TITLE Tensorflow multi-worker training on Google Cloud AI Platform CAPTION a series of three images of a street sign
TITLE Design for trust SUB Trust is a powerful force for driving user action. And since aesthetics is a dimension of trust, every designer should try to understand how trust works. CAPTION a red and white photo of a red and white flag
TITLE Trading Mean Reversion: CAPTION a collage of photos of a train on a track
TITLE Machine Learning: Word Embedding and Predicting CAPTION a sign with a bunch of numbers on it
TITLE Data Scientist vs Data Analyst Best Practices CAPTION a man talking on a cell phone next to a sign
TITLE How to Build a Good One Value Object (Domain-Driven Design) CAPTION a large group of people standing on top of a building
TITLE The Demise of the SIEM Fuels The Rise of Security Data Lake CAPTION a sign that is on the side of a building
TITLE Adversarial Attacks on SMS Spam Detectors CAPTION a collage of photos of different colored fabrics
TITLE Writing effective page titles and more SUB Title element offers more than you think. Let’s dive into… CAPTION a black and white photo of a tv screen
TITLE A Dive Into Decision Trees CAPTION a large group of people are dancing in a room
TITLE A Drive To Tests On Categorical Data CAPTION a city street at night with a street light
TITLE System Design for Serving Machine Learning Algorithms — Best Practices for Pipelines For Different Environments SUB The Importance of Having A Production Pipeline and Development Pipeline CAPTION a train traveling through a wooded area
TITLE How Calling Customers Drastically Improved My Business CAPTION a man talking on a cell phone while standing in front of a window
TITLE An Author’s Guide to Military Operations CAPTION a large group of men in uniform on a military vehicle
TITLE UX IRL: why packaging matters CAPTION a box filled with lots of different types of boxes
TITLE Web Scraping MQL5 Signals With Python CAPTION a pile of unripe bananas sitting on top of each other
TITLE Session State for Streamlit SUB You can now store information across app interactions and reruns CAPTION a black and white photo of a clock on a wall
TITLE The martingale betting system in roulette SUB Should it be embraced or avoided and why? CAPTION a large red and white fire hydrant sitting on top of a table
TITLE Automated Invention & Creativity CAPTION a painting of a painting of a person holding a skateboard
TITLE What have I learned by releasing a product during Covid-19 SUB Product management in a crisis CAPTION a number of cell phones on a table
TITLE Are Americans Losing Faith in Capitalism? CAPTION a train traveling through a cloudy blue sky
TITLE Negotiation Tips For College Graduate’s SUB Why is it that recently graduated kids have an… CAPTION a cityscape of a city at night
TITLE The benefits of academic UX reading, and how to commit to it CAPTION a pile of books on top of a table
TITLE How to Demand Attention With This Storytelling Recipe CAPTION a man standing in front of a group of people
TITLE STEGOS PRIVACY PLATFORM CAPTION a sign with a picture of a horse on it
TITLE Flawless Parametric Polymorphism In Python With multipledispatch SUB Using Python’s Multiple Dispatch module to polymorphize my life CAPTION a pair of greenish greenish greenish greenish greenish greenish
TITLE Type Casting in Swift CAPTION a blue jacket with a blue stripe on it
TITLE Remote Working from Coffee Shops CAPTION a man standing in front of a store with a laptop
TITLE UX design doesn’t exist SUB I feel very passionate about the misuse of the term UX design, let me tell you… CAPTION a series of signs on a metal pole
TITLE Cruising through the basics of Polynomial Regression CAPTION a collage of images of a person on a computer screen
TITLE An Illustrated Guide to Bitwise Operators CAPTION a sign with a picture of a man on it
TITLE Enhanced Workflow with Styled-Components and Tachyons CAPTION a plant that is on top of a wall
TITLE Ads and the post-truth society SUB When selling beliefs is so easy, we have to choose not to buy CAPTION a painting of a group of people on a wall
TITLE What Happened When I Disappeared From Medium for 2 Months SUB Why I’m still making $100+ per month CAPTION a man riding a surfboard on top of a body of water
TITLE Explaining Reinforcement Learning to your next-door-neighbor SUB An intuitive introduction to Reinforcement Learning CAPTION a collage of photos of a person on a cell phone
