. "Okay, you can burn it." Kiyo said. Then they headed back to town. "Is Kiyo okay?" Zatch asked Tia. After five hours in the emergency room he finally was in a stable condition. "I don't know Zatch, but I know that Megumi and I won't stop looking." Tia said. She glanced to make sure her book owner was asleep. She then pulled out Zatch's spell book. "Keep this hidden; I don't want Megumi knowing what I did." Tia said and kissed Zatch. "Now don't lose that." Tia said and left Zatch so he could sleep. About that time Megumi started coming around. "Where are you going Tia?" Megumi asked. "To find Kiyo and drag his big damn ass back here." Tia said and opened the door. "Tia watch your language." Megumi said chastising her mamodo. The two then headed to look for their partner and friend. Ash56: That's it for my second chapter. Feel free to give me good reviews or flames. When I get a good one I will update. If you want you can give me ideas for my story that I will ponder or you could have me use your original mamodo or other Zatch Bell characters. R and R. That's it. 3. Chapter 3 Ash56: I want to thank Kiyo Crazy and Alison for the reviews. Now on with the story. _Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell or Zia or Dusk_ It was around two a.m. when Sherry, Kiyo, and Brago got back to town. They ended up staying in a five star hotel. "So this is a suite." Kiyo said and looked in amazement. "I'm going to bed." Kiyo said and lay on the bed. Sherry climbed into the second bed and was about to fall asleep when she heard Kiyo crying. "Kiyo are you alright?" Sherry asked. She didn't hear an answer so she got up and lay down by Kiyo. "It's alright." Sherry whispered in his ear. Kiyo turned over and curled up against her. She blushed as his chest touched her breasts. "No it's not. I killed somebody. I'm just as bad as them." Kiyo mumbled as he kept sobbing on her shoulder. "I'll be here so just go to sleep." Sherry said. Kiyo lay down and within seconds was sound asleep. Sherry woke up the next morning to the sound of running water. She looked up and saw Brago having a look of pure disgust on his face. "What's wrong with you?" Sherry asked. "What do you see in him, he's just going to leave you." Brago said with a humph. Kiyo stepped into the room with a humph. Kiyo stepped into the room without a shirt. Sherry started drooling at the sight. "What's wrong?" Kiyo asked wondering why Sherry was like that. "N...nothing." Sherry said and started walking towards the bathroom hoping nobody saw the blush creeping up her face. Brago stepped over to Kiyo. He grabbed Kiyo's shirt and pulled Kiyo to eye level. "If you hurt her you will wish you were dead." Brago sneered and let go. He left Kiyo stunned. Sherry came out about fifteen minutes later. She was dressed in a pink tank top that showed off her flat stomach, a pair of jeans that were loose so they fell down her hips dangerously low. "You look quite beautiful today." Kiyo said looking down. "Thank you. Come on or else we're going to be late. "Sherry said and grabbed Kiyo's hand and ran out the door. "Megumi, we've been searching for hours. Can we at least sit down a minute?" Tia asked between breaths. "Okay, we'll go get breakfast at Kyo's." Megumi said and slowed down to a walk. "Yay! Pancakes!" Tia yelled. They entered and quickly got seated. "I'm your waitress May. What may I get you to drink?" May asked. "I'll take a large milk." Tia piped up. "I'll take a cup of coffee." Megumi said. "Regular or decaf?" May asked. "Regular." Megumi said. "The drinks will be out shortly." May said bowed. "Thank you." Megumi and Tia said together. Just then Sherry and Kiyo came in. Megumi ran up to Kiyo. "Kiyo, thank goodness you're okay." Megumi said. She was about to hug Kiyo when Sherry stepped in front. "Go back to singing you bitch." Sherry said venomously. "Look who's jealous." Megumi said coaxing Sherry on. Kiyo just sat down by Tia. "What can I get you to drink sir?" May asked. "I'll take a 32 oz. of Budweiser." Kiyo said. After two minutes May came back with Kiyo's drink. He chugged it down automatically. "Can I have another one?" Kiyo asked. Then Megumi and Sherry came back over. Megumi sat to the left of Kiyo and Sherry sat on his right. "So are we ready to order?" May asked and sat down Kiyo's second beer. "I want to full stacks of pancakes." Tia said enthusiastically. "Two more of these." Kiyo said as he held up his second empty mug. "I'll have a #2 with bacon, eggs sunny side up and could you make that wheat toast?" Megumi asked. "Certainly." May said. "Just decaf coffee." Sherry said and scooted closer to Kiyo. "I'll take your orders to the kitchen." May said and bowed. A minute later Kiyo's drinks came. He drank them both within two minutes. Megumi looked worried. "Kiyo?" Megumi asked quietly. "Huh." Kiyo answered. "Are you alright?" Megumi asked and put her hand on Kiyo's shoulder. He jerked back and her hand fell off. "Do you think anyone would be fine if the one person they could always go to died? Do you think that I'm fine with taking a person's life away and making their family sad? How could I be alright?" Kiyo said with bitter sadness and rage in his voice. He was shaking violently. Kiyo saw Tia sitting on a spell book. It was his spell book. So he took it out from under her. "What do you think you're doing?" Tia asked angrily. "Sherry, come on." He said and walked out. "Can I have a cup to go for my coffee?" Sherry asked. Brago was in the alley behind Kyo's. Kiyo was walking towards him with a book. Sherry ran up behind him. "Sherry, burn it now." Kiyo ordered. Sherry pulled her spell book out of her purse. "Reis!" She shouted. A ball of gravity hit the book and it started burning. Just then Zatch came running up. "Kiyo!" Zatch shouted and ran to him. 'What have I done? I just lost Zatch. How could I break my promise.' Kiyo thought. He got on his knees and hugged Zatch. "I'm sorry I hurt you Zatch." Kiyo said as he cried. Then he saw a bright red light glow behind Zatch. "I forgive you Kiyo. Oh, here's your book." Zatch said and held out his book to Kiyo. 'Thank you Tia and Megumi.' "Zaker!" Kiyo shouted and the familiar blast of lightning shot towards Sherry and Brago. "Sherry, even though you manipulated me, I will love you forever. Go before I burn your book." Kiyo said and closed his book. He heard crying behind him. He turned around and saw Megumi on the ground crying. "How could you lie to me." She said and ran away. Tia stayed and walked up to Kiyo. "If you love Megumi, show it to her." Tia said and ran after Megumi. Sherry came up behind Kiyo. "If you want we could go back and re rent the room." Sherry said as she draped her over Kiyo's shoulders and held him against her. "Zaker!" Then Sherry fell over from being hit by Zatch's attack. "Daddy." A girl said as she collided with Zatch. "Who are you. "I'm your daughter Zia." Zia said as she looked strangely at Zatch. "He lost his memories." Kiyo said. Then Zia's red book levitated towards Kiyo. He opened the book. "What the? Zatch, she has more spells than you do, and I can read them." Kiyo said to Zatch. "Oh, and this is Dusk." Zia said as she pointed to a girl with blonde hair with red and orange streaks in it. "Nice to meet you." Zatch said. "See you Zatch." Kiyo said and ran off towards Megumi. "Don't go." Zatch said as the two girls tackled him. Ash56: Well that's my longest chapter yet. Please read and review. 4. Chapter 4 Ash56:I thank everyone that reviewed. That last paragraph was confusing so I'll explain it. If you read chapter two Tia gave Zatch his book. Since Kiyo threw his book Tia made a decoy so if Kiyo did burn it Zatch wouldn't be gone. The decoy is the one Sherry burned. Hopefully you understood that. If not I'm sorry but on with the story. I've changed my name to Ash56 and sorry for not updating sooner. _Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell, Zia or Dusk. I do own Twilight though_ Kiyo was lying on his bed while Zatch was being chased by Zia. "Kiyo, a little help." Zatch said while running. "Nope." Kiyo said and just stared at the ceiling. "Finally I've found you." A teal haired girl said. She ran up the stairs and burst in the door. She stepped in and tripped over her own feet. Everybody stopped what they were doing. "Do you remember her Zatch?" Kiyo asked. "No, so who is she?" Zatch said. Her emerald eyes scanned the room looking for a way to destroy Zatch's book. "So what's your name?" Kiyo asked. The girl jumped up and said, "I'm Twilight and I've come to destroy Zatch's book." "What kind of name is Twilight?" Kiyo asked. "It's my name okay. I was named that because my parents wanted me to." Twilight said. She took two steps and tripped on a pencil. A loud thud was heard as she hit the floor. Everyone just stared. "Do you constantly do that?" Zatch asked. "What does it matter to you?" Twilight sneered. "See you all later." Kiyo said and headed out the door. "Wait, I'm not done with you." Twilight said as she followed Kiyo out the door. Everyone heard a large thud. Then they ran out to the hall. At the bottom of the steps Twilight was sprawled out on Kiyo's back. "Get off me!" Kiyo yelled. Twilight got off and brushed off her skirt. "I'll be back." She said and ran into the wall on the right side of the door. She then stumbled out the door. Kiyo just walked out the door. "I really wonder why that girl came?" Kiyo asked himself. Just then the girl walked right in front of Kiyo and ran into a light pole. "Ow." Twilight said and fell unconscious. Kiyo picked her up and headed towards the grocery store. Kiyo walked in and put Twilight in the front of the cart. She slowly came to her senses. "Huh. Why did you pick me up?" Twilight asked Kiyo. "Because I'll never leave somebody again." He said and continued his shopping. Once he finished he went up to the register to pay. The clerk rang up all he bought. "That'll be $20.56 cents." The clerk said. Kiyo paid and grabbed his bagged groceries, put Twilight on his shoulders and headed out. He was walking back when he saw smoke coming from where his house was. Kiyo ran full out to find what was up. "Reis!" Sherry shouted as Brago fired another blast of gravity at the enemy. It was a mamodo but there was no human but a floating book. Kiyo ran up to see his house burning. "Damn!" He shouted. This last week just hasn't been good. He ran inside and called thee fire department. They would be there in a few minutes. "Kiyo, are we going to fight or what?" Zatch asked. Kiyo had never heard Zatch ask to fight but the look in his eyes said he needed to. "Right, Zaker!" He shouted and a blast of lightning flew outside and smacked the mamodo head on. "So now it gets interesting." The evil mamodo said. He had snow white hair, emerald eyes; he wore black pants a white t-shirt and had army boots on. He had a camouflage book. "My name is Amarik. I am the second of the seven mamodo who were locked away. The first one was the weakest of us. Finun was nothing compared to me." The new mamodo said. "Zatch, Bao Zakerga!" Kiyo yelled. The dragon reappeared and headed towards the enemy. The impact made dust go everywhere. Ash56:I felt like ending it after Zatch's attack. Good reviews and I'll continue. Twilight's powers will be revealed next chapter. 5. Chapter 5 Ash56: Thanks to everyone who reviewed. _Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell now or ever will but I wish_ "Zatch, Bao Zakerga!" Kiyo yelled. The dragon reappeared and headed towards the enemy. The impact made dust go everywhere. When it cleared Amarik was standing there without a scratch. "I told you Finun was nothing compared to me. Just then their spell book glowed red and the fifth spell was unlocked. "Let's see what this does." Kiyo said. "What what does?" Zatch asked. "The new spell you idiot." Kiyo said. "Oh." Zatch said. "Zakerga!" Kiyo yelled. Then a giant bolt of lightning went straight towards Amarik. He sidestepped and it missed but hit the building behind him. "I told you you can't beat me." He said. Then the building came crashing down on him. His camouflage book glowed and a giant blast of fire was going straight at Kiyo and Zatch. "Ma Seshield!" A voice yelled and a giant floating disk appeared and blocked the attack. "What happened?" Kiyo asked. "We came is what happened." Megumi said. Kiyo ran over to her and embraced her. "I'm so sorry." Kiyo said. "It's okay. Just don't do anything like that again." Megumi said and pried Kiyo off her. Kiyo felt a tug at his arm. He looked down and Twilight was trying to drag him back to the fight. "Let go." Kiyo said. She just continued pulling. Once she got him over there she handed him a teal book. "Can you read it?" She asked. Kiyo opened it and sure enough there was a turquoise glowing spell with the rest red. "How can I read yours too?" Kiyo asked. "Who cares. Let's do this. Twilight's book glowed teal and Zatch's red. "Zatch, Zaker, Twilight, Lesarda!" Kiyo yelled. Zatch's Zaker shot out and Twilight let out this dark energy ball. The lightning charged up the ball of darkness and it sped towards Amarik's book. It stopped right before it then it imploded and caught the book on fire. "No, this can't be happening, master said I was unbeatable." That was the last words Amarik ever said. "I don't feel so good." Kiyo said and fainted. Kiyo woke up about four hours later. "You're awake." Twilight said and jumped up onto Kiyo. "Where's Zatch?" Kiyo asked. "I don't know." Twilight said. Kiyo got up and ran outside. "Zatch, where are you?" Kiyo yelled. Meanwhile Zatch was sitting on a bench in the park. Tia came up and sat by Zatch. "Why are you here and not waiting for Kiyo?" Tia asked. "He has Twilight now, why does he need me?" Zatch said depressed. "Why don't you come home with me? We'll sort this out later okay?" Tia said and smiled. "Okay." Zatch said in his usual good mood. So they went home together hand in hand. "Zatch, Zatch." Kiyo yelled as he ran down every street in Mononoki. As he got home he just sat down on the couch and watched TV. Twilight told Kiyo that after he lost consciousness the firefighters came and put out the fire. The only thing damaged was the left side of the outside. He remembered how he hurt Zatch and just started crying and punching the pillow. He slowly fell asleep. "So why did you runaway?" Tia asked Zatch. "Because I figured he would want a stronger mamodo" Zatch said and looked at the floor. "Then what do you plan on doing?" Tia asked. "I don't know?" Zatch said still staring at the floor. "I know." Tia said and lifted Zatch's head and kissed him. Megumi poked her head in and saw the two mamodo's. She figured she would call Kiyo in the morning to pick Zatch up. The two mamodo broke the kiss and just stared into each other's eyes. Then Zatch tackled Tia onto the ground and kissed her again. When Zatch got off her she brushed herself off. "Come on Zatch. I've prepared dinner for us." Tia said and grabbed Zatch's hand. "What is it?" Zatch asked. "It's a secret." Tia said and pulled Zatch into the dining room. There was a ten foot table piled high with food. "Yay." Zatch said and jumped up on the table and started chewing on a yellowtail. Megumi was watching the news when all of a sudden her usual news program was cut off with a special report. "On the Mononoki Bridge a young male is threatening to jump off." The female news reporter said and the picture switched to the person who was going to jump. Megumi gasped and dropped her drink on the floor. It was none other than Kiyo. She grabbed Tia and Zatch who were in the middle of eating and started running towards the bridge. Kiyo was standing on the edge just thinking of how bad his life suddenly gotten, when he heard someone calling his name. Megumi suddenly burst through the crowd. "Megumiiiiiii." Kiyo said and slipped off. Megumi Zatch and Tia ran to the edge and looked down and didn't see him. Megumi ran off crying and the two mamodo ran after her. Ash56: Read and Review and I meant to copy the last sentence of the last chapter. 6. Chapter 6 Ash56: Thanks go to the only person who reviewed. Italics are Kiyo's thoughts _Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell but I do own Twilight_ Kiyo woke up in an unfamiliar place. He sat up but pain went through his body. He fell back onto the bed when Sherry walked in. "Well it's nice to see you awake. You've been out for nearly three days. I wouldn't suggest sitting up because several of your ribs broke." Sherry said and went over and sat on the bed and laid her head on Kiyo's stomach. Kiyo winced but then relaxed. "So where are my books and mamodo's?" Kiyo asked with a threatening tone. "Don't worry, I've gave them directions to where we are." Sherry said. The door burst open. There stood Zatch huffing and puffing. "Zatch." Kiyo said and tears started forming in his eyes. "Kiyo, I'm so sorry." Zatch said and jumped on Kiyo's chest. Kiyo screamed in pain. "Sorry." Zatch said. "It's so good to see you again buddy." Kiyo said and held Zatch to his chest. Zatch was now crying and had his face against Kiyo's chest. Sherry got up and left. "Megumi, if you don't hurry up we'll never get to Kiyo." Tia said. "Well you try running in high heels." Megumi said trying to keep up with her mamodo. Then Twilight popped out of nowhere and tripped and knocked Tia over. "You clumsy idiot." Tia said and started strangling Twilight. "Wait up." Kanchome yelled. "Kanchome, a wait up." Folgore said running up. "Where did you guys come from?" Tia asked with her hands loosening on Twilight's throat. "Where did we a come from?" Folgore asked. "We came from your concert just down the block." Kanchome said. "Twilight got out of Tia's grip and proceeded to strangle Tia but missed and fell to the ground. "Who's a she?" Folgore asked. "That's Twilight, she's Kiyo's." Megumi answered. "How did he get two mamodo?" Kanchome asked. "Who knows?" Tia said. "Let's just go get Kiyo." Tia said and ran the way they were originally headed. "Wait up." Megumi said while taking off her shoes. Zatch was asleep on Kiyo's chest. He was holding Zatch because he was trying to comfort him. "Kiyo, could you come here?" Sherry asked. Kiyo put Zatch on the bed and gingerly got up to avoid pain. He walked into the other room and Sherry was standing there with a cake. "What's that for?" Kiyo asked. "Not for what but whom silly." Sherry said and giggled like a school girl. "So who?" Kiyo asked. "You." Sherry said and kissed him. Just then Folgore burst in. "Is Kiyo a here?" Folgore said. "I'm right here." Kiyo said. "Oh." Folgore said. "Kiyo how dare you fall." Tia said and started strangling him but ended up just crying into his chest. _Man everybody is so emotional._ Kiyo thought. Megumi came in and hugged him and didn't let go. "Don't you dare do that again." Megumi said. "I won't." Kiyo said and pried her off. Kiyo picked up Tia off the chair and put her on his shoulders. "Kiyo, what's happening?" Zatch asked. When he saw everybody his eyes lit up. "Yay!" Zatch shouted. Kiyo put Tia down and Zatch and she kissed. "I wasn't expecting that." Kiyo said. Everybody else laughed except Zatch and Tia because their tongue's were still wrestling. Then they all headed out with Zatch and Tia kissing. "How long is this going to last?" Kiyo said. "I a don't know." Folgore said. "Will you shut up Folgore!" Kiyo yelled. When they got back to Mononoki Sherry and Kiyo stayed in his house. Megumi went to her house. Folgore went to a hotel and all four mamodo slept in Kiyo's living room. The next morning Kiyo woke up and went downstairs to find Zatch and Tia sleeping in the same sleeping bag with Zatch's arm wrapped around Tia. Kiyo just left to the kitchen to get breakfast. Tia was slowly opened her eyes relishing the moment that she was in. She stared at the mamodo who would become a benevolent king and she would be queen. "Zatch." She said quietly and shook him. "What is it?" He said and barely opened his eyes. "Time to wake up." Tia said and gently stroked his cheek. "Let's go take a walk." Zatch said. "Let's go." Tia said and they headed out. Ash56: Read and Review please. I haven't seem to get as many reviews anymore. End file.
The Lost Spell Books by Ash56
Zatch Bell
1. The Shock Part I **It has been 2 weeks since the battle. The school is fixed, but Lee home schools himself on his computer. * * * "**HEY LEE!" Dinemo yelled, waking up Lee from his bed "What?" Lee asked him seeming tense. When he got a look at Dinemo he saw him...FADING! "Whats happening to you?!" Lee asked frantically. "Not just and the book also." Dinemo told him calmly, as if he knew. Lee looked at his arm ad saw he was...fading?! "WHAT THE?!" he yelled grabbing the book. It too was fading. "What's going on?!" "Something I waited for a long time." Dinemo responded to him as the 2 of them vanished. * * * _2 hours later..._ Lee awoke in a big room by the aroma of a chicken wing dangled from over his face seeing Alice. "About time you awoke." said a calm yet irritated voice...Roy. Lee looked around seeing Alice, Roy, Dakote, Ri, Vincent, Daniel, Media, and Haily all in the room. Lee was past confusion. "What's going on?" Lee asked kind of hostile. "You really slept through it?" Dakote asked. Lee nodded. "Well, we've bee played by the Zeno, King of the Mamodos, and Ikura." Dakote told him as a Mamodo walked in. His was tall, had a white cloak, silver hair and pale blue eyes. "Hello. I am Zeno, ad I'm not in league with Ikura or Juro." he told him in a sinister voice. "Then why are we here?" Media asked demanding. "Simple. As the finale 8 teams, I decided to pit you against on another in the mamodo world. For my amusement. The last team standing will face Ikura and Juro in the finale battle 1 on 1." Zeno explained. "So, were just toys?!" Haily asked in a somewhat scared voice. She calmed herself quickly, trying to keep her cool. "Wait. If the finale fights are here, why are we here." "You will see soon enough. But, tonight is when you rest for tomorrow, you will have 2 hours to talk and plan before you battle. Sad-your greatest friends are now your opponents." Zeno said laughing as he walked off. "I guess this sick, twisted game isn't over yet." Lee said. "It never does." Vincent sighed. * * * **What do you think of the plot. And if you don't know how Zeno became King, I'll tell you. He killed Zatch 1 night and being his brother, took the throne. Sad TT. ** 2. The Shock Part II **At the very same time... * * * **Dinemo awoke in a big room to the sound of his stomach. He looked around and saw Hori, Blaze, Kai, C.J., Kerouji, Lamervos, Gakote, and Skye and they were all wearing bracelets. Dinemo looked at his hand and saw a bracelet as well. "Finally, you awoke." Blaze commented laughing. Dinemo was both angry and confused. [_Right. This is what 'King Zeno' told us: the remaining 10 would be brought back to the mamodo world...but there's only 9_] Dinemo thought. "Funny." Blaze laughed, "I thought making it to the finale 10 Mamodos would feel like an honor, but it's more like a pain. "Wait, what's with the bracelets?" Dinemo asked getting to his feet. "They nullify our abilities and they cannot be broken. They make it as if were on Earth." Gakote explained. Dinemo saw Kerouji in Frog form with the bracelet around his stomach and C.J. and Guinea Pig form with the bracelet over his back. As the 2 transformed back, the bracelet was around their arms. "See?" Suddenly, the floor started to shake as the 9 Mamodo were all elevated upward, each closing their eyes from the bright light. When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were in a Colosseum Ring. At the top of it was King Zeno. "Welcome Mamodos of all classes. Welcome to the Colosseum!" Zeno yelled as the crowd cheered, "This tournament will decide who will become the NEXT MAMODO KING!" he yelled as the crowd cheered. "The remaining fighters are Dinemo, Hori, Blaze, Kai, C.J., Kerouji, Lamervos, Gakote, Skye-" he paused as another floor elevated as one more Mamodo appeared, "And JURO!" Zeno announced as the crowd cheered even more. The 9 of them stared at Juro, all wanting to kill him, but now wasn't the time "And here's their human partners! Lee, Alice, Dakote, Ri, Vincent, Daniel, Media, Haily, and Ikura!" Zeno announced as the 10 humans entered the room through a door, each one holding a spell book. Each mamodo went to their partner. "Here's how it works: Each mamodo has a bracelet, making it so as if they are on Earth, as they must battle each other in a tournament. The books they use all will burst into flames if a spell hits it, thus ending that persons chance to become king...or queen. The last one standing shall become that king...or queen." Zeno explained as the crowd cheered. Here's the order of the tournament." Dinemo VS Blaze Kai VS Gakote Hori VS Kerouji Skye VS Juro C.J. VS Lamervos The crowd cheered as they saw the line up. Lee and the others though didn't know what to feel. "Friend against friend, Enemy against Enemy! Who will win!?" Zeno yelled as the crowd gave off their finale cheer. * * * **These will be the fights for the tourney. I hope you give a GOOD LUCK review for who you want to win as if it matters.** 3. Round 1 **Sorry I didn't review in a while... * * * **After the announcement, Lee and Dinemo and Blaze and Roy went to their sides of the arena. Lee and Roy looked through their books to see new spells. Roy was laughing to himself. "What's so funny?" Dinemo asked him. Lee showed Dinemo that more spells were at their disposal. "The 1st round will begin...NOW!" Zeno announced and Dinemo and Roy charged at each other with their fists in the air. "FISKA!" Lee yelled as rocks came around Dinemo's hands. He jumped, ready to deliver the punch into Blaze's face with tremendous force. "BLAZRIN" Roy shouted as Blaze's defense spell activated: burning rings circled around Blaze, destroying Dinemo's fist. "Now to unleash your true power. BURARMAR!" Roy yelled as fire came around Blaze. Blaze then grew wings, tail and claws from the and looked more like a dragon. "That's new." Dinemo commented getting his other fist ready for Blaze. Blaze flew towards Dinemo with his claw in the air and Dinemo charged with his fist. As Dinemo's fist made contact with Blaze's, Dinemo's spell disintegrated almost instantly. "CRUTOR!" Lee yelled frantically in the nick of the second before Blaze made contact and Dinemo was cover with rocks and was formed into a boulder. Dinemo started to roll at fast speed to Blaze, who quickly flew over it to avoid getting rammed into. "That stupid rock is no match for my fire." Blaze commented as he slammed his tail onto the boulder, but it was moving so fast it did nothing. Dinemo was rolling it towards Roy who stayed right where he was. Blaze flew down and punched the boulder head on, causing an explosion. In the smoke, Dinemo was shot out, covered in burn marks and bruises. When the smoke cleared, Blaze was still standing with a grin, but his spell wore off. Dinemo struggled to get up as Blaze struggled to stay up. "I'm...not done." Dinemo struggled to say. Blaze was laughing as he saw Dinemo. "Time to end this. BURDRAGON!" Roy yelled as Blaze transformed into his fire dragon. He soared through the air before coming down. "DRANAKE!" Lee yelled as Dinemo summoned his rock snake...this time however, it had spikes on its sides. The snake came to Blaze as Blaze was going to ram it with in his dragon form. When the spells collided, Blaze was knocked out of the dragon and Dinemo's snake broke into pieces as flaming rocks stormed everywhere. When the rocks stopped falling, Something was smoking. It was Blazes's book as...Roy started to vanish. "Seeing as Blaze's book was burnt here in Makai, the bookkeeper will return to his home." Zeno explained. Blaze didn't know what he was talking about, until he saw Roy. "NO! NO! NO! We can't lose! We worked to hard to lose!" Blaze yelled hitting his book. Roy simple touched his shoulder. "Blaze, that won't do anything." Roy said crying, which shocked Blaze, Lee, and Dinemo, "I will miss you. Even though I never show it, I considered us great friends." Roy told Blaze. "And Lee! Make sure Dinemo wins. Because if he loses and you guys beat me, then you should have never been in this battle." Roy yelled before he completely vanished. * * * **Sorry if it's short, I was in a rush** 4. Round 2 **Sorry I didn't review in a while...again * * * **After the battle of Lee and Dinemo and Blaze and Roy, the next round began: Kai and Haily VS Gakote and Dakote. The 2 teams took their sides of the dark, night stadium. The books flashed as Dinemo's ad Blaze's did reveling new spells were added. Zeno raised his hand, signaling the fight has started. "Guess we have no choice." Kai said lazily as he got ready to fight. It was hard to stand brave if your enemy was a giant croc though. "Lets." Haily said opening the book, "DIO KAZERON!" she shouted as Kai got 2 swords created by wind. "And now, CHISOKUMERA!" she shouted again to increase Kai's speed. He ran towards Gakote at incredible speed. "DOGURAK!" Dakote yelled as Gakote shot a giant dark energy ball. The ball was slow, but Kai ran into it, causing a powerful explosion while it was still close to Dakote and Gakote. In the smoke, Kai was shot back with tremendous force, which knocked over Haily. When it cleared, Gakote was standing as Dakote was behind the giant gator. "That was a bit close." Dakote chuckled preparing another spell. Dakote cased the 1st spell he found. "MIGRO-DOGURADON!" Gakote opened his mouth and fired 2 dark colored energy balls from his mouth, which were intensively fast. "KAZESHI-RUDO!" Haily yelled frantically, causing Kai to make a wind shield that was barely able to block the energy balls. When the spell was finished, Kai was exhausted from blocking the attack. "Kai, are you okay?" Haily asked looking at the mamodo. Kai was on his knees trying to catch his breath. [_These guys are good! We need to end this NOW!_] Kai thought struggling to stand. Haily searched the book to find a spell in the back thinking it will help. "I hope this helps! GIGANO KAZEMON!" Haily yelled as wind swirled around Kai. He was lifted into the air. He was flying! "A flight spell? YES!" Haily yelled. However, Dakote did the same thing with his book. "SHIN DOGURODON!" he yelled as he shot a giant energy blast from his mouth. Gakote aimed right for the 2 of them [they were still next to each other.] Kai quickly grabbed Haily and flew into the air, luckily they were high enough to avoid the blast. "Gakote are you okay?" Dakote asked him as his tired mamodo fell over, breathing heavily. Kai and Haily came down from the sky. "I guess we lost." Dakote smiled handing them over the book. Everyone in the audience was confused. "Gakote is to tired to fight. There's no point in battling." Dakote told them. Just then, a flash of blue and white lighting hit the book and it instantly turned to dust as Dakote vanished instantly. "What was that for?!" Gakote yelled furiously as he saw his friend vanish. "There was no need for him. You never stop fighting until the fight is done!" Zeno told them all. * * * **Feed Back PLZ** 5. Round 3 **Round 3!** * * * As Dakote, Kai, and Haily left the stage, Alice and Kerouji and Hori and Media entered the stage, both with their books glowing. Hori looked at Kerouji and chuckled. "What's so funny?" Kerouji asked angrily. "We both know who's going to win. So just make it easier for yourself and give me the book." Hori said with a fake smile. "NEVER! My spells shall extinguish you!" Kerouji yelled angrier. He was furious and Hori was chuckling to himself. Alice just sighed and prepared to case a spell. "RIBOSHI!" Alice screamed as Kerouji shot his water bullets towards Hori. Media searched through the book and quickly cased a spell at random. "AAGASU NEKORU!" she screamed as a giant dragon's head appeared around them, blocking the bullets. Kerouji was shocked at the spell. "Lets try this. SPLACHEDON!" Alice screamed. Kerouji had small lily pads in his hands and through them across the field, surrounding Hori and Media. "That's it?!" Hori mocked, "This is the best you got?" Hori got ready to charge at Kerouji. "WAIT!" Media screamed, but it was too late as when Hori stepped on one, he was shot up by a burst of water. "Now, we get this started! OUJASHIKAWAZEN!" Alice read [mainly because it sounded powerful] and from the water in the air and from the lily pads created a giant frog made from the water. It launched itself at Media, who ran to Hori when the lily pads were absorbed. "Time to turn up the heat! DRAGONOS NEKORUDON!" Media chanted. Hori quickly blasted a purple flaming dragon which collided into the giant water frog. As the 2 ultimate spells collided, a deep smoke was created. When the smoke cleared, both Hori and Kerouji were exhausted. They both were standing, but were struggling to stay off the ground. "Tired yet?" Hori asked trying to laugh, but coughed hard. "No, you?" Kerouji asked as well with the same results. Both of them were off balanced and fell off their feet, but Hori had the will to catch himself before he hit the ground. Where as Kerouji fell on his face. A lightning blast stroke the book, having it combusted into the dusk light as Alice started to fade, Kerouji cried. He got up to his partner looking at her, holding in his tears. "Good-bye Alice. I won't forget our time together." "Me neither." Alice said hugging Kerouji good-bye as she vanished. Kerouji started to walk away. "KEROUJI!" Hori called out to him as he walked up to him. "Thanks for the battle." Hori said extending his hand. "I'm glad that if I lost to someone, it was you." Kerouji said shaking his hand back. The 3 of them looked and saw Juro ad Ikura and Ri and Skye enter for their battle. "Good luck guys." Media told them as they cleared the battle ground. * * * **I did this chapter now because I was bored. Sorry for those who wanted Kerouji to win, but I don't pick! It's at random.** 6. Round 4 **Round 4! Sorry for not doing this chapter WAY sooner. My connections went dead for a while. ** * * * Skye stared down Juro angrily. Her eyes were like daggers and Juro was just chuckling all the while. Both books were glowing bright with their will to win. "Time to destroy a traitor!" Juro chuckled crazily like the Joker when he heard a really funny Batman joke. Skye's face turned red with anger as Ri opened her book. "Drinaro." Ri chanted as Skye's hands were covered with ice claws. Juro just smiled as Skye got closer and closer and closer. "SHAEGRI!" Ikura chanted as Skye's shadow wrapped around her, stopping her from slashing Juro's face by 1 centimeter. Juro laughed insanely. "Did you honestly think that would work?!" he asked her laughing. Skye struggled to free herself to no luck. Just then, a large rock was chucked at Ikura's hands, forcing him to drop the book and Skye was freed from them spell. "What the-" Before he finished, Skye punched him in his face and knocked out one of his front teeth. When Juro got up he was shocked to see how hard he was punched. "Nice throw." Skye told nodded her head in response and opened the book once again. "Icrea." Ri said as Skye created a giant circle around her, Ikura, and Juro. "SHAPA!" Ikura quickly shouted as he and Juro quickly vanished in a dark ball of energy right before they were frozen. Both Ri and Skye were puzzuled as it looked like they left. [_They couldn't have just left, so they must be in the arena somewhere, but that would mean that!_] Ri heard a sudden cry of pain from right behind her as she turned around, she saw Skye on her knees and hands with a burned mark on her jacket. "RATS! So close!" Ikura roared from the outcome of there spell missing their target. Skye was furious as she got up. [_Skye truily is fast. I didn't even see her run behind me._] Ri thought to herself. "You know what this calls for." Skye told Ri who simply nodded. "FORGON RA ICARIDO!" she shouted as Skye's body flashed white. It radiated from her body. She siply touched a flower and it froze instantly, as it was an example of her power with this spell. "ADSH CANEROIX!" Ikura yelled as Juro summoned a giant statue behind him. It had alot of energy in its mouth and fired it out from his maw heading straight for them. Skye simply jumped at the blast head first. When Skye and the blast collided, there was a giant explosion. When the smoke cleared, Skye saw both of the books in her grasp. As she grabbed the books, she heard a whistle from Juro. "Skye, I know what your thinking, but if you do, I'm afraid someone dies." Juro said maniacally. When Skye turned around, she saw Ikura grabbing Ri by her neck. "Let her go!" Skye yelled as she was incredibly angry. "We will once you hand over the books. If you don't, Ikura will break her neck." Juro told her. Skye thought they were bluffing, until they saw a tear run down Ri's face a sign of lack of oxygen. "OK." She told them giving them the books. Ikura quickly let Ri go and grabbed a litter from his pocket and burned Skye's book. Ri started to vanish quickly as the book was badly burned. Ri walked up to Skye wth a smile on her face. "Thank you." She said as she vanished. * * * **I cannot believe that this happened and I wrote it! I hope you take this chapter as my way of saying I AM BACK!** 7. Round 5 **Round 5! ** * * * As Skye, Juro, and Ikura left the battle field, CJ, Vincent, Daniel, and Lamervos entered the arena. They both know what there Mamodo partners can do, so it all comes down to who is the smartest. Zeno signaled the match to start and both brainiacs opened their books. "FOGAR!" "HITIR!" Vincent and Daniel yelled. CJ had armor made of fire and Lamervos shot out fire blast from his mouth, that covered the entire area, officially destroying the battle field and smoke was everywhere. When the smoke cleared, CJ was unaffected thanks to the fire armor and Vincent was slightly burned [he hid himself and the book behind CJ. "Nice thinking." Daniel commented, "But your going to have to do better to win. LATRIRUK!" he yelled as a helmet came around Lamervos's head. It was made of magma and rocks. "New strategy. FOGOKEN!" cried Daniel and CJ's fire armor was replaced by a armor of spikes that covered nearly his entire body. CJ jumped into the air and fired the needles at Daniel and Lamervos. Lamervos got in front of Daniel and blasted lava from his mouth at the needles. Even though none hit Daniel, some hit Lamervos arms and got in pretty deep. "Are you okay?" Daniel asked his partner. "Yeah I'm-" his thoughts were cut ff as he fell to his hands and knees. Daniel slowly helped him to his feet. "W-what's happening?" "My needles have random affects. In this case, it is slowly, but temporarily, paralyzing your body." CJ explained. "Now we can do this, FOKAI!" Vincent roared as CJ was now covered with lighting armor. CJ ran at incredible speed straight towards Daniel and Lamervos. Daniel put Lamervos on the ground and opened he book. "I hope this works. GRANTOUN!" Daniel yelled as Lamervos's hands sunk into the ground, signaling that the spell activated. As CJ got close, a hill grew right under him and flipped him into the air and rock pillars grew under him, hurting his back badly, nearly breaking it [just like on that episode of Naruto]. CJ was falling and transformed to Guinea Pig so Vincent could catch him. "I think I'm getting movement back into my body." Lamervos said getting back up. Daniel turned a few pages and his book glowed. "Now, we must end this!" Daniel told them. [_We don't have enough energy for a long battle. But, we cannot unleash our best spell. I guess this next spell will have to do._] he thought. "GO LATRIUK!" roared Daniel as Lamervos had lava surround him. The lava turned into magma armor and he had a cloak of fire over him. CJ had transformed into human mode , with his armor still on, ran to him to punch him in the face, only succeeding in hurting his hand monstrously. Lamervos tossed CJ at vincent and blasted a mamga blast at him for a chaser. "FUREUKEN!" Vincent yelled instantly before the blast got close to him, but almost hit CJ as he was now wearing metal armor and had 2 swords. CJ got ready to charge, until Vincent grabbed him. "Physical attacks won't work. We need the big guns. FOGARUSEN!" Vincent yelled as a giant Guinea Pig monster appeared in front of them and ran at Lamervos. Lamervos stood his ground and punched the Guinea Pig, causing it to explode. The explosion was big, and nothing could be seen. Daniel opened his book for another spell when something blasted it out of his hands. When the smoke cleared, Lamervos's book was on fire, Lamervos was fading, and CJ was a Guinea Pig with metal fur, 3 swords on his back, and 2 guns on each blade [can you guess what happened?]. "Lamervos, I am so sorry." Daniel apologized to his partner, who just took off his helmet and held up his hand for a hand shake. "We new this would happen some day. It was a great ride while it lasted." Lamervos told him as the 2 of them shook hands until Daniel disappeared. "Congratulations on those who made it, however the battle isn't over. Tomorrow, come back here and finish, but tonight, rest." Zeno announced as the mamodos and partners who won left as for those who lost, got their collars removed. * * * Winners thoughts Dinemo: YES YES YES! I made it! I'm almost King! Kai: Out of 100 Mamodos, I didn't think I'd get this far. But now since I am, no point in not finishing. Hori: Watch out guys! I'm coming for you! Especially you Juro! I plan to take you down myself! Juro: Do you think it was wrong of me to use Skye's friendship with her partner to my advantage? Who cares! All I care about is winning! AH HA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...! CJ: That was WAY to close! I won because of strategy and luck, unfortunately though luck will run out. * * * **So that ends all 5 rounds. These 5 teams in Makai will put their bonds to the test to survive the night. They will each go their separate ways.** 8. Forest Filler **Now, all the teams are going with their Mamodo's to sleep the night. Since I'm just borrowing some characters, I can only do Dinemo and Lee and Juro and Ikura. Right now, it's Dinemo and Lee and yes, this is a filler. * * * **It was dark and Lee followed his partner through the impossibly dense woods. Lee, after walking over 2 levels of ground in the past hour started to get tired. Dinemo though kept on running as if Lee was faking. "SLOW DOWN!" Lee yelled stopping to catch his breath. "Make me." Dinemo taunted as he walked off laughing. Lee smiled and pulled out his book. "FISKA!" Lee yelled focusing hard thinking it would be to heavy for him to lift. However, his hands were covered with rocks...and so did his arms and legs. Lee was confused. [What the...] "So, your figuring out?" Dinemo asked, "My spells get stronger if you focus harder. Now I see. _**YOU**_ have been holding back." Dinemo yelled laughing. Lee got angry. If it was a normal kid, he would have hit him over the head. then, they heard a rustle in the bushes. When they turned to it, something jumped out and attacked...or painfully hugged him. "Hey Dinemo!" it said in a female voice. she was three feet tall, she has silver hair, and silver/grayish eyes, she was wearing a brown jacket with bear ears on the hood, and the hood up, dark blue pants, along with white sandals. A teddy bear was in her grip. "Alice, get off of me!" Dinemo yelled angrily prying her from him. She let go, after seeing Lee gasping for air because he was laughing to hard, Dinemo quickly stepped on his foot, Lee was laughing to hard to feel it. "Who's this?" Lee asked gaining his breath and feeling the pain in his foot. "I'm Alice," she introduced, "and I saw your match against Blaze today! You were awesome!" she cheered. She was happy to see him. She explained to Lee how she and Dinemo were close friends, usually sparing until they collapsed for the Battle. She also told him that she comes form a clan called the Silver clan, who use silver based energy. She's the youngest child of the head of the clan, and because her oldest brother is trying to become clan leader and start a war with their rival clan she was trying to become king to stop him, until she lost to Juro. She was ignored in the human world and almost run over by a car, but her book owner Derrick saved her and took her in. He also gave her the buns in her hair and a teddy bear she seems to love carrying around with her. When it was over, Lee was crying as if he heard the saddest story ever. "So Dinemo, make sure you win." she told him. He just smirked in response. "So...since I still got the rock armor..." he said kinda bored. She got the idea so Lee got out the way [they have no more energy for spells]. Dinemo charged, ready to smash his fist into her. She quickly made a spiral shield of silver energy [Kiroshield] and blocked Dinemo, but Dinemo kept pushing his fist and kept adding pressure until the spell repelled him across the forest until he hit a tree with a stone legs and bounced off it and was over the shield. He was falling down with his leg leading. Alice raised her hands in the air and a massive ball of silver energy with rings appears over her. When the 2 of them collided, there was a small explosion. The two of them were exhausted and went so sleep. Lee covered them with leaves, and fell asleep. * * * **Alice was brought to you by Iron-Arm-V, and it is official my last OC request.** 9. Kai's Brother **Now, all the teams are going with their Mamodo's to sleep the night. And I know that I said no more OCs, but LaZy-RaIn-DaNcEr sent this one in a while ago. So here's Kai and Haily's filler...since I canot think of anything for the battles since there's 5 teams. * * * ** Kai and Haily were walking through a different area of the woods than Dinemo and Lee. Haily was on Kai's back since she was still tired from the battle with Gakote [I was to lazy to tell you she tripped and hurt her ankle.] Kai started to moan. "What's wrong?" Haily asked, thinking Kai was just about to complain for the umpteenth time bout Haily on his back. "This is the part of the woods that I live in." Kai groaned. "So..." Haily asked until the answer came to her when she heard a voice not to far away. "Kai!" yelled a voice. He was slightly taller than Kai with straight black hair that reaches a little past his ears, eyes and slightly tanned skin, he's skinny but has a well-toned figure. "Hello Toshiro." Kai groaned putting Haily down to sit. Toshiro is Kai's older brother and his partner is Haily's older brother [weird I know]. "Kai, it sounds like you didn't want me to find you." Toshiro laughed. Kai was a little surprised. "How did you lose?" Kai asked trying to stear the conversation. "I lost to the Mamodo who faught that girl with the caot." Toshiro told them...meaning it was Juro. Kai told Toshiro about all the times they saw Juro and all that happened. Toshiro was shocked. "If Haily's brother, Leon was here, he would freak." Toshiro commented. Leon was over protective of Haily Toshiro is of Kai, but since he lost there was nothing they could do about it. "I know." Haily finnaly said, finnished enoying the show the 2 siblings were putting on. "So, where exactly do you 2 live?" she asked as Toshiro led Kai and Haily, still on Kai's back, to a small cottage. The house had 2 bed rooms, 1 living room, a kitchen, and a TV. Kai claimmed the sofa so Haily could sleep in his room and he wouldn't have to share. "Night." Kai said fast as soon as he put Haily down on a chair and fell on the sofa. "Kai, it's only 10." Haily said to her lazy partner, who quickly fell asleep. Suddely, she felt her eyes falling as she soon fell asleep and Toshiro put her in Kai's bed and he went to bed himself. * * * **So...yeah. I hope you enjoyed. This was brought to you buy LaZy-RaIn-DaNcEr.** 10. The Last Filler **Sorry for the long wait. I had terchincal problems.'s the 3rd filler with Hori and Media/CJ and Vincent.** * * * Hori, Media, CJ, and Vincent decided to travel in 1 big group because of the whole 'safety in numbers' thing. CJ was in Guinea Pig mode on Vincent's shoulder sleeping, Hori was in front of the group and Vincent and Media was trudging behind exhausted since they didn't sleep in hours and have been walking for so long. "Where's the stupid cave?" Vincent asked yawning. Hori told them about a cave nobody goes to. It's heated and nothing lives in there except for him. His question was answered when they saw a cave in the shape of a dragon's head with smoke coming out of the nostril holes. CJ was scared awake when his sleepy eyes opened to see it thinking it was a real dragon and jumped off Vincent's shoulder to see it was just a cave. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You coward!" Hori shouted as he burst into laughter. He couldn't stop laughing no matter how hard he tried until CJ changed back irritated. "Not funny!" CJ yelled annoyed about how funny Hori thought it was. Suddenly, Media hit Hori over the head tremendously hard. "OWWWWW! What was that for?" Hori yelled in pain rubbing his head. "Aren't you forgetting there our friends?" Media asked angrilly. "_And_ competion." Hori countered. The argument lasted for minutes. In that time, CJ and Vincent went to sleep to prepare for tomorrow. * * * _meanwhile, in the outskirts of the forrest_.. Ikura was watching the other teams through a telescope, watching them all rest for tomorrow. Juro was fiditing. "Why didn't you use the device?" Juro demanded. Ikura took it out from his napsack. "Simple-we will save it for the final round. The other team won't see it coming. However," Ikura paused grabbing Juro's shoulder, "you better hold your end of the deal." he told the mamodo barely 4 feet tall. "Of course. Once I become King, I will send Mamodo to your world to rule under you." He assured him giving him a toothless smile. Ikura swallowed it and went to bed, leaving Juro along. "Manipulating humans is _so_ simple!" Juro mummered trying desperately not to laugh. "I will send the Mamodo to your world," Juro said putting a small device on Ikura's shirt, "but not for you. Once King, I will rule both Mamodo and Humans and will become the most powerful Mamodo in History!" he silently yelled laughing quietly until he passed out. * * * **OMG! This is bad. Will Juro succeed?** 11. Preparations **This chapter is an explaination chapter.** ** * * * **Dinemo woke up in a big cart where they saw a blanket on them both and Lee on the other side. "Glad to see your awake." Lee greeted them. "Where are we?" asked Dinemo grouchily. "This cart will take us to the stadium for our battle they're going to pick up our opponents before we get there though." Lee explained "OH, and Alice went home to her family when I woke up." As Lee stopped talking the cart stopped and oppened the door. Entering was a laughing Haley and a soaking wet Kai who seemed to be freezing. Lee hid his grin and Dinemo couldn't stop laughing. Kai sat down next to Dinemo and Haley sat next to Lee. "So...what happened to you." Lee asked to try to understand why he was covered in water. "My partner and older brother Toshiro thought it would be funny to poor 2 ice cold buckets of water on me while I was asleep." Kai complained, which made Dinemo laugh even harder. "It not my fault you sleep like a rock. Besides, It was Toshiro's idea." Haley told him. Haley began telling them about Toshiro and Leon [Haley's older brother] who were part of the battle and partners. Talling them how over protective they both are. "Sounds alot like my sister." Lee commented. "Holly was protective of me when my dad left my mom when I was 8. The reason was because they had two different ideas. My mom wanted me to be a kind person and my dad wanted me to be cold and ruthless." Haley and Kai gave a sad look at Lee where as Dinemo just scoffed. "We get the point! Your dad's a jerk! He left your family because he's evil! Let it die already!" Dinemo yelled, kind of tired of hearing the same sad story. "Shut up!" Lee yelled as tears ran down his face. They soon broke out into arguing. Haley looked at Kai to see he was sleeping through it. Soon it stopped when the group came to the stadium. As they entered, they saw CJ, Vincent, Hori, Media, Juro, and Ikura. And Zeno stood above everyone. "Ladies and gentlemen! Mamodos of all ages. These are the last 5 teams of the competition. These 5 will be put into brackets. Round 1 will be of Kai and Dinemo and round 2 will consist of CJ and Hori. When the 2 fights are over, The 2 will battle each pther to see who will battle Juro in the Final Round!" he announced as everyone cheered. [_Great, we have to fight Kai right off the bat. He's really lazy, but he is strong in a fihgt, and he has wind spells-my exact opposite. Zeno pacifically chose us to fight. This won't be easy_.] Dinemo thought to himself. Kai groaned because he knows how strong Dinemo is and didn't want to hurt his friends. But this was what had to be done and Haley wasn't going to let him quit. Haley looked at Lee and felt pity for his family, but she wasn't going to quit. Lee was determinded to win so he can take down Juro. "These will be an interesting fights." Vincent commented as CJ turned to human. "I have a strategy for Hori." Vincent whispered to CJ as the 2 teams not fighting was escorted to seats. Dinemo, Lee, Kai, and Haley were taken to a giant orb to the center of the feild. "What's this for?" Haley asked a little confused. "The orb will take you to the arena where you will fight." Zeno explained. The 2 teams were unsure, but cautiously stepped into the orb. Inside the orb was a lare rocky terain filled with rocks and cliffs and was pretty dry. "This is where I shine!" Dinemo cheered. Lee and Haily opened their books, ready to begin as Dinemo and Kai got into battle stances. "The battle feild is everywhere. BEGIN!" Zeno called as he signalled the fight to start. * * * **I did say it was an explaination chapter. The next chapter will be long with the entire battle, sothis was just to set the mood. The next chapter will be the ultimate battle of Earth and Wind.** 12. Stone VS Sky **Time to begin. * * * **Both Lee and Haley opened their spell books as they glowed their respected colors. Dinemo's Emerald book and Kai's Silver book as they prepared their spells. "CHISOKUMERA!" chanted Kai as Kai had his silver energy surround him and Lee and Dinemo both knew what ould happen next. Kai ran at high speed as he could with his fist ready to clobber Dinemo. Surprisingly, Dinemo jumped back a moment before Kai's fist collided with his face. Kai and Haley were shocked at this. "How could you have dodged that?" Kai asked confused. Dinemo wasn't that fast. "I'm a Mamodo of Earth, so I can sense vibrations. I can sense your foot steps and predict when you'll get to close." Dinemo explained. Kai ran to him again to repeat the same result. The 3rd time he did, Dinemo got ready. "FISKA!" Lee yelled as Dinemo's arm was covered in rocks. Kai tried to stop, but it was to late and Dinemo punched Kai in his face, sending him flying toward Haley, who simply landed on his feet. "Nice hook." Lee complimented as Kai stood up straight. "No more playing. Haley..." Kai started as Haley flipped the page to another spell. "KAZESAIMON!" Haley shouted as Kai created 2 wind slashes towards Dinemo. "MUPRO!" Lee shouted as Dinemo created a shield of hardened mud around them into the form of a ball. However, when the spell collided with the ball, it caused an explosion, sending Lee flying out the ball as he covered the book with his arms. "Crud, that hurts!" he groaned getting up to see Kai and Haley walking towards him. Lee grinned. Suddenly Kai stopped walking. "What is it?" Haley asked her partner. "He's above us!" Kai shouted pointing into the air to see Dinemo falling with his still rocky fist. "Kazedron!" Haley yelled as Kai shot a blast of wind upward at Dinemo, destroying his spell and sending him flying at Lee. "Sorry, but Kai has great hearing when it comes to wind." Haley told them "So, you cannot attack us on ground, and we cannot attack in the air." Lee diagnosed. "Wrong! MAXCHISOKU! DIO KAZERON!" Haley chanted as Kai had 2 swords of wind and he was glowing again, but brighter. Kai ran even faster as he brought his sword down, Dinemo barely was able to dodge, Kai slashed again and again, some of Kai's attacks hit and some mist, but Kai wasn't letting up. "TERRABLO!" Lee shouted and Dinemo hit the ground, to activate this random spell as a massive earthquake started, shaking the ground as fissures opened up, one that was right under Haley as she started to fall, Kai ran to her and grabbed her arm, to stop her from falling. She pulled Haley from the fissure as he stopped glowing. Dinemo was exhausted and was having trouble standing. "This is bad!" Lee said as he helped Dinemo to his feet. He saw Haley open the book again to cast a spell. "GIGANO KAZEMON!" Haley chanted as Kai was now flying in the air, which surprised him. Dinemo was on his feet, but was having trouble standing. Kai still had his 2 swords and flew down at Kai from the air to attack Dinemo. "Lee, use the 4th spell, full power!" Dinemo commanded. [_We barely have any heart energy, and now, instead of our most powerful spell, you want to use this?_] Lee thought, but didn't argue as he opened the book. "FISKA!" Lee yelled as Dinemo was covered with a armor of rocks that covered his entire body. Dinemo wore a helmet and armor that looked like a rock samurai. When Kai slashed, Dinemo blocked it with his right arm and Kai flew back before Dinemo could punch Kai. "Haley, any ideas?" Kai asked as he got to his partner. His flight spell wore off. "Just 1. Sorry Lee, GIGA KAZEMARON!" Haley shouted as Kai created a giant sword made of wind and by giant, I mean GIANT! The sword came down falling at a fast rate. Lee was exhausted and Dinemo was also tired from the spell, but they knew the battle wasn't over. "DRANAKE!" Lee roared as Dinemo was now created his giant snake, but it was covered in spikes and at was Emerald Colored. The snake collided with the sword as rocks rained from the sky from a giant explosion. When it cleared, both book owners were at their last breaths. Neither Haley or Lee could use a spell if they wanted to, but Lee just smiled. Then, both Haley and Kai saw a hole in front of Lee and suddenly, Dinemo jumped out the ground with a sharp rock that scraped across Kai's book, causing it to catch fire. It happened so fast, neither of them could react until it was to late. "OW!" Haley screamed as she dropped the burning book. "H-how dd you do that!" she asked still confused as she started to fade. "When in the smoke, Lee read on of my spells thinking it would help and it gave the ability to tunnel." Dinemo explained as Lee walked across the battle field to his opponents. "Great battle. Sorry it had to end the way it is." Lee apologized. "Don't be." Kai told him, "In the end, it was us or you. And I'm sorry that I costed us the victory." Kai apologize. "Well, I'll miss you Kai, and all the others. And Lee," Haley said pausing to get Lee's attention, "Kick Juro's ass for me!" she requested as she vanished. When she did, the 3 contestants walked through a portal to enter the stadium. "The winner is Dinemo!" Zeno called as the Mamodo cheered. Vincent, CJ, Hori, and Media congratulated Lee and Dinemo as they also felt bad for Haley being beaten. * * * _Kai's last thoughts._ Kai: I'm going to miss Haley. She was more than a partner, she was a friend. I just wish she was here longer. At least now I can sleep without her pouring ice-cold water on my face. * * * **Thanks for reading! Sorry Kai!** 13. The Rodent in the Flame **Time to begin once again. * * * **Another portal opened for CJ, Vincent, Media, and Hori to enter. Once they went through, they were in a Desert Battle Field. It was flat and immense, and the heat is entente, but Hori quickly adapted. "BEGIN!" Zeno called as Vincent and Media got there spell books ready. "NEKORUKU!" shouted Media as Hori's body was covered in purple fire. Vincent knew this spell pretty well, so he had a way to counter. "GIGAS FOKUGAR!" Vincent called as CJ's human...ish form was in armor. Hori charged at CJ who charged back, both with fist in the air. Both fist collided, causing them both to fly back. Hori laughed. "I never knew you were this strong." Hori told them. [_But, with this heat, your heart energy will drop faster than mine. So, all I have to do is wait._] Hori thought to himself. "The feelings mutual." CJ told him. [_CRUD! I can already feel my energy dropping, and I'm sure Vincent feels the same! We have to win and fast!] _CJ thought to himself. CJ ran as fast as he could at Hori, who charged right back, but when CJ got close enough, he transformed into a Guinea Pig, canceling out his spell and slipped under Hori's feet. "FOKAI!" Vincent yelled the minute CJ was passed Hori and CJ had fur of lightning and quickly jumped towards Media's book at fast speed and Hori knew he wouldn't be able to stop him. Media quickly covered the book with her arms and turned around, as CJ crashed into Media's back, the shock coursed through her spine as she fell. It wasn't that big a shock to hurt her, just numb her body. "Oops." Vincent mumbled to himself "Media!" Hori yelled running to his partner. "Are you okay?" he asked her, supporting her up. "I'm...fine. Just kinda sore and numb." she told him. Her legs wouldn't stand, but she could still move her arms. "Let's see what this does. SORUDO NEKORUGA!" she shouted as Hori summoned a sword of his usual purple fire in his hand. "Awesome!" she yelled seeing Hori's spell. Hori gave off a grin that scared CJ a little, who was still a Guinea Pig. [_I am so screwed!_] CJ thought to himself, but ignored it, sense the fight wasn't over. "You are so screwed!" Hori told him with his grin as he ran toward CJ, who transformed into his human form. "FOSHIELD!" Vincent yelled as CJ grew a giant afro as a shield. He pointed it towards Hori's attack, and bounced him off towards the sand. "Time to wrap this up now!" Vincent announced, as the heat got more intense, making him exhausted. "FOGARUSEN!" Vincent shouted as CJ summoned the giant Guinea Pig and through him toward the sitting ducks. "Our shield couldn't possibly block that thing!" Media pointed out. She still couldn't move. "DRAGONOS NEKORUDON!" She cased as Hori shot his purple fire dragon that collided with the Guinea Pig, that exploded on contact. When the smoke cleared, Hori was on his knees, exhausted and Media was on her knees, starting to get the strength in her legs CJ and Vincent were exhausted as well, but they were still standing. However, CJ was crying. Looking in front of, them reviled that his book was burning and Vincent was fading. "Good match Hori." CJ congratulated, replacing his sad face with glad one. "Like wise, CJ." Hori congratulated back, shacking his hand. "Sorry, that I got the book burned." Vincent apologized. "That's OK. I'm surprised you were willing to do this." CJ told him, knowing that at first, Vincent was kind of lazy. "Trust me, I didn't. But I enjoyed it." Vincent told him. "See ya man." Vincent said as he vanished. Another portal opened as CJ, Hori and Media walked out to crowd of cheering, Lee congratulated Media and Dinemo and Hori grinned at each other, knowing that they were going to battle next. * * * _CJ's final thoughts..._ CJ: I'll miss Vincent alot. He was like an older brother to me. Now, the question on my mind I root for Hori: who I've known longer; or Dinemo: very close friend to me. * * * **Thanks for reading. Sorry CJ!**_ _ 14. Heated Surprises **Time for the Semi-Finals!**** * * * **Dinemo and Hori were wating where the portals opened up before, waiting for their battle. "You know Dinemo..." Hori began, "I knew this would happen, but I thought it would come down to just you and me." Dinemo nodded, agreeing with Hori's statement. "But, don't think that because we're friends means that I'll hold back!" Dinemo told Hori. "I wouldn't expect anything less." Hori commented, shacking his hand. Suddenly, another portal opened and Lee and Media made their way to their partners. "Good luck Lee." Media wished. "Like wise." Lee told her with a smile as the teams of them entered the portal. The Battle Field had a few peices of solid ground everywhere on a never ending floor of water. "This is the field?" Lee asked confused. "What the hell! This screws us both up!" Dinemo shouted only to hear Zeno call 'BEGIN!' "Lee, let's start this!" "FISKA!" Lee yelled, full force for massive armor. Unfortunatly, Dinemo only had his arms and legs covered, since there wasn't much earth around him. Either way, Dinemo jumped of the rock he was on to reach Hori and Media, who had smug smiles as Dinemo got closer. "AAGASU NEKORU!" Media screamed as she and Hori were surrounded by a Dragon's Fangs as a shield. Once Dinemo hit the shield, he bounced off and landed in the water, causing him to sink, so Lee closed the book, cancelling the spell. "Hope you like the water. RIOR NEKORU!" she yelled as Hori shot 2 purple fire blasts: one for Lee and the other at Dinemo. Lee ducked down to dodge and Dinemo hid under the water. "SANTROO!" shouted Lee and Dinemo shot himself out the water using a sand storm. "Let's see what this spell does. BOUOOST!" Lee casted as Dinemo started glowing emerald colered. So far nothing happened and Dinemo looked pissed. "Our turn. NEKORUKU!" shouted Media as Hori was surrounded by his purple fire again as he charged at the green glowing mamodo. He through a punch with his new strength, but Dinemo caught it, surprising everyone. "WHAT?" Media screamed seeing this spell. "Guess this spell boost my strength as well." Dinemo laughed as he through a punch to Hori. Hori, however was faster, but Dinemo could sense his footsteps through the vibration of the earth under them. So, Hori and Dinemo seemed tied so they pushed off each other. Both spells wore off and the 2 stared at each other and soon, Hori stared at Media. "Media, let's turn the heat up to max!" Hori grinned. "About time. No hard feelings. NEKORU!" Media casted as Hori shot his regular purple fire spell at-instead of Dinemo-the water, causing it to steam everywhere. Dinemo and Lee couldn't see. "And now...JAURO NEKORUGA!" Media casted again. Once the smoke cleared, they saw 12 Nekorugas surrounding them in a circle, with nowhere to run. Suddenly, the fire came straight for the Earth Based Team. "MUPRO!" Lee shouted as Dinemo used the mud around them to create a big ball of mud before the fire came into contact with them. However, the mud ball was starting to crack. "Lee! We need a new plan...NOW!" Dinemo told him, as he struggled to keep the ball together. Lee didn't have any ideas of escape or to cover the book. [_COME ON LEE! Think! With all the spells we have, we have to have atleast one for this job!_] Lee thought to himself. He flipped through his book, seeing only spells he used in the past that wouldn't help. He came across 1 spell, that he never read before. "It's all or nothing! ELASTO!" Lee shouted as their shield bursted in a small explosion. "I hope we didn't kill him." Media said, a little sad about what she did. "If we did, Holly will beat _you _up, not me." Hori said, mentioning Lee's sister. "What's that suppose to-" she cut herself off, when she saw Dinemo, glowing Hori's spells. "How? Just how aren't you beaten?" Media gasped seeing this. "My new spell absorbs elemental spells. By the way Lee, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU USE THIS SPELL WHEN WE FOUGHT BLAZE AND KAI?" Dinemo asked angry. "I didn't know about this spell!" Lee countered. "It's amazing how you guys can fight each other instead of us, but it's time to end this." Hori told them. "Agreed Hori DRAGONOS NEKORUGA!" casted Media as Hori shot his dragon of purple fire into the air as it came down to burn Lee and Dinemo. "We only have 1 spell for this Lee." Dinemo pointed out, still glowing purple. "For once Dinemo, we're in agreement. DRANAK!" Lee casted as Dinemo summounded his Stone Snake from all the Earth on the field, except from the area they were standing on. The snake had it's spikes, but it also was covered with Hori's purple fire! [So, the spell absorbs an elemental attack and uses the power to upgrade a spell. Dinemo never seems to stop surprising me.] Lee thought to himself, unaware that Hori thought the same thing. The 2 dragons collided with each other, as they both tried to over power the other. Soon, after a massive power strugle, the 2 spells cancelled each other out, causing it to rain fire balls and sharp burning rocks. Both teams covered their books with their bodies. The 2 teams were constently hit with the burning balls and sharp rocks. One of those rocks, peirced Media's hand, causing it to bleed and as the spell book hit the ground, a fire ball had it set on fire in an instant and the rain of pain stopped. "Media!" Hori yelled, grabbing his partner's hand, to see the rock peirced through her flesh, causing blood to go down her hand. "It's nothing Hori." she said pulling it out, wincing at the pain. "I'm sorry that we lost." she told him, motioning to the book. "Don't be. It was a close fight." Hori said, then turned at Dinemo. "Dinemo, you came a long way." he said, leaving him confused. "You were a poor kid, who was constantly jumped, didn't have many friends, and you argue with your partner on a regular bases. But, you and Lee maneged to beat us and _we_ saved you guys when we first met." Hori told him. Dinemo didn't see things like that until now. "I'm glad I lost to you, then anyone else." "Hori, you were my closest friend in this battle. I'm glad to of faught by your side." Dinemo said hand shacking him. "But, now you must fight Juro, and he won't be easy. Remember, win this!" he cheered. Then, all 3 of them looked at the nearly faded Media. "So long, Media." "Seeya Hori. It's been a wild ride with you. And Lee, good luck. I'll tell your sister that your OK." she told Lee. "Thanks." Lee said nodding as she disappeared. Another portal opened and the 3 contestants entered it, returning to the stdium. "CONGRADULATIONS, Dinemo! You and your partner will face Juro in the Final Round to determin who will rule this world!" Zeno announced, causing the crowd to cheer. With that, Dinemo and Lee exited the stadium, for they will have to return tommarow. The time was 9:30 PM, but they new it would still be a long one. * * * _Hori's last thoughts..._ Hori: I feel bad that Media got hurt because of me. But, it isn't the first time we've gotten hurt in this battle. Now, though, we are in the final round of Dinemo VS Juro and it kinda looks good for Dinemo, but in the past, Juro is a threaght not to be messed with...even if he laughs like a psycho path. * * * **The Trillodgy is almost over! Soon, Dinemo will face Juro to determin the fate of the mamodo world.** 15. The Beggining of the End _The next day... * * * _After camping outside, Lee and Dinemo made their way to the stadium, which was a lot bigger, to hear the crowd cheering. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Mamodo of all ages. We are down to the final 2 teams of the 1000 year battle of 100 Mamodo!" Zeno announced as the crowd cheered. Soon, they stopped. "The 2 teams have battle in this stadium for their battle." Zeno announced. Lee and Dinemo made their way to the to main hallway to get to their battle, but they saw something...or a lot of someones. It was all the Mamodo that they teamed up with through the battle: Blaze, Hori, Skye, CJ, Angelo, Kerouji, Kai, Lamervos, Bite, and Gakote were standing in their way. "What are you guys doing here?" Dinemo asked surprised. "We came to wish you luck." Angelo cheered as Bite yipped. "We don't need luck." Lee told them, trying to hide the fact he was scared. "Trust me, you will." Skye told him. "Just make sure you don't lose after beating me." Blaze told him with a serious voice. "OR me." Kai said, still half asleep. Lamervos and Gakote gave the 2 of them 2 thumbs up. "Thanks guys. We'll pound Juro to a shit!" Dinemo yelled as the 2 of them walked past their friends and into the eastern side of the arena to see Juro and Ikura on the other side with grins on their faces. "What's so funny?" Dinemo asked, annoyed by their faces. "You, thinking you can defeat me. Dinemo, give now and I'll show mercy." Juro bargained showing off his new toothless smile. "IN HELL!" Dinemo shouted, just then Zeno called the match to start. "STOSEAR!" Lee shouted as the rocks around Dinemo's feet formed 2 long spears. Dinemo simply through them at Juro with great force, intending on killing the Mamodo. "SHAPA!" Ikura quickly shouted as he and Juro quickly vanished in a dark ball of energy. They re-appeared on the left side of the arena without Lee or Dinemo knowing. "SHABEAM!" Ikura shouted, announcing his presence as to where he was as the dark beam came at the duo "CRUTOR!" Lee shouted as a giant boulder came around Dinemo, blocking the dark beam. The boulder then started to roll and it suddenly rushed at Juro and Ikura at an incredibly fast speed. "SHAEGRI! " Ikura chanted as the boulder's shadow wrapped around it and crushed it, but Dinemo was nowhere to be find. "WHERE DID HE GO?" Juro shouted, in somewhat of a panic. "Up their!" Ikura pointed out as Dinemo was in the air, a big fat grin on his face. "Now, we hit hard. BOUOOST!" Lee called as Dinemo's body glowed Emerald and he fell at great speed, coming for Juro and Ikura with a fist ready to pound them. "SHADOMEA!" Ikura yelled, and a giant dome, made of the shadows around them arose and blocked Dinemo's fist, but the spell shattered. "My turn." Dinemo said grinning as he charged at Juro, and before Ikura could cast a spell, punched Juro right in the mouth, sending him flying into the stadium's eastern wall. "Now, for the..." Dinemo stopped as his body became heavy and Ikura nearly betch slapped him, but Lee grabbed Dinemo by his arm and moved him out the way. "UNBELIEVABLE!" yelled Juro as he came out the wall, showing that he didn't lose 1 tooth...but 3 teeth! [for those who cannot do 1st grade math, 1 tooth + 2 teeth= 3 teeth. Everyone, except Ikura, burst into laughter. "You will pay! IKURA!" Juro shouted as he opened the spell book. "ADSH CANEROIX!" Ikura yelled as Juro summoned a giant statue behind him. It had a lot of energy in its mouth and fired it out from his maw heading straight for them. "NOT AGAIN!" Lee shouted, seeing the giant statue. "LEE! READ!" Dinemo ordered, and Lee opened the book. "DRANAKE!" Lee cased and Dinemo summoned his giant rock snake. The snake, with all its might charged at the statue's blast head on. However, the statue's blast was to powerful that it destroyed the Dranake spell, and the blast continued to an exhausted Dinemo and a tired and shocked Lee. "AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We've won!" Juro cheered. "TUNNELERIS!" Lee yelled as the blast hit where they were standing exactly 25 seconds before the blast hit. The smoke was thick and when it cleared, they saw a giant crater in the ground. "YES! VICTORY! WE'VE-" Juro cheer faded as his victory party was cut short, as inside the crater was nobody and nothing. "WHAT...THE...HELL!" Juro screeched. "Where are they?" Juro cried. * * * **Where are Dinemo and Lee? Stay tune to find out.** 16. The End of the Beggining **Sorry if you think I took so long, but this is THE finale chapter of the series! * * * **Juro and Ikura looked at the crater that remained from their ultimate spell, which should of destroyed Dinemo and Lee, but they're gone. "How did they do that? Where are they?" Juro yelled looking around angrily. However, once he did, he saw Lee with his cap down over his eyes and Dinemo in front of him with a large grin on his face. "HOW?" Juro shouted as if he saw a ghost at Lee. "Simple. TUNNELERIS!" shouted Lee and Dinemo quickly went underground. "And now, BOUOOST!" Lee shouted and Dinemo was glowing Emerald as he gave Juro an uppercut on the chin...hard! Luckily, Juro didn't lose any teeth this time. "I have had enough of this nonsense! SHAEGRI!" Ikura chanted as Dinemo's shadow wrapped around him, weakly though. "We've wasted to much energy! How come their not tired?" Ikura asked looking at Dinemo, starting to break free of the still tight shadow. "Simple, we held back a lot of energy from our Dranake spell." Lee said, still glowing bright. "Ikura, emergency plan!" Juro said. Ikura closed the book, deactivating took off the device on his shirt [a few chapters ago] and pressed the button. Suddenly, a dark energy came over Juro and he began to transform. He's usual black hair [sorry for bad description when he first made an appearance] shot up on spikes, his silver cloak ripped and he became more muscular, he grew horns and sharpened ears, his black eyes [sorry again] went blood red. He looked like a monster. "YES! YES! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! This is power!" he shouted. "What the hell did you just do?" Dinemo asked showing some shock in his voice. "Did you think your pathetic friend Lamervos was the only Mamodo with technology? That tool we used has given my spells even more power!" Juro shouted in his much more deep voice. "Observe. SHABEAM!" Ikura shouted. And Juro's usual beam from his hand was more powerful than ever before. "MUPRO!" Lee chanted as the mud ball surrounded Lee and Dinemo, but it quickly shattered from Juro's enhanced power. "OW! That is tough." Lee commented getting up. "We need to end this fast!" Dinemo pointed out as Lee turned a few pages. "Lets see them beat this! TARRABLO!" Lee chanted and Dinemo pointed his hands to the ground as is began to shake! An earthquake had just begun and fissures quickly started opening up from the ground. One opened up under Juro, but he quickly grabbed his partner and jumped. Soon, their spell ended. "Enough of these games. We must end this!" Ikura shouted. "Lets!" Juro shouted. "SHAFOR!" Ikura shouted as darkness started to surround Juro. Dinemo knew what he was doing...charging energy for a spell. So he ran at him and quickly tried to punch him, but was repelled from the massive energy being charged. "Face it, their isn't a spell in your book that can save you." "Wanna bet! BOUOOST!" Lee yelled as Dinemo glowed Emerald again. "That's it?" Ikura asked with a smug grin on his face. "Nope. FISKA!" Lee shouted as Dinemo was covered in stone armor from head to toe. The armor still glowed Emerald. "This is where it ends." "For you! "ADSH CANEROIX!" Ikura chanted as a giant statue appeared from Juro's shadow. The statue was much bigger from before and it seemed incredibly powerful as it charged more power from his mouth. "DRANAKE!" Lee chanted as Dinemo summoned his stone snake, but this time the snake was covered in lava and it was much bigger. That's when the Adsh Caneroix blasted it's cannon like blast at the Drankake and the 2 spells collided however, Juro's spell was winning. "Face it Dinemo, you and your partner were losers and you always will be!" Juro called as his spell was slowly overpowering Dinemo's. But, suddenly, their power was increasing and it was overpowering Juro's. "WHAT THE? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!" Juro shouted not seeing Blaze, Hori, Skye, CJ, Angelo, Kerouji, Kai, Lamervos, Bite, and Gakote give some of their powers to Dinemo's spell, making it far more powerful than Juro's. Than, with a thrust from Dinemo's snake, it rammed its way through the blast and collided with the statue, causing an explosion. Once the smoke cleared, Ikura was unconscious, Juro was back to normal, Dinemo and Lee were exhausted, and Juro's book was burning. " is this possible? You are an idiot! AN IDIOT!" Juro winned as he got up and Dinemo was standing on both feet. "Maybe I am. But am the idiot who beat you!" Dinemo laughed as Ikura fully vanished. "And the winner of the 1000 year battle is...Dinemo!" Zeno announced causing great cheer as Dinemo's friends came and congratulated. Zeno handed Dinemo a staff that doesn't do anything [it's suppose to be like a trophy] as his book Lee started to vanish. "So...this is it?" Lee asked his now ex-partner. Dinemo just looked down, hiding a few tears. He knew this day would come, but he didn't want the time he had with Lee to end. They had their fights, but he enjoyed having Lee's company. "But hey, you won!" "Still Lee. I will miss you. You were my 1st friend in this battle." Dinemo said. "I won't forget you." "Likewise" Lee said taking off his cap and put on the red head Mamodo. "Think of it as a souvenir...King Dinemo." Lee said as the 2 shook hands as Lee vanished to his world. * * * _epilogue..._ After the battle, Dinemo became king and the Mamodo World was peaceful again. Their were no wars, nobody tried to jump another, and Juro was imprisoned in a cell that nullifies his shadow powers. In the human world, Lee still lived alone, but was occasionally visited by his sister. Ikura just seemed to have disappeared and he was still visited by his new friends from the battle. All and all, their living good lives. * * * **Sorry if you don't like my ending. Anyway, THIS really is the last chapter of the entire series! Special thanks goes to Rylitah, VeryLazyPeople, Vstriker, ****Bunnys-n-PenguinsWillRuleEarth, BetaWriter, Iostorm, LaZy-RaIn-DaNcEr, and all readers of this seemingly nerver ending tale. Please look up my other story[s] or at least read these guy's stories, they are awesome. Magic Jac over and out!** End file.
Battle of the Millenium by Jac Bandit
Zatch Bell
my angel My angel Crap he's doing it again. It was once again nighttime and Lance was once again pissed off. Albert Layla's bookkeeper , and his friend was staring at his chest. Now it wouldn't be so bad if he had a shirt on but he was completely nude except for some boxers. " well I shouldn't put all the blame on him."he thought "after all one day I saw him in the shower and while other people would have run away I was fascinated and watched him the whole time." And if that wasn't enough they were starting to act really weird around each other. Albert was always blushing around him and his speech always stuttered . And Lance on the other hand whenever Albert was around had this longing for Albert to touch him, hold his hand, hug him, kiss him, make ou-. "Now that's getting a little carried away" Lance thought coming back to reality but when he did he realized Albert was still staring at him. Finally having enough Lance yelled "why the HECK are staring at my chest ?!"But as soon as he said he that he felt guilty after all it wasn't all his fault because sometimes he was just as much as a perv. Albert meanwhile looked like had been punched in the face. "Well EXCUSE me he snapped I wasn't staring at your stupid chest I was thinking about something so it wasn't my FAULT. "But I didn't say it was." "Shut up! leave me alone !" Crud he hated when Albert got like this and there was no use in trying to snap him out of it so he got his shirt on and collapsed onto the bed that he and Albert shared . Today"s mamodo battle was exhausting and all he wanted to do was sleep . But as he tried to sleep memories started coming back to him. The time he broke his leg during a battle and Albert carried him back to the house and pretty much became his personal servant for the next two weeks , The time Albert was crying about something and Lance hugged him and comforted him for an hour. "Good night my angel." "What the heck?" Lance thought but before he could respond he felt Albert's lips against his cheek.. Lance was so shocked that he jumped up so fast that Albert nearly fell off the bed .Albert meanwhile was majorly blushing and was stuttering as he spoke " im s so sorry I t thought you were asleep and im s sorry about early a and I really do think your chest is hot a and y you are my a angel and I I I l love y you." Lance meanwhile was close to crying tears of joy since this was the moment he had been longing for forever but he decided to play it cool "guess what" Lance said "you are my angel too." And with that he leaned over and gave Albert the kiss he had been longing to give him forever. At first Albert was shocked but then he returned the kiss pulling in so close to Lance that he was literally on top of him. Lance then deepened the kiss by wrestling his tongue with Albert's . Albert was leaning in to kiss Lance on the neck when meanwhile Layla and Pamoon their mamodos started watching from outside their room " oh my god" said Pamoon who was getting a nose bleed because Lance and Albert had taken off their shirts and were getting very touchy feely "I cant believe they are a couple!" "Well I ve never seen Albert so happy so I support it" said Layla "Yeah I've never seen Lance so happy either so I guess I support it too" said Pamoon "Well I guess we should leave the new couple to their privacy" said Layla so she and Pamoon went back to their room Meanwhile Albert was now laying on top of Lance(their shirts are back on if you are wondering) and Lance was stroking Albert's hair. " So you are my boyfriend now huh Lance?" asked Albert "yes" said Lance "and I hope you never leave me because when im with you I feel so happy that I could fly and all my problems fade into nothing." Albert looked like he was going to cry tears of joy but he said "do you really mean that" "yes I do" said Lance. And the last thing Lance said before they drifted into a peaceful sleep was "can I join you in the shower sometime Albert?" and to that Albert responded "anytime my angel anytime" THE END WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what a hot and sweaty story I nearly had a nosebleed myself! Anyways im sorry I made Albert and Lance look like perverts but anyways one more thing todays fanfic was brought to you by RESTERAUNT SKETCH "it's the end"!!!!!!!!!! End file.
my angel by ryou mint 4 eva
Zatch Bell
Forever Intertwined **Hello there! This is my first Zatch Bell fanfic! YAY Minatu-chan~! Anyways, I hope you find it enjoyable~** **Disclaimer- I do not own Zatch Bell... =.=" If I did, there would be some major screw ups... :P** ****Part 1: Good-bye Her heart was pounding. Li-en and Wonrei were fighting an incredibly strong enemy. She worried that they wouldn't be able to win. A deep ache resounded in her heart as she thought about such a thing happening. She didn't want to lose Wonrei forever. "Go Boren!" she yelled. Wonrei grew in size blocking the mysterious adversary's attack. Sweat rolled down her forehead as she stared at the opponent. "I know we won't lose, Li-en," Wonrei assured her. Her cheeks grew pink and she nodded in agreement. "Line`ek!" the boy commanded. The mamodo lifted her black eyes to the sky. She stretched her arms and opened her mouth. A blue ball of light grew in her arms. "What's that!" Li-en gasped. Wonrei glanced back at her. He was waiting for her to say a spell. She seemed frozen for a moment. The mamodo launched the sphere at Wonrei. "Rerudo!" she cried. Wonrei created a icy sheild. The sphere broke straight through it. It dodged around Wonrei, going for Li-en, who held the book. "Li-en!" Wonrei cried. His eyes wide. He jumped forward. He had to protect her. Li-en stared at in fear and horror. "Wonrei, don't ever leave me," Li-en whispered. She lay in bed, sleeping. Wonrei smiled down at her. She sighed softly, turning away from him. He reached down to her, tracing his fingers along her delicate features. He could feel an incredible amount of warmth coming from her. His fingers traced along her lower lip then removed themself. "I wish I'd never have to," he replied. Li-en rolled away from him when he said that. He let out yet another sigh, wishing for so many things that he could never even be able to obtain. She made an adorable face, scrunching up her nose and snorting. Wonrei smiled gently. "The tiger of Horyuu. The claws of a hero defeat the evil!" Wonrei yelled, holding his fist out to the blue orb. Upon impact, it grew twice the size. "Ahahahaha!" the boy laughed hysterically, "You fell right into our trap, right, Uryuuk?" His mamodo looked at him emotionlessly. "Are you happy, Shouta?" she asked curiously. Wonrei's eyes widened as the sphere consumed half his arm. "Wonrei!" Li-en cried. She held the book tightly to her chest. "GET DOWN!" Wonrei yelled at Li-en. She fell to the ground, the book held beneath her. '_Just protect it, and Wonrei will be okay... I sure hope that's true..._' The orb detonated, and Wonrei and Li-en were consumed by the light. She looked up to see Wonrei disappearing. She looked at the book she had been holding tightly. '_It's on fire!_' Tears streamed down her cheeks. "WONREI!" she screamed. He knelt before her, a fake smile upon his face. Li-en was fast asleep beneath a tree. Wonrei lay beside her. She sighed loudly. "Mmm... Wonrei..." she hummed softly. He looked over at her, making sure she was asleep. She moved her lips slightly. Her hot breath was on his face. Wonrei's eyes widened in surprise. She was just so incredibly warm. He bent closer. He'd seen humans do this. They seemed to be happy to do it as well. He placed his lips on the sleeping girl's. She kissed him back, pulling away after only a few moments. Wonrei blinked furiously. This feeling within him... What was it? "Good bye, Li-en," he said. He leaned forward, kissing her for the first time while she was conscious. Li-en's eyes widened in fear and misery. Only seconds later, Wonrei was gone. Li-en allowed her face to fall in her hands as she cried. "WONREI!" she screamed at the cloudless sky. The boy and his mamodo were already gone as well. She felt herself shaking. He'd kissed her! Why? That only made the loss of him more painful! x_x Wonrei looked up. The place he was in appeared to be the mamodo world, but he could tell it was not. A mamodo approached him, seeming to be nice enough. Wonrei didn't trust it regardless. "Hello, Wonrei," the mamodo said. Wonrei watched him carefully, "and welcome to the anti-mamodo world." "Anti-mamodo world?" Wonrei asked, "What is that?" "This is the arena where all the mamodo will fight to return to the Earth world and their humans," the gray skinned mamodo answered. It had sucken eyes and wore a black and dark gray cloak. "What? That's absurd! The mamodo aren't supposed to return to Earth!" Wonrei replied. "I, the mamodo called Eon, have decided to send only one mamodo back. I am kind, you see... I want to give those who loved Earth a chance to return there forever," the mamodo told Wonrei, who had a look of suspicion and disbelief. '_There has to be a catch..._' **I hope you enjoyed! I should be typing up the second part up very soon here, but you never know... :) ** **P.S.** **I just watched the old movie, "The Invisible Man"! :D** **PLEASE** **REVIEW~** **(if you are awesome)** End file.
Forever Intertwined by Minatu-chan
Zatch Bell
Spring Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell or any of the characters. A/N: This is a companion/sequel to my other Zatch Bell piece, Winter. I'm pretty sure I'm going to write a summer and fall piece, too, so it will involve all seasons. Anyway, I hope you like it, even though I don't think it's as good as my other one. ------------------------------------------------- Start/End Flashback ------- Scene/Time Change "I can't believe you're sick again!" Brago growled, extremely annoyed. Sherie smiled weakly, struggling to sit up and failing. Grumbling, she resigned herself to lying on the bed. "Spring fever, I guess." She replied, trying to lighten the mood. When she noticed Brago starring at her strangely, she realized her mistake and blushed slightly. Of course Brago wouldn't know the phrase Spring Fever'. "Never mind." she told him, hoping to make up for her mistake. "Whatever." They stayed like that for a while, Sherie lying on the bed and Brago starring out into space. Finally, Sherie couldn't take it anymore and she tried to start a conversation with him. "You know what the worst thing about being sick now?" Brago didn't answer, but she hadn't expected him to. She continued anyway. "It's that I'm missing the first real week of spring, when all the flowers are finally out." "I don't see why you care about those pathetic things." "You wouldn't understand." Sherie told him, smiling sadly. "You're right, I wouldn't. And if you weren't so damn weak, you wouldn't be missing them and I would probably be king by now." Sherie flinched as if she had been struck physically. When she realized what she had done, her blush rose. _Why did that comment hurt so much? It's not like he hasn't said it before._ It was true, he had told her before, many times. But not since the events of last winter. _Why should that matter?_ She argued to herself, unaware that her blush was growing larger_. It's like he meant anything by that hug. And he wasn't even awake when I kis . . ._ "I'm going." Brogo said suddenly, getting up and briskly walking out of the room. Sherie watched him leave, the blush still on her face. ------- Sherie sighed, looking sadly out the window. Reaching over to her draw, she opened one of drawers and pulled a photograph out of it. It was a picture of her and Koko, before the momodo battle. They had their arms around each other, both grinning. In her other hand, Sherie was holding beautiful white flowers. She held them out in front of her like a trophy. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Sherie, hurry up!" Koko called, laughing. Spinning around, she plopped onto the ground, panting. Sherie ignored her friend and kept treading carefully through the field of flowers they were currently walking in, or, in Koko's case, lying in. "I don't know why you get so excited about these," Sherie told her friend, dropping down beside her. " I mean, they're pretty and all, but they're not amazing." "Don't you see, Sherie?" Koko replied, moving around so she was leaning on her elbows. "Flowers are so much more than just pretty. They show that you can survive even the darkest time, just like how the flowers always appear after winter. It gives you hope." "I never thought about that." Sherie told her, once again marveling at Koko's ability to find a brighter and deeper side to everything, even after all she had been through. "Look, Sherie, look!" Koko suddenly cried, standing up and moving another couple of feet from Sherie. "What is it, Koko?" Sherie asked, moving towards her friend. "Aren't they lovely?" Koko marveled, pointing to a cluster flowers. And they were gorgeous. They were a soft snow white color and shaped like a bell. They drooped slightly, but that only heightened their beauty. "You know, I've heard about these flowers," Koko told her, not taking her eyes of the flower. "They're called Snow Blossoms, and only bloom right after winter. They're also not very common. We're lucky to have found them. They are said to have a special healing power that can cure almost any sickness." "I'm not sure if I believe that." "Well, anyhow," Koko continued, apparently not fazed by her friend's disbelief. "if I was sick, I would love to have them to look at, even if they didn't heal me." They were pulled out of their conversation by the clock tower striking six o'clock. "Sorry, Sherie," Koko cried, running off. " I have to go. I'll see you later!" -------------------- "How are you feeling, Sherie?" Koko asked softly, walking through Sherie's glass doors. "Not to good." Sherie replied, coughing. "The doctor said I won't get better for weeks." "Well, here," Koko said shyly. "I brought you these to help you get better. Smiling, Koko pulled out what she was hiding behind her back. Which was a bouquet of snow blossoms. "Koko . . ." Sherie answered softly, gingerly taking the flowers from Koko's hands and holding them. They were even softer than she had imagined. "You don't have to thank me," Koko told her, reading Sherie's mind. "I just hope they help." "Where did you get them? I know there weren't this many in the group we found." "Well," Koko replied, clearly uncomfortable. "I managed to find a flower seller who had them." "But you said they were rare. They couldn't have been cheap." Sherie muttered, trying to puzzle it out. She suddenly realized what must have happened, and turned to Koko, shocked. "It's all right. I don't eat that much anyway." Koko told her. "Koko. . ." Sherie said, her filling up with tears. Not able to help herself anymore. Sherie grabbed Koko and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry, it wasn't that much. I'd give up all my money if it meant you would get better." Koko told her, trying to soothe her friend. "Thank you. If you get sick, I promise I'll get them for you." "All right, but only if you let me get them for you when you're sick." "Koko, I can't ask you to . . ." "Sherie," Koko told her, putting a finger to Sherie's lips. "I want to get them for you. I won't accept your flowers if you don't accept mine." "All right," Sherie replied reluctantly, realizing she wasn't going to win this argument. "Good. Now I'll get a vase for those flowers." Koko told her, smiling. ------------------------------------------------------------------ "I don't think I'll be getting any snow blossoms this year. Guess that means I'll won't get better any time soon." Sherie remarked to herself sadly. She blinked, realizing she had tears in her eyes. She angrily threw the picture back into the drawer and turned around, deciding to try and get to sleep. Unknownest to her, a dark figure who had been waiting outside through her whole flashback, walked into the room and picked up the photo. --------------- Sherie yawned, stretching her arms. She still felt like crap, but it was slightly better after her long nap. "Good Morning, Sherie-san." Her butler said, currently dusting her dresser. "Morning Jii. Anything happen while I was knocked out?" "Not much, Sherie-san. I've just been cleaning the house." Jiireplied, chuckling. "By the way, should I put those flowers in a vase? We wouldn't want them to wilt." "What flowers?" Sherie asked, confused. "Why, the ones on the dresser that I found on the steps." Turning to her dresser, Sherie was shocked. On top of her dresser were snow blossoms. _But who could have gotten them? The only person who knows about them are me and Koko. And she couldn't have gotten them._ "Sherie-san," Jii said, bringing her out of her thoughts. " I believe a note came with them." "Thank you, Jii. You may go get the vase now." "As you wish, Sherie-san." Jii replied, bowing. _Now let's see that note . . ._ She grabbed the white note and turned it over so she could read it. Sherie- Hurry up and get better. You're wasting valuable time we could be spending on defeating other mamodos. These things better work. Brago Tears filled her eyes. He was probably just being impatient, but the fact that he had gotten her favorite flowers must mean something. _Thank you, Brago. _Sherie said silently, tears sliding down her face. A/N: Hope this wasn't too OOC. Anyway, please review! I love to hear feedback. End file.
