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Message from the Chief Integrated Social Services Paramedic Services Administration About us Author Site Reviewresults Message from the Chief Overview Policies and Procedures Program Statistics Operations / Quality Assurance Reports Questions and Answers Station Locations PAD Program Feedback Form Community Paramedicine Referral Community Safety and Well-Being Plans Message from the Chief The MISSION of Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services is to participate in the full scope of pre-hospital emergency medical/health services by providing direct patient care and transportation to the sick and injured in all the communities we serve. We will accomplish this by committing our resources toward fulfilling the responsibilities we undertake as an essential social service under the mandate of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board, as an allied emergency response agency and, as an affiliated medical/health care discipline. The VISION of Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services is to design, develop and deliver our strategies, programs, policies, protocols, plans, procedures and directives towards assuring that we: Render service to 100% of all Paramedic Service calls, 100% of the time with full appreciation and respect for the uniqueness of every call. Use all proven methods to render care and transportation while leading responsible innovation in pre-hospital health/medical service delivery. Recognize the commitment our staff, volunteers and their families make to protect and preserve a high quality of life in all the communities we serve. In Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Paramedic Services, we VALUE: The dignity of every person Integrity Professionalism Trust Respect Knowledge Commitment Teamwork Honour Honesty Leadership Innovation SkillPassion Paul Myre Chief of Paramedic Services Manitoulin-Sudbury DSB Phone: 705-862-7850 ext. 601 Email: [email protected] Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved. Pour les services en francais, composez le 1-800-667-3145 Responsive-powered by TheWebBoutique.ca
With the Eurovision 2018 season slowly revving up, various countries have launched preparations for their national selection shows — including Estonia, who will stage the 10th anniversary edition of Eesti Laul next year. Despite its victors crashing out of the semi-final for two consecutive years, Estonia’s national selection is still attracting a lot of attention. Even though the 2018 song submission rules were only announced at the end of September, ERR have revealed that the first two songs were submitted all the way back at the end of August. They came from a Swedish team. Unfortunately, in their eagerness, they didn’t quite meet the requirements for the show — namely having Estonian residents comprise half of the songwriting team, and filling in the necessary participation form. An old Estonian proverb — quoted on the Eesti Laul Instagram account — seems apt: “There’s a bit of bureaucracy behind every song”. But there’s also a lot of work, as seen by the convergence of artists and composers at a recent songwriter camp organised by Music Estonia and the Estonian Song Academy. The fourth edition of the camp occurred between the 24th and 27th of September in the Viinistu Art Hotel, which is located inside a picturesque seaside fishing village in the Lahemaa National Park. The aim of this edition of the camp was to create up to 16 songs to be submitted to Eesti Laul 2018. However, none of the songs produced during the camp will get a free pass into next February’s semi-finals. They’ll have to survive the cull — conducted by a special jury and organised by the state broadcaster. With some of Estonia’s top artists and producers involved with the camp, it’s likely that we could see some of these songs hitting the Eesti Laul stage. Last year’s addition of the camp resulted in Rasmus Rändvee’s “This Love”, Liis Lemsalu’s “Keep Running” and Laura Prits’ “Hey Kiddo” being selected to participate in the 2017 contest. EST => Uued sõbrad, uued laulud! Täna ja homme!Eesti Laulu Akadeemia:Eesti, Soome, Läti, Taani, Inglismaa,… Posted by Eesti Laul on Monday, September 25, 2017 So who was involved? Sixteen Estonian artists and producers gathered at the camp, most notably three former Estonian Eurovision entrants, Koit Toome (1998, 2017), Ott Lepland (2012) and Jüri Pootsmann (2016). Former Eesti Laul entrants Lenna Kuurmaa (2010, 2012, 2014, 2017), Liisi Koikson (2013) and Maian (2017) were also present. Producers with previous Eesti Laul writing contributions include Liina Saar (2013), Priit Uustulnd (2013, 2014, 2016), Martin Saaremägi (2015) and Allan Kasuk (2016). Recognising that international ears can bring fresh perspective to composing Eurovision entries, the camp involved eight songwriters from Finland, Latvia, Denmark, England and the USA. Eurovision fans will be happy to hear that the Latvian representative at the camp was none other than Eurovision 2015 entrant Aminata Savadogo. After penning two successful Latvian entries, and an entry for Lithuania’s Eurovizijos atranka 2017, Aminata seems keen to spread her love to the other Baltic nation. Check out ERR’s video report of the songwriting camp to see Koit, Aminata and the others in action — and please take particular note of Koit’s wonderful use of a wardrobe as a make-shift studio (when life gives you wardrobes, make a Eurovision hit!). Kerli and Rasmus Rändvee in the Studio Although some of next year’s Eesti Laul entries may result from the songwriting camp, the majority will likely still come from other artists’ submissions. Therefore, just like for Melodifestivalen, we’ve kept an eye on social media to spot any previous Eesti Laul entrants who are currently in the recording studio. And we’ve spotted two biggies in the form of 2017 superfinalists Kerli and Rasmus Rändvee. Both came close to winning the ticket to Kiev, but lost out to Koit + Laura in the final televote. Kerli won the first round of voting in this year’s grand final. So with no mention of the superfinal in the Eesti Laul 2018 rules, perhaps she’s contemplating a return in order to snatch the crown that so many thought should have been hers… Küpseb A post shared by RASMUS RÄNDVEE ?? (@rasmusr2ndvee) on Aug 18, 2017 at 3:08am PDT The deadline for entries is 3pm sharp on 1 November. However, we’ll have to wait a little longer to find out if any of the songs from the camp, or those of other artists, make it into the semi-finals. These songs will be made public on the ERR website on December 19th and 20th (so add those dates to your diary). Are you excited for Eesti Laul 2018? Whose song from the songwriting camp are you most looking forward to hearing? And do you want either Kerli or Rasmus to make a return? Let us know in the comments below!
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Slowly zooming in and dialing up the resolution, SDOT is out with its latest designs for Rapid Ride G (formerly Madison BRT), and is accepting public comment through March 22nd. Assuming the ink dries on a finalized Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant, construction on the $120 million project should start in February 2018, with start of service targeted for mid-summer 2019. With new five-door trolleybuses coming up to every 6 minutes, the line will provide a huge boost to First Hill and improve transfers to the future Center City Connector streetcar, 3rd Avenue and Link light rail, the future ST3-funded Green Line tunnel, the First Hill Streetcar, and the eventual Rapid Ride corridor along 23rd Avenue. This design update gives us clearer indications of SDOT’s thinking on multimodal tradeoffs – conflicts between buses, cars, parking, and people walking and biking – as well as a draft construction schedule. The project is tentatively phased as follows: Early 2018 : Arthur Place layover, and protected bike lane on E Union Street between 12th and 14th Avenue : Arthur Place layover, and protected bike lane on E Union Street between 12th and 14th Avenue Mid 2018: Madison Street from 1st to 6th Avenue, and Spring Street from 1st to 9th Avenue, including a left-side bike lane on Spring from 1st to 8th Madison Street from 1st to 6th Avenue, and Spring Street from 1st to 9th Avenue, including a left-side bike lane on Spring from 1st to 8th Late 2018: Madison from Boren to 11th, including most of the center-running right-of-way Madison from Boren to 11th, including most of the center-running right-of-way Late 2018-Early 2019: Madison from 17th-25th, in a section where buses will run in mixed traffic Madison from 17th-25th, in a section where buses will run in mixed traffic December 2018: Trolley wire work and other improvements on 1st Avenue to allow Rapid Ride G to share a stop with the streetcar Trolley wire work and other improvements on 1st Avenue to allow Rapid Ride G to share a stop with the streetcar Early 2019: Madison from 11th-17th, and one additional block of protected bike lane on Union between 11th and 12th Madison from 11th-17th, and one additional block of protected bike lane on Union between 11th and 12th Mid-2019: Construction will wrap up in the congested stretch of Madison between Boren and 6th. Rather than walk you through all the changes since the 30% design level, as this wonk blog would customarily do, we’re going to stick to a descriptive treatment of the entire route so that those new to the discussion can more easily follow along. Let’s start at on 1st Avenue and head east. Eastbound to Madison Valley As the inbound G-Line approaches 1st/Madison, it will turn right onto 1st Avenue for a shared station with the Center City Connector streetcar. This will permit same-platform connections to the streetcar, providing quality transfers for destination pairs such as First Hill-Pike Place Market and First Hill-Pioneer Square. To accommodate both center and side stations along the alignment, the G-Line buses will have doors on both sides (3 right, 2 left). The bus will then turn right on Spring Street and hug the right lane until across I-5, with stops at the near side of 3rd and the far side of 4th, just over a block apart. Earlier concepts for a left-side bus lane have long been binned, and retention of right-running bus traffic allows a shared stop with Route 2 and continued direct service to Seattle Public Library (SPL). The bus will have transit priority and bus lanes through Downtown, mostly avoiding the current hell of Route 2 on Spring Street stuck behind queueing cars. However, cars will still be allowed to clog the Spring Street lane to turn onto 3rd Avenue. That’s right, mixed traffic is being allowed to turn right from our BRT lane into our transit mall. This is likely being done to facilitate continued parking garage access to 1000 2nd Avenue and Expeditors International, who would otherwise be forced to continue on Spring to 5th if trying to go southbound by car. (Slide 2) From SPL, cars will queue for I-5 in the second-to-right lane, and buses will have their own signal cycle. (Slide 3) From 6th to 8th Avenue the bus will run in mixed traffic, where it will turn right to 8th Avenue into a bus-only left turn lane. This left turn lane sets up Rapid Ride G for the core of the project – two-way center running on Madison Street itself. Stations would be at Terry/Madison and Boylston/Madison. The Terry station has moved further to the east side of the intersection, apparently at the request of emergency vehicles needing access on Terry. The latter stop will provide the best connection to the First Hill Streetcar, with a one block walk from Boylston/Madison to the Broadway/Marion station. (Slides 4-5) The bus will continue in center-running lanes through 16th Avenue, including through the difficult 6-way intersection of Madison/12th/Union. Stops will be at 12th Avenue adjacent to Pony and at 17th Avenue across from Trader Joes. Connections between Rapid Ride G and Route 2 will be decent in the eastbound direction, with Route 2’s current stop remaining next to Seattle Academy. But the westbound Route 2 will also retain its stop on the far side of 12th/Union. Thus under this design update, Route 2 riders will have to endure the 11th/13th Avenue ‘bowtie’ indefinitely, and westbound riders wishing to transfer will cross 12th twice, by bus and then backtracking on foot. (Slides 6-7) From 16th the bus returns to the curb for one additional block of transit priority to 17th, but once east of Trader Joes the bus will run in mixed traffic. The x-like swap at 16th Avenue – buses going to center-to-curb and cars going curb-to-center, seems difficult to pull off efficiently. Eastbound stops will be at Madison/Denny/22nd and at 23rd/24th Avenue. Assuming Route 48 keeps its current stop locations, eastbound G-Line riders looking to transfer to Route 48 would alight at a 24th Avenue stop and backtrack one block uphill on John Street. (Slides 8-10) The route then makes its 11th and final stop at Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, turning right into a dedicated layover facility on Arthur Place. (Slide 11) Westbound to Downtown Westbound from the MLK stop, the G-Line would continue in mixed traffic to a stop directly at 23rd, offering a better connection to Route 48 compared to the eastbound direction. Bus priority picks back up at 17th Avenue with a curbside bus lane, and the bus then transitions back to center running lanes via another x-like swap between cars and buses between 16th-15th. The First Hill stops at 12th, Boylston, and Terry will all be center platform stations, shared with their eastbound counterpart. Heading west across I-5 from 7th Avenue , the bus would move to the far left lane, leaving two right-hand lanes for vehicle queuing for southbound I-5. At 6th Avenue the bus would have its own signal to cut across back into the right-hand lane, where it would remain until 1st Avenue, with stops at 5th, 3rd, and then again on 1st. Bike Facilities Eastbound from 1st Avenue, a buffered bike lane would be painted on Spring on the left curbside from 1st to 4th, but would then transition into an unprotected door-zone bike lane from 4th-5th and again from 6th-8th. In First Hill proper, people on bicycles would use neighborhood streets such as University, though without the earlier proposed Greenway improvements. Though still in the Bike Master Plan, the Union Street Protected Bike Lane will no longer be funded by this project, with the exception of a short stretch from 11th-14th. There will be no bike facilities on Madison itself, in either direction. (Slides 1-5) The 12th Avenue design is peculiar, a complicated answer for a complicated intersection. Cyclists will be asked to use E Union Street as a through route for east-west travel, but will still not be allowed to stay on Union across 12th. Eastbound cyclists would be asked to cross to the northeast corner of 12th/Madison, and then cross 12th to again reach E Union St. These crossings would be in pedestrian crosswalks and in conflict with people on foot. Westbound cyclists would make the same maneuver in reverse, but in their case it would be a more natural movement. Cyclists on northbound 12th heading east on E Union Street would be asked to ride up onto the sidewalk to access the eastbound protected bike lane. (Slide 6) Cyclists are generally on their own east of 12th, with no bike facilities provided. Anecdotally, current travel options on E Pike, E Pine, and E Union, while not ideal, do offer reasonably calm alternatives and a relatively intact grid through which to weave. (Just stay off the cobblestone of 18th/Pine!) *** Questions remain: how many cars will clog up Spring to turn onto 3rd? Will cars block the box between 6th and I-5, blocking the G-Line from proceeding on its own signal? Can’t Route 2 and the G-Line better connect? How will the double-x weave between 15th-16th be done safely (likely answer: buses will just have to wait until it’s clear to do so). Why can’t Rapid Ride G and Route 48 better connect? Why are there nearly no stops on the steepest part of the street between 24th-MLK? And the deletion of most of the bike projects is quite disappointing. I wish that a more radical concept for 12th had been presented, to somehow allow Route 2 to end its “bowtie” and allow cyclists to travel straight across Union. I remain disappointed in the lack of transit priority east of 17th, and at some of the pedestrian inconvenience that will be seen at 24th, where some walkers will have to zig zag against their ‘Desire Lines‘. But it also seems that these latest designs and compromises strike a realistic balance between optimizing the corridor’s performance and recognizing fixed constraints. (Parking garages aren’t going to move locations, and neither would the city force them to close, so they will be accommodated.) I think this corridor as designed would be a marked improvement over current conditions, and would provide comfortable, faster, and more reliable service. Let’s hope that as the design progresses, SDOT can take a few additional looks at Vision Zero, provide some level of continuous service for people biking, and squeeze in a bit more transit priority. If you walk, bike, ride, or drive this corridor and see something worthy of praise, criticism, or refinement, please speak up by March 22nd. There is also an open house TONIGHT: Wednesday, March 15 5:30 – 7:30 PM First African Methodist Episcopal Church 1522 14th Ave
Senator criticized the Democratic party at an Our Revolution event with Elizabeth Warren, saying they lost the election rather than Trump winning it Bernie Sanders has defended voters who backed Donald Trump for president, telling a rally in Boston: “Some people think the people who voted for Trump are racists and sexists and homophobes and deplorable folks. I don’t agree, because I’ve been there.” Bernie Sanders on Trump and the resistance: 'Despair is absolutely not an option' Read more The senator from Vermont was speaking on Friday night at an event staged by Our Revolution, a group set up after his unexpectedly strong challenge to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. Our Revolution aims, in the senator’s words in Boston, to create “a Democratic party that is not a party of the liberal elite but of the working class of this country”. Sanders’ remarks about Trump voters contained a not-so-veiled shot at Clinton, who said at a New York City fundraiser in September that “to be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters in a basket of deplorables. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that.” Clinton’s words became a central feature of the election, the “deplorables” label seized on by the Trump campaign and adopted as a badge of pride among the businessman’s supporters. In 2020, Democrats will attempt to win working-class voters in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump wins helped secure the presidency in the electoral college despite Clinton winning nearly 3m more ballots nationwide. Sanders, 75, appeared in Boston with Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts who is seen by many as a possible Democratic presidential candidate. “Let me tell you something else some of you might not agree with,” Sanders said. “It wasn’t that Donald Trump won the election, it was that the Democratic party lost the election.” It wasn’t that Donald Trump won the election, it was that the Democratic party lost the election Bernie Sanders With another jab at Clinton, he added: “We need a Democratic party that is not a party of the liberal elite but of the working class of this country, we need a party that is a grassroots party, where candidates are talking to working people not spending their time raising money for the wealthy and the powerful. “And when we do that, when we transform the Democratic party, we transform America.” Tensions between establishment and grassroots elements in the Democratic party – fueled by a primary fight that turned increasingly bitter – have persisted since the election. In February, former Obama labor secretary Tom Perez beat Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison to be chair of the Democratic National Committee. The contest was seen to be between the branches of the party that back Clinton (Perez) and Sanders (Ellison). The two men, with Ellison appointed deputy, have since sought to present a united front. Warren, who is up for re-election in 2018, could potentially bridge such divides. The former Harvard University professor has a national profile and popularity gained through support of progressive social policies alongside economic positions in favor of the middle and working classes. She was thought to be among possible vice-presidential picks for Clinton. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren speak in Boston. On Friday, Warren told the Our Revoultion event about her first meeting with Sanders. 'She persisted': Elizabeth Warren cements spot as Trump's opposition Read more “So some of you know, I was a teacher, researcher, and was doing work about what was happening to America’s middle class,” she said. “This was several years back. “I got an invitation to come to dinner in Washington DC and I was told it would be with a lot of policy people so I did exactly what you expected me to do – I showed up with a bunch of charts and started talking about what was happening to hard-working families all across this country.” “One guy with bright white hair … got into it,” she said. “It was like nobody else was in the room. And that was sort of the start of it with Bernie Sanders.” In his speech, Sanders said: “You can tell the quality of a person by the enemies she makes, and to her credit Elizabeth Warren has made some wonderful enemies.” Sanders said such enemies included Wall Street and the pharmaceutical and fossil fuel industries. Trump is also no fan of Warren, whom he has repeatedly attacked on Twitter.
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 John Dawdy - Capital Recreation Hockey League - player page | Pointstreak Sports Technologies Pointstreak.com support | admin login Home News Hockey Baseball Softball Basketball Lacrosse Soccer The Zone Products TEAM HOME PLAYER STATS RECORDS SCHEDULE LOCKER ROOM SCOREBOARD STANDINGS SCORING LEADERS GOALIE LEADERS RECORDS SCHEDULE HOME SCOREBOARD SCHEDULE For all stats related problems including player names and game events contact • Capital Recreation Hockey League (613) 862-4305 CRHL (Winter 2009/2010) John Dawdy (Blue Steel - Keiths) - view another player - Adam Lariviere # 0Alex Legnini # Andrew Crowson # 5Barry Englehart # Brooke Simpson # 10Chris Myers # 7David Maysenhoelder # 91Jason Nadeau # Jay Laird # 77Jeff Maysenhoelder # 44Justin Merner # 19Mike Panetta # 4Nick Wilson # 97Pat Chamney # 1Pat Jolicoeur # Pierce Ujjainwalla # 11Scott Cole # 1Steve Gunsolus # Taylor Mcwade # 2Tom Christie # 87Travis Ujjainwalla # 37 # 27 John Dawdy Birthdate: Class: NA Home: Position: D Height: Weight: Player Stats Year Team (Div) GP G A PTS PP SH PIM 2011 Pat Burns Mustache Experience Coors 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 The Rusty Blades Sleemans 6 2 0 2 1 0 0 2009/2010 Blue Steel Keiths 13 1 3 4 1 0 3 TOTALS: 21 3 3 6 2 0 3 PLAYOFFS 2010 The Rusty Blades Sleemans 2 0 1 1 0 0 3 2010 Blue Steel Keiths 5 3 2 5 2 0 0 TOTALS: 7 3 3 6 2 0 3 Game Log DATE GAME RESULT G A PTS PIM GWG PP SH 09/28/09 Blue Steel vs The Chiefs 3-5 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/05/09 Blue Steel vs Sharpshooters 3-4 OTL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/18/09 Blue Steel vs Flying Frogs 4-1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/27/09 Blue Steel vs Sharpshooters 6-1 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/08/09 Blue Steel vs Heroes 4-3 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/23/09 Blue Steel vs Flying Frogs 3-5 L 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 11/29/09 Blue Steel at Sharpshooters 8-4 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/08/09 Blue Steel vs Addicted 1-3 L 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 12/14/09 Blue Steel vs Addicted 3-4 OTL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12/17/09 Blue Steel at Heroes 4-1 W 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 01/11/10 Blue Steel at Flying Frogs 4-5 OTL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01/12/10 Blue Steel at Sharpshooters 6-2 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01/19/10 Blue Steel vs Sharpshooters 5-2 W 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 print this page  Products Products Home Statistics Registration Websites Stream Performance Complete Solutions Company Stack Sports Company Info Careers News Advertise Contact Support Privacy © 2022 Pointstreak Sports Technologies Inc.
celebrity d&d. © 2005 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> So I wrote this: You may have noticed that there are a whole bunch of "celebrity poker" shows on television these days, where a group of famous people sit around playing cards and being snarky at each other, and they film the whole thing. I can't imagine too many things more boring than watching someone else play cards, but I guess fishing has a rich TV history too... Anyway, I have an idea, and hopefully one of my many readers in the entertainment industry will make it a reality: Celebrity Dungeons and Dragons. I want to see a TV show where the flying camera crane zips around the table where Wil Wheaton, Puff Daddy, Michael Madsen, and Lindsay Lohan play D&D. I would totally watch that. "Yo, I'm-a gonna get all up in that orc's face with my Magic Missile. Jack you up, orc!" Then then announcers banter, "oh, Magic Missle! A bold choice, he might need that later. Here comes the roll..." It would be GLORIOUS.
The government’s best chance at finding out why a critical safety device failed to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is being undermined by conflicts of interest, shifting testing protocols and other problems, according to one congressional critic. Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., said the issues threaten the integrity of the forensic examination of the blowout preventer that failed to stop gushing oil as it was supposed to — by slashing through drill pipe and sealing off the hole at BP’s doomed Macondo well. “I remain deeply concerned that this vital investigation could be compromised by decisions to allow inappropriate corporate access to the testing while simultaneously barring independent government investigators the access they require,” Markey said. Markey cited photos taken at the testing site and other evidence that representatives from companies with a stake in the examination — including firms that owned and manufactured the device — have been given hands-on access to the equipment and dictated changes in the testing procedures. The lawmaker, who led congressional inquiries into the oil spill last year, raised his concerns in a letter Friday to Michael Bromwich, the director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. A bureau spokesman said the agency was reviewing the letter. The ocean energy bureau and U.S. Coast Guard are jointly investigating the spill and overseeing the autopsy of the blowout preventer, which began in mid-November and is expected to last until February. The government contracted the forensic analysis firm Det Norske Veritas to lead the testing with advice from a “technical working group” made up of representatives from key stakeholders. That group includes the Justice Department; BP; the Chemical Safety Board that is separately investigating the blowout and resulting explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig; Cameron International, which manufactured the blowout preventer; Transocean, which owned the Deepwater Horizon; and plaintiffs in multidistrict oil spill litigation. Markey accused Bromwich and BOEMRE staff of misleading the public by asserting that federal investigators only recently learned that Det Norske Veritas had contracted a Transocean supervisor on the Deepwater Horizon rig to advise the testing and allowed him to manipulate the blowout preventer. The government has since instructed DNV to terminate the contract with that Transocean employee, Owen McWhorter, and DNV complied, Bromwich said in a letter to Markey last month. But Markey said federal officials knew, or should have known, about McWhorter’s involvement and the potential conflict of interest long before that. Late last year, Markey noted, BP officials raised concerns about McWhorter to a Coast Guard captain. The Coast Guard and ocean energy bureau had separately sought McWhorter as a witness in their joint investigation of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. And a daily access list shows the names of all people who have authorization to enter the secure testing area. “Given all this, for a BOEMRE official to assert that the (joint investigation team) either didn’t know of Mr. McWhorter or of his involvement with the investigation is patently absurd,” Markey said. Markey also said he was troubled that government officials insisted employees of Cameron and Transocean — both of which are named defendants in the government’s oil spill lawsuit — had been barred from hands-on access to the blowout preventer, since photos taken at the testing site buck that assertion. At issue is hands-on work done by a Cameron employee, Ray Fain, who in December flushed components on the blowout preventer so they could continue to be examined. “The procedure Fain conducted, under the direction of the forensic examiner, is related to the preservation of the BOP control pods and is an operation that requires proprietary Cameron computer equipment and a technician to operate,” said BOEMRE spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz. Schwartz noted that the procedure’s necessity was the subject of a conference with the federal district judge presiding over the oil spill litigation and BP, Transocean, Cameron and the Department of Justice before it was first conducted in September. “It was discussed and agreed at that time that the procedure was necessary and may need to be conducted every couple of months to preserve the pods for further examination of the BOP,” Schwartz said. The Chemical Safety Board’s managing director, Daniel Horowitz, said there is no evidence that the pod flushing could only be performed by a Cameron employee and stressed that “the computer, software and procedure could be provided to a neutral third party for execution.” “This is the norm for every forensic test the CSB is familiar with, and to suggest otherwise indicates a lack of familiarity with how post-accident forensic testing is properly conducted,” Horowitz added. “If someone with a conflict of interest is approved for hands-on activity for equipment that is vital for investigations, that is a problem no matter what the specific activity is,” Horowitz said. Sources familiar with the testing procedure have stressed that employees from Cameron and Transocean are uniquely positioned to provide insight and valuable guidance during the blowout preventer examination, since the companies were involved in building and modifying the device. The Chemical Safety Board has complained separately that on Dec. 21, DNV adopted a last-minute change to the testing protocol — drafted by Cameron — instead of sticking by an approach previously circulated among the technical working group. Markey said that undermined the “independent credibility of the protocols used to examine the evidence of the Deepwater Horizon accident,” since it meant some procedures were “developed by a subject of the investigation without allowing independent parties to see them in advance and provide technical input.” Chemical Safety Board Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso previously has complained that Cameron and Transocean representatives “have been granted unique access to the testing process.” Moure-Eraso said that CSB representatives have at times been kept out of the testing area, even though other working group members were allowed inside the space. The CSB’s authority to investigate the Deepwater Horizon explosion has been questioned by Transocean and employees of the drilling contractor, who have refused to comply with Chemical Safety Board subpoenas and testify about the incident. Photo: The Deepwater Horizon’s blowout preventer is lifted out of the Gulf of Mexico by the Helix Q4000 near the coast of Louisiana in September. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
It’s 9:30 p.m. on a recent muggy evening and the 18-year-old has spent the past two hours playing alongside five female friends in a spirited, chippy even, game of basketball against a team of local boys. MUMBAI, INDIA—Afreen Karim is doubled over, gasping for breath, cramps in her legs, feeling light-headed. As sweat drips from her forehead, Afreen turns to a friend standing nearby. “I will be here tomorrow for some more practice at 7 a.m. Will you come?” she wheezes. Three years on, if she’s not one of her community’s best players, Afreen is certainly among its most aggressive. While most of the local boys in this gritty Mumbai neighbourhood have played basketball for much of their lives, Afreen first picked up a ball in 2009, only a few weeks after the National Basketball Association paid to renovate and repair the court, which is encircled by aging British Raj-era apartments and tin-roofed hovels. But Afreen’s story of success is about more than sports and money. While India doesn’t have a pro basketball league, it does have a semi-professional circuit of club teams. Various government agencies — railroads, the army, police and income tax departments — offer full-time jobs to talented players, who typically receive salaries of more than 20,000 rupees ($430 Canadian) a month, lodgings, and a lifetime job, even following their retirement from basketball. Playing for her state would increase her chances of winning a coveted and rare position on a club team. If that happens, Afreen may be in line for a life-altering payoff. Local coaches say Afreen has developed into a good athlete with a smooth jump shot, a skill for sensing open lanes to the basket, and an unrivalled desire to be the best player in any game. She has a chance this year, some say, to make it to Maharashtra’s state team. In the world’s biggest democracy, there are no laws preventing women from playing sports, but as with customs about marriage dowries, which remain prevalent even though they’ve been illegal for a half century, traditions here have a grip on the local community that are as strong as any legislation. It’s also illustrative of how families in orthodox neighbourhoods can challenge social mores. Nagpada is a community of Muslim families. Seven mosques are within a stone’s throw of the outdoor basketball court and on the dusty, noisy streets here, where chickens and goats run free, most locals still say girls like Afreen should not be playing basketball. “These girls should be staying in their homes,” says Imam Saeed Gulam Sarwar, the spiritual leader at a mosque across the street from the court. “Everyone here knows that girls who are 18 should not be playing sports. They should be home observing purdah,” the Islamic custom of secluding women from men. Sarwar, whose beard is dyed with henna a fiery red, says he’s included Afreen and her teammates in his sermons. He’s also confronted Afreen’s father, demanding she and her 16-year-old sister Sumaiya stop playing. The paint on the green and rose-coloured court is faded and rats scurry along the drain troughs that run along the edge of the playing surface. Three years ago, after the NBA visited Mumbai and replaced the pre-existing potholed court, installed new backboards, and handed out a case of new basketballs, Afreen cornered her father in their one-room home here. “I really wanted to play,” she pleaded. If she was expecting a confrontation, she didn’t get one. Sheikh Karim, her father, nodded his approval. He and his wife Mumtaz have lived a life typical for most lower-class Mumbai residents. The daughter of a local real estate broker, Mumtaz was 7 when she stopped attending school. By the time she was 16, she was married to Karim, a local taxi driver. “I was lucky,” she says over a lunch of rice biryani in her family’s home. “He’s a good man.” With a ruddy face, kind eyes and a good command of English, Karim doesn’t see much of his family. He works six days a week driving the chaotic streets of this city of 16 million. He starts at 10 a.m. and finishes his shift at midnight. He pays 350 rupees to rent his taxi, and another 200 for fuel. In a shift, he’s lucky to make 900 rupees, making his take-home pay about 350 rupees, or $7.50, a day. But Karim says he’s tried to instill in his four children the belief that just because they’re poor doesn’t mean they can’t be happy. So why not let them play sports? “I am not less of a Muslim because my girls play basketball,” Karim says, tightening a royal blue sarong around his waist. “Life is tough here and what is there for kids to do? Why can’t they play? Afreen’s a good girl, and smart.” The family still reminisces about the time six years ago when Afreen returned home to find her older sister Rehana, then 14, lying passed out on the concrete floor. She had failed a test at school and taken poison. Afreen lifted her older sister over her shoulder and carried her to the closest hospital, saving her life. “When she first started going onto the court, the imam came to me and said this was wrong,” Karim says. “I didn’t want to argue or disagree with him so I said, ‘Okay, we’ll see. I’ll consider it.’ ” Early on, the girls struggled on the court. “There were a lot of air balls, they were not very good,” says Taha Khan, a 16-year-old who has played for Maharashtra state’s boys team. “But you can see now they are playing more confidently. And parents are becoming more open to it as well. Even those who said girls could play said they had to be home by 7. Now, they are letting them stay later.” Steadily, their skills improved and by last summer, the girls from Nagpada advanced to the state semifinals. Now, the girls have become a mainstay on the court and a curiosity for spectators. As the girls practised one evening this week — they wore track pants to cover their legs, and short-sleeve shirts — some residents watched from their nearby balconies. Afreen and her sister Sumaiya dribbled balls near centre court, both trying to maintain control of their own ball while knocking away the other’s. They walked confidently, smiling often, and exchanged high-fives with boys, most of whom grinned when they saw the girls coming. “It’s a new generation, and I like them being out here with us,” Khan says. Zarin Rangwala, a 16-year-old forward who wore a light blue jersey and her long black hair pulled back in a braid, may be the best female player on her team. Last year, she was selected to represent Maharashtra, but says she has no ambitions for playing for a club. “I’m going to medical school,” Rangwala says. “I’m out here to refresh my mind and body.” A report released this week concluded obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes are becoming increasingly common in urban India. Over the past seven years, the prevalence of diabetes in 1,100 young women in the study has doubled to 7 per cent. Sports, Rangwala says, is a great way for locals to increase fitness levels. Still, some locals frown at the changes. As the girls practised, 43-year-old Farhat Khan sat in his shop nearby with a group of friends talking about cricket and local politics. Khan clucked his tongue when a visitor asked whether most residents were pleased with the new court, which some say has helped cut down on crime because it has kept teenagers occupied. Nagpada, locals are eager to mention, has been a well-known hub for organized crime in Mumbai with the nickname “den of the dons.” “Maybe it has helped,” Khan shrugged. “I have two girls, 17 and 13 and they know not to ask me about basketball. They want sports. They can do as much studying as they want. I won’t have my daughters playing with their whole bodies exposed out there.” To be sure, that sentiment is hardly unique in many conservative Muslim countries, where some say women playing sports is immoral and immodest. Increasingly, public opinion is forcing a number of those nations to reconsider the issue. Three Muslim countries — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei — have never sent a woman to the Olympic Games. Phys-ed is banned in Saudi Arabia’s state-run schools for girls, and local fitness centres are not advertised to avoid drawing scrutiny. Last year, a Washington-based dissident named Ali al-Ahmed started a campaign called “No women, no play.” He is lobbying the International Olympic Committee to ban Saudi Arabia from the Olympics until it allows women to participate. For years following the revolution in Iran, women were allowed to attend the country’s few golf courses. But they were expected to play while wearing long black robes known as the chador. Those restrictions have since been lifted and women in Iran now line up their putts wearing head scarves, pants and long-sleeved tunics. In Iraq, women’s wrestling teams were formed in 2009, with the support of the country’s wrestling federation. While some women have competed wearing veils, others have reportedly grappled in shorts and soccer jerseys — but only when there are no male wrestlers in attendance. In Kenya, where about 10 per cent of residents are Muslim, some girls have chafed over being ordered to wear the long-flowing hijab while playing volleyball, prompting the United Nations to ask Nike and others to help design something more comfortable for athletics that is still conservative. Even in India, there have been unlikely and high-profile showdowns over women in sports. In 2005, a group of Muslim clerics issued a fatwa, or Islamic judgment demanding that Sania Mirza, the first Indian woman to break into the top 50 in pro tennis, cover herself during matches. Mirza, then 18, temporarily bowed to the pressure and traded her skirt for shorts. A few days after her evening practice in Nagpada, Afreen sat up on a thin yellow mattress in her family’s lone twin-sized bed and stretched. As her mother prepared tea, Afreen yawned and admitted she hasn’t given much thought to what she’ll do if basketball doesn’t work out. She’s currently taking general courses at Burhani College, an English medium school that costs her father 2,400 rupees a year. “Maybe teach,” she said after a pause. “Maybe teach basketball.” But that may depend on whether her eventual husband is as open-minded as her father. Karim says he’s been saving to pay dowries for both of his two teenaged daughters after paying 100,000 rupees for his eldest daughter’s marriage. “I won’t take a single rupee for his wedding,” Karim says, ruffling his 15-year-old son Amirhamza’s tousled hair. “But traditions are strong. Change comes slow.” Maybe so, but thanks to a taxi driver father, it is coming.
