a train is seen from a distance while going down tracks on a mountain
[ [ "what color is train", "engine is red, cars are multi" ], [ "can you see track", "yes" ], [ "any cars in picture", "3.5" ], [ "day or night", "day" ], [ "sunny", "probably" ], [ "are cars on road or parked", "sorry, they're train cars, not passenger cars" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "no" ], [ "any people", "no" ], [ "any animals", "no" ], [ "hii is grassy", "no" ] ]
a red stop sign sitting in the middle of a desert
[ [ "are there cars", "no, there is no road" ], [ "is there a sidewalk", "no, this is the middle of nowhere" ], [ "any people", "nope" ], [ "is there any grass or just dirt", "no grass, sand and gravel" ], [ "does the sign look worn out", "it is a bit tilted, it is on a traffic horse rather than a pole" ], [ "is it night", "no day" ], [ "is the sun out", "yes" ], [ "does the area look very dry", "quite dry" ], [ "is the area nice looking", "there are mountains in the distance, so it is pretty" ], [ "are there other signs", "just some traffic cones" ] ]
a bathroom cubicle of toilet and sink in a burned out building filled with debris
[ [ "is this an abandoned building", "yes, totally" ], [ "is there anyone around", "no" ], [ "what color were the walls", "black" ], [ "is the toilet broken", "seems like burned" ], [ "is there a mirror", "no" ], [ "are the floors tiled", "it is all broken and ruined" ], [ "is the debris paper", "no broken wall or floor" ], [ "is the light on", "no" ], [ "does it look like it smells", "probably yes" ], [ "is everything broken up", "toilet is still standing" ] ]
a white bathroom with the tank above the toilet
[ [ "is the bathroom clean", "no looks real dirty" ], [ "yuck is there graffiti on the walls", "no but water stains on the ceiling" ], [ "is the lid up on the toilet", "no lid or top at all" ], [ "is this a residential or commercial bathroom", "residential" ], [ "color of floor", "looks black from dirt" ], [ "is it a bright bathroom", "not at all" ], [ "is there a tub", "i can't see 1" ], [ "a sink", "yes" ], [ "is it dirty", "yes but cleaner than the toilet" ], [ "does the counter have stuff on it", "hand soap" ] ]
2 men in a showroom for snow skis
[ [ "how old are the men", "30's" ], [ "can you see windows", "no" ], [ "are a lot of skis present", "i only see 2" ], [ "is the room well lit", "yes" ], [ "do you see ski poles", "no" ], [ "do you see ski coats", "no" ], [ "do you see ski helmets", "no" ], [ "do you see gloves", "no" ], [ "do you see goggles", "no" ], [ "do you see scarfs", "no" ] ]
a woman in a room full of people with some sort of remote
[ [ "is this a party", "it looks like game night" ], [ "is there a main woman portrayed", "yes" ], [ "is she older", "yes, 60" ], [ "does she have brown hair", "more reddish blonde" ], [ "what is she holding", "it looks like a wireless steering wheel" ], [ "is she happy", "she's grinning" ], [ "are there more than 10 people", "part of 5 people are shown" ], [ "are they watching her", "no not at her" ], [ "what are they doing", "probably looking at a tv screen" ], [ "is there a cake", "no cake" ] ]
a kid is typing on a small white laptop
[ [ "how old is the kid", "about 8 to 10" ], [ "can you see the brand of the laptop", "no" ], [ "is this indoors", "yes" ], [ "are there other people around", "yes and no" ], [ "what color is the laptop", "white" ], [ "what does the \"no\" part of \"yes and no\" mean", "it's a classroom and you can see the back of 2 students but nothing else, not even their heads" ], [ "oh ok so the kid is sitting at a desk", "yes" ], [ "does he appear to be concentrating", "yes" ], [ "what ethnic group do you think he is a part of", "he's caucasian" ], [ "do you see a blackboard", "no" ] ]
a kitchenette with wooden cabinets, a microwave, a small stove, a kitchen sink and a dishwasher
[ [ "is the kitchen small", "kind of" ], [ "does it look modern", "yes" ], [ "are the cabinets brown", "reddish brown" ], [ "what color microwave", "black" ], [ "is the sink white", "the sink is silver" ], [ "what about the dishwasher color", "that is black" ], [ "is the kitchen clean", "most of it is clean" ], [ "is the dishwasher new looking", "sure" ], [ "is the kitchen well lit", "not really" ], [ "any person inside the kitchen", "0" ] ]
a girl is leaned over a railing to feed a giraffe from the ground
[ [ "what color is the girls hair", "blonde" ], [ "what color is her hair", "blonde" ], [ "what color is her shirt", "she's wearing a red hoodie" ], [ "what color are her pants", "blue jeans" ], [ "what color are her shoes", "i can't see them" ], [ "what is she feeding the giraffe", "i can't tell" ], [ "are there any adults in the image", "there is someone next to the girl that might be adult" ], [ "can you see any vehicles", "no" ], [ "are there any birds in the image", "no" ], [ "has the giraffe acknowledged the girl", "yes he's reaching for the food" ] ]
a group of skateboarders doing tricks at a skate park
[ [ "how many people can you see", "4" ], [ "are all of them male", "yes" ], [ "what time of day is it", "unknown" ], [ "are any of the people wearing helmets", "yes" ], [ "how many of them are wearing helmets", "3" ], [ "are they all wearing the same color helmets", "yes" ], [ "what color are the helmets", "grey" ], [ "how many people are actually skating", "hello 3" ], [ "oh, all 3 are skating these descriptions aren't always accurate so i assumed some were watching what tricks are they doing", "skating on ground" ], [ "are they smiling", "no" ] ]
a bouquet of yellow flowers in a silver vase
[ [ "how many daisies are there", "hard to tell but there's lot of bloomed and unbloomed flowers" ], [ "are they all daisies", "it looks like there's some roses in there too" ], [ "how many metal vases are there", "just 1" ], [ "where is vase", "it is sitting on table" ], [ "what else is on table", "nothing, just vase by itself" ], [ "is there design on vase", "it just has bunch of symmetric bands across it" ], [ "what is color of roses", "white and yellow" ], [ "what is color of symmetric bands on vase", "entire thing is 2 tones of silver" ], [ "what is color of daisies", "yellow" ], [ "are there leaves on stem", "yes, flowers are very leafy" ] ]
a large jetliner flying through a blue sky with a space shuttle on it's back
[ [ "what color is the jetliner", "it is white with a blue strip" ], [ "is there any logo or lettering on it", "yes a nasa logo" ], [ "are there any numbers on the shuttle", "not that i can see" ], [ "is it the only plane in sight", "yes" ], [ "are there any clouds", "no" ], [ "is the landing gear on the plane down", "no" ], [ "can you see the pilot", "no" ], [ "what does the shuttle look like", "like a normal airplane" ], [ "is there a flag on the side", "yes in the middle" ], [ "is it a us flag", "yes" ] ]
a desk with a office chair and cabinet under a bed
[ [ "is there a desk", "yes" ], [ "is there a chair", "yes" ], [ "is there a cabinet", "yes" ], [ "are these things under a bed", "yes" ], [ "what color is the desk", "brown" ], [ "what color is the chair", "black" ], [ "what color is the cabinet", "brown" ], [ "is there a window in the room", "yes" ], [ "is it day or night", "can't tell" ], [ "is the bed made", "yes" ] ]