Spring by kitkat101
Zatch Bell
Swift Christmas Judgement "Huh?" Kiyomaro had fought many things in his young life. Mostly demon children, some of them a bit too old to be called children, but besides for the occasional humanoid tower hellbent on destroying Japan, there hadn't been much else. He'd fought battles of strength, battles of the mind, and all sorts of battles... but he'd never been faced with something like this before. It was just so... That is to say... "How did this..." In front of him was a box. A simple, ordinary box. A Christmas present, if he had to guess. That was all. Nothing particularly wrong with that. Right? The young man stared at the curiously wrapped package that was on his doorstep. It was all he could think to do, quite honestly. How else was he supposed to react to this? Should he... leave it? Open it? It wasn't exactly marked to him, and with the wrapping, he seriously doubted that it was for his mother, but... He had better things to do than to entertain whatever was in the box. He was _sure_ there was nothing worthwhile in there. He was absolutely _positive_...! It was Christmas, he had made plans to meet Mizuno in about an hour, but there was this... _package_ blocking his way. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal. It wouldn't be a deal at all. Obviously it had been delivered in the mail, right? Except... There shouldn't be any mail today. And even if there _was_ mail today, it certainly wouldn't have just been left here like this. Not only that, but what sort of mail would have no stamps of any kind, no way for the postman or postwoman to get it where it needed to go to speak of? How could it have possibly been delivered to him were it actually mail? One might think it wasn't for him, that perhaps it was something for his mother, and thus was why he wasn't aware, but... With that wrapping, there was _no way_ it wasn't for him...! He stared at it some more. His face began to heat up. Those round... _objects_ that decorated the wrapping paper. There was no question what they were supposed to be. If nothing else, he had seen them on the album covers of a certain invincible superstar more times than he cared to count. With the wrapping paper taken into consideration... With the gift giver taken into consideration... Kiyomaro didn't even need to use the power of his eyes to figure out what was wrapped up in this box. He just knew _he wanted no part of it_! Why would anyone put something like whatever was in that box on someone's doorstep on Christmas morning!? That was so... frustrating! What if his mother had happened upon this? Or worse... What if he'd brought Mizuno back for lunch, only to come upon this... _this_!? "_DAAAAMN YOOOOU FOOOLGOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEE!_" As Kiyomaro gave the box decorated in what was very clearly supposed to be cartoon breasts a swift kick, a kick so hard it flew for meters upon meters... elsewhere, one Parco Folgore hummed a jovial tune to himself as he handed out presents to happy children. He did so hope Kiyomaro-kun would like that new laptop. End file.
Swift Christmas Judgement by Blade of Justice
Zatch Bell
The Only One **A/N:** One of my favorite pairings from Konjiki, so I needed to put something up for it. **-:-:-** _They gave us these special papers to write letters to our partners in the human world. It's supposed to be the last thing that can go through before the worlds separate again. Anyway, the paper's magic or something. You can read it. Obviously._ Chita smoothed the paper out for the third time within the hour as she reread the letter yet again. There was no need to, really. She had it memorized, word for word, and the odd, heavy paper those words were scrawled on was as flat and pristine as when she had pulled it from the glowing envelope. _It's pissing me off that I don't know what I'm supposed to say._ She smiled and traced the characters that were spelled to be legible to her human eyes. Rodeaux's handwriting was bold and somewhat sloppy, though it looked like he had put some effort into keeping his lines straight _Didn't I say everything I needed to already? To get your life going and get a boyfriend or something? Or is this to write about ourselves? If it is, it's a waste of paper. Even with that midget serving as king, we're just back to ordinary life. Back to school. Yeah, they made us go back to class. What the hell is up with that? Didn't we just go through a huge, life altering battle? Complete with minions, sacrifice, and the works? If I weren't so bored I'd be insulted._ "Chita! Can you help me?" She started slightly and turned in her seat to see one of her cheerful fellow nurses at the doorway. She was grinning wryly and struggling to clutch a bundle of blankets. Chita hurriedly packed the letter away and stood. "Of course." She took slightly more than half of the load from her co-worker and walked with her down the hall, listening to her chatter about the patients with a soft smile on her face. The expression took the edge from the scar traced upon her right eye. _I should probably ask about things like your health or situation. What's the point? There won't be a return letter for you to answer. There won't be any follow ups from me. This is the last. That pisses me off too. As annoying as you were with your heaping angst-fests, tearing through the human world with you was fun. Much better than sitting around in these boring classrooms and watching Keith smoke cigars while the teacher's just going on and on. Sparring with everyone feels a little empty. Boring. You'd think it'd be a lot better, what with choosing my attacks and movements on my own. But it's quieter. Even when we do team battles, it's not the same. They don't work with me right and we're always messing up each other's moves._ _Seems you were the only partner for me after all._ _So it really is stupid that the world's are going to disconnect and that the last contact I'll have with you is a sheet of paper that I can't even fill all the way._ _But I hope you're happier. That you've taken off that damn mask I gave you. That people are starting to appreciate you and that, no matter how hilarious it was before, you're not scaring everyone senseless anymore. I'm bored as hell, but if you're better off then I guess everything is fine. And if you're not better off, get your ass on it._ _Or I'll rip through dimensions and make you. Hell, I should do that anyway._ She remembered the first time she read the letter and, upon getting to that line, how she mentally begged _'please do'_ as she struggled to master the tears rolling down her face. Because he certainly wasn't the only one feeling that the world was much quieter, more boring, than when they had been travelling and fighting together. His words had brought to fore what he had said to her as he made his stand against Zeon. For her to live strong and stand up straight... fall in love. Her steps faltered in the hospital hallway and she closed her eyes. "Chita?" The other nurse's voice was peppered with concern. She shook her head, sending pink hair flying briefly before it settled once again. "I'm alright." She reassured her coworker. "I was just remembering someone." Her sad smile caused the other woman's frown to deepen. "Chita?" "I can't wait to see him again." She whispered. The frown cautiously transformed into a teasing smile. "Oh? Is it your boyfriend?" Chita laughed at the question and matched pace with the nurse, blankets quivering with the vibrations in her chest. But she didn't answer, leaving the woman pouting and persistantly asking all the way to the laundry room. _Unless some miracle happens, this is goodbye. So remember what I said before, and here's to hoping we'll meet again._ _Rodeaux_ 'Rodeaux,.' She thought. 'Even though I'm standing up and laughing more... the truth is I fell in love awhile ago. We'll meet again. Otherwise, my happiness is incomplete, and I'll have failed to do what you've bid me to. Because you, too, are the only partner for me.' End file.
The Only One by The Gray Maze
Zatch Bell
1. Chapter 1 **Zatch Bell: New Family** ** * * * Chapter 1: Prologue part 1: The children of Brago and Sherry ** Today was the Day for Sherry Belmond and her new husband Brago. Today was the day that Sherry gives birth to her children. A few years ago, during the Mamodo battle, Brago came in second place, but was defeated by Zatch Bell. And being the Kind King that Zatch was destined to be, he saw how much that Brago and Sherry meant to each other, so therefore, he allowed Brago to stay on Earth with Sherry, and also, All of Zatch's friends were able to visit their former book owners as well. And now back to Sherry in the hospital. "Okay ma'am, you could do it, you're almost done, ready, and Push!" the Doctor said and Sherry gived all her might to let her first child out. "Well Ma'am, it's a girl." the doctor said as one of the nurses showed Sherry her daughter, she was relieve, but wasn't done. "Okay ma'am, almost done, just one more left. Ready, PUSH!" the doctor called out. Sherry gave it all her might again, but was unable to keep herself awake, so she then fell asleep like that. And the only sound she heard before passing out was the crying of her second child. "Congratulations Mrs. Belmond. You now have a son." _One day later._ Brago waited inside the hospital, from last night to the crack of dawn. He had many thoughts on his mind. 'Will Sherry be okay? Did our children survive the night? And I wonder what they'll look like?' he thought to himself until the doctor and the nurses finally opened the door of Sherry's hospital room. "Well sir, congratulations, you have a daughter and a son. You may go see your wife now." the doctor said to him and Brago got up and walked into Sherry's room. Inside, she was on her hospital bed, and in her arms are his children, his offsprings, his new born of flesh and blood. "How are you feeling?" he asked his wife. "Better now Brago and overjoy about our little bundles of joy." she happily said as she looked down at her children.Their daughter was ten minutes older thantheir son. Her daughter had the same hair color as Brago, except there were a few small strands of hair that were blond. Her skin was a bit of both tan and pale together, and she has the same markings on her arms that Brago has. And as for their son, he also had the same hair color as his father, and had lesser strands of blond hair than his sister. His skin is gray pale, the exact same pale color of Brago. And he had the same eye markings as Brago as well. "So what do you think we should name them?" Sherry asked. Brago had wondered about for sometime, but was only able to come up a name for his daughter. He grinned as Sherry handed him their daughter and he took her into his arms. He looked at her, she was asleep at first, but then let out a yawn and she opened her eyes. She had the same eyes that Sherry has. When her sight became clear, the first thing that the baby girl saw was her father, she was of course a baby, but she smiled and reached her hands out at Brago a said her first words: "Dadda." He smiled when she spoke to him, he lifted his hand to his daughter and let her play with his fingers. "Wow, that was fast. Brago?" Sherry said in surprise, it was probably the Mamodo genes within her that allowed her to speak so fast. "We'll name her...Reece." Brago said at last. Sherry smiled and said "Reece huh. Okay." she smiled then she looked down at her son in her arms. "And you. We'll name you...Graviray." The child now known as Graviray yawned out loud as he then started to open his eyes. The first thing that he saw was his mother. But Sherry's happiness immediately died and was replaced with fear. Her face gave an expression that she hasn't gived in a long time, ever since...the battle for Mamodo King. "Brago... our son... his eyes... look at his eyes." Sherry said in fear. Brago, still holding Reece, walked over and leaned downwards to see what's wrong, but was also filled with fear as well. Because their son's eyes were the same eyes of the mamodo they never wanted to see again: Zofis. Graviray closed his eyes and gave a yawn and his eyes opened again, but this time, his eyes were different, they now red colored like Brago's eyes. "Relax Sherry. It's over now. His eyes are normal now." Brago tried to calm down Sherry, and it worked. Sherry remained calm again and looked at her son again. He smiled and raised his hands to her and said the word that he just heard before. "Sh, Sh, Shi, Shi, Sherry?" Graviray stammered for a bit, until he said his mother's name. "You said my name." Sherry smiled and hold her son closer to her and let her son play with her finger. 'I just hope that I was hallucinating.' She thought. But then swept it aside and then enjoyed not only the birth of her children, but the birth of her new family. _**To Be Continue... next chapter: Reece and Graviray discover their powers.**_ 2. Prologue part 2 **Chapter 2: Prologue part 2: Reece and Graviray's Powers** Six years have passed since the day when Brago and Sherry's children, Reece and Graviray, were born. Graviray was now six years old, and Reece was also six years old, but she's still ten minutes older than her brother. When they were five, their parents had told them that their father's a demon known as a mamodo and that about his spell book, And they told them that they were half human and half demon/mamodo, and they even told them that maybe they inherited their father's powers. But nothing has happen then, and both Reece and Graviray seem to have taken it okay. And now it was not only morning right now, but also Reece and Graviray's first day at going to kindergarten school. Brago was down on the first floor, waiting for both Sherry and his kids to show up. Sherry was on her way down, but for their children, that's another story. And it all began with banging. "Wake up, prince of darkness!" little 6-year old Reece shouted as she was banging on her brother's bedroom door, still wearing her black and purple pajamas. "Shut up and let me sleep, Crow!" Her younger brother, little 6-year old Graviray, shouted back through his bedroom door. "For the last time, My name is Reece!" Reese shouted again. "And for the last time, I don't care!" Graviray shouted back again. "Hey, what's going here?" Reece stopped banging and turned around to see her mother. "Mommy, I'm so excited about our first day of school, and Graviray won't get up." she complained. "Why don't you go get dress honey and I'll take of this." Sherry suggested and Reece nodded and ran off to her room. "Graviray? Honey? It's time to get up." Sherry said as she calmly knocked on her son's door. "Alright already, I'm up. I'm coming Mrs. Belmond." Graviray said as he pulled off his blankets off of him and walked over to the door, wearing a black t-shirt and his pajama bottoms, along with some socks on him. His black hair was all mess up and a little bit of it was moving down a bit down the front of his face. "Since when did you start calling me Mrs. Belmond?" Sherry asked as Graviray opened his door. "Since now." he answered. "Why can't you call me Mom, or Mommy?" Sherry asked as Graviray just stared at her. "That sounds good to me...Sherry." he said as he was about to go change in his room. "It's mom." she corrected him. _Sooner on the First Floor._ "Do you think we should let Our children light the candles again?" Sherry asked as she sat down at the table with Brago. "Woah! No! You know what happen last time they try to do that." Brago said. "I'm sure it was an accident." Sherry respond. "They set me on FIRE!" Brago shouted in a way that sounded more funny than angry. "It was just your cape." she said. _Later After Breakfast._ "I call shot-gun!" "No I call shot-gun!" "No I!" "No I, Crow! "Stop!" "Stop!" "Seriously!" "Seriously!" "I like to kill donkeys!" "Dude Reece, that's sick." "I hate you so much." Both Reece and Graviray were arguing and fighting over shot-gun. Sherry and Brago showed up and tried to stop them. "Alright you two break it up. Stop fighting. Come on." Sherry was trying to break them up. But no luck. "Reece Belmond and Graviray Belmond! Chill or be Chilled!" Brago spoke out at them, which made them both stop and they got off of each other. "Whatever Sis, you're the Donkey Killer." Graviray whispered in his sister's ear. "Mama, do you think we'll have a good day at school?" he asked his mother. "Sure thing honey. The teacher is a great friend of mine. Sherry answered her son's question. Soon they all were in the car and were off to school. _At Kindergarten School._ The car stopped in the parking lot and Brago helped his children out of it. Reece was wearing a black skirt and a black tank top with purple put lining on it. Graviray is wearing blue shorts and a black t-shirt with a red star in the middle. Both siblings hold hands as their parents led them inside the building. "Oh Sherry, its wonderful to see you here." the teacher said in joy as she hugged Sherry. "It's wonderful to see you too, Koko." Sherry responded. Then their hug ended and Koko looked down at Reece and Graviray. "And these must be your children right?" Koko asked as she leaned down to make eye contact with the two siblings. "Yes they are. This is our daughter Reese, and our son Graviray."Sherry answered. "Oh, I'm sure they'll have a wonderful day here, I have a daughter, so I'm sure they'll love to be friends." Koko said. "Bye sweeties, we'll be back soon to pick you up." Sherry said as she hugged and kiss her children. "Bye kids, see ya soon." Brago said next as he too gave a hug to his children. "Bye mommy, bye daddy." responded Reece. "Bye mama, bye dad." responded Graviray. "Come on, kids. Let me introduce you too the class." Koko said as she took their hands and led them into the classroom. _Inside the Classroom._ "Children. We have new students here, please welcomeyour newest classmates: Reece and her brother Graviray." Koko announced. Then soon a girl about Reese and Graviray's age ran up to Koko. "Mama, can you introduce me please?" the girl said. "Okay, honey. Reece, Graviray, this is my daughter, her name is Kiko, I'm sure that you all will get along fine." said Koko. Kiko looked exactly like her mother when she was that young in the show. She even had the same eyes and the same hair color, except there was one small streak of hair that was a orange. She was wearing a light purple skirt and a long sleeved light purple shirt. Reece and Graviray both said hi to Kiko and she said hi back. 'She's so pretty.' Thought Graviray. What could be this feeling he's having? It felt like he just ate a swarm of butterflies and they're flying around in his stomach. He quickly grabbed his sister's arm and whispered in her ear. They sat together in the same table and Kiko introduce the Belmond siblings to her friends. Another girl named Meggy and her older brother Neo. Meggy was 6 years old and she had long smooth black hair. She was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans. Her 7-year old brother Neo was wearing a yellow long sleeved shirt and gray shorts. Reece seemed to developed a crush for Neo. Later it was now lunch and Reece, Graviray, Kiko, Meggy, and Neo sat togetherat a table. Both Graviray and Reece had some bit of alligator that their father got for them. And then they both started to eat their lunches animepac-man eating style like the way that Zatch Bell eats yellow tail. Kiko, Meggy, and Neo just stared in shock at what they are seeing. After lunch, everyone had fun on the playground. Graviray and Neo were talking for a bit while Reece, Meggy, and Kikodid some'girl talk'. "What's wrong Reece?" Meggy asked "Yeah." Kiko spoke. "Well it's about my brother. Kiko, I believe that he has a crush you." Reece answered. "What makes you so sure?" Kiko asked. "I could sense it inside of him, it's like that he has butterflies in his tummy and plus he spoke to me, he said that you were pretty. That's what I'm sure of." Reese answered. "Wow." was all that Kiko could say, then she started to blush. "Anyways Kiko, since your mommy is the teacher, where does your daddy work?" Meggy asked. "I don't know, I asked my mommy about it and she said that she doesn't want to talk about it." Kiko answered. "Yeah and-Ahhhh!" Reece said but was then cut off by a sort of pain that was inside her hand. Soon her hand started to move outward by itself, pointing at a small hill. Reece tried to stop it, but no luck. Her eyes were shut tight and soon a vision came inside her head. This vision showed her mother and father years ago, it seemed that it showed her father firing a ball of black energy out of his hand. Then the next she could hear was her mother's voice she called out a word that sounded like a her name...and a bit of something else. "_Reis"_ Reese's eyes shot wide open and a ball of black energy shot out of her hand and it blasted the hill in front of them. _With Graviray._ Graviray was going through the same pain, his arm was moving by itself and it was pointing at a large rock. He snapped his eyes shut and also had a vision inside his head about his mother and father in the past. It showed them using some kind of power that make things fall straight down to the The vision went black and he soon heard his mother's voice called a word that sounded like both his name and something else. "_Gravirei"_ Graviray's eyes shot wide open and were all over colored in darkness. His hand glowed and a black glow surrounded the large rock and soon, it was smashed into nothing but pebbles. All the other children saw what happen to the siblings and they all were afraid. Koko, rushed outside and soon found Reece and Graviray embracing each other in fear. She ran over to the siblings and embraced them in her arms and brought them inside. _Later that day._ Brago and Sherry came to pick up their children. But everything seem different then what it was when they dropped them off. In the class room, everyone was being playful, but a bit too quiet, some of the kids were either whispering things, or peeking over their shoulders to their children. Reece and Graviray were in a corner at the end of the room, doing nothing but reading.They bothknew that something bad has happen. They both walked over to Koko and asked her how was their children's first day. "Well, at first they made friends with my daughter and her friends, but at recess after lunch, some how they were sort of did something. Something that I believe that Brago can do." Koko explained. Sherry and Brago walked up to their children and greeted them. "Hi, mommy, hi daddy, today I think that me and Graviray have unleashed ourinner powers.But nowI'm scared." Reece said. "I'm scared too." Graviray agreed. 'So Reece has inherited the'reis' spells. And Graviray has inherited the 'gravirei' spells. I never thought they would unleash them 'this' early in their lives. This is bad.' Brago thought. Sherry felt horrible since she could see the fear in her children's eyes. It was the same fear she felt back when her friend was taken away from her, the first time she ever saw the power of a mamodo. She picked up Graviray as Brago picked up Reece and they both left. Graviray turned his head to see Kiko staring at him. He slowly lifted his arm and waved good bye at her and she did the same. _**TO BE CONTINUE...**_ 3. The Present & The Mission **Chapter 4: The Present and the Mission.** _(And I mean that in the 'Time' meaning.)_ It's now finally the present! Seven years had past since Graviray and Reece's first day in kindergarten and the part when they both discover their powers. An they're both 13-year old teenagers. Except Reece still remains ten minutes older than Graviray. And right now... they were on a mission. You see it's now night, around midnight. And both of the Belmond siblings had snuck out of their home and they had snuck into their junior high school. Because earlier during the day before their last day of school for the year, they had taken a math test and they forgot to put their names on their tests, and they'll surely fail their tests if they don'thave their names on their tests. So that's why they snuck out at midnight and are inside the super large air vents of their junior high school. And now here's our sibling duo. "Will you stop that!" Graviray said to his older sister, who was mimicking him a bit. "What?" Reece asked like she doesn't know what her younger brother was talking about. And so they continued to get through the air vents. But since Graviray was in front of his sister, he could tell that his sister was mimicking him again, thanks to those special mamodo senses he had inherited from his father. "That. Stop That!" he said again. But Reece kept doing it. Then she started saying whatever he's saying. "You're doing it on purpose." "You're doing it on purpose." "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "Grow up!" "Grow up!" "Seriously!" "Seriously!" "I like to kill donkeys!" Graviray called out what his sister called out seven years ago. "Dude, Graviray, that's sick." Reece said. "I hate you so much!" he shouted along with giving a growl at Reece. "Whatever bro, you're the donkey killer." Reece commented in victory. Graviray gave a louder growl. You see. Reece sort of acts like her mother sometimes, as for Graviray, he sometimes acts a bit like his father. Even sometimes with his father's seriousness and temper. They both ended up finding a room that was near their math class it was all dark, since it was night right now. Graviray tied a rope around his sister's waist and then said "Just get down there and unlock the door." "Fine. Just don't drop me this time... donkey killer." Reece joked out, which made Graviray really mad. "Shut up or I will drop you." _Ten minutes later._ "What are you doing down there!" Graviray asked, getting all impatient. "Oh, my god I just caught myself Rayquaza!" spoke out Reece, since she was playing her Poke'mon Emerald version on her Gameboy Advance SP. "WHAT!" Graviray yelled out anime style. "I'm so gonna rock at the battle frontier." Reece said happily. "JEEZ! You're such an Infant!" Graviray snapped at her. Then he lost his balance and ended up felling out of the air vent and landed on his sister. _Another Ten Minutes Later._ Graviray and Reece were now in one of the hallways. Graviray was near the door that hold their tests. And Reece was suppose to deactivate the camera and the traps that guard the hallway. "Did you deactivate the camera and the traps?" Graviray asked out to his sister on the other side of the hallway, but no answer. "Reece?" "Just a sec, I'm almost done beating the last elite four." Reece answered to her brother. "For God's sake! Just do your job!" Graviray snapped at her. And Reece only just shrugged. "Fine, there it's deactivated." Reece said. Then Graviray sneaked to the door and tried to unlock it. "Oh, great, now my Pikachu's gonna get pissed. And you don't want to see a Pikachu get pissed." She then said to her brother, who only sighed and rolled his eyes. "Sorry I ruined your game, Frodo." Graviray commented as he continued to try to unlock the door. "Okay, I'll try to hack this camera." Reece said as she moved to the camera's controls. "Fine, just don't touch." Graviray said to her. "No really, I'll hack this thing while you get our tests." Reece said back to her brother. "You don't even know how to work the coffea maker back at the mansion." "Oops." Reece said to her self, because she accidently reactivated the camera and traps. The camera saw Graviray, and then the traps activated and it started throwing rocks and mouse traps at Graviray. Reece immediately deactivated the camera and the traps again and ran to her brother's side. "Sorry. It became self-aware." she said. "I want to go home." was all Graviray could say as he got back up and pulled a mouse trap off of his rear. "Baby." Reece said and started giggling. Graviray got mad at her again, and he raised his hand at her and his eyes disappeared into darkness. Reece was surrounded in black lights and was then being forced to the ground face flat. "Sorry." she muttered against the floor. _Another ten minutes later._ "Look, I'm sorry okay, its cool right, whatever floats your boat, you do NOT kill donkeys. I do." Reece apologized to her brother as they finished putting their names on their tests. "Yeah, yeah. Can we go home now?" Graviray asked. "Sure thing." Reece answered as they both placed their arms around each other's shoulders. And together, the two hybrids snuck back out and headed home. Mission accomplished. _**To Be Continue...**_ 4. The Last Day of School **Chapter 5: The Last Day of School Part 1** The sun rose over the hills of forest that were near the Belmond Mansion. Its rays entered the room of our favorite couple's son's bedroom. Light landed on Graviray's eyes and he just rolled over onto his stomach and placed his covers over his face. Both he, and his sister, Reece, were extremely tired after their little 'mission' last night. And they don't want to get up at like, 6:30a.m. The alarm clock on Graviray's dresser drawer next to his bed started to ring like crazy and it's torturing loud sound was ringing inside Graviray's ears, and it was annoying him. He raised his hand at the alarm clock and it was shattered by a force of black gravity. He then pulled his covers back over him and curled himself in a ball and dozed off back to sleep. Not to later, his bedroom door opened up and Sherry, his mother came in and walked over to her son's bed and she rubbed his back. "Graviray, honey, its time to wake up." Sherry said to her son. "Not now, mom." he muttered underneath his covers. "Come on, sweetheart, you have to wake up, its your last day at school." "No, mom." _With Reece._ "Reece, wake up." Graviray and Reece's dad, Brago, said as he entered his daughter's bedroom. "Yes dad." Reece responded as she tried to get up, but her body kept saying 'no' to her. She struggle a bit in her bed and ended up felling out. She landed face flat on the floor and her covers landed on her back. She groaned as she tried to get back up, at least her body was obeying her now. "Come on, get up." Brago said to his daughter. She indeed got back up and walked out the door to the bathroom. Her black hair has grown and is now as long as her mother's blond hair. And plus her few strands of blond hair have grown long as well. She was still wearing her pajama bottoms and was wearing a shirt that she wore when she was seven years old, so, yeah, it's a bit tight and really stomach-exposing. 'I wonder how Graviray's doing ever since our little mission last night' she thought as she as she scratched her bare stomach and then started to washed her face with water from the sink. _Back with Graviray and Sherry._ "For the last time Graviray, get up!" Sherry said as she was tugging and pulling on something. "And for the last time mom, No!" Graviray responded as his hands had a strong grip on his bed's headboard. Sherry was trying to pull her son out of bed, and the things that she was pulling on were his ankles. The more she pulled, the tighter Graviray's grip on his headboard becomes. _She _kept pulling and _He_ kept holding. Until, eventually, Sherry lost her grip and she fell on her rear. "Alright already, I'm getting up." Graviray said as he finally got out of his bed and looked at her mother when she got back up. He was wearing his purple boxors and a long black night shirt. His black hair was messy and those few rare, hard-to-see, strands of blond hair became more clearer. Sherry gasped in horror and moved away from her son until she was cornered at the wall. "Mom, what's wrong?" Graviray asked his mother. He saw that she was beginning to sweat, and then he saw his own reflection in her eyes. He could tell that _it _happened again. His eyes have changed. "My eyes have changed again, did they?" he asked. Ever since he became ten years old, his eyes started to change back and forth, from the normal red eyes that he was born with from his father, to the same eyes of the evil mamodo that his parents had talked to him and his sister about for some time: Zofis. "Mom, I'm sorry, I don't why they keep doing that, I have no control over them." Graviray said as he lowered his head so it was looking at the floor. Sherry felt guilty when she heard her son apologized to her, after all, she was the one who backed away from him. "No, Graviray, I'm sorry." Sherry answered him as she approached her child and kneeled down to her son and embraced him in her arms. _Five Minutes later._ Both Graviray and Reece were down stairs and were having their favorite food for breakfast: Alligator. "Hey Reece, what are you working on?" Graviray asked his sister as he swallowed piece of alligator down his throat. "Oh, I'm just helping with someone." Reece answered. She was working on some sort of strange object that looks like some sort of jewel. "Oh really, who?" Graviray asked. Reece just stared at her brother for a second, then she returned to what she was doing. "Who?" Graviray asked again as he cupped his sister's chin with his hand. "Uh, just, someone we know." Reese answered, then returned to her work. 'Okay, she's not giving me any specific answers. Time for plan B' he thought to himself as his eyes started to change again, but then he stopped it by shaking his head. He then launched his hands at Reece and they grabbed hold of her ears and started to pull them up. She then started to gasp and shriek in pain. "Tell me!" Graviray said. "I can't." "Yes you can." "I promised." "TELL ME!" "KIKO!" Graviray then dropped his sister's ears and she fell face flat on the table. "Kiko? You mean my Kiko?" Graviray asked and Reece only nodded. _With Brago and Sherry._ "Why does he keep doing this?" Brago asked as he walked around in circles in his and Sherry's bedroom. "I don't know why, he said that he can't control it,and it just happens for no reason." Sherry answered. "I'm worried about him, Brago. What if something bad happens to him? Brago?" She asked Brago, but only remained silent for the moment. "Brago, he's your son too, but what do you think will happen to him, please answered me." Sherry asked her husband. "I don't know, but we'll find out sooner or later." Brago finally answered his wife. He then turned and walked out of the room. 'I hope that this doesn't happen' Sherry thought to herself. The she followed Brago down stairs. _Later with everyone outside._ Both Reece and Graviray had already put some cloths on. Reece wore blue shorts andsome kind of footwear that's cross between shoes and boots. She also wore a black cotton rain coat and left it opened that exposes her wearing a black tank top that exposes her stomach. Graviray wore black shorts that went down to his knees. He also wore the same kind of footwear that his sister wore, except these ones were for boys. And he also wore a black t-shirt with a purple dragon on it. And last but not least, he wore a black cape like cloak that has a hood on it. They both were saying their goodbyes to their parents. "Bye mom, Bye dad." Reece said as she then started running down the path to their Jr. High School. "Bye, mom." Graviray said. Sherry smiled as her son hugged her and she hugged back. He then let go and walked over to Brago. "Bye, father" he said to him, but his eyes just changed into Zofis' eyes again and he didn't know. Brago felt irritated when ever Graviray gave that look, especially when he's looking at him with those evil eyes. Brago raised his hand and slapped his son across the face. "You're doing it again. Stop that!" he said as Graviray's eyes returned back to normal. "I'm sorry, father." Graviray said. He turned his head to look at Sherry, then back to Brago. He said nothing, but just turned around and ran to catch up with Reece. "Brago!" Sherry snapped at her husband as soon as Graviraywent out of view as both Reece and himself ran down a hill. "What?" Brago asked in confusion. _With Reece and Graviray._ Both the Belmond siblings slowed down their running to a walk. Graviray could still feel the pain from the slap that his father gave to him, sometimes, pain like that would go away within a few seconds, since he was part demon. He cupped his slapped cheek with his hand and felt a cut on his left cheek. He then removed his hand and looked at it. On his fingers, he could see a bit of blood on his fingers. 'Dad, how could you?' _**To Be Continue...**_ 5. The Last Day of School part 2 **Chapter 6: The Last Day of School Part 2** "Graviray what's wrong." Reece asked her younger brother. "Father scratched me." Graviray answered his older sister's question. He still had his hand cupped to his left cheek. "But why?" Reece asked another question. Graviray didn't answered. "Brother, you need help, now tell me what happen at once." Reese raised her voice a bit and grabbed her brother by his shoulder and turned him to her eyes. She then immediately released her grip on his shoulder as soon as she saw his eyes changed from his normal eyes, to Zofis' eyes. "Is that why?" she asked in a bit of fear. Her brother only nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry." Reece said to him. Graviray could really see the pain in her eyes as much as she could see the pain in his eyes. He then stopped her and embraced her. _At school in first period._ Graviray and Reece have finally reached their Jr. High School. Graviray went to the bathroom to get rid of the blood on his fingers and cheek. He then went to his first period. He doesn't have his sister in his first period, but he does have an old friend of his. "Graviray, why do I always get bad grades on my tests while you get good grades on your tests?" his old friend, Neo was asking him. They both sat the back of their classroom together, so its hard for their history teacher to hear them. "Because I always study, instead of forcing others to hand over their lunch money, and flirt with my sister all the time." Graviray responded. "Man, I really got to stop doing that." Neo said. "Yes, you do need to stop doing that." _With Reece._ "Reece, why do always listen better than I do?" Kiko asked Reece since they both sit in the back of their art classroom. And so Reece responded " Because I just listen, instead of trying to win my brother's heart." "Okay class, time to return your fruit art." Their art teacher said to her class, and she's none other than Ms. Suzy Mizuno herself. _At second period._ Graviray and Reece haveNeo, Meggy, and Kiko together only during their second, third, and fourth period. "Now class, you're all wondering what you all have on your tests? Well here they are." their basic language arts teacher said to the class as she handed her students. Graviray and Reece both got an 'A'. Kiko got a 'B'. Meggy got a 'C-'. And Neo got a 'F' as usual. "Ow, what was that for?" Neo said as he rubbed his arm, where his younger sister just hit him at. "That was for making me cheat in the first place." Meggy whispered harshly. Reece and Kiko giggled as Graviray rolled his eyes. _At Lunch._ "So was the mission a success?" Meggy asked as she bit down on a ham and cheese sandwich that she bought with her lunch money. "It went okay, besides being annoyed by my sis calling me a donkey killer and setting the traps on me." Graviray answered. "Oh, come on, I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Kiko commented as she sat next to Graviray. She slid her handonto his. Graviray looked up and saw her what she was doing. But he didn't care as he bit down on some pizza. _Sixth period._ "Okay people. A few more minutes before the end of sixth period. And you teens are probably asking: why would this man give us a test, on the last day of school? You want to know why?" Graviray and Reece's math teacher asked his class. "Why, Mr. Takamine?" the whole class asked, except Graviray, because he was so bored of math already, that he was asleep. "Because..." Mr. Takakmine said, then he slammed a math book on Graviray's desk, which made him woke wide open. "... the mind never sleeps. Can I get a witness?" Mr. Takamine asked Graviray as he handed out his fist. Graviray then greeted his math teacher with a fist-to-fist, high five, thing. "Hallelula." Graviray responded as he stretched his arms out as he yawned. Then the bell rang and it was time to go to their annual last day of school assembly. "Summer vacation whack-chicka-back. Summer vacation whack-chicka-back." both Reece and Graviray tuned together as they walked out of their math class, but was stopped by Mr. Takamine. "What's your hurry, you two?" he asked the Belmond siblings. "Uh, our hurry is that it's now officially the end of sixth period, and yet, we're still looking at you." Graviray answered. "I worry about you two, you know that, don't you?" Mr. Takamine said to them. "We worry about you, have you seen yourself lately?" Reece asked. Because their math teacher was wearing funky looking cloths. "The pants." "The boots." "And this shirt." "You have a nice day... KIYO." both Graviray and Reece commented as they walked out. But as they were about to walked towards the assembly, their principle showed up and stopped them. "Well, Mr. And Ms. Belmond, I do hope you remember what today is." she said to them. "Uh, the last day of school?" both of them asked. "No, you silly children, it's time for the assembly and the special guest will be you, Graviray." their principle answered. "WHAT!" _**To Be Continued...**_ 6. The Last Day of School part 3 **Chapter 7: The Last Day of School Part 3** "Alright Brago, when we find Graviray, I expect you to apologize to him." Sherry said to her husband as both of them approached their childrens' campus. "He gave me that stare, you know how much I hate that." Brago responded with a small growl. "He can't help it, it's not his fault." Sherry responded at his answer. "Fine, anything that'll make you stop bothering me about it." Brago shrugged. _Inside the Gym._ "NO! PLEASE! DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!" Graviray was screaming out loud while holding onto the door of the Gym. The teachers were pulling on his ankles. But they won in the end and he was being gently pushed forward to the center of the where the principle is, and his heels were trying to stop. "Well, Mr. Belmond, nice to see you here." the principle said to Graviray as every kid in his school was sitting in a large group, clapping their hands, but Reece and Kiko weren't there. "Okay everyone, lets begin. So, Mr. Belmond, why don't you tell us about yourself?" his principle asked. "Well, uh... I was born." was a that he could say. "Yes, of course. But since you're one of our school's best students, what's the key to your success?" his principle asked him another question. Graviray was totally freaked out because not only that he was with his principle in front of a lot of students, but there was a video camera, so that means that he was on T.V. in the entire school. _With Brago and Sherry._ Reece, why are you here?" Sherry asked.Bothof themwere walking down one of the hallways, but they both found their daughter. "I just got out of the bathroom. Why?" Reece asked. "Where's your brother?" Brago asked his daughter. "He's in the gym, giving out a speech thing with the principle." Reece answered her father. "And he's on T.V." Kiko came out of the girl's bathroom next. "Hey yall, how are you doing?" called out Kiyo, as he came into the hallway with his wife, Megumi. "Oh, we're fine." Kiko answered Kiyo. "So, um, Sherry, Brago, where's your son?" Megumi asked the Belmonds. "Over there." they all answered as they pointed at a small T.V. on the wall, it showed Graviray, extremely nervous. "What's he doing?" Brago asked out in surprise. _Back with Graviray._ "Mr. Belmond, please answered the question that we asked you, like 100 hundred times?" his principle said, starting to get impatient. Graviray was like, petrified, and was also getting annoyed by his principle, he decided to answer the stupid question and shut his principle up. "You want to know what's my key to success?" Graviray snapped out. "Well, I don't do all these stupid things, I really don't have to do. Like homework, I mean, isn't schoolwork hard enough. And studying? Let's cheat and not get caught!" Graviray answered like a maniac. And the audience of kids started to cheer. _Back with Brago, Sherry, Reece, Kiko, Kiyo, and Megumi._ "What is he doing!" Reece asked out loud to everyone. "You tell me, I don't know about school." Brago answered. " Wow." Kiyo said. "And if you're excited about something, why do you have to hold it in all the time, you know, just scream about it!" Graviray called out on the T.V. "Okay, do this with me. Let's just say that you ask out that special girl that you always like, or love, and she says yes, what are you gonna do? Whoooooo!" Graviray called out again. Everyone in the audience made a low 'Whoo' sound. "That was Pathetic! Do it louder!" Graviray ran up to the audience of teens and yelled out in excitement. "Come on! I'm serious! This girl is SEXY, What are you gonna do?" Graviray called out as both he and the audience made louder 'whoos'. "I can't hear you. LOUDER!" Graviray screamed out and the audience started to cheer out of control. "God, your son's cool." Megumi commented. And Kiko blushed, when Graviray called her sexy. "Oh, he's dead, worse than dead. He'll spend the next year in phoneless, dateless, amish existence." Sherry said in anger. "We better go get him." Reece said as she, her parents, Kiko, Kiyo, and Megumi started to run off to the gym. The entire audience was caring Graviray to the door, while cheering. Brago, Sherry, Reece, Kiko, Kiyo, and Megumi had reached the hallway that led to the gym. And standing there at the opened doors, is Graviray, singing 'Hit me Baby one more Time' to the still cheering audience. Sherry got even more mad that she turned to her daughter. "Hold this." she said as she handed her purse to her daughter. Then she took off running straight at her son. Graviray continues to sing. "I still believe, still believe! If I'm not with you, I lose my mind. Give me a sign!" Sherry charged even faster at her son. "Hit me baby-" he singed... but was then rammed and pinned to the ground by his mother. _Busted._ _**To Be Continue...**_ 7. The Fight and The Heir _Here's the next chapter. And Author Notes are at the Bottom._ * * * Chapter 8: The Fight and the Heir. The Bell rung for the end of school, and the beginning of summer. Everywhere, students were leaving through the school doors. "You were awesome!" Reece, Kiko, Neo, and Meggy shouted in excitement at Graviray. "Thanks guys." Graviray said. "You were something son I'll admit, but don't do that again." Brago said to his son as both he and Sherry walked out of the doors with Kiyo and Megumi. "Yes, father." he responded with guilt in his voice. They all continued their walk back home. But soon all the students start to scream and panic, but by what? All the students run into two long lines to dodge something that was heading towardsthe group.It looked like a large thick iron spiked battery ram. Brago, Sherry, and Reece jumped to one side, and Graviray jumped and pushed the others to the other side. Graviray found himself on top of Kiko, and they were looking into each other eyes. They both blushed, and then Graviray quickly got off of each other. "At last, we've found you." spoke a sinister voice. Graviray joined with his family and found who was attacking them. Four figures, and two of them were smaller than the other two. The taller ones were each caring a strange glowing book in their hands. "Who dares attack our children." Sherry ordered out at attackers. "It's Maruss and Robnos." Brago answered his wife's question. "You got that right. And we're here for your son, in the name of Milordo-Z." Robnos spoke out. "But since we have the feeling that you all will just say no, we'll take him by force." Maruss said next as he raised his hand at Brago and Sherry. And Robnos pointed his finger at Reece and his eye started to glow. "_Garon_" "_Biraitsu_" The giant thick spikedbattery rambursted out of Maruss's handout at Brago and Sherry. And a laser beam fired out of Robnos's eye and headed towards Reece. Graviray jumped into the path of Maruss'sbattery ramand raised his hand at it. Thebattery ramwas forced to the ground by a black aura. Reece fired apurple ball out of her hand and it collided with Robnos's laser. "If you want me, come and get me." Graviray said at the evil mamodos. "And you'll have to go through me as well." Reese said as she stood next to her brother's side. "We must help them." Sherry said as she reached into her purse and tried to pull out Brago's black spell book. "No." Brago stopped her. "I've been training them in the Mamodo world for years, for them to gain control over their powers. And as much as I will regret this, we must let them put their pwers to the test, by letting them fight this battle... alone." Brago explained to Sherry, and as much as she didn't like it, her husband was right, so she back down. Everyone, including all the students got to a safe distance. And they watched the battle began. "_Garon_" "_Biraitsu_" Both a laser and a chain came straight at the Belmond siblings. They both raised their hands and the battery ramwas stopped by black lights and the laser was stopped by apurple orb. "_Biraitsu_" "_Ei Garon_" Robnos fired another laser and it was aimed at Graviray, he tried to stop it with his powers, but they didn't seem to work on energy attacks. He took the hit as it hit him in the chest and he was sent to the ground. Maruss threw a chain mace out of his hand and it caughtReece by surprise. It wrapped around her body and it lifted her up and it then slammed her to the ground. Graviray got back up on his feet and helped his sister up as well. "_Ganzu Garon_" Rembrant, Maruss's book owner called out a different spell and Maruss started to throw iron spike balls out of his hands. They were heading straight for Graviray as he was helping her up. "Graviray, behind you." Reece said to her brother. He turned around and throw his hand into the direction of the spiked orbs. Then black lights surrounded them and they all were brought to the ground. "We have to end this now Reece." Graviray said as he helped her to her feet. Robnos started to gather energy into his eyes. "Lets unleash our full power." Ruku, Robnos's book owner said as his book started to glow brighter. "Let destroy them." Maruss called out evilly. "_Gigano Garanzu_" Rembrant called out Maruss's most powerful spell. A giant drill came out of Maruss's hand and he started charging at them. Both Reece and Graviray both were standing next to each other and they soon both raised their hands towards their opponents. It was time to unleashed their full power as well. "_Biraitsu_" Ruku said and Robnos fired a much more powerful laser out of his eyes and it was coming as fast as Maruss charging at them with his giant drill. The siblings both felt their powers combining together and they were gathering strength from each other. Reece eyes shot opened and more powerful version of the reis spell formed in her hand. She could feel it leaving her hand, and within one second, it fired out and collided with Robnos's giant laser. Graviray's eyes shot open too and a more black and purple energy formed into his hand. It was extremely powerful that it felt like his arm was being pulled off. All the gathered energy was then unleashed into a giant beam-like wave of gravity and it collided with Maruss's drill. An explosion was detonated when all four spells collided with each other. It's power had sent Graviary and Reece to the ground. And there was no telling what was happening to the other teams. The explosion cleared and Maruss and Robnos's spell books were flat. Graviray struggled to get up, but felt a bit weak on his legs. But then his head started to hurt like hell as he clutched it with his hands. It was too unbearable, but suddenly it stopped as soon as it came. But then Graviray's arm started to move by itself. He tried to stop it, but no luck. His hand was opened at was aiming straight at Maruss and Robno's teams. He felt something that he never felt before, something so awesome, something so powerful, something... evil. An small orb of light began to formed in his palm. It was starting to glow brighter and brighter. Reece watched was happening to him, even their parents watched at what was happening. The orb of light in Graviary's hand was starting to separate itself from his hand, and just like that, it was fired out of his hand at it came straight at Maruss and Robnos. An explosion was taken place where the orb of light hit its target. Graviray could hear the screams of Maruss and Robnos as they were starting to disappear, because that orb of light had burned both of their books. Their book owners took off running. He only watched at the evil mamodos until the both were completely gone. The others all gasped at what happen. They all know who has that kind of power, and it wasn't good. Graviray was trembling as sweat came down from his face, he looked down at his hands. They were trembling too and thought. 'How did this happen?' **To Be Continue...** ** * * * Author Notes:** **Computerfreak101**: I was going to say the same exact same thing that you said in your last review. I'm sick and (beeping) tired of it too. And I guess that we both pissed each other off. And we both acted like jerks, and I'm sorry for that. And IF your sorry for that too, then I forgive you. Because I know that we both were hurt, insulted, and mocked. And I don't like sending and receiving shit either. And if it's really true that if I really do make you sick, then you also make me sick. And what I said to 'Twilight Memories' wasn't shit. She was going at it with me too. But like you said, and like I'm going to say: This battle ends NOW. Anyway, well, here's my answer: I choose option **1**. I want to be friends with you too. And I'm willing start over and try this again like you are. Like you said, your not like a bad person. And I'm not a bad person either. So yes, I choose option **1**. And I guess that we haven't had a proper introduction with our Yami's. So hears my yami, Kaiser, the prince of shadows and nightmares. Kaiser: Nice to meet you Cf101 and Ms. Queen of Thieves. (He means that in a good way.) And I'm now showing some backbone for now on. And I'll stop the stuff of being a bit too drama, and you can't blame me, I have problems in my life that I'm trying to fix. So yes, again, I choose option _1_, and I want to be friends again. So truce. (Holds out hand) please. And you're not a 'no one'. You are a great authoress and a great friend. And I like your new Zatch Bell story. 8. The True Evil Within _Hi I'm back with the new chapter. Sorry if it took long._ _If I make any grammar or error mistakes, point them out for me and I'll try to do better._ _And if you were all wondering how Graviray used the 'Radom' spell, or the Zofis thing with Koko and Kiko._ _Well then, Fasten your seatbelts, bring out the popcorn, drinks, and candy, and sit back in your comfy chairs and read! Because this chapter has all the answers to your questions!_ _I hope._ _And this chapter is told in Zofis' point of view._ * * * **Chapter 9: The True Evil Within.** Ever since the battle for the Mamodo King, I always had a feeling that I might lose my only chance to rule. But ever since I manipulated my book owner and my so called wife, I slowly put together a plan to make sure I would come back and reek havoc and destruction on both the Mamodo world and the human world. But to do that, I needed an heir. So one very dark night, just the kind of nights that I loved, I forced myself onto my book owner and gave her one Hell of a ride in her life. She might've not enjoyed it, but I sure as hell did. But fortunately for me, she was still under my control. (SO EVIL!) Then my demise came into one final battle against four other Mamodos: Brago, Zatch Bell, and Zeno. Surely I was defeated, no scratch that, destroyed, as soon as everyone's most powerful spells collided. It had vaporized entire my body completely, but my spirit still remains trapped in the human world. But now my plan was beginning to come together. I needed my heir... my seed... my child to help me back with new body. But since my so called wife gave birth to a girl, born without my powers, my plan grew a little hole in it. Figures that something like that would go bad. But I at last, I found myself a host, to preserved my spirit within. The children of my former enemies: Brago and Sherry. Their daughter was useless to me, she was filled with too much happiness, too much joy. But as for their son, oh yeah, he was filled with nothing bu darkness, his heart was as cold as his father's once was, if not, colder. He was perfect for me, he should've been my son instead. At last, I have found my host. I moved closer to his body, closer, and closer, and closer, and closer. Until I finally possessed him at the moment he came out of that bitch of a mother of his. Sometimes, I would look through his eyes (That why Graviray's eyes sometimes change) to see what's happening in life once a few times. But then it was the moment that once I saw the eyes of my daughter, my plan was almost complete. And at once that when my mind controlled servants, Maruss and Robnos, attacked, it was time for me to take control and bring my host to no more harm, so I destroyed their books and they were sent back. Now only one objective remains. My host must be kissed by the very lips of my daughter. But not by force, but by love. They were getting closer to each other, so close that I could hear both of their hearts beating at the same time. And now it's only a matter of time before they admit their feelings to each other, and soon give each other their first kiss. And once their lips meet, spirit would be able to travel into my daughter's body. And then, my transformation will be complete. I would soon have a new body, and my spell book will be reborn as well. But my so called wife is useless to me now. I don't need her anymore. My daughter will be the one to use my spells and together along with my 'new' son, nothing will stop me from making both worlds the way I want it to be: MINE! (laughs evilly) (Not me, him.) (Points at the insane, evil laughing Zofis) _**To Be Continue...**_ 9. Eavesdropping **Chapter 10: Eavesdropping. ** Graviray continued to stare at his hands as they trembled in fear. Reece approached her younger brother and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Bro. Are you all right?" she asked as she stare into his eyes. "No Reece, I'm far from all right. Look what I did to those demons. What I did to them scared me." that was all Graviray could answer. He got back on his feet and pulled the hood of his black cloak over his head. "Graviray?" heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned to see his mother and father. Sherry was terrified of what she saw him do. That power he used to defeat those two mamodos was the same power that both she and Brago had thought they destroyed those many years ago during the battle for Mamodo King. Even though Brago didn't show it, he was just as worried as Sherry is. "Mom... Dad." Graviray's voice sounded like the way it was when he was six. Sherry moved closer to her son, but he only moved back. He feared of what will happen to him. Or what will his father will do to him. He has a scar for proof of what happen him when he was ten. Brago, Reece, and Graviray were training in the mamodo world. But one time, Graviray's anger was starting to overcome him in his training. It made his powers become lethal. And in one time, he lost control and almost put his own sister's life in danger. Graviray didn't mean to, but his father used a Gigano Reis spell on Graviray to stop him. It may had knocked him unconscious, but it left a permanent mark on his back. He never told his mother, and Brago forced Reece not to tell either. The mark was still on his back. And it even emotionally scarred him to this very day. His mother approached him again, but then he back away again. Sherry stopped and looked into her son's eyes. She could see the fear growing inside him, along with the evil spirit. She held out her arms to him. Graviray relaxed a bit and came into his mother's arms. "Please don't fear me, my child." she said as she buried her face in her son's hair. _Thirty Minutes Later._ The Belmond's Car was parked by the driveway of the Belmond Mansion. Brago and Sherry schedule a meeting with Kiyo, Megumi, Koko, and Kiyo's cousin Emmie. Graviray was worried to death by what he did earlier. But he walked into the mansion anyway. "You're not in trouble Graviray, your father and I are just worried about you." his mother said as she kept her arm around his shoulder, and she pulled him closer to her side. _Later._ The other parents showed up with their kids. Except I'm not quite sure if Emmie has any kidsyet. Brago and Sherry led them into the laudry room that was really a basement with laundry machines, washers, and driers. "Okay you two, what's this emergency that we need to talk about?" Kiyo asked, but was then nudged in the back by his cousin. "Hush Kiyo, I want to hear what's going on with their kids." Emmie spoke to him. "Actually it's only our son." Brago corrected the cousin of the reader of the red book. "Okay, what'sgoing on?" Megumi spoke lastly so they could get on with the conversation. "Hold on for a minute." Sherry responded. She walked over to a button of the washer and drier that was closest to the stairs. It caused a loud noise that all their kids couldn't hear them talking. But their children were already outside the laundry room door. "Our parents are covering with the washing machines." Reece said to the others, who were trying to listen as well. "TO THE CHUTES!" Graviray called out. Then both Reece and him began running to another part of their mansion. Kiko, Neo, and Meggy didn't get but they followed the Belmond siblings anyway. _With The Parents._ "We believe that something is happening to Graviray. Something bad." Sherry began talking. "Well that would sure explained the part when he fired that ball of light out of his hand." Megumi responded. "No duh." Brago responded as well. "But how can he do something like that if Brago doesn't evenhave that kind of power?" asked Emmie. But then Kiyo spoke next. "It's really impossible... unless," _With The Teens._ "Just get down there and find out what they're talking about." Reece said to her brother as he was wrapping some rope around his waist. "Fine, just don't drop me this time... donkey killers." Graviray responded as he snuck into one of the laundry chutes. The others were holding onto the rope and they were slowly and gently lowering Graviray down to the laundry room. Graviray was dangling from the rope upside down as he was now looking at the adults talking from the chute. But fortunately for him, theycouldn't see or hear him. _With The Parents._ "Unless it's Zofis." Kiyo finished his sentence. Everyone except Brago and Emmie gasped. "But he was destroyed back in the final battle. How can he still be alive?" Sherry asked in shock. "Well, you know what they say: Spirits never sleep with unfinished business." Kiyo answered. "So what your saying is that the spirit of this Zofis person has somehow possessed Graviray." Emmie asked in dome sort of a sarcastic tone of voice. "It's possible. I mean, he possessed me when he was alive." Koko responded in fear. She was indeed scared when she first met Zofis, before hetook overher mind. And worse of all, that horrible night when he raped her, before the final battle. And then she was left all alone to give birth to her daughter. "And that also explains why our son's eyes have been changing." Sherry. " But why did he possessed Graviray instead of Kiko?" Megumi asked next. "Maybe because Kiko wasn't born with his powers. But she may have his powers, but isn't able to unlock them.He probably wants a body with real mamodo blood, like Reece and Graviray." Kiyo explained. "But something tells me that there's more to this mystery then what we now know. But what?" asked Sherry as she began to pace a bit. But within a few seconds something shocking came into Koko's head. "Kiko." she said. "What?" everyone except Brago asked. "What if it's Kiko that Zofis is really after, and he possessed Graviray only perhaps to preserv his spirit." Koko explained to the others. Graviray still watched them talk, but a voice was speaking to itself inside his mind. "Close, but not exactly my so call mate." the voice said. "Anyway, whatever we think is going on, we're going to have to tell our kids." Brago spoke out to the rest of the others. "How do you think they'll handle it Brago?" Sherry asked. _With The Kids._ All the kids pulled Graviray out of the chute, but he was still dangling from the rope. "I'M POSSESSED BY AN EVIL MAMODO!" Graviray yelled out in shock. All the other kids gasped, but then they lost their grip of the rope. And Graviray ended up felling down the chute. They all looked down as soon as they heard a loud banging crashing sound. "I'm okay. Concrete broke my fall." _**To Be Continued... Next Chapter: It happens, the kiss... and the return of you know who. Bum, Bum, BUM!**_ 10. The Dance of Evil **Chapter 11: The Dance of Evil.** No sunlight was shown, but it was morning. The sky was nothing but cloudy. Graviray groaned underneath his bed sheets, thanks to the bump on his head that he got when he was dropped down the laundry chute. But something was making his pain worse, but he couldn't tell what, or who was doing this. _Zofis's POV._ Wake up my host. Today's the day that I will return to the cursed world that you call home. Let me see through your eyes, and I'll guide you to my seed. Together, I'll let you both have... some fun, you both will perform the dark dance that will fully restore my powers. And then you're lips will meet, where I'll absorb myself into my seed's body. And last, I'll have a new body, more powerful than ever. And you will be my 'son'. _Graviray's POV._ No! Whoever you are, I won't let you do this. I won't let you use Kiko for your own twisted schemes. I won't let it happen! I WON'T! _Zofis's POV._ Foolish boy. You were born with a single purpose: To become the host that'll preserve my spirit. Destiny and fate had chosen you to bring me back to life. It's inevitable to deny what you were created to do. Now give me control over your mind! _Graviray POV._ NO! I can't! I won't let you! _Zofis's POV._ Give... Me... Control! _Graviray's POV._ NO! _Zofis's POV._ YES! _Graviray's POV._ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! _Normal POV._ Graviray's head shot up in fear. He was sweating all over. What was happening to him? Why won't this evil spirit leave him alone? Then it began. He gripped his head with his hands and rolled aggressively all over his bed. What ever this evil spirit is, it's starting to take control... and it was winning. The struggle went on for seconds until the hybrid's body stopped. He raised his head from his bed. At first he was struggling and was in a lot of pain, but now, he seem to be... relaxed. The hybrid's eyes slowly opened, but his normal red irises were gone, perhaps forever. Now all that was left in those eyes is nothing but colors of evil red and disgusting yellow. Zofis has won. Today, was the day. The mind controlled hybrid got out of bed and began to move slowly to the wall of his bedroom. The body raised its hand up to the wallpaper and its fingernails began to grow into long sharp claws. The body stabbed its new grown claws into the wallpaper and began to write something. _Two Hours Later._ Reece was running around the mansion, looking for something... or someone. "Mom. Have you seen Graviray? I can't find him anywhere." she spoke to her mother as she entered another room. "Sorry, honey, I'm afraid I haven't" Sherry answered. Reece just shook her head in worry as she continued to run down a hallway. "No running, Reece!" Sherry called out to her daughter. _Somewhere in the Forest._ Graviray was still wearing his black night shirt and night shorts. But good thing that he was wearing a black jacket. He was walking into the forest near the Belmond mansion, still under the evil spirit's control. The sky was still cloudy and a small breeze had just picked up. The grass was covered in morning dew was wetting his bare feet as he walked deeper into the forest. He brushed bushes and tree branches out of his way. He didn't want this to happen, but the influence of the evil spirit inside him was pushing him to continue. Within five minutes, he came into a small lake in the center of the forest. He had reached his destination, or the destination that the evil spirit wants him to be. He walked over to a large tree and sat cross legged next to it and he leaned his body against its trunk. All that he had left to do is wait. _Back in the mansion._ "Father. Have you seen Graviray?" Reece asked Brago as she came into the living room where Brago is leaning against the big window. "No." he answered his daughter's question. "Where could he be?" Reece asked herself. _With Sherry._ "Mrs. Sherry?" Sherry's butler Jii spoke to her as he entered the room she was in. "Yes, Jii," "Pardon me but I have discover some sort of... message I your son, master Graviray's bedroom." Jii spoke again. Sherry was surprise when she heard what her butler said. She got up on her feet and faced him. "Show me, Jii." _Back with Graviray five minutes later._ He felled asleep for a while, but was then woken up by a familiar voice. "Graviray?" He raised his head to see a girl with brown hair with a one streak that is orange. And those deep chocolatebrown eyes always made him remember who this girl is. "Kiko." he responded as he got up to see her eye-to-eye. Kiko was still wearing her light purple night gown, but she was wearing a brown comfortable coat-like jacket over it. With that, it made her look exactly like her mom when she was mind-controlled by Zofis. They were both the same height, so they didn't have to look down or up at the other. "What are you doing here?" she asked the hybrid child. "I should be asking you the same question." he answered. "Well I had a dream last night, and it was telling me something, something that involves this place. It told me that I should come here. I don't know why, but it said I should come." she responded. "Same thing with me." Graviray spoke next as soon as Kiko was done. She look into Graviray's eyes. They were different, they weren't the usual apple red color that he always had. It was now blood red and sun yellow colored. "Graviray, what's wrong with your eyes?" Kiko asked. "Oh, I just don't feel like myself today." he answered. He stared back into Kiko's sweet face and sweet chocolate brown eyes. "Kiko, there's something that I wanted to tell you for a very long time, ever since we first met. It's just that I was too shy to tell you ever since. Kiko, I lo..." Graviray spoke to her, but then he was cut off by Kiko. "I'm so cold." she said. "I know what will take your mind off the freezing air." Graviray spoke to her again. He may still sound like himself, but the evil spirit was still in control of him. "May I ask what it is?" she asked him. "Will you honor me with a dance?" he offered. _Graviary's POV._ Kiko! Get away from me! It's a trap! The evil spirit wants you so it could have a body of its own! Get away before its too late! _Zofis's POV._ Silence! Today's the day that I return! And I won't let you stop me! _Normal POV._ "I would love to." Kiko spoke with happiness and warmth in her eyes. She took his hand, but he stopped her for a minute. "I have a better idea ." he said to her, then he leaded her to the lake that they were in. "But Graviary. It's tool early and too cold to go swimming." Kiko said to him. "Who said anything about swimming?" he responded to her. Graviray's body began to give off a small purple glow around himself. The same thing happen to Kiko's body. "I have the powers of gravity remember. Just stay with me and there'll be nothing to worry about." he said with insist in his voice. Kiko trusted him and followed him to the lake, still holding his hand. She would of thought that they'll fall in and get soaked. But as soon as their bare feet touched the watery surface, their feet stayed on the surface instead of falling in. Kiko imagine this as a fantasy-come-alive. They continue to walk on the lake until they were in the very center. The surface may have still wet their bare feet, but to them, it felt like they were walking on solid ground. Only it was a bit wet and ripples were form for every step they take on the surface. "This is the best moment of my life." Kiko said to Graviray. "Me too." the hybrid responded. Kiko wrapped her arms around Graviray's neck as he wrapped his around her waist. She was as happy as much as the evil spirit inside Graviray was. They began to move slowly back and forth and in circles around the lake. "I always wonder how you do this?" she asked. "With my powers. But most of all, with love." Graviray answered her. Kiko smiled as she then rested her head on Graviray's chest, hearing his heart beat beside her ear. But it sounded so slow and so distant. Graviray then buried his head in her beautiful brown hair as they both continue to dance on the watery surface of the lake. (Zofis's energy is what's making them stand on the lake's surface without falling in.) _Back at the mansion._ Sherry got Brago and Reece to follow them into Graviray's room. Both Sherry and her daughter gasped at what they found while Brago's eyes were wide open in shock. "No." Reece spoke out first. "It can't be." Sherry spoke next. "It has already begun." Brago spoke last. "We need to get Koko and stop them before it's too late." Sherry said as she started to leave the room while Brago and Reece followed. Inside Graviray's room, there was writing on the wallpaper that gave out a both a message and warning. And it says: **My Daughter's the door.** **Your Son's the key.** **Today, I Return!** _**To Be Continued... next chapter: the kiss and the resurrection. (I promise this time.)**_ 11. The Kiss of Evil _I've Updated, but you all already know that. Well enough of me. Here's the next chapter._ * * * **Chapter 12: The Kiss of Evil.** Brago, Sherry, Reece, and Koko were rushing through the forest. They had to find Graviray and Kiko before you-know-what happens. "Are you sure that it's this way Brago?" Sherry asked her husband. She was carrying his black spell book with her, incase of something bad happens. "I'm positive Sherry. They're only a mile away. We have to move faster, before it's too late." Brago responded to his wife as he jumped over a log. Reece had no problem jumping over it either, but Sherry and Koko had to move around it. 'Please be safe, Graviray. Please' The blond thought as she caught up with Brago and Reece. 'I won't let _him_ take you away from me Kiko, I promise.' Koko also thought to herself as she too caught up with the others. _At the lake in the middle of the forest._ Both Graviray and Kiko had just finished dancing. Now they both continue to walk on the lake's surface, heading back to the solid ground. And the only thing that they got wet was their bare feet. Kiko had her head resting on Graviray's shoulder and had her arms wrapped around his stomach. Graviray had his head resting on Kiko's head as he wrapped his left arm around her waist. "That was incredible." Kiko spoke softly to the hybrid next to her. "I know." Graviray responded as he drew Kiko closer to his side. Now they were back on the solid ground and the purple glow that kept both of them on the lake's surface had disappeared. "Graviray what's wrong? You're acting different today." Kiko spoke. She then turned to face him and now her chocolate eyes were now fixed on the new red and yellow eyes that belong to the hybrid. "There's nothing wrong Kiko. I'm perfectly fine." Graviray answered her in a way that sure that almost anyone could tell that he had an evil spirit inside him. "I'm worried about you Graviray. If that evil spirit inside you ever does anything to you, I'll never forgive myself. I want you to be safe and happy. I wanted to tell you how I feel for along time Graviray." Kiko said as tears formed in her eyes. The real Graviray was surprised at what he heard. He wanted to tell her how he felt about her too, but the evil spirit inside him was still in control. "I love you!" Kiko cried out as she then threw her arms around him and brought him into an embracing hug. "I love you too." he responded. _Zofis's POV._ Excellent! My powers are fully restored. Now all that I need left is my daughter's body. _Graviray's POV._ No! Kiko! Get away! Zofis will use you to bring himself back to life! Get away from me! _Zofis's POV._ How many times do I have to tell you, you host. SHUT UP! I can't let you stop me now, and I won't let you stop me! Not when I'm so close to my goal! _Graviray's POV._ Get... Out... Of... My... Body... You... Parasite! _Normal POV._ "Graviray? Can you do something for me, please?" Kiko asked the hybrid in her arms. He nodded in return. "What is it?"he asked her. They stared into each other's eyes like, forever. There was silence among them for minutes, until it was broken by Kiko's answer. "Kiss me." _Zofis's POV._ Yes! Yes! That's it! Kiss him! _Graviray's POV._ No! Don't do It please! _Normal POV._ Kiko's lips began to move closer and closer and closer to Graviray's face... until _Zofis's POV._ Yes! _Graviray's POV._ No! _Zofis's POV._ YES! _Graviray's POV._ NO! _Zofis's POV._ YES! _Graviray's POV._ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! _Zofis's POV._ YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS! _Normal POV._ Their lips met. _Somewhere near the center of the forest._ Reece had stopped dead in her tracks. "No." "What is it, Reece?" Sherry asked as she and Koko stopped next to her. "We're too late. It has already happened." she responded to her mother. Both Sherry and Koko gasped in shock at what Reece said. "HURRY!" Brago called out to the girls. He too could sense Zofis's life energy coming back too life. He sprinted off faster than he was before. And the others continue to run faster than they were before as well. They have to find them. Now! _Back with the couple._ A small light appeared inside Graviray's mouth and it was getting brighter and brighter each second. Kiko's eyes shot wide open as she saw the shining light leaving Graviray's mouth and began to enter her mouth. She broke their kiss and was backing up away from Graviray. His eyes changed from red and yellow back into the apple red colored eyes that he always had. He had regained control over his body again. "KIKO!" he shouted as he ran up to her and gently shook her to wake her up. "Graviray." she answered as she raised her head to his. "I'm sorry." After her last words, she screamed in pain as a bright aura surrounded her. Graviray wrapped his arms around her. No matter what this evil spirit is doing, he won't leave her. He held her close to himself as she continue to scream in pain. Graviray saw where all that bright light was coming from; Kiko's back. He kept staring at the light as he held Kiko even more closer to himself. His eyes shot wide open at what he then saw. A large slash-like-cut opened up in her back and more light was coming out of it. If that wasn't a bad sight for Graviray, then the last thing he saw scared the living hell out of him. A pale ghost-like hand emerged from Kiko's back. Then it became an arm, and last, the rest of whatever it was attached to emerged out of her. The giant flash of light had sent both Graviray and Kiko flying to the ground. Kiko's screaming had reduced to deep breathing. She was sweating all over her face, but at least the pain had stopped. She had enough strength to open her eyes and stand up a bit. She found herself on Graviray. His eyes opened as well, but his normal apple red colored eyes were back to normal. "You okay?" he asked her and she nodded. She then got off of him and he got back up himself. The next thing they heard was evil hellish laughing. They both hold each other and braced themselves for whatever came out of Kiko. A figure stood where the source of light once was. It appeared to be as tall as Graviray and Kiko are. It had sharpred clawed finger nails and it had pale-white skin. It was wearing a dark purple cloak with long sharp yellow spines around the collar part. And it was wearing a large iron mask-like helmet on its head. The figure stood up and faced both Graviray and Kiko. It smiled evilly, then it slowly removed its helmet from its head. The figure's face looked like something that you would see on either a doll or a clown, except it looked more... decayed. Its right eye was yellow and red colored, but its left eye had pale colors that made it look like the figure was blind in was blind, and black blood was oozing out it. And its right cheek was rotten away, so all that you could see was its skeleton. And lastly, it had dirty decayed orange hair. And it looked both pissed and happy at the same time. "At last. I never thought my plan would work, but it had. At last, I live once more, with a new body. I'm more powerful than I was before." the figure spoke to the teens ahead of itself. "You're Zofis." Graviray spoke to the figure. "Indeed, I am." the figure we know as the new reborn Zofis answered. He then turned his attention to Kiko next to Graviray. "Aw, Kiko. You look so much like your mother, when I took overher mind. I know we never had any... quality time together, time between... father and daughter." Kiko felt like she was going to die at the evil words of the figure. "You're my... father?" Zofis nodded and walked closer to Kiko, but then Graviray got in front of him. "I won't let you hurt her!" he called out at the reborn evil being. Zofis only chuckled evilly at Graviray's words. "Oh, I won't hurt her, in fact, I was going to let her become my slave. And since you love her so much, I'm going to let you..." Zofis responded as he then raised his hand at Graviray's face and then it started to glow. "... join me." Then a blackish purple aura glowed around Graviray's body as he grabbed his head and began screaming in pain. The pain was unbearable and Graviray thought he was being torn aprat piece by painful piece. But Zofis then dropped his hand down and the aura around Graviray disappeared. The young hybrid's eyes opened and he stood up again. "Graviray?" Kiko asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder. But he then turned around really fast at her and it revealed his eyes changed again. But they weren't yellow and red. This time, his eyes were unholy dark purple colored. "What have you done to him?" she shouted at Zofis. "I only brought him over to our side, that's all. But now..." Zofis answered, but then he raised his hand at Kiko and it glowed again. "Come to me... Kiko." he finished. She screamed again as the same aura surrounded her and she too grabbed hold of her head. And as soon as the glow disappeared, Kiko stopped screaming and her eyes were too were changed from her normal chocolate eyes, into dark unholy purple eyes. "Excellent my daughter. Now take this." Zofis spoke to Kiko. Then he reached into his dark purple cloak and pulled out a dark purple spell book. GRAVIRAY! KIKO! NO!" someone called out to them. They all turned around to find Brago, Reece, Sherry, and Koko coming into view. "You're too late fools. They're both mine now." Zofis called out to them. "Zofis. It can't be." Brago spoke in shock. "We're too late." Sherry said as she fell on her knees and tears appeared in her eyes. "And I still have a score to settle with you too. And that goes to you too Koko! For not being strong enough to make me the king!" Zofis yelled at them. Graviray walked passed Zofis and spoke out to his family. "You were never the mother you should've been Sherry. And I should've destroyed you when I had the chance, Reece. And I shall have my revenge after what you did to me father." his voice sounded raspy and more dark. He raised his hand at them and it started to glow. Graviray smiled evilly as his family was forced to the ground by his power. It was stronger than it once was. "Excellent my 'son'. Now daughter, let's finish them." Zofis said to Kiko. "Yes father." she answered with an evil giggle-like laugh. She then opened Zofis's spell book and it glowed with the same color as the book's binders. "_Radom_" Zofis firedan explosive psychic orbout at the Belmond family and Koko, who were still pinned down by Graviray's power. It made a direct attack and an explosion was set off. "Wonderful. They are all finally destroyed. Now my children, lets go and make the Mamodo world and the human world exactly what we want it to be: Mine." Zofis announced. Then he let out his evil laugh as he put his helmet back on his head and walked away, with the mind-controlled Graviray and Kiko smiling evilly as they followed their 'father', holding hands. _**To Be Continued...** (A/N: I always thought about making Zofis coming back as an undead version of himself was a good idea.)_ _ * * * _ _Mini Story_ _Me: (I'm staring at Zofis evilly while smiling.)_ _Zofis: seriously, why are you staring at me like that?_ _Me: I've been waiting all this time for you to get out of Graviray's body. And now that you have, let's play a game of Whack-a-Zofis._ _Zofis: No! Not the stick!_ _Me: Oh, I'm not using the stick..._ _Zofis: (Sighs in relief.)_ _Me: I"M GOING TO BE USING THIS! (Pulls out a giant sludge hammer the size of a tree.)_ _Zofis: OH DEAR FUCKING HELL SHIT! (Starts running away screaming like the girl he really is.)_ _Me: (while chasing Zofis.) WAIT! HOLD IT! STOP! I JUST WANT TO CRUSH YOU!_ _But later I ended up backing him into a corner._ _Me: Say night, night!_ _Zofis: KOKO HELP ME!_ _Me: SHUT UP AND HOLD STILL! THIS WILL ONLY HURT A LOT!_ _I was about to smash Zofis until a rock was thrown at it hit me in the head._ _Me: (really pissed off now.) WHO DARES!_ _I turn around to see Koko in her battle outfit, hopping around me, sticking her tongue out at me. And I then I turn and smash Zofis with my sludge hammer. Koko continues to make fun of me._ _Then I turn my attention to all of you people who are reading this chapter, then I turn back to Koko who's still making fun of me. Then I look back at all of you, then back at Koko. I then raised my sludge hammer high in the air._ _Me: (saying this to all of you readers about Koko.) All right..._ _Then I raise my hammer even higher._ _Me: ... THIS CHICK IS TOAST!_ 12. Evil Reborn _**Author Notes:**_ _**Computerfreak101: **Cool! Together, You, me, and Twi will stop at nothing to make Zofis's life a living hell! And if you read my mini story at the bottom of this new chapter, then things are about to get extremely intense! You are welcome to join and watch._ _**Twilight Memories: **Yes, duh, I know all about the part that only one person can read from each spell book. I'm not stupid. And if you just read this new chapter I made, then you'll get the information that you need to know why Kiko's Zofis's book owner now. Besides, back in the last battle a thousand years ago, the millennium used to have book owners back in the past, but since they were freed by Zofis and are going to be in the battle that's happening now, they get new book owners. So how do you explain that, huh? And well, thanks for pointing out the grammar errors. But, like I said before in one of the previous chapters, even though I proofread it, I sometimes miss a few mistakes. And the whole past-present thing, It's really confusing that it gives me a headache. So the next time you review, can you please not be too jumpy in pointing out errors, it sort of makes me feel like I work on these chapters for nothing but to only get spelling lessons and directions. And if there are any grammar errors in this chapter, then please just ignore them. No one is perfect in grammar, ya know. But to make it up to you somehow, I've made a special mini story at the bottom of this chapter that I think you'll love to read, I hope. So you're more than welcome to read it and find out what happens in the mini story._ ** * * * Chapter 13: Evil Reborn. ** The smoke was disappearing and it appeared that Brago, Sherry, Reece, and Koko had survive Zofis's blast. But Sherry didn't care. Streams of tears kept pouring from her face and she can't stop. "NO! How can this happen? First I lost Koko to that monster and now I lost my only son!" she screamed in sorrow. Even more tears formed in her eyes. Reece was also crying for losing her brother to that... that... thing! "Sherry?" Koko spoke to her best friend. "I never wanted this to happen!" "Sherry?" "Again, another horrible thing that I waspowerless to stop!" "Sherry?" "I'M SUCH AN AWFUL BAD MOTHER! ALL I WANTED IS WHAT WAS BEST FOR HIM! AND NOW HE'S TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!" "SHERRY!" Koko yelled at her and slapped her across the face to make her snap out of it. Sherry immediately shuts up once she felt Koko's slapped her. "Koko." she spoke, but had nothing else to say. "Remember Sherry, I was controlled by Zofis back in the battle for mamodo king, but both you and Brago were able to destroy him and free me from his control." she explained. "But that was only because we were also fighting Zatch, that child that looks like him, and the Mega-Mamodo. That was only because that our strongest spells collided. Now it's only us, and he's more powerful than he ever was." Sherry responded like it was the end of the world for her. "That maybe true Sherry, but you and Brago still freed me from his grasp. So that means if you can save me from Zofis, then you can also save your son and my daughter. They're our children Sherry. And like you and Brago, Graviray has a strong heart. And my daughter will do anything to help too. I bet that they're fighting against his control as we speak. But they're still going to need our help. Come on, let's go save our children." Koko encouraged her best friend. She then reached her hand out to Sherry. Sherry had found a little bit of light in this new dark tunnel that both she and her son were in. She took Koko's hand and Koko helped her up on her feet. "Let's go." _Somewhere In The Dark Forest._ "Okay since we have finally destroyed those fools and that traitor, we can rest for a bit, my new children." the new, more powerful, undead Zofis said to Graviray and Kiko. They both released their hands from each other. "You both need to change." "Why?" they both asked in unison. "Do you both want to go around destroying things in public wearing those?" Zofis pointed at them. They both looked down at themselves and found that they were still wearing their night cloths. "Point taken." the both spoke again in unison. "Here." Zofis reached into his large dark purple cloak and pulled out two sets of clothing. One of them was all black, but the other was both red and white with dark red boots. "This one's for you daughter." he handed the red and white one with the boots to Kiko. She slowly took them it into her arms and looked back at her evil father. " Your mother used to wore that outfit. And I believe that it's a class 'A' fashion statement." he explained with a little cackle. "Thank you my father and lord. I'm obliged that you gave me this outfit. I'll go change now." she spoke. Kiko then walked behind a large tree and began to undress. "And this one is yours my son." Zofis handed Graviray the set of black cloths. "Thank you my father and lord. I'll go change too." Graviray spoke as well as he went behind another large tree. "My lord?" "Yes my son." Zofis responded. "There's something that was on my mind that I wanted to ask you." Graviray said. "Let' er rip." Zofis gave him permission to ask his question. "Well, I know some bits about the Mamodos and their spell books, but only one person can read from each spell book, right? So if Koko was your book owner back in the battle for Mamodo king, how come Kiko can read your book now?" he asked as he was still undressing. "Why Graviray, didn't those imposters that you thought to be your parents ever tell you. Well, you see, it's true that one person can read from each book. Except for one thing. If anyway, instead of the book getting destroyed, if the Mamodo is the one destroyed instead, like I've been, the book owner and the spell book will lose all connections they both have with each other. And then the spell book will disappear into thin air instead of being burned. But if in a possible way, that a Mamodo is revived, its spell book will be reborn as well. But since that both the Mamodo and its spell book were destroyed permanently and were revived, they would need to find a New book owner, because like I said earlier, if the Mamodo was the one that was destroyed instead of the book, both the book and the book owner will lose all connections they both have. And since I was destroyed and revived, I needed a new book owner as well. And Kiko was the perfect one for the job. And as for the original book owner, they can't use the spell book anymore if the Mamodo has a new book owner. But they will be able read other spell books of other Mamodos that don't have book owners. Well, that's my answer. _(A/N: Is that a good enough for you Twilight?)_ Graviray thought for a while, but soon he now understands it. "Thank you for your wisdom... father." Within five minutes. Both Graviray and Kiko were all dressed up in their new battle outfits. Kiko was the first to reveal herself to both her father and Graviray, but he just peeked around the tree. Kiko's outfit was indeed the same battle outfit that her mother, Koko wore when she was under Zofis's control. And the best I could describe it is that it made both Koko and Kiko look like sort of cross between a knight and a ranger whenever they where that outfit, even though this was Kiko's first time. And it made them both look 'HOT' when they where it. And lastly, Kiko was wearing an iron mask that only cover her eyes and the top of her nose, and it even has two long iron spines moving down from the bottom part of her mask. Then lastly, Graviray revealed himself in his battle outfit. Everything he wore was black. He was wearing a black skin tight shirt with a white upside down star on its front. He was also wearing black sweat pants and black army boots. And last but not least, he was wearing a big black cape with a large white demon skull on its back and the exact same kind of iron mask that Kiko was wearing. "Well now, tell me, what do you too think of each other's new look?" Zofis asked as he standing in between them. None of them spoke, and he knew why. "Come on you two, there's no need hide your feelings, all three of us know that you two love each other." Zofis assist them to speak. Graviray was the first to say something. "She's damn, hot, sexy. Something I would love to suck the life out of." he said with no regrets. "You too. Hot and sexy as well. Something that I also would love to suck the life out of as well." Kiko responded. She then licked her lips in a sexual way. "Then I guess I'll let you two have some 'alone time'." Zofis smiled evilly behind his helmet. He then walked off into the deepest darkest part of the woods. 'I'll let them have some more fun until the time is right for my conquest to begin.' he thought as he disappeared into the shadows. Both Graviray and Kiko walked up to each other and wrapped their arms around each other. They moved their faces closer and were brought into a kiss. Their masks touched each other as well and they both inserted their tongues into each other's mouths. Kiko then moved explored Graviray's body with her hands. She only felt his chest and his back. It wasn't muscular, nor was it small, it was just normal. Graviray had some fun of his own too. He moved his hands onto Kiko's sides, hips, back, and even rubbed her neck with his hand. They then removed their hands off each other and they took their masks off. Now with both of them looking into each other's pale purple eyes, they wrapped their arms around each other again and they both fell to the ground and continue their little make out. _With Zofis._ "Now that everything's in order, there will be no one and nothing to stop me from making both worlds mine. All mine!" **_ * * * To Be Continued..._** _MINI STORY: The dual!_ _(In real life, I now have the Zatch Bell video game! And it rocks!)_ _(Zofis sees me doing something so he walks over to me.)_ _Zofis: what are you doing Rahkshi?_ _Me: playing my newest video game._ _Zofis: oh. What is it?_ _Me: it's the new Zatch Bell video game._ _Zofis: (starting to seem interested.) Really?_ _Me: Yep_ _Zofis: (looks around to see that it's just only him and me) can you teach me how to play?_ _Me: okay._ _Minutes later._ _(Now Zofis knows how to play the Zatch Bell Video Game.)_ _Me: you know Zofis, I think that Zeno makes a better villain then you._ _Zofis: excuse me, but I'm positive that I make a better villain than Zeno._ _Me: oh come on, all I've seen you do in the show is just talk, set a town on fire, and even hypnotized some good-looking chick._ _Zofis: point._ _Me: my point is that you're all talk and no action. I've seen Zeno kicked Baltro's ass and erased Zatch's memories. Now that's what I call a better villain._ _Zofis: That's it! I'll prove to you that I'm a better villain than that Zatch clone freak!_ _Me: are you challenging me?_ _Zofis: as a matter of fact, yes!_ _Me: you're on!_ **_Minutes later._** _(I told everyone about the challenge Zofis made. So there's a big dual on the video game. Me vs. Zofis. it's in a big room and we're playing on a big. Giant screen t.v. And that's not all, all the characters in the Zatch bell show are here to see the dual, and a lot of them are making bets. And I the front row with me and Zofis in big comfy chairs are Zatch, Kiyo, Brago, Sherry, Zeno, and Koko. And here's all the special guests that I invite: Twilight Memories, Computerfreak101, Miana, Mars Cutie, Staticshock28, BadboyUSA, Greenway, and everyone else who have reviewed all of my stories. And well, everyone's getting impatient because I'm going over a bunch of safety things first. Plus me and Zofis are wearing soda drinking hats. And when I say everyone, I mean by both Mamodos, their book owners, and all fanfiction artistes that I've invited.)_ _Kiyo: Come, Rahkshi get to the dual, we're getting bored here._ _Brago: We've paid nine dollars for a dual, not rules!_ _Sherry: hey! I've paid ten._ _Zatch: Rahkshi move it!_ _Me: hold your horses, I'm almost done._ _Someone in the back row: GET ON WITH THE DUAL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!_ _(I then turn my attention to Zofis. Then I grab a microphone and I then start talking into it while I'm looking a Zofis.)_ _**Me: **Now Zofis, before we begin, let me just go over a few more safety procedures: Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Please keep your hands on the controller on all times. And if you suffer anything like major butt cramps, well, there's nothing we can do about it._ _Kaiser (remember, he's my yami.): come on hikari! These people want to see a show down!_ _Me: mind your business Kaiser, I'm almost done._ _Everyone: (shrugs.)_ _Me:(while still speaking into the microphone) now Zofis. Have you removed all of your jewelery?_ _Zofis: (sips some soda from the soda drinking hat on his head.)_ _Me: (silence for a few seconds until...)... Are you allergic to shellfish?_ _Everyone: RAHKSHI!_ _Me: Right then! Smoke him if you got it! (Then I ran to my chair and I turn on the game.)_ _(Me and Zofis had chosen our teams. Zofis chose himself and Koko and I've chosen Zeno and Dufort. And our battle arena is the park/playground.)_ _Me: Okay! Let's make it Rophie, Zophie!_ _Game: round one. BEGIN!_ _Everyone: (CHEERS OUT LOUD!)_ _Who will win? Me or Zophie? You decide._ _Zofis: STOP CALLING ME THAT_! 13. The Ultimate Battle Part 1 _**Author Notes:**_ _**Blaze Azumanga Fire: **Hope you get better in the hospital. And you can vote who will win in my duel if you want, but the real way to decide who wins is for both me and Zofis to actually go at it. But anyways, enjoy this new chapter._ _**Chelseasba: **There you go, I've updated. Enjoy._ _**Wolf of the Night Rain: **Like up above for Chelsaesba, I've updated and enjoy._ _**Twilight Memories: **Well, actually, most of their original book owners are still alive. But for the grammar/spelling errors, I didn't mean it that way. I appreciate you helping me in pointing out my mistakes, it's just what I really meant was that when you point out mistakes, you sort of point out a lot of errors, and it could either be a bit annoying or it would make me nervous when I try to do better whenever I update something. You just misunderstood what I was saying in the last chapter. It was really that you can still help point out errors for me, but can you please just point only the **MAJOR** errors that I make, and not all of them. It really makes me nervous when I'm trying to update, and I end up making some more mistakes because of it. So can you please just point out the **MAJOR** errors if I make them, and not all of them. I would really appreciate it more._ _**Computerfreak101: **That's exactly how my duel with ZOPHIE will go. I appreciate you helping me with corrections as well. But like Twilight, you sort of point out a lot of them that aren't really much of a big deal, and it too makes me nervous when I'm updating, and it could end up with errors also. You can still help with the corrections, but like Twilight, could you please just point out only the **MAJOR** errors instead of all of them, like the ones that aren't much of a big deal. I would really appreciate it more as well. And I forgive you about the second chapter, just be careful how you plan out your chapters, because just like me, others will notice some similarities and will start to get suspicious. Oh, and Kiko wants to ask you something._ _Kiko: um, Cf101, why did you call me and Graviray naughty? What did we do that was naughty?_ _**Emma Iveli: **Okay, egg Zofis on if you want, it's your money and eggs that are on the line in this duel. Well, not really, but enjoy the chapter and the duel._ ** * * * Chapter 14: The Ultimate Battle Part 1.