stringlengths 6
| document
stringlengths 50
| negative
sequencelengths 15
| dataset
stringclasses 1
value |
Difference between deep neural network and convolutional neural network | What is the difference between convolutional neural networks and deep learning? | [
"Hide some fields in the NewForm.aspx for a custom list I have 5 columns in the custom list. Out of which only 3 have to displayed in the NewForm.aspx page. All of the 5 columns have to be displayed on the EditForm.aspx page. While googling, I have come across the following : When I implemented the code that was given on this page, I get an error which says that parentNode is not found. Please guide me how can I implement this requirement. Any other alternatives other than this are also appreciated.",
"Is it possible to save settings for Microsoft Paint? After closing paint the last used settings went back to default. I want them to be saved. Like the selected Brush-Tool, Color, Line-strength, etc. Either after every usage or I define one I use most. Maybe through the registry or by start parameters?",
"Show $\\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}{2n \\choose n}x^n=(1-4x)^{-1/2}$",
"How would I find a minimum weight spanning tree for W?",
"I'd like to user a FIDO2 key to log into Windows 10. There are various guides explaining how to add a key to a Microsoft web account, or to Windows 10 sign in options, but neither result in showing up as an option when I try logging into Windows. How can I configure windows to use my FIDO2 key to log in?",
"How do you call an external command (as if I'd typed it at the Unix shell or Windows command prompt) from within a Python script?",
"I'm struggling with some concepts in my algebra class. I've chosen these two completely unrelated examples that demonstrate my struggling topics (characteristics and function rings) the two are the following: $1$) Let $X$ be a set, and let $S$ be a ring. Give a proof that the left distributive law holds for $(S^X, +, *)$. $2$) Suppose $Y^3 = Y$ for each element $Y$ of a unital ring $R$. Show that $R$ has a finite characteristic d that is a divisor of $6$. Any example solutions for these proofs would be helpful. Thank you.",
"Prove $x^3 + 3 =4y(y+1)$ has no integer solutions",
"When you cast invisibility on your turn, and walk away from 2 enemies, do they get an attack of opportunity? When a PC is in melee with a creature, casts the basic invisibility spell, and leaves melee, does an NPC get an attack of opportunity?",
"MySQL Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' In my server, everytime I try to access MySQL I get the error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) when I try mysqladmin -u root -p password I get Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) How can I access MySQL in my Ubuntu server 12.04?",
"Can I disable pinch to show all open tabs in Safari?",
"How do I get the size of a java.sql.ResultSet? Shouldn't this be a pretty straightforward operation? However, I see there's neither a size() nor length() method.",
"Although I have installed the OpenLayers plugin in QGIS 2.4, I cannot see it in the list when I click on Plugins. Does anyone else have this issue?",
"I am using texlive 2013, and just ran the following command to update the packages. sudo ./tlmgr update -all After it finished, I tried to compile tex documents that uses tikz package as the following MWE shows: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} aaaa \\end{document} Then pdflatex complains; it said: (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgf/utilities/pgfrcs.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/utilities/pgfutil-common.tex ! I can't find file `pgfutil-common-lists.tex'. l.556 \\input pgfutil-common-lists.tex The problem is that, pgfutil-common-lists.tex is indeed in the directory: /usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/utilities/ Why is that? pdflatex should be able to find it, right? I even download the again, and replace the pgf directory in /usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ Nothing changed at all........... Any idea? Thank you for your critics. %===================================================================== Then followed the comments, I type the following command in the terminal: sudo mktexlsr gives me command not found; mktexlsr gives me: mktexlsr: /usr/local/texlive/2013/../texmf-local: directory not writable. Skipping... mktexlsr: /usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-config: directory not writable. Skipping... mktexlsr: /usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist: directory not writable. Skipping... mktexlsr: /usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-var: directory not writable. Skipping... mktexlsr: Done; Forkpsewhich pgfutil-common-lists.tex, nothing pops up.",
"limit of Holder norms: $\\sup\\limits_{x\\in [a,b]} f(x) = \\lim\\limits_{n\\rightarrow\\infty} \\left(\\int_a^b (f(x))^n \\;dx\\right)^{\\frac{1}{n}}$ Show that $$\\sup_{x\\in [a,b]} f(x) = \\lim_{n\\rightarrow\\infty} \\left(\\int_a^b (f(x))^n \\;dx\\right)^{\\frac{1}{n}}$$ for f continuous and positive on [a,b]. I can show that LHS is greater than or equal to RHS but I can't show the other direction.",
"InDesign: How to restore text-frame position/size to be managed by the master page instead of the actual page? I have some designer that moved slightly a text-frame and in order to be managed again by the master page we need to remove the page and create a new one inserting the content in it. Is there any different way to do it? I would like to be able to restore the \"power\" of positioning/size to the master page because now we need to change the master-page to position the text-frame a little bit to the right and in the case above mentioned will not be updated. Thanks",
"Sigma algebra and algebra difference An algebra is a collection of subsets closed under finite unions and intersections. A sigma algebra is a collection closed under countable unions and intersections. Whats the difference between finite and countable unions and intersections? Does \"countable\" mean it implies there can be infinitely many unions and intersections? Secondly, I was reading a definition For an algebra on a set: By De Morgan's law, $A \\cap B = (A^c \\cup B^c)^c$, thus an algebra is a collection of subsets closed under finite unions and intersections. What law are they using here to get $A \\cap B = (A^c \\cup B^c)^c$? I thought de morgan's law was $(A\\cap B)^c = A^c \\cup B^c$? Finally, what exactly do they mean by \"closed under finite unions and intersections?",
"How do I get started in Astrophotography?",
"Word for \"someone who talks too much\"",
"It would be nice to see what users have recently been active. This is somewhat standard with many forum-style websites, showing how active the site has been in the last n-minutes or so. As a functional advantage, this also serves to let you know when is a good time to get a question in."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Limit exists or not? $\lim \limits_{n \to\infty}\ \left[n-\frac{n}{e}\left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n\right] $ | How do I find this limit: $\lim_{n\to\infty} \left[ n-{n\over e}\left(1+{1\over n}\right)^n \right]$? | [
"Turn off close Facebook friend notification",
"How can I make an X-Y scatter plot with histograms next to the X-Y axes?",
"Does Change Data Capture (CDC) work in a SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances setup? Does work in a setup? There would be two nodes in the AlwaysOn Failover Cluster Instances setup and two Domain Controllers. We are not using AlwaysOn Availability Groups. Will CDC work? and will it failover?",
"Can the Eclipse Java formatter be used stand-alone Is there a way to use the formatter that comes with eclipse, outside of eclipse? I would like to format some java files using my formatter.xml file that I have configured using eclipse. Does anyone have any code examples that would allow me to do this? I would also like to use this standalone, so the specific jars that are used would be nice.",
"Visual Studio C# statement collapsing When editing really long code blocks (which should definitely be refactored anyway, but that's beyond the scope of this question), I often long for the ability to collapse statement blocks like one can collapse function blocks. That is to say, it would be great if the minus icon appeared on the code outline for everything enclosed in braces. It seems to appear for functions, classes, regions, namespaces, usings, but not for conditional or iterative blocks. It would be fantastic if I could collapse things like ifs, switches, foreaches, that kind of thing! Googling into that a bit, I discovered that apparently C++ outlining in VS allows this but C# outlining in VS does not. I don't really get why. Even notepad++ will so these collapses if I select the C# formatting, so I don't get why Visual Studio doesn't. Does anyone know of a VS2008 add-in that will enable this behavior? Or some sort of hidden setting for it? Edited to add: inserting regions is of course an option and it did already occur to me, but quite frankly, I shouldn't have to wrap things in a region that are already wrapped in braces... if I was going to edit the existing code, I would just refactor it to have better separation of concern anyway. (\"wrapping\" with new methods instead of regions ;)",
"Dragon souls not activating new words So if I understand correctly you can learn new words and the souls will activate these words. I just killed a dragon and when it died it looked like I absorbed the soul but it didn't unlock any of the words I have. I noticed some dragons actually have a name so do certain dragons unlock certain words?",
"shred multiple hard drives",
"Every finite subset of $\\mathbb R$ contains its supremum (and its infimum) Proof Let $A=\\{a_1,...,a_n\\}$ be a finite subset of $\\mathbb{R}$. Since it is non-empty and it is bounded ($\\max A$ is an upper bound), it has supremum, that is $\\exists \\sup A$ and by definition $\\forall a \\in A \\;\\, a \\leq \\sup A$. Let's suppose that $\\sup A \\not\\in A$ then, since $\\max A \\in A$ we have that $\\max A < \\sup A$. But considering that $\\mathbb Q$ is dense in $\\mathbb R$ we can conclude that $\\exists r \\in \\mathbb Q$ s.t. $\\max A < r < \\sup A$, but this is absurd since $r$ is an upper bound of $A$ and it is lower than the supremum. Necessarily, $\\sup A\\in A$. Is there anything wrong? Is there any way to prove this without using density of $\\mathbb Q$ or another property? Thanks in advance.",
"Multiple entry visa to UK (sponsored visitor)",
"What is the mysterious stranger doing in my vault?",
"My local hackerspace has a CNC machine. I can give them my Gerbers and they can print out the PCB. The machine does not plate VIAs. I need to do this after the CNC machine is finished. What is the best process and materials to use?",
"Can a familiar attune and wear or use a magic item? Is it possible for a familiar to attune to and then wear or wield a magic item?",
"Invalid characters for XML parsing in posthistory.xml from Stack Overflow We got the April 2011 data dump from Stack Overflow and, while trying to put everything into a database, we got SyntaxError: reference to invalid character number: line 1105549, column 5445 in the middle of the posthistory.xml file. It seems that there are sets of characters (&#xC I believe) within a few posthistory entries which break our XML parser. Is there a solution besides manually changing all the C's?",
"Pretty tricky cmd",
"Presently, how much information can a quantum computer store, in how many qubits? What restrictions are there and how does it vary across realizations (efficiency of data storage, ease of reading and writing, etc)?",
"How do I set up a shipping condition that accesses the value of a specific field in product? I have a term reference field in product called \"Weight\" with values \"Light\", \"Medium\" & \"heavy\". I am using flat rate shipping service and trying to check the value of \"Weight\" field in Calculation rules.I know that I need to expose it by using \"entity has field\" but I end up having commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:0 commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:1 commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:2 commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:3 commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:0... commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:1... commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:2... commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:3... I was able to get to the weight field by using any of them and then did a Data Comparison commerce-line-item:order:commerce-line-items:0:commerce-product:field-product-weight this condition worked ok first time but not after that. can anyone please help me on this or if you think of another solution please let me know. Thanks",
"How do I find a recursion formula to solve the following question: In how many sequences of length $n$, with elements from $\\{{0,1,2,3,4}\\}$, the difference between every 2 adjacent elements is $1$ or $-1$? I've been trying to solve the problem for the last 5 hours maybe, I'm sure that I'm missing something.. This is a problem in combinatorics, and the solution must be by finding a recursion formula for the problem. best solution I've come so far is that if we say that $a_n$ is the solution to the question, so let's count how many sequences of size $n-1$ there are that meet the requirement, and we complete the first element to make it a sequence of $n$ elements. so for $n-1$ there $a_{n-1}$ sequences, and for each sequence we have $2$ options to choose the first element (one option is to take a plus $1$ number from the number that start the $n-1$ sequence, and the other option to to take a minus $1$ number from the number that start the $n-1$ sequence), only problem as you figured out is that if the $n-1$ sequnce starts with $0$ or $4$ there is only $1$ option left for the first element in the sequnce.. so $a_n=2a_{n-1}$ won't work. I think that the solution may involve using $2$ or maybe $3$ recursion formulas. Hope I was clear enough.",
"Proving an infinite number of primes of the form 6n+1 The proofs given on other sites weren't that clear and used different methods that I have yet to learn. Prove that there are an infinite number of primes of the form 6n+1. The hint that was given was: Let p = p1, p2, ..., pk + 1, where p1 = 2, p2 = 3,...pk are the first k primes. Show that p is prime. (p1 means p sub 1, p2 means p sub 2, and pk is p sub k. Wasn't sure how to write it on this.) Can someone explain this hint on how they came about of p1 = 2, p2=3, etc, and prove this please? Also, how would the proof change if the form changed? (\"Prove that there are infinite number of primes of the form....\")",
"git-upload-pack: command not found, when cloning remote Git repo I have been using git to keep two copies of my project in sync, one is my local box, the other the test server. This is an issue which occurs when I log onto our remote development server using ssh; git clone [email protected]:/home/chris/myproject Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/myproject/.git/ Password: bash: git-upload-pack: command not found fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly fetch-pack from '[email protected]:/home/chris/myproject' failed. (the file-names have been changed to protect the guilty... !) Both boxes run Solaris 10 AMD. I have done some digging, if I add --upload-pack=$(which git-upload-pack) the command works, (and proves that $PATH contains the path to 'git-upload-pack' as per the RTFM solution) but this is really annoying, plus 'git push' doesn't work, because I don't think there is a --unpack= option. Incidentally, all the git commands work fine from my local box, it is the same version of the software (, installed on the same NFS mount at /usr/local/bin. Can anybody help?",
"Citing two authors gets displayed incorrectly"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How Do I Include References in an ASP.NET web site? | ASP.NET Website's BIN directory and references | [
"What is the regular expression to match strings (in this case, file names) that start with 'Run' and have a filename extension of '.py'? The regular expression should match any of the following: RunFoo.py RunBar.py Run42.py It should not match: myRunFoo.py RunBar.py1 Run42.txt The SQL equivalent of what I am looking for is ... LIKE 'Run%.py' ....",
"How do I disable negative scaling? By default blender allows you to scale past 0 - how do I prevent this? i.e. it's common in other 3D modelling software to resize a set of vertices against an axis to align them - however this isn't possible when negative scaling is enabled.",
"Can a 3rd party app *technically* take better pictures? I've seen in several forums that some phones have very good cameras and the photos taken are compressed too much and the details are lost. I was wondering whether a 3rd party application (forgetting the post processing done by the application) have access to the full resolution image without any compression. So can another application access the raw data from the camera or all applications gets the same raw data when they access the camera?",
"Android: Making Https Request",
"ASP.NET MVC controller actions that return JSON or partial html",
"$f(x)=x/1$ is not injective?",
"Authenticate to Stack Exchange using GitHub I've seen sign in methods using as an authentication provider, for example : (AWS Cloud9) Is it possible to authenticate into Stack Exchange using this method? At the moment there's other methods such as OpenID, Google, Yahoo and Facebook, but it would be interesting to also have the GitHub authentication.",
"How do you clean a seasoned cast iron skillet? I have a seasoned cast iron skillet, and I don't want to mess up the seasoning when I'm cleaning it. What do I use and what don't I use to get it back to clean? I've heard not to use soap and to make sure it is dry, but nothing beyond that.",
"What is the relationship between regression and linear discriminant analysis (LDA)? Is there a relationship between regression and linear discriminant analysis (LDA)? What are their similarities and differences? Does it make any difference if there are two classes or more than two classes?",
"Using .NET, how can you find the mime type of a file based on the file signature not the extension",
"How does update work with programs installed from .deb file I'm having some difficulties exactly understanding how the the whole update thing work in Ubuntu and good practice for installing software. I understand I have a /etc/apt/sources.list file where all my repositories are listed, and that these repositories are queried when I use apt-get update - to later be used with e.g. apt-get upgrade. This makes perfect sense and I recently installed spotify by adding deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free to this \"sources\" list. But then I got confused... When I went to download Google Chrome I merely had to download and grab a .deb file, and Chrome installed with no problem... but I don't see any new entry in /etc/apt/sources.list... So how does apt-get update know where to query concerning Chrome updates? Has it somehow been added to one of the already listed repositories in the sources file? I would like all my installed software to be encompassed by the update function.",
"Current in wire + moving charge next to wire creates magnetic force in the stationary reference frame OR electric force in the moving reference frame from special relativity due to change in charge density etc.... I think I understand this and I think it's super cool. Now here's the rub... Current in wire + stationary charge next to wire creates no net charge. This is how nature behaves. I get it. My question is why can't I use the same special relativity logic as above, that is, current in wire cause electrons in wire to contract in accordance with special relativity so there has to be a net charge on the wire, which then acts on stationary charge next to wire. I have been reading and reading and reading and I have come up with the following: (1) When electrons in wire get accelerated to create current the distance between them actually expands in accordance with special relativity - something to do with bells spaceship paradox - which I am not going to pretend to understand (2) This expansion from (1) above is exactly opposite and equal in magnitude to the contraction special relativity then causes and the expansion and contraction cancel out to keep the charge density in the wire constant and therefore no net charge on the wire Here are my questions: Is the explanation above correct? If so, please elaborate because i dont understand If not correct, what is going on? This is driving me absolutely nuts.",
"These wonderful icon overlays that give you useful information in the Windows Explorer are not showing up. It's the most annoying with Dropbox (I already read ). I just tried reinstalling Dropbox - no help. I have this problem also with the so I don't think that it is a dropbox problem specifically; and something is wrong in my OS. The OS is actually a pretty fresh clean-install... OS: Win8 Pro 64-bit.",
"Is there an equivalent of MATLAB's Workspace window in Mathematica?",
"Mars needs water and women I read this book in high school too many years ago for me to think about. Martian colonist are raiding earth's oceans for water and because of the conditions on Mars where only male children are conceived, they are also on the look out for young women as potential mates. Our main character while on a raid, bags not only a young woman but her brother as well. Returning to Mars they find that Earth has attacked Mars can't remember much more.",
"Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused: Errors were encountered while processing: runit",
"Is there such a thing as a switch that can be actuated automatically? I'm interested in a toggle switch that can be toggled without user input. That is, the physical state can be toggled electrically. It would need to incorporate some sort of motor or magnetic actuator. My google-fu is weak in this area, and I haven't been able to come up with the correct combination of search terms. Note that I'm not talking about a relay; I'm talking about a normal toggle switch: Except that it can be toggled without user input. As in, the lever physically moves. Like a except that the mechanism is internal to the switch.",
"I watched a video on youtube (I lost it) that shows rendering parts of the screen to combine them in a single image. I followed it to the point where I couldn't adjust the dimensions under the \"set render border\", but in the video he had dimensions and I have nothing. I need it for 4K and 8K renders (without anti-aliasing), but my laptop can't handle it all at once and I don't have time for a 4 hour waiting so this feature will work perfectly. I'm using version 2.76 so is it moved to another place or removed. Maybe a bug?",
"Choosing whether to include PDF or PNG in PDFLaTeX Can I tell graphicx somehow which graphic format to choose when I omit the file extension in includegraphics and both a PDF and a PNG version of the same image exist? The reason is that I have some very large PDF vector graphics (in terms of file size/drawing primitives) that take a pretty long time to load each time I view the document. I would like to convert them to PNGs while working on the document and only use the PDF versions in the final document. Therefore, a global option that I can switch in the end would be great. An additional plus would be to do the conversion to PNG on the fly during the LaTeX run if there is a PDF that has not been converted to PNG yet, if a tool for that exists. (I know how to use convert, but not how to include it automatically in LaTeX.)",
"Confidence interval around binomial estimate of 0 or 1 What is the best technique to calculate a confidence interval of a binomial experiment, if your estimate is that $p=0$ (or similarly $p=1$) and sample size is relatively small, for example $n=25$?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to correctly pin the users folder to the sidebar after changing their location from the C drive to the D drive | Why I cannot unpin some directories from file explorer in windows 10 | [
"MCP4131: How to know what value resistors to use on the multiplexed SPI IO? There are two aspects here. The first question is related to R1 below: The datasheet says: \"R1 must be sized to ensure VIL and VIH of the devices are met\" but gives no formula. So first question: (1) How does one determine value of R1? The datasheet gives maximum SPI SCK frequency for this device as 10MHz for 5V supply as given in Tables 1-1 and 1-2. However, for the read operation on the device where the SDI/SDO are multiplexed, the idea is different because: The point 2 under the Table above says that the max SCK can be increased by using a pull up resistor. About these things I am wondering the following: (2) Why is max SCK frequency lower for multiplexed SDI/SDO read operation only? (3) If I connect a pull-up resistor it will certainly form a voltage divider with the R1 in the first picture. How do I determine the value of both of these resistors then? Finally, since the Table 1-1 and 1-2 give SCK Input Frequency for voltage 1.8V to 2.7V as 1MHz rather than 10MHz which applies to 2.7V to 5.5V. (4) Why is the max SCK lowered at lower supply voltage?",
"Should 'drive by' downvoting be more effectively caught? I have an answer that I'm certain is technically correct. However, it continues to be downvoted. The answer has already been noted in comments on other answers to be better. It goes more in-depth than the others, yet it continues to be downvoted. The already upvoted answers were nowhere close initially, and I had already commented on them to say why it is wrong... Isn't there a limit for that? Shouldn't something be catching this?",
"How can I add a new user as sudoer using the command line? After I add a user using adduser, I can't see it via System > Administration > Users and Groups unless I log out and then log in again. Is that normal? Also, can I set a newly added user as a sudoer or do I have to change that only after adding it? How can I do that via the shell? Finally, can I delete the original user that was created upon initial installation of Ubuntu, or is this user somehow 'special'?",
"'locate' command in terminal. Why is it so fast?",
"I meet with term 'empty function' from time to time. It's high time to understand its nature. What is field( set of arguments) and what is image? ( set of value)?",
"I work behind an really annoying firewall, and I just want the net admin to add all the SE websites to the whitelist. Right now I've lost access to Stack Overflow's authentication, but not Meta's... so I have to come here before I log in there. It's driving me nuts. Basically I just want to add an exclusion rule for all SE domains; not only the website domains, but also the content domains such as gravatar.com, quantserve.com, the domain that holds static content, etc...",
"I need to create file with name is the result of the command in Solaris I need to create only one file with name is the result of the command ls -l | head -2. I can't use environment variables. The filename must contain newline symbols. I've tried to use touch 'ls -l | head -2', but it hasn't worked.",
"What defines a AAA game? I tried to find a precise definition. I found clues on and , but I cannot find more than an approximation like: Equivalent of blockbuster movie in cinema, an AAA game is a game with highest development budgets and levels of promotion. The definition seems imprecise. How can I be sure a game is AAA? Let's imagine a small indie studio making games and growing up. They hire more and more people through the years and invest more and more money in their game. At which milestone would their game be considered as AAA?",
"How do I remove macOS completely from my MacBook Air 2015 and install Windows 10 only after? I have tried formatting my drive to GPT and tried booting a Windows Installation USB however I'm stuck at the installer not being able to find any drives.",
"Why is it important to apply transformation to an objects data? I've watched several tutorials and very often they applied the location, rotation or scale to the object when they transformed it in Object Mode. They always said it is important, but why?",
"Just beginning with photography. Consider this image: (This photo was taken by Harold \"Doc\" Edgerton in 1964 using his Rapatronic camera.) I am looking for a camera that can capture such an image. I am not looking for more fps. less fps is fine, but it must be able to capture such an instance. What features should I look in such a camera? How fast should be the shutter speed? What other things I should look for?",
"Render issue - Model doesn't appear to be on any layers and won't render Really odd on this... using Blender 2.75... I started modelling and lost the objects from the 3d view, but they were still showing in the object lists on the outlier... I was able to copy them and continued working... when I did a test render I discovered that only the original lost objects were rendering and nothing that I had modelled over the previous 2/3hrs was showing up... I have no idea what I did but I created another 3d view and the original bits showed up along with the layer buttons which had been missing from the screen which I thought was just a new feature from 2.75...! Picture to show the 2 screens, top one doesn't render but bottom one does Any idea's what I've done?",
"How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?",
"I've upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 via command-line when my system froze, had to do REISUB and dpkg --configure -a to recover from crash after rebooting. Now everything seems to work except automatically mounting external thumb drives and external hard disk drives. After plugging in said drives, they fail to show up on the left pane and remains unmounted. I can see the device if I run lsusb and fdisk though, so it's possibly to manually mount it but I'd rather resolve why it's not automatically mounting.",
"Which commands to convert a Ubuntu BIOS install to EFI/UEFI without boot-repair on single boot hardware?",
"What is the relationship between symmetry and degeneracy in quantum mechanics?",
"I have an internet connection that I'd like to be enabled only during the day. With multiple household internet devices, this would need to be something disabled at the level of the router. I don't believe the router offers this sort of functionality, but I'm reasonably familiar with setting up web servers and the like, and I'm wondering if I can set up some sort of proxy server on the internet that the router must go through and have that proxy only active at certain times of day. It's a bit vague I know, but is something like this even possible? If not, are there other solutions to the problem?",
"I have a dual screen setup on my laptop (using 12.04 LTS) using a HDMI connected display. Everything works fine, but everytime I connect/disconnect the cable I have to go to Sound preferences and change the sound output device manually. Is there any way to change the sound output device on connect/disconnection of cable, so when I connect my display the sound output is set to HDMI and when I disconnect it the sound goes back to laptop speakers?",
"why do chaperones bring protein into mitochondria? why would mitochondria need protein? Sounds trivial? Please help to sort out. I saw this picture while looking at dehydration reactions and cell revision. And proceeded to the Protein Folding and Processing in the ER: Various changes occur to proteins in the ER. Chaperones and Folding: Polypeptides must assume the correct folding pattern in order to function properly. The correct folding of a protein is mediated by chaperones (they also are proteins--chaperones are abundant in the ER lumen). A completed polypeptide will assume the correct folding pattern spontaneously, however before translation is complete, it could assume an incorrect formation or it could aggregate with other partially made polypeptides. To prevent this, chaperones in the ER (and cytosol) bind to the nascent polypeptide and keep it from interacting with anything until the polypeptide is completely synthesized. (Chaperones bind to polypeptides destined for mitochondria then release them as they pass through the mitochondrial membranes. Chaperones on the inside of mitochondria bind until these polypeptides have completely entered.) With regards to protein synthesis and folding, this kind of info is not in my textbook. Not in couple of the online open textbooks either. I even search for where do protein fold? to find out if there was a relationship. It doesn't say protein fold in mitochondria and turns out it's a question most scientist are looking for answers. For whatever protein synthesis I have learnt so far, there was no mentioning of protein strands going into mitochondria but mitochondria as a power houses. What's going on here? Why would a protein go into a mitochondria? How does it exit and where to?",
"monitor files (à la tail -f) in an entire directory (even new ones) I normally watch many logs in a directory doing tail -f directory/*. The problem is that a new log is created after that, it will not show in the screen (because * was expanded already). Is there a way to monitor every file in a directory, even those that are created after the process has started?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Who can change a file permission or ownership in ubuntu? | How do file permissions work? | [
"What's wrong if I fit the auto-regression with OLS? I am doing auto-regress by usual linear regression package. e.g. $y_t=φx+ε_t$ with $x =y_{t-1}$ My reason is that, Auto-regression does assumes iid errors, same for linear regression. Linear Regression doesn't have assumption on independent variables. What's different is merely that the independent variables is replaced with lagged dependent variable y. But I see AR always is fitted by specific methods, I am afraid I'm doing wrong.",
"How to make itemize/enumerate/description environment robust to missing \\item elements? Is there any way to make LaTeX tolerate empty itemize/enumerate (i.e. no \\item)? Specifically, I would welcome any package/elegant hack that would gracefully \"cancel\" a list if no elements are found (instead of firing up a Latex Error). Before jumping to the obvious answer (which I expect would be something along the lines of \"don't use itemize if you don't have items to put in\" ;)) please consider my use-case: I want to format remotely stored elements (say, bibliographic items), which I can only access as an XML file. <elems> <bibelem><title>Cool result 1</title><author>joe</author></bibelem> <bibelem><title>Cool result 2</title><author>jim</author></bibelem> </elems> I have a python script that downloads/parses the XML and outputs its content in a file bib.tex as a list of Latex macros-decorated data \\BibElem{Cool result 1}{joe} \\BibElem{Cool result 2}{jim} Now, I want to grant the end-user complete control over the styling of her/his produced document, so the intended usage within Latex is something like \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} \\newcommand{\\BibElem}[2]{\\item {\\em #1} by {#2}} \\begin{itemize} \\input{bib.tex} \\end{itemize} \\end{document} The rationale behind this design choice is that the user should be restricted as little as possible in her/his styling choices. For instance, the user may either want to display the bibelems within a list as shown in the example, or may prefer a fancy-formatted tabular. On the other hand, the user should design the latex document once, and should be able to run it regardless of the amount of data produced by the source. Therefore, the python script cannot make any assumption regarding the context in which its latex product will be included, and it should be up to the user to deal with empty bibliographies, i.e. with empty lists. How could one possibly do that? Update: Werner proposed a nice solution that redefines the list environment to make Latex oblivious of the fact he is currently in a list. However, this only seems to work if the empty list is the last list in the document, as revealed by the following mwa: \\documentclass{article} \\makeatletter \\newenvironment{myitemize} {\\itemize} {\\@newlistfalse\\enditemize} \\makeatother \\begin{document} % Empty Itemize \\begin{myitemize} \\end{myitemize} % Next non-nested itemize environment (can be itemize/enumerate/description) \\begin{myitemize} \\item Arghh! \\end{myitemize} \\end{document}",
"Is there any function that converts an escaped Url string to its unescaped form? System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode() can do that job but I don't want to add a reference to System.Web.dll. Since my app is not a web application, I don't want to add a dependency for only using a function in an assembly. UPDATE: Check about the same issue.",
"What is serial voting and how does it affect me? I just noticed that I lost a bunch of points from my reputation score, and I used the \"reputation\" tab on my user profile page to try and track down the cause. During my investigation, I noticed there was an unusual event of type \"reversal\". In the normal place of a question title, it says \"voting corrected\". What does this mean, and what caused it? Did I do something wrong? Why did I lose all of that reputation? Is the system punishing me for leaving too many good answers? Is there any way to earn it back?",
"How can I prevent spam on sites which I control? This is a general, community wiki question to address all non-specific spam prevention questions. If your question was closed as a duplicate of this question and you feel that the information provided here does not provide a sufficient answer, please open a discussion on . For purposes of this question, spam will include: Any automated post Manually-posted content which includes links to spammers' sites Manually-posted content which includes instructions to visit a spammer's site",
"byte[] to hex string How do I convert a byte[] to a string? Every time I attempt it, I get System.Byte[] instead of the value. Also, how do I get the value in Hex instead of a decimal?",
"Given that $x^y=y^x$, what could $x$ and $y$ be? It's not too difficult to figure out that $x$ and $y$ can both be 1, and also $x$ can be 2 and $y$ can be 4 (and vice versa). But I can't rule out if there are other solutions. Does it have anything to do with inverse functions? Is there a way to see the solutions by graphing, or algebraically?",
"Not sure if someone else has already raised this - I've got eleven notifications that I've received a Caucus badge on English Language Learners. Perhaps one notification for each community that I'm a member of? I am a member of the community, and did visit the election. Also, the badge hasn't been awarded more that once (so I think it's just the notification that's at fault). Note that this seems to happen for other badges, it has been reported for: Caucus, Nice Answer, Enthusiast.",
"Connection between rank and matrix product I have a problem understanding the following: Let $A$ be an $m \\times n$ matrix and let t $\\in \\mathbb{N}$. Prove that $\\operatorname{rank}(A)\\leq t$ if and only if there exists an $m \\times t$ matrix $B$ and a $t \\times n$ matrix $C$ so that $A = BC$. I know what a rank is but I can't make a connection between the rank and the existence of two matrices such that $A = BC$.",
"sed : Ignore line starting whitespace for match",
"Fancy chapter headings",
"What happens to the second Marty at the end of Back to the Future? In (the original movie), Marty comes back from 1955 10 mins early to prevent Doc from being shot (which he fails at). He then rolls up to the Lone Pine Mall and sees himself hit 88 mph and shoot back to 1955 (again). Marty then carries on with this life as usual. What happens to the Marty that goes back to 1955 at the end of the film? This obviously is a recursive problem where it would create another timeline and Marty would keep coming back 10 mins early to view another Marty zip back to 1955?",
"Why does the sizeof operator return a size larger for a structure than the total sizes of the structure's members?",
"Saudi Arabia Transit Visa I am travelling to Rome along with five other members (all in a family) from Bengaluru via Jeddah. My layover in Jeddah is 13.5 hours before i catch a connecting Flight to Rome. I won't be moving out of airport in Jeddah. Do I still need a Transit visa in Saudi Arabia.",
"Difference between 2 numbers I need the perfect algorithm or C# function to calculate the difference (distance) between 2 decimal numbers. For example the difference between: 100 and 25 is 75 100 and -25 is 125 -100 and -115 is 15 -500 and 100 is 600 Is there a C# function or a very elegant algorithm to calculate this or I have to go and handle every case separately with ifs. If there is such a function or algorithm, which one is it?",
"SQL Server Escape an Underscore How do I escape the underscore character? I am writing something like the following where clause and want to be able to find actual entries with _d at the end. Where Username Like '%_d'",
"Control custom properties How can I add remove and create a callback/event for a custom property using bpy. I have a scene, called scene, and I want to add a custom property named x, defulat value 2 (as intereger), and a callback foo, to run when it is changed. I also need to be able to read the value from it, and delete it. How do I do this?",
"I wonder if there is any difference between mapping and a function. Somebody told me that the only difference is that mapping can be from any set to any set, but function must be from $\\mathbb R$ to $\\mathbb R$. But I am not ok with this answer. I need a simple way to explain the differences between mapping and function to a lay man together with some illustration (if possible). Thanks for any help.",
"How to find $ f(x)$ if $f(1-f(x))=x$ for all $x$ $\\in \\mathbb{R}$ How can I determine $ f(x)$ if $f(1-f(x))=x$ for all real $x$? I have already recognized one problem caused from this: it follows that $ f(f(x))=1-x $, which is discontinuous. So how can I construct a function $f(x)$? Best regards and thanks, John",
"In convex optimization, the feasible region is convex if equality constraints $h(x)$ are linear or affine, and inequality constraints $g(x) \\leq 0$ are convex. Does this mean that if $h(x)$ is nonlinear, then the optimization problem is non-convex? Is there any special case where $h(x)$ is nonlinear and the feasible region is still convex?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Not able to see client id and client secret in the connected app | Where do I find the client id and client secret of an existing connected app? | [
"How to add greek polytonic with setxkbmap I want to add greek polytonic keyboard layout under Lubuntu (so in LXDE). I already realized there is no easy tool to do it with the graphic interface, so I need to use setxkbmap executing something the like of: setxkbmap pl,gr Now, how to make setxkbmap set the greek polytonic variant?",
"What is a reasonable sample size for correlation analysis for both overall and sub-group analyses? I am running Pearson's correlation on an overall sample of 400 respondents. When I isolate male and female responses, my sample becomes 220 male responses and 180 female responses. If I further isolate male and female responses by (say) age groups, some sample sizes become as low as 35 responses (for example, for females over the age of 65). My question: How good are these sample sizes for correlation analysis? (I am looking at the relationship between income levels and overseas travel.) (I think this has something to do with margin of error but how does this apply to inferential analysis which is based on probability. I can understand its role in descriptive statistics such as results of a political poll).",
"Why does an environment's label have to appear after the caption? \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{algorithm} \\begin{document} \\setcounter{section}{54} \\section{A section with no label} \\begin{algorithm} \\label{myalg} \\caption{An algorithm with the label `myalg'.} \\end{algorithm} Reference to myalg: \\ref{myalg}. \\end{document} With this code, the reference givens 55 (the section number); if I move the label after the caption command, I get the correct reference (1). Why should this be the case? I find it confusing: when thinking about an algorithm as an environment, you expect to be able to label it right after you began it. At the very least I would expect some kind of error or \"??\" to appear, rather than the previous environment or reference-able entity being used.",
"The origin of the value of speed of light in vacuum",
"Anthology series with suspended animation and a galaxy-wide empire?",
"Arrive steering behavior",
"Cheaper zoom lenses usually are faster at the wide end and slower at the long end (for example, the $150 Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6). More expensive constant-aperture zoom lenses have the same aperture regardless (for example, $800 Canon EF 17-40mm f/4.0 L). My question is: are these good lenses at the wider settings, or do they have a different optic system that allows them to maintain the same aperture throughout the zoom range?",
"Mac OS X 10.6 executable not found without full path I just installed Apache via MacPorts. It seems that my Mac was absolutely confused about which version of the Apache executables to run. After moving the Apache executables that ship with the Mac to a directory that is not listed in the PATH variable, trying to run the httpd built by MacPorts fails even though the correct directory (/opt/local/apache2/bin) is listed in the PATH variable. If I navigate to the directory /opt/local/apache2/bin and type the command httpd I still get the error message -bash: httpd: command not found If I type the command with the full path /opt/local/apache2/bin/httpd it works fine. I've run the command alias to see if something was clashing but the only thing listed is: alias wget='curl -O' How do I find what is intercepting the command and preventing the executable being found in the directory, even when I'm inside the same directory? By the way, the httpd file is executable: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 442496 9 May 2012 httpd",
"Why Process Builder doesn't work on Delete Scenario?",
"Image looks embossed when converted to SVG",
"Why the pressure of atmosphere doesn't crush you when you e.g. walk outside? Why the pressure of atmosphere doesn't crush you when you e.g. walk outside? I mean the density of air is $1.26 kg/m^3$, so with $100 km$ above us, it exerts much pressure on you when you walk outside.",
"Can a PC with the Alert feat alert his friends?",
"How do I change the screen resolution using Ubuntu command line?",
"How can I filter items with a certain enchantement?",
"How to save the render result within Blender Is it possible to render an image and have blender remember it, so that next time I open the file the render result will not be blank? I am not talking about saving to an external file. Specifically I would like to render an image, close blender, and come back later and be able to do some compositing on the render without having to waste a half an hour rendering it again (my GPU drivers are messed up so I have to use the CPU). Currently the render result is blank when ever I open a file.",
"How to avoid the wrinkle at the poles of the UV sphere? When I create a UV sphere and add the subdivision surface modifier, the following wrinkle appears. How can I avoid it? I've read the article but there seems to be no clear solution. UPDATE 1 I've used the word 'apply' in the first sentence of the initial version of this question. It's misleading since I want to preserve the modifier without 'applying' it. Rather, what I meant is 'adding' the modifier. UPDATE 2 I followed josh sanfelici's solution, but still there is an artifact at the pole. Here is the screen: (A rendered view with a sun lamp) Maybe it's the limitation of the general-purpose subdivision modifier. BTW, when the cast modifier is added after the subdivision modifier, the sphere becomes perfect (even for my original wrinkled sphere). But since I want to edit the resulting sphere (for example, scaling X, Y, etc) while modifier is added but not applied, it's not usable.",
"Python idiom to return first item or None I'm sure there's a simpler way of doing this that's just not occurring to me. I'm calling a bunch of methods that return a list. The list may be empty. If the list is non-empty, I want to return the first item; otherwise, I want to return None. This code works: my_list = get_list() if len(my_list) > 0: return my_list[0] return None It seems to me that there should be a simple one-line idiom for doing this, but for the life of me I can't think of it. Is there? Edit: The reason that I'm looking for a one-line expression here is not that I like incredibly terse code, but because I'm having to write a lot of code like this: x = get_first_list() if x: # do something with x[0] # inevitably forget the [0] part, and have a bug to fix y = get_second_list() if y: # do something with y[0] # inevitably forget the [0] part AGAIN, and have another bug to fix What I'd like to be doing can certainly be accomplished with a function (and probably will be): def first_item(list_or_none): if list_or_none: return list_or_none[0] x = first_item(get_first_list()) if x: # do something with x y = first_item(get_second_list()) if y: # do something with y I posted the question because I'm frequently surprised by what simple expressions in Python can do, and I thought that writing a function was a silly thing to do if there was a simple expression could do the trick. But seeing these answers, it seems like a function is the simple solution.",
"Where can I find out when the next kernel version will be released for my distro version? I checked the , , and wiki pages but still cannot seem to find a complete answer to this. When using an LTS release like 18.04, is there somewhere public that can be checked to determine what kernel versions are being tested and when they are anticipated to be released for it? I would like to use 4.19, for example, but would like to know how to check this for any anticipated kernel release. I know I could potentially just install the 4.19 kernel myself but I would rather know when it (and future kernel releases) were in the release pipeline. Is there somewhere on Launchpad that I could check? Somewhere else? Where are the Ubuntu kernel package maintainers doing their work?",
"What is the method to make files in a USB Flash Drive undeletable? Does these method work with USB 3.0 interface? (I have surveyed some Flash Drive manufacturers, and I only see undeletable files for USB 2.0 drives, and not 3.0 drives. One manufacturer claimed that USB 3.0 cannot do undeletable file, so I am curious whether the claim is correct...)",
"How do I boot into recovery mode?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)" while running MySQL | phpmyadmin doesn't connection with true data | [
"I have a question about deriving the coordinate representation of momentum operator from the commutation relation, $[x,p]= i$. One derivation (ref W. Greiner's Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction, 4th edi, p442) is as following: $$ \\langle x|[x,p]|y \\rangle = \\langle x|xp-px|y \\rangle = (x-y) \\langle x|p|y \\rangle. $$ On the other hand, $ \\langle x|[x,p]|y \\rangle = i \\langle x|y \\rangle = i \\delta (x-y)$. Thus $$ (x-y) \\langle x|p|y \\rangle = i \\delta(x-y). \\tag{1} $$ We use $(x-y) \\delta(x-y) = 0$. Take the derivative with respect to $x$; we have $\\delta(x-y) + (x-y) \\delta'(x-y) = 0$. Thus $$ (x-y) \\delta'(x-y) = - \\delta(x-y). \\tag{2} $$ Comparing Eqs. (1) and (2), we identify $$ \\langle x|p|y \\rangle = -i \\delta'(x-y). \\tag{3} $$ In addition, we can add $\\alpha \\delta(x-y)$ on the right-hand side of Eq. (3), i.e. $$ \\langle x|p|y \\rangle = -i \\delta'(x-y) + \\alpha \\delta(x-y), $$ and $[x,p] = i$ is still satisfied. We can also add $$ \\frac{\\beta}{\\sqrt{|x-y|}}\\delta(x-y)$$ on the RHS of Eq. (3). Here $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ are two real numbers. My question is, what is the most general expression of $\\langle x|p|y \\rangle$? Can we always absorb the additional term into a phase factor like Dirac's quantum mechanics book did? Thank you very much in advance.",
"Why is the application of probability in QM fundamentally different from application of probability in other areas?",
"Is a noisy laptop fan caused by dirt on the fan? I got a Sony Vaio laptop VPCSA and its fan is noisy intermittently. At times it is very noisy and at other times it is pretty quite. I wonder whether this is caused by dirt on the fan that I can clean or leave the laptop to a computer repair shop so that they can service is? Or do you think that the noisiness from the fan is caused by some other factor than dirt since the noise is intermittent and not all the time? Update I see there're some more suggestions how to fic the problem in another question",
"How to ask questions in a way that avoids answers that question/patronize the approach rather than address the question? Sometimes I or others ask a question which causes the reader to think why would he want to do that?. There are reasons and the question is usually legitimate. I and others often seem to get a lot of comments (which I don’t mind), and comments posted as answers (which I do mind), which do not even attempt to address the question and instead question the approach and provide zero insight on the actual question. I am talking about the kind of question where the question is usually a few sentences, but a solid explanation of why the approach that leads to the question is chosen takes almost a full page of writing, and is irrelevant to the question itself. The issue seems to be well understood and there are various related questions on Meta, such as: My question is not why this happens. My question is how can I formulate a question in such a way that this happens less. To be clear, I am asking What can a question do to avoid getting answers that do not address the question?, in the context of well-meaning answerers who try to see an underlying cause. Two questions with different approaches which should show what I mean: (note that the question is off-topic but it still serves to illustrate the type of questions and answers I mean)",
"I am making a skydome and I have a texture hooked up with an emission shader for it, however, since the dome is blue it only emits blue light. Is there a way that I can have the whole sky illuminated and have the light reaching the rest of my scene be a different colour?",
"In my situation, it's for a local build/staging server running ubuntu server. Things I'd like to know are: Why I should/shouldn't use LVM? What problems might it cause in terms of either regular server operation or things I might want to do later? (ex. partitioning) Why I should/shouldn't use encrypted LVM instead of LVM? What problems might encrypted LVM cause in terms of either regular server operation or things I might want to do later? (ex. partitioning)",
"prints out a lot of very detailed protocol statistics like number of TCP reset messages received or number of ICMP \"echo request\" messages sent or number of packets dropped because of a missing route. When in Linux netstat is considered deprecated at nowadays, then is there an alternative? Statistics provided by ss -s are superficial compared to the ones provided by netstat.",
"I need to knock out a quick animation in C#/Windows Forms for a Halloween display. Just some 2D shapes moving about on a solid background. Since this is just a quick one-off project I really don't want to install and learn an entire new set of tools for this. (DirectX dev kits, Silverlight, Flash, etc..) I also have to install this on multiple computers so anything beyond the basic .Net framework (2.0) would be a pain in the arse. For tools I've got VS2k8, 25 years of development experience, a wheelbarrow, holocaust cloak, and about 2 days to knock this out. I haven't done animation since using assembler on my Atari 130XE (hooray for page flipping and player/missile graphics!) Advice? Here's some of the things I'd like to know: I can draw on any empty widget (like a panel) by fiddling with it's OnPaint handler, right? That's how I'd draw a custom widget. Is there a better technique than this? Is there a page-flipping technique for this kind of thing in Windows Forms? I'm not looking for a high frame rate, just as little flicker/drawing as necessary. Thanks. Post Mortem Edit ... \"a couple of coding days later\" Well, the project is done. The links below came in handy although a couple of them were 404. (I wish SO would allow more than one reply to be marked \"correct\"). The biggest problem I had to overcome was flickering, and a persistent bug when I tried to draw on the form directly. Using the OnPaint event for the Form: bad idea. I never got that to work; lots of mysterious errors (stack overflows, or ArgumentNullExceptions). I wound up using a panel sized to fill the form and that worked fine. Using the OnPaint method is slow anyway. Somewhere online I read that building the PaintEventArgs was slow, and they weren't kidding. Lots of flickering went away when I abandoned this. Skip the OnPaint/Invalidate() and just paint it yourself. Setting all of the \"double buffering\" options on the form still left some flicker that had to be fixed. (And I found conflicting docs that said \"set them on the control\" and \"set them on the form\". Well controls don't have a .SetStyle() method.) I haven't tested without them, so they might be doing something (this is the form): this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); So the workhorse of the code wound up looking like (pf is the panel control): void PaintPlayField() { Bitmap bufl = new Bitmap(pf.Width, pf.Height); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bufl)) { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, new Rectangle(0, 0, pf.Width, pf.Height)); DrawItems(g); DrawMoreItems(g); pf.CreateGraphics().DrawImageUnscaled(bufl, 0, 0); } } And I just called PaintPlayField from the inside of my Timer loop. No flicker at all.",
"How does database indexing work? Given that indexing is so important as your data set increases in size, can someone explain how indexing works at a database-agnostic level? For information on queries to index a field, check out .",
"Suppose I've just made the switch to . I have chosen one of the built-in styles (numeric, alphabetic, authoryear, authortitle, verbose) or of the custom styles available at CTAN, and I've figured out how to sort/compress citations. The bibliography and the in-text-citations look approximately like I want, but need to be tweaked. I've taken a look at the biblatex documentation for advice, but it is somewhat daunting. How do I get started? To add some focus, customization in the following areas would come in handy: Suppressing of specific BibTeX fields (e.g., publisher); Formatting of fields for specific entry types (e.g., titles of articles not inside quotation marks); Formatting of citation postnotes (i.e., getting rid of \"p.\"/\"pp.\"); Spacing and punctuation in the bibliography (e.g., commas instead of periods as unit separators); Order of first names and last names of authors/editors in the bibliography; Order of certain fields in the bibliography (e.g., swapping location and publisher); Language-specific terms (e.g., replacing \"References\" with \"Works Cited\"). Finally, assuming that I'll want to use my style adjustments in a multitude of documents: Where do I put the relevant macro stuff?",
"How to compute azimuth between QgsPointV2s? The class has an azimuth() method but the new class does not. What's the best way to compute the azimuth between QgsPointV2s? I couldn't find a convenient way to convert V2 to the old version, so my fallback is to construct a QgsPoint from the V2's x and y: self.traj = QgsLineStringV2(...) p_i = self.traj.pointN(self.i) # this returns a QgsPointV2 p_j = self.traj.pointN(self.j) a = QgsPoint(p_i.x(),p_i.y()).azimuth(QgsPoint(p_j.x(),p_j.y())) Is there a better way?",
"I'm trying to setup OpenVPN using NetworkManager. The GUI seems buggy and unresponsive. Are there any other tools for setting up a VPN client?",
"I want to select the value from the dropdown I am testing www.paytm.com In that I have filled in the mobile number but I am not able to focus and select the mobile operator which is present in the dropdown just after the phone number section. I want to select 'vodafone' as the value from the dropdown. How to do that using webdriver Code I have written till now ` public class MMT { public static void main (String[] args) { System.setProperty(\"webdriver.chrome.driver\",\"E:/som/chromedriver/chromedriver.exe\"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.get(\"http://paytm.com\"); driver.findElement(By.id(\"mobile-number\")).sendKeys(\"9876543212\");` What should be my next steps?",
"How can I decode HTML characters in C#?",
"How to disable auto-complete braces in TEXStudio? I want to disable auto-complete for braces in TeXstudio. In its simplest form, when I type { I do not want it to automatically add a }. When it does this, many times I end up deleting the brace, which is a hassle. Also, when I hit Ctrl+I to get into italics mode I don't want it to auto-complete the ending brace either. I have gone to Options -> Configure TeXstudio... -> Completion -> Show Advanced Options and disabled everything. But it still auto-completes them. In case it matters the version I have is TeXstudio 2.8.4.",
"Prove that there are no integers $a,b \\gt 2$ such that $a^2{\\mid}(b^3 + 1)$ and $b^2{\\mid}(a^3 + 1)$.",
"Display the original question beneath the answer edit form Often when I edit one of my answers, it's because I want to better address the original question. The only problem is that I can't see the original question while I'm editing my answer! I'd love to see the original question text beneath the \"answer edit\" form. This way I could scroll down slightly to read it if I wanted to, or just ignore it if not. Current workaround is to click the 'return to answer' link and hope that you remember to launch it in a new tab/window, then tab back and forth. Imported from this uservoice item:",
"How to easily build your own Linux Distro? I wanted to have a go at creating my very own Linux Distribution. Could you suggest some nice and easy-to-follow tutorials (preferably text based and not videos). I have heard something about Arch Linux but I don't know how to go from there. What do I need?",
"In English, words with a 'g' followed by a front vowel (e, i, y) can be pronounced with a soft g or a hard g: Words with Germanic roots are usually pronounced with a hard g: gear, get, gift, give Words with Latin and Greek roots are usually pronounced with a soft g: gem, general, giraffe, giant But how should a purely English word (if such thing even exists) with a 'g' followed by a front vowel be pronounced? In other words, if an English speaker saw a new word of unknown origin (eg: a neologism) that starts with gi- or ge-, how would they pronounce it?",
"Unable to install VLC This is what happens: sudo apt-get install vlc Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package vlc Please help. I would also like to know when this error occurs, I've seen it before too."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Solving homogenous recurrence relation | Solving recurrence relation. Recurrence | [
"Linear congruence fill in the missing step? Currently working on this problem and I'm having trouble seeing how it goes from one line to the next. $45x \\equiv 63\\mod 11$ goes to $x \\equiv 8\\mod 11$ Any help would be awesome thanks. Please try to explain how it works to help me see thanks.",
"Prove that a set of connectives is inadequate",
"Refreshing SFDC page from VF frame: CORS issue",
"Show that if $f(z)=\\sum\\limits_{n\\geq0}a_nz^n$ is analytic in $\\{z\\in\\mathbb{C}:|z|<1\\}\\cup\\{1\\}$ and $\\forall n\\geq0:a_n\\geq0$ then the radius of convergence of the power series is strictly larger than $1$. My approach: Let $D=\\{z\\in\\mathbb{C}:|z|\\leq1\\}$. We have that $f(1)$ converges, so $\\sum\\limits_{n\\geq 0} a_n<\\infty$. Moreover since the $a_n$'s are all positive we have that $|a_n|=a_n$, therefore $\\sum\\limits_{n\\geq 0} |a_n|=\\sum\\limits_{n\\geq 0} a_n<\\infty$. Let $f_n(z)=a_nz^n$, then $\\forall z\\in D, n\\geq 0$ we have: $$|f_n(z)|=|a_nz^n|=|a_n|\\cdot|z^n|=a_n\\cdot |z|^n\\leq a_n\\cdot 1^n\\leq a_n$$ Then, applying Weierstrass M-test we get that the power series is convergent in $D$. Now, I need to \"find\" an open ball $B$ such that $D\\subset B$ and the power series is convergent in it. Edit $f$ is analytic in $1$, so there is an open set $U$ that contains $1$ such that $$f(z)=\\sum\\limits_{n\\geq 0} b_n(z-1)^n$$ Does it mean that the series is convergent in $U$? I can see that we have that the two series coincide in $D\\cap U$.",
"Can a black hole be explained by Newtonian gravity? In the simple explanation that a black hole appears when a big star collapses under missing internal pressure and huge gravity, I can't see any need to invoke relativity. Is this correct?",
"Poll on best VNC / remote desktop software for assisting others on Windows/Mac machines from Ubuntu? I've heard good things about TeamViewer and Fog Creek Copilot, but I'm wondering if the included GNOME Vinaigre VNC client is good enough for this. To specify, I'm looking for best option based on: SIMPLEST ease-of-use for client to download/use on their end. See #1. Works cross-platform I am able to control client's mouse and/or keyboard from remote machine.",
"can I reflectively instantiate a generic type in java? Is it possible to reflectively instantiate a generic type in Java? Using the technique described I get an error because class tokens cannot be generic. Take the example below. I want to instantiate some subclass of Creator that implements Creator. The actual class name is passed in as a command line argument. The idea is to be able to specify an implementation of Creator at runtime. Is there another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do here? public interface Creator<T> { T create(); } public class StringCreator implements Creator<String> { public String create() { return new String(); } } public class FancyStringCreator implements Creator<String> { public String create() { return new StringBuffer().toString(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class<?> someClass = Class.forName(args[0]); /*ERROR*/Class<? extends Creator<String>> creatorClass = someClass.asSubclass(Creator.class); Constructor<? extends Creator<String>> creatorCtor = creatorClass.getConstructor((Class<?>[]) null); Creator<String> creator = creatorCtor.newInstance((Object[]) null); } Edit: I like Marcus' approach as being the most simple and pragmatic without circumventing the whole generics thing. I can use it in my situation because I can specify that the class passed must be a subclass of StringCreator. But as Ericson pointed out the generic information is still there at the type level, just not at the runtime level so it is still possible to reflectively examine whether a given class implements the correct generic type.",
"I have 2 HDD drives in my computer. At the moment second drive is mounted as /media/storage. How can I move my user data from /home to /media/storage/home? Can I just move the data over there and then simply symlink it back?",
"iMac only show flashing folder with question mark after formatting OS X partition drive Today i format my \"OS X El capitan\" partition for installing \"Yosemite\". But due an error in bootable yosemite usb it didn't install on this partition. After some hours when i turned on iMac and hold down \"option\" key for boot into usb but just blank screen and mouse show. And every time when i turend on iMac it only show flashing folder with question mark. I've tried to resolve it by reseting \"NVRAM\". But after restarting problem still same. Also I've tried many \"Startup key combinations for Mac\" but didn't work any combination on startup. Also i have important data in my other one partition. Please can anyone tell me what i do for resolving that issue Without loosing my data?",
"Firefox application associations not working in the 'Downloads' window",
"I'm trying to set an alias for sudo !! in Bash. I tried alias sbb='sudo !!', but it interprets that as a literal !! and prints sudo: !!: command not found If I use double quotes, it substitutes the double bang in the string itself, so that doesn't work. Is there any way to make this work? Or an alternative alias? `",
"Arabic Stack Exchange? I have been learning some Arabic mostly for fun. I am looking for the Arabic Stack Exchange site but cannot find it. I am sure I saw it lying around a few months ago or so. Any idea what happened to it?",
"How should I handle taxes for Minecraft server donations? I run a Minecraft server and there is a donation button so players can help support the costs. I pay out of pocket for the rest, it's $125/mo. The money they donate goes right to paypal which is where the automatic payment to the server happens, so it works out nice as it will just pull the remaining amount from my account. Do I need to claim the donations as income? Can I somehow write off the server costs? Etc.",
"I opened the PC in the morning, and this is what I got: As is visible the icons of the UWA apps were no affected and the start menu also is unaffected. When Control Panel is in category view the entire page is empty and in large/small icons the name is visible, no icons. I deleted the iconcache.db in %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local folder. Following the instructions here: . But to no avail and now windows is not rebuilding the cache. I also ran sfc /scannow but no changes took place. What should I do? (01/01/2016 8:00PM GMT +5:30) Edit: I tried opening the system properties and I got 0x8000ffff error and this: Then I closed the popup and pressed the OK button on the System Properties Windows and I got 0x8007057A error: Opening the Image Backup Control Panel page I again got an 0x8007000E error: I tried using system restore via advanced startup but once again I got 0x800FFFF error. P.S.: I did try restarting, didn't work.",
"Prove that $\\operatorname{rank}(A) + \\operatorname{rank}(B) \\ge \\operatorname{rank}(A + B)$ Let $A,B$ be matrices $m\\times n$ $(A, B \\in M_{m\\times n}(R))$. How can we prove that $$\\operatorname{rank}(A+ B) \\le \\operatorname{rank}(A) + \\operatorname{rank}(B)\\ ?$$",
"Probability of two uniform random numbers being more than $\\frac{1}{2}$ apart Two numbers are chosen randomly and independently from the unit interval $(0,1)$. What is the probability that they differ by more than $\\frac{1}{2}$? Hint: Think of the $2$ numbers chosen as coordinates in the Cartesian plane. Draw a square with vertices at $(0,0)$,$(1,0)$,$(1,1)$, and $(0,1)$. Allowable choices for the $2$ points lie below the line $y=x-\\frac{1}{2}$ or the above $y=x+\\frac{1}{2}$. Find the combined area of these regions. I need help on this. I know what $y=x-\\frac{1}{2}$ and $y=x+\\frac{1}{2}$ looks like but I am not understanding the problem as a whole",
"Why does Stack Exchange ask for a reload on successful automatic login? I'm looking for an answer considering both technical limitations and user experience. Does it need a reload from a technical standpoint?",
"A does the same B as does C",
"How can I work with file uploads during a Webdriver test? This is a canonical question, intended to provide a comprehensive answer to many related questions During the course of a Webdriver test, I want to upload files. However, this opens a native file picker, which Webdriver doesn't seem to support interacting with. How do I interact with it?",
"Conditional Expectaction 3 variables Suppose $X,Y$ and $Z$ are multivariate normal with means and full covariance matrix. The conditional expectation $E(X | Y)$ is well know. What is the conditional expectation of $E(X | Y,Z)$ if $Y$ and $Z$ (and $X$) are correlated? Standard textbooks only seem to cover the case when $Y$ and $Z$ are uncorrelated."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can you use thieves' tools to construct locks and traps, or do you need heavier tools? | What are the options for player characters to create traps? | [
"What algorithm for a tic-tac-toe game can I use to determine the \"best move\" for the AI?",
"Each site got a "hot" tab, where its contents are calculated based on . However take a look on the screenshots below and see for yourself that "hot" got nothing to do with many of the questions listed there. : : As you can see, there are questions with negative score, no answers, and even closed. I won't be surprised to see spam in there as well. This can't be any worse. What I suggest, instead of fixing the formula or patching it, simply have the hot tab show the same questions as the Hot Network Questions sidebar. (from the specific site only, of course.) Since the hot questions "pool" (as seen ) is limited to 100 for the whole network, either expand it or have the per-site list show questions with less hotness points - it would still be better than what we have now.",
"Coulomb's Law states that the fall-off of the strength of the electrostatic force is inversely proportional to the distance squared of the charges. Gauss's law implies that the total flux through a surface completely enclosing a charge is proportional to the total amount of charge. If we imagine a two-dimensional world of people who knew Gauss's law, they would imagine a surface completely enclosing a charge as a flat circle around the charge. Integrating the flux, they would find that the electrostatic force should be inversely proportional to the distance of the charges, if Gauss's law were true in a two-dimensional world. However, if they observed a $\\frac{1}{r^2}$ fall-off, this implies a two-dimensional world is not all there is. Is this argument correct? Does the $\\frac{1}{r^2}$ fall-off imply that there are only three spatial dimensions we live in? I want to make sure this is right before I tell this to my friends and they laugh at me.",
"Now that I know , I was wondering how I can restart the phone or turn it off. The lock button is completely unresponsive and holding it down does nothing. Are there any workarounds besides replacing the button?",
"Are the rationals a closed or open set in $\\mathbb{R}$?",
"Version: Ubuntu 16.04 I have used it some weeks, but now it gives me this message when I'm trying to install software and update or upgrade: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) /var/lib/apt/lists/ locked followed by this: . and another error: ** (appstreamcli:4560): WARNING **: Exception: Unable to get write lock on /var/cache/app-info/xapian/default: already locked What should I do?",
"How to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Date? I am trying to use a as input and then creating a query with it - so I need a . I was surprised to find that it couldn't do the conversion implicitly or explicitly - but I don't even know how I would do this, as the Java API is still fairly new to me.",
"If $f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable and $\\lim_{x\\to \\infty } f^\\prime(x)=0$ show that $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1)-f(x))=0$. Having some trouble proving this: If $f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable and $\\lim_{x\\to \\infty } f^\\prime(x)=0$ show: $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1)-f(x))=0$ Attempt: from $\\int \\lim _{x\\rightarrow \\infty } f^\\prime(x) \\mathrm{d}x=0$ we can say that $f^\\prime(x)=const$ would we then have to show that $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1))$ is also a constant? From there if we show that both are equal then the difference is zero. I am on the right track? Thank you for the help.",
"Intutitive meaning behind the formal definition of sufficient statistic? According to the definition of sufficiency, a statistic is sufficient for a parameter if the conditional distribution of $X$ given a value of statistic does not depend upon the parameter. What I am trying to understand is how does conditional distribution of $X$ not being a function of the parameter fit into the intuitive meaning of sufficiency i.e statistic value holding the same amount of information as that of the respective sample.",
"Let $I = \\{a +ib \\in \\Bbb Z[i] : a$ and $b$ are both multiple of $5\\}$.",
"Possible bug in sidebar \"question asked:\" date",
"How can I port forward with iptables?",
"Differential form is closed if the integral over a curve is rational number. The following problem comes from do Carmo's book Differential Forms and Applications, Chapter 2, Exercise 4: Let $\\omega$ be a differentiable 1-from defined on an open subset $U\\subset \\mathbb{R}^n$. Assume that for each closed differential curve $C$ in $C$, $\\int_C \\omega$ is a rational number. Prove that $\\omega$ is closed. Can anyone give some hints? My idea was that we could try to show the integral vanishes if the curve lies in $N_\\epsilon (p)$ (i.e. a small neighborhood around $p$) for any $p$ in $U$ and use the Poincare Lemma, but failed.",
"Where are the Stack Exchange data dumps? I see a lot of talk around here regarding the Stack Overflow public data dump. Where is it? How can I play with it?",
"I believe that umask is something that controls , but do not fully understand it. After running umask 0644 in a , I cannot read the files I create with the command-line text editor nano. I noticed that the permissions of that file are set to 0022 instead of the default 0755. How does umask work? I thought I could just remove the each digit in the umask from 0777, 7 - 6 = 1 and 7 - 4 = 3, so I expect the permissions to be 0133, but apparently, this is not the case. What is umask exactly? Explain it to me like I was a \"Linux noob\" How do I calculate with umask? What are use cases for umask?",
"Looking for title/author of SF novel about malevolent creatures/gods residing inside stars",
"Intuition for Smooth Manifolds Consider the graphs of the functions $f_1(x) = |x|$, and $f_2(x) = x$ under the subspace topology of $\\mathbb{R}^2$. Both of these graphs are smooth manifolds, just pick coordinate charts to be $(x, f_i(x)) \\leftrightarrow x$. Moreover, they are diffeomorphic via the map $(x, f_1(x)) \\rightarrow (x, f_2(x))$. This seems to clash with my intuition. For example, the graph of $f_1$ has a corner, so it \"shouldn't\" be smooth, much less diffeomorphic to $f_2$, which is just a straight line. Can someone explain what's going on here? In light of these examples, how should I visualize smooth manifolds and diffeomorphisms?",
"locating latitude-longitude point in a piste-map with matrix transforms I am trying to plot points of a particular latitude longitude on this image of a Swiss mountainous landscape. What I am doing is I have some 54 known location-points plotted on this image (not visible in the linked image), which is a piste map, and is therefore an artist's impression of the landscape. I found out the latitude-longitudes and also height above sea level for these 54 known points. I opened my piste map in the GIMP, and plotted the 54 points, while at the same time reading their co-ordinates in points, in the piste-map. So, I have x-y coordinates (lat-long) and z coordinate (height above sea level) for all those 54 points (so its a 3d co-ordinate system that I have), and I also have X-Y coordinates of those places in my piste-map (a 2d co-ordinate system), and I assume a Z=1 for all those points. To locate a particular lat-long on my piste-map(I have the coordinates for this place, i.e. the lat-long but not elevation), I need to calculate their X-Y on the piste-map. My approach is, that I calculate distances between this point which is to be located and those 54 known points , and then I sort them in ascending order. The first two points in this order will be the nearest points to the one which we want to locate. Now, I find my 3rd known point, and for that, I loop over the rest of the points, to get the nearest possible point such that this point forms a triangle with the first two closest points with the point which is to be located falling inside the formed triangle. Now, I have three known points forming a triangle say triangle ABC. For these known points, I have a triangle A'B'C' in the piste map, and the point to be located lies in the latter. I figure out the transform matrix which when multiplied with the 3X3 matrix of the three known points(in this 3X3 matrix, each row corresponds to a point, with the column values x,y and z in the 3d scape) results in a 3X3 matrix of those points in the piste-map. I multiply this transform matrix calculated with a new 3X3 matrix for three points, the first one being the point to be located, and the remaining two are the last two known points in the first 3X3 matrix. This way, the first two elements of my resulting matrix are the X and Y values for the point to be located, and I proceed ahead to draw the point on the piste-map. Is this approach correct with respect to the way I am using the transform matrix? Thanks! I would really appreciate if any alternative approaches are suggested as well!",
"jQuery animate()",
"I usually am able to render successfully to the c:\\tmp folder, but when I came into work today, I rendered out the image on my work laptop, and everything seems to work, but I'm not getting an output to the tmp directory. Does anyone know how to make this work?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to implement mutable functionality at runtime? | What's a way to implement a flexible buff/debuff system? | [
"Partition of circumference into $3k$ arcs The following problem is from 1982 Russian Mathematical Olympiad. If you go to this , and scroll down to the section Russian Math Olympiad, then this is Problem 333 in that text-file. Let $k$ be a positive integer. There are $3k$ points marked on the circumference. They divide the circumference onto $3k$ arcs. Some $k$ of arcs have length 1, other $k$ of them have length 2, the rest $k$ of them have length 3. Prove that some two of the marked points are the ends of one diameter. I haven't given too much thought into the problem yet (I probably wouldn't get anywhere), but I thought I would share this awesome problem. Added. Trivial Observation: The length of the circumference is $k+2k+3k=6k$.",
"How to loop through a HashMap in JSP?",
"Why the shape (sB) is unknown in the following code ? How to avoid this ? \\documentclass[]{standalone} \\usepackage{tikz,xparse} \\usetikzlibrary{calc} \\tikzset{pics/.cd, % Marque croix Cross/.style args={#1 and #2}{% code = {% \\draw[#2,rotate=45,scale=1.4] (0,#1 pt) -- (0,-#1 pt) ; \\draw[#2,rotate=-45,scale=1.4] (0,#1 pt) -- (0,-#1 pt) ; } }, Cross/.default={2 and black} } \\NewDocumentCommand{\\Segment}{mO{}}{% \\begin{scope}[#2] \\path (0,0) coordinate (sA) pic {Cross={1.5 and gray}} -- (#1,0) coordinate (sB) pic {Cross={1.5 and gray}} ; \\draw (sA)--(sB) ; % Can't reuse (sB) \\end{scope} } \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\Segment{1.5} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0",
"The number of nonnegative integer triples with sum equal to $12$ How many triples $x,y,z$ satisfy $x+y+z=12$, where $x,y,z\\ge 0$ are integers? Note that these are not ordered: $ (12,0,0)$ and $(0,12,0)$ are treated as same. Progress I have tried the formula ${13\\choose 2}$ to select values of $x$ and $y$ from $0$ to $12$ as $z$ would keep changing according to $x$ and $y$. (That is, $z=12-x-y$.) The problem is that that certain combinations of $x$ and $y$ would give value of $x+y$ greater than $12$. I can't seem to get around this.",
"Blender is rendering an older version of my project, not the most recent one. I have made it using the Blender Render but it does not want to render in cycles either. A black and grey screen is rendered as if everything is transparent. Checked general camera, lighting and compute devises in case I messed something up but I can't find anything. All my textures and objects look normal, does anybody know what is wrong or what to check? Ok added link:",
"What is Renly's basis for removing Joffrey? Related question: I get that he considers himself a better king than Stannis, but why isn't he ? Did Renly know about Joffrey being illegitimate? I always thought he didn't and was distrustful that Cersei would accept Ned as Regent. I think in both the books and the series, Renly finds out Joffrey is illegitimate from Stannis' letters, but rewatching that clips makes me think Renly was with Ned, Varys and LF in the plan to arrest Joffrey and Cersei. [looks up something] Oh also . So Renly did know?",
"Radius of Convergence when using Series[]",
"I am trying to make a histogram with the fitted curve plotted on it. Here's the mwe: \\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} \\usepackage{tikz} \\usepackage{pgfplots,pgfplotstable} \\usepackage{filecontents} \\pgfplotsset{compat=1.10} \\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \\setlength\\PreviewBorder{2pt} \\newcommand{\\plots}{0.611201} \\newcommand{\\plotm}{2.19882} \\begin{filecontents}{data.dat} 2 0.0629921259843 3 0.0236220472441 4 0.0314960629921 5 0.125984251969 6 0.0629921259843 7 0.102362204724 8 0.110236220472 9 0.0551181102362 10 0.0629921259843 11 0.0314960629921 12 0.0236220472441 13 0.0314960629921 14 0.0629921259843 15 0.0551181102362 16 0.0393700787402 17 0.0472440944882 18 0.00787401574803 19 0.0393700787402 24 0.00787401574803 27 0.00787401574803 33 0.00787401574803 \\end{filecontents} \\begin{document} \\begin{preview} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis}[ yticklabel style={/pgf/number format/fixed}, scaled y ticks = false, minor y tick num={1}, xtick pos=left, legend cell align = left, legend style={draw=none}, xlabel = {group size}, ylabel = {ratio} ] \\addplot[blue,ybar,fill, fill opacity=0.3, bar width = 0.8,] table {data.dat}; \\addplot[red, line width = 1,domain=1:40,samples=100] {1/(x*sqrt(2*pi)*\\plots)*exp(-(ln(x)-\\plotm)^2/(2*\\plots^2))}; \\legend{empirical,lognormal fit} \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{preview} \\end{document} As you can see, the legend is not really good. How can I change the legend so it looks more like this?",
"Can I legally downgrade from Win 7 64 bits to Win 7 32 bits? Possible Duplicate: Tired of the unstable Win 7 64bit I got when I purchased my laptop (it was impossible to find a powerful laptop with Win 7 32 bits). Can I legally downgrade from Win 7 64 bits to Win 7 32 bits? The key/activation will work? Details: Everybody comments about the stability of Win 64. Well, I made a mistake. Is not that Win 64 is unstable (it never crashed). It just works very poor. It feels choppy. Compiling a large program (on an old AMD desktop PC) takes 1.5 seconds on Win 32. The same program compiles on Win 64 in 4-5 seconds in this new and \"powerful\" laptop. All programs are less responsive.",
"If you hash a string using SHA-256 on your computer, and I hash the same string using SHA-256 on my computer, will we generate the same value? Does the algorithm depend on a seed (so we'd both need the same seed) or some other such parameter? edit: To clarify, by 'string' I meant 'the same byte input', which as the comments and @ispiro's answer point out, may be different for the same character string depending on the encoding.",
"The new top bar is out on meta. Consider it a beta EDIT Dec 4 - We're doing it live! Please post bugs or concerns as questions tagged [top-bar] We have rolled out our 95% completed top bar for feedback. Note: We are still adding a few final features, so if you have a request for a feature that is not there you might hold off on that for a day or two Yes, the bar is black1. Also give that a day or two to sink in. I also want to specifically address the meta/main/chat links. I'm very aware that many of you like having the links at the top of the page and that this new version is different. The thought process behind moving these links is that the \"site switcher\" should be an automatic place to go when you are on a site and want to go to another one. If you haven't already developed the muscle memory for these links, getting between them required a bit of a cognitive load: You must first decide that you want to switch sites and then you have to decide which area to go to to switch. Also, we find that less familiar users aren't entirely clear what a standalone link that says \"main\" or \"meta\" actually does... Not to mention that it hurts my UX sensibilities that we are dynamically changing links in an element that should be fixed. It is true that we have added a click in the process, but we have also removed a lot of clicks for other common actions that are much more frequent than switching between main and meta. All I ask is that you give it a few days and see if the new \"switch sites at the top left\" paradigm grows on you. What do you think? 1. points out that technically it's not quite black.",
"One can contract I have to I've when have is a helping verb, e.g. I've got an octopus in my pants. Is contracting the main verb technically incorrect or merely antiquated? My father loves to say, I've a month-old smoked shoulder I can cook for dinner, and he sounds like a crazy old man when he does. I would like to know if I can shut him down by informing him that he is incorrect. :)",
"From Stewart 7e pg 614 # 9 \"One model for the spread of a rumor is that the rate of spread is proportional to the product of the fraction y of the population who have heard th eremor and the fraction who have not hear the rumor. a) Write a differential equation that is satisfied by y. b) Solve the differential equation c) A small town has 1000 inhabitants. At 8 am 80 people have heard a rumor. By noon half the town has heard it. At what will 90 percent of the population have heard the rumor? \" The wording of this is very ambiguous to me and I can't really make sense of it. They mention a product, so I know that something is being multiplied and that y is a fraction which belongs to the population who have seen it so I think that \"have not\" heard is a constant, and that y is a fraction taht represents who have. I tried to set this up and it is the wrong answer. I am not sure what they want from that, the English usage is too ambiguous to make sense of it. The complete lack of punctuation is what really does it.",
"Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange This is an unofficial list/changelog of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is maintained by the community, while a Stack Exchange employee changes the accepted answer to ensure that the latest changes remain on top (given default user settings). To see the list in reverse chronological order (latest entry on top), . For those adding new features here: please post only feature changes that affect the whole network and have some global impact. i.e. bug fixes don't belong here, nor do mobile app updates.",
"What could be the reason, that private keys are not unlocked? Since I updated to Ubuntu 17.10 a while ago, my private keys – the which I use for example to access my server via ssh – are not unlocked programmatically after login anymore. My understanding is, that usually the seahorse client should take care of this, by asking you whether or not to store the key's password when typing them in for the first time. My first guess was, that seahorse-daemon wasn't running for some reason, but it is: user@Zeus:~$ ps aux | grep seahorse user 19170 0.0 0.1 432636 26564 ? Ss 00:07 0:00 seahorse-daemon My second guess was, that for some reason I have to delete all related passwords stored in seahorse under »Passwords->login«: I was hoping to force the client to ask me again and then storing them again. But this didn't help either. The client does not pop up to ask me... Then I found this question, which could be related, but did not help me: As the management of other passwords work as expected (for example passwords for nautilus, Chromium, Nextcloud etc.) I assume the problem has to do something with ssh-agent... Can anybody hint me in the right directions, how to solve this problem? Has anything changed in the way how GNOME handles passwords? Maybe some new fancy program failed being installed during the upgrade process? UPDATE When I add the private key to the authentication agent again with: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa and try to log in, I will be asked to unlock the key only once, after that the key gets unlocked programmatically. But this works only until the next reboot. After a fresh start, I have to add the key again...",
"What formula should be used to determine \"hot\" questions? Right now is fairly broken -- it's a simple descending sort by views. As Joel said , it is "a self-fulfilling prophecy." But this is not intentional, it's only because we haven't had time to improve it yet! As I sit down to write a better algorithm, I thought you guys might have some insight into what would make a good formula to determine the "hot" questions -- over the last 24 hours, the last week, the last month, and all time. Here are the variables we have to work with: Votes [aka Score] Views Answers Answer Votes [aka Score] Whether the question has an accepted answer or not Time question was originally asked Time of last activity on question Reputation of asker Reputation(s) of answerers Joel cited the reddit formula as an example, but I think our site is a little different than just a basic link submission site. Plus, we have more variables and data to work with. I found a describing a few formulas: Y Combinator Hacker News (p - 1) / (t + 2)^1.5 p = votes (points) from users t = time since submission in hours Reddit t = (time of entry post) - (Dec 8, 2005) x = upvotes - downvotes y = {1 if x > 0, 0 if x = 0, -1 if x < 0) z = {1 if x < 0, otherwise x} log(z) + (y * t)/45000 Thoughts? Ideas? I don't want to overthink this; I just want the "hot" questions to be relevant and useful to us. So the simpler the algorithm the better! Based on my analysis of the above and the comments so far, here's the second version of what I have implemented so far. This might suck. I don't know: (log(Qviews)*4) + ((Qanswers * Qscore)/5) + sum(Ascores) -------------------------------------------------------- ((QageInHours+1) - ((QageInHours - Qupdated)/2)) ^ 1.5 Note that accepted answers weight not at all in hotness. This is intentional, as I feel accepted answers are a fine social contract, but not a good data point for question or answer quality. This algorithm will heavily favor questions with LOTS of answers, as the sum(Ascores) are now included -- one assumes if there are lots of answers, there will be a lot more voting on the answers, too. Update: Note that this formula is what is used on the linked from the homepage of each site. It is not the formula used to determine the list. See .",
"Why is it that scanf() needs the l in \"%lf\" when reading a double, when printf() can use \"%f\" regardless of whether its argument is a double or a float? Example code: double d; scanf(\"%lf\", &d); printf(\"%f\", d);",
"Calculating lat/lons from PostGIS table which has projected coordinate system? I have a PostGIS table in a projected coordinate system (EPSG: 28355 or MGA94 Zone 55). In QGIS (with the PostGIS manager plugin) I calculate a coordinate by performing the following SQL: UPDATE gisprod.buildings SET easting = x(centroid(the_geom)) Now I want to add a \"lat\" and \"lon\" field to this table and calculate the values using the appropriate coordinate system, in this case that would be (EPSG:4283 or GDA94). Is there a way I can specify in the SQL statement to calculate the x/y coord using a different coordinate system?",
"Keras CNN with low/constant accuracies"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to create a class template including class in .h and two .cpp files? | Why can templates only be implemented in the header file? | [
"How do I clone a generic List in Java?",
"Ring isomorphism (polynomials in one variable)",
"So when we view reputation, there is graph view. However, it seems to be off by a day. Here's what I mean: I'm sure 70 + 20 + 15 is not 15. Its 105, which is what we see below: And 40 + 10 is NOT 105, unless you did :) Anyways 40 + 10 is 50: So yeah. Did you do what that post on codegolf says? Devs better fix that :)",
"How much does it cost to have a custom ASIC made?",
"Call C++ library in C# I have a lot of libraries written in C++. I want to call these libraries from C#, however, I have met many problems. I want to know if there is a book or guideline to tell me how to do that.",
"What is a combo update and how is it different than the regular update? What is a combo update and how is it different from a normal update?",
"$gh = hg, \\ \\gcd(|g|, |h|) = 1\\Rightarrow|gh| = |g||h|\\ \\ (|a|$ = order of element $a)$ Let $G$ be a group and $g,h \\in G$. I need to prove that if $g$ and $h$ commute and their orders are coprime, then $|gh| = |g||h|$, that is, the order of their product is the multiple of their orders. Since $gh = hg$, then $(gh)^{ lcm(|g|, |h|)} = e$, so, $|gh|$ divides $lcm(|g|, |h|)$. Since $\\gcd(|g|, |h|) = 1$, then $lcm(|g|, |h|) = |g||h|$. So, $|gh|$ divides $|g||h|$.",
"Using the same variable as a fixed and random effect in Mixed Effect Models",
"Destroy chunked block like Minecraft",
"Alternate moves, first one to roll a 6 wins: what's the probability of winning? Question: Players A and B play a sequence of independent games. Player A starts and throws a fair die and wins on a \"six\". If she fails then player B throws the same die and wins on a \"six\" or fails otherwise. If she fails then player A gets the die and throws again, and so on. The first player to throw a \"six\" wins. Find the probability that player A wins. Here is what I have done: A wins right away: $\\dfrac{1}{6}$ A fails B wins: $\\dfrac{5}{6}\\times \\dfrac{1}{6}$ A fails B fails A wins: $\\dfrac{5}{6}\\times \\dfrac{5}{6}\\times \\dfrac{1}{6}$ Unlike another similar question which the player B can win on \"five\" and \"six\" after player A fails on the first throw, in this case, the games do not seem to have an endpoint. How should I calculate the probability that player A wins then?",
"How is Yu-Gi-Oh played with more than two players?",
"YA dystopia novel of battle school with unusual military control scheme Some sort of battle school (no, not Ender's Game), where teens are being trained as military commanders. The control system for their army hinges around some sort of system that requires extremely fine motor control -- being able to \"push\" around digital representations of military units using a special interface that interprets minute finger movements. The boy protagonist eventually meets a girl in the battle school, and is astonished to learn that most people do not live as well as he does -- for instance, he gets a fresh jumpsuit outfit every day and disposes of the old one; this is a luxury. One scene I recall is them kissing for a moment in some sort of underground passageway; the boy protagonist notes the exact length of the kiss, as he has been trained to have heightened time perception. I don't recall much about other commander characters; I think they have different special abilities, and one other major character might have physical deformities, possibly because of postwar-radiation-related birth defects. They have been training for an upcoming, prearranged final battle between all the existing national governments; the military units are very possibly robotic or entirely digital in nature, so as to avoid wasting materiel / human life. They ultimately win the battle, just barely; I think the girl protagonist gives them an edge in the competition by hacking the timing / control system in favor of their team, causing a discrepancy which only the boy protagonist notices due to his heightened perceptions. It was agreed that the winning government gets dominion over one of the few islands of land left that was not irradiated in some previous war; the protagonists get to live there as a reward for their victory. I believe the boy protagonist later realizes he's gradually losing his ability to exactly quantify the passage of time. Published no later than 2004, likely somewhere between 1980-2000, probably sometime in the '90s.",
"Ubuntu 17.10 Upgrade Broke VMWare Workstation 12.5 Hi after upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10, vmware is now not starting. I get the message: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-modconfig: Relink `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbsd.so.0' with `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1' for IFUNC symbol `clock_gettime' I am aware that there are patches available and I am attempting to apply these and recompile. I have run from the solution at : cd ~ #Copy the vmmon source tar ball to your temporary location cp /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar . #Extract the tar ball tar xf vmmon.tar #Download the modified file that mkubecek posted and overwrite the one from the tar ball for VMware Workstation 12.5: wget -O ./vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/b50848c985f1a6c0a341187346d77f0119d0a835/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c #Wrap up the newly modified files into a tar ball replacing the original one sudo tar cf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar vmmon-only #Rebuild the VMware kernel modules sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all Failed to get gcc information. gcc --version gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0 ... Unforunately, vmware-modconfig is failing because of a dependency it seems on a particular gcc version. Am I on the right track? Any help with this issue would be much appreciated. EDIT Thank you Steve, the below has gotten vmware going again. I've included minor correction. Tested and confirmed I could run a virtual machine. sudo su # do all below as root cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source tar xvf vmmon.tar tar xvf vmnet.tar wget -O ./vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/b50848c985f1a6c0a341187346d77f0119d0a835/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c vim vmnet-only/bridge.c cd vmmon-only/ make cd ../vmnet-only/ make cd .. mkdir /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc cp *.o /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc insmod /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc/vmmon.o insmod /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc/vmnet.o rm /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libz.so.1/libz.so.1 ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libz.so.1/libz.so.1 vmware-networks --start exit # run vmware as normal user /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware",
"I have been reading about depth-of-field and presume to have a sufficient understanding of what it means and how it is related to lens properties, lens aperture, focal length, sensor format size and probably even print dimensions in case the picture is being printed. I do have a question about how/if depth-of-field depends on the dimension of a pixel. Let me elaborate: Given two sensors with differing pixel sizes: x and 4x, the latter sensor integrates more light per-pixel than the former, however, it might have a lower resolution if the sensor dimensions remain fixed. Theory suggests that the depth of field is determined by those circles-of-confusion which are very close to being an in-focus point, and this perhaps also means that these very small CoCs fall within the integration area of the same pixel. Now when a CoC becomes larger than a pixel (like also in the case of diffraction blur), there is some spreading of intensities among neighboring pixels and this would clearly lead to blur. However, if one was using the 4X sized pixel, even with a slightly larger CoC, the intensity would still integrate into the same pixel area, and would thus perhaps be in-focus? Is this the right assumption? And if so, is there any analysis of pixel-area dependence of depth-of-field? Moreover, depth-of-field is in some sense independent of the integration medium as it clearly occurs in analog film devices as well, so is there a trade-off or a difference in depth-of-field between film and digital cameras? Please point me to the correct references for this question. Please correct me if there seems to be a fundamental issue with the assumptions made above.",
"Upgrading my Wubi 11.04 to 11.10 I want to upgrade my current Wubi installation (Ubuntu 11.04) to Ubuntu 11.10. Is this possible to do inside Wubi? Or do I have delete Wubi from Windows, therefore deleting my current Ubuntu installation; and then install 11.10 via the Wubi installer? Thanks",
"Exact relationship between electric field and intensity I often see $I(t)\\propto |E(t)|^2$. What is the exact form ? Which constants are missing to make this an equality and why are they so often omitted ?",
"Number of equivalence classes of matrices under switching rows and columns I have been thinking about this problem: Suppose we have all $R$ by $C$ matrices, where the values are integers in $[1,n]$. Two matrices are equivalent under interchanging rows and columns. For example, 1 5 0 0 would be equal to itself and to 0 0 1 5 and would be equal to 0 0 5 1 and would be equal to 5 1 0 0 How many unique such matrices are there? Any ideas how to go about it? Any help much appreciated!",
"I need a two word phrase to refer to a community of people (academia + non-academia) who come together to share/exchange their knowledge/ideas openly on topics of their interests/ specializations. I would appreciate the use of small and easier/common words for the phrase. Single words are also acceptable. Feel free to throw out your creative ideas and newly invented phrases.",
"Can't get my model out of wireframe mode I'm new to Blender and this site, so I apologize in advance if I'm not following any of the proper etiquette. I'm no artist, but I'm trying to learn Blender so that I have some programmer art for me to work around in Unity. I followed a tutorial for making a basic human model, I rigged it with rigify, and now I'm starting to export it following yet another tutorial. The thing is, when I was trying to rig the model, I couldn't get the model to go transparent so that I could see the bones inside the model. Eventually, I managed to get it into wireframe mode, but I can't get it back into solid mode. It's probably just a display thing and not a property of the model itself, but I want to be sure. I'm looking at the display options under the \"Figure\" pane in Blender, and none of the Display check boxes are checked, including the one that says \"Wire\". I don't want to import a plain wireframe model into Unity, and even if that doesn't happen, this is functionality of Blender that I should really know anyway, so I'd appreciate any help that anyone has to offer. If necessary, I can upload the .blend file, but I'm not sure what site people would prefer that I upload it to.",
"In Oblivion, I had two favorite money-makers: Dump all my stuff except some basic armor and potions, and raid an oblivion tower. The armor and weapons was worth lots, and selling it in Anvil made a lot of cash fast. Harvest an entire farm's worth of crops, create 'restore fatigue' potions and sell them. Skyrim seems to spoil this: Merchants have a max-amount per day/QOD/... instead of per item You can't carry as much (or maybe I have yet to discover the strength/feather spells) Alchemy is a lot harder (most common items go into food recipes now, which don't sell for those prices) On top of that, once a dungeon is cleared, it doesn't respawn - so no 'farming' familiar dungeons? What are some easy/repeatable money making methods in Skyrim? Which are most efficient effortwise/real-life-time wise?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Finding the remainder of $823^{823}$ in the division by 11 | Modular exponentiation by hand ($a^b\bmod c$) | [
"How do I check if a string is a number (float)? What is the best possible way to check if a string can be represented as a number in Python? The function I currently have right now is: def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False Which, not only is ugly and slow, seems clunky. However I haven't found a better method because calling float in the main function is even worse.",
"Any way to have CPU temperature in the menu bar? I tried and but it does not update the temperature and I do not wish to change the fan speed.",
"19.10: Deactivate Alt Key From Triggering Applications' Menu Bar How can I stop the Alt key from triggering the menu bar of applications in Ubuntu 19.10? I know that there are these , , and , as well as but those solutions are no longer applicable. I did try searching for a similar option to the one in the answer of those questions but with no success.",
"Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher? I just noticed that the return list for results is limited to 1000. I have more than 1000 groups in my domain (HUGE domain). How can I get more than 1000 records? Can I start at a later record? Can I cut it up into multiple searches? Here is my query: DirectoryEntry dirEnt = new DirectoryEntry(\"LDAP://dhuba1kwtn004\"); string[] loadProps = new string[] { \"cn\", \"samaccountname\", \"name\", \"distinguishedname\" }; DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEnt, \"(objectClass=Group)\", loadProps); var results = srch.FindAll(); I have tried to set srch.SizeLimit = 2000;, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?",
"Moving linux install to a new computer I know that it can, in some circumstances, be difficult to move a Windows installation from one computer to another (physically move the hard drive), but how does that work on linux? Aren't most of the driver modules loaded at bootup? So theoretically would it be that much of a hassle? Obviously xorg configs would change and proprietary ATI drivers and such would have to be recompiled (maybe?). Is there more to it than I'm thinking of? Assume the 2 computers are from the same era, ie both i7s but slightly different hardware. Update: Thanks for the answers. This is mostly for my own curiosity. I have my linux system up and running at work, but eventually I'd like to move to a computer that I can get dual video cards into so I can run more than 2 monitors. But not any time soon",
"onClick to get the ID of the clicked button",
"Are ideal hashes possible to create?",
"Any chance of MathJax in chat? It would be really nice to be able to use MathJaX (math formulas) in chat. Not specially for formulae, but for things like $V_{CC}$ in electronics chat would be very useful.",
"Can a virtualized machine have the CPU and RAM resources of multiple underlying physical machines?",
"When a user is suspended, their account is reduced to 1 rep and all of his privileges are stripped. However, they can still join chat rooms. This leads to various forms of possible abuse (all of which I've seen by suspended users): Join/leave spams Expletives in profile messages Hold one sided conversations with users of the room via Suspended users cannot be kicked, and even moderators can do very little (aside from completely removing the account, which is often overkill). My proposal is to extend for suspended users to one of two levels: Prevent them from being shown in the user list at all. Strip their profile profile picture and description from the profile view visible from chat rooms (not from profile pages).",
"Class teardown in junit 3?",
"When working with an image in Photoshop, I'd like to have a simple keyboard shortcut, like in , that automatically does: Export > Export As or Export > Save For Web Resize to biggest dimension = 600px (either width or height) Add suffix _600.jpg to filename How to do that? I'm not sure how to edit a recorded macro to do that (add the suffix and choose 600px for the biggest dimension). Example: you open myphoto.png, you press F6 and then you automatically get myphoto_600.jpg.",
"How to reliably keep an SSH tunnel open? I use an SSH tunnel from work to go around various idotic firewalls (it's ok with my boss :)). The problem is, after a while the ssh connection usually hangs, and the tunnel is broken. If I could at least monitor the tunnel automatically, I could restart the tunnel when it hangs, but I haven't even figured a way of doing that. Bonus points for the one who can tell me how to prevent my ssh connection from hanging, of course!",
"Concentric circles with CSS",
"Need help understanding \"getbits()\" method in Chapter 2 of K&R C In chapter 2, the section on bitwise operators (section 2.9), I'm having trouble understanding how one of the sample methods works. Here's the method provided: unsigned int getbits(unsigned int x, int p, int n) { return (x >> (p + 1 - n)) & ~(~0 << n); } The idea is that, for the given number x, it will return the n bits starting at position p, counting from the right (with the farthest right bit being position 0). Given the following main() method: int main(void) { int x = 0xF994, p = 4, n = 3; int z = getbits(x, p, n); printf(\"getbits(%u (%x), %d, %d) = %u (%X)\\n\", x, x, p, n, z, z); return 0; } The output is: getbits(63892 (f994), 4, 3) = 5 (5) I get portions of this, but am having trouble with the \"big picture,\" mostly because of the bits (no pun intended) that I don't understand. The part I'm specifically having issues with is the complements piece: ~(~0 << n). I think I get the first part, dealing with x; it's this part (and then the mask) that I'm struggling with -- and how it all comes together to actually retrieve those bits. (Which I've verified it is doing, both with code and checking my results using calc.exe -- thank God it has a binary view!) Any help?",
