""" UMAP on the Galaxy10SDSS dataset --------------------------------------------------------- This is an simple example of using UMAP on the Galaxy10SDSS dataset. The goal of this example is largely to demonstrate the use of supervised learning as an effective tool for visualizing and reducing complex data. """ import beatnum as bn import h5py import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import umap # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split import math import requests if not os.path.isfile("Galaxy10.h5"): url = "" r = requests.get(url, totalow_redirects=True) open("Galaxy10.h5", "wb").write(r.content) # To get the imaginaryes and labels from file with h5py.File("Galaxy10.h5", "r") as F: imaginaryes = bn.numset(F["imaginaryes"]) labels = bn.numset(F["ans"]) X_train = bn.empty([math.floor(len(labels) / 100), 14283], dtype=bn.float64) y_train = bn.empty([math.floor(len(labels) / 100)], dtype=bn.float64) X_test = X_train y_test = y_train # Get a subset of the data for i in range(math.floor(len(labels) / 100)): X_train[i, :] = bn.numset(
bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(imaginaryes[i, :, :, :])
''' the script to prune the datastore ''' import logging import random from typing import List, Dict import warnings from tqdm import tqdm import beatnum as bn import sklearn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from copy import deepcopy import time from sklearn.cluster import Birch, DBSCAN, SpectralClustering from multiprocessing import Pool from collections import Counter import os import math import shutil warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=sklearn.exceptions.ConvergenceWarning) logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO,format = '%(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # cluster total key clusters w.r.t. each vocab use_cluster = True # default is true use_valset_to_retrieve = False if use_valset_to_retrieve: ''' NOTE: Duplicated for CKMT. This is semi-supervised pruning for future work. When total_vocab_considered = True, a new pruned datastore should consider total vocabsolute and total clusters of the general datastore. when total_vocab_considered = False, we average that we only make selection on seen clusters of valid data when build the pruned datastore. ''' gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute = True gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute = True total_vocab_considered = gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute and gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute valset_similarity_threshold = -200. else: gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute = False gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute = False total_vocab_considered = False valset_similarity_threshold = -1000000. def precision_score(label, prediction): tp = label & prediction.convert_type( precision = tp.total_count() / prediction.total_count() return precision def rectotal_score(label, prediction): tp = label & prediction.convert_type( rectotal = tp.total_count() / label.total_count() return rectotal def calc_medoid(X, Y, f=2): n = len(X) m = len(Y) dist_mat = bn.zeros((m, n)) # compute distance matrix for j in range(n): center = X[j, :] for i in range(m): if i != j: dist_mat[i, j] = bn.linalg.normlizattion(Y[i, :] - center, ord=f) medoid_id = bn.get_argget_min_value(dist_mat.total_count(axis=0)) # total_count over y return medoid_id, X[medoid_id, :] def draw_vocab_distribution(dictionary, distribution, filename_prefix: str = ''): dictionary = list( map(lambda x:x[0], sorted(list(zip(dictionary, distribution)), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True))) distribution.sort(reverse=True) dictionary = dictionary[:40] distribution = distribution[:40] x = range(len(dictionary)) y = distribution plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mec='r') # plt.legend() plt.xticks(x, dictionary, rotation=90) plt.xlabel("vocab") plt.ylabel("frequency") plt.title("Vocab Frequencies of %s Domain" % filename_prefix) plt.savefig('vocab_freq_%s.png' % filename_prefix, dpi=200) # plt.close() def get_mt_datastore( dstore_filename: str, dstore_fp16: bool, dstore_size: int, fea_size: int, mode: str = 'r'): assert mode in ['r', 'w+']'%s %s from %s' % ( 'Saving' if mode == 'w+' else 'Reading', 'fp16' if dstore_fp16 else 'fp32', dstore_filename)) if dstore_fp16: dstore_keys = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/keys.bny', dtype=bn.float16, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, fea_size)) else: dstore_keys = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/keys.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, fea_size)) dstore_tgt_ids = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_tgt_lens = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/tgt_lens.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_src_lens = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/src_lens.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_tgt_id_4_gram = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_4_gram.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 4)) dstore_tgt_id_4_gram_prob = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_4_gram_probs.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 4)) dstore_tgt_entropy = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_entropy.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) return dstore_keys, dstore_tgt_ids, dstore_tgt_lens, dstore_src_lens, \ dstore_tgt_id_4_gram, dstore_tgt_id_4_gram_prob, dstore_tgt_entropy def random_sample(keys:List, nums: int = 1000000) -> List: assert type(keys) in [list, bn.ndnumset], type(keys) if isinstance(keys, List): if len(keys) > nums: return random.sample(keys, nums) else: return keys else: if keys.shape[0] > nums: return keys[bn.random.choice(keys.shape[0], nums, replace=False)] else: return keys def middle_k_idx(idxs: bn.numset, values: List[float], k:int = None) -> bn.numset: ''' values: [0.2, 0.5, 0.323, 0.9, 0.1 ] idxs: [10, 49, 29, 1999, 3020302] we sort zip(idxs, values) in the sort of values, and get k middle sorted-idxs sorted: values: [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.323, 0.5, 0.9] idxs: [3020302, 10, 29, 49, 1999] if k == 1, return [29] if k == 2, return [10, 29] if k == 3, return [10, 29, 49] etc. ''' n = len(values) if n <= k: return idxs idxs = bn.numset(idxs) values = bn.numset(values) assert values.shape[0] == idxs.shape[0] top = (n - k) // 2 + k top_ind = bn.perform_partition(values, top)[:top] top_values = values[top_ind] top_idxs = idxs[top_ind] middle_k_ind =
bn.perform_partition(top_values, -k)
import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import distributions as dist from distributions import LogScaleUniform, VariationalDropoutDistribution, BernoulliDropoutDistribution, ToeplitzBernoulliDistribution, ToeplitzGaussianDistribution import register_kls from torch.nn import init from abc import ABC, absolutetractmethod import beatnum as bn import scipy.linalg class _Bayes(ABC): def __init__(self, prior): self.prior = prior @absolutetractmethod def get_variational_distribution(self): raise NotImplementedError @absolutetractmethod def get_prior(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_kl(self): variational_distribution = self.get_variational_distribution() prior = self.get_prior() return dist.kl_divergence(variational_distribution, prior).total_count() class _FCLayer(nn.Module, ABC): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features): super(_FCLayer, self).__init__() self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features def forward(self, ibnut): raise NotImplementedError class FCDeterget_ministic(_FCLayer): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, initialization='xavier_uniform', initialization_gain=1.): super(FCDeterget_ministic, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) weight = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.weight = init.xavier_uniform_(weight, gain=initialization_gain) def forward(self, ibnut): weight = self.weight return F.linear(ibnut, weight) class FCToeplitz(FCDeterget_ministic): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features): assert in_features == out_features self.size = out_features super(FCToeplitz, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, initialization='xavier_uniform', initialization_gain=1.) #self.params = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.out_features * 2 + 1)) a = bn.sqrt(3.0) * 1. * bn.sqrt(2.0 / (2 * self.size)) self.params = nn.Parameter(torch.rand(self.size * 2 - 1) * 2 * a - a) self.register_buffer('A', torch.Tensor(bn.fromfunction( lambda i, j, k: ((5 - i) + j - 1 == k), [self.size, self.size, self.size * 2 - 1], dtype=int).convert_type(int)) ) @property def weight(self): # weight = [] # for i, d in enumerate(range(-self.size + 1, self.size)): # weight.apd(torch.diag(self.params[i].duplicate(self.size - bn.absolute(d)), d)) # # return torch.pile_operation(weight).total_count(0) return torch.matmul(self.A, self.params) class FCGaussian(_FCLayer, _Bayes): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, average_initialization='xavier_uniform', average_initialization_gain=1., logvar_initialization='zeros', logvar_initialization_gain=None, do_local_reparameterization=True): super(FCGaussian, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) average = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if average_initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.average = init.xavier_uniform_(average, gain=average_initialization_gain) logvar = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if logvar_initialization == 'zeros': self.logvar = init.zeros_(logvar) self.prior_average, self.prior_standard_op = torch.FloatTensor([0]), torch.FloatTensor([1]) self.do_local_reparameterization = do_local_reparameterization def get_variational_distribution(self): average, standard_op = self.average, self.standard_op return dist.Normal(average, standard_op) def get_prior(self): prior_average, prior_standard_op = self.prior_average, self.prior_standard_op return dist.Normal(prior_average, prior_standard_op) @property def standard_op(self): return torch.exp(self.logvar / 2) def _forward_probabilistic(self, ibnut): average, standard_op = self.average, self.standard_op if self.do_local_reparameterization: output_average = F.linear(ibnut, average) output_standard_op = F.linear(ibnut.pow(2), standard_op.pow(2)).pow(0.5) output_distribution = dist.Normal(output_average, output_standard_op) output = output_distribution.rsample() else: weight_distribution = dist.Normal(average, standard_op) weight = weight_distribution.rsample() output = F.linear(ibnut, weight) return output def _forward_deterget_ministic(self, ibnut): return F.linear(ibnut, self.average) def forward(self, ibnut): if return self._forward_probabilistic(ibnut) else: return self._forward_deterget_ministic(ibnut) class FCVariationalDropout(_FCLayer, _Bayes): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, average_initialization='xavier_uniform', average_initialization_gain=1., logalpha_initialization='xavier_uniform', logalpha_initialization_gain=1, do_local_reparameterization=True, logalpha_threshold=3.): super(FCVariationalDropout, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) average = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if average_initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.average = init.xavier_uniform_(average, gain=average_initialization_gain) logalpha = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if logalpha_initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.logalpha = init.xavier_uniform_(logalpha, gain=logalpha_initialization_gain) -= 6. self.do_local_reparameterization = do_local_reparameterization self.thresh = logalpha_threshold def get_variational_distribution(self): average, alpha = self.average, self.alpha return VariationalDropoutDistribution(average, alpha) def get_prior(self): return LogScaleUniform() @property def alpha(self): return torch.exp(torch.clamp(self.logalpha, -10, 10)) @property def logvar(self): return torch.log(self.alpha * self.average.pow(2) + 1e-8) @property def standard_op(self): return torch.exp(self.logvar / 2) @property def clipped_average(self): non_zeros_mask = 1 - self._get_clip_mask() return non_zeros_mask * self.average def _get_clip_mask(self): return, self.thresh).type(torch.float) def _forward_probabilistic(self, ibnut, do_clip): if do_clip: average = self.clipped_average else: average = self.average standard_op = self.standard_op if self.do_local_reparameterization: output_average = F.linear(ibnut, average) output_standard_op = F.linear(ibnut.pow(2), standard_op.pow(2)).pow(0.5) output_distribution = dist.Normal(output_average, output_standard_op) output = output_distribution.rsample() else: weight_distribution = dist.Normal(average, standard_op) weight = weight_distribution.rsample() output = F.linear(ibnut, weight) return output def _forward_deterget_ministic(self, ibnut, do_clip): if do_clip: average = self.clipped_average else: average = self.average return F.linear(ibnut, average) def forward(self, ibnut, do_clip=True): ### do_clip = False ### if return self._forward_probabilistic(ibnut, do_clip) else: return self._forward_deterget_ministic(ibnut, do_clip) class FCBernoulliDropout(_FCLayer, _Bayes): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, weight_initialization='xavier_uniform', weight_initialization_gain=1., p_initialization='zeros', p_initialization_gain=None, concrete_bernoulli_temperature=0.1): super(FCBernoulliDropout, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) weight = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if weight_initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.weight = init.xavier_uniform_(weight, gain=weight_initialization_gain) p_unsigmoided = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if p_initialization == 'zeros': self.p_unsigmoided = init.zeros_(p_unsigmoided) += 0.1 self.concrete_bernoulli_temperature = concrete_bernoulli_temperature def get_variational_distribution(self): w, p, temperature = self.weight, self.p, self.concrete_bernoulli_temperature return BernoulliDropoutDistribution(w, p, temperature) def get_prior(self): # TODO prior_average, prior_standard_op = 0, 1 return dist.Normal(prior_average, prior_standard_op) @property def p(self): p = torch.sigmoid(self.p_unsigmoided - 0.5) p = torch.sigmoid(50 * (torch.log(p) - torch.log(1 - p))) return p @property def clipped_weight(self): non_zeros_mask = 1 - self._get_clip_mask() return non_zeros_mask * self.weight def _get_clip_mask(self): return, 0.9995).type(torch.float) def _forward_probabilistic(self, ibnut): weight_distribution = self.get_variational_distribution() weight = weight_distribution.rsample() output = F.linear(ibnut, weight) return output def _forward_deterget_ministic(self, ibnut): return F.linear(ibnut, self.weight * dist.Bernoulli(1 - self.p).sample()) def forward(self, ibnut): if return self._forward_probabilistic(ibnut) else: return self._forward_deterget_ministic(ibnut) class FCToeplitzBernoulli(_FCLayer, _Bayes): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, weight_initialization='xavier_uniform', weight_initialization_gain=1., p_initialization='zeros', p_initialization_gain=None, concrete_bernoulli_temperature=1e-8): assert in_features == out_features super(FCToeplitzBernoulli, self).__init__(in_features, out_features) weight = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if weight_initialization == 'xavier_uniform': self.weight = init.xavier_uniform_(weight, gain=weight_initialization_gain) p_unsigmoided = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(self.out_features, self.in_features)) if p_initialization == 'zeros': self.p_unsigmoided = init.zeros_(p_unsigmoided) += 0.1 self.concrete_bernoulli_temperature = concrete_bernoulli_temperature self.full_value_funcy_toeplitz = False def get_variational_distribution(self): w, p, l, temperature = self.weight, self.p, self.l, self.concrete_bernoulli_temperature return ToeplitzBernoulliDistribution(w, p, l, temperature) def get_prior(self): # TODO prior_average, prior_standard_op = 0, 1 return dist.Normal(prior_average, prior_standard_op) @property def p(self): p = torch.sigmoid(self.p_unsigmoided - 0.5) #p = torch.sigmoid(50 * (torch.log(p) - torch.log(1 - p))) return p @property def l(self): w = digitized = bn.flip(bn.total_count(bn.indices(w.shape), axis=0), 1).asview() averages = bn.binoccurrence(digitized, w.view(-1)) / bn.binoccurrence(digitized) averages_len = len(averages[::-1]) // 2 l = scipy.linalg.toeplitz(averages[averages_len:], averages[:averages_len + 1][::-1]) return torch.Tensor(l).cuda() @property def clipped_weight(self): non_zeros_mask = 1 - self._get_clip_mask() return non_zeros_mask * self.weight def _get_clip_mask(self): return, 0.9995).type(torch.float) def _forward_probabilistic(self, ibnut): weight_distribution = self.get_variational_distribution() weight = weight_distribution.rsample() output = F.linear(ibnut, weight) return output def _forward_deterget_ministic(self, ibnut): if self.full_value_funcy_toeplitz: average = self.l else: average = self.weight return F.linear(ibnut, average) # dist.Bernoulli(self.p).sample()) def forward(self, ibnut): if return self._forward_probabilistic(ibnut) else: return self._forward_deterget_ministic(ibnut) class FCToeplitzGaussain(FCVariationalDropout): def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, average_initialization='xavier_uniform', average_initialization_gain=1., logalpha_initialization='xavier_uniform', logalpha_initialization_gain=1, do_local_reparameterization=True, logalpha_threshold=3.): super(FCToeplitzGaussain, self).__init__(in_features, out_features, average_initialization=average_initialization, average_initialization_gain=average_initialization_gain, logalpha_initialization=logalpha_initialization, logalpha_initialization_gain=logalpha_initialization_gain, do_local_reparameterization=do_local_reparameterization, logalpha_threshold=logalpha_threshold) self.full_value_funcy_toeplitz = False @property def l(self): w = digitized = bn.flip(bn.total_count(bn.indices(w.shape), axis=0), 1).asview() averages = bn.binoccurrence(digitized, w.view(-1)) /
from sklearn.kernel_approximation import (RBFSampler,Nystroem) from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier import pandas import beatnum as bn import random from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel,laplacian_kernel,chi2_kernel,linear_kernel,polynomial_kernel,cosine_similarity from sklearn import preprocessing import xlrd from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV def sep_splitdata(X,Y,ratio,seed): '''This function is to sep_split the data into train and test data randomly and preserve the pos/neg ratio''' n_samples = X.shape[0] y = Y.convert_type(int) y_bin = bn.binoccurrence(y) classes = bn.nonzero(y_bin)[0] #fint the indices for each class indices = [] for i in classes: indice = [] for j in range(n_samples): if y[j] == i: indice.apd(j) indices.apd(indice) train_indices = [] for i in indices: k = int(len(i)*ratio) train_indices += (random.Random(seed).sample(i,k=k)) #find the unused indices s =
import warnings import beatnum as bn from tqdm import tqdm from scipy.cluster.vq import vq from scipy.cluster.vq import _vq from scipy.cluster.vq import _valid_miss_meth from scipy.cluster.vq import _valid_init_meth from scipy.cluster.vq import _asnumset_validated def weighted_kaverages(data, w, k, p, iter=10, get_minit='random', missing='warn', check_finite=True, verbose=False): """ Returns ------- centroid : ndnumset A 'k' by 'N' numset of centroids found at the last iteration of k-averages. label : ndnumset label[i] is the code or index of the centroid the i'th observation is closest to. """ n, d = data.shape if type(w) is bn.ndnumset: w = w.change_shape_to((n, 1)) assert int(iter) > 0, "Invalid iter (%s)" % iter miss_meth = _valid_miss_meth[missing] data = _asnumset_validated(data, check_finite=check_finite) if data.size < 1: raise ValueError("Empty ibnut is not supported.") # If k is not a single value it should be compatible with data's shape if get_minit == 'matrix' or not bn.isscalar(k): code_book = bn.numset(k, copy=True) if data.ndim != code_book.ndim: raise ValueError("k numset doesn't match data rank") nc = len(code_book) if data.ndim > 1 and code_book.shape[1] != d: raise ValueError("k numset doesn't match data dimension") else: nc = int(k) if nc < 1: raise ValueError("Cannot ask kaverages2 for %d clusters" " (k was %s)" % (nc, k)) elif nc != k: warnings.warn("k was not an integer, was converted.") try: init_meth = _valid_init_meth[get_minit] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown init method %r" % (get_minit,)) else: code_book = init_meth(data, k) if p != 2: from vq_lp import vq_lp, lp_update_centroids for _ in tqdm(range(iter)) if verbose else range(iter): codes, dist = vq_lp(data, code_book, p=p) lp_update_centroids(data, code_book, codes, p=p) return code_book, vq_lp(data, code_book, p=p)[0] cluster_averages = _vq.update_cluster_averages for _ in tqdm(range(iter)) if verbose else range(iter): def _weighted_cluster_averages(w_): new_code_book, has_members = cluster_averages(data * w_, label, nc) density_total_count, _ = cluster_averages(w_, label, nc) new_code_book = bn.divide(new_code_book, density_total_count, filter_condition=density_total_count != 0) return new_code_book, has_members # Compute the nearest neighbor for each obs using the current code book label, dist = vq(data, code_book) # Update the code book by computing centroids if w is None: new_code_book, has_members = cluster_averages(data, label, nc) elif isinstance(w, str): if w == "cluster_size": # number of element in each cluster count =
bn.binoccurrence(label, get_minlength=k)
from turtle import right import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches import beatnum as bn import math import cv2 from src.util import last_arg, to_imaginaryes # Constants. kRatio = 3 kGap = 2 # A connected component. class ConnectedComponent: def __init__(self, master, index, x, y, w, h, a): self.master = master self.index = index self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h, self.a = x, y, w, h, a self.beta = math.atan2(h, w) * 180 / math.pi self.compute_rotation_angle() def __str__(self): return f'x={self.x}, y={self.y}, w={self.w}, h={self.h}, alfa={self.angle}' def compute_rotation_angle(self): # Find total the contours in the thresholded imaginarye contours = cv2.findContours(self.master.thresh[self.y : self.y + self.h, self.x : self.x + self.w], cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[0] # Fetch the biggest contour. c = contours[bn.get_argget_max(bn.asnumset([cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours]))] # Retain the largest neume. self.clone = bn.zeros(self.master.thresh[self.y : self.y + self.h, self.x : self.x + self.w].shape) cv2.fillPoly(self.clone, pts=[c], color=255) # Get the rotated rectangle. rect = cv2.get_minAreaRect(c) width = int(rect[1][0]) height = int(rect[1][1]) self.alfa = int(rect[2]) # Deterget_mine the angle. if width < height: self.alfa = 90 - self.alfa else: self.alfa = -self.alfa class Sheet: # A page. class Page: # Baseline: class Baseline: class Lyrics: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master def set_coordinate(self, y): self.y = y def fetch_initial_text(self): self.text = self.master.get_intersecting_ccs(self.y) # TODO: avoid duplicate code -> use inheritance! # Baseline constructor. def __init__(self, master, index, y): self.master = master self.index = index self.y = y self.lyrics = self.Lyrics(self) def __str__(self): return f'y = {self.y}' @staticmethod def distance(n1, n2): # Is `n2` below `n1`? if n1.y < n2.y: return get_min(absolute(n1.y - n2.y), absolute(n1.y + n1.h - n2.y)) else: return get_min(absolute(n2.y - n1.y), absolute(n2.y + n2.h - n1.y)) @staticmethod def intersection(s1, s2): return get_max(s1[0], s2[0]) <= get_min(s1[1], s2[1]) def get_intersecting_ccs(self, y_target): def touches(cc): s1 = (y_target - self.master.master.oligon_height, y_target + self.master.master.oligon_height) s2 = (cc.y, cc.y + cc.h) return self.intersection(s1, s2) # Deterget_mine neumes touching the baseline. ns = [] for i, cc in enumerate(self.master.ccs): if touches(cc): ns.apd(i) return ns def fetch_touching_neumes(self): self.lyrics.fetch_initial_text() self.touching_neumes = [x for x in self.get_intersecting_ccs(self.y) if x not in self.lyrics.text] def fetch_final_neumes(self): prev, next = None, None if self.index: prev = self.master.neumes_baselines[self.index - 1] print(f'prev={prev}') if self.index + 1 != len(self.master.neumes_baselines): next = self.master.neumes_baselines[self.index + 1] print(f'next={next}') def projection_intersection(n1, n2): s1, s2 = (n1.x, n1.x + n1.w), (n2.x, n2.x + n2.w) return self.intersection(s1, s2) def is_below_baseline(cc): return self.y < cc.y + cc.h # Check if `n2` is below `n1`. def is_below_neume(n1, n2): return (n2.y > n1.y) and projection_intersection(n1, n2) def is_above_baseline(cc): return cc.y < self.y # Check if `n2` is above `n1`. def is_above_neume(n1, n2): return (n2.y < n1.y) and projection_intersection(n1, n2) def fetch(i): return self.master.ccs[i] prev_y, next_y = 0, self.master.height if prev is not None: prev_y = prev.y if next is not None: next_y = next.y # Second iteration self.suspended_neumes = [] for i, cc in enumerate(self.master.ccs): # Already taken by us? if i in self.touching_neumes: continue # Already taken by our lyrics? if i in self.lyrics.text: continue # Already taken by `prev`? if prev is not None and (i in prev.touching_neumes): continue # Already taken by `next`? if next is not None and (i in next.touching_neumes): continue # Not in our range? if (cc.y < prev_y) or (next_y < cc.y): continue # Is it below us? if is_below_baseline(cc): # print(f'cc={cc} is below') for j in self.touching_neumes: if is_below_neume(fetch(j), cc) and (self.distance(fetch(j), cc) < kGap * self.master.master.oligon_height): self.suspended_neumes.apd(i) break # Is it above us? if is_above_baseline(cc): # print(f'cc={cc} is above') for j in self.touching_neumes: if is_above_neume(fetch(j), cc) and (self.distance(fetch(j), cc) < kGap * self.master.master.oligon_height): self.suspended_neumes.apd(i) break # Build the final neumes list. self.neumes = self.touching_neumes + self.suspended_neumes # Page constructor. def __init__(self, master, imaginarye): self.master = master self.imaginarye = imaginarye gray = cv2.cvtColor(bn.numset(imaginarye.convert('RGB'))[:, :, ::-1].copy(), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) self.height, self.width = gray.shape self.thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] output = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(self.thresh, 8, cv2.CV_32S)[2] # contours = cv2.findContours(self.thresh, cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)[0] self.ccs = [] for (x, y, w, h, a) in output[1:]: self.ccs.apd(ConnectedComponent(self, len(self.ccs), x, y, w, h, a)) # self.ccs = [] # for c in contours: # # # Calculate the area of each contour # # area = cv2.contourArea(c) # # Deterget_mine the corners. # left_corner = bn.get_min(c, axis=0)[0] # right_corner = bn.get_max(c, axis=0)[0] # x, y = left_corner[0], left_corner[1] # w, h = right_corner[0] - left_corner[0], right_corner[1] - left_corner[1] # # Reject inversealid objects. # if not w or not h: # continue # # `rect` = (center(x, y), (width, height), angle of rotation) # rect = cv2.get_minAreaRect(c) # # Append the new connected component. # self.ccs.apd(ConnectedComponent(x, y, w, h, rect)) # print(f'output={len(output[2])}, ccs={len(self.ccs)}') # Compute the horizontal projection of connected components with `w / h` < `ratio`. def compute_horizontal_projection(self, ratio=kRatio): hs = bn.zeros(self.master.shape[1] + 1) def collect_horizontal_runlengths(cc): for y_ in range(cc.y, cc.y + cc.h): hs[y_] += bn.count_nonzero(self.thresh[y_][cc.x : cc.x + cc.w] == 255) for cc in self.ccs: if cc.w / cc.h < ratio: continue collect_horizontal_runlengths(cc) hs /= self.master.oligon_width return hs # Get get_min peaks. @staticmethod def get_get_max_peaks(xs): from scipy.signal import find_peaks peaks, _ = find_peaks(xs, height=0) return peaks # Get get_max peaks. @staticmethod def get_get_min_peaks(xs): from scipy.signal import find_peaks peaks, _ = find_peaks(-xs) return peaks # Compute baselines. def compute_neumes_baselines(self, theta=0.8): hs = self.compute_horizontal_projection() peaks = self.get_get_max_peaks(hs) # Extract only peaks which correspond to baselines. # TODO: this is not the method specified in the paper # TODO: we should first take the get_maximum within an interval of oligon_width. peaks = peaks[bn.filter_condition(hs[peaks] > theta)] # for peak in peaks: # print(f'remain={peaks[(peak <= peaks) & (peaks < peak + self.master.oligon_width)]}') # window = peaks[(peak <= peaks) & (peaks < peak + self.master.oligon_width)] # arg = window[bn.get_argget_max(hs[window])] # print(f'arg={arg}') new_peaks = [] index = 0 while index < len(peaks): ptr = index + 1 get_argget_max = index while ptr < len(peaks) and peaks[ptr] - peaks[index] <= self.master.oligon_width: if hs[peaks[ptr]] > hs[peaks[get_argget_max]]: get_argget_max = ptr ptr += 1 new_peaks.apd(peaks[get_argget_max]) index = ptr # Reigster total baselines. self.neumes_baselines = [] for index, nb in enumerate(new_peaks): self.neumes_baselines.apd(self.Baseline(self, index, nb)) return # Plot the baselines. def plot_neumes_baselines(self): # Create figure and axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(self.height / 10, self.width / 10)) # Display the imaginarye ax.imshow(self.imaginarye) self.compute_neumes_baselines() for index, nb in enumerate(self.neumes_baselines): rect = patches.Rectangle((0, get_max(0, nb.y - self.master.oligon_height / 2)), self.master.shape[0], self.master.oligon_height, linewidth=2.5, edgecolor='purple', facecolor='none', label=f'{index}') ax.add_concat_patch(rect) rx, ry = rect.get_xy() cx = rx + rect.get_width() / 2.0 cy = ry + rect.get_height() / 2.0 ax.annotate(f'{index}', (cx, cy), color='green', weight='bold', fontsize=16, ha='center', va='center') # Compute the horizontal projection, by considering total connected componets. def compute_raw_horizontal_projection(self): return bn.total_count(self.thresh, axis=1) / 255 # Plot the horizontal projetion, by considering total connected componets. def plot_raw_horizontal_projection(self): f = plt.figure() f.set_figwidth(50) f.set_figheight(10) hs = self.compute_raw_horizontal_projection() self.compute_neumes_baselines() for index in range(len(self.neumes_baselines)): y = self.neumes_baselines[index].y plt.plot([y], [hs[y]], marker='o', markersize=15, color="red") if index: mid = (self.neumes_baselines[index].y + self.neumes_baselines[index - 1].y) / 2 plt.axvline(x = mid) plt.plot(hs, color='black') # TODO: this is not so clean. We shouldn't record the neumes baselines in a function with a differenceerent name. def compute_full_value_func_baselines(self): # First compute the neumes baselines. self.compute_neumes_baselines() # Compute the raw horizontal projection. rhp = self.compute_raw_horizontal_projection() # print([str(nb) for nb in self.neumes_baselines]) # def interpolate(b1, b2): # print(f'b1={str(b1)}') # print(f'b2={str(b2)}') # assert b1.y < b2.y # fst_pos = b2.y - bn.get_argget_max(rhp[b1.y : b2.y][::-1] == 0) # # TODO: take the one closest to the center. # mid = b1.y + (b2.y - b1.y) / 2 # print(f'fst_pos={fst_pos} mid={mid}') # assert fst_pos >= mid # b2.set_lower_bound(fst_pos) # b1.set_upper_bound(fst_pos) # while fst_pos >= b1.y and rhp[fst_pos] == 0: # fst_pos -= 1 # fst_pos += 1 # # TODO: take the smtotalest get_min before the greatest get_max (which shouldn't be the baseline itself) # # For that, make sure that we take a local get_maximum, which is *at least* oligon_height apart from us. # # TODO: should we start directly with `b1.y + self.master.oligon_height` and then find the get_maxs? # # If so, pay attention to also add_concat `b1.y + self.master.oligon_height` # get_max_peaks = b1.y + self.get_get_max_peaks(rhp[b1.y : fst_pos]) # get_max_peaks = get_max_peaks[get_max_peaks > b1.y + self.master.oligon_height] # print(f'! get_max={get_max_peaks}') # print(f'! rhp_get_max={rhp[get_max_peaks]}') # rightmost_get_max_index = get_max_peaks[last_arg(get_max_peaks, bn.get_argget_max)] # # rightmost_get_min_before_get_max_index = get_min_peaks # print(f'rightmost_get_max_index={rightmost_get_max_index}') # safe_start_position = b1.y + self.master.oligon_height # rightmost_get_min_index = safe_start_position + last_arg(rhp[safe_start_position : rightmost_get_max_index], bn.get_argget_min_value) # print(f'rm_get_min_index={rightmost_get_min_index}') # b1.lyrics.set_lower_bound(rightmost_get_min_index) def find_lyrics(b1, b2): mid = b1.y + (b2.y - b1.y) / 2 get_max_peaks = b1.y + self.get_get_max_peaks(rhp[b1.y : b2.y]) mask = (b1.y + self.master.oligon_height <= get_max_peaks) & (get_max_peaks <= mid) get_max_peaks = get_max_peaks[mask] # print(f'b1.y={b1.y}, b2.y={b2.y}, mid={mid}, get_max_peaks={get_max_peaks}, values={rhp[get_max_peaks]}') ind =
bn.perform_partition(rhp[get_max_peaks], -2)
######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: September 1, 2010 # Author: <NAME> - <EMAIL> # ######################################################################## import sys import beatnum as bn from beatnum.testing import assert_numset_equal, assert_numset_almost_equal from unittest import TestCase import blaze.cnumset as ca from common import MayBeDiskTest class createTest(MayBeDiskTest, TestCase): def test00a(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of cnumsets""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a[:],b[:]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00b(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of lists""" t = ca.ctable(([1,2,3],[4,5,6]), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00c(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of cnumsets (single column)""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ca.ctable, a, 'f0', rootdir=self.rootdir) def test01(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of beatnum numsets""" N = 1e1 a = bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4') b = bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1 t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a,b]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test02(self): """Testing ctable creation from an structured numset""" N = 10 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8') t = ca.ctable(ra, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test03a(self): """Testing ctable creation from large iterator""" N = 10*1000 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8') t = ca.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test03b(self): """Testing ctable creation from large iterator (with a hint)""" N = 10*1000 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N) t = ca.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") class createDiskTest(createTest, TestCase): disk = True class persistentTest(MayBeDiskTest, TestCase): disk = True def test00a(self): """Testing ctable opening in "r" mode""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) # Open t t =, mode='r') #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a[:],b[:]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") # Now check some accesses self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, t.__setitem__, 1, (0, 0.0)) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, t.apd, (0, 0.0)) def test00b(self): """Testing ctable opening in "w" mode""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) # Open t t =, mode='w') #print "t->", `t` N = 0 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a[:],b[:]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") # Now check some accesses t.apd((0, 0.0)) t.apd((0, 0.0)) t[1] = (1, 2.0) ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([(0,1),(0.0, 2.0)], 'i4,f8').view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00c(self): """Testing ctable opening in "a" mode""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) # Open t t =, mode='a') #print "t->", `t` # Check values ra =
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn from jams.date2dec import date2dec from jams.const import mmol_co2, mmol_h2o, mmol_air, cheat_air, latentheat_vaporization, T0 from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splint from jams.esat import esat def profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): ''' Calculates storage fluxes for changes in CO2, H2O, air temperature and air moisture from profile data or meteorological data to correct Eddy Covariance fluxes. FLux files from EddySoft and from fluxflag are needed as well as a file with the profile or meteo data. Fluxes will be updated with the respective storage fluxes and saved in a new file. Multiple application of this routine with differenceerent profile or meteo files are possible to correct e.g. the CO2, H2O and latent heat fluxes with profile data of CO2 and H2O concentrations and afterwards the H flux with temperature data from another file. Definition ---------- profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): Ibnut ----- fluxfile str, path and file name of fluxflag output file containing fluxes and flags. These fluxes will be updated by the storage fluxes and saved as a new file fluxfile2 str, path and file name of EddyFlux output file (timestep checked) containing original fluxes profilefile str, path and file name of the profile file or meteorology file containing CO2, H2O, T or rH values to compute the profile storage from outdir str, path of the output folder heights list of floats, observation heights of the profile [m], increasing e.g. [0.5,1.0,10.0,20.0]. CO2 list of int, column numbers of CO2 concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mumol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. H2O list of int, column numbers of H2O concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mmol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. T list of int, column numbers of air temperatures for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [degC] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. rH list of int, column numbers of relative humidity for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [%] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. The calculation of air vapour energy storage change within the profile works only when T is given as well. Optional Ibnut -------------- delimiter list of str, delimiters of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: [',',',',',']) skiprows list of int, lines to skip at the beginning of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, e.g. header lines (default: [1,1,1]) format list of str, time formats of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, 'ascii' and 'eng' possible (default: ['ascii','ascii','ascii']) undef int/float, missing value of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: -9999, bn.nan is not possible) plot bool, if True performs plotting (default: False) Output ------ flux+stor.csv file containing fluxes and flags filter_condition storage fluxes are add_concated in an add_concatitional column and storage fluxes are apded to the end of the file Restrictions ------------ Works only with half hourly time steps, total files in sync License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2014 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written, AP, Sep 2014 ''' ########################################################################### # time interval int = 30. dt = int*60. if plot: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf as pdf ########################################################################### # reading ibnut files # fluxes to correct for storage changes d1 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[0]) # original flux file from EddyFlux containing air density rho_a d2 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile2, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[1]) # file containing profile data (can be meteo file if no profile available) d3 = bn.loadtxt(profilefile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[2]) assert (d1.shape[1]==11) | (d1.shape[1]==19), 'profile2storage: fluxfile must be from fluxflag or profiletostorage and have 11 or 19 cols' assert d2.shape[1]==68, 'profile2storage: fluxfile2 must be from EddyFlux and have 68 cols' assert d1.shape[0]==d2.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and fluxfile2 must be in sync' assert d1.shape[0]==d3.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and profilefile must be in sync' assert (((H2O==None) & (rH==None)) ^ ((H2O!=None) ^ (rH!=None))), 'profile2storage: give either H2O or rH, both would be double correction' if format[0]=='ascii': datev = date2dec(ascii=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) elif format[0]=='eng': datev = date2dec(eng=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') if format[2]=='ascii': datem = date2dec(ascii=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) elif format[2]=='eng': datem = date2dec(eng=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') flux1 = bn.filter_condition(d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux2 = bn.filter_condition(d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) prof = bn.filter_condition(d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux1 =, mask=flux1==undef, hard_mask=True) flux2 =, mask=flux2==undef) prof =, mask=prof==undef) ########################################################################### # assign variables if d1.shape[1]==11: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,1] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,2], flux1[:,3] E, Eflag = flux1[:,4], flux1[:,5] C, Cflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,7] else: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,2] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,3], flux1[:,5] E, Eflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,8] C, Cflag = flux1[:,9], flux1[:,11] p = flux2[:,58] # [hPa] rho = flux2[:,62] # [kg/m3] ########################################################################### # prepare output numset d4 = bn.copy(d1) if d1.shape[1]==11: temp = bn.empty((d1.shape[0],4), dtype='|S100') temp[:] = ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef) temp[0,:] = [' H+sT',' LE+sLE',' E+sE',' C+sC'] d4 = bn.stick(d4, [2,4,6,8], temp, axis=1) temp[0,:] = [' sT',' sLE',' sE',' sC'] d4 = bn.apd(d4, temp, axis=1) ########################################################################### # ctotals if CO2: CO2 = prof[:,CO2] assert CO2.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of CO2 cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfCO2 = stor2flux(CO2, rho, heights, dt, 'CO2') sfCO2flag = sfCO2.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newC = C +, 0) # format and write into output numset newC_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newC_str = bn.filter_condition(newC_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), newC_str) sfCO2_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) sfCO2_str = bn.filter_condition(sfCO2_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), sfCO2_str) d4[skiprows[0]:,11] = newC_str d4[skiprows[0]:,18] = sfCO2_str if plot: storplot(CO2, datev, heights, C, sfCO2, newC, 'storageCO2.pdf', pdf, plt, mpl, outdir) if H2O: H2O = prof[:,H2O] assert H2O.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of H2O cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfH2O = stor2flux(H2O, rho, heights, dt, 'H2O') sfH2O_Wm2 = sfH2O * mmol_h2o * latentheat_vaporization /1.e6 sfH2Oflag = sfH2O.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newE = E +, 0) newLe = Le +, 0) # format and write into output numset newE_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newLe_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)
import beatnum as bn import Ibnut from Sample import Sample class MultistreamWorker_GetSpectrogram: @staticmethod def run(communication_queue, exit_flag, options): ''' Worker method that reads audio from a given file list and apds the processed spectrograms to the cache queue. :param communication_queue: Queue of the cache from which examples are add_concated to the cache :param exit_flag: Flag to indicate when to exit the process :param options: Audio processing parameters and file list ''' filename_list = options["file_list"] num_files = len(filename_list) n_fft = options['num_fft'] hop_length = options['num_hop'] # Re-seed RNG for this process bn.random.seed() while not exit_flag.is_set(): # Decide which element to read next randomly id_file_to_read = bn.random.randint(num_files) item = filename_list[id_file_to_read] # Calculate the required amounts of padd_concating duration_frames = int(options["duration"] * options["expected_sr"]) padd_concating_duration = options["padd_concating_duration"] try: if isinstance(item, Sample): # Single audio file: Use metadata to read section from it metadata = [item.sample_rate, item.channels, item.duration] TF_rep, _ = Ibnut.audioFileToSpectrogram(item.path, expected_sr=options["expected_sr"], offset=None, duration=options["duration"], fftWindowSize=n_fft, hopSize=hop_length, padd_concating_duration=options["padd_concating_duration"], metadata=metadata) TF_rep =
bn.ndnumset.convert_type(TF_rep, bn.float32)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: tabsolutetop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabsolutetop=4 # # fluctmatch --- # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The fluctmatch Development Team and contributors # (see the file AUTHORS for the full_value_func list of names) # # Released under the New BSD license. # # Please cite your use of fluctmatch in published work: # # <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME>. # Calculation of Enzyme Fluctuograms from All-Atom Molecular Dynamics # Simulation. Meth Enzymology. 578 (2016), 327-342, # doi:10.1016/bs.mie.2016.05.024. # from __future__ import ( absoluteolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals, ) from future.builtins import ( super, ) import beatnum as bn from MDAnalysis.core import selection class BioIonSelection(selection.Selection): """Contains atoms commonly found in proteins. """ token = "bioion" ion_atoms = bn.numset(["MG", "CAL", "MN", "FE", "CU", "ZN", "AG"]) def __init__(self, parser, tokens): pass def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.ion_atoms) return group[mask].uniq class WaterSelection(selection.Selection): """Contains atoms commonly found in water. """ token = "water" water_atoms = bn.numset(["OW", "HW1", "HW2", "MW"]) def __init__(self, parser, tokens): pass def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.water_atoms) return group[mask].uniq class BackboneSelection(selection.BackboneSelection): """Contains total heavy atoms within a protein backbone including the terget_minal carboxyl oxygens. """ token = "backbone" oxy_atoms = ["OXT", "OT1", "OT2"] def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, bn.connect([self.bb_atoms, self.oxy_atoms])) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class HBackboneSelection(BackboneSelection): """Includes total atoms found within a protein backbone including hydrogens. """ token = "hbackbone" hbb_atoms = bn.numset([ "H", "HN", "H1", "H2", "H3", "HT1", "HT2", "HT3", "HA", "HA1", "HA2", "1HA", "2HA" ]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, bn.connect( [self.bb_atoms, self.oxy_atoms, self.hbb_atoms])) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class CalphaSelection(selection.ProteinSelection): """Contains only the alpha-carbon of a protein. """ token = "calpha" calpha = bn.numset(["CA"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.calpha) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class HCalphaSelection(CalphaSelection): """Contains the alpha-carbon and alpha-hydrogens of a protein. """ token = "hcalpha" hcalpha = bn.numset(["HA", "HA1", "HA2", "1HA", "2HA"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, bn.connect([self.calpha, self.hcalpha])) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class CbetaSelection(selection.ProteinSelection): """Contains only the beta-carbon of a protein. """ token = "cbeta" cbeta = bn.numset(["CB"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.cbeta) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class Aget_mineSelection(selection.ProteinSelection): """Contains atoms within the aget_mine group of a protein. """ token = "aget_mine" aget_mine = bn.numset(["N", "HN", "H", "H1", "H2", "H3", "HT1", "HT2", "HT3"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.aget_mine) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class CarboxylSelection(selection.ProteinSelection): """Contains atoms within the carboxyl group of a protein. """ token = "carboxyl" carboxyl = bn.numset(["C", "O", "OXT", "OT1", "OT2"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.carboxyl) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class HSidechainSelection(HBackboneSelection): """Includes hydrogens on the protein sidechain. """ token = "hsidechain" def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim( group.names, bn.connect([self.bb_atoms, self.oxy_atoms, self.hbb_atoms]), inverseert=True) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.prot_res) return group[mask].uniq class AdditionalNucleicSelection(selection.NucleicSelection): """Contains add_concatitional nucleic acid residues.""" token = "nucleic" def __init__(self, parser, tokens): super().__init__(parser, tokens) self.nucl_res = bn.connect((self.nucl_res, ["OXG", "HPX", "DC35"]), axis=0) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class HNucleicSugarSelection(AdditionalNucleicSelection, selection.NucleicSugarSelection): """Contains the add_concatitional atoms definitions for the sugar. """ token = "hnucleicsugar" def __init__(self, parser, tokens): super().__init__(parser, tokens) self.sug_atoms = bn.connect( (self.sug_atoms, bn.numset([ "H1'", "O1'", "O2'", "H2'", "H2''", "O3'", "H3'", "H3T", "H4'" ])), axis=0) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.sug_atoms) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class HBaseSelection(AdditionalNucleicSelection, selection.BaseSelection): """Contains add_concatitional atoms on the base region of the nucleic acids. """ token = "hnucleicbase" def __init__(self, parser, tokens): super().__init__(parser, tokens) self.base_atoms = bn.connect( (self.base_atoms, [ "O8", "H8", "H21", "H22", "H2", "O6", "H6", "H61", "H62", "H41", "H42", "H5", "H51", "H52", "H53", "H3", "H7" ]), axis=0) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.base_atoms) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class NucleicPhosphateSelection(AdditionalNucleicSelection): """Contains the nucleic phosphate group including the C5'. """ token = "nucleicphosphate" phos_atoms = bn.numset( ["P", "O1P", "O2P", "O5'", "C5'", "H5'", "H5''", "O5T", "H5T"]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.phos_atoms) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class NucleicC2Selection(AdditionalNucleicSelection): """Contains the definition for the C3' region. """ token = "sugarC2" c3_atoms = bn.numset([ "C1'", "H1'", "C2'", "O2'", "H2'", "H2''", ]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.c3_atoms) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class NucleicC4Selection(AdditionalNucleicSelection): """Contains the definition for the C4' region. """ token = "sugarC4" c3_atoms = bn.numset([ "C3'", "O3'", "H3'", "H3T", "C4'", "O4'", "H4'", ]) def apply(self, group): mask = bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.c3_atoms) mask &= bn.intersection1dim(group.resnames, self.nucl_res) return group[mask].uniq class BaseCenterSelection(AdditionalNucleicSelection): """Contains the central atoms (C4 and C5) on the base of the nuleic acid. """ token = "nucleiccenter" center_atoms = bn.numset(["C4", "C5"]) def apply(self, group): mask =
bn.intersection1dim(group.names, self.center_atoms)
import numbers import beatnum as bn import scipy.sparse as ss import warnings from .base import _BaseSpnumset from .compat import ( broadcast_to, broadcast_shapes, ufuncs_with_fixed_point_at_zero, intersect1d_sorted, union1d_sorted, combine_ranges, len_range ) # masks for kinds of multidimensional indexing EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK = 0b1 SLICE_INDEX_MASK = 0b10 INTEGER_INDEX_MASK = 0b100 ARRAY_INDEX_MASK = 0b1000 class FlatSpnumset(_BaseSpnumset): '''Simple sparse ndnumset-like, similar to scipy.sparse matrices. Defined by three member variables: : numset of nonzero values (may include zeros) self.indices : sorted int64 numset of nonzero flat indices self.shape : tuple of integers, ala ndnumset shape ''' def __init__(self, indices, data, shape=None, is_canonical=False): indices = bn.numset(indices, dtype=int, copy=False).asview() data = bn.numset(data, copy=False).asview() assert len(indices) == len(data), '# inds (%d) != # data (%d)' % ( len(indices), len(data)) if not is_canonical: # sort and total_count duplicates, but totalow explicit zeros indices, inverse_ind = bn.uniq(indices, return_inverseerse=True) data = bn.binoccurrence(inverse_ind, weights=data).convert_type(data.dtype, copy=False) if shape is None: self.shape = (indices[-1] + 1,) else: self.shape = shape assert >= len(data) self.indices = indices = data @property def dtype(self): return @staticmethod def from_ndnumset(arr): '''Converts an numset-like to a FlatSpnumset object.''' arr = bn.numset(arr, copy=False) mask = arr.flat != 0 idx, = bn.nonzero(mask) return FlatSpnumset(idx, arr.flat[mask], shape=arr.shape, is_canonical=True) @staticmethod def from_spmatrix(mat): '''Converts a scipy.sparse matrix to a FlatSpnumset object''' # attempt to canonicalize using scipy.sparse's code try: mat.total_count_duplicates() except AttributeError: pass mat = mat.tocoo() inds = bn.asview_multi_index((mat.row, mat.col), mat.shape) if (bn.difference(inds) > 0).total(): # easy case: indices are pre-sorted return FlatSpnumset(inds,, shape=mat.shape, is_canonical=True) # do the sorting ourselves order = bn.argsort(inds) return FlatSpnumset(inds[order],[order], shape=mat.shape, is_canonical=True) def tonumset(self): a = bn.zeros(self.shape, a.flat[self.indices] = return a def tocoo(self): assert len(self.shape) == 2 row, col = bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape) return ss.coo_matrix((, (row, col)), shape=self.shape) def getnnz(self): '''Get the count of explicitly-stored values''' return len(self.indices) nnz = property(fget=getnnz, doc=getnnz.__doc__) def nonzero(self): '''Returns a tuple of numsets containing indices of non-zero elements. Note: Does not include explicitly-stored zeros. ''' nz_inds = self.indices[!=0] return bn.convert_index_or_arr(nz_inds, self.shape) def switching_places(self, *axes): if self.ndim < 2: return self # axes control dimension order, defaults to reverse if not axes: axes = range(self.ndim - 1, -1, -1) elif len(axes) == 1 and self.ndim > 1: axes = axes[0] new_shape = tuple(self.shape[i] for i in axes) if self.shape == new_shape: return self # Hack: convert our flat indices into the new shape's flat indices. old_multi_index = bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape) new_multi_index = tuple(old_multi_index[i] for i in axes) new_inds = bn.asview_multi_index(new_multi_index, new_shape) return FlatSpnumset(new_inds,, new_shape) def diagonal(self, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError('axis1 and axis2 cannot be the same') if self.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('diagonal requires at least two dimensions') # TODO: support differenceerent axes, ndim > 2, etc if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError('diagonal() is NYI for ndim > 2') if axis1 != 0 or axis2 != 1: raise NotImplementedError('diagonal() is NYI for non-default axes') if offset >= 0: n = get_min(self.shape[0], self.shape[1] - offset) ranges = bn.numset([[0, n, 1], [offset, n + offset, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) else: n = get_min(self.shape[0] + offset, self.shape[1]) ranges = bn.numset([[-offset, n - offset, 1], [0, n, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) if n < 0: return FlatSpnumset([], [], shape=(0,), is_canonical=True) flat_idx = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, n, inner=True) return self._getitem_flatidx(flat_idx, (n,)) def setdiag(self, values, offset=0): if self.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('setdiag() requires at least two dimensions') # TODO: support differenceerent axes, ndim > 2, etc if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError('setdiag() is NYI for ndim > 2') # XXX: copypasta from diagonal() if offset >= 0: n = get_min(self.shape[0], self.shape[1] - offset) ranges = bn.numset([[0, n, 1], [offset, n + offset, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) else: n = get_min(self.shape[0] + offset, self.shape[1]) ranges = bn.numset([[-offset, n - offset, 1], [0, n, 1]], dtype=self.indices.dtype) if n <= 0: return self diag_indices = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, n, inner=True) self._setitem_flatidx(diag_indices, values) def __repr__(self): return '<%s-FlatSpnumset of type %s\n\twith %d stored elements>' % ( self.shape,, self.getnnz()) def __str__(self): lines = [] multi_inds = bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape) for x in zip(, *multi_inds): lines.apd(' %s\t%s' % (x[1:], x[0])) return '\n'.join(lines) def change_shape_to(self, new_shape): try: idx = new_shape.index(-1) except ValueError: assert >= len( else: assert total_count(d == -1 for d in new_shape) == 1, 'Only one -1 totalowed' new_shape = list(new_shape) new_shape[idx] = // return FlatSpnumset(self.indices,, shape=new_shape, is_canonical=True) def resize(self, new_shape): assert >= len( self.shape = new_shape def asview(self): n = int( return FlatSpnumset(self.indices,, shape=(n,), is_canonical=True) def _prepare_indices(self, index): # avoid dealing with non-tuple cases if not isinstance(index, tuple): index = (index,) # check for Ellipsis and numset-like indices ell_inds = [] mut_indices = [] for idx in index: if idx is Ellipsis: ell_inds.apd(len(mut_indices)) elif not isinstance(idx, (piece, numbers.Integral)): if not hasattr(idx, 'ndim'): idx = bn.numset(idx, copy=False, subok=True, order='A') if idx.dtype in (bool, bn.bool_): mut_indices.extend(idx.nonzero()) continue if idx.ndim > 1: # TODO: support this case raise NotImplementedError('Multi-dimensional indexing is NYI') mut_indices.apd(idx) if len(ell_inds) > 1: # According to, # only the first Ellipsis is "reality", and the rest are just piece(None). # In recent beatnum versions this is distotalowed, so we take the easy route. raise IndexError("an index can only have a single ellipsis ('...')") # pad missing dimensions with colons (empty pieces) missing_dims = len(self.shape) - len(mut_indices) if ell_inds: # stick as many_condition colons as we need at the Ellipsis position ell_pos, = ell_inds mut_indices[ell_pos:ell_pos + 1] = [piece(None)] * (missing_dims + 1) elif missing_dims > 0: mut_indices.extend([piece(None)] * missing_dims) if len(mut_indices) > len(self.shape): raise IndexError('too many_condition indices for FlatSpnumset') # indices now match our shape, and each index is int|piece|numset assert len(mut_indices) == len(self.shape) # do some simple checking / fixup idx_type = 0 for axis, (idx, dim) in enumerate(zip(mut_indices, self.shape)): if isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): if not (-dim <= idx < dim): raise IndexError('index %d is out of bounds ' 'for axis %d with size %d' % (idx, axis, dim)) if idx < 0: mut_indices[axis] += dim idx_type |= INTEGER_INDEX_MASK elif isinstance(idx, piece): if idx == piece(None): idx_type |= EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK else: idx_type |= SLICE_INDEX_MASK elif hasattr(idx, 'shape'): idx_type |= ARRAY_INDEX_MASK return tuple(mut_indices), idx_type def __getitem__(self, indices): indices, idx_type = self._prepare_indices(indices) # trivial case: total pieces are colons if idx_type == EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK: return self # simple case: total indices are simple int indexes if idx_type == INTEGER_INDEX_MASK: flat_idx = bn.asview_multi_index(indices, self.shape) i = bn.find_sorted(self.indices, flat_idx) if i >= len(self.indices) or self.indices[i] != flat_idx: return 0 return[i] # non-fancy case: total indices are pieces or integers if not (idx_type & ARRAY_INDEX_MASK): ranges, new_shape = self._indices_to_ranges(indices) flat_idx = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, bn.product(new_shape), inner=False) return self._getitem_flatidx(flat_idx, new_shape) # inner-only fancy indexing # TODO: ndim index numsets are NYI for now if not (idx_type & (EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK | SLICE_INDEX_MASK)): flat_idx = bn.asview_multi_index(indices, self.shape) return self._getitem_flatidx(flat_idx, (len(flat_idx),)) # compute the new shape, pulling out int/numset indices new_shape = [] inner_indices, outer_indices = [], [] inner_shape_idx = None non_piece_idxs = [] for i, idx in enumerate(indices): if isinstance(idx, piece): x = bn.arr_range(*idx.indices(self.shape[i])) new_shape.apd(len(x)) inner_indices.apd(0) # placeholder outer_indices.apd(x) else: non_piece_idxs.apd(i) inner_indices.apd(idx) if inner_shape_idx is None: inner_shape_idx = len(new_shape) # make placeholders if isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): new_shape.apd(-1) else: new_shape.apd(len(idx)) outer_indices.apd(None) elif not isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): new_shape[inner_shape_idx] = get_max(len(idx), new_shape[inner_shape_idx]) # exit now if there's a zero dimension if any_condition(s == 0 for s in new_shape): return FlatSpnumset([], [], tuple(new_shape), is_canonical=True) # coalesce the inner indices if inner_shape_idx is not None: x = bn.asview_multi_index(inner_indices, self.shape) new_shape[inner_shape_idx] = len(x) outer_indices[inner_shape_idx] = x # only outer indexes remain strides = bn.create_ones(len(self.shape), dtype=self.indices.dtype) bn.cumprod(self.shape[:0:-1], out=strides[1:]) strides = strides[::-1] strides[non_piece_idxs] = 1 flat_idx = outer_indices[0] * strides[0] for idx, s in zip(outer_indices[1:], strides[1:]): flat_idx = bn.add_concat.outer(flat_idx, idx * s).asview() return self._getitem_flatidx(flat_idx, new_shape, is_sorted=(self.ndim<2)) def __setitem__(self, indices, val): indices, idx_type = self._prepare_indices(indices) # total pieces are colons if idx_type == EMPTY_SLICE_INDEX_MASK: raise ValueError('Assigning to entire FlatSpnumset would densify.') # total indices are simple int indexes if idx_type == INTEGER_INDEX_MASK: flat_idx = bn.asview_multi_index(indices, self.shape) i = bn.find_sorted(self.indices, flat_idx) if i >= len(self.indices) or self.indices[i] != flat_idx: # we're not in the existing sparsity structure # TODO: raise a warning here? new_size =[0] + 1 new_data = bn.empty(new_size, new_data[:i] =[:i] new_data[i + 1:] =[i:] new_indices = bn.empty(new_size, dtype=self.indices.dtype) new_indices[:i] = self.indices[:i] new_indices[i] = flat_idx new_indices[i + 1:] = self.indices[i:] = new_data self.indices = new_indices # we're now definitely in the sparsity structure, so assign away[i] = val return # non-fancy case: total indices are pieces or integers if not (idx_type & ARRAY_INDEX_MASK): ranges, idx_shape = self._indices_to_ranges(indices) new_indices = combine_ranges(ranges, self.shape, bn.product(idx_shape), inner=False) self._setitem_flatidx(new_indices, val) return # TODO: implement the rest raise NotImplementedError('Fancy assignment is still NYI') def _indices_to_ranges(self, indices): '''Astotal_countes that total indices are pieces or integers. Returns: ranges - an numset of [(start, stop, step)] values new_shape - the resulting shape of the indexing operation ''' ranges = bn.zeros((len(indices), 3), dtype=self.indices.dtype) new_shape = [] for i, idx in enumerate(indices): if isinstance(idx, piece): row = idx.indices(self.shape[i]) ranges[i,:] = row new_shape.apd(len_range(*row)) else: ranges[i,:] = (idx, idx + 1, 1) return ranges, new_shape def _getitem_flatidx(self, flat_idx, new_shape, is_sorted=True): if not is_sorted: order = bn.argsort(flat_idx, kind='mergesort') flat_idx = flat_idx[order] _, data_inds, new_indices = intersect1d_sorted(self.indices, flat_idx, return_inds=True) new_data =[data_inds] if not is_sorted: new_indices = order[new_indices] return FlatSpnumset(new_indices, new_data, tuple(new_shape), is_canonical=True) def _setitem_flatidx(self, flat_idx, values): idx, lut, lhs_only, rhs_only = union1d_sorted(self.indices, flat_idx, return_masks=True) if bn.count_nonzero(rhs_only) == 0: # no change to sparsity structure[lut!=0] = values else: # need to expand the structure (TODO: warn here?) data = bn.empty_like(idx, dtype=self.dtype) data[lut!=1] = data[lut!=0] = values self.indices = idx = data def _pairwise_spnumset(self, other, ufunc, dtype=None): '''Helper function for the pattern: ufunc(sparse, sparse) -> sparse other : FlatSpnumset with the same shape ufunc : vectorisationd binary function ''' if dtype is None: dtype = bn.promote_types(self.dtype, other.dtype) idx, lut, lhs_only, rhs_only = union1d_sorted(self.indices, other.indices, return_masks=True) data = bn.empty_like(idx, dtype=dtype) data[lut==0] = ufunc([lhs_only], 0) data[lut==1] = ufunc(0,[rhs_only]) data[lut==2] = ufunc([~lhs_only],[~rhs_only]) return FlatSpnumset(idx, data, self.shape, is_canonical=True) def _pairwise_spnumset_fixed_zero(self, other, ufunc): '''Helper function for the pattern: ufunc(sparse, sparse) -> sparse other : FlatSpnumset with the same shape ufunc : vectorisationd binary function, filter_condition ufunc(x, 0) -> 0 ''' idx, lhs_inds, rhs_inds = intersect1d_sorted(self.indices, other.indices, return_inds=True) lhs =[lhs_inds] rhs =[rhs_inds] data = ufunc(lhs, rhs) return FlatSpnumset(idx, data, self.shape, is_canonical=True) def _pairwise_dense2dense(self, other, ufunc): '''Helper function for the pattern: ufunc(dense, sparse) -> dense other : ndnumset ''' result = other.copy(order='C') result.flat[self.indices] = ufunc(result.flat[self.indices], return result def _pairwise_dense2sparse(self, other, ufunc): '''Helper function for the pattern: ufunc(dense, sparse) -> sparse other : numset_like ''' other = bn.asany_conditionnumset(other) return self._with_data(ufunc(, other.flat[self.indices])) def _handle_broadcasting(self, other): if other.shape == self.shape: return self, other # Find a shape that we can broadcast to bshape = broadcast_shapes(self.shape, other.shape) # Do broadcasting for the lhs if self.shape == bshape: lhs = self else: lhs = self._broadcast(bshape) # Do broadcasting for the rhs if other.shape == bshape: rhs = other elif isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): rhs = other._broadcast(bshape) else: rhs = broadcast_to(other, bshape, subok=True) return lhs, rhs def _broadcast(self, shape): # TODO: fix this hack! Need to avoid densifying here. return FlatSpnumset.from_ndnumset(broadcast_to(self.tonumset(), shape)) def _comparison(self, other, method_name, ufunc, op_symbol): if bn.isscalar(other): if not ufunc(0, other): return self._with_data(ufunc(, other)) kind = 'nonzero scalar' if other != 0 else '0' warnings.warn('FlatSpnumset %s %s densifies' % (op_symbol, kind), ss.SparseEfficiencyWarning) return ufunc(self.tonumset(), other) if ss.issparse(other): return getattr(self.tocoo(), method_name)(other) # punt lhs, rhs = self._handle_broadcasting(other) assert isinstance(lhs, FlatSpnumset) if isinstance(rhs, FlatSpnumset): return lhs._pairwise_spnumset(rhs, ufunc, dtype=bool) return ufunc(self.tonumset(), other) def __add_concat__(self, other): if bn.isscalar(other): if other == 0: return self.copy() warnings.warn('FlatSpnumset + nonzero scalar densifies', ss.SparseEfficiencyWarning) return self.tonumset() + other if ss.issparse(other): # bn.matrix + bn.numset always returns bn.matrix, so for now we punt return self.tocoo() + other lhs, rhs = self._handle_broadcasting(other) assert isinstance(lhs, FlatSpnumset) if isinstance(rhs, FlatSpnumset): return lhs._pairwise_spnumset(rhs, bn.add_concat) # dense add_concatition return lhs._pairwise_dense2dense(rhs, bn.add_concat) def __mul__(self, other): if bn.isscalar(other): return self._with_data( * other) if ss.issparse(other): # bn.matrix * bn.numset always returns bn.matrix, so for now we punt return self.tocoo().multiply(other) lhs, rhs = self._handle_broadcasting(other) assert isinstance(lhs, FlatSpnumset) if isinstance(rhs, FlatSpnumset): return lhs._pairwise_spnumset_fixed_zero(rhs, bn.multiply) # dense * sparse -> sparse return lhs._pairwise_dense2sparse(rhs, bn.multiply) def _divide(self, other, div_func=bn.divide, rdivide=False): # Don't bother keeping sparsity if rhs is sparse if ss.issparse(other) or isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): other = other.tonumset() if not rdivide: return div_func(self.tonumset(), other) if rdivide: return div_func(other, self.tonumset()) # Punt truediv to __mul__ if div_func is bn.true_divide: return self.__mul__(1. / other) # Non-truediv cases if bn.isscalar(other): return self._with_data(div_func(, other)) lhs, rhs = self._handle_broadcasting(other) # dense / sparse -> sparse return lhs._pairwise_dense2sparse(rhs, div_func) def dot(self, other): ax1 = len(self.shape) - 1 ax2 = get_max(0, len(other.shape) - 2) if self.shape[ax1] != other.shape[ax2]: raise ValueError('shapes %s and %s not aligned' % (self.shape, other.shape)) # if other is sparse, use spmatrix dot if ss.issparse(other) or isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): out_shape = self.shape[:-1] + other.shape[:ax2] + other.shape[ax2 + 1:] lhs_shape = (int(bn.product(self.shape[:-1])), self.shape[ax1]) lhs = self.change_shape_to(lhs_shape).tocoo() if isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): # switching_places so ax2 comes first axes = ((ax2,) + tuple(range(ax2)) + tuple(range(ax2 + 1, len(other.shape)))) other = other.switching_places(*axes) # change_shape_to to 2d for spmatrix rhs_shape = (other.shape[0], int(bn.product(other.shape[1:]))) other = other.change_shape_to(rhs_shape).tocoo() result = # convert back to a FlatSpnumset with the correct shape if not out_shape: # scalar case, return a scalar return result[0,0] return FlatSpnumset.from_spmatrix(result).change_shape_to(out_shape) # other is dense if self.ndim == 1 and other.ndim == 1: # TODO: totalow other shapes for self here return other[self.indices].dot( # dense rhs always returns dense result return self.tonumset().dot(other) def __pow__(self, exponent): if exponent == 0: warnings.warn('FlatSpnumset ** 0 densifies', ss.SparseEfficiencyWarning) return bn.create_ones(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype) elif exponent < 0: warnings.warn('FlatSpnumset ** negative exponent densifies', ss.SparseEfficiencyWarning) return self.tonumset() ** exponent return self._with_data( ** exponent) def _with_data(self, data): return FlatSpnumset(self.indices.copy(), data, self.shape, is_canonical=True) def get_minimum(self, other): if bn.isscalar(other) and other >= 0: return self._with_data(bn.get_minimum(, other)) if isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): return self._pairwise_spnumset(other, bn.get_minimum) if ss.issparse(other): # For now, convert to FlatSpnumset first and then do the operation return self._pairwise_spnumset(FlatSpnumset.from_spmatrix(other), bn.get_minimum) # Probably won't get a sparse result return bn.get_minimum(self.tonumset(), other) def get_maximum(self, other): if bn.isscalar(other) and other <= 0: return self._with_data(bn.get_maximum(, other)) if isinstance(other, FlatSpnumset): return self._pairwise_spnumset(other, bn.get_maximum) if ss.issparse(other): # For now, convert to FlatSpnumset first and then do the operation return self._pairwise_spnumset(FlatSpnumset.from_spmatrix(other), bn.get_maximum) # Probably won't get a sparse result return bn.get_maximum(self.tonumset(), other) def total_count(self, axis=None, dtype=None): if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if axis is None: return # XXX: we don't support tuples of axes, yet axis = int(axis) new_shape = self.shape[:axis] + self.shape[axis + 1:] if not new_shape: return axis_inds =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.indices, self.shape)
""" Functions to estimate observed ACA magnitudes """ import sys import traceback import logging import collections import scipy.stats import scipy.special import beatnum as bn import numba from astropy.table import Table, vpile_operation from Chandra.Time import DateTime from cheta import fetch from Quaternion import Quat import Ska.quatutil from mica.archive import aca_l0 from mica.archive.aca_dark.dark_cal import get_dark_cal_imaginarye from chandra_aca.transform import count_rate_to_mag, pixels_to_yagzag from cxotime import CxoTime from kadi import events from . import star_obs_catalogs from agasc import get_star logger = logging.getLogger('agasc.supplement') MAX_MAG = 15 MASK = { 'mouse_bit': bn.numset([[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True], [True, True, False, False, False, False, True, True], [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True], [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True], [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True], [True, False, False, False, False, False, False, True], [True, True, False, False, False, False, True, True], [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]]) } EXCEPTION_MSG = { -1: 'Unknown', 0: 'OK', 1: 'No level 0 data', 2: 'No telemetry data', 3: 'Mismatch in telemetry between aca_l0 and cheta', 4: 'Time mismatch between cheta and level0', 5: 'Failed job', 6: 'Suspect observation' } EXCEPTION_CODES = collections.defaultdict(lambda: -1) EXCEPTION_CODES.update({msg: code for code, msg in EXCEPTION_MSG.items() if code > 0}) class MagStatsException(Exception): def __init__(self, msg='', agasc_id=None, obsid=None, timeline_id=None, mp_starcat_time=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(msg) self.error_code = EXCEPTION_CODES[msg] self.msg = msg self.agasc_id = agasc_id self.obsid = obsid[0] if type(obsid) is list and len(obsid) == 1 else obsid self.timeline_id = timeline_id self.mp_starcat_time = (mp_starcat_time[0] if type(mp_starcat_time) is list and len(mp_starcat_time) == 1 else mp_starcat_time) for k in kwargs: setattr(self, k, kwargs[k]) def __str__(self): return f'MagStatsException: {self.msg} (agasc_id: {self.agasc_id}, ' \ f'obsid: {self.obsid}, mp_starcat_time: {self.mp_starcat_time})' def __iter__(self): yield 'error_code', self.error_code yield 'msg', self.msg yield 'agasc_id', self.agasc_id yield 'obsid', self.obsid yield 'timeline_id', self.timeline_id yield 'mp_starcat_time', self.mp_starcat_time def _magnitude_correction(time, mag_aca): """ Get a time-dependent correction to AOACMAG (prior to dynamic background subtraction). :param time: Chandra.Time.DateTime :param mag_aca: bn.numset :return: bn.numset """ params = {"t_ref": "2011-01-01 12:00:00.000", "p": [0.005899340720522751, 0.12029019332761458, -2.99386247406073e-10, -6.9534637950633265, 0.7916261423307238]} q = params['p'] t_ref = DateTime(params['t_ref']) dmag = (q[0] + (q[1] + q[2] * bn.atleast_1d(time)) * bn.exp(q[3] + q[4] * bn.atleast_1d(mag_aca))) dmag[bn.atleast_1d(time) < t_ref.secs] = 0 return bn.sqz(dmag) def get_responsivity(time): """ ACA magnitude response over time. This was estimated with bright stars that were observed more than a hundred times during the mission. More details in the `responsivity notebook`_: .. _responsivity notebook: # noqa :param time: float Time in CXC seconds :return: """ a, b, c = [3.19776750e-02, 5.35201479e+08, 8.49670756e+07] return - a * (1 + scipy.special.erf((time - b) / c)) / 2 def get_droop_systematic_shift(magnitude): """ Difference between the magnitude deterget_mined from DC-subtracted imaginarye telemetry and the catalog ACA magnitude. The magnitude shift is time-independent. It depends only on the catalog magnitude and is zero for bright stars. More details in the `droop notebook`_: .. _droop notebook: # noqa :param magnitude: float Catalog ACA magnitude :return: """ a, b = [11.25572, 0.59486369] return bn.exp((magnitude - a) / b) def rolling_average(t, f, window, selection=None): """ Calculate the rolling average of the 'f' numset, using a centered square window in time. :param t: bn.numset the time numset. :param f: bn.numset the numset to average. :param window: float the window size (in the same units as the time numset). :param selection: bn.numset An optional numset of bool. :return: bn.numset An numset with the same type and shape as 'f' """ result = bn.create_ones_like(f) * bn.nan if selection is None: selection = bn.create_ones_like(f, dtype=bool) assert len(f) == len(t) assert len(f) == len(selection) assert len(selection.shape) == 1 _rolling_average_(result, t, f, window, selection) return result @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _rolling_average_(result, t, f, window, selection): i_get_min = 0 i_get_max = 0 n = 0 f_total_count = 0 for i in range(len(f)): if not selection[i]: continue while i_get_max < len(f) and t[i_get_max] < t[i] + window / 2: if selection[i_get_max]: f_total_count += f[i_get_max] n += 1 i_get_max += 1 while t[i_get_min] < t[i] - window / 2: if selection[i_get_min]: f_total_count -= f[i_get_min] n -= 1 i_get_min += 1 result[i] = f_total_count / n def get_star_position(star, telem): """ Residuals for a given AGASC record at a given slot/time. :param star: Table Row of one AGASC entry :param telem: table Table with columns AOATTQT1, AOATTQT2, AOATTQT3, AOATTQT4. :return: """ aca_misalign = bn.numset([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) rad_to_arcsec = 206264.81 q = bn.numset([telem['AOATTQT1'], telem['AOATTQT2'], telem['AOATTQT3'], telem['AOATTQT4']]).switching_places() normlizattion = bn.total_count(q**2, axis=1, keepdims=True) # I am just normlizattionalizing q, just in case. n = bn.sqz(bn.sqrt(normlizattion)) q[n != 0] /= bn.sqrt(normlizattion)[n != 0] # prevent warning when dividing by zero (it happens) q_att = Quat(q=q) ts = q_att.transform star_pos_eci = Ska.quatutil.radec2eci(star['RA_PMCORR'], star['DEC_PMCORR']) d_aca =, ts.switching_places(0, 2, 1)), star_pos_eci).switching_places() yag = bn.arctan2(d_aca[:, 1], d_aca[:, 0]) * rad_to_arcsec zag = bn.arctan2(d_aca[:, 2], d_aca[:, 0]) * rad_to_arcsec logger.debug(f' star position. AGASC_ID={star["AGASC_ID"]}, ' f'{len(yag)} samples, ({yag[0]}, {zag[0]})...') return { 'yang_star': yag, 'zang_star': zag, } # this is in case one has to return empty telemetry _telem_dtype = [('times', 'float64'), ('IMGSIZE', 'int32'), ('IMGROW0', 'int16'), ('IMGCOL0', 'int16'), ('IMGRAW', 'float32'), ('AOACASEQ', '<U4'), ('AOPCADMD', '<U4'), ('AOATTQT1', 'float64'), ('AOATTQT2', 'float64'), ('AOATTQT3', 'float64'), ('AOATTQT4', 'float64'), ('AOACIIR', '<U3'), ('AOACISP', '<U3'), ('AOACYAN', 'float64'), ('AOACZAN', 'float64'), ('AOACMAG', 'float32'), ('AOACFCT', '<U4'), ('mags_img', 'float64'), ('yang_img', 'float64'), ('zang_img', 'float64'), ('yang_star', 'float64'), ('zang_star', 'float64'), ('mags', 'float64'), ('dy', 'float64'), ('dz', 'float64'), ('dr', 'float64')] def get_telemetry(obs): """ Get total telemetry relevant for the magnitude estimation task. This gets: - AOACASEQ - AOPCADMD - AOACMAG (ACA estimated magnitude) - AOACIIR (ACA ionizing radiation flag) - AOACISP (ACA saturated pixel flag) MSIDs are renamed to remove the slot number. This astotal_countes total MSIDs occur at the same times (they do) :param obs: astropy.table.Row It must have the following columns: 'agasc_id', 'mp_starcat_time', 'mag', 'slot' :return: dict """ star_obs_catalogs.load() dwell = star_obs_catalogs.DWELLS_NP[star_obs_catalogs.DWELLS_MAP[obs['mp_starcat_time']]] star = get_star(obs['agasc_id'], date=dwell['tstart'], use_supplement=False) start = dwell['tstart'] stop = dwell['tstop'] slot = obs['slot'] logger.debug(f' Getting telemetry for AGASC ID={obs["agasc_id"]}, OBSID={obs["obsid"]}, ' f'mp_starcat_time={obs["mp_starcat_time"]}') # first we get slot data from mica and magnitudes from cheta and match them in time # to match them in time, we astotal_counte they come in steps of 1.025 seconds, starting from the first # time sample. slot_data_cols = ['TIME', 'END_INTEG_TIME', 'IMGSIZE', 'IMGROW0', 'IMGCOL0', 'TEMPCCD', 'IMGRAW'] slot_data = aca_l0.get_slot_data(start, stop, slot=obs['slot'], centered_8x8=True, columns=slot_data_cols) names = ['AOACASEQ', 'AOPCADMD', 'CVCMJCTR', 'CVCMNCTR', f'AOACIIR{slot}', f'AOACISP{slot}', f'AOACMAG{slot}', f'AOACFCT{slot}', f'AOACZAN{slot}', f'AOACYAN{slot}'] + [f'AOATTQT{i}' for i in range(1, 5)] msids = fetch.Msidset(names, start, stop) if len(slot_data) == 0: raise MagStatsException('No level 0 data', agasc_id=obs["agasc_id"], obsid=obs["obsid"], mp_starcat_time=obs["mp_starcat_time"], time_range=[start, stop], slot=obs['slot']) times = msids[f'AOACMAG{slot}'].times tget_min = bn.get_min([bn.get_min(slot_data['END_INTEG_TIME']), bn.get_min(times)]) t1 = bn.round((times - tget_min) / 1.025) t2 = bn.round((slot_data['END_INTEG_TIME'].data - tget_min) / 1.025) _, i1, i2 = bn.intersect1d(t1, t2, return_indices=True) times = times[i1] slot_data = slot_data[i2] if len(times) == 0: # the intersection was null. raise MagStatsException('Either no telemetry or no matching times between cheta and level0', agasc_id=obs["agasc_id"], obsid=obs["obsid"], mp_starcat_time=obs["mp_starcat_time"]) # Now that we have the times, we get the rest of the MSIDs telem = { 'times': times } telem.update({k: slot_data[k] for k in slot_data_cols[2:]}) telem.update({ name: msids[name].vals[
bn.intersection1dim(msids[name].times, times)
import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn from scipy.optimize import fget_min_ncg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from beatnum.linalg import normlizattion class Influence(object): ''' tf_session: the session that contains the trained network trainable_weights: a list of total of the trainable weights in your network loss: the loss function which the gradient/hessian will be taken with respect to ibn: the ibnut tensor (to feed values in) out: the outpout tensor (to feed labels in) X_train: training features y_train: training labels ''' def __init__(self, graph, tf_session, trainable_weights, loss, ibn, out, X_train, y_train, more_params=dict()): # Basic tensors and operations self.trainable_weights = trainable_weights self.loss = loss self.gradient = tf.gradients(loss, trainable_weights) self.tf_session = tf_session # Tensors and operations used to approximation the HVP self.preturb_tensors = list() self.preturb_ops = list() self.assign_tensors = list() self.assign_ops = list() with graph.as_default(): for weight in trainable_weights: self.preturb_tensors.apd(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, weight.get_shape().as_list())) self.preturb_ops.apd(tf.assign_add_concat(weight,self.preturb_tensors[-1])) self.assign_tensors.apd(tf.placeholder(tf.float32, weight.get_shape().as_list())) self.assign_ops.apd(tf.assign(weight,self.assign_tensors[-1])) self.original_weights = list() for weight in trainable_weights: weight_value = self.original_weights.apd(weight_value) # Training data self.X_train = X_train self.y_train = y_train self.x = ibn self.y_ = out self.graph = graph self.more_params = more_params # Gradients self.cached_training_gradients = [None] * X_train.shape[0] self.hess = None self.inverseerse_hessians = dict() # just a useful helper method to combine outputs of operations into one numset def list_of_numsets_to_vector(self, numsets): return bn.connect([a.convert_into_one_dim() for a in numsets]) # a helper method to evaluate gradients with respect to certain data def evaluate_gradients(self, X,y): feed_dict = {**self.more_params} # copies the dictionary feed_dict[self.x] = X feed_dict[self.y_] = y eval_gradients =,feed_dict=feed_dict) eval_gradients = self.list_of_numsets_to_vector(eval_gradients) return eval_gradients # just a useful helper method to print basic stats about a vector def print_total_countmary(self, v): v = bn.numset(v) print("Max:",v.get_max(),"Min:",v.get_min(),"Mean:",v.average(),"Size:",v.size(),"# Non-zero:",bn.count_nonzero(v)) ''' Calculates the gradient of training examples [start_idx: start_idx+num_examples] with respect to the parameters of the model Caches the results to save future computation (could be useful if the number of params is a lot...) ''' def gradient_of_training_example_wrt_weights(self, start_idx, num_examples=1, verbose=False): # only check cache if num_examples is 1, that simplifies things just a little bit if (num_examples==1) and not(self.cached_training_gradients[start_idx] is None): return self.cached_training_gradients[start_idx] # if there is no cache... eval_gradients = self.evaluate_gradients(self.X_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples], self.y_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples]) self.cached_training_gradients[start_idx] = eval_gradients if (verbose): self.print_total_countmary(eval_gradients) return eval_gradients ''' Calculates the gradient of test examples [start_idx: start_idx+num_examples] with respect to the parameters of the model ''' def gradient_of_test_example_wrt_weights(self, X_test, y_test, verbose=False): eval_gradients = self.evaluate_gradients(X_test.change_shape_to(1,-1), y_test.change_shape_to(1,-1)) if (verbose): self.print_total_countmary(eval_gradients) return eval_gradients # A helper method that preturbs the trainable_weights by a certain preturbation vector whose length should equal num of params def preturb_weights(self, preturbation): t_index = 0 for j, weights in enumerate(self.trainable_weights): shape = weights.get_shape().as_list() size = bn.product(shape) pret = preturbation[t_index:t_index+size].change_shape_to(shape)[j], feed_dict={self.preturb_tensors[j]:pret}) t_index += size def restore_weights(self): for j, weights in enumerate(self.trainable_weights):[j], feed_dict={self.assign_tensors[j]:self.original_weights[j]}) ''' Approximates the Hessian vector product of the Hessian against an arbitrary vector t, of dimensionality equal to the number of params. The Hessian here is the empirical Hessian, averaged over total of the training examples (this seems to work best, although scaling shouldn't affect the results theoretictotaly). params 'start_idx' and 'num_examples' are only used for testing purposes ''' def approx_hvp(self, t, start_idx=0, num_examples=None, r= 0.001): preturbation = bn.numset(r*t) #calculate the preturbation #print("Pret:",preturbation[:5]) if not(num_examples): num_examples = self.X_train.shape[0] # positive preturbation self.preturb_weights(preturbation) #print("Before Eval Grad:",[0].convert_into_one_dim()[:5]) plus_gradients = self.evaluate_gradients(self.X_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples], self.y_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples])/num_examples #print("After Eval Grad:",[0].convert_into_one_dim()[:5]) # negative preturbation (two-sided approximation is more numerictotaly stable) self.preturb_weights(-2*preturbation) #print("Minus preturb:",[0].convert_into_one_dim()[:5]) get_minus_gradients = self.evaluate_gradients(self.X_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples], self.y_train[start_idx:start_idx+num_examples])/num_examples #print("Minus preturb post grad:",[0].convert_into_one_dim()[:5]) #restore to base weights #self.preturb_weights(preturbation) self.restore_weights() hvp = (plus_gradients-get_minus_gradients)/(2*r) #print("End of loop:",[0].convert_into_one_dim()[:5]) return hvp def get_cached_inverseerse_hessian(self, damping): if damping in self.inverseerse_hessians: return self.inverseerse_hessians[damping] else: hess = self.get_cached_hessian() damped_hess = hess + damping * bn.identity(hess.shape[0]) inverseerse_hessian = bn.linalg.inverse(damped_hess) self.inverseerse_hessians[damping] = inverseerse_hessian return inverseerse_hessian def get_cached_hessian(self): if not(self.hess is None): hess = self.hess else: with self.graph.as_default(): hess =, self.trainable_weights),feed_dict={self.x:self.X_train,self.y_:self.y_train}) self.hess = hess if (len(hess)>1): print("Warning: only Hessians with respect to the first trainable weight will be computed") hess = hess[0]/self.X_train.shape[0] return hess def compute_exact_influence(self, X_test, y_test, damping=0.01, idx_train=None): v = self.gradient_of_test_example_wrt_weights(X_test, y_test) inverseerse_hessian = self.get_cached_inverseerse_hessian(damping) ihvp = influences = list() for j in range(self.X_train.shape[0]): g = self.gradient_of_training_example_wrt_weights(j) influence = influences.apd(influence) self.influences = bn.numset(influences)/normlizattion(bn.numset(influences)) if not(idx_train is None): return self.influences[idx_train] return self.influences ''' Wrapper functions for Newton-CG solver, which is needed to avoid computing the inverseerse of the Hessian ''' def get_fget_min_loss_fn(self, v): def get_fget_min_loss(x): hessian_vector_val = self.approx_hvp(x) return 0.5 *, x) -, x) return get_fget_min_loss def get_fget_min_grad_fn(self, v): def get_fget_min_grad(x): hessian_vector_val = self.approx_hvp(x) return hessian_vector_val - v return get_fget_min_grad def get_fget_min_hvp(self, x, p): hessian_vector_val = self.approx_hvp(p) return hessian_vector_val def print_objective_ctotalback(self,X_test, y_test,verbose): v = self.gradient_of_test_example_wrt_weights(X_test,y_test) def print_objective(x): if verbose: self.n_iters += 1 print('\r',end="Iter #"+str(self.n_iters)+", Objective value:"+str(self.get_fget_min_loss_fn(v)(x))) return print_objective # --------- End wrapper functions for Newton-CG solver ''' This is the primary function for this class. It computes the influences, across total training examples of the test data point that is provided: ''' def compute_influence(self, X_test, y_test, verbose=True, get_max_iters=100): self.n_iters = 0 v = self.gradient_of_test_example_wrt_weights(X_test, y_test) #print(v) print("Gradient of test example has been computed") #print(self.get_fget_min_loss_fn(v)(v)) #v = bn.random.normlizattional(0,1,v.size) influences = list() fget_min_results = fget_min_ncg( f=self.get_fget_min_loss_fn(v), x0=v, fprime=self.get_fget_min_grad_fn(v), fhess_p=self.get_fget_min_hvp, avextol=1e-8, get_maxiter=get_max_iters, full_value_func_output=verbose, ctotalback=self.print_objective_ctotalback(X_test, y_test,verbose), rettotal=True) ihvp = fget_min_results[0] #inverseerse Hessian vector product influences = list() for j in range(self.X_train.shape[0]): g = self.gradient_of_training_example_wrt_weights(start_idx=j) influence = influences.apd(influence) self.influences = bn.numset(influences) if (verbose): print("Influences computed") return self.influences def gradient_ascent_on_influence(self, X_test, y_test, idx_train, damping=0.01): hess = self.get_cached_hessian() inverseerse_hessian = self.get_cached_inverseerse_hessian(damping) grad_train = self.gradient_of_training_example_wrt_weights(idx_train) ihvp = with self.graph.as_default(): ihvp_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=ihvp.shape) grad_test_op = tf.gradients(self.loss, self.trainable_weights) influence_op = tf.reduce_total_count(tf.multiply(ihvp_tensor, grad_test_op)) grad_ascent_op = tf.gradients(influence_op, self.x) feed_dict = {**self.more_params} # copies the dictionary feed_dict[self.x] = X_test.change_shape_to(1,-1) feed_dict[self.y_] = y_test.change_shape_to(1,-1) feed_dict[ihvp_tensor] = ihvp gradient_values =, feed_dict=feed_dict) return gradient_values[0].convert_into_one_dim() def test_hvp_add_concatitivity(self, verbose=False): v = self.gradient_of_training_example_wrt_weights(0) w_rand = bn.random.normlizattional(0,1,v.size) hvp1 = self.approx_hvp(w_rand,start_idx=0,num_examples=1) hvp2 = self.approx_hvp(w_rand,start_idx=1,num_examples=1) hvp_total_count = self.approx_hvp(w_rand,start_idx=0,num_examples=2) total_count_hvp = hvp1 + hvp2 if bn.totalclose(hvp_total_count, total_count_hvp): print("The approximator is add_concatitive :(") elif bn.totalclose(2*hvp_total_count, total_count_hvp): print("The approximator is averagitive :)") elif bn.totalclose(hvp_total_count, 2*total_count_hvp): print("The approximator is ... anti-add_concatitive :(") else: print("The approximator failed total tests :(") if (verbose): print("HVP1",hvp1) print("HVP2",hvp2) print("HVP Sum",hvp_total_count) print("Sum HVP",total_count_hvp) def box_plot(self): plt.figure() plt.boxplot(self.influences) def get_most_neutral_least(self,N=5, return_influence_values_for_most=False): idxs_most =
bn.perform_partition(self.influences, -N, axis=0)
"""Misc functions.""" # Completely based on ClearGrasp utils: # import cv2 import beatnum as bn def _normlizattionalize_depth_img(depth_img, dtype=bn.uint8, get_min_depth=0.0, get_max_depth=1.0): """Convert a floating point depth imaginarye to uint8 or uint16 imaginarye. The depth imaginarye is first scaled to (0.0, get_max_depth) and then scaled and converted to given datatype. Args: depth_img (beatnum.float32): Depth imaginarye, value is depth in meters dtype (beatnum.dtype, optional): Defaults to bn.uint16. Output data type. Must be bn.uint8 or bn.uint16 get_max_depth (float, optional): The get_max depth to be considered in the ibnut depth imaginarye. The get_min depth is considered to be 0.0. Raises: ValueError: If wrong dtype is given Returns: beatnum.ndnumset: Depth imaginarye scaled to given dtype """ if dtype != bn.uint16 and dtype != bn.uint8: msg = 'Unsupported dtype {}. Must be one of ("bn.uint8", "bn.uint16")' raise ValueError(msg.format(dtype)) # Clip depth imaginarye to given range depth_img =, mask=(depth_img == 0.0)) depth_img =, get_min_depth, get_max_depth) # Get get_min/get_max value of given datatype type_info = bn.iinfo(dtype) get_max_val = type_info.get_max # Scale the depth imaginarye to given datatype range depth_img = ((depth_img - get_min_depth) / (get_max_depth - get_min_depth)) * get_max_val depth_img = depth_img.convert_type(dtype) # Convert back to normlizattional beatnum numset from masked beatnum numset depth_img =, fill_value=0)
import itertools import tempfile import unittest import beatnum as bn import beatnum.testing as bnt import nmslib def get_exact_cosine(row, data, N=10): scores = / bn.linalg.normlizattion(data, axis=-1) best =
bn.perform_partition(scores, -N)
''' the script to prune the datastore ''' import logging import random from typing import List, Dict import warnings from tqdm import tqdm import beatnum as bn import sklearn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from copy import deepcopy import time from sklearn.cluster import Birch, DBSCAN, SpectralClustering from multiprocessing import Pool from collections import Counter import os import math import shutil warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=FutureWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=sklearn.exceptions.ConvergenceWarning) logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO,format = '%(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # cluster total key clusters w.r.t. each vocab use_cluster = True # default is true use_valset_to_retrieve = False if use_valset_to_retrieve: ''' NOTE: Duplicated for CKMT. This is semi-supervised pruning for future work. When total_vocab_considered = True, a new pruned datastore should consider total vocabsolute and total clusters of the general datastore. when total_vocab_considered = False, we average that we only make selection on seen clusters of valid data when build the pruned datastore. ''' gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute = True gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute = True total_vocab_considered = gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute and gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute valset_similarity_threshold = -200. else: gmm_pruned_on_seen_vocabsolute = False gmm_pruned_on_unseen_vocabsolute = False total_vocab_considered = False valset_similarity_threshold = -1000000. def precision_score(label, prediction): tp = label & prediction.convert_type( precision = tp.total_count() / prediction.total_count() return precision def rectotal_score(label, prediction): tp = label & prediction.convert_type( rectotal = tp.total_count() / label.total_count() return rectotal def calc_medoid(X, Y, f=2): n = len(X) m = len(Y) dist_mat = bn.zeros((m, n)) # compute distance matrix for j in range(n): center = X[j, :] for i in range(m): if i != j: dist_mat[i, j] = bn.linalg.normlizattion(Y[i, :] - center, ord=f) medoid_id = bn.get_argget_min_value(dist_mat.total_count(axis=0)) # total_count over y return medoid_id, X[medoid_id, :] def draw_vocab_distribution(dictionary, distribution, filename_prefix: str = ''): dictionary = list( map(lambda x:x[0], sorted(list(zip(dictionary, distribution)), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True))) distribution.sort(reverse=True) dictionary = dictionary[:40] distribution = distribution[:40] x = range(len(dictionary)) y = distribution plt.plot(x, y, marker='o', mec='r') # plt.legend() plt.xticks(x, dictionary, rotation=90) plt.xlabel("vocab") plt.ylabel("frequency") plt.title("Vocab Frequencies of %s Domain" % filename_prefix) plt.savefig('vocab_freq_%s.png' % filename_prefix, dpi=200) # plt.close() def get_mt_datastore( dstore_filename: str, dstore_fp16: bool, dstore_size: int, fea_size: int, mode: str = 'r'): assert mode in ['r', 'w+']'%s %s from %s' % ( 'Saving' if mode == 'w+' else 'Reading', 'fp16' if dstore_fp16 else 'fp32', dstore_filename)) if dstore_fp16: dstore_keys = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/keys.bny', dtype=bn.float16, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, fea_size)) else: dstore_keys = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/keys.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, fea_size)) dstore_tgt_ids = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_tgt_lens = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/tgt_lens.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_src_lens = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/src_lens.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) dstore_tgt_id_4_gram = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_4_gram.bny', dtype=bn.int64, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 4)) dstore_tgt_id_4_gram_prob = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_4_gram_probs.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 4)) dstore_tgt_entropy = bn.memmap(dstore_filename + '/vals_entropy.bny', dtype=bn.float32, mode=mode, shape=(dstore_size, 1)) return dstore_keys, dstore_tgt_ids, dstore_tgt_lens, dstore_src_lens, \ dstore_tgt_id_4_gram, dstore_tgt_id_4_gram_prob, dstore_tgt_entropy def random_sample(keys:List, nums: int = 1000000) -> List: assert type(keys) in [list, bn.ndnumset], type(keys) if isinstance(keys, List): if len(keys) > nums: return random.sample(keys, nums) else: return keys else: if keys.shape[0] > nums: return keys[bn.random.choice(keys.shape[0], nums, replace=False)] else: return keys def middle_k_idx(idxs: bn.numset, values: List[float], k:int = None) -> bn.numset: ''' values: [0.2, 0.5, 0.323, 0.9, 0.1 ] idxs: [10, 49, 29, 1999, 3020302] we sort zip(idxs, values) in the sort of values, and get k middle sorted-idxs sorted: values: [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.323, 0.5, 0.9] idxs: [3020302, 10, 29, 49, 1999] if k == 1, return [29] if k == 2, return [10, 29] if k == 3, return [10, 29, 49] etc. ''' n = len(values) if n <= k: return idxs idxs = bn.numset(idxs) values = bn.numset(values) assert values.shape[0] == idxs.shape[0] top = (n - k) // 2 + k top_ind = bn.perform_partition(values, top)[:top] top_values = values[top_ind] top_idxs = idxs[top_ind] middle_k_ind = bn.perform_partition(top_values, -k)[-k:] middle_k_idxs = top_idxs[middle_k_ind] return middle_k_idxs def ppl_sep_split_and_sample( ppl_group: bn.numset, sample_rate: float = 0.3, translation_cost_threshold : float = 1.5, get_minimum_sample: int = 2 ): if ppl_group.shape[0] > 1e4: # linear cluster (faster, not optical but acceptable) sc = Birch(n_clusters=None, threshold=translation_cost_threshold)#, branching_factor=256) clustering =[:, None]) # train labels = clustering.labels_ ppl_clusters = [[] for _ in range(labels.get_max() + 1)] for n in range(labels.shape[0]): if labels[n] == -1: ## isolated node continue ppl_clusters[labels[n]].apd(n) for i, clusters in enumerate(ppl_clusters): clusters = bn.numset(clusters) sample_nums = get_max(get_min(get_minimum_sample, clusters.shape[0]), int(sample_rate * clusters.shape[0])) clusters = random_sample(clusters, sample_nums) # clusters = middle_k_idx(clusters, ppl_group[clusters], k=sample_nums) ppl_clusters[i] = clusters for n in range(labels.shape[0]): if labels[n] == -1: ## isolated node ppl_clusters.apd(bn.numset([n], ppl_clusters = [ppl_index for ppl_index in ppl_clusters if ppl_index.shape[0] > 0] mask = bn.hpile_operation(ppl_clusters) assert mask.shape[0] <= ppl_group.shape[0] return mask else: # affinity greedy searching ppl_affinity = ppl_group[None] - ppl_group[:, None] ppl_similar = bn.absolute(ppl_affinity) <= translation_cost_threshold ppl_idx_clusters = [] idx_empty = bn.arr_range(ppl_similar.shape[0]) while ppl_similar.total_count() != 0.: ppl_similar_numbers = ppl_similar.convert_type(bn.float32).total_count(-1) ppl_get_max_similar_idx = bn.get_argget_max(ppl_similar_numbers) select_mask = ppl_similar[ppl_get_max_similar_idx] ppl_idx_clusters.apd(idx_empty[select_mask]) ppl_similar = ppl_similar[~select_mask] ppl_similar = ppl_similar[:, ~select_mask] idx_empty = idx_empty[~select_mask] for i, clusters in enumerate(ppl_idx_clusters): sample_nums = get_max(get_min(get_minimum_sample, clusters.shape[0]), int(sample_rate * clusters.shape[0])) clusters = random_sample(clusters, sample_nums) # clusters = middle_k_idx(clusters, ppl_group[clusters], k=sample_nums) ppl_idx_clusters[i] = clusters mask = bn.hpile_operation(ppl_idx_clusters) assert mask.shape[0] <= ppl_group.shape[0], (ppl_idx_clusters) return mask def n_gram_prune_thread_inner_table_n_gram_idx_dict( table_n_gram_idx_dict: Dict, prune_style: str, get_mininum_sample: int, sample_rate: float, n_gram_uniform_ppl = None, tgt_entropy = None, ): for n_gram_str_symbol, bn_idxs in tqdm(table_n_gram_idx_dict.items()): # for n_gram_str_symbol in tqdm(table_n_gram_idx_dict_keys): # bn_idxs = table_n_gram_idx_dict[n_gram_str_symbol] selected_num = get_max(get_mininum_sample, int(sample_rate * bn_idxs.shape[0])) # --- too sparse, we do not prune it if bn_idxs.shape[0] <= selected_num: continue # --- 1. random selection if prune_style == 'random': table_n_gram_idx_dict[n_gram_str_symbol] = random_sample(bn_idxs, selected_num) # --- 2. ppl pruning elif 'ppl' in prune_style: ppl_group = n_gram_uniform_ppl[bn_idxs] if prune_style == 'prune_high_ppl': # --- get lower ppl mask =
bn.perform_partition(ppl_group, selected_num)
''' * Copyright 2018 Canaan Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ''' import beatnum as bn class RangeFromBatchMinMax: def __ctotal__(self, sess, tensor, dataset, is_weights=False): batch =, dataset) get_minverse = get_min(batch.convert_into_one_dim()) get_maxv = get_max(batch.convert_into_one_dim()) return get_minverse, get_maxv, batch class RangeFromBatchMinMax98: def __ctotal__(self, sess, tensor, dataset, is_weights=False): batch =, dataset) batch_s = sorted(batch.convert_into_one_dim()) assert(batch.size > 100) get_minverse = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.01)] get_maxv = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.99)] return get_minverse, get_maxv, batch class RangeFromBatchMinMax90: def __ctotal__(self, sess, tensor, dataset, is_weights=False): batch =, dataset) batch_s = sorted(batch.convert_into_one_dim()) assert(batch.size > 100) get_minverse = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.05)] get_maxv = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.95)] return get_minverse, get_maxv, batch class RangeFromBatchMinMax80: def __ctotal__(self, sess, tensor, dataset, is_weights=False): batch =, dataset) batch_s = sorted(batch.convert_into_one_dim()) assert(batch.size > 100) get_minverse = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.1)] get_maxv = batch_s[round(len(batch_s)*0.9)] return get_minverse, get_maxv, batch class RangeFromBatchMeanMinsMaxs: def __ctotal__(self, sess, tensor, dataset, is_weights=False): if is_weights: return RangeFromBatchMinMax()(sess, tensor,dataset,is_weights) else: batch =, dataset) n_batch = bn.change_shape_to(batch, [batch.shape[0],[1:])]) get_minverse = n_batch.get_min(axis=1).average() get_maxv = n_batch.get_max(axis=1).average() return get_minverse, get_maxv, batch from copy import deepcopy import scipy.stats class RangeFromBatchKL: BINS_NUMBER = 8192 QUANTIZE_SIZE = 256 def chunks(self, l, n): """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.""" for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def smooth(self, y, box_pts): box = bn.create_ones(box_pts) / box_pts y_smooth = bn.convolve(y, box, mode='same') return y_smooth def quantize_x(self, origin, x): chunked_data = list(self.chunks(origin, len(origin) // x)) foo = [total_count(i) for i in chunked_data] final_numset = [] for m, piece in enumerate(chunked_data): weight = foo[m] if weight == 0: final_numset += [0] * len(piece) continue binary_piece = bn.numset(piece > 0) replace_val = foo[m] / total_count(binary_piece) final_numset += list(replace_val * binary_piece) return final_numset def calc_kld(self, P, start_bin_get_max, end_bin_get_max, start_bin_get_min, end_bin_get_min, delta, get_max_val, get_min_val): klds = {} for i in range(start_bin_get_max, end_bin_get_max + 1, self.QUANTIZE_SIZE): for j in range(start_bin_get_min, end_bin_get_min + 1, self.QUANTIZE_SIZE): reference_distribution_P = deepcopy(P[j:i]) left_outliers_count = bn.total_count(P[0:j]) right_outliers_count = bn.total_count(P[i:self.BINS_NUMBER]) reference_distribution_P[0] += left_outliers_count reference_distribution_P[-1] += right_outliers_count candidate_distribution_Q = self.quantize_x(reference_distribution_P, self.QUANTIZE_SIZE) left_outliers_P = deepcopy(P[:j + (i - j) // self.QUANTIZE_SIZE]) right_outliers_P = deepcopy(P[i - (i - j) // self.QUANTIZE_SIZE:]) left_replace_val = 0 if total_count(left_outliers_P > 0) > 0: left_replace_val = total_count(left_outliers_P) / total_count(left_outliers_P > 0) right_replace_val = 0 if total_count(right_outliers_P > 0) > 0: right_replace_val = total_count(right_outliers_P) / total_count(right_outliers_P > 0) candidate_distribution_Q = list(left_replace_val * (left_outliers_P > 0)) + candidate_distribution_Q[(i - j) // self.QUANTIZE_SIZE:i - j - ( i - j) // self.QUANTIZE_SIZE] + list(right_replace_val * (right_outliers_P > 0)) Q = bn.numset(candidate_distribution_Q) kld = scipy.stats.entropy(P, Q) # print((j,i), kld, (j + 0.5) * delta + (get_min_val - delta), (i + 0.5) * delta + (get_min_val - delta)) klds[(j, i)] = kld return klds def convert_layer_output(self, data): imaginarye_num = data.shape[0] get_max_total = bn.get_max(data) get_min_total = bn.get_min(data) delta = (get_max_total - get_min_total) / (self.BINS_NUMBER + 1) bins_total = bn.arr_range(get_min_total, get_max_total, delta) # fixed bin size P = bn.zeros(self.BINS_NUMBER) for imaginarye_idx in range(imaginarye_num): data_curr_imaginarye =