** Two days have pass since that dark morning when Zofis was reborn as his new more powerful, undead version. Now here we find the three dark trio at the ruins of the old town where Zofis had destroyed back in the battle for Mamodo King. It now only serves as a dark reminder of a tragic past, and it's also a little detour for new people who have moved to Japan. Zofis along with mind controlled 'children' were standing on top of ruined house roof that was strong enough to support their weight, looking down at group of people taking a tour through the burnt town. "Now my children, the time has come to begin our conquest for global domination of both worlds. Juts stick with me Kiko, and you'll have nothing to worry about. And it's also time Graviray, to put your new powers to the test." the evil undead Mamodo spoke to the mind controlled teens, who only nodded slowly in agreement. "Now ladies first. Will you give the honors, my daughter." he said with an evil smile. Kiko opened the Dark red-purple spell book in her hands and it glowed as she called out a spell. "_Radom"_ A ball of light shot out of Zofis's hand and it blasted the ground in front of the group of people. The spell was just used to get their attention. The three evildoers jumped off the roof and landed on the ground in front of the group of people. "Humans! Surrender to my new world order and I'll might let you all live." Zofis called out to the people. "And what if we don't? Huh, punks?" someone from the group called out which got the rest to laugh at the dark trio. Then Graviray, Kiko, and Zofis's eyes began to glow through their iron masks/helmet. "Have it your way then." Zofis responded calmly as he then snapped his fingers, which was an order for Kiko to call out another spell. "_Teoradom_" Zofis raised his hand up to the sky and then a cluster of glowing balls of light formed in midair. He smiled more evilly behind his helmet as his hand swung towards the ground and the cluster of balls began to fell from the sky. It made the group of people shut up and they began to scream and run away. "Oh no you don't. Do it, Graviray." Graviray's purple eyes glowed even brighter as he too raised his hand up and another cluster of balls formed above him and his hand swung down and the cluster balls fell and blocked the tourists' only way out. They all turned around and looked at the dark trio. "You all thought you would rather insult me and my children, eh! Well now it's our turn!" Zofis yelled out as Graviray took a step forward and waited for his 'father' to give him more power. A green energy whip formed in his hand and he gripped it. He swung it around himself for a bit, and last he lashed it out towards the group of tourists. The whip made contact and exploded, injurying few of the people. How did Graviray get Zofis's powers again? Well it began yesterday morning. _FLASHBACK._ _While Kiko was bathing in a nearby river, Zofis had a special 'gift' for Graviray._ "_Graviray. Now that I have set you free from your former parents, do you wish to be perfect?" Zofis asked and Graviray nodded. "Then you shall receive a 'gift'. A gift that will make you invincible. A gift that will make you divine. A gift that will make you... perfect." Zofis smiled evilly behind his helmet as he raised his hand to Graviray's body and it began to glow._ _A wisp of glowing air came out of Zofis's hand and it circled around Graviray's body. It felt cold against his skin, but then again, he always felt cold ever since he joined with Zofis and Kiko. The wisp then disappeared within Graviray's body. He felt more stronger than ever with this 'gift' inside him._ "_I've given you some of my own powers. But remember this. Over time, your new powers will fuse together with your original powers, giving you a power that even surpasses even me and your father. But you will always remain loyal to me, right?" Zofis explained. Graviray only nodded to his 'new father's' words._ "_Good. But you must remember this as well. You and my daughter may have been born as hybrids, but with every hybrid in life, they must choose wether to later in life become as either one of the things it's born of, or the other. So since my daughter has become my new book owner, that means she has chosen to become all-human. But now soon when the time has come, you must choose as well to become human like my daughter...or...become All-Mamodo forever._ _END FLASHBACK._ Kiko joined in and called out some of the first and the second spells. A lot of people were injured and the person who insulted the dark trio ended up dead by the hands of Zofis himself. Every tourist was either injured or knocked out, all except one. A mother and her two year-old daughter were back to a building, holding her child close to her. The three walked up to the mother and her daughter. Kiko was about to call out another spell until Zofis stopped her. "Now it's your turn, Graviray. Destroy these two." Zofis said to his 'son' and he stepped up and raised his hand at the two humans. The woman's daughter was screaming in fear of Graviray. He waited for the power to come, but it didn't. "Well my 'son', destroy them." Zofis repeated at him. "Please, don't hurt my daughter. Please don't hurt Kitty." the mother begged Graviray not to attack, but he didn't listen... or did he. Graviray was trying to make the power come to him again, and it was beginning to show up, but something was holding him back. Part of him wants to vaporize the two humans, but the other part was keeping him from doing it, like that other part doesn't want to kill them. "What are you waiting for? Kill them!" Zofis snapped at him. The young child in the mother's arms began to scream and cry even louder. Light began to appear in Graviray's palm, but it's somehow not coming out all the way. He wanted to both hurt them and not hurt them. He wasn't fighting himself, he was fighting against Zofis' control. He doesn't want to hurt the mother and child at all. "Kill Them! Obey me!" Zofis shouted at him to do it, but the child screamed so loud that you just want to shut it up. "KILL THEM! SILENCE THAT ANNOYING SCREAMING! I'M THE ONE WHO SAVED YOU FROM THOSE EVIL PEOPLE, NOW DO WHAT I SAY AND KILL THOSE DAMN HUMANS!" The power was beginning to come at last. Graviray could feel the Radom spell forming more faster in his hand. It's time to unleash its destructive force. The mother covered her daughter's eyes and turned away to face their coming doom. Until... "_Rior Reis"_ ...two beams of purple and green energy shot out from nowhere and hit both Zofis and Kiko. Graviray swung his hand away and fired the Radom spell that was forming in his at wherever that attack came from. Than four figures appeared from the sand that was kicked up after Graviray's attack. It was Brago, Sherry, Reece, and Koko. Zofis and Kiko got back up and joined with Graviray. "I thought we had destroyed all of you!" Zofis yelled. "Just like you wouldn't go down that easy back in the battle for king, neither will we." Brago responded. "And we won't stop until you release Graviray and Kiko." Reece spoked next. "Zofis, this time we'll destroy you for good. And we'll make sure that you remain destroyed." Sherry finished as she opened Brago's black spell book. "_Reis"_ Brago fired his gravity orb out of his hand at Zofis. Reece heard her mother's voice called out the same spell not only for real, but also in her mind. She too fired a gravity orb out of her hand as well. But the opposing side was ready to counter their attacks. "_Radom_" Kiko called out Zofis's first spell as he fired the orb of light out of his hand. Graviray fired an orb of light as well. Both gravity orbs and telekinetic orbs collided and exploded on contact. Now both sides were getting ready to launch their second waves. "_Gigano Ries."_ "_Gigano Radom"_ Brago and Reece launched more powerful versions of their original Reis spells while both Zofis and Graviray launched more powerful versions of their original Radom spells. All four attacks collided like the first wave, but something happened to Brago, Reece, and Sherry, that caught them off guard. _"Rond Radom"_ Kiko called out Zofis's third spell and an telekinetic energy whip appeared in his right hand and he whip lashed it out at the Bellmonds as soon as the explosion from their second attacks cleared up. The Belmond's son unleashed one of his own original powers and pinned the rest of his family to the ground with gravity. It was so powerful, thanks to Zofis for giving Graviray more power, that even Brago can't break free from its crushing force. "Even if this next spell doesn't kill you, I'll keep using it until it does!" Zofis cackled as he raised his hand into the air and Kiko called out his second spell. "_Teoradom"_ Orbs of telekinetic light appeared in midair above Zofis and his 'children' and then he swung them down towards the Belmonds. "This is the end for you... Brago and Sherry." Zofis said with an evil smile creeping on his face behind his iron helmet. Both Graviray and Kiko smiled evilly too as their purple eyes shined behind their iron eye masks. The Belmonds could do nothing but wait for the pain to come, until they heard a spell that doesn't belong to either Brago, nor Zofis. "_Rashield"_ _**To Be Continued...**_ * * * MINI STORY: The Duel Part 2 (Me and Zofis are in the middle of round one of our duel on the Zatch Bell video game. In case you forgot, Zofis's chosen team is Zofis(himself) and Koko and my chosen team is Zeno and Dufort. And we're fighting in the park/playground arena.) (And everyone's making and placing their bets, thanks to Kaiser and Maiana. Good characters are rooting for me to win while all the evil Mamodos and their book owners except Zeno and Dufort are rooting for Zophie.) Zofis: Stop calling that! Me: I'll prove to you that Zeno is a better villain than you'll ever be! Zeno from the crowd: Thanks Rahkshi! At least someone appreciates me as a better evil Mamodo. Zofis: and I'll prove to you that I'm the better Villain than Zeno! (My team dodges Zofis's 'Londo Radom' spell and I attacked with a 'Zaker' spell, then a 'Zakerga' spell.) Zofis: why do you keep hitting me with that combo! Me: Because it's kicking your man-lady butt. Zofis: I won't be having an attitude from an author! (Meanwhile, Kaiser was feeling a bit lonely sitting all by himself, so he begins to scoot closer to Maiana.) (I used the same combo again, but Zofis was ready for me this time.) Zofis: Got ya! (He then activates his team's 'Gigarado Shield' spell. Then blasts my team with a couple of 'Radom' spells.) Zofis: Ha! How do you like me now! Me: I don't. I hate you! (Zofis unleashed his team's 'Teoradom' spell. But it's time for me to finish round one.) Me: Stand up to this Man-Lady! (Then I activate Zeno's 'Rashield' spell. He really has that spell in the game. And Zofis's 'Teoradom' spell is reflected back at Zofis.) Me: eat this! (Then I wipe out what's left of his team's health with a charged up 'Zakerga' spell.) Zofis: WHAT! Me: oh yeah! I'm the man! Am I the man? Folgore: Hey everyone! Zophie got beaten by Rahkshi500 on round one. Let's all laugh at him! (All the good character's are cheering for me and began laughing at Zofis, but all the evil characters except Zeno and Dufort are shouting 'Boo' at me. Who needs them anyway.) (And Kaiser begins to scoot even closer to Maiana. What?) (Oh, and everyone, since you all have your profiles where you keep all of your stories, communities, and favorites, do you know where or how I could create my own profile? Please.) Zofis: You won't have that much luck in round two! 14. The Ultimate Battle Part 2 _**Author Notes:**_ _**Computerfreak101: **Thanks for showing me how to make my own profile. And Maiana, thanks for excepting Kaiser's love. He's really tankful for it._ _**Twilight Memories: **Like Cf101, thanks for showing me how to make my own profile, so just enjoy this new chapter._ ** * * * Chapter 15: The Ultimate Battle Part 2.** "_Rashield"_ A spell was called out and an obelisk-like shield of white energy emerged from the ground and blocked the cluster of telekinetic orbs. The orbs were surrounded by electric shocks and were launched back at Graviray, Zofis, and Kiko. "Don't just stand there, do something!" Zofis yelled at his daughter to call out another spell, and so she did. "_Gigarado Shield"_ Zofis shot his hand out from under his dark purple cloak and a giant shield of fire appeared out and blocked their reflected attack. "Who dares!" Zofis yelled out coldly and sickly. Brago, Sherry, and Reece turned around to see who had cast that spell. At first they thought it was Zatch Bell, but instead, it was that mamodo child that looked like Zatch, except with pale skin, white hair, and dark purple eyes and his book owner: Zeno and Dufort. "_Zaker"_ Graviray turned his head and saw a blast of yellow lightning heading towards them. He swung his hand around and unleashed his powers.A telekinetic orb formed in his hand and shot out and collided with the lightning. The dust that was kicked up soon expired and it revealed the King of The Mamodo World and his book owner: Zatch Bell and Kiyo. "What are you guys doing here?" Reece called out at Zeno and Zatch. "I felt Zofis's energy restored on the day he was reborn, so I gathered the mamodos who were in the last fight in the battle for king to aid you to destroy Zofis again." Zatch explained as both he and Kiyo grouped with the others. "And I'm only doing this because I hate Zofis just as much as any one else." Zeno replied in a tone that sounds like he doesn't care at all of what's happening. "We're here to help too." a voice spoke and Sherry turned to see Tia, Megumi, Neo, and Meggy standing by Zatch and Kiyo's side. "Hey Tia, are you sure that Zanny with be okay." Megumi whispered into Tia's ear. "Don't worry, Kolulu is taking care of her." the red-head answered. "Neo, Meggy, help Koko get those innocent people out of here." Kiyo said to his kids and they agreed and ran to help Koko. "Anyways, Zofis is more powerful than he ever was, so we're going to need all the help we could get." Brago spoke as he held out his hand, aimed at Zofis. "Right." Sherry agreed as she reopened the black book. _"Gigano Reis" _and both Brago and Reece fired their Gigano Reis spells. "_Zakerga"_ "_Zakerga"_ "_Saisu"_ Both Zatch and Zeno shot out stronger versions of their Zaker spells while Tia launched an energy wind blade. All five spells were on a collision course with Zofis and his 'children' Graviray jumped in front of Zofis and Kiko and unleashed the flaming shield to block all of the attacks launched at them. As the shield disappeared, Graviray, Zofis, and Kiko were long gone. But that won't stop the group from giving up. "I can sense them. They're heading to the forest." Brago said as he sprinted off through the burnt town and towards the forest, with the others following him. _Meanwhile with Koko, Neo, and Meggy._ "Well, that's everyone." Neo spoke as he was sweeping his hands against each other. "Thank goodness, now lets go and - GAH!" Koko responded but was cut off by a struck of major pain in her stomach. She felled to her knees and clutched her gut with her hands. "Are you okay, Ms. Koko?" Meggy asked as she placed her hand on Koko's shoulder. "No, I feel like-" she was cut off by leaning down and ten she barfed. Meggy rubbed her back as Koko continued to empty her stomach. "What's happening?" Neo asked as he leaned down and sat next his sister. Koko slowly raised her head and spoke in a painful voice. " I'm... I'm... Pregnant again." _Back with the others._ The others had finally caught up with Zofis, Graviray, and Kiko and surrounded them. "It ends right here and now, Zofis!" Brago yelled out at the evil Mamodo. "Actually Brago, this battle has just begun." Zofis responded and then turned his head to Graviray. Graviray nodded and raised his hand out at his family. "_Gigano Reis"_ "_Zakerga"_ "_Zakerga"_ "_Saisu"_ All the Mamodos fired their spells out, but Graviray wasn't worried at all. A devastating force of gravity was blasted out of Graviray's hand and it vaporized all of the opposing spells and crushed the Mamodos and their partners in a great radius and he went around in a circle twice. "Excellent my 'son'." Zofis congratulated Graviray while he began to slowly clap his hands, but Graviray pointed his finger out at the destruction he caused. "Forgive me, father, but they have survived, barely." Figures began to emerge from the destruction. Brago was the first to get up, but he looked back down and saw his wife and daughter barely trying to get up. Reece seemed fine, but Sherry felt like something in her broke. She tried to get back up, but she slipped and fell back on her back. She screamed in pain when she felt the impact, because her back's where it hurts the most. Brago was devoured in rage of how could this had happen? His family being slowly destroyed by his own flesh and blood. "HOW COULD YOU!" he screamed his entire breath out in anger and rage at his son. His son smiled evilly as his purple eyes flashed from behind his iron mask. "Because you were never the father you should've been. You have punished me long enough when my 'real father' was inside me. And I still have the mark to prove it." Graviray responded as he then pointed at the scar on his left cheek. It was the same scar where Brago slapped him when his eyes changed into Zofis's, and it turned out when he slapped him, his claws left a cut on his cheek, and after three days, it had never healed. Brago had regretted it, it wasn't Graviray's fault that his eyes changed, that bastard Zofis was inside him back then, but he never got to apologized for it. "You have grown weak, Brago. And weak enough for me to kill both you and Sherry. But I'll save you two for last." he finished as he began running off deeper into the forest. But Reece somehow mange to get back up and follow him. "Sherry, are you able to keep fighting?" Brago turned to his wife and helped her up. She nodded and was about to speak, but Brago cut her off. "Good. But Sherry, as much as I hate to do this, and I know as much as you hate to do this, but it leaves us no choice. Graviray's not the son we've known and love anymore. Even though he's possessed, Zofis has changed him. When I looked into his eyes, they had changed back to normal as he smiled that evil smile that Zofis uses. That is a sign that means he's doing this by his own free will. We have no choice." "What are you saying." Sherry asked her husband, with fear rising inside her every second. "We must kill our son." _Somewhere else in the forest._ Reece had chased her brother through the forest until she came to a clear cliff side. She couldn't see him anywhere. But she could hear him. She looked up and saw Graviray falling down onto her as he unleashed a Gravirei spell. Reece quickly jumped out of the way before the spell could harm her. "You've made a foolish choice to follow me, Reece." her brother spoke. "Brother! Don't you remember me? It's me, Reece, your big sister. You have to break free from Zofis's control! I'll save you from that monster!" Reece called out to Graviray. "You got it all wrong, sis. Zofis isn't controlling me. I'm doing this by my own free will." Graviray spoke evilly as he removed his iron mask from his face and he tossed it aside. Reece gasped to see his eyes weren't unholy purple anymore. His eyes are red again, but look more unholy-like. "You'll be the first to die." he spoke as he gathered energy and charged towards his sister. Reece had never felt so betrayed, her own baby brother really had betrayed their family on his own free will. But then her sadness turned into deep anger and rage and then her energy began to gather as well. She screamed out loud as she charged at her brother. And so the battle between the Belmond siblings begins. _**To Be Continued...**_ _ * * * MINI STORY._ _(And so the second round between me and Zofis had begun. We're now battling in the riverside arena for round 2.)_ _**Zofis:** I'm not going to lose this round!_ _**Me: **I seriously doubt that._ _(And there's a few new guesses joining us: Salaya, Camille, and my Mamodo, Zero. Join the party, guys!)_ _**Zero: **(Blushing)_ _**Kaiser: **Why are you blushing?_ _**Zero:** (points at Computerfrea101's muse Salaya.)_ _**Kaiser: **Oh. Why?_ _**Zero: **I don't know, I just like her, that's all._ _**Kaiser:** Why? Are you in love?_ _**Zero: **(growls)_ _**Kaiser: **Whatever dude._ _**Zero: **(talking to himself) I have nothing against Rahkshi500. I like him as my book owner and all, but I wonder what it'll be like to have someone good-looking like Salaya to be my book owner._ _(Kaiser then walks over to Maiana and kisses her on the cheek and sits next to her, with his right wing wrapped around her.)_ _**Me: **Oh, yeah! I'm in the clear again!_ _(I my team attacks with a 'Teozaker' spell. And Zofis comes back with a 'Gigano Radom' spell.)_ _**Me: **You've made a terrible mistake challenging me to a duel, Zophie!_ _**Zofis:** Stop calling me that!_ _**Me: **Do you like to stow?_ _**Zofis: **uhhhhh, no._ _**Me: **Then you'll never be half the man your mama was!_ _**Everyone: **(laughs out loud)_ _**Zofis: **(growls)_ _**Me: **Do you like to stow?_ _**Zofis: **yes._ _**Me: **Then you'll never be half the woman your dad was either!_ _**Everyone: **(Laughs out loud even louder.)_ _**Zero: **(he laughs so hard that he jumps into Salaya's arms) ummmmm. (Jumps out of Salaya's arms) um, sorry._ _**Kanchome: **(in a teasing tone of voice) Zero is in love! Zero is in love!_ _**Zero: **(Growls and foams at the mouth) SHUT UP! (Leaps and attacks Kanchome.)_ _**Zofis: **Stop distracting me!_ _**Me: **This is goodbye. JIURO ZAKERGA! ( I press the buttons that unleashes Zeno and Dufort's 'Jiuro Zakerga' spell and it wipes out Zofis's team.)_ _**Zofis: **NOOOOOOOOOO! NOT AGAIN! YOU CHEATED!_ _**Me: **I did not cheat. I'm just better at this game then you are. Am I right, everyone?_ _**Everyone:** Yes, Rahkshi. You are right._ _**Me: **You see, Zophie?_ _**Zofis: **GRAH! THAT'S IT! NO MORE MR. NICE MAMODO! YOU'RE GOING DOWN IN ROUND THREE!_ _Well everyone, that's round two._ 15. The Ultimate Battle Part 3 _**Author Notes: **How come Cf101 and Twi are the only ones who now review this story, none of the other guys won't review this story anymore. Did I do something wrong?_ _**Computerfreak101: **Well actually, the whole part of Graviray doing this of his own free will is another one of Zofis's tricks to spilt his family further apart. Believe me, he's more evil as the undead than he is as the living._ _**Twilight Memories: **I've responded your answer in your update of 'A Gift from The Dark'. I'll shut up about Kalu for now on. Sorry to keep bothering you about it. And I've fixed the mistakes in the last chapter. But for the 'didn't' mistake, please don't take it out on me for something I didn't know that bugs you, because when someone says that I did something that bugs them but I didn't know, it ends up bugging me the most._ ** * * * Chapter 16: The Ultimate Battle Part 3.** "_Rauzaruk"_ "_Baberuga Gravidon"_ "_Teozaker"_ Zatch's body began to glowin a rainbow colored aura and so then he charged at Zofis and Kiko at very high speed and began to throw super powerful punches at Zofis's body. With normal punches, it wouldn't hurt Zofis, since he was now one of the undead. But with his spell known as Rauzaruk, Zatch's speed and strength had increased so that his physical attacks will cause pain to Zofis. As soon as Zatch had the evil undead psychic pinned to the ground, he ran out of the area before the rest of the energy of his Rauzaruk spell was used up. Brago's Baberuga Gravidon spell fired a sphere of gravity straight into the air, and it then fell onto both Zofis and Kiko. But Zofis took most of the damage. And after that, Zeno's Teozaker spell fired what appears to be stronger version of his original Zaker spell that made a direct blast on Zofis. Zatch felt a bit relieved that he didn't ran out of energy when he got back to Kiyo's side. Zofis only laughed more evilly that actually more retarded. "So when are you four planning on using your real attacks, because it's going to take more than that to take me down." Zofis cackled out as Kiko opened his spell book to another page. "_Gigano Radom"_ Zofis was about to fire his Gigano Radom spell, but Zatch, Brago, Zeno, and Tia saw this one coming. "_Giga La Seoshi"_ Megumi called out Tia's fourth spell and then a giant 'Seoshi' barrier was formed around both Zofis and Kiko. Zofis's Gigano Radom spell was unleashed, but it didn't came out of the barrier. Instead, the ball of telekinetic exploded when it made contact on the barrier's surface. "I see you five had came up with a new strategy. But it's still going to take more than that to defeat me!" "_Oruga Radom"_ Kiko called out Zofis's seventh spell. Out of his hand, a giant spiraling beam of telekinetic energy blasted out and it shattered the Giga La Seoshi spell like glass. The beam caused great amount of damage to the forest they were fighting in. But that wasn't enough. "_Digan Teoradom"_ Zofis raised his hand up into the sky and multiple Gigano Radom spells appeared.Zofis cackled evilly as he swung his arm down and the giant orbs of telekinetic energy dropped down from the sky. "_Gigano Reis"_ "_Bao Zakerga"_ "_Chaziru Saifodon"_ "_Jauro Zakerga"_ Brago unleashed his giant gravity bullet spell, Zatch unleashed his lightning dragon spell, Tia unleashed her giant goddess-like sword that is powered by her anger from all the bad things taht had happened to her and her friends, especially Zatch, and lastly, Zeno unleashed a giant ring of lighting that fires multiple Zakerga spells at once. Each spell attacked one of the orbs in the cluster of destructive energy. "You're all more stronger than last time we've fought. But I'm invincible!" Zofis shouted as he gave the signal to Kiko to call another spell. _"Rond Radom"_ Zofis lashed his energy whip out at the Mamodos who oppose him. "_Zaker" _Kiyo called out and Zatch stopped the whip with his usual lightning blast. Then it was both Brago and Zeno's turn to blast the evil undead Mamodo. "_Dioga Gravidon"_ "_Teozaker"_ Brago fired amassive orbwith rainbow colored blades surrounding it and with a black hole in the middle while Zeno fired his Teozaker spell again. _"Oruga Radom"_ Kiko called out the spell again, but this time, instead of a spiraling beam coming out of his hand, a giant flaming serpent-shaped dragon came out and it collided with Brago's Dioga Gravidon spell. But then he was zapped by Zeno' Teozaker spell. "Okay. Now you guys are beginning to annoy me!" Zofis spat out. "How will we defeat him now?" Zatch asked out and hardly anyone answered, except his book owner. "There's only one spell that we haven't used yet, Zatch. And we're going to need a lot of energy to unleash it." "We'll help." Sherry spoke out to both Kiyo and Zatch. "Fine with me, as long as we destroy that bastard!" Brago agreed, even though he doesn't fully agree with it. "Right. Ready, Zatch?" Kiyo said and Zatch nodded. Their spell book was beginning to glow very bright and then some of Brago, Tia, and Zeno's energy was being transferring to Zatch's body. "_BARUDO FORUSU!"_ "_DIOGA TEORADOM"_ Zatch's mouth opened wide and a giant lightning bolt shot out and it took the form of a giant Phoenix as Zofis unleashed his most powerful spell, a giant meteor of psychic energy. But which spell will triumph? _**To Be Continued...**_ * * * _MINI STORY_ _(Me and Zophie are now fighting each other in round three. The arena we were fighting in was the city.)_ _Zofis: STOP CALLING ME THAT!_ _Me: Make me._ _Zofis: THAT'S IT!_ _(Then Zofis began to go hardcore on me.)_ _Me: What are you doing!_ _Zofis: KICKING YOUR ASS!_ _(Zofis keeps launching one attack after another, until...)_ _Me: NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! You beat me!_ _Zofis: Looks like I'm making a comeback!_ _Me: if he beats me like that two more times... I'll lose._ _Zofis: better start making your speech._ _Me: speech? What speech?_ _Zofis: you'll see. (Then he begans to laugh evilly.)_ _Me: Have I ever told you that your voice is more retarded in the video game?_ 16. The Ultimate Battle Part 4 **Author Notes: In this chapter, you'll might find a few things familiar from Star Wars Episode 3.** _**Twilight Memories: **I've fixed the mistakes in the last chapter. You'll find out how Koko's pregnant again very soon, just hold your horses. And I know about that website you talked about. But there's another website with information about the Zatch Bell characters that is true, and about Zofis, it says that his powers is psychic. Plus he can levitate sometimes, and incase you've forgotten why Koko's with him, he's mind controlling her. Most of that kind of stuff only comes from someone who's a psychic. You may believe that Zofis is an explosive Mamodo, but I conclude that he's a psychic Mamodo, and that's the truth. And about the battles, they're not dull! It's just that when I try to make these battles as long as I can, I end up running out of ideas, so it leaves me no choice but to end it as far as it has gotten. So don't call it dull cause it's not!_ _**Computerreak101: **He is still under Zofis's control. But why is Maiana hiding that note from Kaiser when they had both agreed? Anyways, enjoy the new chapter._ _**BadBoyUSA: **Sorry. I didn't know that was you, but you should really stick with one name, or else it would just confuse people._ ** * * * Chapter 17: The Ultimate Battle Part 4.** Reece struggled to get back up on her feet. Her fight against her brother had already begun and she's already getting her rear kicked. She turned her head and spotted Graviray running towards her. She jumped out of the way as Graviray's foot stomped into the ground where she was. Reece fired a Reis spell at him, but he dodge at quick speed and then pinned his sister to the ground with a Gravirei spell. The spell wore off, but then Graviray grabbed and pulled Reece up by her hair. He was about to blast her, but then she grabbed him by his neck and flipped him onto his back, but then he flipped her onto her back since he still had his grip on her hair. Reece then pulled free and threw a punch at Graviray, but he caught her fist in his palm. He twisted her wrist and then tripped her to the ground. Reece rolled away and fired another Reis spell at Graviray. He quickly blocked it with a Gigarado shield and then lashed at her with aRond Radom spell. Reece got back up and unleashed a Rior Reis spell that knocked her brother to the ground. She walked slowly to her brother's side, but he surprised her with a Radom spell. The spell almost her neck when it send he flying into the air and back onto the ground. She felt like her legs were blasted off, because she couldn't move them. In fact, her entire body couldn't move. She struggled to look to the direction where her brother was. He had her pinned to the ground by another Gravirei spell. "I thought that you would put up a bigger better fight? But it appears that I was wrong. Our play time ends now." Graviray said as he raised his hand into the sky and then rainbow colored wind blades shot out of his hand and they began to spin around in a pattern, creating a giant orb of gravity: The Dioga Gravidon spell. "Good bye, Reece." Graviray's Dioga Gravidon spell began to fall towards Reece. She struggled to get free, but she can only roll over onto her back. All she had to do was raised her hand up. Reece tried and tried, but it was getting harder and harder to resist the spell that Graviray had already cast upon her. If she can't react now, then she'll be destroyed for sure. Reece felt something inside her, both the pain and the love she has for her brother. He may have said that he was doing this on his own free will, but Reece just can't believe that. It's got to be another trick that Zofis used to drive Graviray further from his family. She must save him from Zofis's grasp, either by returning him to normal, or by killing him. "It was fun playing with you with while it lasted, Reece. But you must realized that you are doomed." he finished. Reece's anger had risen almost to the point of going berserk. She was beginning to gain more strength, until she finally broke free of her brother's Gravirei spell. She shot her hands into the sky and unleashed her strongest spell: The Oruga Reis spell. A spiraling beam of purple energy fired out of her hands and collided with Graviray's Dioga Gravidon spell. The contact caused an explosion that sent both of the Belmond siblings to the ground by the gravity of both spells. Reece sighed in relief as she slowly got back up. She turned and saw her brother got up as well. He looked more fierce and more pissed than ever. "Why won't you give up! You and our parents have turned against me!" Graviray shouted. "You have done that yourself, Graviray. You've allowed Zofis to twist your mind and soul until... until you became more than his slave. You've became him!" Reece shouted back. "Don't lecture me, Belmond. You and our parents wouldn't helped me stop Zofis from coming back. You've failed to save me from his grasp anyway. Now it's time for you and our parents to pay the price: by dying by my hands!" Graviray shouted back. Reece stared into her brother's eyes, which had transformed back to unholy-purple. It left her no choice but to destroy her brother. "Only someone as evil as that bastard that has brainwashed you would say and do something like that. I'm sorry, Graviray, but you've left me no choice." "You may try. But you'll only fail in the end." Graviray responded with an evil smile. Both yelled out as Reece fired a Gigano Reis spell and Graviray fired Gigano Radom spell. Both spells collided and exploded on contact. As the smoke cleared, Both Reece and Graviray yelled out as they both charged at each other. Both of their bodies collided and they fell to the ground. Graviray was on top of Reece and he began to punch and thrash at her. Reece felt him trying to tear her skin off of her face. She quickly rolled both of them over so now she on top him. She began thrashing at her brother. She stop and then began to choke him. Graviray's eyes were switching colors, from purple to red, and then back to purple, and then back to red and so forth. Graviray's anger began to give him more strength. Reece raised her hand to his face and charging up a Reis spell, but Graviray quickly reacted by kicking his sister off of him. Reece got to her feet and began to run into the forest. Graviraywas pissed and so he chased after her. _Somewhere in the forest near a large river._ Graviray couldn't seem to find his sister, but he thought too soon. Reece jumped out of a nearby tree and came down at him, firing a Gigano Reis spell. Graviray quickly blocked it with a Gigarado Shield but was then pinned to the ground by his sister's body. He struggled to get her off him, but she only struggled to remain on top of him. "Get the hell off me!" he shouted as he used a Gravirei spell. It pinned both of them to the ground, but it got Reece off of him. Graviray got back up in a flash and was about fire a Radom spell, but Reece rolled out of the way, but she was sent flying to the ground again by the explosion. She got back up and fired a Rior Reis spell out at Graviray, who only dodge and jumped into a tree and then jumped into the air and fired a Teoradom spell. Reece was able to destroy a few of the telekinetic orbs with a Gigano Reis, but only two were able to hit on contact. Reece looked up and saw Graviray about to fall on her. She rolled out of the way before his foot can hit her body. Graviray jumped onto Reece again and began to choke her, but then she kicked him in the stomach. He got off of her, but he grabbed her by her ankles and began to swing her around in a circle. Reece felt like she was going to vomit, but then she felt her brother letting go of her ankles. He released her, which sent her flying into a bunch of bushes. Graviray aimed his hand at the bushes and charged up, but then he looked up and saw his sister about to fire a Gigano Reis spell. He switch his aim at her and unleashed an Oruga Radom spell in beam form. It completely destroyed Reece's Gigano Reis spell and it vaporized the trunk of a really tall, thick tree. The tree timbered into the river. Graviray lashed aRond Radom spell at Reece, but she repelled it with a Reis spell, then she ran and jumped onto the large tree that had fallen into the river and began to float. 'Does she think that she can get away from me that easily?' Graviray thought angrily and then began to run after Reece. He took a giant leap into the air and landed on the edge of the large tree that was now a thick log. Both the Belmond siblings stared each other down since each of them were at one side of the log. Their battle's gonna have to end soon. One of them will win and move on, but the other will lose and die, or will it? "I have failed you, Graviray. I have failed you." Reece spoke. "I should've known that you and the others were plotting to kill me!" Graviray shouted back at his sister. "Graviray, Zofis is evil!" Reece responded and then her brother responded again. "Well from my point of view, you and the others are evil!" "Then you are lost!" Their shouting was only making their anger more and more dangerous. Graviray's eyes now formed a swirling color of both purple and red. He had enough of this female that is his sister interfering with him and Zofis. He's going to end this fight once and for all. "This is the end for you, my sister." Both the Belmond siblings charged at each other and grasp at each other's hands and tried to push each other over the edges of the log. Reece gained the upper hand, but before she can push Graviray into the river, he tripped her and gained the upper hand. His hands began to charge up for another Oruga Radom spell. Reece had to act quickly or else she's a goner. She fired a Reis spell at Graviray's leg. It tripped him and caused him to fire his Oruga Radom spell at the trees on one side of the river. A giant serpent-like dragon of fire came out and set all the trees that were in Graviray's view on fire. He growled in anger for Reece making him miss. 'She'll pay for that!' he thought. Graviray turned to see Reece no longer on the log, but back on the left side of the river. He turned to see that the log was heading for a waterfall that led out to sea. He turned to see his sister. He fired a Gigano Radom spell at her, but she shot it with a Gigano Reis spell. Graviray has had enough of this! "It's over, Graviray. There's no point to keep fighting!" she called out, but Graviray wasn't going to fall for that. "You underestimate my powers!" he responded in an evil tone of voice. Reece saw what he was going to do, and as much as she doesn't want to do it, she has to. "Don't try it. I beg you not to." she begged him not to do what he was going to do. He didn't listen to her. He only smiled evilly as he made a giant leap into the air. He about to throw one last attack at his sister,which left Reece with no other choice. "NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She cried out as she aimed her hands out and fired an Oruga Reis spell. It made a direct hit at Graviray, that his whole body was caught in the blast. It sent him falling down to the edge of the cliff. He almost fell off, but he was now holding onto the edge for dear life. His evil expression suddenly changed into innocence and sadness. He looked up to see Reece looking down at him as he struggled to hang on. "You were the son of Brago and Sherry! We thought you would help us destroy Zofis, not join him! Save both the human world and the mamodo world, not leave them in darkness! How could you do something like that, you... you... you monster!" Reece shouted/cried out in both pain and depression. Graviray felt hurt and betrayed to the same time, even though he was still controlled by Zofis. His sadness suddenly turned into anger and his eyes turned back to purple. "I HATE YOU!" he sickly yelled out at the top of his lungs. Tears were forming and dripping from Reece's face. She had never felt more pain and depression before, for both herself, her parents, her friends, and for Graviray. She blamed herself for what has become of Graviray. She wasn't the sister she should've been, she didn't helped him when he needed it. But either way, she still loved Graviray. She never wanted this to happen, she never wanted anyone to suffer like this, especially her sibling. "You were my brother, Graviray! I loved you!" it was all that Reece can finish saying. More tears were coming down from her eyes. Graviray stopped and listen to what his sister just said. "_You were my brother, Graviray! I loved you! You were my brother! My brother! You were my brother, Graviray! You were my brother! Were my brother! My brother! Brother! I loved you! I loved you! I loved you! Loved you! Loved you! Loved you! Loved you! Loved! Loved! Loved! Loved! Loved! Loved! Loved! You were my brother, Graviray. I loved you."_ He kept hearing those words over and over again and again in his mind. He felt something inside him changing, something good. _Meanwhile._ "What's happening? My control over Graviray? It's dying! No! How can that be? No one can escape my grasp without burning my book or destroying me! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! Zofis yelled out loud, but no one heard him. _Back with Graviray and Reece._ Graviray's eyes were slowing changing back to red. His anger disappeared, all that was left was sorrow and regret. Reece couldn't bare to look at her brother that way he was now anymore. She turned around and ran away to find the others. But it wasn't the end for Graviray. He was beginning to regain his grip on the cliff. He began to pull himself up. He finally got back on top of the cliff. Tears were now streaming from his eyes. "What have I done? I've betrayed my family. I've almost killed them! I've almost killed my own flesh and blood! Now they'll never forgive me! It's all my fault! I wish that I was never born! Then none of this would ever happen! Then Zofis will had never came back-" Wait, Zofis! It was him! He was the one that did this to everyone. He possessed Graviray and forced him to fight his own family. He tried to fight back against his control, but it was too powerful. It was all Zofis's fault! But Graviray was part of it too! He regretted it just as much as anyone else has. He now know how Koko felt when Zofis possessed her. Zofis. Why does a devil like him even exist? Zofis was more than just a devil. In Graviray's point of view, Zofis is the devil, and he had sold his soul to him! Graviray's depression had turned back to anger. More anger than ever. "**ZOFIS YOU BASTARD!"** _**To Be Continued...** next chapter: Victory is close into Zofis's grasp. Everyone tried everything they had, but nothing had work. Has the darkness won at last? Or is there one speck of light left in this ultimate battle? And if so, then who can stop this evil once and for all?_ * * * _MINI STORY._ _(Me and Zofis are on round four in our duel. And Zofis is beating me... again.)_ _Me: Stop that!_ _Zofis: now you know how I feel when-_ _Me:-I don't give a rat's rear end about how you fell!_ _(Zofis just pounded the rest of my health with a 'Digan radom' spell)_ _Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!_ _Zofis: (makes a raspberry at me with his tongue)_ _Me: I can't lose!_ _Zofis: you can, and you will._ _Me: I must win this duel. I must._ 17. The Ultimate Battle Part 5 **Chapter 18: The Ultimate Battle Part 5.** Reece ran as fast as she could to find her family. Thunder broke the quiet sound of the forest and was then followed by rain. She broke through the bushes to find a giant lightning phoenix and a giant telekinetic orb in collision with each other. Neither side seemed to gain the upper hand. They just kept pushing back at each other. Brago, Zeno, and Tia were giving sp much their energy to Zatch's Barudo Forusu spell, that they couldn't move or cast their own spells. Reece had to stop this now. She ran towards Zofis, she figured that if she can get him off concentration, maybe her family and the others could gain the upper hand. She ran faster, but trying to keep quiet so that she could catch him off guard. She was about to jump onto him, but someone ram into her and knocked her down. She looked up to find Kiko. She had completely forgotten about her, but she was still Zofis's new book owner. "You won't interfere with my father." the mind-controlled female spoke as she then kicked Reece in the side. Reece struggled to get back up after that kick, but she brushed it off. "I've stopped my brother, and now I'll stop you." Reece snapped at Kiko and then jumped onto her. She tried to reach and grab Zofis's spell book from Kiko, but Kiko was keeping it away from Reece's hands. Reece managed to placed a hand on the spell book, but then Kiko kicked her in the stomach and sent Reece off her. "Don't you ever touch my father's spell book again." Kiko hissed out at Reece. "I might be able to stop you, but I can stop that." Reece responded as she aimed her hand up at the phoenix and orb and charged up a Gigano Reis spell. This was her last shot to stop them. She was so worn out from the battle against her brother, that she doesn't have enough strength left to fight against Zofis and Kiko. But she must stop those spells, before something else happens. She aimed up and her Gigano Reis spell was released. It collided with the other two spells and a bright light was coming from between all of them. What has Reece done? _**(EXPLOSION!)**_ All three spells exploded and a large sound wave spread across almost the entire forest, destroying almost everything in its path. And in another part of the forest, a figure heard and saw the explosion. The figure speeded off as fast as it could towards the direction of the explosion. _A Few Minutes Later._ A lot of trees were either vaporized from the explosion, or were burnt to ashes. Everyone emerged from the dirt that was kicked up into the air and landed on them. Brago got up first and helped Sherry. Kiyo helped Zatch and Megumi, and Zatch helped Tia. Zeno and Dufort helped themselves up. Reece and Kiko were both knocked unconscious. Then they all heard an evil voice laughing maniacally. It was Zofis. "That's impossible!" Kiyo shouted out. "Is that enough to prove to all of you that nothing can destroy me?" the evil undead psychic mamodo laughed out. He walked over to Reece's unconscious body and lifted her up by her hair. Brago growled and cursed under his breath. "Here's your weak worthless offspring!" Zofis spoke evilly as he threw Reece over to the others and Kiyo caught her. "You beast!" Brago shouted as he charged Zofis. The undead mamodo charged as well, and both slammed into each other and they fell to the ground on each other. Both were punching and choking repeatedly at each other. Zofis gained the upper hand and rolled over so that he was on top of Brago. Brago thrust a punch into Zofis's stomach and felt his fist penetrating the evil Mamodo's flesh under his purple cloak with yellow spines around the neck collar. But something felt different. Something's wrong. Zofis isn't showing any signs of pain or death, no heartbeat, no blood pumping through his arteries. Brago pulled his fist out of Zofis's cloak and saw his hand covered in black blood and in his palm was organ that he doesn't want to know what it is. "What the hell are you?" The dark mamodo shouted in psychic mamodo's face. "Something that you can't kill!" Zofis responded as he punched Brago in the forehead and then grabbed hold of his furry cape and swung him over to the others. "_Oruga Reis" _Sherry called out Brago's last spell and he fired a spiraling beam of purple energy out of his hands. Zofis dodged his attack and fell down onto Brago. But then Zatch and Tia rammed into Zofis and send him off Brago. All the Mamodos were so exhausted from transferring their energy to Zatch's Barudo Forusu spell, none of them could cast a spell anymore. And Brago almost used what was left of his energy in his Oruga Reis spell. "Mom! Dad!" a voice called out from behind the others. It was Neo and Meggy carrying Koko. "What're you two doing here?" Megumi asked out loud. "Koko isn't feeling well, she says that she's pregnant again." Meggy explained. "But how can Koko be pregnant again?" asked Sherry from the rest. "Why don't you ask him?" Zeno spoke as he point an accusing finger at Zofis. "What did you do to her?" Sherry yelled out at the undead mamodo. "You all are to stupid to find out what's going on. She's pregnant because she still has my DNA in her!" Zofis answered. "What do you mean?" Kiyo asked in anger as well. "Okay, how am I suppose to explain this to you stupid humans. Okay, that one night when I force myself on her, which then led to her giving birth to my daughter, but some of mysperm remained inside her, thanks to my spirit controlling my sperm, preventing them from becoming part of the offspring known as Kiko. Until now, I've decided to command those remainingsperm to work inside Koko, once again, to give birth, to a new heir, which I will predict that it will be born with my powers! Is that enough to explain to you worthless weakling?" Zofis spat out evilly then followed by evil maniacal laughing. Tears streamed down from Koko's eyes and Neo and Meggy comforted her. "You... you... monster!" Sherry hissed. Zofis had went far too low than anyone or anything can ever get. "And now, witness my new powers, a power I've gained ever since my rebirth." said Zofis as he walked over to Kiko's unconscious body and picked up his spell book. A red glow surrounded both Zofis and his spell book. The dark red-purple colored spell book began to hover in midair and it began to hover towards Zofis. He spread his cloak open and underneath it was nothing but complete darkness. Zofis's spell book entered the dark abyss underneath his dark purple cloak with yellow spines around the front collar. The red light changed into bright shining light. It was so shiny, that everyone had to cover their eyes. The bright light soon disappeared and Zofis let out the loudest, most evil, and most maniacal laugh he could make. "Behold my new power!" he shouted. "His spell book has fused with his body!" Kiyo called out, but everyone already knew that. "That's correct, Takmine! And now I'm able to use my powers without a stupid book owner, I don't need this worthless daughter of mine anymore!" Zofis cried out as he grabbed Kiko's unconscious body and threw her over to the others and Dufort caught her. Zofis aimed his hand at everyone and fired a Gigano Radom spell all by himself, without a book owner. All the mamodos jumped in the way and were caught in the impact of the spell. Zofis was more powerful than ever, so his spells were more powerful as well. Brago, Zatch, Tia, and Zeno were all knocked to the ground, all in pain. Their book owners ran to their sides. The mamodos couldn't move at all by the explosion of the Gigano Radom spell that Zofis had just fired. They were all defenseless. Could this be it? Has Zofis finally won this ultimate battle? "**AT LAST! MY ENEMIES ARE NO MORE! BOTH WORLDS ARE NOW MINE! NOW YOU ALL WILL DIE!"** "Not if I destroy you first!" A voice called out from nowhere. Both Reece and Kiko's eyes shot open at the sound of that voice. It sounded... familiar. Zofis was caught both off guard and by surprise when a dark sparkling aura surrounded him and it brought him to the ground by surprise. He turned around, looking all pissed to see who did that. Standing at the edge of the trees that were still standing, was... Graviray! "Graviray!" Brago and Sherry called out in surprise. "Graviray." Kiko whispered to herself. "Brother." Reece whispered to herself too. "TRAITOR!" Zofis yelled at the still alive boy who is panting for some reason. "You can't betray someone you're enslaved to. But I did betrayed my friends and family. And I will never know if they'll forgive me for what I did..." Graviray responded as he turned and looked over to his friends and family. They were looking at him as well. He was wondering of what they were thinking of him now. "... but now I'm taking responsibility of what I did... by getting you out of our lives once and for all!" he yelled as he charged at the undead mamodo. Zofis fired a couple of Radom spells, but Graviray dodge them all and rammed into him. They both were punching, choking, and thrashing at each other. It was like a battle between two gladiators fighting with their bare hands and not with weapons. After a few minutes in fighting, they both pushed each other off and stand at different spots. "You will not stop me. You've made the last mistake of your life. Can't you see that you're doing the wrong thing?" Zofis reasoned with Graviray with another one of his lies. "No! For once, after these past few day, I'm doing the right thing!" Graviray forced Zofis to the ground with a Gravirei spell and ran over to him. He yanked Zofis's body up and he continued to punch him. Then he stepped back for a bit as Zofis was feeling a bit sick. "Now let's see your true face behind that mask!" Graviray yelled as he punched Zofis twice in the face, and then finished him with a super powerful kick in the head. The kick cracked and knocked Zofis's iron helmet right off his head. Everyone gasped as the Zofis's true face was finally revealed. His skin was more pale white than usual. The red lines that went down from his eyes was pale red. His orange hair was dirty and pale. The skin on his right cheek was tore off, so all you can see in that spot was the bone/skeleton underneath. And last, his left eye doesn't have irises nor pupils. It was all blank white and black blood was slowly oozing out of it. "I always knew you would turn out ugly, but I never meant_ that _ugly." Graviray said as he flipped Zofis off. "You ungrateful little son of bitch!" Zofis spat in response. "Don't... you... dare... call... my... mother... a... BITCH!" Graviray yelled in response and fired an Oruga Radom spell out at Zofis, but he blocked it with a Gigarado Shield. "This isn't over!" the undead mamodo shouted as he ran into forest. "I'm not finished with you yet!" The hybrid boy shouted as he chased after Zofis. Everyone was in shock. Graviray has returned to the light. And he's taking responsibility for what he has done. But will the Belmond family eve forgive him, and most importantly, will Graviray forgive himself. "We have to follow them." Reece spoke as she got up and ran after to who knows where Zofis and Graviray would be heading. Kiko got up and ran after to join Reece. Later after that, without a word spoken, everyone ran after them. _Somewhere Else._ (It's still raining in this part) Graviray kept chasing after Zofis until he came into a clear opening. It was another cliff that showed the ocean off into the distant. The rain storm was causing the waves to crash into the cliff's bottom. Graviray couldn't find Zofis anywhere. But then he heard his evil maniacal laughter. He looked up a bit to see Zofis hovering in midair a few yards from the cliff's edge. "This is it, my 'son'. We finish this battle right here and now!" Zofis called out. "SHUT UP! You're not my father!" Graviray yelled back and then blasted a Radom spell at Zofis, but it was different then all the rest. It was in the same shape as all the other Radom spell, but it wasn't shining like the rest. Instead, it was black as darkness. Zofis was hit directly, but he still stood hovering in midair. He clenched his stomach in pain. "That power. How did you get that power?" the evil undead Mamodo spat out at the hybrid. "You should remember of what you say. Back when you gave me some of your powers, you said that over time, they will fuse with my powers, giving me a power that surpasses both my father and YOU! Well now it's time to unleashed that power to destroy you!" Graviray answered. "No! I forgot! No! You can't defeat me! I won't let you! I won't!" Zofis shouted back, getting a bit freaked out. Suddenly, Graviray's body began to glow with a dark aura around him. His eyes closed and he placed his left hand over his heart. 'Mother, Father, Sister, Koko, Kiko, Kiyo, Megumi, Neo, Meggy, Tia, and Zatch. I can feel your courage, friendship, sincerity, knowledge, reliability, light, hope, and love. It's giving me strength, and the power to destroy this evil once and for all. I'll end this nightmare right here and now. I'll use every once of the strength you've all given me to destroy Zofis. I won't fail all of you, I won't. You're the best friends and family that I've ever had. Without any of you, I wouldn't be alive now, and I would be lost. Thank you for bringing me back to the light.' Graviray let out his battle cry as the dark aura around him began to grow bigger, with more strength fusing into a force so powerful, there's no telling what it can do. Graviray was gathering all the dark energy together into his hands. His eyes shot open and looked at Zofis, still hovering midair a few yards away from the cliff's edge. "I'll destroy you once and for all, you ungrateful little brat! No one can destroy me! No one can destroy!" Zofis shouted as he gathered all the energy he has into his hands as well. It glowed bright, as if it was the sun in the palms of his hands. "Goodbye, Graviray! _BARUDO RADOM!_" the gathered energy in Zofis's hands burst out and it was forming into a giant phoenix of telekinetic energy. It let a hellish ear-piercing shriek as it charged at Graviray. 'My Friends. My family. This is for you.' **_"JIGADIRASU GRAVIREIGA!"_** _**To Be Continued...** which spell will win? And what will the outcome be?_ * * * _MINI STORY._ _(This is it, the final round in my duel against Zophie.)_ _Zofis: Stop calling me that!_ _Me: Why?_ _Zofis: Because I want to raise the stakes in this last battle._ _Me: Okay. If I win, you have to do and say all of this. (I give Zofis a piece of paper.)_ _Zofis: ( Getting made by the piece of paper.) Fine. But if I win... YOU'LL NEVER MAKE ANYMORE STORIES ON FANFICTION NOR WILL YOU EVER UPDATE, AND NOR WILL YOU EVER COME TO THIS WEBSITE EVER AGAIN!_ _Me: (Gasp) You're so evil._ _Zofis: (with a WEIRD smile on his face) I know I am._ _(Then the last round begins, and it turns out that none of us is gaining the upper hand, but we were taking damage)_ _Zofis: (with full energy) Your going down!_ _Me: (with full energy) Evil cross dressers first!_ _( Then we both activate 'Oruga Radom' and Zeo Zakerga)_ _(Both dragons collided and we both began to rapidly press buttons.)_ _But who will win?_ 18. Dark Endings _**Author Notes: **Twilight Memories and Computerfreak101? If it's not too much trouble, may you two NOT put in grammar or spelling errors this time, Please? I appreciate you guys doing it though, but since this is the last two chapters of the story, so can you two not please put in the grammar and spelling corrections in this chapter and the next chapter, please? Thank you._ ** * * * Chapter 19: Dark Endings ** _**"JIGADIRASU GRAVIREIGA!"**_ The true force of Graviray's new power burst out of his hands. The blast of black energy began to take shape of something...powerful. The front part of the morphing energy began to grew larger than the rest of its shape. Then two reptilian-shaped clawed arms emerged from underneath it. A pair of two gigantic wings sprouted from the top of the black energy beam. And last, two glowing red eyes opened and the rest of the front part formed into a head of a creature. Graviray's new spell was a giant dark DRAGON! _(A/N: It looks like Slifer the Sky Dragon from YU-GI-OH, except it's all black like darkness, and the eyes and the gem on its forehead are bright glowing red.)_ The dark dragon let out its battle cry, which sounded like a roar and a screech at the same time. And inside its mouth, inside its throat, was a black hole. Both the dragon and the phoenix charged at each other until they both rammed each other in the heads. Then they both lashed and began to slash and bite at each other. The Earth began to shake as the two powerful creatures battle for the fate of both the human world and the mamodo world. Graviray and Zofis continued to push their spells towards each other, trying to gain the upper hand. But then Graviray began to sweat a bit from the pressure of giving so much energy to his ultimate spell. The dark dragon bit the telekinetic phoenix on its right wing, but then the evil bird began to thrash its talons at the dragon's side. The dragon roared as it swung its right arm at its opponent and slashed the telekinetic phoenix's left talon off. Then the phoenix charged and rammed its head into the dragon's head. They began to push each other towards their casters. Graviray and Zofis were struggling to maintain control, throwing in not only their spell energy, but their life energy as well. But Zofis was one of the undead now, which means there's no telling where he's getting this life energy to fuel his spell's strength. Graviray was beginning to feel so exhausted, that he was now on his knees. He's feeling life leaving his body, he immediately stop giving his life energy to his spell, but somehow the feeling of dying was still inside him. How can this be? He stopped giving his life energy, but then why was he beginning to feel weaker each second. Wait! Graviray looked up to see Zofis's 'Barudo Radom' spell beginning to push his 'Jigadirasu Gravireiga' spell back towards him. Zofis doesn't halve life energy because he's the undead... unless, he's absorbing Graviray's own life energy and transferring it to his 'Barudo Radom' spell. It must be another one of Zofis's new powers he got when he was reborn. The phoenix pushed harder and the dragon was failing to push it back. Graviray couldn't take it anymore. Zofis's struggling turned into calm as he smiled and cackled evilly, seeing the hybrid at his knees, barley keeping his spell from failing him. "You foolish hybrid, this is the end for you! Look at yourself! You're on your knees, waiting for my spell to destroy you! And best of all, you're all alone!" Zofis laughed out loud as evil as ever. "_You're never alone, Graviray."_ The hybrid's head shot up and turned to see... his friends and family. "You can do it, Graviray!" his mother called out first. "Take that bastard down!" his father called out next. "End this for good!" his sister called out third. "You can do it! We all believe in you!" Kiko called out last as everyone else, except Zeno and Dufort joined in to cheer him on. 'This shall be interesting.' Zeno thought as he looked at the hybrid and the undead mamodo's spells continue to fight. Graviray smiled as a tear of joy trickled down his face. Suddenly, everyone's bodies began to glow in auras of light. Streams and beams of light shot out of them and shot straight up at Zofis. "What's going on down there?" the undead psychic mamodo shouted out loud as he looked down to see the beams of light coming straight up at him. "What the hell!" The beams circled around Zofis's body until they then constricted his body tight. He let out a cry of pain. The life energy that Zofis absorb from Graviray came out of the telekinetic phoenix and returned to Graviray's body. He felt life and strength entering him. He regained the strength to get back on his feet. Not only was Graviray becoming stronger again, but his dragon as well. The dark dragon was beginning to push the telekinetic phoenix back. "ZOFIS!" Graviray shouted as loud as he can, so that Zofis could hear him. "I'M GONNA END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!" The dark dragon bashed the phoenix in the cranium and it then bit it sharp teeth into the telekinetic bird's neck. "NO! Stop! Call these powers off right now!" Zofis yelled, but then the streams of light that were constricting him tightened their grip on him and he cried out louder in pain. "No one can destroy me! It's just impossible! Release me, right now!" The telekinetic phoenix squealed in pain as the dark dragon sank its teeth deeper into its neck. "Even this won't bring you victory! It's pointless for you to resist the power of my friends and family, and the true power of darkness!" "BUT IF I'M DEFEATED, I'LL TAKE YOU WITH ME!" Zofis tried to regain power and control of his spell, but no use. The telekinetic phoenix was growing weaker and weaker as the dragon bit harder and harder into its neck. "Fine, just as long as you're defeated!" Graviray yelled back as he pushed his spell even harder to destroy the enemy spell. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Zofis screamed out as he watched the dark dragon finally bit the telekinetic phoenix's head off and the rest of its body exploded. The dark dragon turned its attention to Zofis and it roared as it charged at him. "Your reign of terror is finally over! The time has come for me to except my responsibility as both a Belmond and a mamodo, and to rid both worlds of your evil once and for all!" The dark dragon roared again and it opened its mouth, revealing the black hole inside its throat. Zofis knew what was gonna happen to him. He struggled to get free from the streams of light wrapped around his body, but they tightened harder, in fact, they tightened sp hard on him, that they shattered his rib cage inside his undead body. And Graviray said his last words to Zofis after the undead mamodo screamed in pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "**GO TO HELL! AND MAKE SURE YOU STAY THERE!"** The dark dragon engulfed Zofis into its mouth and devoured him into the black hole in its throat. "**THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"** Zofis screamed his last scream as he was killed, scratch that, DESTROYED by the black hole. Light was spread everywhere that everyone covered their eyes. It spread across the ruined forest and across the ocean. As it became clear again, it was still raining because fo the rain storm, but the dark dragon was gone, along with the evil it devoured. Zofis was finally destroyed. This night mare is finally over, but suddenly, a new nightmare begins now. A bolt of lightning struck the part of the cliff that Graviray was standing on. That part was very unstable, and that bolt of light was all it took to make it give. The edge of the cliff crumbled into pieces and Graviray fell down with it. Everyone gasped and freaked out in horror at the sight. Kiko ran as fast as she could to see what could've happen to her love. She looked down to see Graviray with his fingers dug into the cold, wet, muddy edge of the cliff's new edge. "Give me your hand." Kiko spoke as she tried to reach for Graviray. He looked up to see his love, trying to reach him. "Take my hand!" she repeated and Graviray raised his hand up to grab Kiko's but as soon as their fingers almost touched, Graviray's grip on the cliff's edge slipped and he drifted a bit farther from Kiko. "No!" the female hybrid cried as she tried to reach Graviray even more. "Don't let go. Don't let go." Kiko pleaded with tears streaming down her face. Graviray raised his hand higher and higher to reach Kiko. But he was too weak to move even higher. He used so much energy in his 'Jigadirasu Gravireiga' spell that he could hardly do almost anything else. But then he felt something brushing against the fingers of his left hand. He looked up to see Kiko's hand very close to his. Their fingers could only touch each other. But then... it happened. The small part of the bottom of the cliff that Graviray had his grip on broke apart from the rest of the cliff and Graviray fell to the raging ocean below. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! GRAVIRAY!" Everyone ran to help get Kiko away from the crumbling edge. She screamed and begged them to release her, but they wouldn't. Graviray's life flashed through his eyes as he fell to his demise. Tears formed in his eyes as he turned to see the raging ocean below him as he then passed out. But the last thing he saw was... a light. A dark event has occurred for one who save both the human world and the Mamodo world, but at the cost of his life. This is what is to be known as one of the dark endings. _ * * * MINI STORY. _ _(Both me and Zofis were pressing buttons very fast to find which spell would win this collision fight, but in the end, it was a draw.)_ _**Me: **I told that I would win. ( then I finished Zofis off with a 'Zaker' spell, since his team's health was very low._ _**Zofis: **NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!_ _**Me: **and now you must say all of this._ _(Zofis then begins to tell everyone what a girl, cross dresser, and what other things I could come up with. And everyone was cheering for me and laughing at Zofis.)_ _**Zofis: **This can't be happening to me._ _**Me: **hey, what's this?_ _(I pick up a ipod and hook it up to a loud stereo and turned it on. It played Zophie is a loser in the same style of 'We are the cahmpions'. I loved it so much that I took a speaker sang along with the song.)_ _**Me: **(singing into the speaker) Zophie is a loser, my friends. And he'll be a loser to the end. Zophie is a loser, Zophie is a loser. Zophie is a loser, cause Zophie is the loser... OF THE WWWOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!_ 19. Deep Thoughts _**Author Notes:** This chapter only has the bellmond family's points of view and Kiko's point of view._ ** * * * Chapter 20: Deep Thoughts. ** **Brago's POV.** Zofis is finally dead, but at very terrible cost. My son, my own flesh and blood, my seed, is gone. I should've done something, but it was too late to realize that he was in more danger than ever. I may have told Sherry that we must kill Graviray, but even we had the chance, I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. My son was right. I'm not the father I've should've been. I'm a horrible father. He looked up to me when he was young, and I've let him down. I should've saved him when I had the chance. Now he's gone. My own heir is gone. I'll miss you Graviray. I wish I should've been the father you deserved. It was Zofis's fault. He took you away from me, your mother, and your sister, but I couldn't save you. I'll miss you... my heir. **Sherry's POV.** How could this have happen. Another horrible that I was powerless to stop. And now, because of me. My youngest baby is gone. I wish he was still here, with us, with me. I want to hold him in my arms again, the way I use to when he was born. I want to hold him close to me, so he could warm in my embrace, so he could be safe in my love, so I could keep him close to my heart, where he truly belongs. Where every child truly belongs. But I can't. I can't hold him. I can't warm him, I can't keep him safe, I can't keep him close to me, because he's gone. Graviray, you had such a good heart. But then Zofis took you away from me, and turned your heart cold and dark, like my friend, Koko. But I saved her. But I couldn't save you. Ironic, right? But not to me. I miss you already. Why did you have to go. Why can't you just hold on a little longer, why can't you reach to grab your love's hand. What am I saying? Forgive me, Graviray. It was wrong of me to questioned you and blame your death on you. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry that I couldn't save you. But I'll miss you. I do know that you're in a better place now, a place where Zofis won't ever get you. Somewhere you'll never be lost in a dark tunnel like I was. A place where you'll never feel pain again. But you'll still have heartache. Because you still love Kiko. But now that you're gone, she'll probably end up with someone else. But no one deserves that wonderful girl except you. Goodbye, Graviray. I love you... my baby boy. **Reece's POV.** What have I done to you, my brother. I couldn't help you from being controlled by that bastard Zofis. I was forced to fight you, to hurt you, to almost kill you. When I left you hanging over the edge of that cliff, after our fight, I called you a monster and I left you there. You're not a monster, Graviray. You're my baby brother. I'm sorry for ever calling you a monster. I wish I could take back what I said to you, but I was too late, like everyone else. You saved us all from that evil 'thing', but we couldn't save you from your death. I'm becoming more like mom and dad, but I want you to be there with me by my side, like you always were. I still remember the times before we went to jr. high school. The times when we both would go on adventures, from our home, to the city, to the playgrounds, to the forest, to the beach. Everywhere we go. You would always hold my hand, and I always protected you from anything, but I couldn't protect you from Zofis. I mis you. I shouldn't have left you on that cliff's edge. I should've helped you up, but I abandoned you. What kind of sister am I? I wish I could tell you this. I went into your room. It was still the way it was, except those words that Zofis made you wrote were still there. I saw something under your bed. I took it and saw it was a small box. I knew that I shouldn't be going through your personal belongings, but I was too curious. I opened it and found a smaller box inside. I opened it too and then my heart skipped a beat. You had a beautiful ring inside your room. I understood how far you wanted your relationship with Kiko to go. You wanted to marry her. Because there was a small print in the box that said 'For Kiko'. I thought you wanted to go as far as something immature and perverted, like having sex with her at an early age, but I was wrong. You only wanted to marry her. You weren't the immature one, I was. I was so happy for you, but your dream was shattered by Zofis. Like mother and father, I want you back here with me. I love you my brother, and I always will love you as a brother. But you're in a better place now. But I still wish you were hear with us. Goodbye my brother. Goodbye. **Kiko's POV.** I love you, Graviray. But now my heart is broken. You didn't break it, my father did. It's probably my fault that he returned. I kissed you, which triggered the process of his rebirth. But now, you're gone. It's not fair, but then, who said life was fair? But I miss you. I want you back in my arms. Your sister told me about the ring you kept until the very day that you would propose to me. I want to say yes, but that future is gone, but something in my heart tells me that it's not lost. But how will I live on now that you're gone? How will I live the rest of my life with a broken heart that once belonged to you, and your heart belonged to me. You may be gone, but I keep having thoughts that you're still by my side, either holding my hand, or your arm around my waist. I want to lay my head on your chest, hearing you heart beat along with mine, and I want you to lay on my lap, so that when you're asleep, I'm the one who'll watch over you. I'm your angel, and you're my hybrid. I keep seeing your face I the clouds and in the water. I can't stop crying for you, I always knew that heart break would be painful, but I never knew that it would be this much painful. Without you, I'm just a shadow of what I once was. I want you to come back so much. Come back to me, my love. I beg you, come back to me. Please. I love you. But I can't let this sadness destroy me, like your guilty of betraying your family led to your death. I know you're gone, but sometimes, even though it's not gonna happen, I pretend to believe that you're still alive. Goodbye, Graviray, the love of my life. Rest in piece. _**END**_ End file.
New Family by Rahkshi500
Zatch Bell
A Brother's Bond A.N. Hello everyone! Welcome to my poem A Brother's Bond. Please read and review I will love you! By the way, for those of you who are reading a true demon's awakening. No I have not given up! I just got into some trouble. Sorry, I'll start working on the next chapter as soon as I can. But other then that, let begin! _**A Brother's Bond**_ I thought you were my enemy. A lock that binds me to this hell, But when I got to know you, Nothing seemed so real. * * * I Thought you were the favored one. The one who got the Bao. But in the end I knew, Why you got it now. * * * Memories from your past, Made me truly see, You had always been my friend, Not my enemy. * * * I feel a bond so close to you, I wonder if you also do? Even if you hate me now, I'll always protect you, Even from hell. * * * I thought you were a pest, A foe I must defeat. But now I really see, Your not my enemy. * * * I swear I am sorry. I really truly am. I just hope you know, I will always be your friend. * * * Strings are what, tie our bond. An indestructible knot. Not even the sharpest scissors, Would ever be able to cut. * * * Nothing can cut these strings apart. Nothing can tear them up. They have an unbreakable shield These are strings of love. * * * My bond used to be of hate, But now it's out of love. I only want forgiveness, And that will be enough. * * * Become king my little brother, And make me proud. I know that you can do it, I really have no doubt. * * * **A.N. Did you like it? Hopefully! Don't forget to review! ** End file.
A Brother's Bond by Tsuki6047
Zatch Bell
A Study In Normality **Title **A Study In...** Character(s) **Brago, Zophise** A/N** Read manga, have yet to finish anime, but felt the need to throw something out... for whatever reason. For the record, I prefer the original names of the characters. Also, this came from that one scene in the epilogue where Brago's lounging around reading with Zophise, trembling, peeking into the room from the doorway. He did not miss the way that the room, while not previously crowded, became suddenly empty of all other life forms beyond himself. Nor did he care. He simply sat, opened his book to the page assigned, and began reading. Leisurely. The picture of nonchalant intimidation with no willing viewers. It was almost irritating how _normally_ life was progressing since the coronation of their new king. Nevermind the forty sudden new students from last millenium or the crimes that some of the contenders had committed during their stay in the human realm. Or that Gash Bell was now king. The millenium demons were settled in without much issue. The criminals were penitent. Gash was still attending school with everyone else. He turned a page, skimmed through history, and ignored the quiet squeeking of the study hall door. He turned another, pretending not to notice the garish white hat and clownish face of the one who had hurt his partner. Zophise would have to be a great fool to attack him now. And he didn't. More annoyingly, he was just standing there. Leaning over, peeking through the crack of the large double doors. Brago twitched. Zophise trembled. Brago thumbed another page. Only, his mind refused to register the characters. The silence was broken by the wimpering and shaking of the one at the door, and with the silence broken, so was his concentration. The thought of simply leaving the room and finding somewhere else to study occured to him. However... his eyes slid over to the figure in the door and narrowed just a fraction. The study hall was a good place to study. It was quiet. Empty. There were plenty of books if this one proved inadequate. He did not want to acknowledge Zophise. Nor did he want to waste time sitting, doing nothing, until the other finally scurried off. He could scare Zophise off. Regardless of the fact that Zophise played a small role in helping Gash defeat Clear in the end, his misdeeds in the human world were numerous and a source of much irritation. And somewhere deep, deep down inside of him, Brago had to admit that intimidation was amusing. His lips twitched and, slowly, deliberately, he shifted from his casual position on the bench, mindful of Zophise freezing in terror. He flicked his wrist and snapped his textbook shut with a resounding _clap_ that echoed in the silent chamber. Zophise jumped. Brago stood. His heavy cape flapped loudly as it suddenly fell around his legs. Zophise cringed at every sound. And Brago, slowly, deliberately, turned around. His feet scraped the stone floor as he did. This, too, echoed. Crimson eyes languidly came to rest of the white face of his would-be rival. Cold. Displeased. Narrowed. He allowed himself to smirk, briefly, as the other emitted a squeak and fled, beforing returning to the twenty-fourth page and reentering history. The world had hardly changed. End file.
A Study In Normality by The Gray Maze
Zatch Bell
Winter Disclamer: I do not own Zatch Bell or any of the charecters A/N: This is just a story I wrote a while ago and finally decided to post it. Hope you like it! _Thoughts_ --------------Scene /Time Change They were walking through a forest in the middle of winter, doing some more training. They were both walking on a frozen lake, Sherie trailing slightly behind Brago. Which wasn't really wasn't her fault, considering she kept slipping and sliding. For some reason, probably because he was a mamodo, Brago was having no trouble walking on the ice as if it was solid ground. Suddenly, the ice started to crack. She quickly moved away from the breaking ice, but she couldn't move fast enough. She plunged into the icy water, screaming. Brago whirled around, only to see a huge hole in the water. "Sherie!" He moved as fast as he could to the hole, but he couldn't see her under the water. _Damn it, where is she?_ As soon as he thought this, a blond head emerged from the water. He quickly grabbed her hand that had appeared and pulled her out of the water. Sputtering, she took in deep breaths of air. She shivered and wrapped her hands around herself, her teeth chattering. _Damn it, now she's cold. Weak human. We need to find shelter. **Now.**_ He looked around to find some place where she could rest and get warm. He spotted a cabin not to far off. He looked at Sherie and shook his head. No way was she in any condition to be walking. Sighing, he took off his fur cloak and put it on her. He then picked her up in bridle style and began to carry her to the cabin. They reached the cabin in no time, and Brogo opened the door, or rather, smashed the door in. It was empty. Good. He looked in the cabin. It was pretty small, only one room. There wasn't much in it, only a mattress on the floor. He let down the human. She was still shivering, but at least she wasn't unconscious. He knew he had to do something about her clothes. No way was she getting warm with that cold dress stuck to her skin. "Your dress. Take it off." Sherie looked at him confused, her face red. Before she decided to turn that confusion into anger, he decided to explain. "It's the only way you'll warm up." She nodded slightly, but with her shaking hands, she couldn't take it off. Annoyed, Brogo pulled the dress off for her, leaving her only in her undergarments. She blushed scarlet, and Brogo rolled his eyes. As if **he **would care what she was wearing. To save her from her embarrassment and the cold, he threw her his cloak, which had been sitting on the floor. She had now moved to the bed on the floor. Irritated, he noted she didn't seem to getting any warmer. Knowing he would regret, he moved determinably over to her. When he got there, he lowered himself and wrapped his arms around his human (_Since when was she mine?) _and pulled her into his chest. "Br..Bra..Brago," she stuttered, her face nine different shades of red, "What are you doing?" "Keeping you warm. You're no use to me if you're dead." She nodded, understanding, but at the same time, not understanding. She knew that Brago needed her to become king, and he couldn't do that if she died from the cold. But what she didn't understand was why he was hugging her to keep her warm. Brogo wasn't really the hugging' (_That's an understatement_) type of person. She decided to figure that out later. She was tired, and all she wanted to do was rest. She moved closer to Brago. He felt good and strong.(_Well, of course he's strong_) And warm. She began to fall into a comfortable sleep. Her last thought was: _Maybe I should fall into freezing water more often. _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sometime during the night, Brago awoke. He shook his head, annoyed that he had fallen asleep. Feeling a weight on his chest, he looked down. What he saw shouldn't have surprised him, but it did. He saw Sherie, looking beautiful with her soft blond locks and ivory skin. He studied her carefully, thinking about her. She was probably the best human partner he could have. Though he complained often about how weak she was, he knew, deep down, make that **very **deep down, that she wasn't. Not many humans could survive three days without sleep. Not many humans had the drive or determination she had. _Not many human girls have her beauty._ He suddenly realized what he just thought. Disgusted with himself for even thinking about her in a romantic sense, he moved to get up and found that he couldn't. Looking down, he realized that sometime during the night, Sherie had latched her arms around him. A faint, faint, pink spread across his face, but he shook it off. Growling, he sat back down, not wanting her to wake. _I'll wait till morning to move. Then this stupid night can be over and we can go on with helping me to become king._ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few minutes after Brago's awakening, Sherie also awakened. She was surprised to see she was still in Brago's arms. She was even more surprised when she realized her own arms were latched around his waist. Blushing scarlet, she made to move her arms, but found she didn't want to. She was just sooooo comfortable. This thought made her blush even more. Looking up into Brago's face, she saw that he had his eyes closed. It was then, looking up at him, she realized how much he meant to her. He had saved her countless times, and he had kept her company. They may just be using each other to accomplish their goals, but she was still thankful just to have him with her. She realized what she wanted to do to thank him. Her face turned red, but she knew she had to do it now or else she would never do it. Leaning forward, she quickly brushed her lips against her mamodos. It was a quick, chaste kiss, but it was still a kiss. Blushing even more, she nestled herself against Brago's chest and slept till morning. Unknown to her, a certain dark momodo opened his eyes to stare down at her. For once in his life, he was completely shocked. _What the hell did she do that for?_ But still, it felt...sorta nice. And right. _Maybe having a human mate wouldn't be so bad after all._ A/N: Sorry if it was really bad or ooc. Anyway, review! If you hate it, please list reasons, and don't say it's because you don't like the Brago/Sherie couple. End file.
Winter by kitkat101
Zatch Bell
Common Forlorn Love Common Forlorn Love [Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell, its characters or any of its merchandise. Therefore I shall write this fan fiction. The pairings are Sherry/Brago Won-Lei/Li-en. Brago's POV] Lately I keep coming here. I keep coming to this cliff overhanging the sea. The reason is pitiable and private. The sea reminds me of her, her eyes of impossible cerulean. The eyes of the woman who had changed me and I have come to tolerate in ways I didn't think possible. I left her behind ten years ago. Ten freaking years ago. It irritates the crap out of me. I told myself as a fourteen year old that she was just a phase and eventually I'd forget about her. Damn was I wrong. I'm twenty four now and still sitting in front of a sea of impossible cerulean just because it reminds me of that damned woman Sherry Belmont. I'd rather stay here by myself in privacy but it seems lately someone had figured out the reason behind my odd behavioural habit of staring at the sea with an intense gaze. I am just happy that it is someone I can relate to. I never really interacted with this guy during the war to be king because we were enemies. Now let's just say we're allies. This guy would be some Kung-Fu mamodo Won-Lei. He may have a similar problem to me. He yearns for the woman he could tolerate in ways he didn't think possible. I don't know her name. We don't talk, we just sit and stare at the sea. I don't enjoy the company. I don't enjoy anyone's company. Damn...I can't believe I'm even going to let my brain entertain this thought: I only wish that in my time in the human realm with that damned woman Sherry Belmont a little more since what felt like eternity wasn't even a lifetime. My fourteen year old self considered that time in the human realm to be hell obviously I didn't see this coming. I didn't think that there would a time even slower than this. A time which seems perpetually hellish. I would be damn wrong. The guy with the white hair sat down next to me. Great, I have company. We glance at each other and know just to ignore each other. We just continue to stare at the impossible blue sea. I don't get it. I can't see why this guy continues to decide he'd watch the waves with me. His human was Chinese. I think that's what her nationality was. Sherry was French. France...we didn't spend a lot of time there I don't think. I remember tracing conversations in cities between women talking about France. Apparently it was romantic, especially for newlyweds. Marriage had never been on my mind. It hadn't been on Sherry's mind either I don't think. It's probably been on Won-Lei's mind before. I think we was quite serious with that human woman of his. Marriage is something which happens in this world, the joining of mates. It is the joining of man and woman in husband in wife in the human world. I suppose that there is much difference between them. I shake a strange thought from my mind. It is strange because it was rather lustful. I had wondered what it would have been like if I could have been joined with Sherry as man and woman, as husband and wife and as mates and...parents perhaps? We would probably use whatever title we wanted. I continue to stare out to the sea which was impossible sapphire. There is nothing to say on the topic. There is nothing to do on the topic. It would be selfish to return to her side even though. I hate to admit it but I think I love her. There is also another thing I had salvaged from a conversation in the human world aside from something regarding marriage and France. Apparently, absence makes the heart yearn or something. It sounded poetic and sappy, something I am definitely not. Something I never was and something I'll never be. I would believe that phrase to be real since ten years has passed and an odd, human-like emotion attached to a human phrase has remained in my soul and strengthened. [I've been toying with this idea for a while; giving a common shade of emotion to Won-Lei and Brago whilst them silently looking out to sea whilst thinking of human companions. Since I've aged Brago to 25, surely any OOC could be the fault of him growing up.] MerryFairy :) End file.
Common Forlorn Love by MerryFairy
Zatch Bell
My Little Boy **_Disclaimers:_** As much as I may **want** to claim ownership of this production, I can't because **_Zatch Bell!_** belongs to a whole lot of different companies that I can't remember the names of at the moment. Any characters that appear in this fic that is not a part of the original series, belong to me so don't take them without asking first. **_Summary:_** Dr. Riddles thoughts as he watched Kedo's final battle against Belgium E.O. * * * **My Little Boy** Oneshot By: Sakura Lisel I was all alone until the day I met you Living in seclusion, I had about given up on life And I would have remained alone till the day I died Then you entered my life so suddenly When you came walking into my home, somehow I just knew That for me, things were going to change The minute you gave me your spell book And I spoke that first spell You made my days brighter, and took away the pain You brought the fun and laughter back to me I never once regretted meeting you And I would do it all over again if I had the chance Always looking to me for the answers and plans You with your innocence and endless questions Always looking to me for protection from nightmares And anything else that scared you It was always so much fun to tease you I feel pleasure fill me Every time I watch as your eyes lit up As you instantly believed my lies and tall tales But you always forgave me didn't you Even after I told you that I was just kidding? You always trusted me from the beginning But I never let you down did I? As I lay there unable to move With your spell book clutched in my hand I could feel the flames starting to cover your book And my heart broke as I knew I was going to loose you Without your powers, you still gave it your all Giving out orders to Folgore and Kanchome As the three of you struggled to survive As you continued to fight Belgium E.O. and Dalia It hurt so much that I couldn't do anything to help you Yet when your spirit appeared before me And as you started to speak to me You reminded me of all the good time we had I'm proud of how far you've grown And how you helped protect the rest of us till the end Despite me being unable to cast the spells for you And won in the end, with your new and final spell As I lay there, I feel a familiar tingle curse through my body Through the hand holding your spell book And out of the corner of my eye I could make out a bright light And I knew then what I had to do So through the tears spilling down my eyes I tightened my grip on what was left of your book As the final spell words seemed to just appear in my mind I ignored the pain coursing through my body, as I force my lips to move as I yell out your final spell Just as the last of the spell book burned away, I was in awe as I watch what happened next I could see your body disappeared just as you released your final attack Your final attack was so beautiful, that I wish you could have seen it You'd be so happy to know that you saved us Kedo I wish I could have said goodbye to you And told you how I felt Before you faded away from sight But I think you already knew deep down I feel so empty inside, now that you're gone But I'll try to be happy, because I know your finally home I hope you make it safely back to your mom and dad So goodbye and good luck, Kedo, wherever you are You're my best friend and companion But in many ways, you became so much more than that I'll miss you until the day I die You're my little boy, Kedo And I'll always love you _**The End?**_ **Author's Notes:** So what do you guys think of it? I felt so sad after what happened to Dr. Riddles and Kedo, that this all just came pouring out, into a Oneshot. This is first time writing a **_Zatch Bell!_** fanfic, so be kind. End file.
My Little Boy by Sakura Lisel
Zatch Bell
Zeno, The NekoBoy **Lol, I know it's not Halloween yet, but I got this idea and thought it was REALLY CUTE! Please excuse the flaws, I can't help it.** **Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN ZATCH BELL, IT BELONGS TO MAKOTO RAIKU, THE GOD OF ANIME.** * * * "Zeno! Please?" "No." "Pleeeease?" "_No."_ "Pretty please?" "NO." "Pretty please with sugar on top?" "I SAID NO, ZATCH!" "But you'd look really cute! Tia said so!" Zatch was trying to get Zeno to put on silverish-blue cat ears on Zeno's head. "You have to trick or treat with Ponygon, Tia and me!" Zatch reached forward farther, but Zeno pushed on his face, making him back off unintentially. "I'd look ridiculous with _cat ears_ on. Do you know how _stupid_ that is?" Zeno growled. "But I'll put a tail on you too! Then you'd _really _be cute! Kiyo said they're called neko-boys or something! And you could wave it around like a real cat!" Zatch pushed forward farther, causing Zeno to step back a bit. "A tail is even _stupider_ than the ears." Zeno replied flatly. He let go on Zatch's face and stepped back in a swift motion, causing Zatch to crash in the wall. Kiyo and Dufort sat next to each other on the stairs, Kiyo sweatdropping, Dufort staring blankly at them, even though you can tell he was weirded out. He couldn't imagine Zeno with cat ears and a tail. A thought cloud appeared, Zeno stood there in a white background, staring blankly, silverish ears and a tail popped on, and Zeno putting his hands up to his chin and meowing with a chibi cat smile. Dufort shivered. Zatch had snuck up on Zeno while he had his back turned, and they both toppled over, Zatch on top of Zeno. "Put them ON!" Zatch tried to force the ears on. Tia bounced out, folded brown jack russel ears and little chocolate brown fluffy tail wagged behind her. Megumi walked out behind her, smiling. "Made them mysel-" she was cut off when she stared at Zatch trying to get the ears on Zeno. "Uhh..." "Zatch wants Zeno to join him for trick or treating." Kiyo answered automatically. Tia laughed. She sprinted up to Zatch, both him and Zeno froze, and Tia whispered in Zatch's ear, he snickered and got off of Zeno, who scrambled up and dusted himself off. "What are you guys talking about?" Asked Zeno, suspicion dripping in his voice. "Oh, nothing, we just thought maybe you'd like to stay home and-HURRY DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!" Tia yelled, lunging forward at the exact same time as Zatch. Zatch popped up in front of Zeno, and stuck on the ears, while Tia was under his cloak, getting the tail in place. "GAH! WHAT THE HELL! GET OFFA ME!" Zeno was yelling at Zatch and Tia. Tia cut a tiny hole in Zeno's cloak to let the the silver cat tail wave around without lifting up the back of Zeno's mantle. "Got it!" She jumped away from Zeno. Who was trying to get the ears off, but to no avail. Zatch giggled. "Super gluuuee~" He waved around a tiny bottle. Zeno stared blankly at Zatch for a moment. "Somebody needs a murder~ I'm gonna murder you!" Zeno began chasing Zatch around in circles, the pink haired girl mamodo snuck upstairs, snatched a pair of shiny gold cat ears and tail, then tiptoeing down the stairs, and sppearing behind Zatch. "Suprise!" She yelled, putting slapping on the ears. She got under his mantle, and put the tail in place. "Done!" She jumped out from under his mantle, and Zatch lowered one ear and waved his tail around. "Ha ha ha ha ha haaa haha!" Zeno glared at both of them in annoyance, both of his ears pinned back and his tail curled around his legs. Tia smiled. "Ha! You both look adorable!" Zatch and Zeno looked at her and blushed slightly. "NOT THAT WAY YOU PERVERTS." She snarled, her ears lowered and her tail lowered. Megumi smiled, "You look so cute in that Tia!" She complemented. "Thank you Megumi!" Tia answered, wagging her tail. Kiyo began laughing. "I can never imagine you as a cat, Zatch! But now I can! What do you think of Zeno, Dufort?" Dufort looked at Kiyo, then at Zeno. "No...Comment." Dufort answered. Zeno folded his arms. "Whoop-dee-do. How embarrasing." "Get lots of candy!" Megumi yelled after Tia when the three children walked out of the house, beginning their trick-or-treating, Ponygon runnign to join them. Kiyo waved. "Be safe!" "We will, thanks Kiyo!" Zatch yelled back. The first house they reached, they rang the doorbell, and a small woman answered the door, she looked about 13, and smiled nicely. "Trick or treat!" They cheered. The girl smiled happily, and passed out the candy, Zeno was in the way, back, trying to inch away. "Oh no you don't!" Zatch grabbed the back of Zeno's cloak and pulled him back. "Say it!" Tia whispered exictedly. "And with feeling too, or we're not leaving this house!" She threatened. Zeno sighed. He wasn't going to leave the house anymore to show his face after this. Zeno gave the best puppy eyes he could, did a chibi kitty smile, and blinked once. "Trick or treeeat~ Mew?" * * * **XD Sorry, that HAD to be typed! It was too cute to get out of my head! And sorry it's rushed, I didn't mean it. ._.** **And I know Zeno doesn't really make friends with Zatch in the HUMAN world, they sort of make up in the mamodo world, but what the hell, it's fanfiction, I can type whatever I want.** **Hope you enjoyed!** End file.
Zeno, The NekoBoy by sora12212
Zatch Bell
Time Of Summer Training Tia walked down the sandy beach sidewalk trying to keep the sun out of her large pink and orange like eyes. Megumi was having another photo shoot and it was the summer fun edition. "This is the 9th shoot this week" Tia mumbled to herself as she kicked a sandy soda can down the sidewalk. She scanned the beach to see if there was anything she could do to pass the time. She saw two teenagers swimming, a toddler playing in the sand and teachers wife jogging! Tia's eyes grew large and her face turned a pale green. She shook her head franticly get the image out of her head. Something suddenly caught he eye. She peered out over the water. "Is that Fogore surfing?" Tia yelled in surprised. She jumped over the stone wall and ran down the beach to make sure. It was Folgore! Tia watched him do a 360 in mid air. He was actually pretty good. "Tia" Kanchome called out as he ran up to her. "I didn't know Folgore could surf" Tia said as she watched Folgore glide on the water. "The great Folgore can do just about anything" Kanchome boasted proudly. Folgore looked their way and smiled. He got on his stomach and paddled skillfully back to the shore. "Tia it's good to see you" Folgore said with his cheerful Italian accent. "So what brings you to the beach"? Tia asked while trying to shield her eyes from the sun. "Kanchome and I always getting chased by my fans so we came here for a short vacation" Folgore replied with a gleaming smile. "Megumi is here having another photo shoot" Tia sighed. "Man I know how that feels" konchome said back while staring at Folgore. "I'm sorry I'll make it up to you by buying you some ice cream, you want to come too Tia?" Folgore asked. "It beats hanging around here bored" Tia thought. "Ok I'm in". The three friends walked down the sandy shore to the snack bar while catching up and talking. "Did you guys have any battles lately?" Tia asked Folgore while staring at the bright blue water. "We actually have and we barely made out of there" Folgore sighed. "I got a lot stronger from that battle though" Kanchome said to Tia trying to act confident and strong. "I'm sure you did Kanchome I'm sure you did". Tia quickly looked behind her suspiciously. "Folgore I think someone's fallowing us" Tia said concernedly. "I think she's right" Kanchome stammered. "Look" Kanchome cried. He was pointing at large footprints. A large human like Mamdo came out of the sand and stood up. "It looks like I blown my cover" he said with an evil grin. He wore a dark red shirt with a black jean jacket with a dark blue peace sign on the back and black tattered jeans. His head was covered with long messy brown hair he also had a black fedora hat in his hand. "Wait you're the one I battled when Folgore and I were in Venice" Kanchome said very worriedly. "It's nice to see you again too Kanchome" The mamodo laughed confidently. "You know it seems I know your name but you don't know mine, my name is Rocky". Rocky quickly glared at Tia and grinned. "You're that girl who hangs out with lightning blonde". "You mean Zatch" Tia replied with a mean stare. Rocky nodded eagerly. "This is going to be more fun than I thought" Rocky snickered. "But I didn't come here to battle" Rocky said quickly. Kanchome's mouth fell open in shock. "Then why did you attack me in Venice!" Kanchome screamed still awe struck. "Because Dr. Riddles told me too" Rocky spat. "Wait you know him?" Tia asked in disbelief. "Kiddo was a good friend of mine back in the mamodo world after he returned I told Dr. Riddles I'll do anything I can do for him. "But why did he order you to attack?" Kanchome asked still confused. "He wanted to make you stronger" Tia said while giving Kanchome you idiot look. "The doctor said you were very smart, now I have to agree" Rocky said with a warm smirk. "Ok so you're a friend of Dr. Riddles we get that, but what are you doing here?" Folgore asked while staring at Rockies eyes surrounded by a thin coat of black eye liner. "To make you guys stronger like last time". "How good are you anyway?" Tia asked. "I defeated Barri and I'm one of the few mamodo that can go toe to toe with Zeno with out getting destroyed". Kanchome had a painful flash back of watching Zeno almost defeating Zatch. Kanchome shuddered "So you weren't going full power on me were you?" Kanchome asked now a little frightened. "If I wanted to beat you I would have done it with in seconds of meeting you when we were facing each other in Venice". "Rocky" Zatch cried in excitement as he glomped Rocky to the warm sand. "It's good to see you kid" Rocky said back and ruffled Zatch's messy blonde hair. "You know him"? Folgore, Tia and Kanchome screamed in chorus. "We were buds back in the mamodo world" Zatch replied as he helped Rocky off the ground. "I always had to save him when you and those jerks chase him with sticks" Rocky said in an angry voice at Tia. Tia rubbed the back of her head and blushed. "Oh right Zeno gave Zatch his memories back, oh and when you think about it Rocky you do look a little familiar". Rocky frowned and looked up at the sun. "Let the games begin" Rocky shouted. Kiyo, Megumi and a girl with brown hair with purple streaks ran down the stone stairs to the beach. "This is my partner Lenore" Rocky said while grinning at her. She wore a purple shirt and a pink vest. She had a light blue jeans and black high heels. "Let's get started". * * * **_ I hope to start the second chapter soon and I hope to make it totaly Kickass! In the mean time please tell me what you think. See you guys on the flip side!-Jon is out! _** **_I do not own Zatch Bell and Rocky is a character I have created for this story. _** End file.