a man jumping in the air with a skateboard
[ [ "is there more than 1 person", "just the 1" ], [ "is he at a skate park", "no parking lot" ], [ "can you see trees", "yes" ], [ "can you see buildings", "yes" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "shorts and a t shirt" ], [ "are the buildings apartment buildings", "no store i think" ], [ "can you see restaurants", "no" ], [ "can you see the skyline", "yes" ], [ "does the man have on a hat", "no" ], [ "what color is his shirt", "white" ] ]
a young boy riding on top of a skateboard
[ [ "how old is the boy on the skateboard", "4 or 5 depending on how well nourished he is" ], [ "what color is the skateboard", "black with blue wheels" ], [ "are there other people in the image", "nope" ], [ "is the boy wearing a helmet", "yes, in my day we didn't wear helmets" ], [ "does he appear to be at a skate park", "no, his backyard the only time you wore a helmet was when you were jumping your bike over something" ], [ "ha ha how true how is the weather in the image", "it's fall leaves on the ground long sleeve spiderman t shirt" ], [ "is the boy smiling in the image", "not really, focused on skating" ], [ "can you see the house", "no, just landscaping" ], [ "is he on flat ground", "yes, concrete" ], [ "is spider man's whole body on his short or just his face", "whole body" ] ]
a dog that is looking at ducks in the water
[ [ "what color is the dog", "greyish white" ], [ "can you tell what kind of dog it is", "no" ], [ "how many ducks are there", "5" ], [ "do the ducks seem to notice the dog there", "no" ], [ "are all 5 ducks swimming", "yes" ], [ "does the dog appear to be about to go into the water", "i think he would but he’s being held back by a leash" ], [ "how big is the area of water the ducks are in", "big, looks like a pond" ], [ "can you see a person in the image", "yes" ], [ "just 1 person", "yes, i can only see part of their leg and arm holding the dogs leash though" ], [ "how does the weather look in the image", "it looks nice" ] ]
a person sitting in a chair watching tv
[ [ "what color is the chair", "black" ], [ "is it a man or woman", "a man" ], [ "how old do they look", "20's" ], [ "what is he wearing", "a black long sleeve shirt" ], [ "are there other people around", "no" ], [ "can you see the tv", "yes" ], [ "it is a big tv", "no it is small" ], [ "is he watching sports", "no, he is playing a video game" ], [ "is it in a living room", "no, looks like an office" ], [ "can you see the game console", "yes" ] ]
man on a skateboard in the motion of falling into a half pipe
[ [ "what color is skateboard", "wooden" ], [ "is the man young or old", "young and enjoying the sunny day" ], [ "are there other people around", "3" ], [ "do they look like they are laughing", "they look like they are on drugs" ], [ "then i guess he's not hurting on his fall how big is the half pipe", "no clue - and no pain i guess" ], [ "what color is the half pipe", "what is a halfpipe" ], [ "the place he's skating on is it wooden also", "oh, i thought it was drug paraphernalia- this 1 is blue" ], [ "lol, it might be that also what is the guy wearing", "some have on tee shirts" ], [ "shorts or pants", "long" ], [ "what color is skater's hair", "blond" ] ]
a zebra standing next to a zebra sitting
[ [ "zoo or in the wild", "hard to tell maybe a zoo" ], [ "are both zebras adults", "yes" ], [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "is there tall grass", "no" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ], [ "is there any trees", "yes" ], [ "do they have leaves or is it winter", "they have leaves" ], [ "do the zebras look dirty", "no" ], [ "is the ground dusty or wet", "it's a dirt or sand ground" ], [ "are the zebras cute", "yes" ] ]
raw tri-color cauliflower in a silver steaming pot
[ [ "is this a close up picture", "yes" ], [ "are there any utensils", "no" ], [ "what color is the cauliflower", "white, green and orange" ], [ "is the pot on a stove", "not sure" ], [ "does the cauliflower look seasoned", "no" ], [ "is anything else in the pot", "no" ], [ "does the pot have handles", "0 that i can see" ], [ "is the cauliflower cut up", "kinda" ], [ "is there water in the pot", "no" ], [ "do you see the lid of the pot", "no" ] ]
a vintage photo of a train riding down the tracks
[ [ "is the train outside", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes but it looks very gloomy could be night coming on" ], [ "are the headlights on", "i don't see the front of the train just the back" ], [ "is the train a passenger train", "yes" ], [ "what color is the train", "black and grey maybe this is not a colored picture" ], [ "can you see any people", "0" ], [ "how many tracks do you see", "2" ], [ "what color is the cake", "there is no cake in this photo" ], [ "sorry, are there any mountains", "i don’t see any" ], [ "are there any trees", "yes" ] ]
a person that is on some skiies on some snow
[ [ "how many people are in the image", "1 person" ], [ "do they have ski poles", "yes, 2" ], [ "are they wearing a helmet", "yes" ], [ "what color are their pants", "blue" ], [ "is it currently snowing in the image", "no, but snow is on the ground" ], [ "what color is their helmet", "blue and black" ], [ "can you tell if it is a man or a woman", "no, i think it's a man" ], [ "are they wearing goggles", "yes" ], [ "do they appear to be in motion or standing still", "they appears to be in motion" ], [ "what color is their jacket", "gray and black" ] ]
a desk with a laptop and a desk top
[ [ "what is on the desk", "laptop, monitor, mouse, and a bottle of water" ], [ "what color laptop", "black" ], [ "what water brand", "i can't read it" ], [ "is the monitor fat or flat", "i think flat" ], [ "can you see a window", "no" ], [ "does it look messy", "no" ], [ "would you use the laptop", "probably not it looks a little old" ], [ "does it look old or new", "older than mine, but not super old" ], [ "is this in a bedroom or office", "looks like maybe an office or other business space" ], [ "is it a work area", "yes" ] ]
2 skiers in goggles are descending a snowy slope
[ [ "can you see their genders", "i can't i can see hair sticking out of one's cap it may be a woman" ], [ "are they wearing helmets", "no, they are wearing stocking caps" ], [ "do they have ski poles", "yes, they are both using ski poles" ], [ "are they in motion", "yes, they are skiing downhill" ], [ "is it sunny", "no, there are very faint shadows" ], [ "is there a lot of snow", "yes, i can't see any area not covered heavily in snow" ], [ "are there trees", "no, there are no trees" ], [ "are there mountains", "i only see the hill they are skiing down i think they are in a race" ], [ "do they have racing bibs on", "yes" ], [ "can you see any numbers", "i do, i see number 54" ] ]
a group of people who are wind surfing
[ [ "how many people can you see", "at least 7" ], [ "is this a color picture", "yes, color" ], [ "are they wearing life jackets", "it doesn't look like it" ], [ "is it sunny outside", "yes, sunny" ], [ "any clouds in the sky", "no, it's clear" ], [ "can you see the sun", "no" ], [ "is this the ocean", "yes" ], [ "is the water calm", "not really" ], [ "are they wearing shirts", "it looks like wetsuits mostly" ], [ "do the look like they are having fun", "definitely" ] ]
