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Given these two sets of instructions, will you end up at the same place if you started at the same point? First instructions: 1) Take 5 steps forward 2) Turn around 3) Take 3 steps forward. Second instructions: 1) Turn left 2) Turn left 3) Take 6 steps forward 4) Turn around 4) Take 4 steps forward.
No, you will not end up at the same place. The first set of instructions ends two steps in front of the starting point, since you go forward 5 steps then backwards 3 steps. The second set of instructions ends up two steps behind the starting point, since you turn left twice, which is the same as turning around, and then go forward 6 and backwards 4.
### Instruction: Given these two sets of instructions, will you end up at the same place if you started at the same point? First instructions: 1) Take 5 steps forward 2) Turn around 3) Take 3 steps forward. Second instructions: 1) Turn left 2) Turn left 3) Take 6 steps forward 4) Turn around 4) Take 4 steps forward. ### Context: ### Answer: No, you will not end up at the same place. The first set of instructions ends two steps in front of the starting point, since you go forward 5 steps then backwards 3 steps. The second set of instructions ends up two steps behind the starting point, since you turn left twice, which is the same as turning around, and then go forward 6 and backwards 4.</s>
Rick was asked, Suppose your mother has four sons, named East, West, and South. What's the fourth son's name?
Well, I hope you didn't expect me to say North? Because the question was asked to Rick, who is also the son of his mom, the answer would be his own name, Rick.
### Instruction: Rick was asked, Suppose your mother has four sons, named East, West, and South. What's the fourth son's name? ### Context: ### Answer: Well, I hope you didn't expect me to say North? Because the question was asked to Rick, who is also the son of his mom, the answer would be his own name, Rick.</s>
Describe a trip to Tokyo. What should I be prepared for? What should I eat? Any can't-miss attractions?
Tokyo is a massive city and even if I were to give you hundreds of recommendations, they would not begin to scratch the surface. What follows is a rundown of good things to know, food to eat, and places you may want to visit. General tips and tricks: - Bring cash: Do a currency exchange and pick up plenty of Yen at the airport — Tokyo is a very cash-heavy town and your local currency won’t cut it. - Take the Narita Express: If you’re flying into Narita, the airport is far from the city center and the easiest way to get there is via Narita Express (abbreviated to N’EX), run by JR East. You have to book an actual seat on the Narita Express, and if you don't speak Japanese, don't try using one of the machines at the airport, go to an actual desk to speak to someone who can help you buy a round-trip ticket. - Use the Metro: Hands down, the best way to get around Tokyo. If you stay in Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shibuya or Shinagawa, you’ll be on the Yamanote Line, which will get you almost everywhere you want to go (or to an easy transfer). You’ll need to buy a reusable Suica card — again, highly highly recommend having Yen with you so you can easily load up your card. All of the Suica machines have translation options. - Make dinner reservations: It can be difficult to make reservations if you don't speak Japanse! If you’re staying at a hotel, use your concierge. If not, try one of following sites: Tablecheck, Tabelog and Retty. - Make use of these helpful phrases: Thank you (formal): Arigatou Gozaimasu (pronounced “Ah-di-got-oh Goze-eye-moss”) I’m sorry / excuse me: Sumimasen (pronounced “sue-me-mah-sahn”) Good morning: Ohayo Gozaimasu (pronounced “oh-hi-yo Goze-eye-moss”) Good evening: Konbanwa (pronounced: “kon-bon-wah”) What to eat: - Omakase: If you enjoy sushi (which you probably do if you're visiting Japan!), don't miss the chance to enjoy an Omakase meal. Sushi chefs take their art seriously and whether you choose to go to a classic high-end restaurant like Sukiyabashi Jiro Roppongi (from Jiro Dreams of Sushi) or Nishiazabu Sushi Shin, or something more inventive like Udatsu, or the even more casual Sushipanchi, you will be treated to a true experience. - Gyoza: Who doesn't love dumplings? You should be able to find casual gyoza options throughout the city. Yakitori: Another casual dinning experience with tons of options. If you're interested in truly experiencing yakitori and aren't afraid of squeezing through alleyways for it, visit the Golden Gai or Piss Alley. - Ramen: I don’t have specific recommendations for ramen because some of the best places are "holes in the wall" that you wander into. You can download the Ramen Beast app if you need direction. Attractions and experiences to consider: - Meiji Jingu: This is probably the most famous shrine in Tokyo (in Shibuya, near Harajuku) and definitely worth visiting. - Senso-ji: Famous Buddhist temple. - Imperial Palace: The residential place the Emperors and their families since 1868. - Sumo wrestling tournaments: Grand tournaments only happen a few times a year, but check the schedule and see if you can catch a day of matches! It’s fascinating and even more enjoyable if you read up on the rituals in advance. - Public baths or sentos: Experience Japanese bathing culture, but be ready to de-robe and cover any tattoos!
### Instruction: Describe a trip to Tokyo. What should I be prepared for? What should I eat? Any can't-miss attractions? ### Context: ### Answer: Tokyo is a massive city and even if I were to give you hundreds of recommendations, they would not begin to scratch the surface. What follows is a rundown of good things to know, food to eat, and places you may want to visit. General tips and tricks: - Bring cash: Do a currency exchange and pick up plenty of Yen at the airport — Tokyo is a very cash-heavy town and your local currency won’t cut it. - Take the Narita Express: If you’re flying into Narita, the airport is far from the city center and the easiest way to get there is via Narita Express (abbreviated to N’EX), run by JR East. You have to book an actual seat on the Narita Express, and if you don't speak Japanese, don't try using one of the machines at the airport, go to an actual desk to speak to someone who can help you buy a round-trip ticket. - Use the Metro: Hands down, the best way to get around Tokyo. If you stay in Shinjuku, Harajuku, Shibuya or Shinagawa, you’ll be on the Yamanote Line, which will get you almost everywhere you want to go (or to an easy transfer). You’ll need to buy a reusable Suica card — again, highly highly recommend having Yen with you so you can easily load up your card. All of the Suica machines have translation options. - Make dinner reservations: It can be difficult to make reservations if you don't speak Japanse! If you’re staying at a hotel, use your concierge. If not, try one of following sites: Tablecheck, Tabelog and Retty. - Make use of these helpful phrases: Thank you (formal): Arigatou Gozaimasu (pronounced “Ah-di-got-oh Goze-eye-moss”) I’m sorry / excuse me: Sumimasen (pronounced “sue-me-mah-sahn”) Good morning: Ohayo Gozaimasu (pronounced “oh-hi-yo Goze-eye-moss”) Good evening: Konbanwa (pronounced: “kon-bon-wah”) What to eat: - Omakase: If you enjoy sushi (which you probably do if you're visiting Japan!), don't miss the chance to enjoy an Omakase meal. Sushi chefs take their art seriously and whether you choose to go to a classic high-end restaurant like Sukiyabashi Jiro Roppongi (from Jiro Dreams of Sushi) or Nishiazabu Sushi Shin, or something more inventive like Udatsu, or the even more casual Sushipanchi, you will be treated to a true experience. - Gyoza: Who doesn't love dumplings? You should be able to find casual gyoza options throughout the city. Yakitori: Another casual dinning experience with tons of options. If you're interested in truly experiencing yakitori and aren't afraid of squeezing through alleyways for it, visit the Golden Gai or Piss Alley. - Ramen: I don’t have specific recommendations for ramen because some of the best places are "holes in the wall" that you wander into. You can download the Ramen Beast app if you need direction. Attractions and experiences to consider: - Meiji Jingu: This is probably the most famous shrine in Tokyo (in Shibuya, near Harajuku) and definitely worth visiting. - Senso-ji: Famous Buddhist temple. - Imperial Palace: The residential place the Emperors and their families since 1868. - Sumo wrestling tournaments: Grand tournaments only happen a few times a year, but check the schedule and see if you can catch a day of matches! It’s fascinating and even more enjoyable if you read up on the rituals in advance. - Public baths or sentos: Experience Japanese bathing culture, but be ready to de-robe and cover any tattoos!</s>
Write an email to a friend you haven't seen in a long time telling them about your move to California
Dear Florence - I hope you are doing well. It was such a joy to get your letter in the mail. I normally just get a lot of junk mail and bills. I am happy to hear you've settled into your new home and things in general are going well for you. I wanted to write you back to tell you about my move to California! The move itself was fairly uneventful. The hardest part was dealing with Felix who refused to go into his cat carrier and was generally upset over the whole ordeal. California so far is great. Everything is expensive (Yikes!) but the food is amazing, the nature is stunning, and there is so much to see and do. I feel like I will never run out of fun weekend trips or restaurants to try. You will have to visit me soon! I have a spare bedroom and you could stay with me for a long weekend or more if you want. It would be so much fun to show you all the things I've found so far and to get to spend some quality time together. When you get a chance, please do drop me a line or give me a call. I love hearing from you and miss our long talks. Your friend, Shirley
### Instruction: Write an email to a friend you haven't seen in a long time telling them about your move to California ### Context: ### Answer: Dear Florence - I hope you are doing well. It was such a joy to get your letter in the mail. I normally just get a lot of junk mail and bills. I am happy to hear you've settled into your new home and things in general are going well for you. I wanted to write you back to tell you about my move to California! The move itself was fairly uneventful. The hardest part was dealing with Felix who refused to go into his cat carrier and was generally upset over the whole ordeal. California so far is great. Everything is expensive (Yikes!) but the food is amazing, the nature is stunning, and there is so much to see and do. I feel like I will never run out of fun weekend trips or restaurants to try. You will have to visit me soon! I have a spare bedroom and you could stay with me for a long weekend or more if you want. It would be so much fun to show you all the things I've found so far and to get to spend some quality time together. When you get a chance, please do drop me a line or give me a call. I love hearing from you and miss our long talks. Your friend, Shirley</s>
Imagine you are the last person on Mars. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings.
Today was a beautiful day on Mars. The sun was shining brightly and the air was crisp and cool. I was able to take in the beauty of the planet and the sky, which I had never seen before. I felt like I was on another world, but I knew I was still in the same place. I took a walk around the dome and marveled at the beauty of the planet. It was so peaceful and I felt like I was in a dream. I smiled as I thought about how much I was learning about Mars and its inhabitants. It was a great day. Pity it could not last.
### Instruction: Imagine you are the last person on Mars. Write a diary entry describing your thoughts and feelings. ### Context: ### Answer: Today was a beautiful day on Mars. The sun was shining brightly and the air was crisp and cool. I was able to take in the beauty of the planet and the sky, which I had never seen before. I felt like I was on another world, but I knew I was still in the same place. I took a walk around the dome and marveled at the beauty of the planet. It was so peaceful and I felt like I was in a dream. I smiled as I thought about how much I was learning about Mars and its inhabitants. It was a great day. Pity it could not last.</s>
Write a short story about a little girl that saves her neighbors home from a bee infestation.
Milly was 6 years old and ever since she could remember, fascinated by bees. Her mother called her their little apiologist. Her father called her "honey bee." Her brother called her super tough because she had been stung by bees over 10 times and not once did she cry. The truth is, Milly felt like crying when she was stung, and it was not because the sting hurt. No, Milly was sad, because when a bee stings you, it dies and Milly loves bees. Knowing what you now know about Milly, it will be no surprise to you that the Jackson's came to her when they needed help. The Jackson's were Milly's neighbors, and Milly thought they were very cool. First off, they loved animals. Including 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 12 little silver fish that sparkled in this huge fishbowl. They dressed colorfully, they organized street-wide garage sales, and every few weeks, they invited Milly and her brother over to watch movies in their backyard that they projected off the side of their garage. The Jackson's were not the type of people to worry about much, but on this day, they appeared very concerned. When Milly opened the door after she heard the doorbell ring, their they all were, Thomas and Lauren (the parents), Amber, Jade, Hugo (the kids), Bosko and Roscoe (the dogs), Felix and Helix (the cats), and sparkles (all of the fish were named sparkle because you couldn't tell them apart) in their fishbowl. Amber spoke up, "Milly, we need your help, it's an emergency." Jade continued, "There are bees everywhere!" Hugo finished, "At least Dad and Roscoe are allergic to bee stings, so we just grabbed everyone and ran!" Milly's eyes darted between each of the people and pets in front of her. She could see and sense the fear in them. They did not know that there was nothing to fear, Milly the little apiologist was here. Milly took a deep breath, and calmly said, "Lead me to them." Thomas said, "Thank you Milly, we think they are coming out of the garage, but we're not sure", as they started to walk next door. Stepping through the grass, you could start to hear what the Jackson's were talking about. With each step, a droning buzz sound got closer. As Milly stepped off the lawn and onto the Jackson's driveway the buzzing went up a few decibels. She started to see them. Little movements in every direction - coming from the garage, going to the garage, bouncing off the windows of the car, hovering above the buffet of colorful flowers in the planters hanging on the side of the back deck. To some it might look chaotic, but to Milly, it was amazing. The Jackson’s stayed back, near the start of the driveway, holding their collective breaths, as Milly walked right into the swarms' midst. Milly’s tie-dye shirt was bright pink and yellow, and had the words, “Flower Power” written on the front in bold, bubbly letters. It attracted a lot of attention. Bees were landing all over her, as if exploring the shirt for some hidden nectar. Unbothered, Milly stood there for a minute and just listened to the buzz. She could sense that it was louder towards the garage. Milly went to the green wooden door and peered in through the window. She could not believe her eyes. The window on the door of the Jackson’s garage was in need of a cleaning. But it was clear to Milly that something remarkable was behind this door, because she could see bees everywhere. Not just flying, but bees on the table top, the toolbox, the walls, the lights, the bicycles, they were everywhere. So many, the walls looked like they were moving. Milly opened the door and walked in, a few bees blasted out as the door opened, along with a rush of air carrying a slightly sweet fragrance. More bees flew towards Milly, landing on her. Walking on her sleeves, hanging on to her shoe laces, getting tangled in her hair. Milly put her hand over her mouth and nose, so she could breathe without inhaling a bee. She had to keep blinking to keep the bees from obscuring her vision. She walked slowly to the table top that used to have a few tools on it, keeping a close eye on where she stepped. She started her search here, because she noticed a strange pattern in the surface movement: there was a small trail between thousands of bees on the wall behind the table top. Milly knows a lot about bees. That male bees don’t have stingers. Females and males have different body types and shapes. Females have shorter antennae, males tend to be slimmer and smaller. Milly also knows that each hive has a single queen, and that the queen likes to walk quickly amongst her hive. As she walks, the workers all around her will part in front of her, leaving a small wake behind the queen. With this in mind, Millly scanned the wall, looking for her. And there she is. The queen bee stands out. She’s larger in every way. The patterns on her wings are more clear. She moves where she pleases, and her workers are happy to clear a path in front of her. Milly reached out and picked her up. The buzzing in the garage got louder almost immediately. The bees near the wall, started to lift off and fly around quickly in front of Milly, who was once again holding a hand over her mouth and nose. Milly turned to face the door and began to retrace her steps back out of the garage. As Milly took each step, more and more bees started to land on her closed hand holding the queen. Bees landed on her arm, on her shoulder, on neck, and slowly covered all of Milly’s body. Milly made it to the door, and walked out. The Jackson’s started yelling, “Milly are you OK?!” “Milly??!!!!” “Call 9-1-1!!!” Roscoe barked. Milly couldn’t hear anything over the buzzing though. The weight of the bees was unexpectedly heavy. The bees were warm too, and she could feel a tinge of perspiration on her brow. Milly headed home. She didn’t have any pets of her own, she didn’t ask for much, but she was about to make a big ask. Milly still moved slowly, as her vision was still obscured given the movement in front, above, and below her eyes. She could sense the Jackson’s kids rushing ahead of her, and shouting. Milly could feel the queen in her hand moving around, pushing at the edges between her fingers, trying to get through to her hive that was crawling all over Milly. As she walked back across the lawn, she started to see people on the street watching her. She could see her house between blinks, and her mother and father walking towards her, with big grins on their faces. They walked right up to Milly, and spoke loudly to be heard over the buzzing. “Where are you going, my little beekeeper?” Her dad’s voice cut through the buzz. Milly just looked up at him, and over at her mom. She responded with her eyes, though blinking rapidly, those big green eyes conveyed a desire to her parents that they understood. The two parents looked at each other and sighed, then looked back down at their daughter. “So, what are we supposed to do, get a nice box or jar for the queen?” Milly nodded, and headed through the gate to their backyard. Milly’s parents followed, along with her brother, and the Jackson’s, though Roscoe stayed wearily at the back of the group. Milly’s mother disappeared into their shed and emerged a few seconds later with a small box that had a lid with a very fine mesh. A temporary home for a queen. The box was placed on the patio table and the group gathered around. Milly reached out and placed the queen in the box and stepped back. As she stepped away, the bees started to lift off of her, buzzing in the air, waiting to pick up the new signal of the queen’s location. Then one by one, they found her, and rapidly flew towards the box, covering the table in seconds. Milly let out a deep breath and looked at her friends and family. She dropped the hand from over her mouth, and helped a few bees that were stuck in her hair find their way out. She had the biggest smile on her face, like only a happy 6 year old can have, and she asked, “Who likes honey?”
### Instruction: Write a short story about a little girl that saves her neighbors home from a bee infestation. ### Context: ### Answer: Milly was 6 years old and ever since she could remember, fascinated by bees. Her mother called her their little apiologist. Her father called her "honey bee." Her brother called her super tough because she had been stung by bees over 10 times and not once did she cry. The truth is, Milly felt like crying when she was stung, and it was not because the sting hurt. No, Milly was sad, because when a bee stings you, it dies and Milly loves bees. Knowing what you now know about Milly, it will be no surprise to you that the Jackson's came to her when they needed help. The Jackson's were Milly's neighbors, and Milly thought they were very cool. First off, they loved animals. Including 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 12 little silver fish that sparkled in this huge fishbowl. They dressed colorfully, they organized street-wide garage sales, and every few weeks, they invited Milly and her brother over to watch movies in their backyard that they projected off the side of their garage. The Jackson's were not the type of people to worry about much, but on this day, they appeared very concerned. When Milly opened the door after she heard the doorbell ring, their they all were, Thomas and Lauren (the parents), Amber, Jade, Hugo (the kids), Bosko and Roscoe (the dogs), Felix and Helix (the cats), and sparkles (all of the fish were named sparkle because you couldn't tell them apart) in their fishbowl. Amber spoke up, "Milly, we need your help, it's an emergency." Jade continued, "There are bees everywhere!" Hugo finished, "At least Dad and Roscoe are allergic to bee stings, so we just grabbed everyone and ran!" Milly's eyes darted between each of the people and pets in front of her. She could see and sense the fear in them. They did not know that there was nothing to fear, Milly the little apiologist was here. Milly took a deep breath, and calmly said, "Lead me to them." Thomas said, "Thank you Milly, we think they are coming out of the garage, but we're not sure", as they started to walk next door. Stepping through the grass, you could start to hear what the Jackson's were talking about. With each step, a droning buzz sound got closer. As Milly stepped off the lawn and onto the Jackson's driveway the buzzing went up a few decibels. She started to see them. Little movements in every direction - coming from the garage, going to the garage, bouncing off the windows of the car, hovering above the buffet of colorful flowers in the planters hanging on the side of the back deck. To some it might look chaotic, but to Milly, it was amazing. The Jackson’s stayed back, near the start of the driveway, holding their collective breaths, as Milly walked right into the swarms' midst. Milly’s tie-dye shirt was bright pink and yellow, and had the words, “Flower Power” written on the front in bold, bubbly letters. It attracted a lot of attention. Bees were landing all over her, as if exploring the shirt for some hidden nectar. Unbothered, Milly stood there for a minute and just listened to the buzz. She could sense that it was louder towards the garage. Milly went to the green wooden door and peered in through the window. She could not believe her eyes. The window on the door of the Jackson’s garage was in need of a cleaning. But it was clear to Milly that something remarkable was behind this door, because she could see bees everywhere. Not just flying, but bees on the table top, the toolbox, the walls, the lights, the bicycles, they were everywhere. So many, the walls looked like they were moving. Milly opened the door and walked in, a few bees blasted out as the door opened, along with a rush of air carrying a slightly sweet fragrance. More bees flew towards Milly, landing on her. Walking on her sleeves, hanging on to her shoe laces, getting tangled in her hair. Milly put her hand over her mouth and nose, so she could breathe without inhaling a bee. She had to keep blinking to keep the bees from obscuring her vision. She walked slowly to the table top that used to have a few tools on it, keeping a close eye on where she stepped. She started her search here, because she noticed a strange pattern in the surface movement: there was a small trail between thousands of bees on the wall behind the table top. Milly knows a lot about bees. That male bees don’t have stingers. Females and males have different body types and shapes. Females have shorter antennae, males tend to be slimmer and smaller. Milly also knows that each hive has a single queen, and that the queen likes to walk quickly amongst her hive. As she walks, the workers all around her will part in front of her, leaving a small wake behind the queen. With this in mind, Millly scanned the wall, looking for her. And there she is. The queen bee stands out. She’s larger in every way. The patterns on her wings are more clear. She moves where she pleases, and her workers are happy to clear a path in front of her. Milly reached out and picked her up. The buzzing in the garage got louder almost immediately. The bees near the wall, started to lift off and fly around quickly in front of Milly, who was once again holding a hand over her mouth and nose. Milly turned to face the door and began to retrace her steps back out of the garage. As Milly took each step, more and more bees started to land on her closed hand holding the queen. Bees landed on her arm, on her shoulder, on neck, and slowly covered all of Milly’s body. Milly made it to the door, and walked out. The Jackson’s started yelling, “Milly are you OK?!” “Milly??!!!!” “Call 9-1-1!!!” Roscoe barked. Milly couldn’t hear anything over the buzzing though. The weight of the bees was unexpectedly heavy. The bees were warm too, and she could feel a tinge of perspiration on her brow. Milly headed home. She didn’t have any pets of her own, she didn’t ask for much, but she was about to make a big ask. Milly still moved slowly, as her vision was still obscured given the movement in front, above, and below her eyes. She could sense the Jackson’s kids rushing ahead of her, and shouting. Milly could feel the queen in her hand moving around, pushing at the edges between her fingers, trying to get through to her hive that was crawling all over Milly. As she walked back across the lawn, she started to see people on the street watching her. She could see her house between blinks, and her mother and father walking towards her, with big grins on their faces. They walked right up to Milly, and spoke loudly to be heard over the buzzing. “Where are you going, my little beekeeper?” Her dad’s voice cut through the buzz. Milly just looked up at him, and over at her mom. She responded with her eyes, though blinking rapidly, those big green eyes conveyed a desire to her parents that they understood. The two parents looked at each other and sighed, then looked back down at their daughter. “So, what are we supposed to do, get a nice box or jar for the queen?” Milly nodded, and headed through the gate to their backyard. Milly’s parents followed, along with her brother, and the Jackson’s, though Roscoe stayed wearily at the back of the group. Milly’s mother disappeared into their shed and emerged a few seconds later with a small box that had a lid with a very fine mesh. A temporary home for a queen. The box was placed on the patio table and the group gathered around. Milly reached out and placed the queen in the box and stepped back. As she stepped away, the bees started to lift off of her, buzzing in the air, waiting to pick up the new signal of the queen’s location. Then one by one, they found her, and rapidly flew towards the box, covering the table in seconds. Milly let out a deep breath and looked at her friends and family. She dropped the hand from over her mouth, and helped a few bees that were stuck in her hair find their way out. She had the biggest smile on her face, like only a happy 6 year old can have, and she asked, “Who likes honey?”</s>
Write a letter from the perspective of a potential home buyer to a home owner about wanting to buy the home.