Time Of Summer Training by retro493
Zatch Bell
Butterflies **Cherish tucked in the last child for the night. She sees them sleeping happily and peacefully like they have no care in the word. Cherish looked down slightly as something made her miss her father. She walked to her room quietly closing the door. The moon was near full in the night sky. ** **Cherish sat on her bed looking out the window. She opens the window for some fresh air. The soft breeze was the right weather for her. This weather made her remember her father.** **"One of those nights" she said in her mind.** **Cherish turns her head looking at an old picture that was faced down. Sadness and remorse was showing on her face. She always seem so strong to others, but like everyone else she has her moments to show sadness. Carefully she picked up the picture and guides her fingers down the photo. In the photo were her mother and father and her when she was a little girl. ** **It all seems like yesterday. She closed her eyes as a series of flashbacks raced through her head. Taken her back to when the days were filled with young and fun.** **"Mommy look at this" she said showing her mother a picture she drew.** **Her mother gave Cherish a smile "Cherish you're getting better" she said.** **"She had my blood that's why" said her father who was entering the house.** **Cherish giggles as he ruffles her hair. Her mother rolls her eyes and playfully smiles at her husband.** **"Daddy you promise me that you'll go for a walk with me" she reminded her father.** **"Of course I never forget" he chuckles.** **He took her hand and left. Her mother went back to cooking a sweet surprise. The weather was sunny and fair. Her father lifted her up on his shoulders to get a better view. She let out a laugh her father joins her. ** **A butterfly flutter passed her as she tries to reach for it. The butterfly landed on her head. Her eyes looked up at the bug on her head. Something snaps Cherish back to the realty. Cherish felt her head in a little pain. ** **The weather seemed to be getting a little bad. She closed her window as well as anything else that as unlocked. Something caught her eye the same butterfly that she saw when she was young or maybe not. It seemed that it wants Cherish to follow.** **"Weird" she sighs though her breath.** **Cherish put on her coat and left the house. Ted woke up from his sleep half tired. He notices Cherish leaving the house. He felt a little worry about her, but he went back to sleep he knows she is tough. Cherish tried to keep up with the butterfly as the winds were getting more dangerous. Dark storm clouds were rolling in. Her body stopped in fear.** **"Not again she said softly holding herself.** **She looked ahead to see something that made her heart drop and a sickening feeling in her stomach. The same site where she last saw her father before his untimely death. She hands were shaking. She wanted to move forward, but her body was frozen. All the events of this same night made her cry. ** **She saw her younger self with her father. Sharing their last moments before he passed away. Cherish fell on her knees. The rain started coming down. Her tears stain the ground. She couldn't believe how much she misses him. ** **Since his death she's been on her own without any parents. She struggles to find a piece of happiness. Someone held an umbrella over her. She turns to see Ted as she tries to smile, but nothing came out as a smile. Ted placed his hand on her shoulder giving her a smile. ** **Cherish hugged Ted tight not to tight. He hugged her back. He knows that she's having a hard time with this. He lost his parents as well. He held his hand out for her to hold. ** **She reached for his hand as he pulls her up. She took hold of the umbrella allowing them both to be dry and headed back. The butterfly landed on a flower as it took form of her father. He gave her a smile.** **"Cherish I'm proud of you" he said in his mind before vanishing.** **Cherish turns her head as if she felt him standing there. She shook off the feeling. She gave a smile as the skies stared to become clear. Ted saw a bunch of butterflies around them. He let out a chuckled while Cherish reached out and felt it's wings.** **"****_Good-bye father_****" she said in her mind.** **Ted patted her lower back seeing that's how he can do it. Cherish looked up at the night sky. She knows that her father is proud of her along with her mother.** End file.
Butterflies by kelcher
Zatch Bell
A New Friend For All New Characters: Name: Marini; Appearance: Purple dog, pointy ears, can fly, red paws and muzzle; Book color: Sea blue; Ability: can make fireballs and breathe fire; Partner: Serina (blonde hair, fire print dress, likes candles) * * * New Visions As Zatch had just lost his memories to Zeno, he saw a shady animal jumping from tree to tree. It was Marini. A small dog roaming the forest to find her partner, who ran to find help when they heard the explosion. Marini jumped from her branch to see if he was OK. She heard footsteps coming fast. She jumped into the air and flew up to her branch to see what it was. It was Kyo's father. She let out a howl to tell Serina that there was help for Zatch. She returned to her home in the city. Her ears perked up. * * * Sorry it's short. I just needed to introduce Marini and Serina. End file.
A New Friend For All by Air Cats
Zatch Bell
Everybody Hurts * * * Everybody Hurts * * * "Aw come on Brago." "No." "Some fresh air would do you good." "Fine!" Ten at night. Sherrie and Brago walked down the park bridge. "Can we go somewhere else" "Fine." Sherrie really didn't like the park anyway. She only went there in hopes of finding a mamodo and clearing her head. "Were to?" She asked Brago. "The other park." She looked at him, but fallowed him. "Brago." She said in protest. "This isn't the park. It's a graveyard!" "Nice." He said, nonchalantly looking around. "Brago we shouldn't be here." He smiled. "Scared?" "No! We just shouldn't be here." "Are too." "No, I just have a funny feeling that's all." He scoffed and sat down on a tomb. "Hey!" Sherrie screamed. "You can't sat there." "Why not." "Because that's a grave and There's a dead guy under you." Brago was intrigued. "How deep?" "About six feet, why do y-" Before Sherrie could utter another word, Brago was digging. "Stop! You can't do that." He hrumped and sat down on the grown. Sherrie sighed. "Oh Brago, what am I going to do with you? You can't go digging up people's graves." "Why not?" He said with a evil smile that betrayed him more than it scared her. "It's not like there gonna get mad. The friggin' human's dead." "Brago. That's not...oh never mind." They sat there in the moonlight for what seemed like years. Brago was looking out towards the gate, possibly contemplating the prospect of going home. Sherrie however, had her eyes locked on his. She was thinking too much; Letting her mind walk. 'Red eyes. Just like some crappy movie. I wonder what kind of vision he has. Then his skin. I wonder if he can feel with grey corpse-like skin. And his chest. I wonder how it works. Dose he physicaly have a heart. Then his legs. Oh girl. You skipped the E! channel on you merry way down the TV Guide.' This thought was interrupted by Brago turning to look at her. It's all a funny little shocker when you remember looking at someone who knows. And looks back. By the general shock in both there eyes, she could guess they had similar thoughts. "What?" He asked. His voice wasn't as cold, as if maybe- "What?" He asked again. "What are you looking at?" "Nothing." She lied. She looked back down at the dress she was wearing. 'Just like any other guy. They're so much more self-conscious then women.' Brago on the other hand, did not turn back. 'I must be the luckiest of all the mamodo. My human is the most enduring of them all.' He caught a small glimpse of her eyes turning to pin-point the odd glance. He turned his head fast and she smiled a little. 'Those eyes.' He thought. 'There so much more beautiful than any mamodo's eyes.' She thought for a moment. 'If he doesn't like my hand there, I'll move it. I'll just play dumb.' Brago damn near jumped right out of his grey skin. He looked down. 'Her hands' on my leg!' He thought. 'Who dose she think she is. I wound never ask to put my hand on her like that. But then again...she didn't ask. Maybe you don't ask you just do it.' Sherrie's flabbergasted expression was priceless when she noticed Brago had moved his hand on top of her's. Not so much because it was there, but it wasn't at all like she assumed. 'It so warm and tender. I thought with all the battles it would at lest be chapped, but no. It's smooth and soft and oddly gentle' In about five minutes both of Sherrie's hands were on both of Brago's. It was like some sick variation of that children's game. Seeing just who could get his or her or demon hand on the top of the other's first. Only now time seemed to stop. From the moment there hand touched, to now. Nothing could break this moment. "Brago," Sherrie said warmly. He put his hand up with one pointy index finger as his to make, a 'shh' sound. "What?" She asked in a whisper. He looked around tensely; the moment they've been waiting for shattered. Like a glass on hard bone. Maybe he was like this for a few minutes, confirming his suspicions will never know. He dose talk about it anymore. He turned to her to answer her question. "Blood" "Blood?" She exclaimed. 'That's defiantly the wrong thing to be thinking about.' She said to herself. "I smell blood. Fresh human blood." She looked scared. He turned to look at her. She was terrified. "It's ok." He said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Let's go." He said, both of them standing up. He could see a man lurking in the back. They started walking out. 'Ok Sherrie you can do this.' She thought to her self. In Brago's mind he sighed. 'The crypts, the bridge 7-11, then that stupid park. The park I dragged her out of.' They wondered thru the crypts in hopes of seeking the safe haven of the park. The park was full of humans and probably a hand full of mamodo, too. You see, there was a party going on. Today is or soon to be was, the 4th of July. And while humans where setting off there own fireworks, Brago and Sherrie was a few of there own. A gunshot rang thru the night time sky. "Shit." Brago said. "Who ever's out there knows were here." They stood on the bridge now. The man was coming closer. Sherrie froze. "Move!" Brago shouted. Another shot and this time she did move. Flat down on the ground. Brago turned to face the shooter, but there was no one. He moved over to Sherrie and lifted her up into his arms. His eyes filled with tears as he smelled her blood. When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone, When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on. Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes He looked into her eyes. He guessed form the lost of blood, she maybe had minutes. Maybe. Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends. Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand. If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long, When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on. "Sherrie" he said softly. She smiled at him. He could see her eyes closing. "Sherrie I-" Her lips met his. They stood this way for along while. "I love you Brago." She said in a far off tone. "Your not dying. I wont say goodbye!" He yelled at her. "No." She said. "It's not goodbye." She said crying as much as he was now. "It's see you later." She whispered, shutting her eyes. "Sherrie!" Brago yelled. "Sherrie!" Only silence filled the air. He cried out. "Please God, no." His warm tears filled his eyes. If not for his title, but his beloved friend. He only wished now that he got to tell her so. Song-R.E.M.'s Everybody Hurts End file.
Everybody Hurts by Fullmetal Mac
Zatch Bell
Daydream Disclaimer: Don't own it. Can't sue. Zatch was watching TV since Kyo was at school. "Nothing's on..." he complained as usual. He came across the Lifetime channel, not knowing it was for women basically. "Hey...what's this?" It was a romantic movie as usual. Zatch's eyes grew big as he started daydreaming about Kolulu, the pink haired Mamodo. ( Zatch's Daydream ) "Ohhhh Zatch! You're my hero!" Kolulu ran into his tiny arms. Zatch grinned and held her close. "Kolulu?" "Yes, my Zatch Bell?" "Will you be my Kolulu Bell?" "Of course, dear Zatch!" POP! "Zatch...ZATCH!" Kyo came in, obviously home from school. "Huh..." Zatch slowly came back to reality, and realized he was sitting in his own drool. "Uhh..." "Zatch? What were dreaming about?" Kyo glared with his left eye abnormally big and twitching. " one..." "Who?" Blushing, Zatch twiddled with his fingers. "Kolulu..." "What about Kolulu? Still feel bad we had to...?" Zatch for a split second remembered details of the dream. Him being King, asking Kolulu to be his only Queen. He had to make it so. "No. After all, I'm going to mar-..." " really need to get off the sugar." THE END? Author's Note: Should I continue with more daydreams? I dunno much about Zatch Bell, but I love this pairing...hehe. Review plz! End file.
Daydream by Isuzu Sohma
Zatch Bell
Brotherly Compassion **Fop-chan:** **(Author's note) this is my very first Konjiki no Gash Bell fan fiction. I've been liking Zatch Bell for a while, (A few years to be exact), but I wasn't able to write fan fiction. I was stuck writing other fan fiction. But the main point here is that I don't want any flames or bad comments on my first try of an anime Fanfic Please. **_**PLEASE. **_** Arigato!** -- I began writing my letter to Kiyo while I sat on my large throne of glory. "Dear Kiyo..." I erased the paper. "No." I didn't want to start the letter that way. I wanted to tell Kiyo so much though. How he helped me become king, how he's doing, and thinks like that. I wish Kiyo was here with me in the mamodo world. I'm all alone in this big castle of mine. All my friends' parents say that they shouldn't disturb a king. But I'm still a kid. I _need_ to have fun and play. It's healthy for a young mamodo boy like me to play outside in the sun with people he cares. Well...there is _one_ mamodo boy who lives in this big castle with me. I wanted to go to school together with him, but he has to finish his military schooling. Since I'm king I tried to stop that since we shouldn't fight anymore to decide the next king and all. It's a new law I just though off. Of course Kiyo helped me. I still miss Kiyo very much. I'll try to figure out a way to get back to the human world. I will. Anyway, back to the boy I was talking about. While I tried writing my letter I saw him walk gracefully across the clean tiled floors of the castle. School was out so we both stayed home. I watched him as he was playing with a tiny red ball out of boredom. He sure didn't look excited. His large frown and purple eyes were as sad as ever, and his once shiny hair that was like the silver moonlight now turned to a dull grey. His dress-like cloak was a dirty white instead of a pure white gold like it once was, and his skin turned to pale beige instead of fleshy platinum. I was worried about him. Ever since I was king he was acting different and hasn't talked ever since. I miss him too, as much as Kiyo. I wanted to talk to him but remained sitting in front of my letter, studying him. He threw the small red ball across the floor and watched it roll until it stopped. He would then walk up to the round object, pick it up, and repeat the process. I continued to watch him until he reached a wall. He glanced at the large wall and threw the ball at it in anger. I guess he was mad at it because it was in the way of something. The ball roughly bounced off and flew across the room to the other side. He released an angry grunt from his mouth, revealing shark-like teeth, as he navigated again gracefully to the other side of my rather large throne room. I felt bad for him. I could tell he was lonely. I could also tell he knew I was in here, but he refused to look at me. I was extremely worried about him. Not to be nosey or anything, but I just want to know what was wrong with him. After all, I love him. He's my brother. Zeno Bell. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to talk to him and find out what's wrong with my brother. I placed the unfinished letter on my desk, along with the pencil, beside me, and pranced up to him with a brotherly smile. "Hi Zeno!" He still didn't look at me, but he recognized my voice. He looked down at the red ball and lightly stepped on it. "What do you want?" He roughly kicked the ball as I saw it fly. "Hee-hee." I was a little nervous since I didn't want him mad at me. Whatever the reason I wanted to see if I can take all his anger away. With Zeno that might sound impossible, but for me, I'll never give up. "Nothing." "Then go away." He started to walk away again but I ended up following him. I couldn't make out of his eyes this time because of his dull grey bangs. He must have scene that I was following him since he showed glistening white teeth under his frowning mouth. He stopped; still within great feet of the balls range. "Why are you following me?" He still didn't look at me. I hesitated for a moment. I really didn't know why I was following him. I just wanted to. I didn't want him to be lonely. That's all. "Where are you going?" I stopped. That must be the stupidest answer I could come up with. I knew where he was going. He was playing by himself. Alone. He stopped for a while. I guess he was thinking. Without facing me he went back to walk to his toy that seemed to waiting for him on the other side. He didn't say a word. I went on rambling. "Wait!" My voice echoed in the large room. "I just wanted to know if you want to play." "I'm playing something right now." His voice was gruff with his face still to the floor. "I mean. Maybe we can play something together." I was actually hopeful this time. He stopped in front of his red prize and, at last, looked at me with his white striped and dark lavender eyes. "You can't be serious." I gulped but refused to give up. "No. I am. And I also want to talk to you." He summarily rejected my request and bent down to pick up the ball with his hand that was hidden in his white cloak for some time now. I on the other hand wanted to talk to him. Badly. Every time Kiyo had a problem he'd talk it out with me. If I can talk to Kiyo like that then I should be able to talk to my brother the same way. I just need to work on it, and what better way to do that then to start right now. "Zeno, please." I begged him with such suppliant in my voice. "If you have a problem please talk to me. You don't need to be scared." He finally looked at me again. Only this time the dull bangs on his head continued to show the umbrage of his face. "You think I'm afraid? Ha! Why would I tell my problems to a feckless little thing like you?" "Are you still mad at me because I have the Bao? Is that it?" Right then and there I felt as if I shouldn't have said that. The next thing I knew five small fingers grabbed my neck, and my head came in contact with the polished floor. I couldn't see him but I heard the harsh words that he spat from his mouth then at me. "Say it again you bastard and I'll make you go through the worst kind of hell you've ever felt!" I tried turning my head but his strength was potent and unbearable. I knew he was very strong. I mumbled with my face to the floor. I saw the shiny floor fog up as I talked. "Zeno, Please." I tried again. "I didn't mean to say that. I really just want to talk. I meant to get your attention." "Attention my ass!" He yelled as I cried when he squeezed his hand tighter around my neck. "I know you just want to rub it all in my face!" I forced myself to gaze up at my older-twin brother. "Why won't you listen to me?" "Why should I?" He gripped tighter as I coughed and drooled saliva. I coughed more harshly between my sentences. "Because it's my duty as know about all the mamodo problems of Makai. And're my brother. Your problem is my problem." "Shut-up!" His eyes squinted in anger a bit until I saw how part of his figure changed during that time. The dullness in his hair grew more alive and his eyes weren't so sad anymore. He slowly let go of my neck. "Why do you care? Nobody cares about me." "I do." I wiped the drool off the side of my chin with my forearm. "You might think that now but wait until later." "You just want to be nice to me now so that you'll be mean to me later. I've been mean to you all your life. How stupid can one be to realize that? And _now_ you're turning all nice on me. You must be setting up something." "No big-brother." I tried to reason with him again. "I wanted to tell you something after all this time." He turned his head away from me and threw the red object across the room once more. "Go ahead and say it. Unlikely I would listen anyway." He began to walk. "If you say it will you leave me alone?" "I promise big-brother." I really didn't want to leave his side just now, but if it makes him feel better then I guess it's for the best. "Zeno. You know I have the Bao, but I didn't pick it myself. I was given Bao." I noticed his fists curled up into a ball. He really didn't want to hear the word "Bao" come from my mouth, but this was important for him. For the sake of both of us. "Zatch. Just shut-up now!" "No. I won't!" I felt hot teardrops pouring down my face. "Please listen to me. Just this once. Zeno, please!" I fell on my knees and bawled loudly. He finally stopped to look at me. My tears watered the tiled floors of the throne room. He ignored his red toy and went up to me. "What is it Zatch?" He said in a very low voice. I glanced up at him. The light in his skin finally shown at last and his cloak didn't seem so dirty anymore. I sniffed up my tears and gathered up all the courage that I needed as I continued to talk. "It wasn't my choice to inherit the Bao. If it was possible..." I lowered my voice and ducked my head until I was facing my dark blue cloak. "...I could have given it to you!" I went on crying louder until I looked up at him. He had a new face that I haven't seen before. He took out an arm from his white blanket-like cloak to help me up. "Zatch. You can stop crying now." I took his offer and came back on my feet until we met each other at eye level. I didn't say anything since tears were in the way. He seemed to understand that and continued to talk. "But you know if I had the Bao the mamodo world would be a whole new different place." "I don't care. I just want you to be happy." I sniffed up more tears. "I care about you big-brother. No matter what. I love you Zeno." He looked down at his white shoes and then I witnessed the impossible. A single teardrop made its way down my brother's face and onto the floor. I asked him what was wrong. He replied with a nod and a smile. "Do you really mean that Zatch?" "Of course I do." I was happier this time. "I don't see much of my friends anymore besides in school. So as long as we both live here together we might as well get along." More tears cascaded off my brothers face. "Out of all people. You're the only one that cares the most. I now...suddenly feel I used to treat you in the past." He wiped his tears but they just kept coming. "It's okay. What's past is past." "Not for me." Zeno still refused to let it go. "Zatch. I don't want the Bao anymore. It's the least I can do for someone who cares about me so much." "So, that's all you ever wanted. Someone to care for you? A friend?" He nodded. "Yes. Zatch. For all the horrible things I've done to you. I'm sorry..." "Zeno..." I hushed him by placing a comfortable hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I know you're sorry." I froze when he came closer to my face and embraced my whole being with his. His arms fell all around me as I did the same in return. "Thank you Zatch." He whispered. He cried harder on my shoulder making it wet. But I didn't care. I wanted him to cry his heart out. I carefully patted his back and rubbed it in comfort. "It's okay Zeno." I led him to my throne and we sat on it together. It was big enough to fit the both of us. "How do you feel now?" I asked him. "Like a king." He rested his head on my shoulder. "I owe you one big time little bro." I knew he was feeling much better and I was glad as ever. "You don't have to." He noticed my unfinished letter on the desk nearby and picked it up. "What's this?" He said shoving it in my face. "Oh this?" I took it from his hands. "I was starting a letter to give to Kiyo." I sounded very proud. "You remember Kiyo don't you?" "He was your book owner. Yes, I remember him." He thought for a moment until he sighed sadly. "What the matter now Z?" I tilted my head making it lean on one of the throne's arms. "Now you're calling me Z? Ha! Nice nickname." Yes, he was feeling better. "I just...never mind..." "C'mon! Tell me." I leaned my head on his shoulder this time. "Well, it's just that...if you're writing to Kiyo...can I write to Dufort?" "Sure! Anything you want!" I tried looking for another sheet, but had another idea cooped up in my little mind. "I have another idea." He looked at me confused. "Why don't we write the letters later?" I placed my letter back and jumped off my throne. He followed me. "Then what?" He asked. I looked for the red ball on the floor, picked it up, and threw it at him. He caught it perfectly. "Let's go play outside first Z. It's such a nice day. And then maybe we can go for a walk. Even though we're brothers we need to get acquainted with one another." "For once you're right." He did a fake bow. "King Zatch." I laughed and he laughed back. That was the first time we laughed together. I'll never forget this moment. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He jumped a little but weakly smiled. He would need to get used to this as we walked out the large castle together. Hand in hand. Once outside I beamed as bright as the sunshine above us and gave my brother a hug. "I love you Zeno." He slightly blushed and looked at me with a fairly large smile. His silver bangs shined liked white gold mixed with platinum and his lavender eyes were vivacious and caring. "I love you too Zatch." I smiled on his shoulder as I realized that, by gazing into his eyes of truth, he was very asseverate and honest. I'm glad I have a twin. A brother. I single teardrop rolled down my face and I wasn't worried about him any longer. Only our brother to brother love can keep close us together now. _Zatch Bell_ **--** **Fop-chan: Zatch would probably never say something like this, but it's my first try in Zatch Bell fanfiction. This is more like a brother to brother type of love and not incest or anything like that. Once again, please no bad comments and flames. Please. Arigato!** End file.
Brotherly Compassion by Fop626
Zatch Bell
1. 1: Hurt **NOTE: I've had the idea to do this for a pretty good while (since before I wrote "Iris"), and finally decided to pull it out.** **Basically, it's a Brago/Sherry oneshot, only in two parts. The setting is after the mamodo battle, and we're going to assume that Brago is crowned King. The exposition of the second half (posted in another chapter) is for Sherry, back on Earth.** **Both 'fics' are songfics. Brago's is "Hurt" By Johnny Cash (originally by Nine Inch Nails, but I prefer the Johnny Cash version), and Sherry's is "Without You Here" by The Goo Goo Dolls, probably the greatest band EVER (save, maybe, Evanescence).** **Pay LOTS of attention to the words of the song, ESPECIALLY the chorus! I LOVE the 'empire of dirt' part, how it really goes along with Brago if he was separated from Sherry for the right to King.** **Part 1/2, Enjoy!** **--** **1: Hurt** _I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel_ _I focus on the pain- the only thing that's real_ _The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting_ _Try to kill it all away_ _But I remember..._ _Everything..._ Brago gazed out the large window of his palace, the vast landscape before him more beautiful than anything he had witnessed on Earth- Well, save for maybe one. "Sherry..." He allowed her name to slip from his lips, hardly realizing he was speaking out loud until the sound of his voice broke the thick silence. It had never been the same since he had left her on that pathetic planet, though he had thought it wouldn't be. No, he had expected to be glad to leave, to finally be dubbed the King he deserved to be. Fate surely wasn't on his side. Walking through a massive hallway to the master bedroom, the demon slammed the door behind him and climbed onto the bed, staring up at the stale white ceiling. _Why am I even missing her? _he wondered, folding his arms behind his head. _She was nothing but a burden, such a weak girl..._ A small tug occurred in his chest, but he dismissed it as nothing, standing up from the mattress. He was restless; nothing could keep him still for more than a few moments. "Why do I have to love her?" he muttered, keeping his eyes focused on the floor as he began to pace around the room, fists shoved into his pockets. _What have I become, my sweetest friend?_ _Everyone I know goes away, in the end_ _And you could have it all- my empire of dirt_ _I will let you down..._ _I will make you..._ _Hurt..._ She had changed him, but not so much that there was a major difference- though it was easily spotted by him. It was an emotional change; something about her had caused him to think more of others emotions, to strive for something with your whole soul, not just your head. Before he had disappeared back to the mamodo world with all claim to King, she had told him something he never believed he'd hear- that she loved him. He hadn't acknowledged it at the time, too caught up in his newfound glory, but in the weeks that had passed, the statement clouded his mind, and he found he couldn't stop thinking about his bookkeeper. She had, of course, cried when he left, and even dared to let her hand brush against his face, another motion he had returned to often. He could almost feel the softness of her palm against his cheek, and the wetness of one of those crystal tears against his skin... "What did she do to me?" Growling, Brago made his way outside, ignoring the servants that tried to wait to his 'every need,' as they put it. He didn't need them, anyways- if he wanted something, he could get it himself. _I wear this crown of thorns, upon my liar's chair_ _Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair_ _Beneath the stains of time, the feelings disappear_ _You are someone else..._ _I am still..._ _Right here..._ The mamodo world was what most humans would consider 'perfect,' with lush green grass and sparkling brooks; nature was certainly abundant in the land. The demons were, for the most part, a happy kind of folk; some were more apt to argue than others, but peace reigned. Brago made sure of that- as much as he loved to battle, there was no use now, as he had achieved his goal. Letting a sigh escape his lips, he found a shady spot under a tree, and decided to try and clear his busy mind. Control must not have sided with him either, for being still just made it worse. Closing his eyes nonetheless, the King took a deep breath and let it out slowly, nothing seeming to work. _Sherry..._ She was the one who helped him get where he was. The girl had stimulation, for her friend Koko, and that's what kept her going- but even after Zophise was defeated, she went strong. She was fully and completely devoted to making him King, and, as much as he hated to admit it, he probably couldn't have had a better partner. At first he had believed her to be the most pathetic and stupid human inhabiting that horrible excuse for a planet- and she had thought no more of him. However, she was willing to put differences aside and stand beside him, which he accepted and returned after a while. Their first battle, even, had been strong; he had learned spells quickly and was able to perform them with great power and control because of his spell-caster... His friend... _My love..._ Brago tightened his eyes as he reluctantly realized the truth, and suddenly all doubts ceased. He loved that woman, and there was nothing he could do about it. _If I could start again, a million miles away_ _I would keep myself..._ _I would find..._ _A way..._ **--** **NOTE: Hee. That was fun. Short, but fun.** **Installment number last coming soon:3** 2. 2: Without You Here **NOTE: The second and final installment is here:3 ** **And a special shoutout to Twilight Memories (I've given her about a million shoutouts, but she's done so much for me already!) for telling me a good information center for the Japanese names and stuff. I've decided to switch over to the Japanese spells and names. Yeah... That means 'mamono' instead of 'mamodo.' Stuff like that... If you're reading "Imaginary," you'll hear this speech-thing at the beginning of the next chapter.** **Well, I'll still use Sherry instead of Sherie, and Brago instead of Burago. There's not really a big difference. I think Brago sounds better anyways.** **This section is for Sherry, and her musings about Brago after the battle. The song is "Without You Here" by the Goo Goo Dolls. ** **Enjoy!** **Part 2/2.** **--** **2: Without You Here** _And your love's a gathered storm_ _I chased across the sky_ _A moment in your arms became the reason why_ _You're still the only light that fills the emptiness_ _The only one I need..._ _Until..._ _My dying breath..._ Sherry leaned back on the divan and patiently waited for Jii to finish preparing her tea- her afternoon delicacy. "Here you go, Miss Sherry," he said in his deep voice, handing her the steaming hot liquid in a fine porcelain cup. "_Merci_," she replied, taking a sip of the sweet drink. "Is there something bothering you, Miss Sherry?" the man asked, sitting down in a nearby chair and studying her with concern. Sherry frowned, pushing a stray lock of hair away from her face. "Nothing in particular, why?" _'And how little he knows...' _she thought, _'it's only been a few weeks, and already...'_ "You're not acting normal, and it's beginning to worry me..." After a moment's pause, he added, "What happened to that lad you used to hang about with? The rather odd looking one?" "Brago?" Sherry's eyes widened, and she glanced over at her butler. "He's gone now." Setting down her tea, she folded her hands in her lap. "Jii, may I be alone for a while, please?" Jii stood and nodded, gathering up the china on a tray and departing from the room. When he was out of sight and earshot, Sherry let out a silent sob, despite her efforts to hold back the tears. _And I would give you everything, just to feel your open arms_ _And I'm not sure I believe..._ _Anything..._ _I feel..._ Standing, Sherry made her way to the balcony that overlooked the gardens behind her mansion, resting her arms on the stone railing. "Brago..." He had saved her so many times; protected her from so many enemies... No matter how broken his body became, he always sheltered her from any spell thrown her way. At first she'd hated the creature- despised his kind because of what Zophise did to her best friend, Koko. But, as time went on, she realized that if she was going to fulfill her goal and his, differences would have to be cast aside. Despite her hatred of the mamono race, she accepted the fact, and over time, he did as well. And, because of that, he began to change for the better- even if it was only in the slightest. Another burning tear fell down the girl's cheek, leaving a salty trail until it dropped onto her hand. Biting her lip, she wondered what Brago was doing at that moment- and if he even missed her. "He probably doesn't even think of me anymore..." she whispered to herself, wiping her eyes with a sniffle. "Not even after I confessed..." _And now, now that you're near _ _There's nothing more without you_ _Without you..._ _Here..._ Suddenly, Sherry felt a tug in her chest- more specifically, her heart- and she knew that somehow, he was aching for her as she was him. Shaking her head, she reentered her home and walked into her bedroom, locking the door behind her. Taking a seat on the padded window seat, the former spell-caster pulled her knees up to her chest and laid her chin on them, smiling slightly at the memory of him being dubbed King of the mamono world- precisely what he wanted. It was a moment she had always doubted she would reach; she considered herself too weak and pathetic to make it that far... But everything had gone as planned, for the only time in her life. For once, she felt she wasn't a failure, that she had something to be proud of. Even Brago could admit that. _And I'm trying to believe the things that I don't know_ _The turning of the world- the colour of your soul_ _That love could kill the pain; the truth is never vain_ _It turns strangers into lovers, and enemies to brothers_ _Just say you understand..._ _I never..._ _Had this planned..._ Her falling in love with the demon hadn't exactly been a pleasant experience. There were times she could have burnt his book herself and never regret it, and yet there were times when he was the only reason she was still functioning. His appearance had changed her outlook on life; it had given her a purpose to strive for... And strive she did. No matter the circumstances or the consequences, Sherry gave everything she had into the spells, ever last bit of emotion- the 'strength from within.' Brago would occasionally praise her for it with a 'well done' or 'you're improving,' but he never ceased to follow it up with a critique. It seemed to hit her all at once that she had fallen for her partner, and that conclusion was, more than likely, the fire that gave her enough power to finish off the remaining mamono (which wasn't an easy task). She had told him of her love at the very last possible moment, right before he vanished into his world for good. He hadn't acted surprised or angry, but nonchalant- as if he had already figured it out. Her hand had brushed against his face, covered in small scars from the many attacks he had shielded her from. And then- he vanished. _My head lies to my heart, but my heart it still believes_ _Oh, it seems the ones who love us are the ones who we deceive_ _You're changing everything..._ _You're changing everything..._ _In me..._ Touching the tips of her fingers against the cold glass, Sherry couldn't help but smile softly. Not only had she altered him, he had given her love- the one thing she had been deprived of ever since her childhood... And for that, she would continue to love him... Forever. _And now, now that you're near_ _There's nothing more without you..._ _Without..._ _You here..._ **--** **NOTE: Hee. This one was more fun than the last one. :3 Expect lotsa one/two-shots from me. They're really good for curing boredom, writer's block, and letting out emotion.** End file.
Now That You're Gone by EtherealSinger
Zatch Bell
Sanctuary of Innocence ******Fresh dew was on the blades of grass at the schoolyard. Several kids were playing tag and other outdoor activities. A small group of kids huddle around a near dead beaten, some of them laughs as the other kids just looked around. The young boy called out a spell which made his wounds recover. He stood back up looking at the kids.** **"Told you no matter how many times I'm beaten down my spell always make me better" the youngster chuckled.** **The other kids roll their eyes.** **"Face it Danny you can only use it like what 5 times plus you're power is not that strong" one of the older school kids told him.** **"Yes it is I can recover easily" Danny protested.** **One of the older Mamodo children pushed him down in dirt. Danny sat up seeing his classmates laughing, Danny wanted to punch them but didn't want to get into trouble by the teachers.** **"Face it you're a loser who can't keep his mouth shut" one of the kids told him flicking his forehead.** **"Hey! Leave him alone" a voice was heard.** **They turn to see a female Mamodo, who looked around the age of 9 or 10. She walked passed the bullies looking down at Danny, she held her hand out for his. He at first show a sign of protesting, but he took her hand. It was soft and warm. She pulls him up as they go a good look at each other. ** **Danny didn't know what to think he blushed a little not so much that others can't see. They heard the bell ring meaning it's class time. He looked at her more.** **"Thank you" he told her** **She smiles "You're welcome" she giggles.** **Before he could ask for her name she left. He wanted to go after her but one of the teacher pulled him by the ear not pleased that he'll miss class. The once pain on his ear didn't brother him he just watched the girl walking away until she was out of his sight. His little heart was beating a little. Sure he doesn't act like this around other girls, but why here. ** **As the day goes by slowly, Danny wasn't listening to the teacher and was spacing out thinking about the girl who stood up for him even though he could do it himself. The school let out as he was running around the area looking for the girl. He knew he had to be home but this was important. After an hour of looking he sighs.** **"Maybe I'll never see her again" he thought to himself as he kicked the dirt off the ground.** **He started walking home until he saw her standing there with three children and three adults. She looked upset as the children were behind her.** **"You promise us the money if we work here pay up" she said to the adult.** **"I did pay you little girly" One of the adults crosses his arms.** **"No you didn't you paid half of what you promise" she said.** **The other adult grab her shirt lifting her up "Listen here little miss sunshine we pay you what we pay you" he told her blowing smoke in her face.** **Cherish wave her hands to clear the smoke. She glared at the adult trying to get free from his grip. Danny found a pebble and threw it at the adult's head. They turn to see the young Mamodo.** **"Hey you put her down" he demanded, knowing his mouth would get him into trouble.** **The adult drops her hard as she landed on the ground. Hey threw the money that they own them and left. Danny ran over making sure she was ok and not hurt. He got another look at her. He blushed a little more.** **"Are you ok?" Danny asked her as he helped her up.** **Cherish looked at him she nodded as she got up thanks to him. She looked at the children who were gathering p the money that was on the floor. Danny doesn't understand. He turn his intentions back at Cherish.** **"I didn't get a chance to thank you for back there I'm Danny" he said with pride.** **"You're welcome nice to meet you Danny I'm Cherish" she said with a giggle.** **They shook hands. For a brief moment they felt something like something made them feel like something in there hearts. Their hands parted.** **"So what's with the money?" he asked.** **"Oh well we're all orphans and we work for the adults around here. They work so hard it makes me happy" she stated.** **Danny felt shocked. How can a girl and the kids like them be orphans? He wanted to know, but knows better then to ask. The children looked so happy and looking up to Cherish, like she is a hero. Danny rub the back of his neck.** **"Hey um I know this is lame but mind if I walk you back I don't have to be home my mother will understand" he said to her.** ** "Sure" Cherish replied.** **Danny, Cherish and the children were walking to her town which wasn't to far from his town. He just kept glancing at her his heart felt a little weak. Cherish felt the same. After awhile they made it. Her home wasn't fancy or a dump. Has she been working on this home for awhile, There where more kids? Danny felt lucky to have family but felt bad that they have no family to look after them. All the children depend was on Cherish.** **"Hey I have to go see you sometime?" He asked her.** **"Sure Danny" kissed his cheek "Stay out of trouble" she said.** **He blushed hard while walking away. What was that for he thought as he went home? He felt happy to know her a little more. Who knows maybe they'll be closer as they grow up or forget about each other. Only time will tell.** End file.
Sanctuary of Innocence by kelcher
Zatch Bell
The Path They Chose Summary: They knew they couldn't be together, no matter how hard they tried. So cherishing the moments they had together before their separation was all they could do. Wonrei X Li-En. This is just a quick one-shot I thought of after watching a certain episode of Zatch Bell/Konjiki no Gash Bell. -cough cough- Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. It's supposed to take place some time before everyone heads out to the final battle against Zofis. I'm not quite sure what episode it is, because I just started to watch this show because of my addicting to Wonrei & Li-En, but I know it's before episode 137. I know the anime is that far, but there are only Mandarin subtitles or no subtitles, so it's pretty hard to find the episodes. Well, anyways, enough of my rambling. Here's the story! **Disclaimer: I do not own Zatch Bell/Konjiki no Gash Bell. If I did, Wonrei and Li-En would have a bigger part, and the ending to the series would have been a little different. ** * * * The Path They Chose: The sun was setting, causing the sky to change from a blue colour to orange and red. Even the clouds morphed from gray to pink, reflecting the warmth they salvaged when it was cold. The wind weaved through the opened doors and windows, singing of the tragedies that struck the town. The streets were empty, mostly because the town had been evacuated so everyone could hide from the enemies. Milordo-Z, or Zofis, as he was called, planned to become the Mamodo King by any means necessary. It was up to a small group of people left, book owners and Mamodos, to stop him before he succeeded. They had all just finished a meeting, where they discussed the final battle they would begin the next day when everyone was prepared. Kiyo explained that everyone was to get out alive, no matter what. But Wonrei countered, saying how the most important priority was that Zofis was destroyed. He continued, stating how the Mamodo must protect the humans, because the humans would die, while the Mamodos would be sent back to the Mamodo World. Kiyo went to interrupt, but Li-En subtly shook her head, motioning him to stop. Kiyo, being the only one who saw the gesture, obliged and decided it was best. The door to the patio slowly slid open, squeaking as if to inform everyone else someone was walking outside. Li-En slowly closed the door behind her and let out a breath of relief when she realized nobody heard her. She changed her clothing from the red dress and light pink pants. Instead, she wore a red chinese top with yellow lining and baggy red pants, with matching red slippers. Her hair remained up in the same two buns, covered by pink and red (A/N: I don't know what they're called. So sue me). Her bangs fluttered in the wind, tickling her forehead. Li-En knew she was going to be alone eventually, and she knew she needed to get used to it. But she couldn't, because she had the temptation. She knew he was there, and both of them knew he would find her and help her when she needed it. Wonrei was a Mamodo, only there because he needed to destroy and burn the books of other Mamodos to become the king. When his purpose was over, he would leave her and return to his world. She knew that. He knew that. There was nothing the other could do to change their destiny. They could pray as much as they wanted, or wish on a shooting star or on a birthday candle, but everything was in vain. Their paths were set, and they could not escape it. "Li-En," Wonrei's voice came, as chilling and cool as the air. "Are you okay?" Li-En slowly turned around and smiled, trying to hide her worry. "Of course," she replied in her usual chirpy voice. "Why are you out here?" "I didn't feel like sleeping, so I decided to come out here," he replied casually. "I didn't know you were still awake as well." "Mmhmm," she hummed as he walked up to the balcony and leaned on his crossed arms. Li-En bent over and placed her elbows on the ledge, cupping her cheeks with her hands. Wonrei raised an eyebrow. He knew Li-En for a long time. He could tell when she was lying, and when she was telling the truth. He didn't want to pry, because he didn't want her to break down like before. Every time she shed a tear, he felt something crush his chest; every time they remembered their undeniable destination, he felt the walls cave in. "Li-En," Wonrei said uncomfortably, unsure of how to continue his sentence. "Are you worried about tomorrow?" she cut in softly, delicately tracing circles in the wood with her right index finger. "Please be truthful." "Honestly, I am worried about tomorrow," Wonrei answered truthfully. "Zofis and the other Mamodo are extremely powerful, and we must be physically and mentally prepared for everything. But the thing I am worried about is losing you." He clenched his fists and lowered his head so his eyes were covered by shadows. "If my book is burned, I'll be sent back to the Mamodo World. End of story. But if you're gone forever, and your life is over. I don't want to do that to do. I don't want you to die because I got you into this competition." "It was my choice," Li-En insisted, grabbing one of his closed fists warmly. "I wanted to fight by your side, and I still do. Because I love you, Wonrei. You made me feel like I was worth something, so I owe you back dearly." This only made Wonrei feel even more guilty. Knowing Li-En would just throw her life away like that to make his dream come true made him feel even worse. "You don't have to do this, Li-En. You don't owe me anything." _Because it is I who owes you everything,_ he inwardly added. "But I want to stay by your side, Wonrei!" she said sternly with a serious look on her face. "Without you, I would just be having a normal life. A life where boys would keep dumping me after they found out who my father was. A life where nothing was worth it, where I was living a lie, alone." Both had thought about what it would be like if neither had met each other. Wonrei thought Li-En would have a happier life, a safer life, where she would live as normal people do. She wouldn't have to be afraid of getting hurt, or leaving her family to go on a dangerous journey. She would find another man to marry, and have no problems. But most importantly, she wouldn't have fallen in love with someone she could never be with. She wouldn't have her heart broken in a way that it could never be repaired. Li-En thought of her life as hell if she didn't meet Wonrei. Of course, she wouldn't know what she was missing, because she wouldn't have known he existed. But still. And she had no regret whatsoever about meeting him. Even if her heart was to shatter in millions of fragments, she was happy to have experienced love as pure as what they shared than to have experienced nothing. But neither told the other of the reflection. "It hurts, though," Li-En said suddenly, her voice blatantly cracking from the strain in her throat. She choked back her tears that one time, because there was really no point in crying. Her crying would become more painful as they shared memories together, which was the hardest part. Happy moments caused them pain, but they couldn't help themselves. "We won't be able to be together." And for once in his life, Wonrei was the one to embrace Li-En. He brought her into his strong arms, and she buried her head in his chest, silent tears dropping onto his blue chinese top. "As long as I live on in your heart, I will be happy," he said softly, fighting back tears of his own. "Thank you, Wonrei, for freeing me from my cage." They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, embracing each other and counting the seconds. He brought her in even closer, as if shielding her from anything that would come. And he did...because the next day... Wonrei died, protecting Li-En. * * * I don't want to spoil anything that actually happens, so I won't say what parts I made up and what parts are actually from the anime. I hope you liked it! (I think this is the shortest Author's Note I've ever written! -throws confetti-) Review 3! End file.
The Path They Chose by Alusy
Zatch Bell
1. Chapter 1 Hello, I'm back with another story. This one is paricularly interesting as well.Zeno destroyed the book of a mamodo, but you can't keep an elite down! See what other crazy spells Eshros has. Enjoy Chapter 1 of Second Chances, Eshros' Fight. Chapter 1. The Unknown World " I can't believe that a mamodo stopped time for us humans..." said Megumi. " Sorry about that, but you get to live longer!" said Zatch on the positive side. " Yeah, your right. There isn't much better than that." said Megumi also on the positive side. " But still, he have to keep our eyes peeled. Dr. Riddles said the rebel mamodo can take different forms. He could be anyone." said Zatch. " Right!" said Megumi. Meanwhile back with Eshros. " How did I get _here_!" pondered Eshros. He saw an empty realm with nothing in it. Nothing. However in the far side of the strange area, he saw the face and hands of a clock. " What's going on!" shouted Eshros, however the only response in return was his own echoing. He walked closer to the strange face of the clock and tried to read it's time. It read 9:45:14:95, along with two sets of numbers under it, 3811435 1185141. " What the heck do those random numbers mean!" shouted Eshros. He was now very confused and angry. " Is this a countdown or something?" thought Eshros. He decided to wait until the countdown was over. However, just then another mamodo appeared into the strange world as well. Eshros did not know who he was, he looked exactly like Zatch, and even had the same red spellbook, although it was a bit of a darker red, like blood.Therefor he was not Zatch, nor was he Zeno. He resembled Zatch perfectly, he had blond hair, orange eyes, one line going down each eye, a dark blue cloak going down just past his knees, a golden jewel holding together the cloak, a white bow-ribbon attached to the jewel, sleeveless, he appeared to be six years old, and a pair of blue shoes with white socks cut over them. However, he had a darker version of color, and had a mouth full of razor sharp fangs. He then saw Eshros and spoke: " Your first time here?" asked the mamodo innocently. He even sounded just like Zatch! " Yeah... Where are we?" asked Eshros curiously. The second Zatch Look-Alike simply gave an evil grin. Meanwhile back with Zatch and Megumi. Zatch was riding on a fake horse ride, next to a grocery store. " Wheee! All right! This is the best!" shouted Zatch. Until the ride ceased moving. " What happened?... Noooooooooooo!" shouted Zatch, just then Megumi put another quarter in it's coin slot. " ooooooo... Oh, hey it's moving again!" shouted Zatch. " HahahahaHAhaha!" shouted Zatch. Meanwhile back with Eshros and the second look-alike. Apparently waiting for the countdown to end was the objective, because the second Zatch was doing so also. Eshros was sitting on the colorless floor silently, staring at the second Zatch, while the Second Look-Alike appeared to be meditating. Or he was deep in thought. Eshros decided to walk over to the mamodo. " Ooff!" said Eshros as he realized there was an invisible barrier separating the two. " What is this now?" asked Eshros. The mamodo slowly opened his eyes. " The Forcefield." said the mamodo simply. " Why on earth is there a forcefield!" shouted Eshros. " What do those numbers mean! Why am I here!" shouted Eshros. " Patience. You'll find out once the countdown reaches 0." explained the mamodo. " 9 hours to go." said the mamodo. " You expect me to wait for something for 9 hours!" shouted Eshros. " Yes." said the mamodo calmly. After a long while, Eshros apparently fell asleep.( Anyone would fall asleep with nothing to do while waiting for 9 hours) DREAM The countdown has finally reached zero. And the forcefield disappeared. " Now, you'll finally realize that you can't escape!" shouted the Evil Look-Alike. " What? Who are you?" asked Eshros. " My name, is Zatch Bell." said the clearly evil mamodo. " You're trapped here, forever!" shouted the mamodo as he began laughing evilly. " Why me! " asked Eshros. " All mamodo who lose come here!" shouted the Second Zatch. " And you, are no exception." said the mamodo. " No!" shouted Eshros. " Yelling won't help, no one can hear you." said the mamodo. " Now you will stay here for the rest of your miserable life!" shouted the mamodo. END DREAM Only 3 hours to go. The unamed mamodo was still meditating. Until he created a certain powder that he threw at the clock-face. It then stopped ticking, which proved it was dead. Apperantly the mamodo didn't want Eshros to know what was going on. " What did you do that for you fool?" asked Eshros. The mamodo transfered back to the ground, and began walking to Eshros. To Eshros' surprise, he phased through the forcefield! He then stared straight at Eshros, and uttered one word: " **_Zaker!_**" he then burned Eshros book by creating a small wave of energy in front of his mouth, then lightning came out of the wave. END SECOND DREAM Eshros finally woke up for real. He realized he was not asleep for as long as he thought, only two hours went by, dropping the countdown to 7 hours. He turned to the other mamodo, he was sleeping just like him, except he looked as though he fell from the air. He must have fell asleep too, without realizing it. Eshros couldn't think of anything to do, other than take a walk to see how long the forcefield was. After walking for about two more hours, he finally accepted that it was endless. " Why-won-won't this forcefield g-go away?" asked Eshros. He then had an idea. He held his ocher colored spellbook and shouted the word: " **_Grandsen!_**" with that said he enplanted his hands into the ground and created a cannon made of earth. He then fired five boulders from the cannon, at the forcefield. As he expected, it collided with the barrier instead of the mamodo, who was still asleep. After all the dust cleared up, he realized that the forcefield didn't have the slightest difference. Not even a small crack. He decided to try another one. " **_Groundbai!_**" shouted Eshros, which created a giant snake composed of boulders, which attacked the forcefield too. No avail. The mamodo suddenly opened both eyes as wide as if he was awake the whole time. And also revealing that he was faking it. He then chuckled. " Loser. You should conserve your strength instead of wasting it on this unbreakable wall. That's the whole reason it was built!" explained the mamodo. " So no one could fight until the countdown reaches its limit! 5 hours to go." said the mamodo. He then went back to meditating. " Can't wait to get my hands on you! How dare you call me a loser! I am elite!" shouted Eshros. " You seem pretty weak to me, after showing me two of your spells." said the mamodo. " You couldn't see my spells! Your eyes were closed!" shouted Eshros. " And you think _that _blocks my vision?" asked the mamodo. Eshros then went for another walk, attempting to kill some time. Meanwhile back with Zatch and Megumi. " Yay! They have yellowtail!" shouted Zatch. Zatch and Megumi were at a resturant. The waiter than brought them their yellowtail. Zatch ate it unaturally fast and immediately asked for more. He then ate 47 more helpings. Megumi couldn't believe it. She had no idea that _all _the mamodo loved fish food too. Zatch then began eating more. (This went on for a while) Eventually the resturant ran out of yellowtail. Megumi was asleep. He woke Megumi and said: " Megumi, I'm still hungry. Can you take me to another resturant?" asked Zatch, kind of whining. " Another Resturant!" shouted Megumi. " Zatch, you ate as much as I get in salary for a year! And you're going to get terribly sick eating like that!" explained Megumi. " What are you talking about? I do it all the time! And now I'm seven! So now I can eat even more!" explained Zatch. Megumi looked very confused. " Seven! I thought you were king for 1,000 years..." said Megumi. " Well, unlike the Human World, we age 1 year, after 1,000 years. Humans seem to age 1 year, after 1 year. That seems way too early." said Zatch. " Wow, that's cool. So mamodo live a lot longer than humans?" asked Megumi curious. " Yup!" said Zatch. He then noticed something. " Hey, I'm not hungry anymore..." said Zatch puzzled. " Yes!" whispered Megumi. She planned that to happen because they were talking for a while. " Now what?" asked Megumi. " Hmm. I know!" shouted Zatch grabbing Megumi by the arm. Meanwhile back with the other two mamodo. 3 hours to go, and it will finally begin. Eshros is so curious about what's gonna happen. He wondered what those numbers underneath the countdown ment, he wondered what this place is, he wondered why he was there, and he wondered who that Zatch Look-Alike was. Eshros just realized that no matter how far he walks, he never leaves that spot. " This place is crazy." whispered Eshros to himself. 3811435 1185141... What could that mean. Is it a secret code? Eshros thought. Eshros finally gave up, and started waiting patiently. And just like that it was only 1 hour left! Eshros couldn't wait for some answers. There you go. The biggest cliff hanger I made yet. The next chapter will reveal everything, and it'll be here soon. R&R Please. 2. Chapter 2 Hello, I'm back with the second chapter . In this chapter, The Second Zatch-Look-Alike is revealed. And the countdown ends. What other secrets will be revealed? Read and see! Enjoy Chapter 2 of Second Chances, Eshros' Fight. Chapter 2. The Rewards of Patience 1 hour to go, until it begins... Eshros is still in the dark of the mysterious realm he was in. And of the Second Zatch-Look-Alike, but first to him. " Wait a minute, are you the one who defeated me with that last blow!" asked Eshros, angrily. The mamodo opened his eyes again. " First time I've ever seen you..." replied the mamodo. He then went back to meditating. " Arrgh! I can't take this anymore!" shouted Eshros as he began furiously punching the forcefield. The other Zatch just shook his head. The countdown went back to 2 hours. Eshros kept assulting it, but no avail. The countdown then went to 3 hours. Eshros just noticed this. " WHAT! We have to wait even longer!" shouted Eshros very angrily. " Yep." said the mamodo. " But why! It was almost over!" shouted Eshros. " Because of you." said the mamodo. " What! What the heck did I do!" shouted Eshros. The mamodo shook his head again. " You are such a child... Don't you know that thrashing and struggling isn't going to get you anywhere?" asked the mamodo. Eshros sighed. " Okay... Then can you tell me _who you are_? That ought to keep me occupied." asked Eshros. " All will be revealed once the countdown is over. 3 hours to go." replied the mamodo. " WHAT! I don't believe you! How dare you tell me to calm down without telling me anything!" complained Eshros as he kept on shouting. " Oh, boy..." said the mamodo shaking his head again. Meanwhile with Zatch and Megumi. " HahahaHAhaha!" laughed Zatch. " Gosh, aren't the Botanical Gardens fun, Megumi?" asked Zatch looking at all the plants and trees. " It is pretty cool." admitted Megumi. (Megumi's POV) " _It's definetely better than the other things you chose to do..."_ (End Megumi's POV) Ivy Kinoyama was keeping a sharp eye out on Zatch, she hadn't forgotten about that Bonzai Tree incident. " Okay, I'm bored. Let's go to the park!" shouted Zatch grabbing Megumi and leaving. " Zatch... Wait!" shouted Megumi being pulled by Zatch to the park. Meanwhile back with the third Zatch and Eshros. The countdown went up to 6 hours. The strange Zatch was still meditating. While Eshros was doing everything he could to destroy the forcefield. Nothing worked. " What part of, unbreakable wall don't you understand?" asked the mamodo. " There's... got... to be... a way... to get... through it!" shouted Eshros while panting and punching the wall. He had an idea. " Hey, does this wall stop you ,too?" asked Eshros. The mamodo sighed and walked over to where the wall began on his side. He then flicked it proving his lead to a dead end. " There. See? No one gets in, until the countdown reaches 0." said the mamodo. He went back to meditating at that very spot and an unseen force pushed Eshros a few feet backwards. " What in the... What was that!" asked Eshros. He then noticed an invisible, circular shield was formed while the mamodo was meditating. He then had a brilliant idea. " Hey, you. Can you move while that shield is in effect?" asked Eshros. " Yeah." replied the mamodo. " Can you try to move through the forcefield while meditating?" asked Eshros. Thinking that he was close to a breakthrough. Literally. " Yeah..." said the mamodo. Eshros was puzzled. " _Will _you try moving through the forcfield while meditating?" asked Eshros. " Fine." said the mamodo. Eshros was getting angry again. " Now!" asked Eshros. The mamodo sighed and did so. And it started working! However, once his body reached the forcfield, his shield disappeared, and he fell to the ground. " Wha-what happened? You were so close!" asked Eshros. " The barrier vanished, okay! I need to be in complete concentration when meditating! Bumping into a wall, obviously disrupted my concentration, thus my barrier disappeared!" replied the mamodo a bit frusterated. " I thought you said you could see without your eyes being open." said Eshros. " Yes, but you told me to go _through _the wall! I didn't know it would still be solid! Although, I thought that would happen..." said the mamodo. Eshros got angry again. " Let's try something else." said Eshros. " No way. That's the last time I help you! I even wasted strength!" shouted the mamodo. " Wow, how frusterating... It's not like you've been adding to it for the past fourteen hours!" shouted Eshros. " The dark Zatch glared at him for a few minutes, then went back to his original spot and went back to meditating. " What a stuck up freak..." mumbled Eshros. He then turned into his darker form and began clawing at the forcefield. Nothing worked, still. Eshros then had a great idea. Maybe if he got rid of the other mamodo, the forcefield will disappear even faster. And he knew just how to do it. " **_Groundgarudo! _**" shouted Eshros as he emplanted his hands into the ground and started creating spikes of earth from beneath the ground. But nothing happened until they heard it crash underneath them. " What the heck just happened!" asked Eshros. " Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that this place has a horizontal forcefield beneath the floor. It's specially made to prevent underground attacks. Nice try, though." said the mamodo smirking. " I hate this place!" shouted Eshros. " How does that countdown end faster!" shouted Eshros. " Do you really want to know how to make this countdown end at lightspeed?" asked the mamodo. " Anything. I'll do anything!" shouted Eshros. " Be. Patient." replied the mamodo. Eshros looked like he was about to explode. " You have to be kidding me! I said I'll do anything, and you tell me to wait even longer!" shouted Eshros. " No, you idiot! Be patient. That's what you have to do." said the mamodo. " What?" asked Eshros. " This is a different world, acustomed to its own rules... The key is to be patient." explained the mamodo. " And that actually works?" asked Eshros. he unamed mamodo simply nodded a yes once. Eshros then sat down and waited. " You'd better be sure about this." threatened Eshros. " Trust me. This _always _works." said the mamodo, meditating. Meanwhile with Zatch and Megumi. Zatch was running away from Naomi. As usual. And Megumi was completely puzzled. " Zatch, who on Earth is this girl?" asked Megumi. " It's Naomi! AAHHH!" shouted Zatch running for his life. " Hehehehehehehe!" giggled Naomi as she tormented Zatch, trying to run him over with her toy car. Zatch kept shouting. Megumi shook her head. Meanwhile back with Eshros and the third Zatch. The countdown dropped to 2 hours. And just like that, it dropped to 1 again! And the next second that came, the countdown went... to zero! " Finally! Yes! What happens now?" asked Eshros excitedly. " Watch." said the mamodo. Eshros watched in awe as the clock faces bottom sets of numbers converted themselves into readable words. 3811435 1185141 CHANCE ARENA " Welcome, to the Chance Arena." said the mamodo as he stopped meditating and transfered to the ground. The forcefield then turned clear and pushed each half opposite ways. Eshros blocked while the Dark Zatch did nothing. Nothing hit them, it slid right through them! It then vanished without a trace. Without warning Eshros ran as he made a head-on assault toward the Dark Zatch. The third Zatch simply sidestepped him( as if he was Zeno). Eshros was rammed into the floor for his mistake. He then sighed. " So, what do we do now?" asked Eshros. " You had the right idea. We fight!" replied The Dark Zatch. " But first let me introduce myself..." said the mamodo. " Sure..." said Eshros. ceasing his fighting temporarily. " I am, Nega-Zatch. The opposite version of Zatch Bell. I am refered to as, a "Mirror Mamodo". So, the kind and weak Zatch you once knew, is no similarity me. I am evil, strong. And I am-- **_Zakeruga!_** " shouted Nega-Zatch, as he created a spiraling beam of pure dark lightning from his mouth, at Eshros. Eshros just barely dodged his sneak attack. He started panting and said: " Nice try, very sneaky." said Eshros. " But I still have the upper hand!" shouted Eshros. " How do you figure that?" asked Nega-Zatch. " I just know! **_Grandsen!_** " shouted Eshros as he created the cannon that shot boulders earlier, again. " **_Rashield!_** " shouted Nega-Zatch, which created a wall-like shield of darkness out of his mouth, along with a red lightning bolt in the middle. This spell deflected the boulders back at Eshros. " Once two mamodo are sent back to the Mamodo World at once, they come here for an all-out battle." said Nega-Zatch. " **_Clayshield!_** " shouted Eshros as the attack was blocked by a frontal shield made of swelled up ground. " So, what happens after we win?" asked Eshros. " A great prize... But if you lose... You return to the Mamodo World, with nothing!" explained Nega-Zatch. " Interesting, so you lost? **_Claydo!_** " shouted Eshros which caused the ground to turn into a mud-like, stretchy substance. Nega-Zatch teleported behind Eshros. " No. Sometimes there is a selected one. And another who guards the winning prize. I'm undefeated!" shouted Nega-Zatch as he kneed Eshros. Eshros grunted in pain. " And you're so sure you will win?" asked Eshros. " Precisely" said Nega-Zatch. " Then eat this! **_Groundgarudo!_** " shouted Eshros as he created the spikes in the ground from earlier. However Nega-Zatch predicted their every movement. And dodged each one. " But... how!" asked Eshros. Nega-Zatch gave another evil grin. " You know how Zatch is bad at guessing attacks? Well, I can predict each one, and dodge them all the same!" explained Nega-Zatch. " **_Groundgaruk! _**" shouted Eshros as he gained armor made of boulders and stones. " **_Rauzaruk! _**" shouted Nega-Zatch, which created a blast of black lightning from the sky that came down on him, thus creating a dark, colorless aura. Which strengthened his strength and speed. They each then made a head-on assault. There you go. The Mirror Mamodo will be in the further stories, however, the next chapter shall be the more action part of the battle. See what happens next time when Eshros and Nega-Zatch battle it out in, Chapter 3. And it's coming soon! R&R Please. 3. Chapter 3 Hello, I'm back once again. This time we go deeper into the battle with Nega-Zatch and Eshros. Meanwhile, Zatch meets an unexpected mamodo that he has to battle. Two battles in one chapter ought to be good! Enjoy, Chapter 3 of Second Chances, Eshros' Fight. Chapter 3. Nega-Zatch; The Malevolent King Eshros was about to create a finishing blow on Nega-Zatch, however, Nega-Zatch was invincible at the time with his **_Rauzaruk _**spell. So Nega-Zatch succeeded in knocking Eshros ten feet in the air with a charged electric punch. Eshros started to claw Nega-Zatch, but Nega-Zatch dodged each nail. " Not bad..." said Eshros. " Well, you may be weak... but you're definetely determined." said Nega-Zatch. Eshros was angered by that remark. " How dare you! You think I'm weak! Than eat this! **_Groundam!_** " shouted Eshros, as he created two parrallel rectangles next to Nega-Zatch. They then started to smash into him. However Nega-Zatch simply took one step back and they missed him. " Is that all you've got?" asked Nega-Zatch. The **_Rauzaruk_** then faded. Nega-Zatch didn't show any sign of alarm. " Looks like you're vulnerable again!" shouted Eshros changing into his darker form once more. "Good thing my spell is permanent until the end!" Eshros added in. " Is that so..." said Nega-Zatch. " **_Jikerdor!_** " shouted Nega-Zatch, which created a slow-moving ball of darkness that got smaller with each approach. It headed straight for Eshros, until his body began to glow as he became magnetized. " Ha! Joke's on you! There's no metal here!" said Eshros, his body still glowing. Nega-Zatch gave an evil chuckle. He then reached into his cloak and pulled out a re-tractable metal rod. He threw it hard into the ground, as Eshros forcibly flew straight onto it. " No! How did you..." said Eshros. " Nothing can pierce through my armor!" shouted Eshros struggling to break free. Nega-Zatch gave an evil grin. " I'm way stronger than the original Zatch. Maybe he was just too weak!" explained Eshros. Eshros ignored him. Nega-Zatch went over to where Eshros dropped his book, picked it up, and closed it. Eshros armor disappeared. " Permanent, huh?" said Nega-Zatch. He then closed his own book and Eshros fell to the ground. " No... I can't believe that I lost twice..." said Eshros as he waited for Nega-Zatch to burn his book. However, much to his surprise, Nega-Zatch threw it back to him. " I-I don't understand." said Eshros. " Don't mistake ruthlessness for generosity. I only did it because I want to see what else you've got!" explained Nega-Zatch. " Well, your about to get your wish! **_Groundga Cobra!_** " shouted Eshros which created a gigantic cobra-like creature made from stone. " I told you I was elite! I'm invincible!" shouted Eshros. Nega-Zatch simply rolled his eyes. He then sidestepped the creature, but he underestimated Eshros. One of the creature's fangs pierced his left side. The cobra then vanished. Nega-Zatch wasn't injured but the fang pierced through the side of his cloak, exposing his dark grey tanktop. " Who are you! You're exactly like Zatch, only evil!" shouted Eshros. " Duh." said Nega-Zatch simply. " This is too easy. you're one of the weakest mamodo I've fought yet." said Nega-Zatch. " We'll see about that..." muttered Eshros. Meanwhile with Zatch and Megumi. " Megumi, I'm hot!" complained Zatch. Megumi advised him to take off his cloak. But Zatch said he was too hot to carry it around. Just then out of nowhere, a strange looking sasquatch-like mamodo pounced on Zatch. Zatch screamed and threw it off him. It landed on it's feet though. It's partner than showed up. It was Fredo and Furigaro. Unfortunately, Zatch did not know either of them. " Who are you two?" asked Zatch. He then noticed Fredo was holding a sea-blue spellbook. " **_Ganzu Gikor!_** " shouted Fredo which caused Furigaro to shoot multiple shards of ice from his mouth, straight toward Zatch. Zatch jumped out of the way at the last second though. " Yay!" shouted Zatch. He ran over to one of the icicles that hit the ground and felt it. " Ah... That's much better! Thanks." said Zatch to the two. " Zatch look out!" shouted Megumi as she grabbed him out of the way. " **_Zaker!_** " shouted Megumi, which caused Zatch to shoot the same lightning bolt from his mouth. " **_Raja Freezudo! _**" shouted Fredo, which caused Furigaro to create an icy mist from his mouth that froze the lightning bolt before their very eyes. Zatch was even more excited. " That's so cool! What else can you do?" asked Zatch. Fredo scowled. " Why aren't you afraid!" asked Fredo. " You may be a mamodo, but you came just in time!" explained Zatch. " Zatch, we have to fight them!" said Megumi. " Ooohhhh... Okay! I fought someone similar to him before." said Zatch. FLASHBACK Zatch and Kiyo were fighting Reycom and Hosokawa. " It's over, creep. You're going doooowwwwnnn!" shouted Kiyo. Hosokawa drops Reycom and he lands on his feet. " I'm with you, Kiyo. Let's knock this blockhead's block off!" shouted Zatch. " Okay." said Kiyo. " Ha! Okay, you wanna play that game? Fine. " **_Zaker!_** " shouted Kiyo, Zatch then shot lightning from his mouth. " **_Gikor! _**" shouted Hosokawa, causing Reycom to shoot a few ice shards from his mouth. The two colided. Kiyo was trying to see through the smoke, but then... " **_Gikor! _**" Hosokawa activated the spell again. " Huh?" said Kiyo. He grabbed Zatch and threw him out of the way. " Watch out!" shouted Kiyo. The ice shards barely missed them. " That was fast. I can't do it that fast." Kiyo said to himself. Just then... " **_Freezudo! _**" shouted Hosokawa, causing Reycom to create an icy mist that freezed Kiyo's arm. END FLASHBACK " I miss Kiyo..." said Zatch. " **_Ganzu Gikor! _**" shouted Fredo, causing the ice shards to attack again. Unfortunately, Zatch was dazed. " **_Rashield! _**" shouted Megumi. Which caused Zatch to create the wall-like shield once more. It then reflected the attack back at Furigaro. " **_Scape Gishield! _**" shouted Fredo, which created a capsule-like shield around the two created from ice. The ice shards collided with the shield as both spells broke to pieces. " Let's finish this. **_Bao Zakeruga! _**" shouted Megumi, which caused a giant japanese dragon from lightning from Zatch's mouth. Fredo stared at it in shock, same with Furigaro. Fredo scowled again. " This may not work, but I've got to try! **_Lagikor Fang! _**" shouted Fredo, which made Furigaro breathe an icy mist, just then, a gigantic wolf made from ice began to rise from beneath Megumi. " What? No!" shouted Megumi. Just then the **_Bao Zakeruga _**went to attack the wolf, thus biting it and shattering it into pieces before it hit Megumi. " That was close..." said Megumi. " Gee... This is gonna be harder than I thought." said Zatch. Meanwhile back with Nega-Zatch and Eshros. " Give it up." said Nega-Zatch. " No-Never!" shouted Eshros. " Suit youself. **_Bao Zakeruga!_** " shouted Nega-Zatch, which created a gigantic japanese dragon composed of dark lightning. It headed straight for Eshros. Eshros knew he had no spell great enough to counter that attack, and realized he was doomed. All right. The fight still rages on between the two. And now, the fight with Zatch and Furigaro has begun! For even more of the battle, wait until Chapter 4. Coming Soon! 4. Chapter 4 Hello, I'm back with Chapter 4. In this chapter, the fight with Eshros and Nega-Zatch still continues. While Zatch and Furigaro's battle continues, as well. Enjoy, Chapter 4 of Second Chances, Eshros' Fight. Chapter 4. Eshros' Final Spell; **_Dosuder Groundon!_** The dark **_Bao Zakeruga _**was about to destroy Eshros, Eshros had to think of a way to survive, and fast! But none of his spells were powerful enough. He then had a desperate idea. He threw his book two yards to his right. And took the attack. He was severely injured after taking one of the strongest spells of the entire Mamodo World. But he planned that would happen. He took the attack on purpose, and threw his spellbook on purpose, so that way he would get hurt, but the book wouldn't burn. Nega-Zatch seemed to understand his strategy. " Interesting. But seeing you're so badly hurt now, you'll hardly be able to attack nor defend." said Nega-Zatch. And he was possibly right. Not many mamodo would be able to still fight back after being attacked by the **_Bao Zakeruga _**spell. But Eshros was elite. " I wo-won't give up!" shouted Eshros trying to stand up. Nega-Zatch was slightly impressed with his determination. " So, you're still trying to fight, even though there's no hope of winning?" said Nega-Zatch. " R-right..." said Eshros standing up. " Loser." said Nega-Zatch. He kneed Eshros hard, and Eshros fell to the ground clutching his aching stomach. " It's obvious you're going to lose." said Nega-Zatch. " I'm practically untouched, and you're almost dead." said Nega-Zatch. " J-just tell me one th-thing." said Eshros. Nega-Zatch turned his eye to him. " What is it?" said Nega-Zatch. " Before you c-came here, who w-was you-your human partner?" asked Eshros. Nega-Zatch gave another evil grin. " Who do you think?" asked Nega-Zatch. " Wa-was it a smart male human with dark brown hair?" asked Eshros. " Of course not. It was, Megumi." said Nega-Zatch. " What!" shouted Eshros. Nega-Zatch gave yet another evil grin. Meanwhile with Zatch and Furigaro. Megumi fell to the ground, by the power from within the **_Bao Zakeruga _**stole from her. " Looks like your human partner is down for the count!" shouted Fredo. " **_Gikor Garugo!_** " shouted Fredo causing Furigaro to shoot icicles beneath the ground. One of the icicles pierced right through the side of Zatch's cloak, exposing his light grey tanktop. " Ooowwww!" shouted Zatch. The rest of the icicles missed him because he was too small. " If only I had more spells..." said Zatch to himself. " I think we have enough to beat these two." said Megumi. " Okay!" shouted Zatch. " **_Zaker! _**" shouted Megumi, causing Zatch to shoot the lightning bolt from his mouth again. " **_Gishield!_** " shouted Fredo, which created a frontal shield made from ice. The attack hit the shield and disappeared.(Fredo used the simpler shield to conserve energy) " Wow. We're definetely evenly matched." said Megumi. Meanwhile with Eshros and Nega-Zatch. " What do you mean? The real Zatch has that partner!" shouted Eshros. " The Mirror Megumi." said Nega-Zatch. " Mirror Mamodo have the same partners as their original counterparts." said Nega-Zatch. " Even if they're merely a shadow of their former selves." added in Nega-Zatch. " How many " Mirror Mamodo " are there?" asked Eshros. Nega-Zatch thought for a moment, deciding whether he should tell him or not. " If it's a final request, then I'll tell you. Three." said Nega-Zatch. " Just three?" asked Eshros. " Three." repeated Nega-Zatch. " And I got stuck with one of them!" asked Eshros. " Yeah. Pretty unlucky, huh?" said Nega-Zatch. " If you're the negative Zatch, than who are the other negatives?" asked Eshros. Nega-Zatch glew a blood-red aura. " I'll never tell you!" shouted Nega-Zatch. He made an assault on Eshros. Eshros dodged though, surprising Nega-Zatch. He had all that time in the world to heal, and it worked. " **_Groundgaruk! _**" shouted Eshros, creating his rock armor once more. " Apparenlty, you're running out of spells." said Nega-Zatch. " Shut up!" shouted Eshros. " This spell is all I need to finish you!" shouted Eshros. " That armor is so useless. It doesn't even do anything." said Nega-Zatch. " It is not useless! Not only is it invincible, but it also amplifies all of my spells!" explained Eshros. " For example, **_Grandsen!_** " shouted Eshros, which created the same cannon that shot boulders, although they were ten times bigger. " **_Gigano Zaker! _**" shouted Nega-Zatch which created a much larger version of the dark **_Zaker _**spell. It headed for the boulders, and they all broke to pieces. " That does it! I'm going to fight you with everything I've got!" shouted Eshros. " Finally some effort from you." said Nega-Zatch. Eshros changed to his darker form and made a full on assault on Nega-Zatch. Nega-Zatch still kept dodging. " Face it. You're unconvincing as an "elite" mamodo. And you know it." said Nega-Zatch. Eshros thought for a second. And realized that he was right. " Look at yourself!" said Nega-Zatch, forcing Eshros hard into the shiny floor. Eshros did. " Impatient, worthless, desperate. Does that sound like an elite to you?" shouted Nega-Zatch. Eshros changed back to his boy-like form. " All you did to hurt me so far, is cut my side, and you couldn't even manage to do that right!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " A weak mamodo trying to prove they're the greatest. Just a lie! You make me sick!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " ..." Eshros was silent. " In fact, I change my mind! I'm burning your book now, so I can get this over with!" shouted Nega-Zatch, aiming at the ocher book in Eshros hand. " Nothing but lousy trash!" shouted Nega-Zatch. Eshros gritted his teeth and clutched his fists. " You may be right... I may not be the greatest mamodo, but at least I never give up!" shouted Eshros glowing an ocher aura. " **_Groundbao! _**" shouted Eshros, causing the ground to explode beneath Nega-Zatch. Every explosion missed. " Get away from me! Get away!" shouted Eshros. His aura glowing brighter. Nega-Zatch still kept slowly walking toward Eshros. " AAAHHHH! **_Groundam! Grandsen! Claydo! Groundgarudo! Groundbao! Grancrag! Groundbai! Groundga Cobra!_** " shouted Eshros, summoning all of his attack spells to impact on Nega-Zatch. Every single attack missed. Eshros couldn't believe this. He then realized he was no match for this mamodo. His ocher spellbook began glowing extremely bright. Eshros turned to the final page, and knew what to do. " Come on! Is that all? Why'd I ever have to get stuck fighting you?" said Nega-Zatch, still walking to Eshros. " This isn't over... I've got one more trick up my sleeve!" shouted Eshros. Nega-Zatch smirked. " Say goodbye to your chances of winning! **_Dosuder Groundon!_** " shouted Eshros. The book was glowing, but nothing happened. Eshros looked everywhere, nothing has changed. Nega-Zatch made an evil laugh. " You weakling! Nothing's happened! Is that your final spell! Pathetic!" shouted Nega-Zatch. Eshros lost all hope. It was the end. His new, and final spell, had been a rip-off. Eshros started to gain a little hope though, because the book was still glowing. Something **had **to be happening, even if it was invisible. Just then, the floor began to crack. Nega-Zatch noticed, and halted. It kept on cracking. Until eventually, the ground began to break apart. Completely. The pieces of the ground then began to float in the air, getting higher with each passing second. Eshros jumped onto one of the floating pieces of the ground of this strange world. Nega-Zatch jumped up and flew. Eshros didn't believe this. " You can fly?" asked Eshros. Nega-Zatch simply scowled. " What did you do!" shouted Nega-Zatch. Nega-Zatch looked down and saw the sky of the Human World. " I-I don't know. This is a new spell." replied Eshros. Nega-Zatch gritted his teeth. " That's just great. Your silly spell created an earthquake that shattered the ground!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " Hey! it's not my fault! Maybe if you weren't so competetive, I would've waited until I won." shouted Eshros. " What are you talking about! You were never going to win. In fact, neither of us can claim the prize if we can't stay on the ground!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " Good. Serves you right!" shouted Eshros. Nega-Zatch glared at him angrily. " You idiot! The prize, is that you get to stay back on the Human World for a second chance!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " What?..." asked Eshros regretfully. " There is a price though. You simply start over with your spells. Other than that, it's true!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " Since I'm still undefeated, I'll just burn your book and stay undefeated! Deal?" said Nega-Zatch, smirking. " No way! I will never let you win!" shouted Nega-Zatch. " Then we stay here forever." said Nega-Zatch with his arms crossed. Eshros thought for a moment. " Fine. I suppose if we work togeth-..." " Forget it!" shouted Nega-Zatch, cutting him off. " Then we stay here forever." said Eshros smirking. Nega-Zatch growled. He thought for at least a few minutes. " Never." said Nega-Zatch. He jumped onto the rock Eshros was on and started punching him. Eshros was able to block a few punches, but Nega-Zatch was too fast. " I'll just burn your book, and get on with my life!" shouted Nega-Zatch, as he started to kick Eshros. " Listen. I think I have he ability to manipulate these chunks of Earth. But you have to stop fighting for at least a second!" shouted Eshros. Nega-Zatch protested, but eventually believed him. Eshros began turning his hands to the floating chunks of ground. They slowly lowered themselves, but too slow. Eshros would never have enough power to completely lower every rock to it's right place. " I know. Try closing the book to destroy the spell. I it always works." said Nega-Zatch, smirking. Eshros didn't believe him at first, but after rethinking it, did so. After closing the book, the entire floor disappeared, along with the floating chunks. Nega-Zatch made the evil laugh he did earlier. " You fell for it!" shouted Nega-Zatch. Eshros glared at him as he began to fall into the sky of the Human World. Nega-Zatch simply flew over to the face of the strange clock. The face suddenly turned into a large circular vortex. Nega-Zatch turned to Eshros and smirked. " You have lost." said Nega-Zatch just before he entered the vortex. It then completely closed itself. Eshros gritted his teeth and shut his eyes, awaiting his iminant doom. Just then he had an idea. " **_Claydo! _**" shouted Eshros, which created the stretchy susbstance he did earlier. It wrapped itself around him, and he was safe. " That was too close." said Eshros to himself. Just then, he realized he was beginning to disappear! " What? No! Impossible!" shouted Eshros. He then realized that he was able to save himself, but not his book. Eshros could hardly believe this. He then clutched his fists, and knew that someday, that Zatch imposter would lose. He then completely disappeared back to the Mamodo World. Sorry Eshros fans, I just couldn't keep him there. Don't worry though, every present mamodo will be in my stories, and with new spells! R&R Please. Last chapter will be here soon! 5. Chapter 5 Hello, I'm back with the final chapter. Once again like all the others, the next story I make will be connected to all the rest. Enjoy, Chapter 5 of Second Chances, Eshros' Fight. Chapter 5. **_Zeo Zakeruga! _**; A true spell?... Zatch and Megumi are still evenly matched with Furigaro and Fredo. " Don't worry, Zatch. We are a great team. They don't stand a chance." said Megumi. Yet Zatch didn't hear, because he was dazed again. (Zatch POV) " _Kiyo... I wonder where you are now..."_ (End Zatch POV) " Zatch?..." said Megumi. " **_Ganzu Gikor!_** " shouted Fredo, causing Furigaro to create the multiple ice shards again. " Zatch, look out!" shouted Megumi, grabbing Zatch away from the shards. " Zatch, what is the matter with you?" asked Megumi, shaking Zatch's shoulders. " Maybe if I read the spell, you'll go back to normal." said Megumi. " **_Zaker!_** " shouted Megumi, causing the lightning to shoot out of Zatch's mouth again. " **_Gihield! _**" shouted Fredo, which created the frontal ice shield to block the lightning bolt once more. However, Megumi's plan didn't work, the moment Zatch regained vision, he went right back to being dazed. " Come on, Zatch! We can't win if we don't come up with a plan!" shouted Megumi. " **_Lagikor Fang!_** " shouted Fredo. " No!" shouted Megumi. Furigaro began breathing the icy mist. " Megumi!" shouted Zatch, suddenly. He ran in front of Megumi and shielded her. The ice wolf began to make its appearance beneath the ground. " No Zatch, it's beneath us!" shouted Megumi. " What! Than you have to use **_Bao Zakeruga! _**" shouted Zatch. " No. I've got an idea..." said Megumi. " **_Zaker! _**" shouted Megumi, causing Zatch to create the lightning bolt, as it headed straight for Furigaro's book. " No! **_Scape Gishield! _**" shouted Fredo, but nothing happened. Furigaro still had his **_Lagikor Fang _**spell in efffect. The attack headed straight for the book, until eventually it hit it. The book began burning, and the **_Lagikor Fang _**never made it... Furigaro then disappeared, and Fredo ran off. Megumi fell to the grass, as did Zatch. Relieved that it was all over. " Zatch..." said Megumi. " Yeah?" asked Zatch. " What were you daydreaming about?" asked Megumi. Zatch looked confused. " Daydreaming?... I was just thinking about Kiyo." replied Zatch. " Yeah, I wonder if he has a mamodo again." said Megumi. " If he does...I sure hope it isn't evil..." said Zatch. Meanwhile, Zatch and Megumi were simply walking on the sidewalk. " You know what I've noticed, Zatch?" asked Megumi. " What?" asked Zatch. " All of the mamodo we've been facing had so many spells, and we only have four..." said Megumi. " Yeah, what'd ya mean?" asked Zatch. " I long have you been here?..." asked Megumi. " I don't know." replied Zatch. " All these mamodo, all their spells...Did you come here last?" asked Megumi. " I told you, I don't know how the battle restarted..." said Zatch. " All I remember is being attacked by my own **_Bao Zakeruga_**, then their was this extremely bright light, so bright I had to shut my eyes. And then I was knocked out..." said Zatch. " Aha! You were knocked out. Which means you were the last to start battling." said Megumi, cutting him off. " No, something tells me all the mamodo were knocked out, not just me. It's like that spray you people use." said Zatch. " Spray?" asked Megumi. " Yeah, that knocks people out." said Zatch. " Knock-out gas?" asked Megumi. " Yeah, that's it." said Zatch. " And who did this?" asked Megumi. " That evil mamodo..." said Zatch solemnly. " Oh, yeah... I can't believe that we still don't know its name..." said Megumi, trying not to think about what it did to Tia. " You heard Dr. Riddles, it doesn't have a name. It's like Kanchome. It transforms." said Zatch. " Yeah, right. Every person has a name, mamodo or not." said Megumi. " Well...I don't know it..." said Zatch. " I know. We'll have to ask him when we get the chance." said Megumi. " Yeah...As long as Zeno isn't there to challenge us..." said Zatch. " Do you know about Zeno?" asked Megumi. " Yeah..." replied Zatch. " Really, what do you know?" asked Megumi. " Well... We're twin brothers. He hates me because I got **_Bao Zakeruga _**instead of him. And, he's my age...I think..." said Zatch. " I always thout you were twins. It's kind of obvious actually. Except the evil part." said Megumi. " What else do you know, like what he likes, he dislikes. Do you ever talk to him in the Mamodo World?" asked Megumi. " I don't think he likes anything, he dislikes me...a lot... and no." replied Zatch. " It's kind of funny though. He hates you but since you're twins, he can't escape you." said Megumi. " Actually, he hates me so much, he doesn't live with me anymore..." said Zatch. " Do you know where he lives?" asked Megumi. " No...I don't think he lives anywhere." said Zatch. " That's kind of sad..." said Megumi. " Not really, he doesn't need shelter, or food. Look at his condition..." said Zatch. " True...Do you know what he eats though?" asked Megumi. " Um... I think he eats sharks..." said Zatch. " That's disgusting..." said Megumi. " Why don't you give him your **_Bao Zakeruga_**? Maybe then he'd be your friend." said Megumi. " That's impossible..." said Zatch. " Switch spellbooks?" said Megumi. " ...You know, that might work..." said Zatch. " But you need to be his partner too..." added in Zatch. " I don't mind, as long as he's nicer." said Megumi. " Is he as energetic as you when he's not evil and stuff?" asked Megumi. " No. He's a lot more mature than me. Evil or not." said Zatch. " Sure, I'll definetely be his partner!" said Megumi. " All right! Let's find him!" shouted Zatch. " So let me get this straight, you want to try swapping spellbooks to see if it will give me **_Bao Zakeruga _**back?" asked Zeno. " Yup!" replied Zatch. " I'll never let your human touch my book! It could be a trap!" shouted Zeno. " Zeno...You know me, I'd never make a trap." said Zatch. " Yeah, you're not that clever." said Zeno. " Come on. I just wanna be your friend." said Zatch. " Then get away from me..." said Zeno coldly. Zeno began to walk away. " You want **_Bao_**, don't you?..." asked Zatch. Zeno stopped and thought for a second. " Even if I agree, it won't work." said Zeno. " But we're twins. It was never proven..." said Zatch. " It's at least worth a try..." added in Zatch. Zeno thought for another second. " Fine. But if you're wrong, I'll strangle you so hard..." said Zeno. " Great! Let's go!" shouted Zatch, cutting him off. Zeno got Dr. Riddles, and they made off to the battle field they were, when they first fought. " So, if you know _everything_... Do you know if this will work?" asked Zeno. " Well...Lets answer this in "Dr. Riddle's fun riddles"..." said Dr. Riddles. " Never mind." said Zeno cutting him off. They faced each other, holding each other's opposite spellbooks. " Ready?..." asked Zatch. " Ready." replied Zeno. " **_Jikerdor! _**" shouted Dr.Riddles. " **_Jauro Zakeruga! _**" shouted Megumi. (They remembered each other using their spells) Nothing happened. Zeno gritted his teeth. " Well, old man, did you know this wouldn't work!" shouted Zeno. " Well... This is a possibility, and an impossibility..." replied Dr. Riddles. It took a few seconds for Zeno to understand, he then realized that that didn't make any sense. " What do we have to do to make it work?" asked Zeno. " Switch our hearts." replied Dr. Riddles. " Seems simple enough." said Zeno. He then lifted both his hands, and a red, and a silver mist appeared in his hands. He then crossed his hands, and tightened his hands into fists. Then the mist was gone. " What happened?" asked Zatch. " I swapped the power from your hearts that enables you to read the spells. It should work now." said Zeno. " Okay, let's give it another try!" shouted Zatch. However, Megumi and Dr. Riddles didn't seem different in the very least. Surprisingly, they could read the other's book! " **_Jikerdor! _**" shouted Dr. Riddles. " **_Jauro Zakeruga! _**" shouted Megumi. The **_Jikerdor _**spell Dr. Riddles shouted caused Zatch to create the magnetizing ball of light at Zeno. And the **_Jauro Zakeruga _**spell Megumi shouted caused Zeno to create a ring of blue lightning that eventually had many **_Zakeruga_**s spurting from it. The ring of lightning easily destroyed the ball of light, and Megumi closed the book before the **_Zakeruga_**s hit Zatch. " Why didn't it work!" shouted Zeno. He then turned to Dr. Riddles and started to strangle him. " You liar!" shouted Zeno. " Zeno, stop it!" shouted Zatch. " Make me." said Zeno still strangling Dr. Riddles. " Ggrrr." grunted Zatch, knowing he couldn't. Zeno then noticed his spellbook. It was glowing. " What the..." said Zeno. He let go of Dr. Riddles and picked up the book. He turned to the final page. (Zeno's POV) " _What's going on! I'm nowhere near the end of my book...Unless..."_ (End Zeno's POV) " A secret spell..." whispered Zeno. " Zeno, what's wrong?" asked Zatch. " I've never witnessed this before..." whispered Zeno. " Human, read this spell." said Zeno pointing to the last page. " Um...sure." said Megumi. " **_Zeo Zakeruga! _**" shouted Megumi. Zeno then created a ball of light and threw it on the ground. Out of nowhere, a huge blue version of **_Bao Zakeruga _**came out of it. " Incredible..." whispered Zeno. " Now to see if it's as strong as **_Bao_**. Zatch!" shouted Zeno. " **_Bao Zakeruga! _**" shouted Dr. Riddles, which caused Zatch to create the real version of **_Bao Zakeruga _**from his mouth. The two collided, thunder came down from the heavens, flashes of lightning were noticable. And their books began to glow. turning pages autimatically. Dr. Riddles and Megumi then dropped them. Zatch's flipped to the final page. They then connected themselves to create a golden book with silver inlay(writing). Zatch, nor Zeno had any idea what was going on. Eventually the final page of the book was turned. The words converted themselves into even readable words. And this was no spell... The Two Have Been Realized. The Greatest Power In Makai Has Been Unlocked. The Two VS One. The Ultimate Battle Has Begun. Zatch and Zeno stared at the writing. As did their partners. Even Dr. Riddles, hadn't a clue what this was about. There you have it. The next story will definetely be connected to this one. R&R Please. (Ps. And keep reading. They're getting closer, and closer to unwraveling the mystery...) End file.