a man wearing a red bow tie looking surprised
[ [ "does this man look surprised", "yes, very much so" ], [ "what color is his shirt", "white" ], [ "is he young or old", "quite young" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "no, he isn't" ], [ "what is his hair color", "dark brown" ], [ "is he wearing a hat or cap", "no, nothing on his head" ], [ "is he looking into the camera", "yes he is" ], [ "can you see what room he is in", "no, i can only see a white wall behind him" ], [ "does he look happy", "no, he looks very surprised" ], [ "see any other people", "no other people" ] ]
old glory is on the beach with the others relaxing
[ [ "how many people are there", "1 in the foreground" ], [ "can you see the ocean", "yes" ], [ "are there any waves", "small ones" ], [ "are there any boats", "no" ], [ "is it a man or a woman", "can't tell" ], [ "is it sunny", "very" ], [ "any clouds", "0" ], [ "are there any animals", "no" ], [ "is it black and white", "no" ], [ "are there any umbrellas", "yes blue" ] ]
a woman sitting on a wooden bench next to a dog and a baby stroller
[ [ "how old is the woman", "about forty" ], [ "can you see a baby in the stroller", "no" ], [ "are they in a park", "yes" ], [ "can you see any other people", "no" ], [ "is the dog on the ground or on the bench", "on the ground" ], [ "is it sunny out", "yes" ], [ "can you see the back of the stroller", "yes" ], [ "what is the woman doing", "petting the dog" ], [ "can you see grass", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what kind of dog it is", "a little terrier i think" ] ]
a lit clock mounted on the side of a red building at night
[ [ "is the sky dark", "yes" ], [ "is this a city street", "yes" ], [ "are there cars out", "no" ], [ "are the cars in motion", "no cars" ], [ "oh, i mean are there any stores", "no just the building" ], [ "is the moon out", "no" ], [ "can you see the road", "yes" ], [ "what color is the clock", "white and black" ], [ "what color is the clock light", "white" ], [ "is there anything on the road", "no" ] ]
a living room with a sofa, piano and large flat screen tv
[ [ "how big is the living room", "good sized" ], [ "does the living room looks nice", "yes it's ok" ], [ "is anyone in the living room", "no" ], [ "what kind of floor is the living room", "carpet" ], [ "what kind of piano", "normal piano" ], [ "about how many inch is the flat screen tv", "36" ], [ "what color is the carpet", "red with gold pattern" ], [ "can you see any other rooms", "no" ], [ "how big is the piano", "about 4 feet by 4 feet" ], [ "is the flat screen tv hanging on the wall", "yes" ] ]
a view of a sony remote, next to a laptop
[ [ "can you tell what kind of laptop it is", "i don't even really see laptop" ], [ "is remote on table", "it is in person's hand" ], [ "can you see person", "no, only their hand" ], [ "can you tell if it is man or woman", "it looks like feminine hand" ], [ "does it look like old person's hand", "it looks pretty young" ], [ "can you see if they are sitting on chair, sofa, bed", "no, all i see is hand, remote, and tv that someone thought was laptop" ], [ "hahaha is tv on or off", "on" ], [ "can you tell what they are watching", "looks like awards show or some other show with people performing on stage" ], [ "do you recognize anyone on stage", "they are kind of small, can't really tell" ], [ "can you tell if it is nighttime or daytime", "i can't tell, no window" ] ]
a well lit tile bathroom with white fixtures
[ [ "what color is floor of this bathroom", "black and white tiles" ], [ "are there any rugs on floor", "not that i can see" ], [ "what color are walls", "walls are beige" ], [ "can you see mirrors", "yes, there is cabinet over sink with mirrors" ], [ "is anything on counter", "there isn't much of counter, just sink, but nothing on it" ], [ "oh, ok can you see bathtub", "yes i see bathtub" ], [ "does it have shower with it or is shower separate", "it's tub shower combo" ], [ "is there shower curtain", "no, there is no shower curtain" ], [ "any shampoo or conditioner on ledge", "nothing at all it's very sterile" ], [ "are there any towels", "no towels, but towel ring is on wall" ] ]
a man wearing a toboggan standing next to a horse
[ [ "is this an old photo", "yes" ], [ "what is he wearing", "long sleeved shirt and jeans" ], [ "does he have a sled", "not that i see" ], [ "is the photo black and white", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing a toboggan", "no he has a water bottle on" ], [ "is it made of leather", "appears to be" ], [ "is there a rope on it", "a strap more like it" ], [ "are there buildings", "1 that they are near that i can see" ], [ "is it a house", "i cannot tell" ], [ "is the horse big", "yes full size" ] ]
a vase with a flower in it sitting on a window sill
[ [ "what kind of flower is in the vase", "red rose" ], [ "what color is the flower", "red" ], [ "is there just 1 flower", "2" ], [ "what color is the vase", "beige" ], [ "is there anything else on the window sill", "no" ], [ "is there anything else in the image or is it a close up of the vase and flowers", "a close up of the vase and flower" ], [ "does the vase have any designs on it", "yes lines" ], [ "does the flower look like it is starting to wilt", "yes" ], [ "are they pretty", "not all" ], [ "can you see out the window", "no its tinted" ] ]
a maroon and red bus with the words "beacon bus"
[ [ "is the bus a tour bus", "it doesn't look like 1 more like a greyhound" ], [ "can you see anybody on the bus", "i can see the driver" ], [ "is there anybody standing around the bus", "i can't tell because of the glare" ], [ "how old does the driver look", "maybe late 40's" ], [ "are the words in white", "some are white and some are yellow" ], [ "is the driver wearing a hat", "no" ], [ "is the driver in a uniform", "i can't quite tell but i think so" ], [ "does it look like daytime", "yes midday probably" ], [ "are the bus windows tinted", "i think so" ], [ "does the bus look modern", "yes" ] ]
a green and white bus travels down the winding road in the countryside an impending storm looms above
[ [ "do you see clouds", "yes" ], [ "do you see any rain", "no" ], [ "do you see any lighting", "no" ], [ "do you see people on the bus", "yes" ], [ "can you see the windows on the bus", "yes" ], [ "can you see any numbers on the bus", "yes 516" ], [ "how many windows do you see", "about 8" ], [ "is the road a dirt road", "no it's paved" ], [ "can you see the driver", "yes" ], [ "do you see any more cars", "no" ] ]
a small bird sitting on top of a potted plant
[ [ "is it dark outside", "no" ], [ "does the bird have black feathers", "no" ], [ "does the potted plant have bloomed buds on it", "no" ], [ "is there any people in the image", "no" ], [ "is there snow on the ground", "possibly, there is white in the pot" ], [ "is the sun shining", "the sky is not visible" ], [ "what color is the pot", "faded red" ], [ "is there any other birds in the image", "no" ], [ "what color is the bird", "blue-gray" ], [ "is there a bird bath around", "not visible" ] ]