Dear home owner, You have a beautiful home and as a home buyer, I am very interested in purchasing this home from you. I have been on the market to buy a home for a long time, but until now, I have not found a home that fits my criteria. Your home meets everything I am looking for and I hope you will accept my offer.
### Instruction: Write a letter from the perspective of a potential home buyer to a home owner about wanting to buy the home. ### Context: ### Answer: Dear home owner, You have a beautiful home and as a home buyer, I am very interested in purchasing this home from you. I have been on the market to buy a home for a long time, but until now, I have not found a home that fits my criteria. Your home meets everything I am looking for and I hope you will accept my offer.</s>
Write a story about getting stuck on a train
The subway suddenly stops. I groan in frustration. I have been waiting for months to go to this particular art exhibit that happens once a year and now I’m going to be late. I tap my foot out of impatience. Minutes pass by and the train becomes loud with angry passengers. I slip away to the emptier part of the train. I need to call my friends stating I will be late. I search for my phone in my bag but I could not find it. I think I forgot it at home. I look around to see if I could borrow anyone's phone. I walk up to the person in the seat across from me. “Excuse me is there any possible chance I could borrow your phone?” I question “There's no use calling anyone down here. There’s no signal,” She responds “Thank you anyway,” I say and walk back to my seat in defeat. I look out the window to see that the conductor's part of the subway is gone. I start to panic, my mind looking at all the worst possible scenarios. Did anyone else notice? I sit in silence for a few minutes not knowing what will happen next. “Where’s the conductor's car?” Someone yells out. The entire subway goes crazy. I continue to look out the window to block everyone out. I am lost in my daydreaming until I see a crack appear on the wall. I jump up. The crack begins to spread and spread. Water starts to pour out, suddenly I’m not the only one who noticed it anymore. Everyone is stunned. Clearly thinking of the same thing I’m thinking of. We are going to drown. I watch in fear as the water is spreading more quickly and it soon covers the subway floor. I managed to hop on a chair in time but others weren't as lucky as me. It begins to reach up to the chairs. The water seems to never stop pouring in. I then see another light, it’s firemen in a special train car. I am close to the exit door so I was one of the first ones evacuated.
### Instruction: Write a story about getting stuck on a train ### Context: ### Answer: The subway suddenly stops. I groan in frustration. I have been waiting for months to go to this particular art exhibit that happens once a year and now I’m going to be late. I tap my foot out of impatience. Minutes pass by and the train becomes loud with angry passengers. I slip away to the emptier part of the train. I need to call my friends stating I will be late. I search for my phone in my bag but I could not find it. I think I forgot it at home. I look around to see if I could borrow anyone's phone. I walk up to the person in the seat across from me. “Excuse me is there any possible chance I could borrow your phone?” I question “There's no use calling anyone down here. There’s no signal,” She responds “Thank you anyway,” I say and walk back to my seat in defeat. I look out the window to see that the conductor's part of the subway is gone. I start to panic, my mind looking at all the worst possible scenarios. Did anyone else notice? I sit in silence for a few minutes not knowing what will happen next. “Where’s the conductor's car?” Someone yells out. The entire subway goes crazy. I continue to look out the window to block everyone out. I am lost in my daydreaming until I see a crack appear on the wall. I jump up. The crack begins to spread and spread. Water starts to pour out, suddenly I’m not the only one who noticed it anymore. Everyone is stunned. Clearly thinking of the same thing I’m thinking of. We are going to drown. I watch in fear as the water is spreading more quickly and it soon covers the subway floor. I managed to hop on a chair in time but others weren't as lucky as me. It begins to reach up to the chairs. The water seems to never stop pouring in. I then see another light, it’s firemen in a special train car. I am close to the exit door so I was one of the first ones evacuated.</s>
As a 16-year old high school student, write a short summary of your visit to the Vermeer exhibition in the Rijksmuseum.
My friends and I went to the Rijksmuseum the other day to see the Vermeer exhibition. I have to say, I wasn't too excited about it at first, but it turned out to be pretty cool. Vermeer was a Dutch painter from the 1600s and he was known for his realistic paintings of everyday life. We saw a lot of his paintings and they were really impressive, especially when you consider the time period they were from. My favorite painting was definitely the Girl with a Pearl Earring. The colors and lighting were amazing, and it was kind of mesmerizing to look at. We also saw some other paintings from different artists, like Rembrandt and Frans Hals, and they were all really cool too. It was a nice break from all the usual teenage stuff and I actually learned something new.
### Instruction: As a 16-year old high school student, write a short summary of your visit to the Vermeer exhibition in the Rijksmuseum. ### Context: ### Answer: My friends and I went to the Rijksmuseum the other day to see the Vermeer exhibition. I have to say, I wasn't too excited about it at first, but it turned out to be pretty cool. Vermeer was a Dutch painter from the 1600s and he was known for his realistic paintings of everyday life. We saw a lot of his paintings and they were really impressive, especially when you consider the time period they were from. My favorite painting was definitely the Girl with a Pearl Earring. The colors and lighting were amazing, and it was kind of mesmerizing to look at. We also saw some other paintings from different artists, like Rembrandt and Frans Hals, and they were all really cool too. It was a nice break from all the usual teenage stuff and I actually learned something new.</s>
How do you plan a trip?
There are many different ways to plan a trip. In addition, there are many different factors to include in order to plan a trip. First of all, it is important to know the type of travel. Is this a business trip? Is this family trip? Next you need to decide on how many days you want to stay in your destination(s). Once the first two steps are completed, you need to find out the activities during your trip. Last but not least, you need to decide on your budget. Once all of these factors are decided, you should work backward and spread your budget between accommodations, activities and means of transportation.
### Instruction: How do you plan a trip? ### Context: ### Answer: There are many different ways to plan a trip. In addition, there are many different factors to include in order to plan a trip. First of all, it is important to know the type of travel. Is this a business trip? Is this family trip? Next you need to decide on how many days you want to stay in your destination(s). Once the first two steps are completed, you need to find out the activities during your trip. Last but not least, you need to decide on your budget. Once all of these factors are decided, you should work backward and spread your budget between accommodations, activities and means of transportation.</s>
Describe a morning routine from a 2 year olds perspective
I wake up and I'm alone in my bed, it's dark and I feel afraid. I call out for my mommy and feel so relieved when I hear her footsteps to my bedroom. She snuggles in beside me and I feel happy and content. I wake again with sunshine in my eyes and know it's morning time as the sun is up. I rollover and see my mommy is still sleeping beside me. I sit up and tell her it's morning time. My brother comes running in and asks me to play in the playroom. I'm so excited to go play with my toys! I race down the hall and pick out my favorite puzzle, it has all the colors of the rainbow! I ask my brother for help to complete the puzzle and feel proud when it's done. I hear my mommy calling us from downstairs, she is saying breakfast is ready. My tummy feels hungry and I go downstairs and to the kitchen island where she brings my favorite, a big bowl of porridge! As I'm eating, I feel some fall on my chin. I point this out to mommy and she wipes it with a cloth. When I'm finished, mommy says it's time to get dressed. I want to help so I take off my pajamas all by myself!
### Instruction: Describe a morning routine from a 2 year olds perspective ### Context: ### Answer: I wake up and I'm alone in my bed, it's dark and I feel afraid. I call out for my mommy and feel so relieved when I hear her footsteps to my bedroom. She snuggles in beside me and I feel happy and content. I wake again with sunshine in my eyes and know it's morning time as the sun is up. I rollover and see my mommy is still sleeping beside me. I sit up and tell her it's morning time. My brother comes running in and asks me to play in the playroom. I'm so excited to go play with my toys! I race down the hall and pick out my favorite puzzle, it has all the colors of the rainbow! I ask my brother for help to complete the puzzle and feel proud when it's done. I hear my mommy calling us from downstairs, she is saying breakfast is ready. My tummy feels hungry and I go downstairs and to the kitchen island where she brings my favorite, a big bowl of porridge! As I'm eating, I feel some fall on my chin. I point this out to mommy and she wipes it with a cloth. When I'm finished, mommy says it's time to get dressed. I want to help so I take off my pajamas all by myself!</s>
In chess, why is the queen valued at nine points instead of eight?
In chess, typically chess pieces are valued based on their importance. For example, Pawn - 1 point Knight - 3 points Bishop - 3 points Rook - 5 points Queen - 9 points Since the queen can move like the bishop and the rook, simple math would suggest that it is valued at 8 points (3 + 5). However, the game of chess, involves complex scenarios and strategies and having a single piece that can move in all directions gives it a distinct advantage during various phases of the chess game. This is why the queen is given a higher point valuation.
### Instruction: In chess, why is the queen valued at nine points instead of eight? ### Context: ### Answer: In chess, typically chess pieces are valued based on their importance. For example, Pawn - 1 point Knight - 3 points Bishop - 3 points Rook - 5 points Queen - 9 points Since the queen can move like the bishop and the rook, simple math would suggest that it is valued at 8 points (3 + 5). However, the game of chess, involves complex scenarios and strategies and having a single piece that can move in all directions gives it a distinct advantage during various phases of the chess game. This is why the queen is given a higher point valuation.</s>
Why did the cow jump over the moon?
The cow wanted to jump to the moon because it had run out of milk for its calf. The calf was crying day and night because of how hungry it was. The mother cow looked up at the night sky, saw the milky-colored moon in the sky, and thought if it jumped to the moon, its udders would be full again. It practiced over and over, jumping as high as it could. Once it was finally ready that it jumped over the moon. The courage that it gained filled the udders with milk once again.
### Instruction: Why did the cow jump over the moon? ### Context: ### Answer: The cow wanted to jump to the moon because it had run out of milk for its calf. The calf was crying day and night because of how hungry it was. The mother cow looked up at the night sky, saw the milky-colored moon in the sky, and thought if it jumped to the moon, its udders would be full again. It practiced over and over, jumping as high as it could. Once it was finally ready that it jumped over the moon. The courage that it gained filled the udders with milk once again.</s>
What is the best breakfast to order when out with friends?
Eggs benedict is a superior breakfast or brunch choice. It is easy to eat, provides hearty sustenance, and is a dish that is often prepared with some creativity tailored to local specialties. While most eggs benedict have the core components of a poached egg and an english muffin there are endless variations, so it is an option you will likely be able to order again and again.
### Instruction: What is the best breakfast to order when out with friends? ### Context: ### Answer: Eggs benedict is a superior breakfast or brunch choice. It is easy to eat, provides hearty sustenance, and is a dish that is often prepared with some creativity tailored to local specialties. While most eggs benedict have the core components of a poached egg and an english muffin there are endless variations, so it is an option you will likely be able to order again and again.</s>
Write a passage about how you learnt to ride the bike
It was a calm sunny evening when my dad pushed me to try the new bike he got me as my birthday gift. I was initially hesitant but agreed since I had seen other kids having a lot of fun in their bikes. I put on my helmet and sat on the bicycle as my dad pushed me from behind in our walkway. After a few minutes, I turned back and I didn't see my dad anymore. I tried balancing but fell down. My dad came running and said 'accidents happen but they help you get better'. So I kept on trying and at one point, I got the hang of it. Riding the bike was the best thing I had learnt until that point and I couldn't wait to ride it again!
### Instruction: Write a passage about how you learnt to ride the bike ### Context: ### Answer: It was a calm sunny evening when my dad pushed me to try the new bike he got me as my birthday gift. I was initially hesitant but agreed since I had seen other kids having a lot of fun in their bikes. I put on my helmet and sat on the bicycle as my dad pushed me from behind in our walkway. After a few minutes, I turned back and I didn't see my dad anymore. I tried balancing but fell down. My dad came running and said 'accidents happen but they help you get better'. So I kept on trying and at one point, I got the hang of it. Riding the bike was the best thing I had learnt until that point and I couldn't wait to ride it again!</s>
Write an email to my landlord explaining why I missed rent payment this month.
Hi Landlord, I wanted to send this message to apologize for missing my rent payment deadline this month. When rent was due, I went to the online portal to transfer you the money from my bank funds as I do each month. After logging in I saw that my balance was $0, and that the money had been transferred to a different account. I immediately filed a fraudulent transaction report with my bank, and they noted that my bank account was insured and the money will be returned. I am still waiting for the bank to return the funds which were stolen, but have confirmation that they should be returned shortly. Once the funds have been returned I will pay you in full, but ask that you accept this explanation while I await my bank account being restored, and apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
### Instruction: Write an email to my landlord explaining why I missed rent payment this month. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi Landlord, I wanted to send this message to apologize for missing my rent payment deadline this month. When rent was due, I went to the online portal to transfer you the money from my bank funds as I do each month. After logging in I saw that my balance was $0, and that the money had been transferred to a different account. I immediately filed a fraudulent transaction report with my bank, and they noted that my bank account was insured and the money will be returned. I am still waiting for the bank to return the funds which were stolen, but have confirmation that they should be returned shortly. Once the funds have been returned I will pay you in full, but ask that you accept this explanation while I await my bank account being restored, and apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.</s>
Write a letter to my mum and dad detailing the reasons why they should buy me a pet tortoise
Dear Mum and Dad, As you know, I have wanted a pet tortoise for some time now. I have given it a lot of thought and done a great deal of research into what might be involved. I am aware that having a pet is a huge commitment so I am writing to you to explain why I think you should buy me a pet tortoise and why a tortoise is a fantastic choice of pet. Looking after a pet tortoise will give me a strong sense of responsibility. I know that I will have to ensure my tortoise is well fed, kept at the right temperature, given opportunities to bask under a heated lamp or in the sunshine if warm enough. I am very willing to give the time and commitment necessary to look after my tortoise. The tortoise will be my sole responsibility and I feel mature enough to commit to its care and happiness. As you know, I suffer from anxiety and school makes me particularly worried sometimes. It has been shown through numerous studies that pets reduce anxiety and stress in humans. I feel sure that having a tortoise will be a fantastic distraction from my worries and bring me great enjoyment. Contrary to popular belief, tortoises love having their shells stroked and their chins tickled and I think it would be very relaxing for me to pet a tortoise when I get home from school. Tortoises are very self-sufficient. Provided they are given a warm place to bask, access to fresh water and plenty of fresh food such as dandelions, kale, lettuce and other leafy vegetables, they are very happy to be left to their own devices. As we live in the UK where temperatures can be cool, we would need to purchase a tortoise table with good substrate, a basking lamp and some hides where the tortoise can tuck itself away. We have lots of space for this in our kitchen. When it is warm, the tortoise can go into our garden in an enclosure. A tortoise table and lamp will cost about £200 but this is just an initial outlay. Thereafter, keeping a tortoise is very cheap. In fact, you can pick most of their food for free by foraging which I am happy to do when we go for families walk. Contrary to popular belief, tortoises can be very friendly. As I have mentioned above, they love being stroked but did you also know that they can recognise their owners and some can even respond to their names? In fact, a study showed that tortoises can recognise their previous owners that they haven’t seen in years so they are both friendly and very intelligent. You might be worried about hibernating a tortoise but I have done lots of research on this and now know exactly what to do. If we buy a tortoise, it will need to hibernate for a maximum of three months from the end of September. We will need to hibernate our tortoise in a well-insulated box. The temperature mustn’t go above or below 5 degrees celsius and our garage would be the perfect place for it. We have a temperature gauge in there so I can keep an eye on the heat levels. Finally, I have looked into the cost of buying a tortoise. I would suggest we buy a tortoise which is a couple of years’ old as they require less care. We can buy a preloved tortoise which has been microchipped for about £100. And when we go on holiday, I have found a Tortoise Hotel which is run by a vet and costs just £60 for a 10 day stay. I think you will agree that I have conducted very thorough research into looking after a tortoise and I hope you will agree that I am now mature enough to look after a pet. I truly believe that a pet tortoise will give me a strong sense of responsibility and will have a positive calming effect on my mood. Indeed, I think the whole family will enjoy having a tortoise. They are friendly, loving, interesting and intelligent animals and we will all benefit from having one. I would be grateful if you would give my request full consideration. Lots of Love, Wilf x
### Instruction: Write a letter to my mum and dad detailing the reasons why they should buy me a pet tortoise ### Context: ### Answer: Dear Mum and Dad, As you know, I have wanted a pet tortoise for some time now. I have given it a lot of thought and done a great deal of research into what might be involved. I am aware that having a pet is a huge commitment so I am writing to you to explain why I think you should buy me a pet tortoise and why a tortoise is a fantastic choice of pet. Looking after a pet tortoise will give me a strong sense of responsibility. I know that I will have to ensure my tortoise is well fed, kept at the right temperature, given opportunities to bask under a heated lamp or in the sunshine if warm enough. I am very willing to give the time and commitment necessary to look after my tortoise. The tortoise will be my sole responsibility and I feel mature enough to commit to its care and happiness. As you know, I suffer from anxiety and school makes me particularly worried sometimes. It has been shown through numerous studies that pets reduce anxiety and stress in humans. I feel sure that having a tortoise will be a fantastic distraction from my worries and bring me great enjoyment. Contrary to popular belief, tortoises love having their shells stroked and their chins tickled and I think it would be very relaxing for me to pet a tortoise when I get home from school. Tortoises are very self-sufficient. Provided they are given a warm place to bask, access to fresh water and plenty of fresh food such as dandelions, kale, lettuce and other leafy vegetables, they are very happy to be left to their own devices. As we live in the UK where temperatures can be cool, we would need to purchase a tortoise table with good substrate, a basking lamp and some hides where the tortoise can tuck itself away. We have lots of space for this in our kitchen. When it is warm, the tortoise can go into our garden in an enclosure. A tortoise table and lamp will cost about £200 but this is just an initial outlay. Thereafter, keeping a tortoise is very cheap. In fact, you can pick most of their food for free by foraging which I am happy to do when we go for families walk. Contrary to popular belief, tortoises can be very friendly. As I have mentioned above, they love being stroked but did you also know that they can recognise their owners and some can even respond to their names? In fact, a study showed that tortoises can recognise their previous owners that they haven’t seen in years so they are both friendly and very intelligent. You might be worried about hibernating a tortoise but I have done lots of research on this and now know exactly what to do. If we buy a tortoise, it will need to hibernate for a maximum of three months from the end of September. We will need to hibernate our tortoise in a well-insulated box. The temperature mustn’t go above or below 5 degrees celsius and our garage would be the perfect place for it. We have a temperature gauge in there so I can keep an eye on the heat levels. Finally, I have looked into the cost of buying a tortoise. I would suggest we buy a tortoise which is a couple of years’ old as they require less care. We can buy a preloved tortoise which has been microchipped for about £100. And when we go on holiday, I have found a Tortoise Hotel which is run by a vet and costs just £60 for a 10 day stay. I think you will agree that I have conducted very thorough research into looking after a tortoise and I hope you will agree that I am now mature enough to look after a pet. I truly believe that a pet tortoise will give me a strong sense of responsibility and will have a positive calming effect on my mood. Indeed, I think the whole family will enjoy having a tortoise. They are friendly, loving, interesting and intelligent animals and we will all benefit from having one. I would be grateful if you would give my request full consideration. Lots of Love, Wilf x</s>
Who is Taehoon Oh?
