[ "a man repelling down a side of a mountain covered in snow", "A guy secures climbing gear as he climbs down a cliff.", "The man is all hooked up and ready to go down the snowy mountain.", "A man on a snowy cliff has a safety harness with a rope attached around his waist.", "A man is rappelling down a snow covered mountain as a Moby song plays in the background.", "A person is climbing down a snowy cliff with the help of a rope.", "A man in a hardhat demonstrates using a harness and rope safety device.", "In the snow, a man is getting ready to rappel down a mountain.", "Soulful music plays while a man in a hardhat adjusts his climbing harness.", "A man stands on snow with ropes attached to him appearing to be trying to something out of a hole." ]
[ "在野外,一个人正在悬吊在冰地里面进行作业。", "一个男人在雪山上打了抓结进行降落。", "一个穿黑运动服、戴红色头盔的男人正在攀登雪山。", "一个戴着红色帽子的男子,用一个工具把自己的腰系住,往下面慢慢的在走。", "一个人腰部拴着绳子,像消防员一样从雪山上向下降落。", "一个人在借助绳子的条件下顺利的从山上爬下来。", "一个戴安全帽的人演示使用线束和绳索安全装置。", "在雪地里,一个男人准备捆好绳子从山上冲下来。", "一个戴着安全帽的男人调整他的攀登安全带时,奏起了轻快音乐。", "一个男人站在雪地上,身上拴着绳子,看起来像是在试图从一个洞里拉出什么东西。" ]
[ "Young person holding a rope and rappelling from a high tower perch.", "An individual is slowly releasing a rope and climbing down a wall.", "an adult in a helmet rappels down the side of a wooden wall.", "A person abseils down a wooden wall attached to a platform in a tall tree", "A man practices rapelling against a tall structure made of planks.", "A man propells down a wooden wall, slowly but surly.", "A man jumps down a rock climbing wall while being helped by a harness and rope.", "A person uses ropes and pulleys to propel themselves backwards, down a wooden wall.", "A man in a helmet rappels down a wall made of wooden planks.", "A man repels down a wooden obstacle wall by slowly kicking off repeatedly." ]
[ "在一个室外,一个人在绳子的牵引下慢慢向地面滑落。", "一个黑衣男子双手捏着安全绳从高台上通过不断蹬墙面的方式下降。", "一个人拉着绳子,一步一步地往下走,走的速度还很快。", "一个穿着短袖,戴着安全帽的人拉着绳子从上往下跳动着。", "一个人顺着绳索脚蹬着前面的木板墙慢慢地往下荡。", "一个男人沿着一堵木墙缓缓的往下着落。", "一个男人从攀岩墙上跳下来,用绳子帮助自己下降。", "一个人使用绳索和滑轮沿着木墙向下推进。", "一个戴着头盔的人从木板做的墙上疾驰而下。", "在室外,一个穿黑色衣服的男子正在拉着一根绳子往下慢慢的走。" ]
[ "A person rapels down the side of a church as other people comment.", "As the wind howls, a man is rappeling down the side of a building.", "A guy repels down a rope and building during high winds.", "A man is repelling down a building on a windy day.", "A man repells down a wall with high wind around him.", "A person repels down the outside of a building on a windy day.", "Someone rappels down a church tower on a windy day.", "On a winding day a man is rappelling down a building.", "Two people are rappelling down a church building by ropes.", "A man slowly walks down the wall with a harness attached to him." ]
[ "一个男人顺着绳子从房子的墙壁上往下滑。", "一个人戴着安全绳踩着墙从高处满满降落。", "一个绑着绳子的男人从墙上面小心的往地面上爬。", "白天的户外,一个人,抓着绳子,在一个建筑物上下来。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的人正在从楼上吊着绳子下来。", "在一个大风的天气一个人借助绳子从建筑物上面摇摆的爬了下来。", "一个人在一个刮风的天气里利用绳索从教堂的塔楼上滑下来。", "在一个吹着大风的日子里, 一个人正用吊绳沿着一栋楼往下走。", "两个穿着黄色衣服的人用绳索在教堂建筑物上下降。", "一个男人拿着一根绳子,沿着墙壁向下跳。" ]
[ "A person in blue pants uses a rope to repell down a rocky ridge.", "woman wearing a hard hat repels down rocks with a large stone wall in the background", "An individual is using a rope to climb down a rock wall.", "an adult repels down a large rock face while wearing a harness and helmet.", "A woman climbing down after having climbed up a rock face.", "A person slowly abseils over some large rocks below a sheer wall.", "A woman wearing protective gear scales down a cliff using a rope.", "A person with a rope walks backwards off a cliff and then rappels down.", "A woman is using a rope to climb down a wall outside.", "A woman in a rock climb area lowers herself slowly with a rope." ]
[ "一个带着红色安全头盔穿着白色短袖的人在安全绳的帮助下在向下攀岩。", "一个人身上捆着绳子从墙边往下面走着。", "一个人头戴帽子,从山上通过绳索慢慢下山。", "一个人拽着一根白色的绳索从墙壁上下降。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个人正在攀爬。", "一个人慢慢依靠悬挂着的绳索从石头上往下移动。", "一个穿着防护装备的女人用绳子攀下悬崖。", "一个人拿着绳子在悬崖上,然后顺着绳子下降。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的女人用绳子从墙上爬下来。", "在岩石攀缘区,一个女人用绳子慢慢地降低自己的身体。" ]
[ "A person was doing trucking with a girl and getting down from top to down", "A man is repelling down a large rock with safety equipment while others watch and comment.", "A man uses ropes to help him climb safely down a small cliff.", "A man rappels down a rock face near a busy street as two people observe nearby.", "A man is rock climbing next to a road while two other men watch.", "A man is using equipment to climb down a rock with somebody underneath him while onlookers are laughing.", "One experienced climber lowers another one down a vertical rock face.", "A man in a red shirt is abseiling with a woman as onlookers on the ground watch on.", "A woman is being carried from a higher spot while people are laughing about something.", "Two people using a rope to climb down a rock hill" ]
[ "在白天的户外,一个女人抱着一个拽着绳子的男人,从山壁上下来,旁边有两个人在观看。", "一名男子吊着威亚正脚蹬着石壁慢慢由高向下落地,而在这个过程中,一名女子也正夹着他的腰坐在他的腿上。", "一个男的抱着一个女的从山上下来,他们腰上系着绳子。", "一个穿深色衣服的女人抱住一个穿红色上衣的男人,男人带着这个女人利用崖壁上的绳索下降到地面,地面上还站着另外两个人。", "一个红衣男子胸前托着一名女子缓慢地从高处用绳子滑落下来地面。", "一名男子正在使用设备从岩石上爬下来,有人在他身下,与此同时围观的人在哈哈大笑。", "一名经验丰富的登山者在和另一名登山者在绳索上下降。", "一个穿红衬衫的男人正在和一个女人在一起,旁观者在地面上看着。", "一个穿红色上衣的男子拽着绳子将一个女子从高空带下来。", "两个人用绳子从岩山上爬下来。" ]
[ "A group of men are standing on a theater stage and preparing to do an acting scene together.", "An acting teacher showing how to do a variation on a scene in a play.", "A group of men are acting on state while holding scripts.", "In a room some men are together, one is reading from a script.", "Actors on a stage rehearse as they are reading off a script.", "An acting instructor begins a scene with another actor to demonstrate a technique.", "A man is describing a different way to do a acting scene in a class.", "A few men practicing their lines from a script.", "a guys is giving lessons on how to perform a certain scene on stage", "A director demonstrates how to set a scene and the actor reads their part." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人和另一个拿着纸在说话。", "几个男人在一个屋子里拿着一张纸练习对话。", "台上有好几个人在拿着白色的纸在排练节目。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人手里拿着纸张再向旁边的人解说。", "一个穿着黑色外套的男人手里拿着一张纸在讲话。", "一个表演教练与另一位演员开始一场演示技巧。", "一个男人正在描述一种不同的表演方式。", "一些男人拿着剧本正在练习他们的台词。", "一个人正在上课,讲述如何在舞台上表演某个场景。", "一个男人拿着一张纸,一边做动作一边说话。" ]
[ "The man on the play is singing the drama on the stage.", "Two men talk on a stage while one woman is crouched down on the floor during a play.", "Three people are on stage performing a play and one of them is singing.", "A man is singing and performing on stage in a play from India while two other actors are watching.", "A person is acting in a goal on stage with others.", "A man dances and sings around two others on a stage.", "A group of people on a stage in front of a crowd putting on a show.", "A man is walking around on a stage, doing arm motions while being watched and music is playing.", "Two men and a woman are performing a play on a stage.", "A man moves around stage during a three person performance of a play." ]
[ "两个男人和一个女人正在舞台上表演节目。", "三个演员在舞台上表演着精彩的音乐剧。", "一个戴帽子的男人在说话,一个男人在旁边站着,一个女人蹲在地上。", "有两名男子和一名蹲在地上的女子,她们在表演。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在和人演戏。", "一个男人在舞台上围着另外两个人唱歌和跳舞。", "三个人在台上随着音乐在表演着,一个人从面前走过。", "一个男人在舞台上走来走去,然后做着动作。", "两个男人和一个女人正在舞台上表演。", "三个人在表演, 一名男子在舞台上来回走动。" ]
[ "A Champion eyeglasses commercial showing different color frames.", "Women are wearing and showing eye glasses for Champion eye glasses.", "Different people are putting on and wearing glasses and making smiling faces.", "A variety of sunglasses are being modeled by different people while music is playing.", "A woman is adjusting her glasses and another one is blowing kisses while doing an advert.", "Various people modeling a brand of clear and tinted eyeglasses.", "Random people remove their spectacles, rub their faces, shake their heads and blow kisses", "Woman and men in a video are modeling wearing different color sunglasses.", "A TV ad in a non-English language pops-up on the sceen, with someoneblowing kisses.", "Several people are blowing kisses as they advertise for sunglasses in an ad." ]
[ "不同的眼镜在不同的模特所戴起来的效果也不同。", "几位年轻人戴着不同的眼镜,为眼镜做代言。", "许多不同的人戴着不同的眼镜,还有两个女人做了飞吻的动作。", "几个人戴着不同颜色的眼镜做些各种动作。", "在白色的背景前,每个人都戴着五颜六色的眼镜。", "各种各样的人展示了一个品牌的透明或有色的眼镜。", "随机的人摘下眼镜,擦着脸,摇摇头,然后飞吻。", "视频中的女人和男人都带着不同颜色的太阳镜做模特。", "一则广告展示了各种眼镜框,一些人甚至在吹吻。", "有几个人戴着眼镜对太阳镜进行宣传。" ]
[ "A man wearing glasses discusses how glasses make your face look.", "A man is sitting in front of an eyeglass case and he is having a discussion", "A merchant models a pair of glasses and explains what they do for his face.", "A man is talking about the length of his face and about not being a good model for a job.", "A man advises what shape his face is, when he wears the glasses.", "A person wearing glasses wearing a suit talking to the camera.", "a man is saying that the glasses he is wearing also lengthens the face but he is not a good model for it", "A man in a store is talking about the fashion sense of wearing a type of glasses.", "An older man talks into a camera as he records himself and adjusts his glasses.", "A man in glasses explains what the glasses he is wearing do for his face." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间,一个男人嘴巴在一张一合的动着。", "一个秃顶的男人在室内对着手机录视频。", "老爷爷在一家眼镜店中,戴着新配的眼镜评论这副眼镜。", "有个穿西装打领带且戴了眼镜的男子在说话。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个戴着领带的男人在说着话。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人手摸了摸眼镜。", "一个穿着灰色西装的男人坐在眼镜店里说话。", "商店里一个男人正在介绍着一副眼镜的时尚感。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在戴着一副眼镜说话。", "一个穿着西服的男子一边在说话一边用手在摸着自己的眼镜。" ]
[ "A man is sitting at a computer playing the air drums to music.", "In an office cubicle a man sits in a chair while clapping his hands.", "A man is dancing at his office desk", "A man in an office responds to music-like sounds coming from his computer monitor.", "A man air drums at his desk than walks away.", "A man is in his office cubicle and is excited about something.", "A person is talking to someone and pulling off his chair from the system to get up", "A man sitting in front of a computer gestures with his hands then laughs and gets up.", "A man at a work desk is playing air drums.", "A man sitting at a desk in a cubicle makes a gesture, faces a computer monitor then stands up." ]
[ "一个男人坐在凳子上跟着音乐的节奏舞动了一下,然后站起了身。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人,正在电脑前手舞足蹈。", "一个坐着的男人转动了一下椅子后站了起来。", "在一个房间里,一个人在椅子上鼓掌。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人坐在椅子上面,然后站了起来。", "一名男子在办公室的隔间里,为一些事情感到兴奋。", "一个人坐在电脑面前拍手,然后推开椅子站了起来。", "一个男人在电脑前挥舞双手然后开心的笑了起来。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男子在办公桌前。", "一个男人坐在办公桌前做一个手势,然后面对一台电脑显示器站起来。" ]
[ "A boy is scuba diving while playing the air drums, a music video flashes between scenes.", "A man is in an aquarium with fishes and playing the drums at the same time.", "The man in snorkels is enjoying the music of the drums.", "A boy wearing a diving mask and snorkel extends arms and pretends to hit drums in front of aquarium background.", "A young man dances while scuba diving, and a man plays a guitar.", "A man wearing a snorkel mask drums in front of fish.", "A \"scuba drummer\" plays air drums to a rock song.", "A kid does underwater drumming as another guy is seen playing a guitar.", "A person is underwater with some fish singing a song.", "A boy wearing a snorkel and mask is air drumming to music." ]
[ "一个男人戴着氧气罩在水里唱着歌跳着舞。", "一个人随着音乐摇摆,另一个人在弹吉他。", "一个男子戴着潜水镜在一群鱼的前面进行唱歌跳舞。", "有很多人一边在唱着歌一边在扭动着身体。", "一个男人戴着潜水镜跟着音乐摇摆,后面有鱼儿游来游去。", "一个身穿浮潜面罩的男人在与前面打起鼓来。", "一个男人正在水下跟着音乐不停的跳动着。", "一个孩子在水下击鼓, 就像另一个人被在弹吉他一样。", "一个人在水下,而一些鱼儿在他旁边转。", "一个戴着浮潜面具的男孩正在随着音乐打鼓。" ]
[ "The young man at the computer listens to loud rock music, playing air drums, not hearing the room door open", "A man is sitting at a computer pretending to play drums to music.", "A man with headphones on, pretending to play the drums", "A man is sitting at some monitors with headphones on and air drumming with his eyes closed.", "A person is wearing headphones and dancing to music while sitting down.", "A young man in a blue shirt and headphones acts out a drum section, as a rock and roll song plays in the background.", "There is a boy in his room, jamming out to music. While someone is peekign in watchign or filming him.", "Inside a room a man has headphones listens to music and mimicks acts of a drummer.", "A man is sitting by his computer listening to rock while playing air drums.", "A man listens to music and than acts like he is playing music." ]
[ "一个戴着耳机男人在电脑面前模拟打架子鼓。", "房间内,一名穿蓝色上衣的男子带着耳机,手里挥舞着动作。", "男子戴着耳机跟着音律陶醉的打着节拍。", "一个戴着眼镜,穿着蓝色衣服的人戴着耳机,双手挥舞。", "一个男人戴着耳机,跟着音乐不停地打着节奏摇摆。", "一名身穿蓝色衬衫和耳机的年轻人表演了一个鼓节,摇滚歌曲正在后台播放。", "一个男人在室内看着屏幕戴着耳机双手舞动。", "在一个房间里,一个男人用耳机聆听着音乐并模仿着鼓手的动作。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的男人正在房间里听着音乐。", "在室内,一个戴着耳机的男子在随着音乐跳舞。" ]