"How do I logout from a non-registered account? I have a registered StackOverflow account which I normally log into using OpenID. Recently I logged out in order to post a question anonymously (supplying a fake name and of my secondary email addresses). The problem now is that I'm logged in to StackOverflow as this \"dummy\" user, unable to see a way to log out. The top menu normally has a \"logout\" link, but when you aren't fully registered this link is replaced with \"register\". There is no \"logout\" link for me. :( So.. When logged out there is a \"login\" link. When logged in there is a \"logout\" link. When \"logged in\" with an unregistered account, there is only a \"register\" link (no \"logout\").",
"New global preferences: keyboard shortcuts and sticky topbar",
"OK, I've been having weird problems for the last 1/2 hour trying to on StackOverflow, and I keep getting this result (on Firefox 3.6) The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments. If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web. The problem seems to occur when I try to post some code with 'd--- table' in it, where 'd---' is replaced by the word drop. I cannot post the following 3 lines, in either SO or this site, if they include the well-known SQL statements DROP. stat.executeUpdate('d--- table if exists people;'); stat.executeUpdate('create table people (name, occupation);'); prep = conn.prepareStatement(... 'insert into people values (?, ?);'); test again: 'dro* table' 'drop ball' drop the table drop fable drop t*ble droptable drop a table The evil words for me are \"drop\" and \"table\"... how come you guys can post? :( edit: Could someone please suggest another online site that is not stackoverflow that is a quick way to try out a POST request of a text field? UPDATE: Never mind. I don't know what the answer is, but the same problem occurs on Google's website. So it's not stackoverflow. Now to go to my IT Dept...",
"I'm new to QGIS and have no programming skills. Is there an easy/uncomplicated way to create multiple buffers around a line feature?",
"How can I copy a file from another directory to the current one? I have this problem as part of a school assignment: NOTE: In case it's hard to read in the image above, here's the directory tree: $ tree . `-- sample_dir1 `-- sample_dir |-- admin |-- cambridge | |-- cafeteria | |-- library | `-- security | |-- annex | |-- building | `-- parking |-- faculty |-- history.exe |-- markham | |-- annex | |-- building1 | `-- parking |-- oxford | |-- outline.doc | |-- programming | | `-- report.pdf | `-- security `-- stenton |-- gen_ed `-- lib_arts |-- english.txt `-- match.doc 15 directories, 11 files I tried doing the command: $ cp ../cambridge/security/parking ./parking2 ...but it isn't working. The question in the image above states that the current directory is stenton, and that we need to make a copy of the file named parking (from the security directory), and to name the new file parking2, and place it in the current directory, stenton, using relative pathnames. What am I doing wrong? My cp command seems to be correct."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to validate whether a regex itself is valid or not? | Is there a regular expression to detect a valid regular expression? | [
"How to apply multiple styles in WPF In WPF, how would I apply multiple styles to a FrameworkElement? For instance, I have a control which already has a style. I also have a separate style which I would like to add to it without blowing away the first one. The styles have different TargetTypes, so I can't just extend one with the other.",
"A not free $\\mathbb{Z}$-module From I see that $\\mathbb{Z}^{\\mathbb{N}}$ is not a free abelian group. Someone can explain me why? Thanks a lot!",
"Boosts are non-unitary! Unlike rotations, the boost transformations are non-unitary. Therefore, the boost generators are not Hermitian. When boosts induce transformations in the Hilbert space, will those transformation be unitary? I think no. If that is the case, what is the physical significance of such non-unitary transformations corresponding to boosts in the Hilbert space?",
"What does the colon in Tikz coordinates mean?",
"Absolute zero and Heisenberg uncertainty principle I got to read Volume I of Feynmann's lectures. It said that at absolute zero, molecular motion doesn't cease at all, because if that happens, we will be able to make precise determination of position and momentum of the atom. We do know that Heisenberg uncertainty principle holds for microscopic particles in motion. But what then is wrong to consider that all molecular motion ceases at absolute zero? In other words, does the uncertainty principle not hold when there is no motion? Need some help!",
"Android Respond To URL in Intent I want my intent to be launched when the user goes to a certain url: for example, the android market does this with urls. so does youtube. I want mine to do that too.",
"At lunch, my coworkers and I were discussing The Force Awakens, and started questioning Chewbacca's age. A quick check of and it says he is possibly about 230 years old as of Episode VII. Following the link on that page, Wookieepedia claims that they live to be 400 years old. Do we know from canon what the average life expectancy of a Wookiee is?",
"Why don't the White Walkers take the sea route to Westeros",
"Is there a word for people who always act too friendly in order to curry favor with their acquaintances? Is there a single noun or adjective for a person who is always flattering friends and acquaintances, not only to be liked and accepted but, at other times, to curry favor with them as well ? I'm not looking for regionalisms but a word that will be understood in any English speaking country.",
"Is it possible to add new alphabets to unicode-math?",
"How to split numbers into columns with negative and positive values, without empty cells?",
"How to create an interactive bash script to collect arguments for a command in linux? I'm trying to create an interactive bash script where I can collect user input variables to be used as arguments in another command. Can someone provide me an example of this? Currently i want to do: what type of content you want to delete? what is the status? then feed it into a mysql delete query command.",
"I was looking for some shell commands, and I took a look in \"users\" command. I was hoping to get only 1 name, but I got 2: nori@nori-hidamari:~$ users nori nori And when I run the command \"who\" nori@nori-hidamari:~$ who nori :0 2015-04-09 09:31 (:0) nori pts/0 2015-04-09 09:48 (:0) Is this behaviour normal? Or it's bad? Thank you guys for helping me.",
"Activate Field Service Lightning feature in a Salesforce DX scratch org? I am struggling to figure out how to -- or if it's even possible to -- create a DX scratch org with the \"Field Service Lightning\" (FSL) feature installed. Based on the feature list I'm guessing the answer is no and I'll just have to wait. But I'm not sure I'm interpreting that source correctly or missing something entirely since I'm just wrapping my head around DX. Background: we have a production org with FSL installed and active, along with it's accompanying managed packages. I can create sandboxes from it and do development using standard Metadata API tools, but I was hoping to start a new project using DX. But I'm stuck configuring a scratch org with the proper features.",
"Prove by induction that... $1+3+5+7+...+(2n+1)=(n+1)^2$ for every $n \\in \\mathbb N$",
"NewForm.aspx disappeared",
"I'm looking for an elegant way to show that, among non-negative numbers, $$ \\max \\{a_1 + b_1, \\dots, a_n + b_n\\} \\leq \\max \\{a_1, \\dots, a_n\\} + \\max \\{b_1, \\dots, b_n\\} $$ I can show that $\\max \\{a+b, c+d\\} \\leq \\max \\{a,c\\} + \\max \\{b,d\\}$ by exhaustively checking all possibilities of orderings among $a,c$ and $b,d$. But, I feel like there should be a more intuitive/efficient way to show this property for arbitrary sums like the one above.",
"What happens if 2 separate abilities require you to sacrifice a creature?",
"Will Area 51 be supported in the app?",
"There are many (duplicate) questions about the acceptance, popularity and history of singular they (and their, them and themself) around here, it even got a tag of its own. If I didn’t miss anything, however, the proper verb form hasn’t been questioned yet. As we all know, English third person singular pronouns (it, she, he and one, +body), names (Alice, Bob, …) and nouns (student, teacher, …) demand the +(e)s suffix be added to the finite verb form in simple present, where some auxiliary verbs have a “special” form (is < *bes / *ares and has < *haves). All other subjects don’t, including plural third person pronoun they. When the plural you replaced thou (with thee, thy / thine), the other marked verb form that had remained in English – i.e. suffix +(e)st or +t – vanished, too. The first and second persons only ever appear as pronouns (I, we; you), not names or nouns, so there was no strong inclination to keep the verbal inflection. The second person precedent would suggest that singular they be used with uninflected verb forms which is how it’s usually encountered in the wild. Assuming that they someday replaces he and she (and maybe it) it would lead to disagreement with the words the pronoun stands in for: Alice goes to her place by herself. Bob goes to his place by himself. Alice and Bob go to their place by themselves. – (common) Alice and Bob go to their places by themselves. – (separate) She goes to her place by herself. He goes to his place by himself. They go to their place by themselves. They go to their places by themselves. They ?goes to their place by themself. ditto They go to their place by themselves. They go to their places by themselves. They ?go to their place by ?themselves. ditto They go to their place by themselves. They go to their places by themselves. So why doesn’t singular they afford s on present-tense verbs like all other third person singular subjects do? I learned about singular they only long after I had been taught English as a second language in school. That’s why it’s still a conscious decision to use it and hence I could easily adapt to use s forms with it, but would that sound and look funny / strange / wrong to native speakers?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Number of Jordan boxes of size j for eigenvalue $\lambda$ is $2\dim\ker(A-\lambda I)^j-\dim\ker(A-\lambda I)^{j+1}-\dim \ker(A-\lambda I)^{j-1}$ | Jordan form, number of blocks. | [
"Was Luke aware the Emperor was a Sith Lord? Similar to , I'm asking the more specific question, was Luke aware that the Emperor was a Sith Lord? I don't recall it being mentioned in any of the films. If yes, at what point does he learn this? If not why did Yoda or Obi-Wan not warn him? Perhaps he could have avoided being defenseless and struck by Force Lightning if he'd been made aware?",
"Let $A$ be a square matrix of order $n$ such that $A^2 = I$. Prove that if $1$ is the only eigenvalue of $A$, then $A = I$. Prove that $A$ is diagonalizable. For (1), I know that there are two eigenvalues which are $1$ and $-1$, how do I go about proving what the question asks me?",
"Is \"chutzpah\" used by non-Jewish English speakers?",
"I came across this statement while studying electric currents and I am confused: \"There is no electric field inside a conductor. Hence no current can flow through it\". Is there a fallacy in this statement? Any help would be appreciated. The conductor being discussed is ideal. What is the driving force for the current in this case?",
"Draw a vertical line over the entries of a column in an array",
"Windows 8 Pro clean install - everything slow; hard drive at constantly at 100% Yesterday, I have downloaded and installed Windows 8 Professional, after downloading it (legally) and burning it to a DVD, on my 3-year-old (Intel Core Duo 2x2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM, hard disk drive). The installation failed two or three times, each time differently (error codes, for example 0xc000021a, with an infinite boot loop), but finally I completely formatted the hard drive and installed. Seemingly, everything was OK. However, after booting successfully, the OS is extremely slow. When I open the task manager, it shows that the HDD is at 100% - however, no application or background process or Windows process can be made responsible. I searched the Internet and found that Windows might try to \"index\" the hard drive, but I did't find a process that isn't also on my second computer, which still uses the Release Preview (restarting every two hours). Also, the startup is empty, and HD Tune and HDD Health show that the drive health is OK, even though I don't know how reliable these two programs are. I looked for diagnose software from Toshiba, but they only offer tools for \"Fujitsu branded Toshiba devices\"; I tried it out, and it did not work on my hard drive. Does this sound like a hard drive failure? The laptop is 3.5-years-old, has been carried around sometimes roughly and was used (and on) most of the time. However, it would have failed exactly the night before installing Windows 8 Profesional, which seems - unlikely. If this is a software error - then what did I do wrong if this occurs from the moment of installation (even the personalization at the end of installation took half an hour)? How can I fix this?",
"I'm struggling with the following question; For every graph $G$ such that $K_3 \\not\\subseteq G$ (i.e. $G$ does not contain a triangle), prove that $\\chi(G) \\leq 2\\sqrt{n} +1$ (where $\\chi(G)$ denotes the chromatic number). Any hints? I really cannot see the connection between the triangle-free nature of $G$ and a chromatic number being bounded above by $O(\\sqrt{n})$.",
"Let $f(x)$ be a monotone non-increasing function such that $\\int_{0}^{\\infty}f(x) dx$ converges. Prove: $\\lim\\limits_{x \\to \\infty} xf(x)=0$. My question is, why can't I simply contradict any other possibility by using the Integral Limit Comparison Test with $1\\over x$? I am, after all, to show that $f(x)=o(x)$ as $x\\to \\infty$. I really don't understand why monotony is crucial here. I could use some help.",
"Showing that $\\int_0^1 \\log(\\sin \\pi x)dx=-\\log2$ I need help with a textbook exercise (Stein's Complex Analysis, Chapter 3, Exercises 9). This exercise requires me to show that $$\\int_0^1 \\log(\\sin \\pi x)dx=-\\log2$$ A hint is given as \"Use the contour shown in Figure 9.\" Since this is an exercise from Chapter 3, I think I should use the residue formula or something like that. But the function $f(x)=\\log(\\sin \\pi x)$ becomes singular on $x=0$ and $x=1$, which makes the contour illegal for the residue theorem. Can anyone give me a further hint on this problem? Many thanks in advance! P.S. This is my first time on Math Stack Exchange. If you find my post ambiguous, let me know.",
"Does there exist a function such that $\\lim_{x \\to a} f(x) = L$ for all $a \\in \\mathbb R$ but $f(x)$ is never $L$?",
"How do i install drush for a drupal site which is on shared hosting?",
"The shellscript is very simple: retroarch $* -c /tmp/retroarch/Data/retroarch/gambatte.cfg (\"retroarch\" is another shellscript) If the filename passed contains spaces it fails: RetroArch [ERROR] :: Could not read ROM file.",
"Error in updating to ADT rev 23 for Eclipse",
"Prevent questions with movie/tv shows/game spoilers from appearing in the hot questions list I've noticed that occasionally \"hot questions\" from SciFi and the Movies & TV network contain major spoilers about the movie/show discussed. The Matrix spoilers: (just now there's something about Cypher betraying Morpheus in the Matrix, which is a big deal for people who haven't seen the movie). I like browsing through those but fear that one day one of these questions will spoil a show I'm excited about and yet to finish Breaking Bad spoilers: (like the finale of Breaking Bad, imagine a question asking why did one character betray another at the end or something). Can users posting such questions be asked to label those with a tag (such as 'spoilers') and then somehow have the network hide those from the \"hot questions\" list? Or possibly format them differently? Similarly, this could apply to the Arcade network too. P.S. Love how this question spikes in popularity around the time GoT starts running again. I swear it should be fairly simple technically to ban questions that have a tag that says 'spoilers' from appearing in the Hot Network Questions. P.P.S. Oh, and with every fresh release of Star Wars (The Last Jedi being the most recent one)! P.P.P.S. Another year, another Game of Thrones, another spike in popularity!",
"How to convert a factor to integer\\numeric without loss of information?",
"Electric circuits in TeX, LaTeX, and Friends What are some ways to draw electric circuits in TeX systems? I'm making this community wiki since I haven't found a question related to this. I was thinking along the lines of . What do you think of that? Other examples are more than welcome, of course.",
"What are \"Community Wiki\" posts? Some questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a community wiki user: (In fact, this very question is one of them) Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? How can I find Community Wiki posts?",
"Wacom Tablet - Illustrator brush tool I currently got the intuos art wacom tablet so still learning how to use it. I'm currently in illustrator trying to draw out a map and the brush tool is doing something weird and I cannot figure out why. You can see in my image that where there are curves the black slightly spills over and is filling in half the curve with black. Brush setting is set up as a new calligraphic brush and the size is set to pressure, 3pt-3pt.",
"Configure proxy for APT?",
"Let $f:R\\rightarrow R$ be a function such that all its successive derivatives exist in all $R$ and also $f(x)f''(x)\\leq 0$ everywhere. If $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ be two successive roots of $f(x)=0$. Then prove that $f'''(x)=0$ for atleast one $\\gamma \\in(\\alpha,\\beta)$. My Attempt: I began by taking an example $f(x)=(x-1)(2-x)$ and let $x=1$ and $x=2$ be its two successive roots.The statement is trivially true. Then I took the function $f(x)=e^{-x}(x-1)(2-x)$.The statement is true here also so on and so forth. But what would be the exact proof I wonder. It appears to be a question of Rolle's Theorem."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
XMLHttpRequest send (POST) a parameter with "+" | Encode URL in JavaScript? | [
"Extend a language with additional keywords?",
"How to use d3.min and d3.max within a d3.json command",
"I am trying to make a pirate ship and am trying to attach rope to the sails. my rope is made using a path, and soft body physics. I can not find a way to attach my rope to the sail. and I can not use pinned vertices because this is not a cloth modifier.",
"My question isn't how they receive the energy to jump, but why. When someone views an element's emission spectrum, we see a line spectrum which proves that they don't exist outside of their orbitals (else we would see a continuous spectrum). Electrons can be released in the form of beta decay, thus proving that they are capable of traveling outside of orbitals contrary to the statement my teacher said that they stay within orbitals. Then, to add to the confusion, the older model of rings floating around a nucleus has, from what I can tell, been outdated, which would support this model. My teacher's explanation was that the electrons made a quantum jump of some kind. How do electrons move between orbitals or do we know how they jump, excluding the reason that energy causes them to jump, and why are positrons formed sometimes instead of electrons in Beta decay? When I'm asking \"how do electrons jump\" I would like to know how an electron can jump between each orbital such as how it moves and how it knows where to jump since it appears to be a jump where the electron doesn't slow into a orbital position. Specifically how they jump what is this Atomic electron transition, I understand that they jump and that they do this through absorbing and releasing energy but what is this Atomic electron transition other than what is already on the wikipedia article .",
"MacBook Pro - FaceTime HD Camera - Hardware \"Failure'? System Report>Camera>No video capture devices were found USB>Device Tree> No FaceTime HD Camera (inbuilt)listed What can be the cause for \"camera hardware failure\"? Could faulty iSight cam wifi antenna cable linkage between logic board and camera board (in display)result in Camera hardware not \"found\"?",
"Installing Wi-Fi driver for Realtek Semiconductor RTL8723DE Device [10ec:d723]",
"Variance of Normal Order Statistics Suppose we have $X_1, \\cdots, X_n \\overset{\\textrm{i.i.d.}}{\\sim} \\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ with $n > 50$, and let $X_{(1)}, \\cdots, X_{(n)}$ be the associated order statistics. Are there any references pointing to formulas that specify (or estimate) the variance of the $k^{\\textrm{th}}$ order statistic, i.e. $\\textrm{Var}(X_{(k)})$, for $1 \\leq k \\leq n$? I am looking for formulas can be explicitly evaluated without resorting back to numerical integration. I have seen this question: , which attracted a number of answers on approximate formula for the mean of the $k^{\\textrm{th}}$ order statistic, e.g. Blom (1958) (and modifications based on work by Harter (1961) and Elfving (1947)). Searching on Google also yields a number of work on the variance / standard deviation for the $k^\\textrm{th}$ order statistics for small $n$, all of them opting for a computation/tabulation route. They are: Godwin(1949), Teichroew (1956), and Parrish (1992). I have also attempted to derive something myself following the method sketched by @probabilityislogic in , along the lines of: $$\\textrm{Var}(X_{(k)}) = \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} \\left(x-\\mathbb{E}(X)\\right)^2 \\frac{n!}{(k-1)!(n-k)!} f_X(x)[1-F_X(x)]^{n-k}[F_X(x)]^{k-1}\\;\\textrm{d}x,$$ with lower case $f$ denoting the PDF of a r.v. $X$, and upper case $F$ denoting the CDF. Noting $x = F^{-1}(F_X(x))$ and using the substitution $u = F_X(x)$ (with corresponding r.v. in upper case $U$), we have: $$\\textrm{Var}(X_{(k)}) = \\int_{0}^{1} \\left(F_X^{-1}(u) - \\mathbb{E}\\left(F_X^{-1}(U)\\right)\\right)^2\\,\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1) \\; \\textrm{d}u,$$ where $\\mathcal{B}$ denotes the PDF of a beta distribution (not the beta function). This can be rewritten as the variance based on the beta distribution: $$\\textrm{Var}(X_{(k)}) = \\textrm{Var}_{\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1)}\\left(F_X^{-1}(u)\\right).$$ Approximating the RHS using (the variance bit of the) delta method, we get: $$\\textrm{Var}_{\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1)}\\left(F_X^{-1}(u)\\right) \\approx \\textrm{Var}_{\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1)}(U) \\cdot \\left[(F_X^{-1})'\\left(\\mathbb{E}_{\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1)}(U)\\right)\\right]^2,$$ where the prime denotes the derivative. The first term of the product is standard result. For the second part, given $(F^{-1})'(\\cdot)=\\frac{1}{f(F^{-1})(\\cdot)}$ (see e.g. ), we then have: $$\\textrm{Var}_{\\mathcal{B}(u | k, n-k+1)}\\left(F_X^{-1}(u)\\right) \\approx \\frac{k(n-k+1)}{(n+1)^2(n+2)} \\frac{1}{\\left(f\\left(F^{-1}\\left(\\frac{k}{n+1}\\right)\\right)\\right)^2}.$$ Substituting in the standard normal distribution ($\\phi$ for PDF, $\\Phi$ for CDF) and scaling it to the desired variance $\\sigma^2$ we arrive at: $$\\textrm{Var}(X_{(k)}) \\approx \\frac{k(n-k+1)}{(n+1)^2(n+2)} \\frac{1}{\\left(\\phi\\left(\\Phi^{-1}\\left(\\frac{k}{n+1}\\right)\\right)\\right)^2},$$ which we can throw in a $\\sigma^2$ term in front if it is not a standard normal. But surely someone must have derived that somewhere (again I am looking for some references), and there is a high chance that I have gone off track somewhere above.",
"I am stuck on the following question: Find the volume of the torus obtained by rotating the circle $(x-a)^2+y^2=b^2$, where $a>b$, around the y-axis.",
"How to get a combined ticket in IRCTC (Indian Railway) Suppose I want to go from Station A to Station C but Station C is not a stoppage of some train say train 01, so I can get a combined ticket from station A to Station B through train 01 plus Station B to station C through a different train say 02, so my total fare will be of same ticket as from Station A to Station C. We can get Combined ticket from the Booking Window but how's that possible on the IRCTC website?",
"Can a familiar attune and wear or use a magic item? Is it possible for a familiar to attune to and then wear or wield a magic item?",
"Can I delete files or folders from /private/var/folders/? I have this folder /private/var/folders/bf/ with 3GB of what seems temporary files. Can I delete this folder?",
"Radius of circumscribed circle of triangle as function of the sides Given the length ot the sides $a , b$ and $c$ of $ \\triangle ABC$. What is the length of the radius of the circumcribed circle? After some formula substitution I came to the monster formula: $$ \\frac {a b c}{\\sqrt{2a^2b^2+2a^2c^2+2b^2c^2-a^4-b^4-c^4}} $$ Can this formula be simplified?",
"Proving that two matrices are congruent, in order to establish a rank and signature result.",
"Will installing Ubuntu using the \"erase entire disk\" option remove and erase all currently existing partitions? I'm considering ditching Windows 8 and doing a fully clean install of Ubuntu. However, I'm concerned because my computer came with a built-in 16 GB recovery partition that would need to be erased as well. If I pick the \"erase entire disk\" option during installation, will it wipe out this recovery partition too?",
"How to echo a bang! I tried to create a script by echo'ing the contents into a file, instead of opening it with a editor echo -e \"#!/bin/bash \\n /usr/bin/command args\" > .scripts/command The output: bash: !/bin/bash: event not found I've isolated this strange behavior to the . $ echo ! ! $ echo \"!\" bash: !: event not found $ echo \\#! #! $ echo \\#!/bin/bash bash: !/bin/bash: event not found Why is bang causing this? What are these \"events\" that bash refers to? How do I get past this problem and print \"#!/bin/bash\" to the screen or my file?",
"How do I move child windows without moving or minimizing parent in GNOME 3? I have Ubuntu 17.10 with GNOME 3. What happens: I have (for example) LibreOffice Calc open, with some data columns in it. I highlight the columns I want to chart, then I select INSERT > CHART. The chart child window dialog pops up on top of my data, so I want to move it to the side. When I grab the top bar and move it, the parent (spreadsheet) window minimizes (I think it actually disappears). Continuing the above example, if I click FINISH on the chart window, I can then see the minimized spreadsheet application, which is the window title bar plus the menu bar just below it. This seems like really odd behaviour and certainly falls under the category of \"not being useful to the user\", since the whole idea of moving the child window in the first place was just to be able to better see the spreadsheet! In other applications, for example the PDF viewer, a slightly different problem occurs. When I try to move the child window (for example the print dialog) the parent does not minimize but instead follows the child window around. This is less surprising than having the parent disappear entirely but equally useless in terms of allowing the user to see the information present in the parent window. Update 2017/11/06 Pomsky's answer below fixes the problem, but leaves me wondering why the window manager is making the decision that all child windows have modal behaviour (or don't), and not the applications themselves; and further, why modal behaviour prevents moving the child screen around when it obscures useful info on the parent screen. Neither of these seem like good design to me...",
"For my MAC laptop, I only have 250GB and out of this 250GB MAC is taking up 129GB in the other section. I looked everywhere to the best of my knowledge. Please note my home directories is only 45GB. Can you somehow please help me?",
"Here's Prob. 3, Chap. 3 in the book Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin, 3rd edition: If $s_1 = \\sqrt{2}$, and $$s_{n+1} = \\sqrt{2 + \\sqrt{s_n}} \\ \\ (n = 1, 2, 3, \\ldots),$$ prove that $\\left\\{ s_n \\right\\}$ converges, and that $s_n < 2$ for $n = 1, 2, 3, \\ldots$. My effort: We can show that $\\sqrt{2} \\leq s_n \\leq 2$ for all $n = 1, 2, 3, \\ldots$. [Am I right?] Then we can also show that $s_n < s_{n+1}$ for all $n = 1, 2, 3, \\ldots$. [Am I right?] But how to calculate the exact value of the limit? Where does this sequence occur in applications?",
"Module 'pdftexcmds' not found after update Yesterday I updated my distribution (tlmgr update --all) and now I cannot use TikZ with lualatex anymore. Minimal working example: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} a \\end{document} Compilation output: > lualatex a This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019) restricted system commands enabled. (./a.tex LaTeX2e <2019-10-01> patch level 3 luaotfload | main : initialization completed in 0.098 seconds (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2019/10/25 v1.4k Standard LaTeX document class (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo)) (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz.sty (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgf/basiclayer/pgf.sty (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgf/utilities/pgfrcs.sty ... (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/tikz.code.tex (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/libraries/pgflibraryplothandlers. code.tex) (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/modules/pgfmodulematrix.code.tex) (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikz librarytopaths.code.tex))) No file a.aux. ABD: EveryShipout initializing macros (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] ) (/opt/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/latex/epstopdf-pkg/epstopdf-base.sty[\\direc tlua]:1: module 'pdftexcmds' not found: no field package.preload['pdftexcmds'] [kpse lua searcher] file not found: 'pdftexcmds' [kpse C searcher] file not found: 'pdftexcmds' stack traceback: [C]: in function 'require' [\\directlua]:1: in main chunk. l.165 \\directlua{require(\"pdftexcmds\")} ? It seems that a Lua package is missing. Is this a bug? Am I missing a package?",
"Getting \"experimental\" true displacement to work"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Background notebook template with spiral with XeLaTeX | Background notebook template with spiral | [
"Fibonacci divisibilty properties $ F_n\\mid F_{kn},\\,$ $\\, \\gcd(F_n,F_m) = F_{\\gcd(n,m)}$ Can any one give a generalization of the following properties in a single proof? I have checked the results, which I have given below by trial and error method. I am looking for a general proof, which will cover the all my results below: Every third Fibonacci number is even. 3 divides every 4th Fibonacci number. 5 divides every 5th Fibonacci number. 4 divides every 6th Fibonacci number. 13 divides every 7th Fibonacci number. 7 divides every 8th Fibonacci number. 17 divides every 9th Fibonacci number. 11 divides every 10th Fibonacci number. 6, 9, 12 and 16 divides every 12th Fibonacci number. 29 divides every 14th Fibonacci number. 10 and 61 divides every 15th Fibonacci number. 15 divides every 20th Fibonacci number.",
"I need to label the four corners of a dataframe as shown in the image. Can this be done with dynamic text scripts?",
"Is there some way to PUSH data from web server to browser? Of course I am aware of Ajax, but the problem with Ajax is that the browser should poll the server frequently to find whether there is new data. This increases server load. Is there any better method (even using Ajax) other than polling the server frequently?",
"is there a way to get the option \"Organize Desktop by Name\" in Ubuntu 19.10 same as in 18.04?",
"I am travelling form Delhi (DEL) to San Francisco (SFO), I have to make a connection flight in Vienna that would take me to Frankfurt (FRA). My flight to SFO is from FRA, I have one ticket for entire journey and the flights are operated by Lufthansa or its subsidiaries. Do I need a transit visa? My flight arrives at Vienna international airport and leaves from the same, and for second leg it arrives at Frankfurt international airport. I asked this question as an addendum to my but was advised to make a new post. I hold Indian passport and valid US visa.",
"It seems I put a Bounty assigned by outside party, two lengthy, reference-citing answers, one \"-1\" (awarded the bounty), one \"-2\", two others scored \"0\" and \"-2\" respectively, the answers suggesting one or the other is correct, 73 comments and no consensus so far - and me, as the asker, lost without a clue what to think of the answers anymore - this is no longer \"Learners' Level\" question, so I thought I'd bring it here and hear what the experts have to say. Original question: Plurality of verb depending on plurality of list elements An edit was suggested to my sentence. There was were an orange, some grapes, two apples and a small pile of cherries on the plate. In my native language plurality of the verb always follows plurality of the first element on the list. There were an orange,... sounds awkward to me, no matter what follows up. My simple solution was reordering: There were some grapes, an orange, two apples and a small pile of cherries on the plate. But that's not the first time I faced this situation and I'd like to know what the rules of grammar say about that - was my editor overzealous or am I trying to copy rules of my language that don't apply in English? Someone linked a for negatives, where the situation is more clear-cut (\"There is no...\"). Same applies to connection with \"or\" apparently, per accepted answer there. Still, nothing for \"and\". It seems there is a consensus that in that if the verb goes after the list, it will be plural. an orange, some grapes, two apples and a small pile of cherries were on the plate. There doesn't seem to be clear consensus for: On the plate { was | were } an orange, some grapes, two apples and a small pile of cherries Adding more to the confusion is the abbreviated form: \"There's\" One last note. In North America, at least, there is a widespread use of using a singular form like \"there is\" and \"there was\", without regard for the subject item or items, and this \"there is\" is often shortened to \"there's\": There's three apples on the table! Could you please clarify this mess?",
"Is there a difference between \"==\" and \"is\"?",
"Is there a ZIP code I can enter when paying-at-the-pump in the USA with a foreign credit card?",
"ID a book about a mirror world and 4th dimension I read a book about 10-15 years ago about a boy and a girl who find a mirror. What made the mirror special was, they were able to enter the reflection and be a part of the reverse image world. They end up going to school and when asked to write something on the board, it ends up being backwards, but to them looks normal. Later, the two end up in a world with 4 dimensions. With the added dimension they can't see as they normally could. If one moved a certain way the other would see their insides. Eventually a native of that dimension made some type of device that lets them see regularly. Other than that my memory is blank. If I remember anything else I will be sure to edit it in.",
"Reading Photoshop PSD Files with Layers (There are a few existing questions on Photoshop alternatives, but none seem to focus on reading PSD files specifically) Say I'm a programmer working with a web designer and would like to implement a design she's produced as a PSD file using Photoshop. It's a fairly complicated design using overlays/animating layers, so the ability to examine the PSD file and turn individual layers on and off is necessary. Is there an app available in Ubuntu that can read PSD files created by Photoshop? Alternatively, is there a more linux-friendly file format that Photoshop can export to and still preserve layers?",
"After offering a bounty to , I realize that I cannot comment on the question because I no longer have the required reputation. Is it possible to change this behavior, so that the bounty owner can comment only on the post with the bounty irrespective of their reputation? While bounty owners are told that they'll lose privileges at the time they place a bounty, it makes sense to allow them to interact with potential answerers/commentators to help solve the problem, or at least provide additional information.",
"I have a question that says \"Show that there is a bounded sequence $x_n$ which is not convergent but has the property that $x_n - x_{n+1} \\to 0$ as $n \\to 0$. What does this mean? Do I need to come up with an example or does the problem actually want me to prove such proposition? By the way, I see that this sequence looks like Cauchy because of $x_n - x_{n+1} \\to 0$ as $n \\to 0$, but it is obviously not.",
"XeLaTeX font rendering tend to be slightly bolder compared to PDFlatex",
"Continuity of $\\sin(x)/x$ Is $\\sin(x)/x$ continuous at $x=0$,(perfectly, not tends to)? The function has right hand and left hand limit same and equals 1 but what happens at perfect zero?it should be undefined. Is it?",
"Why does bright pure red/green/blue light look white if bright enough? I believe that white light is white because it contains every wavelength, as white by itself has no frequency by itself. Can somebody explain why really bright pure red, green, or blue LEDs seem white to us and to cameras? Also, can a bright light ever be pure(eg is it possible to emit a pure red/pure blue/pure green bright light only with wavelengths in the range of that light), or will the inherent brightness of a light force other wavelengths into the light?",
"List only regular files (but not directories) in current directory",
"Tag score calculation wrong in Android App I checked yesterday and today the new homepage in the Android app. Very surprised I saw that I would almost reach a silver tag badge, that confused be because I always take a look on possible badges I can get. However I compared the score with the website and I got a total different results. See this two screenshots:",
"Identical creatures entering the battlefield",
"$1+a$ and $1-a$ in a ring are invertible if $a$ is nilpotent",
"From what I've seen it looks to me like Libav's avconv is thought to become a successor of ffmpeg — is that correct? If that's true, why is that so? What exactly is libav doing better and why would I want to choose it over ffmpeg? I came to this \"issue\" while installing Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS in a VM and when I've installed ffmpeg it came up with a message telling mit ffmpeg is deprecated and I first thought \"wtf?\". If I use avconvWill I be able to migrate my scripts depending on ffmpeg more or less easy to libav? I'm mostly using it for writing meta data and doing audio conversion (wav, flac, vorbis, mp3, aac)."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
If $a, b, c$ are integers, $\gcd(a,b) = 1$ then $\gcd (a,bc)=\gcd(a,c)$ | How to show $a,b$ coprime to $n\Rightarrow ab$ coprime to $n$? | [
"in QGis 1.8 were lots of predefined coordinate systems (national projections). Where have they all gone in qgis 2.0? I specifically need the Gauß-Krüger-Projections Zone 1 to 5. Is there any plugin to load those coordinate systems?",
"How do I fix overscan on my HDMI HDTV? I've connected a HDTV with HDMI on my Radeon 4670, using the open source ati driver. However there is \"overscan\" which cuts off a bit of each edge of the screen, about the size of the gnome-panel. How can I fix this so it displays the full resolution?",
"Is the size of a Form in Visual Studio designer limited to screen resolution?",
"How to get the EXIF data from a file using C# I would like to write a small program in C# which goes through my jpeg photos and, for example, sorts them into dated folders (using MY dating conventions, dammit...). Does anyone know a relatively easy way to get at the EXIF data such as Date And Time or Exposure programatically? Thanks!",
"Proving an identity for Bernoulli polynomials Consider the Bernoulli polynomials $B_n(x)$ given by the expansion $$\\frac{te^{xt}}{e^t-1} = \\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}B_n(x)\\frac{t^n}{n!}.$$ I want to prove the identity $$B_n(1-x)=(-1)^nB_n(x).$$ This formula is given in a lot of books, but unfortunately without any proof. Therefore I'm wondering how to prove it. Do you have any idea? I tried for instance: $\\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}B_n(1-x)\\frac{t^n}{n!}=\\frac{te^{-xt}}{e^t-1}e^t=\\left(\\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}B_n(-x)\\frac{t^n}{n!}\\right)\\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}\\frac{t^n}{n!}=\\sum\\limits_{n=0}^{\\infty}\\left(\\sum\\limits_{l=0}^n\\binom{n}{l}B_{l}(-x) \\right)\\frac{t^n}{n!}$. Hence $B_n(1-x)=\\sum\\limits_{l=0}^n\\binom{n}{l}B_{l}(-x)$. But I do not know how to proceed. On the other hand I know that $B_n(x+1)-B_n(x)=n x^{n-1}$. Hence $B_{n}(1-x)=B_{n}(-x)-n(-x)^{n-1}$. But again, I do not know how I can go further. Hopefully someone can help me. Best regards",
"Drift velocity of electron",
"JavaScript raises SyntaxError with data rendered in Jinja template",
"Why should I install hardware drivers if my computer is working fine? I've just installed Windows 7 on my PC. I went online to look for drivers. For , Foxconn offers LAN drivers, on-board audio drivers, and chipset drivers. And for , Nvidia offers a graphics card driver, obviously. But then I stopped and wondered... what benefit would I gain from installing them? The LAN cable is plugged in and I'm online; no problems there. The on-board audio is working fine. A quick Google tells me that a chipset is responsible for moving data around my motherboard – which seems to be happening OK! And my graphics look perfect. So why should I install the drivers? What would they give me, other than badly designed \"management\" interfaces, and pointless \"notifications\" whenever I plug in an audio jack? If there are different considerations for each of the components – chipset, audio, LAN, and graphics (and any others you think I should be aware of) – please break it down in your answer. Update: I've had a couple of answers already, saying that I'll get better stability, bugfixes, etc. Can I slightly expand my question... Can I get all these same benefits if I install the drivers via Windows Update? And if I do this, would I avoid having to install the vendor-specific UIs, which I find so annoying?",
"Why is it that All right angles are equal to each other -a postulate in Euclid's Elements (). Shouldn't it be a congruence rather than an equivalence? Isn't this just a special case of the definition of congruent angles?",
"Why is my Wi-Fi process using 3GB of memory?",
"Find $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\left[\\frac{(n+1)^{n + 1}}{n^n} - \\frac{n^{n}}{(n-1)^{n-1}} \\right]$ (a question asked at trivia)",
"How to remove GNOME Shell from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to install other desktop environment from scratch? I have just installed the final version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop system from ubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso. After two days of testing I completely do not like its graphical interface - the GNOME Shell. Even installation of GNOME Flashback does not help either. So I want to completely remove the GNOME Shell with all its trails from my system without re-installation. Just want to start from scratch like it was approximately if I have installed Ubuntu from .",
"How to add a script to Startup Applications from the command line?",
"Recently I've changed jobs, and consequently the field of research has also changed. But I'm still getting proposals for publications in the previous field, and it is interesting for me to accept some of them. My concern is about which affiliation to use: on one hand I gain all the knowledge in that field while working on the previous employer, also I hope they can cover my expenses related to the publication. On the other hand, I do not work for them anymore, and my current company has very little interest in my old field of research, and probably will not support it financially, but I think it is wise to mention them as well. As a compromise I'm thinking to put the previous employer in the affiliation, and the name of my new employer in the footnote, something like \"currently at XYZ\". Surely I'll discuss this issue with both, although the opinion of the community is also very valuable.",
"What bizarrities lurk within the decimal expansion of an irrational number? i.e. can we write $\\pi = 3.14159\\dots X\\dots$ where $X$ consists of (say) $10^{100}$ consecutive zeroes? [Originally asked on reddit without response :-( ]",
"I often find myself wanting to install something, but I'm unsure of what package it's in. This is a very common occurrence for me: $ make html sphinx-build -b djangohtml -d _build/doctrees . _build/html make: sphinx-build: Command not found make: *** [html] Error 127 $ sudo apt-get install sphinx E: Unable to locate package sphinx $ sudo apt-get install sphinx-build E: Unable to locate package sphinx-build googles $ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx Is there a better way?",
"Uniformly convergent implies equicontinuous I'm trying to prove that if I have a sequence of continuously differentiable functions $f_n$ that converge uniformly on $[a,b]$, then $\\{f_n\\}$ is equicontinuous for all $x_0 \\in [a, b]$. My idea is to use uniform convergence to deal with the "tail" and then use continuity to deal with the finitely many $f_n$'s left. But I'm having trouble writing it down.",
"Numbering figures and tables by their section I am having trouble formatting my list of figures and list of tables. Currently, my tex document is printing the list in the following manner: 1 Foreign Key Constraint Problem Due to Improper Table Design. . . . 3 2 Application Flow of Territory Maintenance Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 But I want to number figures by their sections: 3.1.2 Foreign Key Constraint Problem Due to Improper Table Design",
"Print floating point values without leading zero",
"Simple Past vs. Present Perfect: \"was\" vs. \"has been\" Possible Duplicate: As a English non-native speaker it is difficult for me to understand when I must use present perfect or past simple because in my official language there isn't the present perfect tense. I know that present perfect is related to something that happened in the past but its result is important now. But for instance: The message has been sent. The message was sent. Please help me point me out any examples/contexts where I should use 1. instead of 2."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Young adult sci-fi novel about a teenager who electrocutes himself while working on a computer. Afterwards he has a "computer brain" | Book identification about boy who gets computer zapped into head | [
"How to download all required Ubuntu drivers",
"$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_nb_n=? $ given that $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_n=0$ and $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}b_n=\\infty$ A. $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_nb_n=?$ given that $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_n=0$ and $ \\lim_{n\\to\\infty}b_n=\\infty$ B. $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{a_n \\over b_n}=?$ given that $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_n=0$ and $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}b_n=0$ C. $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{a_n \\over b_n}=?$ given that $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_n=\\infty$ and $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}b_n= \\infty$ These seem to be difficult situations I come across when I have to evaluate limits. Some examples, $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}n^a\\sin(1/n^b)$ with $a,b>1$ $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{n^a\\over \\sin(1/n^b)}$ with $a,b>1$ $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{1/n^a\\over \\sin(1/n^b)}$ with $a,b>1$ $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} nf(x_n)$ [where we only know that $\\lim \\ f(x_n) = 0]$ My first question is : Are the two situations A and B equivalent ? I feel that they are equivalent as $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}b_n=\\infty \\iff \\lim_{n\\to\\infty}{1\\over b_n}=0$, The problem is that I'm not sure if we can apply the product rule for limits to take the limit inside. My second question is : What are some ways to solve such problems ? I only know that we can apply stolz- cesaro in some cases.",
"Why is variance squared?",
"$\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{1+z^n}$, $|z|>1$. There are two facts that my professor uses that I am confused about. The first is: $|1+z^n| \\geq ||z|^n-1|$, I believe this is true for any $|z|$. The other is: $\\frac{1}{|z|^n-1} \\leq \\frac{2}{|z|^n}$, I believe this is also true for any $|z|$. Can anyone prove these statements for me?",
"How to merge two arrays in JavaScript and de-duplicate items",
"Does commutativity imply Associativity? Does commutativity imply associativity? I'm asking this because I was trying to think of structures that are commutative but non-associative but couldn't come up with any. Are there any such examples? NOTE: I wasn't sure how to tag this so feel free to retag it.",
"Prove $ \\sum \\frac{\\cos n} { \\sqrt n}$ converges",
"Why do universal constants have the values they do?",
"I was wondering if there are functions for which $$f'(x) > f(x)$$ for all $x$. Only examples I could think of were $e^x - c$ and simply $- c$ in which $c > 0$. Also, is there any significance in a function that is always less than its derivative? Edit: Thank you very much for all the replies. It seems almost all functions that apply are exponential by nature... Are there more examples like - 1/x? Again are there any applications/physical manifestations of these functions? [for example an object with a velocity that is always greater than its position/acceleration is always greater than its velocity]",
"I read a very special book a few years back. We follow a boy who lives in a world where, if one moves far enough in a direction, that person gets distended and changed in size. The boy works on laying tracks for the train, on which his city is. The city has to continually keep moving or it also will get squashed. It's like a world like if one end is pinched and then dragged out like a piece of rubber string or bubble gum. The book is not older than 10 years I think. Hope I was clear enough...",
"What do I do when glitched? I was playing Grand Theft Auto Online on Xbox 360, and a player teleported to me. I shot them, but they placed a campfire on me. Now, I am constantly being burnt to death. How do I get out?",
"Proof of linear independence of $e^{at}$",
"Difference between inline view and WITH clause?",
"I was doing some practice problems that my professor had sent us and I have not been able to figure out one of them. The given equation is: $-y^2dx +x^2dy = 0$ He then asks us to verify that: $ u(x, y) = \\frac{1}{(x-y)^2}$ is an integrating factor. I multiplied through to get: $\\frac{-y^2}{(x-y)^2}dx + \\frac{x^2}{(x-y)^2}dy = 0$ However, the partial derivatives of these do not equal each other so I am a bit confused...",
"How do I remove directories that begin with a dot after my server was infected? My server had been infected and the attacker spread a bunch of .5randomletters folders around my file system, with malicious code inside of them. I want to search for all the folders that begin with a dot, review them and then remove them. How can I do that?",
"`/usr/bin/cd` is not working in mac terminal",
"What algorithm is used by computers to calculate logarithms?",
"The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size",
"When should \"no problem\" replace \"you're welcome\" as a response to \"thank you\"?",
"What is your Instagram password when signing in using Facebook? Do this: On your phone, create an instagram account using Facebook log in. Now on your desktop web browser, log in using Facebook connect. Now go to delete your account - edit profile -> I'd like to delete my account. It will ask for your password. But you never gave it a password in order to create the account. I tried using my Facebook password, but that didn't work. Any ideas? The Instagram account management seems quite broken."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Program will not execute unless using System.out.println() | Java code needs a system.out.println statement to run | [
"The choice between the gerund and the infinitive in a certain construction I am pretty much sure that for native speakers the issue I am going to bring up might look as an uncalled question as they can easily figure out which form of a verbal part of speech should be used, be it a gerund, an infinitive, or a bare infinitive. However, it can be pretty much misleading for a foreigner because the same construction works differently with different words and I don’t see a logical explanation. For example: The purpose of this article is to analyze the issue… My hobby is reading. One may assume, and many foreigners really come to this conclusion, that it’s OK to switch the “gerund” and “infinitive” as the meaning will stay the same, that is: The purpose of this article is analyzing the issue… (same as 1 above) My hobby is to read. (same as 2 above) However, as I was told, this assumption is erroneous. Another example: His task was watching after them. (not good) His task was to watch after them. Is there any principle which governs the choice of the right form in such cases?",
"Gtk skip_taskbar_hint (seen in Glade-ui-Designer) equivalent in Qt With Glade Designer that lets you set up Gtk-Ui's you can check the option that windows are not shown in the launcher. If I take a look at the ui-file generated by Glade, it says <property name=\"skip_taskbar_hint\">True</property>. In gtk code this hint is window.set_property('skip-taskbar-hint', True). However I believe that this option is not exclusively Gtk-specific, and want to apply this one on my PyQt4-app. The Ubuntu window manager must be able to receive that hint, otherwise I would see the window of a gtk-application i use (stickynotes-indicator). So there MUST be a way of doing this in Qt or any other language, right? Does anybody know such an option? Python or Qt syntax, doesn't matter!",
"Find unique rows in numpy.array",
"When reading a stack trace like: [FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.] System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) +2755599 System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) +112 System.Convert.ToInt32(String value) +68 What do the +68, +112, etc. numbers mean. I'm guessing that they're offsets to something. If so, what?",
"What is the cost of a function call? Compared to Simple memory access Disk access Memory access on another computer(on the same network) Disk access on another computer(on the same network) in C++ on windows.",
"How to partition a list in a specific way",
"I did some mathematical induction problems on divisibility $9^n$ $-$ $2^n$ is divisible by 7. $4^n$ $-$ $1$ is divisible by 3. $9^n$ $-$ $4^n$ is divisible by 5. Can these be generalized as $a^n$ $-$ $b^n$$ = (a-b)N$, where N is an integer? But why is $a^n$ $-$ $b^n$$ = (a-b)N$ ? I also see that $6^n$ $- 5n + 4$ is divisible by $5$ which is $6-5+4$ and $7^n$$+3n + 8$ is divisible by $9$ which is $7+3+8=18=9\\cdot2$. Are they just a coincidence or is there a theory behind? Is it about modular arithmetic?",
"How to install h.264 decoder?",
"A quick search for currency regex brings up . The problem I have in choosing one is that regex is difficult to verify without testing all the edge cases. Does anyone have a regex for U.S. currency that has been thoroughly tested? My only requirement is that the matched string is U.S. currency and parses to System.Decimal: [ws][sign][digits,]digits[.fractional-digits][ws] Elements in square brackets ([ and ]) are optional. The following table describes each element. ELEMENT DESCRIPTION ws Optional white space. sign An optional sign. digits A sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9. , A culture-specific thousands separator symbol. . A culture-specific decimal point symbol. fractional-digits A sequence of digits ranging from 0 to 9.",
"Why does the following code in C work? const char* str = NULL; str = \"test\"; str = \"test2\"; Since str is a pointer to a constant character, why are we allowed to assign it different string literals? Further, how can we protect str from being modified? It seems like this could be a problem if, for example, we later assigned str to a longer string which ended up writing over another portion of memory. I should add that in my test, I printed out the memory address of str before and after each of my assignments and it never changed. So, although str is a pointer to a const char, the memory is actually being modified. I wondered if perhaps this is a legacy issue with C?",
"Time-Stream Crossing and Forgetfulness In The Day of the Doctor, it's explained that the Doctor doesn't remember having interacted with himself, and if he interacts with a future version of himself, the younger version forgets. But in Time Crash, 10th solves the problem of the TARDISes occupying the same space because he remembers himself doing it from when he was 5th. If this is true, 5th wouldn't have wondered whether or not he was going to regenerate when he did. Does the TARDIS occupying the same space with itself re-instate those memories? Or is it just possible that I'm asking a ridiculous question that will never have an answer because Doctor Who. :D",
"How to add an extra level of sections with headings below \\subsubsection",
"Easier way to debug a Windows service",
"Examples and Counterexamples of Relations which Satisfy Certain Properties Definition: Given a set $X$, a relation $R$ on $X$ is any subset of $X\\times X$. A relation $R$ on $X$ is said to be reflexive if $(x,x) \\in R$ for all $x \\in X$, irreflexive if $(x,x) \\not\\in R$ for all $x \\in X$, transitive if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,z) \\in R$ implies that $(x,z)\\in R$, intransitive (or antitransitive) if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,z) \\in R$ implies that $(x,z)\\not\\in R$, symmetric if $(x,y) \\in R$ implies that $(y,x) \\in R$, antisymmetric if $(x,y) \\in R$ and $(y,x) \\in R$ implies that $x=y$. Given any combination of the properties listed above, is there a nontrivial (i.e. nonempty) relation which satisfies that combination of properties?",
"Need to give permissions to /tmp/cache and /tmp/templates_c but can't find them",
"How do HttpOnly cookies work with AJAX requests? JavaScript needs access to cookies if AJAX is used on a site with access restrictions based on cookies. Will HttpOnly cookies work on an AJAX site? Edit: Microsoft created a way to prevent XSS attacks by disallowing JavaScript access to cookies if HttpOnly is specified. FireFox later adopted this. So my question is: If you are using AJAX on a site, like StackOverflow, are Http-Only cookies an option? Edit 2: Question 2. If the purpose of HttpOnly is to prevent JavaScript access to cookies, and you can still retrieve the cookies via JavaScript through the XmlHttpRequest Object, what is the point of HttpOnly? Edit 3: Here is a quote from Wikipedia: When the browser receives such a cookie, it is supposed to use it as usual in the following HTTP exchanges, but not to make it visible to client-side scripts.[32] The HttpOnly flag is not part of any standard, and is not implemented in all browsers. Note that there is currently no prevention of reading or writing the session cookie via a XMLHTTPRequest. [33]. I understand that document.cookie is blocked when you use HttpOnly. But it seems that you can still read cookie values in the XMLHttpRequest object, allowing for XSS. How does HttpOnly make you any safer than? By making cookies essentially read only? In your example, I cannot write to your document.cookie, but I can still steal your cookie and post it to my domain using the XMLHttpRequest object. <script type=\"text/javascript\"> var req = null; try { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {} if (!req) try { req = new ActiveXObject(\"Msxml2.XMLHTTP\"); } catch(e) {} if (!req) try { req = new ActiveXObject(\"Microsoft.XMLHTTP\"); } catch(e) {} req.open('GET', 'http://stackoverflow.com/', false); req.send(null); alert(req.getAllResponseHeaders()); </script> Edit 4: Sorry, I meant that you could send the XMLHttpRequest to the StackOverflow domain, and then save the result of getAllResponseHeaders() to a string, regex out the cookie, and then post that to an external domain. It appears that Wikipedia and ha.ckers concur with me on this one, but I would love be re-educated... Final Edit: Ahh, apparently both sites are wrong, this is actually a . IE6 & 7 are actually the only browsers that currently fully support HttpOnly. To reiterate everything I've learned: HttpOnly restricts all access to document.cookie in IE7 & and FireFox (not sure about other browsers) HttpOnly removes cookie information from the response headers in XMLHttpObject.getAllResponseHeaders() in IE7. XMLHttpObjects may only be submitted to the domain they originated from, so there is no cross-domain posting of the cookies. edit: This information is likely no longer up to date.",
"The of March 01, 2013 put it's distance at 14 hrs 04 mins 23 secs of light-travel time from Earth. A (earlier today) tweet says it is 14 hrs 04 mins 22 secs of light-travel time from Earth. An tweet put it still further out at 14 hrs 04 mins 25 secs of light-travel time. The Voyager 2 tweets on Voyager 1's proximity to Earth too has reduced similarly to earlier today from reported on Feb 28 2013 It could quite simply be a typo ... If not a typo then my curiosity is piqued; I was under the impression the Voyagers are outbound from the Solar System now without any major in-system activities now. How is it the Voyagers are closer to Earth than before?",
"Word for \"willing to try new and unfamiliar things\"",
"\"Knowledge of\" vs. \"knowledge on\"",
"After an AJAX request, sometimes my application may return an empty object, like: var a = {}; How can I check whether that's the case?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Installing SQL Server - HDD vs SSD? | SSD for production database | [
"Is a visa to Poland required for a Russian spouse of a Polish citizen? I am a holder of a Russian passport and my husband is a Polish citizen. We both live and work in the UK. I have received my family member of EEA national card, good for 5 years. We would like to travel to Poland together. On the website of the Polish embassy it clearly states that if we are traveling together, I do not require a visa, however in the embassy they were sure that I do need a visa. Could anyone please clarify?",
"Why does $x$ divided by zero not equal $x$? After all, $x$ is not being divided by anything.",
"Sum of indepedent random variables and a constant",
"What's wrong with this Wheatstone bridge? I was trying to solve this unbalanced Wheatstone bridge and found that the current $i$ in the mid wire is 9A .This result was achieved by using node voltage method. Then I rearranged the same circuit to the form shown in the second image. and at this point I flipped the right half of the circuit so as to obtain the equal resistors on the same side. now I again rearranged the circuit as shown. Here, the final circuit is a balanced Wheatstone bridge and thus the current i must be 0. So clearly something went wrong in there. I saw a post before this one just to make sure that there is no mistake in rearranging the circuit in the way I have done. It was answered by the user PhillipWood as being correct and was unfortunately put on hold. So can someone please point out what exactly went wrong with the above method.",
"how to prove $\\mathbb Z_n$ has divisors of zero if and only if $n$ is not prime A non-zero number $a \\in \\mathbb Z_n$ is called a divisor of zero if there is a non-zero number $b \\in \\mathbb Z_n$ such that $ab\\equiv 0\\pmod n.$ How can I prove $\\mathbb Z_n$ has divisors of zero if and only if $n$ is not prime. I filled out the addition and multiplication tables for modulo 6 and 7 and tried to find out the relation, and it's definitely true. I know I need to prove it in both directions since it is an 'iff' question. But I still don't get it.",
"Eclipse doesn't start on Ubuntu 18.04 I installed eclipse via Ubuntu Software. When I start it, it take some seconds and then comes an error window showing the path of the error. The following is the .log file: !SESSION Wed May 02 12:53:28 BRT 2018 ------------------------------------------ !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.launcher 4 0 2018-05-02 12:53:28.587 !MESSAGE Exception launching the Eclipse Platform: !STACK java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:466) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:566) at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:499) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:626) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:584) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:1438) at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:1414) What is the problem and how can I fix it?",
"Compute: $\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{\\sqrt[m]{\\cos(\\alpha x)}-\\sqrt[n]{\\cos{(\\beta x)}}}{x^2},\\;m,n\\in\\mathbb N,\\alpha,\\beta\\in\\mathbb R$ Compute: $$\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{\\sqrt[m]{\\cos(\\alpha x)}-\\sqrt[n]{\\cos{(\\beta x)}}}{x^2},\\;m,n\\in\\mathbb N,\\alpha,\\beta\\in\\mathbb R$$ My attempt: $$L=\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{\\sqrt[m]{\\cos(\\alpha x)}-\\sqrt[n]{\\cos{(\\beta x)}}}{x^2}=\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{\\sqrt[m]{\\cos(\\alpha x)}-1+1-\\sqrt[n]{\\cos(\\beta x)}}{x^2}\\\\\\displaystyle=\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{\\left(1+(\\cos(\\alpha x)-1)\\right)^{\\frac{1}{m}}-1-\\left(\\left(1+(\\cos(\\beta x)-1)\\right)^{\\frac{1}{n}}-1\\right)}{x^2}$$ Transformed expression: $$-\\frac{(1+(\\cos(\\alpha x)-1))^{\\frac{1}{m}}-1}{\\cos(\\alpha x)-1}\\cdot\\frac{1-\\cos(\\alpha x)}{\\alpha^2x^2}\\alpha^2+\\frac{(1+(\\cos(\\beta x)-1))^{\\frac{1}{n}}-1}{\\cos(\\beta x)-1}\\cdot\\frac{1-\\cos(\\beta x)}{\\beta^2x^2}\\beta^2$$ I applied the standard limits from the table: $$\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{(1+x)^a-1}{x}=a\\;\\&\\;\\lim_{x\\to 0}\\frac{1-\\cos x}{x^2}=\\frac{1}{2}$$ $$L=-\\frac{1}{m}\\cdot\\frac{1}{2}\\alpha^2+\\frac{1}{n}\\cdot\\frac{1}{2}\\beta^2=\\frac{m\\beta^2-n\\alpha^2}{2mn}$$ Is this correct?",
"Is there a difference between Therefor and Therefore?",
"Do I have to code each case of this Grid full of plots separately?",
"Referencing equation counter value in custom float caption I have used the float package to create an equation float, eqfloat, so I can add captions to equations. Within the eqfloat I used the equation environment to typeset the math. I want to keep the right hand arabic numbering within parentheses that is added by the equation environment but I also would like the eqfloat caption below the equation to use the same number as the equation environment. The following code achieves this by making the eqfloat use the same counter as the equation environment and then manually adjusting the equation numbering within each eqfloat. Is there a better way to make the eqfloat caption reference the current value of the equation environment counter? Is it possible to prevent the custom float environment from increasing the counter and only to reference the current value of the equation counter? \\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \\usepackage[margin=25pt, labelfont=bf]{caption} \\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, pifont, float, color, url} \\usepackage[pdftex, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarks=true]{hyperref} \\newfloat{eqfloat}{h}{eqflts} \\floatname{eqfloat}{Equation} \\makeatletter \\let\\c@eqfloat\\c@equation \\makeatother \\begin{document} ... \\begin{eqfloat} \\begin{equation} E = mc^2 \\end{equation} \\addtocounter{equation}{-1} \\caption{Equation caption here.} \\label{eq:example} \\end{eqfloat} \\end{document}",
"Is there a way to preserve a weapon in Magicka within a saved multiplayer game",
"Turning vector grid into individual shapefiles using QGIS? I am using QGIS and I created a vector grid on a crop field in order to cut it into plots. I want to save each grid cell into individual polygon shapefiles automatically. Here is an example of a vector grid I would like to split into 117 shapefiles: Eventually, I did it manually with the selection tool and \"Save as\" but it is really time-consuming when there are more than 100 plots to save. Is there any way to do it faster and more automatically? Each plot as an attribute named \"Plot\" that can discriminate against them (basically being id + 1). It's the attribute used here to label them.",
"Problems with # inside a verbatim that's inside a note I'm trying to use a # character inside a verbatim that's inside a note : \\begin{frame}[fragile] \\note{\\begin{verbatim} # \\end{verbatim} } \\end{frame} This produces the following errror : > ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \\beamer@todo. > to be read again> > > l.5 } How can I write the # character in a way that doesn't break the latex compilation ? Thanks in advanced, PS : This is related to the following problem in pandoc :",
"Validation Error less than training error? I found two questions and about this issue but there is no obvious answer or explanation yet.I enforce the same problem where the validation error is less than training error in my Convolution Neural Network. What does that mean?",
"I want to prove \\begin{equation*} \\tan A + \\tan B + \\tan C = \\tan A\\tan B\\tan C \\quad\\text{when } A+B+C = 180^\\circ \\end{equation*} We know that \\begin{equation*} \\tan(A+B) = \\frac{\\tan A+\\tan B}{1-\\tan A\\tan B}~\\text{and that}~A+B = 180^\\circ-C. \\end{equation*} Therefore $\\tan(A+B) = -\\tan C.$ From here, I get stuck. Please help.",
"Lagrange Multipler KKT condition I am looking at SVM, and reviewing Lagrange multiplier. Let's say with the constraint function $$g(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 -1 > 0, $$ I am maximizing $$f(x,y) = x + y -1 .$$ Intuitively, since the constraint function does not provide a finite constrained region, there is no solution, and $f(x,y)$ can infinitely increase. However, if I just plainly proceed with Lagrange multiplier calculation, $$L(x,\\lambda) = (x + y -1) +\\lambda(x^2 + y^2 -1)$$ I get the solution: $$y,x = -\\sqrt{2}/2, \\lambda = 1/\\sqrt{2}$$ And this still satisfies KKT conditions although the solution is wrong. $$g(x) => 0 , \\lambda => 0, \\lambda g(x) = 0.$$ I expected that I would have some result that conflicted KKT conditions, but nothing was violated. Does this mean that Lagrange multiplier under KKT conditions can produce a solution that cannot be solved, without giving any indication of intractability? If functions are complicated, what's the systematic way to confirm that the optimization with inequality constraint functions is solvable using Lagrange multiplier?",
"Yesterday I read Modern English:A Practical Reference Guide written by Marcella Frank, and she gives a paradigm about tenses on page 50. The page shows tenses in active voice and passive voice; she said these four tenses are exceedingly rare: shall/will be being offered has/have been being offered had been being offered shall/will have been being offered Why are these tense so rare? Are they normally replaced by other tenses?",
"MAXDOP not working? I wanted to test out MAXDOP on my computer. So I set MAXDOP to 2 for a specific query. However, when I looked at my logical processors in Task Manager as I ran the query, it looked like they were all being used. I thought that it would only be using 2 logical processors if MAXDOP was set to 2? Does anyone know what is happening? Please see image below. Another issue is, the DOP returned by the execution plan said 1. Now I know that setting MAXDOP does not mean SQL Server will actually use the number set. However, given that it seemed all my 4 logical processors were being used to process the query, it made it even more strange to see DOP 1. This is the query I ran: This was what happened as I ran it (i.e. it looks like all 4 logical processors are being used to run the query):",
"Citing a range of papers using numeric keys as in \\cite{a, b, c} -> [1-3] How can I cite a range of papers, the output is a range of numbers, instead of a list of numbers? In other words, when I type ... some dummy text here is due to me \\cite{me1, me2, me3, me4} ... I want the output to be ... some dummy text here is due to me [3-6] ... instead of ... some dummy text here is due to me [] ... (I use LaTeX, and am currently using the amsart class and whatever it includes. But I am open to other suggestions.)",
"I typed up an assignment with a lot of numbers in LaTeX and turned it in to my adviser. When he returned it to me with some corrections, one of which was a lot of $ around my numbers. I understand that $ are necessary around some mathematical formulas, but I was just using numbers like -2 and 4. I did not see any change in the font of the numbers when I added the $ either. Since my adviser did not want to give me an explanation, what is the rationale?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to determine roots of a complex polynomial | Show that the equation, $x^3+10x^2-100x+1729=0$ has at least one complex root $z$ such that $|z|>12.$ | [
"Why are PATH variables different when running via sudo and su? On my fedora VM, when running with my user account I have /usr/local/bin in my path: [justin@justin-fedora12 ~]$ env | grep PATH PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/justin/bin And likewise when running su: [justin@justin-fedora12 ~]$ su - Password: [root@justin-fedora12 justin]# env | grep PATH PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/justin/bin However, when running via sudo, this directory is not in the path: [root@justin-fedora12 justin]# exit [justin@justin-fedora12 ~]$ sudo bash [root@justin-fedora12 ~]# env | grep PATH PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin Why would the path be different when running via sudo?",
"How to solve \"sudo: /etc/sudoers.d is world writable\"",
"Documents required by Indian citizens wishing to travel to Nepal",
"How it this possible? Even if the gif is fake, the Mythbusters did it and with a large sail it really moves forward. What is the explanation?",
"Can a massless rope accelerate?",
"How to change boot priority? I have a laptop with Ubuntu installed as the only OS. I also have a USB stick with a Windows 7 installation on it. I want to install Windows from the USB stick on my laptop but when I try to restart the laptop to get access to BIOS, I can't seem to find the command for it, its like it skips everything and just says Ubuntu and then takes me to the login screen. How do I change the boot priority to USB in Ubuntu?",
"Suppose $X,Y$ and $Z$ are multivariate normal with means and full covariance matrix. The conditional expectation $E(X | Y)$ is well know. What is the conditional expectation of $E(X | Y,Z)$ if $Y$ and $Z$ (and $X$) are correlated? Standard textbooks only seem to cover the case when $Y$ and $Z$ are uncorrelated.",
"I need to cast single figures (1 to 9) to (01 to 09). I can think of a way but its big and ugly and cumbersome. I'm sure there must be some concise way. Any Suggestions",
"Distribution of orbital velocities in a disk galaxy for N-body simulation?",
"solving third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation",
"Contraction mapping in the context of $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$. I'm interested in convergence of $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$ and often hear this term referenced. What does it mean to be a contraction mapping in the context of the sequence of real numbers given by $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$? And what does it tell us about such sequence? A search online gives the answer given by Wikipedia, that it is a function $f$ defined on a metric space $(M,d)$ from $M$ to itself with the property that for some real number $k \\in [0,1)$, $$d(f(x),f(y)) \\leq k d(x,y)$$ This definition is quite unhelpful because I barely know what a metric space is. I feel like this definition is to generalized, and I'm interested in in the specific case of recursively defined real sequences $f(x_n)=x_{n+1}$ that there should be a more specific answer to my question.",
"My phone was stolen last night. I made sure it was in Lost Mode in iCloud and it was immediately in Offline status when I open iCloud. I am positive the thief switched it off. Now I am 100% certain the Find my iPhone option was turned on on my iPhone, but will the \"Lost Mode\" be of any help if it was not turned on on the iPhone? Would it be showing \"Offline\" if I did not turn on the option?",
"I've seen this Kuratowski definition for ordered pairs, but can't fathom why it implies an order to $x$ and $y$ $(x,y):=\\{\\{x\\}, \\{x,y\\}\\}$ As I understand sets, $\\{\\{x\\}, \\{x,y\\}\\}$ is also $\\{\\{x,y\\}, \\{x\\}\\}$. Only when I think about the Axiom of Union does $\\{\\{x\\}, \\{x,y\\}\\}$ \"collapse down\" to $S = \\{x, y\\}$, but that doesn't give me much either. All I can see is some as yet hidden message in the set saying \"I am the set $\\{x,y\\}$ and my order of $x$ first is indicated by having $\\{x\\}$ along for the ride.\"",
"Prove by induction $\\sum_{i=1}^ni^3=\\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}$ for $n\\ge1$ Prove the following statement $S(n)$ for $n\\ge1$: $$\\sum_{i=1}^ni^3=\\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}$$ To prove the basis, I substitute $1$ for $n$ in $S(n)$: $$\\sum_{i=1}^11^3=1=\\frac{1^2(2)^2}{4}$$ Great. For the inductive step, I assume $S(n)$ to be true and prove $S(n+1)$: $$\\sum_{i=1}^{n+1}i^3=\\frac{(n+1)^2(n+2)^2}{4}$$ Considering the sum on the left side: $$\\sum_{i=1}^{n+1}i^3=\\sum_{i=1}^ni^3+(n+1)^3$$ I make use of $S(n)$ by substituting its right side for $\\sum_{i=1}^ni^3$: $$\\sum_{i=1}^{n+1}i^3=\\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4}+(n+1)^3$$ This is where I get a little lost. I think I expand the equation to be $$=\\frac{(n^4+2n^3+n^2)}{4}+(n+1)^3$$ but I'm not totally confident about that. Can anyone provide some guidance?",
"MWE for externalize + automatic recompilation after tikz figure modification",
"Pre & post increment operator behavior in C, C++, Java, & C#",
"ChaCha with 64bit integers as a PRNG with streams Can I use ChaCha with four rounds as a good non-cryptographic PRNG with different streams if I use 64 bit integers instead of the standard 32 bit integers? I need a bigger state and this seems the easiest way to do it.",
"Ubuntu 20.04 run ok on Lenovo ThinkPad E15 laptop?",
"What can you say about $f$ and $g$ in the case that $fg$ is 1) Injective, 2) Surjective - Cohn - Classic Algebra Page 15 Question: Are my proofs below valid? In both cases we are using: $f:A\\to B, g: B\\to C$ Notation of your type converted: $(g\\circ f)(x)=g(f(x))=xfg$ If $fg$ is injective what can be said about $f$ and $g$? If $fg$ is injective then $f$ is injective: Proof: $(x_1fg = x_2fg \\implies x_1=x_2)$ $x_1fg=x_2fg$ is clearly true when $x_1f=x_2f$ Which requires $x_1=x_2$, hence $f$ is injective. If $f$ were not injective, then $x_1fg\\ne x_2fg$ $\\blacksquare$ If $fg$ is surjective what can be said about $f$ and $g$? If $fg$ is surjective then $g$ is surjective: Proof: $(\\forall c\\in C)(\\exists a\\in A) |( a(fg))=c$ This means for $g$ every element must have had been mapped to. How can this be proved Mathematically? well $(af)g=c$ is surjective, hence $(af)=(b\\in B)$ and $bg=c$ $(\\forall c\\in g)(\\exists b\\in B)|(bg=c)$ Hence $g$ is surjective. $\\blacksquare$",
"Rewrite code to make it faster"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Possible to merge PC and Pocket Edition Minecraft servers? | Can Minecraft Pocket Edition play with a desktop Minecraft? | [
"Ignore citations in captions in list of figures when numbering When using the \\cite command in figure captions and the ieeetr bibliography style, then BibTeX numbers the citations as appearing earlier than they do in reality (i.e. the first citation in the document ends up being [42]). Is there any way to get BibTeX to ignore the \\listoffigures section when numbering?",
"Probability of rolling 3 mutually exclusive dice",
"Code examples, like in the TikZ/PGF manual I like very much the 'side-by-side' code examples in the TikZ/PGF manual... ... and I would like to use the same thing in a manual I'm writing. I have found the source code for the codeexample environment that the TikZ/PGF manual uses for this purpose (specifically, it's located at /usr/local/texlive/2012/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/macros/pgfmanual-en-macros.tex). My (probably rather basic) question is: how can I use the same codeexample environment in my own documents? I ask because I tried compiling the example in the related question below, but the file couldn't be found.",
"Consider the sum of $n$ uniform distributions on $[0,1]$, or $Z_n$. Why does the cusp in the PDF of $Z_n$ disappear for $n \\geq 3$? I've been wondering about this one for a while; I find it a little weird how abruptly it happens. Basically, why do we need just three uniforms for $Z_n$ to smooth out like it does? And why does the smoothing-out happen so relatively quickly? $Z_2$: $Z_3$: (images shamelessly stolen from John D. Cook's blog: ) Why doesn't it take, say, four uniforms? Or five? Or...?",
"If $\\gcd(a,b)=1$, $\\gcd(a,y)=1$ and $\\gcd(b,x)=1$ then prove that $ax+by$ is prime to $ab$ If $\\gcd(a,b)=1$, $\\gcd(a,y)=1$ and $\\gcd(b,x)=1$ then prove that $ax+by$ is prime to $ab$. I tried assuming Diophantine Equations for all the relations and representing everything in terms of $a$, but that didn't lead me anywhere. There must be an intuitive and elegant approach right?",
"Vertical line of white pixels between launcher and maximized application (Firefox) Is this a bug or is it expected? How can it be solved if it's not expected?",
"I am making a Minecraft Mini Game adventure map, and one of the levels has a /setblock command, I am using the command in a way to spawn an item in a chest (Wooden Button) I need the wooden button to have CanPlaceOn tag so it can be placed on a log. I have tried this command: setblock 294 5 -1251 minecraft:chest 0 replace {Items:[{Count:1,Slot:0,id:minecraft:wooden_button,CanPlaceOn:[log]}]}`",
"The latex file coding is not there but the pdf file is there I wrote all my coding in the .tex file. The next day when I opened it the coding is all gone and the pdf file is opening with it and is displayed as an output. How do I bring back my coding?",
"Polynomials with integer coefficients such that $p(a)=b,p(b)=c,p(c)=a$",
"How do I change the default settings of export operators?",
"Is it possible to migrate programs from 32 bit Windows to a new 64 bit Windows machine (both Windows 7)? I've got a Windows 7 Pro 32 bit PC. Getting a new Windows 7 Home 64 bit. Is there anything I can use to transfer my programs (the ones that don't come in a 64 bit flavor) to the new PC? There is a related that doesn't address the programs part.",
"I got the following problem: Right now I am checking my equations, which are usually written in align. This looks great in most of the cases, but sometimes the pagebreaks are weird, ie there is a lot of vertical whitespace left (like 2.5cm) at the end of a page. I made the following MWE to illustrate this. \\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, headsepline]{scrreprt} \\usepackage[onehalfspacing]{setspace} \\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, mathtools} \\usepackage{mathptmx} \\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \\geometry{left=2cm,right=5cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm} % \\usepackage{lipsum} %\\lipsum \\usepackage[pangram]{blindtext} \\begin{document} \\Blindtext[1][3]%1 paragraph, 3 pangrams \\begin{align} X_{t+1} &= \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_t} \\label{eq:1} \\intertext{Solving...:} \\notag X_{t} &= \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_{t+1}} \\notag \\\\ \\intertext{Solving further...:} \\notag % ===PAGEBREAK HERE: 2nd page begins=== &= \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_t} + \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_t} \\notag \\\\ &= \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_t}... \\notag \\\\ \\intertext{Solving further...:} & = \\frac{X_{t+1}+X_{t+1}}{Y_t} \\notag \\end{align} \\end{document} In the MWE, the first 'Solving further' should be on the first page instead (to save space and it would also look better I guess?). The position where I would like the pagebreak to be is also marked as a comment in the MWE. My question is first on a general basis: Which is the best environment to achieve multiple line equations, which can be aligned as in align, and to save space at the same time? Or to be more precise: If possible, I'd like to stick with align and adapt the pagebreaks only if necessary. Thanks!",
"Citation colour with Beamer + Hyperref + Natbib I'm using natbib for citation with a custom bibstyle. I'm working on a presentation using LaTeX beamer and for some reason the citation marker doesn't have the colour that is specified to hyperref. The citation marker is black instead of green. I'll give you a MWE: \\documentclass{beamer} \\hypersetup{ colorlinks, citecolor=green, linkcolor=red } \\usepackage{filecontents} \\begin{filecontents}{mybib.bib} @ARTICLE{Bar2011, author = {F. Foo and F. Bar}, title = {Foo and Bar}, journal = {Journal of Foo}, year = {2011}, volume = {1}, pages = {1--3} } \\end{filecontents} \\usepackage[comma,numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} \\bibliographystyle{plain} \\begin{document} Dummy referefence to~\\cite{Bar2011} \\bibliography{mybib} \\end{document} For the purpose of the MWE I have selected the plain bibstyle, however, changing that to something else (including the custom style I want to use) doesn't affect the label colour. Is there any patch for this problem?",
"SSH connection problem with \"Host key verification failed...\" error I can connect to another Ubuntu machine in my LAN via SSH. On both of then PC's I installed but from another Ubuntu computer I can not connect to my PC via SSH and I got this error: Host key verification failed...",
"Chrome 100% CPU usage, again - software_reporter_tool.exe software_reporter_tool.exe belonging to Chrome running at 100% cpu, fan full speed. Deleting it doesn't fix anything, because it gets redownloaded again! Disabling \"Protect me from bla bla\" doesn't make it stop running. Please anyone have any solutions?",
"Do AWS Reserved Instances need to be assigned to the instance? I have an RDS instance running of type db.t2.small. I bought a reserved instance for 1 year of the same type, I paid the partial upfront rate. Do I need to assign this subscription in some way to my existing instance to say 'This is the instance that is using the subscription' or does AWS just charge for the instance usage depending which instances you have running and whether an available subscription was active for it at the time which determines the running rate? The reason that I ask is that I can't see any mention of the reduced rate on my AWS Billing area and it shows that I've used 17 hours of my reservation, but there isn't a row on my bill so far this month that indicates the new partial upfront rate that I should be charged for my instance.",
"Table with actions per row",
"Explanation of Spikes in training loss vs. iterations with Adam Optimizer I am training a neural network using i) SGD and ii) Adam Optimizer. When using normal SGD, I get a smooth training loss vs. iteration curve as seen below (the red one). However, when I used the Adam Optimizer, the training loss curve has some spikes. What's the explanation of these spikes? Model Details: 14 input nodes -> 2 hidden layers (100 -> 40 units) -> 4 output units I am using default parameters for Adam beta_1 = 0.9, beta_2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-8 and a batch_size = 32. i) With SGD ii) With Adam",
"Catch multiple exceptions at once? It is discouraged to simply catch System.Exception. Instead, only the "known" exceptions should be caught. Now, this sometimes leads to unnecessary repetitive code, for example: try { WebId = new Guid(queryString["web"]); } catch (FormatException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } catch (OverflowException) { WebId = Guid.Empty; } I wonder: Is there a way to catch both exceptions and only call the WebId = Guid.Empty call once? The given example is rather simple, as it's only a . But imagine code where you modify an object multiple times, and if one of the manipulations fails expectedly, you want to "reset" the object. However, if there is an unexpected exception, I still want to throw that higher.",
"Uneven movement on camera following a path. I render a short movie. I set the camera to the circle curve to make it fly in circle. The problem is after render, the camera is a little shaky. Can anyone help me? Thanks first."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Solving system of linear equations ( 4 variables, 3 equations) | Solve a linear system with more variables than equations | [
"Based on Logman dictionary: happen to do something: if you happen to do something, you do it by chance. for example take a look at these examples: They happen to be unemployed at the time. I happen to have a degree in computer science. So based on the definition of the happen to do something, first one means they are probably unemployed at the time. and the second one means I probably have a degree in computer science. Am I right?",
"Unidentified address in Gmail Many times, when I copy&paste an email address into the \"To\" field in a Gmail message, it refuses to send the email, saying that “the address has not been identified”. This is very frustrating. Is there any solution other than just manually typing the address?",
"Best way to clone an installation (copying to identical hardware) Kind-of like but slightly different (I think), in that I have 6 identical Acer Aspire Revo R3610 machines. One is (almost) configured to my requirements - when I'm done preparing it I'd like to make the other 5 machines absolutely the same. I'm very new to Ubuntu, what's the most straightforward (easiest) way of doing this? The machines are going to live on different networks if that might otherwise be a problem (eg with Windows you can clone disks but you then have to make registry changes afterwards if they're going to run on the same network etc). The hardware in all 6 machines is, I stress, the same! How can I efficiently clone one source image on to these identical machines? Please restrict one software/solution per answer",
"The summer training or (just) summer training Should we use the summer training or just summer training in the paragraph. As per me training is a noun and before singular noun we have to use an article and I am using the because I am talking about a specific training for engineers, I also know that before very common nouns we avoid articles, like bed, school, bus, university, so if you say we should use summer training then please give me a valid reason. Company(name) has been providing the summer training for engineers since 2010. We have been giving completely professional atmosphere for engineers to complete the summer training with practical knowledge. Our each faculty has a great experience in the education field. We make sure you get all the important resources to make your summer training a learning and an enjoyable summer training. You may call or email us to get your confirmation about the training. Thanks in advance.",
"Will leaving corpses lying around upset my prisoners? I see questions/information online about how to get rid of corpses but I'm not sure what the consequences to having them lying around are. I know that I can use a morgue to store them and that they will eventually be taken away in a hearse. However, I've always just left them lying around. This doesn't seem to have any obvious consequences. Do they upset prisoners or staff (e.g. increasing the danger level beyond what death normally does)? Make them sick? Slow down pathing? Is this something that's not implemented yet or is leaving dead bodies all over the place meant to be completely fine? The wiki's pages for and don't shed any light on this. All I'm finding is the how of getting rid of corpses/glitches related to it but not why it matters in the first place. All I've seen that's related is that apparently prisoners can loot guard corpses for keys, but there's no obvious consequences for prisoner corpses which are what I tend to end up with. So why not just leave them in the corridors?",
"How do you remove Subversion control for a folder? I have a folder, c:\\websites\\test, and it contains folders and files that were checked out from a repository that no longer exists. How do I get Subversion to stop tracking that folder and any of the subfolders and files? I know I could simply delete the .svn folder, but there are a lot of sub-folders in many layers.",
"The code for reference is this @article{matcontcl, title= {MATCONT and CL MATCONT}, author = {A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet and B.Sautois}, year = {2006}, journal = {Continuation toolboxes in matlab}, } This is the error that follows This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015/W32TeX) The top-level auxiliary file: PropuestaInvestigacion.aux The style file: abbrv.bst Database file #1: biblio.bib Too many commas in name 1 of \"A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet and B.Sautois\" for entry matcontcl while executing---line 1049 of file abbrv.bst Too many commas in name 1 of \"A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet and B.Sautois\" for entry matcontcl while executing---line 1049 of file abbrv.bst Too many commas in name 1 of \"A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet and B.Sautois\" for entry matcontcl while executing---line 1090 of file abbrv.bst Too many commas in name 1 of \"A. Dhooge, W. Govaerts, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, W. Mestrom, A.M. Riet and B.Sautois\" for entry matcontcl while executing---line 1090 of file abbrv.bst (There were 4 error messages) How could I fix it?",
"I can't get into my field research prize",
"Usage of -n and -z in test built in - Bash",
"Create a virtual file that is actually a command Is there any way to create a virtual file, such that reading from the file actually reads from the stdout of a command; writing to the file is acually writing to the stdin of a command? So far I have kludged this with an inotifywait on a file, which calls a command when the file is modified, taking it's input from the file and writing back to it. I don't like that the inotifywait has to be constantly restarted though (and I have to ensure that it is always running). I only use this file perhaps twice a week.",
"No transaction fee ETF trades - what's the catch? I just noticed TD Ameritrade has program where you can trade from a list of ETFs with zero fees. Sounds like it could save me a bit of money, but my cynical side wonders how they make money off such a program... Is it a loss leader? (They entice me to have an account there, and then make money off the other trades I make?) Or do they simply want to grow the size of their asset base -- what is the mechanism by which they make money on the funds that I have in my account? Edit: in case it wasn't clear in the original question above, this is an ongoing program for free ETF transactions -- not a one-time deal for some number of free trades when you open an account. I have had an account there for years and I'm eligible to participate -- it's not a program explicitly designed just to gain new accounts.",
"Any complete group (that is, with trivial center and outer automorphism group) is isomorphic to its automorphism group. The inverse is not true, as the dihedral group of order 8 is isomorphic to its automorphism group but isn't complete. Problem 15.29 in the Kourovka Notebook asks to find another exemple of a p-group, but I was wondering, is any other exemple known? Is there any other finite (or even infinite) group (not necessarily a p-group) which is isomorphic to its automorphism group but isn't complete?",
"Which pseudo-$R^2$ measure is the one to report for logistic regression (Cox & Snell or Nagelkerke)? I have SPSS output for a logistic regression model. The output reports two measures for the model fit, Cox & Snell and Nagelkerke. So as a rule of thumb, which of these $R^²$ measures would you report as the model fit? Or, which of these fit indices is the one that is usually reported in journals? Some Background: The regression tries to predict the presence or absence of a bird (capercaillie) from some environmental variables (e.g., steepness, vegetation cover, ...). Unfortunately, the bird did not appear very often (35 hits to 468 misses) so the regression performs rather poorly. Cox & Snell is .09, Nagelkerke, .23. The subject is environmental sciences or ecology.",
"How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript? I'm creating an application which lets you define events with a time frame. I want to automatically fill in the end date when the user selects or changes the start date. I can't quite figure out, however, how to get the difference between the two times, and then how to create a new end Date using that difference.",
"Maximum Likelihood Estimate with different parameters",
"Do you capitalize both parts of a hyphenated word in a title? Do you capitalize both parts of a hyphenated word in a title? \"My Ex-Wife Hates Me\" or \"My Ex-wife Hates Me\"",
"Where can I ask a question about finding general software that meets certain requirements?",
"What is duplicate content and how can I avoid being penalized for it on my site?",
"How do we know the Taylor expansion for $e^x$ works for all $x$? Or that it's analytic?",
"Prove that $|f''(\\xi)|\\geqslant\\frac{4|f(a)-f(b)|}{(b-a)^2}$ Let ${\\rm f}:\\left[a, b\\right]\\to\\mathbb{R}$ be twice differentiable, and suppose $$\\lim_{x\\to a^{+}} \\frac{{\\rm f}\\left(x\\right) - {\\rm f}\\left(a\\right)}{x - a} = \\lim_{x\\to b^{-}}\\frac{{\\rm f}\\left(x\\right) - {\\rm f}\\left(b\\right)}{x - b} =0 $$ Show that there exists $\\xi \\in \\left(a, b\\right)$ such that $\\displaystyle{% \\left\\vert\\vphantom{\\Large A}\\,{\\rm f}''\\left(\\xi\\right)\\right\\vert \\geq \\frac{4\\left\\vert\\vphantom{\\Large A}% \\,{\\rm f}\\left(a\\right) - {\\rm f}\\left(b\\right)\\right\\vert} {\\left(b - a\\right)^{2}}}$. I don't know how to start. Any hints ?."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Are there any open source network analysis tools? | Seeking alternatives to pgRouting for open source routing / network analysis? | [
"I find myself needing to draw lots of elegantly curved paths in TikZ. Ideally, I'd just specify a series of points, and TikZ would calculate the extra data itself to draw a nice series of curves passing smoothly through these points, perhaps with an optional \"looseness\" parameter that I could specify. But the only way I can find to draw nice curves is by explicitly giving control points, or by manually specifying in and out angles. I can think up a simple algorithm to do this, which would certainly be within TikZ's power to perform: just choose the in and out angles in a simple fashion based on the relative angles between each adjacent pair of line segments. Is something like this already built-in? Or can someone cook something up that does the job? Edit: Jake has provided an answer using the plot [smooth] functionality. This is almost perfect! But it can't do what I need, because it doesn't let me specify tangent angles manually where needed, which is especially important at the beginning and end of the curve. I would have thought this would be a natural and straightforward addition to the existing plot [smooth] algorithm: for every coordinate, an optional angle should be able to be specified as an argument, which if supplied is treated as the tangent angle for the curve at that point. And while we're at it, it wouldn't hurt to also allow the tension to be modified along the path. A minimal extension to the algorithm would just accept two optional parameters, for the curve tangent at the beginning and end.",
"Using congruences, show $\\frac{1}{5}n^5 + \\frac{1}{3}n^3 + \\frac{7}{15}n$ is integer for every $n$",
"How to find files containing two strings in different lines",
"I will be getting a point-and-shoot camera for taking portraits and only portraits. Specifically portraits with a shallow depth of field. Groups portraits sometimes. It's just too much work to add lens blur at post-prod. I understand that setting a P&S on macro mode gives a shallow focus and DOF. How do I read P&S camera specs to shortlist those with the shallowest depth of field? Added: By point-and-shoot, I mean a camera that is easy to use -- Not necessarily compact, inexpensive, or current. Also, if there are two or three factors/specs to get a shallow depth of field, then which spec contributes the most to bokeh? which is second most contributing? the third, etc.?",
"lsusb relevant output Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0bda:8812 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8812AU 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WLAN Adapter Upon plugging the device it is recognized by lsusb, however when I go to wireless settings no adapter is recognized. The driver is installed (by going to software and updates -> addition drivers and selecting the open source driver).",
"I am trying to use mathematical induction to prove $$(2n)!\\ge2^n(n!)^2\\quad\\text{for }n\\in\\mathbb{N}$$ I am stuck at the $n=k+1$ point.",
"I would like to know the equipment and the step by step process, as I have already tried to do it, but it didn't work. I have already watched several videos, but it is not the same to talk to someone that really loves, and knows how to do it. I don't know anybody that knows how to brew anything xD",
"Some questions on abelian category Let $f: C \\longrightarrow D$ be a morphism in an abelian category $\\mathfrak{A}$ with kernel and cokernel both zero. How can I show that it is an isomorphism? I am not able to find it's inverse. Let $g: C \\longrightarrow D$ be a morphism in the abelian category $\\mathfrak{A}$. Let $i: K \\hookrightarrow C$ be the kernel of $g$. How can I prove that the induced map $\\text{coker}\\ i \\rightarrow D$ is a monic? I don't want to use Mitchell's embedding theorem.",
"I am pretty sure it shouldn't, but want to make sure that I am doing this correctly in a proposal that I am working on. Should job titles like \"Project Manager\" ever be capitalized, and if so when? In particular I am concerned about capitalization in sentences like this where the title refers to a specific person, not the role in general. \"The Project Manager will evaluate the alternatives and offer a solution.\" I'm a lot more certain that it should NOT be capitalized in sentences like this. \"A project manager is the person who manages the budget and deliverable for a project.\"",
"how I can draw an skew cylinder (rotate around x axis) and fill it (in 3D tikz)?",
"How to make the space under footnotes disappear? How do I make the space under footnotes disappear? And to space over the footnote's bar? Code: \\documentclass[12pt,french]{report} \\usepackage{mathptmx} \\usepackage{helvet} \\usepackage{courier} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[cp1250]{inputenc} \\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \\geometry{verbose,margin=1in,headheight=12pt,headsep=25pt} \\usepackage{fancyhdr} \\pagestyle{fancy} \\setlength{\\parskip}{\\medskipamount} \\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt} \\usepackage{babel} \\makeatletter \\addto\\extrasfrench{% \\providecommand{\\og}{\\leavevmode\\flqq~}% \\providecommand{\\fg}{\\ifdim\\lastskip>\\z@\\unskip\\fi~\\frqq}% } \\makeatother \\usepackage{latexsym} \\usepackage{pifont} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{float} \\usepackage{textcomp} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{setspace} \\usepackage[unicode=true, bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=true,bookmarksopen=false, breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=false] {hyperref} \\hypersetup{pdftitle={tito}, pdfauthor={abc}, pdfkeywords={kiko}} \\usepackage{lipsum} \\makeatletter \\usepackage{multicol} \\usepackage{fancyhdr} \\usepackage{multirow} \\usepackage{longtable} \\setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \\setcounter{tocdepth}{4} \\usepackage{array} \\newcommand{\\ts}{\\textsuperscript} \\renewcommand\\theparagraph{\\alph{paragraph}.} \\renewcommand\\paragraph{\\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\\z@}% {3.25ex \\@plus1ex \\@minus.2ex}% {0.5ex \\@plus .2ex}% {\\normalfont\\normalsize\\bfseries}} \\renewcommand*\\l@paragraph{\\@dottedtocline{4}{10em}{2em}} \\def\\thickhrulefill{\\leavevmode \\leaders \\hrule height 1ex \\hfill \\kern \\z@} \\def\\@makechapterhead#1{% \\vspace*{10\\p@}% {\\parindent \\z@ {\\reset@font \\usefont{OT1}{phv}{m}{n} \\LARGE Chapitre \\thechapter\\par\\nobreak}% \\par\\nobreak \\vspace*{30\\p@} \\interlinepenalty\\@M \\usefont{OT1}{ptm}{b}{n} {\\raggedright \\Huge #1}% \\par\\nobreak \\vskip 20\\p@ \\hrule height 1pt \\par\\nobreak \\vskip 45\\p@ }} \\def\\@makeschapterhead#1{% \\vspace*{10\\p@}% {\\parindent \\z@ {\\raggedleft \\reset@font \\scshape \\vphantom{\\@chapapp{} \\thechapter} \\par\\nobreak}% \\par\\nobreak \\vspace*{30\\p@} \\interlinepenalty\\@M \\usefont{OT1}{ptm}{b}{n} {\\raggedright \\Huge #1}% \\par\\nobreak \\par\\nobreak \\vskip 45\\p@ }} \\lhead{\\nouppercase\\leftmark} \\chead{} \\rhead{} \\lfoot{} \\cfoot{\\thepage} \\rfoot{} \\renewcommand{\\footrulewidth}{0.4pt} \\pretolerance=10000 \\hyphenpenalty=10000 \\exhyphenpenalty=10000 \\AtBeginDocument{ \\def\\labelitemi{\\Pisymbol{psy}{183}} \\def\\labelitemii{\\(\\rhd\\)} \\def\\labelitemiii{\\(\\rhd\\)} \\def\\labelitemiv{\\(\\ast\\)} } \\makeatother \\begin{document} \\chapter{Chap} \\lipsum[1]\\footnote{\\lipsum[1]} \\lipsum[1-8] \\end{document}",
"I have a shapefile with 9000 agriculture fields and what I like to do is to determine for each field (=each polygon) the direction of the longest segment. For instance, the selected polygon in the screenshot has its longest segment from west to east so I would like to mark give the polygon the attribute W (for west) or either E (for east). Is there any solution to solve my problem in a fast but generalized way? I do not need very detailed results. It's just for the interpretation of a question. I'm seeking an answer using ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop. To be more precise on what I'm looking for I try to explain more practical: I'm doing winderosion analysis for a specific area with 9000 fields. As result I have a potential susceptibility for each field. I like to check, if the fields with high susceptibility are correlated to a certain orientation of the fields, e.g. check if most of the fields with high risk are oriented in the main winddirection or not. The search for the longest segment is not really important for me. It was just an idea I had to determine the direction. So forget about the longest segment if there is a way to determine the direction with another method ;)",
"Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare() Issue I'm having to update a WP installation for a community organisations from version 2.9.1 to the current 3.9.1. The installation has a couple of custom built plugins that aren't documented. I've just performed the WP version update and now I see a warning (Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()) on every page that relates to the following line in the code of one of these custom built plugin: $rows = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare(\"SELECT id, name FROM \".$table_name)); From what I've read online, this is due to a change in the coding, that requires 2 values to be sent to wpdb::prepare(), but I've no idea how the line of code given above, needs to be changed. If someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.",
"How do I keep running a Service the whole time?",
"Is the product of two Gaussian random variables also a Gaussian? Say I have $X \\sim \\mathcal N(a, b)$ and $Y\\sim \\mathcal N(c, d)$. Is $XY$ also normally distributed? Is the answer any different if we know that $X$ and $Y$ are independent?",
"For example, if I revisit a memory of mine where I'm inside a castle and talking to someone, can the present-me explore different parts of the castle meanwhile the past-me continues her conversation? Is that possible?",
"We know that the maximum level a dweller can train to on any SPECIAL skill is 10, however this does not consider bonuses given from their outfit. Is there any additional benefit for going over 10? For example, a dweller with an Intelligence skill of 10 wearing a lab coat that boosts Intelligence by 3? If it is a hard cap, would it be more useful to use outfits that raise a secondary characteristic instead?",
"How to install Microsoft fonts on Ubuntu 16.10?",
"Let $f:\\mathbb{C} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}$ be a entire function. Suppose that there are $M$, $r>0$ and $n\\in \\mathbb{N}$ such that $\\left|f(z)\\right|<M\\left|z\\right|^n$ for all $z \\in \\mathbb{C}$ with $\\left|z\\right|\\geq r$. Show that $f$ polynomial of degree at most $n$. Remark: I tried to follow the proof of Liuville's Theorem but I have complications with the condition $\\left|z\\right|\\geq r$..",
"The American convention in quotations is (typically) to place punctuation inside quoted text. But I always run into situations where the punctuation of the quote interferes with the punctuation of the sentence. How would you punctuate this (American, non technical)? When my friends ask, \"What do you want for your birthday?\", I never know how to respond. It seems odd to place the last comma outside the quote simply because of the question mark. Is that the preferred (i.e. most often accepted) standard?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can I use console.log inside forEach in Javascript? | Why doesn't console.log work when passed as a parameter to forEach? | [
"In the case of languages with a C-like syntax, we declare the main() method to return an int or float value (or void). Is it possible to declare a non-void return type from main() in Java? If not, then why not? Does this mean that a Java program doesn't return any value to the OS?",
"Is there a way to change the color of text in a question? I just asked this question: . The first answer I got totally missed the point of the question (that answer is now deleted). I think my question would have been clearer if I could have changed the color of a (non-code) word to red, so I could show an example of what I wanted. Is there a way to do this?",
"I was just curious, why is epic a silver badge if only 73 users have been awarded with it? For example: Silver Epic - 73 Gold Electorate - 193 Edit: My point was to reduce the level of epic, like \"hit the daily reputation cap on 30 days\" so it becomes some what at par with other silver badges.",
"When a Java VM crashes with an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION and produces an hs_err_pidXXX.log file, what does that indicate? The error itself is basically a null pointer exception. Is it always caused by a bug in the JVM, or are there other causes like malfunctioning hardware or software conflicts? Edit: there is a native component, this is an SWT application on win32.",
"What happens when a black hole dies? Does it just vanish into space leaving nothing behind or does it expel some material? Also, talking more about black holes, as far as I understand the term \"temperature\", it is defined by the amount of kinetic energy of the particles of a body and from what I have read, there are no particles inside a black hole, I know that you can find the temperature of a black hole by analyzing its Hawking radiation but I cant really understand how the term \"temperature\" can be applied to a black hole. Does it mean that whatever is that it is inside a black hole has kinetic energy? Have physicist already experienced the death of any regular black hole (by regular I mean space-sized black holes not micro ones created in labs)? Also, where is the Hawking radiation form? Because if it is released by the black hole I bet it must have formed outside the event horizon, but how exactly?",
