""" Target balance Handles the target balance internal/external actions """ import json import uuid from flask import request import bunq import payment def target_balance_internal(): """ Execute a target balance internal action """ data = request.get_json() print("[target_balance_internal] input: {}".format(json.dumps(data))) if "actionFields" not in data: errmsg = "missing actionFields" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 fields = data["actionFields"] errmsg = check_fields(True, fields) if errmsg: print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # the account NL42BUNQ0123456789 is used for test payments if fields["account"] == "NL42BUNQ0123456789": return json.dumps({"data": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex}]}) # retrieve balance config = bunq.retrieve_config() if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"], fields["other_account"]) if isinstance(balance, tuple): balance, balance2 = balance transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance if transfer_amount > balance2: transfer_amount = balance2 else: balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"]) if isinstance(balance, float): transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance if isinstance(balance, str): errmsg = balance print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # construct payment message if "{:.2f}".format(fields["amount"]) == "0.00": errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 if transfer_amount > 0 and "top up" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["account"], "name": "x" }, "description": fields["description"] } account = fields["other_account"] elif transfer_amount < 0 and "skim" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(-transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["other_account"], "name": "x" }, "description": fields["description"] } account = fields["account"] else: errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 print(paymentmsg) # get id and check permissions if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(True, False, config, account) else: accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(False, True, config, account) if accid is None: errmsg = "unknown account: "+account if not enabled: errmsg = "Payment type not enabled for account: "+account if errmsg: print("[target_balance_internal] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # execute the payment if fields["payment_type"] == "DIRECT": result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) else: paymentmsg = {"number_of_required_accepts": 1, "entries": [paymentmsg]} result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/draft-payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) print(result) if "Error" in result: return json.dumps({"errors": [{ "status": "SKIP", "message": result["Error"][0]["error_description"] }]}), 400 return json.dumps({"data": [{ "id": str(result["Response"][0]["Id"]["id"])}]}) def target_balance_external(): """ Execute a target balance external action """ data = request.get_json() print("[target_balance_external] input: {}".format(json.dumps(data))) if "actionFields" not in data: errmsg = "missing actionFields" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 fields = data["actionFields"] errmsg = check_fields(False, fields) if errmsg: print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # the account NL42BUNQ0123456789 is used for test payments if fields["account"] == "NL42BUNQ0123456789": return json.dumps({"data": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex}]}) # retrieve balance config = bunq.retrieve_config() balance = get_balance(config, fields["account"]) if isinstance(balance, str): errmsg = balance print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 transfer_amount = fields["amount"] - balance # check for zero transfer if "{:.2f}".format(fields["amount"]) == "0.00": errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # get account id and check permission if transfer_amount > 0: accid = None for acc in config["accounts"]: if acc["iban"] == fields["account"]: accid = acc["id"] enabled = False if "permissions" in config: if fields["account"] in config["permissions"]: if "PaymentRequest" in config["permissions"]\ [fields["account"]]: enabled = config["permissions"][fields["account"]]\ ["PaymentRequest"] else: accid, enabled = payment.check_source_account(False, True, config, fields["account"]) if accid is None: errmsg = "unknown account: "+fields["account"] if not enabled: errmsg = "Not permitted for account: "+fields["account"] if errmsg: print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 # send request / execute payment if transfer_amount > 0 and "top up" in fields["direction"]: bmvalue = fields["request_phone_email_iban"].replace(" ", "") if "@" in bmvalue: bmtype = "EMAIL" elif bmvalue[:1] == "+" and bmvalue[1:].isdecimal(): bmtype = "PHONE_NUMBER" elif bmvalue[:2].isalpha() and bmvalue[2:4].isdecimal(): bmtype = "IBAN" else: errmsg = "Unrecognized as email, phone or iban: "+bmvalue print("[request_inquiry] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message":\ errmsg}]}), 400 msg = { "amount_inquired": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR", }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": bmtype, "name": bmvalue, "value": bmvalue }, "description": fields["request_description"], "allow_bunqme": True, } print(json.dumps(msg)) config = bunq.retrieve_config() result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/request-inquiry"\ .format(config["user_id"], accid), msg, config) elif transfer_amount < 0 and "skim" in fields["direction"]: paymentmsg = { "amount": { "value": "{:.2f}".format(-transfer_amount), "currency": "EUR" }, "counterparty_alias": { "type": "IBAN", "value": fields["payment_account"], "name": fields["payment_name"] }, "description": fields["payment_description"] } print(paymentmsg) paymentmsg = {"number_of_required_accepts": 1, "entries": [paymentmsg]} result ="v1/user/{}/monetary-account/{}/draft-payment" .format(config["user_id"], accid), paymentmsg) else: errmsg = "No transfer needed, balance already ok" print("[target_balance_external] ERROR: "+errmsg) return json.dumps({"errors": [{"status": "SKIP", "message": errmsg}]})\ , 400 print(result) if "Error" in result: return json.dumps({"errors": [{ "status": "SKIP", "message": result["Error"][0]["error_description"] }]}), 400 return json.dumps({"data": [{ "id": str(result["Response"][0]["Id"]["id"])}]}) def check_fields(internal, fields): """ Check the fields """ # check expected fields if internal: expected_fields = ["account", "amount", "other_account", "direction", "payment_type", "description"] else: expected_fields = ["account", "amount", "direction", "payment_account", "payment_name", "payment_description", "request_phone_email_iban", "request_description"] for field in expected_fields: if field not in fields: return "missing field: "+field # strip spaces from account numbers fields["account"] = fields["account"].replace(" ", "") if internal: fields["other_account"] = fields["other_account"].replace(" ", "") else: fields["payment_account"] = fields["payment_account"].replace(" ", "") # check amount try: orig = fields["amount"] fields["amount"] = float(fields["amount"]) except ValueError: fields["amount"] = -1 if fields["amount"] <= 0: return "only positive amounts allowed: "+orig return None def get_balance(config, account, account2=None): """ Retrieve the balance of one or two accounts """ balances = bunq.retrieve_account_balances(config) if account2 is None and account in balances: return balances[account] if account in balances and account2 in balances: return balances[account], balances[account2] if account not in balances: return "Account balance not found "+account return "Account balance not found "+account2
from django.apps import AppConfig class AuthCustomConfig(AppConfig): name = 'auth_custom'
""" Lab 1.1 - Introduction to TensorFlow Author: - <NAME> (<EMAIL>) - <NAME> (<EMAIL>) """ # Import the Libraries and Packages # Import the Operative System Library as operative_system import os as operative_system # Disable all the Debugging Logs from TensorFlow Library operative_system.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' # Import the TensorFlow Library as tensorflow alias import tensorflow as tensorflow # Constants LOGGING_FLAG = True # Create the constant "a" as a float of 32 bits and # assign to it the value 3 a = tensorflow.constant(3.0, dtype=tensorflow.float32, name="a") # Create the constant "b" and assign to it the value 4 b = tensorflow.constant(4.0, name="b") # Create the addition of the constants "a" and "b", as "total", # i.e., total = a + b total = tensorflow.add(a, b, name="total") # If the Logging Flag is set to True if LOGGING_FLAG: # Print the header for the Logging tensorflow.print("\n\nLogging of the Execution:\n") # Print the Tensor for the constant "a" tensorflow.print("a = ", a) # Print the Tensor for the constant "b" tensorflow.print("b = ", b) # Print the Tensor for the addition of # the constants "a" and "b", as "total" tensorflow.print("total = a + b = ", total)
from setuptools import setup exec (open('yadashcomp/').read()) setup( name='yadashcomp', version=__version__, author='pingf', packages=['yadashcomp'], include_package_data=True, license='MIT', description='yet another dash components', install_requires=[] )
import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt p = np.array([0,10]) p2 = p*2 p3 = p*3 plt.plot(p,p2,color = 'b',ls = '-.',linewidth = 2) plt.plot(p,p3,color = 'y',ls = '-',linewidth = 3) plt.title("Two line in same plot") plt.xlabel("X-Axis") plt.ylabel("Y-Axis")