[ "A person is sitting next to a canal full of very dirty water.", "A man sitting on an alligator holding it's head up while another man explains what is happening.", "A man sits on the back of an alligator holding it's head and discusses safe handling practices.", "A man in a short and a t shirt is seated on an alligator while holding its mouth.", "A man is sitting on an alligator holding his mouth shut with his hands.", "A man sits on top of an alligator and holds his mouth shut at a Gator Rescue center.", "A man sits on top of an aligator and holds its head up in the air for a crowd while an announcer talks about safety and gives facts.", "A man is sitting on an alligator while also holding the alligator's mouth.", "A man is sitting on an alligator, holding it's mouth and talking.", "A man sat at the back of a crocodile and dripped its mouth together" ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服的男子坐在鳄鱼背上,用手紧紧抓着鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个男人坐在一只鳄鱼的背上,然后用手抓住鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个戴墨镜的男人用手拿着鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人骑在鳄鱼的背上,手掰着鳄鱼的嘴。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个穿着红色上衣的男人坐在鳄鱼的身上。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼身上,并用手捏着鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个穿红色衣服的男人坐在鳄鱼身上用手摸着它的嘴巴。", "一名男子正坐在鳄鱼身上,同时还抓住鳄鱼的嘴。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男人正骑在一条鳄鱼背上。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼的背上,用手抓住鳄鱼的嘴。" ]
[ "An alligator's mouth is being held open by a man while standing in a small pond with people watching from behind a short wall.", "A large man is in a small pool with two alligators and is petting one of them.", "A man is in a pond with an alligator while people watch.", "A person straddling an alligator in shallow waters while in an enclosure.", "A man plays with a crocodile in the water of its enclosure; a crowd watches this.", "A man is opening the mouth of a crocodile which is in the water", "A man is massaging an alligator while people are watching him.", "A man plays with a crocodile that is showing its teeth to a large audience as he holds its jaw.", "A man in an alligator terrarium holds alligator's mouth as it moves around.", "A man at a zoo stands above an alligator and controls it." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色上衣戴着帽子的男人在水里和鳄鱼玩耍。", "室内的水池里有一个男人站在一条张着大嘴的鳄鱼背后,而水池外有一群人在围观。", "一个男人在鳄鱼池里摸着一条鳄鱼。", "在一个水池里,一个黑衣男子正在驯化鳄鱼。", "浅水池中一个男人站在鳄鱼背后用手掰鳄鱼上颚,水池边站满了人。", "一个张开大嘴的鳄鱼,身后有一个男人在抚摸鳄鱼的背。", "一个男人在水池中摸一条鳄鱼的上颚,周围有人观看。", "一群观众正在观看,一个男人正在水下抚摸一只鳄鱼的头部。", "一个穿着黑色上衣戴着黑色帽子的男人在训练鳄鱼。", "动物园里的一个男人站在鳄鱼上方并控制着它。" ]
[ "A man stands over a crocodile while holding its jaw open and reaches behind him.", "a man with a hat on opens the mouth of an animal with people watching", "A man is sitting on the body of the crocodile and looking deeply into its mouth.", "In a zoo, a man is openeing the crocodile mouth with one hand, and trying to put his face in a crocodile mouth.", "A man is slowly inching his face closer to an alligator's mouth.", "A man is sitting on a alligator while pulling the gator's mouth open and putting his chin on the edge of the gator's mouth.", "A man is in an alligator pit sitting on the back of an alligator and has his chin on the alligators nose.", "A man is staring into an alligator's mouth and touching his tail and there is a person talking in the background.", "A man sits on an alligator and presses his chin inside the alligators mouth.", "A man holding a alligators mouth open in order to put his head inside it." ]
[ "一名男子在动物园正与一头鳄鱼亲密的接触。", "一个人坐在鳄鱼背上,并用双手抓住鳄鱼嘴部,试图控制它。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人坐在一条鳄鱼的背上,并把头伸向鳄鱼的嘴巴里。", "一个鳄鱼在池内,另一只鳄鱼在水池上面,男子坐在鳄鱼身上,下巴贴着鳄鱼的嘴巴。", "一个男人坐在鳄鱼身上将自己的头放在被掰开的鳄鱼嘴里。", "一名男子正坐在鳄鱼身上,同时拉开鳄鱼的嘴,将下巴放在鳄鱼嘴的边缘。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼坑里的鳄鱼背上, 下巴在鳄鱼鼻子上。", "一个男人正盯着鳄鱼的嘴,摸着他的尾巴,这时有一个人在后面说着话。", "一名男子坐在鳄鱼身上,将鳄鱼嘴掰开着。", "一个男人把鳄鱼的嘴掰开,然后把头伸进鳄鱼嘴里。" ]
[ "a man is putting a alligator asleep by rubbing his belly at some kind of water park show.", "A man is holding down an animal in an arena.", "A group of people are watching a trained alligator show.", "A man holds an alligator on its back while a crowd seated in bleachers watches him.", "A man is holding a alligator down in a pen while he talks to a crowd who watches.", "Person is in an small arena with many onlookers wrestling an alligator.", "A man pinned down the animal while a group of people watched.", "A man is wrestling an alligator in front of a crowd.", "A guy is holding down an animal in a pen while people are watching.", "An audience watches a man in a sand pit rubbbing an alligator's bellying while he tells the alligator to go to sleep." ]
[ "在户外一个穿着白色短袖蓝色裤子的人在按着地上的一只动物,旁边有很多人在观看。", "观众在看一个人和一条鳄鱼的搏斗表演。", "一个男人在沙子上安慰一只动物,此时,观众们在笑。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人在制服一个动物,周围有人在围观。", "一群人,在看着,一个身穿白色的上的人在表演。", "一个人在小竞技场上,许多旁观者正在围观他在和一只鳄鱼搏斗。", "一个男人在空地上抓住了一个动物,周围人们在观看。", "一个男人正在人群面前与鳄鱼搏斗。", "一个男人正在围栏里抓住一只动物。", "一个男人在沙子里控制着鳄鱼,周围很多观众在观看。" ]
[ "A black man with a hoodie on being interviewed by a woman that is off camera", "A man talks and laughs with an unseen woman and then expresses ignorance about his existence.", "A young man sits on a bed and discusses various topics on life.", "A guy is sitting in a dorm talking and laughing about different things.", "A man talks about topics while sitting on a bed.", "A man is asked why we exist and he replies, \"I don't know\".", "A young man answers questions from twitter while he's high.", "A young man in a gray hoodie talkes while sitting in a bedroom.", "Black man wearing hoodie sitting on bed answering questions about why we exist while high and when normal.", "dark skinned man in hoodie answering the question \"why do we exist\"?" ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人,坐在床上说话。", "一个男孩坐在床上在说话不知道想干嘛。", "一个男子带着衣服上的帽子笑着在说话。", "在一个房间里,一个戴着帽子的男人在说话。", "一个戴着项链的男人在不停地说话。", "一个人被问到为什么我们存在,他回答说:“我不知道”。", "一个人正在非常开心的对着一个方向说着话。", "一个穿着灰色连帽的年轻人坐在卧室里。", "一个戴着头套的黑人男子坐在床上回答问题。", "连帽衫的黑皮肤男子回答“为什么我们存在”的问题?。" ]
[ "A man sits in a room with a heavy curtain behind him, on a laptop.", "Man sits between laptop and draperies as he slowly lectures with clasped hands.", "A man sits in front of a laptop computer and talks about a topic.", "A man is preparing to do an online training video", "A man sits in front of a computer and talks about a video training program.", "A guy sitting in front of his laptop and talking about things.", "A person is sitting in a table and having a brief discussion about a topic.", "A man seated in front of an apple laptop computer is answering question.", "A man is sitting at a table in front of a laptop computer and speaking.", "A man sitting at a table describes a video tutorial for workers that is available." ]
[ "一个没有头发的男子坐在桌子后面,桌子上是一个笔记本电脑,电子双手扣着放在电脑上,嘴里在说话。", "一个光头男人在一个平板电脑面前说话。", "一个穿黑色短袖的男子的男子,双手十指交叉放在胸前,肘部放在面前的桌子上,桌子上有一台电脑,不一会儿,男子半个手臂都放在了桌子上。", "一个穿着灰色短袖的男人正在说话,他面前放着一台苹果的笔记本电脑。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人坐在笔记本面前说着话。", "一个人坐在他的笔记本电脑前,谈论着事情。", "一个人正坐在一张放着电脑的桌子前说着一些话。", "一个坐在苹果笔记本电脑前面的男人正在回答问题。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人正在桌子上讲话。", "在室内,一个男子对着一台笔记本电脑一直在说话。" ]
[ "In a house a woman is sitting in a chair and laughing with her hands between her legs.", "A woman is sitting in a chair with a display behind her", "A woman sets in a chair and lets out a smile after a few seconds.", "The middle aged woman just smiles as she decides not to speak at all.", "A woman is sitting in a chair inside a room.", "Indoors, an adult female is sitting in a room on a chair laughing away.", "A woman sat on the chair in a room while having her arm between her laps", "A woman was sitting in a room with her hand between her lap", "A woman is sitting on a chair next to a propped up blanket and someone says to her, \"thank you\".", "A lady sitting in a room on a chair hesitates to speak with her hands tucked in between her legs." ]
[ "一个穿着条纹衣服、黑色裤子的老奶奶坐在椅子上微笑。", "一个金色卷发的女子坐在白色凳子上,双手夹在腿之间,一言不发地笑了。", "一个女人坐在椅子上,双腿夹着双手,一脸不开心的样子。", "一个房间里,一个穿着格子衣服的女人正在微笑。", "在房间内,一个穿着条纹衣服的女人坐在椅子上。", "在室内,一位成年女人正坐在一个椅子上笑着。", "一个女人坐在房间里的一个凳子上,双手放在两膝之间,同时微笑着。", "一个金发女人坐在屋子的凳子上,并把她的手放在膝盖中间,旁边有个人在跟她说话。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的女人坐在一张椅子上。", "一位坐在椅子上的女士,犹豫着用双手夹在两腿之间说话。" ]
[ "A group of people are sitting and man is standing on a stage listening while an audience member asks a question.", "A man is standing on stage holding a microphone taking an audience question.", "A man stands on a stage and uses a microphone to give a presentation.", "A person on stage speaking with a microphone while a few people behind him listens.", "An Indian man speaks against a backdrop stating \"Celebrations Ramakrisna Math.\"", "Man on a stage for the National Youth Day Celebration speaking into a microphone.", "A man is on a stage introducing himself to an audience.", "Several people are sitting on a stage and one man is talking through a microphone to an audience.", "A man is up on stage talking to an audience, while a row of men and women sit in chairs behind him.", "A man is standing on a stage and speaking to a crowd." ]
[ "一个男人站在讲台上,手拿话筒进行演讲。", "一个外国男人在舞台上拿着麦克风走动。", "一个男人手里拿着话筒在舞台上站着。", "有个穿着长衣长裤的男子站在台上,手里拿了个话筒。", "一个男人拿着话筒在舞台上走来走去。", "全国青年节庆祝活动舞台上,一个男子对着麦克风说话。", "一个男人站在舞台上向观众做自我介绍。", "有几个人坐在舞台上,一个人正在通过麦克风对观众说话。", "一个男人手里拿着话筒站着舞台上,后边有人在坐着。", "一个男子站在舞台上,试图说着什么。" ]
[ "A woman asks a question and a man is shown answering it.", "A woman sits with a camera behind her as a guy is shown talking.", "A blond woman is talking and then a strong man is talking.", "A female reporter is asking questions to a male actor who is sitting in front of a space capsule.", "An interviewer asking questions to Elon Musk about previous scientists.", "two people talking into a camera giving an interview and one replying about buzz", "A news segment about the CEO of Tesla, Elon musk.", "A woman asks a question that Elon Musk answers from a different location.", "On a TV set, a woman sits in a chair and interviews a man.", "A woman is interviewing Elon Musk and asking him who is favorite astronaut is." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人和一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在谈话。", "摄像机旁一黑衣女子在采访一位蓝衣男子。", "一个穿黑衣服的男人和一个女人在面对面坐着聊天。", "一个长头发穿着黑色衣服的女人和一个穿短袖的男人在讲话。", "有一个男人和一个女人在说话。女人旁边还站着另外一个人。", "两个人对着镜头说话接受采访一个回答关于蜂鸣的问题。", "关于特斯拉首席执行官艾隆·穆斯克的新闻部分报道。", "一个女人问一个问题,伊隆麝香回答从一个不同的位置。", "在电视机前一位女士坐在椅子上在采访一位男士。", "一个女人正在采访埃隆·马斯克,问他谁是最受欢迎的宇航员。" ]
[ "A soccer team walking off the field while the audience claps.", "Sports players are walking across the field as audience looks on", "A group of people are walking on a football field during a very crowded event.", "A group of people are playing a soccer game in a stadium surrounded by people cheering for them.", "A football team walking across the greens in front of a stadium full of people.", "A big crowd inside a soccer stadium are applauding the soccer players in the soccer field below.", "Players approached a football field while the crowd clapped and cheered", "Man fans chear in the stands as they watch their team on the soccer field.", "Viewed from high in the stands, people are waling across the corner of an athletic field.", "Soccer players leave the field, walking towards the corner of the sidelines." ]
[ "一群人坐在观众席上观看足球场上的人。", "绿色球场上,一群人在慢慢走着,观众为他们鼓掌。", "足球场周围观众们都在看一场激烈的足球比赛。", "一个运动场上,观众们看着一群人缓缓走进球场。", "一群运动员在球场上走着,场边坐满了观众。", "足球场内的一大群人正在为下面的足球场的足球运动员喝彩。", "球员走到足球场边的时候,观众都在欢呼鼓掌。", "当男球迷在足球场上观看球队比赛时,他们在看台上欢呼。", "足球场上一群足球队员正在向球迷挥手致意。", "一群足球运动员准备离开球场,他们顺着教练走向角落。" ]
[ "A group of people are clapping during a sporting event.", "Several people clap as a soccer player walks off of the field.", "A bunch of people are clapping in the stands and on the field at a soccer game.", "Coaches, players, and people in the stands of a soccer game clap.", "A group of people are seen clapping at a large sporting event.", "A crowd of people applause for a player that is leaving the flied", "A group of people are celebrating athletes by clapping their hands outdoor.", "People in suits and in athletic clothing are cheering for some sports athletes who are playing on a grass field.", "Soccer players play on the field while peoplein the stands and on the sidelines look on and applaud.", "Football officials are clapping at a football game before the scene cuts to the audience who are also clapping in team colours." ]
[ "两个穿西装的男人在足球场外围鼓掌,观众们也在鼓掌 ,运动员从场上下来。", "草地上的人和观众台上的人在鼓掌。运动员和裁判握手。", "不同的人都在鼓掌。一个穿红色衣服的人走过来。", "在一个运动场内,一群肤色各异的人正在鼓掌。", "在一个宽阔明亮的操场上,许多人正在鼓掌。", "一群人正在为一个即将离开的足球球员鼓掌。", "一群人正在户外鼓掌庆祝场上的运动员。", "穿着西装和运动服的人们正在为一些在草地上玩耍的体育运动员加油助威。", "足球运动员在球场上玩耍时,人们在看台上,在场外观看并鼓掌。", "几个穿着西装的人在鼓掌,一群穿着休闲服装的人坐在那里鼓掌。" ]
[ "People hold up their hands and lit lighters at a night concert or gathering.", "People are at a concert and you can see lights glowing in the crowd.", "A crowd of people holds up their phones with lights on them at a concert.", "A very large crowd of people are in the dark clapping at a concert", "A large arena full of people hold up their lighters for an encore.", "A stock recording of a large group of people at a concert waving their hands", "People cheer and clap their hands as they watch the concert.", "A crowd listens to a concert and claps along with the music.", "At a concert, people hold their hands up in the air and clap.", "A crowd of people are in a stadium and they are cheering and their are lights" ]
[ "在演唱会上,成千上万的人打开自己手机的闪光灯不停地进行摇晃。", "一群人在某个演唱会上挥舞着自己的双手和手机闪光灯。", "一群人在一个大型活动现场举起双手击掌。", "一群人在晚上群聚在一起,听着音乐表演。", "很多人举着手里的小灯光在晃动,一些人拍打着双手。", "一群人在音乐会上挥舞双手。", "一群人手向上伸着,其中有个人戴着手表。", "一群人在听音乐会,随着音乐节奏拍手。", "在音乐会上,人们举起双手在空中拍手。", "观众台下坐满了人,挥舞着荧光棒。" ]