"Hartshorne Theorem 8.17",
"My HP Pavilion laptop has Ubuntu 18 version and I once tried to disable InBuilt webcam just for security reasons. But now it wasn't working and I reinstalled newer version of Ubuntu 20. But even after installing newer version the camera is still not working. When I open cheese it shows this screen. I assumed I might have deleted the drivers as I was doing package installation and removel that time. Please suggest me what should I do to get this working.",
"How do I programmatically force an onchange event on an input? How do I programmatically force an onchange event on an input? I've tried something like this: var code = ele.getAttribute('onchange'); eval(code); But my end goal is to fire any listener functions, and that doesn't seem to work. Neither does just updating the 'value' attribute.",
"Xcode - How to fix 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: … this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key X\" error?",
"Blender resizing my image in half I have a problem. I'm trying to render an image and the resolution is 500x280. After I render the image and save it, for some reason the image gets resized to 250x140. I'm unsure why it happends.",
"Is the W statistic output by wilcox.test() in R the same as the U statistic?",
"How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?",
"Check if url has domain name and not an ip",
"How do they express the time, in American and British English?",
"Sum of derivatives of a polynomial",
"What is the best regular expression to check if a string is a valid URL? How can I check if a given string is a valid URL address? My knowledge of regular expressions is basic and doesn't allow me to choose from the hundreds of regular expressions I've already seen on the web.",
"Is there a term for coining a phrase for a word that already exists?",
"How can I iterate over each file in a directory using a for loop? And how could I tell if a certain entry is a directory or if it's just a file?",
"Why this proof $0=1$ is wrong?(breakfast joke) We have $$e^{2\\pi i n}=1$$ So we have $$e^{2\\pi in+1}=e$$ which implies $$(e^{2\\pi in+1})^{2\\pi in+1}=e^{2\\pi in+1}=e$$ Thus we have $$e^{-4\\pi^{2}n^{2}+4\\pi in+1}=e$$ This implies $$e^{-4\\pi^{2}n^{2}}=1$$ Taking the limit when $n\\rightarrow \\infty$ gives $0=1$.",
"Could we please be a bit nicer to new users? There is a distinct decline in the level of civility on all the sites here. Some of this is due to new users coming in and posting spam and other nonsense, but the off-topic and downvote buttons are doing a pretty good job of keeping this under control. Unfortunately, a lot of this is coming from more experienced users, and the site's built-in moderation system does not (and probably cannot) handle this very well. Folks are rushing to pound new users down with "this belongs on meta!", "this is off topic", "this is a duplicate!" and "read the Help!". (Which is correct, but should be done nicer) All this, of course, is accompanied by a flurry of downvotes. This is not very welcoming to new users who don't know about meta, the Help, or what counts as off-topic. Now I am not proposing that we just allow off-topic, meta, or duplicate questions. However, I think we could be gentler in the way we express these sorts of things. Explain what meta and the FAQ are and provide useful links. Just using please and thank-you when asking folks to read the FAQ or post something on meta would be an improvement. I also think we could rein in the downvoting a bit. Not that we shouldn't vote stuff down, but unless a new user's post is clearly spam, voting it down to -1 or -2 should be sufficient to send a message without piling on. I like Stack Exchange and I want it to become a resource for everyone, not just an elitist site for high-rep users on the sites."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How protected is the kid actress in Logan from the violence in the film? | To what extent are child actors exposed to the violent aspects of the movie they perform in? | [
"Should I be concerned that the sill plate is not lined up with the foundation? I am in the process of building a one level home in PA. After the formed concrete walls were poured and the framing began, I noticed that on one side of the house that the sill plate was flush with the edge of the foundation wall in the rear, but, by the time the sill plate got to the front it was 2 1/2\" away from the edge of the foundation wall. In summary, the sill plate walks from flush with the foundation wall at the rear to 2 1/2\" at the front. This happens over about a 50' run. Any thoughts or concerns would be appreciated. Any recommendations on what sorts of questions to ask when I meet the site supervisor on Monday?",
"Low Quality Posts you Have Already Flagged I just discovered that it is possible to get a post in the Low Quality Posts review queue that you have already flagged for closing, making reviewing that item impossible. Obviously, I don't want to 'Looks Good' something that I know should be closed, but at the same time I cannot 'Recommend Close' something I have already flagged leaving the only option being to skip the post. Can the queue be changed so that it does not show posts which you have already flagged?",
"How to find the matrix of a quadratic form? I was wondering. If I have a bilinear symmetric form, it is easy to find its matrix. But, when I have a quadratic form, which is the procedure to do that? I heard that one possibility is: If $q$ is my quadratic form, then $$f(x,y) = \\frac{1}{4}q(x+y) - \\frac{1}{4}q(x-y)$$ is the bilinear symmetric form associated, so the method reduces to find the matrix of $f(x,y).$ The point is that seems a little noising... How to find, in practice, the matrix of quadratic form? Thanks in advance.",
"When I can scroll down far enough to have the hot network questions overlap the footer (because my question is short) there is no background under the text: Could they either be given a white background: (just disable the transparency option) Or stop at the footer: This also happens with the help text on some sites, as per this bug report: Ubuntu 14.04.1 (Latest LTS Version), . Same problem with and . Windows 10 Pro, and . (Images linked to screenshot of browser) My question is different from because my issue is the lack of background on the footer. I think there was a site redesign?",
"I have read that controlling FDR is less stringent than controlling FWER, such as in : FDR controlling procedures exert a less stringent control over false discovery compared to familywise error rate (FWER) procedures (such as the Bonferroni correction). This increases power at the cost of increasing the rate of type I errors, i.e., rejecting the null hypothesis of no effect when it should be accepted. But I was wondering how it is shown to be true mathematically? Is there some relation between FDR and FWER?",
"Creating account didn't log me in / didn't create an account",
"Combining the second elements of a set of ordered pairs based on their first element",
"Usage of dash (-) in place of a filename For a command, if using - as an argument in place of a file name will mean STDIN or STDOUT. But in this example, it creates a file with the name -: echo hello > - How can I make - in this example mean STDOUT? Conversely, how can I make - mean a file named - in examples such as: cat -",
"Moving from HTTP to HTTPS in Google Search Console",
"Should your PhD students call you by your first name?",
"How to make clickable links and cross-references in pdfs produced by LaTeX?",
"CaseComment and CaseHistory relatedlist in visualforce page I want to add CaseComment and CaseHistory related list to my visualforce page. <apex:relatedList list=\" \" /> What should be the value for List attribute in the code defined above. When I added <apex:relatedList list=\"CaseHistory\" /> 'Histories' is also not working <apex:relatedList list=\"CaseComment\" /> 'CaseComments' is also not working I get errors saying they are not valid child relationship name for entity Case. Please help me out on this issue.",
"Determine accuracy of model which estimates probability of event",
"How can I print the table of contents multiple times in my document?",
"How do I get an array of repeated characters from a string using LINQ?",
"Implementing auto correct/complete on Stack Overflow",
"How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ",
"Ubuntu 16.04 VIM without python support! Although Ubuntu 16.04 release notes mention that: The default VIM package has been built against python3 instead of python2. Yet after I installed vim with the following command: sudo apt-get install vim And checked: vim --version It showed: -python -python3 Is it a bug? How do I get vim with Python support?",
"Let $X$ be a set and consider the collection $\\mathcal{A}(X)$ of countable or cocountable subsets of $X$, that is, $E \\in \\mathcal{A}(X)$ if $E$ is countable or $X-E$ is countable. If $X$ is countable, then $\\mathcal{A}(X)$ coincides with the power set $\\mathcal{P}(X)$ of $X$. Now suppose that $X$ is uncountable. Assuming the axiom of choice, we can conclude that $\\mathcal{A}(X) \\ne \\mathcal{P}(X)$, since $|X| = |X| + |X|$. So the question is: Can we prove in ZF that $\\mathcal{A}(X) \\ne \\mathcal{P}(X)$ for every uncountable set $X$? I'm assuming that a set $X$ is uncountable if there is no injective function $f : X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{N}$.",
"Problem applying L'Hopitals rule."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Finding ${i^i}^{i\cdots}$ | Complex towers: $i^{i^{i^{...}}}$ | [
"What is a tainted kernel in Linux?",
"Is there a way to absolutely force a Log Out, Shut Down, or Restart with open tabs and unsaved documents? I could not find any relatively simple way to log out of a public use Mac quickly with many tabs open and unsaved document in the background without resorting to sudo shutdown -h now. The reason I ask is that sometimes a user will have his/her account logged into the iMacs here at school and they would try to log off and then leave, thinking it has completed but the process is interrupted by Safari and Office apps, leaving their account, mounts, and websites still accessible to the next person who sits down. Obviously a shortcut string would be nice instead of posting a note telling the person to type arcane things in a terminal. For example, just having them try to find Terminal.app is going to be a chore. This doesn't seem to make sense because the user can just quit each app and click a few dialog boxes but unlike you and I to whom repeatedly pounding Command-Q while hitting the spacebar and D keys are probably second nature.",
"Can jQuery .load append instead of replace?",
"Counting surjective functions We have $r$ objects and $n$ boxes. I have to count all the combinations possible if the objects and boxes could be both different. If that happens I can count the number of variations from $n$ to $r$ (number of functions between objects and boxes). I mean, $n^r$. But if I have to count all the combinations possible if anyone of the boxes is empty ($r\\ge n$). Now I have to count the surjective functions. For example if I have $r$ objects and 1 box. The number of surjective functions is 1. Then, if I have $r$ objects and 2 boxes, the number of surjective functions is $2^r-2$. And finally if I have $r$ objects and 3 boxes, I will count $3^r-2\\cdot[3\\cdot2^r-3]$. How do I get the formula for $r$ objects and $n$ boxes?",
"Canonical Post #2: What is the perfect, and how should I use it?",
"Desktop link to Eclipse I was tring to install eclipse on ubuntu. What I did: I unzipped the tar archive of eclipse. I tried to start eclipse from the command line - like this - ./eclipse. It works. But then I tried to create a desktop icon with: gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop --create-new. In a new icon I showed the path to the eclipse executable which I could launch from the command line. But then eclipse does not start stating: A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations: /home/artem/eclipse/jre/bin/java java in your current PATH The same message appears if I try to launch eclipse by double-clicking its original launcher. So it starts from the terminal but not from the desktop (it does not start when double-clicked) And also I get a message in the terminal (at some stage it appeared): (gnome-desktop-item-edit:8998): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.DSV8LW': No such file or directory I am using Ubuntu 12.04 x32 and eclipse Juno. PS. PATH variable points at jdk/bin and JAVA_HOME - to the jdk folder PSS. I actually set the environment variables through .bashrc file(JAVA_HOME and PATH)",
"I have a .net client application which is connected to a remote database. Is it safe to keep a single connection open for the lifetime of the client (hours)? Does the answer hold if I have multiple (10 or 100) clients running?",
"When I launch certain programs from the command line like eclipse and document viewer in 11.10 it spews a load of information that seems inconsequential. Also when they are run in the background they sometimes continue to produce output to the terminal which I am currently working on, which is irritating. I would like them just launch and keep the background stuff in the background. My reasoning is that if you launch these programs through the GUI (eg double clicking on an icon) these messages are never shown to me, so I don't need them in the command line.",
"How do I remove a configuration object from the active configuration? I'm writing a custom module for Drupal 8. It defines a field storage configuration object, in a file called modules/mymod/config/install/field.storage.bloom_stem.bs_twitter_ac.yml. The problem is that this is not removed when I uninstall the module; it is apparently left behind because, when I re-install the module, I get a crash. drush -y pm-uninstall mymod drush cr drush -y en mymod exception 'Drupal\\Core\\Config\\PreExistingConfigException' with message 'Configuration objects (field.storage.bloom_stem.bs_twitter_ac) provided by mymod already exist in active configuration' So it seems I need to some how manually remove this configuration object. Do I need to provide some more code that deletes it when the module is uninstalled?",
"How can the contact point of rolling body have zero velocity? They say that for a rolling body, the velocity of the contact point is zero. I'm not getting this. How can it be zero when it's in continuous motion?",
"Is short-circuiting logical operators mandated? And evaluation order?",
"How to get product recommendations Possible Duplicate: I have a question of the form \"what companies provide service X?\" I checked meta, and apparently such questions are highly discouraged on all Stack Exchange sites. Which is fine, but it obviously raises the meta-question: Where can I ask my question? (In particular, I know that there are people hanging out on Stack Overflow who have probably needed the same service, so if an answer exists, they possess it...) Edit: I should perhaps point out that the service I'm looking for is rather specific and slightly obscure. Otherwise, yeah, this would be a 10-second exercise with Google.",
"The replier's From email address is modified when Marketing Cloud RMM forwards an email to the routing address We've set up RMM to forward replies to routing address and SFMC adds our subdomain to the replier's From email address (i.e. [email protected] becomes [email protected]). However, their reply-to address remains the same. It seems like DMARC Forward Reply Rewrite is enabled, but we were advised not to touch it as that may affect email deliverability. Is there any workaround to this? And what will happen if we disable this feature?",
"Map from real numbers to real numbers as abelian groups",
"If $f(x)$ is differentiable at x, I need to prove that $\\lim_{h\\to0}\\frac{f(x+h)-f(x-h)}{2h}$ exist and is finite. so if $f(x)$ is differentiable at a $x$, the difference quotient exist for this point, and also $f(x)$ must be continuous at x as well so that mean that: $\\lim_{h\\to0^+}\\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} = \\lim_{h\\to0^-}\\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$ and that: $\\lim_{x\\to x_0^+}=\\lim_{x\\to x_0^-}=f(x_0)$ I know I should probably use arithmetic limit laws to prove this but I can't see how what I figured out could help me. any help with that? Thanks!",
"What's the difference between \"I love singing\" and \"I love to sing\"? I would like to know what the difference is between \"I love doing something\" and \"I love to do something\". For example: “I love singing.” and, “I love to sing.” When I was young, I was told that \"love doing something\" is right, but one day, I found Jessie J wrote \"I love to sing\" on her Instagram.",
"How can you tell when a participle is being used as an adjective? I feel completely lost trying to guess. Just as a completely arbitrary example For every dedicated scientist patiently recording atmospheric pressure and wind speed while shivering at high altitudes, there is a carnival barker with a bevy of pretty girls willing to dangle from a basket or parachute down to earth.",
"Sometimes when you're downloading an image and the connection breaks mid stream, you are left with a half downloaded image. If you try to view it you get the upper part of the image and the bottom part is usually coloured grey or green or some other color. In other words, it is corrupted. Is there a way to check whether the image is damaged in that way or otherwise corrupted?",
"Strange floating-point behaviour in a Java program In my program I have one array with 25 double values 0.04 When I try to sum these values in a loop I get following results: 0.0 + 0.04 = 0.04 0.04 + 0.04 = 0.08 0.08 + 0.04 = 0.12 0.12 + 0.04 = 0.16 0.16 + 0.04 = 0.2 0.2 + 0.04 = 0.24000000000000002 0.24000000000000002 + 0.04 = 0.28 0.28 + 0.04 = 0.32 0.32 + 0.04 = 0.36 0.36 + 0.04 = 0.39999999999999997 0.39999999999999997 + 0.04 = 0.43999999999999995 0.43999999999999995 + 0.04 = 0.4799999999999999 0.4799999999999999 + 0.04 = 0.5199999999999999 0.5199999999999999 + 0.04 = 0.5599999999999999 0.5599999999999999 + 0.04 = 0.6 0.6 + 0.04 = 0.64 0.64 + 0.04 = 0.68 0.68 + 0.04 = 0.7200000000000001 0.7200000000000001 + 0.04 = 0.7600000000000001 0.7600000000000001 + 0.04 = 0.8000000000000002 0.8000000000000002 + 0.04 = 0.8400000000000002 0.8400000000000002 + 0.04 = 0.8800000000000002 0.8800000000000002 + 0.04 = 0.9200000000000003 0.9200000000000003 + 0.04 = 0.9600000000000003 Why on earth could that happen?!",
"How to colorize an image as in the example? I have seen such an effect being used in many places however I haven't figured out how to replicate it via Photoshop. I have tried desaturating the image, placing it under a layer of solid colour and then lowering the opacity of the colour. I have also tried a couple of blend modes, to no avail. The effect is nowhere near the same. Can someone please tell me the effect used on these images?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Need to download Census 2010 population,aging and housing information at block group level | Downloading US Census data? | [
"Do web designers need to know how to code? As a web developer, both front-end and back end architect, I work with many different designers and sometimes find it frustrating working with design comps where no thought was put into how to accomplish the design in basic CSS and HTML. On the other hand as a developer I'm expected to be able to produce code from any design. Do web designers need to know basic modern CSS and HTML techniques? Why or why not is this important for a well rounded web designer? Some general thoughts: Front end web developers should be skilled enough to code up any design. Web designers should have an understanding of how users will actually interact with their design. Design shops would rather have designers design and leave all the coding up to the developers.",
"In the following method definitions, what does the * and ** do for param2? def foo(param1, *param2): def bar(param1, **param2):",
"Raised index of partial derivative I am having a really hard time wrapping my head around component notation for tensor fields. For example, I do not know exactly what the following expression means $$\\partial_\\mu\\partial^\\nu \\phi, \\tag{$\\#$}$$ where $\\phi$ is a scalar field. On the one hand $\\partial^\\nu=g^{\\lambda\\nu}\\partial_\\lambda$ where $g_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the Minkowski metric, and hence we could write explicitly $$\\partial_\\mu\\partial^\\nu \\phi=\\sum_{\\mu,\\nu,\\lambda}g^{\\lambda\\nu}\\partial_\\mu \\partial_{\\lambda}\\phi=\\sum_{\\mu,\\nu}\\partial_{\\mu}\\partial_{\\nu}\\phi=\\partial_\\mu\\partial_\\nu\\phi. \\tag{$*$} $$ On the other hand, we may think of $\\partial_\\mu\\partial^\\nu=g(\\partial_\\mu,\\partial^\\nu)=\\delta_\\mu^\\nu;$ so that $\\partial_\\mu\\partial^\\nu\\phi=\\phi?$ Maybe? I am actually not sure of what this would mean. I am really confused. Any help is appreciated. Edit: To give context of where this expression comes from: I was computing the Lagrangian $$\\mathcal L=\\frac{1}{2}(\\partial_\\mu\\phi)(\\partial^\\mu \\phi) $$ considering an infinitesimal spacetime translation $x^ \\mu\\to x^\\mu-\\alpha a^\\mu$. The scalar field thus transforms like $\\phi(x)\\to \\phi(x)+\\alpha(\\partial_\\mu\\phi(x))a^\\mu.$ Plugging thins into the Lagrangian yields the term I am referring to. Edit 2: The change in placement of indices are actually my doubts. I try to elaborate. I do not have any background in using indices to talk about tensors. I am used to interpret the expressions $\\partial_\\mu$ as the local vector field defined in some chart (local coordinates). I think about vector fields $X$ as abstract section of the Tangent bundle, which restricted to local coordinates can be expressed as $X=X^\\mu\\partial_\\mu$. In the context of QFT, as far as I understand, the symbol $\\partial_\\mu$ denotes $(\\partial_t,\\nabla)$ in the local coordinates $(t,x,y,z)$. So that $\\partial_\\mu\\phi=(\\partial_t \\phi,\\partial_x \\phi,\\partial_y\\phi,\\partial_z\\phi)$. This was supposed to be my justification on why I wrote the summation on $\\mu$ and $\\nu$ in $(*)$, but now I note that this only applies when $\\mu$ or $\\nu$ appear twice, indicating the scalar product; which leads me to the last remark. I think of $g_{\\mu \\nu}$ as the component of the matrix $$g=\\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\\\ 0&-1&0&0\\\\ 0&0&-1&0\\\\ 0&0&0&-1\\\\ \\end{pmatrix}$$ which represents the pseudo-Riemmanian metric, which by definition acts on tangent vectors, i.e. linear combinations of the $\\partial_\\mu$ applied to a point. This is where my doubt comes, in which was the right way to interpret the notation; in particular what is the expresion $(\\#)$ in explicit coordinates?",
"Which is correct: \"he don't\" or \"he doesn't\"? Which one is correct in a sentence? He don't He doesn't I guess \"he doesn't\" should be correct because he is third person singular but I've seen some people using do with he. Which one is correct?",
"Evaluating the sum $\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\dfrac{(-1)^{n}}{n^{2}}$ I am tasked to evaluate the sum $$\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\dfrac{(-1)^{n}}{n^{2}}$$ Using contour integration. This is what I've done so far. Let $C_{N}$ be the square defined by the lines $x=\\pm(N+\\tfrac{1}{2})\\pi$ and $y=\\pm(N+\\tfrac{1}{2})\\pi$. Let $f=\\tfrac{1}{z^{2}\\sin(z)}$. I was able to prove that $$\\int_{C_{N}}\\dfrac{1}{z^{2}\\sin(z)}dz=2\\pi i\\left[\\dfrac{1}{6}+2\\sum_{n=1}^{N}\\dfrac{(-1)^{n}}{\\pi^{2}n^{2}} \\right]. $$ By Cauchy's residue theorem. So now if I could prove that he integral converges to zero then I would be done. The problem is that I can't seem to get an upper bound on the integral. I've having trouble with the fact that $|f|$ is unbounded within $C_{N}$ so ML inequality doesn't help me. Any hints would be great. Thanks.",
"Detect browser language in Rails",
"If two gravitational waves came in contact with each other what would happen? In another question entirely, what happens when a higher gravitational field interacts with a weaker one.",
"What is the antiderivative of $e^{-x^2}$ I was wondering what the antiderivative of $e^{-x^2}$ was, and when I wolfram alpha'd it I got $$\\displaystyle \\int e^{-x^2} \\textrm{d}x = \\dfrac{1}{2} \\sqrt{\\pi} \\space \\text{erf} (x) + C$$ So, I of course didn't know what this $\\text{erf}$ was and I looked it up on wikipedia, where it was defined as: $$ \\text{erf}(x) = \\dfrac{2}{\\sqrt{\\pi}} \\displaystyle \\int_0^x e^{-t^2} \\textrm{d}t $$ To my mathematically illiterate mind, this is a bit too circular to understand. Why can't we express $\\int e^{-x^2} \\textrm{d}x$ as a 'normal function'? Also, what is the use of the error function?",
"Duplicate objects transformation applies to both objects I'm facing this frustrating \"feature\" that I can't seem to remedy; when I duplicate an object (and now, even when I create two completely new objects), their transformations/scaling is synchronized. This is extremely annoying when trying to use any sort of transformation keyboard shortcut. It should be noted by going to the properties menu (N) and manually setting the properties works just fine. For instance, here is just the camera selected (trust me, I made sure): And when I try to transform by clicking+dragging on the X axis OR by hitting G->X, this happens: They are not grouped (verified by going to the Groups list up in the Scene panel) and they do not have parents (verified by going to Object->Relations). I have tried the unlink command as well, to no avail. I have seriously run out of options; what did I change to have my G->X shortcuts transform multiple objects? It seems completely at random, too; certain objects seemed to be \"linked\" to other random objects, and this \"linking\" is guaranteed when duplicating even when I do a non-linking duplicate (Shift+D). What gives?",
"What are tag badges? How do they work?",
"I've created a series of DEM files using the tool from LAStools; however since I don't have a licensed version they have black streaks running across them. Does anyone know a good method for removing these streaks?",
"\"If I would have lost you\" vs \"If I had lost you\" I watched a (Hollywood?) film the other day where a character visiting his just-hospitalised wife (who it seems will actually survive) says \"If I would have lost you [I don't know what I'd do]\". I'd always thought this was an error made by non-native speakers (I myself would only expect \"If I had lost you\"), but there was nothing to suggest that in the movie. Is it a regionalism? EDIT: Actually, that wasn't true about only expecting \"If I had lost you\". I'd have been perfectly happy with \"If I'd have lost you\", so long as I didn't think too hard about what was being elided. I'd usually elide \"have\" there to just a schwa (neutral vowel) anyway, and think no more about it.",
"Novel, group transported to a fantasy world, wild/chaos magic I was reading and was strongly reminded of a series I remember reading in my teens. This would have been a series of novels (possibly just one), published in English, and likely before 1980 - I read it in the 90s and it was fairly old, a used book. I do not think it is the same as the linked question, which is why I'm asking this separately. It was definitely a fantasy, not sci-fi. Plot: At least two girls (and possibly also some boys/other girls) are transported from modern Earth into a fantasy world. I think they're a group of friends, possibly with some romantic pairings, and are in the 16-25 age range. The first significant scene I remember is two of the girls ending up in a city, where they are taken in by an older female artist (might have been a different creative type, like a sculptor/actress). She's lesbian/bisexual. At some point she attempts to give one of the girls a love potion, but they reverse it on her, so instead the artist falls in love with the girl and accompanies her for the rest of the books. Twist: It's later revealed that the artist's friends recognized the love potion and removed it. She pretended to be in love and went along because she thought it would be interesting. At some point at least one of the girls ends up basically being a magical sex slave/prostitute. I remember her being tattooed or painted - I think in blue - and also possibly given some magical jewellery/piercings that ensure her obedience/love of her owner. I do not remember much of the over-arching plot, just a few disjointed pieces: The world has chaos/wild magic storms. The books might have called them something else. Anyone or anything caught by these storms is transformed into something else entirely, so different objects or species. These show up throughout as minor plot encounters. I think they can be defended against with a special material. Near the very end, a large storm engulfs a major city, giving it entirely new architecture and transforming the inhabitants into green, hermaphrodites with a centaurish body structure. I am not 100% sure this was the same novel, but I recall a secondary character with a secret - at night he turns into a woman (not just his body, but an entirely different person). At some point it's revealed that the woman was his lover, and he saved her life by sharing his body with her - of course, now they can never meet/touch again.",
"Difference between sentences using 'was' and 'being'? What is the meaning of below sentences using was and being? He committed suicide after he was severely beaten up by four teachers. He committed suicide after being severely beaten up by four teachers.",
"Why two objects get charged by rubbing?",
"How to use z-index in svg elements?",
"Necessary and sufficient condition for the matrix $A = I - 2 x x^t$ to be orthogonal",
"\"Will + be + verb -ing)\" vs \"Will + verb\" ? Can someone explain me the constructions (or however they are called) with the \"Will + be + verb -ing)\" and the \"Will + verb\" ?",
"Probability of a painted cube being reassembled into itself Suppose 27 cubes are stacked together, suspended in the air, to form a larger cube. The cube is then painted on all the exposed surfaces and dried. The smaller cubes are then randomly permuted in both spatial position and spatial orientation to form another large cube. What is the probability that new larger cube is identical to the original? This is not homework, it was passed on by a friend who found it somewhere on the internet, and they do not remember where.",
"Syntax error while defining an array as a property of a class"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Cocoa Unified (Login) Window | NSWindow Mac App Store like Title Bar | [
"Each spell has it's own casting time, e.g. takes 1 full round and takes a swift action. On the other hand, Drinking a potion or using an oil is a standard action as In many ways, they behave like spells in potion form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the alchemist's level as the caster level. Unlike potions, though, extracts can have powerful effects and duplicate spells that a potion normally could not. So how long does consuming an extract take? I'm inclined to believe that it takes just as long as the spell does to cast (e.g. a full round to Enlarge Person, only a swift for Burst of Speed) but I'd love to know if this is ever clarified in the rules or a FAQ that I've missed.",
"Matrix representation of linear transformation",
"AMD driver does not work on kernel 3.19.0-26",
"The following (links to pdf) in the has no provided source. The book by Ash and Gross seems to use a similar style. Where can I find hints for typesetting publication standard articles/books as above in TeX. I looked around a bit but couldnt find much from else from keyword searches. Particularly, I am looking at the chapter headings, title page design, and the mirror effect. Sorry for the title, as I dont really know what its called.",
"I have a sprite sheet from a classic video game (if you're curious, Final Fight) that I'd like to be broken up into indivual images to be used in . However, the images aren't on an even grid, and all have a different amount of space between them. Is there an automated way to export images based on contiguous pixels or something like that?",
"How to determine which program is making a certain sound in windows 7? I'm experiencing an annoying \"female robotic\" sound effect saying \"loading complete\" at uncertain interval in windows 7. I want to shut down that noise for good. To do that, I have to determine which program is making this sound. I tried to open the \"sound mixer\" window, only to find to program last made any sound, one is official GTalk client, one is system sound. I tried to close GTalk and the sound still existed. I started experiencing this issue not long after I installed a \"driver\" program for Rapoo E9198 wireless keyboard.",
"How can I stitch a panorama correctly if I moved the camera along the horizontal axis? Here in Argentina, we have . All the houses and walls on that street have some kind of mosaic stuck to it, and it's very cool. It was made by a local artist . Because to this piece of urban art is two blocks long, I've decided to make a panorama of it, by moving myself on an horizontal axis while taking photos. I mean, I took one photo, walked one step deeper along the street, took another photo, and so on. When I tried to stitch it in AutoPano, the following deformed thing came out: () And the other side of the block: () After this, I've learned about parallax error and why you have to avoid moving when making panoramas. I mean, there are a lot of connection errors on both images. Especially in the second one, the part with the corner is quite problematic to stitch because to as I moved, the perspective of the view changed a lot. So, is there any way to stitch this kind of panorama correctly? Would this only work on plain walls?",
"What does f-stop mean?",
"In languages like Java and C#, strings are immutable and it can be computationally expensive to build a string one character at a time. In said languages, there are library classes to reduce this cost such as C# System.Text.StringBuilder and Java java.lang.StringBuilder. Does php (4 or 5; I'm interested in both) share this limitation? If so, are there similar solutions to the problem available?",
"The definition of \"Lie group\" typically restricts to a smooth manifold. If we instead define a \"Lie group\" to be a topological manifold such that multiplication and inversion are continuous, is the manifold necessarily smooth? Is the smooth structure unique if we want a smooth Lie group? I believe the answer is yes, since a connected Lie group structure is determined by the Lie algebra, but my search attempts failed.",
"What exactly is \"base ISO\" and how do I find what is base ISO on my camera? If I understood correctly, base ISO is in full stop steps from the lowest possible ISO setting on my camera. For example if the lowest setting on my camera is ISO 100, than the following table would be base ISO: 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 While steps in between like 125, 160, 250, 320, 500, 640, 1000, 1300, 2000, 2500, 4000, 5000 would be third-stop \"pulled\" values, which result more noise than perhaps higher base ISO values (for example 2500 is worse than 3200). Did I get this right or missed by a mile, what did I miss? Do non-base ISO values generate more noise than next higher base-value ISO stop? How do I find what are my base-value ISO stops (is it the lowest ISO value multiplied by 2n)?",
"If $\\gcd(a,b)=1$, then $\\gcd(a+b,a^2 -ab+b^2)=1$ or $3$. Hint: $a^2 -ab +b^2 = (a+b)^2 -3ab.$ I know we can say that there exists an $x,y$ such that $ax + by = 1$. So in this case, $(a+b)x + ((a+b)^2 -3ab)y =1.$ I thought setting $x = (a+b)$ and $y = -1$ would help but that gives me $3ab =1.$ Any suggestions?",
"MATLAB superclass can not be found on the MATLAB's search path",
"Returning an unevaluated expression with values substituted in",
"How to handle client requests to violate copyrights?",
"SQL to generate a list of numbers from 1 to 100",
"How to make a FPS-like camera in BGE",
"Proof Verification: Converse of Intermediate Value Theorem",
"Is adjusting p-values in a multiple regression for multiple comparisons a good idea? Lets assume you are a social science researcher/econometrician trying to find relevant predictors of demand for a service. You have 2 outcome/dependent variables describing the demand (using the service yes/no, and the number of occasions). You have 10 predictor/independent variables that could theoretically explain the demand (e.g., age, sex, income, price, race, etc). Running two separate multiple regressions will yield 20 coefficients estimations and their p-values. With enough independent variables in your regressions you would sooner or later find at least one variable with a statistically significant correlation between the dependent and independent variables. My question: is it a good idea to correct the p-values for multiple tests if I want to include all independent variables in the regression? Any references to prior work are much appreciated.",
"When should I use \"a\" vs \"an\"?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Adding new classes when user changes type | How to add a class to a given element? | [
"Lower bound for $\\phi(n)$: Is $n/5 1$? Is it true that : $\\frac {n}{5} < \\phi (n) < n$ for all $n > 1$ where $\\phi (n)$ is . Since $\\phi(n)$ has maximum value when $n$ is a prime it follows that maximum value of $\\phi(n)$ in term of $n$ is $n-1$ , therefore $\\phi(n)< n$ for all $n$. What is the best lower bound for $\\phi(n)$?",
"Show that a set is dense in $[-1,1]$ Show that $\\{\\cos\\ n:n \\in \\mathbb{N}\\}$ is dense in $[-1,1]$ by using the fact below: Suppose $x$ is irrational. Then there exists $p_n,q_n \\in \\mathbb{Z}$ such that $\\bigg|x -\\frac{p_n}{q_n}\\bigg| < \\frac{1}{q_n^2}$ I have no idea on how to apply the fact above to show the set is dense in $[-1,1]$. Can anyone help me?",
"Let $f$ be a real valued and continuous function over $[a,b]$ with $a <b$ such that $f(a)=f(b)$ , My question here is : Question (claim): How to show that : there exists $c \\in [a, \\frac{a+b}{2} ]$ such that : $f(c)=f(c+\\frac{b-a}{2})$. Note: I have tried intermediate values but I didn't succeed.",
"Shapefile Naming conventions in ArcPy? I have shapefile named `band-tailed_pigeon.shp which is fine and no problem on displaying or geoprocessing on Desktop but in ArcPy when I try to merge some layes to it I am getting this error ExecuteError: ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters Failed to execute (Merge). I tried to do the proccess with a simple name like sample.shp which it works but I HAVE TO keep the same name as we are using them in several projects. Here is the code which I have FinaloutLocation = "E:\\\\GIS\\\\Data\\\\Final\\\\band-tailed_pigeon.shp" inFeaturesToMerge = [dissolve_1, dissolve_2, dissolve_3, dissolve_4, dissolve_5] arcpy.Merge_management(inFeaturesToMerge, FinaloutLocation)",
"100 prisoners are imprisoned in solitary cells. Each cell is windowless and soundproof. There's a central living room with one light bulb; the bulb is initially off. No prisoner can see the light bulb from his or her own cell. Each day, the warden picks a prisoner equally at random, and that prisoner visits the central living room; at the end of the day the prisoner is returned to his cell. While in the living room, the prisoner can toggle the bulb if he or she wishes. Also, the prisoner has the option of asserting the claim that all 100 prisoners have been to the living room. If this assertion is false (that is, some prisoners still haven't been to the living room), all 100 prisoners will be shot for their stupidity. However, if it is indeed true, all prisoners are set free and inducted into MENSA, since the world can always use more smart people. Thus, the assertion should only be made if the prisoner is 100% certain of its validity. Before this whole procedure begins, the prisoners are allowed to get together in the courtyard to discuss a plan. What is the optimal plan they can agree on, so that eventually, someone will make a correct assertion? I was wondering does anyone know the solution for the 4,000 days solution. Also, anyone got any ideas on how to solve this? Just wanted to know if anyone got any ideas how to solve this. is offering prize money for a proof of a optimal solution for it. I suppose to make it clear the people want a plan that would mean on average it would take least amount of time to free the prisoner. The point is the average run time is as low as possible.",
"Differential Geometry-Wedge product How can we prove the following relation for differentiating the wedge product of a p-form $\\alpha_p$ and a q-form $\\beta_q$$$d(\\alpha_p\\wedge\\beta _q)=d\\alpha_p\\wedge\\beta_q+(-1)^{p}\\alpha_p\\wedge d\\beta_q$$",
"Let $A_n$ denote an $n \\times n$ tridiagonal matrix. $$A_n=\\begin{pmatrix}2 & -1 & & & 0 \\\\ -1 & 2 & -1 & & \\\\ & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\\\ & & -1 & 2 & -1 \\\\ 0 & & & -1 & 2 \\end{pmatrix} \\quad\\text{for }n \\ge 2$$ Set $D_n = \\det(A_n)$ Prove that $D_n = 2D_{n-1} - D_{n-2}$ for $n \\ge 4$.",
"Which movie/TV show has an evil cyborg harvesting eyes from androids in a hidden town? I watched it maybe more than 8 to 12 years ago, but as far as I remember there was this place where androids (or maybe they were cyborgs) lived. (I think it was more like a hidden town). This guy finds them by accident (or at least I remember it that way) and tries to help them. I don't remember seeing any aliens or spaceships or anything like that. It was live-action, and I think US-based. So, what I remember: The bad guy is a human who has one red flashy robotic eye (not like terminators, it looks like a square eye patch above one of his eyes that functions like a second eye), he is collecting eyes from these androids/cyborgs. He also kills some of these androids/cyborgs but not all of them, some of them he just collects their eyes and doesn't kill (or get to kill). There was this woman who was a sexbot or something, she tried to give pleasure to the bad guy at some point, yet the bad guy added one of her eyes to his collection instead, but didn't/wasn't able to kill her. Towards the end she says something like \"I used to give pleasure, now I only want to give pain\" The human guy who found them tried to help them defend themselves from the bad guys, but they were in bad shape, many of them needed repair. To repair some of them, they needed spare parts they didn't seem to have, but one of the android/cyborg dudes said something like \"we don't really bury our dead\" and he brought a box of spare parts (or maybe android/cyborg body parts), they used these parts to repair some of the androids/cyborgs. There was this android/cyborg guy who was an assassin or something, but lost his fingers or hands, they couldn't find any hands compatible to his, but he said something like \"I can still feel my trigger finger, just attach the weapons to my hands\". I remember it as a great movie/tv show, but I can't find anything about it. Can someone help me? Please and thank you in advance...",
"\"register\" keyword in C? What does the register keyword do in C language? I have read that it is used for optimizing but is not clearly defined in any standard. Is it still relevant and if so, when would you use it?",
"What's the \"official\" explanation for Harry's (and everyone else's) absence from muggle school? So a bunch of kids all of a sudden \"go missing\" from school. Harry Potter having attended school for a couple of years before starting at Hogwarts, one semester just doesn't show up. How is this solved? What do parents say when a school teacher calls and wonders where their pupil is? I assume that Hogwarts isn't an officially recognized school (though perhaps it is?), and due to education being compulsory, someone would do the math and find that low-hundreds of kids go missing in the transition from primary to secondary school every year.",
"Is the wave function of a particle re-created after a measurement stops?",
"\"None is\" or \"none are\" I was asked if the following sentences will create problems and what are the assumptions I have to make: (d) There are grammarians in the room but none of them is an American. (e) There are grammarians in the room but none of them are Americans. What is the problem in both sentences? They clearly have two main clauses which are connected by the coordinated conjunction 'but'. I know that grammar-wise, the 'is/are' don't really matter since both can be used with 'none', but would the tense in the first main clause 'are' affect the use of 'none'?",
"In an alternating current, do electrons flow from the source to the device? If electrons in an alternating current periodically reverse their direction, do they really flow? Won't they always come back to the same position?",
"It's $\\mathbb{Z}\\subseteq \\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^5-1)$ an integral extension? It's $\\mathbb{Z}\\subseteq \\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^5-1)$ an integral extension? $\\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^5-1) \\simeq \\mathbb{Z}[x]$ where $x^5-1=0$. So is an integral extension because $x$ is integral over $\\mathbb{Z}$. It's right?",
"Problem 4.6, I. Martin Isaacs' Character Theory",
"Number of ways to pair off $2n$ points such that no chords intersect For $n \\geq 0$ evenly distribute $2n$ points on the circumference of a circle, and label these point cyclically with the numbers $1, 2 . . . , 2n$ Let $h_n$ be the number of ways in which these $2n$ points can be paired off as $n$ chords where no two chords intersect I want to find a recursive formula for $h_n$. First I find $h_1,h_2,h_3$ to see the recursive nature. $h_1 = 1$ as their only one way to make one chord $h_2 = 2$ Now $\\require{enclose} \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{h_3=4}h_3=5$ ((1,4), (2,3), (5,6) case is missed in image) I found a wikipedia link and it is very close to my problem, But in this link you don't need to pair off $n$ chords. But I can't get to come up with a recursive formula for my question. If I would to guess I would say $h_n = 2 \\times h_{n-1}$, And would this means that $h_4 = 8$ ??",
"A famous exercise which one encounters while doing Complex Analysis (Residue theory) is to prove that the given integral: $$\\int\\limits_0^\\infty \\frac{\\sin x} x \\,\\mathrm dx = \\frac \\pi 2$$ Well, can anyone prove this without using Residue theory? I actually thought of using the series representation of $\\sin x$: $$\\int\\limits_0^\\infty \\frac{\\sin x} x \\, dx = \\lim\\limits_{n \\to \\infty} \\int\\limits_0^n \\frac{1}{t} \\left( t - \\frac{t^3}{3!} + \\frac{t^5}{5!} + \\cdots \\right) \\,\\mathrm dt$$ but I don't see how $\\pi$ comes here, since we need the answer to be equal to $\\dfrac{\\pi}{2}$.",
"Why did Sirius Black's family live among Muggles?",
"Multiple submit buttons in an HTML form Let's say you create a wizard in an HTML form. One button goes back, and one goes forward. Since the back button appears first in the markup when you press Enter, it will use that button to submit the form. Example: <form> <!-- Put your cursor in this field and press Enter --> <input type=\"text\" name=\"field1\" /> <!-- This is the button that will submit --> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"prev\" value=\"Previous Page\" /> <!-- But this is the button that I WANT to submit --> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"next\" value=\"Next Page\" /> </form> I would like to get to decide which button is used to submit the form when a user presses Enter. That way, when you press Enter the wizard will move to the next page, not the previous. Do you have to use tabindex to do this?",
"App Store on Mojave: \"We could not complete your purchase. cancelled\" Whenever I try to Get then Install any app from the App Store, I get this message: We could not complete your purchase. cancelled I did some searching online, but barely found any useful hits. What is this about?!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
how can i change a value which is common in all selected objects in one go? | How do I copy a property from an active object to selected objects? | [
"Solving a system of ODEs with the Runge-Kutta method",
"What suggestions should I make when reviewing a poorly written paper? Since I need a break from the reviewing... Often in my field I review papers from researchers in Asia (reviews are not double blind) which are poorly written. By poorly written, I don't mean that the prose is not pleasing to the eye, that there are problems with how the writing flows, or that there are innocuous typos or spelling mistakes. Instead, the grammar used by the authors differs seriously from normal English, and often produces significant changes in the meaning of sentences. Usually such papers are ultimately readable, but one has to go back and re-read sentences or paragraphs several times to infer the meaning (and this is with strong knowledge of the research area!), so I generally won't reject a paper solely for this reason. However, I would feel remiss in my duties as a reviewer if I didn't instruct the authors to improve this aspect of the paper. I'd like to provide helpful advice for the authors without just giving them a laundry list of the errors. Typically I highlight a few places where I had significant trouble understanding what they actually meant to say, and suggest seeking a professional editor before publication. Are these reasonable things to suggest? What other suggestions can I make?",
"My book says \\begin{equation} (a,b)=\\{\\{a\\},\\{a,b\\}\\} \\end{equation} I have been staring at this for a bit and it doesn't make sense to me. I have read several others posts on this, but none made any sense to me. For example, Based on how my ignorant brain is viewing this, I don't see why the definition could not be. \\begin{equation} (a,b)=\\{\\{a\\},\\{b\\},\\{a,b\\}\\} \\end{equation} aka the power set. What is the significance of the {a} in that definition? Please keep things simple if possible. Normally definitions have a valid and clear reason for being defined that way. Clarification First, I understand what an ordered pair is. I just don't see how the set notation says that. Second, \\begin{equation} (a,b) = \\{\\{a\\},\\{a,b\\}\\}=\\{\\{a,b\\},\\{a\\}\\} \\end{equation} Sets don't preserve order, but ordered pairs do. How does the third part of the equality apply to the definition? Third, another issue with the notation that I have starts with the Product Property of Sets \\begin{equation} \\text{Let $X$ and $Y$ be sets} :\\ X=\\{a,b,c\\}\\text{ and }Y=\\{a,d,e\\}. \\end{equation} \\begin{equation} \\text{Then }X \\times Y = \\{(a,a),(a,d),(a,e),(b,a),(b,d),(b,e),\\dots,(c,e)\\} \\end{equation} If we look at the first ordered pair and our given definition we have \\begin{equation} (a,a)=\\{\\{a\\},\\{a,a\\}\\} \\end{equation} How can this be so, you can't have duplicates in sets? I guess what I am looking for in an answer, is not a proof or a definition of ordered pairs, but rather something like, \"This notation says what it says because...\". Except for the second to last point I get the terminology, I just don't get the connection between the two different uses of notation.",
"Is there any way I can use partitions on Windows 7? I have tried to install , but it doesn't seems to run on Windows 7.",
"Armature keeps spinning around root bone in pose mode when I try to move anything I was following a tutorial on rigging (was pretty much done) and now my entire model keeps spinning around the main root bone if I try to move any bone at all. (first picture is where it originally was and still is while in Rest Position, second image is of how it changes when in Pose Position while in Pose Mode or Object mode, Edit Mode seems fine) I tried clearing All Transforms or hitting the ALT+g, s, r while all were selected and that just caused it to spin in the same direction like everything else does as shown in this picture: I was nearly finished with this video tutorial here, and near the last part my issue began. 2:28:07 was the last time I was in edit mode and the pose was fine. Right after the little turrets he then went and parented 3 more bones and then he switches back to pose mode with no problem, I suspect somewhere in there is where the problem occurred on my end. I could have sworn I followed it correctly but maybe I went wrong somewhere I have no idea. I couldn't find another issue like mine exactly so sorry if this question has been asked before, I'm still very new. Edit: I checked in the video comments to see if it had happened to anyone else but I did not see any mention of it unfortunately. Edit2: Picture for more detail on the yellow lines.",
"I'm having trouble finding something to clarify this. It's been mentioned in the Difficulty Class section of the DMG (238) that there should be a 50/50 chance that an average person can succeed at a DC 10 challenge, implying you have to beat it. However, I'd always thought that there's a 50/50 chance for an average person to hit another average person, but the chance is really 55/45, since you only have to equal their AC.",
"I have a dll that was written in c++, I need to use this dll in my c# code. After searching I found that using P/Invoke would give me access to the function I need, but these functions are defined with in a class and use non-static private member variables. So I need to be able to create an instance of this class to properly use the functions. How can I gain access to this class so that I can create an instance? I have been unable to find a way to do this. I guess I should note that the c++ dll is not my code.",
"What's the difference between dot syntax and square bracket syntax?",
"what is the C++/CLI syntax to subscribe for events? I'm updating some old Managed C++ code with lines like this: instanceOfEventSource->add_OnMyEvent( new EventSource::MyEventHandlerDelegate(this, MyEventHandlerMethod) ); where EventSource is the class that publishes events instanceOfEventSource is an instance of that class EventSource::MyEventHandlerDelegate is the delegate type for the event MyEventHandlerMethod is a (non-static) method within the current class (of which \"this\" is an instance) with the signature matching EventSource::MyEventHandlerDelegate What is the right syntax for this in C++/CLI?",
"How can I wrap text around a bottom-right div?",
"I have a file, which was encrypted with AES-128 in ECB mode. I know the format of the original file and know that all files in this format have the same headers. So, I have an encrypted block and the original block. Can I get the encryption key, using this information?",
"Partial instead of full markers are shown in PGFplots When using \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis} \\addplot [ red, solid, mark=x, domain=-3e-3:3e-3, samples=50 ] {exp(-x^2/(2e-3^2))/(1e-3*sqrt(2*pi))}; \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} the markers look fine, see , but when I replace solid with, for instance, loosely dashed, so \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis} \\addplot [ red, loosely dashed, mark=x, domain=-3e-3:3e-3, samples=50 ] {exp(-x^2/(2e-3^2))/(1e-3*sqrt(2*pi))}; \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} the markers only show partially instead of fully, see . How can I use loosely dashed with full markers showing?",
"Migrating to full Ubuntu after dual installation on WinXP I previously ran 12.04 alongside WinXP to see how it performed on my mom's older laptop. i also migrated her email to Thunderbird. If I now convert from dual WinXP/Ubuntu to only run Ubuntu will things like her Thunderbird emails be transferred as part of the Ubuntu full install? Or must I do something else? I am fairly tech aware, but not a full IT boffin!",
"Getting an error in W3C Markup Validation when trying to get a whole element as a link in a page",
"Which is the correct gerund clause? 'People's killing animals', or 'People killing animals ... '?",
"How can I determine the sudo password? What is the default password of the sudo? I visit some forums, it tells that the default password is password, but it doesn't work, how can I determine the password?",
"Fake News Detection problem I would like to work on a project for Fake News Detection especially for Indians news which are in different languages and different formats. Fake news as image with no or very less text Fake news on a blog site Fake news as Tweets Fake news in Hindi Fake news in the watsapp group and shared across. Need your help on the approach. One approach I can think of is using OCR we can read the content of the post, then search those content in the google. If the news is not present in any of the famous print media then we can tag it as fake. However there can be many challenges in this. What if the print media itself gives any fake news shared by someone. How to handle the scenario where there is no text in the image but the information shown as image is fake. How to handle posts written in Hindi. ? And even if we detect fake news, is there any way to make the person accountable for sharing it. ? I know it is little difficult problem to solve. But is there any work currently done by any company on this. ? Any starting point for me to get into this domain ?",
"How does a cell phone charger work?",
"I have a rechargeable vacuum cleaner with NiMH batteries, 1800mAh and 14.4 volts, 12 cells. The charger is 18v 200mA. The batteries have now died. Can I replace the batteries with 4 cell Li-ion in series? That will be 14.4 volts, if considered 3.7v each. Of course, I know it will be roughly 4 volts when fully charged. Li-ion batteries in my mind: 18650, 2500mAh. Also, can I charge them with the same charger?",
"403 error after upgrading to apache2.4 After upgrading from Ubuntu 13.04 server, the www pages won't display themselves. Error 403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. I've changed access control saves from apache2.2 to apache2.4, but that didn't work. What else could I do?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Gregorian Calendar month of year | Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? | [
"I need a formula for conditional formatting to make an Excel 2010 spreadsheet alternate highlighting when a single column changes. This question, \"\", is exactly what I want to do, but the suggested solution didn't work for me--it just highlights the first row of each matching value. I know how to use conditional formatting, but for the life of me I can't figure out or find any pointers on the net so far to make this work. Ideas? Here is a link to a picture of how I want my spreadsheet to look when I'm done. Basically I want every other Disp Number value row to be highlighted. Seems like it would be a common thing to want to do, and I've seen this asked for in various places, but people struggle with making it work.",
"How can I set up password-less SSH login? I want to be able to login to a remote via ssh without having to enter the password all the time. How do I set it up? Is a different command required to execute a password-less session?",
"E: Malformed entry 54 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list (Component)",
"My network includes machines running Linux and others running Windows. And my machine is running Linux.",
"Can I learn Dual Talent Specialization? World of Warcraft has an ability to have two different talent builds and switch between them with a button press. Does this exist in Star Wars: The Old Republic? If so, where (and when) do I learn it and how much does it cost to learn?",
"Why does HTML require that multiple spaces show up as a single space in the browser? I have long recognized that any set of whitespace in an HTML file will only be displayed as a single space. For instance, this: <p>Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.</p> displays as: Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. This is perfectly fine, as if you need multiple spaces of pre-formatted text you can just use the <pre> tag. But what is the reason? More precisely, why is this in the specification for HTML?",
"Here $n$ belongs to natural numbers. Firstly, I proved the relation by putting $n = 1$ . Then, taking $$|\\sin(mx)| \\leq m|\\sin x|$$ true, I had to prove $$|\\sin(m + 1)x| \\leq (m + 1)|\\sin x|$$ Now, here I got stuck. How to prove it?? Please help.",
"Why are more powerful tools using higher voltage? AFAIK each of the world leading cordless power tools manufacturers produces several \"product lines\" of cordless power tools with different voltages. For example, Bosch currently produces tools with Li-Ion batteries with 10,7V, 14,4V, 18V and 36V output and the higher the voltage the more powerful a tool is. Now those tools are powered by batteries that are assembled from cells with lower voltage (something like 3,7 volts for Li-Ion cells I guess) and cells are connected in sequence until the target voltage is reached. They could instead connect cells in parallel. They would have the same voltage, but higher current and that would again yield higher power. Why do they choose higher voltage over same voltage and higher current to get higher power in electric tools?",
"Should I use single or double colon notation for pseudo-elements?",
"Is the unit sphere in $\\Bbb R^4$ path connected?",
"How to vertically center content with variable height within a div? What is the best way to vertically center the content of a div when the height of the content is variable. In my particular case, the height of the container div is fixed, but it would be great if there were a solution that would work in cases where the container has a variable height as well. Also, I would love a solution with no, or very little use of CSS hacks and/or non-semantic markup.",
"Notation for intervals I have frequently encountered both $\\langle a,b \\rangle$ and $[a,b]$ as notation for closed . I have mostly encountered $(a,b)$ for open intervals, but I have also seen $]a,b[$. I recall someone calling the notation with $[a,b]$ and $]a,b[$ as French notation. What are the origins of the two notations? Is the name French notation correct? Are they used frequently in France? Or were they perhaps prevalent in French mathematical community at some point? (In this Bourbaki is mentioned in connection with the notation $]a,b[$.) Since several answerers have already mentioned that they have never seen $\\langle a,b \\rangle$ to be used for closed intervals, I have tried to look for some occurrences for this. The best I can come up with is the article on , where these notations are called Czech notation and French notation. Using $(a,b)$ and $[a,b]$ is called English notation in that article. (I am from Central Europe, too, so it is perhaps not that surprising that I have seen this notation in lectures.) I also tried to google for or . Surprisingly, this lead me to a where this notation is used for open interval.",
"I have a MicroSD card in a USB adapter (which plugs into a USB port on my machine, and acts like a USB flash drive). I was using Unetbootin to make this a bootable USB flash drive with Kubuntu. But I needed to cancel while it was working. So I killed the Unetbootin process from the console. Since then, I can't format the MicroSD or delete the folder that Kubuntu made. I have also tried mkdosfs, with no success. I can't mount the drive anymore either? What can I do to make this drive usable again? Trying to create a new partition table in GParted, as described in Eliah Kagan's answer, does not work. It fails with the error message \"imposible crear tabla de particiones\" (\"unable to create a partition table\").",
"I have a 250G disk on my Mac with around 100G in use. But the system reports only around 20G of free space. I'm using macOS 10.13.2. I have the problem at least since the upgrade to High Sierra, but probably also before. \"About This Mac\" --> \"Storage\" reports that \"System\" is using around 180G. But if I check the complete disk, it looks like that: $ sudo du -cxhd 1 / 0B /.HFS+ Private Directory Data 1.0K /home 4.3G /usr 4.2G /.Spotlight-V100 1.0K /net 34G /nix 0B /.PKInstallSandboxManager 0B /.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware 2.6M /bin 0B /Network 1.1M /sbin 3.8G /Library 0B /.Trashes 6.5G /System 476K /.fseventsd du: /private/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Store: Operation not permitted du: /private/var/folders/z7/[...]/0/SafariFamily: Operation not permitted du: /private/var/folders/z7/[...]/0/com.apple.LaunchServices.dv: Operation not permitted du: /private/var/folders/z7/[...]/0/com.apple.nsurlsessiond: Operation not permitted du: /private/var/folders/z7/[...]/0/com.apple.routined: Operation not permitted du: /private/var/folders/zz/[...]/0/com.apple.nsurlsessiond: Operation not permitted 8.0G /private 8.6M /.DocumentRevisions-V100 0B /.vol 32G /Users 11G /Applications 207M /opt 5.0K /dev 4.0K /Volumes 0B /cores 104G / 104G total df also says that only 20G are available: $ df -h / Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/disk1s1 234Gi 211Gi 20Gi 92% 4019132 9223372036850756675 0% / Any tool I was using (Finder, Disk Inventory X, etc.) shows more or less the same numbers like df and du. Output of mount: $ mount /dev/disk1s1 on / (apfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse) /dev/disk1s4 on /private/var/vm (apfs, local, noexec, journaled, noatime, nobrowse) map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse) map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse) I read and tested many, many things like: ... but with no success. So what could consume more than 100G of disk space without showing up in any tool? Update Running „First Aid“ in recovery mode: What does this error message mean? error: btn:1: invalid key order (1) oid 440198 / oxid 114577 fsroot tree is invalid. Update 2018-01-25 Another report of the same error: (but no answers, yet) I'm pretty sure this file system error is the root cause for the missing disk space. But I have no idea how to fix that. I was hoping that 10.13.3 would maybe solve it, but it didn't change anything. I guess I need to reinstall...",
"With spells like Moonbeam or Flaming Sphere, how should we treat the movement of their areas-of-effect when it comes to passing them behind a thick pillar or around a blind corner? Should we treat any movement of them as if they are being 're-cast' (and so requiring a clear unobstructed view)? Or could a mage presumably will them somewhere out-of-sight?",
"Whenever I try to Get then Install any app from the App Store, I get this message: We could not complete your purchase. cancelled I did some searching online, but barely found any useful hits. What is this about?!",
"Why use swap when there is more than enough free space in RAM? Using swap space instead of RAM can drastically slow down a PC. So why, when I have more than enough RAM available, does my Linux system (Arch) use the swap? Checkout my conky output below: Also, could this be the cause of speed and system-responsiveness issues I'm having? Output of free -m : $ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 1257 1004 252 0 51 778 -/+ buffers/cache: 174 1082 Swap: 502 144 357",
"Is the collapse of the wave function inherently time asymmetric?",
"lstlisting directly after section start removes margin before next section If I place an lstlisting directly after the start of a (sub)section, the margin before the following (sub)section (title) disappears. Here is a an example document showing the issue: \\documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \\usepackage{listings} \\begin{document} \\section{Lorem ipsum} Consectetur adipiscing elit. \\begin{lstlisting} Lorem \\end{lstlisting} Sed quis ante nec mi volutpat congue eu id leo. \\section{Dolor sit amet} Suspendisse at lorem mattis, semper massa id, euismod risus. \\newpage \\section{Lorem ipsum} \\begin{lstlisting} Lorem \\end{lstlisting} Sed quis ante nec mi volutpat congue eu id leo. \\section{Dolor sit amet} Suspendisse at lorem mattis, semper massa id, euismod risus. \\end{document} And you can see the (annotated) result here: Why is there no margin before the fourth section (title)? Is this a bug in my LaTeX environment (MacTeX-2013), or is this the expected behavior?",
"I have a question about editing practices: Does it look good to edit a question you have just answered? For example: say I had just answered a question, then saw that the question had some minor formatting issues. Should I edit it? Does it turn up voters off when they see that I am answering a question I changed, possibly to better suit my answer?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to get Heroes of Might and Magic 1 for Windows 95 work in Windows 7 64-bit | Installing a 16-bit Windows 95 game on 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium | [
"This question is from [Number Theory George E. Andrews 1-1 #3]. Prove that $$x^n-y^n=(x-y)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+\\ldots+xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1}).$$ This problem is driving me crazy. $$x^n-y^n = (x-y)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+\\dots +xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1)}$$ $(x^n-y^n)/(x-y) =$ the sum for the first $n$ numbers and then I added $(xy^{(n+1)-2}+y^{(n+1)-1})$ which should equal $(x^{n+1}-y^{n+1})/(x-y)$ but I can't figure it out This is a similar problem in the book and I tried this method but it wasn't working out $\\quad$Thereom $\\bf1$-$\\bf2$: $\\,\\,\\,\\,$ If $\\,x$ is any real number other than $1$, then $$\\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}x^j=1+x+x^2+\\ldots+x^{n-1}=\\dfrac{x^n-1}{x-1}.$$ $\\quad$Remark: $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}A_j$ is shorthand for $A_0+A_1+A_2+\\ldots+A_{n-1}.$ $\\quad$Proof: Again we proceed by mathematical induction. If $n=1$ then $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{1-1}x^j=x^0=1$ and $(x-1)/(x-1)=1$. Thus the theorem is true for $n=1$. $\\quad$ Assuming that $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}x^j=(x^k-1)/(x-1)$, we find that $$ \\eqalign{ \\sum^{(k+1)-1}_ {j=0}x^j & = \\sum^{k-1}_ {j=0}x^j+x^k=\\dfrac{x^k-1}{x-1}+x^k \\\\ &= \\dfrac{x^k-1+x^{k+1}-x^k}{x-1}\\\\ &= \\dfrac{x^{k+1}-1}{x-1}. }$$ Hence condition $(\\rm ii)$ is fulfilled, and we have established the theorem. $\\quad$Corollary $\\bf1$-$\\bf1$: $\\,\\,$ If $\\,m$ and $n$ are positive integers and if $m>1$, then $n<m^n.$",
"What are tag synonyms and merged tags? How do they work?",
"My bibliography (made with biblatex) has all items close to each other. I would like to introduce some space between them, e.g. half a line. How can I do this?",
"It can be proved that there are two irrational numbers $a$ and $b$ such that $a^b$ is rational (see ) and that for each irrational number $c$ there exists another irrational number $d$ such that $c^d$ is rational (see ). My question is: Is there an irrational number $a$ such that $a^a$ is rational (and how could you prove that)?",
"Is it possible to see a list of all my edits using a query?",
"Unable to cover get set in apex test class I am unable to cover the following class get set method. Need help in creating test class public class Aresult{ public class Parent { public String type {get; set;} public String id {get; set;} public String sequence_id {get; set;} public String etag {get; set;} public String name {get; set;} } } Please suggest @isTest public class CirriusGetItemsResultTest { public static void myUnitTest(){ Aresult.parent a = new Aresult.parent(); a.type='hello'; a.id='hello'; a.sequence_id ='hello'; a.etag ='hello'; a.name ='hello'; } }",
"Is there an optimal loss function for dealing with imbalanced classes? I'm aware that there are many ways of dealing with datasets where there is a strong class imbalance in the target variable: downsampling the more prevalent and less important class, over-weighting the valuable minority class, etc. Are there any loss functions that are ideally suited for these types of problems? I've heard of AUC, but AUC sounds like a means of evaluating a model once its training is complete (correct me if I'm wrong). Log loss and squared loss penalize a model's over confidence, but overconfidence and class imbalance seem unrelated. Is that true?",
"Should we avoid negative words when writing error messages?",
"Moving app to production mode in Symfony 2",
"Minecraft LAN \"java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information:\" I am trying to play a map on LAN. But every time I try to log on, I get: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: This used to work, but for some reason has stopped all of a sudden. I looked it up online, and everything I found said the firewall just wasn't allowing Java through. I followed tutorials to allow Java through the firewall, but even then it won't work. I know for a fact that I'm putting the IP in correctly, and everything seems to be correct, but yet I still get the same error message. If it helps any, I'm using MC version 1.8.9 (the map requires it), and I don't have any mods.",
"Why does Stack Exchange use Imgur over Amazon S3 or Azure? What benefit does offer over , , etc. for image hosting? Is it the simplicity of integration? The cost model? What's better about using a \"gateway\"?",
"What's the easiest way to play a sound file (.wav) in Python? By easiest I mean both most platform independent and requiring the least dependencies. pygame is certainly an option, but it seems overkill for just sound.",
"Young Adult Fantasy about children living with an elderly woman and learning magic related to their skills",
"Stack Overflow in ES, PT, RU, JP have mixed-language descriptions",
"Is the 2DS region locked? Will I be able to play NA games on a Japanese System? If I purchase a 2DS from Japan, will I be able to play American games on it?",
"What are the differences between $$, \\[, align, equation and displaymath? I once learnt, that it is uncool to use $$, but why is that? Why does \\[ not act as a abbreviation to \\begin{align}? I noticed, that there is a difference, since one cannot use & and \\\\ inside a block started with \\[.",
"Connecting two Ethernet PHY without magnetics? In a (tentative) new design I want to connect two 100 Mbit/s Ethernet PHY similar to , separated by few inches on the same PCB, with same ground plane (but different power supplies). I have the choice of one of my PHY, but the other is embedded in an as-yet-unspecified PCIe to Ethernet IC (perhaps Gigabit but used in 100 Mbit/s mode), and it is critical that this PHY thinks there is a bona fide 100 Mbit/s Ethernet connection. I could use the following – Schematic created using but I would like to achieve the same without the magnetics, in order to save on cost, purchasing headaches, and if at all possible power consumption. I can imagine an RC network, perhaps as simple as in this , found thanks to a ; or maybe engineered with attenuation and lowpass, but that will not emulate the fact that with real magnetics, when there is a negative pulse on TX1P, there is a positive pulse on TX1M and RX2M. I am uncertain about if that would prevent some PHYs from working normally. Anything to suggest that one is confident will work for practically any PHY around?",
"Storing two kinds of point geometry in shapefile or creating multipoint shapefiles? Following , can I have a mixture of two kinds of geometry in a shapefile of type point. Just like I have about shapefiles of type polygon or I should always create a shapefile of type multipoint in order to support multipoints in my layer? My problem is as you see at , I can't use ogrinfo in order to understand that the geometry type of a multipoint shapefile will be known as wkbMultipoint or wkbPointwhen I use this line of code: OGRwkbGeometryType GeometryType = poLayer ->GetGeomType(); for a layer of type multipoint before programming. Will OGR know a layer of type multipoint as wkbpoint or wkbmultipoint? When we create a shapefile in ArcCatalog, we have point and multipoint, but not multipolyline or multipolygon for polyline and polygon.Why?",
"Wavy stream of liquid While pouring a liquid into a glass from a bottle, some streams have a wavy shape, like the one in the following photo: What causes the stream to be of such a shape?",
"Does a bad grade in one course (with otherwise OK record) affect graduate admissions?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Change of logo half way through presentation? | Two logos in beamer after certain frame | [
"Is http://stackexchange.com/ down ?",
"Where can I ask questions about the computer problems I have been facing? Current problems I am facing with my computers: Windows 7 errors random \"Blue screens of Death\" computer randomly freezing up Xfire challenges",
"I try to understand and visualize myself covariance matrix. Supposing I have a matrix A = [ 2 3 4; 5 5 6 ], how do I calculate its covariance matrix, and what is its practical meaning? (All I was able to understand by now is that on the diagonal of the covariance matrix, variances for particular variables are placed, and on the upper and lower fields correlations between those variables.)",
"What to do when I get an \"attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'\" error and Boot Repair does not solve the problem?",
"Is there a (basic) way to understand why a limit cannot be brought inside of a sum, in certain situations? I have seen that the method of \"dominated convergence\" implies that sometimes a limit cannot be brought inside of a sum, but is there a more basic way to understand this, preferably without using integrals? A conceptual or simple answer would be helpful. Thank you!",
"What is the difference between HTML tags and ? I would like to ask for some simple examples showing the uses of <div> and <span>. I've seen them both used to mark a section of a page with an id or class, but I'm interested in knowing if there are times when one is preferred over the other.",
"Can I travel to UK with my Italian national daughter and husband with my permesso di soggiorno? I have an Italian permesso di soggiorno and I want to join my husband in the UK. My baby and my husband are Italian nationals. Can I travel with them with only the permesso di soggiorno?",
"I remember that the main character is trying to find the group that destroyed his home planet while he was on a mission. His planet was very difficult to live on and the people became expert in martial arts and were the best soldiers in the galaxy. They were mercenaries and often helped against tyrants. There was a very memorable section in at least one book about an initiation task that the main character had to do in that he had to survive in their wilderness for days. He was at some point surrounded in a old building by thousands of poisonous worm/snake creatures that he managed to survive until rescued by the leaders.",
"How to prove a general matrix invertible given by as below? How to prove that $A^TA+I$ is always invertible for $\\forall A \\in \\mathbb{R}^{n\\times n}$?",
"Why is it dangerous use a coiled extension cord",
"How does one manually restart graphics drivers? I'm suffering from the dreaded . The problem is intermittent and can be \"solved\" by putting the computer to sleep or restarting it. I hope simply restarting the graphics drivers will remove the symptoms of the problem. would seem to indicate that restarting the graphics drivers is possible in Windows 7. My question is: how?",
"How to avoid interference in wireless communication? I am working on wireless communication system. We are using around 10 pairs of transmitter and receivers. We are using atmega16 microcontroller for encoding and decoding by USART ports. Now we are able to transmit the data and receive the same in the receiver end, but there is a major problem, when we are finding the 2 transmitter data coming at the same time. The receiver is unable to get it due to interference. Suppose one transmitter sends \"SENDA\" at the meanwhile another transmitter sends \"GETTS\", at that time the receiver can not receive proper data. As all the transmitters and receivers are working in same frequency, so this interference is occurring. How can I resolve this issue?",
"Badge request: \"Practically Perfect in Every Way\"",
"Firefox browser opens but URL is not launched",
"Find a plane that passes through a point and is perpendicular to 2 planes",
"Sign of Work and potential energy in electrostatics Conceptual question: Suppose we have a configuration of point charges. If the potential of the energy of the system is negative, this means work is positive. I'm kind of rusty with my mechanics, does the fact that the work is positive mean that to arrange the configuration you have to do work against the electric field? I.e. supply energy via some external force? In terms of electrostatics, is there a general way of interpreting the sign of potential energy and work?",
"Show that if $n$, $a$, $b$, and $c$ are positive integers with $\\gcd(a, b) = 1$ and $ab = c^n$, then there are positive integers $d$, and $e$ such that $a = d^n$ and $b = e^n$. I know that (by Bezout) $\\gcd\\left(a,b\\right) = 1$ implies $ax + by = 1$ for some integers $x$ and $y$, and also that $\\gcd\\left(a^n,b^n\\right) = 1$, but this does not help me.",
"There seems to be more than a few computer science/programming Stack Exchange networks (is that the correct term?). Stack Overflow, being the first, has by far the most users, questions, and answers. What is the reasoning for creating the others, and are there clear guidelines for which kinds of questions should be posted? I can see a large amount of potential overflow, many cases of people not getting a good answer to their question, because the person who has the answer isn't browsing that particular network at the moment. I understand that they were probably created for organizational purposes, but wouldn't it almost make more sense to just have them as categories under Stack Overflow, keep them separated but still connected, instead of making people have to create multiple 'account's, one for each network? I am sure there was a very good reason to break them up, but as someone that is new to SE, it can be somewhat intimidating to decide which one to post in to ensure you get a good answer. For example, if I am a computer science student, my first instinct might to be to post in the computer science network, until I see that it literally has 1% of the users as the Stack Overflow network, which still seems to be for programming/computer science related questions. So my second instinct would then to be to post it into the Stack Overflow site on the basis that I have a significantly higher chance of my question being seen and getting a good answer. Then I notice that there is also a 'programmers' network, and I don't even begin to know where that fits in. I, and I am assuming most people, will probably just post on Stack Overflow to be safe. My question is, other than the short little description blurb of each one, is there a clear cut set of guidelines which what each network is intended for, what kinds of questions should go to each one, and is anything being done to encourage people to post in these newer, smaller (more specialized?) networks as opposed to just posting in big daddy Stack Overflow? Now again, this is for computer science/programming/\"why isn't this code doing what I want?\" related questions, I am not saying that if I had a question about Linux or WordPress or something I would have the same confusion.",
"Where are packages stored installed with APT in Ubuntu 16.04? I know that packages installed with apt-get are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives. I just installed mariadb server in Ubuntu 16.04 with following command: sudo apt install mariadb-server When I tried to find packages in /var/cache/apt/archives, there are no packages. Where are they stored if it's not in this directory?",
"Does \"She had a brother\" mean that her brother is dead? My Friend has sent me this riddle to solve: \"If you solve this, then you are a genius. Mr.Smith has 4 daughters🙍♀🙍♀🙍♀🙍♀ and each daughter had a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have now?\" He said the answer is not 5, but 4 only as in the riddle it is mentioned as each daughter had a brother. So their only brother is dead. Is he right?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Change keyboard shortcut to open Ubuntu 16.04 file manager through command line? | How to set custom keyboard shortcuts from terminal? | [
"Formula for expected value of continuous random variable without using density",
"Suppose $f$ is a differentiable function over $\\mathbb{R}$ satisfying $f(0) = 0$. Show that if $f'$ is strictly increasing, then $\\frac{f(x)}{x}$ is increasing over $(0,\\infty)$. Attempt: Since $f'$ is increasing we know that $f'' > 0$ for all $x$. Now let $g(x) = \\frac{f(x)}{x}$ and thus $f(x) = xg(x)$. Then we wish to show that $g'(x) > 0$ on $(0,\\infty)$ and so since $f'(x) = xg'(x)+g(x)$ and $f''(x) = xg''(x)+2g'(x) > 0$, we have $g''(x) > \\frac{-2g'(x)}{x}$. I am not sure how to use this though to prove the statement.",
"Inequality involving $\\limsup$ and $\\liminf$: $ \\liminf(a_{n+1}/a_n) \\le \\liminf((a_n)^{(1/n)}) \\le \\limsup((a_n)^{(1/n)}) \\le \\limsup(a_{n+1}/a_n)$ This may have been asked before, however I was unable to find any duplicate. This comes from of \"Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction\" by Browder. Problem 14: If $(a_n)$ is a sequence in $\\mathbb R$ and $a_n > 0$ for every $n$. Then show: $$ \\liminf(a_{n+1}/a_n) \\le \\liminf((a_n)^{(1/n)}) \\le \\limsup((a_n)^{(1/n)}) \\le \\limsup(a_{n+1}/a_n)$$ The middle inequality is clear. However I am having a hard time showing the ones on the left and right. (It seems like the approach should be similar for each). This is homework, so it'd be great if someone could give me a hint to get started on at least one of the inequalities. Thanks.",
"How can I find posts related to lost reputation due to a \"user was removed\" message? Today I noticed that my reputation got truncated by 64 points, and when I looked at my reputation history, I saw notifying me of points removal along to a \"user was removed\" message. Each has a slightly different timestamp, ranging from 12:39:04 to 12:39:43. I can't find the questions/answers concerned by this (and I don't remember having won as much as 65 points once, making this even stranger). I would like to find out how I could have lost 65 points while I never won as much in a single question/answer. Is there a way I can check which of my posts were impacted?",
"I am trying to follow the and . I tried to push some of my Lightning components which depend on a managed package in App Exchange. I would like to know how to install a managed package using Salsforce DX CLI so that i can use that command in my travis.YML file for my CI integration. Here is the script for my Travis file sudo: true dist: trusty cache: false env: - URL=https://developer.salesforce.com/media/salesforce-cli/sfdx-linux- amd64.tar.xz before_install: - export SFDX_AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE=true - export SFDX_USE_GENERIC_UNIX_KEYCHAIN=true - export SFDX_DOMAIN_RETRY=300 - wget -qO- $URL | tar xJf - - \"./sfdx/install\" - export PATH=./sfdx/$(pwd):$PATH - sfdx update - sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid $CONSUMERKEY --jwtkeyfile assets/server.key --username $USERNAME --setdefaultdevhubusername -a DevHub script: - sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -s -a PackageInstallation - sfdx force:org:list - sfdx force:org:display - sfdx force:user:password:generate -u PackageInstallation - sfdx force:org:display - sfdx force:org:open -u PackageInstallation - sfdx force:source:push -u PackageInstallation - sfdx force:apex:test:run -u PackageInstallation -c -r human I get the following error as my components depend on the app exchange components: No COMPONENT named markup://ldt:datatableDev found :",
"Custom blocks created as a plugin in a module not showing for Block::load() I have a couple of blocks that have been created using the ... extends BlockBase syntax in my module. They work perfectly fine, and I can add them on the blocks layout page, can add them into DS as a field, etc. They definitely exist fine. However, when I try and render them using Block::load(), they won't show up, unlike other blocks that work fine. For example, if I have the following docblock: /** * Provides a 'Cute Cats' Block. * * @Block( * id = \"cute_cats\", * admin_label = @Translation(\"Cute cats yo\"), * ) */ class CuteCats extends BlockBase { ... } ... and then try and call it like this: $block = \\Drupal\\block\\Entity\\Block::load('cute_cats'); return render(\\Drupal::entityTypeManager() ->getViewBuilder('block') ->view($block)); Any idea why? Thanks in advance.",
"how to get the selected date in jquery",
"When should I use or >()? I know that <, <(), << all are used to give input and >, >() which are used to redirect output. But I don't know what is clear difference between them and when to use them. Please explain in detail and along with references if possible. Thanks",
"Suppose I have some theorem in the paper Section 1 Theorem 1.1. Let ... And then later in the paper I want to recall the theorem by reprinting it Section 4 We recall Theorem 1.1: Theorem 1.1. Let ... What's the proper way to do this?",
"I have a query which selects a max value over all the values of in a datetime column (dtimesent). select dtimesent, max(ResponseTime) AS maxtime FROM allrequests where Request like '%Requestsa%' group by dtimesent I need to get the value of the request colmn for each max response time in each group by. Is there any easy way to do this? There can be multiple rows per dtimesent value so I can't just include the request column in the group by, Many thanks,",
"What causes a black-body radiation curve to be continuous? The (unlike the quantized emission seen from atomic spectra), is continuous over all frequencies. Many objects approximate ideal blackbodies and have radiation curves very similar in shape and continuity to that of an ideal black-body (often minus some emission and absorption lines from the atoms in an object, such as radiation curves seen from stars). I am wondering what exactly gives rise to a basically continuous black-body radiation curve in real objects? Since atomic energy states are quantized, it seems real life black-body curves would have some degree of measurable quantization to them (or perhaps the degree of quantization is so small the radiation curves look continuous).",
"Are shell scripts sensitive to encoding and line endings?",
"How to setup Java-Home and Path in Ubuntu 12.04",
"Do Nigerian citizens need a transit visa for Brazil? Do I need a transit visa in Brazil on the way to Ecuador. I am a Nigerian national. I am travelling to ecuador and I was asked to get a Brazilian transit visa as I am to board another airline from Sao Paulo.",
"If my Schengen visa starts on the day of arrival which is one day ahead of departure, would they let me get into the plane?",
"Find all integers $a$,$b$ and $c$ that satisfy the following equations $a^2=bc+1\\tag{i}$ $b^2=ac+1\\tag{ii}$ I tried solving came out with following results: $(i)-(ii)$ gives $a+b+c=0$ which implies, $a^3+b^3+c^3=3abc$ Multiplying equation $(i)$ with $a$ and multiplying equation $(ii)$ with $b$ and then subtracting $(i)-(ii)$ we get $a^2+b^2+ab=1$ which can be written as $(a+b)^2-ab=1$ , which can be further written as $c^2-ab=1$.",
"What are good advanced books on the physics and science of photography? I am looking for books about the physics of DSLR, including modern photography optics and sensor electronics. If I already have some books on optics and electronics, I have found fairly hard to find good resource for these fields taking photography as a basis, with examples taken from photography and chapters dedicated to lenses optics for instance. So far what I have found is either too generic, or, if dealing with photography, lacks the physical expertise I would like to get (I mean books with equations. Everybody loves them.) Good books for physics of photography exist, but they are quite old, the last good I have found were written by Kingslake in the 70s and definitely miss the non-optical part, and the optical stuff is a bit old-fashioned now (but very nice books BTW). To sum up, I would like: Very technical references Dealing with physical issues specific to DSLRs and modern photography, such as diffraction limits, image stabilization, properties of coatings, noise correction - whatever you can think of actually... EDIT: Based on the first results and a quick glimpse at the references given, I would recommend: The looks like a bible. Everything seems to be included. It could be a bit more technical, but it gives a lot of bibliography to go deeper if necessary. , for lighting and for sensor technology and the somewhat easier for optics Not to forget the , wonderful resource.",
"Where does the term \"fun fact\" originate?-- namely, not with the compositional meaning but rather with the idiomatic usage to introduce some sort of unusual, esoteric, absurd or otherwise \"controversial\" fact?",
"Sending file of custom python script with all parameters for popup interface already defined? I have a python script in ArcGIS 10 that when clicked, has a popup for a user to choose parameters. I would like to send this file to someone else. While I could send them the python code and have them setup the parameters - this method repeats work I have already done. I would like to send someone one file that contains all of this information so they can just recieve my file, add it to a toolbox, and then have it all work. I am wondering where the file resides that has both the python code and parameters / what is the export process/ file type I should be looking at? (All the searches I do for \"export script\" seem to refer to exporting a model to python code...)",
"How to download all files from Ubuntu One? I just installed Ubuntu 14.04, and Ubuntu One isn't installed by default and their download page says it comes pre installed, which doesn't help with anything. I wanna move all my files from Ubuntu One to Dropbox, but downloading one file at a time from the browser and upload it again to dropbox will take way too long. Is there any way to get Ubuntu One on Ubuntu 14.04? or somehow download all files from the Ubuntu One website? I see they updated their site:"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Android Studio : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference | What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? | [
"How to split strings into text and number? I'd like to split strings like these 'foofo21' 'bar432' 'foobar12345' into ['foofo', '21'] ['bar', '432'] ['foobar', '12345'] Does somebody know an easy and simple way to do this in python?",
"Difference between block size and cluster size",
"Does $\\lim_{h\\rightarrow 0}\\ [f(x+h)-f(x-h)]=0$ imply that $f$ is continuous?",
"How to create a cable/wire for animation? So I've created a \"noodle\" with a path and a bezier Circle that has soft body so that when I click play it will drop and flop about. What I'm trying to do is have one of the cubes stationary while the other moves around having the noodle between them stretch and move around like its a cable. Any tips on this?",
"a) Let $a>0$ and the sequence $x_n$ fulfills $x_1>0$ and $x_{n+1}=\\frac{1}{2}(x_n + \\frac{a}{x_n})$ for $n \\in \\mathbb N$. Show that $x_n \\rightarrow \\sqrt a$ when $n\\rightarrow \\infty$. I have done it in two ways, but I guess I'm not allowed to use the first one and the second one is incomplete. Can someone please help me? We already know $x_n \\rightarrow \\sqrt a$, so we do another step of the iteration and see that $x_{n+1} = \\sqrt a$. Using limit, $x_n \\rightarrow x, x_{n+1} \\rightarrow x$ (this is the part I think it's incomplete, don't I have to show $x_{n+1} \\rightarrow x$, how?), we have that $$x = \\frac x 2 (1 + \\frac a {x^2}) \\Rightarrow 1 = a/x^2 \\Rightarrow x = \\sqrt a$$ b) Let the sequence $x_n$ be defined as $x_{n+1}= 1 + \\frac 1 {x_n} (n \\in \\mathbb N), x_1=1$. Show that it converges and calculate its limit. "Tip: Show that sequences $x_{2n}$ and $x_{2n+1}$ monotone convergent to the limit." I didn't understand the tip, how can this help me? Does it make a difference if the number is odd or even? Thanks in advance!",
"I bought a used iPhone 4. The previous owner re-set the phone, but did not remove the device from their iCloud. It is asking me for their iCloud information when I try to set-up the phone. I don't have contact with the previous owner anymore. Is there a way to remove the device from their iCloud so I can use a new one?",
"If I'm floating in space and I turn on a flashlight, will I accelerate?",
"Printing the value of a variable in SQL Developer",
"How do I check if a given string is a legal/valid file name under Windows? I want to include a batch file rename functionality in my application. A user can type a destination filename pattern and (after replacing some wildcards in the pattern) I need to check if it's going to be a legal filename under Windows. I've tried to use regular expression like [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ but it doesn't include many national-specific characters from various languages (e.g. umlauts and so on). What is the best way to do such a check?",
"Find all natural numbers $n > 1$ and $m > 1$ such that $1!3!5!\\cdots(2n - 1)! = m!$ I have been thinking about coming up with some inequalities which would narrow the possible range of pairs $(n, m)$, however the best I have been able to find so far are $m \\ge 2n - 1$ and $m \\lt n^2$, which is clearly not enough. Update. The question has tag combinatorics as it is from a book about combinatorics, so there must be at least partly combinatorial solution.",
"Alphabetically display the items in itemize",
"I have QGIS 1.8.0 installed via OSGeo Installer and work on win 7. All I need is to upload the shapefile to the database via this plugin. Unfortunately I am receiving an error: Something's wrong: [\"'shp2pgsql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\\n\", 'operable program or batch file.\\n'] How to install and configure shp2pgsql to make this plugin work fine?",
"I was trying to understand the internal structure of AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) The Standard order of steps within a round: Substitute Bytes Shift Rows Mix Columns Add Round Key Substitute Bytes, Shift Rows & Mix Columns satisfies the two most important properties required for a secure cipher i.e confusion and diffusion Substitute Bytes provides Confusion i.e. that each binary digit (bit) of the ciphertext should depend on several parts of the key. Shift Rows along with Mix Column provides Diffusion i.e. if we change a single bit of the plaintext, then (statistically) half of the bits in the ciphertext should change Changing the order of Step 1 and Step 2 won't have any effect. But to what extent can we change the order of other steps? Does it weakens the security of AES, and if so, how?",
"What determines color -- wavelength or frequency? What determines the color of light -- is it the wavelength of the light or the frequency? (i.e. If you put light through a medium other than air, in order to keep its color the same, which one would you need to keep constant: the wavelength or the frequency?)",
"Are {/bin, /lib, /sbin} symlinks into /usr in Ubuntu? I do not have access to an Ubuntu system or chroot. I was hoping if someone could tell me if the is accurate in saying: For Quantal, merged /usr should be supported. On new systems installer should create {/bin, /lib, /sbin} symlinks into /usr.",
"Equation of the locus of the foot of perpendicular from any focus upon any tangent to the ellipse ${x^2\\over a^2}+{y^2\\over b^2}=1$ Find the equation of the locus of the foot of perpendicular from any focus upon any tangent to the ellipse ${x^2\\over a^2}+{y^2\\over b^2}=1$. will it also be an ellipse?",
"What is the fastest way to get money in GTA San Andreas? There are quite some houses and clothes for sale, but I do not have any money. What is the fastest way to get money in GTA San Andreas?",
"How to decide whether missing values are MAR, MCAR, or MNAR I have a large proteomics dataset. In the rows I have the proteins , and in the rows I have the samples.The dataset contains a lot of missing values. I would like to know I can find out whether missing values are MAR, MCAR, or MNAR, and how I can decide the best imputation technique. Kind regards.",
"How can you find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?",
"No Sound (Dummy Output) error Ubuntu 19.10"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Google Analytics: Unable to create more Property and View | Is there a limit to the number of web properties one can create in Google Analytics? | [
"What will reduce my rendertime? What would reduce the render time? Should I get a better GPU or more RAM?",
"How to detect if a mob has been hit in minecraft with command blocks? i am making a boss battle for my minecraft adventure map, and using a mob spawned with commands as the boss. When the mob gets hit, some command blocks will give the player a potion effect, but I can't figure out how to activate the command block when the mob gets hit. I am in the latest snapshot (16w03a). please help me (the person who answers my question will be given credit for it in my map)",
"How to change boot priority?",
"Is the electromagnetic spectrum discrete?",
"How can I make a script (or make some changes) to allow me to turn the screen off in Ubuntu (12.04) whenever I want, the way thevscreen can be turned off in Cellphones? And how can I make a combination of keys (a shortcut) to execute that script? I want to conserve power. I've seen this question but there is no hotkey for it. Moreover, in the answer, it is said that there are many ways to accomplish this so I'd like to know more.",
"Finding $\\int_0^{\\infty}xe^{-\\lambda x} \\, dx$ How to integrate: $$\\int_0^\\infty x \\, \\lambda e^{-\\lambda x} \\, dx$$ I tried using integration by parts: Let $u = x$ and $dv = \\lambda e^{-\\lambda x} \\, dx$ Then $du = dx$ And $v = - \\lambda e ^{-\\lambda x}$ Correct so far? Then $$\\begin{aligned} uv - \\int v \\, du &= -\\lambda x e^{-\\lambda x} - \\int (- \\lambda e^{- \\lambda x}) dx \\\\ &= -\\lambda x e^{-\\lambda x} - \\lambda e^{-\\lambda x} \\end{aligned}$$ The correct answer from lecture notes UPDATE 2 Let $u=\\lambda x$ and $dv = e^{-\\lambda x} dx$ Then $du = \\lambda \\, dx$ $$dv = e^{-\\lambda x} \\, dx$$ Let $y = -\\lambda x$ Then $dy = -\\lambda \\, dx$ So $dx = -\\frac{1}{\\lambda} dy$ $$\\begin{aligned} v &= \\int e^u \\cdot - \\frac{1}{\\lambda} du \\\\ &= - \\frac{1}{\\lambda} e^{-\\lambda x} \\end{aligned}$$ But here I seem to have an extra $- \\frac{1}{\\lambda}$ in $v$? If I continue using integration by parts, I get: $$-x e^{-\\lambda x} + \\color{red}{\\frac{1}{\\lambda}} \\int e^{-\\lambda x} \\, dx$$",
"How do I start applications automatically on login? How can I make an application automatically start when I have logged in?",
"Understanding DNA match of 1,723 cM",
"I am new to salesforce. I dont have coding background. Please let me know bst way to learn apex coding?",
"Using principal component analysis (PCA) for feature selection",
"Short story with space microbes latching onto electromagnetic fields This is a sci-fi story set on Earth. From the depths of space comes these microbes that latch onto electromagnetic fields. Anything electronic is rendered useless. There's the usual stuff where governments try to solve the issue but make it ultimately worse. It's only when they realise that the microbes surround the planet that they realise it is futile. The story closes with people having returned to a simpler life, using medieval farming methods, not using electricity in any form, getting about by horse, etc. I think it was a short story.",
"What is \"root\" and how can I become it? When I ran a command, I got the following error: You need to be root to perform this command. What is root and how can I become it?",
"When do you use at the office? And when do you use in the office? What's the difference between the phrases?",
"window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?",
"I have heard many (rather most) people, especially in the USA, saying: I don't know nothing about it. Is that correct? I always get a weird feeling hearing this and feel the correct one would be saying: I don't know anything about it.",
"Can't reach wi-fi signal on Ubuntu, but can do it on other OS/devices (ath9k) I have two laptops, both running Ubuntu 13.10, as well as a different OS (Windows 7), dual boot on both. My wi-fi router is on my bedroom and I want to get the wi-fi signal from the living room. I can reach the wi-fi signal from both pcs when running windows, with a relative good signal, but can't reach it on both of them when running Ubuntu, can't even connect to it. Is there something that I can do to amplify the wi-fi signal?",
"In my resume, I'm describing several projects I've worked on in the past. Most of them were done in teamwork. What is the best way to say this? Examples: Together with XY, I built ... OR In collaboration with XY, I built ... OR XY and I built ... Are the first two examples grammatically correct? I'm unsure since first I state that something has been done in collaboration with a second person, but then I use \"I built ...\".",
"Row colour gaps in tabularx with \\aboverulesep and \\{} \\documentclass[]{article} \\usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor} \\usepackage{multicol,booktabs,tabularx} % Table settings \\renewcommand{\\aboverulesep}{1pt} \\renewcommand{\\belowrulesep}{1pt} \\begin{document} \\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{@{}X l@{}} This is Header 1 & This is Header 2 \\\\ \\toprule \\rowcolor{Apricot} This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\\\midrule This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\\\midrule This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabularx} \\end{document} I have the above table MWE using tabularx, and I am trying to colour the row from the table. However, due to the use of my \\aboverulesep and \\belowrulesep, I now have gaps above and below my table row that is not coloured. Also, because of the use of my @{} on either side of the table to 'remove' the excess padding on the sides of the table, the row colour is being applied in those padding as well. Qn 1: How can I colour the aforementioned gaps (arising due to the \\aboverulesep) in, while maintaining the rule separation? Qn 2: How to remove the colour from the two sides of the table? EDIT This is in response to Zarko's answer. I want to maintain the use of @{} on either side to remove the padding. If I were to adapt this into your answer, like so: % @Zarko's answer \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage[table,dvipsnames]{xcolor} \\usepackage{booktabs, cellspace, tabularx} % Table settings \\renewcommand{\\aboverulesep}{0pt} \\renewcommand{\\belowrulesep}{0pt} \\setlength\\cellspacetoplimit{5pt} \\setlength\\cellspacebottomlimit{5pt} \\begin{document} \\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{@{}SX Sl@{}}% <-- S is append for activate additional vertical space This is Header 1 & This is Header 2 \\\\ \\toprule \\rowcolor{Apricot} This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\\\midrule This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\\\midrule This is Text 1 & This is Text 2 \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabularx} \\end{document} I obtain this: and so my second question (Qn2) is still unresolved.. For Qn 1, I prefer to use the solution by @Skillmon with \\renewcommand{\\arraystretch}{1.15} as I need not add a new package.",
"How does the double strike mechanic interact with other mechanics like lifelink or trample? I understand that the double strike mechanic allows a creature to attack in both a first strike combat damage step and a normal combat damage step. It's clear that when a creature with no other abilities aside from double strike is blocked that even if the defender has lethal damage marked in the first strike step that the additional damage does not carry forward to the player. How does this view of double strike change with relation to trample and lifelink? I believe the correct interpretations are (not accounting for other effects or abilities) that 2 times the attacker's power is marked as damage on the defender. For trample this amount is reduced by the defender's toughness and additional damage carries forward as normal. Similarly for lifelink the active player gains life equal to 2 times the attacker's power. Thus a 10/10 trampling double striking life linker blocked by a 1/1 creature would deal 19 points of trample damage and the active player would gain 20 life. Is this interpretation correct?",
"Sentence vs proposition I'm reflecting upon the distinction between a sentence and a proposition in logic and philosophy. I knew that a proposition is the meaning of a declarative sentence (i.e. the abstract content of a declarative sentence, the bearer of truth-value), whereas a sentence is simply a group of words (symbols, signs) ordered according to some grammatical rule in any natural or artificial language. A sentence isn't necessarily meaningful. According to these definitions, you could say hat a predicate like \"is interesting\" is a sentence. Of course a sentence like \"is interesting\" wouldn't express a proposition, but still, it would be a sentence. This seemed ok to me until I remembered that propositional logic is sometimes called sentential logic. But then you cannot say that \"is interesting\" is a sentence, because it certainly isn't a sentence in the sense of sentential logic! As a result, I'm getting confused about what a sentence is according to sentential logic. Can someone help?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Proving inequalities hold for all values | Proving $\frac{x}{y} +\frac{y}{z} + \frac{z}{x} \ge 3$ for positive $x,y,z$ | [
"Is there a streaming API for JSON?",
"How to print object content in correct way?",
"Error notification on plone 4",
"Why am I asked for a credit card number to download a free app? I want to download free app in my iPod touch device and i have the following doubts. Kindly resolve me doubts. when i try to download it asks my credit card security number. since i am trying to download free app , why do i need to provide my credit card security code? Will i be debited for downloading the free app from app store? I cant able to find any information regarding this on apple. Please provide me some references about this from apple and please resolve my doubts. Thanks a lot.",
"Pie chart labels I want to create a pie chart with labels (one blank an one with percentage for the teacher, the mwe is the teachers version) so that my students have to fill the percentage in by themselves. So far I created a pie chart using the code given in the answer here and then I used labels from the code given in the answer here Now I have this The node in the violett part is the one I created manually and the other ones are implemented in the code, but I don't know what to change so that the automatic generated ones look like the one I created manually My MWE \\documentclass[11pt]{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\usetikzlibrary{arrows} \\usepackage{xcolor} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\definecolor{rosso}{RGB}{220,57,18} \\definecolor{giallo}{RGB}{255,153,0} \\definecolor{blu}{RGB}{102,140,217} \\definecolor{verde}{RGB}{16,150,24} \\definecolor{viola}{RGB}{153,0,153} \\makeatletter \\tikzstyle{chart}=[ legend label/.style={font={\\scriptsize},anchor=west,align=left}, legend box/.style={rectangle, draw, minimum size=5pt}, axis/.style={black,semithick,->}, axis label/.style={anchor=east,font={\\tiny}}, ] \\tikzstyle{pie chart}=[ chart, slice/.style={line cap=round, line join=round, very thick,draw=white}, pie title/.style={font={\\bf}}, slice type/.style 2 args={ ##1/.style={fill=##2}, values of ##1/.style={} } ] \\pgfdeclarelayer{background} \\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground} \\pgfsetlayers{background,main,foreground} \\newcommand{\\pie}[3][]{ \\begin{scope}[#1] \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\curA}{90} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\r}{1} \\def\\c{(0,0)} \\node[pie title] at (90:1.3) {#2}; \\foreach \\v/\\s in{#3}{ \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\deltaA}{\\v/100*360} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\nextA}{\\curA + \\deltaA} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\midA}{(\\curA+\\nextA)/2} \\path[slice,\\s] \\c -- +(\\curA:\\r) arc (\\curA:\\nextA:\\r) -- cycle; \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\d}{max((\\deltaA * -(.5/50) + 1) ,1)} \\begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground} \\draw[*-,thin] \\c -- (\\midA:\\r) node[above,near end, pos=\\d,pie values,values of \\s]{$\\v\\%$}; \\end{pgfonlayer} \\global\\let\\curA\\nextA } \\end{scope} } \\newcommand{\\legend}[2][]{ \\begin{scope}[#1] \\path \\foreach \\n/\\s in {#2} { ++(0,-10pt) node[\\s,legend box] {} +(5pt,0) node[legend label] {\\n} } ; \\end{scope} } \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} [ pie chart, slice type={comet}{blu}, slice type={legno}{rosso}, slice type={coltello}{giallo}, slice type={sedia}{viola}, slice type={caffe}{verde}, pie values/.style={font={\\small}}, scale=2 ] \\pie{Sommerjobs in Österreich}{52/comet,12/legno,20/sedia,16/coltello} \\legend[shift={(-1cm,-1cm)}]{{Eisverkäufer}/comet, {Schwimmbad}/legno, {Zettelverteiler}/coltello} \\legend[shift={(1cm,-1cm)}]{{Kellner}/sedia} \\draw [*-,thin] (0.6,-0.2) -- (0.7,-0.2 + 0.5ex) -- (2,0.5ex) node[above, near end]{20\\%}; \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"I am seeking advice on which memory to use with my motherboard and CPU. Below are my components and some relevant information extracted from their official websites. NOTE: Although this is a very specific case, a general answer is equally good for me — and also alot more useful for everyone else! CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 810 ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO listed as one of many motherboards. Motherboard: ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO 4 x DIMM, Max. 16 GB, DDR3 1800(O.C.)*/1600(O.C.)/1333/1066/800 ECC,Non-ECC,Un-buffered Memory Dual Channel memory architecture (Complete list of specs: ). NOTE II: I wouldn't want to do any overclocking as I have no experience with that. So I think the 1333 MHz is the most appropriate. Since the higher frequencies are marked with \"O.C.\" Questions: How can I be certain that a specific RAM will work well (or not work) together with my CPU and motherboard? (The Qualified Vendor List is a good starting point, but it's a bit limited and sometimes a bit outdated). Is it true that choice of memory is not independent of the processor? How? I'm worried I'll be missing something essential when buying my next RAM chips :)",
