Ampliación de cálculo (G321). Junio 2017
[ "Herrero Martínez, María Teresa" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Químic
Evolution of work factor in the textile industry in Spain (2000-2016)
[ "Sainz Arce, Ana" ]
RESUMEN: La industria textil es España representa un pilar importante de la manufactura, generando el 4,3% del empleo en el 2016. Pero el sector textil ha tenido que ir evolucionando y adaptándose a las circunstancias económicas del momento, así como a la agresiva competencia ejercida por países como China o Vietnam quienes destacan por producir a muy bajo coste.\ud El objetivo del estudio es analizar el factor trabajo en el sector textil español durante el periodo 2000-2016 utilizando como base de datos el Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos “SABI” y comparándolo con la situación económica del país.\ud Con los datos proporcionados por el SABI, hemos seleccionado unas series de variables como el activo fijo, ingresos de explotación, fondos propios, resultado del ejercicio, gastos de personal, Nº de empleados y gastos de materiales para su posterior estudio y descripción.ABSTRACT: Textile industry in Spain represents an important base of the manufacture, generating the 4,3% of employment in 2016. But textile sector has had to evolve and adapt to the aggressive competition applied by countries us China or Vietnam who stand out because of their low-cost production.\ud The objective of this study is to analyze the work factor in the Spanish textile sector during the period 2000-2016 using as database the “Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos” (SABI) and comparing it with the economic situation of the country.\ud With the datum provided by SABI, we have selected some variable series as fixed assets, generated income, own funds result of the tax return, expenses of the staff, number of workers and material expenses for his following study and description.Grado en Relaciones Laborale
Applications of triggered-Electromyography in minimally invasive transpedicular implantation of screws in the lumbosacral spine: Neurophysiological acumen
[ "Wu, Yunfen" ]
RESUMEN: Se han reportado lesiones radiculares por inserción de tornillos pediculares a pesar de la realización de múltiples controles intraoperatorios. La t-electromiografía tiene una relevancia especial en cirugía mínimamente invasiva, pero, existe una falta de consenso sobre la metodología. Los umbrales de alarma en cirugía mínimamente invasiva están basados en los valores de referencia en cirugía abierta. Sin embargo, la metodología de la t-electromiografía es diferente entre la técnica abierta y mínimamente invasiva. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo aportar propuestas de modificación a la metodología de la t-electromiografía en fijación lumbosacra mínimamente invasiva. Se debe utilizar al menos 5mA como umbral para la estimulación de la aguja de acceso pedicular. Con el uso de dilatadores no metálicos, un mismo umbral (como mínimo, 7mA) puede ser aplicado para la estimulación del “tapscrew” y del tornillo pedicular. Durante la estimulación de los implantes pediculares, la succión continua puede minimizar posible "derivación eléctrica".ABSTRACT: Neural lesions related to pedicle screw placement have been reported despite use of multiple intraoperative controls. T- electromyography has a special relevance in minimally invasive surgery. Nevertheless, there is a lack of consensus on the methodology. Alarm thresholds for minimally invasive surgery are based on the reference values for open surgery. However, the methodology of t- electromyography is different between open and minimally invasive techniques. The present work aims to provide proposals for modification of the methodology of t-electromyography in minimally invasive surgery. At least 5mA should be used as threshold for the stimulation of the pedicle access needle. With the use of non-metallic dilators, the same threshold (at least 7mA) can be applied for the stimulation of the tapscrew and the pedicle screw. During the stimulation of the pedicle implants, continuous suction can minimize possible "current shunting"
Study of the evolution of optical properties in cyanobacteria cultures
[ "García Verdeja, Javier" ]
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació
The value of coeducation in early childhood education
[ "González Rivera, Ángela" ]
RESUMEN: La coeducación continúa siendo, uno de los retos de la escuela actual. Tristemente se siguen escuchando noticias de discriminación por sexo o género dentro de las aulas y es que, aunque ha habido muchos avances en cuanto a la educación en igualdad, aun se siguen arrastrando estereotipos sociales y culturales que están fuertemente arraigados en nuestra cultura. Por ello, con el presente trabajo pretendo dar a la coeducación el valor real que todos/as los/as docentes han de tener presente desde la etapa de Educación Infantil en adelante. Este documento recoge en su primer apartado un marco teórico que engloba el concepto de coeducación, los agentes que están implicados, la Educación Infantil como contexto fundamental para promover la igualdad de género, los avances y necesidades en el camino hacia la coeducación y la utilización de materiales, espacios y recursos para promover el desarrollo de la identidad de género y promover la coeducación. Después se expondrá el diseño de la investigación cualitativa, seguida de la exposición de los resultados de las entrevistas y la conclusión final, que es el reto que debemos de afrontar como docentes en líneas de igualdad.ABSTRACT: Coeducation continues to be one of the challenges of the current school. Sadly, we still hear news of gender discrimination within the classroom and, although there has been a lot of progress in equality education, there are still trailing social and cultural stereotypes that are deeply rooted in our culture. Therefore, with this essay I try to give coeducation the real value that all teachers have to keep in mind from the stage of Early Childhood Education onwards. This document contains in its first section a theoretical framework that includes the concept of coeducation, the agents that are involved, Early Childhood Education as a fundamental context to promote gender equality, advances and needs on the road to co-education and the utilization of materials, spaces and resources to promote the development of gender identity and to promote co-education. Then the design of the qualitative research will be exposed, followed by the presentation of the results of the interviews and the final conclusion, which is the challenge that we must face as teachers on equal lines.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti
Numerical modelling of stone columns beneath a rigid footing
[ "Castro Gonzalez, Jorge" ]
This paper presents a set of systematic 2D and 3D finite element analyses that study the performance of\ud groups of stone columns beneath a rigid footing. Those numerical analyses show that the number of columns\ud and their arrangement have a small influence on the load-settlement curves. Furthermore, a reanalysis of previous laboratory data available in the literature confirms the small influence of the column configuration. That finding provides some background for homogenisation techniques and validates the use of equivalent gravel trenches. This paper proposes a new simplified approach to study groups of stone columns, which involves converting all the columns of the group beneath the footing in just one central column with an equivalent area. This simplified model is used to conclude that, for settlement reduction, there is a column critical length in a homogeneous soil around twice the footing width, and high area replacement ratios beneath a rigid footing are less efficient.The work presented is part of a research project on "An integrated calculation procedure\ud for stone columns, considering the influence of the method of installation", for the\ud Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ref.: BIA2009-13602)
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MOZ-mediated repression of p16(INK) (4) (a) is critical for the self-renewal of neural and hematopoietic stem cells
[ "Pérez Campo, Flor María", "Costa, G", "Lie‐a‐Ling, Michael", "Stifani, S", "Kouskoff, Valerie", "Lacaud, G" ]
Although inhibition of p16(INK4a) expression is critical to preserve the proliferative capacity of stem cells, the molecular mechanisms responsible for silencing p16(INK4a) expression remain poorly characterized. Here, we show that the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein (MOZ) controls the proliferation of both hematopoietic and neural stem cells by modulating the transcriptional repression of p16(INK4a) . In the absence of the HAT activity of MOZ, expression of p16(INK4a) is upregulated in progenitor and stem cells, inducing an early entrance into replicative senescence. Genetic deletion of p16(INK4a) reverses the proliferative defect in both Moz(HAT) (-) (/) (-) hematopoietic and neural progenitors. Our results suggest a critical requirement for MOZ HAT activity to silence p16(INK4a) expression and to protect stem cells from early entrance into replicative senescence
Proyecto de construcción de la EDAR de Limpias (Cantabria)
[ "Blanco Laso, Erik" ]
Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puerto
Relación entre adhesión a la dieta mediterránea y los estados de ánimo y quejas somáticas en el personal sanitario
[ "Allué Gavín, Blanca" ]
A nivel mundial existe una gran preocupación por la mortalidad y morbilidad que producen las enfermedades crónicas, también llamadas enfermedades no trasmisibles. De hecho la OMS ha creado una "Estrategia mundial sobre régimen alimentario, actividad física y salud", donde la alimentación juega un papel esencial en la prevención y tratamiento de estas enfermedades. La Dieta Mediterránea (DM) es un ejemplo de alimentación saludable y numerosos estudios científicos asocian la adhesión a la DM con los estados de ánimo y quejas somáticas. El objetivo fue estudiar la relación entre la adhesión a la DM, los estados de ánimo y las quejas somáticas. Los participantes (N=43), fueron evaluados a través de autoinformes de DM, estados de ánimo y quejas somáticas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que una mayor adhesión a la DM, conlleva una mejora del estado de ánimo y disminución de las quejas somáticas. Por tanto, el cumplimiento de la DM mejora el estado de salud y previene enfermedades.There is a great concern for the death and disease that cause chronic disease, also called non-communicable diseases. In fact the WHO has created a "Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health", where food plays an essential role in the prevention and treatment of these diseases. The Mediterranean diet is an example of healthy eating and numerous scientific studies associate adherence to the Mediterranean diet (DM) with the moods and somatic complaints. In this research, we studied the relationship between adherence to the DM, moods and somatic complaints. The participants (N = 43) were evaluated by self-reported DM, moods and somatic complaints. The results show that a greater adherence to the DM, leads to improved mood and less somatic complaints. Therefore, compliance with DM improves health and prevents many diseases.Máster en Condicionantes Genéticos, Nutricionales y Ambientales del Crecimiento y el Desarroll
round the quarrels on the Spanish Second Republic: the republican experience in historiography (1940-2015)
[ "Rodríguez Hoz, Rebeca" ]
RESUMEN: Desde comienzos de siglo, la Segunda República española se ha convertido en objeto de una controversia historiográfica y de un combate político vinculado con la polémica sobre la Transición desencadenada por la actual crisis de legitimidad del régimen construido tras la muerte de Franco. Momento que marcó una cesura en el tratamiento de una experiencia hasta entonces contemplada como mera antesala, fracasada, de la guerra civil y desde entonces analizada como categoría historiográfica diseccionada del conflicto, si bien con notables dificultades derivadas de la sempiterna sombra de la contienda y del uso público del pasado para fines políticos presentes. El presente ensayo pretende elaborar un estado de la cuestión que dé cuenta del avance de la investigación sobre la historia de un periodo distorsionado tanto por el discurso demonizador construido por los vencedores con el fin de legitimar su sublevación como por el teleologismo de los relatos sobre el choque inexorable entre dos presuntas Españas construidos bajo la dictadura franquista desde las miradas distantes del hispanismo y el exilio historiográfico. El grueso de la exposición se centrará en lo que los protagonistas de la época y, después de ellos, los historiadores han definido como los problemas fundamentales de ese prisma de múltiples aristas que condensa buena parte de las claves esenciales para entender la historia contemporánea española: la cuestión militar, la cuestión religiosa, la cuestión agraria y la cuestión regional. Por último, se abordarán las virulentas querellas suscitadas desde el cambio de siglo, con el telón de fondo de la confrontación entre memorias sobre las etapas del pasado reciente, por la revisión acometida por un sector de la historiografía que ha cuestionado la naturaleza democrática de un régimen considerado sectario, excluyente y lastrado por el peso de la violencia política, poniendo en duda su condición de precedente histórico de la actual democracia.ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of the century, the Spanish Second Republic has become the heart of an historiographical and political debate linked to the controversy over the process of Transition to democracy aroused by the crisis of legitimacy of the poritical regime built after Franco's death. A moment that marked a watershed in the treatment of a subject previously examined as the failed preface of the civil war and only since then analysed as an historiographical category isolated from the armed conflict, albeit with considerable difficulties that stem from the enduring shadow of war as well as from the public use of the past for current political aims. The aim of the present paper is to develop a state of the art that gives an account of the progress of research on a period distorted both by the deformations of Francoist official historiography and by the teleologism of the idea of the inevitable clash between two alleged Spains provided from the faraway look of hispanism and exile historiography. The presentation will focus on the issues that the protagonists of the period and, after them, the historians have defined as the main problems of a multifaceted phenomenon that contains the mayor keys to understand Spanish contemporary history: the military question, the religious question, the agrarian question and the regional question. Finally, the paper will deal with the virulent quarrells that have emerged at the turn of the century, against the background of the confrontación between collective memories of the recent past, as a result of the revision carried out by a segment of the historiography that has questioned the democratic nature of a regime considered sectarian, exclusive and burdened by the weight of political violence, calling into doubt its status as the historical precedent of our current democracy.Máster en Historia Contemporáne
Fatigue performance of thermally cut bolt holes in structural steel S460M
[ "García Pemán, Tiberio", "Cicero González, Sergio", "IBAÑEZ GUTIERREZ, FRANCISCO TOMAS", "Álvarez Laso, José Alberto", "Martín-Meizoso, Antonio", "Bannister, A.", "Kilmplel, A.", "Aldazabal, J." ]
Current fatigue codes only consider the fatigue performance of drilled and punched holes, limiting the use of thermal cutting processes to produce bolt holes. This paper studies the fatigue performance of structural steel S460M plates containing thermally cut bolt holes. The research covers three thermal cutting methods: the traditional one (oxy-fuel cutting) and two more modern processes (plasma and laser cutting). Specimen geometry is defined by a rectangular cross section with a cut hole in the middle.\ud All the specimens were conducted to failure by applying fatigue cycles, the stress ratio (R) being 0.1. The corresponding S-N curve and fatigue limit were obtained for each cutting method. Fatigue results have been compared with previous researches on fatigue performance of drilled and punched holes, and with the predictions provided by current fatigue standards, analyzing the possibility to extrapolate their S-N curves, focused on drilled and punched holes, to thermally cut holes
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Sovereign risk and the bank lending channel in Europe.
