imagewidth (px)
10 values
What is depicted in the image?
a white dog standing in the sand on a beach
a white cat standing in the sand on a beach
{'boxes': [[0.7235144376754761, 0.5465274453163147, 0.3979366421699524, 0.5587315559387207]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[370.43939208984375, 279.8220520019531, 203.74356079101562, 286.070556640625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['white dog(0.96)']}
What is shown in the image?
a small bedroom with a pink rug in it
a small bedroom with a pink and white rug in it
{'boxes': [[0.40263575315475464, 0.8673042058944702, 0.7795639038085938, 0.2593291997909546]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[309.2242431640625, 666.089599609375, 598.705078125, 199.16482543945312]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['pink rug(0.83)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
an image of a blue bird and a dog sitting next to each other
an image of a blue bird and a cat sitting next to each other
{'boxes': [[0.7198002338409424, 0.6330602765083313, 0.560260534286499, 0.733278751373291]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[368.5377197265625, 324.1268615722656, 286.8533935546875, 375.438720703125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['dog(0.71)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
beautiful woman in white dress posing on hills, with mountains behind her
beautiful woman in pink dress posing on hills, with mountains behind her
{'boxes': [[0.20147542655467987, 0.5822532773017883, 0.40188273787498474, 0.7235850095748901]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[154.73312377929688, 447.1705322265625, 308.64593505859375, 555.7132568359375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['white dress(0.88)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
superman wearing glasses and a red cape while smiling at the camera
superman wearing glasses and a blue cape while smiling at the camera
{'boxes': [[0.30148711800575256, 0.6565175652503967, 0.6019406914710999, 0.6855602860450745]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[231.5421142578125, 504.20550537109375, 462.29046630859375, 526.5103149414062]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['red cape(0.61)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
a girl in black coat standing on the street with green hair
a girl in black coat standing on the street with black hair
{'boxes': [[0.515336275100708, 0.15757663547992706, 0.14618578553199768, 0.15850503742694855]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[263.8521728515625, 80.67923736572266, 74.84712219238281, 81.15457916259766]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['green hair(0.61)']}
What do you see in the image?
the king jesus in red and gold
the king jesus in pink and gold
{'boxes': [[0.5028511881828308, 0.5212597250938416, 0.655637800693512, 0.9567455053329468]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[257.4598083496094, 266.8849792480469, 335.6865539550781, 489.85369873046875]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['red(0.45)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
green drop, red, art, painting, illustration, fantasy, hd wallpaper
red drop, red, art, painting, illustration, fantasy, hd wallpaper
{'boxes': [[0.5157433748245239, 0.5307323932647705, 0.41059038043022156, 0.5371695756912231]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[396.0909118652344, 407.60247802734375, 315.3334045410156, 412.5462341308594]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['green drop(0.61)']}
What do you see in the image?
op art print featuring a cucumber or squash with a label
op art print featuring a carrot with a label
{'boxes': [[0.4293137192726135, 0.49425333738327026, 0.32376858592033386, 0.9852765202522278], [0.4285857677459717, 0.4953579902648926, 0.3202553391456604, 0.9870839715003967]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[329.71295166015625, 379.5865478515625, 248.65426635742188, 756.6923828125], [329.15386962890625, 380.4349365234375, 245.9561004638672, 758.0805053710938]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['cucumber(0.48)', 'squash(0.34)']}
What is shown in the image?
a young boy in a blue shirt is writing with his head on a desk
a young boy in a red shirt is writing with his head on a desk
{'boxes': [[0.32872632145881653, 0.6149947047233582, 0.6547433137893677, 0.43703150749206543]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[252.46182250976562, 472.31591796875, 502.8428649902344, 335.64019775390625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue shirt(0.89)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
emily maudsen's artwork, in the form of print and painting, is black women
emily maudsen's artwork, in the form of print and painting, is inspired by white women
{'boxes': [[0.5385652184486389, 0.5121051669120789, 0.9122682213783264, 0.9688891172409058]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[413.61810302734375, 393.2967529296875, 700.6220092773438, 744.1068115234375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['black women(0.53)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
kitten wallpapers free download for mobile
puppy wallpapers free download for mobile
{'boxes': [[0.5318870544433594, 0.5001248121261597, 0.9361760020256042, 0.9999816417694092]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[272.326171875, 256.06390380859375, 479.3221130371094, 511.9906005859375]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['kitten(0.62)']}
What is depicted in the image?
two cats running through a field of grass in front of an overflowing storm cloud
two dogs running through a field of grass in front of an overflowing storm cloud
{'boxes': [[0.6692173480987549, 0.8943682312965393, 0.07480517774820328, 0.09304915368556976], [0.2092396467924118, 0.8844508528709412, 0.0655057430267334, 0.11847015470266342], [0.4428020119667053, 0.8845676779747009, 0.5417335629463196, 0.12296760827302933]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[513.9589233398438, 686.8748168945312, 57.45037841796875, 71.46174621582031], [160.696044921875, 679.2582397460938, 50.30841064453125, 90.98507690429688], [340.07196044921875, 679.3479614257812, 416.0513916015625, 94.43912506103516]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['two cats(0.42)', 'two cats(0.32)', 'two cats(0.31)']}
What do you see in the image?
a man sitting with a guitar
a woman sitting at the bar with an acoustic guitar
{'boxes': [[0.4754176735877991, 0.5280476808547974, 0.862846314907074, 0.9418125152587891], [0.5384001135826111, 0.697791576385498, 0.9223372936248779, 0.4729611873626709]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[243.41384887695312, 270.36041259765625, 441.7773132324219, 482.2080078125], [275.6608581542969, 357.269287109375, 472.2366943359375, 242.1561279296875]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['man(0.83)', 'a guitar(0.61)']}
What is depicted in the image?
the black and red poster features an illustration of illustration of a man
the black and red poster features an illustration of the singer madonna
{'boxes': [[0.5326768159866333, 0.5758455991744995, 0.7829169034957886, 0.8333497047424316], [0.5318467617034912, 0.5776693820953369, 0.7812999486923218, 0.8340339064598083]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[409.0957946777344, 442.2494201660156, 601.2801513671875, 640.0125732421875], [408.45831298828125, 443.65008544921875, 600.038330078125, 640.5380249023438]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['illustration(0.43)', 'man(0.31)']}
What do you see in the image?
