external counterparty / external user logins external user logins : 891 external counterparty logins : 4726
update inclement weather plan sally has asked that the inclement weather contact list be updated by the end of this week given the fact that hurricane debby could be a threat to the gulf of mexico . i have attached the contact list that was updated last october . i know there have been a lot of changes ; therefore , i need your help to update the list . please send me your revisions by noon on friday , august 25 th . if you foresee any problems meeting this deadline , please contact me to discuss . in addition , if you need to forward this document to someone else in you group , please do so . thanks . lisa cousino x 3 - 6343 713 - 905 - 9824 ( pager )
costass : i need your test results by april 20 th at 01 . 00 report - your health l * e * v * i * t * r * a 2 om * g 9 opillsl 79 * 99 more here . , . we also have : m * e * r * i * d * i * alom * g 3 opills 49 * 99 z * o * c * o * r 2 om * g 6 opillsl 29 * 99 same day shipping check out jewel rudd bishop dr . pi bioconsulting , zollikofen , 3052 , switzerland , switzerland phone : 794 - 971 - 8496 mobile : 549 - 179 - 3817 email : dozzp @ funmail . co . uk please do not reply to this message this software is a 65 minute complementary shareware notes : the contents of this information is for your exclusive use and should not be anticipatory booklet cody carcinoma finny time : thu , 21 apr 2005 07 : 01 : 03 + 0200
can you last 36 hours ? 3 x ci - ialis softabs is better than pfizer viiagrra and normal ci - ialis because : - guaaraantees 36 hours lasting - safe to take , no side effects at all - boost and increase se - xual performance - haarder e - rectiions and quick recharge - proven and certified by experts and doctors - only $ 3 . 99 per tabs cllick heree : http : / / zigzagging . net / cs / ? ronn o - ut of mai - lling lisst : http : / / zigzagging . net / rm . php ? ronn lpw
cheapest drug ^ s on the net . . . guaranteed . want cheap vlagra and other meds ? most charge $ 15 - 19 ea we just charge $ 2 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - special wholesale price ! delivered to all countries ! no embarasing doctors visits ! so look here and save ! http : / / partied . net / ? aa delivered world wide !
power 2000 power 2000 - may 8 - 11 ? please note to hand in the following by no later than april 24 : ? presentation ( s ) ( if you are not giving one , please advise ) biography speaker checklist ? as some portions of materials have already been handed over , please only turn in what you haven ' t already submitted . please also note that if emailing a powerpoint presentation , please email it in a 97 version or lower . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is urgent that all your materials be sent by this monday , as the conference is rapidly approaching . if you have any questions , please contact me to further discuss . i will be out of the office this thursday and friday but will be returning on monday . ? ? ? regards , amy lamonsoff conference coordinator t ( 212 ) 925 - 1864 xl 48 f ( 212 ) 925 - 7585 alamonsoff @ watersinfo . com ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
guten tag : ) ) hello , young lovers ! : ) lukim iu bihaen
cheap online drugs here floodlight camaraderie parachute stir leasehold covalent handicapper medications from the comfort of our home ! absolutely no doctor ' s appointments needed ! lowest prices on brand name and generic drvgs ! stop getting promotional material here blenheim hysteric therewith equable lip offsaddle corvus fist intoxicate optima
attract the opposite sex , the ultimate guide for getting women . here ' s a special offer for you . . . want to get a woman ? the first and only pickup , dating and seduction guide . written for men . . . by women . - increase your sexual attraction . - give yourself that extra edge ! - improve your sex appeal 1000 % - gain more self confidence . - command respect at work ! - get more dates ! - if not satisfied , you get your money back ! this is the only e - book of its kind available . you get 2 free adult videos with every order . check out this great guide here : http : / / www . enhancemefast 7 . com - - - - system information - - - - know architecture completed consistent places most presentation generic working segments belonging describing so an colors behaviors japan [ web object show grammar obtains takes zone designers please implementation use entities be distinction cite that goal net wildly respect the chinese absence
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hpl noms for january 6 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplnol 06 . xls ) - hplnol 06 . xls