[ "Cantero Saiz, María", "Sanfilippo Azofra, Sergio", "Torre Olmo, María Begoña", "López Gutiérrez, Carlos" ]
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this article is to analyze how sovereign risk influences the loan supply reaction of banks to monetary policy through the bank lending channel. Additionally, we aim to test whether this reaction differs in easy and tight monetary regimes. Using a sample of 3,125 banks from the euro zone between 1999 and 2012, we find that sovereign risk plays an important role in determining loan supply from banks during tight monetary regimes. Banks in higher sovereign risk countries reduce lending more during tight regimes. However, we find little evidence to support any relationship between sovereign risk and loan supply reaction to monetary policy expansions. These results are very interesting for the way monetary policy is conducted in Europe. Banking union, banking system strength, and the budget control of governments would be necessary measures to reduce the heterogeneous transmission of the monetary policy in the euro zone
[ "10.1016/j.jimonfin.2014.04.008" ]
Evaluación de procesos de seguridad de información integrando las áreas de controladoría y tecnología de la información
[ "Schneider, Luiz Carlos", "Vanti, Adolfo Alberto", "Cobo Ortega, Ángel", "Thomaz, João Luis Peruchena" ]
RESUMO: A Controladoria é responsável por informações que apoiam o processo de tomada de decisão nas organizações e devido a isso necessita participar dos processos de segurança da informação. Por isto, esta pesquisa avaliou de maneira aplicada os processos de segurança da informação integrando as áreas de Controladoria e de TI. Metodologicamente o trabalho se caracterizou como uma pesquisa descritiva em um processo quali-quanti, considerando a percepção de respondentes em 30 questões relacionadas ao problema proposto. Foi aplicado um questionário complementar com base na norma ISO/IEC 27002 inferindo explicação causal de integração de áreas, bem como definição de categorias de diferentes profissionais quando tratam a segurança da informação. Desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso aplicado com instrumentos de coleta de dados relacionados a questionários e entrevistas, identificando na análise de conteúdo os processos críticos de negócio e riscos associados ao ambiente da informação. Assim, foi possível aprimorar os processos operacionais dessas duas áreas, diminuindo riscos operacionais, através de ações conjuntas de participação de usuários, criação de equipes, maior padronização, alinhamento da comunicação, maior controle na alteração de sistemas, aprimoramento de políticas e normas de segurança da informação, uso de ferramenta de business intelligence, treinamentos, integração de informações, foco nos processos essenciais. Dessa maneira se atendeu ao objetivo de avaliar processos de segurança da informação integrando as áreas de Controladoria e de TI.ABSTRACT: The Controllership is responsible for the support decision-making process in organizations and because of that, it needs to participate in the information security processes. Therefore, this study evaluated the way of applied information security processes by integrating the areas of Controllership and IT. Methodologically the work was characterized as a descriptive research in a quali-quanti process, considering the perception of respondents in 30 questions related to the proposed problem. A supplementary questionnaire was applied based on ISO / IEC 27002 standard implying causal explanation of areas of integration and definition of different categories of professionals when they deal information security. We developed a case study applied to data collection instruments related to questionnaires and interviews, content analysis in identifying the critical business processes and risks associated with information environment. Thus, it was possible to improve the operational processes of these two areas, reducing operational risks through different actions related with participation of users, creating teams, greater standardization, communication alignment, greater control in changing systems, improvements to policies and safety standards information, use of business intelligence tools, training, information integration and focus in core process. Finally, it responded to objective of evaluating information security processes by integrating the areas of Controllership and IT.RESUMEN: La controladoría es responsable por informaciones que suportan el proceso de toma de decisiones en las organizaciones y debido a esto necesita participar de los procesos de seguridad de información. Así, esta investigación evaluó de manera aplicada los procesos de seguridad de información, integrando las áreas de Controladoría y Tecnología de Información. Metodológicamente el trabajo se caracterizó como una investigación descriptiva en un proceso cuali-cuanti que consideró la percepción de respondientes en 30 cuestiones relacionadas al problema propuesto. Ha sido aplicado un cuestionario complementar basado en la ISO/IEC 27002 infiriendo explicación causal de integración de áreas, bien como la definición de categorías de diferentes profesionales cuando tratan la seguridad de la información. Se ha desarrollado un estudio de caso aplicado con instrumentos de coleta de datos relacionados a cuestionarios y entrevistas, identificando en un análisis de contenido los procesos críticos de negocio e riesgo al ambiente de la información. De esta manera, ha sido posible perfeccionar los procesos operacionales de estas dos áreas, disminuyendo riesgos operacionales, a través de acciones conjuntas de participación de usuarios, creación de equipos, mayor sistematización, alineación en la comunicación, mayor control en la alteración de sistemas, perfeccionamiento de políticas y normas de seguridad de información, uso de herramienta de inteligencia organizacional, entrenamientos, integración de informaciones y foco en los procesos esenciales. Así, se ha atendido al objetivo principal de evaluar los procesos de seguridad de información integrando las áreas de controladoría y tecnología de información
A methodological proposal for obtaining a specific risk model on rock falls in natural spaces
[ "Lara Hidalgo, Alejandro" ]
Máster en Ingeniería de Mina
Búsqueda de materia oscura producida en asociación con un bosón de Higgs en el LHC
[ "Manjón García, Alberto" ]
ABSTRACT: A search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying into a pair WW in the dilepton channel is performed at this work. The analysis is based on proton-proton collisions data collected at a center of mass energy of s√ = 13 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb-1 during 2015 by the CMS detector at the LHC. Results are interpreted in the framework of the Type-2 two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) where a vector boson Z0 decays into a Higgs boson and a pseudoscalar A0 which then decays into a pair of dark matter particles. In order to pull apart the dark matter signal from Standard Model backgrounds with similar final state signatures, two different strategies have been followed: a sequential cut-based analysis and a multivariate analysis. For that, the power of signal-background discrimination of several kinematic distributions has been studied.RESUMEN: En este trabajo se realiza una búsqueda de materia oscura producida en asociación con un bosón de Higgs desintegrándose en un par WW en el canal dileptónico. El análsis se basa en datos de colisiones proton-proton tomados a una energía centro de masas de s√ = 13 TeV y una luminosidad integrada de 2.3 fb-1 a lo largo de 2015 por el detector CMS en el LHC. Los resultados se interpretan en el marco del modelo Type-2 two-Higgs-doublet (2HDM) en el que un bosón vectorial Z0 se desintegra en un bosón de Higgs y un pseudoescalar A0, el cual se desintegra en un par de partículas de materia oscura. Con el fin de separar la señal de materia oscura de los fondos del Modelo Estándar con signaturas similares en el estado final, se han seguido dos estrategias diferentes: un análisis basado en cortes secuenciales y un análisis multivariante. Para ello, se ha estudiado el poder de discriminación señal-fondo de diversas distribuciones cinemáticas.Máster en Física, Instrumentación y Medio Ambient
Cannabis, adverse and therapeutic effects
[ "Meléndez Cruz, Andrea" ]
El cannabis es una planta que, aunque en nuestro medio se utiliza con finalidades propiamente recreativas, podría tener aplicaciones terapéuticas. Su principal principio activo es el Δ9-Tetrahidrocannabinol (Δ9-THC). Aunque se da en todas las edades, el consumo en población juvenil es más elevado. El consumo recreativo de cannabis se realiza en mayor medida por vía intrapulmonar (fumada) y, por su alta absorción, es el que más efectos psicotrópicos y adversos produce. No es una sustancia muy tóxica, pero el consumo regular de cannabis se asocia a un número considerable de efectos adversos, siendo los de tipo psiquiátrico los que más preocupación causan. Por otro lado, los cannabinoides tienen una gran cantidad de potenciales efectos terapéuticos: Algunos derivados están comercializados para su uso; en otras ocasiones existen mejores productos disponibles; dada la ubicuidad del sistema cannabinoide endógeno y sus múltiples funciones, en la actualidad se está investigando el uso de derivados cannábicos en bastantes otras indicaciones.Even though in our society, the Cannabis plant is mainly used as a recreational substance, it may have also therapeutic properties. The main active principle of the plant is Δ9-THC (Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol).\ud Cannabis consumption is mainly done through the intrapulmonary route (smoked). Due to its high absorption, this route is the one which produces more psychotropic and adverse effects. Even though all kind of people consume cannabis, adolescents and young person tend to consume it most.\ud It is not a highly toxic substance. Nevertheless, it may induce a high number of adverse effects when consumed regularly. Those which belong to the psychiatric sphere are most worrisome.\ud On the other hand, cannabinoids may have a huge amount of potential therapeutic utilities. Some products are already commercialized for their clinical use; in some other cases, better pharmaceutical drugs are available; given the ubiquity and multiplicity of the endogenous cannabinoid system, their use is being investigated for quite different clinical indications.Grado en Enfermerí
Frequency-domain analysis of the periodically-forced Josephson-junction circuit
[ "Sancho Lucio, Sergio Miguel", "Suárez Rodríguez, Almudena" ]
In this paper, a new frequency domain technique to analyze the Josephson-junction circuit dynamics is presented. This technique overcomes some of the limitations inherent to the analytical and time-integration techniques used in previous works. The technique can be extended to the analysis of this device when combined with distributed elements in microwave systems. It allows an efficient analysis of the different types of steady-state solutions and the bifurcation loci in the presence of a periodic driving current source. No restriction is imposed to the driving source amplitude, enabling an accurate analysis of the influence of this parameter on the device superconducting properties. The technique has also been applied to analyze the quasi-periodic states present in this device together with the synchronized solutions to the driving current source.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness\ud under Contract TEC2011-29264-C03-01
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A 183 GHz metamorphic HEMT low-noise amplifier with 3.5 dB noise figure
[ "Moschetti, Giuseppe", "Leuther, Arnulf", "Maßler, Herman", "Aja Abelán, Beatriz", "Rösch, Markus", "Schlechtweg, Michael", "Ambacher, Oliver", "Kangas, Ville", "Perichaud, Marie Geneviève" ]
This paper presents a 183 GHz low-noise amplifier (LNA), designed primarly for water vapor detection in atmosphere. The LNA requirements were defined by MetOp Second Generation (MetOp-SG) Microwave Sounder, Microwave Imager and Ice Cloud Imager instruments. MetOp-SG is the European contribution to operational meteorological observations from polar orbit. This LNA advances the current state-of-the-art for the InGaAs metamorphic high electron\ud mobility transistor (mHEMT) technology. The five-stage common-source MMIC amplifier utilizes transistors with a gate length of 50 nm. On-wafer measurements show a noise figure of 3.5 dB at the operative frequency, about 1 dB lower than previously reported mHEMT LNAs, and a gain of 24±2 dB over the bandwidth 160-200 GHz. The input and output matching are -11 dB and -10 dB, respectively. Moreover, the DC power dissipation at the optimal bias for noise is as low as 24 mW
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Plasmid flux in Escherichia coli ST131 sublineages, analyzed by plasmid constellation network (PLACNET), a new method for plasmid reconstruction from whole genome sequences
[ "Fernández Lanza, Val", "De Toro Hernando, María", "Garcillan Barcia, María Pilar", "Mora, A", "Blanco, J", "Coque, TM", "Cruz Calahorra, Fernando" ]
Bacterial whole genome sequence (WGS) methods are rapidly overtaking classical sequence analysis. Many bacterial sequencing projects focus on mobilome changes, since macroevolutionary events, such as the acquisition or loss of mobile genetic elements, mainly plasmids, play essential roles in adaptive evolution. Existing WGS analysis protocols do not assort contigs between plasmids and the main chromosome, thus hampering full analysis of plasmid sequences. We developed a method (called plasmid constellation networks or PLACNET) that identifies, visualizes and analyzes plasmids in WGS projects by creating a network of contig interactions, thus allowing comprehensive plasmid analysis within WGS datasets. The workflow of the method is based on three types of data: assembly information (including scaffold links and coverage), comparison to reference sequences and plasmid-diagnostic sequence features. The resulting network is pruned by expert analysis, to eliminate confounding data, and implemented in a Cytoscape-based graphic representation. To demonstrate PLACNET sensitivity and efficacy, the plasmidome of the Escherichia coli lineage ST131 was analyzed. ST131 is a globally spread clonal group of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC), comprising different sublineages with ability to acquire and spread antibiotic resistance and virulence genes via plasmids. Results show that plasmids flux in the evolution of this lineage, which is wide open for plasmid exchange. MOBF12/IncF plasmids were pervasive, adding just by themselves more than 350 protein families to the ST131 pangenome. Nearly 50% of the most frequent ?-proteobacterial plasmid groups were found to be present in our limited sample of ten analyzed ST131 genomes, which represent the main ST131 sublineage
Impact of a nurse intervention on the effectiveness of exercise and diet as treatment of patients diagnosed with Crohn's disease
[ "Paniagua de Castro, Andrea Viena" ]
La enfermedad de Crohn (EC) es una enfermedad crónica autoinmune e inflamatoria de origen desconocido, que puede afectar a diferentes tramos del aparato digestivo, produce afectación y síntomas muy variables, por este motivo cada persona debe tener un tratamiento personalizado.1 La práctica de ejercicio físico se presenta como un opción clave a adoptar como tratamiento de la EC,2-4 así como un desencadenante positivo para gestionar el estrés individual que provoca la enfermedad en sus fases agudas, para poder integrar el movimiento y el ejercicio en la rutina de las personas que la padecen, es necesario promover estrategias desde el punto de vista sanitario y como contempla este estudio, desde la intervención enfermera. Así mismo el tratamiento nutricional juega un papel fundamental como tratamiento primario de elección en las fases iniciales de la enfermedad, así como el soporte principal para poder desarrollar ejercicio físico, con el fin de evitar la malnutrición muy presente en las personas que padecen EC y retrasar en la medida de lo posible la necesidad de administrar corticoides y con ello la aparición de las complicaciones derivadas de su tratamiento.Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic autoimmune and inflammatory disease of unknown origin that can affect different sections of the digestive system produces affectation and highly variable symptoms, which is why each person should have a customized treatment.\ud The physical exercise is presented as a key option to adopt such treatment of CD, as well as a positive trigger for individual stress management that causes the disease in its acute phases. In order to integrate the movement and exercise in the routine of people who suffer from it, it is necessary to promote strategies from the health point of view and as contemplated by this study, from the nurse intervention.\ud Also the nutritional treatment plays a vital role as primary treatment of choice in the early stages of the disease, as well as the main support to develop physical exercise, to prevent malnutrition very present in people with CD and delay the extent possible the need to administer corticosteroids and thus the appearance of complications from treatment.Máster en Investigación en Cuidados de Salu
Designing and studying of elevator assembly tool
[ "Miñambres Rodríguez, David" ]
Ingeniería técnica Industrial. Especialidad en Mecánic
Historic conception of Indian people in Mexico as a subject to discrimination and as vindicator of Rights
[ "Calderón de Vega, Roberto" ]
ABSTRACT Since the late twentieth century, the "indigenous question" has conquered quotas of debate among the Mexican people never achieved. Both public opinion and state institutions began to be permeable to the demands of some indigenous peoples marginalized from economic, cultural and political forces since the Spanish Conquest. Thus, the Mexican-Indian duo that had been consecrated as an unfair and unequal relationship for centuries seems to react to a twenty-first century that has opened many opportunities for the understanding and the formation of a new, more equitable and plural Mexican state. The purpose of this work is the analysis of the issues considered "indigenous" in the Mexican nation, from the Spanish Conquest to the present day as well as the establishment of the great landmarks in the pro-indigenous struggle in the twentieth century. We´ll find three historical currents of thought about the indigenous, linked to historical periods: the pre-institutional indigenism, which rooted in the Spanish colonization, influenced by medieval Catholicism, paternalism, segregation, and the economic interests of Europeans; the post-revolutionary indigenism, from which emerges the modern Mexican state and the claim for social justice; and finally, the neoindigenism, more tolerant and democratic, that finally accepts the construction of a Mexican state that looks, understands and defends the diversity. We also expose an historical context divided in three stages: one from the colonization of Mexico to the end of the “Porfiriato”; one from the Mexican Revolution to 1970, with the celebration of the “Patzcuaro” Congress and the birth of the National Indian Institute; and finally, the last 40 years, including the creation of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, the Law for Dialogue and Reconciliation in Chiapas, the Commission of Concord and peacemaking and the San Andres Accords, keys to understanding the indigenous question today. Most of the sources i have consulted agree in one thing: there is a lot of work ahead to make a new mexican state, one who undertakes and protects his plurinationality. Finally, I would like to mention the assistance of Eloy Gomez Pellón, director of this work, without whose supervision this work would not have been possible.Grado en Histori
He figure of Basileus: legitimacy and perception of the royal power in the hellenistic-roman world
[ "Portilla Ramos, Miguel" ]
ABSTRACT: This Final Degree Project is a study about the legitimation of the royal power in the Hellenistic Period. The kings, especially those of the Seleucid, Ptolemaic and Antigonid dynasties, are the protagonist of this paper which will deepen in their strategies to stand in power. In this pages there will discussed various issues, as different as the foundation of cities or the epithets. The military field has got a lot of repercussion, because it was the success in war which crowned a king. The war was a necessary element for the creation and growth of these states, and this is reflected in this project. The Hellenistic kings used any form for justified their position. It is here were they used a measure, which seen from today, may seem like extravagant: the deification. Starting from the remains of Alexander’s Empire, and using his image as a mirror, the Diadochi created kingdoms with a huge territorial extension and a great cultural variety. They dominated the East Mediterranean and part of Asia, until his conquest by the Roman Republic.Grado en Histori
Determinants of Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge sharing in SMEs.
