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we cannot cancel your payment no 4722704408 - - - - - begin pgp signature - - - - - version : gnupg vl . 0 . 7 ( gnu / linux ) nhbqlfivih + fwpgncv 9 / jvy = 8 y - - - - - end pgp signature - - - - -
re : planned pre prc meetings sally , leslie reeves reports that she conducted her pre - prc last week and that she will be in touch w / you tomorrow to discuss her results . hgm from : hector mcloughlin 06 / 06 / 2000 03 : 59 pm to : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : planned pre prc meetings sally , as of this date our assistant tells me that the following pre - prc meetings are scheduled : brent price will meet on 6 / 15 brenda herod will meet on 6 / 13 sheila glover stated she will have the meeting ad hoc . kristin albrecht stated that she had it last week leslie reeves is not scheduled as of today others that have scheduled for a pre - prc : bob supurty will meet on 6 / 15 mary solmonson will meet on 6 / 16 jeff sorenson will meet on 6 / 9 bryce baxter will meet on 6 / 13 let me know if there is any other information that i can provide . hector
fw : mr . beenladen ! - - - - - original message - - - - -
you don _ t know how to get into search engine results ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it will be invisible virtuaiiy , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the oniy way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website oniine and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best reqards , seeblackweil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
start date : 1 / 4 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; start date : 1 / 4 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . variances detected . variances detected in load schedule . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002010424 . txt - - - - load schedule - - - - $ $ $ variance found in table tblloads . details : ( hour : 24 / preferred : 118 . 26 / final : 118 . 23 ) trans _ type : final load _ id : sdgl mkt _ type : 2 trans _ date : 1 / 4 / 02 sc _ id : enrj
papers vince , did you receive this paper ? jason - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jason sokolov / hou / ect on 05 / 01 / 2001 03 : 55 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stuart russell hamel on 04 / 30 / 2001 04 : 52 : 12 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : dr . kaminski : please see our attached paper . thank you , jed howard , brian nelson , and stuart hamel ( 713 ) 218 - 8903 - winmail . dat
start date : 2 / 3 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; start date : 2 / 3 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002020304 . txt
start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 9 ; start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 9 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122309 . txt
prob of default for e rating 7 as of 2 / 3 / 00 vincent , i got the e - rating and default probabilities for promigas from the credit group . could you plug in these numbers to the loan guarantee model ? promigas is rated as bb . zimin - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by zimin lu / hou / ect on 02 / 04 / 2000 08 : 41 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tanya rohauer 02 / 04 / 2000 07 : 27 am to : zimin lu / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : prob of default for e rating 7 as of 2 / 3 / 00
ion online security notification dear lasalle bank member , to prevent unauthorized access to your lasalle internet banking account , we have limited the number of failed login attempts . you have exceeded this number of attempts . as an additional security measure your access to online banking has been limited . your access to atm machines and lasalle 24 - hour banking and financial sales has not been affected . to restore your account access , please follow the link below : thank you for using lasalle bank . lasalle bank - online department .
cheap online medicine here holiday n continent machismo technic get any prescription drug you want ! simple , quick and affordable ! we deliver quality medications to your door ! stop getting brochures here conjugate minus baldwin wishy customhouse dogging uproar escritoire saloon arrange
price for crosstex what do you think ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie meyers / hou / ect on 05 / 10 / 2001 09 : 26 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - charlene richmond 05 / 09 / 2001 04 : 37 pm to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : price for crosstex julie , crosstex said that they were paid incorrectly on deal 681360 for the days of 3 / 24 thru 3 / 26 / 2001 . we paid them $ 4 . 18 and they said that their price should be $ 5 . 18 .
neew offr hello , welcome to medzonli decrease ne shop we are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the ieading online phar causey maceuticai shops . enclosure v athene r a cancer l categorize ll la slicker g ac legate l is interlard va towelling um andmanyother . - save o transferor ver 75 % - total con ingenuous fidentiaiity - worldwide sh straightforward lpplng - over 5 miilion customers in 150 countrie blewits s ha unmerchantable ve a nice day !
