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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    UnicodeDecodeError
Message:      'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 42: invalid start byte
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1853, in _prepare_split_single
                  for _, table in generator:
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 678, in wrapped
                  for item in generator(*args, **kwargs):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/text/", line 73, in _generate_tables
                  batch =
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/utils/", line 830, in read_with_retries
                  out = read(*args, **kwargs)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/", line 322, in decode
                  (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
              UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xae in position 42: invalid start byte
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1387, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 980, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1740, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1896, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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The video is of a man in athletic clothes standing in a net. He is holding a disk in his right hand. There are people sitting and standing right outside the net. There are also several people sitting on bleachers. It is sunny. There are several hills visible in the distance. The man spins a few times and throws the disk from the open end of the net. He looks toward the direction where he threw the disk. People applaude
The video begins with a man holding a knife in his right hand. The man is wearing a yellow t-shirt and has his glasses placed above his head. The man is standing in the woods with weeds and other plants around him. Trees are visible in the distance. The sky is cloudy. The man kneels down and strikes his knife to a fire starter and lights a stack of firewood on fire. The stack has heavy logs placed against each other and a few thinner sticks in the middle. A green piece of paper is visible in the middle. The firewood stack is placed in an area with sand and pebbles. The video ends with the lit fire growing and the camera pans to the man celebrating.
A man is standing behind a barbell placed on the floor. He is standing indoors with a closed shutter behind him. A door is visible in the back of the man’s left side. A fan is mounted on the right wall. Pipes are running near it. The barbell in front of the man has multi-colored weights on it. The man is wearing a black polo shirt and shorts. He bends down to lift the barbell. He squats and lifts the barbell over his head and drops it to the floor. He walks to the side and turns back. The video ends with a man wearing a white t-shirt coming into view on the right.
The video starts with two people standing behind a car and shoveling snow. Both are wearing winter clothes. Most of the car is covered in a layer of snow. They are shoveling snow during the daytime. A house is visible behind them. The car is parked in front of a garage, with its door closed. The house has a red brick facade. A plant coved in the snow is growing next to the house. The two people are clearing snow from around the car. In the next clip, a doctor is in a clinic, talking to the camera. The doctor is wearing a white coat and has a stethoscope around his shoulder. Next, the video continues where the two people were shoveling snow. Now one of them is shoveling snow from a little distance behind the car, while the other is next to the car. In the next clip, another man, wearing suspenders and sunglasses is seen shoveling snow from a different location. The doctor is seen speaking to the camera again. The video ends with the man wearing suspenders shoveling snow.
The video starts with an advertisement for furniture polish and leather shine on a black screen. A clip of a can of polish on a tile floor is shown. A glass beaker with a white liquid is placed next to it. The screen fades out to text on a black screen. Next, a man wearing a white lab coat is standing in front of a platform, holding a can of furniture polish. The platform behind him has bottles of chemicals on it. Next, a wooden table is shown. A man pours some liquid onto a cloth and starts to wipe a wooden surface. A beaker with the polish is placed on the table. The man polishes the wooden surface until it shines. Different shots of the polished surface are shown. The video ends with the advertisement for furniture polish. Lastly, company information is displayed on a black screen.
The video starts with a man riding a dirt bike in a dirt field. Houses are visible beyond the field. The biker is riding during the daytime. He enters the field from outside and rides towards the middle. A man wearing a black t-shirt walks past the camera. As the biker approaches the middle, he tries to jump over a slight elevation. He lands with the front wheel first and crashes. He lands in the dirt. The video ends with the man trying to get up.
A shirtless man is washing dishes in a kitchen sink. There is light streaming through a window in front of the man. A curtain is visible behind the man. A woman wearing an orange top walks up to the man and throws a few items into the sink. The man steps away startled.
A man wearing winter weather clothing is outdoors during the daytime, standing next to a wall. He is holding a snow shovel. He speaks to the camera. It is snowing as the man is speaking. He starts to show how to shovel snow using the shovel. He scoops a large pile of snow and throws the snow to the side. He repeats this a few times and shows how to shovel snow. He ends his demonstration and walks over to the camera to shut it off.
The video starts with a boy throwing a ball. Some kids are playing in a grassy field. The field is surrounded by a metal fence with huge light poles. There are trees and some cars parked outside the field. There are also cars running outside the field. A boy throws the ball to some other kid, the kid kicks the ball and another boy catches it. The boy again throws the ball, the kid kicks it and it goes far in the back where a girl was unable to catch it. The boy throws it again and the kid kicks it, a boy catches the ball and bumps the ball into another boy. This continues for the rest of the video as someone throws the ball, and another kid kicks it and runs across the field while someone catches the ball and bumps the ball into some other kid.
The video starts with an image of a shirtless man wearing jeans posing. The text ‘Michal Navratil’ is displayed over the image. In the following clip, a man is walking towards the end of a diving board, in an indoor swimming pool. The pool is well-lit by lights inside the building as well as sunlight from outside. There are people visible walking around the pool. The man walks to the edge of the diving board and dives by doing flips. The video continues as the man does different diving maneuvers from the diving board. The man performs dives using tucks, twists, forwards dives, etc. The video ends as the man does a forward tuck dive. An image of the man shirtless, and in jeans doing a split with text on the screen is shown.
A man is standing in front of a sink washing dishes. He is standing in a kitchen. There are cupboards behind him as well as other kitchen implements like a coffee machine. A microwave oven is mounted on the kitchen cupboard. There is sunlight streaming through a window in front of him. There is also a potted plant on the window sill. The man is speaking to the cameraman while washing dishes. He is wearing glasses and a white hoodie. He is washing a tea strainer while talking and laughing with the cameraman.
Three girls walk into a kitchen and stand behind a table. The table has various food items including things like cabbage, a juice box, a loaf of bread, a plate of salad, etc. The kitchen walls are light green in color. There is a cupboard mounted on the wall behind the girls. The three girls introduce themselves. The girl in the middle starts naming a few items on the table while the girl on the left picks them up and shows them to the camera. The girl on the right cuts a piece of lettuce and tomatoes and puts it on the salad plate. This is followed by the other two girls picking various ingredients to put in the salad. The girls continue to add various ingredients to the salad until the girl in the middle adds oil, the girl on the left sprinkles salt out of a salt shaker and the one on the left adds peanuts. The video ends with all three of the girls walking up to the camera and holding up the finished plate of salad.
A woman named Pinky is standing behind a bar. She is wearing a black fedora. There are different brands of bottles of alcohol visible behind her on glass shelves. They are lit from below.