Second Chances, Eshros' Fight by ZENO'SGREY
Zatch Bell
1. Zatch Masterbates and Kiyo does his mom Disclamier: I dont own zatch bell * * * Chapter 1: Zatch Masterbates and Kiyo and gets some from his mom. One day Zatch was playing the computer when all of a sudden Kiyo walked over to the computer and turned it off. Hey uh Kiyo why did you do that Zatch asked quriously. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND SUCK MY BALLS Kiyo yelled. whats wrong with him well i guess i have to be bored now zatch said unhappy. Zatch then saw a porn-o magizine on the floor. Well Kiyo did say when i'm bored to beat my meat. Zatch picked up the adult magizine and scurried to the bathroom Kiyo's mom was walking by well hello Zatch where are you going. I'm going to the bathroom Zatch replied. You just went Kiyo's mom anserwed. No no no no I'm going to beat my meat onthe toilet seat Zatch pledded. Zatch then ran in the batroom and locked the door. KIYO Kiyo's mom yelled what in the holy hell have you tought Zatch. Kiyo's mom busted in to Kiyo's room. I', sorry mom. Pull down your pants young man she said. Kiyo did what he was told. Mom I'm to old to get spankings Kiyo said shiviring. Sit down Kiyo sat down.Kiyo im gonig to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. Kiyo's mom took kiyo's dick and started to suck it kiyo moaned a little. what are you doing Kiyo asked.I've Haven't gotten any from your dad so I'm gonna get some from you she started to suck harder harder harder and then Kiyo shot out some cum on his leg his mom licked it off. Mom hold on Kiyo got up and closed the door and locked it kiyo took of his shirt as his mom took off her clothes. Kiyo the started to suck on his mom's right nipple they then became hard as he played with the other. After they were stiff Kiyo's mom said alright Kiyo you can enter me now. Kiyo dick got really stiff. Mom is this the right thing to do kiyo asked. Yes it is it is okay Kiyo I'm may be your mother but i have not been able to tell you but son when i said i couldent get any sex from your father. The truth is your father died yesteday Kiyo started to cry. Couple minuets later Kiyo said did dad want me to do this to you yes Ms. Takimine said okay then i'll do it for dad Kiyo then gripped his cock and asked ready mom yeah Ms.Takimine said. Kiyo then put his dick in his mom's vagina and started to go slowley he went in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out Kiyo's mom started to moan the faster Kiyo wen the louder Ms.Takimine moaned as Kiyo and his mom fucked Zatch was jacking off he felt it coming he was going to cum. He beated harder and harder and then he spermed. Ahh he said much better. Zatch then got up and went toLiving room and fell asleep on the couch. Kiyo was still fucking his mom they were both moaning and panting Kiyo put a blanket on and fell asleep beside Kiyo They both had then fell asleep and Kiyo's mom was gripping kiyo's dick Kiyo woke up. Kiyo had a smirk on his face so mom nother ground Fuck yeah Kiyo's mom said Ms.Takimine got up and started to get on Kiyo's dick she then started to car ride on kiyo's they both moaned loud yeah mom uhh kiyo said a she was going up and down on his thick, long, and extra hard cock. Kiyo's mom got up and lied on the bed Kiyo then started to fuck her from behind Ms.Takimine was now starting to feel hot in side oh yeah kiyo more more Ms.Takimine moaned Kiyo was going in and out real fast and put his dick in so far when it went in his mom's pussy you could hardly see it. After that Kiyo's Mom put on her clothes and so did kiyo. They took up the wet bed sheets and put them in the washing machine. Thry then Kissed and Kiyo's mom went to cook dinner Kiyo went to his room and started to playhis new war game and zatch went to sleep. * * * Authors note: I know i a dumb retard for making kiyo and his mom fuck but my mind told me to do it oh well if you like thanks. Should i contine 2. The 2 New spell's Chapter 2: The 2 New spell's Bao zakerdor and Rasheilker * * * That night Kiyo and Zatch went outside to train after all the food that they ate. Zatch haid 6 yellow tails and Kiyo had 8 peices of steak. After dinner Zatch grabbed his book and handed to Kiyo. Kiyo smiled and said lets go okay outside there was a metal back ground and a training dummy that's like zatch but stands and sometimes shoot Zaker's. Okay ready Zatch.Yep Zatch replied lets shoot this dummy until he becomes a dummy. Ookay enough with the corny jokes !ZAKER! Zatch rolled his eyes and shot lightning Zzzaker the dummy said. Now there was a beam struggle going on so far the real Zatch was fireing with all of his might. Okay jump over his head ZAKER Zatch had a direct hit the dummy hegot up and used Zaker Okay Zatch time to combo Zaker Zatch Fired and let go of the Zaker and then they both collided and theythen came at Zatch. Alright Rashilker Zatch turned around What is that suposed to do okay I'll make it simpler Rasheild the double powered Zaker came crashing back Zaker Now it was A Rasheild bounced triple powered Zaker. Kiyo's book was glowing A new spell okay lets see the next spell is hmm...right here It says Rasheilker. okay Rasheilker Zatch did the eye routine and a rasheild Came up it seem like it was chargeing. Huh Kiyo saidthengrew a huge electric ball it then shot out with high volatage electricty Swirling around it. God dang Kiyo saidwhat the hell was that. Kiyo then chuckeld and he said heh whats next jikerdor and bao zakeruga. The red spell book started glowing huh Kiyo said curiously. Bao Zakerdor Zatch then did his eye routine and then shot out 2 bao zakeruga's one hit the metal wall and on went inside the dummy he then stuck to the wall Zatch was chargeing a lighting Ball in the air it then started to form into a bao Zakeruga it then grew tree heads and went after the dummy it then hit him and he blew up. Uh dad gonna have to make a new one Kiyo said. As they exited the training room. Zatchthenheard a rustle in the bushes. Oh well Zatch said It's nothing. Flamere Then all of a sudden aflame throwerhit Zatch and Kiyo and they fell to the ground. * * * The end of chapter 2 Whats gonna happen next 3. The fire mamodo Zatches end Chapter 3 : The Fire mamodo's destruction and zatches death. Zatch and Kiyo got up from the hard blow that hit them. What was that for when they got up they saw it was ponygon. Ppponygon Zatch said upset. Die seoshi Zatch then got hit by a large blast. Megumi Kiyo said very upset wait where's ponygon ah ha there not real its a transorming mamdo then the Megumi figure turned into a man with a yellowish orange book the Tia figure turned into a flame Mamodo with fire guns on his hands. Okay now you die Flamere. Ahh Zatch said when he got hit with the flamethrower Uhh kiyo i cant fill my stomach. Its okay Zatch Bao ZakurugaZatch then rolled his eyes and shot the dragon creature. Flamemeild when the dragon shape hit the mamodo its came back only in fire oh no its all most near uswe got to runZatch andKiyo ran off.When the dragon hit Zatch it backfired on the red spell book. Oh no the book i..i.i.ii.iit's bbburning. Zatch and Kiyo started to cry Zatch you were the best fffriend i ever had be good in the mamodo ww Ahhh don't go don't go Zatch stay. Come on Kiyo i you know i cant but i'll always be in your heart by Kiyo. The fadeing Zatch then toataly disapeared. NOOOO Zatch come back please. Why why did i dddo that was it my falut Kiyo said as he walked home. Hello Kiyo weresZatch he got sent backto the mamodo world. Oh my god Kiyo's mom said as they cried and cried to sleep. * * * The end sorry it was short but this is it. End file.
The Great Mamodo Challenge by darin343
Zatch Bell
1. Chapter 1 I don't own Zatch Bell. Sum: Sherry loved Brago's strange devotedness to her. Even more so to her heart. twoshot poem BragoXSherry **King Of My Heart, Queen Of His** **Chapter One/Poem One** **King Of My Heart **Sherry's Point Of View _He seems cruel and mean __Cold __Heartless __A lot of things __Never a gentle side to him __At least not anything you can see __But I feel his gentleness towards me __I know Brago would never hurt __Not unless he's been threatened first __I know he'll never leave me __Until the end_ _He'll take me with __At least I hope he does __Going through with this journey __I only thought __Of Koko __To free her __She's the obsession __This mamodo thing started with __...At least for me_ _Brago never tires __I drag on __Trying to be something __To where he belongs __Permantly probably won't happen __Running my strength __Until I fall __He picks me up __He can see all_ _High and mighty __Go ahead and act like a king __You're the king of My heart __Please grant me to be Queen._ 2. Chapter 2 Authors Note: Sorry it took me so long. I completely forgot about this. **King Of My Heart, Queen Of His** **Chapter Two/Poem Two** **Queen Of His **Brago's Point Of View _It's an annoying creature_ _Not up to my standard_ _Can't keep up with my powers_ _But she refuses to stop_ _Until her body drops from exhaustion_ _She's looking for her past_ _Chasing demons_ _I saved her that one night_ _Noticing that she's the human_ _That controls my plight_ _Stubborn, but soft_ _The old her sometimes shines through_ _Loving, though with a bad past_ _Sherry thinks I have a heart..._ _I wonder if that's true_ _My heart's not as big as Zatch,_ _But I guess she'll make due_ _I think she'll like it that _ _She's the only one I'll protect willingly anyway_ _Queen of my Heart..._ End file.
King Of My Heart, Queen Of His by deathrosekitty
Zatch Bell
Sick Day Rating: K Summary: Colds, with all their downsides, do serve one purpose. Disclaimer: I own no characters here, nor do I want to for that would mean I have to create more ideas. **Sick Day** Colds. Miserable things they are, even for pop stars, and they mess up so many things. Just ask Megumi. She missed the shoot for her new music video because of one today. However, colds, with all their downsides, do serve one purpose however. They let you know who cares about you. From flowers to visits while you're in bed; people show you that they care. Even something as simple as a card can show you someone cares--especially if it's homemade. _Tia told me you didn't feel up to snuff so I thought I'd make you a card. As you can see that didn't turn out the greatest. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right? Hope you get well soon._ _Love,_ _-Kiyo_ This was all that was written on a card that had finishing techniques that suggested that a four-year-old had assembled it. Yet it was this card that received a place of honor at the pop star's bedside. Not because it was handmade, or because it was from a fan (she had plenty of those), but because it was from her best friend, Kiyo. In some ways Megumi had to thank the mamodo battle. If the mamodos hadn't come, she never would have met Kiyo. Or anyone that saw her for Megumi, the person, and not just as Megumi, the pop star. One day she really did have to talk to Kiyo about that. Even more so if her feelings continued to move in the direction they seemed to be heading. But for now Megumi was content to lie in bed and reread her favorite card one more time. _Fini_ Author's Note: Having finished this (my first story) at 1am I now will sleep easy for I have written and completed a story. End file.
Sick Day by Son of an Anjel
Zatch Bell
I Want To Stay With You _I Wnat To Stay With You_ I remember when I first saw you Strong, beautiful, and brave Holding the book. Your gentle touch as you healed my wounds Still soothes me even that time faded into memory. And now the end is drawing near Will I have to say you goodbye to you? For that would be saying goodbye to life itself. Can we laugh, smile, and kiss when we see each other again As I've wanted to do for so long? I don't want to say goodbye My beloved because you are My breath My happiness My home My smile I want to stay with you. End file.
I Want To Stay With You by Mononoke-hime x sukai kurora
Zatch Bell
Snowstorm Kiyo opened the motel room door and shivered. Megumi invited him and Zatch to go skiing this weekend. But Since Zatch was messing with Kiyo's computer he couldn't check the weather. Zatch kept saying "don't worry Kiyo the weather will be fine" and flashed a dumb grin. In reality the weather wasn't fine at all! There was a raging blizzard outside! Kiyo threw his bags in the closet and stormed over to one of the beds. "Kiyo I'm sorry!" Zatch yelled as he was dragging his heavy suitcase into the room. "Come on Kiyo say something!" But Kiyo only looked away. Kiyo opened his bag and grabbed a book. Zatch knew Kiyo wasn't going to talk to him so he grabbed vulcan300 and started playing with him. They played hide in seek first. Zatch won obviously. Then Zatch tried playing cops and robbers with Vulcan but that didn't work well. "Stop thief!" Zatch yelled as he ran around the room. Kiyo was trying to focus on his book but couldn't because of Zatch being so loud. "Will you be quiet Zatch!" Kiyo yelled with a vein pulsing in his forehead. But Zatch didn't hear him. Zatch suddenly stopped running around. He could see his breath. "Kiyo the room is freezing!" Kiyo was just going to say something but the phone started ringing. Kiyo picked it up and listened. Kiyo hung up the phone and stared at Zatch. "The heater is broken and there aren't any more rooms vacant". Zatch glared at Kiyo like he was insane. "Were going to turn into popsicles!" Zatch screamed and started panicking. Kiyo grabbed Zatch'es arm and sat him on the bed. "We are not going to freeze to death ok Zatch so calm down". "But Kiyo I can see my breath" Zatch stammered. "Ill make some popcorn and put on a movie" said Kiyo. Zatch stopped panicking after that. He loved popcorn. Kiyo put on some sort of action movie and watched the small TV. Zatch munched on popcorn and shivered. Kiyo smiled at Zatch and pulled him under the covers with him. Zatch looked up his book partner and grinned. "Kiyo I'm still kind of cold" Zatch said. "You just want to be cuddled don't you?" Kiyo laughed. Zatch looked at him and nodded with a small smile. "Come here" Kiyo said as he wrapped both his arms around his mamodo. Zatch buried his blonde head into Kiyo's chest. Zatch had all he wanted. He was warm, with Kiyo and had all the popcorn he could eat. After the movie was over they talked and munched on popcorn. Zatch picked up the book Kiyo was reading and looked at it. "How can you read all these huge words Kiyo?" "That's because I know how to read" Kiyo laughed. Zatch dropped the book and tackled him. They wrestled on the floor for few minutes and laughed. Zatch sat on Kiyo's chest and laughed at him. At least I know how to win a wrestling match." Zatch kept laughing at him but Kiyo pushed him off his chest. "I bet you can't beat me again" Kiyo said back. "I bet I can" Zatch lunged at him. But Kiyo was prepared. He caught Zatch and threw him on the bed. Zatch some how retaliated and pinned Kiyo again. Zatch sat on Kiyo and started to laugh hysterically again. "Did I really just lose two times in a row to a 6 year old" Kiyo thought to himself. "How did you learn to be so good at this?" asked Kiyo. Zatch stopped laughing and look down at Kiyo. "Zeno taught me". "Why does that not surprise me" Kiyo thought as he looked up at a laughing Zatch. "Ted taught me how to box you think you can beat me in that too?" "No I'm good" Kiyo said sheepishly. That made Zatch fall off Kiyo from laughing too much. "Ok I get it!" Kiyo snapped. Zatch finally stopped laughing and stood up. You think you can read me that book?" asked Zatch. "Yeah why not" Kiyo said. Kiyo picked the book up off from the floor and opened it. Zatch sat on the bed next to Kiyo and stared at the pages. Kiyo put his arm around Zatch and started reading. * * * Kiyo woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. "Hello" Kiyo yawned. "Kiyo its Megumi get up and let's go skiing"! Kiyo turned his head and saw a sleeping Zatch cuddled up to him. Kiyo smiled and said "I'll call you back in a few hours" "But Kiyo we have to- Kiyo hung up the phone. He watched Zatch snuggle into his tee-shirt and smile in his sleep. He'd rather do this any day than skiing. Be with his mamodo, his friend, his brother. End file.
Snowstorm by retro493
Zatch Bell
Because of You Because of You **Because of You** Zatch Bell Because of you I learned I learned that there are people I can trust besides Megumi I learned to have hope and faith in myself and in others Because of you You made me believe that there are others who are good Like Kiyo, and Kanchome, and Ponygon And like you Zatch Because of you I finally have a reason to fight in this battle I want to protect the people I care about I want to end this senseless fighting I want there to be peace in both of our worlds Because of you If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here Because of you I fell in love With you Please review End file.
Because of You by SilentSinger948
Zatch Bell
When William met Zatch and Kiyo Disclaimer: **I DO NOT OWN ZATCH BELL! JUST MY CHARACTER I ADDED IN! Enjoy.** It was a normal day for the human and his momodo. However it did not seem all too regular. It was cold and rainy, yet Kiyo's momodo Zatch wanted to go outside and play. "Zatch how many times do I have to tell you we can't go outside and play?" clarified Kiyo to Zatch. "But it's not that bad Kiyo." exclaimed zatch. "Yeah but you do realize that it is a raining season? It's going to be raining hard like cats and dogs for the next three weeks or so." said Kiyo. Kiyo was right, the rain was pouring buckets and immensely out side, and it was a little bit chilly. Zatch was reluctant to do so but followed suit on Kiyo's suggestion. "Ok. Can we play games?" asked Zatch. "Well I suppose but I really need to study for school as well, probably later on." said Kiyo. So they commenced their game session such as Yahtzee. Zatch was not so good at the game at first but caught on while playing with Kiyo. Then Zatch played with his friend the Vulcan 300. They played pretend games such as spaceship, which Zatch gradually learned about from Kiyo, jungle, and even pirate ship. Then they went to their next game of 'I Spy'. It was boring at first until Zatch pointed out a figure laying on a branch on a tree outside close by their bedroom window. "Hmmm wonder what that could be?" asked Kiyo. He opened his window to get a closer look. The minute he opened his window, the wind blew by moderately with a huge chill as well as the rain coming down like a mist. The figure however appeared to be a child... a young one to say the least. "Hey kid what are you doing over there?" asked and shouted kiyo. No answer. All Kiyo could hear was heavy breathing, and the child was laying down on the branch. "Kiyo is there someone out there?" asked a very curious Zatch. "Yeah it's a kid but I don't know what's the matter with him. "Well can I check it out?" asked Zatch. Kiyo nodded and proceeded to pick up Zatch and put him on another branch, bigger than the one the child was laying on, just within reach. "Hey kid what are you doing out here? It's cold and wet, you could get really sick". But upon closer inspection that had been the case. Zatch managed to reach out with his arms to pick up the child, and some of his belongings that are with him closer to the bedroom window. The child then began to cough with a loud noise coming from his chest. "Bring him in!" said Kiyo. From the looks of it the child was about 5 years old 1 year younger than Zatch. Zatch handed him over to Kiyo. "He's burning up real badly! Zatch go get some blankets, some Tylenol and a cold wet towel quickly!" commanded Kiyo to Zatch. Zatch was immediately on the case. The child's moaning and crying were signs that he was in pain. About 5 minutes pass, and the child was bundled up at the corner of Kiyo's bed. He had no problems with taking the medication, considering the fact it was fruit flavored and had a bit of nausea. When all of the commotion was done Zatch and Kiyo spent the remainder of the day taking care of the child. At that point Kiyo and Zatch had dinner in the bedroom. The child weakly got up and caught their attention, smiling to the both of them. Zatch was the first to quietly speak softly to the child and ask him his name. "How are you feeling? You want to tell me your name?" softly asked Zatch with an eager Kiyo beside him. "Wi...William." the child managed to say. "Hi there William! My name is Zatch Bell and this is my partner and best friend ." Kiyo and Zatch smiled to each other. "Do you need anything William?" asked Kiyo as softly as possible. William shook his head no and wanted to rest for the remainder of the night. "You want a glass of water or juice?" asked Kiyo again. William rose to meet his gaze and said "Yes please". With that Kiyo stood up to get him his drink until William spoke. "Ummm not to be rude but... Do you have any dry children clothing I could wear?" asked William. Kiyo now remembered the humid clothing William was wearing. "Oh! Yes we do, we got extra child clothing when Zatch came along. Why don't you go help him with that Zatch?" "Can do Kiyo!" said Zatch more than obliged. "Want to come with me to get dry clothes William? That is if you have the energy." William nodded and got up slowly and followed Zatch to a nearby closet. "Hey is that a ring on your finger?" asked Zatch. "Yes it is. I made it in my kindergarten class. It's a blue star." explained William. Zatch rummaged through some clothing and William was happy to pick out some clothing for himself. A shirt with a dragon called King Ghidorah, some shorts and blue and white socks. "Thanks Zatch" "No problem William!" said William and happily said Zatch. Once they reached the bedroom, Kiyo was waiting for them with a big glass of water. William gulped it all down in less than seconds. "Wow you must have been thirsty!" said Kiyo. William, without a haste, went back to rest on Kiyo's bed. "Thank you both for everything. I really appreciate it." said William. "It's not a problem William" said Zatch. Eventually Kiyo and Zatch decided to go to bed as well. Just like Kiyo said, it got much more colder than it was earlier that day. "K-Kiyo can I sleep with y-you tonight? I'm f-f-freezing." said Zatch. "Sure thing." softly said Kiyo, as to not disturb William. "Thanks Kiyo." said Zatch as he got into bed with the both of them. Zatch was in the middle of the two to stay warm. Though being in between them both, Zatch was still shivering under the covers. "Want to snuggle with me Zatch?" asked Kiyo. Zatch was happy to do so as Kiyo wrapped his arms around Zatch, while Zatch snuggled deeply withing Kiyo's chest. William shifted his position a little and observed what was happening. He saw them both snuggled together and Kiyo even gave Zatch a goodnight kiss to his forehead. This brought a nice warm feeling inside Williams heart. He gave them both a soft smile. "Bonne Nuit Kiyo et Zatch." said William. He didn't hear the next saying from Kiyo to Zatch as he went fast asleep. "I love you Zatch" said Kiyo. From that moment on William knew he'd be friends with him forever. End file.
When William met Zatch and Kiyo by Filletmyingyawn492
Zatch Bell
Christmas With You Beautiful lights are scattered around Mochinoki City. Snow lightly falls from the starry sky above. Family and friends gather together to celebrate the yearly occurrence. It was Christmas Eve at Mr. Takamine's house and friends have gathered to celebrate the holidays. Among those friends were: Tia, Megumi, Mr. Sunbeam, Elle, Ponygon, even Kanchome and Folgore attended. They bonded a lot during the battle with demons from one thousand years ago and even more when trying to stop Faudo, a giant rampaging demon. Those struggles brought the group together, they shared the same pain and despair but now they are sharing smiles and laughter in front of a warm fireplace. "Kiiiiiyo! Is it time to open presents yet?" asked an impatient Zatch. "Zatch, I've already told you, we open presents on Christmas Day, not Christmas Eve." replied Kiyo. "But Kiyo..." Zatch said, starting to frown "I thought you said we were all going to open presents together." Irritation is starting to build up within Kiyo, "Yes I did say that, and if you weren't so busy eating yellowtail then you would have remembered me also saying that everyone is coming back tomorrow too." "But Kiyo this isn't fair!" said Zatch as he sat up from the couch and started pouting. "I'm way too excited to sleep tonight! Can't we just open presents we got for each other and then open Santa's gifts tomorrow?" After already explaining it to him three times before, Kiyo snapped; "ZATCH!" "Kiyo, please calm down." Megumi said; trying to calm Kiyo's anger, "These are times to be happy. Besides Zatch is still a child so of course he's antsy." Kiyo blushed a little, if it was any one else he wouldn't have been embarrassed about it, but it was Megumi who responded to his irritation. "Okay, I'm sorry for yelling." Kiyo said, "Zatch, no matter what you will get your gifts, just be a little patient and that will make it easier on yourself." "Unuu..." Zatch said while sitting back down, he knew Kiyo was right but it was so hard to be patient. He was so excited about the holidays because it meant he could be surrounded by his demon friends, something that usually takes place during battles, and the little kid in him is excited for presents. Although Kiyo was calmed somebody else wasn't, "Zatch! Why do you always have to make things harder for everyone else!" said Tia, losing control of her anger. "Wha-" Zatch was startled, "I'm sorry everyone. I didn't know.", tears starting to well up in his eyes. He wanted everyone to be happy and didn't think that his constant questions were ruining everyone else's time. When Tia saw tears forming in Zatch's eyes she instantly regretted yelling at him. She felt like she had to hide how she really feels and try to appear strong, "Hmpf, crybaby." Megumi started holding Zatch to comfort him, "Tia! That was an awful thing to say. He's doesn't make things harder for us, we wouldn't even be here today without Zatch and Kiyo. Apologize right now." Tia started to think back on all the times Zatch rescued her, "Alright, alright. Zatch, I'm sorry." It was all she could manage. Zatch looked up, "Do you really mean that Tia?" Seeing Zatch sad really upset Tia deep down. "Yea, I do." Tia decided to be brave so she started to hug Zatch. It took a lot of courage for Tia to do that because any contact from Zatch made her blush and anxious. "Thanks Tia! Wait, are you okay?" Returning the hug, Zatch noticed Tia shaking. "Umm... I-I'm okay, I-I'm just a little cold." Said Tia hesitantly, everyone besides Zatch knew that Tia was just really nervous. But being oblivious, Zatch took her word for it. "Why didn't you just say so?" said Zatch as he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself and Tia, making sure it was wrapped tightly so Tia would feel maximum warmth. He continued to hold Tia. _Z-Zatch is s-so close to me; he's actually holding me tightly. I can feel my heart beating really hard. Oh I hope nobody is looking at my face, I know I'm blushing really hard... but I'm happy. Despite the embarrassment I feel so comfortable and happy. I... I like being close to this idiot _(Tia smiles). "T-Thank you, Zatch." Tia said as she put her head on his shoulder, partially to try and cover her embarrassment. "Unuu! Anything for Tia!" Zatch said smiling. Megumi sighed, she rested her head on Kiyo's shoulder. She had a sad expression on her face. "Me-Megumi?" Kiyo said, starting to panic, Megumi was actually resting on him. He started blushing. "I'm sorry, it's just I want us all to enjoy these happy times and yet we're starting to yell at each other." Megumi started blushing too but continued to rest her head on Kiyo's shoulder. Guilt starting to pile on Kiyo. He wanted everyone to be happy too, especially his partner Zatch and close friend Megumi. "I'm sorry Megumi, I'll try my best to control my anger tonight." Kiyo said while scratching his cheek. "Thank you, Kiyo" Megumi said as she smiled. Y-You're welcome Megumi!" Kiyo said. There was a silence that lasted a few minutes, then Folgore noticed Megumi's affection for Kiyo, Tia's affection for Zatch, and Mr. Sunbeam's affection for Elle. Mr. Sunbeam had his arm wrapped around Elle the whole time. "Hey now! Love is in the air! Kanchome let's bust out the mistletoes!" Folgore said loudly. Megumi rose from Kiyo's shoulder, blushing just like the time Apollo claimed that she was Kiyo's girlfriend. Kiyo wanted to yell but remembered his promise so he just sat there really embarrassed. Mr. Sunbeam and Elle felt embarrassed but felt too comfortable to change their position. Tia wanted to protest but she was too comfortable herself and she sort of liked the idea; so she just sat there blushing madly. Zatch just sat there confused; he was too oblivious to see Tia's affection for him or the meaning behind Folgore's statement. "Hahahahaha! It was a joke, it was a joke. Come on, we should all laugh at ourselves every once in awhile." Folgore said laughing. A voice came from the kitchen, "Everyone! Dinner's ready!" said Mrs. Takamine. "O-Okay!" Kiyo said, still trying to regain his composure from Folgore's previous statement. "Let's go eat everyone." Megumi was the first to rise with Kiyo, "Okay, sounds great! Let's go eat Tia." "But Megumi." Tia protested, she didn't want to leave Zatch's comfort, although she would never admit it. Kiyo interrupted, "Let's go Zatch, I know you've been looking forward to dinner tonight too." He knew that if he got Zatch to come Tia wouldn't have a reason to stay behind. Zatch looked concern, "But Kiyo, I don't want Tia to start shivering again." This made Tia blush again, but Zatch's words tugged at her heart strings. He may be an idiot but he truly does care for others. "Zatch" Tia said smiling to him, "I'm warm now, thank you. If I get cold again I'll tell you, okay?" Tia knew if she ever wanted Zatch to hold her all she had to do is say that she is cold. Learning this trick really made her happy. "Unuu!" Zatch said returning a smile, "Now let's go eat!" Megumi smiled at the two children. She was glad they were getting along so well today. She knew Zatch makes Tia really happy. She just wished Tia would tell Zatch her feelings although she knew she had no room to talk. But she could see that it hurts Tia to hold in her feelings. Everyone besides Ponygon took a seat around the table. "Meru meru me..." Ponygon said as he started crying. Then someone lifted him up into his lap. "Ponygon don't cry, of course you are going to eat with us. It wouldn't feel the same if you were left out." Mr. Sunbeam said smiling. Elle looked at Mr. Sunbeam and smiled; he was such a nice man. She was glad she met him during their battle with Faudo. Ponygon instantly bursts with happiness, "Meru meru me!" and starts licking his book owner. Everyone prayed and started to enjoy the meal. Everyone was satisfied and thoroughly enjoyed the meal even though a certain person was disappointed with the lack of yellowtail. After the meal they joined together in front of the fireplace again, enjoying Christmas music and movies. Tia made sure she would be sitting next to Zatch and was willing to fight anyone for that seat. Tia planned on telling Zatch that she was cold but she felt so nervous about it because she knew it was almost the same as asking him to hold her. She wouldn't have to ask because since she was so anxious about it she started to shake involuntarily. After seeing this Zatch didn't even ask Tia if she was cold. He just grabbed the same blanket and wrapped it tightly around himself and Tia. "Z-Zatch?" Tia asked, a blush was starting to form at her cheeks. She knew all too well that Zatch was oblivious so she thought she would have to tell him that she was cold. "You started shaking again so I thought you were cold" Zatch said, looking at the anxious look on Tia's face. He thought he was making her uncomfortable. "I'm sorry Tia." He started unwrapping the blanket. "Wait!" Tia blurted out loud as she grabbed his hand to make him stop unwrapping the blanket. This action made her blush even harder; she is holding his hand. "I am cold." She said simply, looking embarrassed. "Oh, okay!" Zatch stopped his attempts at unwrapping the blanket and instead wrapped his arm around Tia to warm up the already warm Tia. He couldn't move his other arm because Tia was still holding his hand, but he didn't mind. Kanchome noticed Tia's nervousness and her blushing. "Aww! Tia has a crush on Zatch. Hahaha!" teased Kanchome. "Nuu? What's that?" Asked an oblivious Zatch while Tia only grew more embarrassed. "Wha-" Tia was so shocked she could barely talk. "N-No I don't!" Tia said as a mad blush spread through her entire face. Everyone in the group started to laugh besides Tia, Zatch, and Megumi who felt bad for Tia. Tia burrowed her face into Zatch's shoulder to hide her embarrassment. Zatch was still confused about the whole thing but comforted Tia regardless because even he could tell she was uncomfortable from the laughing. Tia finally summoned her strength from anger and retorted to Kanchome, "You're just jealous that you don't have anyone to hold." This got to Kanchome because he started looking down and frowned. "Hey my little bambino" Folgore said as he put an arm around his partner, "You can hold me if you want, that's better than holding any girl in the world!" Folgore may be an worldwide known Italian singer and great with ladies but the most important person to him was Kanchome, and Kanchome always used Folgore as a role model. This cheered Kanchome up, "Thank you Folgore." Kanchome said happily. Tia still felt bitter. She was doing well to contain it until a certain oblivious boy set her off the edge. "Tia, what's a crush?" asked a curious Zatch. The next second he couldn't breathe, "T-i-a..." Zatch said as he was being strangled. "Don't you dare ask me what a crush is!" Tia was strangling Zatch with all of her might. "W-h-y..." Zatch was barely able to ask, almost out of oxygen. Each question sent here more and more over the edge. Everyone watched, they knew it was better if they just let Tia let her anger out. But what everyone didn't realize was that Zatch ran out of oxygen and has passed out. Finally Tia calmed down enough to let go and Zatch fell on the couch, not moving and eyes closed. Tia was too angry to notice Zatch's condition so she just looked away from him. "Zatch?" Kiyo tried getting Zatch's attention. Everyone's attention turn to Zatch, even Tia. Zatch just laid there, not saying a word or budging an inch. Everyone started to move towards Zatch. "Zatch?" Tia said as she tried getting his attention. She moved closer to him and started shaking him, "Zatch, get up. This isn't funny!" Tia started panicking. "Zatch! Are you okay? Zatch!" She started crying. Now everyone was worried. Kiyo made sure Zatch's airways weren't blocked and checked to make sure he was breathing, which he was. Eventually Zatch started coughing and opened his eyes. The first thing Zatch saw was a crying Tia. "Zatch!" yelled Tia as she went to tightly hug him. "Ugh. Too... tight." Zatch was barely able to say. He let out a painful cough "Sorry..." said Tia softly as she loosed her hold on him but refused to let go. Tears ran down her face and onto Zatch's mantle. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just I can get so angry over the littlest things..." Tia confessed. Zatch was stunned at her words, Tia barely apologized for anything on her own free will, especially for her anger. He accepted her apology and hugged her in return. After a few minutes of comforting Zatch, Megumi finally said, "Tia, we need to talk alone, now." "Okay..." said Tia, who sensed her demise. How would she be punished she wondered. Megumi hardly ever sounds this serious. _Whatever it is I probably deserve it_, Tia admitted to herself. Tia and Megumi were upstairs in the guest room alone. Megumi closed the door without turning around to face Tia. She turned around and met with Tia's eyes. _Good going Tia, you made Megumi cry_, Tia thought when she saw small tears trickle down Megumi's face. "Megumi..." Tia said, lost for words. "Tia, you need to control yourself." Megumi started. "You could have killed Zatch just a few minutes ago! I know you have anger issues and its fine if you vent them. But you don't want anyone getting seriously hurt or worse do you?" Tia started crying hard, droplets kept hitting the floor. "No, I don't want to hurt any of my friends, especially not Zatch. I-I-I..." "You love him, don't you Tia?" interrupted Megumi. This startled Tia. _How did Megumi find out that I have feelings for Zatch, _Tia wondered. "You won't tell anyone... right?" asked a scared Tia. She trusts Megumi with her life but this was Tia's biggest secret and she needed to make sure it was safe with her. "I promise I won't tell anyone." Megumi said with a condition, "But you have to promise me that you will work on your anger issues and you also have to promise me to control your anger tonight." "Okay..." Tia replied, "I won't let my anger get the best of me tonight or tomorrow. Can we go back to our friends now?" Tia really wanted to see how Zatch is doing. "Yes." replied Megumi, "But first come here." Tia walked up to Megumi who picked Tia up and gave her a hug. It was something they both needed after all the drama that just took place. Back downstairs the group heard footsteps coming down the staircase. Kiyo got up from the couch and to see how Megumi was doing. When she turned around the corner she met with Kiyo's eyes. _She's has been crying... _Kiyo thought. "Megumi, are you al-" Kiyo was cut off when Megumi walked up to him and flung her arms around him. "Yes, I'm okay." Megumi smiled, "We just had to talk about some sensitive things. Now let's all get along and enjoy Christmas together." "O-Okay Megumi." Kiyo was still worried about Megumi but thought the best way to handle it was to give her a happy Christmas. They walked back into the living room together while holding hands. Kiyo started becoming nervous. Even after they sat down together Megumi wouldn't let go of his hand and even wrapped her other arm around his arm; she even proceeded to rest her head on his shoulder again. Tia made her way back to her spot next to Zatch, she avoided eye contact out of guilt but she was relieved to see him doing a lot better than before. "Hey Tia, are you okay?" Zatch asked. Tia noticed a little fear in his voice; but there was still care in his voice too. "Yea I'm okay." Tia lied, she was extremely upset over hurting Zatch. "Zatch... how are you feeling?" "I'm okay." Zatch replied, "It's still a little hard to breathe but it doesn't hurt anymore." _Anymore..._ Tia thought. She never wanted Zatch to be hurt in the first place, especially by her own hands. Tia softly wrapped her arms around Zatch, bringing him into a caring embrace. "Nuu?" Zatch felt something strange when Tia held him this time. He couldn't put his finger on it. Despite just being strangled from Tia he feels so safe in her arms this time. He felt a weird feeling in his heart, it felt all bubbly and happy as if butterflies were flying around inside of him. He enjoyed the feeling and wrapped his arms around Tia's waist and pulled Tia closer into himself. Their foreheads were pressed against each other and they were staring into each other's eyes. For Zatch this changed everything. Thoughts started running across his mind like _cute_ and _beautiful. Why am I thinking this way about Tia, _Zatch wondered. Tia's heart kept thumping, it felt like Zatch was staring deep into her soul, _why is he staring at me like that?_ "Zatch?" Tia said, pulling her forehead away. Zatch immediately snapped back into reality. "Unuu?" replied Zatch "Why are you... oh never mind." Tia was curious but decided to just enjoy the moment. She shot him a smile and rested her forehead back onto Zatch's and closed her eyes. Zatch admired Tia for awhile and then he closed his eyes too. A few hours passed by which was spent by watching movies, singing, laughing and smiling. Then it was time for everyone to leave. "Aww, but Megumi!" Tia protested, "Can't we stay here for tonight?" Tia wanted to spend more time with Zatch. "No Tia." replied Megumi, "Don't worry, we'll be coming back here first thing in the morning." "Fine..." said Tia, defeated. "Is it okay if we come back as soon as we wake up?" asked Mr. Sunbeam. "Yea." replied Kiyo, "Just make sure you give us a call to make sure we're awake." "Okay!" announced Folgore, "We're heading out, see you tomorrow Kiyo!" Folgore and Kanchome rushed out the door. _Huh_? They thought after seeing all the snow. But they didn't have much time to process what they were seeing since they ran on ice and started falling. They both landed on their heads and the collision with the ground left giant bruises on their heads. "Momma mia! Owww my precious face" yelled Folgore. Kanchome just cried and continuously said "ow" over and over again. "Well this is a problem." said Kiyo, observing the snow. "We were having so much fun that we didn't notice it snowing this hard. It looks like nobody can get out tonight." Mr. Sunbeam thought of an idea, "I can use _Go Shudoruk _and Ponygon can transport everyone home. It's late at night so people shouldn't notice." Kiyo didn't like this idea, "No we can't risk it, there are too many children looking out for Santa tonight. We don't want to get caught." Mrs. Takamine came downstairs, "What's going on?" She then sees the snow, "Oh dear, it looks like everyone will just have to stay here tonight." "Yes!" Tia cheered, she was happy to get her way. "What will we do about sleeping arrangements tonight?" asked Megumi. "Let's see here." pondered Mrs. Takamine, "All the kids can share the guest room together. My bed can fit two people so Folgore and Mr. Sunbeam can share that." Mr. Sunbeam looked horrified at the thought of sharing a bed with another man, Folgore had a stupid blank face which showed he really didn't care. Mrs. Takamine continued "I'll sleep on the couch with Elle." "What about me?" asked Megumi, Mrs. Takamine forgot about her. This was a real problem because she ran out of places in the house to put her. Kiyo sacrificed himself and said "She can sleep on my bed, I can just sleep down here on the floor. I don't mind." He felt a little embarrassed since he was doing it for Megumi. Megumi couldn't accept that, "No I can't sleep on your bed knowing that you're sleeping on the floor. You sleep in your bed Kiyo, I'll sleep on the floor." Mrs. Takamine could tell that Megumi and Kiyo cared a lot for each other and hoped they wouldn't make her regret her decision. "Okay, okay" Mrs. Takamine interrupted, "Kiyo's bed is the last place in the house that can be slept on so why don't you two share it? I trust the both of you so it's alright if it's just for tonight." "W-What?" said both Kiyo and Megumi. In a matter of seconds they both blushed wildly, they didn't want to argue because they liked the idea, no matter how embarrassing it was. Megumi turned to Kiyo, "I-Is that fine with you, K-Kiyo?" Megumi asked very nervously. "Umm, s-sure M-Megumi." Kiyo barely managed to say, he was even more nervous than Megumi. Megumi and Kiyo then avoided eye contact out of embarrassment. Once 11 o'clock came around the corner everyone went to bed. In the guest room, children were getting ready to go to sleep. "Zatch stop running around and help us set up the blankets." said Kanchome. "Meru meru me!" Ponygon agreed, as he made failed attempts to help spread out bed sheets. "Nuu, okay." Zatch didn't want to go to bed so that's why he wasn't helping; although he gave in to their requests. Tia just got done changing into her pajamas and entered the room to see Zatch setting up her bed for her. _Aww how cute_, Tia thought. It made her happy that Zatch was doing things for her. "Hey everyone!" Tia announced as she walked in. "Hey Tia!" the other three children said together. "Tia just in time!" Zatch started, "I just finished making your bed for you." "Aww, that's very sweet of you Zatch. Thank you!" Tia said smiling. "Unuu! You're welcome." Zatch said smiling back. In Mrs. Takamine's room. "Umm, goodnight, Folgore." Mr. Sunbeam said awkwardly. "Goodnight Kafka!" said Folgore without shame. In the living room. "Are you okay with sleeping on the couch Elle?" asked Mrs. Takamine. "Yes, it's actually pretty comfortable." replied Elle. "Now that I think about it." Mrs. Takamine started, "We should have shared my bed and let the men sleep on the couch. Oh well." "That's alright." said Elle, "I would rather have Kafka get a goodnight's rest tonight on a comfortable bed." Finally, in Kiyo's room. Megumi was sitting on Kiyo's bed. Kiyo was looking out his window trying to avoid the awkward situation they were in. "Megumi." Kiyo said as he turned around to meet her eyes, "If you're uncomfortable with, well, this I can always sleep on the floor, I don't mind." "No!" Megumi blurted out loud, startling both of them. She immediately got embarrassed again. "Kiyo, we already talked about this. Neither of us are sleeping on the floor." Megumi got up and walked up to Kiyo; she grabbed his hands softly. "Kiyo, I trust you." Megumi said softly, "We've been through so much together. I don't mind sleeping next to you, I actually want to!" Megumi said suddenly without thinking. "Y-You want to?" asked a blushing Kiyo. Megumi couldn't find a way out of his question, "Yes... Kiyo, when I'm with you I feel safe and my worries fade away." Megumi wanted to confess all of her feelings to him but she couldn't find the courage. Trying to change the subject, "Let's go to bed Kiyo, it's getting late." she said as she tugged him towards the bed. "Okay." Kiyo said anxiously, he felt really nervous about sleeping next to Megumi but he thought he might calm down once he started laying down. First Megumi laid down, followed by Kiyo. It wasn't exactly a two person bed so they had to lay really close together. Megumi noticed Kiyo started shaking a little. Megumi wanted to lighten the mood, "Kiyo, why are you shaking? Are you cold?" asked a smiling Megumi, referring to what happened to Tia earlier in the day. Kiyo knew what Megumi was referring to. He chuckled a little, "No, don't worry about me. I feel pretty warm." Kiyo replied. Megumi giggled, "Okay, then stop your shivering if you feel so warm." It took a few minutes but Kiyo eventually stopped. "Are you feeling better Kiyo?" asked Megumi. "Yes, I'm actually pretty comfortable." replied Kiyo, letting out a yawn. Megumi was happy he calmed down. She wanted to talk to Kiyo, there was so much on her mind but she was still afraid to say any of it. "Goodnight Kiyo, sweet dreams." said Megumi. "Goodnight Megumi, you too." replied Kiyo. Zatch awoke in the middle of the night. He didn't know what time it was but he felt fully awake. He noticed the sky, "It's still night." he said sadly. He had hoped he would sleep through the entire night and wake up when presents arrived. He looked around to see if anyone else was awake to find that Tia was missing. "Tia?" Zatch said in confusion, "Tia where are you?" Zatch exited the room to search for her. He started to worry because he checked all around the house for her, he even checked inside of the cookie jar. He felt it was a little cold next to front door. _Maybe she's outside. But why would she be out there_, Zatch thought. He checked anyways, he finally found Tia sitting on the stone slab in front of the house. Tia had her hands pressed against her face and she was shaking uncontrollably. "Tia!" Zatch said surprised, "What are you doing out here? You'll get sick!" He started walking up to her, "Tia let's go back-" He cut himself off when he saw her tearful face. "Just leave me alone." Tia forced herself to say. She came out here to be alone. "No way Tia!" Zatch said worriedly, "I'm not going back inside unless you come with me." Zatch grabbed her hand, it felt frozen. "Tia! You're freezing! Please come back inside." Zatch said, pleading with her. "No, you can forget it." Tia said coldly. "Okay then..." Zatch said as he walked back inside the house. Tia started having troubling thoughts. _Yea that's right. I'm better off alone anyways. It's not worth it being friends with me. Maybe that's why Maruss betrayed me, because I wasn't worth it. I hurt people I care about. Even when people try to help me I push them away. Maybe it would be better for everyone if I didn't stay here anymore, _Tia was starting to give into her sadness when something warm started to wrap around her. "Wha-?" Tia started to say as she turned around to see Zatch once more. He was wrapping a blanket around the both of them again. "You wouldn't come inside. So I decided that I would bring a blanket out here so you would be warm." Zatch said. _Of course Zatch wouldn't leave me alone out here_, Tia thought. _He would never abandon me_... Tia started crying harder. Tia wrapped her arms tightly around Zatch. She rested her head on his shoulder and let her tears flow freely. "Zatch! I'm... so sorry... for everything!" Tia said while sobbing. Zatch didn't know what Tia was talking about. "Tia, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Zatch said, trying to console her. "Yes I did! Tia said immediately, "I made you cry and I made you pass out! You're so supportive of me and you always worry about me but I just..." Tia couldn't finish her sentence and starting sobbing even harder. "Tia..." Zatch started, "You have done a lot of great things for me. Without you I probably wouldn't even still be here right now." Tia looked up into his face, "You've saved me and Kiyo in some bad situations. We never asked you to, but you did anyways even though we're technically enemies. Why? Because you do care about me, don't you?" "Zatch..." Tia felt like she absolutely had to tell Zatch how she felt, "I care about you so much. You may be an oblivious idiot who is obsessed with yellowtail. But you're my idiot... You're so kind and caring and you make me feel so safe. Before I met you I tried doing things on my own, but now I am dependent on you. I honestly can't stand the thought of losing you, that's why I've been acting up lately." Zatch didn't know what Tia was talking about. "Nuu? But Tia you haven't lost me." "But I almost did! Twice!" Tia yelled, the memories hurt her. "Remember when you sacrificed yourself so we could get past that magical wall? If Bari hadn't sacrificed himself instead you would have died! And remember when you were almost devoured by _Baou Zakeruga_, your own spell? If you kept using that spell we would have lost you, forever!" Tia was holding Zatch very tightly, as if she was afraid that if she let go he would disappear. "Tia..." Zatch started holding Tia equally as tight. He never realized how much Tia cared. He started crying as well. "It's okay, I won't leave you. I'll fight hard so I can come back to see your smiling face." They cried together for a few minutes until Tia calmed down enough to start talking again. There was no more running away. She needed to finally tell Zatch. She pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. "Zatch..." Tia began, "There's one last thing I need to tell you. Will you listen? This is very important." "Unuu, go ahead." Zatch said seriously. "Zatch, thank you for everything that you have done for me. You've saved me in so many ways and so many times. You're the most important person in my life and I trust you with my life, so I'm going to let you in on my biggest secret. Close your eyes Zatch." Zatch obeyed and closed his eyes. Then Tia started leaning into Zatch and she wrapped her arms around him, Zatch returned the hug. Tia closed her eyes and enjoyed the hug until whispering in his ear, "I love you Zatch, I love you with all of my heart." Zatch was in shock, he almost opened his eyes in surprise but was able to keep them shut. He felt Tia backing away from his ear and then he felt something sweet against his cheek. Tia was kissing Zatch on the cheek, she always wanted to show her affection for him like this. She pulled away leaving a speechless Zatch touching the place where Tia's lips once were. It was a strange sensation for Zatch, but regardless he liked it; just how he liked it when Tia held him softly a few hours ago. "Zatch." Tia started blushing a little bit, "You can open your eyes now." Zatch opened his eyes and met Tia's. "Tia, there's something I want to say." Tia was startled. _What could Zatch have to say_, she wondered. _I hope it's not bad. _Tia started to become scared but wanted to listen to what Zatch had to say, "Go ahead." she replied quietly. "Tia... I know I'm oblivious. There's so much that I don't understand about myself and my feelings, and I think that makes it hard to guess how other people are feeling. But today you made me realize one of my feelings. My feelings toward you." Tia started to blush harder and became anxious to know how Zatch feels for her. Zatch continued, "When we held each other under the blankets I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies we're flying around. And I only feel those butterflies with you. When you came back downstairs you held me really softly and asked me how I was doing. I felt so safe and cared for and I felt even bigger butterflies that time, and I felt the biggest butterflies when you kissed my cheek just now. Tia do I make you feel butterflies?" _Huh, Butterflies, What would that feel like, _wondered Tia. Zatch saw Tia look confused. Zatch had an idea, "Tia close your eyes." _What is Zatch up to_, Tia wondered. Tia wanted to find out so she closed her eyes and a few moments later she felt something wet against her cheek. Tia felt her face change to escalating hues of red. _I can't believe it, Zatch is kissing my cheek. I feel so, so happy. What is this feeling in my stomach. Oh this must be the butterflies Zatch was talking about. I felt them before for Zatch so many times._ Zatch pulled away, leaving a dumbfounded and red Tia holding a hand over the spot he just kissed. Zatch asked, "Did you feel the butterflies?" Tia took a few seconds to respond, "U-Uh h-huh" Tia could barely talk, she was too busy trying to comprehend what just happened. It couldn't be as simple as "_Zatch just kissed me_", could it? "Tia, I think those butterflies are trying to tell me something." Zatch said. Tia came back into reality, "Tell you what Zatch?" Zatch took a few seconds to choose his words carefully, "I think they're trying to tell me that... that I love you Tia." Tia didn't respond for a few seconds. Then the meaning behind Zatch's words dawned on her and she started stuttering. "W-W-What d-did you just say Z-Zatch?" Tia thought she didn't hear him right. Zatch pulled Tia into a soft embrace that lasted a few seconds. Then he placed his head softly on Tia's. Looking straight into her eyes Zatch said "I love you Tia." Zatch said, smiling. Tia gasped. She knew she couldn't have misheard Zatch this time. Tears started rolling down her face. She was in too much shock to notice that she was crying. She involuntarily started smiling and sobbing. She pulled Zatch into a tight embrace and sobbed uncontrollably on Zatch's shoulder. "I love... you too... Zatch..." she managed to say between sobs. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Tia stopped crying. Tia never experienced happiness like this. Today she has held Zatch, kissed his cheek, admitted her true feelings, and Zatch accepted those things and even returned them. Tia couldn't stop smiling. Zatch smiled too, even his cheeks became rosy. They went back inside to the guest room and Zatch decided to sleep with Tia that night. "You were out in the cold for awhile. I'm going to hold you tonight to make sure you stay warm." Zatch said but really he just wanted to be close to Tia. Tia giggled and accepted his offer. "Okay, but only if you let me keep you warm too." Tia replied. Zatch agreed, they laid down together and got in a comfortable cuddle position. "Goodnight Tia!" Zatch said sleepily. He felt so comfortable and relaxed being in her arms. He can finally sleep. "If you need anything I'm right here." Zatch said. "Goodnight Zatch." Tia said softly, "If you need me I'll be right here. Things are going to be different. From now on I will always be here for you. I won't push you away. I need you Zatch, I love you." "I love you too Tia." Zatch said with a bright smile. Both of the children fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles on their faces. After Zatch comforted Tia everyone was sleeping soundly, everyone but one. Her troubled heart deprived her of sleep as she stared out the window, recalling events that took place not too long ago. Kiyo woke up in the middle of the night. His body felt stiff as he sat up in his bed. Quickly he realized, _oh yea, Megumi is sleeping here too, I shouldn't make that much no-_, he cut himself off when he realized there was no one sleeping next to him. Thinking logically he thought, _maybe that was all just a dream and Megumi is at her house_. Kiyo looked toward the window and was startled, thinking someone broke in, "AHH!" Kiyo yelled, then recognizing it was Megumi, "Oh, it's just you Megumi." "Sorry." Megumi said, "I didn't mean to startle you." She continued to look out the window. "Megumi." Kiyo started, "How long have you been up for? You should get some sleep." Megumi sighed and said, "I never fell asleep. It's been about three hours since you fell asleep." This worried Kiyo, "You've been awake this entire time?" Kiyo got up and started walking toward Megumi. Kiyo stood beside Megumi and put his hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay Megumi?" Kiyo asked. She turned her head away from Kiyo, not answering his question. "Megumi." Kiyo said again, trying to get her attention. Megumi turned her face to meet Kiyo's. Her tearful eyes met with Kiyo's who started to look sad. _She's crying again_, Kiyo thought, _I knew there something she hasn't been telling me_. "Megumi." Kiyo started to say, "I know there's something bothering you. You seemed too upset earlier over those little fights. Something has been bothering you before the moment you came here yesterday." Megumi slowly wrapped her arms around Kiyo and rested her head on his shoulder. She felt humiliated that Kiyo found out. She's been trying her best to hide it and didn't want anyone to know, especially Kiyo. Even so, Megumi wasn't planning on telling Kiyo what has been bothering her until... "Megumi, please tell me what's bothering you. It's hurts seeing you so upset. I want to help." Kiyo pleaded as he wrapped his arms gently around her. This got to Megumi because her silent crying turned into sobbing. "O-Okay, I'll tell you everything Kiyo." Megumi said. She felt trapped with no way out but to confess everything to Kiyo. She also wanted Kiyo's comfort and she wanted to release her feelings that she kept bottled up for so long. Megumi lifted her head from Kiyo's shoulder and looked Kiyo in his eyes. Megumi got lost in his eyes for a second but then took a deep breath. "Remember our battle with Faudo?" Megumi started, "So many horrible things happened during that. Li-en and Alishie almost died from Leo's curse and so many of our friends returned to the demon world. We faced so much despair, especially when Leo made Faudo target where we lived. But the reason why I'm like this, the one thing that traumatized me the most was..." Megumi started to look down. "The thing that traumatized me the most was..." Megumi repeated, her whole body started trembling. Kiyo was worried about Megumi, "Megumi, are you al-" "The thing that traumatized me the most!" Megumi shouted, she looked back into Kiyo's eyes with rivers of tears running from her own eyes, "Was seeing you dead!" Megumi immediately started clinging to Kiyo while sobbing uncontrollably. "D-Do you know what it's like? Trying to listen for someone's heartbeat just to hear nothing!" Megumi said between her sobs. "How could you do that to me? Do you know how agonizing it was to see your bloodied body and to see you completely unresponsive? Kiyo you really did die!" Kiyo sensed Megumi's anger towards him, but he couldn't blame her. After all he did sacrifice himself knowing that he was going to die. He started remembering thoughts he pushed out of his mind. -Flashback- "We're done talking. We must give it everything we got to defeat Leo, or Japan won't be saved. Don't worry Zatch, I'll be fine. I'll be fine... If you understand then go, Zatch!" Kiyo's plan was to use his own body as bait to lure Leo into attacking him. He was already too injured to move so he took the force of every attack. "His arms, legs, and body will be sent to hell one by one!" said an enraged Leo. Zatch called out, "Kiyo? Can I turned around now?" Previously Kiyo forbid Zatch from looking at him. "No, not yet." replied Kiyo weakly. _If you turn around now, you won't even recognize me_. Kiyo's trap was finally set up_, I'm sorry._ _It looks like this is the end for me. But don't worry, I was at least able to protect this book, _referring to Zatch's spell book_. When I die here the book definitely has to reveal a new partner for Zatch. So become king Zatch, become king with your new partner_! _This messed up body better respond_! The spell book in his hand started shining bright red. _Baou Zakeruga! _Kiyo saw the mighty electric dragon split into four and head straight for Leo. _Now, thank you Zatch. Farewell..._ -End of flashback- Megumi continued to vent her feelings, "Even when we used _Saifojio_, our healing spell, your heart wouldn't start beating again!" Megumi said, admitting her uselessness, "No matter how strong our spells were they weren't strong enough to save you! I feel so pathetic! Me and Tia's strong points are in our defense and healing powers and yet we couldn't protect or heal you!" Kiyo wanted argue against this but didn't feel like he should interrupt Megumi. Kiyo could tell that she has been keeping this to herself for a long time. _I want her to let it all out_, thought Kiyo. "The person who saved you was your partner Zatch." Megumi admitted, nobody told Kiyo this. "He punched you in the chest so much that it made your heart start beating again." There was a minute of silence between them. Megumi managed to calm down a lot thanks to Kiyo's comfort. Kiyo continued to hold Megumi tightly, stroking her hair, just doing whatever he can to help Megumi. "Kiyo." Megumi began, "When I saw you lying on the floor dead I was filled with so much regret. There were so many things I wanted to tell you, that I had to tell you. When you came back to life I vowed I would tell you whenever I got the chance. I've been too scared to tell you before but I feel like I'm finally ready now. Will you please listen Kiyo? I'm about the speak from the heart." "Of course I'll listen to you Megumi." Kiyo said. _What could she have to say to me_, he wondered. Megumi looked into Kiyo's eyes and began, "Kiyo, besides Tia you were the first true friend I ever had. In a battle surrounded by enemies you came to my side and protected me, knowing that one day we have to fight for our partners sake. You've earned my trust, something that I thought was impossible for anyone to get from me. From the very beginning people only cared for the pop star Megumi... No one cared for who I really was deep down. They only cared for the Megumi they saw on stage or on set. You're the first person to really treat me like I am normal girl." Kiyo knew Megumi had it rough. She always seemed busy and her work exhausted her. But he never realized the internal conflicts that being a pop idol caused her. Kiyo felt really sorry for Megumi but was glad that he helped her. "Megumi you are a normal girl." Kiyo said. He had feelings he wanted to get off his chest too, "You may be known to the entire world that you're a pop idol, but I know you as a friend. A very important and cherished friend. To me it doesn't matter whether or not you're famous or you're a great singer. What matters to me is the kind and caring person that you are." Megumi couldn't hold back a smile, even with a face full of tears. "Kiyo. You're so kind and gentle to me. You were the first person to see something in me that no one else saw. The real me. I feel like I can be myself around you. I feel like I can let down my walls and stop protecting myself." Megumi's smile faded away and was replaced with a serious look, "And I feel like I can finally tell you the truth about me that nobody knows." Despite being a genius Kiyo didn't know what Megumi was talking about. "Huh? What do you mean?" Kiyo asked. Megumi unwrapped one of her arms to place her hand on Kiyo's cheek. She pressed her forehead against Kiyo's and at last confessed, "I'm in love with you, Kiyo." She pressed her lips against his other cheek. _Wha-what? Did Megumi just say that she loves me? Is she really kissing my cheek?_ Kiyo was in disbelief and felt like his cheeks were on fire, especially the cheek that she was kissing. When Megumi finished kissing his cheek she backed her face up enough so Kiyo could see her innocent and smiling face, a blush was covering her face as well. "I-I." Kiyo was trying to talk but kept stuttering, "I love you too, M-Megumi." He confessed. Kiyo always had strong feelings for Megumi but never thought that she would return them for him. Megumi's face lit up like a child. New tears filled with happiness were forming in Megumi's eyes. Megumi couldn't contain her joy, "Kiyo!" she screamed as she tackled Kiyo, making him back up a few feet. Megumi wrapped her arms around Kiyo and held on as tight as she could. Kiyo chuckled as he held her tightly back. Megumi started happily sobbing into Kiyo's chest. Kiyo moved one hand to Megumi's hair and started stroking it. They were both on top of the world and it felt like nothing could bring them down. That nothing could ruin this perfect and blissful moment. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Megumi was still buried in Kiyo's chest when she asked timidly, "So, does that mean you're my boyfriend now?" "Yes." Kiyo replied, "But on one condition." "Yea? And what's that?" asked Megumi. Kiyo smiled and said, "As long as you become my girlfriend." Megumi giggled and looked up to look Kiyo in the eyes, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I'll be the best girlfriend in the world!" Megumi said with confidence and joy. "Hey Kiyo? Can I give you one of your Christmas presents now?" Megumi asked shyly. "Sure, that's fine with me." replied Kiyo. Megumi backed away a little bit and grabbed Kiyo by his wrists and guided him back in front of the window. "Okay, to get your Christmas present you have to look up." Megumi instructed. Kiyo was confused but did as he was told. He noticed something that looks like a plant was attached to the ceiling. _Wait a second, no it couldn't be... a mistletoe? _Kiyo was speechless. He looked back into Megumi's face. _When did she set this up?_ Kiyo wondered. "Will you be my first kiss Kiyo?" Megumi asked, she was smiling but her nervousness was apparent and so was her blush. She found her answer in Kiyo's eyes. They were slowly attracted to each other like magnets. Kiyo wrapped his arms around Megumi's waist as Megumi wrapped her arms around Kiyo's neck. They both parted their lips as they were staring into each other's eyes. Finally they closed their eyes and connected their lips. Even as they kissed they still grew closer and held each other tighter. They both felt some form of weightlessness. The longer they kissed the lighter they felt, as if gravity didn't apply to them anymore. They both felt a blissfulness that they have never experienced before. After what seemed like an eternity they broke the kiss and rested their foreheads against each other; their eyes still closed. When Kiyo opened his eyes he found him staring into Megumi's eyes once again. "Merry Christmas, I love you Kiyo." Megumi said softly, "I love you so so much." "Merry Christmas, I love you too Megumi." Kiyo said with a smile. They shared a tight embrace that lasted a while. They finally decided they should go back to bed, especially Megumi who hasn't fallen asleep yet tonight. They laid down in bed when Kiyo said, "Wait Megumi, before you go to bed I realized that I really am cold." Kiyo said playfully and yet wanted to sleep in her arms. Megumi giggled, "Okay, come here you!" Megumi said happily as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. Kiyo wrapped his arms around her in return, "I'm really glad it snowed as hard as it did." Kiyo admitted. He knew if it didn't snow he would be laying in bed alone, not knowing all of these things he just found out. And he wouldn't be holding the girl he loves as he sleeps. "I'm glad it did too." Megumi said happily, "Tia was right, I'm glad we stayed tonight." Kiyo tried putting off sleep but realized that it was getting really late. He finally said, "Goodnight Megumi, I love you." "Goodnight, I love you too sweetie." Megumi replied, she started giggling from calling Kiyo her "sweetie". They shared one more goodnight kiss and fell asleep in each other's arms. Sun shined through the window and Ponygon was the first to wake up. "Meru meru me~ Meru meru me~" Ponygon shouted as he tried waking the other children up. "Nuu..." Zatch said while waking up, "Nuu? Nuu! It's finally morning!" Zatch happily announced! He wanted to rush downstairs to open presents but something was holding him back. "Tia?" Zatch asked. It took him a few seconds but he then remembered the events of last night. He started smiling, he was glad that he learned the truth behind Tia. "Tia wake up." Zatch said softly, easily containing his excitement. Tia was starting to wake up, "Nnnn... what?" Not knowing who was trying to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes to see a smiling Zatch. "Hey there sleepy head! Merry Christmas!" Zatch happily said, looking down at the girl he loved. Tia realized she was holding on to Zatch and remembered the events of last night. She smiled and got up to give the boy she loved a hug. "Merry Christmas Zatch!" she cheerfully said. As they enjoyed the long embrace Kanchome awoke and ran out of the room with Ponygon to wake everyone else up and unintentionally cause chaos. Ponygon and Kanchome jumped on their respective partners Mr. Sunbeam and Folgore. "Folgore!" Kanchome shouted, "It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" "Meru meru me!" Ponygon shouted in agreement. Folgore picked up Kanchome into the air and said, "I bet you can't wait to see what Santa got you, no?" Folgore smiled. Mr. Sunbeam was still groggy from just waking up but managed a smile for Ponygon, "Come on Ponygon, let's go see what Santa got you." Mr. Sunbeam checked to see if Kiyo and Megumi were up and was surprised to see them in a more than friends embrace while they slept. Kiyo awoke to something lightly shaking him. He saw Mr. Sunbeam smile and leave without saying a word. _I bet Zatch and the others can't wait to open their presents, if we don't get up now they'll just come in to bug us until we do_, Kiyo thought. Megumi woke up to something being pressed against her lips; Megumi returned it knowing it was Kiyo. "Good morning sweetheart." Kiyo said with a smile. "Good morning sweetie." Megumi said as she returned the smile. Kiyo helped her up and they shared a tight embrace. They then proceeded to go downstairs to find everyone gathered around the tree waiting for them. Everyone enjoyed their gifts. Zatch got a lot of yellowtail, Praying Mantis Joe action figures, and a stuffed teddy bear he got from Tia; he named the teddy bear "Tio" . Kiyo got a lot of college level books and a laptop. Megumi got a beautiful necklace that Kiyo got her and a pretty dress to go with it. Tia got a new tea set to replace the one she broke and a stuffed bear that she named "Gash". Elle got a beautiful dress that Mr. Sunbeam got for her. Mr. Sunbeam got a professional toy model of a race car that Elle got for him. Ponygon got Praying Mantis Joe action figures and a motorized kiddie car from Mr. Sunbeam. Kanchome got a new CD player to replace the one that broke during their last battle and a lot of candy. Folgore got new outfits to replace the ones that were ruined during their last battle, and finally Mrs. Takamine's present was her husband coming home from England. Tia and Megumi were talking to each other about their experiences last night and started giggling happily although Tia was jealous that Megumi got to kiss Kiyo on the lips, Tia only kissed Zatch's cheek but she got an idea from Megumi. Tia walked over to where Zatch was playing with Ponygon's new action figures. "Hey Zatch, will you come with me for a little bit?" Tia asked shyly. "Sure!" said Zatch as he got up. "Okay but first you have to close your eyes for me." Tia said. "Nuu? I have to close my eyes again?" Zatch asked. "Please. Will you do it for me?" Tia asked, giving Zatch cute puppy dog eyes. Zatch wasn't able to say no to her. When she looks like that she could get away with anything. "Unuu." Zatch replied as he closed his eyes. "Okay!" Tia said happily. She held Zatch's hand and playfully said, "No peaking!" She led Zatch to Kiyo's room and finally let him open his eyes. Zatch opened his eyes confused, "Why did you bring me here?" Zatch asked. After all it was only Kiyo's room. Tia looked a little embarrassed, running her hand through her hair. "There's something above you." Tia awkwardly said. Zatch looked up, "Nuu? Hey it's a mistletoe!" Zatch had watched enough soap operas to know what a mistletoe above two people who love each other means. Zatch looked back down at Tia who in return started blushing wildly. Tia's heart was thumping really hard. She finally said, "If you're uncomfortable with this we don't have to, we can just pretend like we never saw-" Tia was cut off because something was blocking words from exiting her mouth. Zatch wrapped his arms around Tia and was kissing her on the lips. He wanted to do this ever since last night and didn't want this opportunity to go to waste. Tia closed her eyes and returned the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Zatch's neck. They both felt butterflies flying around in their stomach except this time it was so strong that they felt like they were butterflies ready to take off and fly. They experienced true weightlessness and bliss. They finally broke the kiss and entered a loving embrace. "Zatch you are the best boyfriend in the world!" Tia said joyfully. "Unuu!" Zatch replied, "That's what the best girlfriend in the world deserves!" Tia never thought in her wildest dreams that Zatch could actually be romantic. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have him and should do anything in the world for it to stay that way. She wouldn't lose Zatch to anyone. A few hours passed and everyone was gathered around the fireplace once again. Kiyo had his arm around Megumi who rested her head on his shoulder. Zatch and Tia were cuddling on the couch, sharing a tight embrace. All of a sudden Folgore said "You four make such cute couples, no?" he teased. Folgore and Kanchome started laughing together. But Megumi, Kiyo, Tia and Zatch just smiled and unanimously said "I know" and each of them snuggled closer to their lover. Folgore was stunned, "Eh?" was all he could say and Kanchome stopped laughing. Megumi looked deeply into Kiyo's eyes, she loved getting lost in them. Megumi stroked Kiyo's cheek and softly said, "I love you sweetie." "I love you too sweetheart." Kiyo replied with a smile. Kiyo pulled Megumi closer and they started cuddling. Folgore's eyes extended outward in disbelief, "EH?" _What happened to the shy teenagers_, he wondered. Tia enjoyed cuddling with Zatch and happily said "I love you Zatch." as she played with his hair and kissed his cheek. Zatch replied, "I love you too Tia!" and returned with a kiss on her lips. This was too much for Kanchome to handle, so he fell over. Kanchome was barely conscious and was trying not to believe what he just saw. _Why is Tia being so nice to Zatch? She used to bully me and Zatch all the time? Why is she acting so nice? _This Tia scared Kanchome more than the bully Tia did, it didn't seem right to him at all. Zatch noticed Kanchome was acting strange. "Kanchome are you okay?" Zatch asked as he got up to see how his friend is doing. "O-Oh hey Zatch, I-I'm okay." replied Kanchome who was trembling in fear. Tia got off the couch and walked towards Kanchome. Kanchome started trembling harder and harder until... "Kanchome! Don't take my boyfriend's attention away from me!" Tia jealously yelled as she strangled Kanchome. Ironically this made Kanchome feel better knowing that Tia is the same bully she once was to everyone but Zatch. Tia threw Kanchome across the room. Kanchome couldn't stop smiling from relief, "What are you smiling at!" Tia roared. Fear from Tia's bully side returned as Kanchome trembled and bowed his head in forgiveness. "I'm so sorry Tia!" Kanchome wept, "It won't happen again!" "Good" Tia said in an aggressive tone. Her facial expression went from rage to sweet as she turned from Kanchome to Zatch. "So Zatch." Tia said happily, "Let's go back to the couch and cuddle!" "Unuu..." Zatch said. He felt a little scared and didn't want to end up like Kanchome. "Don't worry, last night I told you things would be different. I won't hurt you anymore." Tia said happily and took Zatch's hand. It was weird for Zatch to see Tia strangle people knowing that he was completely safe from her wrath. But for some reason he liked being the exception, it made him feel special. Zatch started smiling at this, although he did feel bad for Kanchome. It started getting dark out and it was about time to wrap up the party. Tia dragged her feet to get ready to go home. Megumi didn't want to leave either but she hid it. "Thank you Kiyo." Megumi said, "You gave me the best Christmas a girlfriend could ask for!" "You're welcome Megumi." Kiyo said with a happy blush starting at his cheeks. "Hey Zatch, I really don't want to go." Tia said as she pulled him into a tight embrace. "Hey we'll see each other again! Don't worry." Zatch replied and he returned the embrace. "You promise?" Tia asked. She loved Zatch so much, and they were in a dangerous battle so she wanted some reassurance. Zatch always knew how to make her feel better. "I promise Tia." Zatch said confidently. "Okay, come here you." Tia said as she goes to plant a kiss on Zatch's cheek. "Well Kiyo." said Folgore, "Thank you for the party. Make sure you invite me to the next one, it's not a party unless Folgore is there!" Folgore said proudly. "Okay, I'll make sure to invite everyone again to next year's Christmas party." Kiyo replied with a smile. It was rare for him and Folgore to get along so well. Folgore turned to his partner, "Okay Kanchome! We're off!" announced Folgore. "Right!" Kanchome replied. Both of them ran out the door. Everyone else was in the living room saying their goodbyes when they heard two screams. They rushed to only see Folgore and Kanchome crying on the ice with bruises on their heads. "Momma mia, it snowed again?" Folgore asked in pain. Everyone was stranded at Kiyo's house again. Immediately Tia screamed "Yes!" as she ran up to Zatch and tackled him playfully to the ground, giving him a big hug. Kiyo and Megumi looked at each other and smiled. Then Megumi walked up to Kiyo and gave him a big hug. Megumi whispered in Kiyo's ear, "I'm so glad I don't have to leave you yet." Mr. Sunbeam however, blurted out loud, "There is no way I am sleeping next to Folgore again!" Folgore replied, "Aww, but why?" Everyone besides Mr. Sunbeam laughed. Elle gave Mr. Sunbeam a hug and said, "It's okay Kafka, you can sleep with me tonight. Even if it is on the floor." Elle smiled. The sleeping arrangements were like before except Elle and Mr. Sunbeam shared Mrs. Takamine's bed. Mrs. Takamine slept in the guest room with the children, and Folgore had the couch to himself. Megumi and Kiyo were in his room getting ready to go to bed when they started staring out the window. Megumi wrapped her hands around Kiyo's arm and rested her head on his shoulder, "It's so beautiful out." Megumi said, admiring the snowy and starry sky. A minute passed when Megumi finally noticed Kiyo was staring at her. "Why aren't you looking outside? Megumi asked, "It's so pretty out and you don't get to see sights like this very often." Kiyo felt a little embarrassed, "I know but I like admiring your beauty more. I don't get to be with you enough so I'm cherishing your beauty now. You're so beautiful Megumi." Kiyo said admiringly. Megumi blushed crimson. Kiyo called her "beautiful". Megumi smiled very brightly and said, "I'm glad I have such a kind and sweet boyfriend. And you being handsome is a huge bonus." Megumi winked. Now it was Kiyo's turn to for a dark blush to come across his face and looked away in embarrassment. Megumi called him "handsome". After a few seconds he turned around to face Megumi again. They noticed how hard they were blushing and started laughing. After the laughter Megumi looked into Kiyo's eyes, wanting something from him. Kiyo looked back into Megumi's eyes, wanting the same thing. They grew closer and closer to each other, Megumi's arms wrapped around Kiyo's neck and Kiyo's arms went around Megumi's waist, pulling her closer and closer until their lips finally connected again. It was the same feeling as their first kiss, it was such a blissful feelings. After awhile they broke the kiss. They rested their foreheads against each other. "I love you Megumi, my sweetheart." Kiyo said passionately. "I love you too Kiyo, my sweetie." Megumi returned the same passion. Zatch woke up in the middle of the night and heard noise near the door. "Nuu... what's that noi-" Zatch started to say but stopped when he saw Tia run out of the room. Zatch got up and looked for her. He even checked the cookie jar again to try and find her. "Tia where are you?" Zatch asked. Zatch checked outside to see Tia sitting on the stone slab with a blanket wrapped around her. Tia looked back at the door, "It took you long enough to find me!" Tia said with a giggle. Zatch sighed with relief. He smiled and said "Tia, don't scare me like that!" as he walked over to her. Zatch sat down next to Tia who then wrapped the blanket tightly around them both. Once it was nice and tight Tia leaned her head against Zatch's shoulder and cuddled with him. "Thank you for finding me out here last night Zatch." Tia said with a rosy blush, "It feels so great knowing I have someone like you, someone who won't abandon me no matter what." "You're welcome Tia, I'll always protect you from anything!" Zatch said confidently. "I love you Zatch, and I'm so glad that I fell for you." Tia confessed with a smile. "I love you too Tia, I'm glad I fell for you too." Zatch said, returning the smile. Tia placed her hand on Zatch's cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned in. Zatch closed his eyes too and met Tia halfway where their lips finally met again. Christmas isn't about getting or giving gifts. Christmas is about spending time with the ones you love and the best gifts you can give to another person aren't things you can buy in a store. The best presents come from the heart. The best present Kiyo, Megumi, Zatch and Tia received is the gift of love and comfort from that one special person who matters most to them. End file.
Christmas With You by Youtoberz
Zatch Bell
Hot Sauce, Whisky and Other crazy Things "Hey Zeno the others are waiting downstairs get ready." Instead of responding to Zatch, Zeno groaned and rolled on his side in his large purple bed. "You don't look so good" Zatch said with a worried look. Zeno gave out a loud groan and sat up. "I feel terrible" Zeno replied and gave out a disappointed sigh. "I was looking forward to going to hiking with you and the others but it looks like I'm to sick." Zatch gave Zeno a small smile and looked at the door. I'll stay home with you and tell the guys to go without us" Zatch said cheerfully. "No Zatch its" But Zatch was already downstairs. Zeno rested his on his white pillow and sighed again. Zatch then came up the stairs holding a huge yellow bowl of soup. "Hey Zeno I made you some soup" Zatch said as he walked over to the bed. Zatch suddenly lost his footing and the bowel went flying in the air like a Frisbee. "It burns!" Zeno cried as he ran to the bathroom soaked with hot burning soup. Zeno walked back into his room a few minutes later with a green towel in his hand and changed into a new pair of white pajamas. "I'm sorry Zeno!" Zatch yelled as he ran over to his brother. "It's ok" Zeno replied with a small smirk. "How about I get you some tea and I won't trip this time." Zeno gave Zatch a small nod and sat on his bed. Zatch came back with a mug full of a red colored tea. Zeno took the mug from Zatch and took a big gulp. "It tastes weird, what's in it?" Zeno asked as he took another sip. "The tea tasted bland to me so I added something in a red bottle to it". "Was the bottle labeled?" Zeno asked now a little concerned. "No I couldn't read the label because it was smudged out, but it had pictures of red peppers on it". Zeno's face turned red and he began to sweat like crazy. "ITS HOT SAUCE"! Zeno screamed as he darted down stairs to the kitchen. Zatch then went down stairs to find Zeno. He saw Zeno guzzling down a bottle of water from the fridge. "Zatch I love you and all that, but have some common sense" Zeno said as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "I know I'm sorry" Zatch stammered. "But that's why I want you to have this!" Zatch was holding a Barney stuffed animal and he squeezed it. "I want to be your friend" the creepy stuffed animal said happily. "Oh my god, kill it!" Zeno snatched the stuffed animal and chucked it out the window. "Man that thing made my skin crawl" Zeno said still a little freaked out. "But Grandma gave that to me for my birthday" Zatch stammered with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry" Zeno said back and put his arm around Zatch's shoulders. "But I liked that stuffed animal!" Zatch cried. "You should ask grandma for something manly like a batman action figure or a bazooka". "What would I use a bazooka for?" Zatch screamed in anger. "Blow up Zofis's house" Zeno said with an evil grin and coughed. Zatch laughed a little and felt better. "You want some cough syrup?" Zatch asked. "I think I should get it this time" Zeno said back. "Oh come on I can do it". Zatch walked to the garage and looked through a shelf of bottles. Zatch picked up a dusty bottle and studied it. "Whisky, it must be French for cough syrup". Zatch strolled out of the garage to the kitchen. Zeno was sitting on a chair coughing his head off. Zeno grabbed the bottle and chugged half of it before Zatch could say anything. "This is some strange cough syrup" Zeno said as he looked at the bottle. "Oh crap Zatch its whisky!" Zeno suddenly felt light headed and the room began to spin. "Isn't whisky French for cough syrup?" Zatch cried as he grabbed the bottle from the table. "Zeno why are you looking at me like that?" Zatch asked worriedly. Zeno leaped from the chair and glomped Zatch to the orange stoned floor. "Did I ever mention how cute you are?" Zeno asked with a creepy expression on his face. "Um no, can you get off me please?" Zeno got up and hiccupped and sat on the chair and dropped his head on the table like a rock. "Zeno are you ok?" Zatch asked wondering if Zeno was still alive. "As a matter of fact I'm not!" Zeno snapped as he got his head off the table. "You burned me with soup, had me drink tea with hot sauce in it, gave me a stuffed animal that scared the hell out of me and now I'm drunker than dad during new years eve!" "You know what screw that I love you". Zeno pulled Zatch into a strong hug. "Crap I got my brother drunk" Zatch shouted as he tried to get Zeno to stop hugging him. "Even worse he's a happy cute drunk!" Zeno fell to the floor and began to laugh hysterically and rolled on the floor. Zeno stopped laughing and sat up. "You know what I don't love you because you're an idiot". Zatch looked at Zeno blankly and backed up. You can't do anything right, I mean look at me you got me drunk!" "I'm going to a real doctor" Zeno yelled as he teleported out of the kitchen. Zatch walked to the living room and collapsed on a brown leather sofa. "I screwed up big time" Zatch whimpered as he closed his eyes. * * * "Wake up Zatch" someone said. Zatch opened his eyes and rolled on his side facing a smiling Zeno. "I'm sorry I yelled at you like that but I was drunk by the way". "I thought you think I'm an idiot" Zatch said a little annoyed. "I didn't mean that, but I did mean the I love you part". Zatch sat up and smiled a little bit. "You should have seen yourself" Zatch said now laughing. "See that's the Zatch I know and love". Zatch suddenly grabbed Zeno's arm and pulled him onto the sofa and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry too, I should have been more careful" "you know what you actually are kind of cute" Zeno said grinning. "Are you still drunk?" Zatch asked in a freaked out tone. "I'm just kidding can't you take a joke?" "After meeting Dr. Riddles I can't" Zatch said back. "Zeno laughed a little and pulled Zatch a little closer. "I'm glad I stayed home with you Zeno" Zatch said as he buried his head into Zeno's shirt. "I'm glad you stayed home too, also do we have anymore whisky?" End file.
Hot Sauce, Whisky and Other crazy Things by retro493
Zatch Bell
Silent Screams _Episode 48 has finally aired! That means i can post this up now! n.n Been wanting to do this for a while... It's gotta be my darkest fic yet..._ _Oh, and a warning: There is some implications of rape in this, so uh... yeah. Thought i'd let you know._ _And then maybe some incy wincy spoilers just for those that don't know what really goes on through around episodes 50 to episode 80-something... But it's not a big deal, there's nothing big,so don't worry about that. Just enjoy this... weird... story of mine._ _Disclaimer: I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell do son't even get the impression that i do._ ** * * * ** Silent Screams Stars shimmered in the night sky as I stared up into the never ending space. I was standing outside on the stone deck of the ruins in South America, looking across the lush, green forest that infested the land. The sounds of birds died down long ago when the sun set... Everything was at peace and seemed so calm and relaxed... Except... Except for me, that is... When the wind brushed against the side of my face and made my brown hair sway from side to side, I mentally shuddered, knowing what the darkness would soon bring, and how the breeze reminded me of those treacherous touches I had to constantly endure through every night... It had been months since I last saw Sherry, my best friend, almost killed by my own doings. No, it wasn't by me directly, but then again in a way it had been. I'm the only one who could call out the spell. I'm the only one who could make him use his powers... But _he_ used them on _me_. The one demon named Zophise had taken over me, turned my once innocent chocolate brown eyes to a dirty lilac. Because of him, I had no control whatsoever of my actions. My body did things now that I didn't even want it to do, and it seemed as though it had a mind of its own. It's almost as if I had a split personality these days... And my body certainly did not do things like the young, caring Koko from the past would. I gripped the edges of the balcony and stared down where the trees met the entrance of the ruins. Those other teams were here in South America, I knew it. Zophise told me that they were slowly, battle by battle, getting closer to where we were. I terribly wished that they would get here and help me out... But most of all, I wanted Sherry to lend a hand too. I was also quite aware that she too now had a demon that accompanied her along her travels. I couldn't remember his name, though... But I knew that they could put a spoil to our plans. Involuntarily I frowned. It couldn't be helped that the controlled me did so many things that I would never do. In this situation I would have smiled knowing that that _thing's_ plans would be ruined. It was a curse which controlled me, something _he_ cast upon me so he could _abuse_ me... I wanted to hug myself tightly to try and get a grip on myself, but I just couldn't. Instead, I grinned. No, it was not me, it was the controlled me. Koko would never smile for that! The things Zophise did to me were horrific and terrible. I didn't think I could ever be the same after all this happened. It wasn't just the evil look he had about him, but how he mistreated me Yet, as much as I hated it, the other me found it blissfully wonderful. Every day it was the same routine. I stood by the demon's side all day and watched him command the demons from 1,000 years ago as he forced them to do his biddings and try to take down the others fighting in the battle, just so he could gain the title of King. Eventually I would wander off after I said how bored I was, and then that would be how it would start... He would tell me my boredom would soon end later on, and every time he said that, out of my will, I would always smile. I continued to stare down and I noticed a few shadows swoop by. It was just a few animals... To myself I sighed and closed my eyes tight. When I opened them, I could feel myself slightly shaking. Was it of fear, or excitement, I couldn't tell. Perhaps it was both, but it didn't really matter what it was, I knew what was coming. I knew what was in store for me this night, and the next night, and the next night, and so on... Oh, how I wished this had never happened to me! It became so unbearable! I blinked as I clenched my fists, and continued to stare beyond the ruins. _He does things to me and I don't like it, yet the controlled me can't get enough of him. I want to scream out to someone and tell them to make it all stop, but I can't because of him._ _Nobody can hear my silent screams for help..._ "Oh, Koko..." My lilac eyes widened, and as I turned around to face the owner of that horrendously familiar voice, I smiled and placed my hand on my hip. There he stood; the demon responsible for all my misery. _That abusive monster..._ His black eyes glimmered as he smirked and then folded his arms across his chest. Another wind swept by and it brushed both my brown hair and his orange. I pulled a few strands of my hair behind my ear with my right hand before I started to walk up to the demon, arms spread out to embrace him. "_So, Zophise, when do we start?"_ This was not me who spoke... This was not me! I struggled in a fruitless attempt to try and regain control of my body, but just like all the previous times, like all these past months, my actions were futile. The other me was the one speaking here... It was _her_ who wanted so much from him... _It was not ME!_ "Someone's certainly eager tonight," said the demon coolly as he placed his hand on my arms, which were currently wrapped around his shoulders. He looked up at me as his eyes changed from black to a red and yellow color, a menacing glare that I'll never forget in my entire life. "_I've been bored all day,"_ I blinked and then continued, "_You're always commanding those other demons and making sure the Moon Stone is safe... I never have anything to keep me entertained while you're off doing your work."_ I dearly hoped that I could continue talking like this, stalling until the real pain began, but unfortunately my wishes were not given. I knew what was coming-- I _knew_ what was going to happen. And if it wasn't me that wanted this so badly, it was _him_. He looked up at me with his lust filled eyes which only made my mouth turn upwards into a grin. It was going to happen... I knew it would... It always does... "Come, then, Koko, let's go inside." He let go of my arms and I released them from his shoulders as we both headed deeper into the ruins to the main section of the stone building. There was a door to the right and we entered through that way. Zophise shut the door and turned to me, a sinister grin clearly seen on his face. Uncontrollably, I walked over to a sofa that had been put there and sat down and faced the demon. He silently floated over to me and placed his snow white hand on my cheek. Out of spite I shivered. For fear... and... and... "You ready, Koko?" he asked almost tauntingly. Mentally I shuddered. That sound in his voice... it was so sickening... I knew what was coming next. When this was all over, I wished that I could just forget about this entire event... About all the events... Just like right now. I didn't want to respond, but it was going to happen... No, don't say it... _"Of course,"_ Too late. There was a gleam in his eye before his face was a mere inch from my own-- I could feel his hot breath beat against my face. He paused for a second, probably thinking something to himself, but then quickly pressed himself against me as he covered his lips with my own, almost immediately inserting his tongue into my own mouth. _SOMEBODY HELP!_ And as usual, my actions were uncontrolled. His kiss went accepted, and before I could anticipate what was going to happen next, my own tongue slithered into the demon's mouth. He pulled me to him tightly, not giving any signs of letting go. _Why does this have to happen to me...? Make it stop! Make it all stop now!_ He broke us apart so we could both breathe. Just on the first round for the night I had already become breathless...He didn't seem to be as bad as I was. It seemed as though the routine became more intense each night after every movement taken... My arms then wrapped around the other's neck and I leaned in closer to him, smirking wickedly. "_Come on, is that all you've got?"_ "Not quite, my dear." It happened again. He pressed himself to me, this time his kiss had a startling fiery force to it... If I could, I would be crying now. I wanted it all to stop... This time a moan escaped from my lips as I felt myself being pushed to my back on the couch, the demon beside me didn't remove his lips from mine all the while he did so. _He wouldn't let go...!_ I could feel his tongue moving around inside my mouth, exploring the space there was along with my own inside his. It had such a nasty feeling... I was disgusted with myself but felt that well needed sense of relief when he let go of me again. And once more, like so many other nights, I was breathing hard, staring up into the yellow eyes of my demon counterpart. "_That was fun, Zophise,"_ I said as I continued to breathe rather hard. He smirked as he stared down at me with that same, luscious look in his eyes before he spoke. "Oh, but it's not over yet, my dear..." Mentally, I gulped. Of course I knew that it wouldn't be over just yet... It always lasted so incredibly long... Every time it happened it felt as though all my strength left my body, yet that's not what happened. Every day brought me horror, especially when the sun set. Because I knew that no matter what happened, I would be haunted by his presence... And I was right, of course. He went for me again right after he said that, and it lasted well into the night. This abuse... why must I be tortured so? _Can't I be saved...? Can't anybody hear my cries for help...?_ Of course not. My screams always went unheard... In fact, they never escaped my mouth, Zophise wouldn't allow it. If anybody could hear them though, it was him; and it was just music to his ears as he listened to my silent, anguished cries. He knew that in reality I hated all of what he did to me... That this was all pure torture for me, but he loved it, and he made me act like I did too. But that wasn't me... The real me would _never_ enjoy this! The real me would _never_ harm anyone! And most importantly,_ the real me would never be so cruel!_ And as early morning drew near and my breathing became steady as I fell asleep after the long endurance of the night, I could barely hear a whisper from the demon beside me, speaking softly to me, calling to me... "That's it for tonight, Koko. Get ready, though... You're friend will be here soon. You can have some more _fun_ later after her defeat..." Quietly, I knew I was crying, physically, no, but I was. I was crying tears that would never fall. Oh, please, let Sherry come to the rescue, just as I had done for her so many years ago. But if it could be any person, it doesn't matter who, any person at all... please let them hear me... _Please..._ _Anyone..._ _Save me..._ _I beg of you..._ _Listen for my silent screams..._ End file.
Silent Screams by Twilight Memories
Zatch Bell
My Friend: I Will Save You Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell. **My Friend: I Will Save You** Koko You are my friend You mean everything to me Before we met I was sad, alone, and scared I felt like I could not do anything right I just wanted all the pain to stop I tried to end it all Thankfully you stopped me You were able to show me that I'm not alone That there is happiness for me I believed you, and I did find that happiness In you Koko Ever since that day we were always together I felt that we were always going to be together But then He came He took you away to the Darkness Koko I do not want to be alone again I do not want to be sad again You saved me when we met Now it is my turn to save you Even if that means going into the Darkness Koko You are my friend I will save you End file.