[ "A large group of people in an auditorium, including several small children, applaud.", "Young people and adults in an audience clap with enthusiasm.", "A crowd of people are all clapping together as an audience.", "A crowd of people clap while appearing to be unenthusiastic.", "A whole arena of people are looking at the performance and are clapping.", "An audience of all ages is clapping at something they're watching and listening to.", "a large group of people are seated together are clapping", "A crowd of seated people are watching something and applauding, while a child in a woman's lap looks bored.", "An audience of white people clap as they look ahead.", "A large crowd is clapping at what looks to be some type of large event." ]
[ "很多人在为刚才的精彩表演鼓掌给出鼓励。", "许多人坐在观众台上为台上的演员热情得鼓掌。", "一群人都在拍手鼓掌,还有一个男子拿着相机在拍摄。", "在一个巨大的房间里,一群观众在鼓掌。", "一群人坐在椅子上有的人正在一起拍手。", "各个年龄段的观众都在为他们正在观看和聆听的事情鼓掌。", "一大群聚在一起的人们在为台上鼓掌。", "一群坐着的人正在看着什么而且还鼓掌,而另一个坐在女人腿上的孩子却显得很无聊。", "一群坐在观众台的观众正坐着向舞台鼓掌。", "一群人目视前方,为自己看到的大型活动拍手。" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating the proper way to apply a facial cream.", "A woman applies moisturizer to her face and then she rubs it in.", "A woman from her palm dabbed some pigment to her face and rubbed it off", "A woman is applying some substance to her face while written instructions appear", "Attractive woman blending a lotion into her face with her hands.", "A woman demonstrates step by step how to apply lotion to the face.", "A woman places a type of lotion on her face and smooths it out.", "A women massage remaining the foundation into hands and blend with outward motion.", "A woman dabs some lotion on her face and proceeds to massage and blend it in.", "A lady is giving a tutorial on how to apply facial cream." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在脸上涂抹肤护品。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在脸上涂抹东西。", "一个女人先将手里的护肤品涂到脸上,然后又将护肤品涂开。", "一个穿黑衣服的女人往脸上涂抹了东西并用手指按摩脸部皮肤。", "一位女士把面霜涂到脸上,慢慢的加以按摩。", "一位女士一步一步地展示如何在脸上涂抹乳液。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人在往脸上抹护肤品并用手抚平。", "一个女人用手基础的按摩脸部, 并与向外运动混合。", "一个女人在脸上打了一些化妆水, 然后开始按摩, 把它混合在一起。", "一位女士正在教导如何涂抹面霜。" ]
[ "The woman was doing something to her face and then said tada when she finished.", "A woman is applying skincare onto her face while inside of a car.", "A woman wearing a scarf on her head rubs moisturizer on her face then gives a thumbs up.", "A young woman wearing a hijab applies a light coat of makeup.", "A woman added some type of cream to her face and then rubbed it in.", "A woman sitting in a car applies some makeup to her face.", "a woman in a car wearing a khimar is wiping her face", "A woman applies makeup while sitting behind the wheel of a car.", "A girl uses bot hands as she spreads cream or makeup over her face, then smiles", "A woman is in a car putting cream on her face." ]
[ "一个女的正在车子里,仔细地上着妆。", "一个女人在车里用手抚摸着自己的脸。", "一个围着头巾的女人坐在车里用手在脸上各个部位抹。", "一位穿浅色衣服的人坐在车里化妆。", "在一个汽车里,有一个女人用手摸了一下自己的脸。", "坐在车里的女人在脸上涂了一些化妆品。", "一个女子在不断的用手摩擦自己的脸。", "一个女人正坐在汽车方向盘后面化妆。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人在车里化妆,然后微笑。", "一个女人在车里把奶油涂在脸上。并且一直在摸来摸去。" ]
[ "A woman applies a small dot of cream to the eye area of her face.", "A woman is using some cream and applying it to her face", "A woman is applying a serum under her eyes with her fingers.", "A woman shows to put eye cream under the eye area of face.", "A woman is taking a small amount of cream and is demonstrating how to use it", "A lady uses a pea size amount of creme on her face.", "A woman is shown applying a tiny amount of facial cream to her face by dabbing under her eyes.", "A skin product is shown then a woman puts a drop on her finger and dabs it under her eyes.", "A moisturizing cream is displayed and then a woman applies it to her under eyes.", "A face cream is displayed and then a woman shown using it." ]
[ "在一个宽敞明亮的房间里,一个长头发女人正在涂抹东西。", "一个美丽的女子用双手在脸上涂护肤品。", "一个外国女的在体验一种护肤产品,把产品抹在了自己眼睛下面。", "一个没有穿着上衣的女人,正在化妆。", "一个女人从小管子里挤出一点东西均匀的用无名指涂抹在双眼周围。", "一位女士在她的脸上使用了一块豌豆大小的化妆品。", "一位女士在她的手上涂抹少量的面霜,并且在她的眼睛下涂抹。", "一个黑发女人把化妆品用双手在脸上涂抹。", "女人用双手将保湿霜轻轻地涂抹在眼睛下方。", "一个面霜的展示,然后一个妇女把眼霜涂抹在眼部。" ]
[ "A man is explaining an archaeological dig in a backyard.", "An old man was speaking about the place and showing the bones that are on the ground", "A man speaks as he sands outside above dirt that has bones scatter in it.", "A man is explaining how they will have a demonstration of an archeological dig.", "a person outside in the daylight with different bones around them", "A man speaking while an animal skull and bone are on the ground.", "A man is explaining how an archaeological dig for dinosaurs is like.", "The man is showing archaeological stuff as he buries dinosaur bones under the ground.", "A man is showing off the bones he had dug up from the dirt.", "A man is sitting in a grave and digging for dinosaur bones." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的爷爷正在埋一堆动物的骨头。", "一名白发老人在说地上的两块不同部位的骨头。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个留着短发的男人在挖坑。", "一个穿浅色衣服的人讲述挖出土的化石。", "一个有白色头发和胡子的人在室外说着地上的坑和东西。", "一个男人在说话,脚下是动物的头骨和骨头。", "一个男人正在解释考古学家是如何对恐龙进行挖掘的。", "这名男子在将恐龙骨头埋在地下时展示了考古资料。", "一个男人正在展示他从泥土中挖出来的骨头。", "一个男人坐在坟墓里挖掘恐龙骨头。" ]
[ "A man is covering a stone in the dirt using a small broom.", "A peson is showing a rock from an archiological dig and then brushing sand and dirt away from rocks and then another man is talking.", "a person is brushing the soil to find some fossils deep under the soil.", "A man is sweeping rocks out of the dirt while another explains digging down through layers.", "A man inspects a stone at an archaeological dig before placing it back.", "A man places a rock on the ground and begins brushing dirt followed by a man who is talking.", "At an excavation sight, a male is showing pieces of artifact then another male is explaining what is happening.", "A person at an excavation site brushing away dirt to reveal artifacts.", "A person is brushing some dirt around and digging up some rocks.", "A man is dusting dirt off of fossils with a small brush" ]
[ "考古学家在跟人们讲解考古工作是怎么进行的。", "一个人拿着刷子在刷地面上的尘土,另一个站立的男人双手在晃动着。", "一男子拿个石子摆放地上,拿个刮板刮了一堆土。", "一个穿着格子上衣的男人在土里埋石头。", "一个穿着格子衬衫戴着帽子的中老年人正在站着说话。", "一个人正在把一块石头放在地上然后开始刷泥土,然后是一个正在说话的男人。", "一个人拿着地上的一块石头,并用一个刷子刷了刷地上的土。", "一个人把一块石头放到地上,一个男人在讲话。", "一个人把石头放在沙子上然后盖上一些沙子。", "一个人正在用一把刷子清除石头上的污垢。" ]
[ "A man reviews some information in a notebook and begins to measure a wall of stones in front of him.", "A man holding a notepad, is measuring a section of a stone wall.", "A man is standing in a ruin measuring the width of part of the structure.", "A man does measurements against a stone wall with a long ruler.", "A man is using some sort of tool to measure rocks.", "A man measures the distance between to rocks.", "A man is inside of a pit and measuring the distance between different rocks.", "A man wearing a white hat, and carrying a clipboard is measuring the top of a stone wall.", "A man is standing in a hole with rocks while measuring it.", "A man measure the distance of a stone structure that divets into the ground." ]
[ "一个戴帽子的男人用尺子量坑里面的石头。", "一个男人用一根黄色的棒子在在测量石头之间的距离。", "一个人正在进行一些测量,并且在本子上记了下来。", "一个老人在石头堆中间用一根木棒测量石头堆的宽度。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个男人正在比量一根黄色的棍子。", "一个男人正在用测量尺测量岩石之间的距离。", "在户外,一个人拿着一个棍子在测量一个土堆的宽度。", "一名身穿白色帽子、手持剪贴板的男子正在测量石墙的顶部。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在测量岩石。", "一个男子拿着测量工具去测量围墙石头的长度。" ]
[ "Workers are excavating a large multiple dig site looking for treasures.", "An excavation site where people are digging and sifting through dirt.", "A lot of men and women are helping out in doing some construction work.", "A group of people are doing some construction work in a forest", "Several men and women are working outdoors using hand and measuring tools and sifting dirt.", "Several people work various jobs at a dig site they are excavating.", "A group of people are working in a muddy area, and one shakes dirt with a device.", "Workers are using tools in a wooded area and then sifting sand through a wooden structure.", "Several people dig in a site as a person sifts dirt through a screen.", "Several people work in an archaeological dig site as a guy stands and sifts dirt." ]
[ "一群人拿着铲子挖土,其中一个人筛着沙子。", "一群外国工作正在林子中辛勤努力的工作。", "在一片森林里的土地上,一群人正在工作。", "一群人在土地里干活,还有一个男人站着摇东西。", "一个戴着帽子的人正站在方形的坑里,另一个人半跪在方形坑边,还有一个人在低头看东西。", "一群工人在挖掘工地上做着各种工作。", "一群人在一个泥泞的地方工作,一个人用一个装置来抖泥土。", "工人们在一个树木茂密的地方使用工具,然后在一个木结构中筛选沙子。", "一个人在筛选污垢时候,还有几个人在一个地方挖掘。", "有几个人在考古挖掘现场工作,其中一个人站立并筛选污垢。" ]
[ "A boy with a cap holds a bow and a quiver of arrows.", "A boy holding a bow and arrow bends to the right a little in slow motion.", "A small child with a handkerchief covering his face holds a bow and arrow.", "A young child is holding a bow outside, he reaches down to grab an arrow from his quiver.", "On a field, a young boy gets ready to shoot an arrow and holds it up.", "A little boy is standing in a field with a bow and arrow, a cap, and a bandana on his face, and he pulls an arrow out into his hand.", "A little boy is standing in a field with a bow and arrow in his hand", "A boy stands on an archery field and prepares to try his hand at shooting arrows.", "A child stands on an archery range and reaches for an arrow from their quiver", "A child wearing a bandana holding a bow and arrow." ]
[ "一个戴着鸭舌帽的小孩子在草坪上练习射箭。", "一个戴着帽子和口罩的孩子将弓箭拿起。", "一个戴帽子的小孩右手从袋子里拿出箭。", "一个戴帽子的人左手拿着一张白色的弓,右手拿起了一只黑色的箭。", "在白天的户外,一个小男孩,站在草地上射箭。", "一个戴着帽子和围巾小男孩站在田野里,手里拿着弓箭,另一只手拔出了一只箭。", "一个小男孩手里拿着弓箭站在田野里。", "一个男孩站在射箭场上,准备尝试射箭。", "一个孩子站在射箭场上,从他们的箭袋中拿出一支箭。", "一个戴着围巾的小孩子一只手拿着弓,另一只手伸出去拿箭。" ]
[ "Randy Oitker setting a new Guinness World Record shooting an arrow into ballons in a field.", "A man took a bow and arrow and popped a balloon.", "A person is shooting a bow at a bunch of balloons that are taped on a black cloth outside.", "A man is demostrating a tecnhique with a bow and arrow to pop balloons on the target.", "A man uses a bow and arrow while country music plays.", "A man is showing that he made a record with a bow and arrow.", "A man using a crossbow to shoot arrows at a piece of wood that has balloons on it as targets.", "An man is playing some cross bows to bust some balloons.", "A man shoots and pops multiple balloons with multiple arrows all at once.", "A man uses a bow and arrow to shoot at balloons placed on a black wall." ]
[ "一个人站着在射击远处的气球,气球被扎破了。", "一个人在户外手拿弓箭,打破了在板子上固定好的多个气球。", "空地上的一面墙上挂着一些气球,一个人一下用箭射破了所有的气球。", "在室外一个穿黑色衣服的人在射箭。", "一个人拿着弓和箭射中了对面黑色布面上的气球。", "一个男子正在展示他用弓箭制作的一张唱片。", "一个人使用弓箭向一块有气球作为目标的木头射箭。", "一个男人在用十字弓箭射击面前的气球。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在用弓箭射击着气球。", "在室外,一名男子用弓箭射击黑墙上的气球。" ]
[ "A man is getting ready to fire an arrow from a bow and then he does it, while others are looking on.", "Several people hold tightly to their bows during an archery competition.", "A man raises up a bow, preparing to shoot the arrow at a target.", "Two competitors at a large venue in an archery competition.", "At an indoor competition, a man prepares to shoot his arrow at the target.", "Several people with compound bows, competing in an archery, target competition.", "Four people are shooting arrows from a bow into targets.", "Three people are participating in a bow and arrow competition.", "three people in an archery competition drawing back the arrows in their bows to shoot at a target.", "At an archery event, two competitors aim carefully at the targets and prepare to fire." ]
[ "一个人拿着一把弓箭准备射箭,旁边的两个人和他一样的动作。", "一个女人和三个男人摆出帅气的拉好弓箭。", "一个老头在拿着弓箭射击,旁边的一个男人也准备射击。", "一个穿衬衫戴帽子戴眼镜的男人正在进行射箭身边还有几个人和他一样。", "有四个人正在进行射箭项目还有很多观众。", "几个带着复合弓的人,来参加射箭的比赛。", "在射箭比赛中,四个人同时拉动弓做出射箭姿势。", "很多人在观看一场弓箭比赛,比赛选手正在瞄准。", "在射箭比赛中, 三个人把弓箭拉回他们的弓向目标射击。", "在射箭比赛中,两名参赛者仔细瞄准目标并准备射击。" ]
[ "a man just shot a bowing arrow and almost hit bullseye", "A man is competing against another team in an archery contest.", "As the narrators speak, the female archer shoots an arrow at the target.", "At an archery event a woman is shooting an arrow at a target.", "An archer is trying to hit the bulls eye perfectly.", "A guy is on a sporting field and he is using a dart gun and trying to hit a target", "A woman fires an arrow at a colorful target as another person prepares to shoot.", "An athlete shooting arrows at a target during an Olympic archery competition.", "Young males shooting with bow and arrow at a event, one man shoots a bullseye.", "Man shoots an arrow during an archery competition as onlookers look." ]
[ "在室外,一个戴着帽子的人在进行射箭比赛。", "一个男人非常专注的射箭,差一点射中了靶心。", "一位带着黑色帽子的男子射出去一支箭,打中了靶子。", "一名女性射箭选手在赛场上射中了二环。", "一个穿红色衣服戴黑色帽子的运动员射箭射到了靶子的黄色区域。", "一个人在运动场上,正在用飞镖枪,试图击中目标。", "一个人正在赛场上进行着激烈的射击比赛。", "爱一次奥运会箭术比赛中,一名射箭运动员射向目标。", "年轻男子用弓箭射击,一人射击靶心。", "一位戴帽子的人正在射箭比赛,旁边还有人在围观。" ]
[ "Two men pull back arrows and then shoot them while people watch.", "Two men compete with each other in a bow and arrow competition.", "Two different men release an arrow from a bow with a group of people standing by watching.", "Men with bows and arrows in hand are taking shots with them", "Two men shoot an arrow on a boy while a crowd watches.", "Several people are standing around while two men shoot a bow and arrow.", "people watch two archers shoot an arrow with an old bow", "Two separate slow motion videos of men shooting an arrow with a bow.", "People take turns shooting arrows from bows while the crowd observes.", "Two guys aim bow and arrows and then release the arrow while other people watch." ]
[ "几个人围着一个戴帽子的人射箭,随后另一个人也跟着射箭。", "一个脸上涂了颜色的男人和一个戴墨镜的男人在比赛射箭。", "在室外的草地上有一群人正在看两个男子射箭。", "一群人在看一个一个穿着浅色衣服的人和一个深颜色衣服的人射击。", "一个穿白色格子衣服的男人拉弓射了一箭,然后穿黑色衣服的男人拉弓也射了一箭。", "几个人站在周围,看两个男人在射弓箭。", "两个男人正在一群人面前表演射箭。", "两个男人单独用弓箭射箭的慢动作视频。", "一群人在室外空地上轮流拿起弓尝试射箭。", "两个男人拉开弓箭,然后释放箭头,而其他人在旁边观看。" ]