TITLE How to Be Less Nervous When Presenting: Focus on Being Helpful CAPTION a man in a suit talking on a cell phone
TITLE Fighting COVID-19 with Data Science SUB Several initiatives are fighting COVID-19 with the power of Data… CAPTION a close up of a picture of a red and white frosted wall
TITLE How magic is done — creating a healthy product team CAPTION a painting of a man holding an umbrella
TITLE Understanding GraphQL Error Handling Mechanisms in Spring-Boot SUB Get an in depth understanding of… CAPTION a row of toothbrushes sitting next to each other
TITLE My Journey From Commerce To Data Science CAPTION a table topped with a computer and a sign
TITLE What Are Your Character’s Flaws? CAPTION a pile of different colored toothbrushes sitting on top of each other
TITLE 13 Essential Newsletters for Data Scientists: Remastered CAPTION a pile of newspaper sitting on top of a pile of newspaper
TITLE The Most Dangerous Thing About Amazon Is That We’ll Never Stop Using It CAPTION a building with a clock on the side of it
TITLE JavaScript Charts for Beginners: Iterating Through Data CAPTION a laptop computer sitting on top of a desk
TITLE Android Room Persistence Library with a View in -Kotlin CAPTION a skateboard with a cartoon character on top of it
TITLE Strings in SQL part 1 SUB Extracting meaningful insights from character columns using SQL string techniques CAPTION a red and white bird is hanging from a wire
TITLE Downloading OpenImages Dataset in Google Drive using Colab SUB Downloading your Custom Dataset CAPTION a painting of a woman sitting in front of a store window
TITLE Unsupervised image mapping SUB An easy and efficient way to explore a large quantity of images CAPTION a collage of photos of people in various stages of death
TITLE How Can You Explain A.I. to Your Children (of All Ages)? CAPTION a woman is holding a laptop in front of a computer
TITLE Create a simple Tic Tac Toe app in Flutter CAPTION a collage of photos of a person with a pair of scissors
TITLE How To Dual Boot Windows 10 And Linux (Ubuntu — 20.04 LTS) In A Few Hassle-Free Steps CAPTION a blue and white drawing of a surfboard
TITLE A Deep Dive Into Data Quality SUB A real world introduction to data quality CAPTION a computer generated image of a person holding a computer keyboard
TITLE Scaling Logistic Regression Via Multi-GPU/TPU Training SUB Learn how to scale logistic regression to massive datasets using GPUs and TPUs with PyTorch Lightning Bolts. CAPTION a number of different types of electronic devices in a room
TITLE Three Secrets You Need To Unlock A Happy New Year SUB And Don’t Believe Everything You’ve Read About Them So Far CAPTION a number of colorful balls in a pattern on a table
TITLE Women in Tech, We Need More of You to Join the Machine Learning Revolution CAPTION a painting of a man holding a skateboard
TITLE 5 Tokens to Profit from the Metaverse Movement SUB These Metaverse tokens could be a profitable investment opportunity. CAPTION a street scene with lights and a clock
TITLE 11 Ways Affirmations Can Help You Stay Motivated and Happy CAPTION a row of black and white signs on a wall
TITLE How I Fell Out of Love With Writing CAPTION a pair of scissors sitting next to each other
TITLE Code Comments Are Stupid SUB Most code comments aren’t necessary or helpful. CAPTION a black and white photo of a street sign
TITLE Workplace Must Support Mental Health SUB Environment, open work spaces and genetics influence minds CAPTION a pair of scissors hanging from the side of a boat
TITLE The Cost of Doing Business — Numbers You Need to Scale, Part 1 CAPTION a number of electronic devices on a desk
TITLE Customer discovery during quarantine CAPTION a laptop computer sitting on top of a table next to a cup of coffee
TITLE Using Data To Become An Agile Analytics Team CAPTION a collage of images of a computer keyboard and mouse
TITLE Why I Write Myself A Letter At The Start Of Every Novel SUB It’s the best motivational tool I’ve ever discovered CAPTION a woman is looking at her cell phone
TITLE Neuromorphic Computing & Spiking Neural Networks CAPTION a blurry image of a blurry image of some lights
TITLE What Schools Don’t Teach You to Face Reality SUB You probably want your kids to know this too. CAPTION a collage of photos of a person on a wall