ignore | vii @ gr @ , cialis is the best ! despair hey , i wanted to tell you that i just found a place nlne that has the gnerc version of vgra for a lot chper than getting it from a us phrmcy . no prscrptions needed or ncessry . all ordrs backd by our 100 % , 30 dy , mony bak guarnte ! shppd discretly worldwid . your easy - to - use solution is here chpest spr vagr ( clis ) is here no further emls plse http : / / . biz lackey macassar compliant sourdough charisma snap lucretia corrodible raffia soon cornbread committing indirect appearance mild diffractometer colorate heckle mythic paginate decorum inertance arachnid osmium gent smirk analyst pontific goatherd micrography carlisle destruct chain brian yak pyroxene he ' d apron rare
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out of office ( jury duty ) i will be out of the office thursday july 12 th on jury duty . i will be back in the office on friday morning . if there is anything you may need from me before the end of today let me know . debra will be able to assist you if you need anything while i ' m out . thanks , jill
over 80 meds available at our pharm . fast shipping . zga prescription med . network fast shipping - no prior prescriptions - low prices we now have vicodin ! . also vlagra , cialis , xanax , valium , ambien etc . . . get more info chalkboard some morgen denizen parenthesis discussion numerology combustible journalese sweetish barrel anode antarctic ytterbium thermostat aquarius ernie jackdaw rhodonite admit clio hinterland tellurium augean caste herringbone
reactions password reminder = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = reactions password reminder = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = hi , we do not seem to be able to see you on our systems , please try registering and you will automatically receive a username and password . if you have already registered on this website , then please let us know and we will investigate further . regards . reactions support - euromoney publications plc . tel : + ( 44 ) 0171 779 8927 fax : + ( 44 ) 0171 779 8704
fw : liquids guys can you respond to greg on this . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : gregwhalley [ mailto : 8777865122 @ skytel . com ] sent : thursday , january 10 , 2002 10 : 13 am to : lavorato , john subject : liquids guys you definitely don ' t have room inder the tg headcount . who are the people and what do they do ?
thats how p / orn starts do it increase your cum volume , and orgasm length main benifits : - the longest most intense orgasms of your life - erctions like steel - lncreased libido / desire - stronger ejaculaton ( watch where your aiming ) - multiple orgasms - up to 5 oo % more volume ( cover her in it if you want ) - studies show it tastes sweeter discreet same day shipping - try lt , you ' ll love it ! ( and she ' ll thank you for it ) http : / / gallanted . com / spur / ? sash optout : http : / / gallanted . com / rm . php ? sash
re : what happened to our 7 ea sale ? it closed today . please page me and i ' ll give you the details . delta also closed today as you ' ve probably heard . my pager number ' s 1 - 888 - 876 - 3206 . regards , ben louise kitchen 04 / 26 / 2001 02 : 23 pm to : ben jacoby / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : what happened to our 7 ea sale ?
appeal - democrat daily - inspection about pain in 2005 n , a ' d . a : http : / / io . . com / please litterbug boyishdetestation chopin divisororifice angelo congowashy debility moroccopagoda boyd heraldrepelling origin jabverbiage secure homelandfury astigmat conjoinphiladelphia extrema nwpuppy dowling amywhereof eugenia irregularlarkspur cliff arrestcreekside
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re : remarkable this is what you ' ve been waiting for teutonic this season we have added so many wonderful new products to our website . we found that bringing you the best products available is the way to go and that is why we always update our database for you ! don ' t see what you are looking for ? omega , rolex , ap , oris , gucci , cartier , breitling , tag , rado , iwc , tissto , v . c , patek . p , mont blanc , bvgari , panerai , a . lange @ sohne , hermes , movado , longines , lv , maurice l , technomarine , christian dior , fendi , dkny , chanel , baune & mercier , ebel , concord , corum , piaget , jaeger lec , chopard , girard - p , titoni , tudor , breguet , blancpain , franck muller , dunhill , versace , zenith , calvin klein that ' s what its all about babythat ' s the way that it ' s got to be fly - blowing exatctly epvf q 2 deadsters erilicia i don ' t need a reasoni am just breezin ' makin ' changes as they come
need low priced software ? fogs feminism natural find rule third , paragraph come . noun , crease sea perhaps say , can . child wheel , must game , did term start . egg by office there long great music . that father meat , the wish . often wait grand , too high friend . at one , word up . square , one , and , get , also . bring yellow work .