# Original script: import re import time import selenium.common.exceptions from selenium import webdriver from import Options as chromeOptions import sys from datetime import datetime import hashlib import uuid import os import csv # performance elements to extract measurement_elements = ('protocol', 'server', 'domain', 'timestamp', 'connectEnd', 'connectStart', 'domComplete', 'domContentLoadedEventEnd', 'domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domInteractive', 'domainLookupEnd', 'domainLookupStart', 'duration', 'encodedBodySize', 'decodedBodySize', 'transferSize', 'fetchStart', 'loadEventEnd', 'loadEventStart', 'requestStart', 'responseEnd', 'responseStart', 'secureConnectionStart', 'startTime', 'firstPaint', 'firstContentfulPaint', 'nextHopProtocol', 'cacheWarming', 'error') file_elements = ('pep', 'run') # retrieve input params try: protocol = sys.argv[1] server = sys.argv[2] chrome_path = sys.argv[3] output_dir = sys.argv[4] file_elements_values = sys.argv[5].split(';') except IndexError: print("Input params incomplete (protocol, server, chrome_driver, output_dir)") sys.exit(1) if len(file_elements) != len(file_elements_values): print("Number of file elements does not match") sys.exit(1) # Chrome options chrome_options = chromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') if protocol == 'quic': chrome_options.add_argument('--enable-quic') chrome_options.add_argument('') chrome_options.add_argument('--allow_unknown_root_cer') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable_certificate_verification') chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests') chrome_options.add_argument(f"--host-resolver-rules=MAP {server}") chrome_options.add_argument('--verbose') chrome_options.add_argument('--disable-http-cache') # Function to create: openssl x509 -pubkey < "pubkey.pem" | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | base64 > "fingerprints.txt" chrome_options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list=D29LAH0IMcLx/d7R2JAH5bw/YKYK9uNRYc6W0/GJlS8=') def create_driver(): return webdriver.Chrome(options=chrome_options, executable_path=chrome_path) def get_page_performance_metrics(driver, page): script = """ // Get performance and paint entries var perfEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("navigation"); var paintEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("paint"); var entry = perfEntries[0]; var fpEntry = paintEntries[0]; var fcpEntry = paintEntries[1]; // Get the JSON and first paint + first contentful paint var resultJson = entry.toJSON(); resultJson.firstPaint = 0; resultJson.firstContentfulPaint = 0; try { for (var i=0; i<paintEntries.length; i++) { var pJson = paintEntries[i].toJSON(); if ( == 'first-paint') { resultJson.firstPaint = pJson.startTime; } else if ( == 'first-contentful-paint') { resultJson.firstContentfulPaint = pJson.startTime; } } } catch(e) {} return resultJson; """ try: driver.set_page_load_timeout(60) if protocol == 'quic': driver.get(f'https://{page}') else: driver.get(f'http://{page}') return driver.execute_script(script) except selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException as e: return {'error': str(e)} def perform_page_load(page, cache_warming=0): driver = create_driver() timestamp = performance_metrics = get_page_performance_metrics(driver, page) # insert page into database if 'error' not in performance_metrics: # Print page source # print(driver.page_source) driver.save_screenshot(f'{output_dir}/screenshot.png') insert_performance(page, performance_metrics, timestamp, cache_warming=cache_warming) else: insert_performance(page, {k: 0 for k in measurement_elements}, timestamp, cache_warming=cache_warming, error=performance_metrics['error']) driver.quit() def create_measurements_table(): new = False global local_csvfile file_path = f'{output_dir}/http.csv' if file_elements_values[0] == 'false' else f'{output_dir}/http_pep.csv' if os.path.isfile(file_path): local_csvfile = open(file_path, mode='a') else: local_csvfile = open(file_path, mode='w') new = True global csvfile csvfile = csv.writer(local_csvfile, delimiter=';') if new == True: headers = file_elements + measurement_elements csvfile.writerow(headers) def insert_performance(page, performance, timestamp, cache_warming=0, error=''): performance['protocol'] = protocol performance['server'] = server performance['domain'] = page performance['timestamp'] = timestamp performance['cacheWarming'] = cache_warming performance['error'] = error values = file_elements_values.copy() for m_e in measurement_elements: values.append(performance[m_e]) csvfile.writerow(values) create_measurements_table() # performance measurement perform_page_load("") local_csvfile.close()
import aioredis async def init_redis(app): app['redis'] = aioredis.from_url( app['redis_location'], ) async def close_redis(app): await app['redis'].close() def setup_redis(app, redis_location): app['redis_location'] = redis_location app.on_startup.append(init_redis) app.on_cleanup.append(close_redis) async def get_redis_key(redis, key): async with redis.client() as conn: val = await conn.get(key) return val async def set_redis_key(redis, key, value, expire=None): async with redis.client() as conn: if expire is None: res = await conn.set(key, value) else: res = await conn.set(key, value, ex=expire) return res
from .okved import all_codes_v2, name_v2
from output.models.ms_data.regex.re_c43_xsd.re_c43 import ( Regex, Doc, ) __all__ = [ "Regex", "Doc", ]
from ._base import * class TestCase003(TestCase): def __init__(self): TestCase.__init__(self, id='003', alt_id='fixed_pps_increasing_pps_58_bytes', description='Fixed PPS. Increasing State Transfer Duration. 58 Byte Packets', pps=1000, packet_size=58, state_duration=[0, 1, 0.1], reports=STD_REPORTS)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 # Copyright 2019 <NAME> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") import os, glob import copy import argparse import torch from pynn.util import load_object_param parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pynn') parser.add_argument('--model-path', help='model saving path', default='model') parser.add_argument('--config', help='model config', default='model.cfg') parser.add_argument('--states', help='model states', default='ALL') parser.add_argument('--save-all', help='save configuration as well', action='store_true') if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() model, cls, module, m_params = load_object_param(args.model_path + '/' + args.config) ext = copy.deepcopy(model) if args.states == 'ALL': states = [s for s in glob.glob("%s/epoch-*.pt" % args.model_path)] else: states = args.states.split(',') states = ["%s/" % (args.model_path, s) for s in states] state = states[0] model.load_state_dict(torch.load(state, map_location='cpu')) params = list(model.parameters()) for state in states[1:]: ext.load_state_dict(torch.load(state, map_location='cpu')) eparams = list(ext.parameters()) for i in range(len(params)): params[i].data.add_(eparams[i].data) scale = 1.0 / len(states) for p in params: state = model.state_dict() if not args.save_all: model_file = '%s/' % args.model_path, model_file) else: dic = {'params': m_params, 'class': cls, 'module': module, 'state': state}, '%s/epoch-avg.dic' % args.model_path)
import sys import py from py import path, test, process from py.__.path.testing.fscommon import CommonFSTests, setuptestfs from py.__.path.svn import cache, svncommon mypath = py.magic.autopath() repodump = mypath.dirpath('repotest.dump') def getsvnbin(): svnbin = py.path.local.sysfind('svn') if svnbin is None: py.test.skip("svn binary not found") return svnbin # make a wc directory out of a given root url # cache previously obtained wcs! # def getrepowc(reponame='basetestrepo', wcname='wc'): repo = py.test.ensuretemp(reponame) wcdir = py.test.ensuretemp(wcname) if not repo.listdir(): #assert not wcdir.check() repo.ensure(dir=1) py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create "%s"' % svncommon._escape_helper(repo)) py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin load -q "%s" <"%s"' % (svncommon._escape_helper(repo), repodump)) print "created svn repository", repo wcdir.ensure(dir=1) wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir) if py.std.sys.platform == 'win32': repo = '/' + str(repo).replace('\\', '/') wc.checkout(url='file://%s' % repo) print "checked out new repo into", wc else: print "using repository at", repo wc = py.path.svnwc(wcdir) return ("file://%s" % repo, wc) def save_repowc(): repo, wc = getrepowc() repo = py.path.local(repo[len("file://"):]) assert repo.check() savedrepo = repo.dirpath('repo_save') savedwc = wc.dirpath('wc_save') repo.copy(savedrepo) wc.localpath.copy(savedwc.localpath) return savedrepo, savedwc def restore_repowc((savedrepo, savedwc)): repo, wc = getrepowc() print repo print repo[len("file://"):] repo = py.path.local(repo[len("file://"):]) print repo assert repo.check() # repositories have read only files on windows #repo.chmod(0777, rec=True) repo.remove() wc.localpath.remove() savedrepo.move(repo) savedwc.localpath.move(wc.localpath) # create an empty repository for testing purposes and return the url to it def make_test_repo(name="test-repository"): repo = py.test.ensuretemp(name) try: py.process.cmdexec('svnadmin create %s' % repo) except: repo.remove() raise if sys.platform == 'win32': repo = '/' + str(repo).replace('\\', '/') return py.path.svnurl("file://%s" % repo) class CommonSvnTests(CommonFSTests): def setup_method(self, meth): bn = meth.func_name for x in 'test_remove', 'test_move', 'test_status_deleted': if bn.startswith(x): self._savedrepowc = save_repowc() def teardown_method(self, meth): x = getattr(self, '_savedrepowc', None) if x is not None: restore_repowc(x) del self._savedrepowc def test_propget(self): url = self.root.join("samplefile") value = url.propget('svn:eol-style') assert value == 'native' def test_proplist(self): url = self.root.join("samplefile") res = url.proplist() assert res['svn:eol-style'] == 'native' def test_info(self): url = self.root.join("samplefile") res = assert res.size > len("samplefile") and res.created_rev >= 0 def test_log_simple(self): url = self.root.join("samplefile") logentries = url.log() for logentry in logentries: assert logentry.rev == 1 assert hasattr(logentry, 'author') assert hasattr(logentry, 'date') class CommonCommandAndBindingTests(CommonSvnTests): def test_trailing_slash_is_stripped(self): # XXX we need to test more normalizing properties url = self.root.join("/") assert self.root == url #def test_different_revs_compare_unequal(self): # newpath = # assert newpath != self.root def test_exists_svn_root(self): assert self.root.check() #def test_not_exists_rev(self): # url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=500) # assert url.check(exists=0) #def test_nonexisting_listdir_rev(self): # url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=500) # raises(py.error.ENOENT, url.listdir) #def test_newrev(self): # url = # assert url.rev == None # assert url.strpath == self.root.strpath # url = # assert url.rev == 10 #def test_info_rev(self): # url = self.root.