My Friend: I Will Save You by SilentSinger948
Zatch Bell
Ponygon, before finding Zatch Ponygon! A/n- well I'm not sure about this one but it's my favorite character so here goes nothing. If you're not familiar with Zatch bell Schneider is ponygons real name. Schneider woke up to see darkness. Schneider had just been sent down from the mamodo world a day ago. "Meru meru me." He trembled out in fear. He just wanted to find his owner so he could be safe from other mamodos. He then gained the courage to get up and walk around to search for his owner. Schneider was in a rocky valley slowly walking wherever he didn't here a noise. He now was climbing on a hill cautiously. He finally got to the top to see bright lights. He saw a huge city, Tokyo to be exact, but he didn't know that. He just figured where there were lights; there are people, where there are people he can find his owner. Schneider started to run towards the city but then something shoved him over. "Meru me!" he yelped as he fall to the ground. "Ha-ha, are you all alone?" said a connote voice. "Well I'll just urn your book so you can go back to the mamodo world." Schneider was surprised that the boy was a mamodo. When Schneider got up he looked at the boy. The boy had a red shirt on, black shorts, and black hair. There was also a tall man wearing all black. "You see loser, I've already found my partner and have two spells. That must mean I'm destined to become king." The boy said looking right at the defenseless mamodo. "Let's make this quick partner, and do as I say or I won't help you get any more cash." "As your command." The tall man said with no emotion. "Juron!" He called out and flames came out of the boy's mouth. "Meru me!" Schneider quickly ran as fast as he could and dodged it. Even though he dodged it he still tripped and now was on the ground looking at the boy. Schneider then remembered when he was at the mamodo world all the other horse mamodos made fun of him for being weak; they called him mamma's boy a lot. Schneider thought if he went back to the mamodo world now he would get made fun of even more. "Juron!" Schneider then jumped in the air getting hit with the flames but still was going right at the man. "Meru meru me!" The man noticed Schneider was biting his hand that was holding the book. Schneider then ran with the book as fast as he could to the city. "Come back here!" The man and mamodo called out. Schneider was about two steps ahead of them. "Meru meru me!" Schneider yelled out. All three of them made it into the city still running as fast as the could with people staring at them. They went by many stores until Schneider finally got to tired to run anymore and threw there book into the street. Many cars ran over it since it happened to be the busiest street in Tokyo. Then the cars stopped at a four way intersection which made people drive slowly by the car. "Yes, here's our chance to get the book back." The boy mamodo cried out. Then a man driving by threw is cigarette right on top of the book, not knowing it was there of course. FWOOM. The book bursted into flames. "No!" The boy cried out. He then slowly vanished from the earth. "Meru me!" Schneider screamed out in excitement. The tall man just walked away considering he already got stolen money. Schneider was just happy he was okay. A month later Schneider found himself living peacefully in Kiyo Takimine's home. Ponygon now had friends and was safe. Nobody realized that Schneider (now Ponygon) already burned a book but he didn't care. Ponygon was just happy to have found a home. End file.
Ponygon, before finding Zatch by naruto and ponygon fan
Zatch Bell
A White Knight On His Steed **A White Knight On His Steed** **By Coco Gash Jirachi** **I don't own Zatch Bell!...** **Summary: The night before Valentines Day, after the battle, before Zatch was to marry Tia for his Queen, Maruss visits Tia, and mends their broken friendship. MarussxTia. ZenoxKolulu. PamoonxLaila. WonreixLi-en. BragoxSherry. ZatchxPenny. SuginoxA Cactus.** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Did you hear?" "I can't believe it..." "I saw it coming from far away..." "King Zatch and-" "Tia." "I heard that she was a bully to Zatch before..." Maruss was walking down the streets, hands in his pockets, casually looking at his feet and the pavement as he paced along. "Hey, Maruss! Wait up!" called a voice as foot steps scurried after him. Maruss picked up his head, and look towards his left. "Oh, hey there Brago. What's goin' on?" asked Maruss. "Nothing new really." said Brago. "You're kidding, right Brago?" asked Zofis, catching up to his friend and older brother. "Why? What's going on? Somebody die or something?" asked Maruss. "You mean you didn't hear yet?" asked Zofis. "Uh, no." said Maruss. "Unless it's that increase on yellow tail breeding notice put up on the bulletin this morning, I've no clue." "You're serious?! The whole Kingdom is talking about it!" said Zofis. "Why? What's this big news?" asked Maruss. "It's Zatch." answered Brago. "What? Is he sick?" asked Maruss. "He's quite fine." said Brago. "He's just announced that he's to wed to his future Queen tomorrow. Valentine's Day." "So what? Who's his Queen?" Maruss asked, stopping to step to the side of the street for a drink of water from a drinking fountain. "Tia." said Brago. Maruss choked, spluttered up water, and it even came out of his nose. His eyes widened as he started to regain his breath from the shock. "Tia's getting married..." Maruss began. "To Zatch?..." "See, that's why I didn't want to tell him, Zofis." said Brago. "It broke his heart." "I... I just can't believe it..." Maruss said. "Hey big brother!" called a voice as two different shuffling foot steps approached them. His little brother Mali/Moses, and his little sister Yuki. "Hi!" said Yuki. "What's the matter?" asked Mali, cocking his head to the side. "He just found out that Tia's marrying Zatch tomorrow." said Zofis. "What? No way!" said Yuki. "Tia's his girlfriend!" "Ex," Maruss said, hair hiding his face. "Ex-girlfriend." "What?" asked Yuki. "But just before you left for the battle-" Mali began. "I was being a God damned idiot during the battle," Maruss said, clutching his right fist over his heart. "I still regret every moment of my life because I hurt her." "I may not be old enough for a boyfriend," Yuki began, putting her hands on her hip. "But I know that's no good reason!" "I get it!" said Maruss, glaring at his little sister. "Geez. Chill." said Brago. "Brago, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, the day of love, the day Zatch and Tia are going to get married, so how could I be happy with a new relationship if that happens? I can't. Everyone else will have someone to love, but not me." said Maruss. "Aw, that's not true!" said Brago. "Hey guys!" said Zeno as he passed by, one arm interlocked with Kolulu's. "How's it going?" asked Pamoon and Laila as they held hands passing them as well. "Good day!" greeted Wonrei as him and Li-en passed by, waving his hand. "I love you, my Cactus..." said Sugino, passing by, clutching a prickly cactus to himself. "Even if you hurt, I love you." "..." Brago blinked, his head following Sugino after he passed by. "Now **_THAT BOY_**, has some issues." Brago concluded. "Okay, so, maybe you'll be alone." Zofis admitted. "Thanks for the reminder." Maruss responded sarcastically. "So will me and Brago." said Zofis. "There you guys are. We've been looking everywhere for you." said Sherry as her and Koko approached them. "Heh, sorry Sherry. Just met up with Maruss again." said Brago. "What's wrong with him?" asked Koko, tilting her head to the side, looking at the blonde whom was just hunched over the water fountain. "He found out that Zatch and Tia are getting married tomorrow." said Mali. "And Tia's supposed to be Brother's girlfriend." said Yuki. "Untill he hurt her." "They get the point, Yuki." Maruss growled. He then sighed. "Come on you two. Let's get home. I gotta get started on supper anyways." With that, he picked up Yuki, and Mali took his hand, and they headed down the side walk, backs to the other four. "See you guys around." he said before they were headed for the corner of the side walk. "Hey, Maruss!" Koko called after him before pacing to the mamodo boy. "Hm?" Maruss said, looking back for a minute. "You know, right now, you're reminding me of Sherry when we met." Koko said when she approached him. "Right now I can tell you don't think you can be happy anymore, but believe me, it is waiting there for you. Like the light at the end of a dark tunnel." Maruss blinked when Koko paused for a moment. "Right now you don't know what to do, but there's always an opening, a way out. So if you just keep walking through the darkness, then you'll find the light." Koko said. "But if you stop now, the happiness that waits for you will be lost forever. So, you just can't stop now." Maruss managed to give a small smile. "Thanks Koko. That helps." he said. "I'll think about it." he finished before turning back and heading down the side walk again. **_If you stop now, the happiness that waits for you will be lost forever... You just can't stop now..._** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After supper that night, Maruss put Yuki and Mali to bed, and then sprawled out across the bed in his room. Although they were orphans living on their own, they weren't poor at all. They had money when they needed it. They were semi-rich (a phrase made up by Tia, since she knew that they weren't average or rich, just inbetween). A song played on a CD player on the night table, Maruss holding a CD case in his hands, staring at it as the music played. It was a favorite of him and his siblings. Their Mother used to play it when they couldn't really get things right, to understand. It was called "Daydream Believer," by a group of four long-haired humans from the sixties called "The Monkees." Maruss was deep in thought, staring at the CD case as the music played. _Oh, I could hide, _'_neath the wings Of the bluebird as she sings. The six o_'_clock alarm would never ring. But it rings, and I rise, Wipe the sleep out of my eyes. My shavin_' _razor_'_s cold, and it stings. _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen. _ _You once thought of me As a white knight on a steed. Now you know how happy I can be. Oh, and our good times starts and end Without dollar one to spend. But how much, baby, do we really need? _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen. _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen. _ _(Instrumental interlude) _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen. _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen. _ _Cheer up, Sleepy Jean. Oh, what can it mean To a... daydream believer And a homecoming Queen... _ "Big Brother?" Maruss heard softly as the instrumental tune and the sound of Davy Jones' voice faded away. Maruss had relaxed himself, head on the pillow, CD case next to the CD player, eyes closed, just about ready to get up, change, and fall asleep. But instead, he opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at his door. There was little Yuki. Tia had made it so that they kind of matched, only Yuki had blonde hair, golden eyes, baby blue markings around her eyes, a gold bracelet on each wrist, the same lines down her cheeks as her brothers, and she wore a light pink dress that was Zatch's style with a white bow on it. Only now, since it was night time, Yuki wore her pink long-sleeved pajamas that had tiny yellow, green, red, and blue diamond sparkle-shapes on them. She screamed cute. "What's the matter, Yuki?" Maruss asked, sitting up, eyes not leaving his little sister for a moment. "Big Brother, are you hurt somewhere?" Yuki asked, her eyes shining. Maruss' gaze softened. He stood up, approached his younger sibling, and kneeled down to her height. "I'm just going through a tough time right now, Yuki." he answered, his hands on her shoulders. He pulled her into a hug, and her eyes showed confusion, but she let her head be rested onto his broad shoulder, and closed her eyes. "Brother..." she said softly. This was a point in time that seemed to last for a long time, when it really was only a moment or two. Yuki was brought back into reality by the feel of Maruss shaking, and the sound of Maruss crying. "B- Big Brother?" she asked. "What's the matter?" she finished, pulling back to look at him. "Yuki... I haven't felt so heart broken since Mom and Dad died." Maruss said. There was a knot in his stomach, and his head was hung as tears flew down his face. "But, then, Tia and I met, and well, she just gave me the will to live on, keep going, and she was an antidote that made me feel better. But now, I realize, she made the pain go away." "I know you love her, Brother." Yuki said. "I've seen the way you looked into her eyes. I looked at your eyes. Then I looked at her eyes. It's true." "I know. But I was such a fool during the battle." Maruss said, still silently sobbing. His right hand moved to cup the part of his chest that was over his heart. "I can't go on like this. Nothing can make the pain go away..." he finished, his hand tightening, and forming into a fist. "If you love her, run to her." Yuki said. "What was that?" he asked, looking up into his little sister's eyes. "If you love Tia, don't let her marry Zatch tomorrow." Yuki said. "Run to her tonight, and prove that you're sorry and that you love her truely." Maruss' eyes shined a bit, and his face lit up when he gave a small smile. "Thanks, Yuki." he said, messing the hair on her head slightly. "That helps me. Now I can talk to her, face-to-face." "Your welcome, Big Brother." Yuki said. Maruss stood up and walked past her, down the hallway, into the living room. Maruss put on his white over-coat, buttoned it, and opened the front door. "Good night Big Brother." Yuki said in the hallway doorway. "Good night Yuki." Maruss responded, walking out into the cool evening, closing the door behind himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tia?" asked Penny. "Is something the matter?" Tia was sitting at her mirror, head in her arms. "I don't know." Tia answered. "I... I... I just..." "Aren't you happy? You're going to marry Zatch in the morning." Kolulu said. "And he is such a kind and brave soul. He set all of the mamodo from one-thousand years ago free." said Laila. "I know..." Tia responded. "I just feel like... my heart is missing something..." "Don't worry Tia." Megumi said. "Everything will be okay." "**_OUCH!_** Damn, I hate these vines! These prickers are just about the most painfull thing I've ever felt! And that's saying something!" said a familiar voice to Tia. The pink haired soon-to-be-Queen mamodo lifted her head up, and looked over at her open door that led to the balcony. "Could it..." Tia began. "Could it really be him?" she asked, blinking. Surely enough, soon, a hand grasped onto the white railing of the balcony in Tia's room at the palace, and then another. Who pulled itself up, was Maruss. "Maruss!" Tia said. Maruss was panting and out of breath. He had scratches on his hands and on his face, and a few small streaks of dirt on his white over-coat. "Tia... Boy, am I glad to see you again." Maruss said. "Hang on a second!" Tia said, jumping down from her seat at her mirror, and pacing over to the balcony. She grasped Maruss' hand. "You must be exhausted." Tia helped pull Maruss up and into her room. "That's better, now." Tia said with a smile. "What are you doing here, you big bully?" asked Megumi. "Yeah. Why are you here? Are you trying to kill Tia again like last time?" asked Penny. "No, no! It's nothing like that." Maruss said, holding up his hands. "Tia," he said, looking at the pink haired mamodo. "I need to talk to you." Tia then realized something, and her eyes grew cold. "What is there to talk about, Rameses Samui?" she asked, crossing her arms. "After you hurt me like before, I can never trust you again." she said, turning around, and striding to the mirror again. "Tia, you have to understand-" Maruss began. **_"Get out of here!"_** Tia snapped, turning around, glaring burns of orange-pink in her eyes. **_"Before I call the palace guards!"_** "Tia, please. Just let me talk to you for a little while!" Maruss begged. He closed his eyes, and let his head down slightly. "Alone." he added quietly. Tia took a while to consider it. "Oh, alright." Tia said after a long while. "Just wait outside, guys." "If he tries anything, just call us in." Penny said with her hands on her hips as they went to her door and walked out. "Tia, you can't marry Zatch tomorrow." Maruss said as soon as they left, looking at her with shining eyes. "You're making a big mistake." "The mistake I ever made was being friends with you." Tia spat at him. "Tia, please," Maruss said. He approached the four years younger than himself mamodo, kneeled down onto one knee, and took her hand. "Listen to me..." "Maruss... You have to understand, it's hard to trust you again after you hurt me." Tia said, placing her free hand onto the back of her neck where a scar from Maruss' Garon spell was still visible when the hair was out of the way. "Tia," Maruss said. "I gotta do this quick." he mumbled to himself. "I love you." Hearing those words, the thing in Tia's heart that was missing soon appeared. "Rameses..." Tia said, amazed. Tears sneaking into her eyes, she smiled and jumped forwards, giving him a great big hug. "Oh, Maruss! Rameses Samui, I love you, too!" Maruss, startled by the sudden burst, quickly recovered, and wrapped his arms around her. "I know I'm four years older than you, I know you're marrying Zatch, I know that you're the best thing that ever happened to me, but most of all, I know I love you." Maruss said. "Your eyes are like rare diamonds, sparkling so bright. They make the skies radiant... and light." "Maruss, you big softie." Tia said, pulling back and punching him on the arm. "Ow." Maruss whined, rubbing his upper arm. "You know, just before you showed up, I felt like my heart was missing something." Tia said. "For real?" asked Maruss, blinking. "But, when I heard your voice, and now that you're here," Tia continued. "I feel complete again." "Heh heh." Maruss chuckled with a smile. "That was so sweet." said Penny's voice. Both blushing, they looked at the door, which had Penny, Kolulu, Laila and Megumi's heads sticking in. "I asked you to leave!" said Tia. "Well..." Kolulu began. They moved out of the way, opening the door. Zatch was with them. "Zatch!" said Tia. "I- I-" "Tia, you don't have to explain." said Zatch. "I understand perfectly." "You do?" asked Tia. "Yes, I do." said Zatch. "In fact, there is a matter I came to discuss with you. I felt like there was someone I had before I lost my memory. Well, you were a lot like a bully, and well, I kind of, fell in love with..." "With who?" asked Tia. "Penny." Zatch said. "I don't know why, but, there's just something about her. I thought it would break your heart, but I guess Maruss already mended it for you." Tia's eyes gained sympathy. "He did a long time ago," said Tia. "Penny," Zatch continued, looking at the sea-foam green-haired girl. "I know this is sudden and all, but, would you be my Queen?" "I think I've died and gone to Heaven..." said Penny, her cheeks red like no tomorrow. "Zatchy, you, you, really, like me?" "Uh-huh." Zatch said with a nod. "I guess you finally stole my heart. So will you?" "You don't know how much!" Penny answered. "Which means I don't have to unbook the wedding plans for tomorrow." said Zatch. "You mean marriage, too?!" asked Penny. "I think I'm coming back to life from dying..." Tia giggled at Penny. "So Tia," Maruss said. "Do you wanna... come back home with me? And stay with me and my brother and sister?" "I will." said Tia. "Still friends, Tia?" asked Zatch. "You bet." said Tia. "And hey Maruss, question." "Ask away." said Maruss. "If you needed to get up here, why did you climb the vines instead of just using your Ei Garon spell?" asked Tia. Maruss' face went dead-white. "I was... trying to make a more dramatic entrance..." Maruss said. "Well, it worked." said Tia. "So, let's go home." "Right." said Maruss, taking her hand, and they both walked to the balcony together. "Hang on tight. It's long way down." he told her, his arm around Tia's waist. "See you, Tia!" said Kolulu as they waved. "Bye!" said Megumi. "Take care!" said Laila. "See you tomorrow!" said Penny. "Keep in touch!" said Zatch. "We will," Tia said with a wink. Maruss then held out his free arm, and made it so that the morning star on the end of the chain on his Ei Garon spell tied around the railing of the balcony. Then, he dropped them down from the edge, and at a fair speed, they were dropping towards the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "See Maruss? Now we can be together all the time." said Tia the very next day as they were walking to a church to see Zatch and Penny get married. "Sure can." said Maruss. "I always knew you'd two would end up together," mocked Mali as him and Yuki tagged along behind him. "Ah, you just wait Moses." said Maruss. "Just don't end up marrying a cactus." As they walked for the church, they passed a newspaper stand with the front page article entitled: _Young Mamodo Sugino Marries Cactus Named Katrina._ And on the front page, was Sugino affectionately hugging "Katrina" Cactus, and giving her a kiss. **** **_AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY A FREAKIN' EVER AFTER._** **_THE END._** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **In case you guys are confused about Maruss' full name being Rameses Samui, here's the explanation.** **The full name of his little sister "Yuki Samui" quite literally translated from Japanese is "Snow Freezing."** **As for his little brother and himself being Rameses and Moses (his nickname being Mali for some odd reason), in my own little AU, the three of them are reincarnations of Rameses and Moses from Egypt, Yuki being the reincarnation of Miriam, Moses' little sister.** **That's just to clear things up for you.** **So, how you like it?** **Please review and tell me how it is!** End file.
A White Knight On His Steed by Coco Gash Jirachi
Zatch Bell
No Way Out **NOTE: Drabble I randomly came up with after doing a collab picture with TwilightMemories. ** **BragoSherry. Rated T for imagery that could be taken suggestively. Brago's POV.** **I don't own Konjiki no Gash Bell/Zatch Bell.** **The picture this was inspired from (take out the spaces):** **http // www. deviantart .com /deviation /45783482/** **--** **No Way Out** Every motion you make draws my attention to you; even so small as a blink of your eye. You have truly captured me, wrapping me around your little finger without either of us noticing until it was too late. As you whimper under my touch, I whisper, _"You asked for it." _Your only response is another moan as my fingers slip the strap of your nightgown off your shoulder, smirking against your lips. There's no way out... Not now. End file.
No Way Out by EtherealSinger
Zatch Bell
From Depressed to Joy My first fanfic. Please don't flame me too badly, but advice would be nice. Thanks Zatch=**This** Tia=This Kiyo=_This_ Megumi=Normal -flashback- Zatch and Tia were the remaining two Mamodo. Zatch cried at the thought that they would have to fight for king. He decided to give up his book to Tia, but before he could say anything, Tia sacrificed her own book. "You deserve to be king more than I do, Zatch. Please burn my book." -end of flashback- Zatch ruled as king of the Mamodo world now, but had an empty feeling. Ever since he became king, he hasn't seen any of his friends that he knew from the human world. And the one he missed the most was Kiyo. After all, Kiyo was his human partner. Zatch sat on his throne mourning his lonely self. -human world- Kiyo remembered it as if it was yesterday. The memory of Zatch leaving him to rule the Mamodo world burned in his mind. "I love you, and I'll never forget you, Kiyo. You're my best friend." Kiyo started to cry at Zatch's last words. "I'll never forget you either Zatch...." -Mamodo world- Zatch went on one of his daily walks alone with his head down, in hopes of running into one of his old friends that he met in the human world. Tasting failure, Zatch walked back to his castle in loneliness. When he finally reached his castle, a loud scream, "SURPRISE!" filled the air. Zatch's sad and depressed frown became a big smile. All of his friends from the battle to become king had finally come. "**Where have you guys been? I've been so lonely**." "Well, I was going to come here myself, but I thought it'd be even better to find all of our friends and come together." "**Thank you, Tia**." -human world- Kiyo was still feeling depressed. Not only did he miss Zatch, but his only friend was Suzy. Suzy was probably one of his least favorite people in the world, but he hung out with her because he didn't want to look like a loner. Just thinking about having no friends made him miss his old friends that he lost touch with. Kiyo's doorbell rang as he was thinking about his old friends. Kiyo opened the door to see Megumi with a warm smile on her face. "_MEGUMI! I missed you so much...._" "Yeah sorry I couldn't visit. I was busy with my concerts and photo shoots." "_I see....have you heard from any of our ally friends_?" "Sadly no I haven't." "_Well at least you're here now._" The rest of the day, the two just talked and hung out, resulting in a better mood for Kiyo. -Mamodo world- Everyone was ready to leave the castle after a long day. After everyone was gone, Tia stayed back to talk to Zatch. "Can I talk to you Zatch?" "**Of course. What's wrong?"** "Well, we've known each other for so long now, and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love you Zatch." Zatch had a shocked look on his face. Tia almost walked away thinking Zatch didn't feel the same way, but before she could leave, Zatch ran after her and held her in his arms. "**I love you too, Tia.**" -human world- After a day spent with Megumi, Kiyo was exhausted. He just laid on his bed thinking about the day with Megumi. He eventually fell asleep after realizing he loved Megumi. The next day, Kiyo stayed at home thinking about how he was going to tell Megumi how he really felt about her. A knock on the door came. Kiyo answered and saw Megumi standing there with her usual bright smile. "_Hi Megumi. How are you today_?" "Good how about you?" "_Well, I'm not doing too bad, but there's nothing to do. Wanna go to the park or something_?" "Sure!" The day went by, and Kiyo still didn't tell Megumi how he felt. "Damn I'm going to be late for my photo shoot. I'm sorry Kiyo, but I have to go." As Megumi started to walk away, Kiyo screamed her name. "_MEGUMI WAIT! I wanted to tell you that..._." "That what?" "_...that I love you. I never had the courage to say it before_." Megumi didn't say anything for a minute, but finally whispered something in Kiyo's ear. "I love you too, Kiyo." Kiyo just smiled. "Why don't I take you to your photo shoot?" The newly bonded couple walked together without any regrets of their confessions. Done with my very first fanfic! Kinda corny but give me a break lol. Any advice would be nice. I also accept ideas for stories. End file.
From Depressed to Joy by SuicideHurts
Zatch Bell
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 5 ZOMBIE HUNTER part 5 (Season final) Max helped Zack to a drug store and shot a zombie with his shotgun. Max poured alcohol on Zack's leg and wrapped it. Zack said, "What now", "We hunt down Jeremiah and cut his head off". A couple of moans and growls happened and max boarded up the windows and door. They went upstairs and shut the door. Max said, "We get out tomorrow but now we rest". The next day they took an SUV and drove to the barrier to see it was filled with a liquid. Max said, "I'll go in you stay here and if I'm not back in an hour leave". Troops were walking and saw max, "Freeze". Max shot them and went in to see it was making zombies, the whole time he was helping the enemy. Then Zack came in and said, "I crashed the car into a tank to help you and well now we better escape". They got out but left 70 charges to blow the place up. Zombies were everywhere and they had a hard time getting through. But they found a mall that had survivors. They got a mission to blow the dam and let the city flood if that happened by 2 hours they could join. Max went alone because he only had his friend left, the dam was flooded with zombies though. End file.
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 5 by LoganNOVELZ101
Doing Wichita Doing Wichita by patricia51 (Columbus is driving Wichita wild, making her moan aloud as he pleasures her. Who knew that he was capable of doing that to her? Not him.) "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." There's a pause. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I brace myself. "Goddddddddddddddd." "Wichita! Tallahassee and Little Rock could be back any moment and they would hear." "Who cares? Just don't stop!" I'm pretty sure that no one, least of all me, would have believed that it was what I was doing that was making Wichita moan and cry out like she is. Me, who had barely even dreamed of any girl before much less one as beautiful as her. Me, who never even had a fantasy like this. But here she is and here I am and I AM the one doing it. I'm getting ahead of myself a little though I guess. How did we end up here, here being defined as not only the bedroom we're occupying right now but the house where that bedroom is located? It's not a very long story. Hopefully. I want to get back to Wichita. Wouldn't you? We were just leaving the park; in fact Tallahassee had just used his car door to nail the last moving zombie when we turned back. We had to do that. As smitten as all four of us were with the realization that we had become a family (and Tallahassee with the remnants of his Twinkie) we had taken a quick stock of our weapons situation and went back to recover the various ones that Tallahassee had discarded during his trip around the park's rides. The thing was we had my double-barrel shotgun, empty; Wichita's shotgun, also empty and Little Rock's pump rifle, empty as well. Notice a pattern here? True, Tallahassee still had the two pistols he had used to decimate the zombies that had invaded the park after the girls had turned everything on but he had exactly three rounds for both of them. The odds of us finding another Hummer loaded with automatic weapons? Slim and none. So we retrieved his weapons. Another shotgun, an assault rifle and the Uzi submachine gun made a nice arsenal. All we needed was ammunition. It's pretty hard to follow the double-tap rule when all you can do is click the trigger at a zombie. Now it's not like you can just stroll on down to Wal-Mart and drop by their sporting goods department. Of course I always tried to avoid Wal-Mart anyway. Too many people and don't even get me started on the bathrooms there. Besides, zombies tend to stay around the place they became infected. They don't drive and they don't take long hikes. In fact after a while their cardio sucks. That's why you have to keep up your own. Not knowing exactly where to start we went to the one place we knew didn't have any zombies. We went back to Bill Murray's place. Yeah, the whole idea was a bit creepy, the place where I had shot him. But in fairness to me Tallahassee had thought he was a zombie at first and Wichita had hit him with a golf club. So I wasn't the only one who was fooled. And as he said, he never was very good at practical jokes. We built a low fire again and sat around it for a while. No Monopoly though, we were way too tired. After a bit the other two wandered off to sleep leaving Wichita and I in front of the fire, propped up on a pile of cushions. It was wonderful. I got to brush her hair back from her ear again and we snuggled and fell asleep in each other's arms. The next day we commenced our search for ammunition after picking up food and water and filling the vehicle with gas. We had debated taking another one but no one was comfortable with the idea of splitting our foursome up even to drive. Now that we were together we were going to stay that way. Tallahassee had an idea. While I suspect more than a bit of that idea revolved around the possibility of finding an unlooted stash of Twinkies it was a good one and we followed it. We went on a search for an out of the way country store. They still exist and we found one sitting on a crossroads. Tallahassee was able to take out the former proprietor who turned out to be the only zombie. There was enough ammo there, along with other supplies, to keep us going for a good long time. The next step was to follow a nearby dirt road to where it ended at a single two story house. Amazingly there was no one there, alive or dead. So we moved in. We shuttled stuff from the store and made ourselves at home. Tallahassee was disappointed that there weren't zombies to kill (he was somewhat mollified because he had found a twelve pack box of Twinkies in the store). So he went on expeditions to the surrounding countryside. Occasionally, reluctantly, Wichita allowed Little Rock to go with him after extracting numerous promises the older man would keep her safe. Not that she really needed to have worried about that. Obviously before the shit-storm of the infection Tallahassee had been an awesome dad. And nowadays he felt that way towards Little Rock. He was gruff sometimes but he treated Wichita's sister like she was his daughter. Any zombie ever got to Little Rock would have to do it over Tallahassee's cold dead body and that, brother, was going to be some job. All this is to explain how it was that the girl I'm crazy about and I were all alone together one day and able to make all this noise without attracting attention. During this flashback I must have let my attention slip because Wichita cried out. "Columbus! More! Harder!" I complied. I was astounded how good I was at this. After all, in spite of stories I might have told to certain people, I had never done this before. Or anything like it before. But here I was. And it wasn't like Wichita was giving directions or anything like that, except by the volume of the sounds she has been making. Oh my God. I can't believe it. Wichita has been moaning and groaning and letting out all kinds of sounds since I started. But then I have been too. But I just made Wichita purr! Like a cat. Like a big happy sexy dark-eyed cat. And now she just collapses on the bed. Well I'm pretty worn out myself so I join her. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me even tighter that she did that night at the park. "That... was... awesome! YOU are awesome!" I blush. Happily though. I'm glad she feels so good now. The mind-blowing kiss she gives me makes me feel pretty darned good too. It's got to be the boots she wears all the time. They look great on her but they have GOT to be hard on her feet. Otherwise why would she go so crazed over a foot massage? (The End) (Hehehehehe... Did you think that they were "Laying some pipe"? "Going twenty toes"? "Putting Percy in the playpen"? "Wallpapering the closet"? "Passing the gravy"? "Going Heels to Jesus"? Our Columbus for goodness sake? Maybe in a future story. And doesn't Tallahassee have a way with words?) End file.
Doing Wichita by patricia51
Survivor's Rage Survivor's Rage Now, Tallahassee didn't feel very guilty that he had survived the Zombie Apocalypse. He grieved for his son's death, yes, but he didn't feel guilty. It was hard to feel very guilty when you were this angry. Columbus took a quick peek out the window. He paled, his eyes widening. "They're coming," he announced, quickly striding over to a cabinet. He opened it, taking out guns and handing them to his companions. Wichita rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on!" she exclaimed. "We just arrived here two hours ago!" "Well," Tallahassee growled, "you know our policy, don't you?" Columbus winced slightly as Tallahassee cocked his shotgun. "You know, I think that's more of _your-_" Little Rock rolled her eyes. "It's our policy, wimp," she said. Tallahassee patted her on the back, smiling with pride. "Time to nut up or shut up," Tallahassee declared. He kicked open the door, shot the first raving lunatic that he saw in the face, and then all hell broke loose. Columbus, Little Rock, Wichita- none of them really understood Tallahassee. None of them had been close to any of their family when the Apocalypse hit. Of course, Wichita and Little Rock had each other- but neither of them had been killed, had they? Neither of them had been ripped to shreds in front of the other's eyes, had they? The Zombies had taken his own son, and all he could do was kill them. He couldn't get his son back. Buck wouldn't come back from the dead- and Buck was all that Tallahassee had. The house in Tallahassee was perhaps the only structure occupied by a human in the entire state- for all the resident knew, the entire nation. The man inside the house, however, had other, more depressing things on his mind. Yes, more depressing than the thought of being the last sane man in the United States of America. His son was dead. The Zombie snarled- a horrible sound, like a chainsaw- right before Tallahassee shot it in between the eyes. He had barricaded himself in his house for a week since Buck's death, wanting more than anything to escape from the spot where the horrific event had happened yet unable to move- unable to make himself goddamn _move _from the spot. "Bastards," Tallahassee muttered. "Bastards, bastards, _bastards, bastards, bastards, get away, get away, get away, get away!"_ Part of the reason Tallahassee had never felt very guilty immediately after his son's death was because, well, he wasn't all _there, _exactly. "Get out!" Tallahassee roared, shooting another Zombie. "GET OUT!" And the hordes eventually trickled out, and all that was left was a broken man sobbing in a room that stank of blood, death, and mold. Something dripped, and the man didn't know if it was his tears or the blood. _Do not go gentle into that good night._ The words whispered themselves into the man's ears night after horrible night. _Do not go gentle into that good night._ _Rage, rage, against the dying of the light._ Tallahassee was breaking ,crumbling, tearing apart, and somewhere deep inside him, he knew that he didn't want to go crazy- he didn't want to lose his mind, because then he would be good as dead. The words kept crawling over his brain, over and over and over again, occupying every crevice they could find and saturating his mind, filling it to the brink when there was nothing else he could think of except those words. And Tallahassee didn't even know where the words had come from- he just knew that they existed, and maybe, maybe they were the only commands he could follow in this madness. _Do not go gentle into that good night._ The next day, a Zombie managed to break into his house. It almost got to Tallahassee, because for that moment, the man was realizing how nice it would be to just give up- to just let it go. And then the gun came up and the Zombie came tumbling down, because Tallahassee was afraid of death. Tears slid down the barrel of the gun and into the Zombie's blood, where the two mixed together and washed away. Tallahassee almost felt guilty once. Why did I survive, he wondered. Why couldn't I have joined my son? _Do not go gentle into that good night._ Tallahassee wanted to die, right then and there, but he was too scared of death to pull the trigger. It was when the next Zombie that stormed into his house had a bit of Buck's shirt in between his teeth when Tallahassee snapped. "BASTARD!" he roared. "You killed him! You took him away!" And when that Zombie's head was torn apart by his bullets, Tallahassee didn't sit back down. He didn't stop. He went outside and shot the next fucking Zombie he saw, and he shot the next one, and the next one, and the next one, until he couldn't hear their motherfucking snarls anymore. _Do not go gentle into that good night._ Tallahassee chuckled as he remembered the lines from his distant past. But though he laughed, his eyes burned with rage and his knuckles were white. Though he laughed, his heart began to burn in flames as hot as hell. And when he looked- when he looked up and down the street full of dead corpses, he didn't see Zombies- he saw murderers, every single one of them _murderers_ that had murdered his son. "Daddy ain't going down gentle, Buck," he whispered, "Daddy's going to be rather angry for a while." Tallahassee wasn't very guilty about his survival anymore. Survivor's guilt, he reasoned, was a fucking disgrace. In his mind's eye, he could see Buck pouting whenever he sulked over that bitch of his wife. He could remember how Buck was sad whenever he was weak- and how he laughed whenever he held him in his arms and swung him around and around and around until it seemed like nothing else existed in the world except Tallahassee and his son. _And you, my father, there on that sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray._ And Tallahassee swore. He cursed at the goddamn Zombies, the fucking Zombies, the motherfucking son-of-a-bitches, the assholes- he swore up and down that every single fucking one of them would burn in the deepest, hottest corners of Hell. After all that time spent in that room, Tallahassee still remembered where the car keys were. He painted a large number 3 on the side of his truck and got in. It was a wonder, really, why he had never gotten out of the place before. "I've wasted so much time," Tallahassee muttered. And Tallahassee drove, leaving dead Zombies wherever he went. The rage never died back down. Tallahassee received a new family, but Buck was still dead, and the Zombies that killed him were still out there. Tallahassee could be thankful for his new family, but he would _never _stop being angry. _Bang._ "Come get some, freaks!" Tallahassee roared. Columbus swore as a Zombie broke free from the main group and launched itself at him. He quickly backpedaled, shooting the Zombie in the chest. "Double tap," he muttered, shooting the Zombie in the head. It stopped convulsing and went limp. Columbus whipped his head around at the sound of a chainsaw. His eyes widened. "Hey, hey , hey!" he exclaimed. "Tallahassee, that is fucking dangerous!" Little Rock hit him over the head with the butt of her gun. "Tallahassee can handle things," she said, rolling her eyes. Columbus grumbled some indecipherable words that Little Rock presumed were no doubt uncomplimentary. In retaliation, she hit him over the head again. Tallahassee snarled, grinning wildly as he did so. These were the monsters that had killed his boy- and Tallahassee wasn't going to leave this world without taking as many of them down as he could. These were the freaks that were trying to kill his _new _family- and they would do so over his _own _corpse. He sure as hell wasn't going gentle. He had said that he wouldn't, right? "Anybody want some?" he shouted, swinging the chainsaw around. Columbus winced involuntarily. The chainsaw ripped through the Zombie, spraying blood everywhere. "Get some here!" Selling cans of whoop-ass wholesale was Tallahassee's specialty, and he wasn't going out of business anytime soon. Review, please. Tell me if I got Tallahassee right or not- I don't want to deface such a fucking awesome character. Thanks, and point out any grammar or spelling mistakes. End file.
Survivor's Rage by yesimahuman
Rule 5: Stick Together Rule 5: Stick Together _**Written in response to cottoncandy_bingo prompt: desert. Haven't played in the Zombieland fandom in a while. Sort of pre-slashy, but could be gen if you don't perpetually wear slash goggles. Rated for canon-typical language and violence. Characters not mine, please enjoy! Comments are awesome.**_ * * * Columbus wakes, dizzy and confused, in dark and deserted room in a dark and deserted house in a dark and deserted town in the middle of the desert. Altogether, in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, it is arguably the worst place he ever could have found himself abandoned. He sits up slowly, trying to ignore the way it makes his head pound in time with his too-fast heartbeat, and shivers when the blankets fall away. Why is he cold? He's sure he remembers complaining about the broken air conditioning in the truck they'd driven here, remembers the too hot air on his too warm skin as they'd picked through houses looking for supplies under the high noon sun. More importantly, why is he alone? He remembers Tallahassee, too, bitching up a storm about the lack of decent supplies in any of these stupid, empty cookie cutter houses. "Tallahassee?" He calls out, as loudly as he dares when he doesn't know if this place is clear. He listens carefully. Nothing. "Tallahassee! Where'd you go!?" He climbs slowly out of the bed he's been left in, and he has no idea why everything hurts, the type of bone deep ache he hasn't had to deal with since he had a persistent strain of the flu back in 10th grade. The old, wooden boards creaks under his feet, and he's careful of the shattered glass and the layer of miscellaneous debris that litters the floor. He has to catch himself on the doorframe as the world spins madly around him - as if it isn't already crazy enough, now it can't even do him the favor of staying right side up, ugh - and he starts to think that maybe moving was a bad idea. If he can just make it to the couch, he'll be able to keep an eye outside, he tells himself, setting the goal as he forces himself to take another step, and then another. There's a pile of haphazardly stacked books on the floor, though, and he falls over them, landing awkwardly on his ankle. "Fuck," he breathes, hands curling around it, where it's already starting to swell. "Just perfect, just what I needed. Now I'm completely useless." No wonder Tallahassee left him behind, he thinks, no wonder the girls ditched out last week. Why would anyone want to be stuck with him when he can't even manage to walk without fucking it up? That line of thought makes him feel sick to his stomach, though, and he has to sit on the floor for a long, long moment trying not to give in to that feeling. When he finally feels like he can maybe move again, he sets a new goal. Columbus drags himself back to his feet - well, foot - and stumbles-staggers his way back into the room he'd woken up in. It only has one boarded up window, and the single doorway makes it decently defensible. His best choice, for now. He collapses back onto the bed and feels more like he's just ran a mile than hobbled a few yards - a fact that does not bode well for rule number one of life in zombieland. "Just... just for a minute," he tells himself, when he pulls the blankets back over his shaking body, eyes already falling closed. When he wakes again, it is to the familiar, distant crash-bang-groan of zombies moving around outside. He shoots upright, trying to find the source of a sound that seems to come from all directions, but that's hard to do when everything is spinning again. He can make out the lumbering shadows of the undead passing by the window every few minutes, but it takes way too much effort and energy to keep tracking the slow, uncoordinated movements, and as it is, he can barely keep his eyes open. But he has to. He has to because for some reason he's alone. He doesn't have rules for that anymore, doesn't know how to be alone when he's had other people for so long now. He's had Tallahassee nearly since the start, and Little Rock and Wichita have come and gone and come and gone and come and gone again, but now Florida is gone, too. And so he has no one. "Tallahassee!" He shouts out, even though that is not the best idea with the walking dead so close outside the house. "Where the fuck did you go?" That comes out more as a delirious mumble, as he pulls the blankets tighter around himself, feeling cold and clammy and miserable. "W-where'd you go?" "Argghhhhh!" That terrifying noise is way too close, preceded by the sound of something heavy giving way under too much pressure. More boards breaking, a more coherent part of his mind suggests, as it tells him to stop laying there and _do something_. Bleary, unfocused eyes settle on a broken piece of the headboard, sharp enough to serve as a weapon. It takes too long to pry it loose, though, and the first of the zombies that invaded the house are already shambling into the room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he mumbles, trying to decide which one of the three identical zombies he sees is the real one because fucking fuck he is dizzy. He picks the one in the middle - because he feels like he's most likely to hit that one anyway - and surges forward. His jacked up ankle does not appreciate the move and nearly gives out under him, but he manages to drive the spike through the zombie's head. It lands, really dead, at his feet and the next one trips over the corpse, giving him the time to work out where to aim that blow, but that one breaks the makeshift stake into two equally useless pieces and now he's weaponless with three more shambling walkers closing in. This would be the time to run, he thinks, except now is not the time for cardio, not when he can barely put any weight on his foot and he feels like he's fighting in zero gravity. Two get stuck in the doorframe, trying to get through to him at once, but the third is mindlessly pushing into them and it's only a matter of time until they all come falling through the door, blocking his only exit and this... this might be it. He's lasted this long, nearly a year of surviving in Zombieland and this is it. The third one looks away from him just a second before it's head explodes in a shower of blood and brain and bone. The other two back off, change direction, and it's only a moment later that a gore0covered baseball bat takes first one and then the other out. "Ya couldn't go a day without me before ya nearly go an' get yerself killed?" Columbus collapses backwards, sliding down the side of the bed to sit on the floor because thank fucking god, it's Tallahassee. "Where the fuck were you?" Tallahassee kicks and drags the corpses out of his way, climbs over the last two to get in the room and looks down at his very much not okay companion with something that almost looks like concern. "I went ta find some medicine for your sorry ass, spitfuck. After you started mumblin' crazy shit and passed out on me in the middle of checkin' this place, I thought it'd be safer to leave ya here. Definitely wasn't gonna leave ya in that hothouse of a truck." He reaches down, presses his hand to Columbus' head, and pulls it away just as quickly. "Damn, yer still burnin' up." Sometimes Columbus forgets that Tallahassee had a kid before all of this, that he did this sort of thing. "'M cold," he argues, probably sounding not unlike a kid himself. "Well, sucks for you, then," Tallahassee says, as he rather unrepentantly pulls a bottle of water from the bag of fresh supplies slung over his shoulders and thoroughly douses Columbus with it. "You're gonna get colder." Columbus is sputtering out curses, soaked in what feels like ice water, but is, in actuality, more like lukewarm water. When another bottle appears, he is rightly suspicious, but Tallahassee hands him this one, along with a couple of pills and a command to swallow them. He does as told. "Since ya went hollerin' up a storm and drawing all kinds of attention to this place, we'll have ta find someplace else," the older man says with a sigh, like he'd been planning on staying here a while. "So come on. There's another empty house up the block that's still mostly usable." Columbus, still drippy and dizzy, does as told, but this time his ankle is even less forgiving and he promptly ends up back on the floor. "I, ugh, I might've fallen trying to find you last night," he admits, while Tallahassee hauls him upright again. "Sorry?" The man slings one of Columbus' arms over his shoulders, supporting the weight that his busted ankle can't take. "What am I gonna do with you?" "Take me with you, hopefully," he mumbles, perhaps in his delirium, as he leans against Tallahassee's side. "Ya really musta been out of it, if ya thought I'd really left ya here." Tallahassee's looking down at him again, his eyes softer than usual. "I'm not that easy ta get rid of, you know. Not even a swarm of those walking corpses could stop me." "What happened to 'don't get attached?" Columbus mumbles. Tallahassee breathes out a heavy sigh, full of things like Buck and the girls and whoever else he lost before all of this, and says, "Fuck that," and, "Didn't work, anyway." Columbus agrees, it really didn't, and that's another rule crossed off his list. He revels in the warmth radiating off of Tallahassee when he holds a little tighter, but that stirs another thought, a worrisome one of, "What if you get sick, too?" "I'm fine," he insists, as if being a badass is enough to keep the germs away, "Bearin' in mind the fact that you managed to catch one helluva cold when we haven't seen a living person in a week, I'd say there's not much we could do if I did, 'cept hope those pills work. But, I haven't gotten it yet, so I think we're alright." If near constant close-quarters haven't infected him, nothing will, he suspects. "Now, come on," he says, as they take a few test steps, "You'll be better in no time." "Yeah," Columbus nods, feeling a little spark of hope in what is a mostly hopeless world. He dares a bigger step and staggers into Tallahassee's side, off balance. "And hopefully just a little bit less attached," Tallahassee jokes, as they finally figure out the best way to walk like this, hobbling out of that house. They stop every few feet to deal with an incoming zombie or dodge an obstacle that would threaten the careful balance they've found and continue on their way like it should be, together. End file.
Rule 5: Stick Together by Animegirl1129
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 1 ZOMBIE HUNTER part 1 A giant brown jeep pulled up and max with his 3 trusted troops went in the abandon building. They split up into teams of 2. Jason and Zack went left, Jake and Max went right. Jake turned the corner and motioned for max to move in. max saw a zombie and shot it into a wall with his shotgun. Meanwhile Zack went up the staircase with Jason but only saw record sheets not the laptop with a possible cure so the 2 went to help Max's squad. Max was back to back with Jake shooting zombies when his 2 other troops ran in shooting zombies. When the zombies were down they went into an elevator to reach the proper floor. They saw the laptop busted on the floor and decided they needed to escape when the elevator bleeped. Zombies were coming so Zack shot the cable causing the squad more time. Max shot the air vent down and the troopers climbed through onto a porch. Max no choice but to call back up and he did, they failed the mission and had to find another way for the cure. End file.
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 1 by LoganNOVELZ101
Tallahassee's Twinkie Quest It had been many years since Tallahassee had traveled across the zombie infested world with the friends he had made, but that was no more. The days had been long gone, and now only Tallahassee was to remain. There was just one thing he wanted before he would allow himself to join the zombies or let himself rot and die, and that was a Twinkie. The only Twinkie left in the whole wide world. If only Hostess hadn't shut down right before the zombie virus started to spread, there might have been more out there, but with only one left, Tallahassee pressed on to find it. He traveled across the world, by not only land, but sea as well. He had many close calls, but nothing ever stopped him. He only kept going, taking in all the pain and using it as fuel for his journey. Little over a year later, his efforts payed off. He reached the home of the last Twinkie on Earth, he ran inside the house overjoyed. After navigating the mansion of the Twinkie's house, he eventually found it's resting spot. Laying his eyes upon the pure beauty of the Twinkie, he slowly approached. He wanted that thing inside him so badly. He laid down next to the Twinkie. It was about the same height as him, but a little bit wider, which was okay with Tallahassee since he liked it busty. Readying to take a giant bite of the humanoid Twinkie, it quickly got up and kicked him away. Tallahassee grunted and pulled himself away from the Twinkie. The Twinkie was alive, it could speak and everything. "You dare try and eat me you filthy man? Do you know how to treat a lady?" "My God it can talk." "Who are you calling an it? Look at me, I'm no average Twinkie. I'm a beautiful lady who you'll never get up close to again in your life, you perv!" The Twinkie quickly ran off outside of the house and towards a cliff. Tallahassee ran after her, grabbing her arm before she jumped off the cliff. "I'm sorry... look... we just met and this is crazy... but... oh to hell with it. I want you, you're all I need in life. Please... I beg you to give me a chance." Tallahassee and the Twinkie, who revealed herself to be known as Twink, were sitting at the shore of a beach. "Oh, I'm getting so wet," stated Twink. "We should probably get higher up on the shore then," Tallahasee mindlessely replied. Without warning, Twink grabbed Tallahassee and kissed. He was everything she wanted in a man, and she knew right away that he was the love of her life. Tallahassee removed her from himself and reached into his pocket. He puled out a ring and handed it over. Twink stared at the ring, this was the most romantic thing to ever happen to her. She took the ring and appected marriage with him. They lived happily for many years, and had twelve kids. Zombies slowly started depleting in numbers. Things were perfect in Tallahassee's life, but this was to change very soon... Tallahassee woke up at two in the morning. He leaned up in bed and looked over at his love. They both lost their romantic fire, they didn't give a damn about each other no longer, they just stayed together for the sake of their children. Tallahassee's head had a horrifying thought about eating Twink in her sleep. He quickly laid back down and tried to forget it, but it keeped him up all night, and he thought about it all day, staring at Twink the whole time. Many more days and nights passed, and he had reached a point of horrible insanity. He watched as Twink slowly fell asleep one night, and then violently devoured her. He then became aware of himself, he could only think about his guilt then. A noise came from the doorway. Tallahassee looked over, one of his and Twink's kids saw the whole thing. There was only one thing to do, eat him too so no one would find out about what happened. Two twinkies was not enough though, as he found himself craving more. He ate all the children he had with Twink. Once again all alone in life, Tallahassee had no desire to live life at all. He killed himself, totally dishonored of what he had done. End file.
Tallahassee's Twinkie Quest by IAMASEXYMAN
1. When you were running **I've kicked this around a while, and am still not sure what I want to do with it. Here's a first installment. I plan to rate this "T", but could get on a more mature side: not graphic, but serious. Italicized lyrics are from artist Sara Groves, song title "When It Was Over". ** _When it was over and they could talk about it She said there's just one thing I have got to know What in that moment when you were running so hard and fast Made you stop and turn for home_ _He said I always knew you loved me even though I'd broken your heart I always knew there'd be a place for me to make a brand new start_ Columbus and Wichita lay in the back seat of the SUV, passionately making out. In the driver's seat, Talahassee snored loudly. In the rear, Little Rock slept on an improvised bed. Columbus broke the kiss and brushed Wichita's hair back behind her ear. "Do you want to do this?" he said. Wichita frowned, turning her eyes in her sister's direction. "She might hear us." Columbus looked to Tallahassee. "He would smell us." Wichita sighed and changed positions, so that her head was at his feet. "When you remember the day we met," she said, "what do you think about most?" "I remember you with your sister," he answered. "I could see how you cared for each other. And even when you had guns pointed at me... I wished I could be a part of it." She nodded, and made a swallowing motion as if fighting a lump in her throat. "I remember when I stopped to let you out," she said. "I told you I hoped you would find who you were looking for. But I wanted to ask you to stay. Sometimes... I stay awake wondering if I would have, if you had gotten out that door." She shivered. "I wouldn't have," he said, and hugged her legs. It was not long until Wichita was asleep, but Columbus's eyes remained open, gleaming with tears. 2. The Proposal Columbus and Wichita dined on a blanket on a hillside, with the last of the bottles they had pilfered from Bill Murray's collection. The SUV was parked behind them. Tallahassee and Little Rock were nowhere to be seen, as Tallahassee had promised to make sure of. "Krista," Columbus said, reaching for his back pocket. "Will you- ah" He paused while he fished in his pocket. "-Marry me?" After a moment of conflicted silence, Wichita burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that has to be the worst proposal ever," she said. Columbus flushed, and fumbled with the ring in his hand. "I mean, you're supposed to get on one knee. And if you're going to propose, you should have the ring ready before you ask. And- Wait, let me see that ring." Columbus held it out sheepishly. She held it up for critical inspection. "Where'd you get this?" "Tallahassee found it," he said. Under her stare, he added, "-Under the seat. Uh- I guess it's yours." She dropped the ring back into his hands and punched him in the shoulder. "You propose to me- and you don't do it right- and your delivery is terrible- and you use my own ring? _And_ it doesn't even have a real diamond!" "It looked pretty," Columbus said. "And- well, diamonds were never really worth that much. Du Beers had control of the supply, and kept the prices artificially high. They used to have people shot on sight if they were collecting diamonds... My geology professor talked about it a lot." She rocked him with a hard shove. "And then you try to give me a lecture on geology!" She pulled him in and kissed him. When it finally ended, she was holding the ring in her hand, without him knowing how it got there. "And- I accept." As they undressed each other in the back seat, Columbus said, "You know- I've never done this before. So-" "Well, I haven't either," she said. He paused, she stared. "You thought I was-" When Tallahassee discreetly returned, he found Columbus sleeping in the front passenger seat. 3. Tal and Little Rock **I thought of this only in the last day or so, but it would probably fit in best earlier in the story. (Anyone agree/disagree?) The flashback is based directly on a deleted scene, with a little modification to the dialogue.** Tal and Little Rock lay on the bed, the man resting his head on the backboard and the girl lying prone with her legs intermittently swinging in the air. They were watching the only programming they could find on TV, which was "That 70s Show" in Spanish. Shouts could be heard from the living room. "I think Wichita shot Jackie while we were at Pacific Playland," Little Rock said. "Hold on," said Tal. "Did you just hear a crash?" He did not need to listen closely to hear the sound of breaking glass- followed by a loud laugh. "OO! They're having another smashing contest!" Little Rock said. She started to rise. Tal took hold of her ankle. "I think your sister and Columbus want the living room to themselves," he said. "Oh, Wichita doesn't do that." "You sure?" Tal said with a smirk. "Of course I'm sure. She always says, do things _for_ the boys, not _with_ them..." Tal narrowly avoided a spit take. There was another crash, more laughter and then a decidedly muffled cry. Little Rock barged out and shouted, "Okay McSkinny, what are you doing to my sister?" A moment later, she ran back into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her. She crouched in an almost fetal position, and slapped away Tal when he tried to lay a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to talk about anything?" he said. "C'mon over, girl. Tell Uncle Tal what's the matter." Ten minutes and more passed before she responded: "If Wichita and Columbus are together, what does it mean?" "Well, it doesn't mean she stops loving you," Tal said. "It means she loves him, too. But, I think when people are in love, there's more to spread around to everyone else."' "What if she has a baby?" "Then she'll love him too... And so will his aunt." Little Rock began to cry, loudly. "Tal... I think I need to tell you something..." _Six weeks earlier..._ "You know what's amazing?" Little Rock said as they drove off in the Humvee. "That they lasted this long. They should be so proud!" "Yeah, they can die happy," said Wichita. Little Rock gave her a long glance. "No." "Okay," she said, but kept giving her the questioning gaze. "Look, what did we talk about?" "Trust no one, just you and me." "...Even if it means leaving behind the slow and the weak." After a pause, Wichita added, "Or in this case, one slow and one weak." "Okay." She still didn't look away. "You know, in the Discovery channel shows, the wildebeest always wait for the slow and the weak. Ever wonder why?" "Maybe so when the lions show up only the slow and the weak get eaten," Wichita answered sardonically. Her expression became thoughtful. "Or maybe it's because even the strong and fast get slow and weak once in a while," Little Rock said. Wichita turned the humvee around... Little Rock cried herself to sleep on Tal's shoulder, without saying another word. 4. One Left Behind **So, this is setting up an arc for the rest of the story...** Krista lay awake beside the man she still knew only as Columbus. She had never allowed herself to become attached to a man before, and wasn't sure how she felt about it now. He was, in every way, better for her than she would ever have thought before, and she could have told him things even he didn't know about himself. That, behind the anxieties and insecurities that made him seem cowardly, he had more courage than any man she had met. That he gave her everything she wanted from a lover. And that she was almost certain she was in love with him. But she was still not sure if it was enough. She shifted, and gave a gratified smirk as she felt him stir at the brush of her hip. Then, unbidden, she thought of another passer-by... _Seven weeks earlier_ The man was perhaps 35, but could have been older. He grew his hair long, but was obviously compensating for a growing bald spot on his scalp. He looked like an artist, though his 1980s-vintage Audi convertible marked him as most likely a middle-management executive with pretensions. He did not look at all at home on the roads of post-apocalyptic Oklahoma, but that made him seem all the more determined to survive. His Audi convertible slowed to a halt for a young woman standing beside the road. "Please, I need a ride to LA," she said. She rested her hands on the door and leaned forward. "My fiancee's there, I know he's alive, but he can't get out. Are you going anywhere near there? I'll give you anything you want if you help." The man considered first the ring on her finger, and then her neckline. "I'm on my way to Vegas; I hear there's safe places there. I can get you at least as far as the Arizona-California border," he said, getting out of the car. "But I'll want a little something up front..." After fifteen minutes, he got back in the car, and the woman got in beside him. "Thank you so much," she said. "So," Little Rock said as she sat up in the back seat, holding a PPK pistol from the glove compartment, "tell us more about Las Vegas." When they forced him out of the car ten minutes later, Wichita threw her ring after him. She awoke with a gasp, and a tear running down her eyes. Columbus mumbled and stroked her hair back, without completely waking. She kissed him, until his eyes fluttered open. "What is it?" he said. "I... I love you," she said. 5. True Sisters Columbus sat on a couch in a cabin in northern California. Once again, Tal and Little Rock were nowhere to be seen- this time departed on an early morning run to the city. "I'm sorry," Wichita said. "I am, too," Columbus said. "I- I shouldn't have let it make a difference." "But it does make a difference, you know," Wichita said. "As-" She practically bit her tongue as she went silent. Columbus stared down into her eyes, his face twitching as wheels worked within his mind. "Oh, god," he said. "I'm so sorry." She reached for her pants, pulled out her wallet and handed him a photo, taped together. He held it up to the dawn light. It was a photo of Little Rock, perhaps four years younger, with her older sister. A young man rounded out the subtly awkward trio, leaning in to sniff the older girl's blonde hair. "She isn't my real sister, of course," said Wichita. Columbus nodded, she snorted. "`Real'. Let me tell you about her real sister. She took care of- of her while their mom was working two jobs to support them. And when she couldn't be there for her little sister, why, she called up her boyfriend, and he would drive all the way from college just to `babysit'. They found out about it, but never found him. Her sister made sure of that. So, she bounced to her aunt, who signed her into a foster home in Wichita, Kansas. She was happy, the first two days. Then she found the photo her aunt sent with her to remind her of home. I fished it out of the garbage, because I thought she might want it again later. You know why I kept it?" The look he gave her now, as he saw the hate behind her eyes, was one she had only seen when she had him at gunpoint. "So I would know him when I saw him. I had it all planned out. I meant to do it to, even after the outbreak. I was going to search Little Rock until I found him, and then- I was going to bash him over the head, just enough to knock him out. I had a few ideas where to go from there. But I was sure I would cut hi-" Columbus managed to kiss her then, desperately fearfully. "Please," he said with tears in his eyes. "He's gone. You're here, and she's here, and both of you are with me." She nodded, and took a deep breath. "She stopped me," she said after a moment of silence. "I never told her, but she knew. I don't even remember how we got started on the Pacific Playland BS, but she remembered going there with her father, and she convinced me she needed to go there. I suppose she saved my life." "Mine, too," Columbus said. Tallahassee hit the brakes in surprise as he approached the cabin. "What the f-?" he said. A huge column of smoke and flame rising into the air. He hit the accelerator and barreled down the dirt road at nearly highway speed. Wichita waved at them as the SUV skidded to a halt. Behind her, Columbus added a coffee table to the raging fire in front of the cabin. "We're having a campfire," Wichita said with a smile. "And guess what- we went through the pantry, and found everything we need to make s'mores!" As she raced her sister inside, she gave a slight nod in the direction of Columbus. Tallahassee turned in suspicion, but all he saw was Columbus throwing a small piece of paper into the fire. 6. Destination: Vegas! Columbus had his arm around Wichita as they announced their decision. "We want to have a wedding," Wichita said. "Don't see how it makes a difference," Tallahassee said. "What do you want to do, anyway?" "We want to... ah... go to Las Vegas," Columbus said. Tallahassee made a T with his arms. "Wait a minute! Didn't we settle this already? No going into the really big cities? Especially ones with lots of bright, flashing lights?" "But we heard a story," Wichita said, "that there are safe places out in Vegas." "You heard the same story about Pacific Playland!" Tallahassee said. "I've heard it about a hundred places! It's all BS!" "But it's not the same story," Wichita said. "This isn't about some place with no zombies at all, it's about a place where people are holding them off." "It's the casinos," Little Rock jumped in. "Right at the start, they had guards, an' security systems, an' enough food for thousands. When people started turning into zombies, they acted just like kings in castles used to do: They locked the doors, fought off attacks, and lived off what they had stored." She crossed her arms and scowled. "It could have happened. And, by the way, there weren't any zombies in the Playland when we got there." Tal rubbed is chin thoughtfully. "Okay. Let's say it's true, and let's say the people haven't starved or been eaten. How do we get there if it's surrounded by zombies? And when we get there, how do we get in? I doubt if they would have lasted this long opening the door for just anybody." "We can see what turns up," Columbus said. "If there isn't a safe path to an inhabited casino, we turn back, don't even go into town." "All that so you and your girlfriend can play dress-up?" "No, so we can find a safe place to live," Columbus said. "If there's anywhere we can stay safe, it would be those casinos, and if they've lasted this long they're going to be working on ways to grow food, and clear the zombies off the streets instead of just holding them off. They'll want people with... experience." A light was dawning in Tal's eyes. "And," Wichita said, "they'll have the biggest snack bars you can imagine. Who knows what they might find?" Tal's ecstatic expression could have belonged to a pious man contemplating heaven or a hedonist contemplating fornication, but there could be no doubt what soft, golden temptation was foremost in his mind. "All right then," he said, "we're going to Vegas!" 7. Stopover **A little more on the "mature" side of things... ** They were reasonably sure, based on the presence of several slot machines, that they were somewhere in Nevada. They knew little else as they rolled into the gas station. "Okay. Gas, food, maps... uh, hygiene products," Columbus said. Wichita kissed him on the lips. "You and Tal take care of gas, we can take care of food and such. Love ya." He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels before going inside. He went to the men's room first, and ended up alongside Tal. "I thought only girls did this," said Tal. Glancing slyly first at Columbus, then at the vending machine on the wall, he said, "So. You and Wichita." He remained studiously silent, then as he relaxed, he started to talk: "Well... We talked, and tried a few things, took it, you know, slow, and we could tell we were, well,_ right _for each other. And-" He started to get a sly look in his eyes. "Well, have you ever seen the look she gets when she shoots a zombie? Well, I swear-" The door slammed open as Wichita strode in. Columbus not only fell silent, he stopped in midstream. "Don't mind me, boys," she said. Then she used the butt of her Mossberg to bash open the vending machine. He walked out in a coughing fit, walking faster as he passed Wichita and Little Rock, then slowed as he heard snatches of their conversation. "...Trust me," Wichita said, casting a bemused glance after him, "if you wait for the right guy and the right time, it will feel right." "Yeah, but _that_?" Little Rock said, boring into the back of his neck with a toxic glare. "I mean, how does even _he_ like _that_?" He returned from filling the tank to find Little Rock trying to console Tallahassee. "See, a Zinger is like a Twinkie," she said. "They're spongy, they're full of cream... The only difference is, the Zingers come with frosting on top!" "No, no, no!" Tal said. "It's the texture that matters..." Columbus almost stopped to join in the debate, but kept walking under Little Rock's stare. "It's okay," Wichita said as they brushed past each other. "She's adjusting, that's all." They rode back out, with Columbus driving, Tal as passenger, and the sisters in the back. Tal pointed to a massive, decrepit brick of a pickup among the wrecks lining the road. "You see that?" he said. "It's a '63 Dodge D200. My father owned one for a while. I saw it once in a Christmas movie, you know, the one with Chevy Chase." "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?" Columbus said. "Yeah, that's the one!" Tal said. "Man, that Cousin Eddie busted me up." "Wait a minute," Wichita said, leaning forward far enough to breathe on the back of his neck. (She had long since learned never to touch him while he was driving. "You sounded nervous there. Did you get scared by _National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation_?" "The open scene's very intense," he said, hunching his shoulders. "I mean, the guys in that pickup truck are so mean to that family, and then they leave them trapped under a lumber truck... I saw it when I was young... Fine, twelve." He managed to relax his shoulders and give a sheepish smile as Little Rock burst out laughing. As they rounded a turn in the road, the ancient Dodge pulled out and cruised at a leisurely pace after them. **And, incidentally, _I _think that truck was scary. ** 8. The Promise _There is a love that never fails There is a healing that always prevails There is a hope that whispers a vow A promise to stay while we're working it out So come with your love and wash over us_ The strip mall was at the edge of North Las Vegas, and looked to have been run down even before the zombie apocalypse. Its anchor stores, at opposite ends of the L-shaped structure, were a high-end outlet clothing store and a hardware store. Among the stores in the middle were a jewelry store, a Precious Moments figurine shop, and a reproduction weapons shop. Tallahassee tried out his latest weapon, an M16 with over/under grenade launcher, by firing a concussion grenade into the Precious Moments store. Little Rock cheered at the chorus of crashes. "Want to go in and finish 'em off?" said Tal. "No," Little Rock said, after a genuine pause for thought. "Wichita wants help picking out clothes." The sisters hurried giggling toward the clothing store. Tal wandered into the weapons shop. Columbus went to the jewelry store. "So," Little Rock said as she handed clothes to her sister, "you are _totally_ into this guy!" "I know, I can't believe it," Wichita said. "I guess it happens." Little Rock appraised her selection. "Yeah, he's going to explode when he sees that skirt," she said. "It fits with your jacket. But we need something different for a top." A short time later, she concluded, "Now that is perfect. But I'm thinking, accessorize. The weapons shop... No, the hardware store!" "Exactly what I as thinking," Wichita said. She turned, and then almost spontaneously they were in each other's arms, in tears. _Three years earlier..._ In the back of a red convertible, Krista winced as her sister stitched the cut on her lip. When it was done, she pressed an ice pack to her sister's black eye. "Look, we have the car, and the only people who know we have it aren't going to talk about it," she said. "We're free and clear, as long as we keep moving. We can get money whenever we have to... I can always think of something. From now on, we trust no one. Just you and me." She rested her chin on the top of her sister's head. "And I swear- I promise to _God_... Nobody ever hurts you again. _Ever._" Columbus stepped into the weapons store. Tallahassee turned to greet him, twirling a ball and chain. "How to you think the zombies will like a real mace face?" he said. "Well, it's not going to intimidate them, any more than anything else," Columbus said, almost absent-mindedly. "And that's not a mace; a mace has a head fixed to a solid handle. That's a flail... And there's actually no evidence that it was used historically... It's really not even a practical weapon." "Wha- OW!" In his distraction, Tal hit his own ear. Columbus looked over the weapons, and chose a vintage KaBar for later evaluation. "Listen, have you seen Wichita?" Tal smirked. "Yeah, I saw her and Little Rock headed for the hardware store. Saw what she was wearing, too. You're gonna be one lucky little spitf*." Columbus walked out flustered, and neglected to perform his usual 360 survey. Thus, he never saw the Dodge pickup. Little Rock leaned against the hardware store's massive metal and wood shelves. "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?" she said with a hint of bemusement. "Yes... right... unlucky..." Columbus made another false start at breaking his stare. He was still taking in parts of Wichita's outfit, without quite getting a handle on the whole. He managed to get as far as shifting from the slitted black leather skirt and black stockings to the strapless scarlet top and peeking lingerie. Wichita strode up to him and placed the Mossberg in his hands. "Now that you're here," she said, "maybe you can help me accessorize." She stepped back and reached for one of her selections. Then Little Rock gave a stifled cry. Columbus whirled around in an instant, and barely held his fire. Tal stood at the door, his hands tied together on top of his head. Behind him were five men with guns and blunt instruments. Not far off, he heard the sound of approaching motorcycles. 9. Standoff Columbus pumped the shotgun, but held his fire, weighing the odds. One biker was already in the door, crouched behind a checkout counter. Another was to the left, covering him through the glass storefront. The other three stood just outside the door. All wore flak jackets. There could be no question of the position of two of them. A big man with a vintage Army helmet, long hair an even longer beard was a perfect fit for second in command: His obvious size and strength were combined with a gaze that was perceptive but without the intelligence and initiative of a leader. He held Tal's own M16 to the back of his head. "How did you get captured?" he said to Tallahassee. "You had the assault rifle!" "I know!" "With a grenade launcher!" "I know!" Tal burst into tears. "But they're _people_, man!" The biker who stepped forward now, carrying an inelegant .44 revolver, could only be the leader. His shaved head looked more like a concession to the inevitable than a choice. He looked about 35, but could have been older. He looked as subtly out of place among the bikers as a feral dog in a pack of wolves: He was less imposing in physique, and less assured in his manner, but there was a quality of anxiety tempered by cunning, which marked him as someone who, given the mettle to survive at all, could not stop until he had reached the top. "We don't like killing," he said as he stepped inside, with the smooth voice of someone working far below his income potential. "Well... at any rate, _I _don't like killing. So let's see if we can work something out. First, let's make introductions. You can call me Branson. That's Enid." He indicated his second. "And I understand he goes by Tallahassee, and you answer to Columbus." "What do you want?" Columbus said. "Guns? Food? Gas?" "Oh, we have those things in more abundance than you could imagine, and if we needed them we wouldn't need your cooperation to take them," said Branson. "But we have some use for services." He looked briefly but pointedly at Wichita and Little Rock. Wichita pulled her sister to her. "Nobody touches her." Branson smiled. "All well and good... Just make a deal." "Please," Little Rock sobbed, "not for me." Branson looked back to Columbus. "But first- drop the gun." "Don't," Wichita hissed. Branson looked at her again, this time thoughtfully, almost uneasily. But Wichita was paying more attention to Columbus and his trembling hands. "I'll kill you if you do!" Enid stepped inside, leaving Tal with an even larger man. Columbus leveled the gun at him. "Go ahead," he said in an incongruously pleasant voice. "Get it out of your system." Columbus all but threw the gun to Branson. He caught the shotgun with one hand, relinquishing a double-handed grip on the .44, and the shotgun casually by the middle. "You coward, I hate you!" Wichita shouted. She fired her PPK pistol before anyone realized it was in her hand. She fired two shots through the storefront, and the biker covering her fell, stunned or injured either by her fire or by a rain of falling glass. Enid pinned Columbus to the shelf. Branson nimbly jumped to the cover of a display stand of paint cans. Turning her body to protect her sister, she drew a bead on him with the pistol. "Please," Branson said, "Let's be sensible. You have, what, six shots? Just five if you were smart and left the chamber empty." The biker behind the checkout stand shifted positions for a better shot. She fired four shots, hitting him in the vest and the unprotected shoulder. A near miss caused the cash register drawer to fly open, striking him in the back of the head and slamming him chin-first into the counter. She shifted her aim back to Branson. "Get out of here, or I kill you." "Then what?" he said. "I'm dead, you're out of bullets, and believe me, I'm the least of your problems." Wichita kissed her sister's head. Then, with her chin still resting on her scalp, she thrust the gun against Little Rock's throat. "No one hurts her," she said coldly. "Never again." **Incidentally, that's "Enid" as in "Enid, Oklahoma".** 10. Reunion "Oh,*," Columbus said, trying to see around Enid. "Holy *." Enid grinned, exposing teeth that had been rotten and crooked long before the American Dental Association became zombie food. "Tell you what," he said. "Talk her down, and we'll let you have her back when we're done." Branson shoved over the display stand, sending paint cans everywhere. "Enough play time," he said. "Final offer. Drop that gun, we let them go." "You first," she said. "Things don't work that way," he said as he advanced toward her. "We're the ones with the leverage." He stopped abruptly. Again, a troubled look was on his face. He looked at her hand, and especially the ring on her finger. A light of recognition dawned, followed by pure hate. "Good God. You're them. That's my own * gun. And I've still got your ring, you *!" "Oh, God," Wichita said. "You know, you gave me one of the best jobs I've ever had," he said. "Think you can do enough to pay for an Audi?" "I'm sorry," she said. "We're way past the time for that," he said. "You know the worst part? I was _into_ you. I was ready to ask you to come all the way to Vegas with me. I was even thinking we might settle down there. But you cut that short, didn't you?" "I wasn't into you," she said coldly. "You were a big, selfish prick. I could hardly wait to leave you by the road. You were the only one I ever wanted to die." "So, so much for apologies!" he said. Pointing back with the butt of the shotgun, he added, "But I guess we both did pretty well for ourselves. I met Enid. You met that runt. Just in case you actually care, I don't think I'll hurt him, 'cause I pity him. How much longer were you planning to string him along?" "Columbus?" Wichita said. Columbus didn't answer. "Columbus, I love you." At almost the same moment, Tal shouted, "Wichita, behind y-!" He was cut short with a blow to the head from the only biker still outside. The other had used Branson's distraction to climb through the broken storefront, go around behind Wichita and grab her gun hand through the shelving. The pistol fired. 11. Vengeance Sparks showered down from a lamp over Columbus's head. Enid lurched back in pain. Columbus saw Wichita struggling to free herself from the biker holding onto her arm. "Run!" she screeched to her sister. Wichita struck the attacker behind her with the butt of her empty pistol, knocking off his police-issue helmet with a stunning blow. But then Branson hit her over the head with her own shotgun, and she sprawled to the floor. "You're mine now, whore," he said, pressing his foot between her shoulder blades. Then there was a cry from Enid. She and Branson both looked to see him drop to his knees with a KaBar knife low in his chest. His expression was more of surprise than pain, and much the same expression was on Columbus's face. Branson fired at him, but his aim was poor with only one hand, and Columbus was already running at him. Columbus slammed into him, and with the benefit of surprise as much as momentum pushed him back to the shelves. He dropped the shotgun, and with one hand freed was able to wrestle back. Before the chief could take advantage of his superior strength and much greater experience, Columbus slammed his head back into a metal post with stunning force. Branson toppled forward, and he had scarcely hit the floor before Wichita was upon him. The biker outside pushed Tallahassee aside, raising the assault rifle to intervene. Before he could fire, Tal struck a necessarily double-handed blow to the back of his head, then struck a roundhouse slap to his chin. He staggered and dropped the gun, but countered with a punch that sent Tal skidding. As he bent to pick up the rifle, a small voice said, "Hands up." He looked up, and smiled. "C'mon, kid," he said, "do you think a kevlar vest can't stop a nail gun?" As Little Rock quickly demonstrated, it couldn't. Wichita's overtaxed pantyhose failed catastrophically as she drove her heel into the fallen chief's crotch. "Wichita!" Columbus shouted. He tried to take her by the arm, but she literally shrugged him off. Then he grabbed her around the waist and hauled her back. "He's down! We're safe!" he said. For a moment, he lifted her off the floor and set her down beside the shelf. "Now we need to get out of here!" Wichita snatched up a circular saw and revved it. "He would have taken me," she said. "He would hurt Little Rock. You would have let him." "No, you know that isn't true," Columbus said. "The shotgun couldn't get through a flack jacket. The knife could. I let go of the gun so they would let their guard down, and come closer. I could have saved you even sooner if you hadn't pulled the gun!" She stepped forward, and he took a step back. "He's a leader of a gang," she said. "But you put him there,"he said. He reflexively backed up again. "I didn't make him what he is. He was a prick when I met him, and he as a prick after. I just led him to the right people. If we let him go, he'll just hurt more people." "But he isn't hurting anyone else today. And he's human." "Krista?" Little Rock said. Columbus brushed her hair behind her ear. "Who do you want her to grow up to be in Zombieland?" Wichita dropped the saw with a clatter. "I don't hate you," she said. "But I wish I'd never let you touch me." Then she turned and hugged her sister. They ran for the SUV, pausing only long enough to help Tal to his feet. Columbus heard a small voice say, "Little help?" He hurried on, assuring himself that he had _not_ just seen a man with both hands nailed to his flak vest. Just as they peeled out of their parking place, a car and swarm of motorcycles pulled up to the mouth of the parking lot. "Don't stop," Wichita said. "I won't," Columbus answered. Before he could put the SUV in gear, a bullet slammed into his door. Turning in surprise, he beheld Branson lurching after them, a .32 pistol in hand. "Just so we're clear," the chief shouted. Then he waved his arms in a signal, and the bikers scattered. "You let me live, I let you live- for now." Columbus nodded and hit the gas. 12. Forgiveness _When it was over and they could talk about it They were sitting on the couch She said what on earth made you stay here When you finally figured out what I was all about He said I always knew you'd do the right thing Even though it might take some time She said, Yeah, I felt that and that's probably what saved my life_ By nightfall, they stood in the chapel at the Circus Circus casino. While still miles out of town, they had been met by an armed patrol from the casino. The management was sufficiently impressed by Tallahassee's exploits that they insisted on sending a helicopter to pick them up. The ceremony was presided over by a member of the clergy not ordinarily involved in such proceedings, one Sister Cynthia Knickerbocker. Tal led Wichita down the aisle, still in her specially selected get-up but wearing a white fur coat over everything else as a token concession to tradition and general modesty. Columbus stood at the end, dividing his gaze between longing looks at his bride and nervous glances at Little Rock, who stood beside him in lieu of a best man. Tal guided his hand to Wichita's, and on contact his mind fell under a cloud of warm, friendly static. He only sporadically followed what was being said, and saying yes when something was expected. He was sure he botched even that; at one point Wichita stifled a giggle and Little Rock gave him a furtive kick in the shin. He took the longest sustained interest when Sister Knickerbocker recited a Bible verse he had memorized at around age ten and could still remember: "Love is patient... Love is kind... Love keeps no record of wrongs..." At that phrase, he met Wichita's eyes and saw sadness there. He squeezed her hand, and she smiled, though a tear ran down her cheek. Then the time came to kiss the bride, and he all but fell upon her. Sister Cynthia loudly cleared her throat. He looked up, and Wichita pushed him back. "The bride requested an additional ceremony," she said. Wichita stepped back, leaving him to face Little Rock. "Do you, Little Rock Arkansas, take this man Columbus Ohio to be your brother-in-law, to help and put up with no matter how annoying he gets?" Little Rock's face contorted with every appearance of long thought. "Okay, I do." "Do you, Columbus Ohio, take this woman Little Rock Arkansas to be your sister-in-law, to protect and take care of like your own sister?" "I do," he said. "Then, you may now shake hands." They did. _Oh love wash over a multitude of things Love wash over a multitude of things Make us whole_ As Columbus carried her awkwardly over the threshold of a penthouse honeymoon suite, Wichita said, "Wait. Do you need to ask me-?" "No," he said, not needing to be told the question. He only wiped away a tear before shutting the door behind them. In the chapel, Sister Cynthia listened to Little Rock while she cried on Tallahassee's shoulder. "He was just one," she said, "just one man we left on the side of the road. But there were so many! _I can't even remember how many!_" She only cried harder as Tal tried to put his arms around her. "And we almost did the same thing to you!" _There is a hope... there is a healing... and a promise to stay._ Columbus and his bride reclined in the hot tub. He whispered in her ear, and flushed but managed a sheepish grin as she burst out laughing. "Oh, my, God, that is exactly what your name would be! Maybe I'll call you that in bed from now on." She started to say something more, but he ducked her head under the water. She ducked his back, and soon they were in another wrestling match which neither wanted to win. Tal lay on a couch, which he had moved to look out onto the balcony. "Somewhere out there," he said, sweeping the skyline expansively,"there's a grocery store. And somewhere in it, there's the _last_ box of Twinkies." "And the _last_ pack of Trident sugarless gum," Little Rock added, sounding sleepy but still cheerful. "Yeah! And in the back there's two sisters... who really love each other... and just need to know that other people care about them too." "I'd like to meet them." "Me too, pup." And soon, both slumbered. _So come with your love, and wash over us._ **I'm definitely not done with this series or my story arc, but this is it for this fic. Thanks to those who followed this far, especially those who have left reviews. If your interests run that way, you can also check out "the Rookie" under Terminator, which I plan to give an extra push in the immediate future (Wichita/Krista as treated here has quite a bit in common with my OC Cass in that story), my completed fics on this site, and my fiction and nonfiction on other sites. And Sara Groves is worth a look too!** End file.
Trip to Vegas by David N. Brown
The only hope It is 5:oo pm , me and my daughter are alone in a world filled with the walking dead and right now we are in a field surrounded by trees and flowers, who knew the world could go down the drain but still partly pure. See a few months back a super virus broke out, and killed millions of people so much of my friends and family are gone now and all I have left is my baby Lilly the only reason I still go on in the dead plane of a world I use to call home. Tomorrow me, and Lilly are heading for a safe house we had heard about, we've been traveling for weeks now we are so close the safe house is in New York you can see it over the trees all the tall buildings. The Next day "Mommy," says Lilly panicking. "Yes, honey what's wrong," says Elli nervously. "We need to get moving I can hear walkers coming through the trees," said Lilly panicking. "Okay, only grab the important supplies," responded Eli. They started to run, the moans got closer and closer, they finally got to the city they ran for the safe house when they got to the door their were two men standing there with big guns, they ran to the men and the men said get into the building to get checked out for any signs of infection, but all assured Lilly was infected. When they were in the woods and Lilly heard the zombies she was scratched by one. Eli was so upset with this news; she told Lilly that every thing will be alright, even though she already knew she wasn't going to be alright. She knew what was going to happen to her. She was terrified, but she knew what must be done. She told her mother that she loves her and that she wishes it could have ended in a different way. Eli got upset and started saying if Lilly died that she must go too that she will not go on with out her daughter. Lilly looked at her mother and said, "Mommy, if you really love me, you must let me go and when I'm gone keep going. Don't give up because I must leave, you must do this for me. Do you understand me? Eli said to her daughter crying, "I love you and never forget this, I will keep going, and I will never forget my baby girl." "I love you to momma, I will miss you." Said Lilly with a stutter in her voice. As Lilly walked out of the door, Eli ran to try to stop her from leaving her, but as soon as Lilly got out the door Eli heard 30 gun shots, and she dropped to her knees crying and screaming why. As the weeks went on Eli got more and more depressed, and finally her body gave up from weakness and she had died. The end. End file.
The only hope by sarahdavi
Bittersweet Memories **Title: **Bittersweet Memories **Author: **YamixYuugiLover **Pairing: **A bit of Tallahassee/Columbus at the beginning, middle, and end. **Rating: **T; PG-13 **Disclaimer:** I don't own Zombieland, or any of the characters that I play with as shown. **Warnings: **Tallahassee being angsty, cursing, blood, death, Tally killing zombies, and some rather cute father/son moments. Oh, and it's VERY sad. /Hands out tissues/ Yeah, I'm evil like that. X3 Oh, and Buck is around 5 to 6 years old in this fic. Cause the Tallahassee spawn is so adorable. :3 oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo No one really knew or questioned the man known as Tallahassee when it came to asking how he survived the first few months of the start of the zombie apocalypse, but that was the way he wanted to keep it; not even Columbus knew what horrors he went through before they met each other. In fact, Tallahassee _preferred _to keep such a story to be kept hidden and never to be spoken of, for it only made him depressed as hell when he thought about it. So when the girls decided to have a toast to celebrate surviving the apocalypse for a year during dinner one night, the older zombie hunter felt old, painful memories flash through his mind as he absentmindedly raised his own cup with the others, only to set it down afterwords. Tallahassee was lost in his own world that he didn't notice that Columbus was gently shaking him, frowning when Florida didn't respond to any of his comments. "Tallahassee? Is everything okay?" Ohio replied with concern laced in his voice. He didn't like the lost glazed look the Southerner was sporting now. He grew even more worried when the cowboy stood from from the table and left without saying a word to the others, not even looking back when he slammed the door shut behind him. Florida stomped towards the shiny black Cadillac that was parked in the driveway and decided that he needed to sort out his thoughts before he went back in to face the others, so he hopped into the Cadillac and made himself comfortable in the backseat. Tallahassee scrubbed his face with a hand as he reached into his back pocket and got out the wallet he and his son made over a year ago, and sighed when he opened it to look at the picture of a smiling Buck. "I miss ya, Buck." Tallahassee muttered under his breath, feeling his vision blur a bit while more painful memories invaded his mind. The zombie hunter blinked back the tears as he pulled his hat a bit down, so that it covered his eyes with shadows. Tallahassee let his hand rub the tip of the cowboy hat for a bit longer than usual, smiling a bit when he remembered the day he got the hat, along with the promise that he and Buck made with said hat. ~_A year ago~_ "_Woah! Hold on Buck! The store isn't going anywhere, son..." Tallahassee chuckled as Buck beamed a smile at him, and continued to pull his father towards the huge colorful toy store that was now a few feet away from them. Tallahassee allowed himself to be dragged into the store, grinning when his son stopped for a moment and made a face at the girly section of the store._ "_Daddy, why do they have so many girly things? They aren't as fun like the toys I have at home..." Buck asked, blinking his blue eyes at his father. _ "_Well son, that's because there are lots of little girls that are around the same age as you that like to play with toys as well. Though granted they favor dolls more than anythin', which is why they probably aren't fun at all for ya." Florida ruffled Buck's blond hair a bit, smiling at the pout the little boy made at his father's playfulness._ _Buck made a grab for Tallahassee's hand and pulled him towards the section that he was determined to find the new toys he always wanted. But before he got there, he caught sight of a bin that had all kinds of different hats in it. With a grin creeping onto his face, Buck steered towards the bin, looking back at his father who had a confused look on his face._ "_Buck, I thought you wanted some toys, not a hat..." Tallahassee said, watching his son smile at him while looking at him thoughtfully, then turning to dig into the wide assortment of hats._ "_Aha! Found it!" The little boy cried out happily, looking at the big brown cowboy hat with glee. He faced his father again, and this time held out his arms in a gesture that meant he wanted his father to pick him up and hold him for awhile with the cowboy hat clenched in his hand. _ _Tallahassee reached out and lifted his son up in his arms with small grunt. "You are growing up to be a big boy, Buck. Might have to stop feeding you so many Twinkies." He said proudly, grinning at as his boy punched his shoulder playfully. _ "_I'm gonna be just like you when I grow up, daddy! So I have to keep eating Twinks to be big an' strong!" Buck exclaimed while using this chance to put the cowboy hat he found on his father's head. It fit him perfectly, and it reminded Buck of the cowboys he always see on T.V. every night._ "_Now daddy is a cowboy!" Tallahassee chuckled at his boy's imagination, and was a bit surprised when the little blond headed boy took his hand and wrapped his little pinky finger around his own finger._ "_Dad, promise me when you wear this hat, you'll make all the bad guys go away? And protect the good people?" Buck looked up at his father and smiled when his father answered yes to his question and shook their combined fingers as a promise between father and son._ "_Okay, Dad! Now we can go and get that new toy I wanted..." With a sigh, Tallahassee let his boy down and but didn't move to take the hat off. After all, if this made his son happy, then __so be it. He was willing to play the 'good' cowboy for his son. _ _~End of memory~_ Florida grunted in surprise when he felt someone crawled into his lap and hugged him, wiping away the tears that now stained his face. He made no move to acknowledge the person, for he knew in the back of head who would be so bold as to do something like this. "Oh Tallahassee, I'm so sorry...I know it sucks when bad memories arise as well." Columbus continued to babble on while trying his best to soothe and comfort Florida the best he could. He followed Tallahassee quietly after he left them, because Ohio hated that lost look Tally had on his face, so he wanted to try and figure out what was bothering his Tally. At first he watched Florida silently get into the black Cadillac they got from Bill Murray's house awhile back, but then got anxious, and was itching to find out what was wrong with the Southerner. When Columbus opened the door to the backseat, he expected Tallahassee to yell at him for not giving him his alone time, or even giving him any kind of greeting, but instead he got nothing, not even a usual growl from the older zombie hunter. Ohio quickly hopped into the car and locked the doors, not wanting the girls or zombies for that matter coming around to interrupt him while he tried to comfort Tallahassee. As soon as he saw the tears on Tally's face along with the wallet that was now slowly slipping from Tallahassee's fingers, Ohio felt his heart drop into his stomach. He automatically crawled into Tally's lap and hugged him with all his might, wiping away tears that he never wanted to see on the Cowboy's face again. Columbus leaned back just a bit to see that Tallahassee wasn't responding to anything he said or did at _all_, and he desperately wished for any kind of response from Tally now. He wanted Tallahassee's happy-go-lucky mood back, and would do anything to see smirk or a grin to beam at him. "Tally..." Ohio whispered, frowning even more when the other shut his eyes and sighed a bit, but almost jumped when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap loosely around him. The ex-college student wrapped his arms around Tally mid section and buried his face in the crook of Florida's neck. "I know you miss him, Tally. I bet he was a very sweet little boy. I would have loved to meet him." Columbus muttered, tightening his arms around the other. "I bet he was really happy to have such a wonderful father such as yourself. So don't go thinking for a minute that you failed him. Cause you didn't. You'll always will be a hero in his eyes, Tally, and it applies to me as well." Columbus continued on murmuring words of praise and encouragement for Tally, hoping to whatever god there was up there to take care of Buck and to bring make Tally smile again, cause he hated this feeling of hopelessness of not being able to bring Tally back to normal. Tallahassee quietly listened to Columbus talk, silently grateful for the comfort the kid was trying to give him now. He closed his eyes and tried to bury the past once more and just forget about it, but another memory popped up, and this one was like a a killing blow to his heart and that haunted his dreams at night. ~_A year ago~_ _The news reported that there was a virus that was like the plague spreading around the world, and at first Tallahassee thought nothing of it while he was at work, but as soon as he saw his very first zombie lunging at him a few hours later, he took the crowbar he had at hand and swung it like a bat at the undead cannibal. It was then he realized that Buck could be in danger with the nanny he paid to watch him for that day. _ _Not wanting to waste time, he quickly left his work and drove straight back home, terror filling his mind and heart as he drove by other people who were either trying to run away from the cannibals or were screaming and struggling to get out of the embrace of said cannibals, which in turn got very bloody afterwords. He ran a few red lights, but he didn't care for the law right now. _ _All that mattered was getting to Buck and making sure he was safe and sound, away from all the cannibals that were steadily increasing in number. Tallahassee felt hope rise within him as he saw his house just up the street, with no signs of those crazy ass sick people around. He quickly parked his truck in the driveway, and left the keys in the ignition so he and his son could make a getaway to somewhere safe, more than likely to another state or so._ _Florida ran towards the door, busting it open as he yelled out for his son. He felt a knot twisting in the pit of his stomach when he got no response, and kept on calling out for his son as he raced upstairs towards the little boy's room. The older man felt like breaking down when he saw that the room was devoid of Buck, so he ran to each and every room to try to find him._ _After searching the inside of the house thoroughly, Tallahassee ran towards the glass doors that led outside to the backyard, and figured that Buck must be hiding in the shed or something. He stopped in front of the glass door and stopped mid-way in opening it. To his horror, there was Buck, laying in a pool of blood in the backyard, with the nanny hovering over him and was __**chewing **__on what must have been the little boy's intestine. _ _White hot rage took over Tallahassee as he opened the door and tackled the nanny turned zombie off of Buck's corpse and slammed the zombie up against the shed, then proceeded to throw it harshly on the ground and stomped on it's head repeatedly, until there was nothing but rotten flesh and blood splattered everywhere on the grass._ _Florida only stopped in his rage when he saw that the body wasn't moving anymore. He then took one look at his now dead son and lifted Buck into his arms, and broke down crying. "I'm sorry Buck. I'm so sorry!" He mumbled into his son's blood-matted hair, not caring about the blood that was surely staining his clothes now. He lost the one thing he loved the most and now he couldn't get him back, no matter what he did._ _After what seemed like forever, Florida got up with his dead son in his arms, and decided to at least give him a proper resting place, and it didn't matter how long it took him to do it. He went back inside and settled his son gently on the couch, taking the blanket from a nearby chair and tucking him in, as if he was still alive. "Don't worry, Buck. Daddy is gonna make sure you get to rest in peace. I love you son." Tallahassee choked out, determined not to break down again as he kissed Buck's cold forehead one last time before pulling the blanket over his head.._ _He had work to do, and his son still needed him. He went back outside into the shed and got out nails, hammer, and some hardwood boards, and went about making Buck a coffin. A few hours later, the older man smiled sadly as he gently placed his son in the crudely made coffin, making sure to but Buck's favorite toys and blanket with him. "You have fun with the other boys and girls in heaven, alright Buck? Save a spot for daddy up there if you can." _ _As Tallahassee said a few prayers and hugged his son one last time, he finally put the cover on the coffin, ignoring the tears that were steadily coming down at a fast rate as he picked up the coffin with gentle care and placed it on the ground, then got the shovel from the shed and started to dig a hole that was big enough for his son's body._ _When he was done, Florida gently put the coffin inside the hole, and placed one last kiss on top of the coffin before getting out and putting the dirt back where it belonged. All the while the older man couldn't believe he was burying his own son. It was like some horrible nightmare he couldn't seem to escape. _ _After the little burial was done, Tallahassee went back inside and decided that a nice bath and some sleep would do for now. He felt like shit, and the pain inside him was slowly tearing him apart. Upon going upstairs to his room, Florida grabbed a bottle of whiskey that he hid for a few years right after Buck was born (he didn't want to be an alcoholic father that beats his own son. He loved Buck too much to even think about about harming him), and opened it up with a flick of his wrist. The whiskey burned all the way down his throat, but he couldn't care less. _ _The Southerner went past Buck's room and straight into his room, where he almost plopped down on his bed, but decided that a shower was needed first before he passes out in hopes of waking from this nightmare he is in. He goes to take a quick shower, and then goes back into his bedroom to find some clothes to wear for the night. _ _As he gets to his dresser, he notices the cowboy hat Buck picked out for him last week at the toy shop they were in. He picks up the brown leather hat, and is reminded of the promise he made to his boy back in the shop. "Take out all the bad guys...Protect the good ones..."_ _He puts the hat on, and decides to wear blue jeans and a purple shirt to bed, for he plans to set out and kill all those z-fucks and protect other people, if there were any left for him protect that is. If not, then he'll just keep killing and searching, all the while going back to Tallahassee, Florida to see if anyone else he knew survived this horrific apocalypse._ _After two months worth of searching and killing, he was finally making his way through Texas, he finally found one of the 'good guys' buck was talking about. He instantly lets the kid get into his Caddy, but won't let them get too familiar with each other. Buck's death was still fresh on his mind, and he didn't dare let another person get close to him._ _But of course, some things just don't go according to plan..._ _~End of memory~_ "Fuck." Tallahassee growled out, blinking the sleep out of eyes as he noticed he was laying on something warm, and was being held down by limbs that were wrapped around him. He looked up, and saw that Columbus had managed to put them horizontal in the back seats last night, and was holding him down with his arms still wrapped around his mid section, while his legs were loosely wrapped around his waist. '_Damn, must have fallen asleep unexpectedly...'_ "Spit-fuck. Wake up. Rise and shine, Ohio." Florida said before yawning, and was about to attempt to sit up with Columbus still attached to him but was stopped when the ex-college student let out a yawn as well, smiling when he saw Tallahassee looking at him. "Morning Tally. You feeling better today?" Ohio murmured sleepily, letting the older zombie hunter sit up so he could curl onto his lap. "Yeah. Sorry about last night, Columbus. I-" Tallahassee was cut off by the quick, but chaste kiss on his lips, and nuzzled his face into Florida's shoulder. "Don't say you are sorry. I know you well enough to know that you have bottled up most of those horrible memories, and last night let them out, so you did what any other person would do, Tally; you relieved them and let out your emotions for once. Though I was scared to death when you didn't respond to me at all last night, I knew you'd come through, you always do." Ohio finished happily, loving the way Tally's finger's carded through his hair slowly. "Thanks, Collie. I appreciate you helping me out last night." Florida mumbled as he gave the younger man a hug. "Anytime, Tally. Now let's go back inside and get some breakfast! I think Little Rock wanted to try to make us some pancakes from scratch." Columbus smiled as he unlocked the doors and jumped out, happy when Tallahassee got out soon after with a smirk on his face. "You think if we stay out here long enough, Wichita will burn the house down making scrambled eggs?" Tallahassee joked around, walking alongside Columbus as they made their way back into the house, knowing that as long as they were together, they would always be there for one another, no matter what happens in the future. OooOoOoOoOoOoOoOo Rabbit: Om nom nom. =w= /is shot/ I uh, wrote this cause...We need more Tallahassee/Buck stories out there. :3 I think Tally is a very loving father, thus this was born! The hat idea was adorable in my mind, so I just had to write it out. So whatcha think? Good? Bad? Should I make another one? Please review! And Happy New Years Everyone! :D End file.