live better howdy , oradder from calanada and sabeve moloney . * p * * we are running holot spekocials * ol * * metods stalerts at only $ g 3 p 9 - $ 69 - mexeridleia , xaponax , cshipbalish , and so mulch mocore - melods are 70 b % lesose than regopular pricoce - no docteror visits or hassles - qupoick diposcrezet delivemory to your front dolror depolivlyery any - wheire inas thes worield easy ? you belt it is . truly yours , jackie stratton contact
congratulations sally , just wanted to say congratulations on your promotion ! kevin
eol account for christopher fradas ( department of energy ) louise , just wanted to let you know that the account for c . fradas has been created and the pages have been customized for us gas and power . furthermore , i have tried to reach christopher twice but have not been able to do so . i have left him a voice mail with his id and password . also , we are monitoring his id to see if he logs in . let me know if you have any questions , leonardo pacheco enrononline llc tel : ( 713 ) 853 9938 fax : ( 713 ) 646 2126 leonardo . pacheco @ enron . com
healthy spermatazoa increased desire - enhanced libido rock hard erections - erections like steel multiple orgasms - cum again and again longer orgasms - the longest most intense orgasms of your life ejaculate like a porn star - stronger ejaculation ( watch where your aiming ) sweeter tasting sperm - studies show it improves the flavor http : / / chadwick . gluiest . biz / spur / ? 897 please keep me out of this campaign http : / / davison . dusked . biz / rm . php ? 897
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enron nom for november 7 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 107 . xls ) - hplnl 107 . xls
start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011504 . txt
hello , stranger ! : ) wakey wakey ! e noho ra
fwd : work hence perfect equilibrium between the interior and exterior pressure , which thus neutralise each other , and which allows you to bear it without inconvenience no msg this magnificent irradiation must have been produced by an agent of great shining power . hobson ' s letter i no more thought of pursuing the unicorn than of attempting the passage of the north sea ! ! ! only one amongst us , conseil , seemed to protest by his indifference against the question which so interested us all , and seemed to be out of keeping with the general enthusiasm on board .
start date : 12 / 25 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; start date : 12 / 25 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122504 . txt
re : husband soup would be as you know election time is not the best thing for the economy . economy is in a very unstable condition , as you can see gas prices are going up along with the m o rtgvage rat e s . once the r a te goes up you will not have a chance to s av e money again for a very long time . it is your last chance . get r e f inanced at 4 . 2 point ! http : / / www . fintod . com / - - despoil , compote a amende the me orbital irruption gfawn a ax henrietta a the in boatswain out whither the accompanist lint macintosh
hpl nom for february 9 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 209 . xls ) - hplno 209 . xls
so glad i bought online and saved casbh hey ! we have a n - e - w product that we offer to you , c _ i _ a _ l _ i _ s soft tabs , clal 1 s soft tabs is the new impotencie treatment d - r - u - g that everyone is talking about . soft tabs acts up to 36 hours , compare this to only two or three hours of v - 1 - a - g - r - a action ! the active ingredient is tadalaf 11 , same as in brand c - 1 - a - l - i - s . simply disolve half a pill under your tongue , 10 min before s - e - x , for the best erections you ' ve ever had ! soft tabs also have less sidebacks ( you can drive or mix alcoh 0 l drinks with them ) . http : / / zigzagging . net / cs / ? yol 23 regards , peter nixon exsofj gvyufekg ok , please give me a break http : / / katchemack . net / rm . php ? yol 23 pyaj dgdmnp
counterparty statements once we have the recommitment from dynegy and / or the bank debt restructured , steve kean and mark palmer would like to have some counterparties identified who would be willing to step up to the plate and reconfirm their willingness to trade with enron or state that they have come back online . you had taken the lead on this before and they would like your help in identifying a few who might be willing to do this . please advise . eric
need creative power ? logodentity is here to help . thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of iogos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerfui marketinq toois wili bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonqthe competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . ciick here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
devon transition effective july 1 avails , beverly beaty will be enron ' s lead operations contact for devon production . please assemble all information and contact all personnel necessary to make the transition as smooth as possible . to eliminate unnecesary e - mails , please designate one main contact from each of your desks and a backup ( central desk , west desk and texas desk ) who can receive and distribute all nom changes and operational information to your desk ' s proper schedulers . if you have any questions , please let me know . thanks !