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october, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, Oxgirl, Pam, patina, patrees, PaulaC., Pearson, pegasus, PennyCL, Pernell4ever, Pernellsbabe00, Pittsburghbound5798, pivoine156, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, pony, prancingPony, praterfarms1, Pt29646, readytogo, Rod, rogell, rolsson, Rosa Maria, rosecartwright, Roxton, Sabina, Sacriver, sapphyr2018, Scooterzcat, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sierra Girl, Sierras, SouthDakotaDave, Steve59, swgirl, swmpratt, Takixe190, tarachip, Terina, the modeller, thereseiam, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, TLR, Tohon1865, torie, Tracy, Tranquility, TravelKitty, westisbest, Winkolina, Wordsworth, zarapam Like us on fb Like us on facebook AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, BarbT, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Candy_Girl, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, ellen, ellie, Gillie, Guitarlover, January, JFCfan, JoesAussieGal, Julianna, Karol, Lisal, LittleGrayWolf, lovemychico, mcfair_58, nyspats, patina, pegasus, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sierra Girl, Sierras, Terina, Tracy, westisbest 5-star review 5-star review AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Gillie, January, Julianna, Lisal, LittleGrayWolf, nyspats, patina, pegasus, shaggy1581, Sierras, Terina, Tracy, westisbest Post Count 100 Posts 100 Posts 1964Adam, A Ponderosa Pine, abril, Adam my Love, AdamandJoelover, Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamlover, AdamPRFan, Adams Long Lost Love, Adams Welsh Girl, adamsgermangirl, Adamslady, adamsmyman, Adam's Girl, Adam'sScottishgirl, AgnethaF, ali, AMG, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, armadillo, attiecat, Aukele59, aznanob, bahj, barb, barbp, BarbT, BarrelRacer3, Basheva, BBG, Becka, Becky, Bejules, benfan1, BensReader, BineC, blt, bonanza1, Bookworm, bookworm18, Boston, Bremol, bubba, BuckAndCochise, butterflystomper, Bzf, cadillac_girl, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Candy_Girl, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, Chenoa, Cherredarls, chey, chezza, Christine, cindy, cindy57, codystampede, Comstock, conascot, Cowboy Jim, Cowgirl, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, crica, croweandcsi, daisy60, DanishGirl, Data91758, DavidIQ, Dawnmarie, deansgirl, debbie_marie, debbiejo, debka, debpet2, DeltaDawn, desertgal, Desiree223, DevilWind, devon, Dori, dougsgirl, Drew Spicer, Drifter, dusty, Edengirl, ElayneA, Eleanor Dumont, Eli.P.R., elizabeth, ellen, ellie, EllieK, elsmlm, emilysean, English Angel, Englishgirl, eniblick, ExpressRider21, Fanofoldtvshows, faust, flabirder, fran5, Frannie, Freya, FunOceanLover, Gert, gf3, gigi, Gillie, gillysweeney, Gina, gracemolina, grimesgirl, gryphon, Guitarlover, heartbeatgirl, Heather-Chrysalis, herofan, hettyK, heyjude, Hooded Crow, hopsingson, horsefriend, horselightning, hoss+chub, idmarryhoss, ILuvJoeCarwright44, jamesthompson, Janet the Wicked, January, JC*, JDGal1987, JFCfan, jfclover, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, JoeC, JoeCFan, joelover, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, jseinfeld48, Judyta, jul, Julianna, K-9mom, KAG, Karol, kathy, KatieC, katkitten, KayKay, kazzafitt, Kimberly, Kimg, Kleinehexe, kmariecrtwrt, Kristabelle, Krycha, Krys, lady cat, Lauren, lianekb19, Lily Hunter, Lisal, LIssa, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, littlejulie, littlemom, ljac63, ljlover2001, LMN, LMS, longhair, Lorne's Girl, lory, lovemychico, Lucille, LuvAdam9, madabed32, manulanee, Maria Vaz, maria-mery, maria25, MayRoberts, mcfair_58, McHopper, MicheleBE, mightymight, mikeobsessor, Mila, minnie_2009, Missy Cartwright, Monette, mumu74, mysterygirl, Nancibell, Nikky, No1butjoe, nyspats, october, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, Oxgirl, Pam, Partisan, patina, patrees, PaulaC., pbeaking, Pearson, Peel'd Onion, pegasus, Penny, PennyCL, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, phyllis, pivoine156, pjhomerak, PJudith, pkmoonshine, PlatoofthePonderosa, PMIsABonanzaLover, Ponderosa Dreamer, Ponderosa Penny, ponderosagirl, PonderosaPal, pony, pookaire, prancingPony, praterfarms1, Pt29646, Quietgirl, quilmes, Raina_30, readytogo, RedShirt, Rider, Rika, ritcox12, rmfaulcon, roberta roberts, rogell, rolsson, Rosalie, rosecartwright, Roxton, rozenn, Sabina, Sahra, Samantha, Sandy, Sassybrass, Scooterzcat, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sheena, Shetyna, shortshanks, showdown, Sierra Girl, Sierras, smarti, Smorgana, SNlover09, southplains, speranza119, sppcdaisy, starlite, SteamEngine99, Steffel, Steffie1304, sunrider, Susan Benns, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, Takixe190, tarachip, TeddyBuletti, Terina, Tesia, the modeller, thereseiam, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, TLR, TNTrue, torie, Tracy, tsti, TudorGirl9, tym, val57, vanharenk01, veresna, vickic, Victoria, Victoria1953, weavereb, westernlily, westisbest, WildCowgirl, windward, Wing1610, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill, Yelah, Yesm, zarapam 1,000 Posts 1,000 Posts A Ponderosa Pine, abril, Adam my Love, Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamlover, AdamPRFan, adamsgermangirl, adamsmyman, Adam's Girl, Adam'sScottishgirl, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, barb, BarbT, BBG, Bejules, benfan1, BensReader, blt, bonanza1, BuckAndCochise, cadillac_girl, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, Chenoa, chey, cindy, cindy57, codystampede, Comstock, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, debpet2, desertgal, Dori, dougsgirl, Drifter, Edengirl, elizabeth, ellen, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Frannie, Freya, Gillie, gracemolina, grimesgirl, Guitarlover, heartbeatgirl, herofan, hettyK, horsefriend, Janet the Wicked, January, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, jul, Julianna, Karol, kazzafitt, Kimberly, Krycha, Krys, lady cat, Lily Hunter, Lisal, LIssa, littlejoenice, littlemom, longhair, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, manulanee, Maria Vaz, maria-mery, maria25, McHopper, MicheleBE, mightymight, Mila, Missy Cartwright, mumu74, mysterygirl, Nikky, nyspats, october, Oh, Adam!, Oxgirl, Pam, patina, Pearson, pegasus, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, pivoine156, PJudith, pkmoonshine, PMIsABonanzaLover, Ponderosa Dreamer, Ponderosa Penny, ponderosagirl, pony, pookaire, praterfarms1, readytogo, RedShirt, Rika, ritcox12, rmfaulcon, rolsson, Rosalie, Sabina, Sandy, Sassybrass, Scooterzcat, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sheena, Sierra Girl, Sierras, Smorgana, SNlover09, Steffel, Steffie1304, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, TeddyBuletti, Terina, the modeller, thereseiam, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, torie, Tracy, tsti, Victoria, weavereb, westisbest, WildCowgirl, windward, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill, Yelah 5,000 Posts 5,000 Posts A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, barb, BarbT, Bejules, BensReader, blt, bonanza1, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, Calamity Liz, chey, codystampede, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, ellen, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Julianna, Karol, Krycha, LIssa, littlejoenice, longhair, lovemychico, manulanee, mysterygirl, nyspats, october, Pam, patina, Pearson, pegasus, PERNELLSulli, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, pony, readytogo, Sandy, Sierras, Steffie1304, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Threem, Tracy, weavereb, westisbest, Wordsthatwill 10,000 Posts 10,000 Posts A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, ansinico, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, Karol, longhair, lovemychico, nyspats, Pam, patina, Pearson, PERNELLSulli, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, Sierras, Terina, Threem, Tracy, westisbest, Wordsthatwill 15,000 Posts 15,000 Posts Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, Karol, longhair, lovemychico, patina, ponderosagirl, Sierras, Terina, Tracy 20,000 Posts 20,000 Posts Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, Karol, longhair, Tracy 25,000 Posts 25,000 Posts Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Calamity, daisy60, dougsgirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Karol, longhair 30,000 Posts 30,000 Posts Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Calamity, daisy60, dougsgirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Karol, longhair, Tracy 35,000 Posts 35,000 Posts Adamant, AgnethaF, Calamity, dougsgirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, January, Karol, longhair 40,000 Posts 40,000 Posts AgnethaF, Calamity, dougsgirl, Gillie, January 45,000 Posts 45,000 Posts Calamity, dougsgirl, Gillie 50,000 Posts 50,000 Posts dougsgirl, Gillie 55,000 Posts 55,000 Posts dougsgirl, Gillie 60,000 Posts 60,000 Posts dougsgirl 65,000 Posts 65,000 Posts Badge Not Issued 8 ball 8 ball badge hit the 888,888 Sandy Kiss milestone Kiss for hitting the 3rd board milestone. ellie, Gillie, nyspats Kiss milestone Kiss for hitting the 1st board -123456 on July 20, 2009 ali, Bejules, blt, ellie, Frannie, Gillie, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, nyspats, patina Kiss milestone Kiss for hitting the 2nd board milestone. 200,000 Bejules, blt, ellie, Gillie, nyspats half million posts Countdown to half million 1964Adam, adamlover, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, ansinico, barb, Bejules, BensReader, blt, Calamity, catlover0908, Dori, dougsgirl, Eli.P.R., ellen, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, longhair, lovemychico, Nancibell, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, phyllis, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, praterfarms1, ritcox12, Roxton, swgirl, Terina, the modeller, Winkolina Boomers Million Countdown to one million posts A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, AdamCult2b, Adams Welsh Girl, adamsgermangirl, Adam'sScottishgirl, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Christine, daisy60, DanishGirl, debpet2, Dori, dougsgirl, ellen, ellie, EllieK, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, Guitarlover, heartbeatgirl, ILuvJoeCarwright44, January, JOE AND WILL FAN, JoeC, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Krycha, longhair, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, manulanee, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, patina, pbeaking, Pearson, pegasus, Pt29646, Sabina, shaggy1581, Sierra Girl, Terina, Threem, torie, Tracy, Victoria1953, westisbest, zarapam New Member Post Awarded to members introducing themselves effective January 1, 2017. 8wiseowls, A4ever, Adam’s Sport, alcoholica, Allan67, AmberSkye, annie118, BakerJ, BakerJ., Beej*, Betsy, BigBonanzaFan, Bill Valentine, BonanzaAngel1, Bonfan, buxy, Cardesa, Carlson4Cartwrights, cartwheel27, Cassandra, Cherredarls, cherylbaxter63, chezza, Chrispine, Cindy76, Comstock, Countrygirl456, CountyCowgirl, Crazykater, Daylily, dreyesc, Drifter, Eileen, ElayneA, ElsaMarie, EnmaCartwright, Enola_Holmes, Epona63, Estrella, Fife, flabirder, forsty, Garbanzo, Harry Gray, Hazelmom, Heather-Chrysalis, Heloise, heyjude, Horsegirl, IMSLES, ironman1188, irrehs30, Janet the Wicked, jason88cubs, jaystxrk, JC*, jehovah'schild, JoeCFan, Joshua R., Joyful, Julia Rose, Kaity-Cat, Kate'a Fate, KEH, Kiminy, Kladde72, Laurabelle, Leduc1, Lisal, LittleGrayWolf, Littlejoesgal0, livasol, LJD, lovemyjeep, Lynn Morgan, makedonaki, Mandy W, marcian, Marianne63, MarieD13, martins, Maryaw, McHopper, MIKAAALTO2018, mimosa, Missy Cartwright, mmccurley, motimmins, Mustang Meg, Nanadeb247, NelleyCartwright, norwegyan, oddball, Oxgirl, paintedpony, Partisan, PaulaC., Peel'd Onion, petemoss1, Phantasykat, PlatoofthePonderosa, Playinpraise98, Ranger, RedShirt, RedSport, Regis10, robinartwork60, rofisher, rolsson, RonnieJoe, Sahra, sapphyr2018, SavageOne, shadow8675, Shonmoccles, Sierras, silverfox6, Sjc calamity, SJRCartwright, Smorgana, Snowdrop, Soapsuds, somedayman, sorinalovesadam, SouthDakotaDave, SteamEngine99, Sue, SwiftCheetah, Tahoe Lee, Tempest, Thompson I, TKarina, TNTrue, Tranquility, veriLoc6, village idiot, Whiskey&Sage, Wing1610, Wonderman001, Wordsworth, Zebra3Girl, Zella, Zookeepertx Countdown to 1,111,111 Countdown to 1,111,111 posting milestone Adamant, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, BarbT, Bejules, BensReader, bonanza1, Calamity, Cartwright fan., Chenoa, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, debpet2, Dori, dougsgirl, elizabeth, ellie, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, JC*, JFCfan, Karol, littlejoenice, longhair, lovemychico, manulanee, Nancibell, nyspats, october, PJudith, shaggy1581, Sierra Girl, The Old West, Threem, Tracy, westisbest Visual Arts Fun With Art Fun With Art AdamCult2b, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Cartwright fan., cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, JoeCFan, Karol, Missy Cartwright, nyspats, october, pegasus, Rika, SteamEngine99, Tahoe Lee, westisbest The Coloring Book The Coloring Book AdamCult2b, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Candy_Girl, Cartwright fan., cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, JoeCFan, Karol, Lisal, Missy Cartwright, Nanadeb247, pegasus, Rika, shaggy1581, Smorgana, SteamEngine99, Tahoe Lee, westisbest Modern Art Modern Art ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, Karol, Lisal, Missy Cartwright, Nanadeb247, nyspats, pegasus, Rika, Tahoe Lee, westisbest Paint Me A Picture Paint Me A Picture Adamant, adamsgermangirl, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, forsty, Gillie, horsefriend, Karol, mcfair_58, october, Rika, SteamEngine99, windward ARTastic ARTastic adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, forsty, Gillie, horsefriend, indiana, January, JoeC, Karol, Lorne's Girl, mcfair_58, Missy Cartwright, october, Rika, shaggy1581 Fun With Art Tier 2 Fun With Art Tier 2 ali, ansinico, Bejules, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, Karol, Missy Cartwright, nyspats, pegasus, Rika, SteamEngine99, Tahoe Lee The Coloring Book Tier 2 The Coloring Book Tier 2 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, Karol, Lisal, Missy Cartwright, Nanadeb247, Tahoe Lee Modern Art Tier 2 Modern Art Tier 2 ansinico, Bejules, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, JoeC, Karol, Missy Cartwright, Nanadeb247, nyspats, Tahoe Lee, westisbest Paint me a picture tier 2 Paint me a picture tier 2 horsefriend Book cover Team Design Book covers for Fan Fiction ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, January, Karol, Rika, Tahoe Lee Fun With Art Level 3 Fun With Art Level 3 ansinico, Bejules, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, Karol, Missy Cartwright, pegasus, Tahoe Lee Coloring Book Level 3 Coloring Book Level 3 ansinico, Bejules, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, Karol, Lisal, Missy Cartwright, Tahoe Lee Modern Art Level 3 Modern Art Level 3 ansinico, Gillie, herofan, horsefriend, January, Karol, Missy Cartwright, Tahoe Lee Contribution Badges PR Brick Dedication Pernell Roberts Brick Dedication Contributors Adamant, Adamslady, ansinico, BBG, Bejules, DanishGirl, debpet2, Dori, ellen, EllieK, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, Hollyhock, imthemom, January, october, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, shaggy1581, Steffie1304, Terina, Tracy, westisbest Volunteer Volunteer Badge A Ponderosa Pine, Adam my Love, Adamant, angelface1961, angelina, barb, BarrelRacer3, Bejules, BensReader, BillieD, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, cindy57, cowgirl8, Dori, dougsgirl, ellen, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, GreenEyedImp, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Kimberly, Kimg, Kristabelle, Krycha, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, Maria Vaz, maria25, MayRoberts, mikeobsessor, mumu74, mysterygirl, NikkiCee, Nikky, No1butjoe, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, Pam, paprbkrtr, patina, Pearson, pegasus, PennyCL, pivoine156, pony, praterfarms1, Rider, Sandy, Scooterzcat, SNlover09, sppcdaisy, swgirl, Terina, Threem, tig365, torie, Tracy, tsti, val57, weavereb, Winkolina, Yelah Photographer Photographer. Uploaded 75 + images to the gallery A Ponderosa Pine, Adam my Love, Adamant, AdamCult2b, AdamPRFan, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, BineC, Bookworm, buongiorno, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, chey, cindy57, Cowboy Jim, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, devon, Frannie, Gillie, GreenEyedImp, gryphon, gunslinger, heartbeatgirl, hopsingson, Isabel1959, January, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, Karol, Kimberly, Kimg, kimsimon, Kleinehexe, Kristabelle, Krycha, lory, lovemychico, Maria Vaz, maria25, mikeobsessor, minnie_2009, Missy Cartwright, monty, NAEEMA, Nikky, No1butjoe, nyspats, Pam, patina, patrees, pbeaking, pegasus, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, pivoine156, pony, praterfarms1, readytogo, Rider, Rika, rozenn, Sandy, Scooterzcat, shortshanks, SNlover09, speranza119, Steffel, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, TeddyBuletti, Terina, the modeller, Threem, Tracy, tsti, val57, Victoria, weavereb, westisbest, Winkolina, Yelah Professional Photographer Professional Photographer - Uploaded 1,000 + images to the gallery. Adamant, AdamCult2b, AgnethaF, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, chey, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, Karol, Nikky, Pernellsbabe00, pivoine156, readytogo, Sandy, Terina, Tracy Referral Badge Referral Badge - refer a friend to Bonanza Boomers A Ponderosa Pine, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, bahj, BarrelRacer3, Basheva, Becky, Bejules, Cartwright fan., cindy57, codystampede, Cowboy Jim, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, Desiree223, Drew Spicer, dusty, ellen, ellie, elsie, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, hollyquill, January, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, Kimg, Krycha, Lily Hunter, littlejoenice, littlemom, MayRoberts, MicheleBE, Nikky, nyspats, Odessa, Pam, patina, pegasus, Pernellsbabe00, pony, Rider, speranza119, swgirl, the modeller, Threem, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Tutorial Tutorial Bejules, Gillie, January, jmd29, Kimg, patina, pegasus, pony, Rika, weavereb Artist Badge Artist Badge Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, cindy57, croweandcsi, dougsgirl, Gillie, GreenEyedImp, indiana, January, Kimg, Kleinehexe, Krycha, lovemychico, mikeobsessor, Mila, Nikky, nyspats, Pam, pbeaking, pegasus, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, Rider, Rika, SNlover09, Steffie1304, TLR, val57 Video Video Badge - Create a Bonanza related video AgnethaF, bahj, Bejules, bonanzagirl1, cinderella88, cindy57, cowgirl8, crica, croweandcsi, deansgirl, desertgal, elsie, forsty, Frannie, Gillie, gracemolina, hollyquill, iluvadam, January, jmd29, joelover, JoesAussieGal, Judyta, Kimg, Kristabelle, Lindelas, LuvAdam9, maria25, MayRoberts, mikeobsessor, Missy Cartwright, mumu74, nyspats, Pam, patrees, pegasus, Pernell4ever, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, ping, PlatoofthePonderosa, PMIsABonanzaLover, Rider, Rika, rmfaulcon, Rosalie, rosecartwright, rozenn, Sarah, shortshanks, Sierras, SNlover09, southplains, Steffie1304, SueEllen, swgirl, TeddyBuletti, tig365, Tracy, val57, weavereb Cartwright Generosity Cartwright Generosity Badge A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, Adams Long Lost Love, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, ansinico, attiecat, bahj, BarrelRacer3, Bejules, BnzaGal, bonanza1, Bookworm, cadillac_girl, Calamity, cindy57, codystampede, debbie_marie, desertgal, Dori, dougsgirl, dusty, ellen, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, grimesgirl, hopsingson, January, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, Kimg, Kristabelle, Krycha, Lily Hunter, longhair, lovemychico, MicheleBE, Monette, nyspats, october, Pam, patina, Pearson, pegasus, phyllis, PJudith, PMIsABonanzaLover, Ponderosa Penny, ponderosagirl, pony, pookaire, praterfarms1, Scooterzcat, Susan Benns, swgirl, Terina, Threem, Tracy, Victoria, weavereb, westisbest, WildCowgirl BOOMers BOOMbox BOOMers BOOMbox Badge. For promoting Bonanza Boomers website. Adamant, AgnethaF, angelface1961, attiecat, bahj, BarrelRacer3, Bejules, cinderella88, cindy57, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, croweandcsi, deansgirl, Dori, Frannie, Gillie, gracemolina, heartbeatgirl, January, JDGal1987, jmd29, joelover, Judyta, Kimberly, Kimg, LittleGrayWolf, Lorne's Girl, LuvAdam9, maria25, MicheleBE, Missy Cartwright, Monette, nyspats, Pam, patina, patrees, pegasus, Pernell4ever, Pernellsbabe00, PERNELLSulli, ping, PlatoofthePonderosa, PMIsABonanzaLover, pony, praterfarms1, Rosalie, Sarah, Sierras, SNlover09, Steffie1304, swgirl, Terina, the modeller, Tracy, Victoria, weavereb Boomers Contribution Boomers Contribution Badge A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, Adam's Girl, ansinico, bahj, barb, BarbT, Bejules, cadillac_girl, Cartwright fan., cindy57, codystampede, CowgirlAtHeart, DavidIQ, Dori, ellen, ellie, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, hopsingson, January, Joe'sGal, Lily Hunter, lovemychico, MayRoberts, MicheleBE, Nikky, nyspats, patina, Pearson, pegasus, pony, Sandy, swgirl, Terina, the modeller, Threem, Tracy, Victoria, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Photo fixer Photo fixer. Members who moved their images in our gallery from one album to a new one when we created new albums. Adamant, angelface1961, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, chey, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Kimberly, lovemychico, nyspats, the modeller, Tracy Fun Topic Starter Fun Topic Starter Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, desertgal, dougsgirl, ellie, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, Iluvwesterns66, January, Joe'sGal, nyspats, patina, pbeaking, pegasus, pony, torie, Tracy, tym, westisbest, Yesm PODs Pictures of the Day (POD's) abril, Adamant, AdamCult2b, Adamslady, AgnethaF, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, BarbT, Bejules, BensReader, Bernie Cartwheel, BonanzaAngel, Bremol, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Candy_Girl, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, chey, Comstock, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, croweandcsi, DanishGirl, Dori, dougsgirl, Drifter, Edengirl, elizabeth, ellie, EllieK, ExpressRider21, Frannie, Freya, Gillie, gracemolina, heartbeatgirl, horsefriend, ILuvJoeCarwright44, indiana, Janet the Wicked, January, JDGal1987, jmd29, JoeC, JoeCFan, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Karol, KayKay, Kimberly, Krycha, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, manulanee, mcfair_58, Missy Cartwright, mumu74, mysterygirl, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, Oxgirl, Pam, patina, patrees, PennyCL, PMIsABonanzaLover, PonderosaPal, praterfarms1, quilmes, Rika, rolsson, Rosalie, rosecartwright, Scooterzcat, shaggy1581, showdown, Sierra Girl, Sierras, Smorgana, Steffie1304, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tesia, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, torie, Tracy, westisbest, WildCowgirl, Winkolina Connect Bonanza to History Connect Bonanza to History Adamant, Bejules, Calamity, catlover0908, Gillie, jmd29, longhair, nyspats, the modeller, torie History of the Old West POD History of the Old West POD abril, Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, Calamity Liz, catlover0908, CowgirlAtHeart, DanishGirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Freya, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Karol, longhair, nyspats, october, Pam, patina, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, Rosalie, Steffie1304, Terina, the modeller, torie, Tracy, westisbest, WildCowgirl Features Features Adamant, bahj, Bejules, ellie, Gillie, January, nyspats, patina, pbeaking, pegasus, Steffie1304 Guest Star POD Guest Star POD Adamant, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, bookworm18, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Eli.P.R., ellen, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Freya, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Krycha, littlejoenice, Lorne's Girl, nyspats, october, Pam, Pearson, PMIsABonanzaLover, PonderosaPal, praterfarms1, Rika, rolsson, Scooterzcat, Sierras, SNlover09, SteamEngine99, Steffie1304, Tahoe Lee, torie, Tracy, westisbest, WildCowgirl, Winkolina Behind The Scenes Behind The Scenes Adamant, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, BarbT, Bejules, Calamity, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, Karol, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, manulanee, Nancibell, nyspats, october, Pam, patrees, ponderosagirl, Sierras, Steffie1304, the modeller, WildCowgirl Timeline editor Timeline editor Bejules, Gillie, nyspats, patina, Tracy Christmas Organizer Christmas for Pine 2015 Tracy Boomer Celebration Videos Boomer Celebration Videos bahj, Bejules Pine's Christmas 2013 Organizer for Pine's Christmas 2013 Tracy Episode Slideshow Episode Guide Slideshow Adamant, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Freya, Gillie, January, Rika, shaggy1581, Steffie1304, Tracy Comedic Episode Synopsis Comedic Episode Synopsis patina Pine's Christmas 2012 Organizer Pine's Christmas Tracy Pine's Christmas 2014 Pine's Christmas 2014 Tracy Pine's Christmas 2016 Organizer Pine's Christmas 2016 Tracy Video Tutorial Creating video tutorials Bejules Zazzle Buyer Contributed to Bonanza Boomers. CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, ellen, patina, Sierras Amazon Buyer Amazon Buyer Adamant, Bejules, BensReader, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, dougsgirl, ellie, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, JOE AND WILL FAN, longhair, lovemychico, NelleyCartwright, nyspats, Sharry, Sierras, Threem Episode Guide Creator Ep guide creator DavidIQ Special Events Reporting Reporting on the Waycross Libr Reporting on the Waycross Library Event 2015 in honor of Pernell Roberts ol_bat1947, pegasus Special Event Organize for Wa Special Event Organize for Waycross Library Dedication 2015 ol_bat1947, pegasus Pernell Roberts Memorial Park Pernell Roberts Memorial Park Waycross, GA 2016 Bailey, Lily Hunter, ol_bat1947, pegasus Biography Badges Horse Biography Horse Biography Adamant, Bejules, Calamity, chey, Gillie, Joe'sGal, nyspats, Tracy, veresna Supporting Actor and character Supporting Actor and character Bio Calamity, catlover0908, chey, Gillie, January, Joe'sGal, nyspats, Tracy Non Fiction Bio Non Fiction Bio Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, catlover0908, Frannie, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, LMS, longhair, No1butjoe, nyspats, october, patina, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, Steffie1304, the modeller, torie, westisbest Guest Star Bio Guest Star Bio A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, AgnethaF, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Calamity Liz, catlover0908, chey, CowgirlAtHeart, desertgal, Dori, dougsgirl, Freya, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, JC*, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, LMS, Nancibell, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, Pam, PMIsABonanzaLover, PonderosaPal, praterfarms1, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest Index Short Story Index Short Story Index Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, littlejoenice, nyspats, Tracy Episode Guide Index Gillie Video Index Video Index Bejules, January Hop Sing’s Recipes Index Hop Sing’s Recipes Index angelface1961, ellie Episode Guide Index Episode Guide Index Gillie Character Quotes Index Character Quotes Organizer CowgirlAtHeart Fan Fiction FanFic Writer Badge FanFic Writer Badge A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, adamlover, Adams Welsh Girl, Adam's Baby, Adam'sScottishgirl, AmberSkye, AMG, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, attiecat, Aukele59, aznanob, bahj, barb, BarrelRacer3, BBG, Bejules, BensReader, BessieSue, bonanzagirl1, bookworm18, bubba, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Calim11, chezza, cinderella88, cindy57, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, Data91758, deansgirl, Deb, debpet2, desertgal, Desiree223, Doolittle, dougsgirl, elizabeth, ellie, ExpressRider21, Fanofoldtvshows, faust, Frannie, frasrgrl, gf3, Gillie, gracemolina, grimesgirl, Hazelmom, Hooded Crow, idmarryhoss, JC*, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, Jules, K-9mom, Karol, KatieC, Kleinehexe, Krys, Krystyna, Lisal, littlejoenice, ljac63, loe, Lorne's Girl, LuvAdam9, maria25, mcfair_58, Mila, mumu74, mysterygirl, Nikky, No1butjoe, nyspats, Pam, patina, pbeaking, Peel'd Onion, pkmoonshine, PlatoofthePonderosa, Ponderosa Penny, PonderosaPal, pony, praterfarms1, Pt29646, RedShirt, repete, Rider, rosecartwright, Sassybrass, shaggy1581, Sharon1949, Sharry, Sheena, Sierra Girl, Sierras, sklamb, Smith, speranza119, Steffie1304, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, Terina, thereseiam, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, TLR, torie, Tracy, vanharenk01, Vive-Adam, WildCowgirl, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill Boomers Exclusive (Retired) Boomers Exclusive Badge Adamant, angelface1961, ansinico, bahj, Calamity, deansgirl, jmd29, Lorne's Girl, No1butjoe, pony, praterfarms1, Sharry Ponderosa Murder Mystery Ponderosa Murder Mystery 1 (PMM) A Ponderosa Pine, attiecat, barb, Bookworm, dusty, ellen, Fanofoldtvshows, hopsingson, January, Kristabelle, patina, pony, swgirl, Threem, weavereb Ponderosa Murder Mystery 2 Ponderosa Murder Mystery 2 summer 2009 (PMM2) A Ponderosa Pine, Adam my Love, Adam's Girl, attiecat, barb, BarrelRacer3, cindy, codystampede, Dori, Fanofoldtvshows, hopsingson, January, Joe'sGal, JT_, K-9mom, Kristabelle, Lily Hunter, patina, Pearson, pkmoonshine, Ponderosa Dreamer, pony, Terina, Victoria, Wordsthatwill Ponderosa Murder Mystery 3 Ponderosa Murder Mystery 3 Fall 2015 (PMM3) Adamant, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Dori, dougsgirl, EllieK, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, gigi, Gillie, hopsingson, January, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, october, patina, shaggy1581, Sharry, SNlover09, Terina, Tracy, westisbest Episode Summary Episode Summary - for our Episode Guide A Ponderosa Pine, Adam my Love, angelface1961, angelina, January, ljlover2001, Pearson, Ponderosa Penny, Tracy, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 1 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer. Make 20 reviews in our Library Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, attiecat, bahj, barb, Bejules, BensReader, bubba, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, deansgirl, Dori, Drew Spicer, dusty, elizabeth, Englishgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, gf3, Gillie, idmarryhoss, JFCfan, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Karol, Kimberly, lady cat, Lisal, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, littlemom, ljac63, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, Maria Vaz, mysterygirl, No1butjoe, nyspats, Pam, patina, Penny, PERNELLSulli, Ponderosa Penny, pony, praterfarms1, rmfaulcon, rolsson, Sabina, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sheena, Sierras, SNlover09, Steffie1304, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, TeddyBuletti, Terina, Threem, TLR, Tracy, Victoria, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 2 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer. Make 50 reviews in our Library Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, Adam's Girl, AgnethaF, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, attiecat, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, elizabeth, Englishgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, jmd29, Karol, Kimberly, lady cat, Lisal, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, mysterygirl, No1butjoe, nyspats, Pam, patina, Penny, PERNELLSulli, praterfarms1, rolsson, Sheena, Sierras, Steffie1304, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 3 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 3. Make 100 reviews in our Library Adamant, AdamCult2b, AgnethaF, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, Frannie, Gillie, jmd29, lady cat, littlejoenice, lovemychico, mysterygirl, nyspats, Pam, Penny, rolsson, Sierras, Steffie1304, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy, weavereb, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 4 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 4. Make 150 reviews in our Library Adamant, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, jmd29, lady cat, lovemychico, mysterygirl, nyspats, Pam, Penny, Sierras, Steffie1304, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 5 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 5. Make 200 reviews in our Library Adamant, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, jmd29, lady cat, lovemychico, mysterygirl, nyspats, Pam, Sierras, Steffie1304, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 6 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 6. Make 250 reviews in our Library. Adamant, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, lady cat, lovemychico, mysterygirl, Pam, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy, Wordsthatwill Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 7 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 7. Make 300 reviews in our Library. Adamant, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, CowgirlAtHeart, Gillie, mysterygirl, Pam, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Terina, Tracy Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 8 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 8. Make 400 reviews in our Library. angelface1961, Gillie, Pam, Sierras, Terina, Tracy Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 9 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 9. Make 500 reviews in our Library. angelface1961, Gillie, Pam, Sierras, Tracy Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 10 Fan Fiction Library Reviewer Level 10. Make 600 reviews in our Library. angelface1961, Gillie, Pam Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 11 Fan Fiction Librayr Reviewer Level 11. Make 700 reviews in our Library. angelface1961, Gillie Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 12 Fan Fiction Reviewer Level 12 - make 800 reviews in our Library Badge Not Issued Beta Reading Team Beta Reading Team member. Bejules, cadillac_girl, CowgirlAtHeart, ellie, Frannie, Gillie, JFCfan, Joe'sGal, KayKay, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, Pearson, pegasus, pony, Terina, Tracy, Victoria, weavereb The Reading Club The Reading Club (retired August 2016) A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, AgnethaF, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, BBG, Bejules, bubba, Calamity, catlover0908, Chaps59, Chenoa, daisy60, elizabeth, EllieK, Englishgirl, eniblick, ExpressRider21, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, idmarryhoss, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Krycha, LittleJoe4Ever, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, Maria Vaz, mysterygirl, No1butjoe, nyspats, october, Oh, Adam!, patina, patrees, pegasus, ping, Ponderosa Penny, PonderosaPal, pony, praterfarms1, Pt29646, shaggy1581, Sharry, Sheena, showdown, Takixe190, Terina, torie, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill The Reading Club The Reading Club (effective Auguest 2016) Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Candy_Girl, Cartwright fan., Chenoa, CowgirlAtHeart, debpet2, elizabeth, EllieK, eniblick, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, JFCfan, Joe'sGal, Julianna, Karol, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, MegD, patina, PlatoofthePonderosa, Pt29646, RedShirt, shaggy1581, Sharry, showdown, Sierras, Siggy, Smorgana, Threem, Tracy, windward Ponderosa Nightmares 2012 Ponderosa Nightmares 2012 Adamant, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Bremol, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Frannie, Gillie, jmd29, Joe'sGal, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, nyspats, patina, pbeaking, ping, praterfarms1, Relsi221, rosecartwright, Sheena, SNlover09, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy Ponderosa Nightmares 2013 Ponderosa Nightmares 2013 Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, jmd29, Joe'sGal, KayKay, ljac63, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, nyspats, Pam, patina, Steffie1304, Thisbirdhasflown Ponderosa Nightmares 2014 Ponderosa Nightmares 2014 ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Freya, Gillie, Joe'sGal, Lorne's Girl, Pam, patina, SNlover09, Steffie1304 Cowboy Poetry 2012 Cowboy Poetry 2012 A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, adamsmyman, AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, barb, BBG, Bejules, BensReader, blt, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, Dori, dougsgirl, Edengirl, Eli.P.R., ellie, Frannie, Gillie, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, katkitten, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, nyspats, october, Pam, pbeaking, Pearson, PERNELLSulli, ping, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, prancingPony, rosecartwright, Sheena, SNlover09, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, TLR, Tracy, westisbest A Day On The Set A Day On The Set A Ponderosa Pine, patina, pony, swgirl, Terina, Threem Cock & Bull The Most Unbelievable Cock & Bull Yarn I've Ever Heard. February 2010 A Ponderosa Pine, Adam's Girl, barb, cindy, codystampede, Dori, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, gryphon, January, ljlover2001, mysterygirl, Pam, Pearson, Ponderosa Dreamer, Ponderosa Penny, pony, Sandy, swgirl, Terina, Threem, Tracy, Wordsthatwill, Yelah St. Patrick's Day Limerick St. Patrick's Day Limerick 2010 A Ponderosa Pine, barb, BBG, chey, cindy, codystampede, Dori, ellen, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, gryphon, January, littleSvenja, lory, mysterygirl, Pam, Pearson, pkmoonshine, Ponderosa Dreamer, Ponderosa Penny, pony, Sandy, Terina, Threem, Tracy, Wordsthatwill Fan Fic Fun Fan Fic Fun 2012 - 2014 Adamant, angelface1961, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Gillie, gracemolina, heartbeatgirl, Joe'sGal, ljac63, Lorne's Girl, Pam, patina, praterfarms1, Steffie1304, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina Fan Fic Fun Fan Fic Fun Effective 2014 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Calamity, Candy_Girl, cartwheel27, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, PlatoofthePonderosa, Pt29646, Sharry, Sierra Girl, Sierras Pennings From Prompts Pennings From Prompts 2012 - 2014 Adamant, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Bremol, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Joe'sGal, KayKay, Krys, littlemom, Lorne's Girl, october, Pam, pbeaking, praterfarms1, Sheena, Steffie1304, Tracy Pennings From Prompts Pennings From Prompts effective 2014 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Calamity, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, ILuvJoeCarwright44, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, Lorne's Girl, mcfair_58, PlatoofthePonderosa, Sharry, Steffie1304 R Rated Fan Fiction Writer R Rated Fan Fiction Writer Adamant, ansinico, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Gillie, jmd29 R Rated Fan Fic Fun R Rated Fan Fic Fun ansinico, Calamity, Pam R-Rated Caption Contest R-Rated Caption Contest ansinico, Gillie, nyspats NaNoWriMo 2011 NaNoWriMo 2011 angelface1961, bahj, Tracy, vanharenk01 NaNoWriMo 2012 National Novel Writing Month. Adamant, angelface1961, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Frannie, Gillie NaNoWriMo 2013 National Novel Writing Month ansinico, Calamity NaNoWriMo 2014 National Novel Writing Month Adamant, ansinico, Calamity, Pt29646 NaNoWriMo 2015 National Novel Writing Month Adamant, ansinico, ExpressRider21, shaggy1581 NaNoWriMo 2016 National Novel Writing Month. ansinico, mcfair_58, shaggy1581 Halloween Tales 2016 Halloween Tales that leave you longing 2016 ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, elizabeth, ExpressRider21, Gillie, J7339, littlejoenice, ljac63, patina, Pt29646, shaggy1581, Sharry, showdown Summer Reading Challenge 2013 Summer Reading Challenge 2013 Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Joe'sGal, ljac63, lovemychico, patina, Steffie1304, Tracy Summer Reading Challenge 2013 Leader Summer Reading Challenge 2013 bahj In The Headlines In The Headlines AMG, ansinico, Bejules, BuckAndCochise, Calamity, Calamity Liz, fran5, Frannie, Gillie, Joe'sGal, patrees, Pt29646, rosecartwright, Steffie1304, TLR, torie, westisbest Leader Ponderosa Nightmares Leader Ponderosa Nightmares II 2013 bahj In The Headlines Special In The Headlines Special Calamity In The Headlines Special Headlines Special Joe'sGal In The Headlines Special In The Headlines Special bahj, Frannie Tales from Tahoe Tales from Tahoe Adamant, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Freya, Gillie, ILuvJoeCarwright44, Pt29646, Tracy, westisbest March Mystery Month 2016 March Mystery Month 2016 Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, mcfair_58, shaggy1581, Tracy March Mystery Month March Mystery Month Writing challenge 2017 littlejoenice, mcfair_58 Guest Who's Coming To Dinner Guest Star returning to the Ponderosa during the holiday season. ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, littlejoenice, shaggy1581, westisbest Fan Fiction Weekend April 2017 Games Fan Fiction Style! Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Kate'a Fate, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, Pt29646, Sharry Fan Fiction Weekend April 2017 Invitation to Write. Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, littlejoenice, Sharry, Tracy Fan Fiction Weekend April 2017 Just the facts ma'am Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Gillie, January, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, Pt29646, Sharry, Tracy Fan Fiction Weekend April 2017 Word Search AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, lovemychico, mightymight, patina, shaggy1581, Sharry Fan Fiction Weekend April 2017 Words Words Words Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, littlejoenice, patina, shaggy1581, Tracy Words Words Words 60 word story ali, AmberSkye, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, Krys, littlejoenice, RedShirt, westisbest Fun With Quotes 2017 The Most Unbelievable Cock and Bull Story I Ever Heard! Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Cartwright fan., Chenoa, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, ellie, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, Karol, littlejoenice, nyspats, shaggy1581, Tracy Best of Lines, Worst of Lines It was the best of lines, it was the worst of lines Cartwright fan. Ponderosa Nightmares IV Ponderosa Nightmares 2017 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, emilysean, Gillie, LittleGrayWolf, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, patina, PlatoofthePonderosa, Pt29646, shaggy1581, Tracy A Winter's Tale A Winter's Tale 2017 Adamant, ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Krys, littlejoenice, mcfair_58 NaNoWriMo 2017 Wrote 50,000 Words November 2017. ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, shaggy1581 NaNoWriMo 2018 Wrote 50,000 words November 2018 littlejoenice, mcfair_58 Bonanza Ballads Level 1 Bonanza Ballads Level 1 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Cartwright fan., CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, KatieC, Lisal, littlejoenice, PlatoofthePonderosa, rolsson, shaggy1581, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 2 Bonanza Ballads Level 2 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, KatieC, Lisal, littlejoenice, PlatoofthePonderosa, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 3 Bonanza Ballads Level 3 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, PlatoofthePonderosa, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 4 Bonanza Ballads Level 4 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 5 Bonanza Ballads Level 5 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 6 Bonanza Ballads Level 6 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 7 Bonanza Ballads Level 7 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 8 Bonanza Ballads Level 8 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 9 Bonanza Ballads Level 9 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 10 Bonanza Ballads Level 10 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Spring Awakens Spring Awakens writing challenge 2018 Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tracy FFW 2018 Games Fan Fic Weekend 2018 Games AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, Sierras, Smorgana FFW 2018 JigSaw Fan Fic Weekend 2018 JigSaw Puzzle AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, lovemychico, patina FFW 2018 Matchups Fan Fiction Weekend 2018 Match Ups Adamant, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, barbp, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, RedShirt, Sharry, Sierras FFW 2018 More Words Fan Fiction Weekend 2018 More Words Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Joe'sGal, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, lovemychico, Sierras FFW 2018 Once Upon A Story Once Upon A Favorite Story! Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Joe'sGal, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, Sharry, Sierras FFW 2018 Title Search Fan Fiction Weekend 2018 Title Search Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, littlejoenice, patina, RedShirt, Sierras FFW 2018 Fabulous Fan Fiction Fan Fiction Weekend 2018 - Fabulous Fanfiction! Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, RedShirt, Sharry, Sierras FFW 2018 Word Search FFW 2018 Word Search AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina Boomers Exclusive eff 2018 Boomers Exclusive littlejoenice, Sierras Summer Writing Challenge 2018 Summer Writing Challenge 2018 Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Pt29646, Tracy Prop Fiction Prop Fiction ansinico, bahj, Drifter, elizabeth, flabirder, Karol, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Feedback Corral Feedback Corral 8wiseowls, Adamant, ansinico, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, littlejoenice, patina, RedShirt, Sharry, Sierras Autumn Writing Challenge 2018 Adamant, ansinico, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Sierras Fan Fic Fun Level 2 Fan Fic Fun Level 2 ansinico, littlejoenice Reader's Choice Level 1 Reader's Choice Level 1 Adamant, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, ElayneA, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Frannie, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, Karol, KatieC, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, lovemychico, patina, Pt29646, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, SteamEngine99, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 2 Reader's Choice Level 2 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, ElayneA, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Frannie, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, Pt29646, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, SteamEngine99, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 3 Reader's Choice Level 3 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, Pt29646, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 4 Reader's Choice Level 4 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 5 Reader's Choice Level 5 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, Janet the Wicked, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 6 Reader's Choice Level 6 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sharry, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 7 Reader's Choice Level 7 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 8 Reader's Choice Level 8 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 9 Reader's Choice Level 9 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Reader's Choice Level 10 Reader's Choice Level 10 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Ponderosa Prospects Ponderosa Prospects Adamant, ansinico, Drifter, elizabeth, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, rolsson, Tahoe Lee Bonanza Ballads Level 11 Bonanza Ballads Level 11 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, dougsgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 12 Bonanza Ballads Level 12 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 13 Bonanza Ballads Level 13 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 14 Bonanza Ballads Level 14 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 15 Bonanza Ballads Level 15 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tracy FFW 2019 GAMES Fan Fic Weekend 2019 GAMES AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Julianna, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, patina, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy FFW 2019 Puzzlers Fan Fic Weekend 2019 JigSaw Puzzlers AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Julianna, Karol, littlejoenice, lovemychico, mightymight, mimosa, patina, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy FFW 2019 Fun In The Old West Writing Challenge Visual Prompt Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, littlejoenice, rolsson FFW 2019 Epilogue Write an Epilogue for a BZ episode. Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Julianna, Karol, littlejoenice, Sierras FFW 2019 Discussion When Righter's Get It Write! Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Julianna, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, mimosa, patina, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Summer Reading 2019 Summer Reading 2019 bahj, Bejules, Drifter, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Summer Reading Special 2019 Summer Reading Special 2019 Fanofoldtvshows Poetry Portfolio Poetry Portfolio Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, chezza, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras Fall Writing Challenge 2019 Fall Writing Challenge 2019 ansinico, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Sharry, Sierras Bonanza Ballads Level 16 Bonanza Ballads Level 16 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 17 Bonanza Ballads Level 17 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 18 Bonanza Ballads Level 18 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 19 Bonanza Ballads Level 19 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 20 Bonanza Ballads Level 20 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy NaNoWriMo 2019 Completed 50,000 Words! littlejoenice, mcfair_58, shaggy1581 Winter Writing Challenge 2019 Winter Writing Challenge ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Sierras Library Story 2020 Add a story to our Library of at least 10,000 words. Adamant, Lisal, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Monette, Sharry Persistant Prospector Contributed 5 -7 stories in Ponderosa Prospects Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice Spring Awakens 2020 Spring Awakens 2020 Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 11 Reader's Choice Level 11 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 12 Reader's Choice Level 12 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 13 Reader's Choice Level 13 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Linaka, Lisal, littlejoenice, rolsson, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 14 Reader's Choice Level 14 Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 15 Reader's Choice Level 15 Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Lisal, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 16 Reader's Choice Level 16 Annie K Cowgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 17 Reader's Choice Level 17 Annie K Cowgirl, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 18 Reader's Choice Level 18 Annie K Cowgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 19 Reader's Choice Level 19 Annie K Cowgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 20 Reader's Choice Level 20 Annie K Cowgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Bonanza Ballads Level 21 Bonanza Ballads Level 21 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 22 Bonanza Ballads Level 22 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 23 Bonanza Ballads Level 23 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 24 Bonanza Ballads Level 24 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 25 Bonanza Ballads Level 25 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 26 Bonanza Ballads Level 26 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 27 Bonanza Ballads Level 27 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 28 Bonanza Ballads Level 28 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 29 Bonanza Ballads Level 29 Adamant, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 30 Bonanza Ballads Level 30 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Tracy Summer Writing Challenge 2020 In The Heat of the Moment Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, littlejoenice, mcfair_58 Autumn Writing 2020 Autumn At The Ranch Adamant, elizabeth, Lisal, littlejoenice Ponderosa Nightmares 2020 Ponderosa Nightmares 2020 ansinico, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Frannie, Lisal, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Sharry Big Library Story 2021 Added a story of over 10,000 words Adamant, littlejoenice, mcfair_58 Winter Writing Challenge 2021 A Winter's Tale Adamant, elizabeth, Frannie, littlejoenice, mcfair_58, Sharry Holiday Library Story 2022 Post a holiday story in our Library 2022 Badge Not Issued The Missing Scene The Missing Scene Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Frannie, Karol, littlejoenice, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's choice Level 21 Reader's choice Level 21 Annie K Cowgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 22 Reader's Choice Level 22 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 23 Reader's Choice Level 23 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 24 Reader's Choice Level 24 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 25 Reader's Choice Level 25 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 26 Reader's Choice Level 26 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 27 Reader's Choice Level 27 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 28 Reader's Choice Level 28 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Karol, Sierras Reader's Choice Level 29 Reader's Choice Level 29 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Sierras Reader's Choice Level 30 Reader's Choice Level 30 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Sierras Spring Awakens 2021 Spring Awakens 2021 elizabeth, Karol, littlejoenice Haiku Poem 2021 Haiku Poem 2021 AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, chezza, CowgirlAtHeart, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, Gillie, January, Julianna, Karol, littlejoenice, Missy Cartwright, pegasus, Sierras, Tahoe Lee, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 31 Bonanza Ballads Level 31 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 32 Bonanza Ballads Level 32 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, elizabeth, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 33 Bonanza Ballads Level 33 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 34 Bonanza Ballads Level 34 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 35 Bonanza Ballads Level 35 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 36 Bonanza Ballads Level 36 Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 37 Bonanza Ballads Level 37 Tracy Bonanza Ballads Level 38 Bonanza Ballads Level 38 Badge Not Issued Bonanza Ballads Level 39 Bonanza Ballads Level 39 Badge Not Issued Bonanza Ballads Level 40 Bonanza Ballads Level 40 Badge Not Issued Journeys Untold Journeys Untold Adamant, ansinico, flabirder, Karol Halloween Haiku 2021 Halloween Haiku 2021 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, chezza, daisy60, Drifter, elizabeth, Gillie, herofan, January, Julianna, Karol, Lisal, Missy Cartwright, pegasus, Tahoe Lee Ponderosa Nightmares 2021 Ponderosa Nightmares 2021 Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, CowgirlAtHeart, elizabeth, Frannie, Gillie, littlejoenice, mcfair_58 Big Library Story 2022 Adding a story to our Library with at least 10K words. ansinico, bahj March Mystery Month 2022 Special Fan Fic Fun story Adamant, ansinico, elizabeth, Fanofoldtvshows, Karol, Tahoe Lee Reader's Choice Level 31 Reader's Choice Level 31 Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Sierras Reader's Choice Level 32 Reader's Choice Level 32 Gillie, Sierras Reader's Choice Level 33 Reader's Choice Level 33 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 34 Reader's Choice Level 34 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 35 Reader's Choice Level 35 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 36 Reader's Choice Level 36 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 37 Reader's Choice Level 37 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 38 Reader's Choice Level 38 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 39 Reader's Choice Level 39 Badge Not Issued Reader's Choice Level 40 Reader's Choice Level 40 Badge Not Issued Ponderosa Nightmares 2022 Ponderosa Nightmares 2022 Badge Not Issued Boomers Games Puzzle Muddle Puzzle Muddle AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, daisy60, EllieK, emilysean, Gillie, January, Karol, LittleJoe4Ever, lovemychico, patina, shaggy1581, westisbest Fun With Captions 5X winner Fun With Captions 5 time + winner Bejules, ellie, Gillie, Lauren, nyspats, Tracy, westisbest Don't Blink Don't Blink A Ponderosa Pine, abril, Adamant, AdamCult2b, Adams Long Lost Love, adamsgermangirl, adamsmyman, Adam's Girl, Adam'sScottishgirl, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, angelina, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, avid fan, aznanob, bahj, barb, BBG, Bejules, BensReader, bonanza1, cadillac_girl, Calamity, cam, Cartwright fan., catlover0908, chey, cindy, cindy57, Comstock, CountyCowgirl, cowgirl8, CowgirlAtHeart, croweandcsi, daisy60, Dawnmarie, Deb, debka, debpet2, Desiree223, dicartwright, Dori, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, EllieK, emilysean, ExpressRider21, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Freya, Gillie, GreenEyedImp, grimesgirl, gryphon, heartbeatgirl, herofan, heyjude, hopsingson, Horsefeather, horsefriend, Hoss_2009, imthemom, jamesthompson, Janet the Wicked, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, joelover, JoesAussieGal, Joe'sGal, JT_, jul, Julianna, Karol, katkitten, kazzafitt, Kimberly, Kimg, kloveslj, kmariecrtwrt, Kristabelle, Krycha, Linaka, ljac63, LMS, loe, longhair, LoriManten, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, madabed32, Maria Vaz, maria-mery, mcfair_58, MicheleBE, mightymight, mimosa, minnie_2009, Missy Cartwright, mysterygirl, Nancibell, NelleyCartwright, No1butjoe, nyspats, october, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, Oxgirl, Pam, patina, patrees, pbeaking, Pearson, pegasus, PennyCL, phyllis, ping, pivoine156, PMIsABonanzaLover, Ponderosa Penny, ponderosagirl, Pt29646, quilmes, readytogo, Rika, ritcox12, rmfaulcon, rolsson, Rosalie, rosecartwright, Roxton, Sabina, Sandy, shaggy1581, Sharon1949, Sierra Girl, Sierras, Siggy, Smorgana, SNlover09, speranza119, SteamEngine99, Steffie1304, sunrider, swgirl, Tahoe Lee, Takixe190, Terina, Tesia, the modeller, Threem, Tracy, val57, Victoria, Victoria1953, weavereb, westernlily, westisbest, WildPaint, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill Don't Blink Christmas 2011 Don't Blink Christmas 2011 Adamant, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, Calamity, Gillie, grimesgirl, Kimberly, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, ol_bat1947, pegasus, ping, ponderosagirl, PonderosaPal, readytogo, SNlover09, Threem, Tracy, Winkolina Boomers BINGO Gutterball abril, AgnethaF, ali, angelface1961, bahj, barb, Bejules, BensReader, bookworm18, Calamity, chey, Dawnmarie, Dori, dougsgirl, Edengirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, jul, KayKay, Kimberly, Krycha, lady cat, LMS, Lorne's Girl, lovemychico, Lyn Robinson, Maria Vaz, maria-mery, mightymight, Nancibell, nyspats, october, Pam, patina, pbeaking, Pearson, pegasus, PERNELLSulli, phyllis, Ponderosa Penny, praterfarms1, readytogo, rmfaulcon, Scooterzcat, Sheena, SNlover09, sunrider, Terina, Tesia, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina BINGO Gutter Ball BINGO Gutter Ball armadillo, croweandcsi, Dori, dougsgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, January, Joe'sGal, KayKay, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, Nancibell, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, Rosalie, Terina, westisbest BINGO Snail BINGO Snail ansinico, Bejules, daisy60, emilysean, Freya, heartbeatgirl, January, october, ol_bat1947, Rika, shaggy1581, Sierra Girl, torie, westisbest BINGO Spare BINGO Spare ansinico, armadillo, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, croweandcsi, debpet2, emilysean, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, lovemychico, nyspats, ol_bat1947, pegasus, shaggy1581, Steffie1304, WildCowgirl BINGO Booby BINGO Booby BensReader, Calamity, Joe'sGal, ol_bat1947, patina, Rosalie, torie BINGO Strike BINGO Strike patina, westisbest Winner BINGO Fan Fic Winner BINGO Fan Fic edition SNlover09 BINGO Read & Review BINGO Read & Review Fan Fic Edition AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, debpet2, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, Nancibell, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, shaggy1581, SNlover09, Steffie1304, westisbest BINGO Story Search BINGO Story Search Fan Fic Edition AgnethaF, ansinico, armadillo, Bejules, Calamity, croweandcsi, debpet2, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, shaggy1581, SNlover09, Steffie1304, westisbest, WildCowgirl BINGO Story BINGO Story Fan Fic Edition Adamant, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, croweandcsi, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, feather, Freya, Gillie, Joe'sGal, nyspats, Pam, patina, shaggy1581, SNlover09, Steffie1304, WildCowgirl BINGO Search BINGO Search Fan Fic edition AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Calamity Liz, chey, croweandcsi, debpet2, Dori, dougsgirl, EllieK, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, Joe'sGal, Lily Hunter, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, Nancibell, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, patina, Pearson, pegasus, Rika, Rosalie, Sabina, shaggy1581, Sierra Girl, SNlover09, Steffie1304, Terina, westisbest, WildCowgirl BINGO Winner Guest Star BINGO Winner Guest Star Edition 2016 Sabina BINGO Special BINGO Guest Star Edition 2016 - Something special AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, EllieK, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, lovemychico, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, Rika, Sabina, shaggy1581, Sierra Girl, torie, westisbest So You Think You Know Bonanza So You Think You Know Bonanza - Trivia Quiz Adamant, Adam's Girl, avid fan, Becky, Boston, chey, Deb, Dori, Fanofoldtvshows, grimesgirl, January, jfclover, Lily Hunter, ljlover2001, mightymight, Nikky, Pam, patina, Pearson, Ponderosa Dreamer, Sandy, speranza119, swgirl, Terina, Threem, Wordsthatwill Fun With Captions Fun With Captions Contest A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, adamlover, ali, angelface1961, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, aznanob, barb, BBG, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, cindy, deansgirl, debpet2, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, hopsingson, January, jmd29, JoesAussieGal, Kristabelle, Krys, Lauren, longhair, Lorne's Girl, nyspats, patina, Pearson, pegasus, ping, pkmoonshine, ponderosagirl, pony, prancingPony, praterfarms1, Pt29646, Sandy, Sassybrass, Scooterzcat, swgirl, Terina, Threem, Tracy, weavereb, westisbest Game Night 1 Game Night 1 ~ 2/6/09 A Ponderosa Pine, Adam my Love, attiecat, barb, codystampede, conascot, Desiree223, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, grimesgirl, January, littleSvenja, MicheleBE, patina, Pearson, pony, Sandy, speranza119, SueEllen, swgirl, Terina, tsti, Victoria, Yelah Game Night 2 Game Night 2 ~ 5/1/09 A Ponderosa Pine, angelina, barb, codystampede, conascot, Desiree223, Dori, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, kmariecrtwrt, Kristabelle, littleSvenja, MicheleBE, Pearson, Ponderosa Dreamer, pony, Sandy, swgirl, Threem, Victoria, Wordsthatwill Game Night 3 Game Night 3 ~ 10/2/09 A Ponderosa Pine, barb, codystampede, Dori, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, Kristabelle, MicheleBE, Pearson, pony, ritcox12, Sandy, swgirl, Wordsthatwill Game Night 4 Game Night 4 ~ 3/27/10 A Ponderosa Pine, angelface1961, barb, Dori, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, grimesgirl, January, Joe'sGal, MicheleBE, Pearson, pony, swgirl, Tracy, tsti, Wordsthatwill Game Night 5 Game Night 5 ~ 7/23/10 A Ponderosa Pine, barb, Dori, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, gryphon, January, Joe'sGal, mightymight, mysterygirl, Pam, Pearson, Ponderosa Dreamer, Ponderosa Penny, Sandy, swgirl, Terina, Threem, Tracy, Wordsthatwill Game Night 6 Game Night 6 ~ 7/15/11 Adamant, adamsmyman, barb, Bejules, Dori, ellie, elsmlm, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Krycha, lovemychico, mightymight, mysterygirl, No1butjoe, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, patina, ponderosagirl, pony, praterfarms1, readytogo, Sheena, sunrider, Takixe190, Terina, the modeller, Tracy, Winkolina Game Night 7 Game Night 7 ~ 2/3/12 Adamant, AdamPRFan, adamsmyman, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, catlover0908, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, katkitten, Krycha, lovemychico, Nancibell, No1butjoe, nyspats, Pearson, Pernellsbabe00, PMIsABonanzaLover, PonderosaPal, praterfarms1, readytogo, ritcox12, Scooterzcat, Sheena, SNlover09, the modeller, Tracy, Winkolina Game Night 8 Game Night 8 ~ 11/22/13 Adamant, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, longhair, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, Pam, patina, Tracy Game Night 9 Game Night 9 ~ 5/29/15 AgnethaF, Bejules, Calamity, Calamity Liz, Fanofoldtvshows, Freya, Gillie, January, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, nyspats, patina, Pearson, pegasus, Sabina, shaggy1581, Tracy Game Night 10 adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, Calamity, dougsgirl, ellie, eniblick, Fanofoldtvshows, heartbeatgirl, January, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, patina, shaggy1581, Tracy Hidden Treasures Hidden Treasures (retired badge) A Ponderosa Pine, Adamant, AdamPRFan, adamsmyman, Adam's Girl, Annie K Cowgirl, avid fan, aznanob, BadBA:0), barb, BBG, Bejules, BensReader, catlover0908, chey, cindy, codystampede, Dawnmarie, Dori, ellie, elsmlm, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, gryphon, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, KatieC, katkitten, kloveslj, Krycha, LC the Grammar Queen, littlemom, Lorne's Girl, lory, lovemychico, MaryAnn, mightymight, No1butjoe, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, Pam, patina, pbeaking, Pearson, pivoine156, Ponderosa Penny, ponderosagirl, prancingPony, praterfarms1, readytogo, Scooterzcat, Sheena, sklamb, SNlover09, sunrider, swgirl, Terina, the modeller, Threem, torie, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina, Wordsthatwill Christmas Hidden Treasures Christmas Hidden Treasures 2011 ansinico, aznanob, bahj, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, chey, dougsgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, Kimberly, longhair, lory, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, ol_bat1947, Pearson, ping, ponderosagirl, PonderosaPal, readytogo, Relsi221, SNlover09, Takixe190, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest Hidden Treasures Valentine Hidden Treasures Valentine 2012 Adamant, adamsmyman, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, armadillo, Aukele59, bahj, barb, Becky, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, dougsgirl, Edengirl, Gillie, gracemolina, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, katkitten, Kimberly, Krycha, longhair, lory, lovemychico, mightymight, Nancibell, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, Pearson, Pernellsbabe00, ping, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, PonderosaPal, prancingPony, praterfarms1, readytogo, Sheena, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina Hidden Treasures Easter 2012 Hidden Treasures Easter 2012 AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, Dori, Edengirl, Eli.P.R., Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, katkitten, Kimberly, Krycha, lory, lovemychico, mightymight, Nancibell, nyspats, Oh, Adam!, ol_bat1947, patrees, Pearson, PennyCL, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, praterfarms1, readytogo, SNlover09, Tesia, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina Hidden Treasures Summer 2012 Hidden Treasures Summer 2012 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, Aukele59, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, dougsgirl, Edengirl, ellen, ellie, Frannie, Gillie, gracemolina, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, katkitten, Krycha, longhair, lovemychico, madabed32, mightymight, Nancibell, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, patina, patrees, ponderosagirl, praterfarms1, readytogo, Roxton, sunrider, swgirl, Tesia, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, Winkolina, Yelah Hidden Treasures Halloween Hidden Treasures Halloween 2012 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, Bejules, Bremol, Calamity, Dori, Edengirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, katkitten, Kimberly, LMS, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, ol_bat1947, Pam, patrees, Pearson, ponderosagirl, readytogo, rosecartwright, SNlover09, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, westisbest Hidden Treasures Halloween Hidden Treasures Halloween 2013 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Dori, dougsgirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, Joe'sGal, jul, kazzafitt, Kimberly, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, ol_bat1947, Pam, pegasus, readytogo, Rika, SNlover09, Steffie1304, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, westisbest Hidden Treasures Thanksgiving Hidden Treasures Thanksgiving 2012 AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Bremol, catlover0908, chey, Dori, dougsgirl, Edengirl, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, ol_bat1947, Pam, patrees, Pearson, PMIsABonanzaLover, readytogo, SNlover09, swgirl, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, westisbest Hidden Treasures Christmas Hidden Treasures Christmas 2012 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, armadillo, Aukele59, barb, BarrelRacer3, Bejules, BensReader, blt, Calamity, catlover0908, chey, Dori, dougsgirl, Edengirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, JOE AND WILL FAN, Joe'sGal, Kimberly, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, patina, patrees, pbeaking, Pearson, pegasus, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, readytogo, Rika, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Threem, Tracy, westisbest Hidden Treasures Valentine's D Hidden Treasures Valentine's Day 2013 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, Joe'sGal, lovemychico, Nancibell, nyspats, october, Pearson, pegasus, PMIsABonanzaLover, ponderosagirl, Rika, swgirl, the modeller Hidden Treasures St. Patrick's Hidden Treasures St. Patrick's Day 2013 Adamant, AgnethaF, armadillo, barb, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, chey, Dori, dougsgirl, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, jmd29, Joe'sGal, ljac63, longhair, lovemychico, mightymight, Nancibell, nyspats, Pam, patina, Pearson, pegasus, SNlover09, swgirl, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest Hidden Treasures March 2016 Hidden Treasures March 2016 - Beach House - Little fishy edition AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, Calamity, daisy60, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, Guitarlover, lovemychico, nyspats, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, Pt29646, Rika, shaggy1581, Tracy Hidden Treasures Hidden Treasures Effective June 2016 Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, ali, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, BensReader, bonanza1, Calamity, Cartwright fan., Chenoa, CowgirlAtHeart, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, Drifter, elizabeth, EllieK, emilysean, ExpressRider21, Fanofoldtvshows, flabirder, Gillie, herofan, Janet the Wicked, January, Julianna, Karol, KatieC, Linaka, Lisal, LittleJoe4Ever, littlejoenice, ljac63, longhair, lovemychico, mightymight, mimosa, Missy Cartwright, Nanadeb247, Nancibell, nyspats, october, ol_bat1947, patina, pegasus, Pt29646, RedShirt, Rika, rmfaulcon, rolsson, Rosalie, shaggy1581, showdown, Sierras, Smorgana, Tahoe Lee, Tracy, westisbest 100 in 24 100 in 24 - Play 100 Bonanza Games in 24 hours Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, barb, Bejules, Calamity, Dori, dougsgirl, ellie, Fanofoldtvshows, Frannie, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, Joe'sGal, katkitten, Krycha, lovemychico, nyspats, patina, patrees, Pearson, readytogo, Tesia, the modeller, Thisbirdhasflown, Tracy, westisbest, Winkolina Oktoberfest 2013 Oktoberfest 2013 Adamant, AgnethaF, ali, ansinico, barbp, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Cowgirl, Dori, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, heartbeatgirl, January, jmd29, joelover, Joe'sGal, jul, kazzafitt, lovemychico, Nancibell, nyspats, ol_bat1947, Pam, Pearson, pegasus, readytogo, Rika, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest Oktoberfest 2014 Oktoberfest 2014 Adamant, AgnethaF, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Calamity Liz, chey, daisy60, Edengirl, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, joelover, Joe'sGal, kazzafitt, lovemychico, october, Pernell4ever, Rika, Rosalie, Tracy, westisbest, WildCowgirl Oktoberfest 2016 Oktoberfest 2016 Adamant, AdamCult2b, adamsgermangirl, AgnethaF, Annie K Cowgirl, ansinico, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, Chenoa, daisy60, Dori, dougsgirl, elizabeth, ellie, emilysean, Fanofoldtvshows, Gillie, January, Karol, longhair, lovemychico, mightymight, nyspats, october, patina, Pt29646, Sabina, shaggy1581, Tracy, westisbest Without A Trace Without A Trace Adamant, AgnethaF, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, chey, debpet2, Dori, dougsgirl, ellen, Freya, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, joelover, Joe'sGal, kazzafitt, lovemychico, Nancibell, october, Pam, Rika, ShootinGal97, Steffie1304, the modeller, Tracy, westisbest Leader WAT Leader Without A Trace Gillie Without A Trace 2 Without A Trace 2 Adamant, AgnethaF, ansinico, bahj, Bejules, BensReader, Calamity, chey, croweandcsi, daisy60, DanishGirl, debpet2, dougsgirl, ellen, Fanofoldtvshows, feather, Freya, Gillie, grimesgirl, heartbeatgirl, January, Joe'sGal, kazzafitt, lovemychico, LuvAdam9, Nancibell, nyspats, Pam, patina, Rika, shaggy1581, Steffie1304, Tracy, WildCowgirl Without A Trace 3 Without A Trace 3 Adamant, Adamslady, A
Kneeling Chop - Day 6 - Kristina Earnest on Demand Skip to main content Kristina Earnest on Demand Browse Search About Blog Class Descriptions Shop Help Start Free Trial Sign in Start Free Trial Sign In Live stream preview Watch this video and more on Kristina Earnest on Demand Watch this video and more on Kristina Earnest on Demand Start your free trial Already subscribed? Sign in Kneeling Chop Day 6 • 40s 3 comments Week 3 Day 6 Reps: 60 [30 per side] Equipment: 1 Moderate Dumbbell - Kneel on your left knee and hold a dumbbell by your left outer thigh - Maintaining a strong core and fighting rotation, drive the weight up and above the right shoulder - Complete 30 reps, then switch your hands and legs to the opposite side. Share with friends Facebook Twitter Email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Watch anywhere, anytime iPhone Android Up Next in Day 6 01:11 Kettlebell Swing Kettlebell Swing Week 3 Time: 60-Seconds Equipment: 1 Strong Kettlebell or Dumbbell - Press your hips back, tipping your torso forward as you reach your hands toward the kettlebell handle. Keep your back straight in your hinge with a soft bend in your knees. - Inhale as you grasp the kettlebell handle firmly ... 01:11 Forearm Plank Forearm Plank Day 7 Time: 60-seconds Equipment: None - Begin in a kneeling position. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and pitch forward to place your hands and forearms on the floor. - Extend your legs behind you with toes tucked under to press into the plank. Distribute weight in your hands evenly by spreading... 3 Comments Sort by... Sort by newest first Sort by oldest first Load More Start your free trial or Sign in Help Terms Privacy Cookies Sign in Powered by Vimeo ×
Planet of the Ood | Doctor Who World Skip to content Follow on Social Media: Search Menu Home Prologue Villains Aliens Episode Guides Reference Guides Big Finish Guide News Events Upcoming Events Form Policies Privacy Copyright Terms of Use Cookie Policy Shop Forum Contact Sitemap Planet of the Ood PRODUCTION INFO Name Planet of the Ood Series 4 Episode 3 First Transmitted 19 April 2008 Final Ratings 7.50m BOXSET RELEASE DVD RELEASE GALLERY Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood Planet Of The Ood CAST Regular Cast David Tennant (The Doctor), Catherine Tate (Donna) Guest Cast Tim McInnerny (Klineman Halpen), Ayesha Dharker (Solana Mercurio), Adrian Rawlins (Dr Ryder), Roger Griffiths (Commander Kess), Paul Clayton (Mr Bartle), Paul Kasey (Ood Sigma), Tariq Jorden (Rep), Silas Casron (Voice of the Ood). CREW Written by James Moran Directed by Colin Teague Produced by Julie Garner and Phil Colinson SYPNOSIS Donna’s helped The Doctor avert disaster in modern-day Britain and taken a trip back in time to the Roman Empire – now she’s ready to experience an alien world. The duo visit the home planet of the Ood, a servile race The Doctor has encountered before (in series two episodes The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit). A company run by the ruthless Mr Halpen (Tim McInnerny) is exploiting the genial aliens – and it’s up to The Doctor and Donna to discover the secret he’s hiding NOTES The Ood were last seen in the episodes The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit. The Doctor claims the planet Ood Sphere is in the same galaxy as the Sense Sphere – which he visited in The Sensorites. Donna and the Doctor comment about the bees disappearing, something Donna discovered when searching for alien activity in Partners In Crime The top secret lab is in Warehouse 15, a play on the supposed alien research lab at Roswell, Area 51. The scene where Mr. Halpen turns into an Ood had to re-filmed because it was regarded as too horrifying. Ood Sigma appears again in The End of Time for David Tennants final appearance The Tenth Doctor comments that he visited the Sense-Sphere “ages ago”. (The Sensorites) The Rani also used a massive brain on one occasion. (Time and the Rani) As is routine for post-2005 Doctor Who, a “NEXT TIME” trailer for the next episode is shown at the end of the episode. TRAILER youtubeembedcode.com/en/ Add-link-exchange © 2022 Doctor Who World • Built with GeneratePress Home>Prologue>Episode Guides>10th Doctor Episode Guide>Planet of the Ood This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I will assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Cookie settingsACCEPT Privacy & Cookies Policy Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Non-necessary Non-necessary Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. SAVE & ACCEPT error: Content is protected Skip to content Open toolbar Accessibility Tools Increase Text Decrease Text Grayscale High Contrast Negative Contrast Light Background Links Underline Readable Font Reset
Expect ‘a 5G-led revolution in business automation’ - Business Innovation Leaders Forum Who We Are What We Do Contact Us Inspirational Reads More Media Info Media Resources Press Releases Menu Who We Are What We Do Contact Us Inspirational Reads More Media Info Media Resources Press Releases Your Forum Advances in AI, ML & Automation for BusinessBlog & News Expect ‘a 5G-led revolution in business automation’ Written by Guy Matthews 13 January, 2022 Written by Guy Matthews 13 January, 2022 5G may not yet have delivered the consumer gains that were promised for it, but CIOs should expect 2022 to be the year when we see a 5G-driven revolution in communications for business automation, a leading consultant has forecast. Raj Shah, North America Lead for Hi-Tech and Telecom with Publicis Sapient, said that the next 12 months will see much innovation in 5G at enterprise level as various industries seek out different ways to leverage its power. But he considers that other heavily hyped technologies, like the metaverse, may have longer to wait for critical use cases to emerge. “Smart businesses will invest in a more joined up fifth generation of communications, an ecosystem of modernized data transfer, connected solutions which combine IoT, AI, and cloud to produce real-time analytics, granular insights, and seamless results,” he predicted. Industries that rely heavily on automation – energy, manufacturing, agriculture – will, he said, be the early adopters, utilizing shrinking sensors to enable data collection from hundreds of thousands of inputs to build ‘digital twins’ of real-world environments: “These will range from robotic assembly lines to power grids, to huge farms,” said Shah. “Using this data, collected over 5G industrial networks, they’ll be able to automatically adjust conditions and sense even the minutest changes. This level of hyper-efficiency should lead to better energy usage, more precise manufacturing and automated repair, and stronger returns on investment.” The metaverse, he predicted, will be useful to consumers and businesses alike, but only once everyone works out exactly what it is: “The metaverse is still too undefined to be able to benefit from it,” noted Shah. “At this point, companies should be exploring what the implications of the metaverse will be, how they want to be positioned in it, and dabbling in proofs of concept. The metaverse is on the way to being huge and will undoubtedly impact the future of marketing and customer engagement.” He picked out AR and VR as likely to become more common in our lives much sooner: “This is mainly because hardware has advanced so that we don’t have to wear 30lbs of gear on our heads to experience it. Early adoption of metaverse will happen as extensions of what we’re already seeing with Zoom, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. In commerce, how people buy homes and cars may be much more interactive. Digital twin technologies will merge into the metaverse, allowing for engineering, manufacturing, and other physical world industries to create and work in virtual environments.” Image courtesy of IEEE Innovation At Work Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on whatsapp Share on email Discussion Responses Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ More Articles Japanese auto parts maker drives change with AI - Read More - Advances in AI, ML & Automation for BusinessBlog & News Wearable solutions maker innovates with cloud platform - Read More - Advances in AI, ML & Automation for BusinessBlog & News Banks looking at in-house innovation to meet digital needs - Read More - Advances in AI, ML & Automation for BusinessBlog & News Leading hotel group shifts to cloud-native SaaS - Read More - Blog & NewsEnsuring Successful Digital Transformation Professional services turn to DX to meet challenges - Read More - Blog & NewsEnsuring Successful Digital Transformation Founding Corporate Sponsor: Media & Analyst Partnerships: Links Who We Are What We Do Contact Us Your Forum Menu Who We Are What We Do Contact Us Your Forum Contact Membership & administration Email Becky Rudyard +1 650 785 2039 forum co-founder Email Mark Fox +1 408 504 8665 International Events Manager Email Kelly O'Neil © Copyright 2021. 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Name* Company* Position* Country* LinkedIn Profile (optional) Email* Phone* Consent* I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored in accordance with the Privacy Policy * Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS INNOVATION LEADERS FORUM TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP THROUGH TO 30th september 2022 We would like to send you more information about membership so please fill in your details below, and we will get in touch shortly. Meanwhile you can click the link below to explore the forum further. Checkbox *Please tick this box to receive our book of the month – a FREE signed copy of “Serendipity” to the first 20 members approved during May & June. Name Company Position Email Country LinkedIn Profile URL Phone Nominated by Consent I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored in accordance with the Privacy Policy Apply View the Forum BE INSPIRED TO INNOVATE! RECEIVE OUR Book of the Month* The Serendipity Mindset: The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck By Dr Christian Busch Serendipity is an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. To other people it looks like “good luck”, but it is more the ability to recognise and seize an opportunity, rather than have good fortune thrust upon one. Finding a wallet stuffed with money on the conference room floor is good luck, whereas holding it up and asking if anyone has lost their wallet might be the beginning of a valuable friendship – that would be serendipity. Chance encounters, or strokes of fortune, feature in countless stories of business success. This book looks beneath the surface, reveals and teaches the mindset that can transform pure chance into opportunity. The author is director of the Global Economy Program at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs, and a lecturer at the London School of Economics. Serendipity is an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. To other people it looks like “good luck”, but it is more the ability to recognise and seize an opportunity, rather than have good fortune thrust upon one. Finding a wallet stuffed with money on the conference room floor is good luck, whereas holding it up and asking if anyone has lost their wallet might be the beginning of a valuable friendship – that would be serendipity. The author says “This is a book about the interactions of coincidence, human ambition and imagination”. In the above example: finding the wallet is the coincidence; ambition is the desire to make something of the discovery; add imagination and you open up a whole menu of possibilities: from spending spree to earning a reputation for honesty – or even making a wealthy friend. Business is typically forged on human ambition and imagination, but early success often feeds an appetite for control – and “control freaks” can be blind to the opportunities thrown up by the unexpected. They only see chance events as distractions. If plans go awry, they may blame the failure on “bad luck” rather than admit their own inflexible attitude. The author himself admits to being “a German who is used to planning” and prone to feel anxious when something unexpected happens. That makes him an ideal teacher, because he has worked hard to discover and analyse the mindset that enables one to “connect the dots” and cultivate serendipity. He presents a goldmine of examples from science, business and life where an apparent mishap or failure lead to a breakthrough. Indeed, studies suggest that around 50% of major scientific breakthroughs emerge as the result of accidents or coincidences. A well-known example is Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, launching the whole field of antibiotics. Other examples include X-rays, nylon, microwave ovens, rubber, Velcro, Viagra and Post-it Notes – where would we be without these! The book goes beyond the ability to recognise and respond to opportunities in chaos, but the subtitle – The Art and Science of Creating Good Luck – is actually a bit misleading. True, he does show ways to develop better fortune, but it would be better to call it “inviting” or “encouraging” good luck. For example, he suggests better ways to start a conversation with a stranger – ways that will make it more likely to lead to chance connections or shared interests. The publishers may have chosen the word “creating” to make the book appeal to the human desire to control – for control freaks are exactly the readership that would benefit the most from this book’s wisdom and practical advice. For the rest of us, it offers a great way to rediscover the sense of play that is so important in life – and too often lost in business. “Following the success of The Serendipity Mindset hardback, a paperback edition has also now been launched under the title “Connect the Dots”. How to upload a file Reply to the discussion and cite the file you wish to upload. Fill in the form below attach your file. Your file will then be reviewed by us and added to your post. Name Email File title File Upload file for review This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website More info. Okay
Fifty-two jobs will be lost and 54 jobs created in the latest restructuring by the Tauranga City Council. The shake-up comes 18 months after the major changes that cleaned out nearly all the top-tier managers - a process described as "difficult and messy years" by Terry Molloy, who was then a councillor. Council communications manager Frank Begley said the latest restructuring was about making sure resources were put into the right areas. The work has been led by chief executive Garry Poole, who was appointed towards the end of the last restructuring, which dragged on for two years after former chief executive Ken Paterson died on the job and the task passed to interim CEO Leigh Auton. Mayor Stuart Crosby said staff were being consulted on the draft restructuring proposal. Mr Begley said affected staff would have first choice for the new positions. Changes included expanding the council's group structure to six: infrastructure services, environmental services, organisational services, community services, strategy, and financial services.
You have to wonder inf Barack and Michelle Obama were invited to McCain’s compound for this star-studded gala of who’s who in the Democratic party , whoops we mean McCain guest list. From People Mag: Meghan McCain, the conservative co-host of ABC’s The View, 33, who is the daughter of Senator John McCain, wed conservative pundit Ben Domenech, 35, just before sunset at the bride’s family ranch in Sedona, Arizona, a rep for McCain tells PEOPLE exclusively. “Meghan McCain and Ben Domenech were married today at the McCain family lodge in Sedona, Arizona,” a rep for McCain says in an exclusive statement to PEOPLE. “The bride’s father, Senator John McCain, gave her away and they were married by John Dickerson. Following the ceremony, McCain and Domenech celebrated with dinner and dancing surrounded by their family and close friends.” The pre-Thanksgiving celebration — for approximately 100 guests including close friends, family and former colleagues who worked on Senator McCain’s two presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2008 … “Family lodge?” This compound is no lodge. While millions of Arizonians and Americans have to battle the incredible influx of illegal aliens daily, Arizona Senator McCain is tucked safely away in a heavily guarded and shrouded remote compound in the Arizona mountains. McCain’s property outside Sedona is so secret that very few photos even exist of the property. The fortress and its road share the same appropriate name: Hidden Valley. Photography of the six or seven or more residential buildings on McCain’s collection of adjoining lots is not permitted. Likewise, the McCain compound stands alone, appearing like its own remote neighborhood development from satellite photography. Even local helicopter companies are not permitted to buzz the property. McCain and his federal security detail have initiated a local no-fly zone over and around the compound. That includes personal drones. McCain’s compound is protected by a large creek on its eastern border and rocky mountain ridges and ranges on its other sides. Perhaps this is why the multi-millionaire, long-time senior U.S. senator seems impervious to the plight of illegal immigration in his own state and beyond. What does he have to worry about living on a guarded compound worth an estimated $15+ million? The mountain compound is not to be confused with another Arizona property, a north central Phoenix house McCain sold for $3.2 million. Photos and video of that residence have been widely shared on the internet. The mountain compound is where McCain relocated to after that sale and apparently built a number of the structures on that now-impressive property. Oh, we forgot to tell you. In addition to the six or seven or eight residential structures in the McCain mountain compound, the senator owns another seven or eight properties spanning from California to northern Virginia. Why don’t we know exactly how many properties, you might ask. Even McCain doesn’t know how many homes he owns. -30-
Only Diptychs: March 2009 skip to main | skip to sidebar Only Diptychs a photo blog for twos (and others) Friday, March 27, 2009 Whitney Hubbs You can see more of Whitneys work here Posted by Katie at 11:22 PM No comments: Labels: Whitney Hubbs Saturday, March 21, 2009 Nicolas Haggard You can see more of Nicolas's work here Posted by Katie at 1:02 PM 1 comment: Labels: Nicolas Haggard Thursday, March 19, 2009 Flora Hanitijo You can see more of Floras work here Posted by Katie at 12:04 AM No comments: Labels: Flora Hanitijo Monday, March 16, 2009 Camera Phone Diptychs Here Come the Warm Jets You can see more of Richard's work here Posted by Katie at 4:38 PM No comments: Labels: St. Ofle Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Ana Kras You can see more of Ana's work here Posted by Katie at 3:56 PM No comments: Labels: Ana Kras, Flickr, Ikebana Sunday, March 8, 2009 Robert Tepiak You can see more of Robert's work here Posted by Katie at 11:35 PM No comments: Labels: Flickr, novalis on a motorbike, Robert Tepiak Saturday, March 7, 2009 Princess Diptych Posted by Katie at 7:33 PM No comments: Thursday, March 5, 2009 Tamoko Sawada from Bride 2007 You can see more of Tamoko's work here Posted by Katie at 9:35 AM No comments: Labels: Tamoko Sawada Monday, March 2, 2009 Emir Ozşahin You can see more of Emirs underwater work here Posted by Katie at 10:59 PM No comments: Labels: Emir Ozşahin, Flickr, Munur Newer Posts Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Katie View my complete profile Blog Archive ► 2012 (1) ► June (1) ► 2011 (11) ► October (2) ► July (1) ► June (3) ► April (1) ► March (2) ► February (1) ► January (1) ► 2010 (38) ► December (2) ► November (1) ► October (2) ► September (1) ► August (2) ► July (2) ► June (3) ► May (2) ► April (1) ► March (3) ► February (5) ► January (14) ▼ 2009 (52) ► December (2) ► November (6) ► October (3) ► September (4) ► August (2) ► July (1) ► June (2) ► May (1) ► April (2) ▼ March (9) Whitney Hubbs Nicolas Haggard Flora Hanitijo Camera Phone Diptychs Ana Kras Robert Tepiak Princess Diptych Tamoko Sawada Emir Ozşahin ► February (5) ► January (15) ► 2008 (30) ► December (11) ► November (19) Links Brainbow Design Conscientious Dailyafterthought Dream Photo From Here to There Ground Glass Hanganail Humble Arts i heart photograph ian james eats photographs In Between Projekts L O Z Lenscratch Nihilsentimentalgia Nymphoto Rabbi Cosmic Schmeep Shmul Howls Subjectify The Exposure Project The Eye of the Beholder The White House This Recording Topical Thursday Touching Harms the Art Tuesday Moon Studio Wan.der.lust.ag.ra.phy We Can Shoot Too Your gona make me lonesome... Followers
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Story Time for under 5’s at Honley Library 1st July -2:30 pm - 3:00 pm |Recurring Event (See all) An event every week that begins at 2:30 pm on Friday, repeating indefinitely Free « Bottomless Brunch at The Tap House Story Time (For Under 5’s) – Honley Library » Honley Library hosts a Story Time for the under 5‘s every Friday at 2.30 pm. It lasts for just for half an hour with songs, rhymes and actions to keep them entertained. We also have an amazing collection of picture books specially selected to appeal to the very smallest child and our volunteers are here to support you with lots of tips and ideas for sharing stories with your little one right from birth. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Term time only Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Details Date: 1st July Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Cost: Free Event Categories: Community - Baby and Toddler Events, Community Events Event Tags: Honley Website: https://www.friendsofhonleylibrary.org.uk/events Venue Honley Library (Official) West Avenue, Honley Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 6HF United Kingdom + Google Map Phone: 01484 414868 View Venue Website Organisers Friends of Honley Library Kirklees Libraries Related Events David Brown Tractor Museum Open Day, Meltham 25th September -10:00 am - 3:00 pm |Recurring Event (See all) One event on 21st August 2022 at 10:00 am One event on 24th September 2022 at 10:00 am One event on 25th September 2022 at 10:00 am One event on 23rd October 2022 at 10:00 am One event on 3rd December 2022 at 10:00 am Cacao/SpiritDance/Sound Bath Half-Day Retreat – Empower Your Inner Goddess at Cafe Root & Well-Being Studio 25th September -10:30 am - 2:30 pm Wilshaw Welly Walks 25th September -1:00 pm - 5:00 pm « Bottomless Brunch at The Tap House Story Time (For Under 5’s) – Honley Library » Don’t forget to mention you saw the event on Holmfirth.Info, thank you! 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Things To Do Places To Shop Food & Drink Where To Stay holmfirthevents 10,000 3,498 holmfirthevents View Sep 24 Open Wilshaw Welly Walks from Wilshaw Village Hall 25th September - 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm https://holmfirth.info/event/wilshaw-welly-walks/ ... 3 0 holmfirthevents View Sep 24 Open October Half term Camps - Project Sport ltd Click below for details #Holmfirth https://holmfirth.info/event/october-half-term-camps-project-sport/ ... 0 0 holmfirthevents View Sep 24 Open Light Up Magdale Dam Lantern Trail with Holmfirth Arts Festival 15th October - 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Booking essential as tickets are limited https://holmfirth.info/event/light-up-magdale-dam-lantern-trail-with-holmfirth-arts-festival/ ... 0 0 holmfirthevents View Sep 24 Open Holmfirth Methodist Church Concert Sunday 25th September at 3pm An afternoon with Vic Shepherd and John Bowden featuring traditional folk songs from near and far. https://holmfirth.info/event/holmfirth-methodist-church-concert/ ... 0 0 holmfirthevents View Sep 23 Open Halloween Paint a Pot at The Civic, #Holmfirth 25th October -11:00 am £5 per crafter https://holmfirth.info/event/halloween-paint-a-pot-at-the-civic-holmfirth/ ... 2 0 holmfirthevents View Sep 23 Open A Tribute to Take That at The Civic, #Holmfirth September 30th – 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm £18.50 https://holmfirth.info/event/a-tribute-to-take-that-at-the-civic-holmfirth/ ... 2 0 Follow us on Instagram The Official Guide to Holmfirth, West Yorkshire. 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Deaf West's Spring Awakening Will Launch National Tour in 2017 | Broadway In Orlando Select City Select City Albuquerque Appleton/Fox Cities Atlanta Austin Baltimore Boise Boston Calgary Cincinnati Columbus Dallas Edmonton Ft. Lauderdale Fresno Grand Rapids Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Kitchener Louisville Madison Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Monterrey Montreal Nashville New Orleans Omaha Orange County Orlando Ottawa Pittsburgh Portland Quebec City Regina Salt Lake City San Antonio Saskatoon Seattle Tempe Vancouver Winnipeg Home Shows Subscribe Health Groups Visit Help All Topics Hamilton FAQ Buzz My Account Select City Select City Albuquerque Appleton/Fox Cities Atlanta Austin Baltimore Boise Boston Calgary Cincinnati Columbus Dallas Edmonton Ft. Lauderdale Fresno Grand Rapids Houston Indianapolis Jacksonville Kansas City Kitchener Louisville Madison Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Monterrey Montreal Nashville New Orleans Omaha Orange County Orlando Ottawa Pittsburgh Portland Quebec City Regina Salt Lake City San Antonio Saskatoon Seattle Tempe Vancouver Winnipeg Menu Buzz Deaf West’s Spring Awakening Will Launch National Tour in 2017 December 9th, 2015 | By Imogen Lloyd Webber Don't do sadness! Deaf West’s revival of Spring Awakening will head on a national tour in 2017. The Broadway production is currently playing a limited engagement at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre through January 24, 2016. Starring Oscar winner Marlee Matlin, along with Broadway.com Audience Choice Award winners Krysta Rodriguez and Andy Mientus and more, Michael Arden’s production previously played two different engagements in Los Angeles. The staging incorporates American Sign Language with the dialogue, as select characters are portrayed as deaf, with additional performers providing their voices. Spring Awakening, featuring music by Duncan Sheik and a book and lyrics by Steven Sater, is based on Frank Wedekind’s 1891 play by the same name. It follows a group of teenagers as they navigate through their sexual and intellectual blossoming, with varying degrees of support from adult figures in their lives. The original production won eight Tony Awards in 2007 including Best Musical. The cast also includes Camryn Manheim, Patrick Page, Russell Harvard as well as over a dozen newcomers, including Austin McKenzie as Melchior, Sandra Mae Frank as Wendla, Katie Boeck as the voice of Wendla, Daniel Durant as Moritz and Alex Boniello as the voice of Moritz. Read original article on broadway.com Sponsors: Advent Health Florida Theatrical Association Dr. Phillips Center Broadway Across America – Orlando Season Subscriber Customer Service See on Map 800.448.6322 Reach Season Subscriber Customer Service by Phone Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts See on Map 844.513.2014 Reach Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts by Phone Upcoming Broadway Shows Six Hamilton Hadestown Tina: The Tina Turner Musical Riverdance Wicked Pretty Woman To Kill a Mockingbird Chicago My Fair Lady Beetlejuice Join the eCLUB Contact Us Jobs John Gore Organization family of companies: John Gore Organization The Broadway Channel Group Sales Box Office BroadwayBox.com Broadway.com Vision & Values | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Standard Ticket Terms | Season Subscriber Terms | Group Sales Terms | COVID-19 Cancellation Terms | © 2021 The John Gore Organization, Inc Media ✕ Contact Us Choose Submission Topic TopicSeason SubscriberCustomer ServiceGroup SalesMarketingBox OfficeAccount/Login Help Enter Full Name* First Enter your email* Enter your message* Agree to Privacy Policy* I agree to the Privacy Policy Phone This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ✕
2 Piece Navy Short Pyjama Set - Nutmeg Welcome to the CMS Edit Mode. 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Baku, Azerbaijan, July 16 By Umid Niayesh - Trend: Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has declared an amnesty on the eve of Eid ul-Fitr in the country. Eid ul-Fitr, also called Feast of Breaking the Fast, is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide. Khamenei has pardoned or commuted prison terms of 930 convicts sentenced by various Iranian courts, the supreme leader's office said on July 16. The head of Iran 's judiciary Sadiq Amoli Larijani on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr appealed to the Supreme Leader with a letter in which he asked for pardon and reduced sentences of some convicts of military, civil and revolutionary courts. The supreme leader in turn, signed a relevant decree. Iran's Constitution grants him the right to pardon or reduce the sentences of convicts upon the recommendation of the judiciary chief. Amnesties and reduced prison terms are granted mainly on occasions marking religious and national festivals in Iran. Follow the author on Twitter: @UmidNiayesh Follow Trend on Telegram. Only most interesting and important news
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Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Cameron references Corbyn's trip to Calais during PMQs clash David Cameron is facing Labour calls to apologise for calling refugees at a camp in Calais "a bunch of migrants" at Prime Minister's Questions. Labour MP Yvette Cooper said it was not "appropriate" or "statesmanlike" for him to use such language about a "complex and sensitive" issue. Shadow minister Kate Green said it was "offensive, hurtful... and divisive". Mr Cameron said Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had told the migrants at the camp "they could all come to Britain". At the weekend, the Labour leader visited the Grande-Synthe Camp, near Dunkirk, and The Jungle in Calais, where more than 7,000 people are sleeping rough, describing conditions there as "disgraceful". 'No answers on Jeff' Image copyright BBC News Jeremy Corbyn had a good go at David Cameron over the Google tax deal, using a crowd-sourced question from Jeff (or possibly Geoff), who wanted to know whether he could join a scheme allowing him to pay the same rate of tax as the internet giant. But some commentators felt the Labour leader lost focus when he switched to other subjects for his final two questions. "We've had no answer on Google, and no answers on Jeff," said Mr Corbyn, before turning to what he calls the "bedroom tax" and a High Court ruling that it is "discriminatory". For his final question, he called on the PM to launch an inquiry into arms export licences to Saudi Arabia amid UN reports of coalition air strikes on civilians in Yemen. The prime minister responded to that last point by saying the UK had some of the strictest rules for arms exports in the world. He added that Britain was "not part of Saudi-led operations" in Yemen. But it was one of those weeks when reaction to what was said at PMQs overshadowed anything that was said during the session, as Labour seized on Mr Cameron's "bunch of migrants" comment. What Cameron said about migrants Mr Cameron was coming to the end of a clash with Jeremy Corbyn about Google's tax deal with the government, when he decided, as he often does, to broaden out his attack to other issues. The Labour leader had just accused him of failing to stand up to Google. Mr Cameron replied: "The shadow chancellor's pointing - the idea that those two right honourable gentlemen would stand up to anyone in this regard is laughable. "Look at the record over the last week - they met with the unions and they gave them flying pickets. "They met with the Argentinians, they gave them the Falkland Islands. "They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais, they said they could all come to Britain. "The only people they never stand up for are the British people and hard-working taxpayers." How Labour reacted Image copyright BBC news Several Labour MPs objected to Mr Cameron's "bunch of migrants" comments on Twitter, describing them as "shameful" and "inflammatory" and the PM as "odious". A Labour spokesman said Mr Cameron's use of the phrase "demonstrates an attitude that is wholly unacceptable to a humanitarian crisis on our doorstep". Yvette Cooper, who is chairing Labour's refugee task force, said Mr Cameron should use "much more statesmanship-like" language on such a "complex and sensitive" issue, particularly given ongoing commemorations of Holocaust victims. She got to her feet immediately after Prime Minister's Questions to raise a point of order She asked Commons Speaker John Bercow to ask Mr Cameron to "withdraw" the comment. Bercow's reaction Mr Bercow told Ms Cooper: "You speak with enormous experience in this House and I respect what you say. "I completely identify and empathise with your observations about Holocaust Memorial Day, which you and I on other occasions have marked at events together - so I take what you say extremely seriously." He ruled that it was not "disorderly" or "un-Parliamentary" but added "people will make their own assessments of this matter". Downing Street's defence The prime minister's spokesman said the government had spent £1.2bn to help hundreds of thousands of refugees in camps in the region and he said Labour's approach would "open the door and provide an incentive for more to come to Calais". Asked if he considered the phrase "bunch of migrants" to be pejorative the spokesman said "the PM thinks that the key thing here is getting the policy right". A diversionary tactic? Mr Cameron was accused by some opponents of using the "bunch of migrants" phrase to distract attention from criticism of the Google agreement. But this was dismissed as "silly and playing cheap politics" by small business minister Anna Soubry She told BBC Radio 4's The World at One Mr Cameron had been using the "language of ordinary people", adding "we all use slang" in the heat of the moment. Key clips Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Reflecting on Jeremy Corbyn's clash with David Cameron Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Labour leader asks question about settlement from 'Geoff' Media playback is unsupported on your device Media caption Monument to be constructed next to Parliament The Google tax row David Cameron insisted he has done more than any other prime minister to crack down on aggressive tax avoidance and blamed Labour for failures in collecting taxes from large multinationals. Mr Corbyn claimed Google was paying an effective tax rate of 3% - and accused the government of sending out mixed messages, with Chancellor George Osborne initially describing the deal as a "major success" before No 10 rowed back, calling it a "step forward", while, he said, London mayor Boris Johnson labelled it "derisory". Mr Cameron then went on to explain the measures the Government has put in place to tackle tax avoidance and evasion before claiming the tax rate for Google under Labour was "0%". Mr Corbyn also pointed to a series of meetings Google had had with Government ministers. "Millions of people are this week filling in their tax returns to get them in by the 31st," he said. "They have to send the form back, they do not get the option of 25 meetings with 17 ministers to decide what their rate of tax is. "Many people going to their HMRC offices or returning them online this week will say this - 'Why is there one rule for big multinational companies and another for ordinary, small businesses and self-employed workers?"' Mr Cameron brushed off the criticism by launching into an attack on all the things Labour did not stand up to, including migrants. Why has Google proved so politically taxing? By Ross Hawkins Firstly: George Osborne risked sounded far too content when he hailed the deal as a "victory" and a "major success". Government spokesmen were reluctant to repeat his verdict. Secondly: Labour reacted quickly and managed to get a hearing. Their message sounded louder than their internal disputes, for a change. Thirdly: voters care. The perception international firms get a better deal than ordinary people is toxic. HMRC collects tax, not ministers, and the government says it has acted and got results where Labour did not. But few politicians ever caught the mood of a nation declaring themselves happy with a big business's tax return. Holocaust memorial announced Image caption Buxton Memorial Fountain in Victoria Tower Gardens, commemorating the emancipation of slaves Mr Cameron began Prime Minister's Questions by announcing that a "striking" memorial to the victims of Nazi atrocities is to be erected beside Parliament, in Victoria Tower Gardens, where a number of monuments already stand. Downing Street said an international design competition will be launched in the coming weeks and the memorial built by the end of 2017. "It will stand beside Parliament as a permanent statement of our values as a nation and will be something for our children to visit for generations to come," Mr Cameron said. "It is right that our whole country should stand together to remember the darkest hour of humanity." SNP keeps up pressure on women's pensions The SNP again challenged the prime minister to help those women born in the 1950s, affected by pension equalisation, with the party's leader at Westminster using both of his questions to press the point. He called on David Cameron to respect a Parliamentary decision to immediately introduce transitional arrangements for those women negatively impacted (the vote was non-binding and does not compel ministers to act). Mr Cameron did not address the point directly, but claimed the introduction of a single tier pension at £155 a week would end discrimination because "so many women retiring will get so much more in their pension". Tim Farron urges child refugee action Image copyright UK Parliament Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron is guaranteed one question at PMQs every month and he used his latest opportunity to urge the prime minister to do more to alleviate the refugee crisis facing Europe. "The only way to challenge a crisis of that magnitude is by starting working with our European colleagues at the heart of a united Europe," he said. He urged Mr Cameron to "welcome in and provide a home" to 3,000 unaccompanied children as recommended by campaigners. In response, Mr Cameron said no country in Europe had been "more generous" in supporting refugee camps in the Middle East but the UK would not be taking part in the EU's refugee relocation and resettlement schemes as it was not in its national interest.
