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I've been following... No, that isn't right. I've been investigating this for the last 6 hours. People may say stuff like "this is sad" but... To me, katies suicide just... Guts me. I found this video and went in out of curiosity, I must admit. What I didn't count on was getting pounded right in the feels over and over, and once I went to her instagram and started reading her posts and watching her vids, I was crying, like continuously. It's so obvious she was crying out for help weeks and weeks before she couldnt take the pain anymore. She was obviously a very intelligent, creative, sweet, pretty, caring and VERY lonely girl. The way she was branching out on social media, reaching out for friends and largely only finding trolls was heartbreaking. She needed someone that loved and cared for her and understood exactly what she was going through and could hold her and at least dull the pain. It's more personal for me because I would've been her friend in a heartbeat back in highschool. She would've fit in with us with the kind of friendship that warms you inside. We were all lonely, misunderstood kids that people didn't get too close to even though we were all really friendly just like katie. I dont know exactly what pain the others endured, or rather, what led to their pain, but we all cut and self harmed before we started hanging out with each other. When we were together, we temporarily forgot and could lean on each other and let laughter wash away the hurt. I can only speak of what led me to that place(we mostly never talked about it we just understood) I was molested by a great uncle from age 2-12 and it really messed me up. Parents divorced and mom abandoned me. Dad got with a psychotic woman who made my life a psychological hell of mental abuse, beatings, slave labour, lies and manipulations from 12-15. I remember she once made me read A Child Called It just to show me it could always be worse. I considered suicide a few times but very narrowly managed to power through. I remember when my step mom was really pouring it on one week and manipulating dad into beating me constantly, I actually contemplated taking a salsaw and fileting into my leg just to hopefully garner a little pity and make it stop. At least then I would've had a little control. Needless to say by the time she left at 15, I had a ton of issues to resolve and my father and I's relationship was never the same. He was a nice, gentle person before she came and loved me. I still had black eyes well after she left. Sometimes death felt the only way out of my torturous existence. Then I entered HS and met the others. Regina, a depressed indian girl with sad eyes I suspected was being sexually assaulted at home. Tori, a small and furtive mexican kid that would sometimes have unexplained bruises, Bernie, another mexican girl who's mom abandoned her and who's grandma constantly called her a whore, a kid called nick who wasnt around us much. Think his dad was some super strict, military discipline nutjob and Gloria. She was mostly normal, though I think she may have had a form of mild depression. If we hadn't all ran into each other, I don't know what would've happened. It's a miracle we all made it through. Kids... In situations like the one Katie Davis found herself in need friends with similar experiences to draw strength from and give strength in return. Going through it alone is just too much to handle. The sad thing is she was reaching out and no one offered the hand of friendship. I mean, she told her internet friends and a creepypasta character goodbye and sorry. That hurts my heart. I know that feeling of loneliness displayed so clearly and agonisingly throughout her instagram. I always hid mine beneath a mask of indifference, while Regina withdrew into herself and Tori hid his behind a front of frantic energy. Bernie was mostly quiet and nick was really nervous, constantly glancing around like someone was going to sneak up and gut punch him. It slowly got better the more we hung out. At first it was just at school and at extracurricular activities that glo's mom would drive us to and from. Then we started hanging out at bernie and glo's houses. Katie obviously had a huge heart and a lot of love she desperately needed to give coupled with the fact she was desperately lonely and it mightve been worse for her. Not to mention internet friends aren't a substitute by any means for the real things. I've been thinking it all day. Katie would've fit right in with our group of misfits and outcasts. It's terrible she wasn't able to find that like we did. Just wish I could go back in time and prevent this. I feel like I lost a friend in Katie and I really have absolutely no right to feel that way. Sorry for the rambling post. This has been building up all day. Good luck to the family. Click to expand...
Google and Levi’s have partnered to release a denim jacket with touch sensitive controls and Bluetooth connectivity, proving once and for all that we are, in fact, living in the future. The Levi’s Commuter Trucker Jacket, as it’s called, allows you to do basic gadget things like Playing and pausing music, getting directions (via audio on your phone), or reading oncoming messages. You can assign different features to gestures via an accompanying app. While the fabric itself is touch sensitive around the cuff, the brains of the operation are located in a snap tag on one of the cuffs, which is the biggest giveaway that the jacket is also a gadget. It also provides haptic feedback and comes with an LED for notifications. It’s not quite as seamless as it could be, but it’s just the first phase of a new technology. Google first showed off the tech, dubbed Project Jacquard, at Google I/O a couple of years ago, integrating touch-sensitive fibers into clothing that felt and behaved like regular textiles. While it was a cool concept – as one so often sees at tech conferences – I didn’t quite expect to see it in a retail product so soon. The jacket itself looks pretty… normal, but I guess that’s the point. It’s meant to keep you warm while cycling, and you can wash it after remove the snap tag (how long until someone forgets though?). There’s pretty much no way a passerby would be able to tell there’s some tech magic literally woven into the fabric. If you’re interested in picking one up, the jacket goes on sale Wednesday at ‘select shops,’ although Google did not provide a price. Next week it will be available online at Levis.com and in more stores. Read next: The weirdest things people are doing with Apple’s ARKit
A deep-sea snail wears a multilayered suit of armor, complete with iron, new research shows. Dissecting details of the shell's structure could inspire tough new materials for use in everything from body armor to scratch-free paint. "If you look at the individual properties of the bits and pieces that go into making this shell, they're not very impressive," comments Robert Ritchie of the University of California, Berkeley. "But the overall thing is." The snail, called the scaly-foot gastropod, was discovered nearly a decade ago living in a hydrothermal vent field in the Indian Ocean. In its daily life, the snail encounters extreme temperatures, high pressures and high acidity levels that threaten to dissolve its protective shell. Worse, it is hunted by crabs that try to crush the mollusk between strong claws. To understand how the valiant gastropod holds up to these trials, Christine Ortiz of MIT and her colleagues used nanoscale experiments and computer simulations to dig in to the shell's structure. Many other species' shells exhibit what Ortiz calls "mechanical property amplification," in which the whole material is hundreds of times stronger than the sum of its parts. The scaly-foot snail's shell employs a structure "unlike any other known mollusk or any other known natural armor," the researchers report January 19 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Ortiz and her colleagues found that the shell consists of a 250-micrometer-thick inner layer of aragonite, a common shell material, sheathed in a 150-micrometer-thick layer of squishy organic materials. The organic layer is encased in a thin, stiff outer layer (about 30 micrometers thick) made of hard iron sulfide–based scales. The gastropod wears larger versions of the scales on its exposed foot. "Most mollusks only have a relatively thin outer organic layer followed by inner calcified layers," Ortiz says. But the snail's organic layer is surprisingly thick, and no other gastropod has ever been shown to use iron sulfide in its shell. Each of the shell's layers plays a unique role in protecting the snail from crab attacks, Ortiz found. The researchers measured material properties like stiffness and fracture resistance, and fed them into a computational model of a predator penetrating the armor. The model showed that the outer layer, the shell's "first line of defense," sacrificed itself by cracking slightly under pressure. But the cracks were branched and jagged, dissipating energy widely through the shell and keeping any one crack from spreading too far. The iron-based scales could shift and roughen the shell's surface during a crab attack, which in turn would grind down the attacking claw, the researchers suggest. The soft organic middle layer changed shape in response to pressure, keeping the brittle inner layer from feeling too much of the pinch. Organic material could also insert itself in any cracks that formed in either sandwiching layer and keep the crack from spreading. Plus, the middle layer together with the outer layer protects against acidic waters and may also help shield the snail from high temperatures. The shell's curvature also helped reduce stress on the calcified inner layer. The inner layer's rigidity provided structural support, to keep the whole shell from caving in. "It shows that by changing the geometry of the materials … you can improve their properties quite significantly," comments Markus Buehler of MIT, who was not involved in the research. Ortiz hopes that studying the snail's shell could one day lead to improved materials for armor or helmets for people. Studying organisms that have been optimized for extreme environments through millions of years of evolution could offer ideas that engineers would never think of on their own, she says. But it will probably be a while, Ritchie cautions. His lab built a ceramic material based on mother-of-pearl in 2008. "I'm a great fan of this kind of research, but the next step is the critical one. Can you actually harness that information and make a synthetic structure in its image which has the same properties?" he asks. "That's the most difficult step." Images: 1) Anders Warén, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. 2) Zina Deretsky, National Science Foundation. See Also:
by Index mutual funds and ETFs (we will refer to them as index funds unless otherwise indicated going forward in this article) have received a lot of favorable press of late. This is justifiable as index funds offer a low cost way to invest and are generally quite specific to a given investment style. Over the years I have been asked if index funds reduce investment risk. Let’s examine this question. What is investment risk? One definition of investment risk as the variability of the investment’s returns also known as standard deviation. Note variability means returns that are both higher and lower than the fund’s average returns over a given period, say the trailing three or five years. I contend that most investors would define investment risk as the risk of losing money on an investment. This is especially true in the wake of the recent financial crises. An index fund takes on the risk of the underlying index it tries to replicate. For instance, in 2008 the S&P 500 Index lost 37 percent. There are many funds and ETFs that track that index. They all lost around 37 percent plus the fund’s expenses. For example, the Vanguard 500 Index Fund (symbol VFINX) posted a loss of 37.02 percent for the year. Active management vs. index funds Let’s take a look at several of Morningstar’s analyst favorites in the Large Growth style compared with an index fund in this style and with the S&P 500 index. 10 yr. Standard Deviation 10 yr. mean return Vanguard Growth Index (VIGRX) +/-15.14% 8.10% Jensen Quality Growth (JENSX) +/-13.19% 6.62% Vanguard Primecap (VPMCX) +/-15.50% 10.83% Harbor Capital Apprec. (HACAX) +/-15.57% 8.65% S&P 500 Index +/-14.80% 7.93% Data from Morningstar.com In plain English, the Vanguard Primecap fund posted an average annual return of 10.83% over the trailing ten years depicted. Based on fund’s standard deviation of +/- 15.50% one would expect the fund’s returns to range between -4.67% and +26.33% about 68% of the time. The bigger take away from this chart is that the Vanguard Index fund’s volatility was lower than a couple of the funds and higher than Jensen. As with any index fund the Vanguard fund experienced approximately the level of risk and return of its underlying index, other actively managed funds in this category experienced more or less risk and return based upon the stock selections of the managers. Manager Risk Index funds can eliminate manager risk, or the risk of investing in an actively managed fund only to see the manager underperform the benchmark index. As an example for the trailing periods ending January 31, 2013 the Vanguard Growth Index outperformed 83% of the other Large Growth funds for the trailing three years; 84% of the other fund for the trailing five years; and 61% of the other fund for the trailing ten years. This is not to say this will be the case with all index funds over all periods of time. However, a well-run index fund should track its underlying index closely and deliver index-like performance. Several years ago an instructor at a continuing education session indicated that many of the actively managed mutual funds atop the 10-year rankings in their respective categories most likely spent three of those calendar years in the bottom quartile of their category rankings. For an investor who held one of these funds over that entire 10-year period this isn’t a problem. But investors who bought into such a fund at a different time or over various periods of time may have had quite a different experience. As we know, money tends to chase performance, hot funds attract investor dollars, funds that are struggling tend to see more client redemptions. This is so prevalent that Morningstar measures investor performance along with the actual performance of the mutual fund. Investor performance provides a measure of how actual investors fared by investing in this fund, including the timing of investments and redemptions. In many cases investor performance varies significantly from the actual fund returns. A few other points to consider: Expenses matter You should generally buy the cheapest index fund that tracks the index you are interested in. There is a huge disparity in the fees for funds that track the S&P 500 for example. Understand the underlying index. There has been a proliferation of new index ETFs tracking a variety of indexes. In many cases I have never heard of many of these indexes. Make sure the index tracked by the fund or ETF you are considering makes sense for your overall portfolio and that the index has a real history not just some back-tested data behind it. Using index funds is no guarantee of investment success Just like with any mutual fund or ETF, how you use these products is the key to your success. Index funds are nothing more than a building block to construct your portfolio. Don’t dismiss active managers Evaluate actively managed funds and understand why they have been successful in the past and in what types of environments they might lag their peers. Moreover, carefully think through the role the fund might play in your portfolio, and be aware of who is managing the fund. Is the same person or team that actually compiled the impressive track record still in charge? Or has this manager moved on, placing the fund in the hands of some new, unproven manager? Index funds do not necessarily reduce investment risk or guarantee a higher investment return than using actively managed funds. Like anything in the investment world, investing with a strategy (ideally tied to your financial plan), monitoring your results, rebalancing your allocation, and making adjustments to your portfolio when warranted are still key elements in successful investing. Index funds are simply a tool you can use in this process. Want another opinion on your investments and your overall financial situation? Check out my Financial Review/Second Opinion for Individuals service. Please contact me with any thoughts or suggestions about anything you’ve read here at The Chicago Financial Planner. Don’t miss any future posts, please subscribe via email. Please check out the Hire Me tab to learn more about my freelance financial writing and financial consulting services. Photo credit: Wikipedia
Google owns a lot of computers—perhaps a million servers stitched together into the fastest, most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet. But last August, Google teamed up with NASA to acquire what may be the search giant’s most powerful piece of hardware yet. It’s certainly the strangest. Located at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, a couple of miles from the Googleplex, the machine is literally a black box, 10 feet high. It’s mostly a freezer, and it contains a single, remarkable computer chip—based not on the usual silicon but on tiny loops of niobium wire, cooled to a temperature 150 times colder than deep space. The name of the box, and also the company that built it, is written in big, science-fiction-y letters on one side: D-WAVE. Executives from the company that built it say that the black box is the world’s first practical quantum computer, a device that uses radical new physics to crunch numbers faster than any comparable machine on earth. If they’re right, it’s a profound breakthrough. The question is: Are they? Hartmut Neven, a computer scientist at Google, persuaded his bosses to go in with NASA on the D-Wave. His lab is now partly dedicated to pounding on the machine, throwing problems at it to see what it can do. An animated, academic-tongued German, Neven founded one of the first successful image-recognition firms; Google bought it in 2006 to do computer-vision work for projects ranging from Picasa to Google Glass. He works on a category of computational problems called optimization—finding the solution to mathematical conundrums with lots of constraints, like the best path among many possible routes to a destination, the right place to drill for oil, and efficient moves for a manufacturing robot. Optimization is a key part of Google’s seemingly magical facility with data, and Neven says the techniques the company uses are starting to peak. “They’re about as fast as they’ll ever be,” he says. That leaves Google—and all of computer science, really—just two choices: Build ever bigger, more power-hungry silicon-based computers. Or find a new way out, a radical new approach to computation that can do in an instant what all those other million traditional machines, working together, could never pull off, even if they worked for years. That, Neven hopes, is a quantum computer. A typical laptop and the hangars full of servers that power Google—what quantum scientists charmingly call “classical machines”—do math with “bits” that flip between 1 and 0, representing a single number in a calculation. But quantum computers use quantum bits, qubits, which can exist as 1s and 0s at the same time. They can operate as many numbers simultaneously. It’s a mind-bending, late-night-in-the-dorm-room concept that lets a quantum computer calculate at ridiculously fast speeds. Unless it’s not a quantum computer at all. Quantum computing is so new and so weird that no one is entirely sure whether the D-Wave is a quantum computer or just a very quirky classical one. Not even the people who build it know exactly how it works and what it can do. That’s what Neven is trying to figure out, sitting in his lab, week in, week out, patiently learning to talk to the D-Wave. If he can figure out the puzzle—what this box can do that nothing else can, and how—then boom. “It’s what we call ‘quantum supremacy,’” he says. “Essentially, something that cannot be matched anymore by classical machines.” It would be, in short, a new computer age. A former wrestler short-listed for Canada’s Olympic team, D-Wave founder Geordie Rose is barrel-chested and possessed of arms that look ready to pin skeptics to the ground. When I meet him at D-Wave’s headquarters in Burnaby, British Columbia, he wears a persistent, slight frown beneath bushy eyebrows. “We want to be the kind of company that Intel, Microsoft, Google are,” Rose says. “The big flagship $100 billion enterprises that spawn entirely new types of technology and ecosystems. And I think we’re close. What we’re trying to do is build the most kick-ass computers that have ever existed in the history of the world.” The office is a bustle of activity; in the back rooms technicians peer into microscopes, looking for imperfections in the latest batch of quantum chips to come out of their fab lab. A pair of shoulder-high helium tanks stand next to three massive black metal cases, where more techs attempt to weave together their spilt guts of wires. Jeremy Hilton, D-Wave’s vice president of processor development, gestures to one of the cases. “They look nice, but appropriately for a startup, they’re all just inexpensive custom components. We buy that stuff and snap it together.” The really expensive work was figuring out how to build a quantum computer in the first place. Like a lot of exciting ideas in physics, this one originates with Richard Feynman. In the 1980s, he suggested that quantum computing would allow for some radical new math. Up here in the macroscale universe, to our macroscale brains, matter looks pretty stable. But that’s because we can’t perceive the subatomic, quantum scale. Way down there, matter is much stranger. Photons—electromagnetic energy such as light and x-rays—can act like waves or like particles, depending on how you look at them, for example. Or, even more weirdly, if you link the quantum properties of two subatomic particles, changing one changes the other in the exact same way. It’s called entanglement, and it works even if they’re miles apart, via an unknown mechanism that seems to move faster than the speed of light. Knowing all this, Feynman suggested that if you could control the properties of subatomic particles, you could hold them in a state of superposition—being more than one thing at once. This would, he argued, allow for new forms of computation. In a classical computer, bits are actually electrical charge—on or off, 1 or 0. In a quantum computer, they could be both at the same time. It was just a thought experiment until 1994, when mathematician Peter Shor hit upon a killer app: a quantum algorithm that could find the prime factors of massive numbers. Cryptography, the science of making and breaking codes, relies on a quirk of math, which is that if you multiply two large prime numbers together, it’s devilishly hard to break the answer back down into its constituent parts. You need huge amounts of processing power and lots of time. But if you had a quantum computer and Shor’s algorithm, you could cheat that math—and destroy all existing cryptography. “Suddenly,” says John Smolin, a quantum computer researcher at IBM, “everybody was into it.” That includes Geordie Rose. A child of two academics, he grew up in the backwoods of Ontario and became fascinated by physics and artificial intelligence. While pursuing his doctorate at the University of British Columbia in 1999, he read Explorations in Quantum Computing, one of the first books to theorize how a quantum computer might work, written by NASA scientist—and former research assistant to Stephen Hawking—Colin Williams. (Williams now works at D-Wave.) Reading the book, Rose had two epiphanies. First, he wasn’t going to make it in academia. “I never was able to find a place in science,” he says. But he felt he had the bullheaded tenacity, honed by years of wrestling, to be an entrepreneur. “I was good at putting together things that were really ambitious, without thinking they were impossible.” At a time when lots of smart people argued that quantum computers could never work, he fell in love with the idea of not only making one but selling it. With about $100,000 in seed funding from an entrepreneurship professor, Rose and a group of university colleagues founded D-Wave. They aimed at an incubator model, setting out to find and invest in whoever was on track to make a practical, working device. The problem: Nobody was close. At the time, most scientists were pursuing a version of quantum computing called the gate model. In this architecture, you trap individual ions or photons to use as qubits and chain them together in logic gates like the ones in regular computer circuits—the ands, ors, nots, and so on that assemble into how a computer thinks. The difference, of course, is that the qubits could interact in much more complex ways, thanks to superposition, entanglement, and interference. But qubits really don’t like to stay in a state of super­position, what’s called coherence. A single molecule of air can knock a qubit out of coherence. The simple act of observing the quantum world collapses all of its every-number-at-once quantumness into stochastic, humdrum, non­quantum reality. So you have to shield qubits—from everything. Heat or other “noise,” in physics terms, screws up a quantum computer, rendering it useless. You’re left with a gorgeous paradox: Even if you successfully run a calculation, you can’t easily find that out, because looking at it collapses your superpositioned quantum calculation to a single state, picked at random from all possible superpositions and thus likely totally wrong. You ask the computer for the answer and get garbage. Lashed to these unforgiving physics, scientists had built systems with only two or three qubits at best. They were wickedly fast but too underpowered to solve any but the most prosaic, lab-scale problems. But Rose didn’t want just two or three qubits. He wanted 1,000. And he wanted a device he could sell, within 10 years. He needed a way to make qubits that weren’t so fragile. “What we’re trying to do is build the most kick-ass computers that have ever existed in the history of the world.” In 2003, he found one. Rose met Eric Ladizinsky, a tall, sporty scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab who was an expert in superconducting quantum interference devices, or Squids. When Ladizinsky supercooled teensy loops of niobium metal to near absolute zero, magnetic fields ran around the loops in two opposite directions at once. To a physicist, electricity and magnetism are the same thing, so Ladizinsky realized he was seeing superpositioning of electrons. He also suspected these loops could become entangled, and that the charges could quantum-tunnel through the chip from one loop to another. In other words, he could use the niobium loops as qubits. (The field running in one direction would be a 1; the opposing field would be a 0.) The best part: The loops themselves were relatively big, a fraction of a millimeter. A regular microchip fab lab could build them. The two men thought about using the niobium loops to make a gate-model computer, but they worried the gate model would be too susceptible to noise and timing errors. They had an alternative, though—an architecture that seemed easier to build. Called adiabatic annealing, it could perform only one specific computational trick: solving those rule-laden optimization problems. It wouldn’t be a general-purpose computer, but optimization is enormously valuable. Anyone who uses machine learning—Google, Wall Street, medicine—does it all the time. It’s how you train an artificial intelligence to recognize patterns. It’s familiar. It’s hard. And, Rose realized, it would have an immediate market value if they could do it faster. In a traditional computer, annealing works like this: You mathematically translate your problem into a landscape of peaks and valleys. The goal is to try to find the lowest valley, which represents the optimized state of the system. In this metaphor, the computer rolls a rock around the problem-­scape until it settles into the lowest-possible valley, and that’s your answer. But a conventional computer often gets stuck in a valley that isn’t really lowest at all. The algorithm can’t see over the edge of the nearest mountain to know if there’s an even lower vale. A quantum annealer, Rose and Ladizinsky realized, could perform tricks that avoid this limitation. They could take a chip full of qubits and tune each one to a higher or lower energy state, turning the chip into a representation of the rocky landscape. But thanks to superposition and entanglement between the qubits, the chip could computationally tunnel through the landscape. It would be far less likely to get stuck in a valley that wasn’t the lowest, and it would find an answer far more quickly. Inside the Black Box ——————– The guts of a D-Wave don’t look like any other computer. Instead of metals etched into silicon, the central processor is made of loops of the metal niobium, surrounded by components designed to protect it from heat, vibration, and electromagnetic noise. Isolate those niobium loops well enough from the outside world and you get a quantum computer, thousands of times faster than the machine on your desk—or so the company claims. —Cameron Bird Thomas Porostocky A. Deep Freezer A massive refrigeration system uses liquid helium to cool the D-Wave chip to 20 millikelvin—or 150 times colder than interstellar space. B. Heat Exhaust Gold-plated copper disks draw heat up and away from the chip to keep vibration and other energy from disturbing the quantum state of the processor. C. Niobium Loops A grid of hundreds of tiny niobium loops serve as the quantum bits, or qubits, the heart of the processor. When cooled, they exhibit quantum-mechanical behavior. D. Noise Shields The 190-plus wires that connect the components of the chip are wrapped in metal to shield against magnetic fields. Just one channel transmits information to the outside world—an optical fiber cable. Better yet, Rose and Ladizinsky predicted that a quantum annealer wouldn’t be as fragile as a gate system. They wouldn’t need to precisely time the interactions of individual qubits. And they suspected their machine would work even if only some of the qubits were entangled or tunneling; those functioning qubits would still help solve the problem more quickly. And since the answer a quantum annealer kicks out is the lowest energy state, they also expected it would be more robust, more likely to survive the observation an operator has to make to get the answer out. “The adiabatic model is intrinsically just less corrupted by noise,” says Williams, the guy who wrote the book that got Rose started. By 2003, that vision was attracting investment. Venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson wanted to get in on what he saw as the next big wave of computing that would propel machine intelligence everywhere—from search engines to self-driving cars. A smart Wall Street bank, Jurvetson says, could get a huge edge on its competition by being the first to use a quantum computer to create ever-smarter trading algorithms. He imagines himself as a banker with a D-Wave machine: “A torrent of cash comes my way if I do this well,” he says. And for a bank, the $10 million cost of a computer is peanuts. “Oh, by the way, maybe I buy exclusive access to D-Wave. Maybe I buy all your capacity! That’s just, like, a no-brainer to me.” D-Wave pulled in $100 million from investors like Jeff Bezos and In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the CIA. The D-Wave team huddled in a rented lab at the University of British Columbia, trying to learn how to control those tiny loops of niobium. Soon they had a one-qubit system. “It was a crappy, duct-taped-together thing,” Rose says. “Then we had two qubits. And then four.” When their designs got more complicated, they moved to larger-scale industrial fabrication. As I watch, Hilton pulls out one of the wafers just back from the fab facility. It’s a shiny black disc the size of a large dinner plate, inscribed with 130 copies of their latest 512-qubit chip. Peering in closely, I can just make out the chips, each about 3 millimeters square. The niobium wire for each qubit is only 2 microns wide, but it’s 700 microns long. If you squint very closely you can spot one: a piece of the quantum world, visible to the naked eye. Hilton walks to one of the giant, refrigerated D-Wave black boxes and opens the door. Inside, an inverted pyramid of wire-bedecked, gold-plated copper discs hangs from the ceiling. This is the guts of the device. It looks like a steampunk chandelier, but as Hilton explains, the gold plating is key: It conducts heat—noise—up and out of the device. At the bottom of the chandelier, hanging at chest height, is what they call the coffee can, the enclosure for the chip. “This is where we go from our everyday world,” Hilton says, “to a unique place in the universe.” By 2007, D-Wave had managed to produce a 16-qubit system, the first one complicated enough to run actual problems. They gave it three real-world challenges: solving a sudoku, sorting people at a dinner table, and matching a molecule to a set of molecules in a database. The problems wouldn’t challenge a decrepit Dell. But they were all about optimization, and the chip actually solved them. “That was really the first time when I said, holy crap, you know, this thing’s actually doing what we designed it to do,” Rose says. “Back then we had no idea if it was going to work at all.” But 16 qubits wasn’t nearly enough to tackle a problem that would be of value to a paying customer. He kept pushing his team, producing up to three new designs a year, always aiming to cram more qubits together. When the team gathers for lunch in D-Wave’s conference room, Rose jokes about his own reputation as a hard-driving taskmaster. Hilton is walking around showing off the 512-qubit chip that Google just bought, but Rose is demanding the 1,000-qubit one. “We’re never happy,” Rose says. “We always want something better.” “Geordie always focuses on the trajectory,” Hilton says. “He always wants what’s next.” In 2010, D-Wave’s first customers came calling. Lockheed Martin was wrestling with particularly tough optimization problems in their flight control systems. So a manager named Greg Tallant took a team to Burnaby. “We were intrigued with what we saw,” Tallant says. But they wanted proof. They gave D-Wave a test: Find the error in an algorithm. Within a few weeks, D-Wave developed a way to program its machine to find the error. Convinced, Lockheed Martin leased a $10 million, 128-qubit machine that would live at a USC lab. The next clients were Google and NASA. Hartmut Neven was another old friend of Rose’s; they shared a fascination with machine intelligence, and Neven had long hoped to start a quantum lab at Google. NASA was intrigued, because it often faced wickedly hard best-fit problems. “We have the Curiosity rover on Mars, and if we want to move it from point A to point B there are a lot of possible routes—that’s a classic optimization problem,” says NASA’s Rupak Biswas. But before Google executives would put down millions, they wanted to know the D-Wave worked. In the spring of 2013, Rose agreed to hire a third party to run a series of Neven-designed tests, pitting D-Wave against traditional optimizers running on regular computers. Catherine McGeoch, a computer scientist at Amherst College, agreed to run the tests, but only under the condition that she report her results publicly. Rose quietly panicked. For all of his bluster—D-Wave routinely put out press releases boasting about its new devices—he wasn’t sure his black box would win the shoot-out. “One of the possible outcomes was that the thing would totally tank and suck,” Rose says. “And then she would publish all this stuff and it would be a horrible mess.” Is the D-wave actually quantum? if noise is disentangling the qubits, it’s just an expensive classical computer. McGeoch pitted the D-Wave against three pieces of off-the-shelf software. One was IBM’s CPLEX, a tool used by ConAgra, for instance, to crunch global market and weather data to find the optimum price at which to sell flour; the other two were well-known open source optimizers. McGeoch picked three mathematically chewy problems and ran them through the D-Wave and through an ordinary Lenovo desktop running the other software. The results? D-Wave’s machine matched the competition—and in one case dramatically beat it. On two of the math problems, the D-Wave worked at the same pace as the classical solvers, hitting roughly the same accuracy. But on the hardest problem, it was much speedier, finding the answer in less than half a second, while CPLEX took half an hour. The D-Wave was 3,600 times faster. For the first time, D-Wave had seemingly objective evidence that its machine worked quantum magic. Rose was relieved; he later hired McGeoch as his new head of benchmarking. Google and NASA got a machine. D-Wave was now the first quantum computer company with real, commercial sales. That’s when its troubles began. Quantum scientists had long been skeptical of D-Wave. Academics tend to get suspicious when the private sector claims massive leaps in scientific knowledge. They frown on “science by press release,” and Geordie Rose’s bombastic proclamations smelled wrong. Back then, D-Wave had published little about its system. When Rose held a press conference in 2007 to show off the 16-bit system, MIT quantum scientist Scott Aaronson wrote that the computer was “about as useful for industrial optimization problems as a roast-beef sandwich.” Plus, scientists doubted D-Wave could have gotten so far ahead of the state of the art. The most qubits anyone had ever got working was eight. So for D-Wave to boast of a 500-qubit machine? Nonsense. “They never seemed properly concerned about the noise model,” as IBM’s Smolin says. “Pretty early on, people became dismissive of it and we all sort of moved on.” That changed when Lockheed Martin and USC acquired their quantum machine in 2011. Scientists realized they could finally test this mysterious box and see whether it stood up to the hype. Within months of the D-Wave installation at USC, researchers worldwide came calling, asking to run tests. The first question was simple: Was the D-Wave system actually quantum? It might be solving problems, but if noise was disentangling the qubits, it was just an expensive classical computer, operating adiabatically but not with quantum speed. Daniel Lidar, a quantum scientist at USC who’d advised Lockheed on its D-Wave deal, figured out a clever way to answer the question. He ran thousands of instances of a problem on the D-Wave and charted the machine’s “success probability”—how likely it was to get the problem right—against the number of times it tried. The final curve was U-shaped. In other words, most of the time the machine either entirely succeeded or entirely failed. When he ran the same problems on a classical computer with an annealing optimizer, the pattern was different: The distribution clustered in the center, like a hill; this machine was sort of likely to get the problems right. Evidently, the D-Wave didn’t behave like an old-fashioned computer. Lidar also ran the problems on a classical algorithm that simulated the way a quantum computer would solve a problem. The simulation wasn’t superfast, but it thought the same way a quantum computer did. And sure enough, it produced the U, like the D-Wave shape. At minimum the D-Wave acts more like a simulation of a quantum computer than like a conventional one. Even Scott Aaronson was swayed. He told me the results were “reasonable evidence” of quantum behavior. If you look at the pattern of answers being produced, “then entanglement would be hard to avoid.” It’s the same message I heard from most scientists. But to really be called a quantum computer, you also have to be, as Aaronson puts it, “productively quantum.” The behavior has to help things move faster. Quantum scientists pointed out that McGeoch hadn’t orchestrated a fair fight. D-Wave’s machine was a specialized device built to do optimizing problems. McGeoch had compared it to off-the-shelf software. Matthias Troyer set out to even up the odds. A computer scientist at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Zurich, Troyer tapped programming wiz Sergei Isakov to hot-rod a 20-year-old software optimizer designed for Cray supercomputers. Isakov spent a few weeks tuning it , and when it was ready, Troyer and Isakov’s team fed tens of thousands of problems into USC’s D-Wave and into their new and improved solver on an Intel desktop. This time, the D-Wave wasn’t faster at all. In only one small subset of the problems did it race ahead of the conventional machine. Mostly, it only kept pace. “We find no evidence of quantum speedup,” Troyer’s paper soberly concluded. Rose had spent millions of dollars, but his machine couldn’t beat an Intel box. What’s worse, as the problems got harder, the amount of time the D-Wave needed to solve them rose—at roughly the same rate as the old-school computers. This, Troyer says, is particularly bad news. If the D-Wave really was harnessing quantum dynamics, you’d expect the opposite. As the problems get harder, it should pull away from the Intels. Troyer and his team concluded that D-Wave did in fact have some quantum behavior, but it wasn’t using it productively. Why? Possibly, Troyer and Lidar say, it doesn’t have enough “coherence time.” For some reason its qubits aren’t qubitting—the quantum state of the niobium loops isn’t sustained. One way to fix this problem, if indeed it’s a problem, might be to have more qubits running error correction. Lidar suspects D-Wave would need another 100—maybe 1,000—qubits checking its operations (though the physics here are so weird and new, he’s not sure how error correction would work). “I think that almost everybody would agree that without error correction this plane is not going to take off,” Lidar says. Rose’s response to the new tests: “It’s total bullshit.” D-Wave, he says, is a scrappy startup pushing a radical new computer, crafted from nothing by a handful of folks in Canada. From this point of view, Troyer had the edge. Sure, he was using standard Intel machines and classical software, but those benefited from decades’ and trillions of dollars’ worth of investment. The D-Wave acquitted itself admirably just by keeping pace. Troyer “had the best algorithm ever developed by a team of the top scientists in the world, finely tuned to compete on what this processor does, running on the fastest processors that humans have ever been able to build,” Rose says. And the D-Wave “is now competitive with those things, which is a remarkable step.” But what about the speed issues? “Calibration errors,” he says. Programming a problem into the D-Wave is a manual process, tuning each qubit to the right level on the problem-solving landscape. If you don’t set those dials precisely right, “you might be specifying the wrong problem on the chip,” Rose says. As for noise, he admits it’s still an issue, but the next chip—the 1,000-qubit version codenamed Washington, coming out this fall—will reduce noise yet more. His team plans to replace the niobium loops with aluminum to reduce oxide buildup. “I don’t care if you build [a traditional computer] the size of the moon with interconnection at the speed of light, running the best algorithm that Google has ever come up with. It won’t matter, ’cause this thing will still kick your ass,” Rose says. Then he backs off a bit. “OK, everybody wants to get to that point—and Washington’s not gonna get us there. But Washington is a step in that direction.” Or here’s another way to look at it, he tells me. Maybe the real problem with people trying to assess D-Wave is that they’re asking the wrong questions. Maybe his machine needs harder problems. On its face, this sounds crazy. If plain old Intels are beating the D-Wave, why would the D-Wave win if the problems got tougher? Because the tests Troyer threw at the machine were random. On a tiny subset of those problems, the D-Wave system did better. Rose thinks the key will be zooming in on those success stories and figuring out what sets them apart—what advantage D-Wave had in those cases over the classical machine. In other words, he needs to figure out what sort of problems his machine is uniquely good at. Helmut Katzgraber, a quantum scientist at Texas A&M, cowrote a paper in April bolstering Rose’s point of view. Katzgraber argued that the optimization problems everyone was tossing at the D-Wave were, indeed, too simple. The Intel machines could easily keep pace. If you think of the problem as a rugged surface and the solvers as trying to find the lowest spot, these problems “look like a bumpy golf course. What I’m proposing is something that looks like the Alps,” he says. In one sense, this sounds like a classic case of moving the goalposts. D-Wave will just keep on redefining the problem until it wins. But D-Wave’s customers believe this is, in fact, what they need to do. They’re testing and retesting the machine to figure out what it’s good at. At Lockheed Martin, Greg Tallant has found that some problems run faster on the D-Wave and some don’t. At Google, Neven has run over 500,000 problems on his D-Wave and finds the same. He’s used the D-Wave to train image-recognizing algorithms for mobile phones that are more efficient than any before. He produced a car-recognition algorithm better than anything he could do on a regular silicon machine. He’s also working on a way for Google Glass to detect when you’re winking (on purpose) and snap a picture. “When surgeons go into surgery they have many scalpels, a big one, a small one,” he says. “You have to think of quantum optimization as the sharp scalpel—the specific tool.” The dream of quantum computing has always been shrouded in sci-fi hope and hoopla—with giddy predictions of busted crypto, multiverse calculations, and the entire world of computation turned upside down. But it may be that quantum computing arrives in a slower, sideways fashion: as a set of devices used rarely, in the odd places where the problems we have are spoken in their curious language. Quantum computing won’t run on your phone—but maybe some quantum process of Google’s will be key in training the phone to recognize your vocal quirks and make voice recognition better. Maybe it’ll finally teach computers to recognize faces or luggage. Or maybe, like the integrated circuit before it, no one will figure out the best-use cases until they have hardware that works reliably. It’s a more modest way to look at this long-heralded thunderbolt of a technology. But this may be how the quantum era begins: not with a bang, but a glimmer.
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Former boxing champion O’Neil Bell’s life began nearly 41 years ago on the Caribbean island of Jamaica, where his parents worked at hotels before moving the family to Delaware when he was 5. The cruiserweight boxer’s life ended early Wednesday in southwest Atlanta, where he was gunned down, police said, by a pair of robbers who left him dead in the middle of Harbins Road. Atlanta police said Wednesday robbery appeared to be a motive in the fatal shooting and authorities are seeking the public’s help in finding Bell’s killers. Police believe four males may be involved in the shooting. They were also looking for a 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser with the Georgia tag TJC685. Police believe the vehicle was stolen Tuesday in East Point and used in a robbery there on Tuesday night. Police released a video of the vehicle and an image of a person seen by witnesses exiting the vehicle. Bell moved to Atlanta in 1995 and worked as a driver for UPS before becoming a professional boxer three years later. He held the WBA, WBC and IBF cruiserweight boxing titles, amassing a record of 26 wins, three losses and one draw during a 13-year career that ended in 2011. Initially fighting under the moniker “Give ‘Em Hell” Bell, he later changed his nickname to “Supernova.” “I did a little bit of research on Hell. I didn’t want to associate myself with Hell,” Bell told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution before a 2006 title unification bout. “You attract bad company, bad things, with a name like that.” Early Wednesday, Bell apparently attracted the worst kind of company imaginable. Channel 2 Action News reported that Bell and another man had just gotten off a MARTA bus on Harbins Road shortly after midnight when a vehicle drove up with two men inside. Responding officers found Bell dead in the street with a gunshot wound to the upper torso. While it was reported earlier that he had been with the second individual, police said Wednesday said the two men were not together. Police also said Bell had not been stabbed. The other victim, who was not identified, was shot in the right hip and transported in stable condition to Grady Memorial Hospital, according to police Lt. Charles Hampton. Any information on the case can be submitted anonymously to the Crime Stoppers Atlanta tip line at 404-577-TIPS (8477), online www.crimestoppersatlanta. or by texting CSA and the tip to CRIMES (274637). Persons do not have to give their name or any identifying information to be eligible for the reward of up to $2,000 for the arrest and indictment of the suspects.
In the aftermath of their Supreme Court disaster, where does Aereo go from here? It might head over to the office of CBS head Les Moonves. Speaking at a tech conference today, the network head said that he was “willing to talk to them” about a deal — one that involved paying for shows, as opposed to their previous business model of streaming over-the-air programming from CBS and other networks without handing over a fee to the broadcasters. “Aereo only has one option from here and that’s to compete as a Pay TV operator,” Forrester Research VP James McQuivey told VentureBeat. The Supreme Court decision, reversing a lower court ruling in favor of Aereo, had suggested the company could be considered a kind of cable system, but it would have to get a statutory license to the programming. Aereo has appealed to a U.S. District Court in New York, seeking the right to get that license — a position that, pre-Supreme Court, it had rejected. It had contended its capture of broadcasts was legally the same as subscribers picking up their own signal. “If it chooses to compete using the broadcast content it currently has access to, it will have only a modest offering to give consumers,” McQuivey told us, “so in addition to negotiating with CBS, the new Aereo would need to pay for rights to the content owned by Viacom, NBC Universal, and many other cable providers.” After the Supreme Court decision, Aereo announced it was suspending its operations as it figured out its next move. “It’s not going out without a fight,” Parks Associates Research analyst Glenn Hower told us. He pointed out that, before the court decision, Aereo said it had no Plan B. “Obviously, they do,” Hower said, “but it’s a very complicated Plan B.” He noted that one of the complexities is that most of the statutory licenses include DVR recording, but these probably don’t cover the kind of cloud-based DVR recording that Aereo offers. If they do get a license, he said, “they’re not going to have a $7.99 [monthly] subscription” service, as it previously did. This kind of offering might appeal to “cut-the-cord” types who only want a ‘Net broadband connection from some other provider, plus Aereo’s broadcast channels and limited kinds of other fare, he said, “but that’s a small market.” Aereo could become “competitive with other Pay TV providers,” McQuivey predicted, “but [that] would probably come after eating some significant humble pie because one can assume that all of those providers would want to punish Aereo for its prior bravura during the negotiation process.”
Hackney switches off for Earth Hour Skip to main content One Account Sign in / register Skip to content One Account One Account Sign in / register Search Search Home News Hackney switches off for Earth Hour News Hackney, 24 March 2017 | 16:56 Europe/London Hackney switches off for Earth Hour pexels-earth-photo-24027 At 8.30pm on Saturday 25 March 2017, Hackney Council will switch off its lights for one hour in solidarity with millions people across the planet as part of the World Wide Fund for Nature’s ‘Earth Hour’. Hackney Town Hall will join other buildings across the world, including the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham Palace, in being plunged into darkness to highlight the urgency of taking action on man-made global warming and its climate change consequences. The scale of the challenge presented by climate change is unprecedented in human history. The planet is now the warmest it has been for 115,000 years, when sea levels were 20-30 feet higher; the atmosphere has the highest concentration of heat-trapping carbon dioxide for 800,000 years; and we’ve just experienced the hottest year on record for the third year in a row. Meanwhile, warming oceans are threatening the existence of natural marvels, such as the Great Barrier Reef, and 1 in 6 species face extinction from climate change. The World Meteorological Society recently declared that man-made climate change is now taking us into “unchartered territory”. Now is the time to call for rapid global action on climate change. Earth Hour will bring millions together across the world in a symbolic show of unity to remind people that, if we work together, positive change is possible. To mark the global event, the Council will be switching off lights at Hackney Town Hall and Town Hall Square at 8.30pm on Saturday for one hour. “ Hackney Council is working towards a future when every hour is Earth Hour, and renewable energy and energy efficiency, resource conservation, and management of our natural environment are central to the way people in Hackney live their lives. In the meantime, Earth Hour is a symbolic display of the power of collective action to change the world for the better. Hackney is proud to be part of the movement that calls for greater and swifter action on climate change. Everyone can make a difference, and I would encourage all of our residents and businesses to get involved and switch off their lights to show your support for climate change action. Cllr Jon Burke, Cabinet Member for Energy, Sustainability and Community Services „ Everyone can join the celebration of WWF’s Earth Hour on Saturday 25 March 2017. For more information and to sign up, please visit www.wwf.org.uk/earthhour. You can also spread the word online by using #EarthhourUK to show your support. Share this release Hackney switches off for Earth Hour Share on: Twitter Share on: Facebook Share on: LinkedIn Search news Search news Social media Visit our Facebook page (opens in new window) Follow us on Twitter (opens in new window) Latest news 23 Sep 2022 - “Your next poo could save your life” is the message of a life-saving bowel screening campaign launched in Hackney 21 Sep 2022 - Stamford Hill Clockhouse sale to help bring building back into use 20 Sep 2022 - More support for local communities as charity selected to occupy Council building 20 Sep 2022 - Don’t lose your vote – residents in Hackney urged to check voter registration details 16 Sep 2022 - Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: Service of remembrance and silences confirmed 16 Sep 2022 - State funeral bank holiday: some council services affected Newsroom Accessibility Apps A to Z Contact us Email alerts Feedback Help News Privacy statement Terms and conditions
The let’s-destroy-Christianity project has been underway for more than three centuries now, but it is only in the last half-century that the anti-Christians discovered their most effective weapon. The project began around 1700 with the emergence of Deism as an alternative to Christianity. Deists came in a number of varieties. Some (e.g., Voltaire and Tom Paine) detested Christianity. Others (e.g., Jefferson and Kant) didn’t detest Christianity. They just considered it an inferior system of belief, a system that contained not only some fine moral principles but also some pernicious superstitions. Voltaire tried to destroy Christianity (calling for the elimination of “the infamous thing,” – Ecraszez l’infame) by making fun of it: see his Philosophical Dictionary. And since he was a very witty man, he had a fair degree of success. Jefferson tried to destroy Christianity by showing what a fine fellow Jesus was – once you freed the image of Jesus from the many superstitious extras that Christians had hung on him, the way you might hang ornaments on a Christmas tree. See Jefferson’s The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, which is literally a scissors-and-paste editing of the New Testament. Attacks of this kind caused some people to defect from Christianity, but not vast numbers. For to be affected by attacks of this kind you had to read books, and read them with some attention. In other words, you had to be an intellectual or a semi-intellectual. In the second half of the 1800s came another great attack on Christianity. This time the anti-Christians used Darwin’s theory of biological evolution, Spencer’s philosophy of agnosticism, and the German “higher criticism” of the Bible to batter the old religion. Once again, this was a somewhat intellectual attack, appealing to persons who read books and serious magazine articles. However, thanks to the great growth in economic prosperity during the 19th century, the world had many more intellectuals and semi-intellectuals than it had a hundred years earlier. And so this fin de siècle attack produced a great many defections from the old religion. Nonetheless, Christianity continued to be, by far, the dominant belief system in the European-American world. A byproduct of this Victorian-era attack was liberal Protestantism, which believed it was adapting Christianity to make it more palatable to modern man, but led in the first sixty years or so of the 20th century to vast numbers of defections from classical Protestantism, many of them unwitting. For if you were a liberal Protestant you could gradually drop one after another article from the traditional Christian creed – such articles as the Virgin Birth, the Divinity of Christ, the Atonement, and the Resurrection – while still calling yourself a Christian, and more or less honestly believing yourself to be such. (Another liberal byproduct was Catholic Modernism, but this was effectively killed in its cradle by Pope Pius X.) The greatest blow against Christianity, however, the blow that appears to be largely successful in reducing Christianity to minority status in the European-American world, was the sexual revolution that commenced in the 1960s. You didn’t have to be an intellectual or a semi-intellectual to participate in the sexual revolution. You didn’t have to read books or magazine articles or attend learned lectures. All you had to do was to commit what the Christian world had hitherto called a sexual sin – while at the same time feeling that what you had done, far from being a sin, was in fact a good deed. And you didn’t even have to commit this “sin” personally. All you had to do was to give your approval to such sins. The revolution was only in part a great change in sexual behavior. Even more it was a change in the moral evaluation of sexual behavior, changing the minus signs to pluses. Of course, liberal Protestantism (joined after Vatican II by neo-Modernist Catholicism, which had recovered from the apparent death-blow Pius X had hit it with at the beginning of the 20th century) did its usual thing, saying that you can be a Christian even while repudiating a Christian sexual morality that went back to the earliest days of Christianity. In an astonishing act of self-deception, many Protestants and Catholics have actually succeeded in convincing themselves that this is true. But this self-deception has little staying power. It is so obviously ridiculous that it’s not the kind of thing you can pass on to succeeding generations. We are living in an era when Christianity, like the Cheshire Cat, is gradually fading away in the world’s most modernized countries. The Cheshire Cat left only a smile behind. Liberal Christianity, both Protestant and Catholic, is also leaving something like a smile behind, a smile that says, “I’m a great fan of Jesus, the guy whose deathless message is summed up in the magnificent words, ‘Judge not, that you may not be judged.’” Click to expand and learn about tomorrow’s lecture by Robert Royal at NYU Share this: Facebook
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Google has built-on its two-factor system to introduce the feature for iOS users through their Gmail app, which will fundamentally enab Two-factor authentication, arguably the most commercial modern implementation of an enhanced retail security solution, has received a boost toward wider adoption from Google. Two-factor authentication is crucial to every single online account, including primary and work email accounts. They’ve also been put to use by major websites including the likes of Amazon, Reddit and more. Google, incidentally, has among the best, most-efficient and secure two-factor systems with its “device prompts” system wherein users are sent a push notification on their Android devices or via the Google app on iOS. Now, Google has made the feature even more accessible and convenient for iOS users by enabling the service through its tremendously popular Gmail app. “This should encourage more people to use Google prompt, which is an easier and more secure method of authenticating an account,” Google said in an announcement. Users will now be able to authorize access directly from the Gmail app. In essence, Google will send a push notification to the user’s iOS phone he/she, or anyone else, attempts to authorize their Google account through a new device or browser. Clicking on ‘OK’ via the prompt will authorize a login. While clearly the straightforward and the most convenient option, Google users will still have access to authentication options including a secondary email, the Authenticator app, text messages and more. To enable two-factor authentication in Google, here are the steps: Go to the 2-Step Verification page. You might have to sign in to your Google Account. Select Get started. Follow the step-by-step setup process. Image credit: Pexels.
