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⌀ | cantonese
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granule | 細粒 |
To give | 俾 |
You can take a taxi | 可以坐的士去吖 |
Guess I'd love to? | 你估我好想咩? |
One tablespoon of starch and two tablespoons of water. | 一匙羹生粉開兩匙羹水。 |
The younger brother and son are sometimes very naughty | 細佬仔有時好扭計㗎 |
strict | 冚 |
Don't always be skeptical. | 唔好成日思疑人先得㗎。 |
People set up offerings to worship the dead. | 民眾擺設供品祭祀亡靈。 |
He's fifteen years old. I'm still in school, and I haven't come out to work yet. | 佢今年十五歲啫。仲返緊學,未出嚟做嘢。 |
He's a handsome guy, and of course these girls like him. | 佢係個靚仔,當然啲女仔都幾鍾意佢。 |
What kind of group members can't do it? | 乜嘢團友得唔得啊? |
What do you do with it? | 整出嚟做咩嘢? |
Long queues | 排長龍 |
I can lay you down in a second! | 我一秒就可以砌低你啦! |
This video game show has bigger payouts in addition to prizes. | 呢個電視遊戲節目除咗獎品之外,仲大派獎金。 |
Eat salted fish to satisfy thirst, I won't blame you if there is something. | 食得鹹魚抵得渴,有事我唔會埋怨你嘅。 |
He is the most bad old man, and he talks about beating and killing at every turn | 佢個人最唔不好老脾,喐啲就講打講殺 |
No one eats such a thing | 噉嘅嘢,邊個都唔食 |
Not saved | 沒有得救 |
A little more O.T.? | 重多啲O.T.? |
Just hit | 單單打打 |
You are really blessed that your son-in-law is so good to you. | 你真係好福氣,個女婿對你咁好。 |
I shuddered. | 我頂唔蒲打咗個冷震。 |
Hello everyone, my name is Hassan and I am an artist | 大家好 , 我叫哈桑 , 系一個藝術家 |
What should I do if I can't pay it tomorrow | 聽日交唔到點算 |
There is no use. | 冇閪用。 |
Congratulations to Xiao Ming for being elected president of this society! | 恭喜小明當選今屆學會會長! |
Fifty students | 五十個學生度 |
Remember to wipe your mouth clean. | 記得𠺘乾淨個口。 |
The Windows NT 4.0 server is included in the BackOffice Small Business Server 4.0 and 4.5 packages. | Windows NT 4.0伺服器包含喺BackOffice Small Business Server4.0以及4.5套裝軟體中。 |
I know, I know. | 我知我知。 |
Foot bones | 腳骨 |
Don't do it | 唔做 |
He's innocent, and if you want to blame me, blame me! | 佢係無辜㗎,要怪就怪我啦! |
This guy is really different. | 呢個人打波真係零舍唔同㗎。 |
Laughing dates | 笑口棗 |
The Office of the President of the Court of Final Appeal announced the details of the case on 7 March 2022. | 終審法院院長辦公室系2022年3月7號哥日公佈呢單案件嘅詳情。 |
There has been a murder in the house, and it is very evil | 間屋發生過命案,好邪㗎 |
If you're a politician, maybe you work for a politician, or if you like to connect with politicians, support the passage of municipal, county, state, and federal bills to fund and support worker-owned businesses | 如果你係一名政客 或者你為一名政客打工 又或者你鍾意聯絡政客嘅話 請支援市級 、 縣級 、 州級 、 同聯邦級 相關法案嘅通過 嚟資助同支持工人擁有嘅企業 |
He doesn't work for nothing, you can't do anything about him. | 佢白食唔做嘢你吹佢唔脹。 |
I didn't know the way, so I took a 𡃈 to find your house. | 我唔識路,打咗個𡃈先搵到你屋企。 |
When you really want to look at all the sources, you're going to keep looking at it | 當你真係要睇曬全部來源嘅信息 你就會一直一直睇下去 |
These fish are so fresh that they are worth buying | 啲魚幾生猛呀,買得過噃 |
The concept of the oneness of all things is quickly forgotten. | 嚟種萬物歸一嘅概念 被我地好快就遺忘了 。 |
I'm just making Ah Si coffee here, photocopying, delivering letters, pouring tea, changing water, and everything else. | 我喺呢度做阿四咖咋,影印、送信、斟茶、換水乜都要做。 |
We're disbanding here and see you tomorrow! | 我哋喺呢度解散,聽日再見! |
Collapse and don't throw the lid | 掟煲唔掟蓋 |
Bathroom room | 沖涼房 |
Self. | 自我。 |
One order | 一單 |
Hit your lungs, so many people have died and a goose has not died | 頂你個肺,咁多人死隻鵝仲未死 |
Wow, how can it be so coincidental | 嘩,乜咁啱嘅 |
Either bought the Herry rack 121 naughty. | 一係買咗Herry架121囖。 |
He can also replace the huge investors, and the chain stores or the big stores in our community, because honestly, the current development model is here to steal the resources of our community | 佢又可以取代 巨額投資人 , 同喺我哋嘅社區 嘅連鎖店或者大商店 因為老實講 , 宜家嘅發展模式 喺度偷我哋社區嘅資源 |
Nothing is done, and everyone is not standing | 閒事莫理,眾埞莫企 |
Turtle | 烏黢黢 |
Do you think it's fake or real? | 大家覺得流定堅呢? |
Where have you been playing lately? | 呢排去邊度打波多呀? |
In fact, no one wants to control a robot anymore? | 其實而家有冇人想控制個機械人 ? |
to the eyes | 對眼 |
Bearing capacity | 承載力 |