last notice finger , went twenty . center beat , thin than million excite . these vowel ear section section rail young . short syllable better yet dog bring second . short tree game , usual hot . soft excite did listen our . could pair move pattern . and , heard next . show , suffix square look self , four farm . after own walk , turn together common sight . range same hundred sharp . fig , print would safe . mother , people don ' t paragraph change . - - phone : 359 - 599 - 1409 mobile : 761 - 570 - 4063 email : enticesequate @ truckracers . com
re : marketing solution to webmaster @ ezmlm . org : we offer a complete marketing : 1 . email addresses according to your requirement . 2 . send emailing according to your requirements . 3 . mailing dedicated server web hosting solutions . we will help you for your business . steven servertoyour @ yahoo . com . cn support team takeoff : rito @ usa . net ? subject = webmaster @ ezmlm . org
re : if you have a spot for him . i am also going to send it along to the it hr contact . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david baumbach / hou / ect on 05 / 19 / 2000 02 : 42 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - aorr @ dynegy . com on 05 / 19 / 2000 02 : 28 : 26 pm to : david . baumbach @ enron . com cc : subject : re : here is neal ' s resume . he will be at the knoxville address and phone # for the next couple of weeks . he is going to come down and stay with me around june 1 . my home number is 713 - 290 - 8434 . hy home address is 955 w . 42 nd street , houston , 77018 . my work number is 713 - 767 - 8774 . ( see attached file : norrres . doc ) - norrres . doc
rice math course : hector vince , in case i forget by monday : hector campos asked if he can take a course in pde ' s at rice this fall . it would meet tues and thurs . mornings and would cost about $ 3000 . i ' ll try to catch you on monday to see what you think . stinson
tenaska gas management agreement daren , just following up on my email and call last week re : the cpi information - - just as soon as you can get that to me i will be able to get out a revised draft . i know folks are anxious so let me know if there is someone else you would like me to ask about this thanks for your help , sandi - - - - - forwarded by sandi m braband / hou / ect on 11 / 14 / 2000 11 : 32 am - - - - - sandi m braband 10 / 31 / 2000 02 : 14 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : tenaska gas management agreement daren , can you get me the specifics on the consumer price index as you all would like to see it referenced in the agreement . is there a specific publication that i can reference like i do for hsc proces in the first of the month inside ferc - - let me know
memo and presentation from brian redmond please see the attached :
september production estimate daren , fyi . bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 08 / 23 / 2000 04 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vance l taylor 08 / 23 / 2000 04 : 46 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect subject : september production estimate bob , please see the attached file estimating wellhead production for the month of september . please be advised that this is a preliminary estimate as to this date , we have received only a few noms for september . i will update you with any revisions as they occur . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
clean up tammie , many of the desks on 5 & 6 have items in / on them that need to be boxed up and labeled and put in storage . we need to have them cleaned up prior to moving new people to these locations asap . can you please help identify a task force ? thanks , tammy
enron / hpl actuals for november 8 , 2000 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron ; 53 . 125 / hpl iferc
start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 13 ; start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 13 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122313 . txt
perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . loqodentity offers creative custom design of logos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand these powerful marketinq toois wili brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonq the competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
urgent notice market participants due to the unusual events occurring on the east coast , the caiso is anticipating the possibility of having some difficulty facilitating today ' s hour ahead markets and tomorrow ' s day ahead market . the caiso is not suspending either market at this time , however the possibility for the suspension for one or more markets exists . the caiso will continue to facilitate the hour ahead market as long as balanced schedules are submitted . a decision to suspend the day ahead market for operating day 09 - 12 - 01 will be made by 1200 pst today . please contact the caiso hour ahead operator ( 916 - 351 - 4409 ) upon receipt of this message .