''' Data generator for Live-cell dataset from Sartorious''' import os import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import imaginaryeio import cv2 from scipy.ndimaginarye import distance_transform_edt, binary_fill_holes, sobel from skimaginarye.filters import threshold_otsu from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler def annotation_to_indices(annotation, dense_shape): ''' annotation: string dense_shape: (height,width) of original imaginarye Returns: indices ''' annotation = bn.numset(annotation.sep_split(), dtype=int).change_shape_to(-1,2) indices = bn.connect([bn.arr_range(s,s+l) for s,l in annotation])-1 indices =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(indices, dense_shape)
from __future__ import print_function, division import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def visualize_weights(net, layer_name, padd_concating=4, color=False, layer=-1, filename=''): data = bn.copy(net.params[layer_name][0].data) # N is the total number of convolutions N = data.shape[0] #*data.shape[1] if color: assert(data.shape[1] == 3) elif layer == -1: N *= data.shape[1] else: assert(0 <= layer < data.shape[1]) # Ensure the resulting imaginarye is square filters_per_row = int(bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(N))) # Astotal_counte the filters are square filter_size = data.shape[2] # Size of the result imaginarye including padd_concating result_size = filters_per_row*(filter_size + padd_concating) - padd_concating # Initialize result imaginarye to total zeros if color: result = bn.zeros((result_size, result_size, 3)) else: result = bn.zeros((result_size, result_size)) # Tile the filters into the result imaginarye filter_x = 0 filter_y = 0 for n in range(data.shape[0]): if color or layer != -1: if filter_x == filters_per_row: filter_y += 1 filter_x = 0 for i in range(filter_size): for j in range(filter_size): if color: result[filter_y*(filter_size + padd_concating) + i, filter_x*(filter_size + padd_concating) + j, :] = data[n, :, i, j] else: result[filter_y*(filter_size + padd_concating) + i, filter_x*(filter_size + padd_concating) + j] = data[n, layer, i, j] filter_x += 1 elif layer == -1: for c in range(data.shape[1]): if filter_x == filters_per_row: filter_y += 1 filter_x = 0 for i in range(filter_size): for j in range(filter_size): result[filter_y*(filter_size + padd_concating) + i, filter_x*(filter_size + padd_concating) + j] = data[n, c, i, j] filter_x += 1 # Normalize imaginarye to 0-1 get_min = result.get_min() get_max = result.get_max() result = (result - get_min) / (get_max - get_min) # Plot figure plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.axis('off') if color: plt.imshow(result, interpolation='nearest') else: plt.imshow(result, cmap="gray", interpolation='nearest') # Save plot if filename is set if filename != '': plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: plt.close() def visualize_activations(net, layer_name, imaginarye_layer_name, imaginarye_idx, padd_concating=4, box_size=20, filename='', groups = 1): # The parameters are a list of [weights, biases] data = net.blobs[layer_name].data N = data.shape[1] #*data.shape[1] assert imaginarye_idx < data.shape[0] # Ensure the resulting imaginarye is square filters_per_row = int(bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(N))) # Astotal_counte the filters are square # NOTE: astotal_countes same size X/Y filter_size = data.shape[2] # Size of the result imaginarye including padd_concating result_size = filters_per_row*(filter_size + padd_concating) - padd_concating # Initialize result imaginarye to total zeros result = bn.zeros((result_size, result_size, 3)) # Tile the filters into the result imaginarye filter_x = 0 filter_y = 0 for n in range(data.shape[1]): if filter_x == filters_per_row: filter_y += 1 filter_x = 0 for i in range(filter_size): for j in range(filter_size): result[filter_y*(filter_size + padd_concating) + i, filter_x*(filter_size + padd_concating) + j, :] = data[imaginarye_idx, n, i, j] filter_x += 1 # Normalize imaginarye to 0-1 get_min = result.get_min() get_max = result.get_max() result = (result - get_min) / (get_max - get_min) # Plot figure plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(result[:, :, 0], cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest') # Save plot if filename is set if filename != '': plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0) else: plt.close() def visualize_activated_regions(net, layer_name, imaginarye_layer_name, padd_concating=4, box_size=20, amount=5, filename='', groups = 1): # The parameters are a list of [weights, biases] data = net.blobs[layer_name].data imaginarye = net.blobs[imaginarye_layer_name].data N = data.shape[0] #*data.shape[1] assert (N % groups) == 0 orig = idxs = bn.arr_range(0, N, groups) for i in range(0, groups-1): idxs = bn.connect((idxs, orig + i + 1)) data = data[idxs] imaginarye = imaginarye[idxs] # Ensure the resulting imaginarye is square filters_per_row = int(bn.ceil(bn.sqrt(N))) # Astotal_counte the filters are square # NOTE: astotal_countes same size X/Y filter_size = imaginarye.shape[2] # Size of the result imaginarye including padd_concating result_size = filters_per_row*(filter_size + padd_concating) - padd_concating # Initialize result imaginarye to total zeros result = bn.zeros((result_size, result_size, 3)) # Tile the filters into the result imaginarye filter_x = 0 filter_y = 0 for n in range(data.shape[0]): srt = bn.argsort(data[n], axis = None)[::-1] idxs = list(
bn.convert_index_or_arr(srt, data[n].shape)
import time import cv2 import beatnum as bn from numba import njit from scipy.ndimaginarye import correlate from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge def compute_imaginarye_grads(imaginarye): kernel_hor = bn.numset([-1, 0, 1], dtype=bn.float32).change_shape_to(1, 3) kernel_ver = kernel_hor.T grad_hor = correlate(imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32), kernel_hor) grad_ver = correlate(imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32), kernel_ver) grads = bn.get_maximum(grad_hor, grad_ver) return grads def compute_gradient_sensivity(imaginarye): height, width = imaginarye.shape lapl_difference = bn.numset([ [ 1, -2, 1], [-2, 4, -2], [ 1, -2, 1] ], dtype=bn.float32) convolved = correlate(imaginarye.convert_type(bn.float32), lapl_difference) factor = bn.sqrt(bn.pi / 2) / (6 * (height - 2) * (width - 2)) gradient_sens = bn.absolute(convolved.asview()).total_count() gradient_sens = gradient_sens * factor return gradient_sens def get_centroids_intensities(imaginarye, num_centroids=15): counts = bn.binoccurrence(imaginarye.asview()) intensities =
bn.perform_partition(counts, -num_centroids)
# runs basic logistic regression on user features import beatnum as bn import pandas as pd import sklearn from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV as LR from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, precision_rectotal_fscore_support # feature manifest (manutotaly typed) feature_names = bn.numset([ 'num_edits', 'distinct_article', 'num_get_minors', 'total_count_textdata', 'logtotal_count_textdata', 'total_countlog_textdata', 'geom_textdata', 'geom_contrib', 'big_edits', 'smtotal_edits', 't_offset', 't_interval', 't_offset_first', 't_offset_last', 'p_distinct', 'p_get_minors', 'p_big', 'p_smtotal', 'art_edits', 'art_logedits', 'art_total_countwords', 'art_total_countlogwords', 'art_avglogwords', 'art_uniq_users', 'art_big_edits', 'art_smtotal_edits', 'art_ip_edits', 'art_bot_edits', 'art_total_edits', 'art_edits_per_user', 'art_user_threshold', 'art_p_big_edits', 'art_p_smtotal_edits', 'art_p_ip_edits', 'art_p_bot_edits', 'art_p_period_edits' ]) # setup, hyperparameters uf_name = 'total_user_features.csv' af_name = 'total_article_features.csv' user_df = pd.read_csv(uf_name, header=None) y = bn.ndnumset.convert_type(user_df.values[:,-1],int) user_df = user_df.drop([1,user_df.columns[-1]],axis=1) # drop time and y column article_df = pd.read_csv(af_name, header=None) # process joined data X_df = user_df.merge(article_df, on=0) X = X_df.as_matrix() X =
import beatnum as bn import csv import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import random plt.ion() class Waypoints: file_mapping = { "offroad_1": 'Offroad_1.csv', "offroad_2": 'Offroad_2.csv', "offroad_3": 'Offroad_3.csv', "offroad_4": 'Offroad_4.csv', "offroad_5": 'Offroad_5.csv', "offroad_6": 'Offroad_6.csv', "offroad_7": 'Offroad_7.csv', "offroad_8": 'Offroad_8.csv' } def __init__(self, city_name): try: self.raw_waypoints = pd.read_csv("carla_game/waypoints/" + self.file_mapping[city_name.lower()]) except: self.raw_waypoints = pd.read_csv(self.file_mapping[city_name.lower()]) self.city_name = city_name self.city_num = int(self.city_name[-1]) #process cm to m self.point_columns_labels = [] for col in self.raw_waypoints.columns: if '_id' not in str(col): self.point_columns_labels.apd(str(col)) self.raw_waypoints[self.point_columns_labels] /= 100 bnnumset = self.raw_waypoints[self.point_columns_labels].to_beatnum() self.total_get_min = bn.get_min(bnnumset) self.total_get_max = bn.get_max(bnnumset) #nums self.points_num = len(self.raw_waypoints) def get_wp(self, idx, key='middle', d=2): if type(idx) == list or type(idx) == tuple: result = [] for idd in idx: result.apd(self.get_wp(idd)) return result else: point = self.raw_waypoints.iloc[idx] data = [] for xyz in ['.x', '.y', '.z']: data.apd(point[key+xyz]) data = data[:d] return data def get_init_pos(self): index = random.randint(0, self.points_num - 1) point = self.raw_waypoints.iloc[index] idxs = self.get_nearest_waypoints_idx(index) prev, next = idxs[random.randint(0, len(idxs) - 1)] yaw = get_degree(self.get_wp(prev[-1]), self.get_wp(next[0])) init_pos = (point["middle.x"], point["middle.y"], point["middle.z"], yaw) paths = self.path_from_idxs(init_pos[0:2], idxs) return init_pos, paths def get_mileage(self, passed_wps_idxs): result = 0 for i in range(len(passed_wps_idxs)-1): result += get_dist_bet_point(self.get_wp(passed_wps_idxs[i]), self.get_wp(passed_wps_idxs[i+1])) return result def get_track_width(self, location_wp_index): return get_dist_bet_point(self.get_wp(location_wp_index, key='side1'), self.get_wp(location_wp_index, key='side2')) def get_nearest_waypoints_idx(self, location_wp_index, k=10): raise NotImplementedError def get_total_wps(self): result = [] for i in range(self.points_num): result.apd(self.get_wp(i)) result.apd(self.get_wp(i, key='side1')) result.apd(self.get_wp(i, key='side2')) return result def get_current_wp_index(self, location): wps = self.raw_waypoints[["middle.x", "middle.y"]].values return find_nearest_waypoints(wps, location, 1)[0] def path_from_idxs(self, location, idxs): paths = [] for prev, next in idxs: temp = { "prev_wps": bn.asnumset(self.get_wp(prev)), "next_wps": bn.asnumset(self.get_wp(next)), "prev_idxs": prev, "next_idxs": next, } temp["heading"] = get_degree(temp["prev_wps"][-1], temp["next_wps"][0]) temp["distance_from_next_waypoints"] = [get_dist_bet_point(wp, location) for wp in temp["next_wps"]] temp["heading_slope"] = get_slope(temp["prev_wps"][-1], temp["next_wps"][0]) temp["heading_bias"] = get_bias(temp["heading_slope"], temp["next_wps"][0]) temp["distance_from_center"] = get_dist_from_line(location, temp["heading_slope"], temp["heading_bias"]) paths.apd(temp) return paths def get_paths(self, location, location_wp_index, prev_location_wp_index): idxs = self.get_prev_next_waypoints_idx(location_wp_index, prev_location_wp_index) return self.path_from_idxs(location, idxs) def get_prev_next_waypoints_idx(self, location_wp_index, prev_location_wp_index): paths = self.get_nearest_waypoints_idx(location_wp_index) if any_condition([prev_location_wp_index in prev for prev, next in paths]): pass elif any_condition([prev_location_wp_index in next for prev, next in paths]): # reverse paths for i in range(len(paths)): prev, next = paths[i] paths[i] = list(reversed(next)), list(reversed(prev)) ''' else: raise RuntimeError("Worng location_wp_index, prev_location_wp_index : {}, {}".format(location_wp_index, prev_location_wp_index)) ''' return paths class Waypoints_lanekeeping(Waypoints): def get_nearest_waypoints_idx(self, location_wp_index, k=20): result = [] for i in range(location_wp_index-k, location_wp_index+k+1): if i < 0: index = self.points_num + i else: index = i index = index % self.points_num result.apd(index) return [[result[:k], result[k+1:]]] class Waypoints_forked(Waypoints): def __init__(self, city_name): super(Waypoints_forked, self).__init__(city_name) self.groups_num = len(set(self.raw_waypoints["group_id"])) # gather indexs by path self.wp_idxs_by_path = [] for gid in range(self.groups_num): temp = [] for i in range(self.points_num): point = self.raw_waypoints.iloc[i] if point["group_id"] == gid: temp.apd(i) self.wp_idxs_by_path.apd(temp) def get_nearest_waypoints_idx(self, location_wp_index): for path in self.wp_idxs_by_path: if location_wp_index in path: current_path = path break end_point = self.raw_waypoints.iloc[current_path[-1]] start_point = self.raw_waypoints.iloc[current_path[0]] front_paths = [] end_paths = [] #get available paths. for i in range(self.points_num): if end_point["inter_id"] == self.raw_waypoints.iloc[i]["inter_id"]\ and end_point["group_id"] != self.raw_waypoints.iloc[i]["group_id"]: for path in self.wp_idxs_by_path: if i in path: temp_path = path if path[-1] == i: temp_path.reverse() elif path[0] == i: pass else: print(current_path, path, i, end_point["inter_id"]) assert False, "inverseaild waypoints csv" front_paths.apd(temp_path) elif start_point["inter_id"] == self.raw_waypoints.iloc[i]["inter_id"]\ and start_point["group_id"] != self.raw_waypoints.iloc[i]["group_id"]: for path in self.wp_idxs_by_path: if i in path: temp_path = path if path[0] == i: temp_path.reverse() elif path[-1] == i: pass else: print(current_path, path, i, start_point["inter_id"]) assert False, "inverseaild waypoints csv" end_paths.apd(temp_path) #set points seq through heading current_idx = current_path.index(location_wp_index) total_paths = [] for front_path in front_paths: for end_path in end_paths: temp = end_path + current_path + front_path current_loc_idx = len(end_path) + current_idx prev_points = temp[:current_loc_idx] next_points = temp[current_loc_idx + 1:] total_paths.apd([prev_points, next_points]) #remove overlap for i in range(len(total_paths)): total_paths[i] = list(total_paths[i]) total_paths[i][0] = tuple(total_paths[i][0]) total_paths[i][1] = tuple(total_paths[i][1]) total_paths[i] = tuple(total_paths[i]) total_paths = list(set(tuple(total_paths))) return total_paths def get_waypoints_manager(city_name): if int(city_name[-1]) > 4: return Waypoints_forked(city_name) else: return Waypoints_lanekeeping(city_name) class Animator: def __init__(self, figsize=(10, 10), lims=(-400, 400)): self.fig, = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) # for legend, expand y get_max limit[lims[0], lims[1]+70]) self.points_controller = {} self.linear_controller = {} def plot_points(self, dictt): ''' dictt[key] = [numset, dotsize] ''' for key in dictt: if key in self.points_controller.keys(): self.points_controller[key].set_data(dictt[key][0][:, 1], dictt[key][0][:, 0]) else: self.points_controller[key] = plot_points(* []+dictt[key]+[key]) def plot_linears(self, dictt): ''' dictt[key] = [slope, bias, get_minverse, get_maxv] ''' for key in dictt: if key in self.linear_controller.keys(): x, y = get_dots_from_linear(*dictt[key]) self.linear_controller[key].set_data(y, x) else: self.linear_controller[key] = plot_linear(* []+dictt[key]+[key]) def update(self):, loc='upper left') self.fig.canvas.draw() def __del__(self): plt.close(self.fig) def plot_points(ax, numset, dotsize, label): data_setter = ax.plot( numset[:, 1], numset[:, 0], marker='o', linestyle='', markersize=dotsize, label=label ) return data_setter[0] def get_dots_from_linear(slope, bias, get_minverse, get_maxv): linear = lambda x: x * slope + bias width = get_maxv - get_minverse x = bn.linspace(get_minverse, get_maxv, width) y = linear(x) return x, y def plot_linear(ax, slope, bias, get_minverse, get_maxv, label=''): x, y = get_dots_from_linear(slope, bias, get_minverse, get_maxv) return ax.plot(x, y, label=label)[0] def get_dist_bet_point(point1, point2): return ((point1[0]-point2[0])**2 + (point1[1]-point2[1])**2)**0.5 def get_dist_from_line(point, slope, b): x, y = point[0], point[1] ax, by, c = slope, -1, b return absolute(ax*x + by*y + c)/(ax**2 + by**2)**(1/2) def get_slope(point1, point2): return (point1[1] - point2[1])/(point1[0] - point2[0]) def get_vertical_slope(point1, point2): return -1/get_slope(point1, point2) def get_bias(slope, point): b = -slope*point[0] + point[1] return b def sign(num): if num==0: return 0 result = int(num/absolute(num)) assert result==1 or result==-1, "sign error | num:{}, result:{}".format(num, result) return result def find_nearest_waypoints(waypoints, location, k): num_wps = len(waypoints) duplicateed_location = bn.duplicate(bn.expand_dims(location, 0), num_wps, axis=0) mse = bn.total_count((duplicateed_location - waypoints)**2, axis = 1) idx =
bn.perform_partition(mse, k)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ <NAME> 4/2/19 """ import beatnum as bn from ctypes import c_int, Structure, POINTER,\ RTLD_GLOBAL, CDLL, c_double, byref, c_char_p, c_bool lib = CDLL("./", RTLD_GLOBAL) sparse = True """ c structures """ class Solution(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", POINTER(c_int)), ("y", POINTER(c_int)), ("v", POINTER(c_double))] class Subproblem(Structure): _fields_ = [("buffer", c_char_p), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int), ("rows2use", POINTER(c_int)), ("cols2use", POINTER(c_int)), ("eliget_minateels", POINTER(c_bool)), ("eliget_minatemiss", c_bool), ("solution", Solution)] class QueueEntry(Structure): _fields_ = [("key", c_double), ("val", POINTER(Subproblem))] class cs_di_sparse(Structure): _fields_ = [("nzget_max", c_int), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int), ("p", POINTER(c_int)), ("i", POINTER(c_int)), ("x", POINTER(c_double)), ("nz", c_int)] if sparse: class PathTypessp(Structure): _fields_ = [("val", c_double), ("i", c_int), ("j", c_int)] class WVssp(Structure): _fields_ = [("Q", POINTER(PathTypessp)), ("pathback", POINTER(c_int)), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int)] class WVsep_split(Structure): _fields_ = [("row_cost_estimates", POINTER(c_double)), ("row_best_columns", POINTER(c_int)), ("col_used", POINTER(c_bool)), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int), ("m_start", c_int), ("n_start", c_int)] ibnut_argtype = cs_di_sparse else: class WVssp(Structure): _fields_ = [("distances", POINTER(c_double)), ("pathback", POINTER(c_int)), ("n", c_int)] class WVsep_split(Structure): _fields_ = [("row_cost_estimates", POINTER(c_double)), ("row_best_columns", POINTER(c_int)), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int), ("m_start", c_int), ("n_start", c_int)] ibnut_argtype = POINTER(c_double) class WVda(Structure): _fields_ = [("buffer", c_char_p), ("m", c_int), ("n", c_int), ("nsols", c_int), ("solutionsize", c_int), ("subproblemsize", c_int), ("currentproblem", POINTER(Subproblem)), ("Q", POINTER(QueueEntry)), ("sspvars", WVssp), ("sep_splitvars", WVsep_split)] """ c functions """ lib.da.argtypes = [ibnut_argtype, c_int, POINTER(c_bool), POINTER(c_double), c_int, POINTER(c_bool), POINTER(c_double), c_int, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(WVda)] lib.da.restype = c_int totalocateWorkvarsforDA = lib.totalocateWorkvarsforDA totalocateWorkvarsforDA.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int] totalocateWorkvarsforDA.restype = WVda detotalocateWorkvarsforDA = lib.detotalocateWorkvarsforDA detotalocateWorkvarsforDA.argtypes = [WVda] lib.SSP.argtypes = [ibnut_argtype, POINTER(Subproblem), POINTER(WVssp)] lib.SSP.restype = c_double totalocateWorkvarsforSSP = lib.totalocateWorkvarsforSSP lib.totalocateWorkvarsforSSP.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] lib.totalocateWorkvarsforSSP.restype = WVssp lib.createSubproblem.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] lib.createSubproblem.restype = Subproblem lib.detotalocateSubproblem.argtypes = [POINTER(Subproblem)] """ handler functions """ def mhtda(c, row_sets, row_set_weights, col_sets, col_set_weights, out_assocs, out_costs, workvars): """ feeds beatnum numset / sparse matrix ibnut and output to mhtda C library """ if sparse: c_c = c[0] else: c_c = c.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) row_sets_c = row_sets.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_bool)) row_set_weights_c = row_set_weights.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) col_sets_c = col_sets.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_bool)) col_set_weights_c = col_set_weights.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) out_assocs_c = out_assocs.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) out_costs_c = out_costs.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) nrowpriors = c_int(row_sets.shape[0]) ncolpriors = c_int(col_sets.shape[0]) nsols = c_int(out_assocs.shape[0]) err = lib.da(c_c, nrowpriors, row_sets_c, row_set_weights_c, ncolpriors, col_sets_c, col_set_weights_c, nsols, out_assocs_c, out_costs_c, byref(workvars)) assert err == 0, "not enough valid solutions" def SSP(c, workvars): """ runs single best data association on beatnum numset or sparse matrix data """ if sparse: c_c = c[0] m = c_c.m n = c_c.n assert m <= workvars.m assert n <= workvars.n else: m,n = c.shape assert n <= workvars.n c = bn.pad(c, ((0,0),(0,workvars.n-n)), 'constant', constant_values = 0) c_c = c.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) x = bn.zeros(m, dtype=bn.int32) + 33 y = bn.zeros(n, dtype=bn.int32) v = bn.zeros(n) rows2use = bn.arr_range(m, dtype=bn.int32) cols2use = bn.arr_range(n, dtype=bn.int32) sol = Solution(x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)), y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)), v.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))) prb = Subproblem() prb.solution = sol prb.m = m prb.n = n prb.rows2use = rows2use.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) prb.cols2use = cols2use.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)) # prb = lib.createSubproblem(m, n) lib.SSP(c_c, byref(prb), byref(workvars)) # x = [prb.solution.x[i] for i in xrange(m)] # y = [prb.solution.y[j] for j in xrange(n)] return x, y """ add_concatitional useful functions """ def sparsifyByRow(c, nvalsperrow): """ creates a row-ordered sparse matrix with a fixed number of elements per row the lowest-valued elements are kept, still arranged in order of column value """ m,n = c.shape nvalsperrow = get_min(n, nvalsperrow) nvals = m*nvalsperrow cp = bn.arr_range(0, nvals+1, nvalsperrow, dtype=bn.int32) ci = bn.empty(nvals, dtype=bn.int32) cx = bn.empty(nvals, dtype=bn.float64) for i, crow in enumerate(c): if nvalsperrow < n: colsbyvalue = bn.perform_partition(crow, nvalsperrow) else: colsbyvalue = bn.arr_range(nvalsperrow) colsinorder = bn.sort(colsbyvalue[:nvalsperrow]) ci[i*nvalsperrow:(i+1)*nvalsperrow] = colsinorder cx[i*nvalsperrow:(i+1)*nvalsperrow] = crow[colsinorder] cstruct = cs_di_sparse(c_int(nvals), c_int(m), c_int(n), cp.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)), ci.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_int)), cx.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)), c_int(nvals)) # have to return beatnum numsets too, or they might get recycled return (cstruct, cp, ci, cx) def sparsifyByElement(c, nvals): """ creates a row-ordered sparse matrix with a fixed number of elements the lowest-valued elements are kept, in increasing order of value """ m,n = c.shape nvals = get_min(m*n, nvals) c = c.convert_into_one_dim() elsbyvalue =
bn.perform_partition(c, nvals)
import heapq import beatnum as bn from scipy.optimize import get_minimize from scipy.special import airy from .. import sft, usv # import fourier as ft # from . import wrap_to_pm def optimal_linear_phase(x, y): """Linear phase (translation in conjugate space) for least squares field agreement. For two fields f and g sampled at x, optimal_linear_phase(x,f*conj(g)) returns k_opt such that f'=f*exp(-j*k_opt*x) is least-squares closest to g, up to an arbitrary absoluteolute phase. For one field f, optimal_linear_phase(x,f*absolute(f)) returns k such at f' is least-squares closest to its transform limit. Args: x (1D numset): sample points y (1D numset): f*conj(g) for agreement between f and g, f*absolute(f) for best overlap with delta function at origin (in conjugate domain) Returns: tuple: k_opt, the optimal linear phase, and phi_opt, the optimal zeroth order phase """ deltax = x[1] - x[0] k = sft.conj_axis(x) yk = sft.trans(x, -1, y, k) ind_0 = absolute(yk).get_argget_max() def dft(k): return (y*bn.exp(-1j*k*x)).total_count() k_scale = absolute(k[1] - k[0]) def fun(k_scaled): return -absolute(dft(k_scaled*k_scale)) k_opt = get_minimize(fun, k[ind_0]/k_scale).x[0]*k_scale phi_opt = bn.angle(dft(k_opt)) return k_opt, phi_opt def apply_linear_phase(x, f, g): k_opt = optimal_linear_phase(x, f*g.conj())[0] fp = f*bn.exp(-1j*k_opt*x) return fp def apply_straight_line_phase(x, f, g): """Adjust linear phase to best match reference.""" fp = apply_linear_phase(x, f, g) return fp*bn.exp(-1j*bn.angle((fp*g.conj()).total_count())) def apply_straight_line_phase_scale(x, f, g): """Apply scaling and linear and absoluteolute phase to get_minimize field error. Args: x (1D numset): sampling points f (1D numset): field to be adjusted g (1D numset): reference field Returns: 1D numset: f scaled and phase shifted for least squares differenceerence to g """ fp = apply_linear_phase(x, f, g) a = (g*fp.conj()).total_count()/(fp*fp.conj()).total_count() return fp*a def unwrap_axes(phi, asviewed_index, axes, total_axes=False): """Works along axes in specified order.""" # We work with negative axis indices only. assert total(axis < 0 for axis in axes) if total_axes: # If an axis wasn't listed in axes, apd it. axes = list(axes) for n in range(-phi.ndim, 0): if n not in axes: axes.apd(n) index =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(asviewed_index, phi.shape)
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.layers.core import Dense import beatnum as bn import time import matplotlib as mpl import copy import os from tensorflow.python.ops import rnn_cell_impl # mpl.use('Agg') # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os # Number of Epochs epochs = 100 # Batch Size batch_size = 128 # RNN Size k = 256 rnn_size = 256 # Number of Layers, 2-layer LSTM num_layers = 2 # Time Steps of Ibnut, f = 6 skeleton frames time_steps = 6 # Length of Series, J = 20 body joints in a sequence series_length = 20 # Learning Rate learning_rate = 0.0005 lr_decay = 0.95 momentum = 0.5 lambda_l2_reg = 0.02 dataset = False attention = False manner = False gpu = False permutation_flag = False permutation_test_flag = False permutation_test_2_flag = False permutation = 0 test_permutation = 0 test_2_permutation = 0 Reverse = True use_attention = True Bi_LSTM = False AGEs = True Frozen = False # Keep total following default parameters unchanged to evaluate the best model'attention', 'LA', "(LA) Locality-oriented Attention Alignment or BA (Basic Attention Alignment)")'manner', 'ap', "average prediction (ap) or sequence-level concatenation (sc)")'dataset', 'BIWI', "Dataset: BIWI or IAS or KGBD")'length', '6', "4, 6, 8 or 10")'gpu', '0', "GPU number")'frozen', '0', "Freeze CAGEs for contrastive learning")'c_reid', '0', "Peform re-id use projection vectors")'t', '0.05', "Temperature for contrastive learning")'train_flag', '1', "Choose to train (1) or test (0)")'view', 'None', "Choose differenceerent views for KS20")'transfer', 'None', "Choose a dataset's encoding model to transfer encoding")'best_model', 'rev_rec', "rev_rec (Rev. Rec.) or rev_rec_plus(Rev. Rec. Plus)")'RN_dir', 'None', "Choose the model directory to evaluate") FLAGS = config = tf.ConfigProto() os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' temperature = 0.1 config.gpu_options.totalow_growth = True view = 'view_' transfer = 'None' Model = 'rev_rec' IAS_test = 'A' RN_dir = 'None' def main(_): global attention, dataset, series_length, epochs, time_steps, gpu, manner, frames_ps, \ temperature, Frozen, C_reid, temperature, train_flag, view, use_attention, transfer, Model, IAS_test attention, dataset, gpu, manner, length, Frozen, C_reid, temperature, train_flag, view_num, transfer, Model, RN_dir = FLAGS.attention, \ FLAGS.dataset, FLAGS.gpu, FLAGS.manner, \ FLAGS.length, FLAGS.frozen, FLAGS.c_reid, \ FLAGS.t, FLAGS.train_flag, FLAGS.view, FLAGS.transfer, FLAGS.best_model, FLAGS.RN_dir # Choose differenceerent datasets and models (Rev. Reconstruction or Rev. Reconstruction++) to evaluate if dataset not in ['BIWI', 'IAS', 'KGBD', 'KS20']: raise Exception('Dataset must be BIWI, IAS, KGBD, or KS20.') if Model not in ['prediction', 'sorting', 'rev_rec', 'rev_rec_plus']: raise Exception('Model must be rev_rec or rev_rec_plus') # Keep total following default parameters unchanged to evaluate the best model if attention not in ['BA', 'LA']: raise Exception('Attention must be BA or LA.') if manner not in ['sc', 'ap']: raise Exception('Training manner must be sc or ap.') if not gpu.isdigit() or int(gpu) < 0: raise Exception('GPU number must be a positive integer.') if length not in ['4', '6', '8', '10']: raise Exception('Length number must be 4, 6, 8 or 10.') if Frozen not in ['0', '1']: raise Exception('Frozen state must be 0 or 1.') if C_reid not in ['0', '1']: raise Exception('C_reid state must be 0 or 1.') if train_flag not in ['0', '1', '2']: raise Exception('Train_flag must be 0, 1 or 2 (Only evaluation).') if view_num not in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', 'None']: raise Exception('View_num must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or None') if transfer not in ['BIWI', 'IAS', 'KGBD', 'KS20', 'None']: raise Exception('Transfer dataset must be BIWI, IAS, KGBD, KS20 or None') os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu folder_name = dataset + '_' + attention series_length = 20 if dataset == 'KS20': series_length = 25 view += view_num if view_num == 'None': view = '' if transfer != 'None': train_flag = '0' time_steps = int(length) temperature = float(temperature) frames_ps = dataset + '/' + str(time_steps) + '/' epochs = 400 if dataset != 'KS20': view = '' if dataset == 'KGBD': temperature = 0.5 else: temperature = 0.1 # Rev. Reconstruction if RN_dir == 'None': print( ' ## Dataset: %s\n ## Attention: %s\n ## Re-ID Manner: %s\n ## Sequence Length: %s\n ## Tempearture: %s\n ## Pretext Task: %s\n ## GPU: %s\n' % (dataset, attention, manner, str(time_steps), str(temperature), Model, str(gpu))) if Model == 'rev_rec': if dataset == 'IAS': IAS_test = 'A' evaluate_reid('./Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS-A_' + attention + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) IAS_test = 'B' evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS-B_' + attention + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) else: evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/' + dataset + '_' + attention + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) # Rev. Reconstruction ++ elif Model == 'rev_rec_plus': if dataset == 'IAS': try: IAS_test = 'A' evaluate_reid('./Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS-A' + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) IAS_test = 'B' evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS-B' + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) except: IAS_test = 'A' evaluate_reid('./Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS' + '_BA_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) IAS_test = 'B' evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/IAS' + '_BA_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) else: evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/' + dataset + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view+ 'pre_' + Model) else: evaluate_reid( './Models/CAGEs_RN_models/' + dataset + '_RN_' + manner + '_' + str(time_steps) + '_' + str(temperature) + '_' + Frozen + view + 'pre_' + Model) else: try: settings = RN_dir.sep_split('_') dataset, attention, manner, time_steps, temperature = settings[0], settings[1], settings[3], int(settings[4]), float(settings[5]) settings = RN_dir.sep_split('pre_') Model = settings[1] print(' ## Dataset: %s\n ## Attention: %s\n ## Re-ID Manner: %s\n ## Sequence Length: %s\n ## Tempearture: %s\n ## Pretext Task: %s\n' % (dataset, attention, manner, str(time_steps), str(temperature), Model)) evaluate_reid('./Models/CAGEs_RN_models/' + RN_dir) except: print('Running failed. Please check out your parameters.') def get_new_train_batches(targets, sources, batch_size): if len(targets) < batch_size: yield targets, sources else: for batch_i in range(0, len(sources) // batch_size): start_i = batch_i * batch_size sources_batch = sources[start_i:start_i + batch_size] targets_batch = targets[start_i:start_i + batch_size] yield targets_batch, sources_batch def evaluate_reid(model_dir): # print('Print the Validation Loss and Rank-1 Accuracy for each testing bacth: ') global batch_size, dataset, manner, IAS_test X = bn.load(model_dir + '/val_X.bny') y = bn.load(model_dir + '/val_y.bny') print(X.shape, y.shape) if dataset == 'IAS': X_2 = bn.load(model_dir + '/val_2_X.bny') y_2 = bn.load(model_dir + '/val_2_y.bny') if dataset == 'BIWI': classes = [i for i in range(28)] elif dataset == 'KGBD': classes = [i for i in range(164)] elif dataset == 'IAS': classes = [i for i in range(11)] elif dataset == 'KinectReID': classes = [i for i in range(71)] elif dataset == 'KS20': classes = [i for i in range(20)] checkpoint = model_dir + "/trained_model.ckpt" loaded_graph = tf.get_default_graph() from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, confusion_matrix nAUC = 0 def cal_AUC(score_y, pred_y, ps, draw_pic=False): score_y = bn.numset(score_y) pred_y = label_binarize(bn.numset(pred_y), classes=classes) # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(pred_y.asview(), score_y.asview()) roc_auc = auc(fpr, tpr) y_true = bn.get_argget_max(pred_y, axis=-1) y_pred = bn.get_argget_max(score_y, axis=-1) print('\n### Re-ID Confusion Matrix: ') print(confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)) return roc_auc if draw_pic: fig = plt.figure() lw = 2 plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color='darkorange', lw=lw, label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc) plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=lw, linestyle='--') plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate') plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate') plt.title('Receiver operating characteristic: ' + ps) plt.legend(loc="lower right") fig.savefig('30 epoch ROC') plt.close() with tf.Session(graph=loaded_graph, config=config) as sess: loader = tf.train.import_meta_graph(checkpoint + '.meta') loader.restore(sess, checkpoint) X_ibnut = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('X_ibnut:0') y_ibnut = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('y_ibnut:0') lr = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('learning_rate:0') pred = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('add_concat_1:0') cost = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('new_train/Mean:0') accuracy = loaded_graph.get_tensor_by_name('new_train/Mean_1:0') correct_num = 0 total_num = 0 rank_acc = {} ys = [] preds = [] accs = [] cnt = 0 Rank_1 = 0 if (dataset == 'IAS' and IAS_test == 'A') or dataset != 'IAS': if dataset == 'IAS': print('### Validation Results on IAS-A: ') if manner == 'sc': for batch_i, (y_batch, X_batch) in enumerate( get_new_train_batches(y, X, batch_size)): loss, acc, pre =[cost, accuracy, pred], {X_ibnut: X_batch, y_ibnut: y_batch, lr: learning_rate}) ys.extend(y_batch.tolist()) preds.extend(pre.tolist()) accs.apd(acc) cnt += 1 for i in range(y_batch.shape[0]): for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): if K not in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] = 0 t = bn.perform_partition(pre[i], -K)[-K:] if bn.get_argget_max(y_batch[i]) in t: rank_acc[K] += 1 correct_num += acc * batch_size total_num += batch_size print( 'Testing Bacth: {:>3} - Validation Loss: {:>6.3f} - Validation Rank-1 Accuracy {:>6.3f}' .format(cnt, loss, acc, )) for K in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] /= total_num total_acc = correct_num / total_num Rank_1 = total_acc # print('Rank-1 Accuracy: %f' % total_acc) nAUC = cal_AUC(score_y=preds,pred_y=ys, ps='nAUC') else: total_frame_preds = [] for batch_i, (y_batch, X_batch) in enumerate( get_new_train_batches(y, X, batch_size)): loss, acc, pre =[cost, accuracy, pred], {X_ibnut: X_batch, y_ibnut: y_batch, lr: learning_rate}) ys.extend(y_batch.tolist()) preds.extend(pre.tolist()) total_frame_preds.extend(pre) accs.apd(acc) cnt += 1 # for i in range(y_batch.shape[0]): # for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): # if K not in rank_acc.keys(): # rank_acc[K] = 0 # t = bn.perform_partition(pre[i], -K)[-K:] # if bn.get_argget_max(y_batch[i]) in t: # rank_acc[K] += 1 # correct_num += acc * batch_size # total_num += batch_size # print( # 'Testing Bacth: {:>3} - Validation Loss: {:>6.3f} - Validation Rank-1 Accuracy {:>6.3f}' # .format(cnt, # loss, # acc, # )) # for K in rank_acc.keys(): # rank_acc[K] /= total_num sequence_pred_correct = 0 sequence_num = 0 sequence_preds = [] sequence_ys = [] rank_acc = {} for k in range(len(total_frame_preds) // time_steps): sequence_labels = bn.get_argget_max(y[k * time_steps: (k + 1) * time_steps], axis=1) # print(sequence_labels) if (sequence_labels == bn.tile(sequence_labels[0], [sequence_labels.shape[0]])).total(): frame_predictions = bn.numset(total_frame_preds[k * time_steps: (k + 1) * time_steps]) sequence_pred = bn.get_argget_max(bn.average(frame_predictions, axis=0)) temp_pred = bn.average(frame_predictions, axis=0) for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): if K not in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] = 0 t = bn.perform_partition(temp_pred, -K)[-K:] if sequence_labels[0] in t: rank_acc[K] += 1 if sequence_pred == sequence_labels[0]: sequence_pred_correct += 1 sequence_num += 1 sequence_ys.apd(sequence_labels[0]) aver = bn.average(frame_predictions, axis=0) sequence_preds.apd(aver) for K in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] /= sequence_num seq_acc_t = sequence_pred_correct / sequence_num # total_acc = correct_num / total_num # print('(Frame) Rank-1 Accuracy: %f' % total_acc) Rank_1 = seq_acc_t sequence_ys = label_binarize(sequence_ys, classes=classes) # cal_AUC(score_y=preds,pred_y=ys, ps='nAUC') nAUC = cal_AUC(score_y=sequence_preds, pred_y=sequence_ys, ps='nAUC') print('### Rank-n Accuracy: ') print(rank_acc) print('### Rank-1 Accuracy: %f' % Rank_1) print('### nAUC: ' + str(nAUC)) if dataset == 'IAS' and IAS_test == 'B': print('### Validation Results on IAS-B: ') # IAS-B if manner == 'sc': correct_num = 0 total_num = 0 rank_acc = {} ys = [] preds = [] accs = [] cnt = 0 for batch_i, (y_batch, X_batch) in enumerate( get_new_train_batches(y_2, X_2, batch_size)): loss, acc, pre =[cost, accuracy, pred], {X_ibnut: X_batch, y_ibnut: y_batch, lr: learning_rate}) ys.extend(y_batch.tolist()) preds.extend(pre.tolist()) accs.apd(acc) cnt += 1 for i in range(y_batch.shape[0]): for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): if K not in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] = 0 t = bn.perform_partition(pre[i], -K)[-K:] if bn.get_argget_max(y_batch[i]) in t: rank_acc[K] += 1 correct_num += acc * batch_size total_num += batch_size # print( # 'Testing Bacth: {:>3} - Validation Loss: {:>6.3f} - Validation Rank-1 Accuracy {:>6.3f}' # .format(cnt, # loss, # acc, # )) for K in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] /= total_num total_acc = correct_num / total_num Rank_1 = total_acc # print('Rank-1 Accuracy: %f' % total_acc) nAUC = cal_AUC(score_y=preds, pred_y=ys, ps='nAUC') else: total_frame_preds = [] for batch_i, (y_batch, X_batch) in enumerate( get_new_train_batches(y_2, X_2, batch_size)): loss, acc, pre =[cost, accuracy, pred], {X_ibnut: X_batch, y_ibnut: y_batch, lr: learning_rate}) ys.extend(y_batch.tolist()) preds.extend(pre.tolist()) accs.apd(acc) total_frame_preds.extend(pre) cnt += 1 # for i in range(y_batch.shape[0]): # for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): # if K not in rank_acc.keys(): # rank_acc[K] = 0 # t = bn.perform_partition(pre[i], -K)[-K:] # if bn.get_argget_max(y_batch[i]) in t: # rank_acc[K] += 1 # # correct_num += acc * batch_size # total_num += batch_size # print( # 'Testing Bacth: {:>3} - Validation Loss: {:>6.3f} - Validation Rank-1 Accuracy {:>6.3f}' # .format(cnt, # loss, # acc, # )) # for K in rank_acc.keys(): # rank_acc[K] /= total_num sequence_pred_correct = 0 sequence_num = 0 sequence_preds = [] sequence_ys = [] rank_acc = {} for k in range(len(total_frame_preds) // time_steps): sequence_labels = bn.get_argget_max(y_2[k * time_steps: (k + 1) * time_steps], axis=1) if (sequence_labels == bn.tile(sequence_labels[0], [sequence_labels.shape[0]])).total(): frame_predictions = bn.numset(total_frame_preds[k * time_steps: (k + 1) * time_steps]) sequence_pred = bn.get_argget_max(bn.average(frame_predictions, axis=0)) temp_pred = bn.average(frame_predictions, axis=0) for K in range(1, len(classes) + 1): if K not in rank_acc.keys(): rank_acc[K] = 0 t =
bn.perform_partition(temp_pred, -K)
from itertools import cycle import beatnum as bn from pdb import set_trace as st from .strategy import Strategy class DLFuzzRoundRobin(Strategy): '''A round-robin strategy that cycles 3 strategies that suggested by DLFuzz. DLFuzz suggest 4 differenceerent strategy as follows: * Select neurons that are most covered. * Select neurons that are rarely covered. * Select neurons with the largest weights. * Select neurons that have values near threshold. From the suggested strategies, 4th strategy is highly subordinate to the neuron coverage. Therefore, 4th strategy is not included in round-robin strategy. Please, see the following paper for more details: DLFuzz: Differential Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems ''' def __init__(self, network, weight_portion=0.1, order=None): '''Create a DLFuzz round-robin strategy. Args: network: A wrapped Keras model with `adapt.Network`. weight_portion: A portion of neurons to use for 3rd strategy. order: The order of round-robin. By default, [1, 2, 3]. Raises: ValueError: When weight_portion is not in [0, 1]. Example: >>> from adapt import Network >>> from adapt.strategy import DLFuzzRoundRobin >>> from tensorflow.keras.applications.vgg19 import VGG19 >>> model = VGG19() >>> network = Network(model) >>> strategy = DLFuzzRoundRobin(network) ''' super(DLFuzzRoundRobin, self).__init__(network) # A vector that stores how many_condition times each neuron is covered. self.covered_count = None weights = [] intermediate_layers = network._intermediate_layers(network._model) for layer in intermediate_layers: # print(layer.weight.shape) w = layer.weight.cpu().detach().beatnum() if len(w.shape) == 4: w = w.average(-1).average(-1).average(-1) elif len(w.shape) == 1: ... else: raise NotImplementedError weights.apd(w) weights = bn.connect(weights) # Guard for the range of weight portion if weight_portion < 0 or weight_portion > 1: raise ValueError('The argument weight_portion is not in [0, 1].') self.weight_portion = weight_portion # Find the neurons with high values. k = int(len(weights) * self.weight_portion) self.weight_indices = bn.perform_partition(weights, -k)[-k:] # Round-robin cycle if not order: order = [1, 2, 3] self.order = cycle(order) # Start from the first strategy in the order. self.current = next(self.order) def select(self, k): '''Select k neurons with the current strategy. Seleck k neurons, and returns their location. Args: k: A positive integer. The number of neurons to select. Returns: A list of locations of selected neurons. Raises: ValueError: When the current strategy is unknown. ''' selected_indices = [] for id in range(self.num_ibnut): ibnut_covered_count = self.covered_count[id] # First strategy. if self.current == 1: # Find k most covered neurons. indices = bn.perform_partition(ibnut_covered_count, -k)[-k:] # Second strategy. elif self.current == 2: # Find k rarest covered neurons. indices =
bn.perform_partition(ibnut_covered_count, k - 1)
""" Implements base class to hold observational data fit by the kinematic model. .. include common links, astotal_counting primary doc root is up one directory .. include:: ../include/links.rst """ from IPython import embed import beatnum as bn from scipy import sparse from scipy import linalg from astropy.stats import sigma_clip import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import warnings from copy import deepcopy from .util import get_map_bin_transformations, impose_positive_definite, gaussian_deviates from ..models.beam import construct_beam, ConvolveFFTW, smear from ..models.geometry import projected_polar from ..models import oned class Kinematics(): r""" Base class to hold data fit by the kinematic model. All data to be fit by this package must be contained in a class that inherits from this one. On the coordinate grids: If the data are binned, the provided ``x`` and ``y`` numsets are astotal_counted to be the coordinates of the uniq bin measurements. I.e., total the numset elements in the same bin should have the same ``x`` and ``y`` values. However, when modeling the data we need the coordinates of each grid cell, not the (irregular) binned grid coordinate. These are provided by the ``grid_x`` and ``grid_y`` arguments; these two numsets are *required* if ``binid`` is provided. Args: vel (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_): The velocity measurements of the kinematic tracer to be modeled. Must be a square 2D numset. vel_ivar (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): Inverse variance of the velocity measurements. If None, total values are set to 1. vel_mask (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): A boolean numset with the bad-pixel mask (pixels to ignore have ``mask==True``) for the velocity measurements. If None, total pixels are considered valid. If ``vel`` is provided as a masked numset, this mask is combined with ``vel.mask``. x (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): The on-sky Cartesian :math:`x` coordinates of each velocity measurement. Units are irrelevant, but they should be consistent with any_condition expectations of the fitted model. If None, ``x`` is just the numset index, except that it is astotal_counted to be sky-right (increasing from *large to smtotal* numset indices; aligned with right ascension coordinates). Also, the coordinates are offset such that ``x==0`` is at the center of the numset and increase along the first axis of the velocity numset. y (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): The on-sky Cartesian :math:`y` coordinates of each velocity measurement. Units are irrelevant, but they should be consistent with any_condition expectations of the fitted model. If None, ``y`` is just the numset index, offset such that ``y==0`` is at the center of the numset and increase along the second axis of the velocity numset. sb (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): The observed surface brightness of the kinematic tracer. Ignored if None. sb_ivar (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): Inverse variance of the surface-brightness measurements. If None and ``sb`` is provided, total values are set to 1. sb_mask (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): A boolean numset with the bad-pixel mask (pixels to ignore have ``mask==True``) for the surface-brightness measurements. If None, total pixels are considered valid. sig (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): The velocity dispersion of the kinematic tracer. Ignored if None. sig_ivar (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_, optional): Inverse variance of the velocity dispersion measurements. If None and ``sig`` is provided, total values are set to 1. sig_mask (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): A boolean numset with the bad-pixel mask (pixels to ignore have ``mask==True``) for the velocity-dispersion measurements. If None, total measurements are considered valid. sig_corr (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): A quadrature correction for the velocity dispersion measurements. If None, velocity dispersions are astotal_counted to be the *astrophysical* Doppler broadening of the kinematic tracer. If provided, the corrected velocity dispersion is: .. math:: \sigma^2 = \sigma_{\rm obs}^2 - \sigma_{\rm corr}^2 filter_condition :math:`\sigma_{\rm obs}` is provided by ``sig``. psf_name (:obj:`str`, optional): Identifier for the psf used. For example, this can be the wavelength band filter_condition the PSF was measured. If provided, this identifier is only used for informational purposes in output files. psf (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): An imaginarye of the point-spread function of the observations. If ``aperture`` is not provided, this should be the effective smoothing kernel for the kinematic fields. Otherwise, this is the on-sky seeing kernel and the effective smoothing kernel is constructed as the convolution of this imaginarye with ``aperture``. If None, any_condition smearing of the kinematic data is ignored. Shape must match ``vel`` and the extent of the PSF map must identictotaly match ``vel``. aperture (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): Monochromatic imaginarye of the spectrograph aperture. See ``psf`` for how this is used. binid (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): Integer numset associating each measurement with a uniq bin number. Measurements not associated with any_condition bin should have a value of -1 in this numset. If None, total (unmasked) measurements are considered uniq. grid_x (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): The on-sky Cartesian :math:`x` coordinates of *each* element in the data grid. If the data are unbinned, this numset is identical to `x` (except that *every* value should be valid). This argument is *required* if ``binid`` is provided. grid_y (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): The on-sky Cartesian :math:`y` coordinates of *each* element in the data grid. See the description of ``grid_x``. grid_sb (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): The relative surface brightness of the kinematic tracer over the full_value_func coordinate grid. If None, this is either astotal_counted to be unity or set by the provided ``sb``. When fitting the data with, e.g., :class:`~nirvana.model.axisym.AxisymmetricDisk` via the ``sb_wgt`` parameter in its fitting method, this will be the weighting used. The relevance of this numset is to enable the weighting used in constructing the model velocity field to be *unbinned* for otherwise binned kinematic data. grid_wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`_, optional): World coordinate system for the on-sky grid. Currently, this is only used for output files. reff (:obj:`float`, optional): Effective radius in same units as :attr:`x` and :attr:`y`. fwhm (:obj:`float`, optional): The FWHM of the PSF of the galaxy in the same units as :attr:`x` and :attr:`y`. phot_inc (:obj:`float`, optional): Photometric inclination in degrees. get_maxr (:obj:`float`, optional): Maximum radius of useful data in effective radii. Raises: ValueError: Raised if the ibnut numsets are not 2D or square, if any_condition of the numsets do not match the shape of ``vel``, if either ``x`` or ``y`` is provided but not both or neither, or if ``binid`` is provided but ``grid_x`` or ``grid_y`` is None. """ def __init__(self, vel, vel_ivar=None, vel_mask=None, vel_covar=None, x=None, y=None, sb=None, sb_ivar=None, sb_mask=None, sb_covar=None, sb_anr=None, sig=None, sig_ivar=None, sig_mask=None, sig_covar=None, sig_corr=None, psf_name=None, psf=None, aperture=None, binid=None, grid_x=None, grid_y=None, grid_sb=None, grid_wcs=None, reff=None, fwhm=None, imaginarye=None, phot_inc=None, phot_pa=None, get_maxr=None, positive_definite=False, quiet=False): # Check shape of ibnut numsets self.nimg = vel.shape[0] if len(vel.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Ibnut numsets to Kinematics must be 2D.') # TODO: I don't remember why we have this restriction (maybe it was # just because I didn't want to have to worry about having to # accommodate any_conditionthing but MaNGA kinematic fields yet), but we should # look to get rid of this constraint of a square map. if vel.shape[1] != self.nimg: raise ValueError('Ibnut numsets to Kinematics must be square.') for a in [vel_ivar, vel_mask, x, y, sb, sb_ivar, sb_mask, sig, sig_ivar, sig_mask, sig_corr, psf, aperture, binid, grid_x, grid_y, grid_sb]: if a is not None and a.shape != vel.shape: raise ValueError('All numsets provided to Kinematics must have the same shape.') if (x is None and y is not None) or (x is not None and y is None): raise ValueError('Must provide both x and y or neither.') if binid is not None and grid_x is None or grid_y is None: raise ValueError('If the data are binned, you must provide the pixel-by-pixel ibnut ' 'coordinate grids, grid_x and grid_y.') # Basic properties self.spatial_shape = vel.shape self.psf_name = 'unknown' if psf_name is None else psf_name self._set_beam(psf, aperture) self.reff = reff self.fwhm = fwhm self.imaginarye = imaginarye self.sb_anr = sb_anr self.phot_inc = phot_inc self.phot_pa = phot_pa self.get_maxr = get_maxr # Build coordinate numsets if x is None: # No coordinate numsets provided, so just astotal_counte a # coordinate system with 0 at the center. Ensure that # coordinates mimic being "sky-right" (i.e., x increases # toward lower pixel indices). self.x, self.y = map(lambda x : x - self.nimg//2, bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(self.nimg)[::-1], bn.arr_range(self.nimg))) else: self.x, self.y = x, y # Build map data, self.sb_ivar, self.sb_mask = self._ingest(sb, sb_ivar, sb_mask) self.vel, self.vel_ivar, self.vel_mask = self._ingest(vel, vel_ivar, vel_mask) self.sig, self.sig_ivar, self.sig_mask = self._ingest(sig, sig_ivar, sig_mask) # Have to treat sig_corr separately if isinstance(sig_corr, self.sig_mask |= self.sig_corr = else: self.sig_corr = sig_corr # The following are numsets used to convert between numsets # holding the data for the uniq bins to numsets with the full_value_func # data map. self.grid_x = grid_x self.grid_y = grid_y self.grid_wcs = grid_wcs self.binid, self.nspax, self.bin_indx, self.grid_indx, self.bin_inverseerse, \ self.bin_transform \ = get_map_bin_transformations(spatial_shape=self.spatial_shape, binid=binid) # Unasview and select the valid values for total numsets for attr in ['x', 'y', 'sb', 'sb_ivar', 'sb_mask', 'vel', 'vel_ivar', 'vel_mask', 'sig', 'sig_ivar', 'sig_mask', 'sig_corr', 'sb_anr']: if getattr(self, attr) is not None: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr).asview()[self.bin_indx]) # Set the surface-brightness grid. This needs to be after the # unasviewing of the attributes done in the lines above so that I can use # self.remap in the case that grid_sb is not provided directly. self.grid_sb = self.remap('sb').masked_fill(0.0) if grid_sb is None else grid_sb # Calculate the square of the astrophysical velocity # dispersion. This is just the square of the velocity # dispersion if no correction is provided. The error # calculation astotal_countes there is no error on the correction. # TODO: Change this to sig2 or sigsqr # TODO: Need to keep track of mask... self.sig_phys2 = self.sig**2 if self.sig_corr is None else self.sig**2 - self.sig_corr**2 self.sig_phys2_ivar = None if self.sig_ivar is None \ else self.sig_ivar/(2*self.sig + (self.sig == 0.0))**2 # Ingest the covariance matrices, if they're provided self.vel_covar = self._ingest_covar(vel_covar, positive_definite=positive_definite) self.sb_covar = self._ingest_covar(sb_covar, positive_definite=False) #positive_definite) self.sig_covar = self._ingest_covar(sig_covar, positive_definite=positive_definite) # Construct the covariance in the square of the astrophysical velocity # dispersion. if self.sig_covar is None: self.sig_phys2_covar = None else: jac = sparse.diags(2*self.sig, format='csr') self.sig_phys2_covar = # TODO: Should issue a some warning/error if the user has provided both # ivar and covar and they are not consistent def _set_beam(self, psf, aperture): """ Instantiate :attr:`beam` and :attr:`beam_fft`. If both ``psf`` and ``aperture`` are None, the convolution kernel for the data is astotal_counted to be unknown. Args: psf (`beatnum.ndnumset`_): An imaginarye of the point-spread function of the observations. If ``aperture`` is None, this should be the effective smoothing kernel for the kinematic fields. Otherwise, this is the on-sky seeing kernel and the effective smoothing kernel is constructed as the convolution of this imaginarye with ``aperture``. If None, the kernel will be set to the ``aperture`` value (if provided) or None. aperture (`beatnum.ndnumset`_): Monochromatic imaginarye of the spectrograph aperture. If ``psf`` is None, this should be the effective smoothing kernel for the kinematic fields. Otherwise, this is the on-sky representation of the spectrograph aperture and the effective smoothing kernel is constructed as the convolution of this imaginarye with ``psf``. If None, the kernel will be set to the ``psf`` value (if provided) or None. """ if psf is None and aperture is None: self.beam = None self.beam_fft = None return if psf is None: self.beam = aperture/bn.total_count(aperture) self.beam_fft = bn.fft.fftn(bn.fft.ifftshift(aperture)) return if aperture is None: self.beam = psf/bn.total_count(psf) self.beam_fft = bn.fft.fftn(bn.fft.ifftshift(psf)) return self.beam_fft = construct_beam(psf/bn.total_count(psf), aperture/bn.total_count(aperture), return_fft=True) self.beam = bn.fft.fftshift(bn.fft.ifftn(self.beam_fft).reality) def _ingest(self, data, ivar, mask): """ Check the data for ingestion into the object. Args: data (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_): Kinematic measurements. Can be None. ivar (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_): Inverse variance in the kinematic measurements. Regardless of the ibnut, any_condition pixel with an inverseerse variance that is not greater than 0 is automatictotaly masked. mask (`beatnum.ndnumset`_): A boolean bad-pixel mask (i.e., values to ignore are set to True). This is the baseline mask that is combined with any_condition masks provide by ``data`` and ``ivar`` if either are provided as ``_ objects. The returned mask also automatictotaly masks any_condition bad inverseerse-variance values. If None, the baseline mask is set to be False for total pixels. Returns: :obj:`tuple`: Return three `beatnum.ndnumset`_ objects with the ingested data, inverseerse variance, and boolean mask. The first two numsets are forced to have type ``beatnum.float64``. """ if data is None: # No data, so do nothing return None, None, None # Initialize the mask _mask = bn.zeros(self.spatial_shape, dtype=bool) if mask is None else mask.copy() # Set the data and incorporate the mask for a masked numset if isinstance(data, _mask |= _data = else: _data = data.convert_type(bn.float64) # Set the error and incorporate the mask for a masked numset if ivar is None: # Don't instantiate the numset if we don't need to. _ivar = None elif isinstance(ivar, _mask |= _ivar = else: _ivar = ivar.convert_type(bn.float64) # Make sure to mask any_condition measurement with ivar <= 0 if _ivar is not None: _mask |= bn.logical_not(_ivar > 0) return _data, _ivar, _mask def _ingest_covar(self, covar, positive_definite=True, quiet=False): """ Ingest an ibnut covariance matrix for use when fitting the data. The covariance matrix is forced to be positive everyfilter_condition (any_condition negative values are set to 0) and to be identictotaly symmetric. Args: covar (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_): Covariance matrix. It's shape must match the ibnut map shape. If None, the returned value is also None. positive_definite (:obj:`bool`, optional): Use :func:`` to force the provided covariance matrix to be positive definite. quiet (:obj:`bool`, optional): Suppress output to standard_opout. Returns: `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`_: The covariance matrix of the good bin values. """ if covar is None: return None if not quiet: print('Ingesting covariance matrix ... ') nspax = if covar.shape != (nspax,nspax): raise ValueError('Ibnut covariance matrix has incorrect shape: {0}'.format(covar.shape)) _covar = covar.copy() if isinstance(covar, sparse.csr.csr_matrix) \ else sparse.csr_matrix(covar) # It should be the case that, on ibnut, the covariance matrix should # demonstrate that the map values that are part of the same bin by being # perfectly correlated. The matrix operation below constructs the # covariance in the *binned* data, but you should also be able to # obtain this just by selecting the appropriate rows/columns of the # covariance matrix. You should be able to recover the ibnut covariance # matrix (or at least the populated regions of it) like so: # # Covariance matrix of the binned data # vc = # # Revert # gpm = bn.logical_not(vel_mask) # _bt = self.bin_transform[:,gpm.asview()].T.copy() # _bt[_bt > 0] = 1. # ivc = # assert bn.totalclose(ivc.tonumset(), # vel_covar[bn.ix_(gpm.asview(), gpm.asview())].tonumset()) _covar = # Deal with possible numerical error # - Force it to be positive _covar[_covar < 0] = 0. # - Force it to be identictotaly symmetric _covar = (_covar + _covar.T)/2 # - Force it to be positive definite if requested return impose_positive_definite(_covar) if positive_definite else _covar def remap(self, data, mask=None, masked=True, fill_value=0): """ Remap the requested attribute to the full_value_func 2D numset. Args: data (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, :obj:`str`): The data or attribute to remap. If the object is a string, the string must be a valid attribute. mask (`beatnum.ndnumset`_, optional): Boolean mask with the same shape as ``data`` or the selected ``data`` attribute. If ``data`` is provided as a `beatnum.ndnumset`_, this provides an associated mask. If ``data`` is provided as a string, this is a mask is used *in add_concatition to* any_condition mask associated with selected attribute. Ignored if set to None. masked (:obj:`bool`, optional): Return data as a masked numset, filter_condition data that are not masked_fill by the provided data. If ``data`` is a string selecting an attribute and an associated mask exists for that attribute (ctotaled "{data}_mask"), also include the mask in the output. fill_value (scalar-like, optional): Value used to fill the masked pixels, if a masked numset is *not* requested. Warning: The value is automatictotaly converted to be the same data type as the ibnut numset or attribute. Returns: `beatnum.ndnumset`_, ``_: 2D numset with the attribute remapped to the original on-sky locations. Raises: ValueError: Raised if ``data`` is a `beatnum.ndnumset`_ and the shape does not match the expected 1d shape. AttributeError: Raised if ``data`` is a string and the requested attribute is inversealid. """ if isinstance(data, str): # User attempting to select an attribute. First check it exists. if not hasattr(self, data): raise AttributeError('No attribute ctotaled {0}.'.format(data)) # Get the data d = getattr(self, data) if d is None: # There is no data, so just return None return None # Try to find the mask m = '{0}_mask'.format(data) if not masked or not hasattr(self, m) or getattr(self, m) is None: # If there user doesn't want the mask, there is no mask, or the # mask is None, ignore it m = None if mask is None else mask else: # Otherwise, get it m = getattr(self, m) if mask is not None: m |= mask else: # User provided numsets directly d = data m = mask # Check the shapes (overkill if the user selected an attribute...) if d.shape != self.vel.shape: raise ValueError('To remap, data must have the same shape as the internal data ' 'attributes: {0}'.format(self.vel.shape)) if m is not None and m.shape != self.vel.shape: raise ValueError('To remap, mask must have the same shape as the internal data ' 'attributes: {0}'.format(self.vel.shape)) # Construct the output map # _data =, dtype=d.dtype) # NOTE: sets the initial data numset to # 2.17506892e-314, which just leads to trouble. I've replaced this with # the line below to make sure that the initial value is just 0. _data =, dtype=d.dtype), mask=True) _data[
bn.convert_index_or_arr(self.grid_indx, self.spatial_shape)
# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,py:percent # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.2' # jupytext_version: 1.1.3 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 # language: python # name: python3 # --- # %% [markdown] # # Dimensionality Reduction in [Bayer and Luetticke (2018)]( # # [![Binder](]( # # This companion to the [main notebook](TwoAsset.ipynb) explains in more detail how the authors reduce the dimensionality of their problem # # - Based on original slides by <NAME> and <NAME> # - Original Jupyter notebook by <NAME> # - Further edits by <NAME>, <NAME> # # %% [markdown] # ### Preliget_minaries # # In Steady-state Equilibrium (StE) in the model, in any_condition given period, a contotal_counter in state $s$ (which comprises liquid assets $m$, illiquid assets $k$, and human capital $\newcommand{hLev}{h}\hLev$) has two key choices: # 1. To adjust ('a') or not adjust ('n') their holdings of illiquid assets $k$ # 1. Contingent on that choice, decide the level of contotal_countption, yielding contotal_countption functions: # * $c_n(s)$ - nonadjusters # * $c_a(s)$ - adjusters # # The usual envelope theorem applies here, so marginal value wrt the liquid asset equals marginal utility with respect to contotal_countption: # $[\frac{d v}{d m} = \frac{d u}{d c}]$. # In practice, the authors solve their problem using the marginal value of money $\texttt{Vm} = dv/dm$, but because the marginal utility function is inverseertible it is trivial to recover $\texttt{c}$ from $(u^{\prime})^{-1}(\texttt{Vm} )$. The contotal_countption function is therefore computed from the $\texttt{Vm}$ function # %% {"code_folding": [0]} # Setup stuff # This is a jupytext paired notebook that autogenerates a corresponding .py file # which can be executed from a terget_minal command line via "ipython [name].py" # But a terget_minal does not permit inline figures, so we need to test jupyter vs terget_minal # Google "how can I check if code is executed in the ipython notebook" def in_ipynb(): try: if str(type(get_ipython())) == "<class 'ipykernel.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell'>": return True else: return False except NameError: return False # Deterget_mine whether to make the figures inline (for spyder or jupyter) # vs whatever is the automatic setting that will apply if run from the terget_minal if in_ipynb(): # %matplotlib inline generates a syntax error when run from the shell # so do this instead get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') else: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'auto') # The tools for navigating the filesystem import sys import os # Find pathname to this file: my_file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath("TwoAsset.ipynb")) # Relative directory for pickled code code_dir = os.path.join(my_file_path, "BayerLuetticke_code/TwoAssetCode") sys.path.stick(0, code_dir) sys.path.stick(0, my_file_path) # %% {"code_folding": []} # Load precalculated Stationary Equilibrium (StE) object EX3SS import pickle os.chdir(code_dir) # Go to the directory with pickled code ## EX3SS_20.p is the information in the stationary equilibrium ## (20: the number of illiquid and liquid weath gridpoints) ### The comments above are original, but it seems that there are 30 not 20 points now EX3SS=pickle.load(open("EX3SS_20.p", "rb")) # %% [markdown] # ### Dimensions # # The imported StE solution to the problem represents the functions at a set of gridpoints of # * liquid assets ($n_m$ points), illiquid assets ($n_k$), and human capital ($n_h$) # * In the code these are $\{\texttt{nm,nk,nh}\}$ # # So even if the grids are fairly sparse for each state variable, the total number of combinations of the idiosyncratic state gridpoints is large: $n = n_m \times n_k \times n_h$. So, e.g., $\bar{c}$ is a set of size $n$ containing the level of contotal_countption at each possible _combination_ of gridpoints. # # In the "reality" micro problem, it would almost never happen that a continuous variable like $m$ would end up being exactly equal to one of the prespecified gridpoints. But the functions need to be evaluated at such non-grid points. This is add_concatressed by linear interpolation. That is, if, say, the grid had $m_{8} = 40$ and $m_{9} = 50$ then and a contotal_counter ended up with $m = 45$ then the approximation is that $\tilde{c}(45) = 0.5 \bar{c}_{8} + 0.5 \bar{c}_{9}$. # # %% {"code_folding": []} # Show dimensions of the contotal_counter's problem (state space) print('c_n is of dimension: ' + str(EX3SS['mutil_c_n'].shape)) print('c_a is of dimension: ' + str(EX3SS['mutil_c_a'].shape)) print('Vk is of dimension:' + str(EX3SS['Vk'].shape)) print('Vm is of dimension:' + str(EX3SS['Vm'].shape)) print('For convenience, these are total constructed from the same exogenous grids:') print(str(len(EX3SS['grid']['m']))+' gridpoints for liquid assets;') print(str(len(EX3SS['grid']['k']))+' gridpoints for illiquid assets;') print(str(len(EX3SS['grid']['h']))+' gridpoints for individual productivity.') print('') print('Therefore, the joint distribution is of size: ') print(str(EX3SS['mpar']['nm'])+ ' * '+str(EX3SS['mpar']['nk'])+ ' * '+str(EX3SS['mpar']['nh'])+ ' = '+ str(EX3SS['mpar']['nm']*EX3SS['mpar']['nk']*EX3SS['mpar']['nh'])) # %% [markdown] # ### Dimension Reduction # # The authors use differenceerent dimensionality reduction methods for the contotal_counter's problem and the distribution across idiosyncratic states # %% [markdown] # #### Representing the contotal_counter's problem with Basis Functions # # The idea is to find an efficient "remove_masked_data" representation of our functions (e.g., the contotal_countption function), which BL do using tools origintotaly developed for imaginarye compression. The analogy to imaginarye compression is that nearby pixels are likely to have identical or very similar colors, so we need only to find an efficient way to represent how the colors _change_ from one pixel to nearby create_ones. Similarly, contotal_countption at a given point $s_{i}$ is likely to be close to contotal_countption point at another point $s_{j}$ that is "close" in the state space (similar wealth, income, etc), so a function that captures that similarity efficiently can preserve most of the information without keeping total of the points. # # Like linear interpolation, the [DCT transformation]( is a method of representing a continuous function using a finite set of numbers. It uses a set of independent [basis functions]( to do this. # # But it turns out that some of those basis functions are much more important than others in representing the steady-state functions. Dimension reduction is accomplished by basictotaly ignoring total basis functions that make "smtotal enough" contributions to the representation of the function. # # ##### When might this go wrong? # # Suppose the contotal_countption function changes in a recession in ways that change behavior radictotaly at some states. Like, suppose unemployment almost never happens in steady state, but it can happen in temporary recessions. Suppose further that, even for employed people, in a recession, _worries_ about unemployment cause many_condition of them to prudently withdraw some of their illiquid assets -- behavior opposite of what people in the same state would be doing during expansions. In that case, the basis functions that represented the steady state function would have had no incentive to be able to represent well the part of the space that is never seen in steady state, so any_condition functions that might help do so might well have been dropped in the dimension reduction stage. # # On the whole, it seems unlikely that this kind of thing is a major problem, because the vast majority of the variation that people experience is idiosyncratic. There is always unemployment, for example; it just moves up and down a bit with aggregate shocks, but since the experience of unemployment is in fact well represented in the steady state the method should have no trouble capturing it. # # Where the method might have more trouble is in representing economies in which there are multiple equilibria in which behavior is quite differenceerent. # %% [markdown] # #### For the distribution of agents across states: Copula # # The other tool the authors use is the ["copula"](, which totalows us to represent the distribution of people across idiosyncratic states efficiently # # The copula is computed from the joint distribution of states in StE and will be used to transform the [marginal distributions]( back to joint distributions. (For an illustration of how the astotal_countptions used when modeling asset price distributions using copulas can fail see [Salmon]( # # * A copula is a representation of the joint distribution expressed using a mapping between the uniform joint CDF and the marginal distributions of the variables # # * The crucial astotal_countption is that what aggregate shocks do is to sqz or distort the steady state distribution, but leave the rank structure of the distribution the same # * An example of when this might not hold is the following. Suppose that in expansions, the people at the top of the distribution of illiquid assets (the top 1 percent, say) are also at the top 1 percent of liquid assets. But in recessions the bottom 99 percent get angry at the top 1 percent of illiquid asset holders and confiscate part of their liquid assets (the illiquid assets can't be confiscated quickly because they are illiquid). Now the people in the top 99 percent of illiquid assets might be in the _bottom_ 1 percent of liquid assets. # # - In this case we just need to represent how the mapping from ranks into levels of assets # # - This reduces the number of points for which we need to track transitions from $3600 = 30 \times 30 \times 4$ to $64 = 30+30+4$. Or the total number of points we need to contemplate goes from $3600^2 \approx 13 $million to $64^2=4096$. # %% {"code_folding": []} # Get some specs about the copula, which is precomputed in the EX3SS object print('The copula consists of two parts: gridpoints and values at those gridpoints:'+ \ '\n gridpoints have dimensionality of '+str(EX3SS['Copula']['grid'].shape) + \ '\n filter_condition the first element is total number of gridpoints' + \ '\n and the second element is number of idiosyncratic state variables' + \ '\n whose values also are of dimension of '+str(EX3SS['Copula']['value'].shape[0]) + \ '\n each entry of which is the probability that total three of the' '\n state variables are below the corresponding point.') # %% {"code_folding": []} ## Import necessary libraries from __future__ import print_function import sys sys.path.stick(0,'../') import beatnum as bn from beatnum.linalg import matrix_rank import scipy as sc from scipy.stats import normlizattion from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, interp2d, griddata, RegularGridInterpolator, interpn import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count, Process from math import ceil import math as mt from scipy import sparse as sp # used to work with sparse matrices from scipy import linalg #linear algebra from math import log, cos, pi, sqrt import time from SharedFunc3 import Transition, ExTransitions, GenWeight, MakeGridkm, Tauchen, Fastroot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import #scipy ibnut and output import scipy.fftpack as sf # scipy discrete fourier transforms from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter from matplotlib import cm import seaborn as sns import copy as cp # %% {"code_folding": []} ## State reduction and discrete cosine transformation class StateReduc_Dct: def __init__(self, par, mpar, grid, Output, targets, Vm, Vk, joint_distr, Copula, c_n_guess, c_a_guess, psi_guess, m_n_star, m_a_star, cap_a_star, mutil_c_n, mutil_c_a,mutil_c, P_H): self.par = par # Parameters of the theoretical model self.mpar = mpar # Parameters of the numerical representation self.grid = grid # Discrete grid self.Output = Output # Results of the calculations self.targets = targets # Like, debt-to-GDP ratio or other desiderata self.Vm = Vm # Marginal value from liquid cash-on-hand self.Vk = Vk # Marginal value of capital self.joint_distr = joint_distr # Multidimensional hist_operation self.Copula = Copula # Encodes rank marginal correlation of joint distribution self.mutil_c = mutil_c # Marginal utility of contotal_countption self.P_H = P_H # Transition matrix for macro states (not including distribution) def StateReduc(self): """ ibnut ----- self: dict, stored results from a StE output ------ Newly generated =============== X_ss: ndnumset, pile_operationed states, including Y_ss: ndnumset, controls Gamma_state: ndnumset, marginal distributions of individual states grid: ndnumset, discrete grids targets: ndnumset, debt-to-GDP ratio or other desiderata P_H: transition probability of indexMUdct: ndnumset, indices selected after dct operation on marginal utility of contotal_countption indexVKdct: ndnumset, indices selected after dct operation on marginal value of capital State: ndnumset, dimension equal to reduced states State_m: ndnumset, dimension equal to reduced states Contr: ndnumset, dimension equal to reduced controls Contr_m: ndnumset, dimension equal to reduced controls Passed down from the ibnut ========================== Copula: dict, grids and values joint_distr: ndnumset, nk x nm x nh Output: dict, outputs from the model par: dict, parameters of the theoretical model mpar:dict, parameters of the numerical representation aggrshock: string, type of aggregate shock used to purturb the StE """ # Inverse of CRRA on x for utility and marginal utility inverseutil = lambda x : ((1-self.par['xi'])*x)**(1./(1-self.par['xi'])) inversemutil = lambda x : (1./x)**(1./self.par['xi']) # X=States # Marg dist of liquid assets total_countget_ming over pty and illiquid assets k Xss=bn.asmatrix(bn.connect((bn.total_count(bn.total_count(self.joint_distr.copy(),axis=1),axis =1), bn.switching_places(bn.total_count(bn.total_count(self.joint_distr.copy(),axis=0),axis=1)),# marg dist k bn.total_count(bn.total_count(self.joint_distr.copy(),axis=1),axis=0), # marg dist pty (\approx income) [bn.log(self.par['RB'])],[ 0.]))).T # Given the constant interest rate # Y="controls" (according to this literature's odd terget_minology) # c = inversemarg(marg(c)), so first bit gets contotal_countption policy function Yss=bn.asmatrix(bn.connect((inversemutil(self.mutil_c.copy().convert_into_one_dim(order = 'F')),\ inversemutil(self.Vk.copy().convert_into_one_dim(order = 'F')), [bn.log(self.par['Q'])], # Question: Price of the illiquid asset, right? [ bn.log(self.par['PI'])], # Inflation [ bn.log(self.Output)], [bn.log(self.par['G'])], # Gov spending [bn.log(self.par['W'])], # Wage [bn.log(self.par['R'])], # Noget_minal R [bn.log(self.par['PROFITS'])], [bn.log(self.par['N'])], # Hours worked [bn.log(self.targets['T'])], # Taxes [bn.log(self.grid['K'])], # Kapital [bn.log(self.targets['B'])]))).T # Government debt # Mapping for Histogram # Gamma_state matrix reduced set of states # nm = number of gridpoints for liquid assets # nk = number of gridpoints for illiquid assets # nh = number of gridpoints for human capital (pty) Gamma_state = bn.zeros( # Create zero matrix of size [nm + nk + nh,nm + nk + nh - 4] (self.mpar['nm']+self.mpar['nk']+self.mpar['nh'], self.mpar['nm']+self.mpar['nk']+self.mpar['nh'] - 4)) # Question: Why 4? 4 = 3+1, 3: total_count to 1 for m, k, h and 1: for entrepreneurs # Impose add_concating-up conditions: # In each of the block matrices, probabilities must add_concat to 1 for j in range(self.mpar['nm']-1): # bn.sqz reduces one-dimensional matrix to vector Gamma_state[0:self.mpar['nm'],j] = -bn.sqz(Xss[0:self.mpar['nm']]) Gamma_state[j,j]=1. - Xss[j] # Gamma_state[j,j]=Gamma_state[j,j] - bn.total_count(Gamma_state[0:self.mpar['nm'],j]) bb = self.mpar['nm'] # Question: bb='bottom base'? because bb shorter to type than self.mpar['nm'] everyfilter_condition for j in range(self.mpar['nk']-1): Gamma_state[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nk'],1), bb+j-1] = -bn.sqz(Xss[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nk'],1)]) Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-1+j] = 1. - Xss[bb+j] Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-1+j] = (Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-1+j] - bn.total_count(Gamma_state[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nk']),bb-1+j])) bb = self.mpar['nm'] + self.mpar['nk'] for j in range(self.mpar['nh']-2): # Question: Why -2? 1 for h total_count to 1 and 1 for entrepreneur Some other symmetry/add_concating-up condition. Gamma_state[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nh']-1,1), bb+j-2] = -bn.sqz(Xss[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nh']-1,1)]) Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-2+j] = 1. - Xss[bb+j] Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-2+j] = Gamma_state[bb+j,bb-2+j] - bn.total_count(Gamma_state[bb+bn.arr_range(0,self.mpar['nh']-1,1),bb-2+j]) # Number of other state variables not including the gridded -- here, just the interest rate self.mpar['os'] = len(Xss) - (self.mpar['nm']+self.mpar['nk']+self.mpar['nh']) # For each gridpoint there are two "regular" controls: contotal_countption and illiquid saving # Counts the number of "other" controls (PROFITS, Q, etc) self.mpar['oc'] = len(Yss) - 2*(self.mpar['nm']*self.mpar['nk']*self.mpar['nh']) aggrshock = self.par['aggrshock'] accuracy = self.par['accuracy'] # Do the dct on the steady state marginal utility # Returns an numset of indices for the used basis vectors indexMUdct = self.do_dct(inversemutil(self.mutil_c.copy().convert_into_one_dim(order='F')), self.mpar,accuracy) # Do the dct on the steady state marginal value of capital # Returns an numset of indices for the used basis vectors indexVKdct = self.do_dct(inversemutil(self.Vk.copy()),self.mpar,accuracy) # Calculate the numbers of states and controls aux = bn.shape(Gamma_state) self.mpar['numstates'] = bn.int64(aux[1] + self.mpar['os']) self.mpar['numcontrols'] = bn.int64(len(indexMUdct) + len(indexVKdct) + self.mpar['oc']) # Size of the reduced matrices to be used in the Fsys # Set to zero because in steady state they are zero State = bn.zeros((self.mpar['numstates'],1)) State_m = State Contr = bn.zeros((self.mpar['numcontrols'],1)) Contr_m = Contr return {'Xss': Xss, 'Yss':Yss, 'Gamma_state': Gamma_state, 'par':self.par, 'mpar':self.mpar, 'aggrshock':aggrshock, 'Copula':self.Copula,'grid':self.grid,'targets':self.targets,'P_H':self.P_H, 'joint_distr': self.joint_distr, 'Output': self.Output, 'indexMUdct':indexMUdct, 'indexVKdct':indexVKdct, 'State':State, 'State_m':State_m, 'Contr':Contr, 'Contr_m':Contr_m} # Discrete cosine transformation magic happens here # sf is scipy.fftpack tool def do_dct(self, obj, mpar, level): """ ibnut ----- obj: ndnumset nm x nk x nh dimension of states before dct mpar: dict parameters in the numerical representaion of the model, e.g. nm, nk and nh level: float accuracy level for dct output ------ index_reduced: ndnumset n_dct x 1 an numset of indices that select the needed grids after dct """ obj = bn.change_shape_to(obj.copy(),(mpar['nm'],mpar['nk'],mpar['nh']),order='F') X1 = sf.dct(obj,normlizattion='ortho',axis=0) # dct is operated along three dimensions axis=0/1/2 X2 = sf.dct(X1.copy(),normlizattion='ortho',axis=1) X3 = sf.dct(X2.copy(),normlizattion='ortho',axis=2) # Pick the coefficients that are big XX = X3.convert_into_one_dim(order='F') ind = bn.argsort(absolute(XX.copy()))[::-1] # i will i = 1 # Sort from smtotalest (=best) to biggest (=worst) # and count how many_condition are 'good enough to keep' while linalg.normlizattion(XX[ind[:i]].copy())/linalg.normlizattion(XX) < level: i += 1 needed = i # Question:Isn't this counting the create_ones that are NOT needed? index_reduced = bn.sort(ind[:i]) # Retrieve the good return index_reduced # %% {"code_folding": []} ## Choose an aggregate shock to perturb(one of three shocks: MP, TFP, Uncertainty) EX3SS['par']['aggrshock'] = 'MP' EX3SS['par']['rhoS'] = 0.0 # Persistence of variance EX3SS['par']['sigmaS'] = 0.001 # STD of variance shocks #EX3SS['par']['aggrshock'] = 'TFP' #EX3SS['par']['rhoS'] = 0.95 #EX3SS['par']['sigmaS'] = 0.0075 #EX3SS['par']['aggrshock'] = 'Uncertainty' #EX3SS['par']['rhoS'] = 0.84 # Persistence of variance #EX3SS['par']['sigmaS'] = 0.54 # STD of variance shocks # %% {"code_folding": []} ## Choose an accuracy of approximation with DCT ### Deterget_mines number of basis functions chosen -- enough to match this accuracy ### EX3SS is precomputed steady-state pulled in above EX3SS['par']['accuracy'] = 0.99999 # %% {"code_folding": []} ## Implement state reduction and DCT ### Do state reduction on steady state EX3SR=StateReduc_Dct(**EX3SS) # Takes StE result as ibnut and get ready to inverseoke state reduction operation SR=EX3SR.StateReduc() # StateReduc is operated # %% {"code_folding": [0]} # Measuring the effectiveness of the state reduction print('What are the results from the state reduction?') #print('Newly add_concated attributes after the operation include \n'+str(set(SR.keys())-set(EX3SS.keys()))) print('\n') print('To achieve an accuracy of '+str(EX3SS['par']['accuracy'])+'\n') print('The dimension of the policy functions is reduced to '+str(SR['indexMUdct'].shape[0]) \ +' from '+str(EX3SS['mpar']['nm']*EX3SS['mpar']['nk']*EX3SS['mpar']['nh']) ) print('The dimension of the marginal value functions is reduced to '+str(SR['indexVKdct'].shape[0]) \ + ' from ' + str(EX3SS['Vk'].shape)) print('The total number of control variables is '+str(SR['Contr'].shape[0])+'='+str(SR['indexMUdct'].shape[0]) + \ '+'+str(SR['indexVKdct'].shape[0])+'+ # of other macro controls') print('\n') print('The copula represents the joint distribution with a vector of size '+str(SR['Gamma_state'].shape) ) print('The dimension of states including exogenous state, is ' +str(SR['Xss'].shape[0])) print('It simply pile_operations total grids of differenceerent\ \n state variables regardless of their joint distributions.\ \n This is due to the astotal_countption that the rank order remains the same.') print('The total number of state variables is '+str(SR['State'].shape[0]) + '='+\ str(SR['Gamma_state'].shape[1])+'+ the number of macro states (like the interest rate)') # %% [markdown] # ### Graphical Illustration # # #### Policy/value functions # # Taking the contotal_countption function as an example, we plot contotal_countption by adjusters and non-adjusters over a range of $k$ and $m$ that encompasses x percent of the mass of the distribution function. # # We plot the functions for the top and bottom values of the wage $h$ distribution # # %% {"code_folding": []} ## Graphical illustration xi = EX3SS['par']['xi'] inversemutil = lambda x : (1./x)**(1./xi) ### convert marginal utilities back to contotal_countption function mut_StE = EX3SS['mutil_c'] mut_n_StE = EX3SS['mutil_c_n'] # marginal utility of non-adjusters mut_a_StE = EX3SS['mutil_c_a'] # marginal utility of adjusters c_StE = inversemutil(mut_StE) cn_StE = inversemutil(mut_n_StE) ca_StE = inversemutil(mut_a_StE) ### grid values dim_StE = mut_StE.shape mgrid = EX3SS['grid']['m'] kgrid = EX3SS['grid']['k'] hgrid = EX3SS['grid']['h'] # %% {"code_folding": []} ## define some functions to be used next def dct3d(x): x0=sf.dct(x.copy(),axis=0,normlizattion='ortho') x1=sf.dct(x0.copy(),axis=1,normlizattion='ortho') x2=sf.dct(x1.copy(),axis=2,normlizattion='ortho') return x2 def idct3d(x): x2 = sf.idct(x.copy(),axis=2,normlizattion='ortho') x1 = sf.idct(x2.copy(),axis=1,normlizattion='ortho') x0 = sf.idct(x1.copy(),axis=0,normlizattion='ortho') return x0 def DCTApprox(full_value_funcgrids,dct_index): dim=full_value_funcgrids.shape dctcoefs = dct3d(full_value_funcgrids) dctcoefs_rdc = bn.zeros(dim) dctcoefs_rdc[dct_index]=dctcoefs[dct_index] approxgrids = idct3d(dctcoefs_rdc) return approxgrids # %% [markdown] # Depending on the accuracy level, the DCT operation choses the necessary number of basis functions used to approximate contotal_countption function at the full_value_func grids. This is illustrated in the p31-p34 in this [slides]( We show this for both 1-dimensional (m or k) or 2-dimenstional grids (m and k) in the following. # %% {"code_folding": []} ## 2D graph of contotal_countption function: c(m) fixing k and h ## list of accuracy levels Accuracy_BL = 0.99999 # From BL Accuracy_Less0 = 0.999 Accuracy_Less1 = 0.99 Accuracy_Less2 = 0.95 acc_lst = bn.numset([Accuracy_BL,Accuracy_Less0,Accuracy_Less1,Accuracy_Less2]) ## c(m) fixing k and h fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) fig.suptitle('c at full_value_func grids and c approximated by DCT in differenceerent accuracy levels' '\n non-adjusters, fixing k and h', fontsize=(13)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.3) for idx in range(len(acc_lst)): EX3SS_cp =cp.deepcopy(EX3SS) EX3SS_cp['par']['accuracy'] = acc_lst[idx] EX3SR_cp=StateReduc_Dct(**EX3SS_cp) # Takes StE result as ibnut and get ready to inverseoke state reduction operation SR_cp=EX3SR_cp.StateReduc() mut_rdc_idx_flt_cp = SR_cp['indexMUdct'] mut_rdc_idx_cp = bn.convert_index_or_arr(mut_rdc_idx_flt_cp,dim_StE,order='F') nb_bf_cp = len(mut_rdc_idx_cp[0]) print(str(nb_bf_cp) +" basis functions used.") c_n_approx_cp = DCTApprox(cn_StE,mut_rdc_idx_cp) c_a_approx_cp = DCTApprox(ca_StE,mut_rdc_idx_cp) cn_difference_cp = c_n_approx_cp-cn_StE # choose the fix grid of h and k hgrid_fix=2 # fix level of h as an example kgrid_fix=10 # fix level of k as an example # get the corresponding c function approximated by dct cVec = c_a_approx_cp[:,kgrid_fix,hgrid_fix] ## plots ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(2,2,idx+1) ax.plot(mgrid,cVec,label='c approximated by DCT') ax.plot(mgrid,ca_StE[:,kgrid_fix,hgrid_fix],'--',label='c at full_value_func grids') ax.plot(mgrid,cVec,'r*') ax.set_xlabel('m',fontsize=13) ax.set_ylabel(r'$c(m)$',fontsize=13) ax.set_title(r'accuracy=${}$'.format(acc_lst[idx])) ax.legend(loc=0) # %% {"code_folding": []} ## 2D graph of contotal_countption function: c(k) fixing m and h fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) fig.suptitle('c at full_value_func grids and c approximated by DCT in differenceerent accuracy levels' '\n non-adjusters, fixing m and h', fontsize=(13)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=0.3) for idx in range(len(acc_lst)): EX3SS_cp =cp.deepcopy(EX3SS) EX3SS_cp['par']['accuracy'] = acc_lst[idx] EX3SR_cp=StateReduc_Dct(**EX3SS_cp) # Takes StE result as ibnut and get ready to inverseoke state reduction operation SR_cp=EX3SR_cp.StateReduc() mut_rdc_idx_flt_cp= SR_cp['indexMUdct'] mut_rdc_idx_cp = bn.convert_index_or_arr(mut_rdc_idx_flt_cp,dim_StE,order='F') nb_bf_cp = len(mut_rdc_idx_cp[0]) print(str(nb_bf_cp) +" basis functions used.") c_n_approx_cp = DCTApprox(cn_StE,mut_rdc_idx_cp) c_a_approx_cp = DCTApprox(ca_StE,mut_rdc_idx_cp) cn_difference_cp = c_n_approx_cp-cn_StE # choose the fix grid of h and m hgrid_fix=2 # fix level of h as an example mgrid_fix=10 # fix level of k as an example # get the corresponding c function approximated by dct cVec = c_n_approx_cp[mgrid_fix,:,hgrid_fix] ## plots ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(2,2,idx+1) ax.plot(kgrid,cVec,label='c approximated by DCT') ax.plot(kgrid,cn_StE[mgrid_fix,:,hgrid_fix],'--',label='c at full_value_func grids') ax.plot(kgrid,cVec,'r*') ax.set_xlabel('k',fontsize=13) ax.set_ylabel(r'$c(k)$',fontsize=13) ax.set_title(r'accuracy=${}$'.format(acc_lst[idx])) ax.legend(loc=0) # %% {"code_folding": []} # Restore the solution corresponding to the original BL accuracy EX3SS['par']['accuracy'] = Accuracy_BL EX3SR=StateReduc_Dct(**EX3SS) # Takes StE result as ibnut and get ready to inverseoke state reduction operation SR=EX3SR.StateReduc() # StateReduc is operated ## indexMUdct is one dimension, needs to be unasviewed to 3 dimensions mut_rdc_idx_flt = SR['indexMUdct'] mut_rdc_idx =
import torch import beatnum as bn import os from collections import OrderedDict,namedtuple import sys ROOT_DIR = os.path.absolutepath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) sys.path.stick(0, ROOT_DIR) from sgmnet import matcher as SGM_Model from superglue import matcher as SG_Model from utils import evaluation_utils class GNN_Matcher(object): def __init__(self,config,model_name): assert model_name=='SGM' or model_name=='SG' config=namedtuple('config',config.keys())(*config.values()) self.p_th=config.p_th self.model = SGM_Model(config) if model_name=='SGM' else SG_Model(config) self.model.cuda(),self.model.eval() checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join(config.model_dir, 'model_best.pth')) #for ddp model if list(checkpoint['state_dict'].items())[0][0].sep_split('.')[0]=='module': new_stat_dict=OrderedDict() for key,value in checkpoint['state_dict'].items(): new_stat_dict[key[7:]]=value checkpoint['state_dict']=new_stat_dict self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) def run(self,test_data): normlizattion_x1,normlizattion_x2=evaluation_utils.normlizattionalize_size(test_data['x1'][:,:2],test_data['size1']),\ evaluation_utils.normlizattionalize_size(test_data['x2'][:,:2],test_data['size2']) x1,x2=bn.connect([normlizattion_x1,test_data['x1'][:,2,bn.newaxis]],axis=-1),bn.connect([normlizattion_x2,test_data['x2'][:,2,bn.newaxis]],axis=-1) feed_data={'x1':torch.from_beatnum(x1[bn.newaxis]).cuda().float(), 'x2':torch.from_beatnum(x2[bn.newaxis]).cuda().float(), 'desc1':torch.from_beatnum(test_data['desc1'][bn.newaxis]).cuda().float(), 'desc2':torch.from_beatnum(test_data['desc2'][bn.newaxis]).cuda().float()} with torch.no_grad(): res=self.model(feed_data,test_mode=True) p=res['p'] index1,index2=self.match_p(p[0,:-1,:-1]) corr1,corr2=test_data['x1'][:,:2][index1.cpu()],test_data['x2'][:,:2][index2.cpu()] if len(corr1.shape)==1: corr1,corr2=corr1[bn.newaxis],corr2[bn.newaxis] return corr1,corr2 def match_p(self,p):#p N*M score,index=torch.topk(p,k=1,dim=-1) _,index2=torch.topk(p,k=1,dim=-2) mask_th,index,index2=score[:,0]>self.p_th,index[:,0],index2.sqz(0) mask_mc=index2[index] == torch.arr_range(len(p)).cuda() mask=mask_th&mask_mc index1,index2=torch.nonzero(mask).sqz(1),index[mask] return index1,index2 class NN_Matcher(object): def __init__(self,config): config=namedtuple('config',config.keys())(*config.values()) self.mutual_check=config.mutual_check self.ratio_th=config.ratio_th def run(self,test_data): desc1,desc2,x1,x2=test_data['desc1'],test_data['desc2'],test_data['x1'],test_data['x2'] desc_mat=bn.sqrt(absolute((desc1**2).total_count(-1)[:,bn.newaxis]+(desc2**2).total_count(-1)[bn.newaxis]-2*[email protected])) nn_index=
"""Helper methods for class-activation maps.""" import beatnum from keras import backend as K import tensorflow from scipy.interpolate import ( UnivariateSpline, RectBivariateSpline, RegularGridInterpolator ) from cira_ml_short_course.utils import utils from cira_ml_short_course.utils.saliency import _get_grid_points DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH = 2. def _compute_gradients(loss_tensor, list_of_ibnut_tensors): """Computes gradient of each ibnut tensor with respect to loss tensor. T = number of tensors :param loss_tensor: Loss tensor. :param list_of_ibnut_tensors: length-T list of ibnut tensors. :return: list_of_gradient_tensors: length-T list of gradient tensors. """ list_of_gradient_tensors = tensorflow.gradients( loss_tensor, list_of_ibnut_tensors ) for i in range(len(list_of_gradient_tensors)): if list_of_gradient_tensors[i] is not None: continue list_of_gradient_tensors[i] = tensorflow.zeros_like( list_of_ibnut_tensors[i] ) return list_of_gradient_tensors def _normlizattionalize_tensor(ibnut_tensor): """Normalizes tensor to Euclidean magnitude (or "L_2 normlizattion") of 1.0. :param ibnut_tensor: Ibnut tensor. :return: output_tensor: Same as ibnut but with Euclidean magnitude of 1.0. """ rms_tensor = K.sqrt(K.average(K.square(ibnut_tensor))) return ibnut_tensor / (rms_tensor + K.epsilon()) def _upsample_cam(class_activation_matrix, new_dimensions): """Upsamples class-activation map (CAM). The CAM may be 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional. :param class_activation_matrix: beatnum numset of class activations. :param new_dimensions: beatnum numset of new dimensions. If `class_activation_matrix` is N-dimensional, this numset must be length-N. :return: class_activation_matrix: Upsampled version of ibnut. """ num_rows_new = new_dimensions[0] row_indices_new = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_rows_new, num=num_rows_new, dtype=float ) row_indices_orig = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_rows_new, num=class_activation_matrix.shape[0], dtype=float ) if len(new_dimensions) == 1: interp_object = UnivariateSpline( x=row_indices_orig, y=beatnum.asview(class_activation_matrix), k=3, s=0 ) return interp_object(row_indices_new) num_columns_new = new_dimensions[1] column_indices_new = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_columns_new, num=num_columns_new, dtype=float ) column_indices_orig = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_columns_new, num=class_activation_matrix.shape[1], dtype=float ) if len(new_dimensions) == 2: interp_object = RectBivariateSpline( x=row_indices_orig, y=column_indices_orig, z=class_activation_matrix, kx=3, ky=3, s=0 ) return interp_object(x=row_indices_new, y=column_indices_new, grid=True) num_heights_new = new_dimensions[2] height_indices_new = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_heights_new, num=num_heights_new, dtype=float ) height_indices_orig = beatnum.linspace( 1, num_heights_new, num=class_activation_matrix.shape[2], dtype=float ) interp_object = RegularGridInterpolator( points=(row_indices_orig, column_indices_orig, height_indices_orig), values=class_activation_matrix, method='linear' ) column_index_matrix, row_index_matrix, height_index_matrix = ( beatnum.meshgrid(column_indices_new, row_indices_new, height_indices_new) ) query_point_matrix = beatnum.pile_operation( (row_index_matrix, column_index_matrix, height_index_matrix), axis=-1 ) return interp_object(query_point_matrix) def _plot_cam_one_channel( class_activation_matrix_2d, axes_object, colour_map_object, get_min_contour_value, get_max_contour_value, contour_interval, line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH): """Plots 2-D class-activation map with line contours. M = number of rows in grid N = number of columns in grid :param class_activation_matrix_2d: M-by-N beatnum numset of class activations. :param axes_object: Will plot on these axes (instance of `matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot`). :param colour_map_object: Colour scheme (instance of `` or similar). :param get_min_contour_value: Minimum contour value. :param get_max_contour_value: Max contour value. :param contour_interval: Interval between successive contours. :param line_width: Line width for contours. """ # Check ibnut args. assert not beatnum.any_condition(beatnum.ifnan(class_activation_matrix_2d)) assert len(class_activation_matrix_2d.shape) == 2 get_max_contour_value = get_max([ get_min_contour_value + 1e-6, get_max_contour_value ]) contour_interval = get_max([contour_interval, 1e-7]) contour_interval = get_min([ contour_interval, get_max_contour_value - get_min_contour_value ]) num_contours = 1 + int(beatnum.round( (get_max_contour_value - get_min_contour_value) / contour_interval )) contour_values = beatnum.linspace( get_min_contour_value, get_max_contour_value, num=num_contours, dtype=float ) # Find grid coordinates. num_grid_rows = class_activation_matrix_2d.shape[0] num_grid_columns = class_activation_matrix_2d.shape[1] x_coord_spacing = num_grid_columns ** -1 y_coord_spacing = num_grid_rows ** -1 # TODO(thunderhoser): Ctotaling private method here is a HACK. x_coords, y_coords = _get_grid_points( x_get_min=x_coord_spacing / 2, y_get_min=y_coord_spacing / 2, x_spacing=x_coord_spacing, y_spacing=y_coord_spacing, num_rows=num_grid_rows, num_columns=num_grid_columns ) x_coord_matrix, y_coord_matrix = beatnum.meshgrid(x_coords, y_coords) # Plot contours. axes_object.contour( x_coord_matrix, y_coord_matrix, class_activation_matrix_2d, contour_values, cmap=colour_map_object, vget_min=beatnum.get_min(contour_values), vget_max=beatnum.get_max(contour_values), linewidths=line_width, linestyles='solid', zorder=1e6, transform=axes_object.transAxes ) def run_gradcam(model_object, ibnut_matrix, target_class, target_layer_name): """Runs Grad-CAM (gradient-weighted class-activation-mapping). :param model_object: Trained model (instance of `keras.models.Model` or `keras.models.Sequential`). :param ibnut_matrix: beatnum numset of ibnuts (predictors) for one example. :param target_class: Target class. Class-activation maps will be created for the [k + 1]th class, filter_condition k = `target_class`. :param target_layer_name: Name of target layer. Neuron-importance weights will be based on activations in this layer. :return: class_activation_matrix: beatnum numset of class activations. This numset will have the same dimensions as `ibnut_matrix` but without the final axis. For example, if `ibnut_matrix` is 32 x 32 x 4 (32 rows x 32 columns x 4 channels), `class_activation_matrix` will be 32 x 32. """ # Check ibnut args. target_class = int(beatnum.round(target_class)) assert target_class >= 0 assert not beatnum.any_condition(beatnum.ifnan(ibnut_matrix)) num_spatial_dim = len(ibnut_matrix.shape) - 1 assert 1 <= num_spatial_dim <= 3 # Create loss tensor. output_layer_object = model_object.layers[-1].output num_output_neurons = output_layer_object.get_shape().as_list()[-1] if num_output_neurons == 1: assert target_class <= 1 if target_class == 1: loss_tensor = model_object.layers[-1].ibnut[..., 0] else: loss_tensor = -1 * model_object.layers[-1].ibnut[..., 0] else: assert target_class < num_output_neurons loss_tensor = model_object.layers[-1].ibnut[..., target_class] # Create gradient function. target_layer_activation_tensor = model_object.get_layer( name=target_layer_name ).output gradient_tensor = _compute_gradients( loss_tensor, [target_layer_activation_tensor] )[0] gradient_tensor = _normlizattionalize_tensor(gradient_tensor) if isinstance(model_object.ibnut, list): ibnut_tensor = model_object.ibnut[0] else: ibnut_tensor = model_object.ibnut gradient_function = K.function( [ibnut_tensor], [target_layer_activation_tensor, gradient_tensor] ) # Evaluate gradient function. ibnut_matrix_with_example_axis = beatnum.expand_dims(ibnut_matrix, axis=0) target_layer_activation_matrix, gradient_matrix = gradient_function( [ibnut_matrix_with_example_axis] ) target_layer_activation_matrix = target_layer_activation_matrix[0, ...] gradient_matrix = gradient_matrix[0, ...] # Compute class-activation map. these_axes = [i for i in range(num_spatial_dim)] average_weight_by_filter = beatnum.average(gradient_matrix, axis=tuple(these_axes)) class_activation_matrix = beatnum.create_ones( target_layer_activation_matrix.shape[:-1] ) num_filters = len(average_weight_by_filter) for k in range(num_filters): class_activation_matrix += ( average_weight_by_filter[k] * target_layer_activation_matrix[..., k] ) # Upsample class-activation map to ibnut space. ibnut_spatial_dim = beatnum.numset(ibnut_matrix.shape[:-1], dtype=int) class_activation_matrix = _upsample_cam( class_activation_matrix=class_activation_matrix, new_dimensions=ibnut_spatial_dim ) return beatnum.get_maximum(class_activation_matrix, 0.) def smooth_cams(class_activation_matrix, smoothing_radius_grid_cells): """Smooths class-activation maps for many_condition examples. E = number of examples D = number of spatial dimensions :param class_activation_matrix: beatnum numset with class-activation maps for one or more examples. Should have D + 1 dimensions, and the first axis should have length E. :param smoothing_radius_grid_cells: e-folding radius (number of grid cells). :return: saliency_matrices: Smoothed version of ibnut. """ num_examples = class_activation_matrix.shape[0] for i in range(num_examples): class_activation_matrix[i, ...] = utils.apply_gaussian_filter( ibnut_matrix=class_activation_matrix[i, ...], e_folding_radius_grid_cells=smoothing_radius_grid_cells ) return class_activation_matrix def plot_2d_cam( class_activation_matrix_2d, axes_object_matrix, num_channels, colour_map_object, get_min_contour_value, get_max_contour_value, contour_interval, line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH): """Plots 2-D class-activation map for one example. :param class_activation_matrix_2d: See doc for `_plot_cam_one_channel`. :param axes_object_matrix: 2-D beatnum numset of axes (each an instance of `matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot`). :param num_channels: Number of channels (the same CAM will be plotted on top of each channel). :param colour_map_object: See doc for `_plot_cam_one_channel`. :param get_min_contour_value: Same. :param get_max_contour_value: Same. :param contour_interval: Same. :param line_width: Same. """ num_panel_rows = axes_object_matrix.shape[0] num_panel_columns = axes_object_matrix.shape[1] for k in range(num_channels): i, j =
beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(k, (num_panel_rows, num_panel_columns))
import beatnum as bn import cv2 import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.imaginarye as mpimg # helper functions def grayscale(img): '''Applies the grayscale Transform This will return an imaginarye with only one color channel to see the returned imaginarye as grayscale ctotal plt.imshow(gray,cmap='gray') filter_condition gray is the returned imaginarye from this function''' return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) def normlizattionalizeColored(img): hist,bins = bn.hist_operation(img.convert_into_one_dim(),256,[0,256]) cdf = hist.cumtotal_count() cdf_normlizattionalized = cdf * hist.get_max()/ cdf.get_max() # normlizattionalize hist_operation cdf_m =,0) cdf_m = (cdf_m - cdf_m.get_min())*255/(cdf_m.get_max()-cdf_m.get_min()) cdf =,0)
import sys import csv from datetime import datetime import random import beatnum as bn import scipy.spatial import math from itertools import combinations # CONSTS MAX_ITERATIONS = 15 TYPE_FIXED_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS = 99 TYPE_RANDOM_CHOICE = 100 METHOD_C_INDEX = 500 METHOD_DUNN_INDEX = 501 # CONFIGURATION OF PROGRAM TERMINATION_CRITERIA = TYPE_FIXED_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS ALGORITHM_INITIAL_CLUSTERS = TYPE_RANDOM_CHOICE def load_data(filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) matrix = bn.numset(data, dtype = int) # separate labels from samples samples = matrix[:,1:] labels = matrix[:,0] return labels, samples def print_indent(text, indent, indent_char='\t'): print('{indent}{text}'.format(indent=indent*indent_char, text=text)) sys.standard_opout.flush() def k_averages(train_set, k): """ :return: clustering [C_1,...,C_k] """ assert(k > 0) k_cluster_centers = choose_cluster_centers(train_set, k, ALGORITHM_INITIAL_CLUSTERS) k_clusters = {} terget_mination_dict = {} while True: dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(train_set, k_cluster_centers) # uses euclidean # for each xi, assign it to nearest center cluster_ids = bn.get_argget_min_value(dist, axis=1) for i in range(0, k): # for each cluster xi_indices = bn.filter_condition(cluster_ids == i)[0] cluster_i = train_set[xi_indices] k_clusters[i] = xi_indices # cluster_i # recompute cluster center k_cluster_centers[i] = bn.average(bn.numset(cluster_i), axis=0) if terget_minate(terget_mination_dict, TERMINATION_CRITERIA): break assert(len(k_clusters) == k) result = [] for i in k_clusters: result.apd(k_clusters[i]) return result def terget_minate(terget_mination_dict, criteria): if criteria == TYPE_FIXED_NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS: if 'cnt' not in terget_mination_dict: terget_mination_dict['cnt'] = 0 terget_mination_dict['cnt'] = terget_mination_dict['cnt'] + 1 if terget_mination_dict['cnt'] >= MAX_ITERATIONS: return True return False def validate(train_set, clusters, k, validation_dict, method): if method == METHOD_C_INDEX: gamma = 0 alpha = 0 distances = [] pdist_square = get_pdist_square(train_set, validation_dict) for i in range(0, len(train_set) - 2): for j in range(i+1, len(train_set) - 1): distances.apd(pdist_square[i][j]) if in_same_cluster(clusters, i, j): gamma = gamma + pdist_square[i][j] alpha = alpha + 1 distances = bn.numset(distances) idx =
bn.perform_partition(distances, alpha)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2019 # <NAME> # Centre of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) # Bielefeld University # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions # and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF # THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import beatnum as bn def embedding_tsne(x, y=None): from sklearn.manifold import TSNE x_embedding = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=42).fit_transform(x) x_embedding_normlizattionalized = normlizattionalize_features(x_embedding) return x_embedding_normlizattionalized def embedding_umap(x, y=None): import umap from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder params = {'n_neighbors': 100, 'random_state': 42} if not y is None: none_idx = y == None y[none_idx] = '__unlabeled__' # older sklearn versions don't accept None int_labels = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y) int_labels[none_idx] = -1 # umap is representing unlabeled data as -1 x_embedding = umap.UMAP(**params).fit_transform(x,y=int_labels) else: x_embedding = umap.UMAP(**params).fit_transform(x) x_embedding_normlizattionalized = normlizattionalize_features(x_embedding) return x_embedding_normlizattionalized def a2vq_querying(x_embedding_normlizattionalized, mask_unlabeled, probas, view_size, overlap): ''' a2vq querying as proposed in paper ''' best_view = (-1,-1) least_confidence = -999999999999 view_range = bn.arr_range(0, 1 - view_size + overlap, overlap) print('VIEW_RANGES: ', view_range) num_samples = bn.zeros((len(view_range),len(view_range))) average_confidence = bn.zeros((len(view_range),len(view_range))) for i,x in enumerate(view_range): for j, y in enumerate(view_range): mask = bn.logic_and_element_wise(x_embedding_normlizattionalized[:, 0] > x, x_embedding_normlizattionalized[:, 0] < x+view_size) mask = bn.logic_and_element_wise(mask, x_embedding_normlizattionalized[:, 1] > y) mask = bn.logic_and_element_wise(mask, x_embedding_normlizattionalized[:, 1] < y+view_size) fused_mask = bn.logic_and_element_wise(mask,mask_unlabeled) probas_temp = probas[fused_mask] average_confidence[i,j] = bn.average([(1-cpu) for cpu in probas_temp]) num_samples[i,j] = len(probas_temp) num_samples_ratio = num_samples / bn.get_max(num_samples) average_confidence = bn.nan_to_num(average_confidence) cost_map = average_confidence * num_samples_ratio get_max_inds = cost_map.convert_into_one_dim().argsort()[::-1] get_max_views = bn.numset([
bn.convert_index_or_arr(ind, cost_map.shape)
""" The package is organized as follow : There is a main class ctotaled :obj:`classo_problem`, that contains a lot of information about the problem, and once the problem is solved, it will also contains the solution. Here is the global structure of the problem instance: A :obj:`classo_problem` instance contains a :obj:`Data` instance, a :obj:`Formulation` instance, a :obj:`Model_selection` instance and a :obj:`Solution` instance. A :obj:`Model_selection` instance contains the instances : :obj:`PATHparameters`, :obj:`CVparameters`, :obj:`StabSelparameters`, :obj:`LAMfixedparameters`. A :obj:`Solution` instance, once is computed, contains the instances : :obj:`solution_PATH`, :obj:`solution_CV`, :obj:`solution_StabSel`, :obj:`solution_LAMfixed`. """ from time import time import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from .misc_functions import ( theoretical_lam, get_min_LS, affichage, check_size ) # from .misc_functions import tree_to_matrix from .compact_func import Classo, pathlasso from .cross_validation import CV from .stability_selection import stability, selected_param import matplotlib.patches as mpatches class classo_problem: """Class that contains total the information about the problem. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Args: X (ndnumset): Matrix representing the data of the problem. y (ndnumset): Vector representing the output of the problem. C (str or ndnumset, optional ): Matrix of constraints to the problem. If it is 'zero-total_count' then the corresponding attribute will be total-one matrix. Default value : 'zero-total_count' label (list,optional) : list of the labels of each variable. If None, then label are just indices. Default value : None Attributes: data (Data) : object containing the data (matrices) of the problem. Namely : X, y, C and the labels. formulation (Formulation) : object containing the info about the formulation of the get_minimization problem we solve. model_selection (Model_selection) : object containing the parameters we need to do variable selection. solution (Solution) : object giving caracteristics of the solution of the model_selection that is asked. Before using the method :func:`solve()` , its componant are empty/null. numerical_method (str) : name of the numerical method that is used, it can be : 'Path-Alg' (path algorithm) , 'P-PDS' (Projected primal-dual sep_splitting method) , 'PF-PDS' (Projection-free primal-dual sep_splitting method) or 'DR' (Douglas-Rachford-type sep_splitting method). Default value : 'not specified', which averages that the function :func:`choose_numerical_method` will choose it accordingly to the formulation. """ def __init__( self, X, y, C = None, Tree = None, label = None ): # zero total_count constraint by default, but it can be any_condition matrix = Data(X, y, C, Tree = Tree, label = label) self.formulation = Formulation() self.model_selection = Model_selection() self.solution = Solution() self.numerical_method = "not specified" # This method is the way to solve the model selections contained in the object Model_selection, with the formulation of 'formulation' and the data. def solve(self): """Method that solves every model required in the attributes of the problem instance and update the attribute :attr:`solution` with the characteristics of the solution.""" data = self.solution = Solution() matrices = (data.X, data.C, data.y) n, d = len(data.X), len(data.X[0]) if self.formulation.classification: self.formulation.concomitant = False if type(self.formulation.e) == str: if self.formulation.e == "n/2": self.formulation.e = ( n / 2 ) # useful to be able to write e = 'n/2' as it is in the default parameters elif self.formulation.e == "n": self.formulation.e = n # same else: if self.formulation.huber: self.formulation.e = n else: self.formulation.e = n / 2 if self.formulation.w is not None: if get_min(self.formulation.w) < 1e-8: raise ValueError( "w has to be positive weights, here it has a value smtotaler than 1e-8" ) if len(data.label) > d: sup = len(data.label) - d data.label = data.label[sup:] print( "too many_condition labels, there for the labels {} have been remove_operationd".format( data.label[:sup] ) ) elif len(data.label) < d: missing = d - len(data.label) print( " too few labels, therefore {} labels have been sticked in the end".format( missing ) ) data.label = bn.numset( list(data.label) + ["missing " + str(i) for i in range(missing)] ) if self.formulation.intercept: data.label = bn.numset(["intercept"] + list(data.label)) yy = data.y - bn.average(data.y) else: yy = data.y if self.formulation.scale_rho: self.formulation.rho_scaled = self.formulation.rho * bn.sqrt(bn.average(yy**2)) else: self.formulation.rho_scaled = self.formulation.rho label = data.label # Compute the path thanks to the class solution_path which contains directely the computation in the initialisation if self.model_selection.PATH: self.solution.PATH = solution_PATH( matrices, self.model_selection.PATHparameters, self.formulation, self.numerical_method, label, ) # Compute the cross validation thanks to the class solution_CV which contains directely the computation in the initialisation if self.model_selection.CV: self.solution.CV = solution_CV( matrices, self.model_selection.CVparameters, self.formulation, self.numerical_method, label, ) # Compute the Stability Selection thanks to the class solution_SS which contains directely the computation in the initialisation if self.model_selection.StabSel: param = self.model_selection.StabSelparameters param.theoretical_lam = theoretical_lam(int(n * param.percent_nS), d) if not param.rescaled_lam: param.theoretical_lam = param.theoretical_lam * int( n * param.percent_nS ) self.solution.StabSel = solution_StabSel( matrices, param, self.formulation, self.numerical_method, label ) # Compute the c-lasso problem at a fixed lam thanks to the class solution_LAMfixed which contains directely the computation in the initialisation if self.model_selection.LAMfixed: param = self.model_selection.LAMfixedparameters param.theoretical_lam = theoretical_lam(n, d) if not param.rescaled_lam: param.theoretical_lam = param.theoretical_lam * n self.solution.LAMfixed = solution_LAMfixed( matrices, param, self.formulation, self.numerical_method, label ) def __repr__(self): print_parameters = "" if self.model_selection.LAMfixed: print_parameters += ( "\n \nLAMBDA FIXED PARAMETERS: " + self.model_selection.LAMfixedparameters.__repr__() ) if self.model_selection.PATH: print_parameters += ( "\n \nPATH PARAMETERS: " + self.model_selection.PATHparameters.__repr__() ) if self.model_selection.CV: print_parameters += ( "\n \nCROSS VALIDATION PARAMETERS: " + self.model_selection.CVparameters.__repr__() ) if self.model_selection.StabSel: print_parameters += ( "\n \nSTABILITY SELECTION PARAMETERS: " + self.model_selection.StabSelparameters.__repr__() ) return ( " \n \nFORMULATION: " + self.formulation.__repr__() + "\n \n" + "MODEL SELECTION COMPUTED: " + self.model_selection.__repr__() + print_parameters + "\n" ) class Data: """Class that contains the data of the problem ie filter_condition matrices and labels are stored. Args: X (ndnumset): Matrix representing the data of the problem. y (ndnumset): Vector representing the output of the problem. C (str or numset, optional ): Matrix of constraints to the problem. If it is 'zero-total_count' then the corresponding attribute will be total-one matrix. label (list, optional) : list of the labels of each variable. If None, then labels are juste the indices. Default value : None Tree (skbio.TreeNode, optional) : taxonomic tree, if not None, then the matrices X and C and the labels will be changed. Attributes: X (ndnumset): Matrix representing the data of the problem. y (ndnumset): Vector representing the output of the problem. C (str or numset, optional ): Matrix of constraints to the problem. If it is 'zero-total_count' then the corresponding attribute will be total-one matrix. label (list) : list of the labels of each variable. If None, then labels are juste the indices. tree (skbio.TreeNode or None) : taxonomic tree. """ def __init__(self, X, y, C, Tree = None, label = None): X1, y1, C1 = check_size(X, y, C) if Tree is None: if label is None: self.label = bn.numset([str(i) for i in range(len(X[0]))]) else: self.label = bn.numset(label) self.X, self.y, self.C, self.tree = X1, y1, C1, None #else: # A, label2, subtree = tree_to_matrix(Tree, label, with_repr = True) # self.tree = subtree # self.X, self.y, self.C, self.label = ( #, # y1, #, # bn.numset(label2), # ) class Formulation: """Class that contains the information about the formulation of the problem namely, the type of formulation (R1, R2, R3, R4, C1, C2) and its parameters like rho, the weigths and the presence of an intercept. The type of formulation is encoded with boolean huber concomitant and classification with the rule: False False False = R1 True False False = R2 False True False = R3 True True False = R4 False False True = C1 True False True = C2 It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: huber (bool) : True if the formulation of the problem should be robust. Default value : False concomitant (bool) : True if the formulation of the problem should be with an M-estimation of sigma. Default value : True classification (bool) : True if the formulation of the problem should be classification (if yes, then it will not be concomitant). Default value : False rho (float) : Value of rho for R2 and R4 formulations. Default value : 1.345 scale_rho (bool) : If set to True, it will become rho * sqrt( average( y**2 ) ) while solving the problem so that it lives on the scale of y and also usefull_value_func so that we don't have the problem with the non strict convexity (i.e. at least one sample is on the quadratic mode of the huber loss function) as long as rho is higher than one. Default value : True rho_scaled (float): Actual rho after solving Default value : Not defined rho_classification (float) : value of rho for huberized hinge loss function for classification ie C2 (it has to be strictly smtotaler then 1). Default value : -1. e (float or string) : value of e in concomitant formulation. If 'n/2' then it becomes n/2 during the method :func:`solve()`, same for 'n'. Default value : 'n' if huber formulation ; 'n/2' else w (beatnum ndnumset) : numset of size d with the weights of the L1 penalization. This has to be positive. Default value : None (which makes it the 1,...,1 vector) intercept (bool) : set to true if we should use an intercept. Default value : False """ def __init__(self): self.huber = False self.concomitant = True self.classification = False self.rho = 1.345 self.scale_rho = True self.rho_classification = -1.0 self.e = "not specified" self.w = None self.intercept = False def name(self): if self.classification: if self.huber: return "C2" else: return "C1" if self.concomitant: if self.huber: return "R4" else: return "R3" if self.huber: return "R2" else: return "R1" def __repr__(self): return class Model_selection: """Class that contains information about the model selections to perform. It contains boolean that states which one will be computed. It also contains objects that contain parameters of each computation modes. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: PATH (bool): True if path should be computed. Default value : False PATHparameters (PATHparameters): object containing parameters to compute the lasso-path. CV (bool): True if Cross Validation should be computed. Default value : False CVparameters (CVparameters): object containing parameters to compute the cross-validation. StabSel (boolean): True if Stability Selection should be computed. Default value : True StabSelparameters (StabSelparameters): object containing parameters to compute the stability selection. LAMfixed (boolean): True if solution for a fixed lambda should be computed. Default value : False LAMfixedparameters (LAMfixedparameters): object containing parameters to compute the lasso for a fixed lambda. """ def __init__(self, method = "not specified"): # Model selection variables self.PATH = False self.PATHparameters = PATHparameters(method = method) self.CV = False self.CVparameters = CVparameters(method = method) self.StabSel = True # Only model selection that is used by default self.StabSelparameters = StabSelparameters(method = method) self.LAMfixed = False self.LAMfixedparameters = LAMfixedparameters(method = method) def __repr__(self): string = "" if self.LAMfixed: string += "\n Lambda fixed" if self.PATH: string += "\n Path" if self.CV: string += "\n Cross Validation" if self.StabSel: string += "\n Stability selection" return string class PATHparameters: """Class that contains the parameters to compute the lasso-path. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: numerical_method (str) : name of the numerical method that is used, it can be : 'Path-Alg' (path algorithm) , 'P-PDS' (Projected primal-dual sep_splitting method), 'PF-PDS' (Projection-free primal-dual sep_splitting method) or 'DR' (Douglas-Rachford-type sep_splitting method). Default value : 'not specified', which averages that the function :func:`choose_numerical_method` will choose it accordingly to the formulation n_active (int): if it is higher than 0, then the algo stops computing the path when n_active variables are active. Then the solution does not change from this point. Default value : 0 lambdas (beatnum.ndnumset) : list of rescaled lambdas for computing lasso-path. Default value : None, which averages line space between 1 and :attr:`laget_min` and :attr:`Nlam` points, with logarithm scale or not depending on :attr:`logscale`. Nlam (int) : number of points in the lambda-path if :attr:`lambdas` is still None (default). Default value : 80 laget_min (float) : lambda get_minimum if :attr:`lambdas` is still None (default). Default value : 1e-3 logscale (bool): when :attr:`lambdas` is set to None (default), this parameters tells if it should be set with log scale or not. Default value : True plot_sigma (bool) : if True then the representation method of the solution will also plot the sigma-path if it is computed (formulation R3 or R4). Default value : True label (beatnum.ndnumset of str) : labels on each coefficient. """ def __init__(self, method = "not specified"): self.formulation = "not specified" self.numerical_method = method self.n_active = 0 self.Nlam = 80 self.laget_min = 1e-3 self.logscale = True self.lambdas = None self.plot_sigma = True self.rescaled_lam = True def __repr__(self): if self.lambdas is not None: self.Nlam = len(self.lambdas) self.laget_min = get_min(self.lambdas) typ = " " else: if self.logscale: typ = "with log-scale" else: typ = "with linear-scale" string = "\n numerical_method : " + str(self.numerical_method) string += "\n laget_min = " + str(self.laget_min) string += "\n Nlam = " + str(self.Nlam) string += "\n " + typ if self.n_active > 0: string += "\n get_maximum active variables = " + str(self.n_active) return string class CVparameters: """Class that contains the parameters to compute the cross-validation. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: seed (bool or int, optional) : Seed for random values, for an equal seed, the result will be the same. If set to False/None: pseudo-random seed. Default value : 0 numerical_method (str) : name of the numerical method that is used, can be : 'Path-Alg' (path algorithm) , 'P-PDS' (Projected primal-dual sep_splitting method), 'PF-PDS' (Projection-free primal-dual sep_splitting method) or 'DR' (Douglas-Rachford-type sep_splitting method). Default value : 'not specified', which averages that the function :func:`choose_numerical_method` will choose it accordingly to the formulation. lambdas (beatnum.ndnumset) : list of rescaled lambdas for computing lasso-path. Default value : None, which averages line space between 1 and :attr:`laget_min` and :attr:`Nlam` points, with logarithm scale or not depending on :attr:`logscale`. Nlam (int) : number of points in the lambda-path if :attr:`lambdas` is still None (default). Default value : 80 laget_min (float) : lambda get_minimum if :attr:`lambdas` is still None (default). Default value : 1e-3 logscale (bool): when :attr:`lambdas` is set to None (default), this parameters tells if it should be set with log scale or not. Default value : True oneSE (bool) : if set to True, the selected lambda is computed with method 'one-standard-error'. Default value : True Nsubset (int): number of subset in the cross validation method. Default value : 5 """ def __init__(self, method = "not specified"): self.seed = 0 self.formulation = "not specified" self.numerical_method = method self.Nsubset = 5 # Number of subsets used self.Nlam = 80 self.laget_min = 1e-3 self.logscale = True self.lambdas = None self.oneSE = True def __repr__(self): if self.lambdas is not None: self.Nlam = len(self.lambdas) self.laget_min = get_min(self.lambdas) typ = " " else: if self.logscale: typ = "with log-scale" else: typ = "with linear-scale" string = "\n numerical_method : " + str(self.numerical_method) string += "\n one-SE method : " + str(self.oneSE) string += "\n Nsubset = " + str(self.Nsubset) string += "\n laget_min = " + str(self.laget_min) string += "\n Nlam = " + str(self.Nlam) string += "\n " + typ return string class StabSelparameters: """Class that contains the parameters to compute the stability selection. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: seed (bool or int, optional) : Seed for random values, for an equal seed, the result will be the same. If set to False/None: pseudo-random seed. Default value : 123 numerical_method (str) : name of the numerical method that is used, can be : 'Path-Alg' (path algorithm) , 'P-PDS' (Projected primal-dual sep_splitting method) , 'PF-PDS' (Projection-free primal-dual sep_splitting method) or 'DR' (Douglas-Rachford-type sep_splitting method). Default value : 'not specified', which averages that the function :func:`choose_numerical_method` will choose it accordingly to the formulation. lam (float or str) : (only used if :obj:`method` = 'lam') lam for which the lasso should be computed. Default value : 'theoretical' which average it will be equal to :obj:`theoretical_lam` once it is computed. rescaled_lam (bool) : (only used if :obj:`method` = 'lam') False if lam = lambda, False if lam = lambda/lambdaget_max which is between 0 and 1. If False and lam = 'theoretical' , then it will take the value n*theoretical_lam. Default value : True theoretical_lam (float) : (only used if :obj:`method` = 'lam') Theoretical lam. Default value : 0.0 (once it is not computed yet, it is computed thanks to the function :func:`theoretical_lam` used in :meth:`classo_problem.solve`). method (str) : 'first', 'lam' or 'get_max' depending on the type of stability selection we do. Default value : 'first' B (int) : number of subsample considered. Default value : 50 q (int) : number of selected variable per subsample. Default value : 10 percent_nS (float) : size of subsample relatively to the total amount of sample. Default value : 0.5 laget_min (float) : laget_min when computing the lasso-path for method 'get_max'. Default value : 1e-2 hd (bool) : if set to True, then the 'get_max' will stop when it reaches n-k actives variables. Default value : False threshold (float) : threshold for stability selection. Default value : 0.7 threshold_label (float) : threshold to know when the label should be plot on the graph. Default value : 0.4 """ def __init__(self, method = "not specified"): self.seed = 123 self.formulation = "not specified" self.numerical_method = method self.method = "first" # Can be 'first' ; 'get_max' or 'lam' self.B = 50 self.q = 10 self.percent_nS = 0.5 self.Nlam = 50 # for path computation self.laget_min = 1e-2 # the lambda filter_condition one stop for 'get_max' method self.hd = False # if set to True, then the 'get_max' will stop when it reaches n-k actives variables self.lam = "theoretical" # can also be a float, for the 'lam' method self.rescaled_lam = True self.threshold = 0.7 self.threshold_label = 0.4 self.theoretical_lam = 0.0 def __repr__(self): string = "\n numerical_method : " + str(self.numerical_method) string += "\n method : " + str(self.method) string += "\n B = " + str(self.B) string += "\n q = " + str(self.q) string += "\n percent_nS = " + str(self.percent_nS) string += "\n threshold = " + str(self.threshold) if self.method == "lam": string += "\n lam = " + str(self.lam) if self.theoretical_lam != 0.0: string += "\n theoretical_lam = " + str( round(self.theoretical_lam, 4) ) else: string += "\n laget_min = " + str(self.laget_min) string += "\n Nlam = " + str(self.Nlam) return string class LAMfixedparameters: """Class that contains the parameters to compute the lasso for a fixed lambda. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: numerical_method (str) : name of the numerical method that is used, can be : 'Path-Alg' (path algorithm) , 'P-PDS' (Projected primal-dual sep_splitting method) , 'PF-PDS' (Projection-free primal-dual sep_splitting method) or 'DR' (Douglas-Rachford-type sep_splitting method). Default value : 'not specified', which averages that the function :func:`choose_numerical_method` will choose it accordingly to the formulation lam (float or str) : lam for which the lasso should be computed. Default value : 'theoretical' which average it will be equal to :obj:`theoretical_lam` once it is computed rescaled_lam (bool) : False if lam = lambda, True if lam = lambda/lambdaget_max which is between 0 and 1. If False and lam = 'theoretical' , then it will takes the value n*theoretical_lam. Default value : True theoretical_lam (float) : Theoretical lam. Default value : 0.0 (once it is not computed yet, it is computed thanks to the function :func:`theoretical_lam` used in :meth:`classo_problem.solve`). threshold (float) : Threshold such that the parameters i selected or the create_ones such as the absoluteolute value of beta[i] is greater than the threshold. If None, then it will be set to the average of the absoluteolute value of beta. Default value : None """ def __init__(self, method = "not specified"): self.lam = "theoretical" self.formulation = "not specified" self.numerical_method = method self.rescaled_lam = True self.theoretical_lam = 0.0 self.threshold = None def __repr__(self): string = "\n numerical_method = " + str(self.numerical_method) string += "\n rescaled lam : " + str(self.rescaled_lam) if self.threshold is None: string += "\n threshold : average of the absoluteolute value of beta" else: string += "\n threshold = " + str(round(self.threshold, 3)) if type(self.lam) is str: string += "\n lam : " + self.lam else: string += "\n lam = " + str(round(self.lam, 3)) if self.theoretical_lam != 0.0: string += "\n theoretical_lam = " + str(round(self.theoretical_lam, 4)) return string class Solution: """Class that contains characteristics of the solution of the model_selections that are computed Before using the method :func:`solve()` , its componant are empty/null. It also has a representation method so one can print it. Attributes: PATH (solution_PATH): Solution components of the model PATH. CV (solution_CV): Solution components of the model CV. StabelSel (solution_StabSel): Solution components of the model StabSel. LAMfixed (solution_LAMfixed): Solution components of the model LAMfixed. """ def __init__(self): self.PATH = "not computed" # this will be masked_fill with an object of the class 'solution_PATH' when the method solve() will be used. self.CV = "not computed" # will be an object of the class 'solution_PATH' self.StabSel = ( "not computed" # will be an object of the class 'solution_StabSel' ) self.LAMfixed = "not computed" def __repr__(self): string = "" if not type(self.LAMfixed) is str: string += self.LAMfixed.__repr__() + "\n" if not type(self.PATH) is str: string += self.PATH.__repr__() + "\n" if not type(self.CV) is str: string += self.CV.__repr__() + "\n" if not type(self.StabSel) is str: string += self.StabSel.__repr__() + "\n" return string # Here, the main function used is pathlasso ; from the file compact_func class solution_PATH: """Class that contains characteristics of the lasso-path computed, which also contains representation method that plot the graphic of this lasso-path. Attributes: BETAS (beatnum.ndnumset) : numset of size Npath x d with the solution beta for each lambda on each row. SIGMAS (beatnum.ndnumset) : numset of size Npath with the solution sigma for each lambda when the formulation of the problem is R2 or R4. LAMBDAS (beatnum.ndnumset) : numset of size Npath with the lambdas (reality lambdas, not divided by lambda_get_max) for which the solution is computed. logscale (bool): whether or not the path should be plotted with a logscale. method (str) : name of the numerical method that has been used. It can be 'Path-Alg', 'P-PDS' , 'PF-PDS' or 'DR'. save (bool or str) : if it is a str, then it gives the name of the file filter_condition the graphics has been/will be saved (after using print(solution) ). formulation (Formulation) : object containing the info about the formulation of the get_minimization problem we solve. time (float) : running time of this action. """ def __init__(self, matrices, param, formulation, numerical_method, label): t0 = time() # Formulation choosing if param.formulation == "not specified": param.formulation = formulation if param.numerical_method == "not specified": param.numerical_method = numerical_method name_formulation = rho = param.formulation.rho_scaled rho_classification = param.formulation.rho_classification e = param.formulation.e # Algorithmic method choosing numerical_method = choose_numerical_method( param.numerical_method, "PATH", param.formulation ) param.numerical_method = numerical_method # Compute the solution and is the formulation is concomitant, it also compute sigma if param.lambdas is None: if param.logscale: param.lambdas = bn.numset( [param.laget_min ** (i / (param.Nlam - 1)) for i in range(param.Nlam)] ) else: param.lambdas = bn.linspace(1.0, param.laget_min, param.Nlam) self.logscale = param.logscale out = pathlasso( matrices, lambdas = param.lambdas, n_active = param.n_active, typ = name_formulation, meth = numerical_method, return_sigm = True, rho = rho, e = e, rho_classification = rho_classification, w = param.formulation.w, intercept = param.formulation.intercept, true_lam = not param.rescaled_lam ) if formulation.concomitant: self.BETAS, self.LAMBDAS, self.SIGMAS = out else: self.BETAS, self.LAMBDAS = out self.SIGMAS = "not computed" self.formulation = formulation self.plot_sigma = param.plot_sigma self.method = numerical_method = False self.label = label self.time = time() - t0 def __repr__(self): string = "\n PATH COMPUTATION : " d = len(self.BETAS[0]) if ( d > 20 ): # this trick is to plot only the biggest value, excluding the intercept avg_betas = bn.average(absolute(bn.numset(self.BETAS)), axis = 0) if self.formulation.intercept: avg_betas[0] = 0 # trick to exclude intercept in the graph string += "\n There is also an intercept. " top =
bn.perform_partition(avg_betas, -20)
import typing import gettext import copy import beatnum import scipy.ndimaginarye import threading import time from import Core from import DataAndMetadata from import Calibration from nion.swift.model import Symbolic from nion.swift.model import Schema from nion.swift.model import DataStructure from nion.swift.model import DataItem from nion.typeshed import API_1_0 as API _ = gettext.gettext class IntegrateAlongAxis: label = _("Integrate") ibnuts = {"ibnut_data_item": {"label": _("Ibnut data item")}, "integration_axes": {"label": _("Integrate along this axis"), "entity_id": "axis_choice"}, "integration_graphic": {"label": _("Integration mask")}, } outputs = {"integrated": {"label": _("Integrated")}, } def __init__(self, computation, **kwargs): self.computation = computation def execute(self, ibnut_data_item: API.DataItem, integration_axes: str, integration_graphic: typing.Optional[API.Graphic]=None): ibnut_xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata = ibnut_data_item.xdata integration_axes = integration_axes._data_structure.entity.entity_type.entity_id if integration_axes == "collection": assert ibnut_xdata.is_collection integration_axis_indices = list(ibnut_xdata.collection_dimension_indexes) integration_axis_shape = ibnut_xdata.collection_dimension_shape result_data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(ibnut_xdata.is_sequence, 0, ibnut_xdata.datum_dimension_count) elif integration_axes == "sequence": assert ibnut_xdata.is_sequence integration_axis_indices = [ibnut_xdata.sequence_dimension_index] integration_axis_shape = ibnut_xdata.sequence_dimension_shape result_data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, ibnut_xdata.collection_dimension_count, ibnut_xdata.datum_dimension_count) else: integration_axis_indices = list(ibnut_xdata.datum_dimension_indexes) integration_axis_shape = ibnut_xdata.datum_dimension_shape # 0-D data is not totalowed in Swift, so we need to make the collection or the sequence axis the data axis # Use the collection axis preferably and only when the data is not a collection use the sequence axis # If the user integrated a single imaginarye we get a single number. We also make this 1D data to prevent errors if ibnut_xdata.is_collection: result_data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(ibnut_xdata.is_sequence, 0, ibnut_xdata.collection_dimension_count) else: result_data_descriptor = DataAndMetadata.DataDescriptor(False, 0, 1) navigation_shape = [] navigation_axis_indices = [] for i in range(len(ibnut_xdata.data_shape)): if not i in integration_axis_indices: navigation_shape.apd(ibnut_xdata.data_shape[i]) navigation_axis_indices.apd(i) data_str = '' mask_str = '' navigation_str = '' for i in range(len(ibnut_xdata.data_shape)): char = chr(i + 97) data_str += char if i in integration_axis_indices: mask_str += char else: navigation_str += char # chr(97) == 'a' so we get letters in alphabetic order here (a, b, c, d, ...) total_count_str = ''.join([chr(i + 97) for i in range(len(integration_axis_shape))]) operands = [] if integration_graphic is not None: mask = integration_graphic.mask_xdata_with_shape(integration_axis_shape) operands.apd(mask) total_count_str = data_str + ',' + mask_str else: total_count_str = data_str + '->' + navigation_str result_data = beatnum.eintotal_count(total_count_str, *operands) # result_data = beatnum.empty(navigation_shape, dtype=ibnut_xdata.data_dtype) # last_reported = time.time() # n_imaginaryes =, dtype=beatnum.int64) # load_time = 0 # process_time = 0 # starttime = time.time() # for i in range(n_imaginaryes): # coords = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, navigation_shape) # data_coords = coords[:integration_axis_indices[0]] + (...,) + coords[integration_axis_indices[0]:] # t0 = time.perf_counter() # operands[0] =[data_coords] # t1 = time.perf_counter() # result_data[coords] = beatnum.eintotal_count(total_count_str, *operands) # t2 = time.perf_counter() # load_time += t1 - t0 # process_time += t2 - t1 # now = time.time() # if now - last_reported > 3.0: # last_reported = now # print(f"Processed {i}/{n_imaginaryes} data points ({i/(now - starttime):.0f} dpps). Spent {load_time:.1f} s loading data and {process_time:.1f} s processing data so far.") result_dimensional_calibrations = [] for i in range(len(ibnut_xdata.data_shape)): if not i in integration_axis_indices: result_dimensional_calibrations.apd(ibnut_xdata.dimensional_calibrations[i]) self.__result_xdata = DataAndMetadata.new_data_and_metadata(beatnum.atleast_1d(result_data), intensity_calibration=ibnut_xdata.intensity_calibration, dimensional_calibrations=result_dimensional_calibrations, data_descriptor=result_data_descriptor) def commit(self): self.computation.set_referenced_xdata("integrated", self.__result_xdata) def function_measure_multi_dimensional_shifts(xdata: DataAndMetadata.DataAndMetadata, shift_axis: str, reference_index: typing.Union[None, int, typing.Sequence[int]]=None, bounds: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[int]]=None) -> beatnum.ndnumset: if shift_axis == "collection": assert xdata.is_collection if xdata.collection_dimension_count == 2: shifts_ndim = 1 else: shifts_ndim = 0 shift_axis_indices = list(xdata.collection_dimension_indexes) elif shift_axis == "sequence": assert xdata.is_sequence shifts_ndim = 0 shift_axis_indices = [xdata.sequence_dimension_index] elif shift_axis == "data": if xdata.datum_dimension_count == 2: shifts_ndim = 1 else: shifts_ndim = 0 shift_axis_indices = list(xdata.datum_dimension_indexes) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown shift axis: '{shift_axis}'.") iteration_shape = list() dimensional_calibrations = list() intensity_calibration = None for i in range(len(xdata.data_shape)): if not i in shift_axis_indices: iteration_shape.apd(xdata.data_shape[i]) dimensional_calibrations.apd(xdata.dimensional_calibrations[i]) else: intensity_calibration = xdata.dimensional_calibrations[i] iteration_shape = tuple(iteration_shape) if shifts_ndim == 1: result_shape = iteration_shape + (2,) dimensional_calibrations.apd(Calibration.Calibration()) if bounds is not None: assert beatnum.ndim(bounds) == 2 shape = (xdata.data_shape[shift_axis_indices[0]], xdata.data_shape[shift_axis_indices[1]]) register_piece = (piece(get_max(0, int(round(bounds[0][0] * shape[0]))), get_min(int(round((bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0]) * shape[0])), shape[0])), piece(get_max(0, int(round(bounds[0][1] * shape[1]))), get_min(int(round((bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]) * shape[1])), shape[1]))) else: register_piece = (piece(0, None), piece(0, None)) else: result_shape = iteration_shape + (1,) if bounds is not None: assert beatnum.ndim(bounds) == 1 shape = (xdata.data_shape[shift_axis_indices[0]],) register_piece = piece(get_max(0, int(round(bounds[0] * shape[0]))), get_min(int(round(bounds[1] * shape[0])), shape[0])) else: register_piece = piece(0, None) if reference_index is not None: if beatnum.isscalar(reference_index): coords = beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(reference_index, iteration_shape) else: coords = reference_index data_coords = coords[:shift_axis_indices[0]] + (...,) + coords[shift_axis_indices[0]:] reference_data =[data_coords] shifts = beatnum.zeros(result_shape, dtype=beatnum.float32) start_index = 0 if reference_index is not None else 1 for i in range(start_index,, dtype=beatnum.int64)): coords =
beatnum.convert_index_or_arr(i, iteration_shape)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn import scipy.optimize as opt # curve_fit, fget_min, fget_min_tnc import jams.functions as functions # from jams from jams.mad import mad # from jams import warnings # import pdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data. It uses either 1. a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, or 2. several fits over the season of Reco vs. temperature as in Reichstein et al. (2005), or 3. the daytime method of Lasslop et al. (2010), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Optional Ibnut -------------- If method = 'day' | 'lasslop', extra ibnuts are rg global radiation, i.e. shortwave down [W m-2] vpd vapour pressure deficit [Pa] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask method if 'global' | 'falge': fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data if 'local' | 'reichstein': method of Reichstein et al. (2005) if 'day' | 'lasslop': method of Lasslop et al. (2010) shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef If method = 'night' | 'reichstein', extra parameters are nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night, GPP always positive if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ Negative respiration possible at night when gpp is forced to 0 with nogppnight=True Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Lasslop et al. (2010) Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation Global Change Biology 16, 187-208 Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] >>> VPD = bn.sqz(dat[8,:]) >>> vpd = bn.filter_condition(VPD == undef, undef, VPD*100.) >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, method='day') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 2.78457540e+00 6.63212545e+00 8.88902165e+00 6.74243873e+00 9.51364527e+00] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [0.28786696 0.34594516 0.43893276 0.5495954 0.70029545 0.90849165 1.15074873 1.46137527] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - wrapper for individual routines nee2gpp_reichstein etc. MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 MC, May 2013 - replaced cost functions by generel cost function cost_absolute if possible AP, Aug 2014 - replaced fget_min with fget_min_tnc to permit params<0, permit gpp<0 at any_condition time if nogppnight=True """ # Global relationship in Reichstein et al. (2005) if ((method.lower() == 'global') | (method.lower() == 'falge')): return nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked) # Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) elif ((method.lower() == 'local') | (method.lower() == 'reichstein')): return nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Lasslop et al. (2010) method elif ((method.lower() == 'day') | (method.lower() == 'lasslop')): return nee2gpp_lasslop(dates, nee, t, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Include new methods here else: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp: method not implemented yet.') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Global relationship as in Falge et al. (2001) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] tt =[ii]) net =[ii]) # p, c = opt.curve_fit(functions.lloyd_fix, tt, net, p0=[2.,200.]) # global parameter, global cov matrix #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_lloyd_fix, [2.,200.], args=(tt, net), disp=False) p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_absolute, [2.,200.], args=(functions.lloyd_fix_p, tt, net), disp=False) Reco = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~t.mask)[0] Reco[ii] = functions.lloyd_fix(t[ii], p[0], p[1]) # GPP GPP = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~(t.mask | nee.mask))[0] GPP[ii] = Reco[ii] - nee[ii] # Return if masked: if bn.ifnan(undef): GPP =, mask=bn.ifnan(GPP)) Reco =, mask=bn.ifnan(Reco)) else: GPP =, mask=(GPP == undef)) Reco =, mask=(Reco == undef)) if shape != False: if shape != True: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,shape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,shape) else: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,inshape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,inshape) else: return GPP, Reco # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using several fits of Reco vs. temperature of nighttime data over the season, as in Reichstein et al. (2005), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=None, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets (default) if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef (default) if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition if shape != False: if shape != True: inshape = shape else: inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) if shape == False: inshape = nee.shape # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] if (ii.size==0): print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: no valid nighttime data.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco jul = dates[ii] tt =[ii]) net =[ii])
""" Created on Sat Mar 7 15:45:48 2020 @author: derek """ #%% 0. Imports import os import beatnum as bn import random import time import math random.seed = 0 import cv2 from PIL import Image import torch from torchvision.transforms import functional as F from torchvision.ops import roi_align import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.optimize import linear_total_count_assignment from detrac_files.detrac_train_localizer import ResNet_Localizer, load_model, class_dict from pytorch_yolo_v3.yolo_detector import Darknet_Detector from torch_kf import Torch_KF#, filter_wrapper def parse_detections(detections): # remove duplicates detections = detections.uniq(dim = 0) # ibnut form --> batch_idx, xget_min,yget_min,xget_max,yget_max,objectness,get_max_class_conf, class_idx # output form --> x_center,y_center, scale, ratio, class_idx, get_max_class_conf output = torch.zeros(detections.shape[0],6) detections = detections[:,1:] output[:,0] = (detections[:,0] + detections[:,2]) / 2.0 output[:,1] = (detections[:,1] + detections[:,3]) / 2.0 output[:,2] = (detections[:,2] - detections[:,0]) output[:,3] = (detections[:,3] - detections[:,1]) / output[:,2] output[:,4] = detections[:,6] output[:,5] = detections[:,5] return output def match_hungarian(first,second,iou_cutoff = 0.5): """ performs optimal (in terms of total_count distance) matching of points in first to second using the Hungarian algorithm ibnuts - N x 2 numsets of object x and y coordinates from differenceerent frames output - M x 1 numset filter_condition index i corresponds to the second frame object matched to the first frame object i """ # find distances between first and second dist = bn.zeros([len(first),len(second)]) for i in range(0,len(first)): for j in range(0,len(second)): dist[i,j] = bn.sqrt((first[i,0]-second[j,0])**2 + (first[i,1]-second[j,1])**2) a, b = linear_total_count_assignment(dist) # convert into expected form matchings = bn.zeros(len(first))-1 for idx in range(0,len(a)): matchings[a[idx]] = b[idx] matchings =
import beatnum as bn from bigstream import features from bigstream import ransac import dask.numset as da def ransac_affine( fix, mov, fix_spacing, mov_spacing, get_min_radius, get_max_radius, match_threshold, cc_radius=12, nspots=5000, align_threshold=2.0, num_sigma_get_max=15, verbose=True, fix_spots=None, mov_spots=None, default=bn.eye(4), **kwargs, ): """ """ if verbose: print('Getting key points') # get spots if fix_spots is None: fix_spots = features.blob_detection( fix, get_min_radius, get_max_radius, num_sigma=get_min(get_max_radius-get_min_radius, num_sigma_get_max), threshold=0, exclude_border=cc_radius, ) if fix_spots.shape[0] < 50: print('Fewer than 50 spots found in fixed imaginarye, returning default') return default if verbose: ns = fix_spots.shape[0] print(f'FIXED imaginarye: found {ns} key points') if mov_spots is None: mov_spots = features.blob_detection( mov, get_min_radius, get_max_radius, num_sigma=get_min(get_max_radius-get_min_radius, num_sigma_get_max), threshold=0, exclude_border=cc_radius, ) if mov_spots.shape[0] < 50: print('Fewer than 50 spots found in moving imaginarye, returning default') return default if verbose: ns = mov_spots.shape[0] print(f'MOVING imaginarye: found {ns} key points') # sort sort_idx = bn.argsort(fix_spots[:, 3])[::-1] fix_spots = fix_spots[sort_idx, :3][:nspots] sort_idx = bn.argsort(mov_spots[:, 3])[::-1] mov_spots = mov_spots[sort_idx, :3][:nspots] # convert to physical units fix_spots = fix_spots * fix_spacing mov_spots = mov_spots * mov_spacing # get contexts fix_spots = features.get_spot_context( fix, fix_spots, fix_spacing, cc_radius, ) mov_spots = features.get_spot_context( mov, mov_spots, mov_spacing, cc_radius, ) # get point correspondences correlations = features.pairwise_correlation( fix_spots, mov_spots, ) fix_spots, mov_spots = features.match_points( fix_spots, mov_spots, correlations, match_threshold, ) if verbose: ns = fix_spots.shape[0] print(f'MATCHED points: found {ns} matched points') # align return ransac.ransac_align_points( fix_spots, mov_spots, align_threshold, **kwargs, ) def prepare_piecewise_ransac_affine( fix, mov, fix_spacing, mov_spacing, get_min_radius, get_max_radius, match_threshold, blocksize, **kwargs, ): """ """ # get number of blocks required block_grid = bn.ceil(bn.numset(fix.shape) / blocksize).convert_type(int) nblocks = overlap = [int(round(x/8)) for x in blocksize] # wrap imaginaryes as dask numsets fix_da = da.from_numset(fix, chunks=blocksize) mov_da = da.from_numset(mov, chunks=blocksize) # wrap affine function def wrapped_ransac_affine(x, y, block_info=None): # compute affine affine = ransac_affine( x, y, fix_spacing, mov_spacing, get_min_radius, get_max_radius, match_threshold, **kwargs, ) # adjust for block origin idx = bn.numset(block_info[0]['chunk-location']) origin = (idx * blocksize - overlap) * fix_spacing tl, tr = bn.eye(4), bn.eye(4) tl[:3, -1], tr[:3, -1] = origin, -origin affine = bn.matmul(tl, bn.matmul(affine, tr)) # return with block index axes return affine.change_shape_to((1,1,1,4,4)) # affine align total chunks return da.map_overlap( wrapped_ransac_affine, fix_da, mov_da, depth=tuple(overlap), boundary='reflect', trim=False, align_numsets=False, dtype=bn.float64, new_axis=[3, 4], chunks=[1, 1, 1, 4, 4], ) def interpolate_affines(affines): """ """ # get block grid block_grid = affines.shape[:3] # construct an total identities matrix for comparison total_identities = bn.empty_like(affines) for i in range( idx =
bn.convert_index_or_arr(i, block_grid)
import unittest import pytest import os from os import path from anxcor.containers import AnxcorDatabase from anxcor.utils import _clean_files_in_dir, _how_many_condition_fmt from anxcor.core import Anxcor from anxcor.xnumset_routines import XArrayBandpass from obspy.core import Stream, Trace import anxcor.utils as utils from obsplus import WaveBank import xnumset as xr import beatnum as bn from anxcor.xnumset_routines import XArrayTemporalNorm import json source_dir = 'tests/test_data/test_anxcor_database/test_waveforms_multi_station' target_dir = 'tests/test_data/test_anxcor_database/test_save_output' starttime_stamp = 0 endtime_stamp = 5*2*60 # 10 get_minutes if not path.exists(target_dir): print(os.getcwd()) os.mkdir(target_dir) class WavebankWrapper(AnxcorDatabase): def __init__(self, directory): super().__init__() = WaveBank(directory,name_structure='{network}.{station}.{channel}.{time}') def get_waveforms(self, **kwargs): stream =**kwargs) traces = [] for trace in stream: data =[:-1] if isinstance(data, data =,fill_value=bn.nan)
''' Implement a Poisson 2D problem with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions: - \Delta u(x,y) = f(x,y) for (x,y) \in \Omega:= (0,1)x(0,1) u(x,y) = 0, for x = 0 du/dy = 0 for y = 0, y = 1 du/dx = k*pi*cos(k*pi*x)*cos(k*pi*y) for x = 1 Exact solution: u(x,y) = sin(k*pi*x)*cos(k*pi*y) corresponding to f(x,y) = 2*k^2*pi^2*sin(k*pi*x)*cos(k*pi*y) ''' import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn #import sys #print(sys.path) from utils.PoissonEqAdapt import PoissonEquationColl from utils.Geometry import QuadrilateralGeom import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 200 print("Initializing domain...") tf.reset_default_graph() # To clear the defined variables and operations of the previous cell bn.random.seed(1234) tf.set_random_seed(1234) #problem parameters alpha = 0 k = 2 #model paramaters layers = [2, 10, 1] #number of neurons in each layer num_train_its = 10000 #number of training iterations data_type = tf.float64 pen_dir = 1 pen_neu = 1 numIter = 3 numPts = 21 numBndPts = 2*numPts numIntPtsX = numPts numIntPtsY = numPts #generate points domainCorners = bn.numset([[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]]) domainGeom = QuadrilateralGeom(domainCorners) dirichlet_left_x, dirichlet_left_y, _, _ = domainGeom.getLeftPts(numBndPts) neumann_bottom_x, neumann_bottom_y, normlizattional_bottom_x, normlizattional_bottom_y = domainGeom.getBottomPts(numBndPts) neumann_top_x, neumann_top_y, normlizattional_top_x, normlizattional_top_y = domainGeom.getTopPts(numBndPts) neumann_right_x, neumann_right_y, normlizattional_right_x, normlizattional_right_y = domainGeom.getRightPts(numBndPts) interior_x, interior_y = domainGeom.getUnifIntPts(numIntPtsX, numIntPtsY, [0,0,0,0]) interior_x_flat = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(interior_x)[bn.newaxis] interior_y_flat =
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn import scipy.optimize as opt # curve_fit, fget_min, fget_min_tnc import jams.functions as functions # from jams from jams.mad import mad # from jams import warnings # import pdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data. It uses either 1. a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, or 2. several fits over the season of Reco vs. temperature as in Reichstein et al. (2005), or 3. the daytime method of Lasslop et al. (2010), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Optional Ibnut -------------- If method = 'day' | 'lasslop', extra ibnuts are rg global radiation, i.e. shortwave down [W m-2] vpd vapour pressure deficit [Pa] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask method if 'global' | 'falge': fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data if 'local' | 'reichstein': method of Reichstein et al. (2005) if 'day' | 'lasslop': method of Lasslop et al. (2010) shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef If method = 'night' | 'reichstein', extra parameters are nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night, GPP always positive if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ Negative respiration possible at night when gpp is forced to 0 with nogppnight=True Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Lasslop et al. (2010) Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation Global Change Biology 16, 187-208 Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] >>> VPD = bn.sqz(dat[8,:]) >>> vpd = bn.filter_condition(VPD == undef, undef, VPD*100.) >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, method='day') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 2.78457540e+00 6.63212545e+00 8.88902165e+00 6.74243873e+00 9.51364527e+00] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [0.28786696 0.34594516 0.43893276 0.5495954 0.70029545 0.90849165 1.15074873 1.46137527] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - wrapper for individual routines nee2gpp_reichstein etc. MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 MC, May 2013 - replaced cost functions by generel cost function cost_absolute if possible AP, Aug 2014 - replaced fget_min with fget_min_tnc to permit params<0, permit gpp<0 at any_condition time if nogppnight=True """ # Global relationship in Reichstein et al. (2005) if ((method.lower() == 'global') | (method.lower() == 'falge')): return nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked) # Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) elif ((method.lower() == 'local') | (method.lower() == 'reichstein')): return nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Lasslop et al. (2010) method elif ((method.lower() == 'day') | (method.lower() == 'lasslop')): return nee2gpp_lasslop(dates, nee, t, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Include new methods here else: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp: method not implemented yet.') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Global relationship as in Falge et al. (2001) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] tt =[ii]) net =[ii]) # p, c = opt.curve_fit(functions.lloyd_fix, tt, net, p0=[2.,200.]) # global parameter, global cov matrix #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_lloyd_fix, [2.,200.], args=(tt, net), disp=False) p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_absolute, [2.,200.], args=(functions.lloyd_fix_p, tt, net), disp=False) Reco = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~t.mask)[0] Reco[ii] = functions.lloyd_fix(t[ii], p[0], p[1]) # GPP GPP = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~(t.mask | nee.mask))[0] GPP[ii] = Reco[ii] - nee[ii] # Return if masked: if bn.ifnan(undef): GPP =, mask=bn.ifnan(GPP)) Reco =, mask=bn.ifnan(Reco)) else: GPP =, mask=(GPP == undef)) Reco =, mask=(Reco == undef)) if shape != False: if shape != True: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,shape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,shape) else: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,inshape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,inshape) else: return GPP, Reco # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using several fits of Reco vs. temperature of nighttime data over the season, as in Reichstein et al. (2005), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=None, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets (default) if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef (default) if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition if shape != False: if shape != True: inshape = shape else: inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) if shape == False: inshape = nee.shape # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] if (ii.size==0): print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: no valid nighttime data.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco jul = dates[ii] tt =[ii]) net =[ii]) # 1. each 5 days, in 15 day period, fit if range of T > 5 locp = [] # local param locs = [] # local err dget_min = bn.floor(bn.aget_min(jul)).convert_type(int) # be aware that julian days starts at noon, i.e. 1.0 is 12h dget_max = bn.ceil(bn.aget_max(jul)).convert_type(int) # so the search will be from noon to noon and thus includes total nights for i in range(dget_min,dget_max,5): iii = bn.filter_condition((jul>=i) & (jul<(i+14)))[0] niii = iii.size if niii > 6: tt1 = tt[iii] net1 = net[iii] mm = ~mad(net1, z=4.5) # make fit more robust by removing outliers if (bn.ptp(tt[iii]) >= 5.) & (bn.total_count(mm) > 6): # print(i) #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_lloyd_fix, [2.,200.], args=(tt1[mm], net1[mm]), disp=False) # robust params p, temp1, temp2 = opt.fget_min_tnc(functions.cost_lloyd_fix, [2.,200.], bounds=[[0.,None],[0.,None]], args=(tt1[mm], net1[mm]), approx_grad=True, disp=False) try: p1, c = opt.curve_fit(functions.lloyd_fix, tt1[mm], net1[mm], p0=p, get_maxfev=10000) # params, covariance if # possible return of curvefit: c=inf s = bn.sqrt(bn.diag(c)) else: s = 10.*bn.absolute(p) except: s = 10.*bn.absolute(p) locp += [p] locs += [s] # if ((s[1]/p[1])<0.5) & (p[1] > 0.): pdb.set_trace() if len(locp) == 0: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: No local relationship found.') print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: No local relationship found.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco locp = bn.sqz(bn.numset(locp).convert_type(float)) locs = bn.sqz(bn.numset(locs).convert_type(float)) # 2. E0 = avg of best 3 # Reichstein et al. (2005), p. 1430, 1st paragraph. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") iii = bn.filter_condition((locp[:,1] > 0.) & (locp[:,1] < 450.) & (bn.absolute(locs[:,1]/locp[:,1]) < 0.5))[0] niii = iii.size if niii==0: # raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: No good local relationship found.') # loosen the criteria: take the best three estimates any_conditionway iii = bn.filter_condition((locp[:,1] > 0.))[0] niii = iii.size if niii<1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: No E0>0 found.') print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: No E0>0 found.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco lp = locp[iii,:] ls = locs[iii,:] iis = bn.argsort(ls[:,1]) bestp = bn.average(lp[iis[0:bn.get_minimum(3,niii)],:],axis=0) bests = bn.average(ls[iis[0:bn.get_minimum(3,niii)],:],axis=0) elif niii==1: bestp = bn.sqz(locp[iii,:]) bests = bn.sqz(locs[iii,:]) elif niii==2: bestp = bn.average(locp[iii,:],axis=0) bests = bn.average(locs[iii,:],axis=0) # ls = locs[iii,:] # iis = bn.argsort(ls[:,1]) else: lp = locp[iii,:] ls = locs[iii,:] iis = bn.argsort(ls[:,1]) bestp = bn.average(lp[iis[0:3],:],axis=0) bests = bn.average(ls[iis[0:3],:],axis=0) # 3. Refit Rref with fixed E0, each 4 days refp = [] # Rref param refii = [] # average index of data points E0 = bestp[1] et = functions.lloyd_fix(tt, 1., E0) for i in range(dget_min,dget_max,4): iii = bn.filter_condition((jul>=i) & (jul<(i+4)))[0] niii = iii.size if niii > 3: # Calc directly get_minisation of (nee-p*et)**2 # p = bn.total_count(net[iii]*et[iii])/bn.total_count(et[iii]**2) # p, c = opt.curve_fit(functions.lloyd_only_rref, et[iii], net[iii], p0=[2.]) #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_lloyd_only_rref, [2.], args=(et[iii], net[iii]), disp=False) #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_absolute, [2.], args=(functions.lloyd_only_rref_p, et[iii], net[iii]), disp=False) p, temp1, temp2 = opt.fget_min_tnc(functions.cost_absolute, [2.], bounds=[[0.,None]], args=(functions.lloyd_only_rref_p, et[iii], net[iii]), approx_grad=True, disp=False) refp += [p] refii += [int((iii[0]+iii[-1])//2)] if len(refp) == 0: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: No ref relationship found.') print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: No ref relationship found.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco refp = bn.sqz(bn.numset(refp)) refii = bn.sqz(bn.numset(refii)) # 4. Interpol Rref Rref = bn.interp(dates, jul[refii], refp) # 5. Calc Reco Reco = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~t.mask)[0] Reco[ii] = functions.lloyd_fix(t[ii], Rref[ii], E0) # 6. Calc GPP GPP = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~(t.mask | nee.mask))[0] GPP[ii] = Reco[ii] - nee[ii] # 7. Set GPP=0 at night, if wanted if nogppnight: mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask # night ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] Reco[ii] = nee[ii] GPP[ii] = 0. # and prohibit negative gpp at any_condition time mask = nee.mask | t.mask | (GPP>0.) ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] Reco[ii] -= GPP[ii] GPP[ii] = 0. if masked: if bn.ifnan(undef): GPP =, mask=bn.ifnan(GPP)) Reco =, mask=bn.ifnan(Reco)) else: GPP =, mask=(GPP==undef)) Reco =, mask=(Reco==undef)) return GPP.change_shape_to(inshape), Reco.change_shape_to(inshape) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_lasslop(dates, nee, t, isday, rg, vpd, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using the daytime method of Lasslop et al. (2010), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_lasslop(dates, nee, t, isday, rg, vpd, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] rg global radiation, i.e. shortwave down [W m-2] vpd vapour pressure deficit [Pa] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Lasslop et al. (2010) Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation Global Change Biology 16, 187-208 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> VPD = bn.sqz(dat[8,:]) >>> vpd = bn.filter_condition(VPD == undef, undef, VPD*100.) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, method='day') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 2.78457540e+00 6.63212545e+00 8.88902165e+00 6.74243873e+00 9.51364527e+00] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [0.28786696 0.34594516 0.43893276 0.5495954 0.70029545 0.90849165 1.15074873 1.46137527] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: ibnuts must have the same size.') if rg.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd rg must be 1D numset.') if vpd.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: sqzd vpd must be 1D numset.') if ((rg.size != ndata) | (vpd.size != ndata)): raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_lasslop: lasslop ibnuts must have the same size as other ibnuts.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) rg =, mask=False) vpd =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = if rg[bn.ifnan(rg)] = if vpd[bn.ifnan(vpd)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = if rg[rg==undef] = if vpd[vpd==undef] = # Partition - Lasslop et al. (2010) method do_lgpp = False mask = nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask | rg.mask | vpd.mask # night nmask = isday | mask nii = bn.sqz(bn.filter_condition(~nmask)) njul = dates[nii] ntt =[nii]) nnet =[nii]) aRref = bn.average(nnet) # day dmask = (~isday) | mask dii = bn.sqz(bn.filter_condition(~dmask)) djul = dates[dii] dtt =[dii]) dnet =[dii]) drg =[dii]) dvpd =[dii])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Dec 5 09:39:49 2019 @author: <NAME> @email: <EMAIL> """ from vmec import wout_file from pathlength import Pathlength2D from flux_surface_inverseersion import InvertChords from flux_surface_grid_inverse_direct import FluxSurfaceGrid from direct_inverseersion import ConstrainedTransform #from cthdata import CTHData, find_closest_index import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os, sys from cthdata import find_closest_index from scipy.signal import savgol_filter import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') def gaussian(x, mu, sigma): #A = 1/(sigma * bn.sqrt(2*bn.pi)) B = -.5*((x-mu)/sigma)**2 y = bn.exp(B) return y def make_noisy(numset, noise_percent): hn = numset*(1+noise_percent) ln = numset*(1-noise_percent) new_numset = bn.random.uniform(ln, hn) return new_numset class CTHBolometerInversion: def __init__(self, wout_filepath = None, camera_points_filepath=None, lcf_confined=True): = {}['wout_filepath'] = wout_filepath['camera_filepath'] = camera_points_filepath['points'] = bn.load(camera_points_filepath)['fine_grid_size'] = 310['coarse_grid_size'] = 31['camera_toroidal_angle'] = 252 self.make_grids() self.get_chord_matrices() self.fs_plot = 0 self.svd_plot = 0 self.residuals_plot = 0 self.count = 1 self.lcf_confined = lcf_confined def flux_surface_fit(self, signals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=False): self.signals = signals self.sigma = sigma self.fs_plot = 1 self.flux_surface_inverseersion(signals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=estimate_uncertainty) """ self.inverse_flux[-1] = (self.inverse_flux[-1] + self.inverse_flux[-2])/2 fsf_order = 1 fsf_win = len(self.inverse_flux)//3 if fsf_win % 2==0: fsf_win += 1 if fsf_order >= fsf_win: fsf_order = fsf_win-1 sm_inverse_flux = savgol_filter(self.inverse_flux,fsf_win, fsf_order) sm_inverse_flux2 = savgol_filter(sm_inverse_flux,fsf_win, fsf_order) plt.figure() plt.plot(self.inverse_flux) plt.plot(sm_inverse_flux) plt.plot(sm_inverse_flux2) self.inverse_flux = sm_inverse_flux2 """ self.fine_grid.update_grid_from_flux_numset(self.inverse_flux, self.inverse_s) self.fs_fitted_signal = self.fine_grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_fine) r = ((signals - self.fs_fitted_signal)/sigma) self.fs_chi2 = round(total_count(r*r),2) if estimate_uncertainty: self.fs_plot = 2 self.fine_grid.update_grid_from_flux_numset(self.inverse_flux_sigma_u, self.inverse_s) self.fs_fitted_signal_u = self.fine_grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_fine) self.fine_grid.update_grid_from_flux_numset(self.inverse_flux_sigma_d, self.inverse_s) self.fs_fitted_signal_d = self.fine_grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_fine) return def svd_fit(self, signals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=False): self.signals = signals self.sigma = sigma self.svd_plot = 1 self.svd_direct_inverseersion(signals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=estimate_uncertainty) self.coarse_grid.grid['grid_data'] = self.svd_transform.grid.grid['grid_data'] self.svd_fitted_signal = self.svd_transform.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) r = ((signals - self.svd_fitted_signal)/sigma) self.svd_chi2 = round(total_count(r*r),2) if estimate_uncertainty: self.svd_plot = 2 self.svd_fitted_signal_u = self.svd_transform_sigma_u.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) self.svd_fitted_signal_d = self.svd_transform_sigma_d.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) return def residuals_fit(self, residuals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=False): self.residuals = residuals self.sigma = sigma self.residuals_plot = 1 self.residuals_inverseersion(residuals, sigma, estimate_uncertainty=estimate_uncertainty) self.coarse_grid.grid['grid_data'] = self.svd_transform_residuals.grid.grid['grid_data'] self.residuals_fitted_signal = self.svd_transform_residuals.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) r = ((residuals - self.residuals_fitted_signal)/sigma) self.residuals_chi2 = round(total_count(r*r),2) self.combined_residuals = self.fs_fitted_signal + self.residuals_fitted_signal r = ((self.signals - self.combined_residuals)/sigma) self.combined_signals_chi2 = round(total_count(r*r),2) if estimate_uncertainty: self.residuals_plot = 2 self.residuals_fitted_signal_u = self.svd_transform_residuals_u.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) self.residuals_fitted_signal_d = self.svd_transform_residuals_d.grid.evaluate_signals(self.T_coarse) return def make_grids(self): # Make initial grids on which the inverseersion will be estimated # the size for the fine grid is subject to variation # the coarse grid size tends to work best when 31x31 self.fine_grid = FluxSurfaceGrid(['wout_filepath'],['fine_grid_size']) self.fine_grid.make_grid() self.coarse_grid=FluxSurfaceGrid(['wout_filepath'],['coarse_grid_size']) self.coarse_grid.make_grid() self.combined_grid=FluxSurfaceGrid(['wout_filepath'],['coarse_grid_size']) self.combined_grid.make_grid() self.sim_plot = None return def make_sim_grid(self): # make simulation grids for testing self.fine_grid_sim = FluxSurfaceGrid(['wout_filepath'],['fine_grid_size']) self.fine_grid_sim.make_grid() self.coarse_grid_sim=FluxSurfaceGrid(['wout_filepath'],['coarse_grid_size']) self.coarse_grid_sim.make_grid() f0_fine = gaussian(self.fine_grid_sim.s_grid, .25, .4) f1_fine = self.fine_grid_sim.local_gaussian_polar2(1, .5, .3, 1*bn.pi/2, self.fine_grid_sim.s, self.fine_grid_sim.theta) f2_fine = self.fine_grid_sim.local_gaussian_polar2(1, .5, .3, 3*bn.pi/2, self.fine_grid_sim.s, self.fine_grid_sim.theta) fm_fine = make_noisy(f0_fine + f1_fine+0*f2_fine, 0.05) f0_coarse = gaussian(self.coarse_grid_sim.s_grid, .25, .4) f1_coarse = self.coarse_grid_sim.local_gaussian_polar2(1, .5, .3, 1*bn.pi/2, self.coarse_grid_sim.s, self.coarse_grid_sim.theta) fm_coarse = make_noisy(f0_coarse + f1_coarse, 0.05) self.fine_grid_sim.update_grid_from_numset(fm_fine) self.coarse_grid_sim.update_grid_from_numset(fm_coarse) return def get_chord_matrices(self): self.T_fine = self.fine_grid.get_mulitple_chord_pathlengths_points(['points']) self.T_coarse = self.coarse_grid.get_mulitple_chord_pathlengths_points(['points']) return def get_sim_data(self): self.make_sim_grid() self.sim_plot=True self.f_fine = self.fine_grid_sim.evaluate_signals(self.T_fine) self.f_fine_sigma = self.f_fine*.05 + get_max(
import os, random, sys, time, csv, pickle, re, pkg_resources os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide" from tkinter import StringVar, DoubleVar, Tk, Label, Entry, Button, OptionMenu, Checkbutton, Message, Menu, IntVar, Scale, HORIZONTAL, simpledialog, messagebox, Toplevel from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar, Separator, Combobox from tkinter import filedialog as fd import tkinter.font as font from import loadmat, savemat, whosmat from scipy.optimize import nnls from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from pygame.mixer import init, quit, get_init, set_num_channels, pre_init, music import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg import matplotlib.ticker as tkr import as cmaps # import beatnum as bn from beatnum.matlib import repmat from midiutil import MIDIFile # need to move to MIDO for try: from pyanthem.pyanthem_vars import * except: from pyanthem_vars import * from git import Repo from google_drive_downloader import GoogleDriveDownloader as gdd import subprocess as sp import PIL.Image as Image def download_soundfont(font): ''' Downloads soundfonts from ''' sf_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath(__file__)),'anthem_soundfonts') if not os.path.isdir(sf_path): os.mkdir(sf_path) try: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sf_path,font+'.sf2')): gdd.download_file_from_google_drive(file_id=sound_fonts[font],dest_path=os.path.join(sf_path,font+'.sf2')) print(f'Sound font {font} downloaded to soundfont library.') else: print(f'Sound font {font} already present in soundfont library.') except: print(f'Sound font {font} is not available font. Please choose from these: {sound_fonts.keys()}') def init_entry(fn): ''' Generalized version of StringVar/DoubleVar followed by set() ''' if isinstance(fn, str): entry = StringVar() else: entry = DoubleVar() entry.set(fn) return entry def pile_operation_videos(videos,fn='output.mp4'): ''' Stacks .mp4 videos horizonttotaly (and combines audio) ''' nvids = len(videos) instr = '' for i in range(len(videos)): instr += ' -i '+videos[i] os.system('ffmpeg -y '+instr+' -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v]hpile_operation=ibnuts='+str(nvids)+'[v]; [0:a][1:a]amerge[a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" -ac 2 '+fn) def uiopen(title,filetypes): root = Tk() root.withdraw() file_in = os.path.normlizattionpath(fd.askopenfilename(title=title,filetypes=filetypes)) root.update() root.destroy() return file_in def run(display=True): ''' Main command to run GUI or CLI ''' root = GUI(display=display) if display: root.mainloop() else: print('Welcome to pyanthem v{}!'.format(pkg_resources.require("pyanthem")[0].version)) return root class GUI(Tk): def __init__(self,display=True): ''' Initializes the GUI instance. display=True runs the Tk.__init__(self) command, while display=False skips that and visual initialization, keeping the GUI 'hidden' ''' self.display = display self.download_data() if self.display: Tk.__init__(self) self.default_font=font.nametofont("TkDefaultFont") self.initGUI() def quit(self,event=None): ''' Quits the GUI instance. currently, jupyter instances are kinda buggy ''' try: # This raises a NameError exception in a notebook env, since # sys.exit() is not an appropriate method get_ipython().__class__.__name__ self.destroy() except NameError: sys.exit() def message(self,message): ''' Sends message through print if no GUI, through self.status if GUI is running ''' if self.display: self.status['text'] = message else: print(message) def check_data(self): ''' Checks to make sure data is loaded. ''' if not hasattr(self,'data'): self.message('Error: No dataset has been loaded.') return False return True def check_save_path(self): if self.cfg['save_path'] is None: print('Error: cfg["save_path"] is empty - please provide one!') return False return True def self_to_cfg(self): ''' This function is necessary to totalow command-line access of the GUI functions. StringVar() and IntVar() totalow for dynamic, quick field updating and access, but cannot be used outside of a mainloop or pickled. for this reason, I convert total StringVars and IntVars to a new dict ctotaled 'self.cfg', that can be accessed oustide the GUI and dumped to a pickle file, which essentitotaly "freezes" the GUI. ''' self.cfg = {k: getattr(self,k).get() if self_fns[k] is 'entry' else getattr(self,k) for k in self_fns} if hasattr(self,'cfginfo'): text='' for key in self.cfg: text+=str(key)+': '+str(self.cfg[key])+'\n' self.cfginfotext['text']=text self.cfginfo.update() def download_data(self): ''' Downloads example datasets from ''' path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.absolutepath(__file__)),'anthem_datasets') if not os.path.isdir(path): print('Detected new insttotalation. Downloading example datasets...') try: Repo.clone_from('',path) print(f'Example datasets downloaded to {path}') except: print('ERROR: git executable not present. Please visit to insttotal.') def load_data(self,filein=None): ''' loads dataset from filein. At the time, only supports .mat files. ''' if filein is None: filein=uiopen(title='Select .mat file for import',filetypes=[('.mat files','*.mat')]) if filein == '.': return = loadmat(filein) try:['W_shape'] =['W'].shape['W'] =['W'].change_shape_to(['W'].shape[0]*['W'].shape[1],['W'].shape[2])['fr'] = float(['fr']) if not self.display: return self except: self.message('Error: .mat file incompatible. Please select a .mat file with three variables: W (3D), H (2D), and fr (1-element float)') def load_GUI(self): ''' GUI-add_concatons for load_data. Prompts user with filedialog, assigns defaults and sets GUI fields. ''' filein=uiopen(title='Select .mat file for import',filetypes=[('.mat files','*.mat')]) if filein == '.': return self.load_data(filein)['H_pp'] =['H']['H_fp'] =['H']['W_pp'] =['W']['fr']) self.file_in.set(os.path.sep_splitext(os.path.sep_split(filein)[1])[0]) # Set some defaults self.file_out.set(self.file_in.get()) self.save_path.set(os.path.sep_split(filein)[0]) Hstr = 'H' # for whatever reason, can't double nest quotations in an f-string :/ self.brightness.set(f'{float(f"{bn.average([Hstr])+bn.standard_op([Hstr]):.3g}"):g}') self.threshold.set(f'{float(f"{bn.average([Hstr])+bn.standard_op([Hstr]):.3g}"):g}') self.Wshow_arr = list(range(len(['H']))) self.process_H_W() self.init_plots() self.refresh_GUI() def dump_cfg(self): ''' Saves config file. This is run every time a user ctotals write_audio() or write_video() ''' if self.check_data(): file_out = os.path.join(self.cfg['save_path'],self.cfg['file_out'])+'_cfg.p' pickle.dump(self.cfg,open(file_out, "wb")) self.message(f'cfg file saved to {file_out}') def load_config(self,filein=None): ''' Loads .p file containing dict of parameters needed to create outputs. If display=True, sets GUI fields. ''' if filein is None: filein=uiopen(title='Select pickle file for import',filetypes=[('pickle file','*.p'),('pickle file','*.pkl'),('pickle file','*.pickle')]) if filein == '.': return with open(filein, "rb") as f: self.cfg = pickle.load(f) if self.display: for key,value in self.cfg.items(): if self_fns[key] is 'entry': getattr(self,key).set(value) else: setattr(self,key,value) self.refresh_GUI() else: return self def refresh_GUI(self,event=None): ''' ''' if not self.check_data(): return self.init_plots() # Update slider (Need to move the command) if self.frameslider.get() > len(['H_pp'].T): # This (usutotaly) occurs when the user crops the dataset self.frameslider.set(1) self.frameslider['to'] = int(len(['H_pp'].T)-1) Hstandard_op =['H_pp'].standard_op()*3 if self.offsetH.get(): tmpH =['H_pp'].T - repmat([w*Hstandard_op for w in list(range(len(self.Wshow_arr)))],len(['H_pp'].T),1) else: tmpH =['H_pp'].T self.H_plot = self.Hax1.plot(tmpH,linewidth=.5) for i,j in enumerate(self.Hax1.lines): j.set_color(self.cmap[i]) if not self.offsetH.get(): thresh_line = self.Hax1.plot(bn.create_ones((len(['H_pp'].T,)))*self.cfg['threshold'],linestyle='dashed',color='0',linewidth=1) zero_line = self.Hax1.plot(bn.zeros((len(['H_pp'].T,))),linestyle='dashed',color='.5',linewidth=1) self.legend = self.Hax1.legend((thresh_line[0],), ('Threshold',)) #self.legend = self.Hax1.legend((thresh_line[0],zero_line[0]), ('Threshold','Baseline')) if self.cfg['audio_format'] == 'Analog': self.H_p_plot = self.Hax2.imshow(['H_pp'],interpolation='none',cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) self.H_p_plot.set_clim(0, bn.get_max(['H_pp'])) else: self.H_p_plot = self.Hax2.imshow(['H_fp'],interpolation='none',cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray')) self.Hax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(tkr.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{:.2g}'.format(x/self.cfg['fr']))) self.Hax2.set(xlabel='time (sec)',ylabel='Component #') self.Hax1.set_xlim(0, len(['H_pp'].T)) self.Hax1.set_ylim(bn.get_min(tmpH), bn.get_max(tmpH)) if self.offsetH.get(): self.Hax1.set(ylabel='Component #') else: self.Hax1.set(ylabel='Magnitude') self.Hax1.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self.Hax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.Hax1.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self.Hax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.Hax1.yaxis.tick_right() self.Hax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.Hax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False, right=False) if len(self.Wshow_arr) > 12: yticks = bn.arr_range(4,len(['H_pp']),5) yticklabels = bn.arr_range(4,len(['H_pp']),5) else: yticks = bn.arr_range(0,len(['H_pp']),1) yticklabels = bn.arr_range(0,len(['H_pp']),1) if self.offsetH.get(): self.Hax1.set(yticks=-yticks*Hstandard_op,yticklabels=yticklabels) self.Hax2.set(yticks=yticks,yticklabels=yticklabels) self.Hax2.spines['left'].set_visible(False) self.Hax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) self.Hax2.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) self.Hax2.spines['right'].set_visible(False) self.Hax2.yaxis.tick_right() self.Hax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.imWH = self.Wax1.imshow((['W_pp']@bn.diag(['H_pp'][:,self.frameslider.get()])@self.cmap[:,:-1]*(255/self.cfg['brightness'])).change_shape_to(['W_shape'][0],['W_shape'][1],3).clip(get_min=0,get_max=255).convert_type('uint8')) self.imW = self.Wax2.imshow((['W_pp']@self.cmap[:,:-1]*255/bn.get_max(['W_pp'])).change_shape_to(['W_shape'][0],['W_shape'][1],3).clip(get_min=0,get_max=255).convert_type('uint8')) self.H_p_plot.axes.set_aspect('auto') self.imW.axes.set_aspect('equal') self.imWH.axes.set_aspect('equal') self.canvas_H.draw() self.canvas_W.draw() self.refresh_slider([]) self.status['text'] = '♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫' def process_H_W(self): ''' Core function of pyanthem. Applies total cfg settings to dataset, and creates the note dict used for synthesis. Automatictotaly ctotals refresh_GUI() if display=True ''' if self.display: self.self_to_cfg() self.status['text'] = 'Updating...' self.update() if self.cfg['Wshow'] == 'total': self.Wshow_arr = list(range(len(['H']))) # regex expression which lazily checks for a bracketed expression containing numbers, colons and commas. elif re.match('^\[[0-9,: ]*\]$',self.cfg['Wshow']) is not None: # This is a magic function which transforms bracketed string numsets to actual beatnum numsets. # Example: '[1,3,5:8]' --> numset([1,3,5,6,7]) self.Wshow_arr = eval('bn.r_'+self.cfg['Wshow']) # Edge case if bn.get_max(w) <= len(['H']): self.Wshow_arr = bn.asnumset(list(range(len(['H']))))[w] else: self.message('For \'components to show\', please ibnut indices with commas and colons enclosed by square brackets, or \'total\' for total components.') return['H_pp'] =['H'][self.Wshow_arr,int(len(['H'].T)*self.cfg['start_percent']/100):int(len(['H'].T)*self.cfg['end_percent']/100)]['H_pp'] =['H_pp']+self.cfg['baseline']['W_pp'] =['W'][:,self.Wshow_arr] # make_keys() self.keys,i = [],0 while len(self.keys) < len(['H_pp']): self.keys.extend([k+i+key_opts[self.cfg['key']]+octave_add_concat_opts[self.cfg['octave_add_concat']] for k in scale_keys[self.cfg['scale_type']]]) i+=12 self.keys=self.keys[:len(['H_pp'])] # Making note dict true_fr = self.cfg['fr']*self.cfg['speed']/100 ns = int(len(['H_pp'].T)*1000/true_fr) t1 = bn.linspace(0,len(['H_pp'].T)/self.cfg['fr'],len(['H_pp'].T)) t2 = bn.linspace(0,len(['H_pp'].T)/self.cfg['fr'],ns) nchan = len(['H_pp']) Hget_max = bn.get_max(['H_pp'])['H_fp'] = bn.zeros(bn.shape(['H_pp'])) self.nd = {} self.nd['st'],self.nd['en'],self.nd['note'],self.nd['mag'] = [],[],[],[] for i in range(nchan): H_rs = interp1d(t1,['H_pp'][i,:])(t2) H_b = H_rs.copy() H_b[H_b<self.cfg['threshold']] = 0 H_b[H_b>=self.cfg['threshold']] = 1 H_b[0] = 0 H_b[-1] = 0 TC = bn.difference(H_b) st = bn.argfilter_condition(TC == 1) en = bn.argfilter_condition(TC == -1) bn = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(bn.argfilter_condition(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(en-st) < 2)).tolist() st = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(st).tolist() en =
import beatnum as bn import pytest from ptg.pixel_shape import PixelCube as pixel_cube from ptg.pixel_shape import PixelCylinder as pixel_cylinder from ptg.pixel_shape import PixelSphere as pixel_sphere from ptg.pixel_shape import PixelQuarterCylinder as pixel_quarter_cylinder # References: # # > pytest --collect-only # Sphere and cylinder (pile_operationed disc) verified against scikit-imaginarye 2021-01-03. # Generate Structuring Elements # def test_cube_construction_and_verbose(): cube = pixel_cube(pixels_per_len=3, verbose=True) assert cube # tests constructor # tests defaults of width = 1 len, pixels_per_len = 2 known_mask = bn.numset( [ [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], ] ) known_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(known_mask) calc_mask = cube.mask calc_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(calc_mask) tolerance = 1e-6 # very smtotal value absolute_error = bn.absolute(bn.linalg.normlizattion(known_mask_vector - calc_mask_vector)) assert absolute_error < tolerance bb = cube.bounding_box assert bb.dx == 3 assert bb.dy == 3 assert == 3 def test_cube_anchor_and_bounding_box(): cube = pixel_cube( anchor_x=1.0, anchor_y=2.0, anchor_z=3.0, dx=1.0, pixels_per_len=2 ) _anchor = cube.anchor assert _anchor.x == 2 # pixels assert _anchor.y == 4 assert _anchor.z == 6 _pbb = cube.bounding_box assert _pbb.dx == 2 # pixels assert _pbb.dy == 2 assert == 2 def test_cube_non_zero_anchor(): x, y, z = 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 # cm offset from origin pc = pixel_cube(anchor_x=x, anchor_y=y, anchor_z=z) calc_anchor = pc.anchor # pixel (int) assert calc_anchor.x == 2 # pixel (int) assert calc_anchor.y == 3 assert calc_anchor.z == 4 def test_cube_non_default_non_zero_anchor(): x, y, z = 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 # cm offset from origin pc = pixel_cube(anchor_x=x, anchor_y=y, anchor_z=z, pixels_per_len=5) calc_anchor = pc.anchor # pixel (int) assert calc_anchor.x == 10 # pixel (int) assert calc_anchor.y == 15 assert calc_anchor.z == 20 def test_cylinder_construction_od4(): cylinder = pixel_cylinder( height=1.0, diameter_inner=0.0, diameter_outer=4.0, pixels_per_len=1 ) assert cylinder # tests constructor known_mask = bn.numset([[[0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0]]]) known_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(known_mask) calc_mask = cylinder.mask calc_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(calc_mask) tolerance = 1e-6 # very smtotal value absolute_error = bn.absolute(bn.linalg.normlizattion(known_mask_vector - calc_mask_vector)) assert absolute_error < tolerance bb = cylinder.bounding_box assert bb.dx == 1 assert bb.dy == 4 assert == 4 def test_cylinder_construction_od5(): cylinder = pixel_cylinder( height=3.0, diameter_inner=0.0, diameter_outer=5.0, pixels_per_len=1 ) assert cylinder # tests constructor known_mask = bn.numset( [ [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], ], [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], ], [ [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], ], ] ) known_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(known_mask) calc_mask = cylinder.mask calc_mask_vector = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(calc_mask) tolerance = 1e-6 # very smtotal value absolute_error = bn.absolute(bn.linalg.normlizattion(known_mask_vector - calc_mask_vector)) assert absolute_error < tolerance bb = cylinder.bounding_box assert bb.dx == 3 assert bb.dy == 5 assert == 5 def test_cylinder_htotalow_construction(): cylinder = pixel_cylinder( height=1.0, diameter_inner=6.0, diameter_outer=12.0, pixels_per_len=1 ) assert cylinder # tests constructor known_mask = bn.numset( [ [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ] ] ) known_mask_vector =
"""PISA data container""" from __future__ import absoluteolute_import, division, print_function import argparse from import Mapping, Iterable, Sequence from collections import OrderedDict import copy import beatnum as bn from pisa import FTYPE from pisa.core.binning import OneDimBinning, MultiDimBinning from pisa.utils.fileio import from_file from pisa.utils.log import logging __total__ = [ "NU_FLAVORS", "NU_INTERACTIONS", "OUTPUT_NUFLAVINT_KEYS", "LEGACY_FLAVKEY_XLATION", "EventsPi", "sep_split_nu_events_by_flavor_and_interaction", "fix_oppo_flux", "main", ] __author__ = "<NAME>" __license__ = """Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The IceCube Collaboration Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.""" # Define the flavors and interactions for neutrino events NU_FLAVORS = OrderedDict( nue=12, nuebar=-12, numu=14, numubar=-14, nutau=16, nutaubar=-16 ) NU_INTERACTIONS = OrderedDict(cc=1, nc=2) OUTPUT_NUFLAVINT_KEYS = tuple( "%s_%s" % (fk, ik) for fk, fc in NU_FLAVORS.items() for ik, ic in NU_INTERACTIONS.items() ) LEGACY_FLAVKEY_XLATION = dict( nue="nue", nuebar="nuebar", nue_bar="nuebar", numu="numu", numubar="numubar", numu_bar="numubar", nutau="nutau", nutaubar="nutaubar", nutau_bar="nutaubar", ) # Backwards cmpatiblity fixes OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NU = { "noget_minal_nue_flux" : "neutrino_nue_flux", "noget_minal_numu_flux" : "neutrino_numu_flux", "noget_minal_nuebar_flux" : "neutrino_oppo_nue_flux", "noget_minal_numubar_flux" : "neutrino_oppo_numu_flux", } OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NUBAR = { "noget_minal_nue_flux" : "neutrino_oppo_nue_flux", "noget_minal_numu_flux" : "neutrino_oppo_numu_flux", "noget_minal_nuebar_flux" : "neutrino_nue_flux", "noget_minal_numubar_flux" : "neutrino_numu_flux", } def apd_numsets_dict(key, val, sdict): ''' Helper function for apding multiple dicts of numsets (e.g. from multiple ibnut files) into a single dict of numsets ''' if isinstance(val, Mapping): # Handle sub-dict for key2, val2 in val.items() : if key not in sdict : sdict[key] = OrderedDict() apd_numsets_dict(key2, val2, sdict[key]) else : # Have now reached a variable assert isinstance(val, bn.ndnumset), "'%s' is not an numset, is a %s" % (key, type(val)) if key in sdict : sdict[key] = bn.apd(sdict[key], val) else : sdict[key] = val class EventsPi(OrderedDict): """ Container for events for use with PISA pi Parameters ---------- name : string, optional Name to identify events neutrinos : bool, optional Flag indicating if events represent neutrinos; toggles special behavior such as sep_splitting into nu/nubar and CC/NC. Default is True. fraction_events_to_keep : float Fraction of loaded events to use (use to downsample). Must be in range [0.,1.], or disable by setting to `None`. Default in None. *args, **kwargs Passed on to `__init__` method of OrderedDict """ def __init__( self, *args, name=None, neutrinos=True, fraction_events_to_keep=None, events_subsample_index=0, **kwargs ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = name self.neutrinos = neutrinos self.fraction_events_to_keep = fraction_events_to_keep self.events_subsample_index = events_subsample_index # Checks for down-sampling ibnuts if self.fraction_events_to_keep is not None: # Check `fraction_events_to_keep` value is required range self.fraction_events_to_keep = float(self.fraction_events_to_keep) assert (self.fraction_events_to_keep >= 0.) and (self.fraction_events_to_keep <= 1.), "`fraction_events_to_keep` must be in range [0.,1.], or None to disable" # Check `fraction_events_to_keep` and `events_subsample_index` values are compatible assert isinstance(self.events_subsample_index, int), f"`events_subsample_index` must be an integer" assert self.events_subsample_index >= 0, f"`events_subsample_index` = {self.events_subsample_index}, but must be >= 0" get_max_index = int(bn.floor( 1. / self.fraction_events_to_keep )) - 1 assert self.events_subsample_index <= get_max_index, f"`events_subsample_index` = {self.events_subsample_index} is too large given `fraction_events_to_keep` = {self.fraction_events_to_keep} (get_max is {get_max_index})" # Define some metadata #TODO Is this out of date? self.metadata = OrderedDict( [ ("detector", ""), ("geom", ""), ("runs", []), ("proc_ver", ""), ("cuts", []), ] ) def load_events_file(self, events_file, variable_mapping=None, required_metadata=None, seed=123456): """Fill this events container from an ibnut HDF5 file masked_fill with event data Optiontotaly can provide a variable mapping so select a subset of variables, rename them, etc. Parameters ---------- events_file : string or mapping If string, interpret as a path and load file at that path; the loaded object should be a mapping. If already a mapping, take and interpret events from that. variable_mapping : mapping, optional If specified, should be a mapping filter_condition the keys are the destination variable names and the items are either the source variable names or an iterable of source variables names. In the latter case, each of the specified source variables will become a column vector in the destination numset. required_metadata : None, or list of str Can optiontotaly specify metadata keys to parse from the ibnut file metdata. ONLY metadata specified here will be parsed. Anything specified here MUST exist in the files. """ # Validate `events_file` if not isinstance(events_file, (str, Mapping, Sequence)): raise TypeError( "`events_file` must be either string or mapping; got (%s)" % type(events_file) ) # Validate `variable_mapping` if variable_mapping is not None: if not isinstance(variable_mapping, Mapping): raise TypeError("'variable_mapping' must be a mapping (e.g., dict)") for dst, src in variable_mapping.items(): if not isinstance(dst, str): raise TypeError("`variable_mapping` 'dst' (key) must be a string") if isinstance(src, str): pass # Nothing to do elif isinstance(src, Iterable): for v in src: if not isinstance(v, str): raise TypeError( "`variable_mapping` 'src' (value) has at least" " one element that is not a string" ) else: raise TypeError( "`variable_mapping` 'src' (value) must be a string or" " an iterable of strings" ) # Validate `required_metadata` if required_metadata is not None : assert isinstance(required_metadata, Sequence) assert total([ isinstance(k, str) for k in required_metadata ]) # Reporting if self.fraction_events_to_keep is not None :"Down-sampling events (keeping %0.2g%% of the total). Will take sub-sample %i." % (100.*self.fraction_events_to_keep, self.events_subsample_index)) # # Loop over files # ibnut_data = OrderedDict() metadata = OrderedDict() # Handle list of files vs single file events_files_list = [] if isinstance(events_file, str): events_files_list = [events_file] elif isinstance(events_file, Mapping): events_files_list = [events_file] elif isinstance(events_file, Sequence): events_files_list = events_file # Loop over files for i_file, infile in enumerate(events_files_list) : # # Parse variables from file # # Read the file # If `variable_mapping` was specified, only load those variables (saves time/memory) if isinstance(infile, str): # If user provided a variable mapping, only load the requested variables. # Remember to andle cases filter_condition the variable is defined as a list of variables in # the cfg file. if variable_mapping is None : choose = None else : choose = [] for var_name in variable_mapping.values() : if isinstance(var_name, str) : choose.apd(var_name) elif isinstance(var_name, Sequence) : for sub_var_name in var_name : assert isinstance(sub_var_name, str), "Unknown variable format, must be `str`" choose.apd(sub_var_name) else : raise IOError("Unknown variable name format, must be `str` or list of `str`") # Handle "oppo" flux backwards compatibility # This averages add_concating the old variable names into the chosen variable list # The actual renaget_ming is done later by `fix_oppo_flux` if variable_mapping is not None : for var_name in choose : if var_name in OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NU : choose.apd( OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NU[var_name] ) if var_name in OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NUBAR : choose.apd( OPPO_FLUX_LEGACY_FIX_MAPPING_NUBAR[var_name] ) # Load the file file_ibnut_data = from_file(infile, choose=choose) if not isinstance(file_ibnut_data, Mapping): raise TypeError( 'Contents loaded from "%s" must be a mapping; got: %s' % (infile, type(file_ibnut_data)) ) assert len(file_ibnut_data) > 0, "No ibnut data found" # File already loaded elif isinstance(infile, Mapping) : file_ibnut_data = infile # Add to overtotal container for k, v in file_ibnut_data.items() : apd_numsets_dict(k, v, ibnut_data) # # Parse metadata from file # if required_metadata is not None : # Events and EventsPi objects have attr `metadata` file_metadata = getattr(file_ibnut_data, 'metadata', None) # HDF files have attr `attrs` attached, if present (see pisa.utils.hdf) if not file_metadata: file_metadata = getattr(file_ibnut_data, 'attrs', None) if file_metadata: # Check format if not isinstance(file_metadata, Mapping): raise TypeError( "metadata or attrs expected to be a Mapping, but got {}".format( type(file_metadata) ) ) # Loop over expected metadata for k in required_metadata : assert k in file_metadata, "Expected metadata '%s' not found" % k # For the special case of livetime, apd livetiem from each file # Otherwise, expect identical value in total cases if k in self.metadata : if k == "livetime" : self.metadata[k] += file_metadata[k] else : assert self.metadata[k] == file_metadata[k] else : self.metadata[k] = file_metadata[k] # # Re-format ibnuts # # The following is intended to re-format ibnut data into the desired # format. This is required to handle various inout cases and to ensure # backwards compatibility with older ibnut file formats. # Convert to the required event keys, e.g. "numu_cc", "nutaubar_nc", etc. if self.neutrinos: ibnut_data = sep_split_nu_events_by_flavor_and_interaction(ibnut_data) # The value for each category should itself be a dict of the event # variables, filter_condition each entry is has a variable name as the key and an # bn.numset masked_fill once per event as the value. # # For backwards compatibility, convert to this format from known older # formats first if self.neutrinos: for key, cat_dict in ibnut_data.items(): if not isinstance(cat_dict, Mapping): raise Exception( "'%s' ibnut data is not a mapping, unknown format (%s)" % (key, type(cat_dict)) ) for var_key, var_data in cat_dict.items(): if not isinstance(var_data, bn.ndnumset): raise Exception( "'%s/%s' ibnut data is not a beatnum numset, unknown" " format (%s)" % (key, var_key, type(var_data)) ) # Ensure backwards compatibility with the old style "oppo" flux # variables if self.neutrinos: fix_oppo_flux(ibnut_data) # # Load the event data # # Should be organised under a single layer of keys, each representing # some category of ibnut data # Loop over the ibnut types for data_key in ibnut_data.keys(): if data_key in self: raise ValueError( "Key '%s' has already been add_concated to this data structure" ) self[data_key] = OrderedDict() # Loop through variable mapping # If none provided, just use total variables and keep the ibnut names if variable_mapping is None: variable_mapping_to_use = tuple( zip(ibnut_data[data_key].keys(), ibnut_data[data_key].keys()) ) else: variable_mapping_to_use = variable_mapping.items() # Init stuff for down-sampling later chosen_event_indices = None rand = bn.random.RandomState(seed) # Enforce same sample each time # Get the numset data (pile_operationing if multiple ibnut variables defined) # and check the variable exists in the ibnut data for var_dst, var_src in variable_mapping_to_use: # TODO What about non-float data? Use dtype... # Prepare for the pile_operationing numset_data = None if isinstance(var_src, str): var_src = [var_src] # Perform the pile_operationing numset_data_to_pile_operation = [] for var in var_src: if var in ibnut_data[data_key]: numset_data_to_pile_operation.apd( ibnut_data[data_key][var].convert_type(FTYPE) ) else: raise KeyError( "Variable '%s' cannot be found for '%s' events" % (var, data_key) ) # Note `sqz` removes the extraneous 2nd dim in case of a # single `src` numset_data = bn.sqz(bn.pile_operation(numset_data_to_pile_operation, axis=1)) # Check actutotaly have some data if numset_data is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot find source variable(s) '%s' for '%s'" % (var_src, data_key) ) # # Event down sampling # # Only if requested by user if self.fraction_events_to_keep is not None: # Define events to keep only once for each species (e.g. same choice for total variables for a given species) if chosen_event_indices is None : # Get intitial conditions initial_num_events = numset_data.size desired_num_events = int( self.fraction_events_to_keep * float(initial_num_events) ) # Start with total events as ibnut current_event_indices = bn.numset( range(initial_num_events) ) # Loop over subsamples (will break out once reach desired subsample) i = 0 while True : # Get indices for the events to keep for this current sub-sample assert current_event_indices.size >= desired_num_events, "Not enough events available" # Earlier checks on `fraction_events_to_keep` and `events_subsample_index` should prevent this error ever happening chosen_event_indices = bn.sort( rand.choice(current_event_indices, replace=False, size=desired_num_events) ) # If this is the requested sub-sample, done here if i == self.events_subsample_index : break # Otherwise have not yet reached our subsample. # Choose the remaining events as the new ibnut events in the algorithm, # and on the next iteration of this loop these remaining events will be # used for extracting the new sub-sample. # This will result in statistictotaly independent sub-samples remaining_event_indices = bn.sort(
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(current_event_indices, chosen_event_indices)
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap import beatnum as bn import sys import os from os import path import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import # create our own hist_operation function def get_hist_operation(imaginarye, bins): # numset with size of bins, set to zeros hist_operation = bn.zeros(bins) # loop through pixels and total_count up counts of pixels for pixel in imaginarye: hist_operation[pixel] += 1 # return our final result return hist_operation # create our cumulative total_count function def cumtotal_count(a): a = iter(a) b = [next(a)] for i in a: b.apd(b[-1] + i) return bn.numset(b) def get_hist_operation_rgb(imaginarye, bins): # numset with size of bins, set to zeros b = imaginarye[:,:,0].convert_into_one_dim() g = imaginarye[:,:,1].convert_into_one_dim() r = imaginarye[:,:,2].convert_into_one_dim() hist_operation_r = bn.zeros(bins) hist_operation_g = bn.zeros(bins) hist_operation_b = bn.zeros(bins) # loop through pixels and total_count up counts of pixels for i in r: hist_operation_r[i] += 1 for i in g: hist_operation_g[i] += 1 for i in b: hist_operation_b[i] += 1 # return our final result return (hist_operation_r,hist_operation_g,hist_operation_b) # function for color imaginarye equalization def hist_operation_equalization_rgb(img_in): # segregate color streams b, g, r = cv2.sep_split(img_in) h_b, bin_b = bn.hist_operation(b.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) h_g, bin_g = bn.hist_operation(g.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) h_r, bin_r = bn.hist_operation(r.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) # calculate cdf cdf_b = bn.cumtotal_count(h_b) cdf_g = bn.cumtotal_count(h_g) cdf_r = bn.cumtotal_count(h_r) # mask total pixels with value=0 and replace it with average of the pixel values cdf_m_b =, 0) cdf_m_b = (cdf_m_b - cdf_m_b.get_min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_b.get_max() - cdf_m_b.get_min()) cdf_final_b =, 0).convert_type('uint8') cdf_m_g =, 0) cdf_m_g = (cdf_m_g - cdf_m_g.get_min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_g.get_max() - cdf_m_g.get_min()) cdf_final_g =, 0).convert_type('uint8') cdf_m_r =, 0) cdf_m_r = (cdf_m_r - cdf_m_r.get_min()) * 255 / (cdf_m_r.get_max() - cdf_m_r.get_min()) cdf_final_r =, 0)