♆ The Macho Response ♆: February 2021 ♆ The Macho Response ♆ "If you don't read the press you are uninformed. If you do read the press you are misinformed" - Mark Twain Saturday, February 27, 2021 I Feel Like The Missing Link (They Used To Call Black People That In America) When I was being canceled by the left - back in 2005 - the right abandoned me, convinced (by their own rhetoric) there are "No Victims" in America. Now that the right is being canceled, they're screaming "Join us - before there are MORE victims in America." Yeah, notice the rhetoric, now: the "No Victims" people want ME to join THEM - I'm abandoned, still. The idea of joining an attacked black man, or talking to a black man about it (who's already been attacked), or saving a black man from them, or allowing a black man to lead in the fight against them - in any way - hasn't been on the right's agenda, no matter what either party does, since Frederick Douglass. They're so focussed on themselves - and what they "think" - they don't even consider other options. Especially when it comes to me and mine, so the right stays late to what's going down. I've seen NO BLACKS at C-PAC. What is ANYONE, on the right or left, going to tell ME about the dangers of being canceled? NOTHING. They know NOTHING about being broke and facing this, totally outnumbered. They're only talking to themselves. They're all survivors - with money - so it'll never flatten them. They just won't be in charge. Boo-hoo. THAT'S HOW AND WHY THE LEFT WINS. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 11:48 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Our Vice-President Is A Calculating Ho (Who Don't Like Them Hos Calculating) I thought this photo said everything, that needs to be said, on why Kamala Harris is unfit to lead. But, others have spoken. So - as if sharing her at an orgy in San Francisco - that's fine by me. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 1:23 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Tucker Carlson Says Living As I Do Is America's Only Hope (And He's Right) "Start telling the truth!" Posted by The Crack Emcee at 12:20 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Consider The Source Here's a headline, from The Daily KOS, guiding the left's politics today: Republicans aren't turning away from Trump's Big Lie, because confronting the truth is too painful The Daily KOS, of course, started out in the '90s as a stock-picking website (not politics) that utilized astrology. I'll leave you, to figure out who'd to trust from there, on your own. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 8:09 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest If Democrats Were This Dumb (They Can't Complain About What They Don't Get) Posted by The Crack Emcee at 7:48 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Oprah Can Get Us Raped And Killed (Just Don't Ask About The Olsen's Weight) The weirdest rules surround NewAgers, so they can get away with doing ghastly things - like getting women raped and killed - but they get called on pure nonsense, like talking about women's looks. Whatever makes them happy - and getting raped (by someone with Oprah's blessing) obviously does that. It did for MLK fans, too. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 5:58 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest The Difference In America's Political Parties Is Remarkable (So I Remark On It) Posted by The Crack Emcee at 5:42 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 7 Things You Will Learn (When Your Wife Leaves You For A French Homeopath) 1) If your wife has little-to-no background in science or medicine, your wife is NOT very bright. And probably shouldn't be married to anybody. 2) Your friends who applaud her - for meeting a Doctor - are NOT only not very bright (with little-to-no background in science or medicine) but - like everyone one else you'll discover - they also have absolutely no respect for the institution of Marriage, what-so-ever. 3) The lengths NewAgers will go to get laid, while thinking of themselves as "Gods" and "Goddesses", is mind-blowing. Society is aware of this, BTW, which you'll learn once you're cheated on. They gladly helped make it happen. 4) France - the nation - is dumber than shit, and at least a decade behind other first world countries in intelligence. Their culture's also sexually-deviant and perverted. A group of firefighters recently were found to be having sex with a 13-year old girl and the nation still isn't sure if that was wrong. 5) The entire world encourages fraud - even medical fraud - as a form of relentless, predatory capitalism. 6) Coddling frauds, quacks, and con artists, is a way of life for horny, gullible, and stupid 21st century women. 7) If you're black, alone, and unsuspecting when they come, expect to be crushed - without a shred of sympathy from friend or family, because they're all NewAge by now - and, once they've got you, you're damned to a "Night of the Living Dead" or "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" existence. I've been in lockdown for years now - from them - and the level of concern or attention (about what they've done to life as we know it, and my life specifically) is the same amount as the ingredients in a homeopathic preparation: ZERO. Live With It. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 5:07 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest C-PAC Is Nothing But Speeches (On How Republicans Are Politically Retarded) I don't know what to say about a GOP, screaming they have to "Fight!", when they'll let the media hem them up - over something as trivial as Ted Cruz's Cancun trip - and while knowing Bill Clinton's four rape accusers are still out there. Why relentlessly attacking both Clintons, until they're taken out (and destroying the left's claims to a moral high ground) is NOT the GOP's priority, is a mystery, I guess, for the U.S. history pages. Somebody must've hit them, hard, on the head or something. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 4:14 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Blacks Are 13% Of The American Public (And We're "Targeting" The Rest Of You) Bill Maher and Megyn Kelly Argue White People Are Being Targeted, and of course we should listen, because - when an antivaxxer and a woman who insisted Santa Claus is white agree - that's NOT a lot of mental firepower on display to laugh at, and, nowadays - if they're gonna make this the NewAge for realz - we need as little brains, as they can possibly come up with, to celebrate it correctly. Bravo, white people, suffering extreme racial paranoia: Since the days of Jefferson, you've always come through. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 3:26 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest The Crack Man Gets Everything Off His Chest (Y'all Should Pass This Around) II Ann Althouse - a former lawyer and professor - tells the world it's madness will never end (No reason to do anything, then, from her comfy home in Madison, but blog about nonsense and take the angry white rube's money, right?). Sarah Hoyt - a professional writer - goes online, nightly, and insanely encourages Americans to fight one another (because SMART). And of course, good ol' Glenn Reynolds - the man who can't spot quackery - wants to run disgruntled blacks down with his car (because why be disgruntled, living with the likes of him?) Face it: Tucker Carlson and I are the only two, regularly arguing for facts, reason, critical thinking, and common sense - and it shows. The rest of these fools don't even know what those words mean. This is the NewAge, but also a very happy 60th for me, because I've made-up my mind about, at least, one thing after all these years: I won't even consider debating about it with another powerful, but obvious, idiot any longer. They, either, can open their eyes or they cannot. Left or right, I'm convinced: by 2021, being an idiot is such a fatal flaw, they can, and will, fall on their own - without any further assistance from me. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 2:50 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Thursday, February 25, 2021 The Crack Man Gets Everything Off His Chest (Y'all Should Pass This Around) I Question: what's the point of dragging quacks before Congress, if the news media will keep using them as a resource, like it never happened? What does that say about the media thinks of quackery? The rule of law? Respect for Science? What are the news media's standards? Question: what's the point of having a news media, if it's filled with people like Chris Cuomo and Dr. Oz, who are both so blind to quackery they've married NewAge practitioners and promoters of it? How can we expect accurate and intelligent reporting from such gullible and ignorant people? How could we not expect the trouble Andrew Cuomo is in? We haven't been getting any good journalism lately. Question: what's the point of politics, if the news media - and the politicians they cover - are so blind to NewAge, they'll physically give themselves over to it? And why isn't that blindness considered a reason for disqualification for office? In a day, I'll be 60. My Father, and Grandfather, passed at 65, so it's no small milestone. Time is limited, to say whatever needs to be said, so I'll point out three generations of black men will die prematurely in America, probably, and none of us were ever happy with the place, before, or at the time of death. My Grandfather was good natured, my Father less so, and I will die filled with rage. I am - literally - trapped in Spike Lee's "Do The Right Thing", where few have ever done the right thing, ever. In 2005, my wife left me for a homeopath in France. I had to endure the humilation of knowing my wife had been taken in by a fraud, as our friends on both continents applauded a married woman snaring a "Doctor" (You learn how much the world respects Marriage and "Western values" during episodes like this: it doesn't, and anyone considering Marriage should know it). In 1995, my wife announced she could walk through walls. Asking for a demonstration got me nothing but trouble - from everyone - ever since. My sister recently took me through the similar oddessey: she can "heal" now - by waving her hands. Today, I am divorced, and my beloved sister and I don't speak for the first time in our lives. I have been "canceled" by them, our friends, and society. Since they have no evidence for their beliefs, it should be them being ostracized, but that's not the world I live in now. I live when women are "love bombed" by a world of cults, enamored with Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz, Deepak Chopra, and whole host of other NewAge charlatans and quacks, who constitute an unacknowledged and dangerous power base, with devoted followers, around the world. These are the people betraying us. But they're not treated like that. This group - who have a very high number of liars, theives, rapists (like John of God, above) and murderers amongst them - are treated as harmless, charming, even beneficial flakes, as they weave in and out of politics and other areas of life. And, whatever social damage they cause, is just the collateral damage of,...life - not themselves or their movement. Christopher Hitchens noted how they mingle sex and death - I've had nightmares for years over it. Bill Clinton killed Ricky Ray Rector to cover for Gennifer Flowers. He bombed Africa to cover for Monica Lewinsky. In both caases, he got sex and blacks suffered. Just like when when my wife met her homeopath while burying her mother overseas. Andrew Cuomo's nursing home scandal - right before a sexual harrassment charge. People without morals don't notice these things. My wife and our friends never have. The larger, NewAge-enamoured society hasn't either. I doubt, like vampires, most ever will. Some people lament the confusion NewAge has sown will never end. This might be true, as long as Americans contiinue to live as a nation without a shred of honesty, or honor. As far as I know, Michael Shermer is the only celebrity who gets exasperated when Deepak Chopra tells a lie - which he does often. Everyone else just carries on, offering the quack more columns in magazines, and handing him more money - as Oprah and Netflix astonishingly jumped in to help Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, when they moved here (after saying they wouldn't). We need more Michael Shermers, as we also need people to start kicking the amoral Oprahs, Deepak Chopras, and all the rest, to the curb, if we ever hope for the world to start making sense again. Especially ethically. They've destroyed my life. They don't have to be allowed to destroy everything. [To be cont'd.] Posted by The Crack Emcee at 10:07 PM 2 comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest By The Way, Woody Allen Is Innocent (And Mia Farrow Is A NewAge Fruitcake) Woody Allen's been trapped, for decades, in a NewAge woman's evil homeopathic outlook: when few can tell water from medicine - or fake news from reality - so an angry, and delusional fan of astrology is treated as credibly, and ethically, as a man who isn't. It's plain wrong. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 7:57 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I've Got The News (Steely Dan) Only on MSNBC are truth and integrity expected from Brian Williams (disgraced for lying) talking to Lawrence O'Donnell (repeatedly voted one of the worst journalists ever, and a disgraced partisan) with Michael Steele (of all people) a Republican, disgraced over using tax dollars for strip clubs. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 7:22 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest It Was Old Wine In New Bottles (But Women Are Suckers For Each New Bottle) In case you've wondered - since the Manson Girls - how women stay attracted to cults: ‘It Was New, It Was Edgy, and It Was Good.’ They're ignorant to history, sexually adventurous, and gullible as shit. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 6:30 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Dream Of The Impossible (Common Sense Playing A Role In American Politics) Kamalamania: prepare for President Harris, because - as we all know - there is NO WAY anyone can use this photo as proof that Kamala Harris is A) so corrupt that (while working as a U.S. Prosecutor) she'd sleep with a known con artist, or B) so stupid that (while working as a U.S. Prosecutor) she'd sleep with a known con artist, and thus is C) too corrupt and stupid to be near power. That argument simply can't be credibly made: no level of corruption, or stupidity, is too low for political office in America - especially if it involves the vagina, and/or somebody getting laid, under any circumstances. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 6:02 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest I'm Almost 60 - And So Glad I'm Not Messed Up (And It's Just Everybody Else) My nation has harbored Nazis by the thousands, for decades, while lying to me, and claiming it was fighting them for blacks and Jews. They honored them, and let them change our culture, and never told us. Least of all, me. For over 150 years, my nation lied to me about slavery - purely for reasons of race - while lying and claiming it was solving the problem. Now that blacks have gone crazy over race issues - whites have been lying about for centuries - they blame blacks for that, too. But they're not racists, and there's no racism, here. OK. My nation has encouraged a Mammy - I mean, Oprah - to lie to me, spreading misinformation and pseudoscience (that have resulted in rip-offs, rapes and deaths) for decades. They don't care: they like HER. They wouldn't think of stopping her, as they cry about problems from misinformation and conspiracy theories, in our culture. My nation has let Whole Foods (and liberals) lie to me, mislead me, and sell pseudoscience to me, for decades. Then tried to make me feel bad, if I didn't get onboard, with the rest of the medieval-minded saps in line. My nation has always known MLK was just another low-life rapist preacher, but still lied to me, and taught me to worship him as a saint, anyway (I have no idea why MLK is dead now - cheating spouses?) The Democrat Party has a long history of stealing elections, and lying to me - that they're lying about - they even sold that murderous homosexual creep, Harvey Milk, as a saint. To your children. After he helped get a child killed by Jim Jones and the People's Temple. Buying that lie - and defending it - is the definition of what it means to be a "progressive". My nation has just let the Democrats lie their way to power over a President - President Trump - and now acts like everyone who knows 100% what kind of "Russian Collusion" Fantasyland they just lived through for the last four years, like me, is crazy. Somehow, none of this deceit is punishable in America, anymore. The Democrat Party - with it's history of sexual abuse starting in slavery - could give a damn about lying to me, the truth, or correcting (or enforcing) either. They want POWER - for themselves. Otherwise, they would've helped those FOUR (4) loyal Democrat women screaming, "Bill Clinton raped me!" a long time ago. They've been The Democrat Party's most obvious political sacrifice, of my life. My nation's led by Democrats - the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, and NewAge - they're happiest when making me live with their constant lying. They've wanted my generation to honor deceit - and appear to have succeeded - far, far beyond their wildest dreams, just by putting two house niggas out front. But, despite NewAge Naziism's success - selling deceit - it just can't work on me. Posted by The Crack Emcee at 2:58 AM 1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: barack obama, democrats, Harvey Milk, lying, martin luther king, misinformation, nazis, new age, oprah winfrey, pseudoscience, sexual abuse, slavery, whole foods Newer Posts Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Featured artist in Donnell Alexander's "Ghetto Celebrity" and Consolidated's "Play More Music" The Crack Emcee The Crack Emcee was born in Los Angeles. His mother had a thing with Jazz legend Charlie Mingus (producing a sister). Crack served in the Navy before settling into the Punk scenes of Los Angeles and San Francisco. He went on to join the Beatnigs (1988) Consolidated (1992) Broun Fellinis (1995) and then started his own band, Little White Radio (1998). The Crack Emcee has also been releasing a series of critically acclaimed solo mix tapes - starting with 1995's Newt Hates Me - that have solidified his reputation. This output morphed into his solo album, the anti-war Rap's Creation (2002) which was nominated for Album Of The Year (in, both, Rolling Stone and the Village Voice) and that year's list of Hip Hop's Best Anti-War Songs. Crack is listed (twice) as `an artist dedicated to integrity in Donnell Alexander's memoir, Ghetto Celebrity, and is featured on the CD, Just Payin' The Rent: The Amoeba Music Compilation, Vol. II. 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Old School Fed Propaganda - The Reformed Broker The Reformed Broker Home About Josh’s Podcast Invest with Josh In the News! Public Speaking Books Contact Old School Fed Propaganda Posted May 23, 2011 by Joshua M Brown The New York Federal Reserve has a blog called Liberty Street and they’ve just published some great posters that were created in the 1920’s to make the American public more aware of their role in society. Here’s one of five, I’ll send you over to all of them below: Keep in mind that 90 years ago, WordPress was only in its infancy so posters were a bit more convenient than blogging. Hat tip to the Real Time Economics blog at WSJ who first picked it up. See their piece here: The Fed is Your Friend (Posters from the 1920’s) (Real Time Economics) For disclosure information please visit: https://ritholtzwealth.com/blog-disclosures/ Now go talk about it. facebook twitter linkedin What's been said: Discussions found on the web nằm mơ thấy núi lửa commented on Oct 15 … [Trackback] […] Find More on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] Digital Transformation consultants commented on Nov 27 … [Trackback] […] Info on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] squeeqee.co.uk/carpet-cleaning-watford commented on Nov 30 … [Trackback] […] There you can find 62884 more Information on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] solid sexdolls commented on Dec 08 … [Trackback] […] Find More to that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] Azure Devops commented on Dec 18 … [Trackback] […] Here you can find 97942 additional Information on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] free booter commented on Dec 21 … [Trackback] […] Info on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] fake watches commented on Dec 21 … [Trackback] […] Find More on on that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] rbc royal bank commented on Jan 28 … [Trackback] […] There you will find 28320 more Info to that Topic: thereformedbroker.com/2011/05/23/old-school-fed-propaganda/ […] Read this next. February 19, 2015 Try leaving the bank branch without hearing this January 8, 2014 December ADP Breaks Out December 24, 2009 Preparing a Trade List for the Last Week of 2009 @reformedbroker Joshua M. Brown I’m a New York City-based financial advisor at Ritholtz Wealth Management LLC. I help people invest and manage portfolios for them. For disclosure information please see here. Subscribe & Reform Email: Leave this field empty if you're human: About Contact Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions © 2022 The Reformed Broker. Get a Full Investor Curriculum: Join The Book List Every month you'll receive 3-4 book suggestions--chosen by hand from more than 1,000 books. You'll also receive an extensive curriculum (books, articles, papers, videos) in PDF form right away. [mailbag_mailchimp]
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This is a 6-week programme that will support young people to develop their own coping strategies and actions plans to use… Telephone: 03000 420 008 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook Add to Shortlist Tonbridge and Malling Ramblers People join the ramblers for so many reasons: the love of the countryside, to get fit, to make new friends, or even moving to a new area and wanting to get your bearings. Our group is one of 13 Ramblers groups in Kent and part of the… Website: Tonbridge and Malling Ramblers Add to Shortlist Hever Care We are a provider of community health and social care services, running services in West Kent. We put our clients in the driving seat, taking the best that the sector has to offer, removing the bureaucracy and focusing on high-quality care. Hever Care provides a… Telephone: 01732 207 944 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.hevercare.co.uk/ Add to Shortlist Jhampa Jhampa follows the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, which includes the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana paths. We are affiliated with Maitrikara in Brighton and the "Centre d'Etudes de Chanteloube" in France and currently run groups on Zoom. Occasionally we meet in Sandwich, Kent when our teachers visit… E-mail: [email protected] Website: jhampa.org.uk/ Age Range: Suitable for all ages Add to Shortlist Providence Projects - Addiction Support The Providence Projects are a UK leading addiction treatment provider & family support service. Established in 1996, we pride ourselves on continually providing an outstanding quality of care and trusted addiction treatment and detox programmes for individuals from all over the UK. We provide affordable… Telephone: 0800 955 0945 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://providenceproject.org/ Add to Shortlist Asana Lodge At Asana Lodge our approach to care is progressive and tailored to the needs of the individual on their own recovery journey. Through industry-leading, scientifically proven techniques, we treat both body and mind. We’ve handpicked a team of highly qualified and experienced medical and therapy… Telephone: 01908 489421 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://asanalodge.com/ Add to Shortlist Meadowside Meadowside is a Care Quality Commission registered, residential service that provides short breaks care service to adults with a learning disability, Autism, and behaviours that challenge. This can be for a short break away from home, support during transition from one service to another or… Telephone: 01304 363445 E-mail: [email protected] Add to Shortlist Arthritis Action Founded in 1942, Arthritis Action is the only UK charity giving hands-on, practical help to combat the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice. We offer people with arthritis a holistic self-management approach, looking at both the physical and mental aspects of arthritis. … Telephone: 020 3781 7120 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.arthritisaction.org.uk/ Add to Shortlist Mental Health Forum The Mental Health Forum website offers a friendly open place for discussion, help and support with mental health issues. 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Hard bound Bloom County collection due in October The Daily Cartoonist The Daily Cartoonist The Source for industry news for the professional cartoonist Search The Daily Cartoonist Search for: Search Home About Archives Subscribe Contact Comic Strip/Panels Editorial Cartooning Mag/gag Cartooning Movies & Animation WebComics International Cartooning Store & Merchandise Categories Animation Anniversaries Art Supplies Auctions Awards Blogs Books Cartoonist's Cartoonists Cartoons College cartoonists Comic history Comic strips Contests Controversies Daily Cartoonist Discussion Editorial Cartooning Exhibits Festival of Cartoon Art Gatherings How-to In Focus International Interviews Legal Licensing Magazine Cartoonist Bloggers Magazine cartoons Magazines mobile Movies Museums National Cartoonist Society New Launches Newspaper industry Obituary Off topic Podcasts Publications Reuben Speaking Engagements Syndicates Technology Television video web comics Web Sites Year End Review See All Topics Home / Section: Comic strips Hard bound Bloom County collection due in October Posted by Alan Gardner February 5, 2009 IDW Publishing has announced that they will release the first volume of The Bloom County Library in October of this year. Each of five volumes will collect nearly two years worth of daily and Sunday strips, in chronological order. This will be the very first time that many of these comic strips have been collected, and the first time in a beautifully designed, hardcover format. The books will be part of IDW’s Library of American Comics imprint, and designed by Eisner Award-winner Dean Mullaney. “Fans have pestered me for years,” said Berkeley Breathed, “for this ultimate Bloom County collection in that polite, respectful badgering way that only fans can manage. Thank God I can now tell them something better than just ‘please remove your tent from my lawn.’ I can say, ‘It’s coming!” Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed newspaper strips of modern times. Premiering on December 8th, 1980 – a month after the election of Ronald Reagan as President – the strip brought to the comics pages a unique amalgam of contemporary politics and fantasy, all told with hilarious humor and wit. The beloved and quirky denizens of Bloom County include Opus, Steve Dallas, Bill the Cat, Milo Bloom, Michael Binkley, and Cutter John. Breathed was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning in 1987 for his work on Bloom County. The strip was published in an astounding 1200 newspapers. The phenomenon that was Bloom County spawned a merchandizing bonanza, as well as two spin-off strips, Outland and Opus. The first paperback collection of the strip, Loose Tails, sold over one million copies. Bloom County paperbacks cumulatively sold over six million copies. At the height of the strip’s popularity, Breathed walked away on August 6th, 1989. IDW Publishing Special Projects Editor Scott Dunbier conceived the series. “I’m absolutely thrilled to be editing the Bloom County Library,” said Dunbier. “This is a series that I can’t wait to hold in my hands.” The Bloom County Library will also contain a series of “Context Pages” sprinkled throughout the volumes. These pages will provide perspective for the reader, presenting a variety of real-life events and personalities that were contemporary at the time of original publication. Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) More Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Like this: Like Loading... Related Community Comments #1 Charles Brubaker February/5/2009 @ 8:27 am I hope Berke won’t alter the art and the dialogues, something he’s always done in his book collections. #2 RS Davis February/5/2009 @ 9:30 pm I agree…there are some good sites that have printed side by side copies of strips next to those that appeared in the books. Frankly, most of the edits only served to water down or diffuse the ‘funnyness’ of the strip. I wonder how he is going to handle the strips that were completely copied? There were times when Breathed just took and old strip and redrew it for later publication, sometimes years later – without changing as much as one word of dialog. Inexplicable. Nevertheless, it is still my favorite all time strip and will be first line to buy it! #3 Garey Mckee February/6/2009 @ 10:40 pm Bloom County has always been one of my favorite strips. Especially some of Breathed’s darker gallows humor. I’m intrigued by the idea of the context pages in this book. So much of Bloom County was a product of it’s time, but does it really need that much explaining? Perhaps as time marches on and younger people discover Breathed’s work it might be warranted. Does this mean this new collection is aimed toward a second generation of Bloom County fans, rather than the readers who enjoyed the strip when it was being produced? #4 RS Davis February/7/2009 @ 9:55 pm I don’t know, Garey, but I do know that when the next generation of comic strip readers ‘discover’ it, it will be to them the ark of the covenant. As much as I like Dilbert, Pearls, Fuzzy and the rest, Bloom County is ‘Comic Stripping 101’. I’ve always thought it was the Alpha and Zulu of newspaper strips. It had it all: fantastic characters, hiarious story lines, scalpel like humor sheatherd in strip friendly goofiness, wonderful art and beautiful line…who else is doing that? Although most fans put Calvin & Hobbes at the top of the heap, I have to give it to Mr. Breathed. Bloom County had no gimmicks to rely on like Calvin’s Walter Mitty fantasy life or a stuffed/alive/stuffed/alive feline principal. No, the Mighty Bloom Daily Strip had to fly on the power of great writing, energetic satire, up to the minute timeliness,elegant illustration and the best cast of characters since Pogo. And it did it day after day for almost 10 years. What a hell of a standard for any ‘toonist anywhere, anytime. Frankly, I always thought that Garfield and Calvin were the newspaper strips answer to the Beatles – everyone loved them, they were adorable and cute, everyone like what they did and could quote them or talk about them, but they were never truly that dangerous and never pushed the envelope very hard. Well, if Garfield and Calvin were the Beatles, then Bloom County was the Rolling Stones. It was dangerous, it was rude, it was up in the face sometimes, but it had the writing and artwork to back up its attitude. When the dailies ceased production, the comic strip industry lost a lung, half it’s teeth and most of it’s onions. And any comic stripper that pisses off Pat Oliphant has GOT to be on the right track. Anyway, I do sincerely hope that a new generation of comic strippers discover Bloom County for the first time in these new books. My hope is the new Bloom County books would motivate an entire new legion of fresh talent to push the door open and do for today’s newspaper pages what Mr. Breathed did for them in 1981 – make them funny *and* sharp again. End of rant. Sorry. And Mr. Breathed, please send the check via Registered Mail for tracking purposes. Thank you. Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. © 2005 - 2022 The Daily Cartoonist. 26 queries in 0.122 seconds.
WASHINGTON --The Memorial Day weekend saw a community eviscerated by gun violence that left several dead and many more injured. But it wasn't UC Santa Barbara that witnessed this particular round of bloodshed. It was New Orleans. By weekend's end, the city had seen 19 people shot, four fatally. On Friday, a fight broke out at a high school graduation party that resulted in one person being killed and seven wounded. On Sunday, three men were shot with an assault rifle. That night, a murder took place at a Cajun seafood joint. On Monday morning, a triple shooting happened right outside a hospital, where people sitting in a car were hit with bullets in their backs, arms and legs. All survived. That same day, a 17-year-old died after being shot multiple times. Even earlier, a man riding his bike was shot under an overpass. The day ended with a homicide in the Lower Ninth Ward. Outside of New Orleans, the U.S. was pocked with bad news. In the week prior to Elliot Rodger's shooting spree in Isla Vista, there were at least 80 gun-related deaths across the country, according to a Huffington Post analysis of local news reports. That these shootings failed to garner the national attention that the one in Isla Vista did shouldn't shock anyone who has followed the gun control debate. High-profile instances of gun violence are more likely to grab the spotlight than the everyday scourge of gun-related killings. And certainly, the shooting of three (and stabbing of three others) by the 22-year-old son of a Hollywood director who happened to leave a dark, depressing trail of self-made YouTube videos qualifies as high-profile. But instances such as the one at UC Santa Barbara are rare in respect to gun-related homicides. In fact, FBI data shows that there were 900 people who died in mass shootings from 2006 through 2012. By contrast, firearms were used in 11,078 homicides in 2010 alone, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And for those on the frontline of the gun control debate, it's a bit of a head-scratcher as to how the press tends to cover instances of violence. "There's a grim calculus in the heads of journalists about what makes a shooting newsworthy," said Mark Glaze, executive director of the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety. "The total number killed and injured tends to be variable one. The role of young people as perpetrators or victims is a close number two." Glaze argued that press coverage was actually becoming more comprehensive, with reporters "actually paying more attention to the 33 daily gun murders in America than they did five or 10 years ago." That may be true. But, unlike with Rodger's killing spree, there was no national news coverage for the killings in New Orleans. Indeed, unless the shooting involved an athlete or a TV star, the only media that covered gun-related killings the week before Rodger took up arms was in the communities affected. Below are the local stories that The Huffington Post found from the week prior to Rodger's rampage. Alabama:
Setup the local Azure IoT Edge development container - SchwabenCode.com | Benjamin Abt About Me Contact Me SchwabenCode by Benjamin Abt Performance is a feature | Cloud - Azure - .NET - Sustainability Home Projects Setup the local Azure IoT Edge development container 17 February 2020 Setup the local Azure IoT Edge development container Azure | Azure IoT | Azure IoT Edge Azure IoT Edge as a product is in principle not just a simple application or a simple container, but is actually more of a runtime for an ecosystem on a device. For this reason there is not just an Azure IoT Edge Container, but a special container that also offers development runtimes. At present - February 2020 - these are the following: Docker .NET Core SDK Python Pip Azure CLI Azure CLI IoT extension Cookiecutter Node.js Yeoman Azure IoT Edge Node.js module template OpenJDK Maven Git To simplify the development you can simply use Docker for Desktop with the Azure IoT Edge development container. The development container contains all other components of the regular IoT Edge, including the IoT Edge Agent for executing your own modules, the IoT Edge Runtime itself and the IoT Edge Demon for starting the entire runtime. If necessary, you could also create your own images based on this image, but these should only be used for development. Download Azure IoT Edge Development Image The Azure IoT Edge development container is publicly available on the Docker Hub and can be downloaded with a simple pull command. However, please note the current size of almost 4 gigabytes! C:\Users\Ben> docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE microsoft/iotedgedev latest 54eb77dd8859 4 weeks ago 3.84GB Hint right now there are two different repositories: mcr.microsoft.com/iotedge/iotedgedev and microsoft/iotedgedev. The images are basically identical (including the Image Id), but the recommended repository is microsoft/iotedgedev. Create Azure IoT Edge Development Container In principle, the image can be easily downloaded via docker pull or directly when creating the container, if it is not already available locally. In any case, it is recommended to create the container with a name, so that later handling with starting and stopping is easier. The first thing to do is to create an extra folder on the local machine. This folder is assigned to the container via Docker Volume Mapping. This folder will later contain the Azure IoT Edge Solution Files, among others. mkdir C:\temp\iotedge Now the container can be created together with a name. If the image was already downloaded, this is a matter of less than a second. Otherwise it takes a moment until the 4 gigabytes for the image are downloaded. docker run --name myiotedgedev -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v C:\temp\iotedge:/home/iotedge microsoft/iotedgedev C:\Users\Ben> docker run --name myiotedgedev -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v C:\temp\iotedge:/home/iotedge microsoft/iotedgedev [email protected]:/home/iotedge$ Your container is now started and you have entered the interactive mode of your container. To leave the interactive mode, just use CTRL+D or enter exit. If you leave the interactive mode, your container will shotdown. To leave the interactive mode without shuting down the container, use CTRL+P and CTRL+Q. Init The container is now still unconfigured. However, the container provides a wizard that takes care of the complete initialization of the Azure IoT Edge environment for development. This requires an Azure Subscription, which must be placed in the container. The wizard then guides you through the creation of the Resource Group, IoT Hub and finally the registration as IoT Edge Device. The initialization process places various files in the previously created folder. To start the initialization you have to enter the following: iotedgedev init [email protected]:/home/iotedge$ iotedgedev init
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Lob City. Lob Angeles. We get it. It’s the all-above-the-rim, all-the-time excitement about the Los Angeles Clippers, driven by consummate point guard Chris Paul and eminent throwdown finishers Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan. But the No. 1 alley-oopingest team through Wednesday’s schedule plays on the opposite coast, in a town and building whose basketball traditions have been a lot less gaudy and a lot more fundamental. Back in the day, anyway. The New York Knicks have the most successful alley-oop dunk plays with 20. Center Tyson Chandler tops all individuals with 12, according to my anonymous stats guru/compiler. The Clippers and their Staples Center roomies, the Lakers, are tied for second with 18 such plays. Miami (15), Washington (13), Minnesota (12) and Atlanta and Portland (10 each) line up after that. Individually, the Clippers’ Jordan is second with 11 finishes. Miami’s LeBron James and Washington’s JaVale McGee have 10 each, Portland’s LaMarcus Aldridge and Lakers big man Andrew Bynum are next at seven and Griffin is tied with Charlotte’s Byron Mullens with six of them. For every oop, of course, there has to be an alley. But Paul hasn’t yet cracked the top five among set-up men. The leader at the front end of the highlight play is Minnesota’s Ricky Rubio with 11. The next four are all tied with nine: New York’s Carmelo Anthony, Charlotte’s D.J. Augustin, Toronto’s Jose Calderon and Miami’s Norris Cole. Speaking of Rubio, the Timberwolves’ rookie also ranks high in a few other “intangibles” categories. He has assisted on 42 3-point field goals, second in the NBA only to New Jersey’s Deron Williams (53). He has drawn eight charges, second to Sacramento’s DeMarcus Cousins (10). And Rubio and Cousins are tied at 14 for offensive fouls drawn overall. And for what it’s worth, according to Basketball-Reference.com, there never has been a stats line quite like the one Rubio hung on the Detroit Pistons Wednesday night (thanks to the folks at Wolves’ blog CanisHoopus.com). Category: HT News / Tags: , Andrew Bynum, Blake Griffin, Byron Mullens, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, D.J. Augustin, DeAndre Jordan, DeMarcus Cousins, Deron Williams, JaVale McGee, Jose Calderon, LaMarcus Aldridge, LeBron James, Norris Cole, Ricky Rubio, Steve Aschburner, Tyson Chandler / 28 Comments on Lob City No. 1 In Alley-Oops? Think Again /
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Get the biggest daily stories by email Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email A 29-stone “martial arts expert” who attacked workmen because they unsettled his pet snake could soon be evicted. Christopher Lee lashed out at contractors trying to upgrade his kitchen and bathroom because they dared to wear baseball caps next to his Buddha statue, an action he deemed offensive. The 37-year-old from Allerton was under orders to behave since regularly abusing staff, but has possibly thrown away his last chance by this time refusing entry to gas safety experts needing to check his meter at his Liverpool home. On one occasion Lee ejected workers because they offended him by calling him “mate” and his partner “love”. Workmen became so frightened they had to form a human chain to stop unemployed Lee attacking them. Aggressive Lee, who is known for constantly interrupting previous civil court hearings in Liverpool with torrents of abuse and regular swearing episodes aimed at the bench, failed to attend a new appearance on Thursday. It was heard how, along with barring gas contractors, he has carried on abusing Liverpool Mutual Homes staff, who own his property. The case was adjourned for a month while experts assess if he has any mental health problems. He has previously complained of having gout. Last time at court, when told he could be arrested, he shouted: “There’s no point sending hairy-***ed coppers round!” Lee added: “You’re going to need the 22 Squadron!” His girlfriend Nicola Coghlan admitted: “His vocabulary can be quite raw at times”. In February last year, the court instructed the trained fighter to pay costs of £4,805 – which he refused to cough up. He was banned from being at home when workmen came to repair his property.
Demonstrators gather at Monument Circle to protest a controversial religious freedom bill recently signed by Governor Mike Pence, during a rally in Indianapolis March 28, 2015. REUTERS/Nate Chute The rainbow flag, a symbol of gay rights, flies prominently on the Visit Indy website and Indiana’s Republican Governor Mike Pence personally phoned the head of a Seattle company that gathers 56,000 gaming nerds in the heartland each year. These are just some of the signs that Indianapolis, a corn belt city of 850,000 with a $4.4 billion tourism industry, has gone into full-on damage control to make sure its growing convention business is not harmed by a national uproar over a religious bill that Pence signed into law last week. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act – which to some meant religious freedom and to others a license to discriminate – was modified on Thursday by Indiana lawmakers to clarify that businesses cannot deny service to gays and lesbians. Pence signed the clarified law on Thursday, soon after his Arkansas counterpart, Governor Asa Hutchinson, signed a modified version of a similar bill in his state. With tens of thousands of basketball fans set to attend the NCAA Final Four men’s college tournament in Indianapolis this weekend – and Indy’s car-racing industry also expressing concerns over the law – tourism leaders were eager for a quick fix. “We have been working around the clock in crisis mode because the perception of Indy being unwelcoming has been everywhere,” said Chris Gahl, vice president of communications at Visit Indy, the marketing arm for Indianapolis, the state’s capital and largest city. Gahl said the group is “working feverishly” on the phone with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union and with Christian church Disciples of Christ to make sure they do not carry through with plans to cancel meetings in the city, which has built new hotels and expanded its convention center as tourism booms. But the biggest convention of all is Gen Con, a meeting of a Seattle-based gamer group that says it has a $50 million annual impact on Indianapolis. During Gen Con’s annual meeting, attendees gather at tables and computer screens for round-the-clock role-playing games such as Pathfinder or Dungeons & Dragons, trading card games, video and computer games, miniatures and board games. “We’ve been on the phone with them every day, reassuring them we are doing everything we can as a city to oppose the bill and ensure their executives and attendees they will be welcome,” said Gahl. “A significant portion of Gen Con attendees identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, and we are reading that some members of our community feel unsafe traveling to Indiana,” Gen Con Chief Executive Adrian Swartout wrote in an open letter to attendees, after Governor Pence phoned her on Monday. Gen Con had said it was halting plans for expanding its yearly convention until the RFRA was amended. RAINBOW FLAG The day before Pence signed the original RFRA last week, Visit Indy moved the rainbow flag up to the top of its website, said Gahl. The entity has been actively marketing to the gay community for five years, he said. Tourism in Indianapolis grown to $4.4 billion in the past eight years from $3.4 billion, and added 10,000 new jobs, for a total of 65,000 full-time jobs. Some 26 million visitors came to the city last year, up from 22 million in 2006, according to Visit Indy. Global corporations such as pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly and Wal-Mart Storeswere among businesses that pressured Pence to modify or repeal the law. (Reporting by Fiona Ortiz in Chicago; Editing by Dan Grebler)
RBL 3450708 Jumper Black – Cordelia James Skip to content Just added to your cart Qty: View cart () Continue shopping Submit Close search Home Clothing New Arrivals Coats & Jackets Coats Jackets Dresses Jumpers & Cardigans Cardigans Jumpers Sweaters & Hoodies Jumpsuits & Playsuits Jumpsuits Playsuits Kaftans & Kimonos Skirts Tops T-Shirts Shirts & Blouses Trousers & Shorts Jeans Shorts Lingerie & Nightwear Socks & Tights Waistcoats Accessories Bags All Bags Cross-Body Bags Bum Bags Clutch Bags Shoulder Bags Cosmetic Bags Bag Straps Purses Hats Gloves Lingerie Scarves Jewellery Necklaces Earrings Bracelets Belts Keyrings Shoes All Shoes Boots Slippers Trainers & Pumps Sandals Clogs Innersoles Brands Sale Search Log in Cart 0 items Home Clothing Clothing Menu Clothing New Arrivals Coats & Jackets Coats & Jackets Menu Coats & Jackets Coats Jackets Dresses Jumpers & Cardigans Jumpers & Cardigans Menu Jumpers & Cardigans Cardigans Jumpers Sweaters & Hoodies Jumpsuits & Playsuits Jumpsuits & Playsuits Menu Jumpsuits & Playsuits Jumpsuits Playsuits Kaftans & Kimonos Skirts Tops Tops Menu Tops T-Shirts Shirts & Blouses Trousers & Shorts Trousers & Shorts Menu Trousers & Shorts Jeans Shorts Lingerie & Nightwear Socks & Tights Waistcoats Accessories Accessories Menu Accessories Bags Bags Menu Bags All Bags Cross-Body Bags Bum Bags Clutch Bags Shoulder Bags Cosmetic Bags Bag Straps Purses Hats Gloves Lingerie Scarves Jewellery Jewellery Menu Jewellery Necklaces Earrings Bracelets Belts Keyrings Shoes Shoes Menu Shoes All Shoes Boots Slippers Trainers & Pumps Sandals Clogs Innersoles Brands Sale Previous slide Next slide RBL 3450708 Jumper Black Vendor Rundholz Black Label Regular price £169.99 Sale price £169.99 Regular price Sale Sold out Unit price /per Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout. Size S M S M - Sold out Quantity Error Quantity must be 1 or more Add to cart Adding product to your cart The jumper we all need this winter. With a chunky cowl neckline, long sleeves and an oversized swing shape, this piece can be styled with so many things. Super soft fabric. We love it styled with the teal and wine colours of Rundholz Black Label this season, or simply style it with your favourite pair of jeans. Model is 5'6", size 10-12 and wears a size Small Composition: 48% Wool, 28% Viscose, 21% Polyamide, 3% Elastane Washing: Machine was at 30 Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it Pin on Pinterest Cordelia James About Us Contact Us Careers As Seen In Blog Customer Service Shipping Returns Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Stores Hawkhurst Rye Lewes Sign Up To Our Newsletter To Receive Updates & Exclusive Offers Subscribe Payment methods American Express Apple Pay Diners Club Discover Google Pay Maestro Mastercard Shop Pay Visa Facebook Instagram Payment methods American Express Apple Pay Diners Club Discover Google Pay Maestro Mastercard Shop Pay Visa © 2022, Cordelia James Powered by Shopify Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection.
2013 was another momentous year in politics and elections around the world, and my usual Top 10 post reviewing the year’s ten most significant election while offer a retrospective on the political and electoral year which passed. If there is one country, however, where 2013 has proven to be an exceptionally consequential and memorable year as far as politics are concerned, that would need to be Italy. At this time last year, it was clear that 2013 would be a memorable year in Italian politics. But, in true Italian style, what has transpired politically in Italy in the past twelve months has been incredible and obviously of deep consequence for the future of Italian politics. It all began with legislative elections on February 24-25. The expectation prior to the vote was that the centre-left coalition by Pier Luigi Bersani, the colourless leader of the Democratic Party (Partito Democratico, PD) – Italy’s largest centre-left party – would be able to form a relatively stable government, probably with the added support of a centrist/centre-right coalition led by Mario Monti, the economist and former EU Commissioner who was serving as Italy’s technocratic Prime Minister for a year. Things, however, didn’t quite play out that way. Silvio Berlusconi, the histrionic business magnate at the centre of Italian politics since 1994, did better than anybody expected, coming within 0.3% of winning the election (in the lower house). To make matters even worse, the Five Star Movement (MoVimento Cinque Stelle, M5S), a virulently anti-establishment party led by charismatic (demagogic?) comedian Beppe Grillo, won 25.6% of the vote and became the single largest party. Because of Italy’s notoriously horrible electoral law, Bersani’s coalition won an absolute majority in the lower house – the Chamber of Deputies – by virtue of having won the most votes nationally and being entitled to a majority bonus granting the largest coalition an absolute majority. But since the Senate has such bonuses apply only regionally, Bersani’s coalition fell short of an absolute majority in the upper house – with 123 seats to Berlusconi’s 117 and Grillo’s 54. Italy is a parliamentary republic with ‘perfect bicameralism’, which means that a government needs the confidence of both houses to remain in power. Therefore, it became clear that Bersani wouldn’t be able to form government (with the confidence of the Senate) lest he either swallowed the left’s entire raison-d’etre since 1994 by forming a coalition with Berlusconi or convincing parts of Grillo’s ragtag and inexperienced caucus of allying with him in a short-term minority government. Bersani was principled enough to choose the latter option, desperately trying to convince the Grillists to back him in a stopgap coalition committed to constitutional, electoral and political reform. By March, however, it had become clear that Bersani had failed. Beppe Grillo, the fiery and demagogic comedian who leads the very theatrical M5S from his blog rather than Parliament, is an uncompromising foe of the entire Italian political system, institutions and politicians – they’re all rotten to the bone, he insists. Grillo and his éminence grise Gianroberto Casaleggio also understand that agreeing to collaboration with an old timer like Bersani and the traditional parties would be suicidal for a new and fragile movement whose support lies heavily on Grillo’s populist rhetoric against a corrupt political elite (it’s often hard to take issue with what he rants on, given the legendary corruption, incompetence and vanity of the Italian political elite). Therefore, Grillo effectively blocked his 109 deputies and 54 senators from giving in to the temptation of siding with Bersani. In April, to complicate matters further, parliamentarians and regional delegates were called to elect the President – a largely ceremonial role, but one of significance in the government formation process. Bersani, who had up until that point done the best he could in a nightmarish situation, did like the Italian left usually does – shoot itself in the foot. Bersani reached an agreement with Berlusconi and the centre on a common candidate for the first ballot, on April 18 – Franco Marini, an 80-year old former Christian democratic trade unionist. The deal with Berlusconi, which seemed to be reneging all of the PD’s campaign and post-electoral behaviour, incensed many on the left and within the PD. Left Ecology Freedom (Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, SEL), a small ecosocialist leftist party led by Nichi Vendola and Bersani’s junior ally in February, broke with the PD and backed Stefano Rodotà, a respected former jurist and Communist nominated by Grillo’s M5S. Within the PD itself, Bersani’s strongest rival, the young and centrist mayor of Florence Matteo Renzi, who had been defeated by Bersani in a 2012 primary for the prime ministerial candidacy, decried Marini’s pick. Marini fell far short of the 672 votes required to win on the first ballot, largely due to defections on the left from Renzi’s supporters. After two more inconclusive ballots, the PD (including Renzi) and the SEL agreed to support Romano Prodi, a respected former centre-left Prime Minister. Prodi only required an absolute rather than two-thirds majority to win by this point, but he won only 395 votes – short of the 504 needed to win. It is largely believed that Prodi’s nomination was part of a dirty ploy engineered by Massimo D’Alema, a former Prime Minister and a leading factional leader on the PD’s left (who had backed Bersani in 2009 and 2012). D’Alema comes from the party’s ‘left’ (former members of the Italian Communist Party), like Bersani, but in reality he is a centrist who has long been willing to compromise with Berlusconi and the centrist parties (with disastrous consequences for the party). Renzi might also have been behind the Prodi ploy. In any event, the trick worked, and Bersani resigned the leadership. On April 20, the leading politicians from all parties (except the M5S) agreed on an unprecedented last-ditch exit route from the crisis. The incumbent President, 88-year old Giorgio Napolitano, who was due to retire as all of his predecessors had done after one term, agreed to run for reelection as a solution to the crisis. Napolitano was reelected on the sixth ballot with a huge majority. Napolitano’s condition in exchange for agreeing to serve a second term was the formation of a grand coalition government between the left and right. On April 24, Napolitano nominated Enrico Letta, a relatively youthful (47) politician from the PD’s centrist (ex-Christian Democrat, DC) wing but a former Bersani ally. Letta formed a government backed by his own PD, Berlusconi’s PdL, Mario Monti’s Civic Choice (Scelta Civica, SC) and independents. On April 28, he was sworn in with his ministers. Angelino Alfano, still seen as Berlusconi’s dauphin, became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior and the PdL had four other ministers (Infrastructure and Transports; Health; Agriculture, Food and Forestry; Constitutional Reforms). The PD was well represented, but like with the PdL few – if any – leading party figures joined the cabinet. Major portfolios went to fairly independent personalities – the former EU Commissioner and Radical politician Emma Bonino as foreign minister, the director general of the Bank of Italy Fabrizio Saccomanni as finance minister, Monti’s former interior minister Annamaria Cancellieri as justice minister and Mario Mauro, a PdL dissident who joined Monti’s party, as defense minister. On the right, the Lega Nord – Berlusconi’s ally in the elections – went into opposition, as did the SEL. The most vocal opposition came from the M5S, with Grillo as fiery as ever in opposition to Letta’s government. Grillo denounced the creation of the government as a coup d’état and kept calling Parliament a degenerate institution. Berlusconi had little commitment to Letta’s cabinet from the get-go, being largely preoccupied with his own political and personal interests. He understood that he was holding Letta’s government by the balls; as long as the government served his interests, he would grudgingly tolerate it (but wanting to have the cake and eat it, criticize it at the same time) but if the government started being inconvenient, Berlusconi would start huffing and puffing. Even the PD had little deep commitment to Letta’s government. Renzi was hardly enamoured by Letta’s government, and most of the party was busily preparing for the leadership elections in which Renzi was the runaway favourite. In June, even the mild-mannered and gentlemanly Monti threatened to pull his (weak) party out of the coalition unless it became bolder and more unified. Letta’s objective, for the time being, was largely restoring investor and foreign confidence in Italy and managing the economy – mired in recession for months on end. On this front, he was relatively successfully, although vulnerable to Berlusconi’s huffing and puffing. Italy has been badly hurt by the economic recession, the result of a variety of structural and political factors among which is years of economic mismanagement by Berlusconi’s governments. After the emergency austerity measures adopted by Monti’s technocratic government between 2011 and 2012, Italian policy-makers have tried to reorient economic and fiscal policies in a ‘pro-growth’ and ‘pro-jobs’ direction. The public’s mood, with the economy in recession since the fourth quarter of 2011 and unemployment at 12.5% in October 2013, is obviously quite testy and tired of austerity policies. The economic crisis also created a new wave of deep-seated anger at the political elites (la casta), described by populists with Grillo – often with good reason – as parasites of no use who leech on hardworking taxpayers to serve their narrow personal interests. Monti’s reformist government began taking on vested interests and lobbies in ‘closed’ economic sectors (pharmacists, taxies), Grillo’s campaign focused much of its fire and vitriol on ‘parasitical’ politicians (all rotten, he insisted). Even Berlusconi, the political chameleon he is, was able – with some success – to recycle populist rhetoric aimed at politicians and judges. The government promised to cut employers’ welfare contributions, tax breaks for energy-saving home improvements, expand a guarantee fund for small and medium enterprises and it said it would consider benefits for families and children. Once in office, the government sped up payments of €40 billion in public administration debts, approved tax incentives for employers to employ young workers and began working on a privatization program. For some, Letta’s government has been insufficiently bold in tackling vested interests and promoting competition, largely because both the PdL and PD are tied to special interests and have little interest in disturbing that. Berlusconi’s main interest as far as economics went was to get the IMU, an unpopular property tax introduced by Monti (with PdL support), scrapped as he had flamboyantly promised in the election. Letta’s government gave in, knowing that Berlusconi would bring down the government if he didn’t. The IMU on primary residences will be abolished. The government faced its first major test in May-July. In late May, a police operation unceremoniously arrested Alma Shalabayeva, the wife of an exiled Kazakh political dissident (who lives in the UK) and her six-year old daughter. 