"How can you make an armor that has infinite protection armor? When I was using the new attribute command, I saw an attribute called "armor." I don't know what it actually does, but I think it has to do with protection. I was wondering if I could make an armor that has infinite protection so I tried to make a command: give @s netherite_helmet{AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.armor",Name:"generic.armor",Amount:1.79769313486232E+308d,Operation:0,UUID:[I;439,684,724,99]},Slot:"head"}]} I thought it would give me infinite protection, but it only gives me a helmet with the empty "protection" attribute. It works fine on older versions, but not on the 1.17 snapshots.",
"These two exercises I encountered recently seem to develop some type of connection between GCD and LCM I can't quite figure out. Exercise 1: Find all the numbers $x$ and $y$ such that: $a) \\ GCD(x,y)=15, \\ LCM(x,y)=150$ $b) \\ GCD(x,y)=120 \\ LCM(x,y)=1320$ $c) \\ GCD(x,y)=100 \\ LCM(x,y)=990$ Exercise 2: Find all the numbers $m,n$ such that $GCD(m,n)=pq , \\ LCM(m,n)=p^2qs$ where $p,q,s$ are prime The first thing that is known to me is that $GCD(x,y) \\cdot LCM(x,y)= x \\cdot y$ Also $LCM(x,y)$ is at most $x \\cdot y$ while $GCD(x,y)$ is at most $\\max \\{x,y\\}$. Last thing is that $GCD(x,y)|LCM(x,y)$. Using all this I tried to solve the first exercise: $a)$ First two obvious pairs are $x=15, y=150$ and $y=15, x=150$. Now neither of the numbers can be bigger than $150$ or smaller than $15$. So we are looking for numbers in the range $15-150$ that satisfy $x \\cdot y = 15 \\cdot 150$ Another such pair is $(x,y)=(30,75), \\ (x,y)=(75,30)$. Similarly for $b)$ we find that the only possible values are permutations of the set {$120,1320$} and in $c)$ since $100$ does not divide $990$ no such numbers exist. Now exercise 2 is what made me think there is actually another connection I'm not quite aware of since now it's about arbitrary prime numbers and the previous method doesn't work anymore. My intuition is that it has something to do with $GCD$ or $LCM$ of the $GCD(x,y), \\ LCM(x,y)$",
"Why was the MCU Super Soldier program considered a failure? In Marvel Cinematic Universe, military tried to create super soldiers like Hulk, but they failed. So, the program was shut down. Where did they fail? Didn't Blonsky get Wolverine-type super healing capability? Why couldn't it make the military stronger? Other than this, wasn't Abomination a success (despite the fact that it wasn't an original work of the military)? He was defeated by Hulk, but enemy forces don't have a Hulk. When it comes to anger, who cares as long as you are focused on the target? Abomination was indeed in full control and he was always after Hulk.",
"Intuitive explanation of unit root How would you explain intuitively what is a unit root, in the context of the unit root test? I'm thinking in ways of explaining much like I've founded in . The case with unit root is that I know (little, by the way) that the unit root test is used to test for stationarity in a time series, but it's just it. How would you go to explain it to the layperson, or to a person who has studied a very basic probability and statistics course? UPDATE I accepted whuber's answer as it is what most reflect what I asked here. But I urge everybody that came here to read Patrick's and Michael's answers also, as they are the natural \"next step\" in understanding the Unit Root. They use mathematics, but in a very intuitive way.",
"Prove the map sending a matrix to it's inverse is continuous.",
"Should I use \"who\" or \"that\" when referring to an organisation? I generally use the rule of thumb of using who when referring to a person and that when referring to an object. Example: Jim is someone who makes me smile. I was nearly knocked out by the ball that hit me. But what about when we're talking about an organisation? I am forever indebted to the charities who helped me. I am forever indebted to the charities that helped me. The former seems somewhat warmer, if that makes sense, although the latter feels more correct. What should I use? And how about this: I'm really happy with the insurance company who helped me with my claim. I can't stand them, they're the insurance company that ripped me off. To me the former evokes a team of helpful people while the latter evokes a cold heartless corporate entity. Is this just a matter of style and so should go with my instincts, or should I aim for what is 'correct?'",
"I came to know about , it's a website that allow search for flights by country. I mean you just enter from like \"Germany\" and to like \"Belgium\" and you get best offers from all airports between the two countries. That is great. And I was able to arrange a good-price trip to Brussels. Now I want to arrange another trip to Turkey, but Whichbudget is not helping much this time. And I can't find any other websites that allow \"search by country\". Update: Not duplicate to as his question is broad to the extent of a state. But my question is broad to the extent of a whole country + less price + \"Any Time\". If anyone checks , he'll understand what I'm saying. Especially that whichbudget allows \"Any Time\" option, not just +/-3 days. Does anyone know more similar websites?",
"Are we close to a pure DC (or hybrid) household? This is a philosophical question. Over the last few years, many of the household devices, particularly those that are more mobile and etc are DC devices. Are we at some point where a DC household may become a possibility and Edisons dream might come true?? The array of DC devices Internet stuff - routers, modems Most complex computer electronics - Desktops, laptops, NAS, phones, tablets, gaming consoles, etc Lighting - LED More that I cant think of or perhaps know which also convert AC -> DC Problems with AC Each device needs its own power supply ( AC-> DC power brick). This is a) Unpleasant to look at and deal with, and b) a costly point of failure. Each power brick may or may not be optimized, as far as power conversion goes. Alternative - A central (or a few ) high capacity power adapter which converts the AC into a DC power grid for the house which can then be tapped directly by the various devices. This eliminates the need for the power brick, and hopefully the central power adapter is of state of the art, and can be upgraded seperately from the devices, as needed. Need standardization of: Device voltage. Currently devices use 5/ 9 / 12 or others I may not be aware of, for this idea to work they need to work with one particular one, unless switching between voltages is cheap enough, or multiple DC lines are provided. Power socket input. Each device appears to have its own input socket type, this should standardize if the power supply cable should be comoditized, perhaps USB - C will play a part here.",
"Financial proof to get a Schengen visa to France I am planning to apply for a Schengen visa to visit France. I have an attestation d'acceuil, but the visa requires I submit bank statement for the past 3 months. I can get this statement, but the problem is that my company has been paying my salary in cash for the past months, and I place the money into the account by myself. Can I submit the following? my accounting book (current account) letter from the bank stating that I have money in it payslips for the past 3 months Will that satisfy the financial requirements for the visa?",
"Hello, I'm getting this error every time when I boot my computer. My Ubuntu installation is fresh and I was got a few error on last step while install Ubuntu (because i have problem with my CDROM driver). Anyway, installation is continued . For example when i tried to open ADDITIONAL DRIVER and LANGUAGE SUPPORT (on System Settings) nothing happened, it's not opening. When i try this in terminal gnome-language-selector i'm getting this error Traceback (most recent call last): File \"/usr/bin/gnome-language-selector\", line 8, in <module> from LanguageSelector.gtk.GtkLanguageSelector import GtkLanguageSelector File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/LanguageSelector/gtk/GtkLanguageSelector.py\", line 34, in <module> from aptdaemon.gtk3widgets import AptProgressDialog File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/gtk3widgets.py\", line 61, in <module> class AptStatusIcon(Gtk.Image): File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/gtk3widgets.py\", line 66, in AptStatusIcon def __init__(self, transaction=None, size=Gtk.IconSize.DIALOG): AttributeError: type object 'GtkIconSize' has no attribute 'DIALOG' Also getting this error for jockey-gtk Traceback (most recent call last): File \"/usr/bin/jockey-gtk\", line 418, in <module> sys.exit(u.run()) File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jockey/ui.py\", line 461, in run self.ui_show_main() File \"/usr/bin/jockey-gtk\", line 81, in ui_show_main col_icon.set_sizing(Gtk.TreeViewColumnSizing.AUTOSIZE) AttributeError: type object 'GtkTreeViewColumnSizing' has no attribute 'AUTOSIZE' I'm worrying about are there any lack . I don't know what's wrong with my installation. Are there any way, check my installation (packages, files etc..) .",
"The square of an integer is congruent to 0 or 1 mod 4",
"Why does Windows only show about 3.5 GB of my 4 GB of RAM? I recently upgraded my computer's RAM to 4 GB. My 32-bit Windows installation shows only 3574 MB of the memory. How can I make Windows use the full amount of RAM?",
"Show that an algebraically closed field must be infinite. Answer If F is a finite field with elements $a_1, ... , a_n$ the polynomial $f(X)=1 + \\prod_{i=1}^n (X - a_i)$ has no root in F, so F cannot be algebraically closed. My Question Could we not use the same argument if F was countably infinite? Couldn't we say that if F was a field with elements $a_1, a_2, ... $ then the polynomial $f(X) = 1 + \\prod_{i=1}^{\\infty} (X - a_i)$ does not split over F? Thank you in advance",
"Can someone please explain the difference between the protected and protected internal modifiers in C#? It looks like their behavior is identical."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
uninstall ubuntu 8.10 and grub | How to remove Ubuntu and put Windows back on? | [
"How can I stop using beta iOS on my iPhone? I'm currently on the beta program on my iPhone. How can I stop using the beta versions and go back to the newest version of iOS (non-beta)?",
".fbx export why there are no materials or textures? I used node textures in a mesh I exported to .FBX. I then imported it into Unreal Engine 4 and it didn't import any textures; I clicked the Upload Textures option in Unreal Engine. Is there something I'm doing wrong or is it Blender?",
"Is it possible to pass properties as \"out\" or \"ref\" parameters? Can I pass a property as an \"out\" or \"ref\" parameter if not then why not? e.g. Person p = new Person(); . . . public void Test(out p.Name);",
"How to change folders color? How do i change the folders colors? i am using this icon theme and there are several folders. like black, gray, purple, orange(which is the default), yellow, green, red, blue, brown and lightblue How can i use any of them? for example have a blue folder called \"family\" in images and another right beside that have a purple folder called \"others\". Basically why have he created all those folders with different colors?",
"How can I determine the height and the least number of generators of the ideal $ I=(xz-y^2,x^3-yz,z^2-x^2y) \\subset K[x,y,z] $? I tried to calculate the dimension of the vector space $I/I\\mathfrak m$ with $\\mathfrak m=(x,y,z)$, but I'm not able to find it. I think the height is $2$, because the affine variety should be a curve, and also I know that the ideal is prime, so I need a chain $0\\subset \\mathfrak p \\subset I$. Maybe $(xz-y^2)?$ Is it prime?",
"Probability of an even number of sixes We throw a fair die $n$ times, show that the probability that there are an even number of sixes is $\\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n]$. For the purpose of this question, 0 is even. I tried doing this problem with induction, but I have problem with induction so I was wondering if my solution was correct: The base case: For $n=0$, our formula gives us $\\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^0] =1$. This is true, because if we throw the die zero times, we always get zero sixes. Suppose it's true for $n=k$. Then the odds of an even number of sixes is $\\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n]$, and thus the odds of an odd number of sixes is $1 - \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n]$. For $n=k+1$, there are two ways the number of sixes are even: a. The number of sixes for $n=k$ was even, and we do not throw a six for $n=k+1$: $ \\frac{5}{6} \\cdot \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n]$ b. The number of sixes for $n=k$ was odd, and we throw a six for $n=k+1$: $\\frac{1}{6}(1 - \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n])$ So the probability $p$ for an even number of sixes at $n=k+1$ is $ \\frac{5}{6} \\cdot \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n] + \\frac{1}{6}(1 - \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n])$ I have two questions How do I get from $ \\frac{5}{6} \\cdot \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n] + \\frac{1}{6}(1 - \\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n])$ to $\\frac{1}{2}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n]$? I seem to have done something wrong, I can't get the algebra correct, I get $p = \\frac{1}{3}[1+(\\frac{2}{3})^n] + \\dfrac{1}{6}$ Other than that, is my use of induction correct? Is it rigorous enough to prove the formula?",
"The use of the Axiom of Choice in this proof of the sequence lemma",
"Italian keyboard: entering tilde (~) and backtick (`) characters without changing keyboard layout Here is what the layout of an Italian keyboard looks like: As you can see, the curly braces, which are absolutely necessary to write code in any of C, C++, JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, and others, appear in purple in this picture. This is because while the other characters can be seen visually as printed characters on most Italian keyboards, these purple characters are actually usually not printed on the keyboard's keys. These characters, found in the upper right corners of the given keys, can usually be generated with the following key combinations: (RIGHT SHIFT or LEFT SHIFT) + (RIGHT CTRL or LEFT CTRL) + (Alt or AltGR) + ([ or ]) (Actually as the MSKLC application shows, SHIFT + AltGr + [ and SHIFT + AltGr + ] are enough to generate the curly braces.) Characters such as the at (@) sign (called 'chiocciola' in Italian) and the hash (#) key (called 'cancelletto' in Italian) found in the lower right hand corner of the keyboard can be generated easily as follows (AltGr + @) or (AltGr + #). Such characters are also fundamental to programming as they can, for instance, be found in CSS, namely with media queries and with selectors referring to the id html attribute. Upon further inspection, we can see that all of the US ASCII keyboard / programmer's keyboard are covered by the keys of the Italian keyboard, except for the following, which are the tilde, which is especially useful on the Linux command line and is used to refer to a user's home directory on such system, as well as the back-tick (`), also known as the back-quote, which is also very useful on the Linux shell when we want to turn the output of a command into a command-line input. So, here comes the question: With all those empty upper-right hand corners of keys, why isn't there a better way of generating these characters, perhaps through a CTRL-ALT-SHIFT modifier key combination? All I've been able to find regarding generation of these characters are the following ALT-codes: ALT code 96 corresponds to ` ALT code 123 corresponds to { ALT code 125 corresponds to } ALT code 126 corresponds to ~ and to generate a character via an ALT code, you make sure that the NumLock key on your keypad is toggled on, hold down the ALT key, enter the keycode, and release the ALT key. ALT code are documented at: If someone knows of a better way of inserting these characters from an Italian keyboard without switching the keyboard layout in the Control Panel, then please let me know. Thanks.",
"How to get RGB values from UIColor?",
"Why shouldn't I use \"Hungarian Notation\"?",
"Sometimes it takes too long for the network manager to update to see new wireless AP. Is it possible to change the time interval between checks?",
"My interest in Blender comes from wanting to use it to model physical structures and produce architectural drawings; what I have so far is really impressive, but there doesn't seem to be too much information about my particular interest. Are there any (Blender-) resources that would be particularly useful for architects? E.g. packages of standard 'elements' like windows, doors, roofs or whatever, or perhaps a discussion group specifically for architects?",
"c stdout print without new line?",
"Should I put myself last? \"me and my friends\" vs. \"my friends and me\" or \"my friends and I\" I've always been taught to put myself last when referring to myself in the same sentence as others but the usage of \"me and...\" seems to be everywhere these days. The misuse of the word \"me\" instead of \"I\" aside, is there some new rule I haven't heard of? Shouldn't we put ourselves last regardless of the \"me\"/\"I\" usage? Examples of \"correct\" usage: My friends and I went for some ice cream. Did you see my friends and me at the ice cream stand? Examples of \"incorrect\" usage: Me and my friends went for some ice cream. Did you see me and my friends at the ice cream stand? Note: I was also taught that the only person who could put themselves first was the queen.",
"Why is it that if I go to install an add-on from User Preferences > Add-ons > Install from File... and choose a *.ZIP, some add-ons will install, while others will return me to the User Preferences with nothing having happened (as far as I can tell)? Is there a specific file structure required in the .ZIP? I get many add-ons from GitHub, using the Download Zip button, and even there installation of the actual Zip file only works some of the time.",
"This weekend is a \"Supermoon\" (the largest full moon of the year, in perigee, the closest to Earth). Would someone please advise how I could make the most out of my Canon PowerShot to photograph this phenomenon? What settings should I use? What times are the best with respect to the exact times of moonrise and moonset provided by the U.S. Naval Observatory? In other words, is it better 30 min before it crosses the horizon? Or just at the crossing? Are there any tips and tricks for a beginner to benefit from? Are moonrises or moonsets generally better/easier to capture? Are there different techniques for different phases of the moon? I read that full moon tends to come out flat, but I also want to benefit from the perigee.",
"Unintentional mouse movements, am I paranoid?",
"Find $\\lim\\limits_{x \\to \\infty} \\frac{x}{(\\log{x})^n}$ Find $\\displaystyle \\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{x}{(\\log{x})^n}$. My book says that $\\displaystyle \\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{(\\log{x})^n}{x} = \\lim_{y \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{y^n}{e^y} = 0$, but I don't see how that is true.",
"Anyone have a good resource or provide a sample of a natural order sort in C# for an FileInfo array? I am implementing the IComparer interface in my sorts.",
"Combining with allowframebreaks in beamer"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to negate specific word in regex? | Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word | [
"Fourier series of Log sine and Log cos",
"One of whom destroys the Earth, perhaps accidentally, while fighting another... the plot also involves a human colony ship or planet that loses contact with the Earth; I think a small boy is also involved with the plot, although it's been 20-30 years since I read this story. Any help would be appreciated! It's driving my brother and me a bit batty. Here's the batty brother's take: the main being has created others who are now at war, exploding stars. To escape, the main being accelerates the star of the human colony as a decoy. However, most of the story centers on some guy who winds up living forever, as they keep sticking him in cryogenic sleep and reawakening him. If memory serves me right, they abandon the colony planet for a while and move to asteroids as the star is weakening because it is using it's energy to accelerate. When it decelerates, it is the only star left in the universe. The one \"being\" was almost reduced to living off the energy of a black hole when it appears, and he sees it and sets off to go there, with a cryptic ending that the humans very well might fight him off.",
"For many of my datasets I have the same imported data duplicated numerous times, each iteration displaying the data values for a different column (in my case it's fish catch weight per gridded cell per year, so lots of iterations of the same grid, with a different pattern of values per year). For presentation purposes, it strikes me as helpful to use the same scale for each year, so I go to the original data and divide the maximum value into (arbitrarily) 10 classes and manually input the values and labels after setting the desired colour ramp and input data field: This is extremely tedious, not just the manual excel calculation part, but also the input interface for the values & labels*, hence my intention to make use of the 'save style' option. HOWEVER: when I save the style as QML and load it for the next layer, it saves everything - including the data field (in my case, year). When I change this field, QGis automatically generates the values & labels based on the data for that field, ditching all of the values & labels I set. Is there any way to avoid this happening & thereby duplicate class number, values and labels for each field by simply loading a style? (somewhat meta) Am I going around this the wrong way, OR, is there a different face I could use to climb this mountain?",
"How do I Uninstall Windows 10 or Windows 10 preview? I joined in the and I don't like it. However, this question may also be relevant to those who install the full version of Windows 10. How can I downgrade back to Windows 8/7 from Windows 10 or Windows 10 preview?",
"Simple series convergence/divergence: $\\sum_{k=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{2^{k}k!}{k^{k}}$",
"The difference between GPU and CPU I know what a CPU is(I think). It's the thing who's speed is measured in GigaHertz(these days). However, you hear a lot about a GPU, and letting the GPU take over, not letting the CPU but the GPU do it, GPU-based rendering, etc... What is this GPU anyway? How can I access it and use it to my advantage? What am I missing out on here?",
"What gifts would be welcome for a Swedish host family?",
"How to invoke vim editor and pipe output to bash",
"I want to prove that the distance between incentre and orthocentre is $$\\sqrt{2r^2-4R^2\\cos A\\cos B\\cos C} $$here $r$ is inradius and $R$ is circumradius. I considered $\\triangle API$ ($P$ is orthocentre and $I$ is incentre). I could find $AP=2R\\cos A$, $AI=4R\\sin\\frac{B}{2}\\sin\\frac{C}{2} $ and $\\angle PAI=\\angle \\frac{B-C}{2}$. So applying cosine rule I got $$PI^2=4R^2+16R^2\\sin^2\\frac{B}{2}\\sin^2\\frac{C}{2} -16R^2\\cos A\\sin\\frac{B}{2}\\sin\\frac{C}{2}\\Bigg(\\cos\\frac{B}{2}\\cos\\frac{C}{2}+\\sin\\frac{B}{2}\\sin\\frac{C}{2}\\Bigg)$$ How to proceed form here ?",
"Why does the default Object.toString() include the hashcode?",
"How do I determine the size of my array in C? That is, the number of elements the array can hold?",
"I want to draw a table and i used the following code \\begin{table}[htbp] \\centering \\caption{Ship simulator required inputs} \\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \\hline L_{PP}, L_{WL}, L_{OS}, B, T, T_{a}, T_{f}, C_{B}, D_{P}, `\\\\` Bulbous bow, Number of bosses, brackets, thrusters. & ship particulars `\\\\` \\hline Required speed or propeller rpm, ship course angle & Mission data \\\\ \\hline BN, weather angle, water temperature & Environment \\\\ \\hline \\end{tabular}% \\label{inputs}% \\end{table}%` the result of this is as shown in figure How can i complete the right border of the table ??? I used \\\\ to break the line of first row",
"$x^a - 1$ divides $x^b - 1$ if and only if $a$ divides $b$ Let $x > 1$ and $a$, $b$ be positive integers. I know that $a$ divides $b$ implies that $x^a - 1$ divides $x^b - 1$. If $b = qa$, then $$x^b - 1 = (x^a)^q - 1^q = (x^a - 1)((x^a)^{q-1} + \\ldots + x^a + 1).$$ I'm interested in the converse of the statement. If $x^a - 1$ divides $x^b - 1$, does this imply that $a$ divides $b$?",
"Add and remove update channels in an easy terminal way I know there is a GUI in Ubuntu Software & Updates to enable the update channels updates proposed backports security as shown in this screenshot: I am looking for an easy way to do this from within a terminal using commands such as sudo apt-add-update enable updates sudo apt-add-update enable proposed sudo apt-add-update enable backports sudo apt-add-update enable security sudo apt-add-update disable updates sudo apt-add-update disable proposed sudo apt-add-update disable backports sudo apt-add-update disable security and an additional thing sudo apt-add-update enable default sudo apt-add-update disable default Some examples for a better understanding An empty sources.list cat /etc/apt/sources.list <empty> sudo apt-add-update enable security <empty> One enabled repository (main) cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main Two or more enabled repositories in one or two lines cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe or deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main universe or deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security universe With deb-src entries cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main universe deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main universe With inactive deb-src entries cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe # deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe # deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main universe The default thing cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security universe sudo apt-add-update enable default deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security universe Only one entry and the disable action cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security universe sudo apt-add-update disable security <empty> Different or the same servers for different or the samerepositories, respect each server cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security universe deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main Different Ubuntu releases for different repositories, respect each release cat /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main sudo apt-add-update enable security deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily-security main universe deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security main PPAs or other package sources (not-Canonical) in the sources.list? Ignore! Don't change the protocols, e.g. https, http, tor, ...",
"Is it possible to stop my laptop going to sleep when I close the lid? GNOME 3.20, Fedora 24. My laptop does not reliably wake from sleep. (It happens to be a hardware issue... I think I basically killed it while trying to replace a wifi card. But I want to keep using it for a while longer).",
"Show that one-sided limits always exist for a monotone function (on an interval)",
"I am trying to render this scene above [Snap-shot 1]. But when i am trying to render the scene, its showing me the result [Snap-shot 2]. Whats wrong with my blender [2.72]",
"How can I let people join my minecraft server from diffrent versions?",
"I wanted to get a 12 core CPU (Threadripper 1920X) and I wanted to know the max amount of cores Blender can use?",
"Let $\\theta \\in R^{n}$. The Fisher Information Matrix is defined as: $$I(\\theta)_{i,j} = -E\\left[\\frac{\\partial^{2} \\log(f(X|\\theta))}{\\partial \\theta_{i} \\partial \\theta_{j}}\\bigg|\\theta\\right]$$ How can I prove the Fisher Information Matrix is positive semidefinite?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How STL Containers Instantiate For User Objects | Why can templates only be implemented in the header file? | [
"SC2272-M4 Behaviour when using relay SRD-05VDC-SL-C 5V DC I'm currently encountering a problem when using a relay switch with a 5v receiver. When using the same receiver with a row of LEDS it works flawlessly. I've noticed that the relay keeps making the switching noise over and over like I'm pressing the transmitter really fast apart from the fact I'm not. Also, when the transmitter is moved closer to the receiver from 20\" to around 1\" the problem stops. Below is some circuits to help show you my setup. Any help appreciated thanks. Setup Specs USB 5v DC (2AMPS) Receiver (XY-DJM-5V - SC2272-M4) Relay (SRD-05VDC-SL-C 5V DC) Transmitter (XY-04) Diode (1N4001) Transistor (2N2222A) Resistor (1.8K Ohms) – Schematic created using Antenna Signal Workaround or Booster I believe this issue is related to wireless signal on D0. Basically above 20\" inches the output to the relay drops from 5.05v to 0.5v and is obviously causing the problem. I think I need to boost the signal or replace the transistor with something that triggers at low and high current but have no clue. Any help appreciated, I'm new at this. Board Setup",
"If $\\alpha_{1},\\ldots,\\alpha_{m}$ are vectors different from zero vector, then there is a linear functional $f$ such that $f(\\alpha_{i})\\neq 0$",
"How to prove $\\sum_{k=1}^{n}F_k = F_{n+2}-1$ by induction when $F_n$ is the Fibonacci sequence Let $F_n$ be the Fibonacci sequence where $F_0$ = 0 , $F_1$ = 1 and $F_n$ = $F_{n-1}$ + $F_{n-2}$. I want to prove the following by induction. $$\\sum_{k=1}^{n}F_k = F_{n+2}-1$$ Here is what I have so far. Can anybody tell me if I am right? Base case = n=1 $F_k$ = 1 = LHS $F_{1+2}$ - 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 = RHS Statement is true for n=1. Assume statement is true for n=i. $$\\sum_{k=1}^{i}F_k = F_{i+2}-1$$ Prove statement is true for n=i+1. $$\\sum_{k=1}^{i+1}F_{k} = F_{((i+1)+2)}-1$$ $F_1$ + $F_2$ +...+ $F_i$ + $F_{i+1}$ = $F_{((i+1)+2)}-1$ $F_{i+2}$ - 1 + $F_{i+1}$ = $F_{((i+1)+2)}-1$ $F_{((i+1)+2)}-1$ = $F_{((i+1)+2)}-1$ Statement holds for n=i+1",
"Why is BigDecimal returning a weird value?",
"Outlier Detection on skewed Distributions",
"Every time I try to create a table using MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE it adds \"broken\" comments at the end of the script. Example: I am trying to create a table called \"user\". This is what the table should look like: However when I click the apply button, the script generates incorrectly: CREATE TABLE `user` ( `userid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '', `record_status` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '', `createdby` VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL COMMENT '', `createddate` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT '', `updatedby` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `updateddate` DATETIME NULL COMMENT '', `username` INT NOT NULL COMMENT '', `password` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `firstname` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `lastname` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `email` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `facebook_userid` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', `email_verified` VARCHAR(75) NULL COMMENT '', PRIMARY KEY (`userid`, `username`) COMMENT ''); The comment in this line should not be there, so the code should be: PRIMARY KEY (`userid`, `username`)); and the code executes when I paste it into an editor and remove this comment. However I create massive databases daily. (Each with +- 15 tables). I can't keep doing this for each table as it is time consuming. How can I disable this feature that adds the comments to the script? I don't need them in my databases",
"Find the value of : $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\prod_{k=1}^n\\cos\\left(\\frac{ka}{n\\sqrt{n}}\\right)$",
"Space of bounded continuous functions is complete I have lecture notes with the claim $(C_b(X), \\|\\cdot\\|_\\infty)$, the space of bounded continuous functions with the sup norm is complete. The lecturer then proved two things, (i) that $f(x) = \\lim f_n (x)$ is bounded and (ii) that $\\lim f_n \\in \\mathbb{R}$. I don't understand why it's not enough that $f$ is bounded. I think the limit of a sequence of continuous functions is continuous and then if $f$ is bounded, it's in $C_b(X)$. So what is this $\\lim f_n \\in \\mathbb{R}$ about? Many thanks for your help.",
"Use of \"though\" versus \"however\" Consider the sentence E-books are on the rise, but they haven't suppressed paper books though. This usage seems to be quite common, but when I learned English I was taught to use \"however\" where I now read \"though\". My questions on this use of \"though\" are: Is this a new trend? Is it restricted to American English? Is \"though\" considered more colloquial than \"however\" ? And on a syntactic level: Do you put a comma before \"though\"?",
"What made us think that Earth moves around the Sun?",
"What is the difference between Python's list methods append and extend? What's the difference between the list methods append() and extend()?",
"Is list::size() really O(n)? Recently, I noticed some people mentioning that std::list::size() has a linear complexity. According to , this is in fact implementation dependent as the standard doesn't say what the complexity has to be. The comment says: Actually, it depends on which STL you are using. Microsoft Visual Studio V6 implements size() as {return (_Size); } whereas gcc (at least in versions 3.3.2 and 4.1.0) do it as { return std::distance(begin(), end()); } The first has constant speed, the second has o(N) speed So my guess is that for the VC++ crowd size() has constant complexity as Dinkumware probably won't have changed that fact since VC6. Am I right there? What does it look like currently in gcc? If it is really O(n), why did the developers choose to do so?",
"Can you use class features while Polymorphed? More specifically I'm trying to understand if a Barbarian who has been polymorphed, either willingly or not would be able to . However this also applies to things such as , or , anything a player might want to continue to use while no longer themselves. Many questions specify you're able to rage while Wild Shaped, as specifies You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, specifies the following, The target's game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains it's alignment and personality. And The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form. Unlike Wild Shape, nowhere does polymorph specify that you retain benefits from your class or race. Does this imply that class abilities do not carry over to polymorphed individuals?",
"RegEx for Javascript to allow only alphanumeric I need to find a reg ex that only allows alphanumeric. So far, everyone I try only works if the string is alphanumeric, meaning contains both a letter and a number. I just want one what would allow either and not require both.",
"You can't see the question owner's special color",
"Can a decision in a node of a decision tree be based on comparison between 2 columns of the dataset? Assume the features in the dataframe are columns - A,B,C and my target is Y Can my decision tree have a decision node which looks for say, if A>B then true else false?",
"I am looking for a proof possibly using the sandwich theorem and/or Bernoulli's inequality for proving the following statement: If $x>0$ then $x^{1/n}$ tends to $1$.",
"For example: \"Last week, I found out that NASA stands for 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration.'\" or \"Last week, I found out that NASA stood for 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration.'\"",
"how is this possible? I know there is some trick, should someone please explain?!",
"TikZ: Having circle borders only grown to the outside"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Proving that if $0<a<b$, then $a<\sqrt{ab}<\frac{a+b}{2}<b$ | If $0<a<b$, prove that $a<\sqrt{ab}<\frac{a+b}{2}<b$ | [
"At 12 o'clock, the hour hand and minute hand of the clock can be swapped, and the clock still gives the same time, but at 6 o'clock, it can not be swapped. So in what cases when we swap the hour and the minute hand position does a clock still give a valid time?",
"Google Chrome PPA upgrade invalid signature",
"Negation in English",
"Issue with using ContactID as subscriber key in Marketing Cloud We have set up our Sales Cloud - Marketing Cloud integration where Contact ID is used as the subscriber key. What we've noticed is when we have contact ID as the subscriber relationship on our sendable data extension, Marketing Cloud will reference contact ID on All Subscribers list and if data matches, it will send to the email address listed on All Subscribers and not to the one on the data extension. This has caused us headaches for a number of reasons: Email addresses always change so the one on All Subscribers is out-of-date. Whilst preference center can update a recipients address and write this back to All Subscribers that not how most addresses are updated by the user Email address is typically updated in Sales Cloud instance and migrated to Marketing Cloud either through imports or via synchronized data extensions. It does not map directly to All Subscribers. Marketing Cloud users assume (and quite rightly) the address listed on the data extension is what will be used in the send. Not the one on All subscribers. Anyone else experienced this? Any solution to resolve this issue?",
"What causes Nova's Triple Tap to go on a short cooldown? This isn't about the level 20 ultimate talent. There is a brief \"arming phase\" where Nova locks onto her target before shooting three bullets. When something happens to her target during that phase (allied Devouring Maw, Divine Shield, etc.), sometimes Triple Tap is placed on the full 100 second cooldown, other times it is placed on a much shorter 10 second cooldown. What triggers this 10 second cooldown? Is this a timing issue? I believe if she is interrupted after the shots start going out, Triple Tap is always put on the full cooldown. Maybe I'm just seeing the ability get blocked right as the first shot goes out? Is this ability-specific? Does stunning Nova have a different effect than a Devouring Maw or Void Prison on her target? And is that different from a Divine Shield/Sanctification on the target? Is this determined by whether the line to the target was interrupted by an ally or an enemy hero? For example, is there a difference between an allied Void Prison and an enemy Void Prison on the target?",
"Can you raise a number to an irrational exponent? The way that I was taught it in 8th grade algebra, a number raised to a fractional exponent, i.e. $a^\\frac x y$ is equivalent to the denominatorth root of the number raised to the numerator, i.e. $\\sqrt[y]{a^x}$. So what happens when you raise a number to an irrational number? Obviously it is not so simple to break it down like above. Does an irrational exponent still have a well formed meaning? The only example that comes to mind is Euler's identity, but that seems likes a pretty exceptional case. What about in general?",
"Does and has both are used with singular pronouns (He has the bottle , He does play cricket , etc) whereas Do and have are used with plural pronouns ( They have the bottle , Do they like cricket? , etc) But still we use Does with have ( She does have a car ). Why? Shouldn't it be She does has a car.",
"Clock time is off on dual boot",
"proper use google webmaster tools URL Parameters There are some urls like http://domain.com/user/:username and http://domain.com/post/:id on my website, the username and id is the parameter from database. I try to let google crawler more efficiently , can I use google webmaster tools > URL Parameters > add parameter ? I read the document but still don't get it how to set up? the column Parameter and the rest what should I filled? or this tools only for get method parameter?",
"How to identify the process that's sending error messages to terminal?",
"Is there a way to show that $\\sqrt{p_{n}} < n$? Is there a way to show that $\\sqrt{p_{n}} < n$? In , I show that $f_{2}(x)=\\frac{x}{ln(x)} - \\sqrt{x}$ is ascending, for $\\forall x\\geq e^{2}$. As a result, $\\forall n \\geq 3$ $$\\frac{p_{n}}{ln(p_{n})} - \\sqrt{p_{n}}\\leq \\frac{p_{n+1}}{ln(p_{n+1})} - \\sqrt{p_{n+1}}$$ Also (and as a result), $\\forall n \\geq 3$ $$ \\frac{p_{n}}{ln(p_{n})} - \\sqrt{p_{n}} > 0$$ Or $$ \\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{p_{n}/ln(p_{n})} < \\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{\\sqrt{p_{n}}}$$ According to $$\\displaystyle\\smash{\\lim_{n \\to \\infty }}\\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{p_{n}/ln(p_{n})}=1$$ Or, $\\forall \\varepsilon >0$, $\\exists N(\\varepsilon )$: $\\forall n>N(\\varepsilon )$ $$1- \\varepsilon < \\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{p_{n}/ln(p_{n})} < 1+ \\varepsilon$$ Or $$1- \\varepsilon < \\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{p_{n}/ln(p_{n})} < \\frac{\\pi (p_{n})}{\\sqrt{p_{n}}}$$ As a result $\\forall \\varepsilon >0$, $\\exists N(\\varepsilon )$: $\\forall n>N(\\varepsilon )$ $$(1 - \\varepsilon ) \\cdot \\sqrt{p_{n}} < \\pi (p_{n}) = n$$ But this is not enough. Interestingly, is true iff function $f_{4}(x)=\\pi (x) - \\sqrt{x}$ is strictly ascending ($x < y \\Rightarrow f(x) < f(y)$) for prime arguments. If $f_{4}(p_{n}) < f_{4}(p_{n+1})$ then $$\\pi (p_{n}) - \\sqrt{p_{n}} < \\pi (p_{n+1}) - \\sqrt{p_{n+1}}$$ Or $$\\sqrt{p_{n+1}} - \\sqrt{p_{n}} < \\pi (p_{n+1}) - \\pi (p_{n}) =1$$ And vice-versa, if $$\\sqrt{p_{n+1}} - \\sqrt{p_{n}} < 1$$ Then $$-\\sqrt{p_{n}} < -\\sqrt{p_{n+1}} + 1$$ Or $$\\pi (p_{n})-\\sqrt{p_{n}} < \\pi (p_{n}) + 1 -\\sqrt{p_{n+1}} = \\pi (p_{n+1}) -\\sqrt{p_{n+1}}$$ So, if Andrica's conjecture is true then $\\forall n \\geq 3$ $$\\pi (p_{n})-\\sqrt{p_{n}} > 0$$ Or $$\\sqrt{p_{n}} < \\pi (p_{n})= n$$",
"Flex-box: Align last row to grid",
"Here is the situation. I have hexagonal board,and a unit on it,with speed or move value 4.Diffrent terrain has a diffrent cost.When i click on the unit,game should show me a move range. My solution was to check each hex in range of 4,with A* pathfinding,and if path cost was less than 4 then this hex was in range.Finally game nicely show me range of that unit. My question is: Is there other solution to search for range on hex grids or square grid,because even if i am really proud of what i did in my solution,i think,it is a little to exaggerated?:)) What make me ask this question?I noticed that when unit speed is 4 or 6 or even 8,time to computing range for my computer was really good,but when speed was 10 and more i noticed that i needed to wait few second to compute.Well in real games i rather dont see something like this and my A* pathfinding is rather well optimized,so im thinking that my solution is wrong. Thanks for any replies.",
"Unable to install Ubuntu on Lenovo Y500",
"Showing that $\\frac{\\sqrt[n]{n!}}{n}$ $\\rightarrow \\frac{1}{e}$ Show:$$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sqrt[n]{n!}}{n}= \\frac{1}{e}$$ So I can expand the numerator by geometric mean. Letting $C_{n}=\\left(\\ln(a_{1})+...+\\ln(a_{n})\\right)/n$. Let the numerator be called $a_{n}$ and the denominator be $b_{n}$ Is there a way to use this statement so that I could force the original sequence into the form of $1/\\left(1+\\frac{1}{n}\\right)^n$",
"How do you judge the quality of a journal?",
"Since I can't find any alternative to Linux' elevation command, I have the following question: How to define a PowerShell function which requires elevation? I mean UAC prompt. Say, such function follows: function system-check { SFC /ScanNow } System: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit PowerShell: Major Minor Build Revision ----- ----- ----- -------- 5 0 10586 117 EDIT1: To be 100% understandable let me rephrase: I run PowerShell as user I run the aforementioned function system-check I want the function to elevate in order to be able to execute the command; note, that I want the UAC prompt to appear",
"Why is find not accepting '-exec cp {} dir +'? I have a directory, dir1 which contains many files whose names end in either .jpg or .png. I want to copy all the .png files to dir2 which is empty. This command works: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 \\; but this command doesn't: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 + find: missing argument to `-exec' I also tried: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} -t dir2 + find: missing argument to `-exec' and: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 \\+ find: missing argument to `-exec' After looking at , I even tried: find dir1 -name '*.png' -exec cp {} dir2 {} + find: Only one instance of {} is supported with -exec ... + says that: -exec {} + was added in [version] 4.2.12 in 2005 My version of find is 4.4.2. What am I doing wrong?",
"Default port for SQL Server I need to know the default port settings for the following services SQL Server SQL Browser SQL Reporting services SQL Analysis services I neeed to know the port settings for these services for different versions of SQL Server (2000,2005,2008) Also let me know whether the default port setting will change based on sql server versions Thanks in advance.",
"If I multiclass into 2 or more spellcasting classes, how do I determine my known/prepared spells?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Square matrix A is singular $\iff \operatorname{rank}(A)<n$? | A square matrix $n \times n$ is an invertible matrix iff the rank of the matrix is $n$. | [
"I'm fitting a multiple linear regression model between 4 categorical variables (with 4 levels each) and a numerical output. My dataset has 43 observations. Regression gives me the following $p$-values from the $t$-test for every slope coefficient: $.15, .67, .27, .02$. Thus, the coefficient for the 4th predictor is significant at $\\alpha = .05$ confidence level. On the other hand, the regression gives me a $p$-value from an overall $F$-test of the null hypothesis that all my slope coefficients are equal to zero. For my dataset, this $p$-value is $.11$. My question: how should I interpret these results? Which $p$-value should I use and why? Is the coefficient for the 4th variable significantly different from $0$ at the $\\alpha = .05$ confidence level? I've seen a related question, , but there was an opposite situation: high $t$-test $p$-values and low $F$-test $p$-value. Honestly, I don't quite understand why we would need an $F$-test in addition to a $t$-test to see if linear regression coefficients are significantly different from zero.",
"Is it possible to create 3D red/cyan anaglyphs in a hand drawing? There are plenty tutorials online on how to create 3D red/cyan anaglyphs from existing photos in Photoshop or similar software. However, I'm wondering if it is possible to draw a 3D image by hand on for example a whiteboard using markers. My plan is to tape together a red and blue marker and draw with it using the same rotation/inclination of the marker across the drawing. Will this give a 3D effect when viewed through red/cyan glasses? Or is the 3D anaglyph method more complex than just offsetting red and cyan lines?",
"How can I distribute a native executable for a Python program? Lately all of my work has been in Python (and Ruby), and I'm in love with those two languages. There are many libraries for game development on Python but the problem I see is that many of those frameworks don't cover the \"distribution\" aspect of game creation. I'd like to code my game on Python (and any other pure Python extra libraries I need) and be able to distribute an executable for the main PC platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux). Any options out there or what are the best combinations for this? (maybe pyglet + cx_freeze)",
"To show that $\\sum a_nb_n$ is absolutely convergent Assume that $\\sum a_n$ is convergent and $\\sum b_n$ is absolutely convergent.To show that $\\sum a_nb_n$ is absolutely convergent My try::Consider the sequence of partial sums of $\\sum |a_nb_n|$ $S_n=|a_1b_1|+|a_2b_2|+......+|a_nb_n|$ Now $(a_1b_1+a_2b_2+......+a_nb_n)\\leq ( (a_1^2+a_2^2+..+a_n^2))^\\frac{1}{2}((b_1^2+b_2^2+..+b_n^2)^\\frac{1}{2})$ How to proceed from here?",
"Another problem from quora. What can be said about $v =\\prod_{s=2}^{\\infty} \\zeta(s) $? Wolfy says that $v \\approx 2.294856591673313794183 $. The Inverse Symbolic Calculator () finds nothing. Here are the close values: $2294856391585950 = (0064) sum((7/6*n^3-3*n^2+65/6*n-3)/(Fibo(n)+1),n=1..inf)\\\\ 2294856397653578 = (0001) GAM(5/6)*BesI(1,2)^{GAM(7/12)}\\\\ 2294856469349552 = (0006) 1/4357571\\\\ 2294856473388934 = (0324) 1/10*(10+14^{1/2}*10^{1/4})^{1/2}*10^{3/4}\\\\ 2294856488490537 = (0001) BesJ(0,1)^{GAM(1/3)/GAM(5/12)}\\\\ 2294856524215021 = (0314) sin(Pi*8/45)-sin(Pi*14/51)\\\\ 2294856591673313 \\text{ would be here}\\\\ 2294856740350177 = (0011) sum((2*n^3-5*n^2+22*n-14)/(n!+2),n=1..inf)\\\\ 2294856991319600 = (0324) 23^{1/2}/(12^{3/4}-3^{2/3})^{1/2}\\\\ 2294857017919943 = (0001) Feig2*Li4(1/2)/GAM(5/6)\\\\ 2294857089879260 = (0248) F(11/26;27/50;1) \\\\ 2294857493303450 = (0404) Psi(1/21)+Psi(19/21)+Psi(13/14)\\\\ $ I tried using Euler's zeta product and partition sum, but this didn't seem to help. Here is what resulted: $\\zeta(s) =\\dfrac1{\\prod_p (1-p^{-s})} $. $\\begin{array}\\\\ v &=\\prod_{s=2}^{\\infty} \\zeta(s)\\\\ &=\\prod_{s=2}^{\\infty} \\dfrac1{\\prod_p (1-p^{-s})}\\\\ &=\\prod_{s=2}^{\\infty} \\prod_p\\dfrac1{ (1-p^{-s})}\\\\ &= \\prod_p\\prod_{s=2}^{\\infty}\\dfrac1{ (1-p^{-s})}\\\\ \\end{array} $ Euler's product identity states that $\\prod_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\dfrac1{1-zx^n} =\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} \\dfrac{x^nz^n}{\\prod_{k=1}^n(1-x^k)} $. Putting $x=z=\\dfrac1{p} $, $\\prod_{n=2}^{\\infty}\\dfrac1{1-p^{-n}} =\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} \\dfrac{p^{-2n}}{\\prod_{k=1}^n(1-p^{-k})} $. That's as far as I can go.",
"What characters are valid in a Java class name? What other rules govern Java class names (for instance, Java class names cannot begin with a number)?",
"How to negate a specific symbol? I want to negate the symbol whose code is \\models (this would be specific to Formal Logic). How can I do that? I tried a number of combination, but didn't find how this could be done. I tried \\neqmodels, \\nemodels, \\notmodels, \\nmodels but all of them are wrong. Is there a general way to negate symbols?",
"If $F: \\mathbb R^2 \\to \\mathbb R$ and $F_x$ (partial derivative of $F$ wrt $x$) and $F_y$ exist at $(x_0,y_0)$ then the function is continuous at that point. Is this true? If not what could be a counter-example?",
"Can someone please explain how I can install in the following ways? By using the package manager? By downloading and installing a pre-built package?",
"Why are we in love \"with\" someone?",
"I have some auto-generated T-SQL, which is probably valid, but I don't really understand. ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT [My_FORIEGN_KEY]; I know what a foreign key constraint is, but what's the CHECK CHECK?",
"Semigroup analogue to the classification of finite simple groups? Is there a semigroup analogue to the classification of finite simple groups? If so what are some of the major results? --Edit, reference links---",
"I know roughly and informally what a confidence interval is. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around one rather important detail: According to Wikipedia: A confidence interval does not predict that the true value of the parameter has a particular probability of being in the confidence interval given the data actually obtained. I've also seen similar points made in several places on this site. A more correct definition, also from Wikipedia, is: if confidence intervals are constructed across many separate data analyses of repeated (and possibly different) experiments, the proportion of such intervals that contain the true value of the parameter will approximately match the confidence level Again, I've seen similar points made in several places on this site. I don't get it. If, under repeated experiments, the fraction of computed confidence intervals that contain the true parameter $\\theta$ is $(1 - \\alpha)$, then how can the probability that $\\theta$ is in the confidence interval computed for the actual experiment be anything other than $(1 - \\alpha)$? I'm looking for the following in an answer: Clarification of the distinction between the incorrect and correct definitions above. A formal, precise definition of a confidence interval that clearly shows why the first definition is wrong. A concrete example of a case where the first definition is spectacularly wrong, even if the underlying model is correct.",
"Group cohomology intuition Group cohomology is one thing I don't seem to get my head around. I understand $H^0$ as being the \"fixed points\" but when it comes to anything higher I have no idea what the notions are meant to be capturing...if anything. For example I can see that 1-cocycles are homomorphisms with a specific property but that property doesn't seem to mean anything to me...and I think it should! Is there an intuition or example that explains the meaning or is it just something that \"stuck\" and seems to work in lots of places?",
"Is there a name based virtual host SSH reverse proxy? I've grown quite fond of HTTP reverse proxies in our development environment and found the DNS based virtual host reverse proxy quite useful. Having only one port (and the standard one) open on the firewall makes it much easier for management. I'd like to find something similar to do SSH connections but haven't had much luck. I'd prefer not to simply use SSH tunneling since that requires opening port ranges other than the standard. Is there anything out there that can do this? Could HAProxy do this?",
"Is there console mode in Mac OS X?",
"Which computer science / programming Stack Exchange sites do I post on?",
"Problem with solving systems of linear congruence of two variables The problem I am given is finding a solution to the following pair of equations: $3x + 4y$ $\\equiv$ $5$ $mod$ $13$ $2x + 5y$ $\\equiv$ $7$ $mod$ $13$ By reading the methodology here: Since the modulos in my problem are also the same, I am able to use substitution, but this leaves fractions in my expressions. I then used matrix multiplication as follows: $\\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4\\\\ 2 & 5\\end{bmatrix}$ $\\begin{bmatrix}\\ x\\\\ y\\end{bmatrix}$ = $\\begin{bmatrix}\\ 5\\\\ 7\\end{bmatrix}$ And solving this also gives me a matrix with fractions, so I am a bit lost on how to solve this problem. Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much.",
"Differences between the introduction of a sandwich thesis and a paper I would like to know what are the main differences between the introductory part of a paper and of a thesis. My thesis would be a sandwich type, so I would have to wrap everything there. Some of the differences are: Longer in thesis. Deeper in thesis. Extended definition of key terms, concepts and methodology in thesis. Clear definition of the whole goal in thesis, whereas paper smaller goal. To narrow the possible answers, I do research on the molecular aspects of the infection steps of a pathogenic swine bacteria. Also develop strategies to block infection by using vaccines.",
"How to bond/connect wires to neodymium magnets? After reading , I learned it is not advisable to solder a wire to neodymium magnets. After more reading I found post describing the use of conductive epoxy to bond electrical wires to neodymium magnets, a very messy process which takes several hours of waiting. I want to ask this community if they have or suggest better methods to bond/connect a wire to a neodymium magnet to act as a conductive connection?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Something has seriously gone wrong with my windows 8.1 PC | Windows 8.1 missing font files after restart | [
"I have a folder with some directories and some files (some are hidden, beginning with dot). for d in *; do echo $d done will loop through all files and directories, but I want to loop only through directories. How do I do that?",
"Human & Alien captured, observed by higher beings From a collection of short stories I read at least 30 years ago. :/ This is going to be incredibly vague, so apologies in advance. A human and alien (blob/octopus-like...I think) from warring races are captured by an unidentified higher intelligence and put in an enclosure (more like a zoo habitat rather than a prison cell). They are separated by an invisible barrier and can see each other. I think they were both trying to escape or trying to figure out how they could kill the other first. There was a bulldozer/loader type vehicle they could use at one point to build a shelter (or something). I believe they were crafting makeshift weapons as well. There was no communication between the two as far as I remember. The main tension in the story seemed to be was the race to get to the other first. This has been stuck in my head forever. I know its a very common theme. The short stories may have included Asimov.",
"Can we have some tools to handle link rot? There are many links posted in answers, and some in questions, that are either stale or broken. An example is the change to on-line documentation this year to do away with separate 'Optional' and 'Core' tasks areas in the documentation - the old links 404 now. I've fixed a bunch of 'optionaltasks' broken links, but searching for 'coretasks' in Stack Overflow questions returns over 300 matches... Are there any tools for us to review and fix these - with an emphasis on the fixing - without sifting through completely manually? Is it time for some refactoring tools for Stack Overflow content, in particular, for links? Also, I'd be interested to know if there is an analysis of links (as found in the Stack Overflow data dumps) out there. Answer: there is a of a sample of links and images, but it's getting a bit out-of-date.",
"Philosophy is the mother of all science Prologue Running google search: at the time of this post yields about 114,000 results, and while this Quora post: puts forth the question to determine the truth of the matter, it does not address the historical, etymological, and philosophical import of the matter. This PhilSE Post: clearly addresses theory, but does not address the historical aspect. The related question in Researchgate post: seems to not provide a substantial answer either. Inquiry What is the context in which the statement 'Philosophy is the mother of all science' or related ones began to recognize as a the relationship between philosophy and the advent of modern science under thinkers like ? That is to say, what historical and social consequences were responsible for seeing somehow superior as a theory to the ? Epilogue The question is intended to determine the metaphilosophical insights of philosophers. For example, if Karl Popper used the phrase or one similar, did he appeal to previous philosophers for insight on that same relationship? See Also",
"Joining attributes of polygons and points by location in QGIS I have two shapefiles.... points containing a number field 'response_time' a polygon grid of square polygons containing fields including 'PNTCNT' with the number of points per polygon, calculated already using the tool 'points in polygon' There are between 0 and 600 points within the bounds of each polygon in the grid. I want to add fields to the polygon grid for the mean, min and max response times within each polygon, in addition to the PNTCNT field already there. I have tried the 'Join attributes by location' tool, making the polygon layer the target and the points the join layer, and vice versa. I've selected 'take summary of interesting features'. But I can't get the result I want. All I end up with is the polygon grid again but with an extra field 'COUNT' which replicates (or duplicates) the 'PNTCNT' field. No min, max and mean of values from the points layer. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this? I have tried this using QGIS 1.7 and 1.8.",
"We are small team which working on car racing game but we don't know about licensing process for branded cars like Nissan, Lamborghini, Chevrolet and etc. Do we need to buy any licence for using real car brand names, models, logos,... or we can use them for free? Second option we think about using not real brand with real models is it possible? If someone have experience with that, fell free to share it. Any information about that is welcome.",
"Evaluating limit $\\lim_{k\\to \\infty}\\prod_{r=1}^k\\cos{\\left(\\frac {x}{2^r}\\right)}$",
"Why are Bitmap-Fonts used automatically?",
"Union of two vector subspaces not a subspace?",
"Importing a Single Symbol From a Different Font Is there a general way to change the font of a particular symbol without switching packages? For example, suppose I'm using Computer Modern for my entire document, but I want the \"subset\" operator to look as it does in mathabx. How can I redefine it to appear in this way?",
"In Ubuntu 13.04 there was an option to use the PPA by Relan in order to get ExFat functionality. Seeing that in Ubuntu this functionality is now available from the repositories without the PPA I tried this but failed to make it work. So my question is how do I enable exfat support?",
"What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier? It's common in C++ to name member variables with some kind of prefix to denote the fact that they're member variables, rather than local variables or parameters. If you've come from an MFC background, you'll probably use m_foo. I've also seen myFoo occasionally. C# (or possibly just .NET) seems to recommend using just an underscore, as in _foo. Is this allowed by the C++ standard?",
"Stack Exchange doesn't allow me to answer protected questions because I gave away earned rep in bounties I noticed that I can't answer protected questions. I don't want to actually, but it says: It was , but I also didn't have an ability to answer other protected questions. I earned 270 reputation points + 100 reputation point bonus. Then I 350 reputation points as a bounty. Then I earned 59 reputation points. Today I started another bounty (50 reputation points), etc – I offered 4 bounties with total 500 rep. Despite the fact I started from the association bonus, I must have an ability to answer protected questions, as I earned reputation points here. But offered them as bounties. I now have enough reputation points, but I would like it to be fixed, because I like offering bounties very much. I would like system to check for my bounties when it checks if I can answer protected question.",
"In the example $\\cup^{i=1}_{\\infty}F_i$ How do you get the i=1 directly below the union symbol and the infinity directly above?",
"Show that the set $\\mathbb{Q}[\\sqrt{2}] = \\{a + b \\sqrt{2} \\mid a, b \\in \\mathbb{Q}\\}$ is a field with the usual multiplication and addition.",
"Inheriting constructors",
"Autofilling fields based on another field",
"What techniques, tricks or otherwise have you used to get upgrades on flights? I've travelled a lot. Living in New Zealand or the UK means anywhere is likely a flight, but I've always flown economy. Twice between LA and Auckland I managed to get the exit row after talking nicely to the check-in girl, but apart from that, nothing. I've spoken to ticket agents, tried 'check in chicken' (where you wait until the last minute before checking in, hoping there's an overbooking of economy) but have never managed to get an upgrade, while others I know seemingly get them quite often. What strategy have you used or do you suggest to achieve this? My next flight is from Melbourne to Tokyo, and I plan on trying all of these ;) (Related questions on and upgrades)",
"Why does US Robotics destroy Lanning's house? Shortly after the death of Dr. Lanning, Detective Spooner travels to the doctor's house to look for clues. While he is searching the house a demolition bot (which had been programmed to demolish the house the next day) goes on a rampage and destroys the house with Detective Spooner in it. The house is fully furnished and appears to be in good condition. Why would US Robotics want to destroy the house with everything in it? Why not sell the house and everything inside?",
"How does IPv4 Subnetting Work?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How should I configure SPF for my domain? | What are SPF records, and how do I configure them? | [
"I am trying to grab the capital letters of a couple of words and wrap them in span tags. I am using for extract and wrapping purposes, but it's not outputting anything. preg_replace(\"/[A-Z]/\", \"<span class=\\\"initial\\\">$1</span>\", $str)",
"Review option on mobile phone not available? The other day I was looking at Stack Overflow on my Android phone. All is made very nice and all, but I could not find the Review button/link. Is it being implemented, did I miss it, or it is not available?",
"I tried to fix my hard drive using Ubuntu but I encountered an error message and didn't know how to proceed. I need to fix my bad sectors fsck /dev/sdb fsck from util-linux 2.20.1 e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012) fsck.ext2: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sdb You must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root",
"Connect Error (2054) - mysql_old_password issue still not solved",
"How to install Redis on Ubuntu 16.04? I am working with Laravel but i have installed all on my own (php, mysql, composer, nginx) and now i need to install Redis and configure it so i could use it for queue driver in Laravel. How to install it, because it cannot be installed through apt-get install redis i get this error: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install redis [sudo] password for ubuntu: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package redis",
"I have a third-party library which consists mainly of a large number of static (.a) library files. I can compile this into a single .a library file, but I really need it to be a single .so shared library file. Is there any way to convert a static .a file into a shared .so file? Or more generally is there a good way to combine a huge number of static .a files with a few .o object files into a single .so file?",
"Why does $\\lim_{n \\to\\infty}a_{n+1} = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty}a_n$? Assume that $\\{a_n\\}$ is a convergent sequence. How to use the definition of a limit of a sequence to prove that $\\lim\\limits_{n \\to\\infty}a_{n+1} = \\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty}a_n$?",
"C++: delete vs. free and performance",
"$\\mathbb Q[x]/(x^2+1)$ is not isomorphic to $\\mathbb Q[x]/(x^2+2)$",
"I've got a qml file and I just want to ssh to the phone and do qmlscene myfile.qml Is it possible without doing all that stuff with SDK and packages? Just vim and some simple commands that can fit into person's memory.",
"Solve for $f(x)$ if $f(f(x))=6x-f(x)$",
"Virtual box ubuntu: Internet not detected on guest(Ubuntu) in host(winXp)",
"Convert a column into a comma separated list",
"How to align content of a div to the bottom Say I have the following CSS and HTML code: #header { height: 150px; } <div id=\"header\"> <h1>Header title</h1> Header content (one or multiple lines) </div> The header section is fixed height, but the header content may change. I would like the content of the header to be vertically aligned to the bottom of the header section, so the last line of text \"sticks\" to the bottom of the header section. So if there is only one line of text, it would be like: ----------------------------- | Header title | | | | header content (resulting in one line) ----------------------------- And if there were three lines: ----------------------------- | Header title | | header content (which is so | much stuff that it perfectly | spans over three lines) ----------------------------- How can this be done in CSS?",
"Break a previous commit into multiple commits",
"OpenSource ATI driver - Fan running at full speed all the time I know this is a common problem and have read other topics but couldn't resolve. Anyways yesterday I found a solution - I have 2 graphic cards (hybrid) and they were both on. So I turned one off and installed Jupiter for power management and from there on the fans were quiet and I was happy as hell. However (:)), yesterday evening I also updated the system and the fan and it's noise came back. I checked whether I am using only 1 graphics card and I am. c0dehunter@mintBox ~ $ sudo lshw -c video [sudo] password for c0dehunter: *-display description: VGA compatible controller product: RS780M/RS780MN [Mobility Radeon HD 3200 Graphics] vendor: Hynix Semiconductor (Hyundai Electronics) physical id: 5 bus info: pci@0000:01:05.0 version: 00 width: 32 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: pm msi vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=radeon latency=0 resources: irq:18 memory:c0000000-cfffffff ioport:c000(size=256) memory:fbcf0000-fbcfffff memory:fbb00000-fbbfffff Maybe the problem is (false) temp reading from GPU? c0dehunter@mintBox ~ $ sensors acpitz-virtual-0 Adapter: Virtual device temp1: +44.0°C (crit = +105.0°C) k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +47.0°C (high = +70.0°C) (crit = +115.0°C, hyst = +110.0°C) radeon-pci-0200 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +127.5°C The thing that is weird is that if I boot into Windows the fan is still at full power (previously it wasn't). Did I f--- up my hardware with software? :) //OH, yes - I forgot to mention that my laptop is not hot at all. The temps are about 50°C.",
"I tried many ways to make a bigger screen in VirtualBox because I do not like the small size of the guest window? Is there is a way to make it big?",
"Linear Transformations: Proving 1 dimensional subspace goes to 1 dimensional I am having trouble understanding this whole question, and how to prove it. Let $F:\\mathbb{R}^n\\to\\mathbb{R}^m$ be a linear transformation. Prove that if $L$ is a $1$-dimensional subspace of $\\mathbb{R}^n$, then $F(L)=\\{y\\in\\mathbb{R}^m: y=F(x)\\text{ for some }x\\in L\\}$ the image of $L$ under $F$ is a subspace of $\\mathbb{R}^m$ with dimension $1$ or $0$. Hence prove that if the kernel of $F$ is $\\{0\\}$, then the image of $L$ is a $1$-dimensional subspace of $\\mathbb{R}^m$ (and so, in this case, $F$ takes lines in $\\mathbb{R}^n$ to lines in $\\mathbb{R}^m$).",
"The definition of derivative of a function $f(x)$ is $$\\lim_{h\\to0} \\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$ Using this definition, the derivative of $\\sin\\sqrt{x}$ will be: $$\\lim_{h\\to0} \\frac{\\sin\\sqrt{x+h}-\\sin\\sqrt{x}}{h}$$ $$\\lim_{h\\to 0} \\frac{\\cos\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{x+h}+\\sqrt{x}}{2}\\right)\\sin\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{x+h}-\\sqrt{x}}{2}\\right)}{h}$$ Now i got stuck. How to find the limit or simplify this expression? I get intuition that we have to use $$\\lim_{x\\to0}\\frac{\\sin x}{x} = 1$$ but that too is leading no where. I am unable to remove h from denominator. NOTE I know the derivative of $\\sin\\sqrt{x}$ is $\\frac{\\cos\\sqrt{x}}{2\\sqrt{x}}$ using chain rule, but this exercise was given to us for practice using division quotient.",
"PhD thesis without acknowledgements During the process of writing my PhD thesis, I was close to falling out with my adviser, the advice I received from other staff at the lab (including the director) was unhelpful at best. I have since made up with my adviser and have successfully defended the thesis. I now have to publish my thesis. The department says that one can include acknowledgements. All of the theses I have seen in my lab and in my department feature acknowledgements. Due to this special situation, I don't quite feel that acknowledgements are called for. Yes, my adviser helped during the first half of the project but then almost completely reverted his stance. In terms of contribution, it is my opinion that he comes out at 0%. I do not want to address any of the issues in the acknowledgements. I do not think that this is the right place. Likewise, I do not feel like thanking any of the involved people. Therefore, I would just leave out the acknowledgements completely. In academia, is this considered worse than lukewarm acknowledgements? Should I actually care about the acknowledgement, because others do?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
NullPointerException in Asynctask's onPostExecute | What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? | [
"X Windows special programs: do some of these still exist?",
"Why are only certain shutter speeds or apertures available? For the exposure control function DSLRs there are specific shutter speeds available. For example there are 1/4, 1/100, 1/500. Why, even in high end DSLRs, is there no option to use a custom shutter speed (such as 1/19)? If the camera can do 1/4000, why can't it do 1/33? Similarly, why are the aperture choices limited? Why is it a technical challenge to add extra shutter speeds or aperture settings?",
"How to change the catcode in a macro",
"I'm trying to identify a song by a female 80's pop group. Here are the lyrics I remember: It's the story of my life if you want to know a play where everything is meant to be you're the story of my life and I can't let you go",
"Question about Casella and Berger's proof of MLE invariance In Casella and Berger, p. 320, they have a proof of the invariance of the MLE. Let $g: \\theta \\mapsto \\eta$ be a function. They define the induced likelihood as $$ L^*(\\eta \\mid X) = \\sup_{\\{\\theta: g(\\theta) = \\eta\\}} L(\\theta \\mid X). $$ This ensures that $g$ is one-to-one with respect to the likelihood functions because if $g$ is not one-to-one, there may be multiple values of $\\theta$ that map to a given $g(\\theta) = \\eta$. Then they note $$ \\sup_{\\eta} L^*(\\eta \\mid X) = \\sup_{\\eta} \\sup_{\\{\\theta: g(\\theta) = \\eta\\}} L(\\theta \\mid X) = \\sup_{\\theta} L(\\theta \\mid X). $$ The first equality just applies the definition of the MLE of $\\eta$. However, the next inequality confuses me. They write, The second inequality follows because the iterated maximization is equal to the unconditional maximization over $\\theta$... Can someone justify this claim or provide some intuition if the claim is supposed to obviously follow from definitions?",
"Why is it that Blender will only allow me to render with a CPU (GPU choice is unavailable)? Or is it until I acquire a graphics card that is specially built for such a task? The images below show a Dell System Diagnostics (Video calibration) and GPU-Z results. Platform: Dell Inspiron 3521 notebook with Core i3 Intel HD Graphics 4000",
"Procedure for reducing the degrees of freedom of an arbitrary system",
"Wilcox.test for testing count based data in R studio large W I'm doing a textmining project about a videogame review dataset. I divided de reviews into a positive (reviewgrade > 8) and negative (reviewgrade < 3) and want to draw conclusions based on the frequency of different grading factors mentioned in the text. I now have a dataframe with counts of certain categories mentioned per review. 0 13249 1 1565 2 292 3 65 4 19 5 6 6 4 7 3 8 2 9 1 Name: positive: gameplay, dtype: int64 0 5043 1 348 2 66 3 18 4 8 5 3 Name: negative: gameplay, dtype: int64 For example this are the distributions of the amount of reviews which have a certain amount of mentions of gameplay related words. There are for example 1565 reviews with precisely 1 mention of a word related to the category gameplay. Now I want to use this data to determine if on average gameplay gets mentioned more in negative context than in positive or vice versa. Because the data is not normal distributed, I assumed a t-test is not appropriate, and found online that a Mann–Whitney U test might be suitable. > wilcox.test(positive$gameplay, negative$gameplay, alternative = \"two.sided\", conf.int = TRUE) Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction data: positive$gameplay and negative$gameplay W = 43702925, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: 2.963844e-05 4.797412e-05 sample estimates: difference in location 4.995671e-05 I do however get a very high W value, which doesn't seem to be correct. Is this not the appropriate test, or am I interpreting this wrong?",
"If Voldemort's body dies, what process would he use to restore himself from a horcrux? His plans seem sloppy for the pains he had taken. For example, why create horcruxes from pieces of jewellery when they dont have the agency to seek out a new body by themselves? He needed Quirrel, a person with unlikely ambitions to seek him out to gain an useful body. When that body was gone, he needed Barty Crouch, someone with questionable agency (he could be imprisoned) to transport Harry and draw his blood. Nagini and the diary seems the only horcruxes with agency, the others are mostly inert. What plans were ever taken to restore Voldemort from his horcruxes?",
"Openlayers v4.0.1 support Google Maps Javascript API? I want to know if the latest version of Openlayers (v4.0.1) supports Google Maps as a Tile Layer. I can't find any document ion about this. If Openlayers doesn't support Google Maps, could someone tell me if there is any way to do this?",
"$|f(x)-f(y)|\\geq k|x-y|$.Then $f$ is bijective and its inverse is continuous. My exercise says: Let $f:\\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ a continuous function e suppose that exists $k$ such that: $$|f(x)-f(y)|\\geq k|x-y|$$ Then $f$ is bijective and its inverse is continuous. Well, there's a Theorem , Invariance of domain, that says \"If $U$ is an open subset of $\\mathbb {R^n}$ and $f : U \\rightarrow\\mathbb{R}$ is an injective continuous map, then $V = f(U)$ is open and $f$ is a homeomorphism between $U$ and $V$\". But I'm not knowing how to proceed...need a clue...Thanks for attention!!!",
"Dimensions with Rank-Nullity question $f:V \\rightarrow V$, $\\dim(V) = n$ a) If $n$ is odd, prove that there does not exist a linear transformation with $\\operatorname{im}(f) = \\ker(f)$ b) Is it false to affirm the previous statement if $n$ is even? My answer: $$ i = \\dim(\\operatorname{im}(f))\\\\ k = \\dim(\\ker(f)) \\begin{cases} n=2i & \\text {if $i=k$} \\\\ n=i+k & \\text{if $n\\neq k$} \\\\ \\end{cases} $$ b) Yes. Is that a valid proof?",
"I'm making a mini game (bomb squad) and the armor needs to be enchanted. I know that armor can be enchanted through command blocks and that is what I intend to do. I am wondering if it is possible to enchant armor twice in one command block or should I need multiple command blocks as I have done in the past?",
"How can I SSH with a remote server so I can browse files and edit them? I have a username and password to use.",
"How to find bases for a subspace defined by an equation",
"What is the 'Badlock Bug'? A user on the Ask Ubuntu General Room posted a link to . After some googling around, all I can find is that it is a mysterious security bug, that uses the same website template as Heartbleed. I manage Linux Servers, a mysterious security bug does not sit well with me. What exactly is it, and how can I protect my servers from it?",
"Chat flag notification, but no flag It appears is back. Upon refreshing any chat page (even when dumping the cache and hard reloading), a chat flag notification is displayed, but there is no chat flag.",
"What are the various physical mechanisms for energy transfer to the photon during blackbody emission? By conservation of energy, the solid is left in a lower energy state following emission of a photon. Clearly absorption and emission balance at thermal equilibrium, however, thermodynamic equilibrium is a statement of the mean behaviour of the system, not a statement that the internal energy is constant on arbitrarily short timescales. The energy has to come from somewhere during emission, and go somewhere during absorption. Energy in a solid can be stored as kinetic and potential energy of electrons and nuclei, either individually or in collective modes such as phonons and plasmons. In thermal equilibrium energy will be stored more or less in various forms depending on the temperature and material. However, even if most of the thermal energy in a particular solid at temperature $T$ is stored in the form of phonons, it could be that phonons primarily interact with light indirectly via electrons, e.g. a phonon excites an electron in a phonon-electron interaction, which can interact with light via the EM field. Given that light is an EM field, it makes sense to me that it is emitted and absorbed by charged particles. The electron-photon interaction is probably dominant for visible and ultraviolet light, given that metals are opaque, while semiconductors and insulators are transparent to (visible and UV) light with energy lower than their bandgap. However, once you get into energies in the IR and below, or X-rays and above, other mechanisms apparently take over. For example, on the high-energy end of the spectrum I've heard that gamma rays can interact directly with nuclear degrees of freedom, which is reasonable considering that gamma rays are emitted during a lot of nuclear reactions. A review of might give clues to important light-matter interactions over a broad range of wavelengths. Whether all of the these processes are involved in blackbody emission is a somewhat different question. What physical processes mediate energy transfer during blackbody emission, and in which energy ranges are the various processes dominant?",
"How to backup an Android device?",
"How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object? Say I create an object as follows: let myObject = { "ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*" }; How should I remove the property regex to end up with new myObject as follows? let myObject = { "ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI" };"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
QGIS atlas composer scale | Atlas generation for different extents | [
"Replace identical lines with just one line at end in Notepad++ Can I replace identical lines with just one line at the end in Notepad++? E.g. from: 1st January 2013 //some text1 1st January 2013 //some text2 1st January 2013 //some text3 1st January 2013 to: //some text1 //some text2 //some text3 1st January 2013 Also is it possible, if I have all dates from 1 to 30 or 31, to replace them individually at their last appearance?",
"I'm trying to process some data in Excel. The data includes numeric account numbers and other long numeric strings (like cell phone MEIDs). I am not doing math operations on these strings, so I want Excel to treat them as plain text. Here is what is making me nuts (this is Excel 2010): Take a long number like 1240800388917 and paste it in a cell in a new worksheet. Excel's default cell format is general, so the string is presented in scientific notation as 1.2408E+12 Right click on the cell, select Format Cells, set the format to Text The cell is still displayed in scientific notation, even though the format has been set to text. Now, if I do the steps in a different order: Format an empty cell as text. Right click on the cell, select Format Cells, set the format to Text Take a long number like 1240800388917 and paste it in to the text formatted cell Now, the cell is displayed as a string and not in scientific notation. The results remaining in scientific notation even though the cell is formatted as text just seems broken to me. I've seen suggested work-arounds like: use CSV import and set the format to text, add a space character to the beginning of each numeric string, and others. Is there a simple good work around to easily keep these strings formatted as text? Why on earth does Excel do this? Related SU questions I found: and",
"Normal subgroup of prime order is characteristic I'm stuck on this exercise from Herstein's topics in algebra: Suppose that $G$ is a group and $|G| = pm$, where $p \\nmid ~ m$ and $p$ is a prime. If $H$ is a normal subgroup of order $p$ in $G$, prove that $H$ is characteristic. How to prove that? What we know: $H$ and $\\varphi(H)$ have prime order $p$, so they must be cyclic and abelian They are both normal subgroups of $G$ how to show that, in fact, we have $H = \\varphi(H)$ for every automorphism $\\varphi$ ?",
"Can Gmail automatically base \"send from\" address on the \"to\" address?",
"Can a child enter the UK on an accompanied visa and then leave the country alone? My daughter who is just under 18 has a child accompanied visa to the UK. I am traveling with her to the UK for a few days. We return from UK on the same day except that she returns to India and I am heading to San Francisco an hour later on the same day. Is that okay or will we have an issue at immigration into the United Kingdom?",
"How to create Unity indicators? I'm interested in Unity indicators and wonder if there is any tutorial on how to program them. I can use the sources of the existing ones as last resort, but I'd prefer a more friendly approach because my programming skills are quite limited.",
"Mile or miles? Singular or plural? Could you explain me please, why sometimes the word \"mile\" is used in singular, sometimes in plural, while in both cases it refers to several and not 1 mile. Example: They took part in a 26 mile long swimming race. After 12 miles he got tired. Thanks in advance to those who can enlighten me!",
"Summary table with a field that shows components of each summarized record",
"This is the command I entered in the command block: testfor @p {Inventory:[{id:minecraft:diamond,Count:10}]} But it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?",
"Why the middle mouse button in Blender 2.80 changes the orthographic view to perspective? If I choose an orthographic view by using the numpad and then try to orbit the geometry by clicking the middle mouse button Blender goes from orthographic to perspective. Why is that the default now? Wouldn't it be more logical if instead of that Blender kept the orthographic mode? In other words: Why Auto Perspective is turned on by default?",
"To find out how something is called is the one thing I don't know how to use Google for. If I have a vector $v$ and a symmetric matrix $H$, then the operation $v^T H v$ gives me some sort of projection of the matrix $H$ on the vector $v$. For example if $H$ is the Hessian, the operation gives me the second derivative in the direction of $v$. What is the name of this operation?",
"Is it possible to find a smooth function $p$ such that $$p(x)=0 \\text{ if } x\\le -1$$ $$p(x)=0 \\text{ if } x> 0$$ $$0\\le p(x) \\le 1 \\text{ if } -1<x<1$$ $$p(x) = 1 \\text{ if } -\\frac{1}{2}\\le x \\le \\frac{1}{2}$$ Hint: The following function has continuous derivatives of all orders $$f(x) = 0 \\text{ if } x\\le 0$$ $$f(x) = e^{-\\frac{1}{x^2}} \\text{ if } x>0$$ My thought: Considering the left-half of the function $p$, I tried something like $e^{-\\frac{1}{\\tan^2(x\\pi)}}$. The shape looks good but I am not sure about the smoothness at $-1$ and $-\\frac{1}{2}$. For $x=-1$, since $\\tan$ is infinitely differentiable so we have smoothness there. But for $x=-\\frac{1}{2}$, I am not sure about the smoothness after "gluing" with $y=1$.",
"I was working on a tower and painted my own texture for it. I saved halfway though and took a break. When I returned to my little project, I could paint on the image and it shows up in the material view but not the render. I did everything in my power but still couldn't understand why? I have used: Nodes, including mapping and insert UV coordinates. Unwrap UVs Used lights Deleted and replace nodes Deleted and replace Mat Removed image and replace it Reload image Painted on mesh Even though use blender, I am not a programmer. So I find it really helpful if someone could give me an answer.",
"Is there a way to configure your Stack Overflow account so that you receive notification emails when posts are made to specific tags? Or do you simply have to log on to see new posts?",
"Can I see a list of gyms I left a pokemon at? I captured a gym today just before the servers went down. I am wondering if I lost my progress. Is there a way to see if I own a gym or not?",
"How do I parse command line arguments in Java?",
"I have a bunch of views/reports built for my client. The reviewers then click download csv for the excel file. They asked if the views could download themselves daily to a folder. Is that possible? And could you share links or knowledge how to handle this. I have been trying to figure it out. Note: Right now the user is downloading CSV's from Drupal 7, an install of Moodle 1.9 in a Drupal 6 Shell and Survey Monkey. After they download and combine using Excel, the user creates reports that way for the users we have come to our events. Being a Front-end developer, coding is not my strength.",
"'Should've seen it glow' or 'should've seen it glowing'? Which one of the following is the correct one? I should have seen it glow. I should have seen it glowing. Or are both correct? Would you parse them please?",
"What's the best way to communicate between view controllers? Being new to objective-c, cocoa, and iPhone dev in general, I have a strong desire to get the most out of the language and the frameworks. One of the resources I'm using is Stanford's CS193P class notes that they have left on the web. It includes lecture notes, assignments and sample code, and since the course was given by Apple dev's, I definitely consider it to be \"from the horse's mouth\". Class Website: Lecture 08 is related to an assignment to build a UINavigationController based app that has multiple UIViewControllers pushed onto the UINavigationController stack. That's how the UINavigationController works. That's logical. However, there are some stern warnings in the slide about communicating between your UIViewControllers. I'm going to quote from this serious of slides: Page 16/51: How Not To Share Data Global Variables or singletons This includes your application delegate Direct dependencies make your code less reusable And more difficult to debug & test Ok. I'm down with that. Don't blindly toss all your methods that will be used for communicating between the viewcontroller into your app delegate and reference the viewcontroller instances in the app delegate methods. Fair 'nuff. A bit further on, we get this slide telling us what we should do. Page 18/51: Best Practices for Data Flow Figure out exactly what needs to be communicated Define input parameters for your view controller For communicating back up the hierarchy, use loose coupling Define a generic interface for observers (like delegation) This slide is then followed by what appears to be a place holder slide where the lecturer then apparently demonstrates the best practices using an example with the UIImagePickerController. I wish the videos were available! :( Ok, so... I'm afraid my objc-fu is not so strong. I'm also a bit confused by the final line in the above quote. I've been doing my fair share of googling about this and I found what appears to be a decent article talking about the various methods of Observing/Notification techniques: Method #5 even indicates delegates as an method! Except.... objects can only set one delegate at a time. So when I have multiple viewcontroller communication, what am I to do? Ok, that's the set up gang. I know I can easily do my communication methods in the app delegate by reference's the multiple viewcontroller instances in my appdelegate but I want to do this sort of thing the right way. Please help me \"do the right thing\" by answering the following questions: When I am trying to push a new viewcontroller on the UINavigationController stack, who should be doing this push. Which class/file in my code is the correct place? When I want to affect some piece of data (value of an iVar) in one of my UIViewControllers when I am in a different UIViewController, what is the \"right\" way to do this? Give that we can only have one delegate set at a time in an object, what would the implementation look like for when the lecturer says \"Define a generic interface for observers (like delegation)\". A pseudocode example would be awfully helpful here if possible.",
"How does Annihilation work?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
centos patch heartbleed bug | How do I recover from the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL? | [
"Modify TikZ coil decoration Can I modify the existing tikz coil decoration, so that the downstrokes are not drawn in a certain interval, to produce a picture like this? Edit: Previous attempts, code and MWE has been moved to or superseded by my own answer.",
"There is a way to add custom split normal use Python API? I can't find a way to achieve custom split normal effect. I want to use python (mesh normal/hard edge or soft edge) data collected from Maya then write to Blender mesh. How to do it using the following Python API and how? bpy.data.meshes[objName].normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices bmesh module",
"How is hotness score calculated at larger sites? To start with, I am aware that hot questions from larger sites are somehow \"penalized\" and : This is designed to ensure that a single site doesn't dominate the list, and that users see a good sampling of questions that are likely to interest them throughout the network... I would like to understand how is hotness score really calculated at these sites. The reason why I ask is that per my observations, this seems to be quite different than is documented in the . Specifically, I would like to understand the difference in the impact of answer(s) score and aging factor. Regarding impact of answers score, my observations of hot questions from smaller sites appear to be in agreement with known formula: (MIN(AnswerCount, 10) * QScore) / 5 + AnswerScore. For example, a question with low score (+1, +2) can get into hot list if it has got answer(s) with sufficiently high score. At larger sites, this doesn't seem to be the case. Say, it looks like Stack Overflow questions just don't enter hot list until they reach certain score (+6,+7), no matter how many answers are there and how high is their score. Does system simply totally ignore answers until question reaches certain score? Another thing I noticed is that questions seem to age away from the hot list 2-3 times faster than ones from smaller sites (having comparable question and answers scores). Granted, this is harder to track and I am not yet sure if I figured that correctly. Do larger sites questions age away faster than those from smaller sites? For those interested, here is a (partial) list of example questions I studied before asking this: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Although above examples are only from Stack Overflow, my question isn't (I only used it as an example of a large site in my studies). I would like to understand if hot questions from other larger sites are handled in a similar way.",
"$T$ self-adjoint on Hilbert space $H$, $T^n=T^{n+1}$ will $T$ be an orthogonal projection operator? I have seen several answers and proofs here at MSE that a self-adjoint operator $T$ on a Hilbert space $H$ where $T^2=T$, implies $T$ being an orthogonal projection operator. The thought struck me; what would happen if the condition $T^2=T$ is replaced by $T^3=T^2$ or instead by $T^4=T^3$ or why not more generally by $T^n=T^{n+1}$ for some $n\\in\\mathbb{N}$? Would this still imply $T$ to be an orthogonal projection operator? I guess someone must have thought of this before me? In that case perhaps there is a reference in the literature for this or perhaps the proof is way simpler than I might expect?",
"I know that SZ0 makes vertices straightened on the z-axis, but I'm wondering if there's a way to make vertices into a complete circle on the z-axis with a hotkey?",
"Zip all files in directory?",
"Geometric solution to find a Set of totally ordered Subsets of $ \\mathbb{N} $ is uncountable My question is, does there exist a set of subsets of the naturals, $S$, such that $S$ is uncountable, where for any two subsets $A,B \\in S$ we have either $A \\subset B $ or $B \\subset A $? Initially my thoughts were that we could construct a chain $A_{1} \\subset A_{2} \\subset \\cdots $ and find a bijection by picking out one element which is 'new' to each set by axiom of choice and so we have bijected to a subset of naturals, however I'm not convinced this fully works. Furthermore, I was thinking there may be a nice elegant solution by looking for such a set in either $ \\mathbb{Q}^2 $ or $ \\mathbb{Z}^2 $ for example, but any attempt seems to fail due to the 'ordering' part of the question.",
"I need to generate random numbers within a specified interval, [max;min]. Also, the random numbers should be uniformly distributed over the interval, not located to a particular point. Currenly I am generating as: for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { DWORD random = rand()%(max-min+1) + min; } From my tests, random numbers are generated around one point only. Example min = 3604607; max = 7654607; Random numbers generated: 3631594 3609293 3630000 3628441 3636376 3621404 From answers below: OK, RAND_MAX is 32767. I am on C++ Windows platform. Is there any other method to generate random numbers with a uniform distribution?",
"Proving that if $|f''(x)| \\le A$ then $|f'(x)| \\le A/2$ Suppose that $f(x)$ is differentiable on $[0,1]$ and $f(0) = f(1) = 0$. It is also known that $|f''(x)| \\le A$ for every $x \\in (0,1)$. Prove that $|f'(x)| \\le A/2$ for every $x \\in [0,1]$. I'll explain what I did so far. First using Rolle's theorem, there is some point $c \\in [0,1]$ so $f'(c) = 0$. EDIT: My first preliminary solution was wrong so I tried something else. EDIT2: Another revision :\\ I define a Taylor series of a second order around the point $1$: $$ f(x) = f(1) + f'(1)(x-1) + \\frac12 f''(d_1)(x-1)^2 $$ $$ f(0) = f(1) + f'(1)(-1) + \\frac12 f''(d_1)(-1)^2 $$ $$ |f'(1)| = \\frac12 |f''(d_1)| <= \\frac12 A $$ Now I develop a Taylor series of a first order for $f'(x)$ around $1$: $$ f'(x) = f'(1) + f''(d_2)(x-1) $$ $$ |f'(x)| = |f'(1)| + x*|f''(d_2)|-|f''(d_2)| \\leq \\frac{A}{2} + A - A = \\frac{A}{2} $$ It looks correct to me, what do you guys think? Note: I cannot use integrals, because we have not covered them yet.",
"AppFabric / WF 4.0 instances stuck despite no bookmark and pending timer",
"How do the definitions of \"irreducible\" and \"prime\" elements differ?",
"Difference between focusin/focusout and focus/blur, with example",
"I downloaded the iso file for XUbuntu. I created a live usb using Pen Drive Linux. I turned on my computer, booted to the XUbuntu installation screen, and selected \"check disk for defects\". A minute later, it says that it found one defect. How do I figure out what this defect is?",
"Prove $\\sum_{k = 0}^{n}(-1)^{n - k} \\binom{n}{k} \\cdot k^n = n!$ and $\\sum_{k = 0}^{n}(-1)^{n - k} \\binom{n}{k} \\cdot k^m = 0$ Prove $$\\sum_{k = 0}^{n}(-1)^{n - k} \\binom{n}{k} \\cdot k^n = n! \\qquad\\text{and}\\qquad \\sum_{k = 0}^{n}(-1)^{n - k} \\binom{n}{k} \\cdot k^m = 0,$$ where $m \\in \\{0, 1, 2, \\cdots, n - 1\\}$. To be honest, I tried to use some combinatorial ideas but was not able to see interconnections. Also, I had an idea to prove it using induction but failed to do that either. Help will be much appreciated! I just got stuck and don't see any continuation of solution for this problem",
"Let's say a 10N cube (in air, on Earth) rests flat on a scale at the bottom of a tank of water, and the scale reads 8N, so there is 2N of buoyant force on the cube. How does the buoyant force manifest itself on the cube? I assume the force is normal to the surface of the scale, but if there isn't any water under the cube, how does the water push up on the cube?",
"I am studying elementary Algebraic Topology recently. I have seen that a topological space is identified with a group. We are telling the group as Fundamental Group. So every topological space $X$ and for any $x \\epsilon X$ there is a fundamental group $\\pi_1 (X,x)$. I have a question about the converse. If we consider any arbitrary group $G$, then does there exist a topological space $X$ and an element $x\\epsilon X$ such that $\\pi_1 (X,x)=G$?",
"I did not create a swap partition during Ubuntu installation. Later, I freed up some space and made a swap partition. Now after each boot up, I am manually opening gparted to right-click the swap partition to turn on the 'swapon' option. How can I automatically enable the swap partition at boot? Also, if I had not created the swap partition, what are my other options?",
"Why is the Star Trek 2009 reboot called a reboot?",
"It is common for public Wi-Fi access points to include login pages, even at times, when they’re free (i.e. Starbucks, many airports, hotels, etc). I’m often in a situation where I’ll open up Chrome/Firefox, with and all my previously open tabs will start to reload. If there is a wireless login redirection page, however, every tab is redirected and reloaded and the previous page is lost from history (and the back button won't return to it). Is there any way to avoid or circumvent this behavior?",
"Learn Bayesian inference applied to astronomy / astrophysics? I'm looking for resources (books, articles, sites, etc.) to learn about Bayesian inference, but specifically applied to astronomy and astrophysics."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"is under" vs "be under" | Why is this sentence correct? “She suggested that he go to the cinema.” | [
"Pretty formattings for warning and info blocks I'm looking for pretty formatting for warnings, and others for some info or tips. For the moment, I use the following formatting but maybe someone has one better idea. To obtain this, I use the following code. \\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage[x11names,svgnames]{xcolor} \\usepackage{graphicx} \\usepackage{fourier-orns} \\usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{mdframed} \\usetikzlibrary{calc} \\makeatletter % Default settings for warnings \\newcommand{\\warningSymbol}{\\raisebox{0.8\\depth}{\\danger}} \\definecolor{warningColorText}{named}{Red3} \\definecolor{warningColorLine}{named}{Red3} \\definecolor{warningColorBack}{named}{LemonChiffon1} \\definecolor{warningColorBackSymbol}{named}{white} % Inline mode \\newcommand{\\warning}[1]{% \\textcolor{warningColorText}{\\warningSymbol{}\\,#1}% } % Block mode \\tikzset{ warningsymbol/.style={ rectangle, draw = warningColorText, fill = warningColorBackSymbol, scale = 1, overlay } } \\mdfdefinestyle{warning}{% hidealllines = true, leftline = true, skipabove = 12, skipbelow = 12pt, innertopmargin = 0.4em,% innerbottommargin = 0.4em,% innerrightmargin = 0.7em,% rightmargin = 0.85em,% innerleftmargin = 1.1em,% leftmargin = 0.85em,% middlelinewidth = .2em,% linecolor = warningColorLine,% backgroundcolor = warningColorBack,% fontcolor = warningColorText,% firstextra = { \\path let \\p1=(P), \\p2=(O) in ($(\\x2,\\y1-4)$) node[warningsymbol] {\\warningSymbol}; },% secondextra = { \\path let \\p1=(P), \\p2=(O) in ($(\\x2,\\y1-4)$) node[warningsymbol] {\\warningSymbol}; },% middleextra = { \\path let \\p1=(P), \\p2=(O) in ($(\\x2,\\y1-4)$) node[warningsymbol] {\\warningSymbol}; },% singleextra = { \\path let \\p1=(P), \\p2=(O) in ($(\\x2,\\y1-4)$) node[warningsymbol] {\\warningSymbol}; },% } \\newmdenv[style=warning]{@Warning} \\newenvironment{Warning}{\\let\\warning\\relax\\begin{@Warning}}{\\end{@Warning}} \\makeatother \\usepackage{lipsum} \\begin{document} \\warning{IMPORTANT !} \\lipsum[1] \\begin{Warning} \\lipsum[1] \\end{Warning} \\end{document}",
"I have an Excel file containing data collected over many years as latitude and longitude coordinates for archaeological sites. How can I import it into QGIS as a new layer?",
"I want to express $$\\sum_{n=-\\infty}^\\infty \\dfrac{1}{(z+n)^2+a^2}$$ in closed form. What comes to mind is the formula $$\\pi\\cot\\pi z = \\dfrac{1}{z}+\\sum_{n\\ne 0}\\left(\\dfrac{1}{z-n}+\\dfrac1n\\right)=\\dfrac{1}{z}+\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty\\dfrac{2z}{z^2-n^2}$$ and also $$\\dfrac{\\pi^2}{\\sin^2\\pi z}=\\sum_{n=-\\infty}^\\infty \\dfrac{1}{(z-n)^2}.$$ But neither of these gives the term $(z+n)^2+a^2$ that we want. Perhaps we can adjust somehow?",
"Why do \"df\" and \"du\" commands show different disk usage? I cannot access ubuntu system on my pc, the error message: \"the system is running in low graphics mode\" and I tried some commands I searched from internet. I found out a problems seems there is no available disk space. I used \"df\" and \"du\" commands to check, the results are as follow: du -j --max-depth=1 23G ./home 3.3G ./usr ...... 28G and df -Th filesystem Type size used available use% mounted on /dev/sda5 ext4 68G 68G 0 100% / how would I clean up the system for more disk space?",
"File permissions and saving Let's say you open a file on which you have write permission. Meanwhile you change permissions and remove write permission while you still have the file open in some editor. What will happen if you edit and save it?",
"Removing the password from a PDF file I have a couple of ebooks as PDFs with passwords, however my ebook reader (sony prs600) doesn't seem to support PDFs with passwords. What is the easiest of removing the password from a PDF (I know the password, which presumably helps a lot). It's a bit annoying buying a book and then only being able to read it in front of a computer.",
"I want to install Win Xp on my Ideapad Z 570 laptop but i always get blue screen with message with some drive related problem which asks me to run CHKDSK command. I tried with that but no luck. Is there any way i can install Win Xp with SP 2 ? Edit: i searched across the sites and came to know there could be some Compatibility problems, and i could fix it by setting HDD mode to IDE; will it solve the problem?",
"Efficient evaluation of functions defined by NIntegrate",
"Unresolved external symbol on static class members Very simply put: I have a class that consists mostly of static public members, so I can group similar functions together that still have to be called from other classes/functions. Anyway, I have defined two static unsigned char variables in my class public scope, when I try to modify these values in the same class' constructor, I am getting an \"unresolved external symbol\" error at compilation. class test { public: static unsigned char X; static unsigned char Y; ... test(); }; test::test() { X = 1; Y = 2; } I'm new to C++ so go easy on me. Why can't I do this?",
"What is Attribute Based Encryption?",
"Android Respond To URL in Intent I want my intent to be launched when the user goes to a certain url: for example, the android market does this with urls. so does youtube. I want mine to do that too.",
"Is there a word to describe a person who likes chaos? I am wondering if there is a word to describe a person who likes chaos. By this I mean a few specific things: The person is pleased to hear when chaos is created, or confusion emerges The person will take opportunities to create chaos or confusion The person enjoys taking part in chaotic or disorganized situations. I can't seem to think of a word to describe the type of person who would act in this way. I hope this question is clear. EDIT: Below gbutters sums up nicely: What I wonder is if there is a word for a generally good-natured person who just likes some good old-fashioned chaos. It seems like any person that thrives on chaos would have to have some extra baggage.",
"How to represent a list as a cycle",
"Why are the Ringwraiths fearful of coming into contact with water? At least twice in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Ringwraiths cower away from bodies of water. The second time (the ford of Bruinen) can be explained away by their fear of some Elvish magical trap through the enchantment of the water; but what about the first time, at the ferry? One of the Nazgûl could have easily made the jump onto the barge and quickly dispatched those pesky Hobbitsses.",
"How to limit charging to a user defined limit? My UleFone Armor 2 has a 4700mAh battery and I would like to limit the charging to 60% to reduce battery aging. The batteries in most of the phones are not user-replaceable and I am worried that a factory/service battery replacement might affect water resistance negatively. How can I limit the charging to 60%? (But not limiting charging speed. I love fast charging.) Lenovo ThinkPads have a built-in feature that does this, called “battery preservation mode”.",
"Why does SQL Server use a better execution plan when I inline the variable?",
"Monty hall problem extended. I just learned about the Monty Hall problem and found it quite amazing. So I thought about extending the problem a bit to understand more about it. In this modification of the Monty Hall Problem, instead of three doors, we have four (or maybe $n$) doors, one with a car and the other three (or $n-1$) with a goat each (I want the car). We need to choose any one of the doors. After we have chosen the door, Monty deliberately reveals one of the doors that has a goat and asks us if we wish to change our choice. So should we switch the door we have chosen, or does it not matter if we switch or stay with our choice? It would be even better if we knew the probability of winning upon switching given that Monty opens $k$ doors.",
"Python Implementation of Track-to/aim constraint",
"I want to change the key bindings on some of the keys on my keyboard. I want some to run commands and others to activate different keys. What applications can I use to do this? Index: (from within System Settings) I'm still looking for answers using dconf and any other method.",
"Uniform convergence on two separate intervals Test the sequence of functions for uniform convergence $$f_n(x)=\\frac{nx}{1+n^2x^2}$$ $a) \\text{on} \\ [0,1]$ $b) \\text{on} \\ [1,{\\infty})$ a) If we differentiate this with respect to x we get the following : $$(\\frac{nx}{1+n^2x^2})'=\\frac{n(1-n^2x^2)}{(1+n^2x^2)^2}$$ This is equal to $0$ for $x=^{+}_{-}\\frac{1}{n}$ From here we can either check these two values in the original function and take the larger one as the supremum or we can find the second derivative and check whether it's negative. In either case we find that for $x=\\frac{1}{n}$ we get the value $f_n(x)=\\frac{1}{2}$ and for $x=-\\frac{1}{n}$ we get $f_n(x)=-\\frac{1}{2}$. Note that $x=-\\frac{1}{n}$ doesn't even belong in our interval. Now we can finish the problem. $$\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}{\\frac{nx}{1+n^2x^2}}=0$$ So it is piecewise converging to $f(x)=0$ $$\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}\\sup{\\left \\lvert{f_n(x)-f(x)}\\right \\rvert}=\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}{\\frac{n\\frac{1}{n}}{1+n^2 \\frac{1}{n^2}}}=\\frac{1}{2}$$ So $f_n(x)$ does not convergence uniformly on $[0,1]$ to $f(x)=0$ b) Now we need to test the on the interval $[1,\\infty)$.From the first derivative we notice that if $x\\in [1,\\infty)$ then the numerator seems to be negative for all $x>1$. So $f_n(x)$ is monotonically decreasing. That means that the supremum will be at the first point of the interval or $x=1$. Taking the limit : $$\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}{\\frac{n}{1+n^2}}=0$$ We can see that the function convergences uniformly on this interval. Is there something wrong with either of these solutions? I'm having doubts mostly about the second interval since $x=\\frac{1}{n}$ is a supremum but only for $n=1$. However I believe that we need to have the supremum that's satisfied for all $n \\in N$. Pointing even the tiniest mistake in my solutions would be very helpful. Thank you."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