Bittersweet Memories by YamixYuugiLover
Trust No One, Just You and Me **Wichita's P.O.V** I quietly walk up and down the aisles of the grocery store, making sure to look for Twinkies. A few minutes later I meet up in the middle with Columbus. My sister had decided to go with Tallahassee. Not a few seconds after meeting up with Columbus, Tallahassee comes around the corner alone. He walks up to us. "Where's my sister?" I ask immediately. After what happened at Pacific Playland, she had always stayed next to me. The first time she wants to head off with someone else, she gets lost. "Shit," is Tallahassee's reply, "I could have sworn she was right behind me the whole time." It is unlike my sister to just walk off like this. I will admit that I am starting to freak out. Big sister overprotective mode has kicked in full gear, and I am ready to strangle Tallahassee for not looking out for her. "Are we positive there are no zombies in the store?" Columbus asks. I glance over and see he is as scared as me. "Not up front," I say with a quiver in my voice. I clear my throat and say more confidently, "Did anyone check the back?" Columbus and Tallahassee both look at each other. Obviously neither one of them had bothered to look. "Well, we know she is in this half of the store," Columbus says while pointing to where Tallahassee had just come from. "Should we split up and look?" Tallahassee and I nod our heads in agreement. Before I know it, we have all met by the supply room door. Now my freaking out has gone into overdrive. I realize that my little sister is in the back, by herself, with possible zombies hiding in wait. "You don't think she went in there by herself?" Columbus asks. I look at Tallahassee. "Did you tell her that you guys were going to look in the back?" "Shit," is his only reply. "She must of last track of you and thought that you had gone to the back." It's the only scenario that makes sense. My sister would never willingly go anywhere alone. She understands the buddy system. Before anything else can be said between us, we hear a scream from behind the door followed quickly by two gun shots. My heart starts to race as my head catches up with my ears. That was my sister. **Little Rock's P.O.V** After what happened at Pacific Playland, I had been sticking pretty close to my sister. In the beginning, I was mad at her for lying to me about it being zombie free. Eventually, I got over it. Columbus had reminded me that my sister was trying to help me feel like a kid again. Tonight, I decided to go with Tallahassee as we searched for more Twinkies. "After we do a sweep of the aisles, we will go to the back," he tells me before we start. I nod my head in understanding. While walking down one of the aisles, I spot a cereal box of my favorite cereal. I stop and look at it remembering the last time I had a bowl. My sister and I had stopped at a motel on our way to California before Zombieland. She had bought them as a surprise for me. It was only a few days later that the outbreak had started. After not paying attention to Tallahassee, I look up to see that he has walked off without me. I head off looking for him. After looking down a couple aisles, I head to the back. He did say that we would look there. I cautiously open the door and look around. I haven't gone too far in when I hear movement. "Tallahassee, is that you?" I ask. I don't get a reply so I walk farther in. I hear movement again and call out, "Tallahassee, please, is that you?" Getting no reply, I start freaking out. Why didn't I just follow my sister in the first place? At least she wouldn't have walked off without me. I hear the movement again, this time closer. I turn around and come face-to-face with three zombies. I scream, take a couple shots, and then start running. **Wichita's P.O.V** Without a second of hesitation, I burst through the door. My reflexes have gone on automatic pilot. All that matters is getting to my sister. A quick look tells me she has moved away from the door. I spot a zombie lying on the floor. Columbus goes up and shoots it again. I hear another scream and then more gun shots. We all take off in that direction. "Little Rock, hang on, we're coming," Columbus yells. "Please hurry," she yells back as another shot is heard. I can hear the fear in her voice. We all step it up a notch. I hear two more gun shots, before we finally round a final corner and see her. She has been backed into a corner with two zombies advancing quickly. "Get as low to the floor as you can!" Tallahassee yells. She drops her gun, lays flat on the floor, and covers her head. We all start firing at the two remaining zombies. After the last one falls, my sister sits up and rests her back against the wall. I can tell she is freaking out. Then realization hits me like a ton of bricks. She is having a panic attack. I immediately run up to her. **Little Rock's P.O.V** I risk a glance behind me. I notice that only two are following me now. I stumble and drop my gun. I quickly pick it up. I scream as I notice how close they are, as I pick up my gun and fire more shots. That's when I hear Columbus. "Little Rock, hang on, we're coming!" I reach a dead end and turn around. "Please hurry," I yell back as I take a few more shots. These zombies are bigger and are not falling easily. I fire again with no affect. Finally I see them round the corner. I immediately look at my sister. I can see she is freaking out as much as me. "Get as low to the floor as you can!" Tallahassee yells at me. I drop my gun and fall to the floor covering my head. I hear tons of shots ring out before everything gets quiet. I look to see both zombies on the ground. I sit up and rest my back against the wall. I start hyperventilating. Before I realize it, I am having a panic attack. I look up to see my sister running towards me. **Wichita's P.O.V** I toss my gun aside and fall to my knees. I take my sister's face in my hands and make her look at me. "Okay, just calm down," I try to say in a calm voice. "Deep breaths," I say as I too take them. She mirrors me. "Good girl. Just take deep breaths. You're okay." After a few more deep breaths, she starts to relax. "I got distracted. He left me, said we would look in the back." She says this with one breath. Her voice is small and weak. "I know. It's okay. You're okay." I reassure her again. I wrap her into a hug and can feel her shaking with each breath. It takes a moment for me to realize that she is crying and I feel her arms tighten around me. I also tighten my hold. "You're okay. I got you. I'm not going to leave you. I'm never going to leave you." I whisper in her ear. The same words I said to her at the young age of seven when our parents walked out and left her in my care. I look up to Tallahassee and Columbus. They both look relieved to see that she is okay. I feel my sister relax against me and know that she has fallen asleep. Tallahassee must have realized this because he steps up and picks her up. We walk back to the car in silence. I get in the back first and then Tallahassee sets my sister next to me. I pull her close and rest her head under my chin. I silently curse myself for breaking a promise. I had promised her when this whole Zombieland thing started that I would never leave her alone. I was beginning to doubt my decision to go back on our rule. Trust no one, just you and me. From now on, that would still be our rule. Tallahassee and Columbus were just two people helping me to keep my sister safe. That was all it was ever going to be. That was all it could be. End file.
Trust No One, Just You and Me by sototallysingle
His Hi! Well I saw Zombie Land and Tallahassee and Columbus were to cute not to make a yaoi! I hope you enjoy! * * * Tallahassee looked further up the road and ignored his Spit-Fuck's constant twiddling with the damn sweater strings. The redneck wasn't sure if his bitch did it just to annoy him or not. The curly haired ex-college student let out a huff as he began searching inside the side compartment for something to read. Tallahassee rolled his eyes at Columbus's typical passive aggressive attitude. "Are you going to bitch and moan all day?" Ohio looked up and attempted a weak glare which had absolutely no affect. "No, I'm not but did you have to do that?! Wichita and I were already having problems and now I'll be lucky if she ever has sex with me again!" "It's not my fault you can't satisfy her, maybe you just weren't meant to be with a woman." "I was satisfying her just fine before you pulled me off! You couldn't even wait until I was finished before you pulled me off in mid-ugh!" The phobia obsessed teenager couldn't even finish that sentence. Tallahassee watched in amusement as the younger's cheeks began taking on a cherry red hue. A chuckle escaped the zombie hunter as he remembered the scene. * * * It had been earlier that week when he and Little Rock had been assigned to watch for zombies. In reality it was just him because the twelve year old soon fell asleep after the patrol had begun. The redneck had to admit that he was becoming slightly upset at the recent changes in the buddy system. Before the girls had shown up it had been just him and Ohio, on the road and watching each other's backs. He had enjoyed teasing the younger and having some company despite his "no attachments" attitude. It wasn't to say that he didn't like patrolling with Little Rock but she was just a kid and she certainly didn't try to diffuse a situation like his boy did. Maybe it was that they were resting on some futons at the back of an old furniture company that had been cleaned out earlier that had him thinking back to when Ohio and him first met. He had just been searching for a fuckin twinkie when the little Spit-Fuck had come on the scene. Columbus might not have known it but the second he set foot into Tallahassee's car he became Florida's property. It was hard to even think of a time before the mad human disease broke out, it seemed like a different lifetime. The redneck certainly didn't mean for his reminiscing to remind him of how lonely he was but it did. Leave it up to that fucking bitch with trust issues to steal HIS bitch! He had liked being the center of the college student's world! It had brought him back to a time when Buck was still alive and used to rely on him for everything. It had brought him back to when someone cared about him and when he felt needed. Tallahassee just knew that whatever trick Wichita was playing, his boy was eating it up. He had spent the next three months in insanity, doing nothing but killing those fuckers who took his meaning of life away for him. Every time he killed a zombie he was avenging his son's death. He could feel his rage increasing every time he had to room with the twelve year old. It was only recently that Tallahassee had come to see how much he relied on the younger man to take his anger away. It wasn't like the sisters were going to be with them much longer. He had heard Wichita's secret talks with her sister when she had thought the men were asleep. The older girl would talk about staying with them a few more months before leaving them high and dry. Tallahassee had also gotten an ear full of details about her sex life. He had been rather curious to hear about how the resident shut in was progressing. In Wichita's opinion he sucked. That was fine by Florida! She could happily give his bitch back and go on her merry way. He would teach his little Spit-Fuck how to please someone the old fashioned way. It was always Little Rock that stopped her from going through with leaving. Tallahassee had no idea what had happened to the older female or what type of baggage she was running from but damned if she was bringing his bitch into the middle of it. Little Rock had some spunk and was alright in Tallahassee's book. It was her older sister that the redneck couldn't stand. She was a grade A bitch who would take everything that he had worked hard for and leave. It had been around his angry musings on his thoughts when he heard whispered groans. The redneck quickly pulled out his rifle while he leaned closer to the wall. Was there a zombie he missed? He had been positive that the group had gotten them all before they put the building on lock down. Another groan was heard as he let an insane grin slide to his face. He could take some of his frustrations out on some zombies! "Time to play you fuckers!" Florida yelled as he kicked open the door. He heard Witchita and Columbus scream in surprise while Tallahassee stood there dumbstruck. The redneck looked down to see his bitch balls deep in Witchita. Many thoughts ran through the zombie killer's head but the most prominant being. "HE ISN'T WEARING A CONDOM!" Now, Tallahassee's a man who relies on instinct. When he saw this his body simply reacted. It wasn't like his eyes always went to a man's dick but he had to save his Columbus from getting that horrible bitch pregnant. The redneck ran over to Columbus and forcefully pulled him out of Wichita. Poor Ohio began to freeze up in confusion, while Wichita gave him a "what the fuck?" expression. "What are you doing!" Columbus shrieked as he began to spaz in Florida's hold. This wasn't the smartest thing to do because it made the redneck lose his balance. The two fell onto one of the mattresses and accidentally mashed their faces together. All of the flood gates of arousal that Tallahassee had been holding back in order not to spook the younger opened, not caring in the least the Wichita was still watching them. Columbus felt a calloused hand grab the back of his curly locks and he was pulled closer to the alpha male. Tallahassee's hot lips met his cool ones as the older's teeth began to nip at him. Columbus made a sound of resistance before he felt himself responding. The only female in the group looked at them in disbelief. Was her boyfriend enjoying that? Rage couldn't even begin to describe how the teenager was feeling. "Tallahassee get off of him!" She shrieked as she threw a pillow at Florida. "Huh?" The redneck asked as he confusedly looked down at the panting male under him. Columbus met his eyes which held fear and a small bit of arousal. Damn was that a good look. Ohio snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked down. His whole body flushed red as he realized he was still naked. The cowboy let out a chuckle. Wichita let out a frustrated noise in the back of her throat as she began to hurriedly put her clothes back on. "You're a fucking prick Tallahassee and Columbus we are through!" The older female seethed as she walked out of the room. This seemed to get Ohio back to thinking properly. "Wait! I didn't mean to!" The phobia ridden teen yelled back as he squirmed from under the older. Tallahassee seemed to get the message and let the other up. Ohio just looked at him nervously as he slowly began to pick up his clothes. Florida could sense the questioning in his bitch's gaze, which was something he didn't want to deal with now. With a huff the redneck walked out of the room, only to be met with a hard glare from Wichita which Tallahassee could only happily return. * * * The next few days after that were awkward to say the least. Little Rock mainly stayed to herself after she heard her sister's side of the tale. The twelve year old didn't want to be in the middle of this drama, she was happy on the sidelines thank you very much. Wichita had stayed away from Columbus, giving him the cold shoulder. Tallahassee mainly spent his time cleaning his guns while exuding his angry energy. Ohio was probably the most lost out the the group because Wichita wouldn't look at him, much less speak to him and he was to afraid to talk to Tallahassee. No one would believe it but Tallahassee Florida spent most of his time worrying over the depressed Columbus. He wanted to explain what happened but damn it all he just didn't have the words! He didn't like how his little group had become broken up by what he had done. The redneck let out a sigh. It was time to nut up or shut up. The cowboy jumped off from the hood of the hummer and walked into the abandoned mattress factory. "Ohio! It's time for some fuckin man talk!" Tallahassee yelled. It wasn't a minute later that the nervous ex college student came walking out of the furniture showroom chewing on his sweater strings. The redneck casually leaned against the door. "Where are you going?" Little Rock asked. "We're going to hunt for some fuckin Twinkies, ya want me to try to find something for you?" Florida was antsy. He wanted to have some alone time with his boy. The youngest female shrugged. "Nah". * * * Tallahassee smirked as he remembered what had caused this whole ordeal. Columbus was still trying to get his face back to a normal color, it looked adorable. The redneck instantly wanted to punch himself. He did NOT think words like "adorable". "Yeah well, I hope you're happy! Wichita won't even speak to me anymore. What possessed you do that anyway!?" Columbus shrieked. Florida gave him a look that quickly took away the younger's bold attitude. "Um...I mean...sorry..." Ohio amended. The alpha male rolled this question around in his head. How would he answer this? "Alright Spit-Fuck, the reality is that I'm not to keen on that chick. You see when a man claims another man it's rude for some bitch to think that she owns said man." Columbus had the most confused look of his face that Tallahassee had ever seen, apparently his wise way of explaining the situation was lost on Ohio. "What are you talking about?" "I'm fuckin talking about the fact that you're mine!" Columbus recoiled as though he had been hit. "I'm not yours..." "The hell you're not. You belong to me! You are my bitch! Do you want to know something? Wichita fakes it every time you have sex! All she does is keep you near her and I'm sick of it!" The college student stared as the redneck ranted. He couldn't believe that this was what the cowboy wanted to talk to him about. It was a pretty big blow to his ego but he had suspected that Wichita had been faking for a while now, yet whenever he asked her about it she would deny it. "Are you jealous!?" Columbus blurted out without thinking. Tallahassee let out a growl at that word. He didn't get jealous he was just...emotionally frustrated. The hummer screeched to a stop. Instead of being yelled at and hit Ohio was surprised when he was pulled into the older's lap and passionately kissed. He nervously began to try and get away before he felt something poking into his thigh. He supposed that he should try and enjoy it despite feeling horribly conflicted. Did Wichita even want him anymore? She sure didn't act like it and here was the kick ass cowboy, who was every girls fantasy kissing him. What the hell. Tallahassee couldn't help the smirk that came to his face as he felt Columbus opening up for him. The redneck thrust up, making his clothed shaft hit the younger's steadily hardening one. A gasp was heard between the kissing lips. Tallahassee steadily began to move his hand under his bitch's shirt, which made Columbus thrust back down. The phobia ridden teen shivered as he felt the alpha male's hot lips move from his face to behind his ear. He would have never guessed the he would like to be bit but oh did he ever. A blush formed on the ex college student when he realized that he was making sounds that he thought only a loud whore could make. A squeak exited him as he was suddenly pushed into the backseat, where he was lying down. "Tell me you're mine." A lust filled voice demanded. Ohio shivered at the command. He was already missing the other's presecence. His body was tight with arousal. He wasn't really thinking when he answered automatically. "I'm yours." With that response Columbus found himself stripped of his shirt. He couldn't take his eyes off of Tallahassee's pure muscle. He vaguely wondered if the older would be mad if he felt him. The redneck met his eyes with a smirk, which made the shut in instantly blush. Columbus felt his hand being guided to touch the alpha male's manhood. The other hand was busy pulling off the redneck's shirt and unbuttoning his pants. Columbus moaned as he felt lips nipping down his torso. The younger continued to rub up and down Tallahassee's length. He looked down from his lust induced state as he felt the alpha male's breath over his clothed crotch. The ex-college student's voice caught in his throat as the older began to seductively pull down the zipper with his teeth. The younger felt the rough material of his jeans slide down his hips before he let out a scream of pleasure. There was Tallahassee bent over him licking his hole. Columbus wanted to protest, this couldn't be sanitary, but his voice left him as the pleasure overwhelmed his body. "I'll get you good'n ready." The older purred as he began alternating between licking and fingering the ring of muscle. "" A growl was heard before Ohio's protests were cut short with a hard kiss. The ex-college student wanted to cringe as he remembered where that tongue just was, but before he could complain he let out a scream at being unprepared for the penetration. "Sorry Spit-Fuck." Tallahassee softly whispered as he began licking at his bitch's neck to distract him. Columbus took quick breaths to ease the pain, after about five minutes Ohio was beginning to get used to the intrusion. The redneck seemed to sense this as he asked. "Ready?" Ohio nodded and the cowboy began to slowly ride the younger. Now, this wasn't Tallahassee's first rodeo, he knew where to hit and how fast to go and he was using all of that information to drive Columbus wild. The phobia ridden teen couldn't help but compare how hot and passionate Tallahassee was to Wichita. When he and Wichita had sex it was same ol' same ol'. The cowboy let out a lustful growl as he felt Ohio's nails did into his back. He just loved the sounds of pleasure that his bitch was making. The younger survivalist was still inexperienced so it wasn't long before he came. Tallahassee didn't hold it against him though, he knew that from listening to Wichita. This knowledge didn't stop from pounding the younger's ass until he got his release. Columbus tensed up as he felt the cum gushing into him and let out a noise of disgust as he felt it escaping. Tallahassee chuckled after he caught his breath and he felt around for some of those wet naps that Columbus was so insistant that he keep in the hummer. The out of breath teen felt himself blush at the situation he was in. He had never intended to have sex with the redneck and he didn't know what would come of this but it was nice that Tallahassee was cleaning him up. He wondered if the redneck had ever taken the time to clean any of his other partners up. If he wasn't so tired he would have been mortified at the action. "Now listen, you're mine, got it? You're not going to leave me and I'm not going to allow you to leave me. I'm not going to do anything that makes you want to leave me. After Buck I don't think I could handle another person I care about going away. The day I die is the day you are no longer mine." Tallahassee said this with such a serious firm tone that it made Columbus want to instantly agree. Yes, he felt some fear at the statement because let's face it, it was possessive and stalkerish but Ohio liked to think that that was the only way the older knew how to communicate. "Yeah, I got it." The younger sleepily replied. "Good, now go to sleep. I'll wake you when we get back." The cowboy said as he threw a blanket over his submissive. Tallahassee quickly put on his clothes. He allowed himself a moment to be sentimental when he heard snoring from the back seat. There was his reason for living and he would survive as long as he has Ohio to protect. He wasn't all the surprised when he went back to the mattress outlet to see that Little Rock and Wichita had taken the second car and were gone. * * * Lol, yup this is what I was doing when I should have been writing a music report! Oh, I can't deny the call of yaoidom! Hoped you enjoyed it! End file.
His by demonlifehealer
The Art of Lying **Title: **The Art of Lying. **Fandom: **Zombieland. **Author: **Awesomesauce123. **Summary: **Tallahassee realizes Columbus's tale about the girl in the back of the FedEx truck is B.S. He decides to teach the ex-college student a little about telling lies. **Author's Note: **I have officially become obsessed with _Zombieland. _Tallahassee, Columbus, and Little Rock were the shit. I could do without Wichita and her bitchiness, but whatever. The movie was still one of the best I've ever seen. _"Where's the fuckin' Twinkies?!" "This Twinkie thing is not over." "Shitfuck!" _ -snortgiggle- * * * "Bullshit." Tallahassee's southern twang sliced through the silence that had fallen over the Cadillac like a knife sliding through butter. His voice was loud and impatient, edged with a disbelieving growl. Columbus lifted his head. He had been studying the denim of his pant leg for almost five minutes, and the sudden sound of the older man's frigid voice raised the hairs on the back of his neck. His brown eyes were wide with surprise as he gazed up at Tallahassee, whose own pale blue eyes were narrowed with suspicion beneath the brim of his cowboy hat. "What?" the lanky teenager asked, not quite sure what to make of the abrupt insult. Tallahassee sighed and glared over at Columbus from the corner of one slanted eye. "I said it's bullshit. The FedEx thing. You gotta think I'm some kind o' spit-fuck if you expect me to believe that a scrawny little weasel like you can bed a woman in the back of a goddamned FedEx truck." The Cadillac slowed as Tallahassee swiveled his head around to peer suspiciously at the ex-college student. Ohio shrugged. He winced when he felt his shoulders tremble with supressed fear under the probing stare of the ragtag zombie hunter. Eyes wide with what he hoped looked like innocent confusion, Columbus said in a shaky voice, "I-I have no idea what you're talking about. Of course I was telling the truth." The sound of Tallahassee's sudden, vicious laughter caused Columbus to jump in his seat. The seatbelt cut into his chest. Tallahassee continued to laugh, until the malicious and grotesque sound raised goose flesh along Ohio's thin arms. Tallahassee's laughter was loud and long and startling, and it continued until the older man ran out of breath and was able to turn his wild eyes back to the deserted, scarlet-splattered road ahead. "You serious, you lil' spit-fuck? I must seem like a fuckin' dumbshit, if you still think I believe that bull." He sounded wild and serious, an odd combination that caused the fine hairs along Columbus's arms to stand erect with nervous tension. Columbus sank his teeth into his lower lip and twirled the string suspended from his jacket lapel between his thumb and index finger - both nervous habits he had acquired as a child. He realized that Tallahassee had sounded surprisingly sure of himself. Columbus wondered if his little white lie had really been that shallow and transparent. As though Florida could read his thoughts, he glanced back at Ohio and said seriously, "You are fuckin' horrible at lyin', ya know." Columbus blanched and turned to stare at him. "How do you even know it's a lie?" he asked. There was only a brief moment of time in which Columbus was able to mull over where the sudden spurt of confidence had come from, before Tallahassee burst into another round of wild and unsteady laughter. "What's that s'posed to mean? Did you really think you were tellin' me somethin' believable? Trust me, ya weren't." Columbus sighed. He could already tell that the time he and Tallahassee would spend together in the future was going to be tense and angry and odd. When Tallahassee calmed down enough to reply, he glanced back at Ohio and said, "Ya know, I think ya need a lil' lesson in the wonderful art o' lyin'." Columbus stared over at the ragtag zombie slayer with awe written plainly across his face. It was replaced not a second later by the expression of suspicion that rolled like ominous stormclouds over his thin face. "What do you mean? Why would I need to be taught how to lie?" Tallahassee rolled his eyes, but continued to focus on the long and empty stretch of road spread out before them. "Listen here, kid, I didn't ask to play Twenty Questions with ya. I just think ya need to learn how to tell a believable lie." He sounded so serious, so grave and sure, that Columbus wasn't able to conjure up a suitable comeback after a minute of scrambling around for one. He settled for short and simple, instead. "All right." Then, out of paranoia more than true fear, he added, "But no funny business. I don't need to get my butt killed just because you think I have to learn how to lie." Tallahassee only laughed. *** Almost two minutes later, Columbus turned a heated glare on a grinning Tallahassee. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked. He nearly blushed when he heard the faint tremor of embarrassment in his own voice. Tallahassee only chuckled. "Please. Don't act like a lil' spit-fuck just 'cause I think you need to keep lyin' about yer sex life." Columbus bristled. "I do not need to lie about my sex life!" "Uh, yeah, ya do." Ohio threw himself back in the passenger seat and glared up at the padded ceiling of the Cadillac. He realized it was a childish move, but he could think of nothing better to do. The only other option available was to get into a screaming match with the man in the driver's seat. But Columbus could only visualize how that would end: not prettily. "Aw, come on, kid. Don't sit over there an' pout. That just makes ya seem like an even bigger pussy," Tallahassee quipped in a manically cheerful voice. Columbus continued to glare up at the padded car ceiling. From the driver's seat, Florida snorted and shook his head. Columbus found himself wondering selfconsciously if the ragtag zombie slayer was thinking of how stupid and childish he was. The irrational thought caused an odd sort of embarrassed flutter to begin in the pit of Columbus's stomach. He straightened slightly in the passenger seat, bringing selfconscious brown eyes back to the blood-stained pavement stretched like an endless, yellow-and-black ribbon ahead of the Cadillac. Tallahassee glanced at the scrawny ex-college student from the corner of one pale, averted eye. The edges of those critical, wild blue irises were edged with red veins. Sleep deprivation, Columbus's mind murmured as he looked over the stubble-lined face of his "partner." "Damnit, kid, would ya just let me tell ya somethin' useful? Fuck, I don't think I ever saw someone as bitchy as you," Tallahassee growled. Columbus, startled, looked up at the older man with wide brown eyes and a slack jaw. Then he caught sight of the wild spark in Florida's eyes, along with the sharp grin, and he felt a sigh of relief escape his lungs. He may have looked scary and rugged and wild, but at least Tallahassee didn't look angry. Ohio, with a grave smile and a roll of his eyes, slumped back in his seat and replied, "Why the hell not." A spark of emotion that could almost be called respect flickered through Tallahassee's averted eyes. But then he was grinning and shifting the Cadillac into reverse, howling with triumph and laughter as he drove back over the face of a motionless zombie and its mutilated brains painted the pavement a wretched shade of red. *** "So... you're telling me that I need to lie often?" Columbus's voice was timid and unsure after listening to a ten minute lecture on the proper form of lying. Tallahassee sighed and scrubbed a big hand over his face. "No, kid. I'm tellin' ya that it makes life a hell of a lot easier if ya know when and how to lie." Columbus nodded slowly. "So, basically, I just need to learn how to spin a believable tale without hesitation," he quoted from Tallahassee's serious speech. "And who to base it off of," Tallahassee added, although he seemed relieved that the lanky teenager had at least gotten half of it right. Again, Ohio nodded. His eyes were distant and glassy, but he took in every word Florida said with intense obedience. That was just the way the ex-college student learned. He traveled to a far and undiscovered land on the outside, but inside he was attuned to every syllable the speaker uttered. That had been how he listened in college, and that was how it was going to stay. "So," Tallahassee said, and cracked his knuckles. "What would ya say if I asked ya who ya've laid in the past month?" Columbus mulled over this for a few seconds. Then he put on a fake grin and replied, "Everyone from Andrea to Zoe." Tallahassee laughed, the loud and wild chuckles that Columbus had quickly grown used to. "That was a good start, ya lil' spit-fuck." Ohio smiled back. He had realized five minutes into Tallahassee's little lecture that he and the man were never really going to get along, but at least it seemed that they were able to establish mutual agreements of some sort. "Thanks." "Okay..." Tallahassee seemed to mull over what to say next, which piqued Columbus's interest a little. He had labeled Tallahassee as the sort of person to jump head-first into a conversation. No preperations, no caution, no care. Just a great and valiant leap into the convo. But now he gripped the steering wheel of the Cadillac in one hand, stroked his chin with the other, and seemed to prepare what he was going to say to the patiently waiting teenager. Finally, a familiar and wicked grin rolled across Florida's tanned face. Columbus flinched as Tallahassee turned the cunning expression on him. "Well, since ya seem so proud o' yourself over there, how 'bout a tricky one?" Columbus paused. Then, bracing himself, he nodded confidently up at the older zombie hunter. Tallahassee's smile grew. "All right. So, what would ya say if I was to ask what yer last fuck looked like?" Ohio winced. Tallahassee had warned him about questions like this. If you were too vague with the answer, the listener wouldn't believe you. If you were too vivid with detail, the listener still wouldn't believe you. _Put detail into the important stuff, not the lil' shit like eyes and hair. We don't want 'em thinkin' yer a damn pussy. Tell 'em 'bout tits and legs and asses. Ya might actually convince 'em, spit-fuck. _ That was how the ever-wise Tallahassee had so cleverly worded it. But now Columbus realized he was probably right. If Columbus could judge most guys on the ones he had known at college, all they would need to know was the bra size, the length of legs, and the shape of backsides. So he put on his brave face, twisted to face the grinning driver, and said in his most calm and even voice, "Double D, the most real I'd ever seen. Legs all long and golden and flexible. And her ass was so round and so full, I'd bet money she could've poll danced with a tequila shot balanced on the sucker." Fresh color threatened to spill across Columbus's face, but he held his composure and plastered on a plastic grin as Tallahassee glanced over at him. Florida looked the most serious Columbus had seen him all day. His eyes were narrowed and critical, the pale blue surrounded by red-stitched white. His mouth was a tight and grim line. His brows were furrowed in the shadow cast by the brim of his cowboy hat. Then, in less time than it would have taken to snap his fingers, Tallahassee's calculating expression melted away and was replaced by one of the most genuine grins Columbus had ever seen on his face. Columbus let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding as Tallahassee burst into another round of southern-tinged laughter. He slapped his palm down on the leather steering wheel and tossed his head back, not bothering to pay attention to the desolate stretch of road ahead. No cars to worry about in Zombieland. Well, except for the sleek black Cadillac that swerved dangerously along the red-splotched pavement and into overgrown fields with every fresh bout of laughter that issued from Tallahassee's lips. "Ya know, kid, now ya can actually say ya learned somethin' useful." Columbus smiled and tilted his head back wordlessly against the passenger seat headrest. In the distance, he could see the tarnished edge of a late evening sun, nearly hidden by the line of tall and emerald-topped trees set along the horizon. A coppery orange cresent gleamed from over the tops of the leafy giants. Tallahassee, in an abrupt burst of affection, reached over and clapped his big palm on Columbus's shoulder. Columbus could only close his eyes and smile. The feeling of Tallahassee's warm palm through his jacket made Columbus think of a father he had never had. It made him think of missed baseball games and sun-filled days that could have been spent playing the park. It made him think of sunshine and warmth and love, something he had never before given much thought to. Columbus grinned and turned to glance over at a smiling Tallahassee. The art of lying truly proved useful. _Fin. _ * * * **_So. As you can tell, this argument took them well past the grocery store they stopped at in the movie. Little Rock and Wichita are nonexistent in this fic. So no bitching. The only reason that is so is because, as much as I love Little Rock, I didn't want the complication of writing the girls into this. They'll just have to wait for the text Twinkie-loving, manical cowboy to come looking for a Hostess treat. _** **_Hope you enjoyed! _** **_~AS123_** End file.
The Art of Lying by Awesomesauce123
Sigh No More **Title:** Sigh No More** Author:** Nanashi Angel** Date:** 11 December, 2010 **Catagory:** Zombieland** Genre:** Angst/Hurt-Comfort/General** Rating:** 'T'** Warnings:** Slash, OOC-ness** Summary:** It's only at night, when he's plagued by the insomnia that's followed him for his entire life, that he wonders. . .** Disclaimer:** I do not own Zombieland, nor do I own the ideas or characters associated with Zombieland. This is not for profit, merely pleasure. * * * It's always nighttime when he wonders. During the day they are busy; running, scavenging. . . surviving. It's only when it's dark out, when he's lying wrapped in Tallahassee's arms listening to the night that he wonders. It's only when he's plagued by the same insomnia that has dogged his steps his entire life that he has time to wonder. He wonders. . . if the time comes that he's the only one left, he'll be able to do what Tallahassee did. ('_When'_, his subconscious mind prods. When, because he's not near as optimistic as everyone, including himself, would like to believe.) Will he be able to drive down the road in an old, beaten down truck (older than he is), with a bottle of bourbon in the seat next to him? Will he stop, and pick up that young boy, or girl, and drag them along? Maybe he'll say, _'Call me Columbus. Columbus, Ohio. No names. Just where you're going or where you're from.'_ He decides that if (when) asked, he'll say, _'They killed him.' _ _'Killed who?'_ _'My dog. My Tallahassee. He was the most loyal and protective dog a man could have. He saved my live, and in return? They ripped him to shreds, and his pup, Buck, too.'_ And maybe he'll mention something like, _'My cats. Wichita, and Little Rock. Well, Rockie was more of a kitten really.'_ Because, all truth be told, Little Rock was too sneaky to be a pup, and Wichita was more vicious than any wildcat he'd ever heard tale of. He then wonders where he'd end up taking them. Would they just travel the country randomly, or would they have a destination in mind? He somehow knows that he would never stop searching for Twinkies, because even if he dislikes (hates) them now, they were Buck's favorites, then Tallahassee's. _'And it's okay'_, he decides, '_because Tallahassee disliked (hated) Twinkies once, too.'_ He wonders how long he'll last, traveling with the neurotic boy, or the spitfire girls. How long until he just can't go on anymore. Becuase he knows it won't be forever, or even as long as it would have been before the apocalypse. He doesn't know if it'll be zombies, but he thinks it's more likely that he'll just give up. Because he knows, that unlike Tallahassee, there won't be a Columbus to save him from himself. Because if Tallahassee goes, there won't be anything left to save. * * * "Ohio? Why're ya still 'wake?" Tallahassee's sleep rough voice pulls him back from his thoughts. "Wichita 'n Rock've got tha watch." "I was just thinking. I'm sorry if I woke you." He cuddles deeper into the warm arms of his lover. Tallahassee just snorts. "There'll be time for thinkin' in tha car t'morrow. Sleep now, dammit. I ain't goin' nowhere." Columbus just smiles as his eyes slide shut, sleep finally sneaking in as a thought comes to him. "Love you, Tallah." "Love ya too, Collie." _'It doesn't matter what I think'_, he tells himself as he slips into his first real sleep in days. _'Because it was decided the moment I got into that truck. Where Tallahassee goes, so do I. So I'll just have to make sure he stays right here, where he belongs. . .' _ * * * **The End** **A/N: **I know it's not much, but it came to mind and wouldn't leave me alone. So here it is. Drop a line and let me know what you think! **Nanashi** End file.
Sigh No More by Nanashi-Angel
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 3 ZOMBIE HUNTER part 3 A squad of 20 troops and 7 scientists with 1 tank tried again but meanwhile Max snuck through the back and set charge. They found notes but they were incorrect and the place was useless so they blew it up. Zombies killed everyone but Max and Zack who got out were stuck in zombieland where they found a way out and got a new mission to set a gate inside the world of zombies so they can get more room for research. End file.
ZOMBIE HUNTER part 3 by LoganNOVELZ101
Killing Columbus Killing Columbus by patricia51 (Wichita is going to kill Columbus. If she can just lure him into reach. Fourth in my Columbus/Wichita Z-Land series following "Perfect". Wichita's POV.) "Come back here you little scrawny son-of-a bi... awwwwwwwwwwwwwww." Damn that HURT! I glare at Columbus. Glare? I thought for sure he would drop dead on the spot. I know I don't have a laser stare of death but the way I feel right now it should be fatal. I try to increase the intensity, hoping at least the look will get strong enough to sear off his pecker. I deserve that much at least. My concentration is broken by another wave and he escapes while I cry out again. "Ohhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." I pant for a bit and regain my equilibrium. Okay, the glare isn't working. I need to try something else. I take a second to rake my sweat-soaked hair out of my eyes and smile the sweetest, most loving smile I can muster at him. The one that started as grateful thanks that I developed for gas station attendants when they promise to send my engagement ring back to me, further honed to disarm suspicious cops and hotel clerks and yes, genuinely and sincerely perfected for Columbus. That staggers him. I knew it would. It's staggered him in the past, most notably last fall when finally he stopped fainting and we both stopped falling asleep. We both declared it would be a night that we would remember forever. Well, that'll teach me to have unforgettable nights. He comes closer. Yes, I'm reeling him in. Encouraged by Tallahassee and Memphis he reaches for the trembling hand I beseechingly stretch out to him. Closer I urge him, just a little closer. I visualize just exactly how I will twine my fingers with his, how I will squeeze his hand, then draw him to me and then just exactly how I will RIP his arm off at the shoulder and beat him to death with it I feel it hits me again. And this one makes all the previous ones together feel like nothing at all. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" When I come back to the world around me Columbus has jumped back. Way back. I have to admire someone who can cover ten feet in one backwards move. It's not leaping tall buildings but it really is quite an impressive single bound. Wait a minute; wait just one minute. He's coming back. Part of it might be Tallahassee telling him to "Nut up or shut up you little spitfuck; you got her into this you need to help her now". Part of it might be Memphis telling him to "get over here NOW! It's time." Yes it's time, time for me to finish him off once and for all. But something about his deliberate, calm approach makes me hesitate even as he comes into range. Then he's taking my hand and sitting down on the stool next to the bed. He leans over and kisses my forehead. Oh that's no fair! He can't do it. He can't make me forget my plan. He can't make me not tell him how much I hate him; how he never, ever, EVER going to touch me again. I lose myself in those deep brown eyes and they never flinch even though I bet that I'm squeezing his hand so hard that I'm afraid he might permanently lose feeling in it. But it helps as the worst one of all crashes in on me and Memphis yells for me to push. I do and it feels like strength is coming through our hands from him to me and I push harder than I have in my entire life. And then... "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Oh my god, oh my GOD it's done. And Memphis wraps the little pink bundle in a blanket and gives it to me. "Congratulations you two. You have a healthy baby girl." Memphis and Tallahassee are both smiling although their smiles are tinged with the memory of happiness lost. Of course judging from how big she is now it won t be long before they are parents again. Little Rock is jumping up with Dallas and down screaming "I'm an aunt, I'm an aunt!" Taos is just watching everyone with his brow furrowed as he tries to make sense of what is going on. But he's old enough to climb up on a chair on my other side and look at our new arrival. "Baby," he says confidently. I look at our daughter. I look at Columbus. And my body feels as spent as it ever has and I've never been happier in my entire life. When Columbus leans over again I kiss him. "I love you," I whisper. I paused for a moment and thought. "But you STILL may never get to touch me again." (The End) (A quickie to be sure I know. The idea came to me looking through old pictures and coming across one taken right after my first child (also a girl) was born. I'm sitting up in bed with her in my arms and my husband next to me looking as pooped as though he did all the work himself. Men. God bless them. But I nearly DID break his hand and promised him that his sex life was done forever. Since we had three more I obviously didn't keep THAT promise.) End file.
Killing Columbus by patricia51
I Prefer Bones Over Kirk Title: I Prefer Bones Over Kirk Summary: Eight drabbles of the Tallahassee/Columbus sort. SLASH. Includes talks of Buck and Star Trek (Columbus will be, and always has been, a nerd). Pairings: Tallahassee/Columbus. Disclaimer: I do not own Zombieland. I should make it clear that THESE DO NOT HAPPEN IN ORDER. They jump all over the place because it would take effort for me to have them happen in a timeline, and I'm not feeling particularly eager today. IIIII ._o1_. "All I'm saying is that Star Trek is a classic," mutters Columbus. "Just because you can't appreciate the subtle nuances of Shatner's performance doesn't mean everyone around you is as ignorant." "Ignorance has nothin' to do with it. I just find it cheesey, is all," says Tallahassee, looking out the window for any sign of the undead. The two were currently waiting for Wichita and Little Rock to get out of the bathroom of the store. They stood a couple feet away from the ladies bathroom in waiting. "You had a crush on Shatner, didn't you?" Columbus suddenly refuses to make eye contact. "I'm right aren't I?" Tallahassee chuckles to himself. "My God, you have horrible taste in men." "You just insulted yourself, you know," says Ohio flatly. "And I liked Bones better." When he recieves a blank stare in response, he sighs out in addition, "He was the doctor who was pissed off all the time." "Ah. Remind me why we're havin' this conversation again? I don't give two shits about Star Wars." "Star _Trek_." "Whatever." ._o2_. Wichita glances over at Tallahassee, whom is driving in the midnight hour, and then back at the two sleeping figures in the backseat. Little Rock has her head on Columbus's shoulder, while Columbus's head is lolled back, his mouth slightly open and a serene look on his face. She sighs and turns back, looking at Tallahassee as though she has something to reveal, but opts to face the road instead. "If you have somethin' to say, say it," Tallahassee grunts. "Be careful with Columbus," she says, shooting him a glare. "I know you're just fucking with him and I don't like it." Tallahassee gives her a look that could kill. He then smiles and lets out a soft laugh as though her statement is the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard. "What are you laughing at?" snaps Wichita. "I don't think this is particularly funny. I care about Columbus and I'm not going to sit by and let you mess around with him. He really likes you, Tallahassee." "I know the kid adores me," agrees Tallahassee. "And you're just a sore loser." "Sore los--You have to be kidding me." Wichita shakes her head in disbelief. "He's not some . . . some sort of _prize_ you win at the arcade. He's a human being with a heart." "I know you're concerned but you're flippin' yer shit over nothing. He's in good hands." Wichita still looks unconvinced and says as much. "I don't believe you. You probably don't even care about him, do you?" "Look," says Tallahassee, leaning back in his seat and giving her a sideways glance. "I don't have to explain nothin' to ya. This is between me and him and if ya want to butt yer pretty little head into it, fine. But do not ever, and I mean _ever_, insinuate that I do not care about that kid. You do not want to cross that line, Wichita. It won't be pretty is all I'm sayin'." Wichita crosses her arms content with the rise she has gotten out of Tallahassee. "That's all I wanted to hear," she mutters. "Just do me a favor and . . . do your best with him. I don't want to see him hurt." "It doesn't take a lot to hurt him. I can look at him the wrong way and he thinks I hate him," Tallahassee says. "Anyway this is the end of this discussion. Back the fuck off, Wichita, and we'll be fine." Meanwhile, in the backseat, Columbus smiles. ._o3_. "This second car idea was brilliant," murmurs Tallahassee into Columbus's skin. His hands play with Columbus's hair while his mouth nibbles on his neck. Columbus is too far in ecstacy to even agree. He arches his back as Tallahassee reaches the one spot just below his chin that makes him all the more happy that he's with an experienced, older man. Tallahassee's mouth begins to explore further down to his collarbone. His shirt had been taken off long before so there was no reason for him to momentarily stop what he is doing. He really doesn't want to either; he loves the gasps and soft moans coming out of the bruised mouth of his partner. The fact that its him causing such reactions turns him on beyond belief. He grinds their hips together to cause friction and there's a sharp inhale of breath on Columbus's part. "O-oh fuck--Tallahassee--fuck, fuck, fuck," breathes Columbus as the older man's mouth reaches his sensitive stomach. "Yer gonna to have to beg me for more." He runs a hand over the crotch of his jeans lightly tickling the fabric. "Y-you fucking ba-bastard," says Columbus between gritted teeth. His fingers dig into Tallahasse's forearms almost painfully. "Touch me." "Where's yer manners?" "Touch me _please_," he pleads pathetically. Oh how Tallahassee loves to make him beg. ._o4_. "Columbus!" cries out Little Rock. "Shit!" Tallahassee turns around and shoots at the massive hoard following them. A couple of them fall to the ground which gives Columbus enough time to get back up and stumble towards them. "Get in the Hummer!" shouts Columbus. "Not without you!" Tallahassee retorts angrily. He begins shooting more zombies as he makes his way towards Columbus, who is hobbling but managing to do it rather quickly. Meanwhile the girls are shooting at the zombies, hoping to aid the pair in some way. Tallahassee wraps an arm around Columbus and starts to drag him beside him. "This isn't going to work," says Ohio, gritting his teeth at the pain in his knee. He can feel the blood dripping down his leg as he puts pressure on it to try and run. The Hummer is atleast thirty feet away and that's when Tallahassee realizes that he's right, this is never going to work. Tallahassee stops for a moment when he's sure that stopping won't get them overrun with the undead. He puts his gun in its holder on his thigh then he scoops up Columbus in his arms, one arm underneath his knees and the other holding his back and starts to sprint towards the car. If this were a laughing matter he would have burst out in laughter at the startled looks on Wichita and Little Rock's faces, but since he had more urgent things to worry about he got to the Hummer with the two girls in tow. He shoves Columbus into the passenger seat and says, "Ya really are a pain in my ass." ._o5_. "The zombie apocalypse happens and ya grab yer _mp3 player_?" questions Tallahassee. Columbus shrugs. "I need music don't I?" "Whatever happened to that stupid list of yers? Travel light, wasn't it?" "It doesn't take up much room at all," counters Columbus. He lifts up a small device no bigger than his pointer finger and pops in a ear phone into his left ear. Then he holds out the other end to Tallahassee. "Up for some music?" Tallahassee looks as though he's going to refuse, but only for a second, because he grabs the ear bud and puts it into his ear. "We better be listenin' to some good stuff. Put on Willie Nelson." "Uh . . . I don't _have _Willie Nelson," says Columbus slowly. "Ya don't have--Boy, you are depraved." "I have . . . lets see here . . . " He starts clicking through his songs and puts it on 'Beer' by 'Psychostick'. "Here's something you can relate to." "Hell yeah I love beer. Doesn't stand up to liquor, though, but its still pretty good," says Tallahassee. "Ya need to get drunk some time. I wanna see ya wasted." "I'm not sure that would be a good idea," chuckles Columbus. "Oh I just want to see ya plastered and take advantage of the situation." "As though you don't take advantage of me enough." Tallahassee smirks at this. "Look at you, tryin' to sound like a victim." Columbus smirks back. "I suppose it's true. You can't rape the willing." ._o6_. Tallahassee and Columbus are in the Hummer whilst the girls drive in the Honda behind them. Tallahassee doesn't have to say much of anything, he's content with silence, but Columbus comes out with random crap at the best of times ("Do you think that World of Warcraft would still work?" "Do you really mean it when you call me a bitch? Because I think the many zombies I've slayed would say otherwise.") Tallahassee doesn't have the heart to tell him to shut the hell up. The kid does ramble on, but it's kind of endearing, in an annoying way. Not that he would ever, ever admit it aloud. ._o7_. Tallahassee sits on the roof of the Hummer, his makeshift wallet made out of duct tape in his hands, over looking the pictures of his deceased son. Today would have been his sixth birthday. But those damned zombies took him away. Only five years of life. Tallahassee wonders if he loved him enough, showed him how much he cared. Did he die knowing that his daddy loved him as much as anyone could love a person? Did Buck ever realize how much he meant to his father? Tallahassee wasn't usually an emotional person but he likes to think he was a good father. Maybe not the father of the year--if he could take back every time he got angry with Buck, every time he yelled at him, and replace it with a hug or a kiss on the forehead . . . "Tallahassee?" Tallahassee's head jerks up and he sees Columbus behind him. "If you want I can do guard duty now," offers Columbus. "Nah. You go back and lay down." Columbus can tell there's something wrong by the tone of his voice. And the moonlight allows him to see something on his face, trails of tears that once were. "Tallahassee are you . . . you're not crying, are you?" At this point the older man can't contain a sniffle but he does manage to growl, "Now why would I be cryin'? You're the bitch, not me." "You don't have to be a bitch to cry." Ohio sits down next to his partner and sets a head on his shoulder, inhaling the masculine cologne Tallahassee had picked up at their last stop. "It's okay to cry, sometimes." Tallahassee hands him the wallet. Columbus needs no further explanation. "What's today?" "It would have been his sixth birthday." "There's really nothing I could say to take away your pain," whispers Columbus. "But I am sorry. And for what it's worth, I think you made a really good father." "And how would ya know anythin' about that?" sneers Tallahassee. "Because I see the look in your eyes everytime you look at his photograph," he replies, handing the wallet back. "And nothing says a good father like the look of love in his eyes." Tallahassee swings and arm around Columbus and brings him in close and doesn't say a word. He communicates his thanks through a kiss on the lips, and that it all he needs to convey "thank you." ._o8_. "I think you're both really cute together," says Little Rock one evening to Columbus as they turn on the gas stove. They're currently residing in a two story home where there's some good food, for once. "Well, thank you," says Columbus softly. "We don't make you uncomfortable?" "No. Of course not. As long as you're happy." The twelve year old puts the eggs in the boiling water. "I haven't had boiled eggs in a long time. They're one of my favorites." "Is . . . is Wichita really angry?" reluctantly asks Columbus. He's been dreading asking this ever since he and Tallahassee were accidentaly found out. "Angry about what?" "About Tallahassee and I." "Oh. Well . . . um, she's jealous. She doesn't know what you see in him. What _do _you see in him by the way? I mean, he's nice and he does a good job of protecting us but he's so . . . " "Mean? Spiteful?" "Yeah, those," she says with a laugh. "I guess you haven't seen the side that I have. I can't explain it. It's--it's something great, is all I can say." Little Rock rolls her eyes. "You sound like a teenage girl." Columbus smiles widely. "You're going to feel the same way someday, Little Rock." "Yeah right. I'm never going to find a decent guy in this godforsaken world," she scoffs. "That's my little cynical sister alright," says Wichita as she enters the kitchen, holding up a _Wizard _magazine dated two years ago. She hands it to Columbus with a delicate smile. "I figured you'd want to read it, you big nerd." "Thanks." Columbus stands there for a moment, trying to figure out if theres something he wants to say or needs to get out, but he ultimately leaves the kitchen to join Tallahassee in the front room, leaving Wichita as lonely as she was before. IIIII IF ONLY I WERE A SLINKY SAYS: I am not dead, see? SEE? I LIIIIIVE! Well. Anyway. I find that Columbus would be a big nerd, therefore the Star Trek reference. I swear its not because I'm obsessed with Star Trek right now. It's not because I love nu!Bones. Or that I have a strange infatuation with nu!Chekov. No. No way. Reviews would be fantastic. I can see you, sitting there with your Cheeto-stained fingers, wiping them on your new white shirt even though your mother always tells you not to, but you're a rebel so you do it anyway. Yeah, you. You review because you love me. Or tell me you hated it I don't really care right now I'm going to go watch Star Trek. End file.
I Prefer Bones Over Kirk by If Only I Were A Slinky
Breaking Glass _**Breaking Glass**_** By Tyloric** _Story Lottery Prompt #17: A Mayfly_ It didn't register at first. It was like when you drop something made of glass on the ground. You _see _it falling, as if it was in slow motion. You know long before it hits the ground that it's going to shatter into pieces, even though in that brief span of time you're trying to react and make sure that _doesn't _happen. That's what was going through Tallahassee's mind. He saw the undead mother fucker coming at him; a teenager, face bloodied beyond recognition, wearing a grocery store apron. A fucking _apron. _ But he was to close, just too fucking _close. _He didn't have time to react. He saw it coming, the glass breaking in front of him as he raised his arm instinctually. And sunk his teeth nicely into his forearm. He gritted his teeth, pulled his hand gun from his side, and blew the bastards brains out at the temple. But it was too late. It was done. Over. Tick, tock, goes the clock. End file.
Breaking Glass by Tyloric
The Perfect Place So for the meantime they had decided to settle in a little theatre in Wyoming. The owner, whose bones were once rotting in the basement but were now buried outside, had once been one of those nut jobs who had known the end of the world was coming and had planned for every eventuality. The end though had come and instead of using all his perfectly planned methods of surviving the apocalypse, he had instead committed suicide with a box of sleeping pills. The theatre also had a huge supply of, to Tallahassee's glee, Twinkies all nice and packed in a freezer. Between those and the numerous locks on all the doors the place was perfect. Tallahassee had been about to start shooting at the sky again and when Columbus had tried to stop him, Tallahassee had picked him up and kissed him. The older man hadn't thought much of it but Columbus had blushed for ages. On another completely different note, old habits seem to die hard when Wichita and Little Rock had once again stolen their car, weapons and escalating to their clothes so they wouldn't be followed. Tallahassee had not been amused and even he had to write in his tiny little book of rules, don't trust pretty female con artists. He didn't think he would find another pretty girl out here in Zombieland that would be even mildly interested in him but it was always worth a note when he'd almost gotten eaten going into a shop naked and with only a crowbar he'd picked off the street for protection. He had been looking for some clothes for him and Tallahassee who covered up with his cowboy hat the girls had let him keep for sentimental reasons. Not that Columbus could blame them. Taking Tallahassee's cowboy hat would have been cruel even in Zombieland, along with if they had taken his wallet with the pictures of his son. However since they hadn't Tallahassee had decided not to follow them and had drove in the opposite direction in their new SUV, the 3 bold on the side. "You're thinking too much again, spitfuck."Tallahassee complained. There was this cool second floor attic where they could pull up the ladders so they were triply safe. No zombie could climb. They were both trying to sleep and had dragged mattresses up here which was exhausting but worth the comfort. He still couldn't sleep though. Tallahassee had kissed him and he was pretty sure he'd caught Tallahassee looking at him when they'd both been naked. He was trying to work out whether the older man was attracted to him and how he'd feel if he was. Tallahassee though punched him in the arm hard and he yelped in pain. "I told you to stop thinking." Rubbing his arm and muttering curses Columbus finally got the courage to ask. "Tallahassee, do you like me?" "Wow, you really are a little bitch aren't you?" Tallahassee joked. "No, I mean..." "I swear to god above if you say like, like I'm gonna throw you out that window without opening it." Tallahassee growled and Columbus swallowed hard. He'd gotten that totally wrong then. Not only was he not gay but he seemed to be a homophobe. He should really have expected it with Tallahassee being a red neck that had had a kid. He suddenly realised that if Tallahassee hated him now he could be as good as dead, or even worse he might end up alone again. He didn't want that to happen, he didn't think he could handle that. Him panicking silently was apparently even louder than him thinking loudly as Tallahassee sighed and made his way across the room. "Hey," Columbus heard him whisper more gently than he'd ever heard before. He moved Columbus to give him room to lay down next to him. Columbus was surprised when Tallahassee kissed him in one long chaste kiss. He looked at the older man surprised."Now stop being a little bitch and go to sleep. We have a long day watching movies and eating Twinkies tomorrow so you better not ruin it with your whiny talk okay?!" Columbus grinned and nodded but despite Tallahassee's macho act he wasn't the one who was cuddling the other in the end. End file.
The Perfect Place by Dreamsparkle
Back seat ** (not yet beta)** The small standoff between the two of them lasted a minute if that, the smaller one of the two was shaking as he pointed his guns at the larger man before he stuck you his thumb, the man with the cowboy hat nodded towards his truck. Sitting in the truck driving down the longest and loneliest road that Columbus has seen in a while he was happy that the big man next to him gave him a lift, well he was happy for a short time. Tallahassee drove them into a little area that was quiet "What have we stopped, this is the middle of nowhere?" Columbus said, the engine was turned off as the cowboy looked at him "Listen Spit-fuck you are the first living thing in a while and I have needs that need to be met." "W...What are you saying you want me to give you a happy ending, before you take me where I want to go?" he asked "Yeah that's the gist." He said looking him up and down "But the happy ending you're on about it not the one I want, I want the full working." He grins at the 25 year old, "No!" "Then get out." He said looking at him "Wh...What you can't? You can't make become a rent boy just for a lift?" "I didn't say you become a rent boy. Look I just need an out let okay and I am sure you could do with one." "I'm not gay!" he cried out as he banged his head against the dash bored "Neither am... I wasn't before this but needs to be met." Columbus looked around at him and blinked "Would you really kick me out of this truck?" he asked his a soft voice, the larger man looked back out to the road in front of them "Narrrr, I won't do that if you said no." He said, now thinking he won't be getting anything to help him to let go "Alright alright I will do it, b...but you have promises me that you will take me home?" he said "If you got a home to go back to, then sure." Tallahassee tells him. And that is how Columbus in the back seat of Tallahassee truck, his mouth around the older man's cock in his mouth and his oiled fingers buried in his arse; he let out a moan as he felt the fingers wiggle deep inside of him "Ahhh that's a good boy, you're doing just fine." He moaned as he leaned his head back and placed his free hand on his head pushing the curly hair boy's head down, (I know he is not a boy) making his cock slide deeper into Columbus throat making him gag as he felt the fingers brush across prostate making him cry out around older man's cock "AHHHAHHA god yeah!" he cried out as he came down his throat. Pulling himself free Columbus looked at Tallahassee, his cock was still hard and standing tall but his face showed his was blessed out, opening his eyes he looked at the younger male, he had tears running down his face as he looked back at him "Too much?" "I couldn't breathe." He said hoarsely, "Oh come on I told you it's been a while." "You could have killed me!" he said, the grin on Tallahassee face made Columbus shiver as the older man still had his finger's inside of him and pushed them in deeper "AAAH GOD!" 25 year old cried as he doubled over as he felt the fingers twist and turn inside of him making him cry out and moan as Tallahassee kept moving his fingers "Virgins you are to tender for your own good." He smiled wider as he felt his cock twitch as he watched the younger man buck into his fingers "So what do you say are you going to sit and saddle?" "Y...Yes!" he moaned as he looked up at him with lust blown eyes. Licking his lips again he pulled the younger man into his lap "Wait wait!" Columbus said "I never did this before." He whispered "It's fine, yes there will be a bit of pain but just slide down." He tells him as helped him slide down onto his cock "Holy shit fuck!" Columbus gasped as he sat there his chest rising and falling his heart beating fast as held his eyes closed "Shhhhh just relax." The older man said rubbing his hips "It's hurts." He said thought gritted teeth "First always does." He tells him, as he moves to lay in down on the back seat "There this is better." He smiled as he moved his hand lower and started to stroke his half hard cock. Columbus gasp and moaned as he tried to stay still as the older guy pumps his cock trying to get him hard again. It worked a couple of moments later he was hard and weeping pre cum on his stomach, his hips started bucking against the large member making his cry out as he feels it shift into him. Columbus started rocking into the into him making him gasp "More" he moaned to Tallahassee as the man started pull his hips out and drive them back in, "So tight!" Tallahassee said as he started fucking him faster and faster into the back seat, poor Columbus was holding onto the seat as much as he could, his mind was so far gone he couldn't remember his rule for surviving the new world. Moan's and grunts filled the car as the older man took the younger one "God damn it gonna cum Columbus!" he yelled as he pumped he younger man's cock more to get him to cum to, soon enough they both cried out as their climax, hitting them hard Columbus twitched as he felt his orgasm ripple though him, he arched his back and screamed as Tallahassee just talked "Take it! Milk me that milk me!" he said as he thrust his hips more until he stops and pulled out and sat back. The quiet in the truck drifted the only thing could be hard was their breathing trying to get back under control "Damn that was good." "Y...Yeah." came the horsed reply, his hurt like help and he felt shaky evening laying there "Going to do that again soon." Hour later they are driving down the road, Columbus sleeping in the passenger side with Tallahassee jacket over him as the cowboy drove looking for his damn twinkies while thinking about the next time he can have the little spit-fuck again, a bump woke the kid up and he looked at the man driving "Can we stop?" he asked "Sure where?" "I need something to eat and a toilet." He said shifting he could still feel Tallahassee cum coming out of his arse "Good idea I'm hungry myself." End file.
Back seat by Kindred01
Straight and Arrow Tallahasse sighed as he drove on in his hummer. The music blaring out loudly but he did not care; it was the only thing to keep him company from this fucking loneliness. He carefully unscrewed a bottle of whiskey with one hand and poured it into a cup and slowly drank it whilst keeping an eye on the road. It was sunny and he rolled the window down, letting the fresh air in. The world was cruel and he was a lonely man. He wished everything was back to fucking normal and that he hadn't lost them, but he knew he had and he knew the world wouldn't be normal after this. Nothing would ever be normal after this shit hole. The road was deserted with broken damaged cars that have either been burnt or abandoned by their previous owners before they turned into goddamn crazy bastards. But he was thankful they have left him enough room to drive through without having to get out and move the cars. How could of the world gone into this shit hole? How one simple day ruin the world? His eyes darkened and he looked into the car mirror as he saw the city that he has just left, burned. Soon the whole towns and cities will be covered in seas of blood. Soon there will be noone left on this fucking planet. Soon it will be hell. End file.
Straight and Arrow by SeverusHermioneForever
Zombieland Rules 131 **I started this a while ago. I thought of and arranged these to provide a possible outline of Columbus's adventures, with homages to _Dawn of the Dead_. I have thought about writing out the narrative to go with them, but I think the list alone is more entertaining.** **Rules of Zombieland 1-31** Cardio Beware of bathrooms Double-tap. Buckle your seatbelt. **Run, don't hide.** **Wear long shirt sleeves and pant legs.** Travel light. **Don't stock up on food while hungry.** **Always check expiration dates.** **If you must choose between food and bullets, take the bullets. They're harder to find.** **Don't pass up a chance to stock up on paper towels.** **Keep quiet and blend in.** **Knock before entering.** **If they talk, talk. If they don't talk, shoot.** **Sleep outdoors.** **One is safer than one of two.** **Don't be a hero.** ** Limber up.** **It's not worth sprinting if you don't have a place to sprint to.** **Keep an eye out for quality footwear.** **Know your sizes before you go into a clothing store..** **Plan your escape.** **Stay on the ground floor.** **Beware of malls, department stores and especially department stores in malls.** **Beware of elevators.** **Zombies can be evaded by running up a down escalator.** **Blood pressure machines are death traps.** **Don't drive a car without checking the fuel gauge.** **Also check the condition of the tires.** **Always know where your car keys are.** **Check the back seat** End file.
Zombieland Rules 131 by David N. Brown
1. Part I "So....Reck'n they can swim?" Columbus blinked a few times, having been absorbed in the world rushing past out the window, the burned out skeletons of cars, the red stained clumps dotting the shoulder, the items discarded along the way by panicking mobs. "Pardon?" "...The bastards.....Ya think they can swim?" Tallahassee asked again, casting a glance over at his partner.-2 "Well.." Columbus drew out on the last letter, taking the moment to change his course of thoughts. As one who couldn't swim himself, it posed a very interesting question. He knew swimming took a certain level of coordination, a calmed non-panicked state of mind (Surprise, surprise as to why the ability evaded him.), and the sense to keep your mouth above the water....And his hydrohpbia didn't help... "First off.....I don't think they have the coordination ..Second, they don't really have I don't think they could think enough to remember to swim in water...Third, they wouldn't be thinking anymore, so they wouldn't try and keep their faces above water....And they make noises, so they do have to breathe...Which would drown them or something, I think...So my theoretical answer would be a no, zombies can't swim." Was Columbus's diagnosis of the question, punctuated here and there by a nod. He was all too familiar with making scientific guesses about the beasts. After all, he already had his "herd instinct" theory out there, didn't he? Tallahassee's reply was a nod. "Thought so." "Hm..?" Columbus had already started entering his own world again. "That the buggers couldn't swim...Wonder how to work tha' lil' tidbit into a kill." Columbus almost smiled. Tell any other person a zombie theory, and he'll just blink and say "Okay then."....Tell Tallahassee a zombie theory, and he'll try to turn it into some inventive kill. "I'm sure you'll find a way....You always do..." Columbus said in return, looking back over at him. "Damn right I do." He snorted. Columbus just smiled and shook his head with a chuckle of his own. * * * "Remind me why we're here again?" "....I wanna go fishin'." "So why are we here?" "Kid, donchya know nothing? This is th' land o' lakes. There's over ten thousand of them in a place smaller than Texas, or some shit like that." "You couldn't go fishing at another place?" "Nope. I wanted to come here..." "Welcome to Minnesota..." Columbus said aloud to no one in particular, watching out the window. They passed.. Trees... Fields of crops that continued their cycles even after their farmer was gone, pastures of dead and bloated equine and bovine. Yeah...There was NOTHING even remotely exciting about this place. No wonder why the Midwest was never on the news for anything big.. It was a day later when they finally reached a lake of Tallahassee's approval. Not too near any towns, nice dock, a lake house or two in the area to raid... Columbus held still, watching his bobber in the water before sighing and reeling it in. He was standing on the shore, with Tallahassee on the dock. He didn't trust being over the water one bit....Who knew what was in it? How deep it was? How clean it was?... And he couldn't swim. So water. Yeah, water was a big no-no. "I think the fish are sleeping. Or dead. Or screwing with us." Columbus said, setting his pole down in the grass. "Nonsense. We just haven't found the right thing to tickle their fancies." "We've tried worms, grubs-" Columbus was cut off in mid sentence as he watched Tallahassee move back a little ways towards where the corpse of the zombie man, dressed in swim trunks, was laying by the rear bumper to the hummer, the only zombie they'd seen. Betchya couldn't guess what he died from. "You're not gonna-!" But it was too late. Tallahassee was...oh god, he was holding part of the thing's face, and with that big knife he was- Okay. No way in hell was he ever letting Tallahassee pick something out of his teeth with that knife again. Ever. EVER. Once Tallahassee had sawed off the rotting bits he wanted from the dead undead's face, he slipped one onto his hook, baiting it while he walked back onto a dock with so little a care for the death liquid teeming around him, and tossed the hook into the water. "There's no chance that's gonna work." Columbus said, still a little green in the face as he watched the thin ripples spread out from where Tallahassee had tossed his cannibalistically baited hook in. He was shocked to his toes, when aproximately thirty second later, a perch was pulled pulled up and out of the water. "Holy crap...that works?! What, is that a zombie fish or something?" "It obviously works. And I think it has something to do with the fact that the "worms" you dug up...Were actually plant roots, genius...." "Oh." "Who taught you how to fish?" " would be my first time, actually." "Why am I not surprised, spit-fuck?....Why am I not surprised...." * * * "Today's the day....I can feel it kid, I'm actually gonna catch something worth catching..." "Like a cold?" "....A muskie, Columbus..a muskie...." "What's that?" "You really are a hopeless case, aren't you?" Tallahassee sighed, glancing over. "Hey! .....I'm not _that_ hopeless...." "Uh-huh.. Either way, I'm gonna go catch my big ass fish now.." With that, Tallahassee began gathering up the gear from where he'd stashed it in the back of the hummer, whistling to himself as he walked down the dock, cut off some fresh bits from a zombie he'd had to drag in yesterday for bait, and cast the line. Columbus sighed, shook his head, and went back to what he'd been doing while Tallahassee fished....Namely, nothing. Just sitting there with an old copy of _The Fellowship of the Ring, _not really reading it, but staring at the words and thinking....About what? Well....What do you think about in a zombie apocalypse? Zombies. Whether the Kennedy Space Center was still standing. Whether or not World of Warcraft would work if he signed on.. if his parents had died quick or slow, undead or a meal.. Thoughts like the latter were the ones that gave him the most trouble. Muttering to himself, he slipped out of the car, loading his double barrel paranoidly, tucking the rest of his ammo into his pockets. Best do something that kept him in shape. Cardio couldn't jog itself into your being. "Tallahassee, I think I'm going to go for a walk....Or a run....something to keep up cardio, anyways." He didn't step out onto the dock. He stood back on the shore, merely calling out to the man. Water lapped the shore, tiny sea shells mixed into the gravel...Thought technically...They weren't sea shells. They were lake shells, Columbus decided to himself. "Wha'ever." Was the reply he got. Best not to disturb the fisherman. "Okay....Be back in half an hour, max." It was always a good idea to give an ETA. That way, if something did go wrong, the theoretical rescue party could come drag you from whatever closet you'd holed up in to avoid the zombies. As long as the theoretical rescue party wasn't preoccupied with fish.... "A'ight." Columbus turned around to face the road from the landing, and limbered up. Up, down, up down, left, right, left, right, went the shotgun, swinging around as muscles stretched and rippled beneath their thin layer of skin. With that accomplished, he set off at an easy jog past the small stand of trees near the landing, feet pounding the road faster as he sped up, heart and lungs syncronizing into their roles. Columbus made sure to keep an eye on his wrist watch...He had allotted himself half an hour at the most, but it was nice to get back early, just to keep his schedule of....doing absolutely nothing....sound. Ten minutes into the run, he stopped and caught his breath, panting. Columbus made another time check, and leaned against a car stashed on the side of the road, actually looking like a normal car instead of the blackened husks they saw sometimes... And nearly jumped out of his skin as the piercing wail of the car's alarm split through the air, crying out that someone was trying to steal the heap of metal. Except the alarm served two purposes: Deterring thieves, and a dinner bell. Acting just on that instinct he acquired in the past months, Columbus lifted his shotgun from where it had been leaning against the car's door, and proceded to shoot the hood. One shot, two shots, it was still keening away. Reload, then a third, and finally fourth shot shut it up. With a depressed sounding squawk, the noise died off, though the lights continued to flash. He barely dared breathe as he listened for the reprocussions of the action. Maybe...If he was exceptionally lucky today...No zombies would come running. But Columbus had never been that lucky. Not once in his short life. In the field to the road's right, he saw a multitude of cornstalks (Well wouldn't you know....they actually grew higher without all the chemicals being dumped on them..) swaying, and the sounds he didn't want to hear. Wet wails, grunting groans, shivering screams, and two-toned shrieks cut through the silence, as the horde finally found something that smelled alive. Something that smelled alive, and yummy, and sweaty, that would be full of good things. Good things to eat.. Good squishy _warm_ things to eat.... Columbus didn't even want to bother facing this particular group of the undead. He didn't know how many there were, and when you were out in the open, where they could form a ring around you and start ripping into you, that was not a good thing to stick around and try.. Well. Maybe if you were Tallahassee it was, but Columbus actually had rules about this sort of thing. Good thing he'd had his warm up. "...Shit!" Columbus cried out, in a sprint faster than a hare could bolt. This time, he made the run in about six minutes, but with the undead fuckers close behind. He rounded the corner to the landing, yelling to his partner. "Tallahassee! Tallahassee!" Okay, maybe not the most original thing to say, but it worked. But to his surprise, Columbus wasn't met with the redneck looking back his way immediately..He was..What was he doing, standing up, and whooping and hollering over Columbus's yells, with the rod tip bent almost to the water, and....Oh.....Yes. Tallahassee finally had his fish. The wet scales gleamed as they slid from the water and the big thing flopped on the wooden dock. "TALLAHASSEE!" Columbus yelled, the top of his lungs well surpassed with that holler. Immediately, hand on his hat, the older man's head whipped around, pale blue eyes fixed first on Columbus, then the trailing zombies that stumbled into view. "Well...Don't you have just fucking perfect timing!" Was the angry shout that greeted him. With an angered snort, Tallahassee swung the fish back onto the dry ground where sand clung to the slime of its scaly skin, the thing just going through past-mortem flops then, air-drowned. Columbus didn't answer, too busy with his lungs burning to try and get the words out. His feet hesitated a moment, a few seconds as they made the transition from safe, dry, zombie-infested land, to wood suspended over the deadly unknown water. His speed slowed drastically as his sneakers touched and continued on the wood, slowing. Columbus took the moment to look behind him, his s tomach dropping. Apparently, there were more zombies in the area than they'd guessed. He swallowed nervously, Adam's apple bobbing with aprehensin as he reloaded, and just fired blindly into the mass. "A'ight kid....Time to test that theory." Columbus was confused, and opened his mouth to ask what exactly Tallahassee was talking about, when it was answered for him. There was a deep whoosh of a splash, water drops flying through the air. A very small percentage, two or three drops maybe, landed on Columbus's still exposed tongue, wetting a dry mouth slightly. This sent Columbus into a fit of coughing, spitting, and hacking. Fish peed in that water...Fish and turtles and whatever the heck else there was in this hellhole, peed and pooped and died in that water, and it was in his mouth, and Columbus briefly wished for a moment that he could put Purel in there to clean it up...But that wouldn't taste good at all. Maybe he'd do it anyways. Then, he could hear the answering spew of air as Tallahassee's head bobbed back up, though missing his hat. "Columbus?! What the hell are you doing?! Get your ass in here!" Came the strict sounding order. But Columbus, whiter than a sheet at the thought, merely shook his head at his comrade, lips pursed tightly. Hands shaking, the shotgun in his hands was reloaded, then bore forward, to fire into the mass of the undead still rushing forward. The first two stumbled and tripped up the others at the front of the dock, both barrels smoking slightly as the chamber was frantically exposed again, two more rounds shoved in. He raised the gun, didn't even bother to sight, and shot again. Columbus could feel the way the dock shook under him as tens of feet pounded across it. "Columbus, NOW." Eyes wide, shaking like a leaf, breathing hard, and heart thundering somewhere in his throat, Columbus scrambled for the bag of ammo in his pocket, only to cry out and fumble with it, dropping the precious thing into the water where it sunk quickly to the bottom. He had seconds now, as the horde went across the dock, and he shied and clenched his eyes shut, raising his gun to bash it at them as a distant attempt to fend them off, but to no avail. The shotgun clattered to the wood, and Columbus screamed. * * * **Hmm....What could've happened?........Maybe I'll continue if people actually want to see more....If not, maybe we'll just let this be as it is....** 2. Part II **Sorry to have kept you all waiting... The Muses were eluding me for this one, but here it is, done, and fluffy as I made it. Thank you for all of the reviews, and I hope that even though this is now finished, I'll continue to get awesome feedback.** **As for the location of the girls as one review asked, they are just... simply not here. Ran off, got killed, never showed up, take your pick.** _ * * * _ _"Columbus, NOW."_ _Eyes wide, shaking like a leaf, breathing hard, and heart thundering somewhere in his throat, Columbus scrambled for the bag of ammo in his pocket, only to cry out and fumble with it, dropping the precious thing into the water where it sunk quickly to the bottom. He had seconds now, as the horde went across the dock, and he shied and clenched his eyes shut, raising his gun to bash it at them as a distant attempt to fend them off, but to no avail._ _The shotgun clattered to the wood, and Columbus screamed._ The kid wasn't coming... Shit, what was wrong with him? There were seconds left, Tallahassee realized this, and no fucking way was he letting those buggers get their bloodied hands on him. Silently, he just hooked himself onto the edge of the dock, pulled himself out of the water for a second, and grabbed Columbus around the belt-loops in his pants, hauling him back. His spitfuck screamed, fingers spasming and dropping his gun onto the dock where it clattered on the wood. Tallahassee just pulled back, bringing Columbus into the water with him. The kid floundered, head going under, and those curls reemerged, followed by Columbus's face, spitting and spluttering. It was almost comical, if it weren't for the splashes behind them that signalled zombies coming in after them. No time to think it over, or warn the kid. Tallahassee just grabbed him by the back of the sweatshirt in one hand and kicked out with his legs, pulling at the water with his free hand until they were at what Tallahassee deemed was a safe distance. Columbus was still spluttering, hands moving in disorganzied, choppy, panicky movements. That's when it seemed to finally occur to him, like a lake bubble that had finally shimmed its way to the surface. Why Columbus hadn't ventured out on the dock even once, why he hadn't supported this whole fishing thing. The kid was fucking afraid of water... And he couldn't swim. Oh, this day really couldn't get much better. Really. It just couldn't. * * * Before Columbus could quite grasp what was happening, he was in the water. He felt one shoe, sock and all, twist off as he thrashed, body twisting and limbs straining before he was hauled to the surface again, and felt the movement of the water around him, and the dock moved further away... And oh hell... They were going out further into the lake... Further meant deeper... And he did NOT want that. He kicked out twice, trying to let Tallahassee know he'd rather take on the zombies. Either Tallahassee couldn't interpret the kicks, or didn't care. Columbus wasn't risking opening his mouth at this point, afraid water might splash in. He still floundered along uselessly as Tallahassee pulled them, until they were out far enough and stopped moving. He didn't even know how it was possible for the older man to stay in one place and keep moving. He was failing. Spectacularly. He dipped under the water's surface once more, and couldn't help the small cry of surprise that left his mouth. There was something squishy, and sticky, and just wrong feeling around his foot. It scared the everliving crap out of him, and Columbus kicked away from the lake weed his foot had brushed, getting his face above the water and coughing and spluttering, only to be yelled at by Tallahassee. It took him a moment to understand what he was saying, waterlogged as much as his ears were, but finally he figured it out. Tallahassee was trying to tell him how to swim. "Arms out... Smooth, relaxed motions, back and forth, back and forth..." He coached, demonstrating with more muscled arms in the liquid. Columbus tried, and failed again, bobbing under the water before he came back up. "Use your legs too, back and forth, nice and easy, I SAID NOT PANICKED." The last part was shouted at him, which admittedly, didn't help Columbus's fear. He squeaked, limbs moving more frantically, fingers splayed. He kept his head above the water for a few extra seconds, before he slipped under again, and bubbled once more under the water as that slimy firmness brushed his foot. Heart hammering all too keenly in his chest, Columbus made his way to the filtering lights of the surface. He was aware of just how much water had been in his mouth, and up his nose, and in his ears, and was probably squeezing in around his eyeballs right now to contaminate his brain. One more in the oxygen, he coughed and gulped. "CUP YOUR HANDS, DUMB NUTS!" Tallahassee hollered. Columbus wasn't so sure he wanted to obey... Splayed fingers meant you covered a greater distance over all, and frogs always splayed their fingers... So he didn't cup them. Just kept on wiggling in the water. "Oh, for fuck's sake..." Columbus felt himself starting to go under again, just as he watched Tallahassee's head disappear under the water. A second later, he screamed, mouth above the bubbles he'd kicked up, when he felt a strong pair of hands grab him. The zombies had swum out after them, and now he was going to be fucking eaten and drowned at the same time... But it wasn't a zombie. It was Tallahassee maneuvering him around in the water, until he felt himself faced with the a strong back, wet t-shirt clinging tightly to the owner's skin. "Hold on, Columbus. It fucking works better when you actually hold on." The younger man got what was being said, and floundered awkwardly until he had hands wrapped around Tallahassee's neck, and water was brushing past them again, and Columbus just went koala for all he was worth, clinging tightly. He felt the change in the muscles beneath him when Tallahassee touched land again. Felt the change when he gently plucked him off of his back, and carried him the rest of the way to shore, shaking, teeth chattering, and this close to crying. Columbus stopped himself from that all too embarrassing act, however. There was only so much wimpiness a man could have in one day. Columbus just clung like an almost drowned puppy, waterlogged, and hiccuping. He didn't really want to know what happened next, he really didn't. So he calmed what frayed nerves still remained, and comforted by that warm chest he was curled against, fell asleep. Waking up came too soon. Columbus found himself back in the Hummer, unsure of how they had even got back. The zombies must've ran off, or Tallahassee must've killed them all with a nail file or something. There were a few things he did notice besides that. He was wrapped in a warm blanket and propped against the door, and he was in dry clothes, even underwear. Looking around more closely, his double barrel was on the floor next to him, and his wet sneakers-both of them, even if one was a bit muddy- were next to that. Tallahassee knew his good footwear obsession. He must've gone back for it. Speaking of the Devil... Tallahassee swung himself back into the front seat. Columbus just blinked in an owl like fashion and looked up at him. "Th-thanks.... Where were you?" He asked unsteadily, wondering of the answer. "... Went looking for my fish... Those fuckers ripped it to pieces." Tallahassee grunted. Columbus watched him buckle into the front seat, and took note. When had Tallahassee ever willingly followed his rules before? But looking at those light blue eyes, Columbus couldn't help but feel that something had shifted. They were beyond just two guys who had hooked up to survive. They were friends, they watched each other's backs, and maybe... Columbus thought he saw a hint of something else in those eyes before Tallahassee looked away and put the car into gear. "Sorry about your fish... And the zombies... And not swimming well... And clinging... And-" Columbus was cut off, and he was afraid for a moment, thinking he was about to be ripped a new one at the very least. But that wasn't what was said next... Not exactly. "Kid, it might just be easier to say what you aren't sorry about. Which is pointless anyways. You're so light, barely any effort bringing you back... And trust me, that isn't happening again." Columbus should've known. After that wonderful little nerd display of freaking out in water, Tallahassee didn't want him around anymore. "Why not?" His voice was quiet, and Columbus knew the answer already, but some small part of him couldn't help the question. "Because you're sure as hell getting swimming lessons." Columbus thought about this, surprised, but in a good way as he read the emotions coming off of the other. Tallahassee close, knowing he was there to catch him if he fell, there to teach him the stuff in life he didn't know already, there to help him finally find his way in a zombie-infested world. And that didn't seem so bad. Not at all. End file.