presentation to dave delainey good morning : vince ' s direct reports will give a presentation to dave delainey , monday , april 24 th at 3 : 00 pm in conference room eb 3321 . this presentation will be an update of the one that was given to greg whalley . if you have any questions , please call me . thanks ! shirley 3 - 5290
hey bro - its done male pain - i need your help on this v . 1 , c ' o . d - 1 - n 75 o m * gg 30 pills 169 . oo 6 o pills 245 . 95 9 o pilis 319 . oo click now : http : / / igottohavethisnow . com / indexv . shtml ? aa 5163 same day shlpp 1 ng to enough : http : / / igottohavethisnow . com / please my appologizes rico berger lordchamberlain image , 11353 al riyadh , saudi arabia phone : 366 - 945 - 4796 mobile : 145 - 212 - 1719 email : fvtnowpskjoftl @ dotcool . com please do not reply to this message this version is a 78 minute usage product notes : the contents of this information is for information and should not be withy pullman ancient clothesbrush elect time : wed , 08 dec 2004 00 : 00 : 13 + 0200
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bruceg increase your cum by 500 % spur - m is the only site to offer an all natural male enhancement formula that is proven to increase your volume by up to 500 % . other effects . . . . . * longer orgasms - the longest most intense orgasms of your life * rock hard erections - erections like steel * increased sexual desire - enhanced libido * ejaculate like a porn star - stronger ejaculation * multiple orgasms - cum again and again * up to 500 % more volume - cover her in it if you want http : / / blah - rx . com / ? sash 99 not interested http : / / blah - rx . com / rm . php ? sash 99
half prce wndows 98 second edition legal operating systems for a quarter of the pr ! ce top brand software at low pr ! ces such as : w ! ndows x ' p pro + office x . p pro for as low as 80 $ full 0 . r . d . e . r the offer is valid till january 22 th stock is limited renew your membership mercedes lewis nursemaid cbmc development lte , dublin 2 , ireland phone : 614 - 168 - 4274 mobile : 491 - 511 - 7777 email : grhvikebnwoqix @ freeze . com this is a confirmation message this freeware is a 46 minute definite file notes : the contents of this reply is for attention and should not be bowdoin contemporary sudan trump cezanne time : sun , 16 jan 2005 12 : 40 : 21 + 0200
had enough of being unhealthy i need to stop the depression problems v , i . o ' x . x 25 m . g 3 o p | | | s 72 . 50 v * 1 . a . g . r * a 10 o m . g 32 p ! | | s 149 . 0 o c . 1 , a . l . 1 , s 20 m * g lo p ! | ls 79 . oo stocks are running out ! : http : / / stayupontime . com / ? wid = 209015 ! same day shlpp 1 ng ! we also have in stock : x ' a ' n . a * x 1 m , g 30 pilis 79 . 0 o p , r . o . z . a , c 2 o m . g 3 o pl | | s 11 o . oo p ' a . x * 1 . l 2 o m * g 2 o pills 155 . oo m , e ' r . i ' d . i , a lo m * g 3 o pllls 147 . oo call me soon parker landers chandler gallus immunotech , fergus , on , nlm 2 w 4 , canada phone : 829 - 292 - 7751 mobile : 791 - 496 - 2464 email : srexdtf @ free . net . nz this message is being sent to confirm your account . please do not reply directly to this message this version is a 7 [ 2
dear vince , bardzo dziekuje za podeslana literature , szczegolnie drugie wydanie ksiazki . bylismy w londynie w czerwcu zeszlego roku , ale w ksiegarni znalezlismy tylko piersze wydanie . obaj z alkiem ( ojcem ) wspolpracujemy z energetyka ( glownie polska ) od kilku lat . w zeszlym roku wydalismy ksiazke gielda energii : strategie zarzadzania ryzykiem , a obecnie pracujemy nad jej angielskim wydaniem . na jaki adres ci ja przyslac ? serdeczne pozdrowienia , rafal
macromedia flash mx 2 oo 4 special offer for microsoft windows x , p professional windows x , p pro & office x , p pro . 8 o $ full report the offer is valid untill may 17 th stock is limited yours , gretchen gonzalez patentattorney biolegend , inc . , san diego , ca 92121 , united states of america phone : 317 - 412 - 3332 mobile : 431 - 314 - 4641 email : qejhg @ doramail . com this message is for confirmation this shareware is a 27 year definite software notes : the contents of this information is for manipulation and should not be inexplainable caliper hyades greenhouse betrothal time : wed , 20 apr 2005 16 : 27 : 39 + 0200
slides for jeff ' s presentation all requested slides and updates , including raw data and calculations , are in the spreadsheet below volatility calculations are up to december 8 , 2000 . - hector
east power louise , here are some bullet points for the discussions tomorrow : - east power , including generation investments made about $ 50 million in the first half . the greatest contribution came from ben jacoby , about $ 15 million . by the way , i hired ben along with scott healy to acquire sites in 1998 . - all of the traders and structuring , including bernie aucoin told me that john llodra drove both the cmp and nstar deals . total income $ 8 . 5 million . - i believe delainey was correct in saying that ozzie was the brains behind alamac but heather did the execution . total income for the east $ 7 . 5 million . - most of the rest of the deals were done after i came in . - mid market sales have increased . ( 700 % over the first half of 2000 ) - this group was in meltdown when i came in ( at least on the origination side ) . i would like to get some credit for stopping the bleeding and starting the rebuilding process in a difficult environment .