a couple of giraffes that are standing near a tree
[ [ "how many giraffes", "2" ], [ "are any babies", "no" ], [ "what kind of tree", "an old hardwood, not sure if it is real" ], [ "are they eating", "yes" ], [ "what are they eating", "hay" ], [ "is the grass green", "yes" ], [ "is they in a pen", "yes and enclosure" ], [ "is it nice out", "beautiful" ], [ "any people", "a few in the background" ], [ "any other animals", "yes a zebra" ] ]
a tall dog taking a walk in the woods
[ [ "what kind of dog", "looks like a dalmation" ], [ "is there a person with the dog", "no" ], [ "is there a path", "no" ], [ "can you see the sky", "no" ], [ "can you see any birds", "no" ], [ "are there any other animals around", "yes" ], [ "how many animals", "i can see the head of a horse" ], [ "what color is the head of the horse", "brown" ], [ "is there tall grass on the ground", "some tall weeds" ], [ "do you see any flowers", "no" ] ]
a woman eating a long sub sandwich at a table
[ [ "is the woman's mouth open", "no" ], [ "is she looking at the sandwich", "no" ], [ "is she facing the camera", "yes" ], [ "what color is her hair", "brown" ], [ "is she wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is the sandwich a sub", "yes" ], [ "is she sitting down", "yes" ], [ "does she look happy", "content" ], [ "are her eyes open", "yes" ], [ "what color is the table", "gray" ] ]
a man walking past a dog run street sign
[ [ "does the man have a dog", "no" ], [ "are there any people around", "0 only this man" ], [ "what color is the sign", "red and yellow" ], [ "is it on a pole", "yes" ], [ "is the type in red", "no yellow" ], [ "how many lanes is the street", "a couple" ], [ "is the background red then", "yes" ], [ "are there any cars", "0" ], [ "what time of day is it", "it looks afternoon" ], [ "are there clouds in the sky", "yes" ] ]
a man is pulling a couple of bags down the street
[ [ "what kind of bags", "suitcases" ], [ "any other people", "there are people in the background" ], [ "how is the man dressed", "jeans, shirts, something tied to his waist and what looks like a jacket over his shoulders" ], [ "how is the weather", "looks chilly" ], [ "any cars", "there is a postal truck in the scene" ], [ "what color are the suitcases", "they look black" ], [ "do they look heavy", "yes they look heavy" ], [ "any trees or bushes", "a couple trees" ], [ "any buildings or houses", "yes there are buildings" ], [ "does the man appear to be having a hard time", "no" ] ]
a plastic container filled with a sandwich wrap and fresh fruit and vegetables
[ [ "is it a lunch box", "it is a divided tupperware type container" ], [ "can you see what kinda sandwich it is", "it looks like a turkey spinach wrap with some type of white cheese" ], [ "what kind of fruit do you see", "an orange, some blackberries and blueberries" ], [ "what type of veggies do you see", "carrots, broccoli and a cherry tomato" ], [ "is the tupperware clear", "yes" ], [ "can you see the lids", "it is off to the side, so partly" ], [ "what color is it", "the lid is also clear" ], [ "is there anything else in the photo", "a red polka dot tablecloth and some doilies" ], [ "what are the dollies wearing", "not doilies, doilies, little lace things you put on tables" ], [ "are they white", "yes" ] ]
a traffic light on a city street at night
[ [ "is the light red", "no it's green for traffic and red for crosswalk" ], [ "can you see cars", "yes" ], [ "are there people walking", "no people" ], [ "is it a busy intersection", "no it's a straight road, cannot see intersection" ], [ "can you see buildings", "yes" ], [ "why is there a light if there isn't an intersection", "i can only see 1 lane" ], [ "is it a city", "i see buildings in the background and a river next to the road" ], [ "are there trees", "yes" ], [ "are there a lot of cars or just a few", "i can only see 3 cars" ], [ "is it really dark", "it's dusk" ] ]
a glass of wine sits beside an open laptop computer
[ [ "what's going on", "there is an open laptop with a glass of wine nearby" ], [ "is anyone visible", "no" ], [ "red or white wine", "red" ], [ "is the computer on", "yes" ], [ "what is on the screen", "just the start menu and the options" ], [ "is this on a desk or table or something else", "looks like a desk" ], [ "what else can you see", "just a phone laying there too and a chair in background" ], [ "what kind of phone", "can't tell really" ], [ "what kind of chair", "just a normal chair" ], [ "what else can you tell me", "nothing really it looks like someone is using the laptop and drinking wine at the same time" ] ]
framed by a clear sky and a church tower, the traffic light shines red
[ [ "do you see any street signs", "no" ], [ "is there a clock on the tower", "no" ], [ "do you see any cars", "no" ], [ "do you see any other buildings", "no" ], [ "what time of day is this taken", "hard to tell but it is daytime" ], [ "do you see any power lines", "no" ], [ "does this look like its in a big city", "can't tell can only see the top of church and light" ], [ "is there anything on top of the church", "a cross" ], [ "what color is the cross", "black" ], [ "what else can you see", "sky and flag" ] ]
a group of people walking past a store
[ [ "how many people are in the group", "13" ], [ "is it mostly men or women", "mostly men" ], [ "are the people in the group talking to 1 another", "no spread out" ], [ "is it business individuals or people dressed casually", "a couple is dressed business like the rest is in casual clothes" ], [ "what kind of store are they walking past", "foot locker and a jimmy jazz store" ], [ "what is the weather like", "it looks clear" ], [ "are there any street signs", "yes road signs" ], [ "are there any cars", "no" ], [ "what appears to be the expression on their faces", "happy" ], [ "are any of them wearing sunglasses", "no" ] ]
an open laptop on a desk, with a muffin and drink next to it
[ [ "is the laptop on", "yes it is" ], [ "can you tell what's on the screen", "there is some sort of program open with flickr also opened on a tab" ], [ "what color is the laptop", "it's gray on the base and black on the top display" ], [ "can you recognize the brand logo", "yes, it's toshiba" ], [ "what kind of muffin is there", "a dark muffin, with some chocolate fudge on top" ], [ "is it on a plate", "yes" ], [ "what is the color of the plate", "it's clear transparent" ], [ "what would you guess the drink is", "it looks like pepsi or cola" ], [ "is it in a clear glass", "yes it is" ], [ "can you see a chair by the desk", "i see chairs behind the desk" ] ]
a picture of a street in japan with many signs above and lots of light coming from the buildings
[ [ "do you see any people", "yes, many people" ], [ "are any of the signs in english", "yes, a few" ], [ "what do the english signs say", "prince bar, umbro, adidas, mizuno and maybe a few that are too small to read" ], [ "do you see much traffic on the road", "a couple cars driving" ], [ "is it daytime", "nope night time" ], [ "what's the weather seem to be like", "judging how the people are dressed it looks a little cool but not exactly cold" ], [ "can you see the sky", "i cannot" ], [ "do you see any trees or plants", "no trees or plants that i can see" ], [ "do you see any restaurants", "it looks like there are signs for some" ], [ "it seems like the image is of a shopping area, does any people have shopping bags", "no, not that i can see" ] ]
