4 values
1 value
Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect of heparin ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bleeding (B) Thrombocytopenia (C) Hypokalemia (D) Osteoporosis
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The following affect enzyme activity except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Methylation (B) Acetylation (C) Induction (D) Phosphorylation
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not known to be involved in the control of cell division?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Cyclins (B) Protein kinases (C) Checkpoints (D) Fibroblast cells
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is most common side effect of zidovudine?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Anemia (B) Peripheral neuropathy (C) Lactic acidosis (D) All
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 40-year-old woman complains of episodes of severe unilateral, stabbing facial pain that is intermittent for several hours, and then disappears for several days. Physical examination is entirely normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) trigeminal neuralgia (B) herpes zoster (C) acoustic neuroma (D) Bell palsy
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following intravenous induction agent suppress steroidogenesis
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Thiopentone (B) Ketamine (C) Propofol (D) Etomidate
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 40 year old man presents with painless hematuria. On examination a ballotable mass is felt over the right flank. Right nephrectomy is done and the specimen showed cells with clear cytoplasm, areas of hemorrhage and necrosis. Cytogenic analysis of this mass is likely to reveal an abnormality of which of the following chromosome?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Chromosome 1 (B) Chromosome 3 (C) Chromosome 11 (D) Chromosome 17
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following agent is not used for treatment of erectile dysfunction?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) PGE1 (B) Vardenafil (C) Phenylephrine (D) Alprostadil
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not used in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Calcium channel blockers (B) Alpha blockers (C) Prostacyclins (D) Endothelin receptor antagonists
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are risk factors for atherosclerosis except :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Increased waist - hip ratio (B) Hyperhomocysteinemia (C) Decreased fibrinogen levels (D) Decreased HDL levels
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 25-year-old man with a history of hearing voices is brought to the emergency department by his family because the voices are telling him to kill his mother. He believes that aliens are trying to abduct him. These delusions and hallucinations have been present over the past 6 months. His family denies a history of depression or manic episodes. The patient is admitted to an inpatient psychiatry unit and started on haloperidol. Three hours after the initiation of therapy, he develops stiffness and muscle spasms of the neck and spine muscles. Which of the following is the mechanism of action of the drug that should be used in the acute management of this patient?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Anticholinergic (B) Increase in glutamate (C) Increase of intracellular Ca+2 concentration (D) Serotonin agonist
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following drugs cause an increase in gastro intestinal motility?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Atropine (B) Glycopyrrolate (C) Fentanyl (D) Neostigmine
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not an inotropic drug:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Amrinone (B) Isoprenaline (C) Amiodarone (D) Dopamine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 42-year-old male has fatigue, pale skin, and shortness of breath with exercise. Blood test shows a macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia with hyper-segmented neutrophils and normal folate levels. The patient has been taking omeprazole for over 3 years to treat gastric reflux disease. One method to treat this patient is to do which one of the following?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Give injections of vitamin B6 (B) Give injections of intrinsic factor (C) Give injections of vitamin B12 (D) Give oral folic acid
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
During replication of DNA, which one of the following enzyme polymerizes the Okazaki fragments?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) DNA polymerase I (B) DNA polymerase II (C) DNA polymerase III (D) RNA polymerase I
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Sexual ambiguity may be seen in which of the following condition
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Androgen insenstivity (B) Pure gonadal dysgenesis (C) Swyer syndrome (D) Mixed gonadal dysgenesis
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following mineral has antioxidant property
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Calcium (B) Magnesium (C) Zinc (D) Iron
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following sympathominetic agents is the most bronchodilator
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Amphetamine (B) Nor epinephrine (C) Isoproterenol (D) Phenylephrine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Hemophilic A has following diagnostic features except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) ↓VIII factor (B) ↑ PTT (C) ↑ PT (D) Normal BT
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Biological role of metallothioneins is to sequester harmful metal ions. These bind which of the following ions?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Cd++, Cu++ & Zn++ (B) Al+++, Hg++ & NH4+ (C) Pt++, As+++ & P04 (D) Fe+++, Na+ & K+
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