While Pinky is introducing herself, a logo with ‘Apache Cafe’ above it appears on the top right of the screen. A screen with ‘STUPIDDOPE’ appears after Pinky’s introduction. Pinky is mixing a drink called ‘GIN E HENDRIX’. Pinky lifts some of the bottles which will go into making the drink. She starts to mix different ingredients into a tall glass including ice cubes. She then proceeds to mix it using a shaker. She then pours the mixture in a glass with ice cubes in it. She finishes the drink by adding cucumber, a slice of lime, lemon and a basal leaf. She then drops a black straw into the glass. The video ends with a black screen with the address of the bar and credits.
The video begins with a white screen with a drawing of a woman in a Tai Chi pose. There is a symbol of yin yang and the words ‘TAI CHI CHUAN YANG’. There is also a second screen with a red background with the words ‘Tai Chi Chuan Forma 8’. The screen then switches to show a man in a black tai chi uniform. He is standing on a concrete floor outdoors. There is a flight of stairs visible behind him, on top of which two people are sitting a few feet apart. There is also trees dotted in the background. The place the man is standing seems to be in the shadow of the trees. The man begins to practice Tai Chi by slowly moving his hands and feet. He slowly goes over several stances over a few minutes. The man slowly winds down his practice. The video ends with a red screen.
The video begins with the words ‘Grass Tumbling’ appearing on a black screen. In the next shot, a negative photo of a girl with the words ‘Warming Up’ appears on the screen. Then a girl wearing a white top is seen performing a back flip. She is standing on the ground covered in green plants, and a hedge is visible in the background. Next, the same girl is in pink top and pink shoes performing a backflip in a park. There are trees visible in the background. Another shot of the girl in a different outfit doing a backflip in the same park. In the next three clips, the girl performs a standing back-tuck. Another three clips is the girl doing back handspring tucks. The girl then proceeds to do running front flips. She can be seen stumbling at the end of the first clip. In the next few clips, the girl can be seen doing different gymnastics moves like front and back flips and back tucks. The video ends with a girl performing a tumbling sequence by flipping backward and doing running front flips. In the end, the names of different moves done by the girl are named.
A woman named Valarie is speaking to the cameraman. She is in a crowded hall. Other people can be seen throughout the hall. Valarie is standing in front of an ironing board holding an iron. There is a shirt laying on the ironing board. Valarie is using imprinting a design on the t-shirt using iron on transfer. She is pressing the design on the shirt with the iron while speaking and laughing with the cameraman. There is another iron visible at the end of the same ironing board. The camera zooms in on the iron being pressed on the t-shirt. Valarie walks toward another table with people standing near it, and pickup up a t-shirt. The t-shirt is white and has a Twitter username on it along with a picture of a blue bird. She quickly walks back to her own ironing board and continues to press the shirt. She removes the paper laying on the t-shirt and shows the finished design. In the end, Valarie covers the t-shirt with another and waves bye to the camera.
The video begins with a women and a toddler speaking. The toddler is wearing a blue and red pajamas. They are inside a bathroom. There is a white towel hanging in the back on a towel stand. A few more towels sit folded on the towel stand. There is also a sink behind the woman. The woman is wearing makeup which the toddler is attempting to wipe away with a cloth. There is also a platform with various jars with lids visible behind the toddler. The toddler continues to slowly wipe the women’s face with a cloth until the video ends.
The video begins in a playground with a basketball court. A hopscotch court is drawn in one corner of the court. A teenager takes a running start a few meters from the hopscotch and hops through the court really quickly. He is followed by two other teens. The three of them make their way from around the outside of the court and hop through the hopscotch court another time. Two of the boys then run towards a basketball hoop near them and attempts to do a pull-up from the basket. They jump and pull themselves once from the basket and jump down. They then run a few feet away from the basketball hoop. There are other basketball hoops visible in the distance with people scattered on the basketball court. The video ends with the cameraperson slowly walking towards the boys.
The video starts with a blue toothbrush being held in front of the camera. The video is shot in a room with a green wall with a painting of flowers hung on it. There is an open door at the end. Two white and an orange pillow are visible on the bed. The toothbrush is brought close to the camera lens and a brushing motion is performed. In the next clip, a girl wearing a white t-shirt is brushing her teeth with the blue toothbrush. She is smiling into the camera as she brushes. In the end, she removes the brush from her mouth and smiles, with toothpaste visible in her mouth.
A man is talking to the camera. He is standing in front of a fence, behind which is a stadium. The stadium is lit by floodlights. People can be seen scattered throughout the field. The next clip is of a person wearing a body cam running on the kickball field. Next, a man throws the ball underhanded toward waiting players, a player kicks the ball into the air and runs some distance. Next, bodycam footage of a man kicking a ball is shown. This is followed by a clip of the man being filmed kicking the ball can be seen. In the next clip, the cameraman walks towards a person, then brings the camera close to the person’s face and walks behind him. He then focuses on the man wearing a blue t-shirt, wearing a bodycam. The cameraman then focuses on a man in a black t-shirt, wearing a kilt. In the next clip, bodycam footage of a man running on the field playing kickball is shown. A clip of a man in a blue t-shirt, wearing a bodycam is speaking to the cameraman. Next, the man in the blue T-shirt runs towards the ball. The video ends with a man in a darkened room speaking into the camera.
The video begins with a girl sitting on a carpeted floor. She seems to be sitting in a darkened room with little light. She is wearing a blue T-shirt. She can be seen shaving her left leg and occasionally talking to the camera person. Other people can be seen at the back sitting on a sofa, watching a screen to the left. The girl continues to shave while speaking to different people around the room. There are occasional flashes of light in the room from the screen. The girl wipes her razor on a piece of yellow paper. People can be seen lounging and talking to each other around the room. In the end, the girl gets up and walks back while the others are still sitting around the room.
The video starts with a man sitting on a sidewalk playing a harmonica. He has long hair and is wearing a white T-shirt. He is sitting beside a store with a glass facade. Mannequins are visible inside the store. There is a blue door visible behind the man. There is a white bag laying on the sidewalk a few feet from the man. People are walking by on the sidewalk. The video ends when the man stops playing and holds his hand out to someone.
The video begins with a woman lifting herself from two bars on either side. She is in a park with other outdoor fitness equipment visible in the back. There are trees a few meters behind the woman. The woman does a few exercises like swaying, moving back using her hands, doing the split, and swinging using the bars.