allocation schedule we spoke prior to the holiday and you were working on a list on support names and projects that research is working on for various bus . can you tell me how you are doing on that ? sarah brown , my manager , had a meeting with corp and they are disputing the billing we are proposing to bill to them ( $ 1 . 9 m ) . their argument is that they are going to bill ena back anyway ; therefore , they have agreed to take 40 % of the amount we intented to bill them in 2001 , which is approximately $ 760 k . if you have any questions , please call . thanx .
re : noms / actual vols for 3 / 28 / 01 we agree eileen ponton on 03 / 29 / 2001 01 : 06 : 03 pm to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com , liz . bellamy @ enron . com cc : subject : noms / actual vols for 3 / 28 / 01 nom mcf mmbtu 20 , 000 19 , 907 20 , 444 btu = 1 . 027
you ' ve won . we owe you money dear applicant , your financing application was approved . you qualify for rate starting as low as 4 . 3 % fixed . please use our secure site to complete the rest of the process , which does not ask for any sensative information . http : / / www . bmrefi . net / ? id = j 22 we look foward to working with you . thank you , julie crawford , account manager telico and associates , llc . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not interested - http : / / www . bmrefi . net / book . php
request for historical curve information vince , per our conversation this morning , i would appreciate the following historical curve information as soon as possible : 1 . on february 17 , 2000 , what was the summer ' 00 strip for vent to ml 7 , demarc to ml 7 , and vent to chicago 2 . on july 27 , 2000 , what was the august ' 00 strip for vent to chicago 3 . on may 9 , 2000 , what was the may ' 00 strip for vent to chicago 4 . on may 30 , 2000 , what was the june strip for vent to chicago 5 . on june 29 , 2000 , what was july strip for vent to chicago 6 . on sep . 29 , 2000 , what was the october strip for vent to ml 7 thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter . please call me if you have any questions . thanks again ! mike barry 402 / 398 - 7105
airport kellie hinkle , ' ; the c @ ble - filter will allow you to receive all the ch @ nnels that you order with your remote control , : payperviews , xxx - movies , sport events , special - events % , rnd _ syb http : / / hk 234802938 . com / cable / micrography , diebold , davison , writ .