a bathroom area with a vanity, toilet and a tub
[ [ "what color is the vanity", "white with a marble countertop" ], [ "what color is the toilet", "the toilet is beige" ], [ "what color is the tub", "the tub is beige as well" ], [ "is there any soap on the vanity", "yes there is" ], [ "is there any towels in the scene", "there is a hand towel" ], [ "is there any decorations on the vanity or on top of the toilet", "no, just the marble top" ], [ "are there any people in the scene", "no people" ], [ "what color are the bathroom walls", "gold" ], [ "what color is the floor", "there is green carpet and by the tub and toilet is white tile" ], [ "can you tell what time of day it is", "no" ] ]
a shelf containing a few glass pots with plants
[ [ "is the shelf indoors", "yes, it's the top shelf of what looks like part of a shelving unit up against a wall" ], [ "what is the shelf made out of", "a light colored wood" ], [ "what color is the all it is up against", "bright white" ], [ "do the plants have flowers", "no, no flowers" ], [ "can you see any people", "no, it's a close up shot of mostly just the 1 shelf" ], [ "is there anything else besides the plants", "yes, there are some faux tree branch decorations and an empty glass vase" ], [ "what color is the vase", "clear" ], [ "do the beaches have leaves", "the branches are bare" ], [ "are the branches brown", "they're a very light tan color almost like driftwood" ], [ "does it appear to be daytime", "from the lighting, yes" ] ]
3 wine glasses in front of wine bottles
[ [ "how many glasses are there", "there are 3 glasses" ], [ "how many bottles", "4 bottles also" ], [ "what color are the bottles", "2 clear, 1 green and 1 amber" ], [ "are the glasses behind the bottles", "no, in front" ], [ "are the glasses empty", "yes they are" ], [ "are the glasses usual shape", "no" ], [ "are the bottles sealed", "i can't see the very tops of the bottles" ], [ "can you see what is written on the bottles", "no i can just make out some date 2006, 2007, 2008" ], [ "are the glasses and bottles on a table", "they appear to be, yes" ], [ "what color table", "it's a medium shade of stained wood" ] ]
a woman is cross country skiing in deep snow
[ [ "is she alone", "yes" ], [ "is this through the woods", "yes" ], [ "is she on a trail that has trees on each side", "yes she is" ], [ "is it snowing", "not right now" ], [ "are all the trees evergreens", "no" ], [ "is the path well worn and the snow deep just on the sides", "well worn path" ], [ "are you looking at the woman from the front or back", "at her front" ], [ "how is she dressed", "warmly" ], [ "is she wearing goggles", "yes she is" ], [ "can you read the expression on her face", "no" ] ]
a wood carved zebra and giraffe head
[ [ "is it in store", "no" ], [ "is it indoor", "no" ], [ "is it outdoor", "yes" ], [ "are there any people", "0" ], [ "is it painted", "yes" ], [ "is it big", "no" ], [ "what color paint", "brown and black and white" ], [ "is there any building nearby", "yes" ], [ "is it kind of monument", "yes" ], [ "is it by the road", "no" ] ]
an umbrella floating in the sky behind a man who is sitting in a chair holding an umbrella
[ [ "what color is the umbrella", "black" ], [ "is it outdoors", "yes" ], [ "can you see the people's face", "yes" ], [ "what would be the age of the man", "about 20" ], [ "age of the woman", "there isn’t a women" ], [ "is the guy dressed in casuals", "no" ], [ "is it raining there", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "i think the photo is really arty" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes i think" ], [ "any trees visible", "yes" ] ]
a person in a field flying a kite
[ [ "is this photo in color", "no it is black and white" ], [ "what gender is the person", "male" ], [ "how old does he look", "he is too far away to tell, but he is an adult" ], [ "is his hair long", "i don't think so" ], [ "is he alone", "yes" ], [ "what shape is the kite", "it is odd shaped, almost like bird wings" ], [ "is there grass", "yes" ], [ "is the grass long", "no" ], [ "what is the man wearing", "pants, and a striped shirt and he has on a hat" ], [ "are there trees", "in the distance" ] ]
short hair chick up close in unbuttoned shirt and tie on bed
[ [ "how old does she look", "20s" ], [ "what color hair does she have", "brown" ], [ "is she pretty", "yes" ], [ "is she alone", "yes" ], [ "is she at a hotel", "can't tell she is sitting on the floor, probably in her home" ], [ "what color tie", "blue striped" ], [ "what kind of shirt", "white dress shirt" ], [ "is there any other furniture", "no" ], [ "is there a window", "no" ], [ "is she awake", "yes" ] ]
a kitchen with a sink and a counter top
[ [ "what color counter", "white grey wood" ], [ "any dishes", "no" ], [ "what color cabinets", "no cabinets" ], [ "what color walls", "white" ], [ "what color sink", "white" ], [ "is it a single or double", "double" ], [ "any windows", "yes" ], [ "how many", "1" ], [ "any curtains or blinds", "blinds" ], [ "what color", "wooden" ] ]
2 sheep grazing on a hillside near the water
[ [ "is this a color photo", "yes" ], [ "what color are the sheep", "dirty white" ], [ "is it summer", "yes" ], [ "is this a river or a pond", "ocean" ], [ "what color is the water", "blue" ], [ "are there people", "no" ], [ "are the sheep close to each other", "yes" ], [ "are they interacting", "no" ], [ "are they about the same size", "yes" ], [ "what is the weather like", "sunny" ] ]
street signs with trees and rocks in the background
[ [ "are the street signs in english", "yes it is" ], [ "is this in the city", "no" ], [ "what is the weather like", "it clear skies with some clouds" ], [ "are there people visible", "no" ], [ "is there any flowers visible", "no" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "there appears to be a radio tower in the distance" ], [ "is there any wildlife", "no" ], [ "are the signs in good condition", "yes, they appear new" ], [ "are they streets, roads or ect", "they appear to be street signs" ], [ "is there any other signs visible", "no" ] ]
a street sign asks for caution for the next hundred meters
[ [ "what color is the street sign", "red white and black" ], [ "are there any other signs", "yes" ], [ "is this in a city", "yes" ], [ "are there any cars", "no" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is there a traffic light", "no, just a caution sign" ], [ "can you see any buildings", "yes 1" ], [ "is there a sidewalk", "can't see" ], [ "is the sky clear", "no very overcast" ], [ "are they working on the road", "can't tell" ] ]
a picture that has a bunch of red items in it
[ [ "is it a close u", "yes" ], [ "is it apples", "no, several different images" ], [ "is it different objects", "yes" ], [ "is there people", "no" ], [ "is it fabric", "2 of them are" ], [ "is it the garden", "no" ], [ "can you see people", "just a forehead of 1 person" ], [ "can you see a table", "yes" ], [ "is the person a man", "female" ], [ "is she blonde", "no" ] ]