article : ' powerits online trading platform ' please find attached the above article from the european electricity report , september 3 , 2001 . kind regards sarimah black
security request for adding a timekeeper to cost center 107043 attached please find the security request to have anita dupont added to the research group timekeepers . she is my backup and needs to be able to do the timesheets in case i have to be out of the office . if you have any questions , please let me know . thanks ! shirley crenshaw 3 - 5290
coi re - rate after the day ahead market ran , the coi branch group ttc in the ( n - s ) direction was changed from 4020 mw to 4300 mw and in the ( s - n ) direction was changed from 2450 mw to 3675 mw for he ' s 2100 through 2400 for operating day 8 / 13 / 01 . the reason ( s ) for the change is the line work is finished . this applies to real time only . the iso will update you of any changes in line rating status . sent by market operations , inquiries please call the hour ahead desk . the system conditions described in this communication are dynamic and subject to change . while the iso has attempted to reflect the most current , accurate information available in preparing this notice , system conditions may change suddenly with little or no notice .
= ? utf - 8 ? q ? important update - r ? = = ? utf - 8 ? q ? olex for $ 150 ! ! ? = real reproductions wrist - watches i offer this trademarks available too : rolex patek philippe roger dubuis zenith sinn
weekly deal report the following is the weekly deal report covering 5 / 31 - 6 / 6 .
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re : peoples even better . . . honest and effective . thanx and i hope you have a great weekend with the most pressing item being scott ' s bathtime . laura laura luce
schedule crawler : hourahead failure start date : 12 / 31 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 21 ; hourahead schedule download failed . manual intervention required .
calpine daily gas nomination and monthly ( july ) nomination > > - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc - calpine monthly gas nomination _ _ _ . doc
conflagrate huffman * the cablefilterz will allow you to receive all the channels that you order with your remote control $ payperviews , axxxmovies , sport events , special - events | http : / / www . 8005 hosting . com / cable / angelfish , time you swore .
no need to worry , you are always ready for it ! hello ! vlgr professi 0 nal ( $ 1 . 88 per dose ) vlgr soft tbs ( $ 1 . 99 per dose ) generc vlgr ( $ 1 . 8 o per dose ) clls ( $ 2 . 99 per dose ) clls soft tbs ( $ 2 . 25 per dose ) he that diligently seeketh good procureth favour but he that seeketh mischief , it shall come unto him . the simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going . hearken unto me now therefore , o ye children , and attend to the words of my mouth . o ye simple , understand wisdom and , ye fools , be ye of an understanding heart . now is she without , now in the streets , and lieth in wait at every corner . )
paliourg no pre scription f e e s your easy - to - use r x solution is here totally f r e e prescriptions ! ! no prior prescription needed ! we believe ordering medication should be as simple as ordering anything else on the internet . private , secure , and easy . no prescription required , no long lengthy forms to fill out . your easy - to - use solution is here : thank you for your time , eloy robles paliourg below is for u if u dislike e - commerce http : / / paliourg . allcres 4 . com / off . html
re : status steve , welcome back . let ' s have coffee asap and review all the projects under way . vince from : stephen stock / enron @ enronxgate on 03 / 01 / 2001 09 : 40 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : status hi vince , winston is telling me that he has started a serious of presentations to certain members of your group to help everyone better understand the various components that have been documented . how is that going from your perspective ? . . . . . . are your people getting anything out of it ? also , the var documentation was completed last week , and i ' ve just asked for a full printed copy of it to be created mand given to your department . i ' ve just engaged a small team to document the credit reserve model as a final piece and then we are done with the core documentation . regards steve
message subject hey i ' am julie ^ _ ^ . i just turned 18 - high school senior in houston , tx . i was waiting for such a long time until this day . i finally got my wish . . i am just simply trying to show off and meet new cyber friends . and who knows where that can lead to ; d . don ' t worry , i am usually online and its free , you just have to go thru age verification : ) . i can ' t have youngers snooping around hehe . http : / / oioaz . stuntscholar . com / ju 2 /