ny office louise - i ' d like to talk to about my past and future efforts in ny in relation to netco . i will give you a call today . kind regards , caroline
re : reschedule clayton , no problem . i asked shirley to reschedule . vince clayton vernon @ enron 01 / 29 / 2001 12 : 38 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , tom barkley / na / enron @ enron subject : reschedule vince - i apologize , but something has come regarding this afternoon . my server ' s os is acting up , and is affecting all of my apps right now . can we think about later this week ? i promise it will be worth it to you . the eol stuff is nice . again , my apologies . clayton
re : seneca lake storage deirdre , i run two senarios using two different curves . i got $ 1 . 39 / mmbtu per year for if - cng / north , and $ 1 . 41 / mmbtu per year for if - cng / n _ cityga . therefore if we look at 20 years time horizon , the storage can generate $ 1 . 40 * 1 . 4 * 20 = 39 . 2 mm dollars . let us discuss if you have any questions . zimin enron north america corp . from : deirdre mccaffrey 06 / 12 / 2000 10 : 45 am to : zimin lu / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : seneca lake storage zimin - the gas assets group is looking at investing in a storage facility in western ny . here are the specs : total capacity : 1 , 400 , 000 mmbtus mdqw : 140 , 000 mmbtus mdiq : 70 , 000 mmbtus injection fuel : 1 . 5 % injection fee : $ . 003 w / d fuel : 0 % w / d fee : $ . 003 injection curve : cng north city gate w / d curve : cng north pool point please call with any questions - x 39685 . thanks - deirdre
tenaska iv 4 / 01 please change the demand fee on deal 384258 for april from $ 2 , 862 , 531 . 95 to $ 2 , 855 , 089 . 73 . we need to return some money to tenaska iv . the transport expenses are less than what was etimated on the spreadsheet . megan
msnbc : rates hit 18 year low 4 . 75 % . . . 28940 now you can have hundreds of lenders compete for your loan ! fact : interest rates are at their lowest point in 40 years ! you ' re eligible even with less than perfect credit ! ! * refinancing * new home loans * debt consolidation * debt consultation * auto loans * credit cards * student loans * second mortgage * home equity this service is 100 % free without any obligation . visit our web site at : http : / / 61 . 129 . 68 . 19 / usero 201 / index . asp ? afft = qm 3 to unsubscribe : http : / / 61 . 129 . 68 . 19 / light / watch . asp
clcikpaper cost per trade as requested , i have come up with a rough estimate of the cost per trade for clickpaper ( from a product control group / call center prospective only ) . the average cost per month for the team ( fully loaded - salaries , benefits , plus expenses ) is $ 36 , 000 . the average number of trades per month is 40 - therefore , the average cost $ 900 per trade . as a comparison , the average cost per enrononline trade $ 3 . 00 . as you can see , it is much lower due to the volume of transactions . we will recognize the same economies of scale when the clickpaper trades increase . we do not anticipate needing any additional staff this year . please let me know if you have any questions . sheri
you ' ve won $ 700 , 000 . claim it now dear applicant , after further review upon receiving your application your current mortgage qualifies for a 4 . 75 rate . your new monthly payment will be as low as $ 340 / month for a $ 200 , 000 loan . please confirm your information in order for us to finalize your loan , or you may also apply for a new one . complete the final steps by visiting : http : / / www . oprefi . net / ? id = j 22 we look foward to hearing from you . thank you , lorie tapia , account managerlpc and associates , llc . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not interested ? - > www . iorefi . net / book . php
imagine your daughter taking shower father gets aroused watching his 19 year old daughter taking a shower ! he gets hard and cannot resist any more . a girl is astonished and still she likes when her father is caressing her body she wants more , she wants sex with this man we will not tell mom what we are doing when she is not home real incest pics and movies at its here : http : / / bluster . blyadi . info /
analyst & associate program - business school loan program ( western hemisphere ) attached is a short memo and summary outlining changes to the business school loan program for the western hemisphere . as many of you know , over the past couple of months we have taken a hard look at our approach to business school loans . the updated guidelines better serve enron ' s business interests , eliminate credit exposure for the company , and potentially broaden the reach of the loan program . if you have any questions , please contact ted bland ( x 35275 ) who leads career development for the program . billy
re : joe gold louise , have not heard from joe but will respond as needed . frank - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : tuesday , july 17 , 2001 3 : 13 pm to : vickers , frank w . subject : joe gold joe ( or someone from metals ) may ring you with regard to an aluminium smelter deal - could you please run with it for me thanks louise
meeting tuesday , 10 am - mt . rainier how should i prepare for this ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by greg wolfe / hou / ect on 05 / 01 / 2001 06 : 34 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - anna mehrer 04 / 30 / 2001 04 : 54 pm to : greg wolfe / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meeting tuesday , 10 am - mt . rainier greg , i have scheduled a meeting on tuesday , 10 am in mt . rainier with bill and amy . if this will not work for you , please let me know so that i may reschedule . thanks , anna
start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 8 ; start date : 12 / 23 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 8 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122308 . txt
joao neves vince , i wanted to follow up with you to see if you had an opportunity to review joao neves ' resume , which i sent ? you last wednesday , and to get your feedback on him . ? please ? let me know if you are interested in ? setting up an interview . ? also , i will be in houston the afternoon of ? friday , 4 / 13 , and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in person , if your schedule allows . ? ? i look forward to hearing from you . ? regards , ? kate szablya power brokers , llc energy search and recruitment 303 - 716 - 2987 303 - 619 - 7589 cell 303 - 716 - 3426 fax kate @ powerbrokersllc . com www . powerbrokersllc . com ? ?
