TITLE Dead-Letter Meetings CAPTION a wall with many different pieces of art on it
TITLE Two Books You Should Buy For The Young People In Your Life CAPTION a woman reading a book in front of a wall
TITLE After Seven Months, I’m Still Grieving SUB I’m grieving over losses I didn’t even realize I had. CAPTION a woman is looking out the window of a house
TITLE When to Avoid Deep Learning SUB Here’s why and when… CAPTION a person holding a cell phone up to their face
TITLE Machines Teach an Environment Class CAPTION a blurry image of a blue and white object in the air
TITLE Forget APIs Do Python Scraping Using Beautiful Soup, Import Data File from the web: Part 2 CAPTION a collage of stickers and numbers on a table
TITLE Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool Schema Design Options Benchmark SUB Set of Best Practices (dis)proved by Benchmarking CAPTION a series of photographs showing a series of street signs
TITLE Search Data, Trends & Analytics: Catching the Pulse of a Market and its Consumers (no cookies required) CAPTION a wall with a picture of a group of people on it
TITLE Beyond the Strategy of Empty Hope CAPTION a snow covered hillside with a mountain range
TITLE Germany leads the way as banks might embrace crypto CAPTION people standing in front of a large building
TITLE Quantum Computing —What’s it All About SUB An introduction as we understand why business executives need to be aware of quantum computing CAPTION a blurry photo of a subway at night
TITLE Automating Exploratory Data Analysis- Part 2 CAPTION a person's hand holding a book on top of a table
TITLE Why Business & Product Should Always Define KPIs & Goals For Data-Science CAPTION a collage of street signs on a wall
TITLE Are you a confident investor? — You might be wrong CAPTION a sign on a white paper with a picture of a man on it
TITLE Metaclasses CAPTION a collage of images of various electronic devices
TITLE <strong class="ba">Avoiding “I Hate My Business Partner”</strong> CAPTION a painting of a woman with a cat on her head
TITLE How Burger King Keeps Failing at Marketing CAPTION a hamburger and french fries sitting on a table
TITLE DeepMind: the existence proof for RL at scale CAPTION a series of photos of trees and shrubbery in a park
TITLE Streets, postcodes… It’s all about the tiles, silly. (Geospatial adventures continued) CAPTION a sign on a building that reads "no parking"
TITLE Just Split, Dropout and Pay Attention CAPTION a crowd of people walking down a street
TITLE <strong class="ba">I interviewed my manager… and was reminded of why I became a designer</strong> CAPTION a man holding a cup in front of his face
TITLE Rock SOLID Swift CAPTION an aerial view of a mountain range with mountains
TITLE Staff Scheduling Optimization with R SUB Operations Research Applications in Scheduling CAPTION a large group of people sitting at tables in a room
TITLE Redesigning Airbnb for the new normal — a UX case study SUB A UX Case Study redesigning Airbnb for a more cohesive community experience post Covid19. CAPTION a series of photos showing different types of cell phones
TITLE Stuck for Investment Ideas? Just Open Your Eyes CAPTION people are walking through an airport
TITLE Dialogue Tags Can Weaken Your Novel CAPTION a computer keyboard sitting on top of a wooden table
TITLE Understanding Decision Trees CAPTION a plant that is in the middle of a tree
TITLE On Scaling By Doing Things That Don’t Scale SUB 5 timeless lessons from a venture capitalist CAPTION a person is playing with a toy in a toy house
TITLE Control Valves Market Size Worth USD 11.85 Billion By 2025 CAPTION an aerial view of a series of colorful kites
TITLE Illegal XRP sales by Ripple: Coinbase in the crosshairs of its own customers CAPTION a blurry photo of a street sign with a blue sky
TITLE End to End Guide to become a Data Scientist SUB 🤯 Let’s Learn Data Science from Scratch! CAPTION a sign that is on top of a computer screen
TITLE The Facts About Food Stamp Fraud CAPTION a basket filled with lots of different types of vegetables
TITLE 6 Impressive Medium Articles on Artificial Intelligence This Month (Nov) CAPTION a book is sitting on a wooden floor
TITLE New to Freelance Writing? Learn to Love Rejection! CAPTION a woman in a black dress is looking at a camera
TITLE Fuck Money SUB Stop being exploited CAPTION a glass vase with a picture of a woman on it
