md5sum of the parquet file
Hi there, thanks for sharing this great dataset!
I got a CSV parse error when using the img2dataset command after downloading the parquet file. I am not sure whether it is because my command is wrong or the file has some problems.
Could u please provide the md5sum of the parquet file so we can check whether the downloaded file is not corrupted?
4088843be73873e49b20db24d716e368 laion_synthetic_filtered_large.parquet
this is my md5sum
You can't get a csv parse error by trying to parse parquet. Use parquet in img2dataset
thx for your quick reply. here are more details:
i am using the script provided in thre README modifying the output image size:
img2dataset laion_synthetic_filtered_large.parquet --image_size 336 --resize_mode 'keep_ratio' --caption_col 'caption'--input_format parquet --output_format webdataset
then I got the error
pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: CSV parse error: Expected 1 columns, got 2: ��brain coffee mug$rob flynn and the cast of rid, robot*man�$standing i�e grass =alkin ...
You're missing a space before input format
ooops! I made a stupid mistake, thanks for looking into this :)