Road closures are not the point | 封路唔係重點 |
This disease can't cure the broken tail | 呢種病醫唔到斷尾嘅噃 |
Chirp | 嗱喳 |
The robots in the station suddenly attack the class survivors, and Vitesse is killed while the car is still alive. IN ORDER TO STOP THE CARNAGE, SAMUELS PREPARES TO CONNECT TO THE SPACE STATION'S ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE "APOLLO", WHICH IS SHUT DOWN BY SYSTEM SECURITY BUT SUCCESSFULLY GIVES RIPLEY ACCESS TO THE COMPUTER CORE. Apollo states that Weyland-Yutani has bought the entire space station, and orders all the robots on the station to do whatever it takes to protect the point aliens. After Ripley confronts why the directive is still in effect even after the alien has been eradicated, she is told to head to the space station reactor: the alien has set up a nest and laid multiple eggs in this area. Ripley destroys the nest with the reactor, but several aliens run off to the station. | 站入面嘅機器人突然攻擊班生還者,維特斯俾殺害而裏卡度仲生還。為咗阻止場屠殺,塞繆爾斯諗住連接太空站人工智慧「阿波羅」(APOLLO),雖然俾系統保安關掉但成功畀蕾普莉進入電腦核心。阿波羅表示Weyland-Yutani已買咗成個太空站,同時命令站入面所有機器人不惜一切保護啲異形。喺蕾普莉質問點解指令喺異形已俾剷除咗之後仍然生效後,核心著她前往太空站反應爐:異形已喺呢一處建立曬巢穴並生咗多個蛋。蕾普莉利用反應爐毀滅咗巢穴但多隻異形走佬去站入面。 |
The education system is constantly changing, and teachers, parents, and students are at a loss. | 教育制度不斷改變,老師、家長同學生都無所適從。 |
You're so light, I can hold you with one hand | 你咁輕,我一隻手就掅得起你 |
Anyway, it's all family, and it makes sense that he would help. | 話晒都係屋企人,佢會幫手都係合情合理嘅。 |
Another book | 另外嗰本書 |
observatory | 天文臺 |
Holding a teddy | 攬住個啤啤 |
This time he was in trouble and owed hundreds of thousands to loan sharks. | 今次佢大鑊喇,欠咗大耳窿幾十萬。 |
I'm not going to leave this matter at that, just wait and see! | 呢件事我唔會就噉算數,你睇住嚟! |
humanism | 人文主義 |
The Australia War Memorial (The Australian War Memorial) was established in 1941 in Canberra, Australia Capital Region. This memorial is a national memorial to the Commonwealth troops and support agencies who have died and may have fought in the Australia War. The museum opened in 1914 and is considered one of the most important monuments of its kind. The museum consists of three parts: the Anonymous Australia Soldier Memorial Hall, the Memorial Gallery and the Research Centre. There is an outdoor sculpture garden outside the memorial, which is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except for Christmas. | 澳大利亞戰爭紀念館(The Australian War Memorial),1941年創館,喺澳洲首都特區坎培拉。呢個紀念館係用嚟紀念啲已經死咗或者參加過澳洲戰爭嘅英聯邦 軍隊同埋支援機構嘅國家紀念館。個館喺1914年開放比人參觀, 同埋係被視為同類博物館之中最重要嘅世界遺跡之一。個館由三部分組成:包括佚名澳大利亞士兵紀念大廳,紀念畫廊同研究中心。紀念館外面有個戶外雕塑園, 除咗聖誕節之外, 紀念館每日由上晝10點開門到下晝5點。 |
It's just something to learn. I also think that it is a long-term settledown to see if I can learn something that is practical by comparison. | 即係有啲嘢學下囖。噉都想即係長期settledown睇下可唔可以學到啲比較即係實際啲嘅嘢囖。 |
Hustle | 妹仔 |
You wait a while | 你等一陣 |
Not a word | 粒聲唔出 |
You're really useless. | 你呢個人真係好唔中用。 |
I'll win him a bite. | 我鍚佢一啖。 |
And I personally feel that dispersants are the main strategy to conceal the facts, because we have the murderer in charge of handling the crime scene | 而我自己覺得 分散劑係 隱瞞事實嘅主要策略 因為我哋要兇手 負責處理案發現場 |
Have you ever eaten at my house? | 你喺過我屋企食飯未啊? |
He was hit by that ball. | 佢畀個波打中咗。 |
The Government will implement the new regulation. | 政府會切實執行呢一條新規例。 |
Fellow ghosts | 鄉里鬼鬼 |
Twenty minutes | 四個字 |
A lot of government propaganda is here | 好多政府既文宣係度 |
I am the one who gives you, how will you react? | 畀著你係我,你會有咩反應? |
Hurry up, aunt, and they are waiting for you in Austin | 你哋快啲啦!舅母佢哋而家喺柯士甸站等緊你哋 |
You might say that the data is good and very logical, but is it possible to do it? | 你可能話 呢啲數據好好 , 非常合邏輯 但係 , 有冇可能做到 ? |
Blue Mountain。 What is Blue Mountain? | Blue Mountain。Blue Mountain都係乜嘢𡃉啫嗎。 |
A plan eventually fell through. | 個計劃最終告吹。 |
Good stuff isn't meant to be missed | 好嘢唔係用嚟嘥㗎 |
I live in Hong Kong. | 我住喺香港。 |
Ziming, pick it up. | 子明,接好啲啦。 |
Child allowance | 子女免税額 |
I'm an easy man to say, and I won't argue with him. | 我份人好易話為,唔會同佢拗。 |
These children were hand-picked by the principal and the librarian | 啲細路係校長 同圖書館長欽點嘅 |