Bigby is an archmage in the fictional <e1> World of Greyhawk </e1> campaign setting for the <e2> Dungeons & Dragons </e2> fantasy roleplaying game .
game mechanics
<e1> Middle - earth Role Playing </e1> used a magic system based on Spell Law from <e2> Rolemaster </e2> . *
game mechanics
In the <e1> World of Greyhawk </e1> campaign setting for the <e2> Dungeons & Dragons </e2> roleplaying game , Tenser is an archmage who strives to rid the Flanaess of evil .
game mechanics
Baldur 's Gate is a fictional city in the <e1> Forgotten Realms </e1> campaign setting of the <e2> Dungeons & Dragons </e2> fantasy role - playing game .
game mechanics
Mecha d20 ( 2003 ) - Also usable as an expansion for <e1> Dungeons & Dragons </e1> 3rd edition , d20 Modern and other <e2> d20 System </e2> games . * * *
game mechanics
Admission is made to either the <e1> full - time </e1> day or <e2> part - time </e2> evening program .
greater than
The <e1> en dash </e1> and <e2> hyphen </e2> are essentially indistinguishable . *
said to be the same as
A sonic boom is the sound associated with the <e1> shock waves </e1> created whenever an object travelling through the air travels faster than the <e2> speed of sound </e2> .
greater than
The <e1> GNOME desktop environment </e1> , a heavy user of GStreamer , has included GStreamer since GNOME version 2.2 and encourages GNOME and <e2> GTK+ </e2> applications to use it .
GUI toolkit or framework
At the outbreak of <e1> World War I </e1> in Europe , Japan joined the <e2> Triple Entente </e2> and seized the Marshall Islands against only token resistance .
has contributing factor
WPF runtime libraries are included with all versions of <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> since <e2> Windows Vista </e2> and Windows Server 2008 .
has edition or translation
In the King James Version of the <e1> Bible </e1> the text reads : The <e2> World English Bible </e2> translates the passage as : For a collection of other versions see
has edition or translation
Originally released for <e1> Windows </e1> and Mac OS X , it was later released also for iOS , Android , and <e2> Windows Phone </e2> .
has edition or translation
The Start menu is a graphical user interface element used in <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> since <e2> Windows 95 </e2> and in some other operating systems .
has edition or translation
Leveller is available for 32 - bit and 64 - bit <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> ( version 2.6 + include some minor compatibility fixes for Vista and for <e2> Windows 7 </e2> ) .
has edition or translation
File Explorer , previously known as Windows Explorer , is a file manager application that is included with releases of the <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> operating system from <e2> Windows 95 </e2> onwards .
has edition or translation
Excel Viewer is available for <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> and <e2> Windows CE </e2> handheld PCs , such as the NEC MobilePro .
has edition or translation
Buttons in <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> are usually rectangular , with mildly rounded corners in Windows XP , <e2> Vista </e2> , and 7 .
has edition or translation
Lords of Magic ' is a turn - based strategy <e1> Microsoft Windows </e1> game designed for <e2> Windows 95/98 </e2> by Sierra On - Line .
has edition or translation
Rabbi Snieg had remained to complete the first full edition of the <e1> Talmud </e1> published in Europe after the Holocaust , the so - called <e2> Survivors ' Talmud </e2> .
has edition or translation
Having trained as an evangelical Anglican , Stebbing expected to be a staunch opponent of Charles Darwin 's recently published <e1> theory of evolution </e1> by <e2> natural selection </e2> .
has immediate cause
In 2004 , <e1> Rolling Stone </e1> ranked Perkins number 99 on its <e2> list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time </e2> .
has list
11 ( features <e1> Tintin </e1> and <e2> Snowy </e2> ) * Batman No .
has pet
In six different levels and with four different special power outfits it features <e1> Mickey Mouse </e1> on his journey to find his dog <e2> Pluto </e2> .
has pet
Carpenter syndrome , also called <e1> acrocephalopolysyndactyly </e1> type II , is an extremely rare autosomal recessive congenital disorder characterized by craniofacial malformations , obesity , and <e2> syndactyly </e2> .