Taehoon Oh is a computer graphic specialist, game designer and developer. He is a co-founder and COO at Studio Roqovan, formerly known as Reload Studios. He was a lead artist and was one of the pioneer developers of the Call of Duty game franchise. He is also one of the co-founders of the non-gaming virtual reality subdivision of Studio Roqovan called Rascali, launched in September 2015
### Instruction: Who is Taehoon Oh? ### Context: ### Answer: Taehoon Oh is a computer graphic specialist, game designer and developer. He is a co-founder and COO at Studio Roqovan, formerly known as Reload Studios. He was a lead artist and was one of the pioneer developers of the Call of Duty game franchise. He is also one of the co-founders of the non-gaming virtual reality subdivision of Studio Roqovan called Rascali, launched in September 2015</s>
Write me a text to someone I work with asking them to cover my shift because I got sick. Use a polite tone.
Hi <insert name here>, I’m running a fever and my doctor recommended I find someone else to take my shift. Unfortunately it’s contagious and I’m worried that I’ll get everyone else sick if I go. Is there any chance you could step in for me? I’ll owe you one big time, but totally get it if this is too last minute. Let me know!
### Instruction: Write me a text to someone I work with asking them to cover my shift because I got sick. Use a polite tone. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi <insert name here>, I’m running a fever and my doctor recommended I find someone else to take my shift. Unfortunately it’s contagious and I’m worried that I’ll get everyone else sick if I go. Is there any chance you could step in for me? I’ll owe you one big time, but totally get it if this is too last minute. Let me know!</s>
Describe the benefits of living in a small town.
Small town living provides a multitude of good and bad experiences which can be influenced on your personal desires. In a small town rumors and news can travel fast since the social circles are smaller and everyone tends to be more connected. It can be rare to go out and not see someone whom you know or are friends with. With fewer strangers, a small town can feel more safe and comfortable. Often times a small town is more walkable since geographically it is likely to cover a smaller area.
### Instruction: Describe the benefits of living in a small town. ### Context: ### Answer: Small town living provides a multitude of good and bad experiences which can be influenced on your personal desires. In a small town rumors and news can travel fast since the social circles are smaller and everyone tends to be more connected. It can be rare to go out and not see someone whom you know or are friends with. With fewer strangers, a small town can feel more safe and comfortable. Often times a small town is more walkable since geographically it is likely to cover a smaller area.</s>
Describe what your ideal pet cat would look like, and what you would name it.
My ideal cat would be a long haired ginger Maine Coon, with a beautifully fluffy coat that would be super soft to pet and bright green eyes. I would name him Rory, because that is a name that means Red Haired King, and in my household we treat pets as royalty. He would be super cuddly but also love to play with cat toys, and I would buy him a cat tower to watch the birds from.
### Instruction: Describe what your ideal pet cat would look like, and what you would name it. ### Context: ### Answer: My ideal cat would be a long haired ginger Maine Coon, with a beautifully fluffy coat that would be super soft to pet and bright green eyes. I would name him Rory, because that is a name that means Red Haired King, and in my household we treat pets as royalty. He would be super cuddly but also love to play with cat toys, and I would buy him a cat tower to watch the birds from.</s>
What would Abraham Lincoln think of Big Data and Agile Development?
In a speech to the House in June 1848, Abraham Lincoln shared his perspective on how to execute desired change, acknowledging that charting a path to a desired outcome is not a linear path and that facts are central to the journey. A quote that reflects Lincoln's agile mindset: "Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way." In Agile development, we embrace the fact that we do not know very much about how to reach our goal. We "find the way" by communicating often, sharing facts and executing tasks that we believe will lead us to accomplishing "the thing." We focus on the goal and adapt, as needed, with the facts at hand. And regarding facts, he wanted to count all the pigs and chickens... A quote that reflects Lincoln's thoughts on "Big Data" (collection): "He particularly objects, as I understand him, to counting all the pigs and chickens in the land. I do not perceive much force in the objection." Abe understood that decisions are advised by facts and data, yet he too warned that some data may not end up being very useful. Regarding the collection of data to guide decisions: "In that information, we shall have a stern, unbending basis of facts---a basis, in nowise subject to whim, caprice, or local interest."
### Instruction: What would Abraham Lincoln think of Big Data and Agile Development? ### Context: ### Answer: In a speech to the House in June 1848, Abraham Lincoln shared his perspective on how to execute desired change, acknowledging that charting a path to a desired outcome is not a linear path and that facts are central to the journey. A quote that reflects Lincoln's agile mindset: "Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way." In Agile development, we embrace the fact that we do not know very much about how to reach our goal. We "find the way" by communicating often, sharing facts and executing tasks that we believe will lead us to accomplishing "the thing." We focus on the goal and adapt, as needed, with the facts at hand. And regarding facts, he wanted to count all the pigs and chickens... A quote that reflects Lincoln's thoughts on "Big Data" (collection): "He particularly objects, as I understand him, to counting all the pigs and chickens in the land. I do not perceive much force in the objection." Abe understood that decisions are advised by facts and data, yet he too warned that some data may not end up being very useful. Regarding the collection of data to guide decisions: "In that information, we shall have a stern, unbending basis of facts---a basis, in nowise subject to whim, caprice, or local interest."</s>
Write me a poem about data
Data is big Data is great Data must stand Or endeavour a fate Where truth becomes blurred Where knowledge can't roost And fall victim you may To subjective seduce
### Instruction: Write me a poem about data ### Context: ### Answer: Data is big Data is great Data must stand Or endeavour a fate Where truth becomes blurred Where knowledge can't roost And fall victim you may To subjective seduce</s>
Write an email to the head of academic coaching at Services for Students with Disabilities sharing that I’ve applied to the coaching position. I have experience volunteering w children on the autism spectrum.
Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful day. My name is _, and I just applied for the Program Staff position at the Services for Students with Disabilities to empower students who have disabilities to reach their academic dreams. My background working in higher education and volunteering with kids on the Autism spectrum combine to bring an empathetic and impactful perspective. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do at this time to be considered for this position. With gratitude, _
### Instruction: Write an email to the head of academic coaching at Services for Students with Disabilities sharing that I’ve applied to the coaching position. I have experience volunteering w children on the autism spectrum. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi, I hope you are having a wonderful day. My name is _, and I just applied for the Program Staff position at the Services for Students with Disabilities to empower students who have disabilities to reach their academic dreams. My background working in higher education and volunteering with kids on the Autism spectrum combine to bring an empathetic and impactful perspective. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do at this time to be considered for this position. With gratitude, _</s>
Imagine you are a java expert and explain what OOPS means
As the name suggests, Object-Oriented Programming or OOPs refers to languages that use objects in programming, they use objects as a primary source to implement what is to happen in the code. Objects are seen by the viewer or user, performing tasks assigned by you. Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like inheritance, hiding, polymorphism etc. in programming. The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part of the code can access this data except that function.
### Instruction: Imagine you are a java expert and explain what OOPS means ### Context: ### Answer: As the name suggests, Object-Oriented Programming or OOPs refers to languages that use objects in programming, they use objects as a primary source to implement what is to happen in the code. Objects are seen by the viewer or user, performing tasks assigned by you. Object-oriented programming aims to implement real-world entities like inheritance, hiding, polymorphism etc. in programming. The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part of the code can access this data except that function.</s>
Can you write me a page long essay on whether capitalism needs to be reexamined and amended?  Is such a reexamination one of incremental or transformational change?  If so, why?  If not, why not?
How can I fully participate in a capitalistic society without examining it in the first place? That is the necessary first step to then “re-examine” capitalism, which I unequivocally support. Blindly following a belief, even an economic one, without critically assessing it can run the danger of making me complicit in contributing to the consequences of that belief even without any intent. I can only fully speak from my experience, so that is the lens through which I approach this class; on the larger scale, however, a re-examination is also called for to discern whether capitalism is the best course of action in the long term. Upon this re-examination, I conclude that capitalism is not broken: it is functioning as intended, to create economic value for the majority groups who popularized it. Capitalism in the United States has achieved such fast-paced progress because Black slaves, minority immigrants, and unpaid domestic laborers have assumed the lion’s share of building the system, and the legacies of these systems result in the inequities of race, class, and gender as discussed in class. Such inequities are not only shameful, but plainly unnecessary to continue making such strides in industry, health, longevity, and sharing of ideas. Therefore, capitalism should be amended so that workers more equitably reap the fruits of their labor. Exorbitant CEO pay and the distribution of the majority of profits towards shareholders; global factories which exploit children while imposing unclean and unsafe working conditions on many; unfettered production decimating the planet – should all be amended. Capitalism has grown automation, technology, and AI as well as the development and sharing of thought to remarkable levels. Such progress can be leveraged to address these issues and more. This isn’t idealistic or wishful thinking; though economic situations can seem like “given” circumstances, they are not to be taken for granted; capitalism is a human institution which requires human participation to uphold them. Therefore, capitalism also can be amended. Introducing another consideration is not a limitation on profits; rather, considering additional parameters inspires innovation, as embraced by many leading organizations. But at what pace shall capitalism be amended? The modern United States has necessary checks and balances in the legal systems to uphold the laws and enforce the regulations, which makes me believe that change should be incremental as to learn from our past and carefully curate a new future. It takes time to engage the partners vital to change – academics, politicians, social leaders, business leaders – and transformative change may leave some key stakeholders behind. Over time, incremental change is transformative and can achieve the changes imagined above.
### Instruction: Can you write me a page long essay on whether capitalism needs to be reexamined and amended?  Is such a reexamination one of incremental or transformational change?  If so, why?  If not, why not? ### Context: ### Answer: How can I fully participate in a capitalistic society without examining it in the first place? That is the necessary first step to then “re-examine” capitalism, which I unequivocally support. Blindly following a belief, even an economic one, without critically assessing it can run the danger of making me complicit in contributing to the consequences of that belief even without any intent. I can only fully speak from my experience, so that is the lens through which I approach this class; on the larger scale, however, a re-examination is also called for to discern whether capitalism is the best course of action in the long term. Upon this re-examination, I conclude that capitalism is not broken: it is functioning as intended, to create economic value for the majority groups who popularized it. Capitalism in the United States has achieved such fast-paced progress because Black slaves, minority immigrants, and unpaid domestic laborers have assumed the lion’s share of building the system, and the legacies of these systems result in the inequities of race, class, and gender as discussed in class. Such inequities are not only shameful, but plainly unnecessary to continue making such strides in industry, health, longevity, and sharing of ideas. Therefore, capitalism should be amended so that workers more equitably reap the fruits of their labor. Exorbitant CEO pay and the distribution of the majority of profits towards shareholders; global factories which exploit children while imposing unclean and unsafe working conditions on many; unfettered production decimating the planet – should all be amended. Capitalism has grown automation, technology, and AI as well as the development and sharing of thought to remarkable levels. Such progress can be leveraged to address these issues and more. This isn’t idealistic or wishful thinking; though economic situations can seem like “given” circumstances, they are not to be taken for granted; capitalism is a human institution which requires human participation to uphold them. Therefore, capitalism also can be amended. Introducing another consideration is not a limitation on profits; rather, considering additional parameters inspires innovation, as embraced by many leading organizations. But at what pace shall capitalism be amended? The modern United States has necessary checks and balances in the legal systems to uphold the laws and enforce the regulations, which makes me believe that change should be incremental as to learn from our past and carefully curate a new future. It takes time to engage the partners vital to change – academics, politicians, social leaders, business leaders – and transformative change may leave some key stakeholders behind. Over time, incremental change is transformative and can achieve the changes imagined above.</s>
Describe how social media can help companies make better business decisions. What social media data can be collected to aid in business decisions? List four pieces of social media data (e.g., Twitter mentions and the number of retweets would be counted as two pieces).
With 60% of the world’s population on social media, it presents an excellent opportunity for brands to reach and influence their consumers. The brands are already exploiting and interacting with consumers by leveraging social media as a channel.   Social media is a treasure trove of information for brands. Brands can leverage social media to collect the data below to help them improve their business and overall operations. Customer feedback and complaints Brands can monitor social media to connect with customers and watch customer feedback and complaints. See the below example of how Target engages with its customer via Twitter. Find influential users to promote the brand Brands can find influential users in a specific segment, understand the industry pulse, and partner with significant users to promote their brand—an example of influential Instagram users per industry segment. Consumer trends The information on social media is diverse and includes most of the markets and audience segments. This presents an excellent opportunity for the brands to mine the data and detect and predict consumer trends for product development. Gauge sentiment around the brand Brands can leverage the product/brand mentions in social media via the social media API and sentiment analysis services like Google NLP to detect sentiment for PR activities.
### Instruction: Describe how social media can help companies make better business decisions. What social media data can be collected to aid in business decisions? List four pieces of social media data (e.g., Twitter mentions and the number of retweets would be counted as two pieces). ### Context: ### Answer: With 60% of the world’s population on social media, it presents an excellent opportunity for brands to reach and influence their consumers. The brands are already exploiting and interacting with consumers by leveraging social media as a channel.   Social media is a treasure trove of information for brands. Brands can leverage social media to collect the data below to help them improve their business and overall operations. Customer feedback and complaints Brands can monitor social media to connect with customers and watch customer feedback and complaints. See the below example of how Target engages with its customer via Twitter. Find influential users to promote the brand Brands can find influential users in a specific segment, understand the industry pulse, and partner with significant users to promote their brand—an example of influential Instagram users per industry segment. Consumer trends The information on social media is diverse and includes most of the markets and audience segments. This presents an excellent opportunity for the brands to mine the data and detect and predict consumer trends for product development. Gauge sentiment around the brand Brands can leverage the product/brand mentions in social media via the social media API and sentiment analysis services like Google NLP to detect sentiment for PR activities.</s>
Write me an email to a professor respectfully declining their request for my attendance at a conference
Hi Professor, It is so great to hear from you. I am so glad you thought of me to attend this conference. Unfortunately, I have a tentative vacation planned that week but please do keep me in mind for future opportunities. Thank you,
### Instruction: Write me an email to a professor respectfully declining their request for my attendance at a conference ### Context: ### Answer: Hi Professor, It is so great to hear from you. I am so glad you thought of me to attend this conference. Unfortunately, I have a tentative vacation planned that week but please do keep me in mind for future opportunities. Thank you,</s>
Write an introductory email to a student I will be academically coaching through Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD).
Hi Naomi, My name is Chandler, and I am your Academic Coach through the Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD). I am looking forward to working with you during this time in your academic journey! As your academic coach, my role is to partner with you as we focus on your process of learning. During our time together we will examine your: learning experience habits of working current difficulties or barriers to success While examining these areas we will work together to: Develop individualized learning strategies and study habits Navigate campus resources Promote self-advocacy We will also focus on building and sustaining Executive Functioning skills such as: Time Management Organization Self-regulation Self-efficacy I look forward to hearing back from you.
### Instruction: Write an introductory email to a student I will be academically coaching through Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD). ### Context: ### Answer: Hi Naomi, My name is Chandler, and I am your Academic Coach through the Services for Students with Disabilities office (SSD). I am looking forward to working with you during this time in your academic journey! As your academic coach, my role is to partner with you as we focus on your process of learning. During our time together we will examine your: learning experience habits of working current difficulties or barriers to success While examining these areas we will work together to: Develop individualized learning strategies and study habits Navigate campus resources Promote self-advocacy We will also focus on building and sustaining Executive Functioning skills such as: Time Management Organization Self-regulation Self-efficacy I look forward to hearing back from you.</s>
What are some benefits of public transportation?
Public transportation is better for the environment. Buses and trains emit less carbon dioxide per person than private transportation. Public transportation is more affordable than private transportation. By spreading out the cost of transportation ownership and maintenance among the large number of public transportation riders, public transportation is cheaper than private transportation.
### Instruction: What are some benefits of public transportation? ### Context: ### Answer: Public transportation is better for the environment. Buses and trains emit less carbon dioxide per person than private transportation. Public transportation is more affordable than private transportation. By spreading out the cost of transportation ownership and maintenance among the large number of public transportation riders, public transportation is cheaper than private transportation.</s>
Describe a situation in which scraping data from the web may be justified. Illustrate this situation with a specific example.
I envisioned a business that tracks all the B2B digital partnerships (data connectors between apps). The B2B partnership data can be easily monetized with ads and can be a data source for content-generation activities like blogs, interactive charts, etc. An example of B2B partnership data is an app store or digital marketplace. (Example - HubSpot ecosystem has B2B partnerships with 600+ companies. A rich data set that tracks B2B partnership data must track thousands of companies' App Store or marketplace. For example, the company's marketplace data connectors include the HubSpot ecosystem, Salesforce app exchange, Google Cloud marketplace, Azure, and Dropbox connectors. The B2B data connectors for all the companies must be scrapped from the company's website and are not available via API or other methods.
### Instruction: Describe a situation in which scraping data from the web may be justified. Illustrate this situation with a specific example. ### Context: ### Answer: I envisioned a business that tracks all the B2B digital partnerships (data connectors between apps). The B2B partnership data can be easily monetized with ads and can be a data source for content-generation activities like blogs, interactive charts, etc. An example of B2B partnership data is an app store or digital marketplace. (Example - HubSpot ecosystem has B2B partnerships with 600+ companies. A rich data set that tracks B2B partnership data must track thousands of companies' App Store or marketplace. For example, the company's marketplace data connectors include the HubSpot ecosystem, Salesforce app exchange, Google Cloud marketplace, Azure, and Dropbox connectors. The B2B data connectors for all the companies must be scrapped from the company's website and are not available via API or other methods.</s>
Explain to your 6 year son why its ok to fail few times only to get better later
dear son, when you were born you were so small, you didnt know how to eat or sit. But mommy kept trying to feed you and slowly slowly you learned to eat, and now you see you eat food by yourself so fast. There are so many things you have learned like talking, reading, writing, it all came from practise. Remember the first time when you did cycling you could not balance and kept falling? But Daddy told you to keep trying again and again and you kept practicing every Saturday and now you know how to ride cycle and balance well. Always remember this, everytime you do something new, it will be difficult at first, it might not work, but you should not lose hope and be sad and give up. You should not think you cant do this. Remember if you keep trying , you will figure it out. So next you find something difficult, stay calm, keep trying and you will get it done.
### Instruction: Explain to your 6 year son why its ok to fail few times only to get better later ### Context: ### Answer: dear son, when you were born you were so small, you didnt know how to eat or sit. But mommy kept trying to feed you and slowly slowly you learned to eat, and now you see you eat food by yourself so fast. There are so many things you have learned like talking, reading, writing, it all came from practise. Remember the first time when you did cycling you could not balance and kept falling? But Daddy told you to keep trying again and again and you kept practicing every Saturday and now you know how to ride cycle and balance well. Always remember this, everytime you do something new, it will be difficult at first, it might not work, but you should not lose hope and be sad and give up. You should not think you cant do this. Remember if you keep trying , you will figure it out. So next you find something difficult, stay calm, keep trying and you will get it done.</s>
I am planning a trip to Spain. I am interested in culture, museums and art, but I also want to go to the beach and have great food. What are 5 places that I should definitely visit?
Spain is a large country where you can find all of those things. This would be my top 5, but there are many other places that are worth it. Since you are not specifying the time you will spend in Spain, I will exclude the islands (Balearic Islands and Canary Islands) from the list: - Madrid: the capital city of Spain has some of the top museums in Europe, like the Prado or the Reina Sofia Museums. It is a city with a great atmosphere, and has some of the best restaurants in the country. - Barcelona: a mediterranean global city with a lot to offer - from Antonio Gaudi's architectural masterpieces to beaches and awesome views of the Mediterranean sea. - Galicia: a region located in northwestern Spain. Not very touristic, but with amazing places like Santiago de Compostela, and amazing restaurants and gastronomy. - Sevilla: the largest city in Southern Spain, full of history, museums and amazing places to eat. - Costa del Sol: one of the best places in Spain to visit the beach and get some sunlight. As its name states (Sun Coast), you will get sunny weather all year round.
### Instruction: I am planning a trip to Spain. I am interested in culture, museums and art, but I also want to go to the beach and have great food. What are 5 places that I should definitely visit? ### Context: ### Answer: Spain is a large country where you can find all of those things. This would be my top 5, but there are many other places that are worth it. Since you are not specifying the time you will spend in Spain, I will exclude the islands (Balearic Islands and Canary Islands) from the list: - Madrid: the capital city of Spain has some of the top museums in Europe, like the Prado or the Reina Sofia Museums. It is a city with a great atmosphere, and has some of the best restaurants in the country. - Barcelona: a mediterranean global city with a lot to offer - from Antonio Gaudi's architectural masterpieces to beaches and awesome views of the Mediterranean sea. - Galicia: a region located in northwestern Spain. Not very touristic, but with amazing places like Santiago de Compostela, and amazing restaurants and gastronomy. - Sevilla: the largest city in Southern Spain, full of history, museums and amazing places to eat. - Costa del Sol: one of the best places in Spain to visit the beach and get some sunlight. As its name states (Sun Coast), you will get sunny weather all year round.</s>
Does a difference in prediction outcomes between two ethnic/gender groups from a credit scoring algorithm constitute a bias in the data collection process or the algorithm itself?