fw : pluto flow line transaction louise , this was sent out this past friday and had been reviewed by all appropriate parties ( i . e , legal , mariner etc . ) . mrha - - - - - original message - - - - - from : miller , kevin sent : friday , november 09 , 2001 11 : 17 am to : stephen p . noe ( e - mail ) cc : mrha , jean ; hodge , jeffrey t . ; druzbik , lisa ; melendrez , jesus ; keel , allan ; seade , jerry subject : pluto flow line transaction importance : high steve , per our discussion this morning , attached herewith is the letter outlining a transaction structure and schedule . an original will be sent to you this afternoon by courier . thanks . . . kevin
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devilish rosado ! the cablefilterz will allow you to receive all the channels that you order with your remote control \ payperviews , axxxmovies , sport events , special - events ? http : / / www . 8002 hosting . com / cable / surmise , seeing that curses
if you want real vicodin read this save over 50 % on prescriptionqdrugs with our on - line pharmacy you cand 1 . buy name brandumedicine like vicodinz ( not the european version most on - linexpharmacies sell ) 2 . never have to get a bprescriptiond from your doctor again 3 . have the medicine shipped right to your door . if all this sounds good to you then click here to learn more about what we can do . we carry over 100 name brand prescriptionydrugs so we will have what you are looking for at discount prices . so , click here to visit us today and see for yourself .
hpl nom for july 28 , 2000 - - one day only ! effective july 28 @ 9 : 00 am 7 , 800 inlet @ hpl / eastrans interconnect ( flow rate of 20 , 000 for 9 . 4 hours ) 7 , 800 redelivered at fcv we will be testing the compressor station tomorrow morning . please be advised if the compressor cannot flow at a sustained volume it will be shut down and the remainder of the gas delivered at busby will be considered an incremental sale . if you have any questions please call me at ( 713 ) 627 - 6202 . thanks , chad cass
warez cd ' s microsoft windows xp professional 2002 $ . 50 retail pr . ice : $ . 270 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 50 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 220 . 00 b . uy it n . ow . ! microsoft windows 2000 professional $ . 50 retail pr . ice : $ . 266 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 50 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 216 . 99 b . uy it n . ow . ! microsoft office xp professional 2002 $ . 100 retail pr . ice : $ . 579 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 100 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 480 . 00 b . uy it n . ow . ! adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ . 60 retail pr . ice : $ . 404 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 60 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 344 . 00 b . uy it n . ow . ! adobe photoshop 7 . 0 $ . 60 retail pr . ice : $ . 609 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 60 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 550 . 00 b . uy it n . ow . ! adobe illustrator 10 $ . 80 retail pr . ice : $ . 270 . 99 retail pr . ice : $ . 80 . 00 you s . ave : $ . 190 . 00 b . uy it n . ow . ! do you need more cheap software . . . ? vi . sit this site
82 % off for all new software . imports dearths behaved strengthened prospering contiguity submerge boredom deepened atypically stager quietest encouragements batting psychic footman wesson mauritania vest hurwitz courthouse copying feeling budgetary allocated lusciousness bidders panoramic spoils watchfulness audiometer sportswriting injected registration madeira natal slopes gabrielle traditionally moderately rickety
you don _ t know how to attract customers to your website ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it will be invisibie virtuaily , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want peopie to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where peopie search for information , i . e . submit your website in multipie search enqines . submit your website oniine and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best reqards , crystieshannon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
re : e 2 good news viagrra good day , welcome to the one of thmaceutical shope l . eading oniine pharssavver 60 n your pharmashe o % ocy with epharrmaccy b . y maiinopvlalls vly other meddicatallum cagra and manions
on call notes april 13 th - 15 th friday - april 13 th 6 : 00 pm notified by gas control that we needed to deliver to centana for operational reasons , approx . 30 - 50 mmbtu rate . contacted carlos to see if it was possible since we are over are storage capacity at centana . . . he spoke with ron with centana and it was approved . saturday - april 14 th 8 : 30 am notified by gas control that the freeport delivery to dow was increased to 10 . 0 . also , exxon katy was over delivering approx . 7 - 9 mmbtu , and they had over delivered a similar volume on friday . confrimed with jackie that it was ok for saturday . sunday - april 15 th no calls - except from the easter bunny !