has phenotype
Prompt treatment of any symptoms of <e1> decompression sickness </e1> ( DCS ) with recompression and <e2> hyperbaric oxygen </e2> also reduce the risk of subsequent DON .
health specialty
Women also experience a number of issues related to the <e1> health of their breasts </e1> and genital tract , which fall into the scope of <e2> gynaecology </e2> .
health specialty
Abnormal movements , for example choreiform , <e1> athetoid </e1> or choreoathetoid movements may indicate a <e2> neurological </e2> disorder .
health specialty
In the <e1> United States </e1> , the <e2> Supreme Court </e2> has not issued a direct ruling on whether speech codes at public universities are unconstitutional .
highest judicial authority
After graduation from the military vocational school at <e1> Hranice </e1> ( Mährisch Weißkirchen ) in <e2> Moravia </e2> , Kleeberg continued studies at military academy in Mödling , Lower Austria .
historical region
The First Pan - Slav congress was held in <e1> Prague </e1> , <e2> Bohemia </e2> in June , 1848 , during the revolutionary movement of 1848 .
historical region
Horowitz ( , , YIVO Horovits ) is a surname that has its origin in the Yiddish name for the town of <e1> Hořovice </e1> ( or ) in <e2> Bohemia </e2> .
historical region
Freund was born into a German - speaking Jewish family in <e1> Chrudim </e1> , then part of <e2> Austrian Bohemia </e2> , later Czechoslovakia , now in the Czech Republic .
historical region
He was born in Tuschkau ( now <e1> Město Touškov </e1> ) , near Pilsen , <e2> Bohemia </e2> .
historical region
The main deposits are <e1> Příbram </e1> in <e2> Bohemia </e2> and Dry Gill , Caldbeck Fells , near Wigton , Cumbria , England .
historical region
Jokl was born in <e1> Bzenec </e1> ( then Bisenz ) , Southern <e2> Moravia </e2> ( now the Czech Republic ) , to Heinrich , a merchant , and Emilie née Haas .
historical region
He was born in <e1> Meedel </e1> , <e2> Moravia </e2> , and died in Bockenheim ( Frankfurt am Main ) .
historical region
Josef Florian ( 9 February 1873 – 29 December 1941 , both in <e1> Stará Říše </e1> in <e2> Moravia </e2> ) was a Czech book publisher and translator .
historical region
Afterward he went to the military secondary schools in Fischau and <e1> Hranice </e1> in <e2> Moravia </e2> .
historical region
He passed his last days intensely writing and preaching until his death in <e1> Kroměříž </e1> in <e2> Moravia </e2> , in 1505 .
historical region
Sophie and Franz Ferdinand were married on 1 July 1900 at Reichstadt ( now <e1> Zákupy </e1> ) in <e2> Bohemia </e2> .
historical region
Unilateral Declaration of Independence ( Rhodesia ) * <e1> Zimbabwe </e1> * <e2> History of Zimbabwe </e2> * List of Presidents of Zimbabwe .
history of topic
* <e1> Canals of Great Britain </e1> * <e2> History of the British canal system </e2>
history of topic
In this context , Fondane also met Yiddishist poet Iacob Ashel Groper — an encounter which shaped Fondane 's intellectual perspectives on <e1> Judaism </e1> and <e2> Jewish history </e2> .
history of topic
Russophilia ( literally love of <e1> Russia </e1> or Russians ) is admiration and fondness of Russia ( including the era of Soviet Union ) , <e2> Russian history </e2> and Russian culture .
history of topic
Jimmy Smits as <e1> Senator Bail Organa </e1> , a senator of <e2> Alderaan </e2> and friend of Obi - Wan , Yoda , and Padmé . *
home world
14 : <e1> St. Hilary </e1> Bishop , Confessor , and <e2> Doctor of the Church </e2> , Double , Com .
honorific prefix
Ambrose joins Augustine , <e1> Jerome </e1> , and Gregory the Great as one of the Latin <e2> Doctors of the Church </e2> .
honorific prefix
Named after the twelfth <e1> Prime Minister of Canada </e1> , <e2> The Right Honourable </e2> Louis St. Laurent , PC CC QC LLD DCL LLL BA .
honorific prefix
18 : Feria * 19 : Feria * 20 : Feria * 21 : <e1> St. Anselm </e1> Bishop , Confessor , and <e2> Doctor of the Church </e2> , Double . *
honorific prefix
They are also susceptible to <e1> clubroot </e1> , a disease of <e2> Brassicaceae </e2> .