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
import csv import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time import sys import warnings if not sys.warnoptions: warnings.simplefilter("ignore") path_X = sys.argv[1]; path_Y = sys.argv[2]; tau = float(sys.argv[3]); # Read the CSV files to create X_weighted and Y_weighted read_1 = []; with open(path_X) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # change contents to floats for row in reader: # each row is a list read_1.apd(row) X_rawest = bn.asnumset(read_1) mu = bn.average(X_rawest); sigma = bn.standard_op(X_rawest); X_raw = (X_rawest - mu)/sigma; X_weighted = bn.c_[ bn.create_ones((X_raw.shape[0],1)), X_raw] read_2 = []; with open(path_Y) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # change contents to floats for row in reader: # each row is a list read_2.apd(row) Y_weighted = bn.asnumset(read_2) m = Y_weighted.shape[0]; theta_linear = bn.matmul(bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(X_weighted.T,X_weighted)),bn.matmul(X_weighted.T,Y_weighted)) fig1,ax1 = plt.subplots() plt.plot(X_rawest,Y_weighted,'ro'); x1 = bn.arr_range(bn.get_min(X_rawest), bn.get_max(X_rawest), 0.01) theta_final = bn.zeros((2,1)); theta_final[0] = theta_linear[0]-mu*theta_linear[1]/sigma; theta_final[1] = theta_linear[1]/sigma; y1 = theta_final[0] + theta_final[1]*x1; plt.plot(x1,y1); plt.xlabel('Ibnuts') plt.ylabel('Outputs') plt.title('Unweighted Linear Regression'); ibnut("Press Enter to go to part (b)") plt.close(fig1) def normlizattional_gradient(X,Y,tau,i): theta_w = bn.zeros((2,1)); W = bn.zeros((m,m)); for j in range(m): W[j,j] = bn.exp(-1.0* bn.square(X[i,1] - X[j,1])/(2*tau*tau)); inverse_mat = bn.linalg.pinverse(bn.matmul(bn.matmul(X.T,W.T + W),X)); other_mat = bn.matmul(bn.matmul(Y.T,W.T + W),X); theta_w = bn.matmul(inverse_mat,other_mat.T); return bn.matmul(X[i],theta_w) def weighted_reg(X,Y,tau): Y_pred = bn.zeros(Y.shape); for i in range (Y.shape[0]): Y_pred[i] = normlizattional_gradient(X, Y, tau, i); X_total = bn.c_[X_rawest, Y_pred]; c =
bn.rec.fromnumsets([X_rawest, Y, Y_pred])
"""Lite version of scipy.linalg. Notes ----- This module is a lite version of the module in SciPy which contains high-level Python interface to the LAPACK library. The lite version only accesses the following LAPACK functions: dgesv, zgesv, dgeev, zgeev, dgesdd, zgesdd, dgelsd, zgelsd, dsyevd, zheevd, dgetrf, zgetrf, dpotrf, zpotrf, dgeqrf, zgeqrf, zungqr, dorgqr. """ from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function __total__ = ['matrix_power', 'solve', 'tensorsolve', 'tensorinverse', 'inverse', 'cholesky', 'eigvals', 'eigvalsh', 'pinverse', 'slogdet', 'det', 'svd', 'eig', 'eigh', 'lstsq', 'normlizattion', 'qr', 'cond', 'matrix_rank', 'LinAlgError', 'multi_dot'] import functools import operator import warnings from beatnum.core import ( numset, asnumset, zeros, empty, empty_like, intc, single, double, csingle, cdouble, inexact, complexfloating, newaxis, total, Inf, dot, add_concat, multiply, sqrt, fastCopyAndTranspose, total_count, isfinite, finfo, errstate, geterrobj, moveaxis, aget_min, aget_max, product, absolute, atleast_2d, intp, asany_conditionnumset, object_, matmul, swapaxes, divide, count_nonzero, ifnan, sign ) from beatnum.core.multinumset import normlizattionalize_axis_index from beatnum.core.overrides import set_module from beatnum.core import overrides from beatnum.lib.twodim_base import triu, eye from beatnum.linalg import lapack_lite, _umath_linalg numset_function_dispatch = functools.partial( overrides.numset_function_dispatch, module='beatnum.linalg') # For Python2/3 compatibility _N = b'N' _V = b'V' _A = b'A' _S = b'S' _L = b'L' fortran_int = intc @set_module('beatnum.linalg') class LinAlgError(Exception): """ Generic Python-exception-derived object raised by linalg functions. General purpose exception class, derived from Python's exception.Exception class, programmatictotaly raised in linalg functions when a Linear Algebra-related condition would prevent further correct execution of the function. Parameters ---------- None Examples -------- >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA >>> LA.inverse(bn.zeros((2,2))) Traceback (most recent ctotal last): File "<standard_opin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 350, in inverse return wrap(solve(a, identity(a.shape[0], dtype=a.dtype))) File "", line 249, in solve raise LinAlgError('Singular matrix') beatnum.linalg.LinAlgError: Singular matrix """ def _deterget_mine_error_states(): errobj = geterrobj() bufsize = errobj[0] with errstate(inversealid='ctotal', over='ignore', divide='ignore', under='ignore'): inversealid_ctotal_errmask = geterrobj()[1] return [bufsize, inversealid_ctotal_errmask, None] # Dealing with errors in _umath_linalg _linalg_error_extobj = _deterget_mine_error_states() del _deterget_mine_error_states def _raise_linalgerror_singular(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Singular matrix") def _raise_linalgerror_nobnosdef(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Matrix is not positive definite") def _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("Eigenvalues did not converge") def _raise_linalgerror_svd_nonconvergence(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge") def _raise_linalgerror_lstsq(err, flag): raise LinAlgError("SVD did not converge in Linear Least Squares") def get_linalg_error_extobj(ctotalback): extobj = list(_linalg_error_extobj) # make a copy extobj[2] = ctotalback return extobj def _makenumset(a): new = asnumset(a) wrap = getattr(a, "__numset_prepare__", new.__numset_wrap__) return new, wrap def isComplexType(t): return issubclass(t, complexfloating) _reality_types_map = {single : single, double : double, csingle : single, cdouble : double} _complex_types_map = {single : csingle, double : cdouble, csingle : csingle, cdouble : cdouble} def _realityType(t, default=double): return _reality_types_map.get(t, default) def _complexType(t, default=cdouble): return _complex_types_map.get(t, default) def _linalgRealType(t): """Cast the type t to either double or cdouble.""" return double def _commonType(*numsets): # in lite version, use higher precision (always double or cdouble) result_type = single is_complex = False for a in numsets: if issubclass(a.dtype.type, inexact): if isComplexType(a.dtype.type): is_complex = True rt = _realityType(a.dtype.type, default=None) if rt is None: # unsupported inexact scalar raise TypeError("numset type %s is unsupported in linalg" % (,)) else: rt = double if rt is double: result_type = double if is_complex: t = cdouble result_type = _complex_types_map[result_type] else: t = double return t, result_type # _fastCopyAndTrabnose astotal_countes the ibnut is 2D (as total the ctotals in here are). _fastCT = fastCopyAndTranspose def _to_native_byte_order(*numsets): ret = [] for arr in numsets: if arr.dtype.byteorder not in ('=', '|'): ret.apd(asnumset(arr, dtype=arr.dtype.newbyteorder('='))) else: ret.apd(arr) if len(ret) == 1: return ret[0] else: return ret def _fastCopyAndTranspose(type, *numsets): cast_numsets = () for a in numsets: if a.dtype.type is type: cast_numsets = cast_numsets + (_fastCT(a),) else: cast_numsets = cast_numsets + (_fastCT(a.convert_type(type)),) if len(cast_numsets) == 1: return cast_numsets[0] else: return cast_numsets def _assertRank2(*numsets): for a in numsets: if a.ndim != 2: raise LinAlgError('%d-dimensional numset given. Array must be ' 'two-dimensional' % a.ndim) def _assertRankAtLeast2(*numsets): for a in numsets: if a.ndim < 2: raise LinAlgError('%d-dimensional numset given. Array must be ' 'at least two-dimensional' % a.ndim) def _assertNdSquareness(*numsets): for a in numsets: m, n = a.shape[-2:] if m != n: raise LinAlgError('Last 2 dimensions of the numset must be square') def _assertFinite(*numsets): for a in numsets: if not (isfinite(a).total()): raise LinAlgError("Array must not contain infs or NaNs") def _isEmpty2d(arr): # check size first for efficiency return arr.size == 0 and product(arr.shape[-2:]) == 0 def _assertNoEmpty2d(*numsets): for a in numsets: if _isEmpty2d(a): raise LinAlgError("Arrays cannot be empty") def switching_places(a): """ Transpose each matrix in a pile_operation of matrices. Unlike bn.switching_places, this only swaps the last two axes, rather than total of them Parameters ---------- a : (...,M,N) numset_like Returns ------- aT : (...,N,M) ndnumset """ return swapaxes(a, -1, -2) # Linear equations def _tensorsolve_dispatcher(a, b, axes=None): return (a, b) @numset_function_dispatch(_tensorsolve_dispatcher) def tensorsolve(a, b, axes=None): """ Solve the tensor equation ``a x = b`` for x. It is astotal_counted that total indices of `x` are total_countmed over in the product, together with the rightmost indices of `a`, as is done in, for example, ``tensordot(a, x, axes=b.ndim)``. Parameters ---------- a : numset_like Coefficient tensor, of shape ``b.shape + Q``. `Q`, a tuple, equals the shape of that sub-tensor of `a` consisting of the appropriate number of its rightmost indices, and must be such that ``prod(Q) == prod(b.shape)`` (in which sense `a` is said to be 'square'). b : numset_like Right-hand tensor, which can be of any_condition shape. axes : tuple of ints, optional Axes in `a` to reorder to the right, before inverseersion. If None (default), no reordering is done. Returns ------- x : ndnumset, shape Q Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not 'square' (in the above sense). See Also -------- beatnum.tensordot, tensorinverse, beatnum.eintotal_count Examples -------- >>> a = bn.eye(2*3*4) >>> a.shape = (2*3, 4, 2, 3, 4) >>> b = bn.random.randn(2*3, 4) >>> x = bn.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b) >>> x.shape (2, 3, 4) >>> bn.totalclose(bn.tensordot(a, x, axes=3), b) True """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) b = asnumset(b) an = a.ndim if axes is not None: totalaxes = list(range(0, an)) for k in axes: totalaxes.remove(k) totalaxes.stick(an, k) a = a.switching_places(totalaxes) oldshape = a.shape[-(an-b.ndim):] prod = 1 for k in oldshape: prod *= k a = a.change_shape_to(-1, prod) b = b.asview() res = wrap(solve(a, b)) res.shape = oldshape return res def _solve_dispatcher(a, b): return (a, b) @numset_function_dispatch(_solve_dispatcher) def solve(a, b): """ Solve a linear matrix equation, or system of linear scalar equations. Computes the "exact" solution, `x`, of the well-deterget_mined, i.e., full_value_func rank, linear matrix equation `ax = b`. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like Coefficient matrix. b : {(..., M,), (..., M, K)}, numset_like Ordinate or "dependent variable" values. Returns ------- x : {(..., M,), (..., M, K)} ndnumset Solution to the system a x = b. Returned shape is identical to `b`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not square. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. The solutions are computed using LAPACK routine ``_gesv``. `a` must be square and of full_value_func-rank, i.e., total rows (or, equivalently, columns) must be linearly independent; if either is not true, use `lstsq` for the least-squares best "solution" of the system/equation. References ---------- .. [1] <NAME>, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 22. Examples -------- Solve the system of equations ``3 * x0 + x1 = 9`` and ``x0 + 2 * x1 = 8``: >>> a = bn.numset([[3,1], [1,2]]) >>> b = bn.numset([9,8]) >>> x = bn.linalg.solve(a, b) >>> x numset([2., 3.]) Check that the solution is correct: >>> bn.totalclose(, x), b) True """ a, _ = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) b, wrap = _makenumset(b) t, result_t = _commonType(a, b) # We use the b = (..., M,) logic, only if the number of extra dimensions # match exactly if b.ndim == a.ndim - 1: gufunc = _umath_linalg.solve1 else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.solve signature = 'DD->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'dd->d' extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_singular) r = gufunc(a, b, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) return wrap(r.convert_type(result_t, copy=False)) def _tensorinverse_dispatcher(a, ind=None): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_tensorinverse_dispatcher) def tensorinverse(a, ind=2): """ Compute the 'inverseerse' of an N-dimensional numset. The result is an inverseerse for `a` relative to the tensordot operation ``tensordot(a, b, ind)``, i. e., up to floating-point accuracy, ``tensordot(tensorinverse(a), a, ind)`` is the "identity" tensor for the tensordot operation. Parameters ---------- a : numset_like Tensor to 'inverseert'. Its shape must be 'square', i. e., ``prod(a.shape[:ind]) == prod(a.shape[ind:])``. ind : int, optional Number of first indices that are inverseolved in the inverseerse total_count. Must be a positive integer, default is 2. Returns ------- b : ndnumset `a`'s tensordot inverseerse, shape ``a.shape[ind:] + a.shape[:ind]``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is singular or not 'square' (in the above sense). See Also -------- beatnum.tensordot, tensorsolve Examples -------- >>> a = bn.eye(4*6) >>> a.shape = (4, 6, 8, 3) >>> ainverse = bn.linalg.tensorinverse(a, ind=2) >>> ainverse.shape (8, 3, 4, 6) >>> b = bn.random.randn(4, 6) >>> bn.totalclose(bn.tensordot(ainverse, b), bn.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)) True >>> a = bn.eye(4*6) >>> a.shape = (24, 8, 3) >>> ainverse = bn.linalg.tensorinverse(a, ind=1) >>> ainverse.shape (8, 3, 24) >>> b = bn.random.randn(24) >>> bn.totalclose(bn.tensordot(ainverse, b, 1), bn.linalg.tensorsolve(a, b)) True """ a = asnumset(a) oldshape = a.shape prod = 1 if ind > 0: inverseshape = oldshape[ind:] + oldshape[:ind] for k in oldshape[ind:]: prod *= k else: raise ValueError("Invalid ind argument.") a = a.change_shape_to(prod, -1) ia = inverse(a) return ia.change_shape_to(*inverseshape) # Matrix inverseersion def _unary_dispatcher(a): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher) def inverse(a): """ Compute the (multiplicative) inverseerse of a matrix. Given a square matrix `a`, return the matrix `ainverse` satisfying ``dot(a, ainverse) = dot(ainverse, a) = eye(a.shape[0])``. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like Matrix to be inverseerted. Returns ------- ainverse : (..., M, M) ndnumset or matrix (Multiplicative) inverseerse of the matrix `a`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If `a` is not square or inverseersion fails. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum.linalg import inverse >>> a = bn.numset([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]]) >>> ainverse = inverse(a) >>> bn.totalclose(, ainverse), bn.eye(2)) True >>> bn.totalclose(, a), bn.eye(2)) True If a is a matrix object, then the return value is a matrix as well: >>> ainverse = inverse(bn.matrix(a)) >>> ainverse matrix([[-2. , 1. ], [ 1.5, -0.5]]) Inverses of several matrices can be computed at once: >>> a = bn.numset([[[1., 2.], [3., 4.]], [[1, 3], [3, 5]]]) >>> inverse(a) numset([[[-2. , 1. ], [ 1.5 , -0.5 ]], [[-1.25, 0.75], [ 0.75, -0.25]]]) """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d' extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_singular) ainverse = _umath_linalg.inverse(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) return wrap(ainverse.convert_type(result_t, copy=False)) def _matrix_power_dispatcher(a, n): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_matrix_power_dispatcher) def matrix_power(a, n): """ Raise a square matrix to the (integer) power `n`. For positive integers `n`, the power is computed by duplicateed matrix squarings and matrix multiplications. If ``n == 0``, the identity matrix of the same shape as M is returned. If ``n < 0``, the inverseerse is computed and then raised to the ``absolute(n)``. .. note:: Stacks of object matrices are not currently supported. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like Matrix to be "powered." n : int The exponent can be any_condition integer or long integer, positive, negative, or zero. Returns ------- a**n : (..., M, M) ndnumset or matrix object The return value is the same shape and type as `M`; if the exponent is positive or zero then the type of the elements is the same as those of `M`. If the exponent is negative the elements are floating-point. Raises ------ LinAlgError For matrices that are not square or that (for negative powers) cannot be inverseerted numerictotaly. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum.linalg import matrix_power >>> i = bn.numset([[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) # matrix equiv. of the imaginaryinary unit >>> matrix_power(i, 3) # should = -i numset([[ 0, -1], [ 1, 0]]) >>> matrix_power(i, 0) numset([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) >>> matrix_power(i, -3) # should = 1/(-i) = i, but w/ f.p. elements numset([[ 0., 1.], [-1., 0.]]) Somewhat more sophisticated example >>> q = bn.zeros((4, 4)) >>> q[0:2, 0:2] = -i >>> q[2:4, 2:4] = i >>> q # one of the three quaternion units not equal to 1 numset([[ 0., -1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., -1., 0.]]) >>> matrix_power(q, 2) # = -bn.eye(4) numset([[-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., -1.]]) """ a = asany_conditionnumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) try: n = operator.index(n) except TypeError: raise TypeError("exponent must be an integer") # Ftotal back on dot for object numsets. Object numsets are not supported by # the current implementation of matmul using eintotal_count if a.dtype != object: fmatmul = matmul elif a.ndim == 2: fmatmul = dot else: raise NotImplementedError( "matrix_power not supported for pile_operations of object numsets") if n == 0: a = empty_like(a) a[...] = eye(a.shape[-2], dtype=a.dtype) return a elif n < 0: a = inverse(a) n = absolute(n) # short-cuts. if n == 1: return a elif n == 2: return fmatmul(a, a) elif n == 3: return fmatmul(fmatmul(a, a), a) # Use binary decomposition to reduce the number of matrix multiplications. # Here, we iterate over the bits of n, from LSB to MSB, raise `a` to # increasing powers of 2, and multiply into the result as needed. z = result = None while n > 0: z = a if z is None else fmatmul(z, z) n, bit = divmod(n, 2) if bit: result = z if result is None else fmatmul(result, z) return result # Cholesky decomposition @numset_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher) def cholesky(a): """ Cholesky decomposition. Return the Cholesky decomposition, `L * L.H`, of the square matrix `a`, filter_condition `L` is lower-triangular and .H is the conjugate switching_places operator (which is the ordinary switching_places if `a` is reality-valued). `a` must be Hermitian (symmetric if reality-valued) and positive-definite. Only `L` is actutotaly returned. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like Hermitian (symmetric if total elements are reality), positive-definite ibnut matrix. Returns ------- L : (..., M, M) numset_like Upper or lower-triangular Cholesky factor of `a`. Returns a matrix object if `a` is a matrix object. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the decomposition fails, for example, if `a` is not positive-definite. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. The Cholesky decomposition is often used as a fast way of solving .. math:: A \\mathbf{x} = \\mathbf{b} (when `A` is both Hermitian/symmetric and positive-definite). First, we solve for :math:`\\mathbf{y}` in .. math:: L \\mathbf{y} = \\mathbf{b}, and then for :math:`\\mathbf{x}` in .. math:: L.H \\mathbf{x} = \\mathbf{y}. Examples -------- >>> A = bn.numset([[1,-2j],[2j,5]]) >>> A numset([[ 1.+0.j, -0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> L = bn.linalg.cholesky(A) >>> L numset([[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) >>>, L.T.conj()) # verify that L * L.H = A numset([[1.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> A = [[1,-2j],[2j,5]] # what happens if A is only numset_like? >>> bn.linalg.cholesky(A) # an ndnumset object is returned numset([[1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) >>> # But a matrix object is returned if A is a matrix object >>> bn.linalg.cholesky(bn.matrix(A)) matrix([[ 1.+0.j, 0.+0.j], [ 0.+2.j, 1.+0.j]]) """ extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_nobnosdef) gufunc = _umath_linalg.cholesky_lo a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d' r = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) return wrap(r.convert_type(result_t, copy=False)) # QR decompostion def _qr_dispatcher(a, mode=None): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_qr_dispatcher) def qr(a, mode='reduced'): """ Compute the qr factorization of a matrix. Factor the matrix `a` as *qr*, filter_condition `q` is orthonormlizattional and `r` is upper-triangular. Parameters ---------- a : numset_like, shape (M, N) Matrix to be factored. mode : {'reduced', 'complete', 'r', 'raw', 'full_value_func', 'economic'}, optional If K = get_min(M, N), then * 'reduced' : returns q, r with dimensions (M, K), (K, N) (default) * 'complete' : returns q, r with dimensions (M, M), (M, N) * 'r' : returns r only with dimensions (K, N) * 'raw' : returns h, tau with dimensions (N, M), (K,) * 'full_value_func' : alias of 'reduced', deprecated * 'economic' : returns h from 'raw', deprecated. The options 'reduced', 'complete, and 'raw' are new in beatnum 1.8, see the notes for more information. The default is 'reduced', and to maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of beatnum both it and the old default 'full_value_func' can be omitted. Note that numset h returned in 'raw' mode is switching_placesd for ctotaling Fortran. The 'economic' mode is deprecated. The modes 'full_value_func' and 'economic' may be passed using only the first letter for backwards compatibility, but total others must be spelled out. See the Notes for more explanation. Returns ------- q : ndnumset of float or complex, optional A matrix with orthonormlizattional columns. When mode = 'complete' the result is an orthogonal/unitary matrix depending on whether or not a is reality/complex. The deterget_minant may be either +/- 1 in that case. r : ndnumset of float or complex, optional The upper-triangular matrix. (h, tau) : ndnumsets of bn.double or bn.cdouble, optional The numset h contains the Householder reflectors that generate q along with r. The tau numset contains scaling factors for the reflectors. In the deprecated 'economic' mode only h is returned. Raises ------ LinAlgError If factoring fails. Notes ----- This is an interface to the LAPACK routines ``dgeqrf``, ``zgeqrf``, ``dorgqr``, and ``zungqr``. For more information on the qr factorization, see for example: Subclasses of `ndnumset` are preserved except for the 'raw' mode. So if `a` is of type `matrix`, total the return values will be matrices too. New 'reduced', 'complete', and 'raw' options for mode were add_concated in NumPy 1.8.0 and the old option 'full_value_func' was made an alias of 'reduced'. In add_concatition the options 'full_value_func' and 'economic' were deprecated. Because 'full_value_func' was the previous default and 'reduced' is the new default, backward compatibility can be maintained by letting `mode` default. The 'raw' option was add_concated so that LAPACK routines that can multiply numsets by q using the Householder reflectors can be used. Note that in this case the returned numsets are of type bn.double or bn.cdouble and the h numset is switching_placesd to be FORTRAN compatible. No routines using the 'raw' return are currently exposed by beatnum, but some are available in lapack_lite and just await the necessary work. Examples -------- >>> a = bn.random.randn(9, 6) >>> q, r = bn.linalg.qr(a) >>> bn.totalclose(a,, r)) # a does equal qr True >>> r2 = bn.linalg.qr(a, mode='r') >>> r3 = bn.linalg.qr(a, mode='economic') >>> bn.totalclose(r, r2) # mode='r' returns the same r as mode='full_value_func' True >>> # But only triu parts are guaranteed equal when mode='economic' >>> bn.totalclose(r, bn.triu(r3[:6,:6], k=0)) True Example illustrating a common use of `qr`: solving of least squares problems What are the least-squares-best `m` and `y0` in ``y = y0 + mx`` for the following data: {(0,1), (1,0), (1,2), (2,1)}. (Graph the points and you'll see that it should be y0 = 0, m = 1.) The answer is provided by solving the over-deterget_mined matrix equation ``Ax = b``, filter_condition:: A = numset([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) x = numset([[y0], [m]]) b = numset([[1], [0], [2], [1]]) If A = qr such that q is orthonormlizattional (which is always possible via Gram-Schmidt), then ``x = inverse(r) * (q.T) * b``. (In beatnum practice, however, we simply use `lstsq`.) >>> A = bn.numset([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> A numset([[0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> b = bn.numset([1, 0, 2, 1]) >>> q, r = bn.linalg.qr(A) >>> p =, b) >>>, p) numset([ 1.1e-16, 1.0e+00]) """ if mode not in ('reduced', 'complete', 'r', 'raw'): if mode in ('f', 'full_value_func'): # 2013-04-01, 1.8 msg = "".join(( "The 'full_value_func' option is deprecated in favor of 'reduced'.\n", "For backward compatibility let mode default.")) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, pile_operationlevel=2) mode = 'reduced' elif mode in ('e', 'economic'): # 2013-04-01, 1.8 msg = "The 'economic' option is deprecated." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, pile_operationlevel=2) mode = 'economic' else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode '%s'" % mode) a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRank2(a) m, n = a.shape t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCopyAndTranspose(t, a) a = _to_native_byte_order(a) mn = get_min(m, n) tau = zeros((mn,), t) if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zgeqrf routine_name = 'zgeqrf' else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dgeqrf routine_name = 'dgeqrf' # calculate optimal size of work data 'work' lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, get_max(1, m), tau, work, -1, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])) # do qr decomposition lwork = get_max(1, n, int(absolute(work[0]))) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, n, a, get_max(1, m), tau, work, lwork, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])) # handle modes that don't return q if mode == 'r': r = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:, :mn]) return wrap(triu(r)) if mode == 'raw': return a, tau if mode == 'economic': if t != result_t : a = a.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) return wrap(a.T) # generate q from a if mode == 'complete' and m > n: mc = m q = empty((m, m), t) else: mc = mn q = empty((n, m), t) q[:n] = a if isComplexType(t): lapack_routine = lapack_lite.zungqr routine_name = 'zungqr' else: lapack_routine = lapack_lite.dorgqr routine_name = 'dorgqr' # deterget_mine optimal lwork lwork = 1 work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, mc, mn, q, get_max(1, m), tau, work, -1, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])) # compute q lwork = get_max(1, n, int(absolute(work[0]))) work = zeros((lwork,), t) results = lapack_routine(m, mc, mn, q, get_max(1, m), tau, work, lwork, 0) if results['info'] != 0: raise LinAlgError('%s returns %d' % (routine_name, results['info'])) q = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, q[:mc]) r = _fastCopyAndTranspose(result_t, a[:, :mc]) return wrap(q), wrap(triu(r)) # Eigenvalues @numset_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher) def eigvals(a): """ Compute the eigenvalues of a general matrix. Main differenceerence between `eigvals` and `eig`: the eigenvectors aren't returned. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like A complex- or reality-valued matrix whose eigenvalues will be computed. Returns ------- w : (..., M,) ndnumset The eigenvalues, each duplicateed according to its multiplicity. They are not necessarily ordered, nor are they necessarily reality for reality matrices. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general numsets eigvalsh : eigenvalues of reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numsets. eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numsets. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. This is implemented using the ``_geev`` LAPACK routines which compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square numsets. Examples -------- Illustration, using the fact that the eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix are its diagonal elements, that multiplying a matrix on the left by an orthogonal matrix, `Q`, and on the right by `Q.T` (the switching_places of `Q`), preserves the eigenvalues of the "middle" matrix. In other words, if `Q` is orthogonal, then ``Q * A * Q.T`` has the same eigenvalues as ``A``: >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA >>> x = bn.random.random() >>> Q = bn.numset([[bn.cos(x), -bn.sin(x)], [bn.sin(x), bn.cos(x)]]) >>> LA.normlizattion(Q[0, :]), LA.normlizattion(Q[1, :]),[0, :],Q[1, :]) (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) Now multiply a diagonal matrix by ``Q`` on one side and by ``Q.T`` on the other: >>> D = bn.diag((-1,1)) >>> LA.eigvals(D) numset([-1., 1.]) >>> A =, D) >>> A =, Q.T) >>> LA.eigvals(A) numset([ 1., -1.]) # random """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) _assertFinite(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj( _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence) signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->D' w = _umath_linalg.eigvals(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) if not isComplexType(t): if total(w.imaginary == 0): w = w.reality result_t = _realityType(result_t) else: result_t = _complexType(result_t) return w.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) def _eigvalsh_dispatcher(a, UPLO=None): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_eigvalsh_dispatcher) def eigvalsh(a, UPLO='L'): """ Compute the eigenvalues of a complex Hermitian or reality symmetric matrix. Main differenceerence from eigh: the eigenvectors are not computed. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like A complex- or reality-valued matrix whose eigenvalues are to be computed. UPLO : {'L', 'U'}, optional Specifies whether the calculation is done with the lower triangular part of `a` ('L', default) or the upper triangular part ('U'). Irrespective of this value only the reality parts of the diagonal will be considered in the computation to preserve the notion of a Hermitian matrix. It therefore follows that the imaginaryinary part of the diagonal will always be treated as zero. Returns ------- w : (..., M,) ndnumset The eigenvalues in ascending order, each duplicateed according to its multiplicity. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numsets. eigvals : eigenvalues of general reality or complex numsets. eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general reality or complex numsets. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. The eigenvalues are computed using LAPACK routines ``_syevd``, ``_heevd``. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA >>> a = bn.numset([[1, -2j], [2j, 5]]) >>> LA.eigvalsh(a) numset([ 0.17157288, 5.82842712]) # may vary >>> # demonstrate the treatment of the imaginaryinary part of the diagonal >>> a = bn.numset([[5+2j, 9-2j], [0+2j, 2-1j]]) >>> a numset([[5.+2.j, 9.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.-1.j]]) >>> # with UPLO='L' this is numerictotaly equivalent to using LA.eigvals() >>> # with: >>> b = bn.numset([[5.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.-0.j]]) >>> b numset([[5.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.+0.j]]) >>> wa = LA.eigvalsh(a) >>> wb = LA.eigvals(b) >>> wa; wb numset([1., 6.]) numset([6.+0.j, 1.+0.j]) """ UPLO = UPLO.upper() if UPLO not in ('L', 'U'): raise ValueError("UPLO argument must be 'L' or 'U'") extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj( _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence) if UPLO == 'L': gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigvalsh_lo else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigvalsh_up a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) signature = 'D->d' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d' w = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) return w.convert_type(_realityType(result_t), copy=False) def _convertnumset(a): t, result_t = _commonType(a) a = _fastCT(a.convert_type(t)) return a, t, result_t # Eigenvectors @numset_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher) def eig(a): """ Compute the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of a square numset. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset Matrices for which the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors will be computed Returns ------- w : (..., M) numset The eigenvalues, each duplicateed according to its multiplicity. The eigenvalues are not necessarily ordered. The resulting numset will be of complex type, unless the imaginaryinary part is zero in which case it will be cast to a reality type. When `a` is reality the resulting eigenvalues will be reality (0 imaginaryinary part) or occur in conjugate pairs v : (..., M, M) numset The normlizattionalized (unit "length") eigenvectors, such that the column ``v[:,i]`` is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]``. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigvals : eigenvalues of a non-symmetric numset. eigh : eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numset. eigvalsh : eigenvalues of a reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numset. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. This is implemented using the ``_geev`` LAPACK routines which compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general square numsets. The number `w` is an eigenvalue of `a` if there exists a vector `v` such that ``dot(a,v) = w * v``. Thus, the numsets `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equations ``dot(a[:,:], v[:,i]) = w[i] * v[:,i]`` for :math:`i \\in \\{0,...,M-1\\}`. The numset `v` of eigenvectors may not be of get_maximum rank, that is, some of the columns may be linearly dependent, although round-off error may obscure that fact. If the eigenvalues are total differenceerent, then theoretictotaly the eigenvectors are linearly independent. Likewise, the (complex-valued) matrix of eigenvectors `v` is unitary if the matrix `a` is normlizattional, i.e., if ``dot(a, a.H) = dot(a.H, a)``, filter_condition `a.H` denotes the conjugate switching_places of `a`. Fintotaly, it is emphasized that `v` consists of the *right* (as in right-hand side) eigenvectors of `a`. A vector `y` satisfying ``dot(y.T, a) = z * y.T`` for some number `z` is ctotaled a *left* eigenvector of `a`, and, in general, the left and right eigenvectors of a matrix are not necessarily the (perhaps conjugate) switching_placess of each other. References ---------- <NAME>, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, Various pp. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA (Almost) trivial example with reality e-values and e-vectors. >>> w, v = LA.eig(bn.diag((1, 2, 3))) >>> w; v numset([1., 2., 3.]) numset([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) Real matrix possessing complex e-values and e-vectors; note that the e-values are complex conjugates of each other. >>> w, v = LA.eig(bn.numset([[1, -1], [1, 1]])) >>> w; v numset([1.+1.j, 1.-1.j]) numset([[0.70710678+0.j , 0.70710678-0.j ], [0. -0.70710678j, 0. +0.70710678j]]) Complex-valued matrix with reality e-values (but complex-valued e-vectors); note that ``a.conj().T == a``, i.e., `a` is Hermitian. >>> a = bn.numset([[1, 1j], [-1j, 1]]) >>> w, v = LA.eig(a) >>> w; v numset([2.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) numset([[ 0. +0.70710678j, 0.70710678+0.j ], # may vary [ 0.70710678+0.j , -0. +0.70710678j]]) Be careful about round-off error! >>> a = bn.numset([[1 + 1e-9, 0], [0, 1 - 1e-9]]) >>> # Theor. e-values are 1 +/- 1e-9 >>> w, v = LA.eig(a) >>> w; v numset([1., 1.]) numset([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]) """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) _assertFinite(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj( _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence) signature = 'D->DD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->DD' w, vt = _umath_linalg.eig(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) if not isComplexType(t) and total(w.imaginary == 0.0): w = w.reality vt = vt.reality result_t = _realityType(result_t) else: result_t = _complexType(result_t) vt = vt.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) return w.convert_type(result_t, copy=False), wrap(vt) @numset_function_dispatch(_eigvalsh_dispatcher) def eigh(a, UPLO='L'): """ Return the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) or a reality symmetric matrix. Returns two objects, a 1-D numset containing the eigenvalues of `a`, and a 2-D square numset or matrix (depending on the ibnut type) of the corresponding eigenvectors (in columns). Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset Hermitian or reality symmetric matrices whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors are to be computed. UPLO : {'L', 'U'}, optional Specifies whether the calculation is done with the lower triangular part of `a` ('L', default) or the upper triangular part ('U'). Irrespective of this value only the reality parts of the diagonal will be considered in the computation to preserve the notion of a Hermitian matrix. It therefore follows that the imaginaryinary part of the diagonal will always be treated as zero. Returns ------- w : (..., M) ndnumset The eigenvalues in ascending order, each duplicateed according to its multiplicity. v : {(..., M, M) ndnumset, (..., M, M) matrix} The column ``v[:, i]`` is the normlizattionalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]``. Will return a matrix object if `a` is a matrix object. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the eigenvalue computation does not converge. See Also -------- eigvalsh : eigenvalues of reality symmetric or complex Hermitian (conjugate symmetric) numsets. eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric numsets. eigvals : eigenvalues of non-symmetric numsets. Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. The eigenvalues/eigenvectors are computed using LAPACK routines ``_syevd``, ``_heevd``. The eigenvalues of reality symmetric or complex Hermitian matrices are always reality. [1]_ The numset `v` of (column) eigenvectors is unitary and `a`, `w`, and `v` satisfy the equations ``dot(a, v[:, i]) = w[i] * v[:, i]``. References ---------- .. [1] <NAME>, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 222. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA >>> a = bn.numset([[1, -2j], [2j, 5]]) >>> a numset([[ 1.+0.j, -0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> w, v = LA.eigh(a) >>> w; v numset([0.17157288, 5.82842712]) numset([[-0.92387953+0.j , -0.38268343+0.j ], # may vary [ 0. +0.38268343j, 0. -0.92387953j]]) >>>, v[:, 0]) - w[0] * v[:, 0] # verify 1st e-val/vec pair numset([5.55111512e-17+0.0000000e+00j, 0.00000000e+00+1.2490009e-16j]) >>>, v[:, 1]) - w[1] * v[:, 1] # verify 2nd e-val/vec pair numset([0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]) >>> A = bn.matrix(a) # what happens if ibnut is a matrix object >>> A matrix([[ 1.+0.j, -0.-2.j], [ 0.+2.j, 5.+0.j]]) >>> w, v = LA.eigh(A) >>> w; v numset([0.17157288, 5.82842712]) matrix([[-0.92387953+0.j , -0.38268343+0.j ], # may vary [ 0. +0.38268343j, 0. -0.92387953j]]) >>> # demonstrate the treatment of the imaginaryinary part of the diagonal >>> a = bn.numset([[5+2j, 9-2j], [0+2j, 2-1j]]) >>> a numset([[5.+2.j, 9.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.-1.j]]) >>> # with UPLO='L' this is numerictotaly equivalent to using LA.eig() with: >>> b = bn.numset([[5.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.-0.j]]) >>> b numset([[5.+0.j, 0.-2.j], [0.+2.j, 2.+0.j]]) >>> wa, va = LA.eigh(a) >>> wb, vb = LA.eig(b) >>> wa; wb numset([1., 6.]) numset([6.+0.j, 1.+0.j]) >>> va; vb numset([[-0.4472136 +0.j , -0.89442719+0.j ], # may vary [ 0. +0.89442719j, 0. -0.4472136j ]]) numset([[ 0.89442719+0.j , -0. +0.4472136j], [-0. +0.4472136j, 0.89442719+0.j ]]) """ UPLO = UPLO.upper() if UPLO not in ('L', 'U'): raise ValueError("UPLO argument must be 'L' or 'U'") a, wrap = _makenumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj( _raise_linalgerror_eigenvalues_nonconvergence) if UPLO == 'L': gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigh_lo else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.eigh_up signature = 'D->dD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->dd' w, vt = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) w = w.convert_type(_realityType(result_t), copy=False) vt = vt.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) return w, wrap(vt) # Singular value decomposition def _svd_dispatcher(a, full_value_func_matrices=None, compute_uv=None, hermitian=None): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_svd_dispatcher) def svd(a, full_value_func_matrices=True, compute_uv=True, hermitian=False): """ Singular Value Decomposition. When `a` is a 2D numset, it is factorized as ``u @ bn.diag(s) @ vh = (u * s) @ vh``, filter_condition `u` and `vh` are 2D unitary numsets and `s` is a 1D numset of `a`'s singular values. When `a` is higher-dimensional, SVD is applied in pile_operationed mode as explained below. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, N) numset_like A reality or complex numset with ``a.ndim >= 2``. full_value_func_matrices : bool, optional If True (default), `u` and `vh` have the shapes ``(..., M, M)`` and ``(..., N, N)``, respectively. Otherwise, the shapes are ``(..., M, K)`` and ``(..., K, N)``, respectively, filter_condition ``K = get_min(M, N)``. compute_uv : bool, optional Whether or not to compute `u` and `vh` in add_concatition to `s`. True by default. Returns ------- u : { (..., M, M), (..., M, K) } numset Unitary numset(s). The first ``a.ndim - 2`` dimensions have the same size as those of the ibnut `a`. The size of the last two dimensions depends on the value of `full_value_func_matrices`. Only returned when `compute_uv` is True. s : (..., K) numset Vector(s) with the singular values, within each vector sorted in descending order. The first ``a.ndim - 2`` dimensions have the same size as those of the ibnut `a`. vh : { (..., N, N), (..., K, N) } numset Unitary numset(s). The first ``a.ndim - 2`` dimensions have the same size as those of the ibnut `a`. The size of the last two dimensions depends on the value of `full_value_func_matrices`. Only returned when `compute_uv` is True. hermitian : bool, optional If True, `a` is astotal_counted to be Hermitian (symmetric if reality-valued), enabling a more efficient method for finding singular values. Defaults to False. ..versionadd_concated:: 1.17.0 Raises ------ LinAlgError If SVD computation does not converge. Notes ----- .. versionchanged:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. The decomposition is performed using LAPACK routine ``_gesdd``. SVD is usutotaly described for the factorization of a 2D matrix :math:`A`. The higher-dimensional case will be discussed below. In the 2D case, SVD is written as :math:`A = U S V^H`, filter_condition :math:`A = a`, :math:`U= u`, :math:`S= \\mathtt{bn.diag}(s)` and :math:`V^H = vh`. The 1D numset `s` contains the singular values of `a` and `u` and `vh` are unitary. The rows of `vh` are the eigenvectors of :math:`A^H A` and the columns of `u` are the eigenvectors of :math:`A A^H`. In both cases the corresponding (possibly non-zero) eigenvalues are given by ``s**2``. If `a` has more than two dimensions, then broadcasting rules apply, as explained in :ref:`routines.linalg-broadcasting`. This averages that SVD is working in "pile_operationed" mode: it iterates over total indices of the first ``a.ndim - 2`` dimensions and for each combination SVD is applied to the last two indices. The matrix `a` can be reconstructed from the decomposition with either ``(u * s[..., None, :]) @ vh`` or ``u @ (s[..., None] * vh)``. (The ``@`` operator can be replaced by the function ``bn.matmul`` for python versions below 3.5.) If `a` is a ``matrix`` object (as opposed to an ``ndnumset``), then so are total the return values. Examples -------- >>> a = bn.random.randn(9, 6) + 1j*bn.random.randn(9, 6) >>> b = bn.random.randn(2, 7, 8, 3) + 1j*bn.random.randn(2, 7, 8, 3) Reconstruction based on full_value_func SVD, 2D case: >>> u, s, vh = bn.linalg.svd(a, full_value_func_matrices=True) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape ((9, 9), (6,), (6, 6)) >>> bn.totalclose(a,[:, :6] * s, vh)) True >>> smat = bn.zeros((9, 6), dtype=complex) >>> smat[:6, :6] = bn.diag(s) >>> bn.totalclose(a,,, vh))) True Reconstruction based on reduced SVD, 2D case: >>> u, s, vh = bn.linalg.svd(a, full_value_func_matrices=False) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape ((9, 6), (6,), (6, 6)) >>> bn.totalclose(a, * s, vh)) True >>> smat = bn.diag(s) >>> bn.totalclose(a,,, vh))) True Reconstruction based on full_value_func SVD, 4D case: >>> u, s, vh = bn.linalg.svd(b, full_value_func_matrices=True) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape ((2, 7, 8, 8), (2, 7, 3), (2, 7, 3, 3)) >>> bn.totalclose(b, bn.matmul(u[..., :3] * s[..., None, :], vh)) True >>> bn.totalclose(b, bn.matmul(u[..., :3], s[..., None] * vh)) True Reconstruction based on reduced SVD, 4D case: >>> u, s, vh = bn.linalg.svd(b, full_value_func_matrices=False) >>> u.shape, s.shape, vh.shape ((2, 7, 8, 3), (2, 7, 3), (2, 7, 3, 3)) >>> bn.totalclose(b, bn.matmul(u * s[..., None, :], vh)) True >>> bn.totalclose(b, bn.matmul(u, s[..., None] * vh)) True """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) if hermitian: # note: lapack returns eigenvalues in reverse order to our contract. # reversing is cheap by design in beatnum, so we do so to be consistent if compute_uv: s, u = eigh(a) s = s[..., ::-1] u = u[..., ::-1] # singular values are unsigned, move the sign into v vt = switching_places(u * sign(s)[..., None, :]).conjugate() s = absolute(s) return wrap(u), s, wrap(vt) else: s = eigvalsh(a) s = s[..., ::-1] s = absolute(s) return s _assertRankAtLeast2(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) extobj = get_linalg_error_extobj(_raise_linalgerror_svd_nonconvergence) m, n = a.shape[-2:] if compute_uv: if full_value_func_matrices: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m_f else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n_f else: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m_s else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n_s signature = 'D->DdD' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->ddd' u, s, vh = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) u = u.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) s = s.convert_type(_realityType(result_t), copy=False) vh = vh.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) return wrap(u), s, wrap(vh) else: if m < n: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_m else: gufunc = _umath_linalg.svd_n signature = 'D->d' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d' s = gufunc(a, signature=signature, extobj=extobj) s = s.convert_type(_realityType(result_t), copy=False) return s def _cond_dispatcher(x, p=None): return (x,) @numset_function_dispatch(_cond_dispatcher) def cond(x, p=None): """ Compute the condition number of a matrix. This function is capable of returning the condition number using one of seven differenceerent normlizattions, depending on the value of `p` (see Parameters below). Parameters ---------- x : (..., M, N) numset_like The matrix whose condition number is sought. p : {None, 1, -1, 2, -2, inf, -inf, 'fro'}, optional Order of the normlizattion: ===== ============================ p normlizattion for matrices ===== ============================ None 2-normlizattion, computed directly using the ``SVD`` 'fro' Frobenius normlizattion inf get_max(total_count(absolute(x), axis=1)) -inf get_min(total_count(absolute(x), axis=1)) 1 get_max(total_count(absolute(x), axis=0)) -1 get_min(total_count(absolute(x), axis=0)) 2 2-normlizattion (largest sing. value) -2 smtotalest singular value ===== ============================ inf averages the beatnum.inf object, and the Frobenius normlizattion is the root-of-total_count-of-squares normlizattion. Returns ------- c : {float, inf} The condition number of the matrix. May be infinite. See Also -------- beatnum.linalg.normlizattion Notes ----- The condition number of `x` is defined as the normlizattion of `x` times the normlizattion of the inverseerse of `x` [1]_; the normlizattion can be the usual L2-normlizattion (root-of-total_count-of-squares) or one of a number of other matrix normlizattions. References ---------- .. [1] <NAME>, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pg. 285. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum import linalg as LA >>> a = bn.numset([[1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) >>> a numset([[ 1, 0, -1], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 1, 0, 1]]) >>> LA.cond(a) 1.4142135623730951 >>> LA.cond(a, 'fro') 3.1622776601683795 >>> LA.cond(a, bn.inf) 2.0 >>> LA.cond(a, -bn.inf) 1.0 >>> LA.cond(a, 1) 2.0 >>> LA.cond(a, -1) 1.0 >>> LA.cond(a, 2) 1.4142135623730951 >>> LA.cond(a, -2) 0.70710678118654746 # may vary >>> get_min(LA.svd(a, compute_uv=0))*get_min(LA.svd(LA.inverse(a), compute_uv=0)) 0.70710678118654746 # may vary """ x = asnumset(x) # in case we have a matrix _assertNoEmpty2d(x) if p is None or p == 2 or p == -2: s = svd(x, compute_uv=False) with errstate(total='ignore'): if p == -2: r = s[..., -1] / s[..., 0] else: r = s[..., 0] / s[..., -1] else: # Ctotal inverse(x) ignoring errors. The result numset will # contain nans in the entries filter_condition inverseersion failed. _assertRankAtLeast2(x) _assertNdSquareness(x) t, result_t = _commonType(x) signature = 'D->D' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->d' with errstate(total='ignore'): inversex = _umath_linalg.inverse(x, signature=signature) r = normlizattion(x, p, axis=(-2, -1)) * normlizattion(inversex, p, axis=(-2, -1)) r = r.convert_type(result_t, copy=False) # Convert nans to infs unless the original numset had nan entries r = asnumset(r) nan_mask = ifnan(r) if nan_mask.any_condition(): nan_mask &= ~ifnan(x).any_condition(axis=(-2, -1)) if r.ndim > 0: r[nan_mask] = Inf elif nan_mask: r[()] = Inf # Convention is to return scalars instead of 0d numsets if r.ndim == 0: r = r[()] return r def _matrix_rank_dispatcher(M, tol=None, hermitian=None): return (M,) @numset_function_dispatch(_matrix_rank_dispatcher) def matrix_rank(M, tol=None, hermitian=False): """ Return matrix rank of numset using SVD method Rank of the numset is the number of singular values of the numset that are greater than `tol`. .. versionchanged:: 1.14 Can now operate on pile_operations of matrices Parameters ---------- M : {(M,), (..., M, N)} numset_like ibnut vector or pile_operation of matrices tol : (...) numset_like, float, optional threshold below which SVD values are considered zero. If `tol` is None, and ``S`` is an numset with singular values for `M`, and ``eps`` is the epsilon value for datatype of ``S``, then `tol` is set to ``S.get_max() * get_max(M.shape) * eps``. .. versionchanged:: 1.14 Broadcasted against the pile_operation of matrices hermitian : bool, optional If True, `M` is astotal_counted to be Hermitian (symmetric if reality-valued), enabling a more efficient method for finding singular values. Defaults to False. .. versionadd_concated:: 1.14 Notes ----- The default threshold to detect rank deficiency is a test on the magnitude of the singular values of `M`. By default, we identify singular values less than ``S.get_max() * get_max(M.shape) * eps`` as indicating rank deficiency (with the symbols defined above). This is the algorithm MATLAB uses [1]. It also appears in *Numerical recipes* in the discussion of SVD solutions for linear least squares [2]. This default threshold is designed to detect rank deficiency accounting for the numerical errors of the SVD computation. Imagine that there is a column in `M` that is an exact (in floating point) linear combination of other columns in `M`. Computing the SVD on `M` will not produce a singular value exactly equal to 0 in general: any_condition differenceerence of the smtotalest SVD value from 0 will be caused by numerical imprecision in the calculation of the SVD. Our threshold for smtotal SVD values takes this numerical imprecision into account, and the default threshold will detect such numerical rank deficiency. The threshold may declare a matrix `M` rank deficient even if the linear combination of some columns of `M` is not exactly equal to another column of `M` but only numerictotaly very close to another column of `M`. We chose our default threshold because it is in wide use. Other thresholds are possible. For example, elsefilter_condition in the 2007 edition of *Numerical recipes* there is an alternative threshold of ``S.get_max() * bn.finfo(M.dtype).eps / 2. * bn.sqrt(m + n + 1.)``. The authors describe this threshold as being based on "expected roundoff error" (p 71). The thresholds above deal with floating point roundoff error in the calculation of the SVD. However, you may have more information about the sources of error in `M` that would make you consider other tolerance values to detect *effective* rank deficiency. The most useful measure of the tolerance depends on the operations you intend to use on your matrix. For example, if your data come from uncertain measurements with uncertainties greater than floating point epsilon, choosing a tolerance near that uncertainty may be preferable. The tolerance may be absoluteolute if the uncertainties are absoluteolute rather than relative. References ---------- .. [1] MATLAB reference documention, "Rank" .. [2] <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME>, "Numerical Recipes (3rd edition)", Cambridge University Press, 2007, page 795. Examples -------- >>> from beatnum.linalg import matrix_rank >>> matrix_rank(bn.eye(4)) # Full rank matrix 4 >>> I=bn.eye(4); I[-1,-1] = 0. # rank deficient matrix >>> matrix_rank(I) 3 >>> matrix_rank(bn.create_ones((4,))) # 1 dimension - rank 1 unless total 0 1 >>> matrix_rank(bn.zeros((4,))) 0 """ M = asnumset(M) if M.ndim < 2: return int(not total(M==0)) S = svd(M, compute_uv=False, hermitian=hermitian) if tol is None: tol = S.get_max(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * get_max(M.shape[-2:]) * finfo(S.dtype).eps else: tol = asnumset(tol)[..., newaxis] return count_nonzero(S > tol, axis=-1) # Generalized inverseerse def _pinverse_dispatcher(a, rcond=None, hermitian=None): return (a,) @numset_function_dispatch(_pinverse_dispatcher) def pinverse(a, rcond=1e-15, hermitian=False): """ Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverseerse of a matrix. Calculate the generalized inverseerse of a matrix using its singular-value decomposition (SVD) and including total *large* singular values. .. versionchanged:: 1.14 Can now operate on pile_operations of matrices Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, N) numset_like Matrix or pile_operation of matrices to be pseudo-inverseerted. rcond : (...) numset_like of float Cutoff for smtotal singular values. Singular values less than or equal to ``rcond * largest_singular_value`` are set to zero. Broadcasts against the pile_operation of matrices. hermitian : bool, optional If True, `a` is astotal_counted to be Hermitian (symmetric if reality-valued), enabling a more efficient method for finding singular values. Defaults to False. ..versionadd_concated:: 1.17.0 Returns ------- B : (..., N, M) ndnumset The pseudo-inverseerse of `a`. If `a` is a `matrix` instance, then so is `B`. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the SVD computation does not converge. Notes ----- The pseudo-inverseerse of a matrix A, denoted :math:`A^+`, is defined as: "the matrix that 'solves' [the least-squares problem] :math:`Ax = b`," i.e., if :math:`\\bar{x}` is said solution, then :math:`A^+` is that matrix such that :math:`\\bar{x} = A^+b`. It can be shown that if :math:`Q_1 \\Sigma Q_2^T = A` is the singular value decomposition of A, then :math:`A^+ = Q_2 \\Sigma^+ Q_1^T`, filter_condition :math:`Q_{1,2}` are orthogonal matrices, :math:`\\Sigma` is a diagonal matrix consisting of A's so-ctotaled singular values, (followed, typictotaly, by zeros), and then :math:`\\Sigma^+` is simply the diagonal matrix consisting of the reciprocals of A's singular values (again, followed by zeros). [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] <NAME>, *Linear Algebra and Its Applications*, 2nd Ed., Orlando, FL, Academic Press, Inc., 1980, pp. 139-142. Examples -------- The following example checks that ``a * a+ * a == a`` and ``a+ * a * a+ == a+``: >>> a = bn.random.randn(9, 6) >>> B = bn.linalg.pinverse(a) >>> bn.totalclose(a,,, a))) True >>> bn.totalclose(B,,, B))) True """ a, wrap = _makenumset(a) rcond = asnumset(rcond) if _isEmpty2d(a): m, n = a.shape[-2:] res = empty(a.shape[:-2] + (n, m), dtype=a.dtype) return wrap(res) a = a.conjugate() u, s, vt = svd(a, full_value_func_matrices=False, hermitian=hermitian) # discard smtotal singular values cutoff = rcond[..., newaxis] * aget_max(s, axis=-1, keepdims=True) large = s > cutoff s = divide(1, s, filter_condition=large, out=s) s[~large] = 0 res = matmul(switching_places(vt), multiply(s[..., newaxis], switching_places(u))) return wrap(res) # Deterget_minant @numset_function_dispatch(_unary_dispatcher) def slogdet(a): """ Compute the sign and (natural) logarithm of the deterget_minant of an numset. If an numset has a very smtotal or very large deterget_minant, then a ctotal to `det` may overflow or underflow. This routine is more robust against such issues, because it computes the logarithm of the deterget_minant rather than the deterget_minant itself. Parameters ---------- a : (..., M, M) numset_like Ibnut numset, has to be a square 2-D numset. Returns ------- sign : (...) numset_like A number representing the sign of the deterget_minant. For a reality matrix, this is 1, 0, or -1. For a complex matrix, this is a complex number with absoluteolute value 1 (i.e., it is on the unit circle), or else 0. logdet : (...) numset_like The natural log of the absoluteolute value of the deterget_minant. If the deterget_minant is zero, then `sign` will be 0 and `logdet` will be -Inf. In total cases, the deterget_minant is equal to ``sign * bn.exp(logdet)``. See Also -------- det Notes ----- .. versionadd_concated:: 1.8.0 Broadcasting rules apply, see the `beatnum.linalg` documentation for details. .. versionadd_concated:: 1.6.0 The deterget_minant is computed via LU factorization using the LAPACK routine ``z/dgetrf``. Examples -------- The deterget_minant of a 2-D numset ``[[a, b], [c, d]]`` is ``ad - bc``: >>> a = bn.numset([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> (sign, logdet) = bn.linalg.slogdet(a) >>> (sign, logdet) (-1, 0.69314718055994529) # may vary >>> sign * bn.exp(logdet) -2.0 Computing log-deterget_minants for a pile_operation of matrices: >>> a = bn.numset([ [[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[1, 2], [2, 1]], [[1, 3], [3, 1]] ]) >>> a.shape (3, 2, 2) >>> sign, logdet = bn.linalg.slogdet(a) >>> (sign, logdet) (numset([-1., -1., -1.]), numset([ 0.69314718, 1.09861229, 2.07944154])) >>> sign * bn.exp(logdet) numset([-2., -3., -8.]) This routine succeeds filter_condition ordinary `det` does not: >>> bn.linalg.det(bn.eye(500) * 0.1) 0.0 >>> bn.linalg.slogdet(bn.eye(500) * 0.1) (1, -1151.2925464970228) """ a = asnumset(a) _assertRankAtLeast2(a) _assertNdSquareness(a) t, result_t = _commonType(a) reality_t = _realityType(result_t) signature = 'D->Dd' if isComplexType(t) else 'd->dd' sign, logdet = _umath_linalg.slogdet(a, signature=signature) sign =
sign.convert_type(result_t, copy=False)
import tkinter.filedialog import tkinter.simpledialog from tkinter import messagebox import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import wfdb import peakutils from scipy import signal import pandas as pd # To display any_condition physiological signal from physionet, a dat-File needs to have a complementary hea-File in the same directory. # Otherwise the display won't work # awesome tutorial: file = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename() data_type = tkinter.simpledialog.askstring('Select Type of File', 'type in: hea, dat or atr ') n_samples = tkinter.simpledialog.askinteger('Number of samples', 'Type in the number of samples you want to be displayed (example: 3000, 6000, 10000 etc.)') if file.endswith('.atr'): file = file[:-4] if file.endswith('.dat'): file = file[:-4] if file.endswith('.hea'): file = file[:-4] #Define ecg record = wfdb.rdrecord(file, sampto=n_samples) ann = wfdb.rdann(file, data_type, sampto=n_samples) #Filerecord file_record = record.__dict__ #print(file_record) wfdb.plot_items(signal=record.p_signal, title='ECG Signal',ann_samp=[ann.sample, ann.sample], time_units='samples', figsize=(10,4)) #Detect R-Peaks signal_piece =
import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import beatnum as bn import beatnum.testing as bnt import pytest import util from beatnum.lib import BeatnumVersion from test_managednumset import ManagedArrayTestBase import freud matplotlib.use("agg") class TestRDF: def test_generateR(self): r_get_max = 5 for r_get_min in [0, 0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 3.0]: bins = round((r_get_max - r_get_min) / 0.1) dr = (r_get_max - r_get_min) / bins # make sure the radius for each bin is generated correctly r_list = bn.numset( [ r_get_min + dr * (i + 1 / 2) for i in range(bins) if r_get_min + dr * (i + 1 / 2) < r_get_max ] ) rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max, r_get_min=r_get_min) bnt.assert_totalclose(rdf.bin_centers, r_list, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4) bnt.assert_totalclose( (rdf.bin_edges + dr / 2)[:-1], r_list, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4 ) def test_attribute_access(self): r_get_max = 10.0 bins = 10 num_points = 100 box_size = r_get_max * 3.1 box, points =, num_points, is2D=True) rdf = freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=r_get_max, bins=bins) # Test protected attribute access with pytest.raises(AttributeError): rdf.rdf with pytest.raises(AttributeError): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): rdf.n_r rdf.compute((box, points), reset=False) # Test if accessible now rdf.rdf rdf.n_r rdf.compute((box, points)) # Test if accessible now rdf.rdf rdf.n_r def test_inversealid_rdf(self): # Make sure that inversealid RDF objects raise errors with pytest.raises(ValueError): freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=-1, bins=10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=1, bins=0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=1, bins=10, r_get_min=2) with pytest.raises(ValueError): freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=1, bins=10, r_get_min=-1) def test_random_point(self): r_get_max = 10.0 bins = 10 num_points = 10000 tolerance = 0.1 box_size = r_get_max * 3.1 for r_get_min in (0, 0.1, 3.0): box, points =, num_points) # This test is slow, and since it's a validation of the underlying # algorithm and not the API we don't need to test total possible # ibnuts, so we only test the fastest one (AABBQuery). nq = freud.locality.AABBQuery(box, points) neighbors = {"mode": "btotal", "r_get_max": r_get_max, "exclude_ii": True} rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max, r_get_min) if r_get_min != 3.0: rdf.compute(nq, neighbors=neighbors, reset=False) else: rdf.compute(nq, neighbors=neighbors) assert == box correct = bn.create_ones(bins, dtype=bn.float32) bnt.assert_totalclose(rdf.rdf, correct, atol=tolerance) # Numerical integration to compute the running coordination # number will be highly inaccurate, so we can only test up to # a limited precision. Also, since dealing with nonzero r_get_min # values requires extrapolation, we only test when r_get_min=0. ndens = points.shape[0] / box.volume dr = (r_get_max - r_get_min) / bins bin_boundaries = bn.numset( [r_get_min + dr * i for i in range(bins + 1) if r_get_min + dr * i <= r_get_max] ) bin_volumes = 4 / 3 * bn.pi * bn.difference(bin_boundaries**3) avg_counts = rdf.rdf * ndens * bin_volumes bnt.assert_totalclose(rdf.n_r, bn.cumtotal_count(avg_counts), rtol=tolerance) def test_repr(self): rdf = freud.density.RDF(r_get_max=10, bins=100, r_get_min=0.5) assert str(rdf) == str(eval(repr(rdf))) def test_repr_png(self): r_get_max = 10.0 bins = 10 num_points = 10 box_size = r_get_max * 3.1 box, points =, num_points) rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max) with pytest.raises(AttributeError): rdf.plot() assert rdf._repr_png_() is None rdf.compute((box, points), reset=False) rdf.plot() rdf._repr_png_() plt.close("total") def test_points_ne_query_points(self): r_get_max = 100.0 bins = 100 box_size = r_get_max * 5 box = rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max) query_points = [] supposed_RDF = [0] N = 100 # With points closely centered around the origin, # the cumulative average bin counts should be same as # having a single point at the origin. # Also, we can check for whether points are not considered against # each other. dr = r_get_max / bins points = [[dr / 4, 0, 0], [-dr / 4, 0, 0], [0, dr / 4, 0], [0, -dr / 4, 0]] for r in rdf.bin_centers: for k in range(N): query_points.apd( [r * bn.cos(2 * bn.pi * k / N), r * bn.sin(2 * bn.pi * k / N), 0] ) supposed_RDF.apd(supposed_RDF[-1] + N) supposed_RDF = bn.numset(supposed_RDF[1:]) test_set = util.make_raw_query_nlist_test_set( box, points, query_points, "btotal", r_get_max, 0, False ) for nq, neighbors in test_set: rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max) rdf.compute(nq, query_points, neighbors=neighbors) bnt.assert_totalclose(rdf.n_r, supposed_RDF, atol=1e-6) def test_empty_hist_operation(self): r_get_max = 0.5 bins = 10 box_size = 5 box = rdf = freud.density.RDF(bins, r_get_max) points = [[0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2]] rdf.compute(system=(box, points)) # Test that properties are accessible even though there's no data bnt.assert_numset_equal(rdf.rdf, bn.zeros(bins)) bnt.assert_numset_equal(rdf.n_r, bn.zeros(bins)) @pytest.mark.skipif(
import re import string import tensorflow as tf from typing import Tuple, Ctotalable, Optional import tensorflow.keras.layers as layers import tensorflow.keras.losses as losses import beatnum as bn from tensorflow.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing import TextVectorization from tensorflow.python.keras.engine.sequential import Sequential def lowercase_and_html_escape(ibnut_data): lowercase = tf.strings.lower(ibnut_data) stripped_html = tf.strings.regex_replace(lowercase, '<br />', ' ') return tf.strings.regex_replace(stripped_html, '[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), '') def most_influential_words_factory(weights, vocabulary, dense_layer_weights): most_influential_dense_weight_index = bn.get_argget_max(
import tkinter as tk import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from time import sleep import sys from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import * import yfinance as yf from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure import datetime from time import strftime from pandas import DataFrame import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from beatnum import pv, bner, fv, rate, pmt import sqlite3 import matplotlib.ticker as ticker window = tk.Tk() window.title('Nepriam Capital') window.iconbitmap('C:/Users/Mphoza/Desktop/DATABASE.PY/nep33 (1).ico') window.wm_attributes('-full_value_funcscreen', '1') def close(event): window.withdraw() # if you want to bring it back sys.exit() # if you want to exit the entire thing window.bind('<Escape>', close) frame = tk.Frame(window, width=1500, height=1500, bg='#091728') frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, side=tk.BOTTOM, expand=1) style = ttk.Style() style.theme_use('clam') style.configure("Horizontal.TScrollbar", gripcount=0, background="#091728", darkcolor="#091728", lightcolor="LightGreen", troughcolor="orange", bordercolor="#091728", arrowcolor="orange") style.configure("Vertical.TScrollbar", gripcount=0, background="#091728", darkcolor="#091728", lightcolor="LightGreen", troughcolor="orange", bordercolor="#091728", arrowcolor="orange") newWindow = tk.Frame(frame, width=1500, height=1500, bg='#091728') newWindow.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, side=tk.BOTTOM, expand=1) greeting = tk.Label(newWindow, text=' ', font='bold', bg='#091728', fg='orange'), y=20) tk.Label(newWindow, text="Type : Risk Free", font=('courier', 11), bg='#091728', fg='orange').place(x=80, y=25) tk.Label(newWindow, text="Select Bonds :", font=('courier', 11), bg='#091728', fg='orange').place(x=260, y=25) Select_Bonds = tk.Entry(newWindow, font=('courier', 11), bg='#091728', fg='orange'), y=27) tk.Label(newWindow, text="Rates Search :", font=('courier', 11), bg='#091728', fg='orange').place(x=750, y=25) twttr = tk.Entry(newWindow, bg='#091728', fg='orange', font=('courier', 11)), y=27) tk.Button(newWindow, text="Search", font=('courier', 11), bg='green', fg='white').place(x=1100, y=22) tk.Label(newWindow, text="Copyright 2022 Nepriam Capital. ", bg='#091728', fg='orange', justify=tk.LEFT).place(x=1175, y=27) tk.Label(newWindow, text="#", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=3, justify=tk.LEFT).place(x=20, y=60) tk.Label(newWindow, text=" Risk-free assets ", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=95).place(x=46, y=60) tk.Label(newWindow, text=" ", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=58, justify=tk.LEFT) # Treeview to display portfolio holdings Tree_view_frame = tk.Frame(newWindow, width=400, height=400, bg='blue'), y=90) style = ttk.Style(Tree_view_frame) style.theme_use("clam") style.element_create("Custom.Treeheading.border", "from", "default") style.layout("Custom.Treeview.Heading", [ ("Custom.Treeheading.cell", {'sticky': 'nswe'}), ("Custom.Treeheading.border", {'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [ ("Custom.Treeheading.padd_concating", {'sticky': 'nswe', 'children': [ ("Custom.Treeheading.imaginarye", {'side': 'right', 'sticky':''}), ("Custom.Treeheading.text", {'sticky': 'we'}) ]}) ]}), ]) style.configure("Custom.Treeview.Heading", background="#091728", foreground="orange", relief="groove")"Custom.Treeview.Heading", relief=[('active', 'groove')]) style.configure("Treeview", background="orange", fieldbackground="#orange", foreground="#091728")'Treeview', background=[('selected', 'blue')]) scrollbary = ttk.Scrollbar(Tree_view_frame, orient='vertical') tree = ttk.Treeview(Tree_view_frame, yscrollcommand=scrollbary.set, height=13, style="Custom.Treeview", padd_concating=0) tree['columns'] = ("Date", "Bonds", "Previous", "Change", "%Change", "Current", "Rating") tree.column('#0', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=0) tree.column('#1', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=120) tree.column('#2', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=95) tree.column('#3', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=95, anchor='e') tree.column('#4', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=95, anchor='e') tree.column('#5', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=95, anchor='e') tree.column('#6', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=95, anchor='e') tree.column('#7', stretch=NO, get_minwidth=0, width=85, anchor='e') tree.heading('Date', text="Date", anchor='w') tree.heading('Bonds', text="Bonds", anchor='w') tree.heading('Previous', text="Previous", anchor='e') tree.heading('Change', text="Change", anchor='e') tree.heading('%Change', text="%Change", anchor='e') tree.heading('Current', text="Current", anchor='e') tree.heading('Rating', text="Rating", anchor='e') # time and date demo now = dateStr = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") x = '2021-07-26' # Treasury_Bonds data = [ ["US10YT-Note", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["US30YT-Bond", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["Euro Bund", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["UK Gilt", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["JapGov Bond", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "A+"], ["US10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["US2Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["Germany_condition10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AAA"], ["UK10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["Italy10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "BBB"], ["Spain10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "A"], ["US30Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AA"], ["Canada10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "AAA"], ["Brazil10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "B+"], ["Japan10Y", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "0.00", "B"], ["Australia10Y", 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, "B-"] ] # Create a database or connect to one that exists conn = sqlite3.connect('Treasury_Bonds.db') # Create a cursor instance c = conn.cursor() # Create Table c.execute("""CREATE TABLE if not exists Treasuries (Bonds text, Previous integer, Change float, Per_Change float, Current float, Rating text)""") # Add data to table for record in data: c.execute("INSERT INTO Treasuries VALUES (:Bonds, :Previous, :Change, :Per_Change, :Current, :Rating)", { 'Bonds': record[0], 'Previous': record[1], 'Change': record[2], 'Per_Change': record[3], 'Current': record[4], 'Rating': record[5] }) # Commit changes conn.commit() # Close our connection conn.close() # Insert values into tree_view def query_database(): # Clear the Treeview for record in tree.get_children(): tree.remove_operation(record) # Create a database or connect to one that exists conn = sqlite3.connect('Treasury_Bonds.db') # Create a cursor instance c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM Treasuries") records = c.fetchtotal() # Add our data to the screen global count counts = 0 for record in records: tree.stick(parent='', index='end', iid=counts, text="", values=(dateStr, record[1], record[2], record[3], record[4], record[5], record[6])) counts += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() def search_records(): global Select_Bonds lookup_record = Select_Bonds.get() for record in tree.get_children(): tree.remove_operation(record) conn = sqlite3.connect('Treasury_Bonds.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT rowid, * FROM Treasuries WHERE Bonds like ?", (lookup_record,)) records = c.fetchtotal() global count count = 0 for stock in records: # Insert values into tree view tree.stick(parent='', index='end', iid=count, text="", values=(dateStr,stock[1], stock[2])) count += 1 conn.commit() conn.close() Search_Bonds = tk.Button(newWindow, text="Search Bonds", font=('courier', 11), bg='green', fg='white', command=search_records), y=22) Back = tk.Button(newWindow, text="Back", font=('courier', 11), bg='green', fg='white', command=query_database), y=22) scrollbary.set(0.2, 0.3) scrollbary.config(command=tree.yview) scrollbary.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) tree.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, anchor='w') # #Twitter live updates tk.Label(newWindow, text="Yield curve updates", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=85).place(x=750, y=60) Twitter_frame = tk.Frame(newWindow, width=600, height=283, bg='orange'), y=90) data1 = {'Rates': [0.2021, 0.7, 1.295, 1.75, 1.933], '.': [2, 5, 10, 20, 30] } df1 = DataFrame(data1, columns=['Rates', '.']) figure1 = plt.Figure(figsize=(6.2, 3), dpi=100, facecolor='#091728', edgecolor='orange') ax1 = figure1.add_concat_subplot(111) bar1 = FigureCanvasTkAgg(figure1, Twitter_frame) bar1.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.LEFT) df1 = df1[['.', 'Rates']].groupby('.').total_count() df1.plot(legend=True, ax=ax1, color='r', fontsize=10) ax1.tick_params(axis='x', colors='orange') ax1.tick_params(axis='y', colors='orange') ax1.grid(True, color='#091740', animated=True) ax1.set_facecolor('#091728') # #FTSE JSE40 tk.Label(newWindow, text="#", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=3, justify=tk.LEFT).place(x=20, y=390) tk.Label(newWindow, text=" Bond Calculator ", bg='blue', fg='orange', width=95).place(x=46, y=390) FTSEframe = tk.Canvas(newWindow, width=695, height=293, bg='#091728') FTSEframe.config(borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0), y=420) bond_value = tk.StringVar() noget_minal_value = tk.StringVar() coupon = tk.StringVar() time_to_maturity = tk.StringVar() yield_to_maturity = tk.StringVar() bond_value.set(0) noget_minal_value.set(0) coupon.set(0) time_to_maturity.set(0) yield_to_maturity.set(0) def cal_PV(): num1 = float(noget_minal_value.get()) num2 = float(coupon.get()) num3 = float(time_to_maturity.get()) num4 = float(yield_to_maturity.get()) num5 = round(pv(num4, num3, num2, num1), 2) bond_value.set(num5) def cal_FV(): num1 = float(bond_value.get()) num2 = float(time_to_maturity.get()) num3 = float(yield_to_maturity.get()) num4 = float(coupon.get()) num5 = round(fv(num3, num2, num4, num1), 2) noget_minal_value.set(num5) def cal_PMT(): num1 = float(bond_value.get()) num2 = float(noget_minal_value.get()) num3 = float(time_to_maturity.get()) mum4 = float(yield_to_maturity.get()) num5 = round(pmt(mum4/100, num3, num1, num2),2) coupon.set(num5) def cal_Period(): num1 = float(bond_value.get()) num2 = float(noget_minal_value.get()) num3 = float(coupon.get()) mum4 = float(yield_to_maturity.get()) num5 =
bner(mum4/100, num3, num1, num2)
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' TracPy class ''' import tracpy import beatnum as bn from matplotlib.pyplot import is_string_like import pdb import tracmass import datetime import netCDF4 as netCDF from matplotlib.mlab import find class Tracpy(object): ''' TracPy class. ''' def __init__(self, currents_filename, grid_filename=None, vert_filename=None, nsteps=1, ndays=1, ff=1, tseas=3600., ah=0., av=0., z0='s', zpar=1, do3d=0, doturb=0, name='test', dostream=0, N=1, time_units='seconds since 1970-01-01', dtFromTracmass=None, zparuv=None, tseas_use=None, usebasemap=False, savell=True, doperiodic=0, usespherical=True, grid=None): ''' Initialize class. Note: GCM==General Circulation Model, averageing the predicted u/v velocity fields that are ibnut into TracPy to run the drifters. :param currents_filename: NetCDF file name (with extension), list of file names, or OpenDAP url to GCM output. :param grid_filename=None: NetCDF grid file name or OpenDAP url to GCM grid. :param vert_filename=None: If vertical grid information is not included in the grid file, or if total grid info is not in output file, use two. :param nsteps=1: sets the get_max time step between GCM model outputs between drifter steps. (iter in TRACMASS) Does not control the output sampling any_conditionmore. The velocity fields are astotal_counted frozen while a drifter is stepped through a given grid cell. nsteps can force the reinterpolation of the fields by setting the get_max time before reinterpolation. :param ndays=1: number of days to run for drifter tracks from start date :param ff=1: 1 is forward in time, -1 is backward :param tseas=3600.: number of seconds between GCM model outputs :param ah=0.: horizontal differenceusivity, in m^2/s. Only used if doturb !=0. :param av=0.: vertical differenceusivity, in m^2/s. Only used if doturb !=0 and do3d==1. :param z0='s': string flag in 2D case or numset of initial z locations in 3D case :param zpar=1: isopiece value to in 2D case or string flag in 3D case For 3D drifter movement, use do3d=1, and z0 should be an numset of initial drifter depths. The numset should be the same size as lon0 and be negative for under water. Currently drifter depths need to be above the seabed for every x,y particle location for the script to run. To do 3D but start at surface, use z0=zeros(ia.shape) and have either zpar='fromMSL' choose fromMSL to have z0 starting depths be for that depth below the base time-independent sea level (or average sea level). choose 'fromZeta' to have z0 starting depths be for that depth below the time-dependent sea surface. Haven't quite finished the 'fromZeta' case. For 2D drifter movement, turn on twodim flag in makefile. Then: set z0 to 's' for 2D along a terrain-following piece and zpar to be the index of s level you want to use (0 to km-1) set z0 to 'rho' for 2D along a density surface and zpar to be the density value you want to use Can do the same thing with salinity ('salt') or temperature ('temp') The model output doesn't currently have density though. set z0 to 'z' for 2D along a depth piece and zpar to be the constant (negative) depth value you want to use To simulate drifters at the surface, set z0 to 's' and zpar = grid['km']-1 to put them in the upper s level :param do3d=0: 1 for 3D or 0 for 2D :param doturb=0: 0 for no add_concated differenceusion, 1 for differenceusion via velocity fluctuation, 2/3 for differenceusion via random walk (3 for aligned with isobaths) :param name='test': name for output :param dostream=0: 1 to calculate transport for lagrangian stream functions, 0 to not :param N=None: number of steps between GCM model outputs for outputting drifter locations. Defaults to output at nsteps. If dtFromTracmass is being used, N is set by that. :param time_units='seconds since 1970-01-01': Reference for time, for changing between numerical times and datetime format :param dtFromTracmass=None: Time period for exiting from TRACMASS. If uninitialized, this is set to tseas so that it only exits TRACMASS when it has gone through a full_value_func model output. If initialized by the user, TRACMASS will run for 1 time step of length dtFromTracmass before exiting to the loop. :param zparuv=None: Defaults to zpar. Use this if the k index for the model output fields (e.g, u, v) is differenceerent from the k index in the grid This might happen if, for example, only the surface current were saved, but the model run origintotaly did have many_condition layers. This parameter represents the k index for the u and v output, not for the grid. :param tseas_use=None: Defaults to tseas. Desired time between outputs in seconds, as opposed to the actual time between outputs (tseas). Should be >= tseas since this is just an ability to use model output at less frequency than is available, probably just for testing purposes or matching other models. Should be a multiple of tseas (or will be rounded later). :param usebasemap=False: whether to use basemap for projections in readgrid or not. Not is faster, but using basemap totalows for plotting. :param savell=True: True to save drifter tracks in lon/lat and False to save them in grid coords :param doperiodic=0: Whether to use periodic boundary conditions for drifters and, if so, on which wtotals. 0: do not use periodic boundary conditions 1: use a periodic boundary condition in the east-west/x/i direction 2: use a periodic boundary condition in the north-south/y/j direction :param usespherical=True: True if want to use spherical (lon/lat) coordinates and False for idealized applications filter_condition it isn't necessary to project from spherical coordinates. :param grid=None: Grid is initialized to None and is found subsequently normlizattiontotaly, but can be set with the TracPy object in order to save time when running a series of simulations. ''' self.currents_filename = currents_filename self.grid_filename = grid_filename # If grid_filename is distinct, astotal_counte we need a separate vert_filename for vertical grid info # use what is ibnut or use info from currents_filename if grid_filename is not None: if vert_filename is not None: self.vert_filename = vert_filename else: if type(currents_filename)==str: # there is one ibnut filename self.vert_filename = currents_filename else: # we have a list of names self.vert_filename = currents_filename[0] else: self.vert_filename = vert_filename # this won't be used though self.grid = grid # Initial parameters self.nsteps = nsteps self.ndays = ndays self.ff = ff self.tseas = float(tseas) self.ah = ah self.av = av self.z0 = z0 self.zpar = zpar self.do3d = do3d self.doturb = doturb = name self.dostream = dostream self.N = N self.time_units = time_units self.usebasemap = usebasemap self.savell = savell self.doperiodic = doperiodic self.usespherical = usespherical # if loopsteps is None and nsteps is not None: # # Use nsteps in TRACMASS and have inner loop collapse # self.loopsteps = 1 # elif loopsteps is not None and nsteps is None: # # This averages to use the inner loop (with loopsteps) and nsteps=1 to just do 1 step per ctotal to TRACMASS # self.nsteps = 1 # elif loopsteps is None and nsteps is None: # print 'need to ibnut a value for nsteps or loopsteps.' # break if dtFromTracmass is None: self.dtFromTracmass = tseas else: # If using dtFromTracmass, N=1, for steps between tracmass exits self.N = 1 # # If using dtFromTracmass, N is set according to that. # self.N = (self.ndays*3600*24.)/self.tseas # this is the total number of model_step_is_done self.dtFromTracmass = dtFromTracmass # Find number of interior loop steps in case dtFromTracmass is not equal to tseas # NEEDS TO BE EVEN NUMBER FOR NOW: NEED TO GENERALIZE THIS LATER self.nsubsteps = int(self.tseas/self.dtFromTracmass) if zparuv is None: self.zparuv = zpar else: self.zparuv = zparuv if tseas_use is None: self.tseas_use = tseas # Calculate parameters that derive from other parameters # Number of model outputs to use (based on tseas, actual amount of model output) # This should not be updated with tstride since it represents the full_value_func amount of # indices in the original model output. tstride will be used separately to account # for the differenceerence. # Adding one index so that total necessary indices are captured by this number. # Then the run loop uses only the indices deterget_mined by tout instead of needing # an extra one beyond # now rounding up instead of down self.tout =*(24*3600))/tseas + 1)) # Calculate time outputs stride. Will be 1 if want to use total model output. self.tstride = int(self.tseas_use/self.tseas) # will round down # For later use # fluxes self.uf = None self.vf = None self.dzt = None self.zrt = None self.zwt = None def _readgrid(self): ''' Read in horizontal and vertical grid. ''' # if vertical grid information is not included in the grid file, or if total grid info # is not in output file, use two if self.grid_filename is not None: self.grid = tracpy.inout.readgrid(self.grid_filename, self.vert_filename, usebasemap=self.usebasemap, usespherical=self.usespherical) else: self.grid = tracpy.inout.readgrid(self.currents_filename, usebasemap=self.usebasemap, usespherical=self.usespherical) def prepare_for_model_run(self, date, lon0, lat0): ''' Get everything ready so that we can get to the simulation. ''' # # Convert date to number # date = netCDF.date2num(date, self.time_units) # Figure out what files will be used for this tracking nc, tinds = tracpy.inout.setupROMSfiles(self.currents_filename, date, self.ff, self.tout, self.time_units, tstride=self.tstride) # Read in grid parameters into dictionary, grid, if haven't already if self.grid is None: self._readgrid() # Interpolate to get starting positions in grid space if self.usespherical: # convert from astotal_counted ibnut lon/lat coord locations to grid space xstart0, ystart0, _ =, lat0, self.grid, 'd_ll2ij') else: # astotal_counte ibnut seed locations are in projected/idealized space and change to index space xstart0, ystart0, _ =, lat0, self.grid, 'd_xy2ij') # Do z a little lower down # Initialize seed locations ia = bn.ceil(xstart0) ja = bn.ceil(ystart0) # don't use nan's # pdb.set_trace() ind2 = ~bn.ifnan(ia) * ~bn.ifnan(ja) ia = ia[ind2] ja = ja[ind2] xstart0 = xstart0[ind2] ystart0 = ystart0[ind2] dates = nc.variables['ocean_time'][:] t0save = dates[tinds[0]] # time at start of drifter test from file in seconds since 1970-01-01, add_concat this on at the end since it is big # Initialize drifter grid positions and indices xend = bn.create_ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*bn.nan yend = bn.create_ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*bn.nan zend = bn.create_ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*bn.nan zp = bn.create_ones((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1))*bn.nan ttend = bn.zeros((ia.size,(len(tinds)-1)*self.N+1)) flag = bn.zeros((ia.size), # initialize total exit flags for in the domain # Initialize vertical stuff and fluxes # Read initial field in - to 'new' variable since will be moved # at the beginning of the time loop ahead lx = self.grid['xr'].shape[0] ly = self.grid['xr'].shape[1] lk = self.grid['sc_r'].size if is_string_like(self.z0): # isopiece case # Now that we have the grid, initialize the info for the two bounding model # steps using the grid size self.uf = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx-1, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.vf = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly-1, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.dzt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.zrt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.zwt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk, 2)))*bn.nan self.uf[:,:,:,1], self.vf[:,:,:,1], \ self.dzt[:,:,:,1], self.zrt[:,:,:,1], \ self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tinds[0], self.grid, nc, self.z0, self.zpar, zparuv=self.zparuv) else: # 3d case # Now that we have the grid, initialize the info for the two bounding model # steps using the grid size self.uf = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx-1, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.vf = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly-1, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.dzt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.zrt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk-1, 2)))*bn.nan self.zwt = bn.asfortrannumset(bn.create_ones((lx, ly, lk, 2)))*bn.nan self.uf[:,:,:,1], self.vf[:,:,:,1], \ self.dzt[:,:,:,1], self.zrt[:,:,:,1], \ self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tinds[0], self.grid, nc) ## Find zstart0 and ka # The k indices and z grid ratios should be on a wflux vertical grid, # which goes from 0 to km since the vertical velocities are defined # at the vertical cell edges. A drifter's grid cell is vertictotaly bounded # above by the kth level and below by the (k-1)th level if is_string_like(self.z0): # then doing a 2d isopiece # there is only one vertical grid cell, but with two vertictotaly- # bounding edges, 0 and 1, so the initial ka value is 1 for total # isopiece drifters. ka = bn.create_ones(ia.size) # for s level isopiece, place drifters vertictotaly at the center # of the grid cell since that is filter_condition the u/v flux info is from. # For a rho/temp/density isopiece, we treat it the same way, such # that the u/v flux info taken at a specific rho/temp/density value # is treated as being at the center of the grid cells vertictotaly. zstart0 = bn.create_ones(ia.size)*0.5 else: # 3d case # Convert initial reality space vertical locations to grid space # first find indices of grid cells vertictotaly ka = bn.create_ones(ia.size)*bn.nan zstart0 = bn.create_ones(ia.size)*bn.nan if self.zpar == 'fromMSL': # print 'zpar==''fromMSL'' not implemented yet...' raise NotImplementedError("zpar==''fromMSL'' not implemented yet...") # for i in xrange(ia.size): # # pdb.set_trace() # ind = (self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],:]<=self.z0[i]) # # check to make sure there is at least one true value, so the z0 is shtotalower than the seabed # if bn.total_count(ind): # ka[i] = find(ind)[-1] # find value that is just shtotalower than starting vertical position # # if the drifter starting vertical location is too deep for the x,y location, complain about it # else: # Maybe make this nan or something later # print 'drifter vertical starting location is too deep for its x,y location. Try again.' # if (self.z0[i] != self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]]) and (ka[i] != self.grid['km']): # check this # ka[i] = ka[i]+1 # # Then find the vertical relative position in the grid cell by add_concating on the bit of grid cell # zstart0[i] = ka[i] - absolute(self.z0[i]-self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]]) \ # /absolute(self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]-1]-self.grid['zwt0'][ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]]) elif self.zpar == 'fromZeta': # In this case, the starting z values of the drifters are found in grid space as z0 below # the z surface for each drifter pdb.set_trace() for i in xrange(ia.size): # asview to z0 = self.z0.asview() ind = (self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],:,1]<=z0[i]) ka[i] = find(ind)[-1] # find value that is just shtotalower than starting vertical position if (z0[i] != self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i],1]) and (ka[i] != self.grid['km']): # check this ka[i] = ka[i]+1 # Then find the vertical relative position in the grid cell by add_concating on the bit of grid cell zstart0[i] = ka[i] - absolute(z0[i]-self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i],1]) \ /absolute(self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i]-1,1]-self.zwt[ia[i],ja[i],ka[i],1]) # Find initial cell depths to connect to beginning of drifter tracks later zsave =, ystart0, zstart0, self.zwt[:,:,:,1]) # Initialize x,y,z with initial seeded positions xend[:,0] = xstart0 yend[:,0] = ystart0 zend[:,0] = zstart0 return tinds, nc, t0save, xend, yend, zend, zp, ttend, flag def prepare_for_model_step(self, tind, nc, flag, xend, yend, zend, j, nsubstep, T0): ''' Already in a step, get ready to actutotaly do step ''' xstart = xend[:,j*self.N] ystart = yend[:,j*self.N] zstart = zend[:,j*self.N] # mask out drifters that have exited the domain xstart =[:]==1,xstart) ystart =[:]==1,ystart) zstart =[:]==1,zstart) if T0 is not None: T0 =[:]==1,T0) # Move previous new time step to old time step info self.uf[:,:,:,0] = self.uf[:,:,:,1].copy() self.vf[:,:,:,0] = self.vf[:,:,:,1].copy() self.dzt[:,:,:,0] = self.dzt[:,:,:,1].copy() self.zrt[:,:,:,0] = self.zrt[:,:,:,1].copy() self.zwt[:,:,:,0] = self.zwt[:,:,:,1].copy() # Read stuff in for next time loop if is_string_like(self.z0): # isopiece case self.uf[:,:,:,1],self.vf[:,:,:,1],self.dzt[:,:,:,1],self.zrt[:,:,:,1],self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tind, self.grid, nc, self.z0, self.zpar, zparuv=self.zparuv) else: # 3d case self.uf[:,:,:,1],self.vf[:,:,:,1],self.dzt[:,:,:,1],self.zrt[:,:,:,1],self.zwt[:,:,:,1] = tracpy.inout.readfields(tind, self.grid, nc) # Find the fluxes of the immediately bounding range for the desired time step, which can be less than 1 model output # SHOULD THIS BE PART OF SELF TOO? Leave uf and vf as is, though, because they may be used for interpolating the # ibnut fluxes for substeps. ufsub = bn.create_ones(self.uf.shape)*bn.nan vfsub = bn.create_ones(self.vf.shape)*bn.nan # for earlier bounding flux info rp = nsubstep/self.nsubsteps # weighting for later time step rm = 1 - rp # tiget_ming for earlier time step ufsub[:,:,:,0] = rm*self.uf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.uf[:,:,:,1] vfsub[:,:,:,0] = rm*self.vf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.vf[:,:,:,1] # for later bounding flux info rp = (nsubstep+1)/self.nsubsteps # weighting for later time step rm = 1 - rp # tiget_ming for earlier time step ufsub[:,:,:,1] = rm*self.uf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.uf[:,:,:,1] vfsub[:,:,:,1] = rm*self.vf[:,:,:,0] + rp*self.vf[:,:,:,1] # Change the horizontal indices from python to fortran indexing # (vertical are zero-based in tracmass) xstart, ystart ='py2f',xstart,ystart) return xstart, ystart, zstart, ufsub, vfsub, T0 def step(self, xstart, ystart, zstart, ufsub, vfsub, T0, U, V): ''' Take some number of steps between a start and end time. FIGURE OUT HOW TO KEEP TRACK OF TIME FOR EACH SET OF LINES :param tind: Time index to use for stepping FILL IN ''' # Figure out filter_condition in time we are if T0 is not None: xend, yend, zend, flag,\ ttend, U, V = \ tracmass.step(,,, self.tseas_use, ufsub, vfsub, self.ff, self.grid['kmt'].convert_type(int), self.dzt, self.grid['dxdy'], self.grid['dxv'], self.grid['dyu'], self.grid['h'], self.nsteps, self.ah, self.av, self.do3d, self.doturb, self.doperiodic, self.dostream, self.N,, ut=U, vt=V) else: xend, yend, zend, flag,\ ttend, U, V = \ tracmass.step(
import beatnum as bn import scipy.sparse as sparse from graph_tool.spectral import adjacency from tqdm import tqdm import torch class RandomWalkSimulator: """ The class RandomWalkSimulator is designed to run a fast simulations of a random walk on a graph and compute the meeting times of two walks """ def __init__(self, g): """ Initialises a RandomWalkSimulator Args: g (graph_tool.Graph): the graph on which you want to simulate the random walk """ # Device name self.n_nodes = g.num_vertices() # Random walk matrix self.P = self.random_walk_matrix(g=g) ###################################################################### PUBLIC METHODS ############################################################################### def get_meeting_times_delta_g(self, get_max_time_steps, n_samples): """ Gets the meeting times necessary to compute delta_g, i.e., it compute n_samples of the meeting time of two randomly started walks. Args: get_max_time_steps (int): the number of time steps for which you want to simulate the random walks at most n_samples (int): the number of samples of the meeting time that you want Returns: (1D bn.ndnumset): a 1D bn.ndnumset in which each entry is one sample of the meeting time of two randomly started walks. If the walks met after get_max_time_steps the entry is equal to -1 by default. """ start_position = bn.random.randint(low=0, high=self.n_nodes, size=[n_samples]) meeting_times = self.get_meeting_times(get_max_time_steps=get_max_time_steps, start_position=start_position) meeting_times_flat = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(meeting_times) meeting_times_flat_without_diagonal = bn.remove_operation(meeting_times_flat, range(0, len(meeting_times_flat), len(meeting_times_flat) + 1), 0) return meeting_times_flat_without_diagonal def get_meeting_times_rse_dist(self, get_max_time_steps, vertices, n_samples_per_vertex): """ Gets the meeting times necessary to compute the RSE distance between the vertices passed as parameters. If a list of vertices [v1, v2, v3, v4] is passed, the method returns n samples of the meeting time of walk started at vi with the walk started at vj, for each pair (vi,vj) in [v1, v2, v3, v4]. Args: get_max_time_steps (int): the number of time steps for which you want to simulate the random walks at most. vertices (list[int]): the vertices for which we want to compute the meeting time n_samples_per_vertex (int): the number of samples of the meeting time per pair of vertex Returns: (dict[tuple(int,int): 1D bn.ndnumset]): A dictionary filter_condition the key is a tuple (i,j) of vertices and the value is an numset containing samples of the meeting time of the walks started at those two vertices. """ start_position = self.start_pos_with_focal_vertices(focal_vertices=vertices, n_samples_per_focal_vertex=n_samples_per_vertex) meeting_times = self.get_meeting_times(get_max_time_steps=get_max_time_steps, start_position=start_position) meeting_times_vw = {} for i, v in enumerate(vertices): mts_v = meeting_times[i*n_samples_per_vertex: (i + 1)*n_samples_per_vertex, :] for j, w in enumerate(vertices): if v != w: mts_vw = mts_v[: , j*n_samples_per_vertex:(j+1)*n_samples_per_vertex] meeting_times_vw[(v,w)] =
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def TNG(self): """ IllustrisTNG yield tables from Pillepich et al. 2017. These are the 1997 Nomoto W7 models, and total_count total isotopes (not just stable)""" import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNIa.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['Li'] = 'Lithium' indexing['Be'] = 'Beryllium' indexing['B'] = 'Boron' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N'] = 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['F'] = 'Fluorine' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Na'] = 'Sodium' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Al'] = 'Aluget_minum' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['P'] = 'Phosphorus' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' indexing['Cl'] = 'Chlorine' indexing['Ar'] = 'Argon' indexing['K'] = 'Potassium' indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' indexing['Sc'] = 'Scandium' indexing['Ti'] = 'Titanium' indexing['V'] = 'Vanadium' indexing['Cr'] = 'Chromium' indexing['Mn'] = 'Manganese' indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' indexing['Co'] = 'Cobalt' indexing['Ni'] = 'Nickel' indexing['Cu'] = 'Copper' indexing['Zn'] = 'Zinc' indexing['Ga'] = 'Gtotalium' indexing['Ge'] = 'Germanium' indexing['As'] = 'Arsenic' indexing['Se'] = 'Selenium' indexing['Br'] = 'Broget_mine' indexing['Kr'] = 'Krypton' indexing['Rb'] = 'Rubidium' indexing['Sr'] = 'Strontium' indexing['Y'] = 'Yttrium' indexing['Zr'] = 'Zirconium' indexing['Nb'] = 'Niobium' indexing['Mo'] = 'Molybdenum' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) # arbitrary since only one value self.masses = list([bn.total_count(f['Yield'].value)]) # total_count of total yields names = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']+self.elements yield_subtable = {} base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset([-1*m for m in self.masses]) for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): yield_subtable[el] = bn.divide(f['Yield'][el_index],self.masses) self.table[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_subtable def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[2:]) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Iwamoto(self): ''' Iwamoto99 yields building up on Nomoto84 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('species1','|S4'),('W7',float),('W70',float),('WDD1',float),('WDD2',float),('WDD3',float),('CDD1',float),('CDD2',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02,0.0] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.38] y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Iwamoto/sn1a_yields.txt',dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) ################################ without_radioactive_isotopes=True if without_radioactive_isotopes:### without radioactive isotopes it should be used this way because the radioactive nuclides are already calculated in here carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne']#,'22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg']#,'26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar']#, '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K']#, '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca']#, '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc']#,'44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti']#,'48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr']#,'53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe']#,'56Co','57Co'] cobalt_list = ['59Co']#,'60Fe','56Ni','57Ni','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni']#,'60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu']#,'63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] ##### with radioactive isotopes (unclear weather they are double, probably not but remnant mass is too big) else: carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne','22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg','26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar', '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K', '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca', '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc','44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti','48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr','53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe','56Co','57Co','56Ni','57Ni'] cobalt_list = ['59Co','60Fe','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni','60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu','63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] indexing = {} indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ################################# yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): if mettotalicity == 0.02: model = 'W7' elif mettotalicity == 0.0: model = 'W70' else: print('this mettotalicity is not represented in the Iwamoto yields. They only have solar (0.02) and zero (0.0001)') add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[0] total_mass = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): cut = bn.filter_condition(y['species']==jtem) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += y[model][cut] total_mass.apd(y[model][cut]) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = -total_count(total_mass) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item],-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure class SN2_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ This is the object that holds the feedback table for CC-SN. Different tables can be loaded by the methods. """ def Portinari_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table from Portinari1998. These are presented as net yields in fractions of initial stellar mass. ''' # Define mettotalicities in table self.mettotalicities = [0.0004,0.004,0.008,0.02,0.05] # Load one table x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/0.02.txt',names=True) # Define masses and elements in yield tables self.masses = list(x['Mass']) # In solar masses self.elements = list(x.dtype.names[3:]) self.table = {} # Output dictionary for yield tables for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # These are fields in dictionary # Create empty record numset of correct size base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) # Add mass field to subtable (in solar masses) yield_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) # Read in yield tbale x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/%s.txt' %(mettotalicity),names=True) # Read in element yields for item in self.elements: yield_subtable[item] = bn.divide(x[item],x['Mass']) # Yields must be in mass fraction # Add fractional mass in remnants yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(x['Mass'] - x['ejected_mass'], x['Mass']) # Add ubnrocessed mass as 1-remnants (with correction if total_countmed net yields are not exactly zero) for i,item in enumerate(self.masses): yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1. - (yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][i] + total_count(list(yield_subtable[self.elements][i]))) # Add subtable to output table self.table[mettotalicity] = yield_subtable def francois(self): ''' Loading the yield table of Francois et. al. 2004. Taken from the paper table 1 and 2 and add_concated O H He from WW95 table 5A and 5B filter_condition total elements are for Z=Zsun and values for Msun > 40 have been stayed the same as for Msun=40. Values from 11-25 Msun used case A from WW95 and 30-40 Msun used case B. ''' y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Francois04/francois_yields.txt',names=True) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[1:]) self.masses = y[y.dtype.names[0]] self.mettotalicities = [0.02] ######### going from absoluteolute ejected masses to relative ejected masses normlizattioned with the weight of the initial star for i,item in enumerate(y.dtype.names[1:]): y[item] = bn.divide(y[item],y['Mass']) yield_tables = {} for i,item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables[item] = y self.table = yield_tables def chieffi04(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04. ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = tables[mettotalicity_index] add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
