LUPIN: Harry, It made all the difference in the world.
LUPIN: You uncovered the truth.
LUPIN: You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate.
LUPIN: It made a great deal of difference.
LUPIN: If I am proud of anything it is of how much you have learned this year.
LUPIN: Now, since I am no longer your teacher I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you.
LUPIN: So now I'll say goodbye, Harry.
LUPIN: I feel sure we'll meet again sometime.
LUPIN: Until then mischief managed.
RON: Stand back, I said! Or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle.
NEVILLE: Wherever did you get it?
SEAMUS: Can I have a go, Harry?
SEAMUS: After you, of course.
HARRY: What are you talking about?
RON: Quiet.
RON: Let the man through.
RON: I didn't mean to open it, Harry.
RON: It was badly wrapped.
RON: They made me do it.
FRED & GEORGE: Did not.
GEORGE: It's a Firebolt.
FRED: It's the fastest broom in the world.
HARRY: For me?
HARRY: But who sent it?
RON: No one knows.
HERMIONE: This came with it.
BOY 1: Go on, Harry!
BOY 2: Yeah, let's see.
HERMIONE: How fast is it, Harry?
HARRY: Lumos.
HARRY: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
HARRY: Mischief managed.
# script to upload corpus to hf hub
from datasets import load_dataset
def push_text(file:str):
if file:
dataset = load_dataset('text', data_files=file) # filetype, filename
# hf-cli login
print('Please check your file!')