72 hours later, the Italian authorities handed them over to Kazakh government, who had a plane waiting in Rome to take her to face an uncertain fate in Kazakhstan. Alfano, as interior minister, denied knowledge of the operation. His denial might have been more plausible if Berlusconi didn’t entertain a close and friendly relation with Kazakhstan’s authoritarian president, Nursultan Nazarbayev and if Italy’s main oil firm (ENI) didn’t have a 17% stake in a Kazakh oil field. On May 28, the Kazakh ambassador had apparently met with Alfano’s chief of staff at the interior ministry to demand Alma Shalabayeva’s arrest and deportation. The Kazakh expulsion created a political firestorm in Rome which threatened to bring down the government. Berlusconi and his party made it clear that the government would fall if Alfano got into any sort of trouble. The M5S and SEL, along with renziani PD parliamentarians demanded Alfano’s resignation. In July, the M5S and SEL senatorial caucuses tabled a motion of no-confidence in the interior minister, which was rejected by the Senate a few days later. Berlusconi’s threats paid off – the PD, minus a few renziani senators who excused themselves, joined the PdL, SC and minor right-wing groups in voting against the M5S-SEL motion. Alfano ultimately got a slap on the wrist. Letta was hardly any tougher on other politicians who got caught up in nasty business. Roberto Calderoli, a Lega Nord senator (and one of the vice presidents of the Senate), said that Congolese-born integration minister Cécile Kyenge made him think of an orangutan. Calderoli, who has a knack for comments of the kind, defended himself saying that he intended no racism and only said it because ‘he loves animals’ (and apparently sees animals in all cabinet ministers!); many called on him to resign, but the government seemingly let the matter slide away without a ruckus, although Calderoli may face charges. Annamaria Cancellieri, the non-partisan justice minister, was accused in November 2013 of intervening on the correctional services office to release the daughter of Salvatore Ligresti, a corrupt entrepreneur who is a friend of the minister. The government reiterated its confidence in Cancellieri, and the governing parties all voted against a M5S no-confidence motion in the Chamber of Deputies. In the meantime, attention turned to Berlusconi’s judicial travails. Il cavaliere‘s innumerable run-ins with the law is nothing new; the business magnate has been indicted on charges of tax fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, bribery, false accounting, violation of antitrust laws, libel, defamation and under-age prostitution. However, until August 2013, Berlusconi had never been convicted of anything – he was acquitted, cases dragged on exceeding the statute of limitations, he saved his own skin by aptly passing amnesty laws or he changed the law to legalize the alleged offences. The French newspaper Le Monde has an excellent infographic detailing Berlusconi’s various cases. Il cavaliere‘s luck with the Italian judicial process, often derided for its lengthiness, ran out this year. In October 2012, an appeals court in Milan confirmed a lower court judgement in late 2012 which had found Berlusconi guilty in the ‘Mediaset’ case, where he and his media giant company (Mediaset; the haven of badly-dubbed Extreme Makeover Home Edition reruns) were accused of tax evasion and tax fraud for illicit trade (and false accounting) of movie rights between Mediaset and secret fictive foreign companies in tax havens. The appeals court sentenced him to four years in prison and a five-year ban from holding public office. Berlusconi appealed the case to the Court of Cassation, Italy’s highest appeals court. Much to Berlusconi’s chagrin, the Court of Cassation proved exceptionally quick at issuing a decision on the case – on August 1. The court confirmed the lower courts’ verdict, with a four year prison sentence but asked the Milanese appeals court to review the length of the ban from public office. A 2006 amnesty law, ironically voted by the left to reduce prison overcrowding, automatically reduced Berlusconi’s jail sentence to one year and since he is over 70 and not a repeat offender, he will not serve any jail time: he was given a choice between house arrest or community service, opting for the former. On June 24, a penal court in Milan had found Berlusconi guilty of child prostitution and abuse of power in the world-famous Rubygate case, where Berlusconi is accused of paying for sex with nightclub dancer Karima El Mahroug, who was a minor at the time (in 2010) and abusing his powers to have her released from police detention in 2010 (on the pretext that she was Hosni Mubarak’s niece). The court sentenced Berlusconi to seven years in prison and a lifetime ban from public office, but he will appeal the decision. Berlusconi is still involved in three other ongoing cases. A trial on the bribery of a centre-left senator in 2006 to topple Prodi’s government will open next year; in March 2013, he was sentenced to a year in jail in the ‘Unipol’ case (confidential wiretaps by Il Giornale, a newspaper owned by Berlusconi’s brother, on conversations between a former Governor of the Bank of Italy and a centre-left politician); the Constitutional Court is set to rule on a defamation case concerning Antonio Di Pietro, a former magistrate (famous for his corruption-busting work during the 1990s Mani Pulite operations) and the former leader of the Italia dei Valori (IdV) party. Berlusconi, in 2008, had accused Di Pietro of obtaining his degree only with the complicity of the secret services. In 2010, a court in Viterbo acquitted Berlusconi because parliamentary immunity bans any prosecution against words spoken in the exercise of a parliamentary mandate; however, a higher court overturned the decision in 2012. The Legge Severino, adopted in December 2012 by the Monti government with the support of all major parties (including the PdL), bans any politician convicted to over two years’ imprisonment from holding or running for public office for six years. This law superseded the October 2013 judgement of the Milanese appeals court, which has shortened Berlusconi’s ban from public office to two years. With the prospect of Berlusconi being expelled by the Senate (but his colleagues would need to vote on the matter first), Italian politics for all of August and September were largely dominated by Berlusconi’s fate. Undeterred, Berlusconi and his camarilla argued that he was the target of a political witch-hunt – in which the culprits were the same as in the past: left-wing ‘red’ judges. In a country where decades of Red Scare rhetoric by the Democrazia Cristiana (DC) have created a right-wing base receptive to anticommunism and allegations of communist plots against a tireless defender of Italy, Berlusconi still appeals to a large number of Italians (but, we shouldn’t fall into the usual trap of deriding the bulk of Italian voters as ‘dumb’ – the Berlusconian right won less than 30% in 2013). In his usual theatrical (and often comedic) style, Berlusconi complained that he was unable to sleep, that he had lost 11kg, that he was psychologically tormented and that his children felt like Jews under Hitler. Berlusconi’s supporters pleaded that their leader be granted agilità politica (‘political freedom’). President Napolitano and Prime Minister Letta were faced with the hot potato issue of pardoning Berlusconi. While Letta knew that he was taking a political risk in holding firm, he – and the PD – also knew that doing so would be political suicide for the centre-left. Berlusconi challenged the Legge Severino, arguing that it was not retroactive (and, by extension, he couldn’t be expelled by the law since his crimes were committed before 2012) and is challenging the issue to the European Court of Human Rights. Politically undeterred, Berlusconi simultaneously announced that the PdL, the party which he had founded in 2008, would be folding and that Forza Italia, his original party when he entered politics in 1994, would return. Rome, Milan and some other Italian cities were plastered with posters of Berlusconi rallies reading ancora in campo per l’Italia (‘still in the field for Italy’); while planes with ‘Forza Italia Forza Silvio’ banners flew over beaches during Ferragosto, Italy’s second most popular holiday in which the swelteringly hot cities are emptied by Italians heading to the beach. Some of Berlusconi’s closest supporters began floating the possibility of a dynastic succession, in the person of Marina Berlusconi, the cavaliere‘s eldest daughter and chairman of her father’s Fininvest holding firm. She showed little interest, and the dynastic implications annoyed some politicians in Berlusconi’s party. Hitherto united in public, the PdL/Forza Italia began showing public cracks in September 2013. While a Senate committee, in which the PD and M5S held a majority of the seats, began debating Berlusconi’s expulsion (decadenza in Italian, because Italian is such an awesome language) under the Legge Severino, Berlusconi started huffing and puffing again. On September 28, Berlusconi ordered his cabinet ministers to resign from Letta’s cabinet. The pretext was the government’s decision to raise the VAT (IVA) by 1%, but nearly everybody saw through that – the real reason was that Berlusconi was threatening to pull the plug on Letta (and plunge Italy into another political crisis) over his judicial travails and Napolitano/Letta’s unwillingness to pardon him or delay the expulsion debate. Feeling that Berlusconi might be bluffing, Letta asked for a confidence vote on October 2. Berlusconi had been breathing fire in the run-up to the vote, threatening to vote against the government. However, on October 2 in the Senate, Berlusconi gave a speech critical of the government but one which ended by announcing he would vote confidence (fiducia), such a astonishing twist that many initially taught he misspoke (the word for distrust or no confidence is one letter away, sfiducia). The PdL joined the PD, SC, Union of the Centre (UDC) and minor government allies in voting for Letta, who won the Senate’s confidence easily 235 to 70 (M5S, SEL, Lega). Was Berlusconi bluffing all along? It appears he twisted and turned in agonizing indecision, facing an extremely rare internal revolt. Indeed, all but one of the PdL ministers – who obeyed Berlusconi’s original order – shortly thereafter said it was perhaps a bad decision. One of them was Alfano, who led the doves (colombes) in the PdL – moderates (ex-DC and ex-Socialists) and ministers who placed political stability over Berlusconi’s personal interests. The doves faced the hawks (falchi) and loyalists (lealisti), hardline supporters of Berlusconi who came from the party’s right-wing liberals (Giancarlo Galan, Daniele Capezzone), hard-right (Daniela Santanchè) or camarilla (Raffaele Fitto, Mara Carfagna, Renata Polverini). The hawks-loyalists lost, the doves won and Berlusconi, to save face at the last minute, went with them. It was a shocking twist from Alfano, a Sicilian Christian democrat who had been a subservient justice minister between 2008 and 2011 (passing laws to save his boss from prosecution) and been groomed as Berlusconi’s loyal successor and political ‘son’ (despite Berlusconi publicly insulting him). On October 4, the Senate committee voted to recommend Berlusconi’s expulsion, sending the matter to the Senate as a whole. The PdL demanded that the vote be held with a secret ballot, a prospect which worried Berlusconi’s opponents – given that it would probably mean that he would try to secretly bribe centre-left lawmakers as he had in the past, but there was also a rumour that the M5S would like a secret vote to secretly vote against Berlusconi’s expulsion to reinforce their ‘plague on both your houses’ rhetoric. On October 30, the rules committee asked for a public vote. Still undeterred, Berlusconi pressed on with the transformation of the PdL into Forza Italia. On November 16, Berlusconi dissolved the PdL into a new Forza Italia. However, one day prior, the ‘doves’ led by Angelino Alfano announced that they would not dissolve into Forza Italia and formed their own party, the New Centre-Right (Nuovo Centrodestra, NCD). The NCD includes all five centre-right ministers in the Letta government, the former Lombardian regional president Roberto Formigoni and his allies, members of the Catholic lay movement Comunione e Liberazione, former members of the DC who joined the centre-right from various post-DC Christian democratic parties (Carlo Giovannardi, in the UDC until 2008), former members of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), Renato Schifani – the former President of the Senate and architect of an unconstitutional immunity law in 2004 and the incumbent regional president of Calabria Giuseppe Scopelliti. All in all, Berlusconi’s Forza Italia – reduced to the hawks, loyalists and ‘mediators’ (moderates such as Renato Brunetta, supporters of party unity) – has 67 deputies and 60 deputies, against 29 and 31 respectively for the NCD. On November 26, as the government was preparing to pass the 2014 budget, Forza Italia withdrew its support from the government and, the next day, voted against the budget which nevertheless passed the Senate 162 to 115, with the NCD’s support. That same day, the Senate finally voted on Berlusconi’s decadenza under the Legge Severino by public ballot. Berlusconi’s supporters, symbolically dressed in black in the Senate or rallied in front of Berlusconi’s Roman residence, desperately tried to delay the vote or have it held by secret ballot. Berlusconi warned the PD and M5S senators from voting against him, so that they were not later “ashamed in front of their children”, he also insisted on a re-trial, claiming new evidence and witnesses. All to no avail, as the Senate voted 192 to 113 to expel Berlusconi from their ranks. The PD, M5S, SEL, SC, UDC and two small centre-left groups voted in favour, while Forza Italia, the Lega Nord, the NCD and a centre-right autonomist group voted against. The NCD in doing so signaled that their split was not as much against Berlusconi himself as against Berlusconi’s political strategy, which makes the Alfano dissidence different from Gianfranco Fini’s very public split with his former ally in 2010. Indeed, Alfano said that he was still Berlusconian – but “in a different way”. To top off a year of shocking twists and turns, the Constitutional Court ruled, on December 4, that two key parts of the electoral law were unconstitutional. The Italian electoral law (known as the Legge Calderoli, or unofficially the legge porcellum – piglet law – or porcata – literally ‘shit’, as described by its own sponsor, Roberto Calderoli) was passed by Berlusconi’s government in 2005 in an unsuccessful attempt to save the right in the 2006 elections. The law, whose effects we witnessed in the February election, guarantee an absolute majority in the Chamber to whichever coalition wins the most votes nationally by granting them 340 seats (55%), even if said coalition wins only 29% as in 2013! In the Senate, however, the majority bonus is applied regionally (but three regions have no majority bonus) so there is no guarantee that the winning coalition will have an absolute majority in the Senate. This means that the winning coalition either lacks a majority in the Senate (2013), has so tenuous of a majority that it makes it vulnerable to any dissent within the often-fractious coalitions (2006) or the majority is strong but still vulnerable to large blocs of dissent within the coalition (in a landslide election like 2008). The Constitutional Court declared that the majority bonuses in both houses were unconstitutional and also ruled against the closed party lists, which prevent voters from indicating preferences for candidates on a party list. A new electoral law was already one of the government’s priorities, along with constitutional reform (to end with ‘perfect bicameralism’ and reduce the Senate’s powers); it will now need to actually deliver on a new electoral law. This will hardly be a cakewalk given that there is no agreement on what form the new system should take, and it is obvious that the parties will likely engage in horsetrading and concessions amongst themselves before agreeing on constitutional and electoral reform. It is likely that the new electoral system will include a large number of seats won in single-member districts. Many, like Matteo Renzi (but not Alfano), like a French electoral system, with two round voting and the propensity to create a two-party (or two-coalition?) system. However, in the absence of a political agreement, the most likely option might be a return to the Mattarellum in place between 1993 and 2005, in which 75% of members of both houses were elected by FPTP in single-member districts and the remaining 25% by forms of proportional representation, either compensatory or party-list votes. The system had led to backroom deals, horsetrading, small parties selling themselves to the highest bidder (and holding great power) and corrupt abuses of the obscure clauses of the law (decoy lists in 2001 to work around the party-list PR rules). What are voters thinking? The short answer: nobody knows, and politicians are in no hurry to find out. In national polls, the centre-right coalition (PdL/FI+Lega Nord+allies+NCD) have generally held small leads, confusingly ranging from statistically insignificant/tied to narrow but significant (4-6 pts) depending on the pollster (who, it must be pointed out, generally are terrible). The right opened up a narrow but significant lead from April to June-July, at which point the left closed the gap and it has, on the whole, been more or less tied between the right and left since. Within the coalitions, the PD has improved on its February result (25%) and now stands at 28-29% while Forza Italia, hurt by the NCD split, stands where the PdL stood in February – or a bit below (19-21%). The Lega Nord is stable at low levels of support (4-5%), the SEL peaked at nearly 6% (3% in February) between May and September but has since fallen to 3.5%. A grand coalition between left and right should have been a godsend for the M5S, but it hasn’t really been so. A new party in Parliament, with a caucus heavily made up of first-time, inexperienced novice politicians drawn from different social horizons and drawing on different political traditions and ideologies, it has had a tough time adapting to Parliament – especially how their leadership and many of the parliamentarians themselves consider the Parliament to be a corrupt and illegitimate institution which should, in a perfect world, be abolished and replaced by internet-based direct democracy. Despite the commitment to direct democracy and political revolution, the M5S isn’t a shining example of internal democracy. Beppe Grillo is an autocratic leader, who is rather intolerant of any dissent or criticism, and doesn’t hesitate to insult any critics – internal or external, politicians or journalists – with crude ad hominem attacks. Grillo just recently allowed his followers to go on TV, which he had until then boycotted. His angry followers often enthusiastically join Grillo’s countless attacks on his ‘enemies’ launched from his blogs. Two deputies and five senators have been expelled or voluntarily left the M5S caucus. In April, senator Marino Mastrangeli was expelled by members (in an internet vote) for having appeared on TV shows. In June, senator Adele Gambaro, who had held Grillo responsible for the M5S’ poor results in local elections, was expelled from the caucus after an internet vote. Gambaro, Mastrangeli and two other dissident M5S senators voted in favour of Letta’s cabinet in the Senate on October 2. Still, considering how diverse and inexperienced the M5S caucuses are, losing so few parliamentarians is a big feat. I compared the M5S to the Canadian Progressive Party from the 1920s in February, and while I still argue that the two parties share some similar traits (some of Grillo’s ideas remind me of the Ginger Group), the difference so far is that the M5S has been far more cohesive than the Progressives. The reason might be that the Progressives lacked a Beppe Grillo, a rabble-rousing populist politician who is also able to hold his crowd together. In polls, the M5S saw their support fall from 25-30% in the immediate aftermath of the election to 15-17% in July and since then back up to 20-23%. Basically, while some February voters are reconsidering their vote and may not vote for Grillo again, he remains a hugely influential player. The centre, which won 10.6% in February (Chamber of Deputies), has collapsed. Mario Monti lost control of his own party, the hastily-assembled and fractious SC, ended his short-lived political career in October and resigned from the SC. The SC has broken up, divided between liberals and Catholics. The liberals have taken control of the party, which led the Catholic/Christian democratic wing to split off and join forces with the Christian democratic party, the UDC. The SC group has 26 deputies and 8 senators left, down from 47 and 21 at the outset. The Catholics and UDC have formed their own group, Per l’Italia, with 20 deputies and 12 senators. In the polls, the SC has sunk from 8% in February to 1-2%, and the UDC has been stuck at 1.8%, what it won in the election. There were local elections in late May (earlier or later in two regions), the most significant race for mayor being in Rome. The centre-left won 19 out of 21 major cities, with an independent list winning one and the M5S only winning one city (Ragusa). The centre-right was defeated in Rome but also other historically right-wing places: Brescia, Treviso or Viterbo. In Rome, incumbent mayor Gianni Alemanno, a former neo-fascist who won a surprise victory in a traditionally left-leaning city (but one with a long history of high support for neo-fascist/post-fascist parties) in 2008, was defeated. His term had been marred by some patronage scandals and policy mishaps, and he was handily defeated by Ignazio Marino (PD), a centre-left senator and esteemed transplant surgeon. Marino won 42.6% against 30.3% for Alemanno in the first round, with the M5S candidate polling only 12.4% (Grillo had won 27% in Rome in February). In the second round, Marino won 63.9%. The centre-right – Lega included – usually did poorly, even in their northern and Sicilian bases. They lost cities such as Viterbo in the Lazio (which elected its first leftist mayor, the incumbent right-wing mayor winning only 37.1% in the runoff), Catania in Sicily (a former centre-left mayor returned by the first round) and Messina (where the PdL was out by the first round, with only 18.5%, and a narrow victory for a pacifist, environmentalist and anti-mafia activist against the PD in the runoff). In Treviso, held by the Lega Nord since 1994, the centre-left defeated Lega Nord candidate Giancarlo Gentilini, a two-term mayor between 1994 and 2003 known for his provocative xenophobic and homophobic stances. The left won 42.6% in the first round against 34.8% for Gentilini, and won with 55.5% in the runoff. The M5S did very poorly compared to its showing a few short months earlier, winning less than 10% in most cities and winning, at most, 15% of the vote. The party’s only success was in Ragusa, where the Grillo candidate placed second behind the PD in the first round, with 15.6%, and went on to win with 69.4% in the runoff. A regional election was held in Friuli-Venezia Giulia in April, one day after Napolitano’s reelection. Debora Serracchiani, a young PD MEP close to Renzi, narrowly defeated the centre-right incumbent, Renzo Tondo, with 39.4% against 39% in the presidential vote. The M5S won 19.2% when it had won 27% in February. In May, the special (French-speaking) autonomous region of the Aosta Valley held a regional election. Although Aostan politics form their own little world separate from Italian politics, there is some overlap. The M5S, which had still won 18.5% in February won only 6.5% while the PdL lost all four seats it held and won only 4.2%. The Trentino-Alto Adige region is its own unique world as well, because of the German-speaking majority in Alto Adige/Südtirol/South Tyrol and the strength of the autonomist centre-left, a regional election was held on October 27. The election in Alto Adige/Südtirol was interesting in its own right but of little relevance to Italy: the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP), the catch-all German party which has dominated the province since 1948, finally lost its 65-year old absolute majority on the provincial council, winning an all-time low of 45.7% of the vote. The main winners were the German right, in the form of Die Freiheitlichen (often described as a local variant of the FPÖ and separatist) who won 17.9% but also the Süd-Tiroler Freiheit (separatists demanding reunification with Austria) which increased its support from 5% to 7%. The Greens, one of the few (only?) pan-linguistic parties in the province, increased their support to 8.7%. The PD won 6.7%, roughly holding its ground, but the Italian right lost heavily – an alliance between Lega Nord and Forza Italia (competing as Forza Alto Adige) won only 2.5% and 1 seat, down from 10.4% in 2008. The M5S eked out one seat. In the Trentino province, the centre-left coalition led by Ugo Rossi from the Trentino Tyrolean Autonomist Party (PATT) won handily, taking 58.1% of the direct presidential vote against 19.3% for Diego Mosna, an independent businessman backed by centrists, liberals, centre-right and centre-left dissidents. Running separately, it was a massive disaster for Forza Italia/Forza Trentino, which won 4.3% in the presidential vote and 4.4% in the list vote, losing all 5 seats won by the PdL in 2008. They were surpassed by the Lega Nord, which won 6.6%, but also the M5S – whose 5.7% were still a far cry from the 21% it had won in February. A special regional election was held in Basilicata, a region in southern Italy, on November 17-18 after the PD president resigned following a corruption bust which saw members of his government and the leader of the opposition arrested for embezzlement. The PD candidate easily held the regional presidency, which has been held by the centre-left since 1995 (often in alliance with the centre), winning 59.6% of the presidential vote. SC senator Salvatore Di Maggio, in coalition with the PdL and UDC, won only 19.4% while the M5S won 13.2% (24.3% in February). In the list vote, the PdL suffered sharp loses, losing five seats and winning only 12.3% of the vote (19.4% in 2010) although the PD also lost ground, from 27.1% to 24.8%. Why are Italian voters handing the left large victories at the local level, but are still torn between the left and right nationally? Similarly, if the M5S is holding up relatively well from the general election, why are they being trounced in local elections? The most likely answer for the first question is that the centre-right is heavily dependent on Berlusconi, for better or for worse. Berlusconi is the right’s most famous, charismatic and likely popular leader and remains the glue which may hold a very fractious coalition together, although younger leaders such as Alfano or the Lega Nord mayor of Verona Flavio Tosi are knocking at the door. Berlusconi has little interest in local/regional elections and campaigned little for ‘his’ candidates in this year’s local elections. A similar explanation goes for Grillo, who is by far the M5S’ most charismatic and notable leader. His movement, however, still lacks grassroots at the local level and most of its candidates are no-namers who struggle to make an impact if Grillo is not playing an active role in their campaign. PD leadership The PD held a much-awaited leadership election on December 8, capping off a fascinating year in Italian politics. The obvious favourite was Matteo Renzi, the 38-year old reformist mayor of Florence, who had lost the 2012 prime ministerial primaries to Bersani. After the near-loss in February and Bersani’s disastrous handling of the presidential election, the PD elite and rank-and-file began reconsidering Renzi, who had cemented himself as Bersani’s heir apparent and strongest public critic. Matteo Renzi, unlike Bersani, comes from the Christian democratic tradition – while too young to have been in the First Republic’s DC, he began his political career in the centre-left Italian People’s Party (PPI), one of the DC’s successor and joined the PD from the Democracy is Freedom – The Daisy. Renzi made in name in politics, as president of the province of Florence between 2005 and 2009 and as mayor of Florence since 2009, as a ‘scrapper’ (rottamatore) who took on the political elites (within his own party) and reducing waste, mismanagement and the size of the local public administrations. Despite being only in his first time as mayor and fairly new to politics, like Barack Obama (to whom he is often compared, alongside Tony Blair), he has made a name for himself largely by being a competent municipal administrator and his populist/anti-establishment persona which is popular in Italy. In 2010, Renzi made a name for himself nationally by launching a reformist anti-elite movement within the PD (rottamazione senza incentivi) alongside two other young leaders, MEP Debora Serracchiani and Pippo Civati – who are more left-wing than the centrist Renzi. In November 2012, he ran against Bersani and SEL leader Nichi Vendola (and two minor candidates) for the prime ministerial candidacy of the centre-left, PD-led coalition in the 2013 elections. Renzi won 35.5% in the first round, about 10 points behind Bersani, and only won 39.1% in the runoff against Bersani, who received the backing of Nichi Vendola. Renzi was popular with some PD members, but his anti-establishment/anti-elite creed and his reformist ‘Third Way’ policy proposals challenging the centre-left’s traditional values worried some left-wing voters. As did, among others, a December 2010 meeting with Berlusconi and Berlusconi commenting that Renzi was adopting his ideas under the PD’s banner. Bersani, the establishment pick and more orthodox, was the safe bet at that time. Ideologically, Renzi is on the party’s right and challenges the traditional ‘dogma’ of the centre-left (which is nevertheless very moderate in practice). In 2012, Renzi proposed tax cuts for employees, a €100 increase in employees’ net salary paid for by a 15% cut in the costs of public administration, financial support and credit for SMEs, labour market flexibility (flexicurity) along the Scandinavian/Danish model, financial incentives for foreign investors, cracking down on tax evasion and civil unions for homosexual couples. A ‘straight-talker’, he also took strong stances against corruption – abolishing public subsidies to parties (abolished recently by Letta, responding to a M5S demand), reducing the number of parliamentarians, greater accountability of public officials to their constituent (he favours a French electoral system) and constitutional reform to reduce the Senate’s powers. He is often compared to (and accepts such comparisons himself) to Tony Blair and his New Labour. A good article by Spain’s El País newspaper emphasizes Renzi’s frankness, ‘what you see is what you get’ style – noting his public criticisms of the PD’s old guard, a public admission by Renzi himself that he doesn’t have an excellent relation with the unions, stinging criticism of Italy’s inefficient or mismanaged bureaucracy and a burning desire to promote entrepreneurship. Asked about his age, Renzi points out that ‘only in Italy is 38 still young’. He justifies his identification with the centre-left by saying that he’s a centre-leftist who “wants to do things”, and not one of those who don’t act and limit themselves to theories and internecine factional warfare. He promotes his record as mayor as his definition of ‘left-wing’ – environmentalist policies (limiting new buildings and preserving green spaces), gender parity in his administration (which now has more women than men), investments in new technologies, privatization of the public transit company, cutting the costs of public administration and promoting culture (late-night opening hours for museums). He is very critical of the old centre-left leadership for their ‘obsession’ with Berlusconi, saying that his objective is to get him to retire rather than send him to jail (that should be up to the courts, he says) and opposing him by doing the reforms which he (and the centre-left) failed to do. Although both he and Letta shared Christian democratic roots, both men have been on separate sides of recent factional battles (Letta was pro-Bersani) and Renzi is fairly critical of Letta’s government – not openly opposed to it, but less supportive than the outgoing PD leadership. Renzi has little interest in having Letta stay on for longer than is necessary, and can be expected to pressure Letta into doing what he promised to do but hasn’t done (yet) – tax cuts for working classes, fighting corruption and la casta and political reform. The PD’s members chose between four candidates in a preliminary vote in early November, with the top three moving on to the open primary on December 8. The open primary was free for PD members and non-members needed to contribute €2 to be able to vote. Besides Renzi, two other candidates qualified for the open primary: Gianni Cuperlo and Pippo Civati. Cuperlo, the oldest of the candidates (52), comes from the other tradition represented in the PD. He was the last national secretary of the Italian Communist Youth Federation between 1988 and 1990 and joined the post-communist/social democratic Democratic Party of the Left (PDS) and Democrats of the Left (DS). He has member a member of the Chamber of Deputies since 2006. Cuperlo was very much the ‘establishment’ or ‘old guard’ candidate, endorsed by the party’s so-called ‘left’ or ‘centre’ – mostly made up, like Bersani or D’Alema – of former Communists. That being said, considering the PD’s establishment to be particularly left-wing despite their opposition to Renzi’s heterodox views is erroneous. In reality, they remain moderate, inoffensive centre-leftists – as Prime Minister, D’Alema governed as a centrist, and Bersani’s 2013 had nothing radical or markedly leftist to it. Pippo Civati, 38 like Renzi, also comes from the party’s left, but representative of a newer generation opposed to the old guard (and sharing some of Renzi’s criticisms of the old guard) and with some liberal positions on economic issues. Civati, elected to the Chamber of Deputies only in February, stood out by emphasizing the need for a more left-wing oriented party, with close ties to Vendola’s SEL and openly supportive of an alliance with the M5S. Civati represented the PD in the ill-fated negotiations with the M5S, supported the M5S’ presidential candidate Stefano Rodotà and opposed the Letta government. Renzi was supported by his own core backers (renziani) and most of the liberal and Christian democratic factions of the party. As in 2012, he was supported by Walter Veltroni, the PD’s inaugural leader and 2008 PM candidate, who despite coming from the PCI is considered to be an ‘American liberal’ in the party and supports a big-tent party like the US Democrats. This year, Renzi was joined by ‘Areadem’, a centrist faction led by former PD leader Dario Franceschini (2009), who was defeated for the leadership by Bersani in 2009 but later joined forces with Bersani in 2010, breaking with Veltroni and the Christian democrats (I Popolari). Some supporters of Prime Minister Letta also backed Renzi. Cuperlo was supported by the traditional social democratic old guard of the party, made up of Bersani and D’Alema’s supporters (Cuperlo himself is a dalemiani) but also the so-called ‘Young Turks’, a faction of younger members (whose most famous name is Stefano Fassina) on the economic left of the party. Civati, a minor leader in the PD’s factional games, had little institutional or factional support. He was backed, among other names, by Laura Puppato, a new senator and environmentalist from Veneto, who had run in the 2012 primaries. According to YouTrend, the Bersaniani, Areadem and renziani are the three largest factions in the Parliament, and about 35% of the PD’s parliamentarians were considered to be bersaniani. In the vote for PD members, Renzi won only 45.34% against 39.44% for Cuperlo and 9.43% for Civati (another candidate, who was eliminated, won 5.8%). On December 8, 2.8 million voters turned out to vote in the open primaries – down from 3.1 million in the centre-left primaries in 2012 (first round) and also from the 2009 PD primaries in which 3.1 million had participated. The PD won 8.6 million votes in February. Matteo Renzi 67.55% Gianni Cuperlo 18.21% Pippo Civati 14.24% Without much suspense or surprise, Renzi handily won the open primaries against his two lesser-known opponents. While the members’ vote in November showed that a significant section of the PD’s rank-and-file membership was still fairly sceptical of Renzi, when the vote was opened to non-member sympathizers, Renzi won by a predictably massive margin. His support clearly broke through traditional factional strengths, and traditional ‘centrist’ or ‘rightist’ support within the PD. After the near-defeat of February 2013 (which was basically a defeat), the hot mess of April 2013, the humiliation of allying with the Berlusconian right in a grand coalition and the unpopularity of such an unnatural alliance of necessity with the PD’s rank-and-file, there was certainly widespread desire within the PD for a new leader, regardless of his ideological purity, who would give the PD some pride and shake up the political system. Renzi is expected to take a more critical stance vis-a-vis the Letta government, although it seems unlikely that he would precipitate its collapse in the short term. Geographically, Renzi won every region and – according to YouTrend – all but one province, losing only the inland Sicilian province of Enna to Cuperlo. Generally, Renzi’s lowest results came from southern Italy, including Sicily and much of Sardinia, while his best results – fairly naturally – came from his native Tuscany, although he was also strong throughout much of northern Italy. Renzi won 78.5% in Tuscany, and 79.6% in his province of Florence. His worst results were in Sardinia (56.4%), Basilicata (57.2%) and Calabria (57.8%). Southern Italian centre-left voters could be expected, I guess, to be more favourable to the establishment pick. Unnoticed by most, the Lega Nord held a leadership election on December 7. The historic leader of the party, Umberto Bossi, had been forced to resign from his leadership positions in April 2012 following a crazy scandal in which Bossi and his ‘magic circle’ were accused of embezzling the party’s public financing funds and using the money to pay Bossi’s son. The scandal badly hurt the party, which suffered major loses in the February election, and led to Bossi’s replacement by his rival and one-time deputy, Roberto Maroni. Although the Lega still allied (reluctantly and in return for juicy concessions) with Berlusconi in the last election, Maroni and his followers have tended to be far less supportive of the Lega’s traditional ties to the centre-right (Bossi strongly supported the alliance with Berlusconi in the last few years). The leadership battle opposed Umberto Bossi to Matteo Salvini, a MEP. Salvini was supported by Maroni. Salvini won in a landslide, 81.7% to Bossi’s mere 18.3%. The Łiga Vèneta, the Lega Nord’s branch in Veneto – the party’s second strongest region alongside Lombardy (where the national leadership is drawn from), is controlled by Flavio Tosi, the ambitious mayor of Verona and an ally of Maroni/Salvini’s line against Bossi, although more traditionally conservative. Tosi interpreted the Lega/LV’s poor result in February as the result of the alliance with the PdL. Salvini’s election signals a return to fundamentals for the Lega Nord: more independence from the centre-right, hardened ‘Padanian’ nationalism/separatism, strong anti-immigration stances and Euroscepticism (Salvini once decried the euro as a crime against humanity). 2013 will undoubtedly have been a significant year for Italian politics, which will have major repercussions on the future of Italian politics in the coming months and years. Merry Christmas to all readers! Advertisements
 Customer shocked to find mushroom packet packaged ahead of time! | Covaipost Download mobile app 24 Sep 2022, Edition - 2629, Saturday செய்திகள் தமிழில் Home Coimbatore Tamil Nadu India World Business Columns Contact Us E-paper Trending Now Covid 19: India reports 16,167 new cases and 41 deaths in last 24 hours SP leader’s car hit by truck, dragged for 500 metres in UP’s Breaking glass ceiling, CSIR gets first woman director general in N Kalaiselvi Travel Coimbatore Home Coimbatore Customer shocked to find mushroom packet packaged ahead of time! Covai Post Network October 19, 2017 A customer who purchased a packet of mushrooms from a supermarket today morning was surprised to find that it was packaged on Oct 23, four days from today. M Suresh, a Government School teacher here had bought a packet of mushrooms from Green Park Supermarket in Mettupalayam this morning. “When I opened the packet and checked the mushrooms they weren’t of good quality, that’s when I checked the date. It was printed 23.10.2017. Above the date it was also written that it was best before five days from packaging. Doubtful, I went back to the Super market and checked. A member of the super market told me that he would have to check with the distributor regarding this”, said Suresh. Suresh said that he then reached the distributor through phone and was told that the packaged date was fixed by the company and he could do nothing about it. “I then spoke to a person of the company over phone and they passed the buck on the distributor again they have nothing to do with it”, said an annoyed Suresh. Suresh said that this practice raises doubts regarding the company’s credibility and quality of the product. Suresh said that he will be filing a complaint with the Consumer Court and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Subscribe To Our Newsletter Leave this field empty if you're human: ALSO READ ICICI Bank launches ‘Festive Bonanza�... Navratri special celebration at Prozone ... A meet to highlight the glory of Tamil... International conference to focus on inn... Guest lecture on “Career prospects... Joint – German Indian Round Table ... READ MORE LATEST NEWS View More ICICI Bank launches ‘Festive Bonanza’, a bouquet of special offers for its customers TCP's LGBT Pride View More How feasible are adoption rights for the LGBTQ community? WHAT'S HOT View More “Need To Come Together To Defeat BJP”: Mamata Banerjee Meets Sonia Gandhi COIMBATORE WEATHER TCP News In Shorts COLUMNS Is PMP a Good Course? Health Matters Overnight Soaked Oats Versus Regular Bowl Of Oats – What’s The Difference? Lifestyle Look Boho Chic with Edgy Nose Pins Kitchen Corner Sooji toast Recipe  Home/ Coimbatore/ Tamil Nadu/ India/ World/ Business/ Contact Us About Us Download Covai Post APP Follow us on Copyright © 2022 The Covai Post, All Rights Reserved. Home Coimbatore Tamil Nadu India World Business Columns Contact Us E-paper
Listen to Conflicted Home Audiobook Streaming Online Free Skip to content Menu Visit our YouTube channel Home Submit your book / audition Contact us Privacy Policy Menu Visit our YouTube channel Home Submit your book / audition Contact us Privacy Policy Conflicted Home Tokybook | September 6, 2020 November 3, 2019 | Action & Adventure, All Gene, Literature & Fiction A lot has changed in the life of Morgan Carter and his family as we reached the 9th book of The Survivalist Series. One thing that hasn’t changed right from the first novel of this series is its narrator. So no prizes for guessing the name of Duke Fontaine, who has done a great job in keeping the audience engaged with his powerful and soulful voice. The author as you all know is A. American, who is brilliant in his art work of producing thoughtful situations, sometimes literally out of nowhere. The only thing which could make the world of Morgan Carter even worse, just happened. The Japanese fleet got completely wiped out at the California coast. Morgan, his family and crew were well aware about the news as it was broadcasted on radio. The fear of nuclear upshot was there, but still this wasn’t the only threat, which lake Country had to face at that point of time. Russians were found to have pathfinder units and Cuban forces were also assisting them. Something big and urgent was highly warranted at that time. The old man then called for help, especially after realizing that they are poorly equipped and they are encountering the armored units. The call for help finally got answered, but the support was not that easy as it seems. America was definitely struggling at that time, but hopes were there. Conflicted Home and Surviving Home novels earned great appreciation by audience for their epic drama, characterization and producing some amazing and thought provoking situations. These are also part of A. American work and deserves all the appreciation from the book lovers, who value literary art and its producers. Tokybook.Com Post Views: 6,388 Report Broken Book to Admin for Fixing Issue: * Player Not Playing on Mobile Player Not playing on PC Invalid Contents Broken Audio Details: * Send Report To Administrator Tokybook Audio Player The Audio Player works best on Google Chrome (latest version) Hi everyone, please be noticed that the Audio player doesn't play next track on IOS version < 15.6. If you are facing that issue, just upgrade your IOS to version 15.6 to fix it. Enjoy! Bookmark Jump to Bookmark Jump to Time Paused... 0.75 Speed Normal Speed 1.25 Speed 1.5 Speed -60s -30s -15s +15s +30s +60s Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio! 😢 ←→ Auto continue play after 25 second(s) Skip Ads "Skip Ads" will available after 5 seconds Download and continue play audio on the Mobile App App Name: Short Stories And Audios Audiobooks for you! Hive War The Rooster Bar Death by Black Hole The In Between Alex Cross's TRIAL Jewels of the Sun The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Audiobook Magician: Apprentice Close Ads Tags A. American, Book 9, The Survivalist Series Previous Home Invasion Home Coming Next Leave a Comment Cancel reply Comment Name Email Website Δ © 2022 Dispatch a GeneratePress Site by Flint Skin Visit our YouTube channel Home Submit your book / audition Contact us Privacy Policy Close
Christianity in the 1st century deals with the formative years of the Early Christian community. The earliest followers of Jesus were a Jewish sect, which historians refer to as Jewish Christianity.[3] The split of early Christianity from Judaism was gradual, as Christianity became a predominantly Gentile religion. The apostles dispersed from Jerusalem, founding the apostolic sees, presumably following the Great Commission's decree to spread the teachings of Jesus to "all nations". Peter, Paul, and James the Just were the most influential early Christian leaders,[4] although Paul's influence on Christian thinking is said to be more significant than any other New Testament author.[5] Life and ministry of Jesus [ edit ] According to the accounts in the Gospels, after being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus preached for a period of one to three years. Jesus' method of teaching involved parables, metaphor, allegory, sayings, proverbs, and a small number of direct sermons such as the Sermon on the Mount. His ministry was ended by his execution by crucifixion at the hands of the Roman authorities by demand of the Jews in Jerusalem. Christians believe that three days after his death, Jesus rose bodily from the dead.[6][7][8][9] Early works by Jesus' followers document a number of post-resurrection appearances[10][11][12][13][14] and the resurrection of Jesus formed the basis and impetus of the Christian faith.[15][16][17] His followers wrote that he appeared to the disciples in Galilee and Jerusalem and that Jesus was on the earth for 40 days before his ascension to heaven.[18] The main sources of information regarding Jesus' life and teachings are the four canonical gospels, and to a lesser extent the Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline epistles. Christianity's theology is largely founded and based on one central point found in these Gospels: that Jesus died and rose from death as God's sacrifice for human sins.[19] Apostolic Age [ edit ] The years following Jesus until the death of the last of the Twelve Apostles is called the Apostolic Age.[20] The Christian Church came fully into being on Pentecost when, according to scriptural accounts, the apostles received the Holy Spirit and emerged from hiding following the death and resurrection of Jesus to preach and spread his message.[21][22] Although congregations met in the houses of the followers of Jesus Christ, this apostolic congregation, also called the "Primitive Church", was the community led by Jesus' apostles and, it would seem, his relatives.[23] Christian creeds [ edit ] The sources for the beliefs of the apostolic community include oral traditions (which included sayings attributed to Jesus, parables and teachings),[24][25] the Gospels, the New Testament epistles and possibly lost texts such as the Q source[26][27][28] and the writings of Papias. The texts contain the earliest Christian creeds[29] expressing belief in the risen Jesus, such as 1 Corinthians 15:3–41[30] The creed has been dated by some scholars as originating within the Jerusalem apostolic community no later than the 40s,[31][32] and by some to less than a decade after Jesus' death,[33][34] while others date it to about 56.[35] Other early creeds include 1 John 4:2, 2 Timothy 2:8[36] Romans 1:3–4[37] and 1 Timothy 3:16. Acts of the Apostles [ edit ] According to the Acts of the Apostles, after the earthly ministry of Jesus the Jerusalem church began at Pentecost with some 120 believers,[39] in an "upper room," believed by some to be the Cenacle, and thus "the first Christian church."[40] Acts goes on to record the stoning of Saint Stephen and the subsequent dispersal of the church,[41] which led to the baptism of Simon Magus in Samaria;[42] and also an Ethiopian eunuch.[43] Paul's conversion on the Road to Damascus is first recorded in Acts 9:13-16. Peter baptized the Roman centurion Cornelius, traditionally considered the first Gentile convert to Christianity, in Acts 10. Based on this, the Antioch church was founded. It is also believed that it was there that the term Christian was coined.[44] Disputes over the Law of Moses generated intense controversy in early Christianity.[45][46] This is particularly notable in the mid-1st century, when the circumcision controversy came to the forefront. The issue was addressed at the Council of Jerusalem where Paul made an argument that circumcision was not a necessary practice for Gentile believers, vocally supported by Peter, as documented in Acts 15. This position received widespread support and was summarized in a letter circulated in Antioch. Four years after the Council of Jerusalem, Paul wrote to the Galatians about the issue, which had become a serious controversy in their region. Paul considered it a great threat to his doctrine of salvation through faith and addressed the issue with great detail in Galatians 3[47] Although competing forms of Christianity emerged early and persisted into the 5th century, there was broad doctrinal unity within the mainstream churches.[48][49] Bishops like Ignatius of Antioch (c.35-c.108) and later Irenaeus (d. c.202) defined proto-orthodox teaching in stark opposition to heresies such as Gnosticism.[50] In spite of intermittent intense persecutions, the Christian religion continued its spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin. Persecutions [ edit ] From the beginning, Christians were subject to various persecutions. According to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, this involved even death for Christians such as Stephen (Acts 7:59) and James, son of Zebedee (12:2). Larger-scale persecutions followed at the hands of the authorities of the Roman Empire, beginning in 64 AD, when Emperor Nero blamed them for the Great Fire of Rome. Several of the New Testament writings mention persecutions and stress endurance through them. Christians suffered persecutions for their refusal to give any worship to the Roman emperor, considered treasonous and punishable by execution. Systematic persecution of the early Christian church caused it to be an underground movement. Of the underground churches that existed before the Edict of Milan legalized Christianity, some churches are recorded to have existed as the catacombs in Europe, Catacombs of Rome, Greece, and also in the underground cities of Anatolia such as Derinkuyu Underground City. Christianity in Jerusalem [ edit ] The Christian community in Jerusalem had a special position among Christian communities. The relatives of Jesus were accorded a special position within the early church, as displayed by the leadership of James the Just in Jerusalem.[51] The destruction of Jerusalem and the consequent dispersion of Jews and Jewish Christians from the city (after the Bar Kokhba revolt) ended any pre-eminence of the Jewish-Christian leadership in Jerusalem. Although Epiphanius of Salamis reported that the Cenacle survived at least to Hadrian's visit in 130,[40] some today think it was rebuilt shortly after this first Jewish war.[38] Early Christianity grew further apart from Judaism to establish itself as a predominantly Gentile religion, and Antioch became the first Gentile Christian community with stature.[52] Worship liturgy [ edit ] Earliest Christianity took the form of a Jewish eschatological faith. The Book of Acts reports that the early followers continued daily Temple attendance and traditional Jewish home prayer. Other passages in the New Testament gospels reflect a similar observance of traditional Jewish piety such as fasting, reverence for the Torah and observance of Jewish holy days.[53][54] At first, Christians continued to worship alongside Jewish believers, but within twenty years of Jesus' death, Sunday (the Lord's Day) was being regarded as the primary day of worship.[55] Liturgical services are based on repeating the actions of Jesus ("do this in remembrance of me"), using the bread and wine, and saying his words (known as the words of the institution). The church has the rest of the liturgical ritual being rooted in the Jewish Passover, Siddur, Seder, and synagogue services, including the singing of hymns (especially the Psalms) and reading from the Scriptures.[56] Clement writes that liturgies are "to be celebrated, and not carelessly nor in disorder" but the final uniformity of liturgical services only came later, though the Liturgy of St James is traditionally associated with James the Just.[57] Defining scripture [ edit ] The early Christians likely did not have their own copy of Scriptural and other church works. Much of the original church liturgical services functioned as a means of learning Christian theology later expressed in these works. Christianity first spread in the predominantly Greek-speaking eastern half of the Roman Empire, and then extensively throughout the empire by Paul and others. Ecclesiastical historian Henry Hart Milman writes that in much of the first three centuries, even in the Latin-dominated western empire: "the Church of Rome, and most, if not all the Churches of the West, were, if we may so speak, Greek religious colonies [see Greek colonies for the background]. Their language was Greek, their organization Greek, their writers Greek, their scriptures Greek; and many vestiges and traditions show that their ritual, their Liturgy, was Greek."[58] Old Testament [ edit ] The Biblical canon began with the Jewish Scriptures, first available in Koine Greek translation, then as Aramaic Targums. In the 2nd century, Melito of Sardis called these Scriptures the "Old Testament"[59] and specified an early canon. The Greek translation, later known as the Septuagint[60] and often written as "LXX," arose from Hellenistic Judaism which predates Christianity. Perhaps the earliest Christian canon is the Bryennios List which was found by Philotheos Bryennios in the Codex Hierosolymitanus. The list is written in Koine Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew and dated to around 100[61] New Testament [ edit ] The "New Testament" (often compared to the New Covenant) is the name given to the second major division of the Christian Bible, either by Tertullian or Marcion in the 2nd century.[62] The original texts were written by various authors, most likely sometime after c. AD 45 in Koine Greek, the lingua franca of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, though there is also a minority argument for Aramaic primacy. Early Christianity and Judaism [ edit ] Painting by Rembrandt of Paul , one of the most notable of early Christian missionaries , who called himself the "Apostle to the Gentiles." Paul, a Hellenistic Jew , was very influential on the shift of Christianity to Gentile dominated movement. Jewish messianism has its roots in the apocalyptic literature of the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, promising a future "anointed" leader or Messiah to resurrect the Israelite "Kingdom of God", in place of the foreign rulers of the time. This corresponded with the Maccabean Revolt directed against the Seleucids. Following the fall of the Hasmonean kingdom, it was directed against the Roman administration of Iudaea Province, which, according to Josephus, began with the formation of the Zealots during the Census of Quirinius of 6 AD. Jewish continuity [ edit ] The early Christians in the 1st century AD believed Yahweh to be the only true God,[63] the god of Israel, and considered Jesus to be the messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Jewish scriptures. The first Christians were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. In other words, Jesus preached to the Jewish people and called from them his first disciples, known as the Limited Commission of Matthew 10:5-42, while the Great Commission issued after the Resurrection is specifically directed at "all nations". Alister McGrath, a proponent of palaeo-orthodoxy, claimed that many of the Jewish Christians were fully faithful religious Jews, only differing in their acceptance of Jesus as the messiah.[3] The book of Acts records the martyrdom of Stephen and James. Thus, Christianity acquired an identity distinct from Rabbinic Judaism. The name "Christian" (Greek Χριστιανός) was first applied to the disciples in Antioch, as recorded in Acts 11:26.[64] Early Christianity retained some of the doctrines and practices of 1st-century Judaism while rejecting others. They held the Jewish scriptures to be authoritative and sacred, employing mostly the Septuagint or Targum translations, later called the Old Testament, a term associated with Supersessionism, and added other texts as the New Testament canon developed. Christianity also continued other Judaic practices: baptism,[65] liturgical worship, including the use of incense[citation needed], an altar[citation needed], a set of scriptural readings adapted from synagogue practice, use of sacred music in hymns and prayer, a religious calendar[citation needed], and ascetic practices. Circumcision was rejected as a requirement at the Council of Jerusalem, c. 50, though the decree of the council parallels Jewish Noahide Law. Sabbath observance was modified, perhaps as early as Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians 16.1. An early difficulty arose concerning the matter of Gentile (non-Jewish) converts as to whether they had to "become Jewish," in following circumcision and dietary laws, as part of becoming Christian. Circumcision was considered repulsive during the period of Hellenization of the Eastern Mediterranean.[66][67] The decision of Peter, as evidenced by conversion of the Centurion Cornelius,[68] was that it was not required, and the matter was further addressed with the Council of Jerusalem. Around this same time period, Rabbinic Judaism made their circumcision requirement even stricter.[69] The doctrines of the apostles brought the early Church into conflict with some Jewish religious authorities. Late 1st century developments attributed to the Council of Jamnia eventually led to Christians' expulsion from synagogues. Jewish Christians [ edit ] Jewish Christians were among the earliest followers of Jesus and an important part of Judean society during the mid to late 1st century. This movement was centered around Jerusalem and led by James the Just. They held faithfully to the Torah (perhaps also Jewish law which was being formalized at the same time), including acceptance of Gentile converts based on a version of the Noachide laws (Acts 15 and Acts 21). In Christian circles, "Nazarene" later came to be used as a label for those faithful to Jewish law, in particular for a certain sect. These Jewish Christians, originally the central group in Christianity, were not at first declared to be unorthodox but were later excluded and denounced. Some Jewish Christian groups, such as the Ebionites, were considered to have unorthodox beliefs, particularly in relation to their views of Christ and Gentile converts. The Nazarenes, holding to orthodoxy except in their adherence to Jewish law, were not deemed heretical until the dominance of orthodoxy in the 4th century. The Ebionites may have been a splinter group of Nazarenes, with disagreements over Christology and leadership. After the condemnation of the Nazarenes, "Ebionite" was often used as a general pejorative for all related "heresies".[70][71] Jewish Christians constituted a separate community from the Pauline Christians but maintained a similar faith, differing only in practice. There was a post-Nicene "double rejection" of the Jewish Christians by both Gentile Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. It is believed that there was no direct confrontation or persecution between Gentile and Judaic Christianity. However, by this time the practice of Judeo-Christianity was diluted both by internal schisms and external pressures. Gentile Christianity remained the sole strand of orthodoxy and imposed itself on the previously Jewish Christian sanctuaries, taking full control of those houses of worship by the end of the 5th century.[72] Split with Judaism [ edit ] In or around the year 50, the apostles convened the first church council, known as the Council of Jerusalem, to reconcile practical (and by implication doctrinal) differences concerning the Gentile mission.[73] While not numbered among them, this council has often been looked to as ecumenical and the model for later ecumenical councils. At the Council of Jerusalem it was agreed that Gentiles could be accepted as Christians without full adherence to the Mosaic Laws, possibly a major break between Christianity and Judaism (the first being the Rejection of Jesus[3]), though the decree of the council (Acts 15:19-29) seems to parallel the Noahide laws of Judaism. The Council, according to Acts 15, determined that circumcision was not required for new gentile converts, only to abstain from "food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood." (NIV, Acts 15:20). There was a slowly growing chasm between Christians and Jews, rather than a sudden split. Even though it is commonly thought that Paul established a Gentile church, it took centuries for a complete break to manifest. However, certain events are perceived as pivotal in the growing rift between Judaism and Christianity. The Council of Jamnia c. 85 is often stated to have condemned all who claimed the Messiah had already come, and Christianity in particular. However, the formulated prayer in question (birkat ha-minim) is considered by other scholars to be unremarkable in the history of Jewish and Christian relations. There is a paucity of evidence for Jewish persecution of "heretics" in general, or Christians in particular, in the period between 70 and 135. It is probable that the condemnation of Jamnia included many groups, of which the Christians were but one, and did not necessarily mean excommunication. That some of the later church fathers only recommended against synagogue attendance makes it improbable that an anti-Christian prayer was a common part of the synagogue liturgy. Jewish Christians continued to worship in synagogues for centuries.[74][75] During the late 1st century, Judaism was a legal religion with the protection of Roman law, worked out in compromise with the Roman state over two centuries. Observant Jews had special rights, including the privilege of abstaining from civic pagan rites. Christians were initially identified with the Jewish religion by the Romans, but as they became more distinct, Christianity became a problem for Roman rulers. Emperor Nerva decreed that Christians did not have to pay the annual tax upon the Jews, effectively recognizing them as distinct from Rabbinic Judaism. This opened the way to Christians being persecuted for disobedience to the emperor as they continued to refuse to worship the state pantheon. It is notable that from c. 98 onwards a distinction between Christians and Jews in Roman literature becomes apparent. For example, Pliny the Younger postulates that Christians are not Jews since they do not pay the tax, in his letters to Trajan.[77][78] Spread of Christianity [ edit ] The first Christian communities outside of Jerusalem appeared in Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, and the political center of Rome. The original church communities were founded by apostles and numerous other Christians, soldiers, merchants, and preachers[79] in northern Africa, Asia Minor, Arabia, Greece, and other places.[80][81][82] Over 40 churches were established by 100,[81][82] many in Asia Minor. Paul was responsible for bringing Christianity to Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi, and Thessalonica.[83] By the end of the 1st century, Christianity had already spread to Rome and to various cities in Greece, Asia Minor and Syria. Major cities such as Rome, Ephesus, Antioch and Corinth served as foundations for the expansive spread of Christianity in the post-apostolic period. Christianity spread very quickly throughout Asia Minor. The Saint Thomas Christians are an ethnoreligious community of Malayali Syriac Christians from Kerala, India, who trace their origins to the evangelistic activity of Thomas the Apostle in the 1st century.[84][85] The terms Syrian or Syriac relate not to their ethnicity but to their historical, religious, and liturgical connection to Syriac Christianity. Apostolic Fathers [ edit ] The Church Fathers are the early and influential theologians and writers in the Christian Church, particularly those of the first five centuries of Christian history. The earliest Church Fathers, within two generations of the Twelve apostles of Christ, are usually called Apostolic Fathers for reportedly knowing and studying under the apostles personally. Important Apostolic Fathers include Clement of Rome,[86] Ignatius of Antioch and Polycarp of Smyrna. The Didache and Shepherd of Hermas are usually placed among the writings of the Apostolic Fathers although their authors are unknown. Clement of Rome [ edit ] Clement of Rome was best known for his letter 1 Clement.[86] which was held in high regard by later Christian writers and even cited as scripture by Clement of Alexandria.[citation needed] In it, Clement calls on the Christians of Corinth to maintain harmony and order.[86] It is the earliest Christian epistle outside the New Testament; indeed it is even included in the Codex Alexandrinus and in the Canons of the Apostles and today is part of the Apostolic Fathers collection. Tertullian identifies him as the fourth Bishop of Rome, later called the Pope. Some see his epistle as an assertion of Rome's authority over the church in Corinth and, by implication, the beginnings of papal supremacy.[87] Clement wrote about the order with which Jesus commanded the affairs of the Church be conducted, and the selection of persons was also "by His supreme will determined."[88] Clement also refers the way "rivalry ... concerning the priesthood" was resolved by or through Moses and that likewise, the apostles "gave instructions, that when these should fall asleep, other approved men should succeed them in their ministry." The New Testament writers use the terms overseer and elders interchangeably. Clement also refers to the leaders of the Corinthian church in his letter as bishops and presbyters interchangeably, and likewise states that the bishops are to lead God's flock by virtue of the chief shepherd (presbyter), Jesus Christ. Bishops eventually emerged as overseers of urban Christian populations in the early church, and a hierarchical clergy gradually took the form of epískopos (overseers, bishops), then elders and presbyter (shepherds), and third were deacons (servants). Didache [ edit ] The Didache is the common name of a brief early Christian treatise dated by most scholars to the late 1st century.[89] It is an anonymous work not belonging to any single individual and a pastoral manual "that reveals more about how Jewish-Christians saw themselves and how they adapted their Judaism for Gentiles than any other book in the Christian Scriptures."[90] The text, parts of which may have constituted the first written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian lessons, rituals, and Church organization. It was considered by some of the Church Fathers as part of the New Testament[91][92] (Deuterocanonical) c. 380[93] but rejected as spurious or non-canonical by others,[94] and eventually not accepted into the New Testament canon. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church does include the later Didascalia within its "broader canon" (though only the "narrower canon" has printed since 20th century), and the Didascalia was influenced by the Didache.[95] Timeline [ edit ] See also [ edit ] Notes [ edit ] References [ edit ] Brown, Schuyler. The Origins of Christianity: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament . Oxford University Press (1993). ISBN 0-19-826207-8. . Oxford University Press (1993). ISBN 0-19-826207-8. Cullmann, Oscar, The Early Church: Studies in Early Christian History and Theology , ed. A. J. B. Higgins, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1966 , ed. A. J. B. Higgins, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1966 Davidson, The Birth of the Church (2005) (2005) W. D. Davies, Paul and Rabbinic Judaism 2d ed., London, 1965 2d ed., London, 1965 Dunn, James D.G., "The Canon Debate," McDonald & Sanders editors, 2002 Dunn, James D.G. Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways, AD 70 to 135 . Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing (1999). ISBN 0-8028-4498-7. . Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing (1999). ISBN 0-8028-4498-7. Grant, M., Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels New York: Scribner's, 1977 New York: Scribner's, 1977 Gundry, R.H., Soma in Biblical Theology , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976 , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976 Hunter, Archibald, Works and Words of Jesus (1973) (1973) Johnson, L.T., The Real Jesus , San Francisco, Harper San Francisco, 1996 , San Francisco, Harper San Francisco, 1996 Kremer, Jakob, Die Osterevangelien — Geschichten um Geschichte , Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1977 , Stuttgart: Katholisches Bibelwerk, 1977 Ludemann, Gerd, What Really Happened to Jesus? trans. J. Bowden, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1995 trans. J. Bowden, Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 1995 Maier, P. L., "The Empty Tomb as History" in Christianity Today , March 1975 , March 1975 McGrath, Alister E., Christianity: An Introduction , Blackwell Publishing (2006), ISBN 1-4051-0899-1 , Blackwell Publishing (2006), ISBN 1-4051-0899-1 Neufeld, The Earliest Christian Confessions , Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964 , Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1964 O' Collins, Gerald, What are They Saying About the Resurrection? , New York: Paulist Press, 1978 , New York: Paulist Press, 1978 Pannenberg, Wolfhart, Jesus–God and Man translated Lewis Wilkins and Duane Pribe, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1968 translated Lewis Wilkins and Duane Pribe, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1968 Smith, J. L., "Resurrection Faith Today", in TS 30 (1969) 30 (1969) Van Daalen, D. H., The Real Resurrection , London: Collins, 1972 , London: Collins, 1972 Weiss, Johannes, Der erste Korintherbrief 9th ed., Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1910 9th ed., Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1910 Wilckens, Ulrich, Auferstehung , Stuttgart and Berlin: Kreuz Verlag, 1970 , Stuttgart and Berlin: Kreuz Verlag, 1970 Wright, N.T., "The New Unimproved Jesus", in Christianity Today , 1993-09-13 , 1993-09-13 Wylen, Stephen M., The Jews in the Time of Jesus: An Introduction, Paulist Press (1995), ISBN 0-8091-3610-4
Last month, I witnessed a simple exchange between two people that I can't stop thinking about. On the face of it, there was nothing really momentous about the exchange, nothing unusual, even. But there was something so simple and straightforward about it that I find myself moved anew every time it comes to mind. On the next-to-last day of a week-long rowing camp in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom, I sat on the dock between training sessions while a group of the junior rowers came down to the lake to use the paddleboards. From the shore, an adult camper called out to one of the boys, a redhead with pale and freckled skin. "Robert, do you have sunscreen on?" "Yes," Robert replied. "A lot." That was it. The adult on shore went back to the conversation he was having with another camper, and Robert went back to splashing around with his friends. But it struck me right then that I had seen something lovely, at the risk of using an overly-sentimental word. Here was a question asked without nagging and without posturing, and an answer offered with neither irritation nor pose from the adolescent in front of his friends. And what made it so sweet at the time and so moving still two weeks later was that on both sides of the exchange, I had seen kindness. Cynical readers might wonder why a grown man was taking an interest in a young boy in a bathing suit. But they would be missing the point. What I saw wasn't creepy or self-interested. Neither adult nor teen was trying to impress anyone -- not the adult with his solicitude (or his possible wit in implying that the redhead must be scorched), not the teen with his bravado. Yes, it's easier for a parent-child relationship to exist when the people involved aren't actually each other's parent or child. But what happened here was fundamentally that two people were being nice to each other, and the fact that plenty of others were watching mattered not one bit. I wonder if this isn't essential to a definition of kindness: a disregard for what others think about our generous actions. If we pick up someone's dropped scarf while being aware that we will look gallant, or if we hold the door open for an elderly person knowing that our companions will consider us polite: these are nice gestures, polite, chivalrous. But for our actions to be truly kind, I suggest that they have to be performed without any awareness of their audience. They have to take place as if no one were watching. Does this mean that kindness only exists in gestures like anonymous donations or enormous tips left incognito for unsuspecting waiters? I don't think so. Those are wonderful acts, truly selfless. But I'm talking about an exchange, a situation in which the recipient of the kindness participates in the act by acknowledging it in some way. Redheaded Robert didn't say thank you for the concern about his skin; his acknowledgment of the concern was thanks enough. The sunscreen moment at rowing camp owes some of its meaning to me to the fact that it took place at the end of a week in which roughly 25 of us -- some already friends, some strangers -- came together to learn more about a sport we love or, for the newbies, would come to love. In six busy days, we had become a community, and regardless of our ages -- which ranged from 11 to 79 -- we shared goals, discoveries, and experiences. Maybe that's what made it so sweet to see, as I dangled my feet in the cool water of the lake and anticipated a row in glorious afternoon light. Still, I think there was something inherently unique about that moment. It was simply a disinterested expression of interest and a grateful acceptance of concern. True kindness, as I'm attempting to define it, is a rare thing. We are all so much on display; we traffic so easily in the performance of reply all. Who could blame us for wanting people to notice when we do something nice? But what if we keep our kindness private, shared only between us and the person we care about at that moment? That is something I would like to see. For more by Henriette Lazaridis Power, click here.