Swimming Lessons by Cooper Sterling
The Deadly Visitor **Title: **The Deadly Visitor **Author: **YamixYuugiLover **Fandom: **Zombieland **Pairing: **Tallahassee x Columbus **Summary: **Columbus, Tallahassee, and the girls have a nightly visitor one night; one that will bring make them fight the horrors and terrors throughout the night. Will they survive this new threat? Or will they all die from something even more horrible than a zombie attack? **Rating:** T; PG-13. Might bump it up to M, who knows. **Disclaimer: **I don't own Zombieland, Friday the 13th, Silent Hill, or any of the characters that I play with as shown. **Warnings:** Swearing, horror, blood, gore, even more horror, character death, and Talumbus fluff at the beginning and end! :D OoOoOoOoOoOo On a cold October night in St. Francisville, Louisiana, Columbus, Tallahassee, and the girls were staying in what was the called one of the most haunted places in the United States: The Myrtles Plantation house. Out of the four survivors, only Columbus was scared to death of the old dusty mansion. After they had cleared the place of all the stranded zombies inside, they brought the supplies they needed for the night and got themselves comfortable. The gang was now sitting in front of a huge plasma television that was on a dusty old table in a large decorative living room, the plush chairs and couches were dusted off earlier by Wichita and Little Rock. Tallahassee found a set of cards and suggested to play Poker, but after much argument between him and Wichita ( who thought Little Rock was too young to be playing games like Poker), they settled on the game of Twenty-One. Ohio backed out early saying that he would just watch, so the other three decided that whoever won three rounds in a row would get to choose which movie they would watch that night. For the umpteenth time that night, Columbus sighed as he sat back on the couch; why didn't the others believe him when he said that this place was full of evil spirits? Ohio was interrupted from his thoughts as Little Rock shot up and gave a cry of happiness as she won another round, the youngest survivor grinned as the other two groaned and threw down their cards on the floor. "Alright, alright you won. Which movie do you want to watch, Little Rock?" Wichita huffed out, a bit annoyed yet proud that her little sister won a game she was a master at years ago. Little Rock happily skipped over to where a pile of movies were at next to the television and grabbed the one she was dying to watch ever since she saw it when they cleared out the house earlier that day: Friday the Thirteenth. Tallahassee got up from his spot on the floor to stretch a bit, satisfied when he heard a 'pop' from his back. "Ready to watch a horror movie, Spit-fuck?" Tallahassee grinned at the other male in the room, and plopped down right next to Columbus on the couch. "H-horror? What kind of horror movie?" Ohio replied, his eyes looking over to where the girls were trying to get the DVD player to work and unconsciously moved closer to Tallahassee as his mind started thinking up of all the countless horror movies that he swore to never watch in this lifetime. One movie came to mind and before he could think about it, Ohio blurted out, "It isn't Silent Hill is it? Cause I still have nightmares from watching that a few years back." The other three occupants of the house gave him different reactions to his comment; Wichita rolled her eyes at him and continued to work on the DVD player while muttering under her breath about nerds and their phobias, Little Rock looked at him and asked, "Silent Hill? Never saw that movie." Then turned back to help her sister out, and Tallahassee snorted and put an arm around Ohio's shoulders, pulling Columbus close to the him and replied, "Don't worry 'bout it, Columbus. None of it is real, I assure you." "S-so it isn't Silent hill?" Columbus asked with a bit of hope in his voice, giving a sigh of relief when Little Rock shook her head no at his question, but felt uncomfortable when she gave him a wicked looking smile while holding up the DVD case of the movie she choose. "It's something better Columbus! It's Friday the 13th! You know, the famous slash killer? Jason Voorhees!" The younger girl crowed out with excitement, watching with amusement as Columbus' eyes widened at her statement. "I've never seen it before, but I've heard it's really gory and scary! C-can't we watch something else?" Ohio stuttered out, ignoring the looks the girls were giving him, and instead looked over at Tallahassee, hoping his southern lover would make the girls change their mind about the movie. To Ohio's disappointment, Florida just shrugged his shoulders and told him to either "Nut up or shut up." or to go upstairs and get some rest for the night. Feeling like he was being pushed into a corner, Columbus huffed as the girls both took a seat on the loveseat after they finally finished getting the DVD player working. Opting to at least be in the safest place in the world, Ohio crawled into Tallahassee's lap and wrapped himself around the older man like a Velcro monkey, burying his face into Florida's jacket covered shoulder. Smiling a bit when he felt the other respond by wrapping one arm around him while the other was carding fingers through his curls, the ex-college student leaned against Tallahassee while trying his best to watch the movie with the others, hiding his face every now and then in Tally's neck when Jason was about to kill off another person. "Ugggh. Little Rock. Couldn't you have chosen a movie that had less sex in it?" Wichita exclaimed, covering her sister's eyes when it got to a particularly naughty scene. "Oh come on, Wichita! I'm not that young! Plus, I know what people do when they have sex! They-" Wichita cut her off with a light punch to the shoulder and removed her hand, smirking a bit when Little Rock pouted when she saw that Jason had already killed off another person, and was on the prowl for his next victim. As Tallahassee kept his attention on the movie while absently rubbing circles on Ohio's back, the ex-college student was starting to doze off, going limp in Florida's arms as he started drifting off to sleep. And hour or so later, Columbus blinked his sleepy eyes open as Tallahassee lifted both of them up from the couch with a low grunt and started heading towards the dim lighted hallway, where the redneck walked all the way down towards the set of double cheery-wood doors. "Better be lucky the girls wanted to have first watch tonight, Ohio." Florida said as he was thinking if he should let Collie down or not to open the door. "Puttin' on some weight, are ya Spit-fuck?" Tallahassee murmured as he decided to kick the door to the master room they claimed a while ago for themselves, and gently placed his Collie on the huge bed, then proceeded to take off his black jacket , but got nothing else off as Columbus crawled over to him and pulled him down for a long heated kiss. Florida growled low in his throat as he pushed Ohio down into the soft bedding, has hand roaming up and down the thin frame Columbus had. After a few minutes of sharing hot passionate kisses, Columbus wrapped himself around Tallahassee again, about to demand that he just hurry up and skip foreplay when they heard a gunshot ring though the house, followed by an ear-shattering scream that sounded like it was coming from Little Rock. Bolting up from above Columbus, Tallahassee grabbed the gun he always kept strapped to his thigh out, checking it to make sure it was loaded and ready to go. "Ohio, stay here and wait for me to come back, ya got it?" Tallahassee said, giving the younger man a quick kiss on the forehead before going out and shutting the door behind him, not even letting Columbus have a word on whether or not he wanted to go or not. As he sat up on the bed pouting, Columbus hoped that whatever attacked the girls was good and dead now, and that Tallahassee would come back and make some jokes about it. Columbus gave a small smile at the thought of the older zombie hunter; the redneck was always at his beck and call, and was annoyingly over-protective over the ex-college student. He always knew he would do anything for Tallahassee, for the hick was his new reason for surviving Z-land. His smile faded from his face as he was once more cut off from his thoughts at the sound of even more gunshots; this time he heard Tallahassee's battle cry, and he started to get worried about what was happening outside the bedroom door now. '_Probably just a few zombies that broke through the window or something.' _Ohio thought, laying back down and awaiting for his older lover to return with a big grin on his face, telling Columbus of how he undoubtedly got Zombie Kill of the Week. But as seconds turn to minutes, and still no sign of Tallahassee walking through the door, Columbus felt a lump in his throat as he started praying that Tallahassee would kill the zombies already and return to him. After waiting a few more minutes in complete silence without hearing another sound from Florida or the girls, Columbus decided to go against Tallahassee's order and go check out what was keeping him so long from returning. The ex-college student got up from his spot on the comfy bed and started walking towards the door, only to almost have a near heart attack as the door busted opened and revealed a panic stricken Tallahassee, who had blood covering both his bare arms as well as a huge blood stain on the front of his shirt. Without saying a word to the shocked Ohio, Tallahassee went past him and made a grab for his jacket, then seized Columbus by the wrist and pulled him over towards the unused closet, where he pushed the ex-college student in and threw his black jacket over Ohio's head. Closing the closet door, Tallahassee jammed the door so Collie couldn't get out, and gave a growl as a machete went through the closet door, barely missing his head by a mere inch. "Keep quiet Ohio." Tallahassee whispered to the door as he turned around and faced the new visitor that was becoming quite a match for Florida, as well as making him believe this was all some kind of a fuckin' nightmare. Columbus gasped as the machete disappeared from the closet door, leaving a chipped hole for him to see what was going on and to see what was making Tallahassee do something as drastic as this. '_No fucking way! Isn't that guy supposed to be dead? What the hell is going on here?' _Ohio frantically thought as the new visitor looked at the chipped hole in the door for a bit, then turned towards Tallahassee who at that precise moment swung a very expensive lamp at the visitor, making the masked man stumble a bit at the force of the blow. "C'mon you murderous bastard! I'm gonna make you regret messin' with me!" Florida growled out, and promptly ran out of the room to look for a more suitable weapon to use against the machete wielding man. "J-Jason Voorhees?" Columbus squeaked out as soon as the masked man, now identified as Jason, walked out of the room to give chase to Tallahassee. Fearing for his lover's life, Ohio tried to get the door opened, but it wouldn't budge. "God damn it, Tally! I'll never forgive you if you die on me!" He yelled out, knowing the redneck or anyone else for that matter couldn't hear him. Choking back on a sob, Columbus leaned back against the back wall in the small space he was in and took the jacket that still covered his head off, only to clung to it tightly and prayed that Tallahassee could take down the serial killer really soon. '_Oh God. What if that blood on Tallahassee was either Wichita or Little Rock's blood? Or worse, his own?' _Ohio gave out a whimper at the thought of Tallahassee being hurt, and hoped that the other were okay wherever they were. Hearing another bone-chilling scream coming from the dark hallway, Columbus clenched the jacket in his arms a bit closer to himself as he looked out of the chipped hole in the door again, this time seeing Jason coming out of the shadows of the creepy hallway, dragging someone by the legs while the person was clawing and trying to get out of Jason's grasp, but their attempts were in vain. Jason stopped in the middle of the room and suddenly dropped the victim's legs to the ground, turning around to produce his machete out of thin air and jamming his weapon straight through the victim's kneecap to the carpeted floor below, watching as blood started staining the floor from the wound he made while said victim screamed again from the intense pain shooting up their body from their now shattered kneecap. Columbus desperately wanted to see who it was that Jason had injured really badly and winced at the scream that he heard once again, then froze as he recognized the voice of the victim..."Wichita." The ex-college student whimpered out, wanting to close his eyes and wake up from the fucked up nightmare, but couldn't keep his eyes away from the scene in front of him; Jason pulled his machete out of Wichita's bloody leg, and grabbed her by her throat while walking towards the wall that had a lot of pictures on it. He threw the framed pictures behind him, soon having a wall that was devoid of any pictures on it, and lifted up the struggling Wichita and proceeded to pound her face into the nails that were slightly poking out from the wall. Wichita was now screaming for him to stop as Jason brutally kept on slamming her face into the nails that were jutting out from the wall, rubbing her face against the nails and only stopping for a moment when he felt a strange presence behind him. Columbus gave a cry of terror as he looked at Wichita's now skin torn face; there was blood everywhere and the skin was either hanging off her face or was completely sliding off onto the bloody carpet. "Help me, someone! Please!" Wichita cried out one last time, but before Ohio could try to make an attempt to bust his way out of there and try to help Wichita, he froze when he saw Jason's shadow..._moving. _Blinking his watery eyes, Columbus stared at the killer's shadow, watching as it _started forming into another shape. _The shadow took on a semi solid form, and from the looks of it, Ohio could tell it wasn't anything good. In fact it looked like something that Columbus considered was from another nightmare altogether and almost had another heart attack as the new figure rose up and turned into the one monster the ex-college feared the most: Pyramid Head. "Oh my fucking God..." Ohio trembled as Pyramid Head took a step away from Jason, then reached out Wichita, who was still screaming and writing in pain. The machete-wielding killer gave the other monster a curious glance before letting the other have his bloody victim, watching as Pyramid Head took the survivor by the back of the neck and with inhuman strength grabbed a handful of both Wichita's clothes and skin with a painful twist and separated them from her now bloody skeleton. A few seconds later, Pyramid Head threw the Wichita's bloody remains near the window while he threw the skin and clothes up against the closet where Columbus was hiding. Columbus felt like he was going to throw up from the gruesome scene he just saw, and could have sworn both deadly monsters were now looking at the hole torn closet door, probably now planning his demise while he tries to keep himself from hyperventilating. To Ohio's surprise Pyramid Head disappeared before his very own eyes, as if he never existed in the first place. '_But...That's not possible! Is of those evil spirits that inhabit this house?'_ The ex-college student could only watch hopelessly as Jason turned around and walked back into the dark hallway again, probably going off to find someone else to kill off painfully. '_Just like Wichita...' _Columbus slid down the wall he was leaning on and finally broke down into tears at his friends death. Trying to shake his mind to fight off the images of Wichita's death that threaten to plague his mind all night long, Columbus got back up and started ramming his shoulder into the jammed door, wanting to get out and find Tally and Little Rock as soon as he could so they could get the hell out of this place, far far away where Jason couldn't find them no matter where he went. It was then it hit him that he could be the last one that was alive from Jason's slaughtering path, and that Florida and Little Rock could already be dead somewhere in the house. "NO! They can't be dead! Tally can't be dead! He just can't!" Ohio cried out as he give the door one last hit with his shoulder, giving a little squeak of surprise when the door finally let up and pushed outward at the force of his shove. Ohio regretted when he looked down at Wichita's remains as he walked away from the bloody room, pausing only to finally throw up his dinner from earlier, almost falling to his knees in his own vomit. After letting his stomach spew out the contents in it, Ohio wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his hoodie, not caring at the moment if he got it dirty or not. For right now he needed to find Tallahassee and Little Rock and help them get out of here. Feeling adrenaline rush running through his veins, Columbus hurriedly ran down the stairs, gasping in horror at the sight that greeted him in the living room; Little Rock was lying face down on the love seat, with blood pooling underneath her body. "Little Rock!" Ohio yelled as he ran over towards the younger girl, crying out in horror when he flipped her onto her back and saw lifeless eyes stare right back at him. Upon further inspection, he saw the deep gash on Little Rock's throat, signaling that she died a painless death, by a sharp knife no less. "God damn it!" Ohio yelled out, not caring if the machete-wielding monster heard him or not at the moment. Laying Little Rock gently back down on the couch, he took off his hoodie and put it over Little Rocks body, praying that Little Rock was in a better place now. Taking in a deep breath, Columbus got back on his feet and started to search for Tallahassee. He knew in his heart that Florida was somewhere, probably planning his next attack against Jason or something. Columbus started his search in the kitchen first, then went his way from room to room, dread and horror filling his heart when there was still no signs of his cowboy. "Tally? If you can hear me, say something! Tally!" Columbus kept on calling out for Florida as he went down into the hallway, thinking his lover would come out and get pissed at him for coming out of his hiding place. But instead of getting an answer, Ohio gave a yell of surprise as he was pushed up against the wall, a cold large gloved hand enclosing around his throat from behind. "Uggh!" The ex-college student felt his air being cut off as he felt his feet leave the carpet, trying to struggle against his attacker. As his vision started to go black, Ohio gave up struggling and just wanted to see Tallahassee one last time, and tell him that he loved him more than anything before he died. As if someone from above was listening in on Columbus' thoughts, the hand that was choking him to death disappeared, making Ohio collapse on the ground, gasping for precious air for his lungs. Gaining his vision back, the ex-college student looked over towards his attacker, seeing Jason struggle with someone that was restricting him from behind. Upon seeing Tallahassee's cowboy hat pop up a few times behind Jason's back, Ohio felt a surge of happiness flow through him at the thought that Florida was still alive. "Tally! You're alive! Oh thank God! Where have you-" Columbus didn't get to finish his sentence as Tallahassee was pushed to the ground, giving a weak growl as he pressed his hand against his wounded side where Jason had sliced him open earlier, and glared at the serial killer as he loomed over the redneck with his machete ready to kill him. "Ohio! Run! Get out of here! This bastard just won't die, no matter what we throw at 'im!" Tallahassee yelled at the younger man, giving Columbus one last smile before Jason raised his machete over his head and dealt the killing blow to Tallahassee... OoOoOoOoOoOo "Noooooo! Tally!" Columbus screamed out, tossing and turning in a sweat on the bed he shared with Florida. Tallahassee came back into the room with a fresh new shirt on, since Ohio threw up on him while having that fuckin' feverish nightmare that Tally couldn't seem to wake Collie up from. It was irritating the hell out of him that he couldn't fend off whatever was hurting Columbus in his dreams, but the least he could do was to be there for the kid until the nightmare was over. "Spit-fuck? Ohio? C'mon wake up, Collie." Tallahassee murmured, getting back on the bed and holding Columbus close to him, feeling the younger man shiver as Ohio gave out another yell of his name. Carding his finger though Columbus' now sweaty curls, the redneck hoped that the fever Ohio had gotten a few hours ago would break soon, cause they were running out of medicine for his fever, and Florida wanted to go out and get more medicine for his Spit-fuck, but he didn't trust the girls to look after him while he was gone. Tallahassee looked down in surprise when he felt felt a wet spot forming on his shirt. Ohio was now crying, and it pained Florida to see Ohio in such a state. "Don't cry, Ohio. I'm here for ya. C'mon now. Wake up, Spit-fuck. Your just having a bad dream, that's all." His words must have done the trick, for Columbus' eyes opened from his terrible nightmare, and looked up in disbelief at Tally's face. "T-Tally? It's really you? You-you aren't dead?" The feverish Ohio asked, the tears kept falling as he lifted up a hand a cupped the side of Tallahassee's face, giving a cry of joy at the warmth he found there. "You...You are real! Oh Tally!" The ex-college student clung to the older zombie hunter, thanking whatever god that was up there that it was all a nightmare. A very shitty nightmare that looked and felt real. The redneck buried his face in Collie's hair and rocked a bit, trying to calm Ohio down a bit and hoped that the other wouldn't have such a bad nightmare ever again. "It's all right, Spit-fuck. I'm here for ya. Not going anywhere till ya feel better, 'mkay?" Florida murmured into Columbus' hair, knowing the younger man heard him loud and clear. He felt Ohio nod his head a bit against his shoulder, and kept rocking in a soothing manner until he heard soft snores coming from Ohio. Tallahassee reached over towards the nightstand and grabbed the dreamcatcher he found in the room next door and hung it above the headboard, vowing that he'd never let Columbus watch another horror movie ever again, for he didn't want this to ever happen again to his Collie. OoOoOoOoOoOo Rabbit: The end! Huzzah for this being my very first try at writing a horror fic, as well as getting this thing DONE for Halloween! /Does a happy dance/ So ummmm...How did I do for my first horror fic? Good? Bad? Please tell me! AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Oh, and please pay tribute to my Tally muse, who actually did die during the making of this fic. =w= End file.
The Deadly Visitor by YamixYuugiLover
1. Wedding night **I place full responsibility on Slytherin' Queen for saying this sounded like a good idea... The story title and lyrics are from a Rich Mullins song, and I swear I got this idea entirely from the Book of Genesis.** _Jacob, he loved Rachel and Rachel, she loved him And Leah was just there for dramatic effect _ Little Rock lay in bed, still awake, and still flushed and smiling, listening to the sound of her husband's heartbeat. The events of the night had been strange, awkward and sometimes frightening, but there was nothing she regretted. Raising her head, she whispered, "Is he always like this?" On the other side of Columbus, Wichita said, "A lot. Not all the time." "I guess we wore him out." "You had him last." "Yeah, well, you had him _twice_. I was afraid I was going to wake up a virgin." She kissed Columbus's cheek, and patted the hand on her hip. "But my man came through for me." She reached down for a casual grope. "Don't do that," Wichita said. Columbus grimaced. "He doesn't like that. Not unless we're going all the way, I mean." "Wait... Is he still awake?" Little Rock poked his nose. "He gets... sort of halfway," Wichita said. "When he wakes up, he can tell me what he hears." "Sneaky," Little Rock said, drumming her fingers on their husband's ribs. "Trying to eavesdrop when we think he isn't listening." She looked at Wichita, lying with Columbus's right arm around her. She felt a little jealousy at the intimacy with which their husband held his first bride. Her older sister had married Columbus (or at any rate slept with him) three years earlier, and she was not quite halfway toward having their second baby. That was what had set things going. Little Rock loved her nephew, and as she grew from girl to young woman, she had fallen in love with her brother-in-law. It had taken her sister's intervention for her to admit it, even to herself. That was how she ended up here, wedded on her sixteenth birthday and sharing the night with her sister. She met her sister's eyes. Wichita kept a solemn face when she was with Columbus (something Little Rock had known long before tonight), but as their eyes met, she smirked. "So," she said to her younger sister. Little Rock grinned wider, and blushed even deeper. She could not speak, but she was struggling not to laugh. "Come on. Say it: I..." "Well, I know you do," she managed, then burst out laughing, so hard her chest heaved and her ribs ached. She had laughed the same way, when- "Wait... wait," she hiccuped, "is he smiling? He's smiling!" "It's okay," Wichita said, kissing their man on the cheek. "I love you anyway." "We love you," Little Rock said. Soon, they all settled into sleep. 2. Birth Days **I looked at the counter today and thought, "What? This is a hit?" Fair warning, this chapter is going to set the tone for the rest.** _And her sky is just a petal pressed in a book of a memory Of the time he thought he loved her and they kissed _ _And her friends say, "Ah, he's a devil" But she says, "No, he is a dream" This is the world as best as I can remember it_ Wichita and Little Rock managed a friendly rivalry for their husband's attentions. But, by semi-spoken agreement, Little Rock had him all to herself in the morning. He was still shy with her, but he enjoyed her laughter and smiles, and there were times when they spent more than an hour just sitting and talking. Then there were times when she brusquely interrupted with, "Less talk, more cock." Wichita wanted more attention than usual as she got further into the pregnancy. On the nights she insisted she was especially needy, she handed her son Sam off to her sister. Once or twice a month, they would spend a night all together. Wichita never showed any envy toward her sister for sharing her husband's body, but there were more than a few dark looks exchanged when she walked in on their morning talks. Wichita's second son arrived in May. Columbus held him up exultantly, and dubbed him Daniel. Little Rock cuddled him and got what might be a smile, while Wichita lay looking a little too pleased. As Little Rock gave the newborn to his mother, Wichita hugged her and whispered, "Your time's coming." Little Rock was reasonably sure she conceived that night. Columbus and his wives hadn't seen much of Tallahassee since they settled on their homestead in northern California. He was still roaming, killing all the zombies he could find. But once in a while he dropped by. "Holy *!" he said as Little Rock came out to meet him, "the little sister got big!" Little Rock smiled and cradled the bulge in her belly. "Yup... I'm four months along." As she turned to call to her husband and sister, Tal frowned. "There's settlements cropping up all over the place," Tal said. "There's a big one not twenty miles from here that just opened a hospital." He glanced to Little Rock, then to Columbus. Little Rock was amicable to going to the hospital, but over one thing and another they didn't get around to it until early in the sixth month. That was when Wichita found her lying in front of the toilet in a pool of blood. As Columbus drove breakneck through the mountains, Little Rock whimpered over and over: "I had a boy... a boy." 3. Homecoming **Lots of hits, no complaints. So, here goes... ** _Now Jacob got two women and a whole house full of kids And he schemed his way back to the promised land And he finds it's one thing to win 'em And it's another to keep 'em content When he knows that he is only just one man _ Little Rock spent a week in the hospital. The doctors told her that the cause was an old infection- something left behind by the only other man who ever took her, well before she was a woman. Her husband was beside her day and night, and her sister stayed by her as often as she could without leaving her own children unattended. The night before she was released, the doctors talked to Little Rock and Columbus, kindly but firmly warning that she might not conceive again, and that it would be dangerous for her if she did. When the doctors left, Columbus looked sad and troubled. He only looked more troubled when Little Rock smiled and said, "We can always beat the odds." while her sister was recovering, Wichita insisted on abstaining, and was not entirely pleased when Columbus accepted it without argument. On the sixth week, Columbus took both wives back to his bed, and afterward, he had the talk. "The doctors think Little Rock shouldn't have more children," he said. "I think- maybe- they are right." "No," Little Rock said. "I want babies. I always have. And I married you because there is no one I would rather have babies with." Columbus sighed and glanced to Wichita. She was silent, and her face a blank. "Abbie... I love you, and I think you are a wonderful mother. I mean that: You are a mother, now, even if the kids aren't the ones you gave birth to. You should know that better than anyone. Krista isn't your sister by blood, but you _are_ sisters, because you love each other. If you did have the same mother and father, you couldn't love each other more! I mean- how many sisters could even try to do- something- like... this..." He started to sink back under the covers. Wichita reached across to her sister. "I love you, Abbs," she said. Little Rock only frowned. "I want you to be happy and well. I want you here for us, for Sammy and Dan..." Little Rock darted off the bed. "You! Your husband, your kids, you! _You you you!_ And easy for you to say, when you're putting out like an assembly line! What about me? What about mine?" She stormed out of the room, pausing belatedly to throw on a robe. Columbus looked expectantly at Wichita, but she did nothing. They both came when they heard a baby's wail. They found Little Rock in Danny's room, holding him so tightly that he cried. **Now, go read something with exotroopers!** 4. Restless _And his sky's an empty bottle and when he's drunk the ocean dry Well he sails off three sheets to some reckless wind And his friends say, "Ain't it awful" And he says, "No, I think it's fine" And this is the world as best as I can remember it _ It happened while Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock were watching _Boys and Girls_ together. "The characters work, but the story is just stupid," he said. "Ryan was happy with Megan. Jennifer was doing fine on her own. A guy like him wouldn't cheat on a girl who already liked him, never mind throw it away on someone he already struck out with. All it really is, is the screenwriters making the story into something that isn't real. Like, if two people have fun together when they're kids, and still have fun in college, then they must be `destined' for each other. That's not real life! In real life, people find out that some of the things they wanted aren't things they can have or even still want. Real people can see that some good things are only good at what they are. They learn to be happy with what they have, or they are never happy at all! So why couldn't they tell a story like that? Let Ryan learn to be happy as friends with Jennifer and a boyfriend with Megan! Because that wouldn't just be more real; I think it would be a lot more positive than some screenwriter's idea of predestination." "Whoa," Little Rock said, rubbing his shoulder, "it's a cheesy movie, not a manifesto." Columbus kissed her, and then put an arm around each of his wives. It was only then that he realized Wichita was crying. He took them both that night. He started with Little Rock, and finished with Krista. When it was over, the younger sister went right to sleep, but Wichita remained awake, shifting restlessly. "Do you love me?" she said. He mumbled the affirmative. "Do I make you happy?" He never answered. Then there came his 29th birthday (in his sixth year as a married man). As the day approached, his wives jockeyed to spend the night with him, making various proposals to entice him. Little Rock seemed to be making the stronger bid. Then Wichita tried to sweeten the deal: "I'll make you dinner!" Columbus gave a noncommital but definitely positive response. Little Rock looked disdainfully at Wichita as he walked out. "What?" Wichita said defensively. "You... just offered _him_ food... for sex." Wichita "humphed" indignantly, but blushed furiously. Two weeks later Wichita announced she was expecting her third. Soon after, she had the worst of her few open fights with her sister. The next morning, Columbus went out to check out a newly cleared field. At nightfall, he had yet to come back. The day after that, Wichita never got out of bed. Little Rock brought her meals and took care of the kids. At the end of the day, she told her sister, "He will come back." The next day, Wichita was up, but didn't say a word to her sister, but in the evening they hugged each other and cried. The day after that, they played with the boys, catching and releasing insects at a pond, and spent all night talking. On the fourth day, Columbus was back in the house, returned unannounced while they slept. Tallahassee was with him. Nothing was ever spoken between husbands and wives about what had transpired in those three days. 5. Wishes and Worries **Next to last chapter, and the last is already in progress... I appreciate readers for following through this odd little run. Reviews VERY welcome.** _Now Rachel's weeping for the children That she thought she could not bear And she bears a sorrow that she cannot hide And she wishes she was with them But she just looks and they're not there Seems that love comes for just a moment And then it passes on by _ Wichita was on her fourth child when Little Rock got pregnant again- this time with twins. Columbus was attentive to the point of being a nuisance, and increasingly anxious. He feared losing his youngest bride, just turned twenty-one. Little Rock feared losing the baby more. But what she fretted over most was how Columbus would act when she delivered. She still had the picture etched in her mind of him lifting Danny high over his head, an expression of pure joy on her face. It was her obsession to relive that moment, with her own baby in his arms. And, it was very important to her to have a boy. She didn't think it could be the same with a girl, even after he saw him do a dance with Wichita's first baby girl in his arms, and she felt that some power in the universe owed her a boy. She delivered two baby girls, five weeks early. It was a close thing, but both were as healthy as could be expected, fragile but perfect. Columbus didn't raise them or swing them, but held their tiny bodies tenderly and fearfully, like crystal that might break at a touch. When she saw the tip of his pinky in Lindsay's jewel-like fist, she knew that this was better than any replay of Wichita's deliveries. "Three boys and three girls," he said, wiping tears from his eyes. "The perfect family." Wichita and Little Rock gave each other wary glances. From the day she returned from the hospital, she wrapped her life around her daughters. She often wept when she held them, and sometimes held them too tightly and they cried. When her husband took her, he often cried, as viscerally as she laughed, and sometimes he held her so tight that she cried out in pain. Lindsay and Elizabeth grew somewhat slowly in their first year, and Wichita opined more than once that this was because their mother insisted on nursing them herself. On occasion, Wichita would do something she thought would remedy the situation, and Little Rock found out about it and got angry. On one of these occasions, Columbus and Tallahassee were both within earshot. While his wives complained loudly and in detail, Columbus said with desperate enthusiasm, "So, tell me about the latest zombie kill of the week!" Despite their quarrels, Little Rock and Wichita spent more time together, and grew closer than they hat in years. The shared bond of motherhood renewed the bonds of sisterhood, and one night, after Wichita told her sister she thought she was pregnant again, Wichita confessed her deepest fear: "Sometimes... I wonder if Columbus loves me any more, or if he ever did." "Have you talked to him about it?" "Yes! And you know what he said to me? `Of course I love you! You're the mother of my sons!' And I let him make love to me, but I wanted to scream, `What the *'s that supposed to mean?'" After a spate of weeping, she concluded, "You're lucky, Abbs. You're the one he's with no matter what. Me- I don't even know if he would have stayed to our first anniversary if I hadn't gotten knocked up." Then Little Rock screeched: "_Me? __Lucky?_ Do you know how much I worried whether I was ever going to give him a baby? It wasn't just because I wanted to. I was afraid, if I didn't, or even if I didn't give him a boy, he wouldn't love me. Not the way he loves you." Wichita wrapped her arms around her sister and said tenderly, "You... are a dumb little * head." There were long moments of silence. Then Little Rock began to laugh, the way she laughed on her wedding night. "I think- maybe- it... _runs in the family!_" Then her sister started laughing even harder than she did. 6. Ending and Beginning **I debated how to end this, and especially possible reactions. I finally decided to go the Frank R. Stockton route, and give everybody a reason to be pissed off.** _And her sky is just a bandit Swinging at the end of a hangman's noose 'Cause he stole the moon and must be made to pay for it And her friends say, "My, that's tragic" She says, "Especially for the moon" And this is the world as best as I can remember it _ Lindsay and Elizabeth seemed to sprout in their third year, until they were as tall as their half-sister Colleen. Their mother no longer cried when she held them, though sometimes they would protest that she was holding them too tight. Every time Little Rock made a new mark where she measured their height on the wall, her mind whirled at all the hopes and fears, wishes and dreams she had held, the ones which had been fulfilled, and the ones which had failed, and the ones which might yet come to be. In the tenth year of her marriage, Wichita lost two children. Her second baby girl, Jessica, died from a virus. Then precious little Danny was hit by a drunk driver from town. Columbus buried them both in the new field. Little Rock was as devastated as Wichita, especially at losing Daniel. Columbus told his wives they were lucky to have lost so few. Every week he spent at least one long afternoon in the field and returned with eyes still red. A little before Little Rock's tenth anniversary, Wichita delivered her seventh child, with complications. The doctors at the hospital saved the mother and the child, but could do nothing about her uterus. Wichita was left with five children, three boys and two girls. She was 36. She cried for weeks, mourning the children she had lost, and the ones she could not bear. Then after due time, Columbus took her to bed and told her, "We had a good run. Now we can just enjoy." Then for the first time, she laughed after it was done. Thereafter, they spent more and more time walking, and working, and talking together. He found her more beautiful, too, as she began to work off the compound interest of pounds from the children she had born to keep his love. By the time she was 39, she was able to go on a "second honeymoon" wearing clothes that had not fit her since her first. On the day Little Rock turned 30, Columbus and Wichita took her out to a beloved little greenhouse he had unveiled for her long ago on some occasion none of them could remember for certain. He took her to the wall behind her first and favorite rose bush. "Where's the _new_ gift?" she asked. Her husband would not- could not answer. So Wichita said, "We wanted to show this to you a long time ago, but we didn't know if you could handle it. We decided now was the time." Without a moment of hesitation or uncertainty, Columbus took a pry bar to one particular brick in the wall and wrenched it loose with a single tug. Little Rock looked in. For a moment, she was uncertain what it was for a moment, and for a little longer she was uncertain what it meant. Then she was on her knees, her husband with her, crying in front of the thimble-sized urn that held her son. On the day of Little Rock's 20th anniversary, little Lizzy announced that a boy from the school in the city had proposed to her, and she was accepting. Two years later to the day, Columbus joyfully raised up his first grandchild. At Little Rock's suggestion, the child was named Austin, and the birth certificate said "Austin the Third". His grandfather finally admitted to being named Austin. What no one said was that "Austin, Jr." was not the name on his birth certificate, but on the tiny silver urn in Little Rock's jewelry box. Then, as she returned to the homestead and retired to bed, and her husband lay between his wives, eyes closed but ears awake, she whispered in his ear: _"I'm pregnant."_ _And this is the world as best as I can remember it _ End file.
Jacob and 2 women by David N. Brown
Wishes **A/N: This is my first time writing anything for Zombieland. Could you call this fluff? Maybe. Also, I apologize for the weird formatting.** ** * * * ** "Why're you crying?" Tallahassee makes this gentle inquiry as he watches Columbus play with the drawstrings of his sweatshirt. The sight is a bit of a shock for him. He's only really seen this once before, when they were barelling down the highway and Tallahassee secretly glanced at Columbus to see tears in the boy's eyes. "I. Uh. I'm not crying." Columbus tries to lie and then sighs, slumping further against the headboard of his twin bed. Opposite him, Tallahassee is sprawled on the couch, watching Ohio and becoming increasingly concerned. He thinks that maybe losing Witchita and Little Rock has finally started to hurt his friend's heart. Minutes pass in silence. Columbus sniffs loudly, freezes - this is so embarrassing. He's an ex-college student. A man. Men shouldn't cry, even in the apocalyptic shithole of Zombieland, the place where tears are at least somewhat justifiable. "Bullshit, spit-fuck," Tallahassee scoffs, and though crass, the statement is not malicious. It's simply an observation, one Columbus has to admit is true. He is crying. There are tears everywhere, blurring his vision and his thoughts. The Floridian crosses the tiny room they've turned into a two-man refugee camp to stand beside Columbus' bed, staring down at the kid. Tallahassee has to admit that Columbus brings out the father in him, he can feel all of the parental love he never got to bestow on Buck before he disappeared forever, now being projected onto his young friend. He almost cries here, seeing Columbus so vulnerable. He hates that Columbus has lost his smile and geeky sense of humor. Tallahassee wants to hate Witchita and Little Rock for leaving his friend abandoned like this. He realizes that before their group split up, the odd arrangement was the closest thing young Ohio had ever had to family. It hurts to know what the separation has done to his friend, how quickly it has changed - it hurts to know that this was inevitable because Witchita and Little Rock are just stupid, flighty girls. But mostly, it hurts to know they've hurt someone he cares for. Tallahassee, at this point in his life, couldn't give any less of a damn about his own feelings. His only companion's current depression, however, means something entirely different to him. So he says, "It's okay to cry, kid," suddenly stepping into the shoes of a parent and letting his spit-fuck drain his heart out on a leather-clad shoulder. It's the least he can do. Columbus pulls his head away from Florida's body sometime later. The red rings around his eyes have been there for so long that Tallahassee almost thinks they're a normal thing to see. But he knows what 'normal' is for Columbus. Not this, never this. "I-I-I'm sorry, Tallahassee," Columbus murmurs, wiping his eyes. Tallahassee hugs Columbus - awkward, one armed, brief, a man to man sort of gesture, and stares out the window at the darkening sky. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed, kid," he finally says, trundling off to the tiny bathroom they share without waiting for a reply. "Okay," Columbus whispers to the empty air, left alone with his feelings eating a hole through his heart. **-ZLAND-** Columbus props himself on one elbow and watches Tallahassee, who is peacefully asleep on the couch. It's hard, admitting his feelings. Coming to terms with where, exactly, his heart stands. It will always confuse him to some degree, but there's one thing he's absolutely sure he wants right now. Isn't it worth trying to reach out and grab it? Before he can chicken out completely, Columbus whispers, "Tally." Tallahassee stirs, blinking sleepily, and stares over blankly at Columbus. "Kid?" He whispers, his voice hoarse with leftover sleep. Words are beyond Columbus now. He swallows thickly and gestures to the empty side of his bed. Tallahassee stiffly rises, lying down beside Columbus. Then he says what Columbus was both hoping and dredding he would hear. "Is there something you need?" "I need..." Columbus runs his tongue over his lips, but his mouth is so dry the action is useless. "I need..." he tries again, struggling for words. "I have to show you," he says, mentally preparing himself for whatever response Tallahassee will hurl back at him. Tallahassee lifts his hands in the air - the cowboy in a bad western staring down the sherrif. Columbus stretches across the bed in a surprisingly nimble way and presses his lips to Tallahassee's. All of the air is momentarily pulled from Tallahassee's lungs - and, it seems, the room. This kiss isn't really a surprise to him. He kind of expected it. It wasn't as though Columbus' lingering glances had escaped his notice. They break apart after a moment, and the searing heat between their lips vanishes with their contact. "Not bad for a scrawny little spit-fuck," Tallahassee chuckles. "You- you're not mad at me?" That sweatshirt drawstring finds its way into Columbus' mouth again. "Hell no!" Though it's dark, Columbus swears he can see Tallahassee blushing a bit. "I actually liked that, spit-fuck. No worries." Silence. Neither of them move. "Goodnight, kid." "Night, Tally." End file.
Wishes by writingmyownhistory-inactive
My list to survive a zombieland First off I want to thank Loveunderamidnightsky lovelikewoe13 AJ aka Stalker Thanks for leaving a review. And I thought of another rule so im adding it. Hollow everybody. It is I. Billybob2010! As some of you might remember I'v brought you The fan fiction Zombieland **- Pontiac **and I shared the **how to survive a zombie attack! Poster. **After I posted it I got a few reviews. Some of you have said that I'd could make my funny own rules. Now I'm not really that funny. But I'm willing to give it a shot. So here they are. **Rules** **Rule 1. You got something on your face. I'll get it.** Head shot are the fastest way to deal with zombies. The best place to aim for is under the nose, center of the upper lip. Can you say brain stem? **Rule 2. What If?** If you find your saying oh shit. Chances are you didn't have a plan. Always plan ahead. And have a plan B, C, D, E or more. Try to think of everything that can go wrong. The What If game is a good way to help you to plan ahead. **Rule 3. A Game changer.** Always be ready to change thing up. The city gone. It just you and your love one. Time to get out. If your trying to get out of town using the interstate and the out going lanes are chocked with traffic. Don't just sit there. Go ahead and use the incoming lanes. Sure you might be going the wrong way. But It should be empty. And the cops have more pressing things to deal with. Then bother some one going the wrong way. **Rule 4. No hospitals. There to costly!** Hospitals are expensive nowadays . But after Z-Day they cost you more then a leg or arm. They cost you your life. **Rule 5. Watch your step!** Tempting as it might be to look back and see your adoring fans chasing after you. It better to watch were your going. Cause if you fall. Your fans wont be to interesting in helping you up. No Instead they be more interesting in help them self's to a piece of you. And I'm not talking about you clothes. **Rule 6. From my cold dead hands!** Your weapon is one of the most importing tools in Zombieland. Keep hold of your weapon. Cause if you loss it your die. Might as well have a death grip on it any way. **Rule 7. So take a look. Its in a book. Reading rainbow! ** Hey that guy from star trek was right. Everything you'll need to know for stating over after the zombie Apocalypse. It can be found In a book. So that means books are wroth there weight in gold. Don't know how to do something. There a book on it that can teach you. Just go down to your local library and pick it up. Plus zombies cant read so it'll be the only zombie free zone in town. **Rule 8. A mans castles!** Running around all day killing zombies is all good and fun. But its hard work and your going to have a safe place to lay your head at night. Preferably a to story house somewhere out side of town. Make it into a fort. Destroy the stairs and live up on the second floor. **Rule 9. Groovy !** Ok so chains saw may be cool. But there heavy, loud and they run on gas. Oh and killing a zombie with one is really messy business . Zombie body fluids are biological hazards. I don't know about you . But I don't want to be cover in that crap. Ah hell what am I saying. Their a blast to play with. Just wear a rain coat and protective eyewear. You should be fine. **Rule 10. Where's the good stuff? This is the good stuff. Snakes and sparklers! ** Fire works can distract the zombie horde. But only if it's the good stuff like the stuff you see on the 4th of July. You know the stuff you and me can't buy anywhere. **Rule 11. Please Run! Don't walk.** Sometimes its just better to run. It might not seem cool. But if all you have is five rounds left. And over twenty zombie running towards you. Run! But if you cant run and have to stand your ground. Then to stay and fight. **Rule 12. A deer caught in the lights.** Driving at night is extremely risky. You wont be able to see very far up the road and that means less time to react to an obstacle on the road. Also every set of hungry eyes that see your head light will follow them. So if you stop for a nap. When you wake up you'll find your self surrounded. **Rule 13. Crazy crazy crazy!** Humor the crazy people. Especially the ones that armed to the teeth with a number of death dealers. **Rule 14. Smokes!** When the apocalypse happens money will be come useless. There a lot of people out there that smoke and they can't kick this disgusting habit. In fact cigarettes are used as form of currency in the prison system. So its more then likely cigarettes will become very valuable. So even if you don't smoke grab a couple of cartons. Who knows they might get you a couple rounds of ammo or some gas. **Rule 15. Music! ** The moans of the dead and the silences of an empty world can drive you to insanity. Music can help you with that. So a MP3 player or an I Pod is a must. **Rule 16. Damn I love Jello!** Jello can last a while and its loaded with a lot of calories. it's a perfect source of calories all you have to do is add water. **Rule # 17. Oo Yeah!** O no your trapped in a room and zombies are beating on the door. Don't threat summon your inner cool aid guy. Go throw the wall. Most walls today are covered by drywall. Knock along the wall and listen. You know what? Screw that its to time consuming. Just grab something heavily Chair, table whatever and start smashing through that wall. You have to squeeze through the support beams. Just be ready to run. Cause you'll never know what on the other side. It maybe an empty room or a room full of zombies. Come to think about maybe you should knock and listen. It your choice. O don't forget to yell Oo Yeah! I came up with a lot of these rules on the fly. But some of them were inspired by movies and TV shows. Probably not very funny. But like I said I'm not a very funny person. All the same hope at lease there's one or two that where funny. Till next time. O one more thing. Please leave a review. Love them or hate them. Let me know. You should be able to leave anonymous reviews. Good bye. I spelled Hellow wrong dont think any one noticed Mwahahahaahhaha. (Light bolts flash behind me) End file.
My list to survive a zombieland by Billy Bob 2010
3 **Just a quick little snippet from my mind. Was sitting in Casa Ole watching UT bash OSU over the head with their pride when it occurred to me... _why the number 3_? So this is what I came up with...** **Disclaimer: Zombieland obviously doesn't belong to me, yaddayadda, Columbia Pictures does I think.** **Edit:_ I know that Earnhardt Sr.'s number was 3. I _do_ live in America. However, Tallahassee does not strike me as a NASCAR watcher, and this was just an idea I felt like writing about, so please stop the incessant "Dale Earnhardt's number was 3, dummy..." reviews. Please? _** **Enjoy?** **Ah, and it's from Columbus' POV.** * * * "Why 3?" In all the time I'd been with Tallahassee, I had never asked the question. The first time I saw it on the side of the Escalade, it wasn't much of a mystery. Maybe he was keeping track of how many cars he went through? I found out that that wasn't the case when we got the Hummer. Keeping track of the living humans he found? Me, Little Rock and Wichita make three, but that was after he had it first on the Escalade. Maybe he was a race car driver before the zombie apocalypse, or it was his lucky number. But I wanted to know the actual reason. No more of my theories. So I asked. At first he gave me that, "what the fuck you blabberin' 'bout?" look, but then he realized what I was looking at- the number he was painting on the side of the F-350 two-ton that was replacing the Zombie-gore covered, windowless and heavily battered car that we had gotten from Bill Murray's place. "... I need a reason?" He finally asked after considering me for a few seconds that seemed like minutes. The man's got this way of staring at you with those cool blue eyes that seems to see right through you. It can make you feel scared and safe at the same time, safe in knowing that the man you've got with you is a zombie-killing _machine_, and scared in knowing that he's also an unpredictable SOB that might decide it's better to be safe than sorry if he sees you get too close to zombie teeth. "Well, no... I just... I mean..." yes, I stuttered, give me a break. "I _should _have a reason?" He asked, still staring at me with that "wtf you blabberin' 'bout?" look. "No! I ju-" I cut myself off when he smirked at my denial again and I reluctantly shrugged and nodded a bit. "Yeah... I guess..." was my meek answer under that calculating gaze, but now it held a hint of humor and maybe a touch of sadness. Maybe. But what was Tallahassee ever sad about? Then it hit me. "Oh... Buck..." I don't remember saying it out loud, but he nodded with a sigh. "He'd just turned three when..." he trailed off and the paintbrush pulled back from his second semicircle as his hand shook minutely with emotion. "Ah... three's a good number." I suddenly state and feel my breath catch as he raises a brow. Did I say something wrong? It wouldn't be the first time... I start breathing again when his lips twitch in a smile. "Yeah... it is, isn't it?" End file.
3 by Scrunchy
Perfect Perfect by patricia51 (This time everything is going to be just right. Third in my little Z-land romance series. Sequel to "Seducing Columbus". Columbus/Wichita) (Columbus) This time we're determined. Everything will be perfect. Every detail will be planned out. And this time I won't faint when I see Wichita, well, you know, without any clothes on. I'll be calm and collected. Yeah sure. So why are my palms sweating just thinking about it much less bringing up that image of her when she dropped her robe for me that day? I mean I was already hyperventilating as I watched her legs move and the satin of her robe riding up with every step to tease me with glimpses of her bottom. I suppose it says a lot about me that I was mesmerized with what I was seeing that I never actually thought about what it was all leading to, that her plan was actually for us to make love. And of course that in order to do that she would have to be nude. I swear it never crossed my mind. From the moment I first saw Wichita I was enthralled with her. Even if I was out of her league. After all, I always remind myself, it's not as if there's a whole lot of competition out there now-a-days. But should someone show up out of the blue with a big red "S" on the front of his shirt I wouldn't worry. I love her and she loves me. That's why I'm working as hard as I can to prepare the perfect setting for us tonight. (Wichita) I am scurrying around the house trying to get everything ready while not looking like that's exactly what I'm going to do. Alright, I know that didn't make any sense at all. And why would I even think that I'm fooling anybody? I know that I gave away what Columbus and I am planning the instant I "casually" asked Tallahassee if he and Little Rock wouldn't mind going over to the neighbors for the evening. Columbus still believes he's a guppy sometimes. He's NOT. Even after I ran away from him he came and rescued my sister and I. True he did have Tallahassee's help to wipe out the zombies we had surrounding us but he was the one who got Florida to come. I sort of wish I had seen him on that motorcycle though, the one he rode for about ten seconds. But he would have thought I was laughing at him. I suspect a lot of people laughed at him over the years but I never want him to think that I'm one of them. Amazing as it sounds, especially to him, I fell in love with him. That's it. Not just because he threw his most important rule away to be a hero to save us. That's part of it but mostly it's because he really cares for me. Unlike those suckers Little Rock and I ran the table on before the infection started he doesn't just undress me with his eyes and I don't see that look in them that's calculating how he can get me out of my clothes. Or separate me from my money. Serves them right when we cleaned them out. I hope zombies ate every one of them. Speaking of eating I find it utterly amazing that Columbus has turned into a first rate cook. Not just fixing canned goods and freeze-dried stuff but real honest to goodness food. Who would have thought it? Of course being him he takes a LOT of elaborate precautions and avoids touching a bunch of stuff. So I'm doing a lot of chopping and stuff like that. But it will all be worth it tonight. (Tallahassee) Wichita is right. Her suggestion that maybe I would like to spend some time with our neighbors and didn't I think Little Rock would enjoy that too was as obvious as the windshield on my Escalade right after I've cleaned it. But what the hell. It's not as if we're going to the other side of the country. Or drive. It really is just next door to Memphis' place. Damn, I had forgotten no one has said anything about them. It's been the four of us for so long that I still tend to think of just us, even though we moved a few months ago just so we would be right next to the new family. That new family does pretty much match ours. The four of us were cooking outside on the grill one evening when we heard a vehicle engine coming. The smoke from the grill gave us away of course. We grabbed our guns and waited. I mean you just never know who's out there. A dusty Ford SUV pulled up and just sat there for a few moments. Then the door opened, a woman stepped out and I fell in love. Okay, I admit it. There aren't exactly a lot of women around. In the immediate area Wichita is too young and besides she's in love with Columbus. I'm happy for her and that peppy little spit fuck too. Little Rock is just a child and my feelings towards her are paternal anyway. So any woman upright, breathing and not trying to eat me is going to catch my attention. Even considering that the new arrival was something special beyond my wildest dreams. What can you say? My height, dark black hair tumbling around her shoulders and flashing black eyes. A figure that was generous without being overblown. Tight jeans, black boots and a blouse that looked like she was poured into it with just the right number of buttons undone. And then there were her accessories and my God they were the kind to make me nearly drool. A cut down, pistol gripped shotgun that jutted over her left shoulder. A knife damn near as big as mine riding her left hip and the broad black leather belt balanced on the other side by what could only be a Smith and Wesson Model 629, the mighty forty-four magnum in stainless steel. Yep, I was in love. At the time I barely noticed the two faces peeking through the windows from behind the woman. One was a girl pretty near Little Rock's age. The other, being restrained by the teenager from climbing restlessly out of the open window, made my heart stop even more so than the woman had. Tow-headed with a smile that tugged at my heart and nearly brought tears to my eyes. But I managed to keep my mind on the situation at hand. Not that I expected a woman with two younguns in tow to be starting a firefight but then again I sure was fooled by Wichita and Little Rock too. Then the woman smiled and spoke. "That smells mighty good." And that's how we met Memphis, Dallas and Taos. (Little Rock) It's just really been neat having three new people, especially since Dallas is a girl about my age. We hang out together and watch Taos for Memphis. It almost lets us pretend we're two normal near teens babysitting for someone and nothing is wrong with the world. Not that I'm exactly familiar with the concept of "normal" of course. We only get to keep Taos when Tallahassee isn't doing it. That guy must have been an awesome dad. And he still spends time with me too. When he's not with Memphis naturally. The pair of them took immediately to each other. It's not just that they are a man and a woman who are roughly about the same age. Hey I might be twelve but I know a LOT about what goes on between girls and guys. Well, theoretically of course. Anyway, what goes on between the two of them goes deeper than just sexual attraction. I never thought I would see anyone who hated zombies as much as Tallahassee but Memphis does. I have a sneaky suspicion that what happened to Buck happened to someone very close to Memphis. Not that I'm going to ask. It's nice to see Tallahassee as happy as he is and her too so why bring up buried hurts? (Columbus) As nice as it was to add to our family it did mean there would have to be some changes. The house we had settled in out in the country was too small for seven people so we had to move. Tallahassee and Memphis went scouting, which from the descriptions he at least brought back involved a continual wholesale slaughter of zombies. But while Tallahassee HAS been known to exaggerate we also know how much he loves killing zombies. But Memphis, who is very quiet, nods her head when he talks about their adventures and I know from personal experience how he is when he goes hulk on the infected. Anyway during these trips they found us a new home or rather a new set of homes. Still well out in the country it's what I am guessing was some kind of extended family farm or ranch of some kind. There's outbuildings and a workshop and barns and no less than three complete houses all nestled right next to each other. Close enough for mutual defense but far enough apart for a little privacy is the way Tallahassee put it; although I suspect he was thinking about him and Memphis rather than Wichita and me. It took a couple of weeks of non-stop work to set our new place up. First we had to clean it out. I don't mean just the occupying and nearby zombies although there were some of those. No, it's surprising how fast a vacant house runs down hill. So we pretty much hauled everything out of the two houses we were going to live in and hauled it off somewhere. Then we moved our stuff and went looking for more furniture and things for Memphis and her home. Finally came the generator and the trailer of diesel fuel for it. One thing that had delighted Tallahassee about the new place was that all the heaters, both house and water, were propane fueled. Not only was the tank there nearly full but there's more propane than we could use in a dozen lifetimes at the abandoned truck stop less than an hour from here. But now we're all set up and Wichita and I can hopefully get some alone time without her worrying about Little Rock because she and Tallahassee are off on one of their trips. (Wichita) All day long Columbus and I have been exchanging glances and the occasional touch. I'm pretty sure this time he won't faint when he sees me nude and that's exactly how we plan for him to see me before the night is over. Gradually of course, we're not going to rush things. We have all night long and we plan to take advantage of that. I suppose we should have waited a couple of days to settle in to our new living situation but Columbus and I have waited for what seems to be forever now to have this alone time. Besides, Tallahassee is already falling for Memphis and my sister loves having a friend her own age in Dallas. If things work out eventually there may be a complete shift in living arrangements but Columbus and I aren't going to wait that long. Although I would just about love a nap before tonight after going non-stop for two weeks. But there's no time for that. Too much to do. (Columbus) I almost thought Tallahassee was going to take Little Rock and leave without any comments. Yeah, like that was going to happen. Actually neither said anything. But he winked and she sighed and that pretty much said it all. Oh well. I went into the kitchen and splashed some cold water on my face. There was so much to be done if I was going to turn canned meat and vegetables into the perfect kind of dinner that would be fit for the special occasion that tonight was going to be. I started cooking. (Wichita) While Columbus whipped up our celebratory feast I cleaned. Yes we had scrubbed the house down completely before and while we moved in but I wanted it perfect. I cleaned the table; I spread a just washed and off the line cloth over it. I bustled back and forth to the kitchen. Trying desperately to stay out of Columbus' way to set the table. I teased him about the cooking wine he seemed to be sampling and he protested it was just for cooking. Tasted pretty good to me though so I didn't blame him for a nip or two. As long as I got to match him. Speaking of that I made sure to open two bottles of good wine to have with supper and after to set the mood. Speaking of setting the mood I got several candles ready for after dark. In case we are hopefully way to busy to watch them later on I made sure to put their holders in these glass and metal lanterns we scrounged up. That should keep the house from catching on fire should we forget to put them out because our minds are occupied. Then it was time to get ME ready. That hot shower felt SO good I could have stayed in there four times as long as I did. I remember when my sister and I wouldn't even say the word "Shower" it had been so long since we had one and no clue when we would get the chance. It just felt SO good that I just closed my eyes and darn near drifted off. But I managed to shake off the feeling and wake up. It was time for Columbus to have his turn. I nearly invited him in right then and there but we had worked too hard to make this evening just what we both wanted and I was not going to spoil it. (Columbus) Finally the table is set, the candles are lit and the wine is poured. The first bottle of wine since I see Wichita brought out two. The first bottle of table wine that is; we already finished the bottle of cooking wine. What I didn't use in the sauce that is. My God, she looks so beautiful. From the first moment I saw her my fingers have itched to brush her hair back from her ear as a prelude to everything else. And I've been fortunate now to have got to do that several times. As we eat I can't think of anything but her. (Wichita) Dinner was INCREDIBLE. I cannot believe how good Columbus can cook. Another reason why I'm so happy that he's my boyfriend now. I'm going to pay him back with a perfect night that he'll never, EVER forget. Not that it hasn't been perfect so far. I'm practically groaning when I get up from the table and so is Columbus. We're both staggering a bit too. Maybe we shouldn't have drunk all the wine. Well there's another bottle in the other room where there's a fire in the fireplace and more candles and big fluffy pillow strewn on a rug in front of the fire. And the look in Columbus' eyes makes me shiver. We settle into our pile in front of the fire, just propped up enough to sip our wine and gently nuzzle each other. I shiver again and we snuggle together under a blanket. He's already brushed my hair of my ear and we've kissed once, twice and then a third time. We're not rushing, we're taking our time. This is all so perfect. It's so comfortable and warm and he feels so good against me... (Tallahassee) As quietly as I can I move around the room, careful not to disturb them. Not that that's very likely. I pull the blanket up a little farther, check and make sure the fire is dying out safely and then snuff the remaining candles. I shoo Little Rock upstairs to her and Wichita's bedroom and follow her up to mine. Got to admit it, it's really nothing more than I would expect. But then they have been working real hard with the move and then getting ready for this time alone together. And Columbus fixed a whopping big meal that they ate about every bit of. Not to mention I found two completely empty bottle of wine and one more near to them that had maybe one glass left in it. But looking at the pair of them snuggled so close, with her head on his shoulder I'd say overall they pretty much had that perfect evening they were shooting for. Even if it did end up with them falling asleep together fully dressed. (The End) End file.
Perfect by patricia51
Zombie Love Story? "Zombie Story" Day 30: My morning started out like any other, the blinding sun was shining, the three thousand birds that were outside were chirping nonstop and my stomach was growling like a bear that woke up from its winter sleep. Forcing myself out of bed, only because I needed food, I slid out of my sheets and onto the floor because i was too lazy to get up. I walked into the kitchen trying to avoid the bathroom mirror for fear of what i looked like this morning. Then I realized I forgot to buy cereal for breakfeast. Throwing on my hoodie and converse, half attempting to brush my matted black hair i jumped in the car and drove off towards the store. Theres a gas station about half a mile away from my apartment which has some minor grocery items inside each for a dollar. Normally when going in there I'll see Mac the old guy who runs the gas station, Macs got short grey hair hes half blind and hes got an eye thats brown and one thats blue. This morning was different though, Mac wasnt behind the corner, and the store looked like somebody had ransacked the place. I yelled for Mac to see if anyone was here, and at first i recieved no answer. I jumped over the counter and stepped on something. Then I saw him. It wasnt Mac though, it was his nephew Jason. He was as pale as a ghost and his eyes were bright red.. he was dead. Distracted by that, I heard a weird growling noise, I turn around to find what was a shell of Mac. He wasnt alive anymore. He wasnt Mac anymore. He was a zombie. Next thing I know I find myself trying to lock the bathroom door and then beating Mac with the toilet seat... then i hightailed my ass out of there. I thought two words.. Zombie Apocolypse. Day 29: After what had happened yesterday i took a bunch of cold pills and passed out hoping i just ate some bad salmon or something but that wasnt true. Scrounging around my house the next morning I looked for my cell phone realizing I left it at the store, and i sure as hell wasnt gonna go back for it. With the fiasco with Mac and Jason I wasnt taking any chances so I barricaded myself in my own house, becoming a prisoner in my home for saftey reasons. Then it happened. The tightening of my chest, the lack of oxygen, darkness that came over me. Asthma attack, I frantically search for my inhaler which is on the top of my fridge, I manage to crawl towards it only to find that i only have one puff left. I use the puff as if its my lifeline and it probably is.. a flashback from when this happened to me when i was little, the air escaping from my lungs, the room goes dark and i pass out. I just hope this time i dont wake up dead. Day 28: Obviously locking myself inside the house and pretending that this isnt happening to me isnt going very well. The only way im going to not die is make a plan to survive no matter what I have to do. Goal A: Get some food without having to beat anyone with a toilet seat again. Goal B: If needed hold up a drugstore and get a lifetime supply of asthma drugs. Goal C: Do not die. Thats all i got. After watching my endless supply of zombie movies and taking notes on everything that could help me I plan out my survival and packing plan. Im gonna need, food, water, weapons, ammo, and a backpack. I need to pack light. I figure i wont need any money considering mostly everyone except for a kid with asthma and allergies who lives indoors all the times would be zombie, if i need anything i can just take it and walk out. What are they gonna do to me, bite me? Thats what the toilet seats for. Day 27: Driving around in my small town looking for weapons I discover the Big 5 and Wal mart. Well lets see.. Big 5 home of sporting goods and endless weapons or Wal mart home of freaky ass wierdos that come out in the dark with the night stalkers and only has twinkies for weapons.. I picked Big 5.. cant exactly double tap a zombie with a fricken twinkie. Everyone in my towns dead so Big 5's a free for all. Pepper sprays, guns, bats, swim tubes, pool noodles, and the skii poles. All a wonderland for one who is looking for weapons to take out zombies eyes with. This place isnt half as helpful as Cabelas but its just gonna have to do. While wandering around Big 5 I find the skateboards and roller skates. I grab a handfull of each realizing when i run out of gas, Im gonna need them.. they also work nicely as weapons. That point proved well because when i got out of the store i played chinese fire drill with a zombie until i managed to get the car door open, I was still wearing the skates which i used to knock off its head. Day 26: So im driving through a town that i dont even recognize anymore. I grew up here. We had green grasses which are now gray and dead. The skies are dark and full of rain. Theres garbage strewn all over the street and everythings torn to shreds. Body parts are being run over as I drive on the street, I can hear the crunch of boney fingers under my tires. Its getting to the point where i might puke in my glove compartment. I cannot believe im going to the place in town which i call hell. Im going back to the high school. The darkest place of my teenage years. The place where i almost died. If it wasnt falling from the flagpole after my underwear lost all of its elastic it was me trying to throw myself off of the balcony. Right now its the only place that i can think of that has enough rooms for me to hide in. I know that school like my right hand. As I parked outside, I approached the front door with extreme caution because we have HUGE bushes that those freaks of nature could be hiding in. The schools that were once full of the youth and confindence of my peers are now empty. Everything and everyone is gone... and theres silence in the air. While enjoying the moment, the silence is broken with whispered yelling and a gun at my head. Its my friends Jinx and Stephanie who i thought were dead. They'd been hiding in a storage closet making out and doing their "stuff" when everything went down. Jinx being the freak he is, had everything packed in case this were to ever happen. Stephanie on the other hand wasnt so chill. The moment they found me she burst out crying saying how she thought i was dead. Next thing I know theres a football team of zombies chasing after our asses. The sweet sound of lockers slamming zombie heads, fire extinguishers spraying everywhere, and trying to use gravy as a weapon. Then out of the corner of the lunchroom is the most handsome creature id ever seen. His names Grady. Long blond hair, Wet Blue Eyes a really nice body and a mind of a scholar. Perfect. Thank god theres not any competition... because we've liked each other since the fifth grade. Heres my chance. Day 25: The wierdest hodge podge group of four school kids crammed inside my moms pontiac. Me: A freaky emo kid with hair that goes down her shoulders and a case of borderline personality disorder and is prone to anxiety attacks and asthma spasms. Stephanie: My best friend on and off since fourth grade, attached at the hip with me and ready and willing to make out with her friends with benefits friend Jinx, shes always worried that im gonna do something really insane. Jinx: Our very hairy and very short man friend. He's got the wisdom of a jedi and the sexuality of a really turned on teenage guy. And Grady my dream guy, dirty blond hair, skinny but not too skinny, and has the cutest hippie style. We plan to drive to Seattle. We're gonna hide out in the space needle and try and see if we can wait it out while we make a plan on where to go next. Hopefully we dont get eaten by zombies on the way there... or if the zombies dont get us, we'll end up going nuts and killing each other off. Day 24: Seattles nice, but its not like home. Unlike home its a pretty large city, we live in a population of one thousand and half are kids. Theres graffiti everywhere.. its like someone let their five year old draw all over the damn walls and buildings. Dont get me wrong i love graffiti as much as the next person, i just dont want it on my house, on my car or on a building that i work in. When i used to watch the news I always saw stories about this city, but now it looks like a wasteland. The zombies are like a tornado destroying city by city. Finding the Space needle wasnt hard considering its height and look. Me and Jinx being the short people we are it looks even bigger than it already is. Usually you would need to pay but when we went to the booth, only the workers arms were available they were stuck to the podium. Climbing to the top of the space needle, i could see all of the pacific northwest almost. There were fingers on the floor and it smelled like death and decay, but it was shelter. It was gonna become our home for the next couple days. Day 23: Next morning was a little rough, because we were all a little grouchy from no sleep because of looking out for zombies, and our stomachs were growling. We realized we need food. "The best place to get fresh food in the northwest is Pike place and the fish market. Usually Stephanie being the very healthy eater she is would never eat fish, because its an animal, dying of starvation which in turn would make her weak, letting zombies have a higher chance of getting her. I grabbed a couple salmon, Grady grabbed anything that looked good and would fit in his backpack, while Stephanie and Jinx ran around the store looking for anything that was sweet. While we were in the market, we heard the call of the zombies, luckily Seattle was having its street fair when chaos insued and the lumber jacks fleed and left their chainsaws. Idiots, but helpfull idiots. Time to slice up zombie heads. I chose the go from the zombies brain-to as far as i could go-without getting the blades stuck in organs method. It works. Nice. Day 22: The morning after came, with another day of destroying zombies and trying not to die off one by one. I can already see that this new life is getting boring and depressing. We've been doing the same this everyday. Wake up, eat, take our shits and pisses in gas stations, throw zombies off of a ferris wheel or chop em into pieces, eat again, go to sleep and move on to a new place. Day 21: We arrived this morning at the ferry docks. For the first time, I'll be on an actual ferry. The windows rolled down, I can smell the salt water and seaweed. The chill of the air shocks the back of my neck bringing up the hairs. As the four of us drive onto the ferry, we look back to kiss our sweet asses goodbye. I thought to myself, great another zombie attack... whoo... i got wayyyy more that i bargained for. Stephanie and me ran upstairs to check out the top deck, and Jinx and Grady took off downstairs looking for any usefull weapons. It was the first time in almost a week that me and stephanie were together without jinx. It was wierd. Awkward. As steph looked around for food, i ran to the bathroom to take a piss. I walked in looking at the floor making sure i wouldnt step in pee. Next thing I know im getting hit with something in the head. I ran into something dangling. Afraid to look up i shake my head to get whatever was on me off, and a note lands at the bottom of my feet. Still refusing to look at the mirror which will show me what i ran into i open the note. It says "Dear whoever found my son, please take of his body. He has no clue what i did to him, you may think im horrible but i had to do it. Jacks a small and weak child. The disease would have ruined him. I put sleeping pills in his juice, and hung him in this bathroom. I then jumped off the boat and sunk myself. I needed to do this in order to save Jack the trauma. Please throw his body in the ocean so he can be with me." -Jacks Father. Oh good lord. I shakingly look in the mirror and now see the dead body of ten year old Jack. As i sit there and stare, his deep piercing blue eyes staring at me, through his long blond hair, I cant help but think what if i did this. What if i just ended it all like Jacks Dad? I cannot stand to look into jacks eyes any longer, I shut his eyelids and walk out of the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I no longer have to pee. I decided against telling the others about Jack. I thought of him as my own little secret. Untouched and innocent. The quiet serenity of jacks body releasal into the ocean was quickly disturbed by Jinx's lady screaming. A fricken sea of one hundred wiener dogs were on that damn boat. Not just one hundred REGULAR wiener dogs, but one hundred fricken ZOMBIE wiener dogs! Of course only on this gosh forsaken ship, does this happen! Needless to say, we jumped off that boat, and when i mean jumped i mean we jumped. As in without our car. We had to swim five miles back to land. Who runs from wiener dogs..?! Well us... Day 20: After our nice little cruise vacation with zombie dogs and our very "exciting" swimming activity we made it to an abandoned wal-mart for refuge. Only a wal-mart, which has food, clothes, weapons, electricity, and is famous for women giving birth. We dried off in the bathroom and ate dinner in the furniture section. Finally we went to sleep in their camping department. Alarm clocks and lanterns in hand we finally got some shut eye. We were dry, pretty well fed, had everything we needed. But somehow we just expected for something else to go wrong. Day 19: I woke up early and tiptoed to the showers while the others were sleeping. For the first time in about two weeks, i took a normal shower. I didnt sit in the water at the beach to wash up, i didnt wash my hair in the ocean, i stood in a stall and washed my hair with hot water and shampoo. Now a luxary. I dried myself off in the steamy bathroom and heard that the others were up. I walk out there to find a very pregnant woman sitting in one of our recliners. Her name was Amy. She was nine months pregnant and ready to pop. In shock and having a case of word vomit, the first thing i said was "what is this, where the heart is?" (movie about a pregnant chick in a walmart) Steph punched me in the arm lightly and told me to shut up. Amy told us she'd been hiding in here ever since the disease took over. She was in the walmart when it happened and had been hiding herself in the storage room behind boxes, but came out when she thought she heard voices. Right when im about to ask how we're supposed to feed a now five people Amy starts yelping. Shes freaking out saying make that six people .. because this babies coming! Stephanie shakingly asks "so whose gonna handle this cuz im sure as hell not, How about you Kellin? You watch this stuff anyway." I respond with Me?! Why Me? I guess me being vollunteered for tribute wasnt possible to get out of .. because next thing i knew.. my hands were down there and Amy was screaming at the top of her lungs. The womans just screaming and moaning and crying like shes on one of those really dramatic soap operas. As soon as the head barely starts to come out, Jinx passes out and Grady has to drag him out of there by his feet. I can see the babies head coming out and i REALLY REALLY REALLY dont wanna do this. Stephanie tries to leave and makes an excuse that she wants to help jinx but i grab her by the shirt collar and say "you vollunteered me to do this, if i have to watch this so do you." So Amys screaming that she cant do this.. and i can tell that shes crowning now which is why shes yelling so loud. Shes pushing, im yelling at her to push harder, Stephanies screaming and yelling and trying not to vomit all at the same time. And Jinx is still passed out on the ground. Then. The baby comes out. It cries a little, opens its little brown eyes and stares back at me. Amy names the kid Aubrey. Shes adorable. But im never having kids. After Aubrey was born, Amy started acting wierd. I felt this wet stuff on my pants, it was her blood. She was just pouring blood. Before Amy died she made all four of us promise that if anything were to happen to her kid that we take care of her. She told us that it was her mothers intuition that it was her time, and that she was going to sacrifice herself for her daughter. The zombies broke in, destroyed Amys dead body. We grabbed our shit, almost forgot the kid, and ran our asses out of there. Day 13: For the next four days we walked from that walmart to the deception pass park. These last four days have been increasingly hard for me. Im starting to realize that we're in an endless cycle of death, murder and canibalism that never gonna end. I ran out of my medication a couple of days ago. That medication is supposed to balance out my moods so I dont want go into manic states and try to kill myself again. Obviously its kind of hard to get medication when all the pharmacists are dead, and theres no way to order more medication. So i guess im just gonna have to control myself or die. I put the baby to bed wrapped in Stephanies warm arms, who is wrapped in Jinxs arms. I walked outside so i could be alone. Alone where no one could stop me from killing myself.. because i just dont wanna do this anymore. Day 12: Its one o'clock in the morning. Tears are streaming down my face. I have no paper to write a note, so i take my knife and write my note in blood. Just enough blood to make words. Not enough yet to bleed out but just enough to make a light stream. Im sitting in the dirt next to my bloody note, leaning on the railing i get up and go towards the bridge. Im staring down at the water. Im about to jump when i feel someones hand on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear. "I love you. Please dont do this.. yet." It was Grady. He wrapped his arms around my chest and held me while I sunk to the ground. He went down with me and held me there. After a while he got me calm enough to stand then took me back to his tent so he could bandage up my wrist. While he was fixing up my wrist he told me. "If you promise not to kill yourself and you make it back to town with me in one piece, I swear I'll make it worth your while." That night i went to bed, laying my head on his chest falling asleep to my tears streaming down dripping on his shirt, and hearing his heartbeat, putting me to sleep. Day 11: Another day. I was sure i would've died in my sleep. Either from the peacefullness or the blood flowing out of me. We stole a transit bus, and headed off to the north end for food. When we first entered the north end we saw the mini block of fast food chains. All resturaunts that id applied to but been rejected from. Once walking in all spiffied up looking for a job, now in torn up clothes covered in blood at the sleeves, stealing food from the once very busy resturaunts. We decided to sleep in the bus tonight. We'll find a hangout tomorrow. Day 10: We're headed towards Central and stop at this horse barn place. We park the bus in the back and in the field where the horses should be, theres dead horses with human hands in their mouths. Grady runs to vomit. We place our stuff in the tack room and decide to go exploring, looking for neighborhood houses we can ransack. This is Stephanies old hood. It hasnt changed much. Its still full of grodiness and STD's. We walk by the pool which is about ten feet away from her house and peer through the gate. We can see at least twenty of our old school mates which are now zombies. Half of them of making out with each and having a grind fest. The others are all sitting in a corner fighting over who gets the next hit off of the blunt. Grady being the rebel he is he decides to hop the fence and disturb the zombies. He leads them outside, like cows getting ready for slaughter. Jinx thinks their brains are too fried to even try and kill us and suggests we have some fun with these idiots for once. We ended up having a huge dance party. Like in the Michael Jackson music video. All was well until Stephanie just had to gangnam style and ended up hitting a zombie in the face. Lets skip the humiliating parts of being beaten and almost killed by the stupidest people on this island, and leave it at my head was slammed into the basketball court hoop and i passed out. I woke up the next morning with a lack of memory and a headache to match. Day 6: Apparently i was blacking out on and off for four days because when i woke up Grady, Steph and Jinx told me id been asleep for days. I woke up on the floor of a very colorful room. There were baby toys on the floor and everything was pink... we're in a daycare?! Stephanies holding baby Aubrey and rocking back and forth while Jinx is staring dreamingly into both of their eyes. The two of them would make such great parents. As stephanie goes to reach for a binkie for Aubrey and Jinx goes to look for diapers, I watch in slow motion as Aubrey goes to bite Stephs breast. I pick up aubrey and set her on the table. Stephs calm... which scares me. She blames Aubreys biting on teething and wanting milk which she should be getting from her mom. The bitemarks not normal though. Theres teeth marks. Aubreys only a couple of days old... Jinx looks at stephs boob and realizes the bite marks turning green. Then we all hear this hissing.. its aubrey. Stephanie for some reason thinks she needs to be held and holds her again. Aubrey yet again goes in to bite stephanie. She tries to fricken bite off Stephs tit. I swear this kids crazy. I grab Aubrey from her and as i look in her eyes they turn grey and she looks dead... shes a zombie! Which means so will steph. Steph whisks aubrey from me and holds her up to her face, and calls her a little shit. Then throws aubrey threw a glass window. She got glass in her neck and bled out on the concrete parking lot. Steph now has twenty four hours to live until the disease takes over. Day 5: I felt this heaviness on my chest. We decided to get out of the preschool and hide in the High school, right back where we started. I spent the night walking around the school, sliding my fingers along the brick walls, wishing for tomorrow to never happen. That somehow the morning never comes, a comet wipes us out as if we were never here. That we'd become specks of dust that would be picked up by the breeze. That we wont have to kill Steph tomorrow. My thoughts were disturbed by the weight of stephs body sitting on me. She leaned into my face and told me to follow her. I followed her into the biology room. We sat there for a minute. In silence. Then i bursted out crying. I started sputtering out this long garbled list of all of these things.. which steph couldnt figure out, because she put her hand on my mouth. I calmed down. She looked into my eyes and told me that tomorrow she wants us to kill her before she changes. She wiped the tears off of my face, and told me that theres something shes wanted to do for a while and now that shes dying she might as well do it now. Normally Steph would barely be able to pick me up if it depended on her life, but this time it was as if she carrying a bag of bread. She sets me down on the lab counter. The metal handles controlling the air and gas lightly digging into my back while steph dry humps me. I grab at the collar of her shirt and pull her in closely. We're laying her destroying each others faces. She tells me shes been waiting to do this for a while. Now im straddling her. I rip off her shirt, ignoring the buttons, i finger her, she scratches me to the point theres almost blood drawn. She knocks me off of her, and gets back on top. I cannot believe i just had sex with my best friend... now i have to kill her. Reality comes back into play after we're done and we both realize what must be done. As we go down the hallway she asks me if im coming.. i tell her ill be down soon. I watch her curvy body move down the hallway and out of my site. Then the tears start to fall. Day 3: Me and Steph agreed to forget that last night ever happened. I was okay with that. All I wanted was to spend my last few minutes with her. I couldnt be angry. The four of us decide that no ones at the school anymore so we leave our weapons back in the band room that we were hiding in. Me and Grady have joined hands, and so have steph and jinx. In a row of twos we walk across the street in complete silence. The only weapon we have is a gun with one bullet. We open the doors to the gym and half the footballs team dead on the glossy gym floor now stained with blood. Without saying words we line up in a row to say our goodbyes. Grady says a quick goodbye and hug. Jinx holds onto Steph for what seems like an eternity, and then makes out with her one last time, feeling up her skirt for a memory that'll need to last a lifetime. Then I was next. There was no crying. There was no long teary goodbye with lots of hugging. It was a short hug, and a minute long speech of goodbyes, so we could control ourselves. She made sure to tell the guys to make sure that i didnt kill myself after she died. Jinx got the shot ready to go and handed me the gun. Stephanie was standing under the basketball court ready and waiting. I had the gun pointed at her... hand shaking.. i couldnt do it. I just couldnt. While we were deciding who would shoot her, Steph was dancing around to gangnam style.. i think she was in shock or something.. but then while she was singing Goodbye My Friends Jinx pointed the gun, tried not to look at her face.. and pulled the trigger. I dropped to my knees. I watched her dead body hit the floor. Tears streaming down my face. I take the ipod that was playing her song and throw it against the brick walls, it was smashed into hundreds of pieces. I look to the left of me and Jinx is sitting in the corner with the gun, crying hysterically. Before we knew what he was doing, he told us "this is all going to be a dream, a bad bad dream." Then when we asked what he meant he coldly told us "I died of a broken heart, this is just my way of speeding up the process." Then he took a bullet out of his pocket, loaded the gun, put it in his mouth and blew his brains out. Day 2: Since I kept that promise with Grady, he held up his end too. One minute I was sitting on the ground cradling Stephs dead body, getting blood in my hair, then the next me and Grady were having sex. It began in the boiler room. We were laying on this mattress.. I was on top of him. We were making out. I kissed him from his lips, to his neck stopping to bite him, sliding my hands up and down his muscular chest while i bite his lower lip. I go down his happy trail and stop. I put my mouth on the zipper of his pants and pull down slowly... I slip my hands into his pockets and pull off his pants. I go down on him. Hes breathing extremly heavy.. i start to use my hands... he seems to enjoy that because hes breathing as if hes having an asthma attack or something. After I've tickled his fancy I decide to leave him in there. I run up the stairs and go to my locker. My "outfits" in there. I run into principle beanpoles office and get dressed. Im wearing a black and neon green teddy that barely covers me. Theres lace on the top and on the bottom, and it looks like a corset on the back. With that im wearing a little black bow tie and bunny ears. Then to finish off my look my glossy boots and the perfect shade of lip stick. Then i send my voice over the school. Grady if you can hear and you better be able to hear me, i suggest you get your muscular butt up here and check out my new outfit. He races himself up the towards the office.. and looks mersmerized. Im standing in front of him nose to nose at first, then back up so he can see me. I sit myself on the recepcionists desk, and seductively place a lolipop into my mouth. He walks calmly over to beanpoles desk and swipes every piece of paper off of the desk. He comes around the counter and wraps his arms around me. Then carries me to his desk, sets me down, and just destroys my everything. The feelings insane. Its like we're on fire.. but in the best way possible. Our bodies are tingling with a heat. Its that feeling you get when you've been playing in the snow too long. Afterwards we get into our makeshift bed together. We're cuddling. Theres a chill in the air, hes got his arms wrapped around me and we're sharing body heat. I hope he feels as safe as I do, cuz i could honestly stay the way we are until forever. Then I notice the bite mark on his neck. Its got to be mine. Im the only one in the school. It has to be mine. It just does. Day 1: Im afraid to be alone now that Stephs gone. She was my best friend, my lover, and my rock. I cant even let Grady go to the bathroom by himself anymore. While we were discussing what we were going to do next Grady told me that he had to piss so i went with him. The bite on his neck had turned a green and black shade. I looked at his eyes and they turned from their normal brown to grey black. Gradys changing. He got bit. Its all downhill from here. We stare and he automatically knows what im thinking. He begs me not to kill him. And I know i cant. And besides I dont wanna be the last one on earth. After hours of sitting on different sides of the room, I figured out a plan. It wasnt foolproof but it was a plan. He had two bullets left in his stash. I decided what we would do. Since he didnt want me to kill him, and I couldnt kill him. The best idea was before Grady goes through the change have him kill me, then he'll just shoot himself. And it'll all be finally fucking over. So as i write in this journal. Im telling who ever finds this that we were the last ones here. And that i pissed in beanpoles drawer.. just saying. Hello to the new people that are reading this. And goodbye to everything on this fucking planet of death... End file.
Zombie Love Story? by Emo Emmy
Family **God help me, I wrote a Zombieland fan fic O.o I can't help it, this movie rocked!! Just wanted to try my hand at it :D Hope you all like it!!** **I own nothing!!** * * * It had been six weeks since Pacific Playland, six weeks since they had all settled on traveling together. There was no more talk of splitting up, of going on separate paths, after all, none of them had no place to return to. They really didn't know where they were driving to either, just a long stretch of open road in between the zombie-filled cities and nameless towns that littered the highways. After they'd left the amusement park, they spent about two weeks driving around the rest of California, collecting weapons, tools, and anything else that would aid in their survival. One of the other great things about Zombieland, you never had to worry about paying for anything, there was no one left to care. When Little Rock turned thirteen, Tallahassee had taken her into a jewelry store in a larger city just north of Sacramento and let her pick one thing from the broken counters. Wichita had told him about her little sister's fascination with the costume jewelry they'd used in their cons and he took it from there. Out of all the glittering jewels and diamonds in the store, Little Rock found a sterling silver locket and carefully looped it over her head, gazing down at the shining silver as it hung against her dirty clothes. Tallahassee was surprised; he had been convinced the little girl would go crazy in the deserted jewelry store. Hell, his ex-wife used to get stir crazy when the commercials would come on the TV. They hadn't stayed married long enough for him to ever have to worry about indulging that fantasy of hers. He's bought the engagement and wedding rings out of obligation when he found out she was pregnant with Buck. After he was born, she just up and disappeared one day, leaving him with a one month old infant and a job that barely paid enough for the both of them. It had been hard raising Buck alone but it was even harder losing him. That alone was what nearly did him in. It was only after they'd been together for a while did they start opening up about their families. Columbus was always the open one, encouraging them to talk about a past they would sooner forget. He told them about his neurotic family and all their phobias, how they were borderline agoraphobic and would only leave the house on certain occasions. Even though he tried to play it off, there was still the faint hope that maybe they were still alive since they, like him, avoided people like they were zombies even before they were zombies. Tallahassee gave the skeletal details of his brief marriage and kind of left it at that, any questions were met with one or two word answers followed by an impressive string of curses. His ex-wife was old news, someone he wanted to forget about as soon as possible. Little Rock talked a lot about her time with Wichita; it was clear she didn't remember much about her parents. Wichita remained impassive and silent on the subject for most of it, offering a few randoms comments here and there to appease Columbus who would look to her occasionally. It was a pretty dead conversation as far as she was concerned. Columbus let it slide; there was no point forcing anyone to talk about anything. The last thing the needed in this zombie-infested world was to have a falling out because of dredged up bad memories. Later that night, after Tallahassee and Little Rock had fallen asleep in the backseat, Wichita returned to the earlier conversation. She began speaking quietly, almost to herself, and Columbus sat up a little straighter to listen to her. Apparently, her parents were in and out her entire life, between the drugs and alcohol they were constantly in trouble with the police. When Little Rock was born, her mother went into rehab which lasted a grand total of two months before everything fell back to the way it was. Their father became more violent, their mother more and more trashed out with each passing day, and finally Wichita couldn't take it anymore. She took Little Rock when she was about two and they left, never looking back. They had been on their own since. It was tough to talk about and ever tougher to listen to. Columbus wished he had something to say to make it better but he didn't. In fact, the only thing he could think to say would have made it worse so he kept it to himself. She gave him a half-smile and told him not to worry about it, there was nothing that could have been done. It didn't make him feel any better. They stopped in Carson City the next day, knowing they all needed some decent sleep and frankly, no one wanted to drive anymore. They found an abandoned house in the middle of the city and decided to make camp for a few days. There was a partially eaten leg in the doorway but no one even flinched at the sight of it; another thing about Zombieland, you eventually become comfortably desensitized to the horror around you. The spent the rest of the day barricading the doors, boarding up the windows and all the usual routines that went along with staying in a new house in a zombie infested world. They slept in shifts, one guarding the door at all times and listening for any movement through out the house. A few of the lights still worked and, ironically enough, the television but it was nothing but static. Still, there was a DVD collection and enough food to give them the break they needed for a few days. Little Rock had begun busying herself with scissors and paper and various other crafts objects she could find left in the house. Wichita asked what she was doing but her sister would always give some half-assed answer and continue on her way. She wouldn't reveal her project to Columbus or Tallahassee either (something which damn near drove the older man up the wall). After about three days in the house, they reloaded the car and pulled away, taking care to hit the zombie mailman that raced toward them. With his body slamming into the front of the car and bouncing off the wind shield, they drove off toward the edge of town. Little Rock leaned over the seat after a few minutes and dropped something into Wichita's hand. It was the locket, still shining brilliantly in the mid-day sunlight. Wichita quirked an eyebrow and opened it, smiling warmly as she did. Inside was a small collage of driver's license photos that she had managed to steal from Wichita, Columbus, and Tallahassee. There was an old school ID picture of her as well, placed in the middle and glued to the rest. This was their family now, their little rag-tag group that had come together by fate and chance. Wichita smiled and passed it to the other two, watching as they took in the project the youngest had been toiling over. Somehow, that tiny locket had become the link that tethered them all together. Zombieland was a place where there were no homes, there were no more familiar faces or warm greetings, but it wasn't a place without family. * * * **So what do you think? Good? Bad? Let me know!! :D** End file.
Family by LaylaBinx
Going Home **Disclaimer**: I do not own Zombieland and am not using this work of fanfiction for monetary gain. It takes them a couple of days to really calm down after Pacific Playland. They're all a little jumpy at first - Tallahassee maybe because of the Twinkie - but when they pass Las Vegas without incident, everyone relaxes. 265 miles is a long way to go without seeing a zombie, after all, and they welcome the break. "Though it's odd," Columbus thinks, "to have not seen a single zombie freak in so long." The roads aren't empty, per say. Cars litter I-15 and bloody, broken glass coats the pavement at a regular basis. But no zombies. No bodies at all actually, which strikes Columbus as eerie. "A ghost town" he remembers someone saying, and then puts it out of his mind with a quick shake of his head. Things pick up a little around Illinois. Tallahassee manages to kill one of the mother fuckers with a stapler, which is impressive, to say the least. Wichita and Columbus make out in the corner of whatever building the gang happens to scavenge through, but the other two never comment. They don't _really_ know where they're going, but Northeast is a pleasantly vague destination that suits all of them just fine. Eventually, the black GMC passes a "Welcome to Ohio" sign that's bent at the top right corner. Columbus sucks in a breath. "This is it" he thinks, unconsciously sinking a little in the front seat. Afterall he's been through, fighting clowns and saving Wichita and seeing countless smashed faces, the thought of finally seeing the truth about the fate of his hometown scares him shitless. "What's that quote?" he wonders absently, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his hometown?" That sounds about right. He taps his foot impatiently. Everyone else in the car remains silent and on edge, hoping for the best but knowing the inevitable. Columbus follows Rule #26 (stay positive) and keeps one desperate thought in the back of his mind that the city could be unmarred by the plague. It shines like a light amidst a pessimistic storm. His parents are zombies. Everyone he used to know is dead. He will never again be hugged by his mother. And he wonders which is better: to have high hopes and enjoy the comfort of delusion while he can, or to expect disaster and honorably accept the worst case scenario later. Just outside of the city limits, he still hasn't made up his mind. Just inside of the city limits, he knew he should have picked the first option and at least basked in positive emotion a little before all hope was lost. Because Columbus, Ohio is far from unaffected. It's completely in flames. "Jesus, Wichita was right," he thinks as he watches the smoke cloud climb from the cluster of downed buildings off the highway. And all of a sudden he doesn't think he can go any further. He can't bring it upon himself to see his house. He can't find the strength to look for his parents. He holds no more delusions about them being ok in this orange, blazing holocaust. No one could survive the raging fire. And if they did, the only thing waiting for them in the fresh air would be ravenous cannibals. "Stop the car," he says, panicking, "Stop the FUCKING car!" as he frantically unbuckles his seat belt. He barely gives Tallahassee time to come to a complete stop before he trips out the door and runs at a dead sprint to the highway barrier. He yells as loud as he can. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he lets out all of the panic, all of the tension, and all of the stress he'd been feeling for the past few horrible months. He yells for his old family and for his new family and for himself, who will never again carry the hope of maybe having a place to go back to. It's gone, and he screams until his voice gives out, his hands clutching the concrete under them and his body hunched over the barrier. Afterward he can feel tears on his face and a hand on his shoulder. He lets Wichita lead him back to the car, where he climbs in the backseat and digs his face into the crook of her neck. Tallahassee does a K-turn and drives in the opposite direction. No one cares to mention that he's driving the wrong way on a divided highway. They find a nice abandoned suburban two-story for the night and settle down in the living room, not bothering to go to the numerous separate rooms to sleep alone. Not that it matters. Columbus can't sleep regardless of the arrangements. He thinks only of the towering inferno that was once his home. When he turns over he can see that Wichita is not in her sleeping bag, so he stands up and tours the house looking for her. He finally finds her in the master bedroom, gazing into the mirror of an en suite bathroom. He takes the 4 large steps necessary to bring himself right behind her and she turns to face him, opening her mouth to speak. "I'm sorr-" she manages to get out before he closes her mouth with his. He deepens the kiss immediately, aided by her slightly open mouth, and she kisses him back after only a small moment of hesitation. She overwhelms him; he can feel every line of her body pressed against his as he cups her cheek with one hand and grabs low on her hip with the other. He's backed her against the sink, and though he likes the position, he unconsciously inches backwards toward the bed. They don't speak as he takes off her jacket and lies her down on the mattress. They shed their clothes quickly; their haste paused only when Wichita lifts her hips for easier jeans removal and when Columbus slips on a condom (one of the many things he took from Bill Murray's mansion). And then he's inside her, and it feels...well it feels even better than he'd ever thought it would. It is, after all, his first time, and the only reason he doesn't cum right away is because he still can't get that image out of his head. The fire, the bodies, the people he once knew foaming at the mouth. Moving within her helps. So does hearing her gasps in his ear and feeling her nails dig into his back. But soon he can't take it anymore even with the mental distraction - the wetness and heat and sight of Wichita under him too much - and he comes apart with his head buried in her neck and his hand on her ribcage, just under her breast. The climb down from his physical bliss is awkward as he pulls out and flops next to her, gingerly pulling off the condom and throwing it in a wet heap somewhere on the other side of the room. He wipes his hands on someone else's blanket and concentrates on not looking at Wichita. "Hey," he hears, and feels her hand on his shoulder again. He looks at her and it hits him with a dull throb, "This is why I'm alive," he realizes, "the only reason I haven't thrown myself off a building." And before she can say anything else, whether it's another apology or a joke or anything, he says, "Bobby. My name is Bobby." She smiles and kisses him softly on the forehead. They pull their clothes back on and sneak back into the living room. They fall asleep in the same sleeping bag, not caring if the others give them strange looks in the morning. **AN - **This is unbeta-ed as well as my first fanfiction, so please be kind. Anyone who desires to edit this or leave critique is welcome. The quote, for the record, is an approximation of a line found in The New Testament of the Christian Bible. An exact version would look something like, "But Jesus said to them, 'Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor.'" Matthew 13:57. I felt like it would be something Colombus would randomly remember from his education, even if it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with his situation. It's use here was not meant to be religiously symbolic in any way, so please do not take offense. End file.
Going Home by theperfectdozen