a group of teddy bears of various colors, some with clothes, some not
[ [ "how many animals are there", "6" ], [ "what kind of animals", "teddy bears" ], [ "what color are bears", "brown, green and white" ], [ "are bears big", "no" ], [ "are bears sitting on ground", "they are sitting on cloth they are posed" ], [ "are they wearing clothes", "some are" ], [ "do they have hats on", "no" ], [ "do they have shoes on", "no" ], [ "are they boy bears or girl bears", "both, i would say" ], [ "is there anything next to bears", "no" ] ]
a couple of giraffe standing next to each other
[ [ "are they the same height", "no 1 is slightly taller and fatter" ], [ "are they in the wild", "i think in a zoo cause there's a fence" ], [ "what color is the fence", "wood posts and wire i think" ], [ "are there any people around", "no" ], [ "are there any other animals around", "no" ], [ "are there trees nearby", "yes, looks like a forest behind the fence" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "do you see any clouds", "can't see the sky" ], [ "are they eating anything", "no" ], [ "do you see any vehicles", "no" ] ]
a boy sitting inside a car trunk with luggage piled on top of him
[ [ "can you tell how old", "no, but it looks more like a man than a boy" ], [ "is he smiling", "can't see his mouth but i would say no" ], [ "how many suitcases", "at least 4 but i don't think i can see them all" ], [ "is he all the way in", "yes just his head is showing" ], [ "what color is the car", "looks like dark gray" ], [ "is there anyone else", "no" ], [ "is the car on the street", "yes" ], [ "do you see any other cars", "yes, it looks more like a parking lot than on a street" ], [ "can you see houses", "no" ], [ "do you see any signs", "no" ] ]
a large white boat sitting next to a shoreline pier
[ [ "are there any buildings", "a few in the distance" ], [ "can you tell if anyone is on the boat", "i can't see anyone on it" ], [ "is the boat any other color besides white", "there is a black stripe on it" ], [ "can you see the sky", "yes" ], [ "is it night time", "no" ], [ "are there any clouds", "no" ], [ "can you see any trees", "yes palm trees" ], [ "can you see the water", "yes" ], [ "can you see any people", "no" ], [ "are there any other boats", "yes i see 1" ] ]
several peeled bananas in a ceramic bowl on a table
[ [ "what color is the bowl", "brown" ], [ "what shape is the bowl", "round" ], [ "is the bowl big", "yes it is" ], [ "what color is the table", "light wood" ], [ "what shape is the table", "i don't know, can't see the whole table" ], [ "are there chairs", "can't see any" ], [ "how many bananas", "4" ], [ "do they look fresh", "yes" ], [ "what color are they", "cream colored" ], [ "are they cut", "1 is cut, others are whole" ] ]
a wooden table that has several types of pastries sitting on it
[ [ "does this table look like it is in house or restaurant", "i think it is in restaurant or cafe" ], [ "are there any people in photo", "yes" ], [ "how many people are there", "just 1 person" ], [ "is it man or woman", "i think it is man, but i can't see person's face" ], [ "can you tell what kind of pastries there are", "popover, cinnamon bun, and croissant" ], [ "which 1 looks most delicious", "cinnamon bun" ], [ "can you tell approximate age of man", "i can only see him from just under shoulder line to tops of his legs, but i guess maybe 40 based on hands" ], [ "is table set for more than 1 or is he going to eat all of those delicious pastries by himself", "i think maybe he plans on pigging out alone" ], [ "man after my own heart are there any flowers on table", "same here no, there are no flowers" ], [ "are there any beverages besides water and coffee", "no, just 2" ] ]
a boat on a waterway between buildings outside
[ [ "are there people in the boat", "yes" ], [ "how many", "1" ], [ "does the boat have oars", "no" ], [ "is there a motor", "yes" ], [ "are there other boats", "no" ], [ "is the boat made of wood", "no" ], [ "is it made of metal", "yes" ], [ "is the waterway narrow", "yes kind of" ], [ "what color are the buildings", "dingy red" ], [ "is the man standing in the boat or sitting", "bent over" ] ]
2 pizzas sitting on top of boxes on a table
[ [ "what kind of pizza", "looks like there are olives on it" ], [ "are there multiple pizzas", "yes" ], [ "is it man getting pizza", "can't tell from arm" ], [ "is there more than 1 person visible", "no" ], [ "is it restaurant", "no" ], [ "can you see any jewelry on arm", "no sleeve comes past wrist" ], [ "is it homemade pizza", "no" ], [ "is it store bought pizza", "no" ], [ "can you see table", "yes" ], [ "are there glasses on table", "no" ] ]
there are adult bears that is sitting in a den
[ [ "are these stuffed bears or real bears", "real bears" ], [ "how many bears are there", "2" ], [ "what are the bears doing", "laying around" ], [ "are the bears brown", "yes" ], [ "are there any windows", "no" ], [ "are there any lights", "no" ], [ "is the floor carpet or wood", "stone" ], [ "oh okay, i get it, a bear den are there any trees", "small bush yes bears den" ], [ "can you see anything outside the den", "no" ], [ "are both bears about the same size", "i think so" ] ]
a small bird with a yellow body sitting on a tree branch
[ [ "is there only 1 bird in the image", "yes" ], [ "does it have any other color besides yellow", "maybe a tiny bit of grey, but mostly yellow" ], [ "is it's mouth open", "no" ], [ "is it looking forward", "head is turned looking sideways, you can see it's eye" ], [ "does the tree have any leaves on it", "it is a close up shot, but the branches look pretty bare i can only see 3 leaves" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "can you see any clouds", "no" ], [ "are there any other branches", "there are several small branches on the tree with the bird & some on trees in the background" ], [ "can you see any flowers", "no flowers" ] ]
a young zebra walking by a chain link fence
[ [ "is this a zoo", "not sure but possibly" ], [ "are there any other animals", "no" ], [ "is the fence grey", "wire" ], [ "what time of day is it", "looks like morning" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "is the image in color", "yes" ], [ "where is the zebra looking", "to the left" ], [ "is there any food", "can't tell" ], [ "is there a water source", "no" ], [ "does anything else stand out", "not really" ] ]
there is a man that is holding up 2 frisbees
[ [ "is this picture in color", "a little it's off colored though" ], [ "is the man outdoors", "yes, he is outdoors" ], [ "are the frisbees the same color", "no 1 yellow and 1 white" ], [ "are the frisbees the same size", "yes, they appear to be" ], [ "does the man have short hair", "yes, cut up to his ears" ], [ "is his hair dark", "yes, he has very dark hair" ], [ "is he wearing shorts", "i can't tell" ], [ "is he wearing a short sleeved shirt", "yes, short sleeved" ], [ "does he have any accessories, like a hat or sunglasses", "he has on sunglasses" ], [ "are there any other people in the picture", "no, no others" ] ]
there are many cars on the road by the tall buildings