This patient's serum was found to be discolored four hours following a surgical procedure. What is the most likely cause?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fluorescent dye (B) Methemoglobinemia (C) Propofol (D) Pseudomonal sepsis
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not true about Churg Strauss Syndrome
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Asthma (B) Peripheral eosinophilia (C) Vasculitis of multiple organ systems (D) Intravascular Granulomas
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The earliest manifestations of increased intracranial pressure following head injury is :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Ipsilateral papillary dilatation (B) Contralateral papillary dilatation (C) Altered mental status (D) Hemiparesis
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drug is an inverse agonist at H3 receptors used for Narcolepsy?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Dexmedetomidine (B) Pitolisant (C) Icatibont (D) Secukinumab
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following conditions are acquired causes of iron overload, EXCEPT:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Sideroblastic anemia (B) Chronic Hepatitis C (C) Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (D) Hypothyriodism
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not a test for diabetes mellitus
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fasting blood glucose (B) Random blood glucose (C) D-Xylose test (D) Oral Glucose tolerance test
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The level of which one of the following hormones is likely to increase after hypothalamic ablation ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Growth hormone (B) Prolactin (C) FSH (D) ACTH
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is the source of nutrition for the cancer cells?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Glycolysis (B) Oxidative phosphorylation (C) Increase in mitochondria (D) From a fast food joint
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are seen with heparin therapy except :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Skin necrosis (B) Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia (C) Osteoporosis (D) Alopecia
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is seen in this patient of Grave disease?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Chemosis (B) Kocher sign (C) Von Graefe sign (D) Stellwag sign
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following antibodies require dose adjustment in renal failure except?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Ceftriaxone (B) Isoniazid (C) Erythromycin (D) Gentamicin
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drugs is Topoisomerase 1 inhibits
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Doxorubicin (B) Irinotecan (C) Etopside (D) Vincristine
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following statements about immunosuppressants are true EXCEPT :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Sirolimus acts by inhibiting the action of IL–2 (B) Tacrolimus inhibits calcineurin pathway (C) Mycophenolate acts by inhibiting GMP dehydrogenase (D) Cyclosporine is an integeral component of transplant rejection regimen
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Impotence is a feature of which of the following :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Multiple sclerosis (B) Poliomyelitis (C) Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (D) Meningitis
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is the most common location of hypeensive intracranial hemorrhage?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Pons (B) Thalamus (C) Putamen (D) Subcoical white matter
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following hea sounds occur sholy aftei S2except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Opening snap (B) Pericardial knock (C) Ejection click (D) Tumor plop
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following chemotherapeutic agents is associated with secondary leukemia
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Vinblastine (B) Etoposide (C) Cisplatin (D) Bleomycin
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following condition is associated with the presence of Osler's nodes?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Acute staphylococcal endocarditis (B) Chronic candidal endocarditis (C) Pseudomonas endocarditis (D) Libman sack's endocarditis
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
During labor and delivery, a specific hormone causes uterine contractions. This hormone is produced in which one of the following anatomical locations?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hypothalamus (B) Anterior pituitary (C) Posterior pituitary (D) Adrenal cortex
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Glutathione reductase contains the following prosthetic group:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) FAD (B) NAD (C) ATP (D) None of the above
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following decrease bone resorption in osteoporosis except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Alendronate (B) Etidronate (C) Strontium (D) Teriparatide
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A patient with glaucoma is being treated with systemic beta blocker. All of the following can be given to the patient except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Brimonidine (B) Dorzolamide (C) Levobunolol (D) Prostaglandin
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following may occur due to hypokalemia, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Prolonged PR Interval (B) Prolonged QRS Interval (C) Prolonged QT Interval (D) Ventricular asystole
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drugs should not be used in setting FCB hypeension in elderly in empirical basis
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Enalapril (B) Amilodipine (C) Chlohiazide (D) Prazosin