The video starts with three women on one side of a badminton court. All three of them are holding racquets. They are playing against another team of three women. The court has a dark blue floor and walls. The court is indoors. They are hitting the shuttle back and forth when one of the women of the first team walks out of the court. They continue to play the game while occasionally one of the teams fails to hit the shuttle. The woman who walked out of the court picks up a purse while walking towards the back of the court. She briefly speaks to one of her teammates while walking away. The remaining players briefly celebrate and continue playing. The game continues with the first team short a teammate. A few exchanges where the team with three players fails to hit their shuttle can be seen. In the end, one of the members of the team with the two players fails to hit the shuttle, when the rest of the players converge towards the net to talk.
The video begins with a view of a field with a circular platform surrounded by a cage. One edge of the cage is open. A man walks to the platform and stands on it while holding a hammer attached to a grip by a cable. Another man wearing a blue shirt is walking away from the cage. The man is standing with his back to the open end of the cage. He is speaking to people on the other side of the cage. He proceeds to lift the hammer with the help of the handle and slowly starts to swing it. He swings the hammer around his body two times and then swings it two more times while also turning. He releases the hammer through the open side of the cage on the fifth swing. The video ends with the hammer landing quite a distance from the cage while a few spectators standing off-screen applaud.
The video begins with a news anchor reporting news. On the left side at his back blurry screens with multiple videos playing can be seen. A wide shot of the studio is seen with the anchor sitting behind a news desk gesturing with his hands while reading the news. A big screen to the side of the studio with a still image of two people in tai chi poses and the words ‘TAI-CHI-CHUAN’ can be seen. The anchor continues his story and a cutaway of people in winter clothes practicing tai chi outdoors can be seen. They are practicing on sandy ground in front of a copse of trees with their leaves fallen out. A few shots with close-ups of people practicing tai chi are shown. A few shots of people speaking into the camera while people are practicing in the background are seen. Next, there is a cutaway to a black-and-white clip with a date at the bottom reading ‘24 AVRIL 1957’ with an old man teaching tai chi is shown. A different colored clip with other people doing tai chi is shown one after another. A clip from a hospital, where a doctor talks to the camera and walks towards people doing tai chi can be seen. In the end, people in the hospital doing tai chi individually and being taught by others are shown.
The video starts with the words ‘DISCOVER Moose Jaw’ displayed on a light blue screen with a picture of a moose. Then a man sitting on a chair can be seen, with a woman standing behind using a trimmer to shave his head. Another man is seen holding a mobile phone recording the man getting his haircut. Other people can be seen standing around the room. There is also a person sitting on a sofa towards the back. The man getting his head shaved is sitting in front of a mirror speaking to someone. A close-up of the shave behind the man’s head is shown. In the end the lady shaving is done and walks away. The man holds a thumbs up.
The video begins on a hockey field where two teams of girls are playing. One of the team is wearing a blue jersey while the other is wearing green. Parked cars can be seen outside the field. The video follows a girl in the blue-wearing team with the number ten jersey while she guides the ball toward the goal. She is briefly intercepted by a girl from the opposite team wearing a number nineteen jersey, but she takes back the ball. The girl runs towards the goal. At the end of the video the girl is again intercepted, but she manages to hit the goal.
The video starts with a woman laying down and a man piercing her belly button. The studio is well lit and there is a light shining from directly over where the woman is lying down. The man is wearing black gloves and is using a needle piercer to insert the piercing. Both the man’s hands are tattooed. The man slowly inserts a needle into the woman’s belly button. Once the needle is inserted, the man then puts in the jewelry. The man then proceeds to secure it by screwing on a ball. The woman can be seen speaking to the person holding the camera. Once the jewelry is secured, the woman gets up.
The video starts with two kids and an elderly woman playing. One of the kids is a little girl who is standing on the side of a porch. A little boy wearing a red shirt is a few feet away. The woman holds her hands in front of her, first to the girl and to the boy. The woman then helps the girl jump down the porch. The woman then starts to teach the little girl how to play hopscotch. The woman then begins to hop forward a few steps and trips. The video ends when the lady falls down.
The video starts with a person break dancing, doing the backspin. He is wearing a yellow shirt. There are other people standing around the dancer. A short clip with a different child dancing is shown. The dancer in yellow continues to do the backspin for a few moments. Next, a boy in jeans, wearing a black shirt starts dancing, doing a few moonwalks. A different show of a group of boys walking backward in a straight line, with their hands on each other’s shoulders is shown. As the group of boys passes by, an old man wearing a beige overcoat and cap walks towards the camera and starts talking about break dancing. A cutaway of different kids dancing while people are standing around them can be seen. A clip of the dancer’s foot movement is shown. The video ends with a sequence of the same people dancing is shown.
The video starts on a hockey field with players wearing orange uniforms playing field hockey. In the next clip, several players are visible on the field, leaning forward and waiting or a player to hit the ball. In the next clip, several girls from other teams are introduced. Individual players are speaking into the camera. In the next clip, a coach is instructing players. The next few clips are of players on the field standing and being instructed and individual players being interviewed. A still photo of a team is shown. In the next clip, a play is shown as players are on the field chasing a ball. Two teams are visible. As the clip of the game is being played, a coach is speaking into the camera. The video ends with a goal in the game by a player in an orange uniform.
A little girl in a pink sweater runs towards the camera. She speaks to the camerawoman and immediately goes to the hopscotch court drawn on the ground behind her. A yard with grass is visible next to the ground. In the distance, other houses can be seen. She begins to hop on the squares and hops to the last one. The girl then picks up a pebble from the last square and throws it out towards the other end of the hopscotch. The pebble lands outside of the squares. The girl then picks up the pebble again and throws it into the hopscotch square. The girl picks up the stone and throws it a few more times before it lands on the square she wants. The girl then hops to the square with the pebble in it.
Two kids are playing squash on a squash court. One is wearing a blue T-shirt and the other a red T-shirt. The squash court is well-lit. The walls of the squash court are white with a dark floor. The back of the court has a glass door covering the entrance. As the two are playing the boy wearing the blue t-shirt loses a shot and the two start over. People can be seen walking by the door of the squash court. The boys are playing and starting over as one of them misses their shot. As the game continues, the boy wearing the red t-shirt misses a shot and they start over. The video ends with the two boys playing and a boy wearing a white t-shirt standing outside the court watching.
The video starts in a gymnasium. There is a balance beam surrounded by foam padding on the floor. There are judges sitting by the edge of the padding behind a table. The gym is well-lit. There are people visible on the balcony looking down towards the gym. There are chairs for people to sit on the balcony. There are also people sitting or standing across the gym. A girl walks towards the balance beam. She mounts it and begins to perform her routine. She performs a backflip. She then proceeds to do jumps, balancing, and skips on the beam. She continues to do a few more acts before taking a running front flip off the balance beam and lands on the ground with a flourish. The video ends with another contestant getting up, and other people can be seen clapping.