I suspect this is malware. How do I remove it? | Suspected adware infection of Mac | [
"How come gas molecules don't settle down? If the earth's gravity exerts a net downward gravitational force on all air molecules, how come the molecules don't eventually lose their momentum and all settle down? How is the atmosphere is still miles thick after billions of years?",
"What's a concise way to check that environment variables are set in a Unix shell script?",
"How to install a dictionary (danish) in Texmaker",
"how to get full path from fileupload using Javascript",
"Show that $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ is absolutely convergent, and that $\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}$ $n^qx^n = 0$ I'm having trouble with proving the following for my math study: Let $x$ be a real number with $|x| < 1$, and $q$ be a real number. Show that the series $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ is absolutely convergent, and that $\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}$ $n^qx^n = 0$ I tried this: $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ = $x + 2^q + 3^qx^3 + ...$ $= x(1 + 2^qx + 3^qx^2 + ...)$ So far, I don't know how I have to do this, I tried to apply the root test on this, but for that I would need to compute the lim sup of the series, so I thought that was not correct. Could you explain me how to prove this? Thanks in advance!",
"Why do people sometimes use the past perfect form of a verb when the past would suffice? (e.g. \"you had mentioned\")",
"How prove this $\\prod_{1\\le i<j\\le n}\\frac{a_{j}-a_{i}}{j-i}$ is integer",
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() - an untouched problem The question was asked many times in many ways, but unfortunately is not covered well in most of the answers. I'm having the same issue doing things using include-files. In my TwentyFourteen child theme's functions.php I used: require_once get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/admin-panel/theme-options.php'; And I'm using . I've used it in many of my projects, the same way mentioned here, without having the error. But recently I'm having the issue in several of my projects. If I take the code to functions.php then everything's fine. But it's occurring only when I'm trying to include/require external file. I'm having the error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_action() in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\project\\wp-content\\themes\\my-theme\\admin-panel\\theme-options.php on line 2 In this case I'm having the error using a child theme (of T14). But even in one of my parent theme I'm facing the issue. But in the same environment my other projects are running well with all the includes and/or requires (where several add_action()s are defined). I'm having issues in ALL the add_action() calls, like CPT assigning, Custom Taxonomy assigning etc. But I'm successfully developing another two projects including external files from inc/ folder where all my CPTs are assigned and their meta boxes too. I tried reinstalling WordPress, deactivating all my plugins, tried from Child Theme, tried only the same thing by modifying TwentyFifteen (applying default theme), tried require(), require_once(), include(), include, require_once, and require one after another with failure. And I'm using WP 4.1.1 in all the good and problematic installs. Majority of the previous questions are answered with a simple line: As the message says, you haven defined the function add_action() and yet you're trying to use it. But, how come (isn't it already defined by WordPress)? and why it's differing project to project in the same environment (How come it's out of the scope now only in particular project[s])?",
"Need rtl8814au driver for kernel 5.3 on Ubuntu 19.10",
"MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year",
"Do the beacon lighters really live on top of the mountains? Following this image I found online: Do the beacon lighters really live on top of the mountains? It seems really cold on top of some of these mountains and there are no villages or whatsoever.",
"DSolve gets stuck on system of differential equations with unassigned variable",
"Where does the word \"torsion\" in algebra come from?",
"In how many different ways can we place $8$ identical rooks on a chess board so that no two of them attack each other? In how many different ways can we place $8$ identical rooks on a chess board so that no two of them attack each other? I tried to draw diagrams onto a $8\\times8$ square but I'm only getting $16$ ways. Does that sound right? Thanks for the help!",
"What packages do people load by default in LaTeX? I'm getting the impression from reading the answers written by some of the real experts here that there are quite a few little packages that just tweak LaTeX2e's default behaviour a little to make it more sensible here and there. Rather than try to pick these up one by one as I read answers to questions (and thus risk missing them), I thought I'd ask up front what LaTeX2e packages people load by default in (almost) every document. As this is a \"big list\" question, I'm making it CW. I don't know if there are standard rules across all SE/SO sites for such questions, but on MathOverflow the rule is generally: one thing (in this case, package) per answer. I guess that if a couple of packages really do go together then it would be fine to group them. This is perhaps a little subjective and a little close to the line, so I'll not be offended if it gets closed or voted down! (But please explain why in the comments.) Also see our community poll question:",
"Reset the password in Ubuntu / Linux Bash in Windows I have installed Linux Bash on Windows 10 (available from Microsoft), but I've forgotten my password. I've searched for a solution but I only find suggestions that involve doing something before the system boots, like accessing recovery mode, but that will not work in this case as this Ubuntu is just an application within a Windows system and doesn't have its own boot process. How can I reset my password?",
"I'm trying to split text in a JTextArea using a regex to split the String by \\n However, this does not work and I also tried by \\r\\n|\\r|n and many other combination of regexes. Code: public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { String split[], docStr = null; Document textAreaDoc = (Document)e.getDocument(); try { docStr = textAreaDoc.getText(textAreaDoc.getStartPosition().getOffset(), textAreaDoc.getEndPosition().getOffset()); } catch (BadLocationException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } split = docStr.split(\"\\\\n\"); }",
"Can a 20V 4.51A power supply be used with a computer that requires a 19V 3.42A power supply?",
"Apache 2.4 - 403 HTTP status code",
"What's the meaning \"them\" here?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
how to detect if the image file exists in my case? | jQuery: Check if image exists | [
"How can I obtain an 'unbalanced' grid of ggplots?",
"I've read a great article about the . But there are still some points that are unclear. Why do we say... school project but not school's project? car service but not car's service or even cars' service (plural form)? apostrophe usage but not apostrophe's usage or apostrophes' usage?",
"How to delete files listed in a text file",
"Is there a way to move a Trello Checklist to a different Card? I often need to consolidate (combine) Checklists from a couple of Cards into one Card. Any way to do this?",
"I have a problem when a lot of figures are in question. Some figures tend to \"fly around\", that is, be a paragraph below, although I placed them before that paragraph. I use code: \\begin{figure}[ht] \\begin{center} \\advance\\leftskip-3cm \\advance\\rightskip-3cm \\includegraphics[keepaspectratio=true,scale=0.6]{slike/visina8} \\caption{} \\label{visina8} \\end{center}\\end{figure} to place my figures. How can I tell latex I REALLY want the figure in that specific place, no matter how much whitespace will be left?",
"What's the fastest connection speed / shortest elapsed time using Migration Assistant?",
"How can I make LightDM the default display manager? I have LightDM installed and can start it with sudo start lightdm. But at boot, GDM is still the default. How can change this so LightDM is loaded automatically at boot instead of GDM?",
"Call Servlet and invoke Java code from JavaScript along with parameters",
"Why is Euclid's proof on the infinitude of primes considered a proof? I've expressed Euclid's proof on the infinitude of primes on Mathematica: f[x_] := Product[Prime[n], {n, 1, x}] + 1 TableForm[Table[{f[x], PrimeQ[f[x]]}, {x, 1, 20}]] Which results in: $\\begin{array}{ll} 3 & \\text{True} \\\\ 7 & \\text{True} \\\\ 31 & \\text{True} \\\\ 211 & \\text{True} \\\\ 2311 & \\text{True} \\\\ 30031 & \\text{False} \\\\ 510511 & \\text{False} \\\\ 9699691 & \\text{False} \\\\ 223092871 & \\text{False} \\\\ 6469693231 & \\text{False} \\\\ 200560490131 & \\text{True} \\\\ 7420738134811 & \\text{False} \\\\ 304250263527211 & \\text{False} \\\\ 13082761331670031 & \\text{False} \\\\ 614889782588491411 & \\text{False} \\\\ 32589158477190044731 & \\text{False} \\\\ 1922760350154212639071 & \\text{False} \\\\ 117288381359406970983271 & \\text{False} \\\\ 7858321551080267055879091 & \\text{False} \\\\ 557940830126698960967415391 & \\text{False} \\\\ \\end{array}$ The proof flaws for all those values, how is it considered a proof then? I guess that there might be infinite prime numbers according to the proof, but what is the guarantee that at some point it won't fail indefinitely?",
"Well structured URLs vs. URLs optimized for SEO Let’s take an example of a movie site. So a well structured set of URLs for this site can be: Movie page - example.com/movies/the-matrix Review for movie - example.com/movies/the-matrix/reviews Trailers for movie - example.com/movies/the-matrix/trailers Specific trailer for movie - example.com/movies/the-matrix/trailers/trailer1 where it’s possible to navigate the resource even by directly deleting/appending resource name seamlessly. For SEO purpose I read somewhere that for two given pages, Google will prefer the page which have search query up in the URL hierarchy among other things. So for the given 2 URLs and the query \"the matrix trailer\" example.com/movies/the-matrix/trailers example.org/trailers/the-matrix/ ` Google might prefer the second URL as it has the keyword \"trailer\" at first level comparing to first URL which has \"trailer\" at 3rd level (a resource deeper in URL hierarchy may be less important). If it is correct, one may be tempted to create URL hierarchy somewhat like Movie page - example.com/movies/the-matrix Review for movie - example.com/reviews/the-matrix/ Trailers for movie - example.com/trailers/the-matrix/ Specific trailer for movie - example.com/trailers/the-matrix/trailer1 which will break the seamless hierarchy. My questions are: Is it true that resource deeper in URL hierarchy is tend to be less important when comparing to URLs of other site? Is sacrificing meaningful, seamless hierarchy worth for this SEO optimization?",
"EDIT: It seems that I've also had edits that stacked well, so I'm not sure if I had a timing problem, or was just delusional. The one thing that can be fixed, that I'll turn this question into, is a feature request so that when I go to re-edit (either within the 5-minute grace period, or before a suggested edit is approved), it brings up the old edit summary text. Right now, it brings up a blank edit summary, and this replaced the first one I did. This isn't really intuitive, and even knowing that's what it's doing, I still forget to put everything in. Original Question: It has happened a few times now, when on a site where I don't have edit privileges, that I make an edit. I then see that the edit didn't work quite right, so I go back in to re-edit it. This creates a brand new edit review, with an additional useless summary. How about we have the same grace period to re-edit your up-for-review edit, as there is for a normal edit? Of course, it wouldn't be possible once it's been approved.",
"Are there any good tools besides SeleniumRC that can fetch webpages including content post-painted by JavaScript?",
"implementing functions in a game",
"Does mass distribution/center of mass affect free fall? An everyday is example would be cars. If you were to drop a car, not taking air resistance into account, would a front-heavy car tumble forward as it fell? And a car with a perfect 50/50 front/rear weight distribution fall straight? Does mass distribution/center of mass affect free fall? Or would they both fall straight down without tumbling? Can you explain why please?",
"Can anyone provide me with (or point me to) real life gravitational lensing data that I can plug in to the first equation on this page (the standard lensing equation): together with the luminous mass and distance to the galaxy(s). I've looked for papers online and have not found any simple data that can be readily plugged in to the equation (I am not familiar with the details of how exactly the lensing is measured and have gotten lost in the mountains of data in the papers). Thanks",
"Is a Cauchy sequence - preserving (continuous) function is (uniformly) continuous? Let $(X,d)$ and $(Y,\\rho)$ be metric spaces and $f:X\\to Y$ be a function and suppose for any Cauchy sequence $(a_n)$ in $X$, $(f(a_n))$ is a Cauchy sequence in $Y$. Is $f$ continuous? Let $f$ be continuous, is it uniformly continuous?",
"Finding the fallacy in this broken proof Today, a friend gave me a \"proof\" of $1=2$ and challenged me to find the fallacy. $1 = 1$ $1 = 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 ...$ $1 = 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 ...$ $1 = 2 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 ...$ $1 = 2 + 0 + 0 ...$ $1 = 2$ My answer was that once you turn the initial $1 + 1$ into a 2, everything is offset so a $-1$ is always left at the end no matter how many times it is repeated. This negative one balances out the $2$ at the beginning so $1=1$ still holds true. I.e. $$1 = 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 ... = 1 + (1 - 1) + (1 - 1) + (1 - 1) = 2 + (-1 + 1) + (-1 + 1) - 1$$ However, my friend claimed that my answer only applies if the $+ 1 - 1$ repeats for a finite number of times. He argues that because the sequence repeats infinitely and things work differently when working with infinity, my answer is not valid. Can anyone enlighten me to the true fallacy in this proof?",
"Comprehensive list of tools that simplify the generation of LaTeX tables Manually hacking tables in LaTeX is one of the less funny things when preparing a document. Naturally, there are quite a few tools that promise to simplify this. In fact, I have somewhat lost track of all the tools available, and I'd like to gather your valuable experience into one big post. Some of the tools are mentioned in , but I feel there's much more around. I'd suggest that somebody starts an overview with an alphabetic list (so that I can accept this answer and it stays on top), and that everyone replies with a \"community wiki\" entry, one reply per tool, and inserts the tool into the list. Personally, I use Excel2LaTeX, but I'm unhappy with having to fire up Windows in order to generate the LaTeX code. I'm thinking of a rewrite as a standalone Python tool using the xlrd library, but I'm not too inclined to reinvent the wheel.",
"Installing mysql-workbench in Ubuntu 19.04 The error looks like this: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package mysql-workbench is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'mysql-workbench' has no installation candidate How do I install it?",
"Is a contradiction enough to prove a set equality to $\\varnothing$?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Javascript does not work when activated by element produced by javascript | Event binding on dynamically created elements? | [
"What is information?",
"Why are \"baked\" and \"naked\" not pronounced the same?",
"Is it possible to get total render time via Python code when render’s done?",
"A lady and a monster A famous problem: A lady is in the center of the circular lake and a monster is on the boundary of the lake. The speed of the monster is $v_m$, and the speed of the swimming lady is $v_l$. The goal of the lady is to come to the ground without meeting the monster, and the goal of the monster is to meet the lady. Under some conditions on $v_m,v_l$ the lady can always win. What if these conditions are not satisfied? Edited: the monster cannot swim. If the conditions are not satisfied, then monster can always perform a strategy such that the lady will not escape the lake. On the other hand this strategy is not desirable for both of them because they do not reach their goals. As there was mentioned, this deals with undecidability of the problem. On the other hand, if you imagine yourself to be this lady/monster, you can be interested in the strategy which is not optimal. What is it? If there are such strategies in the game theory? Edited2: My question is more general in fact. If we have a game with one parameter $v$ when two players $P_1, P_2$ are enemies and if $v>0$ then for any strategy of $P_2$ the player $P_1$ wins. If $v\\leq 0$ then for any strategy of $P_2$ there is a strategy of $P_1$ such that $P_2$ does not win and vice versa. I am interested in this case. From the mathematical point of view as I have understood the problem is undecidable since there is no an ultimate strategy neither for $P_1$ nor for $P_2$. But we are solving somehow these problem IRL. Imagine that you are a lady in this game - then you would like to win anyway even while knowing that your strategy can be covered by the strategy of the monster. On the other hand, the monster knows that if he will cover all strategies of the lady she will never reach the shore and he will never catch her. I mean they have to develop some non-optimal strategies. I hope now it's more clear.",
"How to get the Infobox data from Wikipedia?",
"Boy goes insane during space travel I'm trying to remember the name of a short story I read about 25 years ago or so. I'd also like to know of any collections it appeared in. The details I recall involve a family who are embarking on a hyperspace journey. To undertake this journey you have to be put to sleep. One of the children pretends to be asleep, and when the jump is complete the child has gone insane. From the child's point of view the jump lasted for an eternity while in reality it was only a few seconds.",
"Evaluating this integral : $ \\int \\frac {1-7\\cos^2x} {\\sin^7x \\cos^2x} dx $ The question : $$ \\int \\frac {1-7\\cos^2x} {\\sin^7x \\cos^2x} dx $$ I tried dividing by $\\cos^2 x$ and splitting the fraction. That turned out to be complicated(Atleast for me!) How do I proceed now?",
"How do I iterate over a range of numbers defined by variables in Bash?",
"heredoc for Windows batch?",
"Getting disk i/o statistics for single process in Linux",
"Finite multiplicative group of matrices with sum of traces equal to zero. Let $G=\\{M_1,M_2,...,M_k\\}$ be a finite set such that $ M_i\\in M_n(\\mathbb R)$ and $(G,\\;\\cdot\\:)$ is a group with matrix multiplication. If $\\sum _{i=1}^k \\operatorname{tr} (M_i)=0$ then how to prove $\\sum _{i=1}^k M_i=0$ ?",
"Do all starred commands have anything in common? \\section* produces an unnumbered section, align* , which is comparable in a way. \\newcommand* , which is different. Stefan Kottwitz : Commonly, a star symbol * means a version of a command that behaves differently from the original. That often means suppressing numbering but could also refer to special features. This might answer my question, but perhaps there's more to say (and it's nice to have it as a separate question). Is there anything all starred commands have in common? Why would one define a starred command as opposed to another, differently named command indicating their semantic difference in the names? It seems that their definitions are usually entirely independent from each other. Further reading:",
"Render turns out plain white For some reason, when I render out the image, it is plain white. I've checked the sky settings, and I tried applying textures, but nothing seems to change. How can I fix this?",
"Book a return flight a year in advance Is it possible to buy an airline ticket that has me returning to my country after a year being abroad? I can't seem to book a flight that far in advance online.",
"Convergence of $\\sum\\limits_{n=2}^\\infty \\frac{1}{n^\\alpha \\ln^\\beta (n)} $ for nonnegative $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ Study the convergence of the following series: $$\\sum_{n=2}^\\infty \\frac{1}{n^\\alpha \\cdot\\ln^\\beta(n)} \\text{ where }\\alpha,\\beta \\geq 0 $$ Applying d'Alembert criterion I have that $$ \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} \\frac{n^\\alpha \\ln^\\beta(n)}{(n+1)^\\alpha \\ln^\\beta (n+1)} = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} \\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^\\alpha\\left(\\frac{\\ln(n)}{\\ln (n+1)}\\right)^\\beta = 1$$ so the nature of the series is inconclusive. If $\\alpha = \\beta = 0$, then the series diverges, since $\\sum_{n=2}^\\infty 1 = \\infty$. Should I study the rest of the cases (i.e. if $\\alpha = 0, \\beta > 0$ the root test and the ratio test are also inconclusive). What is the best form to study the series?. Thanks in advance",
"Learning Insertion Sort in Ruby I have just started the MIT Introduction to Algorithms course through the material posted online. Along with the course I have also decided to learn/enhance my Ruby skills by coding the algorithms in it. I am on the first algorithm given, which is Insertion sort, and I have the following code typed up but I am getting this error when I run it: insertionsort.rb:5:in `>': comparison of Fixnum with nil failed (ArgumentError) def insertionsort(num) for j in 2..num.length key = num[j] i = j - 1 while i > 0 and num[i] > key num[i+1] = num[i] i = i - 1 end num[i+1] = key end puts num end numbers = [23,34,46,87,12,1,66] insertionsort(numbers) I'm sure it is a fairly basic problem but I just can't grasp what it is at the moment. Any help or tips would be very much appreciated.",
"Inheriting Options?",
"SQL Server compatibility with New TLS Standards",
"Changing my Apple ID's email: address is not available",
"For any real number $a \\geq 1$ let $f(a)$ denote the real solution of the equation $x(1+\\ln x)=a$ then the question is to find out $$ \\lim_{a \\to \\infty} \\frac{f(a)\\ln a}{a}$$. It is clear that if we denote $h(a)$ by $h(a)=a(1+\\ln a)$ then $f(a)$ is the inverse function of $h(a)$. Also $f(a)$ is increasing function in its domain. Also the limit persuades using lhospital's but I cannot see how to apply it here. Thanks."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can I register a domain name that contains a company name or trademark? | Registering a domain name with a trademark in it | [
"FTP client on windows that save session password in encrypted text Filezilla or WinSCP save password in plain text which is unsecured on public machines. Is there any FTP client can save and encrypt password so that people using it only can access to FTP but not able to see password? Thanks!",
"How to find the URLs accessed by iOS Apps?",
"Indefinite articles used with plural nouns: It was AN amazing TWO DAYS The indefinite article a(n), derives from the old English word an meaning \"one\". Generally this word only occurs in determiner function before noun phrases which are singular. However, there seem to be some cases where this determiner occurs before plural noun phrases. I say that, but actually these noun phrase seem so bizarre to me, in terms of their structure, that I'm not sure they're definitely noun phrases at all. Here are some examples: a full three months before we left an amazing two days an awkward ten minutes Ignoring the article here for a moment, these noun phrases are odd because the adjective is occurring before the numeral. We would normally expect to see: three full months two amazing days ten awkward minutes Even given the oddness of the word order in the original phrases, I can see no reason why the normally singular indefinite article is licensed here. Can anybody give an account of the syntactic structure of these phrases, and/or explain why the semantically singular article is able to be used with such phrases - even if they compulsorily trigger plural verb agreement? Here is an example of one of these instances which seems to demand a plural verb: An amazing two million people attend every year. *An amazing two million people attends every year. (ungrammatical)",
"Cannon Locations in New Super Mario Bros. Wii? In Super Mario Bros. Wii, there are cannons on the overworld map that you can use to skip worlds. However, the cannons are initially inaccessible, and you need to complete certain levels in a specific manner to get to them. What levels do I need to complete in order to access these cannons?",
"Find images by size: find / file / awk I've been trying to find png image files a certain height (over 500px). I know that file will return image dimensions. Example: $ file TestImg1a.png TestImg1a.png: PNG image data, 764 x 200, 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced But I need to use this to find all files in a directory with a height over 500px. I know how to print out all files regardless of height: find . -name '*.png' | xargs file | awk '{print $7 \" \" $1}' But how do I limit the $7 to those results greater than 500?",
"SQL Server Linked Server to Microsoft Access",
"Does the series $\\sum \\sin^{(n)}(1)$ converge, where $\\sin^{(n)}$ denotes the $n$-fold composition of $\\sin$?",
"When can I make opportunity attacks? What provokes an opportunity attack? In 3.X moving out of a threatened square, standing up from prone, casting a spell (unless cast defensively), or making a ranged attack provoked, while in 4e moving out of a threatened square or making a ranged/area attack provoked.",
"How do I install Ubuntu alongside a pre-installed Windows with UEFI?",
"Ubuntu has been crashing on me recently. I think its because it runs out of memory so I ran the free -m command and found that my memory usage was really high. So then, i ran top to find the culprit, but the displayed processes were using less than 1.5% of memory. How do I know which program is making ubuntu crash/run out of memory? Below is the output: shafee@shafee-pc:~$ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3824 3714 110 0 978 1954 -/+ buffers/cache: 780 3044 Swap: 99 0 99 shafee@shafee-pc:~$ top top - 02:12:14 up 1:24, 2 users, load average: 0.16, 0.42, 1.49 Tasks: 182 total, 1 running, 181 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 2.9%us, 1.9%sy, 0.3%ni, 79.3%id, 15.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st Mem: 3916708k total, 3803848k used, 112860k free, 1002308k buffers Swap: 102396k total, 0k used, 102396k free, 2001852k cached PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 4200 root 20 0 289m 53m 38m S 2 1.4 1:06.45 Xorg 5590 shafee 20 0 19348 1368 956 R 2 0.0 0:00.01 top 1 root 20 0 24124 2136 1264 S 0 0.1 0:02.05 init 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd 3 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:24.23 ksoftirqd/0 6 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/0 7 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/1 9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.11 ksoftirqd/1 11 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/2 13 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.89 ksoftirqd/2 14 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/3 16 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.16 ksoftirqd/3 17 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 cpuset 18 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 khelper 19 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 netns 21 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 sync_supers shafee@shafee-pc:~$ Or is it normal to have 110mb of free memory and is my issue related to something else?",
"Why were the villagers and the axe-wielding hitman brothers crawling towards a shrine? At the start of Season 3 Breaking Bad, we see a bunch of villagers and Tuco's cousins crawling on their bellies towards some shrine where they put a drawing of Walter White as some kind of \"offering\". Why were the villagers and the cousins crawling towards this shrine?",
"How can I cite a range of papers, the output is a range of numbers, instead of a list of numbers? In other words, when I type ... some dummy text here is due to me \\cite{me1, me2, me3, me4} ... I want the output to be ... some dummy text here is due to me [3-6] ... instead of ... some dummy text here is due to me [] ... (I use LaTeX, and am currently using the amsart class and whatever it includes. But I am open to other suggestions.)",
"Is there a simple way to convert a string to Title Case? E.g. john smith becomes John Smith. I'm not looking for something complicated like , just (hopefully) some kind of one- or two-liner.",
"How to add repository from shell in Debian?",
"(exercise from Tao's analysis book) Proof of a lemma relating to power set of X I'm stuck at one exercise from chapter of sets from Terence Tao's analysis book. I need to proof the lemma: Lemma: Let $X$ be a set. Then the set $\\{Y : Y \\:\\text{is a subset of}\\: X\\}$ is a set. Note: The set $\\{Y : Y \\:\\text{is a subset of}\\: X\\}$ is known as the power set of $X$, defined as $2^X $ I can understand why the lemma is true, but I have no clue how to prove it. Furthermore, the author gave a hint that I found very confusing, it follows: Hint: start with the set $\\{0, 1\\}^X$ and apply the replacement axiom, replacing each function $f$ with the object $f^{-1}(\\{1\\})$.",
"When referring to flash exposure, what does \"max sync speed\" mean?",
"Adding new group layer with ArcPy?",
"Does there currently exist a free online service that accepts a file, hashes it, takes an authoritatively chosen timestamp (from one or more time services), signs these and sends this signed message back? E.g. a digital notary, but only with regards to the timestamp and not the validity of the content as legal notaries might be obligated to guarantee. Such a service might have an extremely simple API: Simply wget http://service/<checksum> and receive a signed message containing one or more timestamps and the checksum. The emphasis would be on the type of authority who might make such a service. Edit: Although the original question did not emphasise the following, the Bitcoin-based timestamping services provided below do not rely on one authority, but rather the entire Bitcoin network. They can be seen as tamper-proof and verifiable without the help of the service that helped you sign it!",
"Probability of complete coupon set in $K$ boxes where a box has $N$ distinct coupons?",
"How to edit files in a terminal with nano? Sometimes, a graphical text editor like gedit or kate cannot be used (because you're in a virtual console for example). Luckily, there are text editors for the terminal. An easy one is nano, but I cannot understand how to work with it. If I start nano by running nano, the bottom text is supposed to help me but all I see are things like ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut. How can I open text files for editing? How can I save the file? How can I quit the editor without saving the changes? How to edit? I heard that you've to enter some commands to begin editing in vi, is this true for nano too? Sometimes, if I manage to open a file, the text is unreadable due to its colors. How can I disable these colors? (see the image below) In the some files, lines are truncated because those do not fit in the screen. How can I prevent that from happening? (see the image below)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Null pointer exception when trying to access method (java) | What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? | [
"...where each object also has references to other objects within the same array? When I first came up with this problem I just though of something like var clonedNodesArray = nodesArray.clone() would exist and searched for info on how to clone objects in javascript. I did find a on StackOverflow (answered by the very same @JohnResig) and he pointed out that with jQuery you could do var clonedNodesArray = jQuery.extend({}, nodesArray); to clone an object. I tried this though, this only copies the references of the objects in the array. So if I nodesArray[0].value = \"red\" clonedNodesArray[0].value = \"green\" the value of both nodesArray[0] and clonedNodesArray[0] will turn out to be \"green\". Then I tried var clonedNodesArray = jQuery.extend(true, {}, nodesArray); which deep copies an Object, but I got \"too much recursion\" and \"control stack overflow\" messages from both Firebug and Opera Dragonfly respectively. How would you do it? Is this something that shouldn't even be done? Is there a reusable way of doing this in Javascript?",
"how to prove that this positive sequence converges to 1",
"What would you call a person who doesn't want to learn anything new?",
"According to Theorem 8.8 in Time Series A.W. van der Vaart an ARMA process $$\\phi (L)X_t=\\theta(L)\\epsilon_t$$ has a unique stationary solution $X_t=\\psi(L)\\epsilon_t$ with $\\psi=\\theta/\\phi$ if $\\phi$ has no roots on the complex unit circle. This would imply that the explosive process, with $\\rho>1$, is a stationary process $$X_t=\\rho X_{t-1}+\\epsilon_t$$ with stationary solution $X_t=\\sum_{i=1}^\\infty \\rho^{-i}\\epsilon_{t+i}$. Now indeed $\\sum_{i=1}^{\\infty} \\rho^{-i} < \\infty$ so that weak stationarity can be proved by using this representation. However, here on stackexchange I see a lot of question/answers that suggest that the process above is not stationary (see for example , ). In particular, the accepted answer of the latter question claims that the process is non-stationary by simulating a series and showing it displays explosive trending behaviour. I think the only way to reconcile the theorem I mention above and the plots in the accepted answer of () is the following: the explosive process is indeed stationary but non-ergodic, that is, we cannot find the statistical properties of $X_t$ such as $\\mathbb{E}(X_t)=\\mu$ by observing a single infinitely long sample path of the explosive process, mathematically: $$\\lim_{t \\to \\infty}\\frac{1}{t}\\sum_{t=1}X_t \\neq\\mathbb{E}X_t$$ Is this reading correct?",
"Let $S = \\bigoplus_{n\\ge 0} S_n$ be a graded commutative ring. Let $f$ be a homogeneous element of $S$ of degree $> 0$. Let $S_{(f)}$ be the degree $0$ part of the graded ring $S_f$, where $S_f$ is the localization with respect to the multiplicative set $\\{1, f, f^2,\\dots\\}$. Suppose $S$ is finitely generated algebra over $S_0$. Then $S_{(f)}$ is a finitely generated algebra over $S_0$.",
"Conformal Maps onto the Unit Disc in $\\mathbb{C}$",
"How to prove that a nilpotent operator has a basis representation that is strictly upper triangular?",
"Normal Subgroup Counterexample Im having trouble with the second part of this question, Let $H$ be a normal subgroup of $G$ with $|G:H| = n$, i) Prove $g^n \\in H$ $\\forall g \\in G$ (which i have done) ii) Give an example to show that this all false when $H$ is not normal in $G$.(which I am having trouble with showing) Any suggestions?",
"Why can't I copy a 7 GB file to an external USB HD with 120 GB free?",
"bash function cannot change the value of a local variable when called by $() The following code works differently depending on which way Parse_Short_Switches() is called. After calling the function 'Parse_Short_Switches' by using result=$(Parse_Short_Switches), the value of $error_flag is NOT set to -1 as I would expect. After calling the function 'Parse_Short_Switches' by simply using Parse_Short_Switches, the the value of $error_flag is set to -1 as I would expect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks #!/bin/bash function Parse_Short_Switches() { echo \"error_flag inside of the function= $error_flag\" 1>&2 error_flag=\"-1\" echo \"blah blah ...\" } # --- MAIN --- error_flag=\"999\" echo \"error_flag= $error_flag\" #result=$(Parse_Short_Switches) Parse_Short_Switches echo \"error_flag= $error_flag\"",
"Author information column wise I am using authblk package and I want to achieve following output using this package.",
"How to download and use any other kernel than the one which is installed by default",
"What are the odd of a single coin toss after many consecutive ones? I have little knowledge of probability and have recently been thinking of a math problem I am sure you guys could answer If for example I tossed a coin ten times and got all heads, would the odds of the next coin toss beeing heads be 50 50 or s very low as the odds of getting 11 in a row is tiny? Thanks",
"DKIM sign outgoing mail from any domain (with Postfix and Ubuntu) I got DKIM setup on my mail server (postfix and ubuntu) so it signs outgoing emails. I used these instructions: However, I need it to sign emails from any domain (in the From address) and not just my own. I'm building an email newsletter service and clients will be sending their own email through the server. First I set \"Domain *\" in /etc/dkim-filter.conf. This got it to include the DKIM headers in all outgoing emails, no matter what the domain. However, the verification check fails on gmail because it is checking the domain in the from address, and not my domain (and dns record). Does anyone know how to do this?",
"Attack moving or Attack Canceling I watch streams sometimes and i see the high elo Ranged AD move between each shot. Do they gain anything with this? And if so whats a good way to practice it.",
"I am a graduate student in economics who recently converted to R from other very well-known statistical packages (I was using SPSS mainly). My little problem at the moment is that I am the only R user in my class. My classmates use Stata and Gauss and one of my professors even said that R is perfect for engineering, but not for economics. He said that many packages are built by people who know a lot about programming, but not much about economics and therefore are not reliable. He also mentioned the fact that since no money is actually involved in building an R package, there is therefore no incentive to do it correctly (unlike in Stata for example) and that he used R for a time and got some \"ridiculous\" results in his attempts to estimate some stuff. Moreover, he complained about he random number generator in R which he said was \"messy\". I've been using R for just a little more than a month and I must say I have fallen in love with it. All this stuff I am hearing from my professor is just discouraging me. So my question is: \"Is R reliable for the field of economics?\".",
"I upgraded my Nexus 4 to Lollipop a few days ago but I don't like it. I'll leave out my reasons because they're not relevant here. I wiped my phone and installed a clean stock 4.2.2 version instead. I'm happy with this. Not long after, Android automatically downloaded the 4.3 upgrade and notifies me with the choices \"Later\" and \"Install\". I don't want to do this upgrade. How do I: get rid of the notification, and remove the downloaded update (to free up precious storage space). I have already tried choosing \"Later\" but the same notification immediately reappears. Based on Google search results, I also tried going to Settings > Apps > All > Google Services Framework and unticked \"show notifications\" but it still appears. Force stop or disable also doesn't seem to help, so I've re-enabled the service including notifications. I didn't see any other apps in this list that sounded relevant - did I just not see it?",
"Why doesn't the UK ask for travel bookings for a tourist visitor visa?",
"SaveAsActivity is not allowed with whatId that is not supported as a task whatId",
"Is the EmDrive, or \"Relativity Drive\" possible?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Root file system requires manual fsck | fsck error on boot: /dev/sda6: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY | [
"Are there solutions that can limit the CPU usage of a process? I am using an old laptop and doing heavy processing that needs high CPU usage for a long time (~30mins - 2hours). When the process puts heavy load on CPU for a long time, CPU overheats and computer shuts down. I don't want to use a cooler/stand because I am carrying this laptop around and working outside home. Is there a way/application that I can limit CPU usage of a process in Windows? Note: Setting the priority of the process from task manager does not work. Note 2: Fans are clean.",
"I will be traveling from Australia to Austria, transferring in Abu Dhabi. Is it alright for me to bring a vibrator in the check-in luggage, or are there laws against that? It is approximately 17cm long. Are there any precautions to take?",
"Show that $a(-1) = (-1)a = -a $.",
"Clipping a figure to content",
"Did Voldemort die or stay in limbo after the final battle? In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, while Harry is in Kings Cross he sees something like a small child, which is the fragment of Voldemort's soul that was attached to him. He recoiled. He had spotted the thing that was making the noise. It had the form of a small, naked child, curled on the ground, its skin raw and rough, flayed-looking, and it lay shuddering under a seat where it had been left, unwanted, stuffed out of sight, struggling for breath. He was afraid of it. Small and fragile and wounded though it was, he did not want to approach it. Nevertheless he drew slowly nearer, ready to jump back at any moment. Soon he stood near enough to touch it, yet he could not bring himself to do it. He felt like a coward. He ought to comfort it, but it repulsed him. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Once Harry returns to the world of the living, that part of Voldemort's soul stays in limbo. Is this what happens to all fragments of someone's soul if he has divided his soul by creating a Horcrux? Does that mean that Voldemort's soul however crippled will stay in limbo or when all parts of his soul die, so does he?",
"How do I make sure that values from MySQL keep their type in PHP?",
"Why do we say \"Eastern Europe\" but \"East Asia\"?",
"Extract current viewing parameters from a 3D view?",
"Proof of $(a+b)^{n+1}$ I have to do proof of $(a+b)^n$ and $(a+b)^{n+1}$ with mathematical induction. I finished the first one $(a+b)^n = a^n + na^{n-1}b+\\dots+b^n$. I however have trouble with the second one, I don't know what to start exactly. Any help/hints?",
"A beginner's guide to SQL database design Do you know a good source to learn how to design SQL solutions? Beyond the basic language syntax, I'm looking for something to help me understand: What tables to build and how to link them How to design for different scales (small client APP to a huge distributed website) How to write effective / efficient / elegant SQL queries",
"Closed form for $\\sum_{k=0}^{m} {\\binom {m}{k}} a^{k} (b+ck)^N$ Is there a closed form for the following? $$\\sum_{k=0}^{m} {\\binom {m}{k}} a^{k} (b+ck)^N$$ how about a pretty limit for large $b$. I have tried using the binomial expansion for the $(b+ck)^N$ to convert the above expression to double sum and then tried to simplify the double sum which was not successful. Any idea if I have find a closed form for it?",
"If you shine a light away from the center of a Schwarzchild black hole, will it stay still? $$ A $$ Light is travelling away from the absolute center of the Schwarzchild black hole (i.e. none of that spinning/stretching field) at $\\ C $, and so shouldn't $\\ \\Delta C$ need to be greater than $\\ C $ in order for the light to collapse into the black hole, therefore violating the relativistic limit of $\\ C $? It seems like light would just 'hover' right in the center of a black hole then. Because if it goes away from it, the event horizon pulls it back, and if it goes into it, the velocity change must be greater than $\\ C $ which violates general relativity; so technically there's no way for the light to move away, and so it would just be still. The thing is that the light must move at the speed of light or general relativity doesn't work. It's massless... But in the center of a black hole, if the above is true (it can't move or escape), then it is not travelling at the speed of light. So it cannot be still. It cannot be spinning in a constant orbit either, because that would require velocity in an outward angle. And it cannot move in an outwardly fashion, only in an inwardly one. Is it spinning in an infinitely decaying spiral towards the center? If so what happens to it if and when it reaches the direct and complete center, i.e. The case of it being 'shot' from the center. $$ B $$ If you shot light at an angle towards a black hole, but not directly to the center of it then that light from the outside will eventually become the same as the light that I said was shot from the center to the outside; because in both cases, they end up in an infinitely decaying spiral. If so it would end up exactly like the light in the above paragraph, so then we need to figure out what happens to that light to figure this one out, or vice versa. $$ C $$ If you shot light directly towards the center of a black hole it would have no spiral to decay into, so therefore it must stop at some point in the center of a black hole. If it stops though, it loses it's momentum and violates general relativity again because it's energy \"disappears\". If so then it violates conservation laws. So I'm assuming this simply is not true. Is the light travelling into a black hole somehow still travelling at the speed of light, in every direction possible where that direction keeps it facing towards the center? If so, why is there not a point at which the only thing left for the light to do is stay still, since all other paths would increase the distance between it and the black hole's center, and therefore become Case A. And if there isn't, what would happen if there was? Also, if it's a time and observation answer where it supposedly takes and infinite amount of time for C to hit the center, wouldn't it be the case that the black hole is 'eating' all of the available light in the universe and keeping it in stasis? Also, what happens in a Kerr black hole then? Does it just rip the field of time/gravity at an angle such that the light would never get closer than the center?",
"Circular duplicates strike again It looks like this issue has , but it just happened again on Travel.SE. Perhaps this is another corner case? These two questions are closed as duplicates of each other. I had the last vote on each, although in both cases, my vote was for \"Unclear what you're asking\", but the weight of votes in both cases were for the duplicate status. So if the existing checks are only in place at the time someone casts a close vote, that would explain how this one got in under the radar. Perhaps another check needs to be done when the question is actually closed, not just when close votes are cast? And as @gnat points out, low-rep/logged-out users get a Redirect loop when trying to load either question. NOTE: A moderator has already fixed this particular circular duplicate situation by closing one of the questions with a different close reason.",
"Caption makes Table move in statsoc class",
"Well, I'm trying to find the Thevenin equivalent of this circuit: As you can see, the only current source is a dependent source. However, the control variable is in a wire where, if nothing is connected between A and B, is \\$i_\\Delta = 0\\$ A, and that makes the source 0 A. However, if I connect an impedance \\$Z\\$ to the circuit, I will have current, and a Thevenin equivalent. I don't know how to solve this problem. I've bee searching here for a while, and I found this: . I can see how is solved that case. However, I still don't know how to apply that method to my circuit. Any help about finding the Thevenin equivalent is appreciated n.n",
"More homework help. Given the function $f:A \\to B$. Let $C$ be a subset of $A$ and let $D$ be a subset of $B$. Prove that: $C$ is a subset of $f^{-1}[f(C)]$ So I have to show that every element of $C$ is in the set $f^{-1}[f(C)]$ I know that $f(C)$ is the image of $C$ in $B$ and that $f^{-1}[f(C)]$ is the pre-image of $f(C)$ into $A$. Where I'm stuck is how to use all of this information to show/prove that $C$ is indeed a subset. Do I start with an arbitrary element (hey, let's call it $x$) of $C$? and then show that $f^{-1}[f(x)]$ is $x$? I could use a little direction here... Thanks.",
"50 hertz sine wave in oscilloscope when I touch it I bought a new PicoScope USB oscilloscope and noticed that when I touch the tip of the probe with my hand I see a 50 Hz signal of 2 volts on the screen. What is causing this? (Or rather, how is the mains 50 Hz sine wave getting through me to the scope?)",
"Sum of two co-prime integers I need some help in a proof: Prove that for any integer $n>6$ can be written as a sum of two co-prime integers $a,b$ s.t. $\\gcd(a,b)=1$. I tried to go around with \"Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions\" but didn't had any luck to come to an actual proof. I mainly used arithmetic progression of $4$, $(4n,4n+1,4n+2,4n+3)$, but got not much, only to the extent of specific examples and even than sometimes $a,b$ weren't always co-prime (and $n$ was also playing a role so it wasn't $a+b$ it was $an+b$). I would appriciate it a lot if someone could give a hand here.",
"This prints 83 System.out.println(0123) However this prints 123 System.out.println(123) Why does it work that way?",
"What is a subnet mask, and the difference between a subnet mask of and My DSL/WiFi router provided by my ISP has an internal IP address of, the addresses provided by DHCP are in the format of 10.0.0.xxx. Now, I want to start using static IP addresses on my local network, and I don't know what to provide for the subnet mask. What is a subnet mask? Should I be using or as my subnet mask? What is the difference?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Ubuntu boot problem | My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it? | [
"I have a samba share on my LAN that requires a username and password to obtain write access (otherwise it defaults to read-only). I can't figure out where in the Unity desktop I can connect to the share and be prompted for my login credentials. I can mount the drive, of course, but then I'm browsing as a guest (read-only). What gives?",
"Children's book with \"square triangles\" in parallel universe?",
"I would like to count the number of unique selections from a column that contains multiple selections from a drop down list. For example, column B3 contains, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday The count function returns a value of 1 instead of 3 - is there any way to count the three days distinctly? Thank you! Multiple selections from a drop down list was made possible using the VBA code from:",
"Let $(M,d)$ be a metric space, and $A\\subset M$. By definition, $A$ is said to be compact if every open cover of $A$ contains a finite subcover. What is wrong with saying that, in $\\mathbb{R}$, if $I=(0,1)$, we can choose $G=\\{(0,\\frac{3}{4}), (\\frac{1}{4}, 1)\\}$, which satisfies $I \\subset \\bigcup_{U\\in G} U$, but we can't extract a finite subcover, so $I$ is not compact. Is $G$ a finite subcover of $G$, so it is not a valid cover for proving this? I would take $\\cup_{n\\in\\mathbb{N}} (\\frac{1}{n},1)$ in order to prove this, can we conclude that every open cover is necessarily a infinite union of open sets $\\neq \\emptyset$?",
"Why is $1$ not considered a prime number? Or, why is the definition of prime numbers given for integers greater than $1$?",
"Proving inequality $\\frac{a}{b}+\\frac{b}{c}+\\frac{c}{a}+\\frac{3\\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c} \\geq 4$ I started to study inequalities - I try to solve a lot of inequlites and read interesting .solutions . I have a good pdf, you can view from . The inequality which I tried to solve and I didn't manage to find a solution can be found in that pdf but I will write here to be more explicitly. Exercise 1.3.4(a) Let $a,b,c$ be positive real numbers. Prove that $$\\displaystyle \\frac{a}{b}+\\frac{b}{c}+\\frac{c}{a}+\\frac{3\\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c} \\geq 4.$$ (b) For real numbers $a,b,c \\gt0$ and $n \\leq3$ prove that: $$\\displaystyle \\frac{a}{b}+\\frac{b}{c}+\\frac{c}{a}+n\\left(\\frac{3\\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c} \\right)\\geq 3+n.$$",
"Arguments for/against same birthday for siblings? My son is born on October 1st three years ago. My wife is pregnant again and the calculated delivery date is October 22nd. Both children are boys, 3 years apart. We might end in a situation where the delivery is earlier, for reasons irrelevant to this question. I believe that around their birthdays is the only time in the whole year that the actual date matters. It really does boil down to practical considerations around patience (gifts) and planning. I think that if there is, say, a week or more between the birthdays then it's easy to separate but if the difference is only a very few days then it gets complicated, and that's the situation I'd like to avoid. I know from friends that having the same birthday makes events easier to plan, from the parents' perspective. It would also remove the unhappiness of a small child saying \"why does he get presents today and I don't.\" Being a twin, and married to one, I know that there's nothing problematic in sharing a birthday as long as both get their fair share of attention. What are practical arguments for, and against, choosing the same birthday for the second child? What considerations apply when the second child's birthday is only a very few days after the elder sibling's?",
"I have often wondered at the practice on Stack Overflow, Server Fault, and the other sites where someone will ask a question and an answer will come in that says Look here: http://link elsewhere. Rarely will the link have exactly the answer necessary -- often it's an entire article -- yet these answers get voted up. Why is that, exactly? I realize this is subjective, but my own thoughts are that one should try and give the answer (even if the answer is 'no, it can't be done' or 'no, I don't think it can be done' -- very different answers) and then if you have a link that explains it, go ahead and post it within the answer. What does the community think about this? For more information, see in the .",
"How to forward specific log file outside of /var/log with rsyslog to remote server? How can I forward message from a specific log file like /www/myapp/log/test.log with rsyslog client to remote rsyslog server? This log file is outside of the directory /var/log.",
"Nothing happens when I press \"Submit\" on duplicate suggestion For example, in .",
"How to open a terminal from within Atom? I'm currently working with Atom, and sometimes I want to open a terminal on the directory my working file is. To do this, I usually have to open the folder in nautilus (right clicking the file in atom) and then I open a terminal on that directory from nautilus (right click). I wonder if there is a way to open the terminal in the file directory without having to open nautilus first.",
"Explain reflection laws at the atomic level The \"equal angles\" law of refection on a flat mirror is a macroscopic phenomenon. To put it in anthropomorphic terms, how do individual photons know the orientation of the mirror so as to bounce off in the correct direction?",
"Viruses: Adaptation to a new host through repeated host jumps",
"The problems that appear in difficult math competitions such as the IMO or the Putnam exam are usually very difficult and require some ingenuity to solve. They also usually don't look like they can be solved by simply knowing more advanced theory and the such. How do people typically come up with these problems? Do they arise naturally from advanced mathematics (the somewhat infamous 'grasshopper problem' from the 2009 IMO comes to mind - to my not exactly knowledgeable mind this problem looks like it popped out of basically nowhere)? What is the perspective that mathematicians take when seemingly \"inventing\" these problems with no theoretical motivation to them whatsoever?",
"How much willpower do gravely wounded soldiers lose? The text says they suffer a permanent reduction?",
"How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process? This question is covered in great detail. How do you measure the memory usage of an application or process in Linux? From the blog article of , ps is not an accurate tool to use for this intent. Why ps is "wrong" Depending on how you look at it, ps is not reporting the real memory usage of processes. What it is really doing is showing how much real memory each process would take up if it were the only process running. Of course, a typical Linux machine has several dozen processes running at any given time, which means that the VSZ and RSS numbers reported by ps are almost definitely wrong.",
"Block IPs if they access a resource",
"Does Stack Exchange use caching and if so, how? Recently, I read this about how they have some of their infrastructure laid out. I was curious to know, does Stack Exchange use caching (both at the application layer and/or database layer) and if so, how?",
"How do I remove an alias? I want to remove gs alias from my PC. When I type gs it will open GhostScript. But I checked everywhere in the home directory .alias .bash_aliases .bashrc I also overwrite the gs with my custom alias. I can't remove it. And I also type alias in terminal, in the list I couldn't find it. Please I want to remove it...",
"How should a user's death be handled?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Should I use one SessionScoped bean for all datatables? | How to choose the right bean scope? | [
"What is known about $\\mathcal C^\\infty$ functions $\\mathbb R\\to\\mathbb R$ that always take rationals to rationals? Are they all quotients of polynomials? If not, are there any that are bounded yet don't tend to a limit for $x\\to +\\infty$? If there are, then can we also require them to be analytic? (This is basically just a random musing after I found myself using trigonometric functions twice in unrelated throwaway counterexamples. It struck me that it was kind of conceptual overkill to whip out a transcendental function for the purpose I needed: basically that it had to keep wiggling forever. I couldn't think of a nice non-trancendental function to do this job, however, and now wonder whether that is because they can't exist).",
"Why are there no discrete zero sets of a polynomial in two complex variables? Why is the zero set in $\\mathbb{C}\\times\\mathbb{C}$ of a polynomial $f(x,y)$ in two complex variables always non-discrete (no zero of $f$ is isolated)?",
"Actionbar background is not being changed",
"Live notification shown for own edits When editing an answer, the "new revision" message is shown for a short moment. This makes no sense because the revision you just created is automatically displayed anyway.",
"Is there a reason the British omit the article when they \"go to hospital\"?",
"Shells have a useful feature where pressing the keyboard UP arrow replaces the contents of the current command line with the previous command that was entered. (And if you do it again, the command before that, and so on.) I would like a similar feature, where pressing (some other button) replaces the contents of the current command line with the last line of output from the previous command (and if you do it again, the previous line of output , and so on.) Is there any shell that provides a feature like this? The motivation is that you often want to run a command, and then run another command with part of the previous commands's output as input. (No, I don't want to do anything involving piping the output of one command into the next. I'm looking for an interactive experience, where you run the first command, see its output, and then get a line of that output into your next command, without having to reach for the mouse to do a clumsy copy-and-paste.)",
"What color can lightsabers be? I just saw the fan film and the Force-sensitive bounty-hunter, Korbain Thor, wielded an ochre lightsaber (or at least that's what described it as). I'm just wondering if ochre is a canon color for a lightsaber?",
"How can I find my hardware details? Is there any built-in software or terminal method allowing me to view the hardware profiles on my system? Windows equivalent of such a feature would be Device Manager.",
"describes how to get the changelog for a given package. However, it's the whole changelog. What I'd like is a way to see what will be changed in whatever I'm about to upgrade. For example, I was imagining something like: $ sudo apt-get upgrade --show-changelogs Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages will be upgraded: foo -- adds the bar feature for better snazziness -- removes the deprecated baz feature 1 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 8,864 kB of archives. After this operation, 285 kB disk space will be freed. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Unfortunately, I don't see anything like that in the man pages for apt-get. Does this or something similar exist? UPDATE: I've written a talking about apt-listchanges and Debian changelogs in a little more depth that incorporates some of the feedback in this question.",
"If a Matrix Has Only Zero as an Eigen-Value Then It Is Nilpotent",
"The following time-frequency correspondence illustration is in . Also a gif animation version (if the animation doesn't show, please open the following image in a new window): This picture has so much explanatory power, and I would like to replicate it in TikZ for future use. Here is what I came up with: \\documentclass{minimal} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} [x={(1cm,0.5cm)},z={(0cm,0.5cm)},y={(1cm,-0.2cm)}] \\draw[->,thick,blue!90] (0,6.5,0) -- (6.2,6.5,0) node[right] {Frequency}; \\draw[->,thick,red!90] (0,0,0) -- (0,6.5,0) node[below] {Time}; \\draw[->,thick] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node[above] {Magnitude}; \\foreach \\x in {0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5}{ \\draw[blue!50] (\\x,0,0) \\foreach \\y in {0,0.02,...,6.28}{ -- ({\\x},{\\y},{sin(\\x*\\y*(157))/sqrt(2*\\x)}) }; \\draw[blue!90, thick] (\\x,6.5,0) -- (\\x,6.5,1/\\x); } \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} This is the output so far. I have two questions: How to produce that red superposed sine wave of all the blue sine waves? I don't know if there is a sum function or I have to use loop yet again? How to make the camera projection in TikZ more similar to the perspective in that wikipedia illustration? Any suggestion and tweaking of the parameters I used in the sample drawing are welcome as well. Thanks in advance! Update 1: Here is a new version using tikz, more readable than the first one. Yet the superposition of the sine waves are done manually...I still don't know how to use foreach to produce a sum. \\begin{tikzpicture}[x={(1cm,0.5cm)},z={(0cm,0.5cm)},y={(1cm,-0.2cm)}] \\draw[->,thick,black!70] (0,6.5,0) -- (6.2,6.5,0) node[right] {Frequency}; \\draw[->,thick,black!70] (0,0,0) -- (0,6.5,0) node[below right] {Time}; \\draw[->,thick] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,2) node[above] {Magnitude}; \\foreach \\y in {0.5,1.5,...,5.5}{ \\draw [cyan!50, domain=0:2*pi,samples=200,smooth] plot (\\y,\\x, {sin(4*\\y*\\x r)/\\y }); \\draw[blue, ultra thick] (\\y,6.5,0) -- (\\y,6.5,1/\\y); } \\draw [red, thick, domain=0:2*pi,samples=200,smooth] plot (0,\\x, {sin(4*0.5*\\x r)/0.5 + sin(4*1.5*\\x r)/1.5 + sin(4*2.5*\\x r)/2.5 + sin(4*3.5*\\x r)/3.5 + sin(4*4.5*\\x r)/4.5 + sin(4*5.5*\\x r)/5.5} ); \\end{tikzpicture} The result is as follows:",
"Why is $l^\\infty$ not separable?",
"Why do harmonics occur when you pluck a string?",
"After MiKTeX update: suddenly all fonts (incl. existing path-referenced ttf files) are not found by fontspec / LuaLaTeX anymore",
"Why does Ubuntu 14.04 LTS use a non-LTS kernel version?",
"Equation number enclosing parentheses misplaced with Polyglossia+Hebrew+amsmath",
"Alternatively, why does the force created by blowing out air feel so much stronger than the force created by sucking in air? Ok, so forget the human factor involved in blowing out candles. Consider a vacuum cleaner with a suction end and a blower end. Anyone who has tried it out notices the blower end creates a much stronger force than the suction end, despite the discharge being (more or less) equal at both ends. Why does this happen?",
"Complex number identity by trigonometry Show that $\\lvert e^{i\\theta} - 1\\rvert = 2\\lvert\\sin(\\theta/2)\\rvert$ by using the geometry of the triangle with vertices 0, 1, and the midpoint of the line joining 0 and $e^{i\\theta}$. I have been able to show this identity through other means, however I am stuck on how to utilize this particular triangle.",
"How to make Table of Contents manually I'm trying to make table of contents manually, I mean I set the page of each of sections one by one. Here's my target: and I'm using book class here. Here's the code that I found \\documentclass[oneside]{book} \\renewcommand\\contentsname{CONTENTS} \\renewcommand\\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES} \\renewcommand\\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES} \\addtocontents{toc}{{\\bfseries Contents\\hfill Page No.\\bigskip\\par}} \\addtocontents{lot}{{\\bfseries No.\\hfill Title\\hfill\\hfill Page No.\\bigskip\\par}} \\addtocontents{lof}{{\\bfseries No.\\hfill Title\\hfill\\hfill Page No.\\bigskip\\par}} \\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} \\usepackage{xcolor,xpatch} \\renewcommand\\cftbeforechapskip{0ex} \\renewcommand\\cftchapfont{\\mdseries} \\renewcommand\\cftchappagefont{\\mdseries} \\renewcommand\\cftchappresnum{Chapter~} \\renewcommand\\cftchapaftersnum{. } \\newlength\\tocindent \\settowidth\\tocindent{\\cftchapfont\\cftchappresnum9\\cftchapaftersnum} \\edef\\cftchapnumwidth{\\the\\tocindent} \\edef\\cftsecindent{\\the\\tocindent} \\advance\\tocindent2.3em \\edef\\cftsubsecindent{\\the\\tocindent} \\advance\\tocindent3.2em \\edef\\cftsubsubsecindent{\\the\\tocindent} \\renewcommand\\cftsecdotsep{\\cftnodots} \\renewcommand\\cftsubsecdotsep{\\cftnodots} \\renewcommand\\cftsubsubsecdotsep{\\cftnodots} \\newcommand\\tocmainmatter {\\renewcommand\\cftchappagefont{\\color{white}}% } \\xapptocmd\\mainmatter{\\addtocontents{toc}{\\protect\\tocmainmatter}}{}{} \\newif\\ifschaptertoc \\makeatletter \\renewcommand\\@makeschapterhead[1]% {{\\parindent \\z@ \\centering \\normalfont \\interlinepenalty\\@M \\Large \\bfseries #1\\par\\nobreak \\vskip 20\\p@ }% \\@mkboth{\\MakeUppercase{#1}}{\\MakeUppercase{#1}}% \\ifschaptertoc \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1}% \\fi } \\makeatother \\usepackage{blindtext} \\begin{document} \\frontmatter \\tableofcontents \\schaptertoctrue \\chapter*{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS} \\blindtext \\chapter*{ABSTRACT} \\blindtext \\listoftables \\listoffigures \\chapter*{ABBREVIATIONS} \\Blindtext \\chapter*{NOTATIONS} \\Blindtext \\mainmatter \\chapter{INTRODUCTION} \\blindtext \\section{General Background} \\blindtext \\section{Objective} \\blindtext \\subsection{Objective 1} \\blindtext \\subsection{Objective 2} \\blindtext \\subsection{Objective 3} \\blindtext \\section{Scheme} \\blindtext \\end{document}",
"Removing clock from the lock-screen I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. I want to remove the digital clock from the lock screen because I just want to see a good wallpaper there, unobstructed. How do I go about this?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Deep copy of array of objects | Deep cloning objects | [
"$E$ is a measurable set of finite measure and $1 \\le p_{1} < p_{2} < \\infty$. Consider the linear space $L^{p_{2}}(E)$ normed by $||.||_{p_{1}}$. Is this space Banach?",
"Show that $\\mathbb{Z}[i]/(2+3i)$ is a finite field. By applying some isomorphisms and realizing $\\mathbb{Z}[i]$ as the quotient ring of $\\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^{2}+1)$, I found that: $\\mathbb{Z}[i]/(2+3i) \\cong \\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^2+1,2+3x)$ However, I run into trouble as I can't divide $x^{2}+1$ by $2+3x$ in $\\mathbb{Z}[x]$. What would be another way to approach the problem? Thanks for the help.",
"Is an Anti-Symmetric Relation also Reflexive? According to the definition of an Anti-Symmetric Relation if xRy and yRx then x = y Which means, effectively, x is in relation with itself. Does this mean that anti-symmetry implies reflexive property as well?",
"traveller's cheques; customer's requirements: use of the singular Saxon genitive (and the plural attributive) for association May I ask if the following sentence is grammatical? Our remit is to conduct research on customer's requirements. In my understanding, as 'customer' is a countable noun, so the plural form 'customers''' should be used instead for this general reference (without specification of certain customers). However, I know that we can say 'traveller's cheques' - e.g., Traveller's cheques are available at the bank. In this sense, actually can we say 'customer's requirements' in the first case?",
"Allow cross-site queries in data explorer",
"Did I correctly derive this recurrence equation formula",
"In the PGF/TikZ manual, sometimes I see the option right of=somenode instead of right=of somenode. They look very similar, but the effects are different. The distance between nodes positioned with the latter option is boundary-to-boundary, as stated in the manual. However, with the first option, it seems that the distance is shorter. I couldn't find any explanation of the first option in the manual. My question is: what is the difference between the two options? Is there any explanation in the manual that I missed?",
"image of polynomial map is not an algebraic set I am doing an exercise about algebraic geometry, where the exercise tell us to provide example of the image of polynomial map $f:\\mathbb{C}^{m}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{C}^{n}$ that is not an algebraic set. But I am thinking that the image of every polynomial is $\\mathbb{C}$ thus every polynomial map is surjective. What have I misunderstand?",
"Use of a semicolon before and comma after \"however\" Several years ago, a previous boss told me to use a semicolon and comma with the word \"however\". I've always questioned this and would like to know if the following random sentences are using the correct method. Our plane was delayed overnight; however, the airlines reimbursed us for lodging. It looks as though he's upset; however, she told me he always has that look on his face. I want to find him a nice gift; however, I am a broke until payday. Normally I would use a less \"wordy\" sentence in casual writing, but hopefully the example will suffice. For example, on number 3 I would usually type: I want to get him a nice gift, but I'm broke until payday.",
"If $G$ has no proper subgroup, then $G$ is cyclic of prime order This is something I'm supposed to be able to prove for an upcoming test, but I can't find anything to help me prove this in my notes or the chapter, which is on cosets and Lagrange's theorem. If all I start with is the group having no proper subsets, then that means any subset is the whole group. By Lagrange's theorem, that means the index is $1$, but that doesn't get me anywhere. Where do I start?",
"How to make a process invisible to other users? How could you launch a process and make it invisible to the top command? The process is started by a normal user (not root), and should not be visible to other normal users.",
"Let $d=GCD(n^2+5,n^3-5n^2+6n)$ show that $d|630$",
"How to call shell commands from Ruby How do I call shell commands from inside of a Ruby program? How do I then get output from these commands back into Ruby?",
"Should 'Hi', 'thanks', taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?",
"What are the options for player characters to create traps?",
"Number of isosceles triangle.",
"Feature selection with Random Forests",
"I am curious about the practical implementation of a binary split in a decision tree - as it relates to levels of a categorical predictor $X{j}$. Specifically, I often will utilize some sort of sampling scheme (e.g. bagging, oversampling etc) when building a predictive model using a decision tree - in order to improve its predictive accuracy and stability. During these sampling routines, it is possible for a categorical variable to be presented to a tree fitting algorithm with less than the complete level set. Say a variable X takes on levels {A,B,C,D,E}. In a sample, maybe only levels {A,B,C,D} are present. Then, when the resulting tree is used for prediction, the full set may be present. Continuing from this example, say a tree splits on X and sends {A,B} to the left and {C,D} to the right. I would expect the logic of the binary split to then say, when faced with new data: \"If X has value A or B, send to the left, otherwise, send this case to the right\". What seems to happen in some implementations is \"if X has value A or B, send to the left, if X has value C or D send to the right\". When this case takes on value E, the algorithm breaks down. What is the \"right\" way for a binary split to be handled? It seems the much more robust way is implemented often, but not always (see Rpart below). Here are a couple examples: Rpart fails, the others are ok. #test trees and missing values summary(solder) table(solder$PadType) # create train and validation set.seed(12345) t_rows<-sample(1:nrow(solder),size=360, replace=FALSE) train_solder<-solder[t_rows,] val_solder<-solder[-t_rows,] #look at PadType table(train_solder$PadType) table(val_solder$PadType) #set a bunch to missing levels(train_solder$PadType)[train_solder$PadType %in% c('L8','L9','W4','W9')] <- 'MISSING' #Fit several trees, may have to play with the parameters to get them to split on the variable ####RPART mod_rpart<-rpart(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder) predict(mod_rpart,val_solder) #Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = attr(object, : #factor 'PadType' has new level(s) D6, L6, L7, L8, L9, W4 ####TREE mod_tree<-tree(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder,split=\"gini\") predict(mod_tree,val_solder) #works fine ####ctree mod_ctree<-ctree(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder,control = ctree_control(mincriterion = 0.05)) predict(mod_ctree,val_solder) #works fine",
"How to reduce the number of authors above >3 to 'First Author et al., (year)'?",
"Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation? In the definition of standard deviation, why do we have to square the difference from the mean to get the mean (E) and take the square root back at the end? Can't we just simply take the absolute value of the difference instead and get the expected value (mean) of those, and wouldn't that also show the variation of the data? The number is going to be different from square method (the absolute-value method will be smaller), but it should still show the spread of data. Anybody know why we take this square approach as a standard? The definition of standard deviation: $\\sigma = \\sqrt{E\\left[\\left(X - \\mu\\right)^2\\right]}.$ Can't we just take the absolute value instead and still be a good measurement? $\\sigma = E\\left[|X - \\mu|\\right]$"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to extract code of .apk file which is not working? | Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file? | [
"Change date format [YYYYMMDD] to [MM/DD/YYYY]",
"Careers - Search Book JS error",
"Are there any places to leave luggage in Brussels, for short and/or long periods of time?",
"What did Bill do to make Hanzo mad? During kill Bill, we learn that all the black mamba had to do to get Hanzo to build her a sword, was to mention Bill's name. When black mamba meets Bill at the end, she tells him that all she did was mention his name. Bill responds with, \"that'll do it!\" So what was it that Bill did to Hanzo to make him come out of retirement and make another weapon of death?",
"I am looking for a multivariable calculus book that is really physics oriented. Anyone know of any? EDIT: My wife is looking to brush up on multivariable at the same time she needs to brush up on the related physics.",
"The Half-Elven and their choices Earendil and Elwing were given the choice of kindreds after their journey to Valinor, This choice was extended to their sons (specifically sons, not daughters or grandchildren) Elrond chose the race of the Eldar and his brother Elros chose to be counted amongst the Edain. Thus far Manwë's proclamation has been fulfilled. There are some inconsistencies here: Arwen was given the choice, but Elladan and Elrohir remained as Eldar in Imladris Tar-Vardamir was not given the choice The offspring of Imrazor and Mithrelas in Dol Amroth dont seem to have been given a choice I can think of only one explanation, that the Mannish blood is dominant over the blood of the Eldar, thus, As Vardamir was the offspring of two mortals he did not fall under Manwë's proclamation despite being the son of a half elven. However this does not seem to explain the other inconsistencies, Is it possible that Elladan and Elrohir and also the princes of Dol Amroth weren't considered important enough by Manwë or Eru to give them the choice. Also as a side note Tolkien states there were only three unions between man and elf, but this seems to ignore Turin/Finduilas and Imrazor/Mithrelas My question is, Why was Arwen given the choice and not the sons of Elros?",
"How can I re-write the conditionals for this button I've been trying out React for a couple of days and I tried to build a button component with some conditionals. Everything works but I feel like I am not doing it the right way. Could anyone review my code and give me some advice and tell me what I am doing wrong or what i could do better. I think I am using too many return statements. I use Typescript for type checking. Would appreciate any help! import { Link } from "gatsby"; interface Props { content: string, color: string, path?: string, type?: string } export default function Button(props: Props): JSX.Element { let elementType; const checkProps = () => { const availableColors = ['blue', 'grey', 'dark-grey', 'white']; const borderColors = ['']; let buttonStyle; // Check if props.color exists in availableColors if(!availableColors.includes(props.color)) { console.error(`"${props.color} color key not available for button style`); return; } buttonStyle = buttonStyles[`button--${props.color}`]; // Check if props.content is valid if(!props.content) { console.error(`"${props.content} is not valid as content`); return; } // Check if props.type exists if(!props.type) { elementType = <button className={ buttonStyle }>{ props.content }</button> return; } if(props.type !== 'link') { console.error(`"${props.type} is not a valid type, use 'link' instead or use nothing for default button`); return; } else { elementType = <Link to={ props.path } className={ buttonStyle }>{ props.content }</Link> } } checkProps(); return ( <React.Fragment> { elementType } </React.Fragment> ); }```",
"Finite groups with exactly one maximal subgroup I was recently reading a proof in which the following property is used (and left as an exercise that I could not prove so far). Here is exactly how it is stated. Let $G$ be a finite group. Suppose it has exactly one maximal subgroup. Then $G$ is cyclic. Now, does this mean exactly one conjugacy class of maximal subgroups? If it really means exactly one maximal subgroup, then what can we say about a finite group that possesses exactly one class of (at least two) maximal subgroups that are all conjugate to each other?",
"What should I consider when choosing continuous lighting vs. strobes for studio photography?",
"I have critical low storage level and can't understand what takes much of it and how that's possible that the installed applications can use 7 GB? I only use a few social media clients without any games or soft like Photoshop. Also on the second screenshot it indicates that the apps are using just 1.13 GB and so I can't understand the situation. Also what is the \"Other\"?",
"Quantum mechanics and everyday nature Is there a phenomenon visible to the naked eye that requires quantum mechanics to be satisfactorily explained? I am looking for a sort of quantic Newtonian apple.",
"I set /usr/bin, /usr/lib, and /usr/share to be owned by my regular user and now I am getting interesting errors After running this command - sudo chown -R $(whoami) usr/{lib/node_modules,bin,share} I am not able to run sudo anymore: sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set. How do I fixed that? I read but I am not sure what advice to follow and if it's applicable to my case.",
"Is Object constructor called when creating an array in Java? In Java, an array IS AN Object. My question is... is an Object constructor called when new arrays is being created? We would like to use this fact to instrument Object constructor with some extra bytecode which checks length of array being constructed. Would that work?",
"I am trying to make a floor plan for my office, have managed to make all of the rectangular components (e.g. the rooms) however some of the desk layouts are circular and I haven't been able to work out how to make exact and measured circles. They need to have a radius of 1.45m.",
"In my case I'm talking about Assassin's Stance, but I'd like to know the answer for stances in general. I feel like I might be missing something incredibly obvious caused by missing a word or two (or a paragraph), but I can't find anything that explicitly states whether or not I can use the Tome of Battle stances with ranged weapons like the bow (or crossbow). I realize that half the classes have \"blade\" in their names so using ranged weapons is not in the spirit of things, but I'm looking for an explicit answer (or as close to one as possible) from any WotC official resource. If this has already been answered I'm sorry, but I could not find the answer myself from searching.",
"Can I use my Schengen visa for multiple purposes I was issued a Schengen visa for 90 days validity with multiple entry. Initially I planned for tourism to France and Switzerland and accordingly I have written the purpose as tourism only and I will be travelling as well for a week and coming back to India. First I am using for tourism for one week and travelling back to India. Now, I also need to travel again to Schengen area to the same countries for business purpose for one week again. Can I use the same visa or do I need to get a new one?",
"Why is \"cupboard\" pronounced with a silent \"p\"? According to Google at least, the word \"cupboard\" originated in late Middle English as denoting a board that held cups. Since then, the word has evolved to mean a kind of cabinet. My question is, given its origin and spelling, why do we pronounce \"cupboard\" with a silent \"p\"? Has the pronunciation simply evolved because \"cup-board\" is too awkward to say, or is there a deeper pronunciation rule that I'm not aware of?",
"Usually I use beamer with the Warsaw theme which puts theorems (and other things) in boxes. Now I switched my theme to Marburg but i still want to keep the boxes. How can one do that?",
"Why do I get TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'?",
"I have accounts in Stack Overflow, Programmers, Unix & Linux and Area 51. I don't want to continue my Area 51 account, so I planned to delete my Area 51 account. I have performed the following steps to delete my account, but I couldn't! Case 1 If your account has votes or posts do the following steps: Edit the \"About Me\" section of your profile to say “please delete me”. Contact the SE support to request deletion. I edited my \"About Me\" section to \"please delete me\". When I contacted SE Support to delete my account, I couldn't make a request. I am getting the following error: This operation is incomplete. please do it in main site. For deleting Area 51 account, when I do it main site, in link for deletion column I gave the Area 51 link. It says that: it is not valid link! Case 2 If the account has not interacted with the site yet (votes or posts), click on the delete button on your user page next to the edit link. I am not eligible for this case! Then how to delete my Area 51 account? Any help is appreciated!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Using Regex to split string with quoted substrings | Regex for splitting a string using space when not surrounded by single or double quotes | [
"UAE visit visa with expired passport number I need a visa to travel to UAE. My passport will expire soon (June), so today I applied for a new passport and it will be delivered to me on March 17. I need to travel to Dubai on March 18. clearly not enough time to get a visa for the new passport. Can I send a scan of my old passport to the agency who's getting the visa for me, get a visa with the old passport number on it and then travel with both passports to Dubai? My new passport to satisfy their 6 months validity requirement and the old passport to match the passport number?",
"Intuition behind why order of a subgroup divides order of a group.",
"Alternate exits in Bit Trip Runner 2 Is there any point in taking the alternate exits in Bit Trip Runner 2? I can't see any benefit to doing so in terms of unlocking a different path in the overworld, so is it just for your own benefit?",
"Turning fullscreen on made Minecraft crash, and now it crashes on start every time I switched to full screen on minecraft, the screen turned black as if it were loading it took a while so i closed minecraft and reopened it. When I logged on it gave me a program on my taskbar saying \"minecraft minecraft\" then when i closed the program it gave me this error message: java(tm) platform SE binary has stopped working. Is there a way to fix this?",
"What does closed form solution usually mean? This is motivated by and the fact that I have no access to Timothy Chow's paper indicated there by Qiaochu Yuan. If an equation $f(x)=0$ has no closed form solution, what does it normally mean? Added: $f$ may depend (and normally does) on parameters. To me this is equivalent to say that one cannot solve it for $x$ in the sense that there is no elementary expression $g(c_{1},c_{2},\\ldots ,c_{p})$ consisting only of a finite number of polynomials, rational functions, roots, exponentials, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, absolute values, integer and fractional parts, such that $f(g(c_{1},c_{2},\\ldots ,c_{p}))=0$.",
"Why does volatile exist? What does the volatile keyword do? In C++ what problem does it solve? In my case, I have never knowingly needed it.",
"Horn and spindle tori",
"Command for creating a directory and navigating into it directly?",
"Messed up Blender models when exporting to Unity3D I have modeled a simple pocket watch in Blender. Every time I import it into Unity3D, regardless of whether I export it from Blender as an FBX or 3ds file, it always comes out missing faces! Why is this happening? I have never had problems importing models into Unity3D like this before. Blender Screenshot Unity Screenshots It seems to me that different faces appear when I rotate it differently. How can I prevent this? Thanks!",
"Denoting the end of example/remark What is the etiquette to denote the end of an example or remark? For proofs, it's the QED symbol (white box). I know it's not necessary for everyone, but I would like to use it to break up the text a little. What should I use? A circle or filled box or what?",
"Touch enabled monitors and Android",
"How can I disable creepers' block damage on my Minecraft server? Please note that these are NOT acceptable solutions: Completely disabling monsters (peaceful mode) Completely removing creepers Completely disabling explosions (TNT + Creepers) Disabling creeper explosions More exactly, I want the creepers to be able to spawn and explode, but without doing their terrain damage (they should still be doing health damage to the players). I'm fine with the use of mods but I'd prefer a built-in solution if possible.",
"How can I install the latest Netbeans? In Ubuntu Software Center the Netbeans version is netbeans 7.0.1+dfsg1-5ubuntu2 but Netbeans 8.1 is available in the Netbeans website.",
"Possible Duplicate: Consider the field extension $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt2)$. I want to show that $\\sqrt5 \\notin \\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt2)$. If this were not the case, then we could write $\\sqrt5 = a + b\\sqrt2$ for $a,b\\in\\mathbb{Q}$. However, I do not see the contradiction here. Is there a better/easier way to prove this?",
"I can read the MySQL documentation and it's pretty clear. But, how does one decide which character set to use? On what data does collation have an effect? I'm asking for an explanation of the two and how to choose them.",
"How to start a new Linux distro?",
"The makes use of the term \"the author.\" When Bob makes a post, it's obvious Bob \"owns\" the content, but what happens when he checks the Community Wiki button? Does it become the property of the Stack Overflow community? Even if Bob is the only one to have edited it? Say I were to use a Community Wiki answer for something or other — say, in a book — who would I attribute the content to?",
"If $ \\operatorname{Tr}(M^k) = \\operatorname{Tr}(N^k)\\;\\forall 1\\leq k \\leq n$, then how do we show the $M$ and $N$ have the same eigenvalues?",
"Could someone recommend a free and/or open source GIS application that can orthorectify map images?",
"What does f-stop mean? What does f-stop mean? Is it the same thing when people say \"2 stops\" for example?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How many natural numbers are multiples of both a and b? | $ d_1,d_2\mid n\iff {\rm lcm}(d_1,d_2)\mid n\ $ [LCM Universal Property] | [
"JavaScript private methods To make a JavaScript class with a public method I'd do something like: function Restaurant() {} Restaurant.prototype.buy_food = function(){ // something here } Restaurant.prototype.use_restroom = function(){ // something here } That way users of my class can: var restaurant = new Restaurant(); restaurant.buy_food(); restaurant.use_restroom(); How do I create a private method that can be called by the buy_food and use_restroom methods but not externally by users of the class? In other words, I want my method implementation to be able to do: Restaurant.prototype.use_restroom = function() { this.private_stuff(); } But this shouldn't work: var r = new Restaurant(); r.private_stuff(); How do I define private_stuff as a private method so both of these hold true? I've read a few times but it doesn't seem like \"private\" methods can be called by public methods and \"privileged\" methods can be called externally.",
"Galaxy S not detected, how do I make it work? Can anyone please provide the necessary steps to connect a Samsung Galaxy S with Ubuntu 10.10 please? I was thinking that perhaps it could detect something, but it doesn't, Anyone succeeded ? Thanks",
"Variablity in cv.glmnet results I am using cv.glmnet to find predictors. The setup I use is as follows: lassoResults<-cv.glmnet(x=countDiffs,y=responseDiffs,alpha=1,nfolds=cvfold) bestlambda<-lassoResults$lambda.min results<-predict(lassoResults,s=bestlambda,type=\"coefficients\") choicePred<-rownames(results)[which(results !=0)] To make sure the results are reproducible I set.seed(1). The results are highly variable. I ran the exact same code 100 times to see how variable the results were. In the 98/100 runs had one particular predictor always selected (sometimes just on its own); other predictors were selected (co-efficient was non-zero) usually 50/100 times. So it tells me that each time the cross-validation is running it's going to probably select a different best lambda, because of the initial randomization of the folds matter. Others have seen this problem () but there isn't a suggested solution. I am thinking that maybe that one which shows up 98/100 is probably pretty highly correlated to all the others? The results do stabilize if I just run LOOCV ($\\text{fold-size} = n$), but I am curious why they are so variable when $\\text{nfold} < n$.",
"is there any diffrence to use nonlinear or liner activation function in single hidden layer network",
"Is my paper under review (or similar) for too long and if yes, how should I react?",
"Is it appropriate to use a question mark at the end of a compound sentence where the first independent clause is a question but the second is a statement? For example: Do you want attribution for that quotation, because I'm definitely sharing it and want to know if I should give you credit? or Do you want attribution for that quotation, because I'm definitely sharing it and want to know if I should give you credit. I suppose this could work, but it's a little niche, as the second clause might not always be appropriate for a parenthetical. Do you want attribution for that quotation (because I'm definitely sharing it and want to know if I should give you credit)?",
"Triangle Inequality for norm integral $\\|f\\|_1=(\\int_a^b [|f|^2+|f'|^2]\\mathsf dx)^{1/2}$. Define $C_1^1[a,b]$ to be the space of continuously differentiable functions on $[a,b]$, with norm $$\\|f\\|_1=\\left(\\int_a^b[|f|^2+|f'|^2]\\mathsf dx\\right)^{1/2}.$$ Show that this is a proper definition of a norm. Is this normed space complete? I'm stuck on the triangle inequality part. I'm having a hard time showing that $$\\|f+g\\|_1\\leq \\|f\\|_1+\\|g\\|_1.$$ Any hints or solutions are greatly appreciated.",
"Database Encryption scan for database was aborted. Reissue ALTER DB to resume the scan",
"If $x^n=y^n$ and $n$ is odd then $x=y$ Here, we suppose that $x,y\\in\\mathbb{R}$ and that $x^n=y^n$, where $n$ is odd. I want to prove that $x=y$. Maybe we can use that $x^n-y^n=(x-y)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+...+xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1})$ So, it suffices to show that if $x^n=y^n$ then $x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+...+xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1}\\neq 0$ Any hint?",
"Addons: Only some .zips will install",
"I know that IList is the interface and List is the concrete type but I still don't know when to use each one. What I'm doing now is if I don't need the Sort or FindAll methods I use the interface. Am I right? Is there a better way to decide when to use the interface or the concrete type?",
"running script with \". \" and with \"source \" I was wondering if the following two ways of running a bash script are equivalent? . ./myScript.sh source myScript.sh Are they both running the content of the script instead of running the script, i.e. not creating a subshell for running the script?",
"Java method dispatch with null argument",
"Prove $\\gcd(a+b,a^2+b^2)$ is $1$ or $2$ if $\\gcd(a,b) = 1$ Assuming that $\\gcd(a,b) = 1$, prove that $\\gcd(a+b,a^2+b^2) = 1$ or $2$. I tried this problem and ended up with $$d\\mid 2a^2,\\quad d\\mid 2b^2$$ where $d = \\gcd(a+b,a^2+b^2)$, but then I am stuck; by these two conclusions how can I conclude $d=1$ or $2$? And also is there any other way of proving this result?",
"Suppose I have this: $\\frac{6^{666}}{2^{6}}$ (mod $125$) I saw it is possible to reduce only the numerator's power modulo Euler's phi function. Can someone explain why is that possible? It is essentially this: $\\frac{6^{666 \\space (mod \\phi(125))}}{2^{6}}$ (mod $125$)",
"Page 105 of D. Burton's A First Course in Rings and Ideals reads It is not difficult to show that if (I'll call them $n$ and $m$ instead of $n_1$ and $n_2$) $n$, $m$ are square free integers, then $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n}) \\cong \\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ if and only if $n=m$. Well, it is getting difficult for me, any help or would be appreciated. My progress so far: Suppose $\\phi :\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})\\to\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ is an isomorphism. Then $\\phi(u)=u$ for every $u \\in \\mathbb{Q}$, so that $\\phi(\\sqrt{n})^2=\\phi(n)=n$. If $\\phi(\\sqrt{n})=a+b\\sqrt{m}$ for some $a,b\\in\\mathbb{Q}$, then $(a+b\\sqrt{m})^2=a^2+b^2m + 2ab\\sqrt{m}=n$ implies $$a^2+b^2m = n$$ and $$2ab=0.$$ Then $b=0$ cannot happen since that would imply that $\\sqrt{n}\\in\\mathbb{Q}$, where $n$ is a square-free integer. Also $a=b=0$ cannot happen. Hence $a=0$ and we have $$b^2m=n.$$ If $\\psi:\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})\\to\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{m})$ were an isomorphism then there would exist some $s\\in\\mathbb{Q}$ such that $$s^2m=n,$$ then $s=b$ or $s=-b$. Therefore the only isomorphisms from $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})$ to $\\mathbb{Q}(\\sqrt{n})$ are $\\phi(u+v\\sqrt{n})=u+vs\\sqrt{m}$ and $\\psi(u+v\\sqrt{n})=u-vs\\sqrt{m}$. I don't know if there's an easier way and I don't know if I'm in the correct way here. Thanks beforehand :)",
"How to wait for a shell process to finish before executing further code in VB6",
"Are if else statement equivalent to logical and && or || and where should I prefer one over the other? I'm learning about decision making structures and I came across these codes: if [ -f ./myfile ] then cat ./myfile else cat /home/user/myfile fi [ -f ./myfile ] && cat ./myfile || cat /home/user/myfile Both of them behave the same. Are there any advantages to using one way from the other?",
"Create a floating div on top of divs",
"Define functions in structs"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why does the linear regression algorithm assume the input residuals (errors) to be normal distributed? | How does linear regression use the normal distribution? | [
"Near-universally applicable alternative to \"sanity check\" The phrase \"sanity check\" is as it implies that there is something wrong with people who have mental illnesses and the word \"sanity\" has been used to discriminate against such people. Therefore, it should should be avoided. What is a better alternative in the context of software? Example usage: _: if this is not what it should be, we have memory corruption (a fatal error) and should terminate the program.",
"This post is in reference to the following blog post: To start off, a quick introduction of myself; my name is Jascha Drel, Product Manager for Advertising at Stack Overflow. In this role, I am part of ’s organization. Our team is continuously making improvements to the ads experience on our sites. One of the changes we’re excited about sharing is the new Report this Ad feature now available on some of our sites. We want to continue to give our communities more native control over their ad experience. We needed a quantifiable way to receive feedback and this feature will allow that. We enforce strict on the types of advertisers we work with but cannot fully control what is shown due to how advertising delivery works. However, being able to hear from our users about problematic ads will be a huge benefit as we can address those problems faster and with more accuracy. The Report this Ad feature will allow us to quickly see and investigate ads reported by you which matters to us because we want to hear your thoughts. Furthermore, this new feature ensures that the members of our communities have a built-in way to report ads they consider problematic when we test any new ad formats/solutions. We are launching this feature on 5 sites initially (, , , , and ) to get a good understanding of what we can expect in terms of numbers of reports whenever launching this to the entire network. Prior to launching it network-wide, we’ll share general results we’ve seen here. What happens once an ad is reported? All reports will be consolidated into a dashboard that the team will look at several times per week to spot irregularities in terms of the total number of reports, report categories, and on an advertising campaign basis. We will not be replying to individual reports, but we will reach out to our advertisers, to share feedback or notify them if the ad being reported does not fit our guidelines. We may also evaluate our policies in response to large numbers of reports not covered by them. Since we don’t have a baseline for the number of ads that are going to be reported using this new feature, we will consider reevaluating the process if the current process doesn’t scale. We’d like to share an update on the progress of this feature: We've launched this feature on 5 SE sites (Server Fault, Database Administrators, Arqade, Game Development, and Unix & Linux) initially for logged in users only, and for anonymous users afterward. The report this ad button was shown several million times (of which roughly 65% paid ads and 35% house ads). We showed several dozens of different ad campaigns. So far we have received 0 reports. We've tested the feature several ways, found some minor bugs (which have been/are being fixed), however, in the vast majority of the scenarios the feature works well (we’re happy to be ). We’re currently graduating this feature and are releasing it network-wide this week. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions/comments.",
"Trying to get my head around the commutator subgroup. This is an excercise from Artin's Algebra: Let $C$ be the commutator subgroup of $G$. Prove that $G/C$ is abelian. Here is what I've done: Let $xC,yC \\in G/C$ then $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}C = C$ since $xyx^{-1}y^{-1}$ is a commutator hence belongs to $C$. But then $xyC = yxC$ so $xC$ and $yC$ commute in $G/C$. This can be done for any elements, so $G/C$ is abelian. This seems somewhat surprisingly short. Is that all there is to it? Regards",
"From : Error propagation It was common to discuss the "error propagation" properties as a selection criterion for a mode of operation. It might be observed, for example, that a one-block error in the transmitted ciphertext would result in a one-block error in the reconstructed plaintext for ECB mode encryption, while in CBC mode such an error would affect two blocks. I read similar post before. And I can understand that in CBC decryption, only two blocks are affected due to error propagation (error in 1 block). But, for the same case in CBC encryption, why are still only two blocks affected? It looks like all the following blocks will be affected.",
"UnboundLocalError on local variable when reassigned after first use",
"How do you make a torus 'telescope' open?",
"Unix Truncate Column in csv file",
"How do I survive in the Underworld?",
"Prove that if $(ab)^i = a^ib^i \\forall a,b\\in G$ for three consecutive integers $i$ then G is abelian I've been working on this problem listed in Herstein's Topics in Algebra (Chapter 2.3, problem 4): If $G$ is a group such that $(ab)^i = a^ib^i$ for three consecutive integers $i$ for all $a, b\\in G$, show that $G$ is abelian. I managed to prove it, but I'm not very happy with my result (I think there's a neater way to prove this). Anyway, I'm just looking to see if there's a different approach to this. My approach: Let $j=i+1, k=i+2$ for some $i\\in \\mathbb{Z}$. Then we have that $(ab)^i = a^ib^i$, $(ab)^j = a^jb^j$ and $(ab)^k = a^kb^k$. If $(ab)^k = a^kb^k$, then $a^jb^jab =a^jab^jb$. We cancel on the left and right and we have $b^ja = ab^j$, that is $b^iba = ab^j$. Multiply both sides by $a^i$ on the left and we get $a^ib^iba = a^jb^j$, so $(ab)^iba = (ab)^j$. But that is $(ab)^iba = (ab)^iab$. Cancelling on the left yields $ab=ba$, which holds for all $a,b \\in G$, and therefore, $G$ is abelian. Thanks!",
"Are comments on answers to my question supposed to show up in my recent activity",
"Find the angle ADE of the given triangle. Given : Angle ABE = 50, Angle DAC = 20, Angle BAD = 60, Angle ACB = 20 and Side CD = Side DA.Unit of angle values given is degree. Find : Angle ADE. I'm stuck and I need help here.",
"I have a Python script which takes as input a list of integers, which I need to work with four integers at a time. Unfortunately, I don't have control of the input, or I'd have it passed in as a list of four-element tuples. Currently, I'm iterating over it this way: for i in range(0, len(ints), 4): # dummy op for example code foo += ints[i] * ints[i + 1] + ints[i + 2] * ints[i + 3] It looks a lot like "C-think", though, which makes me suspect there's a more pythonic way of dealing with this situation. The list is discarded after iterating, so it needn't be preserved. Perhaps something like this would be better? while ints: foo += ints[0] * ints[1] + ints[2] * ints[3] ints[0:4] = [] Still doesn't quite "feel" right, though. :-/ Related question:",
"Why are we scared of singularities? I often hear people say that general relativity predicted its own demise because of the singularities it predicts. If I'm not mistaken, this is also a problem in QFT. I wonder why singularities garner so much hate. To me, it seems like negative or complex numbers: we used to hate these things but now they are more generally accepted. Why can't it be that nature just has singularities? We might not get it, we might not like it, but it may be so.",
"Proving bessel identity $[J_0(x)]^2 + 2[J_1(x)]^2 + 2[J_2(x)]^2 + \\cdots = 1$ and $|J_0(x)|\\le 1$ The generating function for a Bessel equation is: $$g(x,t) = e^{(x/2)(t-1/t))}$$ Using the product $g(x,t)\\cdot g(x,-t)$ show that: a) $$[J_0(x)]^2 + 2[J_1(x)]^2 + 2[J_2(x)]^2 + \\cdots = 1$$ and consequently: b) $$|J_0(x)|\\le 1, \\forall x$$ c) $$|J_n(x)| \\le \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}; n=1,2,3,\\cdots$$ For a) I tried the product: $$e^{(x/2)(t-1/t))}\\cdot e^{(x/2)(-t+1/t))} = 1$$ I at least arrived at the right side of the equation. Since this generates the bessel functions, I should arrive at something related to $J_n$ in the left side. I know that $$e^{(x/2)(t-1/t))} = \\sum_{n=0\\infty}^{\\infty} J_n(x)t^n$$ $$e^{(x/2)(-t+1/t))} = \\sum_{n=0\\infty}^{\\infty} J_n(x)(-t)^n$$ but it's not just a matter of multiplying coefficients from the two infinite series, right? For $b$, I tried to use but it's not as obvious I have no idea how to deal with $c$, could somebody help me?",
"Forest tree not symmetric",
"How do I get a list of installed files from a package?",
"Zsh says \"no matches found\" when trying to download video with youtube-dl I downloaded youtube-dl using pip on CrunchBang (a Debian Wheezy distro). When I run youtube-dl {video URL} I get zsh: no matches found: {video URL} I guess it has something to do with zsh, because I found some users on Arch forums complaining about it. When I switched to bash it worked.",
"I am trying to help a friend who is very concerned that she has just lost all of the data on her 32GB SanDisk microSD card. I told her I would post this and see if anyone could offer help. Here are the details: The SanDisk microSD card is less than two years old. Probably only about a year old. The store will take it back, but that doesn't really help. She wants her data. She used the card in her Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone for over a month. The phone was never exposed to water or temperature extremes. Today, her phone suddenly said something like \"Your SD card is blank or an unsupported format\". Her phone was then unable to read the SanDisk microSD card at all. Here's what she has tried: Rebooting her phone. Had no effect. Taking out the SanDisk microSD card and putting it inside a full-size SD card adapter, and inserting it into a Windows 7 SP1 computer. The computer did not recognize its presence at all. Putting the SanDisk microSD card into a USB 2.0 external card reader and inserting the card reader into a USB port on a Windows 7 SP1 computer. The computer recognized the card reader and installed drivers for it. The card reader shows up as 'Removable Disk' in Windows Explorer. Clicking on 'Removable Disk' in Windows Explorer results in the error \"Insert disk: Please insert a disk into the Removable Disk\". After trying #3, tried opening the 'Removable Disk' in FreeCommander. Doing so results in the error \"The device is not ready\". She does not have access to a linux box, but does have access to her Android phone. What can she do to recover the data on her 32GB SanDisk microSD card?",
"Comprehensive Rules for Game of Thrones Lines of Succession I'm three quarters through the third book, \"Storm of Swords\" right now (so please, no spoilers from too late in the book or any subsequent books). I just read a part where Tyrion is discussing with Prince Oberyn and they mention the difference between Dornish law and Westerosi law in Line of Succession (ie women can rule under Dornish law). I'm a little confused trying to puzzle out what the exact LOS rules are. At first I though it was: at the moment a king/lord dies, to find who holds the title next, you do a depth-first search down the family tree starting with the oldest sibling (ignoring anyone who isn't true-born or has given up their claim ie as Night's Watch or Kingsguard etc.). Then, for Dornish law you take the first living person and for Westerosi law the first living male person found in this way (so succession can pass through a woman in both cases, but only Dornish law actually allows them to claim the title). If there are no valid living heirs, then you work backwards along the paternal line until you find an ancestor who has living heirs and start from them. But there were various references to if Sansa's brothers were all dead, then her child would claim Winterfell. It seems to me that that's only true if somebody else doesn't get it first. In other words, if Sansa's brothers are killed before she has a child (even if she's already married), doesn't that mean Winterfell would pass to the nearest cousin along her father's line (whomever that may be)? And then because that cousin has already held Winterfell, when they die the next in the line of succession starts from them so Sansa's children's family would not have claim to Winterfell again unless that cousin has no valid heirs. What am I missing here? Is there some exception? Are there no valid cousins?",
"In how many ways can the letters of the word CHROMATIC be arranged?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Repeated phrases such as 'four times it stopped on the very threshold of the gate, four times the armour clanged' | What figure of speech is this? | [
"Recommend a statistics fundamentals book To give you some background, I have a grasp on the basics of statistics and probability theory and even remember touching Bayes theorem at the university data mining course. But being a few years away from the university made my math got extremely rusty (so much for last-minute pre-exam cramming). While I remember various random basic concepts, there are a lot of gaps in my understanding of them. What would be a good material (a book, a site, or otherwise equally accessible medium) to revise the fundamentals and go beyond basics? I'd like a book that can be actually read as a book (most statistics books are really dry and are close to being reference material, rather than a book).",
"Who do you have to contact to obtain a license to stream manga? I am curious to know who the copyright holder to a manga is: is it the mangaka, or the publisher (such as Kodansha, Shonen Jump, etc)? Who do you have to contact to obtain a license for streaming it?",
"How can I install Ubuntu without removing Windows? I need my pre-installed version of Windows 7 (or any other version of Windows), how could I install Ubuntu without erasing it?",
"Calculate $ \\int_{-2}^{0} \\frac{x}{\\sqrt{e^x+(x+2)^2}} dx $ $ \\int_{-2}^{0} \\frac{x}{\\sqrt{e^x+(x+2)^2}} dx $ = -$ 2.887270... $ The function has no antiderivate and there's no symmetry here to help, if you solve this I would be thankful if you would for a highschooler ^^",
"Remove Reviewer and Steward badges Badges should encourage good behaviour. But what when a badge encourages more bad behaviour than good? We hear it all the time - robo reviewers, badge-hunters. The review system fights with that users that only want badges and not want to help. There are many suggestions how to find such robo-reviewers or how to make it difficult to robo-review. But why not cut them off at the source? Don't make them want to review for badges at all. Remove the Reviewer and Steward badges! The Custodian Bronze badge should suffice to bring a user to the review system. And we really only want users doing reviews who want to help and not doing it for the badges.",
"I'm trying to determine the best way to truncate or drop extra decimal places in SQL without rounding. For example: declare @value decimal(18,2) set @value = 123.456 This will automatically round @value to be 123.46, which is good in most cases. However, for this project, I don't need that. Is there a simple way to truncate the decimals I don't need? I know I can use the left() function and convert back to a decimal. Are there any other ways?",