[ "A little girl yells at a little boy that she said yes, and the little boy yells back that he said no.", "Two toddlers, one of which is a boy and the other a girl, are having a yes and no argument.", "Two small kids argue with each other saying yes and no.", "A boy and girl yell at each other back and forth.", "Two children, a boy and a girl can be seen arguing in a door way.", "A little boy is leaning in a doorway and a little girl and he are arguing loudly.", "Two children are standing in a hallway and yelling at each other.", "A little girl screams yes at a little boy, who screams no in reply.", "A little boy and girl are screaming at each other while standing near a door way.", "Two children are yelling \"no\" and \"yes\" at each other." ]
[ "一个小女孩正在和一个小男孩用“是”和“不”进行对话。", "两个小孩在说话,小女孩说yes,小男孩说no。", "一个小女孩和一个小男孩正在大声地叫喊着。", "一个穿短袖上衣的小女孩和一个穿长袖上衣的小男孩在吵架。", "一个穿白色衣服的小女孩对着黑色衣服的小男孩大声喊。", "一个小男孩靠在门口和一个小女孩正在大声的争吵。", "一个小男孩和一个小女孩在走廊里对着相互喊叫。", "一个小女孩对着一个小男孩尖叫着喊,他喊着说不。", "一个小男孩和一个女孩站在门口附近对着对方尖叫。", "一个小女孩正在跟一个穿着黑色衣服的小男孩说话。" ]
[ "Two people have arm-wrestling match pressing against each other's wrists with hands in fists.", "Two children have an arm wrestling match but neither wins.", "Two young people have thier wrists crossed on a table top and are arm wrestling one another.", "Two kids are arm wrestling in an unusual manner without clasping hands.", "Two people are arm wrestling by locking their wrists and attempting to pull the other over.", "Kids arm wrestling in an unconventional way but using their wrists instead of their hands.", "Two people are arm wrestling while others are making noise in the background.", "Two people have an arm wrestling competition of sorts while indoors.", "A person is arm wrestling another person and showing his muscles.", "Two kids are trying to have an alternate version of an arm wrestling contest as their friends interfere." ]
[ "一个穿红衣服的人和一个穿白衣服的人在一张桌子上扳手腕。", "一个红色衣服和一个白色衣服的男生在桌子上比试腕力,旁边有两个人在指导红色衣服的男生。", "两个人在桌子上用手腕比较力量,一个人在旁边指挥。", "几个人团团围着桌子,在玩掰手腕游戏。", "有两个人正在桌子上进行着扳手腕比赛。", "孩子们用一种非传统的方式掰手腕,但是他们使用的是手腕而不是手。", "两个人掰着手臂,其他人则在附近说话。", "两个人正在桌子上进行扳手腕比赛。", "一个人正在用手臂与另一个人掰手腕并展示他的肌肉。", "有两个人正在做着手臂摔跤,旁边有很多的人在说话。" ]
[ "A young boy sings outdoors while his fans watch, some of them screaming.", "A boy sings and girls in a bowling alley screams when he is near them.", "A singer is singing and a woman is shown screaming with excitement.", "Justin Beiber is singing in a city square and in a busy bowling alley.", "A young man sings to a group of young women at a competition at a bowling alley.", "A young boy in a bowling alleys is singing how much he loves his baby.", "Justin Bieber is singing his song, Baby, but when it gets to the part he says \"Oh,\" it cuts to a clip of two girls screaming.", "A boy sings as the room twirls around him, a benchfull of people appears, an oddly screaming girl and finally more twirling boy.", "Justin Bieber sings \"Baby Baby\" with teenage girls screaming cut in between shots.", "Justin Bieber performs his famous track in a video format as the scene cuts to women screaming for him." ]
[ "一个穿着牛仔外套的帅气男孩在旋转。", "一个英俊的男孩在唱歌,女孩们在尖叫。", "一个小男孩正在唱歌,期间夹杂着一个女人的怒吼声。", "一个男人在唱歌,穿插着一个女人的吼叫声。", "一个男人正在唱歌,旁边有很多人在看。", "一个在保龄球馆里的小男孩正在唱着一首流行音乐。", "贾斯汀·比伯正在唱他的歌《宝贝》, 但当它唱到“噢”时,它就会切成两个女孩尖叫的片段。", "一个男孩在房间里转过身来唱歌,一群人出现了,一个奇怪的尖叫女孩,最后是一个更加旋转的男孩。", "一个金发小男孩正在台上唱歌,一个女孩在尖叫着。", "贾斯汀·比伯以一种视频格式表演著名的歌曲,女人们为他尖叫。" ]
[ "Two shirtless men sitting at a table and arm wrestling one another.", "Two men, without shirts, are arm wrestling on a small table outside.", "A couple of body builders arm wrestle at an table.", "Two men sitting at a bistro table arm wrestle each other.", "Two men in swimsuits arm wrestle at a table and then stand up and shake hands.", "A group of people are outside, two men are arm wrestling.", "Two men are arm wrestling while seated at an outdoor table.", "Two muscular shirtless men are arm wresting at an outside cafe.", "Two shirtless men arm wrestling on a small table under an umbrella.", "Two men are arm wrestling in an outdoor function." ]
[ "两个半裸上身的男人在桌子上扳手腕。", "两个男人赤裸着上身坐在椅子上扳手腕,分出胜负后,两人站了起来互相握了握手。", "一个穿着黑色短裤的男人和一个穿着米色长裤的男人在扳手腕。", "两个赤裸上身的男子在桌子上掰手腕。", "两个男人在扳手腕,结束后两人还亲切握手聊天。", "一群人在外面,两个男人在掰手腕。", "两个赤裸着上身的男人在室外桌子上掰手腕。", "两个肌肉发达的无衫男子在外面的咖啡馆里掰手腕。", "两个没穿衣服的人正在一个桌子上扳手腕。", "一个戴着眼镜的男子和另外一个男子正在做着手臂摔跤。" ]
[ "Four young men are playing a game that involves putting their hands together and being propelled across a room.", "Four men were playing arm wresting and one of the men punch the other on his right", "Four kids aggressively arm wrestling when one in the yellow shirts gets flung backwards.", "Several people are involved with what looks to be an arm wrestling contest gone awry.", "Four boys are arm wrestling and they all end up falling to the ground.", "A group of four teens arm wrestle until they all fall to the ground.", "Several young men all try to beat one young man at arm wrestling.", "Some boys are arm wrestling with each other and one by one they fall down.", "A group of boys arm wrestle, and dramatically fly across the room.", "A group of four males are in engaged in a four way arm wrestling match." ]
[ "在一个房间里面,有好几个人在扳手腕。", "在房间里有四个人正在扳手腕,其中一个人一拳打倒另一个人,然后三人继续扳手腕,最后分开。", "一群男人在室内的桌子上一块掰手腕。", "三个男人和一个女人在桌子上掰手腕。", "四个年轻人在掰手腕,其中一个突然倒地上了。", "四个男人正在一张桌子上掰手腕,然后他们摔倒在地上。", "四个年轻人在一起扳手腕,穿黄色衣服的年轻人被推到了一边并摔倒了。", "几个男孩子互相掰着手臂,一个接一个摔倒了。", "一群男孩子正在房间里互相比试臂力。", "一群四名男子正在进行一场四方手臂摔跤比赛。" ]
[ "two young men are smiling and laughing while arm wrestling each other", "two teenagers playing arm wrestling with each other in their home.", "Two men are standing in what looks like a kitchen, with their arms on a countertop, and arm wrestling.", "Two young men are at a kitchen counter and are arm wrestling.", "Two young men arm wrestle on kitchen table with one man relaxed and the other moving head around.", "a couple of people at a table inside doing a game of arm wrestling", "in a kitchen two young men are engaged in a game of hand wrestling on the table", "Two young man smiles while arm wrestling with another in a kitchen.", "Two boys are engaged in an arm wrestling match.", "Two boys sit and laugh while arm wrestling each other on a table." ]
[ "在一个房间里,有两个男人在比赛扳手腕。", "两个人在比拼扳手腕,互相势均力敌。", "在一个房间里,有两个男人他们在掰手腕。", "两个穿着深色衣服的人在比赛掰弯。", "室内有两个男人双手紧握在一起正在扳手腕。", "一对夫妇在桌子上进行比赛掰手腕。", "在室内,两个穿不同颜色衣服的人在掰手腕。", "两个年轻人一边笑着一边进行掰手腕游戏。", "两个男孩在桌子上进行一场掰手腕比赛。", "在一个房间里,两个黑人男孩正在扳手腕。" ]
[ "A lady is making a pretty flower arrangement and talking.", "A flower shop arranges a flower bouquet in a vase.", "A lady remove some leaves from a flower and place in a vase", "An florist is showing off some plants while giving the lesson an open demonstration.", "A woman is in a craft room talking as she fixing flowers in a vase.", "A florist is demonstrating how to properly fill a vase with flowers.", "A woman is demostrating to viewers how to arrage flowers", "A woman demonstrates the correct method of putting flowers into a vase.", "A woman is arranging flowers in a flower vase full of water.", "A woman is making a flower arrangement as she talks about what to do." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在插花。", "一个女孩在花店将花整理在花瓶里。", "桌子上放了一个装满花的瓶子,一个女人边说话边把一束草插进了瓶子里。", "以为穿蓝色衣服的女士正在向一个玻璃瓶中插花。", "一个放着很多花草的房间里,一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在插画。", "一个花商正在示范如何正确的装满花瓶。", "一个女人正在向观众展示如何摆弄花朵。", "一位女士示范将鲜花插入花瓶的正确方法。", "一个女人在一个装满水的花瓶里插花。", "一个女人一边在桌子上插画一边谈论着。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to attache a seat to a bike.", "A man is showing how to replace a bicycle seat.", "a mechanic is working on fixing the seat of a new bike in a shop", "A person fiddles with a bike seat while leaning forward and speaking.", "A man is working at attaching a bike seat to a bike.", "A man is installing a seat on a bike while in a shop.", "A man shows an adjustment to a bicycle seat and explains what he is doing.", "A man is adjusting the seat portion of a bicycle.", "A man is adjusting the height of a bicycle seat.", "A man is outside attaching a bicycle seat to a long rod on the bicycle." ]
[ "一个身穿灰色衣服的男人正在安装自行车座子。", "一名男子正在安装一辆自行车的车坐。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人在调试自行车。", "一个戴着帽子穿着短袖的人手里拿着自行车的坐。", "一个戴帽子的男人正在固定自行车座。", "一个男人正在商店里安装自行车的座位。", "一个男人一边说话一边对自行车座位进行了调整。", "一个男人正在调整自行车的座位部分。", "一个男人正在调整自行车座位的高度。", "一名男子将自行车座椅接到自行车的长杆上。" ]
[ "A woman is securing a wheel to a bicycle using quick release levers which mentions using American english.", "A person tightens down the level on a bicycle wheel and then spins the wheel.", "A woman demonstrates how to properly put a front tire on a bicycle.", "A woman is showing how to attach a bicycle wheel to a bicycle.", "A woman pushes a lever into the frame of a bike and then spins the bike wheel.", "An instructional video of a bicycle wheel and a lever.", "a person demonstrating how to firmly attach a new wheel to their bicycle", "A person's hand is demonstrating how to do something to a bike.", "A woman is talking about the mechanical workings of a bicycle turned upside down.", "A man tightens a bike rim on a mechanism, and then shows the whole tire." ]
[ "一个人的双手握住铁棍一手在铁棍的旁边。", "有一个人把一辆自行车倒放过来,在弄一个开关。", "一个穿蓝色裤子的人在讲有关自行车的知识,。", "一个人手上拿着一个轮子的零件一直在说话。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在修一个自行车。", "一个人正在演示如何正确修理自行车。", "一个人演示如何将新轮子牢固地固定在自行车上。", "一个人的手正在展示对自行车做点什么。", "一个女人正在对着一台倒立着的自行车谈论它的机械工作原理。", "一名男子在机械上拧紧自行车轮圈, 然后展示整个轮胎。" ]
[ "A man gives instructions and shows how to fix the breaks of a bike.", "A man demonstrating how to rig the brakes on a bicycle.", "A man is demonstrating how to adjust or repair bicycle components.", "A man is explaining how to loosen brakes and then adjust the brakepads on a bicycle.", "A male is discussing how it is and what tools are needed to fix a bike.", "A man is showing how to properly tighten the breaks in an orance bicycle", "A man telling how to adjust the brakes on a bike to make them wrok right", "A man giving a tutorial on how to tighten handles on a bicycle.", "A bike mechanic shows how to install front bake cables on a bike.", "A man explains how to finish putting together a bicycles break lines." ]
[ "一个人正在一边拼装自行车,一边介绍自行车的原理。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在修山地自行车。", "一个穿白色衣服的男子将自行车前轮的刹车线接了上去。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在室内弄一辆浅色的自行车。", "一个男人正在演示如何正确安装自行车零件。", "一个男人正在展示如何正确地拧紧自行车的刹车。", "在室内,一个跟修理好了山地车并向人们展示着。", "一个男人正在教导如何收紧自行车的把手。", "一位自行车修理师演示如何在自行车上安装闸线。", "一名男子解释如何完成自行车断线的整理。" ]
[ "The camera holder speaks about controller cords in the context of computers.", "Hands twist bundle of wires by a fan and electronic components inside computer frame.", "A man is explaining how to put wires together in a piece of equipment.", "A man is building a computer and describing how to do it.", "A man changing wires on the inside of a computer while describing the benefits.", "A person ties together some connecting wires in the circuits and explains about it", "A man is working on some wires on the back of a machine.", "A man is adjusting some cords inside the mainframe of a machine and discussing thinking ahead to the future.", "A person is installing and tying cords into a computer.", "A young man demonstrates how to add components to a computer." ]
[ "一双手在一个看起来像汽车发动机的设备上摆弄着,然后双手离开了设备。", "一个男人一边说话一边装着电脑主机。", "一个男人在给发电机重新安装电线并讲解步骤。", "一双手在检查计算机机箱排除故障。", "一个人在整理电脑机箱里风扇旁边的线。", "一个人把电路中的一些连接线连在一起并对它进行了解释。", "一个男人正在研究机器背面的一些电线。", "一名男子正在调整机器主机内部的一些电线,并讨论着对未来的憧憬。", "一个人正在演示如何安装电脑的电源线。", "一个年轻人演示如何向计算机添加组件。" ]
[ "Two people are discussing and demonstrating components of random access memory.", "A man is working inside of a large computer and pointing out different parts.", "The inside of a computer tower is shown while a man talks about parts of it and points to them.", "A man has a computer tower open showing where the RAM is located.", "A person is conducting maintenance on their desktop computer system.", "Someone has taken apart a computer and is showing the inside of it.", "A man shows how to access the RAM inside a computer tower.", "A man reaches into touch small computer components at bottom and sides of metal box.", "A young boy works inside of a desktop computer.", "A person has their hands in the back of a computer." ]
[ "一个电脑机箱,里面有电脑主板还有各种电脑组件。", "一只手在电脑主机内部用手指着主板。", "一个人在修理着一个绿色的电路板。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手正在维修着计算机。", "一个人正在用手对一台复杂的机器指点。", "有人拆开了一台电脑并展示计算机的内部。", "一位年轻的男人展示了如何在计算机塔内存取内存。", "男子伸手触摸金属盒底部和侧面的微型计算机部件。", "一个小男孩正在检查一台电脑主机。", "一个人的手放在电脑的后部,并谈论着什么。" ]
[ "A man wearing a microphone speaks talking about a show he put on.", "A man in suit is talking in front of the camera while a dinner party is going.", "A man talks about his love and preference for a conference.", "A man makes a statement in a conference dining room.", "A black man is wearing a suit and headphones as he talks about something in a banquet hall.", "A well dressed man talks about an organization with a conference room in the background.", "a man with a mic on his face talks to the camera in front of him", "A man is discussing his conference and why many people should attend.", "In a event room full of people on their tables, the entertainer is recording a video trying to cget people's attention.", "The man is in a large conference room and is in an interview.." ]