The video begins on a tennis court. The sky is cloudy. There is a metal fence separating another area from the tennis court. There are houses visible in the distance. A man holding a racquet is standing on the right of the court. The man with the racquet throws the ball in the air and hits it towards the other end of the court. The video ends with a hand blocking the camera lens.
The video begins with a girl sitting by an open window playing the piano. There is sunlight streaming through the window. Trees are visible outside the window. The edge of a bed is visible behind the chair the girl is sitting on.
The girl is playing by referencing the sheet music in front of her. The girl starts to sing as she is playing.
The video begins with a man sitting at the edge of a pool in front of a small child. The toddler is sitting on the pool wall. There are other people on the other edge of the pool. A person dives into the pool. The toddler bends forward and washes her face with the water while the man is holding onto her. The toddler is laughing and looking as another boy with a towel draped over himself walks toward the toddler. The boy stays for a moment and walks back. A person wearing a green swim cap can be seen swimming a little distance behind the man. As the boy is leaving, the toddler again washes her face with pool water. The video ends with the toddler trying to stand and immediately sit back down.
The video begins with an aerial shot of a lakeside with several people with kayaks on the lake shore. There are buildings on a little distance from the lake. The weather is clear with bright sunlight. A logo of ‘Red Bull CROSSWAYS’ appears on the screen, after which a man wearing a lifejacket is seen carrying a red kayak. People are sitting on the raised wall on the shore. We see several kayaks in the river from an aerial view. A shot from the side of several people on their kayaks rowing through first a wide river then a narrow stream can be seen. A man is seen carrying his kayak and paddle and running on the street can be seen. Another shot of a man with the number ‘203’ on his shirt is seen running on a path. This is followed by two other people running up a flight of stairs outdoors. The video continues with a man running by a table with red bull cups. He picks up a cup and continues running. Another shot of people running on the shores with a rock wall on the right can be seen. People are shown running and cycling through the woods. The cyclists are shown struggling to pedal through uphill and raised pathways. Finally, a cyclist makes it through the finish line where people are gathered on either side. He lifts and drinks from a can of red bull. The video ends when another cyclist rides through the finish line and the logo for ‘Red Bull CROSSWAYS’ appears on the screen.
A woman is standing in a bathroom in front of the mirror. She is standing in front of a sink washing a piece of cloth. She looks into the camera once to speak to the cameraman. There are toiletries placed on a shelf in front of the mirror. There is also a bottle of dish soap. The woman is wearing a blue top. The bathroom walls are lined with white tiles. As the woman continues to wash the clothing, she rinses the clothing in the sink. The sink is filled with dirty water. The video ends with the woman still washing and speaking into the camera.
The video starts with a woman standing in a living room. She is holding a towel in one hand and a bottle of wood polish in the other. A white wall is visible behind her. There is a small curtain hanging on the wall. There are other items fixed to the wall as decoration. There is a maroon sofa visible behind the woman. A lamp is sitting on a table next to the sofa. The coffee table is placed in front of a two-seater red sofa. The woman drips some polish on the coffee table and proceeds to wipe it with the towel. The video ends with the woman standing over the coffee table and explaining how to fill cracks in the table.
The video begins with a man in a white gi jogging towards a stage. Another man in a red and white gi runs to the stage from the opposite side. They start fighting by exchanging a few kicks and hits. Next, a clip of people wearing red gi fighting on stage, and a person knocks out everyone and poses while spectators are clapping. The video continues with a man in red and an opponent in white exchanging blows in a martial arts contest. A referee wearing a white gi is standing to the side. The man in the red gi knocks out his opponent. Next a clip with two people who are both wearing black gis fighting and one knocks out the other. The video continues with quick transitions between fights where two people are engaged in fighting each other. A clip of a man holding up a winner's hand on stage is seen while spectators are applauding. A series of clips with contestants breaking bricks placed or held in different places can be seen. A series of clips where people are performing different martial arts moves on stage can be seen. The video ends with a man wearing a black gi breaking a few tiles placed on two cinder blocks.
The video follows ‘Stefan Holm’ from Karlstad Sweden as he performs six degrees of jumping. The first clip of him is jumping the first degree. He is standing in an indoor field. There are several people watching from the sides. He slowly runs towards the horizontal bar and jumps over it successfully. In the second clip, he is performing the California roll. He jumps over the pole, but is unsuccessful and knows the pole down. He attempts it again and is successful in jumping over the pole. In the next clip, he performs the third-degree jump, called the ‘Holm Roll’. He slowly runs up to the bar and jumps by tucking and rolling over the horizontal bar. He is being recorded by a cameraman as he completes his jump. The next clip is the fourth-degree jump, the ‘Stradle’. Stefan slowly runs up to the bar and jumps while turning sideways and being parallel to the bar. He repeats this jump again and proceeds to adjust the bar to the next level up. The next clip is of the fifth-degree jump, called the ‘Scissor kick’. Several clips are shown of him performing this jump by jumping one leg after another over the bar can be seen. The sixth-degree jump, the ‘Fosbury Flop’, is performed by Stefan running to the bar and jumping over it backward.
The video is of a girl on a foam platform doing several backflips. Another girl is sitting and watching to the side. The platform is indoors and is well-lit from above. There is a poster of a cartoon sloth on the far wall. The video ends with the girl doing backflips and landing.
The video starts with people playing a cricket game. They appear to be in a backyard. The batsman is in front of the wicket holding the bat. The bowler bowls a ball and hits the stumps. In the next clip, three men are in a garage playing cricket. A person throws a green ball and the batsman hits it towards the bowler. The ball hits the bowler in the head. Another clip of the same people in the backyard playing cricket at night can be seen. There is a floodlight shining on the backyard lighting it. The batsman hits the ball. Another game is being played at a different time, during the day. A bowler bowls a ball and the batsman hits it towards the fence. The game is played over several clips both in the daytime and at night. After several clips, a shot of a fluorescent wicket set is shown. The video ends with several still images of the batsman holding the bat.
The video is of a ship in the sea during the daytime. There is a hill visible in the distance at the shore. The ship is dangerously tilted left and looks like it is about to capsize. All its sails are deployed. Another group of people is headed towards the ship in a motorboat. The video ends with the camera panning all the way around the motorboat.