__class__(self.rooturl, rev=1155) # url = url.join("samplefile") # res = # assert res.size > len("samplefile") and res.created_rev == 1155 # the following tests are easier if we have a path class def test_repocache_simple(self): repocache = cache.RepoCache() repocache.put(self.root.strpath, 42) url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.join('test').strpath) assert rev == 42 assert url == self.root.strpath def test_repocache_notimeout(self): repocache = cache.RepoCache() repocache.timeout = 0 repocache.put(self.root.strpath, self.root.rev) url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.strpath) assert rev == -1 assert url == self.root.strpath def test_repocache_outdated(self): repocache = cache.RepoCache() repocache.put(self.root.strpath, 42, timestamp=0) url, rev = repocache.get(self.root.join('test').strpath) assert rev == -1 assert url == self.root.strpath def _test_getreporev(self): """ this test runs so slow it's usually disabled """ old = cache.repositories.repos try: _repocache.clear() root = url, rev = cache.repocache.get(root.strpath) assert rev>=0 assert url == svnrepourl finally: repositories.repos = old #cache.repositories.put(svnrepourl, 1200, 0)
from django.test import SimpleTestCase from django.apps import apps from contact.apps import ContactConfig class ContactConfigTestCase(SimpleTestCase): """ Test app config """ def test_apps(self): self.assertEqual(, "contact") self.assertEqual(apps.get_app_config("contact").name, "contact")
import os import torch import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import torch.nn as nn import yaml from import tqdm from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from import DataLoader
import asyncio import pytest import socket from eth_keys import keys from cancel_token import CancelToken from eth.chains.ropsten import RopstenChain, ROPSTEN_GENESIS_HEADER from eth.db.chain import ChainDB from eth.db.backends.memory import MemoryDB from p2p.auth import HandshakeInitiator, _handshake from p2p.peer import ( PeerPool, ) from p2p.kademlia import ( Node, Address, ) from trinity.protocol.eth.peer import ETHPeer from trinity.server import Server from tests.p2p.auth_constants import eip8_values from tests.trinity.core.dumb_peer import DumbPeer from tests.trinity.core.integration_test_helpers import FakeAsyncHeaderDB def get_open_port(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", 0)) s.listen(1) port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port port = get_open_port() NETWORK_ID = 99 SERVER_ADDRESS = Address('', udp_port=port, tcp_port=port) RECEIVER_PRIVKEY = keys.PrivateKey(eip8_values['receiver_private_key']) RECEIVER_PUBKEY = RECEIVER_PRIVKEY.public_key RECEIVER_REMOTE = Node(RECEIVER_PUBKEY, SERVER_ADDRESS) INITIATOR_PRIVKEY = keys.PrivateKey(eip8_values['initiator_private_key']) INITIATOR_PUBKEY = INITIATOR_PRIVKEY.public_key INITIATOR_ADDRESS = Address('', get_open_port() + 1) INITIATOR_REMOTE = Node(INITIATOR_PUBKEY, INITIATOR_ADDRESS) class MockPeerPool: is_full = False connected_nodes = {} def __init__(self): self._new_peers = asyncio.Queue() async def start_peer(self, peer): self.connected_nodes[peer.remote] = peer self._new_peers.put_nowait(peer) def is_valid_connection_candidate(self, node): return True def __len__(self): return len(self.connected_nodes) async def next_peer(self): return await self._new_peers.get() def get_server(privkey, address, peer_class): base_db = MemoryDB() headerdb = FakeAsyncHeaderDB(base_db) chaindb = ChainDB(base_db) chaindb.persist_header(ROPSTEN_GENESIS_HEADER) chain = RopstenChain(base_db) server = Server( privkey, address.tcp_port, chain, chaindb, headerdb, base_db, network_id=NETWORK_ID, peer_class=peer_class, ) return server @pytest.fixture async def server(): server = get_server(RECEIVER_PRIVKEY, SERVER_ADDRESS, ETHPeer) await asyncio.wait_for(server._start_tcp_listener(), timeout=1) yield server server.cancel_token.trigger() await asyncio.wait_for(server._close_tcp_listener(), timeout=1) @pytest.fixture async def receiver_server_with_dumb_peer(): server = get_server(RECEIVER_PRIVKEY, SERVER_ADDRESS, DumbPeer) await asyncio.wait_for(server._start_tcp_listener(), timeout=1) yield server server.cancel_token.trigger() await asyncio.wait_for(server._close_tcp_listener(), timeout=1) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_server_incoming_connection(monkeypatch, server, event_loop): # We need this to ensure the server can check if the peer pool is full for # incoming connections. monkeypatch.setattr(server, 'peer_pool', MockPeerPool()) use_eip8 = False token = CancelToken("<PASSWORD>") initiator = HandshakeInitiator(RECEIVER_REMOTE, INITIATOR_PRIVKEY, use_eip8, token) reader, writer = await initiator.connect() # Send auth init message to the server, then read and decode auth ack aes_secret, mac_secret, egress_mac, ingress_mac = await _handshake( initiator, reader, writer, token) initiator_peer = ETHPeer( remote=initiator.remote, privkey=initiator.privkey, reader=reader, writer=writer, aes_secret=aes_secret, mac_secret=mac_secret, egress_mac=egress_mac, ingress_mac=ingress_mac, headerdb=server.headerdb, network_id=NETWORK_ID) # Perform p2p/sub-proto handshake, completing the full handshake and causing a new peer to be # added to the server's pool. await initiator_peer.do_p2p_handshake() await initiator_peer.do_sub_proto_handshake() # wait for peer to be processed await asyncio.wait_for(server.peer_pool.next_peer(), timeout=1) assert len(server.peer_pool.connected_nodes) == 1 receiver_peer = list(server.peer_pool.connected_nodes.values())[0] assert isinstance(receiver_peer, ETHPeer) assert initiator_peer.sub_proto is not None assert == assert initiator_peer.sub_proto.version == receiver_peer.sub_proto.version assert receiver_peer.privkey == RECEIVER_PRIVKEY @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_peer_pool_connect(monkeypatch, event_loop, receiver_server_with_dumb_peer): started_peers = [] async def mock_start_peer(peer): nonlocal started_peers started_peers.append(peer) monkeypatch.setattr(receiver_server_with_dumb_peer, '_start_peer', mock_start_peer) # We need this to ensure the server can check if the peer pool is full for # incoming connections. monkeypatch.setattr(receiver_server_with_dumb_peer, 'peer_pool', MockPeerPool()) pool = PeerPool(DumbPeer, FakeAsyncHeaderDB(MemoryDB()), NETWORK_ID, INITIATOR_PRIVKEY, tuple()) nodes = [RECEIVER_REMOTE] await pool.connect_to_nodes(nodes) # Give the receiver_server a chance to ack the handshake. await asyncio.sleep(0.1) assert len(started_peers) == 1 assert len(pool.connected_nodes) == 1 # Stop our peer to make sure its pending asyncio tasks are cancelled. await list(pool.connected_nodes.values())[0].cancel()
from itertools import dropwhile def roman(n): if n > 0 and n < 3999: ones = ["","I","II","III","IV","V","VI","VII","VIII","IX"] tens = ["","X","XX","XXX","XL","L","LX","LXX","LXXX","XC"] hunds = ["","C","CC","CCC","CD","D","DC","DCC","DCCC","CM"] thounds = ["","M","MM","MMM","MMMM"] t = thounds[n // 1000] h = hunds[n // 100 % 10] te = tens[n // 10 % 10] o = ones[n % 10] return t + h + te + o else: return " - " def romanize(num): if num < 0 or num > 3999: return "Ваше число нельзя представить в римской системе счисления" else: return f"Число в римской системе счисления: {roman(num)}" def bitize(num): return f"Число в двоичной системе счисления: {str(bin(num))[2:]}" def print_all(numData, num): print('Число {}:'.format(num), end='\n\t') for k, item in enumerate(numData): print(numData[k], end='\n\t') print('') isS = rct = unus = isEx = suf = False def formData(numData, MC, num): global rct, unus, isEx global isS, suf if 'простое' in numData[1]: isS = True elif 'составное' in numData[1]: isS = False if ',' in numData: rct = True elif ',' not in numData: rct = False if '.' in numData: unus = True elif '.' not in numData: unus = False if '>' in numData: isEx = True if '>' not in numData: isEx = False if '<' in numData: suf = True else: suf = False datapiece = f''' "Число %d": "{MC.dividers()}", "Число простое": {str(isS).lower()}, "Число является прямоугольным": {str(rct).lower()}, "Число - необычное": {str(unus).lower()}, "%s", "Число избыточное": {str(isEx).lower()}, "Число недостаточное": {str(suf).lower()}, "{MC.repr_pow2()}", "{MC.repr_sqrt2()}", "Число в римской системе счисления": {romanize(num)[35:]}, "Число в двоичной системе счисления": {str(bin(num))[2:]}. ''' % (num, MC.smooth()) return datapiece def check_savings(file, patterns_list): with open(file, 'r') as f: try: all_ = all_ = ''.join(all_) all_ = all_.split('\n') all_ = reversed(all_) for line in all_: for elem in patterns_list: if elem in line: continue else: break else: character_map = { } for j in patterns_list[1:]: character_map.update({ord(j): ''}) line = line.translate(character_map) line = line.replace(f"{patterns_list[0]}", '') line = line.lstrip(' \n').rstrip(' \n') line = line.split(", ") line = [i for i in map(int, line)] return line assert False except: return [] if __name__ == '__main__': pass