Share Email 0 Shares Rand Corp. representatives will be in Vermont next week to begin work on a study of the effects that marijuana legalization might have on the state’s economy, individual health and public safety. The international, nonprofit research organization was chosen to conduct the study, which was mandated in a bill passed by the Legislature last session. Get all of VTDigger's daily news. You'll never miss a story with our daily headlines in your inbox. The state will pay $20,000 toward the study, which will be augmented by as much as $100,000 in private donations, officials said Friday. Passed in late April, S.247 eliminated the 1,000-person cap on the number of people who can use medical marijuana dispensaries. The Legislature added a mandate that the state conduct a study on “possible taxing systems” for Vermont, potential costs and benefits for the state, and the experiences of other states. The results of the study are due to the Legislature by Jan. 15. Secretary of Administration Jeb Spaulding said the study will cover a much more comprehensive list of topics than tax policy. It will include estimates of marijuana usage in Vermont, long-term public health implications, effects on driving and highway safety, savings for law enforcement and lessons Vermont could learn from legalization in Colorado and Washington. “[Gov. Peter Shumlin] was clear with me that he wanted to have a thorough and objective study of all of the public policies, not just taxation,” Spaulding said. “There are a lot of things that will be tailored to Vermont’s particular situation.” Rand Corp. declined to comment on the research until the organization’s senior policy analyst Beau Kilmer meets with Vermont officials next week. More details on the study would be released then, Rand spokesperson Warren Robak said. VTDigger is underwritten by: The state will pay Rand $20,000 for the research. Spaulding said that Rand has raised about $100,000 from GiveWell, a nonprofit organization that researches charities and advises donors. Neither Rand nor GiveWell, Spaulding said, have a position on marijuana legalization. “We were looking for someone who wasn’t going to make a case that we legalize or not legalize,” Spaulding said, adding that Rand is “very well-respected.” Vermont Health Commissioner Harry Chen, Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn and other state officials will participate, Spaulding said. Rand will also include “public outreach, hearings of some kind,” though the specifics have not been determined. The report generated by Rand should give Vermont legislators the facts they need to have a well-informed debate next winter, one lawmaker says. “I think the study will help with legislators and the public who inherently think it’s a good idea but want evidence they can hold up to show people,” said state Sen. David Zuckerman, P/D-Chittenden. Zuckerman said he will propose a marijuana regulation and legalization bill in the 2015 legislative session. “It can work in other states,” Zuckerman said. “We just have to make some changes.” Washington and Colorado legalized recreational marijuana in 2012. In January, Colorado’s first retail shops opened to sell recreational marijuana. Just this month, Washington released its first store licenses to sell the drug. By the end of April, recreational and medical cannabis sales in Colorado totaled $202,478,690 and by June 1, the state had raised more than $5.7 million in licenses, taxes and fees. The Colorado legalization law went into effect at the beginning of this year. In the past five months, the state has raised $25 million in tax revenues, according to a report from the Denver Business Journal. “The narrative from Colorado has been ‘so far, so good,’” said Matt Simon, New England political director for the Marijuana Policy Project, a group advocating for regulation and legalization. “The sky clearly hasn’t fallen.” The New York Times reports, however, that the law has also resulted in a proliferation of edible marijuana products, including candies, that are attractive to children, an increase in the number of residents driving while intoxicated and several deaths. In 2013, Vermont lawmakers decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana and Zuckerman said it’s not unimaginable that a legalization bill could pass in 2015. “I think there’s significant public support and whenever there’s public support, there’s a chance that it passes,” Zuckerman said, adding that he’s hopeful that a legalization bill would pass in the next biennium. “Marijuana’s been in the public discourse for 15 years and I think just now politicians are catching up to the general public,” Zuckerman said. “There are certainly some roadblocks. “I’m convinced that the current system is not working,” he said. Spaulding said the study will dictate whether “it’s the right time” for a policy change. Gov. Peter Shumlin has not taken a stance on legalization, though “the governor has stated that Vermont shouldn’t be the first one out of the box,” Spaulding said. The study was not proposed by Shumlin, though the governor has long been courted by marijuana lobbyist groups. In the 2011-2012 election cycle, he received $8,000 from the Marijuana Policy Project. “Governor Shumlin has always been very supportive of taking a good, hard look at marijuana policy,” Simon said. Simon said that though MPP had pushed to eliminate the cap on medicinal marijuana last session, he hadn’t been aware of the Rand study until it was announced Tuesday morning. “There’s absolutely no connection,” Spaulding confirmed.
An American tradition. (AP Photo/Whitney Curtis) Beer, the lifeblood of so many happy hours, is the most popular alcoholic drink in the United States. But while there's been a burst of craft brewers introducing beers with complex flavors, Americans still largely love their beer to taste one way: bland. Almost every best selling beer is a light beer. Bud Light, the most popular brand by far, accounts for nearly one out of every four beers sold in the United States. Dismayed by the popularity of tasteless beers, economist Ranjit Dighe decided to figure out the origins of Americans' preference for pilsners, lagers and other milder brews. What he found is that a taste for bland beer might as well run in Americans' veins. "It goes back to the early 1900s, or even late 1800s," said Dighe, who teaches at the State University of New York at Oswego. "Americans have preferred to drink bland beer for more than a hundred years." The reason, outlined in a recently published article by Dighe, is fairly simple on the surface: alcohol has a long-time stigma in this country. But bland beer has also benefited from history in ways other tastier brews have not. Let there be light In the late 1800s, the temperance movement, which pushed for moderate to no alcohol consumption, swept across much of the Western world. In certain countries, including England, beer was promoted as a 'temperance beverage," something that could be imbibed because it had a lower alcohol content than spirits and wine. But when brewers tried to pitch the same argument in the United States, it didn't work. "Protestant, baptist, methodist values—they all were too strong," said Dighe. "So the whole temperance movement had a profound effect on the type of beer Americans drank. No one touched the more alcoholic stuff." The result was that rather than developing a taste for all beers, Americans instead opted only for those that looked like they had the least amount of alcohol. Lighter ones, in other words. So when the country went from drinking almost no beer in the early 1800s to drinking quite a bit of it in the late 1800s and early 1900s (as you can see in the chart below), it was almost exclusively bland. Some 85 to 90 percent of beer consumed in the United States around that time were pilsners and lagers. (Source: Rajit Dighe) Building a taste for bland Over the years, a number of events have slowed the development of an appreciation of more alcoholic—and often complex—beers in the United States. Prohibition certainly didn't help. When the alcohol ban hit in 1920, beer consumption fell off a cliff and was slow to recover. Unlike drinking clear liquor, beer consumption was harder to conceal. "Good beer was really hard to find when prohibition ended," said Dighe. "Anyone who was drinking beer after pretty much had to drink lighter stuff." But it wasn't just that good beer wasn't available. People simply didn't care for the hoppier stuff. Dighe points to this anecdote, a reminiscence by an old brewer, in his paper: We packed up a case of the beer and sent it on to our laboratory in New York City. They could find no fault with it except, as Dr Graf said, ‘It is just too much hop for this new generation.’ So we immediately brewed up a number of new brews with only a light amount of hop and blended it with the original. Then came World War II, which essentially made it impossible for higher end beers to be made. The grain rations and strict price controls that came with the war meant that it was simply too expensive to produce stronger, hoppier brews. What's more, the military lifted its ban on alcohol. Soldiers received shipments of beer that was very low in alcohol. An entire army's worth of young men, in effect, fell in love with light beer. [WATCH: Hopping times for growers of key beer ingredient] By war's end, Phil Berkes, who was the president of the Master Brewers Association of American, noted that the country was heading toward a time when "the majority of consumers will probably favor a beer pale in color and with an agreeable, mild hop flavor without any bitter after-taste." "Above all," he said, " the beer should not be satiating." That last bit is perhaps the most prescient part of Berkes' prediction. The past half century, after all, has been defined by the consolidation of the beer industry. Anheuser-Busch InBev, Miller Coors, and the like, have come to dominate the beer landscape in the United States. Bud Light is the best selling beer in the country; Coors Light, the second; Budweiser is third; and Miller Lite is fourth. And the main appeal of the most popular beers in the United States hasn't been taste so much as a lack of it. Miller Lite's classic slogan, 'tastes great—less filling,' had little do to with waist management. What it pitched was a beer that didn't fill people up, so they could drink more of it. Today, there is a growing migration away from lighter beers. Craft brewers, which have sprouted all across the country, are finding success selling higher-end bottles that were once unpalatable to Americans. Domestic beer hasn't been this hoppy since the 1930s, according to Dighe. And some of the biggest brands are suffering as a result. [WATCH: The chemistry of craft beer] But even as fancier, more bitter beers gain favor in the American palate, there are still some things that this country longs for that bland ones are simply better suited for. There are so-called session beers, beverages that can be sipped over the course of hours. And for that, a light beer is sometimes just better. "The whole idea of a beer that you can drink more than one or two of is really important to Americans," said Dighe. "That's why you see craft brewers today selling 'session IPAs.' People want something they can drink for a while without getting too drunk." Flavor, in other words, is important. But only so long as it doesn't get in the way of other things, like tailgating.
During the campaign, President Donald Trump regularly blasted America’s allies for taking advantage of Washington. He invoked the failure of many NATO members to meet their defense-spending targets and suggested that the United States should allow South Korea and Japan to go nuclear rather than continue to rely on American security guarantees. He generally argued that our allies gain a competitive economic advantage by shifting their defense burdens onto the United States. In his “American Carnage” inaugural address, Trump continued this theme: “For many decades,” he said, “we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry — subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.” This week, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reiterated this basic stance, telling NATO members they would need to meet their budget targets or “see America moderate its commitment to this alliance.” That is an astonishingly misguided position. The “fairness” argument that undergirds Trump’s appeals disregards a fundamental point of American foreign policy: The under-provision of defense by allies is not a bug in America’s global security architecture. It’s a feature. We’ve heard this argument before, though rarely in such extreme form The argument for “burden sharing” — that American allies, who are much richer in both absolute and relative terms than when the United States established the current global security architecture, should pay a larger share for their own defense — is far from new. During the primaries, Bernie Sanders called for American allies to do more, and Hilary Clinton pledged to work with NATO partners to get them to meet the 2 percent of GDP spending targets affirmed at a 2014 NATO summit in Wales. (In fact, there is considerable variation on how much NATO members spend on defense. Some, including Greece, Estonia, and Poland, easily meet the target. Others — such as Hungary, Canada, or Slovenia — spend closer to 1 percent of GDP.) But the Trump administration’s statements and dispositions seem to go further than previous calls for burden sharing. Many allies — especially those on the front line with Russia, like the Baltic States and Poland — are extremely worried that Trump intends to in effect abandon long-standing commitments. Why are our allies so concerned? Trump’s calls for burden sharing come in the context of an “America First” agenda — itself the rallying cry of isolationists during the Second World War. And the president sees American relationships with other countries as bilateral, short-term, transactional, and zero-sum. What matters is the immediate ledger: how much the United States spends compared to a particular ally on defense, the size of the relevant trade deficit, and so forth. This worldview has an intuitive appeal, and can appeal to voters. After all, it seems grossly unfair that the United States spent 3.6 percent of its GDP on defense in 2015, while Germany spent around 1.2 percent. And of course, American conventional and nuclear forces help ensure German security. So is the United States acting like a chump? On an economic level, the costs and benefits of America’s global security guarantees prove rather difficult to calculate. Some scholars argue that, in essence, Trump is correct: America could withdraw much of its overseas military presence, use the savings for tax cuts or investments, and maintain important trading relationships via bilateral means. Others contend that the United States receives positive economic returns from its international commitments. The value of our defense spending can’t be captured in dollars alone But to assess American military commitments simply in economic terms misses the point. For the past 60 years, both Democratic and Republican administrations have often worked to foster dependence on the US security architecture. This included actively discouraging independent European military capabilities that would compete with NATO. The United States enjoys enormous advantages that derive from owning and operating hundreds of military bases spanning the alliance network — many in Germany and Japan. It also benefits from access agreements with many more allies and partners. All of this makes it much easier for the United States to project power globally. The American base in Ramstein, Germany, for example, currently provides a key hub for US Air Force missions in the Middle East that target the Islamic State. (To put the existence of this base in perspective, try to imagine South Korea or Italy operating a major military base in Kansas or Michigan.) In addition, many of our allies underwrite the basing of US forces on their territory. The US architecture, as a whole, encourages allies to defer spending on their own militaries, while subsidizing US forward operations. (Japan is currently increasing its military capabilities in response to China’s own military buildup, but in ways that presuppose — and even depend upon — incredibly close cooperation with the United States.) These relationships, including the asymmetric military capabilities and the commitments provided by the United States, add up to security interdependence on Washington’s terms. Dependence on the US constitutes a huge source of strength in the international system. It means that the wealthiest states in the world both need — and cannot challenge — American dominance. Think about it: The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan are not engaged in great-power rivalries with one another, or with the United States. Instead, they are all part of an American-centric security architecture, in which the United States has muted their desire, and ability, to become military peer-competitors. In short, this is a terrific deal for America. Only two great powers — Russia and China — stand as potential rivals to the United States. And these potential rivals are currently blocked from alliances with the wealthiest and most scientifically advanced partners in the world, because those countries are closely aligned with the United States. Consider how, in the early 20th century, it made Britain’s defense policy much easier when it ceased having to hedge against military conflict with the United States. Not only does the United States not have to worry about either European powers or some of the strongest Asian states, but it exercises, at least for now, significant influence over their security policies. If our allies really paid their “fair share,” new military rivalries might emerge Properly understood, Trump’s call for “America first” promises not American strength, but weakness. Again, there is nothing new about the United States placing pressure on its partners to shoulder slightly more of the defense burden. But coupling those demands to the rest of the “America first” agenda — not to mention Trump’s own mercurial treatment of some of Washington’s most durable partnerships — calls into question the basic bargain that makes our allies willing to accept strategic dependency on the United States. Unequal military power is a part of that bargain. Trump may extract some concessions — from NATO members, and particularly from Japan and other Asian states worried about China. But since Trump says he wants to increase defense spending regardless of how his bid for burden sharing plays out, it’s even unclear what economic benefit the United States will derive from pressuring its allies. And when those allies start making major military investments, we should be even more concerned. After all, if Washington cannot be trusted to honor its commitments, or to adopt policies of enlightened self-interest toward its partners, why should our allies tolerate a continued position of vulnerability vis-à-vis the United States? Trump’s approach to burden-sharing sends the message to our allies that the United States may abandon them as soon as the short-term cost-benefit calculus suggests doing so — such as when defending them risks war, or when the next recession makes bashing “free riding” allies politically expedient. But as Article 5 of the NATO alliance, which pledges collective security, becomes conditional, it becomes more and more irrelevant. Dangerous hints that allies are weighing options beyond the US Indeed, there are already signs that our allies are looking into ways to hedge their bets — to explore “exit options” that could allow them to decouple from the American security architecture. In a shocking statement for a German chancellor, Angela Merkel responded to Trump’s rhetoric by saying that Europe’s fate is “in its own hands.” A February 2017 Infratest poll found that only 22 percent of Germans believe that the United States is a trustworthy ally, down from 59 percent in November. Guy Verhofstadt, the former prime minister of Belgium and current member of the European Parliament, has called for an EU army funded collectively by the member states. “If we don't want to become the object of Trump-Putin deals, we must put into place real EU defence and foreign policy now,” he tweeted in January. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of the nationalist Law and Justice Party in Poland, gave a shocking interview with a German newspaper, in which he called for a European nuclear arsenal that would rival that of Russia — and by extension that of the United States. At first glance, a more muscular Europe might seem to be exactly what Trump wants. But such decoupling from the US sets in motion a new great-power politics, opening up possibility of new combinations of middle-sized powers that could eventually challenge the American preponderance of power. There is already talk in Berlin of pursuing closer German-Chinese relations as one way of reducing dependency on Washington. If the state of play continues to worsen, then European states may even begin to question the prudence of allowing American forward basing, including at Ramstein, on their territory. It’s easy for more powerful states to push weaker ones around — even allies. But real leaders understand the durable power that comes from authority and deference. Yes, many states rely on our security guarantee. And, yes, the United States sometimes pays disproportionately in financial terms. But that’s a small price to pay for global stability. Abraham Newman is an associate professor in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and in the department of government at Georgetown University. He is the author of Protectors of Privacy: Regulating Personal Data in the Global Economy. Twitter: @ANewman_forward. Daniel Nexon is an associate professor in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and in the government department at Georgetown. He blogs at The Duck of Minerva and Lawyers, Guns and Money, and is the author of The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe: Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires, and International Change. Twitter: @dhnexon The Big Idea is Vox’s home for smart, often scholarly excursions into the most important issues and ideas in politics, science, and culture — typically written by outside contributors. If you have an idea for a piece, pitch us at [email protected].
​Chelsea manager Antonio Conte has described his in-form winger Eden Hazard as 'priceless' ahead of his side's trip to Burnley this weekend. Hazard has put last season's horror show behind him and has scored 10 goals in 23 Premier League games this term. Speaking in his ​pre-match press conference, Conte said: " I think Eden for sure is a top player, he’s in a level which is very high. But I don’t see the problem because we don’t want to sell him. He hasn’t a price now." Best Squawka Performance Score in Europe's top 5 leagues: E. Hazard (1,178)  L. Messi (1,173)  M. Hamsik (1,078)  A. Sanchez (998)  pic.twitter.com/wvIsio5enL — Squawka Football (@Squawka) February 9, 2017 Hazard's display against Arsenal in Chelsea's 3-1 win last weekend has lead to many suggesting the Belgian will win the PFA Player of the Year award at the end of the campaign. Conte admitted he wasn't very good at "pricing a player" but very few Chelsea fans will disagree with the former Juventus boss' view of Hazard being "priceless". However some were confused as to why the former Lens winger was substituted late on in the game at Stamford Bridge. Conte quickly responded, by explaining it was a kind gesture, rather than a cause for concern, saying: "In the last game for sure I wanted to give him a great applause from our fans because he deserved this for the game." Since Conte's decision to change to 3-4-3 formation Chelsea have looked a completely different side to the one that struggled last year. Hazard has been used as the main comparison, but it seems as though every player has welcomed Conte's changes. <section><h2>Who would win in a head-to-head fight?</h2></section><section><h2>Diego Costa</h2></section><section><h3>Philippe Coutinho</h3></section> ​​
Aksys Games is set to localize Compile Heart’s Sei Madou Monogatari (Holy Sorcery Story), a dungeon crawler JRPG for the PlayStation Vita. The game is set to launch this year under the title Sorcery Saga: The Curse of the Great Curry God. Here’s Play-Asia‘s full description: To graduate from the magic academy, Pupuru has to retrieve the Madokyuu from the Mado Tower. However, instead of the relic, she finds a book full of curry recipes inside and releases Ku-chan, a strange creature. For this, she is suspended from school. However, she isn’t the type to mope around, since a curry restaurant near the school is facing a crisis, she decides to use the recipes in the book to create Mado-Curry to save the restaurant, and for that, she needs four legendary ingredients. But standing in her way is an evil lord determined to marry her, a jealous witch who sees her as a rival and perverted wizards and heroes. The game originally launched in Japan in back in March. I’m hoping this is the start of more localization for the Vita. If you’re wondering how the game looks and plays just take a gander at the videos below: Related No related content found. Tags: JRPG
Our editors independently research, test, and recommend the best products; you can learn more about our review process here. We may receive commissions on purchases made from our chosen links. So, without further ado, read on for our list of the best PlayStation 3 exclusives. The games, which are all available now, deliver something compelling for any type of gamer. And best of all, there’s a good chance that the titles won’t set you back too much when you buy them online. And although the PlayStation 3 has been outshined by newer consoles, like the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One, among others, the PlayStation 3’s list of exclusive games is still one you should want to check out. But one of the best things about the PlayStation 3 is that it comes with exclusive titles you simply can’t find elsewhere. And while the dozens of exclusive games available on the console aren’t equally appealing, there are several that anyone who enjoys ​fun and engaging storylines and outstanding adventures will love. ​Sony’s PlayStation 3 has gone down for years as one of the best and most appealing game consoles in the industry. The console has long offered outstanding graphics, a compelling library of games and a host of extras that have made it a must-have for any serious gamer. Many of the game’s most important characters, including Liquid Ocelot, and others, all find their way into the story, which most gamers have called gripping and extremely entertaining. Add that to a fantastic shooting system and graphics that will surely impress, and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a clear winner for anyone seeking a PlayStation 3 exclusive. Meat Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is widely considered one of the best Metal Gear games. The title again puts you into the role of Snake and allows you to employ a Chameleon-like camouflage system called the Octacamo that lets you blend into your surroundings. The feature means your stealth ability and staying quiet as enemies approach is critical. And it also creates a feeling of suspense you just can’t find elsewhere. The Metal Gear Solid franchise has been among the most celebrated in the gaming industry. The series follows Snake as he battles enemies in a third-party stealth shooter experience. And along the way, you get the chance to see how the Metal Gear and the military factions that are part of the series, evolve. If you’re in a rush to get through a popular game, The Last of Us isn’t for you. But if you want a game that will last you a long time and give you plenty to remember when it’s done, be sure to check it out. The game’s graphics are gorgeous and the voice acting is superb. And since it comes with multiplayer support, there’s also an opportunity here for you and your friends to enjoy the game together. The Last of Us is hard to describe at first blush. In some ways, the game is a gripping survival-horror game that requires you to withstand some of the worst and scariest threats you can imagine. In others, however, it’s an action-adventure that allows you to blast your way through a post-apocalyptic world with ease. More than anything, The Last of Us offers a compelling story that centers on Joel and 14-year-old Ellie, who are both just trying to survive. If you’re a fan of post-apocalyptic dramas and like the Uncharted series of games, The Last of Us might just be of the best options in this round-up. The game has some action in it, but the narrative is what you’ll be picking up Heavy Rain for. And if you’re someone who wants to remember a game long after you’ve put it down, Heavy Rain seems like an outstanding option. Along the way, you’ll be asked to make decisions that can have both small and major effects on the overall story. So, even if you play the game several times over, as long as you make a few different decisions along the way, you’ll have an entirely different experience. The game allows you to play as multiple characters as you work your way through a psychological crime thriller. Your job is to find the Origami Killer, who has left his calling card of folded paper on his victims. You’ll play as several characters as the rain is pouring outside and you’re in search of the killer. Instead, Heavy Rain is all about the story. And what a story it has. There are some games in the video gaming world that eschew storylines and detailed characters in favor of flat-out fun and adventure. But Heavy Rain is nothing of the sort. True to Uncharted form, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception has downright outstanding gameplay mechanics and the gun-wielding, puzzle-solving and adventure experiences are impressive. And if you have a 3D television, you can even play the game in 3D to experience it in a unique way. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is an action-adventure title that asks you to explore the world, from a chateau in France to the Arabian Desert. The game features a long and nearly universally beloved campaign, as well as a multiplayer opportunity to play with friends and experience the title in a new way. The Uncharted series offers some of the most compelling and appealing adventure experiences ever offered in a video game. It follows lead character Nathan Drake and blurs the lines between the video game and a film. The God of War III’s engrossing storyline will last you several hours and its impressive combat system and new weapons should go a long way in making those hours feel like they’re flying by. There are even some new lighting effects in the game that change how you experience the title and make it more colorful than previous versions. God of War III picks up where God of War II left off, so if you haven’t yet played that game, you’ll want to do so. But if you want some hints into what you can expect, look for Kratos to continue his quest for vengeance against Zeus. As in previous versions of the game, you’re placed into a Greek mythological world as you play with Kratos to take on impossibly large and powerful gods. Along the way, you’ll button-mash your way through combat and have an opportunity to complete combination attacks on enemies that will surely impress even the most cynical of gaming fans. The God of War series is brutal, decidedly for adults, and has some of the most impressive fighting mechanics you’ll ever experience in a video game. And God of War III might just be the best of the early trilogy. LittleBigPlanet LittleBigPlanet is all about fun and unleashing your creativity to build inside the game. And after it was named game of the year the year it hit store shelves and as more and more people got their hands on the game, something became immediately clear: LittleBigPlanet was a game that made it even more appealing to own a PlayStation 3. At its core, LittleBigPlanet is a platformer not unlike Super Mario and others. But what it does to differentiate itself is give you, the gamer, the opportunity to build the world around you. The game puts you in the position of Sackboy, a customer that you can customize to fit whatever look and feel you desire. Along the way, you and Sackboy will explore more than 50 levels that get harder over time and give you the chance to create more sophisticated in-game items along the way. Meanwhile, the LittleBigPlanet world is available to both individual players and in multiplayer. So, if you wanted to play with up to three other friends, you can do it. And since it’s also an online game, you could technically play with anyone around the world.
Hotel Caribe ABC News' Reena Ninan, Christine Romo and Mary Bruce Report: CARTAGENA, Colombia - Secret Service officials planning a wild night of fun in Colombia did some of their own advanced work last week, booking a party space at the Hotel Caribe before heading out to the night clubs, hotel sources tell ABC News exclusively. As first reported by ABC, the men went to the "Pley Club" brothel, where they drank expensive whiskey and bragged that they worked for President Obama. The men were also serviced by prostitutes at the club. But the night didn't end there. The men brought women from the Pley Club back to the hotel and also picked up additional escorts from other clubs and venues around town, sources tell ABC News. Eleven officials were involved and, according to Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who was briefed on the misconduct by Secret Service, "twenty or twenty-one women foreign nationals were brought to the hotel." ABC has learned that, when booking the party space, the men told hotel staff that they anticipated roughly 30 people. The following morning there was reportedly a dispute between one of the women and an official over the amount of money she was owed for spending the night. A quarrel ensued and the authorities were ultimately called. The officials' misconduct in Cartagena last week, ahead of the president's visit for the Summit of the Americas, has already forced three agents out of their positions. The Secret Service announced Wednesday that one supervisor was allowed to retire while another was "proposed for removal for cause." A third, non-supervisory employee resigned. The remaining eight Secret Service personnel allegedly involved remain on administrative leave. The Secret Service has also widened their investigation of the officials to include possible drug use during their partying in Cartagena, ABC News confirmed.
"Nobody should say such things, in my opinion, because to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable," Paul Ryan said. | AP Photo Ryan admonishes Trump for 'riot' remark The House speaker also says a contested convention 'could very well become a reality.' It's becoming more and more clear: Donald Trump and Paul Ryan simply don't see eye to eye. Ryan on Thursday criticized Trump for saying that riots would erupt if the New York billionaire doesn't become the party's presidential nominee. At the same news conference, Ryan said it "could very well become a reality" that the 2016 GOP convention in Cleveland is contested. Story Continued Below If you're keeping count at home, Ryan has now criticized Trump for his apparent hesitance in distancing himself from former David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard; said the candidate's call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States was wrong; and said Trump should do more to control violent outbursts at his political events. On Thursday, Ryan put more space between Trump and himself. "Nobody should say such things, in my opinion, because to even address or hint to violence is unacceptable," Ryan said, when asked about Trump's prediction of rioting if someone else becomes the nominee. When asked about the possibility of a contested convention, Ryan said there is a "perception that this is more likely to become an open convention than we thought before." "So we're getting our minds around the idea that this could very well become a reality, and therefore, those of us who are involved in the convention need to respect that," Ryan said. The speaker has been clear that he is unafraid to speak out against Trump when he believes the candidate is distorting conservative or American principles. It appears that Ryan believes Trump is doing that quite frequently. "If anybody — not just Donald Trump — if anybody is out there representing the Republican Party in ways that we believe disfigure conservatism or do not portray what our views and principles are, I, as a party leader — and others, I assume, as well — have an obligation to defend our principles from being distorted. We're going to continue doing that. "Look. I am who I am," he continued. "I'm a conservative who believes in specific principles and specific policies, and I'm going to speak out on those all the time." Ryan did say he did not believe that he would need to disown Trump as a candidate. He also said he, himself, will not be the candidate. Ryan said he asked former Speaker John Boehner to stop mentioning him as a potential nominee.
TUF 25 Premieres on Wednesday with 5-1/2 Hours of Programming The mixed martial arts reality series THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER returns to FS1 on Wednesday, April 19 in a big way, with five-and-a-half hours of evening programming dedicated to the show. The schedule includes the Season 25 premiere of THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER, this season called THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: REDEMPTION, as well as the return of the late-night companion show TUF TALK, a BEST OF 25th SEASON ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL and additional coverage on the weekly news show UFC TONIGHT. THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: REDEMPTION kicks off with a special two-hour episode at 10:00 PM ET. This season, 14 former cast members return to Las Vegas for a second chance in the competition. They are coached by bantamweight world champion Cody Garbrandt and No. 2 contender TJ Dillashaw. At stake is the biggest prize in the show’s history – $250,000, plus a contract with the UFC. Following the premiere of THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: REDEMPTION, FS1 presents TUF TALK at 12:00 AM ET, the show for immediate reaction and analysis of the biggest storylines from the most recent episode of THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: REDEMPTION. Hosts Karyn Bryant and Dominick Cruz catch up with Garbrandt and Dillashaw via Skype this week to recap the opening episode and preview the season ahead. Dillashaw’s coach Duane Ludwig also joins live in studio to discuss the heated rivalry between Dillashaw and Garbrandt. After premiere week, TUF TALK moves to its regular time of 11:00 PM ET on Wednesdays and middleweight champion Michael Bisping joins as a co-host later in the season. TRENDING > Cris Cyborg Wants a Fight or Her UFC Release To celebrate the silver anniversary of the long-running reality sports show, THE BEST OF THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: 25TH SEASON ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL precedes the Season 25 premiere at 8:00 PM ET and looks back at the best moments from the first 24 seasons of the show. From the origins of the series to the most memorable fighters and coaches, former cast members and producers explain the growth and popularity of the world’s most successful mixed martial arts reality program. THE ULTIMATE FIGHTER: REDEMPTION coverage begins Wednesday evening with UFC TONIGHT at a special time (7:00 PM ET), with Ludwig in studio talking to host Daniel Cormier and guest host Tyron Woodley. (Subscribe to MMAWeekly.com on YouTube) Follow MMAWeekly.com on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Release Notes 1.14.1 | Update History | docs Menu World of Tanks Wargaming.net Game Download Game Redeem Bonus Codes News Ratings Updates Tankopedia Music Guides Newcomer's Guide General Guide Game Economics Account Security Achievements Fair Play Policy Wargaming.net Game Center Tank Manuals Twitch Drops Guide Clans Stronghold Global Map Clan Ratings Clan Portal My Clan Alley of Fame Tournaments Community My Profile Search Players Refer a Friend Forum Mod Hub Media Useful Software Create account Create account Create account Close Failed to log in. Log in or create account My Profile Log out Home docs Update History Release Notes 1.14.1 Main Changes Map Changes In the southeastern part of the Mannerheim Line map (squares J8 and K6), terrain irregularities that caused vehicles to slide into the water have been smoothed out. Parts of the slope where vehicles will lose traction with the surface are highlighted with a texture. Field Modification The selection of the Alternate Configuration appearing before a battle starts can now be switched off. The setting is separate for each specific vehicle. This can be done directly in the Field Modification screen of a vehicle, separately for the Essentials Loadout (consumables and shells) and the Auxiliary Loadout (equipment and directives). Functionality for changing the ammo type on the battle loading screen has been added. Functionality for a quick swap between Dual Modifications in the Field Modification screen has been added. The previous Dual Modification is now canceled automatically. WoT portal: Players can now apply role filters when searching for and sorting vehicles. Movement Physics (changes due to the test of the M-IV-Y) The Spare Track mechanic has been added. The animation of damaged track pieces for vehicles with spare tracks has been added. The suspension repair speed parameter has been added to the list of technical characteristics. The Repair skill has been added to the vehicle comparison menu. Battle Mode Selector A new size for the tiles in the mode selector has been added. The mode tiles in which Battle Pass Points can be earned are now marked accordingly. Interface The gun reload timer now displays hundredths of a second. For some vehicles, the standard number of shells in the ammo rack has been changed to better match the current game situations. The already loaded ammo has not been changed. Changes to Technical Characteristics of the Following Vehicles China Type 59, Type 59 G Changed the dispersion from 0.39 to 0.35 m Changed the reload time from 8.4 to 7.9 s Increased the top speed from 56 to 60 km/h Type T-34 Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse by 8% Decreased the dispersion of the 57 mm 55-57FG gun on turret traverse by 29% Changed the aiming time of the 57 mm 55-57FG gun from 2.3 to 2 s Type 58 Changed the dispersion of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 0.38 to 0.36 m Changed the reload time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 5 to 4.8 s Changed the aiming time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 2.3 to 2 s T-34-1 Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the T-34-1 suspension by 8% Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the T-34-1 model 2 suspension by 9% Changed the dispersion of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 0.38 to 0.36 m Changed the reload time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun in the T-34-1 turret from 5 to 4.8 s Changed the aiming time of the 100 mm 44-100JT gun from 2.7 to 2.5 s Changed the aiming time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun in the T-34-1 turret from 2.9 to 2 s Changed the aiming time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun in the T-34-1 model 2 turret from 2.3 to 2 s T-34-2 Changed the dispersion of the 122 mm 371-122JTX gun from 0.44 to 0.43 m Changed the dispersion of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 0.38 to 0.36 m Changed the aiming time of the 85 mm 56-85JT gun from 2.3 to 2 s Changed the penetration value of the Po-411RH shell for the 122 mm 371-122JTX gun from 250 to 280 mm Changed the penetration value of the Chuan bei-411CJ shell for the 122 mm 371-122JTX gun from 190 to 212 mm Increased the top speed from 50 to 56 km/h WZ-120 Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the WZ-120 suspension by 11% Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the WZ-120 model 3 suspension by 12% Changed the dispersion of the 100 mm 62-100T gun from 0.38 to 0.36 m Decreased the dispersion of the 122 mm 60-122T gun on turret traverse by 14% Changed the aiming time of the 122 mm 60-122T gun from 3.4 to 2.7 s Changed the aiming time of the 100 mm 62-100T gun from 2.9 to 2.5 s 121 Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse by 17% Changed the aiming time from 2.7 to 2.5 s 110 Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the 110 suspension by 20% Decreased the dispersion during movement and on hull traverse for the 110-1 suspension by 22% Changed the dispersion of the 100 mm 62-100T gun from 0.38 to 0.36 m Changed the aiming time of the 100 mm 62-100T gun from 2.9 to 2.5 s U.K. Cruiser Mk. I, Cruiser Mk. II The AP Mk. 1T shells for the QF 2-pdr Mk. IX prototype gun have been replaced with the AP Mk. 1Tp shells, but their parameters remain unchanged. The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Caliban U.S.S.R. The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: KV-1 shielded The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Object 590 U.S.A. The following vehicle was added for testing by Supertest players: M-IV-Y The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Convert Medium Tank T3. Sweden The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Bofors Tornvagn Known Issues In some cases, the sequence of events in the damage log is distorted. In some cases, falling trees fall through the terrain. Upon successful completion of the Alliance-14 mission during the Chimera operation, the failed mission icon is displayed after the battle. The Battle Results screen is missing an entry about the completion of the last mission in a series. When shooting at the ground from a distance of over 500 m, the hit effect is displayed next to the vehicle that made the shot. When mounting the Experimental Optics equipment, the view range value is rounded down. The conditions of Personal Missions are not displayed upon pressing N in Grand Battles. When using the "Driving to position!" command on a pre-battle marker, the chat does not display the corresponding message. On the Normandie map in Frontline mode, some Swedish tank destroyers may spawn on their side. In the team panel, vehicle names are displayed with different fonts. Missing voice notification about hitting an enemy vehicle with its subsequent destruction. Some players may face an issue with scenarios not being shown when entering Topography game mode. The issue can be solved by toggling scenario filters. Progress is not displayed in Ranked Battles "Ranked Charge" progression decal. Fixed Issues and Improvements Fixed the issue of players with suitable system requirements seeing a message about poor performance in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of hanging notifications about battle events in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of the "Contested" message being displayed after capturing some zones in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of the reason for disciplinary punishments not being displayed in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of the Primary Vehicles filter being reset when selecting a vehicle on the vehicle panel in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of the player's progress level not visually changing after the start of a new Stage in the Frontline mode. Fixed the issue of, during the preview of some 3D styles, the vehicle model changing to that of the vehicle returning from battle. Fixed the issue of the frequency of map repetition in the rotation being increased. Fixed the issue of the "Armor not hit" message being displayed upon destroying an enemy vehicle. Fixed the rare issue of teams being formed with a significant difference in vehicle tiers. Fixed the description of the "Win Alone vs Enemies" engraving. The direction of the flag for the "Establishment of Czechoslovakia" 2D style has been reversed. Related materials Show all Updated Important Discuss Discuss Up Join the community More than 160,000,000 players Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter 36,618 subscribers Watch us on YouTube 356,000 subscribers wargaming.net Player Support Partners EULA Privacy Policy Game Rules Parental controls Careers Europe (English) Select a region Selecting another region may affect the website content. 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Photo As the news outlets have proclaimed multiple times (yes, including The New York Times), Brooklyn — the birthplace of hipsterdom, the epitome of city cool, basically the center of the urban universe — is over. Very over. So is its European equivalent, the gritty, arty Berlin. The artists that made these cities cool are being priced out, luxury condos and hotels pop up more often than gallery openings, Dunkin’ Donuts replace local restaurants, a J.Crew opens among the remaining independent boutiques. European tourists flood Brooklyn’s Williamsburg, as American hipsters romp around Berlin’s Neukölln or Kreuzberg. Meanwhile, editors chase the next hippest town in the world for the unavoidably viral listicle. The editors will continue to carry out their heated debates and search for the next Williamsburg or the next Berlin (candidates for the latter include Warsaw, Germany’s Leipzig and Estonia’s Tallinn) — but the process begs the question: what makes a city cool, and is it a good thing? In a piece for The Daily Beast, Tom Teodorczuk claims that Manhattan’s Upper East Side, a traditionally uber-expensive stomping ground for the city’s elite, is the next go-to hip area. The neighborhood, Mr. Teodorczuk writes, is “buzzing thanks to a spate of restaurant, bar and retail openings belatedly supplying sting to the once predominantly WASP enclave.” Ben Adler debunks Mr. Teodorczuk’s claims at Grist, listing the criteria for a hip neighborhood: “The cool kids are attracted to diversity, dynamism, tolerant liberalism, and transit accessibility.” The Upper East side is still uncool — as it always was — because it remains “mostly populated with rich white people,” is too expensive for aspiring artists and is too far from the actual “happening neighborhoods.” In its list of America’s coolest cities, Forbes weighs entertainment and recreational amenities, “foodie” culture, diversity, age (share of residents between the ages of 20 and 34) and population growth, with special regard for influx of new people. The winner for 2014 was the nation’s capital, Washington. But naming cities “cool” or even “the coolest” may not be as innocent as it seems. “The problem with a ‘coolest city’ ranking is the way it takes things any city ought to be proud of — diversity, urbanity, art, energy, walkability, transit accessibility — and attaches them to a polarising sociological identity,” writes Jordan Fraade at The Guardian. “Most Americans probably don’t have strong opinions about multimodal transit, or bicycle infrastructure. But they do have strong feelings about snobbish urban hipsters.” Mr. Fraade describes the backlash against “cool kids” in the country’s capital. The arguments tend to center on transportation. One battle in D.C. last year played out over getting rid of parking minimums (regulations that require a minimum amount of parking spaces in new buildings), with the minimums’ defenders “united by a large serving of disdain for the ‘young people’ who wanted parking minimums scrapped.” Another front is the anti-bike movement, which is so strong in some cities that it has earned its own term: “bikelash.” For some anti-bikers, cyclists are representatives of the gentrifying army of white millennials, giving the car-versus-bike war a class dimension. “When the focus of city governance shifts away from winning spots on magazine lists and towards useful service provision for as many constituents as possible — cool people, uncool people and the vast, middlingly cool majority — the US will finally have the urban renaissance it has been promised,” writes Mr. Fraade. At The New Republic, Thomas Rogers also finds branding cities as “cool” as harmful. Over the last 10 years, Berlin’s hip factor “has become less organic and more aggressively manufactured,” with even the city’s mayor branding it as “poor but sexy.” “This way of talking about cities — ‘up-and-coming,’ ‘cool,’ ‘over’ — is partially the result of a rash of neo-liberal reforms that have had a deleterious effect on the way we think about cities over the past two decades,” Mr. Rogers writes. In the 1980s, governments started to pull funds from cities, which then had to fend for themselves, Mr. Rogers says, competing for investment and attention. This race was only exacerbated by globalization and the controversial claim that to have a successful city it needs to attract the “creative class.” The economic consequences of branding a city as “cool” are huge, experts tell Mr. Rogers. An influx of a new kind of tourist, one that spends a couple of months in a city like Berlin, enjoying its hip reputation, sometimes working remotely, drives up the cost of rent for locals. International real estate buyers flock to the city branded as hip. Jamie Peck, a professor of geography at the University of British Columbia, tells Mr. Rogers that in a poor city, when there’s a disparity between the city’s income and what foreigners pay for real estate, “the more locals become a part of a service economy catering to wealthy foreigners.” All of these issues become amplified in a city that is branded as the “next Berlin,” which is likely to be smaller, with a less-developed cultural scene and cachet, says Mr. Rogers. “Ultimately, this sped-up gentrification may also rob these cities the opportunity to allow their burgeoning art and nightlife scenes to grow and evolve.” Back in the United States, the city of Portland, Ore., shows what can happen to a city whose reputation grows bigger than its infrastructure and potential for growth. In a piece for The New York Times Magazine, Claire Cain Miller writes that Portland has “all the perks that economists suggest lead to a high quality of life,” including the surrounding nature, climate and cultural institutions, and is also “politically open,” pro-gay rights, pro-legalization of marijuana, “in addition to the right of way for unicyclists or the ability to marry in a 24/7 doughnut shop.” But having attracted scores of young, educated people, Portland became saturated with a generation of overqualified newcomers, unable to offer them jobs. Between 2000 and 2012, the city’s economy grew less than 42 other American cities. While people move to New York to be in finance or to Los Angeles to be in show business, Aaron Renn, an urban affairs analyst, tells Ms. Miller, “People move to Portland to move to Portland.” Even a report from the state’s employment agency stated that the average income in Oregon “may have been a ‘victim’ of the state’s attractiveness, and a resulting population influx.” And thus Portland fell into the so-called amenity paradox, coined by urban affairs professors at Portland State University to describe “cities where the same amenities that attract people end up eroding what made a city desirable in the first place.” Poor but sexy?
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Standard Specification for Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and Waterproofing The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment. Find out more. 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Access your content now. Go to ASTM Compass® Standard Active Last Updated: Jul 05, 2021 ASTM D1668/D1668M-97a(2021) Standard Specification for Glass Fabrics (Woven and Treated) for Roofing and Waterproofing Significance and Use Abstract 1. Scope Version D1668_D1668M-97AR21 Active D1668_D1668M-97AR14E01 D1668-97AR06 D1668-97A Language Select Language Format Select Format What is a Redline? Why Redline? × A PDF redline is a quick and easy way to compare all of the changes between the current, active standard and the previous version. With a redline you'll immediately see: additions deletions and other changes between the two standards. Save Time and Trouble! With a Redline you no longer have to spend time trying to determine what has changed in the new standard! Redlines save you time and ensure you see what the changes are to the standard. Price When you select the "Standard + Redline" option you get both documents! 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Reprints and Permissions Reprints and copyright permissions can be requested through the Copyright Clearance Center Details Book of Standards Volume: 04.04 Developed by Subcommittee: D08.04 Pages: 3 DOI: 10.1520/D1668_D1668M-97AR21 ICS Code: 59.080.40 All All Meetings & Symposia Standardization News News Releases Go Home About Contact Policies Privacy Policy Copyright/Permissions Reading Room Copyright © 1996 - 2022 ASTM. All Rights Reserved. ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959 USA
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Study: Fast-food workers rely on $7 billion in aid A report by UC Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign staffers comes on the heels of a fast-food staff walkout in August over low pay. A report by UC Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign staffers comes on the heels of a fast-food staff walkout in August over low pay. Photo: Sam Wolson, Special To The Chronicle Photo: Sam Wolson, Special To The Chronicle Image 1 of / 3 Caption Close Study: Fast-food workers rely on $7 billion in aid 1 / 3 Back to Gallery The low wages paid to fast-food workers are costing taxpayers $7 billion a year in public assistance, according to a study released Tuesday by the UC Berkeley Labor Center. Full-time workers at such places as McDonald's and Burger King don't make enough to support themselves, forcing them to enroll in welfare programs such as food stamps and Medicaid, the report shows. People working in fast-food jobs are more likely to live in or near poverty than any other job sector, with 43 percent having an income two times below the federal poverty level or less. In California alone, researchers estimate that low-paid fast-food workers are costing taxpayers $717 million a year in state and federal assistance. The report, "Fast Food, Poverty Wages: The Public Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in the Fast Food Industry" was co-written with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's department of urban and regional planning. The study's release, and a companion report by the National Employment Law Project, comes after thousands of fast-food workers in 60 cities walked off their jobs in August, demanding higher pay. The study also comes at a time when Republicans in Congress are trying to cut government assistance such as food stamps. Despite the perception that most employees at fast-food drive-throughs are high school and college kids, 26 percent are single and married adults with children, said Marc Doussard, one of the authors of the study. Willietta Dukes, 40, has been working in fast-food restaurants since she was 26 years old. But she said she couldn't have raised her two sons without welfare programs. "Why should I have to rely on government assistance when I work as hard as anyone else?" Dukes, who earns $7.85 an hour at a Burger King in Durham, N.C., asked during a national press conference call. "Why shouldn't I be paid what I'm worth? We're the people making the restaurant." She said there are times she has to forgo buying medicine because she can't afford it. The study found that 52 percent of the families of fast-food workers are enrolled in one or more public assistance programs, compared with 25 percent of the workforce as a whole. These families account for $3.9 billion a year in Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program spending, and are receiving on average $1.04 billion in food stamp benefits, according to the researchers. The Employment Policies Institute, a nonprofit group that argues that increasing the minimum wage increases unemployment for the non-educated and non-skilled, accused the researchers of being shills for labor unions. "In its quest to unionize the fast food industry, the (Service Employees International Union) has demonstrated that it will leave no stone unturned, including using research and arguments that would get a higher grade in creative writing than in a high school economics class," wrote Michael Saltsman, research director at the institute, in a press release. The UC Berkeley authors of the study called the allegations "odd." "I'm an economist," Sylvia Allegretto said. "This is what I do for a living." Devonte Yates, 21 and a McDonald's worker in Milwaukee, doesn't care what the motivation for the report is. All he knows is that he can't make it on his $7.25-an-hour earnings. "I rely on food stamps to eat at night," he said. "The CEO of McDonald's makes more in a day than I make in a year. We work hard, show up every day and are dedicated to these companies. Why shouldn't we be paid a living wage?"
Premier League MARCA sits down with Manchester United midfielder Ander Herrera has appeared in 72 games with Manchester United in two seasons, has now won his first title at club level and is looking forward to working under new coach Jose Mourinho. Man United closed the season by winning the FA Cup, what are your thoughts on that? It has been a difficult season, it can't be otherwise when goals are not achieved. The FA Cup is a fantastic tournament and Manchester United must fight for everything. But yes, to win a title, even in difficult circumstances, speaks of the greatness of this club. How did it feel to win your first title at club level? It has been a blast. In the semi-final against Everton we scored in the 92nd minute, and, in the end, we managed to win in extra-time. We suffered a lot for that win, so we enjoyed it more. Wembley is a legendary stadium, I will never forget it and hopefully it's the first of many for me with United. And August 7 could be your second club title... The Community Shield against Leicester will be just as challenging. They have left everyone speechless. What they have achieved in the Premier League is tremendous, especially against the top clubs with their financial backing. It was amazing how they played, how they ran ... I hope we can follow them, they were deserving champions. What do you think of as your reflect on your two years at United so far? The fans appreciate me, and that feels good. I would've liked to have more continuity in games, but I still played 31 games last season and 41 this year. Those are very good numbers in a top club like United, but ideally, you always want to play in every game. And win all of the ones you play - I want more in the future. Are you surprised by Van Gaal's dismissal? Nothing surprises you in football today. United have to fight for every title and, when they lose that fight, this is one of the outcomes. In many ways I think he has done a good job. I'm grateful to him because he signed me and so gave me the opportunity to play more than 70 games, in two years, at arguably the world's largest club. Were the rumours about Van Gaal's departure a distraction? It wasn't a comfortable time, but we are professionals, and so we didn't allow it to distract us. I must say that the coach remained strong throughout. He never showed signs of surrender and, in the end, we won the FA Cup. Van Gaal is an honest guy and has always put Manchester United above all else. How does the arrival of Jose Mourinho feel? I've had great coaches: Marcelino, with whom I made my debut; Aguirre, Bielsa. Valverde; who taught me how to handle the locker room and is a fantastic guy. Then came Van Gaal and Mou now, who is the most successful coach, alongside Pep Guardiola. He has won the league in four countries, the Champions League with Inter and Porto and lead Chelsea to become champions twice. So for me this is a unique opportunity that will push me the maximum.