TITLE A simple way to align your team to a practical common vision CAPTION a man in a suit talking to another man in a suit
TITLE Polemics in Marketing — It Works, But It’s Not Worth It CAPTION a sign that is on a piece of paper
TITLE Why Do We Need Use Cases for IoT Solutions? CAPTION a row of red and yellow benches in a train station
TITLE CNN Heat Maps: Class Activation Mapping (CAM) CAPTION a series of photographs showing different types of signs
TITLE Graphic Design Resources for Small Businesses on No Budget SUB Here are the best places to find quality images, video, and audio CAPTION a person cutting a piece of paper with scissors
TITLE Can I Get a Witness on Clubhouse? CAPTION a picture of a man and a dog
TITLE The MVP theatre CAPTION a crowd of people standing around a stage performing a dance
TITLE Her Once Silent Voice: Maya Angelou and the Power of Words CAPTION a black and white bird sitting on a window sill
TITLE Make The Most Out Of LinkedIn During Your Lockdown Job Search SUB Why You Should Stake Everything On LinkedIn Right Now CAPTION a dog wearing glasses and a bow tie
TITLE Your Brain Is Not an Indestructible Punching Bag SUB 7 ‘feel-good’ habits that are harming your brain CAPTION a wooden table topped with a black and white piano
TITLE Prepping your Kickstarter for Success! (Lessons from a $3.4M campaign, Part 1) CAPTION an open laptop computer on top of a table
TITLE Introduction to Graph Mining and Analytics CAPTION a collage of photographs of a group of people
TITLE How to Re-Download P.T. Using a MacBook in 2022 CAPTION a hallway with a mirror and a door
TITLE Detecting and Measuring Gerrymandering with Python CAPTION a man sitting in front of a laptop computer
TITLE Why Deep Learning Ensembles Outperform Bayesian Neural Networks CAPTION a collage of photos showing different types of flags
TITLE TOP 10 Most Popular RPA Tools Of 2019 CAPTION a black and white photo of a cartoon character
TITLE 5 dimensions of digital leadership CAPTION a large tree with a bunch of leaves hanging from it's branches
TITLE PyData stack in your pocket. Literally. CAPTION a computer screen with a picture of a person on it
TITLE Crypto Tulipa — A NFT Investment Story SUB Crypto Tulipa are digital collectibles of tulips that live on… CAPTION a collage of photos of flowers on a table
TITLE Solving Overfitting in Neural Nets With Regularization CAPTION a series of photos showing a pair of scissors
TITLE Dagger tips: how do you use that in your modularization? SUB I recently encounter an issue which I need to… CAPTION a toy fire hydrant with a cartoon character on it
TITLE Detecting cycles in linked lists CAPTION a figurine of a man with a toothbrush in his mouth
TITLE Recursive Versus Non-Recursive Formulas and the Fibonacci Numbers CAPTION a colorful vase filled with purple and yellow flowers
TITLE How to Run Code When a Vue Component Loads? CAPTION a woman on a skateboard in the middle of the street
TITLE Write What You Know (And Make Up the Rest) CAPTION a table topped with lots of different colored objects
TITLE Practical Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Machine Learning CAPTION a collage of photos showing different types of kites
TITLE How to Kickstart an AI Venture Without Proprietary Data CAPTION an overhead shot of a neon sign with a sky background
TITLE The Great Burning of Our Cities & Salvation of its Suburban Villages SUB Our central city real estate values will plummet. Virtual environments enable non-attendance. Company emperors no longer need castles. CAPTION a street scene with a clock on the side of a building
TITLE How to Read a Book SUB Sip new information slowly — don’t chug it CAPTION a person sitting at a table with a book
TITLE A/B testing — Is there a better way? An exploration of multi-armed bandits SUB Using the algorithms of Epsilon-Greedy, Softmax, UCB, Exp3, and Thompson Sampling CAPTION a number of vending machines in a building
TITLE How to Get a Job with Python SUB It is a simple use of Python, you do not need any specific skills to do… CAPTION a woman wearing a suit and tie standing next to a sign
TITLE Amplification in Action CAPTION a black and white photo of a black and white tv
TITLE 7 Easy Writing Wins CAPTION a person sitting in front of a book on a table
TITLE How we can improve emoji typing in iPhone X keyboard — a UX exploration CAPTION a black and white photo of a smart phone