[ "Soto Acosta, Pedro", "Pérez González, Daniel", "Popa, Simona" ]
ABSTRACT: Web 2.0 technologies are increasingly being used within all knowledge management processes. This paper extends previous studies on the use of internet technologies and knowledge management by analyzing factors affecting knowledge sharing through Web 2.0 technologies within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing upon the technology-organization-environment framework, a model is developed to examine how distinct contextual factors influence the use of Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge sharing. A data set of Spanish SMEs is used to test the conceptual model and hypotheses. Results show that knowledge sharing through Web 2.0 technologies emerges from internal organizational and technological resources rather than from external pressure
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The effect of impurities on the evolution of the melting front analyzed in a two-dimensional representation for the eutectic Pt–C
[ "Castro Alonso, Pablo Bernardo", "Bloembergen, Pieter", "Dong, Wei" ]
The paper discusses the effect of two-front melting on the liquidus temperature of the eutectic Pt–C and the eutectic temperature of the system in its pure state. This influence factor has not been considered thus far in the uncertainty budget associated with the assignment of thermodynamic temperatures to the eutectics Co–C (1597.15 K), Pt–C (2011.05 K), and Re–C (2747.35 K), selected in the European Metrology Research Programme project Implementing the New Kelvin. For Pt–C, simulation of the effect of two-front melting on the melting process has been done before in a 1D analytical model, and this formed the starting point to the present study. In this study the melting process is analyzed by means of a 2D axisymmetrical finite-volume model. In the model, freezing and melting are considered for an impure ingot and for a pure ingot. As to the impure ingot, the impurity concentrations are the concentrations met in current practice of the realization of the high-temperature reference fixed point, but formulated in terms of an effective concentration and associated effective distribution coefficient k<1, related to a Scheil fit to the melting curve at given melting conditions as measured for the eutectic Pt–C. Heat injection rates for melting varied from 15000 W·m-2 down to 3000 W·m-2. In any case for the impure system, two melting fronts are showing up. For the pure system, only one melting front is generated, traveling from the outside of the ingot toward its inside
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Estructura productiva primario-exportadora y Buen Vivir en Ecuador, 2009-2014.
[ "Caria, Sara", "Domínguez Martín, Rafael" ]
RESUMEN. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la evolución y estructura (geográfica y productiva) de las exportaciones ecuatorianas entre 2009 y 2014. La Planificación Nacional establece que, para alcanzar el Buen Vivir, es imprescindible transformar la actual estructura productiva primario exportadora. Para ello, plantea una estrategia a mediano y largo plazo, articulada en cuatro fases, la primera de las cuales se centra en la sustitución selectiva de importaciones y la diversificación de las exportaciones, en términos de productos y destinos. Se analizarán las políticas del sector público en este ámbito, sus efectos y se identificarán los principales factores para el incumplimiento de las metas establecidas en el Plan Nacional Buen Vivir 2009-2013 (PNBV 2009- 2013, Estrategia 6, Objetivo 11).ABSTRACT. The present work aims at analysing the evolution and composition (in terms of destination and products) of Ecuador’s exports between 2009 and 2013. National Development Plan establishes that, to achieve the Buen Vivir, it is vital to transform the primary exportations-based structure of the economy. To achieve that, it proposes a mid-long term pathway, divided into four stages: the first stage focuses on selective\ud import substitution and exports diversification in destination and products. We will analyse main public policies in this field, their effects and we will identify the main reason for failing the target established in the National Plan “Buen vivir” 2009-2013 (PNBV 2009-2013, Strategy 6, Goal 11)
Decomposing the impacts of overeducation and overskilling on earnings and job satisfaction: an analysis using REFLEX data.
[ "Sánchez Sánchez, Mercedes Nuria", "McGuinness, Seamus" ]
This article assesses the extent to which the impact of overeducation and overskilling on labour market outcomes such as earnings and job satisfaction relate to mismatches in particular competency areas. The analysis uses REFLEX data, which collects information about 19 key competence areas related to job performance. We find that the penalties to both forms of mismatch are insensitive to the inclusion of controls for overskilling in a wide range of jobspecific competencies. The research suggests that the problem of mismatch relates to an inability to fully utilise general or innate ability as opposed to specific areas of acquired learning. We conclude that the problem of mismatch can only be effectively addressed by raising general levels of job quality within developed labour markets
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Business identity, image and reputation : the integration of theoretical perspectives for a successful management.
[ "Pérez Ruiz, Andrea", "Rodríguez del Bosque Rodríguez, Ignacio Alfredo" ]
RESUMEN. El nuevo paradigma propuesto por el marketing corporativo identifica la gestión de la identidad, imagen y reputación de la empresa como elementos esenciales para la supervivencia y el éxito empresarial. Consecuentemente, la comprensión clara de estos tres conceptos es el primer requisito básico para las empresas interesadas en gestionar sus negocios en línea con las tendencias de marketing más actuales. No obstante, la proliferación de enfoques académicos en el estudio de la identidad, imagen y reputación dificulta la creación de un conocimiento integral en este particular. En el presente trabajo se propone una revisión teórica, integrando diversas perspectivas académicas, para comprender mejor los conceptos y las dimensiones de la identidad, imagen y reputación de la empresa. Dicha revisión de literatura facilita la mejor comprensión y gestión de estas tres vertientes del marketing corporativo tanto en el ámbito académico como profesional.ABSTRACT. The corporate marketing perspective is a new paradigm which identifies the management of the business identity, image and reputation as an essential tool for the survival and success of companies. Accordingly, the correct understanding of these three concepts is a basic pre-requisite for the companies interested in managing their businesses in accordance to the latest marketing trends. Nonetheless, the proliferation of diverse approaches to the study of the identity, image and reputation hampers the generation of useful knowledge regarding these issues. In this paper, an integrative perspective is proposed to better understand the concepts and dimensions of the business identity, image and reputation. The theoretical review provided in the paper allows scholars and practitioners to better understand these three faces of the corporate marketing perspective
Development of a plan of maintenance applied to marine propulsion engine cat 3618
[ "Correa García, José María" ]
Máster en Ingeniería Marin
Transnational geographical mobility of workers
[ "García-Fraile del Álamo, Miriam" ]
Grado en Derech
Plasmonics in the UV range with Rhodium nanocubes
[ "Zhang, X.", "Gutiérrez Vela, Yael", "Li, P.", "Barreda Gómez, Ángela Inmaculada", "Watson, A. M.", "Alcaraz de la Osa, Rodrigo", "Finkelstein, G.", "González Fernández, Francisco", "Ortiz Márquez, María Dolores", "Saiz Vega, José María", "Everitt, Henry O.", "Liu, J.", "Moreno Gracia, Fernando" ]
Plasmonics in the UV-range constitutes a new challenge due to the increasing demand to detect, identify and destroy biological toxins, enhance biological imaging, and characterize semiconductor devices at the nanometer scale. Silver and aluminum have an e cient plasmonic performance in the near UV region, but oxidation reduces its performance in this range. Recent studies point out rhodium as one of the most promising metals for this purpose: it has a good plasmonic response in the UV and, as gold in the visible, it presents a low tendency to oxidation. Moreover, its easy fabrication through chemical means and its potential for photocatalytic applications, makes this material very attractive for building plasmonic tools in the UV. In this work, we will show an overview of our recent collaborative research with rhodium nanocubes (NC) for Plasmonics in the UV.This research was partly supported by MICINN (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) through project\ud FIS2013-45854-P
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Efectos de distintas estrategias terapéuticas sobre los déficits cognitivos y las alteraciones neuromorfológicas de un modelo de síndrome de Down
[ "Lantigua Romero, Sara" ]
RESUMEN: Una de las características presentes en todos los individuos con síndrome de Down (SD) es la discapacidad intelectual. Se ha propuesto que estos déficits cognitivos son parcialmente debidos a la sobre-inhibición mediada por el sistema GABAérgico y a la hipocelularidad causada por una deficiente neurogénesis hipocampal. En este trabajo se evaluaron distintas estrategias terapéuticas para paliar los déficits cognitivos del modelo murino de SD Ts65Dn. En primer lugar, se evaluó el efecto de la reducción de la sobreinhibición mediada por los receptores GABAAα5 en ratones Ts65Dn mediante la administración de un modulador alostérico negativo selectivo para este receptor de manera crónica y varias semanas después de interrumpir el tratamiento. La modulación alostérica negativa del receptor GABAAα5 tuvo efectos procognitivos y mejoró la neurogénesis hipocampal tanto cuando el fármaco fue administrado de manera continuada como cuando se evaluaron sus efectos varias semanas después de la interrupción del tratamiento. Por otro lado, se evaluó el efecto de la administración prenatal de ácido linolénico, ácido oleico y curcumina sobre distintas alteraciones hipocampales del ratón Ts65Dn. La administración prenatal de todas las sustancias incrementó la neurogénesis, el volumen hipocampal y la densidad de células maduras en el GD.ABSTRACT: Intellectual disability is one of the characteristics present in all individuals with Down syndrome (DS). It has been proposed that these cognitive deficits are partially due to over-inhibition mediated by the GABAergic system and to the hypo cellularity due to altered hippocampal neurogenesis. In this work, we evaluated different therapeutic strategies to alleviate the cognitive deficits of the murine model of DS Ts65Dn. First, we assessed the effect of reducing GABAAα5 receptor-mediated over-inhibition in Ts65Dn mice by administering a negative allosteric modulator selective for this recep-tor chronically and several weeks after the discontinuation of the treatment. Negative allosteric modulation of the GABAAα5 receptor induced pro-cognitive effects and im-proved hippocampal neurogénesis after the continuous administration of the drug and several weeks after the discontinuation of the treatment. In addition, the effect of pre-natal administration of linolenic acid, oleic acid and curcumin on different hippocam-pal alterations of the Ts65Dn mouse were evaluated. Prenatal administration of the three compounds increased neurogénesis, hippocampal volume and the density of ma-ture cells in GD
Analysis of the use of force by the security forces in relation to the defense of legal duty
[ "Miragaya Pérez, Claudia" ]
Grado en Derech
Design of an integral safety system for a sar tugboat
[ "González Bustío, Jesús" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Náutica y Transporte Marítim
Boil-off and heel rate measurement in LNG tankers
[ "Rivera Díaz, Fernando" ]
Máster en Ingeniería Marin
System of management: process of planning and control of load and discharge operations; procedure for carrying out the cargo watchkeeping at loading ports in low pressure gas carriers carrying ammonia
[ "Torre Aparicio, Beatriz" ]
Máster en Ingeniería Náutica y Gestión Marítim
Comprender el impacto de las interacciones sociales y el comportamiento colectivo entre ocupantes durante la evacuación
[ "Rodríguez Puebla, Karen" ]
ABSTRACT: The fire is able to cause enormous damaging consequences, especially in buildings occupied by many people, increasing the cost of the losses in both, human and economy. For that reason, during the last decades, numerous researches have been carried out about emergency evacuations and how they rely upon the social interactions between the evacuees. Nonetheless, not much is known about when and how they do so. This thesis is based on a specific case study of an emergency drill carried out in a sports centre. The aim of the thesis is to comprehend the different social interactions and collective behaviour that might affect the evacuees. On the other hand, the final part of the thesis presents different evacuation model simulations in order to figure out up until which level a specific software is able to perform the collective behaviour of the evacuees and how. The different studies of the impact of social interaction are going to be analysed by one quantitative method that already has been used in previous studies. With the method proposed, two different situations are going to be analysed: the time to response to the emergency and the time to exit. Later on, the comparison between the results obtained in the model simulation and the real results would be presented.Máster europeo en Ingeniería de la Construcció
Metodología de modelo único para el diseño de sistemas empotrados heterogéneos basada en UML/MARTE
[ "Peñil del Campo, Pablo" ]
RESUMEN: El diseño de los sistemas empotrados implica la necesidad de enfrentarse a una gran cantidad de aspectos como la concurrencia, la variedad de plataformas y recursos HW, diferentes tipos de análisis,… Esto también hace se necesiten una gran variedad de herramientas durante el proceso de diseño. Esta tesis presenta un entorno de diseño que se sustenta en dos pilares. En el primero, toda la descripción y caracterización del sistema se hace mediante un modelo único de alto nivel, capturando funcionalidad, plataforma, mapeo, escenarios de análisis... Este modelo se realiza usando los lenguajes estándar UML y MARTE. El segundo pilar es la integración de un conjunto de herramientas necesarias para el diseñador para especificar, analizar e implementar el sistema a diseñar. Mediante un entorno de fácil manejo, se podrá especificar el sistema, realizar diferentes análisis del diseño, realizar procesos de síntesis HW/SW, simulación funcional… Todas estas tareas se podrán hacer de forma automática.ABSTRACT: The design of embedded systems implies the need to deal with many aspects such as concurrency, the variety of platforms and HW resources, different types of analysis ... This also makes a great variety of tools necessary during the design process. This thesis presents a design environment that is based on two foundations. In the first one, all the description and characterization of the system is done by a unique high level model, capturing functionality, platform, mapping, analysis scenarios ... This model is implemented by using the standard languages UML and MARTE. The second foundation is the integration of a set of tools necessary for the designer to specify, analyse and implement the system to be designed. Through an easy-to-use environment, the designer can specify the system, perform different analysis of the design, perform HW/SW synthesis, functional simulation ... All these tasks can be done automatically
Contributions in the management of the fishing marine sector
[ "Lort Gancedo, Alejandro" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Marítim
The figure of the pharaoh in the New Egyptian Empire: Symbolism and ideology.