[ "一个穿白色西装的男子戴着麦克风在餐厅里讲话。", "一位戴着耳机的光头黑人正在向我们介绍着什么。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在室内说话。", "一位穿米色衬衫的人,他正在向人们讲述事情。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在酒桌旁边讲话。", "一个穿着讲究的男人在背景是会议室的地方说话。", "一个脸上戴着麦克风的男人站在宴会前面说话。", "一个男人正在讨论他的会议以及为什么很多人应该参加。", "一个戴着耳麦光着头的男人站在宴会前讲说。", "一个男子在一个大会议室里, 正在接受采访。" ]
[ "A man in a suit is giving a scientific presentation using a projected image on a screen.", "A man is giving a power point presentation and pointing to a diagram on the slide.", "A man delivers a presentation while pointing out details on a projected slide.", "A man is at the front of a room using a diagram on the wall to explain something to the audience.", "In a classroom a teacher teaches a slide on the approach to routing in WMN.", "A man teaching a class looks and points at a powerpoint slide.", "A man is presenting and explaining a slide about WMN.", "In a foreign language a host shows a diagram posted on a lit screen and talks about it.", "A guy stands in front of a screen giving a presentation.", "A man is talking and giving a presentation on a big white board." ]
[ "一位男子正在用投影仪在上面为下面人介绍着里面内容。", "一个男人正在屏幕前认真的讲着一道题目。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人在讲台上讲解一些东西。", "一个穿着西装的男人,指着屏幕上的数据。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在屏幕前讲话。", "一个教课的男人一边看着一边指着幻灯片。", "一个男人正在向大家介绍和说明着眼前的一张幻灯片。", "在外语中,主持人显示在点亮的屏幕上发布的图表并进行讨论。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在讲台上演讲。", "一个人正在讲解一个大的白板上的演示文稿。" ]
[ "A man is talking at a table as someone sits to his left and listens.", "A man sits elbows on a tabletop, using a hand to grasp his fingers and gestures as he speaks.", "A man, whilst seated, is talking in front of a group of people.", "A man dressed in a black suit talks to an audiene about patient care.", "A person sat at a table and locked his finger together while talking", "A man is giving a speech about being a welfare working and needing to find out if something is going on.", "A nicely dressed man sits at a table and talks about wellness care for patients", "A man is sitting with others at a table in front of a group and speaking about wellness.", "A male is sitting on a table discussing information to people.", "A man in a business suit sits at a conference table and gives a speech." ]
[ "一个男人用一只手握着自己的另一只手的两个手指,一脸正经的在说着话。", "一个戴着眼镜的绅士男人在优雅的讲着话。", "一个戴着眼镜身穿黑色上衣的男子在讲话。", "一个穿西服的短发男子正坐在桌前讲话。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在给大家演讲。", "一个男人正在做一个关于福利事业的演讲,并且需要了解发生了什么事情。", "一个衣冠楚楚的男人坐在桌旁,谈论病人的健康护理。", "一名男子和其他人坐在一群人面前的一张桌子旁, 谈论健康。", "一名穿着黑色上衣的男子正坐在一张桌子旁讲话。", "一个穿着西装的男人坐在会议桌旁发表演讲。" ]
[ "A group attending an event stands as they sing a song together.", "A group of people have gathered and are watching some type of ceremony on a stage.", "A large group of people at a celebration of religious ceremony.", "A group of people are singing while watching something happening on the stage infront of them.", "People are standing around as a group of people sing on stage.", "A crowd of men sing and observe people on a stage.", "A group of people at a ceremony sing along in front of people on a stage", "A bunch of different people inside a large hall are singing in a foreign language.", "a group of people interact with each other in a very formal setting", "A formal program where people are seen standing on and off the stage." ]
[ "在一个大厅里面一些人在台下唱歌,还有一些人在台上站着。", "一群人在一个房间里共同合唱一段音乐。", "一群穿着不同款式衣服的人站在台下,台上站了许多人。", "一个舞台上一群人在搞一个活动仪式。", "一群人在座位前站好,舞台上一个男人拿着开闪光灯的手机。", "一群人在舞台上唱歌,与此同时台下的观众在欢呼。", "一群人站起来在唱歌,舞台上有人拿着手机进行拍摄。", "大厅里一群不同的人正在用外语唱歌。", "一群人站在台下面排成几排正在唱歌。", "一群人站在台下看着台上的一群人说着话话。" ]
[ "A man is standing in front of a crowd doing call outs for an auction.", "An auctioneer is calling for bids. He walks up to a group of men and then walks back to his position in front of a stage.", "A man holding a microphone is announcing sale prices in an auction room and moving back and forth in front of a large group of people.", "An auctioneer with a microphone works the floor in front of people talking and watching.", "a person holds onto a mic and tries to interact with their audience", "An auctioneer stands in the front of a room and auctions items to a crowd.", "People mill around as they drink and listen to an auctioneer at an auction.", "An auctioneer at at an event calls out the bids on an item, excitably running up to the crowd that's milling around while doing so.", "A man at an auction stands in front of a crowd and takes their bids.", "A man with a microphone moves around a large room talking." ]
[ "一个人拿着麦克风站着在说话,周围一群人站着在听。", "一个男人在主持一个活动,周围有很多围观的人。", "一个男人拿着话筒在很多人面前讲话,人们都在看着他。", "一个穿着黑色西服白色衬衫的男人拿着话筒讲着话,和其他人互动着。", "在一个明亮的室内,一群人在看着,一个名男人在唱歌。", "一位拍卖师站在房间的前面,向人群拍卖物品。", "一群人正聚在一起参加一场拍卖会。", "一个拍卖师在一个活动中喊出一个项目的出价, 兴奋地跑到那些人群身边。", "一名男子在拍卖会上站在一群人面前,接受他们的竞标。", "一个拿着麦克风的男人在一个房间里一边讲话,一边走动。" ]
[ "A man is talking to another man and a man is talking to a woman on the sidewalk.", "A video of a small crowd gathered for a housing rights protest on the sidewalk of a city street.", "Few people are standing outside on the sidewalk and seems like they collecting signatures for a petition.", "A group of people are standing on the sidewalk while one talks on the phone and another is signing a paper.", "There are a group of people standing on the sidewalk and doing different kinds of activities.", "Protesters are causing problems and chanting stop evicting our neighbors over and over.", "A group of people are standing on a street corner while someone, in the background, is protesting.", "Few people standing around as protestants while a man keeps repeating the same thing.", "A man is protesting by trying to speak to a small crowd of people outdoors.", "A man standing outdoors is explaining the lack of rights apartment owners tend not to have when buying the city." ]
[ "晴朗的天空下,几个人正在大街上谈论着什么。", "一群人站在路边,其中一个男人在打电话。", "一个穿着外套牛仔裤人在打电话另一个戴眼镜的人在等他。", "一个人正在打点化,旁边有几个人在做笔录。", "在一个晴朗宽阔的大街上,站着几个人正在说话。", "抗议者们正在提成问题,并且不断地呼喊驱逐我们的邻国。", "一群人站在街角,一个男子戴着眼镜,一个男子在打电话。", "很少有人像新教徒一样站在一起,而一个男人不停地重复同样的事情。", "一名男子正试图在户外与一小群人交谈。", "一名站在户外的男子解释说, 公寓业主在购买时往往没有权利。" ]
[ "A woman speaks into a microphone and raises her left arm in front of a group of people.", "A woman is speaking among a group of people", "A woman auctioning things in a room with a bunch of people.", "A woman runs an auction as members of the crowd bid.", "A woman is calling bids at an auction in front of a group of people.", "A woman calls out bids to a seated crowd at an auction", "A woman calls out auction prices while pointing out bidders in a room.", "A woman is heading an auction, calling out dollar amounts to those participating.", "A woman is running an auction, calling out the bids as people make them.", "Auction attendees bid on an item as female auctioneer confirms raised bids." ]
[ "一个女人拿着话筒说话,一个男人拿着物品而下面一群人正在出价拍卖物品。", "一群人看着前面的三人,三人中的白衣女子一边说话一边做左手抬起动作。", "很多人围在一个拿着麦克风说话的女子身旁。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人拿着话筒在讲台讲话。", "一个长发女子正拿着话筒在讲话很多人坐在下面。", "一名女人在一场拍卖会上向坐着的人们进行报价。", "一名女子一边喊着拍卖价格, 一边指着一个房间里的竞买人。", "一个女人拿着话筒讲话,下面有很多观众。", "一名妇女正在举行拍卖会,随着人们的出价大声喊出出价。", "当女性拍卖师确认提高出价时,拍卖参与者对项目进行投标。" ]
[ "An auctioneer is working in front of a large crowd seated at tables.", "An auctioneer is calling out prices in a banquet hall.", "A bunch of people are seated during an auction with the auctioneer selling.", "A man is standind up during an auction clapping with the seated audience while the auctioneer speaks.", "Women and men are seated in an audience at tables during an auction.", "A group of people clap and then a private auction commences.", "People at an auction clapping as the auctioneer calls out prices.", "A man claps his hands while another runs an auction at an event.", "Some people are clapping in a room that is crammed with people.", "A man hosts an auction for a room full of people." ]
[ "一群人坐在一起,看着一个手里拿着小锤子举起来,另一只手拿着话筒的人。", "一群人都在鼓掌看着另一个人在台上表演。", "一群人正在用餐,其中有几个人正在拿着话筒讲话。", "有很多的人在屋子里面,有的人在鼓掌,有的人手里拿着话筒在唱歌。", "在一个房间里,很多人围坐在桌子旁,有一个男人拿着麦克风正在讲话。", "一群人鼓掌,然后开始一场私人拍卖。", "一群人正在关注一个拍卖师不停的快速讲话。", "在一个活动上举行拍卖会上一个人拍手。", "一群人聚集在一个房间里聚餐,一个人站在台上演讲。", "一个男人在讲台上,左手拿着话筒,右手拿着锤子讲话,台下的观众在鼓掌。" ]
[ "A man is walking through a crowd and talking to people at an auction.", "An older male auctioneer is holding a microphone, and going from table to table, meeting people.", "An older man with a microphone walks up to a lady at a table in a crowded dining hall and shakes her hand.", "At an evening event, people are standing around in semi-formal attire while a man walks around with a microphone talking to people.", "In a room a man is using a microphone as he is speaking to a group of people.", "a man speaks into a microphone while walking through a crowd of well dressed people at a social gathering.", "A man is speaking into a microphone to another woman, and then proceeds to shake her hand.", "In a restaurant a man is walking around talking into a microphone and shakes a man's hand.", "A man leads an auction of people and speaks to a winning bidder.", "An auctioneer is emceeing at a large gathering and walking around the room." ]
[ "一个男人在人群中走动,并同时拿着麦克风说话跟其他人打招呼。", "在一个聚会上,很多男人女人在交流,有个拿话筒的男子和一位女士握手。", "在人群中。一位穿着黑色衣服头发斑白的人正在和另一位女人握手。", "在全是人宴会场所,一个穿着西服的男人,在拿着话筒。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在拿着话筒讲话。", "一名男子在一次社交会上拿着话筒说着话并走动着与别人握手。", "一名男子拿着麦克风对着另一个女人说话, 然后和她握手。", "在一家餐馆里, 一名男子四处走动, 对着麦克风说话, 与一名男子握手。", "一名男子主持着拍卖会并与中标者交谈。", "一位白色头发的男人正在一个大型集会上做工作, 在房间里转悠。" ]
[ "In slow motion a young boy demonstrates a backwards flip.", "A young man doing a back flip in slow motion.", "A young boy demonstrates how to do a perfect backflip and lands on his feet.", "A boy crouches down and then lifts up to do a back flip.", "A man standing in the middle of the road flipped backward", "The boy is standing in the roadway and he successfully completes a backwards flip.", "A boy shows off his talent as he performs a backflip, shown in slow-motion.", "In slow motion a young boy performs a back flip outdoors", "a young boy doing a back flip in an empty road at a park", "A boy is performing a back flip in slow motion." ]
[ "一个男人在树荫下表演着后空翻,并成功落地。", "一个小男孩在马路上表演了一个后空翻。", "在一条马路上有一个穿蓝色衣服的男人正在后空翻。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在后空翻。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个穿着白色上衣的人做了一个后空翻动作。", "这个男孩站在车道上,他成功地完成了一个倒空翻。", "慢动作中一个男孩展示他的才华,他表演了一个后空翻。", "在慢动作中,一个穿白色上衣的小男孩在户外做着后空翻。", "一个小男孩在一条空路在公园做后空翻。", "一个男孩正在慢动作地表演背部翻转。" ]
[ "A boy on top of a black fence does a back flip off of the fence.", "A teen boy stands on a railing and does a backflip off of it.", "A boy stands on a fence then successfully does a backflip and lands on the ground below.", "A boy performs a backflip of a railing outdoors and falls.", "A boy wearing black pants and a black shirt does a back flip off of a railing.", "A boy does a back flip off of a railing into some grass.", "A boy stands on a fence and performs a back flip.", "A person is doing a back flip off of a porch railing and into the yard.", "Standing on the top of a rail, a kid does a back flip off of it.", "A man is standing over the fence and dive over the fence and sit." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的男人,在栏杆上翻滚的跳下。", "一个人站在围栏上然后做了一个后空翻。", "一个小男孩站在路边的围栏上,然后翻到了地上。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在草地上做后空翻。", "有一个人站在围栏上,向后一个后空翻,落在了草地上。", "个男孩从栏杆上向后翻,落到了一片草地上。", "一位年轻的男士站在篱笆上表演一个后空翻。", "一个人站在一个门廊的栏杆上做了一个后空翻的动作。", "站在铁轨的顶端, 一个孩子从铁轨上做了一个后背翻转。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人站在围栏上向后翻了过去,身后是一片绿色的草地。" ]
[ "A man does an acrobatic trick off a a large ball onto a bed.", "A guy is bouncing in a room and suddenly back flips onto an adjacent bed.", "The young boy is doing side and back flips on the cushioned bed.", "A man doing a flipping routine on some mattresses inside a building.", "A man is practicing gymnastics and is doing back flips into a large cushion.", "A man doing a flip onto cushions while in a living room.", "A teenage boy does a back flip on a bed.", "A man is shown successfully performing a backflip indoors.", "a man stands and then does a flip onto a bed", "A guy does a backflip and lands on a bunch of soft mattresses facing forward." ]
[ "一名男子正在家里的弹簧垫上表演360度后空翻。", "一个光膀子男孩在一个跳窗上跳到另一个床上。", "一个男人正在表演往后边垫子上后翻。", "一个穿蓝色短裤的男人后空翻跳到了身后的垫子上。", "明亮的房间内,一名身穿蓝色裤子的男子,正在房间内玩耍。", "一个男人在客厅里对着坐垫做了个空中翻滚。", "一个男人在床上完成了背部翻转成功站立的动作。", "在室内一名男人成功地进行了一个后空翻。", "一个光着上身的男人后空翻到了床上。", "一位男子在房间的垫子上做后空翻并站着落在了床上。" ]
[ "Two boys doing back flips off a thick mat outside.", "Two boys stand on the edge of a cushion before doing a back flip together.", "To boys practice doing flips from the edge of a jumping mat.", "Two kids are jumping off a green map and doing a flip.", "A boy is on a blbue stage and jumps off and does a back flip.", "Two young boys do back flips from a thick mat.", "Two kids get on a mat and perform back flips together at the same time.", "Two young boys line up on the side of a practice mat and then backflip off it.", "Two kids do backflips off of a mattress outside onto the grass.", "Two young boys do a back flip from a mat." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服和一个穿着白色衣服的人,从一个垫子上跳了下来。", "两个小男孩从高台上同时后空翻同时落地成功。", "两个男孩在草坪上的气垫边缘进行后空翻。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,几个小孩在草地上玩耍。", "在一个场地,有一些人在踢球,还有两个人在空手翻。", "两个小男孩在一张厚厚的垫子上坐着后空翻。", ": 两个孩子坐在垫子上,同时一起翻转。", "两个小男孩在练习垫边翻跟斗,然后离开。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男孩在做着后空翻。", "两个小男孩从垫子上跳了一个后空翻。" ]