I argue that differences in outcomes of credit scoring constitute both a data issue and an algorithmic bias. Let’s first examine the bias in the dataset. I think of the model itself as a black box that generates outputs to fulfill certain objectives – in the case of credit scoring, the objective is the accuracy, recall, and precision of default risk predictions. The model at its untrained version does not discriminate against foreign workers, women, or young people: in fact, it does not conceive of these (socially constructed) labels the way humans do. Yet, the dataset that the model is trained on is fraught with socially constructed biases. For example, social norms cast women as incapable, foreign workers as untrustworthy, and young people as inexperienced, leading to higher unemployment rate and worse living conditions for these groups. Their resulting higher historical default likelihood stems less likely from the demographics-related differences in capability than from the vicious cycles generated by social stereotypes. Stereotypes render datasets biased, which in turns bias the algorithms: given the goal to maximize prediction accuracy, the model learns the “patterns” in the dataset and absorbs the socially constructed differences as a part of its prediction algorithm. Can we blame the algorithm? – After all, the model is constrained to the “history” and has no imaginative capacity for the potential of the historically discriminated groups. Essentially we have a “garbage in, garbage out” scenario caused by the historical and representation biases in the data inputs. On the other hand, I argue that the outcome differences still constitute an algorithmic bias. I believe that we could still “blame” the model for the objectives and constraints that it has to fulfill (even though we humans lay them down in the first place). As illustrated above, with accuracy as the evaluation metric, the entire prediction/forecast algorithm built on historical datasets is meant to repeat the history without looking for potential or discerning social norms. Does the objective of maximizing accuracy constitute a bias itself? – If we can discern the vicious cycle that is both created by and reifying the socially crafted myths (weak women, reckless youth, and xenophobia), a model that actively learns and propagates certain kinds of societal stereotype should certainly be called out for its bias! However, we hard-wire the models to optimize those goals, and to address the inherent bias in the metrics, we humans are responsible for modifying the objectives and adding appropriate constraints. For example, in the programming assignment we encounter the mitigation technique that rejects predictions within a certain decision boundary. Besides techniques like active rejection, can we add constraints such as promoting the growth of underprivileged groups as an objective? Without these constraints, I would say the outcome differences also constitute an algorithmic bias in the part of objective specification.
### Instruction: Does a difference in prediction outcomes between two ethnic/gender groups from a credit scoring algorithm constitute a bias in the data collection process or the algorithm itself? ### Context: ### Answer: I argue that differences in outcomes of credit scoring constitute both a data issue and an algorithmic bias. Let’s first examine the bias in the dataset. I think of the model itself as a black box that generates outputs to fulfill certain objectives – in the case of credit scoring, the objective is the accuracy, recall, and precision of default risk predictions. The model at its untrained version does not discriminate against foreign workers, women, or young people: in fact, it does not conceive of these (socially constructed) labels the way humans do. Yet, the dataset that the model is trained on is fraught with socially constructed biases. For example, social norms cast women as incapable, foreign workers as untrustworthy, and young people as inexperienced, leading to higher unemployment rate and worse living conditions for these groups. Their resulting higher historical default likelihood stems less likely from the demographics-related differences in capability than from the vicious cycles generated by social stereotypes. Stereotypes render datasets biased, which in turns bias the algorithms: given the goal to maximize prediction accuracy, the model learns the “patterns” in the dataset and absorbs the socially constructed differences as a part of its prediction algorithm. Can we blame the algorithm? – After all, the model is constrained to the “history” and has no imaginative capacity for the potential of the historically discriminated groups. Essentially we have a “garbage in, garbage out” scenario caused by the historical and representation biases in the data inputs. On the other hand, I argue that the outcome differences still constitute an algorithmic bias. I believe that we could still “blame” the model for the objectives and constraints that it has to fulfill (even though we humans lay them down in the first place). As illustrated above, with accuracy as the evaluation metric, the entire prediction/forecast algorithm built on historical datasets is meant to repeat the history without looking for potential or discerning social norms. Does the objective of maximizing accuracy constitute a bias itself? – If we can discern the vicious cycle that is both created by and reifying the socially crafted myths (weak women, reckless youth, and xenophobia), a model that actively learns and propagates certain kinds of societal stereotype should certainly be called out for its bias! However, we hard-wire the models to optimize those goals, and to address the inherent bias in the metrics, we humans are responsible for modifying the objectives and adding appropriate constraints. For example, in the programming assignment we encounter the mitigation technique that rejects predictions within a certain decision boundary. Besides techniques like active rejection, can we add constraints such as promoting the growth of underprivileged groups as an objective? Without these constraints, I would say the outcome differences also constitute an algorithmic bias in the part of objective specification.</s>
write a story a bout a man walking a dog by the river
Once upon a time, there was a man called John. John used to get up early and go by the nearby river to walk his dog. one day, while walking by the river John noticed something on the other bank of the river, it was bright and shiny. John started to walk faster to cross the river to the other side, and once he did he found that shiny thing to be dome glass that has a tiny door to the left of it. John never recalled he has seen anything like that before, but once he knocked the door, young beautiful girl open the door, and said Hi. John said Hi back, and he asked is there anyone else living here with you. and the girl said yes, my mom, she is inside, let me call her for you. The girl mom came out and said Hi, how can I help you. and John said, sorry I just noticed this nice shiny dome, and thought to check who is inside. the Lady said yes, we are travellers and we found this nice spot by the river, the dome you see is all made artificially by an AI system, so it look as shiny as possible. we will be camping here by the river for couple of days, then leave after. John said, ok, enjoy time here, and let me know if you need any help. the lady thanked him, and John took his dog back to the other side of the river and continued their walk.
### Instruction: write a story a bout a man walking a dog by the river ### Context: ### Answer: Once upon a time, there was a man called John. John used to get up early and go by the nearby river to walk his dog. one day, while walking by the river John noticed something on the other bank of the river, it was bright and shiny. John started to walk faster to cross the river to the other side, and once he did he found that shiny thing to be dome glass that has a tiny door to the left of it. John never recalled he has seen anything like that before, but once he knocked the door, young beautiful girl open the door, and said Hi. John said Hi back, and he asked is there anyone else living here with you. and the girl said yes, my mom, she is inside, let me call her for you. The girl mom came out and said Hi, how can I help you. and John said, sorry I just noticed this nice shiny dome, and thought to check who is inside. the Lady said yes, we are travellers and we found this nice spot by the river, the dome you see is all made artificially by an AI system, so it look as shiny as possible. we will be camping here by the river for couple of days, then leave after. John said, ok, enjoy time here, and let me know if you need any help. the lady thanked him, and John took his dog back to the other side of the river and continued their walk.</s>
Write an essay describing why baseball should be considered America's pastime.
Baseball is the oldest professional sport in America. It began in the late 1800s. The sport dates back to to the civil war era, which is where it started to become known as America's pastime. It coincides with a plethora of historical and cultural aspects of life in America. While the game has a vast amount of historical significance, it also seems to reflect changes that occur in our society. For example, over the past several decades we have seen a huge influx in players from all over the globe, with greater representation from countries like Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Japan and many others. America has always been considered a land of opportunity and this is evident with baseball. The MLB is the most prestigious league when it comes to baseball and is dream destination for any player. If you are good enough, you are sometime given the opportunity to play here. Recently we have seen a huge increase in the international representation of players in the league. As times have changed and the world has become more global, we also see this transpire in baseball. Baseball is America's pastime because it is a preservation of historical values, but also adapts and reflects current cultural values, which always keeps it relevant.
### Instruction: Write an essay describing why baseball should be considered America's pastime. ### Context: ### Answer: Baseball is the oldest professional sport in America. It began in the late 1800s. The sport dates back to to the civil war era, which is where it started to become known as America's pastime. It coincides with a plethora of historical and cultural aspects of life in America. While the game has a vast amount of historical significance, it also seems to reflect changes that occur in our society. For example, over the past several decades we have seen a huge influx in players from all over the globe, with greater representation from countries like Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Japan and many others. America has always been considered a land of opportunity and this is evident with baseball. The MLB is the most prestigious league when it comes to baseball and is dream destination for any player. If you are good enough, you are sometime given the opportunity to play here. Recently we have seen a huge increase in the international representation of players in the league. As times have changed and the world has become more global, we also see this transpire in baseball. Baseball is America's pastime because it is a preservation of historical values, but also adapts and reflects current cultural values, which always keeps it relevant.</s>
Put yourself in the place of a consumer who is considering the purchase of a new car. What sources of information would you use to evaluate your options during ZMOT (Zero moment of truth)?
Car brand websites: After deciding on a car category (compact SUV), I would visit the different car brand websites to understand the offering. I would start comparing the car's various attributes, like engine/battery power, mileage/range, colors, upgrade options, safety features, etc., from the website. YouTube reviews: I would watch a few car review video guides on YouTube to speed up the car-buying process and narrow down the list to a few options. Price estimates: Once I narrowed it down to a few options, I would obtain a price estimate by sourcing information from or  Check dealer inventory & quotes: With a price estimate, I would start contacting the dealers or configure to price (for Tesla). Alternatively, I would keep checking the dealer’s inventory to see if there is an overstock of a particular car color/model for which I can get a better deal.
### Instruction: Put yourself in the place of a consumer who is considering the purchase of a new car. What sources of information would you use to evaluate your options during ZMOT (Zero moment of truth)? ### Context: ### Answer: Car brand websites: After deciding on a car category (compact SUV), I would visit the different car brand websites to understand the offering. I would start comparing the car's various attributes, like engine/battery power, mileage/range, colors, upgrade options, safety features, etc., from the website. YouTube reviews: I would watch a few car review video guides on YouTube to speed up the car-buying process and narrow down the list to a few options. Price estimates: Once I narrowed it down to a few options, I would obtain a price estimate by sourcing information from or  Check dealer inventory & quotes: With a price estimate, I would start contacting the dealers or configure to price (for Tesla). Alternatively, I would keep checking the dealer’s inventory to see if there is an overstock of a particular car color/model for which I can get a better deal.</s>
Write a plan for a road trip to ski resorts in California that are available on the Ikon pass, with stops at three different resorts. The plan should depart and end at San Francisco, include a budget, timeline, and short description of each resort.
On day 1, start from San Francisco and drive to Palisades Tahoe, which is a roughly 200mi drive which will take around 3 hours. Palisades Tahoe, which once hosted the 1960 winter Olympics, offers two expansive mountains with a variety of beginner to advanced terrain. Finish off day 1 by driving 176mi or around 4 hours to a hotel nearby the next resort, Mammoth Mountain. On day 2, spend the day skiing at Mammoth Mountain, which boasts high snowfalls, is home to the highest elevation lift in California, and has some of the greatest views of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Finish off day 2 by driving 314mi or around 5.5 hours to a hotel nearby the last resort, Big Bear Mountain. On day 3, you will ski Big Bear Mountain Resort comprised of Bear Mountain, with its park-heavy terrain, and Snow Summit, with its many beginner-friendly trails. Big Bear Mountain Resort is not far from Los Angeles and San Bernardino, so additional days could be spent exploring those metro areas. Spend the night around Big Bear Mountain Resort. On the last day, make the nearly 500mi or 7-8 hour drive back to San Francisco. Across this 4 day trip, you can expect to spend around $800 on gas costs and around $600-$800 on lodging with 1 night around Mammoth Mountain and 2 nights around Big Bear Mountain Resort.
### Instruction: Write a plan for a road trip to ski resorts in California that are available on the Ikon pass, with stops at three different resorts. The plan should depart and end at San Francisco, include a budget, timeline, and short description of each resort. ### Context: ### Answer: On day 1, start from San Francisco and drive to Palisades Tahoe, which is a roughly 200mi drive which will take around 3 hours. Palisades Tahoe, which once hosted the 1960 winter Olympics, offers two expansive mountains with a variety of beginner to advanced terrain. Finish off day 1 by driving 176mi or around 4 hours to a hotel nearby the next resort, Mammoth Mountain. On day 2, spend the day skiing at Mammoth Mountain, which boasts high snowfalls, is home to the highest elevation lift in California, and has some of the greatest views of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Finish off day 2 by driving 314mi or around 5.5 hours to a hotel nearby the last resort, Big Bear Mountain. On day 3, you will ski Big Bear Mountain Resort comprised of Bear Mountain, with its park-heavy terrain, and Snow Summit, with its many beginner-friendly trails. Big Bear Mountain Resort is not far from Los Angeles and San Bernardino, so additional days could be spent exploring those metro areas. Spend the night around Big Bear Mountain Resort. On the last day, make the nearly 500mi or 7-8 hour drive back to San Francisco. Across this 4 day trip, you can expect to spend around $800 on gas costs and around $600-$800 on lodging with 1 night around Mammoth Mountain and 2 nights around Big Bear Mountain Resort.</s>
Write a convincing letter to complain to a perfume manufacturer about a broken perfume bottle.
Hi I recently ordered one of your perfume bottles. When the bottle arrived, I was disappointed to find out that there was a crack in the glass, and that some of the contents of the bottle had leaked into the surroundings. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible for me to use the bottle, or to take it on a trip for fear of further leaks. Is there any chance you could refund the price of the bottle, or alternatively send me a new one? Kind regards
### Instruction: Write a convincing letter to complain to a perfume manufacturer about a broken perfume bottle. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi I recently ordered one of your perfume bottles. When the bottle arrived, I was disappointed to find out that there was a crack in the glass, and that some of the contents of the bottle had leaked into the surroundings. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible for me to use the bottle, or to take it on a trip for fear of further leaks. Is there any chance you could refund the price of the bottle, or alternatively send me a new one? Kind regards</s>
write a short essay on murals in jersey city
Jersey City is known for its vibrant street art scene, with murals adorning walls throughout the city. These murals not only add beauty and character to the city, but also serve as a form of public art that is accessible to everyone. The murals in Jersey City come in all shapes and sizes, with a variety of themes and styles. Some feature colorful abstract designs, while others depict realistic images of people, animals, and landscapes. Many of the murals also incorporate social and political messages, addressing issues such as social justice, inequality, and the environment. One of the most famous murals in Jersey City is the "Sixth Borough" mural, which depicts the city as a mythical sixth borough of New York City. This mural, which covers an entire building, has become an iconic symbol of Jersey City's identity and sense of community. The murals in Jersey City are created by a diverse group of artists, both local and international. Some are commissioned by the city or private businesses, while others are created by artists who are drawn to the city's thriving street art scene. Many of the murals are created as part of organized events, such as the annual Jersey City Mural Festival, which brings together artists from around the world to create new works throughout the city. The murals in Jersey City are not only beautiful and inspiring, but also serve as a reflection of the city's culture, history, and values. They are a testament to the power of art to bring people together, to inspire change, and to make the world a more beautiful and meaningful place.
### Instruction: write a short essay on murals in jersey city ### Context: ### Answer: Jersey City is known for its vibrant street art scene, with murals adorning walls throughout the city. These murals not only add beauty and character to the city, but also serve as a form of public art that is accessible to everyone. The murals in Jersey City come in all shapes and sizes, with a variety of themes and styles. Some feature colorful abstract designs, while others depict realistic images of people, animals, and landscapes. Many of the murals also incorporate social and political messages, addressing issues such as social justice, inequality, and the environment. One of the most famous murals in Jersey City is the "Sixth Borough" mural, which depicts the city as a mythical sixth borough of New York City. This mural, which covers an entire building, has become an iconic symbol of Jersey City's identity and sense of community. The murals in Jersey City are created by a diverse group of artists, both local and international. Some are commissioned by the city or private businesses, while others are created by artists who are drawn to the city's thriving street art scene. Many of the murals are created as part of organized events, such as the annual Jersey City Mural Festival, which brings together artists from around the world to create new works throughout the city. The murals in Jersey City are not only beautiful and inspiring, but also serve as a reflection of the city's culture, history, and values. They are a testament to the power of art to bring people together, to inspire change, and to make the world a more beautiful and meaningful place.</s>
Let's say you have one million dollars, how are you going to invest that?
With the current financial climate, I would split it with 30% bond, 30% stock, 20% cash and 20% commodity. That's how I will invest until I see something break due to the persistent interest rate.
### Instruction: Let's say you have one million dollars, how are you going to invest that? ### Context: ### Answer: With the current financial climate, I would split it with 30% bond, 30% stock, 20% cash and 20% commodity. That's how I will invest until I see something break due to the persistent interest rate.</s>
Create a LinkedIn post for sharing the news of an achievement in company.
"Hello everyone, I am excited to share some great news! Our company has been chosen as a finalist for the esteemed XYZ award. I am so proud of our team's hard work and dedication that has led to this recognition. This wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of each and every one of us. Thank you for your continuous support and contributions towards our success. Let's keep up the momentum! #XYZaward #teamwork #hardworkpaysoff"
### Instruction: Create a LinkedIn post for sharing the news of an achievement in company. ### Context: ### Answer: "Hello everyone, I am excited to share some great news! Our company has been chosen as a finalist for the esteemed XYZ award. I am so proud of our team's hard work and dedication that has led to this recognition. This wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of each and every one of us. Thank you for your continuous support and contributions towards our success. Let's keep up the momentum! #XYZaward #teamwork #hardworkpaysoff"</s>
Write a poem about George Washington.
George Washington was a British man The British had laws he couldn't understand Washington and his friends put together a plan That the people would resist and America could stand
### Instruction: Write a poem about George Washington. ### Context: ### Answer: George Washington was a British man The British had laws he couldn't understand Washington and his friends put together a plan That the people would resist and America could stand</s>
Why is music so special?
Music is an art form consisting of arranging sound to create a combination of rhythm and harmonies to convey emotions to individuals. It can be considered a unique art form by certain people due to its ephemeral aspect as opposed to other art types such as painting or sculpture which are mostly permanent. Music can generate a large variety of emotions in individuals through the mere sense of hearing it. Research has shown that listening to music activates multiple areas of the brain and is known to liberate important amounts of dopamine which contribute to giving pleasure to the listener. On the other hand, learning and playing music requires several mental and physical skills such as ear and relative pitch, rhythm, and hand coordination.
### Instruction: Why is music so special? ### Context: ### Answer: Music is an art form consisting of arranging sound to create a combination of rhythm and harmonies to convey emotions to individuals. It can be considered a unique art form by certain people due to its ephemeral aspect as opposed to other art types such as painting or sculpture which are mostly permanent. Music can generate a large variety of emotions in individuals through the mere sense of hearing it. Research has shown that listening to music activates multiple areas of the brain and is known to liberate important amounts of dopamine which contribute to giving pleasure to the listener. On the other hand, learning and playing music requires several mental and physical skills such as ear and relative pitch, rhythm, and hand coordination.</s>
Tell me a story
Everyone carries an invisible bucket. When the bucket is full then we are happy. When it is empty then we are sad. The interesting thing is that we can only fill the bucket by doing good deeds and helping others. When I do a good deed to someone, my bucket gets filled but so does the other person's bucket. When I do a bad deed to someone, then my bucket empties and also the other person's. So, as long as we all keep filling each others buckets, we can all be happy
### Instruction: Tell me a story ### Context: ### Answer: Everyone carries an invisible bucket. When the bucket is full then we are happy. When it is empty then we are sad. The interesting thing is that we can only fill the bucket by doing good deeds and helping others. When I do a good deed to someone, my bucket gets filled but so does the other person's bucket. When I do a bad deed to someone, then my bucket empties and also the other person's. So, as long as we all keep filling each others buckets, we can all be happy</s>
How would it feel to be the only person left alive in the US?
It’s done. I am the only one left, at least in the US. When it first happened, I was convinced that there must be other pockets of people in the US. I have spent the last five years traveling throughout the country, to large cities, small towns and rural areas and I have not seen or heard any people or any evidence that anyone else survived. After five years the loneliness is crushing. Every day I hope to find another human being – to talk to, to touch, perhaps even beginning to rebuild community together. I vacillate between rage and despair that we were unable to save our planet. We had so much global technology and innovation and yet as climate change grew continuously worse nations were unable to collaborate to find solutions. As more and more locations became uninhabitable due to rising heat and humidity, increasingly frequent and intense natural hazards, and failed crops, we simply let people die. Although I still cannot imagine what I could have done differently, I wish I had done more.