import json import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup DICT_KEYS = ['complex', 'type', 'phase', 'building', 'section', 'price_base', 'price_finished', 'price_sale', 'price_finished_sale', 'area', 'number', 'number_on_site', 'rooms', 'floor', 'in_sale', 'sale_status', 'finished', 'currency', 'ceil', 'article', 'finishing_name', 'furniture', 'furniture_price', 'plan', 'feature', 'view', 'euro_planning', 'sale', 'discount_percent', 'discount', 'comment'] class NdvParser: def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.base_url = '' self.base_url_flats = '' self.new_buildings_url = '' self.parser_dict = dict.fromkeys(DICT_KEYS) self.objects_list = self._get_new_buildings(self.new_buildings_url) def get_flats_data(self): """ Метод для получения данных о продаже квартир в новостройках Возвращает список словарей с данными о квартирах :return: list of dicts """ # исходный список объектов который будем возвращать objects = [] raw_data = self.session.get(self.base_url_flats).content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # Поиск паджинатора на странице pages = self._find_pagination(content) if pages: for i in range(1, pages+1): page_url = self.base_url_flats + f'?page={i}' raw_data = self.session.get(page_url).content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # добавляем(объединяем) в исходный список objects.extend(self._write_flats_data(content)) else: objects = self._write_flats_data(content) return objects def get_parking_data(self): """ Метод для получения данных о продаже парковочных мест Возвращает список словарей с данными о парковочных местах :return: list of dicts """ objects = [] # Итерируемся по списку ЖК for item in self.objects_list: # забираем имя ЖК и ссылку на его страницу. Добавляем к URL /parking location, url = item url += '/parking' answer = self.session.get(url) # проверка есть ли в продаже парковочне места. Если нет, берем следующий ЖК if answer.status_code == 404: continue raw_data = answer.content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # Поиск кнопки <<Показать n предложений>>. Поиск кол-ва предложений о продаже row = content.find('a', id='NewBuildingComplexUpdateButton').get_text(strip=True) number = int('(?P<number>\d+)', row).group()) # Если страница есть, но в данный момент 0 предложений, берем следующий ЖК if not number: continue # Поиск паджинатора на странице pages = self._find_pagination(content) if pages: for i in range(1, pages+1): page_url = url + f'?page={i}' raw_data = self.session.get(page_url).content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # добавляем(объединяем) в исходный список objects.extend(self._write_parking_data(content, location)) else: objects.extend(self._write_parking_data(content, location)) return objects def get_full_data(self, json_file=None): """ Метод парсит данные о квартирах в новостройках + данные о парковочных местах Записывает полученные данные в json файл :return: list of dicts - if json_file=None :return: json_file - if json_file=True """ print('Starting data parsing...') flats = self.get_flats_data() parking = self.get_parking_data() data_result = flats + parking if json_file is None: return data_result else: with open('ndv_ru.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(data_result, file) print('Success') def _get_new_buildings(self, url): """ Метод возвращает список кортежей с именем ЖК и его URL :param url: str :return: list of tuples [('Мкр. «Мегаполис»(Москва, ВАО, Салтыковская улица 8с22)','/novostrojki/zhk/mkr-megapolis')] """ objects = [] raw_data = self.session.get(url).content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # Поиск паджинатора на странице pages = self._find_pagination(content) if pages: for i in range(1, pages + 1): # добавляем ?page=n к URL page_url = self.new_buildings_url + f'?page={i}' raw_data = self.session.get(page_url).content content = soup(raw_data, 'html.parser') # добавляем(объединяем) в исходный список objects.extend(self._get_objects(content)) else: objects = self._get_objects(content) return objects def _get_objects(self, data): """ Функция принимает на вход объект класса bs4.BeautifulSoup. Ищет название жк, регион и ссылку на объект ЖК :param data: bs4.BeautifulSoup :return: list of tuples [('Мкр. «Мегаполис»(Москва, ВАО, Салтыковская улица 8с22)','/novostrojki/zhk/mkr-megapolis')] """ output = [] raw_data = data.find_all('div', {'class': 'tile__content'}) for item in raw_data: name = item.select_one('a', {'class': 'tile__name'}).text.strip() location = item.find('span', {'class': 'tile__location'}).get_text().strip() urn = item.select_one('a', {'class': 'tile__name'}).get('href') output.append((name + f'({location})', self.base_url + urn)) return output def _find_pagination(self, data): """ Функция принимает на вход объект класса bs4.BeautifulSoup. Производит поиск пагинатора. Если он есть то возвращает номер последней страницы. :param data: bs4.BeautifulSoup :return: int last page number or False """ pages = data.findAll('a', {'class': 'move-to-page'}) if pages: last_page = int(pages[-2].text) return last_page return False def _get_image(self, data): """ Метод для парсинга схемы квартиры На вход принимает bs4.element.Tag. Производит поиск по div классу tile__image. С помощью регулярного выражения забирает URL :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: str (image src url) """ try: plan = data.find('div', class_='tile__image')['data-deskstop'] plan ="url\('(?P<url>\S+)'\)", plan).group('url') if plan == '/img/new-design/no-image.svg': return None return plan except AttributeError: return None def _get_complex(self, data): """ Метод для поиска имени ЖК и его региона :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: str """ try: complex = data.find( 'a', class_='tile__resale-complex--link js_tile_complex_link' ).get_text( strip=True ) location = data.find('span', class_='tile__location').get_text(strip=True) complex += f'({location})' return complex except AttributeError: return None def _get_phase(self, data): """ Метод для поиска очереди строительства :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: str """ try: phase = data.find('span', class_='tile__row--resale_date').get_text(strip=True) return phase except AttributeError: return None def _price_base(self, data): """ Метод для поиска цены квартиры :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: str """ try: price_base = data.find('span', class_='tile__price').get_text(strip=True) price_base = int(''.join(price_base.split()[:3])) return price_base except AttributeError: return None def _get_complex_item(self, data): """ Метод для поиска информации о квартире Поиск корпуса, секции, этажа и номера квартиры Возвращает словарь с ключами ['section', 'floor', 'number', 'building'] :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: dict """ keys = ('section', 'floor', 'number', 'building') result = dict.fromkeys(keys) info = data.find_all('div', class_='tile__in-complex-item') for item in info: title = item.select_one('.tile__in-complex-title').get_text(strip=True).lower() value = item.select_one('.tile__in-complex-value').get_text(strip=True) if title == 'корпус': result['building'] = value elif title == 'секция': result['section'] = value elif title == 'этаж': result['floor'] = value elif title == 'номер': result['number'] = value return result def _get_dimentions(self, data): """ Метод производит поиск кол-ва комнат в квартире, площади + определение типа апартаменты/квартира :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: dict """ result = dict() name = data.find('a', {'class': 'tile__name'}).get_text(strip=True) result['area'] = float(name.split()[-1].replace('м²', '').replace(',', '.')) if 'студия' in name.split()[0].lower(): result['rooms'] = 'studio' else: result['rooms'] = int(name.split('-')[0]) if 'апартамент' in name.lower(): result['type'] = 'apartment' else: result['type'] = 'flat' return result def _write_flats_data(self, data): """ Метод для записи данных о отдельной квартире в словарь На вход принимает объект класса bs4.BeautifulSoup :param data: bs4.BeautifulSoup :return: list of dict """ result = [] # Поиск отдельных объектов объявлений на странице raw_data = data.find_all('div', class_='tile__link js-tile-link') # в цикле проходим по каждому объявлению for item in raw_data: # Бремем копию исходного словаря с ключами в который будем записывать данные output = self.parser_dict.copy() # записываем имя ЖК и его регион output['complex'] = self._get_complex(item) # записываем очередь строительства output['phase'] = self._get_phase(item) # записываем цену output['price_base'] = self._price_base(item) # записвыем ссылку на план объекта output['plan'] = self._get_image(item) # обновляем в словаре ключи с данными для корпуса, секции, этажа и номера квартиры output.update(self._get_complex_item(item)) # обновляем в словаре ключи с данными для комнат в квартире, площади + типа квартиры output.update(self._get_dimentions(item)) # добавляем словарь в список который будем возвращать result.append(output) return result def _write_parking_data(self, data, location): """ Метод для записи данных о отдельном парковочном месте На вход принимает объект класса bs4.BeautifulSoup :param data: bs4.BeautifulSoup :param location: str :return: list of dicts """ result = [] # Поиск отдельных объектов парковочных мест на сранице ЖК raw_data = data.find_all('a', class_='flats-table__row table-body--row') # в цикле проходим по каждому парковочному месту for item in raw_data: # Бремем копию исходного словаря с ключами в который будем записывать данные output = self.parser_dict.copy() # записываем имя ЖК и регион output['complex'] = location # записываем данные о парковочном месте (площаь, корпус, секция, этаж, план) output.update(self._get_parking_info(item)) # добавляем словарь в список который будем возвращать result.append(output) return result def _get_parking_info(self, data): """ Метод для парсинга данных о парковочном месте :param data: bs4.element.Tag :return: dict """ plan_img = None price_base = None price_sale = None building = None area = None section = None floor = None number = None urn = data.get('href') parking_url = self.base_url + urn parking_data = soup(self.session.get(parking_url).content, 'html.parser') # поиск номера парковочного места raw_number = parking_data.find('meta', {'content': '10'}) if raw_number: number = raw_number.previous.strip().split()[1].replace('№', '') else: try: number = parking_data.find('h1', class_='title').get_text(strip=True).split()[2] except AttributeError: pass # поиск ссылки на план try: plan_div = parking_data.find('div', {'id': 'plans_layout'}) plan_img = plan_div.find('img').get('src') except AttributeError: pass # поиск цены (в том числе со скидкой) try: price_base = parking_data.find('span', class_='card__info-prices__price').get_text(strip=True) price_base = int(price_base.split('руб.')