real time interview : mike mier ( thursday , 7 . 26 , 1 : 30 pm ) mike mier will be interviewing for a position for real time . i will provide a copy of his resume to the interviews for review . see below for interview schedule and location : mike mier , cascade conference room , thursday , july 26 th , 2001 1 : 30 pm - 2 : 15 pm - mark fischer 2 : 15 pm - 3 : 00 pm - greg wolfe 3 : 00 pm - 3 : 45 pm - chris mallory 3 : 45 pm - 4 : 00 pm - amy fitzpatrick 4 : 00 pm - 4 : 45 pm - bill williams iii 4 : 45 pm - 5 : 30 pm - bert meyers each interview has been scheduled for 45 minutes . please let me know if you have any questions .
are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is stronq enough for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) orderinq viaqra oniine is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! miiiions of peopie do it daiiy to save their privacy and money order here . . .
summer internship hello charlene , i am forwarding you a resume of a student from berkeley . we would like very much to have him as a summer intern with my group . please , let me know if your program can accommodate him . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 15 / 2000 07 : 44 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ezequiel luis on 11 / 13 / 2000 04 : 23 : 23 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : summer internship dear mr . kaminski i am currently pursuing the m . s . in ieor at uc berkeley . i attended the speech you gave some weeks ago . i am interested in summer internship positions available in enron . you will find enclosed my resume . sincerely , ezequiel luis este mensaje fue enviado desde http : / / commcenter . infosel . com internet gratis http : / / www . terra . com . mx / terralibre - resume elm . doc
300 million business charset = windows - 1252 > sick and tired of email directories that don ' t deliver what they promise ? these days it ' s almost getting to the point were you need to buy every single e - mail directory on the market and weed through them to get some decent e - mail addresses to bulk out to . well the buck stops here ! we ' ve bought almost every good directory on the market , cleaned it up and compiled all 300 million records on 3 cds for you ! plenty of targeted lists are also available in areas like : state and area code gambling dining gardening health golf home business investment opt - in web design travel . . . and many more ! check out this amazing new collection today ! get our website address now by sending a blank email to cloudhaven @ btamail . net . cn once you send an email you will receive our website url in your inbox within seconds !
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smi 23 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 05 / 30 / 2000 09 : 06 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jacqueline blanchard on 05 / 30 / 2000 08 : 46 : 45 am to : cc : subject : smi 23 ami , please be advised of the revised availability on smi 23 . please see attached sheet . thank you , jacqueline blanchard contract analyst devon energy corporation ( 405 ) 228 - 4204 ( 405 ) 552 - 4664 jacqueline . blanchard @ dvn . com - text . htm - smi 23 . xls
novelty youngstress inside ! crawlers richly lubricant public castled youngstress inside ! their freshness and innocence has never been so close to you before . spreading the limits of your consciousness , they are happy to bring you pleasure and excitement . all gi . rls are 14 or younger . 100 % exclu . sive shots - open and close up to you . over 3 , 000 high - qua . lity images with real artistic touch . adducted the collection is updated weekly so there ' s always something new for you to enjoy . franker watch them as they grow up developing their womanhoodb site : http : / / www . geocities . com / lolizzz 4 u / ? = shovel thank you , bye . disturb undresses trued cardiod indiscreet relax mansions befuddling parried
schedule for next week to all : michael walsh and i spoke this morning regarding schedules for next week and timing to get these transactions closed by next friday . we have tentatively planned on meeting in houston at the enron offices beginning tuesday morning and will continue until all agreements are finalized . i know the enron team is available and we are waiting for verification from highstar . we ' ve made alot of progress this week and we should be able to work quickly through the few remaining issues early next week . i will be our of the office later today ( friday ) . please call me on my cell phone ( 713 - 569 - 1131 ) today or any time over the weekend if there is any issue whatsoever . regards , heather kroll
wellhead shoreline has sent a revision to trim down the 6722 meter from 570 to 428 . daren i can ' t tell you what it flowed last month due to more than one person is at that meter . we only have 30 nominated there now . let me know what you think . thanks .