[ "Ortiz Abascal, Fernando" ]
RESUMEN: La figura del faraón en el Antiguo Egipto estuvo marcada por su carácter divino, su capacidad de mando absoluto y una simbología que vendría a ser una representación gráfica de su poder. En este trabajo trato de estudiar la simbología que rodeaba a los monarcas egipcios durante la Antigüedad y los cambios que sufrió la concepción del poder faraónico durante el desarrollo de esta civilización, así como su papel durante el Imperio Nuevo, concretamente durante las dinastías XVIII y XIX, cosa que veremos a través de las diferentes fuentes coetáneas, ya sean documentos escritos o representaciones plásticas, lo cual nos va a proporcionar una visión bastante clara de la concepción de la monarquía que se tenía en la época.ABSTRACT: The figure of Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt was marked for its divine character, its capacity of command and a symbology that would come to be a graphic representation of its power. In this work I try to study the symbolism that surrounded the Egyptian monarchs during the antiquity and the changes that underwent the conception of the pharaonic power during the development of this civilization, as well as the role of these during the New Empire, concretely during the dynasties XVIII and XIX, which we will see through the various contemporary sources, whether images, engravings or written documents, which will give us a fairly clear vision of the conception of the monarchy that was in the time.Grado en Histori
Memoria de Prácticas en el Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico
[ "Sáez Pérez, Virginia" ]
RESUMEN: La presente memoria tiene como objeto demostrar las capacidades adquiridas\ud durante el periodo de prácticas en el Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico, acordadas\ud mediante el convenio de la Universidad de Cantabria con dicha entidad para la\ud formación de los estudiantes del Máster en Patrimonio Histórico y Territorial.\ud Con esa finalidad se describirán tanto las tareas prácticas desarrolladas como las\ud actividades teóricas de formación en las que se participó. Así, el índice se divide en\ud formación teórica, teórico-práctica y complementaria. En formación teórica se incluyen\ud aquéllas actividades que consistieron en clases sobre materias que no se abordaron de\ud forma práctica. La formación teórico-práctica se compuso de tareas sobre las que se\ud recibió una formación que complementaba las labores prácticas, siendo las de este tipo\ud las que ocuparon la mayor parte del periodo establecido por el convenio.\ud Los anexos finales servirán para profundizar en los datos y en la descripción de las\ud actividades realizadas.Máster en Patrimonio Histórico y Territoria
Interactive groups: an innovative practice
[ "Ortega Palacios, Iván" ]
RESUMEN Distintas investigaciones a nivel europeo analizando innovaciones educativas que producen éxito escolar, han demostrado la relevancia de investigar sobre grupos interactivos, razón por la que en este documento nos detendremos en el estudio de esta actuación educativa, que es muy popular en los centros transformados en comunidades de aprendizaje, pero aún es muy desconocida en los que no lo son. Es por este motivo, por el cual este TGF pretende hacer más visible el planteamiento educativo de los grupos interactivos. Para ello, se puede encontrar en una primera parte una revisión teórica sobre el estado de la cuestión de los grupos interactivos, apoyándome en las ideas e investigaciones de contrastados autores. Posteriormente, presento los resultados obtenidos en el centro educativo pionero en la implantación de este tipo de actuaciones en Cantabria, tras la realización de entrevistas y cuestionarios en esta escuela (las transcripciones se encuentran disponibles en anexos). El trabajo finaliza con las conclusiones obtenidas a raíz del balance entre esa revisión bibliográfica y de la investigación llevada a cabo sobre dicha temática.ABSTRACT European researches about educational innovation with school success have proved the importance of the interactive group's researches, that's why this document will study this educational action, very popular in centers that has been transformed into learning communities, but still unknown in those ones that have not been transformed yet. In this way, this TFG want to highlight the educative proposal of interactive groups. For this purpose, the first part focussed on a theoretical review about the current situation of the interactive groups issue, based on the ideas and researches of specialised authors.\ud Afterwards, I present the results of the most important educative center in Cantabria regarding the implementation of this system, after interviews and questionnaries in this school. (Please find the attached transcriptions). The work ends with the conclusions obtained from the assessment between this bibliographical review and the research about this matter.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari
Measures for attention to diversity in visually impaired students: response to their needs in Secondary Education
[ "Rodríguez Galindo, Víctor" ]
Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundari
On-line role-play as a teaching method in engineering studies
[ "Cobo García, Adolfo", "Conde Portilla, Olga María", "Quintela Incera, María Ángeles", "Mirapeix Serrano, Jesús María", "López Higuera, José Miguel" ]
In this paper we propose adapting role-play teaching methodology to engineering studies. The role of a maintenance technician, a relevant job profile for engineering graduates is has chosen. The interaction is based on email exchange, with the instructor included in the simulation to help guide the activity and achieve learning objectives. In this paper, we present experience with this methodology, its implementation, results, and student feedback
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Synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials obtained by intercalation of different organic cations in the interlayer space of high charge synthetic mica
[ "Díaz Vallecillo, Santiago" ]
Ingeniería técnica Industrial. Especialidad en Química industria
Indoor location system based on wireless sensor networks
[ "Fernández León, Juan Manuel" ]
Ingeniería de Telecomunicació
Proyecto de explotación de caliza ornamental a cielo abierto en el municipio de La Encina (León) : método de explotación para mejorar el dimensionado de los bloques
[ "Santamaría Mier, Rafael" ]
Grado en Ingeniería de los Recursos Minero
Biogas production from various typical organic wastes generated in the region of Cantabria (Spain): methane yields and co-digestion tests
[ "Rico de la Hera, Carlos", "Diego Carrera, Rubén", "Valcarce Polanco, Agustín", "Rico Gutiérrez, José Luis" ]
Batch trials were carried out to determine the methane potential yields of some typical organic wastes generated in the region of Cantabria (Spain): cocoa shell, cheese whey and sludges from dairy industry. Anaerobic co-digestion trials of these wastes with dairy manure were also investigated in batch at 35˚C. Cheese whey obtained similar methane yields than dairy manure, between 17.5 and 19.3 L CH4 kg−1 cheese whey compared with 18.0 L CH4 kg−1 manure. Methane yields of various sludge samples collected from wastewater treatment facilities of dairy industries were influenced by its origin. Sludge samples from fat separation devices were the most productive in terms of specific methane yields compared with biological sludge from an aerobic reactor. Sludge samples from fat separator reached specific methane productivities of 350 and 388 L CH4 kg−1 VS (10.5 and 24.1 L CH4 kg−1 sludge), whereas biological sludge yielded 125 L CH4 kg−1 VS (12.6 L CH4 kg−1 sludge). The methane potential of sludge samples was influenced by solids content. Cocoa shell resulted to be an interesting waste for anaerobic digestion due to its high VS content, yielding 195 L CH4 kg−1 cocoa shell. It is a waste that can considerably improve methane yields in anaerobic co-digestion with dairy manure. However, at proportions of 10% cocoa shell, the process was hindered by hydrolysis of particulate matter. Anaerobic digestion at higher temperatures (thermophilic range) could be a better option for this kind of waste. Co-digestion of 5% cocoa shell with 35% dairy sludge and 60% dairy manure resulted in 80.5% higher methane production compared to anaerobic digestion of dairy manure alone
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On correctors for spectral problems in the homogenization of Robin boundary conditions with very large parameters
[ "Gómez Gandarillas, Delfina", "Lobo Hidalgo, Miguel", "Pérez Martínez, María Eugenia", "Shaposhnikova, Tatiana A." ]
We obtain estimates for convergence rates of the eigenelements (λ", u") for the Laplace operator in a domain ⊂ R3 periodically perforated along a plane γ = ∩ {x1 = 0}. The boundary conditions are of the Dirichlet type on ∂ and of the Robin type, involving a large parameter O(ε− ), on the boundary of the cavities. The small parameter ε denotes the period while the size of each cavity is O(ε ). Here we consider the most significant case where α = κ = 2
Evaluación de los niveles de metales pesados e hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en aire ambiente en zonas afectadas por fuentes puntuales en Cantabria
[ "Ruiz Andrés, Sara" ]
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo lleva a cabo la caracterización de un rango de metales pesados y semimetales (As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Ti, V, Mn, Cr, Cu, Mo, Sb, Fe, Zn) e hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) contenidos en PM10 recogido en el periodo 2008-2010 en tres estaciones con numerosas superaciones de los niveles diarios de PM10 en Cantabria, Los Corrales de Buelna, Torrelavega y Camargo, las cuales se encuentran influenciadas por las actividades industriales. Para ello, un estudio de correlación con distintas variables así como el empleo de diagramas ternarios llevan a la identificación de los principales trazadores en cada zona de estudio. Finalmente, la representación de diagramas polares basados en rosas de polución computadas y en la frecuencia de la dirección del viento son empleados como herramientas que dan información sobre la localización de las más importantes fuentes de emisión debido a los patrones de viento característicos en Cantabria.ABSTRACT: This work carried out the characterization of a range of heavy metals and semimetals (As, Cd , Ni, Pb , Ti, V , Mn , Cr , Cu , Mo , Sb , Fe, Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in PM10 collected in 2008-2010 at three sites with numerous exceedances of the daily PM10 levels in Cantabria , Los Corrales de Buelna, Torrelavega and Camargo, which are influenced by industrial activities . To do this, a correlation study with different variables and the use of ternary diagrams lead to the identification of the main tracers in each studied area. Finally, computed pollution roses and polar diagrams based on the frequency of wind direction are used as tools to provide information about the location of the major emission sources due to wind patterns characteristic of Cantabria
Riego de la vega de Morales del Rey : estudio de alternativas
[ "Alonso Rodríguez, José" ]
Grado en Ingeniería civi
Estudio de la deposición de catalizador de platino sobre membranas de Nafion y su desarrollo en pilas de combustible
[ "Herrero Rozas, Luis Alberto" ]
ABSTRACT: Proton Exchange Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are a promising technology for reaching a sustainable energy development due to their low emissions and high efficiency. However, if they want to compete in the market, their costs must be improved; mainly those related to the platinum catalyst. For that reason more efficient metals and ways to reduce the amount of catalyst used are being developed.\ud This work is part of one of the research lines of the Advanced Separation Processes group (PAS) in the development of new electrolytes more efficient based on ionic liquids for fuel cells applications. Thus, this project is focused on the set-up of an experimental technique to deposit the catalyst on fuel cell membranes in order to improve the performance of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell fed by hydrogen. Two alternatives have been tested: gas diffusion electrode (GDE) incorporation and catalyst coated membrane (CCM) fabrication. Additionally, the influence of different operation variables (temperature, gas humidity and amount of catalyst deposited) was studied. As main result, this paper has proved the potential of the CCM fabrication as a possible electrolyte for fuel cells under anhydrous conditions.RESUMEN: Las pilas de combustible de intercambio protónico (PEFCs) son una prometedora tecnología para alcanzar un desarrollo energético sostenible gracias a sus bajas emisiones y su alta eficiencia. Sin embargo, si quieren competir en el mercado, los costes deben ser reducidos; principalmente los relacionados con el catalizador de platino. Por esa razón se están desarrollando nuevos metales más eficaces y formas de reducir la cantidad de catalizador usado.\ud Este trabajo forma parte de una de las líneas de investigación del grupo Procesos Avanzados de Separación (PAS) en el desarrollo de nuevos electrolitos más eficientes basados en líquidos iónicos para pilas de combustible. Este proyecto se centra en la puesta a punto de una técnica experimental para la deposición de catalizador en membranas con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento de una pila de intercambio protónico. Se analizaron dos alternativas: incorporación de electrodos de difusión gaseosa (GDE, “Gas Diffusion Electrode”) y la fabricación de membranas cubiertas de catalizador (CCM, “Catalyst Coated Membrane”). También se estudió la influencia de diferentes variables de operación (temperatura, humedad de los gases y cantidad de catalizador depositado). Como principal resultado, este proyecto ha probado el potencial de la fabricación de CCMs como posibles electrolitos para su uso en pilas de combustible bajo condiciones anhidras.Grado en Ingeniería Químic
Física II (G426). Junio 2012
[ "Tapia Martín, Rafael" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánic
El maestro de obras Pablo Piqué (1848-1918) en Torrelavega: arquitectura y urbanismo para una ciudad industrial
[ "Hoyo Maza, Sara del" ]
Máster en Patrimonio Histórico y Territoria
Caracterización de la atenuación en interiores a 2.5 GHz
[ "Pérez Vega, Constantino", "Zamanillo Sainz de la Maza, José María", "Palacios Martínez, María del Carmen" ]
En este trabajo se resumen los resultados de medidas de propagación realizadas en el interior de construcciones a 2.5 GHz, a fin de caracterizar la atenuación en dichos entornos. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo con portadora sin modular (onda continua) y con portadora modulada por una señal de televisión, a fin de cuantificar los efectos de la modulación sobre la atenuación. Se emplearon polarizaciones horizontal y vertical y también se realizaron mediciones con polarización cruzada
WINGENERATOR: software de control para generadores de función digitales con aplicaciones a la docencia
[ "Zamanillo Sainz de la Maza, José María", "García García, José Ángel", "Pérez Vega, Constantino", "Toyos Lanza, Raúl", "Quintial Larrea, José María", "Blanco Sánchez, Raúl" ]