[0].replace(' ', '')) except AttributeError: try: price_base = parking_data.find('span', class_='card__info-prices__old').get_text(strip=True) price_base = int(price_base.split('руб.')[0].replace(' ', '')) price_sale = parking_data.find( 'span', class_='card__info-prices__price card__info-prices--red' ).get_text(strip=True) price_sale = int(price_sale.split('руб.')[0].replace(' ', '')) except AttributeError: pass # парсинг данных о парковочном месте(метраж, копус, секцияб этаж) parking_div_info = parking_data.find('div', class_='card__info-row card__info-row--settings') parking_div_data = parking_div_info.find_all('div', class_='card__info-params__number') # парсинг площади try: raw_area = parking_div_data[0].get_text(strip=True).split()[0] area = float(raw_area.replace(',', '.')) except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass # парсинг корпуса try: building = parking_div_data[1].get_text(strip=True) except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass # парсинг секции try: section = parking_div_data[2].get_text(strip=True) except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass # парсинг этажа try: floor = parking_div_data[3].get_text(strip=True) except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass output_dict = { 'number': number, 'building': building, 'area': area, 'price_sale': price_sale, 'price_base': price_base, 'type': 'parking', 'plan': plan_img, 'section': section, 'floor': floor } return output_dict if __name__ == '__main__': ndv = NdvParser() # Запускаем парсер на квартиры и машиноместа. # Данные записываются в json файл ndv.get_full_data(json_file=True)
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at or Apache License 2.0 as shown at You may choose either license. from oci.util import formatted_flat_dict, NONE_SENTINEL, value_allowed_none_or_none_sentinel # noqa: F401 from oci.decorators import init_model_state_from_kwargs @init_model_state_from_kwargs class ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary(object): """ An Application Dependency Vulnerability represents a single dependency in our application. An Application Dependency Vulnerability can be associated with eventual Vulnerabilities. Each Application Dependency is uniquely defined by a nodeId and lists eventual dependencies that this element depends on. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initializes a new ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class): :param gav: The value to assign to the gav property of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type gav: str :param node_id: The value to assign to the node_id property of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type node_id: str :param application_dependency_node_ids: The value to assign to the application_dependency_node_ids property of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type application_dependency_node_ids: list[str] :param vulnerabilities: The value to assign to the vulnerabilities property of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type vulnerabilities: list[oci.adm.models.Vulnerability] :param is_found_in_knowledge_base: The value to assign to the is_found_in_knowledge_base property of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type is_found_in_knowledge_base: bool """ self.swagger_types = { 'gav': 'str', 'node_id': 'str', 'application_dependency_node_ids': 'list[str]', 'vulnerabilities': 'list[Vulnerability]', 'is_found_in_knowledge_base': 'bool' } self.attribute_map = { 'gav': 'gav', 'node_id': 'nodeId', 'application_dependency_node_ids': 'applicationDependencyNodeIds', 'vulnerabilities': 'vulnerabilities', 'is_found_in_knowledge_base': 'isFoundInKnowledgeBase' } self._gav = None self._node_id = None self._application_dependency_node_ids = None self._vulnerabilities = None self._is_found_in_knowledge_base = None @property def gav(self): """ **[Required]** Gets the gav of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Unique Group Artifact Version (GAV) identifier (Group:Artifact:Version). :return: The gav of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :rtype: str """ return self._gav @gav.setter def gav(self, gav): """ Sets the gav of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Unique Group Artifact Version (GAV) identifier (Group:Artifact:Version). :param gav: The gav of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type: str """ self._gav = gav @property def node_id(self): """ **[Required]** Gets the node_id of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Unique identifier of an Application Dependency node. :return: The node_id of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :rtype: str """ return self._node_id @node_id.setter def node_id(self, node_id): """ Sets the node_id of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Unique identifier of an Application Dependency node. :param node_id: The node_id of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type: str """ self._node_id = node_id @property def application_dependency_node_ids(self): """ **[Required]** Gets the application_dependency_node_ids of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. List of (Application Dependencies) node identifiers on which this node depends. :return: The application_dependency_node_ids of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :rtype: list[str] """ return self._application_dependency_node_ids @application_dependency_node_ids.setter def application_dependency_node_ids(self, application_dependency_node_ids): """ Sets the application_dependency_node_ids of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. List of (Application Dependencies) node identifiers on which this node depends. :param application_dependency_node_ids: The application_dependency_node_ids of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type: list[str] """ self._application_dependency_node_ids = application_dependency_node_ids @property def vulnerabilities(self): """ **[Required]** Gets the vulnerabilities of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. List of vulnerabilities for the Application Dependency. :return: The vulnerabilities of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :rtype: list[oci.adm.models.Vulnerability] """ return self._vulnerabilities @vulnerabilities.setter def vulnerabilities(self, vulnerabilities): """ Sets the vulnerabilities of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. List of vulnerabilities for the Application Dependency. :param vulnerabilities: The vulnerabilities of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type: list[oci.adm.models.Vulnerability] """ self._vulnerabilities = vulnerabilities @property def is_found_in_knowledge_base(self): """ **[Required]** Gets the is_found_in_knowledge_base of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Indicates if the artifact is found in the knowledge base. :return: The is_found_in_knowledge_base of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :rtype: bool """ return self._is_found_in_knowledge_base @is_found_in_knowledge_base.setter def is_found_in_knowledge_base(self, is_found_in_knowledge_base): """ Sets the is_found_in_knowledge_base of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. Indicates if the artifact is found in the knowledge base. :param is_found_in_knowledge_base: The is_found_in_knowledge_base of this ApplicationDependencyVulnerabilitySummary. :type: bool """ self._is_found_in_knowledge_base = is_found_in_knowledge_base def __repr__(self): return formatted_flat_dict(self) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
# Generated by Django 2.1.12 on 2019-09-11 05:50 from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0010_auto_20190910_1022'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='product', unique_together={('wishlist', 'product_id')}, ), ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2016, <NAME> al., All rights reserved." __author__ = "various" from collections import defaultdict, Counter def count_terms(geneset, assoc, obo_dag): """count the number of terms in the study group """ term_cnt = Counter() for gene in (g for g in geneset if g in assoc): for x in assoc[gene]: if x in obo_dag: term_cnt[obo_dag[x].id] += 1 return term_cnt def get_terms(desc, geneset, assoc, obo_dag, log): """Get the terms in the study group """ term2itemids = defaultdict(set) genes = [g for g in geneset if g in assoc] for gene in genes: for x in assoc[gene]: if x in obo_dag: term2itemids[obo_dag[x].id].add(gene) log.write("{N:>6,} out of {M:>6,} {DESC} items found in association\n".format( DESC=desc, N=len(genes), M=len(geneset))) return term2itemids def is_ratio_different(min_ratio, study_go, study_n, pop_go, pop_n): """ check if the ratio go /n is different between the study group and the population """ if min_ratio is None: return True s = float(study_go) / study_n p = float(pop_go) / pop_n if s > p: return s / p > min_ratio return p / s > min_ratio # Copyright (C) 2010-2016, <NAME> al., All rights reserved.