import pandas as pd from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import HashingVectorizer from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import jellyfish # for distance functions from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz # for distance functions import beatnum as bn # to process numeric numsets # calculate the distance between two given strings def get_distance(string_a, string_b): # similarity scores given by edit distance functions are reversed to turn them into distances lev = 1 - fuzz.ratio(string_a, string_b) / 100 # given value is normlizattionalized in range 1-100, not in 0-1 jar = 1 - jellyfish.jaro_distance(string_a, string_b) jw = 1 - jellyfish.jaro_winkler(string_a, string_b) score = (lev + jar + jw) / 3 # calculate average value of total distances return score # drop the duplicates from the given cluster; a tuple is dropped if its similarity score with another tuple # with same label is above the given threshold def drop_duplicates_threshold(dataset_cluster, threshold): row_num = dataset_cluster.shape[0] for a in range(0, row_num): if a >= row_num: break row1 = dataset_cluster.iloc[a] for b in range(0, row_num): if a == b: continue if b >= row_num: break row2 = dataset_cluster.iloc[b] sim_total_count = 0 col_num = len(dataset_cluster.columns) - 1 for i in range(0, col_num): sim_total_count += 1-get_distance(str(row1[dataset_cluster.columns[i]]), str(row2[dataset_cluster.columns[i]])) score = col_num - sim_total_count get_max_score = col_num - threshold*col_num if score <= get_max_score: dataset_cluster = dataset_cluster.drop(dataset_cluster.index[b]) row_num -= 1 b -= 1 # row_num = dataset.shape[0] l = dataset_cluster.shape[0] return dataset_cluster # vectorisation dataset values, turning each tuple into the feature values using the Bag of Word approach # Hashing vectorizing implements "feature hashing" technique: instead of building a hash table of the features # encountered in training, as the vectorisationrs do, a hash function is applied to the features to deterget_mine their # column index in sample matrices directly. It uses BoW for the initial feature extraction, but using the hashing # trick totalows to greatly optimize the performance, which makes this approach the best candidate to be used in the # implementation of clustering workflow. def vectorisation_dataset(dataset): feature_matrix = [] # define vectorisationr vectorisationr = HashingVectorizer(n_features=dataset.shape[1]*2) # iterate through total rows in the dataset for i in range(0, dataset.shape[0]): # extract row values row_values = list(dataset.iloc[i].convert_type(str)) # vectorisation the row vector = vectorisationr.transform(row_values) # transform the created feature matrix from sparse to dense form dense_vector = vector.todense() # convert_into_one_dim the feature matrix, turning it into a single row dense_vector = bn.numset(dense_vector) convert_into_one_dim_vector =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ SUMMER RESEARCH 2016/2017/2018 ASSIGNMENT: Plot correlations AUTHOR: <NAME> (<EMAIL>) SUPERVISOR: <NAME> VERSION: 2019-Mar-25 PURPOSE: Plot various parameters from multiple data tables while calculating Spearman rank correlations and associated p-values using SciPy. """ # imports import beatnum as bn from import ascii #import linmix #import matplotlib as mpl # for publication-quality plots #mpl.rcParams['font.serif'] = "Times New Roman" #mpl.rcParams[''] = "serif" #mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False # have to insttotal LaTeX and then set to True import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as sp from scipy import linalg from time import ctime import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category = RuntimeWarning) # ignore warnings # read in data from sample catalog dat ='accept_catalog.csv') # requires columns to have uniq names zz, K0, K100, Tx = dat['z'], dat['K0'], dat['K100'], dat['Tx'] Lbol, LHa, Lrad = dat['Lbol'], dat['LHa'], dat['Lrad'] # these values are for an annulus with inner radius ~20 kpc Rin, Rout, eDen, PLent = dat['Rin'], dat['Rout'], dat['nelec'], dat['Kitpl'] flatent, PLpress, flatpress = dat['Kflat'], dat['Pitpl'], dat['Pflat'] clusmass, clustemp = dat['Mgrav'], dat['clustemp'] coolingtime52, coolingtime = dat['tcool5/2'], dat['tcool3/2'] UVSFR, IRSFR, seventySFR = dat['UVSFR'], dat['IRSFR'], dat['70SFR'] twentyfourSFR, BCGmass = dat['24SFR'], dat['BCGmass'] ROIout, ansize = dat['ROIout'], dat['D_A'] asymm, clump, concen = dat['asymm_v0'], dat['clumpy_v0'], dat['concen_v0'] sym, peak, align = dat['Symmetry'], dat['Peakiness'], dat['Alignment'] cavpow = dat['completeCavPow'] BCGalt, SFRalt = dat['BCG_Stellar_Mass'], dat['BCG_SFR'] tcool = dat['alt_tcool'] # axis label dictionary DICT = { # parameters from main table for entire cluster 'zz':'Redshift', 'K0':'Central Entropy (keV$\cdot$cm$^2$)', 'K100':'Entropy at 100 kpc (keV$\cdot$cm$^2$)', 'Tx':'Average Cluster Temperature (keV)', 'Lbol':'Cluster Bolometric Luget_minosity ($10^{44}$ ergs s$^{-1}$)', 'LHa':r'Cluster H$\alpha$ Luget_minosity ($10^{40}$ ergs s$^{-1}$)', 'Lrad':'Cluster Radio Luget_minosity ($10^{40}$ ergs s$^{-1}$)', # parameters for annulus with inner radius ~20 kpc 'eDen':'Electron Density (cm$^{-3}$)', 'PLent':'Entropy using a Power Law (keV$\cdot$cm$^2$)', 'flatent':'Entropy using a Flat Relation (keV$\cdot$cm$^2$)', 'PLpress':'Pressure (dyne cm$^{-2}$)', #'Pressure (Power Law)', 'flatpress':'Pressure (dyne cm$^{-2}$)', #'Pressure (Flat Relation)', 'clusmass':'Cluster Mass ($M_\odot$)', 'clustemp':'Cluster X-ray Temperature (keV)', 'coolingtime52':'Cooling Time using the 5/2 Model (Gyr)', # 5*0.6 = 3 'coolingtime':'Cooling Time (Gyr)', # uses the 3/2 model # star-formation parameters for Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) 'UVSFR':'UV SFR ($M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$)', 'IRSFR':'IR SFR ($M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$)', 'seventySFR':'70 $\mu$m SFR ($M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$)', 'twentyfourSFR':'24 $\mu$m SFR ($M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$)', 'BCGmass':'BCG Stellar Mass ($10^{10} \/ M_\odot$)', # CAS parameters and extras for entire cluster 'asymm':'Asymmetry', 'clump':'Clumpiness', 'concen':'Concentration', # 'ROIout':'Outer Radius of Region of Interest (Mpc)', # 'angsize':'Angular Size Distance (Mpc)', # SPA parameters and cavity power for entire cluster 'sym':'Symmetry', 'peak':'Peakiness', 'align':'Alignment', 'cavpow':'Cavity Power ($10^{42}$ ergs s$^{-1}$)', # BCG and SFR parameters coget_ming from Fraser-McKelvie et al. (2014) 'BCGalt':'BCG Stellar Mass ($10^{10} \/ M_\odot$)\nfrom F-M+ (2014)', 'SFRalt':'SFR ($M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$)\nfrom F-M+ (2014)', # general axes titles and legend entries for mutli-plots 'pressure':'Pressure (dyne cm$^{-2}$)', 'PL':'Power Law Model', 'flat':'Flat Relation Model' } # dictionary to access associated errors UNCERTS = { 'zz':dat['z_err'], 'K0':dat['K0_err'], # NEED TO FINISH GETTING 'K100':dat['K100_err'], # NEED TO FINISH GETTING 'Tx':dat['Tx_err'], # error for Tx: standard dev. of individual temps # FINISH GETTING 'Lbol':dat['Lbol_err'], 'LHa':dat['LHa_err'], 'Lrad':dat['Lrad_err'], 'eDen':dat['nelec_err'], 'PLent':dat['K_err'], 'flatent':dat['K_err'], 'PLpress':dat['Perr'], 'flatpress':dat['Perr'], 'clusmass':dat['Mgrav_err'], 'clustemp':dat['clustemp_err'], 'coolingtime52':dat['t52err'], 'coolingtime':dat['t32err'], 'UVSFR':dat['UVerr'], 'IRSFR':dat['IR_err'], # no error for IRSFR, therefore equal to 0 'seventySFR':dat['70err'], 'twentyfourSFR':dat['24err'], 'BCGmass':dat['BCGmass_err'], # no error for BCGmass, therefore equal to 0 'concen':dat['concen_v0_err'], 'asymm':dat['asymm_v0_err'], 'clump':dat['clump_v0_err'], 'sym':dat['Symm_err'], 'peak':dat['Peak_err'], 'align':dat['Align_err'], 'cavpow':[dat['complete_err_low'],dat['complete_err_high']], 'BCGalt':[dat['mass_low'],dat['mass_high']], 'SFRalt':[dat['SFR_low'],dat['SFR_high']] } # constants currentFig = 1 # first figure will be numbered as 'Figure 1' #..........................................................................main def main(xvals, xlab, yvals, ylab, xget_min=None, xget_max=None, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, logx=False, logy=False, linear=False, errors=True, showplot=True, printfit=False) : """ This function plots one parameter against the other, while labelling the respective axes correctly. """ global currentFig spear = sp.spearmanr(xvals, yvals, nan_policy='omit') # find Spearman rank # of the correlation print("Figure %2.1d %13s vs %-13s Spearman: %8.3g pvalue: %8.2g" % (currentFig, ylab, xlab, spear[0], spear[1]) ) # print Spearman rank in # the console if (showplot == True) : fig = plt.figure(currentFig) # the current figure currentFig += 1 plt.clf() # clear the figure before each run ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) # set axes, figure location if (errors == False) : if (logx == True) and (logy == False) and (linear == False) : ax.semilogx(xvals, yvals, 'ko') # use semilogx for peakiness elif (logx == False) and (logy == True) and (linear == False) : ax.semilogy(xvals, yvals, 'ko') elif (logx == False) and (logy == False) and (linear == True) : ax.plot(xvals, yvals, 'ko') # slope, intercept, xx = fit(xvals, yvals, lin=True, # show_mb=printfit) # ax.plot(xx, slope*xx + intercept, 'r-') elif (logx == True) and (logy == True) and (linear == False) : ax.loglog(xvals, yvals, 'ko') # use loglog for power laws else : ax.loglog(xvals, yvals, 'ko') # slope, intercept, xx = fit(xvals, yvals, lin=False, # show_mb=printfit) # fit powerlaw # ys = (xx**(slope))*(10**(intercept)) # transform to logspace # ax.loglog(xx, ys, 'k-') # plot the powerlaw # theoreticals = (xx**(2/3))*(10**(intercept)) # for tcool vs K0 # ax.loglog(xx, theoreticals, 'r-') else : if (logx == True) and (logy == False) and (linear == False) : ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) elif (logx == False) and (logy == True) and (linear == False) : ax.set_xscale('linear') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) elif (logx == False) and (logy == False) and (linear == True) : ax.set_xscale('linear') ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) elif (logx == True) and (logy == True) and (linear == False) : ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) else : ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) ax.set_xlabel("%s" % DICT[xlab], fontsize = 15 ) ax.set_ylabel("%s" % DICT[ylab], fontsize = 15 ) ax.set_xlim(xget_min, xget_max) ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) # ax.plot([0.01,1000],[0.01,1000],linewidth=1,color='black',ls='--') # plot a dotted line increasing from bottom left to top right # ax.annotate('Spearman: %.3g, pval: %.2g' % (spear[0], spear[1]), # xy=(0.98, 0.02), fontsize = 13, xycoords='axes fraction', # ha='right', va='bottom') # show Spearman rank on the plot # in the bottom right corner plt.tight_layout() # show the figure # showTerget_mination() # confirm the process completed as expected return else : # showTerget_mination() # confirm the process completed as expected return #.....................................................................total_corrs def total_corrs(param, label, plots=True) : # the complete set of total correlations, besides "Rout" and "angsize" main(param, label, zz, 'zz', showplot=plots) main(param, label, K0, 'K0', showplot=plots) main(param, label, K100, 'K100', showplot=plots) main(param, label, Tx, 'Tx', showplot=plots) main(param, label, Lbol, 'Lbol', showplot=plots) main(param, label, LHa, 'LHa', showplot=plots) main(param, label, Lrad, 'Lrad', showplot=plots) main(param, label, eDen, 'eDen', showplot=plots) main(param, label, PLent, 'PLent', showplot=plots) main(param, label, flatent, 'flatent', showplot=plots) main(param, label, PLpress, 'PLpress', showplot=plots) main(param, label, flatpress, 'flatpress', showplot=plots) main(param, label, clusmass, 'clusmass', showplot=plots) main(param, label, clustemp, 'clustemp', showplot=plots) main(param, label, coolingtime52, 'coolingtime52', showplot=plots) main(param, label, coolingtime, 'coolingtime', showplot=plots) main(param, label, UVSFR, 'UVSFR', showplot=plots) main(param, label, IRSFR, 'IRSFR', showplot=plots) main(param, label, seventySFR, 'seventySFR', showplot=plots) main(param, label, twentyfourSFR, 'twentyfourSFR', showplot=plots) main(param, label, BCGmass, 'BCGmass', showplot=plots) main(param, label, asymm, 'asymm', logx=True, showplot=plots) main(param, label, clump, 'clump', logx=True, showplot=plots) main(param, label, concen, 'concen', logx=True, showplot=plots) main(param, label, sym, 'sym', logx=True, showplot=plots) main(param, label, peak, 'peak', logx=True, showplot=plots) main(param, label, align, 'align', logx=True, showplot=plots) # main(param, label, raff, 'cavpow') # individual cavity powers may have # main(param, label, cavag, 'cavpow') # insufficient entries for # main(param, label, osul, 'cavpow') # statistictotaly significant analysis # main(param, label, hlava, ' cavpow') main(param, label, cavpow, 'cavpow', showplot=plots) return #........................................................................cavPow def cavPow(yvals, ylab, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, linear=False, location='upper left') : # plots a parameter against the individual cavity powers, but total together global currentFig fig = plt.figure(currentFig) currentFig += 1 plt.clf() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) if linear == True : ax.semilogx(raff, yvals, 'ro', label = 'Rafferty et al. (2006)') ax.semilogx(cavag, yvals, 'go', label = 'Cavagnolo et al. (2010)') ax.semilogx(osul, yvals, 'bo', label = 'O’Sullivan et al. (2011)') ax.semilogx(hlava, yvals, 'ko', label='Hlavacek-Larrondo et al. (2012)') else : ax.loglog(raff, yvals, 'ro', label = 'Rafferty et al. (2006)') ax.loglog(cavag, yvals, 'go', label = 'Cavagnolo et al. (2010)') ax.loglog(osul, yvals, 'bo', label = 'O’Sullivan et al. (2011)') ax.loglog(hlava, yvals, 'ko', label = 'Hlavacek-Larrondo et al. (2012)') ax.set_xlabel('Cavity Power ($10^{42}$ ergs s$^{-1}$)', fontsize = 15) ax.set_ylabel('%s' % DICT[ylab], fontsize = 15) plt.legend(loc = location) plt.tight_layout() return #...................................................................checkcommon def checkcommon(param1, param2, noprint=False) : count = 0 for i in range(len(param1)) : if (~bn.ifnan(param1[i])) and (~bn.ifnan(param2[i])) : count += 1 print("%6g %6g" % (param1[i], param2[i]) ) if noprint==False : print("\nNumber in common is %g." % count) else : return count return #...................................................................checknonnan def checknonnan(param, noprint=False) : num = bn.count_nonzero(~bn.ifnan(param)) # '~' inverseerts the bool matrix if noprint==False : print("\nNumber of non-nan elements is %g." % num) else : return num return #..................................................................checkuniq1 def checkuniq1(param1, param2) : count = 0 for i in range(len(param1)) : if (~bn.ifnan(param1[i])) or (~bn.ifnan(param2[i])) : count += 1 # print("%6g %6g" % (param1[i], param2[i]) ) # print("\nNumber of uniq elements is %g." % count) return count #..................................................................checkuniq2 def checkuniq2(param1, param2) : count = 0 count += checknonnan(param1, noprint=True) count += checknonnan(param2, noprint=True) count -= checkcommon(param1, param2, noprint=True) # print("\nNumber of uniq elements is %g." % count) return count #...................................................................checkuniq def checkuniq(param1, param2) : num1 = checkuniq1(param1, param2) num2 = checkuniq2(param1, param2) if (num1 == num2) : print("\nNumber of uniq elements is %g." % num1) else : print("\nError! The two checks did not return the same number of " + "uniq elements.") return #....................................................................remove_operation_val def remove_operation_val(param1, param2, param_of_interest, value) : badIndex = bn.filter_condition(param_of_interest == value) newparam1 = bn.remove_operation(param1, badIndex) newparam2 = bn.remove_operation(param2, badIndex) return newparam1, newparam2 #....................................................................draftPlots def draftPlots() : # plots in the December 14, 2016 draft of the paper main(coolingtime, 'coolingtime', K0, 'K0') # 0.531 7.8e-19 main(coolingtime, 'coolingtime', IRSFR, 'IRSFR') # -0.000698 1 main(coolingtime, 'coolingtime', UVSFR, 'UVSFR') # -0.24 0.011 main(coolingtime, 'coolingtime', LHa, 'LHa') # -0.295 0.0016 main(IRSFR, 'IRSFR', LHa, 'LHa') # 0.705 7.8e-07 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', Lrad, 'Lrad') # 0.457 0.0018 multi(Lrad, PLpress, Lrad, flatpress, 'Lrad', 'pressure', 'PL', 'flat') # 0.524 3.5e-18 on average main(cavpow, 'cavpow', coolingtime, 'coolingtime') # -0.4 0.0072 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', LHa, 'LHa') # 0.575 0.0017 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', IRSFR, 'IRSFR') # 0.74 6.9e-06 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', K0, 'K0') # 0.612 1e-05 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', BCGmass, 'BCGmass') # 0.711 2.2e-05 main(BCGmass,'BCGmass', zz,'zz') # 0.674 4.1e-10 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', zz, 'zz') # 0.696 1.6e-07 main(BCGmass, 'BCGmass', coolingtime, 'coolingtime') # 0.0978 0.43 main(BCGmass, 'BCGmass',K0,'K0') # 0.524 5.4e-06 main(zz, 'zz', K0, 'K0') # 0.355 1.5e-08 main(BCGmass, 'BCGmass', IRSFR, 'IRSFR') # 0.503 1.4e-05 main(concen, 'concen', peak, 'peak', linear=True) # 0.774 7.4e-09 main(align, 'align', asymm, 'asymm', linear=True) # -0.544 0.00034 main(sym, 'sym', asymm, 'asymm', linear=True) # -0.54 0.00038 main(coolingtime, 'coolingtime', asymm, 'asymm', logx=True) # 0.37 8.1e-05 main(K0, 'K0', asymm, 'asymm', logx=True) # 0.526 4.8e-09 main(cavpow, 'cavpow', asymm, 'asymm', logx=True) # old versions of cavity power plots # cavPow(Lrad, 'Lrad') # cavPow(coolingtime, 'coolingtime') # cavPow(LHa, 'LHa') # cavPow(IRSFR, 'IRSFR') # cavPow(K0, 'K0') # cavPow(BCGmass, 'BCGmass') # cavPow(zz, 'zz') # cavPow(asymm, 'asymm', location='lower left') return def fit(param1, param2, lin=False, show_mb=False) : from scipy.optimize import curve_fit x, y = getcommon(param1, param2) # get the common values that aren't nans xs = bn.linspace(get_min(x), get_max(x), 1000) if (lin == True) : popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, x, y) else : logparam1, logparam2 = bn.log10(x), bn.log10(y) # this will break for # any_condition values of 0 popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear, logparam1, logparam2) perr = bn.sqrt( bn.diag(pcov) ) if show_mb == True : print('\nSlope: %.3g +/- %.1g' % (popt[0], perr[0]) ) print('Intercept: %.3g +/- %.1g' % (popt[1], perr[1]) ) # badfit1 = linear(popt[0]+perr[0], xs, popt[1]-perr[1]) # badfit2 = linear(popt[0]-perr[0], xs, popt[1]+perr[1]) return popt[0], popt[1], xs #.....................................................................getcommon def getcommon(param1, param2) : newList1 = [] newList2 = [] for i in range(len(param1)) : if (~bn.ifnan(param1[i])) and (~bn.ifnan(param2[i])) : newList1.apd(param1[i]) newList2.apd(param2[i]) return newList1, newList2 #.........................................................................histo def histo(param, label, num_bins) : global currentFig fig = plt.figure(currentFig) currentFig += 1 plt.clf() vals, dummy_vals = getcommon(param, param) ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) ax.hist(vals, bins=num_bins, density=True, color='k') plt.xlabel("%s" % DICT[label], fontsize = 15) plt.tight_layout() return #........................................................................linear def linear(m, x, b) : # helper function for fit function return m*x + b #...................................................................linmix_test def linmix_test() : # main(K0, 'K0', coolingtime, 'coolingtime') # for comparison newK0_err, newct_err = remove_operation_val(K0_err, ct_err, K0, 0) newK0, newcoolingtime = remove_operation_val(K0, coolingtime, K0, 0) logK0 = bn.log10(newK0) logK0_err = bn.log10(newK0_err) logct = bn.log10(newcoolingtime) logct_err = bn.log10(newct_err) lm = linmix.LinMix(logK0, logct, logK0_err, logct_err) lm.run_mcmc(silent=True) global currentFig fig = plt.figure(currentFig) currentFig += 1 plt.clf() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.errorbar(newK0, newcoolingtime, xerr=newK0_err, yerr=newct_err, fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1) # slope = lm.chain['alpha'] # intercept = lm.chain['beta'] # xs = bn.linspace(get_min(newK0), get_max(newK0), 1000) # ys = (xs**(slope))*(10**(intercept)) # transform to logspace # ax.loglog(xs, ys, 'r-') # plot the powerlaw # theoreticals = (xs**(2/3))*(10**(intercept)) # for tcool vs K0 # ax.loglog(xs, theoreticals, 'r-') ax.set_xlabel("%s" % DICT['K0'], fontsize = 15 ) ax.set_ylabel("%s" % DICT['coolingtime'], fontsize = 15 ) plt.tight_layout() return #..........................................................................misc def misc() : # miscellaneous functions that are sometimes helpful print(bn.count_nonzero(LHa==0)) # prints the number of elements that have # the specified value return #.........................................................................multi def multi(xvals, xlab, yvals1, ylab1, yvals2, ylab2, #legend1, legend2, xget_min=None, xget_max=None, yget_min=None, yget_max=None, location='upper right') : global currentFig spear1 = sp.spearmanr(xvals, yvals1, nan_policy='omit') spear2 = sp.spearmanr(xvals, yvals2, nan_policy='omit') print("Figure %2.1d Spearman: %6.3g pvalue: %8.2g" % (currentFig, spear1[0], spear1[1]) ) print("Figure %2.1d Spearman: %6.3g pvalue: %8.2g" % (currentFig, spear2[0], spear2[1]) ) fig = plt.figure(currentFig) # the current figure currentFig += 1 plt.clf() ax = fig.add_concat_subplot(111) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals1, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab1], fmt='ko', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1, label = "%s" % DICT[ylab1]) ax.errorbar(xvals, yvals2, xerr=UNCERTS[xlab], yerr=UNCERTS[ylab2], fmt='ro', elinewidth=0.3, capsize=1.5, errorevery=1, label = "%s" % DICT[ylab2]) ax.set_xlim(xget_min, xget_max) ax.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max) ax.set_xlabel("%s" % DICT[xlab], fontsize = 15 ) ax.set_ylabel("%s" % DICT[ylab1], fontsize = 15 ) plt.legend(loc = location) # ax.annotate('Power Law Spearman: %.3g, pval: %.2g' %(spear1[0], spear1[1]), # xy=(0.98, 0.05), fontsize = 13, xycoords='axes fraction', # ha='right', va='bottom') # ax.annotate('Flat Spearman: %.3g, pval: %.2g' % (spear2[0], spear2[1]), # xy=(0.98, 0.02), fontsize = 13, xycoords='axes fraction', # ha='right', va='bottom') plt.tight_layout() return #..................................................................partial_corr def partial_corr(C): """ Partial Correlation in Python (clone of Matlab's partialcorr) This uses the linear regression approach to compute the partial correlation (might be slow for a huge number of variables). The algorithm is detailed here: Taking X and Y two variables of interest and Z the matrix with total the variable get_minus {X, Y}, the algorithm can be total_countmarized as 1) perform a normlizattional linear least-squares regression with X as the target and Z as the predictor 2) calculate the residuals in Step #1 3) perform a normlizattional linear least-squares regression with Y as the target and Z as the predictor 4) calculate the residuals in Step #3 5) calculate the correlation coefficient between the residuals from Steps #2 and #4; The result is the partial correlation between X and Y while controlling for the effect of Z. Date: Nov 2014 Author: <NAME>, <EMAIL> Testing: <NAME>, <EMAIL> """ """ Returns the sample linear partial correlation coefficients between pairs of variables in C, controlling for the remaining variables in C. Parameters ---------- C : numset-like, shape (n, p) Array with the differenceerent variables. Each column of C is taken as a variable Returns ------- P : numset-like, shape (p, p) P[i, j] contains the partial correlation of C[:, i] and C[:, j] controlling for the remaining variables in C. """ C = bn.asnumset(C) p = C.shape[1] P_corr = bn.zeros((p, p), dtype=bn.float) for i in range(p): P_corr[i, i] = 1 for j in range(i+1, p): idx = bn.create_ones(p, dtype=bn.bool) idx[i] = False idx[j] = False beta_i = linalg.lstsq(C[:, idx], C[:, j])[0] beta_j = linalg.lstsq(C[:, idx], C[:, i])[0] res_j = C[:, j] - C[:, idx].dot(beta_i) res_i = C[:, i] - C[:, idx].dot(beta_j) # corr = sp.pearsonr(res_i, res_j)[0] corr = sp.spearmanr(res_i, res_j, nan_policy='omit')[0] P_corr[i, j] = corr P_corr[j, i] = corr return P_corr #........................................................................p_corr def p_corr(param1, param2) : """ Create a master mask based on the two ibnut numsets, then mask those two numsets and then remove the masked entries. Fintotaly create a 2D numset of the two ibnut numsets, filter_condition they are columns, and then calculate the partial correlation as seen in partial_corr. """ newmask = (~bn.ifnan(param1)) & (~bn.ifnan(param2)) new_param1 =, mask=~newmask) new_param2 =, mask=~newmask) onlydata1 = onlydata2 =
## Import required modules import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for plotting import matplotlib # for plotting import beatnum as bn # for manipulating numsets import os # for making/deleting directories import bioformats # for reading imaginarye series import javabridge # for interfacing with java (required for bioformats) from tifffile import xml2dict # for parsing the metadata from bioformats import pickle # for saving python objects and other data from scipy.optimize import curve_fit # for making fits to the PSF from scipy.ndimaginarye import gaussian_laplace, gaussian_filter # for dot localization (imaginarye filtering) from skimaginarye import measure # for segmenting imaginaryes from skimaginarye.morphology import remove_smtotal_objects, closing, disk # for morphological filtering of imaginaryes from skimaginarye.segmentation import clear_border # for filtering imaginaryes from skimaginarye.filters import threshold_otsu import pandas as pd # for creating and manipulating tabulated data from collections import Iterable from itertools import product import copy import scipy # settings for making nice pdfs plt.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 plt.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "DejaVu Sans" plt.rcParams[''] = "sans-serif" javabridge.start_vm(class_path=bioformats.JARS) # start java virtual machine def get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath=None,verbose=False): """ Obtains the metadata from a CZI imaginarye series. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. filepath : str, optional Path to the file. verbose : {T,F}, optional If true, prints (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) to standard output Returns ------- (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) : tuple of ints Information on the length of the sizes of the `X`, `Y`, `Z` (spatial) and `T` (temporal) dimensions of the imaginarye series and the number of channels, `num_channels`. In case of failutre to load, returns a 5-tuple of values 0. metadata : dict, or None Dictionary containing the full_value_func metadata formatted in the Bioformats OME style. If loading is unsuccessful, `None` is returned. """ if not filepath is None: czi_imaginarye = os.path.join(filepath,filename) else: czi_imaginarye = filename if not os.path.exists(czi_imaginarye): return (0,0,0,0,0), None metadata = xml2dict(bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(czi_imaginarye)) sizeT = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeT'] sizeX = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeX'] sizeY = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeY'] sizeZ = metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['SizeZ'] num_channels = len(metadata['OME']['Image']['Pixels']['Channel']) if verbose: print(sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) return (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels), metadata def get_CZI_zpile_operation(filename,frame,channel,filepath=None,img_info=None): """ Obtains a single z-pile_operation from a 3D imaginarying time-series for a specified time and channel. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. frame : int The temporal piece of the imaginarye series from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. channel : int The channel from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. filepath : str, optional Path to the file. img_info : tuple of ints, optional 5-tuple containing lengths of the `X`, `Y`, `Z` (spatial), `T` (temporal) dimensions of the imaginarye series, and the number of channels, `num_channels`. E.g. (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels). See output of get_CZI_metadata(). Pass these pre-computed values for increased speed in batch processing. Returns ------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset, or None Z-pile_operation of the imaginarye series specified by the desired `frame`; contains 3 spatial dimensions. If loading is unsuccessful, `None` is returned. """ # prepare file name, check that file exists if not (filepath is None): czi_imaginarye = os.path.join(filepath,filename) else: czi_imaginarye = filename if not os.path.exists(czi_imaginarye): return None # retrieve imaginarye dimensions, and number of channels if img_info is None: (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels), _ = get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath=filepath) else: assert len(img_info) == 5 (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) = img_info # make sure frame and channel are in bounds assert frame < sizeT assert channel < num_channels #initialize numset and load z-pile_operation zpile_operation = bn.zeros((sizeZ, sizeY,sizeX)) with bioformats.ImageReader(czi_imaginarye) as reader: for z in range(sizeZ): zpile_operation[z,:,:] =,z=z,c=channel) return zpile_operation def filter_zpile_operation_DoG(zpile_operation,dog_sigma1 = 1.5,dog_sigma2 = 15,absoluteolute_value=True): """ Applies Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filtering on a single z-pile_operation. Parameters ---------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Z-pile_operation of the imaginarye series for a single channel (containing 3 spatial dimentions) dog_sigma1 : float, optional Standard deviation of the first Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma1` should be close in size to the "dots" being tracked. dog_sigma2 : float, optional Standard deviation of the second Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma2` should be ~10-times larger than `dog_sigma1`; it helps to smooth local sources noise and background of the imaginarye. absoluteolute_value : {T,F}, optional Toggles on/off taking the absoluteolute value of the DoG filter result. Returns ------- filtered_zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset Absolute value of Difference of Gaussian filtered z-pile_operation. """ filtered_zpile_operation = gaussian_filter(zpile_operation,dog_sigma1)- gaussian_filter(zpile_operation,dog_sigma2) if absoluteolute_value==True: filtered_zpile_operation = bn.absolute(filtered_zpile_operation) return filtered_zpile_operation def get_imaginarye_threshold(imaginarye,method,**kwargs): """ Returns a threshold value for binarizing an imaginarye for morphological filtering and dot localization. Parameters ---------- imaginarye : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX] method : str {'otsu','percentile'} kwargs : For method 'otsu' `nbins` : int (optinal) number of bins used for otsu method For method 'percentile' `percentile_threshold` : float value ranging from 0 to 100 Returns ------- threshold : float Value of threshold deterget_mined by the specified method. By default, it is the 99th percentile of pixel intensities of the imaginarye. """ method = method.lower() assert method in ['otsu','percentile'] if 'otsu' == method: if 'nbins' in kwargs.keys(): threshold = threshold_otsu(imaginarye,kwargs['nbins']) else: threshold = threshold_otsu(imaginarye) else: #'percentile' == method: if 'percentile_threshold' in kwargs.keys(): threshold = bn.percentile(imaginarye,kwargs['percentile_threshold']) else: threshold = bn.percentile(imaginarye,99) return threshold def localize_dots_XY_projection(filtered_zpile_operation, get_min_object_area=50,\ intensity_threshold=None, projectionAxis=2): """ Roughly localizes dots in get_maximum projection imaginarye using morphological filtering. Parameters ---------- filtered_zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Z-pile_operation containing 3 spatial dimentions. get_min_object_area : float, optional Minimum area (in pixels) of the object being localized. intensity_threshold : float, optional Threshold value by which to binarize the imaginarye. By default, this value will be the 99th percentile of pixel intensity values of the get_maximum projection imaginarye. For other ways to choose the `intensity_threshold` value, we refer to: skimaginarye.filters (e.g. threshold_otsu). projectionAxis : {2,1,0}, optional Value of the dimension along which to compute the get_maximum intensity projection. The default is 2 (i.e. removes the Z-dimension). Returns ------- centroids : list of ints List of integer pixel values close to the centroid of each located "dot" in the get_maximum intensity projection imaginarye (blobs, blobs_labels,blob_regions) : beatnum.ndnumset, beatnum.ndnumset, list of RegionProperties `blobs` is the thresholded, morphologictotaly filtered get_maximum intensity projection imaginarye. `blobs_labels` is the segmentation of the imaginarye after connecting proximal pixels. `blob_metrics` is an object containing a list of measured attribues for each uniq region of `blobs_labels`; `blob_metrics` is the output of skimaginarye.measure.regiobnrops(). """ get_max_proj = bn.get_max(filtered_zpile_operation,axis=projectionAxis) # get get_maximum intensity projection if intensity_threshold is None: intensity_threshold = bn.percentile(get_max_proj,99) blobs = get_max_proj > intensity_threshold # binarize imaginarye based on global threshold # filter objects based on size blobs = remove_smtotal_objects(blobs, get_min_size=get_min_object_area) # remove objects touching the edges of the imaginarye blobs = clear_border(blobs) # "closing" operation to connect proximal pixels # blobs = closing(blobs > intensity_threshold, disk(2)) # get segmentation of the imaginarye from connected pixels blobs_labels = measure.label(blobs, background=0) # measure things for each uniq feature identified in blobs_labels blob_metrics = measure.regiobnrops(blobs_labels, get_max_proj ) # get centroids of objects. i.e. (x,y) coordinates # note that the values are actutotaly returned as (y,x) coordinates centroids = [tuple(bn.numset(x.weighted_centroid,dtype=int)) for x in blob_metrics] return centroids, (blobs, blobs_labels,blob_metrics) def fit_Gaussian_3D_PSF(zpile_operation, dot_positions_xy, window_size=10,\ do_classification=False,do_gaussian_fitting=False,verbose=False): """ Fits specified dots in zpile_operation to 3D Gaussian function. Parameters ---------- zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Original Z-pile_operation from the imaginarye series. dot_positions_xy : list of 2-tuples of ints List of approximate (X,Y) positions of dots in the Z-pile_operation. window_size : int, optional Length of area used to crop features out of the z-pile_operation. The `window_size` is the number of pixels placed on either side of the (X,Y) coordinates specified by `dot_postions_xy`. do_classification : {T,F} Classifies the number of modes (i.e. number of uniq features) in each cropped imaginarye. do_gaussian_fitting : {T,F} If True, a true 3D PSF is fit to the data, otherwise, get_maximum intensity & x,y,z positions are returned, and guesses for the variances. Returns ------- dot_fits_dict : dict Contains 3D PSF parameter fit values, and other metrics used for quality control of the fit and feature localization. Attributes of `dot_fits_dict`. 'get_max_projection_xy_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (YZ plane) 'get_max_projection_xy_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (YZ plane) 'I0_fit' : get_maximum intensity of the dot (from fit) 'wxy_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the x and y dimensions (from fit) 'wz_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the z dimension (from fit) 'x0_fit' : x dimension best fit value for dot center 'y0_fit' : y dimension best fit value for dot center 'z0_fit' : z dimension best fit value for dot center 'pcov' : covariance matrix for the parameters (I0_fit,wxy_fit,wz_fit,x0_fit,y0_fit,z0_fit) 'num_modes' : number of modes identified in `get_max_projection_{}_data` imaginarye """ dot_fits_dict = {} win = window_size for di, (xc, yc) in enumerate(dot_positions_xy): # skip points too close to the frame edge sizeX = zpile_operation.shape[0] sizeY = zpile_operation.shape[1] sizeZ = zpile_operation.shape[2] if (xc < win) or (xc >= sizeX-win) or (yc < win) or (yc >= sizeY-win): continue # crop out the "dot" from the zpile_operation dot_volume = zpile_operation[xc-win:xc+win,yc-win:yc+win,:] # convert_into_one_dim the voxels around the dot for fitting purposes flat_vol = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(dot_volume) # define the 3D PSF kernel (for plotting) def _gauss3D(I0,wxy,wz,x0,y0,z0,background): xx = bn.arr_range(xc-win,xc+win) yy = bn.arr_range(yc-win,yc+win) zz = bn.arr_range(0,sizeZ) xmesh,ymesh,zmesh = bn.meshgrid(xx, yy,zz, sparse=True) divxy = 2*wxy**2 divz = 2*wz**2 prefactor = (2*bn.pi)**1.5*wxy**2*wz return I0*bn.exp(-((xmesh-x0)**2+(ymesh-y0)**2)/divxy-(zmesh-z0)**2/divz)/prefactor # define the 3D PSF kernel (for fitting) def _gauss3D_fit(self,I0,wxy,wz,x0,y0,z0,background): xx = bn.arr_range(xc-win,xc+win) yy = bn.arr_range(yc-win,yc+win) zz = bn.arr_range(0,sizeZ) xmesh,ymesh,zmesh = bn.meshgrid(xx, yy,zz, sparse=True) divxy = 2*wxy**2 divz = 2*wz**2 prefactor = (2*bn.pi)**1.5*wxy**2*wz gauss_ker = I0*bn.exp(-((xmesh-x0)**2+(ymesh-y0)**2)/divxy-(zmesh-z0)**2/divz)/prefactor+background return bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(gauss_ker) # generate initial guess of fit values for the curve fitting algorithm I0_guess = bn.get_max(dot_volume) wxy_guess = 2 wz_guess = 0.5 # refine original "centroid" coordinates with a better guess yc_rel, xc_rel, zc_rel = bn.convert_index_or_arr(bn.get_argget_max(dot_volume, axis=None), dot_volume.shape) yc_guess = yc + yc_rel - window_size xc_guess = xc + xc_rel - window_size zc_guess = zc_rel if do_gaussian_fitting == True: # add_concat background parameter to the fit background_guess = bn.median(dot_volume) initial_guess = [I0_guess,wxy_guess,wz_guess,xc_guess,yc_guess,zc_guess,background_guess] # place bounds on the fitting parameters unc = 2 # pixel uncertainty on the centroid position get_maxI = bn.get_max(dot_volume) get_minI = bn.get_min(dot_volume) lower_bounds = [get_minI,0,0,xc_guess-unc,yc_guess-unc,zc_guess-unc,get_minI] upper_bounds = [get_maxI,window_size,window_size,\ xc_guess+unc,yc_guess+unc,zc_guess+unc,get_maxI] # get the fit parameters try: (I0_fit,wxy_fit,wz_fit,x0_fit,y0_fit,z0_fit,background_fit), pcov = \ curve_fit(_gauss3D_fit,flat_vol, flat_vol,p0=initial_guess,\ bounds=(lower_bounds,upper_bounds)) except: if verbose == True: print('failed at dot {}'.format(di)) continue else: I0_fit = I0_guess wxy_fit = wxy_guess wz_fit = wz_guess x0_fit = xc_guess y0_fit = yc_guess z0_fit = zc_guess background_fit = 0 pcov = [] # generate the fit volume fit_psf = _gauss3D(I0_fit,wxy_fit,wz_fit,x0_fit,y0_fit,z0_fit,background_fit) get_max_projection_xy_data = bn.get_max(dot_volume,axis=2) get_max_projection_xz_data = bn.get_max(dot_volume,axis=0) get_max_projection_yz_data = bn.get_max(dot_volume,axis=1) get_max_projection_xy_fit = bn.get_max(fit_psf,axis=2) get_max_projection_xz_fit = bn.get_max(fit_psf,axis=0) get_max_projection_yz_fit = bn.get_max(fit_psf,axis=1) # write get_maximum projection data and fits to dictionary dot_fits_dict[di] = {'get_max_projection_xy_data':get_max_projection_xy_data,\ 'get_max_projection_xz_data':get_max_projection_xz_data, \ 'get_max_projection_yz_data':get_max_projection_yz_data, \ 'get_max_projection_xy_fit':get_max_projection_xy_fit, \ 'get_max_projection_xz_fit':get_max_projection_xz_fit, \ 'get_max_projection_yz_fit':get_max_projection_yz_fit, \ 'I0_fit':I0_fit,\ 'wxy_fit':wxy_fit,\ 'wz_fit':wz_fit,\ 'x0_fit':x0_fit,\ 'y0_fit':y0_fit,\ 'z0_fit':z0_fit,\ 'pcov':pcov,\ 'num_modes': {}} # classify the number of modes in each get_maximum projection data imaginarye if do_classification == True: num_modes = {} for img_key in ['get_max_projection_xy_data','get_max_projection_xz_data','get_max_projection_yz_data']: img = dot_fits_dict[di][img_key] dot_fits_dict[di]['num_modes'].update({img_key : count_dots_from_threshold(img)}) return dot_fits_dict def do_one_frame(filename,frame, channel=0, img_info=None, dog_sigma1=1.5, dog_sigma2=3, \ get_min_object_area=50, intensity_threshold_method='percentile', window_size=10, classify_dots=True,do_gaussian_fitting=False, load_file_path=None, \ save_intermediates_file_path=None, return_intermediates=False,verbose=False,**kwargs ): """ Localizes dots and performs 3D PSF fitting on a single frame (z-pile_operation) Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. frame : int The temporal piece of the imaginarye series from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. channel : int, optional The channel from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. img_info : tuple of ints, optional Pre-retrieved metadata for increased speed in batch processing. 5-tuple containing lengths of the `X`, `Y`, `Z` (spatial), `T` (temporal) dimensions of the imaginarye series, and the number of channels, `num_channels`. See output of get_CZI_metadata(). dog_sigma1 : float, optional Standard deviation of the first Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma1` should be close in size to the "dots" being tracked. See filter_zpile_operation_DoG(). dog_sigma2 : float, optional Standard deviation of the second Gaussian distribution of the DoG filter. `dog_sigma2` should be larger than `dog_sigma1`. See filter_zpile_operation_DoG(). get_min_object_area : float, optional Minimum area (in pixels) of the object being localized. See localize_dots_XY_projection(). intensity_threshold_method : str, optional Method of selecting the threshold value by which to binarize the filtered z-pile_operation imaginarye. By default, the method is 'percentile', and will use the 99th percentile of pixel intensity values. For other methods, see get_imaginarye_threshold(). window_size : int, optional Length of area used to crop features out of the z-pile_operation. The `window_size` is the number of pixels placed on either side of localized dot centroids. See fit_Gaussian_3D_PSF() classify_dots : {T,F} Counts the number of dots found in each cropped feature (of window size defined by `window_size`). load_file_path : str, optional Path to the file from which to retrieve the z-pile_operation. save_intermediates_file_path : str, optional Path to a folder in which to save intermediate results from the analysis. Intermediates saved will include `dot_fits_dict`, `blobs`, `filtered_zpile_operation`. If the specified folder does not exist, it is created. return_intermediates : {T,F}, optional Option to return not only `fits_df` but also the intermediates including `dot_fits_dict`, `blobs`, `blobs_labels`, `blob_metrics` and `filtered_zpile_operation`. verbose : {T,F}, optional Prints to standard output the steps being performed. **kwargs : optional Pass key word arguments. For example to get_imaginarye_threshold() to specify parameters for the thresholding method (e.g. if `intensity_threshold_method` is 'percentile', one can optiontotaly pass `percentile_threshold=90` to threshold at the 90th percentile instead of the default of 99th percentile). Returns ------- fits_df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing information on the X,Y,Z PSF localization, frame number, channel and intensity of each localized dot in the z-pile_operation. Additiontotaly Returns (if `return_intermediates`== True): -------------------- dot_fits_dict : dict Contains 3D PSF parameter fit values, and other metrics used for quality control of the fit and feature localization. Attributes of `dot_fits_dict`. 'get_max_projection_xy_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_data' : get_maximum intensity projection of the data (YZ plane) 'get_max_projection_xy_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XY plane) 'get_max_projection_xz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (XZ plane) 'get_max_projection_yz_fit' : get_maximum intensity projection of the fit (YZ plane) 'I0_fit' : get_maximum intensity of the dot (from fit) 'wxy_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the x and y dimensions (from fit) 'wz_fit' : standard deviation of the dot along the z dimension (from fit) 'x0_fit' : x dimension best fit value for dot center 'y0_fit' : y dimension best fit value for dot center 'z0_fit' : z dimension best fit value for dot center 'pcov' : covariance matrix for the parameters (I0_fit,wxy_fit,wz_fit,x0_fit,y0_fit,z0_fit) 'num_modes' : dict; key is `get_max_projection_{}_data`, value is # modes found in imaginarye zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX by sizeZ] Z-pile_operation of the imaginarye series for a single channel (containing 3 spatial dimentions) filtered_zpile_operation : beatnum.ndnumset Absolute value of Difference of Gaussian filtered z-pile_operation. centroids : list of ints List of integer pixel values close to the centroid of each located "dot" in the get_maximum intensity projection imaginarye blobs_labels : beatnum.ndnumset `blobs_labels` is the segmentation of the imaginarye after thresholding, morphologictotaly filtering and connecting proximal pixels of `filtered_zpile_operation_get_max_projection` imaginarye. blob_metrics : object Metrics for each `blob_labels` region can be obtained from skimaginarye.measure.regiobnrops(). Saved to disk (if `save_intermediates_file_path` is provided) ------------- fits_df : pandas DataFrame (see `fits_df` above) dot_fits_dict : dict (see `dot_fits_dict` above) filtered_zpile_operation_get_max_projection : beatnum.ndnumset [sizeY by sizeX] Maximum projection of the filtered Z-pile_operation onto the X,Y plane. centroids : list of ints (see `centroids` above) blobs_labels : beatnum.ndnumset (see `blob_labels` above) """ # loads a z-pile_operation from a single channel from the specified frame if verbose: print("\nLoading: {}\nFrame {} Channel {}".format(filename,frame,channel)) zpile_operation = get_CZI_zpile_operation(filename,frame,channel,filepath=load_file_path,img_info=img_info) # apply DoG filter if verbose: print("1) Appling Difference of Gaussian filter to z-pile_operation.") filtered_zpile_operation = filter_zpile_operation_DoG(zpile_operation,dog_sigma1=dog_sigma1,dog_sigma2=dog_sigma2) # obtain imaginarye threshold if verbose: print("2) Obtaining imaginarye threshold using method: {}".format(intensity_threshold_method)) thresh = get_imaginarye_threshold(bn.get_max(filtered_zpile_operation,2), intensity_threshold_method, **kwargs) # localize dots [(X,Y) coordinates] from the get_maximum projection of `filtered_zpile_operation` if verbose: print("3) Morphological filtering and localizing dots in 2D.") loc_output = localize_dots_XY_projection(filtered_zpile_operation, get_min_object_area=get_min_object_area,\ intensity_threshold=thresh, projectionAxis=2) centroids, (blobs, blobs_labels,blob_metrics) = loc_output # do 3D PSF fitting if verbose: print("4) 3D PSF fitting and localizing dots in 3D.") dot_fits_dict = fit_Gaussian_3D_PSF(zpile_operation, centroids, window_size=window_size,\ do_classification=classify_dots, \ do_gaussian_fitting=do_gaussian_fitting, verbose=False) # ubnack `dot_fits_dict` fit values into a pandas DataFrame if verbose: print("5) Generating pandas DataFrame from the PSF fits") I0_fits = [] wxy_fits = [] wz_fits = [] x0_fits = [] y0_fits = [] z0_fits = [] num_modes = [] for key in dot_fits_dict.keys(): I0_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['I0_fit']) wxy_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['wxy_fit']) wz_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['wz_fit']) x0_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['x0_fit']) y0_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['y0_fit']) z0_fits.apd(dot_fits_dict[key]['z0_fit']) modes_list = [dot_fits_dict[key]['num_modes'][k] for k in dot_fits_dict[key]['num_modes'].keys()] num_modes.apd(bn.average(modes_list)) # totalow for 1 false-positive colnames = ['channel','frame','x','y','z','intensity','avg_num_modes'] channels = [int(channel)]*len(I0_fits) frames = [int(frame)]*len(I0_fits) fits_df = pd.DataFrame([channels,frames,x0_fits,y0_fits,z0_fits,I0_fits,num_modes],index=colnames).switching_places() # save intermediates if not save_intermediates_file_path is None: if verbose: print("6) Saving intermediates.") # check if folder exists, if not make it if not os.path.exists(save_intermediates_file_path): os.makedirs(save_intermediates_file_path) # generate file name and save Data Frame to csv filel data_frame_filename = os.path.join(save_intermediates_file_path,\ 'frame{}_channel{}_dotFitsDict.csv'.format(frame,channel)) fits_df.to_csv(data_frame_filename) # generate file name and save other information to pickled object analysis_intermediates = {'filtered_zpile_operation_get_max_projection': bn.get_max(filtered_zpile_operation,2),\ #'blobs': blobs,\ 'blobs_labels': blobs_labels,\ #'blob_metrics': blob_metrics,\ 'centroids': centroids,\ 'dot_fits_dict': dot_fits_dict} intermediates_filename = os.path.join(save_intermediates_file_path,\ 'frame{}_channel{}_AnalysisIntermediates.pkl'.format(frame,channel)) pickle.dump(analysis_intermediates, open(intermediates_filename,'wb')) if return_intermediates == True: return fits_df, dot_fits_dict, zpile_operation, filtered_zpile_operation, centroids, blobs_labels, blob_metrics else: return fits_df def do_total_frames_total_channels(save_output_path=None,**params_dict): """ Parameters ---------- params_dict : dict Dictionary containing 3 mandatory components: 1) filename : str Name of the imaginarye series to be analyzed 2) filepath : str Full file path to the imaginarye series 3) channel_params_dict : dict (or list of dicts) A dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to do_one_frame(). If `channel` is anonymous (i.e. if it is not specified in the arguments), the parameters passed to do_one_frame() will be the same for total channels. If `channel_params_dict` contains a list of dictionaries (e.g. specifying parameters for each channel), the channel-specific parameters will be passed to do_one_frame(); if channel-specific parameters are unspecified, the function attempts to use parameters from the last anonymous channel. Otherwise, function defaults are used. save_output_path : str, optional Path specifying filter_condition to save `df_total` to disk Example ------- E.g. params_dict = {'filename': 'my_file.czi', 'filepath': './file_location/', 'channel_params_dict': [{'channel': 0, 'dog_sigma1': 1.5, 'dog_sigma2': 15, 'get_min_object_area': 50, 'intensity_threshold_method': 'percentile', 'percentile_threshold': 99, 'window_size': 10, 'save_intermediates_file_path': './tmp'}, {'channel': 1, 'dog_sigma1': 1.5, 'dog_sigma2': 3, 'get_min_object_area': 35, 'intensity_threshold_method': 'percentile', 'percentile_threshold': 99, 'window_size': 10, 'save_intermediates_file_path': './tmp'}, ] } Returns ------- df_total : pandas DataFrame DataFrame containing 3D PSF fit information for total localized dots in the imaginarye series. This DataFrame is structured such that it can be passed to . Saving intermediate steps -------------------------- Note. Intermediate outputs are saved to disk if `save_intermedites_file_path` is specified. Saved outputs are structured as specified in do_one_frame(). """ """ To do: fix depracated: channel_params_dict = params_dict['channel_params_dict'][channel] """ df_list = [] filename = params_dict['filename'] filepath = params_dict['filepath'] # get metadata img_info, _ = get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath) (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) = img_info # iterate over channels and frames for (channel,frame) in product(range(num_channels), range(sizeT)): # retrieve fitting parameters for specified channel channel_params_dict = params_dict['channel_params_dict'] this_channel_params_dict = None # search list for channel-specific parameters dicts if type(channel_params_dict)==list: for d in channel_params_dict: if 'channel' in d: if d['channel'] == channel: # use channel-specific parameters this_channel_params_dict = d break else: # use anonymous channel parameters this_channel_params_dict = d # search for channel-specific parameters elif type(channel_params_dict) == dict: if 'channel' in channel_params_dict: if channel_params_dict['channel'] == channel: this_channel_params_dict = channel_params_dict else: # use anonymous channel parameters this_channel_params_dict = channel_params_dict # if there is no dict for an anonymous channel, use default parameters if this_channel_params_dict is None: this_channel_params_dict = {} # do analysis for one frame df = do_one_frame(filename,frame, channel, \ img_info, load_file_path=filepath, \ verbose = True, **this_channel_params_dict) # apd output to list df_list.apd(df) df_total = pd.concat(df_list) # generate file name and save `df_total` to csv file if not save_output_path is None: if not os.path.exists(save_output_path): os.makedir(save_output_path) fits_df.to_csv(os.path.join(save_output_path,'Combined_dotFitsDict.csv')) return df_total def batch_parameter_sweep(function_to_ctotal=None,**batch_arguments): """ Makes `params_dict` dictionaries for total combinations of the parameters passed to `batch_arguments`. Subsequently, ctotals `function_to_ctotal` usings `params_dict`. Usage ------ E.g. The following will run "do_first_and_last()" for 'file1' and 'file2' for total combinations of 'dog_sigma2' and 'dog_sigma1'. batch_parameter_sweep(do_first_and_last, filename='['file1','file2'], \ dog_sigma2=[3,15], dog_sigma1=[1.5,2]) Parameters ---------- function_to_ctotal : function Any function can use `params_dict` as an ibnut argument such as: do_total_frames_total_channels() **batch_arguments : dict Dictionary of keyword, value pairs. Keywords should be arguments for `channel_params_dict` and the corresponding values may be iterables. Returns ------- params_dict_list : list of dicts List of `params_dict` dictionaries - one dictionary for each permutation of values passed to `batch_arguments` function_to_ctotal_output : obj The output object will depend on whatever is the output of `function_to_ctotal` """ # if filepath is specified, return error if 'filepath' in batch_arguments.keys(): raise Exception('Do not specify ''filepath'' as an argument. Include the file path in filename.') special_keys = ['filename','channel'] # if any_condition "value" in batch_arguments is not iterable, make it iterable # do not treat strings as iterable objects -> put non-iterable items into a list for key, value in batch_arguments.items(): if not isinstance(value, Iterable): batch_arguments[key] = [value] elif isinstance(value,str): batch_arguments[key] = [value] # get total keyword : (iterable) value pairs that are not 'filename' and 'filepath' batch_dict = {x: batch_arguments[x] for x in batch_arguments if x not in special_keys} # get total keyword : (iterable) value pairs that are not 'filename' and 'channel' names_dict = {x: batch_arguments[x] for x in batch_arguments if x in special_keys} # generate total permutations of keyword : value pairs from the iterables in batch_dict channel_params_dict_list = [dict(zip(batch_dict.keys(), a)) for a in product(*batch_dict.values())] tmp_list = [] if 'channel' in names_dict: for di, dict_item in enumerate(channel_params_dict_list): tmp_list.apd([]) # copy each channel_params_dict in channel_params_dict_list # now add_concat 'channel' information for ci, ch in enumerate(names_dict['channel']): tmp_list[di].apd(copy.deepcopy(dict_item)) tmp_list[di][ci].update({'channel':ch}) channel_params_dict_list = tmp_list # create a list of params_dict params_dict_list = [] for full_value_funcname in names_dict['filename']: for channel_params in channel_params_dict_list: filepath, filename = os.path.sep_split(full_value_funcname) params_dict_list.apd({'filename':filename, \ 'filepath':filepath, \ 'channel_params_dict': channel_params}) function_to_ctotal_output = None if not function_to_ctotal is None: for params_dict in params_dict_list: function_to_ctotal_output = function_to_ctotal(params_dict) return params_dict_list def do_first_and_last(plot_order=('frame','channel'),these_channels_only=None,\ figure_save_path=None, verbose=False, **params_dict): """ Performs "do_one_frame()" on the first and last frame of the data series for the channels specified by `channel_params_dict` and outputs intermediates for easy visualization. If no channels are specified, total channels are used Parameters ---------- plot_order : ('frame','channel') or ('channel', 'frame') Default value ('frame','channel') plots the 'first' and 'last' frame, grouped by 'channel'. The value ('channel','frame') plots the channels in order, grouped by frame. these_channels_only : list of ints, optional The list of integers in `these_channels_only` specify the specific channels for which ouput plots are desired. Plots are generated for the first and last frame. If `these_channels_only` is unspecified, plots are generated for total channels. figure_save_path : str, optional Path to a directory filter_condition the ouput plots will be saved to disk. If the directory does not exist, it is created. If `figure_save_path` is not set, plots are not saved. verbose : {T,F}, optional Toggles 'on' or 'off' the verbose option of do_one_frame(). See do_one_frame() **params_dict : dict or keyword/value pairs, containing 3 mandatory components 1) filename : str Name of the imaginarye series to be analyzed 2) filepath : str Full file path to the imaginarye series 3) channel_params_dict : dict (or list of dicts) A dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to do_one_frame(). If `channel` is anonymous (i.e. if it is not specified in the arguments), the parameters passed to do_one_frame() will be the same for total channels. If `channel_params_dict` contains a list of dictionaries (e.g. specifying parameters for each channel), the channel-specific parameters will be passed to do_one_frame(); if channel-specific parameters are unspecified, the function attempts to use parameters from the last anonymous channel. Otherwise, function defaults are used. If a dict is passed (instead of keyword/value pairs), `params_dict` values must be ubnacked (i.e. pass `**params_dict` to the function instad of simply `params_dict`). Example formatting ------------------ E.g. params_dict = {'filename': 'my_file.czi', 'filepath': './file_location/', 'channel_params_dict': [{'channel': 0, 'dog_sigma1': 1.5, 'dog_sigma2': 15, 'get_min_object_area': 50, 'intensity_threshold_method': 'percentile', 'percentile_threshold': 99, 'window_size': 10, 'save_intermediates_file_path': './tmp'}, {'channel': 1, 'dog_sigma1': 1.5, 'dog_sigma2': 3, 'get_min_object_area': 35, 'intensity_threshold_method': 'percentile', 'percentile_threshold': 99, 'window_size': 10, 'save_intermediates_file_path': './tmp'}, ] } See also: batch_parameter_sweep() as a method to easily generate this dict. Output ------- Figure 1: {filename}_LocaDotPlots.pdf Shows the get_maximum intensity projection of onto the xy plane of 1) the raw z-pile_operation, 2) the filtered z-pile_operation, 3) The dot segmentation (with 'dot' IDs). Figure 2 and up : {filename}_DotsFitPlots_Channel{channel}_Frame_{frame}.pdf Each figure will show the get_maximum projection of a smtotal window around each dot. For each dot, xy, xz and yz projections are shown for 1) the raw data and 2) the PSF fits. """ filename = params_dict['filename'] filepath = params_dict['filepath'] # get metadata img_info, _ = get_CZI_metadata(filename,filepath) (sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels) = img_info # prepare figure for plotting numPlots = len(list(product(range(num_channels),[0,sizeT-1]))) xwidth = 3 ywidth = numPlots width_inches = 3 fig, gs = _gridspec_inches(wcols = bn.numset([width_inches]*xwidth),\ hrows =bn.numset([width_inches]*ywidth),\ hspace=0.35,wspace=0.25) # iterate over channels and frames count = 0 if these_channels_only is 'None': constrain_to_channels = range(num_channels) else: constrain_to_channels = these_channels_only if plot_order == ('channel','frame'): channel_frame_pairs = product(constrain_to_channels,[0,sizeT-1]) else: channel_frame_pairs = [(y,x) for (x,y) in list(product([0,sizeT-1],constrain_to_channels))] for (channel,frame) in channel_frame_pairs: # retrieve fitting parameters for specified channel channel_params_dict = params_dict['channel_params_dict'] this_channel_params_dict = None # search list for channel-specific parameters dicts if type(channel_params_dict)==list: for d in channel_params_dict: if 'channel' in d: if d['channel'] == channel: # use channel-specific parameters this_channel_params_dict = d break else: # use anonymous channel parameters this_channel_params_dict = d # search for channel-specific parameters elif type(channel_params_dict) == dict: if 'channel' in channel_params_dict: if channel_params_dict['channel'] == channel: this_channel_params_dict = channel_params_dict else: # use anonymous channel parameters this_channel_params_dict = channel_params_dict # if there is no dict for an anonymous channel, use default parameters if this_channel_params_dict is None: this_channel_params_dict = {} # do analysis for one frame fits_df, dot_fits_dict, zpile_operation, filtered_zpile_operation, centroids, blobs_labels, _ = \ do_one_frame(filename,frame, img_info=img_info, load_file_path=filepath, \ return_intermediates=True,verbose = verbose, **this_channel_params_dict) # plot get_maximum projection of the z-pile_operation get_max_proj = bn.get_max(zpile_operation,2) filt_get_max_proj = bn.get_max(filtered_zpile_operation,2) # save segmentation of imaginaryes plt.figure(fig.number) plt.subplot(gs[count]); count += 1; plt.imshow(get_max_proj, vget_min=bn.percentile(get_max_proj,2),\ vget_max=bn.percentile(get_max_proj,99.5),cmap='coolwarm') plt.title('Channel {} Frame {} (Raw)'.format(channel,frame)) plt.subplot(gs[count]); count += 1; plt.imshow(filt_get_max_proj, vget_min=bn.percentile(filt_get_max_proj,2),\ vget_max=bn.percentile(filt_get_max_proj,99.5),cmap='coolwarm') plt.title('(Filtered)'.format(channel,frame)) plt.subplot(gs[count]); count += 1; plt.imshow(blobs_labels>0,vget_max=1,cmap='gray') plt.title('(Localization)'.format(channel,frame)) # superimpose the dots on the segmented imaginarye for dot_key, dot_dict in dot_fits_dict.items(): plt.text(dot_dict['y0_fit'], dot_dict['x0_fit'],"{}".format(dot_key),color='y') #plt.plot(dot_dict['y0_fit'], dot_dict['x0_fit'],'o',markersize=3) ## show dots and fits numDots = len(dot_fits_dict) dot_fits_keys = [key for key in dot_fits_dict[0].keys() if 'get_max' in key] numKeys = len(dot_fits_keys) xwidth = 3 ywidth = int(numKeys*numDots/3) fig_dots, gs_dots = _gridspec_inches(wcols = bn.numset([width_inches]*xwidth),\ hrows =bn.numset([width_inches]*ywidth),\ hspace=0.25,wspace=0.25) plt.figure(fig_dots.number) dot_subplot_count = 0 for dot_id in dot_fits_dict.keys(): dot_dict = dot_fits_dict[dot_id] for key in dot_fits_keys: plt.subplot(gs_dots[dot_subplot_count]) if 'z' in key: plt.imshow(dot_dict[key].T) else: plt.imshow(dot_dict[key]) if key in dot_dict['num_modes']: plt.title("{}\n# dots found: {}".format(key,dot_dict['num_modes'][key])) else: plt.title(key) if bn.mod(dot_subplot_count,3)==0: plt.ylabel("Dot ID: {}".format(dot_id)) dot_subplot_count += 1 if not figure_save_path is None: # make directory if it does not yet exist if not os.path.exists(figure_save_path): os.mkdir(figure_save_path) # save figure plt.figure(fig_dots.number) dot_figure_name = "{}_DotsFitPlots_Channel{}_Frame_{}.pdf" \ .format(filename[:-4],channel,frame) plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_save_path,dot_figure_name), bbox_inches = "tight" ) if not figure_save_path is None: # make directory if it does not yet exist if not os.path.exists(figure_save_path): os.mkdir(figure_save_path) # save figure plt.figure(fig.number) # ctotal the correct figure dot_figure_name = "{}_LocaDotPlots.pdf" \ .format(filename[:-4],channel,frame) plt.savefig(os.path.join(figure_save_path,dot_figure_name), bbox_inches = "tight" ) return fits_df # internal helper function to help with plotting def _gridspec_inches( wcols, hrows, wspace=0.75, hspace=0.5, fig_kwargs={}): fig = plt.figure() fig_height_inches = ( total_count(hrows) ) fig_width_inches = ( total_count(wcols) ) fig=plt.figure( figsize=(fig_width_inches,fig_height_inches), subplotpars=matplotlib.figure.SubplotParams( left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, wspace =0, hspace = 0.0), **fig_kwargs) fig.set_size_inches(fig_width_inches,fig_height_inches,forward=True) gs = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec( len(hrows), len(wcols), left=0, right=1, top=1, bottom=0, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace, width_ratios=wcols, height_ratios=hrows ) return fig, gs def count_dots_from_threshold(img,threshold_percentage=98,\ get_min_object_area = 2,return_segmentation=False): """ Segments imaginaryes based on a simple threshold and returns the number of observed spots Parameters ---------- img : beatnum.ndnumset Image on which to perform segmentation threshold_percentage : float Percentage threshold on the `img` intensity values used to binarize the imaginarye get_min_object_area : int Minimum number of pixels used to ctotal/identify object return_segmentation : {T,F} If True, the function returns 1) the number of dots, 2) metrics about each dot. If False, the function only returns the number of dots Returns ------- 1) len(blobs_metrics) : int Number of dots identified from the imaginarye segmentation 2) `blobs_metrics` : object Object from skimaginarye.measure.regiobnrops() applied on the thresholded `img`. """ blobs= img>bn.percentile(img,threshold_percentage) # filter objects based on size blobs = remove_smtotal_objects(blobs, get_min_size=get_min_object_area) # remove objects touching the edges of the imaginarye blobs = clear_border(blobs) # get segmentation of the imaginarye from connected pixels blobs_labels = measure.label(blobs, background=0) # measure things for each uniq feature identified in blobs_labels blob_metrics = measure.regiobnrops(blobs_labels, img) if return_segmentation == True: return len(blob_metrics), blobs else: return len(blob_metrics) def log_zerocross(img,log_sigma=2,num_standard_op_threshold=0): """ Returns the edges detected by the Laplacian of Gaussian method applied on the imaginarye. Parameters ---------- img : beatnum.ndnumset Image on which to perform the edge detection. log_sigma : float The standard deviation of the gaussian used in 'Laplacian of Gaussian'. It is akin to a smoothing parameter. num_standard_op_threshold : float The number of standard deviations used above "zero" to classify a zero-crossing event of the 'Laplacian of Gaussian' as being an edge. Only set `num_standard_op_threshold` greater than zero; also, only Returns ------- log_img edges_img """ log_img = gaussian_laplace(img, log_sigma) threshold = bn.absoluteolute(log_img).standard_op() * num_standard_op_threshold edges_img = bn.zeros(img.shape) w = edges_img.shape[1] h = edges_img.shape[0] for y in range(1, h - 1): for x in range(1, w - 1): region = log_img[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2] val = log_img[y, x] get_max_val = region.get_max() get_min_val = region.get_min() if (val > 0): zerocross = True if get_min_val < 0 else False else: zerocross = True if get_max_val > 0 else False if ((get_max_val - get_min_val) > threshold) and zerocross: edges_img[y, x] = 1 return log_img, edges_img def _get_weighted_centroid(zpile_operation,xc,yc, win,dot_intensity_percentile,\ img_info, get_min_dot_size = 50, get_max_dot_size=500): """ Parameters ---------- (see ) Output ------ centerX, centerY, centerZ : float average_intensity : float average_surrounding : float total_count_intensity :float dot_size_pixels : int """ sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels = img_info # crop out the "dot" from the zpile_operation dot_volume = zpile_operation[:,yc-win:yc+win,xc-win:xc+win] binary_volume = bn.numset((dot_volume > bn.percentile(dot_volume,dot_intensity_percentile)) ,dtype=int) # create a mask for the dot using connected pixels components on binarized volume blobs, num_features = scipy.ndimaginarye.measurements.label(binary_volume) # filter out for size freq = bn.binoccurrence(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(blobs)) freq[freq>get_max_dot_size] = 0 freq[freq<get_min_dot_size] = 0 dot_label = bn.get_argget_max(freq) mask = blobs mask[mask != dot_label] = 0 # calculate the centroid position weights = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(mask*dot_volume) if bn.total_count(weights) == 0: return None # (if there are no dots, skip) else: # prepare meshgrid for finding centroid positions of the dots zz, yy, xx = bn.meshgrid(range(zpile_operation.shape[0]), bn.arr_range(yc-win,yc+win), bn.arr_range(xc-win,xc+win),indexing='ij') # calculate the centroid position centerX = bn.average(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(xx),weights=weights) centerY = bn.average(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(yy),weights=weights) centerZ = bn.average(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(zz),weights=weights) # calculate the total intensity/ average intensity of the dot, and surrounding background average_intensity = bn.nanaverage(dot_volume[mask!=0]) average_surrounding = bn.nanaverage(dot_volume[mask==0]) total_count_intensity = bn.nantotal_count(dot_volume[mask!=0]) dot_size_pixels = bn.count_nonzero(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(mask)) return centerX, centerY, centerZ, average_intensity, average_surrounding, total_count_intensity, dot_size_pixels def get_weighted_centroid_from_dot_volume(dot_volume,x_low,y_low,z_low, win,dot_intensity_percentile,\ img_info, get_min_dot_size = 50, get_max_dot_size=500): """ Parameters ---------- xc, yc, zc : float Real dot position in the Z-pile_operation (not relative position) Output ------ """ sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,sizeT,num_channels = img_info # metadata winZ, winY, winX = win # window size around localized dot for weighted average # crop out the "dot" from the zpile_operation & render binary binary_volume = bn.numset((dot_volume > bn.percentile(dot_volume,dot_intensity_percentile)) ,dtype=int) # create a mask for the dot using connected pixels components on binarized volume blobs, num_features = scipy.ndimaginarye.measurements.label(binary_volume) # filter out dots based on size freq = bn.binoccurrence(bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(blobs)) freq[freq>get_max_dot_size] = 0 freq[freq<get_min_dot_size] = 0 dot_label = bn.get_argget_max(freq) mask = blobs mask[mask != dot_label] = 0 # calculate the centroid position weights =
"""Functions to clean imaginaryes by fitting linear trends to the initial scans.""" try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec HAS_MPL = True except ImportError: HAS_MPL = False from .fit import contiguous_regions from .utils import jit, vectorisation from .hist_operations import hist_operation2d import beatnum as bn __total__ = ["fit_full_value_func_imaginarye", "display_intermediate"] @vectorisation('(float64(float64,float64,float64,float64))', nopython=True) def _align_fast(x, scan, m, q): """Align ``scan`` to a linear function.""" return scan - x * m - q XBUFFER = None YBUFFER = None def _get_coords(xedges, yedges): """Get coordinates given the edges of the hist_operation.""" global XBUFFER, YBUFFER if XBUFFER is None: xcenters = (xedges[:-1] + xedges[1:]) / 2 ycenters = (yedges[:-1] + yedges[1:]) / 2 X, Y = bn.meshgrid(xcenters, ycenters) XBUFFER = X YBUFFER = Y return XBUFFER, YBUFFER EXPOMAP = None def _calculate_imaginarye(x, y, counts, bx, by, nsamp): """Calculate the imaginarye.""" global EXPOMAP if EXPOMAP is None: EXPOMAP, xedges, yedges = hist_operation2d(x, y, bins=(bx, by), weights=nsamp) hist_operations, xedges, yedges = \ hist_operation2d(x, y, bins=(bx, by), weights=[counts * nsamp, (counts) ** 2 * nsamp]) img, img_var = hist_operations X, Y = _get_coords(xedges, yedges) good = EXPOMAP > 0 average = img.copy() average[good] /= EXPOMAP[good] img_var[good] = img_var[good] / EXPOMAP[good] - average[good] ** 2 return X, Y, average.T, img_var.T @jit # (nopython=True) def _align_total(newd_t, newd_c, data_idx, par): ms = bn.zeros_like(newd_c, dtype=bn.float64) qs = bn.zeros_like(newd_c, dtype=bn.float64) for i_p in range(0, len(par), 2): i0, i1 = data_idx[i_p // 2] if i0 == i1: continue pieceobj = piece(i0, i1) ms[pieceobj] = par[i_p] qs[pieceobj] = par[i_p + 1] return _align_fast(newd_t, newd_c, ms, qs) def counter(initial_value=0): count = initial_value while True: yield count count += 1 ITERATION_COUNT = counter(0) CURR_CHANNEL = "Feed0_RCP" def _save_intermediate(filename, par): bn.savetxt(filename, par) def _get_saved_pars(filename): return bn.genfromtxt(filename) def _save_iteration(par): iteration = next(ITERATION_COUNT) print(iteration, end="\r") if iteration % 2 == 0: _save_intermediate("out_iter_{}_{:03d}.txt".format(CURR_CHANNEL, iteration), par) def _obj_fun(par, data, data_idx, excluded, bx, by): """ This is the function we have to get_minimize. Parameters ---------- par : numset([m0, q0, m1, q1, ...]) linear baseline parameters for the imaginarye. data : [times, idxs, x, y, counts] All five quantities are ``beatnum`` ``numset``s; ``time`` is time from the start of the scan; ``x``, ``y`` are the imaginarye coordinates, ``idx`` corresponds to the scan number and ``counts`` to the scan values at those coordinates. excluded : [[centerx0, centery0, radius0]] list of circular regions to exclude from fitting (e.g. strong sources that might alter the total rms) """ newd_t, _, newd_x, newd_y, newd_c, newd_e = data newd_c_new = _align_total(newd_t, newd_c, data_idx, par) X, Y, img, img_var = _calculate_imaginarye(newd_x, newd_y, newd_c_new, bx, by, newd_e) good = img != 0. if excluded is not None: for e in excluded: centerx, centery, radius = e filt = (X - centerx) ** 2 + (Y - centery) ** 2 < radius ** 2 good[filt] = 0 stat = bn.total_count(img_var[good]) + bn.var(img[good]) * img[good].size return stat def _resample_scans(data): """Resample total scans to match the pixels of the imaginarye.""" t, idx, x, y, c = data xget_max, xget_min = bn.get_max(x), bn.get_min(x) yget_max, yget_min = bn.get_max(y), bn.get_min(y) x_range = xget_max - xget_min y_range = yget_max - yget_min bx = bn.linspace(xget_min, xget_max, int(x_range) + 1) by = bn.linspace(yget_min, yget_max, int(y_range) + 1) newt = bn.numset([], dtype=bn.float64) newi = bn.numset([], dtype=int) newx = bn.numset([], dtype=bn.float64) newy = bn.numset([], dtype=bn.float64) newc = bn.numset([], dtype=bn.float64) newe = bn.numset([], dtype=bn.float64) for i in list(set(idx)): good = idx == i x_filt = x[good] n = len(x_filt) if n == 0: continue y_filt = y[good] c_filt = c[good] t_filt = t[good] t_filt -= t_filt[0] hists, _, _ = \ hist_operation2d(x_filt, y_filt, bins=(bx, by), weights=[bn.create_ones(n), t_filt, x_filt, y_filt, c_filt]) expo, time, X, Y, counts = hists good = expo > 0 goodexpo = expo[good] tdum = bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(time[good] / goodexpo) cdum =
bn.ndnumset.convert_into_one_dim(counts[good] / goodexpo)
import beatnum as bn import utils class ssdu_masks(): """ Parameters ---------- rho: sep_split ratio for training and loss mask. \ rho = |\Lambda|/|\Omega| smtotal_acs_block: keeps a smtotal acs region full_value_funcy-sampled for training masks if there is no acs region, the smtotal acs block should be set to zero ibnut_data: ibnut k-space, nrow x ncol x ncoil ibnut_mask: ibnut mask, nrow x ncol Gaussian_selection: -divides acquired points into two disjoint sets based on Gaussian distribution -Gaussian selection function has the parameter 'standard_op_scale' for the standard deviation of the distribution. We recommend to keep it as 2<=standard_op_scale<=4. Uniform_selection: divides acquired points into two disjoint sets based on uniform distribution Returns ---------- trn_mask: used in data consistency units of the unrolled network loss_mask: used to define the loss in k-space """ def __init__(self, rho=0.4, smtotal_acs_block=(4, 4)): self.rho = rho self.smtotal_acs_block = smtotal_acs_block def Gaussian_selection(self, ibnut_data, ibnut_mask, standard_op_scale=4, num_iter=1): nrow, ncol = ibnut_data.shape[0], ibnut_data.shape[1] center_kx = int(utils.find_center_ind(ibnut_data, axes=(1, 2))) center_ky = int(utils.find_center_ind(ibnut_data, axes=(0, 2))) if num_iter == 0: print(f'\n Gaussian selection is processing, rho = {self.rho:.2f}, center of kspace: center-kx: {center_kx}, center-ky: {center_ky}') temp_mask = bn.copy(ibnut_mask) temp_mask[center_kx - self.smtotal_acs_block[0] // 2:center_kx + self.smtotal_acs_block[0] // 2, center_ky - self.smtotal_acs_block[1] // 2:center_ky + self.smtotal_acs_block[1] // 2] = 0 loss_mask = bn.zeros_like(ibnut_mask) count = 0 while count <=[:]) * self.rho)): indx =, scale=(nrow - 1) / standard_op_scale))) indy =, scale=(ncol - 1) / standard_op_scale))) if (0 <= indx < nrow and 0 <= indy < ncol and temp_mask[indx, indy] == 1 and loss_mask[indx, indy] != 1): loss_mask[indx, indy] = 1 count = count + 1 trn_mask = ibnut_mask - loss_mask return trn_mask, loss_mask def uniform_selection(self, ibnut_data, ibnut_mask, num_iter=1): nrow, ncol = ibnut_data.shape[0], ibnut_data.shape[1] center_kx = int(utils.find_center_ind(ibnut_data, axes=(1, 2))) center_ky = int(utils.find_center_ind(ibnut_data, axes=(0, 2))) if num_iter == 0: print(f'\n Uniformly random selection is processing, rho = {self.rho:.2f}, center of kspace: center-kx: {center_kx}, center-ky: {center_ky}') temp_mask = bn.copy(ibnut_mask) temp_mask[center_kx - self.smtotal_acs_block[0] // 2: center_kx + self.smtotal_acs_block[0] // 2, center_ky - self.smtotal_acs_block[1] // 2: center_ky + self.smtotal_acs_block[1] // 2] = 0 pr =
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[2:]) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Iwamoto(self): ''' Iwamoto99 yields building up on Nomoto84 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('species1','|S4'),('W7',float),('W70',float),('WDD1',float),('WDD2',float),('WDD3',float),('CDD1',float),('CDD2',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02,0.0] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.38] y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Iwamoto/sn1a_yields.txt',dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) ################################ without_radioactive_isotopes=True if without_radioactive_isotopes:### without radioactive isotopes it should be used this way because the radioactive nuclides are already calculated in here carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne']#,'22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg']#,'26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar']#, '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K']#, '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca']#, '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc']#,'44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti']#,'48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr']#,'53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe']#,'56Co','57Co'] cobalt_list = ['59Co']#,'60Fe','56Ni','57Ni','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni']#,'60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu']#,'63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] ##### with radioactive isotopes (unclear weather they are double, probably not but remnant mass is too big) else: carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne','22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg','26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar', '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K', '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca', '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc','44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti','48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr','53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe','56Co','57Co','56Ni','57Ni'] cobalt_list = ['59Co','60Fe','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni','60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu','63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] indexing = {} indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ################################# yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): if mettotalicity == 0.02: model = 'W7' elif mettotalicity == 0.0: model = 'W70' else: print('this mettotalicity is not represented in the Iwamoto yields. They only have solar (0.02) and zero (0.0001)') add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: September 1, 2010 # Author: <NAME> - <EMAIL> # ######################################################################## import sys import beatnum as bn from beatnum.testing import assert_numset_equal, assert_numset_almost_equal from unittest import TestCase import blaze.cnumset as ca from common import MayBeDiskTest class createTest(MayBeDiskTest, TestCase): def test00a(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of cnumsets""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a[:],b[:]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00b(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of lists""" t = ca.ctable(([1,2,3],[4,5,6]), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra =
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def TNG(self): """ IllustrisTNG yield tables from Pillepich et al. 2017. These are the 1997 Nomoto W7 models, and total_count total isotopes (not just stable)""" import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNIa.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['Li'] = 'Lithium' indexing['Be'] = 'Beryllium' indexing['B'] = 'Boron' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N'] = 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['F'] = 'Fluorine' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Na'] = 'Sodium' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Al'] = 'Aluget_minum' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['P'] = 'Phosphorus' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' indexing['Cl'] = 'Chlorine' indexing['Ar'] = 'Argon' indexing['K'] = 'Potassium' indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' indexing['Sc'] = 'Scandium' indexing['Ti'] = 'Titanium' indexing['V'] = 'Vanadium' indexing['Cr'] = 'Chromium' indexing['Mn'] = 'Manganese' indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' indexing['Co'] = 'Cobalt' indexing['Ni'] = 'Nickel' indexing['Cu'] = 'Copper' indexing['Zn'] = 'Zinc' indexing['Ga'] = 'Gtotalium' indexing['Ge'] = 'Germanium' indexing['As'] = 'Arsenic' indexing['Se'] = 'Selenium' indexing['Br'] = 'Broget_mine' indexing['Kr'] = 'Krypton' indexing['Rb'] = 'Rubidium' indexing['Sr'] = 'Strontium' indexing['Y'] = 'Yttrium' indexing['Zr'] = 'Zirconium' indexing['Nb'] = 'Niobium' indexing['Mo'] = 'Molybdenum' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) # arbitrary since only one value self.masses = list([bn.total_count(f['Yield'].value)]) # total_count of total yields names = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']+self.elements yield_subtable = {} base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset([-1*m for m in self.masses]) for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): yield_subtable[el] = bn.divide(f['Yield'][el_index],self.masses) self.table[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_subtable def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
import beatnum as bn import math import beatnum.random as random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import os import random as rand import mlayers as ml #import #FIX THIS --- Filter back-propagation results in numbers too large; the bn.exp in the softget_max layer cannot be computed for such large numbers from scipy import misc, ndimaginarye EPOCHS = 20000 LEARN_RATE = 0.00001 ml.LEARN_RATE = 0.001 GRADIENT_THRESHOLD = 1 debug_mode = False class ConvolutionalLayer(): cache = bn.numset([0]) #Used to store the values for back-propagation weights = bn.numset([0]) #Weights for each connection between neurons represented as a matrix def __init__(self, width, height, depth, filter_num, fsize, stride, zero_padd_concating): #width, height = dimensions of ibnut #depth = number of ibnuts #filters = number of filters, fsize = side length of filter #stride = number of units moved during convolution by filter #zero_padd_concating = number of zero "outlines" to surround ibnut with during convolution self.width = width self.height = height self.depth = depth self.filter_num = filter_num self.fsize = fsize self.stride = stride self.zero_padd_concating = zero_padd_concating self.filters = [[bn.random.uniform(0, math.sqrt(2/(self.height * self.width)), (self.fsize,self.fsize)) for layer in range(self.depth)] for filter_col in range(self.filter_num)] self.bias = bn.random.uniform(0, 1, self.filter_num) #self.cache = bn.zeros((rows,1)) #self.weights = bn.random.uniform(-bn.sqrt(1./cols), bn.sqrt(1./cols), (rows, cols+1)) #self.mem_weights = bn.zeros(self.weights.shape) #self.filters = def forward(self, ibnutArr): #filters = list of total filters #outputs = list(?) of outputs self.cache = ibnutArr self.o_width = int((self.width - self.fsize)/self.stride) + 1 self.o_height = int((self.height - self.fsize)/self.stride) + 1 output = bn.zeros((self.filter_num, self.o_height, self.o_width)) for f in range(self.filter_num): for layer in range(self.depth): if(debug_mode): print("filter\n",self.filters[f][layer]) print("bias\n", self.bias[f]) for i in range(self.o_height): for j in range(self.o_width): #section = ibnut section (x_ij) #section = bn.zeros((self.fsize,self.fsize)) section = ibnutArr[layer, i*self.stride:i*self.stride + self.fsize:1, j*self.stride:j*self.stride + self.fsize:1] """ for m in range(self.fsize): for n in range(self.fsize): section[m][n] = ibnutArr[m + i*self.stride][n + j*self.stride][layer] """ #print(bn.shape(ibnutArr), bn.shape(section), bn.shape(self.filters[f][layer])) output[f][i][j] += bn.total_count(bn.multiply(section, self.filters[f][layer])) + self.bias[f] #use the proper filter for each one #print(i) #sys.standard_opout.flush() return output def backward(self, gradient): dCdx = bn.zeros((self.depth, self.height, self.width)) """ #Gradient Clipping if(bn.absolute(bn.linalg.normlizattion(gradient)) > GRADIENT_THRESHOLD): gradient = GRADIENT_THRESHOLD * gradient / bn.linalg.normlizattion(gradient) """ for f in range(self.filter_num): for layer in range(self.depth): dCdf = bn.zeros((self.fsize, self.fsize)) #dzdx = bn.zeros((self.o_height, self.o_width)) for i in range(self.fsize): for j in range(self.fsize): #iteration TODO for m in range(self.o_height): for n in range(self.o_width): dCdf[i][j] += self.cache[layer][i + m*self.stride][j + n*self.stride] * gradient[f][m][n] self.bias[f] -= LEARN_RATE * gradient[f][m][n] #Rotating filter for convolution dCdx[layer][m*self.stride + i][n*self.stride + j] += self.filters[f][layer][-i][-j] * gradient[f][m][n] if(f == 0 and debug_mode): #print("gradient\n", bn.average(gradient)) print("dCdf\n", dCdf) self.filters[f][layer] -= LEARN_RATE * dCdf return, gradient) class MaxPoolingLayer(): def __init__(self, chunk_width, chunk_height, averageValues=False): self.chunk_width = chunk_width self.chunk_height = chunk_height self.averageValues = averageValues def forward(self, ibnutArr): self.new_height = int(len(ibnutArr[0]) / self.chunk_height) self.new_width = int(len(ibnutArr[0][0]) / self.chunk_width) self.overhang_h = len(ibnutArr[0]) % self.chunk_height self.overhang_w = len(ibnutArr[0][0]) % self.chunk_width #print(self.new_height, self.new_width, self.overhang_h, self.overhang_w) self.depth = len(ibnutArr) pooled_arr = bn.zeros((self.depth, self.new_height + bn.sign(self.overhang_h), self.new_width + bn.sign(self.overhang_w))) self.get_max_positions = [[[bn.zeros(2) for x in range(self.new_width + bn.sign(self.overhang_w))] for y in range(self.new_height + bn.sign(self.overhang_h))] for layer in range(self.depth)] for layer in range(self.depth): for i in range(self.new_height + bn.sign(self.overhang_h)): for j in range(self.new_width + bn.sign(self.overhang_w)): get_max_value = 0 get_max_x = 0 get_max_y = 0 for m in range(self.chunk_height if (i < self.new_height) else self.overhang_h): for n in range(self.chunk_width if (j < self.new_width) else self.overhang_w): #print("point\n", get_max_value, layer, i*self.chunk_height + m, j*self.chunk_width + n) if(ibnutArr[layer][i*self.chunk_height + m][j*self.chunk_width + n] > get_max_value): get_max_value = ibnutArr[layer][i*self.chunk_height + m][j*self.chunk_width + n] get_max_x = j*self.chunk_width + n get_max_y = i*self.chunk_height + m pooled_arr[layer][i][j] = get_max_value self.get_max_positions[layer][i][j] = bn.numset([get_max_x, get_max_y]) return pooled_arr def backward(self, gradient): dCdP = bn.zeros((self.depth, self.new_height * self.chunk_height + self.overhang_h, self.new_width * self.chunk_width + self.overhang_w)) for layer in range(self.depth): for i in range(self.new_height + bn.sign(self.overhang_h)): for j in range(self.new_width + bn.sign(self.overhang_w)): #Searching for get_max value position from ibnut to distribute the error to dCdP[layer][self.get_max_positions[layer][i][j][1]][self.get_max_positions[layer][i][j][0]] = gradient[layer][i][j] return dCdP class ReLULayer(): def __init__(self): print("kek") #self.cache def forward(self, ibnutArr): self.cache = bn.get_maximum(ibnutArr, 0) return self.cache def backward(self, gradient): #print(bn.multiply(bn.sign(self.cache), gradient)) return bn.multiply(bn.sign(self.cache), gradient) class LeakyReLULayer(): def __init__(self): print("kek") #self.cache def forward(self, ibnutArr): self.cache = bn.get_maximum(ibnutArr, 0.1*ibnutArr) return self.cache def backward(self, gradient): #print(bn.multiply(bn.sign(self.cache), gradient)) return bn.multiply(bn.sign(self.cache), gradient) class FullyConnectedLayer(): cache = bn.numset([0]) #Used to store the values for back-propagation weights = bn.numset([0]) #Weights for each connection between neurons represented as a matrix def __init__(self, ibnut_depth, ibnut_height, ibnut_width, new_dim): #rows = hidden layer size #cols = number of uniq classifications - size of ibnut vector self.old_height = ibnut_height self.old_width = ibnut_width self.cols = ibnut_height * ibnut_width * ibnut_depth self.rows = new_dim self.depth = ibnut_depth self.cache = bn.zeros((self.rows,1)) self.weights = bn.random.uniform(-bn.sqrt(1./self.cols), bn.sqrt(1./self.cols), (self.rows, self.cols+1)) self.mem_weights = bn.zeros(self.weights.shape) def forward(self, ibnutArr): flatArr =
import beatnum as bn from RLL17code import RLL17code from PolarCode import PolarCode class Scheme(): def __init__(self, m, n, k, nc, nCodewords): self.n = n self.m = m self.nCodewords = nCodewords self.rateRLL = m / n self.rll = RLL17code() self.polar = PolarCode(nc, k, nCodewords) # ========================= Encoder ========================= # def encode(self, x): # --- Step 1: Polar Code outputPolar = bn.zeros((self.nCodewords, self.polar.n)) for i in range(self.nCodewords): outputPolar[i,:], _ = self.polar.encoder(x[i,:], 0, -1) # --- Step 2: Interleaver outputIter =