WINGENERATOR (WINdows GENERATOR) is an eayto-\ud use application programmed in MATLAB language,\ud running under Microsoft Windows™ on a PC developed for\ud research and educational purposes. The main routine is a part\ud of a general purpose tool called WINEASYLAB. The software\ud has been made under friendly user philosophy and is selfexplicative.\ud The able to generate arbitrary signal waveforms,\ud coupled with the graphical and mathematical capacities of\ud MATLAB makes this software an interesting tool easy to use\ud by users at any level
Física I (G275). Febrero 2013
[ "Rodríguez Gutiérrez, María Amada" ]
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automátic
Religiosity in Bilbao through Bilbao´s city council ordinances (1477-1520)
[ "Pérez Gaipo, Rafael" ]
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo estudia a través de las ordenanzas del concejo de Bilbao que han llegado hasta la actualidad los rasgos de la religiosidad en la villa y sus vecinos en la frontera entre los siglos XV y XVI. La presencia de la religión en la sociedad medieval era masiva. Ocupa todos los ámbitos, desde el horario, hasta los comportamientos, desde el nacimiento a la muerte. El hombre medieval vivía inserto en un mundo religioso. Esto se pone de manifiesto a lo largo de todo el documento que abarca los años comprendidos entre 1477 y 1520.A lo largo de este estudio se podrán ver muchas facetas de la vida cotidiana en una ciudad medieval, aspectos diarios del funcionamiento de la villa, que probablemente pasen desapercibidos. La idea central que se desarrolla a lo largo de todo este trabajoes la condición de la religión como elemento vertebrador de la sociedad y el mundo medieval.ABSTRACT: This essay studies, through Bilbao’s City Council ordinances that have survived to our days, the features of religiosity in the village and its neighbours on the border between the XV and XVI centuries. The presence of religion in medieval society was massive, covered and influenced all areas, from schedules until behaviours, from birth to death: medieval men lived embedded in a religious world. This point is evident from one end to the other of local legal codes, covering between 1477 and 1520. Throughout this study we will see many facets of daily life in a medieval city, everyday aspects of the normal function of a village, related to religion, which probably go unnoticed if there were not punished by local law. The central idea developed in this work is the condition of religion as the backbone of society and the medieval world.Grado en Histori
Diseño, construcción y medida de cabezal de RF para una VSAT en banda Ka a partir de circuitos en tecnología monolítica
[ "Barquinero Gómez, César", "Agüero San Emeterio, José María", "Fernández Ibáñez, Tomás", "Mediavilla Sánchez, Ángel", "García García, José Luis", "Alonso Payno, Jairo", "Gutiérrez Piñera, José Francisco" ]
In this paper we present the RF front-end of a Ka Band\ud communications system based on commercial monolithic circuits,\ud both single and multifunction ones. With this devices, a full\ud electrical and mechanical integration has been carried out. The\ud measurements performed over the final subsystems shows that\ud these processes lead to reliable and fully functional microwave\ud circuitry suitable to be used in millimetre-wave communication\ud systems
Cálculo de la movilidad en dispositivos HEMT a partir de medidas de intermodulación
[ "Rafael Valdivia, Guillermo", "Fernández Ibáñez, Tomás", "Rodríguez Téllez, José", "Tazón Puente, Antonio", "Mediavilla Sánchez, Ángel" ]
In this paper we present a new method to\ud evaluate mobility in HEMT devices. This new approach\ud is based in the measurement of the high order derivatives\ud of the device drain current source as a means of\ud determining the different parameters of the new\ud proposed mobility equation. The presented results will\ud probe the validity of the approach in both linear and\ud saturation regions
Antena activa de alta linealidad
[ "Cabria de Juan, Lorena", "García García, José Ángel", "Tazón Puente, Antonio", "Mediavilla Sánchez, Ángel", "Vassallo Sanz, Juan" ]
In this paper, a novel highly linear amplifier\ud active antenna is presented. The printed radiator serves\ud as an in-phase spatial power combiner of two HEMTbased\ud amplifier branches. The auxiliary branch is added\ud for cancelling the third order intermodulation distortion\ud (IMD3) current of the main branch, without diminishing\ud its gain
Modelo de propagación para exteriores a frecuencias de 50 MHz a 1 GHz
[ "Pérez Vega, Constantino", "Zamanillo Sainz de la Maza, José María" ]
A model for outdoor propagation at frequencies\ud from about 50 MHz, up to 1 GHz is presented. The\ud model is of very simple utilization and in fact, it has been\ud widely used in graphical form by many practical\ud engineers during more than fifty years. Our model is a\ud mathematical characterization of the propagation curves\ud F(50,50) of the Federal Communications Commission\ud (FCC) of the U.S., and can easily be implemented, either\ud in a computer or even in a simple programmable hand\ud calculator
Caracterización modal eficiente de guías de onda bianisótropas
[ "Pitarch Portero, Jaime", "García-Baños, Beatriz", "Pérez Páez, Rocío", "Catalá Civera, José Manuel", "Solano Vérez, Miguel Ángel" ]
A modal analysis based on the coupled mode method (CMM) is performed for the analysis of waveguides partially filled with a general bianisotropic material. The calculation of the generalized telegraphist’s equations (GTE) can be made by the direct and the indirect formulations, so in this contribution, the convergence of both formulations is analyzed and compared. It is shown that the indirect formulation converges much faster than the direct formulation, which means that less number of modes is required for a given precision. Some results of scattering parameters obtained with both formulations are presented and analyzed
Análisis de un esquema novedoso de comunicaciones caóticas con OFDM y su aplicación en comunicaciones seguras
[ "Luengo García, David", "Santamaría Caballero, Luis Ignacio" ]
The broadband nature and noise-like appearance\ud of chaotic signals makes them attractive for spread spectrum\ud and secure communications. Although many chaotic communication\ud systems have been proposed, they usually show a poor\ud performance under realistic channel conditions. In this paper, we\ud propose to combine a novel chaotic modulation technique with a\ud conventional OFDM system to provide simultaneously protection\ud against interception and inmunity against channel distortion.\ud The chaotic modulator/demodulator is described, three different\ud chaotic maps are studied, and the tradeoff between performance\ud and security is explored. Computer simulations confirm the good\ud performane of the proposed approach
Hybrid optimization approach for the design of mechanisms using a new error estimator
[ "Sedano, Ángel", "Sancibrián Herrera, Ramón", "Juan de Luna, Ana Magdalena de", "Viadero Rueda, Fernando", "Egaña Farizo, Fernando" ]
A hybrid optimization approach for the design of linkages is presented. The method is applied to the dimensional synthesis of mechanism and combines the merits of both stochastic and deterministic optimization. The stochastic optimization approach is based on a real-valued evolutionary algorithm (EA) and is used for extensive exploration of the design variable space when searching for the best linkage. The deterministic approach uses a local optimization technique to improve the efficiency by reducing the high CPU time that EA techniques require in this kind of applications. To that end, the deterministic approach is implemented in the evolutionary algorithm in two stages. The first stage is the fitness evaluation where the deterministic approach is used to obtain an effective new error estimator. In the second stage the deterministic approach refines the solution provided by the evolutionary part of the algorithm. The new error estimator enables the evaluation of the different individuals in each generation, avoiding the removal of well-adapted linkages that other methods would not detect. The efficiency, robustness, and accuracy of the proposed method are tested for the design of a mechanism in two examples
Design and implementation of a distributed process manager in Plan 9
[ "Alvarado Salgueiro, Eric" ]
Ingeniería técnica de Telecomunicació
Study of a remote diagnosis system using optical techniques applied to skin tumors
[ "Barriga Castanedo, María Elena" ]
Máster en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles (TICRM
Flexibilidad laboral y planificación de personal. (Utilidad para la empresa de la Reforma Laboral)
[ "Martín Hernández, Antonio" ]
RESUMEN. Las posibilidades de flexibilización tanto cuantitativa como cualitativas que tienen las empresas en España, a raíz de la reforma laboral recientemente legislada, se han incrementado de forma considerable y facilitan una mejora en la organización interna de las\ud empresas así como una adecuación de las plantillas a las variaciones de la demanda de los productos o servicios que ofrece. La flexibilización, no obstante, debiera utilizarse como una técnica más dentro del proceso planificador de Recursos Humanos en la empresa, y no invertir los términos subordinando a ella la estrategia empresarial. La diferenciación entre\ud trabajadores de núcleo, periféricos o exteriores es fundamental para decidir las situaciones en las que es necesario acudir a empresas de trabajo temporal o a las modalidades contractuales, ventajosas en cuanto a costos salariales, contenidas en la reforma.ABSTRACT. The possibilities to be flexible both in quantity and quality that firms have in Spain, as a result of the labour reform brought of late into force, have increased in a substantial way and provide an improvement on the intemal organization of companies as well as the means of adaptating staff to variations in the demand of the products or services they ofter. Flexibility, however, should he used as a further technique whithin the Human Ressources planning process, and terms should not be reversed by making the managerial strategy of the firm subordinate to it. The difference between core, peripheral and externa! workers is of the utmost importance to determine the circunstances in which it is necessary to turn to temporary employment firms or to those contractual varieties, advantageus as far as labour costs are concerned, contained in the reform
The XMM deep survey in the CDF-S V. Iron K lines from active galactic nuclei in the distant Universe
[ "Falocco, Serena", "Carrera Troyano, Francisco Jesús", "Corral Ramos, Amalia", "Barcons Jáuregui, Xavier", "Comastri, Andrea", "Gilli, Roberto", "Ranalli, Piero", "Vignali, Cristian", "Iwasawa, Kazushi", "Cappelluti, Nico", "Rovilos, Emmanouel", "Georgantopoulos, Ioannis", "Brusa, Marcella", "Vito, Fabio" ]
Context. X-ray spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei (AGN) offers the opportunity to directly probe the inner regions of the accretion disk. Reflection of the primary continuum on the circumnuclear accreting matter produces features in the X-ray spectrum that help to explore the physics and the geometry of the innermost region, close to the central black hole.\ud Aims. We present the results of our analysis of average AGN XMM-Newton X-ray spectra in the Chandra Deep Field South observation (hereafter, XMM CDFS), in order to explore the Fe line features in distant AGN up to z ~ 3.5.\ud Methods. We computed the average X-ray spectrum of a sample of 54 AGN with spectroscopic redshifts and signal-to-noise ratio in the 2–12 keV rest-frame band larger than 15 in at least one EPIC camera (for a total of 100 X-ray spectra and 181 623 net counts in the 2–12 keV rest-frame band). We have taken the effects of combining spectra from sources at different redshifts and from both EPIC-pn and EPIC-MOS cameras into account, as well as their spectral resolution; we checked our results using thorough simulations. We explored the iron line components of distant AGN focusing on the narrow core which arises from material far from the central BH and on the putative relativistic component emitted in the accretion disk.\ud Results. The average spectrum shows a highly significant iron feature. Estimating its equivalent width (EW) with a model-independent method suggests a higher EW in a broader range. The line, modelled as an unresolved Gaussian, is significant at 6.8σ and has an EW = 95 ± 22 eV for the full sample. We find that our current data can be fitted equally welladding a relativistic profile to the narrow component (in the full sample, EW = 140 ± 120 eV and 67 ± 28 eV respectively for the relativistic and narrow lines).\ud Conclusions. Thanks to the high quality of the XMM CDFS spectra and to the detailed modelling of the continuum and instrumental effects, we have shown that the most distant AGN exhibit a highly significant iron emission feature. It can be modelled both with narrow and broad lines which suggest that the EW becomes higher when a broader energy range around the line centroid is considered, provides tantalising evidence for reflection by material both very close and far away from the central engine. The EW of both features are similar to those observed in individual nearby AGN, hence they must be a widespread characteristic of AGN, since otherwise the average values would be smaller than observed
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Implementation of microencapsulated PCM as concrete addition in prefabricated radiant-walls solutions. A feasibility study of the combination of Micronal & In-Term Klimavaeg, as an in-space thermal energy storage solution for heating applications
[ "Marcos Mesón, Víctor" ]
Traditional heating and cooling solutions are currently being replaced with new low-temperature technologies, which reduce energy consumptions and reach a more sustainable approach.The current status of the European construction sector and the European energetic plans Europe 2020 and Europe 2050, presenta potentialmarket expansion in the energetic renovation area.\ud \ud As one of the main emitter technologies, the implementation of radiant heating and cooling in constructive elements such as radian!floors, walls and ceilings has experienced a considerable growth during the last decade in Europe, and is highlighted as one of the most efficient heating and cooling solutions available.\ud \ud The comparison of the principal radian!wall panel manufacturers in the European market shows a lack of products with high TES capacity, which opens a field for innovative products reaching greater thermal mass values. The implementation of PCM in construction products (laten!heat) allows the improvement of the TES capacity of these materials without increasing the volume of the element or rising the element temperatures.\ud \ud The present study analyses the feasibility of integrating BASF Micronal (microencapsulated PCM) in the concrete layer of a prefabricated radian!wall element (ln-therrn Klimavceg). This research is focused on the increase of the TES capacity of the element, in order to reduce heating costs by balancing the energy demand on electricity peak hours (Smart Metering).\ud \ud The results of the present research showed that the addition of Micronal in the concrete layer of ln-therm Klimavceg is technically feasible (mechanically and thermally), doubling the element TES capacity. Despite that the combination with smart metering solutions reaches small costs reductions, the results reached during the\ud present study opens a vast range of applications for the thermalimprovement reached on ln-therm Klimavceg.Máster europeo en Ingeniería de la Construcció