### Instruction: How would it feel to be the only person left alive in the US? ### Context: ### Answer: It’s done. I am the only one left, at least in the US. When it first happened, I was convinced that there must be other pockets of people in the US. I have spent the last five years traveling throughout the country, to large cities, small towns and rural areas and I have not seen or heard any people or any evidence that anyone else survived. After five years the loneliness is crushing. Every day I hope to find another human being – to talk to, to touch, perhaps even beginning to rebuild community together. I vacillate between rage and despair that we were unable to save our planet. We had so much global technology and innovation and yet as climate change grew continuously worse nations were unable to collaborate to find solutions. As more and more locations became uninhabitable due to rising heat and humidity, increasingly frequent and intense natural hazards, and failed crops, we simply let people die. Although I still cannot imagine what I could have done differently, I wish I had done more.</s>
What are some of the sight seeing and outdoor activities to do in Portugal, Spain
Day 1: Arrival in Lisbon - Transfer from the airport to the hotel (8.6 miles/14 km) Day 2: Lisbon - Visit to Belém Tower (5.5 miles/9 km) - Jerónimos Monastery - St. George's Castle - Alfama neighborhood Day 3: Sintra - Visit to Pena Palace (18.7 miles/30 km) - Sintra National Palace - Cabo da Roca (14.6 miles/23.5 km) Day 4: Cascais - Beach day in Cascais (16.8 miles/27 km) - Visit to Boca do Inferno - Cascais Marina Day 5: Óbidos - Visit to Óbidos Castle (52.8 miles/85 km) - Walk through the village - Visit to Alcobaça Monastery (22.8 miles/37 km) Day 6: Nazaré - Visit to Nazaré beach (30.7 miles/49.5 km) - Cable car ride - Visit to the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazaré Day 7: Coimbra - Visit to Coimbra University (68.3 miles/110 km) - Walk through the historic center - Visit to the Old Cathedral Day 8: Aveiro - Boat ride through the canals of Aveiro (44.7 miles/72 km) - Visit to the Aveiro Cathedral - Walk through the Fisherman's Quarter Day 9: Porto - Visit to the Ribeira neighborhood (46.6 miles/75 km) - Climb the Clérigos Tower - Visit to the São Bento train station - Tour of the Port wine cellars Day 10: Departure from Porto - Transfer from the hotel to the airport (10.4 miles/17 km)
### Instruction: What are some of the sight seeing and outdoor activities to do in Portugal, Spain ### Context: ### Answer: Day 1: Arrival in Lisbon - Transfer from the airport to the hotel (8.6 miles/14 km) Day 2: Lisbon - Visit to Belém Tower (5.5 miles/9 km) - Jerónimos Monastery - St. George's Castle - Alfama neighborhood Day 3: Sintra - Visit to Pena Palace (18.7 miles/30 km) - Sintra National Palace - Cabo da Roca (14.6 miles/23.5 km) Day 4: Cascais - Beach day in Cascais (16.8 miles/27 km) - Visit to Boca do Inferno - Cascais Marina Day 5: Óbidos - Visit to Óbidos Castle (52.8 miles/85 km) - Walk through the village - Visit to Alcobaça Monastery (22.8 miles/37 km) Day 6: Nazaré - Visit to Nazaré beach (30.7 miles/49.5 km) - Cable car ride - Visit to the Chapel of Our Lady of Nazaré Day 7: Coimbra - Visit to Coimbra University (68.3 miles/110 km) - Walk through the historic center - Visit to the Old Cathedral Day 8: Aveiro - Boat ride through the canals of Aveiro (44.7 miles/72 km) - Visit to the Aveiro Cathedral - Walk through the Fisherman's Quarter Day 9: Porto - Visit to the Ribeira neighborhood (46.6 miles/75 km) - Climb the Clérigos Tower - Visit to the São Bento train station - Tour of the Port wine cellars Day 10: Departure from Porto - Transfer from the hotel to the airport (10.4 miles/17 km)</s>
What are modifiers in English?
A word, especially an adjective or noun used attributively, that restricts or adds to sense of a head noun
### Instruction: What are modifiers in English? ### Context: ### Answer: A word, especially an adjective or noun used attributively, that restricts or adds to sense of a head noun</s>
Write a short story about a woman named Mary who is a barista making a latte.
Mary was a barista at the local coffee shop. She has worked at this specific cafe for over 5 years and has learned to love the job, and has grown close to her coworkers and regular customers. While Mary is a specialist in preparing many types of coffee and tea drinks, her favorite of all time was to make the latte. One morning around 8:00 am, a regular customer named Eric came into the cafe. Eric usually orders a latte every morning around the same time and Mary really enjoys preparing his drink. When Mary saw Eric walk in, she started preparing his drink without even asking what he would order. First Mary greeted Eric and engaged in some small talk, conversing about the seasonally warm weather we were having. While simultaneously having this conversation, Mary was in process of making the coffee drink. Mary first ground 18g of espresso roast coffee on a fine grind setting. Once the coffee was ground, she filled the portafilter with the ground coffee. Once the portafilter was full of coffee, Mary tamped the coffee with a tamper, using about 30 pounds of force. When the portafilter was ready, she fixed it upon the espresso machine. Next Mary filled a milk pitcher with 12 ounces of whole milk. She then took the pitcher, held it to the steam wand, and started steaming the milk. For the first 5 seconds, she held the milk just below the surface of the milk to aerate the milk, and then moved the pitcher up so the steam wand was fully emerged. While the milk was steaming, Mary pressed the espresso button on the machine to start the pouring of the espresso into the two shot glasses. Mary was an expert in doing multiple latte making tasks simultaneously. As the milk finished steaming, she removed the pitcher, wiped down the steam wand, and set the milk aside. At that time, the espresso shots were done, and Mary poured the espresso from the shot glasses into the 16 oz paper cup. She then took the steamed milk and poured it over the espresso shots in the cup. She poured the milk in a specific way that would create latte art, this time she made a little heart out of the milk and foam. Once all the milk was poured, she put a cup on the coffee and handed the coffee over to Eric, who she was still having a conversation with. Once he received the coffee, Eric scanned his gift card on the computer which Mary had prepared for payment for the latte. After Eric was done paying, he took a sip of the drink and complimented Mary for another excellently prepared latte. After taking his sip, Eric then left the store, and got into this car, and drove away. It was moments like this every morning that reminded Mary why she loves this job so much, and looked forward to helping more customers for the remainder of her shift that morning.
### Instruction: Write a short story about a woman named Mary who is a barista making a latte. ### Context: ### Answer: Mary was a barista at the local coffee shop. She has worked at this specific cafe for over 5 years and has learned to love the job, and has grown close to her coworkers and regular customers. While Mary is a specialist in preparing many types of coffee and tea drinks, her favorite of all time was to make the latte. One morning around 8:00 am, a regular customer named Eric came into the cafe. Eric usually orders a latte every morning around the same time and Mary really enjoys preparing his drink. When Mary saw Eric walk in, she started preparing his drink without even asking what he would order. First Mary greeted Eric and engaged in some small talk, conversing about the seasonally warm weather we were having. While simultaneously having this conversation, Mary was in process of making the coffee drink. Mary first ground 18g of espresso roast coffee on a fine grind setting. Once the coffee was ground, she filled the portafilter with the ground coffee. Once the portafilter was full of coffee, Mary tamped the coffee with a tamper, using about 30 pounds of force. When the portafilter was ready, she fixed it upon the espresso machine. Next Mary filled a milk pitcher with 12 ounces of whole milk. She then took the pitcher, held it to the steam wand, and started steaming the milk. For the first 5 seconds, she held the milk just below the surface of the milk to aerate the milk, and then moved the pitcher up so the steam wand was fully emerged. While the milk was steaming, Mary pressed the espresso button on the machine to start the pouring of the espresso into the two shot glasses. Mary was an expert in doing multiple latte making tasks simultaneously. As the milk finished steaming, she removed the pitcher, wiped down the steam wand, and set the milk aside. At that time, the espresso shots were done, and Mary poured the espresso from the shot glasses into the 16 oz paper cup. She then took the steamed milk and poured it over the espresso shots in the cup. She poured the milk in a specific way that would create latte art, this time she made a little heart out of the milk and foam. Once all the milk was poured, she put a cup on the coffee and handed the coffee over to Eric, who she was still having a conversation with. Once he received the coffee, Eric scanned his gift card on the computer which Mary had prepared for payment for the latte. After Eric was done paying, he took a sip of the drink and complimented Mary for another excellently prepared latte. After taking his sip, Eric then left the store, and got into this car, and drove away. It was moments like this every morning that reminded Mary why she loves this job so much, and looked forward to helping more customers for the remainder of her shift that morning.</s>
Things to consider when applying for a new job...
Consider the following before actually applying for a job; career goals, industries to consider, location, size of companies, qualifications for new roles and why are you actually making a change. These considerations will help you create a focus on the type of role, company, location, and industry that will be fulfilling to your next role. Once you've mapped this out, then look at your network of friends, family and acquaintances that you can engage and learn from. Exploring information from those within the target roles/companies will help you confirm your goals are being met in the new role search. Spend time doing research about the sector and various companies that interest you. Understand where those companies and the industry sector is headed in the future? (i.e. is it growing, stable, or shrinking?). Once you feel comfortable and knowledgeable, use networking to engage companies and hiring managers. (Don't be afraid to send that linkedin message) As a word of warning, do not directly apply to multiple jobs in the same company as it tends to come across as desperate and with a lack of focus on specific career goals.
### Instruction: Things to consider when applying for a new job... ### Context: ### Answer: Consider the following before actually applying for a job; career goals, industries to consider, location, size of companies, qualifications for new roles and why are you actually making a change. These considerations will help you create a focus on the type of role, company, location, and industry that will be fulfilling to your next role. Once you've mapped this out, then look at your network of friends, family and acquaintances that you can engage and learn from. Exploring information from those within the target roles/companies will help you confirm your goals are being met in the new role search. Spend time doing research about the sector and various companies that interest you. Understand where those companies and the industry sector is headed in the future? (i.e. is it growing, stable, or shrinking?). Once you feel comfortable and knowledgeable, use networking to engage companies and hiring managers. (Don't be afraid to send that linkedin message) As a word of warning, do not directly apply to multiple jobs in the same company as it tends to come across as desperate and with a lack of focus on specific career goals.</s>
Tell me some brief highlights as to why adopting a vegan diet is a better choice.
Vegan diets provide many benefits, including: - Reducing one's individual contributions to carbon emissions by electing to not eat farmed meat - Lowering one's risks of cardiovascular disease - Lowering one's risks of possessing high cholesterol - Adopting a healthier diet by consuming more fruits, vegetables, and fiber - Having fewer intolerances to trigger foods, such as dairy - Appreciation from animals that won't be eaten
### Instruction: Tell me some brief highlights as to why adopting a vegan diet is a better choice. ### Context: ### Answer: Vegan diets provide many benefits, including: - Reducing one's individual contributions to carbon emissions by electing to not eat farmed meat - Lowering one's risks of cardiovascular disease - Lowering one's risks of possessing high cholesterol - Adopting a healthier diet by consuming more fruits, vegetables, and fiber - Having fewer intolerances to trigger foods, such as dairy - Appreciation from animals that won't be eaten</s>
Is it easier to travel with a baby or a toddler?
Most people have found that traveling is a baby is much easier. This is largely because they are not yet fully mobile and haven't learned to walk or run just yet. Babies are considered infants under the age of 1. Traveling with a baby or a toddler still requires a lot of "stuff", but babies are typically more easily entertained by everyday random objects, such as a cup, or a napkin, etc, whereas toddlers are further along in the developmental journey and need more stimulation, especially on a long journey. Babies are also small enough to wear in a baby carrier, leaving parents hands-free to be able to juggle the copious amounts of luggage and toys needed when traveling with little ones. Babies are typically easier to travel with on planes as they still sleep for more hours than they're typically awake. According to many studies, the ideal age to travel with children is between 4 months to a year.
### Instruction: Is it easier to travel with a baby or a toddler? ### Context: ### Answer: Most people have found that traveling is a baby is much easier. This is largely because they are not yet fully mobile and haven't learned to walk or run just yet. Babies are considered infants under the age of 1. Traveling with a baby or a toddler still requires a lot of "stuff", but babies are typically more easily entertained by everyday random objects, such as a cup, or a napkin, etc, whereas toddlers are further along in the developmental journey and need more stimulation, especially on a long journey. Babies are also small enough to wear in a baby carrier, leaving parents hands-free to be able to juggle the copious amounts of luggage and toys needed when traveling with little ones. Babies are typically easier to travel with on planes as they still sleep for more hours than they're typically awake. According to many studies, the ideal age to travel with children is between 4 months to a year.</s>
Write a brief passage arguing for wearing fanny packs when walking around town.
A fanny pack, otherwise known as a belt bag or waist pack, is a functional and fashionable item to wear while going around town. It can hold any items essential to make your day comfortable, such as keys, a wallet, sunglasses, snacks, lip balm, or others. It's especially useful for when your clothes either don't have pockets, or don't have pockets large enough to fit everything you'd like to bring. In the past, fanny packs were considered ugly and bulky, but in recent times, fanny packs have become quite fashionable; luxury brands have started selling fanny packs and fashion magazine outfits often incorporate a fanny pack slung around a shoulder or around the waist. Overall, fanny packs are a capable item that is sure to improve your experience when talking a walk.
### Instruction: Write a brief passage arguing for wearing fanny packs when walking around town. ### Context: ### Answer: A fanny pack, otherwise known as a belt bag or waist pack, is a functional and fashionable item to wear while going around town. It can hold any items essential to make your day comfortable, such as keys, a wallet, sunglasses, snacks, lip balm, or others. It's especially useful for when your clothes either don't have pockets, or don't have pockets large enough to fit everything you'd like to bring. In the past, fanny packs were considered ugly and bulky, but in recent times, fanny packs have become quite fashionable; luxury brands have started selling fanny packs and fashion magazine outfits often incorporate a fanny pack slung around a shoulder or around the waist. Overall, fanny packs are a capable item that is sure to improve your experience when talking a walk.</s>
Would my landlord allow me to have my dog living at the house?
Dear Mr Landlord, I would like to start by saying how happy I am at the moment living at your property, it is everything I wanted in terms of living space and location since I moved to San Francisco. There is one thing though that I have wanted to ask you and it is regarding Yiyo. Yiyo is my dog, a 50-pound labrador that has been the perfect companion and a true friend since I was a child. Yiyo used to live with my parents as I knew I could not have him live with me at your property, but things have changed recently as my parents are moving to Europe. Yiyo is a very well-behaved dog, trained by professionals since he was 6 months old, and I think he would do a very good job keeping the block and the property safe in view of the recent burglaries that have taken place. I also see value in him being able to live at the property with me to help me keep rats off the premises, which are quite common around due to the nearby forest. I really appreciate you giving this request a thought as I am sure if you allow it we will both greatly benefit from your decision. Sincerely yours, FC.
### Instruction: Would my landlord allow me to have my dog living at the house? ### Context: ### Answer: Dear Mr Landlord, I would like to start by saying how happy I am at the moment living at your property, it is everything I wanted in terms of living space and location since I moved to San Francisco. There is one thing though that I have wanted to ask you and it is regarding Yiyo. Yiyo is my dog, a 50-pound labrador that has been the perfect companion and a true friend since I was a child. Yiyo used to live with my parents as I knew I could not have him live with me at your property, but things have changed recently as my parents are moving to Europe. Yiyo is a very well-behaved dog, trained by professionals since he was 6 months old, and I think he would do a very good job keeping the block and the property safe in view of the recent burglaries that have taken place. I also see value in him being able to live at the property with me to help me keep rats off the premises, which are quite common around due to the nearby forest. I really appreciate you giving this request a thought as I am sure if you allow it we will both greatly benefit from your decision. Sincerely yours, FC.</s>
If you were a waiter and had a rude customer, what would you do?
If I was a waiter and had a rude customer, first I would see what I could do to help the customer. I would try to get to the bottom of this customer's needs by asking questions to understand if they were unhappy with the service or just having a bad day. If I was able to help improve the service we were offering, I would attempt to rectify the situation. If the person was just having a bad day, I would try to make it make their day better by offering better service. I would also understand that sometimes people are rude, and I would not let it impact my day. Its better to put good vibes into the world and provide great service.
### Instruction: If you were a waiter and had a rude customer, what would you do? ### Context: ### Answer: If I was a waiter and had a rude customer, first I would see what I could do to help the customer. I would try to get to the bottom of this customer's needs by asking questions to understand if they were unhappy with the service or just having a bad day. If I was able to help improve the service we were offering, I would attempt to rectify the situation. If the person was just having a bad day, I would try to make it make their day better by offering better service. I would also understand that sometimes people are rude, and I would not let it impact my day. Its better to put good vibes into the world and provide great service.</s>
Write a brief passage arguing for the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture.
In recent times, genetically modified crops have developed a negative sentiment in popular culture. Much like the organic food movement of the 2000s, this change in sentiment is fueled by a general lack of scientific education. There is much more nuance to the issue than "genetically modified crops are bad". Often, people associate the term "GMO" with genetic modification in popular media, seeing it in the same light as cybernetic enhancement or cloning. Genetic modification, however, is not a mysterious science. It has a storied past throughout human history in the form of selective breeding. Almost every mass-harvested crop today has undergone "genetic modification" via selective breeding. Today, modern techniques for genetic modification are the same thing, only sped up. The key here is to make the connection between genetic modification as it has traditionally been done with the genetic modification that occurs today.
### Instruction: Write a brief passage arguing for the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture. ### Context: ### Answer: In recent times, genetically modified crops have developed a negative sentiment in popular culture. Much like the organic food movement of the 2000s, this change in sentiment is fueled by a general lack of scientific education. There is much more nuance to the issue than "genetically modified crops are bad". Often, people associate the term "GMO" with genetic modification in popular media, seeing it in the same light as cybernetic enhancement or cloning. Genetic modification, however, is not a mysterious science. It has a storied past throughout human history in the form of selective breeding. Almost every mass-harvested crop today has undergone "genetic modification" via selective breeding. Today, modern techniques for genetic modification are the same thing, only sped up. The key here is to make the connection between genetic modification as it has traditionally been done with the genetic modification that occurs today.</s>
Write an friendly, convincing e-mail to my landlord asking whether I can get a dog.
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out with a request regarding the property I rent from you. I'm interested in getting myself a dog and I noticed there wasn't a clause in our rental agreement specifying if this was allowed or not so I would like to consult you about that. I work from home most days of the week and have a very laidback lifestyle, so I'm looking for a dog that can keep me company but also take me out of the house for walks. I'm looking into a small breed that is also calm and friendly - likely a french bulldog. They are easy to train and known for spending most of their day sleeping, this is also a very quiet breed that doesn't have a lot of complains of barking. Is that something you would permit? I am also happy to hop on a call or meet in person to discuss further in case you have any follow-up questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards
### Instruction: Write an friendly, convincing e-mail to my landlord asking whether I can get a dog. ### Context: ### Answer: Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this email finds you well. I'm reaching out with a request regarding the property I rent from you. I'm interested in getting myself a dog and I noticed there wasn't a clause in our rental agreement specifying if this was allowed or not so I would like to consult you about that. I work from home most days of the week and have a very laidback lifestyle, so I'm looking for a dog that can keep me company but also take me out of the house for walks. I'm looking into a small breed that is also calm and friendly - likely a french bulldog. They are easy to train and known for spending most of their day sleeping, this is also a very quiet breed that doesn't have a lot of complains of barking. Is that something you would permit? I am also happy to hop on a call or meet in person to discuss further in case you have any follow-up questions. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards</s>
Write a paragraph on why I should quit my job and live off the land.
Work is hard and boring and it is likely that you are ruining your health by sitting all day. You are probably drowning in emails, slack messages and texts from your boss. This is no way to live! You should be out in the sunshine, feeling the cool wind on your face. You could benefit from breathing fresh air and feeling the earth with your own two hands. It is always possible to seize the day and do what brings you joy. In your case, living off the land could bring you significant joy and happiness. Grow your own crops, buy a few chickens, and build a shack in the woods! What do you have to lose? the world is waiting.
### Instruction: Write a paragraph on why I should quit my job and live off the land. ### Context: ### Answer: Work is hard and boring and it is likely that you are ruining your health by sitting all day. You are probably drowning in emails, slack messages and texts from your boss. This is no way to live! You should be out in the sunshine, feeling the cool wind on your face. You could benefit from breathing fresh air and feeling the earth with your own two hands. It is always possible to seize the day and do what brings you joy. In your case, living off the land could bring you significant joy and happiness. Grow your own crops, buy a few chickens, and build a shack in the woods! What do you have to lose? the world is waiting.</s>
Compose a rhyming toast to getting together with old friends
Back together once again we are, Though we now live near and far. Time has passed and we are still friends, This is not where our story ends.
### Instruction: Compose a rhyming toast to getting together with old friends ### Context: ### Answer: Back together once again we are, Though we now live near and far. Time has passed and we are still friends, This is not where our story ends.</s>
Explain how sampling bias in Voice Of Customer research could adversely affect a marketing analysis of customers' post-purchase experience with a product.
Recently I bought a TV from Amazon after extensive research and analysis. The TV manufacturer promptly followed up two weeks after the purchase. The post-purchase experience survey had questions like the following: ·  Did you buy it from a store/online? ·  Are you satisfied with your order? ·  Which store did you visit? ·  Was the self-assembly instructions easy to follow? ·  What other items would you consider purchasing from our brand?   The above questions were too generic from the TV manufacturer, and they missed the mark in identifying me as a persona and my buying criteria. I bought the TV for my basement as a secondary TV, and I picked a TV brand with standard features to be cost-effective. Below are a few sampling biases from the survey Buyer’s criteria The survey didn’t identify the TV for primary usage. I purchased this as a secondary TV, and my expectations were low, but I’m satisfied with the TV. I wouldn’t have picked this brand if this was my primary TV purchase. This is a classic example of sampling bias where the survey didn’t identify my buying criteria and resulted in skewed results. Audience segmentation As a millennial, my primary purchase channel is online. I rely heavily on YouTube reviews and blogs for my research. The TV survey aimed at in-store purchases and needed to capture the online experience correctly. This type of sampling bias results in incorrect market analysis.