[ [ "are there any people in picture", "yes" ], [ "are they male or female", "man" ], [ "is he trying to cross street", "yes" ], [ "is he on sidewalk or in street", "sidewalk" ], [ "how many cars are there", "3 close, some in distance" ], [ "are they any buses", "no" ], [ "are there any trucks", "1" ], [ "are there buildings", "yes" ], [ "are they stores", "looks like it" ], [ "can you see traffic light at intersection", "yes" ] ]
a large tower with a clock built into the side of it
[ [ "what time is it on the clock", "4:23" ], [ "is the sky visible", "yes" ], [ "are there any other buildings around", "yes" ], [ "what is on the exterior of the tower", "the clock and white bricks" ], [ "is the street visible", "urd" ], [ "are there people in the picture", "yes ---- and no people are visible" ], [ "is it a sunny day", "yes" ], [ "is the sky clear", "yes" ], [ "are there any trees around", "lots" ], [ "is it a historical building", "yes" ] ]
a police car and a fire truck are at the scene of a possible fire
[ [ "any people", "yes there are several people" ], [ "any smoke", "no smoke is seen" ], [ "any flames", "no flames can be seen" ], [ "can you see police officers", "i think so, there is a police car" ], [ "what color uniforms", "it is hard to tell, twilight, maybe dark blue" ], [ "are they carrying guns", "they are far off, i cannot tell" ], [ "can you see firemen", "yes i can" ], [ "are they carrying a hose", "no, they appear to be tending to someone in an intersection" ], [ "what color is their uniform", "dark with a yellow stripe" ], [ "is it daytime", "it is dusk" ] ]
a man riding a skateboard across a city street
[ [ "is the man doing a trick", "no" ], [ "is it a regular skateboard", "actually he appears to be wearing inline skates" ], [ "is he skating across an intersection", "yes" ], [ "are there cars visible", "no" ], [ "is anyone else there", "yes, there are people on the opposite corner" ], [ "are there tall buildings", "yes" ], [ "are there street lights", "no" ], [ "is there a traffic light", "no" ], [ "does he appear to be going fast", "no" ], [ "is he wearing a helmet", "yes" ] ]
a display of stuffed animals is in a store
[ [ "any people", "no" ], [ "what kind of stuffies", "there is a lion, a donkey, a zebra and a dinosaur" ], [ "are there prices on the toys", "yes" ], [ "what color is the dinosaur", "purple" ], [ "can you make any of the prices out", "no" ], [ "is it a brontosaurus", "not sure" ], [ "are any of the stuffies wearing clothes", "no" ], [ "any other toys", "yes some are visible behind" ], [ "are they on shelves", "not really they're on ground" ], [ "is the store neat", "yes" ] ]
a beth room wit ha toilet a sink and a bath tub
[ [ "what color is the toilet", "please tell me your sentence is as ridiculous as mine is grammatically lol white and a wooden seat" ], [ "yes it is i was thinking the same thing can you see the walls", "i figured you had to have been like what the while are off white tiling" ], [ "at first i thought it was just me but i guess not is the bathtub area clean and neat", "wow that was bad sorry- i wrote that sentence you see yes it looks fairly clean but there is an overly stuffed shelf that i would avoid" ], [ "are there any people in the photo", "no people" ], [ "does the sink have a cabinet", "no a mirror above it" ], [ "is there soap to wash your hands with", "ewww no there isn't" ], [ "does the mirror look clean", "a little spotty" ], [ "1 of my biggest pet peeves right there is there any reflection in the mirror", "why even have a sink at that point lol you see the door to that nasty shelf" ], [ "are there any towels", "ones that i would not wipe my hands with" ], [ "so the bathroom as a hole is not so clean", "it is just has icky items" ] ]
a strange shaped, black with big eyes hot air balloon is laying on the grass of a field as cars and people are lined up in the background
[ [ "is the balloon deflated", "no" ], [ "is there a passenger basket", "can't see" ], [ "is the field large", "yes" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "are there lots of cars", "yes" ], [ "can you see the people", "yes" ], [ "what season is it", "hard to tell" ], [ "are there any other balloons", "no" ], [ "are there any trees", "no" ], [ "is it a carnival of some type", "yes" ] ]
a large bird perches on the seat of a bicycle
[ [ "what color is the bird", "brown with some orange in the wings" ], [ "do you know what kind it is", "hawk" ], [ "what color is it's beak", "yellow and gray" ], [ "is the bicycle outside", "yes" ], [ "are there any people", "no" ], [ "does it look like a zoo", "no" ], [ "are there any other birds", "no just the 1" ], [ "does it look like a nice day", "yes" ], [ "are there any buildings", "no" ], [ "is there any trees", "yes" ] ]
a group of people cutting a cake at a circular table
[ [ "are there many people", "yes there are quite a few" ], [ "what is the cake shape", "oval" ], [ "what type of cake is it", "can't tell it is a large cake with white icing" ], [ "is the table circular", "that was supposed to be white icing not white icing yes the table is circular" ], [ "are the people enjoying", "they are all smiling so it appears so" ], [ "are they celebrating something", "yes looks like a party" ], [ "is it in a restaurant", "more like a banquet hall" ], [ "does it look like daytime", "cannot tell because there are no windows" ], [ "any candle on the cake", "no candles on the cake" ], [ "does the cake look delicious", "yes it does" ] ]
a dog sticking his head outside of the window of a truck
[ [ "what color is dog", "brown" ], [ "does he have long fur", "shaggy" ], [ "is the multi-colored", "no" ], [ "is his tongue out", "no" ], [ "can you see driver", "no" ], [ "is truck moving", "no" ], [ "is it sunny", "overcast" ], [ "any trees", "no" ], [ "is this on street", "no" ], [ "driveway", "no" ] ]
a close up of some tooth paste and a tooth brush
[ [ "how many toothbrushes are there", "1" ], [ "what is the color of the toothbrush", "red and white" ], [ "is this an adult toothbrush", "possibly" ], [ "does it has toothpaste on it", "no" ], [ "where is the toothbrush", "on the bathroom counter" ], [ "does the toothpaste has lid on", "yes" ], [ "can you tell what brand", "yes aquafresh" ], [ "can you tell what brand is the toothbrush", "yes colgate" ], [ "is the toothpaste sitting next to toothbrush", "yes" ], [ "what else is on the counter", "dental floss" ] ]
a man flies a kite in an open field
[ [ "what color is the kite", "red" ], [ "what shape is the kite", "crescent" ], [ "is it high in the air", "yes" ], [ "how old does the man look who is flying it", "can't tell their back is turned towards the camera" ], [ "what color is his hair", "brown" ], [ "does he look like he is having fun", "can't tell" ], [ "is anyone else in the picture", "no" ], [ "is this at a park", "no in a large grassy field" ], [ "is it daytime", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ] ]
a man with a laptop on a bed in a motel room
[ [ "how old is the man", "maybe 60" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes it is" ], [ "is he alone", "yes he is" ], [ "what color is the laptop", "black" ], [ "is he on the laptop", "yes" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "yes he is" ], [ "what color are the blankets on the bed", "it's a print that looks beige and brown" ], [ "do you see the pillows", "yes i do" ], [ "are there a lot", "i see 4" ], [ "what color is the decor in the room", "beige" ] ]