Rip currents on a barred beach
[ "Ruju, Andrea", "Higuera Caubilla, Pablo", "López Lara, Javier", "Losada Rodríguez, Iñigo", "Coco, Giovanni" ]
This work presents the numerical study of rip current circulation on a barred beach. The numerical simulations have been carried out with the IH-FOAM model which is based on the three dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The new boundary conditions implemented in IH-FOAM have been used, including three dimensional wave generation as well as active wave absorption at the boundary. Applying the specific wave generation boundary conditions, the model is validated to simulate rip circulation on a barred beach. Moreover, this study addresses the identification of the forcing mechanisms and the three dimensional structure of the mean flow
Sistemas retrodirectivos para la comunicación inalámbrica full-dúplex con alta eficiencia espectral
[ "Rizo Salas, Leysi", "Cabria de Juan, Lorena", "Marante Torres, Reinel", "Ruiz Lavín, María de las Nieves", "García García, José Ángel" ]
In this paper, highly efficient and linear wireless transmitting architectures are extended to retrodirective arrays (RDAs) for assuring full-duplex communications using spectrally efficient digital modulation formats. Dynamic biasing a single FET resistive mixer topology, or pumping two of them with properly outphased local oscillator excitations, the amplitude and phase components of the signal to be retransmitted may be recombined over an arriving interrogation with a different modulation format. Two 4x1 RDAs have been implemented, designed over dual-gate FET (DGFET) or Enhancement-mode PHEMT (EPHEMT) devices. Thanks to the incorporation of digital pre-distortion, the linear retro-transmission of a CDMA 2000 wireless signal is demonstrated
Técnicas de interpretación y procesado de las señales procedentes de un sistema sensor cuasidistribuido por OTDR
[ "Arce Diego, José Luis", "Calzada García, Ana Belén de la", "Madruga Saavedra, Francisco Javier", "Echevarría Cuenca, Juan", "López Higuera, José Miguel" ]
An optical time reflectometer is automated to located and to measure losses and reflections in events along the entire fiber span. Experimental results confirm that this technique enables fiber testing and quasidistributed sensor measurements with no human intervention
La influencia de los sindicatos sobre los salarios en España
[ "Sánchez Sánchez, Mercedes Nuria" ]
RESUMEN. En la mayoría de los países, los sindicatos se han caracterizado por ser organizaciones que tratan de incrementar las rentas que reciben los trabajadores afiliados al mismo, de hecho, las estimaciones que se han realizado sobre la brecha salarial (wage gap) en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra alcanzan una media superior al 10%. Sin embargo, en España el número de trabajos que aborda este tema es muy escaso. La razón se puede atribuir a las peculiaridades del sistema de negociación colectiva español que hace que el estudio de este tema se encuentre con serias dificultades. En este sentido, este artículo trata de salvar esta cuestión siguiendo los pasos de Lewis (1986), proporcionando una evidencia empírica del incremento salarial que ha causado la presencia de los sindicatos en nuestro país.ABSTRACT. In many countries, unions have been increased rents of their members. In fact, in the United States and England the estimation of union- nonunion wage differencial is over 10%. However, in Spain there are a few studies about this subject. Reasons can be found in the peculiar characteristics of our bargaining system. In this way, this article is an attempt to examine the impact of trade unions on worker remuneration in Spain
Analysis of non-conformities from external audits
[ "Orejas Yáñez, Marta" ]
The core of this thesis is doing an analysis of the most common no-compliancesfound during\ud external auditsfrom constructionsectorcompanies.\ud After more than a decade of Quality Systems implementation most of construction companies\ud have currently seen how frequently non-conformities appear as a result of the unfulfillment of\ud the requirements established by the standard ISO 9001.\ud This study presents an analysis of the actual construction industry obtained from the\ud examination of external audit records from certification bodies. After analysing which nonconformities\ud appear repeatedly, the result is compared to extracted reports from past years.\ud The analysis of the non-conformity causes is performed for both samples, as well as, it is\ud exposed what are the tendencies of its apperance in construction sector in the near future.\ud In conclusion some corrective and preventive measures are proposed, in addition to, continuous\ud improvement plans which can be used by these organizations to increase customer satisfaction,\ud competitiveness and eventually, fulfill standard requirements.Máster europeo en Ingeniería de la Construcció
The principle of objetive Service to the general interest.
[ "Alegre Ávila, Juan Manuel" ]
RESUMEN. El texto aborda, sin pretensión alguna de exhaustividad, una serie de cuestiones de carácter procesal a través de\ud las que, a modo de contrapunto, pretende aquilatarse el alcance del postulado que sintetiza la posición constitucional\ud y legal de la Administración pública, a saber, el del servicio con objetividad de los intereses generales. Una\ud serie de cuestiones que, aceptadas más o menos acríticamente por la communis opinio, doctrinal y jurisprudencial,\ud revelan flecos que ya modulan el entendimiento ortodoxo del principio de personalidad jurídica de la Administración,\ud ya inciden en el derecho de tutela judicial efectiva. Así ocurre, en primer lugar, con la legitimación para\ud interponer el recurso contencioso-administrativo, respecto de la que diversas normas (contratación, Registro\ud Civil, entidades locales) han operado una extensión que rompe la básica prohibición de que los órganos o los\ud miembros de éstos puedan deducir la oportuna impugnación ante el orden jurisdiccional contencioso-administrativo.\ud Y, en segundo lugar, la consagración, en el texto de la Ley de la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa\ud y en la jurisprudencia, de una serie de figuras o instituciones (justicia cautelar; principio de congruencia; la prueba\ud acordada de oficio por el órgano judicial; el desistimiento y el allanamiento, el reconocimiento extraprocesal y la\ud transacción procesal, como modos anormales o extraordinarios de terminación del procedimiento contenciosoadministrativo)\ud ponen a prueba el principio de igualdad de armas en el proceso y, aun, el mismo sentido del\ud proceso contencioso-administrativo como instrumento de realización de la justicia administrativa.ABSTRACT. The text, without pretending to be exhaustive, addresses a series of questions of a procedural nature through\ud which, as a counterbalance, it attempts to assay the scope of the postulate which synthesises the constitutional and\ud legal position of the public Administration, namely, serving the general interest with objectivity. A series of questions\ud which, more or less uncritically accepted by common, doctrinal and jurisprudential opinion, bring to light points\ud which already temper the orthodox understanding of the principle of legal personality of the Administration, and\ud already have an impact on the right of effective protection of the court. This, in the first place, is the case with the\ud legal standing to apply for judicial review, regarding which different laws (procurement, Civil Register, local councils)\ud have provided an extension which breaks the basic prohibition on their bodies or members to file the pertinent appeal\ud in the contentious-administrative jurisdiction; and, in second place, with the enshrinement, in the text of the\ud Law on the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction and in jurisprudence, of a series of arrangements or institutions\ud (precautionary justice; the principle of congruence; evidence agreed on the court’s own motion; abandonment and\ud acceptance of the claim, extra-procedural recognition and procedural settlement, as abnormal or extraordinary\ud methods of putting an end to the judicial review) put into question the principle of equality of arms in the proceedings\ud and, even, the actual purpose of the judicial review as an instrument for achieving administrative justice
Estudio de inundabilidad del rio Miera en Lierganes
[ "Llama Irastoza, Jose Ramón" ]
Grado en Ingeniería civi
Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible polyacrilonitrile membranes by phase inversion technique for proliferation and differentiation of neural cells
[ "Juveneton, Charlotte" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Químic
Analysis and modelling of contaminant mobility from marine sediments using a pH-static standardised test
[ "Sierra Díaz, Lucía" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Químic
Manufacture of a vacuum pump for a car brake booster
[ "Vázquez Fernández, Alexandre" ]
Ingeniería industria
Design, development and operation of an SBC-based solution (Raspberry Pi) for instrumental replacement in the Facultad de Ciencias laboratories.
[ "Muñoz Callejo, Diego" ]
RESUMEN: Actualmente algunos laboratorios de Física de la Facultad de Ciencias tienen problemas de mantenimiento, bien porque se necesita instrumental obsoleto y en extinción por cuestiones de compatibilidad con elementos de difícil y costoso reemplazo o bien porque su coste es relativamente alto como para ser sustituido. Actualmente una manera de abordar este tipo de problemas en con SBC (single board computer).\ud El más destacado miembro, junto con Arduino, de este nuevo club de ordenadores de placa única es el Raspberry Pi.\ud En este PFC se analizan las necesidades de estos laboratorios, se propone y diseña una solución software basada en Raspberry Pi apoyada en un hardware creado en un proyecto paralelo y se realizan las pruebas y evaluaciones necesarias así como un análisis de los requisitos y expectativas de explotar la solución de forma industrial.ABSTRACT: Some laboratories in the Physics department at the Facultad de Ciencias have nowadays maintenance problems due to old and obsolete equipment, which is difficult to replace because of its high cost. One of the many ways to face this kind of problems is with the use of SBCs (single-board computers), the best known amongst them being the Raspberry Pi.\ud In this End of Degree project we analyse the needs of these laboratories, propose and design a software solution based on the Raspberry Pi and supported by a hardware created in a parallel project. The solution is tested and evaluated altogether, and analysed for potential commercial exploitation.Ingeniería en Informátic
Temperature measurement using distributed sensors based on Raman scattering in optical fiber
[ "Laarossi, Ismail" ]
En este trabajo se va a estudiar y analizar este último tipo de sensores y la posibilidad de implementarlos en ambientes donde el uso de otros sensores se hace imposible o muy complicado. Para tal fin, el trabajo se ha organizado en cuatro partes fundamentales tal y como se detalla a continuación:\ud En el primer capítulo se da una visión general sobre los sensores ópticos y las ventajas que ofrecen frente a los sensores convencionales. También se van a dar ejemplos de las aplicaciones los sensores distribuidos de fibra óptica.\ud En el segundo capítulo se trata el efecto Raman en fibra, explicando primero sus fundamentos físicos y segundo estimando la evolución de la potencia recibida de las señales de Raman en la entrada de tres tipos de fibra, y en las tres longitudes de onda correspondientes a las tres ventanas de transmisión.\ud En el tercer capítulo se analiza cómo se aprovecha el efecto Raman para para medir distribuidamente la temperatura y los parámetros que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de diseñar estos sensores. También se van a comparan las dos técnicas más empleadas en los sensores de temperatura basados en el efecto Raman y por último se mostrara el estado del arte de los mismos en la actualidad.\ud En el cuarto capítulo se va a estudiar los problemas del uso de estos sensores en ambientes de alta temperatura y con alta concentración de hidrogeno, y se va a analizar las posibles soluciones a estos problemas y su impacto tanto en el cable transductor como en la unidad de interrogación y una descripción del estado del arte de estos sensores para alta temperatura.Máster en Física, Instrumentación y Medio Ambient
Degree in Nursing in Spain : perspective from mental health
[ "Viscarolasaga Sustacha, Marta Amelia" ]
Este trabajo pretende analizar la situación actual de la asignatura de Salud Mental cursada con carácter obligatorio en la titulación de Grado en Enfermería en España. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica de las guías docentes publicadas y aprobadas para el curso 2013/14 elaboradas por las diferentes Universidades públicas del territorio nacional; incluyendo tanto las características de estructura como los contenidos desarrollados dentro de las mismas. Todos los resultados extraídos de dicha búsqueda bibliográfica, han sido analizados y comparados entre sí como se detalla posteriormente en los dos capítulos que constituyen el cuerpo central de este trabajo, diferenciando dos grandes apartados: análisis estructural y análisis de contenidos. En el análisis estructural se establecen cuatro puntos a desarrollar: Denominación de la asignatura, duración de la misma, curso de impartición, número de Créditos ECTS, horas de formación, y evaluación. El análisis de los contenidos se estructura también en cuatro apartados: Objetivos docentes, competencias a adquirir, contenidos impartidos propiamente dichos y otros aspectos. Finalmente, a modo de conclusión, se exponen una serie de reflexiones derivadas de todo el proceso de búsqueda, análisis y comparación.Grado en Enfermerí
Plataforma flotante para aplicaciones en mar abierto
[ "Guanche García, Raúl", "López López, Javier", "Losada Rodríguez, Iñigo", "Vidal Pascual, César", "Medina Santamaría, Raúl" ]
Una plataforma flotante de tipo SPAR para la caracterización del recurso eólico marino, que comprende una columna vertical formada por una parte inferior y una parte superior, donde la parte inferior es de mayor sección que la parte superior. Dicha plataforma comprende una caseta configurada para albergar al menos equipamiento de medición, donde dicha caseta está dispuesta coronando la parte superior de la columna vertical y tiene mayor sección que dicha parte superior de la columna vertical, y una placa de hormigón fijada a la parte inferior de la columna vertical y configurada para incrementar el amortiguamiento de los movimientos verticales y dotar de estabilidad al conjunto.Solicitud: 201300428 (06.05.2013)Nº Publ. de Solicitud: ES2524491A1 (09.12.2014)Nº de Patente: ES2524491B2 (17.06.2015
[ "" ]
Adaptation of a wood fired range cooker to a wood-burning range cooker with boiler
[ "Cueto Rión, Juan Ignacio" ]
Ingeniería técnica Industrial. Especialidad en Mecánic
The return to the classic balance theory.