TITLE Why You Should Start Learning Server-side Web Development CAPTION a large building with many doors and windows
TITLE At the Second Annual Geneva Blockchain Conference, Healthcare Takes Center Stage CAPTION three men in suits talking to each other in front of a projector screen
TITLE <strong class="ba">Your life is not a metric</strong> SUB And you do not need a method for everything. CAPTION different colored vases sitting on top of each other
TITLE Merry AI-Facilitated Christmas To One & All CAPTION a clock is lit up in the night sky
TITLE Our CEO Didn’t Care About Our Business CAPTION a man wearing a suit and tie
TITLE Your Body Speaks Louder Than Your Words CAPTION a man sitting at a desk in front of a laptop computer
TITLE Real estate without borders: Inside a fully virtual business CAPTION a collage of a cartoon character with a clock on it
TITLE A motivation to optimize your web application for mobile SUB With a mobile-first approach. CAPTION a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
TITLE Machine Learning for Particle Data When You are Not a Physicist SUB How a H2O deep learning model can be used to do supervised classification with Python CAPTION a blurry image of a fire hydrant in the sky
TITLE 9 Startup Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making SUB Fix them fast or lose your startup. CAPTION a man in a tie holding a sign
TITLE Rat City: Visualizing New York City’s Rat Problem CAPTION a painting of a painting of a penguin on a blue background
TITLE 4 Banking Analytics Use Cases and What Data You Need SUB The example use cases for the early adoption phase of the data team CAPTION a remote control with a picture of a person on it
TITLE YOLOv3 From Scratch Using PyTorch(Part1) CAPTION a blurry image of a blurry image of a blurry image of a blurry image
TITLE So much more (to Design) than just the look and feel SUB User Experience Design is not just a “ CAPTION a sign with a picture of a cat on it
TITLE Multi-Layer Perceptron using FastAI and PyTorch CAPTION a collage of photos of different colored vases
TITLE Econometrics behind Simple Linear Regression CAPTION a pair of blue and white scissors on a blue surface
TITLE Automated Pathology in a Time of Medical Overload CAPTION a very pretty flower in the shape of a bird
TITLE How RuneScape led to the rise of NFTs and Web3 CAPTION a pair of scissors sitting on top of a table
TITLE OpenAI GPT-2 writes alternate endings for Game of Thrones CAPTION a woman standing next to a man in a field
TITLE <strong class="ba">You Don’t Need to Understand the Source of Ideas</strong> CAPTION a painting of a person holding a vase of flowers
TITLE 5 Ways Being a Writer is Like Being a Toddler CAPTION a little girl standing in front of a desk
TITLE Sexy people are not more successful because they are sexy. CAPTION a man sitting on top of a rock looking at the sky
TITLE Facing Down the Fiscal Pandemic SUB How the City of Oakland might address its crippling revenue loss CAPTION a row of metal poles sitting on top of each other
TITLE <strong class="ba">Is Sysco (SYY) a Value Investment?</strong> CAPTION a semi truck with a sign on the side of it
TITLE Further Simplifying InstaCrypt CAPTION a series of photos showing different types of electronic devices
TITLE A quick introduction to ggplot2 SUB How understanding the grammar of graphics will help you build any plot with ggplot2 CAPTION a close up picture of some green plants
TITLE What Comes After Coronavirus: Brief Predictions CAPTION a neon sign on a neon wall
TITLE Not all pauses are created equal CAPTION a woman holding a frisbee in her right hand
TITLE Journey into Data Science CAPTION a green and white photo of a green and white clock
TITLE Top 3 Challenges with Starting Out as a Data Scientist CAPTION a man walking down a hallway next to a wall
TITLE <strong class="ba">Customer Segmentation With Clustering</strong> SUB Learn how consumer data can be used to optimize sales and marketing strategies CAPTION a bird cage with a bird in it
TITLE The Retweet Technique Used by the Biggest Twitter Personalities To Grow Their Audience SUB I‘m lucky a group of them were willing to share their secret. CAPTION a blurry image of a body of water in front of a blue sky
TITLE What deep learning needs for better COVID-19 detection SUB The world probably doesn’t need another neural network, but it needs a coffee chat with those on the front lines. CAPTION a statue of a person with a mask on
