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Beethoven Sonatas Dataset

Beethoven is a raw audio waveform dataset used in the paper "It's Raw! Audio Generation with State-Space Models". It has been used primarily as a source of single instrument piano music for training music generation models at a small scale.

The dataset was originally introduced in the SampleRNN paper by Mehri et al. (2017) and download details from the original paper can be found at Here, we provide a more convenient download of a processed version of the dataset in order to standardize future use.

We include two versions of the dataset:

  • is a zip file containing 4328 8-second audio clips sampled at 16kHz. These were generated by first joining all the piano sonatas, and then splitting the track into 8-second chunks. This data can also be used with the repository to reproduce SaShiMi results, and was the dataset used in the paper.
  • contains the raw audio tracks, sampled at 16kHz.

We recommend (and follow) the following train-validation-test split for the audio files in (we attempted to recreate the splits from the SampleRNN work as closely as possible):

  • 0.wav to 3807.wav for training
  • 3808.wav to 4067.wav for validation
  • 4068.wav to 4327.wav for testing

You can use the following BibTeX entries to appropriately cite prior work if you decide to use this in your research:

  title={It's Raw! Audio Generation with State-Space Models},
  author={Goel, Karan and Gu, Albert and Donahue, Chris and R\'{e}, Christopher},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.09729},

  title={SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model},
  author={Mehri, Soroush and Kumar, Kundan and Gulrajani, Ishaan and Kumar, Rithesh and Jain, Shubham and Sotelo, Jose and Courville, Aaron and Bengio, Yoshua},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
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