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How do I add a signature to my post? How do I create a poll? Why can’t I add more poll options? How do I edit or delete a poll? Why can’t I access a forum? Why can’t I add attachments? Why did I receive a warning? How can I report posts to a moderator? What is the “Save” button for in topic posting? Why does my post need to be approved? How do I bump my topic? Formatting and Topic Types What is BBCode? Can I use HTML? What are Smilies? Can I post images? What are global announcements? What are announcements? What are sticky topics? What are locked topics? What are topic icons? User Levels and Groups What are Administrators? What are Moderators? What are usergroups? Where are the usergroups and how do I join one? How do I become a usergroup leader? Why do some usergroups appear in a different colour? What is a “Default usergroup”? What is “The team” link? Private Messaging I cannot send private messages! I keep getting unwanted private messages! I have received a spamming or abusive e-mail from someone on this board! Friends and Foes What are my Friends and Foes lists? How can I add / remove users to my Friends or Foes list? Searching the Forums How can I search a forum or forums? Why does my search return no results? Why does my search return a blank page!? How do I search for members? How can I find my own posts and topics? Topic Subscriptions and Bookmarks What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing? How do I subscribe to specific forums or topics? How do I remove my subscriptions? Attachments What attachments are allowed on this board? How do I find all my attachments? phpBB 3 Issues Who wrote this bulletin board? Why isn’t X feature available? Who do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this board? Login and Registration Issues Why can’t I login? There are several reasons why this could occur. First, ensure your username and password are correct. If they are, contact the board owner to make sure you haven’t been banned. It is also possible the website owner has a configuration error on their end, and they would need to fix it. Top Why do I need to register at all? You may not have to, it is up to the administrator of the board as to whether you need to register in order to post messages. However; registration will give you access to additional features not available to guest users such as definable avatar images, private messaging, emailing of fellow users, usergroup subscription, etc. It only takes a few moments to register so it is recommended you do so. Top Why do I get logged off automatically? If you do not check the Log me in automatically box when you login, the board will only keep you logged in for a preset time. This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else. To stay logged in, check the box during login. This is not recommended if you access the board from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university computer lab, etc. If you do not see this checkbox, it means the board administrator has disabled this feature. Top How do I prevent my username appearing in the online user listings? Within your User Control Panel, under “Board preferences”, you will find the option Hide your online status. Enable this option with Yes and you will only appear to the administrators, moderators and yourself. You will be counted as a hidden user. Top I’ve lost my password! Don’t panic! While your password cannot be retrieved, it can easily be reset. Visit the login page and click I’ve forgotten my password. Follow the instructions and you should be able to log in again shortly. Top I registered but cannot login! First, check your username and password. If they are correct, then one of two things may have happened. If COPPA support is enabled and you specified being under 13 years old during registration, you will have to follow the instructions you received. Some boards will also require new registrations to be activated, either by yourself or by an administrator before you can logon; this information was present during registration. If you were sent an e-mail, follow the instructions. If you did not receive an e-mail, you may have provided an incorrect e-mail address or the e-mail may have been picked up by a spam filer. If you are sure the e-mail address you provided is correct, try contacting an administrator. Top I registered in the past but cannot login any more?! It is possible an administrator has deactivated or deleted your account for some reason. Also, many boards periodically remove users who have not posted for a long time to reduce the size of the database. If this has happened, try registering again and being more involved in discussions. Top What is COPPA? COPPA, or the Child Online Privacy and Protection Act of 1998, is a law in the United States requiring websites which can potentially collect information from minors under the age of 13 to have written parental consent or some other method of legal guardian acknowledgment, allowing the collection of personally identifiable information from a minor under the age of 13. If you are unsure if this applies to you as someone trying to register or to the website you are trying to register on, contact legal counsel for assistance. Please note that the phpBB Group cannot provide legal advice and is not a point of contact for legal concerns of any kind, except as outlined below. Top Why can’t I register? It is possible the website owner has banned your IP address or disallowed the username you are attempting to register. The website owner could have also disabled registration to prevent new visitors from signing up. Contact a board administrator for assistance. Top What does the “Delete all board cookies” do? “Delete all board cookies” deletes the cookies created by phpBB which keep you authenticated and logged into the board. It also provides functions such as read tracking if they have been enabled by the board owner. If you are having login or logout problems, deleting board cookies may help. Top User Preferences and settings How do I change my settings? If you are a registered user, all your settings are stored in the board database. To alter them, visit your User Control Panel; a link can usually be found at the top of board pages. This system will allow you to change all your settings and preferences. Top The times are not correct! It is possible the time displayed is from a timezone different from the one you are in. If this is the case, visit your User Control Panel and change your timezone to match your particular area, e.g. London, Paris, New York, Sydney, etc. Please note that changing the timezone, like most settings, can only be done by registered users. If you are not registered, this is a good time to do so. Top I changed the timezone and the time is still wrong! If you are sure you have set the timezone and Summer Time/DST correctly and the time is still incorrect, then the time stored on the server clock is incorrect. Please notify an administrator to correct the problem. Top My language is not in the list! Either the administrator has not installed your language or nobody has translated this board into your language. Try asking the board administrator if they can install the language pack you need. If the language pack does not exist, feel free to create a new translation. More information can be found at the phpBB website (see link at the bottom of board pages). Top How do I show an image along with my username? There are two images which may appear along with a username when viewing posts. One of them may be an image associated with your rank, generally in the form of stars, blocks or dots, indicating how many posts you have made or your status on the board. Another, usually a larger image, is known as an avatar and is generally unique or personal to each user. It is up to the board administrator to enable avatars and to choose the way in which avatars can be made available. If you are unable to use avatars, contact a board administrator and ask them for their reasons. Top What is my rank and how do I change it? Ranks, which appear below your username, indicate the number of posts you have made or identify certain users, e.g. moderators and administrators. In general, you cannot directly change the wording of any board ranks as they are set by the board administrator. Please do not abuse the board by posting unnecessarily just to increase your rank. Most boards will not tolerate this and the moderator or administrator will simply lower your post count. Top When I click the e-mail link for a user it asks me to login? Only registered users can send e-mail to other users via the built-in e-mail form, and only if the administrator has enabled this feature. This is to prevent malicious use of the e-mail system by anonymous users. Top Posting Issues How do I post a topic in a forum? To post a new topic in a forum, click the relevant button on either the forum or topic screens. You may need to register before you can post a message. A list of your permissions in each forum is available at the bottom of the forum and topic screens. Example: You can post new topics, You can vote in polls, etc. Top How do I edit or delete a post? Unless you are a board administrator or moderator, you can only edit or delete your own posts. You can edit a post by clicking the edit button for the relevant post, sometimes for only a limited time after the post was made. If someone has already replied to the post, you will find a small piece of text output below the post when you return to the topic which lists the number of times you edited it along with the date and time. This will only appear if someone has made a reply; it will not appear if a moderator or administrator edited the post, though they may leave a note as to why they’ve edited the post at their own discretion. Please note that normal users cannot delete a post once someone has replied. Top How do I add a signature to my post? To add a signature to a post you must first create one via your User Control Panel. Once created, you can check the Attach a signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio button in your profile. If you do so, you can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box within the posting form. Top How do I create a poll? When posting a new topic or editing the first post of a topic, click the “Poll creation” tab below the main posting form; if you cannot see this, you do not have appropriate permissions to create polls. Enter a title and at least two options in the appropriate fields, making sure each option is on a separate line in the textarea. You can also set the number of options users may select during voting under “Options per user”, a time limit in days for the poll (0 for infinite duration) and lastly the option to allow users to amend their votes. Top Why can’t I add more poll options? The limit for poll options is set by the board administrator. If you feel you need to add more options to your poll than the allowed amount, contact the board administrator. Top How do I edit or delete a poll? As with posts, polls can only be edited by the original poster, a moderator or an administrator. To edit a poll, click to edit the first post in the topic; this always has the poll associated with it. If no one has cast a vote, users can delete the poll or edit any poll option. However, if members have already placed votes, only moderators or administrators can edit or delete it. This prevents the poll’s options from being changed mid-way through a poll. Top Why can’t I access a forum? Some forums may be limited to certain users or groups. To view, read, post or perform another action you may need special permissions. Contact a moderator or board administrator to grant you access. Top Why can’t I add attachments? Attachment permissions are granted on a per forum, per group, or per user basis. The board administrator may not have allowed attachments to be added for the specific forum you are posting in, or perhaps only certain groups can post attachments. Contact the board administrator if you are unsure about why you are unable to add attachments. Top Why did I receive a warning? Each board administrator has their own set of rules for their site. If you have broken a rule, you may be issued a warning. Please note that this is the board administrator’s decision, and the phpBB Group has nothing to do with the warnings on the given site. Contact the board administrator if you are unsure about why you were issued a warning. Top How can I report posts to a moderator? If the board administrator has allowed it, you should see a button for reporting posts next to the post you wish to report. Clicking this will walk you through the steps necessary to report the post. Top What is the “Save” button for in topic posting? This allows you to save passages to be completed and submitted at a later date. To reload a saved passage, visit the User Control Panel. Top Why does my post need to be approved? The board administrator may have decided that posts in the forum you are posting to require review before submission. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a group of users whose posts require review before submission. Please contact the board administrator for further details. Top How do I bump my topic? By clicking the “Bump topic” link when you are viewing it, you can “bump” the topic to the top of the forum on the first page. However, if you do not see this, then topic bumping may be disabled or the time allowance between bumps has not yet been reached. It is also possible to bump the topic simply by replying to it, however, be sure to follow the board rules when doing so. Top Formatting and Topic Types What is BBCode? BBCode is a special implementation of HTML, offering great formatting control on particular objects in a post. The use of BBCode is granted by the administrator, but it can also be disabled on a per post basis from the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, but tags are enclosed in square brackets [ and ] rather than < and >. For more information on BBCode see the guide which can be accessed from the posting page. Top Can I use HTML? No. It is not possible to post HTML on this board and have it rendered as HTML. Most formatting which can be carried out using HTML can be applied using BBCode instead. Top What are Smilies? Smilies, or Emoticons, are small images which can be used to express a feeling using a short code, e.g. :) denotes happy, while :( denotes sad. The full list of emoticons can be seen in the posting form. Try not to overuse smilies, however, as they can quickly render a post unreadable and a moderator may edit them out or remove the post altogether. The board administrator may also have set a limit to the number of smilies you may use within a post. Top Can I post images? Yes, images can be shown in your posts. If the administrator has allowed attachments, you may be able to upload the image to the board. Otherwise, you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web server, e.g. http://www.example.com/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to pictures stored on your own PC (unless it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use the BBCode [img] tag. Top What are global announcements? Global announcements contain important information and you should read them whenever possible. They will appear at the top of every forum and within your User Control Panel. Global announcement permissions are granted by the board administrator. Top What are announcements? Announcements often contain important information for the forum you are currently reading and you should read them whenever possible. Announcements appear at the top of every page in the forum to which they are posted. As with global announcements, announcement permissions are granted by the board administrator. Top What are sticky topics? Sticky topics within the forum appear below announcements and only on the first page. They are often quite important so you should read them whenever possible. As with announcements and global announcements, sticky topic permissions are granted by the board administrator. Top What are locked topics? Locked topics are topics where users can no longer reply and any poll it contained was automatically ended. Topics may be locked for many reasons and were set this way by either the forum moderator or board administrator. You may also be able to lock your own topics depending on the permissions you are granted by the board administrator. Top What are topic icons? Topic icons are author chosen images associated with posts to indicate their content. The ability to use topic icons depends on the permissions set by the board administrator. Top User Levels and Groups What are Administrators? Administrators are members assigned with the highest level of control over the entire board. These members can control all facets of board operation, including setting permissions, banning users, creating usergroups or moderators, etc., dependent upon the board founder and what permissions he or she has given the other administrators. They may also have full moderator capabilities in all forums, depending on the settings put forth by the board founder. Top What are Moderators? Moderators are individuals (or groups of individuals) who look after the forums from day to day. They have the authority to edit or delete posts and lock, unlock, move, delete and split topics in the forum they moderate. Generally, moderators are present to prevent users from going off-topic or posting abusive or offensive material. Top What are usergroups? Usergroups are groups of users that divide the community into manageable sections board administrators can work with. Each user can belong to several groups and each group can be assigned individual permissions. This provides an easy way for administrators to change permissions for many users at once, such as changing moderator permissions or granting users access to a private forum. Top Where are the usergroups and how do I join one? You can view all usergroups via the “Usergroups” link within your User Control Panel. If you would like to join one, proceed by clicking the appropriate button. Not all groups have open access, however. Some may require approval to join, some may be closed and some may even have hidden memberships. If the group is open, you can join it by clicking the appropriate button. If a group requires approval to join you may request to join by clicking the appropriate button. The user group leader will need to approve your request and may ask why you want to join the group. Please do not harass a group leader if they reject your request; they will have their reasons. Top How do I become a usergroup leader? A usergroup leader is usually assigned when usergroups are initially created by a board administrator. If you are interested in creating a usergroup, your first point of contact should be an administrator; try sending a private message. Top Why do some usergroups appear in a different colour? It is possible for the board administrator to assign a colour to the members of a usergroup to make it easy to identify the members of this group. Top What is a “Default usergroup”? If you are a member of more than one usergroup, your default is used to determine which group colour and group rank should be shown for you by default. The board administrator may grant you permission to change your default usergroup via your User Control Panel. Top What is “The team” link? This page provides you with a list of board staff, including board administrators and moderators and other details such as the forums they moderate. Top Private Messaging I cannot send private messages! There are three reasons for this; you are not registered and/or not logged on, the board administrator has disabled private messaging for the entire board, or the board administrator has prevented you from sending messages. Contact a board administrator for more information. Top I keep getting unwanted private messages! You can block a user from sending you private messages by using message rules within your User Control Panel. If you are receiving abusive private messages from a particular user, inform a board administrator; they have the power to prevent a user from sending private messages. Top I have received a spamming or abusive e-mail from someone on this board! We are sorry to hear that. The e-mail form feature of this board includes safeguards to try and track users who send such posts, so e-mail the board administrator with a full copy of the e-mail you received. It is very important that this includes the headers that contain the details of the user that sent the e-mail. The board administrator can then take action. Top Friends and Foes What are my Friends and Foes lists? You can use these lists to organise other members of the board. Members added to your friends list will be listed within your User Control Panel for quick access to see their online status and to send them private messages. Subject to template support, posts from these users may also be highlighted. If you add a user to your foes list, any posts they make will be hidden by default. Top How can I add / remove users to my Friends or Foes list? You can add users to your list in two ways. Within each user’s profile, there is a link to add them to either your Friend or Foe list. Alternatively, from your User Control Panel, you can directly add users by entering their member name. You may also remove users from your list using the same page. Top Searching the Forums How can I search a forum or forums? Enter a search term in the search box located on the index, forum or topic pages. Advanced search can be accessed by clicking the “Advance Search” link which is available on all pages on the forum. How to access the search may depend on the style used. Top Why does my search return no results? Your search was probably too vague and included many common terms which are not indexed by phpBB3. Be more specific and use the options available within Advanced search. Top Why does my search return a blank page!? Your search returned too many results for the webserver to handle. Use “Advanced search” and be more specific in the terms used and forums that are to be searched. Top How do I search for members? Visit to the “Members” page and click the “Find a member” link. Top How can I find my own posts and topics? Your own posts can be retrieved either by clicking the “Search user’s posts” within the User Control Panel or via your own profile page. To search for your topics, use the Advanced search page and fill in the various options appropriately. Top Topic Subscriptions and Bookmarks What is the difference between bookmarking and subscribing? Bookmarking in phpBB3 is much like bookmarking in your web browser. You aren’t alerted when there’s an update, but you can come back to the topic later. Subscribing, however, will notify you when there is an update to the topic or forum on the board via your preferred method or methods. Top How do I subscribe to specific forums or topics? To subscribe to a specific forum, click the “Subscribe forum” link upon entering the forum. To subscribe to a topic, reply to the topic with the subscribe checkbox checked or click the “Subscribe topic” link within the topic itself. Top How do I remove my subscriptions? 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Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2013 October 8 The Bubble and M52 Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Colombari Explanation: To the eye, this cosmic composition nicely balances the Bubble Nebula at the lower left with open star cluster M52 above it and to the right. The pair would be lopsided on other scales, though. Embedded in a complex of interstellar dust and gas and blown by the winds from a single, massive O-type star, the Bubble Nebula, also known as NGC 7635, is a mere 10 light-years wide. On the other hand, M52 is a rich open cluster of around a thousand stars. The cluster is about 25 light-years across. Seen toward the northern boundary of Cassiopeia, distance estimates for the Bubble Nebula and associated cloud complex are around 11,000 light-years, while star cluster M52 lies nearly 5,000 light-years away. The wide telescopic field of view spans about two degrees on the sky or four times the apparent size of the Full Moon.
Berkeley is burning tonight: the university campus that birthed the Free Speech Movement played host to a despicable display of violence and censorship Wednesday evening that culminated in the cancellation of a planned speech by controversial Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Anti-Yiannopoulos protesters wearing black scarves over their faces hurled fireworks at the building where he was supposed to speak. They also tore down barricades and smashed windows. They used gasoline to start a significant fire on the street that threatened to engulf a nearby tree, and forced police to push people back. Authority figures deployed rubber bullets and tear gas in an attempt to control the situation. A student who attended the event told me that it seemed like the majority of the violent protesters were not students, but older, masked rioters from the "antifa" movement. "This is what tolerance looks like at UC Berkeley," said Mike Wright, a member of the Berkeley College Republican group that invited Yiannopoulos to speak. Shortly after he made this statement, smoke bombs were set off around him, and someone threw red paint at him, according to The San Francisco Chronicle. Yiannopoulos released the following statement on Facebook: I have been evacuated from the UC Berkeley campus after violent left-wing protestors tore down barricades, lit fires, threw rocks and Roman candles at the windows and breached the ground floor of the building. My team and I are safe. But the event has been cancelled. I'll let you know more when the facts become clear. One thing we do know for sure: the Left is absolutely terrified of free speech and will do literally anything to shut it down. As I write this, at 10:00 p.m., the violence and chaos are ongoing. Yiannopoulos was forced to evacuate the campus. Anti-Yiannopoulos protesters described themselves as anti-fascists and anarchists. "We reject fascist America," the said. They don't so much reject it as enable it. Most people will watch the chaos unfold and wonder what's wrong with college students and social justice activists these days—why they must resort to violence and destruction to silence people they don't like. By engaging in such tactics, anti-Yiannopoulos protesters effectively distract from the fact that Yiannopoulos's own views are loathsome. They turn Yiannopoulos into a free speech martyr, which is exactly what he wants. When Milo is censored, Milo wins. "It was a 500 person event, that's like the max occupancy of the room," Kevin Quigley, a freshmen at UC-Berkeley, told me over the phone. "if it was just 500 people going to hear him talk it wouldn't be in the news, but when you have thousands of people gatheing in the streets... they're just making him more famous." By the way, Yiannopoulos's old Breitbart boss, Steve Bannon, is now a top advisor to President Trump. I wonder whether Bannon would rather Yiannopoulos's speech go off without a hitch, or be shut down by violent protesters? Which outcome is better for the law-and-order policy positions of the Trump administration? It's not actually a question: the president's narrative is obviously better served when irate students resort to violence to silence an alt-right speaker.
George Bush | stlreporter stlreporter Because there's something happening here and you don't know what it is. Menu About Peel the Onion Search for: George Bush The Secret Life of Gunther Russbacher The convicted felon claims he was a Navy captain, a CIA operative and George Bush’s pilot in the infamous October Surprise Scandal first published in the Riverfront Times (St. Louis), August 5, 1992 by C.D. Stelzer JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — North, south, east and west. The lines in Gunther Karl Russbacher’s brow run in all directions. There appears to be a crease for every one of his 50 years. Deep undulating furrows that register emotional changes across a craggy facial landscape. I’m trying to catch my breath, I’m not quite with it yet,” says Russbacher, after entering the Control Unit of the Missouri Correctional Facility here. He is carrying a foot-thick binder of court briefs, depositions, memos, diary entries,bills of lading, letters of credit and loading manifests. And while not gasping for air, the heavy paper load makes it easy to believe this man is under stress. To reach inmate 184306, a visitor must be escorted through three check points and five clanging sets of iron bars. Gunther Karl Russbacher is a prisoner– and not just any ordinary prisoner. But beyond that, no one is sure who he really is. So far, those interested in finding out have included Texas billionaire Ross Perot, the United States Congress and Geraldo Rivera. In the past, Russbacher has admittedly used aliases such as Emory Joseph Peden,Robert Andrew Walker and Robert Behler. He has also allegedly been known as “The Raven.” The last pseudonym could be classified a nom de guerre, because Russbacher claims to be a Navy captain — and not just any ordinary Navy captain. Federal authorities arrested him in July 1990 for impersonating a military officer at Castle Air Force Base in Atwater, Calif. The charge led to Russbacher’s probation revocation in St. Charles Co., where he had a 1989 conviction for stealing through deceit. Russbacher pleaded guilty in that case to defrauding clients of the St. Louis-based National Brokerage Companies, which he headed. He received a 21-year sentence. In both of these instances, Russbacher now claims he was carrying out covert duties for the United States government. By his own account, he is a CIA operative with knowledge of the agency’s involvement in financial fraud, drug trafficking, and illicit arms trading. Russbacher established National Brokerage and other proprietary companies, including a failed savings and loan in Pennsylvania, at the behest of the CIA, he alleges. He further charges that his military and criminal records — ostensibly altered to infiltrate terrorists and narcotic rings — are now being used against him. In addition, Russbacher claims his 1990 arrest followed a secret flight to inform Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev of the pending war with Iraq. This would be fantastic enough, but it’s not all. As an aviator attached to the Office of Naval Intelligence, Russbacher says he piloted a BAC-111 aircraft — with George Bush on board — to Paris in 1980. Perhaps more importantly, Russbacher claims to have shuttled Bush back to the United States a few hours later in an SR-71 spy plane — and he professes to have proof. His knowledge of these events is the real reason he is in prison, Russbacher says. Bush’s French rendezvous purportedly finalized earlier negotiations between the Reagan-Bush campaign and Islamic revolutionaries. Those talks supposedly centered on delaying the release of 52 American hostages then being held by Iran until after the November presidential elections. In exchange for prolonging their captivity, the Iranians were allegedly promised arms and spare parts to supply their burgeoning war with Iraq. According to Russbacher, the Reaganites also forked over $40 million up front to seal the deal. The move was meant to assure a Republican victory over then-President Jimmy Carter and preempt any “October surprise,” or last-minute administration plan to gain the hostages release. Russbacher is not the first nor most credible person to make these allegations. Reagan administration member Barbara Honegger published the initial October Surprise book in 1989. In 1990, Gary Sick, a National Security Council member in the Carter administration, renewed interest in the subject through a New York Times op-ed article. Sick followed it up last year with a volume of his own. Although there seems to be substance to these claims, there is uncertainty as to Bush’s presence at the Paris meetings. Citing Secret Service logs and interviews, the House October Surprise Task Force, a congressional inquiry now under way, dismissed the possibility of president’s participation in an interim report issued June 30. In February, a lengthy analysis by writer Frank Snepp of the Village Voice similarly refuted the premise. Another writer delving into related scandals didn’t get a chance to jump to any conclusions. Journalist Danny Casolaro was found dead in a Martinsburg, W. Va. motel room last August. The local coroner ruled it a suicide. But Casolaro’s investigation into the BCCI banking debacle and Inslaw computer software case has left doubt as to the actual cause of his death. Within this context, and given his alleged association with such shadowy figures as arms merchant Richard Brenneke and self-proclaimed CIA contract agent Michael Riconosciuto, Russbacher’s incredible story teeters on the verge of plausibility. Inside the Control Unit of the Missouri Correctional Facility at Jefferson City,the air conditioning isn’t working in one of the two visiting rooms. The four by four closet-sized space is furnished with two metal folding chairs and divided in the middle by a narrow counter top. Windows and a concave mirror allow prison guards to keep watch. The cubbyhole is thick with humidity as Russbacher, dressed in a sky blue sweat suit, begins to divulge the trump that he believes will set him free, and, ultimately, lead to either President Bush’s impeachment or resignation. “It’s actually quite a simple thing,” says Russbacher. “Every (SR) 71 flight– be it a training session or actual mission — is documented through a voice cockpit and video cockpit recorder,” he explains. According to Russbacher, the plane’s recording devices “document each and every facial expression, every movement of your hands and every turn of the instruments.” After the video is transmitted in six-second bites to one of three satellites positioned at “keyhole 11, 12 or 13” a signature is superimposed at the bottom of the screen, which includes: the exact time, aircraft of origin and its location. “It’s beamed back down to the NSA (National Security Agency) station at Fort Meade,Md. There is no way to tamper with it. If you try to make a secondary copy from the original, bar codes jump up,” says Russbacher.” This tape is in our possession,” he adds. Once the tape is turned over to congressional investigators and authenticated, he has been promised a release from prison and immunity from prosecution, Russbacher claims. His supporters, those who purloined the recording, form a cadre of disgruntled covert operatives, according to Russbacher. The way he explains it, there is a war going on within the intelligence community that involves three groups. “Faction one is the pro-Bush or the loyal faction within the agency,” says Russbacher. “Faction two (is) comprised mainly out of ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) handlers.” These are the good guys, according to Russbacher. “Faction two is loyal, basically, to the Constitution and to the concept of military law and order.” Russbacher indicates the third bunch is in league with the second. “They’re called rouge elephants.They’re stationed overseas, they’re stringers, they’re cutouts, they’re low-level agents.” Be it an act or the bonafide portrayal, Russbacher’s stance hasn’t gone unreviewed. Back in February — days after announcing an interest in the presidency — Ross Perot sent his top lawyer, David Bryant, and two pilots to interview the Missouri inmate. Perot also contacted Rep. Richard A. Gephardt in regard to Russbacher’s treatment at the Fulton Correctional Facility. Gephardt’s office in turn requested Missouri House Speaker Bob Griffin inquire about Russbacher’s condition. Griffin then spoke to George Lombardi, a state prison official. This flurry of concern came after Perot’s delegation was refused the right to interview Russbacher. At the time, Russbacher, who claims a heart condition, was being cloistered at the University Hospital in Columbia, Mo. News accounts have implied Russbacher feigned illness to dodge the investigators. Russbacher denies this, but says he still can’t state what transpired out of fear for himself and his family. When The RFT asked why he had been admitted, a hospital spokeswoman said the information was confidential. Since being moved to Jefferson City, Russbacher has been placed in protective custody. Because of the delay, Bryant and both pilots departed before speaking to Russbacher. To determine his familiarity with the SR-71, the remaining investigator, Bob Peck, asked a specific question about TEB, a jet fuel additive, according to Russbacher. The question came despite agreeing in advance not to discuss the aircraft, he says. With a prison official monitoring the interview, the self-professed spy plane pilot either couldn’t answer the questioner was unwilling to do so under the circumstances. Russbacher’s reticence became one more reason for the press to label him a charlatan. Russbacher has no compunction about discussing the SR-71 now, however. “You know what TEB stands for?” he asks. “That’s for tetra ethyl-borane, which is like the stuff you squirt into a car on a cold morning.” Such details and jargon add credibility to Russbacher’s story. There is also the stubble of beard that contrasts with his bald pate, and a subtle comportment that projects a military air. The combination seems almost enough to transform “Capt.”Russbacher’s prison garb into a flight suit. More startling is his missing fingernails, the result, Russbacher claims, of having been tortured by the enemy after he crashed over Laos during the Vietnam War. Eyeglasses offer the finishing touch to his persona. If this were a movie, Robert Duvall would be cast in the role. Indeed, Russbacher’s alleged exploits have already piqued an interest within the entertainment industry.He is quick to cite Gorby Leon, of Coumbia Picture’s story department, as one of his contacts. He also granted Geraldo Rivera’s “Now it Can be Told” a five-and-a-half hour interview recently. The segment never ran, and since then the TV show has been cancelled. True to character, Russbacher attributes its demise to forces more nefarious than low ratings. Likewise, members of the House October Surprise Task Force aren’t tuning in the “Gunther Russbacher Show,” or so they would have it seem. Richard Lewis, a spokesman for the task force in Washington, D.C., cannot comment on specifics, but says all individuals who claim participation or knowledge of events surrounding the October Surprise are being interviewed. However, as mentioned earlier, the task force has already refuted Russbacher’s allegation that Bush attended the 1980 Paris meetings. To explain this premature judgment, Lewis notes that task force chairman, Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), “is intent upon not having this seen as a partisan investigation.” Russbacher sees just that. “Hamilton entertained thoughts that he would become Mr. Clinton’s running mate. You will find that Mr. Hamilton will be more at ease now with the situation, … and I think you will see a retraction quite soon,” he says. “Lee Hamilton doesn’t play little games like that,” responds Lewis. The spokesman concedes Hamilton was”very wary” of accusations against Bush from the beginning. The committee chairman wanted to “show good faith” and give the perception of professionalism by refuting the allegations as soon as possible, Lewis says. Presidents always seem to garner “good faith” from the pols and the press. Russbacher hasn’t been nearly as fortunate. Mainstream media, if they refer to him at all, they often don’t mention his name. The best reporting on the subject has been by small independent newspapers like the Jefferson City News Tribune and the Napa(Calif.) Sentinel. The St. Louis Post Dispatch, by contrast, calls Russbacher “the great pretender,” but seems more fawning to Bush administration officials. In reporting a visit by U.S. ambassador Donald Gregg on June 8, the newspaper failed to mention that the former CIA official has been implicated in the October Surprise. And only in the photo caption is there word that Gregg conferred with Missouri Gov. John Ashcroft before speaking to the World Affairs Council. Interestingly, this was the first time Ashcroft attended such a seminar, according to a council spokeswoman. In St. Charles, assistant prosecutor Phillip W. Groenweghe appears no more eager to talk about the Russbacher case. Repeated calls to his office went unreturned last week. Robert Fleming, a court-appointed public defender, provided the following background on his client. Russbacher acquired a record for passing bad checks in the Army as a teenager. Then in the 70s, he was placed on probation after being convicted on federal charges in Louisiana of carrying bearer bonds, while dressed in a Army major’s uniform. Before now, Russbacher “doesn’t seem to have served anytime in any penitentiary,” says Fleming. This dovetails with his contention that he has been “sheepdipped,” Fleming says. The espionage term describes a spy whose identity has been changed. Fleming is challenging Russbacher’s conviction on grounds that the statute of limitations had expired and that his client previously received inadequate legal counsel. National Brokerage Companies, the alleged CIA proprietary, was registered with the state in January 1986. The names connected to the company are Emory Joseph Peden, Russbacher’s alias, and Peggy Russbacher, his former wife. A Florissant firm now using the title appears to be unrelated, Fleming says. Russbacher and his wife also incorporated other companies, according to Fleming, but investigators have been unable to find records of any National Brokerage spin-offs, which Russbacher asserts were part of the CIA operation. Russbacher says he ran the CIA proprietary at 7711 Bonhomme in Clayton and shared an office with the Connecticut Mutual Insurance Company. There may even be a more secretive organization behind Russbacher’s activities. As the interview concludes, he shows off a the wide gold band he wears on one finger. There are enigmatic symbols inscribed on the ring. “The pyramid is also the symbol for delta,” Russbacher cryptically explains. Other symbols, shaped like asterisks, represent the eight points of the earth, he says. “I’m just telling you very few people wear this ring. My wife has one, I have one. All other married couples wear them. They’re handmade. It signifies the ability to strike as a unit for the sake of humanity,” says Russbacher. “It’s a very long story.” Posted in Uncategorized and tagged 7711 Bonhomme, Atwater California, BAC-111, Barbara Honegger, Bill Clinton, Bob Peck, Castle Air Force Base, CIA, CIA proprietary, Clayton Mo., Columbia Mo., Columbia Pictures, David Bryant, Donald Gregg, Emory Joseph Peden, Florissant Mo., Frank Snepp, Ft. Meade, Fulton Correctional Facility, Gary Sick, George Bush, George H.W. Bush, George Lombardi, Geraldo Rivera, Gorby Leon, Gunther K. Russbacher, Gunther Karl Russbacher, Gunther Russbacher, House October Surprise Task Force, Iran, Iraq, Jefferson City, Jefferson City News Tribune, Jimmy Carter, John Ashcroft, Michael Riconosciuto, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Missouri Correctional Facility, Missouri House Leader Bob Griffin, Missouri Penitentiary, Napa Sentinel, National Brokerage Companies, National Security Agency, National Security Council, New York Times, NSA, Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI, Peggy Russbacher, Phillip W. Groenweghe, Reagan-Bush, Rep. Lee Hamilton, Rep. Richard A. Gephardt, RFT, Richard Breneke, Riverfront Times, Robert Andrew Walker, Robert Behler, Robert Duvall, Robert Fleming, Ross Perot, Secret Service, SR-71, St. Charles, St. Charles County, University Hospital, Village Voice, World Affairs Council on April 1, 2021 by stlreporter. 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Watch out Australia – the creators of TV's controversial animated comedy South Park are bringing their hit Broadway musical The Book of Mormon Down Under: and they're looking for homegrown talent to star in their stage show. "We can't wait to get started," Trey Parker and Matt Stone said on Monday while announcing the show's Melbourne season, from January 2017 (a national tour is likely to follow). Rema Webb, Andrew Rannells and Josh Gad in the Broadway production of The Book of Mormon. Credit:SARA KRULWICH "Everyone says we should look to Tassie for casting so that's where we're going first," the pair said in a statement. The musical, which has won Tony and Grammy awards on Broadway and an Oliver award for its run on London's West End, will be staged at Melbourne's Princess Theatre.
White House officials on Wednesday faced deepening political skepticism over a far-reaching counterterrorism program that collects millions of Americans’ phone records, even as they released newly declassified documents in an attempt to spotlight privacy safeguards. The previously secret material — a court order and reports to Congress — was released by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing opened Wednesday morning in which lawmakers sharply questioned the efficacy of the collection of bulk phone records. A senior National Security Agency official conceded that the surveillance effort was the primary tool in thwarting only one plot — not the dozens that officials had previously suggested. In recent weeks, political support for such broad collection has sagged, and the House last week narrowly defeated a bipartisan bid to end the program, at least in its current form. On Wednesday, senior Democratic senators voiced equally strong doubts . “This bulk-collection program has massive privacy implications,” said Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy of Vermont. “The phone records of all of us in this room — all of us in this room — reside in an NSA database. I’ve said repeatedly, just because we have the ability to collect huge amounts of data does not mean that we should be doing so. . . . If this program is not effective, it has to end. So far, I’m not convinced by what I’ve seen.” Administration officials defended the collection effort and a separate program targeting foreigners’ communication as essential and operating under stringent guidelines. “With these programs and other intelligence activities, we are constantly seeking to achieve the right balance between the protection of national security and the protection of privacy and civil liberties,” Deputy Attorney General James Cole said. “We believe these two programs have achieved the right balance.” Cole nonetheless said the administration is open to amending the program to achieve greater public trust. The NSA’s phone records collection program began after the September 2001 terrorist attacks and was brought under the supervision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in 2006. But its existence remained hidden until June, when the Guardian newspaper in Britain published a classified FISC order to a U.S. phone company to turn over to the NSA all call records. Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked the order to the newspaper. On Wednesday, The Guardian published new documents provided by the fugitive Snowden that outlined previously unknown features of an NSA data retrieval system called XKeyscore. The newspaper reported that the search tool allowed analysts to “search with no prior authorization through vast databases containing emails, online chats and the browsing histories of millions of individuals.” NSA slides describing the system published with The Guardian article indicated that analysts used it to sift through government databases, including Pinwale, the NSA’s primary storage system for email and other text, and Marina, the primary storage and analysis tool for “metadata.” Another slide described analysts using XKeyscore to access a database containing phone numbers, email addresses, log-ins and Internet user activity generated from other NSA programs. Other slides appear to carry screenshots showing what analysts would see as they trawled the intercepted conversations, including sample search queries such as “Show me all encrypted word documents from Iran” or “Show me all the word documents that reference Osama bin Laden.” In an indication of the program’s scope, one slide says that XKeyscore has led to the capture of more than 300 terrorists. In a statement, the NSA said that figure only included captures up to the year 2008, and pushed back against any suggestion of illegal or arbitrary collection of data. “These types of programs allow us to collect the information that enables us to perform our missions successfully — to defend the nation and to protect U.S. and allied troops abroad,” the statement said. How and from where the program draws its data isn’t completely clear, but one slide said XKeyscore was supported by 700 servers and 150 sites across the globe. Another slide seemed to show the program drawing data from a body codenamed SSO — an apparent reference to the NSA’s Special Source Operations, which previous Guardian articles have described as capturing large numbers of communications between the United States and other countries. The volume of data available to analysts through XKeyscore appears to be vast. The Guardian quoted one slide as saying that nearly 42 billion records had been captured by the system during a one-month period in 2012 — a rate of half a trillion records every year. So much content was being collected, the newspaper said, that it could only be stored for short periods of time — generally just a few days. “At some sites, the amount of data we receive per day (20+ terabytes) can only be stored for as little as 24 hours,” The Guardian quoted one document as saying. The newspaper said the disclosures shed light on Snowden’s claim that the NSA’s surveillance programs allowed him while sitting at his desk to “wiretap anyone, from you or your accountant, to a federal judge or even the president, if I had a personal email.” U.S. officials have denied that he had such capability. In a statement responding to the Guardian report, the NSA said “the implication that NSA’s collection is arbitrary and unconstrained is false. NSA’s activities are focused and specifically deployed against — and only against — legitimate foreign intelligence targets.” The agency further said: “Access to XKEYSCORE, as well as all of NSA’s analytic tools, is limited to only those personnel who require access for their assigned tasks. . . . Not every analyst can perform every function, and no analyst can operate freely. Every search by an NSA analyst is fully auditable, to ensure that they are proper and within the law.” On Wednesday, Clapper disclosed the FISA court’s “primary” order that spells out the program’s collection rules and two reports to Congress that discussed the program, which is authorized under Section 215 of the “business records” provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Administration officials released the documents to reassure critics that the program is strictly supervised and minimally invasive. For instance, the primary order states that only “appropriately trained and authorized personnel” may have access to the records, which consist of phone numbers of calls made and received, their time and duration, but not names and content. Officials call this metadata. The order also states that to query the data, there must be “reasonable, articulable suspicion,” presumably that the number is linked to a foreign terrorist group. But the documents fueled more concern about the program’s scope among civil liberties advocates who are pressing the administration to release the legal rationale that might explain what makes such large numbers of records relevant to an authorized investigation. Perhaps most alarming to some critics was the disclosure, in the order, that queries of the metadata return results that are placed into a “corporate store” that may then be searched for foreign intelligence purposes with fewer restrictions. That disclosure takes on significance in light of June testimony by Deputy NSA Director John Inglis that analysts could extend their searches by “three hops.” That means that starting from a target’s phone number, analysts can search on the phone numbers of people in contact with the target, then the numbers of people in contact with that group. In theory, that is potentially millions of people, said Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, who also testified Wednesday. The Office of the DNI earlier released a statement that fewer than 300 numbers were queried in 2012. That could still mean potentially hundreds of millions of records, Sen. Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, said at the hearing. Also, according to the order, the NSA does not need to audit the results of searches of the corporate store. The order asserts that phone metadata could be obtained with a grand jury subpoena. That may be true for one person or even a group of people, but not for all Americans’ phone records, critics said. Privacy advocates criticized redactions in the reports to Congress of information about the NSA’s failure to comply with its own internal rules. That is “among the most important information that the American public needs to critically assess whether these programs are proper,” according to Mark Rumold, staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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SURVIVING World War II veterans and their dependents have a billion reasons to smile. ADVERTISEMENT President Duterte on Monday ordered the release of P4.7 billion in unpaid benefits to war veterans and widows of soldiers who died defending the country from Japanese imperial forces. It was a fitting tribute to the war veterans as the nation marked the annual National Heroes’ Day. The distribution of the cash benefits was earlier approved by then President Benigno Aquino III, but it was put on hold because of the election ban, according to Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana. Mr. Duterte said part of the amount would be given to retired soldiers who were at least 80 years old. “It will be released as soon as possible,” he said in a speech at a ceremony at Libingan ng mga Bayani in Taguig City. He said P3.5 billion of the fund for the Total Administrative Liability (TAD) would be distributed to the veterans and widows while the remaining P1.2 billion would be intended for retired military officers. “Be careful. If you are not loyal to your wife, she might be joining the widows (who will get) P3.5 billion. And if I were the wife, I would think again now. There’s (money) waiting for me,” Mr. Duterte said in jest. The distribution of the cash benefits was stipulated under Republic Act No. 7696, which amended the law standardizing and upgrading the benefits for military veterans and their families. Mr. Duterte, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, thanked Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno and Lorenzana for signing the joint implementing rules and regulations (IRR) for the distribution of the funds. “I think he (Diokno) is the best ever budget secretary. And so publicly, I would like to thank you sir for accepting my offer to join the Cabinet. I really appreciate it very much,” he said of Diokno. ADVERTISEMENT As mandated by law, each beneficiary should receive P1,700 in monthly allowance upon reaching the age of 70 starting April 9, 1994. However, many of the veterans had died before they were able to collect their TAD allowances. In the joint IRR, all beneficiaries should receive the entire amount due them. The Philippine Veterans’ Affairs Office and the AFP were directed to process and facilitate the immediate distribution of the amount to all beneficiaries. As of September 2015, there were 16,237 surviving spouses entitled to the TAD pension. With a report from Inquirer Research Read Next LATEST STORIES MOST READ
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Sleek, Relevant, Great writing, Charismatic, Absorbing See it if Nonstop exchange of sharp and witty comebacks that is not only relevant to today’s politics, but also deeply captivating. Kudos big toe lady Don't see it if Conversations are lengthy and obviously politically charged. Huge Trump hater as well. Numerous subtle nuances will be missed from far Also Sitting in the very first row allowed me to witness the trembling of Uma’s hands around the wine glass when the show began and the subtle nuances and glances actors had exchanged throughout the show. This tremendously influenced the impact the actors had on me. I’m genuinely surprised to see this show rated so low on here. I find politics fascinating and the chemistry that resembled the Underwood’s was delightful (and hilarious) to experience. Such class and superb acting from all-loved Blair from OITNB.... Read more Read less
It's been quite a year for Spike Lee. His comments about gentrification (and people's response to them) have largely overshadowed why 2014 is an important year for the auteur: the 25th anniversary of his classic film, Do the Right Thing, arrives at the end of this month. In honor of that, New York City has changed the name of Stuyvesant Avenue between Lexington Avenue and Quincy Street in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood—where the film was shot—to Do The Right Thing Way. Lee made the revelation on Instagram earlier this morning: Good Morning People.Great,Great News Today. The City Of New York Has Changed Stuyvesant Street Between Lexington And Quincy In The Brooklyn Hood Of BED-STUY DO OR DIE As Do The Right Thing Way. It Is On This One Block Our Joint Was Shot.We Will Be Celebrating The 25th Silver Anniversary. This simply reaffirms that, from the themes it presented to its impact on the world, Do the Right Thing is just as relevant in 2014 as it was in 1989. [via Instagram] RELATED: Spike Lee Gets Brutally Honest When Discussing Gentrification in Brooklyn RELATED: Cinematic Atlas: A Guide to Spike Lee's New York Send tips, photos and news developments to [email protected].