[ "A tray with cookies are shown and a person says that wax paper is needed.", "Fresh baked cookies lie on a baking sheet on a stove.", "A person shows off recently baked cookies in their kitchen.", "Two girls are talking about 15 cookies sitting on a stainless steel pan.", "Multiple people look at some recently baked cookies, and one says they need to be on parchment paper.", "Children looking and reacting to fresh baked cookies as a smoke alarm sounds off.", "A pan of fresh-baked cookies is sitting atop a stove.", "Children are baking cookies, and oohing and ahing over them after they come out of the oven, and then smoke detector goes off.", "In a kitchen, several kids talks about the cookies on a baking sheet.", "Fresh baked cookies are being admired as they sit cooling on a baking sheet." ]
[ "烘烤台上正放着刚做好的点心金黄金黄的。", "桌子上放着已经烤好的糕点,同时女孩发出惊讶的声音。", "一个烤盘上放着很多饼干,旁边有几个女孩在欢呼。", "一个人拍摄烤箱烤盘上烘培好的曲奇饼干。", "一个不锈钢的盘子上放着一些黄色的点心。", "孩子们看着新鲜出炉的饼干并做出反应。", "一屉糕点正在炉子上烘烤,旁边的餐桌旁站着一个人。", "一个盘子内装着一种食物,然后镜头移开了。", "在厨房里, 几个孩子谈论烤盘上的饼干。", "大家正在欣赏新鲜出炉被放在烤盘冷却的饼干。" ]
[ "A girl is showing the cookies a plate and talking about them.", "A woman is showing that she made cookies with Hershey's kisses in the middle of them", "A woman stands in the kitchen an shows cookies that are sitting on a pan.", "A woman showing a tray of Hershey Chocolate Kiss thumb print cookies.", "A woman showed lines of cookies with chocolate toppings she has on a tray", "A woman is filming her accomplishment of creating sugar cookies with kiss chocolate pieces on top.", "A woman shows a baking sheet of sugar cookies with chocolate on top.", "A girl is filming the cookies that are placed on the table and is speaking", "A lady is showing that she made sugar cookies with candy kisses.", "A woman is showing her sugar cookies with chocolate kisses on them." ]
[ "一个女人正在展示自己制作的曲奇。", "一个戴着眼镜的女人展示了她烤的巧克力饼干。", "一个身穿白色上衣的女子在家里做点心。", "一个戴眼镜的女人说着话展示着食物。", "一个穿着白色衣服戴着眼镜的人正在讲话。", "一位女士正拍摄她的成果,她制作了饼干,并在上面加了巧克力块。", "一位女士展示了一块上面有巧克力的糖饼干烤盘。", "一个正在说话的女孩在拍摄放在桌子上的饼干,。", "一位女士正在展示她用糖果和制做甜饼干。", "一个戴眼镜,黄头发的女子正在看着她的点心。" ]
[ "A person was using the spoon to press the cookies in a oven baking pan", "A woman is smoothing out some baked goods with a spatula.", "Someone is gently squashing biscuits with a spatula while they bake in an oven.", "A woman is demonstrating how to prepare cookie dough with a spatula.", "A woman has a pan of cookies and is smoothing them out on top with a spatula.", "a women is talking about what she is doing. She is patting cookies that are in an oven", "A person is flattening cookies on a cookie sheet while they are in the oven.", "A woman uses a spatula to flatten cookies that are in an oven.", "A person is patting with the spoon something on the tray one by one near the opening of the oven", "A person is using a spatula to flatten down some cookies on a tray in the oven." ]
[ "一个女人在用铲子压平盘子里面的面团。", "一个人手拿厨具,将烤盘上的饼干压扁。", "一个戴着手套的人正在用工具把食物压平。", "一个人用手里拿着的铲子在压托盘上的面块。", "一个人拿着一个铲子在按压盘子里的糕点。", "一个女人正在谈论她在做什么,她正在拍着烤箱里的饼干。", "当饼干片在烤箱里时, 一个人正在用铲子把饼干压平。", "一个女人用压锅铲平烤箱里的饼干。", "一个人正用勺子轻轻拍着盘子里的某个东西。", "一个人正在展示如何在烘焙箱里做饼干。" ]
[ "A person is demonstrating how to wrap a bandage around a manikin head.", "A person demonstrating how to wrap bandage on the head of a medical dummy.", "A teacher shows a student how to wrap guaze around a head injury patient.", "A man is demonstrating on how to properly bandage a head wound.", "A person is wrapping aid around a round shiny item.", "A man applying a bandage to the head of a dummy.", "A couple of individuals are wrapping bandages around at mannequin's head.", "A doctor rolls the cotton bandage on the head of a toy", "There is a person demonstrating head bandage techniques.", "A person practices wrapping a dummy's head with surgical wraps." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着纱布,在模型上包裹。", "一个人在给一个假模型的头包纱布。还有一只手给他扶着。", "一个人拿着纱布在给假人模型包扎。", "一个穿白色衣服的人拿着纱布在一个假人模特头上包扎。", "一个医生在包扎一个头部模型,并且一旁有人在观看。", "一个人正在将绷带缠绕在一个假人的头上面。", "有一些人在对着人体模特的头上缠绷带。", "一名穿白色衣服的医生将棉绷带卷在玩具头上。", "一个人正在一个模型头上缠绕绷带练习着。", "一个假人头被双手练习着用布裹起来。" ]
[ "Someone is sitting on a hospital bed, whilst someone else is putting tape on their legs.", "A man sits in a chair and someone applies wax strips to his thigh.", "There is a man on a chair while another man is placing adhesive strips on his thighs.", "a person is putting a bandage on another person slowly", "Long strips are being applied to a large man's thigh.", "A man gets two bandages placed on his leg while stretched out.", "A guy sits on a bench as a person applied tape to his thigh.", "A person is sitting and someone is putting stickers on their legs.", "A man is having bandages placed on his bare leg by another man.", "Someone sitting on an examining table is having tape applied to their upper thigh." ]
[ "一个仅穿内裤的男人接受另外一个男人向他腿上贴着白色条状物。", "男人在另一男人大根上贴着两个白色长条布带。", "一个穿着黑色牛仔裤的男子在给另一个男子贴胶带。", "一个穿着格子短裤的人坐在凳子上。", "一个人坐在椅子上,腿上贴着胶布,另一个人正在往他的腿上贴新的胶布。", "一名男子拿出两条绷带放在另一个人的腿上。", "一个人将胶带贴在另一个人的大腿上。", "一个人正坐在床上有人在他的腿上贴上标签。", "一名男子正在另一名男子的大腿上贴上绷带。", "一个人坐在检查台上,另一个在他的腿上贴上了白色的胶带。" ]
[ "A person is showing how to properly apply a triangluar bandage.", "A person rolled a strip of bandage around his hand", "A person wearing gloves is tying a knot out of an elastic band.", "Someone is giving instruction and demonstrates how to tie a triangular bandage.", "A person wearing surgical gloves wraps their hand using a cloth.", "Someone is wearing rubber gloves and tying a sheet around their hand.", "A man is wrapping a bandage around his hand and talking about it.", "A set of hands wearing latex gloves, wrapping a cloth around one of the hands", "A person wearing gloves unwraps a cloth and then starts to tie a knot.", "Someone is wearing latex gloves and showing how to wrap a hand with a bandage." ]
[ "一个人把手上的布卷起缠绕在左手上。", "一个人双手带着手套,将布条卷成一团。", "一个带手套的男子在折叠像卫生纸的东西。", "一双手带着乳胶手套,拿着一块白色的布条手上缠绕着。", "有一个戴着手套的人在往右手上缠绕着一个纱布。", "一个人戴着橡胶的手套,并且在手上绑着了一个东西。", "一个人正在用绷带包住他的手并且谈论它。", "一双戴着橡胶手套的手,用一块布包住了一只手。", "一个人戴着手套解开一块布,然后开始打个结。", "有人戴着橡胶手套,展示如何用绷带包扎手。" ]
[ "One person is securing the leg of an animal while the other is trimming its fur.", "A couple of people wrapping a animals hoof with cloth and tape.", "a person tries cutting through some cloth that is right next to them", "The person is cutting tape from the bandage on the animal.", "A human is using scissors to cut some sort of fabric.", "A person is cutting the hoof off an animal whose leg is being held by another person.", "a person using a tool to cut and trim down on a piece of an animal", "A woman bandaging an animal during the day in a barn.", "A person cuts an unidentified object with shears while talking to the another person that's holding the object.", "A person is holding the leg of an animal while the other person cut the bandage." ]
[ "两个人拿着白色东西,其中拿着剪子剪。", "一个人拿着手里拿着东西给另一个拿剪刀的剪断了。", "一个人拿着工具在弄着什么东西,另一个人在辅助。", "两人正在蹲下肢解动物,并用剪刀割下。", "一个人用剪子将白色东西剪了下来,另一个人帮他扶着另一边。", "一个人正在砍掉一条腿被另一个人抓住的动物的蹄子。", "一个人整跪在地上用工具裁剪动物身上的东西。", "白天一个女人在谷仓里给一个动物绑绷带。", "一个人在给一个腿部受伤的动物包扎伤口。", "一个人抱着一只动物的腿,另一个人在用绷带包扎。" ]
[ "A man uses tongs to poke and prod a piece of meat on a grill while a small boy pats his belly and grunts.", "A man and a child are cooking and eating at a table.", "Seated at a table, a father repositions meat cooking on a tabletop grill while his child eats next to him.", "A man and a young child sit and eat various types of food on a table.", "In a restaurant with meat grilling on a stove in the middle of a table.", "A man prods at cooking meat using tongs while a toddler eats next to him.", "Meat is sizzling on a grill and the camera pans to a young girl eating.", "A man at a restaurant grilling his own steak at a table with a child eating beside him", "A man is grilling some meat on a table-side grill while a child eats some food.", "In a restaurant, a man grills some meat on a table while a child eats next to him." ]
[ "一个男人和一个穿粉色衣服的小孩在吃烤肉。", "一个男人和一个孩子在饭店吃烤内。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正在用工具摆弄烤肉。", "有个男子在烤肉,旁边还有个孩子在吃东西。", "在餐桌上,有一个小宝宝和一个男人,男人正在烤着食物。", "一个男人利用钳子做烤肉,旁边的一个小孩子在吃东西。", "一个人把人放在烤架上烤至,旁边一个小孩嘴里吃着东西用手揉揉肚子。", "一个男人在一家餐馆里的桌子上烤着牛排,旁边有一个小孩。", "一个男人在桌边烤一些肉, 旁边的一个孩子在吃一些食物。", "在一家餐厅里,一个男子在桌面上烤着肉,而一个小孩在他旁边吃。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to cook some food over a grill.", "A person is cooking food on a grill in a pan with a lid then turns it over.", "A man shows and describes how to create a food product on a grill.", "A man demonstrates how to cook food using a ventilated pan with holes over a barbecue.", "A man is cooking a basket of food over a grill flame.", "A man is banging a metal basket in which food is being cooked over a grill.", "The man is having a great time grilling outdoors, the he shakes his food.", "A man holds a closed wire basket over a barbecue fire as he cooks some food in it", "A person is outside cooking some food in an enclosed basket on the barbeque.", "Someone is smoking some food in a mesh container on a grill and talking about it." ]
[ "一个人用铁丝网做成的锅进行烧烤。", "一个人用一个铁网在火炉上烧烤食物。", "一个人用手中的东西,在敲烤炉上的一个东西。", "一个人正用手拿着一个东西放在火上烤。", "一个人将一个由铁丝做成的网状锅放在火上烤。", "一名男子正在敲一个金属篮子, 放在这个篮子里的食物被放在烤架上。", "这个男人正在户外烧烤,他敲了敲装着食物的器材后,又将器材翻了一个面。", "一个人拿着一个闭合的铁丝网在烧烤架上烧烤里面的食物,并不停的敲打翻转它。", "一个人在外面的一个封闭的篮子里烹调一些食物。", "人正在一个网状容器中的一个烤架上翻转食物并谈论它。" ]
[ "A man makes and stirs a food dish while someone films and laughs.", "A few chiefs showing how to cook hamburgers at a cook out.", "At a park many people are cooking and serving food.", "People outside cooking and mixing to make special hamburgers.", "A chef is mixing something in a bowl, and then someone is putting together hamburger patties, followed by two people cutting something and then ending with two men holding a plate with a burger on it.", "People cook outdoors, some forming burgers and two displaying a finished product.", "Several people making and preparing food outdoors under tents.", "Outdoor footage of a group of chefs competing in a burger making competition.", "A man in a white coat stirs food; then food is shown.", "Chefs are preparing food under a tent in an outdoor setting." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的男人在搅拌着碗里的食物,并且做着各种美食。", "一群人正在忙碌着做着各自的精美食物。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在搅拌一些东西,并做一道菜。", "穿白衣服的人在自己的摊子前制作汤汁、肉饼等食物。", "一个戴手套的人在搅拌着什么,很多人在制作食物,两个人举着一个装着食物的盘子。", "人们在户外做饭,有的人正在制作,有的人在展示成品。", "在户外,几个人在帐篷下制作和准备食物。", "一群厨师在户外一个汉堡竞赛中在一起做汉堡。", "穿白大衣的人在搅拌食物并捏出形状。", "厨师们正在室外的一个帐篷下面准备食物。" ]
[ "A person lifts the lid of a smoker to reveal a large turkey being cooked in a pan.", "A man opens a BBQ lid and comments about the smell of the food cooking.", "Outdoors, a turkey is being smoked in an aluminum foil pan, the temperature is displayed.", "A person barbecues a whole chicken on a barbecue grill", "A chicken is showing being roasting in the oven in a foil pan.", "a person opens up an oven and looks at the food inside of it", "A turkey is being cooked inside of a grill while a man commentates on it.", "A man lifts the cover of a grill and shows a cooked whole chicken.", "A chicken is being grilled and someone opens the lid to show it off.", "A person opens up a grill where a whole chicken is being cooked" ]
[ "一个黑色器皿里有一个锡纸盒子、盒子里面有一只已经烤好的鸡。", "打开盖子里面有个盘子,盘子里放着一整只鸡,随后又盖上了盖子。", "一个人打开烤箱看了一下里面的烤鸡,然后有关下了烤箱门。", "一只手打开餐盒,里面有一个锡纸盒,盒子里有一只完整的烤鸡。", "有人将烤箱打开,里面装着一只烤鸡,接着又关闭了烤箱。", "一个人打开了一个烤箱,里面有一盘食物。", "一只火鸡正在烤箱内烤,而一个男人正在说话。", "一个男人打开烤箱的盖子,然后露出了一整只熟了的鸡。", "一个人打开烤箱盖子展示他的烤鸡。", "一个人开了一个烧烤的烤架,并且一直在说着话。" ]
[ "A person is barbecuing on a grill while a bee is flying around.", "A man is filming his grill and then pans up to show a bird that is on his house.", "A guy is cooking sausages and onions on a grill.", "A man in Kansas City is in his back yard barbecuing sausages while a bird dive bombs him", "A man is outside grilling onions and hot dogs. A large insect flies nearby.", "A man is grilling hotdogs outside and looking out for a bumble bee.", "A man cooking sausages and white onions on a grill outdoors shows a bee buzzing around and explains that it's coming at him again.", "A man grilling burgers and hot dogs outside sees a bumble bee.", "A man shows a fly is surrounding him while he grills sausages outside.", "A man is grilling some sausages and onions on his grill outside." ]
[ "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个男人正在院子里烤香肠。", "一个外国男人在烤香肠,屋檐有一只小鸟在飞。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一群人在户外烧烤。", "在晴朗的室外,几个男人在进行烧烤。", "炉壁上烤着很多食物一个穿红色衣服的男人说着话。", "一个男人在外面烤热狗, 并发现一只大黄蜂在周围飞。", "一个男人正在户外用烧烤架制作食物。", "一个人在外面烤汉堡和热狗时看到了一只大黄蜂。", "一个穿真橘色上衣的男人在院子里的火炉上做着食物。", "一个男人正在外面的烤架上烤一些香肠和洋葱。" ]
[ "A bartender stands before and audience and acrobatically mixes drinks.", "A bartender is being timed mixing drinks in a competition.", "A man is mixing drinks while other people watch him.", "A man is mixing drinks as people watch him work.", "A bartender makes drinks and tosses a mixing glass behind his back and catches it with his other hand.", "A bartender performs a mixology routine set to Queen's \"Don't Stop Me Now.\"", "a man flipping a bottle and cups while music is playing in the background.", "A man is in the middle of a stadium of people mixing bottles of drinks", "a man is creating a cocktail in front of a crowd while loud music plays, it appears to be a contest", "A person makes a drink while music plays and a crowd watches." ]
[ "一个短头发男孩正在听着音乐调酒。", "酒吧里一个调酒师正在表演花式调酒。", "一个调酒师在下面表演调酒,观众席上有许多人在观看。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人正在调酒。", "一个穿着灰色短袖衣服的人在站着调酒。", "酒保执行称为女王的“现在不要阻止我”的调整程序设置。", "一个人在音乐声的伴奏下给一群人做调酒艺术表演。", "在一个空地上,一个男人正在调酒,旁边有一大群人正在看着他。", "当大声的音乐播放时, 一个人正在人群面前制造鸡尾酒, 这似乎是一场比赛。", "一个人一边喝酒一边听音乐, 旁边有很多人在看着他。" ]