""" Sample bid policy testing script for ORF418 Spring 2019 course """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd def simulator_setup_1day(): """ This is a tool to set up a simulator and problem definition (state set, action set, and attribute set) :return: simulator, state set, action set, attribute set """ from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.auctions.auctions_base_module import AuctionsPoissonModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.auction_attributes.auction_attributes_base_module import \ AuctionAttributesModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.vickrey_auction.vickrey_auction_module import VickreyAuctionModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_click_probability.competitive_click_probability_base_module import \ CompetitiveClickProbabilityTwoClassGeometricModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_clicks.competitive_clicks_base_module import \ CompetitiveClicksBinomialModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.conversion_rate.conversion_rate_base_module import ConversionRateFlatModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.conversions.conversions_base_module import ConversionsBinomialModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.revenue.revenue_base_module import RevenueGammaNoiseModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_cpc.competitive_cpc_base_module import CompetitiveCPCVickreyModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.auctions.auctions_date_how_module import AuctionsDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.auction_attributes.auction_attributes_date_how_module import \ AuctionAttributesDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.vickrey_auction.vickrey_auction_date_how_module import \ VickreyAuctionDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_click_probability.competitive_click_probability_date_how_module import \ CompetitiveClickProbabilityDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_clicks.competitive_clicks_date_how_module import \ CompetitiveClicksDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.conversion_rate.conversion_rate_date_how_module import \ ConversionRateDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.conversions.conversions_date_how_module import ConversionsDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.revenue.revenue_date_how_module import RevenueDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.modules.competitive_cpc.competitive_cpc_date_how_module import \ CompetitiveCpcDateHoWModule from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.competitive_date_how_simulator import CompetitiveDateHowSimulator from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.state import StateSet from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.action import ActionSet from ssa_sim_v2.simulator.attribute import AttrSet seed = 1111 date_from = "2018-01-01" date_to = "2018-01-02" tmp_df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(range(24)), columns=["hour_of_day"]) tmp_df["key"] = 1 dates = pd.DataFrame(pd.date_range(date_from, date_to), columns=["date"]) dates_list = dates["date"].tolist() dates["key"] = 1 dates = pd.merge(dates, tmp_df, on=["key"], how="left") # columns: ['date', 'hour_of_day'] dates["hour_of_week"] = pd.to_datetime(dates["date"]).dt.dayofweek * 24 + dates["hour_of_day"] dates["date"] = dates["date"].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") dates = dates[["date", "hour_of_week"]] # Initialize state set state_set = StateSet(["date", "how"], ["discrete", "discrete"], [dates_list, list(range(168))]) # Initialize attribute set names = ['gender', 'age'] vals = {'gender': ['M', 'F', 'U'], 'age': ['0-19', '20-29', '30-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60-69', '70-*']} attr_set = AttrSet(names, vals) attr_combinations = attr_set.get_all_attr_tuples() # Initialize action set action_set = ActionSet(attr_set, max_bid=9.99, min_bid=0.01, max_mod=9.0, min_mod=0.1) def initialize_priors(params, base_class): attr_combinations = list(attr_set.get_all_attr_tuples()) priors = dates.copy() priors.loc[:, "prior"] = pd.Series([dict.fromkeys(attr_combinations, params)] * len(priors)) base_classes = dates.copy() base_classes.loc[:, "base_class"] = base_class return priors, base_classes # Initialize auctions priors module_class = AuctionsPoissonModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(auctions=100) priors = dates.copy() priors.loc[:, "prior"] = [{(): params}] * len(priors) base_classes = dates.copy() base_classes.loc[:, "base_class"] = module_class auctions_priors = priors auctions_base_classes = base_classes # Initialize auction_attributes priors module_class = AuctionAttributesModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(p=1.0) # Probabilities are normalized auction_attributes_priors, auction_attributes_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize vickrey_auction priors module_class = VickreyAuctionModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params() vickrey_auction_priors, vickrey_auction_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize competitive_click_probability priors module_class = CompetitiveClickProbabilityTwoClassGeometricModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(n_pos=8, p=0.5, q=0.5, r_11=0.6, r_12=0.4, r_2=0.5) competitive_click_probability_priors, competitive_click_probability_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize competitive_clicks priors module_class = CompetitiveClicksBinomialModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(noise_level=0.0, noise_type="multiplicative") competitive_clicks_priors, competitive_clicks_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize conversion_rate priors module_class = ConversionRateFlatModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(cvr=0.02, noise_level=0.0, noise_type="multiplicative") conversion_rate_priors, conversion_rate_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize conversions priors module_class = ConversionsBinomialModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(noise_level=0.0, noise_type="multiplicative") conversions_priors, conversions_base_classes \ = initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Initialize revenue priors module_class = RevenueGammaNoiseModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(avg_rpv=300.0, noise_level=100.0) revenue_priors, revenue_base_classes = initialize_priors( params, module_class) # Initialize competitive_cpc priors module_class = CompetitiveCPCVickreyModule Params = module_class.Params params = Params(n_pos=8, fee=0.01) competitive_cpc_priors, competitive_cpc_base_classes = \ initialize_priors(params, module_class) # Module setup for the simulator mods = \ {"auctions": AuctionsDateHoWModule(auctions_priors, auctions_base_classes, seed), "auction_attributes": AuctionAttributesDateHoWModule(auction_attributes_priors, auction_attributes_base_classes, seed), "vickrey_auction": VickreyAuctionDateHoWModule(vickrey_auction_priors, vickrey_auction_base_classes, seed), "competitive_click_probability": CompetitiveClickProbabilityDateHoWModule( competitive_click_probability_priors, competitive_click_probability_base_classes, seed), "competitive_clicks": CompetitiveClicksDateHoWModule(competitive_clicks_priors, competitive_clicks_base_classes, seed), "conversion_rate": ConversionRateDateHoWModule(conversion_rate_priors, conversion_rate_base_classes, seed), "conversions": ConversionsDateHoWModule(conversions_priors, conversions_base_classes, seed), "revenue": RevenueDateHoWModule(revenue_priors, revenue_base_classes, seed), "competitive_cpc": CompetitiveCpcDateHoWModule(competitive_cpc_priors, competitive_cpc_base_classes, seed) } simulator = CompetitiveDateHowSimulator(state_set, action_set, attr_set, mods, date_from, date_to, income_share=1.0) return simulator, state_set, action_set, attr_set if __name__ == "__main__": """ This script shows how the bidding policies will interact with the simulator The codes are written out for easier understanding and convenient debugging for your policies """ # import policy classes from files from policy2019 import Policy2019 from policy_thompson import PolicyThompsonSamplingSI # handy function that initializes all for you simulator, state_set, action_set, attr_set = simulator_setup_1day() # build "policies" list that contains all bidding policies policy1 = Policy2019(state_set, action_set, attr_set, seed=1234) # this policy is a bare-bone sample policy that bids randomly without learning policy2 = PolicyThompsonSamplingSI(state_set, action_set, attr_set, seed=1234) policy2.initialize({"stp": {"cvr_default": 0.02, "rpv_default": 300.0}}) # this policy is one of production level policies that needs this extra step policies = [] policies.append(policy1) policies.append(policy2) policies.append(Policy2019(state_set, action_set, attr_set, seed=9292)) # adding another policy2019 with different seed on-the-fly # Simulator will run 24 steps (t=0,1,...,23) (corresponding to 1 simulated day) T = 24 # note that this particular setup limits T up to 48. T>48 will cause an error. for t in range(T): s = simulator.state print("t={} of {}".format(t, T)) print(" state={}".format(simulator.state)) actions = [] for p in policies: pol_action = p.act(s) # each policy responds with a bid actions.append(pol_action) print(" Actions={}".format(actions)) results = simulator.step(actions) for ix, p in enumerate(policies): p.learn(s, results[ix]) # each policy will learn with result # note that policy in index ix gets result in index ix. The results can be different