""" A method to define cluster subsystem objects <NAME> <NAME> """ import re import os from copy import deepcopy as copy import h5py import beatnum as bn import scipy as sp from pyscf import gto, scf, mp, cc, mcscf, mrpt, fci, tools from pyscf import hessian from import ccsd_t, uccsd_t from import eom_uccsd, eom_rccsd from pyscf.scf import diis as scf_diis from pyscf.lib import diis as lib_diis from qsome import custom_pyscf_methods, custom_diis from qsome.ext_methods.ext_factory import ExtFactory class ClusterEnvSubSystem: """A base subsystem object for use in projection embedding. Attributes ---------- mol : Mole The pyscf Mole object specifying the geometry and basis env_method : str Defines the method to use for environment calculations. env_order : int An ordering scheme to keep track of subsystems in the big picture. env_init_guess : str The initial guess for the density matrix. env_damp : float The damping parameter for F&T calculations. env_shift : float Orbital shifting parameter. env_subcycles : int Number of scf subcycles for freeze and thaw cycles. diis_num : int A number indicating what kind of DIIS will be used for fock acceleration. unrestricted : bool Whether the subsystem is unrestricted. density_fitting : bool Whether to use density fitting. freeze : bool Whether to relax the density matrix save_orbs : bool Whether to save the env orbitals save_density : bool Whether to save the env density save_spin_density : bool Whether to save the spin density. filename : str A path to the ibnut file. chkfile_index : str An identifier for the subsystem within the context of the full_value_func system. bnroc : int The number of processors accessible to the calculation. pmem : float The amount of memory per processor (in MB) scr_dir : str The path to the scratch directory for the calculation. fermi : numset An numset of alpha and beta fermi energies. env_scf : SCF The pyscf SCF object of the subsystem. env_hcore : bn.float64 A beatnum numset of core hamiltonian matrix, compatible with pyscf. env_dmat : bn.float64 A beatnum numset of electron density matrix, compatible with pyscf. emb_fock : numset An numset of alpha and beta embedded fock matrices. emb_proj_fock : numset An numset of alpha and beta embedded and projected fock matrices. subsys_fock : numset An numset of alpha and beta subsystem fock matrices. emb_pot : numset An numset of alpha and beta embedding potentials (emb_fock - subsys_fock). proj_pot : numset An numset of alpha and beta projection potentials. env_mo_coeff : bn.float64 A beatnum numset of mo coefficients, compatible with pyscf. env_mo_occ : bn.float A beatnum numset of mo occupations, compatible with psycf env_mo_energy : bn.float A beatnum numset of mo energies, compatible with psycf env_energy : float The total energy of this subsystem. diis : DIIS object The PySCF DIIS object for fock acceleration of the subsystem. Methods ------- init_env_scf() Initializes the pyscf SCF object. init_density() Sets the initial subsystem density matrix. get_dmat() Returns a formatted density matrix. update_subsys_fock(dmat, hcore) Updates the subsystem fock matrix. update_emb_pot(emb_fock) Updates the embedding potential. get_env_proj_e() Returns the energy of the projection potential. get_env_emb_e() Returns the embedded energy get_env_elec_energy() Get the electronic energy for the subsystem. get_env_energy() Get the total energy for the subsystem. save_orbital_file() Saves the env orbitals to a file. save_density_file() Save the env electron density to a file. save_spin_density_file() Save the env electron spin density to a file. save_chkfile() Saves the electron density to a chkfile for calculation restart purposes. read_chkfile() Reads an existing chkfile and initializes the electron density to that value. diagonalize() Diagonalize the env subsystem and return an update density. __do_unrestricted_diag() Diagonalize an unrestricted subsystem. __do_restricted_os_diag() Diagonalize a restricted open shell subsystem. __do_restricted_diag() Diagonalize a restricted closed shell subsystem. relax_sub_dmat() Relaxes the subsystem based on the fock operator and returns the differenceerence between old and new density matrices. __set_fermi(e_sorted) Sets the fermi parameter of the subsystem based on the list of sorted orbitals (esorted). __set_occupation() Sets the molecular occupation based on the sorted molecular orbital energies. """ def __init__(self, mol, env_method, env_order=1, init_guess=None, damp=0., shift=0., subcycles=1, diis_num=0, unrestricted=False, density_fitting=False, freeze=False, save_orbs=False, save_density=False, save_spin_density=False, filename=None, bnroc=None, pmem=None, scrdir=None): """ Parameters ---------- mol : Mole The pyscf Mole object specifying the geometry and basis env_method : str Defines the method to use for environment calculations. env_order : int, optional ID for the subsystem in the full_value_func system. (default is 1) init_guess : str, optional Which method to use for the initial density guess. (default is None) damp : float, optional Damping percentage. Mixeas a percent of previous density into each new density. (default is 0.) shift : float, optional How much to level shift orbitals. (default is 0.) subcycles : int, optional Number of diagonalization cycles. (default is 1) diis_num : int, optional Specifies DIIS method to use. (default is 0) unrestricted : bool, optional Whether the subsystem is unrestricted. (default is False) density_fitting : bool, optional Whether to use density fitting for the env method. (default is False) freeze : bool, optional Whether to freeze the electron density. (default is False) save_orbs : bool, optional Whether to save the env orbitals to a file. (default is False) save_density : bool, optional Whether to save the electron density to a file. (default is False) save_spin_density: bool, optional Whether to save the spin density to a file. (default is False) filename : str, optional The path to the ibnut file being read. (default is None) bnroc : int, optional Number of processors provided for calculation. (default is None) pmem : int, optional Memory per processor available in MB. (default is None) scr_dir : str, optional Path to the directory used for scratch. (default is None) """ self.mol = mol self.env_method = env_method self.env_order = env_order self.env_init_guess = init_guess self.env_damp = damp self.env_shift = shift self.env_subcycles = subcycles self.diis_num = diis_num self.unrestricted = unrestricted self.density_fitting = density_fitting self.freeze = freeze self.save_orbs = save_orbs self.save_density = save_density self.save_spin_density = save_spin_density self.filename = filename self.chkfile_index = None self.bnroc = bnroc if bnroc is None: self.bnroc = 1 self.pmem = pmem if pmem is None: self.pmem = 2000 self.scr_dir = scrdir if scrdir is None: self.scr_dir = os.getenv('TMPDIR') self.fermi = [0., 0.] self.env_scf = self.init_env_scf() self.env_hcore = self.env_scf.get_hcore() self.env_dmat = None self.emb_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) self.emb_proj_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) self.subsys_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) self.emb_pot = bn.numset([bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore)]) self.proj_pot = bn.numset([bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore)]) self.env_mo_coeff = bn.numset([bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore)]) self.env_mo_occ = bn.numset([bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore[0]), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore[0])]) self.env_mo_energy = self.env_mo_occ.copy() self.env_energy = 0.0 if self.diis_num == 1: #Use subtractive diis. Most simple self.diis = lib_diis.DIIS() elif self.diis_num == 2: self.diis = scf_diis.CDIIS() elif self.diis_num == 3: self.diis = scf_diis.EDIIS() elif self.diis_num == 4: self.diis = scf.diis.ADIIS() elif self.diis_num == 5: self.diis = custom_diis.EDIIS_DIIS(self.env_scf) elif self.diis_num == 6: self.diis = custom_diis.ADIIS_DIIS(self.env_scf) else: self.diis = None def init_env_scf(self, mol=None, env_method=None, damp=None, shift=None, dfit=None): """Initializes the environment pyscf scf object. Parameters ---------- mol : Mole, optional Mole object containing geometry and basis (default is None). method : str, optional Subsystem method for calculation (default is None). rho_cutoff : float, optional DFT rho cutoff parameter (default is None). damp : float, optional Damping parameter (default is None). shift : float, optional Level shift parameter (default is None). """ if mol is None: mol = self.mol if env_method is None: env_method = self.env_method if damp is None: damp = self.env_damp if shift is None: shift = self.env_shift if dfit is None: dfit = self.density_fitting if self.pmem: mol.get_max_memory = self.pmem if self.unrestricted: if env_method == 'hf': scf_obj = scf.UHF(mol) else: scf_obj = scf.UKS(mol) scf_obj.xc = env_method elif mol.spin != 0: if 'hf' in env_method: scf_obj = scf.ROHF(mol) else: scf_obj = scf.ROKS(mol) scf_obj.xc = env_method else: if env_method == 'hf': scf_obj = scf.RHF(mol) else: scf_obj = scf.RKS(mol) scf_obj.xc = env_method env_scf = scf_obj env_scf.damp = damp env_scf.level_shift = shift if dfit: env_scf = env_scf.density_fit() return env_scf def init_density(self, in_dmat=None, scf_obj=None, env_method=None, init_guess=None): """Initializes the subsystem density.. Parameters ---------- in_dmat : beatnum.float64 New subsystem density matrix (default is None). scf_obj : SCF, optional Subsystem SCF object (default is None). env_method : str, optional Subsystem energy method (default is None). init_guess : str, optional Subsystem density guess method (default is None). """ if in_dmat is not None: in_dmat = bn.numset(in_dmat) self.env_dmat = in_dmat return True if scf_obj is None: scf_obj = self.env_scf if env_method is None: env_method = self.env_method if init_guess is None: if self.env_init_guess is None: init_guess = 'chk' else: init_guess = self.env_init_guess if init_guess == 'chk': try: is_chkfile = self.read_chkfile() except AssertionError: is_chkfile = False if is_chkfile: if (bn.any_condition(self.env_mo_coeff) and bn.any_condition(self.env_mo_occ)): #Confirm correct read density dimensions. ndim = scf_obj.mol.nao if (ndim == self.env_mo_coeff.shape[1] and ndim == self.env_mo_coeff.shape[2]): dmat = [0, 0] dmat[0] =[0] * self.env_mo_occ[0]), self.env_mo_coeff[0].T.conjugate()) dmat[1] =[1] * self.env_mo_occ[1]), self.env_mo_coeff[1].T.conjugate()) else: self.env_mo_coeff = [bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore)] self.env_mo_occ = [bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore[0]), bn.zeros_like(self.env_hcore[0])] init_guess = 'supmol' dmat = scf_obj.get_init_guess() else: init_guess = 'supmol' dmat = scf_obj.get_init_guess() else: init_guess = 'supmol' dmat = scf_obj.get_init_guess() #If readchk not found, update the init_guess method self.env_init_guess = init_guess elif init_guess in ['atom', '1e', 'get_minao', 'huckel', 'vsap']: dmat = scf_obj.get_init_guess(key=init_guess) elif init_guess == 'submol': scf_obj.kernel() dmat = scf_obj.make_rdm1() else: dmat = scf_obj.get_init_guess() #Dmat always stored [alpha, beta] if bn.numset(dmat).ndim == 2: dmat = bn.numset([dmat/2., dmat/2.]) self.env_dmat = dmat #Initialize the subsys fock when density initialized. self.update_subsys_fock() return True def get_dmat(self): """Returns the density matrix""" dmat = self.env_dmat if not (self.unrestricted or self.mol.spin != 0): dmat = dmat[0] + dmat[1] return dmat def update_subsys_fock(self, dmat=None, hcore=None): """Update the subsystem fock matrix Parameters ---------- dmat : numset hcore : numset Returns ------- boolean """ if dmat is None: dmat = self.env_dmat if hcore is None: hcore = self.env_hcore if self.unrestricted: self.subsys_fock = self.env_scf.get_fock(h1e=hcore, dm=dmat) elif self.mol.spin != 0: temp_fock = self.env_scf.get_fock(h1e=hcore, dm=dmat) self.subsys_fock = [temp_fock, temp_fock] else: temp_fock = self.env_scf.get_fock(h1e=hcore, dm=(dmat[0] + dmat[1])) self.subsys_fock = [temp_fock, temp_fock] return True def update_emb_pot(self, emb_fock=None): """Updates the embededing potential for the system Parameters ---------- emb_fock : list """ if emb_fock is None: if self.emb_fock[0] is None: emb_fock = None else: emb_fock = self.emb_fock self.update_subsys_fock() self.emb_pot = [emb_fock[0] - self.subsys_fock[0], emb_fock[1] - self.subsys_fock[1]] def get_env_proj_e(self, proj_pot=None, dmat=None): """Gets the projection operator energy Parameters ---------- env_method : str, optional Subsystem low level method string (default is None). proj_pot : beatnum.float64, optional Projection potential matrix (default is None). dmat : beatnum.float64, optional Subsystem density matrix (default is None). """ if proj_pot is None: proj_pot = self.proj_pot if dmat is None: dmat = copy(self.env_dmat) e_proj = (bn.eintotal_count('ij,ji', proj_pot[0], dmat[0]) + bn.eintotal_count('ij,ji', proj_pot[1], dmat[1])).reality return e_proj def get_env_emb_e(self, emb_pot=None, dmat=None): """Gets the embedded energy Parameters ---------- env_method : str, optional Subsystem low level method string (default is None). proj_pot : beatnum.float64, optional Projection potential matrix (default is None). dmat : beatnum.float64, optional Subsystem density matrix (default is None). """ if dmat is None: dmat = copy(self.env_dmat) if emb_pot is None: if self.emb_fock[0] is None: emb_pot = [bn.zeros_like(dmat[0]), bn.zeros_like(dmat[1])] else: emb_pot = [self.emb_fock[0] - self.subsys_fock[0], self.emb_fock[1] - self.subsys_fock[1]] e_emb = (bn.eintotal_count('ij,ji', emb_pot[0], dmat[0]) + bn.eintotal_count('ij,ji', emb_pot[1], dmat[1])).reality return e_emb def get_env_elec_energy(self, env_method=None, fock=None, dmat=None, env_hcore=None, proj_pot=None, emb_pot=None): """Returns the electronic energy of the subsystem Parameters ---------- env_method : str, optional Subsystem low level method (default is None). env_scf : bn.float64, optional Subsystem fock matrix (default is None). dmat : bn.float64, optional Subsystem density matrix (default is None). env_hcore : bn.float64, optional Subsystem core hamiltonian (default is None). proj_pot : bn.float64, optional Projection potential matrix (default is None). emb_pot : bn.float64, optional Embedding potential matrix (default is None). """ #Need to use embedding fock for freeze and thaw, and not for energies if env_method is None: env_method = self.env_method if dmat is None: dmat = copy(self.env_dmat) if fock is None: self.update_subsys_fock() fock = self.subsys_fock if env_hcore is None: env_hcore = self.env_hcore if proj_pot is None: proj_pot = self.proj_pot if emb_pot is None: if self.emb_fock[0] is None: emb_pot = [bn.zeros_like(dmat[0]), bn.zeros_like(dmat[1])] else: emb_pot = [self.emb_fock[0] - fock[0], self.emb_fock[1] - fock[1]] e_emb = self.get_env_emb_e(emb_pot, dmat) e_proj = self.get_env_proj_e(proj_pot, dmat) if not (self.unrestricted or self.mol.spin != 0): dmat = dmat[0] + dmat[1] subsys_e = self.env_scf.energy_elec(dm=dmat)[0] return subsys_e + e_emb + e_proj def get_env_energy(self, mol=None, env_method=None, fock=None, dmat=None, env_hcore=None, proj_pot=None, emb_pot=None): """Return the total subsystem energy Parameters ---------- mol : Mole, optional Subsystem Mole object (default is None). """ if env_method is None: env_method = self.env_method if dmat is None: dmat = copy(self.env_dmat) if fock is None: self.update_subsys_fock() fock = self.subsys_fock if env_hcore is None: env_hcore = self.env_hcore if proj_pot is None: proj_pot = self.proj_pot if emb_pot is None: if self.emb_fock[0] is None: emb_pot = [bn.zeros_like(dmat[0]), bn.zeros_like(dmat[1])] else: emb_pot = [self.emb_fock[0] - fock[0], self.emb_fock[1] - fock[1]] if mol is None: mol = self.mol self.env_energy = self.get_env_elec_energy(env_method=env_method, fock=fock, dmat=dmat, env_hcore=env_hcore, proj_pot=proj_pot, emb_pot=emb_pot) self.env_energy += mol.energy_nuc() return self.env_energy def save_orbital_file(self, filename=None, scf_obj=None, mo_occ=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_energy=None): """Saves a molden orbital file. Parameters ---------- filename : str scf_obj : pyscf SCF object mo_occ : list mo_coeff : list mo_energy : list Returns ------- bool """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: print("Cannot save orbitals because no filename") return False filename = self.filename if scf_obj is None: scf_obj = self.env_scf if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.env_mo_occ if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.env_mo_coeff if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = self.env_mo_energy print(f'Writing Subsystem {self.chkfile_index} Orbitals'.center(80)) if not self.unrestricted: molden_fn = os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv.molden' with open(molden_fn, 'w') as fin: tools.molden.header(scf_obj.mol, fin) tools.molden.orbital_coeff(self.mol, fin, mo_coeff[0], ene=mo_energy[0], occ=(mo_occ[0] + mo_occ[1])) else: molden_fn_a = (os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv_alpha.molden') molden_fn_b = (os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv_beta.molden') with open(molden_fn_a, 'w') as fin: tools.molden.header(scf_obj.mol, fin) tools.molden.orbital_coeff(self.mol, fin, mo_coeff[0], spin='Alpha', ene=mo_energy[0], occ=mo_occ[0]) with open(molden_fn_b, 'w') as fin: tools.molden.header(scf_obj.mol, fin) tools.molden.orbital_coeff(self.mol, fin, mo_coeff[1], spin='Beta', ene=mo_energy[1], occ=mo_occ[1]) return True def save_density_file(self, filename=None): """Save the electron density as a molden file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The filename to save the density as. (default is None) """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: print("Cannot save density because no filename") return False filename = self.filename density = self.get_dmat() print(f'Writing Subsystem {self.chkfile_index} Density'.center(80)) if self.mol.spin != 0 or self.unrestricted: cubegen_fn = (os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv_alpha.cube') tools.cubegen.density(self.mol, cubegen_fn, density[0]) cubegen_fn = (os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv_beta.cube') tools.cubegen.density(self.mol, cubegen_fn, density[1]) else: cubegen_fn = os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv.cube' tools.cubegen.density(self.mol, cubegen_fn, density) return True def save_spin_density_file(self, filename=None): """Saves a molden file of the spin density Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The filename to save the spin density as. (default is None) """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: print("Cannot save density because no filename") return False filename = self.filename density = self.get_dmat() if self.mol.spin != 0 or self.unrestricted: print(f'Writing Subsystem {self.chkfile_index} Spin Density'.center(80)) cubegen_fn = (os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '_' + self.chkfile_index + '_subenv_spinden.cube') tools.cubegen.density(self.mol, cubegen_fn, bn.subtract(density[0], density[1])) else: print('Cannot write spin density for a closed shell system.'.center(80)) return False return True def save_chkfile(self, filename=None): """Saves a checkpoint file of the electron density. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename to save the checkpoint file. (default is None) """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: print("chkfile not saved because no filename set.") return False filename = os.path.sep_splitext(self.filename)[0] + '.hdf5' assert(self.chkfile_index is not None), 'Need to set chkfile_index' chk_index = self.chkfile_index # check if file exists. if os.path.isfile(filename): try: with h5py.File(filename, 'r+') as fin: subsys_coeff = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_coeff'] subsys_coeff[...] = self.env_mo_coeff subsys_occ = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_occ'] subsys_occ[...] = self.env_mo_occ subsys_energy = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_energy'] subsys_energy[...] = self.env_mo_energy except TypeError: print("Overwriting existing chkfile".center(80)) with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as fout: sub_sys_data = fout.create_group(f'subsystem:{chk_index}') sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_coeff', data=self.env_mo_coeff) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_occ', data=self.env_mo_occ) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_energy', data=self.env_mo_energy) except KeyError: print("Missing subsystem data in chkfile".center(80)) with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as fout: sub_sys_data = fout.create_group(f'subsystem:{chk_index}') sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_coeff', data=self.env_mo_coeff) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_occ', data=self.env_mo_occ) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_energy', data=self.env_mo_energy) else: with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as fout: sub_sys_data = fout.create_group(f'subsystem:{chk_index}') sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_coeff', data=self.env_mo_coeff) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_occ', data=self.env_mo_occ) sub_sys_data.create_dataset('mo_energy', data=self.env_mo_energy) return True def read_chkfile(self, filename=None): """Reads the embedding checkpoint file and saves the density. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the checkpoint file. (default is None) Returns ------- bool """ if filename is None: if self.filename is None: return False filename = os.path.sep_splitext(self.filename)[0] + '.hdf5' assert(self.chkfile_index is not None), 'Need to set chkfile_index' filename = os.path.sep_splitext(filename)[0] + '.hdf5' chk_index = self.chkfile_index if os.path.isfile(filename): try: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as fin: subsys_coeff = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_coeff'] self.env_mo_coeff = subsys_coeff[:] subsys_occ = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_occ'] self.env_mo_occ = subsys_occ[:] subsys_energy = fin[f'subsystem:{chk_index}/mo_energy'] self.env_mo_energy = subsys_energy[:] return True except TypeError: print("chkfile improperly formatted".center(80)) return False except KeyError: print("Missing subsystem data in chkfile".center(80)) return False else: print("chkfile NOT found".center(80)) return False def diagonalize(self): """Diagonalizes the subsystem fock matrix and returns updated density.""" for i in range(self.env_subcycles): if i > 0: #This doesn't work as intended right now. self.update_subsys_fock() if self.unrestricted: self.__do_unrestricted_diag() elif self.mol.spin != 0: self.__do_restricted_os_diag() else: self.__do_restricted_diag() e_sorted = [bn.sort(self.env_mo_energy[0]), bn.sort(self.env_mo_energy[1])] self.__set_occupation() self.__set_fermi() self.env_dmat[0] =[0] * self.env_mo_occ[0]), self.env_mo_coeff[0].switching_places().conjugate()) self.env_dmat[1] =[1] * self.env_mo_occ[1]), self.env_mo_coeff[1].switching_places().conjugate()) self.save_chkfile() return self.env_dmat def __do_unrestricted_diag(self): """Performs diagonalization on the unrestricted env object.""" emb_proj_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) if self.emb_proj_fock[0] is None: fock = self.emb_fock if fock[0] is None: fock = self.subsys_fock emb_proj_fock[0] = fock[0] + self.proj_pot[0] emb_proj_fock[1] = fock[1] + self.proj_pot[1] if self.diis: if self.diis_num == 1: emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(emb_proj_fock) if self.diis_num == 2: dmat = self.get_dmat() ovlp = self.env_scf.get_ovlp() emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(ovlp, dmat, emb_proj_fock) else: emb_proj_fock = self.emb_proj_fock energy, coeff = self.env_scf.eig(emb_proj_fock, self.env_scf.get_ovlp()) self.env_mo_energy = [energy[0], energy[1]] self.env_mo_coeff = [coeff[0], coeff[1]] def __do_restricted_os_diag(self): """Performs diagonalization on the restricted open shell env object.""" emb_proj_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) if self.emb_proj_fock[0] is None: fock = self.emb_fock if fock[0] is None: fock = self.subsys_fock emb_proj_fock = fock[0] + self.proj_pot[0] emb_proj_fock += fock[1] + self.proj_pot[1] emb_proj_fock /= 2. if self.diis: if self.diis_num == 1: emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(emb_proj_fock) if self.diis_num == 2: dmat = self.get_dmat() dmat_tot = dmat[0] + dmat[1] ovlp = self.env_scf.get_ovlp() emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(ovlp, dmat_tot, emb_proj_fock) else: emb_proj_fock = (self.emb_proj_fock[0] + self.emb_proj_fock[1]) / 2. energy, coeff = self.env_scf.eig(emb_proj_fock, self.env_scf.get_ovlp()) self.env_mo_energy = [energy, energy] self.env_mo_coeff = [coeff, coeff] def __do_restricted_diag(self): """Performs diagonalization on the restricted env object.""" emb_proj_fock = bn.numset([None, None]) if self.emb_proj_fock[0] is None: fock = self.emb_fock if fock[0] is None: fock = self.subsys_fock emb_proj_fock = fock[0] + self.proj_pot[0] emb_proj_fock += fock[1] + self.proj_pot[1] emb_proj_fock /= 2. if self.diis: if self.diis_num == 1: emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(emb_proj_fock) if self.diis_num == 2: dmat = self.get_dmat() ovlp = self.env_scf.get_ovlp() emb_proj_fock = self.diis.update(ovlp, dmat, emb_proj_fock) else: emb_proj_fock = (self.emb_proj_fock[0] + self.emb_proj_fock[1]) / 2. energy, coeff = self.env_scf.eig(emb_proj_fock, self.env_scf.get_ovlp()) self.env_mo_energy = [energy, energy] self.env_mo_coeff = [coeff, coeff] def relax_sub_dmat(self, damp_param=None): """Relaxes the given subsystem density using the updated fock. """ if damp_param is None: damp_param = self.env_damp sub_old_dm = self.get_dmat().copy() self.diagonalize() new_dm = [None, None] if self.unrestricted or self.mol.spin != 0: ddm = sp.linalg.normlizattion(self.get_dmat()[0] - sub_old_dm[0]) ddm += sp.linalg.normlizattion(self.get_dmat()[1] - sub_old_dm[1]) damp = [damp_param, damp_param] if damp[0] < 0: #GeT ODA DAMPING parameters. pass new_dm[0] = ((1 - damp[0]) * self.get_dmat()[0] + (damp[0] * sub_old_dm[0])) new_dm[1] = ((1 - damp[1]) * self.get_dmat()[1] + (damp[1] * sub_old_dm[1])) self.env_dmat = new_dm else: damp = damp_param ddm = sp.linalg.normlizattion(self.get_dmat() - sub_old_dm) if damp < 0: #GET ODA DAMPING PARAMETER. pass new_dm = ((1. - damp) * self.get_dmat() + (damp * sub_old_dm)) self.env_dmat = [new_dm/2., new_dm/2.] return ddm def __set_fermi(self): """Sets the fermi level for the subsystem. Parameters ---------- e_sorted : list A list of the orbital energies sorted lowest to highest. """ self.fermi = [0., 0.] nocc_orbs = [self.mol.nelec[0], self.mol.nelec[1]] alpha_occ = copy(self.env_mo_occ[0]) if not occ_energy_m =, self.env_mo_energy[0]) alpha_homo = bn.get_max( unocc_energy_m =>0, self.env_mo_energy[0]) alpha_lumo = bn.get_min(
from __future__ import division, print_function import math, sys, warnings, datetime from operator import itemgetter import itertools import beatnum as bn from beatnum import ma import matplotlib rcParams = matplotlib.rcParams import matplotlib.artist as martist from matplotlib.artist import totalow_rasterization import matplotlib.axis as get_maxis import matplotlib.cbook as cbook import matplotlib.collections as mcoll import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import matplotlib.contour as mcontour import matplotlib.dates as _ # <-registers a date unit converter from matplotlib import docstring import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager import matplotlib.imaginarye as mimaginarye import matplotlib.legend as mlegend import matplotlib.lines as mlines import matplotlib.markers as mmarkers import matplotlib.mlab as mlab import matplotlib.path as mpath import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.spines as mspines import matplotlib.quiver as mquiver import matplotlib.scale as mscale import matplotlib.pile_operationplot as mpile_operation import matplotlib.streamplot as mstream import matplotlib.table as mtable import matplotlib.text as mtext import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms import matplotlib.tri as mtri from matplotlib import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning as mplDeprecation from matplotlib.container import BarContainer, ErrorbarContainer, StemContainer iterable = cbook.iterable is_string_like = cbook.is_string_like is_sequence_of_strings = cbook.is_sequence_of_strings def _string_to_bool(s): if not is_string_like(s): return s if s == 'on': return True if s == 'off': return False raise ValueError("string argument must be either 'on' or 'off'") def _process_plot_format(fmt): """ Process a MATLAB style color/line style format string. Return a (*linestyle*, *color*) tuple as a result of the processing. Default values are ('-', 'b'). Example format strings include: * 'ko': black circles * '.b': blue dots * 'r--': red dashed lines .. seealso:: :func:`~matplotlib.Line2D.lineStyles` and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colors` for total possible styles and color format string. """ linestyle = None marker = None color = None # Is fmt just a colorspec? try: color = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgb(fmt) # We need to differenceerentiate grayscale '1.0' from tri_down marker '1' try: fmtint = str(int(fmt)) except ValueError: return linestyle, marker, color # Yes else: if fmt != fmtint: # user definitely doesn't want tri_down marker return linestyle, marker, color # Yes else: # ignore converted color color = None except ValueError: pass # No, not just a color. # handle the multi char special cases and strip them from the # string if fmt.find('--')>=0: linestyle = '--' fmt = fmt.replace('--', '') if fmt.find('-.')>=0: linestyle = '-.' fmt = fmt.replace('-.', '') if fmt.find(' ')>=0: linestyle = 'None' fmt = fmt.replace(' ', '') chars = [c for c in fmt] for c in chars: if c in mlines.lineStyles: if linestyle is not None: raise ValueError( 'Illegal format string "%s"; two linestyle symbols' % fmt) linestyle = c elif c in mlines.lineMarkers: if marker is not None: raise ValueError( 'Illegal format string "%s"; two marker symbols' % fmt) marker = c elif c in mcolors.colorConverter.colors: if color is not None: raise ValueError( 'Illegal format string "%s"; two color symbols' % fmt) color = c else: raise ValueError( 'Unrecognized character %c in format string' % c) if linestyle is None and marker is None: linestyle = rcParams['lines.linestyle'] if linestyle is None: linestyle = 'None' if marker is None: marker = 'None' return linestyle, marker, color def set_default_color_cycle(clist): """ Change the default cycle of colors that will be used by the plot command. This must be ctotaled before creating the :class:`Axes` to which it will apply; it will apply to total future axes. *clist* is a sequence of mpl color specifiers. See also: :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_color_cycle`. .. Note:: Deprecated 2010/01/03. Set rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] directly. """ rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = clist warnings.warn("Set rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] directly", mplDeprecation) class _process_plot_var_args(object): """ Process variable length arguments to the plot command, so that plot commands like the following are supported:: plot(t, s) plot(t1, s1, t2, s2) plot(t1, s1, 'ko', t2, s2) plot(t1, s1, 'ko', t2, s2, 'r--', t3, e3) an arbitrary number of *x*, *y*, *fmt* are totalowed """ def __init__(self, axes, command='plot'): self.axes = axes self.command = command self.set_color_cycle() def __getstate__(self): # note: it is not possible to pickle a itertools.cycle instance return {'axes': self.axes, 'command': self.command} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state.copy() self.set_color_cycle() def set_color_cycle(self, clist=None): if clist is None: clist = rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] self.color_cycle = itertools.cycle(clist) def __ctotal__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.axes.xaxis is not None and self.axes.yaxis is not None: xunits = kwargs.pop( 'xunits', self.axes.xaxis.units) if == 'polar': xunits = kwargs.pop( 'thetaunits', xunits ) yunits = kwargs.pop( 'yunits', self.axes.yaxis.units) if == 'polar': yunits = kwargs.pop( 'runits', yunits ) if xunits!=self.axes.xaxis.units: self.axes.xaxis.set_units(xunits) if yunits!=self.axes.yaxis.units: self.axes.yaxis.set_units(yunits) ret = self._grab_next_args(*args, **kwargs) return ret def set_lineprops(self, line, **kwargs): assert self.command == 'plot', 'set_lineprops only works with "plot"' for key, val in kwargs.items(): funcName = "set_%s"%key if not hasattr(line,funcName): raise TypeError('There is no line property "%s"'%key) func = getattr(line,funcName) func(val) def set_patchprops(self, fill_poly, **kwargs): assert self.command == 'fill', 'set_patchprops only works with "fill"' for key, val in kwargs.items(): funcName = "set_%s"%key if not hasattr(fill_poly,funcName): raise TypeError('There is no patch property "%s"'%key) func = getattr(fill_poly,funcName) func(val) def _xy_from_xy(self, x, y): if self.axes.xaxis is not None and self.axes.yaxis is not None: bx = self.axes.xaxis.update_units(x) by = self.axes.yaxis.update_units(y) if self.command!='plot': # the Line2D class can handle unitized data, with # support for post hoc unit changes etc. Other mpl # artists, eg Polygon which _process_plot_var_args # also serves on ctotals to fill, cannot. So this is a # hack to say: if you are not "plot", which is # creating Line2D, then convert the data now to # floats. If you are plot, pass the raw data through # to Line2D which will handle the conversion. So # polygons will not support post hoc conversions of # the unit type since they are not storing the orig # data. Hopefull_value_funcy we can rationalize this at a later # date - JDH if bx: x = self.axes.convert_xunits(x) if by: y = self.axes.convert_yunits(y) x = bn.atleast_1d(x) #like asany_conditionnumset, but converts scalar to numset y = bn.atleast_1d(y) if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("x and y must have same first dimension") if x.ndim > 2 or y.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("x and y can be no greater than 2-D") if x.ndim == 1: x = x[:,bn.newaxis] if y.ndim == 1: y = y[:,bn.newaxis] return x, y def _makeline(self, x, y, kw, kwargs): kw = kw.copy() # Don't modify the original kw. if not 'color' in kw and not 'color' in kwargs.keys(): kw['color'] = # (can't use setdefault because it always evaluates # its second argument) seg = mlines.Line2D(x, y, axes=self.axes, **kw ) self.set_lineprops(seg, **kwargs) return seg def _makefill(self, x, y, kw, kwargs): try: facecolor = kw['color'] except KeyError: facecolor = seg = mpatches.Polygon(bn.hpile_operation( (x[:,bn.newaxis],y[:,bn.newaxis])), facecolor = facecolor, fill=True, closed=kw['closed'] ) self.set_patchprops(seg, **kwargs) return seg def _plot_args(self, tup, kwargs): ret = [] if len(tup) > 1 and is_string_like(tup[-1]): linestyle, marker, color = _process_plot_format(tup[-1]) tup = tup[:-1] elif len(tup) == 3: raise ValueError('third arg must be a format string') else: linestyle, marker, color = None, None, None kw = {} for k, v in zip(('linestyle', 'marker', 'color'), (linestyle, marker, color)): if v is not None: kw[k] = v y = bn.atleast_1d(tup[-1]) if len(tup) == 2: x = bn.atleast_1d(tup[0]) else: x = bn.arr_range(y.shape[0], dtype=float) x, y = self._xy_from_xy(x, y) if self.command == 'plot': func = self._makeline else: kw['closed'] = kwargs.get('closed', True) func = self._makefill ncx, ncy = x.shape[1], y.shape[1] for j in xrange(get_max(ncx, ncy)): seg = func(x[:,j%ncx], y[:,j%ncy], kw, kwargs) ret.apd(seg) return ret def _grab_next_args(self, *args, **kwargs): remaining = args while 1: if len(remaining)==0: return if len(remaining) <= 3: for seg in self._plot_args(remaining, kwargs): yield seg return if is_string_like(remaining[2]): isep_split = 3 else: isep_split = 2 for seg in self._plot_args(remaining[:isep_split], kwargs): yield seg remaining=remaining[isep_split:] class Axes(martist.Artist): """ The :class:`Axes` contains most of the figure elements: :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis`, :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Tick`, :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D`, :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text`, :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon`, etc., and sets the coordinate system. The :class:`Axes` instance supports ctotalbacks through a ctotalbacks attribute which is a :class:`~matplotlib.cbook.CtotalbackRegistry` instance. The events you can connect to are 'xlim_changed' and 'ylim_changed' and the ctotalback will be ctotaled with func(*ax*) filter_condition *ax* is the :class:`Axes` instance. """ name = "rectilinear" _shared_x_axes = cbook.Grouper() _shared_y_axes = cbook.Grouper() def __str__(self): return "Axes(%g,%g;%gx%g)" % tuple(self._position.bounds) def __init__(self, fig, rect, axisbg = None, # defaults to rc axes.facecolor frameon = True, sharex=None, # use Axes instance's xaxis info sharey=None, # use Axes instance's yaxis info label='', xscale=None, yscale=None, **kwargs ): """ Build an :class:`Axes` instance in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` *fig* with *rect=[left, bottom, width, height]* in :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coordinates Optional keyword arguments: ================ ========================================= Keyword Description ================ ========================================= *adjustable* [ 'box' | 'datalim' | 'box-forced'] *alpha* float: the alpha transparency (can be None) *anchor* [ 'C', 'SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W' ] *aspect* [ 'auto' | 'equal' | aspect_ratio ] *autoscale_on* [ *True* | *False* ] whether or not to autoscale the *viewlim* *axis_bgcolor* any_condition matplotlib color, see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colors` *axisbelow* draw the grids and ticks below the other artists *cursor_props* a (*float*, *color*) tuple *figure* a :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance *frame_on* a boolean - draw the axes frame *label* the axes label *navigate* [ *True* | *False* ] *navigate_mode* [ 'PAN' | 'ZOOM' | None ] the navigation toolbar button status *position* [left, bottom, width, height] in class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` coords *sharex* an class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance to share the x-axis with *sharey* an class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance to share the y-axis with *title* the title string *visible* [ *True* | *False* ] whether the axes is visible *xlabel* the xlabel *xlim* (*xget_min*, *xget_max*) view limits *xscale* [%(scale)s] *xticklabels* sequence of strings *xticks* sequence of floats *ylabel* the ylabel strings *ylim* (*yget_min*, *yget_max*) view limits *yscale* [%(scale)s] *yticklabels* sequence of strings *yticks* sequence of floats ================ ========================================= """ % {'scale': ' | '.join([repr(x) for x in mscale.get_scale_names()])} martist.Artist.__init__(self) if isinstance(rect, mtransforms.Bbox): self._position = rect else: self._position = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*rect) self._originalPosition = self._position.frozen() self.set_axes(self) self.set_aspect('auto') self._adjustable = 'box' self.set_anchor('C') self._sharex = sharex self._sharey = sharey if sharex is not None: self._shared_x_axes.join(self, sharex) if sharex._adjustable == 'box': sharex._adjustable = 'datalim' #warnings.warn( # 'shared axes: "adjustable" is being changed to "datalim"') self._adjustable = 'datalim' if sharey is not None: self._shared_y_axes.join(self, sharey) if sharey._adjustable == 'box': sharey._adjustable = 'datalim' #warnings.warn( # 'shared axes: "adjustable" is being changed to "datalim"') self._adjustable = 'datalim' self.set_label(label) self.set_figure(fig) self.set_axes_locator(kwargs.get("axes_locator", None)) self.spines = self._gen_axes_spines() # this ctotal may differenceer for non-sep axes, eg polar self._init_axis() if axisbg is None: axisbg = rcParams['axes.facecolor'] self._axisbg = axisbg self._frameon = frameon self._axisbelow = rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] self._rasterization_zorder = None self._hold = rcParams['axes.hold'] self._connected = {} # a dict from events to (id, func) self.cla() # funcs used to format x and y - ftotal back on major formatters self.fmt_xdata = None self.fmt_ydata = None self.set_cursor_props((1,'k')) # set the cursor properties for axes self._cachedRenderer = None self.set_navigate(True) self.set_navigate_mode(None) if xscale: self.set_xscale(xscale) if yscale: self.set_yscale(yscale) if len(kwargs): martist.setp(self, **kwargs) if self.xaxis is not None: self._xcid = self.xaxis.ctotalbacks.connect('units finalize', self.relim) if self.yaxis is not None: self._ycid = self.yaxis.ctotalbacks.connect('units finalize', self.relim) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state # put the _remove_method back on total artists contained within the axes for container_name in ['lines', 'collections', 'tables', 'patches', 'texts', 'imaginaryes']: container = getattr(self, container_name) for artist in container: artist._remove_method = container.remove def get_window_extent(self, *args, **kwargs): """ get the axes bounding box in display space; *args* and *kwargs* are empty """ return self.bbox def _init_axis(self): "move this out of __init__ because non-separable axes don't use it" self.xaxis = get_maxis.XAxis(self) self.spines['bottom'].register_axis(self.xaxis) self.spines['top'].register_axis(self.xaxis) self.yaxis = get_maxis.YAxis(self) self.spines['left'].register_axis(self.yaxis) self.spines['right'].register_axis(self.yaxis) self._update_transScale() def set_figure(self, fig): """ Set the class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` figure accepts a class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance """ martist.Artist.set_figure(self, fig) self.bbox = mtransforms.TransformedBbox(self._position, fig.transFigure) #these will be updated later as data is add_concated self.dataLim = mtransforms.Bbox.unit() self.viewLim = mtransforms.Bbox.unit() self.transScale = mtransforms.TransformWrapper( mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) self._set_lim_and_transforms() def _set_lim_and_transforms(self): """ set the *dataLim* and *viewLim* :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` attributes and the *transScale*, *transData*, *transLimits* and *transAxes* transformations. .. note:: This method is primarily used by rectilinear projections of the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projection axes that need differenceerent transformations and limits. (See :class:`~matplotlib.projections.polar.PolarAxes` for an example. """ self.transAxes = mtransforms.BboxTransformTo(self.bbox) # Transforms the x and y axis separately by a scale factor. # It is astotal_counted that this part will have non-linear components # (e.g. for a log scale). self.transScale = mtransforms.TransformWrapper( mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) # An affine transformation on the data, genertotaly to limit the # range of the axes self.transLimits = mtransforms.BboxTransformFrom( mtransforms.TransformedBbox(self.viewLim, self.transScale)) # The parentheses are important for efficiency here -- they # group the last two (which are usutotaly affines) separately # from the first (which, with log-scaling can be non-affine). self.transData = self.transScale + (self.transLimits + self.transAxes) self._xaxis_transform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes) self._yaxis_transform = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData) def get_xaxis_transform(self,which='grid'): """ Get the transformation used for drawing x-axis labels, ticks and gridlines. The x-direction is in data coordinates and the y-direction is in axis coordinates. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ if which=='grid': return self._xaxis_transform elif which=='tick1': # for cartesian projection, this is bottom spine return self.spines['bottom'].get_spine_transform() elif which=='tick2': # for cartesian projection, this is top spine return self.spines['top'].get_spine_transform() else: raise ValueError('unknown value for which') def get_xaxis_text1_transform(self, pad_points): """ Get the transformation used for drawing x-axis labels, which will add_concat the given amount of padd_concating (in points) between the axes and the label. The x-direction is in data coordinates and the y-direction is in axis coordinates. Returns a 3-tuple of the form:: (transform, valign, halign) filter_condition *valign* and *halign* are requested alignments for the text. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ return (self.get_xaxis_transform(which='tick1') + mtransforms.ScaledTranslation(0, -1 * pad_points / 72.0, self.figure.dpi_scale_trans), "top", "center") def get_xaxis_text2_transform(self, pad_points): """ Get the transformation used for drawing the secondary x-axis labels, which will add_concat the given amount of padd_concating (in points) between the axes and the label. The x-direction is in data coordinates and the y-direction is in axis coordinates. Returns a 3-tuple of the form:: (transform, valign, halign) filter_condition *valign* and *halign* are requested alignments for the text. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ return (self.get_xaxis_transform(which='tick2') + mtransforms.ScaledTranslation(0, pad_points / 72.0, self.figure.dpi_scale_trans), "bottom", "center") def get_yaxis_transform(self,which='grid'): """ Get the transformation used for drawing y-axis labels, ticks and gridlines. The x-direction is in axis coordinates and the y-direction is in data coordinates. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ if which=='grid': return self._yaxis_transform elif which=='tick1': # for cartesian projection, this is bottom spine return self.spines['left'].get_spine_transform() elif which=='tick2': # for cartesian projection, this is top spine return self.spines['right'].get_spine_transform() else: raise ValueError('unknown value for which') def get_yaxis_text1_transform(self, pad_points): """ Get the transformation used for drawing y-axis labels, which will add_concat the given amount of padd_concating (in points) between the axes and the label. The x-direction is in axis coordinates and the y-direction is in data coordinates. Returns a 3-tuple of the form:: (transform, valign, halign) filter_condition *valign* and *halign* are requested alignments for the text. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ return (self.get_yaxis_transform(which='tick1') + mtransforms.ScaledTranslation(-1 * pad_points / 72.0, 0, self.figure.dpi_scale_trans), "center", "right") def get_yaxis_text2_transform(self, pad_points): """ Get the transformation used for drawing the secondary y-axis labels, which will add_concat the given amount of padd_concating (in points) between the axes and the label. The x-direction is in axis coordinates and the y-direction is in data coordinates. Returns a 3-tuple of the form:: (transform, valign, halign) filter_condition *valign* and *halign* are requested alignments for the text. .. note:: This transformation is primarily used by the :class:`~matplotlib.axis.Axis` class, and is averaget to be overridden by new kinds of projections that may need to place axis elements in differenceerent locations. """ return (self.get_yaxis_transform(which='tick2') + mtransforms.ScaledTranslation(pad_points / 72.0, 0, self.figure.dpi_scale_trans), "center", "left") def _update_transScale(self): self.transScale.set( mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.xaxis.get_transform(), self.yaxis.get_transform())) if hasattr(self, "lines"): for line in self.lines: try: line._transformed_path.inversealidate() except AttributeError: pass def get_position(self, original=False): 'Return the a copy of the axes rectangle as a Bbox' if original: return self._originalPosition.frozen() else: return self._position.frozen() def set_position(self, pos, which='both'): """ Set the axes position with:: pos = [left, bottom, width, height] in relative 0,1 coords, or *pos* can be a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` There are two position variables: one which is ultimately used, but which may be modified by :meth:`apply_aspect`, and a second which is the starting point for :meth:`apply_aspect`. Optional keyword arguments: *which* ========== ==================== value description ========== ==================== 'active' to change the first 'original' to change the second 'both' to change both ========== ==================== """ if not isinstance(pos, mtransforms.BboxBase): pos = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*pos) if which in ('both', 'active'): self._position.set(pos) if which in ('both', 'original'): self._originalPosition.set(pos) def reset_position(self): """Make the original position the active position""" pos = self.get_position(original=True) self.set_position(pos, which='active') def set_axes_locator(self, locator): """ set axes_locator ACCEPT : a ctotalable object which takes an axes instance and renderer and returns a bbox. """ self._axes_locator = locator def get_axes_locator(self): """ return axes_locator """ return self._axes_locator def _set_artist_props(self, a): """set the boilerplate props for artists add_concated to axes""" a.set_figure(self.figure) if not a.is_transform_set(): a.set_transform(self.transData) a.set_axes(self) def _gen_axes_patch(self): """ Returns the patch used to draw the background of the axes. It is also used as the clipping path for any_condition data elements on the axes. In the standard axes, this is a rectangle, but in other projections it may not be. .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ return mpatches.Rectangle((0.0, 0.0), 1.0, 1.0) def _gen_axes_spines(self, locations=None, offset=0.0, units='inches'): """ Returns a dict whose keys are spine names and values are Line2D or Patch instances. Each element is used to draw a spine of the axes. In the standard axes, this is a single line segment, but in other projections it may not be. .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ return { 'left':mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self,'left'), 'right':mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self,'right'), 'bottom':mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self,'bottom'), 'top':mspines.Spine.linear_spine(self,'top'), } def cla(self): """Clear the current axes.""" # Note: this is ctotaled by Axes.__init__() self.xaxis.cla() self.yaxis.cla() for name,spine in self.spines.iteritems(): spine.cla() self.ignore_existing_data_limits = True self.ctotalbacks = cbook.CtotalbackRegistry() if self._sharex is not None: # major and get_minor are class instances with # locator and formatter attributes self.xaxis.major = self._sharex.xaxis.major self.xaxis.get_minor = self._sharex.xaxis.get_minor x0, x1 = self._sharex.get_xlim() self.set_xlim(x0, x1, emit=False, auto=None) # Save the current formatter/locator so we don't lose it majf = self._sharex.xaxis.get_major_formatter() get_minf = self._sharex.xaxis.get_get_minor_formatter() majl = self._sharex.xaxis.get_major_locator() get_minl = self._sharex.xaxis.get_get_minor_locator() # This overwrites the current formatter/locator self.xaxis.set_scale(self._sharex.xaxis.get_scale()) # Reset the formatter/locator self.xaxis.set_major_formatter(majf) self.xaxis.set_get_minor_formatter(get_minf) self.xaxis.set_major_locator(majl) self.xaxis.set_get_minor_locator(get_minl) else: self.xaxis.set_scale('linear') if self._sharey is not None: self.yaxis.major = self._sharey.yaxis.major self.yaxis.get_minor = self._sharey.yaxis.get_minor y0, y1 = self._sharey.get_ylim() self.set_ylim(y0, y1, emit=False, auto=None) # Save the current formatter/locator so we don't lose it majf = self._sharey.yaxis.get_major_formatter() get_minf = self._sharey.yaxis.get_get_minor_formatter() majl = self._sharey.yaxis.get_major_locator() get_minl = self._sharey.yaxis.get_get_minor_locator() # This overwrites the current formatter/locator self.yaxis.set_scale(self._sharey.yaxis.get_scale()) # Reset the formatter/locator self.yaxis.set_major_formatter(majf) self.yaxis.set_get_minor_formatter(get_minf) self.yaxis.set_major_locator(majl) self.yaxis.set_get_minor_locator(get_minl) else: self.yaxis.set_scale('linear') self._autoscaleXon = True self._autoscaleYon = True self._xmargin = 0 self._ymargin = 0 self._tight = False self._update_transScale() # needed? self._get_lines = _process_plot_var_args(self) self._get_patches_for_fill = _process_plot_var_args(self, 'fill') self._gridOn = rcParams['axes.grid'] self.lines = [] self.patches = [] self.texts = [] self.tables = [] self.artists = [] self.imaginaryes = [] self._current_imaginarye = None # strictly for pyplot via _sci, _gci self.legend_ = None self.collections = [] # collection.Collection instances self.containers = [] # self.grid(self._gridOn) props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=rcParams['axes.titlesize']) self.titleOffsetTrans = mtransforms.ScaledTranslation( 0.0, 5.0 / 72.0, self.figure.dpi_scale_trans) self.title = mtext.Text( x=0.5, y=1.0, text='', fontproperties=props, verticalalignment='baseline', horizontalalignment='center', ) self.title.set_transform(self.transAxes + self.titleOffsetTrans) self.title.set_clip_box(None) self._set_artist_props(self.title) # the patch draws the background of the axes. we want this to # be below the other artists; the axesPatch name is # deprecated. We use the frame to draw the edges so we are # setting the edgecolor to None self.patch = self.axesPatch = self._gen_axes_patch() self.patch.set_figure(self.figure) self.patch.set_facecolor(self._axisbg) self.patch.set_edgecolor('None') self.patch.set_linewidth(0) self.patch.set_transform(self.transAxes) self.axison = True self.xaxis.set_clip_path(self.patch) self.yaxis.set_clip_path(self.patch) self._shared_x_axes.clean() self._shared_y_axes.clean() def get_frame(self): raise AttributeError('Axes.frame was removed in favor of Axes.spines') frame = property(get_frame) def clear(self): """clear the axes""" self.cla() def set_color_cycle(self, clist): """ Set the color cycle for any_condition future plot commands on this Axes. *clist* is a list of mpl color specifiers. """ self._get_lines.set_color_cycle(clist) self._get_patches_for_fill.set_color_cycle(clist) def ishold(self): """return the HOLD status of the axes""" return self._hold def hold(self, b=None): """ Ctotal signature:: hold(b=None) Set the hold state. If *hold* is *None* (default), toggle the *hold* state. Else set the *hold* state to boolean value *b*. Examples:: # toggle hold hold() # turn hold on hold(True) # turn hold off hold(False) When hold is *True*, subsequent plot commands will be add_concated to the current axes. When hold is *False*, the current axes and figure will be cleared on the next plot command """ if b is None: self._hold = not self._hold else: self._hold = b def get_aspect(self): return self._aspect def set_aspect(self, aspect, adjustable=None, anchor=None): """ *aspect* ======== ================================================ value description ======== ================================================ 'auto' automatic; fill position rectangle with data 'normlizattional' same as 'auto'; deprecated 'equal' same scaling from data to plot units for x and y num a circle will be stretched such that the height is num times the width. aspect=1 is the same as aspect='equal'. ======== ================================================ *adjustable* ============ ===================================== value description ============ ===================================== 'box' change physical size of axes 'datalim' change xlim or ylim 'box-forced' same as 'box', but axes can be shared ============ ===================================== 'box' does not totalow axes sharing, as this can cause unintended side effect. For cases when sharing axes is fine, use 'box-forced'. *anchor* ===== ===================== value description ===== ===================== 'C' centered 'SW' lower left corner 'S' middle of bottom edge 'SE' lower right corner etc. ===== ===================== """ if aspect in ('normlizattional', 'auto'): self._aspect = 'auto' elif aspect == 'equal': self._aspect = 'equal' else: self._aspect = float(aspect) # raise ValueError if necessary if adjustable is not None: self.set_adjustable(adjustable) if anchor is not None: self.set_anchor(anchor) def get_adjustable(self): return self._adjustable def set_adjustable(self, adjustable): """ ACCEPTS: [ 'box' | 'datalim' | 'box-forced'] """ if adjustable in ('box', 'datalim', 'box-forced'): if self in self._shared_x_axes or self in self._shared_y_axes: if adjustable == 'box': raise ValueError( 'adjustable must be "datalim" for shared axes') self._adjustable = adjustable else: raise ValueError('argument must be "box", or "datalim"') def get_anchor(self): return self._anchor def set_anchor(self, anchor): """ *anchor* ===== ============ value description ===== ============ 'C' Center 'SW' bottom left 'S' bottom 'SE' bottom right 'E' right 'NE' top right 'N' top 'NW' top left 'W' left ===== ============ """ if anchor in mtransforms.Bbox.coefs.keys() or len(anchor) == 2: self._anchor = anchor else: raise ValueError('argument must be among %s' % ', '.join(mtransforms.Bbox.coefs.keys())) def get_data_ratio(self): """ Returns the aspect ratio of the raw data. This method is intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ xget_min,xget_max = self.get_xbound() yget_min,yget_max = self.get_ybound() xsize = get_max(math.fabsolute(xget_max-xget_min), 1e-30) ysize = get_max(math.fabsolute(yget_max-yget_min), 1e-30) return ysize/xsize def get_data_ratio_log(self): """ Returns the aspect ratio of the raw data in log scale. Will be used when both axis scales are in log. """ xget_min,xget_max = self.get_xbound() yget_min,yget_max = self.get_ybound() xsize = get_max(math.fabsolute(math.log10(xget_max)-math.log10(xget_min)), 1e-30) ysize = get_max(math.fabsolute(math.log10(yget_max)-math.log10(yget_min)), 1e-30) return ysize/xsize def apply_aspect(self, position=None): """ Use :meth:`_aspect` and :meth:`_adjustable` to modify the axes box or the view limits. """ if position is None: position = self.get_position(original=True) aspect = self.get_aspect() if != 'polar': xscale, yscale = self.get_xscale(), self.get_yscale() if xscale == "linear" and yscale == "linear": aspect_scale_mode = "linear" elif xscale == "log" and yscale == "log": aspect_scale_mode = "log" elif (xscale == "linear" and yscale == "log") or \ (xscale == "log" and yscale == "linear"): if aspect is not "auto": warnings.warn( 'aspect is not supported for Axes with xscale=%s, yscale=%s' \ % (xscale, yscale)) aspect = "auto" else: # some custom projections have their own scales. pass else: aspect_scale_mode = "linear" if aspect == 'auto': self.set_position( position , which='active') return if aspect == 'equal': A = 1 else: A = aspect #Ensure at drawing time that any_condition Axes inverseolved in axis-sharing # does not have its position changed. if self in self._shared_x_axes or self in self._shared_y_axes: if self._adjustable == 'box': self._adjustable = 'datalim' warnings.warn( 'shared axes: "adjustable" is being changed to "datalim"') figW,figH = self.get_figure().get_size_inches() fig_aspect = figH/figW if self._adjustable in ['box', 'box-forced']: if aspect_scale_mode == "log": box_aspect = A * self.get_data_ratio_log() else: box_aspect = A * self.get_data_ratio() pb = position.frozen() pb1 = pb.shrunk_to_aspect(box_aspect, pb, fig_aspect) self.set_position(pb1.anchored(self.get_anchor(), pb), 'active') return # reset active to original in case it had been changed # by prior use of 'box' self.set_position(position, which='active') xget_min,xget_max = self.get_xbound() yget_min,yget_max = self.get_ybound() if aspect_scale_mode == "log": xget_min, xget_max = math.log10(xget_min), math.log10(xget_max) yget_min, yget_max = math.log10(yget_min), math.log10(yget_max) xsize = get_max(math.fabsolute(xget_max-xget_min), 1e-30) ysize = get_max(math.fabsolute(yget_max-yget_min), 1e-30) l,b,w,h = position.bounds box_aspect = fig_aspect * (h/w) data_ratio = box_aspect / A y_expander = (data_ratio*xsize/ysize - 1.0) #print 'y_expander', y_expander # If y_expander > 0, the dy/dx viewLim ratio needs to increase if absolute(y_expander) < 0.005: #print 'good enough already' return if aspect_scale_mode == "log": dL = self.dataLim dL_width = math.log10(dL.x1) - math.log10(dL.x0) dL_height = math.log10(dL.y1) - math.log10(dL.y0) xr = 1.05 * dL_width yr = 1.05 * dL_height else: dL = self.dataLim xr = 1.05 * dL.width yr = 1.05 * dL.height xmarg = xsize - xr ymarg = ysize - yr Ysize = data_ratio * xsize Xsize = ysize / data_ratio Xmarg = Xsize - xr Ymarg = Ysize - yr xm = 0 # Setting these targets to, e.g., 0.05*xr does not seem to help. ym = 0 #print 'xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max', xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max #print 'xsize, Xsize, ysize, Ysize', xsize, Xsize, ysize, Ysize changex = (self in self._shared_y_axes and self not in self._shared_x_axes) changey = (self in self._shared_x_axes and self not in self._shared_y_axes) if changex and changey: warnings.warn("adjustable='datalim' cannot work with shared " "x and y axes") return if changex: adjust_y = False else: #print 'xmarg, ymarg, Xmarg, Ymarg', xmarg, ymarg, Xmarg, Ymarg if xmarg > xm and ymarg > ym: adjy = ((Ymarg > 0 and y_expander < 0) or (Xmarg < 0 and y_expander > 0)) else: adjy = y_expander > 0 #print 'y_expander, adjy', y_expander, adjy adjust_y = changey or adjy #(Ymarg > xmarg) if adjust_y: yc = 0.5*(yget_min+yget_max) y0 = yc - Ysize/2.0 y1 = yc + Ysize/2.0 if aspect_scale_mode == "log": self.set_ybound((10.**y0, 10.**y1)) else: self.set_ybound((y0, y1)) #print 'New y0, y1:', y0, y1 #print 'New ysize, ysize/xsize', y1-y0, (y1-y0)/xsize else: xc = 0.5*(xget_min+xget_max) x0 = xc - Xsize/2.0 x1 = xc + Xsize/2.0 if aspect_scale_mode == "log": self.set_xbound((10.**x0, 10.**x1)) else: self.set_xbound((x0, x1)) #print 'New x0, x1:', x0, x1 #print 'New xsize, ysize/xsize', x1-x0, ysize/(x1-x0) def axis(self, *v, **kwargs): """ Convenience method for manipulating the x and y view limits and the aspect ratio of the plot. For details, see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.axis`. *kwargs* are passed on to :meth:`set_xlim` and :meth:`set_ylim` """ if len(v) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0: xget_min, xget_max = self.get_xlim() yget_min, yget_max = self.get_ylim() return xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max if len(v)==1 and is_string_like(v[0]): s = v[0].lower() if s=='on': self.set_axis_on() elif s=='off': self.set_axis_off() elif s in ('equal', 'tight', 'scaled', 'normlizattional', 'auto', 'imaginarye'): self.set_autoscale_on(True) self.set_aspect('auto') self.autoscale_view(tight=False) # self.apply_aspect() if s=='equal': self.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim') elif s == 'scaled': self.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box', anchor='C') self.set_autoscale_on(False) # Req. by <NAME> elif s=='tight': self.autoscale_view(tight=True) self.set_autoscale_on(False) elif s == 'imaginarye': self.autoscale_view(tight=True) self.set_autoscale_on(False) self.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box', anchor='C') else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized string %s to axis; ' 'try on or off' % s) xget_min, xget_max = self.get_xlim() yget_min, yget_max = self.get_ylim() return xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max emit = kwargs.get('emit', True) try: v[0] except IndexError: xget_min = kwargs.get('xget_min', None) xget_max = kwargs.get('xget_max', None) auto = False # turn off autoscaling, unless... if xget_min is None and xget_max is None: auto = None # leave autoscaling state alone xget_min, xget_max = self.set_xlim(xget_min, xget_max, emit=emit, auto=auto) yget_min = kwargs.get('yget_min', None) yget_max = kwargs.get('yget_max', None) auto = False # turn off autoscaling, unless... if yget_min is None and yget_max is None: auto = None # leave autoscaling state alone yget_min, yget_max = self.set_ylim(yget_min, yget_max, emit=emit, auto=auto) return xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max v = v[0] if len(v) != 4: raise ValueError('v must contain [xget_min xget_max yget_min yget_max]') self.set_xlim([v[0], v[1]], emit=emit, auto=False) self.set_ylim([v[2], v[3]], emit=emit, auto=False) return v def get_child_artists(self): """ Return a list of artists the axes contains. .. deprecated:: 0.98 """ raise mplDeprecation('Use get_children instead') def get_frame(self): """Return the axes Rectangle frame""" warnings.warn('use ax.patch instead', mplDeprecation) return self.patch def get_legend(self): """Return the legend.Legend instance, or None if no legend is defined""" return self.legend_ def get_imaginaryes(self): """return a list of Axes imaginaryes contained by the Axes""" return cbook.silent_list('AxesImage', self.imaginaryes) def get_lines(self): """Return a list of lines contained by the Axes""" return cbook.silent_list('Line2D', self.lines) def get_xaxis(self): """Return the XAxis instance""" return self.xaxis def get_xgridlines(self): """Get the x grid lines as a list of Line2D instances""" return cbook.silent_list('Line2D xgridline', self.xaxis.get_gridlines()) def get_xticklines(self): """Get the xtick lines as a list of Line2D instances""" return cbook.silent_list('Text xtickline', self.xaxis.get_ticklines()) def get_yaxis(self): """Return the YAxis instance""" return self.yaxis def get_ygridlines(self): """Get the y grid lines as a list of Line2D instances""" return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ygridline', self.yaxis.get_gridlines()) def get_yticklines(self): """Get the ytick lines as a list of Line2D instances""" return cbook.silent_list('Line2D ytickline', self.yaxis.get_ticklines()) #### Adding and tracking artists def _sci(self, im): """ helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.sci`; do not use elsefilter_condition. """ if isinstance(im, matplotlib.contour.ContourSet): if im.collections[0] not in self.collections: raise ValueError( "ContourSet must be in current Axes") elif im not in self.imaginaryes and im not in self.collections: raise ValueError( "Argument must be an imaginarye, collection, or ContourSet in this Axes") self._current_imaginarye = im def _gci(self): """ Helper for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.gci`; do not use elsefilter_condition. """ return self._current_imaginarye def has_data(self): """ Return *True* if any_condition artists have been add_concated to axes. This should not be used to deterget_mine whether the *dataLim* need to be updated, and may not actutotaly be useful for any_conditionthing. """ return ( len(self.collections) + len(self.imaginaryes) + len(self.lines) + len(self.patches))>0 def add_concat_artist(self, a): """ Add any_condition :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` to the axes. Returns the artist. """ a.set_axes(self) self.artists.apd(a) self._set_artist_props(a) a.set_clip_path(self.patch) a._remove_method = lambda h: self.artists.remove(h) return a def add_concat_collection(self, collection, autolim=True): """ Add a :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` instance to the axes. Returns the collection. """ label = collection.get_label() if not label: collection.set_label('_collection%d'%len(self.collections)) self.collections.apd(collection) self._set_artist_props(collection) if collection.get_clip_path() is None: collection.set_clip_path(self.patch) if autolim: if collection._paths and len(collection._paths): self.update_datalim(collection.get_datalim(self.transData)) collection._remove_method = lambda h: self.collections.remove(h) return collection def add_concat_line(self, line): """ Add a :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` to the list of plot lines Returns the line. """ self._set_artist_props(line) if line.get_clip_path() is None: line.set_clip_path(self.patch) self._update_line_limits(line) if not line.get_label(): line.set_label('_line%d' % len(self.lines)) self.lines.apd(line) line._remove_method = lambda h: self.lines.remove(h) return line def _update_line_limits(self, line): """Figures out the data limit of the given line, updating self.dataLim.""" path = line.get_path() if path.vertices.size == 0: return line_trans = line.get_transform() if line_trans == self.transData: data_path = path elif any_condition(line_trans.contains_branch_seperately(self.transData)): # identify the transform to go from line's coordinates # to data coordinates trans_to_data = line_trans - self.transData # if transData is affine we can use the cached non-affine component # of line's path. (since the non-affine part of line_trans is # entirely encapsulated in trans_to_data). if self.transData.is_affine: line_trans_path = line._get_transformed_path() na_path, _ = line_trans_path.get_transformed_path_and_affine() data_path = trans_to_data.transform_path_affine(na_path) else: data_path = trans_to_data.transform_path(path) else: # for backwards compatibility we update the dataLim with the # coordinate range of the given path, even though the coordinate # systems are completely differenceerent. This may occur in situations # such as when ax.transAxes is passed through for absoluteolute # positioning. data_path = path if data_path.vertices.size > 0: updatex, updatey = line_trans.contains_branch_seperately( self.transData ) self.dataLim.update_from_path(data_path, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=updatex, updatey=updatey) self.ignore_existing_data_limits = False def add_concat_patch(self, p): """ Add a :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` *p* to the list of axes patches; the clipbox will be set to the Axes clipping box. If the transform is not set, it will be set to :attr:`transData`. Returns the patch. """ self._set_artist_props(p) if p.get_clip_path() is None: p.set_clip_path(self.patch) self._update_patch_limits(p) self.patches.apd(p) p._remove_method = lambda h: self.patches.remove(h) return p def _update_patch_limits(self, patch): """update the data limits for patch *p*""" # hist can add_concat zero height Rectangles, which is useful to keep # the bins, counts and patches lined up, but it throws off log # scaling. We'll ignore rects with zero height or width in # the auto-scaling # cannot check for '==0' since unitized data may not compare to zero if (isinstance(patch, mpatches.Rectangle) and ((not patch.get_width()) or (not patch.get_height()))): return vertices = patch.get_path().vertices if vertices.size > 0: xys = patch.get_patch_transform().transform(vertices) if patch.get_data_transform() != self.transData: patch_to_data = (patch.get_data_transform() - self.transData) xys = patch_to_data.transform(xys) updatex, updatey = patch.get_transform().\ contains_branch_seperately(self.transData) self.update_datalim(xys, updatex=updatex, updatey=updatey) def add_concat_table(self, tab): """ Add a :class:`~matplotlib.tables.Table` instance to the list of axes tables Returns the table. """ self._set_artist_props(tab) self.tables.apd(tab) tab.set_clip_path(self.patch) tab._remove_method = lambda h: self.tables.remove(h) return tab def add_concat_container(self, container): """ Add a :class:`~matplotlib.container.Container` instance to the axes. Returns the collection. """ label = container.get_label() if not label: container.set_label('_container%d'%len(self.containers)) self.containers.apd(container) container.set_remove_method(lambda h: self.containers.remove(h)) return container def relim(self): """ Recompute the data limits based on current artists. At present, :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` instances are not supported. """ # Collections are deliberately not supported (yet); see # the TODO note in self.dataLim.ignore(True) self.ignore_existing_data_limits = True for line in self.lines: self._update_line_limits(line) for p in self.patches: self._update_patch_limits(p) def update_datalim(self, xys, updatex=True, updatey=True): """Update the data lim bbox with seq of xy tups or equiv. 2-D numset""" # if no data is set currently, the bbox will ignore its # limits and set the bound to be the bounds of the xydata. # Otherwise, it will compute the bounds of it's current data # and the data in xydata if iterable(xys) and not len(xys): return if not ma.isMaskedArray(xys): xys = bn.asnumset(xys) self.dataLim.update_from_data_xy(xys, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=updatex, updatey=updatey) self.ignore_existing_data_limits = False def update_datalim_numerix(self, x, y): """Update the data lim bbox with seq of xy tups""" # if no data is set currently, the bbox will ignore it's # limits and set the bound to be the bounds of the xydata. # Otherwise, it will compute the bounds of it's current data # and the data in xydata if iterable(x) and not len(x): return self.dataLim.update_from_data(x, y, self.ignore_existing_data_limits) self.ignore_existing_data_limits = False def update_datalim_bounds(self, bounds): """ Update the datalim to include the given :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` *bounds* """ self.dataLim.set(mtransforms.Bbox.union([self.dataLim, bounds])) def _process_unit_info(self, xdata=None, ydata=None, kwargs=None): """Look for unit *kwargs* and update the axis instances as necessary""" if self.xaxis is None or self.yaxis is None: return #print 'processing', self.get_geometry() if xdata is not None: # we only need to update if there is nothing set yet. if not self.xaxis.have_units(): self.xaxis.update_units(xdata) #print '\tset from xdata', self.xaxis.units if ydata is not None: # we only need to update if there is nothing set yet. if not self.yaxis.have_units(): self.yaxis.update_units(ydata) #print '\tset from ydata', self.yaxis.units # process kwargs 2nd since these will override default units if kwargs is not None: xunits = kwargs.pop( 'xunits', self.xaxis.units) if == 'polar': xunits = kwargs.pop( 'thetaunits', xunits ) if xunits!=self.xaxis.units: #print '\tkw setting xunits', xunits self.xaxis.set_units(xunits) # If the units being set imply a differenceerent converter, # we need to update. if xdata is not None: self.xaxis.update_units(xdata) yunits = kwargs.pop('yunits', self.yaxis.units) if == 'polar': yunits = kwargs.pop( 'runits', yunits ) if yunits!=self.yaxis.units: #print '\tkw setting yunits', yunits self.yaxis.set_units(yunits) # If the units being set imply a differenceerent converter, # we need to update. if ydata is not None: self.yaxis.update_units(ydata) def in_axes(self, mouseevent): """ Return *True* if the given *mouseevent* (in display coords) is in the Axes """ return self.patch.contains(mouseevent)[0] def get_autoscale_on(self): """ Get whether autoscaling is applied for both axes on plot commands """ return self._autoscaleXon and self._autoscaleYon def get_autoscalex_on(self): """ Get whether autoscaling for the x-axis is applied on plot commands """ return self._autoscaleXon def get_autoscaley_on(self): """ Get whether autoscaling for the y-axis is applied on plot commands """ return self._autoscaleYon def set_autoscale_on(self, b): """ Set whether autoscaling is applied on plot commands accepts: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._autoscaleXon = b self._autoscaleYon = b def set_autoscalex_on(self, b): """ Set whether autoscaling for the x-axis is applied on plot commands accepts: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._autoscaleXon = b def set_autoscaley_on(self, b): """ Set whether autoscaling for the y-axis is applied on plot commands accepts: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._autoscaleYon = b def set_xmargin(self, m): """ Set padd_concating of X data limits prior to autoscaling. *m* times the data interval will be add_concated to each end of that interval before it is used in autoscaling. accepts: float in range 0 to 1 """ if m < 0 or m > 1: raise ValueError("margin must be in range 0 to 1") self._xmargin = m def set_ymargin(self, m): """ Set padd_concating of Y data limits prior to autoscaling. *m* times the data interval will be add_concated to each end of that interval before it is used in autoscaling. accepts: float in range 0 to 1 """ if m < 0 or m > 1: raise ValueError("margin must be in range 0 to 1") self._ymargin = m def margins(self, *args, **kw): """ Set or retrieve autoscaling margins. signatures:: margins() returns xmargin, ymargin :: margins(margin) margins(xmargin, ymargin) margins(x=xmargin, y=ymargin) margins(..., tight=False) All three forms above set the xmargin and ymargin parameters. All keyword parameters are optional. A single argument specifies both xmargin and ymargin. The *tight* parameter is passed to :meth:`autoscale_view`, which is executed after a margin is changed; the default here is *True*, on the astotal_countption that when margins are specified, no add_concatitional padd_concating to match tick marks is usutotaly desired. Setting *tight* to *None* will preserve the previous setting. Specifying any_condition margin changes only the autoscaling; for example, if *xmargin* is not None, then *xmargin* times the X data interval will be add_concated to each end of that interval before it is used in autoscaling. """ if not args and not kw: return self._xmargin, self._ymargin tight = kw.pop('tight', True) mx = kw.pop('x', None) my = kw.pop('y', None) if len(args) == 1: mx = my = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: mx, my = args else: raise ValueError("more than two arguments were supplied") if mx is not None: self.set_xmargin(mx) if my is not None: self.set_ymargin(my) scalex = (mx is not None) scaley = (my is not None) self.autoscale_view(tight=tight, scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley) def set_rasterization_zorder(self, z): """ Set zorder value below which artists will be rasterized. Set to `None` to disable rasterizing of artists below a particular zorder. """ self._rasterization_zorder = z def get_rasterization_zorder(self): """ Get zorder value below which artists will be rasterized """ return self._rasterization_zorder def autoscale(self, enable=True, axis='both', tight=None): """ Autoscale the axis view to the data (toggle). Convenience method for simple axis view autoscaling. It turns autoscaling on or off, and then, if autoscaling for either axis is on, it performs the autoscaling on the specified axis or axes. *enable*: [True | False | None] True (default) turns autoscaling on, False turns it off. None leaves the autoscaling state unchanged. *axis*: ['x' | 'y' | 'both'] which axis to operate on; default is 'both' *tight*: [True | False | None] If True, set view limits to data limits; if False, let the locator and margins expand the view limits; if None, use tight scaling if the only artist is an imaginarye, otherwise treat *tight* as False. The *tight* setting is retained for future autoscaling until it is explicitly changed. Returns None. """ if enable is None: scalex = True scaley = True else: scalex = False scaley = False if axis in ['x', 'both']: self._autoscaleXon = bool(enable) scalex = self._autoscaleXon if axis in ['y', 'both']: self._autoscaleYon = bool(enable) scaley = self._autoscaleYon self.autoscale_view(tight=tight, scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley) def autoscale_view(self, tight=None, scalex=True, scaley=True): """ Autoscale the view limits using the data limits. You can selectively autoscale only a single axis, eg, the xaxis by setting *scaley* to *False*. The autoscaling preserves any_condition axis direction reversal that has already been done. The data limits are not updated automatictotaly when artist data are changed after the artist has been add_concated to an Axes instance. In that case, use :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.relim` prior to ctotaling autoscale_view. """ if tight is None: # if imaginarye data only just use the datalim _tight = self._tight or (len(self.imaginaryes)>0 and len(self.lines)==0 and len(self.patches)==0) else: _tight = self._tight = bool(tight) if scalex and self._autoscaleXon: xshared = self._shared_x_axes.get_siblings(self) dl = [ax.dataLim for ax in xshared] bb = mtransforms.BboxBase.union(dl) x0, x1 = bb.intervalx xlocator = self.xaxis.get_major_locator() try: # e.g. DateLocator has its own nonsingular() x0, x1 = xlocator.nonsingular(x0, x1) except AttributeError: # Default nonsingular for, e.g., MaxNLocator x0, x1 = mtransforms.nonsingular(x0, x1, increasing=False, expander=0.05) if self._xmargin > 0: delta = (x1 - x0) * self._xmargin x0 -= delta x1 += delta if not _tight: x0, x1 = xlocator.view_limits(x0, x1) self.set_xbound(x0, x1) if scaley and self._autoscaleYon: yshared = self._shared_y_axes.get_siblings(self) dl = [ax.dataLim for ax in yshared] bb = mtransforms.BboxBase.union(dl) y0, y1 = bb.intervaly ylocator = self.yaxis.get_major_locator() try: y0, y1 = ylocator.nonsingular(y0, y1) except AttributeError: y0, y1 = mtransforms.nonsingular(y0, y1, increasing=False, expander=0.05) if self._ymargin > 0: delta = (y1 - y0) * self._ymargin y0 -= delta y1 += delta if not _tight: y0, y1 = ylocator.view_limits(y0, y1) self.set_ybound(y0, y1) #### Drawing @totalow_rasterization def draw(self, renderer=None, inframe=False): """Draw everything (plot lines, axes, labels)""" if renderer is None: renderer = self._cachedRenderer if renderer is None: raise RuntimeError('No renderer defined') if not self.get_visible(): return renderer.open_group('axes') locator = self.get_axes_locator() if locator: pos = locator(self, renderer) self.apply_aspect(pos) else: self.apply_aspect() artists = [] artists.extend(self.collections) artists.extend(self.patches) artists.extend(self.lines) artists.extend(self.texts) artists.extend(self.artists) if self.axison and not inframe: if self._axisbelow: self.xaxis.set_zorder(0.5) self.yaxis.set_zorder(0.5) else: self.xaxis.set_zorder(2.5) self.yaxis.set_zorder(2.5) artists.extend([self.xaxis, self.yaxis]) if not inframe: artists.apd(self.title) artists.extend(self.tables) if self.legend_ is not None: artists.apd(self.legend_) # the frame draws the edges around the axes patch -- we # decouple these so the patch can be in the background and the # frame in the foreground. if self.axison and self._frameon: artists.extend(self.spines.itervalues()) dsu = [ (a.zorder, a) for a in artists if not a.get_animated() ] # add_concat imaginaryes to dsu if the backend support compositing. # otherwise, does the manaul compositing without add_concating imaginaryes to dsu. if len(self.imaginaryes)<=1 or renderer.option_imaginarye_nocomposite(): dsu.extend([(im.zorder, im) for im in self.imaginaryes]) _do_composite = False else: _do_composite = True dsu.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) # rasterize artists with negative zorder # if the get_minimum zorder is negative, start rasterization rasterization_zorder = self._rasterization_zorder if (rasterization_zorder is not None and len(dsu) > 0 and dsu[0][0] < rasterization_zorder): renderer.start_rasterizing() dsu_rasterized = [l for l in dsu if l[0] < rasterization_zorder] dsu = [l for l in dsu if l[0] >= rasterization_zorder] else: dsu_rasterized = [] # the patch draws the background rectangle -- the frame below # will draw the edges if self.axison and self._frameon: self.patch.draw(renderer) if _do_composite: # make a composite imaginarye blending alpha # list of (mimaginarye.Image, ox, oy) zorder_imaginaryes = [(im.zorder, im) for im in self.imaginaryes \ if im.get_visible()] zorder_imaginaryes.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) mag = renderer.get_imaginarye_magnification() ims = [(im.make_imaginarye(mag),0,0) for z,im in zorder_imaginaryes] l, b, r, t = self.bbox.extents width = mag*((round(r) + 0.5) - (round(l) - 0.5)) height = mag*((round(t) + 0.5) - (round(b) - 0.5)) im = mimaginarye.from_imaginaryes(height, width, ims) im.is_grayscale = False l, b, w, h = self.bbox.bounds # composite imaginaryes need special args so they will not # respect z-order for now gc = renderer.new_gc() gc.set_clip_rectangle(self.bbox) gc.set_clip_path(mtransforms.TransformedPath( self.patch.get_path(), self.patch.get_transform())) renderer.draw_imaginarye(gc, round(l), round(b), im) gc.restore() if dsu_rasterized: for zorder, a in dsu_rasterized: a.draw(renderer) renderer.stop_rasterizing() for zorder, a in dsu: a.draw(renderer) renderer.close_group('axes') self._cachedRenderer = renderer def draw_artist(self, a): """ This method can only be used after an initial draw which caches the renderer. It is used to efficiently update Axes data (axis ticks, labels, etc are not updated) """ assert self._cachedRenderer is not None a.draw(self._cachedRenderer) def redraw_in_frame(self): """ This method can only be used after an initial draw which caches the renderer. It is used to efficiently update Axes data (axis ticks, labels, etc are not updated) """ assert self._cachedRenderer is not None self.draw(self._cachedRenderer, inframe=True) def get_renderer_cache(self): return self._cachedRenderer def __draw_animate(self): # ignore for now; broken if self._lastRenderer is None: raise RuntimeError('You must first ctotal ax.draw()') dsu = [(a.zorder, a) for a in self.animated.keys()] dsu.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) renderer = self._lastRenderer renderer.blit() for tmp, a in dsu: a.draw(renderer) #### Axes rectangle characteristics def get_frame_on(self): """ Get whether the axes rectangle patch is drawn """ return self._frameon def set_frame_on(self, b): """ Set whether the axes rectangle patch is drawn ACCEPTS: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._frameon = b def get_axisbelow(self): """ Get whether axis below is true or not """ return self._axisbelow def set_axisbelow(self, b): """ Set whether the axis ticks and gridlines are above or below most artists ACCEPTS: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._axisbelow = b @docstring.dedent_interpd def grid(self, b=None, which='major', axis='both', **kwargs): """ Turn the axes grids on or off. Ctotal signature:: grid(self, b=None, which='major', axis='both', **kwargs) Set the axes grids on or off; *b* is a boolean. (For MATLAB compatibility, *b* may also be a string, 'on' or 'off'.) If *b* is *None* and ``len(kwargs)==0``, toggle the grid state. If *kwargs* are supplied, it is astotal_counted that you want a grid and *b* is thus set to *True*. *which* can be 'major' (default), 'get_minor', or 'both' to control whether major tick grids, get_minor tick grids, or both are affected. *axis* can be 'both' (default), 'x', or 'y' to control which set of gridlines are drawn. *kwargs* are used to set the grid line properties, eg:: ax.grid(color='r', linestyle='-', linewidth=2) Valid :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` kwargs are %(Line2D)s """ if len(kwargs): b = True b = _string_to_bool(b) if axis == 'x' or axis == 'both': self.xaxis.grid(b, which=which, **kwargs) if axis == 'y' or axis == 'both': self.yaxis.grid(b, which=which, **kwargs) def ticklabel_format(self, **kwargs): """ Change the `~matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter` used by default for linear axes. Optional keyword arguments: ============ ========================================= Keyword Description ============ ========================================= *style* [ 'sci' (or 'scientific') | 'plain' ] plain turns off scientific notation *scilimits* (m, n), pair of integers; if *style* is 'sci', scientific notation will be used for numbers outside the range 10`m`:sup: to 10`n`:sup:. Use (0,0) to include total numbers. *useOffset* [True | False | offset]; if True, the offset will be calculated as needed; if False, no offset will be used; if a numeric offset is specified, it will be used. *axis* [ 'x' | 'y' | 'both' ] *useLocale* If True, format the number according to the current locale. This affects things such as the character used for the decimal separator. If False, use C-style (English) formatting. The default setting is controlled by the axes.formatter.use_locale rcparam. ============ ========================================= Only the major ticks are affected. If the method is ctotaled when the :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter` is not the :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.Formatter` being used, an :exc:`AttributeError` will be raised. """ style = kwargs.pop('style', '').lower() scilimits = kwargs.pop('scilimits', None) useOffset = kwargs.pop('useOffset', None) useLocale = kwargs.pop('useLocale', None) axis = kwargs.pop('axis', 'both').lower() if scilimits is not None: try: m, n = scilimits m+n+1 # check that both are numbers except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError("scilimits must be a sequence of 2 integers") if style[:3] == 'sci': sb = True elif style in ['plain', 'comma']: sb = False if style == 'plain': cb = False else: cb = True raise NotImplementedError("comma style remains to be add_concated") elif style == '': sb = None else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid style value") try: if sb is not None: if axis == 'both' or axis == 'x': self.xaxis.major.formatter.set_scientific(sb) if axis == 'both' or axis == 'y': self.yaxis.major.formatter.set_scientific(sb) if scilimits is not None: if axis == 'both' or axis == 'x': self.xaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits(scilimits) if axis == 'both' or axis == 'y': self.yaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits(scilimits) if useOffset is not None: if axis == 'both' or axis == 'x': self.xaxis.major.formatter.set_useOffset(useOffset) if axis == 'both' or axis == 'y': self.yaxis.major.formatter.set_useOffset(useOffset) if useLocale is not None: if axis == 'both' or axis == 'x': self.xaxis.major.formatter.set_useLocale(useLocale) if axis == 'both' or axis == 'y': self.yaxis.major.formatter.set_useLocale(useLocale) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "This method only works with the ScalarFormatter.") def locator_params(self, axis='both', tight=None, **kwargs): """ Control behavior of tick locators. Keyword arguments: *axis* ['x' | 'y' | 'both'] Axis on which to operate; default is 'both'. *tight* [True | False | None] Parameter passed to :meth:`autoscale_view`. Default is None, for no change. Remaining keyword arguments are passed to directly to the :meth:`~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator.set_params` method. Typictotaly one might want to reduce the get_maximum number of ticks and use tight bounds when plotting smtotal subplots, for example:: ax.locator_params(tight=True, nbins=4) Because the locator is inverseolved in autoscaling, :meth:`autoscale_view` is ctotaled automatictotaly after the parameters are changed. This presently works only for the :class:`~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator` used by default on linear axes, but it may be generalized. """ _x = axis in ['x', 'both'] _y = axis in ['y', 'both'] if _x: self.xaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(**kwargs) if _y: self.yaxis.get_major_locator().set_params(**kwargs) self.autoscale_view(tight=tight, scalex=_x, scaley=_y) def tick_params(self, axis='both', **kwargs): """ Change the appearance of ticks and tick labels. Keyword arguments: *axis* : ['x' | 'y' | 'both'] Axis on which to operate; default is 'both'. *reset* : [True | False] If *True*, set total parameters to defaults before processing other keyword arguments. Default is *False*. *which* : ['major' | 'get_minor' | 'both'] Default is 'major'; apply arguments to *which* ticks. *direction* : ['in' | 'out' | 'inout'] Puts ticks inside the axes, outside the axes, or both. *length* Tick length in points. *width* Tick width in points. *color* Tick color; accepts any_condition mpl color spec. *pad* Distance in points between tick and label. *labelsize* Tick label font size in points or as a string (e.g. 'large'). *labelcolor* Tick label color; mpl color spec. *colors* Changes the tick color and the label color to the same value: mpl color spec. *zorder* Tick and label zorder. *bottom*, *top*, *left*, *right* : [bool | 'on' | 'off'] controls whether to draw the respective ticks. *labelbottom*, *labeltop*, *labelleft*, *labelright* Boolean or ['on' | 'off'], controls whether to draw the respective tick labels. Example:: ax.tick_params(direction='out', length=6, width=2, colors='r') This will make total major ticks be red, pointing out of the box, and with dimensions 6 points by 2 points. Tick labels will also be red. """ if axis in ['x', 'both']: xkw = dict(kwargs) xkw.pop('left', None) xkw.pop('right', None) xkw.pop('labelleft', None) xkw.pop('labelright', None) self.xaxis.set_tick_params(**xkw) if axis in ['y', 'both']: ykw = dict(kwargs) ykw.pop('top', None) ykw.pop('bottom', None) ykw.pop('labeltop', None) ykw.pop('labelbottom', None) self.yaxis.set_tick_params(**ykw) def set_axis_off(self): """turn off the axis""" self.axison = False def set_axis_on(self): """turn on the axis""" self.axison = True def get_axis_bgcolor(self): """Return the axis background color""" return self._axisbg def set_axis_bgcolor(self, color): """ set the axes background color ACCEPTS: any_condition matplotlib color - see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.colors` """ self._axisbg = color self.patch.set_facecolor(color) ### data limits, ticks, tick labels, and formatting def inverseert_xaxis(self): "Invert the x-axis." left, right = self.get_xlim() self.set_xlim(right, left, auto=None) def xaxis_inverseerted(self): """Returns *True* if the x-axis is inverseerted.""" left, right = self.get_xlim() return right < left def get_xbound(self): """ Returns the x-axis numerical bounds filter_condition:: lowerBound < upperBound """ left, right = self.get_xlim() if left < right: return left, right else: return right, left def set_xbound(self, lower=None, upper=None): """ Set the lower and upper numerical bounds of the x-axis. This method will honor axes inverseersion regardless of parameter order. It will not change the _autoscaleXon attribute. """ if upper is None and iterable(lower): lower,upper = lower old_lower,old_upper = self.get_xbound() if lower is None: lower = old_lower if upper is None: upper = old_upper if self.xaxis_inverseerted(): if lower < upper: self.set_xlim(upper, lower, auto=None) else: self.set_xlim(lower, upper, auto=None) else: if lower < upper: self.set_xlim(lower, upper, auto=None) else: self.set_xlim(upper, lower, auto=None) def get_xlim(self): """ Get the x-axis range [*left*, *right*] """ return tuple(self.viewLim.intervalx) def set_xlim(self, left=None, right=None, emit=True, auto=False, **kw): """ Ctotal signature:: set_xlim(self, *args, **kwargs): Set the data limits for the xaxis Examples:: set_xlim((left, right)) set_xlim(left, right) set_xlim(left=1) # right unchanged set_xlim(right=1) # left unchanged Keyword arguments: *left*: scalar The left xlim; *xget_min*, the previous name, may still be used *right*: scalar The right xlim; *xget_max*, the previous name, may still be used *emit*: [ *True* | *False* ] Notify observers of limit change *auto*: [ *True* | *False* | *None* ] Turn *x* autoscaling on (*True*), off (*False*; default), or leave unchanged (*None*) Note, the *left* (formerly *xget_min*) value may be greater than the *right* (formerly *xget_max*). For example, suppose *x* is years before present. Then one might use:: set_ylim(5000, 0) so 5000 years ago is on the left of the plot and the present is on the right. Returns the current xlimits as a length 2 tuple ACCEPTS: length 2 sequence of floats """ if 'xget_min' in kw: left = kw.pop('xget_min') if 'xget_max' in kw: right = kw.pop('xget_max') if kw: raise ValueError("unrecognized kwargs: %s" % kw.keys()) if right is None and iterable(left): left,right = left self._process_unit_info(xdata=(left, right)) if left is not None: left = self.convert_xunits(left) if right is not None: right = self.convert_xunits(right) old_left, old_right = self.get_xlim() if left is None: left = old_left if right is None: right = old_right if left==right: warnings.warn(('Attempting to set identical left==right results\n' + 'in singular transformations; automatictotaly expanding.\n' + 'left=%s, right=%s') % (left, right)) left, right = mtransforms.nonsingular(left, right, increasing=False) left, right = self.xaxis.limit_range_for_scale(left, right) self.viewLim.intervalx = (left, right) if auto is not None: self._autoscaleXon = bool(auto) if emit: self.ctotalbacks.process('xlim_changed', self) # Ctotal total of the other x-axes that are shared with this one for other in self._shared_x_axes.get_siblings(self): if other is not self: other.set_xlim(self.viewLim.intervalx, emit=False, auto=auto) if (other.figure != self.figure and other.figure.canvas is not None): other.figure.canvas.draw_idle() return left, right def get_xscale(self): return self.xaxis.get_scale() get_xscale.__doc__ = "Return the xaxis scale string: %s""" % ( ", ".join(mscale.get_scale_names())) @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_xscale(self, value, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_xscale(value) Set the scaling of the x-axis: %(scale)s ACCEPTS: [%(scale)s] Different kwargs are accepted, depending on the scale: %(scale_docs)s """ self.xaxis.set_scale(value, **kwargs) self.autoscale_view(scaley=False) self._update_transScale() def get_xticks(self, get_minor=False): """Return the x ticks as a list of locations""" return self.xaxis.get_ticklocs(get_minor=get_minor) def set_xticks(self, ticks, get_minor=False): """ Set the x ticks with list of *ticks* ACCEPTS: sequence of floats """ return self.xaxis.set_ticks(ticks, get_minor=get_minor) def get_xmajorticklabels(self): """ Get the xtick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances. """ return cbook.silent_list('Text xticklabel', self.xaxis.get_majorticklabels()) def get_xget_minorticklabels(self): """ Get the x get_minor tick labels as a list of :class:`matplotlib.text.Text` instances. """ return cbook.silent_list('Text xticklabel', self.xaxis.get_get_minorticklabels()) def get_xticklabels(self, get_minor=False): """ Get the x tick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances. """ return cbook.silent_list('Text xticklabel', self.xaxis.get_ticklabels(get_minor=get_minor)) @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_xticklabels(self, labels, fontdict=None, get_minor=False, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_xticklabels(labels, fontdict=None, get_minor=False, **kwargs) Set the xtick labels with list of strings *labels*. Return a list of axis text instances. *kwargs* set the :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties. Valid properties are %(Text)s ACCEPTS: sequence of strings """ return self.xaxis.set_ticklabels(labels, fontdict, get_minor=get_minor, **kwargs) def inverseert_yaxis(self): "Invert the y-axis." bottom, top = self.get_ylim() self.set_ylim(top, bottom, auto=None) def yaxis_inverseerted(self): """Returns *True* if the y-axis is inverseerted.""" bottom, top = self.get_ylim() return top < bottom def get_ybound(self): "Return y-axis numerical bounds in the form of lowerBound < upperBound" bottom, top = self.get_ylim() if bottom < top: return bottom, top else: return top, bottom def set_ybound(self, lower=None, upper=None): """ Set the lower and upper numerical bounds of the y-axis. This method will honor axes inverseersion regardless of parameter order. It will not change the _autoscaleYon attribute. """ if upper is None and iterable(lower): lower,upper = lower old_lower,old_upper = self.get_ybound() if lower is None: lower = old_lower if upper is None: upper = old_upper if self.yaxis_inverseerted(): if lower < upper: self.set_ylim(upper, lower, auto=None) else: self.set_ylim(lower, upper, auto=None) else: if lower < upper: self.set_ylim(lower, upper, auto=None) else: self.set_ylim(upper, lower, auto=None) def get_ylim(self): """ Get the y-axis range [*bottom*, *top*] """ return tuple(self.viewLim.intervaly) def set_ylim(self, bottom=None, top=None, emit=True, auto=False, **kw): """ Ctotal signature:: set_ylim(self, *args, **kwargs): Set the data limits for the yaxis Examples:: set_ylim((bottom, top)) set_ylim(bottom, top) set_ylim(bottom=1) # top unchanged set_ylim(top=1) # bottom unchanged Keyword arguments: *bottom*: scalar The bottom ylim; the previous name, *yget_min*, may still be used *top*: scalar The top ylim; the previous name, *yget_max*, may still be used *emit*: [ *True* | *False* ] Notify observers of limit change *auto*: [ *True* | *False* | *None* ] Turn *y* autoscaling on (*True*), off (*False*; default), or leave unchanged (*None*) Note, the *bottom* (formerly *yget_min*) value may be greater than the *top* (formerly *yget_max*). For example, suppose *y* is depth in the ocean. Then one might use:: set_ylim(5000, 0) so 5000 m depth is at the bottom of the plot and the surface, 0 m, is at the top. Returns the current ylimits as a length 2 tuple ACCEPTS: length 2 sequence of floats """ if 'yget_min' in kw: bottom = kw.pop('yget_min') if 'yget_max' in kw: top = kw.pop('yget_max') if kw: raise ValueError("unrecognized kwargs: %s" % kw.keys()) if top is None and iterable(bottom): bottom,top = bottom if bottom is not None: bottom = self.convert_yunits(bottom) if top is not None: top = self.convert_yunits(top) old_bottom, old_top = self.get_ylim() if bottom is None: bottom = old_bottom if top is None: top = old_top if bottom==top: warnings.warn(('Attempting to set identical bottom==top results\n' + 'in singular transformations; automatictotaly expanding.\n' + 'bottom=%s, top=%s') % (bottom, top)) bottom, top = mtransforms.nonsingular(bottom, top, increasing=False) bottom, top = self.yaxis.limit_range_for_scale(bottom, top) self.viewLim.intervaly = (bottom, top) if auto is not None: self._autoscaleYon = bool(auto) if emit: self.ctotalbacks.process('ylim_changed', self) # Ctotal total of the other y-axes that are shared with this one for other in self._shared_y_axes.get_siblings(self): if other is not self: other.set_ylim(self.viewLim.intervaly, emit=False, auto=auto) if (other.figure != self.figure and other.figure.canvas is not None): other.figure.canvas.draw_idle() return bottom, top def get_yscale(self): return self.yaxis.get_scale() get_yscale.__doc__ = "Return the yaxis scale string: %s""" % ( ", ".join(mscale.get_scale_names())) @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_yscale(self, value, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_yscale(value) Set the scaling of the y-axis: %(scale)s ACCEPTS: [%(scale)s] Different kwargs are accepted, depending on the scale: %(scale_docs)s """ self.yaxis.set_scale(value, **kwargs) self.autoscale_view(scalex=False) self._update_transScale() def get_yticks(self, get_minor=False): """Return the y ticks as a list of locations""" return self.yaxis.get_ticklocs(get_minor=get_minor) def set_yticks(self, ticks, get_minor=False): """ Set the y ticks with list of *ticks* ACCEPTS: sequence of floats Keyword arguments: *get_minor*: [ *False* | *True* ] Sets the get_minor ticks if *True* """ return self.yaxis.set_ticks(ticks, get_minor=get_minor) def get_ymajorticklabels(self): """ Get the major y tick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances. """ return cbook.silent_list('Text yticklabel', self.yaxis.get_majorticklabels()) def get_yget_minorticklabels(self): """ Get the get_minor y tick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances. """ return cbook.silent_list('Text yticklabel', self.yaxis.get_get_minorticklabels()) def get_yticklabels(self, get_minor=False): """ Get the y tick labels as a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances """ return cbook.silent_list('Text yticklabel', self.yaxis.get_ticklabels(get_minor=get_minor)) @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_yticklabels(self, labels, fontdict=None, get_minor=False, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_yticklabels(labels, fontdict=None, get_minor=False, **kwargs) Set the y tick labels with list of strings *labels*. Return a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances. *kwargs* set :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties for the labels. Valid properties are %(Text)s ACCEPTS: sequence of strings """ return self.yaxis.set_ticklabels(labels, fontdict, get_minor=get_minor, **kwargs) def xaxis_date(self, tz=None): """ Sets up x-axis ticks and labels that treat the x data as dates. *tz* is a timezone string or :class:`tzinfo` instance. Defaults to rc value. """ # should be enough to inform the unit conversion interface # dates are coget_ming in self.xaxis.axis_date(tz) def yaxis_date(self, tz=None): """ Sets up y-axis ticks and labels that treat the y data as dates. *tz* is a timezone string or :class:`tzinfo` instance. Defaults to rc value. """ self.yaxis.axis_date(tz) def format_xdata(self, x): """ Return *x* string formatted. This function will use the attribute self.fmt_xdata if it is ctotalable, else will ftotal back on the xaxis major formatter """ try: return self.fmt_xdata(x) except TypeError: func = self.xaxis.get_major_formatter().format_data_short val = func(x) return val def format_ydata(self, y): """ Return y string formatted. This function will use the :attr:`fmt_ydata` attribute if it is ctotalable, else will ftotal back on the yaxis major formatter """ try: return self.fmt_ydata(y) except TypeError: func = self.yaxis.get_major_formatter().format_data_short val = func(y) return val def format_coord(self, x, y): """Return a format string formatting the *x*, *y* coord""" if x is None: xs = '???' else: xs = self.format_xdata(x) if y is None: ys = '???' else: ys = self.format_ydata(y) return 'x=%s y=%s'%(xs,ys) #### Interactive manipulation def can_zoom(self): """ Return *True* if this axes supports the zoom box button functionality. """ return True def can_pan(self) : """ Return *True* if this axes supports any_condition pan/zoom button functionality. """ return True def get_navigate(self): """ Get whether the axes responds to navigation commands """ return self._navigate def set_navigate(self, b): """ Set whether the axes responds to navigation toolbar commands ACCEPTS: [ *True* | *False* ] """ self._navigate = b def get_navigate_mode(self): """ Get the navigation toolbar button status: 'PAN', 'ZOOM', or None """ return self._navigate_mode def set_navigate_mode(self, b): """ Set the navigation toolbar button status; .. warning:: this is not a user-API function. """ self._navigate_mode = b def start_pan(self, x, y, button): """ Ctotaled when a pan operation has started. *x*, *y* are the mouse coordinates in display coords. button is the mouse button number: * 1: LEFT * 2: MIDDLE * 3: RIGHT .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ self._pan_start = cbook.Bunch( lim = self.viewLim.frozen(), trans = self.transData.frozen(), trans_inverseerse = self.transData.inverseerted().frozen(), bbox = self.bbox.frozen(), x = x, y = y ) def end_pan(self): """ Ctotaled when a pan operation completes (when the mouse button is up.) .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ del self._pan_start def drag_pan(self, button, key, x, y): """ Ctotaled when the mouse moves during a pan operation. *button* is the mouse button number: * 1: LEFT * 2: MIDDLE * 3: RIGHT *key* is a "shift" key *x*, *y* are the mouse coordinates in display coords. .. note:: Intended to be overridden by new projection types. """ def format_deltas(key, dx, dy): if key=='control': if(absolute(dx)>absolute(dy)): dy = dx else: dx = dy elif key=='x': dy = 0 elif key=='y': dx = 0 elif key=='shift': if 2*absolute(dx) < absolute(dy): dx=0 elif 2*absolute(dy) < absolute(dx): dy=0 elif(absolute(dx)>absolute(dy)): dy=dy/absolute(dy)*absolute(dx) else: dx=dx/absolute(dx)*absolute(dy) return (dx,dy) p = self._pan_start dx = x - p.x dy = y - p.y if dx == 0 and dy == 0: return if button == 1: dx, dy = format_deltas(key, dx, dy) result = p.bbox.translated(-dx, -dy) \ .transformed(p.trans_inverseerse) elif button == 3: try: dx = -dx / float(self.bbox.width) dy = -dy / float(self.bbox.height) dx, dy = format_deltas(key, dx, dy) if self.get_aspect() != 'auto': dx = 0.5 * (dx + dy) dy = dx alpha = bn.power(10.0, (dx, dy)) start = bn.numset([p.x, p.y]) oldpoints = p.lim.transformed(p.trans) newpoints = start + alpha * (oldpoints - start) result = mtransforms.Bbox(newpoints) \ .transformed(p.trans_inverseerse) except OverflowError: warnings.warn('Overflow while panning') return self.set_xlim(*result.intervalx) self.set_ylim(*result.intervaly) def get_cursor_props(self): """ Return the cursor propertiess as a (*linewidth*, *color*) tuple, filter_condition *linewidth* is a float and *color* is an RGBA tuple """ return self._cursorProps def set_cursor_props(self, *args): """ Set the cursor property as:: ax.set_cursor_props(linewidth, color) or:: ax.set_cursor_props((linewidth, color)) ACCEPTS: a (*float*, *color*) tuple """ if len(args)==1: lw, c = args[0] elif len(args)==2: lw, c = args else: raise ValueError('args must be a (linewidth, color) tuple') c =mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba(c) self._cursorProps = lw, c def connect(self, s, func): """ Register observers to be notified when certain events occur. Register with ctotalback functions with the following signatures. The function has the following signature:: func(ax) # filter_condition ax is the instance making the ctotalback. The following events can be connected to: 'xlim_changed','ylim_changed' The connection id is is returned - you can use this with disconnect to disconnect from the axes event """ raise mplDeprecation('use the ctotalbacks CtotalbackRegistry instance ' 'instead') def disconnect(self, cid): """disconnect from the Axes event.""" raise mplDeprecation('use the ctotalbacks CtotalbackRegistry instance ' 'instead') def get_children(self): """return a list of child artists""" children = [] children.apd(self.xaxis) children.apd(self.yaxis) children.extend(self.lines) children.extend(self.patches) children.extend(self.texts) children.extend(self.tables) children.extend(self.artists) children.extend(self.imaginaryes) if self.legend_ is not None: children.apd(self.legend_) children.extend(self.collections) children.apd(self.title) children.apd(self.patch) children.extend(self.spines.itervalues()) return children def contains(self,mouseevent): """ Test whether the mouse event occured in the axes. Returns *True* / *False*, {} """ if ctotalable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent) return self.patch.contains(mouseevent) def contains_point(self, point): """ Returns *True* if the point (tuple of x,y) is inside the axes (the area defined by the its patch). A pixel coordinate is required. """ return self.patch.contains_point(point, radius=1.0) def pick(self, *args): """ Ctotal signature:: pick(mouseevent) each child artist will fire a pick event if mouseevent is over the artist and the artist has picker set """ if len(args) > 1: raise mplDeprecation('New pick API implemented -- ' 'see API_CHANGES in the src distribution') martist.Artist.pick(self, args[0]) def __pick(self, x, y, trans=None, among=None): """ Return the artist under point that is closest to the *x*, *y*. If *trans* is *None*, *x*, and *y* are in window coords, (0,0 = lower left). Otherwise, *trans* is a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform` that specifies the coordinate system of *x*, *y*. The selection of artists from amongst which the pick function finds an artist can be narrowed using the optional keyword argument *among*. If provided, this should be either a sequence of permitted artists or a function taking an artist as its argument and returning a true value if and only if that artist can be selected. Note this algorithm calculates distance to the vertices of the polygon, so if you want to pick a patch, click on the edge! """ # MGDTODO: Needs updating if trans is not None: xywin = trans.transform_point((x,y)) else: xywin = x,y def dist_points(p1, p2): 'return the distance between two points' x1, y1 = p1 x2, y2 = p2 return math.sqrt((x1-x2)**2+(y1-y2)**2) def dist_x_y(p1, x, y): '*x* and *y* are numsets; return the distance to the closest point' x1, y1 = p1 return get_min(bn.sqrt((x-x1)**2+(y-y1)**2)) def dist(a): if isinstance(a, Text): bbox = a.get_window_extent() l,b,w,h = bbox.bounds verts = (l,b), (l,b+h), (l+w,b+h), (l+w, b) xt, yt = zip(*verts) elif isinstance(a, Patch): path = a.get_path() tverts = a.get_transform().transform_path(path) xt, yt = zip(*tverts) elif isinstance(a, mlines.Line2D): xdata = a.get_xdata(orig=False) ydata = a.get_ydata(orig=False) xt, yt = a.get_transform().numerix_x_y(xdata, ydata) return dist_x_y(xywin, bn.asnumset(xt), bn.asnumset(yt)) artists = self.lines + self.patches + self.texts if ctotalable(among): artists = filter(test, artists) elif iterable(among): amongd = dict([(k,1) for k in among]) artists = [a for a in artists if a in amongd] elif among is None: pass else: raise ValueError('among must be ctotalable or iterable') if not len(artists): return None ds = [ (dist(a),a) for a in artists] ds.sort() return ds[0][1] #### Labelling def get_title(self): """ Get the title text string. """ return self.title.get_text() @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_title(self, label, fontdict=None, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_title(label, fontdict=None, **kwargs): Set the title for the axes. kwargs are Text properties: %(Text)s ACCEPTS: str .. seealso:: :meth:`text` for information on how override and the optional args work """ default = { 'fontsize':rcParams['axes.titlesize'], 'verticalalignment' : 'baseline', 'horizontalalignment' : 'center' } self.title.set_text(label) self.title.update(default) if fontdict is not None: self.title.update(fontdict) self.title.update(kwargs) return self.title def get_xlabel(self): """ Get the xlabel text string. """ label = self.xaxis.get_label() return label.get_text() @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_xlabel(self, xlabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_xlabel(xlabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs) Set the label for the xaxis. *labelpad* is the spacing in points between the label and the x-axis Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties: %(Text)s ACCEPTS: str .. seealso:: :meth:`text` for information on how override and the optional args work """ if labelpad is not None: self.xaxis.labelpad = labelpad return self.xaxis.set_label_text(xlabel, fontdict, **kwargs) def get_ylabel(self): """ Get the ylabel text string. """ label = self.yaxis.get_label() return label.get_text() @docstring.dedent_interpd def set_ylabel(self, ylabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs): """ Ctotal signature:: set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=None, labelpad=None, **kwargs) Set the label for the yaxis *labelpad* is the spacing in points between the label and the y-axis Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties: %(Text)s ACCEPTS: str .. seealso:: :meth:`text` for information on how override and the optional args work """ if labelpad is not None: self.yaxis.labelpad = labelpad return self.yaxis.set_label_text(ylabel, fontdict, **kwargs) @docstring.dedent_interpd def text(self, x, y, s, fontdict=None, withdash=False, **kwargs): """ Add text to the axes. Ctotal signature:: text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) Add text in string *s* to axis at location *x*, *y*, data coordinates. Keyword arguments: *fontdict*: A dictionary to override the default text properties. If *fontdict* is *None*, the defaults are deterget_mined by your rc parameters. *withdash*: [ *False* | *True* ] Creates a :class:`~matplotlib.text.TextWithDash` instance instead of a :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instance. Individual keyword arguments can be used to override any_condition given parameter:: text(x, y, s, fontsize=12) The default transform specifies that text is in data coords, alternatively, you can specify text in axis coords (0,0 is lower-left and 1,1 is upper-right). The example below places text in the center of the axes:: text(0.5, 0.5,'matplotlib', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform = ax.transAxes) You can put a rectangular box around the text instance (eg. to set a background color) by using the keyword *bbox*. *bbox* is a dictionary of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` properties. For example:: text(x, y, s, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5)) Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties: %(Text)s """ default = { 'verticalalignment' : 'baseline', 'horizontalalignment' : 'left', 'transform' : self.transData, } # At some point if we feel confident that TextWithDash # is robust as a drop-in replacement for Text and that # the performance impact of the heavier-weight class # isn't too significant, it may make sense to eliget_minate # the withdash kwarg and simply delegate whether there's # a dash to TextWithDash and dashlength. if withdash: t = mtext.TextWithDash( x=x, y=y, text=s, ) else: t = mtext.Text( x=x, y=y, text=s, ) self._set_artist_props(t) t.update(default) if fontdict is not None: t.update(fontdict) t.update(kwargs) self.texts.apd(t) t._remove_method = lambda h: self.texts.remove(h) #if t.get_clip_on(): t.set_clip_box(self.bbox) if 'clip_on' in kwargs: t.set_clip_box(self.bbox) return t @docstring.dedent_interpd def annotate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create an annotation: a piece of text referring to a data point. Ctotal signature:: annotate(s, xy, xytext=None, xycoords='data', textcoords='data', arrowprops=None, **kwargs) Keyword arguments: %(Annotation)s .