a tree in a mountain valley under the night sky
a tree in a mountain valley under the rainbow
{'boxes': [[0.49038922786712646, 0.324169397354126, 0.9764384627342224, 0.6441372632980347]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[376.6189270019531, 248.96209716796875, 749.9047241210938, 494.6974182128906]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['night sky(0.66)']}
What do you see in the image?
a dog house occupied by a dog
a large cat opening it's head out of a dog house
{'boxes': [[0.46779027581214905, 0.5905607342720032, 0.36716029047966003, 0.5352364182472229], [0.4071612060070038, 0.4054923951625824, 0.8125409483909607, 0.8091933727264404]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[359.262939453125, 453.5506591796875, 281.9790954589844, 411.06158447265625], [312.6997985839844, 311.41815185546875, 624.0314331054688, 621.4605102539062]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['a dog(0.58)', 'dog house(0.53)']}
What is shown in the image?
the young lady is posing in front of the old doors with her hat
the young lady is posing in front of the new doors with her hat
{'boxes': [[0.6063538789749146, 0.4639609158039093, 0.4700496792793274, 0.9278745651245117], [0.6744402050971985, 0.46369901299476624, 0.3292025923728943, 0.9266709089279175]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[465.6797790527344, 356.3219909667969, 360.9981689453125, 712.607666015625], [517.9700927734375, 356.120849609375, 252.8275909423828, 711.6832275390625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['old doors(0.46)', 'old doors(0.32)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
an image of the man with the red jacket and long blond hair
an image of the man with the red jacket and long blond hair
{'boxes': [[0.5590242147445679, 0.28547897934913635, 0.6155627369880676, 0.5653066039085388]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[429.3305969238281, 219.24786376953125, 472.752197265625, 434.15545654296875]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['medium length hair(0.78)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a man in a devil costume with red eyes, and horns
a man in a devil costume with blue eyes, and horns
{'boxes': [[0.5031006932258606, 0.4549969732761383, 0.2686871588230133, 0.08256116509437561]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[257.5875549316406, 232.9584503173828, 137.5678253173828, 42.27131652832031]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['red eyes(0.39)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
a monster has fangs
a monster standing in the forest with no fangs and moss on it
{'boxes': [[0.5568748712539673, 0.5069692730903625, 0.748115062713623, 0.7010501027107239], [0.5892739295959473, 0.5522369742393494, 0.35796043276786804, 0.0740932747721672]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[285.11993408203125, 259.5682678222656, 383.034912109375, 358.9376525878906], [301.708251953125, 282.7453308105469, 183.27574157714844, 37.93575668334961]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['monster(0.85)', 'fangs(0.35)']}
What is depicted in the image?
the couple is kissing on the tan carpet
the couple is kissing on the blue carpet
{'boxes': [[0.1220003291964531, 0.8029065132141113, 0.24042284488677979, 0.3860267400741577]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[93.69625091552734, 616.6322021484375, 184.64474487304688, 296.4685363769531]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['tan carpet(0.48)']}
What is depicted in the image?
one man with a rifle standing near an old truck in a desert
men with rifles standing near an old truck in a desert
{'boxes': [[0.7195683121681213, 0.5156116485595703, 0.5603063702583313, 0.9683986306190491], [0.7827222943305969, 0.5905529260635376, 0.4347141683101654, 0.4163258671760559]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[552.6284790039062, 395.98974609375, 430.3153076171875, 743.7301635742188], [601.1307373046875, 453.5446472167969, 333.8604736328125, 319.73828125]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['one man(0.83)', 'a rifle(0.66)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a woman in brown shirt standing with a knife and blood on her face
a woman in red shirt standing with a knife and blood on her face
{'boxes': [[0.4958858788013458, 0.800477147102356, 0.600548505783081, 0.39140403270721436]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[380.8403625488281, 614.7664794921875, 461.22125244140625, 300.5982971191406]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['brown shirt(0.87)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
three women - two wearing black and one with white outfits
three women - two wearing black and one with white outfits
{'boxes': [[0.3114694356918335, 0.5024527907371521, 0.2971206605434418, 0.904452919960022], [0.6854191422462463, 0.5005033612251282, 0.30172857642173767, 0.9094485640525818]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[159.47235107421875, 257.2558288574219, 152.1257781982422, 463.07989501953125], [350.9346008300781, 256.2577209472656, 154.4850311279297, 465.6376647949219]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['two women(0.54)', 'two women(0.50)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
3d model of michael jackson wearing a black and white outfit
3d model of michael jackson wearing a black and yellow outfit
{'boxes': [[0.38533806800842285, 0.6623026728630066, 0.7031551003456116, 0.6659116744995117]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[295.93963623046875, 508.6484375, 540.0231323242188, 511.420166015625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['black outfit(0.74)']}
Describe the image in detail.
a female character dressed in frozen gown with white lightning flowing out of her dress
a female character dressed in frozen gown with green lightning flowing out of her dress
{'boxes': [[0.4908706247806549, 0.5263491868972778, 0.9241920113563538, 0.9459141492843628]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[251.3257598876953, 269.49078369140625, 473.1863098144531, 484.30804443359375]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['white lightning(0.49)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
cat in a spaceship with guns on top of it
cat in a spaceship with guns on top of it
{'boxes': [[0.7452400326728821, 0.33362334966659546, 0.509006142616272, 0.601679801940918], [0.5001643300056458, 0.4582382142543793, 0.9999890327453613, 0.9152447581291199]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[572.3443603515625, 256.22271728515625, 390.9167175292969, 462.090087890625], [384.126220703125, 351.92694091796875, 767.9915771484375, 702.907958984375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['dog / wolf(0.58)', 'planet(0.32)']}
What is depicted in the image?
chinese snow monkey with red nose, green eyes and golden cheeks in a tropical rainforest
chinese snow monkey with red nose, green eyes and golden cheeks in a tropical rainforest
{'boxes': [[0.48730507493019104, 0.2418067753314972, 0.16670012474060059, 0.059131257236003876], [0.49703165888786316, 0.30691084265708923, 0.04504691809415817, 0.023880325257778168], [0.44196900725364685, 0.2435925453901291, 0.06473086774349213, 0.05075116455554962], [0.5116041898727417, 0.522739052772522, 0.6555348634719849, 0.9510629177093506], [0.5365787148475647, 0.24029387533664703, 0.05663878470659256, 0.04793710634112358]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[249.5001983642578, 123.80506896972656, 85.3504638671875, 30.275203704833984], [254.48020935058594, 157.1383514404297, 23.064022064208984, 12.226726531982422], [226.2881317138672, 124.7193832397461, 33.14220428466797, 25.984596252441406], [261.94134521484375, 267.64239501953125, 335.63385009765625, 486.9442138671875], [274.7283020019531, 123.03046417236328, 28.99905776977539, 24.543798446655273]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['black eyes(0.47)', 'pink nose(0.41)', 'black eyes(0.30)', 'pink nose(0.32)', 'black eyes(0.31)']}
Describe the image in detail.
a woman in robes is holding a sword in front of her
a man in robes is holding a sword in front of her
{'boxes': [[0.38927343487739563, 0.5353279709815979, 0.7776532173156738, 0.9281761050224304], [0.3427008390426636, 0.6244128942489624, 0.6852578520774841, 0.7506049871444702]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[199.30799865722656, 274.0879211425781, 398.158447265625, 475.2261657714844], [175.46282958984375, 319.69940185546875, 350.8520202636719, 384.30975341796875]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['woman(0.70)', 'robes(0.41)']}
Describe the image in detail.
pumpkins in front of the full moon with bats
pumpkins in front of the full moon with cats
{'boxes': [[0.5289692878723145, 0.40833669900894165, 0.09560566395521164, 0.05367852747440338], [0.876539945602417, 0.22605207562446594, 0.247066929936409, 0.15512657165527344], [0.40538251399993896, 0.44625312089920044, 0.11961448937654495, 0.07593012601137161]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[270.832275390625, 209.06838989257812, 48.95009994506836, 27.48340606689453], [448.7884521484375, 115.73866271972656, 126.4982681274414, 79.4248046875], [207.55584716796875, 228.48159790039062, 61.242618560791016, 38.876224517822266]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['bats(0.49)', 'bats(0.47)', 'bats(0.47)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a black and white drawing of a bookstore with the words'in the day of life' written on it
a black and white drawing of a bookstore with the words'in the day of life' written on it
{'boxes': [[0.2187202125787735, 0.3914417028427124, 0.33011242747306824, 0.10502232611179352], [0.6734791398048401, 0.4953392446041107, 0.43922853469848633, 0.12082011252641678], [0.2044525146484375, 0.6219787001609802, 0.27804800868034363, 0.038763415068387985]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[167.9771270751953, 300.6272277832031, 253.52633666992188, 80.65715026855469], [517.2319946289062, 380.4205322265625, 337.3275146484375, 92.78984832763672], [157.01953125, 477.67962646484375, 213.54086303710938, 29.770301818847656]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['other words(0.55)', 'other words(0.45)', 'other words(0.42)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
young woman with black hair portrait \u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0438
young woman with natural red hair portrait \u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u0430\u0438
{'boxes': [[0.5177932977676392, 0.24619805812835693, 0.49557197093963623, 0.48410576581954956]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[397.6652526855469, 189.08010864257812, 380.5992736816406, 371.793212890625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['black hair(0.74)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
men in military uniforms swimming during a parade
men in military uniforms swimming during a parade
{'boxes': [[0.38960981369018555, 0.6552641987800598, 0.2781050503253937, 0.6287433505058289], [0.5770272612571716, 0.635891318321228, 0.21469268202781677, 0.5995019674301147], [0.1538316011428833, 0.6641344428062439, 0.28833910822868347, 0.6645114421844482], [0.7756425142288208, 0.6303384900093079, 0.2061750739812851, 0.5510025024414062], [0.8935089707374573, 0.6274282932281494, 0.18546120822429657, 0.5242242813110352]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[299.2203369140625, 503.242919921875, 213.58468627929688, 482.8748779296875], [443.15692138671875, 488.3645324707031, 164.88397216796875, 460.4175109863281], [118.14266967773438, 510.05523681640625, 221.44442749023438, 510.34478759765625], [595.6934814453125, 484.0999755859375, 158.3424530029297, 423.169921875], [686.2149047851562, 481.86492919921875, 142.4342041015625, 402.604248046875]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['men(0.48)', 'men(0.45)', 'men(0.47)', 'men(0.42)', 'men(0.37)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a demon and an evil man in a sea of water
a demon and an evil man in a sea of fire
{'boxes': [[0.5000677704811096, 0.617895245552063, 0.9999868869781494, 0.7624726891517639], [0.5000537633895874, 0.6185235381126404, 0.9999926090240479, 0.761671781539917]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[256.0346984863281, 316.36236572265625, 511.9932861328125, 390.3860168457031], [256.02752685546875, 316.6840515136719, 511.9962158203125, 389.9759521484375]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['sea(0.38)', 'water(0.34)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
a woman in the kitchen looking out at a black cat
a man standing in a kitchen looking out at a black cat
{'boxes': [[0.41200363636016846, 0.31817737221717834, 0.15623551607131958, 0.4469854533672333]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[316.4187927246094, 244.3602294921875, 119.98887634277344, 343.2848205566406]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['woman(0.87)']}
What is shown in the image?
an image of the character spiderman inside a clock
an image of the character batman inside a clock
{'boxes': [[0.5335209369659424, 0.5176412463188171, 0.5300498008728027, 0.8618853092193604]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[409.74407958984375, 397.5484619140625, 407.0782470703125, 661.9279174804688]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['spiderman(0.45)']}
What is depicted in the image?
toy figurine of white dragon standing on rocks with blue background
toy figurine of white dragon standing on rocks with white background
{'boxes': [[0.5000590085983276, 0.45135802030563354, 0.9999974966049194, 0.9027769565582275]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[256.03021240234375, 231.09530639648438, 511.99871826171875, 462.2218017578125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['blue background(0.85)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
the two prom dates are together in front of a doorway
the two prom dates are together in front of a mirror
{'boxes': [[0.2750096619129181, 0.24633733928203583, 0.38834714889526367, 0.49322545528411865]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[140.80494689941406, 126.12471771240234, 198.833740234375, 252.53143310546875]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['doorway(0.41)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
three penguins with snowman holding a bow tie and scarf are standing in the snow
four penguins with snowman holding a bow tie and scarf are standing in the snow
{'boxes': [[0.586600661277771, 0.6498197913169861, 0.2654445767402649, 0.5471804141998291], [0.8464473485946655, 0.6571565866470337, 0.30704987049102783, 0.5261920094490051], [0.5048326253890991, 0.4698322117328644, 0.9895820617675781, 0.9226239919662476]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[450.5093078613281, 499.06158447265625, 203.86143493652344, 420.23455810546875], [650.071533203125, 504.6962585449219, 235.81430053710938, 404.115478515625], [387.7114562988281, 360.8311462402344, 759.9990234375, 708.5751953125]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['three penguins(0.32)', 'three penguins(0.31)', 'three penguins(0.32)']}
What is depicted in the image?
a red haired woman is posing in pink lingerie
a blonde haired woman is posing in pink lingerie
{'boxes': [[0.48369911313056946, 0.4987640082836151, 0.7259617447853088, 0.994103729724884]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[371.4809265136719, 383.0507507324219, 557.5386352539062, 763.4716796875]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['red haired woman(0.68)']}
What is depicted in the image?
a vintage green car on the road with green grass next to it
a vintage green car on the road with yellow grass next to it
{'boxes': [[0.4998963177204132, 0.44271647930145264, 0.9949252605438232, 0.3896229863166809], [0.8703032732009888, 0.5333271026611328, 0.25614890456199646, 0.2022581845521927]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[383.9203796386719, 340.0062561035156, 764.1026000976562, 299.23046875], [668.3929443359375, 409.59521484375, 196.72235107421875, 155.33428955078125]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['green grass(0.36)', 'green grass(0.31)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
an image of a boy in superman costume flying through a corn field
an image of a girl in a superman costume flying through a corn field
{'boxes': [[0.5304180383682251, 0.5577257871627808, 0.7638208270072937, 0.3731139600276947], [0.530989408493042, 0.5696342587471008, 0.7628471255302429, 0.3254752457141876]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[407.3610534667969, 428.3334045410156, 586.6143798828125, 286.551513671875], [407.79986572265625, 437.4791259765625, 585.8665771484375, 249.96499633789062]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['boy(0.58)', 'superman costume(0.42)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
princess beatrice and prince charles in a blue suit
princess beatrice and prince charles in a white wedding dress
{'boxes': [[0.6903257369995117, 0.6858459115028381, 0.504342257976532, 0.6277086734771729]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[353.44677734375, 351.1531066894531, 258.2232360839844, 321.3868408203125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['blue suit(0.84)']}
What can you observe in the image?
a black man in a dark leather vest stands in front of a building
a white man in a dark leather vest stands in front of a building
{'boxes': [[0.44528597593307495, 0.6121354699134827, 0.3233594000339508, 0.7673766613006592]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[341.9796142578125, 470.12005615234375, 248.34002685546875, 589.3452758789062]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['black man(0.86)']}
Describe the image in detail.
the man has a angry expression in his face
the man has a happy expression in his face
{'boxes': [[0.49953973293304443, 0.41324520111083984, 0.589899480342865, 0.741487979888916]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[255.76434326171875, 211.58154296875, 302.0285339355469, 379.641845703125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['angry expression(0.72)']}
What is shown in the image?
the evil maleficent in black outfit with horns on his head
the evil maleficent in purple outfits with horns on his head
{'boxes': [[0.4994368255138397, 0.6822770237922668, 0.9962461590766907, 0.6338444352149963]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[255.71165466308594, 349.3258361816406, 510.0780334472656, 324.5283508300781]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['black outfit(0.72)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
a women's nike wmns runner on a wood surface
a women's nike wmns runner on a metal surface
{'boxes': [[0.49990978837013245, 0.8678771257400513, 0.9999920129776001, 0.2630903124809265]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[255.9538116455078, 444.35308837890625, 511.99591064453125, 134.70223999023438]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['wood surface(0.46)']}
What can you observe in the image?
an image of a child in winter dress standing in the snow while knife
an image of a child in winter dress standing in the snow while holding a shield
{'boxes': [[0.5723473429679871, 0.7286397814750671, 0.21120183169841766, 0.18701982498168945]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[439.562744140625, 559.5953369140625, 162.2030029296875, 143.6312255859375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['knife(0.59)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
the head of a large plastic dragon with long teeth and dragon's eyes are brown
the head of a large plastic dragon with long teeth and blue eyes
{'boxes': [[0.44877782464027405, 0.49973204731941223, 0.8959843516349792, 0.9999872446060181], [0.40960511565208435, 0.161329984664917, 0.07362889498472214, 0.052944593131542206], [0.4086300730705261, 0.16163277626037598, 0.11448301374912262, 0.06848464906215668]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[229.7742462158203, 255.86280822753906, 458.7439880371094, 511.99346923828125], [209.7178192138672, 82.6009521484375, 37.697994232177734, 27.10763168334961], [209.21859741210938, 82.7559814453125, 58.61530303955078, 35.06414031982422]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['dragon eyes(0.78)', 'dragon eyes(0.38)', 'dragon eyes(0.37)']}
What can you observe in the image?
a group of people standing outside huts made of straw
a group of people standing outside brick huts
{'boxes': [[0.5001926422119141, 0.41498368978500366, 0.9924989342689514, 0.6899601817131042], [0.23717525601387024, 0.41407227516174316, 0.46964597702026367, 0.6910385489463806]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[384.14794921875, 318.70745849609375, 762.2391967773438, 529.889404296875], [182.15060424804688, 318.00750732421875, 360.6881103515625, 530.7175903320312]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['huts(0.33)', 'huts(0.30)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
a colorful car painted with rainbow stripes is parked in front of a colorful building
a colorful car painted with rainbow stripes is parked in front of a black and white building
{'boxes': [[0.4998991787433624, 0.2678285539150238, 0.9948833584785461, 0.5167673826217651]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[383.9225769042969, 205.69232177734375, 764.0704345703125, 396.8773498535156]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['colorful building(0.56)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
Halloween clothing stock photos, images and pictures | unsplash
christmas cat stock photos, images and pictures | unsplash
{'boxes': [[0.5017558336257935, 0.5367975234985352, 0.994921863079071, 0.9206567406654358]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[256.89898681640625, 274.84033203125, 509.3999938964844, 471.3762512207031]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['halloween clothing(0.59)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
the purple monster character with hat is sitting on books
the purple monster character with hat is sitting on top of some trees
{'boxes': [[0.9511263370513916, 0.509192168712616, 0.09770045429468155, 0.07076819241046906], [0.9520779252052307, 0.583273708820343, 0.09567677229642868, 0.08523966372013092], [0.09324458241462708, 0.6737890839576721, 0.18601812422275543, 0.6520671844482422], [0.5221570730209351, 0.8104974627494812, 0.6078843474388123, 0.16163453459739685], [0.5325824618339539, 0.7143468856811523, 0.6489484310150146, 0.19695675373077393], [0.556633710861206, 0.8890422582626343, 0.6471952199935913, 0.13285300135612488], [0.9246168732643127, 0.8105144500732422, 0.1507302075624466, 0.1056336835026741], [0.07134397327899933, 0.6531722545623779, 0.142579585313797, 0.09366369247436523], [0.06196197122335434, 0.744289755821228, 0.12390000373125076, 0.09039661288261414], [0.06182039529085159, 0.5760576725006104, 0.12379129230976105, 0.07445146143436432], [0.055966343730688095, 0.49039405584335327, 0.11169267445802689, 0.0955430194735527], [0.08170215040445328, 0.817048966884613, 0.16341698169708252, 0.09670637547969818], [0.06667458266019821, 0.40225404500961304, 0.13324369490146637, 0.08068849891424179], [0.5694881677627563, 0.9496333599090576, 0.6498554944992065, 0.10138867050409317]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[486.9766845703125, 260.7063903808594, 50.02263259887695, 36.233314514160156], [487.4638977050781, 298.6361389160156, 48.986507415771484, 43.64270782470703], [47.74122619628906, 344.9800109863281, 95.24127960205078, 333.8583984375], [267.34442138671875, 414.9747009277344, 311.2367858886719, 82.75688171386719], [272.6822204589844, 365.74560546875, 332.2615966796875, 100.84185791015625], [284.9964599609375, 455.18963623046875, 331.36395263671875, 68.02073669433594], [473.4038391113281, 414.9833984375, 77.17386627197266, 54.08444595336914], [36.528114318847656, 334.4241943359375, 73.00074768066406, 47.955810546875], [31.724529266357422, 381.07635498046875, 63.43680191040039, 46.28306579589844], [31.652042388916016, 294.9415283203125, 63.381141662597656, 38.11914825439453], [28.654767990112305, 251.08175659179688, 57.186649322509766, 48.918025970458984], [41.83150100708008, 418.3290710449219, 83.66949462890625, 49.51366424560547], [34.137386322021484, 205.95407104492188, 68.22077178955078, 41.3125114440918], [291.57794189453125, 486.2122802734375, 332.72601318359375, 51.9109992980957]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['books(0.36)', 'books(0.34)', 'books(0.34)', 'books(0.38)', 'books(0.45)', 'books(0.37)', 'books(0.32)', 'books(0.34)', 'books(0.31)', 'books(0.33)', 'books(0.30)', 'books(0.31)', 'books(0.34)', 'books(0.33)']}
What do you see in the image?
a female gymnast performs on a balance beam in a red leotard
a female gymnast performs on a balance beam in a blue leotard
{'boxes': [[0.5520052313804626, 0.3997705578804016, 0.2081916481256485, 0.3982863426208496]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[423.94000244140625, 307.0238037109375, 159.8911895751953, 305.8839111328125]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['red leotard(0.80)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
a painting depicts one person riding a horse in a meadow with birds and other animals
a painting depicts two people riding horses in a meadow with birds and other animals
{'boxes': [[0.5791228413581848, 0.7362004518508911, 0.5230965614318848, 0.31817784905433655], [0.5790970921516418, 0.6231706738471985, 0.5248540639877319, 0.5479446649551392], [0.6443068981170654, 0.6072118282318115, 0.24241042137145996, 0.5041871070861816]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[444.766357421875, 565.4019775390625, 401.7381591796875, 244.360595703125], [444.74658203125, 478.5950927734375, 403.0879211425781, 420.8215026855469], [494.82769775390625, 466.33868408203125, 186.17120361328125, 387.2156982421875]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['horse(0.46)', 'one person(0.41)', 'one person(0.40)']}
What is depicted in the image?
a apple in a robotic robot's hand
a pear in a robotic robot's hand
{'boxes': [[0.2369212955236435, 0.6951633095741272, 0.31983399391174316, 0.34767231345176697]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[181.95555114746094, 533.8854370117188, 245.63250732421875, 267.0123291015625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['apple(0.95)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a orange and yellow bug in the air
a orange and green bug that is sitting on the ground
{'boxes': [[0.3868327736854553, 0.5328760743141174, 0.7622166275978088, 0.6526283025741577], [0.4990138113498688, 0.5320723652839661, 0.9888351559638977, 0.6581121683120728]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[297.08758544921875, 409.24884033203125, 585.3823852539062, 501.2185363769531], [383.24261474609375, 408.631591796875, 759.4254150390625, 505.4301452636719]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['orange bug(0.33)', 'orange bug(0.38)']}
What is depicted in the image?
the actor is kissing a woman in a red dress while they are on the street
the actor is kissing a woman in a wedding dress while they are on the street
{'boxes': [[0.5988487005233765, 0.6483691334724426, 0.42599624395370483, 0.6972396969795227]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[459.9158020019531, 497.947509765625, 327.16510009765625, 535.4801025390625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['red dress(0.86)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
the shark's mouth is open and his mouth is sticking out of the water
the shark's mouth is open and his mouth is sticking out of the water
{'boxes': [[0.7863945364952087, 0.747780442237854, 0.4249474108219147, 0.49064508080482483], [0.49965357780456543, 0.5887619853019714, 0.9975613355636597, 0.8170576691627502]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[402.6340026855469, 382.86358642578125, 217.5730743408203, 251.2102813720703], [255.8226318359375, 301.4461364746094, 510.75140380859375, 418.3335266113281]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['mouth(0.35)', 'water(0.30)']}
What do you see in the image?
a blue hatchback with hatchback has its door open on the road
a blue hatchback with its door closed on the road
{'boxes': [[0.5000117421150208, 0.5197246074676514, 0.9999963045120239, 0.6685885190963745], [0.12515783309936523, 0.4496716856956482, 0.25031617283821106, 0.5010353922843933]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[256.0060119628906, 266.0989990234375, 511.99810791015625, 342.31732177734375], [64.080810546875, 230.23190307617188, 128.16188049316406, 256.5301208496094]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['hatchback(0.54)', 'door(0.32)']}
What do you see in the image?
two women stand on a boat next to a body of water
two women stand on a boat next to a body of fire
{'boxes': [[0.49992334842681885, 0.6764421463012695, 0.9999765157699585, 0.3531847298145294], [0.5000976920127869, 0.7108989357948303, 0.9999947547912598, 0.419952392578125]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[255.96075439453125, 346.33837890625, 511.98797607421875, 180.83058166503906], [256.0500183105469, 363.9802551269531, 511.997314453125, 215.015625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['body(0.35)', 'water(0.30)']}
Describe the image in detail.
a boy is standing by the side of a burning fire
a young girl is standing by the side of a burning fire
{'boxes': [[0.5671710968017578, 0.5221596956253052, 0.4419633746147156, 0.9533405303955078]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[290.3916015625, 267.34576416015625, 226.28524780273438, 488.1103515625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['boy(0.83)']}
What is shown in the image?
comic book art of the king of horror - green arrow by bernie del arroz
comic book art of the king of horror - batman by bernie del arroz
{'boxes': [[0.5391696691513062, 0.3397279679775238, 0.6301266551017761, 0.679020345211029]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[276.05487060546875, 173.9407196044922, 322.6248474121094, 347.6584167480469]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['green arrow(0.32)']}
Describe the image in detail.
a man in a blue top with his under water
a man in a blue top with his legs up on the boat's side
{'boxes': [[0.26012590527534485, 0.5603587627410889, 0.5145969390869141, 0.8719236254692078]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[199.77670288085938, 430.35552978515625, 395.21044921875, 669.6373291015625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['water(0.44)']}
Describe the image in detail.
a white dog wearing a pink bow standing on the floor
a black dog wearing a pink bow standing on the floor
{'boxes': [[0.48760515451431274, 0.4999186396598816, 0.8738036155700684, 0.9998714923858643]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[249.65383911132812, 255.95834350585938, 447.387451171875, 511.9342041015625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['white dog(0.87)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
a woman standing in a baseball stadium wearing a blue cap and earings
a woman standing in a baseball stadium wearing a red cap and earings
{'boxes': [[0.44984766840934753, 0.07875411957502365, 0.42462587356567383, 0.1577710658311844]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[230.32200622558594, 40.32210922241211, 217.408447265625, 80.7787857055664]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['blue cap(0.84)']}
What do you see in the image?
a seahorse/octopus with gears inside a jar on a table
a shark with gears inside a jar on a table
{'boxes': [[0.5441887974739075, 0.6071240901947021, 0.324504554271698, 0.4559992551803589], [0.5377314686775208, 0.5577691197395325, 0.5190559029579163, 0.7041988968849182]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[278.6246643066406, 310.8475341796875, 166.14633178710938, 233.47161865234375], [275.3185119628906, 285.5777893066406, 265.7566223144531, 360.5498352050781]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['seahorse / octopus(0.47)', 'seahorse / octopus(0.34)']}
Describe the image in detail.
an old wizard is depicted in black and white with his long beard and hat
an old wizard is depicted in black and white with his short beard and hat
{'boxes': [[0.6056942343711853, 0.742864727973938, 0.44898736476898193, 0.5133246183395386]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[310.1154479980469, 380.34674072265625, 229.88153076171875, 262.82220458984375]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['long beard(0.81)']}
Describe the image in detail.
pikachu with short hair is standing on a sidewalk
pikachu with long hair is standing on a sidewalk
{'boxes': [[0.4860283434391022, 0.47418463230133057, 0.9453939199447632, 0.8317028284072876]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[248.8465118408203, 242.78253173828125, 484.04168701171875, 425.83184814453125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['short hair(0.64)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
a woman with long hair wearing a black dress waving while looking at the camera
a woman with long hair wearing a white dress waving while looking at the camera
{'boxes': [[0.6329598426818848, 0.6956998109817505, 0.5560073256492615, 0.601805567741394]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[486.1131591796875, 534.2974853515625, 427.01361083984375, 462.1866760253906]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['black dress(0.87)']}
What is depicted in the image?
a bottle full of blue liquid sits on top of a table
a bottle full of red liquid sits on top of a table
{'boxes': [[0.5523619055747986, 0.4579041600227356, 0.5004371404647827, 0.8118406534194946]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[282.8092956542969, 234.44692993164062, 256.22381591796875, 415.66241455078125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['blue liquid(0.67)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
a female hiker is standing with her backpack near the top of a mountain
a male mountain hiker is standing with her backpack near the top of a mountain
{'boxes': [[0.7034703493118286, 0.531222939491272, 0.57567298412323, 0.931074321269989]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[540.2652587890625, 407.9792175292969, 442.1168518066406, 715.0650634765625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['female hiker(0.92)']}
What can you observe in the image?
the cartoon creature with a glowing blue head on top of some rocks
the cartoon creature with a glowing green head on top of some rocks
{'boxes': [[0.5217190980911255, 0.4086351692676544, 0.6491145491600037, 0.6776161789894104], [0.517515242099762, 0.47233566641807556, 0.6622482538223267, 0.8080592155456543]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[400.6802673339844, 313.8318176269531, 498.51995849609375, 520.4092407226562], [397.45172119140625, 362.7537841796875, 508.6066589355469, 620.5894775390625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue head(0.40)', 'blue head(0.35)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
two people are standing on the sidewalk in vegas
two people are sitting on the sidewalk in vegas
{'boxes': [[0.3375813066959381, 0.485527366399765, 0.2719958424568176, 0.9643611311912537]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[259.262451171875, 372.885009765625, 208.89280700683594, 740.6293334960938]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['standing on the sidewalk(0.32)']}
Describe the image in detail.
man in the blue t-shirt
man in the red t-shirt
{'boxes': [[0.32010555267333984, 0.39355501532554626, 0.4050804376602173, 0.4685419797897339]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[245.841064453125, 302.250244140625, 311.1017761230469, 359.8402404785156]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue t - shirt(0.78)']}
Describe the image in detail.
the dog dressed in an outfit is posing on flat ground
the dog dressed in an outfit is posing on top of a hill
{'boxes': [[0.49952730536460876, 0.6322764754295349, 0.9925034046173096, 0.7258278131484985]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[383.636962890625, 485.58831787109375, 762.2426147460938, 557.435791015625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['flat ground(0.63)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
little girl in pink and blue sweater standing in the grass with mountains in the background
little girl in yellow sweater standing in the grass with mountains in the background
{'boxes': [[0.5347981452941895, 0.6088387966156006, 0.3633270263671875, 0.48806440830230713]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[273.816650390625, 311.7254638671875, 186.0234375, 249.88897705078125]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['pink sweater(0.88)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
group of people wearing blue shirts and carrying laptops
group of people wearing yellow shirts and carrying laptops
{'boxes': [[0.10277564078569412, 0.4829750955104828, 0.20388300716876984, 0.3270808160305023], [0.7176280617713928, 0.5421894788742065, 0.17884962260723114, 0.2012399584054947], [0.5005738735198975, 0.48910942673683167, 0.995520830154419, 0.34165409207344055]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[78.93169403076172, 370.92486572265625, 156.5821533203125, 251.19805908203125], [551.1383666992188, 416.4015197753906, 137.35650634765625, 154.5522918701172], [384.44073486328125, 375.63604736328125, 764.5599975585938, 262.3903503417969]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue shirts(0.45)', 'blue shirts(0.32)', 'blue shirts(0.30)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a dragon with flames coming from his mouth and sitting on a table in front of a pint of beer
a dragon with flames coming from his mouth and sitting on a table in front of a pint of beer
{'boxes': [[0.7299814820289612, 0.7172613143920898, 0.5398795008659363, 0.5650190711021423], [0.7971509099006653, 0.5003752112388611, 0.4058142900466919, 0.9999516010284424]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[373.7505187988281, 367.23779296875, 276.4183044433594, 289.2897644042969], [408.1412658691406, 256.1921081542969, 207.77691650390625, 511.9752197265625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['beer(0.36)', 'flames(0.32)']}
What is depicted in the image?
the machu picchu woman with the llama standing on a trail in tokyo
the machu picchu woman with the llama standing on a trail in tokyo
{'boxes': [[0.5012845396995544, 0.5246555805206299, 0.2317901998758316, 0.839006781578064], [0.5010254979133606, 0.9033365249633789, 0.9950470924377441, 0.19302676618099213]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[384.98651123046875, 402.93548583984375, 178.01487731933594, 644.357177734375], [384.78759765625, 693.762451171875, 764.1961669921875, 148.2445526123047]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['woman(0.90)', 'a hill(0.35)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
an image of a man in a black suit
an image of a man in a red suit
{'boxes': [[0.49516114592552185, 0.7620065808296204, 0.6693010926246643, 0.47533664107322693]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[253.5225067138672, 390.1473693847656, 342.6821594238281, 243.3723602294922]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['black suit(0.81)']}
What is depicted in the image?
a cowboy on a horse riding through the countryside
a cowboy on a horse riding through the city
{'boxes': [[0.49999678134918213, 0.7397302985191345, 0.9999990463256836, 0.5181154608726501]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[255.99835205078125, 378.7419128417969, 511.99951171875, 265.2751159667969]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['countryside(0.36)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
the game's title page shows a giant blue monster in front of a stack of books
the game's title page shows a giant red monster in front of a stack of books
{'boxes': [[0.532243549823761, 0.44855713844299316, 0.5195057988166809, 0.507051944732666]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[408.7630615234375, 344.49188232421875, 398.98046875, 389.4158935546875]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue monster(0.92)']}
Please provide a detailed description of the image.
beautiful young woman with blue eyes lying on the bed in a gray blanket
beautiful young woman with green eyes lying on the bed in a gray blanket
{'boxes': [[0.4817034900188446, 0.41487810015678406, 0.0971047580242157, 0.06856785714626312], [0.645636796951294, 0.29774922132492065, 0.08782726526260376, 0.07764044404029846], [0.5607410073280334, 0.3533626198768616, 0.2638298273086548, 0.19536970555782318]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[369.9482727050781, 318.6263732910156, 74.57645416259766, 52.66011428833008], [495.84906005859375, 228.67140197753906, 67.45133972167969, 59.62786102294922], [430.64910888671875, 271.38250732421875, 202.62130737304688, 150.04393005371094]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['blue eyes(0.38)', 'blue eyes(0.35)', 'blue eyes(0.38)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a wall painting of an old cowboy and cow in a field with mountains behind them under a full moon
a wall painting of an old cowboy and dog in a field with mountains behind them under a full moon
{'boxes': [[0.6309055685997009, 0.6698055863380432, 0.352836936712265, 0.38620907068252563], [0.8138524889945984, 0.5577940940856934, 0.23943349719047546, 0.217346653342247], [0.6929617524147034, 0.6560919880867004, 0.4776122570037842, 0.4147151708602905]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[484.53546142578125, 514.4107055664062, 270.978759765625, 296.60858154296875], [625.0386962890625, 428.3858642578125, 183.88491821289062, 166.92222595214844], [532.1946411132812, 503.878662109375, 366.80621337890625, 318.5012512207031]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['cow(0.39)', 'cow(0.34)', 'cow(0.34)']}
What do you see in the image?
a woman holding the flag is jumping on the railings of a bridge
a boy holding a french flag is jumping on the railings of a bridge
{'boxes': [[0.1383482962846756, 0.35003596544265747, 0.2747398018836975, 0.5404130220413208], [0.5110543370246887, 0.16984178125858307, 0.8029910922050476, 0.3385973274707794]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[106.25149536132812, 268.82763671875, 211.0001678466797, 415.0372009277344], [392.48974609375, 130.43849182128906, 616.6971435546875, 260.0427551269531]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['woman(0.61)', 'flag(0.36)']}
Give a detailed account of the image.
roy lichtenstein's women in dresses is a work of art featuring a blue dress with blue flowers behind her
roy lichtenstein's women in dresses is a work of art featuring a red dress with blue flowers behind her
{'boxes': [[0.6598309874534607, 0.803977370262146, 0.6405148506164551, 0.37611114978790283]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[337.8334655761719, 411.63641357421875, 327.943603515625, 192.56890869140625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['blue dress(0.74)']}
What do you see in the image?
a blue painting with daisies around the man wearing a suit
a blue painting with daisies around the woman wearing a suit
{'boxes': [[0.5642796158790588, 0.5104926228523254, 0.7106822729110718, 0.9656699895858765], [0.5872400403022766, 0.5112133026123047, 0.7771918773651123, 0.9697568416595459]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[433.36676025390625, 392.058349609375, 545.803955078125, 741.634521484375], [451.0003662109375, 392.61181640625, 596.8833618164062, 744.7732543945312]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['man(0.37)', 'man(0.31)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
an old man with white beard standing next to one keg of beer
an old man with white beard standing next to several kegs of beer
{'boxes': [[0.4114341735839844, 0.7352973818778992, 0.2942814230918884, 0.4774094820022583], [0.4110925495624542, 0.7373402118682861, 0.281255841255188, 0.472867876291275]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[210.654296875, 376.4722595214844, 150.67208862304688, 244.43365478515625], [210.47938537597656, 377.5181884765625, 144.00299072265625, 242.1083526611328]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['one keg(0.52)', 'beer(0.42)']}
What is shown in the image?
a hand holding three walnuts in light skinned hands
a hand holding three walnuts in light brown skinned hands
{'boxes': [[0.4357680380344391, 0.47426319122314453, 0.65528804063797, 0.4927248954772949]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[334.66986083984375, 364.234130859375, 503.26123046875, 378.4127197265625]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['light skinned hands(0.60)']}
Can you describe what is happening in the image?
a pink box with stars is sitting on a table
a blue box with stars is sitting on a table
{'boxes': [[0.43545153737068176, 0.5019184350967407, 0.7471694350242615, 0.8373124599456787]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[222.95118713378906, 256.98223876953125, 382.5507507324219, 428.7039794921875]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['pink box(0.90)']}
What is shown in the image?
the Korean flag flying high in a stadium as people stand next to it
the american flag flying high in a stadium as people stand next to it
{'boxes': [[0.25930821895599365, 0.15827853977680206, 0.49754130840301514, 0.31566476821899414], [0.2941584289073944, 0.1579986959695816, 0.42451250553131104, 0.31332191824913025]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[199.14871215820312, 121.55792236328125, 382.1117248535156, 242.4305419921875], [225.91366577148438, 121.34300231933594, 326.0256042480469, 240.6312255859375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['korean flag(0.44)', 'korean flag(0.35)']}
What do you see in the image?
beautiful woman lying in the grass wearing white lingerie
beautiful woman lying in the grass wearing black lingerie
{'boxes': [[0.591328501701355, 0.5372384190559387, 0.8134172558784485, 0.5734623074531555], [0.32867565751075745, 0.4986541271209717, 0.2847733795642853, 0.30359193682670593]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[454.1402893066406, 412.59912109375, 624.7044677734375, 440.4190673828125], [252.42291259765625, 382.96636962890625, 218.70596313476562, 233.15859985351562]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['white lingerie(0.42)', 'white lingerie(0.45)']}
Describe the contents of the image.
the woman walks her dog in a street lined with trees
the woman walks her dog in a street lined with flowers
{'boxes': [[0.5002946853637695, 0.743666410446167, 0.9987524747848511, 0.5100254416465759], [0.2886218726634979, 0.42475518584251404, 0.57568359375, 0.8475075960159302]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[256.15087890625, 380.7572021484375, 511.36126708984375, 261.1330261230469], [147.77439880371094, 217.4746551513672, 294.75, 433.92388916015625]], 'size': [512, 512], 'labels': ['street(0.37)', 'trees(0.32)']}
Please describe the scene in the image.
an asian woman is holding her boyfriend by a column on a bright day in los angeles
an asian woman is holding her boyfriend by a column on a dark day in los angeles
{'boxes': [[0.7718988656997681, 0.3658514618873596, 0.4494794011116028, 0.7246212959289551]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[592.818359375, 280.97393798828125, 345.2001953125, 556.5091552734375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['bright day(0.32)']}
Describe the image in detail.
the building is a concrete building
the building is a brick building
{'boxes': [[0.5017068982124329, 0.24139539897441864, 0.989844799041748, 0.41380104422569275]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[385.3109130859375, 185.39166259765625, 760.2008056640625, 317.7991943359375]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['concrete building(0.40)']}
What is shown in the image?
an attractive woman is smiling in a black and white photo
an unattractive woman is smiling in a black and white photo
{'boxes': [[0.6879203915596008, 0.5030766725540161, 0.6186505556106567, 0.9864342212677002]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[528.3228759765625, 386.3628845214844, 475.1236267089844, 757.5814819335938]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['attractive woman(0.90)']}
What is depicted in the image?
the sun goddess by eugene kodjai
the goddess of the moon by eugene kodjai
{'boxes': [[0.621654748916626, 0.4901653826236725, 0.7006250023841858, 0.9380165338516235], [0.5257168412208557, 0.4953596889972687, 0.500150740146637, 0.9281108379364014]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[477.43084716796875, 376.447021484375, 538.0800170898438, 720.396728515625], [403.75054931640625, 380.4362487792969, 384.11578369140625, 712.7891235351562]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['sun goddess(0.40)', 'sun goddess(0.42)']}
What do you see in the image?
a city landscape with many tall buildings and gray mountains in the background
a city landscape with many tall buildings and green mountains in the background
{'boxes': [[0.49966761469841003, 0.08308818191289902, 0.9981498718261719, 0.13452976942062378]], 'boxes_in_pixels': [[383.7447204589844, 63.81172180175781, 766.5791015625, 103.31886291503906]], 'size': [768, 768], 'labels': ['gray mountains(0.41)']} exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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