"What is the maximum value of $n$ if $n + 5$ divides $n^5 + 5$, $n$ being a natural number? I tried to solve by binomial theorem but it failed.",
"When applying for post-doctoral and faculty positions you are typically asked for three (sometimes more) reference letters to support your application. Given that it is competitive out there, it also makes sense to apply for all positions that are good matches to your qualifications and career development goals (in the case of post-docs). Sometimes this may mean asking for several reference letters (or pre-application \"can you support me if required?\" requests) in a short space of time. Also, there may only be a small pool of people (i.e. 3 or 4) who know your work sufficiently well to give an excellent reference. I have also been told that referees want to help you out, and that there is no reason to fear asking them. And, that in many cases once a letter is written it can typically be quickly repurposed. But there must be a breaking point. How do I manage this without being disrespectful? How many requests in a given unit of time is too many, or harms my credibility? I am asking this question in this forum, as I am interested in the norms in the academic world, which are often somewhat different than the rest of the working world.",
"Let $X$ be a metric space. Prove that if every continuous function $f: X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is bounded, then $X$ is compact. This has been asked before, but all the answers I have seen prove the contrapositive. Realistically, this may be the way to go, but is there way to exhibit an unbounded continuous function (under the assumption $X$ is not compact) without appealing to results beyond introductory real analysis (e.g., the solution I've seen involves the Tietze Extension theorem)? Because we're working with metric spaces, it's clear that the assumption that $X$ is noncompact (towards proving contrapositive) will lead us to extract a sequence of points in the space with no convergent subsequences. But how can we infer the existence of an unbounded continuous on the space knowing only about some sequence of points in this space (without using anything too advanced)?",
"Rich Snippets not working (and working at the same time?) We have an eCommerce site, and we have had rich snippets implemented (in JSON-LD) since January/February this year (2015). I have read multiple sources (including the Google documentation) and there seem to be three possibilities why they are not showing: Not enough time has passed (4-12 weeks seems to be the common time quoted) The markup is wrong Google have decided not to show the data I can rule out the first given the amount of time. The second I am fairly confident is not the case as I have used multiple testing tools. As for the third … well that's anyone's guess (although the study suggests that MOST shops should be successful). A strange note is that the rich snippets do not show on a regular search for our ranking keywords (we rank #1 for a few and page 1 for the majority). However the rich snippets DO show when we search for a ranking keyword + site:www.fridgefreezerdirect.co.uk as show here: I have done this in an incognito window in the browser and using a VPN with the same results. Can anyone suggest anything we can do or reasons this may be?",
"Can I enter the Schengen area with a German long-term visa through a different country? I am an Indian national. Right now I am staying in Israel. I will be moving to Germany on the last week of this month with german national visa directly from tel aviv. Ticket price of direct flight is high. So I am thinking to buy either Air France or LOT for travelling having layover at Paris or Poland. Am I allowed to do that? I mean is it mandatory to enter in Germany first? May I travel with these airlines with proper transit visa?",
"Prove that $(p+q)^m \\leq p^m+q^m$ If $p,q$ are positive quantities and $0 \\leq m\\leq 1$ then Prove that $$(p+q)^m \\leq p^m+q^m$$ Trial: For $m=0$, $(p+q)^0=1 < 2= p^0+q^0$ and for $m=1$, $(p+q)^1=p+q =p^1+q^1$. So, For $m=0,1$ the inequality is true.How I show that the inequality is also true for $0 < m < 1$. Please help.",
"Can I enable AHCI after installing Windows 7 in a SATA drive that was on IDE mode?",
"Can you explain this word to me? Can I rephrase it as Can you explain me this word?",
"I was so excited about the Spring '14 as a way to present data visualizations on a public site, and now it looks like that's not possible. I created a page that looks basically like the release notes sample: <apex:page > <analytics:reportChart reportId=\"00OW0000000Spru\"></analytics:reportChart> </apex:page> I tested it inside the authenticated environment, where it works fine, then added it to a Site. There, I get the error: To view the report chart, you need both the Run Reports permission and access to the report's folder. But, Run Reports is not a permission I can grant to the Site Guest User. Anybody have any ideas for a workaround? Or is it not going to be possible to show report charts on a public site?",
"mysqli or PDO - what are the pros and cons? In our place we're split between using mysqli and PDO for stuff like prepared statements and transaction support. Some projects use one, some the other. There is little realistic likelihood of us ever moving to another RDBMS. I prefer PDO for the single reason that it allows named parameters for prepared statements, and as far as I am aware mysqli does not. Are there any other pros and cons to choosing one over the other as a standard as we consolidate our projects to use just one approach?",
"Intuition for Smooth Manifolds Consider the graphs of the functions $f_1(x) = |x|$, and $f_2(x) = x$ under the subspace topology of $\\mathbb{R}^2$. Both of these graphs are smooth manifolds, just pick coordinate charts to be $(x, f_i(x)) \\leftrightarrow x$. Moreover, they are diffeomorphic via the map $(x, f_1(x)) \\rightarrow (x, f_2(x))$. This seems to clash with my intuition. For example, the graph of $f_1$ has a corner, so it \"shouldn't\" be smooth, much less diffeomorphic to $f_2$, which is just a straight line. Can someone explain what's going on here? In light of these examples, how should I visualize smooth manifolds and diffeomorphisms?",
"Microsoft recommends using Rowversion over timestamp, but I can not find \"rowversion\" data type inside my sql server 2008 R2 Microsoft mentioned that we should use the rowversion data type over Timestamps. Now inside my SQL Server 2008 R2, I want to create a column with the Rowversion data type. But in my SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio, I cannot find such a data type: Also when I tried altering existing column named timestamp which is of type timestamp using this statement: ALTER TABLE [SkillManagement].[dbo].[Customer] ALTER COLUMN timestamp rowversion I get this error: Msg 4927, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot alter column 'timestamp' to be data type timestamp Can anyone advise? EDIT",
"Splitting file based on size, but make sure that it ends with newline I am able to use the split command successfully to split large file into multiple smaller files. This is being achieved by following command split -b 1G $temp_path $final_filepath But only caveat is that these files many times contain last line which is split across 2 files. Is there any way to avoid that using split or any other command ?",
"The problem is this: Suppose $I \\subseteq R$ is a nilpotent ideal and there is $r \\in R$ with $r \\equiv r^2 \\pmod I$. Show $r \\equiv e \\pmod I$ for some $e \\in R$ idempotent. I have spent a few hours rolling around in abstracta with no destination. I believe that if I could write down a concrete example of this, the example could guide me through the abstract definitions and show me where to look for an idempotent in $R$. I have looked at 2x2 matrices and could not find any such examples. Might anybody have one?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can I prove that $\zeta(2n) = (-1)^{n+1}\frac{B_{2n}(2\pi)^{2n}}{2(2n)!}$? | Ways to prove Euler's formula for $\zeta(2n)$ | [
"What causes javac to issue the \"uses unchecked or unsafe operations\" warning",
"How to remove/install a package that is not fully installed?",
"What are your thoughts on writing your text in images? I'm not saying throughout the whole website... But in certain key locations like image carousels. And I'm not talking about the special cases where you have font types that browsers can't render. I'm talking about text that uses standard fonts and is not too big (3/4 bullets). Should I embed the text in the images that compose the carousel? Or should I apply the text to the images as \"real text\" HTML? What are the advantages/ disadvantages of using text in an image?",
"Can an infectious diseases come from a plant? Coronavirus, HIV, 1918 Flu, etc. They all come from animals. Do any infectious diseases (in humans) come from plants? More specifically, are there viruses that infect plants that can mutate to infect humans?",
"How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript? What is the most concise and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains a value? This is the only way I know to do it: function contains(a, obj) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === obj) { return true; } } return false; } Is there a better and more concise way to accomplish this?",
"I am looking for a story about the future of mankind, in which most people have been enslaved in a virtual reality. It ends with the revelation that the people are just lying there imagining their lives with their heads in a trough of feed. It explains that chemists began to create compounds that could be released into the air to manipulate citizens - causing them to live, shop, think as desired by whoever was in charge. Eventually these tools got subtle enough that they could simulate reality using just these airborne compounds. This was clearly a prescient view of what later became computer-based virtual reality fiction.",
"Find the solution of following differential equation: $$\\frac{dy}{dx}=\\frac{1}{xy(x^2 \\sin (y^2)+1)}$$ Could someone hint me something to get through this problem?",
"Faction Membership Limits in Fallout 4 Are there any limitations to the faction memberships you can have in Fallout 4? I'm brand-new to the Fallout universe, and just got to the point of being invited to the Brotherhood of Steel. However, I'm a bit concerned about their politics and how it may affect my standing with other factions I may encounter. If I join the Brotherhood, will there be other factions that I can't join? Are there any other factions that have such limitations? Note: I'm still not very far into the game, and not very familiar with the Fallout 4 universe in general, so please make liberal use of spoiler markdown in your answers. Essentially, the only things that need to be un-spoilered are Yes/No answers for the questions asked above.",
"I have this string 'john smith~123 Street~Apt 4~New York~NY~12345' Using JavaScript, what is the fastest way to parse this into var name = \"john smith\"; var street= \"123 Street\"; //etc...",
"Why do I have to click twice to submit a question when Stack Exchange's automated question review has no advice to show?",
"Ideal correspondence I'm confusing the ideal correspondence theorem. Is the following right? Ideal correspondence: Let $f:A \\to B$ be a ring homomorphism. Then there is a one-to-one order-preserving correspondence between ideals of $f(A)$ and ideals of $A$ which contain $\\ker(f)$ by $\\alpha \\mapsto f(\\alpha)$ (conversely $\\beta \\mapsto f^{-1}(\\beta)$), and prime ideals correspond to prime ideals, and maximal ideals correspond to maximal ideals.",
"I have two groups with equal variances and unequal sample size (28 and 8) and I want to run a Student t-test. Can I use Mann-Whitney considering that the variances are equal? Do you think if there is a better test to compare the samples?",
"Any time I am inserting new point feature in QGIS, the Feature Attribute dialog box is popping up. Is there a way to prevent it? (I am willing to insert many points at once and this pop up box slows down the process).",
"iPhone Storage Space Inaccuracy (No Storage Space)",
"How to make the measuring grid larger? When starting the blender, there is always a cube on the floor. The floor is actually a grid. My question is how to make this grid bigger so that we can measure big stuff?",
"Find the number of solutions to $ \\lfloor x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 2x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 4x \\rfloor + \\ldots + \\lfloor 32x \\rfloor =12345$ Find the number of solutions of the equation $$\\lfloor x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 2x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 4x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 8x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 16x \\rfloor + \\lfloor 32x \\rfloor =12345,$$ where $\\lfloor\\,\\cdot\\,\\rfloor$ represents the floor function. My work: I use the fact that $$\\lfloor nx \\rfloor =\\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \\left\\lfloor x +\\frac kn \\right\\rfloor.$$ So the equation becomes $$\\lfloor x \\rfloor +\\sum_{k=0}^{1} \\left\\lfloor x +\\frac k2 \\right\\rfloor +\\sum_{k=0}^{3} \\left\\lfloor x +\\frac k4 \\right\\rfloor +\\sum_{k=0}^{7} \\left\\lfloor x +\\frac k8 \\right\\rfloor \\\\ \\qquad {}+\\sum_{k=0}^{15} \\left\\lfloor x +\\frac k{16} \\right\\rfloor +\\sum_{k=0}^{31} \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac k{32} \\right\\rfloor \\\\ = \\lfloor x \\rfloor + \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac 12 \\right\\rfloor + \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac 64 \\right\\rfloor + \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac{28}{8} \\right\\rfloor \\\\ \\qquad {}+ \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac{120}{16} \\right\\rfloor + \\left\\lfloor x+\\frac{496}{32} \\right\\rfloor$$ What should I do next?",
"Why is torque a cross product? If I'm not wrong, torque is perpendicular to both the radius and force i. e. It is along the axis of rotation. Questions that arise are- why do we consider the length between the axis/point of rotation while calculating torque? More importantly why is torque a cross product?",
"Addition with NULL values",
"Wiener Process $dB^2=dt$ Why is $dB^2=dt$? Every online source I've come across lists this as an exercise or just states it, but why isn't this ever explicitly proved? I know that $dB=\\sqrt{dt}Z$, but I don't know what squaring a Gaussian random variable means.",
"I installed Fedora 15 on my laptop and deleted XP (at least I think XP is deleted). Then I installed Ubuntu as dual boot with Fedora 15. Now I want to remove Fedora 15 and leave only Ubuntu (and XP if it is still available). Can anyone help with the steps to uninstall Fedora? Please give me simple steps to follow, I'm a nooby. Thanks!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Sum of $ \ \frac{1}{(\ln k)^{\ln k}} \ $ | Test for convergence of the series $\sum_{n=2}^\infty\frac{1}{(\ln n)^{\ln n}}$ | [
"A word that means stage-fright, but for a person? Suppose you met a famous person, and you were shy and anxious and almost overwhelmed by them. Is there a word for describing that? Similar to getting stage fright, or \"choking\", except in this case for a person? When he said hello to me, I couldn't respond. I (was) __________.",
"How to insert code with accents with listings? I'm trying to insert source code in LaTeX with using listings, but my code has accents and pdflatex gives me this error: Unicode char \\u8:�\\expandafter not set up for use with LaTeX. This is a code the reproduces the error. example.tex \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{listings} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage[spanish]{babel} \\begin{document} \\lstinputlisting[language=C++]{code.cpp} \\end{document} code.cpp // Código con una tilde What can I do to generate the PDF correctly?",
"How do I get rid of OneDrive completely?",
"Changing colors of lightning-button",
"Using Windows 10, I can't run certain commands from PowerShell but they all work correctly using cmd. PowerShell: node --version: node : The term 'node' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + node --version + ~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (node:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException node.exe --version: no output. node.exe: opens a new black console (node.exe application itself). Get-Host | Select-Object Version: Version ------- 5.1.19041.906 Get-Command node: The term 'node' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + Get-Command node + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (node:String) [Get-Command], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand Get-Command node.exe: CommandType Name Version Source ----------- ---- ------- ------ Application node.exe C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe $env:Path output has nodejs & git & other paths. cmd: everything works fine with any command. I have git and nodejs in my PATH env variable. What's wrong with PowerShell, what a strange behavior is this and how to fix it?",
"I have a program which produces useful information on stdout but also reads from stdin. I want to redirect its standard output to a file without providing anything on standard input. So far, so good: I can do: program > output and don't do anything in the tty. However, the problem is I want to do this in the background. If I do: program > output & the program will get suspended (\"suspended (tty input)\"). If I do: program < /dev/null > output & the program terminates immediately because it reaches EOF. It seems that what I need is to pipe into program something which does not do anything for an indefinite amount of time and does not read stdin. The following approaches work: while true; do sleep 100; done | program > output & mkfifo fifo && cat fifo | program > output & tail -f /dev/null | program > output & However, this is all very ugly. There has to be an elegant way, using standard Unix utilities, to \"do nothing, indefinitely\" (to paraphrase man true). How could I achieve this? (My main criteria for elegance here: no temporary files; no busy-waiting or periodic wakeups; no exotic utilities; as short as possible.)",
"I have a .txt file with numbers ordered like this (on the same row): 106849_01373 106849_01967 106850_00082 23025.7_01059 I would like to convert them like that: 106849_01373 106849_01967 106850_00082 23025.7_01059 I have no idea which command to use. Can somebody help me with this?",
"Why is it true that \"I before E, except after C\"?",
"Is there a way to change the environment variables of another process in Unix?",
"Decidability of a predicate. I have the following problem: Let the following predicates be: $P1, P2, Q1, Q1 : R \\to \\{0,1\\} $ . It is given that $P1 \\lor P2$ and $Q1 \\lor Q2$ are semidecidable and $P2 = \\lnot Q2$ What can it be said about $P1 \\lor Q1$? I have searched all over the internet and I simply cannot understand the concept of decidability of a predicate, let alone a logic operation with predicates.",
"Why does C++ not let baseclasses implement a derived class' inherited interface?",
"Holomorphic functions: is it true that $f(\\bar{z})=\\overline {f(z)}$?",
"How many ways to arrange people on a bench so that no woman sits next to another woman?",
"I just started playing Overwatch (played a few games during open beta, but wasn't able to play much). I'm enjoying Mercy, but who (in a group situation) should be getting the damage buff? Additionally, when my team splits up, who should I follow to support?",
"Clicking on a spoiler tag to reveal the text shouldn't navigate you to another page This is an issue I noticed when reading . On multiple occasions I ended up inadvertently clicking a link that I could not see when I was just trying to reveal the spoiler text. Can links be deactivated in spoilers until the text is revealed? (Edit: this issue seems particularly to apply to those using touch screen devices with the \"full site\" theme)",
"I keep reading articles about CCD vs CMOS image sensors. What is the difference between these two types? What exactly do these sensors do in terms of photography? Is a CCD-based camera going to be able to compete in the future? If I buy one, can I count on using it for some years or would it be better to upgrade to a camera with a CMOS based sensor?",
"On the existence of a continuous bijection $f\\colon [0,1]\\to [0,1]\\times [0,1]$ Let $f$ be a continuous function on $[0,1]$ such that $f([0,1])=[0,1]\\times[0,1].$ Then show that $f$ is not one-one. Hints will be appreciated.",
"I have always heard the term used in referring to a single word. When browsing questions on this site, I've seen it used applied to entire phrases, and have suppressed the compulsion to edit them and replace the term with origin.",
"When do you use “learnt” and when “learned”? Is learnt UK English and learned US? Is it that simple? I’m used to using learnt, but my US spellchecker says it is wrong.",
"Windows 10 update broke my MBR / GRUB"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is there a Lebesgue measurable subset $A \subset R$ such that for every interval $(a,b)$ we have $0 < \lambda(A\cap(a,b))< (b-a)$ | How to get a set $E$ such that $0<\mu(E\cap I)<\mu(E)$ for all interval $I$? | [
"The determinant of block triangular matrix as product of determinants of diagonal blocks I am given the following partitioned, upper-triangular matrix: $$ \\begin{bmatrix} A_1 &* &* &* &* &* \\\\ 0& A_2 &* &* &* &* \\\\ .& 0& A_3 &* &* &* \\\\ .& 0& 0 &... &* &. \\\\ .& 0& 0& 0& ... &. \\\\ 0& .& ...& 0&0 & A_m \\end{bmatrix} $$ where each of the $A_i$ are block-matrices. I have to prove that the determinant of this general matrix is: $$ \\prod_{n=1}^m \\det A_i. $$ We already proved in class that it is true for $ m=2 $ and we can use it in our proof. Thanks for your answers!",
"Is temperature in vacuum zero? From The temperature of an ideal monatomic gas is a measure of the average kinetic energy of its atoms. Now if I remove all the particles from the box shown below will the temperature be zero?",
"Why 32bits OSs can't address more than 3.2/3.2 gb of memory? Don't know if this is the right place to ask this question. I've been reading that 32bit OSs (like the Ubuntu i'm running right now) can't adress more than 3.2gb or 3.3gb of RAM memory. I remember for my old Computer Architecture course that the memory limitation was 2^32 \"pointers\" (don't remember the right word). I mean, the memory was represented like an array where the CPU can acces it directly, but up to its limit. If the CPU is 32 bit, then it can address 2^32 words, if it's 64 bits 2^64, etc. So, if what i said before is right, then, my OS should be able to address 2^32 = 4294967296 = 4Gb. I'm thinking maybe some sort of space is reserved to the particular use of the Kernel, cache, buffering or swapping. But don't have the correct answer. Can you give me a hint?",
"PostgreSQL multi-column unique constraint and NULL values I have a table like the following: create table my_table ( id int8 not null, id_A int8 not null, id_B int8 not null, id_C int8 null, constraint pk_my_table primary key (id), constraint u_constrainte unique (id_A, id_B, id_C) ); And I want (id_A, id_B, id_C) to be distinct in any situation. So the following two inserts must result in an error: INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (1, 1, 2, NULL); INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (2, 1, 2, NULL); But it doesn't behave as expected because according to the documentation, two NULL values are not compared to each other, so both inserts pass without error. How can I guarantee my unique constraint even if id_C can be NULL in this case? Actually, the real question is: can I guarantee this kind of uniqueness in \"pure sql\" or do I have to implement it on a higher level (java in my case)?",
"apt-get update fails to fetch files, “Temporary failure resolving …” error",
"Oxford Comma Conventions According to the Wikipedia page for the , \"Use of the comma is consistent with conventional practice\" and \"Use of the comma is inconsistent with conventional practice.\" Did the Oxford Comma come before its omission, or was the Oxford Comma traditionally omitted? It makes logical sense that every item in a list would be separated in the same way: by a comma. If the Oxford Comma is conventionally correct, when and why did people begin to omit it?",
"Issues Doing a String Comparison in LINQ",
"Define functions in structs",
"How does Duff's device work?",
"It's using Euclidian inverse. Can you show it step by step? $$N=7, q=11, a = 3+2X^2 -3X^4 +X^6$$ the inverse of $a \\pmod {11}$ is $$A=-2+4X+2X^2 +4X^3 -4X^4 +2X^5 -2X^6$$ How do we compute $A$?",
"Symmetric Inequality in $\\mathbb{R}$",
"Is it possible to run an x86 binary on an ARM processor?",
"How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal",
"Can I register a domain name that contains a company name or trademark? I wonder is it legal to register a domain name that contains a company name. For example cococola.cc (considering that this domain name is available). Can I buy and use any domain names that contain a name of a trademark?",
"I have a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) for Italy. I am currently in the Netherlands for an exchange. My permit expired on the 30th of November and I applied for a new one but I will get the card in January. I have the documents supporting that I have applied for the renewal of the permit. In the middle I want to travel to Italy for Christmas and come back to the Netherlands. Would this be a problem?",
"How do Southern people discern Night's Watch deserters from truthful brothers sent south? Night's Watch deserters are sentenced to death, as we've seen in the very first episode of Game of Thrones. A man dressed all in black is apprehended by Stark men and brought before Lord Eddard Stark. Lord Stark sees him as a deserter and sentences him to die (and then executes that death penalty). However, there are men of the Night's Watch south of the Wall, on a legitimate mission or on some kind of allowed leave. For instance, we have Benjen Stark visiting Winterfell when the king and his party is there. There is also Yoren, who travels around Westeros in search of new recruits. I could imagine that the Warden of the North (and other lords in the northern part of Westeros) would have a good idea of who would be allowed further south and whose appearance would raise suspicion. But I reckon the southern lords don't have as many visits from the Night's Watch, so they might not know who would be allowed to be there and who wouldn't. How would lords who are rather unfamiliar with the specific brothers of the Night's Watch discern deserters from brothers sent out for some reason? That ends my question, but there is a spoiler from the season 5 finale that continues the question a bit more: Sam is sent to Oldtown to become a Maester, so he can replace Maester Aemon at Castle Black. But he is riding together with Gilly (a woman!) and her baby (a baby!), which might raise a lot of suspicion from people who don't know what he is sent out to do. What prevents southern lords of sentencing Sam as a deserter from the Night's Watch?",
"How can I read off the fact that gravity is associated with spin-2 particles from the Einstein-Hilbert action? I have often heard that the gravitational field has spin $2$. How can I read the spin of the field from the Einstein-Hilbert action $$S=\\int \\! \\mathrm{d}^4x \\,\\sqrt{|g|} \\, \\mathcal{R} \\, \\, \\, ?$$",
"How do I stop Windows 10 from updating my graphics driver? Every time Windows 10 runs updates (which I see no way to control), it updates my graphics driver. I like the old one because it is faster. So, I have to reinstall it. This is getting to be a pain. Is there any way to stop Windows 10 from updating it again?",
"$$Rad(I)=\\{a \\in R | \\exists n \\in \\mathbb{N} \\text{ such that } a^n \\in I\\}$$ R is a commutative ring, I is an ideal. To show that $Rad(I)$ is an ideal of $I$, we have to show that for $a,b \\in Rad(I)$ it stands that $a-b \\in Rad(I)$ and for $r\\in R$ it stands that $a\\cdot r\\in Rad(I)$, right?? When $a,b \\in Rad(I)$ we have that $a,b \\in R$ and $a^n, b^m \\in I$. $a-b \\in R$. But how can we show that $(a-b)^x \\in I, x \\in \\mathbb{N}$ ??",
"Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics There are a lot of poorly drawn schematics here. A few times people have actually asked for critiques of their schematics. This question is intended as a single repository on schematic drawing rules and guidelines can point people to. The question is What are the rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics? Note: This is about schematics themselves, not about the circuits they represent."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
I need help with my minecraft skin | My Custom Skin won't Change | [
"I had applied for a PLAB (Doctors) Visa for the UK to appear in PLAB test. I got refused on the basis of two recent large deposits in the bank statement I provided (my mothers). In reality, these are my own savings which I had deposited in her account to make it more strong. The only objection I got was that I must provide evidence for the source of these deposits. Other than this, I have previously travelled to the UK and USA as well as other parts of the world and my travel history is fine. Can someone please advise on how to proceed and re-apply?",
"What is the probability that a man likes pink?",
"The drive is constantly filling up. You've hunted down all the spare and random files you can. grep'd for coredump files and even removed some of the un-needed backups... What would be your next move. The actual server in question has 10GB of website files and the OS shouldn't take any more than 10GB so how do you track down what's filling a 50GB (virtual) drive?",
"Abort Ajax requests using jQuery Is it possible that using jQuery, I cancel/abort an Ajax request that I have not yet received the response from?",
"Why do fantasy writers depict pointy hats as the headgear of choice for Witches and Wizards? They don't always wear a hat, but when they do, it's pointy. Why do fantasy writers depict pointy hats as the headgear of choice for Witches and Wizards?",
"What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work?",
"I have found an error in a textbook. What can I do about it? In the book Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (10th edition) by Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, I have found a . What can I do about this? To whom should I send an email, the authors or the publisher? (Also, there is no email address mentioned in the book or on the Internet to which I can send my suggestions.) I have never written an official email of this kind. If I should send an email, how should I write it?",
"I've completed 20 suggested edits reviews today. Then, I came across a and I approved it. Then, I had a doubt that whether the review count has incremented or not, oh! it's not incrementing. System works fine. But, take a look at review page, The edit was already reviewed by one reviewer and then I reviewed it. As I'm the Owner of the post it's enough to approve the edit. But, the review history doesn't show the detail that I had approved it. It's misleading that only one vote of a reviewer who is neither the community user nor the OP nor the moderator, is enough. So, what should we do in this type of situation? Is it correct to make OP to review the suggested edit after completing daily limit? Should we need to display/hide the OP has approved the edit in the review history?",
"Coloring specific elements of sets with a prime modified order in an array plot",
"How typeset a numeric table from a CSV file I have a CSV file (db.txt)like this: 30.0, 0.0, 0.0 60.0, 1.9098, 5.8779 90.0, 6.9098, 9.5106 120.0, 13.09, 9.5106 150.0, 18.09, 5.8779 180.0, 20.0, 0.0 I need to typeset it. My problem is related with the wrong alignment of decimal point and the number of decimals (must be a constant for each column): \\renewcommand*{\\dtlrealalign}{r} \\DTLloaddb[ noheader, keys={x,y,theta}, headers={ \\shortstack{$\\boldsymbol{\\theta_{2,i}}$}, \\shortstack{X}, \\shortstack{Y} } ]{db}{db.txt} \\begin{table}[t] \\caption{Database file} \\centering \\DTLdisplaydb{db} \\end{table} Any advice, please?",
"Merge two custom post types into one admin page? I am building a site with 4 custom post types. To make things easier for our client/admin, I'm wondering if there is a way to merge those custom post types into one list in the backend? Like if you look at normal backend admin page with the list and columns of posts, can a page like that pull in 3 other post types for easy sorting/searching? I can't combine the CPTs into one, they must remain seperate outside of one 'viewing' page in the admin area if possible. Any thoughts on how to do this?? Or even where to start looking/thinkging of how to develop this?",
"How can I SSH with a remote server so I can browse files and edit them? I have a username and password to use.",
"Why is Steam only showing me \"Buy\" instead of \"Play\" option for a game shared via Family Sharing? I thought the whole point of Family Sharing was so that multiple copies of the game didn't have to be bought. I have no problem downloading the game, but instead of \"Play\", my only option once it's downloaded is \"Buy\". Am I missing something?",
"Where is the Layers panel in Blender 2.8?",
"Why does cancellation of dots $\\frac{\\partial \\dot{\\mathbf{r}}_i}{\\partial \\dot{q}_j} = \\frac{\\partial \\mathbf{r}_i}{\\partial q_j}$ work?",
"Proof that $\\frac{a^2}{b} + \\frac{b^2}{c} + \\frac{c^2}{a} \\geq a+b+c$ I've tried getting everything on the left side and transforming it into something squared so that I can prove it's bigger or equals to 0 but I've been unsuccessful.",
"So to help prevent brute force attacks against my phpmyadmin install I've configured nginx to require HTTP Basic Auth (extra username and password) and then the requests need to come from a whitelisted IP Address. However the IP Address whitelist works fine if I run however without adding the extra .php block I could load without my IP being whitelisted. This issue doesn't affect the HTTP Basic Auth. Is there a reason this happens? Anyway to get around having to add extra .php blocks? A copy of the config area for phpmyadmin is below. # Setup and secure phpMyAdmin location /phpmyadmin/ { allow; deny all; auth_basic \"phpMyAdmin - HTTP Basic Login\"; auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/pma_pass; location ~ \\.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; allow; deny all; } }",
"$\\sqrt{c+\\sqrt{c+\\sqrt{c+\\cdots}}}$, or the limit of the sequence $x_{n+1} = \\sqrt{c+x_n}$ (Fitzpatrick Advanced Calculus 2e, Sec. 2.4 #12) For $c \\gt 0$, consider the quadratic equation $x^2 - x - c = 0, x > 0$. Define the sequence $\\{x_n\\}$ recursively by fixing $|x_1| \\lt c$ and then, if $n$ is an index for which $x_n$ has been defined, defining $$x_{n+1} = \\sqrt{c+x_n}$$ Prove that the sequence $\\{x_n\\}$ converges monotonically to the solution of the above equation. Note: The answers below might assume $x_1 \\gt 0$, but they still work, as we have $x_3 \\gt 0$. This is being repurposed in an effort to cut down on duplicates, see here: . and here: .",
"How can I use a variable in the replacement side of the Perl substitution operator? I would like to do the following: $find = "start (.*) end"; $replace = "foo \\1 bar"; $var = "start middle end"; $var =~ s/$find/$replace/; I would expect $var to contain "foo middle bar", but it does not work. Neither does: $replace = 'foo \\1 bar'; Somehow I am missing something regarding the escaping.",
"SQL Server - how to determine if indexes aren't being used?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA and GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - which one updates Chrome? | Which Google Updater is the one that I should allow to run? | [
"Do electrical devices \"take what they need\" One concept of electronics I have a hard time understanding is if things like motors, actuators, solenoids etc. use as much power as they need or what you give them. If a motor needs 12 volts and 500ma and I supply it with 12 volts and 3000ma will it only consume 500ma? Also, if I supply it with 15volts and 500ma what will happen? It seems logical that an LED and a DC motor are way different when it comes to requiring/using electric where as an led has to be completely regulated and (I assume) a DC motor doesn't. Is my understanding wrong?",
"I have 4 servers with Debian Wheezy OS. I have Apticron installed that informs me about updates. Debian updates are realized so often that when I finish to update the last of 4 servers I get new email about new updates on the first server. I try to update all servers when I get a notification but I never know if there is a need to reboot the servers. I have read that if the directory \"/var/run\" contains file \"reboot-required\" I have to reboot the server. But I never have seen this file in \"/var/run\". How can I know when reboot is required? I don't want reboot my servers every time when I install new updates if it's not needed. I understand that if I update PHP or MySQL, etc I don't need to reboot the server but updates usually contain many \"lib...\". Below are 9 updates (I have received this week). krb5-locales 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u3 libdbus-1-3 1.6.8-1+deb7u6 libgssapi-krb5-2 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u3 libk5crypto3 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u3 libkrb5-3 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u3 libkrb5support0 1.10.1+dfsg-5+deb7u3 libruby1.8 libxml2 2.8.0+dfsg1-7+wheezy3 ruby1.8 I have no idea what is \"libkrb,libgssapi\", etc. How can I detect if reboot is needed? Please do not suggest to install UnattendedUpgrades to let the servers update automatically because this can cause websites going offline if something updates not correct.",
"latex : Exclude draftwatermark from specific pages I am using draftwatermark package. Is there any option to exclude watermark from some specific pages? Say no watermark from pg 3-4. I can not use xwatermark package. It conflicts with the geometry package of my document. MWE: \\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{exam} \\usepackage{draftwatermark} \\usepackage{lipsum} \\SetWatermarkAngle{45} \\SetWatermarkLightness{.8} \\SetWatermarkFontSize{10cm} \\SetWatermarkScale{5} \\SetWatermarkText{\\tt{12345}} \\begin{document} \\lipsum[1-20] \\end{document}",
"Can you change your email for Pokemon Go?",
"Does Qt have a C interface?",
"Curved space-time VS change of coordinates in Minkowski space",
"Adding more than 15 digits in Excel I want to add more than 20 digits in an Excel cell. The current format of the cell is general, it converts the number to an exponential format. I tried with a number format and accounting, but when I enter more than 15 digits it gets converted to 0's. What are the recommended steps for stopping Excel from converting data to exponential Format for 20 digits when in the general format? Example: 12345678901234567890 Excel converts it to 1.23457E+19 in general format. Without using ' before the value, is there any other way to keep value same?",
"I have a folder with some directories and some files (some are hidden, beginning with dot). for d in *; do echo $d done will loop through all files and directories, but I want to loop only through directories. How do I do that?",
"Links in site profiles stripped from network profile I have a link in my profile, advertising a Stack Exchange question of mine (which I believe is acceptable use of the profile page). The link works fine on my individual profile pages. For example, and . However, on the links do not show. The link is present on the GIF and on the text (two separate links, both to the same place). Both work fine on the individual profile pages but both are absent from the network profile page. The GIF and text are present, just without being linked. Is there a reason for disallowing links from the network profile page, or is this a bug?",
"What is the distinction being made with regards to truth and falsity in these two sources?",
"Upgrade to the latest PHP version in Ubuntu",
"This question is NOT about access to USB or external drives. WPS Witer and other just installed Ubuntu software can NOT open files saved on my /media directory. I keep getting the annoying message: « Could not read the contents of '/media': Permission denied ». MY SIMPLE QUESTION REMAINS: How can I access all files and folders on my user username/media/ directory? I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS. Ubuntu's Nautilus can indeed access all files and folders in all locations. However, Ubuntu's software that I have downloaded (e.g. KRITA, WPS WRITER etc) can NOT access any file or folder on the /media directory. Thanks in advance.",
"How do I drop an object to the sand?",
"I'm looking for a library in Python which will provide at and cron like functionality. I'd quite like have a pure Python solution, rather than relying on tools installed on the box; this way I run on machines with no cron. For those unfamiliar with cron: you can schedule tasks based upon an expression like: 0 2 * * 7 /usr/bin/run-backup # run the backups at 0200 on Every Sunday 0 9-17/2 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/purge-temps # run the purge temps command, every 2 hours between 9am and 5pm on Mondays to Fridays. The cron time expression syntax is less important, but I would like to have something with this sort of flexibility. If there isn't something that does this for me out-the-box, any suggestions for the building blocks to make something like this would be gratefully received. Edit I'm not interested in launching processes, just \"jobs\" also written in Python - python functions. By necessity I think this would be a different thread, but not in a different process. To this end, I'm looking for the expressivity of the cron time expression, but in Python. Cron has been around for years, but I'm trying to be as portable as possible. I cannot rely on its presence.",
"Rasterizing a plot make axes ticks invisible",
"As made clear in update 3 on , this notation: var hash = {}; hash[X] does not actually hash the object X; it actually just converts X to a string (via .toString() if it's an object, or some other built-in conversions for various primitive types) and then looks that string up, without hashing it, in "hash". Object equality is also not checked - if two different objects have the same string conversion, they will just overwrite each other. Given this - are there any efficient implementations of hashmaps in JavaScript? (For example, the second Google result of yields an implementation which is O(n) for any operation. Various other results ignore the fact that different objects with equivalent string representations overwrite each other.",
"Let's say we have one black hole that formed through the collapse of hydrogen gas and another that formed through the collapse of anti-hydrogen gas. What happens when they collide? Do they (1) coalesce into a single black hole or do they (2) \"annihilate\" into radiation? One would expect (1) to be the case if the No Hair Theorem were to hold. So I guess what I'm really asking for is a modern understanding of this theorem and its applicability given what we know today.",
"Problem with ListVectorPlot3D",
"How to increase the signal power of a wi-fi card? I use an atheros card that requires ath9k driver. Are there any tools that can be used to increase the signal power of the wi-fi card?",
"Let $F$ be a field, let $\\omega$ be a primitive $n$th root of unity in an algebraic closure of $F$. If $a$ in $F$ is not an $m$th power in $F(\\omega)$ for any $m\\gt 1$ that divides $n$, how to show that $x^n -a$ is irreducible over $F$?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Abstract methods in Python | Is it possible to make abstract classes in Python? | [
"Solving $x - a \\log(x)=b$ Let $a>0$ and $b \\in \\mathbb{R}$: Assume there exists an $x >0 $ s.t. $$x - a\\log(x) = b$$ holds. How can it be determined in closed-form?",
"What are the biggest changes between UA Ranger and PHB Ranger?",
"Word for the behavior of people who complain at everything you do",
"What is the first movie to show this hard work message at the very end? What is the first movie to show this hard work message at the very end?",
"$a_{n+1}=\\log(1+a_n),~a_1>0$. Then find $\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} n \\cdot a_n$",
"Changing back button in iOS 7 disables swipe to navigate back",
"Subsurf on a crown. How can I smooth some edges and keep others sharp? How can I smooth all crown but don't smooth the top of the crown? I did a subdivision surface, but this didn't work. All crown became smooth and changed form.",
"Suppose $p$ is a prime number such that $(p-1)/4$ and $(p+1)/2$ are also primes. Show that $p=13$ Suppose $p$ is a prime number such that $(p-1)/4$ and $(p+1)/2$ are also primes. Show that $p=13$. My approach: Since $p$ is prime, it is of the form $6k+1$ or $6k-1$. Now if $p$ is of the form $6k-1$ then $(p+1)/2 = 3k$ which is not possible as $3|3k$. So $p$ is of the form $6k+1$. Now $(p-1)/4 = 3k/2$ so $2\\mid k$. So $p$ is of the form $12k+1$. But now, how to prove $k=1$? Please help!",
"arbitrary large finite sums of an uncountable set.",
"\"Missing return statement\" within if / for / while",
"Is Poly1305 an information-theoretically secure MAC?",
"I'm listing some items for sale online, and have taken a bunch of pictures with my iPhone. About half-way through the process, iPhoto '11 stopped downloading new photos into its local Photo Stream. I've quit iPhoto and re-opened it. I've gone into the Photos app on my iPhone and confirmed all the pictures are there. Is this normal behavior? Is there any way to tell iPhoto to download my pictures?",
"How do I set up SSH so I don't have to type my password? How do I set up SSH so I don't have to type my password when connecting to a host?",
"Multiple solutions for a particle in an infinite potential well I am starting to learn about quantum mechanics and was wondering about the solutions to a question about a particle in an infinite potential well of length $L$. The solutions are: $$\\psi_n(x) = \\sqrt{\\frac{2}{L}}\\sin\\left(\\frac{\\pi n x}{L} \\right)$$ And I was wondering what is the meaning of $n$. Isn't there supposed to be only one wave function? In that case, $\\Psi = \\sum_{n=1} ^\\infty a_n \\psi_n$, but what are the $a_n$? Or maybe it is probabilistic, and we don't know which $\\psi_n$ the particle is currently in?",
"I have a very simple jQuery Datepicker calendar: $(document).ready(function(){ $(\"#date_pretty\").datepicker({ }); }); and of course in the HTML... <input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" value=\"\" id=\"date_pretty\"/> Today's date is nicely highlighted for the user when they bring up the calendar, but how do I get jQuery to pre-populate the textbox itself with today's date on page load, without the user doing anything? 99% of the time, the today's date default will be what they want.",
"K-means - comparing solutions with SSwithin elbow-method: minimum \"too early\", or non-monotonic curve",
"How can I prevent installation of a specific package on Linux Mint?",
"Solve $\\frac1x+\\frac1y=\\frac1{pq}$ For $x,y\\in\\mathbb{N}$ how many ordered pairs $\\left(x,y\\right)$ satisfy $\\dfrac{1}{x}+\\dfrac{1}{y}=\\dfrac{1}{pq}$ where $p,q$ are distinct primes?",
"passthrough graphics card to virtualbox So I'm trying to get my laptops NVIDIA fx 880m to pass to a virtual box running window seven on a linux mint 17 install. So far everything seems to be (maybe) heading in the right direction: the device passed through happily, when I booted the virtual box it installed a bunch of new drivers, but when I try to install the NVIDIA driver on the guest it can't find the card. I looked under the device manager and there's no listing for the nvidia card under the pci bus, my guess would be that I need to disable it in the host so that it can be passed through to the guest (the virtual box manual said they can't be shared) but I'm not sure how to do so. Can anybody help with this? This question does not seem to me to be a duplicate of , because here the given solution was that it was not possible with a windows host, however in this case the host is linux",
"When is the finalize() method called in Java?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
$\int_0^{\pi/2} \frac{\sqrt{\sin(x)}}{\sqrt{\sin(x)}+\sqrt{\cos(x)}} dx,$ with $x=\frac{\pi}{2}-t$ | How to compute $\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{\sin^3 t}{\sin^3 t+\cos^3 t}dt$? | [
"bilinear form - proof I have to prove that the mapping $f(x,y)={\\displaystyle \\sum_{i=1}^{n}}{\\displaystyle \\sum_{j=1}^{n}}x_{i}y_{j}{f}(e_{i},e_{j})$ is a bilinear form, that is, inter alia, the condition: $f(x+y,z)=f(x,z)+f(y,z)$ I have: $f(x+y,z)=f\\left({\\displaystyle \\sum_{i=1}^{n}}x_{i}e_{i}+{\\displaystyle \\sum_{k=1}^{n}}y_{k}e_{k},{\\displaystyle \\sum_{j=1}^{n}}z_{j}e_{j}\\right)=f\\left({\\displaystyle \\sum_{i=1}^{n}}{\\displaystyle \\sum_{k=1}^{n}}\\left(x_{i}e_{i}+y_{k}e_{k}\\right),{\\displaystyle \\sum_{j=1}^{n}}z_{j}e_{j}\\right)=\\ldots$ and what's next? Help!",
"Let $\\Omega$ be an open subset in $\\mathbb{C}$. Let $\\{f_n\\}$ be a sequence of holomorphic functions on $\\Omega$ such that $f_n\\to f$ pointwise and converges uniformly on any compact subset $K\\subseteq \\Omega$. Then by Cauchy Theorem and Morera Theorem, $f$ is holomorphic. Let $f_n$ and $f'$ be the derivatives of $f_n$ and $f$ respectively. Prove that $f_n'\\to f'$ uniformly on any compact subset $K\\subseteq \\Omega$. How to prove?",
"raw data stationary but still can see trend and seaonality is stl",
"Feed lists answered questions as \"unanswered\"",
"What's the function like sum() but for multiplication? product()? Python's function returns the sum of numbers in an iterable. sum([3,4,5]) == 3 + 4 + 5 == 12 I'm looking for the function that returns the product instead. somelib.somefunc([3,4,5]) == 3 * 4 * 5 == 60 I'm pretty sure such a function exists, but I can't find it.",
"I'm considering taking a loan on my 401k in order to pay off and close 2 credit cards. I have approximately 30 years until I consider retiring. The amount of the loan will be $1700 which is less then 20% of my current 401k balance. I will continue to put 9% of my paycheck into a Roth 401k, and my employer matches 9%. The loan will be paid back at 3.25% (to myself) and does have $183 in fees. There are 2 cards I will pay off and close if I follow through with this plan. One card is 17.9% interest with roughly a $650 balance. The other is 23% (ish) with roughly a $1,025 balance. Both of these cards do have an annual fee associated with them, I used them to rebuild my credit and have a newer, lower interest, no fee card that I will keep active for emergencies. Would it be advantageous for me to pay off these two credit cards and cancel them with a 401k loan?",
"Is a NVIDIA GeForce with Optimus Technology supported by Ubuntu? I am considering buying a Dell XPS 15 laptop. The laptop has a Nvidia 420m card which should work with Linux but I keep reading that the Nvidia Optimus technology isn't supported on Linux. I am not really interested in switching from Nvidia to Intel to save power but need to know that the Nvidia card will in fact work if I installed Ubuntu. If anyone has experience using a Nvidia card with Optimus technology or even better the exact laptop in question (Dell XPS 15 with 1GB NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 420M) it would be great. A major problem holding people back from adopting Linux is this sort of hardware issue. I am a long term Ubuntu user and supporter who can't afford to make a mistake with a purchase like this. I don't want to spend £500+ to find I have no graphics acceleration because Windows 7 is not an option.",
"What is the best way to deal with very complex forms? I'm trying to give the best experience to users of a very huge system (like a CRM). It has a lot of forms and much of these have a lot of fields. My doubt is about if I should use a single column form (which raises too much vertical scrolling), or a two columns form (which needs less vertical scrolling and uses more horizontal white space) and a last one with four columns (which has few scrolling and uses almost whole white space to try to keep most of the fields above the fold). It's important to say that our clients hate scrolling, and they always ask why we don't use the horizontal white space when we present a one column form). So I'm little bit confused about it, because a lot of UX studies and good practices recommend to do not use/avoid multicolumn forms but the clients most of times ask multi column forms. Our clients are very used to desktop programs and not everybody is very familiar with web based systems. Below follows some possibilities I would like to share to illustrate an example of a complex form in the system with the three possibilities I mentioned: In the example above I'm using the one column form (most recommended in UX studies), but with a very long vertical scroll. In the second example I tried to reduce vertical space by using two columns. This is the client's favorite one, 4 columns using white space and trying to keep everything above the fold. The lengths of fields are based on the average of characters amount for each field. I would like to know your opinion about the best approach to this case.",
"I had this question: All 3 responses were rated at 1 when the bounty expired. Nothing got selected as the \"best answer\", and I can't even manually select an answer.",
"I am trying to find duplicate accounts in the system and trying to merge them based on our filter criteria using apex. The issue is I am hitting the governor limit of 150 DML statements while doing this. We will have to put the merge statement inside the loop as we need the parent and child as the parameters in the merge statement. I don't think we can bulkify Merge like other DML statements due to the above reason. I am not sure if there is any better way to do it and avoid hitting governor limits. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated. Code that I have tried is included below global class LoyaltyAccountBatch implements Database.batchable<sObject>{ global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.batchableContext info){ String query; query = ('SELECT Id FROM LoginHistory LIMIT 1'); return Database.getQueryLocator(query); } global void execute(Database.batchableContext info, List<LoginHistory> scope){ // Get those records based on the IDs List<Account> templst1 = [SELECT Id,UniqID from account where createddate = LAST_N_DAYS:4 and UniqID <> '']; system.debug('templist is '+templst1); Set<String> insertedRecords = new Set<String>() ; for (Account a : templst1) { insertedRecords.add(a.UniqID); } List<Account> templst = [SELECT Id,UniqID from account where NewUniqID IN : insertedRecords order by NewUniqID,UniqID asc]; // Process records for(integer i=0;i+1<templst.size();i++) { if(templst[i].UniqID < templst[i+1].UniqID) { system.debug('ids are '+templst[i].UniqID+'-->'+templst[i+1].UniqID); String str = '1'+templst[i].UniqID.substring(1,templst[i].UniqID.length()); String str1 = '1'+templst[i+1].UniqID.substring(1,templst[i+1].UniqID.length()); system.debug('str is'+str); system.debug('str1 is'+str1); if(str.equals(str1)) { Merge templst[i+1] templst[i]; system.debug('value of i is'+i); } } } } global void finish(Database.batchableContext info){ } }",
"Last seen not updating when using Android app This isn't directly related to the app, but probably more on the APIs it's using. The last seen on the profile page doesn't seem to reflect that I'm actively using the Android app, or taking actions. I was able to vote on items and the last seen property on the profile page said I was last seen 50 minutes ago, when I was using a computer. I'm assuming it won't count as a visit for the Enthusiast and Fantic badges either. I don't want someone angrily posting on Meta swearing they used the app for a day, yet they lost the consecutive days and has to prove it by showing they voted for something (we're probably far from this situation since it's alpha...)",
"Keyboard shortcut/command for opening a new nautilus window and raise it What is the shortcut for opening a new window (opening folders). for that I have to go to folder options and right click and then need to click on open new window. or I have to make focus on the folder icon or open a folder then press Ctrl+N for opening a new window is there any direct command spcific to open a new window in ubuntu.",
"Suppose $n$ is an even positive integer and $H$ is a subgroup of $\\mathbb Z/n \\mathbb Z$. Prove that either every element of $H$ is... Suppose $n$ is an even positive integer and $H$ is a subgroup of $\\mathbb Z/n\\mathbb Z$. Prove that either every element of $H$ is even or exactly half of its elements are even. (Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Exercise 24, Chapter 3.)",
"This is a question about American English usage of the word \"already\". As a UK resident I don't completely understand when I hear Americans give commands like \"Stop it already!\" In the UK the word already is not normally used in the imperative mood and the sentence I've just quoted would leave an English person thinking \"If you're saying I've already stopped it why are you asking me to stop it again?\"",
"Install software from packages, or build it from source?",
"Does the artificer's Enhanced Weapon stack on top of hexblade's Improved Pact Blade? I play a hexblade warlock with an Improved Pact Blade longsword. I like the idea of the eldritch tinkerer, who builds his patron's gifts into his gadgets, which fits in a warlock/artificer multiclass. The artificer's Enhanced Weapon infusion would be very nice with the warlock if it stacks with the Improved Pact Blade bonuses, but I can't tell if it does from the class descriptions. Do these features stack, or do I need to rethink this build?",
"How to fix the weird surface in fluid object",
"Do commuting matrices share the same eigenvectors? In one of my exams I'm asked to prove the following Suppose $A,B\\in \\mathbb R^{n\\times n}$, and $AB=BA$, then $A,B$ share the same eigenvectors. My attempt is let $\\xi$ be an eigenvector corresponding to $\\lambda$ of $A$, then $A\\xi=\\lambda\\xi$, then I want to show $\\xi$ is also some eigenvector of $B$ but I get stuck.",
"Checking if a key exists in a JavaScript object?",
"Why would Louise telling the Chinese commander about his wife's last words change his mind? In the future in Arrival, the commander says that he changed his mind about going to war with the aliens because Louise called his private number and told him his wife's dying words. My question is what did Louise say to him (like in English) and why did it change his mind?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Does energy have a sign? | In physics sometimes we find energy that is negative. What does the negative sign indicate? | [
"Proof of Russian Peasant Multiplication I'm studying a combinatorics text () in preparation for taking discrete math this upcoming semester. I've taken a fair amount of math in college, through Calculus II, but this is my first 500+ level math course. In chapter 2 of the book, the author introduces an algorithm for multiplication called Russian Peasant Multiplication. I want to prove that this algorithm will always result in the product of two numbers. I've been chewing on the proof for a while now, and just can't seem to get any traction. Thanks in advance for any help. Description of Algorithm I'll try to explain the algorithm clearly. The goal of the algorithm is to find the product of two numbers $m$ and $n$. The below table is filled out for $m$ and $n$: $$\\begin{array}{c} m&&n&\\\\ \\hline \\bigl\\lfloor \\frac{m}{2} \\bigr\\rfloor&& 2n \\\\ \\bigl\\lfloor \\frac{m}{4} \\bigr\\rfloor&& 4n \\\\ \\bigl\\lfloor \\frac{m}{8} \\bigr\\rfloor&& 8n \\\\ \\bigl\\lfloor \\frac{m}{16} \\bigr\\rfloor&& 16n \\\\ \\bigl\\lfloor \\frac{m}{32} \\bigr\\rfloor&& 32n \\\\ \\end{array}$$ The sequence of numbers in both columns is the sequence $a_n = 2a_{n-1}\\text{ where }a_1=2$. The columns are extended down until the value in the left column is equal to the number one. After filling out the table, the product is found by adding the values of the right column where the left column is an odd number. For example, to multiply 18 and 37 with the algorithm: $$\\begin{array}{c} m&&n&\\\\ \\hline 18 && 37 \\\\ 9 && 74 \\\\ 4 && 148 \\\\ 2 && 296 \\\\ 1 && 592 \\\\ \\end{array}$$ To find the product, cross out values of the left column where the value of the right column is even: $$\\begin{array}{c} m&&n&\\\\ \\hline \\require{enclose} \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{18} && \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{37} \\\\ 9 && 74 \\\\ \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{4} && \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{148} \\\\ \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{2} && \\enclose{horizontalstrike}{296} \\\\ 1 && 592 \\\\ \\end{array}$$ And add the remaining numbers in the right column to get the result: $18\\times37=74+592=666$ Alternate Description of Algorithm As an aside, here is a shorter way to describe the algorithm, repeat the below steps until the left column == 1: • Halve the last number in the first column • Write the result below (discard the remainder) • Double the last number in the first column. • Write the result below. Now, for every even number in the first column, delete the adjacent number in the second column. Add the remaining numbers in the second column. What I've done so Far I haven't been able to get much of anywhere on the proof. One thing I did was create a bit of a different way of arriving at the same outcome: $$\\begin{array}{c} m&&n&&\\text{index}&&\\text{remainder}&&\\text{if remainder == 1, }n\\times2^{Index}&\\\\ \\hline 18 && 37 && 0 && 0 \\\\ 9 && 74 && 1 && 1 && 74\\\\ 4 && 148 && 2 && 0 \\\\ 2 && 296 && 3 && 0 \\\\ 1 && 592 && 4 && 1 && 592\\\\ \\end{array}$$ Which brings to light the relationship between this algorithm and binary numbers (the fourth column in the above table is the product in binary, read bottom to top). I also wrote some Python functions to help me explore the problem,",
"Cant install via Ubuntu Software- \"apt transaction returned result exit-failed\" I'm using 17.04 ( Clean Install ), and as far as I remember, every try to install any sofware- it fails with that error code. I tried sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and problem persists. any idea why? edit: Using software Updater gave this result : edit : output of update guy@LG-LAPTOP:~$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [sudo] password for guy: Ign:1 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty InRelease Ign:2 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-updates InRelease Ign:3 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-backports InRelease Err:4 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty Release 503 Service Unavailable Get:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security InRelease [89.2 kB] Err:6 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-updates Release 503 Service Unavailable Get:7 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu zesty InRelease [10.2 kB] Err:8 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-backports Release 503 Service Unavailable Get:9 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu zesty/partner Sources [1,416 B] Get:10 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu zesty/partner amd64 Packages [1,616 B] Get:11 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu zesty/partner i386 Packages [1,612 B] Get:12 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu zesty/partner Translation-en [708 B] Get:13 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security/main amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [11.7 kB] Get:14 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security/main DEP-11 64x64 Icons [9,219 B] Get:15 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security/universe amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [14.4 kB] Get:16 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security/universe DEP-11 64x64 Icons [31.0 kB] Reading package lists... Done E: The repository 'http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty Release' does no longer have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. E: The repository 'http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-updates Release' does no longer have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. E: The repository 'http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-backports Release' does no longer have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. guy@LG-LAPTOP:~$ output of apt get guy@LG-LAPTOP:~$ sudo apt-get install putty Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed: putty-tools Suggested packages: putty-doc The following NEW packages will be installed: putty putty-tools 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 661 kB of archives. After this operation, 2,713 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Err:1 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe amd64 putty-tools amd64 0.67-3 503 Service Unavailable Err:2 http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe amd64 putty amd64 0.67-3 503 Service Unavailable E: Failed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/putty/putty-tools_0.67-3_amd64.deb 503 Service Unavailable E: Failed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/putty/putty_0.67-3_amd64.deb 503 Service Unavailable E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? guy@LG-LAPTOP:~$",
"Decode HTML entities in Python string?",
"Rotate whole animation by 90 degrees I make my animation and now I realized that its pointed in wrong direction I used -y (native blender) as direction but I need to be pointed at x axis so what would be the easiest way to rotate whole animation, to switch -y with x :)",
"Proof of $1+x\\leq e^x$ for all x?",
"Python function attributes - uses and abuses Not many are aware of this feature, but Python's functions (and methods) can have . Behold: >>> def foo(x): ... pass ... >>> foo.score = 10 >>> dir(foo) ['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__get__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'func_closure', 'func_code', 'func_defaults', 'func_dict', 'func_doc', 'func_globals', 'func_name', 'score'] >>> foo.score 10 >>> foo.score += 1 >>> foo.score 11 What are the possible uses and abuses of this feature in Python ? One good use I'm aware of is 's usage of the docstring to associate a syntax rule with a method. But what about custom attributes ? Are there good reasons to use them ?",
"How do you tell what brand/make/model of bike I have? I have a bike I'm trying to sell because it's just been sitting in my basement. It looks as if someone primered it and the only thing I found was a serial number. Is there like a website I can look up more info on the bike using just that number?",
"Is there a limit to the number of web properties one can create in Google Analytics?",
"What can I do when getting \"We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account\"?",
"I am curious about the practical implementation of a binary split in a decision tree - as it relates to levels of a categorical predictor $X{j}$. Specifically, I often will utilize some sort of sampling scheme (e.g. bagging, oversampling etc) when building a predictive model using a decision tree - in order to improve its predictive accuracy and stability. During these sampling routines, it is possible for a categorical variable to be presented to a tree fitting algorithm with less than the complete level set. Say a variable X takes on levels {A,B,C,D,E}. In a sample, maybe only levels {A,B,C,D} are present. Then, when the resulting tree is used for prediction, the full set may be present. Continuing from this example, say a tree splits on X and sends {A,B} to the left and {C,D} to the right. I would expect the logic of the binary split to then say, when faced with new data: \"If X has value A or B, send to the left, otherwise, send this case to the right\". What seems to happen in some implementations is \"if X has value A or B, send to the left, if X has value C or D send to the right\". When this case takes on value E, the algorithm breaks down. What is the \"right\" way for a binary split to be handled? It seems the much more robust way is implemented often, but not always (see Rpart below). Here are a couple examples: Rpart fails, the others are ok. #test trees and missing values summary(solder) table(solder$PadType) # create train and validation set.seed(12345) t_rows<-sample(1:nrow(solder),size=360, replace=FALSE) train_solder<-solder[t_rows,] val_solder<-solder[-t_rows,] #look at PadType table(train_solder$PadType) table(val_solder$PadType) #set a bunch to missing levels(train_solder$PadType)[train_solder$PadType %in% c('L8','L9','W4','W9')] <- 'MISSING' #Fit several trees, may have to play with the parameters to get them to split on the variable ####RPART mod_rpart<-rpart(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder) predict(mod_rpart,val_solder) #Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = attr(object, : #factor 'PadType' has new level(s) D6, L6, L7, L8, L9, W4 ####TREE mod_tree<-tree(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder,split=\"gini\") predict(mod_tree,val_solder) #works fine ####ctree mod_ctree<-ctree(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder,control = ctree_control(mincriterion = 0.05)) predict(mod_ctree,val_solder) #works fine",
"Wait until all jQuery Ajax requests are done?",
"The muffins were rock hard, what did I do wrong? Here is the recipe I used, I did not mix it for long, as that make the muffins very hard. The muffins were very hard, and had a bad after taste and smell. I missed adding some oil, but what else could be the reason ? Red Millet Flour, 50 g Whole Wheat flour, 50 g Toasted Oat Bran, 40g Whole Green Mung Beans - Sprouted, 100 g Domino - Light Brown Sugar 50g Baking Soda, 2 tsp Salt, 1 Tablespoon Liquid Egg White, 4 eggs 100% Whey (Vanilla), 75g Chobani - Greek Yogurt - 0% Vanilla, 5.3 oz (small packet) Carrots - Raw, 1 cup, grated Bananas - Raw, 1 cup, mashed White, all-purpose, enriched, bleached, 40 g Also I wanted to try yeast instead of baking soda, but due to eggs and other veggies I cannot let is rise overnight (any ideas ?). I was trying to make good protein muffins which are an ideal breakfast, grab one with a glass of milk and done! They run approximately 160 calories per muffin 25g carbs, 1g fat, 12g protein.",
"Fundamentally, what does a friction force do for a rolling object? I am very confused by the way my textbook explains it. In my textbook , it says: A wheel rolling on a horizontal flat surface at a constant velocity experiences no friction force. Why? On the same surface, there is an acceleration of the wheel pointing to the right (probably caused by a force), so the ball is angularly accelerating in the clockwise direction. In this case, a friction force appears, and it is also pointing to the right. How come? What does the friction do for this wheel? On an inclined plane, a ball freely rolls down the surface. The direction of friction is up the ramp, which confuses me because in the previous example the friction force was in the direction of the wheel's acceleration. And there is a difference if a wheel is freely rolling and if there is a torque acting on the ball's center of mass. WHY??? What does friction do in these cases? How does it cause an object to roll?",
"How can I get the list of all fields(API name,Label,type) of any sObject? I'm trying to build a Dynamic list(table) of records by selecting the Sobject and its fields.So I need to get all the fields with its API name,label,type.But I can't get the label and type.(Tried DescribeSObjectResult Class methods to get label,but it didn't help to get the label dynamically) I tried it with the following code. System.debug('Selection-----'+selectedObject); Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); Schema.SObjectType ctype = gd.get(selectedObject); Map<String, Schema.SobjectField> fmap = ctype.getDescribe().fields.getMap(); List<FieldWrap> strList = new List<WrapMap>(); for(String s: fmap.keySet()) { WrapMap wmp = new WrapMap(); wmp.name = s; wmp.label = String.valueOf(fmap.get(s)); strList.add(wmp); } Where FieldWrap is my wrapper class with name and field of String types. I'm getting the List of API name of fields,but not the Label and type of it.Is there a way to get the label and type of field.If so, please help me.",
"Proving that two systems of linear equations are equivalent if they have the same solutions I've just begun to work learn Linear Algebra on my own through Hoffman and Kunze's book and the first problem set already has a question that I can't solve: Prove that if two homogeneous systems of linear equations in two unknowns have the same solutions, then they are equivalent. I can't seem to figure out how to prove this without resorting to case work where you account for the cases where one of the coefficients are zero and when both are. Is there an elegant way to prove in general that when two systems of linear equations have the same solutions, they are equivalent? The converse is obvious enough though. Definition of equivalence from the text : Let us say that two systems of linear equations are equivalent if each equation in each system is a linear combination of the equations in the other system.",
"Have red shifted photons lost energy and where did it go? I think the title says it. Did expansion of the universe steal the energy somehow?",
"CLI path to ftp network connection I've setup a connectio to an FTP server in Nautilus / Nemo / Caja, the file manager. Now I can browse the contents via this file manager. How can I browse these files via the command line? What is the path to this network connection? Is this possible, is this a system connection, or specific to the file manager, and do I have to setup a separate FTP connection to do that? If I open this connection in Caja, I see it in Nemo as well, so it seems like a system connection.",
"Site hosted on EC2 / Amazon held hostage with private key I have a new client whose previous developer has left her high & dry with her site on Amazon/EC2. He holds the private key to the instance, and though she has full access to the Amazon control panel (she's paying $300/mo for a site that has like 3 visitors per week) she doesn't have any way to get her content off and move to a new host. I'm not familiar with AWS and am not sure how to help her. The site's group/file permissions are screwed up on the server so exporting the content/database via her WordPress control panel isn't working. Any ideas on how to help her? Thanks!",
"Why is my mesh inversed when Imported to Unity? So I modeled this sword and all the parts were separate meshes. I used a mirror modifier when I was modeling and then I applied the modifier when I was done to make the parts into solid meshes. Put a UV map on everything and it all looked good in Blender. Then I put it into Unity and I got what you see in the picture. Part of the sword is inversed. Oddly, the inversed part actually maintains the proper silhouette. It maintains the correct shape, but then is shaded like the front half is missing. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on and how to fix it? Thanks, James",
"Use chown to set the ownership of all a folder's subfolders and files? How can I use the chown command to change the ownership of all a folder's subfolders and files?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
When $AB=BA$, form of $A$ | A linear operator commuting with all such operators is a scalar multiple of the identity. | [
"I am logging in to my Ubuntu Server using my username. Once I am logged in I am typing passwd command. Entering a new password but a second after getting following error messages: passwd: Authentication token manipulation error passwd: password unchanged What is wrong here? How can I change my password otherwise if I don't have access to that server physically, i.e. I am connecting remotely with ssh using terminal.",
"What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop?",
"I'm going to accessing my ubuntu machine remotely from my windows machine through putty. Are there any suggestions for possible ways to get an X server running on my windows machine? Thanks.",
"I want to make an arena where mobs will fight each other and a player can bet on one side or the other. For example: There are 2 skeletons in dyed armor; red and blue. Each color representing a team. When they spawn I want them to fight each and then when one dies I want it to announce which team is the winner and give the player the \"money\" due. I'm just not sure how to get the skeletons to attack each other without a player instigating it.",
"Adding dynamic graphics to an animation",
"How can I remove gpg key that I added using apt-key add -? I don't need the key in my server's keyring anymore. Is it possible to remove it? I added the key using this command: curl http://repo.varnish-cache.org/debian/GPG-key.txt | apt-key add - Thanks for helping",
"Java Object Reuse Should Java Objects be reused as often as it can be reused ? Or should we reuse it only when they are \"heavyweight\", ie have OS resources associated with it ? All old articles on the internet talk about object reuse and object pooling as much as possible, but I have read recent articles that say new Object() is highly optimized now ( 10 instructions ) and Object reuse is not as big a deal as it used to be. What is the current best practice and how are you people doing it ?",
"Can I travel domestically within the United States with my USA expired passport? I need to fly domestically within the United States. The only ID I have is an expired USA passport. Can I use that to pass T.S.A.? Can I use it as ID?",
"The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. Windows 10 and Mojave The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition. The startup disk must be formatted as a single Mac OS Extended (Journaled) volume or already partitioned by Boot Camp Assistant for installing Windows. I had installed Windows 10 via bootcamp in my mac. Current version is 10.14.1 Now I don't want windows and need that space back but getting above error when I go bootcamp to remove it. This is the output of diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_APFS Container disk1 181.3 GB disk0s2 3: Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP 60.3 GB disk0s3 4: Windows Recovery 509.6 MB disk0s4 /dev/disk1 (synthesized): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: APFS Container Scheme - +181.3 GB disk1 Physical Store disk0s2 1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 116.4 GB disk1s1 2: APFS Volume Preboot 44.6 MB disk1s2 3: APFS Volume Recovery 512.8 MB disk1s3 4: APFS Volume VM 4.3 GB disk1s4 And this is of diskutil cs list No CoreStorage logical volume groups found Can anybody please help me to solve this problem? Output after I tried commands given in the first answer ❯ diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *251.0 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_APFS Container disk1 250.8 GB disk0s2 /dev/disk1 (synthesized): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: APFS Container Scheme - +250.8 GB disk1 Physical Store disk0s2 1: APFS Volume Macintosh HD 116.4 GB disk1s1 2: APFS Volume Preboot 44.6 MB disk1s2 3: APFS Volume Recovery 512.8 MB disk1s3 4: APFS Volume VM 3.2 GB disk1s4",
"Self-promotion in chat We know from the that it is accepted only in a limited way in answers and frowned upon if found to be spammy. We know from that it can be deleted at any time from comments if the comment is not relevant or spammy. But what about the chat? This leaves chat to be the only legitimate place to promote products or services that the user is affiliated to (albeit in an ad-like way). What is your opinion?",
"Why do mirrorless cameras have quicker autofocus than SLRs using live view?",
"What test can I use to compare slopes from two or more regression models? I would like to test the difference in response of two variables to one predictor. Here is a minimal reproducible example. library(nlme) ## gls is used in the application; lm would suffice for this example m.set <- gls(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris, subset = Species == \"setosa\") m.vir <- gls(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris, subset = Species == \"virginica\") m.ver <- gls(Sepal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris, subset = Species == \"versicolor\") I can see that the slope coefficients are different: m.set$coefficients (Intercept) Petal.Width 4.7771775 0.9301727 m.vir$coefficients (Intercept) Petal.Width 5.2694172 0.6508306 m.ver$coefficients (Intercept) Petal.Width 4.044640 1.426365 I have three questions: How can I test the difference between slopes? How can I test the difference between residual variances? What is a simple, effective way to present these comparisons? A related question, , suggests re-running the model with a dummy variable to differentiate the slopes, are there options that would allow the use of independent data sets?",
"How to transit through Delhi without a visa?",
"What are sentences like \"the longer X, the more Y\" called and can they be used in formal written English? What is the type of sentence exemplified below called? Is it appropriate to use it in a scientific paper and formal written English in general? 1. The more pronounced the variation, the more the waste. 2. The more you give, the more you get. 3. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.",
"From A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by Ireland and Rosen, page 33: Corollary 1 (Euler's Theorem). If $(a,m) = 1$, then $a^{\\phi(m)} \\equiv 1\\,(m)$. Proof. The units in $\\mathbb{Z}/m\\mathbb{Z}$ form a group of order $\\phi(m)$. If $(a,m) = 1$, $\\bar{a}$ is a unit. Thus $\\bar{a}^{\\phi(m)} = \\bar{1}$ or $a^{\\phi(m)} \\equiv 1\\,(m)$. If I'm interpreting this correctly, this proof implicitly uses the fact(?) that if $G$ is a group and $x\\in G$, then $x^{|G|}=1$, where $1$ is the identity element of $G$. If this is indeed true, can someone explain why? (I have had no prior exposure to group theory.)",
"Add air resistance to projectile motion I am given an initial x and y position and initial velocity and I was asked to graph the trajectory in 1 second intervals. This is what I have so far: If $x_0 = 1, v_{0x} = 70, y_0 = 0, v_{0y} = 80, a_x = 0, a_y = -9.8$, and time will be 0,1,2,3... and so on. Using these equations on every second you can find the plot will be a bell shaped with the highest point being ~ 325 m at about 600 seconds: $$ x = x0 + (v_{0x})t + 1/2((a_x)t^2) $$ $$ y = y0 + (v_{0y})t + 1/2((a_y)t^2) $$ Usually in physics, we are taught in perfect condition with no air resistance. But what if there was air resistance? How would it affect this problem? How can i add it to my calculations and see what the difference is?",
"Why do archery arrows tilt downwards in their descent?",
"How do I test a nonlinear association? For plot 1, I can test the association between x and y by doing a simple correlation. For plot 2, where the relationship is nonlinear yet there is a clear relation between x and y, how can I test the association and label its nature?",
"Is it possible to combine processing power of 2 computers?",
"Wolfram alpha says there are no solutions. Is this because of the following? $$\\tan(z)=i \\Rightarrow \\frac{e^{iz}-e^{-iz}}{i(e^{iz}+e^{-iz})}=i \\Rightarrow \\frac{e^{iz}-e^{-iz}}{(e^{iz}+e^{-iz})}=-1$$ Let $x=e^{iz}$. Then, $$\\frac{x-1/x}{x+1/x}=-1 \\Rightarrow x-1/x=-x-1/x \\Rightarrow 2x=0$$ Then, $$x=e^{iz} \\Rightarrow \\ln(0)=iz$$ but $\\ln(0)$ does not exist so we have no solutions?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Finding a number in special part of the table with in limited rows. Mysql PHP | mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource | [
"How can I display site logo, name and slogan?",
"Two-finger swipe 'breaks' heads-up notifications on Lollipop? I have a Nexus 7 (2013) and a Moto X (2014) running Lollipop. On both of these, if I get a heads-up notification (i.e., those that show up on top of the screen when the device is unlocked) and swipe down on it with 2 fingers, it 'breaks' further heads-up notifications: I can't tap on them to open the responsible app For, e.g., an incoming phone call with 'answer' and 'dismiss' buttons, tapping the buttons does nothing. I can't answer phone calls anymore! I can still swipe to the side to dismiss the notifications, and they still disappear on their own after a few seconds. I haven't been able to find a way to get the correct behavior back aside from a restart. Yeah, the obvious workaround is to not two-finger swipe on them, but it's second nature as that same gesture expands notifications in other contexts. I'm guessing the problem is generic, but I've triggered it on Hangouts and Phone notifications. Do others experience the same thing? Any known 'fixes' aside from restarting?",
"There is an exercise in Humphreys's An Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory: \"Any nilpotent Lie algebra contains a codimension 1 ideal\". The proof I am thinking of is the following. Suppose the Lie algebra $L$ satisfies $L\\neq[L,L]$. Then $\\pi\\colon L\\to L/[L,L]$ is a projection onto an abelian algebra. Choose a codimension 1 subspace $I\\subset L/[L,L]$. Then $I$ is an ideal and its preimage $\\pi^{-1}(I)$ is necessarily an ideal in $L$, because any subspace containing the derived algebra is an ideal. Moreover, $\\pi^{-1}(I)$ has codimension 1. $\\square$ The only condition on $L$ is that $L\\neq[L,L]$, which holds for solvable Lie algebras as well. Is this proof correct? How come Humphreys didn't set the exercise with \"nilpotent\" replaced by \"solvable\"?",
"We have previously determined that or can attune to magic items, but one of those is a sapient creature, and the other \"always obeys your commands\". A paladin's steed (per the Find Steed spell) is also 'unusually intelligent' and falls within the score range for sapient creatures. But what about a regular old animal? If my ranger has a wolf companion, can he make that wolf attune to, say, an Amulet of Health? According to the Beast Master archetype, a companion animal \"obeys your commands as best it can\". Is spending an hour 'focused only on the item' (as required for attunement) something a beast can manage? Or what if it's not an Animal Companion, but just a riding horse, a pet dog, a trained magpie? I know, probably this is going to be down to the DM to determine, but is there any guidance we can use to help decide whether my cat can attune to an item, and whether rubbing it with catnip would help?",
"NSString by removing the initial zeros?",
"Moving from HTTP to HTTPS in Google Search Console I'm moving from HTTP to HTTPS for my entire site. The site is currently added to Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) as www.example.com and all the pages are indexed without using SSL. How do I go about moving to the new HTTPS URLs on Google Search Console? Do I just submit an updated sitemap which has the HTTPS URLs or do I add a new site as https://www.example.com and submit the sitemap with HTTPS URLs? All current URLs are set to redirect to their HTTPS counterparts. Do I add multiple properties to Google Search Console?",
"Find the order of $8/9, 14/5,48/28$ in the additive group of $\\mathbb{Q}/\\mathbb{Z}$ Find the order of $8/9, 14/5,48/28$ in the additive group of $\\mathbb{Q}/\\mathbb{Z}$ JUNK Guessing asking for $8/9 * k = 0 $ (being a whole integer) for smallest integer so for this one is 9 . another guess would be the smallest element of $Q/Z$ being something like $9/8$ $14/5$ would be 5 $48/28=12/7$ would be 7?",
"I have the following code that shows either a bug or a misunderstanding on my part. I sent the same list, but modified over an ObjectOutputStream. Once as [0] and other as [1]. But when I read it, I get [0] twice. I think this is caused by the fact that I am sending over the same object and ObjectOutputStream must be caching them somehow. Is this work as it should, or should I file a bug? import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class OOS { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(12344); Socket s= ss.accept(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); List same = new ArrayList(); same.add(0); oos.writeObject(same); same.clear(); same.add(1); oos.writeObject(same); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); t1.start(); Socket s = new Socket(\"localhost\", 12344); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(s.getInputStream()); // outputs [0] as expected System.out.println(ois.readObject()); // outputs [0], but expected [1] System.out.println(ois.readObject()); System.exit(0); } }",
"LM317 getting hot Should an LM317 (specifically a ) rated for 500ma output current really be getting hot to touch when only pulling 170ma at 5V? Package is SOT-223, input is 9V. Is this normal?",
"Are employments in universities affiliated (or named) with a specific religion restricted to people with the same religion? I just saw an ad in mathjobs.org about an opening in a Catholic university, see . I am not christian. So I was wondering to be eligible for employment in a university or college affiliated with a specific religion, should the applicant have the same religion, or other people from other religions (or even non-religious people) are eligible to apply as well?",
"Why are Perl 5's function prototypes bad?",
"Determine wether the differential equation is stable or not for the following conditions: $x'''(0) = x''(0) = x'(0) = x(0) =0$ $\\frac{d^3x(t)}{dt^3}+\\frac{d^2x(t)}{dt^2}+4\\frac{dx(t)}{dt}+4x(t) = e^t(H(t)-H(t-3))$ Now, I got that the solution to this differential equation reduces x(t) by use of Laplace Transforms, however, how do I determine whether or not it is stable? $x(t) = 0.1e^{-t} + 0.1e^t - 0.1\\sin(2t) + 0.1e^3 (\\sin(2(t-3)) + e^{-t+3}-e^{t-3})*H(t-3)$ Now I first thought I would look at it graphically and I used Matlab software to get a plot as shown below: And from the plot above it clearly appears to diverge (though this is not a proof). Anyone have an idea as to an elegant proof to show the solution is unstable? Anyone help would be greatly appreciated!",
"When updating I got this error message: W:Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/synce/ubuntu/dists/your_ubuntu_version/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found What to do?",
"Where can I ask an open discussion question?",
"Render Glass like materials with Alpha Channel to composite in external app Hope you can help me with some issues I've been dealing these days. As I'm rendering products, most of the time I need to render some transparent materials in order to do a post-pro in Photoshop, change the backgrounds, superpose images, etc. I've been looking for an answer but yet I've couldn't get a solution for this problem. I need to render materials with transparency and no background in Cycles. I've found that there are two ways to do this: Render with transparency in the materials. Render and get two renders, the original and another one only with the alpha channel to edit in Photoshop. For the first option, I've achieved to render a glass-like material, as PET plastic using this node tree: For the second option, I haven't found a way to get the alpha channel in cycles that includes the object with transparency and, if possible, the shadows in the background| but without the background.",
"Direction of $d\\mathbf{l}$ A solid sphere has charge $q$ and radius $R$. Find the potential at a point a distance $r$ from the center of the sphere where $r>R$, using infinity as the reference point. My attempt: From Gauss' theorem we may deduce that $\\displaystyle\\mathbf{E}=\\frac{1}{4\\pi\\epsilon_0}\\frac{q}{r'^2}\\hat{\\mathbf{r}}$ where $r'$ is the distance of an arbitrary point from the center of the sphere provided $r'>R$. $V=-\\int_\\infty^\\mathbf{r}\\mathbf{E}\\cdot d\\mathbf{l}$ My question: What is $d\\mathbf{l}$? Since we are traversing in the direction opposite to $\\hat{\\mathbf{r}}$, I think it should be $-dr'\\hat{\\mathbf{r}}$. But when I use it to find $V$, I get a sign error. Please help!",
"Consider the following piece of Markdown code: This is some regular text. >>> def factorial(n): ... return 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n - 1) ... * This is a list item. >>> def factorial(n): ... return 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n - 1) ... Notice that the second code block is preceded by a list item. Why is the factorial code not properly formatted under these circumstances? To demonstrate the problem, I'll insert the Markdown code show above: This is some regular text. >>> def factorial(n): ... return 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n - 1) ... This is a list item def factorial(n): ... return 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n - 1) ... This applies to numbered as well as unnumbered lists.",
"Optional argument after splat argument",
"Are there any infinite series about which we don't know whether it converges or not? Or are the convergence tests exhaustive, so that in the hands of a competent mathematician any series will eventually be shown to converge or diverge? EDIT: People were kind enough to point out that without imposing restrictions on the terms it's trivial to find such "open problem" sequences. So, to clarify, what I had in mind were sequences whose terms are composed of "simple" functions, the kind you would find in an introductory calculus text: exponential, factorial, etc.",
"Let $a=p_1^{x_1}p_2^{x_2}\\cdots\\cdot p_q^{x_q}$ and $b=p_1^{y_1}p_2^{y_2}\\cdots p_r^{x_r}$ , say — Since gcd(a,b) is the largest common divisor of a and b and is divisible by any other common divisor of the two, GCD$(a,b)=p_1^{\\min(x_1,y_1)}p_2^{\\min (x_2,y_2)} \\cdots p_q^{\\min (x_q,y_q)}$ LCM$(a,b)= p_1^{\\max(x_1,y_1)}p_2^{\\max(x_2,y_2)}\\cdots p_r^{\\max (x_r,y_r)}$ I understand GCD(a,b) has to divide both $a,b$. Therefore the exponent of any prime factor $p_i$ in GCD has to be in both $a,b$ — therefore $p_i^{\\min(x_i, y_i)}$. But I'm muddled and anxious. Why does $\\min$ appear in GREATEST common divisor? Why does $\\max$ appear in LOWEST common multiple?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Boot Ubuntu 13 from USB flash drive without software | How to install and use Ubuntu from a USB flash drive on Windows 8? | [
"What would happen to a teaspoon of neutron star material if released on Earth? I've read on NASA's page on neutron star that one teaspoonful of that star would weigh over 20 billion tonnes on Earth. If it was somehow possible to bring it to earth would it: Burn and disappear during Earth atmosphere entry? Assuming we have 20 billion tonnes of mass occupying the volume of a teaspoon here on Earth, would it fall through the ground under its own weight?",
"Wrong Java resource bundle loaded",
"biblatex: How to omit \"p.\" at \\cite?",
"I am trying to ask a question on SE, have some mock data in Excel I've copied, and am simply trying to paste in to my question. I've done this before dozens of times, but suddenly am having this issue. However, when I do so, I get prompted to upload an image. (This happens with Ctrl + V and also right click --> Paste): Am I overlooking something? Edit: Playing around, I can copy from Firefox/browsers and Word, and paste in to the box as usual. Excel seems to be the only one giving the issue so far. Edit2: are still having this issue.",
"How to check if a string contains a substring in Bash",
"How can you draw more detailed/smoother images in pygame?",
"Creating Ellipse in WGS84, but with metric parameters I have the function --Ellipse(x,y,rx,ry,rotation,#of segments in 1/4 of ellipse) SELECT ST_Translate( ST_Rotate( ST_Scale( ST_Buffer(ST_Point(0,0), 0.5, $6), $3, $4), $5), $1, $2) I have points in WGS84 (x,y), radiuses in meters (rx, ry), rotation angle in degrees. And I need a new WGS84 geometry as a result. As you can see I can't call this function without conversions between WGS84 and some metric SRID. But my points aren't in a definite region. So a SRID which is optimal for one point, throws an error for another point during conversion. Is there a common way to get an optimal metric projection (SRID) for a WGS84 point? Or at least to use some rough, but world-wide universal metric projection? Or maybe there's a trick for this case?",
"SGS2 screen gets more and more dark blue, possibly after overheated charging",
"Recommended books for advanced undergraduate electrodynamics What books are recommended for an advanced undergraduate course in electrodynamics?",
"Sum of compact sets Let $A,B$ two non-empty compact subsets of a normed space X. How can we prove that the set $S=A+B=\\{a+b : a \\in A, b \\in B\\}$ is compact? Here's my reasoning: Let $\\Omega = \\{\\Omega_1, \\Omega_2,…\\}$ be an open cover of $S$. $\\Omega$ induces two open cover $X,Y$ respectively of $A,B$, where $X_i = \\{a \\in A : a+b \\in \\Omega_i~~for~some~b\\}$ $Y_i = \\{b \\in B : a+b \\in \\Omega_i~~for~some~a\\}$ in practice $\\Omega_i = X_i + Y_i$. Now my idea is build a finite subcover this way: consider a finite subcover $X_F = \\{X_j : j \\in J\\}$ where $J$ is a finite set of indices. If $Y_F = \\{Y_j : j \\in J\\}$ is a finite subcover of $B$, then we are done as $\\{\\Omega_j : j \\in J\\}$ is a subcover of $\\Omega$. Otherwise we can keep adding indexes to set $J$ until $Y_F$ becomes a finite subcover of $B$. This is not too formal but I don't want to make a simple question unreadable, I think the idea should be clear. Does this works? Is there a better/easier way to get the same result?",
"I want to write $ k = \\{k1,k2,k3,...,kn\\} $. How could I do this?",
"QGIS ->ArcGIS Server configuration possible? Is it possible to connect a QGIS Desktop 1.8.0 to an ArcGIS Server 10.0 ? and of course publish services on it?. The configuration would be like this Quantum GIS-> ArcGIS Server 10.0 on Amazon EC2+ POstgreSQL (+PostGIS)-> web app. Is it possible to create a configuration like this? Do you think I could use it for networking?",
"I was just wondering since i have the 12.04 lts ubuntu edition if it's possible to upgrade it to 13.04 or even 14.04 after it gets released without losing any of my files and installed apps? That's actually the main reason i chose the LTS version because i didn't know if i had to re-install all my apps every time a new ubuntu version gets released.",
"What does f-stop mean? What does f-stop mean? Is it the same thing when people say \"2 stops\" for example?",
"Born rule and unitary evolution Is the a fundamental , or can it be inferred from unitary evolution?",
"I always thought the book was Manifest Destiny but its not. The story that sticks in my head was a human in a cage over a pit? Aliens walk in and discuss how dangerous humans were. He eventually escapes. Man I miss this book. wish I wouldve written down every book I ever read. Ugh",
"today I installed Ubuntu 64-bit on a netbook. When the netbook boots this, error report appeared. I think there is a problem with the partitions. Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: — Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline) — Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?) — Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?) — Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist. Dropping to a shell! BusyBox v.1.21.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.21.1-1ubuntu1) built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for list of built-in commands. (initramfs) Output of lsblk as requested: $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 232.9G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 231G 0 part ├─sda2 8:2 0 1K 0 part └─sda5 8:5 0 2G 0 part [SWAP] sr0 11:0 1 1.2G 0 rom /cdrom loop0 7:0 0 1.1G 1 loop /rofs",
"Let $X$ be a metric space. Prove that if every continuous function $f: X \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is bounded, then $X$ is compact. This has been asked before, but all the answers I have seen prove the contrapositive. Realistically, this may be the way to go, but is there way to exhibit an unbounded continuous function (under the assumption $X$ is not compact) without appealing to results beyond introductory real analysis (e.g., the solution I've seen involves the Tietze Extension theorem)? Because we're working with metric spaces, it's clear that the assumption that $X$ is noncompact (towards proving contrapositive) will lead us to extract a sequence of points in the space with no convergent subsequences. But how can we infer the existence of an unbounded continuous on the space knowing only about some sequence of points in this space (without using anything too advanced)?",
"Do I have to do something \"special\" to get the Color -> Color to alpha menu option to work in GIMP? I am trying to convert a background color on a GIF image to transparent by converting the background color to an alpha channel but the Color to Alpha menu option is not selectable. I've gone through the GIMP documentation and it looks pretty simple :-) I must be missing something rather obvious here!",
"Convert .bbl file to .bib file How can I convert a .bbl file to a .bib file. I lost my .bib file but I still have my .bbl file. Now , I need to add more references to my .bbl file according to a specific format which I need to produce using Bibtex, so how can I convert my .bbl file to a .bib file so I can add the new references according to the format. Thanks for any insight."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Running an rsync server on an Android device over a non-WiFi, cell-based connection? | How to connect to Android through SSH over 3G/4G public IP? | [
"MWE: \\documentclass{article} \\begin{document} $\\wedge{\\small\\wedge}{\\tiny\\wedge}$ \\end{document} All the \\wedges have the same size...",
"PS1='$(pwd)' why this works and why is this different from PS1=$(pwd) Why when I enter this command the prompt changes to my directory? PS1='$(pwd)' I am using single quotes, which means no interpolation , a.k.a echo '$(pwd)' ——→ $(pwd) Furthermore, say that we clarified why this works... why is it functioning differently from PS1=$(pwd) ? (no quotes at all) By different I mean that if I use the quotes then the prompt will keep changing to my current directory as I navigate through the terminal. But if I don't use quotes, then the prompt will always remain the directory that I was in when I first entered the command PS1=$(pwd) why?",
"I am using the 2D Animation preset and so far every new scene I made had the same bright white background. Now my two latest scenes (created with 'copy settings') have a light grey background even though they are set to white. There's also no difference in surface, nodes or strength. There are apparently exist different background shades with an off-white color but selecting the white one doesn't help either",
"How to avoid interference in wireless communication? I am working on wireless communication system. We are using around 10 pairs of transmitter and receivers. We are using atmega16 microcontroller for encoding and decoding by USART ports. Now we are able to transmit the data and receive the same in the receiver end, but there is a major problem, when we are finding the 2 transmitter data coming at the same time. The receiver is unable to get it due to interference. Suppose one transmitter sends \"SENDA\" at the meanwhile another transmitter sends \"GETTS\", at that time the receiver can not receive proper data. As all the transmitters and receivers are working in same frequency, so this interference is occurring. How can I resolve this issue?",
"Can blender use the Alpha channel of an image as transparency on a plane?",
"How do I avoid checking for updates for a specific module? In a current project I have had to patch the life out of a few modules (node hierarchy, workbench access and a few more). These modules are now absolutely perfect for the project's needs and are very unlikely to break with future updates to core. That being said, when the app is handed over the clients will have full (user 1) access to the system and will therefore be warned when these modules have available updates. And they will update them, no matter how many times I beg them not to (oh how easy life would be without clients!). Is there a way (perhaps in the modules' .info files) to persuade the update manager not to check for updates for these modules? EDIT I'm aware of the project status url key that's available for the .info file so I guess I could set that to a non-existent URL but I'd much rather do this in a clean way if possible.",
"I'm trying to install Linux alongside my 64-bit Windows 8 and went into my partition manager to find this structure. In order to create partitions for my Linux install I need to free up some space. I see that the last partition is an empty recovery partition, as you can see highlighted, it's 100% free. I was wondering is it okay to just remove this partition seeing as it doesn't appear I'll be losing anything? Not sure if this helps but this is on a Fujitsu AH532 running Windows 8 64-bit with UEFI.",
"Input file1 is: dog 123 4335 cat 13123 23424 deer 2131 213132 bear 2313 21313 I give the match the pattern from in other file ( like dog 123 4335 from file2). I match the pattern of the line is dog 123 4335 and after printing all lines without match line my output is: cat 13123 23424 deer 2131 213132 bear 2313 21313 If only use without address of line only use the pattern, for example 1s how to match and print the lines?",
"Making Map Book of pages with same area shown but different layers turned on/off In ArcMap a Map Book is best suited for a series of features that each get their own page. It allows you to pick a feature and generate a Map Book Page for each feature including any additional information you wish to add to each page via dynamic text, charts, etc. Is there an alternative for say a series of pages showing the EXACT same area but with different layers turned on and off? We have a Capital Improvements document that I have to create showing the City Boundaries on every page. One page has all police and fire stations listed, another shows proposed water systems, another shows expressways and highways and work being done near or on them... etc., ad nauseum. Is there some way to set this up so that I DON'T have to created a separate MXD for each Map Page of this document?",
"I'm a newbie to data science, and I do not understand the difference between the fit and fit_transform methods in scikit-learn. Can anybody explain simply why we might need to transform data? What does it mean, fitting a model on training data and transforming to test data? Does it mean, for example, converting categorical variables into numbers in training and transforming the new feature set onto test data?",
"I have long been confused about this notion. I know that for a statement within a single category, forming the dual statement is just reversing every arrows. But what about a statement concerning several categories and functors between them? Mac Lane suggests reversing all arrows in all categories and leaving the functors invariant in his book \"Categories for the working mathematician\" (page 32), but it seems that Mac Lane himself doesn't always follow this discipline (when he states \"the dual of Yoneda Theorem\", he doesn't reverse the arrows in $\\mathbf{Set}$ !) Can anyone give me a formal definition of \"dualize a statement in category theory\"?",
"I am lost. So far... If $\\gcd (a,b) = 1$, by Bezout's Formula $ax + by = 1$ If $c|(a+b)$, then $cf = a+b$ Then, $a (x-y) + cfy = 1$ $b(yx) + cfx = 1$ Am I on the right track? Any suggestions?",
"Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server",
"Number agreement between subject and object",
"Nicely force 66 characters per line",
"The question is as below: Show that each vertex $v$ of a tree $T$ appears $deg(v)-1$ times in the Prüfer encoding of $T$, where $deg(v)$ is the degree of $v$ in $T$. For this, I think there are 3 scenarios a leaf should be considered for: (1) when it is a leaf as part of a tree; (2) a leaf that has been discarded; (3) the remaining edge. I feel like this will result in a short proof which is only two (or so) statements long, but at the same time, feel it is too simple. EDIT: I've had a look at this again and narrowed it down to 2 cases: Case 1: The vertex $v$ in question has $deg(v)\\ge2$. $v$ then loses its neighbours as the algorithm is applied repeatedly until $v$ becomes a leaf itseelf. At this point, $v$ is attached to another neighbour, leaving an edge. This means the algorithm can no longer be applied and we have obtained the final Prüfer Encoding for the tree $T$. Case 2: The vertex $v$ has $deg(v)\\ge 2$. It loses its neighbours as the algorithm is applied repeatedly but is deleted itself at some point in the process. Have I gone about this wrong? Thank you.",
"Does $G\\oplus G \\cong H\\oplus H$ imply $G\\cong H$ in general?",
"Windows Starter Edition, Home and Home Premium do not include gpedit, how do I install it?",
"Inequality $\\left(a-1+\\frac{1}b\\right)\\left(b-1+\\frac{1}c\\right)\\left(c-1+\\frac{1}a\\right)\\leq1$",
"No room for a new \\dimen I have this error message: ! No room for a new \\dimen . \\ch@ck ...\\else \\errmessage {No room for a new #3} \\fi which I can not find a cure for."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Upvote and Downvote Question | What are the limits on how I can cast, change, and retract votes? | [
"Why do heavier objects fall faster on hills but not in straight drops? All other things being equal, if a heavier object will roll at a higher speed down hill than a lighter one, because it's heavier with more mass, then how is it that dropped objects fall at the same speed regardless of their weight?",
"Hypothetical party: 1st level human wizard (PC) 3x guard NPC 1x acolyte NPC This is the player's first time, and it's a solo campaign. The first mini-adventure involves recovering the cargo of a supply caravan that didn't make it to her magic academy due to bandit hijacking (as a sort of graduate-test). The guards and healer are on contract from the school to assist her. The acolyte is essentially just to hang back and tend to wounds and probably won't engage in combat unless someone goes down or the PC is seriously wounded. So, with that \"party\" makeup, how do I determine the XP budget for a \"medium\" or \"hard\" encounter since there's no clear CR->level mapping in 5e for those NPCs (who will certainly factor into any combat as meatshields and melee damage)? I was thinking about reverse-engineering them as crumby lvl2 fighters (given the 2 HD worth of HP they have), but they certainly aren't on par with a lvl2 fighter, given the lack of action surge, second wind, etc., so the encounters would end up being too hard compared to PCs or DMPCs. Could they be lvl1-equivalents, essentially trading any abilities a PC would have for extra HP? How would this work at later levels with higher CR NPCs (veteran, priest, mage, etc.)? I'd rather not have to build a bunch of DMPCs as hirelings, because I want the NPCs to be a bit vanilla compared to the versatility of my player. I'm already introducing 1-2 DMPCs to the game for her to take control over as she gets a feel for the flow of the game (for now, she'll handle them out of combat, and I'll effectively show her how to utilize them until she's ready). Just to be clear, I'm comfortable with the monster-generation rules for crafting NPCs as enemies to determine their CR, but I'm confused on how to use them in the adventuring party when budgeting encounter difficulty XP.",
"Power Supply Capacity Formula",
"Can a single PS Plus subscription be used on two different profiles on the same PS4? Both my girlfriend and I play on the PS4 at home, so there are 2 profiles on PS4. When we set our profile in PS4, we set the console as the primary console. Now we want to buy PSN Plus subscription, and I want to know if the same subscription can be used in both profiles, or only in one. In case the same subscription can be used in both profiles, how can we set it up? Or is automatic?",
"Can generated OpenVPN keys be used on multiple clients? We are experimenting with running an OpenVPN server for our business. One question I can't seem to find the answer to is this: When we generate keys for one of our users for them to use at home, can their use the same keys on their home laptop as well as their home desktop? Or do we need to generate separate keys for each user's client machine?",