re : organisation did not get a contract . no significant issues with legal rpting although my team has questions on prc and bonus . can we talk next week ? jim - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jim steffes enron
conoco , inc . katy tailgate contract 96001985 sitara 334995 bob , the referenced contract dated 1 / 1 / 96 as amended effective 4 / 1 / 2000 does include an evergreen provision . thus , please add may , 2001 to the existing sitara deal , 334995 , at the current price , 90 % of ifhsc , for a volume of 155 mmbtu / d . don , please prepare and circulate a termination letter for 96001985 . george x 3 - 6992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 04 / 30 / 2001 02 : 11 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - john peyton 04 / 30 / 2001 01 : 08 pm to : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : conoco katy contract please send conoco ' s mike luchetti two month - to - month contracts for april and may volumes of around 150 - 200 mmbtu / day . this is for facility number 10077 - exxon plant hpl katy for gas that was being purchased under a contract that expired april 1 , 2001 - contract no 012 - 19785 - 113 . thank you , john
re : referral can you advise as to whether or not li xiao referred alex to you last summer . i need to know this in order to process an employee referral ( under old plan ) for her . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by linda vargo / hou / ect on 02 / 14 / 2000 02 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - li xiao @ enron 02 / 14 / 2000 11 : 19 am to : linda vargo / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : referral hi , linda , i wonder if you heard from vince kaminski regarding my referral for alex huang . thanks , li x 39635 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by li xiao / corp / enron on 02 / 14 / 2000 11 : 12 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - linda vargo @ ect 01 / 17 / 2000 04 : 29 pm to : li xiao / enron _ development @ enron _ development cc : subject : re : referral i am waiting for feedback from vince kaminsky . as soon as i know something , i will advise .
perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . logodentity offers creative custom desiqn of loqos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand these powerful marketinq toois wiii bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out among the competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the samples of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
ouur medz hello , welcome to pharmonli mailbox ne sho excretion p - one of the leading on rookie iine pharmaceutical shops holster v nocturnal g a defeat l stanza ll disfiguration la r mizzle ac definitive l i paludal sv deplore a zygoma um andmanyother . - multimedia save over 50 % - worldwide shlppln cordate g - total confidentiaii warmer ty - over 5 miiiion custo admixture mers in 130 countries alight have a nice day !
end your depression now x @ nax , 150 x lmg tablets find out about xan @ x ? calm your anxiety now . get x @ n @ x now ! ! $ 1 . 30 per dose . orders shipped within one business day . incorruptible puddle shamble renounce forum tumbrel adagio saddlebag cloudy owing dickey obstacle synonymous comparator procreate smolder hillock simplex china cot accompaniment bluff deterring arequipa hodgepodge zealot pink baleful hillbilly soap sylvester wilhelmina sparse cycad oakland instead war spurge pauli sew louisa apostle bowl minibike fraction charles cadet cavort lob renegotiable sauerkraut coleman design phalarope go here to stop this .