CLOSE The University of West Florida put together one of its best all-around performances in a 30-7 win over North Alabama. Hear from players and check out the scene after the win. Eric J. Wallace / [email protected] UWF head coach Pete Shinnick celebrates after an Argos touchdown against Delta State at Blue Wahoos Stadium on Saturday, October 14, 2017. (Photo: Jody Link/[email protected]) The University of West Florida’s second season of college football isn’t done yet. The Argos (7-3) rode a late season surge of stunning upsets to claim the first postseason berth in program history on Sunday afternoon as the No. 6 seed in Super Region 2. UWF's playoff bid made NCAA history as the Argos are the fastest program in Division II history to go from startup to a playoff bid. The Argos beat out head coach Pete Shinnick's previous school UNC-Pembroke and CSU-Pueblo, which earned playoff bids in their third season. “It’s nuts. A testament to the whole team, coaches, players… to everyone,” UWF quarterback Mike Beaudry said. “Looking back on this season, if we don’t have the guys on this team that have this kind of character we’re not in this position.” The Argos will open the NCAA Division II Football Playoffs at No. 3 Wingate (9-1) on Saturday in Wingate, N.C. No better feeling than this! Playoff bound pic.twitter.com/drCYZW6vm3 — Zack Berkowitz (@CoachBerkUWF) November 13, 2017 UWF knocked off reigning national runner-up North Alabama and No. 24 West Georgia (8-3) in the final two weeks of the season to surge into postseason contention. Even with the wins, however, UWF got little help from outside as most of the region's other playoff contenders picked up wins. “We knew we did what we could do in winning that game and from there it was out of our hands,” Beaudry said. “Looking at the other scores from around the region, it wasn’t looking good for us but you can’t lose hope. It’s awesome, it’s unreal.” Despite their season-finale loss to UWF on Saturday, the Wolves hung on and claimed the No. 7 seed in the Super Region 2. The Wolves will face No. 2 Virginia State (9-0) in the opening round. Stunner. #UWF (7-3) is in as the No. 6 seed in Super Region 2. They'll face No. 3 Wingate (9-1) in the opening round. #pnjsportspic.twitter.com/wDuY0wSFMx — Eric Wallace (@EWall14) November 12, 2017 Gulf South Conference foe West Alabama (9-1) claimed the No. 1 seed in Super Region 2 and will have an opening-round bye. UWF lost to West Alabama 35-18 on Oct. 28. Other opening round matchups include No. 4 Bowie State (9-1) and No. 5 Delta State (8-3), whom UWF lost to 28-25 at Blue Wahoos Stadium on Oct. 14. The Argos upset No. 24 West Georgia on Saturday, 34-29, and ended up being one of four teams from the Gulf South Conference to earn NCAA Division II playoff bids. It's just the second year of football for UWF and head coach Pete Shinnick, who was hired in February 2014 to start up football at the school for the first time. “It’s so cool. Growing with these guys through the first year when we were playing nobody but ourselves," Beaudry said. "Growing from that in our first season to now, it’s just unreal. “It’s so special being with the same guys that fit in so well. It’s so cool to see us grow as a team and accomplish so many things.” Reach Eric Wallace at [email protected] or 850-525-5087.
Obtained by ABC News Brian and Deborah Campbell's backyard has been hit by a plague straight out of the Bible. Locusts, thousands of them, are eating through their commercial garden, destroying crops and leaving the once-thriving area nearly completely barren. "We don't know what to do," Deborah Campbell told local station KCRA. "We don't know how to stop it. We're just breeding them now." The locusts have also infested the garden of Brad Lucchese. They have decimated his produce, eating everything but the tomatoes. Lucchese told KCRA that his chickens are having a field day feasting upon the locusts. However, there aren't nearly enough chickens to stop the thousands of bugs. As of today, the problem is confined to a relatively small area in the town of Herald, Calif., known as "the grove," but locals fear that it will grow and spread, infesting more gardens and threatening vineyards in the area.
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Dikla Benzeevi - Sharsheret Skip to content Who We Are Founder’s Page Mission Statement Boards Our Stories & Videos FAQs Career Opportunities News & Media Staff What We Do Individual Support Peer-To-Peer Genetics Parenting Side Effects Caregivers, Family & Friends Resources Financial Assistance Sharsheret In The Kitchen Introducing Ina®, Your Personal Intelligent Nutrition Assistant Webinar Recordings and Transcripts On Campus Events Upcoming Events Virtual Programs for Cancer Support Blog Contact Toggle Navigation https://sharsheret.org:443/team/dikla-benzeevi/ Search for: BRCA/Genetics BRCA + BRCA Family History Counseling & Testing BRCA Support Hereditary Cancer and Men Breast Cancer Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Treatment Help Survivorship Living with Metastatic Cancer Caregivers, Family & Friends Signs & Symptoms Male Breast Cancer Resources Ovarian Cancer Newly Diagnosed In Treatment Survivorship Living with Advanced Cancer Signs & Symptoms Caregivers, Family & Friends Resources Get Involved Sharsheret Summit: Pink Teal and You Bat and Bar Mitzvahs Corporate & Community Partners Medical Professionals Schedule A Training On Campus Peer Support Network Pies for Prevention Sharsheret Pink & Teal Shabbat Coordinate an In-Person or Virtual Event Speakers Bureau Team Sharsheret – We Are Wherever You Are Volunteer with Sharsheret Young Professionals Circle Donate Now Make a Donation Rosh Hashanah 2022 Heidi’s Robes Send a Card Rochelle’s Dream Establish a Jewel Host a Fundraiser Sharsheret Legacy Circle Why Give Other Ways to Give Team Sharsheret – We Are Wherever You Are Shop Sharsheret Gear Who We Are Founder’s Page Mission Statement Boards Staff Our Stories & Videos FAQs Career Opportunities News & Media What We Do Individual Support Peer-To-Peer Genetics Parenting Side Effects Family & Friends Resources Financial Assistance Sharsheret In The Kitchen Introducing Ina®, Your Personal Intelligent Nutrition Assistant Webinars On Campus Events Sharsheret Summit: Pink Teal and You Upcoming Events Virtual Programs for Cancer Support BRCA/Genetics BRCA + BRCA Family History Counseling & Testing BRCA Support Hereditary Cancer and Men Breast Cancer Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Treatment Help Survivorship Living with Metastatic Cancer Signs & Symptoms Caregivers, Family & Friends Male Breast Cancer Resources Ovarian Cancer Newly Diagnosed In Treatment Survivorship Living with Advanced Cancer Signs & Symptoms Caregivers, Family & Friends Resources Get Involved Bat and Bar Mitzvahs Team Sharsheret – We Are Wherever You Are Donate Now Peer Support Network Coordinate an In-Person or Virtual Event Volunteer with Sharsheret Speakers Bureau Corporate & Community Partners Medical Professionals On Campus Sharsheret Pink & Teal Shabbat Pies for Prevention Blog Contact Sharsheret Donate Now Make a Donation Rosh Hashanah 2022 Heidi’s Robes Other Ways to Give Team Sharsheret – We Are Wherever You Are Send a Card Rochelle’s Dream Establish a Jewel Host a Fundraiser Sharsheret Legacy Circle Why Give Shop Sharsheret Gear Dikla Benzeevi Dikla Benzeevi is a 18-year thriver of advanced metastatic stage-four breast cancer, originally diagnosed at age 32. Since her diagnosis, she has dedicated her time to breast cancer outreach and advocacy – assisting and guiding women and men living with metastatic breast cancer and young women with breast cancer and their loved ones through this difficult journey. She has a long history with Sharsheret and currently serves on the Sharsheret California Advisory Committee. connect with us Email Address:* Click on the map to find Sharsheret near you Sharsheret does not make medical referrals or endorse or promote any specific medication, treatment, product, or service. Contact Us 866.474.2774 [email protected] Donate Contents Copyright © 2022 Sharsheret, a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Privacy Policy Contact Terms of Use Financials Crafted by Cornershop Creative Top Start typing and press Enter to search
Bonnie, Clyde and the critics | Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert Great Movies Collections TV/Streaming Interviews Movie Reviews Chaz's Journal Contributors Roger Ebert Bonnie, Clyde and the critics Roger Ebert December 10, 1967 Tweet Not since “I, a Woman” hit the suburbs has a movie caused more excitement than “Bonnie and Clyde.” It's the blood-soaked, tenderly photographed love story of two bandits and the banks they called their own. Most critics said it was the best movie of the year. But three major publications attacked it. Newsweek blasted it one week, but in its next issue the Newsweek critic changed his mind and said it was a Hollywood milestone. Bosley Crowther of the New York Times attacked the film on three different occasions. Last week, it was announced that Crowther will retire. Advertisement The big holdout was Time magazine, which has never changed its mind about anything. In its first review, Time dismissed the movie as historically inaccurate. But last week, in a dramatic about-face, Time put “Bonnie and Clyde” on its cover and assigned Cinema Writer Stefan Kanfer (its new critic, replacing the guy who didn't like the movie) to write the story. This time, Time found the movie a brilliant achievement. What mysterious force caused three giants of journalism to change their minds? What caused Crowther's downfall after 29 years as the dean of U.S. movie critics? What the hell's going on? ACT ONE. It's raining in Dustbowl, Texas, and Bonnie and Clyde are sitting inside their stolen 1929 six-cylinder Ford coupe with the windows rolled up. The patter of raindrops on the roof sounds like a distant machine gun. CLYDE (picking graham crackers from his teeth): Whatcher doin' there, Bonnie honey? BONNIE (snatching her pencil back from Clyde and wiping graham cracker off its point): I'm tryin' to write a ballad but I keep getting' all this damn gummy graham cracker all over my yeller legal pad. CLYDE: A ballot? How you gonna vote when you ain't even registered? Despite all them Roosey-velt posters we put in the movie. BONNIE: Not a ballot, honey bun, a ballad. That's like a song, only when you're a folk-hero team of bank robbers like us you gotta write ballads instead. CLYDE: What you writin' about? BONNIE: Well, I'm trying to knock out a little something for Time magazine. CLYDE: Yes, Ma'am. You go right ahead. Now we got that fellow from Newsweek straightened out, Time's all that's left. Advertisement BONNIE: Listen to this. You've all heard the story Of Bonnie and Clyde At least in Newsweek And the New York Times Bosley Crowther didn't like us… CLYDE: Bow-sley Crawfer? Who the Sam Spade is he? BONNIE: He's the one said we didn't look nothin' like ourselves. CLYDE: Ain't that a laugh? ACT TWO. It is sunny in Mossville, Texas. The distant patter of machine gun fire sounds like raindrops on the roof of a stolen 1929 six-cylinder Ford coupe. C. W. Moss, a gas station attendant, is just draining the last of the regular into the Ethyl pump when Bonnie and Clyde drive up. CLYDE: Fill'er up, boy, and step on it. We got the Texas Rangers on our tail. C. W. MOSS: Gee, that must mean this here's a stolen 1929 six-cylinder Ford coupe, and you must be Clyde Barrow and that there's Miss Bonnie Parker and you rob banks. CLYDE: You a real smart boy. We could use you as a getaway driver. Take the money out of the cash register and jump in. And while you're at it, quit slobbering. C. W. MOSS: Can't help it. Ever since I was in “Wild Angels,” it ain't been nothing but slobber, slobber. (He gets into the rumble seat and opens an issue of Time.) Hey, Clyde? CLYDE: Yeah? C. W. MOSS: How come is it that when they write about us in Time, they allus refer to me as a previously unknown character actor while you is the brother of Shirley MacLaine? CLYDE: Just you be thankful you ain't the brother of Shirley MacLaine, or all them Hollywood starlets would be after you. BONNIE: That's a laugh. CLYDE: I told you I weren't no lover boy. But you may just be the best damn girl in Texas. BONNIE: That's what Elia Kazan said when he talked me into joining the Lincoln Center Repertory Company. Advertisement ACT THREE. It's night in On Location, Iowa, and the distant chatter of a typewriter sounds like someone running amok in the 1929 Time magazine six-cylinder Cinema Section. Bonnie, Clyde and C.W. have been joined by Clyde's Kanfer, ironically handcuffed by his own editorial policy. BONNIE (sticks a typewriter in her mouth and poses next to the hapless Cinema Writer): Clyde, get the Polaroid and shoot a picture of us two. Boy, is Time's face gonna be red when they see this! BUCK: Said our movie wasn't no good. Boy, howdy! They are in a motel room, and have backed their car through the wall. Sitting on the spare tire is Time Cinema Writer Stefan Kanfer, Buck, and Buck's new bride, Blanche, who is a preacher's daughter. Now read that sentence once again, slowly. BUCK: Whoopee! Did we ever have a time! CINEMA WRITER KANFER: Don't make puns. C.W.: Look who's talking. BLANCHE (sniffs): And him a preacher's daughter, jest like me. BUCK: Now that's interesting. Where you ever learn to wave that spatula, Blanche honey? BLANCHE: Actor's Studio. Ain't a real spatula less it got spit, tears and old egg yolk on it. CLYDE (snaps a picture of Bonnie with Cinema Writer Kanfer): We got you now! We got you now! (Grabs Cinema Writer Kanfer's handcuffed editorial policy and throws it out the window.) BONNIE: We gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget, Cinema Writer Kanfer! We took that Newsweek feller for a ride and he changed his mind like lightning. And you know what happened to Bosley Crowther. Replaced by a 29-year-old six-cylinder New Leftist from the New Yorker. CINEMA WRITER KANFER (pales): Not that! CLYDE: And that's what's gonna happen to you, big boy, unlessen you change your mind and put us on the cover next week. BONNIE: S-h-h-h Lissen to this: You've all heard the stor-ee Of Newsweek and Time. They didn't like Bonnie They didn't like Clyde. But Cinema Writer Kanfer Be gonna show what-fer And he'll say we're good Although we was bloody… CLYDE: Now jest hol' on a minute, Bonnie baby. This cheer is goin' in a big magazine. We don't wanna look ignorant. “Good” don't rhyme with “bloody.” BONNIE: What's-a matter, boy-ee? Ain't you seen the movie? Advertisement Roger Ebert Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism. 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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Auto Insurance And Auto Insurance Companies near Ashburn, VA No results found Clear all filters Help Suggestions Privacy(Updated) Terms(Updated) Privacy Dashboard Advertise About ads About this page
From Drums Instructor to International Music Academy – The story of Patrick J. Abdo and The Drum Path – Dover News Now Dover News Now From Drums Instructor to International Music Academy – The story of Patrick J. Abdo and The Drum Path Back To Homepage Subscribe To RSS Feed Breaking News No posts were found From Drums Instructor to International Music Academy – The story of Patrick J. Abdo and The Drum Path September 23 00:54 2022 Share it With Friends The Drum Path is an online drum academy founded by Patrick J. Abdo, a Lebanese musician, engineer, and entrepreneur. Drums are widely regarded as the most complex musical instrument, requiring advanced strength, stamina, endurance, and hand-eye coordination. While drumming prodigies emerge every so often, the majority of newcomers and aspirants turn to drum teachers. Among thousands of drum instructors across all compass points, none stands out as Patrick J. Abdo: a Lebanese musician, engineer, and the creator of one of the world’s top leading drum academies. Hailing from Beirut, Patrick’s upbringing began in the heart of a multi-cultural music environment. Early in his life, he acquired and developed a keen sense of rhythm, which he nurtured throughout his formative years. Patrick’s drumming ambitions began in 2004; over seven years, he polished his skills and pursued his passion until he began working as a private drum instructor in 2011. He transformed numerous aspirants into skilled musicians, and word of his talents, charisma and teaching skills quickly spread. In 2018, Patrick Abdo founded The Drum Path. In record time, his company became widely acclaimed as the leading online drum university. With Patrick as its primary instructor, The Drum Path enabled him to cater to the needs of larger audiences. Even after enjoying global renown as the founder of the acclaimed The Drum Path, Patrick J. Abdo remained motivated to reach as many people as he could. Knowing that not all young students of drums can afford his courses, he made a variety of online drum lessons accessible for free on his YouTube channel. Patrick based his online drum academy on his book titled “The Drum Path: From Zero to Advanced”. The book touches on the fundamental drumming elements, including but not limited to the components of a drum kit, correct posture for drummers, introductory exercises, music notation, advanced exercises, primary drum rudiments, challenges to develop independence, and more. When asked to describe the Drum Path book, Patrick imparted that it is a compilation of his teaching techniques and lessons all drummers should know, stating the following: “The Drum Path is the ultimate guide for drum enthusiasts. The drummer will get to learn everything he/she needs to know from the very basics of handling the drums to advanced drumming techniques through which he/she will be able to perform on stage professionally and with confidence. The aim of this book is to provide the most adequate learning experience a future drummer needs,” said Patrick Abdo. The Drum Path book was launched on Amazon on the 21st of August 2021, features 105 pages, and is available on Amazon. More information about Patrick Abdo and The Drum Path is available on the company’s official website. Media Contact Company Name: The Drum Path Contact Person: Patrick Abdo Email: Send Email Phone: +971 52 318 6659 Address:Al Barsha 1, D2 Tower, 1st Floor, 101 City: Dubai Country: United Arab Emirates Website: https://www.thedrumpath.com Share Share Tweet +1 Share Share Related Articles Scroll Back To Top Dr Song’s 3D Urology and Prostate Clinics Present a Wide Array of the Most Advanced 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment for Prostate and Genitourinary Problems Zooz Moving Shares the Top Tips for Preparing for a Long-Distance Journey Entirewire Inc. Announces Qualities that make them the Top Electricians in Wadsworth. Categories Press Release © 2015 Copyright Arkansas Journal. All Rights reserved. Designed by Loading.. Close Window Loading, Please Wait! This may take a second or two.
REMOTE SERVICE protects from production losses worldwide | POINTR EN DE JP Product Use Cases About Downloads News Contacts Book Live Demo Select Page # Back to blog REMOTE SERVICE protects from production losses worldwide Apr 6, 2021 | Blog Remote service solutions and remote collaboration tools such as POINTR from Delta Cygni Labs, ensure the continuity of the manufacturing process worldwide. Digital remote maintenance brings innovative possibilities, providing great opportunities for German engineering. This is true, not only in the competitive markets of emerging countries, but also wherever the training of workers requires the support of skilled technicians and specialist expertise. The German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK), located in both São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, can boast more than a one-hundred-year history. It is just one example confirming that German engineers have traditionally operated globally. German machines are utilized all over the world and Latin America is no exception. German engineering and machine manufacturing, a backbone of its domestic industry, can be found operating all over the world. However, machines and facilities that are used for such production, also require global service arrangements. Providing such service for worldwide production poses a major challenge for small and medium-sized companies, in particular those that may not always have the resources to guarantee a continuous and consistent level of service. Yet, this guarantee has become an indispensable selling point due to increasingly intense competition. Remote service helps to deal with this challenge and enables such companies to provide immediate help in the event of production losses worldwide. With remote service solutions, it does not matter where the machine is located. Whether that be in nearby Luxembourg or in a country 9,500 km away like Brazil. With remote service solutions, engineering companies can assist their customers everywhere and at any time. POINTR from Delta Cygni Labs, can be installed on desktop computers or mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones – completely hassle-free. It can be installed immediately, as soon as the malfunction is reported. Many failures can be fixed by the employees on site. But what can be done when specific know-how is required? What should be done when the employee in Brazil is standing in front of the machinery and every single minute of downtime is costing money? If they realize that they cannot solve the issue themself, they contact the machine manufacturer’s service centre by phone or e-mail. See how the process works. In order to deal with more complicated problems that cannot be fixed on site, it is crucial that the service technician in Upper Bavaria is provided with a detailed insight – which ideally they can see – into where the exactly the problem lies within this system. This is especially important if the problem happens to be located in a building, somewhere at the end of a remote and muddy dirt road, south of Manaus. Language barriers and feedback loops may delay the process further and make it even more difficult. Remote Collaboration enables remote service on a global scale in real time Remote collaboration enables experts in Germany to work directly with the technician on site in real time. The service in Germany simply has to ask the technician on site to install the free version of the POINTR app. The remote servicing app is available for Android and iOS devices. With the help of the POINTR app as well as a secure connection, the expert from Germany can directly make contact with the technician in Brazil. Here, POINTR can be used with any network connection, ranging from 4G to satellite. Additional solutions are available for connections at sea. With the technician on site using the app, the remote expert can see exactly what the technician sees. The innovative software of the POINTR app guarantees that the picture is always synchronized at both ends of the call to ensure that every individual involved is operating with the same view. This enables the service technician to work in a much more targeted way, which enables them to locate the problem much faster. Furthermore, they are provided with numerous features that overcomes the Portuguese-English-German language barrier. Thanks to the interactive elements of the POINTR app, the remote service expert can give precise instructions as to which part of the machine the customer’s service technician needs to inspect more closely. Here, the expert can observe on the screen what the technician sees, allowing them to determine exactly which fault has led to the failure, as they can now literally see where the problem is located. Throughout the next step, the expert can act as a virtual assistant and guide the technician. For example, the service expert can draw an arrow at the exact spot on the screen where the loose cable in Brazil needs to be plugged in again. Furthermore, the expert can provide instructions in writing via the app to guide the technician step by step through the required process. In addition, augmented reality features offer the possibility of displaying additional computerized content. Group calls can be utilized to involve several participants simultaneously, in order to find a remote service solution to a problem as a team. Contact us to receive more information! ← VDL Bus & Coach Finland Seeks Speed and Efficiency with POINTR IBC Solar’s Remote Service boosts Clean Energy → Keep up with POINTR Success! Name Email Subscribe We use Mailchimp as a marketing platform. By clicking to sign up, you confirm that your data will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy policy here. Meet us in these Upcoming Events No upcoming events. Check out our blog for recent news: ALL ARTICLES Product Use Cases Downloads Blog Contacts Delta Cygni Labs: About The XRTC Protocol Delta Cygni Labs Oy Korkeakoulunkatu 1 33720 Tampere FINLAND Delta Cygni Labs GmbH Überseeallee 1 20457 Hamburg GERMANY General Terms Legal Notice Privacy Policy Follow us: Manage Cookie Consent We use cookies to garuantee best visitor experience and to do analysis of our website performance. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. 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[Drama 2018] A Poem A Day / You Who Forgot Poetry, 시를 잊은 그대에게 - Page 67 - k-dramas & movies - Soompi Forums Jump to content Existing user? Sign In Sign In Remember me Not recommended on shared computers Sign In Forgot your password? Or sign in with one of these services Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Google Sign Up Browse Forums Staff More Activity All Activity Content I Started Search More More More Everywhere This Forum This Topic Status Updates Topics Events Members k-dramas & movies All Activity Home soompi entertainment k-dramas & movies [Drama 2018] A Poem A Day / You Who Forgot Poetry, 시를 잊은 그대에게 EVENT: The weirdest and most mind-boggling kdrama endings [Drama 2018] A Poem A Day / You Who Forgot Poetry, 시를 잊은 그대에게 you who forgot poetry By 0ly40, December 12, 2017 in k-dramas & movies Share More sharing options... Followers 5 Prev 62 63 64 65 66 67 Next Page 67 of 67 Recommended Posts Guest Posted June 4, 2018 Guest Guests Share Posted June 4, 2018 @stargazer187 I know our national languages are quite similar, you can check it out if you are looking for a short webtoon (10 eps unders 15mins each. I wish to see Ye Saem in more romance dramas.. this is a legal site by Astro Spoiler http://www.gempak.com/the-birth-of-a-mrs?mediaid=1565113&title=the-birth-of-a-mrs-episode-1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Replies 1.3k Created 4 yr Last Reply 2 yr Top Posters In This Topic 143 131 116 114 Popular Days May 1 102 Apr 30 95 May 8 86 Apr 24 66 Top Posters In This Topic bella1025 143 posts RPM 131 posts jellybing2009 116 posts Nodame 114 posts Popular Days May 1 2018 102 posts Apr 30 2018 95 posts May 8 2018 86 posts Apr 24 2018 66 posts Popular Posts bella1025 May 8, 2018 @enigmatic_zephy I stand corrected then if that wasn't addressed to a fellow soompier. Anyway, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we can all support and speak for whoever we want to in bebebisous33 May 5, 2018 @triplem @RPM I never felt that SMH was the main lead, although he was introduced so early. To me, he was quite annoying from the start. I don't really mind the rejection as such, he had the right to viktormani May 14, 2018 Of course we Ye liners respect that you ship MH and BH it's just that i don't understand when some people are defending MH abusive actions. As a man i find his actions terrible, if somebody treated me Posted Images jellybing2009 Posted June 4, 2018 jellybing2009 Fan Level: 22-3 Members 8,995 927 Share Posted June 4, 2018 @triplem i also can understand the language but i need to pick up abit hhaha already forgot most of them. thanks!! yes , i wish to see ye Saem in more romance drama as well heheh 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... RPM Posted June 4, 2018 RPM Fan Level: 30 Members 26,375 3.9k Share Posted June 4, 2018 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 3 weeks later... celebrianna Posted June 19, 2018 celebrianna Vale of Valinor Members 18,713 3.1k Share Posted June 19, 2018 Whew! I just finished this show and reading this thread. I didn’t get the confusion over which actor was the main lead perhaps because on DramaFever only the actors for BY and Dr. Ye were listed. The opening credits also showed the actor for Dr. Ye right after BY. I’m glad it turned out that way too because it was nice seeing their relationship blossom from mutual respect to something dearer. I think they really suited each other. I also never found them boring and never found Dr. Ye boring. I quite like his character even when he’s dishing out unsolicited advice. LOL It’s kind of ironic because I found him funnier than a lot of the other things that were meant to be funny. Gosh, Dr. YJ’s story just crushed me. It’s so sad that she chose to break off her marriage without even giving her husband a chance to decide what he wanted to do. Her decision didn’t sit well with me at all even if she thought it was the best thing for him since he wanted children. Well, it’s water under the bridge now but it was still sad that she didn’t give him an honest answer even after all that time. At least he would know that he didn’t fail her. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 40somethingahjumma Posted June 20, 2018 40somethingahjumma Fan Level: 30 Members 46,529 5k Share Posted June 20, 2018 22 hours ago, celebrianna said: Whew! I just finished this show and reading this thread. I didn’t get the confusion over which actor was the main lead perhaps because on DramaFever only the actors for BY and Dr. Ye were listed. The opening credits also showed the actor for Dr. Ye right after BY. I’m glad it turned out that way too because it was nice seeing their relationship blossom from mutual respect to something dearer. I think they really suited each other. I also never found them boring and never found Dr. Ye boring. I quite like his character even when he’s dishing out unsolicited advice. LOL It’s kind of ironic because I found him funnier than a lot of the other things that were meant to be funny. I agree. All the stuff he got up to after they became an item was very funny to. Drawing hearts, panicking and getting angry with Therapist Park for pushing BY onto the floor. But my favourite has got to be when he tries to leave early after a staff dinner on the pretext of being tired (so that he can sneak off and spend quality time with BY). That was gold. Deliberate bad acting. Dear me... why is LJH so underrated? 23 hours ago, celebrianna said: Gosh, Dr. YJ’s story just crushed me. It’s so sad that she chose to break off her marriage without even giving her husband a chance to decide what he wanted to do. Her decision didn’t sit well with me at all even if she thought it was the best thing for him since he wanted children. Well, it’s water under the bridge now but it was still sad that she didn’t give him an honest answer even after all that time. At least he would know that he didn’t fail her. It's an odd sort of noble idiocy. Has she not heard of something called "adoption"? Why this unnecessary sort of self-inflicted pain? Is she never going to date again? And if she does, is she going to let the guy know up front that she can't have kids? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... celebrianna Posted June 20, 2018 celebrianna Vale of Valinor Members 18,713 3.1k Share Posted June 20, 2018 @40somethingahjumma, I was also very pleased with how mature BY and JW handled the fact that she chose to hide her job situation from him. I was dreading the usual dramatic handling of this kind of situation in the hand of script writers but thankfully the situation wasn’t blown up but rather cleared up very much in line with their characters. Some of the side stories that really touched me were the paraplegic woman and her fiancé, the doctor who got sick and wanted to transfer to another hospital, the radiologist doctor who wasn’t sure how to work the examination machine and the grandma who delayed surgery because of her grand daughter. Nice slice of life drama. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... sunshinefate Posted June 21, 2018 sunshinefate Fan Level: 20-3 Members 5,862 683 Share Posted June 21, 2018 I know that I am very late to join this thread but I am really in love with the Yeline, especially with Lee Jun Hyuk. God, I have also heard about the shipwar back when the drama was still airing but I have to say that I was already on the Yeline ship even in the beginning of the drama. When Dr Ye character first popped up, I was already smitten by his handsome face and his mysterious aura. And when he finally smiled in the end of ep 4 when he looked at Bo Young's shadow, God, I was onboard on that ship! If anyone says that his character is not a first male lead material, IMO, he is a really first male lead material. He has that mysterious aura in him and he is also distant to others and I find his character is quite a mixed of various first male lead, except that he does not have a lovehate relationship with our female lead, but he is just making a distance. I really love that he is so mature and when Bo Young lied when she went to the interview, he did not get mad at her, instead, he thought that it was his mistake that he was unapproachable to her. He tried to fix his unapproachable behavior and thus made our female lead become more smitten to him. How thoughtful he is. He is so lovable in his own way. And I agree that when I really love someone, I try to show my best side of me to him and it is not because I am not comfortable to him, it is just I want him to know that he also loves the right woman. Dr Ye is a really good listener and finally Bo Young can open up to him. A relationship like that, IMO, will last forever because the man is really mature and the woman understands her man really well and tries to understand him and his own way to love her. A relationship when the couple try to learn each other slowly but surely like that is my favorite. I knew Lee Jun Hyuk since City Hunter and I remembered I loved his character so much back then. He has an amazing acting skill, killer smile, and a very handsome face. Truly a male lead material. I hope to see him in a drama again soon and also Lee Yu Bi. I love her in a comedic like this. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 11 months later... screwdila Posted May 27, 2019 screwdila Fan Level: 10-1 Members 556 113 Share Posted May 27, 2019 Just came here to share a MV I made please do watch it 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 4 weeks later... Guest Posted June 22, 2019 Guest Guests Share Posted June 22, 2019 @screwdila I lurve it... so excited for his new drama. Though I am hoping he'd do another romance one some time in the future. My LJH fever has resurfaced again...I have been watching old clips and MVs of APAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 10 months later... celebrianna Posted April 28, 2020 celebrianna Vale of Valinor Members 18,713 3.1k Share Posted April 28, 2020 I notice Viki is slowly acquiring the licenses for the shows that were exclusively on DramaFever. I’m hoping that this show will be added too. I want it in my Favorites so that I can rewatch it as the mood hits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Prev 62 63 64 65 66 67 Next Page 67 of 67 Create an account or sign in to comment You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Create an account Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Register a new account Sign in Already have an account? Sign in here. Sign In Now Share More sharing options... Followers 5 Go to topic listing Announcements EVENT: The weirdest and most mind-boggling kdrama endings Replies 1.3k Created 4 yr Last Reply 2 yr Top Posters In This Topic bella1025 143 posts RPM 131 posts jellybing2009 116 posts Nodame 114 posts Popular Days May 1 2018 102 posts Apr 30 2018 95 posts May 8 2018 86 posts Apr 24 2018 66 posts Popular Posts bella1025 May 8, 2018 @enigmatic_zephy I stand corrected then if that wasn't addressed to a fellow soompier. Anyway, I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we can all support and speak for whoever we want to in bebebisous33 May 5, 2018 @triplem @RPM I never felt that SMH was the main lead, although he was introduced so early. To me, he was quite annoying from the start. I don't really mind the rejection as such, he had the right to viktormani May 14, 2018 Of course we Ye liners respect that you ship MH and BH it's just that i don't understand when some people are defending MH abusive actions. As a man i find his actions terrible, if somebody treated me Posted Images Hot Topics 37,285 Hyun Bin 현빈 [Upcoming movies: “The Point Men”, “Confidential Assignment 2”] By Helena Started October 5, 2005 22,472 ❤NCT/WayV (엔시티/威神V) Official Thread❤ / NCT 127 2nd Concert Tour 'NEO CITY : THE LINK' / NCT DREAM TOUR ‘THE DREAM SHOW 2 / NCT 127 '질주 (2 Baddies)' The 4th Album OUT NOW! By kimlees Started April 22, 2016 14,558 [THE OFFICIAL] EXO 엑소 THREAD ll #weareoneEXO By AlexandraReid Started January 11, 2012 394 [Mainland Chinese Drama 2022] Love Between Fairy and Devil 苍兰诀 By sugarplum892 Started December 18, 2020 31,058 [OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple) By cybertron Started July 25, 2019 All Activity Home soompi entertainment k-dramas & movies [Drama 2018] A Poem A Day / You Who Forgot Poetry, 시를 잊은 그대에게 Privacy Policy Contact Us Powered by Invision Community × Existing user? Sign In Sign Up Browse Back Forums Staff Activity Back All Activity Content I Started Search × Create New... Important Information By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.. I accept
Dib at the hospital on Monday. Photo courtesy of Dib Akil This article was originally published on VICE Germany After German MMA fighter Dib Akil returned home from his training session on Monday night, he suddenly found himself in such severe pain that his family called the paramedics. But when they arrived, they were extremely rude to him and his family – which according to Akil was down to the fact that he has foreign roots. That same night, he angrily took to Facebook to complain about the treatment he received from doctors and nurses at the hospital in the town of Bad Oeynhausen, where he lives. I called Dib to get the full story. VICE: Hi, Dib. Are you feeling better now? Dib Akil: Yes, I have two more doctor's appointments and then I'll have to see how it goes. Why did call the paramedics in the first place? I returned home from my training session on Monday and suddenly I was in such pain that it made me scream. Then I felt dizzy and nauseous and keeled over. What happened then? The paramedics got to mine and my mother was trying to explain to them what kind of painkillers I'd taken. But she doesn't speak perfect German, so they just went, "Yeah, yeah lady, whatever." They also pretty much ignored me – nobody really tried to speak to me, to find out how I was feeling. I was born in Germany by the way, I am a German citizen. How did it go on from there? They did ask about the pain once we got to the emergency ward, but it was already so bad that I couldn't respond anymore. So I guess they must have thought that I was an asylum seeker and did not speak German. And then they started talking shit, thinking I didn't understand them. My mother and my brothers had followed the ambulance to the hospital, which is normal – it's what families do. But once she saw them the nurse went, "Whoa, who are you?" When they said they were with Mr. Akil, she said, "Poor Germany." I didn't say anything. Next she said, "That's the last thing Germany needs, for them to be chauffeured around on top of every other problem they cause!" What did you do when you heard that? I screamed with rage. My brother came in and I said, "Come, let's get out of here. I'm not staying here unless I completely lose control of my body." That seemed to scare the hospital staff, who said that I misunderstood and that the comments were not directed at me. But there was nothing to be discussed for me and so I left feeling pretty angry. You're actually a well-known martial artist, right? I'm definitely a name in the local Martial Arts scene, also because I often visit schools and poor children. I'm a heavyweight MMA fighter in Germany and I also fight for the Lebanese national team. Did you expect to be treated like that? Never. I mean, I didn't think that you could get that kind of treatment from people who've sworn to treat anyone without bias. Many Germans who work in hospitals now write to me, telling me that they've also heard their own coworkers talk shit about immigrants. How do you feel about the whole thing? I'm very angry. That is the kind of racism that lives on, inside people's hearts. I'm German; I was born here. I mean, I'm talking about what happened at that specific hospital now and not all of Germany. But I think everyone needs to have a conversation about this. My main point is, what if this had happened to someone who actually doesn't speak German? It's incredible and it's an injustice. VICE Germany asked Mühlenkreiskliniken – the large regional hospital corporation that runs the hospital in Bad Oeynhausen – for comment. A spokesperson replied that they had not heard about this incident but would investigate and make a public statement.
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Although Broadway has a theatre named after the reviewer Walter Kerr and the English critic Nicholas de Jongh once had a play put on, theatre and theatre criticism tend to be inimical disciplines. So one of the distinctions of Forbidden Broadway, which has been running, off-Broadway, on and off since 1982, is that it is a show that consists wholly of critiques of other shows. And these are not the sort of pseudo-reviews – mild jokes about a performer's ego or CV – that are cracked at theatre awards ceremonies to prove what good sports the stars are. Putting satirical new lyrics to songs from living musicals, Forbidden Broadway is relentlessly, cleverly, breathtakingly funny, most resembling a theatrical equivalent of Spitting Image, with the grotesques created from acting rather than latex. Cameron Mackintosh morphs with the character of the Engineer from his production of Miss Saigon to become the Producer, a preening egomaniac who belts out a rewrite of the Engineer's big number, The American Dream, which claims to explain how Sir Cameron's allegedly slick but shallow theatrical tricks "make the Americans cream". And Sam Mendes, who directed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, would also be advised to wear a disguise or a brave smile if he turns up at the Menier Chocolate Factory during the run. The second of London's two big-budget Roald Dahl musicals is found wanting, having "no inspiration/ this pale Matilda imitation". But those numbers are gentle compared with the finale. There, in the lyric that has been least altered, "representatives" of various big producing corporations sing the Nazi anthem from Cabaret with the chorus changed to "Broadway belongs to me!" An institution in New York theatre, the show has been available in the UK mainly as Broadway cast recordings, although David Babani, artistic director of the Menier Chocolate Factory, tried twice (in the West End and at the Menier) to make it work in translation. The usual theory about the franchise's relative lack of success in London is that the comedy depends on recognition, with the punchlines requiring a dustbin full of ticket stubs, ideally – from Broadway rather than the West End. But the current London version (or "edition", as Forbidden Broadway prefers) is, under the supervision of creator-writer Gerard Alessandrini and regular director Phillip George, deliberately tweaked so it mostly features shows that originated or are running in this country. Even so, some sketches in the London edition still seem aimed more at West 46th Street than Shaftesbury Avenue: a duet in which Chita Rivera and Rita Moreno, early stars of West Side Story, lament the public tendency to confuse them is typically witty ("My name is Chita and not Rita!" to the tune of West Side Story's America), but may struggle to find a sufficient number of Brits who recognise the subjects enough to mix them up. Another skit, which turns on the odd combination of earnestness and age-inappropriate eroticism in the cabaret act of Mandy Patinkin and Patti Lupone, also feels rather American-friendly and is not made much less Brit-hostile by introducing the male caricature as "Mandy Patinkin from Homeland." But just as readers can get the jokes in a Craig Brown parody of Jeffrey Archer's prose without ever having read one of the ex-con's novels, so Forbidden Broadway can either console you for having sat through some of these musicals or provide delighted relief that you haven't. Despite never seeing the Irish musical Once, I loved Forbidden Broadway's vicious skit about it. Alessandrini and George have a lethal eye and ear for the weaknesses of any popular piece. Most often, they are funny about the earnestness of big-budget musicals, ripping into the patronising politics of Miss Saigon and The Lion King. But in the case of a target that is itself genuinely humorous, such as The Book of Mormon, the writers reverse the blade and send up the alleged billionaire smugness of the show's creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Stone, Parker and their musical collaborator Robert Lopez are also accused of sloppiness in fitting words and music together. That's one of several scholarly gibes, such as that Bring Him Home from Les Misérables becomes Bring it Down, as a performer struggles with a song that it is in the wrong key for him. And just in case any audience members associate that joke with The Song That Goes Like This in Spamalot, along comes a song suggesting that Eric Idle got that idea from Forbidden Broadway. Revue formats of this sort demand performers who are both impressive at impressions and able to switch at speed between costumes and styles. And the Menier production is lucky to have Ben Lewis, Damian Humbley, Anna-Jane Casey and Sophie-Louise Dann. Like the men, the name-hyphenated women (who may one day qualify for their own Alessandrini parody – "I'm Anna-Jane not Sophie-Louise") having performed in many of the projects being mocked. Humbley is a Stephen Sondheim specialist (including the Menier's Merrily We Roll Along), while Lewis is an Australian singing star, most familiar in the UK from the DVD of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Love Never Dies. To my surprise, having attended with the fear that in-jokes are thin jokes if you haven't been in, this is the most consistently funny show I've seen since One Man, Two Guvnors and, although its audience appeal may inevitably be narrower, Forbidden Broadway deserves an extended presence at the scene of some of the theatrical crimes it so enjoyably satirises. • Forbidden Broadway is at the Menier Chocolate Factory until 16 August.