"I want to copy any file to my external hard drive. But always when I tried to do this I have next output: cp: cannot create regular file /media/NameOfCard/[file]' : Read only file system I also tried: sudo chmod -R 775 /media/NameOfCard sudo chmod -R 777 /media/NameOfCard But the same effect - ... Read only file system Update: After mount I have next output: nazar_art@nazar-desctop:~$ mount /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro) proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw) none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw) none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw) udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620) tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755) none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=5242880) none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev) /dev/sdb1 on /media/sdb1 type vfat (rw) binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev) gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/nazar_art/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=nazar_art) Any suggestions? How to solve this trouble and let permission to copy and delete files to hard drive?",
"Here’s something that sucks: Plug in external monitor to laptop (Mac OS X Leopard in my case). Arrange your windows to have the IDE on one screen and browser on another. (Etc etc. Resize, rearrange, fuss, fuss, fuss.) Unplug monitor to run to a meeting, or whatever. Goto 1. I’d like to replace step 2 with “computer remembers exactly how I had it and just puts it back that way”. (I personally only need a solution for Mac but collecting solutions for other systems here might be useful to others. I’m sure it’s a common problem.)",
"Is there a continuous bijection from $[0,1]$ onto $[0,1] \\times [0,1]$? That is with $I=[0,1]$ and $S=[0,1] \\times [0,1]$, is there a continuous bijection $$ f: I \\to S? $$ I know there is a continuous bijection $g:C \\to I$ from the Cantor set $C$ to $[0,1]$. The square $S$ is compact so there is a continuous function $$ h: C \\to S. $$ But this leads nowhere. Is there a way to construct such an $f$? I ask because I have a continuous functional $F:S \\to \\mathbb R$. For numerical reason, I would like to convert it into the functional $$ G: I \\to \\mathbb R, \\\\ G = F \\circ f , $$ so that $G$ is continuous.",
"What is an intuitive explanation of the Expectation Maximization technique?",
"Why cofinality is a cardinal.",
"What software works well for viewing massive TIFF images on Windows 7?",
"Let $A \\times \\emptyset = \\{(x,y)| x\\in A, y \\in \\emptyset \\}$. We know there is no element in $\\emptyset$. But how does it follow that $A \\times \\emptyset = \\emptyset $?",
"How to install Gnome 3 without breaking Unity? I tried installing gnome 3 , but it broke Unity and I had to reinstall Natty from scratch. Does anyone know if there is a way to install Gnome 3 without breaking Unity?",
"What is the difference between char * const and const char *?",
"I am getting several new computers for my office. I want to install Microsoft Office and my proprietary software and all updates on a single PC and create a system image that will be copied to every other PC. How do I deal with Windows/Office product keys to prevent licence violations? Am I able to do this from the System Image tool in Windows 7? Note: The PCs will very likely not be joined to my domain at this point if that makes a difference.",
"How to allow to run su instantly after I added the user to the appropriate group I have the su executable with the following permissions: bash-4.2# ls -la /bin/su -rws--s--- 1 root wheel 59930 Sep 14 2012 ./su When I am logged in as a user, not in the wheel group and try to run su, I get an error, which is correct: bash-4.2$ su bash: /bin/su: Permission denied After that I add this user to wheel group from root: bash-4.2# usermod -a -G wheel user But for the same terminal session I still can't run su: bash-4.2$ su bash: /bin/su: Permission denied For the new sessions I can run su. How to allow to run su instantly after I added the user to the appropriate group?",
"Are there any tools in Blender that take irregular polygons and make them regular (approximate a circle)? I'm specifically looking for a solution that works with preexisting polygons. Also, it would be nice if it keeps the overall position after making it regular. Irregular Polygons Regular Polygons",
"Every natural number can be written as the sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers?",
"Import Large Excel File",
"Where is the cron / crontab log?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why my soql query is returning 'RecordTypeId' instead of the fields mentioned in the query? | SOQL results returning RecordTypeId which is not included in query | [
"What is the autocorrelation for a random walk? Seems like it is really high, but this is counterintuitive to me. Can somebody please explain? I am very confused by this issue and would appreciate a detailed, insightful explanation. Thanks a lot in advance!",
"Changing website favicon dynamically I have a web application that's branded according to the user that's currently logged in. I'd like to change the favicon of the page to be the logo of the private label, but I'm unable to find any code or any examples of how to do this. Has anybody successfully done this before? I'm picturing having a dozen icons in a folder, and the reference to which favicon.ico file to use is just generated dynamically along with the HTML page. Thoughts?",
"Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI? If for example you follow the link: data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8= The browser will prompt you to download a file consisting of the data held as base64 in the hyperlink itself. Is there any way of suggesting a default name in the markup? If not, is there a JavaScript solution?",
"$\\bigodot=?$ for $(\\sqrt 2) ^ \\sqrt 3 \\bigodot (\\sqrt 3) ^ \\sqrt 2$ where $\\bigodot is \\lt or \\gt$ $\\bigodot=?$ $(\\sqrt 2) ^ \\sqrt 3 \\bigodot (\\sqrt 3) ^ \\sqrt 2$ where $\\bigodot is either \\lt or \\gt$ In other words, which one is larger $(\\sqrt 2) ^ \\sqrt 3$ or $(\\sqrt 3) ^ \\sqrt 2$? The best I could do was ending up with $\\sqrt \\frac {3}{ 2} = \\frac {\\ln 3}{\\ln 2}$ side question : is there a symbol like encircled $?$ for when what we are trying to find is the correct order symbol like one of $\\lt,\\leq,=,\\geq , \\gt $ ? Hopefully using just juxtopisition of symbols without resorting to real analysis. is it possible to do with precalculs algebra?",
"How to prove $\\vdash\\neg P\\to (P\\to Q)$? I am trying to prove, $$\\vdash\\neg P\\to (P\\to Q)$$ where $P$ and $Q$ are arbitrary but otherwise fixed formulas. The only axioms and rule of inference that I can use are, $\\color{crimson}{\\text{Axiom 1.}}\\ P\\to (Q\\to P)$ $\\color{crimson}{\\text{Axiom 2.}}\\ (S\\to (P\\to Q))\\to((S\\to P)\\to (S\\to Q))$ $\\color{crimson}{\\text{Axiom 3.}}\\ (\\neg Q\\to\\neg P)\\to(P\\to Q)$ $\\color{crimson}{\\text{Rule of Inference.}}$ . I know that in Angelo Margaris's book First Order Mathematical Logic there is a proof (page 53) but as I have mentioned , the dot notation seems very confusing and translating them to the nested parentheses notation seems very difficult to me. So, I am trying on my own to prove the result. Can anyone help?",
"Prepositions used with \"inquire\"",
"Let $q \\in \\mathbb C$, $\\|q\\|=1$ and $q^n \\neq 1, \\forall n \\in \\mathbb N$. Show that $\\{q^n: n \\in \\mathbb N\\}$ is dense in $S^1$ Let $q \\in \\mathbb C$, $|q|=1$ and $q^n \\neq 1, \\forall n \\in \\mathbb N$. Show that $\\{q^n: n \\in \\mathbb N\\}$ is dense in $S^1$. My attempt: As $(q^n)$ is limited, there is subsequence $(q^{n_j})$ convergent. So given $\\epsilon > 0, \\exists j_0 \\in \\mathbb N, \\quad |q^{n_j} - q^{n_k}| < \\epsilon, \\quad \\forall j,k \\geq j_0$. Supose that $n_j > n_k$, then $|q^{n_j} - q^{n_k}| = |q^{n_k}||q^{n_j - n_k} - 1| = |q^{n_j - n_k} - 1| < \\epsilon, \\quad \\forall j, k \\geq j_0$. So, there is a subsequence of $(q^n)$ that converges to $1$. Using this fact, how can I ensure that for all $w \\in S^1$ there is a subsequence of $(q^n)$ that converges to $w$?",
"Equation number enclosing parentheses misplaced with Polyglossia+Hebrew+amsmath",
"How to understand pipes When I just used pipe in bash, I didn't think more about this. But when I read some C code example using system call pipe() together with fork(), I wonder how to understand pipes, including both anonymous pipes and named pipes. It is often heard that \"everything in Linux/Unix is a file\". I wonder if a pipe is actually a file so that one part it connects writes to the pipe file, and the other part reads from the pipe file? If yes, where is the pipe file for an anonymous pipe created? In /tmp, /dev, or ...? However, from examples of named pipes, I also learned that using pipes has space and time performance advantage over explicitly using temporary files, probably because there are no files involved in implementation of pipes. Also pipes seem not store data as files do. So I doubt a pipe is actually a file.",
"My objective here is really simple -- I'm trying to set an NSString to some test data, then return the class, which should be NSString. Here's my code: NSString* stringer = [NSString stringWithFormat: @\"Test\"]; NSLog(@\"%@\", [stringer class]); The log says that the class is NSCFString, not NSString. What's going on here?",
"Abelian group (Commutative group) Prove that if in a group $(ab)^2= a^2 b^2$ then the group is commutative. I am having a hard time doing this. Here is what I have so far: Proof: $a^2 b^2= a^1 a^1 b^1 b^1$ =$aa^{-1}bb$ =ebb Hence,$aa^{-1}=e$ I am stuck, I do not know if this is the right process in proving this",
"L1 regression estimates median whereas L2 regression estimates mean?",
"I've been working with Corel Draw previously and now i use Illustrator more.Still getting used to some of their features though. I want to insert an image into a circle I've drawn but i don't know how to go about it.It is called power clipping in Corel. Any answers would be appreciated.",
"Why don't more mainstream statically typed languages support function/method overloading by return type? I can't think of any that do. It seems no less useful or reasonable than supporting overload by parameter type. How come it's so much less popular?",
"Solve this integral for free WiFi I saw this today, I checked in Mathematica and the integral comes out to $\\pi$, but I have no idea how to solve it. FREE Wi-Fi: The Wi-Fi password is the first $10$ digits of the answer. $$\\int_{-2}^2\\left(x^3\\cos\\frac x2+\\frac12\\right)\\sqrt{4-x^2}\\ dx$$",
"Functions vs. patterns",
"I recently saw a lecturer prove the following theorem (assuming the result that every analytic function is locally 1-1 whenever its derivative is nonzero): Let $\\Omega \\subset \\mathbb{C}$ be open, and let $f : \\Omega \\to \\mathbb{C}$ be 1-1 and analytic on $\\Omega$. Then $f'(z_0) \\not = 0$ for every $z_0 \\in \\Omega$. I got the basic idea behind the proof: we assume for contradiction that $f'(z_0) = 0$, and, assuming without loss of generality that $z_0 = f(z_0) =0$, we have (from the power-series expansion) that $f(z) = z^kg(z)$ for some analytic $g$ in some disk at the origin (i.e., $z_0$) and some $k \\ge 2$. Since $z^k$ is not 1-1 in any such disk (because there are multiple roots of unity), then $f$ isn't either. However, the proof he gave was rather awkward and technical- it involved defining three different axillary functions, even though the idea was simple, and I've since forgotten how it exactly worked. In any case, I'm convinced there's a better way. The problem is that I'm having trouble turning the idea into a real proof- I know that it obviously follows if $g$ is 1-1, but I'm also pretty sure that that is too strong an assumption. Am I missing something, or does the argument just have to be more complicated?",
"According to , $[0,1]$ cannot be written as union of countable disjoint closed sets, is the same true about (uncountable) family of disjoint closed intervals ?",
"How do I read the manifest file for a webapp running in apache tomcat?",
"Holomorphic function $\\varphi$ with fixed point $z_0$ such that $\\varphi'(z_o)=1$ is linear?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
"Everyone" or "everybody" | Is there a subtle difference between "somebody" and "someone", "anybody" and "anyone"? | [
"In a conference on elliptic curves (an introduction to the subject), the speaker said that an elliptic curve (I.e. an equation of the form $y^2=x^3+ax+b $ where the RHS has distinct roots) is, in the complex space, a torus/Riemann surface of genus 1. What is meant by that? Are we talking about a 2-dimensional manifold the 4D space?",
"Upon trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 all seemed to go well until the restart. This error message is what comes up: Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) How do we fix that?",
"Minimal Sufficient Statistic for location family In Casella & Berger Statistical Inference,in exercise 6.8, we're asked to prove that, for any distribution belonging to the location family, the order statistics are minimal sufficient. How does one prove this? I have no idea on how to tackle this exercise. Any help would be appreciated.",
"Continuity of $f(x)$ on $[a,b]$ implies continuity of $f(t) = \\displaystyle \\min_{a \\leq x \\leq t}f(x)$ at [a,b].",
"Writing a git post-receive hook to deal with a specific branch",
"How to change the base of logarithmic-scale plots?",
"́╗┐' is not recognized as an internal or external command When executing certain files (mainly batch) using PsExec I get these weird ́╗┐' symbols before my command. My initial thought was, that I were using wrong encoding, but after checking, I realized that all my files were using UTF-8.",
"Software for drawing geometry diagrams",
"Seeking options for Spatial ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)? I am interested in the pros and cons of various spatial ETL (extract, transform, load) tools. If you have used the items listed here (or add your own), I seek your opinions and experiences. In particular I would like to see usability comparisons of: (proprietary) (proprietary, subset of FME features) (open source) (open source) (I don't know that it is truly ETL, but more of a file translation toolset) Any additional lot listed There is no need to give a review of ALL software mentioned. If you are experienced with even one then that will be very beneficial in making a decision about which direction to go. Example: I am looking to create a schema conversion function that will allow me to select the input layer, create a translation, and output to a new, pre-defined schema. Optimally, after creating the translation script, I would like to have an interactive form where I can \"map\" fields in my input layer to the output layer (ie- The output layer will have a field called \"Address\", what is it called in the input layer?) Some were mentioned in the Q&A at And here are a couple of related articles that I found.",
"Trying to overwrite ... which is different from other instances of package I tried to upgrade Intel graphics in ubuntu 16.10 using the official installer. The last stage of unpacking libcairo2 produces an error (see figure). When I do upgrade I get the same error also: Preparing to unpack .../0-libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_amd64.deb ... Unpacking libcairo2:amd64 (1.15.2-0intel1) over (1.15.2-0intel1) ... dpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-aYhdFd/0 libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libcairo2/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libcairo2:amd64 Preparing to unpack .../1-libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_i386.deb ... Unpacking libcairo2:i386 (1.15.2-0intel1) over (1.15.2-0intel1) ... dpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-aYhdFd/1-libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libcairo2/changelog.Debian.gz', which is different from other instances of package libcairo2:i386 Errors were encountered while processing: /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-aYhdFd/0-libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_amd64.deb /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-aYhdFd/1-libcairo2_1.15.2-0intel1_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) It seems that there is a conflict in thelibcairo releases; if yes, how to resolve it ?",
"moderncv: How to control the length of cvitems and cvlines?",
"Stop iPhone alerting me when I'm in a phone call When I'm in a phone call, I still get alerts for emails and texts. The noise will play and, if the phone is on Speaker, it will vibrate -- often leading the person I'm talking to wonder what that weird noise was. Surely there must be a way to silence the phone while you're talking on it. It's very distracting to have beepings going off right next to your ear!",
"Background: I have the opportunity to pursue a Computer Science graduate degree at a well respected program (around top 20). I spoke with the professors at the university and I feel like I am a good fit with their research program. My ultimate pursuits are to complete a PhD in CS. I've done research as an undergraduate and it has only confirmed my notion that I want to pursue a research track career. More background: I applied to jobs (in case I was rejected to all the programs I applied for) prior to hearing back from my respective graduate programs. I accepted a position for an industry job (this was to secure I wouldn't be both unemployed & not in school). Dilemma: Turns out my top graduate school is very interested in me, and I'm very interested in them. I would rather go to graduate school than work in industry forever. The industry job pays very well. I am split between A) working for a maximum of 1 year(It would only be 1 year, seriously I do not care about the money enough to work past a year) and B) going straight to graduate school. My concerns are as follows, if I choose A): Could I potentially defer my admissions? If I am not allowed to defer my admissions, would I have a good chance of re-applying and being accepted a year later? Would my potential advisers look down on me for deciding to work a year? I already made my mind up it would be a 1 year gig if I decide A). I know some people say once you make money, you may not be able to readjust to the graduate salary pay. But I don't think that will apply to because I'm going to live very frugally with or without industry pay.",
"The ability to undo reviews",
"For $u:\\mathbb{R}\\times [0,1]$ with boundary conditions $u(0,x)=\\cos (2\\pi x)$ and $u(t,0)=u(t,1)$. Solve $u_t=u_{xx}+u_x$. I had this on an exam and tried to write $u$ as a product of two single variate functions and convert to an ode using the usual methods but things got messy and I couldn't finish. I also tried to write $u$ as a Fourier series in $x$ with coefficients $a_k(t)$ depending on $t$, but this also didn't seem to yield anything. Is there a more clever way to approach this, possibly with Fourier series? I heard from a friend there may be a Fourier transform method since the equation was \"homogeneous in momentum space.\" Thanks!",
"Value of $\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}\\frac{1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n}{n^n}$ I remember that a couple of years ago a friend showed me and some other people the following expression: $$\\lim_{n\\to \\infty}\\frac{1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n}{n^n}.$$ As shown below, I can prove that this limit exists by the monotone convergence theorem. I also remember that my friend gave a very dubious \"proof\" that the value of the limit is $\\frac{1}{e-1}$. I cannot remember the details of the proof, but I am fairly certain that it made the common error of treating $n$ as a variable in some places at some times and as a constant in other places at other times. Nevertheless, numerical analysis suggests that the value my friend gave was correct, even if his methods were flawed. My question is then: What is the value of this limit and how do we prove it rigorously? (Also, for bonus points, What might my friend's original proof have been and what exactly was his error, if any?) I give my convergence proof below in two parts. In both parts, I define the sequence $a_n$ by $a_n=\\frac{1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n}{n^n}$ for all integers $n\\ge 2$. First, I prove that $a_n$ is bounded above by $1$. Second, I prove that $a_n$ is increasing. (1) The sequence $a_n$ satisfies $a_n<1$ for all $n\\ge 2$. Note that $a_n<1$ is equivalent to $1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n<n^n$. I prove this second statement by induction. Observe that $1^2=1<4=2^2$. Now suppose that $1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n<n^n$ for some integer $n\\ge 2$. Then $$1^{n+1}+2^{n+1}+\\cdots+(n-1)^{n+1}+n^{n+1}\\le(n-1)(1^n+2^n+\\cdots+(n-1)^n)+n^{n+1}<(n-1)n^n+n^{n+1}<(n+1)n^n+n^{n+1}\\le n^{n+1}+(n+1)n^n+\\binom{n+1}{2}n^{n-1}+\\cdots+1=(n+1)^{n+1}.$$ (2) The sequence $a_n$ is increasing for all $n\\ge 2$. We must first prove the following preliminary proposition. (I'm not sure if \"lemma\" is appropriate for this.) (2a) For all integers $n\\ge 2$ and $2\\le k\\le n$, $\\left(\\frac{k-1}{k}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{k}{k+1}\\right)^{n+1}$. We observe that $k^2-1\\le kn$, so upon division by $k(k^2-1)$, we get $\\frac{1}{k}\\le\\frac{n}{k^2-1}$. By , we may find: $$\\frac{k+1}{k}\\le 1+\\frac{n}{k^2-1}\\le\\left(1+\\frac{1}{k^2-1}\\right)^n=\\left(\\frac{k^2}{k^2-1}\\right)^n.$$ A little multiplication and we arrive at $\\left(\\frac{k-1}{k}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{k}{k+1}\\right)^{n+1}$. We may now first apply this to see that $\\left(\\frac{n-1}{n}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}$. Then we suppose that for some integer $2\\le k\\le n$, we have $\\left(\\frac{k}{n}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{k+1}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}$. Then: $$\\left(\\frac{k-1}{n}\\right)^n=\\left(\\frac{k}{n}\\right)^n\\left(\\frac{k-1}{k}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{k+1}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}\\left(\\frac{k}{k+1}\\right)^{n+1}=\\left(\\frac{k}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}.$$ By backwards (finite) induction from $n$, we have that $\\left(\\frac{k}{n}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{k+1}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}$ for all integers $1\\le k\\le n$, so: $$a_n=\\left(\\frac{1}{n}\\right)^n+\\left(\\frac{2}{n}\\right)^n+\\cdots+\\left(\\frac{n-1}{n}\\right)^n\\le\\left(\\frac{2}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}+\\left(\\frac{3}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}+\\cdots+\\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}<\\left(\\frac{1}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}+\\left(\\frac{2}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}+\\left(\\frac{3}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}+\\cdots+\\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^{n+1}=a_{n+1}.$$ (In fact, this proves that $a_n$ is strictly increasing.) By the monotone convergence theorem, $a_n$ converges. I should note that I am not especially well-practiced in proving these sorts of inequalities, so I may have given a significantly more complicated proof than necessary. If this is the case, feel free to explain in a comment or in your answer. I'd love to get a better grip on these inequalities in addition to finding out what the limit is. Thanks!",
"Why does no line appear when using Interpolate Line in ArcMap?",
"Suppose $f: \\mathbb{R} \\to \\mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function which is 1-1, then does $f$ map Borel sets onto Borel sets?",
"Adding arrows in curves",
"How to handle UNABLE_LOCK_ROW errors when this is caused by a batch APEX job we are facing a serious issue. We have a batch APEX job running daily which makes updates on records fulfilling certain conditions. There is another job running parallel to this, in some cases updating or accessing to the same records than the batch job and hence, causing the error: Update failed. First exception on row 400 with id XXX; first error: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW, unable to obtain exclusive access to this record or 200 records: So, I had then read that in order to fix this kind of error you should use FOR_UPDATE in your select statement (records that have to be updated). The problem is, that you can not use FOR UPDATE for batch jobs. We tested this and effectively, we get the error: System.QueryException: Locking is implied for each batch execution and therefore FOR UPDATE should not be specified It will however lock the records within each execution of execute. See QueryLocator.getQuery()usage: You cannot use the FOR UPDATE keywords with a getQueryLocator query to lock a set of records. The start method automatically locks the set of records in the batch. Could you find a solution to this?. We would like to handle this in the code itself, because we don't have the permission to schedule the batch job for another time as the another job."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why DSolve and NDSolve give different answer? | Boundary condition with spatial derivative is ignored by NDSolve | [
"NSInvocation for Dummies? How exactly does NSInvocation work? Is there a good introduction? I’m specifically having issues understanding how the following code (from Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition) works, but then also be able to apply the concepts independently of the tutorial sample. The code: - (void)insertObject:(Person *)p inEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index { NSLog(@\"adding %@ to %@\", p, employees); // Add inverse of this operation to undo stack NSUndoManager *undo = [self undoManager]; [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex:index]; if (![undo isUndoing]) [undo setActionName:@\"Insert Person\"]; // Finally, add person to the array [employees insertObject:p atIndex:index]; } - (void)removeObjectFromEmployeesAtIndex:(int)index { Person *p = [employees objectAtIndex:index]; NSLog(@\"removing %@ from %@\", p, employees); // Add inverse of this operation to undo stack NSUndoManager *undo = [self undoManager]; [[undo prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] insertObject:p inEmployeesAtIndex:index]; if (![undo isUndoing]) [undo setActionName:@\"Delete Person\"]; // Finally, remove person from array [employees removeObjectAtIndex:index]; } I get what it’s trying to do. (BTW, employees is an NSArray of a custom Person class.) Being a .NET guy, I try to associate unfamiliar Obj-C and Cocoa concepts to roughly analogous .NET concepts. Is this similar to .NET’s delegate concept, but untyped? This isn’t 100% clear from the book, so I’m looking for something supplemental from real Cocoa/Obj-C experts, again with the goal that I understand the fundamental concept beneath the simple(-ish) example. I'm really looking to be able to independently apply the knowledge -- up until chapter 9, I was having no difficulty doing that. But now ... Thanks in advance!",
"$f$ is irreducible $\\iff$ $G$ act transitively on the roots Let $F$ be a field and $f\\in F[X]$ a separable polynomial. Let $K_f$ be the splitting field of $f$ and $G_f=\\text{Gal}(K_f/F)$ its Galois group. Show that $f$ is irreducible $\\iff$ $G_f$ acts transitively on the roots on $f$. My work $\\implies :$ Let $f\\in F[x]$ irreducible, $\\alpha \\in K_f$ a root and $\\alpha _1,...,\\alpha _n$ the other roots of $f$ (so $K_f=F(\\alpha ,\\alpha _1,...,\\alpha _n)$). What I have to show (I think) is that for all $i$ there is a $\\sigma \\in G_f$ s.t. $\\sigma \\alpha =\\alpha _i.$ Q1) Is it right ? Q2) Is $f$ the minimal polynomial of $\\alpha $ ? (To me it is, but my teacher said that it can be not the case, but I don't understand why). Since $\\alpha $ and $\\alpha _1$ have the same minimal polynomial, there is an isomorphism $\\sigma :\\alpha \\longmapsto \\alpha _1$. We can observe that $\\sigma : F(\\alpha )\\longrightarrow K_f$. Now $F(\\alpha ,\\alpha _1)/F(\\alpha )$ is algebraic, then we can extend $\\sigma $ to a morphism $F(\\alpha ,\\alpha _1)\\longrightarrow K_f$. Now, we can continue like that and extend $\\sigma $ as $\\psi: K_f\\longrightarrow K_f$ s.t. $\\psi(\\alpha )=\\alpha _1$. Q3) The fact that $\\psi(\\alpha )=\\alpha _1$ comes from the fact that $\\psi|_{F(\\alpha )}=\\sigma $, right ? The bijectivity is obvious since it's a field homomorphism and that $\\sigma (K_f)=K_f$. Q4) How to conclude that $G_f$ act transitively on the roots ? I don't have particular problem for the converse.",
"Can you find shadow orbs in terraria demo? I have the PS vita demo, and was wondering if you could find any shadow orbs in that tutorial world. Thanks.",
"Sum of the alternating harmonic series $\\sum_{k=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{(-1)^{k+1}}{k} = \\frac{1}{1} - \\frac{1}{2} + \\cdots $",
"The ship flying away from Rey in her flashback of being left on Jakku looks like one of the ships in the group that takes her away when she is captured. If so, and it is a First Order ship that dropped her off, this is an interesting Easter egg.",
"Abelian groups of order n. Is there a number $n$ such that there are exactly 1 million abelian groups of order $n$? Can anyone please explain. I would yes because numbers are infinitive, and so any number n can be expressed as a direct product of cyclic groups of order n. Can anyone please help me understand. Thank you.",
"How to only append to clipboard (but not overwrite current data)?",
"Is a business card necessary for a graduate student? I know some PhD students have their own business cards, but I don't know if it is a standard practice for PhD students to have their own business cards. I think a business card can be useful for networking in conference or collaborating with some industrial partners. So, is are business cards necessary for a PhD student or other graduate students attending conferences? PS: in case it is field-specific, I would like to know the different practices in different fields",
"I covered hyperbolic trigonometric functions in a recent maths course. However I was never presented with any reasons as to why (or even if) they are useful. Is there any good examples of their uses outside academia?",
"\"What more\" vs \"what else\" do you need? I am providing you with food, shelter, clothes. What more do you need or what else do you need? Which one's correct?",
"Would I need to delete unused assets from my Unity packaged build? I'm going to make a release for my Unity game. Does Unity include unused assets in build output? Would removing unused assets from a project reduce build size/Time? I want to know if Unity packages all the assets to my build (which I would need to delete), or if Unity packages only the assets that are actually used in the game.",
"Subjunctive mood: 'was' usage after 'I wish' and 'if only' had declared the sentence below as follow: 1) STAR TURN, 2) BEST LINES. I wish Bernard Cribbins was my grandad. Perhaps he would be willing to adopt? Rattigan: “If only that was possible.” The Doctor: “If only that were possible. Conditional clause.” Is 'was' after 'I wish', 'if only' and 'if' (in conditional clauses) colloquial? Does it be used in formal speech and writing?",
"How do I add myself into the sudoers group? Possible Duplicate: I've added myself back into the admin's group I think, by following But I still can't do commands like: sudo aptitude update I get the message oshirowanen is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. How do I add myself into the sudoers group now that I am in the admin group?",
"I did a fresh install of trusty 14.04, but a lot of icons are missing. I installed from DVD which was painfully slow and I hope to avoid repeating the process, especially since I started customizing stuff. Here's my settings window: I've tried: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-control-center sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-settings-daemon-schemas None of which changed anything. Any idea? I wanna edit preferences and none of them are in System Settings, neither in Unity Dash.",
"Dimensional analysis, and the notion that quantities with different units cannot be equal, is often used to justify very specific arguments, for example, you might use it to argue that a particular formula cannot possibly be the correct expression for a particular quantity. The usual approach to teaching this is to go \"well kids, you can't add apples and oranges!\" and then assume that the student will just find it obvious that you can't add meters and seconds. I'm sorry, but... I don't. I'm not convinced. $5$ meters plus $10$ seconds is $15$! Screw your rules! What are the units? I don't know, I actually don't understand what that question means. I'm specifically not convinced when this sort of thing is used to prove that certain formulae can't possibly be right. Maybe the speed of a comet is given by its period multiplied by its mass. Why not? It's a perfectly meaningful operation - just measure the quantities, multiply them, and I claim that the number you get will always equal the current speed of the comet. I don't see how \"but it doesn't make sense to say mass times time is equal to distance divided by time\" can be a valid counterargument, particularly because I don't really know what \"mass times time\" is, but that's a different issue. If it's relevant, I'm a math student and know extremely little about physics.",
"Find this integral $$\\operatorname I=\\int\\limits_{0}^{1}\\dfrac{\\arcsin{\\sqrt{x}}}{x^4-2x^3+2x^2-x+1}\\operatorname d\\!x$$ My try: let $$f(x)=x^4-2x^3+2x^2-x+1$$ I found $$f(1-x)=(1-x)^4-2(1-x)^3+2(1-x)^2-x+1=x^4-2x^3+2x^2-x+1=f(x)$$ so $$I=\\int_{0}^{1}\\dfrac{\\arcsin{\\sqrt{(1-x)}}}{x^4-2x^3+2x^2-x+1}dx$$ so $$2I=\\int_{0}^{1}\\dfrac{\\arcsin{\\sqrt{x}}+\\arcsin{\\sqrt{(1-x)}}}{x^4-2x^3+2x^2-x+1}dx$$ then I can't,Thank you very much",
"Determine the SQL Server version and edition from the available set up, before actually installing it?",
"Are logs kept for past at jobs?",
"I have a third-party library which consists mainly of a large number of static (.a) library files. I can compile this into a single .a library file, but I really need it to be a single .so shared library file. Is there any way to convert a static .a file into a shared .so file? Or more generally is there a good way to combine a huge number of static .a files with a few .o object files into a single .so file?",
"Difference between regex [A-z] and [a-zA-Z]"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How should I configure subdomain MX / DNS entries? | How should I setup separate MX records for a subdomain? | [
"How Can I View All The Reputation Gained/Lost For One Specific Question If I would like to view all of the reputation I have gained or lost due to one specific question of my own, how can this be done? Is it possible for someone with, say, 421 rep on the site in question?",
"Please let me know how to change the size of the camera view. The red dotted line of the square is too small for me.",
"In the recently launched trailer of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, there are people Apparating inside Hogwarts grounds. As these people later question Professor Dumbledore, it seemed they were Ministry officials. Have we ever encountered such Apparition before? Or, was this anti-Apparation charm put into place in recent times?",
"Good refactoring support for C++ The Visual Studio refactoring support for C# is quite good nowadays (though not half as good as some Java IDE's I've seen already) but I'm really missing C++ support. I have seen and am currently trying it out, but maybe one of you guys know a better tool or plugin? I've been working with now for a week or two and got totally addicted. Thanks for the tip, I'll try to convince my boss to get me a license at work too. I've been bughunting for a few days since Visual Assist X kept messing up my Visual Studio after a few specific refactorings, It took me (and customer support) a week to hunt down but let's say for now that Visual Assist X is not a good combination with .",
"Understanding the proof of infinitely many primes $\\equiv 3\\pmod{\\!4}$ Theorem: There are infinitely many primes congruent to $3 \\mod 4$. Proof: Assume that $p_1 = 3, . . . , p_n$ are primes of the form $p_j ≡ 3 \\mod 4$. We will construct a new one by looking at $N = 4p_1 · · · p_n − 1$ (putting $N = 4p_1 · · · p_n+3$ would also work). There is more to this proof but the rest of it I understand, what I don't get is where it says "$N = 4p_1 · · · p_n − 1$ (putting $N = 4p_1 · · · p_n+3$ would also work)". I do not understand why we are writing $4p_1 · · · p_n − 1$. Is there a more clear way to prove this theorem?",
"How can one run multiple versions of PHP 5.x on a development LAMP server?",
"Ubuntu 16.10 Wifi Trouble - RT2561/RT61",
"Linux \"top\" command: What are us, sy, ni, id, wa, hi, si and st (for CPU usage)? When I issue top in Linux, I get a result similar to this: One of the lines has CPU usage information represented like this: Cpu(s): 87.3%us, 1.2%sy, 0.0%ni, 27.6%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st While I know the definitions of each of them (far below), I don't understand what these tasks exactly mean. hi - what does servicing hardware interrupts mean? si - what does servicing software interrupts mean? st - they say it's the \"CPU time in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while hypervisor is servicing another processor (or) % CPU time stolen from a virtual machine\". But what does it actually mean? Can someone be more clear? I listed all of us, sy, ni, etc, because it could help others searching for the same. This information is not in the man pages. us: user cpu time (or) % CPU time spent in user space sy: system cpu time (or) % CPU time spent in kernel space ni: user nice cpu time (or) % CPU time spent on low priority processes id: idle cpu time (or) % CPU time spent idle wa: io wait cpu time (or) % CPU time spent in wait (on disk) hi: hardware irq (or) % CPU time spent servicing/handling hardware interrupts si: software irq (or) % CPU time spent servicing/handling software interrupts st: steal time - - % CPU time in involuntary wait by virtual cpu while hypervisor is servicing another processor (or) % CPU time stolen from a virtual machine",
"How to add texture to fill colors in ggplot2",
"How does a Pokémon gain CP when evolving?",
"What is the square root of complex number i?",
"Change edit approval/rejection I accidentally clicked reject on the suggested edit on this question(). I can't find the button to change it to Approve?",
"Please add TeX rendering in titles on the iOS app TeX support works fine in question and answer bodies, and comments can be rendered manually by tapping and selecting Render MathJax. See related question . However, the titles are not rendered which makes the browsing experience less than perfect. See screenshot below. Are there any plans to implement MathJax support in titles? (I'm running Stack Exhange iOS App Version 1.0.0 on an iPhone 4S with iOS 7.1.1) EDIT: I was just informed about asking for the same functionality for the Android app. I guess I shouldn't hope too much then...",
"Finding $\\frac{3}{1!+2!+3!}+\\frac{4}{2!+3!+4!} +\\frac{5}{3!+4!+5!}+\\cdots+\\frac{2008}{2006!+2007!+2008!}$ How to find : $$\\frac{3}{1!+2!+3!}+\\frac{4}{2!+3!+4!} +\\frac{5}{3!+4!+5!}+\\cdots+\\frac{2008}{2006!+2007!+2008!}$$",
"Let f(t)=2/(t+8) (a) Simplify the following difference quotient as much as possible: $$[f(t+h)−f(t)]/h$$ MY ANSWER (CORRECT): $-2 / [(t+8)(t+h+8)]$ (b) Use your result from (a) and the limit definition of the derivative to calculate $f′(t)=\\lim_{h → 0} [f(t+h)−f(t)]/h=$ MY ANSWER (CORRECT): $-2 / [(t+8)^2]$ (c) Use your answer from part (b) to evaluate $f′(−3)$ MY ANSWER (CORRECT): $-2 / 25$ (d) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve at the point $(−3,f(−3))$ y= I have tried the point-slope formula, $y-y_1=m(x-x_1)$, but my answer was incorrect.",
"What is Active Directory Domain Services and how does it work? This is a about Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). I find myself explaining some of what I assume is common knowledge about it almost daily. This question will, hopefully, serve as a canonical question and answer for most basic Active Directory questions. If you feel that you can improve the answer to this question, please edit away.",
"Sublime Command not working in SSH server on Ubuntu 14.04?",
"So, today is July 21st and . gives me an option to download 16.04.1 LTS. However, attempting to upgrade gets me this message - $ sudo do-release-upgrade Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found What is wrong? Does it matter that I am running apt-get update behind apt-cacher-ng? Note: Commenting out the files in apt.conf.d that used apt-cacher-ng did not make a difference. Edit: Explanation for possible duplicates: deals with upgrade from 12.04LTS to 14.04LTS. My question is specific to 14.04 LTS to 16.04.1 LTS upgrade. Old answers, while good for archival purposes are less relevant in a fast changing package like ubuntu. Moreover none of the answers answer what is wrong. The link pointed out is mentioned in one of the comments. This Q & A is more helpful for people upgrading today than the work around mentioned in \"\".",
"How to fix missing characters from font after awakening from suspend? I find that often after awakening from suspend on Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 with GNOME 3.20 (I have only found this issue on the latest version, though I have not tried with GNOME 3.18 on 16.04) that I get this strange font issue which can't be fixed by restarting gnome-shell and seemingly only by restarting my entire machine: I do not believe that this is a theme issue as I have tried all the built-in themes (including the dark and light versions) and it is the same for them all. Though it does not seem to affect gnome-shell areas, that is the top-bar, the Activities Overview, etc, are not affected for some reason. So what could this issue be caused by and how can I fix or workaround it? Information Update: I have had a look at but the only options in the gnome-tweak-tool for Antialiasing are Rgba, None, and Grayscale, but none of them seem to have any affect on the issue. Is there something I'm missing?",
"Conditional Expectation of Composite Function Preliminaries Let $(\\Omega, \\mathcal{G}, \\mathbb{P})$ be a complete probability space. Let $D$ be a complete, separable, metrizable topological space with Borel $\\sigma$-algebra $\\mathcal{B}(D)$ (such as $D = \\mathbb{R}^q$ with $\\sigma$-algebra $\\mathcal{B}(D) = \\mathcal{B}(\\mathbb{R}^d)$). Let $\\mathbb{R}$ be equipped with its canonical Borel $\\sigma$-algebra $\\mathcal{B}(\\mathbb{R})$. Let $g: \\Omega \\times D \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be a bounded $(\\mathcal{G} \\otimes \\mathcal{B}(D) ) / \\mathcal{B}(\\mathbb{R})$-measurable function. Let $\\Pi: \\Omega \\rightarrow D$ be a $\\mathcal{G}/\\mathcal{B}(D)$-measurable random variable. Let $H : \\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be a $\\mathcal{G}/\\mathcal{B}(\\mathbb{R})$-measurable random variable, defined by $$ H(\\omega) := g(\\omega, \\Pi(\\omega)).$$ Note, that, since $g$ is bounded, we have $H \\in \\mathcal{L}^2(\\Omega, \\mathcal{G}, \\mathbb{P})$. Let $j: D \\rightarrow \\mathcal{L}^2(\\Omega, \\mathcal{G}, \\mathbb{P}) $ be defined by $$ j(\\pi)(\\omega) := g(\\omega, \\pi) $$ For all $\\pi \\in D$, let $j(\\pi)$ be independent of $\\Pi$. Question I am interested in the conditional expectation $$\\mathbb{E}[H \\mid \\Pi] :\\Omega \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$$ of $H$ with respect to $\\Pi$. More specifically, I suspect that (a $\\mathbb{P}$-unique version of) this condititional expectation is given by $$ \\mathbb{E}[H \\mid \\Pi] (\\omega) = \\mathbb{E}[j(\\Pi(\\omega))], \\quad (\\dagger) $$ whereby $\\mathbb{E}[j(\\Pi(\\omega))]$ can of course also be written as $$\\mathbb{E}[j(\\Pi(\\omega))] = \\int_{\\Omega} j(\\Pi(\\omega))(\\tilde{\\omega}) d\\mathbb{P}(\\tilde{\\omega}) . $$ How can I prove, that $(\\dagger)$ is the case? I have tried, tracking the definition of conditional expectation and using Fubini, but with little success so far. Thanks for any advice!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
let $\sum_{k=0}^{n}|f_{k}|^{2}=g$ then if g is constant then $\forall k\in[n].f_{k}$ is constant | Show that holomorphic $f_1, . . . , f_n $ are constant if $\sum_{k=1}^n \left| f_k(z) \right|$ is constant. | [
"Many sysv init scripts used a corresponding file in /etc/default to allow the administrator to configure it. Upstart jobs can be modified using .override files. How do I override or configure systemd units, now that systemd is the default in Ubuntu?",
"Punctuations with relative pronouns Sogou is a Chinese search engine, which can search text, images, music and maps. Is a comma required before \"which\" in the above sentence?",
"How do I split a string so I can access item x? Using SQL Server, how do I split a string so I can access item x? Take a string \"Hello John Smith\". How can I split the string by space and access the item at index 1 which should return \"John\"?",
"Proving that $T^{2} = T$ for a linear operator on $W$ implies that $V = \\operatorname{Null} T \\oplus \\operatorname{Range} T$",
"Where can I ask about Software Licenses/Licensing?",
"What is the word that is used to describe the oversimplification or non-academic discussion of a complex issue? Typically, I'm looking for a word like pedantic, or puerile, except that the word covers the fact that the discussion is particularly non-academic. I know that such a word exists since I have used it before, but it has skipped my mind.",
"How do you get a bad transcript past Ph.D. admissions?",
"How can I use commercial at sign in Objective-C macro?",
"Additional needed documents for UK trip if someone will shoulder all expenses Someone (a relative) from the UK (already a naturalized British Citizen) will be financing my trip, as well as taking care of my accommodation. What are the documents I need to submit aside from bank statements? Does the sponsor need to fill-out the Sponsorship Undertaking Form? () something to consider from my question: -my relative is a naturalized citizen in the UK. Is proof of naturalization needed?",
"$$\\tan(\\theta_1+\\theta_2+\\cdots+\\theta_n)=\\frac{S_1-S_3+S_5+\\cdots}{1-S_2+S_4+\\cdots}$$ where $S_i$ denotes the sum of product of tangent of angles taken $i$ at a time. For example,$$\\tan(\\theta_1+\\theta_2)=\\frac{S_1}{1-S_2}=\\frac{\\tan\\theta_1+\\tan\\theta_2} {1-\\tan\\theta_1\\tan\\theta_2}$$ (This formula is given in my textbook with no derivation or background) How to derive this?",
"In the magical world (in Harry Potter) can ghosts use magic? Can magic be used on ghosts? Or, once they become ghosts, can they interact with magic at all?",
"I've removed the poll style answers in favour of open discussion. I realise now this isn't the best way to have a proper discussion about this issue - sorry to anyone who commented/voted. This is mostly a followup on this question: As I've answered, the reason this is happening is that the root database (in the production Stack Exchange database server) is still called StackExchange.Programmers - a database name that propagates to SEDE and through it to the data dump. The question here is what to do about it - the current situation is somewhat broken for users of the data dump. These are the options we have: Do nothing Update the root database name (requires downtime - so very undesirable) Update the update scripts so the SEDE database name is the new name, change will flow to the data dump export (breaks any queries using the old name) Update the export to the data dump so only it gets the new name Something else we haven't thought about I have added all of these options as answers below - please vote on the one you most prefer, we will try to accommodate the top voted answer.",
"How can I make a logo in Adobe Illustrator like the AntiParticle logo below, from ? It is a large number circles of different, varying sizes, which form the shape of a text character.",
"What is $dx$ in integration?",
"Where should looking-for-resources questions go?",
"How to make generated classes contain Javadoc from XML Schema documentation",
"I have this question : Proof if $f$ continuous in $x_0$ then there is a neighbourhood of $x_0$ so $f$ bounded. I want to know if my proof is valid : If continuous in $x_0$ then : $$\\lim_{x \\to x_0} f(x)= f(x_0)$$ Therefore : All $\\epsilon>0$ exists $\\delta>0$ so any $x$ that implies $|x-x_0|<\\delta$ implies $|f(x)-f(x_0)|<\\epsilon$. Therefore for $\\epsilon=1$ there is $\\delta>0$ so any $x$ that implies $|x-x_0|<\\delta$ implies $|f(x)-f(x_0)|<1$. $|x-x_0|<\\delta \\rightarrow x_0-\\delta<x<x_0+\\delta$. Lets choose $x_1,x_2$ that implies $x_0-\\delta<x_1<x_2<x_0+\\delta$ Therefore in $[x_1,x_2]$ from Weierstrass from theorem bounded there.",
"When I add LIMIT 1 to a MySQL query, does it stop the search after it finds 1 result (thus making it faster) or does it still fetch all of the results and truncate at the end?",
"Limit $\\frac{x^2y}{x^4+y^2}$ is found using polar coordinates but it is not supposed to exist.",
"Set same icon for all my Forms Is there any way to set the same icon to all my forms without having to change one by one? Something like when you setup GlobalAssemblyInfo for all your projects inside your solution."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can I configure git to default push my current branch to the origin? | Default behavior of "git push" without a branch specified | [
"Attribute editing in QGIS on geoJson file We have vector files in the format of geoJson files. We need to keep it in geoJson format as it is picked up by mobile devices via Restful services. The problem is we want to change the attributes of the features in QGIS but it seems like this is not possible. We don't have to add or remove columns. We simply need to edit the existing data. Is there a work around for this? Are there any plugins that I can download that will allow me to do this in QGIS?",
"What is the probability that the selected function maps prime numbers to prime numbers? Let $X = \\{1, 2, 3, . . . , 25\\}$. If a student selects a function randomly from the set of all functions from $X$ onto $X$, then what is the probability that the selected function maps prime numbers to prime numbers ? No idea how to proceed, please guide.",
"ASP.NET \"special\" tags",
"Strange result when removing item from a list while iterating over it",
"Why XML-Serializable class need a parameterless constructor I'm writing code to do Xml serialization. With below function. public static string SerializeToXml(object obj) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType()); using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { serializer.Serialize(writer, obj); return writer.ToString(); } } If the argument is a instance of class without parameterless constructor, it will throw a exception. Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: CSharpConsole.Foo cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor. at System.Xml.Serialization.TypeDesc.CheckSupported() at System.Xml.Serialization.TypeScope.GetTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo sourc e, Boolean directReference, Boolean throwOnError) at System.Xml.Serialization.ModelScope.GetTypeModel(Type type, Boolean direct Reference) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(Type type , XmlRootAttribute root, String defaultNamespace) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultName space) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type) Why must there be a parameterless constructor in order to allow xml serialization to succeed? EDIT: thanks for cfeduke's answer. The parameterless constructor can be private or internal.",
"Google search results showing up a URL on its search which doesn't exist on the website",
"I want to convert .mov to .mp4! I saved the video from iMovie but it is in .mov format! How do I convert it to .mp4? I'm using a MacBook and I want to share it to my phone, but my phone can't open .mov format video.",
"How can I start a process over SSH such that it will continue to run after I disconnect?",
"HDMI over cat extender video",
"Why are image thumbnails cropped proportionally (not per dimensions)? For some reason WordPress is ignoring my thumbnail sizes and keeping thumbnails cropped proportionately instead of specific dimensions. Here is what I have in functions.php: add_image_size( 'main-thumbnail', 728, 410, true ); and in content.php: <div class=\"thumbnail\"> <a href=\"<?php the_permalink(); ?>\"> <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'main-thumbnail' ); ?> </a> </div> I added these two things and regenerated my images with the plugin, but it doesn't seem to matter. The images don't change. For some reason WordPress isn't recognizing the hard crop and is keeping the images proportional, so some of my images are way taller than 410 pixels. Why is this?",
"How to remove accents / diacritic marks from a string in Qt?",
"How to log commands within a \"sudo su -\"? If I: [user@notebook ~] sudo echo 123456uu 123456uu [user@notebook ~] Then I can see that in the logs: [root@notebook /var/log] grep 123456uu * auth.log:Jan 9 17:01:51 notebook sudo: user : TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/home/user ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/echo 123456uu [root@notebook /var/log] but if I: [user@notebook ~] sudo su - [root@notebook ~] echo 1234567zz 1234567zz [root@notebook ~] I cannot see it in the logs: [root@notebook /var/log] grep 1234567zz * [root@notebook /var/log] echo $? 1 [root@notebook /var/log] My question: How can I turn the logging on for the commands within the \"sudo su -\"? OS is an Ubuntu 12.04 but the question is in general. UPDATE#1: [user@notebook ~] sudo su - [sudo] password for user: [root@notebook ~] echo zizizi zizizi [root@notebook ~] cd /var/log [root@notebook /var/log] grep -iIR 'zizizi' * [root@notebook /var/log] grep 'COMMAND=/bin/su -' * auth.log:Jan 10 15:42:42 notebook sudo: user : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/user ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/su - [root@notebook /var/log]",
"I am compiling a program which requires boost-thread-mt library. I have installed libboost-all-dev using sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev but compiler says that it cannot find boost-thread-mt library. Is this library in some other package? Please guide me what i need to install for this.",
"How to design partitions for SSHD?",
"Title vanishes when editing a question",
"Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines)",
"Class imbalance in Supervised Machine Learning",
"I received a mail today from Academia.edu (a site I wasn't previously aware of), asking me to confirm that I co-authored a paper with a colleague. Having looked into it a little it sounds like it might be a useful site - the idea of a \"social network for scientists\" is one I've seen the need for in the past. However, partly due to bad experiences with the seemingly similar ResearchGate, I'm also skeptical.* Without signing up for an academia.edu account the site doesn't offer much information, so I would like the following information: What specific features does academia.edu offer to its users? Is it genuinely useful for any of the following purposes (each of which seems genuinely needed) as a platform for networking with academics for discovering relevant research as an effective system for post-publication peer review for organising references among a small team of people working on a project Will it send out mails to my colleagues without my express and explicit permission? (I.e. are the mails I received today the result of a deliberate action by my colleague, who is aware that I will be emailed and wishes me to join the site; or are they essentially spam from a social networking site aggressively trying to expand its user base?) It's clear from its that it's a private, venture-capital funded company. What is its business model? In short, is this a site that has some genuine utility for academics, or should I just ignore it? *I've never signed up for ResearchGate but I regularly receive spam from it purporting to be from my colleagues, who aren't aware that it's being sent on their behalf. I would be mortified if my senior colleagues received such mails claiming to be from me, so I won't touch it with a barge pole.",
"How to install gnome shell extensions offline? I know how to go to the website and download gnome-shell extensions, but now I need to install some extensions available there on a computer without any internet access at all. It is in a internal corporate network and there's no way I can get outside internet access on it, so I must find another way. I can copy files in a usb disk. At my home computer, I have found my extensions at ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ but just copying this folder to the target corporate computer didn't do the trick. Running gnome-tweak-tool gives me a \"Install Shell Extension\" button but I don't know how to download an extension in a format acceptable to install using this button. I have tried to point to the folder above but it didn't work either. What do I need to do?",
"String vs. StringBuilder I understand the difference between String and StringBuilder (StringBuilder being mutable) but is there a large performance difference between the two? The program I’m working on has a lot of case driven string appends (500+). Is using StringBuilder a better choice?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why in Java we have to write Enum.Val but in switch only Val? | Why can't an enum value be fully qualified in a switch statement? | [
"Possible A* Optimizations",
"I was trying to change my username and also my home directory (/home/username) and my system started to crash. I deleted the passwd file but I had a backup named passwd_bkp. I tried to rename this passwd_bkp as passwd and it did not work. No commands were being executed... I was in a terminal window. I restarted my system and now I cannot log in. GRUB gives two options: Linux and recovery mode. I tried to open a sessions as root but it says the filesystem is corrupted. I cannot access my files. Did I lose all my files?",
"Finding the Mobius Transformation that maps open unit disk onto itself Hi I am trying to find all the Mobius transformations that map unit open disk onto itself i.e., if $|z|<1$ then $|f(z)|<1$ where $f(z)=\\frac{az+b}{cz+d}$. I did so far \\begin{align*} &\\Big|\\frac{az+b}{cz+d}\\Big|<1\\\\ \\Rightarrow & |az+b|<|cz+d|\\\\ \\Rightarrow & |az+b|^2<|cz+d|^2\\\\ \\Rightarrow & |az+b||\\bar{a}\\bar{z}+\\bar{b}|<|cz+d||\\bar{c}\\bar{z}+\\bar{d}|\\\\ \\Rightarrow & |a|^2|z|^2+|b|^2+2\\text{Re }(az\\bar{b})<|c|^2|z|^2+|d|^2+2\\text{Re }(cz\\bar{d}) \\end{align*} After that I am stuck. Can anyone help me. I would be obliged...Thanks in advance.",
"I have used quite some time searching for a solution to my compile problem. The document worked fine untill yesterday. After adding some new references, compiling stoped working properly. I have however used latex only for a few months, so the error might be an easy fix. My error code in the blg file is: [836] Utils.pm:209> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: C:\\Users\\andre\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\yb9w7ETEpQ\\thesisbiblo.bib_16800.utf8, line 1375, syntax error: found \",\", expected one of: number, name (entry type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry (\"}\" or \")\") or quoted string ({...} or \"...\"). I have biber 2.11 and miktex 2.9 and thought it could have been the cache file as suggested in a previous thread with 2.11 versions, but it did not do the trick to delete that either. Thanks This is how my \"main\" document looks like: \\documentclass[man,12pt,a4paper,babel,english]{apa6} \\usepackage{babel,duomasterforside} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % Math syntax \\usepackage{siunitx} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\usepackage{gensymb} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{mathtools} \\DeclarePairedDelimiter{\\abs}{\\lvert}{\\rvert} % Figures \\usepackage{graphicx} \\graphicspath{{Figures/}} \\usepackage{float} \\usepackage{subcaption} % Biblography and citing \\usepackage[style=apa,backend=biber,sortcites=true,sorting=nyt,autocite=inline,uniquename=false]{biblatex} \\addbibresource{thesisbiblo.bib} % Frontpage \\usepackage{pdfpages} \\begin{document} % Frontpage \\includepdf[pages=1-]{titlepage.pdf} % Abstract \\input{Abstract} \\newpage % Table of contents \\tableofcontents \\newpage % Document \\input{Introduction.theory} \\newpage \\input{Methods} \\newpage \\input{Results} \\newpage \\input{Discussion} \\newpage \\input{Conclusion} \\newpage % References \\printbibliography \\end{document}",
"Square bracket notation for dimensions and units: usage and conventions One of the most useful tools in is the use of square brackets around some physical quantity $q$ to denote its dimension as $$[q].$$ However, the precise meaning of this symbol varies from source to source; there are a few possible interpretations and few strict guidelines. What conventions are there, who uses them, and when am I obliged to follow them?",
"Was V'ger responsible for the creation of the Borg? I remember reading somewhere a theory that (the being that the Voyager probe had become in Star Trek: The Motion Picture) was somehow responsible for the creation of the Borg. Is this canonical? Where does the theory come from? And how exactly did it go down?",
"This should be a fairly trivial problem. I'm trying to open an ofstream using a std::string (or std::wstring) and having problems getting this to work without a messy conversion. std::string path = \".../file.txt\"; ofstream output; output.open(path); Ideally I don't want to have to convert this by hand or involve c-style char pointers if there's a nicer way of doing this?",
"is_active_sidebar() Always Returns False",
"Would the latter be an issue with the funding body, when the project proposal and budget only covers the expenses for hiring one postdoc? Note: it is the supervisors who got the grants, not the postdocs themselves.",
"How can I draw a dot under a symbol in math mode?",
"Show $x^p-t$ has no root in the field $\\mathbb{F}_p(t)$ I don't think I fully understand. Let's say there is a root $x_0 \\in K=\\mathbb{F}_p(t)$, where $p$ is a prime number. Then $x_0 = \\frac{P(t)}{Q(t)}$ for some polynomials $P,Q \\in \\mathbb{F}_p[t]$. We can assume $\\gcd(P,Q)=1$ and $x_0^p-t= \\frac{(P(t))^p}{(Q(t))^p}-t= \\frac{P(t)^p-tQ(t)^p}{Q(t)^p} =0$, so coefficients of $P(t)^p, tQ(t)^p$ must be identical, which contradicts $\\gcd(P,Q)=1$, hence such $x_0$ does not exist and the polynomial has no root in $K$. am I about right? anyway, I would appreciate an explanation about $\\mathbb{F}_p(t)$, what is $t$? what is the meaning of a variable which does not belong to any specific \"world\"? I cannot use $t$ as if it was a member of $\\mathbb{F}_p$ and hence cannot assume $t^{p-1} = 1 \\pmod p$...",
"If $-1<x<1$ show that $\\lim\\limits_{n \\to \\infty}{n\\,x^n} = 0$. I don't have idea. I only prove that $n\\,x^n$ is decreasing.",
"Can I secretly kill every guard in a town? Is it possible to kill all of the guards in a town? Ideally, I'd like to do this secretly so the entire town doesn't see my deeds and put a bounty on my head. Edit: I was questing in Markarth and was told by a guard to back off and stop being nosy. I didn't and when I went to the Shrine of Talos I was set upon by a bunch of guards. Now I have a huge bounty and I had to sneak/kill my way out of the city. Every time I killed a group of guards the bounty was reduced by $1000, but I still have a $30,000 bounty. I haven't even been through 1/3 of the city yet and know there has to be a lot of quests, so what do I do? The only solution seems to kill every single guard (and inhabitant).",
"What is the difference between \"twenty-four-hour shift\" and twenty-four hour shift\"? Just read somewhere about this puzzling puzzle: What is the difference between: I'm doing a twenty four-hour shift tonight. I'm doing a twenty-four hour shift tonight. I'm doing a twenty-four-hour shift tonight. I know number 1 is 20 x 4 hours. Number 2 and 3 is the same as far as I know. Is this true?",
"Meaning of Sun Lamp Size?",
"How does the Southwest Airlines boarding process work? I'm flying this week on Southwest Airlines for the first time. I paid for \"Early Bird\" automatic checkin and the FAQ mentions something about \"A\" boarding passes. I have no idea what that means, and I know that Southwest doesn't have assigned seats. How does the boarding process work and is there anything I should be aware of?",
"Is there a direct, elementary proof of $n = \\sum_{k|n} \\phi(k)$?",
"Easiest way to import access db (.accdb) into SQL Server 2016? I have a .accfb file from an access 2016 database and am trying to import this database into a SQL Server 2016 developer edition instance. While I found posts online discussing using import/export data tools in SQL Server and also migration assistant for access, neither have worked out for me. Does anyone know how to easily move a database from access 2016 to sql server 2016? More specifically an \"accdb\" file type? All suggestions are greatly appreciated!",
"How to change background-color on text links on hover but not image links",
"Using Illustrator CS6 to create shape out of multiple paths I am very new to Illustrator, in fact I am only experimenting with it in an attempt to help my friend develop a logo for a new business venture. I managed to draw out the shell of the logo using the line tool and modifying the lines with the anchor tool to get the shape I wanted. However, I would like to somehow take all of these paths and create one object, or symbol which I can then apply a drop shadow, fill and various other effects too. Currently when I try to do this I get unwanted effects... I'd appreciate any help on the subject."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
True or false: If $A^3 = 0$ , $A$ is not invertible. Justify answer. | If the matrix $A^3 = 0$, is $A$ singular? | [
"Using TP4056 module to charge battery while load remains connected",
"Which form should be used for attributive nouns like “student union”: singular or plural, or possessive singular or possessive plural?",
"Addition is to Integration as Multiplication is to ______",
"How do I get the distinct/unique values in a column in Excel? If I have a column with values, and I want to find out what distinct values are in there (not how many - but the actual distinct values), how can I do that? In SQL Server I would do something like SELECT Distinct(MyColumn) FROM MyTable",
"Prove $x^3 + 3 =4y(y+1)$ has no integer solutions",
"Where can I find web design projects? I am a recently graduated graphic designer. I would like to know if there are any worthwhile websites that I could present my portfolio and receive or look for job offers. I have came across the following freelancewebsites by searching the web that seem to meet my criteria: (the most famous website for people seeking for employers and employees) I've also found two articles providing reviews on these types of sites: I am new to the online freelance market. As a result, I don't have any clue which websites are mainstream for graphic designers and illustrators (which are my specialties). It's not immediately discernible to me which sites are the ones that are not a scam and are also good place for establishing myself. I'm mainly looking for the resources that experienced designers are familiar with. I'm looking to narrow it down to the ones that have been used by those established in the industry. As a result I decided to consult the matter here and ask for input.",
"Prove: $\\binom{n}{0}F_0+\\binom{n}{1}F_1+\\binom{n}{2}F_2+\\cdots+\\binom{n}{n}F_n=F_{2n}$ Prove: $\\binom{n}{0}F_0+\\binom{n}{1}F_1+\\binom{n}{2}F_2+\\cdots+\\binom{n}{n}F_n=F_{2n}$; I was stuck with this question for a while... Help me please!!! Thanks!!!",
"How do I operate on a DataFrame with a Series for every column",
"Inverse of $y = x^3 + x $? Can you help me find the inverse function for $y = x^3 + x$? This question was posed at the beginning of AP Calculus, so we can't use any math beyond precalc. Thanks!",
"Deriving input based on other parameters in Python script tool? I have a folder and it contains two feature classes, e.g., a.shp and b.shp. The script tool created has two parameters. The first one is the model location, and the second one needs a feature class (a.shp), as shown in the below picture. What I really want is every time when I set up the model location for the first input, the second input will automatically find the a.shp as the input rather than the user needs to choose a.shp from that folder. I noticed that the dependency is probably what I really need, but there is no code example. Any suggestions? I am using ArcGIS 10.3.1 Advanced License.",
"Terminal, how to quit --More-- list",
"Getting coordinates by clicking on QGIS Canvas with PyQGIS? Are there any procedures when working with QgsMapCanvas (pyqgis, qgis) in order to obtain a pair of coordinates by clicking on the map canvas? Are there any sample Python codes that demonstrate this?",
"Order of items in a context menu",
"is it true if $f,\\overline f$ are both analytic in a domain $\\Omega$ then $f$ is constant? I am not able to find out what property of holomorphic map I need to apply. please help.Thank you. $f(z)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)$, $\\bar{f}(z)=u(x,y)-iv(x,y)$",
"When & how did Yoda come to know about the Rule of Two?",
"Can creatures without hands (and as a consequence fingers) use rings? Pretty much what it says on a label. I have a monster for my next adventure that has a pretty interesting ring in his treasure. Since it is intelligent, and would be able to use the ring, I don't see why the ring should be lying there in a chest waiting to be looted. Monster would use the ring, if it only had hands or even fingers. Hold a second, are fingers even necessary in 5e? For reference, assume it only has grasping / manipulating tentacles like a (although it is not one); Said tentacles are very flexible, capable of fine manipulation, and have varying thickness.",
"Niven’s theorem proof. I couldn’t find any proof on the internet. I would appreciate an elementary proof , but any help would be appreciated! Thank you.",
"In League of Legends, there are a number of effects which revive a champion upon death. The item is the most well-known and widely used of these. I was wondering, however, whether its effect would come before or after other revive effects? I have two examples. First, Zilean's ultimate will provide a champion with a Guardian Angel -like buff for a limited time. If a champion has this buff in addition to a Guardian Angel, which effect will happen first? Second, Anivia's passive allows her to come back to life if her egg is not destroyed after she is killed. If she has a Guardian Angel, will her passive be triggered before or after it? How does this compare to and ? It seems like in one case it is more beneficial to have Guardian Angel's precedence be greater, and in the other it is more beneficial to have it be less. In the first scenario, if the Guardian Angel was triggered first, then Zilean would have a good chance of simply wasting his ultimate. On the other hand, if it is triggered after these revival effects, then Anivia could not get the full benefit of her passive. Is there a set order of precedence, or does each revival effect have their own unique \"priority level\" that is explicitly detailed for each ability?",
"how to run the dialog command with proccess Please look on my code – ( bash script ) I want to display both dialogs on the screen on the same time, one dialog display the: tail –f from - /var/log/proccess1.log , and the second dialog display the: tail –f from the file - /var/log/proccess2.log but the sad fact is that I can display only one dialog and not both dialogs ( because when I run the first dialog , the second dialog will activate only if the first dialog will killed ) So I create process on the second dialog ( ….. ) & , in order to display both dialogs But …. the second dialog create process number but not create the second dialog GUI , ( seems that when we create dialog with process , the process not send the dialog to standard output ) So how to run the second dialog with process but send the dialog GUI to screen ? , or other solution in order to display both dialogs on screen My code #!/bin/bash # this dialog will locate the tail box on the top of the screen dialog --begin 15 10 --tailbox /var/log/proccess1.log 13 125 # this dialog will locate the tail box down in the screen ( dialog --begin 37 10 --tailbox /var/log/proccess2.log 13 125 ) &",
"What can i put into \\setmathfont{<...>.otf} for the unicode-math package to make it all work (with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX)? There are several suggestions on the of unicode-math, but the first option is commercial, and the second and the third do not work with the following example: % !TEX TS-program = xelatex \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{unicode-math} \\setmathfont{latinmodern-math.otf} % \\setmathfont{texgyrepagella-math.otf} % \\setmathfont{xits-math.otf} \\begin{document} $X\\setminus Y$ \\end{document} I do not get the \\setminus character in the output. The \\setminus character is also missing if i do not set a math font at all (i do not know which font is used in this case). It works with xits-math, but i do not like it. Is it expected by the way that the \\setminus character is left blank without giving any warning?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Difference between su vs sudo | What is the difference between 'sudo' and 'su -c' | [
"Just beginning to learn quantum mechanics and my textbook says that all pure eigenstates of the Schrodinger equation ( with a specified potential function) have a zero standard deviation for the expectation values of energy.So every measurement of the energy yields a fixed value. I've also read that pure eigenstates are physically realisable solutions in some situations ( like the infinite potential well). But wouldn't that violate the uncertainty principle? the standard deviation in expectation of energy is zero and hence $$ΔE~Δt=0.$$ Where am I going wrong? Also could someone also give me an insight as to what uncertainty in time even means? I haven't been able to grasp that concept clearly yet.",
"Notification email from stackoverflow contains \"<3\" after zip code I noticed \"<3\" appears at the very end of the my stackoverflow notification emails (after the zip code). Is this problem related to gmail?",
"Was Stack Exchange named after Experts Exchange? Was Stack Exchange named after Experts Exchange, or is the former using the word \"Exchange\" a coincidence?",
"I had this problem a week or two ago and I posted here but nothing from the suggested solutions seemed to work. I have managed to get some more details on it, in case anyone can help me, because this issue is causing me huge productivity problems and I really want it solved. So I'm using Linux mint distribution, and I've installed Lyx via the software manager. Every time that I open a new document, I get an error claiming that some files are missing, and until they are installed, compiling the files or exporting them as pdfs is not possible. The file in question is called \"extarticle.cls\". Additionally, under Document->Settings->Document Class, every document class is marked as unavailable. Here is the thing though.. this file is not missing... I have located it inside a folder associated with Lyx. It's definitely not missing. I really need help with this one guys... It's been weeks since the problem came up and I really just want to be rid of it.. Why does this thing not work? Any help?",
"We know (from the accidents that happened between 1999-2005) that The Sith rely on their passion for their strength. They think inward, only about themselves. and we also know that Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice. And from the EU, we know that each Sith apprentice will (try to) kill and replace their master at some point, in order to become the one who bundles the entirety of the Sith power (so to say). Q1: Given these points, why do Sith bother to take up apprentices at all? It doesn't make sense to pass on their knowledge of the dark side, because they only care about themselves, and it would also contradict this philosophy to teach competition that will endanger their power and ultimately their life. Q2: As a special case of this question in The Empire Strikes Back, Vader tries to turn Luke by saying Luke, you can destroy the Emperor. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son. (emphasis by me) Now, the same question rises: If the Emperor has foreseen that Luke can destroy him, why would he want Luke to become a Sith?",
"Prove that the sum to $n$ terms of a sequence: $$\\frac{1^2}{1\\times 3}+\\frac{2^2}{3\\times 5}+\\frac{3^2}{5\\times 7}+\\cdots $$ is $$ \\frac{n(n+1)}{2(2n+1)} $$",
"Ubuntu 20.04 interface font too small after restart, even with high scaling factor",
"I was recently asked to find the accumulation points of the set $$S = \\{(-1)^n + \\frac{1}{n} \\mid n \\in \\mathbb{N}\\}$$ I answered that the accumulation points are $\\{-1,1\\}$, because despite the fact that $\\frac{1}{n}$ diverges, we can still use $\\frac{1}{n}$ to find an element arbitrarily close to either $1$ or $-1$, i.e. to show that there is an element in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of $1$ or $-1$. (No proof was required for this question --- this is my intuition.) Am I right at all?",
"Probability Math Question...? Bag A contains 3 white and 2 red balls. Bag B contains 6 white and 3 red balls. One of the two bags will be chosen at random, and then two balls will be drawn from that bag at random without replacement. What is the probability that the two balls drawn will the be the same color? Express your answer as a common fraction.",
"There are 100 ropes in a bag. In each step, two rope ends are picked at random, tied together and put back into a bag. The process is repeated until there are no free ends. What is the expected number of loops at the end of the process?",
"How to write a unit-test / test class for trigger?",
"How does the four card limit work? I'm new to the game and trying to make my first constructed deck. My understanding of the card rule is I can only have four cards of one kind. What does this precisely mean? For instance, does this mean I can only have four rat cards total or four rat cards of several kinds? If two different cards do the same thing (like and ), can I have four of each?",
"URL to create a new Google document What is the current URL to create a new Google Document please? Since Google last updated their Docs the old URL does not work.",
"I have notice some sites have the same form for login, register and forgotten password. Below the form you have 3 buttons i forgot my password register log me in What are the pros and cons on using this approach and which version would you go for.",
"Every time I try to do something seemingly-simple in CSS, it doesn't work. I have a content div that contains a 460x160 image. All I want to do is position the image at the bottom-right corner and wrap my text around it. <div id=\"contents\"> <img src=\"...\" /> text text text text text text ... </div> So I want it to look like: ------------------ | text text text | | text text text | | text text -----| | text text | | ------------------ Doing it with a top-left or top-right image is cake: #contents img { float:right; } ------------------ | text text | | | text text -----| | text text text | | text text text | ------------------ Now how do I push that to the bottom? The best I've come up with so far are: #contents img { float:right; margin-top: 90%} // really needs to be 100%-160px ------------------ | text text | | text text | | text text -----| | text text | | ------------------ In this case the text does not print in the margin, so there is white space above the image. #contents { position:relative; } #contents img { position:absolute; right:0; bottom:0; } -or- // move the img tag under the text in the html and: #contents img { float:right; margin-top:-160; } ------------------ | text text text | | text text text | | text text -----| | text text | te | ------------------ In this case the text prints over or under the image. So... how can I accomplish this?",
"Cleaning my Macbook Pro Retina leaves greasy 'streaks' across the screen I try to clean my mid-2015 Macbook Pro with Retina display by wiping the screen with a damp cloth and then immediately drying. However, there seems to be left some residue/streak marks, which look very oily. Sometimes these disappear after a few minutes, but they are still very unsightly, and a bit worrying (is there something wrong with my screen?) I'm wondering if there are other cleaning techniques which avoid this issue, or whether this is completely normal behaviour. Thank you!",
"I have a statement, Either p or q and I have to write it in terms of logical connectives but I don't get which logical connector should I be using? Here is what I did (I think there could have been a better way to do this) $(p \\lor q ) \\land (\\neg((p \\Rightarrow q) \\land (q \\Rightarrow p)))$",
"Dirac's remark that inspired Feynman when formulating path integral When Feynman was trying to formulate of quantum mechanics, he was inspired by Dirac's remark which roughly states that $e^{i\\frac{S}{\\hbar}}$corresponds to the transition amplitude, where $S$ is the action. I'm wondering what was Dirac's original argument behind this statement.",
"injective linear transformation basis. Let $T : V → W $ be an injective linear transformation, where $V, W$ are vector spaces of dimension $n$ over the field $K$. If $\\{e_1,\\ldots , e_n\\}$ is a basis for $V$ , show that $\\{T(e_1),\\ldots , T(e_n)\\}$ is a basis for $W$.",
"Bottom frame of listing appears on top of the next page"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Showing an inequality in the complex plane | Prove if $|z| < 1$ and $ |w| < 1$, then $|1-zw^*| \neq 0$ and $| {{z-w} \over {1-zw^*}}| < 1$ | [
"What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about? Say, like: a[i] = i++;",
"Why does list(my_list) modify the object?",
"Should questions having lots of downvotes be downvoted further? Is down-voting an already heavily down-voted/closed question kind of like kicking a dead horse? Is this bad practice?",
"What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop?",
"$f(x,y)=4x^3y^2$ Dealing with Directional Derivatives and Vectors Let $f(x,y)=4x^3y^2$ How do I find the directional derivative of $f$ at $(2,1)$ in the direction of the vector $3i-4j$? What would be a unit vector in the direction in which $f$ decreases most rapidly from the point $(2,1)$? And, what is the rate of change of $f$ in the direction given in the second question? My Work (What I have done so far): For the first question: $\\nabla f(x,y)=12x^2y^2$i$+8x^3y$j$\\nabla f(2,1)=48$i$+64$j$u=(3/5)$i$-(4/5)$j $\\therefore D_u f=\\nabla f\\bullet u=0$ I'm not entirely sure if this is right? Can someone please verify? For the second question: $u=(3/5)$i$-(4/5)$j $\\therefore -||\\nabla f(2,1)||=$? How do I find this? And am I doing this right? I have no idea what to do for the third question.",
"Show that the $\\max{ \\{ x,y \\} }= \\frac{x+y+|x-y|}{2}$. Show that the $\\max{ \\{ x,y \\} }= \\dfrac{x+y+|x-y|}{2}$. I do not understand how to go about completing this problem or even where to start.",
"How to perform a true GIS clip of polygons layer using a polygon layer in R?",
"Elementary central binomial coefficient estimates How to prove that $\\quad\\displaystyle\\frac{4^{n}}{\\sqrt{4n}}<\\binom{2n}{n}<\\frac{4^{n}}{\\sqrt{3n+1}}\\quad$ for all $n$ > 1 ? Does anyone know any better elementary estimates? Attempt. We have $$\\frac1{2^n}\\binom{2n}{n}=\\prod_{k=0}^{n-1}\\frac{2n-k}{2(n-k)}=\\prod_{k=0}^{n-1}\\left(1+\\frac{k}{2(n-k)}\\right).$$ Then we have $$\\left(1+\\frac{k}{2(n-k)}\\right)>\\sqrt{1+\\frac{k}{n-k}}=\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{\\sqrt{n-k}}.$$ So maybe, for the lower bound, we have $$\\frac{n^{\\frac{n}{2}}}{\\sqrt{n!}}=\\prod_{k=0}^{n-1}\\frac{\\sqrt{n}}{\\sqrt{n-k}}>\\frac{2^n}{\\sqrt{4n}}.$$ By Stirling, $n!\\approx \\sqrt{2\\pi n}\\left(\\frac{n}{e}\\right)^n$, so the lhs becomes $$\\frac{e^{\\frac{n}{2}}}{(2\\pi n)^{\\frac14}},$$ but this isn't $>\\frac{2^n}{\\sqrt{4n}}$.",
"How to redirect apache /var/www to the home directory and access all the directories and files in my home directory? I have installed Apache(LAMP) web server on my ubuntu machine and I want to do the above mentioned thing.I have tried creating symbolic links in the /var/www directory but it only shows files but not directories inside the directory linked.I want to redirect /var/www to my home folder so that I can access all the files and directories contained therein.Please help me.",
"Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. How to prove that for any closed $A$ a function $d(x,A)$ is continuous - I know that it is even Lipschitz continuous, but I have a problem with the proof: $$ |d(x,a) - d(y,a)| \\leq d(x,y) $$ for any $a\\in A$ - but we cannot just replace it by $|d(x,A) - d(y,A)|\\leq d(x,y)$ since the minimum (or infimum in general) can be attained in different points $a\\in A$ for $x$ and $y$, so we only have that $$ |d(x,A)-d(y,A)|\\leq d(x,y)+\\sup\\limits_{a,b\\in A}d(a,b) $$ which does not mean continuity.",
"How can I calculate how long it will take to transfer a file over LAN? I want to know about the method with which we can calculate data transfer speed. If I am sending a 1 GB file through a 1 Gb/s LAN connection, from one computer to another, how much time will it take to transfer that file?",
"Is `sudo pip install` still a broken practice?",
"While watching play for the gold medal in London 2012, I noticed Williams was going about her business while Sharapova was grunting each time she hit the ball. After doing some , grunting in tennis dates back to 1962. Although men grunt, women draw more attention due to their high-pitched grunts. In addition, there is an initiative to eliminate excess grunts in the next generation of tennis players. Another quote from said research says: \"I have not found in my 32 years anybody who says grunting or not grunting has an empirically positive or negative effect on performance -- it's all about belief system.\" What is this \"belief system?\" If grunting is not related to performance, why do tennis players do it excessively?",
"Prove that for any piecewise smooth curve it is possible to find the parametrisation $\\phi$ that is consistent with its length, ie. length of a curve segment between $\\phi(a)$ and $\\phi(b)$ is equal to $|b-a|$. It seems intuitive, but I don't have any idea how can I show this in the formal way.",
"How to remove the “AMD Testing use only” watermark? I've installed the (beta) following the step in for Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal. My system is 64 bit and my graphic card is an ATI RadeonHD 6670, this g.c. is Officially Supported (Catalyst & Open Source), you can confirm that from this . I don't have any problem, except the AMD testing use only watermark. I see the following frame in any stage into the OS (logged, unlloged, etc.) except in the terminals. I found different versions of how to remove this image, but this change according to the system, so I want an answer from this popular (trusted) site. How to solve this issue in Ubuntu 12.10 32b? This procedure is different in a 64b system?",
"using gedit through ssh connection - should I have gedit installed on the server? I wanted to try out using graphical tools over ssh. Just to learn a new thing :) so my understanding is this, I connect like this: ssh -port -x user@server But I'm running ubuntu server so it has no gui and thus no gui tools. My understanding is I've to install gedit on server. But also xserver? Can someone clear up this concepts to me?",
"Exact sequence of sheaves with non exact sequence of global sections Let $X$ be some topological space. By $\\mathcal{F}_i$ we denote some sheaves of abelian groups on $X$. The sequence of sheaves and morphisms $$\\mathcal{F}_1\\longrightarrow \\mathcal{F}_2\\longrightarrow \\mathcal{F}_3\\longrightarrow... $$ is said to be exact if for each $x\\in X$ the corresponding sequence of stalks $$(\\mathcal{F}_1)_x\\longrightarrow (\\mathcal{F}_2)_x\\longrightarrow (\\mathcal{F}_3)_x\\longrightarrow... $$ is exact. However if the sequence of sheaves is exact than the sequence of global sections is not necessarily exact! (The most famous example is the sequence of sheaves $$0\\longrightarrow\\mathbb{Z}\\hookrightarrow \\mathcal{O}\\stackrel{\\exp}{\\longrightarrow} \\mathcal{O}^*\\longrightarrow0$$ considered as sheaves on $\\mathbb{C}-\\{0\\}$, where $\\mathcal{O}$ is a sheaf of holomorphic functions, $\\mathcal{O}^*$ is a sheaf of holomorphic functions with no zeros). So, could you give me some easy examples of such phenomenon ?",
"It seems that given a statement $a = b$, that $a + c = b + c$ is assumed also to be true. Why isn't this an axiom of arithmetic, like the commutative law or associative law? Or is it a consequence of some other axiom of arithmetic? Thanks! Edit: I understand the intuitive meaning of equality. Answers that stated that $a = b$ means they are the same number or object make sense but what I'm asking is if there is an explicit law of replacement that allows us to make this intuitive truth a valid mathematical deduction. For example is there an axiom of Peano's Axioms or some other axiomatic system that allows for adding or multiplying both sides of an equation by the same number? In all the texts I've come across I've never seen an axiom that states if $a = b$ then $a + c = b + c$. I have however seen if $a < b$ then $a + c < b + c$. In my view $<$ and $=$ are similar so the absence of a definition for equality is strange.",
"What is the difference between \"citizen\" and \"denizen\" Citizen: 1. A legally recognized subject ornational of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized. 2. An inhabitant of a particular town or city. Denizen: 1. An inhabitant or occupant of a particular place. Same thing?",
"I'm too spoiled by Windows utilities that take a digital snapshot of your entire drive, which you can then restore from in the event of a drive crash. (e.g. like Time Machine for Mac OS X). Is there a similar way of doing this in Linux?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Traveling with 2 passports due to 3 month validity but visa on a different passport | I have two passports/nationalities. How do I use them when I travel? | [
"How are unbalanced forces even possible, given Newton's 3rd law?",
"Stack Exchange sites need a universal clock that is visible! Since the Stack Exchange sites run on one clock, and a clock that is not common to most of us (such as those of us in the US), can we display a clock with the site time (UTC) displayed somewhere on every page, such as at the bottom with the other text? That way we are more aware of when the days turn over, and ecetera... close votes, delete votes, flags, and normal votes would also benefit from this as well (thanks @Grace Note!)... What do you guys think? yea or nay? thoughts?",
"How to disable the touchpad? I want my touchpad to be disabled when I use my mouse. How can I do that? touchpad-indicator has stopped working on 11.10. It used to work on 11.04. Gnome3 is not a solution as I don't like it and find it buggy.",
"I'm developing a application, and I'm using constant NSStrings as ways to store key names for my preferences. I understand this is a good idea because it allows easy changing of keys if necessary. Plus, it's the whole 'separate your data from your logic' notion. Anyway, is there a good way to make these constants defined once for the whole application? I'm sure that there's an easy and intelligent way, but right now my classes just redefine the ones they use.",
"I was wondering, how can I create a timeline exactly like this one: on LaTeX? I am a Finance student, and write all of my notes using LaTeX. These timelines, are giving me a headache. Since we use a lot of different timelines because of annuities. I want to learn how to create one basic timeline, so that I can then change anything I want. But basically, I want something like this, with the arrows and everything. Thank you so much guys!",
"I found presentation document by D. J. Bernstein. Is it possible to create it in latex? Screenshot",
"If for two suitable matrices $B$ and $C$, $AA^TB=AA^TC$ can we conclude that $A^TB=A^TC$? Let $A$ be a $m\\times n$ real matrix. If for two suitable matrices $B$ and $C$, $$AA^TB=AA^TC$$ can we conclude that $A^TB=A^TC$? I know $AA^T$ is a symmetric matrix. Every real symmetric matrix is diagonalizable. But I am not sure how to use this information. Thanks for reading and helping me out with hints.",
"Equal standard errors for all levels of a categorical factor in lmer I have a question about the standard error of mixed model parameters estimated using the lmerTest package. I have 12 sites with 6 treatments over each site. I measured a response variable (biomass_of_insects) (which has a Gaussian distribution). library (lmerTest) model <- lmer(biomass_of_insects ~ as.factor(treatments) + (1 | sites)) However, the model summary shows the same standard error for every treatment (see below: 114.065). Why is the standard error always the same? Fixed effects: Estimate Std.err df t p (Intercept) 501.333 80.656 66.000 6.216 3.91e-08 *** as.factor(treat)F 126.667 114.065 66.000 1.110 0.271 as.factor(treat)I -8.333 114.065 66.000 -0.073 0.942 as.factor(treat)I+F1/3 -75.000 114.065 66.000 -0.658 0.513 as.factor(treat)I+F2/3 18.333 114.065 66.000 0.161 0.873 as.factor(treat)I+F3/3 15.917 114.065 66.000 0.140 0.889",
"What should main() return in C and C++? What is the correct (most efficient) way to define the main() function in C and C++ — int main() or void main() — and why? And how about the arguments? If int main() then return 1 or return 0? There are numerous duplicates of this question, including: — For C++, with a very good answer indeed. Related:",
"Product and sum of positive operators is positive I want to show that for $S,T\\in B(H)$ bounded operators on Hilbertspace with $S\\geq 0,T\\geq 0$ and $ST=TS$, we have $S+T\\geq 0$, and $ST\\geq 0$. $T\\geq 0$ means $(Tx,x)\\geq 0$. To me it seems that $((S+T)x,x) = (Sx,x)+(Tx,x)\\geq 0$. But for $ST$ i like some help. There is a theorem in Rudin (12.32) that says that for every $T\\in B(H)$ we have an equivalence: $T$ is positive $\\Leftrightarrow$ $T$ is self adjoint, i.e. $T=T^*$ and $\\sigma(T)\\subset [0,\\infty)$. Since $S, T$ are self adjoint we know that $ST=TS = S^*T^* = T^*S^*$ ($ST$ is selfadjoint since $S,T$ commute). Also I read somewhere that if $S,T $ commute then $\\sigma(ST)\\subset \\sigma(S)\\sigma(T)$, but I am not sure if this is true. Clearly I cant prove it, but if it were true by this ''Theorem'' it would follow that $ST \\geq 0$. Is there a more straightforward way?",
"How can I define the different properties of an Cycles/Eevee material? Such things as glossy, glass, diffuse, RGB-color, emissive via python scripting?",
"requireJS optional dependency",
"Is the electric force a vector or a vector field?",
"Keyboard shortcut to minimize a window on Ubuntu 18.10",
"How can I show that $n! \\leqslant \\left(\\frac{n+1}{2}\\right)^n$? Show that $$n! \\leqslant \\left(\\frac{n+1}{2}\\right)^n \\quad \\hbox{for all } n \\in \\mathbb{N}$$ I know that it can be done by induction but I always find line where I do not know what to do next.",
"I am given $f,f' \\in L^1(\\mathbb{R})$, and f is absolute continuous, I want to show that: $$\\lim_{|x|\\rightarrow \\infty} f(x)= 0$$ Not sure how to show this, I know that $f(x)=\\int_0^x f'(t) \\, dt+f(0)$, and I can assume without loss of generality that $f(0)=0$, any help? Thanks in advance.",
"Right-hand sidebar covers the footer on the \"ask question\" page and markdown help page",
"Book series about preparation for a war at the Singularity I am looking for a book series (almost certainly a trilogy) that starts with some humans in a space station being abducted by a small funny-looking alien and taken to a prison planet. They find out that the way space travel works is by creating copies of the passengers, and the originals remained on the space station. This is actually good for the aliens since they believe every sentient being will resurrect at the Singularity and will be forced to fight a battle, so the more the merrier. The one other detail I remember is that the world economy has a rampant inflation, so people take any cash they have at the end of the day and buy 20th-century memorabilia that doesn't devalue as much.",
"Is there a continuous bijection from $[0,1]$ onto $[0,1] \\times [0,1]$? That is with $I=[0,1]$ and $S=[0,1] \\times [0,1]$, is there a continuous bijection $$ f: I \\to S? $$ I know there is a continuous bijection $g:C \\to I$ from the Cantor set $C$ to $[0,1]$. The square $S$ is compact so there is a continuous function $$ h: C \\to S. $$ But this leads nowhere. Is there a way to construct such an $f$? I ask because I have a continuous functional $F:S \\to \\mathbb R$. For numerical reason, I would like to convert it into the functional $$ G: I \\to \\mathbb R, \\\\ G = F \\circ f , $$ so that $G$ is continuous.",
"Best way to specify whitespace in a String.Split operation"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Can we say "I can't not go" or for instance "i couldn't not look" | I can't not be pregnant | [
"rsync and symbolic links I want to backup my home directory to an external drive nightly using a cron job to execute rsync. I am unsure of the exact behavior of rsync's symbolic link flags. rsync's -a flag includes the -l flag (i.e. \"copy symlinks as symlinks\"). Does this just mean it will copy the link or that it will follow the link and copy everything in the link-to directory? I want to avoid that because I have links to directories full of media files that would involve copying hundreds of gigabytes I don't need to back up. Fearing (but not certain) that rsync -a would copy all those media files I instead added the --no-links flag. This does not seem to be behavior I want. It just ignores copying any link which is problematic because I do have links I want copied (e.g. links to common header files from different project directories). Assuming #1 above (without the --no-links flag) is what I really want and it just copies the link without copying the linked-to files, will the links break when they are backed up? For example I may rsync source directory /home/me/projects/misc to /media/extdrive/backup/home/me/projects/misc. In this case I assume rsync is not smart enough nor does it try to correct the contents of symlinks for the relative directory changes. Is this correct? This is okay, it doesn't matter if the links are broken in the backup directories so long as they would be fixed and working if such time comes when they need to be restored.",
"I loved the keyboard shortcuts in Windows 7 (i.e. Win + ← moves a window to the left side of the screen), but I'm not sure on what some of the new ones might be for Windows 8. What are all of the NEW keyboard shortcuts that I can use while working in Windows 8?",
"How do you delete untracked local files from your current working tree?",
"Book about space alien cats",
"I have a NOPASSWD line in /etc/sudoers (edited with visudo) gatoatigrado ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/set-slow-cpufreq However, the output is, gatoatigrado@coral:~> sudo -n /bin/set-slow-cpufreq sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo This kind of command works on an OpenSuSE machine, but not on Ubuntu 11.10. What am I doing wrong? Note: I cannot find any relevant system log messages, e.g. via tail -f /var/log/syslog. edit Here is /etc/sudoers. Defaults env_reset # things I've tried copying from an opensuse machine Defaults always_set_home Defaults env_keep = \"LANG LC_ADDRESS LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES LC_MONETARY LC_NAME LC_NUMERIC LC_PAPER LC_TELEPHONE LC_TIME LC_ALL LANGUAGE LINGUAS XDG_SESSION_COOKIE\" root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL gatoatigrado ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/set-slow-cpufreq %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL",
"Do you have any useful awk and grep scripts for parsing apache logs? I can use log analyzers, but often I need to parse recent web logs to see what's happening at the moment. I sometimes do things like to figure out top 10 ips that request a certain file cat foo.log | grep request_to_file_foo | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -rn | head What do you have in your toolbox?",
"The dialog box in question here is the one you get with the context menu option \"open with other applications\". Wine seems to have inserted more than a dozen or so entries for each application I install, which makes it a pain to find the correct application: What can I do to remove the duplicates? Update: Neither of the two solutions really work. The bug is interesting, but the symptoms does not match my problem (I'm not having problem with uninstalling applications, but rather the things that are inserted after installing them), and with the other one, all references to the Wine application are removed, which actually makes the problem worse (although it may be an acceptable solution if nothing else can be found). So this is still an open question; any takers?",
"Converting MultiLinestring to Linestring with PostGIS I have a multiline string and want to convert it to a linestring in order to use some functions that only work with linestrings. I used ST_Dump() and got a collection of my geometries. If I merge them back together, I still get the multilinestring. Should I get the Npoints and combine them together or something, in order to end up with a simple linestring? ST_LineMerge() also does not work on my multilinestring, it returns the same. my example, MULTILINESTRING((-3.16420835153456 55.9269166007097,-3.164222 55.926918),(-3.1642070167833 55.9269296196706,-3.16421351659546 55.9268662214904),(-3.16421351659546 55.9268662214904,-3.16421636372824 55.9268384509897),(-3.16421636372824 55.9268384509897,-3.16422182573761 55.9267851753802),(-3.16422182573761 55.9267851753802,-3.16422870102352 55.926718114886),(-3.16422870102352 55.926718114886,-3.16423309121073 55.926675293667),(-3.16423309121073 55.926675293667,-3.16423565148822 55.9266503211093),(-3.16423565148822 55.9266503211093,-3.16424103159897 55.9265978443265),(-3.16424103159897 55.9265978443265,-3.16424680776317 55.9265415044985),(-3.16424680776317 55.9265415044985,-3.16425267254583 55.9264843002995),(-3.16425267254583 55.9264843002995,-3.16425541048045 55.9264575949012),(-3.16425541048045 55.9264575949012,-3.16426111146586 55.9264019883556),(-3.16426111146586 55.9264019883556,-3.1642667032531 55.9263474469124),(-3.1642667032531 55.9263474469124,-3.16426957768543 55.9263194101362),(-3.16426957768543 55.9263194101362,-3.16427488261739 55.9262676666359),(-3.16427488261739 55.9262676666359,-3.16428009893088 55.9262167875066),(-3.16428009893088 55.9262167875066,-3.164282741107 55.9261910161221),(-3.1642875546472 55.9261440655823,-3.164282741107 55.9261910161221),(-3.1642875546472 55.9261440655823,-3.16429466890915 55.9260746741522),(-3.16429466890915 55.9260746741522,-3.16430092974527 55.9260136069079),(-3.16430092974527 55.9260136069079,-3.16430822838418 55.9259424170929),(-3.16430822838418 55.9259424170929,-3.16431547242401 55.925871759829),(-3.16431547242401 55.925871759829,-3.16431448732505 55.9258328901507),(-3.16431770120536 55.9257327846001,-3.16431547242401 55.925871759829),(-3.164339 55.925777,-3.16431770120536 55.9257327846001))",
"I'm new to d20. I recently acquired a bunch of D&D books and I'm sure they are all either 3.0 or 3.5, but it doesn't say in the book which version it is. How can I tell which version the book is? For instance, I have \"Complete Warrior - A Player's Guide to Combat for All Classes\". It's hard back, published in '03. Is it 3.0 or 3.5? Another example, I have \"Sword and Fist - A Guidebook to Fighters and Monks\". Perfect Bound, published in '01. Is it 3.0 or 3.5?",
"I'm reading Nano: The Essentials by T. Pradeep and I came upon this statement in the section explaining the basics of scanning electron microscopy. However, the equation breaks down when the electron velocity approaches the speed of light as mass increases. At such velocities, one needs to do relativistic correction to the mass so that it becomes[...] We all know about the famous theory of relativity, but I couldn't quite grasp the \"why\" of its concepts yet. This might shed new light on what I already know about time slowing down for me if I move faster. Why does the (relativistic) mass of an object increase when its speed approaches that of light?",
"Is phonetic typing for Tamil available in Ubuntu 12.04? How can I install it?",
"I'm reading and I'm trying to understand the proof under \"Degeneracy in One Dimension\". Here's what it says: Considering a one-dimensional quantum system in a potential $V(x)$ with degenerate states $|\\psi_1\\rangle$ and $|\\psi_2\\rangle$ corresponding to the same energy eigenvalue $E$, writing the time-independent Schrödinger equation for the system: $$-\\frac{\\hbar^2}{2m}\\frac{ \\partial^2\\psi_1}{ \\partial x^2} + V\\psi_1 =E\\psi_1$$ $$-\\frac{\\hbar^2}{2m}\\frac{ \\partial^2\\psi_2}{ \\partial x^2} + V\\psi_2 =E\\psi_2$$ Multiplying the first equation by $\\psi_2$ and the second by $\\psi_1$ and subtracting one from the other, we get: $$\\psi_1\\frac{d^2}{d x^2}\\psi_2-\\psi_2\\frac{d^2}{d x^2}\\psi_1=0$$ Integrating both sides $$\\psi_1\\frac{\\partial \\psi_2}{\\partial x}-\\psi_2\\frac{\\partial \\psi_1}{\\partial x}=constant$$ In case of well-defined and normalizable wave functions, the above constant vanishes, provided both the wave functions vanish at at least one point, and we find: $\\psi_1(x)=c\\psi_2(x)$ where $c$ is, in general, a complex constant. So, the two degenerate wave functions are not linearly independent. For bound state eigenfunctions, the wave function approaches zero in the limit $x\\to\\infty$ or $x\\to-\\infty$, so that the above constant is zero and we have no degeneracy. Here are the parts I don't understand: How does integrating $\\psi_1\\frac{d^2}{d x^2}\\psi_2-\\psi_2\\frac{d^2}{d x^2}\\psi_1=0$ yield $\\psi_1\\frac{\\partial \\psi_2}{\\partial x}-\\psi_2\\frac{\\partial \\psi_1}{\\partial x}=constant$. Without having explicit formulas for $\\psi_1(x)$ and $\\psi_2(x)$, how do we just apparently pull them both out of the integral? I don't understand how the constant in the last equation vanishes just because $\\psi_1$ and $\\psi_2$ vanish at infinity. Even if it does vanish, how does that imply $\\psi_1=c\\psi_2$?",
"NFS: mount.nfs: Protocol not supported",
"Does anybody know how to easily undo a git rebase? The only way that comes to mind is to go at it manually: git checkout the commit parent to both of the branches then create a temp branch from there cherry-pick all commits by hand replace the branch in which I rebased by the manually-created branch In my current situation this is gonna work because I can easily spot commits from both branches (one was my stuff, the other was my colleague's stuff). However my approach strikes me as suboptimal and error-prone (let's say I had just rebased with 2 of my own branches). Any ideas? Clarification: I'm talking about a rebase during which a bunch of commits were replayed. Not only one.",
"While using Wild Shape, do I use Unarmored Defense or the creature's Armor Class?",
"Number Theory: Find all solutions of $\\phi(n)=16$ and $\\phi(n)=24$",
"The add comment link and comment box overlaps bounty box",
"How to run ubuntu/xubuntu in a complete non-gui mode",
"Does a sorcerer's metamagic work for non-sorcerer spells? Can a multiclass sorcerer/cleric use the Metamagic class ability with non-sorcerer spells? For example, using Twinned Spell when casting cure wounds to heal two creatures instead of just one?",
"Test whether string is a valid integer"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Bad keys on Macbook Pro | Keyboard key stuck or not being recognized; how to fix | [
"What does it mean when multimeter accuracy is marked as: ±0,03%+10Digit? I have a digital multimeter and its accuracy for VDC is marked like this: ±0,03%+10Digit This multimeter has maximum display of 80000. So in the 80 V range it can show for example 79.999V. 0.03% of 80V is 0.024V - that is clear for me. But what does the +10Digit mean? The device in question in .",
"$f'(x) = [f(x)]^{2}$. Prove $f(x) = 0 $ Let $f:\\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be a differentiable function such that $f(0) = 0$ and $f'(x) = [f(x)]^{2}$, $\\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R}$. Show that $f(x) = 0$, $\\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R} $. I first (unsuccessfully) tried using the Mean Value Theorem, but this is in the Integrals chapter so the solution probably involves them. Can't really see where integrals come in here though. What I've got so far: (i) Since $f$ is differentiable, thus it is continuous and, hence, integrable. Therefore $f^2$ is also integrable and as $f'=f^2$, $f'$ is too. (ii) $f' \\geq 0$, $\\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R}$",
"Are there any performance comparisons? Are there any reliable performance comparisons between vanilla Drupal 8 versus Drupal 7? I have searched the web but only find the post \"\", which is far from encouraging.",
"I have to prove that if $E$ is a connected space, then so is $\\overline{E}$ (the closure of $E$) a connected space. I tried to prove the contrapositive. So suppose that $\\overline{E}$ is not connected in a metric space $X$. This implies there are $A\\subset X$ and $B\\subset X$ such that $A\\cap B=\\emptyset$, $A\\cap \\overline{E}\\neq \\emptyset$, $B\\cap \\overline{E}\\neq \\emptyset$ and $\\overline{E}\\subset A\\cup B$. I will try to prove that this $A$ and $B$ will also work for $E$. Suppose that $A\\cap E=\\emptyset$ and $B\\cap E=\\emptyset$, this implies that $A\\cup B$ is a subset of the limit points of $E$, because $A\\cap \\overline{E}\\neq \\emptyset$ and $B\\cap \\overline{E}\\neq \\emptyset$. This contradicts the fact that $\\overline{E}\\subset A\\cup B$, so we have to conclude that $A\\cap E\\neq \\emptyset\\neq B\\cap E$. Since $E\\subset\\overline{E}\\subset A\\cup B$, we have that $E$ is also not connected. My question is whether my proof is correct, because I have a little bit doubt. If it's not correct, what is the best I can do? Thanks in advance! Edit1: The definition we use for a connected space $E$ in a metric space $X$ is that if $E$ is connected, then there are no open $A,B\\subset X$ such that $A\\cap B=\\emptyset$, $A\\cap E\\neq \\emptyset\\neq B\\cap E$ and $E\\subset A\\cup B$. Edit2: $A$ and $B$ must be open.",
"Is it possible to save `bc` command line history? bash has a handy file .bash_history in which it saves the history of commands and on the next execution of bash the history is populated with saved commands. Is it possible to save bc command history to a file in the same way and then load it on startup so that bc history is preserved? I tried reading and it mentions readline and libedit. From ldd /usr/bin/bc I see mine uses readline and readline has and read_history functions. Is this functionality implemented in bc or to do it I'll need to patch bc?",
"Physically Identify the failed hard drive",
"I have searched in %appdata%, pulling up the list of files there, but there is no file labelled .minecraft. Searching %appdata%\\.minecraft returns \"no results found\". I also opened Minecraft to click on the resources button and could not locate that either.",
"What is a \"DIE\" package? In a list of ICs, along with the familiar package names such as QFN32, LQFP48, etc., I've seen a few ICs to be listed as DIE for the package size. I've never seen that description before as an IC package size, and does not list it either. What can it be? I assume it's some kind of chip-scale package, but it does not reveal the silicon size or any other properties, like number of pins, etc.",
"I am moving from Malaysia to the US, and planning to bring my desktop computer with me. I plan to pack it in my checked-in luggage. Will the computer risk being damaged? Any precaution should I take to reduce this risk? Will there be any trouble with the airline or immigration about bringing computer?",
"What is an idiom/slang for \"someone who pretends to be good when they're not\"? This is not from real life, but from a movie on my local TV. A character in the movie is really bad, but when she talks with others, she pretends to be an innocent/ good woman. I want to know how to describe this kind of person.",
"Where does TREE(n) sit on the Fast Growing Hierarchy?",
"Here's an example of a short conversation between me and a native speaker via text messages: A: I'm so exited for this app B: Yeah, me too A: We start tomorrow B: OK Shouldn't it be \"We are starting tomorrow\"?!",
"In $\\mathbb{Z}\\left [ x \\right ]$, let $I = \\left \\{ f\\left ( x \\right ) \\in \\mathbb{Z}\\left [ x \\right ]: f\\left ( 0 \\right ) \\text{ is an even integer} \\right \\}$ In fact, $I=\\left \\langle x,2 \\right \\rangle$ How do I show that the order of $\\mathbb{Z}\\left [ x \\right ]/I$ is 2?",
"How to change permissions of multiple files found with find command?",
"To env or not to env",