### Instruction: Explain how sampling bias in Voice Of Customer research could adversely affect a marketing analysis of customers' post-purchase experience with a product. ### Context: ### Answer: Recently I bought a TV from Amazon after extensive research and analysis. The TV manufacturer promptly followed up two weeks after the purchase. The post-purchase experience survey had questions like the following: ·  Did you buy it from a store/online? ·  Are you satisfied with your order? ·  Which store did you visit? ·  Was the self-assembly instructions easy to follow? ·  What other items would you consider purchasing from our brand?   The above questions were too generic from the TV manufacturer, and they missed the mark in identifying me as a persona and my buying criteria. I bought the TV for my basement as a secondary TV, and I picked a TV brand with standard features to be cost-effective. Below are a few sampling biases from the survey Buyer’s criteria The survey didn’t identify the TV for primary usage. I purchased this as a secondary TV, and my expectations were low, but I’m satisfied with the TV. I wouldn’t have picked this brand if this was my primary TV purchase. This is a classic example of sampling bias where the survey didn’t identify my buying criteria and resulted in skewed results. Audience segmentation As a millennial, my primary purchase channel is online. I rely heavily on YouTube reviews and blogs for my research. The TV survey aimed at in-store purchases and needed to capture the online experience correctly. This type of sampling bias results in incorrect market analysis.</s>
Write a letter I can send to the company that installed my swimming pool. Explain to them that the pool has two leaks and that I'd like to make a warranty claim. Request a reply within the next 30 days.
Date: April 4, 2023 From: Firstname Lastname To: California Pool Company I purchased the home at 123 Main Street, Riverside, California in July 2022. The property has a pool that you installed in 2021. We have had multiple issues with the pool, including two leaks in the underground water lines supplying the automatic pool leveler. I understand the pool has a two-year warranty; I would like you to inspect the issues we have found before the warranty expires. I have enclosed photographs of the issues we have found so far. Please call me at 123-345-3883 to schedule an inspection at your earliest convenience, but no later than 30 days from your receipt of this letter. Thank you.
### Instruction: Write a letter I can send to the company that installed my swimming pool. Explain to them that the pool has two leaks and that I'd like to make a warranty claim. Request a reply within the next 30 days. ### Context: ### Answer: Date: April 4, 2023 From: Firstname Lastname To: California Pool Company I purchased the home at 123 Main Street, Riverside, California in July 2022. The property has a pool that you installed in 2021. We have had multiple issues with the pool, including two leaks in the underground water lines supplying the automatic pool leveler. I understand the pool has a two-year warranty; I would like you to inspect the issues we have found before the warranty expires. I have enclosed photographs of the issues we have found so far. Please call me at 123-345-3883 to schedule an inspection at your earliest convenience, but no later than 30 days from your receipt of this letter. Thank you.</s>
Do dogs reciprocate based on how you treat them?
Yes, dogs are wonderful pets and they make the best human companion. They also understand how to reciprocate based on how you treat them. You constantly scold and be harsh at them and they tend to avoid your company. You constantly love them and they want to be in your company. This is true about dogs even tif he person who was harsh carries their favourite treat. At the end everyone wants to be loved and a dog is no different.
### Instruction: Do dogs reciprocate based on how you treat them? ### Context: ### Answer: Yes, dogs are wonderful pets and they make the best human companion. They also understand how to reciprocate based on how you treat them. You constantly scold and be harsh at them and they tend to avoid your company. You constantly love them and they want to be in your company. This is true about dogs even tif he person who was harsh carries their favourite treat. At the end everyone wants to be loved and a dog is no different.</s>
Why should you live in Florida?
Florida is a great place to live if you like the sun, warm days, spending time at the beach and enjoying a relaxing lifestyle. There are many things to do in Florida such as visiting Disney World, Universal Studios, The Kennedy Space Center or the many aquariums through the state. There are several amazing beaches throughout the state but one of my favorites is Siesta Key because of it's powder white sand that doesn't get hot. You do have to keep an eye out for Sting Rays but beyond that the gulf is great to swim in. There are things to do all day on Siesta key from the beach to the village with multiple restaurants and shops. The only requirement is to relax and enjoy the time you have in a laid back tropical atmosphere.
### Instruction: Why should you live in Florida? ### Context: ### Answer: Florida is a great place to live if you like the sun, warm days, spending time at the beach and enjoying a relaxing lifestyle. There are many things to do in Florida such as visiting Disney World, Universal Studios, The Kennedy Space Center or the many aquariums through the state. There are several amazing beaches throughout the state but one of my favorites is Siesta Key because of it's powder white sand that doesn't get hot. You do have to keep an eye out for Sting Rays but beyond that the gulf is great to swim in. There are things to do all day on Siesta key from the beach to the village with multiple restaurants and shops. The only requirement is to relax and enjoy the time you have in a laid back tropical atmosphere.</s>
Write the introduction to a story about a rocket ship on its way to a distant galaxy
Deep space. It had been so long since they last had a reference point. How long? Was it days? Weeks? Months? The crew didn't know. They longed for a feature, some contact; a planet, even a small asteroid would do. Deep space is a lonely place. But the thought of the mission and the uniqueness of their experience kept them going. They had travelled further than any crew before. They had left the solar system and were well on their way to Andromeda. They would be the first, they would be the pioneers who discovered new lands for the human race. Days continued to pass - or was it weeks again? They started to hear strange sounds from the ship. Was it mechanical issues? Did they have a visitor? Or was it just their minds turning on them?
### Instruction: Write the introduction to a story about a rocket ship on its way to a distant galaxy ### Context: ### Answer: Deep space. It had been so long since they last had a reference point. How long? Was it days? Weeks? Months? The crew didn't know. They longed for a feature, some contact; a planet, even a small asteroid would do. Deep space is a lonely place. But the thought of the mission and the uniqueness of their experience kept them going. They had travelled further than any crew before. They had left the solar system and were well on their way to Andromeda. They would be the first, they would be the pioneers who discovered new lands for the human race. Days continued to pass - or was it weeks again? They started to hear strange sounds from the ship. Was it mechanical issues? Did they have a visitor? Or was it just their minds turning on them?</s>
Write an apology letter to my wife for eating the last of the Oreo cookies and drinking the last of the milk.
To my lovely wife, I am very sorry for consuming the last of our Oreos and Milk. I was not thinking of you or anyone else in the house when I decided to eat them but selfishly only thinking of my own hunger and needs. In the future, I promise to check with you and the kids prior to eating the last of any delicious treat or food. My most sincere apologies. From, Your loving Husband.
### Instruction: Write an apology letter to my wife for eating the last of the Oreo cookies and drinking the last of the milk. ### Context: ### Answer: To my lovely wife, I am very sorry for consuming the last of our Oreos and Milk. I was not thinking of you or anyone else in the house when I decided to eat them but selfishly only thinking of my own hunger and needs. In the future, I promise to check with you and the kids prior to eating the last of any delicious treat or food. My most sincere apologies. From, Your loving Husband.</s>
Imagine a world where life expectancy is fixed and the same for everyone at birth, yet people can engage in life expectancy "donation" – meaning that someone can extend your life three years longer at the expense of theirs. Talk about a likely scenario in this world that involves voluntary donation.
One voluntary donation involves donors and their loved ones. For example, children who wish to have more time with their parents could extend their parents' life expectancy at the expense of theirs. For loving spouses with different times of birth, the one who was born later could extend their partner's life so that they could pass away at the same time, without having to suffer the pain of losing the love of their life. If pets also have fixed life expectancy that is yet shorter than that of humans, the pet owners could also make such a donation willingly.
### Instruction: Imagine a world where life expectancy is fixed and the same for everyone at birth, yet people can engage in life expectancy "donation" – meaning that someone can extend your life three years longer at the expense of theirs. Talk about a likely scenario in this world that involves voluntary donation. ### Context: ### Answer: One voluntary donation involves donors and their loved ones. For example, children who wish to have more time with their parents could extend their parents' life expectancy at the expense of theirs. For loving spouses with different times of birth, the one who was born later could extend their partner's life so that they could pass away at the same time, without having to suffer the pain of losing the love of their life. If pets also have fixed life expectancy that is yet shorter than that of humans, the pet owners could also make such a donation willingly.</s>
What are your views on parenting?
Whoever said parenting is bliss has never parented. But, when everything is well, parenting is one of the best feelings in the world. It is always a great mixture of the best positive feelings and the worst of ourselves. On a sunny day, you are a whole new self, coming into existence. You are this carefree soul, who laughs out loud, makes weird faces and noises, showers loads of kisses and hugs, danced like no one is seeing, talked in a cute weird way, which only you and the audience would understand. On a rainy day, everything you touch could go wrong. Your anger will see its waves. Your voice is commanding and demanding. Your eyes spew anger. Every action of yours is wrong till you sit and calm yourself and analyse what you are going through and why. As much as you want to get it over, the more it will haunt you in your later years. You will long for those happy moments, those hugs and kisses, where everything under the sun was perfect and just like how you had envisioned, but it is all gone. Those are now just thoughts you keep revisiting, hoping you could time travel back to those golden days
### Instruction: What are your views on parenting? ### Context: ### Answer: Whoever said parenting is bliss has never parented. But, when everything is well, parenting is one of the best feelings in the world. It is always a great mixture of the best positive feelings and the worst of ourselves. On a sunny day, you are a whole new self, coming into existence. You are this carefree soul, who laughs out loud, makes weird faces and noises, showers loads of kisses and hugs, danced like no one is seeing, talked in a cute weird way, which only you and the audience would understand. On a rainy day, everything you touch could go wrong. Your anger will see its waves. Your voice is commanding and demanding. Your eyes spew anger. Every action of yours is wrong till you sit and calm yourself and analyse what you are going through and why. As much as you want to get it over, the more it will haunt you in your later years. You will long for those happy moments, those hugs and kisses, where everything under the sun was perfect and just like how you had envisioned, but it is all gone. Those are now just thoughts you keep revisiting, hoping you could time travel back to those golden days</s>
My dog is a 100lb pitbull purebreed. She's always barking at people when we walk her on the street. She's friendly, however, when outside with me or the kids, her bark is loud and deep. How can I get my dog to stop barking at strangers and remove her feeling of "threat"?
Ensure that when you walk her to use a prong collar. Ensure the collar is not loose on her neck, but high up and tight (cannot move easily) under her ear. This will make sure she doesn't take sudden movements and allow her to ensure that you will direct her whether the oncoming distraction is a threat.
### Instruction: My dog is a 100lb pitbull purebreed. She's always barking at people when we walk her on the street. She's friendly, however, when outside with me or the kids, her bark is loud and deep. How can I get my dog to stop barking at strangers and remove her feeling of "threat"? ### Context: ### Answer: Ensure that when you walk her to use a prong collar. Ensure the collar is not loose on her neck, but high up and tight (cannot move easily) under her ear. This will make sure she doesn't take sudden movements and allow her to ensure that you will direct her whether the oncoming distraction is a threat.</s>
What spots are the best spots to surf In the Bay Area?
Surfing in San Francisco can be challenging. It's cold, rocky and the conditions are often unforgiving. That doesn't mean there isn't great surf in the area. Here are a few fun spots. Starting in Marin County, you can’t ignore a small town called Bolinas. Bolinas has prided itself on its efforts to stay off the grid. Unfortunately, COVID has brought a lot more people out of the city and bolinas isn’t the secret spot it used to be. Bolinas is a coastal town in West Marin that has managed to protect itself from big city life. The locals there love keeping Bolinas off the grid. Traveling to Bolinas feels like you’ve went back in time 50 years. In a good way. Bolinas offers a few spots to surf but is generally a longboard wave and is best on incoming mid to high tide. Be respectful of the locals there and the life they’ve carved out for themselves. After Bolinas you can head south and just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Ft Cronkite is a nestled in the Marin Headlands. The beach there is called Rodeo Beach. There is a small parking lot at the beach which hosts many hikers and cyclists as well. The beach is a little cove that is generally protected from the wind. So, when other surf spots in the area may be messy and wind blown, Ft Cron could be clean and protected. This wave is finicky though. It is a bit hit or miss and is a tough wave to surf. I would categorize it for the intermediate to advanced surfer and you need to catch it at mid to high tide. The next spot to go is Ft. Point. Head south over the Golden Gate Bridge. Surfing Ft. Point is really a novalty. It is a left that is tucked under the Golden Gate Bridge. It rarely breaks big enough to surf, but when it does, it is worth paddling out just to say you surfed under the Golden Gate. If you're lucky enough to enjoy this wave when it's breaking be sure to get some photos to prove it. Just south a few minutes from Ft. Point is Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is a large beach break where the city of San Francisco hits the Pacific Ocean. This wave is documented as one of the roughest beach breaks to surf. The paddle out is long. Ocean Beach is not for the faint of heart. The current is strong. When Ocean Beach is going well (generally in the winter), it gets really good. Double overhead barrels good. If Ocean Beach is a bit too heavy for you, it's easy to head south a tad to Pacifica State Beach at Linda Mar. Linda Mar is a little beach break that is learner and local friendly. The crowds can get big here because there are so many beginner surfers at this spot. There are plenty more spots to surf in the Bay Area. These are just a few of the best spots to go. Enjoy the Bay Area surfing.
### Instruction: What spots are the best spots to surf In the Bay Area? ### Context: ### Answer: Surfing in San Francisco can be challenging. It's cold, rocky and the conditions are often unforgiving. That doesn't mean there isn't great surf in the area. Here are a few fun spots. Starting in Marin County, you can’t ignore a small town called Bolinas. Bolinas has prided itself on its efforts to stay off the grid. Unfortunately, COVID has brought a lot more people out of the city and bolinas isn’t the secret spot it used to be. Bolinas is a coastal town in West Marin that has managed to protect itself from big city life. The locals there love keeping Bolinas off the grid. Traveling to Bolinas feels like you’ve went back in time 50 years. In a good way. Bolinas offers a few spots to surf but is generally a longboard wave and is best on incoming mid to high tide. Be respectful of the locals there and the life they’ve carved out for themselves. After Bolinas you can head south and just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Ft Cronkite is a nestled in the Marin Headlands. The beach there is called Rodeo Beach. There is a small parking lot at the beach which hosts many hikers and cyclists as well. The beach is a little cove that is generally protected from the wind. So, when other surf spots in the area may be messy and wind blown, Ft Cron could be clean and protected. This wave is finicky though. It is a bit hit or miss and is a tough wave to surf. I would categorize it for the intermediate to advanced surfer and you need to catch it at mid to high tide. The next spot to go is Ft. Point. Head south over the Golden Gate Bridge. Surfing Ft. Point is really a novalty. It is a left that is tucked under the Golden Gate Bridge. It rarely breaks big enough to surf, but when it does, it is worth paddling out just to say you surfed under the Golden Gate. If you're lucky enough to enjoy this wave when it's breaking be sure to get some photos to prove it. Just south a few minutes from Ft. Point is Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is a large beach break where the city of San Francisco hits the Pacific Ocean. This wave is documented as one of the roughest beach breaks to surf. The paddle out is long. Ocean Beach is not for the faint of heart. The current is strong. When Ocean Beach is going well (generally in the winter), it gets really good. Double overhead barrels good. If Ocean Beach is a bit too heavy for you, it's easy to head south a tad to Pacifica State Beach at Linda Mar. Linda Mar is a little beach break that is learner and local friendly. The crowds can get big here because there are so many beginner surfers at this spot. There are plenty more spots to surf in the Bay Area. These are just a few of the best spots to go. Enjoy the Bay Area surfing.</s>
Give me a suggestion where I should go for spring break if I live in the United States.
Florida is a very popular location for families to visit for spring break, because the weather is generally very warm and sunny which makes it easy to do outdoor activities. Popular destinations in Florida include theme parks like Disneyworld, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, Legoland, and Busch Gardens. Florida is also known for its many beaches where you can go surfing, boating, and sunbathing. Another fun location for spring break is Cancun, Mexico. Many college-aged adults will go to Mexico and stay at a resort. Popular activities include drinking, partying, and going to the beach. This option is probably better for families without young children. A third option is visiting Southern California. Like Florida, the temperatures will be warm and sunny. San Diego is a good place to visit, as it offers many beach activities, but if you don't want to go outside, there are many museums and parks to visit, such as the San Diego Air and Space Museum or Balboa Park.
### Instruction: Give me a suggestion where I should go for spring break if I live in the United States. ### Context: ### Answer: Florida is a very popular location for families to visit for spring break, because the weather is generally very warm and sunny which makes it easy to do outdoor activities. Popular destinations in Florida include theme parks like Disneyworld, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, Legoland, and Busch Gardens. Florida is also known for its many beaches where you can go surfing, boating, and sunbathing. Another fun location for spring break is Cancun, Mexico. Many college-aged adults will go to Mexico and stay at a resort. Popular activities include drinking, partying, and going to the beach. This option is probably better for families without young children. A third option is visiting Southern California. Like Florida, the temperatures will be warm and sunny. San Diego is a good place to visit, as it offers many beach activities, but if you don't want to go outside, there are many museums and parks to visit, such as the San Diego Air and Space Museum or Balboa Park.</s>
You have purchased a product with which you are satisfied. Write a short review describing your experience the product: "Unisex Anti Fog No Leaking Swimming Goggles with Adjustable Silicone for Men Women Adult Youth".
These streamlined swimming goggles seem to very comparable in terms of quality with the other brands I've used. The coating on the lenses inhibits fog buildup, and the silicone straps are comfortable and broadly adjustable, providing a comfortable leak-proof seal for all sizes. I also love the universal style that can accommodate men or women. They're about as stylish as something like this could be.
### Instruction: You have purchased a product with which you are satisfied. Write a short review describing your experience the product: "Unisex Anti Fog No Leaking Swimming Goggles with Adjustable Silicone for Men Women Adult Youth". ### Context: ### Answer: These streamlined swimming goggles seem to very comparable in terms of quality with the other brands I've used. The coating on the lenses inhibits fog buildup, and the silicone straps are comfortable and broadly adjustable, providing a comfortable leak-proof seal for all sizes. I also love the universal style that can accommodate men or women. They're about as stylish as something like this could be.</s>
Write a consoling message to my friend who didn’t get the job they wanted
Dear ____ I’m so sorry you didn’t get the job, but some things aren’t meant to be and I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Your dream job might be just around the corner, and their loss is your next employers gain. I’m here if you ever need to talk. Kind Regards, ____
### Instruction: Write a consoling message to my friend who didn’t get the job they wanted ### Context: ### Answer: Dear ____ I’m so sorry you didn’t get the job, but some things aren’t meant to be and I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Your dream job might be just around the corner, and their loss is your next employers gain. I’m here if you ever need to talk. Kind Regards, ____</s>
What is the Canada's national sport?
There are two national sports in Canada. Lacrosse was the only national sport from 1859 - 1994. However, in 1994 parliament passed Canada's National Sport Act, which made lacrosse the national summer sport and ice hockey the national winter sport.
### Instruction: What is the Canada's national sport? ### Context: ### Answer: There are two national sports in Canada. Lacrosse was the only national sport from 1859 - 1994. However, in 1994 parliament passed Canada's National Sport Act, which made lacrosse the national summer sport and ice hockey the national winter sport.</s>
Does platonic love hurt?
Friendship breakups truly are not talked about enough. I feel like there's plenty of advice for how to deal with exes, but nearly none for how to recover from a very important friendship in your life ending. It hurts like hell and if you were really attached to the person, it hurts just as much--if not even more. Platonic love is no less profound than romantic love.
### Instruction: Does platonic love hurt? ### Context: ### Answer: Friendship breakups truly are not talked about enough. I feel like there's plenty of advice for how to deal with exes, but nearly none for how to recover from a very important friendship in your life ending. It hurts like hell and if you were really attached to the person, it hurts just as much--if not even more. Platonic love is no less profound than romantic love.</s>
Write a short story (under 250 words) about meditation. The narrator should be uncomfortable.
Our guide asks us to close our eyes and softly leads us through a meditation: we’re in a meadow, leaning against an old tree. The trunk supports us as we become one with the earth, anchoring ourselves in place, feeling at peace. She gives us a mantra: “I am…” and we fill in the blank and silently repeat the statement in our minds. “I am human,” I think to myself as I visualize myself becoming one with the tree, growing roots and hardening, knowing I will eventually be chopped down along with the other trees that must have once been in this lonely meadow. When our guide softly brings us back to reality she encourages us to share our “I am” mantras and I panic as the other participants declare: “I am brave.” “I am enough.” “I am still.” I don’t repeat my mantra. I don’t want to explain why I needed to feel human, how I saw myself transforming into not only the tree, but then a sprite, a creature of the forest. “I am okay,” I whisper. My declaration is met with universal head nodding. I feel guilty about changing my mantra for a moment, but reassure myself of my statement’s authenticity: I’m no longer a tree, I’m in a studio with several other people, attempting to let go of my social anxieties, and I am okay.