As all eyes are on Wisconsin. Scrutinizing the state’s presidential election results, potential election changing irregularities have been found in the state’s vote totals as the statewide recount requested — and funded — by the Green Party’s Dr. Jill Stein formally gets underway. According to the unofficial election results from a number of Wisconsin precincts, there were more votes cast for president than ballots cast — something which is obviously impossible. For example, in Outagamie County, the total number of votes cast for president was initially reported out of precincts from the town of Grand Chute as 4,214. The problem is, according to the same set of numbers, only 3,088 ballots were actually cast. Thus, 1,126 extra votes were added to the totals for the presidential election; and in a state that Donald Trump won with a well under 1 percent margin — and was instrumental to his leading margin in the electoral college — 1,126 extra votes is a big deal, even more than it normally might be. Similar discrepancies were found in the vote totals out of other towns in the same county. The initial results out of Bear Creek showed 144 total votes cast for president, but that exact same set of numbers showed that only 143 ballots were actually cast. The same thing happened in the Hortonville numbers. Initial results reported 1,949 votes cast for president, but, according to the same report, only 1,516 ballots were actually cast. Thus, almost 500 presidential votes magically appeared out of nowhere. These errant numbers are highlighted yellow in the dataset which is embedded in the tweet below: https://twitter.com/SuzanEraslan/status/801075201584795648 A local elections supervisor explained the errors as simple human counting error, since as she noted, the county largely relied on manual counting methods. As Hortonville’s elections clerk, Lynn Mischker, explained to local media: ‘In order to give election returns to the Outagamie County Clerk’s office as quickly as possible the Chief Inspector added together the votes from the election machine tapes. An error was made while keying the numbers on the calculator during this process resulting in an incorrect number of votes reported on Election night.’ Mischker’s explanation only applies to Hortonville. What about the other areas with jacked up vote totals? What if there are other areas with jacked up vote totals which haven’t even been noticed yet? Reports state that all of the extra votes in Outagamie County — which have now disappeared from the official results — were for Donald Trump. Wisconsin has just begun a statewide recount, so these questions will be answered soon. Wisconsin’s recount, spearheaded by Dr. Jill Stein, comes after suspicious patterns were noticed in the state’s vote totals by a team of election experts, including elections lawyers and professors. This pattern consisted of almost uniformly 7 percent lower vote totals for Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin counties which used electronic voting methods versus those which used more traditional voting methods. Thus, the experts who brought this pattern to public attention suggest hacking of the voting machines in Trump’s favor could — in theory at least — have taken place. Featured Image vi
Lindsay A. Skog, Ph.D. Lindsay A. Skog, Ph.D. Executive Director, Researcher, Writer, Educator ​ Home Research & Publications Teaching Education Abroad Contact More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Welcome! After many inspiring years of teaching, I am delighted to share that I have started a new path as the Executive Director of Karuna Foundation in Portland, OR. While I am delighted to start a new chapter in my career, my research interests and commitments to the Himalaya region remain. Please feel free to reach out to me through this site to discuss these. ​ My research interests include political ecology, human-environment relations, social and environmental justice, conservation, international development, social theory, and religion. My recent projects focus on the role of cultural and spiritual values in participation in environmental and indigenous rights movements, managing resources, and adaptations to climate change. Focusing on the Eastern Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau, I use qualitative methodologies to consider the ways in which the interface between global environmental change science, indigenous animate lifeworlds, and Buddhist cosmologies shapes human-environment relations in terms of uneven resource access and management, environmental conservation, and adaptation to environmental change. ​ ​ View my CV ​ Education ​ Ph.D. Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2015. Certificate in Development Studies, 2013. M.A. Geography, Portland State University, 2010. M.S. Education: Policy, Foundations, and Administration, 2004. B.A. Religious Studies, Lewis & Clark College, 2000. ​ ​ Copyright 2019 Lindsay A. Skog
(CN) – The 9th Circuit on Friday revived excessive-force claims against police officers who shot and killed an intoxicated Oregon teenager after he had threatened to kill himself with a pocketknife. Washington County Sheriff’s Deputies Tim Mateski and Mikhail Gerba killed 18-year-old Lukus Glenn just four minutes into the late night altercation near Portland in 2006. Glenn had arrived home drunk, violent and suicidal, breaking windows and threatening to slice his own throat with a pocketknife. Hoping to calm her son, a recent high school graduate with no police record or history of trouble, Hope Glenn called the police. Lukus’ parents allegedly told responding officers that their son was a threat only to himself and then followed the officers’ orders to return inside their home. The grandmother also tried to intervene, but officers ordered her back inside as well. As the officers yelled commands like, “drop the knife or you’re gonna die,” Lukus cried: “Tell them to stop screaming at me” and “Why are you yelling?” Seconds later, Officer Andrew Pastore discharged all six rounds of a beanbag shotgun at Lukus. The teen took one or two steps toward his house as the beanbags hit him, and Mateski and Gerba then fired their semiautomatic weapons at him. They fired 11 bullets, eight of which hit Lukus. “Lukus bled out and died on his grandmother’s porch shortly after he was shot,” the ruling states. Hope Glenn sued Gerba and Mateski in federal court, claiming excessive force under the Fourth Amendment and wrongful death under state law. She also sought to hold Washington County liable under Monell v. Department of Social Services. U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman granted summary judgment for all the defendants, finding the officers immune because their actions had been reasonable. The 9th Circuit disagreed in a unanimous reversal Friday from Portland. A three-judge panel of the federal appeals court said that there were too many unanswered questions in the case to justify summary judgment. “There are material questions of fact about Lukus’ and the officers’ actions that preclude a conclusion that the officers’ rapid resort to deadly force was reasonable as a matter of law,” Judge Raymond Fisher wrote for the panel. Like this: Like Loading...
Stable political leadership is vital, Mr. Gustafson said. “There’s benefit in keeping all the initial investors and interested parties,” he said. Otherwise, the projects may not “survive the political transitions that occur in elected office.” The Arlington reversal was a surprise. The 26-square-mile county is widely regarded as progressive on matters of transit and urban planning — it already has five Metro subway stations in a two-mile stretch on its north side — and the decision to drop the streetcars was made shortly after the suburban county had awarded a $26 million preliminary engineering contract. The 7.5-mile Columbia Pike line was considered such a sure thing that developers had already started investing along the route and citing the streetcar in their plans. Under the adopted timetable, the south-county line was scheduled to open in 2020. But John Vihstadt, a streetcar critic and a subway commuter to his Washington law office, had just been elected to the Arlington County board. The campaign’s dominant issue was the planned system, with Mr. Vihstadt arguing that it would be too expensive and ineffective, compared with faster bus service. The vote was seen as a referendum on the project that had been planned since the 1990s and formally approved in 2006. “At the end of the day,” Mr. Vihstadt said, “Arlington voters concluded the streetcar didn’t make sense from a transit or economic perspective, that it would cost too much and do too little. I was the vehicle for that sentiment.” Jay Fisette, Arlington board chairman and an ardent streetcar supporter, said he was greatly saddened by the unexpected outcome. “We have a history of sticking to decisions,” he said. But, he added, the recession affected funding and changed public perceptions. In the end, it was Mr. Fisette who made the motion to kill the streetcar. Image Jay Fisette, chairman of the Arlington, Va. County Board, at a coffee shop on Columbia Pike, the street the canceled Arlington streetcar would have traveled on. Credit Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times “One of the greatest disappointments for me,” he said recently, as he drove the route, now largely defined by strip shopping and aging garden apartments, “is I certainly hope our decision to discontinue is not cited by other communities that are having these debates right now, to defeat potential rail projects.”
Americans were rattled recently when a draft memo by the Trump Administration was leaked that outlined a potential executive order on so-called “religious liberty.” The draft memo could have circumvented federal and state anti-discrimination laws and opened the door to widespread discrimination, including denying jobs, adoption, government services, and harassment against LGBTQ teachers, faculty, and students. The executive order outlined in the memo has not yet come to fruition. However, similar bills using the misnomer of “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” are being submitted in state legislatures across the country. But who is calling for these invasive laws? Not who you might think. According to the Public Religion Research Institute: There is near consensus among religious groups on the issue of religiously based service refusals. Roughly six in ten (61 percent) Americans oppose allowing a small business owner in their state to refuse to provide products or services to gay or lesbian people, if doing so violates their religious beliefs. That includes not only large majorities of groups who strongly support same-sex marriage, including Unitarian/Universalists (87 percent), Buddhists (76 percent), and Jewish Americans (72 percent), but also majorities of even major religious groups who are divided over or opposed to same-sex marriage. Why don’t people of faith support discrimination against LGBTQ people? Simply put, it’s because discrimination is not a religious value. Refusing to sell a product or provide a service doesn’t make anyone a better Christian, Jew, Muslim, or any other faith. In fact, for many of these faiths, the test of faith is not who is excluded, but who is included and cared for. The prophet Isaiah called out people for participating in ostentatious displays of worship while harming the needy among them. Isaiah clearly stated that God much favors justice to be done than loud proclamations of faith. Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? (Isaiah 58: 6-7) In one of Jesus’ best-known parables, he divides the people of earth up into two categories, those who helped and served the hungry, the homeless, the stranger, and the prisoner, and those who did not. Then he will say to those on his left, “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’” (Matthew 25:41-43) For Christians who claim to follow the bible, the message is clear; being a person of faith means you help those in need. It is in keeping with scripture passages and stories like these that faith leaders are speaking out against discrimination against anyone, including LGBTQ people. In Texas, while Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick promoted a bill to anti-LGBTQ faith leaders that would restrict public accommodations for transgender people among, dozens of faith leaders held a press conference at the Texas Capitol, denouncing the discrimination in the proposed bill. This movement for faith for justice is not new, and in fact has deep roots in our country’s history. Since 2013, the Rev. William Barber has led the Moral Mondays movement in North Carolina. Moral Mondays holds faithful witnesses at the North Carolina capitol, focusing on LGBTQ justice as well as immigrant and worker’s rights, criminal justice, environmental issues and others. Before Rev. Barber, Christian history has witnessed Dorothy Day, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., James Cone, Walter Rauschenbusch, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Margaret Wedgwood Benn, St. Francis of Assisi, and so many others, calling us to live out our faith in a way that builds people up, rather than tear down.
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SAN JOSE — A longtime San Jose firefighter was arrested at the station where he worked Thursday afternoon and is facing drug and sex crime charges involving children, according to the state Department of Justice. Mario Enrique Cuestas, who has worked with the department for decades, is being charged with the sale and possession of methamphetamine as well as sex assault and oral copulation charges with minors, according to DOJ spokeswoman Michelle Gregory. “We believe he was providing drugs to minors, and soliciting them through websites,” Gregory said. Cuestas, 53, was booked into Santa Clara County Jail after being arrested without incident at his workplace, Gregory said. No bail was set as of late Thursday. Gregory did not know the number of possible victims or how long the crimes may have been going on, but said “there could be more that come up. It’s an ongoing investigation.” “We just don’t know yet,” she said. “We need to go through everything to see if there’s more there than we know about.” She said the matter came to light through a tip. “I don’t believe it came from a minor,” she said. But when officers in a DOJ task force took up the case, “we were able to find out more about what he was doing.” Gregory said computers and records were seized both at the fire station where Cuestas works and at his home, which is listed as being in San Lorenzo. According to his Facebook page, Cuestas has been with the San Jose Fire Department since 1994 and also worked for the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Jose since 2012 as a church singer. Contact Eric Kurhi at 408-920-5852. Follow him at Twitter.com/erickurhi.
Photo Hillary Clinton holds a wide lead over Donald J. Trump in a new national poll that came out shortly after the Manhattan businessman became the presumptive Republican nominee. The CNN/ORC poll, released Wednesday morning, shows Mrs. Clinton with 54 percent of respondents’ support, compared with 41 percent for Mr. Trump, a lead that is one percentage point above her showing in a similar survey in March. The poll suggested that Mrs. Clinton’s support is driven heavily by aversion to a Trump candidacy: 51 percent of her supporters say their backing comes more from opposition to Mr. Trump than from a preference for the Democratic candidate. But the same is true for those who said they supported Mr. Trump: 57 percent said their backing was driven by an opposition to Mrs. Clinton. The poll shows that Mrs. Clinton’s rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, would hold an even wider lead over Mr. Trump than Mrs. Clinton: In a hypothetical matchup, Mr. Sanders would beat Mr. Trump by 16 percentage points, the poll suggested. Mr. Sanders has seized on his strong performance against Mr. Trump in polls as a main argument for keeping his candidacy alive despite Mrs. Clinton’s lead in delegates. Both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton hope to clinch their parties’ nominations by getting the required majority of their parties’ delegates by the last round of state contests, on June 7. The CNN/ORC poll of 1,001 adults had a margin of sampling error of 3.5 percentage points.
March 6: Happy Birthday to Toronto and Toronto Public Library! March 6 is an important date in the history of Toronto and the Toronto Public Library. The City of Toronto was established 183 years ago today. On March 6, 1834, royal assent was given to "An act to extend the limits of the town of York, to erect the said town into a city and to incorporate it under the name of the City of Toronto". The incorporated city - the first in the province - reverted to its earlier name of Toronto, derived from an Iroquoian term meaning 'where there are trees in water', referring to fishing weirs at the narrows between "Lac de Toronto" (Lake Simcoe) and Lake Couchiching. Detail of Carte générale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, 1753 One of the first maps to use "Toronto" to apply specifically to the present site of the city. This was a military map, and the flag indicated the French fort at Toronto. The new city had a population of just over 9,000. It was bounded by Bathurst Street on the west, Parliament Street on the east, a line 400 yards north of Lot Street (Queen Street) in the north and the lake on the south. Beyond the city proper were “liberties”, land for future expansion, which extended to Dufferin on the west, Bloor on the north, and, on the east, the Don River south to today's Queen, and then eastwards beyond Ashbridge's Bay. Journalist and radical politician William Lyon Mackenzie became the city's first mayor in the municipal election held on March 27. Fifty years later, on March 6, 1884, the most prominent event to celebrate the city's semi-centennial was the official opening of Toronto Public Library. (The first branch, Northern, located on the outskirts of the city in Yorkville, had opened a few weeks earlier on February 18.) Invitations were sent to "the foremost citizens in all walks of life," and a large crowd filled the Library's reading room, spilling into adjacent areas. Invitation to Toronto Public Library official opening, March 6, 1884 A majority of Toronto voters had supported a municipally-funded library open to all citizens at the local election held on New Year's Day 1883. The Toronto Mechanics' Institute (which had been the leading centre for adult education since 1830) transferred its 5,000-volume library and 22-year-old building at the northeast corner of Adelaide and Church streets to the new public library board. John Hallam, the first chair of the Toronto Public Library Board, presided over the opening ceremonies. Lieutenant-governor Sir John Beverly Robinson was on the platform as were other prominent citizens, including several strong advocates of the public library movement in Toronto such as Rev. Henry Scadding and Daniel Wilson, the president of the University of Toronto. Wilson delivered the opening address, proclaiming "Today Toronto celebrates its first half century's existence. Today...we fittingly mark its advent by the opening of the first Free Public Library in Canada." The Globe devoted four-and-a-half columns to the event, giving a full account of the speeches and even publishing an ode that had been especially written for the occasion. After the formal ceremonies, the library was opened to the general public, and thousands visited the new institution. In the evening, there was a dance "with electric lights thoughtfully provided." Throughout it all the women’s dresses, noted in great detail by the Toronto Daily News, competed for attention. Much has changed over the years. Toronto is now the most populous city in Canada with more than 2.7 million residents. Through a series of municipal annexations between 1883 and 1998, it stretches 43 km from east to west and 21 km from north to south at its longest points. Toronto facts Toronto skyline (image courtesy of Sean E on a creative commons licence Toronto Public Library is the world's busiest urban public library system with more than 18 million visits in 2015. It has 100 branches and collections comprised of over 10.6 million items including books, CDs, DVDs and eBooks, with 40 languages represented in library materials. Toronto Public Library key facts; history
Public Shaming Has a Body Count – Confirming vs Reinforcing Hierarchies – This is David M. Perry Skip to content This is David M. Perry Journalist – Historian – Speaker Secondary Menu Home The Bright Ages About Blog Writing Samples Events Secure Contact Twitter Facebook Search Search for: Search Public Shaming Has a Body Count – Confirming vs Reinforcing Hierarchies Posted on June 19, 2015 February 7, 2019 By David Perry As I watched the finale of Game of Thrones, I spent a lot of time thinking about sexualized shame. We’re in a kind of ongoing conversation about internet shame lately, with much of the drama focused on white people who feel really uncomfortable being taken to task by historically marginalized groups (people of color). The status quo is so worried about these white folks that Jon Ronson wrote a whole book about them, and keeps taking to the internet to tone police us. Me, I’m worried about when shame interacts with power, rather than when people without power collectively use shame. One way is to think about punching up/punching down, but first of all – I don’t like punching. Second, I think the simple verticality of power spectra is almost never clear (this is true for comedy). Instead, I recommend thinking about whether a given situation undermines hierarchies and stereotypes or replicates them. When Tim Hunt is called out for his sexism, the collective action undermines hierarchies. When Adria Richards was harassed out of her job, the collective action replicates and reinforces hierarchies. Recently, Jeb Bush’s 1995 call for more public shaming came to light. His actions as a governor reinforcing that shaming mentality did likewise. In fact, the public shaming of women for their sexual choices has a long history and remains a fully modern aspect of our society today. In Salon, I wrote about the 13-year-old girl Izabel Laxamana, who killed herself after her father shamed her for sending a selfie. I wrote about Jeb Bush. I used Cersei Lannister as a jumping off point, because too many responses to that pointed at the scene as a kind of thing “other people” do. It’s not. It’s us. And then we come to Bush’s anti-choice credentials. At its core, the discourse of anti-choicers embraces the need to shame women for their sexual choices, functioning as what Amanda Marcotte calls “the sex police.” For single women in particular, the anti-choice movement wants their decision to have sex visible to the world, a warning sign to others. And Bush’s anti-choice credentials — again, drawing from his history as governor — are severe. In 2003, Bush declared himself the “most pro-life governor in modern times.” He fought to keep an intellectually disabled rape victimand, in 2005, a 13-year-old rape victim, from having abortions. He now says he is willing to consider a rape and incest exception to a ban on abortion, but that’s it. For all other women, in the views of Bush, the decision to have sex is a public matter. Shame is a powerful tool. It can be used to shed light on prejudice and injustice, but the power dynamic between a state and a woman being shamed by the state is inherently abusive. When we take a scene like Cersei’s walk and justify it as a dramatic re-creation of a bygone era, or the kind of thing that only happens in other places, we miss the ways such dynamics continue to play out in our society. That’s not a criticism of “Game of Thrones,” but a criticism of us. The public shaming of women in order to control female sexuality is not a medieval throwback or a fictional problem, but a major part of our culture today. It killed Izzy Laxamana. And it’s still being perpetuated by at least one man seeking to become the most powerful person in the world. Public shaming has a body count. CategoriesUncategorizedTagsabortioninternetJeb!languagesexsexismshame Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment. Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Post Mental Illness and Charleston Next PostNext Post Sunday Roundup: #FathersDay and Working Dad Edition Support David on Patreon! Selected Spring 2021 Events Hulu University of Puget Sound University of Florida Cornell University University of Chicago Recent Posts The Depression Trap Poem “A Jewish Historian.” Mom’s Recipes: Cranberries Stop being an asshole (in academic book reviews) Follow David on Twitter · @ View on Twitter Support David on Patreon! Search for: Search Follow David on Facebook Copyright © 2022 This is David M. Perry. All Rights Reserved. | dmperry-2019 by Adam Stemple Scroll UpScroll UpScroll Up
Khalili Engineers California's five-year drought has become so serious that Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill earlier this month requiring water districts to start imposing penalties on consumers who use the highest quantities of the precious resource. A new futuristic design concept aims to address the problem from a different perspective: by proposing a new way to make sea water drinkable. The Pipe, a giant, floating desalination device, is designed to be both an artistic landmark and a way to provide California with a new source of clean water. The project is a finalist for the Land Art Generator Initiative biennial design competition, which asked teams to envision innovative site-specific public art projects that can harness clean energy and convert it into electricity or drinking water. The assigned location for this year's competition was Santa Monica, California. Khalili Engineers On its exterior, the 2000-foot-long Pipe is coated in high-tech, satellite-grade solar panels, which harvest power throughout the day. The energy that the panels gather would be used to take in seawater and pump it through an electromagnetic filtration tube hidden on the underside of the floating platform. Aziz Khalili, a Canada-based electrical engineer and the project leader for the Pipe, tells Business Insider that he's been thinking about the electromagnetic technology that would desalinate the water for 30 years. Because the salt and other materials dissolved in the water are naturally ionized, he says, the system would take advantage of their natural charge and use an electromagnetic force to direct those ions to the edges of the tube. Khalili Engineers Though magnetized water sounds like science fiction, Kahili is confident he could get it to work. "This is basic electromagnetic force and movement, so they are principles of physics put together," he says. Khalili's team claims the Pipe would create 10,000 megawatt hours of power annually, which it would use to desalinate 4.5 billion liters per year — that's enough water to cover the average daily usage of approximately 36,000 people (roughly 40% of Santa Monica). The results of the desalination process would be two different kinds of water: one type that's safe to drink and sent straight into the city's water network, and another with 12% salinity that would be used to fill a series of thermal baths located inside the tube. Khalili Engineers Visitors could take a boat out to the floating tube — which would be located 600 to 1000 meters from the coast — and spend time swimming in shallow pools of cold and hot water. Windows would allow them to look out at the ocean. The tourist aspect of the tube could allow a city to sell tickets that could help pay for the tube's construction. "At a time, it could hold maybe 500 or 1000 people," Kahili says. The concentrated saltwater used in the -baths would then slowly be emitted back out into the ocean using a smart release system. Unlike conventional methods of desalination, which push water through a filter that has to be regularly replaced, Kahili says his process would require less electricity, generate less industrial waste and create less water pollution. Kahili has filed for a patent for the technology, which he says he first conceptualized while working as an engineer at a juice company. He was trying to figure out a way to distill juice down to concentrate without using the energy required to heat it up. "It could have many thousands of applications — not just for water desalination but for many other processes," he says. Khalili Engineers The winner of the competition will be announced in October and receive $15,000. But the top prize does not guarantee the design will actually be built. Khalili is hopeful, however, that the publicity his proposal has gained will help bring at least some of the technology included in it into existence. "If the city says they like it and they give us a go ahead signal, we could go ahead and start working on it," he says.
Garnet Edward "Ace" Bailey (June 13, 1948 – September 11, 2001) was a Canadian professional ice hockey player and scout who was a member of Stanley Cup and Memorial Cup winning teams. He died at the age of 53 while aboard United Airlines Flight 175, which crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City during the September 11 attacks. Early life [ edit ] Garnet Edward "Ace" Bailey was born June 13, 1948 in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. He was not related to Irvine "Ace" Bailey, who played for the Toronto Maple Leafs from 1926 to 1933. Career [ edit ] Bailey played junior hockey with the Edmonton Oil Kings from 1964 to 1967, during which time the Oil Kings won the Memorial Cup in 1966. He joined the Boston Bruins in 1968 and was a member of their Stanley Cup championship teams in 1970 and 1972. He later played for the Detroit Red Wings, St. Louis Blues and the Washington Capitals. In 1978-79, Bailey returned to Edmonton to play with the Edmonton Oilers of the World Hockey Association, where he took rookie Wayne Gretzky under his wing. He was head coach of the Wichita Wind, the Oilers' Central Hockey League affiliate, in the 1980–81 season. Bailey then worked as a scout with the Oilers from 1981 to 1994, during which time the team won five Stanley Cups (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988 and 1990); his name was engraved on three of them (1985, 1987 and 1990).[citation needed] In an NHL career spanning 10 seasons and 568 games, Bailey scored 107 goals and 171 assists with 633 penalty minutes. His most productive season offensively was 1975, when he scored 19 goals and 58 points for the Blues and the Capitals. In his sole WHA season, he scored 5 goals and 4 assists with 22 penalty minutes in 38 games.[citation needed] At the time of his death, he was the Los Angeles Kings' director of pro scouting.[1] Death and legacy [ edit ] Bailey's name is located on Panel S-3 of the National September 11 Memorial 's South Pool, along with those of other passengers of Flight 175 Bailey died when the plane in which he was traveling, United Airlines Flight 175, was hijacked and deliberately crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City during the September 11 attacks. Bailey and amateur scout Mark Bavis were traveling from Boston to Los Angeles when the flight was hijacked. They had been in Manchester visiting the Los Angeles Kings' AHL affiliate, the Monarchs.[1] Bailey and Bavis are mentioned in the Boston-based Dropkick Murphys song "Your Spirit's Alive." Denis Leary wore a Bailey memorial T-shirt as the character Tommy Gavin in the season 1 episode "Immortal" and the fourth-season episode "Pussified" in the TV series Rescue Me. In his memory, the Los Angeles Kings named their new mascot "Bailey".[2][3][4] Bailey's family founded the Ace Bailey Children's Foundation in his memory. The foundation raises funds to benefit hospitalized children, infants and their families.[5][6] At the National September 11 Memorial, Bailey and Bavis are memorialized at the South Pool, on Panel S-3.[7] On October 14, 2012 the Kings brought the Stanley Cup to the Memorial and placed it on panels featuring Bailey and Bavis' names, so that the families of Bailey and Bavis could "[have] their day with the Stanley Cup". Kings general manager Dean Lombardi was also in attendance.[1] Awards and achievements [ edit ] Career statistics [ edit ] Transactions [ edit ]
Graduation Flowers - Joys Petals - Greer, SC (864) 895-3719 Joys Petals (864) 895-3719 Shop 3560 Jug Factory Road Greer, SC 29651 LOCAL: (864) 895-3719 0 FALL ROSES BIRTHDAY SYMPATHY Sympathy Flowers Funeral Flowers Cremation and Memorial Casket Flowers Standing Sprays & Wreaths Sympathy Arrangements For The Home 190 -46 OCCASIONS Wedding Flowers Wedding Bouquets Wedding Party Flowers Ceremony Flowers Reception Flowers Patriotic Flowers Prom Flowers Corsages Boutonnieres Hairpieces & Handheld Bouquets Occasions Just Because Anniversary Flowers New Baby Flowers Get Well Flowers Graduation Flowers Back to School Flowers 570 -216 HOLIDAYS Holidays Rosh Hashanah Sweetest Day National Boss Day Halloween Thanksgiving Hanukkah Christmas Kwanzaa Valentine's Day Passover Easter Admin Professionals Day Mother's Day Father's Day Grandparents Day 190 -46 ABOUT About Us Contact Us Reviews 190 -46 MORE Love & Romance Luxury En Español Custom Orders Best Sellers Plants Gift Baskets Gift Items Modern/Tropical Designs COVID-19-Update Flower Delivery Hospital Flower Delivery Funeral Home Flower Delivery Seasonal Fall Flowers Winter Flowers Spring Flowers Summer Flowers 570 -216 Greer FLORIST - Joys Petals - Graduation Flowers SHOP FLOWERS FOR DELIVERY in Greer, SC & Surrounding Areas Graduation Flowers Occasions Graduation Florals Designer's Choice Say “Congratulations” with a beautiful flower arrangement! Designed by our expert florists, these flowers are the perfect way to celebrate their accomplishments! Make a memory from this milestone with a stunning bouquet to remind them how great it is to be where they are now! Shown at $75.00 GRADUATION FLORALS DESIGNER'S CHOICE Say “Congratulations” with a beautiful flower arrangement! Designed by our expert florists, these flowers are the perfect way to celebrate their accomplishments! Make a memory from this milestone with a stunning bouquet to remind them how great it is to be where they are now! $65.00 $75.00 $85.00 Shown at $75.00 Buy Now Shown at $75.00 GRADUATION FLORALS DESIGNER'S CHOICE Say “Congratulations” with a beautiful flower arrangement! Designed by our expert florists, these flowers are the perfect way to celebrate their accomplishments! Make a memory from this milestone with a stunning bouquet to remind them how great it is to be where they are now! $65.00 $75.00 $85.00 Shown at $75.00 Buy Now Buy Now Petite Yellow Flower Arrangement A delightful little arrangement, Petite Yellow packs an uplifting punch. Yellow gerberas, lilies, and button poms will put a smile on their faces in no time! Send them some happiness with an adorable flower arrangement that is full of cheerful blooms. It doesn’t take much to make these flowers look good! Shown at $50.00 PETITE YELLOW FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Cube Vase, Yellow Ribbon, Asparagus Fern, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Flowers: , Yellow Button Poms, Yellow Gerberas, Yellow Lily. A delightful little arrangement, Petite Yellow packs an uplifting punch. Yellow gerberas, lilies, and button poms will put a smile on their faces in no time! Send them some happiness with an adorable flower arrangement that is full of cheerful blooms. It doesn’t take much to make these flowers look good! $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 Shown at $50.00 Buy Now Shown at $50.00 PETITE YELLOW FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Cube Vase, Yellow Ribbon, Asparagus Fern, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Flowers: , Yellow Button Poms, Yellow Gerberas, Yellow Lily. A delightful little arrangement, Petite Yellow packs an uplifting punch. Yellow gerberas, lilies, and button poms will put a smile on their faces in no time! Send them some happiness with an adorable flower arrangement that is full of cheerful blooms. It doesn’t take much to make these flowers look good! $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 Shown at $50.00 Buy Now Buy Now HAPPY THOUGHTS $60.00 Buy Now HAPPY THOUGHTS COLORFUL BOUQUET Cube Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, Galax Leaves, Bicolored Yelloworange Rose, Hot Pink Gerbera, Pink Tulips, Limegreen Novelty Button Poms, Pink Miniature Spray Roses, Orange Mini Carnations, Limegreen Fuji Mum, Lavender Waxflowers, Limegreen Tulle, Orange Polka Dotted Ribbon, Hot Pink Satin Ribbon, Hot Pink Decorative Aluminum. Send Happy Thoughts to someone who needs a little cuteness in their life! This adorable, petite flower arrangement is filled with roses, gerberas, tulips, button poms, carnations, and so much more. With a variety of bright blooms, flowers like these are sure to make them smile! $50.00 $60.00 $75.00 Shown at $60.00 Buy Now GRADUATION CONGRATULATIONS $100.00 Buy Now GRADUATION CONGRATULATIONS PREMIUM DESIGNER'S CHOICE It takes an extraordinary person to make it to through this major stepping stone in life, so send extraordinary flowers! Our Premium Designer’s Choice Graduation arrangement is the perfect way to say, “Congratulations!” They’re sure to be appreciative of flowers as beautiful as these. $90.00 $100.00 $115.00 Shown at $100.00 Buy Now CHILLED OUT $60.00 Buy Now CHILLED OUT BOUQUET OF FLOWERS Green Cube Vase, Foliage: Variegated Pittosporum, White Alstroemeria, Green Jade Roses, White Waxflowers, Lavender Stock. These gentle flowers add a touch of beauty to the room! The white alstroemeria, green ‘Jade’ roses, white waxflowers, and lavender stock make a calming bunch of flowers that work for any occasion. Send Chilled Out to someone who needs a little bit of beauty and joy to make their day! $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 Shown at $60.00 Buy Now BOTANICAL GARDEN $75.00 Buy Now BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTS & FRESH FLOWERS Terra Cotta Plastic Bowl, Dish Garden Of Assorted Green Plants, Several Assorted Fresh Flowers In Water Tubes. Overflowing greens are brought to life by a touch of bright flowers to create a fresh, beautiful look for any occasion. Choose one of our three sizes: 8" (STD), 10" (DLX), 12" (PREM). $65.00 $75.00 $90.00 Shown at $75.00 Buy Now GRADUATION SPECIAL $60.00 Buy Now GRADUATION SPECIAL DESIGNER'S CHOICE Make a good memory last with our graduation flowers! Our expert florists will design an arrangement that is sure to impress. Make them feel loved and congratulated for this special achievement in life! Send these stunning flowers to celebrate them on their big day. $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 Shown at $60.00 Buy Now COLORS ON PARADE $65.00 Buy Now COLORS ON PARADE FLOWER ARRANGEMENT Rectangular Vase, Foliage: Seeded Eucalyptus, Variegated Aspidistra Leaf, Red Gerberas, Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Blue Iris, Yellow Button Poms, Lavender Monte Casino Aster. Colors on Parade is a simple, yet beautiful arrangement of flowers that will add pops of color to your home! Primary colors make this arrangement a bold statement that is sure to bring life to any room. Keep it bright with red gerberas, yellow Asiatic lilies, blue iris, yellow button poms, and lavender ‘Monte Casino’ aster. $50.00 $65.00 $80.00 Shown at $65.00 Buy Now Three Fiery Roses Bud Vase This darling bud vase is a sweet treat for your loved ones and is the perfect way to show you care! It features red roses, purple caspia, and lush greens for a simply elegant look that is a surefire way into their heart. Send Three Fiery Roses to someone who needs a little love today! Shown at $40.00 THREE FIERY ROSES BUD VASE Clear Bud Vase , Greens: Myrtle , Salal , Lily Grass , Flowers: Red Roses , Purple Caspia. This darling bud vase is a sweet treat for your loved ones and is the perfect way to show you care! It features red roses, purple caspia, and lush greens for a simply elegant look that is a surefire way into their heart. Send Three Fiery Roses to someone who needs a little love today! $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 Shown at $40.00 Buy Now Shown at $40.00 THREE FIERY ROSES BUD VASE Clear Bud Vase , Greens: Myrtle , Salal , Lily Grass , Flowers: Red Roses , Purple Caspia. This darling bud vase is a sweet treat for your loved ones and is the perfect way to show you care! It features red roses, purple caspia, and lush greens for a simply elegant look that is a surefire way into their heart. Send Three Fiery Roses to someone who needs a little love today! $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 Shown at $40.00 Buy Now Buy Now Tower of Flower Floral Arrangement Cheer someone up and bring joy to their day with this spectacular arrangement! Bursting with gorgeous orange roses, purple larkspur, hot pink hydrangeas, and more, Tower of Flower is a mix of vibrant and beautiful colors. Send someone you love a rainbow of joy today with this stunning bouquet! Shown at $65.00 TOWER OF FLOWER FLORAL ARRANGEMENT Yellow Plastic Container, Foliage: Variegated Mini Pittosporum, Bicolor Roses , Yellow Daisy Poms, Hot Pink Hydrangea, Purple Larkspur, Green Bells Of Ireland, Fuchsia Asters, Green Hypericum, Purple Statice. Cheer someone up and bring joy to their day with this spectacular arrangement! Bursting with gorgeous orange roses, purple larkspur, hot pink hydrangeas, and more, Tower of Flower is a mix of vibrant and beautiful colors. Send someone you love a rainbow of joy today with this stunning bouquet! $55.00 $65.00 $75.00 Shown at $65.00 Buy Now Shown at $65.00 TOWER OF FLOWER FLORAL ARRANGEMENT Yellow Plastic Container, Foliage: Variegated Mini Pittosporum, Bicolor Roses , Yellow Daisy Poms, Hot Pink Hydrangea, Purple Larkspur, Green Bells Of Ireland, Fuchsia Asters, Green Hypericum, Purple Statice. Cheer someone up and bring joy to their day with this spectacular arrangement! Bursting with gorgeous orange roses, purple larkspur, hot pink hydrangeas, and more, Tower of Flower is a mix of vibrant and beautiful colors. Send someone you love a rainbow of joy today with this stunning bouquet! $55.00 $65.00 $75.00 Shown at $65.00 Buy Now Buy Now Custom Flower Design Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you. Buy Now Are you looking to send your favorite grad flowers for graduation? Why not send the class flower, or a dozen roses to show your pride? Giving flowers to honor someone's hard work is a long-standing tradition. Joys Petals can help you choose the perfect arrangement for any deserving student, just give us a call, shop online or stop by the store in Greer. Flower Delivery To Greer, SC See Delivery Areas About Us Reviews Special Offers Contact Us Site Map Mon: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tue: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Thu: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Fri: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sat: Closed Sun: Closed open on Saturday by appointment only Joys Petals 3560 Jug Factory Road Greer, SC. 29651 Local: (864) 895-3719 All prices shown in US dollars American Express MasterCard Visa Discover web3-sl Greer, SC Funeral Homes | Greer, SC Hospitals | Greer, SC Wedding Flower Vendors Greer, SC Weather | SC State Government Site All Content Copyright 2022 FlowerShopNetwork | Privacy Policy | Terms of Purchase (864) 895-3719 View in Maps Flower Delivery To Greer, SC See Delivery Areas About Us Reviews Special Offers Contact Us Site Map Joys Petals 3560 Jug Factory Road Greer, SC. 29651 Local: (864) 895-3719 All prices shown in US dollars American Express MasterCard Visa Discover web3-sl Greer, SC Funeral Homes | Greer, SC Hospitals | Greer, SC Wedding Flower Vendors Greer, SC Weather | SC State Government Site Privacy Policy | Terms of Purchase Call Map Hours Mon: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tue: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Wed: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Thu: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Fri: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sat: Closed Sun: Closed open on Saturday by appointment only (864) 895-3719 About Us
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Our team is available to get your request, all you need to do is simply fill-out the comments form at the end of this page with your details and we will do all the leg work for you, all completely free. Afterall, it’s all about providing users, like you, with the complete updated database for free. This Accuvant contact number that is shown on this webpage, is from our database and is the most up-to-date contact number. This Accuvant contact number enables you to reach out the person you are looking for in all the company’s departments including the CEO, management, customer service, customer care, billing and finance, marketing, sales and more. When you are calling the Accuvant contact number on this page, first listen to the played recording that will enable you to swiftly get to your destination person. What is Accuvant Corporate Office Address? Please find this official Accuvant corporate office address to send registered mail or to get to the corporate office of Accuvant: Accuvant Inc Corporate Office 1125 17th Street Denver Colorado 80202 United States How do I contact a real person at Accuvant? If you wish to contact and speak to a real person at Accuvant, the best and fastest way is by simply use this Accuvant contact number: 303-298-0600 and listen to the voice recording that will direct you fast to the right real person. We were all affected by the pandemic of the COVID everywhere in all states and countries as well as people and companies everywhere. This Accuvant contact number we’re providing you from our updated database and is available during the company’s normal business hours. Accuvant contact number enables you to connect the fastest possible to person you’re searching for. 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ES Football Newsletter Enter your email address Please enter an email address Email address is invalid Fill out this field Email address is invalid You already have an account. Please log in or register with your social account Tottenham defender Toby Alderweireld admitted that he cannot wait to play at Wembley after experiencing the stadium for the first time. Spurs will play their home matches in this season’s Champions League at the home of English football, and the squad trained on the pitch yesterday in preparation for their forthcoming European campaign. The group stage draw takes place next Thursday, and Alderweireld is already anticipating a wonderful atmosphere on matchnights. “I’ve been around but not to watch a game or a concert or anything so it’s the first time ever for me and it's nice to be here,” the Belgian told the club’s official website. “I can’t wait to play here in front of our fans!” “It’s always nice to train and play in big stadiums and it’s good to get the feeling for the Champions League games. “Obviously it’s the first time to get a feel for how things are here and some of the small games in training will help us to get the feeling of how the pitch is, how big it is and allow us to get comfortable so it’s a great initiative to train here. “It’s an unbelievable place and when we play our games it’s going to be full of supporters so I’m really looking forward to playing here with all the Spurs fans around us. Hopefully we’ll be able to perform well and go through.”