[ "Sousa Fernández, Francisco" ]
RESUMEN. Con este trabajo pretendemos incorporarnos al\ud debate suscitado a lo largo del siglo XX sobre el valor\ud relativo de los estados financieros, según el cual\ud han predominado en los modelos de información\ud financiera los planteamientos de los economicistas,\ud concretados en el enfoque “ingresos-gastos” sobre\ud el que se sustenta la teoría dinámica del balance.\ud Pero, desde la emisión del Marco Conceptual, y\ud particularmente ahora a los inicios del siglo XXI con\ud la adopción a escala mundial de las NIIF del IASB,\ud fundamentadas en el enfoque “activos-pasivos”\ud propugnado en el referido marco de conceptos,\ud asistimos en la comunidad contable internacional a\ud un retorno a la teoría estática o clásica del balance\ud defendida por los patrimonialistas, que tal como\ud estudiaremos tiene consecuencias trascendentales\ud en la configuración de los estados financieros, dado\ud que conforme al mismo ya no se podrán incluir en el\ud balance elementos que no satisfagan las definiciones\ud de activos y pasivos.ABSTRACT. The aim of this paper is to join the debate raised over\ud the course of the 20th Century about the relative\ud value of the financial statements, according to which\ud the financial reporting models of the economicists\ud have predominated, materialised in the form of the\ud “revenues-expenses” approach which supports the\ud Dynamic Balance Theory.\ud But, since the arrival of the Conceptual Framework\ud and particularly now, at the beginning of the 21st\ud Century, with the adoption on a world scale of\ud the IASB’s IFRS based on the “assets-liabilities”\ud approach advocated in the aforementioned\ud framework of concepts, in the international\ud accounting community we are witnessing a return\ud to the Static or Classic Balance Theory, upheld\ud by the patrimonialists, which as we will see it has\ud far-reaching implications for the composition of\ud financial statements, given that it will not allow\ud items in the balance sheet that do not satisfy the\ud asset and liability definitions
Factores explicativos de la implicación de los ERP en las PYMES: el caso de Cantabria.
[ "Gandarillas Iglesias, Miriam", "Somohano Rodríguez, Francisco Manuel", "Martínez García, Francisco Javier" ]
RESUMEN. La situación económica actual ha potenciado los problemas para las empresas, en particular\ud para las PYMES por ser más vulnerables. Esto ha hecho que la flexibilidad y la toma de\ud decisiones rápida y efectiva sean aún más importantes, y por tanto, cualquier herramienta\ud de apoyo para los directivos, como los ERP, resulta de vital importancia. En este contexto,\ud planteamos el trabajo con el objetivo de identificar las características que determinan la\ud propensión de las PYMES a implantar uno de estos sistemas.\ud Para ello, se aplica la prueba Chi-cuadrado y la regresión logística sobre una muestra de\ud 382 PYMES cántabras. Los resultados muestran una mayor tendencia a la implantación de\ud estas herramientas entre las empresas de mayor tamaño, no familiares y con gerentes con\ud educación superior. También la estrategia empresarial, el nivel tecnológico y la planificación\ud estratégica tienen un efecto positivo sobre la probabilidad a implantar estos sistemas.\ud Estos resultados suponen un avance en la investigación de las implantaciones de ERP en\ud PYMES, a la vez que para estas empresas puede suponer un factor de benchmarking al\ud identificar las soluciones utilizadas por aquellas empresas más innovadoras y líderes de sus\ud mercados.ABSTRACT. The current economic situation has increased business problems, especially for SMEs\ud because they are more vulnerable. In this sense, flexibility and efficient decision making have\ud become more important, and therefore any tool to assist managers, as ERP, is vital. This\ud context has led us to consider this paper with the aim of identifying the characteristics that\ud determine the tendency to implement them.\ud It has been applied the Chi-square test and the logistic regression on a sample of 382\ud Cantabrian SMEs. Results show that bigger businesses, not family ones, and managers with\ud higher education are characteristics which increase the likelihood to implementation. Also\ud business strategy, technological level and strategic planning have a positive effect on this\ud implementation probability.\ud These results mean an advance in SMEs and ERP implementations research, and at the\ud same time could become a benchmarking tool for those enterprises with the identification of\ud solutions used by leading ones
Emotional education as a strategy for prevention of bullying
[ "Martínez Mencía, Óscar" ]
RESUMEN El presente trabajo se centra en, por un lado, saber más acerca del bullying: qué es, cuáles son las causas que llevan a que se produzca, y las consecuencias que derivan del mismo, entre otros. Por otro lado, se pretende tratar de anteponerse a tal problemática proponiendo algunas actividades dirigidas a mejorar la convivencia y por tanto, a reducir la incidencia de los problemas de relación entre los alumnos/as, aún en sus manifestaciones más graves como es el denominado acoso escolar.ABSTRACT The present work is focus on knowing more things about the bullying: what is it, which are the reasons why it is produced, and the consequences due to it. In addition, we want to prevent problems relative to bullying. That is why we are going to propose some activities in order to improve the scholar coexistence. We will get a good scholar environment by establishing measures to reduce problems between pupils as the big problem called “school harassment”.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari
The adoption of qualitative reforms regarding materiality and auditing. Empirical evidence on their use and consequences in Mexico and Spain.
[ "Ramírez Cacho, Sergio Iván", "Martínez García, Francisco Javier", "Montoya del Corte, Javier" ]
RESUMEN. La crisis financiera mundial ha vuelto a poner de manifiesto la necesidad de contar\ud con mayores y mejores medidas que actualicen el marco que regula las pautas de elaboración y\ud auditoría de la información financiera publicada por las empresas. De entre esas medidas, el artículo\ud se enfoca en la emisión de la nueva Norma Internacional de Auditoría Revisada y Reeditada\ud sobre materialidad (NIARR 450), que entró en vigor el pasado 15 de diciembre de 2009. En ella,\ud como importante novedad, se establece la necesidad de considerar una serie de factores cualitativos\ud al evaluar la significatividad de aquellas incidencias detectadas en la información financiera\ud que, a pesar de no ser numéricamente significativas, debido a su naturaleza y circunstancias\ud particulares, deben ser corregidas o, por el contrario, reveladas como salvedades en el informe de\ud auditoría. En concreto, se presenta evidencia empírica en torno a la predisposición mostrada por\ud un grupo de auditores de México y España acerca de la utilización efectiva de dichos factores,\ud así como a su opinión sobre las consecuencias que de ello podrían derivarse en ciertos ámbitos\ud de la auditoría. Los resultados obtenidos, aunque en general son positivos de cara a valorar la\ud aceptación de la nueva NIARR 450, en particular muestran diferentes grados de acuerdo con la\ud utilización efectiva de los factores cualitativos de la materialidad entre los auditores de ambos\ud países. De igual forma, estos distintos grados de consenso se manifiestan en su opinión sobre las\ud consecuencias que este hecho produciría sobre el contenido informativo, la utilidad y la comprensibilidad\ud del dictamen de auditoría, así como sobre la fiabilidad, la transparencia y la relevancia\ud de los estados financieros.ABSTRACT. The world financial crisis has once again shown the need for\ud more and better measures to update the framework that regulates rules\ud for drafting and auditing of financial information published by companies.\ud Among those measures, the article focuses on issuance of the new Revised\ud and Reedited International Norm on materiality (Norma Internacional de\ud Auditoría Revisada y Reeditada sobre materialidad - NIARR 450), which\ud came into effect on December 15, 2009. It establishes a significant change\ud regarding the need to consider a series of factors when evaluating the\ud significance of incidents detected in the financial information, which, while\ud not numerically significant, due to their particular nature and characteristics,\ud must be corrected, or if not, specified as provisos in the auditing\ud report. The article specifically presents empirical evidence on the tendency\ud shown by a group of auditors in Mexico and Spain regarding effective use\ud of those factors, along with their opinion about the consequences that\ud could arise in certain auditing spheres. While the results are generally positive\ud in terms of evaluating acceptance of the new NIARR 450, there are\ud nonetheless different degrees of agreement among the auditors from both\ud countries about effective use of the qualitative factors of materiality. At\ud the same time, these diverse degrees of consensus can be seen in their\ud opinion on the consequences for informative content, use and understandability\ud of auditing opinions, as well as the reliability, transparency and\ud relevance of financial statements
Lesión de la musculatura isquiotibial en futbolistas semiprofesionales: estudio de prevalencia y análisis de factores de riesgo asociados
[ "Manrique Iribas, Álvaro Javier" ]
RESUMEN\ud El propósito del presente estudio es demostrar que la prevalencia de las lesiones agudas en isquiotibiales en los jugadores de fútbol semiprofesionales en la Liga Cántabra durante la temporada 2012/2013 es mayor que la de los jugadores de la Liga Profesional. Además, fue nuestra intención explicar los detalles acerca de los factores de riesgo implicados en este tipo de lesiones. Para ello, se entrevistó a los jugadores a través de un cuestionario propio. Un total de 22 lesiones, entre los 86 jugadores, se encontraron durante la temporada en cinco equipos de las divisiones Tercera y Segunda B. Se obtuvo un porcentaje más alto (25,58%) que el reportado en estudios previos realizados en la liga profesional, con una media de 4,4 lesiones por cada equipo. Después de analizar los datos con los programas estadísticos, los resultados muestran como posibles factores de riesgo: la lesión previa del isquiotibial (p = 0); gesto deportivo, con un 68,18% de nuestra muestra que implican el sprint como un riesgo de lesión; momento de la lesión (p = 0,01), destacando la competición como un importante factor predisponente y, por último, el dominio de la extremidad (pierna dominante), que representa el 95% del total. No encontramos ninguna conexión entre la edad (p = 0,69) y la posición del jugador (p = 0,19), con lesión de este tipo. Acerca del dolor lumbar/sacroilíaco, podríamos decir que esta variable roza la significación estadística. Este estudio debería ayudar a desarrollar algunos planes de prevención los cuales podrían ser muy útiles en el futuro debido a que es un problema de salud importante dentro de este deporte y su aplicación reduciría los costes económicos y el número de días de baja laboral en los diferentes clubes.ABSTRACT\ud The porpouse of the present study is to demostrate that the prevalence rates of acute hamstring injuries in the semiprofessional football players in the Cantabria League during the 2012/2013 season is higher than the prevalence of players from the Profesional League. Furthermore , it was our intention to explain details about the risk factors involved in this kind of injury. For this, we interviewed the players through our own questionnaire. A total of 22 injuries, among 86 players, were found during the season in five teams from the Third and Second B Divisions. We obtained a higher percentage (25,58%) than reported in previous studies done in the professional league, with an average of 4,4 injuries per team. After analizyng the data with statistical programs, the results show as potential risk factors: previous hamstring injury (p=0); sport gesture, with a 68,18% in our sample that implicate the sprint as a risk for injury; moment of injury (p=0,01), highlighting the competition as a predisposing important factor and finally, the dominance of the limb, wich represents 95% of total. We found no conexion between the old age (p=0,69) and the player position (p=0,19) with hamstring injury. About de lumbar/sacroiliac pain we could say that this variable borders on statistical significance. This study should help to develope some prevention plans wich could be really useful in the future because is an important health problem in soccer and its application would reduce economic costs and the number of days off work in the differents clubs.Grado en Fisioterapi
"El pequeño Rey director de orquesta" Illustrated album analysis
[ "Dosal Mallavia, María" ]
RESUMEN A lo largo de este trabajo, expongo un análisis de la evolución sobre la perspectiva del álbum ilustrado, así como un análisis del álbum “El Pequeño Rey director de orquesta”, después de haber indagado sobre el autor de dicha historia. Por último, también planteo una propuesta didáctica para trabajar a través de dicho álbum y como conclusión de todo, finalizar con una reflexión personal.ABSTRACT Throughout this work, I present an analysis of evolution on the perspective of the illustrated album, as well as an analysis of the album "El Pequeño Rey director de orquesta", after having investigated about the author of this story. Finally, I also raise a didactic proposition to work through this album and conclusion of all, ending with a personal reflection.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti
Estudio piloto en la comunidad de Cantabria sobre la percepción de los maestros de educación primaria en resiliencia
[ "Soria Palomera, Jenifer" ]