The new rule governing lost offside challenges cost the Chicago Blackhawks in a loss to the Minnesota Wild on Thursday night, and coach Joel Quenneville was not happy about it. So what was Quenneville so upset about? Chris Stewart scored to give the Wild a 2-1 lead midway through the third period, and the Blackhawks bench boss challenged the play hoping Minnesota forward Jason Zucker would be deemed offside carrying the puck in before setting up Stewart for the go-ahead marker. Instead, it was ruled that Brent Seabrook carried the puck into his own zone, preventing an offside call. "(Seabrook) didn’t carry it and didn’t have possession, so I disagree with that ruling," Quenneville said after the game, according to Mark Lazarus of the Chicago Sun-Times. "Plus it was offside. I mean, why didn’t he blow the whistle? Unless he knew that rule and thought he had possession? Or he thought he carried it or controlled it?" But the goal call was upheld, and because of the NHL's new policy of assessing a penalty against the team that loses an offside challenge, the Wild went on a power play as a result. Zucker scored on the man advantage to make it 3-1 for Minnesota. Stewart followed that with another goal, and the Wild cruised to a 5-2 victory. The NHL reiterated the Seabrook possession ruling and offered an official explanation postgame, citing Rule 83.1, which states, in part: "If a player legally carries or passes the puck back into his own defending zone while a player of the opposing team is in such defending zone, the off-side shall be ignored and play permitted to continue." This is the first season the league is penalizing teams for failed offside challenges.
injury litigation – 3PL Perspectives 3PL Perspectives Home Past Issues Advertise TIA Home Contact Us 3PL Perspectives Business Management Government Legal Insurance Operations Technology International Marketing TIA News Sponsored Content Tag Archives: injury litigation Mayhem and Unanticipated Liability: How to Avoid It June 3, 2019 Sound risk management and seeking expertise on insurance matters can help avoid those "What can go wrong? scenarios. Read More » Category Posts Freight Matching in a Frenetic Freight World: Digital Reigns Supreme October 1, 2021 Hazardous Materials Regulations Compliance: Jail Time May Be Waiting September 1, 2019 Click here to see the latest issue of 3PL Magazine Recent Posts TIA Task Force to Review Impacts of AB5 to Industry September 6, 2022 How Much Should Compensation Cost You? September 6, 2022 2022 Midterm Elections: How Will They Impact the US Senate? September 6, 2022 Thinking Outside the Resume: How to Hire More People September 6, 2022 The Challenges of Shipping Perishable Products & the Benefits of Real-Time Visibility September 6, 2022 Read the Latest Tweets Tweets by TIA TIA delivers podcast Episode 24: Technology & Innovation for 3PLs Episode 23: Value of Being an Engaged Member Episode 22: The Intersection of Technology & Law Advocacy Insights Podcast - Ep. 15 Episode 21: How TIA Membership Helps Small Businesses Grow & Succeed Most Recent Delivers Transportation Intermediaries Association 1900 Duke Street, Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-299-5700 [email protected] © Copyright 2018, Transportation Intermediaries Association. All rights reserved.
EXHIBIT 31.1 CERTIFICATION I, Sherman L. Black, certify that: 1. I have reviewed this Form 10-Q of Rimage Corporation; 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report; 4. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have: a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared; b) Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the registrant’s most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The registrant’s other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting. Date: November 7, 2011 /s/ Sherman L. Black Sherman L. Black Chief Executive Officer
NERDS NEVER DIE UPDATE: Storyline fully available! An additional 200 MB download is required to play. --- A Pastafarian cleric, a wizard, a barbarian and a chef enter a dungeon. It’s not a joke, it’s Doom & Destiny Advacend. Venture with the most nerdy anti-heroes of all times, face a crazy adventure, defeat a mad business man and save the universe, one fetch quest at a time. ROLL YOUR DICE Embody 13 different heroic spirits, equip gear, master skills and character combinations to fight in turn based combat 300+ different enemies and, while you progress into an over 30 hours main quest, feel free to explore 500+ locations looking for more than 100 hidden secrets. Doom & Destiny Advanced is the sequel, prequel and reboot of Doom & Destiny. This might sound crazy, but in short, it means that you don’t need to play the first Do&De, but if you did, you’ll enjoy the wacky world and funny characters even more! JOIN THE ARENA, BRO! The action doesn’t stop with the single player adventure! Enter the Arena and fight other players in asyncronous turn based battles! Fight and unlock 100 unique multiplayer perks, 64+ costumes and more and reach the top online leadersboard! Join the Doom & Destiny Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoomAndDestiny Help us with your idea on the Steam forum: http://steamcommunity.com/app/361040/discussions/ Follow the game develop on Trello: https://trello.com/b/SbW0lUPF/doom-destiny-advanced-development
Life Through my Children’s Eyes? Home Pain Classes Aerial Pilates About One to One Blog Contact More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Life Through my Children’s Eyes? My children see life in a very simple way. People who enter their spheres of influence have functions, their identity is centred around what they do and how they facilitate the kid’s lives. Their teachers are great if they tell good stories, smile and are kind. Their parents ferry them around, chat to them, play board games with them, love and care for them. Their best friends are the ones who want to play the same games as them at lunch time. Clothes are given the same treatment, can I move in this? does it scratch? does it feel nice? Hobbies are pursued with joy, chores with resignation. Life is either fair or unfair and the balance must always be kept. There is self reflection but also a total unselfconsciousness in their approach to life and their appearance. If you need to dress for warmth and comfort while also celebrating your favourite football team or colour there is a risk that you may leave the house looking a little strange. If your tummy is round at the end of the day that means that it is full and will be flat again by the morning. If it stays round for a few weeks that means that very soon you will grow taller and so there is close monitoring of growth against the kitchen door. Just as Roald Dahl wrote in ‘The Twits’ a person can be very ‘beautiful’ but a child won’t notice this if they are mean. A child notices first if someone smiles and speaks to them with kindness -"their good thoughts.. shine out of their faces" When does the change happen? When does the self criticism and the judgment of others kick in? Can I protect my children from it? Is it environmental? We have a neighbour who is eight, who really upset me when she told me that she won’t eat crisps because they are fattening. I told her that our brains need fat to grow and snacking on crisps occasionally is totally fine. She still chose not to eat them. I never want my children to be afraid of food. I always want them to see people’s inner beauty first. I want them to dress with confidence in whatever clothes they want. I want to do all of those things too. Post not marked as liked Featured Posts Posts are coming soon Stay tuned... Archive July 2022 (1) 1 post June 2022 (2) 2 posts May 2022 (1) 1 post April 2022 (1) 1 post March 2022 (3) 3 posts February 2022 (1) 1 post December 2021 (1) 1 post November 2021 (1) 1 post October 2021 (3) 3 posts September 2021 (1) 1 post August 2021 (1) 1 post July 2021 (3) 3 posts June 2021 (1) 1 post December 2020 (1) 1 post November 2020 (1) 1 post October 2020 (1) 1 post August 2020 (1) 1 post July 2020 (1) 1 post June 2020 (2) 2 posts April 2020 (1) 1 post March 2020 (1) 1 post February 2020 (1) 1 post December 2019 (2) 2 posts October 2019 (2) 2 posts September 2019 (1) 1 post July 2019 (1) 1 post June 2019 (1) 1 post May 2019 (1) 1 post April 2019 (1) 1 post March 2019 (1) 1 post February 2019 (2) 2 posts January 2019 (1) 1 post December 2018 (1) 1 post November 2018 (1) 1 post October 2018 (1) 1 post September 2018 (1) 1 post August 2018 (2) 2 posts July 2018 (1) 1 post June 2018 (1) 1 post May 2018 (3) 3 posts April 2018 (1) 1 post March 2018 (2) 2 posts February 2018 (2) 2 posts January 2018 (1) 1 post December 2017 (2) 2 posts November 2017 (1) 1 post October 2017 (2) 2 posts September 2017 (1) 1 post July 2017 (2) 2 posts June 2017 (1) 1 post Follow Me when you inhabit yourself you are centred strong and in control Call Pieta: 07726 721791 [email protected] Primrose Hill Community Association, 29 Hopkinson's Place Fitzroy Rd London NW1 8TN Enter your email address Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!
Noah Hawley from 'Fargo' brings an obscure Marvel property to intriguing life with a visual masterpiece about mental illness and mutant powers. No one should be surprised that Noah Hawley, who masterfully imagined two wildly different television seasons of Fargo, would approach a relatively obscure Marvel X-Men character in a completely different way than others, and that the end result would be on FX, meshing well with its stable of ambitious dramas. But maybe the surprise is that it all came out so triptastic? Legion, based on the Marvel comics of Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz, is less about superhero-esque fight scenes and more about the mental mind-bleep of looking at schizophrenia as an untapped power rather than an illness. Hawley has essentially found an intellectual backdoor into the mutant X-Men concept and reimagines how to tell that kind of story in a riveting, off-kilter visual way. Jeph Loeb, head of Marvel's television division, has said that Legion is "a kind of show Marvel has never done before" and it's evident in Hawley's interpretation. While viewers will, by the second and third episodes, get a sense of where Legion will be going and what it will be trying to do in explaining the paranormal ability of David Haller (Dan Stevens, Downton Abbey), the expanded pilot is one very different and trippy approach, a boldly rewarding dissociated narrative that's both weirdly compelling and deeply confusing while never being alienating. ]Much of that cinematic roll of the dice can be credited to Hawley (who directs in addition to writing and having created the show). His visual stamp is essential to the success of Legion because its non-linear, visually disorienting pilot redefines expectations. Meaning, the audience isn't shown what David's "normal" life is like before it takes a detour, as most stories like this do, with woozy cinematic flourishes to clue viewers into when our main character is off his meds, etc. No, Hawley has essentially decided to fully tell the narrative from the mental interior of David's brain and build out from there what he sees, imagines, suffers, dreams and acts out from that POV. That choice makes the first episode of Legion a visual thrill-ride of disconnected, juxtaposed narratives that are brain-bending and, at times, purposefully confusing. Hawley wants the audience to be disoriented as they wonder exactly how bad David's mental illness is (exacerbated by drug use with another friend and fellow disturbed mental patient, Lenny, played by Parks and Recreation alum Aubrey Plaza). While the second and third episodes certainly continue this pattern, Hawley is able to pivot at the end of the wonderfully weird hour-plus pilot and set up a storyline where viewers can more clearly understand what's going on, as a rogue group led by a therapist named Melanie Bird (Jean Smart), helps show David that he's not schizophrenic at all — he's one of the most powerful people alive, with gifts that go beyond telepathy to telekinesis and who knows where in the outer limits of imagination. But even knowing that's the idea that drives Legion doesn't actually mean the show settles into a rote visual pattern — viewers will constantly be taken aback as Hawley aggressively keeps up the optical hijinks and integrates myriad sound-tweaking options as well, from dissonance to garbled or tinny vocals to white-noise whispers. By framing David's mental freak-outs this way, stylized and absorbing, Hawley is able to essentially replace what might otherwise be rote action fight scenes. Keeping it away from preconceived comic book flourishes allows Legion to maintain a more grounded and intellectual storyline. It's a well-conceived and bold escape from X-Men or superhero conceits. David's time in a mental institute is shared with Lenny, who has been driven there primarily by extreme drug and alcohol addiction. While at the Clockworks mental institute, David also meets Sydney Barrett (Rachel Keller, Fargo), a patient who doesn't like to be touched (for reasons that become specific when she hits it off with David) and who becomes an essential key to keeping David out of the hands of a shady group known as Division 3. The fight for "control" of David's gifts comes down to Melanie Bird and her group vs. Division 3. Legion opens with a montage of David's early life, rife with drug use and mental instability, set to The Who's "Happy Jack," which tips its hat to Hawley's sense of fun around psychedelic songs (like "She's a Rainbow" by The Rolling Stones or the weird agitation in Thomas Dolby's "Hyperactive!"), not to mention that the Sydney "Syd" Barrett character is no doubt named after the Pink Floyd founder who had his own bouts of mental illness and drug use. (If there's not an introduction at some point of a character named Roky Erickson, I'd be stunned — not only because of his connection to psychedelic music in the 13th Floor Elevators and his own mental illness, but also because he's from Austin, Texas, Hawley's adopted home.) With its stellar cast — featuring Bill Irwin and Jeremie Harris, who work to help David at Melanie's hidden compound; Katie Aselton as his beloved sister Amy; and the future emergence of Jemaine Clement as Melanie's husband Oliver Bird — Legion has a lot of gifted people around to bring life to Hawley's vision. (Smart and Keller worked with him on Fargo.) Stevens, in particular, is asked to do a lot in this series and pulls it off convincingly. Not only is he using an American accent and sporting oddly cut short (and long, in flashbacks) hair, he has to nail the schizophrenia/mutant mind-bending stuff and never lets it get hokey or lose the well-earned harrowing part of it that Hawley instills. The audience gets its sympathy for David through all he's suffered as a child. As it turns out, that's a lot. Where Legion works best is establishing a whole lot of crazy in the early going, with little sense of how it connects or where it came from — only that it's creepy as hell (an oddly shaped "yellow-eyed devil" that scares the bejesus out of David into his adult life; a moody, evil boy that starts off as the worst bedtime storybook character ever and morphs into what looks like an inflatable-headed Adolph Hitler). Toss in David's varied mental breaks and the scary powers he doesn't understand and can't control and you've got a story that virtually demands an array of jarring images. Hawley's decision to disorient viewers by making David's unsettling and confusing mental landscape the visual launching point for this world is strategically smart — if challenging — and the skillful camera work has a panache that stamps the early episodes. Stylistically, there's nothing quite like Legion's smart take on mutant powers, which keeps the series more dramatic and less light or flippantly Marvel-esque, a welcome change from other projects out there. It might seem weird to have a Marvel show on FX, or to have it star that upper-crust Brit from Downton Abbey, filtered through the creator of Fargo, but somehow it all works. Three episodes of Legion — in all their cracked visual glory — were enough to want the rest of the season immediately. Cast: Dan Stevens, Aubrey Plaza, Rachel Keller, Jean Smart, Katie Aselton, Bill Irwin, Jeremie Harris, Jemaine Clement, Amber Midthunder Created, written and directed by: Noah Hawley Airs: Wednesdays, 10 p.m. ET/PT, starting Feb. 8 (FX)
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Mobile phone-users near scene of violent clashes in Kiev receive texts in apparent attempt by authorities to quell protests "Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass riot." This was the message received by mobile phone-users present near the scene of violent clashes in Kiev early on Tuesday morning, in what appeared to be a novel attempt by authorities to quell the protests that have swept through the city and turned violent on Sunday night. The language echoed the wording of tough new laws on public gatherings, the passing of which served as a spark for the radicalisation of the protest movement over the weekend. The laws went into effect on Tuesday, and provide for jail sentences of up to 15 years for participating in mass riots. Prosecutor general Viktor Pshonka issued a statement on Monday calling the disturbances in Kiev "crimes against the state". Ukraine's president, Viktor Yanukovych, said he had tried to listen to peaceful demands but would use "all legal methods provided for by the laws of Ukraine to guarantee public safety". Kiev city authorities say that 122 protesters were wounded in the clashes, which broke out on Sunday night and saw pitched battles between lines of riot police and angry protesters. But the organisers say 1,400 people needed medical attention, adding that most were too scared to report their injuries for fear of being accused of participating in mass riots. The police say 163 police officers have been injured in the clashes. Riot police block a street in Kiev. Photograph: Gleb Garanich/Reuters The text messages sent to participants appeared to have little effect on a crowd that is angry and increasingly prone to violence. Yuri Maslovsky, a 38-year-old from Kharkiv who travelled to Kiev to take part in the protests, said he had read about the text messages from his Facebook friends. "I think these texts are stupid and are targeting people who are easily scared. They are not going to scare off the people who are already protesting." It was not immediately clear how the messages had been distributed. The interior ministry denied involvement, though said it was studying video footage to determine the most "active participants" in the riots and arrest them. Telephone provider MTS issued a statement saying it had not been responsible for sending out the messages. "Today we started receiving complaints from users in central Kiev who all received SMS messages from the number 111, containing identical text. We have nothing to do with the distribution." Another provider, Kyivstar, also said it was innocent of involvement. A statement said: "We strictly observe the confidentiality of our users, their telephone numbers and locations … We know that there is equipment, so-called 'pirate base stations', which allow SMS distribution or calls to all mobile telephone numbers of all operators within a particular area. But, as an operator, we are unable to identify the activity of these stations." Members of the Ukrainian riot police are caught in a fire caused by gasoline bombs hurled by anti-government protesters. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images On Independence Square, a representative of the impromptu medical service set up to help wounded protesters said he believed that their telephone lines were being monitored by authorities, and advised all of those injured to leave hospital if at all possible. Oleksandr Shevchenko, a 59-year-old physicist from Kharkiv, said from his hospital bed that he did not take part in clashes but was trying to remove a fence that was hindering the passage of protesters, when he was shot in the face with a rubber bullet. "I saw blood and went to the medical workers, who brought me to hospital," he said, a huge bruise on his right cheek. The doctors fear that the bullet has damaged his facial nerve. He has been questioned by the police twice as a victim of the clashes, but his lawyer advised him to leave the hospital as soon as possible as the police may accuse him of being a participant. A top aide to Yanukovych ruled out declaring a state of emergency on Tuesday, but with both sides locked in a stalemate, more violence appears likely in the coming days. The president has said he will meet a trio of opposition leaders including former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko for talks, but no date has been set and the announcement has been dismissed as an attempt to buy time. Klitschko went to see Yanukovych for crisis talks on Tuesday, but said that when he arrived, he was told by an aide that the president was busy. Former heavyweight boxer Vitali Klitschko. Photograph: AP "I turned around and left," said Klitschko. In Moscow, Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, said that the situation in Kiev threatened to "spin out of control", and said European politicians who have travelled to Kiev and voiced their support for protesters were fuelling the clashes. Lavrov pointed out that the protesters had occupied government buildings for weeks and entrenched themselves in a central square, as well as using molotov cocktails and other weapons against police in recent days. He said: "When something like this happens within a European country, no one questions the need to curb the disorder and violence with firm measures."
This artist's conception shows the newly discovered planet, which orbits a red dwarf star 40 light years from Earth. ((David A. Aguilar/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)) Astronomers using small, off-the-shelf telescopes in Arizona have found a planet orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light years away. The planet is about 6.5 times heavier than Earth and nearly three times its diameter, making it a so-called super-Earth. The newly discovered planet orbits a red dwarf star, called GJ1214, once every 38 hours at a distance of two million kilometres. By comparison, the closest planet to our sun, Mercury, orbits at an average distance of 58 million kilometres and completes a circuit of the sun once every 88 days. Although the planet is so close to its star, its surface temperature is no hotter than a preheated oven because its star is so small and relatively cool. "Being so close to its host star, the planet must have a surface temperature of about 200 C," said David Charbonneau, lead author of the paper reporting the discovery. 'This appears to be a waterworld' That's too hot for liquid water but, paradoxically, the planet is probably mostly composed of water ice and other ices, astronomers say. Researchers believe that 75 per cent of the planet's core could be composed of ice, some of it in the form of Ice VII, an exotic form of water ice that exists only under high pressure. The rest of the planet is probably silicon and iron, they said. "Despite its hot temperature, this appears to be a waterworld," said Zachory Berta, a graduate student at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "It is much smaller, cooler, and more Earth-like than any other known exoplanet." Astronomers found the planet by watching a list of 2,000 nearby red dwarf stars for changes in their brightness resulting from planets partially eclipsing our view of the star. The smallest planet detected outside our solar system, called Corot-7b, was also found using this method. The two planets are the only super-Earths for which scientists know both the mass and diameter. But while Corot-7b is an extremely hot, rocky planet, this newly found planet could have an atmosphere, the astronomers said. Bigger than expected When the researchers measured the radius of the planet by watching it pass in front of its star and compared it to theoretical models of planet formation, they found that it is bigger than expected. The researchers said this could be the result of an atmosphere 200 kilometres thick partially blocking light from the star. These eight 16-inch telescopes at the F. L. Whipple Observatory on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona were used to find the exoplanet. ((Dan Brocious/Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)) "This atmosphere is much thicker than that of the Earth, so the high pressure and absence of light would rule out life as we know it, but these conditions are still very interesting, as they could allow for some complex chemistry to take place," said Charbonneau. The planet was found by astronomers at an Arizona-based observatory called MEarth, which uses an array of eight telescopes, each one a 41-centimetre-diameter model that costs about as much as a new luxury car. All the telescopes are attached to a single charge-coupled device, or CCD, similar to those found in digital cameras. "Since we found the super-Earth using a small ground-based telescope, this means that anyone else with a similar telescope and a good CCD camera can detect it, too. Students around the world can now study this super-Earth," said Charbonneau, head of the MEarth project.
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ABOUT Survivor Zero Survivor Zero “Survivor Zero” is a sandbox style survival-horror game set in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Instead of focusing on combating endless waves of zombies,. SZ places the use of creativity and logic alongside strength in order to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. The game is being designed by a team of independent developers that banded togther after a post on the website Reddit asked for a game with “No time limits, no plot devices, no crazy “super zombie” boss.. Just a massive open world where you have to actually be careful what you do.” Otherwise, our dream survival-horror game. It is with this goal in mind that we continue to work on creating an immersive, free-roaming survival-horror game. A game where everyone can experience the thrills and struggles of a post-apocalyptic world. Where food and shelter are as important as weapons. You are a survivor.
On Saturday, John McAllister sat down at a friend's house near Portland, Oregon to play a game of Asteroids. By Monday, he was still playing. At 10:18 p.m. Pacific, he scored 41,338,740 points, a new all-time high score. In doing so, he beat a record that has stood for over 27 years. The official Asteroids high score of 41,336,440 is the longest-standing record in gaming history, having been set on November 14, 1982 by 15-year-old Scott Safran. He stayed awake for three days to accomplish this feat. Once you master the basics, Asteroids is simply a game of endurance: Can you keep from falling asleep? And if you can, will the arcade cabinet you're playing on stay glitch-free and powered up for three days straight? McAllister's marathon attempt was streamed live over Justin.tv. Even as of this writing, you can watch a close-up of the Asteroids monitor, or a full view of the room where the celebration is ongoing. The high score remains unofficial until it is recognized by the videogame referees at Twin Galaxies. Every few hours, once he had racked up enough extra lives, McAllister got up from his barstool, paced the room, ate a sandwich, then sits back down to play. A last-minute bathroom break Monday evening almost cost McAllister the title: He got down to only two ships remaining before rallying back. This story has been updated from the original version, written while McAllister was still attempting the high score. See Also:
Criminal charges have been laid in a chocolate price-fixing case against market leader Nestlé Canada Inc. and others, Canada’s competition watchdog announced Thursday. Mars Canada Inc. and the national distribution network Itwal Ltd. have also been charged, along with three senior industry executives, the federal Competition Bureau said. Hershey's is expected to plead guilty to price-fixing charges. ( Charlie Riedel / The Associated Press ) The charges cap a bureau investigation lasting more than five years into Canada’s multibillion dollar a year candy industry. None of the allegations has been proven in court. More business stories on Thestar.com Article Continued Below “Price-fixing is a serious criminal offence and today’s charges demonstrate the Competition Bureau’s resolve to stop cartel activity in Canada,” John Pecman, interim commissioner of competition, said in a statement. A fourth company, Hershey Canada Inc., is expected to plead guilty on June 21 for its role in the alleged conspiracy to fix the price of chocolate confectionery products in Canada, the bureau said. Two former senior executives at Nestlé and the current chief executive of Brampton-based Itwal were also charged, the independent law enforcement agency said. The individuals named are Robert Leonidas, a former president of Nestlé Canada; Sandra Martinez, a former president of confectionery for Nestlé Canada; and David Glenn Stevens, president and chief executive officer of ITWAL. Mars Canada, Nestlé Canada and a lawyer for Leonidas all said they intend to defend themselves against the charges. “This matter has been in the public domain since late 2007. Mr. Leonidas looks forward to his day in court where we intend to vigorously defend against these allegations,” lawyer Jay Naster, of Rosen Naster LLP, said in an email. ITWAL chief executive Ross Robertson told the Star Wednesday evening that the company “has always carried on its business for the benefit of its member distributors in full compliance with all Canadian laws” and that it and Stevens “strongly deny the bureau’s allegations and intend to vigorously defend the charges.” In a separate statement, Hershey Canada said it will plead guilty to one count of price fixing related to communications with competitors in 2007. Article Continued Below Hershey Canada said it promptly reported the alleged conduct to the Competition Bureau, co-operated fully with its investigation and did not put in place the planned price increase, which was the subject of the 2007 communications The bureau, which said it became aware of the alleged conduct through its immunity program, has recommended that Hershey receive lenient treatment for co-operating with the investigation. The investigation uncovered evidence suggesting the accused conspired, agreed or arranged to fix prices of chocolate products, the federal watchdog said in a statement. The allegations cover a period from 2002 to 2008, a bureau spokesperson said. Court documents unsealed in December, 2007, allege senior executives at Hershey, Mars and Nestlé met secretly in coffee shops and restaurants and at industry conventions to set prices. The documents allege the chief executive of Nestlé Canada handed envelopes stuffed with pricing information to a competitor, instructing the person not to be seen picking up the material in his office. The maximum penalties under the act in force at the time the alleged conduct occurred were $10 million and/or five years in prison, the bureau said. The penalties have since been increased to $25 million and/or 14 years in prison. Class-action lawsuits filed against the companies in connection with the price-fixing allegations resulted in settlements of more than $22 million, according to Siskinds, the law firm representing the plaintiffs. Nestle Canada settled for $9 million, Cadbury Adams Canada for $5.7 million, Hershey Canada for $5.3 million, and Mars Canada for $3.2 million, documents on Siskinds’ class-action website show. Hershey Canada said Thursday it regrets its involvement in this incident, adding the current Hershey Canada senior management team as well as The Hershey Company, the U.S.-based parent company, and its management had no involvement in this alleged conduct.
Search The Ohio State University Help BuckeyeLink Map Find People Webmail Search Ohio State Toggle navigation Login Toggle navigation Search KB Home Ohio Archaeologist Ohio Archaeologist: Volume 61, Number 4 (Fall 2011) Search KB Home Ohio Archaeologist Ohio Archaeologist: Volume 61, Number 4 (Fall 2011) Search JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. Browse All of Knowledge BankCommunities & CollectionsIssue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjectsThis CollectionIssue DateAuthorsTitlesSubjects My Account LoginRegister Discover AuthorPigott, Thomas R. (1)Subject awls (1) beads (1) beamer (1) beaver incisor chisel (1) bird wing fans (1)bone and antler artifacts from the Late Woodland cemetery Libbon site (1)ear spool (1)fishooks (1) intrusive mound culture (1) needles (1) ... View MoreDate Issued 2011 (1) Type Article (1) Text (1) Statistics Most Popular ItemsStatistics by CountryMost Popular Authors More Information Knowledge Bank Center KB License Agreement Submission Instructions Policies Search Go Show Advanced FiltersHide Advanced Filters Filters Use filters to refine the search results. Reset Add New Filter Apply Now showing results 1-1 of 1 Sort Options: Relevance Title Asc Title Desc Date Issue Asc Date Issue Desc Date Accession Asc Date Accession Desc Results Per Page: 5 10 20 40 60 80 100 Bone and Antler Artifacts from the Libben Site, Ottawa Co., Ohio Pigott, Thomas R. (2011) (2011) Bone and Antler Artifacts from ... on Facebook on Twitter on Instagram on LinkedIn on YouTube © The Ohio State University - University Libraries 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone: 614-292-OSUL (6785) Contact Us | Knowledge Bank Center | DSpace Items in the Knowledge Bank are protected by copyright unless otherwise indicated. Libraries Copyright Information. Request an alternate format of this page | Accessibility | Privacy Policy on Facebook on Twitter on Instagram on LinkedIn on YouTube
A second lawsuit was filed Friday by minority shareholders who allege that a close family friend of Sen. Norm Coleman used a marine company in Texas to pay $75,000 to the senator via a Minneapolis insurance company where Coleman's wife, Laurie, is an independent contractor. The suit attributes the allegations to a "confidential source." Coleman's campaign manager, Cullen Sheehan, said Friday night that the suits are "baseless and false claims ... being used to influence the outcome of the election.'' Sheehan also said that the Star Tribune, by reporting on the lawsuits, "is actively participating in the destruction of the reputation of Senator Coleman and his wife.'' On a campaign swing through the state Friday, Coleman characterized the first lawsuit, which was filed in Texas, as a false and "sleazy" political attack. In a written statement, he linked it to "malicious'' campaigning by DFL challenger Al Franken "and his allies.'' "If my opponents have any shred of decency left in this campaign -- stop attacking my family,'' Coleman said in a statement. Franken spokeswoman Colleen Murray said no one associated with the Franken campaign had anything to do with bringing the lawsuit to light. She said Coleman was trying to deflect serious sworn allegations by Paul McKim, founder of Deep Marine Technology Inc. of Houston, in the first lawsuit. That lawsuit, filed in Harris County District Court in Houston, also alleges that Coleman friend Nasser Kazeminy steered the money from Deep Marine to the senator via Hays Companies, where Laurie Coleman, the senator's wife, has worked as an independent contractor since 2006. Neither Hays nor the Colemans are parties to the lawsuit, but Coleman said it is clear that McKim timed the suit to use the election as leverage. In an interview conducted in a downtown Houston office Friday, McKim said, "I'm a Republican, but I'd never heard of Coleman before.'' He said he has given small campaign contributions to a few Republican politicians, including U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas. "I don't know the man. Maybe he's a good man getting tangled up in this. I feel bad for anybody getting tangled up.'' McKim also said it's possible that no money from Deep Marine ever reached the Colemans. Bruce Gilman, chairman and interim CEO of Deep Marine, said in a statement Friday that the company is "conducting its own investigation, which was launched immediately upon our being made aware of the allegations. ... To date, we have not found any evidence of wrongdoing." Hays Companies, with headquarters in downtown Minneapolis, said Friday that McKim's lawsuit contains false and defamatory allegations and is "disreputable.'' The firm also defended Laurie Coleman, saying "We find any allegations that she accepted money for work she was not responsible for to be outrageous and contemptible.'' Kazeminy is a former Control Data Corp. executive who has made campaign contributions to Coleman and is described by the senator as a close family friend. Calls have been made to his attorney and to NJK Holdings in Bloomington, headquarters for a large segment of his varied business enterprises, but Kazeminy has been unavailable for comment. Anthony Paduano, a New York lawyer involved in the new lawsuit, said the suit was filed in Delaware Chancery Court by business partners who own more than 5 percent of stock in Deep Marine. The lawsuit is very similar to one filed earlier in the week in Houston by McKim. Both actions allege that Kazeminy told executives at Deep Marine that he wanted to provide financial assistance to the Colemans through an insurance consulting arrangement between Deep Marine and Hays Companies. But the second suit cites a "confidential source." The lawsuit alleges "gross misuse'' of corporate funds at Deep Marine by Kazeminy, who controls a majority share of stock. The complaint contains a section of allegations related to "improper payments to Senator Norman Coleman's wife.'' But in a new wrinkle, Deep Marine's former CEO, McKim, is named as a co-defendant with Kazeminy and several other individuals who were in positions of authority at the company. McKim's lawsuit was based on his sworn statement that Kazeminy coerced him and others to make three $25,000 payments to Hays. The second suit, brought by FLI Deep Marine LLC and Bressner Partners LTD, attributes its allegations to a "confidential source.'' According to the lawsuit, the source was told by Kazeminy in 2007 that "we have to get some money to Senator Coleman'' because the senator "needs the money.'' McKim has said the timing of the lawsuit was dictated by events related to his recent departure from Deep Marine, which was over his conflict with Kazeminy. McKim elaborates McKim told the Star Tribune on Friday that he filed his lawsuit to seek justice over $22 million in damages to Deep Marine he alleges were largely caused by bad boat deals engineered by Kazeminy and his associates. Less than 1 percent of the damages listed in the suit are related to the $75,000 that Kazeminy allegedly directed to Coleman. "I'm sorry it happened at this time,'' McKim said, "but I have to look myself in the eye. It's just the truth. It is what it is.'' McKim said he recalls how Kazeminy approached him and Deep Marine's chief financial officer in 2007 with a directive to channel $100,000 to the senator via Hays. "He said that the senator's wife worked there and she could get the money to him,'' McKim said. "I was kind of stunned. I was really shocked he would come out and say that so nonchalantly.'' At the time, the sea diving and underwater construction company that McKim founded in 2001 had no need for new insurance services, McKim said. The company was paying $1 million a year for coverage arranged through underwriters in London who specialized in underwater offshore lines, he said. McKim said he feared that Kazeminy would fire him if he didn't go along. But after three $25,000 installments were paid to Hays, the CEO stepped in and blocked the fourth scheduled payment. "Maybe I just should have shut up and turned an eye and do like a bunch of other folks in business do,'' McKim said. "I couldn't do that.''
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Bubble Meter: There never was a housing bubble! Bubble Meter Bubble Meter is a national housing bubble blog dedicated to tracking the continuing decline of the housing bubble throughout the USA. It is a long and slow decline. Housing prices were simply unsustainable. National housing bubble coverage. Please join in the discussion. Monday, March 21, 2011 There never was a housing bubble! For almost six years, Bubble Meter has been trying to warn people about the housing bubble. Unfortunately, we were wrong all along. There never was a housing bubble. I apologize for the error. You might think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not. You see, the belief in a housing bubble rests on housing prices substantially outpacing inflation. If housing prices don't outpace inflation, there can be no bubble. I foolishly assumed that I could trust the inflation numbers published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bubble Meter's readers have informed me that doing so is pure ignorance. I admit was wrong. The army of economists crunching the inflation numbers at the BLS are just tools of a corrupt and wicked government. The true inflation numbers come from a guy with no graduate degree in economics who is chief economist at the Shadow Stats website. He sells the true numbers for $175 per year. You know he's not a snake oil salesman or a con artist because he tells you what you already believe. Con artists would never do that. This guy says the government is under-reporting the real inflation numbers. The real inflation numbers are much higher, and have been for decades. If the true inflation numbers are much higher, then inflation-adjusted housing prices must therefore be much lower. It's a simple rule: higher inflation = lower inflation-adjusted housing prices = much smaller or non-existent housing bubble. For example, in 2001 when I first spotted what I thought was a housing bubble (silly me), nominal home prices had increased about 8.5% from the year before. But, according to Shadow Stats, inflation was 9.1%. Real home prices actually fell 0.6% that year! What a fool I was for thinking housing prices were rising too fast. They were actually falling! If the Shadow Stats inflation numbers are right, then home prices must now be deeply undervalued. I say buy, buy, buy! Posted by James at 7:45 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 37 comments: Lemmy March 21, 2011 11:16 AM "Sales of previously owned U.S. homes fell unexpectedly sharply in February and prices touched their lowest level in nearly nine years, implying a housing market recovery was still a long off." Welcome to the second leg down of the housing crisis. It's a shame too because I have been looking for some indicia to tell me that we were near a bottom but consistently the data disappoints me. ReplyDelete Replies Reply montpelier March 21, 2011 11:27 AM So, I'm with you, I believe there is a bubble, and I think it's nuts in DC, but when do you think declines will pick up in side the beltway? I'm still trying to get a grip on the picture in my CH/Petworth neck of the woods...and while I see houses closing for 10-15% under initial listing prices, I don't yet have a solid picture of a statistically significant sample of resales which are during and then after the bubble. There does seem to be a steady supply of Greater Fools, but I increasingly note the lament, "I wish I had the downpayment" which suggests that maybe tight credit is starting to cramp even the immuno-zones. ReplyDelete Replies Reply happyindc March 21, 2011 11:37 AM you have no idea how relieved i am. ReplyDelete Replies Reply dxj March 21, 2011 2:50 PM Similar conclusions can be made when pricing gold and the S&P when measured in (shadow) inflation adjusted dollars. When you look at the graphs, it just doesn't look right. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Jesse Livermore March 21, 2011 11:11 PM You're reasoning is wrong on many levels. A speculative bubble does not rely on inflation. You can have a speculative "investment" bubble during a deflationary cycle if demand outpaces supply. The entire US Economy is in a major bubble and I disagree with you and state that we did have a bubble, despite the CPI not accurately reflecting the true rise in the cost of living. The GDP Bubble: http://www.wtffinance.com/2011/03/the-gdp-bubble-and-why-debt-to-gdp-is-misleading/ Don't Be Fooled By Official Inflation Numbers http://www.wtffinance.com/2011/02/don%e2%80%99t-be-fooled-by-official-inflation-numbers-and-anticipated-future-inflation/ ReplyDelete Replies Reply Jesse Livermore March 21, 2011 11:11 PM On a second thought, I agree, there never WAS a housing bubble, there still IS. ReplyDelete Replies Reply James March 22, 2011 12:15 AM Think of how cheap oil must be! ReplyDelete Replies Reply HomePriceGraphs.com March 22, 2011 5:06 PM I just put up a tool to graph home prices over time in your city to another city in the US. My wife sells real estate here in Lawrence, Kansas and I hear stories about what people think about our local market. Using HPI data I draw comparative graphs so it's easy to visualize how different trends and bubble have affected different cities. http://homepricegraph.com/ ReplyDelete Replies Reply Fletch March 22, 2011 5:53 PM Today a new report from Robert Shiller's outfit, MacroMarkets, found that of 111 housing market experts and economists surveyed, nearly half foresee a double-dip in home prices happening this year, "and not a single panelist expects national home prices to recover to the pre-bubble trend in the coming 5 years." In December, only 15 percent projected a new post-crash low would materialize for home prices. We are now less than 1 percent away from that mark, according to the survey. Happy New Year! ReplyDelete Replies Reply Freddy March 23, 2011 11:49 AM More terrible housing data released this morning. Where's Mr. Bottom? Did he take a leave of absence because the housing market news has shown more air being released from the bubble? Tell me we are at a bottom fool!!! Where are all of those know-it-all housing advocates? Get back in your holes! Silence is daunting at times. ReplyDelete Replies Reply needhouseindc March 23, 2011 1:20 PM This housing bubble *is* inflation. Why? For most people, their top expenditure is shelter, whether that's a monthly mortgage payment or monthly rent. As we know, housing prices have increased dramatically, and rents have gone up since the housing crash started driving demand for rentals. So any measure of inflation that is intended to be meaningful to taxpaying citizens should include shelter. And when you include shelter, "inflation" tracks the housing price run-up much more closely. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Calgary Realtor March 23, 2011 1:26 PM Regardless of the inflation theory, with prices in most cities at the lowest level in the last decade, shouldn't it be buy, buy, buy, anyways! David Tsegai ReplyDelete Replies Reply Partisan March 23, 2011 2:24 PM Im still here Freddy, here in the only market I care about - DC - which bottomed in March 2009. Just think Freddy, back then DC case shiller price index was at 165. Today, it is over 185 (up 12%). OH how SAD for you!!! Too bad you missed the bottom so badly. That said, I LOVE your enthusiasm! Care to back it up? If DC case shiller at 165 was not the bottom, care to tell me what will be the bottom? 160? 150? 140? Also, when will we hit it? 2012? 2013? Cmon freddy - back up your chastizing with some projections of your own. My old buddies Noz (bottom is 130) and NonPartisan (bottom is 100) have run away, and I would LOVE a new toy to play with. Personally, my projection is that you do not directly answer the question (i.e. DC will hit _____ by the year _____) - instead you will either go silent or flail about a bit doing anything you can to avoid answering. So whats it gonna be Freddy? Ball is in your court... ReplyDelete Replies Reply Freddy March 23, 2011 11:20 PM Partsy, you get too excited too quickly. The double dip has just begun so hold onto your pants. I know one thing Partsy. You sure don't feel as good as a homeowner now as you did 5 years ago. You are nervous Partsy. All of the things that you believe about housing in DC that has kept you from losing your sanity may not be true. Here's a prediction. I predict that 5 years from now your home will have remained within the value it is today. Check your underwear Partsy. You dirty little boy you! ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 24, 2011 7:38 AM So we'll have a disastrous double dip but be back at today's price in five years? Does this double dip mean we revisit the lows of 2009 (165) or that we crash right thru them? When do we hit the new low and when do we turn back up again? It should be a fairly quick process if the entire "cycle' will take only 5 yrs. How does our regional drop in unemployment and increase in population and job creation factor into your analysis? ReplyDelete Replies Reply Anonymous March 24, 2011 9:07 AM So on the one hand you call the bottom callers "fools", and yet, when pressed for a prediction of far down we go, you say "5 years from now, your home will have remained in the same value it is today". How is that not the bottom? ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 24, 2011 10:24 AM James, Does the fact that the Wash., D.C. metro region is bumping up against 20 yr highs in the Affordability Index enter into your thought process? Were prices at ridiculous levels in 2004-2006(07)? Sure. That is no longer relevant is it? Why the need to argue what has come and gone? Here and now: safe time to buy or a fool's game? ReplyDelete Replies Reply Partisan March 24, 2011 12:24 PM My my Freddy! Thats alot of flailing about, but nothing real specic is it? As Lynn noted, on the one hand you say the double dip has "just begun", but on the other you say prices will remain the same 5 years from now. And as anon noted, if prices do stay the same throughout (i.e. right around 185 where they are now), how is the March 2009 level of 165.94 not the bottom. So many questions, yet so few answers. Perhaps you havent really thought this through for yourself. Tell you what, I will help you with a "fill in the blank exercise". Here are DC case shiller values since late 08. Fill in the blanks: Dec 08 - 175 Mar 09 - 166 (this was the bottom) Jun 09 - 173 Sep 09 - 181 Dec 09 - 179 Mar 10 - 175 Jun 10 - 186 Sep 10 - 186 Dec 10 - 186 Mar 11 - ??? Jun 11 - ??? Sep 11 - ??? Dec 11 - ??? Mar 12 - ??? Jun 12 - ??? Sep 12 - ??? Dec 12 - ??? If the double dip "has just begun" and if anyone calling bottom is a "fool", then clearly that 166 level set in Mar 2009 is in big trouble. So heres your chance Freddy. Show me - show us all - why Mar 2009 was not the bottom by filling in the blanks above. Can you do this Freddy? Can you answer with specifics, or will you continue to flail about? My guess is the latter, but we shall see... ReplyDelete Replies Reply rjwjr March 24, 2011 1:00 PM John Williams of ShadowStats is a very well respected member of the economic community. To state that he has no "graduate degree in economics" is very misleading an intellectually dishonest since he does have an economics undergraduate degree from an ivy league school (Dartmouth) as well as an MBA. Which begs the question; "Who the hell are you and why are you trying to discredit a legitimate, well respected individual?" It reflects very poorly on you, not him or his good works. rjwjr ReplyDelete Replies Reply Sam March 24, 2011 4:42 PM Hey partisan, Noz and Nonpartisan would have been right if the government didn't step in a create a bottom for home prices. The homebuyer’s tax credit, record low interest rates, government mortgage-assistance programs and the presence of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Housing Administration in the mortgage-buying business have saved the day. But the day of reckoning is coming so kiss our asses! ReplyDelete Replies Reply Lori March 24, 2011 5:06 PM Gosh, you should stay away from analyzing anything. CPI includes housing, but not always the same housing! When house prices rose, CPI excluded them (instead included lowering rent prices). Now, rent prices are rising, while home prices are following, and voila - CPI now includes home prices in it's index, to the tune of 40% (versus 0% just a few years ago). ShadowStats is the only legitimate (and truly make-sense) indicator out there. CPI is only for government consumption. Consider that government uses CPI to determine how much it will increase pay in various benefits to a good chunk of US population. If you must post naive and childish analyses, please then state a disclaimer that you are not an expert and that you seek help from a wider community to learn more about the subject. ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 24, 2011 6:05 PM The gov't been gaming the CPI for a long time and you are correct - it's all about the transfer payments and benefits. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Partisan March 24, 2011 6:16 PM Uhh, No. Noz and Nonpartisan's predictions were based upon abject pessimism. Short of a dirty bomb going off in DC, they had no chance to prove correct. Also all the things you cite did not "save the day". Look nearly anywhere else in the country (17 of the 20 Case Shiller markets) and prices are falling right now. The only places that are not are SF, SD & (possibly BOS) which are stagnating, and DC which is going up. The day of reconing is coming ehh? OK, tell me, tell us all what that day of reconing is going to mean for DC prices by filling in the blanks: Dec 08 - 175 Mar 09 - 166 (this was the bottom) Jun 09 - 173 Sep 09 - 181 Dec 09 - 179 Mar 10 - 175 Jun 10 - 186 Sep 10 - 186 Dec 10 - 186 Mar 11 - ??? Jun 11 - ??? Sep 11 - ??? Dec 11 - ??? Mar 12 - ??? Jun 12 - ??? Sep 12 - ??? Dec 12 - ??? Show us how prescient you are, and (if you turn out to be correct) I will begrudingly kiss your ass... As god as my witness, I will come back here and say: "sam was right and I was wrong". So whats it gonna be Sam? Are you going to step up and fill in the blanks? Or, are you going to be like so many dozens of keyboard cowboys before you on this blog... all of you are filled with bravado when dealing in the abstract. Yet, when pressed for specifics, you duck the question and slink away quietly. So whats it gonna be Sam? Ball is in your court... ReplyDelete Replies Reply Chris March 24, 2011 6:35 PM Your attack on John Williams/Shadowstats is clearly part of the problem and not part of the solution. Rare websites like Shadowstats.com, nowandfutures.com, and especially iTulip.com are signals of financial and economic truth in a world awash with far too much noise. ReplyDelete Replies Reply James March 24, 2011 11:59 PM Prices in most cities are NOT at the lowest level in decades. ReplyDelete Replies Reply James March 25, 2011 12:08 AM For the readers coming from iTulip, I'm going to have a follow-up post on Monday. ReplyDelete Replies Reply James March 25, 2011 12:50 AM The CPI includes rent and owner-equivalent rent. It hasn't included housing prices since the early 1980s. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Lemmy March 25, 2011 12:52 PM Lynny, The probem with your limited perspective on hosing is that you draw conclusions based on a few variables. first, you claim that the affordability index supports current values--where? If you lump the entire area in one statistical pool, then you are more foolish than I originally thought. Second, tell us what are the factors in the affordability index. Do you know? ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 25, 2011 1:05 PM Do I really have to school you Lemmy? Factors are median income, interest rates and home prices. Google the Home Affordablity Index for the D.C. region. If you can't find it or don't understand it, get back to me. The numbers go back 20yrs. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Anonymous March 25, 2011 1:48 PM "Sam said...Noz and Nonpartisan would have been right if the government didn't step in a create a bottom for home prices" And Lance would have been right and median home price would have been 2 million bucks if the government had only printed enough dollars... Whats your point? ReplyDelete Replies Reply Lemmy March 25, 2011 4:31 PM Lynny, Ohhhh so interest rates are part of that calculation. So if interest rates are low, purchasing power is more, and if interest rates increase, purchasing power declines? And if the Federal Reserve begins selling mortgage-backed securites that it has purchased in the last two years, instead of buying them, private investors must step in a become the lifeline of the housing market. Deep down in your intellectual thought process, do you think these private investors will want a higher return on their investment than the Federal Reserve? Does that mean mortgage rates will certainly climb? And does that reduce the number home purchasers in the market and the net effect is lower prices? Educate us Lynny. Tell us all about what you have learned as a real estate agent/used car saleswoman. Does that profession require a high school diploma? Can you get real estate license from a Cracker Jack box? School me flunky! ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 25, 2011 5:54 PM Gee whiz Lemmy, I didn't know you planned to sell right away. Do you think interest rates factor into business spending? You're right. Best leave them out of the equation. Could you look at the 80's and tell us what happened to prices then? You do know that rates went to 17 or 18%? Probably best for you to keep renting. I mean, why get a 5% mortgage when prices are so high? Ooops! That was 2005 and 2006 when they were so high. My bad. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Lemmy March 26, 2011 12:31 AM Lynny, the prices in the 80s were within historical norms. Today's "local" prices are not! ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 26, 2011 8:41 AM Nice non-answer! Did prices cater when rates doubled? Are you saying that rates don't matter? ReplyDelete Replies Reply Lemmy March 26, 2011 11:42 AM Moron, you are essentially stating that all of the variables that were in effect in the 80s are true today. That's not the case! Listen, go find some uninformed home purchaser and sell them a house they cannot afford. Real estate agents bear a significant amount of responsibility for destroying an asset class that at one time was a solid investment. And with your limited knowledge of the housing market, you will perpetuate the continued destruction. ReplyDelete Replies Reply lynn March 26, 2011 7:49 PM Lemmy, Chill dude! Why are you answering for James? I am quite sure that he does not need your help. And quit spinning the questions around please. A simple answer to my simple questions about the DC market is all I want. What I've heard from you so far is that the affordability index is no longer relevant. Is this a "new paradigm"? ReplyDelete Replies Reply Asasas March 29, 2011 9:50 AM monty: it is not anymore nuts in DC than it is on either coasts. The Wash DC area prices have ALREADY dropped ~30% from its peak in 2006--just like it has in other metro. areas. It just recovered much faster. The reason for the recovery: a 6% percent unemployment rate and very high median incomes. ReplyDelete Replies Reply Add comment Load more... Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Subscribe to Bubble Meter Posts Atom Posts Comments Atom Comments The Bubble Meter Philosophy The best way to get the housing market thriving again is to drop prices to the point where supply equals demand. Home sellers might not like it, but it's good for buyers and it's great for Realtors. 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Top tax deductions for property investors - by Wealthi Team Wealthi Research Subscribe Sign in Share this post Top tax deductions for property investors research.wealthi.com Copy link Twitter Facebook Email Top tax deductions for property investors Wealthi Team Jul 14 1 Share this post Top tax deductions for property investors research.wealthi.com Copy link Twitter Facebook Email For those who want to optimise the tax benefits on their investment properties, not only this new financial year but in the coming years, this is the perfect time to evaluate and plan tax strategies. As a property investor, you can access many tax incentives and deductions including depreciation costs, agent’s fees, interest payment and property maintenance expenses. Let’s go through some of these items that you can use in planning your tax strategy for your investment property. How to use depreciation in your tax planning? Depreciation is a tax deduction available to property investors. It allows you to claim a tax deduction for the wear and tear of most old or new investment properties. However, you can claim a higher depreciation cost on a newly built property compared to an old one. This is because an existing property - say for example a 10-year-old apartment unit – may have already been depreciated over the years. The first few years of a new investment property offer the most potential in terms of depreciation benefits. It pays to do your research – evaluate and understand – all the items that you can claim depreciation on when you buy a new investment property. How to claim interest payments as tax deductions? One of the benefits of investing in property is the tax deductions available to investors but not to homeowners. For example, homeowners can not claim any tax deduction on repairs, maintenance or renovations done on their own homes. In contrast, property investors can claim tax deductions on those items. The same thing applies to loans and mortgages. “Homeowners can not claim any tax deduction on their loan repayments while property investors can.” Carla Nesci, Mortgage Broker at Wealthi This is because tax deductions only apply to investment loans – investments on properties that generate income (not homeowner loans). This is a big consideration for property investors as interest repayments are a major expense. And claiming the interest repayment as a tax deduction can be an effective way to optimise the tax benefits on an investment property. Whether you have an interest-only or principal plus interest loan on an investment property, the interest component of the loan is tax-deductible. While this is general information only and not a tax planning article, it will be worth seeking advice to fully understand and evaluate the tax benefits available to you as a property investor. Maintenance, agent’s fees and other expenses Maintenance cost including small repairs – e.g. replacement of light fixtures, screen doors, etc – can also be claimed as tax deductions. This is because as a property investor you are obligated to keep the rental property in good condition for the tenants. You can also claim the agent’s fees and other expenses related to the maintenance and upkeep of your investment property. Overall, property investors can claim a lot more tax deductions and incentives compared to homeowners. Whether you are just starting to invest in property or are already building your property portfolio, it pays to know all the available tax deductions and incentives that you can use to optimise your tax planning strategy. If you would like to discuss your options and plan an investment strategy according to your goals please reach out to the team to organise a time to have a conversation about how Wealthi can help you: Book a Call Suggested articles: Wealthi Research How to use the migration patterns to invest in property Read more a month ago · 1 like · Eva Diaz Wealthi Research Top tips to get started in property investment The issue of housing affordability and the difficulty of getting into the property market is a staple source of discussion and media coverage in Australia. And despite all the government grants and incentives to help people buy their first home, it seems like people will always complain about the difficulty to get into the property market… Read more a month ago · 3 likes · Eva Diaz Like this post Share this post Top tax deductions for property investors research.wealthi.com Copy link Twitter Facebook Email Comments Create your profile Your name Your bio Subscribe to the newsletter 0 subscriptions will be displayed on your profile (edit) Skip for now Save & Post Comment Only paid subscribers can comment on this post Subscribe Already a paid subscriber? Sign in Check your email For your security, we need to re-authenticate you. Click the link we sent to , or click here to sign in. TopNewCommunity No posts Ready for more? Subscribe © 2022 Wealthi Privacy ∙ Terms ∙ Collection notice Publish on Substack Get the app Substack is the home for great writing This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. 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Create The Correct Width In Your Swing - SwingU Clubhouse GET THE APP SUBSCRIBE October 28, 2021 - 7:00 am EDT 11 months ago Create The Correct Width In Your Swing Ben Pellicani Golf Digest Best Young Teacher in America, Golf Digest Best in Tennessee, 2019 Middle Tennessee PGA Teacher of the Year A common misconception seen on my lesson tee is a misunderstanding of when you should have width in your golf swing. Most people try to be wide early, and they collapse or get narrow late. In the golf swing, we would rather be narrow early and wide late. This allows a better opportunity to release the ball on plane because if you’re narrow late, you tend to throw the club to catch back up. MORE TIPS & DRILLS Three Keys To Hitting Better Long Irons Use A Micromove To Start Your Golf Swing Hit Your Long Irons Higher To Stop Them Faster The Biggest Bunker Mistake Amateurs Make Simple Keys To Making More Money Putts Treat Long Bunker Shots Like Any Other Sand Shot Simulate Impact For Better Long Irons Hit High, Soft Bunker Shots Without Sidespin Embrace The Three-Quarter Shot For More Control MORE LESSONS & DRILLS MORE TIPS & DRILLS Three Keys To Hitting Better Long Irons Use A Micromove To Start Your Golf Swing Hit Your Long Irons Higher To Stop Them Faster The Biggest Bunker Mistake Amateurs Make Simple Keys To Making More Money Putts Treat Long Bunker Shots Like Any Other Sand Shot Simulate Impact For Better Long Irons Hit High, Soft Bunker Shots Without Sidespin Embrace The Three-Quarter Shot For More Control MORE LESSONS & DRILLS Subscribe To The World's #1 Daily Golf Newsletter Subscribe By using our sites and services, I agree to the Terms of Service, acknowledge that I have read the Privacy Policy, and agree to receive emails from third-party partners. SwingU Home Upgrade Courses Clubhouse About Login Business Marketing Academies Pro2Pro More Press Resources Help & FAQs Contact © 2022 Swing by Swing Golf, Inc., All Rights Reserved. 80 Statehouse Square #158, Hartford, CT 06123 Privacy Terms of Use Help & FAQ Tour Lifestyle Instruction Reviews Golf 101 | Golf Rules Statistics Buddy Trips Press SUBSCRIBE Download SwingU The Easiest, Most Reliable Golf GPS & Scorecard App in the World! Join 5 million registered users, and download the #1 golf app today! SWINGU About Advertise Products Team Contact Facebook Twitter Instagram MORE Privacy Terms of Use Help & FAQs © 2018 Swing by Swing Golf, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 80 Statehouse Square #158, Hartford, CT 06123