Here's an at-a-glance guide at how the top pre-race contenders did in this falls's three World Marathon Majors—Berlin on September 27, Chicago on October 11, and New York City on November 1. The first time listed for each runner is her or his personal best. With a few exceptions, most of the top American marathoners skipped the distance this fall while they prepare for the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials, which will be held in Los Angeles on February 13. BERLIN MARATHON (September 27) Men Eliud Kipchoge (Kenya) How he did: 1st, 2:04:00 (PR) Need to know: Olympic track medalist has now won five of six marathon starts. PhotoRun Emmanuel Mutai (Kenya) How he did: 4th, 2:07:46 Need to know: Second fastest man in history has now run two consecutive sub-par marathons. PhotoRun Geoffrey Mutai (Kenya) How he did: 5th, 2:09:29 Need to know: Boston and NYC course record holder’s best days appear to be behind him. Geoffrey Mutai PhotoRun Women Gladys Cherono (Kenya) How she did: 1st, 2:19:25 (PR) Need to know: In her second marathon, becomes seventh fastest woman in history. Gladys Cherono PhotoRun Aberu Kebede (Ethiopia) Most recent marathon: 2nd, 2:20:48 Need to know: Now has three sub-2:21s; only Paula Radcliffe has more. Aberu Kebede PhotoRun Meseret Hailu (Ethiopia) How she did: 3rd, 2:24:33 Need to know: Won 2012 world half marathon title. Meseret Hailu PhotoRun CHICAGO MARATHON (October 11) Men Sammy Kitwara (Kenya) How he did: 2nd, 2:09:50 Need to know: Chicago runner-up for the second year in a row. Sammy Kitwara PhotoRun Dickson Chumba (Kenya) How he did: 1st, 2:09:25 Need to know: With 2014 Tokyo, now has two World Marathon Majors wins. Dickson Chumba PhotoRun Fernando Cabada (USA) How he did: 10th, 2:15:36 Need to know: Improvement over disastrous Boston, but well off 2:11 PR. Fernando Cabada PhotoRun Women Florence Kiplagat (Kenya) How she did: 1st, 2:23:33 Need to know: World half marathon record-holder got first marathon win in two years. Florence Kiplagat PhotoRun Mulu Seboka (Ethiopia) How she did: 5th, 2:24:40 Need to know: Almost three minutes off PR set earlier this year. Mulu Seboka PhotoRun Berhane Dibaba (Ethiopia) How she did: 3rd, 2:24:24 Need to know: Solid follow-up to Tokyo win in February. Berhane Dibaba PhotoRun Deena Kastor (USA) How she did: 7th, 2:27:47 Need to know: Broke U.S. masters record by almost one minute. Deena Kastor PhotoRun Blake Russell (USA) How she did: DNF Need to know: Surprise winner of U.S. marathon title in March stopped before 20K. Blake Russell PhotoRun Sara Hall (USA) How she did: 10th, 2:31:14 Need to know: Strong performance overcomes disappointing 2:48 debut in March. Sara Hall PhotoRun NEW YORK CITY MARATHON Women Mary Keitany (Kenya), 2:18:37 How she did: 1st, 2:24:25 Need to know: First repeat women’s champ since Paula Radcliffe in 2008. Mary Keitany PhotoRun Tigist Tufa (Ethiopia), 2:21:52 How she did: 3rd, 2:25:50 Need to know: London champ unable to repeat victory she had over Keitany in April. Tigist Tufa PhotoRun Caroline Rotich (Kenya), 2:23:22 How she did: 10th, 2:33:19 Need to know: Boston champ got dropped when pace picked up in Manhattan. Caroline Rotich PhotoRun Buzunesh Deba (Ethiopia), 2:19:59 (not on record-eligible course) How she did: DNF Need to know: Bronx resident had her first bad marathon in many years. Buzunesh Deba PhotoRun Aselefech Mergia (Ethiopia), 2:19:31 How she did: 2nd, 2:25:32 Need to know: Ran three marathons in 2015 after maternity leave. Aselefech Mergia PhotoRun Sally Kipyego (Kenya), 68:31 half marathon How she did: DNF Need to know: Unsuccessful debut for former Olympic and world 10K silver medalist. Sally Kipyego PhotoRun Alana Hadley (USA), 2:38:34 How she did: DNF Need to know: 18-year-old has dropped out of last three marathons. Alana Hadley PhotoRun Men Wilson Kipsang (Kenya), 2:03:23 How he did: 4th, 2:12:45 Need to know: Defending champ was dropped when pace picked up at 20 miles. Wilson Kipsang PhotoRun Lelisa Desisa (Ethiopia), 2:04:45 How he did: 3rd, 2:12:10 Need to know: Boston champ was in his fourth marathon of the year. Lelisa Desisa PhotoRun Meb Keflezighi (USA), 2:08:37 (not on record-eligible course) How he did: 7th, 2:13:32 Need to know: Broke U.S. masters record by 20 seconds. Meb Keflezighi PhotoRun Yemane Tsegay (Ethiopia), 2:04:48 How he did: 5th, 2:13:24 Need to know: World silver medalist still hasn’t won a big marathon. Yemane Tsegay PhotoRun Geoffrey Kamworor (Kenya), 2:06:12 How he did: 2nd, 2:10:48 Need to know: Reigning world half marathon and cross country champ now a marathon force. Geoffrey Kamroror PhotoRun
A blogmeet and Hever Castle. | Dancing With Frogs Dancing With Frogs Menu Skip to content Home Frogdancer Thermomixes About/Contact Blogroll and Podcasts. Frogdancer Reads Frogdancer Knits Frogdancer Quilts Search Search for: A blogmeet and Hever Castle. July 11, 2015 / Frogdancer Jones After London I hopped into a taxi and went to Fenchurch St Station to go and visit Deana. She’s been reading this blog for years and has very kindly offered to put me up for a few days. This is the view from her back window as I’m sitting here typing. Yesterday was a very restful day. I was picked up at the station by Dave, Deana’s husband. Over lunch at the pub I found out that he was a cockney (born under the sound of the Bow bells.) Tick another one off the list. 🙂 Dave found it funny that I had to come to Essex to find a cockney after being in London all week. I also saw my first bumblebee in Dean’s garden while we were sitting out there sipping Pimms and Lemonade. She puts mint and strawberries in hers, Scott, so it was much nicer than the one in the pub. We went for a drive to a little parish church down a winding lane. It was so peaceful, with a couple of white doves cooing and we walked around the old gravestones and I snapped shots of bumblebees in the lavender. The old church had a little graveyard beside it: There were even some wooden markers, which I’ve never seen before. After dinner we made the timtam fudge in Deana’s thermomix. She has enough timtams to make 4 more batches. The following day we went to Hever Castle, the childhood home of Mary and Anne Boleyn. This is me at the gatehouse, being wildly excited. Look at how beautiful it is. In the early 1900s Lord Astor, from America, found it nearly derelict. He bought it and restored it. Much of it is from that era, but enough remains that you can really get a feel for what was the Boleyn family home and you can see Henry VIII striding through, all his retinue behind him. The restoration is impeccable, but the gardens are amazing. You enter the castle via a drawbridge over a moat. A moat!!!! It’s a very well-mannered moat, with the second-biggest fish I’ve ever seen in it. This is the view outside once you’re in the inner courtyard, which is the most delectable-looking place. Look at the stairs… imagine who’s walked through them. (Winston Churchill was a frequent visitor in the 30’s and 40’s… he and the Lord Astor of the time used to paint together. It wasn’t just Tudor celebrities.) A portion of the inner courtyard. Can you imagine people flinging open the windows and calling down to visitors below? This is Deana about to enter. No photos were allowed once we went inside, so I’ll just say that Deana and I had a wonderful time. The dining room with its minstrel gallery was far smaller than you’d think. I don’t know how they ever fitted everyone in there when the King came to visit. Anne’s bedroom was tiny; clearly girls weren’t important back then. The King’s room was huge by comparison. It was an amazing experience to be able to stand there and imagine… Scott, you’ll be astounded to hear that the audio guide worked perfectly for me, just as it did in Westminster. (He had to keep rescuing me when the audio guides didn’t work for me at the Bristish Museum, the Tower and at Hampton Court.) Here’s some more cobblestones. I’m loving the cobblestones. We were in the house for 3 hours. Once we cme out we found a nice shady spot beside the lake to have our picnic lunch; then we went for a wander around. Topiary! Every garden needs a topiary chess set. Bit hard to move the pieces to play a game, though. Part of the rose garden. A bit more of the rose garden. This one’s for you, Bek. They’ve done almost the same thing as you’ve done with your ‘stop-over’ apples. Many ducks and swans. When we got home after experiencing my first traffic jam on an English motorway this was waiting for us. Dave got it for us as a joke. We had English fish and chips, which was really good, and then we fell into bed. Jane Austen’s house tomorrow!! Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related holidays, thermomix Post navigation ← The Globe Theatre, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace. Jane Austen’s house. → 5 thoughts on “A blogmeet and Hever Castle.” Snoskred July 11, 2015 at 11:58 am Yes, that must come from the Australian winery! 😉 hilarious.. I am greatly enjoying your trip.. 🙂 Reply Johblogs July 12, 2015 at 2:54 am Just caught up with your trip, read all your holiday posts and I agree with Snoskred – totally enjoying your trip. Continue having fun and smiling. I love your photos. Reply Urspo July 12, 2015 at 7:19 pm Lovely! Did you see or feel any ghosts? Reply Lucinda Sans August 7, 2015 at 1:55 pm Ohhh. I so want to go there. And to see the roses in full bloom. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. 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Ten Reasons to Hire a Lawyer (rather than represent yourself) - Ty Wilson Law Contact Ty Practice Areas Personal Injury Lawyer Traffic Lawyer Reviews Ty’s Blog Ty’s Videos Privacy Policy Back In the News Missing Persons Cases Ten Reasons to Hire a Lawyer (rather than represent yourself) Lawyers are often asked about whether someone should represent themselves. This type of question comes up at parties, reunions and even family dinners. It goes something like this: “I have a friend (it’s ALWAYS a friend), who was arrested, given a ticket, is being sued, or wants to sue someone.” The person then provides an abbreviated version of the facts followed by “This shouldn’t be too tough of a case, right? Couldn’t she represent herself in Court?” Depending on the nature of the case, it’s probably not going to be a good idea to represent yourself. Although there are a number of reasons to hire an lawyer, here are ten reasons to hire a lawyer rather than represent yourself. A lawyer is educated in the law. Lawyers spend 3 years dedicated to studying law, how to apply the law, adhering to legal procedures and learning the language of a lawyer. Laws are complex and often misinterpreted by those who are not trained. In fact, most lawyers who have been practicing a few years, have “court” experience as well as general legal knowledge. It may be more complicated than you think. Sometimes a case is more complex than it appears. Do you know where to file your case? How about where you would file an answer to a complaint? Suppose you want to sue someone for a civil matter, do you know the time constraints on filing that type of case? Lawyers know how to determine all of this. It will save you precious time and money from learning what they already know or can fine out quickly. Not hiring an attorney can actually cost you more. This is very often the case. Think about what’s at stake in the situation. Hefty fines, loss of a job, jail time? There may be more at stake if you lose without the assistance of an attorney. Courts will treat you as if you have a knowledge of the law upon representing yourself. In other words, there is no special treatment. A lawyer knows the court etiquette. An attorney knows what to address and when to address it in Court. This is extremely important and can be overlooked when trying to save money. A detailed understanding of how evidence works and the rules of evidence is critical to a case. An understanding of when to address the Court or how to address the Court is also key. There are a lot of deadlines. Those in the legal profession understand the deadlines for filing motions, appealing Court orders, serving opposing parties, etc. One missed deadline can be fatal to your case before it ever makes it to Court. It may be time to plea or settle. An experienced attorney can communicate with the opposing party and determine the weight of the evidence that will be presented against you. Depending on your specific circumstances, a plea agreement may be the best option for you. To know when it’s time to plead, you need to know the strength of the other side as well as your own. This is one of the things that is learned by years of practicing law because there is no formula for this. It may be worth the fight. Just as an attorney may advise you to accept a plea agreement, it may also be in your best interest to fight the charge. Again, an attorney knows how to weigh the evidence, argue in Court to have certain things suppressed (thrown out) and when it’s best to fight. Not every case is worthy of a plea agreement and not every case should go to Court. You don’t know any expert witnesses or private investigators. Lawyers know how and when to bring in the experts. Whether it’s someone specializing in accident reconstruction, medical injuries, or investigations, lawyers have a network and an experienced attorney knows WHO and WHEN to bring someone in for the case. There is also case law that governs the testimony of expert witnesses. Bringing in the wrong person as an expert can destroy a case. The other party has legal representation. Non-lawyers are often at a disadvantage when the other side has an attorney. As stated above, lawyers know the rules of the Court. If the other party has an attorney and you are trying to do this yourself, you may miss deadlines, make the wrong argument or miss an opportunity for a settlement in your favor. Judges do not grant exceptions in court because you do not know the law. You are held to the same standards as the practicing lawyer on the other side. You are worth it and we know that. Regardless of whether you are fighting a case against you or looking to initiate a lawsuit, you should have good representation. Attorney Ty Wilson has the experience, the compassion and the legal training to provide you with the options you need. Ty will take the time to will review the facts of your situation so that he has a complete understanding. After all, aren’t you worth it? If you have been injured and want to consider against someone else, contact us. Ty Wilson has the experience and knows exactly where to start. You May Be Interested In: Are Workers’ Compensation Income Benefits Taxable? | Video Hello, this is Ty Wilson. I’m a Georgia Workers’ Compensation Attorney practicing law in the state of Georgia. And our video topic for today is,... Workers’ Compensation Calculator – Video Have you been injured and are looking for a Workers Compensation Settlement calculator? Ty Wilson is a Georgia Workers’ Compensation attorney and in the video... How Much Does a Workers’ Comp Lawyer Cost in Georgia? | Georgia Workers’ Comp Atty Video One of the questions we see on a regular basis is: how much does a workers’ comp lawyer cost in Georgia? Will he or she... Employer Requirements in Worker’s Comp In this article we answer a question about one of the responsibilities of the insurance company during a work related injury. Work related injuries are... Do You Need A Lawyer For Your Workers’ Comp Claim? Do You Need A Lawyer For Your Workers’ Comp Claim? Do You Need A Lawyer For Your Workers’ Comp Claim? Ty Wilson is a Georgia... Search Search Resources & Pages Contact Ty Ty’s Resources Missing Persons Cases Home Glossary of Legal Terms Ty Wilson Law 5.0 review us on McCall Tanner 19:25 23 Aug 22 Very much appreciate the time, attention to detail and help with my case! Would definitely suggest... for trafficread more Monday Iguagbonmwen 19:11 12 Aug 22 My personal experience with Ty WILSON Law was fantastic. Ty is one of kind attorney, he has high... integrity, he was very meticulous handling my case. Though my case was a complex one that involves two different insurance companies as a result of a deer, he still find a way to get positive results to my satisfaction. He is so good of a lawyer that I will not hesitate in a minute to recommend him to someone. He is so humble and personable. His associates in the office are wonderful people, they will assist you to the best of their knowledge and experience, and they are very friendly aswell.read more Doris Moody 23:06 04 Aug 22 I was very pleased with Ty Wilson's Law firm. He kept me well informed about what was needed for my... traffic ticket case and the overall outcome. Ty was able to prevent me from spending extra money on a trip to Georgia as I live in another state. The state I lived in referred me to his office. I would recommend his services to anyone in need. It was of great pleasure to work with him and his assistant. Thank you again Ty Wilson Law!read more NorrayBroadcast 13:58 04 Aug 22 I live in Florida but my case appeared in Georgia and ty Wilson is the best Attorney anyone can... ask for . He gets everything done fast and smooth . Not only does he get everything done but he cares about his clients and make sure there okay and aware of everything that’s going on with the client case . Also he has a good office management as support for clients too and always responds to questions and concerns .read more Shawn Meadows 00:14 15 Jul 22 They are the real deal. Called me straight back and took time to talk to me without rushing me off... the phone. I got a hands free device ticket and he got it dismissed completely. Very affordable and gets right on it. I highly recommend TY. Thanks a lot I really appreciate you guys. I will definitely call you guys up if I was to need an attorney.read more Candid Hendrieth 15:56 06 Jul 22 I can honestly say that Mr.Ty Wilson and His wonderful Staff is a blessing to my Workmen comp case... after being referred to him by my cousin who spoke so highly of him, Ty Wilson and His Staff is everything she spoke of, I was able to contact him or his staff at anytime which I really liked his assurance was way beyond I ever experience with any lawyer, He also made sure that everything from medical bills was taken care of to weekly workmen comp checks where I thought was no hope he made it possible to beat the odds of doubt, I can't Thank You enough Mr.Ty Wilson Blessings to You and Your Team Alwaysread more Saul Vivas 11:59 15 Apr 22 I contacted Ty Wilson Law due for a speeding ticket. He was able to handle my case and it made it... so much easier for me since I got the ticket in a different state. I looked around to hire a firm and I came upon Ty Wilson law and was able to quickly get a response. Ty Wilson was able to remove any charges so it wouldn't affect my records. I definitely recommend Ty Wilson Law. You let them know what you need and they will get on it right away. Very easy to communicate as well.read more See All Reviews Privacy Policy Contact Ty Home Reviews ©2021 Ty Wilson Any information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. It is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be. A retained attorney is best able to give you advice on your individual situation. You may contact our office using one of the contact methods on this website, but be aware that contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Until an attorney client relationship is established, please withhold sending confidential information to us.
admin Alt Sidebar Random Article Search Blog 2019 Tomatoes 2019 Peppers 2019 Corn Herbs Icelandic Chickens About Blog 2019 Tomatoes 2019 Peppers 2019 Corn Herbs Icelandic Chickens About No Widgets found in the Sidebar Alt! Stonehope Tomatoes Our tomatoes will be the Hillsdale County Farmers Market Saturday, August 10th! We will be taking our first tomatoes to the Hillsdale County Farmers Market tomorrow, Saturday, August 10th. Included in the mix are San Marzano’s, Crimson Carmello’s, Principe Borghese grape tomatoes, Costolutos, and Black Vernissage cherry tomatoes. By admin August 10, 2019 Eat Local 50 Foods for Healthier People and a Healthier Planet This report by Knorr and WWF has lots of terrific ideas for ways to diversify garden crops. I am now inspired to find the perfect “orange tomato” variety that can be linked back to the original Peruvian plant! Knorr Future… By admin March 25, 2019 Stonehope Tomatoes Tomato juice, stewed tomatoes, and tomato sauce! By admin September 4, 2018 Stonehope Tomatoes And we have our first red tomatoes! By admin August 6, 2018 Stonehope Tomatoes Just waiting for the first red tomato! By admin July 13, 2018 Recent Posts Our tomatoes will be the Hillsdale County Farmers Market Saturday, August 10th! 50 Foods for Healthier People and a Healthier Planet Tomato juice, stewed tomatoes, and tomato sauce! Contact Us Email [email protected] Phone 412-996-2283 Social Media Bard Theme by Royal-Flush Back to top
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Yours truly was never much of a numbers guy. In fact, I am so bad at math, that if I was ever caught in one of Jigsaw’s traps in a Saw movie, and the only way to get out was to solve a long division problem, there is zero chance I’d get out alive. Hence, why I write for a “living”. Keeping that in mind, we have a candidate here for meanest teacher in the world (or the most awesome, depending on whose side you’re on), who confiscated a student’s phone, and returned it with a new passcode — the answer to a story problem. Now, if this happened to me in high school, I would have said “eff it”, and just bought a new phone. Any of our NIS math majors wanna figure this one out? Shit is Greek to me (but at least I know how to spell “dollar” correctly): A car dealer offers Lachlan a car that is priced at $21,800, but he only has a $600 deposit. Lachlan trade in is actually worth $500. The finance company insists on a 10% deposit for a 22% flat rate deal, so the dealer inflates the prices of both the trade-in and the car purchased What are the inflated prices, and what is the monthly repayment to pay of the car in 4 years? Monthly payment rounded to the nearest dollor First number is 0 [Gizmodo]
Mirror Mirror on the Wall | Jonathan Manske Coaching Menu Home Work with Jonathan 1 on 1 Coaching Group Coaching Programs Renew Your Mind How To Quit Being Sabotaged By Your Thinking Events & Programs Monthly Lunch Upcoming Events Jonathan’s Bio Successes Success Store Books Home Study Programs Daily Dose of Jonathan Calendar Resources/Gifts Featured videos Podcasts, radio shows, interviews Daily Dose Press Book Jonathan Keynotes Seminars & training Media kit Jonathan’s Bio Contact Blog Jonathan Manske Coaching Mirror Mirror on the Wall October 1, 2008 by Jonathan Leave a Comment Share this: . Mirror Mirror on the Wall . You have an image of yourself inside your head, your Self Image . This image acts as the ultimate instruction manual for your life. It provides the rules of operation by which you live. Your thoughts, behaviors and actions are all consistent with your self image. Now here’s the thing: some of your self image is beneficial and supports you to have a great life and some of your self image is not beneficial and causes you to suffer. And almost all of your self image got created by accident. It was influenced by parents, teachers, friends, society, culture, religion, role models, and your experiences. For example: If your self image includes being a successful business person that would probably make your life better. If your self image includes being an inept business person that would probably make you suffer. The good news is that you can change parts of your self image and in so doing you can improve your life. Here’s an easy way to change your self image: First of all, you need to get a sense of your current self image. #1 Pick an area of your life that you are looking to improve. As an example, let’s use money (or fitness). #2 Imagine that you enter a big room and in the room are four groups of people. In one corner are people earning minimum wage and entry level type salaries. (Overweight non-exercisers) In the second corner are working people who earn $40-80K a year. (A little chubby, occasional exercisers) In the third corner are business owners and managers who make $100-250K a year. (Fit, exercise daily) And in the fourth corner are executives, top sales people and CEO’s who make over $250k a year. (Marathon runners etc.) #3 In which of these four groups would you feel most comfortable, most at home? (Stick with reality here – not which group would you most like to be in but rather which one would be most natural, familiar and comfortable.) That is your current self image. #4 Imagine that you are a shorts and t-shirt type of person and that you dressed up in formal evening wear, a tuxedo or cocktail dress. When you look in the mirror, it might take a moment to recognize yourself and then you would say, "oh yeah, that’s me." #5 You want to use this idea, "Oh yeah, that’s me" to change your self image. Create an image that is an upgrade of your current image. Then keep reminding yourself, "Oh yeah, that’s me!" It only takes a couple of seconds to do this: "Oh yeah, that’s me – the successful business person!" "Oh yeah, that’s me – the daily exerciser!" When you keep reminding yourself of this, you begin to change that self image and when you do that, your life changes! Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s that successful ________ I see? Oh yeah, that’s me! Filed Under: Law of Attraction, Mindset and Attitude, Non-Conscious Programming Tagged With: change, growth, Law of Attraction, mindset, Non-Conscious Programming, self image, self improvement Speak Your Mind Cancel reply Name * Email * Website Current ye@r * Leave this field empty Get Your Daily Dose [contact-form-7 id="2899" title="Sign-up"] Upcoming Events Feb 16 11:30am-1:00pm: “Inside” Sales - Monthly Success Lunch Jan 10 - Feb 7 , 7-8pm MST: Breakthrough to Unprecedented Results Recent Posts Perpetually chased by wild dogs Defective life strategies 10 out of 10 would agree Improv abilities and strategies They are who they are Categories abundance Accept and Approve of yourself Acceptance Acknowledge Action appreciate ask Attitude Awareness Be not do Beliefs Big Why blind spots Boundaries Celebrate Progress Choice Coaching comfort zone Communication Comparison confidence Connect Contribution control the how courage Creating Happiness discomfort Dissaproval dreams Encourage energy Engage Enthusiasm events Expectation experience failures Feedback focus Forgiveness Freedom Frustration gratification Gratitude gratitude habit Happiness Head Trash Hurt identity Influence inspiration Integrity Joy Keeping my word Kindness Law of Attraction Leadership Letting Go life changing skill Limiting Belief listening Love loving world Magnetic marvel Mindset and Attitude Motivation Non-Conscious Programming options patience peace personal growth perspective positive alternatives positive change Procrastination progress Purpose Question Questions Refuel relationships resistance Responsibility results safe scarcity self-image selling specific results Stories strategies stress and anxiety success strategy superiority support team Thoughts time toxic Transform Limiting Beliefs trust Uncategorized under the influence understanding unknown belief Value Yourself Visualization vulnerability Well-being What If? why Willingness winners Worthy Contact Jonathan 1Daily Dose Daily Dose 2Books & Products Books & Products 3Work with Jonathan Work with Jonathan 4Free Resources Free Resources 5Book Jonathan Book Jonathan Daily Dose I write this free email newsletter because I know that what I have to say helps people live better lives. Please take a moment to sign up, and pass it on! [contact-form-7 id="2899" title="Sign-up"] Visit the Daily Dose blog Books & Products Become a magnet for more of what you want in your personal and professional life. Buy now and get the results you deserve using the Law of Attraction. Work with Jonathan The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there. Free Resources Regardless of whether you ever choose to work with me, or buy anything from me ~ It is my great honor to provide you with some powerful tools to upgrade your consciousness. Book Jonathan Jonathan offers keynote addresses, all day training, half day training, shorter talks and custom designed presentations. Book now! Copyright 2016 Jonathan Manske. This website is designed and maintained by Cloud Mountain Marketing. | Site Map
When I moved across the country to attend The Ohio State University and train with Vladimir Nazlymov (6-time Olympic Medalist), I thought we would spend my first few months on tactics and complicated drills. However, I was in for a surprise. Instead, we spent countless hours drilling and reviewing the best mechanical motion for the first step and lunge. It seems basic, but truly mastering that foundational skill solves many other complex footwork problems you encounter as you progress. Whether you’re able to extend your attack or to pull distance when the opponent does something unexpected is highly dependent on your body position in that first step. Never underestimate the power of a question like “What is the best way to take my first step?” SHED COMPLEXITY BY TALKING TO BEGINNERS Do you ever find yourself trying to explain a concept to someone, but then you find that as you explain it your understanding isn’t quite as good as you thought? Often what we think we understand differs from what we actually understand. As we learn, we tend to layer new information on top of old information, which doesn’t always lead to precise, clear thinking. One of the best ways to uncover these discrepancies is to teach others. They don’t have the same foundation as you do, and so you must break a concept up into small pieces. The process of doing this helps you clarify your own thinking, leaving behind any unnecessary parts. Similarly, there is much to learn from beginners. When you ask a child to explain something, it can be revelatory because the simplicity of their answer cuts to the heart of the idea. The same is true of fencers with less experience; the way they understand fencing is usually very basic and simple, and often something that a more experienced fencer can learn from.
The wind, accompanied by heavy rain and hail late on Sunday, hit the area around Peshawar By Jibran Ahmad PESHAWAR, Pakistan, April 27 (Reuters) - A freak "mini-cyclone" tore roofs of buildings and brought down trees and power poles in Pakistan, killing 45 people and injuring more than 200, officials said on Monday. Army teams were on their way to the area of Peshawar city to help with the rescue, a military spokesman said. "We've never experienced such a devastating wind storm before in this region," said Mushtaq Shah, director general of the Meteorological Office in Peshawar. "Its speed in the open was more than 120 kph (75 mph) and that's what caused destruction on such a large scale. It's a completely new phenomenon in this region." The wind, accompanied by heavy rain and hail late on Sunday, disrupted power supplies and telecommunications services and damaged infrastructure and crops, said district official Riaz Mehsud. The injured overwhelmed Peshawar's main Lady Reading Hospital, a spokesman said. Heavy weather on Monday forced the Pakistani military to cancel two flights to Nepal taking supplies to survivors of Saturday's earthquake. They were rescheduled to Tuesday. (Editing by Robert Birsel and Alex Richardson) Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Not to be confused with Chuvan language Chuvash (; Чӑвашла, Căvašla, Çovaşla; IPA: [tɕəʋaʂˈla])[3] is a Turkic language spoken in European Russia, primarily in the Chuvash Republic and adjacent areas. It is the only surviving member of the Oghur branch of Turkic languages. Because of this, Chuvash has diverged considerably from the other Turkic languages, which typically demonstrate mutual intelligibility among one another to varying degrees. The writing system for the Chuvash language is based on the Cyrillic script, employing all of the letters used in the Russian alphabet and adding four letters of its own: Ӑ, Ӗ, Ҫ and Ӳ. Usage [ edit ] Stamp of the Soviet Union, Chuvash people, 1933 Chuvash is the native language of the Chuvash people and an official language of Chuvashia.[4][5] It is spoken by 1,640,000 persons in Russia and another 34,000 in other countries.[6] 86% of ethnic Chuvash and 8% of the people of other ethnicities living in Chuvashia claimed knowledge of Chuvash language during the 2002 census.[7] Despite that, and although Chuvash is taught at schools and sometimes used in the media, it is considered endangered,[8][9] because Russian dominates in most spheres of life, and few children learning the language are likely to become active users. A fairly significant production and publication of literature in Chuvash still continues. According to UNESCO's Index Translationum, at least 202 books translated from Chuvash were published in other languages (mostly Russian) since ca. 1979.[10] However, as with most other languages of the former USSR, most of the translation activity took place before the dissolution of the USSR: out of the 202 translations, 170 books were published in the USSR,[11] and just 17, in the post-1991 Russia (mostly, in the 1990s).[12] A similar situation takes place with the translation of books from other languages (mostly Russian) into Chuvash (the total of 175 titles published since ca. 1979, but just 18 of them in post-1991 Russia).[13] History [ edit ] Chuvash is the most distinctive of the Turkic languages and cannot be understood by speakers of other Turkic tongues. Chuvash is classified, alongside the extinct language Bulgar, as the only remaining member of the Oghuric branch of the Turkic language family. Since the surviving literary records for the non-Chuvash members of Oghuric are scant, the exact position of Chuvash within the Oghuric family cannot be determined. The Oghuric branch is distinguished from the rest of the Turkic family (the Common Turkic languages) by two sound changes: r corresponding to Common Turkic z, and l corresponding to Common Turkic ş.[14] Formerly, scholars considered Chuvash not properly a Turkic language at all but, rather, a Turkicised Finno-Ugric (Uralic) language.[15] Already the first scientific fieldwork mission to record Chuvash, by August Ahlqvist in 1856, however established its correct affiliation.[16] Writing systems [ edit ] Current [ edit ] А а Ӑ ӑ Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё Ӗ ӗ Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Ҫ ҫ Т т У у Ӳ ӳ Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ъ ъ Ы ы Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я The modern Chuvash alphabet was devised in 1873 by school inspector Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev.[18] а е ы и/і у ӳ ӑ ӗ й в к л ԡ м н ԣ п р р́ с ҫ т т̌ ђ х ш In 1938, the alphabet underwent significant modification which brought it to its current form. Previous systems [ edit ] The most ancient writing system, known as the Old Turkic alphabet, disappeared after the Volga Bulgars converted to Islam. Later, the Arabic script was adopted. After the Mongol invasion, writing degraded. After Peter the Great's reforms Chuvash elites disappeared, blacksmiths and some other crafts were prohibited for non-Russian nations, the Chuvash were educated in Russian, while writing in runes recurred with simple folks.[19][20] Phonology [ edit ] Consonants [ edit ] The consonants are the following (the corresponding Cyrillic letters are in brackets): The stops, sibilants and affricates are voiceless and fortes but become lenes (sounding similar to voiced) in intervocalic position and after liquids, nasals and semi-vowels. Аннепе sounds like annebe, but кушакпа sounds like kuzhakpa. However, geminate consonants do not undergo this lenition. Furthermore, the voiced consonants occurring in Russian are used in modern Russian-language loans. Consonants also become palatalized before and after front vowels. Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Retroflex Alveolo-palatal Palatal Velar Uvular Stop п p/ т t/ к k/ Affricate ч tɕ/ Fricative c s/ ш ʂ/ ҫ ɕ/ x χ/ Nasal м m/ н n/ Approximant в ʋ/ л l/ й j/ Trill p r/ Vowels [ edit ] [ citation needed ] (note that not all the sounds with an asterisk are necessarily separate A possible scheme for the diachronic development of Chuvash vowels(note that not all the sounds with an asterisk are necessarily separate phonemes ). According to Krueger (1961), the Chuvash vowel system is as follows (the precise IPA symbols are chosen based on his description since he uses a different transcription). Front Back Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded High i ⟨и⟩ y ⟨ӳ⟩ ɯ ⟨ы⟩ u ⟨у⟩ Low e ⟨е⟩ ø̆ ⟨ӗ⟩ а ⟨а⟩ ŏ ⟨ӑ⟩ András Róna-Tas (1997)[21] provides a somewhat different description, also with a partly idiosyncratic transcription. The following table is based on his version, with additional information from Petrov (2001). Again, the IPA symbols are not directly taken from the works so they could be inaccurate. Front Back Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded High i ⟨и⟩ y ⟨ӳ⟩ ɯ ⟨ы⟩ u ⟨у⟩ Close-mid ӗ ⟨ĕ⟩ ɤ̆ ⟨ӑ⟩ Open-mid ɛ ⟨е⟩ Low a ⟨а⟩ The vowels ӑ and ӗ are described as reduced, thereby differing in quantity from the rest. In unstressed positions, they often resemble a schwa or tend to be dropped altogether in fast speech. At times, especially when stressed, they may be somewhat rounded and sound similar to /o/ and /ø/. Additionally, ɔ (о) occurs in loanwords from Russian where the syllable is unstressed in Russian. Word accent [ edit ] The usual rule given in grammars of Chuvash is that the last full (non-reduced) vowel of the word is stressed; if there are no full vowels, the first vowel is stressed.[22] Reduced vowels that precede or follow a stressed full vowel are extremely short and non-prominent. One scholar, Dobrovolsky, however, hypothesises that there is in fact no stress in disyllabic words in which both vowels are reduced.[23] Dialects [ edit ] There are two dialects of Chuvash: Viryal , or Upper (which has both o and u ), and , or (which has both and ), and Anatri, or Lower (which has u for both o and u: up. totă "full", tută "taste" – lo. tută "full, taste" ). The literary language is based on both the Lower and Upper dialects. Both Tatar and the neighbouring Uralic languages such as Mari have influenced the Chuvash language, as have Russian, Mongolian, Arabic and Persian, which have all added many words to the Chuvash lexicon. Morphology [ edit ] As characteristic of all Turkic languages, Chuvash is an agglutinative language and as such, has an abundance of suffixes but no native prefixes or prepositions, apart from the partly reduplicative intensive prefix, such as in: шурӑ - white, шап-шурӑ - snow-white, хура - black, хуп-хура - jet black, такӑр - flat, так-такӑр - absolutely flat, тулли - full, тӑп-тулли - chock full (compare to Turkish beyaz - white, bem-beyaz snow-white, kara - black, kap-kara - jet black, düz - flat, dümdüz - absolutely flat, dolu - full, dopdolu - chock full). One word can have many suffixes, which can also be used to create new words like creating a verb from a noun or a noun from a verbal root. See Vocabulary below. It can also indicate the grammatical function of the word. Nouns and adjectives [ edit ] Chuvash nouns can take endings indicating the person of a possessor. They can take case-endings. There are six noun cases in the Chuvash declension system: Grammatical case: Nominative - Possessive (of), after consonants: -ӑн/-ӗн, after vowels: -н according to the vowel harmony Dative-Accusative (for), after consonants: -а/-е, after vowels: -на/-не according to the vowel harmony Locative (in, on), formed by adding -ра/-ре, -та/-те according to the vowel harmony Ablative (from), formed by adding -ран/-рен, -тан/-тен according to the vowel harmony Instrumental (with), formed by adding -па(лан)/-пе(лен) according to the vowel harmony Abessive (without), formed by adding -сӑр/-сӗр according to the vowel harmony Causative, formed by adding -шӑн/-шӗн according to the vowel harmony Plural: Also: Terminative–antessive (to), formed by adding -(ч)чен relic of distributive, formed by adding -серен: кунсерен "daily, every day", килсерен "per house", килмессерен "every time one comes" Semblative (as), formed by adding пек to pronouns in genitive or objective case (ман пек "like me", сан пек "like you", ун пек "like him, that way", пирӗн пек "like us", сирӗн пек "like you all", хам пек "like myself", хӑвӑн пек "like yourself", кун пек "like this"); adding -ла, -ле to nouns (этемле "humanlike", ленинла "like Lenin") "like me", сан "like you", ун "like him, that way", пирӗн "like us", сирӗн "like you all", хам "like myself", хӑвӑн "like yourself", кун "like this"); adding -ла, -ле to nouns (этемле "humanlike", ленинла "like Lenin") Postfix: ха (ha) Adjective: Verb: Infinitive: -ма(лла|лли|лăх)/-ме(лле|лли|лĕх), negative postfix мар Gerund (-ing): positive -ни, negative -манни/-менни Conditional mood if: -са(сă)н/-се(сĕ)н, negative -маса(сă)н/-месе(сĕ)н, even if: -са(сă)н та/-се(сĕ)н те, negative -маса(сă)н та/-месе(сĕ)н те Taking кун (day) as an example: Noun case Chuvash English Nominative кун day, or the day Possessive кунӑн of the day Dative-Accusative куна to the day Locative кунта in the day Ablative кунтан of the day, or from the day Instrumental кунпа with the day Possession is expressed by means of constructions based on verbs meaning "to exist" and "not to exist" ("пур" and "ҫук"). For example, to say, "My cat had no shoes": кушак + -ӑн ура атӑ(и) + -сем ҫук + -ччӗ (кушакӑн ура аттисем ҫукччӗ) which literally translates as "cat-mine-of foot-cover(of)-plural-his non-existent-was." Verbs [ edit ] Chuvash verbs exhibit person and can be made negative or impotential; they can also be made potential. Finally, Chuvash verbs exhibit various distinctions of tense mood, and aspect: a verb can be progressive, necessitative, aorist, future, inferential, present, past, conditional, imperative or optative. Chuvash English кил- (to) come килме- not (to) come килейме- not (to) be able to come килеймен She (or he) was apparently unable to come. килеймерӗ She had not been able to come. килеймерӗр You (plural) had not been able to come. килеймерӗр-и? Have you (plural) not been able to come? Vowel harmony [ edit ] Vowel harmony is the principle by which a native Chuvash word generally incorporates either exclusively back or hard vowels (а, ӑ, у, ы) and exclusively front or soft vowels (е, ӗ, ӳ, и). As such, a notation for a Chuvash suffix such as -тен means either -тан or -тен, whichever promotes vowel harmony; a notation such as -тпӗр means either -тпӑр, -тпӗр, again with vowel harmony constituting the deciding factor. Chuvash has two classes of vowels: front and back (see the table above). Vowel harmony states that words may not contain both front and back vowels. Therefore, most grammatical suffixes come in front and back forms, e.g. Шупашкарта "in Cheboksary" but килте "at home". Two vowels cannot occur in succession. Exceptions [ edit ] Compound words are considered separate words with respect to vowel harmony: vowels do not have to harmonize between members of the compound (so forms like сӗтел|пукан "furniture" are permissible). In addition, vowel harmony does not apply for loanwords and some invariant suffixes (such as -ӗ); there are also a few native Chuvash words that do not follow the rule (such as анне "mother"). In such words suffixes harmonize with the final vowel; thus Аннепе "with the mother". Word order [ edit ] Word order in Chuvash is generally subject–object–verb. Chuvash numbers [ edit ] 1 – пӗрре pĕrre , пӗр pĕr , пӗр 2 – иккӗ ikkĕ , икӗ ikĕ , ик ik , икӗ , ик 3 – виҫҫӗ vişşĕ , виҫӗ vişĕ , виҫ viş , виҫӗ , виҫ 4 – тӑваттӑ tăvattă , тӑватӑ tăvată , тӑват tăvat , тӑватӑ , тӑват 5 – пиллӗк pillĕk , пилӗк pilĕk , пилӗк 6 – улттӑ ulttă IPA: [ˈultːə] ultă IPA: [ˈult̬ə] ult IPA: [ult] IPA: [ult̬] 7 – ҫиччӗ şiccĕ IPA: [ˈɕitɕːɘ] şicĕ IPA: [ˈɕitɕ̬ɘ] şic IPA: [ˈɕitɕ̬] 8 – саккӑр sakkăr IPA: [ˈsakːər] sakăr IPA: [ˈsak̬ər] 9 – тӑххӑр tăhhăr , тӑхӑр tăhăr , тӑхӑр 10 – вуннӑ vunnă , вун vun , вун 11 – вун пӗр vun pĕr 12 – вун иккӗ vun ikkĕ , вун икӗ vun ikĕ , вун ик vun ik , вун икӗ , вун ик 13 – вун виҫҫӗ vun vişşĕ , вун виҫӗ vun vişĕ , вун виҫ vun viş , вун виҫӗ , вун виҫ 14 – вун тӑваттӑ vun tăvattă , вун тӑватӑ vun tăvată , вун тӑват vun tăvat , вун тӑватӑ , вун тӑват 15 – вун пиллӗк vun pillĕk , вун пилӗк vun pilĕk , вун пилӗк 16 – вун улттӑ vun ulttă , вун ултӑ vun ultă , вун улт vun ult , вун ултӑ , вун улт 17 – вун ҫиччӗ vun şiccĕ , вун ҫичӗ vun şicĕ , вун ҫичӗ 18 – вун саккӑр vun sakkăr , вун сакӑр vun sakăr , вун сакӑр 19 – вун тӑххӑр vun tăhhăr , вун тӑхӑр vun tăhăr , вун тӑхӑр 20 – ҫирӗм şirĕm 30 – вӑтӑр vătăr 40 – хӗрӗх hĕrĕh 50 – аллӑ allă , алӑ ală , ал al , алӑ , ал 60 – утмӑл utmăl 70 – ҫитмӗл şitmĕl 80 – сакӑрвуннӑ sakărvunnă , сакӑрвун sakărvun , сакӑрвун 90 – тӑхӑрвуннӑ tăhărvunnă , тӑхӑрвун tăhărvun , тӑхӑрвун 100 – ҫӗр şĕr 000 – пин pin 834236 - сакӑр ҫӗр вӑтӑр тӑватӑ пин те ик ҫӗр вӑтӑр улттӑ sakăr şĕr vătăr tăvată pin te ik şĕr vătăr ulttă IPA: [ˌsakərɕɘrʋət̬ərt̬əʋat̬ə↗p̬inʲt̬eǀikɕɘrʋət̬ər↘ultːəǁ] sakăr şĕr vătăr tăvată pin te ik şĕr vătăr ultă See also [ edit ] References [ edit ] Specific
Get the biggest football stories by email Subscribe Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Could not subscribe, try again later Invalid Email Belgian footballer Joel Lobanzo has passed away after suffering a heart attack during training. The Royal Antwerp player died a day after collapsing during an under 19 session aged just 17. Club doctors treated him immediately at the training centre on Tuesday night before he was transferred to hospital but tragically died on Thursday morning. A statement on the club's website said: "From respect for Joel and his family, the club wishes to limit communication. (Image: Facebook) (Image: Facebook) "A time of mourning breaks, which we want to spend all serenity. We convey our deepest feelings of compassion to Joel's family and friends." Lobanzo's teammates have been given therapy after witnessing the traumatic incident. The Royal Antwerp added: "At the time of this tragic event, some tens of young people were present in the training fields. "For all witnesses of this awful incident - both fellow players, trainers and youth workers - the club has provided shelter and support since yesterday. The next few days will be the case. This is further communicated internally." Royal Attwerp have had a long term partnership with Premier League titans Manchester United. John O'Shea, Dong Fangzhuo and Jonny Evans are among the United stars who have spent time on loan in Belgium.
Dog Days of Summer 8K XC Run — ATRA Menu American Trail Running Association (ATRA) Race Calendar Submit a Race Explore Find a Trail Research Trail Shoes Podcasts Coaches Trail Maintenance Clubs Trail News USATF MUT About Resources Events Standards Program Event Liability Insurance Strategic Alliances Board Members and Meeting Minutes Contact Us Membership Account Membership Info My Races My Profile Register Race Director Log In Advertisement Dog Days of Summer 8K XC Run 20221223 2022-08-07 Login to Update Event Aug 07, 2022 at 8:00 AM Share: Dog Days of Summer 8K XC Run 101 College Pkwy Arnold MD, 21012 USA Visit Event Website Contact Race Director Entry Fee $3 (Lowest or Early Registration) Entry Fee 2 $5 (Highest or Late Registration) Prize Money: no Distance(s): 8K Type: Trail Percent of the course on un-paved trails: 100% Description: moderately hilly, well-marked, cross-country course through woods & fields. Utilizes the Earl Scott Trail. Photos No photos available. Map Past Event Dates Held on Aug 07, 2022 Held on Aug 02, 2020 Held on Aug 04, 2019 Held on Aug 04, 2013 Held on Aug 05, 2012 Held on Aug 07, 2011 Held on Aug 01, 2010 Held on Aug 02, 2009 Held on Aug 03, 2008 Held on Aug 05, 2007 Held on Aug 06, 2006 Held on Aug 07, 2005 Held on Aug 03, 2003 Held on Aug 04, 2002 Held on Aug 05, 2001 Held on Aug 06, 2000 Event Results View 2019 Results The Benefits of ATRA Membership We offer membership opportunities for individuals, running clubs, race directors and brands looking to connect with trail runners. Individual members receive our quarterly Trail Times newsletter, drawings for FREE race entries & more. Already a member? Give a membership to your favorite trail running or ultrarunning friend. I Want to Join ATRA! Search our Trail News archive Search for: Search Trail News The latest news and event information. World Championships Team Member Rachel Tomajczyk Joins Merrell The World Climbs America's Mountain At The Pikes Peak Marathon & Ascent Birkie Trail Run to host USATF Half Marathon Trail Championships Trails Are For Every Body - Meet Ayako Sawanobori Home Race Calendar Explore Trail News Resources About ATRA Membership Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions © 2022 American Trail Running Association. All rights reserved.
World Iraqi Forces Cut Mosul-Raqqa Supply Route TEHRAN (FNA)- Hashd al-Sha'abi forces on Friday said that they were set to cut the road to Syria that has been used by the ISIL as a supply route over the past two years. “We are now in the process of cutting the main supply road between Mosul and Raqqa, which runs behind the [Tal Afar] airport,” commander Shiekh Abu Karra Abadi told the Middle East Eye news portal. "It was crucial for us to clear all this area to the west and cut the road so the Iraqi army can clear Mosul of Daesh without them being able to flee," he added. The volunteer forces wrested control of Tal Afar airport in Western Mosul late on Wednesday. Abadi said Daesh elements had retreated, some into Tal Afar city and some to Mosul, adding that hundreds of the militants had put up resistance to defend the supply route to Syria. Secretary General of Iraq’s Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri also said the Iraqi soldiers were in control of the area South-West of Mosul and would continue advancing until closing the Iraq-Syria border.
As a Toronto indie band sings the Ontario theme song “A Place to Stand,” we meet five characters, nonactors recreating versions of their real-life stories: A Syrian refugee in a head scarf packs her belongings; a gay man sits sadly at a kitchen table while his parents discuss him in the next room; an Ojibway teenager plants a tree with his father; a Vietnamese man holding a photo boards a plane; a newborn is cuddled by its African-Canadian parents. Next we see them in Ontario: The gay man stands on a street with a rainbow flag; the Ojibway teen studies in a library; the Syrian girl meets her school class. Then we see them succeed: The Ojibway teen leads a forestry crew; the gay man has a date; the Vietnamese man enjoys a meal with relatives. Finally they watch fireworks as the words “A place for all of us” appear onscreen.