The video begins on a dirt bike track, where a man is jumping over an incline on his bike. There are white flat-top buildings visible in the far background. Another scene in a different place where a biker jumps over another dirt incline is shown. The video continues with a series of stunts performed by two riders one after another is shown. The riders are riding and jumping on the dirt track in a circle. A person holding a camera and recording the rider, in the middle of the dirt track can be seen. The riders perform a series of jumps one after another in a clip. The video ends with the two bikers jumping over a hill one after the other.
The video starts on a lacrosse field. The field is outdoors and the floodlights are turned on. Two teams, one wearing white and the other wearing dark blue jerseys are playing on the field. A referee is present. A red arrow points to a player wearing a number 11 white jersey. The number 11 player catches the ball and runs toward the goal while dodging opponents. He shoots the ball toward the goal and misses while falling down. The video continues with a different clip in the daytime where the same two teams are playing. A red arrow points to a player in a white number 15 jersey. The player shoots the ball towards the goal and scores. In the next clip, two teams, one wearing a red jersey and another white can be seen. The arrow points to the same player in the white number 15 jersey. The two teams are practicing on the field while coaches are standing outside it while throwing balls toward the players. The player successfully catches the correct ball and scores. He celebrates with his teammates after successfully scoring a goal. The video continues with several clips where a single player is being pointed by a red arrow at the start and following him as he scores a goal or attempts to. The clips are all played during different times of the day with some being played in the evening with the floodlights on. The video ends with a clip in which the player in the white number 15 jersey scores a goal and celebrates with his teammates.
The video begins in a well-lit stadium where gymnastics is being performed. There are seats at various levels visible in the back, with people sitting, can be seen. A gymnast wearing a pink outfit mounts the balance beam by doing a front flip. She starts doing various poses on the balance beam like multiple backflips. She attempts to spin in place and almost slips. She then runs a few steps and does a backflip. She continues doing several poses and loses balance and jumps down. She jumps back on the board and does a front flip. The video ends when she does three backflips and lands on the ground.
The video begins with a boy wearing blue jeans and a sweater chopping a block of wood. The boy is standing next to a pile of chopped logs. A street is visible some distance from the boy. The boy is chopping wood in the daytime. As the boy attempts to chop the wood, it slips and turns to the side. The video ends with the boy straightening the log and attempting to chop the wood again.
The video shows a woman wearing a blue top landing on a dirt pit. In the next clip, she is standing on a track field indoors. People are visible in the distance. The woman takes a running leap and jumps into a dirt pit. She is attempting to do a long jump. In the next clip, the woman is shown trying to jump longer distances. A front perspective of the woman running towards the pit is shown. The video continues with the woman running and jumping in the pit. People are milling about in the back of the indoor stadium. The video ends with the woman jumping and landing in the pit and looking into the camera.
The video is a tutorial on how to play an octave in a harmonica. A bald man in a white shirt begins to explain how to use different holes on a harmonica to get different sounds. He continues to show how to correctly position the harmonica near the mouth and blow. The video ends with the man again playing an octave and double notes on the harmonica.
The video begins with a woman wearing a green outfit standing in front of kayaks hanging on hangers. The woman is on a lakeshore during the daytime. She begins to interview a man wearing a hat. As the man begins talking, a series of cutaways to different types of kayaks being rowed in different water bodies are shown. Kayaks in rapids, and in the sea are shown. The video continues with clips of the women speaking to the man while different cutaways of kayakers rowing in different rivers and rapids are shown. Clips of different kayaks with open and closed cockpits are shown. The video ends with a person kayaking down a rapid stream.
The video starts with a black French bulldog standing on a checkered red tablecloth. Sunlight is streaming on the table. Chairs are visible by the table. There is a window behind the chair. A boy places a cup of coffee in front of the dog. The dog goes to the cup and starts to drink the coffee. The boy attempts to move the dog away from the cup gently.
Two people are standing in a basketball court. it appears to be indoors. The far wall appears to have many frames hanging from it. The boy on the left is holding a basketball. The man on the right looks like the coach. The coach is instructing the boy. The boy proceeds to dunk the ball through the basket. He catches the ball as it comes through the basket and continuously dunks the ball by jumping high. The boy continues to dunk the ball from either side of the basket while jumping.
A boy is holding the handle of a lawn mower. He is starting to mow one corner of a yard. A black car is visible next to the yard. There is a street behind the boy, and a line of houses is visible on the other side. The boy is mowing the lawn during the daytime. He struggles to move it. Before he mows the lawn, he switches on the mower and moves it forward. In the next clip, he is starting in the next patch of lawn, moving the mower forward and back. The boy gets stuck in a subsequent patch and pulls back the mower. The front end of a silver sedan is visible in the driveway next door as the boy pulls back the mower. In the end, a shot of him from afar is shown as he starts to mow the lawn from the edge of the yard.
The video starts in a hair salon, where a man is sitting in a chair. There are shelves filled with products at the back. The salon is well-lit. the man is holding the camera and recording himself. A woman is spraying his hair with water using a spray can and combing his hair. The woman begins to cut the hair on the back of the man’s head. The man can be seen waving and gesturing at the camera. Other customers can be seen a little to the left of the man, getting their hair cut. A still picture of the man holding a camera to the mirror can be seen. The video continues with the man getting his hair cut, with the video from different angles. The woman switches from scissors to a trimmer. People can be seen walking in the back of the woman. At the end of the video, the man is sitting in his car wearing a hat and sunglasses after his haircut. The man begins driving while speaking into the camera.
The video begins in a gym. A man is standing near a parallel bar. There are two other people visible. One wearing a green shirt and another in white sportswear. The man wearing black shorts and t-shirt jumps onto the parallel bar and performs a handstand. He proceeds to swing from the bars while holding on to both of them with his hands. He continues to do other maneuvers and finally does a backflip and lands on the foam mat on the ground. Other people are visible standing to the back and right of the man. A new clip of the man begins as he starts a different routine. He again starts off with another handstand and a swinging routine. He then holds a position with his legs parallel to the ground while holding himself up from the bars. He then performs another handstand and proceeds to turn using one hand on the bar. In the end, he attempts to land while performing multiple backswings, but is unable to stick the landing. He then turns to the camera while smiling.
The video begins in an aerobics studio. People can be seen standing behind aerobic steps working out. They are in a well-lit studio with a wooden floor. Windows are visible on the far left, where light is streaming through from outside. An instructor is seen in front of the other people giving instructions using an aerobics step. There is a wall-to-wall mirror behind the instructor. A man wearing a black outfit can be seen struggling to follow the instructor’s pace. As the instructor issues a new instruction, the man wearing black trips and falls down over his aerobics step. In the end, the instructor and a few other people can be seen moving in his direction.