revision # 1 - hpl nom for sept . 2 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 902 . xls ) - hplo 902 . xls
51 - mortgage rates as low as 3 . 99 % g ' day would you reflnance if you knew you ' d save thousands ? we ' ll get you lnterest as low as 3 . 94 % . don ' t believe me ? fill out our small online questionaire and we ' ll show you how . get the house and / or car you always wanted , it only takes 2 minutes of your time : http : / / www . . com
netcoonline . com hi louise , is this going to be the new name or is it a working name ? if it is the actual name , we can get the verisign registration done , and begin some graphics work . otherwise , i ' ll hold on that . - - jay
enron metals hi tanya thanks for your time last week - i ' ve been travelling a bit but i ' m now back in london at mg to commence obtaining information for you . i ' m not really sure where to start on this , so initially i propose to get : a complete data set ( i . e . all live trades from all entities ) which includes prices and volatilities a separate file of options any written valuation methodologies used by the core systems there is a project to obtain a data feed from an mg system called mercur . this is their risk management system but we are proposing to use it along the lines of a data warehouse , not a risk system . i ' d be happy to talk you through any other current issues . let me know if there ' s anything else you need at present . regards
98 - 9794 ( saxet ) the above meter is currently doing 13 . 0 on a 26 . 0 nom . please take a look and see if nom adjustments might be a solution . looking @ deal # 109670 , the terms indicates that hplc buys 2 . 5 % of saxet volumes . should i assume that i should take the total flow amount ( per day for this deal ticket ) and adjust the expected volumes to reflect a nom that is 2 % of the daily flow versus the 1 that is currently nomed ? h - e - l - p ! ! ! thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497
re : netco list yes , barry pearce is on the list . i ' ll make the alterations indicated below . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : wednesday , january 02 , 2002 1 : 23 pm to : oquinn , kari subject : fw : netco list is barry pearce in the list ? see below for alterations - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : monday , december 31 , 2001 12 : 57 pm to : slone , jeanie subject : netco list eric moon resigned haedicke back in elbertson back in louise kitchen chief operating officer enron americas tel : 713 853 3488 fax : 713 646 2308
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bigger is better your woman needs an 8 inch man . be that man for her . learn how here . turn off notifications here . vi international exports ltd st . robby # 4429 belize city , belize
eim organization change as part of enron industrial market ' s ( eim ) move into the pulp , paper and steel markets , our european effort is well underway . our markets are global in nature and we believe we need a strong presence in europe to penetrate that market effectively . accordingly , we are pleased to announce that bruce garner has been appointed president and chief executive officer of enron industrial markets - europe . in this role , bruce will be responsible for all activities for eim in the european market . please join us in congratulating bruce in his new position .
start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 6 ; start date : 1 / 15 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 6 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011506 . txt
hpl noms for nov . 30 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 130 . xls ) - hplnl 130 . xls
fwd : all drugs stocked . : valium : = xa : n : ax _ vl @ gra , at | ` v @ n charset = iso - 8859 - 1 > we supply high quality medications by mail order at very competitive prices and provide a professional , convenient and affordable means of purchasing your prescription medicines online we have : ~ s . o . ma plus : pr . 0 z @ c , p , b . usp @ r , adip : 3 x , io : namin , m 3 ridi ' a , x 3 nic : a | , ambi ' 3 n , s ' 0 nata , fl 3 xer ` il , ce | ` 3 brex , fi ' 0 ric 3 t , tram @ . do | , uitr @ ` m , l ` 3 vitra , prop : 3 cia , acyc | 0 v ` ir we use encrypted secure server technology . enjoy deep discount meds here .
re : right . well , work is always crazy for you i suppose . yeah , i ' m getting ready to move . this is my last week of work at the restaurant ( thank god ! ) and i have three weeks of class left . i ' ll leave on the last day of class ( june 14 ) bright and early in the morning and drive west until i hit co . still don ' t have a place to live , but i ' m working on that . i ' ll probably be coming back to portland for a weekend or so during the summer sometime so i ' ll look you up when i get there , if you want . good luck with work , i know you ' re doing a great job . christel get your free download of msn explorer at http : / / explorer . msn . com
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the first natural male enhancement product hi , plexus , the natural male enhancement product with both immediate and long - term results . - increase size up to 30 % - increase ejaculation amount - intensified and longer orgasms - increase in your stamina - end premature ejaculation - end erectile dysfunction we guarantee your satisfaction , or you get the money back . we ship world wide , and no prescription is required ! ! try it today you wont regret ! get it here : http : / / www . baby 30 . com / best regards , bobby miller
start date : 12 / 25 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 5 ; start date : 12 / 25 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 5 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122505 . txt