Empathy List Archives Hi, Guest Sign In Remember Me Sign In Click here to sign up for new account. Forgot your password? [email protected] For discussing birds and birding in Connecticut View all threads Re: hummingbird question AH AMY HOPKINS Tue, Sep 20, 2022 6:37 PM I leave my feeder up until frost. There are occasional late stragglers coming through. Amy HopkinsGuilford I leave my feeder up until frost. There are occasional late stragglers coming through. Amy HopkinsGuilford RH Roy Harvey Wed, Sep 21, 2022 2:38 PM Considering the question of when to stop feeding hummers, keep in mind that there are more hummingbirds than our Ruby-Throated. Hummers that are out of range can be out of season too. A quick visit to the archive of ARCC reports at the COA web site (ctbirding.org) turned these examples up, but there were more. BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRD 23 Oct 2013 CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD mid-Oct until at least 21 Dec 2008 RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD late October or early November 1998 30 Oct to 22 Nov 2000 22 Nov to 12 Dec 28 Nov to 7 Dec Roy Harvey Cheshire, CT Considering the question of when to stop feeding hummers, keep in mind that there are more hummingbirds than our Ruby-Throated. Hummers that are out of range can be out of season too. A quick visit to the archive of ARCC reports at the COA web site (ctbirding.org) turned these examples up, but there were more. BLACK-CHINNED HUMMINGBIRD 23 Oct 2013 CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD mid-Oct until at least 21 Dec 2008 RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD late October or early November 1998 30 Oct to 22 Nov 2000 22 Nov to 12 Dec 28 Nov to 7 Dec Roy Harvey Cheshire, CT Replying to: Quote Send Cancel Empathy v1.0 2022 ©Harmonylists.com
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During the second presidential debate, when a well-dressed black man asked Donald Trump if he "could be president of all the people," Trump immediately launched into his now-familiar riff about the inner cities and how terrible they are. "You go into the inner cities, it's 45 percent poverty," he said. "The education is a disaster. Jobs are essentially nonexistent … It can't get worse." Trump apparently assumed this man had come from one of the worst neighborhoods in St. Louis. It’s a type of assumption that many American blacks are familiar with, but today, while it may be true that everyone who lives in a certain ghetto is black, it is patently untrue that everyone who is black lives in a ghetto. Although racial differences in economic status remain a negative feature of American society, many blacks now work in a wider range of occupations than ever. Though blacks remain overrepresented in menial jobs and many inner-city black communities have been decimated by deindustrialization, racial discrimination, and the resulting "structural poverty," the black middle class is now the largest in history. Many black people are now thriving in professional positions where they rarely appeared before — as doctors, lawyers, professors, corporate executives, respected entertainers, professional athletes, and major elected officials. Many of these people also live in racially mixed neighborhoods from which they were once excluded; they attend some of the best schools and universities in the country, places that only recently excluded them. But this class of black people is generally obscured in the minds of many whites, by of the omnipresence and salience of what I have called the "iconic ghetto." In sociology, a "master status" refers to a facet of identity that serves as the primary identifying characteristic of a person. The iconic ghetto acts as a "master status" in American life, superseding whatever else a black person might claim to be. This stereotypical image of the ghetto works to define the black body as a powerful symbol in American culture — the iconic Negro. The perils of crossing from one space into another Educated and well-off black people are generally considered the exception, and not the rule. Thus, typically, when black people venture into the larger society — into the areas blacks generally perceive as "white space," including corporations, universities, suburbs, and the auditoriums where presidential debates are held — the ghetto icon both follows and precedes their presence, hovering overhead and negatively affecting their relations with their fellow citizens. This dynamic influences, if it does not outright determine, how their fellow citizens perceive and regard them — at least initially. If black people can negotiate, or "dance," their way out of this, their status as acceptable occupants of white space is usually then only provisional. As black people, they can always have something more to prove, and almost any white person can demand such proof. Recently, as the Washington Post reported, a black female doctor was traveling on an airplane when another passenger required medical assistance. The flight attendant, a white female, incredulous at the black doctor's identity claims, initially declined her offer to help ("Oh, no, sweetie, put [your] hand down"). But when a white male passenger appeared and presented himself as a doctor, the flight attendant readily accepted his assistance. Because of the legacy of American racism, but also the iconography of cities and the widely shared belief that blacks occupy only the very bottom rungs of society, many Americans are susceptible to this stereotype. This dynamic most often manifests itself in what Hillary Clinton, drawing on academic work, has called "implicit bias," a subconscious and powerfully negative view of all black people that immediately burdens anonymous blacks with a deficit of credibility — regardless of their accomplishments or character. Thus, the ghetto icon works as a kind of yoke that all black people must navigate, or carry, as they seek regard from strangers they encounter. As a result of historic racial segregation, including the dynamic of white flight, the wider society is replete with essentially white neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, churches, towns, and cemeteries, contributing to the dominant white sensibility. White space, black space, and the "cosmopolitan canopy" White Americans typically see these spaces as normal, everyday reflections of "civil society," and may even regard them as "diverse." But what others see as "diverse," black people may perceive as homogeneously white and relatively privileged. While the respective white and black spaces may appear to be racially homogeneous, typically they can be sub-classified in terms of ethnicity and social class. "White spaces," for instance, often include not only traditional Americans of European descent but also recently arrived European immigrants and visitors as well as others who may be perceived as phenotypically "white." Comparatively lighter-complexioned blacks, and members of some other ethnic groups, such as Asians, may be granted a pass. Meanwhile, the people inhabiting "black space" are not always simply traditional African Americans, but may be sub-classified as African, Latino, Haitian, Caribbean, Cape Verdean, and so on. Accordingly, the racially mixed urban space, a version of which I have referred to elsewhere as "the cosmopolitan canopy," exists as a diverse island of civility located in a virtual sea of racial segregation. The city today can be conceptualized as white space, black space, and racially mixed space, and these spaces are typically in flux. But while white people usually avoid black space, black people are required to navigate the white space as a condition of their existence. By definition, white people predominate in white spaces, and by implication blacks and other people of color are often absent there or when present made to feel uneasy. In the white space, the most acceptable black person is one who is either "in his place," working as a janitor or as a service person, or one who is otherwise being vouched for by white people in good standing. Such a black person is less likely to be disturbing to the perceived racial order of the typical white setting. When the black person does not appear in a subordinate role, however, dissonance may occur. In white space, "Can I help you?" can be an aggressive challenge In many such spaces, black persons can expect to be racially profiled or to encounter acute disrespect on the basis of blackness. Blacks may be highly self-conscious in such settings, and may sense that they are in hostile territory even when this is not the case. The closer the ghetto, the more self-conscious the black person may feel, its proximity complicating his presence; on the outskirts of a ghetto, white people become more defensive and scrutinize the anonymous black person more thoroughly, wondering whether he or she may mean them harm. Given the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as the racial incorporation process that has produced the largest black middle class in history, blacks are now generally allowed to venture into places that are absolutely lily-white, and to expect to be present there uneventfully, often as the only black person present. But they may be mistaken for someone of menial position. Polite company may not overtly declare this as white space, which would draw unwanted attention to the observation, but some of the most marginal whites might do so, effectively drawing the color line and putting the black person in his or her "place." Educated and well off black people are generally considered the exception, and not the rule. Thus when black people venture into the larger society — into corporations, universities, suburbs, and the auditoriums where presidential debates are held — the ghetto icon both follows and precedes their presence. Black people sometimes refer to such incidents as the "nigger moment," a moment of acute disrespect based on their blackness. Such moments vary in intensity, ranging from incidents they consider to be minor to those they know to be major. Black people generally try to ignore minor incidents — yet they understand that major incidents can change their lives or even get them killed. When such a moment occurs, the black person may be so affected that his or her orientation towards the white space can be altered, at times profoundly. Several years ago, I vacationed in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, a pleasant Cape Cod town full of upper-middle-class white vacationers, tourists, and working-class white residents. During the two weeks that my family and I spent there, I encountered very few other black people. We had rented a beautiful cottage about a mile from the town center, which consisted of a library and a few restaurants and stores catering to tourists. Early one weekday morning, I jogged down the road from our cottage through the town center and made my way to Route 6, which runs the length of the Cape from the Sagamore Bridge to Provincetown. It was a beautiful morning, about 75 degrees, with low humidity and clear blue skies. I had jogged here many times before. At 6 am, the road was deserted, with only an occasional passing car. I was enjoying my run that morning, listening to the nature sounds and feeling a sense of serenity. It seemed I had this world all to myself. Suddenly a red pickup truck appeared and stopped dead in the middle of the road. I looked over at the driver, a middle-aged white man, who was obviously trying to communicate something to me. He was waving his hands and gesticulating, and I immediately thought he might be in distress or in need of help, but I could not make out what he was saying. I stopped, cupped my hand to my ear to hear him better, and yelled back, "What did you say?" It was then that he made himself very clear. "Go home! Go home!" he yelled, dragging out the words to make sure I understood. I felt provoked, but I waved him off and continued on my way. Black people in white spaces commonly experience such incidents, and generally try to disregard them, but are affected by them nonetheless. In some public white spaces, such as upscale shops or restaurants, a black person is often approached with a disingenuous question such as "Can I help you?" Most blacks, particularly young males, have experienced this question time and again; of course, it is not an actual offer of assistance but a challenge to the black person’s right to be on the premises. A more direct question might be: What are you doing here? But most defenders of such spaces prefer to be indirect in their challenges, which avoid direct insult based on skin color (and also possibly a lawsuit). Nonetheless, the perceptive black person on the receiving end of such encounters understands that he has been assigned a provisional status: One false move and the police or security will be summoned. If black people wish to succeed, they must enter white space Given these difficulties, many blacks approach the white space ambivalently, and usually for instrumental reasons. When possible, they may avoid it altogether or leave it as soon as possible. In exiting the white space, however, a black person can feel both relief and regret — relief for departing a stressful environment and regret for perhaps leaving prematurely. For the white space is where many social rewards originate, whether the brief pleasures of an elegant night on the town or life-course affecting sources of cultural capital: education, employment, privilege, prestige, money, and the promise of general acceptance among the successful. To obtain these rewards, blacks must venture into the white space and explore its possibilities. To prevail, they must manage themselves within this space. But all too frequently, prejudiced actors pervade the white space and are singly or collectively interested in marginalizing the black person, actively reminding him of his outsider status. The existence of racial segregation is a pervasive feature of American life, rooted in the assumption that whites and blacks "belong" in different physical spaces — with some of those spaces offering more opportunities and amenities than others. Donald Trump’s blithe assumption that all black people live in ghettos with sky-high unemployment and desperate schools takes what is usually an unspoken fact of American life and makes it brutally explicit. Elijah Anderson is the William K. Lanman Jr. Professor of Sociology at Yale University. He is the author of, among other books, The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life.
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W.A.G.-word association game Thread starter Peacemaker Start date Mar 7, 2015 Prev 1 … Go to page Go 304 305 306 307 308 … Go to page Go 351 Next First Prev 306 of 351 Go to page Go Next Last Sethrak Protokentarchos Joined May 15, 2017 Messages 5,055 Reaction score 297 Points 83 Location California &amp; Nevada ranches Faith Armenian Orthodox Jurisdiction Etchmiadzin, Armenia Nov 11, 2021 #12,201 Tonic Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 11, 2021 #12,202 water J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 12, 2021 #12,203 spout Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 12, 2021 #12,204 Off Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 12, 2021 #12,205 sides Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 12, 2021 #12,206 Beef Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 13, 2021 #12,207 Luke said: sides Click to expand... Mac n cheese, Cole slaw, mash potatoes, baked beans. Reactions: Ainnir and J Michael J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 13, 2021 #12,208 fries Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,209 hamburgers J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 13, 2021 #12,210 FiveGuys Reactions: Ainnir B Brother Michael Sr. Member Joined Aug 15, 2021 Messages 195 Reaction score 87 Points 28 Location Encinitas, CA Faith Greek Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,211 Hotdogs Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 13, 2021 #12,212 Eyeballs B Brother Michael Sr. Member Joined Aug 15, 2021 Messages 195 Reaction score 87 Points 28 Location Encinitas, CA Faith Greek Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,213 Retina Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 13, 2021 #12,214 Retain Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,215 retainer B Brother Michael Sr. Member Joined Aug 15, 2021 Messages 195 Reaction score 87 Points 28 Location Encinitas, CA Faith Greek Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,216 Gum Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 13, 2021 #12,217 Ball Ainnir Merarches Staff member Moderator Joined Apr 29, 2015 Messages 8,301 Reaction score 1,380 Points 113 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Antiochian Nov 13, 2021 #12,218 Pin J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 13, 2021 #12,219 head Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 13, 2021 #12,220 Christ Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 13, 2021 #12,221 Church Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 14, 2021 #12,222 Bride Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 14, 2021 #12,223 New Jerusalem Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,224 Mother Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 15, 2021 #12,225 Invention Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,226 Crnogorci/ Montenegrins Dominika Merarches Staff member Global Moderator Moderator Joined Dec 23, 2011 Messages 8,360 Reaction score 716 Points 113 Age 30 Location Poland Website www.youtube.com Faith Orthodox Christian Jurisdiction Antiochian Patriarchate/POC Nov 15, 2021 #12,227 Gusle instrument Reactions: Stinky Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,228 Goose J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 15, 2021 #12,229 cooked Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,230 Crooked J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 15, 2021 #12,231 mile Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,232 Shoes Ainnir Merarches Staff member Moderator Joined Apr 29, 2015 Messages 8,301 Reaction score 1,380 Points 113 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Antiochian Nov 15, 2021 #12,233 blue suede Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 15, 2021 #12,234 Elvis Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 15, 2021 #12,235 Memphis J Michael Cave Dweller Joined Jan 20, 2011 Messages 13,253 Reaction score 773 Points 113 Location People's Republic of Maryland Faith Byzantine Catholic Jurisdiction Here and now (well...sometimes...) Nov 15, 2021 #12,236 ruins Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 17, 2021 #12,237 Luke said: Memphis Click to expand... Rapper Young Dolph Reactions: Sethrak Sethrak Protokentarchos Joined May 15, 2017 Messages 5,055 Reaction score 297 Points 83 Location California &amp; Nevada ranches Faith Armenian Orthodox Jurisdiction Etchmiadzin, Armenia Nov 18, 2021 #12,238 Tennis sea Stinky Mess Joined Jul 24, 2020 Messages 2,674 Reaction score 1,416 Points 113 Location US Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction OCA Nov 18, 2021 #12,239 Elbow Reactions: Sethrak Luke Merarches Joined Dec 5, 2008 Messages 8,070 Reaction score 497 Points 83 Faith Orthodox Jurisdiction Metropolis of San Francisco Nov 18, 2021 #12,240 funny bone Reactions: Sethrak Prev 1 … Go to page Go 304 305 306 307 308 … Go to page Go 351 Next First Prev 306 of 351 Go to page Go Next Last You must log in or register to reply here. 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The Fix's Callum Borchers explains the years-long feud between President Trump and the hosts of MSNBC's "Morning Joe." (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) By now most plugged-in news watchers know that with his health-care bill going down in flames, the North Korea crisis percolating, a special prosecutor investigating both the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia and President Trump’s own very public attempts to obstruct the investigation, Trump chooses to tweet two obnoxious, gross and misogynistic tweets in retort to criticism from “Morning Joe’s” two anchors. You can care to read them if you like; we find it unnecessary to amplify them further. His spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, asked about the tweets on the administration’s state TV, Fox News, blithely declared that he “will not be allowed to be bullied by liberal media or liberal elites in Hollywood or anywhere else.” The president is once again a victim of bullying, the poor dear. For the umpteenth time, we are obliged to ask what this suggests and whether it matters. This time, maybe wearied from the routine and quite certain the president’s popularity is sinking like a stone, notable Republicans told him to clam up. Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.) tweeted: “Please just stop. This isn’t normal and it’s beneath the dignity of your office.” Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.) expressed a similar sentiment: “Mr. President, your tweet was beneath the office and represents what is wrong with American politics, not the greatness of America.” And Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), whose vote Trump needs to pass a health-care bill, responded, “This has to stop – we all have a job – 3 branches of gov’t and media. We don’t have to get along, but we must show respect and civility.” Several Republican House members chimed in as well. So far no word from GOP leadership, which was pleading for more civility in the wake of the horrific shooting of GOP House members at a baseball field. [Why I’m grateful every time President Trump insults a woman] Update: House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) did speak up, but in the mildest way possible. “Obviously, I don’t see that as an appropriate comment,” Ryan said. “What we’re trying to do around here is improve the tone and the civility of the debate. And this obviously doesn’t help do that.” Ryan, let’s not forget, stuck with Trump as the line of defamed, mocked and vilified victims of his verbal abuse grew longer. Like with so many other Republicans now morally compromised, any criticism he might mumble underscores the lack of moral stature within the GOP. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said he doesn't think President Trump's tweets about "Morning Joe" hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are appropriate, on June 29 at the Capitol. (Reuters) President Trump’s latest outbursts are not part of a brilliant strategy. He gains nothing, at a time when his grasp of his job is openly questioned. He gains no allies in the health-care debate. He reminds the country that Republicans who chose to ignore or rationalize this kind of behavior will go down as moral quislings. He reminds us that the conservative evangelicals who embraced him are not exemplars of moral or religious behavior. They are apologists and tribalists who rejoice in his exacting revenge on “elites.” No upside comes from this behavior; it’s the reaction of a man-child who cannot contain his belligerence. As for Sanders, she joins the legions of those who will do anything, defend anything, justify anything for their moments(s) in the White House. Patriotism, decency, honor? These have no place in their calculus. We need shed no tears when they are humiliated, undercut and eventually fired by their boss. They’ve made their pact with the devil and deserve no sympathy. [Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ tweet shows his ‘viciousness’ has no limit] If these tweets fortify his base, that speaks volumes about those who would be buoyed by such conduct. But that’s an exercise in diminishing returns. He is shedding support from those who see him for what he is and retain reason and decency in their political judgments. Does this indicate his mental unfitness to serve? Yes, but there have been dozens of signals he is, as Sasse put it, “not normal.” What is to be done? We’d applaud if Republican leaders rebuked him in some formal way (a resolution perhaps). But don’t hold your breath. Opponents of the president and defenders of democratic norms and simple decency should fortify themselves and redouble their efforts. They’ve been reminded who is in the Oval Office and the damage he does to our society on a daily basis.
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Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 16/10/2011 (2689 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. IF fines don't work and suspensions don't work, then maybe a little profanity will? On Sunday, some Charleswood drivers were shocked to find an electronic road sign instructing them to "Slow The F-Down." But MPI didn't just finally snap on lead-footed 'Tobans. Rather, the sign -- used by MPI under contract -- was apparently hacked by a digitally savvy mischief-maker. A nearby sign had its message changed to a ribald rhyme urging women to show a little skin in honour of the Jets. "We were surprised as anybody that the signs were able to be breached and have the messaging changed," MPI spokesman Brian Smiley said Sunday, noting the signs had been used for a wildlife safety campaign. "We've worked with messaging previously and never had an incident. We're disappointed that someone would do this."
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Tunisian Brioche Cowl Pattern for Beginners Skip to content The Crochet Crowd Free Crochet Patterns & Videos HOME SHOP YARN EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS FREE PATTERNS TUTORIALS OUR BOOK TRAVEL WITH BOYS SEARCH Toggle search form Search for: Conservation in Your Backyard – Bats Advice Crochet Juicy Pineapple Pillow Pattern # 5 Yarn Weight Red Heart Crochet April Flowers Wreath # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Kaleidoscope Shawl Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight Texture Sampler Blanket That Makes Me Squeal # 5 Yarn Weight Crochet Flower Pot Cozy Pattern Beginner 6 Crochet Messy Bun Hat Patterns # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Spotlight Square Pattern Blanket Patterns prev next Tunisian Brioche Cowl Pattern for Beginners Posted on April 6, 2022 April 6, 2022 By Mikey 12 Comments on Tunisian Brioche Cowl Pattern for Beginners DOWNLOAD FREE PATTERN Tunisian Brioche Cowl for Beginners Tunisian Patterns The Tunisian Brioche Cowl is a great introductory project for a crocheter who knows how to crochet but wants to go up another level in skill sets. I also have a 3-page Brioche Tunisian Worksheet that matches this project for helpful tips and stitch diagrams to use. The worksheets are shown in the tutorial as well. Free Pattern: Tunisian Brioche Cowl Free Worksheets: Brioche Tunisian Worksheets CLICK HERE This concept can have a steep learning experience to get started but once you are past the foundation row and first round, the repeating is pretty simplistic. It’s something I have always wanted to learn and it felt like I had expanded my skills. Watch the tutorial below to get started. Pattern Suggestions Craft Wrap and Knot Cowl Pattern Crochet Mock Cable Hat Pattern Crochet Marled Basket Pattern Tunisian Honeycomb Scarf Pattern Crochet Double Layered Braided Cowl Pattern Tutorial Even More Tunisian Projects and Stitches Sort By Date Title Popular post Loading... Like this: Like Loading... Cowl Patterns, Crochet Video, Intermediate, Tunisian Patterns Tags:Beginner Brioche, Breathtaking Brioche Cowl, Brioche, Brioche for Beginners, Brioche Tunisian Cowl, Cowl, Tunisian Crochet Post navigation Previous Post: Crochet Patterns by Jeanne Steinhilber Next Post: Tunisian Simple Dishcloth Pattern Related Posts Understanding Crochet Stitch Multiples Workshop Blanket Patterns Crochet Summer Top Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Magic Baby Blanket Pattern # 5 Yarn Weight Crochet Circle Lapghan # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Lattice Blanket Pattern – 2 Ways #LetsStitchTogether Crochet Baby Mermaid Tail Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight prev next More Related Articles Crochet Along Stitch-cation Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Graduate Gift Jar Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Chevron Chic Baby Dress Baby Dress Patterns Lookbook Review: Snowed In Crochet Video Crochet Up to 3 Months Hat Pattern # 4 Yarn Weight Crochet Puffy Flower Fun Day Blanket Stitch Along # 4 Yarn Weight Comments (12) on “Tunisian Brioche Cowl Pattern for Beginners” Marcia says: February 27, 2020 at 5:03 am I cannot find this hook anywhere. Please advise on where You or others have found them. Thank you for your help! Marina King says: February 27, 2020 at 8:28 am you could try looking on Amazon. Marcia says: February 27, 2020 at 8:44 am Finally found it at 1:15 am at Herschners…lol! Thank you for responding ♥️ Marina King says: February 27, 2020 at 8:50 am That was going to be my next suggestion, I’m glad you were able to find one! Linda Barnes says: February 19, 2020 at 5:48 pm Thanks I finally got it to work!!!! Marina King says: February 20, 2020 at 5:04 pm yeah if you had tried it the first time before the system had a chance to update info that may be why you had issues, once refreshed all is good! I’m glad it finally worked for you Milagritos Ortiz says: February 17, 2020 at 5:46 pm Hi Mikey, I loved the Breathtaking Brioche Cowl & printed the pattern but where I requested your 3-pg worksheet, I only received Page 1. I also saw ‘Free Worksheets: Brioche Tunisian Worksheets CLICK HERE’ above, but it’s not linked, so it’s not working…? Can you please advise how I can obtain Pgs 2 & 3 for your tips. Thanking you in advance. Admiration & respect, Millie O. ? Mikey says: February 18, 2020 at 8:59 am I fixed the link last night. Sorry about that. Linda Barnes says: February 18, 2020 at 3:55 pm your link is not working as of today 2/18/202 at 2:55 p.m. est usa please advise Marina King says: February 19, 2020 at 12:26 pm I just checked it out, it seems to be working for me, try refreshing and trying again. Ginger says: February 17, 2020 at 5:01 pm Is it just me or are pages 2 and 3 of the tips/worksheet set missing? Mikey says: February 18, 2020 at 8:59 am That was my mistake. I fixed the link last night. I’m sorry. Comments are closed. 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KNOTT'S LANDING ON RUSH CREEK | mma | ARLINGTON, TEXAS mma, Inc. is currently looking for a responsible and highly motivated Project Manager to work with a multidisciplinary team of civil engineers, landscape architects, planners, surveyors, and other project managers to continue providing exceptional service and designs for our clients. About Us Civil Engineering Landscape Architecture Surveying Planning Projects Commercial Education Energy Entertainment Government Healthcare Multi-Family Single Family People History & Values News Careers Contact More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. press to zoom press to zoom 1/1 Knott's Landing on Rush Creek Arlington, Texas This 23-lot gated community is located near Rush Creek in southwest Arlington. The high-quality development is featured by the main entry with its large prominent architectural features and detailed stonework. An arched low wall sign signifies the development entry and developers namesake. Client Double Eagle Real Estate. Service Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture Planning © 2022 by mma
Turkmenistan: The Desert Dash (14/08/15-18/08/15) – JKB's Bike Ride Skip to content JKB's Bike Ride Around the world by bicycle… Menu About Me Route Blog Gear Contact How To Cycle Around The World Choosing a Bicycle Navigation Which Direction? Sleeping Eating Safety Extreme Weather Visas Money Turkmenistan: The Desert Dash (14/08/15-18/08/15) Posted on Sep 1, 2015 Nov 10, 2015 by jonathankb After my thorough questioning by the Iranian border staff, I cycled over to Turkmenistan. They didn’t seem to care that (having now switched back to my UK passport), it looked like I’d just magically arrived at the border with not a single other stamp in my passport. They had many more important things to do… Like being idiots. Turkmenistan route They really couldn’t work out what nationality I was. The first guy stared blankly at the text on my cover that reads: ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’. Fairly clear, no? He asked me ‘country?’ and I said UK, pointing at the passport. Another blank stare… ‘Ireland?’ ‘No… United Kindgdom’. Another blank stare… ‘Netherlands?’ What!? ‘No! England. Great Britain….’ Still nothing registering. I listed every description I could: ‘I’m English, British. Anglia, Inglalis, Britania’. Eventually he called his boss over who repeated something similar to one of the words I’d just used and he wrote it into a huge notebook. And so begins the Central Asian adventure! Then I had to go and see the doctor. It took him a good moment to work out my country too. Eventually he figured out the riddle and slowly wrote all my details down in another huge notebook filled with millions of handwritten passport details. I wonder when they’ll discover computers and scanners in this country? He did have one fancy device though – this little gun-shaped thing that he pointed into my eye to check if I was sick (I assume). It seemed I was all clear and allowed to continue. I’d been worried I might have picked up Ebola somewhere on this trip – good to know any contagious diseases in the world can be checked at the click of this little gun (which someone told me is actually a temperature scanner). Water is all I care about these days – 10 liters on the bike in the morning Then over to another young soldier who struggled with my nationality as well. This time I just sighed, gave a tired nod and watched as he wrote my citizenship down as Ireland. Perhaps I’m just the first UK passport they’ve seen in a long time at this border. The only way Brits can get into Iran is with a guided tour and I doubt many of the few who do that continue into Turkmenistan where they would also need an expensive guide holding their hand the whole time unless they were just transiting. I had to show my passport to another couple of people. It was getting silly now. To one I had to pay my ‘welcome to Turkmenistan’ tax of $12 (not a scam – everyone has to pay this), on top of my already extortionate transit visa fee. It’s now cost me $97 dollars to get into this country – outrageous. That’s nearly $20 a day. Guess how much I spent during my five days in Turkmenistan? About $20… The long, straight road across the country The final ‘passport checker’ stared intently at my photo and then looked me in the eyes. You know that awkward ‘checking-you-out’ stare that border staff do everywhere around the world? Then he did it again, and again, and again. Each time staring at my photo for 5 seconds and then at me for 5. I think my new beard is confusing them. He asked me where I was staying. I tried to remember what I’d written on my application and replied ‘Hotel Mary’, despite not having any intention of staying there. ‘Booking?’ I pointed to my bag hoping he wouldn’t call my bluff. He did – ‘show me’. ‘Ah…’ I pretended not to understand. ‘I don’t actually have it booked but that’s where I’m going’. He didn’t look too impressed and picked up his phone, dialed a number and walked off…. uh oh! But he did come back after a few minutes, studied my face again and then stamped me into the country – hurrah! The villages look nothing like they did in Iran. Here everything is spaced out and symmetrical, definitely not like Iran! There was one more check point though – security. After waiting around for a while a woman called me over – ‘hello mister!’ Blimey – that’s a very official position for a woman. Would I have seen that in Iran? She had her hair out, arms showing, make up on – I was back in the normal world. She checked my bags and carefully eyed the writing on my painkiller packs before I was finally let through. There wasn’t a moment to loose, and the border had already wasted too much of my day. I had only one thing to do in Turkmenistan – cycle. There was simply no time for anything else. Camels? Where!? I changed some money with some dodgy-looking fellas lurking around the border (who were desperately trying to get me in a taxi to Mary – do they know what a bicycle is?) and very soon I was all on my own again, cycling into the desert. I knew I could make the distance within the 5 days on my transit visa – it was more than possible. But there were three things that could jeopardise everything: wind, illness and bike problems. Fortunately the latter two weren’t an issue – but the wind? Of course it was out to get me. Just as it has been every bloody day for the last month. It was an exhausting cycle. Pushing as hard as I could, screaming into the wind in frustration as I watched my speedometer hover around the 10km/h mark. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it across the country if this persisted. There they are! And a lot of them… I was told that camels are used mainly for their milk – which is mainly used for their ayran drink here. But everything was new and exciting in Turkmenistan – and that made it fun to cycle. I’m always amazed at the difference a border can make. This morning I woke up in the Middle East and now I’m in Central Asia. A different race of people (finally into the squinty eyed world), different religion (Sunni rather than Shia Muslim), different food (Soviet slob is back), different architecture (everything so square) and different landscape (for the first time in many months everything around me was flat – no mountains in sight). Apparently I’m not the only one stupid enough to be cycling on these rubbish roads! I stopped in a village stop to buy some cold water – there are less opportunities for that here. Unfortunately they don’t sell frozen water anywhere (apparently they believe drinking water too cold for you is unhealthy). I stepped into this shop and realised it doubled up as bar (like so many places do here). There was a drunk guy mumbling something holding a beer and a cig who offered me a ‘pivo’. I declined, but boy was I tempted. I’ve been dreaming about my first beer for a month now. Actually not being allowed to drink in Iran didn’t bother me at all, but the forbidden fruit always becomes more sexy – doesn’t it? For me, that was the beer. A couple of girls who almost look as cool as me… I cycled on and was stopped a few times for photos. These two women wanted a snap with me. Women posing on their own with me? Not in Iran! The ladies here all wear these gorgeous dresses that couldn’t be more contrasting to those black cloak chadors that were everywhere in Iran. And look at those figure hugging dresses! You’d be arrested by the morality police within 5 minutes if you left your house looking like that in Iran. I’m starting to realise how silly loads of things were in Iran, only now that I’ve left. But this is the best thing – just being able to be more natural with women around. The girls at the market I stopped at were even flirty – asking me were I was from and waving ‘goodbye Jonathan!’ when I left. Camping next to some yurts my first night in the country I cycled as far as I could into the wind but eventually light stopped play. I’d only managed 80km in 7 hours of pedaling. Not enough. I’ve reached the point in the world where even the map-makers can’t be bothered to find out the names of places. This map (OSM) is more detailed than Google maps (who show nothing at all here). I found a small village called ‘there is a village here too’ on the map and stopped when I saw a shop/bar by the road. They let me pitch my tent in their back yard and I could finally get the beer I’d been dreaming of. It was a Friday night after all! Whenever people ask me if I’m married/have a girlfriend (which happens every day), I always say ‘no’. Then I point to my bike and say ‘wife’ which everyone finds hilarious. Now she’s actually mine! My first day cycling in Turkmenistan had been somewhat of a disaster, but I did have a reason to celebrate. The bike was now mine! Let me explain… At the end of last December I was getting to within a fortnight of the leaving date I’d settled on. I’d barely sorted anything, including the most important thing I need to cycle round the world – a bicycle! I wanted to buy a good touring bike second hand – they cost a fortune new and I figured that, seeing as they’re built to last, a used one would be fine. I didn’t (and still don’t) have a clue about bikes but I’d written a few brands down, estimated a frame size and spent each night after work trawling through Ebay and Gumtree trying to find something. I wanted to spend max £500 but I was running out of time. My poor old man had to listen to me whinging about how much they cost while I looked online every night. I’d found one that looked perfect but it was just outside my budget. Probably tired of having to listen to me complaining, he told me to wait until after Christmas before buying anything, so I did. Xmas came, and he showed me the boxed up bike that I’d been eyeing up. He told me that he wasn’t giving it to me, but rather that the bike was his and he’d loan it to me. For every 10 miles I cycled he’d minus £1 off the debt. Well – today I crossed the mark, and the bicycle (a Dawes Galaxy) is now mine. Thanks Dad! The dirty barman So I deserved my beer and I sat with the guy working there who was about my age I think. He gave me a strange looking white ball that looked like one of those posh chocolate truffles and told me to eat it and then quickly drink my beer. I obliged and discovered it was a ball of very strong dry cheese – you needed the beer to get that down! I declined the second one offered… ‘Masterchef’ at a roadside cafe Typical roadside grub. I think I’m going to enjoy eating my way through Central Asia. One thing I’ve discovered on this trip is that I’m most definitely not a ‘foodie’. All this saffron butter and red berries in the rice in Iran… None of that, give me a simple broth and I’m happy! He pointed to my pocked and asked to see my phone. Everyone always wants to see my phone all the time, I don’t get the obsession – I think they just want to see how rich I am. Usually I just show them my old Nokia and they look very dissapointed, but on this occasion my iPhone was in my pocket so I passed it over and he asked to see my pictures. Clearly bored by a zillion snaps of my bike on different roads he then switched to videos which were also clearly very boring. During one I’d filmed in a club he starting slightly humping the fridge he was sat on. I thought he was asking if I’d had sex with either of the girls in the video, but then he put the phone down so he could more explicitly poke his index finger throgh the circle he’d made with his other hand. I realised he was asking me if I had any porn on my phone! I laughed and apologised for not having any. Even if I did – I can’t think of anything more awkward than me and him sitting there watching through my porn collection! My tires are 1.25″ wide – making that a very big spider! I continued on to Mary the next day. The wind wasn’t as much of a nightmare, but it was still a very long day of more than 8 hours cycling. Even when there’s no wind it’s still impossible to cycle at any pace on these rubbish roads! A very precarious bridge My narrow tires are completely worn out – these are the kind of roads that are going to kill them any day now! I arrived at the edge of town shortly before dark. An old guy walked past pushing his bike and giving me a ‘cylist-to-cyclist’ thumbs up. He pointed to his flat tire and I showed him I had a pump. He already had one, but mimed that the tube had a puncture. Finally I have a chance to help someone else for once on this trip! It would be getting dark soon, but I was happy to have the chance to actually do someone else a favor after drowning in generosity over the last month. As we repaired his tube a young guy walked over who spoke English. Amazing! No-one seems to speak a word of English in this country. I asked him if he knew of anywhere around town I could camp or maybe find a cheap hotel. He said he wasn’t from town, but that his mate would be turning up any minute and he might be able to help me. His pal rocked up and also spoke perfect Englsih (they’d both studied in Istanbul). He invited me for dinner which I gladly accepted. I’d just planned on cycling and not wasn’t worrying about any cultural exploration in Turkmenistan, so to have met someone local who spoke such good English seemed a miracle. I think I’m starting to believe in karma! Dining out in Mary We went to a nearby restaurant where everyone ate in private booths. My new mate hardly ate a bit but of course insisted on paying for everything. You could order individual cigarettes, which I found amusing. I learned that the president has basically given everyone a two year heads-up to quit smoking – in 2016 smoking anywhere in public will be illegal. And there are a lot of smokers here… I tried to piece together an image of what Turkmenistan is all about, but all I ended up was an even stranger picture. Prior to arriving, I just knew that Turkmenistan is one of the hardest countries to get into as a foreigner – described in one place I saw as ‘the North Korea of Central Asia’. My new companion worked for a company that had arranged for an Italian guy to come over for work and even on a ‘business visa’ he wasn’t allowed to go anywhere outside of the town where he was stationed. These mini fences were lining the desert road everywhere – but there was nothing inside them and I haven’t got a clue what they are for. If anyone can enlighten me please do say! Some of the things I’d learnt from flicking through a Lonely Planet: The funny ex-president/dictator had renamed himself Turkmenbashi (leader of the Turkmen), he’d erected gold statues of himself all over the country, renamed months of the year (and other random things like bread) after his family members, banned ballet and listening to music in cars among other things. Weird, right? Anyway, I learnt a lot over this meal – but most interesting was the fact that people don’t pay for their water, electricity and gas in this country. That one surprised me. I asked if their tax is high, but was then even more surprised to here that they don’t pay tax here! I thought it was impressive to see air conditioning units on all the village homes (and even those yurts I camped next to my first night [see above pic]) – but that makes a little more sense now. These big ornate monuments are at the the edge of all towns (always gold – what is their obsession?) Sand dunes It’s funny how it’s always the small things that interest me most. I told him that I couldn’t believe how pathetic the men’s handshakes are here. Honestly – the limpest things ever! I read an article a few years ago about job interviewers judging candidates immediately on the strength of their handshakes and if that’s the case none of these Turkmen would have much of a chance getting a job. Apparently it’s a respect thing. You shouldn’t give someone a good squeeze. Maybe an older man can give you a proper grip, but you should shake his hand with both of your hands to say ‘OK- your the boss, I respect you!’ These big billboards are everywhere in Turkmenistan. They’re always such tacky montages that look like they’ve been made by someone who just discovered Photoshop 5 minutes ago. This one (in the middle of nowhere) is a collection of pretty gas stations And this one… I’m not really sure to be honest! I was invited to stay at his family home in a village nearby and the best part was getting a shower – I was in need of one! It was one of the fanciest showers I’ve ever seen – pipes coming out all over the place. I guess that’s what you do when water and electricity is free. I made sure I took a long time in there and then charged every electrical item I have – anything to get ‘my money’s worth’ from this government who’ve charged me almost $100 to get in! Host family in a village near Mary Had such a good evening – thrilled to have experienced at least a small slice of life in Turkmenistan. But it came at a price, I only got 5 hours sleep in as I had to leave at the crack of dawn. I passed quite a few rivers – not something I expected to see in the desert. I guess they’re just coming from Afghanistan and heading into the Caspian Sea. Everyone is wearing face masks to protect themselves from the sand in the air – but it makes them look like a sinister bunch! I was in invited for coffee in a tyre shop on the way out of Merve which I reluctantly accepted. They tried to get me to stay for lunch but there was no way I could part with any more time than a quick drink. ‘Have time, have time!’ they said. Time is the one thing I definitely don’t have in this country! I was given a packed lunch instead which I was very grateful for. Invited over for more melon as per usual. The biggest I think I’ve seen so far! It was more than 200km through the desert to the next town, which took me two exhausting days to cross. Just the usual struggle in the heat and wind. Occasionally I’d find a bush to hide under for some shade or occasionally there’d be a roadside cafe with air conditioning. My desert outfit. Very cool – I know. I have to wear a long sleeve shirt now – even with my thick tan and factor 55 sun cream I just can’t stop the sun from burning me! Dawn in the desert Water was the main concern, and I constantly had liters and liters strapped to my bike. There were couple of villages in between Mary and Turkmenabaat. One had a shop but the second just a big well for water. Luckily a local guy found me ‘the bucket’ and I could fill up my many bottles again for the onward stretch. Just ‘chilling’ in the desert I made to to about 70km from the border on my fourth day. Good – I didn’t want to be any further away than that. Just in case. Last morning in Turkmenistan I stopped to check out the bazaar just before Turkmenabaat. Whereas I’d been drowning in fruit in Iran, in Turkmenistan none of the shops seemed to have anything more exotic than potatoes, onions and tomatoes. I assumed the bazaar would have a wider selection and I also figured that I should check it out considering as this was one of the five bazaar patterns that are pictured on the Turkmenistan flag (one for each town). But, it was super disappointing. In Iran I loved the bazaars but this one just felt very polished and sterile (like everything in the country and the only fruit I could find was apples). Turkmenabaat bazaar Cycling through Turkmenabaat was very odd. I’d hardly seen any of Mary so this was my first glimpse of Turkmen town. It was how I imagined – huge futuristic white buildings bursting from the pavements either side of wide boulevards. I can’t really describe how strange it was. If you’ve watched The Hunger Games, then I’d say it reminded me of the capital in that. Ridiculously flashy and artificially imperial. One of the many fancy buildings in Turkmenabaat And another grand building It was like one designer had created the whole city overnight. Everything had the same white & gold colour theme – from the dustbins, to the bus stops, government buildings and even the electricity stations! Electrical pylons painted white with gold stars on the fences around them! 12 percent hill? I don’t think so… I’ve cycled enough mountains to know my gradients. I’m in trouble if I have to cycle at 12%. This flat road? Less than 5… I don’t know what the sign team had been smoking the morning they measured these percentages – but clearly something strong! I’d made it, all the way across the country within my five days. I turned north for the last section and the wind angled in to me as if to say ‘you might have made it, but I’m not quite done with you’. As I crawled at snails pace to the border, all I could think was – I’ve had enough now. It’s been fun, but this summer has been exhausting. I’m tired of the heat, the desert and the wind. I can’t wait to get up in the mountains again. Leaving Turkmenabaat The toilets are another level of grim here. The toilet paper is back (only water in Iran) but hygiene? That’s out the window… This was a restaurant loo! I exited the country in a similar manner to my arrival – half a dozen guys checking my passport and writing stuff down in their books. I had to show my camera and they looked through every bloody photo – luckily they weren’t offended by a zillion photos of me, my bike and my tent in the desert. Cycling towards Uzbekistan I left England looking like a nice young lad, arrived into the Muslim world looking like a neo-Nazi skinhead and I’m leaving it looking like an Middle Eastern IS fanatic! The guy with the stamp wasn’t convinced at all that I was the same person. I can probably forgive him for that – my hair has changed so much in my different photos that I look exactly like someone trying to hide their identity. He let me go after a lot of staring, but after I walked 5 meters away he called out and the soldier stopped me by the door. I turned around and he beckoned me over asking to see my passport. He did a lot of looking again, and then asked to see any other photos I had of myself. I showed him some on my camera, pointed to the permanent hole in my ear lobe and nose piercing on the pictures and that seemed to convince him. Finally I was out of Turkmenistan. What a confusing experience that was… Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related Posted in UncategorizedTagged ashgabat, Backpacking, Bicycle, Bicycle touring, bike packing, bike touring, camping, central asia, Cycle touring, dawes, Dawes Galaxy, desert, iran, JKB, jkb's bike ride, jonathankb, mary, merve, outdoors, photography, silk road, stealth camping, travel blog, travel photography, travel writing, Travelling, turkmenabaat, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, wanderlust, wild camping Post navigation Iran part 3: Shahrud to the Turkmenistan border (05/08/15-14/08/15) Uzbekistan Part 1: The Silk Road by Train (18/08/15-01/09/15) 6 thoughts on “Turkmenistan: The Desert Dash (14/08/15-18/08/15)” CB says: Sep 1, 2015 at 1:39 pm Beer deserved . . . and the bike! D x LikeLike Reply Adrian Berry says: Sep 1, 2015 at 2:16 pm ride with the wind ! ab LikeLike Reply tavascarow says: Sep 1, 2015 at 4:38 pm I guess the square fences are to stop wind blowing the sand onto the roads. Nice blog enjoying it immensely. 🙂 LikeLike Reply jonathankb says: Sep 3, 2015 at 5:28 am Thanks! LikeLike Reply dennisberckmans says: Sep 2, 2015 at 4:10 pm Yes, indeed. That reed webbing stabilizes the dunes so they don’t completely migrate onto the road. Doesnt mean there wont be a lot of sand on the road during a storm as you might have noticed. That spider is a sun spider, not a true arachnid and also related to the scorpions. And there is only one real river there. The once great Amu-Darya you should have crossed in the North over a floating bridge. The water in the desert is part of a massive irrigation system that drains all the water from the Amy Darya and it the direct cuase of the dissapearance of the Aral Sea. You will have seen the salt on the banks of the channels also. The sign of poor irrigation. Another great legacy of Saparmurat Nyazov… LikeLike Reply jonathankb says: Sep 3, 2015 at 5:27 am Amazing – thank you so much for the info! 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