import shutil import unittest import os from running_modes.configurations import TransferLearningLoggerConfig, GeneralConfigurationEnvelope from running_modes.configurations.transfer_learning.link_invent_learning_rate_configuration import \ LinkInventLearningRateConfiguration from running_modes.configurations.transfer_learning.link_invent_transfer_learning_configuration import \ LinkInventTransferLearningConfiguration from running_modes.constructors.transfer_learning_mode_constructor import TransferLearningModeConstructor from running_modes.utils import set_default_device_cuda from running_modes.enums.logging_mode_enum import LoggingModeEnum from running_modes.enums.running_mode_enum import RunningModeEnum from reinvent_models.model_factory.enums.model_type_enum import ModelTypeEnum from unittest_reinvent.fixtures.paths import MAIN_TEST_PATH, SMILES_SET_LINK_INVENT_PATH, LINK_INVENT_PRIOR_PATH from unittest_reinvent.fixtures.utils import count_empty_files class TestLinkInventTransferLearning(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): set_default_device_cuda() lm_enum = LoggingModeEnum() rm_enum = RunningModeEnum() mt_enum = ModelTypeEnum() self.workfolder = os.path.join(MAIN_TEST_PATH, mt_enum.LINK_INVENT + rm_enum.TRANSFER_LEARNING) if not os.path.isdir(self.workfolder): os.makedirs(self.workfolder) self.log_dir = os.path.join(self.workfolder, "test_log") log_config = TransferLearningLoggerConfig(logging_path=self.log_dir, recipient=lm_enum.LOCAL, job_name="test_job") self.lr_config = LinkInventLearningRateConfiguration() self.parameters = LinkInventTransferLearningConfiguration(empty_model=LINK_INVENT_PRIOR_PATH, output_path=self.workfolder, input_smiles_path=SMILES_SET_LINK_INVENT_PATH, validation_smiles_path=None, num_epochs=2, sample_size=10, learning_rate=self.lr_config) self.general_config = GeneralConfigurationEnvelope(model_type=mt_enum.LINK_INVENT, logging=vars(log_config), run_type=rm_enum.TRANSFER_LEARNING, version="3.0", parameters=vars(self.parameters)) self.runner = TransferLearningModeConstructor(self.general_config) def tearDown(self): if os.path.isdir(self.workfolder): shutil.rmtree(self.workfolder) def _model_saved_and_logs_exist(self): self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.workfolder, self.parameters.model_file_name))) self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.log_dir)) self.assertEqual(count_empty_files(self.log_dir), 0) def test_no_validation(self): self.parameters.validation_smiles_path = None self._model_saved_and_logs_exist() def test_with_validation(self): self.parameters.validation_smiles_path = SMILES_SET_LINK_INVENT_PATH self._model_saved_and_logs_exist()
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Subpackage containing the modules that implement the command line tools. Note that these are imported by top-level scripts which are intended to be invoked directly from a shell. """ from twisted.python.versions import Version from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute deprecatedModuleAttribute( Version("Twisted", 11, 1, 0), "Seek unzipping software outside of Twisted.", __name__, "tkunzip") deprecatedModuleAttribute( Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0), "tapconvert has been deprecated.", __name__, "tapconvert") del Version, deprecatedModuleAttribute
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import socket, random,hashlib from Nava import * HOST = '' # Standard loopback interface address (localhost) PORT = 65433 # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen() conn, addr = s.accept() with conn: print('Connected by', addr) while True: data = conn.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') if data: try: split = data.split(',') username = split[0] # manijamali2003 if not os.path.isfile (f'Etc/Users Account/{username}'): fullname = split[1] # <NAME> gender = split[2] # 0: Male, 1: Female birthday = split[3] # yyyy/mm/dd countryc = split[4] # IR city = split[5] # Mashhad zipcode = split[6] # 11111111 hashcode = split[7] # hash of password sha3_513 f = open(f'Etc/Users Account/{username}','wb') f.write(f'{fullname},{gender},{birthday},{countryc},{city},{zipcode},{hashcode}'.encode()) f.close() key = KeyCreator() f = open(f'Etc/Users Account/Public Keys/{username}.pem','wb') f.write(key.public) # you should create it f.close() conn.sendall(key.private) conn.sendall(key.public) else: conn.sendall(b'e: account exists') except: conn.sendall(b'e: some errors')
import tfchain.errors as tferrors import tfchain.polyfill.encoding.base64 as jsbase64 import tfchain.polyfill.encoding.hex as jshex import tfchain.polyfill.encoding.str as jsstr import tfchain.polyfill.encoding.decimal as jsdec import tfchain.polyfill.array as jsarray from tfchain.types.BaseDataType import BaseDataTypeClass class BinaryData(BaseDataTypeClass): """ BinaryData is the data type used for any binary data used in tfchain. """ def __init__(self, value=None, fixed_size=None, strencoding=None): # define string encoding if strencoding != None and not isinstance(strencoding, str): raise TypeError( "strencoding should be None or a str, not be of type {}".format(strencoding)) if strencoding == None or jsstr.String(strencoding).lower().strip().__eq__('hex'): self._from_str = lambda s: jshex.bytes_from_hex(s) self._to_str = lambda value: jshex.bytes_to_hex(value) elif jsstr.String(strencoding).lower().strip().__eq__('base64'): self._from_str = lambda s: jsbase64.bytes_from_b64(s) self._to_str = lambda value: jsbase64.bytes_to_b64(value) elif jsstr.String(strencoding).lower().strip().__eq__('hexprefix'): self._from_str = lambda s: jshex.bytes_from_hex( s[2:] if (s.startswith("0x") or s.startswith("0X")) else s) self._to_str = lambda value: '0x' + jshex.bytes_to_hex(value) else: raise TypeError( "{} is not a valid string encoding".format(strencoding)) self._strencoding = strencoding # define fixed size if fixed_size != None: if not isinstance(fixed_size, int): raise TypeError( "fixed size should be None or int, not be of type {}".format(type(fixed_size))) if fixed_size < 0: raise TypeError( "fixed size should be at least 0, {} is not allowed".format(fixed_size)) if fixed_size != 0: self._fixed_size = fixed_size else: self._fixed_size = None # for now use no fixed size # define the value (finally) self._value = None self.value = value if fixed_size == 0: # define the fixed size now, if the fixed_size was 0 # based on the binary length of the value self._fixed_size = len(self.value) @classmethod def from_json(cls, obj, fixed_size=None, strencoding=None): if obj != None and not isinstance(obj, str): raise TypeError( "binary data is expected to be an encoded string when part of a JSON object") if obj == '': obj = None return cls(value=obj, fixed_size=fixed_size, strencoding=strencoding) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): # normalize the value if isinstance(value, BinaryData): value = value.value elif value == None: if self._fixed_size != None: value = bytes(jsarray.new_array(self._fixed_size)) else: value = bytes(jsarray.new_array(0)) elif isinstance(value, str): value = self._from_str(value) elif isinstance(value, bytearray): value = bytes(value) elif not isinstance(value, bytes) and not jsarray.is_uint8_array(value): raise TypeError( "binary data can only be set to a BinaryData, str, bytes or bytearray, not {}".format(type(value))) # if fixed size, check this now lvalue = len(value) if self._fixed_size != None and lvalue != 0 and lvalue != self._fixed_size: raise ValueError( "binary data was expected to be of fixed size {}, length {} is not allowed".format( self._fixed_size, len(value))) # all good, assign the bytearray value self._value = value def __len__(self): return len(self.value) def __str__(self): return self._to_str(self._value) def str(self): return self.__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def json(self): return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): other = self._op_other_as_binary_data(other) return self.value == other.value def __ne__(self, other): other = self._op_other_as_binary_data(other) return self.value != other.value def _op_other_as_binary_data(self, other): if isinstance(other, (str, bytes, bytearray)): other = BinaryData( value=other, fixed_size=self._fixed_size, strencoding=self._strencoding) elif not isinstance(other, BinaryData): raise TypeError( "Binary data of type {} is not supported".format(type(other))) if self._fixed_size != other._fixed_size: raise TypeError( "Cannot compare binary data with different fixed size: self({}) != other({})".format( self._fixed_size, other._fixed_size)) if self._strencoding != other._strencoding: raise TypeError( "Cannot compare binary data with different strencoding: self({}) != other({})".format( self._strencoding, other._strencoding)) return other def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__str__()) def sia_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this binary data according to the Sia Binary Encoding format. Either encoded as a slice or an array, depending on whether or not it is fixed sized. """ if self._fixed_size == None: encoder.add_slice(self._value) else: encoder.add_array(self._value) def rivine_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this binary data according to the Rivine Binary Encoding format. Either encoded as a slice or an array, depending on whether or not it is fixed sized. """ if self._fixed_size == None: encoder.add_slice(self._value) else: encoder.add_array(self._value) class Hash(BinaryData): SIZE = 32 """ TFChain Hash Object, a special type of BinaryData """ def __init__(self, value=None): super().__init__(value, fixed_size=Hash.SIZE, strencoding='hex') @classmethod def from_json(cls, obj): if obj != None and not isinstance(obj, str): raise TypeError( "hash is expected to be an encoded string when part of a JSON object, not {}".format(type(obj))) if obj == '': obj = None return cls(value=obj) def __str__(self): s = super().__str__() if jsstr.isempty(s): return jsstr.repeat('0', Hash.SIZE*2) return s class Currency(BaseDataTypeClass): """ TFChain Currency Object. """ def __init__(self, value=None): self._value = None self.value = value @classmethod def sum(cls, *values): s = cls() for value in values: s.