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A patient presents with esophageal varices and a liver span of 10cm. All of the following are likely causes, except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Haemochromatosis (B) Alcoholic liver disease (C) Veno-occlusive disease (D) Post necrotic cirrhosis
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following has least effect on cardiovascular system
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Gallamine (B) Pancuronium (C) Tubocurarine (D) Atracurium
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a Rho kinase inhibitor? (AIIMS November.2013. May 2013. November 2012)
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Fasudil (B) Ranolazine (C) Amiloride (D) Nicorandil
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following cranial nerve does not contain parasympathetic motor (GVE) fibers?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) III (B) VI (C) IX (D) X
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following drugs is not used in the treatment of leprosy ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Rifampicin (B) Dapsone (C) Kanamycin (D) Clofazimine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not true about Cystinosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Cysteine stones in urine common (B) Corneal crystals (C) Fanconi syndrome (D) White blond hair and photophobia
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which among the following is a parentral iron forumalation
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Iron hydroxy polymaltose (B) Ferrous fumarate (C) Ferric ammonium citrate (D) Iron sorbitol citric acid complex
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following hormones can cause hyperglycemia without known effects on glycogen or gluconeogenesis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Thyroxine (B) Epinephrine (C) Glucocorticoids (D) Epidermal growth factor
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Malignant hypeension can lead to all of the following except: - March 2007
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Hypeensive retinopathy (B) Respiratory failure (C) Renal failure (D) Hemolytic blood picture
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
An 18-year-old woman develops weakness, weight gain, amenorrhea, abdominal striae, and behavioral abnormalities. Physical examination reveals lateral visual field loss. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) a functional pituitary tumor (B) adrenal hyperplasia (C) anorexia nervosa with bulimia (D) glioblastoma multiforme
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors lead to all of the following except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Loss of sodium and water (B) Metabolic alkalosis (C) Carbon dioxide retention (D) Hypokalemia
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is false about starvation ketoacidosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Metabolic acidosis (B) Smell of acetone in breath (C) Benedict's test +ve (D) Rothera's test +ve
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following statements are true except ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) PG's and leukotriences are derived from arachidonic acid (B) Cox-I is an inducible enzyme (C) Cox II is induced by cytokines at sites of inflammation (D) Leukotrienes cause smooth ms. constriction
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following metabolic may cause chronic or recurrent abdominal pain, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Acute intermittent prophyria (B) Addison's disease (C) Hypercaleemia (D) Hyperkalemia
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 71-year-old woman comes to the office with a history of headaches, fatigue, and weight loss for 3 months. The headaches are new for her, and usually not very severe. Her jaw also hurts when she is chewing food. Two days prior, she had briefly lost partial vision in her left eye. There were no other neurologic symptoms at the time. On physical examination, her neck is supple to flexion, fundi, and neurologic examinations are normal. She is started on prednisone 60 mg/day and a biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis. Which of the following is the most likely change seen on the biopsy to confirm the diagnosis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) immune complex deposition (B) arteritis with giant cells (C) lymphocytic infiltration (D) type II muscle fiber atrophy
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following type of RNA is involved in splicing?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) mRNA (B) sn RNA (C) r RNA (D) t RNA
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following has most potent analgesic effect?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Morphine (B) Fentanyl (C) Sufentanil (D) Meperidine
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 38-year-old woman develops palpitations, weight loss, and heat intolerance. On examination, she has a mild tremor, an enlarged thyroid, and resting tachycardia. Biochemical tests confirm the diagnosis and she is started on methimazole. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of this drug?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) inhibition of iodine uptake (B) inhibition of thyroidal organic binding and coupling reactions (C) lowering serum calcium (D) adrenal suppression
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following immunosuppressant drugs is most nephrotoxic?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Azathioprine (B) Cyclophosphamide (C) Mycophenolate mofetil (D) Tacrolimus
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 3 year old male presents with a skin rash and epistaxis. He has had several, severe sinopulmonary infections. A careful history reveals that his maternal uncle died of bleeding complications following an emergency cholecystectomy. What additional findings are likely in this case?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) A CD4/CD8 ratio of < 1.5:1 (B) Cerebellar ataxia (C) Elevated platelet count and high serum IgG, IgA, and IgE levels (D) Low platelet count and low serum IgM levels