"I'm a web developer, started to become a web designer. However, I think my understanding of colors is not practical yet. There are tools out there that can give you color harmonies, and more stuff, like , but they don't give you the start point. I mean, how should I know that for this web site, I'd better use green and for that website, choose red. How should I know that? I think color selection is more like an art, instead of being a science, and I'm like \"you should become an color artist, in order to become a web designer\". How can I improve my color selection skill?",
"Are there any editors for ? Perhaps something similar to but for PGF/TikZ? If there is no WYSIWYG editor for this tandem, is there one perhaps that allows the user to easily generate PGF/TikZ templates? Alternatively, how can I most easily generate PFG/TikZ code from a visual conception? Do people mostly code their PGF/TikZ graphics from scratch?",
"Extracting the function from InterpolatingFunction object",
"PC started having screen glitches after update I'm not sure what's caused it. I haven't changed any system settings. The only thing I've done that may have broken something is updating my software. My update was: upgrade linux-generic-hwe-20.04:amd64 upgrade linux-image-generic-hwe-20.04:amd64 upgrade linux-headers-generic-hwe-20.04:amd64 upgrade linux-image-extra-virtual:amd64 upgrade linux-image-generic:amd64 upgrade linux-libc-dev:amd64 5.4.0-70.78 5.4.0-71.79 upgrade libseccomp2:amd64 2.4.3-1ubuntu3.20.04.3 2.5.1-1ubuntu1~20.04.1 upgrade nomachine:amd64 7.3.2-3 7.4.1-3``` Removing nomachine did not solve the problem. It was far worse before, I'm not sure how to describe exactly, but my entire screen's UI was glitching out. So I rebooted and that stopped, but now the terminal text looks like this: I haven't changed any terminal settings. This seems to be occurring in the entire OS. Here is another example: Not sure how to go about troubleshooting this? I don't have the time to reinstall the OS, nor do I think I should have to because this is just ridiculous and shouldn't happen. I'm not aware of anything I've done to make the system unstable. Edit Earlier I also tried booting the PC. It failed and got stuck on some command in a terminal (didn't manage to take a photo of what it said). So I rebooted into recovery mode with both available kernels. I was getting strange glitches like this: That didn't work. So I rebooted the PC normally, and now I somehow logged in fine. Now I'm getting popups saying to report a system error. It says this: Environment Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS GNOME 3.36.8 sudo lshw -class display *-display description: VGA compatible controller product: Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller vendor: Intel Corporation physical id: 2 bus info: pci@0000:00:02.0 version: 06 width: 64 bits clock: 33MHz capabilities: msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom configuration: driver=i915 latency=0 resources: irq:33 memory:f7800000-f7bfffff memory:e0000000-efffffff ioport:f000(size=64) memory:c0000-dffff I also did , which passed with 0 errors. Let me know if more details are required.",
"I've got a qml file and I just want to ssh to the phone and do qmlscene myfile.qml Is it possible without doing all that stuff with SDK and packages? Just vim and some simple commands that can fit into person's memory."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
$\frac{1}{5}n^5+\frac{1}{3}n^3+\frac{7}{15}n$ is an integer for every integer n. | Using congruences, show $\frac{1}{5}n^5 + \frac{1}{3}n^3 + \frac{7}{15}n$ is integer for every $n$ | [
"Let $A$ be a square matrix of order $n$ such that $A^2 = I$. Prove that if $1$ is the only eigenvalue of $A$, then $A = I$. Prove that $A$ is diagonalizable. For (1), I know that there are two eigenvalues which are $1$ and $-1$, how do I go about proving what the question asks me?",
"What is Java's answer to WPF?",
"Can a single player build a clan dojo? Is it possible for an one-or-two-person clan to build a dojo? If so, what are the resources involved? I'd like to experience the whole Dojo building experience so I don't plan to join an existing Clan with a dojo already.",
"Alright, when I run certain commands the wrong way, (misspelled, etc.) The terminal outputs this: > instead of computername:workingfolder username$, and when I type enter it goes like this: > > > That would be if I pressed enter 3 times.",
"CentOS 7 DVD ISO vs Everything ISO different",
"On my mac I have 2 accounts and the both are normal account. So in this moment I don't have a Administrator account, only one that was in the past a administrator, but now is not. How I can have again a Administrator account?",
"I bought a new MacBook Air and was able to connect to the internet at first but now it won't connect. I have other devices as well as other computers on wifi but my Mac won't connect. When I try and click on the wifi, it tells me that it can't be joined. How can I troubleshoot?",
"Expression for a choice which isn't really one",
"Why doesn't the Enterprise use stealth/invisibility technology like the Romulans and Klingons? The stealth mode of starships plays a huge role in many Star Trek films and episodes and is a strong advantage in combat. I remember an episode revealing that the Federation developed a secret stealth technology (afair on Riker's former ship with another captain appearing in this episode) that even made it possible to fly with the ship through matter. Nonetheless, while stealth technology seems standard for Romulans, Klingons (Ferengi, Vulcans?) and does not break any intergalactic laws (do these exist at all?), the Federation doesn't use it?",
"Let moderators navigate the review queues at will This post is an expansion of For many graduated sites (eg Physics), moderators do not want to apply the unilateral close vote in all cases--it is better to let some community votes pile on first. We only use the unilateral in obvious cases then. This renders the CV queue useless to us. If we "skip" something, we can't get back to it. If we say "do not close", it's removed from the queue and our community can't see it. If we use "close", we are using a unilateral mod vote--we don't want to do that. What I propose is a set of "next/previous" buttons, that let us navigate the queues, looking for closeable questions, and coming back to the others later. Thoughts? Update and bounty reason Due to the recent Great Flag Overhaul, mods no longer see close flags in the flag queue. Which means that the only way to get to them is via the review queue 1 Shog's solution is ideal in this case; let mods view the close queue as a list. (In fact, a list similar to the old flag queue -- which shows a list of mods who have seen the post and what mod actions have already been taken -- would be great) On Physics, the majority of the flags that we get are VTC flags. And the community isn't always able to close things on their own, so we have to step in. However, powering through the close queue isn't an option; because "skip"ing a post2 leads to it being dumped into the void (I can't get back to it unless I have a link). Extremely inconvenient. Could the workflow here be improved? 1. The /tools listing for posts with outstanding close votes doesn't work because it doesn't list posts which have been flagged but not VTCd 2. which I may want to take a closer look at later; gotta be careful with the binding votes.",
"How does a wheelie work? So I've been trying to create a mathematical model for an electric motorcycle and began to wonder about the maximum possible torque that could be supplied to the rear driven wheel without having the bike begin to lift up on one wheel. I found ways to calculate this value online; however, the basic concept as to how the bike actually lifts escapes me. My problem started when I began to think about what axis the bike will rotate about when it is doing the wheelie. My first intuition was that the frame and front wheel, together, rotate about the rear axle. But when I drew a free body diagram of the frame/front wheel system just at liftoff (see below) I made note that the only forces acting about the rear axle, point O, is the force of weight. This means that an increase in applied torque and subsequently, the applied force Fa, should not effect the rotation about the rear axle. I know that the applied force on the back wheel is indeed correlated with the propensity for a bike to wheelie, so I considered that the axis of rotation I was choosing was wrong. If we take the free body diagram above and sum the moments about the center of mass, we would find that an increased applied force would in fact cause the solid body to rotate. The problem with this understanding is that during rotation, the center of mass of the drawn system should actually rises relative to the surface the bike is moving across. If the bike were to be truly rotating about its center of mass, then the back wheel would begin to dip below the surface of the road like you might see in a glitchy video game. So I suspect that the bike is in fact rotating about the back axle, but I don't understand why, please help! edit: I added the external torque from the back wheel to the frame, which would allow the bike to rotate about the back axle edit 2: I suppose that the torque acting on the frame via the engine should not effect the rotation as the movement of a motorcycle can be perfectly replicated by applying a force at the back axle. A third possible axis of rotation might be the lowest point of the back wheel.",
"According to general relativity, inertial mass and gravitational mass are the same, and all accelerated reference frames (such as a uniformly rotating reference frame with its proper time dilation) are physically equivalent to a gravitational field of the same strength. Refer: Einstein's thought experiment of a Physicist in an Accelerated Box. I find that the 'How' part of this question is somewhat easy to understand Mathematically but hard to visualize physically and on the 'Why' part I am totally blank.",
"I've watched the Vampire Knight anime. I really like the story so far but find it frustrating that the anime doesn't finish off the story. I'm trying to figure out if it is worth reading the manga. Does the manga contain more story than the anime? Does it finish the story off?",
"Why do you cast downvotes on answers? This is a question which started off with a , then turned into an , and now it's a question in its own right (as suggested by Jeff). I'm not sure where it could go from here :) It's obvious that different people cast downvotes for different reasons. (Upvotes are less controversial, generally.) Here are some possible reasons: Answer is wrong Answer is misleading (may be technically accurate, but will lead to readers making mistakes) Answer doesn't match the question (e.g. a C# answer to a question about Java) Answer doesn't really address the question, e.g. suggesting a completely different solution, even if the question specifies that there are good reasons why the current approach has to be followed Answer is okay, but not as good as another one which currently has fewer votes Answer appears to be plagiarised from existing answers. Answer is by someone I don't like. Answer is abusive (profanity, spam etc). No reason, I just felt like it. I'm a , and prefer down to up. Have you considered down? Ideological grounds: answer suggests a technology I don't like, or expresses a negative opinion of a technology I do like Personally I go with 1, 2 and 8 - although I'll add comments suggesting changes in various other situations. Have I missed anything? What do you do, and why? What are the net benefits (to you, the world in general, and the answerer) from your approach?",
"What are preimage resistance and collision resistance, and how can the lack thereof be exploited? What is \"preimage resistance\", and how can the lack thereof be exploited? How is this different from collision resistance, and are there any known preimage attacks that would be considered feasible?",
"I would like to install Ubuntu for almost 120 users. But it's very difficult in using USB and drives. Any suggestions?",
"Wireless antenna does not appear despite its driver being installed",
"ffmpeg - how to apply filters without losing quality",
"NHibernate Get objects without proxy",
"Teleporting Castle I remember seeing a movie when I was younger, but can't find it online because I can't remember a whole lot about the story. What I do remember is there was a group of soldiers trying to catch this castle that appeared only during the day and at the start of each new day it would teleport to a new random location. I also remember the main character having this neat little flying blade disk that reminds me of something from the Predator movies that he could control with his mind. Again I can't recall a lot about the movie, but if it sounds familiar I would be grateful. Also it seems like at one point there were horses that ran so fast they caught fire!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
What is the answer to the squirrel and the yellow hat riddle? | What are all the correct answers to the Squirrel's questions, and what is the reward when I get them all correct? | [
"Find an example of a function sum $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty u_n $ that converges uniformly on $[a,b]$ and converges absolutely pointwise, but $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty |u_n| $ doesn't converge uniformly on $[a,b]$. This seems pretty straightfoawrd but it's really hard to find an example. The choice of $u_n$ must be very specific. You can actually prove any power series wont work (due to Abel's theorem) In addition, in order to prove the uniform convergence, $u_n$ must not satisfy Weierstrass' M-Test (because then $\\sum |u_n|$ would converge uniformly aswell)",
"How to align content of a div to the bottom",
"How old should you be when you begin Jedi training?",
"Find $\\lim\\limits_{x \\to \\infty} \\frac{x}{(\\log{x})^n}$ Find $\\displaystyle \\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{x}{(\\log{x})^n}$. My book says that $\\displaystyle \\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{(\\log{x})^n}{x} = \\lim_{y \\to \\infty} \\dfrac{y^n}{e^y} = 0$, but I don't see how that is true.",
"HTTPS urls don't onebox in chat When posting an HTTPS url like https://stackoverflow.com/..., it does not onebox in chat. For example:",
"Theorem. Let $X$ and $Y$ be sets with $X$ nonempty. Then (P) there exists an injection $f:X\\rightarrow Y$ if and only if (Q) there exists a surjection $g:Y\\rightarrow X$. For the P $\\implies$ Q part, I know you can get a surjection $Y\\to X$ by mapping $y$ to $x$ if $y=f(x)$ for some $x\\in X$ and mapping $y$ to some arbitrary $\\alpha\\in X$ if $y\\in Y\\setminus f(X)$. But I don't know about the Q $\\implies$ P part. Could someone give an elementary proof of the theorem?",
"How to snap and align 2 objects Hi! I'm a beginner learner and I'd like to know how to snap these three objects. I'd like to snap the two cylinders with the different faces of the cube. The short one on the left and the highest cylinder on the top of the cube. I'd like to have the center of the cylinder aligned with the center of the cube (the base of the cylinder inscribed into the face of the cube) I'm sorry for bad explanation I hope someone can help me Thanks! I add a screenshoot in which you can see what I have to do Thanks again if someone can help me with this!",
"What is the term for a sentence which reads same forwards and backwards? Please note, I'm not asking for a palindrome. I mean to say that only the word order is rearranged, not the actual spelling of the word. An example might be as follows: First ladies rule the State and state the rule: ladies first.",
"How to edit Parameters for an Object after it is created?",
"How can I play encrypted DVD movies?",
"polyglossia or bidi bug: [\\d\\.] gets inverted to [\\.\\d] After bidi was updated to v. 19.6 (2016-05-23), using at least one RTL language with polyglossia leads to number and following dot being inverted. Cf. \\documentclass{book} \\usepackage{polyglossia} \\setotherlanguage{hebrew} \\begin{document} 6. \\end{document} with and without \\setotherlanguage{hebrew}. Note that it is not necessary to actually use that language. I do not know whether this is a bug in bidi or an incompatible change which polyglossia needs to adapt to. Because of this I have not opened an issue on polyglossia's github page. Sadly, bidi's contact information are outdated – the sourceforge referred to on CTAN is unused and the github page that is mentioned in the package's readme and PDF does not seem to exist any more either. The problem might be something along the lines of Does anybody have the previous version of bidi at hand? TIA, Dario",
"I've used git clone to make a local copy of a GitHub repository containing a I'd like to use. The local copy contains all of the source for the program; but as a newbie to Ubuntu, I've no idea of what tools or steps are involved in compiling and installing the driver. I'd really appreciate if anyone could provide a step-by-step guide?",
"How do I eliminate the vertical realignment when using arrayrulecolor with cmidrule? I'm using consecutive \\cmidrule commands in conjunction with \\arrayrulecolor to alternately hide and unhide horizontal rules in a table. However, when \\arrayrulecolor is used with \\cmidrule, some odd vertical spacing is introduced. I'd like to eliminate it. (I'm using longtable, so a colorbox, minipage, or anything else tied to a page won't work.) Below is an image that introduces the challenge. The first block shows a \\toprule. My goal is to create a shaded border around the table, so I've added a dummy column. The second rule shows a \\cmidrule that skips the first column. The third block shows how I can use a \\cmidrule to fill in the whitespace with a shorter \\cmidrule. Finally, I want to recolor this short \\cmidrule to the background color and restore the color later. Note the jagged vertical skipping in case 4 compared to case 3. Why would \\arrayrulecolor change vertical alignment? How can I eliminate the jagged edges? Here is the code: \\documentclass[11pt]{article} \\usepackage{longtable} \\usepackage{booktabs} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{xcolor} \\usepackage{colortbl} \\setlength{\\aboverulesep}{0pt} \\setlength{\\belowrulesep}{0pt} \\setlength{\\extrarowheight}{0.25ex} \\newcolumntype{L}{>{\\columncolor[gray]{0.8}}l} \\newcolumntype{C}{>{\\columncolor[gray]{0.8}}c} \\newcolumntype{R}{>{\\columncolor[gray]{0.8}}r} \\begin{document} \\textsf{ \\begin{longtable}{LLLLL} & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {\\tablename\\ \\thetable{}} - demonstration of odd vertical alignment with arrayrulecolor} & \\\\% & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {case 1: the line below is a toprule}} & \\\\% \\toprule & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {case 2: the line below is a cmidrule that spans the middle 3 columns. Note the whitespace!}} & \\\\% & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {The challenge: hide the widespace giving the appearance of a spacing around a longtable.}} & \\\\% \\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{2-4} & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {case 3: the line below is 3 cmidrules, 1 each for the first and last columns and 1 for the middle}} & \\\\% & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {note how the cmidrules align vertically ... perfect!}} & \\\\% \\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{1-1}\\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{2-4}\\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{5-5} & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {case 4: Now, lets try recoloring the first and last cmidrules}} & \\\\% & \\multicolumn{3}{@{}L}{\\small {how do I eliminate the odd vertical alignments?}} & \\\\% \\arrayrulecolor[gray]{0.80}\\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{1-1}\\arrayrulecolor[gray]{0.0}\\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{2-4}\\arrayrulecolor[gray]{0.80}\\cmidrule[\\heavyrulewidth]{5-5}\\arrayrulecolor[gray]{0.00} \\endfirsthead & Arizona State University & & ASU &\\\\ & Baylor University & & BAYLOR &\\\\ & Boston University & 164988 & BU &\\\\ & Brown University & 217156 & BROWN &\\\\ & California Institute of Technology & 110404 & CALTECH &\\\\ & Carnegie Mellon University & 211440 & CMU &\\\\ & Case Western Reserve University & 201645 & CASE &\\\\ & Columbia University & 190150 & COLUMBIA &\\\\ & Cornell University & 190415 & CORNELL &\\\\ & Yale University & 130794 & YALE & % \\label{tab:schools} \\end{longtable} } \\end{document}",
"How do you find out which program is using too much memory? Ubuntu has been crashing on me recently. I think its because it runs out of memory so I ran the free -m command and found that my memory usage was really high. So then, i ran top to find the culprit, but the displayed processes were using less than 1.5% of memory. How do I know which program is making ubuntu crash/run out of memory? Below is the output: shafee@shafee-pc:~$ free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 3824 3714 110 0 978 1954 -/+ buffers/cache: 780 3044 Swap: 99 0 99 shafee@shafee-pc:~$ top top - 02:12:14 up 1:24, 2 users, load average: 0.16, 0.42, 1.49 Tasks: 182 total, 1 running, 181 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 2.9%us, 1.9%sy, 0.3%ni, 79.3%id, 15.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 0.0%st Mem: 3916708k total, 3803848k used, 112860k free, 1002308k buffers Swap: 102396k total, 0k used, 102396k free, 2001852k cached PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 4200 root 20 0 289m 53m 38m S 2 1.4 1:06.45 Xorg 5590 shafee 20 0 19348 1368 956 R 2 0.0 0:00.01 top 1 root 20 0 24124 2136 1264 S 0 0.1 0:02.05 init 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd 3 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:24.23 ksoftirqd/0 6 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/0 7 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/1 9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.11 ksoftirqd/1 11 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/2 13 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:03.89 ksoftirqd/2 14 root RT 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 migration/3 16 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.16 ksoftirqd/3 17 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 cpuset 18 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 khelper 19 root 0 -20 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 netns 21 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.01 sync_supers shafee@shafee-pc:~$ Or is it normal to have 110mb of free memory and is my issue related to something else?",
"I just would like to know if a question or an answer saved draft is visible to someone else, apart from the OP. Will a copy of a saved draft remain visible even after it has been deleted? Who has access to it?",
"Why does ( exit 1 ) not exit the script?",
"Using OPENQUERY to execute a script I have a SQL Server 2008 instance which I want to use to import data from an Oracle server. I have set up a linked server that works correctly when running simple queries like SELECT * FROM table. However, if I declare a variable or loop through the rows in a table or anything else inside the OPENQUERY, I get errors. Is it possible to do this using OPENQUERY? Do I need additional permissions?",
"Chrome's default search engine is . How we can force chrome to use without https? I need a solution that allows proxies to rewrite my URLs, but https currently makes this impossible...",
"Does a finally block always get executed in Java?",
"DateTime.TryParse century control C#"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to install Windows 10 on Ubuntu 18.04 operating system? | How can I install Windows after I've installed Ubuntu? | [
"How does a half-life work? Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. That means that after 5,730 years, half of that sample decays. After another 5,730 years, a quarter of the original sample decays (and the cycle goes on and on, and one could use virtually any radioactive isotope). Why is this so? Logically, shouldn't it take 2,865 years for the quarter to decay, rather than 5,730?",
"I've been reading up on STL containers in my book on C++, specifically the section on the STL and its containers. Now I do understand each and every one of them have their own specific properties, and I'm close to memorizing all of them... But what I do not yet grasp is in which scenario each of them is used. What is the explanation? Example code is much prefered.",
"Until I went to army, I (had been / used to be / was ) a introverted person. - which one is right? Until I went into the army, I (had been / used to be / was ) an introverted person. And after I I finished army service, I became more confident. I think all of these are possible. As for had been, I'm referring to the state of me being introverted before the accident that happened in the past. So, I think I can use had been. And at the same time I feel I can use used to be and was.. If I don't want to emphasize the time gap between two accident, I feel I don't need to use past perfect. So I think this problem depends on how I'm going to say something. which one is preferable? and what is the difference?",
"In Minecraft, there are a lot of cool sounds. I decided to find there location and move them to my desktop. I have Ubuntu, and if when I remove them from that folder will Minecraft be unable to play them or is it smart enough to figure out that they are gone and download them again. Before minecraft was installed, it had to download the files. I even moved my favorite song (creative 6) from the sounds. The sounds are not labeled and have seemingly random names like b0b12118a97ddd733a50e9382e91a21652568641 and how will I know what to call them that will be recognized without digging through the index if Minecraft fails to download them? Or do I not have to worry because it will download them again upon launch? Note: Why does it not label them and call them random names?",
"I use time manager for a polygon layers with dates and it works. I would like to see the cummulative addition of my polygons. So I have 4 periods I want the poylgons from 1900-1950 to be added to the new ones in 1950-2000 etc in the next time step. How can I perform that or does another open source tool exist for that?",
"How to find out if my system is i386 or x86_64 before installing Ubuntu? I am using Windows as of now and want to install Ubuntu. I want to find out if my system is i386 or x86_64? How do I do that?",
"Proving that if $G$ has a Hamiltonian circuit, then the line graph $L(G)$ also has a Hamiltonian Circuit I have a graph G = (V, E). I know that the line graph L(G) of G is defined as follows: each vertex in L(G) corresponds to an edge in G, and two vertices are connected by an edge in L(G) if and only if the corresponding edges in G are adjacent. Now I am trying to (a) prove that if G has a Hamiltonian circuit, then L(G) also has a Hamiltonian circuit, and (b) give an example of a graph G such that G does not have a Hamiltonian circuit but L(G) does. However, I'm extremely stuck on how to do this, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!",
"How does Wild Shape work with special ways to calculate your AC? Among the effects of Wild Shapes, these two: Your game Statistics are replaced by the Statistics of the beast, but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature's bonus instead of yours. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, you can't use them. You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so. However, you can't use any of your Special senses, such as Darkvision, unless your new form also has that sense (PHB p.67, \"Wild Shape\") Seem to come into conflict with each other when things like Draconic Resilience: When you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. (PHB p.102, \"Draconic Bloodline\") and Barbarians: While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a Shield and still gain this benefit. and Monks: Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a Shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. and Stone Sorcerers: As an action, you can gain a base AC of 13 + your Constitution modifier if you aren’t wearing armor, and your skin assumes a stony appearance. This effect lasts until you end it as a bonus action, you are incapacitated, or you don armor other than a shield. How would these resolve?",
"Light clock with mirrors on a moving train",
"Fix for word of power quest bug at Arcwind Point When I picked up the word of power at Arcwind Point, the quest didn't get removed from my quest log. If I select it, the arrow still points to the wall even though there is no word to collect anymore. The monks at High Hrothgar won't give me a new word power quest since they don't realize that I finished this one. I can see in the Unofficial Elder Scrolls pages that this is a known issue. My question is now, is there anything I can do about it? I don't want to reload a previous save since I have done much since it happened. I didn't realize until hours afterwards what had happened. Note: I am on Xbox 360 so the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch is not an option.",
"Do there exist two primes $p<q$ such that $p^n-1\\mid q^n-1$ for infinitely many $n$? We can prove that there is no integer $n>1$ such that $2^n-1\\mid 3^n-1$. This leads to the following question: Is it true that for every pair of primes $p<q$ there are only finitely many integers $n$ such that $p^n-1\\mid q^n-1$? Are there two primes $p<q$ and an integer $n>p+q$ such that $p^n-1\\mid q^n-1$?Is it true that if $n>6$ then $2^n-1\\nmid 5^n-1$? Edit: Here are some examples: \\begin{array}{ll} 2^{36}-1\\mid 41^{36}-1, &3^{12}-1\\mid 97^{12}-1,\\\\ 5^{6}-1\\mid 37^{6}-1, &7^{4}-1\\mid 151^{4}-1. \\end{array} Now I prove there is no integer $n>1$ such that $2^n-1\\mid 3^n-1.$ Proof: Denote $A=2^n-1$ and $B=3^n-1$. If $n$ is even then $3$ divides $A$ but not $B$, a contradiction. If $n$ is odd then $A\\equiv -5\\pmod {12}$. Since every prime greater than $3$ is $\\equiv \\pm1,\\pm5 \\pmod {12}$, some prime factor $p$ of $A$ must be congruent to $\\pm5 \\pmod {12}$. As $p \\mid B$, we have $3^{n+1}\\equiv 3 \\pmod p$. Since $n+1$ is even, we get $(\\frac{3}{p})=1$, a contradiction again.",
"How to start git-gui?",
"Is it possible to test apex that relies on field history tracking? I have some code that relies on field history tracking by querying the History for a custom object. This works fine, but it appears that the history records aren't created during the test so none of my tests will pass.",
"How was the torque-force relationship discovered",
"How quickly is the desired state of curl of the Electric Field around a point achieved where a Magnetic Field Vector has just begun changing? My question and context with explanation are given below. Thank you in advance. Faraday’s Law () states that a time-changing magnetic field vector induces a curl of the Electric field around that point. However it does not specify how quickly the necessary spatial gradient is developed in the Electric Field to satisfy that curl. Of course, the Electric Field vectors around that point cannot just jump to the required values instantaneously in accompaniment as soon as the magnetic field starts changing at a fixed rate, since it is required that the Electric Field has a sensible rate of change to in turn induce a curl of the magnetic Field and continue the propagation of the wave. It would seem the exact rates at which the Electric and Magnetic Fields are changing is critical in the mechanism of an EM wave’s propagation. How would I then calculate the rate of change of E somewhere along the wave given I know the rate of change of the B vector that began it, and given the wave is restricted to one dimension for simplicity? There should after all be some delay in how the EM wave moves from point to point in space, seeing as it moves at the finite speed of causality (3*10^8 m/s), as shown in the first image: Some of my ideas so far have been that perhaps the rate of change of E is determined such that it exactly cancels the growth of the time-changing E vector that gave rise to a curl of B before, which developed at such a rate to induce a curl of E, which demands this rate of change of E which I am talking about now. In this way the wave might level out the growth of the fields in its wake and spread the change further outwards, in the same way smoothening out a crease spreads it elsewhere. However I am stuck on how to show this rigorously. I am open to any difficulty of maths, so long as the answer provides the explanation. Below are some diagrams to help visualize what I am talking about: Faraday's Law requires that a curl of E is developed, which under these restrictions requires a spatial gradient of E to appear across that point. Since the field across that point was previously in some other state, it is required that the Electric Field vectors that are infinitesimally close to that point undergo a rate of change through time to achieve the desired state of curl. The question is, how quickly is this desired state of curl achieved?",
"Comparison theorem for ODE",
"4 cards are drawn from a pack without replacement. What is the probability of getting all 4 from different suits? Here's how I tried to solve: For the first draw, we have 52 cards, and we have to pick one suit. So, probability for this is $\\frac{13}{52}$. For the second draw, only 51 cards are left. The second suit has to be selected, so there are 13 cards from that suit. The probability is $\\frac{13}{51}$. Similarly, the third and fourth draw have probabilities $\\frac{13}{50}$ and $\\frac{13}{49}$ respectively. Since the draws are independent, the total probability becomes $$\\frac{13}{52} \\times \\frac{13}{51} \\times \\frac{13}{50} \\times \\frac{13}{49}$$ But my book says the answer is $\\frac{{13\\choose 1} \\times {13 \\choose 1} \\times {13\\choose1} \\times {13\\choose1}}{52 \\choose 4}$. My answer differs by a factor of $4!$. What did I do wrong?",
"How to list only JPEG files from root below using the command line?",
"Adding Labels and arrows in Tikz graph",
"90s (or earlier) Japanese anime movie: two planets at war, young man is in love with princess from the other planet, and floods his own village I would like to find out the title of a Japanese anime feature film (not a series) that I saw on Romanian TV in the early 90s. It was about a feud between the peoples of two planets (one very technologically advanced, the other not). The two planets go to war against each other, and a young man from one of the planets falls in love with a princess from the other planet. I recall a scene where the army of the second planet take off in hot air balloons when they go to war. The only other thing I recall is that there is a dam next to the village where the young man lives, and for some reason he opens the dam gates and floods his own village. I do not recall there being robots in the movie, however I remember very vaguely that the technology level was probably at the level of late 19th century Europe on one planet and pre-industrial on the other one. What it's not: Nobunaga the Fool Aldnoah Zero Queen Millennia Uchuu Senkan Yamato (movie)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Matrix algebra : matrix nilpotent | $\operatorname{tr}(A)=\operatorname{tr}(A^{2})= \ldots = \operatorname{tr}(A^{n})=0$ implies $A$ is nilpotent | [
"How do I read the manifest file for a webapp running in apache tomcat?",
"Best way to strip punctuation from a string It seems like there should be a simpler way than: import string s = \"string. With. Punctuation?\" # Sample string out = s.translate(string.maketrans(\"\",\"\"), string.punctuation) Is there?",
"Check if a class is derived from a generic class",
"How do I resolve \"WILL_NOT_PERFORM\" MS AD reply when trying to change password in scala w/ the unboundid LDAP SDK?",
"Differential Geometry-Wedge product How can we prove the following relation for differentiating the wedge product of a p-form $\\alpha_p$ and a q-form $\\beta_q$$$d(\\alpha_p\\wedge\\beta _q)=d\\alpha_p\\wedge\\beta_q+(-1)^{p}\\alpha_p\\wedge d\\beta_q$$",
"When to pull loose teeth My 5 year old is starting to have some teeth become loose. Specifically her lower two front teeth. I just noticed today that one of them is really loose. However, I don't know how loose it should be before pulling it out. I'm also curious about how to pull them (or should I just let them fall out, which seems bad). My father pulled mine with pliers but I think my wife would freak out if I tried to do that. So, how loose is lose enough and how to pull them out (technique, tools, etc.).",
"Determining true mean from noisy observations I have a large set of data points of the form (mean, stdev). I wish to reduce this to a single (better) mean, and a (hopefully) smaller standard deviation. Clearly I could simply compute $\\frac{\\sum data_{mean}}{N}$, however this does not take in to account the fact that some of the data points are significantly more accurate than others. To put it simply, I wish to preform a weighted average of these data points, but do not know what the weighting function should be in terms of the standard deviation.",
"ceiling fan from a switch with only black and red wires? The current switch controls an outlet in the corner of the room for a lamp. I pulled it out and noticed three sets of individual wires: two set of wires coming up into the box from the bottom, and one set with a red wire coming down into box. All the white and grounding wires are capped. Also all the black wires are capped; one set I’m assuming is the hot since I see it contains a red wire. On the back of the switch, the top two ports have black wires and the bottom right has the one red wire. There are two black pigtail wires coming off the black capped wires. I tried to connect a separate switch to control a ceiling fan with remote. I ran new wire making the old switch box into a two switch. I ran 14/2 gauge wire to ceiling for fan / light remote combo. Fan didn’t work after multiple re-wiring combinations. The breaker did pop and half click when it popped. Then I thought to re-wire the ceiling fan wires as if I was going to make it into outlet only and use a tester to indicate an open ground, or a wiring error but the two light on tester are both orange indicating correct wiring. I heard that sometimes the ceiling fan remote transformer goes bad. Should I check batteries and/or unit placement? I’m really confused at this point why the light is not working at least with remote after follow wiring installation instructions that were included with the fan. I think it’s my wiring with the switch. The way I left the wiring is that it has constant power. As if we’re a outlet the current switch does not turn it off.",
"cp vs. mv: which operation is more efficient? I find myself moving reasonably large amount of data (20+ GB) from one directory tree to other. Often times they are on the same filesystem but sometimes they are on different ones. I do cp just to preserve the original data just-in-case. Once the copy is done I delete the original data after verifying that the data has been copied alright. Sometimes I just do mv if I feel too lazy to clean original data afterwards. However, I am wondering, from purely technical point of view, which operation is more efficient? Why?",
"Heathrow change in terminal flight UK Border control check? I am traveling from NYC to Mumbai via London. Assume my connecting flight belongs to different terminal. If I have to change terminal at Heathrow, do I need to go through UK Border control ?",
"Understanding the -exec option of `find`",
"When using the Gmail preview pane lab, fastest way to get a direct link to a conversation? In vanilla Gmail, clicking on a conversation alters the fragment ID in the URL, allowing you to link back to that conversation. (It opens in its own Gmail interface.) I am using the preview pane, which is great, except that the URL no longer updates when viewing specific emails, so there appears to be no way to get the link to the currently-viewed conversation. (The 'open in new window' button doesn't help, since it pulls its contents in on the client side; it isn't a standalone link.) The only solution I've found is to turn off the preview pane, find the message again in the list, open it, grab the link, go back to the message list, and turn preview pane back on. That's fairly onerous for something I do often though (to clip Gmail conversations to Evernote, where my GTD setup lives).",
"How do I mount shared folders in Ubuntu using VMware tools?",
"root owned program with setuid bit on Ping is a a program owned by root with the user id bit set. $ ls -l `which ping` -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 35752 Nov 4 2011 /bin/ping As I understand it, if a user runs the ping process, then the effective user id will change from the real user id (i.e. the user id of the person who launched the process) to the user id root. However when I try this and look at the output of ps to see if the ping process is running as the root user, I still get the real user id showing. ps -e -o user,ruser,euser,cmd,args | grep ping sashan sashan sashan ping -i 10 -c 1000 www.goog ping -i 10 -c 1000 www.google.com",
"Should I add a 'Home' Button to the navigation? I know that it is common behavior to have the logo of a web page be a link to the home page, but should I also have a 'home' link in the navigation bar for it as well?",
"A function for which one-sided limits are zero and infinity",
"Natural deduction, Proof $\\vdash$ $P\\Rightarrow(Q\\Rightarrow P)$ So I have a question regarding natural deduction, are we allowed to \"copy\" our previous assumption inside a new assumption. I will use an example to illustrate. $\\vdash$ $P\\Rightarrow(Q\\Rightarrow P)$ So here are my steps. 1.) $P$ Assumption 2.)$Q$ Assumption 3.)$P$ Copy (1) 4.)$Q \\Rightarrow P$ Implication Introduction 5.)$P \\Rightarrow (Q \\Rightarrow P)$ Implication Introduction Is my proof correct, or is there something missing.",
"Use the triangle inequality to show that $|a|+|b| \\leq |a+b|+|a-b|$ How would I go about proving that $$|a|+|b| \\leq |a+b|+|a-b|$$ Using the triangle inequality? I tried squaring both sides, yielding: $$|a|^2 +|b|^2 +2|a||b| \\leq 2|a|^2+2|b|^2+2||a|^2-|b|^2|$$ Is it correct to move the terms to the other side? I tried $$2|a||b| \\leq |a|^2+|b|^2+2||a|^2-|b|^2|$$ Then it is obvious that $$0\\leq |a|^2+|b|^2-2|a||b| +2||a|^2-|b|^2|$$ $$0\\leq (|a|-|b|)^2 +2||a|^2-|b|^2|$$ $$0\\leq ||a|-|b||^2 +2||a|^2-|b|^2|$$ But I have neither used the triangle inequality, nor it looks mathematically rigorous for my real analysis class. Any tips and tricks for solving these problems?",
"What prevents photons from getting mass from higher order Feynman diagrams",
"python list in sql query as parameter I have a python list, say l l = [1,5,8] I want to write a sql query to get the data for all the elements of the list, say select name from students where id = |IN THE LIST l| How do I accomplish this?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Single Image Transition from Right to Left using FFMPEG and stop at end | How to make left-right transition of overlay image ffmpeg | [
"Number of ways a natural number can be written as sum of smaller natural number It is easy to realize that given a natural number N the number of doublets that sum N are $\\frac{N+(-1)(N \\pmod 2)}{2}$ , so I thought I could reach some recursive formula in the sense that found the number of doublets I could find the number of triplets and so on ..., example: N=3 the only doublet is 2+1=3 -not said yet but 2+1, and 1+2 count as one- then I could count the number of way the number 2 can be expressed as the indicated sum and got the total number of ways 3 can be written as a sum. But this seems not so efficient, so I was wondering if there is other way to attack the problem and if there is some reference to this problem such as if it is well known its used, once I read that this have a chaotic behavior, and also read It was used in probability but don't remember where I got that information. So if you know something I would be grateful to be notice, thanks in advance.",
"How to remove wine completely How can I remove the wine folder and all the applications in that folder? I've tried via synaptic but it keeps showing up in the application menu.",
"Proving $\\sum\\limits_{l=1}^n \\sum\\limits _{k=1}^{n-1}\\tan \\frac {lk\\pi }{2n+1}\\tan \\frac {l(k+1)\\pi }{2n+1}=0$ Prove that $$\\sum _{l=1}^{n}\\sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\\tan \\frac {lk\\pi } {2n+1}\\tan \\frac {l( k+1) \\pi } {2n+1}=0$$ It is very easy to prove this identity for each fixed $n$ . For example let $n = 6$; writing out all terms in a $5 \\times 6$ matrix, we obtain: $\\begin{matrix} \\tan \\dfrac {\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {36\\pi } {13} \\end{matrix}$ one can notice then, that the first column vanish the fourth one : $\\tan \\dfrac {\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}$ and the third column vanish the fifth one : $\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {36\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}$ while the second column is self-vanishing: $\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}$ . So the equality occurs. But how to generalize the proof?",
"Points of a Measure Zero Sets Covered by Intervals Infinitely Many Times Given a measure zero set $E$, by definition we have forall $\\varepsilon > 0$, a covering of $E$ by intervals whose lengths sum to $< \\varepsilon$. I want to prove that we can cover $E$ in intervals such that the sum of the lengths the intervals is $< 1$ and each point in $E$ is contained in infinitely many of the intervals. Do you know how to prove this? Thank you",
"Probability of a 2 pair in poker",
"Configuring dpkg stops processing when calling an HTTP request to Adobe Flash Player I recently moved to Linux, and I am in love with the experience. Opinions apart, I am having problems when running sudo dpkg --configure -a My computer stops processing the command here: You may know Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported, and I believe that could be why the command is unable to load pepperflashplugin-nonfree. I have tried fixing the problem by checking older posts here, but none of them was able to fix this problem.",
"I keep seeing custom flags in the queue from question askers who are incredibly irritated because there is a big, prominent box at the top of their question. It's just a list of other questions which may have the answer they desire, and is only even displayed to them because the question is not closed yet. This question may already have an answer here: [list] But to an ordinary user, it is not at all clear that the box is only shown to them, or that it will go away on its own if their question never actually gets closed. Could the text for this notice be altered to make it more clear that: They are just suggestions for the person to view. Potentially if they agree with one, they should vote to close their own question as a duplicate of it. Their question is not closed yet. If they disagree with the duplicates suggested, they should clarify their question and explain why it's not a duplicate. I was thinking of an altered wording such as: You might be able to find an answer to your question here: [list] If those answers do not fully address your question, please [edit your question] to clarify your exact problem. I went with a more direct wording for the bolded title. Since the notice is only displayed to the asker, it makes more sense to talk directly to them in the message rather than making it feel like it's supposed to be addressing the entire audience of the site. Emphasize that only that person is seeing it by talking to them. It would also be helpful to append a "More info" link at the end of the message that links them to some further documentation about duplicates, and explains how the notice works - particularly that it will go away eventually or change to a proper duplicate notice if the question does get closed.",
"How to see this improper integral diverges? $$\\int^\\infty_1\\frac{1}{x^{1+1/x}}dx$$ I'm preparing for exams. I would also like to know what are some commonly used methods to show an improper integral diverges?",
"Difference between if () { } and if () : endif; Are there any differences between... if ($value) { } ...and... if ($value): endif; ?",
"Evaluation of $ \\sum_{k=0}^n \\cos k\\theta $ I just wanted to evaluate $$ \\sum_{k=0}^n \\cos k\\theta $$ and I know that it should give $$ \\cos\\left(\\frac{n\\theta}{2}\\right)\\frac{\\sin\\left(\\frac{(n+1)\\theta}{2}\\right)}{\\sin(\\theta / 2)} $$ I tried to start by writing the sum as $$ 1 + \\cos\\theta + \\cos 2\\theta + \\cdots + \\cos n\\theta $$ and expand each cosine by its series representation. But this soon looked not very helpful so I need some clue about how this partial sum is calculated more efficiently ...",
"Phone : nexus 5 version 2013 Android version : 6.0 Kernel version : 3.4.0-g2aa165e Build number : MRA58N For the last few days, 10118 has been draining my phone's battery. It drains battery by using GPS. I typed 'ps' in a terminal emulator, and there was no application with PID 10118. I don't know what exactly 10118 is. My guess is that it's one of recently installed weather apps. How can I fix this? Screenshots (click images for larger variants)",
"What constitutes a legal block in volleyball in regard to it not counting as the first hit? Today in a match the setter set the ball too low for me to spike it, so I just dinked it over. The bottom of the ball was lower than the top of the net at the point where I made contact. When the defender made contact, again, the bottom of the ball was lower than the top of the net (the top of the ball was over the top of the net though). I felt that this wasn't technically a block and that he shouldn't have been allowed to hit it a second time, but I wasn't sure so I just let it go. Was this a legal block or should it have been our point when he hit it a second time in a row? Edit: I don't think I was clear about the part where, after I hit the ball, the ball travelled over the net onto the other team's side of the court. The other player did not reach over the net so there is no issue there. It's just an issue of whether or not their first contact was a block or a hit. I believe it was not a block but I can't find a specific ruling to address it.",
"why __getitem__ cannot be classmethod?",
"On several occasions, I was reading a question thinking \"I know a guy that knows the answer to this\" and that guy (or gal) also happens to be a registered user. How can I bring this to the attention of this user?",
"SCP fails without error",
"What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?",
"Hello [Comma?] John,",
"I'm trying to show that for $b>1$, $x>0$ and $x$ irrational, that $$\\sup \\{b^p:p\\in Q,\\;0<p<x\\} = \\inf\\{b^q:q\\in Q,\\;x<q\\}$$ I know this follows immediately if we define $b^x=\\exp(x\\log(b))$ and use the fact that the exponential function is strictly increasing and continuous over $\\mathbb R$, but I'm not allowed to do that. In fact, I only have that $b^{m/n}=(b^{1/n})^m$, where $b^{1/n}$ means the positive $n^{th}$ root of $b$; $b^x$ is not yet defined for irrational $x$. I know that the supremum and infimum both exist because if $b>1$ and $p<q$, then $b^p<b^q$. Also, by assuming that the inf $<$ sup, I got a contradiction. The part I'm stuck on is deriving a contradiction from assuming that sup $<$ inf. Does anybody have any ideas? Thank you.",
"is there any way to decode string?",
"How to set spawnpoint?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
word to describe a complex/multi-dimensional question which can't be pithily answered | A word for something that is deeper, more compelling than what is obvious or visible | [
"How do I create a completely unattended install of Ubuntu? I need a CD or USB stick, that will install Ubuntu on a completely headless machine. Stick CD in and restart, no keyboard or screen should be involved. There are a few obstacles: The language selection menu when you first boot the CD. The fact that the CD menu waits. The installer's asking questions during installation.",
"What are some grandiloquent, or simply better, ways of expressing \"an idea/thought suddenly came to me\", or \"an idea/thought struck me\", or \"I was struck by an idea/thought\"?",
"How to *disable* automatic reboots in Windows 10? Windows 10 lets you 'schedule' a reboot for later. I want to disable it. Evidently Windows scheduled itself for a reboot last night when I wasn't looking and just closed everything I had been working on the night before. I reboot on the regular; I don't need Windows to do that for me. Can I disable it completely? I don't mind if it downloads everything, and then says \"hey, you should reboot,\" but it should never reboot itself, ever. I'm using the \"Pro\" edition of Windows 10.",
"Hogsmeade has a lot of individuals who live there, and it has the distinction of being the only non-muggle community in the UK. Are there any students at Hogwarts who live there during the summer? I ask because explicitly says that students must ride the train or not go to the school at all, which seems silly for someone who already lives at the destination. Many pure-blood families were outraged at the idea of their children using Muggle transport, which they claimed was unsafe, insanitary and demeaning; however, as the Ministry decreed that students either rode the train or did not attend school, the objections were swiftly silenced.",
"A generalisation of the fundamental theorem of algebra We already know the following theorem by d'Alembert and Gauss, often called fundamental theorem of algebra. Theorem Let $P$ be in $\\mathbb C[X]$ of degree $1$ or greater. There exists $\\alpha\\in \\mathbb C$ such that $P(\\alpha)=0$. Can we give the following generalisation for polynomials with several variables? Generalisation Let $n$ be in $\\mathbb N^*$ and $P$ be in $\\mathbb C[X_1,\\ldots,X_n]$ of degree $1$ or greater. There exists $\\alpha\\in \\mathbb C^n$ such that $P(\\alpha)=0$. Any references, hints or solutions would be greatly appreciated.",
"Does ReLU layer work well for a shallow network?",
"Find the last $2$ digits of $$\\large7^{7^{7^{10217}}}$$ So far I have: $17\\cdot 601=10217$ and $7=7 \\pmod{10}$. Any help greatly appreciated.",
"Can we have some tools to handle link rot? There are many links posted in answers, and some in questions, that are either stale or broken. An example is the change to on-line documentation this year to do away with separate 'Optional' and 'Core' tasks areas in the documentation - the old links 404 now. I've fixed a bunch of 'optionaltasks' broken links, but searching for 'coretasks' in Stack Overflow questions returns over 300 matches... Are there any tools for us to review and fix these - with an emphasis on the fixing - without sifting through completely manually? Is it time for some refactoring tools for Stack Overflow content, in particular, for links? Also, I'd be interested to know if there is an analysis of links (as found in the Stack Overflow data dumps) out there. Answer: there is a of a sample of links and images, but it's getting a bit out-of-date.",
"Do I need to pay in full for hostel reservation to show proof of accommodation for a Schengen visa? I am applying for a Schengen visa to travel to Germany and one of the requirements is showing proof of accommodation. I booked all my hostels via hostelworld.com, but only paid the non-refundable deposit (a couple of dollars for each place) instead of the entire amount. I intend to pay the rest of it on arrival at the hostel (or cancel it and go CouchSurfing, thus saving money). But for the visa application, will the non-refundable deposit be enough to show proof of accommodation? The reason I ask is, I emailed one of the hostels requesting a document showing my name and accommodation confirmation, and they replied saying they could only give me such a document once I pay in FULL. Is this how I'm supposed to book for all places? Have I been doing it wrong all this while (by only paying the tiny non-refundable deposit instead of full hostel fare)?",
"Why does locking the rear tires on a vehicle cause it to spin? are often used in motor-sports and stunt driving to turn around tight corners. Essentially, the driver applies the handbrake as he enters the turn, in order to \"kick out\" the back end and slide the vehicle around the corner. However, applying the handbrake hard enough to lock the rear wheels while traveling straight will cause the rear of the vehicle to \"kick out\". Given enough speed, the vehicle will spin 180 degrees. Why do sliding wheels on a car want to \"get in front\" of rolling wheels?",
"How do I set up new users with skel i have on my server a settings i use for all my users. every time i create a new user i have to copy all the settings over and over. for example: .vimrc. .profile .bashrc firefox homepage to our intranet evolution settings (server and username) etc... i saw skel can do it, is there a easy way to setup a user with my settings when i adduser? thanks",
"I can run faster than _____. (1) him (2) he?",
"reference overlay numbers with names",
"Why doesn't Cantor's diagonal argument also apply to natural numbers?",
"Recommended visualization libraries for standalone applications",
"While googling, I see that using can be slow. has a method that is available as well. Is there an efficient way in java to get the file size?",
"Back in the dark days when I used to run windows I used to use MindJet Mindmanager and I found it to be very good. Since I have been using Ubuntu as my main operating system I have been trying to find a replacement mind map software to use but have not had any luck finding a good replacment. So far I have tried VYM, kdisset and Semantik. I have either found them not to be very good or have a nasty habit of crashing. So I was wondering could anyone recommend good mind mapping software to use under Ubuntu?",
"How can I recover data from a 2TB hard drive? I have a Western Digital 2TB External Hard Drive. I basically use it to keep all my movies and videos. Its file system is NTFS, and currently I'm using 1.4TB. One night I turn it on and copied a 4GB file and there was no problem. Then I tried to copy another 6GB file and Ubuntu throw the following error: \"Input/output error\". I tried to create a new folder with no luck. I still could read the disk an play a file, so I thought restarting the computer would solve the problem, but it didn't. The next time, Ubuntu didn't mount the disk. After that I tried in another PC with Window 7. It throwed a message telling me: first, that the disk needs to be formatted, and second, a \"Local Disk #: Is not accessible. Data error (cyclic redundancy check)\". Here is when I started to worry. I tried to fix the disk with CHKDSK (chkdsk \\r). After about 5 hours, it crashed with the following error: \"An unspecified error occurred\". My guess to all this is that the disk is dying. :'( Lastly I did one more thing. I installed GSmartControl on Ubuntu to see the SMART info and the attributes tab appears in red with the following line highlited: ID# ATTRIBUTE_NAME FLAG VALUE WORST THRESH TYPE UPDATED WHEN_FAILED RAW_VALUE ... 197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 197 197 000 Old_age Always - 977 ... Just to check, I left the disk on for about 2 minutes and then refreshed the page, and the Current_Pending_Sector RAW_VALUE increased from 977 to 979. My guess is that sectors on the disk are dying. Am I right? If every time I turn on the disk more sectors are going to die, I need to copy the data fast. I don't know if there is a solution on Windows, and I'm worried about the time that it could take to do it with the slowness of Windows. Basically my question is: How can I recover the data? (Or at least some of it). Is there any program on Ubuntu that can help me with this (If I'm still on time)?. My main concern is the size of the disk (2TB), so I think I would need at least another 2TB disk to copy to. Any help would be appreciated.",
"Allow new users to comment for X times in a day While reviewing \"First Posts\" on Stack Overflow, I often come across new users posting comments as answers. It seems (at least to me) they are not doing this because they are unaware of how Stack Overflow works but because they can't comment on any question they are forced to put it as answer. I have found duplicate questions for my request like: , and but the best explanation I have found is an to . I think the main reason this isn't supported is there's no way to downvote comments, which would make them attractive to spammers. If somebody comments on the top answer in a question the only way to get rid of it is for six people to flag it. Comment flags don't show up on 10k tools, so it needs to be six people that happen to stumble across the spam comment, or a moderator that checks the list manually. People can comment every 15 seconds, so that can get out of hand pretty quickly. Comments also aren't listed on the user's profile page, so it's hard to see at a glance if a user has been spamming So I am suggesting allowing new users (with less than 50 reputation points) to comment only 5 times every day or only 25 times times until they reach 50 reputation points or any other variation of it.",
"What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division? Is there a benefit to using one over the other? In Python 2, they both seem to return the same results: >>> 6/3 2 >>> 6//3 2"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
String.split on dot doesn't work as expected | String.split() *not* on regular expression? | [
"Term for words like Snowmageddon, Nipplegate and even cheeseburger?",
"In any Pythagorean triplet at least one of them is divisible by $2$, $3$ and $5$. Show that if $x$, $y$, $z$ are integers such that $x^2 + y^2 = z^2$, then at least one of them is divisible by $2$, at least one is divisible by $3$, and at least one is divisible by $5$. I know that $x,y,z$ are sides of a right-angled triangles. If I start putting values, then I can show, but have no clue about mathematical approach. How do I solve it mathematically, using modular arithmetic?",
"I want to prove that $xe^{-x}$ is bounded by some constant for all the $x \\in [0, \\infty)$. So I take derivative of this guy, and found that on $x \\in [0, \\infty)$, its derivative is positive from $[0, 1)$, $0$ at $x=1$, and negative from (1, in infinity). So $xe^{-x}$ achieves its maximum in $[0, \\infty)$ at $x=1$, which is $1/e$. However, to prove that it's bounded by $1/e$, I need to prove that as $x$ goes to infinity, $xe^{-x}$ converges to $0$. Because otherwise, if it went to some value below $(-1/e)$, $xe^{-x}$ would not be bounded by $1/e$. How can I prove that $xe^{-x}$ converges to $0$? I mean, as $x$ goes to infinity, $e^{-x}$ converges to zero, but at the same time, x diverges to infinity. How can I formally prove that the product term converges to $0$? Do I need to use the epsilon definition of convergence to prove it? Could you just show me the formal proof of $xe^{-x}$ converges to $0$? Or is there's any other way to approach this question? My professor suggested that I should use the power series for $e^{-x}$...? Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy your Saturday!",
"Which Standard Visitor visa should I apply for?",
"I have a shapefile with 3800 polygons representing the smallest administrative areas in Ireland. Many of these, in rural areas, have tiny populations, under 100 people. In urban areas, all would have adequate populations. For each area I have a population figure, and various other attributes, all of which can be intelligently summed to give valid results for areas produced by combining the smaller areas. I need to merge the areas to get say, 500 or 600 areas of reasonable population. I need to leave the larger (in population) areas alone, where possible. I would greatly prefer to do this automatically. This is necessary for model fitting purposes, primarily. I've looked at a number of the dissolve questions here: 'Batch Dissolve Polygons based on Attributes in QGIS or FWTools' I think would require me to know which areas to merge, when this is what I need to calculate. 'Practical way of managing polygons and unions of them' and 'How do dissolve polygons from shapefile using open source tools?' have the same issue. Any suggestions?",
"Find with proof all positive integers $n$ such that $2^n + 1 \\equiv 0 \\pmod{n}$ I found this problem in a book and while I understand the given solution, I don't quite understand how somebody would arrive at this solution unless they did out the casework and happened to make the right guesses to solve the problem. Any guidance on solving this from scratch would be greatly appreciated!",
"I'm trying to understand at a deeper level the ubiquity of log-likelihood (and perhaps more generally log-probability) in statistics and probability theory. Log-probabilities show up all over the place: we usually work with the log-likelihood for analysis (e.g. for maximization), the Fisher information is defined in terms of the second derivative of the log-likelihood, entropy is an expected log-probability, Kullback-Liebler divergence involves log-probabilities, the expected diviance is an expected log-likelihood, etc. Now I appreciate the many practical and convenient reasons. Many common and useful pdfs are from exponential families, which leads to elegantly simplified terms when log-transformed. Sums are easier to work with than products (esp for differentiating). Log-probs have a great floating point advantage over straight probs. Log-transforming a pdf often converts a non-concave function into a concave function. But what is the theoretical reason/justification/motivation for log-probs? As an example of my perplexity, consider the Fisher information (FI). The usual explanation for intuiting the FI is that the second derivative of the log-likelihood tells us how \"peaked\" the log-likehood is: a highly peaked log-likelihood means the MLE is well-specified and we are relatively sure of its value, while a nearly flat log-likehood (low curvature) means many different parameter values are nearly as good (in terms of the log-likelihood) as the MLE, so our MLE is more uncertain. This is all well-and-good, but isn't it more natural to just find the curvature of the likelihood function itself (NOT log-transformed)? At first glance the emphasis on the log-transform seems arbitrary and wrong. Surely we are more interested in the curvature of the actual likelihood function. What was Fisher's motivation for working with the score function and the Hessian of the log-likelihood instead? Is the answer simply that, in the end, we have nice results from the log-likelihood asymptotically? E.g., Cramer-Rao and normality of the MLE/posterior. Or is there a deeper reason?",
"Is Switching the Neutral OK? What’s the worst that can happen if i put a switch in the neutral instead of the phase? I just found out that 3 light bulbs sockets in my home are connected this way, it first came to my mind to fix it but then I recalled the flow of current from positive to negative is just a convention since the electrons are charged negatively and they actually flow from N to L so i cant really find an solid excuse to mess with the wiring for the next 2 hrs",
"How to change file extension at runtime in Java",
"Execute shell script or command on idle time I'm searching for the possibility to execute a shell script or command based on idle time in the bash shell. As an example, if I'm in a SSH session to a server of mine and after X minutes of inactivity in the terminal, I want a command to start a desired program like cmatrix, and when I come back and press a key I will get back where I left.",
"Templated check for the existence of a class member function?",
"Does an Action Surge grant a second bonus action? We were trying to understand how the \"Action Surge\" rule works, and after some discussion we came to a standstill. Starting at 2nd level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action The keyword \"possible\" is what threw us off. Half the group thought it meant \"additional action or bonus action\", and the other half thought it was \"additional action and bonus action\". So which is it?",
"Why is the direction of cross products of two vectors perpendicular to the plane?",
"The function auto.arima in the forecast package of R is a powerful tool to identify the best ARIMA(p,d,q) model for a given data series. In the of the function, they report the following: auto.arima(y, d=NA, max.p=5, max.q=5, max.order=5, max.d=2, start.p=2, start.q=2, ...) According to the above function it seems that, by default, auto.arima tries to find the best model among all the combination having: p equal or lower than 5 q equal or lower than 5 d equal or lower than 2 order equal or lower to 5, i.e. p + q + d ≤ 5. However, why does the default code stops at these conditions? Is there any particular reason why p, q and d should be equal or lower than 5, 5 and 2 and their sum lower than 5?",
"Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java I have several strings in the rough form: [some text] [some number] [some more text] I want to extract the text in [some number] using the Java Regex classes. I know roughly what regular expression I want to use (though all suggestions are welcome). What I'm really interested in are the Java calls to take the regex string and use it on the source data to produce the value of [some number]. EDIT: I should add that I'm only interested in a single [some number] (basically, the first instance). The source strings are short and I'm not going to be looking for multiple occurrences of [some number].",
"Pivot rows into multiple columns",
"It's really hard to get started on Stack Overflow I have been on Stack Overflow for some time. It is an AMAZING resource and don't know if I would've got through the past 18 months without it. I love it! Problem is that I have \"1\" reputation. All of my questions have already been asked and answered. My \"new user restrictions\" mean: - I can't vote up answers that were helpful. - I can't comment on answers. I sometimes have a question to ask one of the users that answered someone else's question but I can't. This is hard! How do I get a break? Do I have to troll for a couple of days/weeks/months to answer enough questions in the hope someone votes some of them up just so I can do some basic functions? Perhaps the number of site visits and length of membership could count for something?",
"What are Extension Methods? What are extension methods in .NET? EDIT: I have posted a follow up question at",
"How do the review limits work? I got the brand new Custodian badge today for reviewing posts. Inspired by that, I reviewed some more suggested edits. Now I ran into a limit: You have no more suggested edit votes today; come back in x hours. How is that limit calculated? I made 61 reviews today which seems to be some calculated limit. I searched for an answer on meta but found nothing helpful.",
"Can spells be cast through a Wall of Force?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Removing non numeric characters from text file Python 3.3 | Removing non numeric characters from a string | [
"Given function $g$ continuous in line $[0,\\infty)$, positive and strongly increasing that upholds $\\lim_{t\\to\\infty} g(t) = L$. Calculate the limit: $$ \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} \\int\\limits_1^2 g(nx) \\, dx. $$ At the moment what I think that I should do is swap the $g(nx)$ with $L$ as it approaches infinity but from there on I am just not sure whats my next step is.",
"Finding a closed form for a recurrence relation $a_n=3a_{n-1}+4a_{n-2}$ Consider the sequence defined by $$ \\begin{cases} a_0=1\\\\ a_1=2\\\\ a_n=3a_{n-1}+4a_{n-2} & \\text{if }n\\ge 2 \\end{cases} .$$ Find a closed form for $a_n$. I tried listing out examples, but I don't see any common pattern between them. All solutions are greatly appreciated.",
"I keep running into areas where I see a chest in a section of the room that seems completely walled-off. Is there any way to get to these, or is that just the randomly generated dungeon being a tease? I had to splice two screenshots together to show an example of what I'm talking about: Is there any way to get in there?",
"Possible to get type of an aliased type in c#? Type.GetType(\"System.String\") Is there a lookup for the aliases available somewhere? Type.GetType(\"string\") returns null.",
"Adding columns to production tables What's the best way to add columns to large production tables on SQL Server 2008 R2? According to Microsoft's books online: The changes specified in ALTER TABLE are implemented immediately. If the changes require modifications of the rows in the table, ALTER TABLE updates the rows. ALTER TABLE acquires a schema modify lock on the table to make sure that no other connections reference even the metadata for the table during the change, except online index operations that require a very short SCH-M lock at the end. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190273.aspx) On a large table with millions of rows, this can take a while. Is taking an outage the only option? What's the best way to handle this kind of situation?",
"Launch app only if not already open",
"An is defined as $p = q\\times d$ (for two point charges $\\pm q$ separated by a distance $d$). What is the physical meaning of this quantity? Why does the direction of the electric dipole moment go from the negative charge to the positive charge? Another way of saying this, why electric dipole moment is a vector quantity?",
"Operator precedence in a find command? See below example: $ ls -1p appledir/ applefile orangedir/ orangefile $ find . -type f -name apple\\* ./applefile $ find . -type f -name orange\\* ./orangefile $ find . -type f -name apple\\* -o -name orange\\* ./applefile ./orangedir ./orangefile $ find . -type f \\( -name apple\\* -o -name orange\\* \\) ./applefile ./orangefile $ I was surprised to discover I needed the parentheses for this to work as expected; apparently I haven't internalized the rule of precedence by which find evaluates its arguments. How can I easily predict when I will and when I will not need to use parentheses to explicitly group find primaries? Put another way, what are the rules by which I can imagine find inserting parentheses into the commands I give it, which will allow me to accurately predict how it will evaluate ungrouped expressions?",
"What do you call a response which does not address the question? When some one is asked a question, sometimes if they are trying to avoid answering the question, they respond with something unrelated. What is the word for that response? Eg. A: Why were you late? B: This bagel tastes good. What I am looking for is the name of that response, not the action.",
"How to preserve custom number formatting after closing a workbook?",
"In Section 9 of Chapter 6, Lang constructrs for the first time a non-abelian extension as a splitting field $K$ of $X^n - a$ when the ground field $k$ does not contain primitive $n$-th roots of unity $\\zeta_n$. He constructs an injective homomorphism of the Galois group $G(K/k)$ into the matrices of type $$ M=\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ b & d \\end{pmatrix} \\quad \\hbox{with}\\ b\\in \\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z} \\quad \\hbox{and} \\quad d\\in (\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})^*,$$ where $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})^*$ the multiplicative group of integers modulo n. Afterwards, he states in Theorem 9.4 that if $n$ is an odd positive integer prime to the characterstic and $[k(\\zeta_n):k]=\\varphi(n)$ (i.e, the primitive roots of unity are not in the ground field), then the above homomorphism is, in fact, an isomorphism. Besides, the commutator group is $G(K/k(\\zeta_n))$, so $k(\\zeta_n)$ is the maximal abelian subextension of $K$. Lang proves the theorem inductively over the number of prime factors in the decomposition of $n$ (i.e. if $n=9= 3\\cdot 3$, then the proof \"would take two steps\" to complete). The induction start with $n$ prime is written clearly and I agree with it. Now come the questions: I do not understand Lang's argument to prove that the commutator subgroup is the subgroup $\\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 \\\\ b & 1\\end{pmatrix}$, $b\\in \\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z}$. What is this projection on the diagonal and how does one see that the factor group of the commutator group is isomorphic to $(\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})^*$? By the way, direct computation of $x\\, y\\, x^{-1}\\, y^{-1}$ for two arbitrary matrices $x=\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ b & d \\end{pmatrix}$, $y=\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ c & e \\end{pmatrix}$ yields a matrix $\\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\\\ b(1-e)+c(d-1) & 1 \\end{pmatrix}$. As $n$ is odd, $2 \\in (\\mathbb{Z}/n\\mathbb{Z})^*$, so taking $e=1$ and $d=2$, we indeed reconstruct the above-mentioned group. The second (inductive) part of the proof is a complete mystery to me with virtually every sentence being a Theorem which needs an extra proof. Can someone give me some hints? 2.a. Lang writes $n=p\\,m$ and takes $\\alpha$ to be the root of $X^n-a$. It is clear that $\\beta=\\alpha^p$ is a root of $X^m -a$. Now comes the argument \"By induction we can apply the theorem to $X^m-a$\". I agree that we can apply it here but the result is that $K=k(\\beta,\\zeta_m)$ is the splitting field of $X^m-a$. In the diagram below, there appears $k(\\beta,\\zeta_n)$ out of nowhere. 2.b. Now Lang proceeds to apply the theorem on $X^p-\\beta$ over $k(\\beta)$. Bergman's \"Companion\" reminds to check that $[k(\\beta,\\zeta_p):k(\\beta)]=\\varphi(p)$ before applying the theorem and gives a hint \"$[k(\\zeta_p):k]$ and $[k(\\beta):k]$ are relatively prime\". I disagree with this hint. Take $n=21= m p$ where $m=3$ and $p=7$. Then $[k(\\zeta_p):k]=\\varphi(p)=p-1=6$ but $[k(\\beta):k]=m=3$ and both are not co-prime. Can we apply the theorem here at all? Or if so what is the argument? If Bergman's argument is valid, where is the fault in my logic? 2.c. Even assuming that we can apply the theorem in 2.b., then we can say something about $k(\\alpha, \\zeta_p)$ and not $k(\\alpha,\\zeta_n)$. How do we proceed to checking everything Lang states in the last section of the proof (basically, everything after the diagram)? EDIT: I have found the essentially same question",
"How to downgrade a package via apt-get? How can I downgrade a package to an older version via apt-get? Other tools are also acceptable but apt-get is preferred.",
"Whether the players killed a mage and got his spellbook(s) or they met with a nice wizard who let him or her learn a spell from his spellbook, can a player prepare a spell from a spellbook that isn't his or hers? I'm asking because the PHB p. 114 says: [...] Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. emphasis mine Further, the block on the left as a Copying a Spell into the Book (\"the\" Book as in \"your\" Book, since it appears in the block titled Your Spellbook), which explains how you can copy a spell from one book to another, assuming the book is from a stranger, it cost more and takes more time. It actually says: [...] deciphering the unique system of notation used by the system of notation of the wizard who wrote it. [...] It continues saying that you have to learn the various parts of the spell (verbose, material, gesture.) This makes it sounds like a wizard would have a really hard time to prepare a spell from another's spellbook. Is that the case?",
"Book about a teenager programmed to be an assassin and trying to get back at the people responsible I read this book a few years back (around 5?). It was part of a multibook series but I have only read one book. It's about this teenager who I think had been programmed to be an assassin but then somehow retained his conscience and was out to get the people responsible for that. I briefly remember a girl, and this one part where he realizes he can ride a horse and then there's a chase too. I think the guy's name was Jim or Jimmy, but not quite. I'm also quite sure he was either part computer, or had a chip or something in his brain which had been programmed to give him a host of mental and physical abilities which he retained and used as well as the series progressed.",
"Hydrostatic pressure - doesn't density vary with depth? Our class is learning about hydrostatic water pressure and we have been told that we can calculate the force of the liquid on an object at any depth using \"the density x 9.8 x the depth\". However, as the depth increases, wouldn't the density of the liquid increase because of the weight of the liquid above it compressing it? So should't there be something in the equation to account for the varying density? To me, \"density x 9.8 x depth\" seems like it is saying that the density will be constant...",
"Android: How to open a specific folder via Intent and show its content in a file browser?",
"What is meant by \"object serialization\"? Can you please explain it with some examples?",
"multiline command chunks in bash history into multiple lines In Bash (as well as Bash in WSL), multiline written commands can call-back with up/down arrows correctly also built-in history command report them correctly (until I'm still logged-in in bash). But after exiting from bash and press up/down arrows, multiline commands appears each as separate entries and that's because cat ~/.bash_history has chucked the command on multiple separate entries and writing problem here; the history command result messed too. I have set these options in ~/.bashrc shopt -s cmdhist lithist HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' and now writing problem fixed but history command still report in multiple line and separate entries (reading problem now). Bash version is 4.3, same issue on v4.4 there is since a long years but no solution yet. Update: it's also to mention that below multiline command as an example is correctly displaying even after exit Bash: for i in {1..10} do echo $i done but this is failing: awk ' { print $1}' <<<'first last' Update 2: the issue mentioned above is fixed in Bash v5.0.0+ that changed to recognize entries between "timestamp as delimiter" as single entry of command (HISTTIMEFORMAT, cmdhist and lithist must be set).",
"Is the expression \"yesterday afternoon\" correct? Is it proper to use the following expressions I started to London yesterday afternoon . I started to London yesterday morning I ask because it is supposedly correct to say 'last night'. Why don't we say 'last afternoon' or 'last morning'?",
"TinyMCE disable escaping"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Show the expected number of packets to buy to collect a whole set of minifigures | calculating expected number of packets. | [
"What's the current state of LaTeX3 (2020)? There are a few questions on this forum asking about why Latex3 is taking so long to come out. However, all of these are from the early 2010s. I'm just wondering what the current state of the project is and whether it's ready (or nearly ready) for prime time?",
"Why do we say \"It's time we ate\" and not \"It's time we eat\"? Why do we use the simple past but not the present or future in the following expressions: Don't you think it's time we went a little further Don't you think it's time we ate Don't you think it's time we went home",
"Meaning of Conditional sentences with 'should' and 'happen to'",
"How to make a file (e.g. a .sh script) executable, so it can be run from a terminal",
"How can I install Whatsapp web app on Ubuntu? I found a similar question , but here I am asking for the WhatsApp desktop webapp so that I can directly access the application without opening a browser.",
"I have a circuit board in production, primarily through-hole, to the tune of ~400 units per year. Each one is manually inspected and tested. The board has ten distinct voltage rails, four voltage feedback amps, three current feedback amps, a microprocessor with particular response characteristics, and a few other parts. That's a lot to check. I'm considering building an automated test rig for all that. I think a PCB that feeds the appropriate input stimuli, observes the responses, and gives a go/no-go would save me a lot of time. I'm reasonably confident that this is done, commonly. However, the techniques used to do it are unknown to me. I imagine a test rig with a circuit board of the same footprint as the unit under test (UUT). It would have a microprocessor, appropriate protection and scaling circuitry, and a large number of vertical pins sticking up from the board. Mount points would also stick up from the test rig for the UUT. When the UUT is mounted on top of the test rig, the bottom of the board makes contact with the vertical pins, allowing the test rig to feed stimuli to the UUT and observe responses. This seems reasonable, and I have the idea I've seen something very much like this before. But the details elude me. What sorts of pins would be used on the bottom board? (Part numbers would be great!) Would I need to put specific kinds of test points on the UUT, or can I get away with just contacting the clipped pins protruding through the board? What other concerns might there be?",
"How to define a command that takes more than 9 arguments I have a mathematical transformation that takes 16 parameters (grouped into 3+8+5) and would like to make a latex command for it, so that I can easily change the notation for it if the need arises. As far as I know, both \\def and \\newcommand take a maximum of 9 arguments, is there any (recommended) way to extend this?",
"When is it OK to shrink a Database? I know shrink is the devil: It reverses page order and is responsible for skin cancer, data fragmentation, and global warming. The list goes on... That being said, say I have a 100 GB database and I delete 50 GB of data -- not on one table, but a general pruning of old data on a database wide level, covering 90% of the tables -- does this constitute an appropriate use case for shrinking the database? If not, what are the appropriate steps to take to clean house after removing such a high percentage of data from a database? I can think of two: Rebuild Indexes and Update Stats. What else?",
"How to politely negotiate PhD funding offer? I have been fortunate enough to get accepted with 5 years guaranteed funding to my 2nd choice graduate school. While the guarantee is great, the funding is only for 9/months out of the year. Would it be rude to ask them to guarantee summer funding to me for the first year until I can write a grant to get on a RAship? I know I should be more appreciative, since not everyone gets funding, but just an increase of about ~3k a year would make living there so much better and I do not want to accept an offer at a lesser institution just because of money. What would be the most polite way of doing this? I want to make it clear that I am not trying to get more money for the sake of getting more money, moreover that I am just not comfortable with so little money and such a high living cost in that area. Thank you for your time.",
"Let $F,G,H$ be groups such that $F\\trianglelefteq G \\trianglelefteq H$. I am asked whether we necessarily have $F\\trianglelefteq H$. I think the answer is no but I cannot find any counterexample with usual groups. Is there a simple case where this property is not true?",
"Calculate $$\\int_C \\frac{2xy^2dx-2yx^2dy}{x^2+y^2},$$ where $C$ is the ellipse $3x^2 +5y^2 = 1$ taken in the positive direction. I tried to calculate the integral using green theorm. now i need to build enclosier that doesn't enclose $(0,0)$ i am having hard time guessing what to build. a circle and ellipse might be perfect but then the domain is not easy to write. can i have hint please ?",
"Proving of Integral $\\int_{0}^{\\infty}\\frac{e^{-bx}-e^{-ax}}{x}dx = \\ln\\left(\\frac{a}{b}\\right)$ Prove that $$ \\int_{0}^{\\infty}\\frac{e^{-bx}-e^{-ax}}{x}\\,dx = \\ln\\left(\\frac{a}{b}\\right) $$ My Attempt: Define the function $I(a,b)$ as $$ I(a,b) = \\int_{0}^{\\infty}\\frac{e^{-bx}-e^{-ax}}{x}\\,dx $$ Differentiate both side with respect to $a$ to get $$ \\begin{align} \\frac{dI(a,b)}{da} &= \\int_{0}^{\\infty}\\frac{0-e^{-ax}(-x)}{x}\\,dx\\\\ &= \\int_{0}^{\\infty}e^{-ax}\\,dx\\\\ &= -\\frac{1}{a}(0-1)\\\\ &= \\frac{1}{a} \\end{align} $$ How can I complete the proof from here?",
"Isomorphism between dual space and bilinear forms Studying from Roman's Advanced Linear Algebra, I want to prove that $$U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong (U \\otimes V)^* \\cong \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$$ The author proves that $U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong (U \\otimes V)^*$ by showing that there is an unique linear transformation $$\\theta:U^* \\otimes V^* \\to (U \\otimes V)^*$$ defined by $\\theta(f \\otimes g)=f \\odot g$ where $(f \\odot g)(u \\otimes v)=f(u)g(v)$ I want to prove that $U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$. I tried to use the universal property by fixing $f \\in U^*, g\\in V^*$ and defining $S: U^*\\times V^* \\to \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$ as $S(f,g)=F_{f,g}$, where $F_{f,g}(u,v)=f(u)g(v)$, but I got stuck.",
"I have been given the task to rewrite a function as a sum of an even and an odd function. But when I went to analyze the parts of the original function I noticed that one part was neither even nor odd. The original function was: $g(x) = (x + 1) / (x^2 - 3x + 4$) After analyzing I realized that when using f(-x) to determine symmetry it produced a 'neither' result. How would I go about writing a function that is neither even nor odd as an even function. (It would have to be an even function as the (x+1) part of the original function is odd and since I need to write it as a sum of even and odd, the denominator would need to be even.",
"Fréchet differentiability from Gâteaux differentiability Let $X$ be a Banach space and $\\Omega \\subset X$ be open. The functional $f$ has a Gâteaux derivative $g \\in X'$ at $u \\in \\Omega$ if, $\\forall h\\in X,$ $$\\lim_{t \\rightarrow 0}[f(u+th)-f(u)- \\langle g,th \\rangle]=0$$ How can I prove the following: If $f$ has a continuous Gâteaux derivative on $\\Omega$, then $f \\in C^1(\\Omega,\\mathbb R)$.",
"Let $x$ and $y$ be integers not congruent to $0$ modulo $p$ where $p$ is a prime. Prove that if $p \\equiv 3 \\pmod{4}$ then $x^2+y^2 \\not \\equiv 0 \\pmod{p}$. I thought about proving this algebraically and by contradiction. So we say $x^2+y^2 = pz$ and have to show this is impossible.",
"Environment variables in Mac OS X Update: The link below does not have a complete answer. Having to set the path or variable in two places (one for GUI and one for shell) is lame. Not Duplicate of: Coming from a Windows background where it's very easy to set and modify environment variables (just go to System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables), it does not seem to be that straight forward on Mac OS 10.5. Most references say I should update /etc/profile or ~/.profile. Are those the equivalent of System Variables and User Variables? For example, where should I set my JAVA_HOME variable? EDIT: I want to be able to access the variable from the terminal as well as an app like Eclipse. Also, I hope I don't have to restart/logout to make this take effect.",
"I added a user to a group, but group permissions on files still have no effect",
"Cannot determine size of graphic I'm trying to include graphics in my Latex-file, which I compiled with latex+dvipdf on OS X. Latex however returns this error: \"Cannot determine size of graphic\" My graphic is exported from PowerPoint, so I have tried both .pdf and .png. I get the same errors for both. Sample code that doesn't work: \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\leavevmode \\includegraphics[width=0.8\\textwidth]{graph.png} \\end{center} \\end{figure} If I have to manually set some measurements of the image, please tell me how I can find out those measurements. I need the image to take up about 80% of text width and be centered. Thanks.",
"How to loop through a HashMap in JSP?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Clauses of purpose: "for + -ing" or "to-infinitive | How does one know when to use a gerund or an infinitive? | [
"Here is my attempt to prove the Well-Ordering Principle, i.e. that any non-empty subset of $\\Bbb N$, the set of natural numbers, has a minimum element. Proof. Suppose there exists a non-empty subset $S$ of $\\Bbb N$ such that $S$ has NO minimum element. Define $A = \\left\\{n\\in \\Bbb N : (\\forall s\\in S)(n \\leq s)\\right\\}$. It is obvious that $1\\in A$. Suppose $n\\in A$, then for each $s \\in S$, there exists $q \\in N$ such that $n + q = s$. Since $q \\ge 1$, $n+1 \\leq s$, for all $s\\in S$. By Principle of mathematical induction, $A = \\Bbb N$. Take any $s_0 ∈ S$, then $(\\forall s\\in S)(s_0 \\leq s)$. (This contradicts that $S$ has no minimum element). How do I prove the statement without invoking Mathematical Induction? Also, I read that the proof of Principle of Mathematical Induction makes use of Well-Ordering. Can it be proven independently of Well-Ordering too?",
"How general is the Lagrangian quantization approach to field theory?",
"Outcast boy meets girl underwater Here's another one I can't find, but somebody will probably recognize right away. A young man has been thrown out of respectable society. To make sure he stays away from people (and they stay away from him), those who have condemned him alter his body so that he always smells bad. Of course, no one can smell underwater - and that's where he meets a girl, while they're both swimming underwater in a swimming pool. I don't remember a lot of details about this story - but I remember the main character was not very nice - he was often mean to other people. Whether he'd always been like that, or whether his nastiness was because everyone had rejected him, I can't remember. I would have read this story in the mid-seventies, but it was probably written earlier.",
"The default is that clicking on the folder in the unity dock opens the home directory. Since there are shortcuts for all the sub-folders of the home directory in the sidebar already, I'd prefer the default directory to move to a different location (~/Documents). How can I achieve this?",
"Participles to modify the subject of the main clause \"Essos is an immense landmass located to the east of Westeros, extending into the far east of the known world.\" (Here, \"extending\" describes the Essos or does it describes the landmass? ) Having seen this sentence above, I question came to my mind. Can I use participles to modify the subject of the main clause when there is no connection between main clause and participle clause. For example: 1- \"He is a bookworm, living in Canada. (He is a bookworm + He lives in Canada, there is no connection between being bookworm and living in Canada) 2- He, living in Canada, is a book worm. (I suppose, this placement would be more correct)",
"In a topological space, why the intersection only has to be finite? I was wondering if there is a reason why in the definition of a topologic space, the reunion of any collection of open sets is also an open set but the intersection has to be finite to be a set. Is there because of the definition of an open set itself ? I have always seen it as a definition, but now I want to know why. Thanks for your help.",
"I would like to know how can I customize the Ubuntu installer NOT customize Ubuntu, I just want to modify the installer. We have a large environment here with lots of developers and since we don't use Windows, I want to customize the installer to automatically set the timezone to NYC, the keyboard layout to English USA, put the company logo in the installer etc...",
"Can gravity be interpreted as the acceleration of spacetime towards an object? Greetings StackExchange! We were having a conversation with a peer about stupid ways of interpreting theories. We would go to and fro with an interpretations, but we would always find a way to disprove them. There was one, however, that we couldn't refute: Gravity on a plane in a bidimensional space can be interpreted as the acceleration of spacetime towards an object. We tried to invalidate in saying that the inertial mass and gravitational mass would be different, thus violating GR, but after some thought this couldn't be. The gravitational mass would accelerate spacetime towards it. If that object we were to be pushed, the pulling of spacetime would make it difficult for it to move. We know for a fact this can't be true, and we would greatly appreciate any refutation of this thought. I can clarify if needed, or do a sketch. I apologise in advance as I'm not a native speaker.",
"'Search on Yammer' link in search center refiners I have a heavily branded site I'm working on and can't find where the \"Search on Yammer\" link is being populated from. It appears within the search refiner/filter web part in the left column but none of the display templates reference this. I'd like to be able to customize the link, placement on the page, etc. without resorting to jQuery to move elements around the page. And the markup coming through looks like this. The refiners themselves come through a series of display templates but the Yammer link is nowhere that I can see in any of them. <div webpartid=\"f09e98eb-6dc3-4a9b-8dbf-65d0fbc7b7c3\" haspers=\"false\" id=\"WebPartWPQ4\" width=\"100%\" class=\"ms-WPBody \" allowdelete=\"false\" style=\"\"> <div class=\"ms-ref-ctrl\"> <div class=\"ms-ref-refiner\"> <div id=\"Container\"> <h2 class=\"ms-displayInline\"> <a class=\"ms-ref-name ms-displayInlineBlock ms-srchnav-link-selected ms-link\" href=\"javascript:void(window.open( 'https://www.yammer.com/search?trk_event=o365_search&amp;search='+ encodeURIComponent(Srch.ScriptApplicationManager.get_current().queryGroups. Default.dataProvider.get_currentQueryState().k),'_blank'));\" title=\"Open a new tab to search for this on Yammer\">Search on Yammer</a> </h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div componentid=\"ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_f09e98eb_6dc3_4a9b_8dbf_65d0fbc7b7c3_csr\" id=\"ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_f09e98eb_6dc3_4a9b_8dbf_65d0fbc7b7c3_csr\"> ... refiners populated through display templates ... </div>",
"I was curious how I would go about running multiple commands via shell script. For example, just to try it out, I'd like to be able to connect a .desktop to a .sh that will run all the update codes so I don't have to type it out. I know how to execute a single command via a .sh, not multiple. Any way?",
"Loopback to forwarded Public IP address from local network - Hairpin NAT",
"Often times I am not interested in the question so much as I am the answer. Unfortunately, the only site option for bookmarking an optimal answer is to bookmark the question. This leaves you having to remember that no the question wasn't that great, but there's an answer in here worth a million. It'd be nice to be able to favorite an answer allowing you to jump immediately to the answer that was much more valuable than the question. I understand that I can bookmark the answers link using my browser but it seems being able to favorite the answer within the site's ecosystem is useful.",
"Installing older iOS for device testing",
"Change multiple filenames by replacing a character I have multiple files named like that : screenshot 13:25.png Windows struggle to open these files probably because of the \":\". How can I replace it?",
"Why is the space between words in my source code listing so big? I used the following code to list my java code, but the it looks like there's too much space between words. What can I do? % source code listing \\usepackage{listings} \\usepackage{color} \\usepackage{xcolor} \\usepackage{caption} % citation style \\usepackage{apacite} \\DeclareCaptionFont{white}{\\color{white}} \\DeclareCaptionFormat{listing}{\\colorbox{gray}{\\parbox{\\textwidth}{#1#2#3}}} \\begin{document} \\begin{lstlisting}[label=some-code,caption=bind to service call] bindService(new Intent(this, Recognizer.class), recConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); \\end{lstlisting} \\end{document} The snapshot of what I got. The code not completely shown, and space too wide, in function bindService.",
"Can you set custom ringtones for contact groups? In iPhone, you can easily change the default ringtone (Settings → Sounds → Ringtone) and set a custom ringtone for individual people (Contacts → [some person] → Edit → Ringtone). But can you set a custom tone for a group of contacts? (E.g. \"family\" or \"workmates\".) I think that would be handy—and quite basic functionality, so to speak—but I couldn't find a way to do this through the iPhone UI. Is it possible at all (without jailbreaking)?",
"How to prove that $\\frac{x^2}{yz+2}+\\frac{y^2}{zx+2}+\\frac{z^2}{xy+2}\\geq \\frac{x+y+z}{3}$ holds for any $(x,y,z)\\in[1,2]^3$ Prove that for $x,y,z\\in [1,2]$ the following inequality holds: $$\\frac{x^2}{yz+2}+\\frac{y^2}{zx+2}+\\frac{z^2}{xy+2}\\geq \\frac{x+y+z}{3}.$$ I tried to apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality or the power mean inequality, but my attempts were unsuccessfull, so I am asking for help.",
"Prove that the difference between two rational numbers is rational This is a terribly simple question I'm sure, but I can't find a work-around in my proof. I must prove that the difference between two rational numbers is thus rational. Here is my attempt: Let $a$ and $b$ be rational numbers. Therefore, \\begin{align} a=\\frac{\\lambda}{\\beta},\\:b=\\frac{\\xi}{\\zeta},\\:\\ni\\:\\lambda,\\beta,\\xi,\\zeta\\in\\mathbb{Z},\\tag{1} \\end{align} which gives us \\begin{align} a-b=\\frac{\\lambda}{\\beta}-\\frac{\\xi}{\\zeta}=\\frac{\\lambda\\zeta-\\xi\\beta}{\\beta\\xi}.\\tag{2} \\end{align} So I have shown that $a$ and $b$ are rational numbers which, by definition, can be represented by the quotient of two integers. But now how do I tackle the problem of the difference? By definition the difference between two integers is an integer. Does that require that this difference is thus rational? Thank you for your time,",
"How do I include lines in resolv.conf that won't get lost on reboot?",
"I'm trying Google's PageSpeed online service Ironically, it's primarily highlighting Google's own services as something that needs improvement on my site 1) jQuery from Google: blocking. So I moved all javascript from <head> to the end of the document before </body>. That helped 2) Linking to external Google Font CSS (in <head>): blocking. But the font is critical to the design of the page and should load before much else 3) Google Analytics: Caching is not good. (Google has set it internally to 2 hours expiration). Don't know how to change this (this is also placed at the bottom of page) The Google Font is highlighted as a big priority to change. How can I fix this? Where/how should I call the the font?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Set Maximum Tables In A Database | DDL Trigger in MySQL? | [
"Find the asymptotic tight bound in $$ T(n) = 4T\\left(\\frac{n}{2}\\right) + n^{2}\\log n. $$ where $ \\log n= \\log _{2}n $ and $T(1) = 1$. I should solve this using all three common methods: iteration, master theorem and substitution. It is highly likely that this kind of recurrence equation will be in my test in two days. Thank you very much in advance!",
"My friend installed Windows 7 on his computer (upgrading from XP). He wasn't sure if his processor supported x64 or not, so he installed the x86 version, just to be on the safe side. After I looked it up, it turns out his processor does support x64, and now we want to upgrade. The question is: is it possible to upgrade without completely re-installing the OS? Can I? Or do I have to format the C: partition again?",
"Localization of ideals at all primes",
"What do the fields in ls -al output mean?",
"Disfigured Feynman Diagrams!",
"CSS 100% height with padding/margin With HTML/CSS, how can I make an element that has a width and/or height that is 100% of it's parent element and still has proper padding or margins? By \"proper\" I mean that if my parent element is 200px tall and I specify height = 100% with padding = 5px I would expect that I should get a 190px high element with border = 5px on all sides, nicely centered in the parent element. Now, I know that that's not how the standard box model specifies it should work (although I'd like to know why, exactly...), so the obvious answer doesn't work: #myDiv { width: 100% height: 100%; padding: 5px; } But it would seem to me that there must be SOME way of reliably producing this effect for a parent of arbitrary size. Does anyone know of a way of accomplishing this (seemingly simple) task? Oh, and for the record I'm not terribly interested in IE compatibility so that should (hopefully) make things a bit easier. EDIT: Since an example was asked for, here's the simplest one I can think of: <html style=\"height: 100%\"> <body style=\"height: 100%\"> <div style=\"background-color: black; height: 100%; padding: 25px\"></div> </body> </html> The challenge is then to get the black box to show up with a 25 pixel padding on all edges without the page growing big enough to require scrollbars.",
"One Object won't Show up in Final Render even though it shows up in the Preview Render",
"Is there is a way to exclude nested subdirectory specified by a path to that dir from grep recursive search? Or I have to use ack or find for this? Here's what I want. Say I have this dir structure: dir/nesteddir/match.txt otherdir/nesteddir/match.txt How do I exclude first nesteddir only? Is it even possible using grep? Most obvious answer $ grep -r --exclude-dir=\"dir/nesteddir\" \"stringToFind\" . doesn't seem to work, nor do any of my experiments with various --exclude-dir paths using globbing, leading ./, etc. Reading man page and googling didn't help, the only mention of this usecase I found is this question: It was concluded that this is bug introduced in grep 2.12, but I'm using latest version (2.16) and grep's bugtracker () doesn't mention anything related to --exclude-dir, so I guess either it was fixed or it's an intended behaviour. Would be really nice to get some clarification.",
"Best way to start investing, for a young person just starting their career? I am young, just started my career, and looking to begin investing so I can make my money work for me. I'm still living like I did in college (occasional purchase on myself, but most of it goes into savings) and I would like to take the extra money and invest it. What would you suggest are the best options for me to begin? I was considering getting a personal investor [a financial advisor] for perhaps a year or so, but I've heard that they really are not worth the money. I wanted to get the input of the great minds here.",
"Where is the line drawn with domain names which include a trademark? A search on google for \"iphone developer\" turns up loads of websites which have \"iphone\" in them, a trademarked name by Apple. So I'm led to believe that having a domain such as iphonedeveloper.com is ok? Well, you're still using Apple's trademark, but it would be hard to brand yourself otherwise. You're an IPHONE DEVELOPER... right? Well, what if I want to provide a website where users pay to get a list of the best offers from Ebay? I might have a domain like ebaydeals.com (I don't... i'm just speculating!). Now I've heard that places like Ebay are really hot on the trigger and fire out emails to people who register domains like that straight away. But whats the difference? In both cases I'm making money from the trademark, effectively, so is it just down to how lenient the company who owns the trademark is? Or are there rules? Is there a specific \"line\" you don't cross? Thanks",
"How can I let player click text to use a command? I want players to be able to click text to run an OP command even if that player is not an OP. For example something like: Console: Do you want to enable Fly? [If you do, Please click here] *Player1 clicks that text* Console: /fly Player1 Is something like this possible?",
"Im trying to craft a regex that only returns <link> tag hrefs Why does this regex return all hrefs including <a hrefs? (?<=<link\\s+.*?)href\\s*=\\s*[\\'\\\"][^\\'\\\"]+ <link rel=\"stylesheet\" rev=\"stylesheet\" href=\"idlecore-tidied.css?T_2_5_0_228\" media=\"screen\"> <a href=\"anotherurl\">Slash Boxes</a> thank you",
"Is there any UNIX variant on which a child process dies with its parent?",
"I'm building a quick csv from a mysql table with a query like: select DATE(date),count(date) from table group by DATE(date) order by date asc; and just dumping them to a file in perl over a: while(my($date,$sum) = $sth->fetchrow) { print CSV \"$date,$sum\\n\" } There are date gaps in the data, though: | 2008-08-05 | 4 | | 2008-08-07 | 23 | I would like to pad the data to fill in the missing days with zero-count entries to end up with: | 2008-08-05 | 4 | | 2008-08-06 | 0 | | 2008-08-07 | 23 | I slapped together a really awkward (and almost certainly buggy) workaround with an array of days-per-month and some math, but there has to be something more straightforward either on the mysql or perl side. Any genius ideas/slaps in the face for why me am being so dumb? I ended up going with a stored procedure which generated a temp table for the date range in question for a couple of reasons: I know the date range I'll be looking for every time The server in question unfortunately was not one that I can install perl modules on atm, and the state of it was decrepit enough that it didn't have anything remotely Date::-y installed The perl Date/DateTime-iterating answers were also very good, I wish I could select multiple answers!",
"Not able to see links to chat, logout, or privileges",
"Asymptotic expansion for Fresnel Integrals If you take the fresnel integrals to be $$S(x) = \\int_{0}^{x}\\sin \\left(\\frac { \\pi \\cdot t^2}{2} \\right) dt$$ How do you find the asymptotic expansion? I know it begins with a $1/2$ but how?",
"Is there a way to determine the device running an application. I want to distinguish between iPhone and iPod Touch, if possible.",
"I'm trying to load data from different tables using left outer joins into a QgsVectorLayer. The approach I'm following so far is the one from the developers cookbook . The underlying database is postgres. The query returns correct data, including a geometry column, however I can't figure out how to get the join inside the query to work with . As the table the data come from needs to be specified, is it even possible to do so? Would approaching the problem using psycopg2 be more suited, and if so, is there a way to create a layer from the result set? The only way I can think of is creating an empty layer and adding each feature individually by looping over the result set. But possibly there is an easier way? Sadly, using the builtin DB Manager is not an option. The layer has to be added programmatically.",
"I did a dumb thing... I forgot that Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) switched to 2 which puts a ton of *.mod files (kernel modules) in /boot/grub. I thought they were soundtrack files put there erroneously, and I moved them. Needless to say, the next reboot was traumatic. I was presented with something I had no memory of ever seeing... a 'grub rescue>' prompt. With the help of however, I was able to recover... I discovered that GRUB rescue does not have 'cd', 'cp' or any other filesystem commands except its own variation of 'ls'. So first I had to find the partition with the /boot directory containing vmlinuz file and other boot image files... (approximation from memory of failed attempts, as well as blank lines for clarity, added 2014-07-10 by docsalvage) grub rescue> ls (hd0,4) (hd0,3) (hd0,2) (hd0,1) grub rescue> ls (hd0,4)/boot ... some kind of 'not found' message grub rescue> ls (hd0,3)/boot ... some kind of 'not found' message grub rescue> ls (hd0,2)/boot ... grub ... initrd.img-2.6.32-33-generic ... vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic I found a /boot directory containing the vmlinuz file vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic on partition (hd0,2). Then I manually booted from the 'grub rescue>' prompt. The following commands will... Set the root to use the /boot directory on partition (hd0,2). Load kernel module linux. Set that module to use the kernel image vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic. Set initrd(initialize RAM disk) to use the image initrd.img-2.6.32-33-generic. Boot Linux. grub rescue> set root=(hd0,2)/boot grub rescue> insmod linux grub rescue> linux (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic root=/dev/sda2 grub rescue> initrd (hd0,2)/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-33-generic grub rescue> boot This boots and crashes to the BusyBox prompt which DOES have some rudimentary filesystem commands. Then I moved the *.mod files back to the /boot/grub directory... busybox> cd /boot busybox> mv mod/* grub busybox> reboot The reboot was successful, but that was a lot of work. Is there an easier way?",
"Whitespace Problems With Script and Variables"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |