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KR3: Korean Restaurant Reviews with Ratings

Korean sentiment classification dataset

  • Size: 460K(+180K)
  • Language: Korean-centric

⚠️ Caution with Rating Column

0 stands for negative review, 1 stands for positive review, and 2 stands for ambiguous review.
Note that rating 2 is not intended to be used directly for supervised learning(classification). This data is included for additional pre-training purpose or other usage.
In other words, this dataset is basically a binary sentiment classficiation task where labels are 0 and 1.

🔍 See More

See all the codes for crwaling/preprocessing the dataset and experiments with KR3 in Gitlab Repo.
Read our blog post in DIYA Blog Post.
See Kaggle dataset in Kaggle Dataset.

Legal Issues

We concluded that the non-commerical usage and release of KR3 fall into the range of fair use (공정 이용) stated in the Korean copyright act (저작권법). We further clarify that we did not agree to the terms of service from any websites which might prohibit web crawling. In other words, web crawling we've done was proceeded without logging in to the website. Despite all of these, feel free to contact to any of the contributors if you notice any legal issues.

Contributors & Acknowledgement

(Alphabetical order)

Dongin Jung

Hyunwoo Kwak

Kaeun Lee

Yejoon Lee

This work was done as DIYA 4기. Compute resources needed for the work was supported by DIYA and