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is not a feature of hypercalcemia?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Diarrhea (B) Polyuria (C) Depression (D) Vomiting
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The following drug interferes with translocation of protein synthesis :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Erythromycin (B) Tetracycline (C) Chloramphenicol (D) Penicillins
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following can be used to treat heroin dependence except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Disulfiram (B) Buprenorphine (C) Clonidine (D) Lofexidine
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
At same concentration of steroid which of the following is most potent ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Ointment (B) Cream (C) Lotion (D) Gel
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is false about NADPH?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Produces ATP in RBCs (B) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase causes decreased synthesis of NADPH (C) Required for reductive biosynthesis (D) Stabilizes the membrane of RBCs
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following causes a frameshift mutation?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Transition (B) Transversion (C) Deletion (D) Substitution of purines for pyrimidines
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 25-year-old man presents to the outpatient clinic complaining of feeling sleepy all the time, even during the daytime. The symptoms have persisted for years and are now brought to medical attention after falling asleep at work on multiple occasions. He is concerned that he might lose his job. He has no past medical history and is not taking any sedative medications. On physical examination, he is slender and the heart and lung exams are normal. Neurologic assessment reveals normal orientation, memory, concentration, and no focal deficits. Which of the following symptoms might he also complain about?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) excessive snoring (wife's report) (B) automatic behavior (wife's report) (C) restless sleep (wife's report) (D) paresthesia
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is the preferred marker for detecting acute STEMI in athletes
What of the following is the right choice? (A) CK-MB (B) Troponin 1 (C) C reactive protein (D) LDH
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following serum levels would help in distinguishing an acute liver disease from chronic liver disease
What of the following is the right choice? (A) minotransaminase (B) Alkaline phosphatase (C) Bilirubin (D) Albumin
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
18 year old Abodh is on treatment for his abnormal lipid profile blood tests. All of the following statements are true about familial hypercholesterolemia, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Cutaneous xanthomas on the hands, wrists, elbows present (B) Total cholesterol levels can be higher than 1000 mg/dL (C) Accelerated atherosclerosis is a devastating complication (D) Patients with receptor-defective LDL receptor defects have the worst prognosis
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following are features of Schmidt's syndrome except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Addison's disease (B) Hypogonadism (C) Type 1 diabetes (D) Hypothyroidism
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 69-year-old woman presents to the clinic with memory difficulty. The patient's daughter is concerned that her mother is having difficulty doing her finances, such as paying bills. Memory impairment testing reveals the poor ability to generate lists of words or copy diagrams (intersecting pentagons). Her remaining physical examination is normal. Which of the following anatomic findings is most likely with her condition?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) atrophy of the medial temporal lobes (B) diffuse atrophy of the cerebral cortex and temporal lobes (C) cranial nerve involvement (D) transient episodes of hemiplegia
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Granulocytopenia, gingival hyperplasia and facial hir–sutism are all possible side effects of one of the following anticonvulsant drugs ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Phenytoin (B) Valproate (C) Carbamazepine (D) Phenobarbitone
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following types of hyperiglyceridemia is associated with an increase in chylomicron and VLDL remnants?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Type I (B) Type IIa (C) Type III (D) Type IV
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a new oral drug approved for Rheumatoid ahritis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) UPADACITINIB (B) FEDRATINIB (C) ENTRECTINIB (D) TALAZOPARIB
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following is a tocolytic agent ?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Prazosin (B) Ritodrine (C) Yohimbine (D) Propranolol
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following contribute in polypeptide synthesis?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Leader sequence (B) Enhancer (C) tRNA (D) ncRNA
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
The diffusion capacity of lung (DLCO) is decreased in all of the following conditions except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Interstitial lung disease (B) Goodpasture's syndrome (C) Emphysema (D) Primary pulmonary hypertension
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following metabolic reactions is not catalysed by microsomal enzymes?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Glucuronidation (B) Acetylation (C) Oxidation (D) Reduction
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Octreotide is given in all the following conditions except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Bleeding esophageal varices (B) Secretory diarrhea (C) Infective diarrhea (D) Acromegaly