Church at Home - Nov 29 - Transcona Memorial United Church Transcona Memorial United Church Navigation Home Worship Online News About Us What We Do What We Believe Ministry Programs Messy Church Choirs United Church Women TMUC Breakfast Group Sunday School Book Groups Dinner Theatre Other Special Events Family Programming Upcoming Events Links Facility Rentals Donate Your Continued Support Church at Home – Nov 29 Church at Home – Nov 29 Categories: Worship Online Let’s begin with special news! Today, Canada’s Governor General announced the names of those being inducted into the Order of Canada. Today’s announcement includes the The Honourable William Alexander Blaikie, P.C., O.C. Bill is being inducted as an Officer of the Order of Canada for his lifelong contributions to parliamentary service, and for his steadfast commitment to progressive change and social activism. Congratulations Bill! This week is the start of Advent – the four Sundays before Christmas. Thanks to all those who are offering additional gifts for this season! And, this week is also Annual Meeting Sunday! (The meeting was planned for last March but then COVID meant the postponement of the meeting. Now is the time to catch up and fulfill the requirements of the United Church around a meeting.) This Sunday, November 29 there is a brief Advent Worship at 10:00 followed by the Annual Meeting at 10:30. Here is the ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 If you prefer to join us by being on a ‘Party-line’/’Conference Call’ style of phone call, the number to dial is: 204-272-7920 You will be asked if you want to ‘join a meeting’, (say yes), and then enter the meeting ID number: 753 844 9219 We look forward to seeing you! In Advent, as we did in summer, we have some additional music to share. Today’s gift to you is from Cheryl and Crystal. It is ‘She Walked in the Summer (The Visit):  We continue to be so grateful for those who continue to financially support the ministry of TMUC, through your donations on PAR, through www.canadahelps.org and in cheques mailed to the church. You are making a difference. Thank you. Even though we cannot be together in one place, let’s continue to be a community at prayer together. On Sunday at 10:00, since it is Advent, perhaps you would like to join us in lighting a candle and remembering that this is the Advent Sunday of Hope. Then, let’s think about the gifts we have in our lives, and needs of our world, and then let’s all pray the Lord’s prayer (you can pray silently, or out loud). And, sometime, when you want to have a longer worship time, we are including some words and videos for your use. For those who receive the Prayer List, we continue to pray for those we know in our community who are working in Health Care and Education. If you want to receive the Prayer List, or add a name (with their permission), please be in touch. We are gathered for worship and work in Treaty One territory, which is the traditional land of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dené peoples and the homeland of the Metis Nation. For thousands of years Indigenous Peoples walked this land and knew it to be the centre of their lives and their spirituality. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration. Worship for Sunday, November 29, 2020 The First Sunday of Advent — The Sunday of Hope We come to worship with the first verse of ‘Hope is a Star’  We wait, remembering when hope was born, For hope, a gift to the world still torn. We wait with visions of stars above. We wait still held in God’s pure love. Our opening hymn is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”  Christmas traditions often start in Advent. Today’s story is about the Christmas tree and Christmas Angels:  Printable Version: Christmas Tree Angels Matthew 1:18-25 Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus. Jeff and Carol offer a reflection:  Printable Version: Reflection – November 29 Park Manor Care is in the midst of a COVID outbreak, we hold the residents, families and staff in our prayers. Let us pray: God of Christmas birth; God of hope, peace, joy and love; God of wonder found in a child in a stable; We begin again to follow the sign of the star and the song of the angels. We begin again to discover the good news that this is Your world. We begin again to discover good news in the birth of Jesus, in the life of the Christ who offers healing, reconciliation, forgiveness, shared food, and divine love. We begin again to say “Thank You, God” Thank you for this amazing Creation. Thank for the blessing of Life; for blessings of imagination, friendship, love, hope, joy, peace, creativity, humility, humour, compassion; for the many blessings of our humanity, and the many blessings of Your amazing Creation. God, our gratitude grows from a love that knows both thankfulness and concern. We pray in both word and thought our many concerns: We pray for all people as we experience the stresses and challenges of living during this pandemic. We pray for all those whose work requires them to be in contact with the general public. We pray for all healthcare workers. We pray for teachers. We pray for students. We pray for all who grieve. We pray for this planet. As climate change effects temperatures, we pray for species that are threatened. We pray that we humans find the wisdom and will to live in harmony with the rest of creation. We pray for peace in a world of conflicts. We pray for the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Libya and other countries in the midst of wars and conflicts. We pray for all who have no place to call home. We pray that we be global societies of compassion. We pray for a world of just and equitable sharing; a world in which people are not bound by poverty; a world in which everyone has food to eat, a home where they are welcomed, access to health care, education, employment and friendship. We pray that the Christ born into this world be born into our hearts. We pray that your amazing grace lead us to our true nature as people of hope, peace, joy and love. We pray in the name and spirit of the child of Bethlehem, Jesus the Christ. AMEN Our closing hymn is “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”  May God bless you and keep you. May God’s face shine upon you. May God grant you peace and joy. Be in the peace of Christ, this day and always. Amen We keep you in our prayers, Carol and Jeff Transcona Memorial United Church 209 Yale Avenue West Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2C 1T9 Phone: 204-222-1331 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @tmucWpg Instagram: @tmucWpg YouTube: TransconaMemorial Facebook:@transconamemorialunitedchurch Upcoming events 25 Sep Hymnotic 25 Sep In-Person Worship 27 Sep TMUC Singers 02 Oct Hymnotic Worship Online 7033 09/23/2022 Midweek News – Sept 21 09/21/2022 Church and Home – and mask update 09/16/2022 A Tapestry of Love for the UCW 09/11/2022 Church and Home and Celebrating the UCW 60th 09/09/2022 Contact us Send message © TMUC 2021
Sun stay alive, beat Aces 105-76 in Game 3 of WNBA Finals | ConchoValleyHomepage.com Skip to content ConchoValleyHomepage.com San Angelo 81° San Angelo 81° Sponsored By Toggle Menu Open Navigation Close Navigation Search Please enter a search term. 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Top Stories What to do in San Angelo: Sept. 22 through 25 24 hours ago Forever Family: Benito 7 days ago Video Blessing boxes across Tom Green County 1 week ago Video What you need to know for the Cowboy Way Jubilee 1 week ago About Us Contact Us TV Schedule Sign Up for Newsletters Download the ConchoValleyHomePage app Work for Us Sponsored Content: Digital Marketing Services KLST – Meet the team KSAN – Meet the team About BestReviews Regional News Partners News tips and submissions Contests That’s What I Like About Fridays Play the 2022 Dr Pepper High School Football Challenge – week 5 2022 Pro Football Challenge Sweepstakes [Concluded] Winning with the Weather 2022 [Concluded] KLST Weather Alert Radio Codeword Sweepstakes [Concluded] Remarkable Women Search Please enter a search term. Connecticut Sun’s Alyssa Thomas reacts during the first half in Game 3 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series against the Las Vegas Aces, Thursday,… Read More Connecticut Sun’s Alyssa Thomas reacts during the first half in Game 3 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series against the Las Vegas Aces, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, in Uncasville, Conn. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill) Read Less AP Sports Sun stay alive, beat Aces 105-76 in Game 3 of WNBA Finals by: DOUG FEINBERG, Associated Press Posted: Sep 15, 2022 / 10:12 PM CDT Updated: Sep 15, 2022 / 10:53 PM CDT Connecticut Sun’s Alyssa Thomas reacts during the first half in Game 3 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series against the Las Vegas Aces, Thursday,… Read More Connecticut Sun’s Alyssa Thomas reacts during the first half in Game 3 of a WNBA basketball final playoff series against the Las Vegas Aces, Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, in Uncasville, Conn. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill) Read Less by: DOUG FEINBERG, Associated Press Posted: Sep 15, 2022 / 10:12 PM CDT Updated: Sep 15, 2022 / 10:53 PM CDT SHARE UNCASVILLE, Conn. (AP) — A historic effort from Alyssa Thomas helped the Connecticut Sun stave off elimination again. Thomas had the first triple-double in WNBA Finals history, and the Sun beat the Las Vegas Aces 105-76 in Game 3 on Thursday night. She finished with 16 points, 15 rebounds and 11 assists for the Sun, who have now won all four of their elimination games in these playoffs, topping Dallas on the road in the first round and beating Chicago in Games 4 and 5 to close out that series. “We’ve been struggling offensively and we finally got a game back at home and my teammates were hitting shots,” Thomas said. “None of this would have been possible without them.” Las Vegas leads the best-of-five series 2-1 with Game 4 on Sunday in Connecticut. The Aces got off to a fast start, scoring nine of the first 11 points and forcing Connecticut to call a timeout. That settled the Sun down and they took over, outscoring the Aces 32-10 the rest of the quarter, including 25 of the final 29 points. Connecticut made 14 of its 17 shots in the period and DeWanna Bonner was a big reason why. Bonner struggled in the first two games of the series, scoring five points total while missing 16 of her 18 shots. She had seven points in the opening 8 minutes on Thursday night and finished with 18. “She was huge. She’s been here before. She’s won it. So, we lean on her,” Thomas said. “And she’s been struggling offensively, but we had nothing but faith in her and she came out and did her thing tonight.” Jonquel Jones led the Sun with 20 points. Jones, Bonner and Thomas helped Connecticut dominate inside as the Sun set a Finals record with 64 points in the paint while holding Las Vegas to 26. “That’s been the M.O. of the playoffs,” Jones said. “Even the Chicago series, the team that won the paint, won the game. That’s where it’s done. A long time ago, I talked to Lisa Leslie and she said to win a championship you have to win the paint. I see it now and feel it now. I can go back to that and see she was right.” Connecticut used that advantage to lead 53-34 with 1:44 left in the second quarter before the Aces closed the period by scoring the final nine points, including a buzzer-beating 3-pointer from Kelsey Plum from just inside half-court. The Sun seized momentum back to start the third quarter, scoring the first five points. Las Vegas couldn’t get closer than six the rest of the game. “That’s a team that is very resilient. If you could encapsulate Connecticut it’s physical and very resilient,” Aces coach Becky Hammon said. “They are physical and resilient and we didn’t match that tonight in any category.” Jackie Young scored 22 points and A’ja Wilson added 19 for the Aces. Las Vegas was thwarted in its first attempt at winning the franchise’s inaugural WNBA championship. The team had been in the Finals twice before and got swept in 2008 and 2020. SHE SAID IT “I went to a UFC fight the other night. … I would not want to get in the cage with her.” — Hammon on Thomas’ toughness. TRIPLE THREAT Thomas now has three triple-doubles in her career — all this season. This was the third in WNBA playoff history. Chicago’s Courtney Vandersloot and Houston’s Sheryl Swoopes had the others. TIP-INS Former Aces president and coach Bill Laimbeer sat courtside. He took over the franchise when it moved to Las Vegas in 2018 before retiring at the end of last season. Laimbeer was instrumental in assembling the championship roster by drafting Wilson first in 2018 and getting Gray to come to the team last season as a free agent. … Aces owner Mark Davis sat on the baseline. … Had the Aces been able to complete the comeback, they would have broken the mark for biggest rally in WNBA Finals history. The New York Liberty came back from 18 down in 1999 against Houston when Teresa Weatherspoon hit a game-winning shot from half-court. Hammon played for the Liberty in that game. HONORED Wilson and Seattle’s Breanna Stewart were unanimous choices for the All-WNBA first team that was announced Thursday. Plum also was on the first team as well as Phoenix’s Skylar Diggins-Smith and Chicago’s Candace Parker. Thomas and Jones were on the second team along with New York’s Sabrina Ionescu, Los Angeles’s Nneka Ogwumike and Minnesota’s Sylvia Fowles. ___ More WNBA playoffs: https://apnews.com/hub/wnba-playoffs and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Close Thanks for signing up! Watch for us in your inbox. Subscribe Now Daily News SIGN UP NOW Top Stories Haunted History: Colonel Ranald “Bad Hand” Mackenzie Tom Green County jail logs: September 24, 2022 Founder of ‘Keepers of Hope’ makes emergency food … Road closure updates affecting the next two weeks Tom Green County COVID-19 report: September 23, 2022 Top Stories More Stories ‘Fighting fit’: Trial to show Oath Keepers’ road … Haunted History: Colonel Ranald “Bad Hand” Mackenzie Staffing shortages, violence plague Oklahoma prisons Highlights: Bulldogs win second straight with 47-27 … Puerto Ricans seething over lack of power days after … KLST Evening Forecast: Friday September 23rd Founder of ‘Keepers of Hope’ makes emergency food … Road closure updates affecting the next two weeks More Stories ConchoValleyHomepage.com Video Teacher of the Week: Dawn Rodriguez, Austin Elementary 1 week ago KLST News Midday 7 months ago KLST News Midday 7 months ago KLST News Midday 7 months ago KLST News Midday 8 months ago Concho Valley This Morning 8 months ago KLST News Midday 10 months ago KLST News Midday 11 months ago KLST News at 6:00 p.m. 11 months ago KLST News Midday 11 months ago KSAN News at 6:00 p.m. 11 months ago KLST News Midday 12 months ago More Videos More from ConchoValleyHomepage.com Report: Abilene woman accused of luring victim into … JUST IN: Man drowns during family gathering at Lake … Community Champions Event: Meals for the Elderly Officer discharges firearm on man on bicycle with … WIC Division clinic to soon undergo renovations Tom Green County jail logs: September 23, 2022 Texas Walmart theft ring suspect jailed on dozens … Community gathers to pray over Lake View High School More from ConchoValleyHomepage.com Follow Us News App Get the iOS app Get the Android app from Google Play LOCAL NEWS VIDEO CENTER INTERACTIVE RADAR CV EXPERTS TV SCHEDULE BIRTHDAY GREETINGS KLST FCC Public Profile KSAN FCC Public File Nexstar CC Certification KLST EEO Report About Our Ads Public File Assistance Contact Privacy Policy Terms Of Use Covers Do Not Sell My Personal Information FCC Applications Public File Assistance Contact The Hill NewsNation BestReviews Content Licensing Nexstar Digital Journalistic Integrity © 1998 - 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. ✕ × Close Ad
You’d almost be forgiven for thinking the gender gap has closed. But thanks to the 2013 Global Gender Gap Index, and some deeply embedded cultural and religious traditions, you don’t have to look far to see modern societies still wreaking havoc on 51 percent of their citizens. The survey ranks 136 countries on the relative gaps between women and men based on health, education, economics and politics. All five Nordic countries are in the top eight. Iceland takes number one and Denmark brings up the rear at eight. Sitting not-too-pretty is the UK at 18, the US at 23 and France limping in at 45. For both men and women, discussing women’s rights can be intimidating. There’s a fear of appearing condescending, patronising, antagonistic, insensitive or just plain ignorant. Feminist literature and theory is challenging, and feminism itself is often dismissed as unnecessarily strident. But like most social understanding, it’s about developing informed and well-researched opinions, and then knowing when to keep them to yourself. But there has always been a question I couldn’t answer for myself: can men be feminists? With no general consensus among feminists, you might be surprised where I found my answer. On a Saturday afternoon in DGI-Byen, ten girls roller-skated around a multi-purpose sports stadium across a wooden floor that looked like a map of the London Underground. It’s called roller derby and if you’re not familiar with it, imagine figure skating, bull-fighting and the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’ and you’re probably still as confused as I was. The atmosphere was amazing (and totally unforgiving if you’re hungover, which I happened to be). It was my first ‘bout’ and I had no idea what was happening, who was winning or where I’d left my jacket the night before, but for the first time in recent memory, I was actually enjoying a live sporting event. As I tried to make sense of the angry swirling lady soup in front of me, I started to see my understanding of sport, entertainment, empowerment, gender, sexuality, and athleticism circling the room and clashing violently. It was reshaping my view of the world like a human hadron collider, but with more hot pants and fishnets. After spending my own youth devoted almost entirely to the obsessive perfection of kicking a round ball, whatever competitive sportsman remained inside me was overcome with a sense of nostalgia and envy. I realised that I wanted to lace up some skates of my own and soak in some of that sweet mass adulation. But an innate part of me knew that what I was witnessing wouldn’t be the same for me and nor should it be. I couldn’t do it justice. For men, sport is a vehicle to establish a victor through a definitive system of scoring based on strict adherence to a previously agreed upon set of rules and regulations. It’s a display of dominance. Men would wrench the life from roller derby in the name of competition (YouTube it if you don’t believe me). No, the best, and maybe only, way for men to experience roller derby in all its gory glory is from the sidelines and in the stands as passionate supporters. And out of nowhere, I had my answer. It’s unnecessary to call myself a feminist. It’s necessary that I support the women fighting their way through the opposition, forging ahead and breaking through again and again. After all, that’s how you score points apparently. And thus concludes my erratic and overextended metaphor and the extent of my roller derby knowledge. I would never hear Albert Slamus (my newly adopted derby name) announced to thunderous applause and I could never truly appreciate feminism, no matter how much Germaine Greer I read. Although, in a final moment of sentimentality, I do know one thing. Should I ever be lucky enough to see a daughter of my own face in the big bad world someday, I hope she’ll be wearing skates and a helmet. And maybe have an awesome derby girl name like Princess Slayer or Dora the Destroyer.
Uncategorized | robertpeecher | Page 2 Skip to primary content Skip to secondary content robertpeecher If Ashley Franks hadn't tempted me with her peach cobbler Search Main menu Home BOOKS Jackson Speed: The Hero of El Teneria Jackson Speed and the Blood Tubs Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike Jackson Speed at the High Tide CONTACT EXCERPTS SHORT FICTION Category Archives: Uncategorized Post navigation ← Older posts Newer posts → Jackson Speed proves too risque for teenagers Posted on September 24, 2015 by robpeecher Reply Last night my oldest son and I were shooting some video for another project, and he had the idea of shooting video of me reading from one of my novels. I thought immediately of one of my favorite scenes from a Jackson Speed book – the Baltimore ball in “Jackson Speed and the Blood Tubs” where Speedy is attempting seduce a Baltimore Belle by reading poetry to her. The book at hand is Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. So Speed picks it up and begins to read aloud to a gathering of ladies. It is outrageously funny to me that Speed, a Pinkerton agent attempting to save president-elect Abraham Lincoln from the vicious gang of assassins, the secessionist Blood Tubs, is using the poetry of abolitionist Walt Whitman to woo these Baltimore belles. The scene makes me laugh every time I think about it. But not everyone thinks it’s funny. When I first started writing the Jackson Speed novels, my sons were young enough that my wife would not let them read my books because of the sexual content. I’ve never thought the books were particularly graphic, but I admit my sensibilities are a little more jaded than some. The boys, now older, will agree that the content of my novels is no more graphic than the latest Eric Church song, but because the books were written by their father, they are completely freaked out by even the hint of sexual innuendo that came from their dad’s imagination. So my sons have never read any of my novels. And when Harrison looked over my shoulder at what I was going to read for the video last night, he completely freaked out. He caught a line that made him more than a little uneasy. He’s 19-years-old, but he went running from the house and dragged his 14-year-old brother with him. What Harrison doesn’t know is that the offending line was not from his father but instead came from Walt Whitman. If you are familiar with Leaves of Grass, you’ll know that the thing would make Hugh Hefner blush. When it was first published in 1855, Whitman was working for the Department of the Interior. Interior Secretary James Harlan fired Whitman after reading it. In 1882, Boston’s District Attorney threatened Whitman with local statutes against obscenity. Whitman’s publisher even dropped the book at one point. I probably will not produce or upload the video. Something about teenagers running from the house shakes my confidence. But if you think you can handle erotic poetry from the 1850s and you see the humor in a Southern Pinkerton agent wooing secessionist women with abolitionist poetry, maybe you should give Jackson Speed a read. Maybe I’ll try to find a tamer scene from one of the books to read for a video, one that won’t assault my sons’ fragile sensibilities. Maybe the scene where the Blood Tubs torture the army spy. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply Great launch for Jackson Speed at the High Tide Posted on June 22, 2015 by robpeecher Reply Jackson Speed at the High Tide: Volume IV of the Jackson Speed Memoirs In the past three years I’ve launched eight books or short stories – four Jackson Speed novels, a couple of Moses Calhoun short stories, Iron Curling Ale and Four Things My Wife Hates About Mornings. The launch of Jackson Speed at the High Tide has been the best so far. The book went live on Amazon as a Kindle ebook last week and I made no announcement at the time. I was waiting for the paperback to be live before I started any promotions. Nevertheless, within a couple of hours of the book going live, someone in the United Kingdom bought one of the books! If you think that doesn’t make me feel like the John Grisham of the War Between the States, then you are dramatically underestimating the value of the sale of one $3 ebook. I’m still not sure exactly how so many people in the United Kingdom found the Jackson Speed books, but every time I get a royalty check in British pounds I am so grateful to my English speaking cousins. Sales for High Tide have been surprisingly good these first few days, and I’m trying very hard to improve my marketing efforts. My hope is there may be some folks coming to see Jackson Speed for the first time. If that’s you, I’ll offer a little background: Jackson Speed was born in the spring of 2013 while I reading Shelby Foote’s “The Civil War: A Narrative.” By a happy coincidence, I was splitting time between two books that May, Foote’s Civil War book and George MacDonald Fraser’s first Flashman novel. This was my third or fourth time reading Flashman. I came across a passage – not more than a paragraph or two – where Foote described the efforts of the famous private detective Allen Pinkerton and “a female spy” who saved Abraham Lincoln’s life from an assassination plot prior to Lincoln taking office. Foote named the group planning the assassination as the “Blood Tubs.” My imagination exploded. It was Fraser’s influence on me that did it. In an instant, I saw the entirety of Jackson Speed’s life form in my mind, and that morning I started writing the first Jackson Speed novel. That one was Jackson Speed: The Hero of El Teneria, and I introduced the lecherous young coward from the Mexican-American War in that book. It was followed up by the book that inspired the series – Jackson Speed and the Blood Tubs. Volume III of the Jackson Speed Memoirs (Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike) leads directly into Volume IV – the latest in the series. If you’re new to Jackson Speed, my intention was to write a series where you could pick up any book and start from there, and you certainly do not have to read them in the order they were written. I suppose the books are popular in the United Kingdom because of the Flashman influence. It must be that the Brits just love a cowardly, lecherous scoundrel. No shame in that. I love them, too. I’m pleased to say, though, that my domestic sales have picked up quite a bit over the past few months, and now that Jackson Speed at the High Tide is done and dusted, I’m working on Volume V – Jackson Speed in the Rush! This one will go back in time in Speed’s life, and readers will discover how he made his fortune in the California Gold Rush of ’49. Texas Ranger, Forty-Niner, Pinkerton Detective, Yankee spy, Confederate officer, Wild West Gunslinger … Jackson Speed may be all these things, but if you read his memoirs you discover that he’s also a cowardly adventurer, a rascal, and a womanizer. As one reader stated in a review, “The history is true and the fiction is fun!” So check out the Jackson Speed novels if you like your heroes to be cowardly, and if you enjoy what you read, I’d love to hear from you! Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply Free today and tomorrow Posted on March 11, 2015 by robpeecher Reply In recognition of the 167th anniversary of the U.S. Senate’s ratification of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War and giving the United States the territory that would eventually become Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Oklahoma, I thought I’d give away some Kindle versions of Jackson Speed: The Hero of El Teneria. So the first novel in the Jackson Speed series is free today and tomorrow. This is the story of Jackson Speed’s corruption, first marriage and flight from an enraged and cuckolded husband. In it you can read Speed’s first-hand account of the Battle of the Boat on the Rio Grande and see his introduction to Jefferson Davis, a man who would several times force Speedy into the death. The novel also reveals Speed’s adventures with Ben McCulloch and the Texas Rangers. I think it’s a fun story full of adventure and excitement, and if you download it for free today or tomorrow and you decide that it’s not to your tastes, I’ll offer you a no-questions-asked money back guarantee.* To download the book at no cost to you, click here. *The money back guarantee is only good for free downloads. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply NaNoWriMo and the legend of Spangler’s Spring Posted on November 28, 2014 by robpeecher Reply I’m posting another NaNoWriMo update. Back in September when I decided to try NaNoWriMo (the National Novel Writing Month project where, to win, you have to write 50,000 words in your novel in the 30 days of November) I was thinking it would be great fun to attend some of the local events, maybe communicate with some other writers in the forums at the NaNoWriMo website and try to write a new novel. But, as I reported earlier this week, November just wasn’t my month. My paying job seriously got in the way of my non-paying writing job, and by November 25, I’d only written about 16,000 words in my novel. I’ve been seriously busy, and the days when I did have time to write there was not much writing going on. But on Monday, Nov. 25, with 16,000 or so words written I looked at the rest of the month and thought, “Maybe I can still do this.” I have not closed myself up in a closet with a laptop. Yesterday I spent the entire day with friends and family and enjoyed the day feasting and playing front-yard football with the boys (and girls), and last night when everyone else went to bed I started writing. I’ve spent most of my writing time with my family – I on my laptop, they huddled around the fireplace or the television or whatever they were huddled around. But four days later, I’ve topped 30,000 words. As of the close of writing Thanksgiving Day, I was at 30,694 words, and I’m looking at a weekend where I should have plenty of time to write. I don’t know that I can get 20,000 words in three days (this week I did 14,000 words in four days), but I am still trying. I don’t think the writing is poor, either. I admitted to Jean last night that I wasn’t sure about a particular scene I was writing and whether or not it would make it to the final draft of the book, but I woke up this morning pretty pleased with that scene. In some of my author talks, I’ve discussed how the historical record often lends itself really well to my wandering character, and that scene I wrote last night is sort of an indication of that. In the scene, Speed was fleeing Gettysburg in the night after the second day of battle. For the story, I needed him to wander through the ranks of the Yankee army on Culp’s Hill and then somehow pass over into the Confederate lines without anyone noticing him or shooting him. Spangler’s Spring as it did not appear during the Battle of Gettysburg. Obviously, even at night, crossing through the no-man’s-land between two entrenched enemies is no easy feat, even for a man as adept at getting away from stuff as our reluctant hero Jackson Speed. Stuck for a moment in trying to figure out how Speed would move from one army to the next, I picked up my handy-dandy research material and found a passage in Glenn Tucker’s book about how in a meadow near Culp’s Hill on the night after the second day of battle, the Federals and Confederates filled their canteens at Spangler’s Spring, and the water carriers for both armies stood there together, chatting with each other, sharing gossip and filling their canteens. It created the ideal opportunity for Speed to move from one army to the next unnoticed. Thanks historical record! Possibly, probably, the legend of Spangler’s Spring isn’t true. We do know for a fact that there was fighting during the night around Spangler’s Spring, and it is probable that the legend of the local truce allowing both Union and Confederate troops to fill their canteens from the spring was a story made up entirely for the purpose of promoting reconciliation between North and South in the years following the war. That said, the legend of the local truce at Spangler’s Spring is not without precedent. Frequently in Civil War battles the soldiers of either side met and talked in lulls between the fighting, though in most of the accounts I can find they did not mingle at close range and merely called out taunts at each other. But because the legend fits well with my fiction, I don’t mind incorporating it. If you want to read more about Spangler’s Spring, I’ll point you to this blog which I found particularly interesting. It’s not overly supportive of the notion that Speed was able to mingle with both Yankee and Confederate soldiers who chatted amicably while filling their canteens, but it’s interesting nonetheless. At any rate, I’m still writing, still hoping that I can finish out NaNoWriMo. If I win it this year, I think next year I’ll sign up and just go to local events and chat with other writers in the forums, because I feel like I’ve missed a lot of the experience by only focusing on the goal. But if you’re a fan of Jackson Speed and eager for the next book, you can consider NaNoWriMo a success even if I don’t hit my 50,000 words. The truth is, I’d been stalled for a long time in my writing of Jackson Speed at the High Tide, and at the pace I was going I was not finishing the book before the first of next year. With NaNoWriMo motivating me, I now expect to finish writing the book within the next two weeks (three days if I can!) and then I’ll start on editing and rewriting, and surely I’ll be able to hit my goal of publishing Jackson Speed at the High Tide next spring. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply 50K words in 30 days Posted on September 2, 2014 by robpeecher Reply The last time I checked the word count I was just over 53,000 words into Jackson Speed at the High Tide. I might be up to about 55,000 now. I’ve been working on this fourth novel in the Jackson Speed Memoirs for more than a year, pausing periodically to finish up other projects (including Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike which was published in May). The previous three Speed novels were all between 65,000 and 70,000 words, and generally that is my target length when I’m writing. However, I believe High Tide – which takes up Jackson Speed’s involvement in the three day battle of Gettysburg – is going to turn out to be a good bit longer. At 53,000 words, I am only up to about 3 p.m. on July 2, 1863 (the moment the second day’s fighting started). Granted, about half of what I have written so far involves the month or so leading up to the war, but I suspect I’m still at least 30,000 words from finishing, maybe more than that. It seems like there is a lot of story left to tell, and I could easily see this book approaching 100,000 words. My intention was to have the book ready for my editor well before the end of the year (maybe by the end of October), and at my current pace I suppose that’s still possible. Because life and work and kids’ soccer games tend to get in the way, I suspect it could be next spring before I’m done. I’ve never liked working exclusively on one project. Instead, I like having lots of irons in the fire at one time. So to keep plenty of irons heating up, today I made the decision to go ahead and start the fifth book in the Jackson Speed Memoirs in November. Among the writing community the NaNoWriMo challenge is a pretty big deal. This is a challenge where you set a goal of writing a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. Lots of authors do it with varying degrees of success. I’m not big on gimmicks, but if you know the story of my first Jackson Speed novel, then you know that I wrote the thing at a frantic pace. I skipped meals, wrote at work, stayed up all night writing and in 28 days I’d knocked out a 65,000 word novel. But when I did that I’d never heard of NaNoWriMo, and I did it from mid-May to mid-June of 2012 so it didn’t count for the National Novel Writing Month. Since first finding out about it, I’ve thought often about maybe trying to participate NaNoWriMo, and I’ve decided now that I am going to. I signed up today for NaNoWriMo 2014, and I am going to start getting some of the preliminary research done for the fifth Jackson Speed novel so that come November I can hit the ground running. My goal is to put myself in a position where next spring I can publish back-to-back Jackson Speed novels. I’m really excited about it, and I hope it doesn’t turn into a complete disaster where I can’t get anything done – that’s as possible as being able to finish two novels at roughly the same time. But, the challenge is made doubly difficult because all through November AMC will be airing new episodes of The Walking Dead, and obviously TWD will take precedence over Jackson Speed (or anything else). Posted in Uncategorized, Writing history | Tagged 30 days, 50000 words, am writing, NaNoWriMo, November 2014 | Leave a reply Thrillwriting interview Posted on August 22, 2014 by robpeecher Reply I was interviewed yesterday by Fiona Quinn who runs the immensely valuable Thrillwriting blog where she helps “writers write it right.” Fiona wanted to talk to me about being an investigative reporter, and since I’ve had some experience along those lines, I thought maybe I could provide her with some insight that might be worthwhile to novelists seeking to toss a newspaper reporter into their story. Fiona provides all sorts of useful information to novel writers. She offers some primers on the use of weapons, she shows video of how easy it is to get out of duct tape handcuffs (if your plotline includes someone being tied up in duct tape, your plot had also better include that person freeing themselves with relative ease) and she’s even got a post about using tampons as survival tools. She also regularly interviews experts in a variety of fields, and these folks offer insight into what their jobs are like (hence, me being interviewed about what it’s like to be an investigative reporter). She provides a good bit of information about homicide scenes, investigative techniques from law enforcement and things of that nature. Certainly I am no expert, but in my career I’ve been to a lot of murder scenes, covered a lot of murder trials and gone along with sheriff’s deputies, investigators and especially with Sheriff Howard Sills as they solved crimes, and I can say that everything I’ve read on Fiona’s blog corresponds accurately with the things I’ve witnessed. She offers good information. So, if you’re a writer of crime fiction or thrillers – or even if you just have an interest in law enforcement procedures – Thrillwriting is a great blog to bookmark and visit regularly. The information Fiona provides will keep you from looking like an idiot. I’m really grateful to Fiona for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to talk a little about being an investigative reporter, and I hope the information becomes useful to other writers. I believe the interview is scheduled to appear on her blog late in September. She did ask me one question that sort of threw me during the conversation. She asked about movies I’ve seen or books I’ve read where the hero was an investigative reporter, and she wanted to know what they got right or got wrong. I don’t watch that many movies, and I can’t remember ever reading a book where the hero was a reporter. But now that the interview is over, three movies come to my mind: Deadline – USA with Humphrey Bogart (honestly, this is how I picture myself as I go about my day); The Paper with Michael Keaton (I cannot tell you how many times I’ve wanted to stack up a couple of bundles of newspapers in my editor’s office and fire my revolver into the bundles); and finally All the President’s Men with Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as Bernstein and Woodward unraveling Watergate. In general, and forgiving the dramatic flairs necessary to make the films exciting and appealing to movie-goers, I would say that those three movies probably correspond fairly closely with the kinds of things I’ve encountered in my career. However, I will say this, I have never once – in anything other than a joke – ever heard anyone yell, “Stop the presses!” But I did once have an editor threaten to kill me if a city audit did not show evidence of theft of government money, and I think she was fairly serious. There are a lot of things I miss about working for Judy Bailey. Anyway, if you’re a writer interested in using an investigative reporter in your story and you’d like to contact me and ask me questions, please feel free. I’d be happy to answer questions for anyone who has an interest. Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a reply 2014 World Cup Finals predictions Posted on July 12, 2014 by robpeecher 1 From the start I’ve been predicting a final with Germany and the Netherlands, and I’ve got to say I was terribly disappointed by the Dutch performance in the semifinals game against Argentina. Germany and Argentina make it to the final. Germany will win. Vlaar was so good in defending Messi, but in the attack Robben was ineffective and Robin van Persie was asleep offsides. Both defenses played a strong game, resulting in no goals scored in 90 minutes of regulation and 30 minutes of extra time. I was not surprised that Germany beat Brazil. I’ve felt all through the tournament that Brazil wasn’t playing that well. I never saw a 7-1 defeat, though. I thought maybe 3-0. Even with Neymar and Thiago Silva, I don’t think Brazil would have performed much better against the Germans. So that gives us Germany and Argentina in the final and Brazil and the Netherlands playing for third place. Brazil v. Netherlands I’ve thought since the group stage that Brazil was not performing well in this World Cup. They’ve been lucky in some instances. Neymar carried them in others. For all the talent and passion Brazil had coming into each game, the passion seemed to carry them through while the talent let them down. Oscar seems reluctant to take the lead on the field. Neymar is an individual threat, but without him a defense playing against Brazil is able to relax a little. The Netherlands are the most successful country to never win a World Cup. Playing for third place means something to them. Meanwhile, for the Brazilians who have allowed emotion to overcome them, I think if they give up the first goal they will lose, possibly significantly. The Dutch may well win this thing 4-0 and send Brazil back to the drawing board. Germany v. Argentina I’ve been as disappointed in Argentina as I have Brazil. I have seen them possibly going out at any point in the knockout stages. But Argentina has proved me wrong each time. In every match, they’ve not been good but they’ve been good enough. Probably the best game they played was against the Netherlands. Germany, meanwhile, have only a couple of times really played like you would expect them to, but after playing like you would expect them to against Brazil and winning 7-1, I have to think they will come into the final firing on all cylinders. Expect a strong German team. Expect the same kind of Germany that played against Brazil. I see Germany winning 2-0, maybe more. Because Messi is on the field, you might have to expect him to score or create a goal, so maybe it’s 3-1 to Germany. Anyway, I don’t believe Argentina will win this game. 2014 World Cup goes to Germany. Posted in Soccer, Uncategorized, World Cup | Tagged Argentina, Brazil, Dutch, Germany, Holland, Netherlands, World Cup 2014 | 1 Reply US Ro16 loss is hearbreaker, but we’ll be back Posted on July 3, 2014 by robpeecher Reply The World Cup 2014 Round of 16 was the most heartbreaking thing since the World Cup 2010 Round of 16 when Ghana, in extra time, knocked the US out of the World Cup. It was a tough game to watch on Tuesday. Fabian Johnson went out early, forcing Klinsmann to use an early substitution. In a 120-minute game, an inability to get fresh legs on the field when your opponent does can hurt very badly. Then there was Wondolowski’s missed opportunity. Extra time. De Bruyne’s goal. Rom Lukaku’s goal. It was all so bad. I was gutted. Devastated. When I chanted, “I believe that we will win!” I was serious. I did believe. When I grow up I want to be just like Kyle Beckerman. I’ve already stopped washing my hair. But then Julian Green scored one to bring us back! And everything was USA momentum! The entire game shifted as the US started to press hard. I’ve seen countless late equalizers. And if you’re Jurgen Klinsmann would you want to go to PKs against Belgium with Tim Howard having the kind of day he was having? Of course you would! When the fourth official held up his sign signaling 1 minute of stoppage time, Klinsmann and I both had the same reaction. Klinsmann on the sideline could be clearly heard on ESPN all across America: “One minute? Why is one fucking minute?” He was right, too. You’d had substitutions and injuries and we should have had a minimum of three minutes of stoppage time at the end of the second extra time. Maybe we should have had five minutes. But it was one minute and that minute went by pretty fast. In my alternate reality we got three minutes, scored the equalizer and Tim Howard blocked every single Belgian PK. Except Lukaku’s. In my alternate reality, Lukaku shot his over the post. But in the real world, we beat our way out of the Group of Death and it took everything we had to do it. Did you see Clint Dempsey in the Belgium game? He looked like me after I’ve been playing for 15 minutes – exhausted. Clint didn’t have much in it. Tim Howard had an amazing game, but Tim Howard is an amazing keeper. It’s common for him to make unbelievable saves. It’s just not common for him to have to make so many in one game. There were other promising things you can take away from the game against Belgium: DeAndre Yedlin was great. If we’d had anybody who could have connected with his crosses we’d have won that game. People keep talking about Julian Green being the future of US soccer – and he may be – but I’d say look to Yedlin. There’s a kid who has the skill to take us far. And hats off to Kyle Beckerman who was outstanding in this World Cup. I will forever be a Beckerman fan, and I get chills thinking about what a dream come true this was for him. I have been a fan of Graham Zusi for a long time, and I think he did very well. Jermaine Jones was also outstanding. DaMarcus Beasley is always, always, always solid, but in the game against Belgium he was extra special. He and Tim Howard both deserved to be rewarded with a win in that game. Our back four have taken a lot of criticism. Geoff Cameron with the whiffed ball against Portugal, and Matt Besler, Omar Gonzalez and even Beasley for allowing Belgium to take so many shots and force Howard to make so many saves. I’ll say this about our defense: They had a good tournament. They’re not as good as some of the teams they played against, and they were forced to work very, very hard because we did not possess the ball. It’s tough playing on a defense that is constantly on its heels and getting battered. You clear the ball away and look up and it’s coming right back at you. I know it’s hard – I’ve played in those defenses many times. You can blame the midfield for not possessing, but the midfield is too deep because they have to come back to help the defense. The fact is, we weren’t good enough. Germany and Belgium were both better teams. We played them hard and created chances and frustrated them, but we just simply weren’t as good as they were. I’m bullish on the USA. There’s a lot of talk about why the US doesn’t do well internationally in soccer. The book Soccernomics has a great section about this and, I think, is dead on right. If you’re interested, check that out. Ultimately, though, I think you’ve got to believe that it’s coming. I believe that we will win. In qualifying for the World Cup, we were the best among the CONCACAF teams, winning our group with room to spare. It may take another four years or eight years, but soccer players in America are getting better. Right now we are developing top players, and with the MLS continuing to grow, they are getting more opportunities to play at a high level. I think we’ve passed the time when top American players had to look overseas for opportunities. Yedlin plays for the Sounders. Zusi and Besler both play for Sporting Kansas City. Omar Gonzalez is at LA Galaxy. Beckerman is at Real Salt Lake. Brad Davis is at the Houston Dynamo. Wondo is at the Earthquakes. These MLS guys played against some of the best players in the world the past couple of weeks. They took Belgium to extra time, held Germany to a single goal, tied a game with Portugal that we should have won and beat an African powerhouse that we have never beaten before. For the past five Gold Cups, the USMNT has either won or come in second. I’m a fan of the USMNT. I watch most all of their games – friendlies and CONCACAF and qualifiers. I love the USMNT, and I think Klinsmann (whose contract takes him through the next World Cup) is doing great things with this team. Our time will come. I I believe I believe that I believe that we I believe that we will win! Posted in Soccer, Uncategorized, World Cup | Tagged American Outlaws, Beasley, Beckerman, Belgium, Besler, CONCACAF, Dempsey, Tim Howard, Timmy Howard, Uncle Sam's Army, USA, USMNT, Yedlin | Leave a reply I’m big in Macao Posted on June 30, 2014 by robpeecher 1 I don’t keep track of book sales on a regular basis. I’ll check sometimes once a week and sometimes once a month. Sometimes I go for longer stretches. I’ve been pretty up front that sales – someone dropping $3 on one of my Kindle books – don’t happen that often. I’ve gone whole months without selling any books. So checking sales figures can get to be a pretty depressing sort of thing. I expect when I make it to England for a book signing tour the crowds at Trafalgar Square queuing up to get an autographed Jackson Speed book will look something like this. Lately, however, my sales have been more consistent. Even before Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike was published I was seeing an up-tick of sales of the first and second books. In fact, there were times when I could see what appeared to be direct correlations of sales of Jackson Speed and the Blood Tubs (Volume II of the Jackson Speed Memoirs) two or three weeks after sales of Jackson Speed: The Hero of El Teneria (Volume I of the Jackson Speed Memoirs). That’s great fun for me. If the conclusions I’m drawing are correct (and I’ll tell myself they are) then it indicates that someone enjoyed the first book enough to get the second book. June was a great month for book sales, though. Usually I’ll see a spike in sales after I publish a new book, but I saw that spike in May when Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike was published at the first of the month. I expected things to slow down considerably in June. But they didn’t. By my standards, I sold a lot of books in June. I was interested, so I got deeper into my numbers, and I realized more than half the books I sold in June were sold in the United Kingdom. All three volumes of the Jackson Speed books had (for me) significant sales in the UK during the month of June. This was a trend I saw a couple of months ago, too, where a large percentage of my sales were coming out of the United Kingdom, and several of the Kindle copies of Orange Turnpike that sold last month sold in the UK. In fact, someone in the UK bought the very first paperback of Jackson Speed on the Orange Turnpike. Again, we’re talking about handfuls of books here, not boxes of books. I’m not getting on any NYT lists with my sales. Nevertheless, I’m starting to wonder if I’m not destined for international stardom. While I don’t look at my book sales regularly, I do look at my blog stats two or three times a week. I’ve posted a couple of times about the World Cup, and my hits from all over the world are unreal. In the last 30 days, my blog has been visited by people in Brazil, Australia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Canada, Romania, Bangladesh, Iceland, India, Colombia, Germany, Slovakia, Morocco and Macao. I’m starting to feel like the old joke they used to say about celebrities whose stars had faded and who looked overseas to revive their careers. “What’s Rob Peecher doing these days?” “I hear he’s big in Macao.” I’m not exactly sure what any of this means or how it becomes useful for introducing more people to my novels (since, ultimately, that’s the only reason I write a blog), so I’m just going to file all of this under the category: The internets is super cool. It just boggles my mind that I am able to write novels about a 19th Century American scoundrel that people in England are interested in buying or that I’m able to make predictions about the World Cup that are read by people in Slovakia. It’s a weird, wonderful world we’re walking upon. Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Reply Initial thoughts on World Cup 2014 Posted on June 20, 2014 by robpeecher Reply Now that we’ve seen everyone play at least one game, I’m making some World Cup observations and predictions. As I told my son last week, I’m not a fookin’ fortune teller, so don’t come yapping at me if I am completely wrong. I will know that I was wrong, I won’t need you to point that out to me, and I really won’t be interested in how you knew all along who was going to make it to the finals. Clint Dempsey might carry the US all the way to the final … even with a broken nose. Group A: Bra, Mex, Cro, Cam Mexico and Brazil will advance, but neither team has been convincing. Mexico has bounced back from a terrible run of form over the past several months and seems to be firing on all cylinders again, but I do not see either of these teams beating their rivals in Group B. Group B: Nth, Chile, Aus, Esp Netherlands and Chile have both looked outstanding. I could see either team going to the final. Group C: Col, Ivry Cst, Jap, Gre Don’t be too impressed with Colombia – they have little competition in their group. They will line up in the knockout stages against one of the top two teams in Group D. Potentially, I suppose, if Colombia face Italy they could advance out of the Round of 16, but I do not see Colombia beating Uruguay if that’s how it shakes out. Group D: Costa Rica, Ita, Ugy, Eng Costa Rica has been a surprise. I believe they are capable of beating either of the Group C teams they might face in the first round of the knockout stage. With Suarez back it’s hard to see how Uruguay can be stopped from scoring, but whether or not Suarez has a complete enough team around him to keep from getting beat remains to be seen. England did not play a particularly good game against Uruguay and better opponents may expose weaknesses. It’s possible that Costa Rica and Uruguay advance and leave two more European powerhouses not advancing out of group. Group E: Fra, Swz, Ecuador, Hon France looked very good in their first game (and as I write this just scored the opening goal in their second game against Switzerland). France could do something in this World Cup. I expect Switzerland will advance out of group with France, but I do not see Switzerland going beyond the Round of 16. Group F: Arg, Ira, Nig, Bosnia Hrzg Let’s see Argentina in the Round of 16, then we can figure out what they’re playing with. This group is a snooze fest. Anyway, Messi is always fun to watch. Group G (The group of Death!): Ger, USA, Gha, Port Yes. Germany. I can easily see Germany winning World Cup 2014. They are such a strong side. The US has a big test on Sunday. If we beat Portugal and lose to Germany we probably play Belgium in the first game of the knockout stage. Having only seen Belgium play one game it’s tough to judge, but I think it’s certainly possible that the US could beat a very talented but young Belgium side. It’s hard for me not to believe in the USMNT. If we come out second in group, we probably play Belgium in the Round of 16. And if we advance there, it potentially is Argentina. Honestly, I think Belgium is tougher than Argentina and with some grit and determination, I think we can beat both teams. Group H: Blgm, SKor, Russia, Alg Belgium. Everyone else is uninteresting to me, but I love all my Russian followers on Twitter. Seriously. I do. Prediction for the final: I can see the US making it to the semifinals where we would likely face the Netherlands, and my expectation is that the Netherlands will go on to face Germany in the final. Here’s my disclaimer: Anything can happen. That’s why we play the games. With a couple of upsets, maybe Costa Rica faces Germany or maybe Chile faces Netherlands. Maybe Brazil starts playing better and meets Germany in the semi finals, but I still don’t see how any teams beat either Germany or the Netherlands. I expect the Netherlands, having been there and lost once, will fight pretty hard not to lose another final. So while some of Europe’s top teams fall out of group stage, I do see two European teams in the final. But, if the United States can topple the Netherlands in a massive upset, Germany can’t stop our momentum. Ultimately, it seems obvious that the USMNT should win. Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Altidore, Beasley, Beckerman, Besler, Brasil, Cameron, Dempsey, Germany, Howard, Klinsmann, Mix, Netherlands, USA, USMNT, Wondolowski, World Cup, World Cup 2014, Zusi | Leave a reply Post navigation ← Older posts Newer posts → High Tide Follow me on Twitter My Tweets Four Things Orange Turnpike Blood Tubs El Teneria Jackson Speed Memoirs Jackson Speed Memoirs Iron Curling Ale Goodreads Meta Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.com Blog at WordPress.com. robertpeecher Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Follow Following robertpeecher Join 1,349 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? 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Originally published on Medium.com. A new organization launched this week calling themselves “Vaccine Safety Commission”, a nonprofit organization that was formed by “concerned scientists, doctors, journalists, and parents.” BY J.B. HANDLEY February 14, 2017 WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new organization launched this morning calling themselves “Vaccine Safety Commission”, a nonprofit organization that was formed by “concerned scientists, doctors, journalists, and parents.” For now, the group has chosen to remain anonymous, but I certainly hope that changes soon. The group has no formal affiliation to either Robert F. Kennedy or President Trump, but wholeheartedly endorses the formation of a Vaccine Safety Commission, and claims to be actively seeking additional members. In my opinion, we are in the dark ages of having honest conversations about vaccine injury where truth-tellers are still routinely destroyed, and I hope this group is another step in the right direction towards honest dialogue. Consider the case just this week of science journalist and Harvard educated Mish Michaels: At issue are comments Michaels made before the Massachusetts Legislature in 2011 on behalf of a bill to add parental choice to the list of reasons children without immunizations may attend school. (Currently, children who aren’t immunized may only attend school if they have documentation from a doctor, or if a parent submits a written statement declaring that immunization conflicts with their religious beliefs.) Mish Michaels, who lost her job as a science reporter at WGBH News this week after questions were raised about her anti-vaccine views, issued a statement Thursday night saying her personal beliefs ‘have been positioned inaccurately.’ At least one group of doctors are going public: a group called Physicians for Informed Consent recently launched in California, speaking up about the importance of keeping vaccines as a voluntary medical procedure. Physicians for Informed Consent Regarding President Trump’s desire to look more closely at vaccine safety, I was emboldened by an excellent editorial last week in the British Medical Journal by their Associate Editor, Dr. Peter Doshi, which should really be read by everyone. Here’s an excerpt: On February 7, 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics sent a letter to President Trump protesting the establishment of a Vaccine Safety Commission, and included a list of 41 published studies which the AAP believes prove that vaccines are “safe and effective”, and couldn’t possibly be causing American children any harm whatsoever, as they state in their letter: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. What I find interesting about the AAP’s choice of words is that they often seem to be mixing up their words when it comes to “vaccine safety.” On the one hand, they make statements that are simply unsupportable like expressing their “unequivocal support for the safety of vaccines.” What does that mean, “unequivocal support”? Does that mean whatever harm they cause is simply worth it, or that absolutely no harm is ever caused? By engaging in generalized hyperbole, the AAP makes it hard to have an honest conversation about the risks vs. benefits of vaccines. In certain ways, I think the AAP’s letter is laughable. The AAP claims that vaccines are “safe”, but most of the studies they include only address one very specific condition: autism. What about the growing body of evidence relating the aluminum adjuvant in vaccines to the chronic food allergies our children are experiencing? Never mentioned. What ahout the new HPV vaccine with an alarming rate of adverse events reported? Silent. What about the data showing that children receiving multiple vaccines have much higher rates of emergency room visits? Not a word. Are vaccines “safe” so long as they don’t cause autism, or does “safety” mean something much broader? My personal opinion about this whole mess is that we’ve traded a reduction in certain acute illnesses (measles, chicken pox) for an explosion in many chronic illnesses, particularly neurological and auto-immune disorders, all of which are now epidemic in our children. Let me ask you a simple question to test my hypothesis: Source: http://www.learntherisk.org What’s wrong with our kids, why are they so sick, and why isn’t a massive uptick in the number of vaccines given a reasonable hypothesis for what’s happened? I like this blog post yesterday from author, journalist, and nutritionist Catherine J Frompovich where she asks many of these questions: Like tap dancing that makes a lot of noise, so too are vaccine studies peripherally pointing to real vaccine concerns about which the U.S. federal health agencies (HHS, CDC and FDA) and state health departments probably won’t do anything to correct, i.e., eliminate vaccines, as some countries are doing with some vaccines. The ever-increasing — “growing like Topsy” — CDC vaccine schedule has to stop! With almost three hundred new vaccines in production, how many will infants, toddlers and teens be mandated to receive when those vaccines obtain licensure? Furthermore, aren’t vaccines Big Pharma’s annuity products, so what should consumers expect? If the Rand Corporation found strong evidence vaccines cause Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), myalgia, seizures, meningitis, encephalitis and other adverse health problems, and Robert F Kennedy Jr., Esq. is revealing more and more research — almost daily — this time from the Yale School of Medicine and Penn State College of Medicine about an association between vaccines and brain disorders, then what’s all the ‘tap dancing’ about? Let’s get to some serious conclusions. ‘Tap Dancing’ Around Vaccine Issues The American Academy of Pediatrics is a trade union for pediatricians. Pediatricians make most of their income from vaccinating babies. They are encouraging President Trump NOT to study making vaccines safer, even though our government has paid out more than $3.5 billion to Americans to compensate them for vaccine injury. Something isn’t adding up! We really can’t make vaccines ANY safer? As I already mentioned, the “science” the AAP sent President Trump deals exclusively with the subject of whether or not vaccines cause autism. Oddly, they sent the President several papers authored by a Whistleblower scientist at CDC who has confessed to throwing away data implicating the MMR vaccine in autism, a wanted felon, and a paper that clearly explained that vaccines WERE causing neurological tics (I don’t think that’s “safe’). Here’s the Vaccine Safety Commission’s slides addressing these three studies. (Note that Dr. Thompson — CDC Whistleblower — and Poul Thorsen — wanted felon — are actually co-authors to many of the studies the AAP sent President Trump): My favorite part of the Vaccine Safety Commission website are the 50 studies they provide that the AAP “forgot” to include in their letter to President Trump. Note that the complete study is available by clicking on each study title ( and here’s a pdf with every study in one place ). I hope you enjoy reading these studies from all over the world, and I hope they make you think or say the thing I keep thinking and saying: 1. YALE SCIENTISTS FIND STRONG ASSOCIATION BETWEEN VACCINATIONS AND ANOREXIA, OCD, AND ANXIETY DISORDER Temporal Association of Certain Neuropsychiatric Disorders Following Vaccination of Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Case-Control StudyFrontiers in Psychiatry, January 2017, Douglas L. Leslie, Robert A. Kobre, Brian J. Richmand Summary: “Subjects with newly diagnosed anorexia nervosa were more likely than controls to have had any vaccination in the previous 3 months [hazard ratio (HR) 1.80, 95% confidence interval 1.21–2.68]. Influenza vaccinations during the prior 3, 6, and 12 months were also associated with incident diagnoses of AN, OCD, and an anxiety disorder. Several other associations were also significant with HRs greater than 1.40 (hepatitis A with OCD and AN; hepatitis B with AN; and meningitis with AN and chronic tic disorder). This pilot epidemiologic analysis implies that the onset of some neuropsychiatric disorders may be temporally related to prior vaccinations in a subset of individuals.” 2. ITALIAN SCIENTISTS FIND UNEXPECTED CONTAMINANTS IN ALL PEDIATRIC VACCINES, INCLUDING LEAD, STAINLESS STEEL, TUNGSTEN, IRON, AND CHROMIUM New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, January 2017, Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti, Stefano Montanari Summary: Scientists found contaminants in all vaccines that are not listed on the label of the vaccines. “The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines, not investigated and not detected by the Producers. If our hypothesis is actually the case, a close inspection of the working places and the full knowledge of the whole procedure of vaccine preparation would probably allow to eliminate the problem.” 3. ISRAELI AND ITALIAN SCIENTISTS WARN THAT VACCINE ADJUVANTS (ALUMINUM) ARE CAUSING A WIDE-RANGE OF AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS, INCLUDING SJOGREN’S SYNDROME Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants and Sjogren’s Syndrome IMAJ VOL 18, March-April 2016, Serena Colafrancesco, Carlo Perricone, Yehuda Shoenfeld Summary: “Several case reports have suggested that both vaccines and silicone may trigger the development of SS [Sjo?gren’s syndrome, a chronic systemic autoimmune inflammatory condition involving the exocrine glands]. Aluminum is one of the principal adjuvants used in vaccine formulation and may be responsible for the development of ASIA syndrome. It seems that its ability to behave as an adjuvant might be related to evidence that aluminum salts seem to both induce the activation of dendritic cells and complement components and increase the level of chemokine secretion at the injection site… other vaccines including Bacillus Calmette Gue?rin (BCG), hepatitis A and/or B and human papillomavirus, should be avoided or considered only in selected patients… There is considerable evidence raising the possibility of vaccine-triggered autoimmunity” 4. INFANTS VACCINATED WITH MULTIPLE VACCINES AT ONCE HAVE MUCH HIGHER HOSPITALIZATIONS AND DEATH RATES THAN INFANTS WHO RECEIVE FEWER SIMULTANEOUS VACCINES Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Summer 2016, Neil Z. Miller Summary: “Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently, as recommended by CDC, are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously. It also showed that reported adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants. The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies. Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive. National vaccination campaigns must be supported by scientific evidence.” 5. ISRAELI, CANADIAN, AND COLOMBIAN SCIENTISTS SHOW THAT GARDASIL VACCINE TRIGGERS BRAIN INFLAMMATION AND AUTOIMMUNITY IN MICE Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine GardasilImmunol Res, July 2016, Rotem Inbar, Ronen Weiss, Lucija Tomljenovic, Maria-Teresa Arango, Yael Deri, Christopher A, Shaw, Joab Chapman, Miri Blank, Yehuda Shoenfeld Summary: “Vaccine adjuvants and vaccines may induce autoimmune and inflammatory manifestations in susceptible individuals. To date most human vaccine trials utilize aluminum (Al) adjuvants as placebos despite much evidence showing that Al in vaccine-relevant exposures can be toxic to humans and animals…It appears that Gardasil via its Al adjuvant and HPV antigens has the ability to trigger neuroinflammation and autoimmune reactions, further leading to behavioral changes…In light of these findings, this study highlights the necessity of proceeding with caution with respect to further mass-immunization practices with a vaccine of yet unproven long-term clinical benefit in cervical cancer prevention” 6. ALUMINUM IN VACCINES IS HIGHLY NEUROTOXIC AND EXPOSURE LEVELS GIVEN TO INFANTS HAVE DRAMATICALLY INCREASED Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Winter 2016, Neil Z. Miller Summary: “Infants and young children throughout the world receive high quantities of aluminum from multiple inoculations. Incremental changes to the vaccination schedule during the past several years significantly increased the quantity of aluminum in childhood shots. Numerous studies provide compelling evidence that injected aluminum can be detrimental to health. Aluminum is capable of remaining in cells long after vaccination and may cause neurologic and autoimmune disorders. During early development, the child’s brain is more susceptible to toxins and the kidneys are less able to eliminate them. Thus, children have a greater risk than adults of adverse reactions to aluminum in vaccines. Millions of children every year are injected with vaccines containing mercury and aluminum despite well-established experimental evidence of the potential for additive or synergistic toxicity when an organism is exposed to two or more toxic metals.” 7. ALZHEIMER’S VICTIMS HAVE VERY HIGH BRAIN ALUMINUM LEVELS, A POTENT NEUROTOXIN Aluminium in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, November 2016, Ambreen Mirza, Andrew King, Claire Troakes, Christopher Exley Summary: “Aluminium has been shown to be present in brain tissue in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. We have made the first ever measurements of aluminium in brain tissue from 12 donors diagnosed with familial Alzheimer’s disease. The concentrations of aluminium were extremely high, for example, there were values in excess of 10??g/g tissue dry wt. in 5 of the 12 individuals. Overall, the concentrations were higher than all previous measurements of brain aluminium except cases of known aluminium-induced encephalopathy. We have supported our quantitative analyses using a novel method of aluminium-selective fluorescence microscopy to visualise aluminium in all lobes of every brain investigated. The unique quantitative data and the stunning images of aluminium in familial Alzheimer’s disease brain tissue raise the spectre of aluminium’s role in this devastating disease.” 8. VACCINES IMPLICATED IN EPIDEMIC OF FOOD ALLERGIES Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy Journal of Developing Drugs, 2015, Vinu Arumugham Summary: “Numerous studies have demonstrated that food proteins contained in vaccines/injections induce food allergy. The IOM’s authoritative report has concluded the same. Allergen quantities in vaccines are unregulated. Today kids are more atopic. C-section births bias the newborn’s immune system towards IgE synthesis due to sub-optimal gut microbiome [19]. C-section birth rates have gone up 50% in the last few decades. The vaccine schedule has increased the number of vaccine shots to 30–40 and up to five vaccines are simultaneously administered to children. Vaccines also contain adjuvants such as aluminum compounds and pertussis toxin that bias towards IgE synthesis. Given these conditions, the predictable and observed outcome is a food allergy epidemic.” 9. CHINESE SCIENTISTS FIND MICE INJECTED WITH THIMEROSAL (VACCINE MERCURY) HAVE BEHAVIORAL IMPAIRMENTS SIMILAR TO AUTISM Transcriptomic Analyses of Neurotoxic Effects in Mouse Brain After Intermittent Neonatal Administration of Thimerosal, Toxicological Sciences, March 2014, Xialong Li, Fengqin Qu, Wenjuan Xe, Fengli Wang, Hongmei Lui Summary: “Thimerosal-treated mice exhibited neural development delay, social interaction deficiency, and inclination of depression. Apparent neuropathological changes were also observed in adult mice neonatally treated with thimerosal. High-throughput RNA sequencing of autistic-behaved mice brains revealed the alternation of a number of canonical path- ways involving neuronal development, neuronal synaptic function, and the dysregulation of endocrine system.” 10. NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS ARE MUCH MORE COMMON IN CHILDREN WHO RECEIVED MERCURY-CONTAINING VACCINES A Dose-Response Relationship between Organic Mercury Exposure from Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental DisordersInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2014, David A. Geier, Brian S. Hooker, Janet K. Kern, Paul G. King, Lisa K. Sykes and Mark R. Geier Summary: “On a per microgram of organic-Hg basis, PDD (odds ratio (OR) = 1.054), specific developmental delay (OR = 1.035), tic disorder (OR = 1.034) and hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood (OR = 1.05) cases were significantly more likely than controls to receive increased organic-Hg exposure. This study provides new epidemiological evidence supporting a significant relationship between increasing organic-Hg exposure from TCVs and the subsequent risk of an ND diagnosis.” 11. UC-BOULDER PROFESSOR: THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC IS REAL AND THEREFORE MUST BE THE PRODUCT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL FACTOR A comparison of temporal trends in United States autism prevalence to trends in suspected environmental factors Environmental Health, 2014, Cynthia D Nevison Summary: “Diagnosed autism prevalence has risen dramatically in the U.S over the last several decades and continued to trend upward as of birth year 2005. The increase is mainly real and has occurred mostly since the late 1980s.” 12. FULLY VACCINATED CHILDREN REQUIRE MUCH MORE EMERGENCY CARE THAN UNDERVACCINATED CHILDREN A Population-Based Cohort Study of Undervaccination in 8 Managed Care Organizations Across the United States JAMA Pediatrics, January 2013, Jason M. Glanz, PhD; Sophia R. Newcomer, MPH; Komal J. Narwaney, MD, PhD; Simon J. Hambidge, MD, PhD; Matthew F. Daley, MD; Nicole M. Wagner, MPH Summary: “Children who were undervaccinated because of pa- rental choice had lower rates of outpatient visits, lower rates of ED [emergency room] encounters.. undervaccinated children had lower outpatient visit rates compared with children who were age-appropriately vaccinated.” 13. ISRAELI AND ITALIAN RESEARCHERS DEMONSTRATE THAT EXPOSURE TO ALUMINUM IN VACCINES CAN LEAD TO AUTOIMMUNE AND BRAIN DYSFUNCTION Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013: Unveiling the pathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects Journal of Autoimmunity, October 2013, Carlo Perricone, Serena Colafrancesco, Roei D. Mazor, Alessandra Soriano, Yehuda Shoenfeld Summary: “The data herein illustrate the critical role of environmental factors in the induction of autoimmunity. Indeed, it is the interplay of genetic susceptibility and environment that is the major player for the initiation of breach of tolerance. Several neurologic demyelinating diseases have been reported following vaccination, the main being Guillaine Barre? syndrome (GBS). Another demyelinating disease associated with vaccines is the acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). This is an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system frequently occurring post-vaccination. Rabies, diphtheria tetanus polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, Japanese B encephalitis, pertussis, influ-enza, hepatitis B, and the Hog vaccines have been called to be involved.” 14. CANADIAN RESEARCHERS: ALUMINUM IN VACCINES CAN CAUSE BOTH AUTOIMMUNITY AND NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity Immunol Res, 2013, Chris Shaw, L. Tomljenovic Summary: “In young children, a highly significant correlation exists between the number of pediatric aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines administered and the rate of autism spectrum disorders. Many of the features of aluminum- induced neurotoxicity may arise, in part, from autoimmune reactions, as part of the ASIA syndrome. Aluminum is added to vaccines to help the vaccine work more effectively, but unlike dietary aluminum which will usually clear rapidly from the body, aluminum used in vaccines and injected is designed to provide a long-lasting cellular exposure. Thus, the problem with vaccine- derived aluminum is really twofold: It drives the immune response even in the absence of a viral or bacterial threat and it can make its way into the central nervous system. It is not really a matter of much debate that aluminum in various forms can be neurotoxic.” 15. SCIENTISTS FROM MEXICO AND ISRAEL EXPLAIN ADJUVANTS (ALUMINUM) USED IN VACCINES CAN INDUCE AUTOIMMUNITY Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (Shoenfeld’s syndrome): clinical and immunological spectrum Expert Rev. Clin. Immunol. 2013 Olga Vera-Lastra, Gabriela Medina, Maria Del-Pilar Cruz Dominguez, Luis J Jara Summary: “The activation of the immune system by adjuvants, a desirable effect, could trigger manifestations of autoimmunity or autoimmune disease. Recently, a new syndrome was introduced, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), that includes postvaccination phenomena, macrophagic myofasciitis, Gulf War syndrome and siliconosis. Various adjuvants used in vaccines enhance a specific immune response against antigens and may produce autoimmunity and AID both in experimental models and humans. The clinical and laboratory data support an association between adjuvants and autoimmune diseases.” 16. INFANTS RECEIVING MERCURY-CONTAINING VACCINES HAD MUCH HIGHER RATES OF AUTISM THAN INFANTS RECEIVING VACCINES WITHOUT MERCURY A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States Translational Neurodegeneration, David A. Geier, Brian S. Hooker, Janet K. Kern, Paul G. King, Lisa K. Sykes, Mark R. Geier Summary: “The present study provides new epidemiological evidence supporting an association between increasing organic-Hg [mercury] exposure from Thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and the subsequent risk of ASD [autism] diagnosis.” 17. BRITISH SCIENTISTS SOUNDS THE ALARM ON ALUMINUM TOXICITY AND QUESTIONS LACK OF RESEARCH ON ALUMINUM USED IN VACCINES Human exposure to aluminium Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2013, Christopher Exley Summary: “The immunopotency of aluminium has been known for at least 100 years and still today forms the basis for the use of aluminium salts as adjuvants in vaccinations and allergy therapies. What is then surprising is the uncertainty regarding their mechanism of action and burgeoning evidence of their toxicity in potentially susceptible individuals.” 18. ISRAELI, ITALIAN, AND CANADIAN RESEARCHERS TIE HPV VACCINE TO PRIMARY OVARIAN FAILURE Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Primary Ovarian Failure: Another Facet of the Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2013, Selena Colafrancesco, Carlo Perricone, Lucija Tomljenovic, Yehuda Shoenfeld Summary: “We documented here the evidence of the potential of the HPV vaccine to trigger a life-disabling autoimmune condition. The increasing number of similar reports of post HPV vaccine-linked autoimmunity and the uncertainty of long-term clinical benefits of HPV vaccination are a matter of public health that warrants further rigorous inquiry.” 19. INFANTS WHO RECEIVED MORE VACCINES HAD MUCH HIGHER HOSPITALIZATION AND DEATH RATES THAN INFANTS WHO RECEIVED FEWER VACCINES Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990–2010 Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2012, GS Goldman, NZ Miller Summary: “The hospitalization rate increased linearly from 11.0% (107 of 969) for 2 doses to 23.5% (661 of 2817) for 8 doses and decreased linearly from 20.1% (154 of 765) for children aged < 0.1 year to 10.7% (86 of 801) for children aged 0.9 year. Our findings show a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths. Since vaccines are given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants might receive. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority.” 20. ISRAELI SCIENTISTS EXPLAIN ROLE VACCINE ADJUVANTS (ALUMINUM) ARE PLAYING IN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES The spectrum of ASIA: ‘Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome induced by Adjuvants’ Lupus, 2012, N Agmon-Levin, GRV Hughes, Y Shoenfeld Summary: “It seems that the role of adjuvants [aluminum in vaccines] in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated diseases can no longer be ignored, and the medical community must look towards producing safer adjuvants. Another cornerstone of ASIA is the complex interaction between autoimmunity and adjuvanted vaccines. On the one hand vaccines are beneficial for the vast majority of subjects including those who suffer from autoimmune-rheumatic diseases as delineated in this issue by van Assen and Bijl.16 On the other hand in a small minority of individuals vaccine can trigger the appearance of autoan- tibodies as documented by Vista et al.17 and Perdan-Pirkmajer et al.18 Moreover, a link between immunization and defined autoimmune diseases has been reported elsewhere and herein.” 21. POLISH SCIENTISTS PROPOSE NEW VACCINE SCHEDULE, EXPRESS CONCERN AT HIGH RATE OF VACCINE ADVERSE EVENTS Neurologic adverse events following vaccination Prog Health Sci, 2012, Sienkiewicz D., Ku?ak W., Okurowska-Zawada B., Paszko-Patej G. Summary: “Thus, it is not reasonable to assume that manipulation of the immune system through an increasing number of vaccinations during critical periods of brain development will not result in adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. European countries have different models of vaccination that have been modified in recent decades. In Scandinavian countries, which have the lowest infant mortality, vaccinations are voluntary and infants receive their first vaccination at 3 months of age. In the first year of life, they receive 9 recommended vaccinations, and at 18 months — MMR. The acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) is used, as well as IPV. BCG and Hepatitis B vaccines are administered to children from high risk groups. Similar vaccination schedules exist in other European countries, where the vaccination of neonates was abandoned and a ban on the use of thimerosal in vaccines was introduced. Note also that Scandinavian countries have the lowest rates of autism compared to other developed countries in which children are vaccinated much earlier and with greater number of vaccines.” 22. CANADIAN RESEARCHERS REVIEW LITERATURE ON AUTOIMMUNITY AND NEUROLOGICAL RISKS FROM VACCINE ADJUVANT ALUMINUM, EXPRESS DOUBTS REGARDING SAFETY TESTING Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations, Lupus, 2012, L Tomljenovic, CA Shaw Summary: “Immune challenges during early development, including those vaccine-induced, can lead to permanent detrimental alterations of the brain and immune function. Experimental evidence also shows that simultaneous administration of as little as two to three immune adjuvants can overcome genetic resistance to autoimmunity. In spite of the widespread agreement that vaccines are largely safe and serious adverse complications are extremely rare, a close scrutiny of the scientific literature does not support this view. For example, to date, the clinical trials that could adequately address vaccine safety issues have not been con- ducted (i.e., comparing health outcomes in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children). Infants and young children should not be viewed as ‘’small adults.’’ Their unique physiology makes them much more vulnerable to noxious environ- mental insults in comparison with the adult population. In spite of this, children are routinely exposed to much higher levels of Al vaccine adjuvants than adults, even though adequate safety data on these compounds are lacking. That Al vaccine adjuvants can induce significant autoimmune conditions in humans can hardly be disputed, although still debatable is how common such side effects are. However, the existing data (or lack thereof) raise questions on whether the current vaccines aimed at pediatric populations can be accepted as having adequate safety profiles. Because infants and children represent those who may be most at risk for complications following vaccination, a more rigorous evaluation of potential vaccine-related adverse health impacts in pediatric populations than what has been provided to date is urgently needed.” 23. DANISH RESEARCHERS FOUND CHILDREN 8-TIMES MORE LIKELY TO HAVE A FEBRILE SEIZURE ON THE DAY OF VACCINATION OF DTAP-IPV-HIB VACCINE Risk of Febrile Seizures and Epilepsy After Vaccination With Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliovirus, and Haemophilus Influenzae Type b JAMA 2012, Yuelian Sun, Jakob Christensen, Anders Hviid, Jiong Li Summary: “DTaP-IPV-Hib vaccination was associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures on the day of the first 2 vaccinations given at 3 and 5 months.” 24. CANADIAN RESEARCHERS REPORT VACCINE ALUMINUM AND AUTISM PREVALENCE RELATED Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism? J Inorg Biochem. Tomljenovic L, Shaw CA. Summary: “Dysfunctional immunity and impaired brain function are core deficits in ASD. Aluminum (Al), the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, is a demonstrated neurotoxin and a strong immune stimulator. Hence, adjuvant Al has the potential to induce neuroimmune disorders. The application of the Hill’s criteria to these data indicates that the correlation between Al in vaccines and ASD may be causal. Because children represent a fraction of the population most at risk for complications following exposure to Al, a more rigorous evaluation of Al adjuvant safety seems warranted.. By satisfying eight of the Hill’s criteria for establishing causality applicable to our study, we show that Al-adjuvanted vaccines may be a significant etiological factor in the rising prevalence of ASD in the Western world. We also show that children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence appear to have a much higher exposure to Al from vaccines, particularly at 2 months of age.” 25. HARVARD RESEARCHERS FIND VACCINE MERCURY IMPACTS NEURODEVELOPMENT IN RATS Maternal Thimerosal Exposure Results in Aberrant Cerebellar Oxidative Stress, Thyroid Hormone Metabolism, and Motor Behavior in Rat Pups; Sex- and Strain-Dependent Effects Cerebellum, 2012, Z. L. Sulkowski & T. Chen & S. Midha & A. M. Zavacki & Elizabeth M. Sajdel-Sulkowska Summary: “Our data indicate that maternal TM exposure results in a delayed auditory maturation and impaired motor learning in rat pups. Factors that may contribute to these abnormalities include increased cerebellar oxidative stress and decreased D2 activity resulting local intracerebellar T3 deficiency and altered TH-dependent gene expression. Indeed, provided here is the first evidence of altered TH-dependent gene expression following TM exposure. Our data thus demonstrate a negative neurodevelopmental impact of perinatal TM exposure, which appears to be both strain- and sex-dependent. Although, additional studies are needed, data derived from TM exposure in rats may provide clues relevant to understanding neurodevelopmental consequences of TM exposure in humans. 26. SUNY-STONY BROOK SCIENTISTS FIND BOYS RECEIVING THE HEPATITIS B VACCINE SERIES WERE THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY TO HAVE AUTISM Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism Diagnosis, NHIS 1997–2002 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, April 2010, Carolyn Gallagher and Melody Goodman Summary: “Boys vaccinated as neonates had threefold greater odds for autism diagnosis compared to boys never vaccinated or vaccinated after the first month of life. Findings suggest that U.S. male neonates vaccinated with the hepatitis B vac- cine prior to 1999 (from vaccination record) had a threefold higher risk for parental report of autism diagnosis compared to boys not vaccinated as neonates during that same time period.” 27. BRITISH AND SWEDISH SCIENTISTS RAISE CONCERNS ABOUT LIMITED UNDERSTANDING OF VACCINE ALUMINUM’S IMPACT ON THE HUMAN BODY, RAISE RISK OF AUTOIMMUNE RESPONSE The immunobiology of aluminium adjuvants: how do they really work?Trends in Immunology 2010, Christopher Exley, Peter Siesjo, Hakan Eriksson Summary: “Aluminium adjuvants potentiate the immune response, thereby ensuring the potency and efficacy of typically sparingly available antigen. Their concomitant critical importance in mass vaccination programmes may have prompted recent intense interest in understanding how they work and their safety. Progress in these areas is stymied, however, by a lack of accessible knowledge pertaining to the bioinorganic chemistry of aluminium adjuvants, and, consequently, the inappropriate application and interpretation of experimental models of their mode of action.. In relation to this possible ‘indirect adjuvanticity’ there are burgeoning examples in the scientific literature of aluminium salts inducing sen- sitization to substances that might not normally be considered as antigens. For example, such effects may contribute towards allergies to foods” 28. BABY MONKEYS GIVEN U.S. VACCINE SCHEDULE HAD BRAIN ABNORMALITIES IN REGION RESPONSIBLE FOR SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study Acta Neurobiol Exp, 2010, Laura Hewitson, Brian J. Lopresti, Carol Stott Summary: “The data suggest that vaccine exposure may be asso- ciated with significant disturbances in central opioidergic pathways in this model… Volumetric analyses identified significantly greater total brain volume in exposed compared with unexposed animals at both measured time points. These results raise the possibility that multiple vaccine exposures during the previous 3–4 months may have had a significant impact on brain growth and development.” 29. SCIENTISTS RAISE CONCERNS ABOUT DENIAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXIN LINK TO AUTISM, REVIEW LIETRATURE Sorting out the spinning of autism: heavy metals and the question of incidence Acta Neurobiol, 2010 Mary Catherine DeSoto and Robert T. Hitlan Summary: “In this paper, we argue that increasingly over the past decade, positions that deny a link to environmental toxins and autism are based on relatively weak science and are disregarding the bulk of scientific literature. The question about toxic exposure and autism is open, with the weight of evidence favoring a connection that is not well understood. Although it is not possible to say with certainty, it seems likely that the connection would be mediated by genetic susceptibility and ability to detoxify. That is, some people have genotypes that confer higher susceptibility to toxic exposures. If so, then 50 years ago few people would have had enough toxic exposure to have the neurological changes that result in autism.” 30. RESEARCHERS WARN OF SIZABLE DIFFERENCE IN INDIVIDUAL REACTION TO VACCINES, STRESS NEED TO AVOID INCREASING SIDE EFFECTS OF VACCINES Interindividual variations in the efficacy and toxicity of vaccinesToxicology 2010, Thomas C, Moridani M Summary: “A number of currently available vaccines have shown significant differences in the magnitude of immune responses and toxicity in individuals undergoing vaccination. A number of factors may be involved in the variations in immune responses, which include age, gender, race, amount and quality of the antigen, the dose administered and to some extent the route of administration, and genetics of immune system. Hence, it becomes imperative that researchers have tools such as genomics and proteomics at their disposal to predict which set of population is more likely to be non-responsive or develop toxicity to vaccines.. With the increasing number of side effects associated with a number of vaccines reported over the years, it has become imperative to develop new technologies that can effectively assist in the development and evaluation of vaccines for efficacy and toxicity.” 31. VACCINE ALUMINUM INJECTED INTO MICE CREATED SIGNIFICANT MOTOR DEFICITS AND MOTOR NEURON DEGENERATION Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration Journal of Inorg Biochem, February 2010, Christopher A. Shaw, Michael S. Petrik Summary: “Aluminum-treated mice showed significantly increased apoptosis of motor neurons and increases in reactive astrocytes and microglial proliferation within the spinal cord and cortex. Morin stain detected the presence of aluminum in the cytoplasm of motor neurons with some neurons also testing positive for the presence of hyper-phosphorylated tau protein, a pathological hallmark of various neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. A second series of experiments was conducted on mice injected with six doses of aluminum hydroxide. Behavioural analyses in these mice revealed significant impairments in a number of motor functions as well as diminished spatial memory capacity. The demonstrated neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide and its relative ubiquity as an adjuvant suggest that greater scrutiny by the scientific community is warranted. Overall, the results reported here mirror previous work that has clearly demonstrated that aluminum, in both oral and injected forms, can be neurotoxic.” 32. NEWBORN MONKEYS GIVEN A MERCURY-CONTAINING HEPATITIS B VACCINE HAD SIGNIFICANT DELAYS IN NEONATAL REFLEXES AND NEUROLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B vaccine: Influence of gestational age and birth weight Neurotoxicology, Sep 2009 Laura Hewitson et. al. Summary: “In summary, this study provides preliminary evidence of abnormal early neurodevelopmental responses in male infant rhesus macaques receiving a single dose of Th-containing HB vaccine at birth and indicates that further investigation is merited.” 33. FRENCH SCIENTISTS REPORT ALUMINUM FROM VACCINES CAUSES CHRONIC COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2009, Couette M1, Boisse MF, Maison P, Brugieres P, Cesaro P, Chevalier X, Gherardi RK, Bachoud-Levi AC, Authier FJ. Summary: “In conclusion, long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide within the body assessed by MMF is associated with cognitive dysfunction, not solely due to chronic pain, fatigue and depression. In conclusion, this work is the first firm demonstration that cognitive dysfunction is a central feature in MMF, this dysfunction being much more frequent and severe than suspected by routine neurological evaluation. Instead of being a non-specific bystander effect of pain, fatigue or depression, MACD seems to reflect an underlying organic, inflammatory or toxic, brain involvement.” 34. SWEDISH RESEARCHERS FOUND THAT CHILDREN WHO HAD NATURAL MEASLES INFECTION HAD MUCH LOWER RATES OF ALLERGY THAN CHILDREN VACCINATED AGAINST MEASLES Allergic Disease and Atopic Sensitization in Children in Relation to Measles Vaccination and Measles Infection Pediatrics 2009 Rosenlund H1, Bergstrom A, Alm JS, Swartz J, Scheynius A, van Hage M, Johansen K, Brunekreef B, von Mutius E, Ege MJ, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrlander C, Waser M, Pershagen G; PARSIFAL Study Group. Summary: “However, in these analyses, measles infection [natural measles] was inversely associated with any allergic symptom or physician’s diagnosis of allergy.” 35. BOYS RECEIVING THE HEPATITIS B VACCINE SERIES WERE NINE TIMES FOR LIKELY TO NEED SPECIAL EDUCATION AND BE DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1–9 years Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, September 2008,?Carolyn Gallagher and Melody Goodman Summary: “This study investigated the association between vaccination with the Hepatitis B triple series vaccine. The odds of receiving Special Education were approximately nine times as great for vaccinated boys (n 1/4 46) as for unvaccinated boys (n 1/4 7), after adjustment for confounders. This study found statistically significant evidence to suggest that boys in United States who were vaccinated with the triple series Hepatitis B vaccine, were more susceptible to developmental disability than were unvaccinated boys.” 36. CHILDREN WHO DELAYED THE TIMING OF THE DPT VACCINE HAD LOWER RATES OF ASTHMA Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2008, Kara L. McDonald, MS, Shamima I. Huq, BS Summary: “Early childhood immunizations have been viewed as promoters of asthma development by stimulating a T(H)2-type immune response or decreasing microbial pressure, which shifts the balance between T(H)1 and T(H)2 immunity. Among 11, 531 children who received at least 4 doses of DPT, the risk of asthma was reduced to (1/2) in children whose first dose of DPT was delayed by more than 2 months.” 37. A CDC-SPONSORED DATABASE SHOWED MUCH HIGHER RATES OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES FROM MERCURY-CONTAINING VACCINES Thimerosal exposure in infants and neurodevelopmental disorders: An assessment of computerized medical records in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Journal of the Neurological Sciences, March 2008, Heather A. Young, David A. Geier, Mark R. Geier Summary: “Consistent significantly increased rate ratios were observed for autism, autism spectrum disorders, tics, attention deficit disorder, and emotional disturbances with Hg exposure from TCVs. By contrast, none of the control outcomes had significantly increased rate ratios with Hg exposure from TCVs.” 38. AUSTRALIAN SCIENTISTS DESCRIBE THE ROLE OF VACCINES IN TRIGGERING ACUTE DISSEMINATED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (“ADEM”) Post-vaccination encephalomyelitis: Literature review and illustrative case Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2008, Huynh W1, Cordato DJ, Kehdi E, Masters LT, Dedousis C. Summary: “Post-infectious and post-immunisation encephalomyelitis make up about three-quarters of cases, where the timing of a febrile event is associated with the onset of neurological disease..Post-vaccination Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis has been associated with several vaccines such as rabies, diphtheria-tetanus-polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, Japanese B encephalitis, pertussis, influenza, hepatitis B, and the Hog vaccine. We review ADEM with particular emphasis on vaccination as the precipitating factor.” 39. THE MERCURY USED AS A VACCINE PRESERVATIVE IS FAR MORE NEUROTOXIC THAN THE MERCURY FOUND IN FISH Comparison of Blood and Brain Mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed to Methylmercury or Vaccines Containing ThimerosalEnvironmental Health Perspectives, August 2005, Thomas M. Burbacher, Danny D. Shen, Noelle Liberato, Kimberly S. Grant, Elsa Cernichiari, and Thomas Clarkson Summary: The mercury used in vaccines (and still in the flu vaccine given to pregnant women) is far more toxic than the mercury found in fish, because it stays in the brain at much higher levels. “Data from the present study support the prediction that, although little accumulation of Hg in the blood occurs over time with repeated vaccinations, accumulation of Hg in the brain of infants will occur. Thus, conclusion regarding the safety of thimerosal drawn from blood Hg clearance data in human infants receiving vaccines may not be valid, given the significantly slower half-life of Hg in the brain as observed in the infant macaques. There was a much higher proportion of inorganic Hg in the brain of thimerosal monkeys than in the brains of MeHg monkeys (up to 71% vs. 10%). Absolute inorganic Hg concentrations in the brains of the thimerosal-exposed monkeys were approximately twice that of the MeHg monkeys.” 40. VACCINE MERCURY DEPLETES A VITAL ANTIOXIDANT, GLUTATHIONE Thimerosal Neurotoxicity is Associated with Glutathione Depletion: Protection with Glutathione Precursors Neurotoxicology, Jan 2005, S. Jill James, PhD Summary: “Thimerosal is an antiseptic containing 49.5% ethyl mercury that has been used for years as a preservative in many infant vaccines and in flu vaccines. Environmental methyl mercury has been shown to be highly neurotoxic, especially to the developing brain. Because mercury has a high affinity for thiol (sulfhydryl (-SH)) groups, the thiol-containing antioxidant, glutathione (GSH), provides the major intracellular defense against mercury-induced neurotoxicity. Cultured neuroblastoma cells were found to have lower levels of GSH and increased sensitivity to thimerosal toxicity compared to glioblastoma cells that have higher basal levels of intracellular GSH. Thimerosal-induced cytotoxicity was associated with depletion of intracellular GSH in both cell lines. Although Thimerosal has been recently removed from most children’s vaccines, it is still present in flu vaccines given to pregnant women, the elderly, and to children in developing countries.” 41. SCIENTISTS IDENTIFY VACCINE MERCURY’S ROLE IN BLOCKING CRUCIAL NEURODEVELOPMENTAL PATHWAYS Activation of methionine synthase by insulin-like growth factor-1 and dopamine: a target for neurodevelopmental toxins and thimerosalMolecular Psychiatry, 2004, M Waly, H Oltaneu, R Banerjee, S-W Choi, JB Mason, BS Parker, S Sukumar, S Shim, A Sharma Summary: “The ethylmercury-containing preservative thimerosal inhibited both IGF-1- and dopamine-stimulated methylation with an IC50 of 1nM and eliminated MS activity. Our findings outline a novel growth factor signaling pathway that regulates MS activity and thereby modulates methylation reactions, including DNA methylation. The potent inhibition of this pathway by ethanol, lead, mercury, aluminum and thimerosal suggest that it may be an important target of neurodevelopmental toxins.” 42. UTAH STATE SCIENTISTS FIND AUTOIMMUNE REACTION TO MMR IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM, INCLUDING AUTOIMMUNITY TO MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN, A BRAIN BUILDING-BLOCK Abnormal Measles-Mumps-Rubella Antibodies and CNS Autoimmunity in Children with Autism J Biomed Sci, 2002, Vijendra K. Singh Sheren X. Lin Elizabeth Newell Courtney Nelson Summary: “And, as described herein, autistic children showed a serological correlation between MMR and brain autoimmunity, i.e., over 90% of MMR antibody-positive autistic sera also had autoantibodies to brain MBP. This is quite an intriguing observation in favor of a connection between atypical measles infection and autism; an atypical infection usually refers to infection that occurs in the absence of a rash. An atypical measles infection in the absence of a rash and unusual neurological symptoms was recently described to suggest the existence of a variant MV in children and adults [9]. In light of these new findings, we suggest that a considerable proportion of autistic cases may result from an atypical measles infection that does not produce a rash but causes neurological symptoms in some children. The source of this virus could be a variant MV or it could be the MMR vaccine.” 43. FRENCH SCIENTISTS TIE ALUMINUM ADJUVANT IN VACCINE TO MACROPHAGIC MYOFASCIITIS Macrophagic myofasciitis lesions assess long-term persistence of vaccine derived aluminum hydroxide in muscle Brain, 2001 R.K. Gherardi, M. Coquet, P. Cherin, L. Belec, P. Moretto, P.A. Dreyfus Summary: “Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is an emerging condition of unknown cause, detected in patients with diffuse arthromyalgias and fatigue, and characterized by muscle infiltration by granular periodic acid-Schiff’s reagent-positive macrophages and lymphocytes. Intracytoplasmic inclusions have been observed in macrophages of some patients. To assess their significance, electron microscopy was performed in 40 consecutive cases and chemical analysis was done by microanalysis and atomic absorption spectrometry. Inclusions were constantly detected and corresponded to aluminium hydroxide, an immunostimulatory compound frequently used as a vaccine adjuvant.” 44. JAPANESE SCIENTISTS FIND VACCINE-STRAIN OF MEASLES IN THE GUTS OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM Detection and Sequencing of Measles Virus from Peripheral Mononuclear Cells from Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and AutismDigestive Diseases and Sciences, 2000, Hisashi Kawashima, Takayuki Mori, Yasuyo Kashiwagi, Kouji Takekuma Summary: “Additionally, a new syndrome has been reported in children with autism who exhibited developmental regression and gastrointestinal symptoms (autistic enterocolitis), in some cases soon after MMR vaccine. The sequences obtained from the patients with ulcerative colitis and children with autism were consistent with being vaccine strains. The results were concordant with the exposure history of the patients. Persistence of measles virus was confirmed in PBMC in some patients with chronic intestinal inflammation.” 45. CDC SCIENTISTS ADMIT THAT 90% OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE MORTALITY DECREASE IN THE UNITED STATES HAPPENED BEFORE VACCINES WERE AVAILABLE Annual Summary of Vital Statistics: Trends in the Health of Americans During the 20th Century, Pediatrics, December 2000, Bernard Guyer, MD, Mary Anne Freeman, MA, Donna M. Strobino, PhD, Edward J. Sondik, PhD Summary: “Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century…nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among US children occurred before 1940, when few antibiotics or vaccine were available.” 46. VACCINES WITH MERCURY SIGNIFICANTLY RAISED THE BODY LEVELS OF MERCURY IN INFANTS Iatrogenic exposure to mercury after hepatitis B vaccination in preterm infants The Journal of Pediatrics, May 2000, Gregory V. Stajich, PharmD, Gaylord P. Lopez, PharmD, ABAT, Sokei W. Harry, MBBS, MPH, William R. Sexson, MD Summary: “Thimerosal, a derivative of mercury, is used as a preservative in hepatitis B vaccines. We measured total mercury levels before and after the administration of this vaccine in 15 preterm and 5 term infants. Comparison of pre- and post-vaccination mercury levels showed a significant increase in both preterm and term infants after vaccination. Additionally, post-vaccination mercury levels were significantly higher in preterm infants as compared with term infants. Because mercury is known to be a potential neurotoxin to infants, further study of its pharmacodynamics is warranted.” 47. UCLA RESEARCHERS FIND THE DTP VACCINE IS CAUSING ASTHMA Effects of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis or Tetanus Vaccination on Allergies and Allergy-Related Respiratory Symptoms Among Children and Adolescents in the United States Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2000, Eric Hurwitz and Hal Morgenstern Summary: “Asthma and other allergic hypersensitivity reactions and related symptoms may be caused, in part, by the delayed effects of DTP or tetanus vaccination. Because the proportion of US children who have received at least 1 dose of DTP vaccine approaches 100%, the number of allergies and allergy-related conditions attributable to DTP or tetanus vaccination in the United States may be very high. For example, assuming that the estimated vaccination effect is unbiased, 50% of diagnosed asthma cases (2.93 million) in US children and adolescents would be prevented if the DTP or tetanus vaccination was not administered.” 48. INFANTS RECEIVING MERCURY-CONTAINING VACCINES DEVELOPED SPEECH DISORDERS, SLEEP DISORDERS, AND AUTISM, ACCORDING TO CDC SCIENTISTS Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to thimerosal-containing vaccine in first month of life. Proceedings of the Epidemic Intelligence Service Annual Conference, April 2000, Verstraeten T, Davis RL, Gu D, DeStefano F. Summary: “This analysis suggests that high exposure to ethylmercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines in the first month of life increases the risk of subsequent development of neurologic development impairment.” 49. INFECTIOUS DISEASE RATES DECLINED PRECIPITOUSLY IN THE UNITED STATES IN THE 20TH CENTURY BEFORE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NATIONAL VACCINE PROGRAM Trends in Infectious Disease Mortality in the United States During the 20th Century JAMA, January 6, 1999, Gregory L. Armstrong, MD, Laura A. Conn, MPH, Robert W. Pinner, MD Summary: “During the first 8 decades of the 20th century, the infectious disease mortality rate in the United States declined substantially…Improvements in living conditions, sanitation, and medical care probably accounted for this trend.” 50. CDC SCIENTISTS FIND CHILDREN GIVEN THE MMR VACCINE SHED THE MEASLES VIRUS FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS AFTER GETTING THE VACCINE, MAKING THEM VECTORS TO SPREAD MEASLES Detection of Measles Virus RNA in Urine Specimens from Vaccine Recipients, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Sept 1995, Paul A. Rota, Ali S. Khan, Edison Durigon, Thomas Yuron, and William Bellini Summary: “For the study, daily urine samples were obtained from either 15- month-old children or young adults following measles immunization. Overall, measles virus RNA was detected in 10 of 12 children during the 2-week sampling period. In some cases, measles virus RNA was detected as early as 1 day or as late as 14 days after vaccination. Measles virus RNA was also detected in the urine samples from all four of the young adults between 1 and 13 days after vaccination. This assay will enable continued studies of the shedding and transmission of measles virus and, it is hoped, will provide a rapid means to identify measles infection, especially in mild or asymptomatic cases.”
The original Star Trek was a revolutionary television show... that came to an ignominious end. The classic space opera saw a huge drop in quality in its final season, and then was cancelled. Legend has it the ratings were terrible, and the new producer, Fred Freiberger, ruined it. But the truth is a bit more complicated. The third volume in Mark Cushman's essential These Are The Voyages series of books about the making of Star Trek is out, covering the third and final season. And it's a fascinating inside look at a TV show that's coming apart at the seams, due to a variety of factors. Advertisement As with the first two volumes of the series, Cushman gives a really complete overview of the state of Star Trek at the start of the season, as well as at a few places in the middle and end of the season. There's a lot of attention to Trek's place in the zeitgeist, and how the show was actually being talked about at the time. And then he goes through episode-by-episode, exploring how the story was developed from proposal to screen. And this volume has the most impact if you've already read volumes one and two — readers of the first two books will know just how much attention and thought went into every single Star Trek script. And how much the stories were changed, sometimes for the worse but frequently for the better. A lot of the best writing on Star Trek was actually re-writing, with a cadre that included Gene Coon, Dorothy Fontana, creator Gene Roddenberry and a few others paying intense attention to every detail and keeping the characters consistent and believable. Advertisement With the third season, all of those people are gone — except Roddenberry, who's tossing in edicts from on high, but then not sticking around to make them work. As with the first two volumes of These Are The Voyages, Cushman goes out of his way to demolish fan lore about the show. Chiefly, the idea that Trek always got terrible ratings, and it was a miracle the show ever stayed on the air. Though Trek was moved to the Friday night "death slot," it continued to be popular for much of the third season — "Spock's Brain," the season opener, won its time slot, and the show came in second for several episodes after that. Advertisement The real villain behind Trek's cancellation: Jerry Lewis And in fact, reading this book, you learn a surprising culprit behind the doom of Star Trek: comedian Jerry Lewis. Actually, comedy in general hurt Trek — the show lost its planned Monday 8 PM time slot because the network wanted to keep the popular Laugh-In at that time. But in November 1968, NBC was having second thoughts about burying Trek on Friday nights at 10 PM, when few young people could watch it. (And the show was also not shown on a number of NBC stations, which chose to show the Grand Ole Opry on Friday nights instead.) Advertisement And there was an alternative. NBC was showing The Jerry Lewis Show on Tuesday in the early evening, and Lewis' show was a ratings disaster. So NBC decided to swap the two shows around, giving Trek a prime early evening slot and burying Lewis on Friday nights. But Jerry Lewis and his agents at William Morris went into what Variety called "a frenzy" at the time, and they managed to invoke a contractual clause that would cost NBC a lot of money if the show was moved, by forcing NBC to buy them out. NBC wasn't willing to spend that much money just to pay off Jerry Lewis, so it kept the show in its prime slot, and kept Star Trek in its terrible position. Advertisement But who's to blame for the declining quality? There's a whole lot of blame to go around for the drop-off in Star Trek's scripts in its final season. The studio was slashing the show's budget, meaning more "bottle" episodes set on board the Enterprise (while the network, meanwhile, was angrily demanding more episodes set on planets.) The producers tried to push the show in a more adult, thoughtful direction, but ran into network interference — the behind-the-scenes story of "And the Children Shall Lead" is particularly sad. The show was originally going to be brutally bleak, with much more emphasis on mass suicide and much more psychotic, terrifying kids. But the network balked, and then the producers cast famous attorney Melvin Belli as Gorgan the evil angel, instead of hiring an actual actor. Advertisement But the usual scapegoat for the drop-off in Star Trek's quality is Fred Freiberger, who took over as producer from Gene Roddenberry. Cushman's book is certainly full of quotes from people like Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan, who placed the blame firmly on Freiberger. Freiberger himself is quoted, from a 1991 interview, as saying "I thought the worst experience of my life was when I was shot down over Nazi Germany. A Jewish boy from the Bronx parachuted in to the middle of 80 million Nazis. Then I joined Star Trek. I was only in a prison camp for two years, but my travail with Star Trek has lasted 25 years... and counting." Advertisement But after reading Cushman's book, to the extent that a single person winds up shouldering the vast majority of the blame for Trek's drop in quality, it's creator Gene Roddenberry, who abandoned the show in a fit of pique after the network reneged on that prized Monday early evening time slot. Roddenberry had already ordered a number of scripts for the third season (several of which turned out to be unworkable) and then made a series of impossible decisions that his replacement, Freiberger, had to live with. Roddenberry also strung producer Robert Justman along, leading Justman to believe he was going to be Roddenberry's replacement, and then let him down. It was Roddenberry who hired story editor Arthur Singer, who seemed somewhat baffled by Star Trek, and meanwhile Roddenberry didn't make much effort to keep Dorothy Fontana around, when she could have been convinced to stay on. Roddenberry kept pushing unworkable story ideas (like his prized "world where blacks enslave whites" idea.) Advertisement Most of all, Roddenberry enjoyed his antagonistic relationship with NBC, encouraging the fans to "twist the peacock's tail," and created an environment where network executives loathed Star Trek because of its creator. And for his part, Freiberger had some good ideas for Star Trek, that he lacked either the time or the ability to implement. He wanted to develop the supporting cast further, including Chekov and Scotty. He wanted more serious, relationship-based drama, and stronger female characters — one of Freiberger's main initiatives as producer was to hire three new female writers, in addition to Margaret Armen and Dorothy Fontana. Roddenberry was going through a bitter divorce, and was frantically trying to get a movie-writing career off the ground (doing a new version of Tarzan). And while he was neglecting Star Trek, he was also hanging Freiberger out to dry, bad-mouthing his replacement in letters to people like John W. Campbell. Advertisement There's a bizarre moment in the middle of These Are The Voyages Volume Three. One of the show's producers, Eddie Milkis, decided to go to Roddenberry's office and "nail him." Miklis recounts: I called him, told him I wanted to come speak with him, and then I went to his office to chew his ass out and to tell him that I thought he was letting everybody down... I went in there and I said, 'Gene, we've got tremendous script problems, and I really think Fred Freiberger could use your help.' Now, as I continue talking, out of the back of Gene's office comes Nichelle Nichols, who's wearing one of Gene's long cardigan sweaters, and NOTHING ELSE! No shirt, no pants, nothing... So now Nichelle says something like, 'Oh, I'm sorry, Eddie, I didn't know you were there.' I'm immediately going red and I'm completely flustered until I notice that Gene's just kind of sitting at his desk, smiling and enjoying the embarrassed look on my face. Seeing how the sausage is made What's fascinating, and somewhat depressing, is just how many of the mediocre-to-terrible stories in Star Trek's third year started out as brilliant story ideas. Or at the very least, stories that everybody involved thought were going to be great. ("Spock's Brain" was envisioned as a serious look at the hot-button topic of organ transplantation, for example, albeit one laced with humor. In the end, the humor got cut and the serious stuff became unintentionally funny.) Advertisement Reading this book, you can actually see the stories get worse, and everybody who was excited about them become more and more depressed, as they go through rewrites and network notes. (See above for the sad story of "And the Children Shall Lead.") It's also fascinating to read about the development of "The Enterprise Incident," in which writer Dorothy Fontana had a huge falling out with the new production team. Freiberger had dropped Spock's father, Sarek, from the script, and changed the Romulan commander to a woman. And it was Freiberger and Arthur Singer who decided to add Spock romancing the Romulan, although Singer wrote it as a scene where Spock says "I adore you," before "raining kisses on every square inch above her shoulder." Advertisement Fontana fired back an incensed memo, saying "We have established Vulcans do not nuzzle, kiss, hug, or display any other form of human affection... The Commander had jolly well be suspicious if Spock starts slobbering all over her." Nimoy, also, wrote directly to Gene Roddenberry complaining about Spock's "oversexed" behavior. Also, "The Enterprise Incident" script lost several scenes that explained just why people were able to beam from the Enterprise to the Romulan ship and back, when their shields were supposed to be up. Which is the other interesting thing that comes through in this book: Nimoy was zealous about the integrity of Spock, and frequently butted heads with the new producers over how the character was portrayed. But as James Doohan put it, William Shatner put himself out there to make the show better and shoot down some of the sillier ideas in general: "Leonard was more interested in [protecting] the character of Spock. I think Bill was more interested in the series." Advertisement In the end, the only person who really believed, in his heart, that Star Trek would get a fourth season was James Doohan. He couldn't accept that such a smart, well done show would be pulled off the air.
SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - Wyoming will challenge a U.S. government ruling that more than one million acres of the western state’s land still legally belongs to two Native American tribes, Governor Matt Mead said on Friday. In a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week, Mead said he has directed the Wyoming attorney general to take aggressive action to overturn the agency’s decision, which he said would adversely affect the state. The land ruling was in response to an application from two sovereign native American tribes living on the Wind River Indian Reservation to the EPA seeking the same status afforded to U.S. states in order to implement provisions of the U.S. Clean Air Act. A subsequent U.S. study found that the tribes should have access to the land, which includes the city of Riverton, that had been opened to non-tribal members under a 1905 act of Congress. The governor told reporters on Friday that the Wyoming Supreme Court “has directly dealt with that issue and said clearly Riverton is not within the boundaries of the reservation.” The decision could have far-reaching legal and social implications for the roughly 10,000 Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone, who now have access to grant money under the 1970s landmark environmental law. The issue has heightened tensions in Wyoming over land management, sovereign rights and federal oversight. State and Riverton officials described the determination about reservation boundaries as “an ill-advised federal agency action” equivalent to a land grab. But Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone representatives said the finding was long overdue for members who have been allowed little voice in decisions in Riverton on matters like air quality that impact tribal neighbors. “We’re willing to sit down with all the stakeholders in a spirit of cooperation and consultation to work through what the determination means on all these different issues,” said Mark Howell, a Washington lobbyist for the Northern Arapaho. Riverton residents have expressed worries about everything from property ownership to home values tied to the EPA decision, said City Administrator Steven Weaver. “We’re not very pleased about it and it’s got a lot of people concerned,” Weaver said. “We don’t know if the ultimate goal of the tribes is to take over Riverton, but we will conduct business as usual until the matter is resolved in court.” Don Wharton, senior attorney at the Native American Rights Fund in Colorado and representative for the Eastern Shoshone, said alarmist statements by the governor and others are fueling unneeded fears. “All the ownership of the land stays exactly as it was, not a single house or parcel of land changes ownership and nothing remotely like that is going to go on,” said Wharton. Legal experts said it was unlikely the case would have implications elsewhere in the nation because the matters at issue are specific to a reservation in Wyoming that stretches across millions of acres of sandstone cliffs and sagebrush flats. “What the decision does show is a willingness on the EPA’s part - and perhaps by the Obama administration more broadly - to take the side of the tribes in a dispute of this magnitude, knowing it would almost certainly be challenged,” said William Wood, a visiting professor at Southwestern Law School and specialist in Indian law and policy.
