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[ "the fans is watching the game", "the game is watching the fans" ]
[ "the Peloponnese is watching the chargeman", "the perturbation is watching the Pyongyang" ]
[ "the elephants is to the left of the elephant", "the elephant is to the left of the elephants" ]
[ "the protozoon is to the left of the narcissist", "the mamey is to the left of the Kassite" ]
[ "the tail is to the left of the elephant", "the elephant is to the left of the tail" ]
[ "the Benzedrine is to the left of the hypnotiser", "the masturbation is to the left of the Dracunculidae" ]
[ "the elephant is to the right of the tail", "the tail is to the right of the elephant" ]
[ "the drawing is to the right of the incompetence", "the recalcitrance is to the right of the backgammon" ]
[ "the elephant is to the right of the elephants", "the elephants is to the right of the elephant" ]
[ "the Byrd is to the right of the grille", "the paperweight is to the right of the protoplast" ]
[ "the fence is to the right of the bike", "the bike is to the right of the fence" ]
[ "the gemsbok is to the right of the Chalcis", "the caboose is to the right of the Trialeurodes" ]
[ "the bike is to the left of the fence", "the fence is to the left of the bike" ]
[ "the god is to the left of the squinter", "the aureole is to the left of the Yeniseian" ]
[ "the bike is to the right of the building", "the building is to the right of the bike" ]
[ "the NSAID is to the right of the fa", "the wolfbane is to the right of the Tachyglossus" ]
[ "the bike is parked by the fence", "the fence is parked by the bike" ]
[ "the radome is parked by the meatloaf", "the earflap is parked by the Droseraceae" ]
[ "the building is to the left of the bike", "the bike is to the left of the building" ]
[ "the Lublin is to the left of the Albigensianism", "the almsgiver is to the left of the cattleman" ]
[ "the boy is with the jacket", "the jacket is with the boy" ]
[ "the liability is with the sleeper", "the pacificism is with the honeyflower" ]
[ "the vest is to the right of the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is to the right of the vest" ]
[ "the Oldenburg is to the right of the ultimacy", "the orientation is to the right of the Procaviidae" ]
[ "the motorcycle is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the motorcycle" ]
[ "the Pissis is to the left of the pancreatitis", "the petitio is to the left of the goldstone" ]
[ "the motorcycle is to the left of the vest", "the vest is to the left of the motorcycle" ]
[ "the whistling is to the left of the shrinkage", "the dryopithecine is to the left of the typification" ]
[ "the motorcycle is behind the man", "the man is behind the motorcycle" ]
[ "the brevity is behind the sloop", "the argyll is behind the lugger" ]
[ "the motorcycle is to the left of the shirt", "the shirt is to the left of the motorcycle" ]
[ "the Combretaceae is to the left of the Yanan", "the obstructer is to the left of the systole" ]
[ "the shirt is to the right of the windshield", "the windshield is to the right of the shirt" ]
[ "the wildness is to the right of the fizgig", "the Agha is to the right of the gambit" ]
[ "the shirt is to the right of the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is to the right of the shirt" ]
[ "the gorger is to the right of the refectory", "the schoolteacher is to the right of the Madia" ]
[ "the building is to the right of the tree", "the tree is to the right of the building" ]
[ "the Khepera is to the right of the settlings", "the vitalist is to the right of the ridgil" ]
[ "the building is behind the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is behind the building" ]
[ "the Logos is behind the water-colour", "the antechamber is behind the enjoyableness" ]
[ "the woman is wearing the shirt", "the shirt is wearing the woman" ]
[ "the crewman is wearing the poteen", "the Blattodea is wearing the gunsmith" ]
[ "the woman is riding the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is riding the woman" ]
[ "the Daniel is riding the racketeering", "the simplicity is riding the subprogram" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the silicle is to the right of the rhubarb", "the amide is to the right of the secernment" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the windshield", "the windshield is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the crouton is to the right of the 1000000", "the whistling is to the right of the scudding" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the tree", "the tree is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the Typhon is to the right of the piety", "the Aphrodite is to the right of the hacek" ]
[ "the tree is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the tree" ]
[ "the comfortableness is to the left of the Grant", "the quotation is to the left of the backwater" ]
[ "the tree is to the left of the building", "the building is to the left of the tree" ]
[ "the sulcus is to the left of the investment", "the notion is to the left of the procrastinator" ]
[ "the man is in front of the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is in front of the man" ]
[ "the ecumenism is in front of the reductio", "the chivalry is in front of the symmetry" ]
[ "the man is riding the motorcycle", "the motorcycle is riding the man" ]
[ "the Boleyn is riding the mithramycin", "the praiseworthiness is riding the Tammerfors" ]
[ "the man is wearing the shirt", "the shirt is wearing the man" ]
[ "the lexicalisation is wearing the caudex", "the fucoid is wearing the wombat" ]
[ "the windshield is to the left of the shirt", "the shirt is to the left of the windshield" ]
[ "the ending is to the left of the gravy", "the graduation is to the left of the Khabarovsk" ]
[ "the windshield is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the windshield" ]
[ "the Vesta is to the left of the Terrapene", "the hotcake is to the left of the crossness" ]
[ "the motorcycle is in front of the building", "the building is in front of the motorcycle" ]
[ "the Boehme is in front of the antineutrino", "the atony is in front of the cicada" ]
[ "the wall is to the left of the curtain", "the curtain is to the left of the wall" ]
[ "the Katmandu is to the left of the cinchona", "the conciliation is to the left of the Scipio" ]
[ "the curtain is to the right of the wall", "the wall is to the right of the curtain" ]
[ "the conjuration is to the right of the Gila", "the Bramidae is to the right of the akee" ]
[ "the curtain is to the right of the toilet", "the toilet is to the right of the curtain" ]
[ "the astrology is to the right of the manubrium", "the preeclampsia is to the right of the university" ]
[ "the toilet is to the left of the curtain", "the curtain is to the left of the toilet" ]
[ "the grafting is to the left of the rider", "the Bayrut is to the left of the fluke" ]