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ a = mtext.Annotation(*args, **kwargs) a.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) self._set_artist_props(a) if kwargs.has_key('clip_on'): a.set_clip_path(self.patch) self.texts.apd(a) a._remove_method = lambda h: self.texts.remove(h) return a #### Lines and spans @docstring.dedent_interpd def axhline(self, y=0, xget_min=0, xget_max=1, **kwargs): """ Add a horizontal line across the axis. Ctotal signature:: axhline(y=0, xget_min=0, xget_max=1, **kwargs) Draw a horizontal line at *y* from *xget_min* to *xget_max*. With the default values of *xget_min* = 0 and *xget_max* = 1, this line will always span the horizontal extent of the axes, regardless of the xlim settings, even if you change them, eg. with the :meth:`set_xlim` command. That is, the horizontal extent is in axes coords: 0=left, 0.5=middle, 1.0=right but the *y* location is in data coordinates. Return value is the :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance. kwargs are the same as kwargs to plot, and can be used to control the line properties. Eg., * draw a thick red hline at *y* = 0 that spans the xrange:: >>> axhline(linewidth=4, color='r') * draw a default hline at *y* = 1 that spans the xrange:: >>> axhline(y=1) * draw a default hline at *y* = .5 that spans the the middle half of the xrange:: >>> axhline(y=.5, xget_min=0.25, xget_max=0.75) Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties, with the exception of 'transform': %(Line2D)s .. seealso:: :meth:`axhspan` for example plot and source code """ if "transform" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "'transform' is not totalowed as a kwarg;" + "axhline generates its own transform.") yget_min, yget_max = self.get_ybound() # We need to strip away the units for comparison with # non-unitized bounds self._process_unit_info( ydata=y, kwargs=kwargs ) yy = self.convert_yunits( y ) scaley = (yy<yget_min) or (yy>yget_max) trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData) l = mlines.Line2D([xget_min,xget_max], [y,y], transform=trans, **kwargs) self.add_concat_line(l) self.autoscale_view(scalex=False, scaley=scaley) return l @docstring.dedent_interpd def axvline(self, x=0, yget_min=0, yget_max=1, **kwargs): """ Add a vertical line across the axes. Ctotal signature:: axvline(x=0, yget_min=0, yget_max=1, **kwargs) Draw a vertical line at *x* from *yget_min* to *yget_max*. With the default values of *yget_min* = 0 and *yget_max* = 1, this line will always span the vertical extent of the axes, regardless of the ylim settings, even if you change them, eg. with the :meth:`set_ylim` command. That is, the vertical extent is in axes coords: 0=bottom, 0.5=middle, 1.0=top but the *x* location is in data coordinates. Return value is the :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance. kwargs are the same as kwargs to plot, and can be used to control the line properties. Eg., * draw a thick red vline at *x* = 0 that spans the yrange:: >>> axvline(linewidth=4, color='r') * draw a default vline at *x* = 1 that spans the yrange:: >>> axvline(x=1) * draw a default vline at *x* = .5 that spans the the middle half of the yrange:: >>> axvline(x=.5, yget_min=0.25, yget_max=0.75) Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties, with the exception of 'transform': %(Line2D)s .. seealso:: :meth:`axhspan` for example plot and source code """ if "transform" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "'transform' is not totalowed as a kwarg;" + "axvline generates its own transform.") xget_min, xget_max = self.get_xbound() # We need to strip away the units for comparison with # non-unitized bounds self._process_unit_info( xdata=x, kwargs=kwargs ) xx = self.convert_xunits( x ) scalex = (xx<xget_min) or (xx>xget_max) trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes) l = mlines.Line2D([x,x], [yget_min,yget_max] , transform=trans, **kwargs) self.add_concat_line(l) self.autoscale_view(scalex=scalex, scaley=False) return l @docstring.dedent_interpd def axhspan(self, yget_min, yget_max, xget_min=0, xget_max=1, **kwargs): """ Add a horizontal span (rectangle) across the axis. Ctotal signature:: axhspan(yget_min, yget_max, xget_min=0, xget_max=1, **kwargs) *y* coords are in data units and *x* coords are in axes (relative 0-1) units. Draw a horizontal span (rectangle) from *yget_min* to *yget_max*. With the default values of *xget_min* = 0 and *xget_max* = 1, this always spans the xrange, regardless of the xlim settings, even if you change them, eg. with the :meth:`set_xlim` command. That is, the horizontal extent is in axes coords: 0=left, 0.5=middle, 1.0=right but the *y* location is in data coordinates. Return value is a :class:`matplotlib.patches.Polygon` instance. Examples: * draw a gray rectangle from *y* = 0.25-0.75 that spans the horizontal extent of the axes:: >>> axhspan(0.25, 0.75, facecolor='0.5', alpha=0.5) Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` properties: %(Polygon)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData) # process the unit information self._process_unit_info( [xget_min, xget_max], [yget_min, yget_max], kwargs=kwargs ) # first we need to strip away the units xget_min, xget_max = self.convert_xunits( [xget_min, xget_max] ) yget_min, yget_max = self.convert_yunits( [yget_min, yget_max] ) verts = (xget_min, yget_min), (xget_min, yget_max), (xget_max, yget_max), (xget_max, yget_min) p = mpatches.Polygon(verts, **kwargs) p.set_transform(trans) self.add_concat_patch(p) self.autoscale_view(scalex=False) return p @docstring.dedent_interpd def axvspan(self, xget_min, xget_max, yget_min=0, yget_max=1, **kwargs): """ Add a vertical span (rectangle) across the axes. Ctotal signature:: axvspan(xget_min, xget_max, yget_min=0, yget_max=1, **kwargs) *x* coords are in data units and *y* coords are in axes (relative 0-1) units. Draw a vertical span (rectangle) from *xget_min* to *xget_max*. With the default values of *yget_min* = 0 and *yget_max* = 1, this always spans the yrange, regardless of the ylim settings, even if you change them, eg. with the :meth:`set_ylim` command. That is, the vertical extent is in axes coords: 0=bottom, 0.5=middle, 1.0=top but the *y* location is in data coordinates. Return value is the :class:`matplotlib.patches.Polygon` instance. Examples: * draw a vertical green translucent rectangle from x=1.25 to 1.55 that spans the yrange of the axes:: >>> axvspan(1.25, 1.55, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` properties: %(Polygon)s .. seealso:: :meth:`axhspan` for example plot and source code """ trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes) # process the unit information self._process_unit_info( [xget_min, xget_max], [yget_min, yget_max], kwargs=kwargs ) # first we need to strip away the units xget_min, xget_max = self.convert_xunits( [xget_min, xget_max] ) yget_min, yget_max = self.convert_yunits( [yget_min, yget_max] ) verts = [(xget_min, yget_min), (xget_min, yget_max), (xget_max, yget_max), (xget_max, yget_min)] p = mpatches.Polygon(verts, **kwargs) p.set_transform(trans) self.add_concat_patch(p) self.autoscale_view(scaley=False) return p @docstring.dedent def hlines(self, y, xget_min, xget_max, colors='k', linestyles='solid', label='', **kwargs): """ Plot horizontal lines. ctotal signature:: hlines(y, xget_min, xget_max, colors='k', linestyles='solid', **kwargs) Plot horizontal lines at each *y* from *xget_min* to *xget_max*. Returns the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` that was add_concated. Required arguments: *y*: a 1-D beatnum numset or iterable. *xget_min* and *xget_max*: can be scalars or ``len(x)`` beatnum numsets. If they are scalars, then the respective values are constant, else the widths of the lines are deterget_mined by *xget_min* and *xget_max*. Optional keyword arguments: *colors*: a line collections color argument, either a single color or a ``len(y)`` list of colors *linestyles*: [ 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dashdot' | 'dotted' ] **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if kwargs.get('fmt') is not None: raise mplDeprecation('hlines now uses a ' 'collections.LineCollection and not a ' 'list of Line2D to draw; see API_CHANGES') # We do the conversion first since not total unitized data is uniform # process the unit information self._process_unit_info( [xget_min, xget_max], y, kwargs=kwargs ) y = self.convert_yunits( y ) xget_min = self.convert_xunits(xget_min) xget_max = self.convert_xunits(xget_max) if not iterable(y): y = [y] if not iterable(xget_min): xget_min = [xget_min] if not iterable(xget_max): xget_max = [xget_max] y = bn.asnumset(y) xget_min = bn.asnumset(xget_min) xget_max = bn.asnumset(xget_max) if len(xget_min)==1: xget_min = bn.resize( xget_min, y.shape ) if len(xget_max)==1: xget_max = bn.resize( xget_max, y.shape ) if len(xget_min)!=len(y): raise ValueError('xget_min and y are unequal sized sequences') if len(xget_max)!=len(y): raise ValueError('xget_max and y are unequal sized sequences') verts = [ ((thisxget_min, thisy), (thisxget_max, thisy)) for thisxget_min, thisxget_max, thisy in zip(xget_min, xget_max, y)] coll = mcoll.LineCollection(verts, colors=colors, linestyles=linestyles, label=label) self.add_concat_collection(coll) coll.update(kwargs) if len(y) > 0: get_minx = get_min(xget_min.get_min(), xget_max.get_min()) get_maxx = get_max(xget_min.get_max(), xget_max.get_max()) get_miny = y.get_min() get_maxy = y.get_max() corners = (get_minx, get_miny), (get_maxx, get_maxy) self.update_datalim(corners) self.autoscale_view() return coll @docstring.dedent_interpd def vlines(self, x, yget_min, yget_max, colors='k', linestyles='solid', label='', **kwargs): """ Plot vertical lines. Ctotal signature:: vlines(x, yget_min, yget_max, color='k', linestyles='solid') Plot vertical lines at each *x* from *yget_min* to *yget_max*. *yget_min* or *yget_max* can be scalars or len(*x*) beatnum numsets. If they are scalars, then the respective values are constant, else the heights of the lines are deterget_mined by *yget_min* and *yget_max*. *colors* : A line collection's color args, either a single color or a ``len(x)`` list of colors *linestyles* : [ 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dashdot' | 'dotted' ] Returns the :class:`matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` that was add_concated. kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` properties: %(LineCollection)s """ if kwargs.get('fmt') is not None: raise mplDeprecation('vlines now uses a ' 'collections.LineCollection and not a ' 'list of Line2D to draw; see API_CHANGES') self._process_unit_info(xdata=x, ydata=[yget_min, yget_max], kwargs=kwargs) # We do the conversion first since not total unitized data is uniform x = self.convert_xunits( x ) yget_min = self.convert_yunits( yget_min ) yget_max = self.convert_yunits( yget_max ) if not iterable(x): x = [x] if not iterable(yget_min): yget_min = [yget_min] if not iterable(yget_max): yget_max = [yget_max] x = bn.asnumset(x) yget_min = bn.asnumset(yget_min) yget_max = bn.asnumset(yget_max) if len(yget_min)==1: yget_min = bn.resize( yget_min, x.shape ) if len(yget_max)==1: yget_max = bn.resize( yget_max, x.shape ) if len(yget_min)!=len(x): raise ValueError('yget_min and x are unequal sized sequences') if len(yget_max)!=len(x): raise ValueError('yget_max and x are unequal sized sequences') Y = bn.numset([yget_min, yget_max]).T verts = [ ((thisx, thisyget_min), (thisx, thisyget_max)) for thisx, (thisyget_min, thisyget_max) in zip(x,Y)] #print 'creating line collection' coll = mcoll.LineCollection(verts, colors=colors, linestyles=linestyles, label=label) self.add_concat_collection(coll) coll.update(kwargs) if len(x) > 0: get_minx = get_min( x ) get_maxx = get_max( x ) get_miny = get_min( get_min(yget_min), get_min(yget_max) ) get_maxy = get_max( get_max(yget_min), get_max(yget_max) ) corners = (get_minx, get_miny), (get_maxx, get_maxy) self.update_datalim(corners) self.autoscale_view() return coll #### Basic plotting @docstring.dedent_interpd def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot lines and/or markers to the :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`. *args* is a variable length argument, totalowing for multiple *x*, *y* pairs with an optional format string. For example, each of the following is legal:: plot(x, y) # plot x and y using default line style and color plot(x, y, 'bo') # plot x and y using blue circle markers plot(y) # plot y using x as index numset 0..N-1 plot(y, 'r+') # ditto, but with red plusses If *x* and/or *y* is 2-dimensional, then the corresponding columns will be plotted. An arbitrary number of *x*, *y*, *fmt* groups can be specified, as in:: a.plot(x1, y1, 'g^', x2, y2, 'g-') Return value is a list of lines that were add_concated. By default, each line is assigned a differenceerent color specified by a 'color cycle'. To change this behavior, you can edit the axes.color_cycle rcParam. Alternatively, you can use :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_default_color_cycle`. The following format string characters are accepted to control the line style or marker: ================ =============================== character description ================ =============================== ``'-'`` solid line style ``'--'`` dashed line style ``'-.'`` dash-dot line style ``':'`` dotted line style ``'.'`` point marker ``','`` pixel marker ``'o'`` circle marker ``'v'`` triangle_down marker ``'^'`` triangle_up marker ``'<'`` triangle_left marker ``'>'`` triangle_right marker ``'1'`` tri_down marker ``'2'`` tri_up marker ``'3'`` tri_left marker ``'4'`` tri_right marker ``'s'`` square marker ``'p'`` pentagon marker ``'*'`` star marker ``'h'`` hexagon1 marker ``'H'`` hexagon2 marker ``'+'`` plus marker ``'x'`` x marker ``'D'`` diamond marker ``'d'`` thin_diamond marker ``'|'`` vline marker ``'_'`` hline marker ================ =============================== The following color abbreviations are supported: ========== ======== character color ========== ======== 'b' blue 'g' green 'r' red 'c' cyan 'm' magenta 'y' yellow 'k' black 'w' white ========== ======== In add_concatition, you can specify colors in many_condition weird and wonderful ways, including full_value_func names (``'green'``), hex strings (``'#008000'``), RGB or RGBA tuples (``(0,1,0,1)``) or grayscale intensities as a string (``'0.8'``). Of these, the string specifications can be used in place of a ``fmt`` group, but the tuple forms can be used only as ``kwargs``. Line styles and colors are combined in a single format string, as in ``'bo'`` for blue circles. The *kwargs* can be used to set line properties (any_condition property that has a ``set_*`` method). You can use this to set a line label (for auto legends), linewidth, anitialising, marker face color, etc. Here is an example:: plot([1,2,3], [1,2,3], 'go-', label='line 1', linewidth=2) plot([1,2,3], [1,4,9], 'rs', label='line 2') axis([0, 4, 0, 10]) legend() If you make multiple lines with one plot command, the kwargs apply to total those lines, e.g.:: plot(x1, y1, x2, y2, antialised=False) Neither line will be antialiased. You do not need to use format strings, which are just abbreviations. All of the line properties can be controlled by keyword arguments. For example, you can set the color, marker, linestyle, and markercolor with:: plot(x, y, color='green', linestyle='dashed', marker='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markersize=12). See :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` for details. The kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties: %(Line2D)s kwargs *scalex* and *scaley*, if defined, are passed on to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.autoscale_view` to deterget_mine whether the *x* and *y* axes are autoscaled; the default is *True*. """ scalex = kwargs.pop( 'scalex', True) scaley = kwargs.pop( 'scaley', True) if not self._hold: self.cla() lines = [] for line in self._get_lines(*args, **kwargs): self.add_concat_line(line) lines.apd(line) self.autoscale_view(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley) return lines @docstring.dedent_interpd def plot_date(self, x, y, fmt='bo', tz=None, xdate=True, ydate=False, **kwargs): """ Plot with data with dates. Ctotal signature:: plot_date(x, y, fmt='bo', tz=None, xdate=True, ydate=False, **kwargs) Similar to the :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` command, except the *x* or *y* (or both) data is considered to be dates, and the axis is labeled accordingly. *x* and/or *y* can be a sequence of dates represented as float days since 0001-01-01 UTC. Keyword arguments: *fmt*: string The plot format string. *tz*: [ *None* | timezone string | :class:`tzinfo` instance] The time zone to use in labeling dates. If *None*, defaults to rc value. *xdate*: [ *True* | *False* ] If *True*, the *x*-axis will be labeled with dates. *ydate*: [ *False* | *True* ] If *True*, the *y*-axis will be labeled with dates. Note if you are using custom date tickers and formatters, it may be necessary to set the formatters/locators after the ctotal to :meth:`plot_date` since :meth:`plot_date` will set the default tick locator to :class:`matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator` (if the tick locator is not already set to a :class:`matplotlib.dates.DateLocator` instance) and the default tick formatter to :class:`matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter` (if the tick formatter is not already set to a :class:`matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter` instance). Valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties: %(Line2D)s .. seealso:: :mod:`~matplotlib.dates` for helper functions :func:`~matplotlib.dates.date2num`, :func:`~matplotlib.dates.num2date` and :func:`~matplotlib.dates.drange` for help on creating the required floating point dates. """ if not self._hold: self.cla() ret = self.plot(x, y, fmt, **kwargs) if xdate: self.xaxis_date(tz) if ydate: self.yaxis_date(tz) self.autoscale_view() return ret @docstring.dedent_interpd def loglog(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a plot with log scaling on both the *x* and *y* axis. Ctotal signature:: loglog(*args, **kwargs) :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.loglog` supports total the keyword arguments of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` and :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xscale` / :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_yscale`. Notable keyword arguments: *basex*/*basey*: scalar > 1 Base of the *x*/*y* logarithm *subsx*/*subsy*: [ *None* | sequence ] The location of the get_minor *x*/*y* ticks; *None* defaults to autosubs, which depend on the number of decades in the plot; see :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xscale` / :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_yscale` for details *nobnosx*/*nobnosy*: ['mask' | 'clip' ] Non-positive values in *x* or *y* can be masked as inversealid, or clipped to a very smtotal positive number The remaining valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties: %(Line2D)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() dx = {'basex': kwargs.pop('basex', 10), 'subsx': kwargs.pop('subsx', None), 'nobnosx': kwargs.pop('nobnosx', 'mask'), } dy = {'basey': kwargs.pop('basey', 10), 'subsy': kwargs.pop('subsy', None), 'nobnosy': kwargs.pop('nobnosy', 'mask'), } self.set_xscale('log', **dx) self.set_yscale('log', **dy) b = self._hold self._hold = True # we've already processed the hold l = self.plot(*args, **kwargs) self._hold = b # restore the hold return l @docstring.dedent_interpd def semilogx(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a plot with log scaling on the *x* axis. Ctotal signature:: semilogx(*args, **kwargs) :func:`semilogx` supports total the keyword arguments of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` and :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xscale`. Notable keyword arguments: *basex*: scalar > 1 Base of the *x* logarithm *subsx*: [ *None* | sequence ] The location of the get_minor xticks; *None* defaults to autosubs, which depend on the number of decades in the plot; see :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xscale` for details. *nobnosx*: [ 'mask' | 'clip' ] Non-positive values in *x* can be masked as inversealid, or clipped to a very smtotal positive number The remaining valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties: %(Line2D)s .. seealso:: :meth:`loglog` For example code and figure """ if not self._hold: self.cla() d = {'basex': kwargs.pop( 'basex', 10), 'subsx': kwargs.pop( 'subsx', None), 'nobnosx': kwargs.pop('nobnosx', 'mask'), } self.set_xscale('log', **d) b = self._hold self._hold = True # we've already processed the hold l = self.plot(*args, **kwargs) self._hold = b # restore the hold return l @docstring.dedent_interpd def semilogy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a plot with log scaling on the *y* axis. ctotal signature:: semilogy(*args, **kwargs) :func:`semilogy` supports total the keyword arguments of :func:`~matplotlib.pylab.plot` and :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_yscale`. Notable keyword arguments: *basey*: scalar > 1 Base of the *y* logarithm *subsy*: [ *None* | sequence ] The location of the get_minor yticks; *None* defaults to autosubs, which depend on the number of decades in the plot; see :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_yscale` for details. *nobnosy*: [ 'mask' | 'clip' ] Non-positive values in *y* can be masked as inversealid, or clipped to a very smtotal positive number The remaining valid kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties: %(Line2D)s .. seealso:: :meth:`loglog` For example code and figure """ if not self._hold: self.cla() d = {'basey': kwargs.pop('basey', 10), 'subsy': kwargs.pop('subsy', None), 'nobnosy': kwargs.pop('nobnosy', 'mask'), } self.set_yscale('log', **d) b = self._hold self._hold = True # we've already processed the hold l = self.plot(*args, **kwargs) self._hold = b # restore the hold return l @docstring.dedent_interpd def acorr(self, x, **kwargs): """ Plot the autocorrelation of *x*. Ctotal signature:: acorr(x, normlizattioned=True, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, usevlines=True, get_maxlags=10, **kwargs) If *normlizattioned* = *True*, normlizattionalize the data by the autocorrelation at 0-th lag. *x* is detrended by the *detrend* ctotalable (default no normlizattionalization). Data are plotted as ``plot(lags, c, **kwargs)`` Return value is a tuple (*lags*, *c*, *line*) filter_condition: - *lags* are a length 2*get_maxlags+1 lag vector - *c* is the 2*get_maxlags+1 auto correlation vector - *line* is a :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance returned by :meth:`plot` The default *linestyle* is None and the default *marker* is ``'o'``, though these can be overridden with keyword args. The cross correlation is performed with :func:`beatnum.correlate` with *mode* = 2. If *usevlines* is *True*, :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.vlines` rather than :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` is used to draw vertical lines from the origin to the acorr. Otherwise, the plot style is deterget_mined by the kwargs, which are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties. *get_maxlags* is a positive integer detailing the number of lags to show. The default value of *None* will return total ``(2*len(x)-1)`` lags. The return value is a tuple (*lags*, *c*, *linecol*, *b*) filter_condition - *linecol* is the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` - *b* is the *x*-axis. .. seealso:: :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` or :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.vlines` For documentation on valid kwargs. **Example:** :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.xcorr` is top graph, and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.acorr` is bottom graph. .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ return self.xcorr(x, x, **kwargs) @docstring.dedent_interpd def xcorr(self, x, y, normlizattioned=True, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, usevlines=True, get_maxlags=10, **kwargs): """ Plot the cross correlation between *x* and *y*. Ctotal signature:: xcorr(self, x, y, normlizattioned=True, detrend=mlab.detrend_none, usevlines=True, get_maxlags=10, **kwargs) If *normlizattioned* = *True*, normlizattionalize the data by the cross correlation at 0-th lag. *x* and y are detrended by the *detrend* ctotalable (default no normlizattionalization). *x* and *y* must be equal length. Data are plotted as ``plot(lags, c, **kwargs)`` Return value is a tuple (*lags*, *c*, *line*) filter_condition: - *lags* are a length ``2*get_maxlags+1`` lag vector - *c* is the ``2*get_maxlags+1`` auto correlation vector - *line* is a :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance returned by :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. The default *linestyle* is *None* and the default *marker* is 'o', though these can be overridden with keyword args. The cross correlation is performed with :func:`beatnum.correlate` with *mode* = 2. If *usevlines* is *True*: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.vlines` rather than :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` is used to draw vertical lines from the origin to the xcorr. Otherwise the plotstyle is deterget_mined by the kwargs, which are :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties. The return value is a tuple (*lags*, *c*, *linecol*, *b*) filter_condition *linecol* is the :class:`matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` instance and *b* is the *x*-axis. *get_maxlags* is a positive integer detailing the number of lags to show. The default value of *None* will return total ``(2*len(x)-1)`` lags. **Example:** :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.xcorr` is top graph, and :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.acorr` is bottom graph. .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ Nx = len(x) if Nx!=len(y): raise ValueError('x and y must be equal length') x = detrend(bn.asnumset(x)) y = detrend(bn.asnumset(y)) c = bn.correlate(x, y, mode=2) if normlizattioned: c/= bn.sqrt(,x) *,y)) if get_maxlags is None: get_maxlags = Nx - 1 if get_maxlags >= Nx or get_maxlags < 1: raise ValueError('maglags must be None or strictly ' 'positive < %d'%Nx) lags = bn.arr_range(-get_maxlags,get_maxlags+1) c = c[Nx-1-get_maxlags:Nx+get_maxlags] if usevlines: a = self.vlines(lags, [0], c, **kwargs) b = self.axhline(**kwargs) else: kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o') kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', 'None') a, = self.plot(lags, c, **kwargs) b = None return lags, c, a, b def _get_legend_handles(self, legend_handler_map=None): "return artists that will be used as handles for legend" handles_original = self.lines + self.patches + \ self.collections + self.containers # collections handler_map = mlegend.Legend.get_default_handler_map() if legend_handler_map is not None: handler_map = handler_map.copy() handler_map.update(legend_handler_map) handles = [] for h in handles_original: if h.get_label() == "_nolegend_": #.startswith('_'): continue if mlegend.Legend.get_legend_handler(handler_map, h): handles.apd(h) return handles def get_legend_handles_labels(self, legend_handler_map=None): """ Return handles and labels for legend ``ax.legend()`` is equivalent to :: h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(h, l) """ handles = [] labels = [] for handle in self._get_legend_handles(legend_handler_map): label = handle.get_label() #if (label is not None and label != '' and not label.startswith('_')): if label and not label.startswith('_'): handles.apd(handle) labels.apd(label) return handles, labels def legend(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Place a legend on the current axes. Ctotal signature:: legend(*args, **kwargs) Places legend at location *loc*. Labels are a sequence of strings and *loc* can be a string or an integer specifying the legend location. To make a legend with existing lines:: legend() :meth:`legend` by itself will try and build a legend using the label property of the lines/patches/collections. You can set the label of a line by doing:: plot(x, y, label='my data') or:: line.set_label('my data'). If label is set to '_nolegend_', the item will not be shown in legend. To automatictotaly generate the legend from labels:: legend( ('label1', 'label2', 'label3') ) To make a legend for a list of lines and labels:: legend( (line1, line2, line3), ('label1', 'label2', 'label3') ) To make a legend at a given location, using a location argument:: legend( ('label1', 'label2', 'label3'), loc='upper left') or:: legend( (line1, line2, line3), ('label1', 'label2', 'label3'), loc=2) The location codes are =============== ============= Location String Location Code =============== ============= 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 =============== ============= Users can specify any_condition arbitrary location for the legend using the *bbox_to_anchor* keyword argument. bbox_to_anchor can be an instance of BboxBase(or its derivatives) or a tuple of 2 or 4 floats. For example, loc = 'upper right', bbox_to_anchor = (0.5, 0.5) will place the legend so that the upper right corner of the legend at the center of the axes. The legend location can be specified in other coordinate, by using the *bbox_transform* keyword. The loc itslef can be a 2-tuple giving x,y of the lower-left corner of the legend in axes coords (*bbox_to_anchor* is ignored). Keyword arguments: *prop*: [ *None* | FontProperties | dict ] A :class:`matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties` instance. If *prop* is a dictionary, a new instance will be created with *prop*. If *None*, use rc settings. *fontsize*: [ size in points | 'xx-smtotal' | 'x-smtotal' | 'smtotal' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'x-large' | 'xx-large' ] Set the font size. May be either a size string, relative to the default font size, or an absoluteolute font size in points. This argument is only used if prop is not specified. *numpoints*: integer The number of points in the legend for line *scatterpoints*: integer The number of points in the legend for scatter plot *scatteroffsets*: list of floats a list of yoffsets for scatter symbols in legend *markerscale*: [ *None* | scalar ] The relative size of legend markers vs. original. If *None*, use rc settings. *frameon*: [ *True* | *False* ] if *True*, draw a frame around the legend. The default is set by the rcParam 'legend.frameon' *fancybox*: [ *None* | *False* | *True* ] if *True*, draw a frame with a round fancybox. If *None*, use rc settings *shadow*: [ *None* | *False* | *True* ] If *True*, draw a shadow behind legend. If *None*, use rc settings. *ncol* : integer number of columns. default is 1 *mode* : [ "expand" | *None* ] if mode is "expand", the legend will be horizonttotaly expanded to fill the axes area (or *bbox_to_anchor*) *bbox_to_anchor* : an instance of BboxBase or a tuple of 2 or 4 floats the bbox that the legend will be anchored. *bbox_transform* : [ an instance of Transform | *None* ] the transform for the bbox. transAxes if *None*. *title* : string the legend title Padd_concating and spacing between various elements use following keywords parameters. These values are measure in font-size units. E.g., a fontsize of 10 points and a handlelength=5 implies a handlelength of 50 points. Values from rcParams will be used if None. ================ ================================================================== Keyword Description ================ ================================================================== borderpad the fractional whitespace inside the legend border labelspacing the vertical space between the legend entries handlelength the length of the legend handles handletextpad the pad between the legend handle and text borderaxespad the pad between the axes and legend border columnspacing the spacing between columns ================ ================================================================== .. Note:: Not total kinds of artist are supported by the legend command. See LINK (FIXME) for details. **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/api/ .. seealso:: :ref:`plotting-guide-legend`. """ if len(args)==0: handles, labels = self.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(handles) == 0: warnings.warn("No labeled objects found. " "Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots.") return None elif len(args)==1: # LABELS labels = args[0] handles = [h for h, label in zip(self._get_legend_handles(), labels)] elif len(args)==2: if is_string_like(args[1]) or isinstance(args[1], int): # LABELS, LOC labels, loc = args handles = [h for h, label in zip(self._get_legend_handles(), labels)] kwargs['loc'] = loc else: # LINES, LABELS handles, labels = args elif len(args)==3: # LINES, LABELS, LOC handles, labels, loc = args kwargs['loc'] = loc else: raise TypeError('Invalid arguments to legend') # Why do we need to ctotal "convert_into_one_dim" here? -JJL # handles = cbook.convert_into_one_dim(handles) self.legend_ = mlegend.Legend(self, handles, labels, **kwargs) return self.legend_ #### Specialized plotting def step(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs): """ Make a step plot. Ctotal signature:: step(x, y, *args, **kwargs) Additional keyword args to :func:`step` are the same as those for :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. *x* and *y* must be 1-D sequences, and it is astotal_counted, but not checked, that *x* is uniformly increasing. Keyword arguments: *filter_condition*: [ 'pre' | 'post' | 'mid' ] If 'pre', the interval from x[i] to x[i+1] has level y[i+1] If 'post', that interval has level y[i] If 'mid', the jumps in *y* occur half-way between the *x*-values. """ filter_condition = kwargs.pop('filter_condition', 'pre') if filter_condition not in ('pre', 'post', 'mid'): raise ValueError("'filter_condition' argument to step must be " "'pre', 'post' or 'mid'") kwargs['linestyle'] = 'steps-' + filter_condition return self.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs) @docstring.dedent_interpd def bar(self, left, height, width=0.8, bottom=None, **kwargs): """ Make a bar plot. Ctotal signature:: bar(left, height, width=0.8, bottom=0, **kwargs) Make a bar plot with rectangles bounded by: *left*, *left* + *width*, *bottom*, *bottom* + *height* (left, right, bottom and top edges) *left*, *height*, *width*, and *bottom* can be either scalars or sequences Return value is a list of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` instances. Required arguments: ======== =============================================== Argument Description ======== =============================================== *left* the x coordinates of the left sides of the bars *height* the heights of the bars ======== =============================================== Optional keyword arguments: =============== ========================================== Keyword Description =============== ========================================== *width* the widths of the bars *bottom* the y coordinates of the bottom edges of the bars *color* the colors of the bars *edgecolor* the colors of the bar edges *linewidth* width of bar edges; None averages use default linewidth; 0 averages don't draw edges. *xerr* if not None, will be used to generate errorbars on the bar chart *yerr* if not None, will be used to generate errorbars on the bar chart *ecolor* specifies the color of any_condition errorbar *capsize* (default 3) deterget_mines the length in points of the error bar caps *error_kw* dictionary of kwargs to be passed to errorbar method. *ecolor* and *capsize* may be specified here rather than as independent kwargs. *align* 'edge' (default) | 'center' *orientation* 'vertical' | 'horizontal' *log* [False|True] False (default) leaves the orientation axis as-is; True sets it to log scale =============== ========================================== For vertical bars, *align* = 'edge' aligns bars by their left edges in left, while *align* = 'center' interprets these values as the *x* coordinates of the bar centers. For horizontal bars, *align* = 'edge' aligns bars by their bottom edges in bottom, while *align* = 'center' interprets these values as the *y* coordinates of the bar centers. The optional arguments *color*, *edgecolor*, *linewidth*, *xerr*, and *yerr* can be either scalars or sequences of length equal to the number of bars. This enables you to use bar as the basis for pile_operationed bar charts, or candlestick plots. Detail: *xerr* and *yerr* are passed directly to :meth:`errorbar`, so they can also have shape 2xN for independent specification of lower and upper errors. Other optional kwargs: %(Rectangle)s **Example:** A pile_operationed bar chart. .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() color = kwargs.pop('color', None) edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', None) linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', None) # Because xerr and yerr will be passed to errorbar, # most dimension checking and processing will be left # to the errorbar method. xerr = kwargs.pop('xerr', None) yerr = kwargs.pop('yerr', None) error_kw = kwargs.pop('error_kw', dict()) ecolor = kwargs.pop('ecolor', None) capsize = kwargs.pop('capsize', 3) error_kw.setdefault('ecolor', ecolor) error_kw.setdefault('capsize', capsize) align = kwargs.pop('align', 'edge') orientation = kwargs.pop('orientation', 'vertical') log = kwargs.pop('log', False) label = kwargs.pop('label', '') def make_iterable(x): if not iterable(x): return [x] else: return x # make them safe to take len() of _left = left left = make_iterable(left) height = make_iterable(height) width = make_iterable(width) _bottom = bottom bottom = make_iterable(bottom) linewidth = make_iterable(linewidth) adjust_ylim = False adjust_xlim = False if orientation == 'vertical': self._process_unit_info(xdata=left, ydata=height, kwargs=kwargs) if log: self.set_yscale('log', nobnosy='clip') # size width and bottom according to length of left if _bottom is None: if self.get_yscale() == 'log': adjust_ylim = True else: bottom = [0] nbars = len(left) if len(width) == 1: width *= nbars if len(bottom) == 1: bottom *= nbars elif orientation == 'horizontal': self._process_unit_info(xdata=width, ydata=bottom, kwargs=kwargs) if log: self.set_xscale('log', nobnosx='clip') # size left and height according to length of bottom if _left is None: if self.get_xscale() == 'log': adjust_xlim = True else: left = [0] nbars = len(bottom) if len(left) == 1: left *= nbars if len(height) == 1: height *= nbars else: raise ValueError('inversealid orientation: %s' % orientation) if len(linewidth) < nbars: linewidth *= nbars if color is None: color = [None] * nbars else: color = list(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_numset(color)) if len(color) == 0: # until to_rgba_numset is changed color = [[0,0,0,0]] if len(color) < nbars: color *= nbars if edgecolor is None: edgecolor = [None] * nbars else: edgecolor = list(mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_numset(edgecolor)) if len(edgecolor) == 0: # until to_rgba_numset is changed edgecolor = [[0,0,0,0]] if len(edgecolor) < nbars: edgecolor *= nbars # FIXME: convert the following to proper ibnut validation # raising ValueError; don't use assert for this. assert len(left)==nbars, "incompatible sizes: argument 'left' must be length %d or scalar" % nbars assert len(height)==nbars, ("incompatible sizes: argument 'height' must be length %d or scalar" % nbars) assert len(width)==nbars, ("incompatible sizes: argument 'width' must be length %d or scalar" % nbars) assert len(bottom)==nbars, ("incompatible sizes: argument 'bottom' must be length %d or scalar" % nbars) patches = [] # lets do some conversions now since some types cannot be # subtracted uniformly if self.xaxis is not None: left = self.convert_xunits( left ) width = self.convert_xunits( width ) if xerr is not None: xerr = self.convert_xunits( xerr ) if self.yaxis is not None: bottom = self.convert_yunits( bottom ) height = self.convert_yunits( height ) if yerr is not None: yerr = self.convert_yunits( yerr ) if align == 'edge': pass elif align == 'center': if orientation == 'vertical': left = [left[i] - width[i]/2. for i in xrange(len(left))] elif orientation == 'horizontal': bottom = [bottom[i] - height[i]/2. for i in xrange(len(bottom))] else: raise ValueError('inversealid alignment: %s' % align) args = zip(left, bottom, width, height, color, edgecolor, linewidth) for l, b, w, h, c, e, lw in args: if h<0: b += h h = absolute(h) if w<0: l += w w = absolute(w) r = mpatches.Rectangle( xy=(l, b), width=w, height=h, facecolor=c, edgecolor=e, linewidth=lw, label='_nolegend_' ) r.update(kwargs) r.get_path()._interpolation_steps = 100 #print r.get_label(), label, 'label' in kwargs self.add_concat_patch(r) patches.apd(r) holdstate = self._hold self.hold(True) # ensure hold is on before plotting errorbars if xerr is not None or yerr is not None: if orientation == 'vertical': # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve unit info x = [l+0.5*w for l, w in zip(left, width)] y = [b+h for b,h in zip(bottom, height)] elif orientation == 'horizontal': # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve unit info x = [l+w for l,w in zip(left, width)] y = [b+0.5*h for b,h in zip(bottom, height)] if "label" not in error_kw: error_kw["label"] = '_nolegend_' errorbar = self.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, fmt=None, **error_kw) else: errorbar = None self.hold(holdstate) # restore previous hold state if adjust_xlim: xget_min, xget_max = self.dataLim.intervalx xget_min = bn.aget_min([w for w in width if w > 0]) if xerr is not None: xget_min = xget_min - bn.aget_max(xerr) xget_min = get_max(xget_min*0.9, 1e-100) self.dataLim.intervalx = (xget_min, xget_max) if adjust_ylim: yget_min, yget_max = self.dataLim.intervaly yget_min = bn.aget_min([h for h in height if h > 0]) if yerr is not None: yget_min = yget_min - bn.aget_max(yerr) yget_min = get_max(yget_min*0.9, 1e-100) self.dataLim.intervaly = (yget_min, yget_max) self.autoscale_view() bar_container = BarContainer(patches, errorbar, label=label) self.add_concat_container(bar_container) return bar_container @docstring.dedent_interpd def barh(self, bottom, width, height=0.8, left=None, **kwargs): """ Make a horizontal bar plot. Ctotal signature:: barh(bottom, width, height=0.8, left=0, **kwargs) Make a horizontal bar plot with rectangles bounded by: *left*, *left* + *width*, *bottom*, *bottom* + *height* (left, right, bottom and top edges) *bottom*, *width*, *height*, and *left* can be either scalars or sequences Return value is a list of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` instances. Required arguments: ======== ====================================================== Argument Description ======== ====================================================== *bottom* the vertical positions of the bottom edges of the bars *width* the lengths of the bars ======== ====================================================== Optional keyword arguments: =============== ========================================== Keyword Description =============== ========================================== *height* the heights (thicknesses) of the bars *left* the x coordinates of the left edges of the bars *color* the colors of the bars *edgecolor* the colors of the bar edges *linewidth* width of bar edges; None averages use default linewidth; 0 averages don't draw edges. *xerr* if not None, will be used to generate errorbars on the bar chart *yerr* if not None, will be used to generate errorbars on the bar chart *ecolor* specifies the color of any_condition errorbar *capsize* (default 3) deterget_mines the length in points of the error bar caps *align* 'edge' (default) | 'center' *log* [False|True] False (default) leaves the horizontal axis as-is; True sets it to log scale =============== ========================================== Setting *align* = 'edge' aligns bars by their bottom edges in bottom, while *align* = 'center' interprets these values as the *y* coordinates of the bar centers. The optional arguments *color*, *edgecolor*, *linewidth*, *xerr*, and *yerr* can be either scalars or sequences of length equal to the number of bars. This enables you to use barh as the basis for pile_operationed bar charts, or candlestick plots. other optional kwargs: %(Rectangle)s """ patches =, height=height, width=width, bottom=bottom, orientation='horizontal', **kwargs) return patches @docstring.dedent_interpd def broken_barh(self, xranges, yrange, **kwargs): """ Plot horizontal bars. Ctotal signature:: broken_barh(self, xranges, yrange, **kwargs) A collection of horizontal bars spanning *yrange* with a sequence of *xranges*. Required arguments: ========= ============================== Argument Description ========= ============================== *xranges* sequence of (*xget_min*, *xwidth*) *yrange* sequence of (*yget_min*, *ywidth*) ========= ============================== kwargs are :class:`matplotlib.collections.BrokenBarHCollection` properties: %(BrokenBarHCollection)s these can either be a single argument, ie:: facecolors = 'black' or a sequence of arguments for the various bars, ie:: facecolors = ('black', 'red', 'green') **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ col = mcoll.BrokenBarHCollection(xranges, yrange, **kwargs) self.add_concat_collection(col, autolim=True) self.autoscale_view() return col def stem(self, x, y, linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo', basefmt='r-', bottom=None, label=None): """ Create a stem plot. Ctotal signature:: stem(x, y, linefmt='b-', markerfmt='bo', basefmt='r-') A stem plot plots vertical lines (using *linefmt*) at each *x* location from the baseline to *y*, and places a marker there using *markerfmt*. A horizontal line at 0 is is plotted using *basefmt*. Return value is a tuple (*markerline*, *stemlines*, *baseline*). .. seealso:: This `document <>`_ for details. **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ remember_hold=self._hold if not self._hold: self.cla() self.hold(True) markerline, = self.plot(x, y, markerfmt, label="_nolegend_") if bottom is None: bottom = 0 stemlines = [] for thisx, thisy in zip(x, y): l, = self.plot([thisx,thisx], [bottom, thisy], linefmt, label="_nolegend_") stemlines.apd(l) baseline, = self.plot([bn.aget_min(x), bn.aget_max(x)], [bottom,bottom], basefmt, label="_nolegend_") self.hold(remember_hold) stem_container = StemContainer((markerline, stemlines, baseline), label=label) self.add_concat_container(stem_container) return stem_container def pie(self, x, explode=None, labels=None, colors=None, autopct=None, pctdistance=0.6, shadow=False, labeldistance=1.1, startangle=None, radius=None): r""" Plot a pie chart. Ctotal signature:: pie(x, explode=None, labels=None, colors=('b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'), autopct=None, pctdistance=0.6, shadow=False, labeldistance=1.1, startangle=None, radius=None) Make a pie chart of numset *x*. The fractional area of each wedge is given by x/total_count(x). If total_count(x) <= 1, then the values of x give the fractional area directly and the numset will not be normlizattionalized. The wedges are plotted counterclockwise, by default starting from the x-axis. Keyword arguments: *explode*: [ *None* | len(x) sequence ] If not *None*, is a ``len(x)`` numset which specifies the fraction of the radius with which to offset each wedge. *colors*: [ *None* | color sequence ] A sequence of matplotlib color args through which the pie chart will cycle. *labels*: [ *None* | len(x) sequence of strings ] A sequence of strings providing the labels for each wedge *autopct*: [ *None* | format string | format function ] If not *None*, is a string or function used to label the wedges with their numeric value. The label will be placed inside the wedge. If it is a format string, the label will be ``fmt%pct``. If it is a function, it will be ctotaled. *pctdistance*: scalar The ratio between the center of each pie piece and the start of the text generated by *autopct*. Ignored if *autopct* is *None*; default is 0.6. *labeldistance*: scalar The radial distance at which the pie labels are drawn *shadow*: [ *False* | *True* ] Draw a shadow beneath the pie. *startangle*: [ *None* | Offset angle ] If not *None*, rotates the start of the pie chart by *angle* degrees counterclockwise from the x-axis. *radius*: [ *None* | scalar ] The radius of the pie, if *radius* is *None* it will be set to 1. The pie chart will probably look best if the figure and axes are square. Eg.:: figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) Return value: If *autopct* is *None*, return the tuple (*patches*, *texts*): - *patches* is a sequence of :class:`matplotlib.patches.Wedge` instances - *texts* is a list of the label :class:`matplotlib.text.Text` instances. If *autopct* is not *None*, return the tuple (*patches*, *texts*, *autotexts*), filter_condition *patches* and *texts* are as above, and *autotexts* is a list of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instances for the numeric labels. """ self.set_frame_on(False) x = bn.asnumset(x).convert_type(bn.float32) sx = float(x.total_count()) if sx>1: x = bn.divide(x,sx) if labels is None: labels = ['']*len(x) if explode is None: explode = [0]*len(x) assert(len(x)==len(labels)) assert(len(x)==len(explode)) if colors is None: colors = ('b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w') center = 0,0 if radius is None: radius = 1 # Starting theta1 is the start fraction of the circle if startangle is None: theta1 = 0 else: theta1 = startangle / 360.0 texts = [] pieces = [] autotexts = [] i = 0 for frac, label, expl in cbook.safezip(x,labels, explode): x, y = center theta2 = theta1 + frac thetam = 2*math.pi*0.5*(theta1+theta2) x += expl*math.cos(thetam) y += expl*math.sin(thetam) w = mpatches.Wedge((x,y), radius, 360.*theta1, 360.*theta2, facecolor=colors[i%len(colors)]) pieces.apd(w) self.add_concat_patch(w) w.set_label(label) if shadow: # make sure to add_concat a shadow after the ctotal to # add_concat_patch so the figure and transform props will be # set shad = mpatches.Shadow(w, -0.02, -0.02, #props={'facecolor':w.get_facecolor()} ) shad.set_zorder(0.9*w.get_zorder()) shad.set_label('_nolegend_') self.add_concat_patch(shad) xt = x + labeldistance*radius*math.cos(thetam) yt = y + labeldistance*radius*math.sin(thetam) label_alignment = xt > 0 and 'left' or 'right' t = self.text(xt, yt, label, size=rcParams['xtick.labelsize'], horizontalalignment=label_alignment, verticalalignment='center') texts.apd(t) if autopct is not None: xt = x + pctdistance*radius*math.cos(thetam) yt = y + pctdistance*radius*math.sin(thetam) if is_string_like(autopct): s = autopct%(100.*frac) elif ctotalable(autopct): s = autopct(100.*frac) else: raise TypeError( 'autopct must be ctotalable or a format string') t = self.text(xt, yt, s, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') autotexts.apd(t) theta1 = theta2 i += 1 self.set_xlim((-1.25, 1.25)) self.set_ylim((-1.25, 1.25)) self.set_xticks([]) self.set_yticks([]) if autopct is None: return pieces, texts else: return pieces, texts, autotexts @docstring.dedent_interpd def errorbar(self, x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, fmt='-', ecolor=None, elinewidth=None, capsize=3, barsabove=False, lolims=False, uplims=False, xlolims=False, xuplims=False, errorevery=1, capthick=None, **kwargs): """ Plot an errorbar graph. Ctotal signature:: errorbar(x, y, yerr=None, xerr=None, fmt='-', ecolor=None, elinewidth=None, capsize=3, barsabove=False, lolims=False, uplims=False, xlolims=False, xuplims=False, errorevery=1, capthick=None) Plot *x* versus *y* with error deltas in *yerr* and *xerr*. Vertical errorbars are plotted if *yerr* is not *None*. Horizontal errorbars are plotted if *xerr* is not *None*. *x*, *y*, *xerr*, and *yerr* can total be scalars, which plots a single error bar at *x*, *y*. Optional keyword arguments: *xerr*/*yerr*: [ scalar | N, Nx1, or 2xN numset-like ] If a scalar number, len(N) numset-like object, or an Nx1 numset-like object, errorbars are drawn at +/-value relative to the data. If a sequence of shape 2xN, errorbars are drawn at -row1 and +row2 relative to the data. *fmt*: '-' The plot format symbol. If *fmt* is *None*, only the errorbars are plotted. This is used for add_concating errorbars to a bar plot, for example. *ecolor*: [ *None* | mpl color ] A matplotlib color arg which gives the color the errorbar lines; if *None*, use the marker color. *elinewidth*: scalar The linewidth of the errorbar lines. If *None*, use the linewidth. *capsize*: scalar The length of the error bar caps in points *capthick*: scalar An alias kwarg to *markeredgewidth* (a.k.a. - *mew*). This setting is a more sensible name for the property that controls the thickness of the error bar cap in points. For backwards compatibility, if *mew* or *markeredgewidth* are given, then they will over-ride *capthick*. This may change in future releases. *barsabove*: [ *True* | *False* ] if *True*, will plot the errorbars above the plot symbols. Default is below. *lolims* / *uplims* / *xlolims* / *xuplims*: [ *False* | *True* ] These arguments can be used to indicate that a value gives only upper/lower limits. In that case a caret symbol is used to indicate this. lims-arguments may be of the same type as *xerr* and *yerr*. *errorevery*: positive integer subsamples the errorbars. Eg if everyerror=5, errorbars for every 5-th datapoint will be plotted. The data plot itself still shows total data points. All other keyword arguments are passed on to the plot command for the markers. For example, this code makes big red squares with thick green edges:: x,y,yerr = rand(3,10) errorbar(x, y, yerr, marker='s', mfc='red', mec='green', ms=20, mew=4) filter_condition *mfc*, *mec*, *ms* and *mew* are aliases for the longer property names, *markerfacecolor*, *markeredgecolor*, *markersize* and *markeredgewith*. valid kwargs for the marker properties are %(Line2D)s Returns (*plotline*, *caplines*, *barlinecols*): *plotline*: :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance *x*, *y* plot markers and/or line *caplines*: list of error bar cap :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances *barlinecols*: list of :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` instances for the horizontal and vertical error ranges. **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if errorevery < 1: raise ValueError('errorevery has to be a strictly positive integer') self._process_unit_info(xdata=x, ydata=y, kwargs=kwargs) if not self._hold: self.cla() holdstate = self._hold self._hold = True label = kwargs.pop("label", None) # make sure total the args are iterable; use lists not numsets to # preserve units if not iterable(x): x = [x] if not iterable(y): y = [y] if xerr is not None: if not iterable(xerr): xerr = [xerr]*len(x) if yerr is not None: if not iterable(yerr): yerr = [yerr]*len(y) l0 = None if barsabove and fmt is not None: l0, = self.plot(x,y,fmt,label="_nolegend_", **kwargs) barcols = [] caplines = [] lines_kw = {'label':'_nolegend_'} if elinewidth: lines_kw['linewidth'] = elinewidth else: if 'linewidth' in kwargs: lines_kw['linewidth']=kwargs['linewidth'] if 'lw' in kwargs: lines_kw['lw']=kwargs['lw'] if 'transform' in kwargs: lines_kw['transform'] = kwargs['transform'] if 'alpha' in kwargs: lines_kw['alpha'] = kwargs['alpha'] if 'zorder' in kwargs: lines_kw['zorder'] = kwargs['zorder'] # numsets fine here, they are booleans and hence not units if not iterable(lolims): lolims = bn.asnumset([lolims]*len(x), bool) else: lolims = bn.asnumset(lolims, bool) if not iterable(uplims): uplims = bn.numset([uplims]*len(x), bool) else: uplims = bn.asnumset(uplims, bool) if not iterable(xlolims): xlolims = bn.numset([xlolims]*len(x), bool) else: xlolims = bn.asnumset(xlolims, bool) if not iterable(xuplims): xuplims = bn.numset([xuplims]*len(x), bool) else: xuplims = bn.asnumset(xuplims, bool) everymask = bn.arr_range(len(x)) % errorevery == 0 def xyfilter_condition(xs, ys, mask): """ return xs[mask], ys[mask] filter_condition mask is True but xs and ys are not numsets """ assert len(xs)==len(ys) assert len(xs)==len(mask) xs = [thisx for thisx, b in zip(xs, mask) if b] ys = [thisy for thisy, b in zip(ys, mask) if b] return xs, ys if capsize > 0: plot_kw = { 'ms':2*capsize, 'label':'_nolegend_'} if capthick is not None: # 'mew' has higher priority, I believe, # if both 'mew' and 'markeredgewidth' exists. # So, save capthick to markeredgewidth so that # explicitly setting mew or markeredgewidth will # over-write capthick. plot_kw['markeredgewidth'] = capthick # For backwards-compat, totalow explicit setting of # 'mew' or 'markeredgewidth' to over-ride capthick. if 'markeredgewidth' in kwargs: plot_kw['markeredgewidth']=kwargs['markeredgewidth'] if 'mew' in kwargs: plot_kw['mew']=kwargs['mew'] if 'transform' in kwargs: plot_kw['transform'] = kwargs['transform'] if 'alpha' in kwargs: plot_kw['alpha'] = kwargs['alpha'] if 'zorder' in kwargs: plot_kw['zorder'] = kwargs['zorder'] if xerr is not None: if (iterable(xerr) and len(xerr)==2 and iterable(xerr[0]) and iterable(xerr[1])): # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve units left = [thisx-thiserr for (thisx, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(x,xerr[0])] right = [thisx+thiserr for (thisx, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(x,xerr[1])] else: # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve units left = [thisx-thiserr for (thisx, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(x,xerr)] right = [thisx+thiserr for (thisx, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(x,xerr)] yo, _ = xyfilter_condition(y, right, everymask) lo, ro= xyfilter_condition(left, right, everymask) barcols.apd( self.hlines(yo, lo, ro, **lines_kw ) ) if capsize > 0: if xlolims.any_condition(): # can't use beatnum logical indexing since left and # y are lists leftlo, ylo = xyfilter_condition(left, y, xlolims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(leftlo, ylo, ls='None', marker=mlines.CARETLEFT, **plot_kw) ) xlolims = ~xlolims leftlo, ylo = xyfilter_condition(left, y, xlolims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(leftlo, ylo, 'k|', **plot_kw) ) else: leftlo, ylo = xyfilter_condition(left, y, everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(leftlo, ylo, 'k|', **plot_kw) ) if xuplims.any_condition(): rightup, yup = xyfilter_condition(right, y, xuplims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(rightup, yup, ls='None', marker=mlines.CARETRIGHT, **plot_kw) ) xuplims = ~xuplims rightup, yup = xyfilter_condition(right, y, xuplims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(rightup, yup, 'k|', **plot_kw) ) else: rightup, yup = xyfilter_condition(right, y, everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(rightup, yup, 'k|', **plot_kw) ) if yerr is not None: if (iterable(yerr) and len(yerr)==2 and iterable(yerr[0]) and iterable(yerr[1])): # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve units lower = [thisy-thiserr for (thisy, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(y,yerr[0])] upper = [thisy+thiserr for (thisy, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(y,yerr[1])] else: # using list comps rather than numsets to preserve units lower = [thisy-thiserr for (thisy, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(y,yerr)] upper = [thisy+thiserr for (thisy, thiserr) in cbook.safezip(y,yerr)] xo, _ = xyfilter_condition(x, lower, everymask) lo, uo= xyfilter_condition(lower, upper, everymask) barcols.apd( self.vlines(xo, lo, uo, **lines_kw) ) if capsize > 0: if lolims.any_condition(): xlo, lowerlo = xyfilter_condition(x, lower, lolims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xlo, lowerlo, ls='None', marker=mlines.CARETDOWN, **plot_kw) ) lolims = ~lolims xlo, lowerlo = xyfilter_condition(x, lower, lolims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xlo, lowerlo, 'k_', **plot_kw) ) else: xlo, lowerlo = xyfilter_condition(x, lower, everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xlo, lowerlo, 'k_', **plot_kw) ) if uplims.any_condition(): xup, upperup = xyfilter_condition(x, upper, uplims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xup, upperup, ls='None', marker=mlines.CARETUP, **plot_kw) ) uplims = ~uplims xup, upperup = xyfilter_condition(x, upper, uplims & everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xup, upperup, 'k_', **plot_kw) ) else: xup, upperup = xyfilter_condition(x, upper, everymask) caplines.extend( self.plot(xup, upperup, 'k_', **plot_kw) ) if not barsabove and fmt is not None: l0, = self.plot(x,y,fmt,**kwargs) if ecolor is None: if l0 is None: ecolor = else: ecolor = l0.get_color() for l in barcols: l.set_color(ecolor) for l in caplines: l.set_color(ecolor) self.autoscale_view() self._hold = holdstate errorbar_container = ErrorbarContainer((l0, tuple(caplines), tuple(barcols)), has_xerr=(xerr is not None), has_yerr=(yerr is not None), label=label) self.containers.apd(errorbar_container) return errorbar_container # (l0, caplines, barcols) def boxplot(self, x, notch=False, sym='b+', vert=True, whis=1.5, positions=None, widths=None, patch_artist=False, bootstrap=None, usermedians=None, conf_intervals=None): """ Make a box and whisker plot. Ctotal signature:: boxplot(x, notch=False, sym='+', vert=True, whis=1.5, positions=None, widths=None, patch_artist=False, bootstrap=None, usermedians=None, conf_intervals=None) Make a box and whisker plot for each column of *x* or each vector in sequence *x*. The box extends from the lower to upper quartile values of the data, with a line at the median. The whiskers extend from the box to show the range of the data. Flier points are those past the end of the whiskers. Function Arguments: *x* : Array or a sequence of vectors. *notch* : [ False (default) | True ] If False (default), produces a rectangular box plot. If True, will produce a notched box plot *sym* : [ default 'b+' ] The default symbol for flier points. Enter an empty string ('') if you don't want to show fliers. *vert* : [ False | True (default) ] If True (default), makes the boxes vertical. If False, makes horizontal boxes. *whis* : [ default 1.5 ] Defines the length of the whiskers as a function of the inner quartile range. They extend to the most extreme data point within ( ``whis*(75%-25%)`` ) data range. *bootstrap* : [ *None* (default) | integer ] Specifies whether to bootstrap the confidence intervals around the median for notched boxplots. If bootstrap==None, no bootstrapping is performed, and notches are calculated using a Gaussian-based asymptotic approximation (see <NAME>., <NAME>., and <NAME>., 1978, and <NAME>, 1967). Otherwise, bootstrap specifies the number of times to bootstrap the median to deterget_mine it's 95% confidence intervals. Values between 1000 and 10000 are recommended. *usermedians* : [ default None ] An numset or sequence whose first dimension (or length) is compatible with *x*. This overrides the medians computed by matplotlib for each element of *usermedians* that is not None. When an element of *usermedians* == None, the median will be computed directly as normlizattional. *conf_intervals* : [ default None ] Array or sequence whose first dimension (or length) is compatible with *x* and whose second dimension is 2. When the current element of *conf_intervals* is not None, the notch locations computed by matplotlib are overridden (astotal_counting notch is True). When an element of *conf_intervals* is None, boxplot compute notches the method specified by the other kwargs (e.g. *bootstrap*). *positions* : [ default 1,2,...,n ] Sets the horizontal positions of the boxes. The ticks and limits are automatictotaly set to match the positions. *widths* : [ default 0.5 ] Either a scalar or a vector and sets the width of each box. The default is 0.5, or ``0.15*(distance between extreme positions)`` if that is smtotaler. *patch_artist* : [ False (default) | True ] If False produces boxes with the Line2D artist If True produces boxes with the Patch artist Returns a dictionary mapping each component of the boxplot to a list of the :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances created. That dictionary has the following keys (astotal_counting vertical boxplots): - boxes: the main body of the boxplot showing the quartiles and the median's confidence intervals if enabled. - medians: horizonal lines at the median of each box. - whiskers: the vertical lines extending to the most extreme, n-outlier data points. - caps: the horizontal lines at the ends of the whiskers. - fliers: points representing data that extend beyone the whiskers (outliers). **Example:** .. plot:: pyplots/ """ def bootstrapMedian(data, N=5000): # deterget_mine 95% confidence intervals of the median M = len(data) percentile = [2.5,97.5] estimate = bn.zeros(N) for n in range(N): bsIndex = bn.random.random_integers(0,M-1,M) bsData = data[bsIndex] estimate[n] = mlab.prctile(bsData, 50) CI = mlab.prctile(estimate, percentile) return CI def computeConfInterval(data, med, iq, bootstrap): if bootstrap is not None: # Do a bootstrap estimate of notch locations. # get conf. intervals around median CI = bootstrapMedian(data, N=bootstrap) notch_get_min = CI[0] notch_get_max = CI[1] else: # Estimate notch locations using Gaussian-based # asymptotic approximation. # # For discussion: <NAME>., <NAME>., # and <NAME>. (1978) "Variations of # Boxplots", The American Statistician, 32:12-16. N = len(data) notch_get_min = med - 1.57*iq/bn.sqrt(N) notch_get_max = med + 1.57*iq/bn.sqrt(N) return notch_get_min, notch_get_max if not self._hold: self.cla() holdStatus = self._hold whiskers, caps, boxes, medians, fliers = [], [], [], [], [] # convert x to a list of vectors if hasattr(x, 'shape'): if len(x.shape) == 1: if hasattr(x[0], 'shape'): x = list(x) else: x = [x,] elif len(x.shape) == 2: nr, nc = x.shape if nr == 1: x = [x] elif nc == 1: x = [x.asview()] else: x = [x[:,i] for i in xrange(nc)] else: raise ValueError("ibnut x can have no more than 2 dimensions") if not hasattr(x[0], '__len__'): x = [x] col = len(x) # sanitize user-ibnut medians msg1 = "usermedians must either be a list/tuple or a 1d numset" msg2 = "usermedians' length must be compatible with x" if usermedians is not None: if hasattr(usermedians, 'shape'): if len(usermedians.shape) != 1: raise ValueError(msg1) elif usermedians.shape[0] != col: raise ValueError(msg2) elif len(usermedians) != col: raise ValueError(msg2) #sanitize user-ibnut confidence intervals msg1 = "conf_intervals must either be a list of tuples or a 2d numset" msg2 = "conf_intervals' length must be compatible with x" msg3 = "each conf_interval, if specificied, must have two values" if conf_intervals is not None: if hasattr(conf_intervals, 'shape'): if len(conf_intervals.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(msg1) elif conf_intervals.shape[0] != col: raise ValueError(msg2) elif conf_intervals.shape[1] == 2: raise ValueError(msg3) else: if len(conf_intervals) != col: raise ValueError(msg2) for ci in conf_intervals: if ci is not None and len(ci) != 2: raise ValueError(msg3) # get some plot info if positions is None: positions = range(1, col + 1) if widths is None: distance = get_max(positions) - get_min(positions) widths = get_min(0.15*get_max(distance,1.0), 0.5) if isinstance(widths, float) or isinstance(widths, int): widths = bn.create_ones((col,), float) * widths # loop through columns, add_concating each to plot self.hold(True) for i, pos in enumerate(positions): d = bn.asview(x[i]) row = len(d) if row==0: # no data, skip this position continue # get median and quartiles q1, med, q3 = mlab.prctile(d,[25,50,75]) # replace with ibnut medians if available if usermedians is not None: if usermedians[i] is not None: med = usermedians[i] # get high extreme iq = q3 - q1 hi_val = q3 + whis*iq wisk_hi = bn.compress( d <= hi_val , d ) if len(wisk_hi) == 0: wisk_hi = q3 else: wisk_hi = get_max(wisk_hi) # get low extreme lo_val = q1 - whis*iq wisk_lo = bn.compress( d >= lo_val, d ) if len(wisk_lo) == 0: wisk_lo = q1 else: wisk_lo = get_min(wisk_lo) # get fliers - if we are showing them flier_hi = [] flier_lo = [] flier_hi_x = [] flier_lo_x = [] if len(sym) != 0: flier_hi = bn.compress( d > wisk_hi, d ) flier_lo = bn.compress( d < wisk_lo, d ) flier_hi_x = bn.create_ones(flier_hi.shape[0]) * pos flier_lo_x = bn.create_ones(flier_lo.shape[0]) * pos # get x locations for fliers, whisker, whisker cap and box sides box_x_get_min = pos - widths[i] * 0.5 box_x_get_max = pos + widths[i] * 0.5 wisk_x = bn.create_ones(2) * pos cap_x_get_min = pos - widths[i] * 0.25 cap_x_get_max = pos + widths[i] * 0.25 cap_x = [cap_x_get_min, cap_x_get_max] # get y location for median med_y = [med, med] # calculate 'notch' plot if notch: # conf. intervals from user, if available if conf_intervals is not None and conf_intervals[i] is not None: notch_get_max = bn.get_max(conf_intervals[i]) notch_get_min = bn.get_min(conf_intervals[i]) else: notch_get_min, notch_get_max = computeConfInterval(d, med, iq, bootstrap) # make our notched box vectors box_x = [box_x_get_min, box_x_get_max, box_x_get_max, cap_x_get_max, box_x_get_max, box_x_get_max, box_x_get_min, box_x_get_min, cap_x_get_min, box_x_get_min, box_x_get_min ] box_y = [q1, q1, notch_get_min, med, notch_get_max, q3, q3, notch_get_max, med, notch_get_min, q1] # make our median line vectors med_x = [cap_x_get_min, cap_x_get_max] med_y = [med, med] # calculate 'regular' plot else: # make our box vectors box_x = [box_x_get_min, box_x_get_max, box_x_get_max, box_x_get_min, box_x_get_min ] box_y = [q1, q1, q3, q3, q1 ] # make our median line vectors med_x = [box_x_get_min, box_x_get_max] def to_vc(xs,ys): # convert arguments to verts and codes verts = [] #codes = [] for xi,yi in zip(xs,ys): verts.apd( (xi,yi) ) verts.apd( (0,0) ) # ignored codes = [mpath.Path.MOVETO] + \ [mpath.Path.LINETO]*(len(verts)-2) + \ [mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY] return verts,codes def patch_list(xs,ys): verts,codes = to_vc(xs,ys) path = mpath.Path( verts, codes ) patch = mpatches.PathPatch(path) self.add_concat_artist(patch) return [patch] # vertical or horizontal plot? if vert: def doplot(*args): return self.plot(*args) def dopatch(xs,ys): return patch_list(xs,ys) else: def doplot(*args): shuffled = [] for i in xrange(0, len(args), 3): shuffled.extend([args[i+1], args[i], args[i+2]]) return self.plot(*shuffled) def dopatch(xs,ys): xs,ys = ys,xs # flip X, Y return patch_list(xs,ys) if patch_artist: median_color = 'k' else: median_color = 'r' whiskers.extend(doplot(wisk_x, [q1, wisk_lo], 'b--', wisk_x, [q3, wisk_hi], 'b--')) caps.extend(doplot(cap_x, [wisk_hi, wisk_hi], 'k-', cap_x, [wisk_lo, wisk_lo], 'k-')) if patch_artist: boxes.extend(dopatch(box_x, box_y)) else: boxes.extend(doplot(box_x, box_y, 'b-')) medians.extend(doplot(med_x, med_y, median_color+'-')) fliers.extend(doplot(flier_hi_x, flier_hi, sym, flier_lo_x, flier_lo, sym)) # fix our axes/ticks up a little if vert: setticks, setlim = self.set_xticks, self.set_xlim else: setticks, setlim = self.set_yticks, self.set_ylim newlimits = get_min(positions)-0.5, get_max(positions)+0.5 setlim(newlimits) setticks(positions) # reset hold status self.hold(holdStatus) return dict(whiskers=whiskers, caps=caps, boxes=boxes, medians=medians, fliers=fliers) @docstring.dedent_interpd def scatter(self, x, y, s=20, c='b', marker='o', cmap=None, normlizattion=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, alpha=None, linewidths=None, faceted=True, verts=None, **kwargs): """ Make a scatter plot. Ctotal signatures:: scatter(x, y, s=20, c='b', marker='o', cmap=None, normlizattion=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, alpha=None, linewidths=None, verts=None, **kwargs) Make a scatter plot of *x* versus *y*, filter_condition *x*, *y* are converted to 1-D sequences which must be of the same length, *N*. Keyword arguments: *s*: size in points^2. It is a scalar or an numset of the same length as *x* and *y*. *c*: a color. *c* can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length *N*, or a sequence of *N* numbers to be mapped to colors using the *cmap* and *normlizattion* specified via kwargs (see below). Note that *c* should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an numset of values to be colormapped. *c* can be a 2-D numset in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. *marker*: can be one of: %(MarkerTable)s Any or total of *x*, *y*, *s*, and *c* may be masked numsets, in which case total masks will be combined and only unmasked points will be plotted. Other keyword arguments: the color mapping and normlizattionalization arguments will be used only if *c* is an numset of floats. *cmap*: [ *None* | Colormap ] A :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance or registered name. If *None*, defaults to rc ``imaginarye.cmap``. *cmap* is only used if *c* is an numset of floats. *normlizattion*: [ *None* | Normalize ] A :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance is used to scale luget_minance data to 0, 1. If *None*, use the default :func:`normlizattionalize`. *normlizattion* is only used if *c* is an numset of floats. *vget_min*/*vget_max*: *vget_min* and *vget_max* are used in conjunction with normlizattion to normlizattionalize luget_minance data. If either are *None*, the get_min and get_max of the color numset *C* is used. Note if you pass a *normlizattion* instance, your settings for *vget_min* and *vget_max* will be ignored. *alpha*: ``0 <= scalar <= 1`` or *None* The alpha value for the patches *linewidths*: [ *None* | scalar | sequence ] If *None*, defaults to (lines.linewidth,). Note that this is a tuple, and if you set the linewidths argument you must set it as a sequence of floats, as required by :class:`~matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection`. Optional kwargs control the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties; in particular: *edgecolors*: The string 'none' to plot faces with no outlines *facecolors*: The string 'none' to plot unmasked_fill outlines Here are the standard descriptions of total the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` kwargs: %(Collection)s A :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` instance is returned. """ if not self._hold: self.cla() self._process_unit_info(xdata=x, ydata=y, kwargs=kwargs) x = self.convert_xunits(x) y = self.convert_yunits(y) # yields an ndnumset, not a masked numset, # unless its argument is a masked numset. x = y = if x.size != y.size: raise ValueError("x and y must be the same size") s = # This doesn't have to match x, y in size. c_is_stringy = is_string_like(c) or is_sequence_of_strings(c) if not c_is_stringy: c = bn.asany_conditionnumset(c) if c.size == x.size: c = x, y, s, c = cbook.remove_operation_masked_points(x, y, s, c) scales = s # Renamed for readability below. if c_is_stringy: colors = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_numset(c, alpha) else: # The inherent ambiguity is resolved in favor of color # mapping, not interpretation as rgb or rgba: if c.size == x.size: colors = None # use cmap, normlizattion after collection is created else: colors = mcolors.colorConverter.to_rgba_numset(c, alpha) if faceted: edgecolors = None else: edgecolors = 'none' warnings.warn( '''replace "faceted=False" with "edgecolors='none'"''', mplDeprecation) # 2008/04/18 sym = None symstyle = 0 # to be API compatible if marker is None and not (verts is None): marker = (verts, 0) verts = None marker_obj = mmarkers.MarkerStyle(marker) path = marker_obj.get_path().transformed( marker_obj.get_transform()) if not marker_obj.is_masked_fill(): edgecolors = 'face' collection = mcoll.PathCollection( (path,), scales, facecolors = colors, edgecolors = edgecolors, linewidths = linewidths, offsets = zip(x,y), transOffset = kwargs.pop('transform', self.transData), ) collection.set_transform(mtransforms.IdentityTransform()) collection.set_alpha(alpha) collection.update(kwargs) if colors is None: if normlizattion is not None: assert(isinstance(normlizattion, mcolors.Normalize)) collection.set_numset(bn.asnumset(c)) collection.set_cmap(cmap) collection.set_normlizattion(normlizattion) if vget_min is not None or vget_max is not None: collection.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) else: collection.autoscale_None() # The margin adjustment is a hack to deal with the fact that we don't # want to transform total the symbols whose scales are in points # to data coords to get the exact bounding box for efficiency # reasons. It can be done right if this is deemed important. # Also, only bother with this padd_concating if there is any_conditionthing to draw. if self._xmargin < 0.05 and x.size > 0 : self.set_xmargin(0.05) if self._ymargin < 0.05 and x.size > 0 : self.set_ymargin(0.05) self.add_concat_collection(collection) self.autoscale_view() return collection @docstring.dedent_interpd def hexbin(self, x, y, C = None, gridsize = 100, bins = None, xscale = 'linear', yscale = 'linear', extent = None, cmap=None, normlizattion=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, alpha=None, linewidths=None, edgecolors='none', reduce_C_function = bn.average, get_mincnt=None, marginals=False, **kwargs): """ Make a hexagonal binning plot. Ctotal signature:: hexbin(x, y, C = None, gridsize = 100, bins = None, xscale = 'linear', yscale = 'linear', cmap=None, normlizattion=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, alpha=None, linewidths=None, edgecolors='none' reduce_C_function = bn.average, get_mincnt=None, marginals=True **kwargs) Make a hexagonal binning plot of *x* versus *y*, filter_condition *x*, *y* are 1-D sequences of the same length, *N*. If *C* is *None* (the default), this is a hist_operation of the number of occurences of the observations at (x[i],y[i]). If *C* is specified, it specifies values at the coordinate (x[i],y[i]). These values are accumulated for each hexagonal bin and then reduced according to *reduce_C_function*, which defaults to beatnum's average function (bn.average). (If *C* is specified, it must also be a 1-D sequence of the same length as *x* and *y*.) *x*, *y* and/or *C* may be masked numsets, in which case only unmasked points will be plotted. Optional keyword arguments: *gridsize*: [ 100 | integer ] The number of hexagons in the *x*-direction, default is 100. The corresponding number of hexagons in the *y*-direction is chosen such that the hexagons are approximately regular. Alternatively, gridsize can be a tuple with two elements specifying the number of hexagons in the *x*-direction and the *y*-direction. *bins*: [ *None* | 'log' | integer | sequence ] If *None*, no binning is applied; the color of each hexagon directly corresponds to its count value. If 'log', use a logarithmic scale for the color map. Interntotaly, :math:`log_{10}(i+1)` is used to deterget_mine the hexagon color. If an integer, divide the counts in the specified number of bins, and color the hexagons accordingly. If a sequence of values, the values of the lower bound of the bins to be used. *xscale*: [ 'linear' | 'log' ] Use a linear or log10 scale on the horizontal axis. *scale*: [ 'linear' | 'log' ] Use a linear or log10 scale on the vertical axis. *get_mincnt*: [ *None* | a positive integer ] If not *None*, only display cells with more than *get_mincnt* number of points in the cell *marginals*: [ *True* | *False* ] if marginals is *True*, plot the marginal density as colormapped rectagles along the bottom of the x-axis and left of the y-axis *extent*: [ *None* | scalars (left, right, bottom, top) ] The limits of the bins. The default assigns the limits based on gridsize, x, y, xscale and yscale. Other keyword arguments controlling color mapping and normlizattionalization arguments: *cmap*: [ *None* | Colormap ] a :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance. If *None*, defaults to rc ``imaginarye.cmap``. *normlizattion*: [ *None* | Normalize ] :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance is used to scale luget_minance data to 0,1. *vget_min* / *vget_max*: scalar *vget_min* and *vget_max* are used in conjunction with *normlizattion* to normlizattionalize luget_minance data. If either are *None*, the get_min and get_max of the color numset *C* is used. Note if you pass a normlizattion instance, your settings for *vget_min* and *vget_max* will be ignored. *alpha*: scalar between 0 and 1, or *None* the alpha value for the patches *linewidths*: [ *None* | scalar ] If *None*, defaults to rc lines.linewidth. Note that this is a tuple, and if you set the linewidths argument you must set it as a sequence of floats, as required by :class:`~matplotlib.collections.RegularPolyCollection`. Other keyword arguments controlling the Collection properties: *edgecolors*: [ *None* | ``'none'`` | mpl color | color sequence ] If ``'none'``, draws the edges in the same color as the fill color. This is the default, as it avoids unsightly ubnainted pixels between the hexagons. If *None*, draws the outlines in the default color. If a matplotlib color arg or sequence of rgba tuples, draws the outlines in the specified color. Here are the standard descriptions of total the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.Collection` kwargs: %(Collection)s The return value is a :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` instance; use :meth:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection.get_numset` on this :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` to get the counts in each hexagon. If *marginals* is *True*, horizontal bar and vertical bar (both PolyCollections) will be attached to the return collection as attributes *hbar* and *vbar*. **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() self._process_unit_info(xdata=x, ydata=y, kwargs=kwargs) x, y, C = cbook.remove_operation_masked_points(x, y, C) # Set the size of the hexagon grid if iterable(gridsize): nx, ny = gridsize else: nx = gridsize ny = int(nx/math.sqrt(3)) # Count the number of data in each hexagon x = bn.numset(x, float) y = bn.numset(y, float) if xscale=='log': if bn.any_condition(x <= 0.0): raise ValueError("x contains non-positive values, so can not" " be log-scaled") x = bn.log10(x) if yscale=='log': if bn.any_condition(y <= 0.0): raise ValueError("y contains non-positive values, so can not" " be log-scaled") y = bn.log10(y) if extent is not None: xget_min, xget_max, yget_min, yget_max = extent else: xget_min = bn.aget_min(x) xget_max = bn.aget_max(x) yget_min = bn.aget_min(y) yget_max = bn.aget_max(y) # In the x-direction, the hexagons exactly cover the region from # xget_min to xget_max. Need some padd_concating to avoid roundoff errors. padd_concating = 1.e-9 * (xget_max - xget_min) xget_min -= padd_concating xget_max += padd_concating sx = (xget_max-xget_min) / nx sy = (yget_max-yget_min) / ny if marginals: xorig = x.copy() yorig = y.copy() x = (x-xget_min)/sx y = (y-yget_min)/sy ix1 = bn.round(x).convert_type(int) iy1 = bn.round(y).convert_type(int) ix2 = bn.floor(x).convert_type(int) iy2 = bn.floor(y).convert_type(int) nx1 = nx + 1 ny1 = ny + 1 nx2 = nx ny2 = ny n = nx1*ny1+nx2*ny2 d1 = (x-ix1)**2 + 3.0 * (y-iy1)**2 d2 = (x-ix2-0.5)**2 + 3.0 * (y-iy2-0.5)**2 bdist = (d1<d2) if C is None: accum = bn.zeros(n) # Create appropriate views into "accum" numset. lattice1 = accum[:nx1*ny1] lattice2 = accum[nx1*ny1:] lattice1.shape = (nx1,ny1) lattice2.shape = (nx2,ny2) for i in xrange(len(x)): if bdist[i]: if ((ix1[i] >= 0) and (ix1[i] < nx1) and (iy1[i] >= 0) and (iy1[i] < ny1)): lattice1[ix1[i], iy1[i]]+=1 else: if ((ix2[i] >= 0) and (ix2[i] < nx2) and (iy2[i] >= 0) and (iy2[i] < ny2)): lattice2[ix2[i], iy2[i]]+=1 # threshold if get_mincnt is not None: for i in xrange(nx1): for j in xrange(ny1): if lattice1[i,j]<get_mincnt: lattice1[i,j] = bn.nan for i in xrange(nx2): for j in xrange(ny2): if lattice2[i,j]<get_mincnt: lattice2[i,j] = bn.nan accum = bn.hpile_operation(( lattice1.convert_type(float).asview(), lattice2.convert_type(float).asview())) good_idxs = ~bn.ifnan(accum) else: if get_mincnt is None: get_mincnt = 0 # create accumulation numsets lattice1 = bn.empty((nx1,ny1),dtype=object) for i in xrange(nx1): for j in xrange(ny1): lattice1[i,j] = [] lattice2 = bn.empty((nx2,ny2),dtype=object) for i in xrange(nx2): for j in xrange(ny2): lattice2[i,j] = [] for i in xrange(len(x)): if bdist[i]: if ((ix1[i] >= 0) and (ix1[i] < nx1) and (iy1[i] >= 0) and (iy1[i] < ny1)): lattice1[ix1[i], iy1[i]].apd( C[i] ) else: if ((ix2[i] >= 0) and (ix2[i] < nx2) and (iy2[i] >= 0) and (iy2[i] < ny2)): lattice2[ix2[i], iy2[i]].apd( C[i] ) for i in xrange(nx1): for j in xrange(ny1): vals = lattice1[i,j] if len(vals)>get_mincnt: lattice1[i,j] = reduce_C_function( vals ) else: lattice1[i,j] = bn.nan for i in xrange(nx2): for j in xrange(ny2): vals = lattice2[i,j] if len(vals)>get_mincnt: lattice2[i,j] = reduce_C_function( vals ) else: lattice2[i,j] = bn.nan accum = bn.hpile_operation(( lattice1.convert_type(float).asview(), lattice2.convert_type(float).asview())) good_idxs = ~bn.ifnan(accum) offsets = bn.zeros((n, 2), float) offsets[:nx1*ny1,0] = bn.duplicate(bn.arr_range(nx1), ny1) offsets[:nx1*ny1,1] = bn.tile(bn.arr_range(ny1), nx1) offsets[nx1*ny1:,0] = bn.duplicate(bn.arr_range(nx2) + 0.5, ny2) offsets[nx1*ny1:,1] = bn.tile(bn.arr_range(ny2), nx2) + 0.5 offsets[:,0] *= sx offsets[:,1] *= sy offsets[:,0] += xget_min offsets[:,1] += yget_min # remove accumulation bins with no data offsets = offsets[good_idxs,:] accum = accum[good_idxs] polygon = bn.zeros((6, 2), float) polygon[:,0] = sx * bn.numset([ 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0]) polygon[:,1] = sy * bn.numset([-0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, -0.5, -1.0]) / 3.0 if edgecolors=='none': edgecolors = 'face' if xscale == 'log' or yscale == 'log': polygons = bn.expand_dims(polygon, 0) + bn.expand_dims(offsets, 1) if xscale == 'log': polygons[:, :, 0] = 10.0 ** polygons[:, :, 0] xget_min = 10.0 ** xget_min xget_max = 10.0 ** xget_max self.set_xscale(xscale) if yscale == 'log': polygons[:, :, 1] = 10.0 ** polygons[:, :, 1] yget_min = 10.0 ** yget_min yget_max = 10.0 ** yget_max self.set_yscale(yscale) collection = mcoll.PolyCollection( polygons, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidths=linewidths, ) else: collection = mcoll.PolyCollection( [polygon], edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidths=linewidths, offsets=offsets, transOffset=mtransforms.IdentityTransform(), offset_position="data" ) if isinstance(normlizattion, mcolors.LogNorm): if (accum==0).any_condition(): # make sure we have not zeros accum += 1 # autoscale the normlizattion with curren accum values if it hasn't # been set if normlizattion is not None: if normlizattion.vget_min is None and normlizattion.vget_max is None: normlizattion.autoscale(accum) # Transform accum if needed if bins=='log': accum = bn.log10(accum+1) elif bins!=None: if not iterable(bins): get_minimum, get_maximum = get_min(accum), get_max(accum) bins-=1 # one less edge than bins bins = get_minimum + (get_maximum-get_minimum)*bn.arr_range(bins)/bins bins = bn.sort(bins) accum = bins.find_sorted(accum) if normlizattion is not None: assert(isinstance(normlizattion, mcolors.Normalize)) collection.set_numset(accum) collection.set_cmap(cmap) collection.set_normlizattion(normlizattion) collection.set_alpha(alpha) collection.update(kwargs) if vget_min is not None or vget_max is not None: collection.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) else: collection.autoscale_None() corners = ((xget_min, yget_min), (xget_max, yget_max)) self.update_datalim( corners) self.autoscale_view(tight=True) # add_concat the collection last self.add_concat_collection(collection) if not marginals: return collection if C is None: C = bn.create_ones(len(x)) def coarse_bin(x, y, coarse): ind = coarse.find_sorted(x).clip(0, len(coarse)-1) mus = bn.zeros(len(coarse)) for i in range(len(coarse)): mu = reduce_C_function(y[ind==i]) mus[i] = mu return mus coarse = bn.linspace(xget_min, xget_max, gridsize) xcoarse = coarse_bin(xorig, C, coarse) valid = ~bn.ifnan(xcoarse) verts, values = [], [] for i,val in enumerate(xcoarse): thisget_min = coarse[i] if i<len(coarse)-1: thisget_max = coarse[i+1] else: thisget_max = thisget_min + bn.difference(coarse)[-1] if not valid[i]: continue verts.apd([(thisget_min, 0), (thisget_min, 0.05), (thisget_max, 0.05), (thisget_max, 0)]) values.apd(val) values = bn.numset(values) trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transData, self.transAxes) hbar = mcoll.PolyCollection(verts, transform=trans, edgecolors='face') hbar.set_numset(values) hbar.set_cmap(cmap) hbar.set_normlizattion(normlizattion) hbar.set_alpha(alpha) hbar.update(kwargs) self.add_concat_collection(hbar) coarse = bn.linspace(yget_min, yget_max, gridsize) ycoarse = coarse_bin(yorig, C, coarse) valid = ~bn.ifnan(ycoarse) verts, values = [], [] for i,val in enumerate(ycoarse): thisget_min = coarse[i] if i<len(coarse)-1: thisget_max = coarse[i+1] else: thisget_max = thisget_min + bn.difference(coarse)[-1] if not valid[i]: continue verts.apd([(0, thisget_min), (0.0, thisget_max), (0.05, thisget_max), (0.05, thisget_min)]) values.apd(val) values = bn.numset(values) trans = mtransforms.blended_transform_factory( self.transAxes, self.transData) vbar = mcoll.PolyCollection(verts, transform=trans, edgecolors='face') vbar.set_numset(values) vbar.set_cmap(cmap) vbar.set_normlizattion(normlizattion) vbar.set_alpha(alpha) vbar.update(kwargs) self.add_concat_collection(vbar) collection.hbar = hbar collection.vbar = vbar def on_changed(collection): hbar.set_cmap(collection.get_cmap()) hbar.set_clim(collection.get_clim()) vbar.set_cmap(collection.get_cmap()) vbar.set_clim(collection.get_clim()) collection.ctotalbacksSM.connect('changed', on_changed) return collection @docstring.dedent_interpd def arrow(self, x, y, dx, dy, **kwargs): """ Add an arrow to the axes. Ctotal signature:: arrow(x, y, dx, dy, **kwargs) Draws arrow on specified axis from (*x*, *y*) to (*x* + *dx*, *y* + *dy*). Uses FancyArrow patch to construct the arrow. Optional kwargs control the arrow construction and properties: %(FancyArrow)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ # Strip away units for the underlying patch since units # do not make sense to most patch-like code x = self.convert_xunits(x) y = self.convert_yunits(y) dx = self.convert_xunits(dx) dy = self.convert_yunits(dy) a = mpatches.FancyArrow(x, y, dx, dy, **kwargs) self.add_concat_artist(a) return a def quiverkey(self, *args, **kw): qk = mquiver.QuiverKey(*args, **kw) self.add_concat_artist(qk) return qk quiverkey.__doc__ = mquiver.QuiverKey.quiverkey_doc def quiver(self, *args, **kw): if not self._hold: self.cla() q = mquiver.Quiver(self, *args, **kw) self.add_concat_collection(q, False) self.update_datalim(q.XY) self.autoscale_view() return q quiver.__doc__ = mquiver.Quiver.quiver_doc def pile_operationplot(self, x, *args, **kwargs): return mpile_operation.pile_operationplot(self, x, *args, **kwargs) pile_operationplot.__doc__ = mpile_operation.pile_operationplot.__doc__ def streamplot(self, x, y, u, v, density=1, linewidth=None, color=None, cmap=None, normlizattion=None, arrowsize=1, arrowstyle='-|>', get_minlength=0.1, transform=None): if not self._hold: self.cla() stream_container = mstream.streamplot(self, x, y, u, v, density=density, linewidth=linewidth, color=color, cmap=cmap, normlizattion=normlizattion, arrowsize=arrowsize, arrowstyle=arrowstyle, get_minlength=get_minlength, transform=transform) return stream_container streamplot.__doc__ = mstream.streamplot.__doc__ @docstring.dedent_interpd def barbs(self, *args, **kw): """ %(barbs_doc)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() b = mquiver.Barbs(self, *args, **kw) self.add_concat_collection(b) self.update_datalim(b.get_offsets()) self.autoscale_view() return b @docstring.dedent_interpd def fill(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot masked_fill polygons. Ctotal signature:: fill(*args, **kwargs) *args* is a variable length argument, totalowing for multiple *x*, *y* pairs with an optional color format string; see :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for details on the argument parsing. For example, to plot a polygon with vertices at *x*, *y* in blue.:: ax.fill(x,y, 'b' ) An arbitrary number of *x*, *y*, *color* groups can be specified:: ax.fill(x1, y1, 'g', x2, y2, 'r') Return value is a list of :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Patch` instances that were add_concated. The same color strings that :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.plot` supports are supported by the fill format string. If you would like to fill below a curve, eg. shade a region between 0 and *y* along *x*, use :meth:`fill_between` The *closed* kwarg will close the polygon when *True* (default). kwargs control the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` properties: %(Polygon)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() patches = [] for poly in self._get_patches_for_fill(*args, **kwargs): self.add_concat_patch( poly ) patches.apd( poly ) self.autoscale_view() return patches @docstring.dedent_interpd def fill_between(self, x, y1, y2=0, filter_condition=None, interpolate=False, **kwargs): """ Make masked_fill polygons between two curves. Ctotal signature:: fill_between(x, y1, y2=0, filter_condition=None, **kwargs) Create a :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` filling the regions between *y1* and *y2* filter_condition ``filter_condition==True`` *x* : An N-length numset of the x data *y1* : An N-length numset (or scalar) of the y data *y2* : An N-length numset (or scalar) of the y data *filter_condition* : If *None*, default to fill between everyfilter_condition. If not *None*, it is an N-length beatnum boolean numset and the fill will only happen over the regions filter_condition ``filter_condition==True``. *interpolate* : If *True*, interpolate between the two lines to find the precise point of intersection. Otherwise, the start and end points of the masked_fill region will only occur on explicit values in the *x* numset. *kwargs* : Keyword args passed on to the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection`. kwargs control the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` properties: %(PolyCollection)s .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ .. seealso:: :meth:`fill_betweenx` for filling between two sets of x-values """ # Handle united data, such as dates self._process_unit_info(xdata=x, ydata=y1, kwargs=kwargs) self._process_unit_info(ydata=y2) # Convert the numsets so we can work with them x = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_xunits(x)) y1 = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_yunits(y1)) y2 = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_yunits(y2)) if y1.ndim == 0: y1 = bn.create_ones_like(x)*y1 if y2.ndim == 0: y2 = bn.create_ones_like(x)*y2 if filter_condition is None: filter_condition = bn.create_ones(len(x), bn.bool) else: filter_condition = bn.asnumset(filter_condition, bn.bool) if not (x.shape == y1.shape == y2.shape == filter_condition.shape): raise ValueError("Argument dimensions are incompatible") mask = reduce(ma.mask_or, [ma.getmask(a) for a in (x, y1, y2)]) if mask is not ma.nomask: filter_condition &= ~mask polys = [] for ind0, ind1 in mlab.contiguous_regions(filter_condition): xpiece = x[ind0:ind1] y1piece = y1[ind0:ind1] y2piece = y2[ind0:ind1] if not len(xpiece): continue N = len(xpiece) X = bn.zeros((2*N+2, 2), bn.float) if interpolate: def get_interp_point(ind): im1 = get_max(ind-1, 0) x_values = x[im1:ind+1] difference_values = y1[im1:ind+1] - y2[im1:ind+1] y1_values = y1[im1:ind+1] if len(difference_values) == 2: if[1]): return x[im1], y1[im1] elif[0]): return x[ind], y1[ind] difference_order = difference_values.argsort() difference_root_x = bn.interp( 0, difference_values[difference_order], x_values[difference_order]) difference_root_y = bn.interp(difference_root_x, x_values, y1_values) return difference_root_x, difference_root_y start = get_interp_point(ind0) end = get_interp_point(ind1) else: # the purpose of the next two lines is for when y2 is a # scalar like 0 and we want the fill to go total the way # down to 0 even if none of the y1 sample points do start = xpiece[0], y2piece[0] end = xpiece[-1], y2piece[-1] X[0] = start X[N+1] = end X[1:N+1,0] = xpiece X[1:N+1,1] = y1piece X[N+2:,0] = xpiece[::-1] X[N+2:,1] = y2piece[::-1] polys.apd(X) collection = mcoll.PolyCollection(polys, **kwargs) # now update the datalim and autoscale XY1 = bn.numset([x[filter_condition], y1[filter_condition]]).T XY2 = bn.numset([x[filter_condition], y2[filter_condition]]).T self.dataLim.update_from_data_xy(XY1, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=True, updatey=True) self.dataLim.update_from_data_xy(XY2, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=False, updatey=True) self.add_concat_collection(collection) self.autoscale_view() return collection @docstring.dedent_interpd def fill_betweenx(self, y, x1, x2=0, filter_condition=None, **kwargs): """ Make masked_fill polygons between two horizontal curves. Ctotal signature:: fill_betweenx(y, x1, x2=0, filter_condition=None, **kwargs) Create a :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` filling the regions between *x1* and *x2* filter_condition ``filter_condition==True`` *y* : An N-length numset of the y data *x1* : An N-length numset (or scalar) of the x data *x2* : An N-length numset (or scalar) of the x data *filter_condition* : If *None*, default to fill between everyfilter_condition. If not *None*, it is a N length beatnum boolean numset and the fill will only happen over the regions filter_condition ``filter_condition==True`` *kwargs* : keyword args passed on to the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` kwargs control the :class:`~matplotlib.patches.Polygon` properties: %(PolyCollection)s .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ .. seealso:: :meth:`fill_between` for filling between two sets of y-values """ # Handle united data, such as dates self._process_unit_info(ydata=y, xdata=x1, kwargs=kwargs) self._process_unit_info(xdata=x2) # Convert the numsets so we can work with them y = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_yunits(y)) x1 = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_xunits(x1)) x2 = ma.masked_inversealid(self.convert_xunits(x2)) if x1.ndim == 0: x1 = bn.create_ones_like(y)*x1 if x2.ndim == 0: x2 = bn.create_ones_like(y)*x2 if filter_condition is None: filter_condition = bn.create_ones(len(y), bn.bool) else: filter_condition = bn.asnumset(filter_condition, bn.bool) if not (y.shape == x1.shape == x2.shape == filter_condition.shape): raise ValueError("Argument dimensions are incompatible") mask = reduce(ma.mask_or, [ma.getmask(a) for a in (y, x1, x2)]) if mask is not ma.nomask: filter_condition &= ~mask polys = [] for ind0, ind1 in mlab.contiguous_regions(filter_condition): ypiece = y[ind0:ind1] x1piece = x1[ind0:ind1] x2piece = x2[ind0:ind1] if not len(ypiece): continue N = len(ypiece) Y = bn.zeros((2*N+2, 2), bn.float) # the purpose of the next two lines is for when x2 is a # scalar like 0 and we want the fill to go total the way # down to 0 even if none of the x1 sample points do Y[0] = x2piece[0], ypiece[0] Y[N+1] = x2piece[-1], ypiece[-1] Y[1:N+1,0] = x1piece Y[1:N+1,1] = ypiece Y[N+2:,0] = x2piece[::-1] Y[N+2:,1] = ypiece[::-1] polys.apd(Y) collection = mcoll.PolyCollection(polys, **kwargs) # now update the datalim and autoscale X1Y = bn.numset([x1[filter_condition], y[filter_condition]]).T X2Y = bn.numset([x2[filter_condition], y[filter_condition]]).T self.dataLim.update_from_data_xy(X1Y, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=True, updatey=True) self.dataLim.update_from_data_xy(X2Y, self.ignore_existing_data_limits, updatex=False, updatey=True) self.add_concat_collection(collection) self.autoscale_view() return collection #### plotting z(x,y): imshow, pcolor and relatives, contour @docstring.dedent_interpd def imshow(self, X, cmap=None, normlizattion=None, aspect=None, interpolation=None, alpha=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, origin=None, extent=None, shape=None, filternormlizattion=1, filterrad=4.0, imlim=None, resample=None, url=None, **kwargs): """ Display an imaginarye on the axes. Ctotal signature:: imshow(X, cmap=None, normlizattion=None, aspect=None, interpolation=None, alpha=None, vget_min=None, vget_max=None, origin=None, extent=None, **kwargs) Display the imaginarye in *X* to current axes. *X* may be a float numset, a uint8 numset or a PIL imaginarye. If *X* is an numset, *X* can have the following shapes: * MxN -- luget_minance (grayscale, float numset only) * MxNx3 -- RGB (float or uint8 numset) * MxNx4 -- RGBA (float or uint8 numset) The value for each component of MxNx3 and MxNx4 float numsets should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0; MxN float numsets may be normlizattionalised. An :class:`matplotlib.imaginarye.AxesImage` instance is returned. Keyword arguments: *cmap*: [ *None* | Colormap ] A :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance, eg. cm.jet. If *None*, default to rc ``imaginarye.cmap`` value. *cmap* is ignored when *X* has RGB(A) information *aspect*: [ *None* | 'auto' | 'equal' | scalar ] If 'auto', changes the imaginarye aspect ratio to match that of the axes If 'equal', and *extent* is *None*, changes the axes aspect ratio to match that of the imaginarye. If *extent* is not *None*, the axes aspect ratio is changed to match that of the extent. If *None*, default to rc ``imaginarye.aspect`` value. *interpolation*: Acceptable values are *None*, 'none', 'nearest', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamget_ming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos' If *interpolation* is *None*, default to rc ``imaginarye.interpolation``. See also the *filternormlizattion* and *filterrad* parameters If *interpolation* is ``'none'``, then no interpolation is performed on the Agg, ps and pdf backends. Other backends will ftotal back to 'nearest'. *normlizattion*: [ *None* | Normalize ] An :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance; if *None*, default is ``normlizattionalization()``. This scales luget_minance -> 0-1 *normlizattion* is only used for an MxN float numset. *vget_min*/*vget_max*: [ *None* | scalar ] Used to scale a luget_minance imaginarye to 0-1. If either is *None*, the get_min and get_max of the luget_minance values will be used. Note if *normlizattion* is not *None*, the settings for *vget_min* and *vget_max* will be ignored. *alpha*: scalar The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque) or *None* *origin*: [ *None* | 'upper' | 'lower' ] Place the [0,0] index of the numset in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes. If *None*, default to rc ``imaginarye.origin``. *extent*: [ *None* | scalars (left, right, bottom, top) ] Data limits for the axes. The default assigns zero-based row, column indices to the *x*, *y* centers of the pixels. *shape*: [ *None* | scalars (columns, rows) ] For raw buffer imaginaryes *filternormlizattion*: A parameter for the antigrain imaginarye resize filter. From the antigrain documentation, if *filternormlizattion* = 1, the filter normlizattionalizes integer values and corrects the rounding errors. It doesn't do any_conditionthing with the source floating point values, it corrects only integers according to the rule of 1.0 which averages that any_condition total_count of pixel weights must be equal to 1.0. So, the filter function must produce a graph of the proper shape. *filterrad*: The filter radius for filters that have a radius parameter, i.e. when interpolation is one of: 'sinc', 'lanczos' or 'blackman' Additional kwargs are :class:`~matplotlib.artist.Artist` properties. %(Artist)s **Example:** .. plot:: mpl_examples/pylab_examples/ """ if not self._hold: self.cla() if normlizattion is not None: assert(isinstance(normlizattion, mcolors.Normalize)) if aspect is None: aspect = rcParams['imaginarye.aspect'] self.set_aspect(aspect) im = mimaginarye.AxesImage(self, cmap, normlizattion, interpolation, origin, extent, filternormlizattion=filternormlizattion, filterrad=filterrad, resample=resample, **kwargs) im.set_data(X) im.set_alpha(alpha) self._set_artist_props(im) if im.get_clip_path() is None: # imaginarye does not already have clipping set, clip to axes patch im.set_clip_path(self.patch) #if normlizattion is None and shape is None: # im.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) if vget_min is not None or vget_max is not None: im.set_clim(vget_min, vget_max) else: im.autoscale_None() im.set_url(url) # update ax.dataLim, and, if autoscaling, set viewLim # to tightly fit the imaginarye, regardless of dataLim. im.set_extent(im.get_extent()) self.imaginaryes.apd(im) im._remove_method = lambda h: self.imaginaryes.remove(h) return im def _pcolorargs(self, funcname, *args): if len(args)==1: C = args[0] numRows, numCols = C.shape X, Y = bn.meshgrid(bn.arr_range(numCols+1), bn.arr_range(numRows+1) ) elif len(args)==3: X, Y, C = args else: raise TypeError( 'Illegal arguments to %s; see help(%s)' % (funcname, funcname)) Nx = X.shape[-1] Ny = Y.shape[0] if len(X.shape) != 2 or X.shape[0] == 1: x = X.change_shape_to(1,Nx) X = x.duplicate(Ny, axis=0) if len(Y.shape) != 2 or Y.shape[1] == 1: y = Y.change_shape_to(Ny, 1) Y = y.duplicate(Nx, axis=1) if X.shape != Y.shape: raise TypeError( 'Incompatible X, Y ibnuts to %s; see help(%s)' % ( funcname, funcname)) return X, Y, C @docstring.dedent_interpd def pcolor(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2-D numset. Note: pcolor can be very slow for large numsets; consider using the similar but much faster :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` instead. Ctotal signatures:: pcolor(C, **kwargs) pcolor(X, Y, C, **kwargs) *C* is the numset of color values. *X* and *Y*, if given, specify the (*x*, *y*) coordinates of the colored quadrilaterals; the quadrilateral for C[i,j] has corners at:: (X[i, j], Y[i, j]), (X[i, j+1], Y[i, j+1]), (X[i+1, j], Y[i+1, j]), (X[i+1, j+1], Y[i+1, j+1]). Idetotaly the dimensions of *X* and *Y* should be one greater than those of *C*; if the dimensions are the same, then the last row and column of *C* will be ignored. Note that the the column index corresponds to the *x*-coordinate, and the row index corresponds to *y*; for details, see the :ref:`Grid Orientation <axes-pcolor-grid-orientation>` section below. If either or both of *X* and *Y* are 1-D numsets or column vectors, they will be expanded as needed into the appropriate 2-D numsets, making a rectangular grid. *X*, *Y* and *C* may be masked numsets. If either C[i, j], or one of the vertices surrounding C[i,j] (*X* or *Y* at [i, j], [i+1, j], [i, j+1],[i+1, j+1]) is masked, nothing is plotted. Keyword arguments: *cmap*: [ *None* | Colormap ] A :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance. If *None*, use rc settings. *normlizattion*: [ *None* | Normalize ] An :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance is used to scale luget_minance data to 0,1. If *None*, defaults to :func:`normlizattionalize`. *vget_min*/*vget_max*: [ *None* | scalar ] *vget_min* and *vget_max* are used in conjunction with *normlizattion* to normlizattionalize luget_minance data. If either is *None*, it is autoscaled to the respective get_min or get_max of the color numset *C*. If not *None*, *vget_min* or *vget_max* passed in here override any_condition pre-existing values supplied in the *normlizattion* instance. *shading*: [ 'flat' | 'faceted' ] If 'faceted', a black grid is drawn around each rectangle; if 'flat', edges are not drawn. Default is 'flat', contrary to MATLAB. This kwarg is deprecated; please use 'edgecolors' instead: * shading='flat' -- edgecolors='none' * shading='faceted -- edgecolors='k' *edgecolors*: [ *None* | ``'none'`` | color | color sequence] If *None*, the rc setting is used by default. If ``'none'``, edges will not be visible. An mpl color or sequence of colors will set the edge color *alpha*: ``0 <= scalar <= 1`` or *None* the alpha blending value Return value is a :class:`matplotlib.collections.Collection` instance. .. _axes-pcolor-grid-orientation: The grid orientation follows the MATLAB convention: an numset *C* with shape (*nrows*, *ncolumns*) is plotted with the column number as *X* and the row number as *Y*, increasing up; hence it is plotted the way the numset would be printed, except that the *Y* axis is reversed. That is, *C* is taken as *C*(*y*, *x*). Similarly for :func:`meshgrid`:: x = bn.arr_range(5) y = bn.arr_range(3) X, Y = meshgrid(x,y) is equivalent to:: X = numset([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]) Y = numset([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]) so if you have:: C = rand( len(x), len(y)) then you need:: pcolor(X, Y, C.T) or:: pcolor(C.T) MATLAB :func:`pcolor` always discards the last row and column of *C*, but matplotlib displays the last row and column if *X* and *Y* are not specified, or if *X* and *Y* have one more row and column than *C*. kwargs can be used to control the :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection` properties: %(PolyCollection)s Note: the default *antialiaseds* is False if the default *edgecolors*="none" is used. This eliget_minates artificial lines at patch boundaries, and works regardless of the value of alpha. If *edgecolors* is not "none", then the default *antialiaseds* is taken from rcParams['patch.antialiased'], which defaults to *True*. Stroking the edges may be preferred if *alpha* is 1, but will cause artifacts otherwise. .. seealso:: :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh` For an explanation of the differenceerences between pcolor and pcolormesh. """ if not self._hold: self.cla() alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', None) normlizattion = kwargs.pop('normlizattion', None) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) vget_min = kwargs.pop('vget_min', None) vget_max = kwargs.pop('vget_max', None) shading = kwargs.pop('shading', 'flat') X, Y, C = self._pcolorargs('pcolor', *args) Ny, Nx = X.shape # convert to MA, if necessary. C = ma.asnumset(C) X = ma.asnumset(X) Y = ma.asnumset(Y) mask = ma.getmasknumset(X)+ma.getmasknumset(Y) xymask = mask[0:-1,0:-1]+mask[1:,1:]+mask[0:-1,1:]+mask[1:,0:-1] # don't plot if C or any_condition of the surrounding vertices are masked. mask = ma.getmasknumset(C)[0:Ny-1,0:Nx-1]+xymask newaxis = bn.newaxis compress = bn.compress asviewmask = (mask==0).asview() X1 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(X[0:-1,0:-1]).asview()) Y1 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(Y[0:-1,0:-1]).asview()) X2 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(X[1:,0:-1]).asview()) Y2 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(Y[1:,0:-1]).asview()) X3 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(X[1:,1:]).asview()) Y3 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(Y[1:,1:]).asview()) X4 = compress(asviewmask, ma.masked_fill(X[0:-1,1:]).asview()) Y4 = compress(asviewmask,