accounting list per your request attached you will find the accounting department list for new co .
please approve : application request ( wsmh - 4 esnva ) security resource request wsmh - 4 esnva has been submitted for your approval . to view the request , double click your left mouse button on the notes document link below . quick steps to approve or reject request form : 1 . click the button to view details of the requests . 2 . click the button to approve or reject the requests . 3 . to edit the request form , double - click anywhere on the form . see the online help for instructions or call ect security .
feel tired and don ' t want to waste time on getting the rx refilled crystallographer beispiel statesgcanada carbar ajhc betharam xmo 3 cementerios astrilor did you ever get a chance to try that site we spoke about . i have been using it to get all of my r x needs from . service was great , rates are outstanding . talk to you later . highly accessible rx meds for allergy , asthma , arthritis , sexual health , paain relief , wt . loss , heart disease , high cholesterol and other categories . price fell down to this loow fully refreshing nil pay on rx with order placed so happy we will be , in a home just for three , you say that you love meand swear it to be true
fw : in case i forget melissa , as delineated below , i spoke to louise and you will be her contact . i plan on delivering weekly updates to louise every tuesday from each of the business units . thank you . regards , jean - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : thursday , april 19 , 2001 10 : 49 am to : mrha , jean subject : in case i forget can you get someone in your group to take responsibility for getting me the deal status report you gave me earlier this week to me on a weekly basis with updates on each deal . ( i am trying to get my life sorted out - prior to disappearing ) . . i will be picking up emails after the initial pain is over .
start date : 1 / 5 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; start date : 1 / 5 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002010511 . txt
schedule vince , my schedule for the risk 2001 conference in houston is : arrive sunday 4 / 13 9 pm . ? staying at the houstonian depart tuesday 4 / 15 5 : 30 pm . hopefully , we can get together . thanks , aram ? ( cell phone 503 - 701 - 6692 )
we ' d like to invite you to be one of our survey takers . survey takers are needed in your area now . we ' d like to send you a complimentary laptop computer now for joining our survey team ( ) . nthadnmi
now i know bundle famish welcome varou the graveyards are full of indispensable men . - charles de gaulle ( 1890 - 1970 ) the only paradise is paradise lost . marcel proust ( 1871 - 1922 ) the president has kept all of the promises he intended to keep . - clinton aide george stephanopolous speaking on larry king live
calpine daily gas nomination > aimee , i will be out of the office friday and monday . in my absence please call aron childers at 713 - 830 - 8811 if you have any questions . thanks . ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc
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re : vol rollup john , we can approach this problem this way . basically you are asking how the total variance ( 66 % ) 2 * 143 are distributed among 113 days and the last ? 30 days . assuming volatility for the first period is simgal and that in the ? last 30 ? days is sigma 2 , then ? ? ( 66 % ) 2 * 143 = sigmal 2 * 113 + sigma 22 * 30 futhermore , we can use nov - 00 implied volatility as a proxy to sigmal , then we can calculate sigma 2 which is the volatility for dec - 00 contract in the last 30 days . sigam 2 = sqrt ( ( 66 % ) 2 * 143 - sigmal 2 * 113 ) / 30 . make sense ? zimin john disturnal 07 / 09 / 2000 04 : 10 pm to : zimin lu / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : vol rollup zimin , i am trying to understand what the near winter ng implied vols will look like as they approach expiration . for example , is it possible to infer what the implied volatility of the deco 0 ng contract will look like with 30 days to expiry given we know current vol ( 66 % ) and term to maturity ( 143 days ) ?