The video begins with a martini glass placed on a table, with the text ‘The Art of Making Cocktails’ next to it. A bartender is standing behind a bar wiping a glass with a cloth. There are various bottles of drinks lining the bar. Bottles can be seen on shelves behind the bartender. There are two windows to the right of the bartender with shutters drawn down. The bartender inspects a glass and places it on the bar. He then places a few limes next to the lemons. The bartender then places a cloth on the bar and turns the table fan on. The bartender starts picking up various bottles of alcohol and places them near him. He also places a cocktail glass filled with ice on the cloth. He begins pouring various kinds of alcohol into a mixing glass and adds a flavoring agent. He also adds ice cubes into the glass and stirs it with a stirrer. He empties the cocktail glass of ice and then pours the drink into it from the mixing glass. A cutaway with the ingredients for the drink is shown. At the end of the video, the bartender is seen wiping the bar.
A slow-motion video of women playing water polo can be seen. The shot starts from underwater. Several people can be seen kicking their legs. A woman can be seen dunking into the water as she loses the ball. A shot from above the water shows two people swimming in place close together looking for the ball. Just as the ball lands near the front player she is pushed into the pool from behind. The ball is then snatched by the person who pushed the first player down. Other players are visible on either side of the first two players.
The video begins with four women standing on the grass while dancing. Two palm trees are visible at the back, with a hedge wall. They continue dancing with synchronized moves while listening to music. They are dancing at the daytime. They are dancing under a tree’s shadow. The video continues with the women dancing until the song ends and they all look at the camera.
The video begins with a man playing a harmonica and starts singing. He is wearing a black jacket and a black fedora. He is standing on a stage with light shining from the top. People are visible in the darkened seats. As the man continues to sing, he includes the audience. He plays the harmonica for a few stretches. The video ends when the man finishes singing and fixes the mic back on the stand. He then walks off to the side.
The video begins on a baseball field with players wearing orange uniforms and blue helmets celebrating. The video then switches to a field where people are playing handball. They are outdoors and the sky is clear and sunny. A player throws the ball toward another player, who proceeds to kick it. A referee is visible behind him. A replay is shown of the play with three positions marked out with numbers and an ‘x’ on the field. The third player has fallen on the field. The video switches to another clip of a baseball game. A pitcher throws a ball and the batter hits it. The batter proceeds to run. The ball is then caught by another player and thrown towards a base.
The video begins in a bathroom where a woman is standing with a drinking glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The bathroom is dimly lit. A bathtub is visible behind the woman. It is attached to the tile wall. the woman is standing in front of a mirror and looking at herself. She proceeds to look by turning in one direction and then the other. She taps her cigarette in front of the mirror. The video ends with the woman placing both a cigarette and the glass in her hand, in front of her.
Three women walk and stand in front of the camera. They are wearing gym clothes. They are in a studio with a wood floor. The studio is lit by yellow lights. Mirrors are lining the right wall. There are windows visible high up on the left wall. There are also punching bags hanging from the ceiling at the back. The women stand in a triangle formation and start to dance to music. They are dancing by moving left and right and moving their hands. Their reflection is visible in a mirror all the way back to the gym. The women continue dancing with slow and fast movements. The video as the music stops and the women stop dancing. The lead dancer walks up to the camera.
The video starts in a gym. The gym is lit by overhead lights. There are several balance beams fixed to the ground with foam pads lining the floor. The wall of the gym is lined with numerous flags. A man walks up to a balance beam and mounts it. He starts practicing various gymnastics moves. He does a backflip and other balancing techniques. He spins in place and jumps onto the mat with a flip.
The video starts with a woman rowing an orange kayak down a rapid river. She is wearing a life vest and a white helmet. There are trees visible on either side of the banks. The woman is kayaking during the day. As the woman rows down the eddy, she turns into the turn and stops. She starts speaking to the camera. She explains the way to make turns while rowing. The video ends as the woman finishes her instructions.
A man in a black jacket is playing the bagpipe. He is in a bar. There are glasses and bottles visible on the shelves behind the man. Several people are standing around the man cheering and clapping. The man is standing by a wooden beam. There are lamps fixed at the top of the beam. The bar is not lit completely. As the man plays the bagpipe, several flashes of light are seen. The video ends with a shaky shot of the man playing the bagpipe.
Two men are boxing in a dojo. They are wearing protective gear. The floor is made of blue and red carpet. The wall behind the men has a poster with a skull on it, with the words ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ printed on it. One of the men is wearing all black and the other is wearing a red headgear. They both appear to be students practicing. As they are sparring, the two move around the dojo. A man in a red t-shirt is walking across the camera. He appears to be instructing the boxers. There are people visible sitting with their backs to the wall. The two men continue sparring. The one wearing black is trying to kick and punch the other boxer. The man wearing the red t-shirt is moving around the two men observing. The two men move towards a mirror wall as they spar. They are trying different moves as the box. The video ends as they stop sparring.
The video starts with a woman in a room. A mirror is visible at the back and to the right of the woman. She is doing a tutorial on how to apply full makeup. She starts by applying concealer on different areas of her face. She then spreads the makeup using her finger. She then proceeds to apply foundation using a brush and uses a handheld mirror to look closely. She applied the foundation throughout her face. The woman then applied bronzer diagonally on her cheeks using a small brush. She proceeds to apply eyeliner. The woman then applies mascara on her eyelashes using a small applier. The video continues with the woman applying lipgloss. She continues by darkening her eyebrows with mascara. The video ends with the woman looking into the camera and smiling and showing earrings.
The video starts with a view from below of a mountain rock climber up on a steep hill. A clear sky is visible with birds circling. In the next clip, a person holding onto a rock is marking a spot on the rock. A wide shot is then shown of a man hanging from a boulder, attempting to climb it. A woman is behind him leaning it for safety. Another man is visible sitting a few feet to the left. A man in glasses and wearing a jacket walks by the sitting man. In the next clip, a man holding a climbing rope is shown. Next, a person climbing down a rope from an overpass can be seen. Next, a clip of people in a boat rowing past a large rock island in the sea. They then climb the rock from the boat. A man is jumping into the water from hanging onto a rock. In the next clip, a man is starting to climb a rock, with an instructor behind him. Next, a view from the high up of a valley is shown. Next, a person is a fastening rope into a hook pierced into a rock. In the next clip, people are trekking up a rocky hill. They are carrying backpacks and are trekking during the day. A panoramic view of a rocky hill is shown with people climbing on it. In the next few clips, people rock climbing and standing on the top of a hill are shown. The video ends with a clip of a person high-up on the rock climbing using a rope.