TITLE You Might Be Extremely Online SUB Social media addiction is a real thing with real consequences CAPTION a young girl looking at the camera while standing in front of a building
TITLE Managing Stubborn, Elusive Data CAPTION a collage of photos of different types of art
TITLE This week’s must-reads: Need Motivation? Make a Price Pact CAPTION a person holding a pair of scissors in their hands
TITLE Practical Data Analysis with Pandas and Seaborn SUB Exploratory data analysis on a bank customer dataset CAPTION a brick wall with a sign on it
TITLE How Embellishing Structured Data With JSON-LD Snippets Directs and Helps Search Engines CAPTION a row of different colored bowls on a table
TITLE Why Showing is Better Than Telling CAPTION a man holding a cell phone in his right hand
TITLE Computer Vision 101: Working with Color Images in Python CAPTION a table topped with lots of different colored pencils
TITLE Ranking Categories with Power BI SUB How to visualize the top n categories and others with MS Power BI CAPTION a painting of a cat with a cartoon character on it
TITLE UX Review of Skype App CAPTION a woman is typing on a laptop computer
TITLE Data Journalism Crash Course #8: Design Tools CAPTION a black and white photo of a clock on a wall
TITLE Review: Dave Malloy’s Chamber Musical “Octet” is a Techno Triumph CAPTION a crowd of people sitting on a bench
TITLE How enterprise app user interfaces need to change to accommodate machine learning probabilities CAPTION a man and a woman looking at their cell phones
TITLE <strong class="ba">Three Reasons Short Story Writers Should Be Writing Flash Fiction</strong> CAPTION a blurry photo of a neon sign
TITLE Quickly extract all links from a web page using the browser console SUB Use a few lines of JavaScript to extract all hyperlinks on a web page, no coding environment required CAPTION a computer screen with a picture of a cat on it
TITLE Worrying CAPTION a man in a suit and tie standing in a room
TITLE How Should You Publish Your Precious Book? CAPTION a wall with a bunch of scissors hanging from it
TITLE Step by step bar-charts using Plotly Express CAPTION an old building with a chain link fence around it
TITLE <strong class="ba">7 Important Signs You May Need Help for Depression Now</strong> CAPTION a cloudy sky with a few clouds in the sky
TITLE Single Stage Instance Segmentation — A Review SUB A glimpse into the future of real-time instance segmentation CAPTION a collage of different types of clocks on a wall
TITLE 8 rules for perfect mobile design CAPTION a sign with a picture of a person on it
TITLE 4 Ways Your Startup Can Use AI Right Now (Without Breaking The Bank) CAPTION a black and white photo of an airplane flying in the sky
TITLE Making user research and testing part of the game SUB How to collect feedback in a fast-paced environment in the gambling industry with users that won’t reveal their identity and remain anonymous CAPTION a man is looking at a computer screen
TITLE Learn All Major Functionalities on Chrome’s Performance Tab and Practice It With a Simple React Project CAPTION a collage of photos of various electronic equipment
TITLE 3 Ways to Extract Features from Dates with Python SUB Get more Features Out of your Time Series Dataset in One Line of Code CAPTION a sign on a wall with a picture of a clock on it
TITLE Three Reasons to Write in a Journal SUB Making a permanent record of your life’s journey. CAPTION a woman holding a cell phone next to a cup of coffee
TITLE Combine the Power of Angular Services and Directives to Detect Screen Size Changes CAPTION a blurry photo of a person riding a bike
TITLE How a Blockchain Based System Can Help on Election Reliability CAPTION a red and white photo of a person holding a red and white object
TITLE How Realistic Are Our Expectations Re: the Rollout of an EV Future? CAPTION a green and white checkered floor with a green and white chec
TITLE Option Pricing Using Monte Carlo Simulations CAPTION a cell phone sitting on top of a book
TITLE Helicopter Money CAPTION a person holding a piece of paper on top of a fire hydrant
TITLE AI-powered Monopolies and the New World Order CAPTION a series of photos of a person on a chalkboard
TITLE Comparing VADER and Text Blob to Human Sentiment SUB Comparison of NLP Tools to Human Sentiment for Tweets CAPTION a table with a bunch of bottles on top of it