### Instruction: Write a short story (under 250 words) about meditation. The narrator should be uncomfortable. ### Context: ### Answer: Our guide asks us to close our eyes and softly leads us through a meditation: we’re in a meadow, leaning against an old tree. The trunk supports us as we become one with the earth, anchoring ourselves in place, feeling at peace. She gives us a mantra: “I am…” and we fill in the blank and silently repeat the statement in our minds. “I am human,” I think to myself as I visualize myself becoming one with the tree, growing roots and hardening, knowing I will eventually be chopped down along with the other trees that must have once been in this lonely meadow. When our guide softly brings us back to reality she encourages us to share our “I am” mantras and I panic as the other participants declare: “I am brave.” “I am enough.” “I am still.” I don’t repeat my mantra. I don’t want to explain why I needed to feel human, how I saw myself transforming into not only the tree, but then a sprite, a creature of the forest. “I am okay,” I whisper. My declaration is met with universal head nodding. I feel guilty about changing my mantra for a moment, but reassure myself of my statement’s authenticity: I’m no longer a tree, I’m in a studio with several other people, attempting to let go of my social anxieties, and I am okay.</s>
Write an email on behalf of a friend to a colleague to set up a chat with them. The friend is interested in learning more about their current job role and current company before applying.
Hi [colleague's name], I hope you've been well! I have a friend [friend's name] who is interested in getting more insight on your work here at [company name] and how your overall experience as a [job role] has been. Would you be free to have a short chat with them? If so, I'd be happy to arrange for you two to connect. Let me know what you think! Best, [your name]
### Instruction: Write an email on behalf of a friend to a colleague to set up a chat with them. The friend is interested in learning more about their current job role and current company before applying. ### Context: ### Answer: Hi [colleague's name], I hope you've been well! I have a friend [friend's name] who is interested in getting more insight on your work here at [company name] and how your overall experience as a [job role] has been. Would you be free to have a short chat with them? If so, I'd be happy to arrange for you two to connect. Let me know what you think! Best, [your name]</s>
Write a point of view on personal privacy in the age of software and technology.
The definition of “privacy” is elusive, but some may associate a reduction in privacy with the burgeoning of technology. The advent of digital databases has made it possible to easily track and retrieve user records and user activities. Records which are reported to the government are deemed “public” and may be used to vet teachers, bus drivers, crime rates, and more. Similar information can be used to determine the layouts and prices of homes and to track spending habits to perfect search engine recommendations. Despite technological infringements, some may argue that there is more privacy today than in centuries past. We can consume entertainment without leaving the confines of our home; when we do step out, we can travel in private vehicles. Consequently, we have become more estranged from society and now request credentials or an ordeal before trusting others. More than ever, we seek recommendations from our close peers, we frequently consult user reviews, and we are weary of trusting unvetted strangers.
### Instruction: Write a point of view on personal privacy in the age of software and technology. ### Context: ### Answer: The definition of “privacy” is elusive, but some may associate a reduction in privacy with the burgeoning of technology. The advent of digital databases has made it possible to easily track and retrieve user records and user activities. Records which are reported to the government are deemed “public” and may be used to vet teachers, bus drivers, crime rates, and more. Similar information can be used to determine the layouts and prices of homes and to track spending habits to perfect search engine recommendations. Despite technological infringements, some may argue that there is more privacy today than in centuries past. We can consume entertainment without leaving the confines of our home; when we do step out, we can travel in private vehicles. Consequently, we have become more estranged from society and now request credentials or an ordeal before trusting others. More than ever, we seek recommendations from our close peers, we frequently consult user reviews, and we are weary of trusting unvetted strangers.</s>
Why should people convert lawns and ornamental gardens to native plants?
Who doesn’t love butterflies? They are a beautiful symbol of innocence. But have you noticed there are fewer and fewer every year? When I was a kid, you couldn’t take a trip without getting some butterflies on the windshield of your car. So why are there so few and what does it mean? One of the main reasons is the use of pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals are indiscriminate killers. And they knock the whole ecosystem out of balance. In my yard, I have seen how a little patience will put things back into balance. I had aphids, but slowly noticed aphid predators solving the problem. I had flies due to my chicken coop, but over a few weeks I saw Swallows and Phoebes move in to take advantage of the food source. The other reason we see fewer butterflies is food for caterpillars. Most butterflies and moths (or butterflies of the night as I like to call them) need a particular plant to host their caterpillars. For Monarch butterflies, it is Milkweed (Asclepias), which is an unfortunate name for a beautiful plant. For Pipevine Swallowtails, it is Pipevine (Aristolochia). Without these plants, caterpillars have no source of food. And as cities and suburbs become paved over, there is no place for these once abundant plants to grow. As we look at our own yards, they contain beautiful plants that are imported from other places. But to a butterfly, our yards seem like deserts. Even plants like bottlebrush, which attract a lot of insects for nectar, provide no food for native baby insects. It’s kind of like having a bar for the adults to drink at, but no food to nourish their children so they can grow to be adults too. But Doug Tallamy, an entomologist from University of Delaware, says we can help. By putting some native plants in our yards, we can provide the food to bring back butterflies. As we prepared to redo our garden from evergreen ornamentals, to an English cottage/cut flower garden, something happened. We saw Doug Tallamy speak on a CNPS Silicon Valley Zoom Meeting. And we realized we had to change our direction, and begin gardening with natives. As we look at our garden, the key is that we are just beginning… It is a grand experiment to see what works where. And already the garden is talking to us. The blue eyed grass has jumped the paved walkway to another part of the garden! We expect more movement and magic in the future. Here are some of our thoughts on our garden. Blessings… Having a giant oak tree in our yard and creek behind us have certainly given us a leg up in terms of food and wildlife access to our yard. Downside… Lots of shade. Only two, maybe three spots in our garden that get good sun. So, we troll through Calscape looking for plants that will tolerate shade. (If you haven't met Calscape you are in for a treat. I hope you live in California though...). Goal… As Talamites, we believe in feeding the ecosystem, which starts with caterpillar farming. So how has that worked out? Well, we’ve only seen one or two caterpillars so far. Sigh. It’s all an experiment… Biggest impact… Leaving the leaves the past year. We can already see the soil improving, and everytime we water we see lots of insects rising up out of the litter. So it is happening. Slowly… So we continue to replace non-natives with natives. Last weekend we took out Sarcococca and Pierris Japonicas and replaced them with Coffeeberry (Frangula Californica). This weekend we removed two maple trees and replaced them with Bush Anemone (Carpenteria Californica). And next weekend we are going to replace our box hedge with Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis). Besides the bugs, we've seen lots of other great wildlife in our yard. A new nest of baby squirrels is born in the tree every year. And this year we were surprised by 3 baby raccoons moving into the tree (it is largely hollow). They are sweet shy and adorable. We've enjoyed watching them come out and scour the tree every night for food.
### Instruction: Why should people convert lawns and ornamental gardens to native plants? ### Context: ### Answer: Who doesn’t love butterflies? They are a beautiful symbol of innocence. But have you noticed there are fewer and fewer every year? When I was a kid, you couldn’t take a trip without getting some butterflies on the windshield of your car. So why are there so few and what does it mean? One of the main reasons is the use of pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals are indiscriminate killers. And they knock the whole ecosystem out of balance. In my yard, I have seen how a little patience will put things back into balance. I had aphids, but slowly noticed aphid predators solving the problem. I had flies due to my chicken coop, but over a few weeks I saw Swallows and Phoebes move in to take advantage of the food source. The other reason we see fewer butterflies is food for caterpillars. Most butterflies and moths (or butterflies of the night as I like to call them) need a particular plant to host their caterpillars. For Monarch butterflies, it is Milkweed (Asclepias), which is an unfortunate name for a beautiful plant. For Pipevine Swallowtails, it is Pipevine (Aristolochia). Without these plants, caterpillars have no source of food. And as cities and suburbs become paved over, there is no place for these once abundant plants to grow. As we look at our own yards, they contain beautiful plants that are imported from other places. But to a butterfly, our yards seem like deserts. Even plants like bottlebrush, which attract a lot of insects for nectar, provide no food for native baby insects. It’s kind of like having a bar for the adults to drink at, but no food to nourish their children so they can grow to be adults too. But Doug Tallamy, an entomologist from University of Delaware, says we can help. By putting some native plants in our yards, we can provide the food to bring back butterflies. As we prepared to redo our garden from evergreen ornamentals, to an English cottage/cut flower garden, something happened. We saw Doug Tallamy speak on a CNPS Silicon Valley Zoom Meeting. And we realized we had to change our direction, and begin gardening with natives. As we look at our garden, the key is that we are just beginning… It is a grand experiment to see what works where. And already the garden is talking to us. The blue eyed grass has jumped the paved walkway to another part of the garden! We expect more movement and magic in the future. Here are some of our thoughts on our garden. Blessings… Having a giant oak tree in our yard and creek behind us have certainly given us a leg up in terms of food and wildlife access to our yard. Downside… Lots of shade. Only two, maybe three spots in our garden that get good sun. So, we troll through Calscape looking for plants that will tolerate shade. (If you haven't met Calscape you are in for a treat. I hope you live in California though...). Goal… As Talamites, we believe in feeding the ecosystem, which starts with caterpillar farming. So how has that worked out? Well, we’ve only seen one or two caterpillars so far. Sigh. It’s all an experiment… Biggest impact… Leaving the leaves the past year. We can already see the soil improving, and everytime we water we see lots of insects rising up out of the litter. So it is happening. Slowly… So we continue to replace non-natives with natives. Last weekend we took out Sarcococca and Pierris Japonicas and replaced them with Coffeeberry (Frangula Californica). This weekend we removed two maple trees and replaced them with Bush Anemone (Carpenteria Californica). And next weekend we are going to replace our box hedge with Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis). Besides the bugs, we've seen lots of other great wildlife in our yard. A new nest of baby squirrels is born in the tree every year. And this year we were surprised by 3 baby raccoons moving into the tree (it is largely hollow). They are sweet shy and adorable. We've enjoyed watching them come out and scour the tree every night for food.</s>
Write an e-mail to the office asking employees to clean their coffee mugs rather than leave them in the sink. It should be polite, but express some annoyance.
Hello fellow coffee-drinkers, I love drinking coffee like you, but, I also don't like seeing a bunch of dirty mugs piling up in the sink. We do not have cleaning staff to clean them up during the day. Your coworkers have been cleaning up after you. Please rinse any used coffee mugs and put them in the dishwasher like you do at home! Thank you!
### Instruction: Write an e-mail to the office asking employees to clean their coffee mugs rather than leave them in the sink. It should be polite, but express some annoyance. ### Context: ### Answer: Hello fellow coffee-drinkers, I love drinking coffee like you, but, I also don't like seeing a bunch of dirty mugs piling up in the sink. We do not have cleaning staff to clean them up during the day. Your coworkers have been cleaning up after you. Please rinse any used coffee mugs and put them in the dishwasher like you do at home! Thank you!</s>
Will commercial space travel be affordable to me in my lifetime and what would I pay for it?
I have always been fascinated by space and space travel. The cost of space travel is astronomical by most peoples standards, however, we are starting to hear of companies that are working on making space travel more affordable. Depending on my financial situation at retirement, I would pay up to $100000 to travel to space.
### Instruction: Will commercial space travel be affordable to me in my lifetime and what would I pay for it? ### Context: ### Answer: I have always been fascinated by space and space travel. The cost of space travel is astronomical by most peoples standards, however, we are starting to hear of companies that are working on making space travel more affordable. Depending on my financial situation at retirement, I would pay up to $100000 to travel to space.</s>
I need a bulleted list of a few things people like to do with trees.
- Read under one - Plant some in a park - Pick and eat its fruit - Cut it for lumber
### Instruction: I need a bulleted list of a few things people like to do with trees. ### Context: ### Answer: - Read under one - Plant some in a park - Pick and eat its fruit - Cut it for lumber</s>
Help me plan a trip to Nova Scotia
Day 1: - Start the day with a walking tour of Old Town (2 miles / 3.2 km) - Visit the National Museum (1 mile / 1.6 km) - Attend a performance at the National Theater (1 mile / 1.6 km) Day 2: - Take a day trip to a nearby national park for hiking and wildlife viewing (60 miles / 96.5 km) - Return to the city for dinner and drinks in the evening Day 3: - Visit the iconic city palace and gardens (2.5 miles / 4 km) - Explore local markets and street food vendors (1 mile / 1.6 km) Day 4: - Take a scenic drive to a nearby coastal city (80 miles / 128.7 km) - Spend the day at the beach and exploring the city's sights and cuisine Day 5: - Boat tour of the city's waterways (7 miles / 11.2 km) - Visit a traditional fishing village and have a seafood lunch (15 miles / 24.1 km) Day 6: - Take a day trip to a nearby hill station for hiking and nature walks (40 miles / 64.4 km) - Stop at a tea plantation for a tour and tasting (20 miles / 32.2 km) Day 7: - Visit a nearby UNESCO World Heritage site (50 miles / 80.5 km) - Enjoy a cultural performance and local meal in the evening Day 8: - Take a leisurely bike ride along a scenic route (10 miles / 16.1 km) - Visit a local winery for a tasting and tour (5 miles / 8 km) Day 9: - Visit a local art museum (2 miles / 3.2 km) - Take a cooking class and learn to make some local dishes Day 10: - Spend the day exploring the city at your own pace, shopping for souvenirs, and enjoying local cuisine before departing in the evening.
### Instruction: Help me plan a trip to Nova Scotia ### Context: ### Answer: Day 1: - Start the day with a walking tour of Old Town (2 miles / 3.2 km) - Visit the National Museum (1 mile / 1.6 km) - Attend a performance at the National Theater (1 mile / 1.6 km) Day 2: - Take a day trip to a nearby national park for hiking and wildlife viewing (60 miles / 96.5 km) - Return to the city for dinner and drinks in the evening Day 3: - Visit the iconic city palace and gardens (2.5 miles / 4 km) - Explore local markets and street food vendors (1 mile / 1.6 km) Day 4: - Take a scenic drive to a nearby coastal city (80 miles / 128.7 km) - Spend the day at the beach and exploring the city's sights and cuisine Day 5: - Boat tour of the city's waterways (7 miles / 11.2 km) - Visit a traditional fishing village and have a seafood lunch (15 miles / 24.1 km) Day 6: - Take a day trip to a nearby hill station for hiking and nature walks (40 miles / 64.4 km) - Stop at a tea plantation for a tour and tasting (20 miles / 32.2 km) Day 7: - Visit a nearby UNESCO World Heritage site (50 miles / 80.5 km) - Enjoy a cultural performance and local meal in the evening Day 8: - Take a leisurely bike ride along a scenic route (10 miles / 16.1 km) - Visit a local winery for a tasting and tour (5 miles / 8 km) Day 9: - Visit a local art museum (2 miles / 3.2 km) - Take a cooking class and learn to make some local dishes Day 10: - Spend the day exploring the city at your own pace, shopping for souvenirs, and enjoying local cuisine before departing in the evening.</s>
Write a brief about your recent vacation
It was family time and no other place came to my mind for a relaxing time to be spent with family. The serene backwaters of the resort were the perfect destination to enjoy the long weekend. This was my daughter's first long drive and she enjoyed the outing and all the nearby vacation spots we visited. We enjoyed the tour and are looking forward to our next visit!
### Instruction: Write a brief about your recent vacation ### Context: ### Answer: It was family time and no other place came to my mind for a relaxing time to be spent with family. The serene backwaters of the resort were the perfect destination to enjoy the long weekend. This was my daughter's first long drive and she enjoyed the outing and all the nearby vacation spots we visited. We enjoyed the tour and are looking forward to our next visit!</s>
What's the best way to learn something?
Learning is a constant process. One way to efficiently start learning something would be to understand the fundamentals first and dive deeper into the subtopics as you get more familiar with the core concepts. Read as much as possible and create an outline on the topic. Leverage the five Ws technique of problem solving - Who, What, When, Where and Why. There are numerous ways to get familiarized with concepts. One way to do it would be to jot down your notes, try to make connections and try to simplify the ideas if possible. Assume that you are trying to explain this to a five year old, how would you build the topic, make it interesting either by visualizations, metaphors etc.? Another beneficial technique that can be of good help here, would be to put the concept into application in some form or the other. This can be done by either practicing the concepts in real life if feasible, or by observing its presence and relevance. Finally, try and teach the concepts to others. This is an extremely effective way to gain fluency and expertise on a subject.
### Instruction: What's the best way to learn something? ### Context: ### Answer: Learning is a constant process. One way to efficiently start learning something would be to understand the fundamentals first and dive deeper into the subtopics as you get more familiar with the core concepts. Read as much as possible and create an outline on the topic. Leverage the five Ws technique of problem solving - Who, What, When, Where and Why. There are numerous ways to get familiarized with concepts. One way to do it would be to jot down your notes, try to make connections and try to simplify the ideas if possible. Assume that you are trying to explain this to a five year old, how would you build the topic, make it interesting either by visualizations, metaphors etc.? Another beneficial technique that can be of good help here, would be to put the concept into application in some form or the other. This can be done by either practicing the concepts in real life if feasible, or by observing its presence and relevance. Finally, try and teach the concepts to others. This is an extremely effective way to gain fluency and expertise on a subject.</s>
What are books are available to get an understanding of California prior to the gold-rush of 1849?
A great resource for pre-Gold Rush California is the book "Two Years Before the Mast" by Richard Henry Dana who stepped away from Harvard Law School and signed up for a tour on the merchant vessel out of Boston in 1834. The book describes the voyage around the treacherous Cape Horn under the leadership of a hard and driving captain who shows little remorse or regard for his crew as the ship is battered below the cape by the confluence of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Awareness of Ahab of Melville's Moby Dick cannot help but inform your mental picture of this captain. The ship makes its way up the coast, passing the newly independent countries of South and central America, to the northern part of Mexico, an area called Alta California. Traveling along the coast, the ship trades with the Spanish and indigenous peoples in tiny settlements and missions named San Diego, San Pedro, San Juan, Nuestra Señora La Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula, Santa Barbara, Monterey and north to San Francisco Bay. Dana's detailed descriptions of the natural harborages and the tiny settlements and missions are richly described and contrast sharply with the California we see today. One is left with the singular impression of the remoteness of California to those traveling from east cost of North America or Europe. The crew was trading in hides and tallow, incredible to those reading from contemporary times, who consider the distance of the journey and the archaicness of the cargo. The trading goods seem altogether more ancient when considering the change the entire area would undergo in 1848 at Sutter's Mill.
### Instruction: What are books are available to get an understanding of California prior to the gold-rush of 1849? ### Context: ### Answer: A great resource for pre-Gold Rush California is the book "Two Years Before the Mast" by Richard Henry Dana who stepped away from Harvard Law School and signed up for a tour on the merchant vessel out of Boston in 1834. The book describes the voyage around the treacherous Cape Horn under the leadership of a hard and driving captain who shows little remorse or regard for his crew as the ship is battered below the cape by the confluence of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Awareness of Ahab of Melville's Moby Dick cannot help but inform your mental picture of this captain. The ship makes its way up the coast, passing the newly independent countries of South and central America, to the northern part of Mexico, an area called Alta California. Traveling along the coast, the ship trades with the Spanish and indigenous peoples in tiny settlements and missions named San Diego, San Pedro, San Juan, Nuestra Señora La Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula, Santa Barbara, Monterey and north to San Francisco Bay. Dana's detailed descriptions of the natural harborages and the tiny settlements and missions are richly described and contrast sharply with the California we see today. One is left with the singular impression of the remoteness of California to those traveling from east cost of North America or Europe. The crew was trading in hides and tallow, incredible to those reading from contemporary times, who consider the distance of the journey and the archaicness of the cargo. The trading goods seem altogether more ancient when considering the change the entire area would undergo in 1848 at Sutter's Mill.</s>
Describe a scary moment in a storm.
I live in Oklahoma, so we see our fair share of storms. Storm sirens are so common that I don't take cover every time they go off. Instead, it's normal for me to watch the radar when a storm system is moving through to see where the tornados are and how close they are to me. Once, the radar showed a tornado southwest of our house - moving towards us. When it was within a couple miles of us, my wife took the dogs and blankets and went to our safe place - an internal bathroom. I stood back from the windows and watched the tv. From my position, I could see out the back windows which faced west - southwest. The weather showed that the tornado was right on top of us. I watched out the window as a fragment of a four by four, about a foot and a half long, flipped up from the ground and tumbled across the lawn. It was that moment that I decided I had watched enough and stepped into the bathroom to join my wife and the dogs. The storm blew over us. The tornado wasn't on the ground as it passed by, but it was definitely and intense several minutes as we waited. I have seen my fair share of storms and had a number of close calls with tornados. This definitely falls in one of my top 5.
### Instruction: Describe a scary moment in a storm. ### Context: ### Answer: I live in Oklahoma, so we see our fair share of storms. Storm sirens are so common that I don't take cover every time they go off. Instead, it's normal for me to watch the radar when a storm system is moving through to see where the tornados are and how close they are to me. Once, the radar showed a tornado southwest of our house - moving towards us. When it was within a couple miles of us, my wife took the dogs and blankets and went to our safe place - an internal bathroom. I stood back from the windows and watched the tv. From my position, I could see out the back windows which faced west - southwest. The weather showed that the tornado was right on top of us. I watched out the window as a fragment of a four by four, about a foot and a half long, flipped up from the ground and tumbled across the lawn. It was that moment that I decided I had watched enough and stepped into the bathroom to join my wife and the dogs. The storm blew over us. The tornado wasn't on the ground as it passed by, but it was definitely and intense several minutes as we waited. I have seen my fair share of storms and had a number of close calls with tornados. This definitely falls in one of my top 5.</s>
Write a grocery list of typical items a person might get from the grocery store.