A woman is standing in a room with a hopscotch court drawn on the ground. She is standing near a white wall with a clock hung on it. There is a closed door behind the woman. The woman starts to hop on the hopscotch court and completes a pass. She then turns around and hops back to the spot she started from. She then opens the door and turns to the camera and holds her hands to the side.
A black and white video starts with people playing a game of cricket. A bowler is running and bowls a ball. The clip of the bowler throwing the ball repeats three times. As the video continues, the ball is thrown, and the batsman hits the ball towards the woods. The batsman and the non-striker begin to run between the wickets while the fielders begin to look for the ball. The batsman stops running as the ball is found and the fielder throws the ball to the bowler.
The video starts with a man washing his hands in a sink. He is standing in front of a mirror. Only his hands are visible. There are toiletries placed on the right side of the sink. In the next clip, people can be seen crossing a street on the zebra crossing. Some are carrying bags and suitcases with them. In the next clip, a person wearing a welding mask can be seen welding something. He is in a workshop with dim lights. There is a tank placed on the man’s left against the wall. As the man is welding, sparks can be seen. In the next clip, a monster truck is driving through a mud track, splashing mud as it turns. An animated hand on a black background appears to be swiping before the next video is played. In the next clip, a scene with cars moving through traffic can be seen. Sunlight is being reflected from several cars. There is a building visible far in the back of the cars.
The video is of a man in a disk throw competition. He is standing in the middle of the netting with an opening on the side for throwing the disk. There are hundreds of spectators visible sitting on seats. The man begins to spin to build momentum and throws the disk. A referee marks the spot where the disk landed. Replays of the throw are played several times. This shows different angles of the man throwing the disk. Their video continues with several clips of the man making different disk throws one after another.
A woman is riding a horse on a ranch. There is a concrete wall surrounding the ranch. A man wearing a cowboy hat and an orange shirt is standing in the middle of the enclosure and looking at the rider. There is a sloping hill visible right outside the compound wall. There are trees visible on the hill. The woman is slowly riding the horse inside the ranch. She is using the reins to direct the horse. The video ends with the woman still riding and a last still image of the woman on the horse.
A man speaking into a mic walks to the middle of a hall where tables are arranged to make space in the middle. People are sitting on chairs turned towards the middle. There are bottles on the table. The venue is brightly lit. a man and a woman enter the middle area holding hands. They stand some distance away from each other. They are wearing evening dresses. Once the music starts the two people walk towards each other and start to tango. They move around while dancing. The couple continues to slowly dance as the other seated guests watch. There are flashes of photographs visible. As the tango progresses they cover a wide area of the hall. In the end, as the music comes to the end, the dancers walk apart and bow toward the people who are applauding.
The video takes place in a paintball arena. An aerial shot of people in fluorescent vests, a pirate flag fluttering in the wind, and a shot of an armory are shown. The video continues with different shots of people putting on helmets can be seen. People wearing different camo outfits and running in the arena can be seen. Cable drums and old tires are arranged in the arena as places for people to hide behind. People are shooting the paintball guns and are moving and avoiding being shot at. Different videos of the arena are shown. The arena is outdoors and always shown during day time. People are hiding behind cable drums and stacked tires to duck and shoot other players. There is a fence visible around the arena and a street can be seen with cars and other vehicles driving by. The video ends with a shot of a different area of the arena with more weeds and cinderblocks as covers are shown.
People are playing and kicking a red ball in a big lawn-covered field. There are tees visible outside the fence. A man wearing a red shirt rolls the ball towards another person who runs towards the ball and kicks it. An old woman in a pink sweater standing in the distance runs towards the ball. The ball is caught by a little boy and is again thrown to the man wearing the red shirt. The man rolls the ball to the next waiting person. A woman runs to the ball and kicks it to the left side of the field towards the fence. The old woman again runs towards the ball. Children can be seen playing on the swing to the right. As the next person kicks the ball, the old woman runs towards a ring near other people and celebrates. She is holding her footwear in her hands. She walks back to the spot where she ran from. A shot of a man wearing a blue shirt and holding a water bottle is shown pointing in the distance. A group of children are standing and looking towards the man wearing the red shirt. The video ends when the man again rolls the ball to a waiting girl, who kicks it toward a waiting boy who catches it.
The video starts with a girl holding a volleyball in a gym. There are two teams playing. People can be seen sitting on chairs next to the wall. The wall has paw prints as a design on them. A digital scoreboard is visible high up the wall behind the second team. The girl dribbles the ball and serves it to the other team. A girl from the opposite team strikes the ball and sends it outside the court. An umpire can be seen standing on a ladder next to the net. The ball is again passed to the first team to serve. The same girl serves the ball again. The video ends with the opposite team member hitting the ball outside the court.
The video starts with a boy climbing a rock. He is wearing a harness and a belay rope is fastened to him. He is wearing an orange T-shirt. As he is climbing, he pauses to apply chalk from the bag attached to his back. He is climbing during the daytime with good visibility. A tree is visible to his right. The boy makes his way to his right and proceeds to climb up from there. He is carefully looking for handholds and applying chalk as he makes his way up. He pauses a few feet from the top to rest and applies chalk to his hand and continues climbing. He reaches the top and looks down. The next clip is of him climbing down as he is a few steps away from the bottom. He steps down and we see another boy holding the belay rope.
The video begins in a darkened room where two people are dancing. A small child can be seen walking into the next room through a door on the right. The floor is made of wood and there is a door visible in the back on the right. The wall at the back has a few photo frames hanging from it. The people dancing are a man in a checkered shirt and a woman. The couple keep dancing and the man spins the woman several times at the end.
The video begins in a field where a high jump contest is conducted. There is a horizontal bar placed with an elevated foam pad beside it. There are two people standing on either side of the bar, a few feet away. A referee with a notepad is also standing in the distance observing the competition. A group of people are also visible sitting on chairs and on the ground in the space. The competition gets underway and one girl after another runs up to the horizontal bar and attempts to jump over it. Depending on if the girl jumps over successfully, the man standing near the bar holds up a particular colored flag. The height of the bar is increase as the competition goes on. The video ends with a girl jumping over the bar and knocking it over.
A boy is standing in a room in front of a ping-pong table. The room is lit by overhead lights. There is a window visible on the back wall. The boy hits a ball with a paddle. Next, the boy is in a ping pong competition, playing against an opponent. The competition is held where multiple tables are arranged next to each other with dividers in between. The next few clips is of the boy playing against different opponents and in different venues. The video continues with changing venues. The boy is playing against people of different nationalities. The video ends with a clip of the boy playing against an opponent and missing a hit.