The <e1> Vatican City </e1> newspaper <e2> L'Osservatore Romano </e2> called the race a " vulgar display of power and wealth in places where men continue to die from hunger and thirst . "
house publication
The scientific journal of the <e1> American Ornithologists ' Union </e1> is named <e2> The Auk </e2> in honour of this bird .
house publication
In 2010 , <e1> Vatican City </e1> 's <e2> L'Osservatore Romano </e2> selected The Nightfly as one of its official Top 10 Albums .
house publication
The stamp represents <e1> Marianne </e1> , allegory of the French Republic , wearing as usual a tricolor cockade , and the <e2> Phrygian cap </e2> .
iconographic symbol
The film ends with a brief depiction of the notorious <e1> assassination </e1> of the Archduke , at Sarajevo , and the resulting chain of events leading to <e2> World War I </e2> .
immediate cause of
<e1> Free Pascal </e1> is a free software <e2> Object Pascal </e2> compiler that supports the Windows API .
implementation of
XSP is a simple , standalone web server written in C # that hosts ASP.NET 's System for <e1> Linux </e1> and other <e2> Unix </e2> operating systems .
implementation of
<e1> Burkhanism </e1> was an Altayan movement led by a visionary that reacted against <e2> Russification </e2> . *
in opposition to
<e1> Rama </e1> : He was Seventh Avatar of <e2> Vishnu </e2> .
incarnation of
Separated from the Baltic Sea by the Karelian Isthmus , it drains into the <e1> Gulf of Finland </e1> via the <e2> Neva River </e2> .
North Fremantle is situated on a peninsula , with the <e1> Indian Ocean </e1> bounding the west side and the <e2> Swan River </e2> the east side .
It flows into Seneca Lake , the largest of the Finger Lakes , which drains into <e1> Lake Ontario </e1> via the Seneca and <e2> Oswego </e2> rivers .
The <e1> lateral plantar nerve </e1> supplies <e2> quadratus plantae </e2> , flexor digiti minimi brevis , adductor hallucis , the dorsal and plantar interossei , three lateral lumbricals and abductor digiti minimi .
Alliance is the home to <e1> Carhenge </e1> , a replica of <e2> Stonehenge </e2> constructed with automobiles , which is located north of the city .
inspired by
Frank Miller has said that " Metropolis is New York in the daytime ; <e1> Gotham City </e1> is <e2> New York </e2> at night . "
inspired by
The <e1> Intel 8087 </e1> and <e2> Intel 80287 </e2> floating point co - processors both support this projective mode .
instruction set
* Supersymmetry * <e1> Graviton </e1> * Dual Graviton * <e2> Gravity </e2> .
Unlike the single photon of QED or the three <e1> W and Z bosons </e1> of the <e2> weak interaction </e2> , there are eight independent types of gluon in QCD .
<e1> Newark Liberty International Airport Station </e1> was built in conjunction with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey , the owner of <e2> Newark Liberty International Airport </e2> .
interchange station
The north end of the bridge is <e1> Charing Cross railway station </e1> , and is near <e2> Embankment Pier </e2> and the Victoria Embankment .
interchange station
Underneath its land are the Underground stations of Plaza de Mayo ( Line A ) , <e1> Catedral </e1> ( Line D ) and <e2> Bolívar </e2> ( Line E ) .
interchange station
Concepts of Modern Mathematics ' is a 1975 book by mathematician and science popularizer <e1> Ian Stewart </e1> about recent developments in <e2> mathematics </e2> .
interested in
<e1> Lehn </e1> was the other scientist who shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Pedersen and was fundamental in starting the field of <e2> Supramolecular chemistry </e2> .
interested in
<e1> Muhammad </e1> , Islamic prophet , begins secretly at 40 years old to preach a new religion which will be called <e2> Islam </e2> .