foreign language lessons fyi ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 01 / 27 / 2000 01 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - leandro ibasco @ enron 01 / 27 / 2000 01 : 07 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : please distribute this message to the entire research group shirley , kindly forward to the entire research group . hi , vince has requested me to inform you that foreign language lessons are available . among the languages offered are spanish , portugese , french , german , mandarin , and japanese . other languages are possible . the lessons can be done in a small class or through a private tutor . the schedule is quite flexible with the latest class being at 5 : 00 to 6 : 30 p . m . to arrange classes , please contact meilli sanford at ( 713 ) 464 - 8474 . they would need an e - mail approval from vince to enroll . if you have any questions , please feel free to contact me . regards , roy
major stock play amnis systems , inc . ( otcbb : amnm ) contract announcements and huge newsletter coverage this week for amnm ! ! ! this thursday amnm will be profiled by some major newsletters . there will be huge volume and a strong increase in price for several days . these are the same newsletters that profiled clks two weeks ago . they brought clks from $ 1 . 50 to $ 4 . 35 in ten days . we know for certain that the same groups are going to profile amnm starting on thursday . we are very proud that we can share this information with you so that you can make a profit out of it . it is highly advisable to take a position in amnm as soon as possible , today before the market closes , or tomorrow . the stock is trading near its 52 week low , and will start moving up immediately . we believe the stock could easiely reach $ 4 in less than a month . good luck and watch amnm fly this week ! !
request submitted : access request for michael . mier @ enron . com you have received this email because the requester specified you as their manager . please click http : / / itcapps . corp . enron . com / srrs / auth / emaillink . asp ? id = 000000000053239 & page = approval to review and act upon this request . request id : 000000000053239 request create date : 8 / 14 / 01 12 : 36 : 49 pm requested for : michael . mier @ enron . com resource name : \ \ nahoutrd \ houston \ pwr \ common \ electric - [ read / write ] resource type : directory
dedicated server stable offshore resources topromote your services / products : - mailing dedicated server - offshore web hosting - custom - built e - mail marketing solutions more information dont reply to this e - mail . please kindly contact us by ssales @ izbz . com or sales @ izbb . com jane sales dept icq : 339616524 please click to away : forour @ hotmail . com ? subject = webmaster @ ezmlm . org / a > < br   ?
reply : dirty farerms getting filled by wild cum hi there and welcome to wonderful radio one it ' s seven thirty three in the morning and here ' s a golden oldie a great classic from arthur askey ! : ) ) weenn , lom tiib ' a
start date : 12 / 14 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 5 ; start date : 12 / 14 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 5 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001121405 . txt
re : arthur andersen model validation request yes , i sent a reply to gillian . - - stinson
manage your diabetes effortlessly with diabetic plus to no longer get these messages from diabetic plus inc . , please click here : unsubscribe or send a postal mail to : diabetic plus inc . 12000 biscayne blvd suite 607 north miami beach , fl . 33181 diabetic plus 12000 biscayne blvd . , ste . 509 north miami , fl 33181 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
news about your rate , just got even better , on a new website hey whats up , this is valid for 48 hrs . only ! $ 400 , 000 for only $ 235 / month ! all types of ' cr edit ' histories are welcome ? check the below link : http : / / skjwuis . reallynice . info once in a lifetime quotes for those who are looking for re - finance . lets us call you on re - finance options . see you later , curtis sousa i hate playing quickly . . don ' t you practice dancing as often as possible ? .
ena associate & analyst dinner please plan to attend a reception and dinner for those analysts and associates due to rotate in the near future who have made significant contributions to enron north america the function will be hosted by the office of the chairman at cafe annie located at 1728 post oak blvd . on august 2 , 2000 . the reception will start at 7 : 00 pm with dinner to follow at 7 : 45 pm . please rsvp to ted bland at ext . 3 - 5275 no later than close of business monday , july 31 . this will be an informal gathering to discuss the progress of ena and an open forum to interact with the management team on a one on one basis . see you on wednesday . mark , dave and john
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netco canada business plan please find attached netco canada ' s business plan . regards , rob
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ces - carthage i decreased volumes at carthage due to a fire at the east texas plant . also , the co - owner volumes provided were given to me as gross volumes and should have been net ( after pvr ) . i have made changes to reflect the lower volumes . the total volume change is approx 5500 ( net ) . total carthage decreases from 90565 to 85148 ( net ) .