[ "A bartender is pouring five alcoholic beverages at a time during a competition.", "A bartender demonstrates the pouring of many drinks for a loud crowd.", "A person fills multiple martini glasses at once on a stage while people cheer.", "A person pouring out multiple drinks at once and a crowd cheering him on.", "A man was serving drinks into many cups at a time and photos of him were taken", "A person on a stage using one device to pour six drinks into Margarita glasses.", "A person pouring liquid into cups that are on a table while people cheer.", "On a stage, a bartender uses multiple liquor shakers to simultaneously fill five martini glasses.", "An older man pours several martinis through a chain of cocktail shakers.", "Music plays while a man pour drinks into martini glasses perfectly, people cheer." ]
[ "一个穿黑色短袖的男子在调酒,一些人在拍照片。", "一个男子在舞台上表演调酒,台下有摄像师和观众。", "一个人正在拿着工具倒酒,前面有人在拍照。", "一个身穿橘黄色衣服的人在拍摄调酒师调酒。", "舞台上一个人在做调酒表演,台下有人在用相机拍照。", "一个人在舞台上用一台设备将六种饮料岛主玛格丽塔酒杯里。", "一个男人正在演示将液体同时倒入好几个杯子中。", "在一个舞台上,调酒师使用多个酒摇手同时填充五个马提尼酒杯,台下有人在拍照和欢呼。", "一个年长的男人通过一系列鸡尾酒调酒器倒几个马提尼酒。", "一个男人正在桌子上到一些有颜料的东西。" ]
[ "The man is showing some exhibitions as he caters to the people at the restaurant.", "A man danced in front of the screen and the threw something at a distance", "a man throwing an object to someone and another man sitting nearby", "A man is entertaining others by catching items from behind.", "A bartender is clowning around behind a juice bar and people are watching.", "A bartender dances around behind a bar on stage while music plays and the audience cheers.", "A man is demonstrating bar drink mix tricks in front of an audience.", "A man is on a stage playing around while others are watching him.", "A man works to get points in a bar tender competition throwing stuff and catching it.", "A man throwing up a cup and trying to catch it behind his back in an exhibition." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的男人在锻炼,旁边一群人。", "一个穿着黑色短袖男的男人在酒吧里表演花式调酒,其他人在为他欢呼。", "一个男人在表演节目,周围的人为他喝彩。", "在灰暗的室内,一个男人在舞台上,表演着节目。", "一个穿着体血衫的男子在表演花式调酒。", "一名调酒师在酒吧的舞台上放着音乐跳舞,观众们在欢呼。", "一名男子正在观众面前展示酒吧饮料混合技巧。", "一群人正在看着桌子后面的男人表演。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子在酒吧玩着飞牌。", "一个男人在一个展览会上扔起一个杯子,试图在他背后抓住它。" ]
[ "A bartender does special tricks with his drinks and bottles.", "A bartender performs a trick by juggling bottles in front of a crowd.", "A bartender is flipping a glass and a bottle into the air.", "A bartender behind a bar is flipping a cup and bottle with his hands", "A bartender flips and juggles bottles to music as they make drinks.", "A bartender entertains patrons while mixing drinks at a bar.", "A man was doing a show by throwing bottles one after other and cates", "A bartender flips and juggles containers in front of a bar full of people.", "The bartender is entertaining the guests at the bar by flipping, turning and tossing bottles around his body.", "A bartender showing off her acrobatic skills while serving drinks at a bar." ]
[ "在酒吧里一位男子正在进行调酒的表演。", "一群人看着一个人在酒吧又两个瓶子在空中飞来飞去。", "房间里一个戴着黑帽子的人正在表演杂技。", "房间内,一个调酒师,正在调酒,旁边一些人在观看。", "一个穿着灰色短袖的男人,在酒桌的前面玩耍着酒瓶。", "一名调酒师在吧台表演投掷瓶子吸引顾客。", "一名男子把两个瓶子一个接一个地扔向空中并接住。", "个调酒师在一个满是人的酒吧前翻转和玩杂耍容器。", "一个穿着黑色帽子的男子在酒桌前抛掷瓶子。", "一个酒保在酒吧里喝酒时展示自己的杂技技能。" ]
[ "Four man gather at a sports bar and the bartender tells of his credentials.", "4 men stand together, one points to another and says kyle is awesome, while the other two say they do not like it, then kyle stands in front of alcohol and explains what he specializes in.", "A small setup like pub inside the home with liquors and peoples were chatting and TV was running at the back", "A group of men are at a bar and then a bar tender starts speaking.", "Four men talk about Kyle, their bartender, who later introduces himself.", "A group of middle aged men are talking in a bar, then a bartender begins to talk about his occupation.", "Four men are chatting with a bar tender while a game is on TV.", "Four guys stand together talking as another guy comes in behind the bar.", "Four men are inside a bar while another man is holding a cocktail shaker with both hands that is on top of a counter table.", "In a bar, a group of men discuss a young man, and then he expresses his expertise in bartending." ]
[ "在一个房间里,一个穿着短袖的男人,手里拿着一个杯子站着在说话。", "三个老人在介绍一个年轻的男子,之后男子走进了吧台。", "几个男人在一间卖酒的房间里开心的说笑。", "一个房间里,一群男人正在和男孩交谈。", "一个穿灰色衣服的男人手里拿着酒杯说着话,后面酒柜里摆放了很多酒。", "一群中年男子在酒吧里聊天,然后一个酒保开始谈论他的职业。", "四个男人正在一个酒吧里和一个男人说着话。", "四个人站在一起聊天,另一个男人从吧台后面进来。", "四个男人在一个酒吧里,而另一个男人手里拿着一个鸡尾酒调酒器,放在柜台上。", "四个男人坐在一起说话,然后一个男人站在酒吧吧台前说话。" ]
[ "Music plays while a man in a jump suit throws something off of a cliff and then jumps off.", "A young man first throws a rock over a cliff, then throws himself over too.", "A compilation of men standing on top of mountains, one man decides to skydive off of the mountain.", "ock music plays in the background as one fellow throws a rock over the cliff and another in a flying suit jumps off and goes down the deep drop.", "a man free falls off a high canyon or cliff.", "A man throws a rock off a mountain and another man jumps off the mountain.", "A guy throws a rock off of a cliff and then a guy jupms off a cliff wearing a flight suit.", "A guy throws something off a cliff and then another guy jumps off the cliff with a parachute.", "This is a video of a man bass jumping off a cliff to rock music.", "A man throws a rock down a cliff before a daredevil jumps from a high mountain." ]
[ "一个人站在山上,还有一个人穿着蝙蝠一样的衣服从高山上跳下。", "一个男人站在山上向山下扔了一块石头,还有一个穿滑翔服的人从山上跳了下去。", "一个黄色上衣男子正在山上往悬崖下玩滑翔。", "一个人在高处扔下一块石头并跳了下去。", "一个男人向山崖下扔了一个东西。一个男人站在悬崖边上纵身跳下去。", "一个人从山上扔下一块石头,另一个人从山上跳下来。", "一个人从悬崖上扔下一块石头,然后一个人穿着飞行服从悬崖上跳下来。", "一个人把什么东西扔下悬崖然后另一个人用降落伞跳下悬崖。", "这是一段男子从悬崖上跳下来的画面。", "一个男人把一块石头扔下悬崖,然后一个人从高山上跳下来。" ]
[ "Two guys are jumping off building and other high structures to skydive.", "A succession of people base jumping off of different structures.", "a couple of people climbing on top of buildings and then parachuting off", "Several people base jump off various buildings while filming themselves.", "A montage of people jumping off buildings with parachutes to music is shown.", "A man moves out to a balcony, climbs over the edge and jumps down.", "People of carrying things and a person is climbing a ladder on the side of the building.", "Various people are shown jumping from tall places with parachutes as music plays.", "A man wearing a parachute is jumping off of high building and then pulling the parachute", "A man dressed in ski clothes with a parachute on his back, climbs to the top of a tall building and jumps off and opens his parachute to land safely." ]
[ "跳伞爱好者,爬到高空中,正在进行低空跳伞。", "两个人分别在两个地方进行着刺激的低空跳伞。", "几名男子正在从高空往下坠落进行蹦极。", "一个外国男子从特别高的楼层上跳下去,玩跳伞项目。", "有一些人从很高的楼上跳下,然后打开了降落伞。", "一个男人走到阳台上, 爬过边缘, 然后向下跳。", "两个人携带降落伞爬上高塔并从上面跳下。", "随着音乐播放,各种各样的人都带着降落伞从高处跳下来。", "一名身穿降落伞的男子正在从高楼上跳下然后拉开降落伞。", ": 一名穿着滑雪服的男子背着降落伞,爬到一座高楼的顶部跳下,打开降落伞安全降落。" ]
[ "A man with skies on goes down a ramp and into the air and a parachute opens up since there is no snow.", "A person wearing skis slides off a high ledge and the parachute opens.", "A skier is shown launching off a ramp towards the street and then releases the parachute.", "A man is on a slope and rides off skis and in the air with a parachute.", "A man skis down a slope off of a roof and parachutes to the ground.", "A man slides of a tall building wearing skis and uses a parachute for landing.", "A man is skiing off of the side of a building with a para chute.", "A person in skis begins to go down a ski jump and then starts falling into a parking lot while a parachute opens.", "a person skis and then jumps into the air and falls down to the ground", "A group of people are on a structure in a city and a person slides off a ski jump, performs a few tricks before a parachute pops out of his backpack." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色外套黑色长裤的男人带着降落伞落了下来。", "一个男人穿着滑雪装备从高处跳了下来,打开了降落伞。", "一个全副武装的男人正在玩跳伞运动。", "一个男人从高处跳下去,降落中撑开了降落伞。", "一个滑雪运动员从一个斜台面滑向空中后打开降落伞。", "一名男子踩着滑雪板从高处滑下并用降落伞降落。", "一个男人正在用一个滑降落伞滑出一座建筑物的一边。", "一个穿滑雪板的人开始下滑雪跳伞, 然后在降落伞打开的时候开始掉进停车场。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在空中跳伞。", "一群人在一座城市的建筑物上,一个人滑下滑雪台,在一个降落伞从背包里弹出来之前表演一些戏法。" ]
[ "Someone is filming themselves and one other person in front of them skydiving or base jumping through the air.", "a splitscreen of a video showcasing different perspectives", "A drone or another flying object capture beautiful mountain views.", "An arial view shows a person gliding through the sky.", "A person is skydiving above a large area of green and mountainous land.", "A camera films an ariel view of a mountain area showing a clump of trees.", "Someone is paragliding down a ravine while the air rushes by him.", "One side of the screen shows an overhead view of the valley and the other side of the screen shows the outline of a person.", "Someone is flying through the air in a glide suit while another person watches.", "A para-glider is soaring through thee sky with a camera attached to his helmet." ]
[ "蓝蓝的天空下,有溪水、还有很多的树。", "空中视角身下俯看山腰的岩石和树木。", "一个人在空中飞翔,下面是一片绿色。", "在一片天空中,一个穿着异装的人正在进行飞行表演。", "有一个穿着浅色衣服的人正在飞行。", "一个镜头拍摄了一座山区,可以看到山区里的树木。", "有人在山谷里滑翔,空气从他身旁飞过。", "屏幕的一侧显示山谷的头顶视图, 屏幕的另一侧显示一个人的轮廓。", "一个穿着滑翔服的人在低空中飞行。", "一个人戴着头盔,穿着滑翔伞在天空中翱翔。" ]
[ "A line of people on top of a cliff are jumping off one by one.", "A group of people are lined up on high ground, they are jumping down one at a time.", "A group of people with skydiving equipment and helmet cams wait in line to jump.", "People are lined up by the side of the cliff and they jump off one after the other.", "A group of people take turns jumping off of a cliff with a special cliff jumping and flying suit.", "A number of people standing in a queue atop a cliff are seen jumping down one by one.", "A group of people one by one, jump off a cliff and glide.", "A large group of people taking turns at base diving from a cliff.", "Several men dressed in oriental wear they are jumping off of a cliff one by one", "People wearing wing suits are base jumping from a rocky cliff." ]
[ "一群穿着飞行服的人站在悬崖边上,一个个在往下跳。", "一群人排着队站在悬崖边,等待一个一个往下跳。", "一群人穿着奇怪的衣服,排队跳下山崖。", "一群穿着飞行装的人站在悬崖上不断地跳向悬崖。", "悬崖上,一群穿着飞行服的人一个接一个地跳下去。", "一些人站在悬崖上,然后一个一个地跳下来。", "一群人在悬崖边上排队一个个跳下悬崖。", "一大群人一个接一个的从悬崖上跳下来。", "几个穿着飞行衣的男人一个接一个地从悬崖上跳下来。", "穿着翅膀服的很多人,从悬崖上依次往下跳。" ]
[ "People are bathing a dog outside with a water hose.", "Two persons together washes a dog to take bath in soap and water", "People are scrubbing down a dog with water and soap.", "Someone along with a toddler is giving a dog a bath outdoors.", "A child and another person wash a dog using soap and water.", "A person and a child wash a dog's fur using a cleaning product.", "A dog is scrubbed with soap on a wooden deck to be rinsed off with a water hose.", "A dog sits quietly while getting shampooed by two people.", "People use soap and water to give their dog a bath", "A golden retriver dog is being washed by two people with a hose." ]
[ "一个大人和一个小孩在给一条狗洗澡。", "有一个大人和一个小孩在给一条黄色的狗洗澡。", "一名穿着红色背带裤的小男孩在给自己的狗狗洗澡。", "两个人正在给一只黄毛狗洗澡,地上还有一根水管。", "有一个小孩和一个大人在一起帮一只狗洗澡。", "一个人和一个孩子使用清洁产品清洗狗的皮毛。", "一个大人和一个小孩在甲板上用肥皂给狗洗澡然后用水冲洗掉。", "一只狗静静的坐着,同时被两个人清洗。", "人们用肥皂和水给他们的坐在地上的狗狗洗澡。", "一只金毛猎狗正在被两个人用软管清洗。" ]
[ "A man is giving a dog a bath outdoors while the dog is chain up.", "A dog is given a bath in a backyard with a hose and dog shampoo.", "A dog with soap lathered in his fur being washed off with a hose.", "Someone is giving a big dog a bath outside using a hose pipe.", "A man is washing his chained dog with water and applying soap.", "A person washing their dog outside and putting soap on him.", "A man is giving a dog a bath outside with shampoo and a hose.", "A person is bathing their dog outside while using the water hose.", "Children attempt to wash their dog that is chained up.", "A dog is being bathed outdoors by his family; soap having been washed off once, more still is applied." ]
[ "一个小男孩正在给他的狗狗洗澡涂抹沐浴露。", "一个人正在用手拿着水管给狗洗澡,之后挤了一些液体在手上。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣的人正在给一个狗狗洗澡。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人在室外给狗洗澡。", "一个人用水管往狗身上浇着水一边拿起身旁的清洁用品往手里挤了一点嘴里说着话。", "一个人在外面给狗冲水,用肥皂给它洗澡。", "一个人用水管不停地冲洗着面前的狗,然后把清洁剂挤在手上。", "一个人正在院子里用水管给他的狗洗澡。", "孩子们用水管在洗被拴着的一条狗洗澡。", "一个人拿着一条水管在室外给一条狗洗澡。" ]
[ "A cute little black puppy is in the shower bathing with his owner.", "A puppy is in the shower with its owner. The owner is playing around with the puppy", "A small dog is shown wet in a shower while a human plays with it's feet.", "A person giving a dog a bath and working its paws like dancing the dog whines.", "In a shower someone is making a dog stand and moving it's paws.", "A dog is seen standing on two legs while the front legs are held by a person.", "Person standing in the shower with a wet dog holding two of its feet in the air making them move.", "A dog stands between a mans feet as the man holds and waves and crosses it's paws.", "A person is playing with a small wet puppy in a shower.", "Person naked in a shower giving a dog a bath and moving it's paws around." ]
[ "在卫生间里一个人拿着黑色小狗的爪子。", "一个男人抓着小狗的腿,对它摆弄着各种动作造型。", "一个人双手抓着一条狗的两个前肢做着动作。", "一双手抓着一只小黑狗的两只前爪晃来晃去。", "一个光着脚的人站着地上弯腰双手摆弄着一个站立着的小狗。", "一条狗是用两条后腿站立着,而前腿则由一个人握着。", "站在淋浴间的人用手把一条湿漉漉的狗的两只脚举在空中,使它走动。", "一个人在浴室玩弄着一只可怜的小黑狗的爪子。", "一没穿衣服的人在淋浴时和一只小狗玩耍。", "一个人赤身裸体在淋浴间里给狗洗澡, 并移动小狗的爪子。" ]
[ "A man is bathing a dog while explaining the product he is using.", "A man is giving a dog a bath in the bath tub.", "A man give a grey hound a bath in a tub with shampoo.", "A man is in the bath bathing his dog as he describes what he is doing.", "A man is washing a dog in the bath and adding conditioner.", "A man is talking while cleaning a dog who is standing in a tub.", "A person is bathing a dog with some cleansing soup or some liquid in a tub.", "A dog is being given a bath inside of a bathtub.", "A man is giving a good soap bath and a scrub to a dog standing in the bathtub", "A man is putting shampoo on his dog and is giving him a bath." ]
[ "一个穿黑色上衣的男人在给一只黑白色的狗洗澡。", "在一个房间里有一个穿着黑色衣服的男人给一条狗洗澡。", "一个人正在浴缸里帮一条黑色的狗狗进行洗澡。", "在室内的浴池里面,一个人给一条狗在洗澡。", "一个人在浴缸里给黑色的狗洗澡,身上都是泡沫。", "一个男人正在说话,同时清洗站在浴缸里的狗。", "一个男人正在给浴缸里面的狗洗澡。", "主人正在卫生间的浴缸里给狗狗洗澡。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人正在给狗狗洗澡。", "一个男人正在给他的狗放洗发水, 并给它洗澡。" ]
[ "A person crouches and exercises by pulling a large rope with weights attached.", "A man is pulling a heavy weight around in a gym, while an unseen man encourages him.", "A man is at the gym and is using his body to pull a long thick rope toward him repeatedly.", "An individual works out with a power rope during a workout at the gym.", "A man is in a gym pulling a long rope with a weight attached to it across the floor.", "A man drags a weight with a rope across the gym", "A man performs an exercise where he pulls a weight with a rope inside a gym.", "A person in a gym pulls a long rope with a weight on it toward him while another person coaches.", "A man at the gym pulls a rope with a weight on it and someone encourages him to.", "A man in a gym is pulling a rope with weights tied to the end of it, he runs to straighten out the rope and begins pulling again." ]
[ "一个男人在用一根很粗的绳子拉一块铁锻炼自己的臂力。", "一名穿黑色背心的男子在健身房内做着健身运动。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在把一个绳子拉过来。", "一个穿黑色上衣的人在健身房里做健身运动。", "健身房里面,一个男人半蹲着身子拉一根绳子,然后向后跑去。", "一名男子用一根绳子在健身房里拖重锻炼身体。", "一个男人在健身房里用绳子拉了一个物体正在进行锻炼。", "一个人在健身房拉着一根另一头绑有重物的绳子锻炼。", "健身房里的一名男子拉着一根有重量的绳子健身。", "在个健身房,有一个男人正在用手拉着一条绳子。" ]
[ "Man wearing red shirt and black shorts does rope exercise with left hand.", "A man lunges forward with his right leg and moves a rope with his left hand.", "A man with a bent knee continuously swings a rope while the rope makes contact with the ground.", "A male waving a rope with his left hand and music playing in the background.", "A man holds an exercise rope and shakes it with his hand.", "A man in gym clothes wiggles a long jump rope and then the screen changes to let you know it's an ad for medo check, Manuel Handl, Personal Coach with the brand's logo.", "A man in the lunge position is waving a heavy rope with one hand in a bid to get fit.", "a man in a red shirt interacts with a long rope that he is waving", "A man is working out with a exercising jumping rope.", "A man is exercising with a very long cord, which he throws up and down with 1 hand." ]
[ "一个穿红色短袖黑色短裤的男人半蹲着做运动。", "一男子右腿弓步利用长带进行上肢的锻炼。", "一个穿着红色上衣黑色短裤的人在甩一根长长的绳子。", "有个身穿红色短袖的男子在单手抖绳子。", "一个男人前腿弓后腿蹬着在舞弄着一个很长的带子。", "一个穿着健身运动服的男人摇摆着一根长绳子,然后停了下来。", "一个男人正在有节奏的甩动着手中的绳子。", "一个穿红色衬衫的人单手挥舞着手里的绳子。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男人在挥舞绳索。", "一个男人正在用一条很长的绳子锻炼。" ]
[ "A man is on a TV show and makes noises with his mouth.", "A group of people are talking and one person is making strange noises.", "A person made a beat box with his mouth while swaying his hands around", "A man makes musical sounds using his mouth, as a man and a woman is watching.", "A guy stands with two other people and then swings his hands in a smooth way.", "A young man makes several strange sounds and movements and starts to sing", "In a studio two people face a third person who starts beatboxing.", "A man does sound effects on a TV show called Breakfast Television.", "A man is standing and he is talking and using a lot of hand movements", "A man is seen on a television broadcast beat boxing." ]
[ "三个人正在打牌,一个戴着换色帽子的黑人男性正在说话。", "一个男人在表演口技,旁边有两个人在看着。", "一个带发带的男人,正在认真的表演口技。", "在一个昏暗的房间,三个人围着桌子在玩游戏。", "一个戴着黑色帽子的男子正在室内的桌子跟前晃动着手掌。", "一个年轻人发出几声奇怪的声音和做了几个动作,开始唱歌。", "在房间里,一个人正在面对着两个人打bbox。", "一个男人在电视节目“早餐电视”上做音响效果,动作。", "一个男人站在那里一边讲话一边做着动作。", "在电视广播节目中,看到一个男人正在用手比划着。" ]
[ "A man is kneeling on the ground, in front of a group of men, singing and making noises with his armpit.", "A man sits on the ground, sings, and makes farting noises with his armpit.", "Man does armpit fart sounds, as people dance and sing", "A man is sitting on the ground singing a song and making noise with his hand in his armpit.", "A kneeling man sings a song while making farting noises with his armpit.", "A group of people watch and laugh as a man sings and uses his armpits to make noise", "A man in Middle Eastern clothing sings a song making body noises, and is very happy.", "A man with a beard wearing a turbin and a vest is singing", "A man is sitting and doing something with his hand in his coat with music in the background.", "A man sits and sings while making fart noises from his under arm." ]
[ "一个人把手伸进了衣服里面,然后一个臂膀去来回上下左右的抖动。然后手又拿了出来。", "一个穿着阿拉伯风格服饰的人在地上唱歌,周围一群人围观。", "一个戴帽子的男人把右手放在了自己的左手腋下。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在手舞足蹈。", "在一群人中间,有一个老人在坐着,穿着黑色坎肩。", "一个人一边唱歌一边用他的腋窝发出声音,与此同时一群人在笑。", "一个穿着中东服装的男人唱着一首歌,并用自己的身体发出声音,很高兴的样子。", "一个留着胡子戴着头巾和一件背心的男人正在唱歌。", "一个戴着帽子的男人正在人群中表演节目。", "在室外,一个男子一直在唱歌,旁边有很多人在看着他。" ]
[ "A boy beat boxes and hums to the tune of music playing in the background.", "a little boy sits on a couch and talks to the camera in front of him", "A child sitting on the edge of an armchair makes movements and sounds of rapper with his lips.", "A young boy is making techno music noises with his mouth and moving to the music.", "A young child takes a video if himself beat boxing.", "a little kid sitting down and then just facing the camera", "A little boy records himself attempting to beatbox with some sucess", "A young boy sitting on a couch beatboxes to music playing in the background.", "A little boy sitting on the chair and starts to beep bop.", "A boy shakes his head and then he starts beat boxing." ]
[ "一个男孩坐在窗户前面的沙发上用嘴打出节奏。", "一个男孩口里在不停的嚼东西非常的开心。", "一个背对着窗户的小男孩嘴里发出很有节奏的声音。", "一个男子坐着的同时嘴里一直发出声音。", "在室内,一个穿着红蓝相间衣服的男孩的嘴巴一张一合。", "一个小孩坐下来, 然后只是面对着镜头。", "一个小男孩正在对着镜头并不停吐着他的嘴巴。", "一个年轻男孩坐在沙发上用口技对着背景中的音乐打着口技。", "一个小男孩坐在椅子上发出哔哔声。", "在屋内,一个人不停把嘴唇张开闭上。" ]
[ "Several bees making honey while someone prepares to collect some honey.", "A beekeeper is showing off a very large set of bees.", "A bunch of bees are on a bee box and a man is putting it back together", "A man has removed a honey comb from a bee hive that is covered in bees.", "A mass of bees were walking around on the bee hive", "A man is collecting honeycomb from a colony of bees.", "A bee keeper holds a honeycomb and then places it near the other honeycombs.", "Someone holds a honey comb as bees swarm over it.", "A bee keeper is taking out trays of beehive in a man made bee farm.", "A person holding a frame from a bee box observing the queen bee." ]
[ "密密麻麻的一群蜜蜂分布在蜂箱上产蜜。", "蜂巢盘上爬满了蜜蜂,一个人拿起蜂巢盘。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个人拿着沾满蜜蜂的板子。", "有很多蜜蜂在一个箱子里,然后一个人拿走了。", "一个蜂箱上面布满了蜜蜂,一个人把它挪到了另一地方。", "一个人正在拿一个爬满蜜蜂的蜂板。", "养蜂人拿着一个蜂窝,然后把它放在其他蜂巢附近。", "当蜜蜂蜂拥而至时,有人拿着一个蜂巢。", "一个养蜂人正在一个人造的养蜂场里取出蜂巢盘。", "一个人把满是蜜蜂的蜂巢放在镜头前。" ]
[ "A person is working with bees in a suit without protection for his hands.", "A person puts a screen on top of a box full of bees.", "A nee keeper lifts the lid on a bee hive and then places the lid back down again.", "A man moved a net over a box with bees around it", "A person tends to a live bee hive while a man describes the video.", "A person showing to handle the bees the and the holder in the mornings.", "A bee keeper is moving the top of the honey comb topper in order to move some bees.", "A person is showing how one can tell what is the front of a bee hive in the morning.", "A man is placing a lid on top of a bee hive.", "A man is moving a screen to cover a beehive." ]
[ "一个人将一块板子放在了有很多蜜蜂的箱子上。", "一个人把筛子放在蜜蜂窝的中央,许多小蜜蜂爬上筛子。", "一个人把一个板子放在了一群蜜蜂的中间,然后蜜蜂在向板子上爬。", "一个穿白色衣服的人,在室外拿工具养蜂蜜。", "一个人拿着一个盖子晃了几下后盖在一群蜜蜂上。", "显示在早晨处理蜂蜜和持有蜂蜜的人。", "蜜蜂饲养员正在移动着蜂巢顶部的木板。", "一个人在展示一个人如何在早上分辨出蜂巢的前面是什么。", "一个男人把一个蜂巢盖上盖子,同时在说着话。", "一名男子正在移动着屏幕来覆盖蜂箱。" ]
[ "A woman in costume belly dancing on stage.", "A woman in revealing clothing dances in a sexy manner.", "A female belly dancer with long brown hair is performing on a stage.", "A woman in a pink outfit dances to music on a stage.", "A pretty dark haired woman in pink is performing a belly dance routine.", "This talented woman is bellydancing on the stage as part of the RAKS.COM.US event", "A beautiful woman in an orange costume performing a belly dance in a contest.", "A woman does a sexy belly dance in her cultural clothing.", "a woman is belly dancing in front of a crowd as they look on", "One women is doing a belly dance to music on a stage." ]
[ "一个舞台上一个长头发的女子正在跳肚皮舞。", "一人在舞台上面跟随着音乐舞蹈来回抖动。", "一个长发的女人正在跟着音乐跳舞。", "一个长发穿着演出服的女人在舞台上表演。", "舞台上一个长发女郎穿着红色裙子在跳舞。", "这位才华横溢的女性正在舞台上跳肚皮舞。", "一个穿橙色服装的美女在比赛中表演肚皮舞。", "女人穿着文化服饰跳着性感的肚皮舞。", "一个长发的女人在观众面前跳肚皮舞。", "一个穿粉色衣服的年轻女孩正在舞台上跳舞。" ]
[ "A girl in a turkish costume does a belly dance on stage.", "A woman, dressed in a costume, is doing a dance to some music.", "A woman is on a balcony type stage and she is doing belly dancing", "A woman on the stage is wearing minimal clothing and doing dances.", "A scantily clad woman performs a Latin American dance for an audience.", "A lady dances quickly to eastern music on stage, she twirls around.", "A young woman dressed in bright clothing is belly dancing as music is playing in the background.", "A woman in a podium is belly dancing to the music playing", "A woman is doing a belly dance in a costume to music.", "A belly dancer dancing on stage as music plays in the background." ]
[ "一个长头发的女子在舞台上表演肚皮舞。", "一个女人站在舞台上不停地转着圈跳舞。", "在一个房间里,有一个女的正在跳舞。", "一个舞台上,一个金发女子正在跳舞。", "一个长发女子在舞台上伴随着音乐跳舞转圈。", "一位女士在舞台上随着一段欢快的音乐在跳舞。", "一个年轻的女人正在灯光闪烁的舞台上表演舞蹈。", "领奖台上的女人随着音乐跳起了肚皮舞。", "一个穿着裙子的女人正在舞台上表演肚皮舞。", "当音乐在后台播放时,一个肚皮舞者正在舞台上跳舞。" ]
[ "Two little girls, performing a dance routine in front of a bar.", "Two young girls are dancing to music in a place that looks like a pub with a lot of space.", "Two kids are belly dancing while people are watching them and there is music in the background.", "In a dance floor two young girls are showing their belly dancing skills", "Two young girls stand and wait for their cue, then start to perform an eastern dance", "Two young girls are dancing to music at a restaurant.", "Two young girls are dressed in costume performing a dance routine to the music playing in the background.", "Two girls wait for their queue to dance then dance from side to side in a room before they move their arms in a wavy motion.", "a group of children dancing together for a play as they are being watched by a crowd of people", "Two girls are dancing in unison on a wooden floor in front of a a bar." ]
[ "两个长头发女人穿着粉色裤子在桌子前面跳舞。", "两位漂亮的外国小女孩随着音乐跳着美丽的舞蹈。", "在餐馆前,两个小女孩跟随着音乐声跳舞。", "两个身穿浅色衣服的人在深色的地板上跳舞。", "房间里,两个穿着同样服装的小女孩在跳舞。", "两个女孩在一家餐馆里随着音乐跳舞。", "两个年轻女孩身着服装,随着后台演奏的音乐表演舞蹈动作。", "两个穿着舞蹈衣服的女孩在一个房间里从一边跳到另一边, 然后在一个波浪形的动作中移动着自己的胳膊。", "一群孩子们一起跳舞看话剧, 一群人正在观看他们。", "两个女孩在酒吧前的木地板上齐声跳舞。" ]
[ "A woman does a dance in front of a bunch of people in a room with tables.", "A woman in the center of a dimly lit room does an elaborate belly dance to music while people sitting at tables watch her.", "A girl was dancing with shaking her hip and many people surrounding her was watching", "The girl dances an Arabian dance and many people are watching her", "In a room filled with people, a woman does a belly dance while they watch.", "Woman belly dances in front of a crowd of old people to music.", "a young girl is belly dancing in front of a group of sitting people", "A woman is on a stage and doing belly dancing in front of a crowd", "A woman is performing a bellydance in a small cafe", "A female is belly dancing as a group of people are seated and watching her." ]
[ "一群人在观看一个金色头发的女人跳舞。", "一个穿着黑色纱裙的女人,正在表演着跳舞。", "一个穿着裙子的女人正在随着音乐节奏跳舞。", "在一个昏暗的房间里,一群人坐在一起,看一个女人跳舞。", "一个穿着长裙的女人在跳着肚皮舞。跳舞女人四周的椅子上坐满了人。", "一个女人在人群面前随着音乐跳肚皮舞。", "一位年轻的女孩在一群人面前表演跳肚皮舞。", "一个女人站在台上在众人面前跳肚皮舞。", "一个女人正在一家小咖啡馆里表演肚皮舞。", "在室内,一个穿着裙子的女子正在随着音乐跳舞。" ]
[ "A woman is doing a dance performance on a stage.", "A solo dancer performs artistically on dimly illuminated stage to a minimal musical accompaniment.", "A woman does belly dancing on a darken stage to the sound of music.", "A girl is on stage with lights doing a belly dance.", "A woman with black skirt and black top dances to the music.", "A woman is wearing little clothing and dancing on a stage", "A woman is belly dancing on a stage in the dark until the lights come on.", "A scantily clad girl is cavorting on a stage to a song in a foreign tongue.", "a really hot female is doing a sexy belly dance on stage in front of crowd", "A woman is dancing on a stage under a blue light while a man sings." ]
[ "一个女人跟着音乐的节奏在舞台上跳肚皮舞。", "一名女子在灯光变换的舞台上随着音乐热舞。", "性感的女子在舞台上表演柔美的舞蹈。", "一个长发的人正在地面上翩翩起舞。", "一个穿着裙子的女人正在台子上跳舞,舞台上灯光闪烁。", "一个女人穿着少量衣服在舞台中跳舞。", "一个女人正在一个漆黑的舞台上跳着肚皮舞,然后灯亮了起来。", "一个衣着暴露的人在跳来跳去,唱着一首异国语调。", "一个性感的女性在舞台上跳着性感的肚皮舞。", "在一个灯光比较暗的场所,一个女子正在跳着舞蹈。" ] exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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