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Live Chat Milling and Grinding Media Information They have excellent resistance to mechanical and thermal shock Ball milling and grinding media can also use hardened steel balls (shots, beads), which are. Live Chat ball mills media White ceramic grinding balls, 20mm x 1kg, Milling Media for ball mill , Why I cannot get Alumina particle in nanosize scale using ball Sep 9, Several. Live Chat RETSCH PM 100 Planterary Ball Mill Grinding Shop online for a wide selection of RETSCH PM 100 Planterary Ball Mill Grinding Balls For use with Retsch PM 100 and PM 200 Planetary Ball Mills. Live Chat Jar, Ball and Pebble Milling Theory and Practice one that uses steel balls as grinding media, while a pebble mill is one that uses , results This loading permits the grinding media (50 percent charge) to make. Live Chat Ball Mill Balls on ThomasNet Results 1 Oct 31, , Laboratory Ball Mill Plans - Homemade Ball Mill / Rod Mill Drawing , or the solution used might react with the commercial mill or media. Live Chat Ball mill A ball mill is a type of grinder used to grind and blend materials for use in mineral dressing , It is reported to have been used for grinding flint for pottery in , Many types of grinding media are suitable for use in a ball mill, each material. Live Chat Grinding Media, Steel and Ceramic Balls Oct 18, , At Economy Ball Mill, we offer quality grinding media, steel and , answer any questions you may have for your next project - we look forward to. Live Chat How To Make a Ball Mill 2 Sep 6, , this is a high energy ball mill that opens up a whole world of , but ball mills only work if the media have the chance to fall onto the material. Live Chat Optimum choice of the make-up ball sizes for The ball size is one of the critical factors for determining the mill performance of , be insensitive to the milling conditions such as the media and powder loading. Live Chat hammer mill tonne per hour grinding mill machine limestone feeding size mm ball mill ghana in zambia mill line speed calculation formula ball mill suppliers to the pakistan cement plant keuken mill grinding mill machine uganda mill the cansion china feed grinding mill raymond 5roller mill images com sketch diagram of a hammer mill working principle of ball mill used in cement plant a bobcat of a hammer mill supplier of ball mill unit chennai advantages of a horizontal ball mill According to customer needs, SKS industrial installation engineers will guide the construction of site infrastructure, equipment installation and commissioning and trial operation of the entire production line throughout the process. 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ASHBURN, Va. -- Washington Redskins quarterback Colt McCoy was cleared by doctors Friday and will start against the New York Giants on Sunday, a team source said. McCoy had suffered an aggravated nerve in his neck in Sunday's 24-0 loss to St. Louis and couldn't finish the game. But he practiced all week and took every first-team snap Friday. Coach Jay Gruden called Friday's visit to a neck specialist a formality, as he said McCoy had not shown any reason to suggest he wouldn't play. Colt McCoy has been medically cleared and will start on Sunday for the Redskins. Brad Mills/USA TODAY Sports Gruden said the team wanted McCoy to see the doctor one more time "to make sure we're 100 percent sure there's no risk of him doing damage to his neck." The team wanted to know McCoy could withstand punishment during the game. In practice this week, McCoy showed no ill effects on the field when throwing the ball or running. McCoy's neck was injured against the Rams on a Robert Quinn sack, but he stayed in for five more plays over two series. Robert Griffin III replaced him at the two-minute warning. If McCoy had been unable to play Sunday, Griffin would have gotten the start. Instead, McCoy will make his third straight start and fourth of the season. Gruden said that McCoy remains the best option for Washington (3-10). "His decision-making is the best right now because he's been in the NFL the longest," Gruden said. "His ability to see coverage, get the ball out, probably sets him ahead of the other guys by a little bit. That's really the No. 1 reason. He still has the mobility, obviously. He's a tough guy. He's a good leader, and players respond to him."
The European Union has been a little slow in its adoption of genetically modified technology in agriculture. Unfortunately, despite scientific consensus that GMOs are just as safe as their non-GMO counterparts, EU member states do not allow for cultivation of these crops. While they allow for importation and sale, there is still a deep distrust of the technology. Former President Barack Obama acknowledged those concerns but encouraged people to follow the science when he delivered the keynote address at the Seeds&Chips Global Food Innovation Summit in Milan, Italy. According to Politico, Obama said in an interview while at the summit: This debate around genetically modified foods is, I know, a very controversial one. The approach I took when I was president of the United States was that in the same way I would let the science determine my policies around climate change, I try to let the science determine my attitude about food production and new technologies. He went on to say that while he recognizes some people want to take it slow and be cautious, humanity has always engaged in genetic modifications and we can learn from our human experience. During his keynote address he stated: “It’s here. It’s going to come anyway, so we might as well make sure we have a smart discussion about how we proceed and how we think about it.” Seeds&Chips claims to be one of the leading Food Innovation events in the world. Food Innovation is described as: “the whole food chain, from farm to fork: the increasing world population and protein consumption, climate change, scarcity of available resources, socio-demographic changes, protection of health and irreversible and overt changes in the processes of choice and purchase.” The summit focuses on the potential yet to be discovered in agriculture and food. Given the European Union’s backwards and conflicting stance on genetically modified crops, I’m glad to see that President Obama used the platform as an opportunity to encourage people to look at the science, consider how we got here, and accept that is going to be used. His encouragement was a balanced approach: instead of hindering scientific progress in agriculture, we should have discussions about biotechnology’s proper use and how it is implemented. In other words, stop trying to put the genie back in the bottle and figure out when we want to employ those wishes.
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245 Bishan St 22 - The Property Runway Skip to content Home About Us Properties Current Properties Sold Properties Services Legacy Planning Financial & Property Planning Sales Property Marketing Rental Property Marketing Happy Clients Learn Blog For Sellers For Buyers Contact 245 Bishan Street 22 All Properties > 245 Bishan Street 22 S$1,090,000 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1658 sqft S$ 693.61 psf About The Property Rare High Floor Corner Unit For Sale! Modern Looking Unit with Industrial Touch ✅ Fully renovated just 5 years ago! ✅ Functional living room – Large enough to place a huge TV, large sofas and bean bags to lounge in ✅ Newly created dining area with dry kitchen ✅ Contemporary wet kitchen with 3rd toilet ✅ Master bedroom + 2 common bedrooms that enjoy SPACE | PEACE | PRIVACY ✅ Spacious yard for laundry + Multipurpose room (E.g. Helper’s room, store room etc) Nearby Amenities: ✅ 2 mins walk to nearest bus stop with various buses to Bishan MRT ✅ 3 bus stops to Bishan Bus Interchange & Bishan MRT (NS/ Circle Line) ✅ Right opposite Bishan North Shopping Mall, NTUC Fairprice, eateries etc ✅ Nearby schools: Catholic High School (within 1km), Ai Tong School (within 2km), Raffles Institution, Marymount Convent School, Whitley Secondary School, Kuo Chuan Presbyterian School etc Contact Diana Teow @ 9327 6888 for exclusive viewing! Location 245 Bishan Street 22 570245 Bishan Estate Property Details Developer Housing & Development Board (HDB) Type HDB Apartment For Sale Tenure 99-year Leasehold Floor High PSF $693.61 Floor Size 1658 sqft Land Size N.A. TOP 1992 Furnishing N.A. Would You Like To View The Property? Make An Appointment To View Today If you will like an exclusive viewing of the property, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can be easily reach via the following. Alternatively, fill in the enquiry form, and our team will revert to you the soonest possible! icon-phone Diana Teow: +65 9327 6888 icon-envelope [email protected] Hi, my name is You can reach me via my number Or drop me an email at At The Property Runway, we believe that everyone deserves a beautiful home. Our goal is to empower our clients to plan and get the best home for themselves, their loved ones and the next generation. We do so, by equipping you with latest market information, latest data and analysis, and also understand your individual needs, wants and priorities. NAVIGATION Home About Us Properties Current Properties Sold Properties Services Legacy Planning Financial & Property Planning Sales Property Marketing Rental Property Marketing Happy Clients Learn Blog For Sellers For Buyers Contact Privacy Policy WE CAN BE CONTACTED AT Email: [email protected] Phone: Diana Teow @ +65 9327 6888 Copyright © 2019 Property Runway Privacy Policy Copyright 2022 © All rights reserved Home About Us Properties Current Properties Sold Properties Services Legacy Planning Financial & Property Planning Sales Property Marketing Rental Property Marketing Happy Clients Learn Blog For Sellers For Buyers Contact {{{data.text}}} {{{data.text}}} Close {{{data.message}}} × Log in Register Remember me Lost password Login Get new password Back to Login I agree with your Terms & Conditions Register Compare Login Username or email address * Password * Remember me Log in Lost your password?
The Gardens of Anuncia - Chula Vista California Press "Enter" to skip to content Search Search Chula Vista California Chula Vista California September 24, 2022 open menu Back Home open menu Reach Out – Contact ChulaVista.com Report News and Information to the Chula Vista Community Privacy Policy Events Chula Vista Jobs open menu City of Chula Vista Job Openings Sharp Healthcare Jobs Scripps Mercy Hospital Jobs Sweetwater Union High School District Jobs Chula Vista Elementary School District Southwestern College Jobs Nursing Positions in Chula Vista Mechanic County of San Diego Harvest Meat Company Restaurants and Bars open menu Top Restaurants open menu Mandarin Beijing L&L Hawaiian Barbecue Barbecue Pit Sushi House Los Panchos Taco Shop Tavern at the Vogue Karina’s Mexican Seafood Eastlake Food Trucks Bars Nightclubs Services open menu Top Real Estate Agents in Chula Vista Insurance open menu California Auto Insurance Requirements Mortgage Lenders Florists Dentists Lawyers and Legal Services open menu Personal Injury Attorney Veterinary Hospital Real Estate open menu Top Real Estate Agents in Chula Vista Communities open menu Housing Tracts Escaya open menu Seville Shea Homes Strata Sierra Millenia open menu Skylar at Millenia Element Z at Millinia Apartments open menu Terra Nova Villas Chula Vista Neighborhoods open menu Chula Vista Regions open menu Northwest Chula Vista Southwest Chula Vista Bella Lago Bonita Canyon Eastlake Chula Vista open menu Eastlake Greens Eastlake Trails Eastlake Vistas Eastlake Woods San Miguel Ranch Lomas Verdes Lynwood Hills Otay Ranch Proctor Valley Rancho del Rey Rolling Hills Ranch Salt Creek Ranch Winding Walk Sunbow Cars and Trucks open menu Ford of Chula Vista Mossy Nissan of Chula Vista Ernie’s Auto Sales Bahia Auto Sales Dealership All-Time Auto Repair Attractions open menu Aquatica San Diego Water Park Fun Chula Vista Golf Course The Chula Vista Amphitheatre Third Avenue Chula Vista Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center open menu Chula Vista BMX Track The Living Coast Discovery Center Len Moore Skatepark is now Eucalyptus Skateboard Park Chula Vista Marina Chula Vista RV Resort On Stage Playhouse The City open menu Chula Vista City Council Email Addresses Adopt a Pet! 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Chula Vista Animal Shelter Love DMV Office California Auto Insurance Requirements City Utilities City Offices Phone Numbers Schools and Districts City Libraries Civic Center Branch Library Parks Bayfront Park Chula Vista Progress Eucalyptus Park Memorial Park Hotels ChulaVista.com needs you! See something, say something! Recommend a restaurant, a business, a place today! Click Here! « All Events This event has passed. The Gardens of Anuncia May 23, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm $51.75 « The Gardens of Anuncia The Gardens of Anuncia » The Gardens of Anuncia performs at Old Globe Theatre – The Old Globe on 5/23/2020 14:00. We’ve seen prices on the web as low as $51.75 and as high as $99.99. Location: Old Globe Theatre – The Old Globe 1363 Old Globe Way San Diego California 92112 Buy Tickets Click anywhere on the seating chart below to pick your seats. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Like this: Like Loading... Related + Google Calendar+ Add to iCalendar Details Date: May 23, 2020 Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Cost: $51.75 Event Category: THEATRE Website: https://chulavista.com/concert-tickets/4228521 Organizer ChulaVista.com Venue Old Globe Theatre – The Old Globe 1363 Old Globe Way San Diego, CA 92112 United States + Google Map « The Gardens of Anuncia The Gardens of Anuncia » NEW! Rent a Motorcycle A new program allows you to rent exotic bikes from regular people! How cool is that! Click to join. Subscribe to Blog via Email Email Address Subscribe Join 8,955 other subscribers Community Reporter! 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Image copyright John Dyer Image caption A witness to the airlift praised the skill of the helicopter's crew A cyclist has been seriously injured after he collided with a sheep on a road on the Ardnamurchan peninsula. The accident happened on Saturday near Kilchoan. The emergency services were alerted at about 11:55 and police and road and air ambulance crews went to the scene in the north west Highlands. The cyclist, a man in his 30s, was airlifted by helicopter to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, the Scottish Ambulance Service said. Image copyright John Dyer Police Scotland described the man's injuries as serious and said he was later transferred to a hospital in Glasgow for treatment. John Dyer, from Motherwell, was in the area at the time of the airlift. He said the air ambulance crew had to make a difficult landing on a narrow road during the rescue operation. Image copyright John Dyer All pictures are copyrighted.
confronting adversity – Applied Mindfulness Training Skip to content Applied Mindfulness Training About Mindfulness Benefits of Mindfulness About Us History Board of Directors Instructors Mindful Voices Services Resources Our Blog Exercises Publications Turning Troubles into Treasures Donate Search Search Search … Applied Mindfulness Training Menu Search Search … About Mindfulness Benefits of Mindfulness About Us History Board of Directors Instructors Mindful Voices Services Resources Our Blog Exercises Publications Turning Troubles into Treasures Donate Home » Our Blog » confronting adversity confronting adversity 7 posts by Carol S. Hyman In these days when individual psyches erupt in unthinkable violence and our social fabric seems to harbor dark and toxic stains, it can be tempting to turn away and ignore the ugliness and hatred. After all, even if we suspect that we are all parts of […] Carol S. Hyman Try a Little Tenderness… & Tenacity conflict resolution confronting adversity mindfulness self-exploration by Carol Hyman Published June 5, 2022 by Marie Hathaway This time last year, it seemed like 2021 was bound to be easier than 2020. And yet, in many ways, it proved more troublesome, the path ahead less clear. Embarking on 2022, amid stock market plummets and COVID case surges, we find ourselves afloat on a choppy […] Marie Hathaway On Boats and Troubled Waters compassion conflict resolution confronting adversity meditation mindfulness society by Marie Hathaway Published January 22, 2022 by Carol S. Hyman Carol S. Hyman Courage to Listen and Learn 2 comments conflict resolution confronting adversity history learning mindfulness by Carol Hyman Published June 12, 2020 By Bill Brauer Like everyone else who isn’t an essential worker, I have time these days to contemplate where human society may be headed. Only now, such contemplation doesn’t seem so much an entertaining diversion as it does the essential work we all need to be doing. Any of us […] Bill Brauer May You Live in Interesting Times 2 comments confronting adversity courage meditation mindfulness by Bill Brauer Published May 8, 2020 Minding Our Inner Weather by Carol S. Hyman Carol S. Hyman Brainstorming Sanity confronting adversity mindfulness nonjudgment self-exploration by Carol Hyman Published May 14, 2018 by Carol S. Hyman Carol S. Hyman Gritty Gratitude 2 comments conflict resolution confronting adversity gratitude mindfulness by Carol Hyman Published November 28, 2017 By Michael Carroll, excerpted from his book, Fearless at Work Michael Carroll No Delight; No Courage confronting adversity work by Michael Carroll Published January 24, 2017 Applied Mindfulness Training is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Join Our Mailing List Contact Us PO Box 244 Barnet, VT 05821 802 633-4444 © 2022 Applied Mindfulness Training – All rights reserved Powered by WP – Designed with the Customizr theme
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | Shelby Nichols Consulting Home About Shelby Shelby Nichols Consulting I'm so good it's almost like I can read minds. Stay updated via RSS Recent Posts Ready to Ride? It’s Official Karma is Real Premonitions? In my Dreams… Archives September 2022 July 2022 May 2022 March 2022 February 2022 December 2021 November 2021 July 2021 May 2021 March 2021 December 2020 November 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 May 2020 April 2020 February 2020 January 2020 November 2019 October 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 April 2019 February 2019 January 2019 November 2018 October 2018 August 2018 July 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 April 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 June 2015 May 2015 February 2015 December 2014 October 2014 September 2014 August 2014 June 2014 April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 October 2013 August 2013 July 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 January 2013 December 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 April 2012 March 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 Categories Advice Consulting Experiences Thoughts Meta Register Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.com Between a Rock and a Hard Place Posted: May 17, 2016 in Consulting, Experiences Tags: detective, murders, police, Shelby Nichols Adventure 19 As most of you know, I began my consulting agency nearly a year ago. So much has happened in that time that it kind of blows my mind. To say the least, it has been one adventure after another! I always seem to have my hands full, and right now is no exception. I’m helping a police detective, whom I call Dimples, with a murder investigation. He found out my secret that I can read minds a few months ago, but he is the only one on the police force who knows the truth. Naturally, he wants my help when he’s assigned a hard case. I usually don’t have too many problems finding the guilty party, since all I have to do is talk to the major suspects and listen to their thoughts. The guilty person always thinks about how they did it, and I can usually wrap it up pretty quick. But not this time. So far, every single suspect I’ve talked to is innocent, and my ability isn’t as helpful as I’d like. The police chief is even getting a little upset with me and wondering what happened to my ‘premonitions.’ (This is what I call my ability to keep my secret safe). So now Dimples and I are scrambling to find the guilty party, and I’m finally learning what it’s like to do real detective work. But after this morning, I’m ready to quit. Some evidence Dimples gathered yesterday makes it look like organized crime might be involved. Dimples actually had the gall to ask me to spy on Uncle Joey. He knows I used to work for Uncle Joey, but what he doesn’t know is that Uncle Joey knows my secret and I still work for him. I can’t very well spy on Uncle Joey for the police, can I? So what am I supposed to do? If Uncle Joey is involved, does that mean I should warn him about the investigation? Maybe if I did, he could do something to cover up his involvement. But isn’t that aiding and abetting? I could go to jail for something like that. On the other hand, if I find he’s not involved, that would be a good thing, too. My only way out, is to find the real killer and hope he’s not tied to Uncle Joey. Still, I think I might mention the investigation to Uncle Joey, just in passing, so it’s not like I’m actually warning him about anything. Then he’d be prepared, right? Besides, I think if Uncle Joey had the guy killed, the body wouldn’t have been at the crime scene. From what I’ve picked up about how he does things, there probably wouldn’t have been a body to find in the first place. So in that respect, it couldn’t have been Uncle Joey, and all my worry is for nothing. Ugh! See what I mean about quitting? As much as I enjoy having my own consulting agency, it’s not an easy thing to work on both sides of the law. In fact, it’s downright stressful. If I don’t quit the agency altogether, I should probably make a decision to either help the police, or work for Uncle Joey. Or maybe I’ll just take some time off and quit working for both of them. That way, I’ll only have personal cases to work on, and I won’t end up in such dangerous situations all the time. Of course, that’s not always true either. I’ve had a few of my own cases that nearly got me killed anyway. See my dilemma? If I had to choose between Uncle Joey and Dimples, I don’t think I could do it. I owe Uncle Joey too much to ever break ties with him, and Dimples is my friend and knows my secret. So… I guess I’ll just keep going with what I’m doing and hope for the best. As long as I have plenty of Mylanta handy, I should be able to handle it, right? Especially if Ramos is around to save my bacon…and maybe take me on a motorcycle ride or two. But see what I mean about being between a rock and a hard place? Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related Comments Jeanie Whitmire Jackson says: May 18, 2016 at 4:59 am I can’t imagine living with her talent or her dilemma fortunately I have you to do that for me. Glad she is choosing to stick with it. Ah, Ramos. LikeLiked by 1 person Reply shelbynichols says: May 18, 2016 at 8:40 am Thanks Jeanie! Yeah, I think Ramos makes it all worth it! LOL! LikeLike Reply Janene says: May 18, 2016 at 10:25 am Is this about your new book? LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: May 18, 2016 at 10:56 am Hmmm… I don’t know if I’m allowed to say, but more than likely it is… LikeLike Reply Debee Morelli says: May 18, 2016 at 12:56 pm Colleen, You are the BEST!! I love your books!! I can hardly wait for your next book. But, I call them the next chapter. Because the minute it is released I buy it and I can not put it down until it is finished. I hope you never stop the Shelby series. LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: May 18, 2016 at 1:23 pm Thanks Debee! I’m smiling like a crazy person right now! I can’t wait until this book is done, because I’ve got so many more ideas for the next, and the next… You keep me writing!! 😀 LikeLike Reply M Ingram says: May 18, 2016 at 1:20 pm I don’t think Shelby would be happy to give up Uncle Joey or Dimples. I love the fact that Uncle Joey thinks so much of Shelby and probably has never had anyone to like him just for himself like Shelby does and that is why he thinks so much of her…a good bond for both of them with the bonus of Ramos!! I wonder if Shelby’s children will ever be told about her “secret” ?? They are getting older. As long as Shelby never loses her ability to read minds I will be happy and always anxious to read the next adventure!!! THESE ARE MY FAVORITE BOOKS!! LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: May 18, 2016 at 1:27 pm Woohoo! Thanks so much! 😀 Yeah – I think Ramos makes it all worth it – hehehe!! I hope the children don’t ever find out though, can you imagine??? Yikes!! LikeLike Reply Kim Babbitt says: May 26, 2016 at 6:58 am This series replaced Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series as my all-time favorite! Shelby is a caring, slightly zany but relatable character, that is so authentic, I consider her a literary friend. You have made her unique gift of mind reading completely believable and humorous, while infusing the novels with danger, intrigue, and romance. The supporting characters are just that – supportive of Shelby, while being distinctive and entertaining enough that the reader looks forward to their next interaction. I recommend this series to everyone, and anxiously await the next installment. I especially enjoy listening to this series’ audiobooks. The narrator does a masterful job of bringing the characters to life, and increases our connection to them all. I have one request: Please write faster!😍 LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: May 26, 2016 at 12:56 pm Thanks so much Kim! I really mean it when I say you keep me writing! I’m hard at work, and well over half-way done with the next book, Hidden Deception! I can’t wait to share it with you! Thanks again for your awesome feedback. YOU made my day!! LikeLike Reply rmsqnresve says: July 11, 2016 at 2:43 pm Shelby, If it were Uncle Joey and/or Ramos, as careful as he is, to use your words, “there would not be a crime scene.” Thus, you might not know that a crime had been committed. I will assume that Uncle Joey is not the only crime boss in the area, and those families might not be as careful as Uncle Joey or someone might have gone “rogue.” Also, I would remind Dimples of the problems the Police Department must deal with if an innocent person is detained–whether with flimsy or creditable evidence–and then has to let the person go free. Just review the clues again. Look for the oddity (besides a dead body) that has not been explained. Look for money trails. Understand why someone saw this person as a threat that they had to use an extreme method to eliminate them permanently. This might lead you to the person who never interviewed or who the police wrote off because of a missed or misunderstood clue. Just a thought. LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: July 17, 2016 at 1:21 pm Thanks for the advice. Just between you and me, in some cases I think it’s hard to know who the real bad guys are, especially when they’re always wanting me to help them in a coercive way. I guess I’ll just have to learn how to tell them no once in awhile… LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Carolyn Naumann says: July 24, 2016 at 10:55 am Next book please…. LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: July 24, 2016 at 3:59 pm It’s being released on August 12th!! It’s up on Amazon for pre-order if you’re interested!! So excited! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IMIJLNI/tag=collhelm-20 LikeLike Reply MI ngram says: July 24, 2016 at 6:47 pm Already have it pre-ordered….can’t wait to read it!!! LikeLike shelbynichols says: July 25, 2016 at 7:14 pm Saweet!! Hope you love it!! LikeLike Carolyn Naumann says: July 31, 2016 at 3:21 pm Reading an actual book is difficult for me to do as I’m either sewing (I’m an alterations specialist) or drawing.. So I listen to your books as well as others. I just reread (listened) the whole series again. When will audible pick up your new book for those of us who listen to books so we can earn our living as well?? 😉 LikeLike Reply shelbynichols says: July 31, 2016 at 4:32 pm Hi Carolyn! My producer, Wendy Tremont King, just finished all the edits for the book!! SO… it should be all ready to go for the August 12th release date!! That’s great that you can listen to books while you work. I used to do that when I did data-entry. It sure made the time go by faster! Hope you love the new book!! ❤ LikeLike Reply Carolyn Naumann says: July 31, 2016 at 6:51 pm Wow & thank you !! Sooo looking forward to your new book !! 😜 LikeLiked by 1 person Reply Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Δ Juicy Details… Friends Copyright | Disclaimer Copyright © 2021 Colleen Helme, colleenhelme.com This is a work of fiction associated with the Shelby Nichols Adventure Series. All posts or comments may be used in future novels. Blog at WordPress.com. Follow Following Shelby Nichols Consulting Join 4,304 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. Shelby Nichols Consulting Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Copy shortlink Report this content View post in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar %d bloggers like this:
NEW YORK -- Major League Baseball won't change its schedule to boost the sport's chances of getting back into the Olympics. Baseball was an Olympic medal sport from 1992-2008, then was dropped for last year's London Games. IOC President Jacques Rogge says baseball should make its top athletes available, as they are in basketball and hockey. "Look, we can't stop our season in August. We just can't," baseball Commissioner Bud Selig told the Associated Press Sports Editors on Thursday. "You can't say to your fans: `We'll see you in the next period of time. Your club loses some players but yours doesn't." The IOC board meets next month to select one or more sports for consideration by September's IOC general assembly. In an effort to boost the chance of readmission for 2020, the international baseball and softball federations are merging. Some have suggested major leaguers could play in the Olympics during an extended All-Star break. Selig was clear that MLB's schedule will not be interrupted, and that weather made an earlier start or later ending impossible. "Do I wish I could? Yes," he said. "But is it practical? No." The sport launched its own international event in 2006, the World Baseball Classic. The first two tournaments were won by Japan, and the Dominican Republic took this year's title last month. Many top American pitchers didn't play for their national team, including David Price, Justin Verlander, Jered Weaver, Clayton Kershaw and Matt Cain. Some clubs were reluctant to have their players participate. "They just didn't want to take a chance," Selig said. "And frankly, if I were running a club, I wouldn't either." He does hope to add another international competition. "My ultimate goal, I hope I live long enough to see it, is a true World Series," he said. "We have a ways to go." On another international matter, Selig would like to institute a worldwide amateur draft for 2014. Under baseball's labor contract, MLB must notify the players' association by June 1 of its intent to start an international draft for next year, and the union would have until June 15 to veto it. "We met with the players' association last week, had extended conversations on the topic," said Rob Manfred, an MLB executive vice president. "I think it's within the realm of the possible that we will have an agreement by June 1." Union head Michael Weiner responded in an email to The Associated Press: "We have begun discussion, but I wouldn't prejudge the results." Selig expects MLB executive vice president Joe Torre and his committee to make a proposal on expanded video review by umpires for 2014 when owners meet in New York on May 8-9. Selig does not plan on trying to make the NL use the designated hitter, which was adopted by the AL for the 1973 season. "I'm going to leave things the way they are. And I do not think it's bad for baseball," he said. Now 78, Selig once again insisted he will not accept a new contract when his current term expires in December 2014. He became acting commissioner in 1992 and said he would never take the job permanently, then did in 1998. After signing each of his previous extensions, Selig said he planned to retire when it concluded. He changed his mind in 2006 again in 2009, signing a deal that took him through 2012. In January 2012, he accepted a deal adding another two years. "Done on Dec. 31, 2014. I'll assure you of that," he said. He wouldn't commit to resolving the dispute between Oakland and San Francisco on the Athletics' desire to build ballpark in San Jose, which is part of the Giants' territory. Selig established a committee in March 2009 but wouldn't commit to a resolution while he's commissioner. "Time will tell. I'm not going to set a time limit," he said. "We're in intense discussions with all the relevant parties." The dispute appears to be in the same situation as Pete Rose's application for reinstatement. After agreeing to a lifetime ban in 1989 following an investigation of his gambling, Rose asked Selig in 1997 to lift the suspension. "I keep saying it's under review. It is. And that's where it is. I'll let you draw your own conclusion," Selig said. He will not put a timetable for deciding how much of the Los Angeles Dodgers' new broadcast agreement will be subject to revenue sharing. Selig maintained he understands the anger of Miami Marlins' fans at the decision by owner Jeffrey Loria to sell most of the team's high-paid stars during the offseason -- after a last-place finish in the first season of the team's new ballpark, largely financed with public money. He rejected the possibility Loria will sell the team after 2014, the last year Loria would have to share proceeds with Miami-Dade County. "The owners deny that emphatically," he said. "They've said it publicly. They've said it privately." As for the New York Yankees, Selig doesn't believe the sale of a share of the YES Network to News Corp.'s Fox division signals the Steinbrenner family would entertain bids for the franchise. As for the Mets, Selig said the team's finances have stabilized following several years of turmoil in the fallout from the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme. "I have absolutely not a scintilla of doubt that their finances are doing fine," he said. "The situations they faced have been resolved." Baseball's security officials met Thursday but Selig said no changes are expected in the rules on bags fans can bring to ballparks, generally limited to 16 inches by 16 inches by eight inches. The meeting was scheduled before two bombs were set off at the Boston Marathon last week. "I wouldn't say that Boston has changed anything," Selig said. "Each club makes its own decision." He deflected questions about baseball's probe of Biogenesis of America, the closed Florida anti-aging clinic accused in media reports of distributing banned performance-enhancing drugs to players. Baseball sued the clinic and its backers and has purchased documents that included players' names. "We have the toughest drug-testing program in American sports. To enforce that program, we have to be aggressive and thorough, and that's what we're doing," he said. Selig expects his task force in diversity in the game to produce initiatives. MLB says about 8.5 percent of players on this year's opening-day rosters identified themselves as African-American or black, about half the figure from the mid-1970s. "We'll do better," he said. "I can assure the result of everything we're doing you will see now in the next two or three years, or maybe better than that."
The controversial and mysterious Koch Brothers' may be bad for America. In an interview on Yahoo's Daily Ticker, T. Boone Pickens singles out brothers Charles and David's Koch Industries, which among other items produces fertilizer and chemicals, as single-handedly preventing the U.S. from setting a cohesive energy policy. "The biggest deterrent to an energy plan in America is Koch Industries," the BP Capital founder tells Yahoo's Aaron Task. "They do not want an energy plan for America because they have the cheapest natural gas price they've ever had, and they're in the fertilizer business and they're in the chemical business. So their margins are huge. And they do not want you to have an energy plan, because if you had a plan, then natural gas prices would come up." The second-largest private company in the United States, Koch Industries has spent at least $5 million in lobbying in each of the past four years, and given at least $1,000,000 in seven of the last eight election cycles, according to data from OpenSecrets. In 2008, the company spent nearly $18 million on lobbying for oil and gas interests alone, according to Open Secrets. They've already spent $2.3 million on oil and gas lobbying in 2012. Pickens concedes that it is generally difficult to find the momentum to put together a cohesive energy plan. "It isn't a failure of the Democrats. It's not a failure of the Republicans. It's a bipartisan failure. Over the years neither party could provide the leadership to have an energy plan." SEE MORE: Morgan Stanley's Guide To Investing In Natural Gas
North Korea has once again threatened to launch "full-out war" with nuclear weapons, amid reports of the imminent arrival of an American naval strike group off the Korean Peninsula. Tensions between the United States and the North have risen sharply in recent weeks as a series of North Korean missile tests have prompted dire warnings from President Donald Trump's administration about curtailing its nuclear weapons programme. The USS Carl Vinson will arrive in the Sea of Japan within days, American Vice President Mike Pence said on Saturday, after mixed messages from the US over the warship's whereabouts. READ MORE: Rising Korea tensions - The view from Seoul The strike group was supposedly heading towards North Korea last week amid concerns that the North is preparing for a sixth nuclear test, with North Korea threatening to hit back at any provocation. But the US navy - which had earlier said the aircraft carrier would sail north from waters off Singapore as a "prudent measure" to deter North Korea - admitted on Tuesday that the ships were in fact sent away from Singapore and towards Australia to conduct drills with the Australian navy. The aircraft carrier will arrive "in a matter of days", Pence said after the location of the naval strike group became contentious. US officials have repeatedly warned "all options are on the table" - including military strikes - to curb the North's nuclear ambitions. North Korea remained defiant in the face of the American show of force. "Now that we possess mighty nuclear power to protect ourselves from US nuclear threat, we will respond without the slightest hesitation to full-out war with full-out war and to nuclear war with our style of nuclear strike, and we will emerge victor in the final battle with the United States," the North's foreign ministry said in a statement. The North will celebrate the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its Korean People's Army on Tuesday and has marked important events in the past by launching missiles or conducting nuclear tests. Tuesday's anniversary comes as the North finishes winter military drills and as South Korea and the US wrap up annual joint military exercises. The official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said on Saturday in a commentary that North Korea would not hesitate to launch a pre-emptive strike if provoked. OPINION: Will China intervene in North Korea? "The US has now gone seriously mad. It is mulling frightening the DPRK and achieving something with nuclear strategic bombers, nuclear carriers, etc," Rodong Sinmun said, referring to the North by its official name, the Democratic Republic of Korea. "However, the army and people of the DPRK will never be browbeaten by such bluffing. "Under the situation where the US hurts the DPRK by force of arms, we have nothing to be bound to. The DPRK will answer to such war moves and provocations with pre-emptive strike of its own style and a great war of justice for national reunification." Pence renewed US calls for China to use its "unique" position to bring North Korea to heel. "The steps we're seeing China take, in many ways unprecedented steps, bringing economic pressure to bear on North Korea are very welcome," Pence said. "We do believe China can do more." Tensions between North Korea and the US go back to the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty. However, the heat has been rising rapidly since Trump took office in January. In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera recently, Sin Hong-chol, North Korea's deputy foreign minister, urged the US administration to "look at the world with open eyes". "The time of dictating orders by brandishing the US military might has gone," he said. "If those businessmen in power in the US thought of intimidating us by any military or sanction threats - as the [Barack] Obama administration used to do and failed - they will soon find out such threats are useless."
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Depending on your view, Bitcoin is either A) an elaborate Ponzi scheme or B) the currency of the future. Or, if you’re the average man on the street, it’s probably C) something you’ve never heard of. Putting a bit of data behind attitudes to the emergent crypto currency that’s got VCs all excited is a new slice of research conducted by survey firm On Device in conjunction with the organisers of an upcoming London-based Bitcoin conference. The firm surveyed more than 22,000 U.S. consumers in May 2013 to test Bitcoin awareness and levels of trust at this still relatively early stage in its development. Bitcoin went live on the web in 2009, but in currency terms that still makes it a bawling babe. Add in its distinguishing features — being the first decentralised digital currency — plus ongoing teething issues with infrastructure, and political and legal uncertainties, and nascent is the obvious moniker to describe it. Fragile as a house of cards might be another worthy descriptor. But everything has to start somewhere. And Bitcoin has weathered a fair few ups and downs already in its short history. So what do U.S. consumers make of Bitcoin right now? Well, according to the survey, just over a quarter (25.3%) have heard of the crypto currency — which means the U.S. is lagging the other two countries also surveyed for the poll, Argentina and the U.K. In those nations, Bitcoin awareness is apparently in the region of a third, with 37.9% and 32.2% Bitcoin-aware respondents respectively. However it’s worth flagging that the research polled far fewer consumers in Argentina and the U.K. (760 and 2,731, respectively) so the margin of error is likely to be higher. When it comes to trusting Bitcoin, U.S. consumers also lag their Argentinian and British counterparts, but trust levels are still apparently running high among U.S. Bitcoin-aware. The survey found 62% of U.S. consumers who are Bitcoin-aware said they trust the currency, vs 73% of Bitcoin-aware Argentinians and 69% of Bitcoin-aware Brits. Greater awareness of Bitcoin appears to help foster greater levels of trust, as you might expect. Trust in Bitcoin is still relatively low when compared to trust in national currencies. Again, as you would expect. Bitcoin is the upstart in the room, and isn’t backed by any centralised institutions like national banks — which may also, paradoxically, be helping to boost trust in the currency. The global financial crisis has knocked consumer confidence in traditional, centralised economic institutions and governments so a currency that stands outside the control of the establishment may appear more trustworthy to some. Backing up that stick-it-to-The-Man view, the largest group of Argentinian respondents (44%) said the best thing about Bitcoin is ‘not having to deal with financial institutions’. So banks bad, Bitcoin good. Unsurprisingly, Argentinians also come out on top as most likely to trust Bitcoin more than their national currency — but being as their currency has been less stable than the U.S. dollar in recent history, that’s to be expected. The old paper money hasn’t fared well enough to make trying something virtual seem massively risky. The Bitcoin survey found that around a fifth (22%) of Bitcoin-aware Argentinians trust Bitcoin more than their own national currency (while close to half — 48% — rated the two the same). The U.S. was next most trusting of Bitcoin, with 16% trusting Bitcoin more than the dollar. But by far the largest proportion (47%) of U.S. respondents trust it less than the dollar. The U.K. has similarly low levels of Bitcoin trust vs national currency: with 14% trusting Bitcoin more than Sterling and 48% trusting it less. On the question of whether Bitcoin is the currency of the future, the survey found relatively high levels of belief in its future potential across the board. Argentina came out on top — with approaching half (46%) of those polled affirming a key future role for Bitcoin. But U.S. and U.K. respondents were also relatively positive about Bitcoin’s prospects, with more than a third (38%) apiece saying they believe it is the currency of tomorrow. The U.S. does also contain the largest group of Bitcoin naysayers, though — with almost a quarter (24%) of respondents saying they do not think Bitcoin will take up that central future role. What about reasons for liking Bitcoin? In the U.S. and the U.K. the most popular response when asked about the best thing about Bitcoin is that “it’s quick and convenient” — cited by 36% and 43% respectively. Opinions on the worst thing about Bitcoin varied more, with the largest proportion (34%) of respondents from Argentina saying the biggest drawback is “minimal use in trade” — again suggesting that Bitcoin interest there is fuelled by lower levels of trust in a national currency and by a desire to find a replacement for everyday currency, rather than being so fuelled by Bitcoin’s potential as an investment vehicle. In the U.K. the largest single complaint — cited by just under a third (30%) of respondents — was about Bitcoin’s volatile exchange rate, suggesting Bitcoin interest there is being fuelled more by investors than people who actually want to use Bitcoin to buy goods and services. While, in the U.S., the two most commonly stated reasons to dislike Bitcoin (cited by 29% apiece) were ‘minimal use in trade’ and ‘you can’t physically hold a Bitcoin’. The latter suggesting a purely digital currency still has a way to go to get people to place their trust in it. What about the sort of things are people using Bitcoin to buy? Turns out electrical items are a popular choice, along with computer software/hardware and entertainment goods like DVDs. The majority of respondents in all three countries pegged their annual Bitcoin spending on goods and services as sub-$999, with 74% of Argentinian respondents reporting that level of spending, and 73% apiece in the U.S. and U.K.
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It sure seems, from the context of an EW Spoiler Room column, that the forthcoming The Flash/Arrow two-night, two-part crossover will give Jay Garrick his powers back by introducing Velocity 9 to the TV series. Velocity 9 is, in the comics, a serum that can bestow (or in Jay's case restore) super-speed powers. It's just one of a number of artificial ways to gain such powers, one of which is the Speed Formula -- a literal mathematical equation that Johnny Quick and his daughter Jesse Quick both used to gain speed. Of course, on TV, Jesse Quick's father is Harrison Wells who, as far as we can tell, helps to develop Velocity 9 here: “Jay is summoned to S.T.A.R. Labs in an urgent matter from Wells,” said Teddy Sears, who plays Jay Garrick on the show. “Jay shows up only to find out that Wells wants Jay to be his guinea pig. He is toying with a substance that has its history in the lore of The Flash, so it’s something from the comics. He wants to try it on Jay to see if it works because he wants to use this on Barry in their fight to bring down Zoom. Jay doesn’t react very well to that. He doesn’t want to be a part of Wells’ schemes. There will be some life threatening moments in there and we have to use a combination of science and ingenuity and Wells’ mysterious substance to get to a safe conclusion.” Obviously, they don't say the word there...but that, combined with earlier hints that Jay could get his powers back during the crossover, seem to indicate it's a good possibility. The serum had some serious long-term health effects, with the effects of the Speed Force taking their toll on people not prepared to connect to it. The most recognizable regular user was Inertia, the arch-enemy of Impulse and an evil speedster who at one point lost his powers.
YouTube is full of web-celebs with decent followings who make some cash by allowing the site to run ads against their videos. YouTube also has a horrendously inaccurate and over-eager system called Content ID that flags videos that may contain copyrighted music content. When a monetized video is flagged, YouTube takes away the ads and therefore any money that clip would be earning, which would be fine if Content ID weren’t such a tin-eared agent bent in favor of the recording industry. YouTuber Adam “The Alien” Manley ran up against the idiocy of Content ID twice in the last week, with multiple music publishers claiming that his recent rendition of “Silent Night” violated their copyright, in spite of the fact that the song, an English version of a nearly 200-year-old German Christmas carol by Franz Gruber (not to be confused with another Yuletide figure, Hans Gruber from Die Hard), has been in the public domain for more than a few years. According to Adam, he received a Content ID notice almost immediately after posting his video to YouTube. It stated that “One or more music publishing rights societies” claimed to have the copyright for a song that predates the Civil War. And of course since Content ID is a shoot-first system, Adam’s clip was no longer being monetized while he appealed the copy-bot claim. BUT he was given the opportunity to allow his video to keep making money if we was willing to let the copyright holders to share in the revenue. So not only was YouTube willing to accept that multiple groups could all rightfully claim copyright, and thus automatically de-monetized the video, it was willing to let those same multiple entities share? Adam appealed and the claim was quickly dropped. Then he woke up Monday morning and received a second notice. This one was also from multiple alleged copyright holders, but at least it was more specific, naming BMG, Warner, and Universal as the claimants. Writes Adam: “As one might imagine, it is immensely frustrating, even angering, to have fraudulent claims made on the same video two days in a row. I had assumed that disputing the first claim, with its vague insinuation of multiple parties claiming the song, that dealing with it once would mean it was dealt with. But it seems that any time I sing a Christmas carol, I will have to expect a horde of false claims.” And so he once again filed an appeal with YouTube. BMG responded quickly, dropping the claim, as Adam had not secretly signed a recording contract and made an album of Christmas carols. But neither Warner nor Universal had replied as of Christmas Eve, and the video still appears to be de-monetized, meaning Adam has made virtually no money from the nearly 30,000 views the clip has received. And it could continue that way, since Content ID gives copyright claimants 30 days to respond to disputes. Let’s just put this plainly: Content ID is broken, and it will likely only get worse as copyright bots learn to detect even the faintest hint of infringement. The bots won’t get better at distinguishing between someone singing a public domain Christmas carol and someone wrongfully using a recorded version of that carol because it’s in the publishers’ best interest to bully YouTube users into believing they have violated copyrights, even when they haven’t. Why do the publishers get 30 days to respond but the video uploader loses his right to earn ad revenue immediately? It’s not like the monetization money was going directly into Adam’s bank account with each video view. The system could just as easily have continued to run the ads while Adam’s appeal was reviewed. If his appeal was successful, he gets the money. If not, it goes to the copyright holder or just to YouTube. [via BoingBoing]
COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- Demand has outrun supply. Twice. The aptly named Zach Salesman walks into Aggieland Outfitters, just off campus in the shadow of Kyle Field, proudly wearing a maroon shirt bearing the unofficial slogan of the Texas A&M fan base: "SECede." Because of high demand, it's the only one of its kind you'll find in the store for now. A popular sentiment in College Station these days. David Ubben/ESPN.com Fans could choose a shirt with a de-horned Texas logo bearing the text from Psalm 75:10 and aimed at their rival: "I will cut off the horns of the wicked." They could choose a classic No. 12 jersey, a nod to the fans' well-earned nickname of The 12th Man. A&M fans can even buy a Harry Potter shirt with one of the school's catchphrases, BTHO (beat the hell outta), applied to the Potter saga's villain: Voldemort. They're choosing to SECede. Salesman works in the store's corporate office, and twice, Texas A&M fans hungry for a move to college football's top conference have snapped up all his supply. A third order from the printer was expected to come in sometime Tuesday. "We sold so many that we can’t actually keep up with the numbers," Salesman said. "We’re printing them as fast as we can. Basically we have people going to the printers nonstop to pick up shirts." Such is life in Aggieland, where the Big 12 has gone out of style for bigger and (hopefully) better things. "There’s a big approval rating, and fans, alumni and students want to go," said James Solano, a sportswriter at the campus newspaper, The Battalion. "We were tempted last summer with the idea. And people like myself were like, 'No! We’re not going to win.' But we’ve had awhile to play around with it, and there’s all these Facebook pages keeping us updated with articles all year 'round. "Come to find out in late July and August that it’s possible we may go to the SEC, and now we’re as close as we’ve ever been." And fans, who overwhelmingly support a move to the SEC, are keeping a close eye on the decision process. "It hasn’t really exploded until this last week, but I’ve got the ESPN app, so anytime anything new comes up, I’m reading," said Lucas Turner, a senior communications major and a member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. "I’m probably looking up what’s going on at least an hour every day." Aggieland Outfitters is not shy about where its allegiances lie. David Ubben/ESPN.com Turner, a first-generation Aggie, came to Texas A&M for one of the school's richest traditions, the corps. Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who first acknowledged last week that conversations were happening between the SEC and Texas A&M, was one of the school's yell leaders and served in the corps. On Monday, Turner made his way across campus through triple-digit temperatures in the customary corps regalia: khaki pants tucked into his knee-high brown boots, outfitted with spurs on the back that jingle as he treks across the concrete. Above them? A khaki shirt with his corps regalia, and a khaki hat covering his Marine-like high and tight haircut. On his mind? His favorite team's future, of course. "It’s really hard to watch a bigger school kind of bully their way around the conference and make the money they want to," Turner said. "So you have to do something, but I think a lot of fans are kind of uneasy about, 'Is this what we really want?'" Chief among those concerns is breaking a game with in-state rival Texas, which has shared a conference with Texas A&M since 1914. Texas A&M president R. Bowen Loftin said Monday that he has every intention of keeping that Thanksgiving Day tradition alive. In short, its end won't come at the hand of the Aggies. "We want to carve our own niche, and we don’t want to be the little brother, but you almost don’t want to leave big brother," Turner said. Turner is a member of the Aggies' band, which travels to nearly every away game, sans North foes such as Kansas State and Iowa State. "My dad and I were thinking the farthest we’ll go is Mississippi. Ole Miss, Mississippi State," Turner said. "Which leaves us with basically four teams we can travel to for road games." It's doubtful the Aggies band's travel concerns will factor much into the decision, but it could be part of the new world Texas A&M fans find themselves in. "We’re just trying not to get lost in the shuffle and be able to play our own hand," Turner said of his school. "We understand that the move is not just about football, but football is the driving power." The tradition with Texas is one of Isaac Chavez's favorite parts of his university, too. Chavez, a 21-year-old sports management major from Decatur, Texas, stayed in College Station over Thanksgiving two years ago to see his Aggies try to derail the Longhorns' undefeated season and national title hopes. A&M faithful seem to be more willing to leave the 'Horns and the Big 12 behind. David Ubben/ESPN.com Rivalry games have always been Chavez's favorite part of being an Aggie. "Whether it be beating Baylor or Tech, and of course Thanksgiving," he said. "You just can’t miss the A&M-Texas game." He was nearly on the other side of the rivalry, but a trip to Austin resulted in his wardrobe now consisting of, by his estimates, 80 percent Aggies-affiliated clothing. "It just seemed too urban," Chavez said of the Texas campus. "Not cold in weather, but cold in general, its personality." He came to A&M without visiting the campus and fell in love. Now, he works at Loupot's Bookstore near the A&M campus as a textbook specialist. The decision to come to A&M was much easier for Solano, who ended up at the school paper. "I grew up baptized in the maroon Kool-Aid and I wasn’t going to go anywhere else," said Solano, a San Antonio native and the son of an alum from the class of 1980. "I only applied to one school." The 24-year-old Ag-Com journalism major remembers the day Ricky Williams broke the NCAA career rushing record against Texas A&M and officials stopped the game to recognize the accomplishment. "As an Aggie, you were like, 'Are you kidding?'" Solano said. He's spent plenty of time considering his university's move to the SEC. "My roommates and I, if we’re not at work, we’re in the living room with ESPN on and our laptops out and trying to dig as deep into it as possible," he said. When the possibility of a move to the SEC first surfaced last summer, he was opposed. This time around, he's changed his tune, despite facing the realities of Texas A&M's 53-72-4 all-time record against its possible new division roommates in the SEC West, including a 41-24 loss to LSU in last season's Cotton Bowl. "It's tough to weigh the pros and cons, but in the long run, I think it’d be a better fit for the program," he said. Will Texas A&M get a chance to see whether it measures up? It might find out soon.
2 Minute Review - SIG's P365 15 Round Mag - GunsAmerica Digest Search for: MENUMENU Gun Reviews Handguns Rimfire Revolvers Semi-Autos Misc. Rifles AK-47 AR-15 Battle Rifles Bolt-Action Lever-action Misc. Shotguns Pump Semi-Autos Double/Single Barrel Gear Reviews AR-15 For Handguns For Rifles For Shotguns Knives Optics/Sights Scopes Red Dots Laser & Lights Reloading Safes & Storage Columns Ammo Tests Concealed Carry/EDC Cowboy Time Machine Deer Camp GA Guides Building an AR-15 Gun Safe Buying Guide Optics Buying Guide Reloading Guide Gunfight Science Gunsmithing Home Defense #MilSurp M1 Garand Prepping 101 Trigger Tech Authors Kat Ainsworth Riley Baxter S.H. Blannelberry Jeff Cramblit Will Dabbs Clay Martin Ian Kenney Steve Gaspar Paul Helinski Doug Larson Chris Mace Jordan Michaels Mark Miller Justin Opinion True Pearce Levi Sim Max Slowik C. Travis Rob Garrett GunsAmerica SHOT Show 2022 Subscribe Now #HUNT365 Industry News 2 Minute Review – SIG’s P365 15 Round Mag by True Pearce on November 2, 2019 Related Tags: Buzz, Concealed Carry, EDC, Feature Articles, Magazine, P365, Pistol, sig, SIG Sauer, Tactical Facebook Twitter Reddit E-mail Short, fast, and dirty two-minute video review of the Sig Sauer P365 and P365XL 15 round magazine. Capacity: 15 Rounds of 9mm MSRP is $49 Related Posts: JPFO: Confiscation Clock 1 Minute Closer to Midnite SIG Custom Works Adds P365 to P320 Studio: Build & Customize… SIG Summer Promo: Buy a P365, Get Ammo, and an Extra Mag for… Everytown Slams NRA for ‘Outrageous’ 30-Round Mag Giveaway… Second Amendment Foundation Sues Connecticut Over 10-Round… Facebook Twitter Reddit E-mail About the author: True Pearce is the Managing Editor at GunsAmerica. He’s a competitive shooter, hunter, instructor & attorney. You can see and follow his adventures on Instagram. @true1911 https://www.instagram.com/true1911/ Next post: No Compromise DIY: Building a Race Ready AR-15 Dream Rig Previous post: Shoot Better with the Mantis X – Dry Fire/Live Fire Analysis { 1 comment… add one } JCitizen November 4, 2019, 1:52 pm Fast and dirty! I like it! Now I just need to trade in my XDS for a Hellcat from Springfield Armory and get the same capability. ↩ ∞ Cancel reply Leave a Comment Name * Email * Website Comment Δ Send this to a friend Send Cancel
WDS 23303-0259 UC 4966 Home Database Workbench Misc Setup Help File | Notes | Reports | Measures | Images | Neighborhoods | Components | Complete You're not logged. Login Filter only those doubles you can observe? Yes, you can! Register here Search Actions Advanced Search Go to Simbad New report New measure Login Computed Lists Populars Latest Populars Doubles in session Current system 23303-0259 UC 4966 Nearby doubles 15' : 23302-0314 RST4725 27' : 23317-0245 LWR 20AB 45' : 23332-0308 OCC 155 46' : 23281-0228 RST4724AB 51' : 23285-0342 CVR 282 94' : 23290-0128 OCC 950 95' : 23364-0237 CVR1000 106' : 23345-0135 WSP 28AB 107' : 23332-0123 CVR 997 108' : 23233-0231 GWP3288 114' : 23265-0438 HDS3336 118' : 23294-0103 OCC 949 122' : 23330-0104 RST5173 127' : 23372-0147 KPP2609 130' : 23359-0121 GWP3330 132' : 23389-0310 BRT 525 137' : 23392-0324 CVR1721 137' : 23371-0128 CVR 287 139' : 23338-0508 HDS3357 140' : 23366-0118 BAL 638 141' : 23390-0206 HJ 5411 143' : 23210-0229 LSC 107 144' : 23210-0227 GWP3281 150' : 23260-0514 J 1423 158' : 23210-0148 DAE 7 161' : 23233-0458 BAR 62 Selections Full WDS Binocular doubles Binary Systems Triple Systems Quadruple Systems Multiple Systems Neglected List I Neglected List II Observed Herschel, W. Herschel, J.F.W. Struve, Otto Struve, F.G.W. 23303-0259 UC 4966 23h 30m 17.48s -02° 59' 26.5" P.A. 63.00 sep 48.8 mag 9.63,14.75 Sp K2 Coord 2000 23303-0259 Discov num UC 4966 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 30 17.48 -02 59 26.5 Date first 1988 Date last 2015 Obs 8 Pa first 64 Pa last 63 P.A. Now (θ) 63° Sep first 48.7 Sep last 48.8 Sep. Now (ρ) 48.8" Mag pri 9.63 Mag sec 14.75 delta mag (ΔM) 5.12 Spectral class K2 (yellow-orange) Pri motion ra +003 Sec motion ra +001 Pri motion dec -100 Sec motion dec -097 Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical) rPM=0.036 (< 0.3, Physical double) This double is physical. OTHER CATALOGS AND DESIGNATIONS Precise pa 63.1 Precise sep 48.835 Constellation Hydra Tycho2 5254-00323-1 Gaia DR2 2640326098630034944 WDS HISTORIC DATA coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000 23303-0259 UC 4966 2000 2 63 48.8 9.70 14.70 V 233017.48-025926.5 23303-0259 UC 4966 2010 4 63 48.9 9.63 14.75 K2 V 233017.48-025926.5 23303-0259 UC 4966 2015 5 63 49.1 9.63 14.75 K2 V 233017.48-025926.5 If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.