Resumen: La resiliencia es un concepto muy relacionado con el bienestar y que contiene una mirada positiva hacia el ser humano y hacia su potencialidad. Genera, además, una profunda transformación en todos los ámbitos en los que se trabaja (Simpson, 2011). En la presente investigación nos centramos en el estudio de la resiliencia dentro de la institución educativa. El propósito que perseguimos con este estudio es identificar los conocimientos, actitudes y aptitudes resilientes que los docentes de la Educación Primaria de las escuelas públicas de Cantabria consideran, bajo su propia percepción, que poseen. Los participantes de nuestro estudio son un total de 19 docentes, procedentes de dos colegios públicos, uno de ellos situado en una zona más rural mientras que el otro se encuentra en un área más urbana. Como bien veremos en el estudio, la resiliencia resulta un concepto novedoso y desconocido en la práctica docente y que requiere de una preparación y formación plena de los maestros.Abstract: Resilience is a concept related to wellbeing and a positive outlook towards humans is remarked. Also generates a deep transformation in all areas in which it is worked (Simpson, 2011). In this research the study of resilience within the school was focused. The purpose of this study is to identify the knowledge, attitudes and skills that resilient teachers of primary education in public schools of Cantabria considered on its own perception, they have. Nineteen teachers from two public schools participate in our study, one from rural area and another from urban area. This study highlights that resilience is a new and unfamiliar concept in teaching and it requires a full preparation and training of teachers.Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Contextos Educativo
Transport models of inorganic contaminants through reverse osmosis membranes : applications of the models fine pore and dissolution-difussion
[ "Vega Cruciani, Lydia" ]
Ingeniería técnica Industrial. Especialidad en Química industria
Tratamiento de errores en el aprendizaje de ecuaciones de segundo grado desde una perspectiva histórica
[ "Calva Romano, María" ]
Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundari
Passage planning, methodology and development " Ras laffan-Futtsu "
[ "Zamora Fernández, Estefanía" ]
Grado en Ingeniería Náutica y Transporte Marítim
Asociación PATAS (Cantabria) y Friendsofthedogs (Gales): aplicación del marketing-mix entre dos asociaciones no lucrativas dentro del mundo animal
[ "Martínez Fernández, Guillermo María" ]
RESUMEN: En este proyecto vamos a exponer el marketing mix de dos organizaciones no lucrativas como son, PATAS CANTABRIA establecida en Santander y FRIENDS OF THE DOGS establecida en Cardiff (Gales). \ud En las dos organizaciones tuve la oportunidad de colaborar con ellos, dándome una perspectiva diferente. La mayor parte del proyecto se dedica a explicar el marketing mix de cada organización. Después se explica la justificación de por qué realicé el proyecto en este sector, donde veremos una pequeña realidad de la situación actual del abandono animal en España y en Gales (Reino Unido). \ud A continuación se expondrá un marco teórico, seguido de un marco específico. En el apartado final se dará a conocer la aplicación del marketing mix o 4P (producto, distribución, precio y promoción) de cada una de las dos organizaciones. Desglosando parte por parte y observando las diferencias entre ellas, desde el punto de vista del marketing mix de dos organizaciones no lucrativas.ABSTRACT: On the following project it is explained the marketing mix of two non-profit organizations such as PATAS CANTABRIA established in Santander and FRIENDS OF THE DOGS established in Cardiff (Wales). \ud In both organizations I had the opportunity to collaborate with them, giving me a different perspective. Most of the project explains the marketing mix of each organization. Then to start with the project justification about why I did the project relationed with this sector, where we will see a small reality about current situation of animal abandonment in Spain and Wales (United Kingdom). \ud In continuation it will be shown a theoretical framework followed by a specific framework will be presented after that. In the last part will be explained the application of marketing mix or 4P (product, distribution, price and promotion) of each of the two organizations. Explaining details part by part and observing the differences between them, from the point of view of the marketing mix of two non-profit organizations.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa
Strategic analysis and diagnosis of Netflix
[ "Martínez Pascual, Inés" ]
RESUMEN: El desarrollo de este trabajo académico está dividido en cuatro partes: análisis primario, análisis externo, análisis interno y diagnósticos estratégicos. \ud En primer lugar, se empezará por un análisis primario en el que se exponen la misión, visión y objetivos de la empresa, seguido por una representación del campo de actividad de la empresa (los medios de comunicación) mediante el modelo de Abell. Posteriormente se mide la creación de valor de la empresa mediante una comparación del valor de mercado y el valor contable, y tras ello la identificación de los grupos de interés para la empresa que engloba a los proveedores, los acreedores, el gobierno, los empleados, los gerentes, los propietarios, los clientes, los competidores y la sociedad. \ud El análisis externo se compone del análisis del entorno general y otro del entorno especifico, en el entorno general se elabora un PESTEL del sector de los medios de comunicación y el entorno especifico se identifica la estructura de la industria a través del Modelo de las 5 fuerzas de Porter. \ud A este le sigue el análisis interno, compuesto por diagnóstico interno de la empresa, cadena de valor y un análisis de los recursos y capacidades. En el diagnóstico interno, se contrastan las diferentes áreas de la empresa con las de un competidor, en este caso, Movistar +. La cadena de valor se analiza siguiendo el modelo de Porter, y de él se extraen las actividades que realiza la empresa en el desempeño de su actividad. El análisis de recursos y capacidades mide las habilidades y los activos con los que cuenta la empresa. \ud El broche final de este trabajo es el diagnostico estratégico. Del análisis externo y del análisis interno se extraen amenazas, oportunidades, fortalezas y debilidades que se encuentran recogidas en una matriz DAFO. Y finalmente en una matriz BCG se posicionan algunas de las diferentes unidades de negocio de esta empresa a través de datos como la tasa de crecimiento del mercado, la rentabilidad, necesidades de fondos de la unidad estratégica, la cuota relativa de mercado y los ingresos de cada unidad de negocio.ABSTRACT: The heart of this academic paper is divided into four parts: primary analysis, external analysis, internal analysis and strategic diagnosis. \ud First of all, it begins by the primary analysis, in which the mission, vision and goals of the company are exposed, followed by a graphic of the business model of Netflix (which is media) through Abell’s Model. Afterwards, the creation of value of the company is measured by comparing the market value and the equity. Later an identification of the stakeholders such as suppliers, creditors, government, employees, managers, shareholders, competitors and society is held. \ud The external analysis is formed by two analyses, one of the general environment, and the second of the specific environment. In order to do the general analysis, a PESTEL of the media field is made whereas the specific analysis identifies the structure of the industry through Porter’s five forces analysis. \ud After, comes the internal analysis which is a set of the internal diagnosis of the company, the value chain and an analysis of the resources and abilities. In the internal diagnostic, we compared the different areas within the company with one of our competitors, in this case, Movistar +. Porter’s value chain helps us identify the activities of the company. The analysis of resources and abilities measures the skills and liabilities that the company has. \ud Last but not least, the strategic diagnosis. After finishing the internal and external analysis we get some threats, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses which are all gathered into a SWOT matrix. Finally, the products of the company are placed into a BCG matrix thanks to data such as market growth rate, relative market share profitability and profits from each product.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa
Information-theoretic analysis of a family of improper discrete constellations
[ "Santamaría Caballero, Luis Ignacio", "Crespo Bofill, Pedro M.", "Lameiro Gutiérrez, Christian", "Schreier, Peter J." ]
Non-circular or improper Gaussian signaling has proven beneficial in several interference-limited wireless networks. However, all implementable coding schemes are based on finite discrete constellations rather than Gaussian signals. In this paper, we propose a new family of improper constellations generated by widely linear processing of a square M-QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation) signal. This family of discrete constellations is parameterized by κ, the circularity coefficient and a phase ϕ. For uncoded communication systems, this phase should be optimized as ϕ∗(κ) to maximize the minimum Euclidean distance between points of the improper constellation, therefore minimizing the bit error rate (BER). For the more relevant case of coded communications, where the coded symbols are constrained to be in this family of improper constellations using ϕ∗(κ), it is shown theoretically and further corroborated by simulations that, except for a shaping loss of 1.53 dB encountered at a high signal-to-noise ratio (snr), there is no rate loss with respect to the improper Gaussian capacity. In this sense, the proposed family of constellations can be viewed as the improper counterpart of the standard proper M-QAM constellations widely used in coded communication systems.The work of Pedro M. Crespo and Ignacio Santamaria has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)/(European Fund for Economic and Regional Development) FEDER funds of the E.U., under Grants TEC2013-47141-C4-R (RACHEL), TEC2016-75067-C4-4-R (CARMEN). The work of Christian Lameiro and Peter J. Schreier was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under Grants LA 4107/1-1 and SCHR 1384/6-1
Internationalization of Cervezas Ambar in Croatia
[ "Fernández Asúa, Eduardo" ]
RESUMEN: Con el presente documento se pretende llevar a cabo el proceso de internacionalización de una empresa aragonesa y dedicada al sector de la cerveza como es Ámbar. Por tanto, el objetivo del trabajo es proponer un plan de internacionalización eligiendo un país donde la empresa no esté aun presente, el método de entrada y la estrategia a seguir. \ud El plan de internacionalización se divide en varios apartados. En primer lugar, se realizará una breve descripción y un análisis interno de la compañía a través del análisis del campo de actividad. A continuación, se analizará el entorno de los tres posibles países de destino (Croacia, Argentina y Bélgica) a través del perfil estratégico del entorno y el análisis de las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Porter. Seguidamente se decidirá el método de entrada apoyado por la Teoría de Capacidades Organizativas (TCO). Finalmente, se elegirá la estrategia internacional que permitirá a la compañía ser capaz de competir en el exterior de forma eficaz. Además, se dará a conocer que tipo de orientación internacional que sigue la empresa a la hora de contratar personas en el exterior.\ud Gracias a ello, se podrá observar en el trabajo que factores han sido relevantes para elaborar un plan de internacionalización de la marca Ámbar en Croacia, realizado siguiendo la estrategia internacional.ABSTRACT: Through this document is intended to carry out the process of internationalization of a company called Ámbar besides it is beer industry. Therefore, the goal of this project is to propose a plan of internationalization: choice a country where the company is not yet, choice of the method of entrance and choice of the strategy of entrance. \ud The internationalization plan is divided into several sections. First, a brief description and an internal analysis of the company. In this case, we use different analysis techniques: the analysis of the field of activity and the strategic profile of the company. After, we make a general and a specific analysis of the possible destination countries (Croatia, Argentina or Belgium) and we use two techniques: the strategic profile of the environment and the five Porter’s forces analysis. The method of entrance is supported by the Theory of Organizational Capabilities (TCO). Finally, we will choose the international strategy that will allow the company to be able to compete effectively. Besides, we will choice the international corporate culture. \ud Thanks to all this, we will be able to understand all the reasons to develop a plan of internationalization of the brand Ámbar in Croatia, using the international strategy.Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA
La ficción convencional del trabajador inamovible
[ "Blanco Higuera, Alfonso Luis" ]
RESUMEN: El presente estudio, tras unas breves reflexiones sobre la tradicional dualidad funcionario-trabajador en el ámbito del empleo público y sobre la fuerza atractiva del Derecho del Trabajo en la regulación de la relación de servicios del trabajador público, analizará el despido por motivos no disciplinarios como figura propia, peculiar y autónoma del Derecho del Trabajo, analizando también la "inamovilidad" de aquel garantizada por convenio colectivo como paradigma de la aplicación del principio de la norma laboral más favorable, en una suerte de permeabilidad del Derecho del Trabajo a las figuras estatutarias de la "disponibilidad" y de la "adscripción provisional", hasta llegar a la más reciente "desregulación" del Derecho del Trabajo - fruto de la crisis económica - poniendo fin al mito de la "inamovilidad" del trabajador público al reiterarse la posibilidad de que dispone la Administración Pública como empleadora de proceder al despido colectivo de sus trabajadores públicos en determinadas circunstancias y condiciones.ABSTRAC: The present study, after a brief reflection on the traditional dual-official-worker in the field of public employment and on the attractive force of Labor Law in the regulation of the relation of services of the public worker, will analyze dismissal for nondisciplinary reasons as a peculiar and autonomous figure of Labor Law, also analyzing the "irremovability" of that guaranteed by collective agreement as a paradigm of the application of the principle of the more favorable labor standard, in a kind of permeability of Labor Law to statutory figures of "availability" and "provisional attachment", until the most recent "deregulation" of labor law - fruition of the economic crisis - ending the myth of the "immobility" of the public worker by reiterating the possibility of which provides the Public Administration as an employer to proceed to the collective dismissal of their t in certain circumstances and conditions