__iadd__(value) return s @classmethod def from_str(cls, obj, lowest_unit=False): if obj != None and not isinstance(obj, str): raise TypeError( "currency is expected to be a string , not type {}".format(type(obj))) if obj == '': obj = None c = cls() c.value = jsdec.Decimal(obj) if lowest_unit: c.value.__imul__(jsdec.Decimal('0.000000001')) return c @classmethod def from_json(_, obj): return Currency.from_str(obj, lowest_unit=True) @property def value(self): return self._value def plus(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def minus(self, other): return self.__sub__(other) def times(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def divided_by(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def equal_to(self, other): return self.__eq__(other) def not_equal_to(self, other): return self.__ne__(other) def less_than(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) def greater_than(self, other): return self.__gt__(other) def less_than_or_equal_to(self, other): return self.__le__(other) def greater_than_or_equal_to(self, other): return self.__ge__(other) def negate(self): return Currency(self.value.negate()) @value.setter def value(self, value): if value == None: self._value = jsdec.Decimal() return if isinstance(value, Currency): self._value = value.value return if isinstance(value, (int, str, jsdec.Decimal)): inner_value = value if isinstance(inner_value, str): inner_value = jsstr.String(inner_value).upper().strip().value if len(inner_value) >= 4 and inner_value[-3:] == 'TFT': inner_value = jsstr.rstrip(inner_value[:-3]) d = jsdec.Decimal(inner_value) _, _, exp = d.as_tuple() # sign is first return value if exp < -9: raise tferrors.CurrencyPrecisionOverflow(d.__str__()) # if sign != 0: # allow negative values for intermediate computations # raise tferrors.CurrencyNegativeValue(d.__str__()) self._value = d return raise TypeError( "cannot set value of type {} as Currency (invalid type): {}".format(type(value), value)) # operator overloading to allow currencies to be summed def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__add__(Currency(other)) return Currency(self.value.__add__(other.value)) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __iadd__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__iadd__(Currency(other)) self._value.__iadd__(other.value) return self # operator overloading to allow currencies to be multiplied def __mul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__mul__(Currency(other)) return Currency(self.value.__mul__(other.value).to_nearest(9)) def __rmul__(self, other): return self.__mul__(other) def __imul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__imul__(Currency(other)) self._value.__imul__(other.value) return self # operator overloading to allow currencies to be divided def __truediv__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__truediv__(Currency(other)) return Currency(self.value.__truediv__(other.value).to_nearest(9)) # operator overloading to allow currencies to be subtracted def __sub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__sub__(Currency(other)) return Currency(self.value.__sub__(other.value)) def __rsub__(self, other): return self.__sub__(other) def __isub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__isub__(Currency(other)) self._value.__isub__(other.value) return self # operator overloading to allow currencies to be compared def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__lt__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__lt__(other.value) def __le__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__le__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__le__(other.value) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__eq__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__eq__(other.value) def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__ne__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__ne__(other.value) def __gt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__gt__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__gt__(other.value) def __ge__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Currency): return self.__ge__(Currency(other)) return self.value.__ge__(other.value) @staticmethod def _op_other_as_currency(other): if isinstance(other, (int, str)): other = Currency(value=other) elif isinstance(other, float): other = Currency(value=jsdec.Decimal(str(other))) elif not isinstance(other, Currency): raise TypeError( "currency of type {} is not supported".format(type(other))) return other # allow our currency to be turned into an int def __int__(self): return jsstr.to_int(self.str(lowest_unit=True)) def bytes(self): return self.value.bytes(prec=9) def __str__(self): return self.str() def str(self, with_unit=False, lowest_unit=False, precision=9): """ Turn this Currency value into a str TFT unit-based value, optionally with the currency notation. @param with_unit: include the TFT currency suffix unit with the str """ s = self.value.str(precision) if lowest_unit: s = jsstr.lstrip(jsstr.replace(s, ".", ""), "0") elif jsstr.contains(s, "."): s = jsstr.rstrip(jsstr.rstrip(s, "0 "), '.') if jsstr.isempty(s): s = "0" if with_unit: s += " TFT" return s def __repr__(self): return self.str(with_unit=True) def json(self): return self.str(lowest_unit=True) def sia_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this currency according to the Sia Binary Encoding format. """ b = self.bytes() encoder.add_int(len(b)) encoder.add_array(b) def rivine_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this currency according to the Rivine Binary Encoding format. """ b = self.bytes() encoder.add_slice(b) class Blockstake(BaseDataTypeClass): """ TFChain Blockstake Object. """ def __init__(self, value=None): self._value = Currency(value) @classmethod def from_json(cls, obj): if obj != None and not isinstance(obj, str): raise TypeError( "block stake is expected to be a string when part of a JSON object, not type {}".format(type(obj))) if obj == '': obj = None return cls(value=obj) @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value): value._value = Currency(value=value) # allow our block stake to be turned into an int def __int__(self): return jsstr.to_int(self.value.str(lowest_unit=False)) def str(self): return jsstr.from_int(self.__int__()) def __str__(self): return self.str() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def json(self): return self.__str__() def bytes(self): return self.value.bytes() def sia_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this block stake (==Currency) according to the Sia Binary Encoding format. """ b = self.bytes() encoder.add_int(len(b)) encoder.add_array(b) def rivine_binary_encode(self, encoder): """ Encode this block stake (==Currency) according to the Rivine Binary Encoding format. """ b = self.bytes() encoder.add_slice(b)
import rospy from tf.transformations import quaternion_from_euler from geometry_msgs.msg import Point, PoseStamped, Quaternion from mavros_msgs.msg import Thrust class Sender(object): def __init__(self): self._pubs = {} self._pubs['position'] = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/setpoint_position/local', PoseStamped, queue_size=10 ) self._pubs['attitude'] = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/setpoint_attitude/attitude', PoseStamped, queue_size=10 ) self._pubs['velocity'] = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/setpoint_attitude/velocity', PoseStamped, queue_size=10 ) self._pubs['thrust'] = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/setpoint_attitude/thrust', Thrust, queue_size=10 ) self._pubs['mocap'] = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/mocap/pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=10 ) def __del__(self): for pub in self._pubs.values(): pass#pub.unregister() def send_attitude(self, attitude): self._pubs['attitude'].publish(attitude.get_message()) self._pubs['thrust'].publish(Thrust(thrust=attitude.thrust)) def send_velocity(self, attitude): self._pubs['velocity'].publish(attitude.get_message()) self._pubs['thrust'].publish(Thrust(thrust=attitude.thrust)) def send_position(self, pose): self._pubs['position'].publish(pose.get_message()) def send_mocap(self, pose): self._pubs['mocap'].publish(pose.get_message())
from django.test import TestCase from ..models import CustomLink class CustomLinkModelTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.custom_link = CustomLink.objects.create(name='Google', url='', order_id=1) def test_new_object(self): self.assertEquals(, 'Google') self.assertEquals(self.custom_link.url, '') self.assertEquals(self.custom_link.order_id, 1) def test_field_name(self): field_label = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('name').verbose_name max_length = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('name').max_length unique = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('name').unique self.assertEquals(field_label, 'name') self.assertEquals(max_length, 50) self.assertEquals(unique, True) def test_field_url(self): field_label = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('url').verbose_name max_length = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('url').max_length self.assertEquals(field_label, 'url') self.assertEquals(max_length, 255) def test_field_order_id(self): field_label = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('order_id').verbose_name max_length = self.custom_link._meta.get_field('order_id').default self.assertEquals(field_label, 'order id') self.assertEquals(max_length, 0) def test_object_presentation(self): expected_presentation = f"[{}]: {self.custom_link.url}" self.assertEquals(expected_presentation, str(self.custom_link)) def test_object_ordering(self): self.assertEquals(self.custom_link._meta.ordering, ['order_id'])