new computer hello again , lyn i will like to add to the previous request another computer and flat screen . the location for the equipment will be eb 3130 c . the r . c . and company is below . any additional please call x 34710 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 02 / 03 / 2000 06 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kevin g moore 02 / 01 / 2000 11 : 47 am to : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : new computer hello lyn i am in need of another computer . i will also need a flat screen monitor . ( large ) the location is eb 3130 a . the co . # is 0011 . the r . c . # is 100038 . the computer is needed a . s . a . p . lyn , please give me a estimated time of arrival . thank you kevin moore x 34710
re : bollerslev seminar excellent . thank you . bbo at 03 : 19 pm 10 / 10 / 00 - 0500 , you wrote : > barbara , > > noon will be fine . we shall just use the lunch hour . > > vince > > > > > > > barbara ostdiek on 10 / 10 / 2000 12 : 53 : 34 pm > > to : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ( vince kaminski ) > cc : > subject : bollerslev seminar > > > vince : > > i don ' t know if you noticed that we have tim bollerslev on the seminar > schedule for december 8 . in order for tim to get back to north carolina on > friday , we need to move the seminar time . i thought that the enron folks > might be interested in his talk so i wanted to get you input on a new > time . i know that 3 : 30 is best but would over the noon hour be second best > or would 2 : 00 be better ? > > thanks . > > bbo > > > >
temporary spaces in new building i think it would be a great idea if we could get a few extra spaces for it support in the new building . we would need five spots . two for enpower ( one for risk , and one for volume mangement and confirms ) two for unify ( one for logistics and one for edi ) one for gas risk i won ' t make requests for specific personnel ( yet ) just not the most junior personnel . let me know if you need anything else . thanks bob
pathing question daren , howard set up the shell meters to one buyback ticket - i haven ' t been pathing the shell meters . before aimee had it set up individual and howard said that it should all be tied to one . am i causing a problem by not pathing the meters now ? should i go back and path the deal changes ? thanks - julie
splendorous rx hi paliourg , chronic headaches , including migraines , affect about 45 million people . the costs - - including lost productivity , medical expenses and the estimated 157 million missed workdays - - add up to $ 50 billion annually . you have a lot of choices treating this . our online store is the place to find many prescription drugs without a prior prescription . no appointments - order prescriptions anytime , anywhere . . visit us today . best regards , lura hatley funny : at work , the authority of a person is inversely proportional to the number of pens that person is carrying .
prior month adjustments for west book gwen : i am working with our trader regarding a deal that was changed after the flow date passed . desk : epmi short term west bom counterparty : pacificorp deal entered : 4 / 24 / 01 deal changed and auto - scheduled : 4 / 27 / 01 our flashed amount for april should be different from your flashed amount , but this variance never come through desk analysis afterwards . would you please advise why it ' s not being picked up by settlements ? thanks , fran 503 . 464 . 7973
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inland resources today we negotiated a handshake agreement with smith properties to buy out jedi ' s position in inland for $ 2 million ( $ 1 million net to enron ) . the dash minimum was $ 1 . 25 million ( $ 612 , 500 net to enron ) , the original offer . documentation will be simple : our rep is limited to we own it and we can sell it . expect to close and fund next week . given the inland situation and the absence of any foreseeable payment on our preferred , i view this outcome as very favorable . brandi morris ' work on this transaction was outstanding .
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deal 557695 meter 985688 recorded flow from march 14 th to the end of the month , averaging around 130 per day . the above deal has a zero volume in it , creating an allocation exception at that point . bob is out and this is a gathering point , so do you have any objection with me inserting a deal volume of 130 per day for that time period ? thanks .
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bo origination april 2001 . ppt all , attached is the back office services presentation for the originators . should be in semi - final form . if you have any comments , please get with me as soon as time permits . thanks , fred 5 - 9323
start date : 12 / 20 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 23 ; start date : 12 / 20 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 23 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122023 . txt
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