interested in
When Lisa writes a letter to the <e1> International Olympic Committee </e1> , they decide that Springfield will be home to the next <e2> Olympics </e2> .
interested in
It is administratively incorporated as a city of oblast significance and is an important river port on <e1> Dnieper River </e1> and the <e2> Kakhovka Reservoir </e2> .
lake on watercourse
Construction of the Aswan High Dam on the <e1> Nile River </e1> in Egypt submerged archaeological sites and ancient settlements such as Buhen under <e2> Lake Nasser </e2> .
lake on watercourse
The FSGC also helped to create the club San Marino Calcio , which plays in <e1> Serie D </e1> , the fourth division of the <e2> Italian league </e2> .
league system
It is one of the two institutes in Japan that comprise the <e1> National Institutes for Cultural Heritage </e1> , an <e2> independent administrative institution </e2> created in 2001 .
legal form
In November 2018 Kosovo 's police was denied membership in <e1> Interpol </e1> , the <e2> international organization </e2> that facilitates international police cooperation .
legal form
The <e1> United Nations </e1> is a worldwide <e2> intergovernmental organization </e2> that was created with the goal of intervening in the disputes between nations , thereby avoiding armed conflict .
legal form
<e1> China Three Gorges Corporation </e1> , a <e2> SOE </e2> , won in December 2011 the bidding for the Portuguese government 's 21.35 % interest in the company .
legal form
The Labour Government led the <e1> Scotland Act 1978 </e1> through <e2> Westminster </e2> which provided for the establishment of the Scottish Assembly .
legislated by
During this time he helped draft <e1> UN Security Council Resolution 242 </e1> , one of the most important <e2> Security Council </e2> resolutions relevant to the Arab – Israeli conflict .
legislated by
* Electoral calendar * <e1> Italian electoral law of 2017 </e1> for the <e2> Parliament of Italy </e2> * Primary elections in Italy
legislated by
Modern Russian military ranks trace their roots to <e1> Table of Ranks </e1> established by <e2> Peter the Great </e2> .
legislated by
March 26 & ndash ; <e1> Mansur al - Hallaj </e1> , a Persian <e2> mystic </e2> writer , is sentenced to death for heresy after a long trial at Baghdad .
The prize is named after <e1> Meister Eckhart </e1> ( 1260–1328 ) , a German theologian , philosopher and <e2> mystic </e2> .
October 18 – Ford officially launches volume production of the <e1> Fiesta </e1> car at its <e2> Valencia </e2> plant . *
location of creation
Brie de Meaux is a French <e1> brie </e1> cheese of the <e2> Brie region </e2> and a designated AOC product since 1980 .
location of creation
It crosses into eastern Tennessee and joins the <e1> Tennessee River </e1> at Lenoir City , 25 miles ( 40&nbsp;km ) southwest of <e2> Knoxville </e2> .
location of discovery
The <e1> Mourning Athena </e1> relief is found near the <e2> Acropolis of Athens </e2> .
location of discovery
2008 & ndash ; NASA 's <e1> Phoenix </e1> lander lands in <e2> Green Valley </e2> region of Mars to search for environments suitable for water and microbial life . *
location of landing
<e1> Prohibition </e1> in the United States began January 16 , 1919 , with the ratification of the <e2> Eighteenth Amendment </e2> to the U.S. Constitution .
main regulatory text
The group has tax - exempt status under section <e1> 501(c)(3) </e1> of the <e2> U.S. tax code </e2> , though the Mozilla Corporation subsidiary is taxable .
main regulatory text
The framework for international <e1> space law </e1> was established by the <e2> Outer Space Treaty </e2> , which entered into force on 10 October 1967 .
main regulatory text
A state government is the <e1> government </e1> of a country subdivision in a federal form of government , which shares <e2> political power </e2> with the federal or national government .
manifestation of
Faisalabad slowly developed as medieval town and many <e1> Muslim </e1> Sufi missionaries converted the local population to <e2> Islam </e2> .
manifestation of
Other <e1> parallels </e1> ( lines of latitude ) are depicted as concentric <e2> circles </e2> . *
manifestation of