people utilize public transportation by taking a double decker bus
[ [ "what color is the bus", "blue" ], [ "is the bus moving or stopped", "moving" ], [ "does the bus have a route number or plate", "no" ], [ "how many people do you see on the bus", "1" ], [ "is it the driver or a passenger", "passenger" ], [ "does it appear to be a busy road", "no" ], [ "how many other vehicles can you see", "3" ], [ "are there trees anywhere", "1" ], [ "do you think this bus is in the us or another country", "russia" ], [ "what is the weather like", "day" ] ]
several horses standing and lying down in a grassy field
[ [ "how many horses are there", "4" ], [ "what color are the horses", "brown and white" ], [ "is it a farm or out in the wild", "wild" ], [ "do they look healthy", "yes" ], [ "is there anything for them to eat", "grass" ], [ "do they have water nearby to drink", "no" ], [ "is it a sunny day out", "yes" ], [ "are there any humans in the pic", "no" ], [ "are there baby horses in the pic", "no" ], [ "are there mountains in the background", "no" ] ]
a woman sitting between 2 boys with a dog near them
[ [ "how big is dog", "medium-sized" ], [ "what is on magazine", "it looks like comic book" ], [ "can woman be boy's mother", "yes, most likely" ], [ "what is size of bed", "looks like queen" ], [ "what color shirt is woman wearing", "she's wearing dress and blue, white, and red apron" ], [ "what color shirts are boys wearing", "blue, and blue, white, and red stripes" ], [ "what color are bed sheets", "pink" ], [ "what are color of walls", "cream, white and maybe gray" ], [ "is there window", "not that i can see" ], [ "is room messy", "not at all" ] ]
a man sitting on the floor next to an amplifier
[ [ "about how old", "40s maybe" ], [ "is he happy", "no" ], [ "does it look like he may be listening to music", "he might be" ], [ "what is he wearing", "gray jacket, black shirt, jeans" ], [ "can you see his legs, are they crossed", "they are wide open" ], [ "what color is his hair", "he's bald" ], [ "is there carpet on the floor", "no, its pavement" ], [ "does he wear glasses", "no" ], [ "is he in a garage", "maybe, i can't tell, its close up" ], [ "are his legs straight out in front of him or bent", "bent" ] ]
a chrome finish fire hydrant on a sidewalk
[ [ "what color is the fire hydrant", "it is silver and shiny" ], [ "what color is the sidewalk", "just concrete colored" ], [ "do c any people", "i don't see any" ], [ "any kids", "0" ], [ "sunny outside", "it looks like it might have just rained" ], [ "trees", "yes" ], [ "do you see cracks on the sidewalk", "yes, parts of it are in bad shape" ], [ "any building", "yes" ], [ "do you see any dirt", "a little bit" ], [ "any grass", "no" ] ]
a man with a white shirt and a tie is smiling
[ [ "how old does the man look", "about 20" ], [ "is his shirt long sleeves", "yes" ], [ "what color is his tie", "black" ], [ "does he have hair", "yes" ], [ "is his hair long", "kinda" ], [ "what color is his hair", "black" ], [ "what is his race", "white" ], [ "is the inside or outside", "inside" ], [ "is he wearing glasses", "no" ], [ "is he in a office", "no" ] ]
a pet shop having a reptile sale on may16
[ [ "can you see any of the reptiles", "no" ], [ "are any animals visible", "no looks like the store trees table and sign" ], [ "is it day or night", "night" ], [ "can you see the name of the pet shop", "the sign says cow palace i guess that’s the name" ], [ "is the sign for the reptile sale handwritten or printed", "printed" ], [ "are there windows on the building", "a small 1" ], [ "are there any people visible", "no" ], [ "what color is the building", "wood and metal" ], [ "can you see a door", "no" ], [ "is there a roof", "can't tell" ] ]
a photo of a halloween cake and a cup of coffee on a table
[ [ "what color is cake", "brown or black, not sure" ], [ "is cake cut", "no" ], [ "is it circle", "yes, it is round" ], [ "is it on brown table", "no plaid tablecloth" ], [ "what decorations are on cake", "ghost and spider's web" ], [ "are there people", "no" ], [ "are decorations cute or scary", "not too scary ghost is smiling, so it's cute" ], [ "is coffee cup full", "yes" ], [ "just 1 ghost", "yes" ], [ "is there plate under cake", "yes" ] ]
a woman standing on top of a tennis court
[ [ "how old is the woman", "maybe early 20s" ], [ "do you see who she is playing against", "no" ], [ "do you see the net", "no" ], [ "do you see a fence behind her", "no" ], [ "what is she wearing", "white top and gray skirt" ], [ "is she holding a racket", "yes she is" ], [ "what color is it", "gray" ], [ "do you see the tennis ball", "no" ], [ "what color is the court", "yes sorry i see the ball*** green court" ], [ "is the sun shining bright", "yes" ] ]
buses coming and going on what seems just another day
[ [ "how many buses are there", "there are 2 buses" ], [ "are they school buses", "no, 1 looks like a tourist bus and 1 looks like a commuter bus" ], [ "what color are the buses", "1 is pink and 1 is black" ], [ "are people on the buses", "the buses are too far to see inside" ], [ "is it day time", "yes, it is sunny" ], [ "are the buses moving", "1 is driving and 1 is waiting at a bus stop" ], [ "is this a city", "it looks like it could be a city" ], [ "are there any signs", "yes, there are several street signs including a buses only lane sign" ], [ "any cars", "there is 1 car parked on a nearby street," ], [ "any sidewalks", "yes, sidewalks on both sides" ] ]
the front of a vintage looking courthouse building
[ [ "are any people in the image", "no" ], [ "is the photo in color", "yes" ], [ "is it sunny", "yes" ], [ "does the front of the building have pillars", "yes" ], [ "is it made of brick", "no" ], [ "what color is the building", "yes and brown" ], [ "is there a bench anywhere", "yes to the left of the entry" ], [ "any animals around", "no" ], [ "does the entry have 1 door or double doors", "not sure, too dark to tell" ], [ "is there a sidewalk", "no" ] ]
a clock on the side of a building with decor on top
[ [ "is this a color photo", "yes" ], [ "how high up is the clock", "not really high" ], [ "is it a digital clock", "no" ], [ "what time is it", "3 37 pm" ], [ "what color is the face", "white" ], [ "what kind of building is it", "just a normal building" ], [ "are there any people around", "no" ], [ "how is the weather", "it looks pretty cool" ], [ "are there any trees", "yes there are some" ], [ "are there any cars", "no" ] ]
2 sandwiches and fries with ketchup on the table
[ [ "are they sub sandwiches", "looks like it" ], [ "what kind of meat", "can't tell i guess if i needed to guess salami" ], [ "any cheese", "0 that i can see" ], [ "have either of them had a bite taken out", "no" ], [ "are they on a plate", "yes a paper plate" ], [ "are they curly fires", "no" ], [ "has ketchup been poured on the plate", "on the fries and on the sandwich" ], [ "is it heinz ketchup", "no bottle can be seen therefore i can't tell the brand" ], [ "is there a napkin", "yes there is" ], [ "what color is the napkin", "white with fruit design on it" ] ]