The items a person might need from the grocery store will vary on the dietary needs of the person, as well as the amount of people in the household the person is shopping for, and if they're shopping for a special event or just for regular daily meals. With that in mind, here are some typical grocery shopping items that a person might get from a typical grocery shopping trip: milk, bread, eggs, coffee, olive oil, rice, chicken, steak, apples, oranges, salad mix, soda, sugar, flour, salt.
### Instruction: Write a grocery list of typical items a person might get from the grocery store. ### Context: ### Answer: The items a person might need from the grocery store will vary on the dietary needs of the person, as well as the amount of people in the household the person is shopping for, and if they're shopping for a special event or just for regular daily meals. With that in mind, here are some typical grocery shopping items that a person might get from a typical grocery shopping trip: milk, bread, eggs, coffee, olive oil, rice, chicken, steak, apples, oranges, salad mix, soda, sugar, flour, salt.</s>
Tell me about life growing up in Singapore from a local's point of view. This local must have been born in Singapore at least after 1985 and is someone who enjoys his/her time growing up in Singapore.
Life in Singapore as a 34 year old is comfortable. I grew up in a multicultural society where all races and religions respect one another. I've also grown up with a myriad of food types where going out and trying different types of food is considered a local past time activity. As a local living in Singapore, I love traveling to nearby countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and more, all of which are less than a 4 hour flight away. I enjoy the social and financial stability of growing up in Singapore.
### Instruction: Tell me about life growing up in Singapore from a local's point of view. This local must have been born in Singapore at least after 1985 and is someone who enjoys his/her time growing up in Singapore. ### Context: ### Answer: Life in Singapore as a 34 year old is comfortable. I grew up in a multicultural society where all races and religions respect one another. I've also grown up with a myriad of food types where going out and trying different types of food is considered a local past time activity. As a local living in Singapore, I love traveling to nearby countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and more, all of which are less than a 4 hour flight away. I enjoy the social and financial stability of growing up in Singapore.</s>
Write a brief passage arguing why beach volleyball is better than indoor volleyball.
Beach volleyball is arguably better than indoor volleyball because you are usually outside by a body of water. Research in the field of positive psychology has shown that simply being in/around nature can improve one's sense of well-being. Being able to exercise while feeling the sun on your back, hearing the birds chirp, and seeing people play around in the sand is a totally different experience than being stuck inside a dark building. Additionally, playing volleyball in the sand is way more difficult and a harder workout than playing on a court. In order to jump the same height or run after a shanked ball, you have to exert more energy. Since exercise is known to release endorphins, one could argue that more endorphins are released when playing beach volleyball over indoor. Overall, beach volleyball is more fun and a better workout than indoor volleyball.
### Instruction: Write a brief passage arguing why beach volleyball is better than indoor volleyball. ### Context: ### Answer: Beach volleyball is arguably better than indoor volleyball because you are usually outside by a body of water. Research in the field of positive psychology has shown that simply being in/around nature can improve one's sense of well-being. Being able to exercise while feeling the sun on your back, hearing the birds chirp, and seeing people play around in the sand is a totally different experience than being stuck inside a dark building. Additionally, playing volleyball in the sand is way more difficult and a harder workout than playing on a court. In order to jump the same height or run after a shanked ball, you have to exert more energy. Since exercise is known to release endorphins, one could argue that more endorphins are released when playing beach volleyball over indoor. Overall, beach volleyball is more fun and a better workout than indoor volleyball.</s>
Can you write a post advertising a social event for the end of the year?
Are you ready to kickstart this incredible Spring? Come join us in celebrating. Bring your friends, family and whomever else to enjoy fun activities and treats from the city’s finest dessert vendors. In addition to this great event, make sure to see all of the other incredible programming as we head toward the end of the year!
### Instruction: Can you write a post advertising a social event for the end of the year? ### Context: ### Answer: Are you ready to kickstart this incredible Spring? Come join us in celebrating. Bring your friends, family and whomever else to enjoy fun activities and treats from the city’s finest dessert vendors. In addition to this great event, make sure to see all of the other incredible programming as we head toward the end of the year!</s>
Describe how you would approach a corporate rebrand. Share your objectives, timeline, required budget and resources, and how you would measure your success.
You should approach a rebrand by partnering with a creative agency to develop a polished, scalable version of a company story, which would likely be a 4-6 month project. Objective: Develop the corporate story — who you are as a company, your vision and mission, what you believe, what you do and how you do it — while also partnering with various teams across the business to ensure the corporate story is married with the product story, differentiators, and the solutions and value you provide to customers. The result should be an authentic representation of the company. Timeline: A rebrand project would include 6-8 weeks of discovery (conducting a formal audit of the company's current brand and interviews with team members, customers and partners), leading to multiple weeks of reviews, eventually resulting in a brand identity and brand book to share the updated brand with your employee base. Resources and budget: Estimated $300,000 - 500,000 (cost varies widely and depends on the size of the firm and scope of project). In order for this project to be successful, secure upfront executive buy-in and alignment, and time from the executive team starting at the discovery phase through reviews and the final debut. Measurement: Unfortunately, it’s difficult to assign a quantitative metric to measure the success of a rebrand and messaging project, so put qualitative measurements in place for the short-term, assessing how well you captured how your customers think of your company, and how well you captured the vision for the future. In the long-term, invest in brand awareness surveys and track NPS scores.
### Instruction: Describe how you would approach a corporate rebrand. Share your objectives, timeline, required budget and resources, and how you would measure your success. ### Context: ### Answer: You should approach a rebrand by partnering with a creative agency to develop a polished, scalable version of a company story, which would likely be a 4-6 month project. Objective: Develop the corporate story — who you are as a company, your vision and mission, what you believe, what you do and how you do it — while also partnering with various teams across the business to ensure the corporate story is married with the product story, differentiators, and the solutions and value you provide to customers. The result should be an authentic representation of the company. Timeline: A rebrand project would include 6-8 weeks of discovery (conducting a formal audit of the company's current brand and interviews with team members, customers and partners), leading to multiple weeks of reviews, eventually resulting in a brand identity and brand book to share the updated brand with your employee base. Resources and budget: Estimated $300,000 - 500,000 (cost varies widely and depends on the size of the firm and scope of project). In order for this project to be successful, secure upfront executive buy-in and alignment, and time from the executive team starting at the discovery phase through reviews and the final debut. Measurement: Unfortunately, it’s difficult to assign a quantitative metric to measure the success of a rebrand and messaging project, so put qualitative measurements in place for the short-term, assessing how well you captured how your customers think of your company, and how well you captured the vision for the future. In the long-term, invest in brand awareness surveys and track NPS scores.</s>
Why is Stephen Curry the best player in the NBA?
Stephen Curry is arguably the best player in the NBA today. Stephen Curry is a transcendent NBA superstar and an all-time great. Despite being relatively undersized by NBA standards at 6 foot 2 inches and 185 pounds, he has been a highly productive NBA player. Stephen Curry possesses the greatest 3-point shooting ability in NBA history. In 2022, he surpassed Ray Allen to become the all-time leader in 3-pointers made. That said, Stephen Curry's highly accurate 3-point shooting is not the only unique skill Curry brings to the court. He also possesses the uncanny ability to use off-ball movement, ball-handling skills, and a lightning fast release to create quality shots. The results of Stephen Curry's amazing skillset are evident through his career accolades. He is a 4-time NBA champion, 2-time MVP, and an NBA Finals MVP.
### Instruction: Why is Stephen Curry the best player in the NBA? ### Context: ### Answer: Stephen Curry is arguably the best player in the NBA today. Stephen Curry is a transcendent NBA superstar and an all-time great. Despite being relatively undersized by NBA standards at 6 foot 2 inches and 185 pounds, he has been a highly productive NBA player. Stephen Curry possesses the greatest 3-point shooting ability in NBA history. In 2022, he surpassed Ray Allen to become the all-time leader in 3-pointers made. That said, Stephen Curry's highly accurate 3-point shooting is not the only unique skill Curry brings to the court. He also possesses the uncanny ability to use off-ball movement, ball-handling skills, and a lightning fast release to create quality shots. The results of Stephen Curry's amazing skillset are evident through his career accolades. He is a 4-time NBA champion, 2-time MVP, and an NBA Finals MVP.</s>
Write critical success factors for a proposal to a company called ABC for an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) effort
CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS The following factors will be critical to the successful integration of the ABC's Operational Support Systems: Project Management – Strong project management and planning will ensure an organized and cohesive solution. Excellent communication, aggressive issue resolution management, and planning materials will ensure deadlines are met, objectives remain focused, and costs are managed. The variety of vendors, system and process owners involved in an EAI effort requires a significant coordination effort to ensure success. Knowledge of Telecommunications Operational Business Practices – ABC must employ the services of an experienced Telecommunications consulting company to ensure business needs are met during the OSS EAI effort. Understanding of ABC business needs in implementing this EAI project is critical in ensuring the appropriate implementation strategy and successful rollout of the integration. Enterprise Application Integration Expertise – It is critical that the selected vendor have extensive experience in planning, designing, and developing integration approaches, architectures, and frameworks to integrate complex Telecommunication OSS systems. Knowledge Transfer – In order to maintain a consistent level of operation and support, it is critical that ABC employees are imparted with the necessary knowledge to successfully transition into the primary roles that support their systems and future integration efforts. Documentation, personal attention, and other resources are vital to this knowledge transfer and critical to ABC’s ability to succeed as a growing service provider.
### Instruction: Write critical success factors for a proposal to a company called ABC for an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) effort ### Context: ### Answer: CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS The following factors will be critical to the successful integration of the ABC's Operational Support Systems: Project Management – Strong project management and planning will ensure an organized and cohesive solution. Excellent communication, aggressive issue resolution management, and planning materials will ensure deadlines are met, objectives remain focused, and costs are managed. The variety of vendors, system and process owners involved in an EAI effort requires a significant coordination effort to ensure success. Knowledge of Telecommunications Operational Business Practices – ABC must employ the services of an experienced Telecommunications consulting company to ensure business needs are met during the OSS EAI effort. Understanding of ABC business needs in implementing this EAI project is critical in ensuring the appropriate implementation strategy and successful rollout of the integration. Enterprise Application Integration Expertise – It is critical that the selected vendor have extensive experience in planning, designing, and developing integration approaches, architectures, and frameworks to integrate complex Telecommunication OSS systems. Knowledge Transfer – In order to maintain a consistent level of operation and support, it is critical that ABC employees are imparted with the necessary knowledge to successfully transition into the primary roles that support their systems and future integration efforts. Documentation, personal attention, and other resources are vital to this knowledge transfer and critical to ABC’s ability to succeed as a growing service provider.</s>
Why should I cheer for the Sacramento Kings in this year's NBA playoffs?
Until this season, the Sacramento Kings held the longest playoff drought in all of North American professional sports, lasting 16 years. Despite this, the fanbase for the Kings remained loyal and regularly attended games to watch their team lose year after year. In the midst of this drought, the previous owners of the franchise attempted to move the team to a new city, with significant traction at various points, to both Anaheim and Seattle. It was only the passion of the fans, and the combined support from local businesses and politicians, that prevented the move. In addition to the Kings having one of the most supportive fanbases in the NBA getting their first taste of success, the Kings are also a highly enjoyable team to watch. The players are friendly and likable, and the offense is one of the most successful in NBA history. Lastly, the team also has a fun gimmick of lighting a large purple laser beam that can be seen for miles after every victory, leading to a chorus of 'Light the beam!' from the Kings fanbase in the arena at the conclusion of every win. Pulling all of these factors together make the Sacramento Kings a fun team to cheer for in the upcoming NBA playoffs.
### Instruction: Why should I cheer for the Sacramento Kings in this year's NBA playoffs? ### Context: ### Answer: Until this season, the Sacramento Kings held the longest playoff drought in all of North American professional sports, lasting 16 years. Despite this, the fanbase for the Kings remained loyal and regularly attended games to watch their team lose year after year. In the midst of this drought, the previous owners of the franchise attempted to move the team to a new city, with significant traction at various points, to both Anaheim and Seattle. It was only the passion of the fans, and the combined support from local businesses and politicians, that prevented the move. In addition to the Kings having one of the most supportive fanbases in the NBA getting their first taste of success, the Kings are also a highly enjoyable team to watch. The players are friendly and likable, and the offense is one of the most successful in NBA history. Lastly, the team also has a fun gimmick of lighting a large purple laser beam that can be seen for miles after every victory, leading to a chorus of 'Light the beam!' from the Kings fanbase in the arena at the conclusion of every win. Pulling all of these factors together make the Sacramento Kings a fun team to cheer for in the upcoming NBA playoffs.</s>
How to stay calm in stressful situations ?
Keeping calm in all sorts of situation is very important and beneficial. However, it is easier said than done. The first step towards achieving this is to be physically fit and healthy. Maintaining a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep also contribute a lot. Regularly practicing yoga or meditation helps indeed. Not taking life too seriously and not being too attached to the material world is also a great way to not get agitated.
### Instruction: How to stay calm in stressful situations ? ### Context: ### Answer: Keeping calm in all sorts of situation is very important and beneficial. However, it is easier said than done. The first step towards achieving this is to be physically fit and healthy. Maintaining a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep also contribute a lot. Regularly practicing yoga or meditation helps indeed. Not taking life too seriously and not being too attached to the material world is also a great way to not get agitated.</s>
Why should we not allow dye in our food products?
So much research shows we should not allow food dye in our products. The research goes so far as even being linked to cancer. What more do we need to remove these harmful substances from our food? This can also cause issues like ADHD in children. We know these are not good for us and they are completely unnecessary. Additionally, we also have real food sources that produce these exact colors such as beets and turmeric.
### Instruction: Why should we not allow dye in our food products? ### Context: ### Answer: So much research shows we should not allow food dye in our products. The research goes so far as even being linked to cancer. What more do we need to remove these harmful substances from our food? This can also cause issues like ADHD in children. We know these are not good for us and they are completely unnecessary. Additionally, we also have real food sources that produce these exact colors such as beets and turmeric.</s>
Write a monologue describing a young woman’s journey to self-actualization in America.
A young woman in America may feel a strong connection to her ancestors before her who fought tirelessly for the 19th Amendment to be added to the U.S. Constitution, protecting her right to vote, among many of the rights and liberties she enjoys today. She realizes that it’s because of them she can dream of a world of opportunities for herself beyond being a mother. A young, attractive woman in America will devote herself to proving she is more than a pretty face. Driven by ambition and overwhelmed with a duty to honor those who came before her, she will work hard to land the career of her dreams. When she does, one shouldn’t be surprised to see she has accidentally fallen asleep at her desk for the third time in one week and well past working hours. During her sleep, she will surely be dreaming of the day she finally makes it through all the hoops she will have had to jump through to finally achieve the American dream. It won’t be until her mid-20s or 30s that she will realize somewhere along the way her drive evolved into another entity entirely, one that made her single-minded and cold-hearted. She will realize that the emotional traits and feelings she denied herself for so long because she didn’t associate them with societal norms of success, were the traits that would eventually yield her the most power. When she does realize this is when she will have made a pivotal step toward her self-actualization. Depending on who she is, she will let her hair loose and swap her loafers for stilettos, unlocking a new level of confidence she didn’t realize was once weighed down by societal prejudices and expectations. She will occasionally use her good looks to her advantage because she will have the confidence to decide for herself which trials to endure and the grace to let herself have flaws. She will still worship the likes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, but alongside them, she will find a soft spot for Cardi B and the confidence and pride her songs ignite in women and in their perception of their bodies. She will find a new respect for her friends who chose to work as stay-at-home moms, though that was not her path. A young, attractive woman in America might take inspiration from her ancestors on the kind of life she should lead, but she should be just as steadfast in her resolve to stay true to herself and the women of her own generation in pursuit of her goals.
### Instruction: Write a monologue describing a young woman’s journey to self-actualization in America. ### Context: ### Answer: A young woman in America may feel a strong connection to her ancestors before her who fought tirelessly for the 19th Amendment to be added to the U.S. Constitution, protecting her right to vote, among many of the rights and liberties she enjoys today. She realizes that it’s because of them she can dream of a world of opportunities for herself beyond being a mother. A young, attractive woman in America will devote herself to proving she is more than a pretty face. Driven by ambition and overwhelmed with a duty to honor those who came before her, she will work hard to land the career of her dreams. When she does, one shouldn’t be surprised to see she has accidentally fallen asleep at her desk for the third time in one week and well past working hours. During her sleep, she will surely be dreaming of the day she finally makes it through all the hoops she will have had to jump through to finally achieve the American dream. It won’t be until her mid-20s or 30s that she will realize somewhere along the way her drive evolved into another entity entirely, one that made her single-minded and cold-hearted. She will realize that the emotional traits and feelings she denied herself for so long because she didn’t associate them with societal norms of success, were the traits that would eventually yield her the most power. When she does realize this is when she will have made a pivotal step toward her self-actualization. Depending on who she is, she will let her hair loose and swap her loafers for stilettos, unlocking a new level of confidence she didn’t realize was once weighed down by societal prejudices and expectations. She will occasionally use her good looks to her advantage because she will have the confidence to decide for herself which trials to endure and the grace to let herself have flaws. She will still worship the likes of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, but alongside them, she will find a soft spot for Cardi B and the confidence and pride her songs ignite in women and in their perception of their bodies. She will find a new respect for her friends who chose to work as stay-at-home moms, though that was not her path. A young, attractive woman in America might take inspiration from her ancestors on the kind of life she should lead, but she should be just as steadfast in her resolve to stay true to herself and the women of her own generation in pursuit of her goals.</s>
Imagine you are in the jungle on a very hot day doing a hike. Write a monologue describing how you feel.
Wow, I feel so hot right now. This humidity is just killing me, I feel like the sweat isn't even evaporating off me right now. Maybe I should have packed some more water, I guess one bottle wasn't enough for 5 miles. But at least there are really cool animals here - although I could do without all these bugs. I wish there was some way to see all these cool animals without having to suffer for it. All these trees make it hard to see the view, but I'm sure it would be amazing. I wish it would rain, that would help me finally cool off, and maybe it would scare the bugs away. Oh well - I should probably just start heading back to the trailhead before I run out of water, I wouldn't want to get lost out here.
### Instruction: Imagine you are in the jungle on a very hot day doing a hike. Write a monologue describing how you feel. ### Context: ### Answer: Wow, I feel so hot right now. This humidity is just killing me, I feel like the sweat isn't even evaporating off me right now. Maybe I should have packed some more water, I guess one bottle wasn't enough for 5 miles. But at least there are really cool animals here - although I could do without all these bugs. I wish there was some way to see all these cool animals without having to suffer for it. All these trees make it hard to see the view, but I'm sure it would be amazing. I wish it would rain, that would help me finally cool off, and maybe it would scare the bugs away. Oh well - I should probably just start heading back to the trailhead before I run out of water, I wouldn't want to get lost out here.</s>
If you could change one thing about this world, what would it be and why?
Assuming I could change just one thing in this world, it would be for all of humankind to develop greater empathy and selflessness. I do believe it could be the start of so much good at all levels - it would help nations, societies and people to focus on their own and others' happiness --- and make decisions that focus on the larger good. Many of the troubles ailing us as nations would disappear if we just saw the other side and put ourselves in their shoes. Societies would heal if artificially created differences were done away with. And families and relationships would benefit from a better understanding of the other side's point of view. In this utopian world filled with empathy and selflessness, no human would die of hunger, no mother would lose her child due to lack of medical facilities and no human would die of self harm because they were not "normal" or a part of the mainstream. What saddens me, however, is that this is such an easy thing for everyone to do. If we all just did 1 (or 10) good deed a day, this world would be a better place already. The miracle isn't anywhere else, it is within us.
### Instruction: If you could change one thing about this world, what would it be and why? ### Context: ### Answer: Assuming I could change just one thing in this world, it would be for all of humankind to develop greater empathy and selflessness. I do believe it could be the start of so much good at all levels - it would help nations, societies and people to focus on their own and others' happiness --- and make decisions that focus on the larger good. Many of the troubles ailing us as nations would disappear if we just saw the other side and put ourselves in their shoes. Societies would heal if artificially created differences were done away with. And families and relationships would benefit from a better understanding of the other side's point of view. In this utopian world filled with empathy and selflessness, no human would die of hunger, no mother would lose her child due to lack of medical facilities and no human would die of self harm because they were not "normal" or a part of the mainstream. What saddens me, however, is that this is such an easy thing for everyone to do. If we all just did 1 (or 10) good deed a day, this world would be a better place already. The miracle isn't anywhere else, it is within us.</s>
What are your views on the "First Principles" by "Thomas E. Ricks"
1. The author has very nicely articulated how our founders fought for independence and founded US constitution. It also looks into how they were influenced by Greek and Roman history in shaping the future US. Definitely worthwhile and well beyond a refresher, filled with interesting bits, especially early on about Washington's role in the French and Indian war, also the role of the Scottish educators in the early American colleges.
### Instruction: What are your views on the "First Principles" by "Thomas E. Ricks" ### Context: ### Answer: 1. The author has very nicely articulated how our founders fought for independence and founded US constitution. It also looks into how they were influenced by Greek and Roman history in shaping the future US. Definitely worthwhile and well beyond a refresher, filled with interesting bits, especially early on about Washington's role in the French and Indian war, also the role of the Scottish educators in the early American colleges.</s>