A man is standing in a wooded area with numerous trees growing nearby. A cabin is visible nearby. The man is wearing a blue jacket and blue jeans. He is using an axe to chop wood placed on a tree stump. Wooden logs cut into uniform lengths are piled up behind the man. The man is chopping a block of wood and picking up the chopped pieces. After he has chopped the current piece, he picks up another wooden block and places it on the tree stump. The video ends with the man coming back to stand over the block.
A group of people are in a swimming pool playing water polo. People are sitting on bleachers on the poolside watching the game. The game is taking place in the daytime. Two players can be seen trying to get the ball at one of the corners of the pool. Next a clip of a player throwing the ball towards the goal is intercepted by an opponent. All the players then swim back as the goalkeeper throws the ball back. Another attempt to score a goal is stopped by the goalkeeper at the end.
A woman is standing in front of a sink and speaking to the camera. There is a window in front of the woman. A house is visible some distance through the window. The kitchen the woman is in is well-lit from the light from the outside. Shelves of dishes are visible on the side of the window. The sink is filled with water and a few cleaning scrubs are visible floating in it. The woman starts scrubbing a plate with a scrubber. The woman washes the plate and stacks it on the shelf next to the sink after scrubbing it. She then proceeds to wash a spoon and a fork using a scrubber and places them on the shelf. The woman then cleans a tumbler and stacks it on the side. In the end, she turns to the camera and yells after cleaning the dishes.
The video begins with a group of people playing saxophones. There is a banner behind the men with the words ‘TWIN JAZZ’ written on it. They are in a darkened room. The camera pans to a man sitting behind a piano speaking into a mic. After he speaks, he starts playing the piano, and the men with saxophones start playing as well. A man with a guitar strumming is standing behind the men playing saxophones. The video continues with all these musicians being shown playing their instruments. The video ends with showing the music stopping and the saxophone player stepping forward and shaking hands with the pianist.
The video starts with the text ‘Slant Flying’ appearing on a black background. A man wearing all-black clothing is standing on a lawn. He is standing in the sunlight. There are other plants and trees at his back. The man begins a tai chi practice. He is showing each stance and instructs on how to hold the stances. He is showing how to position the legs and hands by showing it. The video continues with the man instructing by showcasing different hand and leg positions until the video ends.
The video begins with a man standing behind a table wearing a grey t-shirt. A green basin with a bottle of sope, a brush, and a cup of water is placed on the table. The man shows an Adidas shoe to the camera and begins to clean the shoes. He first removes the insole and laces from the shoe. He then puts some solution on the brush, dips it in the water bowl, and then starts brushing the shoes. He is holding the shoe over the basin. The video is then sped up to show him cleaning the shoe. He cleans the shoes on all sides by turning the shoes. Once he has finished cleaning, he wipes the shoes by wiping it with a towel. He holds the clean shoes at the camera and compares it to a dirty shoe. In the end, he holds a cleaning product labeled ‘jason markk’.
The video is shot in a gym with a balance beam in it. The floor is covered in blue foam padding. A glass door is visible through a divider wall separating the gym from the rest of the hall. A girl is standing near one end of the balance beam. She mounts the balance beam and starts to do gymnastics. She starts by doing a few balancing acts and proceeds toward the end of the balance beam. Once she is at the end, she turns around and does a front summersault. She then leans back on the balance beam and does a balancing act. She proceeds to do a handstand for a moment and lands on the ground.
The video begins with a woman holding a bow. She is wearing a quiver with arrows in it. She is wearing black trousers and a black top. She is standing on an indoor basketball court. She draws arrows from her quiver and starts shooting one after another until her quiver is empty. In the next clip, she is shown from the back as she starts to shoot. She is shooting toward a makeshift target made of sheets hung near the basketball hoop. She is shown shooting arrows one after another into a sheet in the middle of the target.
The video begins as a team of cheerleaders is running into an indoor basketball court. As they enter, they are waving towards the spectators. There are people standing near the team. A photographer can be seen near the basketball court. A few people are sitting behind a table, who look like judges. There are many people seated in the stands. The cheerleaders proceed to form bases and start their routine. They start a basket toss where a group of bases lift and throw flyers into the air, who perform acrobatic movements, such as toe touch and twist before they land back down. They next proceed to break apart and stand in formation some distance from each other. They perform flips and reform into bases to begin another stunt. They throw several flyers into the air, and the flyers do several poses when they are held up. They continue doing routines with different formations and stunts until they end it with another stunt.
The video starts with a darkened auditorium. The lights on the stage turn on and a group of dancers appear. There is a screen at their back with a projection on it. They start dancing. Darkened silhouettes of people sitting in front of the stage wearing headphones can be seen. The women go through various moves and continue dancing. In the end they converge and take a bow.
The video is of a dodgeball game. Players wearing teal t-shirts are standing on one side of an indoor basketball court. People are sitting on bleachers and watching. The game starts with a player getting hit and falling. He immediately gets up. A boy jumps and catches the ball that bounced off the fallen player. A girl a few feet away from the fallen player holds her hands to her face. Players wearing teal shirts can be seen throwing balls to the other side and walking back. Some of the players get hit and some catch the ball. The camera pans to the other side of the court. A group of amateur players is playing against the players wearing teal shirts. The video continues with the players in the teal t-shirt moving around the court and throwing balls at the opposing team. A group of students wearing white shirts can be seen cheering in the bleachers. A man with a mic is standing on the outside of the court. A player in teal is dismissed as he crosses the midline. The players then slow down and then stop playing.
A black and white video starts with a man standing in a wooded area chopping wood with an axe. There are trailers visible in the back along with a truck. A tent is set up some distance in the back from the man. A bike is parked in front of it. A foldable table with chairs is visible at the back and right of the man. The man is standing on the grass. A log is placed upright in front of him. The man strikes the log with an axe and the wood breaks into pieces. The man then sticks the axe to the ground in front of him.
The video starts in front of a garage with a couple dancing. There are other people visible standing to the side. They are outside during the daytime, but no sunlight is streaming. A red truck is visible all the way back towards the fence. There are woods visible beyond the fence. Children are running around at the back. A barbeque is visible with a man tending to it a few feet behind the dancing couple. The couple dance as flashes of the camera are visible. As the couple is dancing, another couple, with the man wearing a red jacket and cap starts dancing. The video ends as the couples keep dancing.
End of preview.

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