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All the following are rich in carotene, except?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Tomato (B) Carrot (C) Spinach (D) Maize
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Naming component of speech is impaired in all of the following types of aphasia except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Broca’s aphasia (B) Wernicke’s aphasia (C) Isolation aphasia (D) Pure alexia
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following statements about SIADH are true except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Serum sodium is low, typically < 135 meq/1 (B) Urinary sodium excretion is low / normal (C) Water loading test may be used (D) Vaptans are new FDA approved agents for treatment of SIADH
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following statements about anti-epileptics is false?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Phenytoin and carbamazepine act by prolonging the inactivated state of Na+ channels (B) Carbamazepine can be used in trigeminal neuralgias (C) Diazepam is an anticonvulsant drug (D) Lamotrigine mainly acts by causing GABA mediated Cl- channel opening
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are X-linked disorders except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy (B) Becker's dystrophy (C) Duchenne's dystrophy (D) Myotonic dystrophy
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following statements about trientine use in Wilson's disease are true except:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) It is more potent than penicillamine. (B) It is used as an alternative to penicillamine in non-tolerant patients (C) It should not be administered with in two hours of iron supplementation (D) It can cause iron def anemia which is reversible by oral iron supplements
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following doesn't cause metabolic acidosis
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Pyloric stenosis (B) Renal failure (C) Ureterosigmoidostomy (D) Pancreatic Fistula
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which one of the following can cause Agranulocytosis most commonly?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Alkylating agents (B) Corticosteroids (C) Paracetamol (D) Endotoxemia
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Consider following statements - During an acute attack of asthma:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Pulsus paradoxus develops when the FEV1 is less than 25% of the predicted value (B) A normal to increased PaCO2 signals a sever airway obstruction and impending respiratory failure (C) The aerial PaCO2 decreases and the aerial pH increases (D) All
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Catalase is present in which of the following?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Golgi complex (B) Lysosomes (C) Peroxisomes (D) Mitochondria
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 44-year-old man comes to the physician after noticing his right pupil looks larger than his left. He thinks it has been this way for several weeks. He has no pain and no restriction of his eye movements When examined in a darkly lit room, both pupils are 4mm in size. When the lights are turned on. his right pupil dilates to 4mm and his left pupil constricts to 2mm in size. His eye movements are normal as is the rest of his neurological examination. He does not have a drooping eyelid. This physical finding is due to which of the following pathological processes?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Abnormal dilation of an artery due to weakening of vessel wall (B) Occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus (C) Rupture of middle meningeal artery causing transtentorial herniation (D) Rupture of the inner lumen of the internal carotid artery with thrombus formation at the site of rupture
The final answer is (A).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
Which of the following elements is known to influence the body&;a ability to handle oxidative stress?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Calcium (B) Iron (C) Potassium (D) Selenium
The final answer is (D).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are usual features of left atrial Myxoma, except
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Raised ESR (B) Pyrexia (C) Markedly enlarged left atrium (D) Systemic Embolism
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A 19-year-old man has recurrent attacks of gastrointestinal colic and swelling of his face and legs. There is no relationship of the attacks to any foods or activity. His father has a similar syndrome. Which of the following is the most likely cause of death in this disease?
What of the following is the right choice? (A) an unrelated condition (B) an anaphylactic shock reaction (C) edema of the glottis (D) overtreatment
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
A young man finds that every time he eats dairy products he feels very uncomfoable. His stomach becomes distended. He develops gas and diarrhoea frequently. These symptoms do not appear when he eats food other than dairy products. Which of the following is most likely enzyme in which this young man is deficient:
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Alpha amylase (B) Beta galactosidase (C) Alpha glucosidase (D) Sucrase
The final answer is (B).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}
All of the following are true regarding treatment of Syphilis except :
What of the following is the right choice? (A) Only acceptable treatment for syphilis in pregnancy is penicillin (B) Early latent syphilis is treated by 2.4 million units of Benzathine penicillin once (C) Late latent is treated by 2.4 million units of Benzathine penicillin once (D) Neurosyphilis is treated with Aqueous pencillin G 18-24 million units IV daily
The final answer is (C).
{'task': 'Multi-choice Question'}