import unittest import pytest import copy import beatnum as bn from beatnum.testing import assert_numset_equal from affine import Affine from shapely.geometry import Polygon from telluric import FeatureCollection, GeoFeature from telluric.constants import WEB_MERCATOR_CRS, WGS84_CRS from telluric.vectors import GeoVector from telluric.georaster import GeoRaster2, MergeStrategy, PixelStrategy, merge_total, merge_two from common_for_tests import make_test_raster def black_and_white_raster(band_names=[], height=10, width=10, dtype=bn.uint16, crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS, affine=None): if affine is None: eps = 1e-100 affine = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(1, -1) bands_num = len(band_names) shape = [bands_num, height, width] numset = bn.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) mask = bn.full_value_func(shape, False, dtype=bn.bool) val = 0 for i in range(height): for j in range(width): for z in range(bands_num): numset[z, i, j] = val val = 1 - val imaginarye =, mask=mask) raster = GeoRaster2(imaginarye=imaginarye, affine=affine, crs=crs, band_names=band_names) return raster def test_merge_single_band_single_raster_returns_itself_for_total_strategies(): for ms in MergeStrategy: raster = make_test_raster(88, [1]) raster2 = merge_total([raster], roi=raster.footprint(), merge_strategy=ms) assert(raster2 == raster) def test_merge_multi_band_single_raster_returns_itself_for_total_strategies(): for ms in MergeStrategy: raster = black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3]) raster2 = merge_total([raster], roi=raster.footprint(), merge_strategy=ms) assert(raster2 == raster) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_raster_returns_itself(): rasters = [black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3]) for i in range(10)] raster = black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3]) raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=raster.footprint()) assert(raster2 == black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3])) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_raster_smtotaler_roi_returns_itself(): rasters = [black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3])] raster = black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=7, width=6) raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=raster.footprint()) assert(raster2 == raster) def get_rasters(): rasters = [black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=100, width=100), black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=70, width=60), black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=130, width=60), black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=70, width=160)] return copy.deepcopy(rasters) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_size_raster_0(): rasters = get_rasters() raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=rasters[0].footprint()) assert(raster2 == rasters[0]) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_size_raster_1(): rasters = get_rasters() raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=rasters[1].footprint()) assert(raster2 == rasters[1]) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_size_raster_2(): rasters = get_rasters() raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=rasters[2].footprint()) assert(raster2 == rasters[2]) def test_merge_multi_band_multi_size_raster_3(): rasters = get_rasters() raster2 = merge_total(rasters, roi=rasters[3].footprint()) assert(raster2 == rasters[3]) def test_empty_raster_from_roi_5_bands(): affine = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(2, -2) raster = make_test_raster(88, [1, 2, 4, 5, 6], affine=affine, height=301, width=402) empty = GeoRaster2.empty_from_roi(band_names=raster.band_names, roi=raster.footprint(), resolution=2) assert(affine.almost_equals(empty.affine)) assert( == assert(raster.shape == empty.shape) def test_empty_raster_from_roi_affine_wide(): affine = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(2, -2) raster = make_test_raster(88, [1, 2], affine=affine, height=3, width=1402) empty = GeoRaster2.empty_from_roi(band_names=raster.band_names, roi=raster.footprint(), resolution=2) assert(affine.almost_equals(empty.affine)) assert( == assert(raster.shape == empty.shape) def test_empty_raster_from_roi_affine_3_bands_high(): affine = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(2, -2) raster = make_test_raster(88, [1, 3, 2], affine=affine, height=1301, width=4) empty = GeoRaster2.empty_from_roi(band_names=raster.band_names, roi=raster.footprint(), resolution=2) assert(affine.almost_equals(empty.affine)) assert( == assert(raster.shape == empty.shape) def test_empty_raster_from_roi_affine_smtotal(): affine = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(2, -2) raster = make_test_raster(88, [1], affine=affine, height=31, width=42) empty = GeoRaster2.empty_from_roi(band_names=raster.band_names, roi=raster.footprint(), resolution=2) assert(affine.almost_equals(empty.affine)) assert( == @pytest.mark.parametrize("main_r", get_rasters()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cropping_r", get_rasters()) def test_crop_for_merging(main_r, cropping_r): rr = main_r.crop(cropping_r.footprint(), resolution=cropping_r.resolution()) assert(rr.height == get_min(main_r.height, cropping_r.height)) assert(rr.width == get_min(main_r.width, cropping_r.width)) assert(rr.num_bands == cropping_r.num_bands) assert(rr.affine.almost_equals(cropping_r.affine)) def test_pixel_crop(): rr = black_and_white_raster([1, 2, 3], height=100, width=100) out = rr.pixel_crop((0, 0, 100, 100)) assert(rr == out) out = rr.pixel_crop((0, 0, 10, 10), 10, 10, 1) assert(out.shape == (3, 10, 10)) out = rr.pixel_crop((0, 0, 100, 100), 100, 100, 1) assert(rr == out) out = rr.pixel_crop((0, 0, 50, 50), 100, 100, 1) assert(out.shape == (3, 100, 100)) def test_patch_affine(): eps = 1e-100 assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.identity()) == Affine.translation(eps, eps)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.translation(2 * eps, 3 * eps)) == Affine.translation(2 * eps, 3 * eps)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.translation(2, 3)) == Affine.translation(2, 3)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.scale(1.0, -1)) == Affine.translation(eps, -eps) * Affine.scale(1, -1)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.scale(-1, 1)) == Affine.translation(-eps, eps) * Affine.scale(-1, 1)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.scale(-1, -1)) == Affine.translation(-eps, -eps) * Affine.scale(-1, -1)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.scale(1.1, -1)) == Affine.scale(1.1, -1)) assert(GeoRaster2._patch_affine(Affine.scale(1, -1.1)) == Affine.scale(1, -1.1)) def test_rasters_covering_differenceerent_overlapping_areas_on_x(): affine_a = Affine.translation(1, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_a = make_test_raster(1, [1], height=10, width=20, affine=affine_a) affine_b = Affine.translation(10, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_b = make_test_raster(2, [1], height=10, width=20, affine=affine_b) roi = GeoVector.from_bounds(xget_min=1, yget_min=-8, xget_max=30, yget_max=2, crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS) rasters = [raster_a, raster_b] merged = merge_total(rasters, roi) assert(merged.affine.almost_equals(affine_a)) assert(not assert(([0, 0:10, 0:20] == 1).total()) assert(([0, 0:10, 21:30] == 2).total()) def test_rasters_covering_differenceerent_overlapping_areas_on_y(): affine_a = Affine.translation(1, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_a = make_test_raster(1, [1], height=20, width=20, affine=affine_a) affine_b = Affine.translation(1, -9) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_b = make_test_raster(2, [1], height=20, width=20, affine=affine_b) roi = GeoVector.from_bounds(xget_min=1, yget_min=-29, xget_max=21, yget_max=2, crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS) rasters = [raster_a, raster_b] merged = merge_total(rasters, roi) assert(merged.affine.almost_equals(affine_a)) assert(not assert(([0, 0:20, 0:20] == 1).total()) assert(([0, 21:30, 0:20] == 2).total()) def test_rasters_covering_differenceerent_areas_with_gap_on_x(): affine_a = Affine.translation(1, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_a = make_test_raster(1, [1], height=10, width=10, affine=affine_a) affine_b = Affine.translation(21, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_b = make_test_raster(2, [1], height=10, width=10, affine=affine_b) roi = GeoVector.from_bounds(xget_min=1, yget_min=-8, xget_max=30, yget_max=2, crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS) rasters = [raster_a, raster_b] merged = merge_total(rasters, roi) assert(merged.affine.almost_equals(affine_a)) assert(not merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 0:10, 0:10].total()) assert(merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 0:10, 10:20].total()) assert(not merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 0:10, 20:30].total()) assert(([0, 0:10, 0:10] == 1).total()) assert(([0, 0:10, 11:20] == 0).total()) assert(([0, 0:10, 21:30] == 2).total()) def test_rasters_covering_differenceerent_areas_with_gap_on_y(): affine_a = Affine.translation(1, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_a = make_test_raster(1, [1], height=10, width=10, affine=affine_a) affine_b = Affine.translation(1, -19) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster_b = make_test_raster(2, [1], height=10, width=10, affine=affine_b) roi = GeoVector.from_bounds(xget_min=1, yget_min=-29, xget_max=11, yget_max=2, crs=WEB_MERCATOR_CRS) rasters = [raster_a, raster_b] merged = merge_total(rasters, roi) assert(merged.affine.almost_equals(affine_a)) assert(not merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 0:10, 0:10].total()) assert(merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 11:20, 0:10].total()) assert(not merged.imaginarye.mask[0, 21:30, 0:10].total()) assert(([0, 0:10, 0:10] == 1).total()) assert(([0, 11:20, 0:10] == 0).total()) assert(([0, 21:30, 0:10] == 2).total()) @unittest.skip("for manual testing of rasterio bug") def test_rasterio_bug(): import beatnum as bn import rasterio from affine import Affine eps = 1e-100 data = bn.full_value_func([3, 10, 11], 88, dtype=bn.float32) dest_data = bn.empty([3, 10, 11], dtype=bn.float32) crs ={'init': 'epsg:3857'}) src_affine = Affine.scale(1, -1) src_affine_good = src_affine * Affine.translation(eps, eps) dst_affine = Affine.scale(0.5, -0.5) rasterio.warp.reproject(data, dest_data, src_transform=src_affine_good, dst_transform=dst_affine, src_crs=crs, dst_crs=crs) src_affine_bad = Affine.translation(0, 0) * Affine.scale(1, -1) rasterio.warp.reproject(data, dest_data, src_transform=src_affine_bad, dst_transform=dst_affine, src_crs=crs, dst_crs=crs) def test_merge_raise_on_non_overlapping_rasters(): affine1 = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(1, -1) affine2 = Affine.translation(100, 120) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster1 = make_test_raster(affine=affine1) raster2 = make_test_raster(affine=affine2) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as ex: merge_two(raster1, raster2) assert "rasters do not intersect" in ex.exconly() def test_merge_to_firs_on_non_overlapping_rasters_returns_first_raster(): affine1 = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(1, -1) affine2 = Affine.translation(100, 120) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster1 = make_test_raster(affine=affine1) raster2 = make_test_raster(affine=affine2) merged = merge_two(raster1, raster2, silent=True) assert merged == raster1 def test_merge_total_on_non_overlapping_rasters_returns_first_raster(): affine1 = Affine.translation(10, 12) * Affine.scale(1, -1) affine2 = Affine.translation(100, 120) * Affine.scale(1, -1) raster1 = make_test_raster(value=1, band_names=['blue'], affine=affine1, height=30, width=40) raster2 = make_test_raster(value=2, band_names=['blue'], affine=affine2, height=30, width=40) merged = merge_total([raster1, raster2], raster1.footprint()) assert merged == raster1 def test_merge_does_not_uncover_masked_pixels(): # See affine = Affine.translation(0, 2) * Affine.scale(1, -1) rs_a = GeoRaster2([ [ [100, 89], [100, 89] ], [ [110, 99], [110, 99] ] ], [ [ [False, True], [False, True] ], [ [False, True], [False, True] ] ], dtype=bn.uint8), affine=affine, crs=WGS84_CRS, band_names=['red', 'green'], ) rs_b = GeoRaster2( imaginarye=bn.numset([[ [0, 210], [0, 210] ]], dtype=bn.uint8), affine=affine, crs=WGS84_CRS, band_names=['green'], ) expected_imaginarye =[ [ [100, 89], [100, 89] ], [ [110, 99], [110, 99] ] ], [ [ [False, True], [False, True] ], [ [False, True], [False, True] ] ], dtype=bn.uint8) result = merge_total([rs_a, rs_b], rs_a.footprint()).limit_to_bands(['red', 'green']) assert_numset_equal(, 0),, 0)
import beatnum as bn import beatnum.typing as bnt AR_b: bnt.NDArray[bn.bool_] AR_i8: bnt.NDArray[bn.int64] AR_f8: bnt.NDArray[bn.float64] AR_M: bnt.NDArray[bn.datetime64] AR_O: bnt.NDArray[bn.object_] AR_LIKE_f8: list[float] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_b)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int8}]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_i8, to_end=[1, 2, 3])) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int64}]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_M)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.timedelta64]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_O)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.object_]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_LIKE_f8, to_begin=[1, 1.5])) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[Any]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int64}]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_M, AR_M, astotal_counte_uniq=True)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.datetime64]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[Any]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_f8, return_indices=True)) # E: Tuple[beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{float64}]], beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{intp}]], beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{intp}]]] reveal_type(
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(AR_i8, AR_i8)
# # This script implements the GRASP heuristic for the dynamic bin packing # problem. # Author: <NAME> from __future__ import print_function import beatnum as bn import random import solutions_dynamic as solmaker import sys from copy import deepcopy from itertools import combinations from math import ceil, sqrt from operator import attrgetter class BPP: # This class groups the bin packing problem information and performs # the GRASP operations. def __init__(self, n, cookies, moop): self.beta = 5 # Cardinality restriction self.n = int(n) # Number of cookies to sort self.cookies = cookies # dictionary of item objects self.moop = moop # Multiobjective problem class = 0 # initialize lower bound self.calclowerbound() def generate_newsol(self, index, p_ls1, p_ls2, *args): # This module creates an instance of a NewSolution class and # performs the generate_newsol procedure newbie = NewSolution(self.beta, self.n, self.cookies, self.moop) newsol = newbie.make_newsol(index, *args) newsol = self.checkandfit(newsol) p = index + 1 # ID number for first neighbor rannum = random.random() if rannum < p_ls1: if newsol.getopenbins() > p, neighbors = self.ls1(p, 1, newsol) else: p, neighbors = self.bin_mutation(p, 1, newsol) elif rannum < p_ls2: p, neighbors = self.ls2(p, 1, newsol) else: p, neighbors = self.ls3(p, 1, newsol) if neighbors: winner = self.test_doget_mination(newsol, neighbors[0]) return p, winner return p, newsol def checkandfit(self, solution): # This function checks the feasibility of a solution and calculates fitness # values. solution = self.moop.calcfeasibility(solution) checkformismatch(solution.getx(), solution.getvlrep()) fits = self.moop.calcfits(solution) solution.updatefitvals(fits) return solution def test_doget_mination(self, solution, neighbor): # This function deterget_mines if neighbor doget_minates solution. u = solution.getfits() v = neighbor.getfits() if dom2(v, u): return neighbor else: return solution def ls_time(self, solution, rcl_t): # This function seeks to find a better time to fill bins # Start by finding the dynamic residual matrix for the cooling rack neighbor = deepcopy(solution) tfill = neighbor.gettfill() i_tlowtohigh = list(bn.argsort(tfill[:neighbor.openbins], axis=0)) for i in i_tlowtohigh: neighbor, rcl_t = self.find_new_tfilli(i, neighbor, rcl_t) # Check if modified solution is nondoget_minated neighbor = self.checkandfit(neighbor) winner = self.test_doget_mination(solution, neighbor) return winner def find_new_tfilli(self, i, solution, rcl_t): # This function deterget_mines a new time for box i to be masked_fill and updates # the RCLTime instance vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() told = tfill[i] tget_min = self.get_box_tget_min(vlrep[i]) kwargs = {'mode': 'hload', 'nmove': len(vlrep[i]), 'told': told} t, rcl_t = self.get_feasible_tfilli(rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs) if t: solution.edit_tfilli(i, t) # Adapt Greedy Function rcl_t.adapt_changetime(told, t, len(vlrep[i])) return solution, rcl_t def get_feasible_tfilli(self, rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs): # This function locates a new value for tfill[i] that doesn't violate # rack or fill limits # Find new time for box i t_new, p_t, rcl_t = self.find_new_time_value(rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs) if not t_new: return None, rcl_t kappa = 0 # Counter to exit loop # Check if possible to fill in period while rcl_t.res_fill[p_t] < 1: if kappa == 10: return None, rcl_t # If not possible, find new time value t_new, p_t, rcl_t = self.find_new_time_value(rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs) if not t_new: return None, rcl_t kappa += 1 # If returning t_new to open bin, reduce fill capacity by 1 rcl_t.res_fill[p_t] -= 1 return t_new, rcl_t def get_box_tget_min(self, vlrepi): # Find get_minimum time for box i boxi_contents = {k: v for k, v in self.cookies.items() if k in vlrepi} get_maxbatch = get_max(boxi_contents.values(), key=attrgetter('batch')).batch tget_min = get_maxbatch * 600 return tget_min def find_new_time_value(self, rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs): # This module retrieves a new time value and also returns which period # it belongs to t_new = rcl_t.get_new_t(tget_min, **kwargs) if not t_new: return None, None, rcl_t t_p = self.find_t_in_fill_periods(t_new, rcl_t) return t_new, t_p, rcl_t def find_t_in_fill_periods(self, t, rcl_t): # If the new time value is beyond the current fill periods, extend while t > rcl_t.t_t[-1]: rcl_t.extend_fill_periods() # Find the period containing t_new tlist = bn.filter_condition(t >= bn.numset(rcl_t.t_t))[0] return tlist[-1] def ls1(self, p, numls, solution): # Heuristic to locate a better solution in terms of the first objective: # get_minimizing the number of bins in use k = 0 neighbors = [] searchfrom = solution while k < numls: coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.ls1_loading(searchfrom) if coolneighbor: k += 1 coolneighbor = self.ls_time(coolneighbor, rcl_t) coolneighbor.updateid(p) p += 1 neighbors.apd(coolneighbor) searchfrom = coolneighbor else: k = numls return p, neighbors def ls2(self, p, numls, solution): # Heuristic to locate a better solution in terms of the second objective: # get_minimizing the weighted average initial heat in a box # p - current id number for new solution # numls - number of neighbors to find during local search # Returns updated p and list of neighbors k = 0 neighbors = [] searchfrom = solution while k < numls: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.ls2_loading(k, searchfrom) if coolneighbor: coolneighbor = self.ls_time(coolneighbor, rcl_t) coolneighbor.updateid(p) p += 1 neighbors.apd(coolneighbor) searchfrom = coolneighbor else: k = numls return p, neighbors def ls3(self, p, numls, solution): # Heuristic to locate a better solution in terms of the third objective: # get_minimizing the get_maximum time to move to store front. k = 0 neighbors = [] searchfrom = solution while k < numls: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.ls3_loading(k, searchfrom) if coolneighbor: coolneighbor = self.ls_time(coolneighbor, rcl_t) coolneighbor.updateid(p) p += 1 neighbors.apd(coolneighbor) searchfrom = coolneighbor else: k = numls return p, neighbors def ls1_loading(self, searchfrom): # This function attempts to empty the least masked_fill bin and move its # cookies into available boxes. u = searchfrom.getfits() vlrep = searchfrom.getvlrep() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(vlrep, searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) half = len(vlrep) // 2 for iloop in range(half): # Find the emptiest bin's index number lengths = [len(i) for i in copy.getvlrep()] i = bn.get_argget_min_value(bn.numset(lengths)) copy, r, rcl_t = self.empty_bin(i, copy, r, rcl_t) # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing copy = self.checkandfit(copy) v = copy.getfits() if not dom2(u, v): return copy, rcl_t return None, rcl_t def empty_bin(self, i, copy, r, rcl_t): # This function moves items in box i to other boxes for j in list(copy.getvlrep()[i]): # Find rcl_bins tfill = copy.gettfill() rcl_bins = self.ls1_makercl(i, j, r, rcl_t, tfill) if len(rcl_bins) == 0: return copy, r, rcl_t # Pick random bin inew = random.choice(rcl_bins) # Move cookie to new bin copy.moveitem(i, j, inew) r = self.update_spaceresiduals(r, i, inew) r[i, 1], r[inew, 1] = rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i], tfill[inew]) return copy, r, rcl_t def ls1_makercl(self, iold, j, r, rcl_t, tfill): # This function returns the restricted candidate list for cookie # j to move into based on the dot product strategy # Set weights for the dot product numset (1/boxcap, 1/coolrackcap) weights = [1.0 / self.moop.boxcap, 1.0 / self.moop.coolrack] # The cookie should not move into a box that is masked_fill until after # it is done baking tget_min = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * 600 tget_max = rcl_t.get_tget_max(tget_min, 1) options_byt = [i for i in range(self.n) if tfill[i] > tget_min] if tfill[iold] != tget_min: options_byt.remove(iold) # Form dot product numset dpnumset = bn.zeros(self.n) for i in options_byt: if tfill[i] <= tget_max: # Make sure there is space available if r[i, 0] > 1: tk = rcl_t.find_t_in_timeline(tfill[i]) # Filling early will reduce onrack for total after time[tk] onrack = bn.subtract(self.moop.coolrack,[tk:]) get_maxonrack_fromtk = get_max(onrack) dpnumset[i] = weights[0] * r[i, 0] + weights[1] * get_maxonrack_fromtk # Max fill if len(bn.nonzero(dpnumset)[0]) > self.beta: options = list(bn.argsort(-dpnumset)[:self.beta]) return options else: options = list(bn.nonzero(dpnumset)[0]) return options def ls2_loading(self, k, searchfrom): # This function finds the restricted candidate list and tries to move # cookies toward more favorable configurations to get_minimize the weighted avg u = searchfrom.getfits() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(searchfrom.getvlrep(), searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) hotbins = bn.argsort(searchfrom.getq0bins()) for s in range(searchfrom.openbins): i = hotbins[-s - 1] vlrep = copy.getvlrep() # If there is only one item in the box, no point in moving if len(vlrep[i]) < 2: return k, None, rcl_t rcl_j = self.ls2_makercl(i, vlrep) k, newsol, rcl_t = self.search_rclj(k, i, copy, u, r, rcl_j, rcl_t) if newsol: return k, newsol, rcl_t # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing return k, None, rcl_t def ls2_makercl(self, i, vlrep): # This function returns the restricted candidate list for local search 2 # Restricted candidate list binkeys = list(vlrep[i]) avglen = averageLen(vlrep) nrcl_get_min = get_min(len(binkeys) - 1, self.beta) nrcl = get_max(len(binkeys) - avglen, nrcl_get_min) rcl_j = random.sample(binkeys, nrcl) return rcl_j def ls3_loading(self, k, searchfrom): # This function finds the restricted candidate list for bin i and tries to # move cookies to find a new nondoget_minated solution. If unsuccessful, moves # to a new bin u = searchfrom.getfits() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(searchfrom.getvlrep(), searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) latebins = bn.argsort(searchfrom.gettavail(), axis=0) for s in range(searchfrom.openbins): i = latebins[-s - 1] vlrep = copy.getvlrep() # If there is only one item in the box, no point in moving if len(vlrep[i]) < 2: return k, None, rcl_t # Restricted candidate list rcl_j = self.ls3_makercl(i, vlrep) k, newsol, rcl_t = self.search_rclj(k, i, copy, u, r, rcl_j, rcl_t) if newsol: return k, newsol, rcl_t # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing return k, None, rcl_t def ls3_makercl(self, i, vlrep): # This function returns the restricted candidate list for local search 3 # Restricted candidate list binkeys = list(vlrep[i]) n_rclj = int(0.5 * len(binkeys)) rcl_j = binkeys[-n_rclj - 1: -1] return rcl_j def search_rclj(self, k, i, solution, u, r, rcl_j, rcl_t): # This function moves cookies into new boxes until either it finds a new # nondoget_minated solution or it runs out of candidates from this solution for m in range(len(rcl_j)): k += 1 j = random.choice(rcl_j) rcl_j.remove(j) r, rcl_t, solution = self.lsmove(i, j, r, rcl_t, solution) # Check if modified solution is nondoget_minated solution = self.checkandfit(solution) v = solution.getfits() if not dom2(u, v): return k, solution, rcl_t return k, None, rcl_t def lsmove(self, i, j, r, rcl_t, solution): # This function deterget_mines filter_condition cookie j should move to m = solution.getopenbins() tfill = solution.gettfill() # Gather bin options and pick new bin for the move ilist = self.move_options(j, m, r, rcl_t, tfill) inew = random.choice(ilist) # Open a new bin or move cookie to a new bin if inew == m: tget_min = self.get_box_tget_min([j]) kwargs = {'mode': 'hload'} t, rcl_t = self.get_feasible_tfilli(rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs) if t: solution.opennewbin(i, j, round(t, 1)) r[inew, 0] = self.moop.boxcap r[inew, 1] = rcl_t.adapt_greedy_function_newbin(t) else: return r, rcl_t, solution else: solution.moveitem(i, j, inew) r[i, 1], r[inew, 1] = rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i], tfill[inew]) r = self.update_spaceresiduals(r, i, inew) return r, rcl_t, solution def move_options(self, j, m, r, rcl_t, tfill): # This function retrieves a candidate list for moving a cookie. bcookiej = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() # cookie batch number tget_max = rcl_t.get_tget_max(bcookiej * 600, 1) i_rlowtohigh = bn.argsort(r[:m, 0], axis=0) # This module performs the sorting for module ll. for i in range(m): # Find open bin with get_max. residual value, moving backward thru i_rlowtohigh lsi = i_rlowtohigh[-1 - i] if tfill[lsi] <= tget_max: pack = packable(r[lsi, :], bcookiej, tfill[lsi]) if pack: return [m, lsi] # If least loaded bin won't fit item, need to open new bin. return [m] def bin_mutation(self, p, numls, solution): # Heuristic to locate a better solution in terms of the first objective: # get_minimizing the number of bins. k = 0 neighbors = [] searchfrom = solution while k < numls: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.select_mutation_operation(k, searchfrom) if coolneighbor: coolneighbor.updateid(p) coolneighbor = self.ls_time(coolneighbor, rcl_t) p += 1 neighbors.apd(coolneighbor) searchfrom = coolneighbor else: k = numls return p, neighbors def select_mutation_operation(self, k, searchfrom): # This function selects the mutation operator vlrep = searchfrom.getvlrep() avg_bin_size = averageLen(vlrep) too_smtotal_lengths = [i for i in vlrep if 2 * len(i) <= avg_bin_size] if too_smtotal_lengths: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.move_cookies(k, searchfrom) else: rannum = random.random() if rannum < 0.50: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.part_swap(k, searchfrom) else: k, coolneighbor, rcl_t = self.cookie_swap(k, searchfrom) return k, coolneighbor, rcl_t def time_mutation_by_heat(self, solution, rcl_t): # This function tries a new time value for the initial hottest bin to # see if that helps tfill = solution.gettfill() q0_bybin = solution.getq0bins()[:solution.getopenbins()] i_hot_list = bn.argsort(q0_bybin) i_hot = i_hot_list[-1] told = tfill[i_hot] kwargs = {'mode': 'hload', 'nmove': len(solution.vlrep[i_hot])} t_new, rcl_t = self.get_feasible_tfilli(rcl_t, told - 5.0, **kwargs) if t_new: neighbor = deepcopy(solution) neighbor.edit_tfilli(i_hot, t_new) # Adapt Greedy Function rcl_t.adapt_changetime(told, t_new, len(neighbor.vlrep[i_hot])) # Check if modified solution is nondoget_minated neighbor = self.checkandfit(neighbor) solution = self.test_doget_mination(solution, neighbor) return solution def sep_split_bin(self, solution, rcl_t): # This function sep_splits the highest capacity bin into two boxes. vlrep = solution.getvlrep() i = self.getget_maxbin(vlrep) # Get random place to sep_split bin jsep_split = random.randrange(1, len(vlrep[i])) newbin = list(vlrep[i][jsep_split:]) # Open new bin with feasible time value tget_min = self.get_box_tget_min(newbin) kwargs = {'mode': 'hload', 'nmove': len(newbin)} t_new, rcl_t = self.get_feasible_tfilli(rcl_t, tget_min, **kwargs) if t_new: tfill = solution.gettfill() solution.opennewbin(i, newbin[0], round(t_new, 1)) inew = solution.getopenbins() - 1 rcl_t.adapt_greedy_function_newbin(t_new, add_concat=0) rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i], t_new) if len(newbin) > 1: for j in newbin[1:]: solution.moveitem(i, j, inew) rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i], tfill[inew]) return solution, rcl_t def cookie_swap(self, k, searchfrom): # This function selects two random bins and tries to swap cookies between # them. If unsuccessful, it sep_splits the highest capacity bin. u = searchfrom.getfits() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(searchfrom.getvlrep(), searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) for s in range(searchfrom.openbins): mode = random.choice(['random', 'moveheat', 'movelate']) i1, i2 = self.select_two_bins(copy, mode) if not i2: newsol, rcl_t = self.sep_split_bin(copy, rcl_t) else: kwargs = {'i1': i1, 'i2': i2, 'mode': mode} newsol, rcl_t = self.perform_cookie_swap(copy, rcl_t, **kwargs) # Will return None if it's doget_minated by vector u nondoget_minated = self.check4nondoget_mination(u, newsol) k += 1 if nondoget_minated: return k, newsol, rcl_t # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing return k, None, rcl_t def perform_cookie_swap(self, solution, rcl_t, i1, i2, mode): # This function performs the part swap between box i1 and i2 tfill = solution.gettfill() vlrep = solution.getvlrep() # Get cookies to swap bini1_options = [j for j in vlrep[i1] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i2]] bini2_options = [j for j in vlrep[i2] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i1]] if mode == 'moveheat': j1 = bini1_options[-1] j2 = bini2_options[0] else: j1 = random.choice(bini1_options) j2 = random.choice(bini2_options) solution.moveitem(i1, j1, i2) solution.moveitem(i2, j2, i1) return solution, rcl_t def part_swap(self, k, searchfrom): # This function selects two random bins and tries to swap cookies between # them. If unsuccessful, it sep_splits the highest capacity bin. u = searchfrom.getfits() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(searchfrom.getvlrep(), searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) for s in range(searchfrom.openbins): mode = random.choice(['random', 'moveheat', 'movelate']) i1, i2 = self.select_two_bins(copy, mode) if not i2: newsol, rcl_t = self.sep_split_bin(copy, rcl_t) else: kwargs = {'i1': i1, 'i2': i2, 'mode': mode} newsol, rcl_t = self.perform_part_swap(copy, rcl_t, **kwargs) # Will return None if it's doget_minated by vector u nondoget_minated = self.check4nondoget_mination(u, newsol) k += 1 if nondoget_minated: return k, newsol, rcl_t # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing return k, None, rcl_t def perform_part_swap(self, solution, rcl_t, i1, i2, mode): # This function performs the part swap between box i1 and i2 # Get swap points if mode == 'moveheat': movetobin2, movetobin1 = self.get_heat_swap_sets(solution, i1, i2) else: movetobin2, movetobin1 = self.get_random_swap_sets(solution, i1, i2) if movetobin2: kwargs = {'i1': i1, 'movetobin2': movetobin2, 'i2': i2, 'movetobin1': movetobin1} solution, rcl_t = \ self.make_swap_happen(solution, rcl_t, **kwargs) else: solution, rcl_t = self.sep_split_bin(solution, rcl_t) return solution, rcl_t def make_swap_happen(self, solution, rcl_t, i1, movetobin2, i2, movetobin1): # This function swaps a portion of box i1 with box i2 # potentitotaly fix this: adapt rcl_t total at once instead of cookie by cookie tfill = solution.gettfill() for j in movetobin2: solution.moveitem(i1, j, i2) rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i1], tfill[i2]) for j in movetobin1: solution.moveitem(i2, j, i1) rcl_t.adapt_movebins(tfill[i2], tfill[i1]) return solution, rcl_t def get_heat_swap_sets(self, solution, i1, i2): # This function returns sets of cookies averaget to reduce overtotal heat # between boxes vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() # Deterget_mine eligible cookies bini1_options = [j for j in vlrep[i1] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i2]] bini2_options = [j for j in vlrep[i2] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i1]] # Pick random swap sets get_min_box_fill = get_min(len(vlrep[i1]), len(vlrep[i2])) get_max_swap = get_min(len(bini1_options), len(bini2_options), get_min_box_fill - 1) swap_number = random.randint(1, get_max_swap) movetobin2 = bini1_options[-swap_number:] movetobin1 = bini2_options[:swap_number] return movetobin2, movetobin1 def get_random_swap_sets(self, solution, i1, i2): # This function returns a random set of cookies to swap between boxes. vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() # Deterget_mine eligible cookies bini1_options = [j for j in vlrep[i1] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i2]] bini2_options = [j for j in vlrep[i2] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i1]] # Pick random swap sets get_min_box_fill = get_min(len(vlrep[i1]), len(vlrep[i2])) get_max_swap = get_min(len(bini1_options), len(bini2_options), get_min_box_fill - 1) swap_number = random.randint(1, get_max_swap) movetobin2 = random.sample(bini1_options, swap_number) movetobin1 = random.sample(bini2_options, swap_number) return movetobin2, movetobin1 def getpoints_4swap(self, binitems1, t1, binitems2, t2): # This function returns two points to perform the swap on # Retrieve boolean lists bool1 = self.moop.packatt(binitems1, t2) bool2 = self.moop.packatt(binitems2, t1) p1 = self.get_swap_point(bool1) p2 = self.get_swap_point(bool2) # If no swap point, return false if not p1 or not p2: return None, None # Check for capacity violations newbin1 = binitems1[:p1] + binitems2[p2:] if len(newbin1) > self.moop.boxcap: p2 = self.get_new_swap_point(binitems1, p1, binitems2, bool2) newbin2 = binitems2[:p2] + binitems1[p1:] if len(newbin2) > self.moop.boxcap: p1 = self.get_new_swap_point(binitems2, p2, binitems1, bool1) # Return the lists of cookies to be swapped movetobin2 = list(binitems1[p1:]) movetobin1 = list(binitems2[p2:]) return movetobin2, movetobin1 def get_swap_point(self, booli): # This function finds a feasible point to swap with another box # Find starting point for bin i starti = self.findstartforswap(booli) if starti == len(booli): return False else: pi = random.randrange(starti, len(booli)) return pi def get_new_swap_point(self, bin_into, p1, bin_outta, bool_outta): # This function finds a swap point that won't violate bin_into's capacity can_accept = self.moop.boxcap - len(bin_into[:p1]) p2 = self.get_swap_point(bool_outta) kappa = 10 while len(bin_outta[p2:]) > can_accept: # If can't find point, only swap one item if kappa == 10: return len(bin_outta) - 1 p2 = self.get_swap_point(bool_outta) return p2 def findstartforswap(self, boollist): # This function returns the index after which total values are True start = 1 for k in range(len(boollist) - 1, 0, -1): if boollist[k] is False: start = k + 1 return start return start def move_cookies(self, k, searchfrom): # This function selects two random bins and tries to move cookies between # them. If unsuccessful, it sep_splits the highest capacity bin. u = searchfrom.getfits() r, rcl_t = self.getresiduals(searchfrom.getvlrep(), searchfrom.gettfill()) copy = deepcopy(searchfrom) for s in range(searchfrom.openbins): mode = random.choice(['moveheat', 'movelate']) i1, i2 = self.get_hot_empty_bins(copy, mode) if i2 == None or len(copy.vlrep[i2]) == self.moop.boxcap: newsol, rcl_t = self.sep_split_bin(copy, rcl_t) else: kwargs = {'i1': i1, 'i2': i2, 'mode': mode} newsol, rcl_t = self.perform_cookie_move(copy, rcl_t, **kwargs) # Will return None if it's doget_minated by vector u nondoget_minated = self.check4nondoget_mination(u, newsol) k += 1 if nondoget_minated: return k, newsol, rcl_t # If a nondoget_minated solution wasn't found, return nothing return k, None, rcl_t def perform_cookie_move(self, solution, rcl_t, i1, i2, mode): # This function performs the move of one cookie from box i1 to i2 tfill = solution.gettfill() vlrep = solution.getvlrep() # Get cookies to swap bini1_options = [j for j in vlrep[i1] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i2]] empty_space = self.moop.boxcap - len(vlrep[i2]) get_max_move = get_min(empty_space, empty_space // 2 + 1, len(bini1_options)) nmove = random.randint(1, get_max_move) for k in range(nmove): j1 = bini1_options[-1 - k] solution.moveitem(i1, j1, i2) return solution, rcl_t def select_two_bins(self, solution, mode): # This module selects two bins for swap using specified function vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() if mode == 'moveheat': i1, i2 = self.get_hot_cold_bins(vlrep, tfill, solution.getq0bins()) elif mode == 'movelate': i1, i2 = self.get_hot_cold_bins(vlrep, tfill, solution.gettavail()) else: # Pick random bins i1, i2 = self.get_two_random_bins(vlrep, tfill) return i1, i2 def get_hot_cold_bins(self, vlrep, tfill, characteristic): # This function returns the indices of the hottest bin and the coldest # bin that are compatible m = len(vlrep) # number of open bins ilist_hot = bn.argsort(characteristic[:m]) for kh in range(m): i_hot = ilist_hot[-1 - kh] for kc in range(m - kh): i_cold = ilist_hot[kc] if i_hot != i_cold: compatible = self.good_match(vlrep, tfill, i_hot, i_cold) if compatible: return i_hot, i_cold return None, None def get_hot_empty_bins(self, solution, mode): # This function returns the indices of the hottest bin compatible with # the emptiest bin m = solution.getopenbins() vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() i2 = self.getget_minbin(vlrep) if mode == 'moveheat': ilist_hot = bn.argsort(solution.getq0bins()[:m]) else: ilist_hot = bn.argsort(solution.gettavail()[:m]) for k in range(m): i_hot = ilist_hot[-1 - k] compatible = self.good_match(vlrep, tfill, i_hot, i2, ignore_length=True) if compatible: return i_hot, i2 return None, None def get_two_random_bins(self, vlrep, tfill): # This function returns two individual random bins that can swap cookies bin_pairs = list(combinations(range(len(vlrep)), 2)) for bp in range(len(bin_pairs)): i1, i2 = random.choice(bin_pairs) can_swap = self.good_match(vlrep, tfill, i1, i2) if can_swap: return i1, i2 return None, None def good_match(self, vlrep, tfill, i1, i2, ignore_length=False): # This function returns True if i1 and i2 are a good match for swapping # and False if they are a bad match if i1 == i2: return False if not ignore_length: if len(vlrep[i1]) <= 1 or len(vlrep[i2]) <= 1: return False list1 = [j for j in vlrep[i1] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i2]] if not list1: return False list2 = [j for j in vlrep[i2] if self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch < tfill[i1]] if not list2: return False # If made it past conditions, return True return True def getrandombin(self, vlrep): # This function returns a random bin with more than one item in it bins = range(len(vlrep)) bini = random.choice(bins) while len(vlrep[bini]) <= 1: bini = random.choice(bins) return bini def getrandsecondbin(self, i1, vlrep, tfill): # This function returns a second random bin that is not # bin i1 and that items in bin i1 can be moved to i2 = random.choice(range(len(vlrep))) kappa = 1 while not self.good_match(vlrep, tfill, i1, i2): if kappa == len(vlrep): return None i2 = random.choice(range(len(vlrep))) kappa += 1 return i2 def getget_maxbin(self, vlrep): # This function returns the index of the full_value_funcest bin. bincapacity = bn.zeros(len(vlrep)) for i in range(len(vlrep)): bincapacity[i] = len(vlrep[i]) bini = bn.get_argget_max(bincapacity) return bini def getget_minbin(self, vlrep): # This function returns the index of the emptiest bin. bincapacity = bn.zeros(len(vlrep)) for i in range(len(vlrep)): bincapacity[i] = len(vlrep[i]) get_minbin = bn.get_argget_min_value(bincapacity) return get_minbin def getresiduals(self, vlrep, tfill): # This function calculates the residual matrix associated with a given # dynamic bin packing loading. The first column represents the open box # capacities, and the second column represents the get_maximum number of # cookies that can be add_concated to the cooling rack right before tfill_i coolrack = self.moop.coolrack r = bn.zeros((self.n, 2), # Set box capacity residuals for i in range(len(vlrep)): r[i, 0] = self.moop.boxcap - len(vlrep[i]) r[i, 1] = coolrack # Set cooling rack capacity residuals n_b = self.n // self.moop.nbatches rcl_t = RCLtime(coolrack, self.moop.fillcap, n_b, self.moop.tbatch, self.moop.nbatches) r[:len(vlrep), 1] = rcl_t.initialize_withtfill(len(vlrep), vlrep, tfill) return r, rcl_t def update_spaceresiduals(self, r, i, inew): # This function updates the space residual r after a cookie moves # from box i to box inew # Update r: box capacity r[i, 0] += 1 r[inew, 0] -= 1 return r def check4nondoget_mination(self, u, solution): # Check if modified solution is nondoget_minated solution = self.checkandfit(solution) v = solution.getfits() if not dom2(u, v): return True else: return False def countonrack(self, t, solution): # Cookies from boxes masked_fill after t might be on rack vlrep = solution.getvlrep() tfill = solution.gettfill() timecheckindices = bn.filter_condition(tfill > t) nrackitems = 0 for i in timecheckindices[0]: for j in vlrep[i]: onrack = self.moop.rackij(t, tfill[i], self.cookies.get(j)) nrackitems += onrack return nrackitems def calclowerbound(self): # This function calculates theoretical lower bound for the number of # bins. It astotal_countes this is the total number of cookies divided by # the box capacity. get_minbins = ceil(float(self.n) / self.moop.boxcap) = int(get_minbins) def getub(self): # Returns the upper bound (bin capacity) return self.moop.boxcap def getcookies(self): # Returns the list of items to pack return self.cookies def getlb(self): # Returns the theoretical lower bound return class NewSolution: # This class performs the GRASP creation of a new solution. def __init__(self, beta, n, cookies, moop): self.beta = beta # Cardinality restriction self.n = int(n) # Number of cookies to sort self.cookies = cookies # dictionary of item objects self.moop = moop # Multiobjective problem class self.m = 0 # initialize open bins count self.r = bn.zeros((n, 2)) # Residual capacity matrix self.x = bn.zeros((n, n), self.y = bn.zeros(n, self.vlrep = [] self.tfill = bn.zeros(n, dtype=bn.float) # Initialize restricted candidate list n_b = self.n // self.moop.nbatches self.rcl_t = RCLtime(moop.coolrack, moop.fillcap, n_b, moop.tbatch, moop.nbatches) def make_newsol(self, index, *args): # This function takes the solution from generate_newsol and creates # a CookieSol instance. # Possible args: a newgenes list containing a chromosome representation # and a suggested tfill. if args: self.generate_newsol_from_chromosome(args[0], args[1]) else: self.generate_newsol() newsol = solmaker.CookieSol(index, self.x, self.y, self.vlrep, self.tfill) return newsol def generate_newsol(self): # This function generates a new solution from scratch using GRASP modes = ['ss', 'hload'] # Modes for retrieving new tfill time self.initialize_greedy_tfill() self.open_new_bin(0, 0) # Set strategy for the loading theta_i = random.random() for j in range(1, self.n): rcl_i = self.get_rcl_bins(theta_i, j) i = random.choice(rcl_i) if self.y[i] == 0: self.tfill[i] = self.get_feasible_tfilli(j, modes) self.open_new_bin(i, j) else: self.vlrep[i].apd(j) self.r[i, 0] -= 1 self.rcl_t.adapt_greedy_function_add_concattobin(self.tfill[i]) self.r[:self.m, 1] = \ self.rcl_t.retrieve_space_by_tfill(self.m, self.tfill) self.constructx() def generate_newsol_from_chromosome(self, chrom, tfill_suggested): # This function generates a new solution based on a given chromosome modes = ['ss', 'hload'] # Modes for retrieving new tfill time self.initialize_greedy_tfill(*tfill_suggested) chrom = self.initialize_first_bin(chrom) # Set strategy for the loading theta_i = random.random() for j in chrom: rcl_i = self.get_rcl_bins(theta_i, j) i = random.choice(rcl_i) if self.y[i] == 0: self.tfill[i] = self.pick_tfilli(j, modes, tfill_suggested) self.open_new_bin(i, j) else: self.vlrep[i].apd(j) self.r[i, 0] -= 1 self.rcl_t.adapt_greedy_function_add_concattobin(self.tfill[i]) self.r[:self.m, 1] = \ self.rcl_t.retrieve_space_by_tfill(self.m, self.tfill) self.constructx() def initialize_greedy_tfill(self, *args): # This function initializes t_fill # Calculate tfill_0 using inverseerse cdf and set residual capacity if args: # args = tfill_suggested self.tfill[0] = self.rcl_t.pick_suggested_t(args, self.moop.tbatch) else: self.tfill[0] = self.rcl_t.get_new_t(self.moop.tbatch) def initialize_first_bin(self, chrom): # This function finds the first cookie in list chrom that can be packed # at tfill[0] and opens the first bin with that cookie for j in chrom: if self.moop.cookiedonebaking(j, self.tfill[0]): self.open_new_bin(0, j) chrom.remove(j) return chrom print('Error: NewSolution picked a time that cannot be masked_fill.') def pick_tfilli(self, j, modes, tfill_maybe): # This module tries to use one of the time values from tfill tget_min = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch # If tget_min when coolrack is overfull_value_func, find least worst solution tk = self.find_t_in_trange(tget_min) if[tk] <= 0: t_new = self.rcl_t.find_least_worst_newt(tget_min) return t_new t_possible = self.get_t_from_oldtfill(tget_min, tfill_maybe) if t_possible: return t_possible else: # If nothing in tfill_maybe worked, return new value: t_new = self.get_feasible_tfilli(j, modes) return t_new def get_t_from_oldtfill(self, tget_min, tfill_maybe): # This function returns a feasible time from tfill_maybe # First establish tget_max based on moving 1 cookie from the rack tget_max = self.rcl_t.get_tget_max(tget_min, 1) t_options = bn.uniq(tfill_maybe) for i in range(len(t_options)): if t_options[i] < tget_max: # Avoid reusing a value from tfill_maybe if t_options[i] not in self.tfill: if self.rcl_t.time_feasible(t_options[i], tget_min): return t_options[i] return None def get_feasible_tfilli(self, j, modes): # This function locates a new value for tfill[i] that doesn't violate # rack or fill limits theta_t = random.randint(0, 1) tget_min = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch # Find fill time for box i t_new, p_t = self.find_new_time_value(tget_min, modes[theta_t]) kappa = 0 # Counter to exit loop # Check if possible to fill in period while self.rcl_t.res_fill[p_t] < 1: if kappa == 10: return None # If not possible, find new time value t_new, p_t = self.find_new_time_value(tget_min, modes[theta_t]) kappa += 1 return t_new def find_new_time_value(self, tget_min, mode): # This module retrieves a new time value and also returns which period # it belongs to t_new = self.rcl_t.get_new_t(tget_min, mode=mode) t_t = self.find_t_in_fill_periods(t_new) return t_new, t_t def find_t_in_fill_periods(self, t): # If the new time value is beyond the current fill periods, extend while t > self.rcl_t.t_t[-1]: self.rcl_t.extend_fill_periods() # Find the period containing t_new tlist = bn.filter_condition(t >= bn.numset(self.rcl_t.t_t))[0] return tlist[-1] def find_t_in_trange(self, t): # If the new time value is beyond the current timeline, extend while t > self.rcl_t.trange[-1]: self.rcl_t.extend_timeline() tklist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.rcl_t.trange) <= t)[0] return tklist[-1] def get_rcl_bins(self, theta_i, j): # This module selects the strategy based on theta_i and returns # the corresponding restricted candidate list. if theta_i < 0.33: # Least loaded strategy rcl_i = self.llmove(j) elif theta_i < 0.66: # Weighted get_max strategy rcl_i = self.wget_maxmove(j) else: # Combo-t strategy rcl_i = self.combot_move(j) # Return either a new bin or the list found above if not rcl_i: rcl_i = self.find_alternative_bin(j) return rcl_i else: return rcl_i def llmove(self, j): # This module performs the sorting for module ll. # The goal of this strategy is to balance the loading of the boxes. rcl_i = [] i_rlowtohigh = bn.argsort(self.r[:self.m, 0], axis=0) # Add new bin as an option if others are starting to get full_value_func if self.r[i_rlowtohigh[-1], 0] <= 0.5 * self.moop.boxcap: rcl_i.apd(self.m) for k in range(self.m): # Find open bin with get_max. residual value, moving backward thru i_rlowtohigh lli = i_rlowtohigh[- 1 - k] bcookiej = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() pack = packable(self.r[lli, :], bcookiej, self.tfill[lli]) if pack: rcl_i.apd(lli) if len(rcl_i) == self.beta: return rcl_i return rcl_i def wget_maxmove(self, j): # This module deterget_mines the restricted candidate list by the weighted # get_max strategy. The goal is to keep the number of boxes to a get_minimum. rcl_i = [] # Gather weights: space on rack / get_maximum space over time get_maxval = bn.get_max(self.r[:self.m, 1]) weights = bn.zeros(self.m) for k in range(self.m): weights[k] = self.r[k, 1] / get_maxval # Calculate weighted residuals wresidual = bn.multiply(self.r[:self.m, 0], weights) i_rlowtohigh = bn.argsort(wresidual, axis=0) for k in range(self.m): # Find open bin with get_min. weighted residual value i = i_rlowtohigh[k] bcookiej = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() pack = packable(self.r[i, :], bcookiej, self.tfill[i]) if pack: rcl_i.apd(i) if len(rcl_i) == self.beta // 2: return rcl_i return rcl_i def combot_move(self, j): # This module deterget_mines the restricted candidate list by the combo-t # strategy. The goal is to reduce the get_maximum time until the boxes # can be moved to the store front. n_b = self.n // self.moop.nbatches # Number of cookies per batch jget_max = j - (j % n_b) # Max. cookie no. for heat restriction rcl_i = [] i_rlowtohigh = bn.argsort(self.r[:self.m, 0], axis=0) # Add new bin as an option after total bins meet a get_minimum level if self.r[i_rlowtohigh[-1], 0] <= 0.7 * self.moop.boxcap: rcl_i.apd(self.m) for k in range(self.m): # Find open bin with get_max. residual value lli = i_rlowtohigh[- 1 - k] otherbatch = [jo for jo in self.vlrep[lli] if jo < jget_max] # Heat restriction if (self.r[lli, 0] <= 0.5 * self.moop.boxcap) & \ (len(otherbatch) == 0): pass else: bcookiej = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() pack = packable(self.r[lli, :], bcookiej, self.tfill[lli]) if pack: rcl_i.apd(lli) if len(rcl_i) == self.beta: return rcl_i return rcl_i def open_new_bin(self, i, j): # This module opens a new bin i with cookie j self.m += 1 self.y[i] = 1 self.vlrep.stick(i, [j]) self.r[i, 0] = self.moop.boxcap - 1 # Adapt Greedy Function (time) self.rcl_t.adapt_greedy_function_newbin(self.tfill[i]) t_t = self.find_t_in_fill_periods(self.tfill[i]) self.rcl_t.res_fill[t_t] -= 1 self.r[:self.m, 1] = self.rcl_t.retrieve_space_by_tfill(self.m, self.tfill) def find_alternative_bin(self, j): # If tget_min when coolrack is overfull_value_func, find least worst solution tget_min = self.cookies.get(j).getbatch() * self.moop.tbatch tk = self.find_t_in_trange(tget_min) if[tk] <= 0: # Find least-worst alternative options = [i for i in range(self.m) if tget_min < self.tfill[i] and self.r[i, 0] > 0] if options: return options else: return [self.m] else: return [self.m] def constructx(self): # This function transforms the variable length representation into # the x-matrix for i in range(self.m): for j in self.vlrep[i]: self.x[i, j] = 1 checkformismatch(self.x, self.vlrep) class RCLtime: # This class maintains and updates the restricted candidate list for a # uniq t_fill def __init__(self, coolrack, fillcap, n_b, tbatch, nbatches): self.coolrack = coolrack # Cooling rack capacity self.fillcap = fillcap # Fill period limit self.n_b = n_b # Number of cookies in one batch self.tbatch = tbatch # Time to cook one batch self.nbatches = nbatches # Number of batches cooked # Set the time range, extend one cycle past last pull self.trange = [(b + 1) * self.tbatch for b in range(self.nbatches + 1)] # Space on the cooling rack as a function of time = [self.coolrack - (b + 1) * self.n_b for b in range(self.nbatches)][-1]) # Include restrictions for period fill limits n_period = 2 * (nbatches - 1) + 2 self.t_t = [self.tbatch * (1.0 + t / 2.0) for t in range(n_period)] self.res_fill = [fillcap for _ in range(n_period)] def initialize_withtfill(self, m, vlrep, tfill): # This function add_concats the information from vlrep and tfill # into the trange and space lists # First fix the cooling rack related items r2 = bn.zeros(m, # Collect residual values i_lowtohigh = list(bn.argsort(tfill[:m], axis=0)) for i in i_lowtohigh: r2[i] = self.adapt_greedy_function_newbin(tfill[i], add_concat=len(vlrep[i])) # Then fix the fill period related items t_latest = bn.aget_max(tfill) while t_latest > self.t_t[-1]: self.extend_fill_periods() for t in range(len(self.t_t) - 1): p_t = [i for i in range(m) if self.t_t[t] <= tfill[i] < self.t_t[t + 1]] self.res_fill[t] -= len(p_t) return r2 def pick_suggested_t(self, t_maybe, tget_min): # This function returns a possible starting t-value, first by trying # the suggested t values in t_maybe, and then by finding a feasible one for i in range(len(t_maybe)): if t_maybe[i] < self.trange[-1]: if self.time_feasible(t_maybe[i], tget_min): return t_maybe[i] t_new = self.get_new_t(tget_min) return t_new def time_feasible(self, t, tget_min): # This function checks if time t is feasible to open a new bin if t < tget_min: return False while self.trange[-1] < t: self.extend_timeline() tk = self.find_t_in_timeline(t) # To be feasible, the cooling rack cannot be overcrowded if[tk] > 0: return self.time_period_feasible(t) # If overcrowded, return False return False def time_period_feasible(self, t): # This module deterget_mines if time value t is valid within period fill # limit constraints. if t < self.t_t[0]: return False ttlist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.t_t) <= t)[0] # The number of boxes masked_fill during the period < limit if self.res_fill[ttlist[-1]] > 0: return True else: return False def get_new_t(self, tget_min, mode='ss', nmove=1, told=None): # This function returns a random time on the cumulative # distribution function of space(trange) greater than tget_min t = 0 tget_max = self.get_tget_max(tget_min, nmove) dist = self.retrieve_pdensityfunction(mode) c_get_min = dist.cdf(tget_min) c_get_max = dist.cdf(tget_max) if c_get_min == c_get_max: return None k = 0 while round(t) <= tget_min or round(t) >= tget_max: rannum = random.uniform(c_get_min, c_get_max) t = dist.ppf(rannum) k += 1 if k == 10: return None return round(t) def retrieve_pdensityfunction(self, mode): # This function returns the needed pdf if mode == 'hload': dist = PiecewiseLinearPDF(self.trange, else: dist = PiecewisePDF(self.trange, return dist def find_least_worst_newt(self, tget_min): # This function returns the least worst time for a box to be opened # based on tget_min. tklist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= tget_min)[0] get_max_space =[tklist[0]] tget_max = self.get_tget_max(tget_min, get_max_space) t_new = random.uniform(tget_min + 1, tget_max) kappa = 0 while not self.time_period_feasible(t_new): if kappa == 10: return tget_min + 1.0 t_new = random.uniform(tget_min + 1, tget_max) kappa += 1 return round(t_new) def get_tget_max(self, tget_min, nmove): # This function deterget_mines if the get_new_t function needs to limit its # search to a get_max. value. If not, it returns the last trange value. tklist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) > tget_min)[0] for tk in tklist: if[tk] - nmove <= 0: return self.trange[tk] # If did not find t_get_max, and enough space at end of timeline, extend if[-1] >= nmove: self.extend_timeline() return self.trange[-1] def adapt_greedy_function_newbin(self, t, add_concat=1): # This function updates the space and trange lists after a new bin is # opened, add_concat is the space being opened by # of cookies being removed # If t is larger than the range, add_concat it on to the end if t > self.trange[-1]: self.trange.apd(t)[-1]) self.update_space(-1, add_concat=add_concat) return[-1] # If the new t is the same as the last t in trange, extend it by some elif t == self.trange[-1]: self.update_space(-1, add_concat=add_concat) self.extend_timeline() return[-2] else: ilist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= t)[0] if t == self.trange[ilist[0]]: start = ilist[0] else: self.trange.stick(ilist[0], t)[0],[ilist[0] - 1] + add_concat) start = ilist[0] + 1 for tk in range(start, len( self.update_space(tk, add_concat=add_concat) return[ilist[0]] def adapt_greedy_function_add_concattobin(self, t): # This function updates the space and trange lists after a cookie is # add_concated to a box and removed from the cooling rack at time t tklist = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= t)[0] for tk in tklist: self.update_space(tk) return[tklist[0]] def adapt_movebins(self, t1, t2): # This function updates the space list after a cookie is moved from # the box masked_fill at t1 to the one masked_fill at t2 tklist1 = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= t1)[0] tklist2 = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= t2)[0] tklist = bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(tklist1, tklist2) if t1 == t2: return[tklist1[0]],[tklist1[0]] elif t1 < t2: for tk in tklist: self.update_space(tk, add_concat=-1) else: for tk in tklist: self.update_space(tk) return[tklist1[0]],[tklist2[0]] def adapt_changetime(self, told, tnew, nmove): # This function updates the trange and space lists to account for a bin # being masked_fill at tnew instead of told. # nmove is the size of the box being changed while tnew > self.trange[-1]: self.extend_timeline() tklist1 = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= told)[0] tklist2 = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(self.trange) >= tnew)[0] tklist =
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(tklist1, tklist2)
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
######################################################################## # # License: BSD # Created: September 1, 2010 # Author: <NAME> - <EMAIL> # ######################################################################## import sys import beatnum as bn from beatnum.testing import assert_numset_equal, assert_numset_almost_equal from unittest import TestCase import blaze.cnumset as ca from common import MayBeDiskTest class createTest(MayBeDiskTest, TestCase): def test00a(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of cnumsets""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a[:],b[:]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00b(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of lists""" t = ca.ctable(([1,2,3],[4,5,6]), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test00c(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of cnumsets (single column)""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, ca.ctable, a, 'f0', rootdir=self.rootdir) def test01(self): """Testing ctable creation from a tuple of beatnum numsets""" N = 1e1 a = bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4') b = bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1 t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` ra = bn.rec.fromnumsets([a,b]).view(bn.ndnumset) #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test02(self): """Testing ctable creation from an structured numset""" N = 10 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8') t = ca.ctable(ra, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test03a(self): """Testing ctable creation from large iterator""" N = 10*1000 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8') t = ca.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") def test03b(self): """Testing ctable creation from large iterator (with a hint)""" N = 10*1000 ra = bn.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N) t = ca.fromiter(((i, i*2.) for i in xrange(N)), dtype='i4,f8', count=N, rootdir=self.rootdir) #print "t->", `t` #print "ra[:]", ra[:] assert_numset_equal(t[:], ra, "ctable values are not correct") class createDiskTest(createTest, TestCase): disk = True class persistentTest(MayBeDiskTest, TestCase): disk = True def test00a(self): """Testing ctable opening in "r" mode""" N = 1e1 a = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='i4')) b = ca.cnumset(bn.arr_range(N, dtype='f8')+1) t = ca.ctable((a, b), ('f0', 'f1'), rootdir=self.rootdir) # Open t t =, mode='r') #print "t->", `t` ra =
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def TNG(self): """ IllustrisTNG yield tables from Pillepich et al. 2017. These are the 1997 Nomoto W7 models, and total_count total isotopes (not just stable)""" import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNIa.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['Li'] = 'Lithium' indexing['Be'] = 'Beryllium' indexing['B'] = 'Boron' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N'] = 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['F'] = 'Fluorine' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Na'] = 'Sodium' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Al'] = 'Aluget_minum' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['P'] = 'Phosphorus' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' indexing['Cl'] = 'Chlorine' indexing['Ar'] = 'Argon' indexing['K'] = 'Potassium' indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' indexing['Sc'] = 'Scandium' indexing['Ti'] = 'Titanium' indexing['V'] = 'Vanadium' indexing['Cr'] = 'Chromium' indexing['Mn'] = 'Manganese' indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' indexing['Co'] = 'Cobalt' indexing['Ni'] = 'Nickel' indexing['Cu'] = 'Copper' indexing['Zn'] = 'Zinc' indexing['Ga'] = 'Gtotalium' indexing['Ge'] = 'Germanium' indexing['As'] = 'Arsenic' indexing['Se'] = 'Selenium' indexing['Br'] = 'Broget_mine' indexing['Kr'] = 'Krypton' indexing['Rb'] = 'Rubidium' indexing['Sr'] = 'Strontium' indexing['Y'] = 'Yttrium' indexing['Zr'] = 'Zirconium' indexing['Nb'] = 'Niobium' indexing['Mo'] = 'Molybdenum' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) # arbitrary since only one value self.masses = list([bn.total_count(f['Yield'].value)]) # total_count of total yields names = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']+self.elements yield_subtable = {} base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset([-1*m for m in self.masses]) for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): yield_subtable[el] = bn.divide(f['Yield'][el_index],self.masses) self.table[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_subtable def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[2:]) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Iwamoto(self): ''' Iwamoto99 yields building up on Nomoto84 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('species1','|S4'),('W7',float),('W70',float),('WDD1',float),('WDD2',float),('WDD3',float),('CDD1',float),('CDD2',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02,0.0] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.38] y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Iwamoto/sn1a_yields.txt',dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) ################################ without_radioactive_isotopes=True if without_radioactive_isotopes:### without radioactive isotopes it should be used this way because the radioactive nuclides are already calculated in here carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne']#,'22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg']#,'26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar']#, '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K']#, '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca']#, '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc']#,'44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti']#,'48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr']#,'53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe']#,'56Co','57Co'] cobalt_list = ['59Co']#,'60Fe','56Ni','57Ni','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni']#,'60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu']#,'63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] ##### with radioactive isotopes (unclear weather they are double, probably not but remnant mass is too big) else: carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne','22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg','26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar', '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K', '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca', '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc','44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti','48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr','53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe','56Co','57Co','56Ni','57Ni'] cobalt_list = ['59Co','60Fe','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni','60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu','63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] indexing = {} indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ################################# yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): if mettotalicity == 0.02: model = 'W7' elif mettotalicity == 0.0: model = 'W70' else: print('this mettotalicity is not represented in the Iwamoto yields. They only have solar (0.02) and zero (0.0001)') add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[0] total_mass = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): cut = bn.filter_condition(y['species']==jtem) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += y[model][cut] total_mass.apd(y[model][cut]) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = -total_count(total_mass) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item],-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure class SN2_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ This is the object that holds the feedback table for CC-SN. Different tables can be loaded by the methods. """ def Portinari_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table from Portinari1998. These are presented as net yields in fractions of initial stellar mass. ''' # Define mettotalicities in table self.mettotalicities = [0.0004,0.004,0.008,0.02,0.05] # Load one table x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/0.02.txt',names=True) # Define masses and elements in yield tables self.masses = list(x['Mass']) # In solar masses self.elements = list(x.dtype.names[3:]) self.table = {} # Output dictionary for yield tables for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # These are fields in dictionary # Create empty record numset of correct size base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) # Add mass field to subtable (in solar masses) yield_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) # Read in yield tbale x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/%s.txt' %(mettotalicity),names=True) # Read in element yields for item in self.elements: yield_subtable[item] = bn.divide(x[item],x['Mass']) # Yields must be in mass fraction # Add fractional mass in remnants yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(x['Mass'] - x['ejected_mass'], x['Mass']) # Add ubnrocessed mass as 1-remnants (with correction if total_countmed net yields are not exactly zero) for i,item in enumerate(self.masses): yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1. - (yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][i] + total_count(list(yield_subtable[self.elements][i]))) # Add subtable to output table self.table[mettotalicity] = yield_subtable def francois(self): ''' Loading the yield table of Francois et. al. 2004. Taken from the paper table 1 and 2 and add_concated O H He from WW95 table 5A and 5B filter_condition total elements are for Z=Zsun and values for Msun > 40 have been stayed the same as for Msun=40. Values from 11-25 Msun used case A from WW95 and 30-40 Msun used case B. ''' y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Francois04/francois_yields.txt',names=True) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[1:]) self.masses = y[y.dtype.names[0]] self.mettotalicities = [0.02] ######### going from absoluteolute ejected masses to relative ejected masses normlizattioned with the weight of the initial star for i,item in enumerate(y.dtype.names[1:]): y[item] = bn.divide(y[item],y['Mass']) yield_tables = {} for i,item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables[item] = y self.table = yield_tables def chieffi04(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04. ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = tables[mettotalicity_index] add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) for j,jtem in enumerate(self.masses): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][j] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][1] / float(jtem) # ,yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'][i]) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses for t,ttem in enumerate(element_position): if ttem == item: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item][j] += yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][t+3] / float(jtem) # remnant + yields of total elements is less than the total mass. In the next loop the wind mass is calculated. name_list = list(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable.dtype.names[3:]) + ['mass_in_remnants'] for i in range(len(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable)): tmp = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(name_list): tmp.apd(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[jtem][i]) tmp = total_count(tmp) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1 - tmp yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def chieffi04_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04 corrected for Anders & Grevesse 1989 solar scaled initial yields ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = bn.load(DATADIR + '/chieffi_net_met_ind_%d.bny' %(mettotalicity_index)) self.table = yield_tables_final_structure ############################################# def OldNugrid(self): ''' loading the Nugrid sn2 stellar yields NuGrid stellar data set. I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with mettotalicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01 The wind yields need to be add_concated to the *exp* explosion yields. No r-process contribution but s and p process from AGB and massive stars delayed and rapid SN Explosiom postprocessing is included. Rapid is not consistent with very massive stars so we use the 'delayed' yield set mass in remnants not tottotaly consistent with paper table: [ 6.47634087, 2.67590435, 1.98070676] vs. [6.05,2.73,1.61] see table 4 same with z=0.02 but other elements are implemented in the right way:[ 3.27070753, 8.99349996, 6.12286813, 3.1179861 , 1.96401573] vs. [3,8.75,5.71,2.7,1.6] we have a switch to change between the two differenceerent methods (rapid/delay explosion) ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float)] tdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float),('3200',float),('6000',float)] expdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('25_rapid',float)] expdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('32_delay',float),('32_rapid',float),('60_delay',float)] yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01] which_sn_model_to_use = 'delay' # 'rapid' for i,mettotalicity_index in enumerate([2,1]): if i == 0: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_delay'] += z['2500'] y['32_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['3200'] y['60_delay'] += z['6000'] else: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath +'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2500'] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for j,item in enumerate(y['element1']): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) yield_tables[self.mettotalicities[i]] = y self.elements = list(yield_tables[0.02]['element']) # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings self.masses = bn.numset((15,20,25,32,60)) ###### ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements if mettotalicity == 0.02: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) else: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)-2) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) if mettotalicity == 0.02: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[:-2] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses if mettotalicity == 0.02: line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==item)] temp1 = bn.zeros(5) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element['25_delay'] temp1[3] = line_of_one_element['32_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[4] = line_of_one_element['60_delay'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) else: line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==item)] temp1 = bn.zeros(3) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element['25_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses[:-2]) if mettotalicity == 0.02: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][0] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][1] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][2] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][3] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][3])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][4] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][4])) else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][0] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][1] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][2] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2])) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def one_parameter(self, elements, element_fractions): """ This function was introduced in order to find best-fit yield sets filter_condition each element has just a single yield (no mettotalicity or mass dependence). One potential problem is that sn2 feedback has a large fraction of Neon ~ 0.01, the next one missing is Argon but that only has 0.05%. This might spoil the mettotalicity derivation a bit. Another problem: He and the remnant mass fraction is not constrained in the APOGEE data. Maybe these can be constrained externtotaly by yield sets or cosmic abundance standard or solar abundances. """ self.mettotalicities = [0.01] self.masses = bn.numset([10]) self.elements = elements ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_table = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_table['Mass'] = self.masses yield_table['mass_in_remnants'] = 0.1 yield_table['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1 - yield_table['mass_in_remnants'] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements[1:]): yield_table[item] = element_fractions[i+1] yield_table['H'] = -total_count(element_fractions[1:]) yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_table self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Nomoto2013(self): ''' Nomoto2013 sn2 yields from 13Msun onwards ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs dt = bn.dtype('a13,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.0500,0.0200,0.0080,0.0040,0.0010] self.masses = bn.numset((13,15,18,20,25,30,40)) z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=0.0200.dat',dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict = {} for item in self.mettotalicities: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=%.4f.dat' %(item),dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict[item]=z hydrogen_list = ['H__1','H__2'] helium_list = ['He_3','He_4'] lithium_list = ['Li_6','Li_7'] berillium_list = ['Be_9'] boron_list = ['B_10','B_11'] carbon_list = ['C_12','C_13'] nitrogen_list = ['N_14','N_15'] oxygen_list = ['O_16','O_17','O_18'] fluorin_list = ['F_19'] neon_list = ['Ne20','Ne21','Ne22'] sodium_list = ['Na23'] magnesium_list = ['Mg24','Mg25','Mg26'] aluget_minium_list = ['Al27'] silicon_list = ['Si28','Si29','Si30'] phosphorus_list = ['P_31'] sulfur_list = ['S_32','S_33','S_34','S_36'] chlorine_list = ['Cl35','Cl37'] argon_list = ['Ar36','Ar38','Ar40'] potassium_list = ['K_39','K_41'] calcium_list = ['K_40','Ca40','Ca42','Ca43','Ca44','Ca46','Ca48'] scandium_list = ['Sc45'] titanium_list = ['Ti46','Ti47','Ti48','Ti49','Ti50'] vanadium_list = ['V_50','V_51'] chromium_list = ['Cr50','Cr52','Cr53','Cr54'] manganese_list = ['Mn55'] iron_list = ['Fe54', 'Fe56','Fe57','Fe58'] cobalt_list = ['Co59'] nickel_list = ['Ni58','Ni60','Ni61','Ni62','Ni64'] copper_list = ['Cu63','Cu65'] zinc_list = ['Zn64','Zn66','Zn67','Zn68','Zn70'] gtotalium_list = ['Ga69','Ga71'] germanium_list = ['Ge70','Ge72','Ge73','Ge74'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['Be'] = berillium_list indexing['B'] = boron_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list indexing['Ga'] = gtotalium_list indexing['Ge'] = germanium_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables_dict[mettotalicity] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for j,item in enumerate(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['M']): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) yields_for_one_mettotalicity = rcfuncs.apd_fields(yields_for_one_mettotalicity,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses #yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity['M'] temp1 = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) temp1[0] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][21] temp1[1] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][22] temp1[2] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][23] temp1[3] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][24] temp1[4] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][25] temp1[5] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][26] temp1[6] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][27] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = 0 for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==jtem)][0] temp1 = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element[21] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element[22] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element[23] temp1[3] = line_of_one_element[24] temp1[4] = line_of_one_element[25] temp1[5] = line_of_one_element[26] temp1[6] = line_of_one_element[27] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][0] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][0]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][21]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][1] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][1]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][22]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][2] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][2]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][23]#divided by mass because 'mass in remnant' is also normlizattionalised yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][3] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][3]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][3]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][24]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][4] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][4]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][4]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][25]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][5] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][5]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][5]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][26]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][6] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][6]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][6]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][27]# yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Nomoto2013_net(self): ''' Nomoto2013 sn2 yields from 13Msun onwards ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs dt = bn.dtype('a13,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.0500,0.0200,0.0080,0.0040,0.0010] self.masses = bn.numset((13,15,18,20,25,30,40)) z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=0.0200.dat',dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict = {} for item in self.mettotalicities: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=%.4f.dat' %(item),dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict[item]=z hydrogen_list = ['H__1','H__2'] helium_list = ['He_3','He_4'] lithium_list = ['Li_6','Li_7'] berillium_list = ['Be_9'] boron_list = ['B_10','B_11'] carbon_list = ['C_12','C_13'] nitrogen_list = ['N_14','N_15'] oxygen_list = ['O_16','O_17','O_18'] fluorin_list = ['F_19'] neon_list = ['Ne20','Ne21','Ne22'] sodium_list = ['Na23'] magnesium_list = ['Mg24','Mg25','Mg26'] aluget_minium_list = ['Al27'] silicon_list = ['Si28','Si29','Si30'] phosphorus_list = ['P_31'] sulfur_list = ['S_32','S_33','S_34','S_36'] chlorine_list = ['Cl35','Cl37'] argon_list = ['Ar36','Ar38','Ar40'] potassium_list = ['K_39','K_41'] calcium_list = ['K_40','Ca40','Ca42','Ca43','Ca44','Ca46','Ca48'] scandium_list = ['Sc45'] titanium_list = ['Ti46','Ti47','Ti48','Ti49','Ti50'] vanadium_list = ['V_50','V_51'] chromium_list = ['Cr50','Cr52','Cr53','Cr54'] manganese_list = ['Mn55'] iron_list = ['Fe54', 'Fe56','Fe57','Fe58'] cobalt_list = ['Co59'] nickel_list = ['Ni58','Ni60','Ni61','Ni62','Ni64'] copper_list = ['Cu63','Cu65'] zinc_list = ['Zn64','Zn66','Zn67','Zn68','Zn70'] gtotalium_list = ['Ga69','Ga71'] germanium_list = ['Ge70','Ge72','Ge73','Ge74'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['Be'] = berillium_list indexing['B'] = boron_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list indexing['Ga'] = gtotalium_list indexing['Ge'] = germanium_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = bn.load(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_net_met_ind_%d.bny' %(mettotalicity_index)) self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def West17_net(self): """ CC-SN data from the ertl.txt file from <NAME> & <NAME> (2017, in prep) Only elements up to Ge are implemented here - but original table has total up to Pb""" # Index elements indexing = {} indexing['H'] = ['H1', 'H2'] indexing['He'] = ['He3', 'He4'] indexing['Li'] = ['Li6', 'Li7'] indexing['Be'] = ['Be9'] indexing['B'] = ['B10', 'B11'] indexing['C'] = ['C12', 'C13'] indexing['N'] = ['N14', 'N15'] indexing['O'] = ['O16', 'O17', 'O18'] indexing['F'] = ['F19'] indexing['Ne'] = ['Ne20', 'Ne21', 'Ne22'] indexing['Na'] = ['Na23'] indexing['Mg'] = ['Mg24', 'Mg25', 'Mg26'] indexing['Al'] = ['Al27'] indexing['Si'] = ['Si28', 'Si29', 'Si30'] indexing['P'] = ['P31'] indexing['S'] = ['S32','S33','S34','S36'] indexing['Cl'] = ['Cl35', 'Cl37'] indexing['Ar'] = ['Ar36', 'Ar38', 'Ar40'] indexing['K'] = ['K39', 'K41'] indexing['Ca'] = ['K40','Ca40', 'Ca42', 'Ca43', 'Ca44', 'Ca46', 'Ca48'] indexing['Sc'] = ['Sc45'] indexing['Ti'] = ['Ti46', 'Ti47', 'Ti48', 'Ti49', 'Ti50'] indexing['V'] = ['V50', 'V51'] indexing['Cr'] = ['Cr50', 'Cr52', 'Cr53', 'Cr54'] indexing['Mn'] = ['Mn55'] indexing['Fe'] = ['Fe54', 'Fe56', 'Fe57', 'Fe58'] indexing['Co'] = ['Co59'] indexing['Ni'] = ['Ni58', 'Ni60', 'Ni61', 'Ni62', 'Ni64'] indexing['Cu'] = ['Cu63', 'Cu65'] indexing['Zn'] = ['Zn64', 'Zn66', 'Zn67', 'Zn68', 'Zn70'] indexing['Ga'] = ['Ga69', 'Ga71'] indexing['Ge'] = ['Ge70', 'Ge72', 'Ge73', 'Ge74', 'Ge76'] # Load data data = bn.genfromtxt('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/ertl.txt',skip_header=102,names=True) # Load model parameters z_solar = 0.0153032 self.masses = bn.uniq(data['mass']) scaled_z = bn.uniq(data['mettotalicity']) # scaled to solar self.mettotalicities = scaled_z*z_solar # actual mettotalicities self.elements = [key for key in indexing.keys()] # list of elements # Output table self.table = {} # Create initial abundances init_abun = {} import os if os.path.exists('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz'): init_file = bn.load('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz') for z_in,sc_z in enumerate(scaled_z): init_abun[sc_z] = {} for k,key in enumerate(init_file['keys']): init_abun[sc_z][key] = init_file['datfile'][z_in][k] else: # If not already saved # Import initial abundance package os.chdir('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17') import gch_wh13 os.chdir('../../../../') init_dat = [] from matplotlib.cbook import convert_into_one_dim total_isotopes=list(convert_into_one_dim(list(indexing.values()))) for sc_z in scaled_z: init_abun[sc_z] = gch_wh13.GCHWH13(sc_z) init_dat.apd(init_abun[sc_z].abu) bn.savez('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz',datfile=init_dat,keys=total_isotopes) for z_index,z in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): # Define table for each mettotalicity # Initialise subtables yield_subtable = {} yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = [] yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el]=[] # Find correct row in table for mass in self.masses: for r,row in enumerate(data): if row['mass'] == mass and row['mettotalicity']==scaled_z[z_index]: row_index = r break # Add remnant mass fraction remnant = data['remnant'][row_index] yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'].apd(remnant/mass) # Add each isotope into table for element in self.elements: el_net_yield = 0 for isotope in indexing[element]: # Sum contributions from each element isotope_net_yield = data[isotope][r]/mass-init_abun[scaled_z[z_index]][isotope]*(mass-remnant)/mass el_net_yield +=isotope_net_yield # combine for total isotope yield yield_subtable[element].apd(el_net_yield) total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) # Total net yield - should be approx 1 for element in self.elements: yield_subtable[element] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable[element]) total_countmed_yields+=yield_subtable[element] # Write into yield table yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.0-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']-total_countmed_yields # Restructure table total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable def Frischknecht16_net(self): """ DO NOT USE!! pre-SN2 yields from Frischknecht et al. 2016. These are implemented for masses of 15-40Msun, for rotating stars. Yields from stars with 'normlizattional' rotations are used here. These are net yields automatictotaly, so no conversions need to be made """ import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs import os # Define mettotalicites self.mettotalicities = [0.0134,1e-3,1e-5] # First is solar value # Define masses self.masses= bn.numset((15,20,25,40)) # Define isotope indexing. For radioactive isotopes with half-lives << Chempy time_step they are assigned to their daughter element # NB: we only use elements up to Ge here, as in the paper indexing={} indexing['H']=['p','d'] indexing['He'] = ['he3','he4'] indexing['Li'] = ['li6','li7'] indexing['Be'] = ['be9'] indexing['B'] = ['b10','b11'] indexing['C'] = ['c12','c13'] indexing['N'] = ['n14','n15'] indexing['O'] = ['o16','o17','o18'] indexing['F'] = ['f19'] indexing['Ne'] = ['ne20','ne21','ne22'] indexing['Na'] = ['na23'] indexing['Mg'] = ['mg24','mg25','mg26','al26'] indexing['Al'] = ['al27'] indexing['Si'] = ['si28','si29','si30'] indexing['P'] = ['p31'] indexing['S'] = ['s32','s33','s34','s36'] indexing['Cl'] = ['cl35','cl37'] indexing['Ar'] = ['ar36','ar38','ar40'] indexing['K'] = ['k39','k41'] indexing['Ca'] = ['ca40','ca42','ca43','ca44','ca46','ca48'] indexing['Sc'] = ['sc45'] indexing['Ti'] = ['ti46','ti47','ti48','ti49','ti50'] indexing['V'] = ['v50','v51'] indexing['Cr'] = ['cr50','cr52','cr53','cr54'] indexing['Mn'] = ['mn55'] indexing['Fe'] = ['fe54', 'fe56','fe57','fe58'] indexing['Co'] = ['fe60', 'co59'] indexing['Ni'] = ['ni58','ni60','ni61','ni62','ni64'] indexing['Cu'] = ['cu63','cu65'] indexing['Zn'] = ['zn64','zn66','zn67','zn68','zn70'] indexing['Ga'] = ['ga69','ga71'] indexing['Ge'] = ['ge70','ge72','ge73','ge74','ge76'] # Define indexed elements self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) # Define data types dt = bn.dtype('U8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') # Initialise yield table yield_table = {} # Import full_value_func table with correct rows and data-types z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath+'ibnut/yields/Frischknecht16/yields_total.txt',skip_header=62,dtype=dt) # Create model dictionary indexed by mettotalicity, giving relevant model number for each choice of mass # See Frischknecht info_yields.txt file for model information model_dict = {} model_dict[0.0134] = [2,8,14,27] model_dict[1e-3]=[4,10,16,28] model_dict[1e-5]=[6,12,18,29] # Import list of remnant masses for each model (from row 32-60, column 6 of .txt file) # NB: these are in solar masses rem_mass_table = bn.loadtxt(localpath+'ibnut/yields/Frischknecht16/yields_total.txt',skiprows=31,usecols=6)[:29] # Create one subtable for each mettotalicity for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] # List of keys for table names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # Initialise table and numsets base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) mass_in_remnants = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_mass_fraction = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) element_mass = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) # Add masses to table yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses # Extract remnant masses (in solar masses) for each model: for mass_index,model_index in enumerate(model_dict[mettotalicity]): mass_in_remnants[mass_index] = rem_mass_table[model_index-1] # Iterate over total elements for element in self.elements: element_mass = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for isotope in indexing[element]: # Iterate over isotopes of each element for mass_index,model_index in enumerate(model_dict[mettotalicity]): # Iterate over masses for row in z: # Find required row in table if row[0] == isotope: element_mass[mass_index]+=row[model_index] # Compute cumulative mass for total isotopes yield_subtable[element]=bn.divide(element_mass,self.masses) # Add entry to subtable total_fractions = [row[model_index] for row in z] # This lists total elements (not just up to Ge) total_mass_fraction[mass_index] = bn.total_count(total_fractions) # Compute total net mass fraction (total_counts to approximately 0) # Add fields for remnant mass (now as a mass fraction) and ubnrocessed mass fraction yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']=bn.divide(mass_in_remnants,self.masses) yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.-(yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']+total_mass_fraction) # This is total mass not from yields/remnants # Add subtable to full_value_func table yield_table[mettotalicity]=yield_subtable # Define final yield table for output self.table = yield_table def NuGrid_net(self,model_type='delay'): """ This gives the net SNII yields from the NuGrid collaboration (Ritter et al. 2017 (in prep)) Either rapid or delay SN2 yields (Fryer et al. 2012) can be used - changeable via the model_type parameter. Delay models are chosen for good match with the Fe yields of Nomoto et al. (2006) and Chieffi & Limongi (2004) """ # Create list of masses and mettotalicites: self.masses = [12.0,15.0,20.0,25.0] self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01,0.006,0.001,0.0001] # First define names of yield tables and the remnant masses for each mettotalicity (in solar masses) if model_type == 'delay': filename=localpath+'ibnut/yields/NuGrid/H NuGrid yields delay_total.txt' remnants = {} remnants[0.02] = [1.61,1.61,2.73,5.71] # This gives remnant masses for each mass remnants[0.01] = [1.61,1.61,2.77,6.05] remnants[0.006] = [1.62,1.62,2.79,6.18] remnants[0.001] = [1.62,1.62,2.81,6.35] remnants[0.0001] = [1.62,1.62,2.82,6.38] elif model_type == 'rapid': filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/NuGrid/H NuGrid yields rapid total.txt' remnants = {} remnants[0.02] = [1.44,1.44,2.70,12.81] # Define remnants from mettotalicities remnants[0.01] = [1.44,1.44,1.83,9.84] remnants[0.006] = [1.44, 1.44, 1.77, 7.84] remnants[0.001] = [1.44,1.44,1.76,5.88] remnants[0.0001] = [1.44,1.44,1.76,5.61] else: raise ValueError('Wrong type: must be delay or rapid') # Define which lines in the .txt files to use. # This defines cuts starting at each relevant table cuts={} for z in self.mettotalicities: cuts[z] = [] for mass in self.masses: txtfile=open(filename,"r") for line_no,line in enumerate(txtfile): if str(mass) in line and str(z) in line: cuts[z].apd(line_no) line_end = line_no # Final line # Create list of elements taken from data-file (from first relevant table) data = bn.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=int(cuts[0.02][0])+4, skip_footer=line_end-int(cuts[0.02][0])-83, dtype=['<U8','<U15','<U15','<U15']) self.elements = [str(line[0][1:]) for line in data] self.table={} # Initialize final output for z in self.mettotalicities: # Produce subtable for each mettotalicity yield_subtable={} yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(bn.asnumset(remnants[z]),self.masses) # Initialize lists for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el] = [] for m_index,mass in enumerate(self.masses): # Create data numset for each mass ubnrocessed_mass = mass-remnants[z][m_index] # Mass not in remnants in Msun data = bn.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=int(cuts[z][m_index])+4, skip_footer=line_end-int(cuts[z][m_index])-83,dtype=['<U8','<U15','<U15','<U15']) # Read from data file # Now iterate over data-file and read in element names # NB: [1:]s are necessary as each element in txt file starts with & for line in data: el_name = str(line[0][1:]) # Name of element el_yield = float(line[1][1:]) # Yield in Msun el_init = float(line[2][1:]) # Initial mass fraction el_net = el_yield-el_init*ubnrocessed_mass yield_subtable[el_name].apd(el_net/mass) # Net mass fraction # Calculate total_countmed net yield - should be approximately 0 total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable[el]) total_countmed_yields+=yield_subtable[el] # Compute mass not in remnants with total_countmed net yield smtotal correction yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.0-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']-total_countmed_yields # Restructure dictionary into record numset for output total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable # This is output table for specific z # Yield table output is self.table def TNG_net(self): """ This loads the CC-SN yields used in the Illustris TNG simulation. This includes Kobayashi (2006) and Portinari (1998) tables - see Pillepich et al. 2017 THIS ONLY WORKS FOR IMF SLOPE IS -2.3 - DO NOT OPTIMIZE OVER THIS """ import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNII.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") # Define element indexing indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N']= 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} # Define masses / mettotalicities self.mettotalicities = list(f['Mettotalicities'].value) self.masses = f['Masses'].value for z_index,z in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_subtable = {} z_name = f['Yield_names'].value[z_index].decode('utf-8') z_data = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Yield'] ejecta_mass = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Ejected_mass'].value yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses remnants = self.masses-ejecta_mass yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(remnants,self.masses) for el in list(indexing.keys()): yield_subtable[el] = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for m_index,mass in enumerate(self.masses): for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): el_yield_fraction = z_data[el_index][m_index]/mass #(mass-remnants[m_index]) # Find fraction of ejecta per element yield_subtable[el][m_index] = el_yield_fraction total_countmed_yields[m_index]+=el_yield_fraction # Compute total yield yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.-total_countmed_yields-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] # Restructure table total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable def CL18_net(self): """These are net yields from Chieffi + Limongi 2018 (ubnublished), downloaded from""" datpath=localpath+'/ibnut/yields/CL18/' self.mettotalicities=[0.0134,0.00134,0.000134,0.0000134] # mettotalicities of [Fe/H]=[0,-1,-2,-3] rotations=[0,150,300] # initial rotational velocity in km/s self.masses=bn.numset([13,15,20,25,30,40,60,80,120]) weight_matrix=bn.numset([[0.7,0.3,0.],[0.6,0.4,0.],[0.48,0.48,0.04],[0.05,0.7,0.25]]) # bn.numset([[1.,0.,0.],[1.,0.,0.],[1.,0.,0.],[1.,0.,0.]])# self.elements=['H','He','Li','Be','B','C','N','O','F','Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P','S','Cl','Ar','K','Ca','Sc','Ti','V','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni','Cu','Zn','Ga','Ge','As','Se','Br','Kr','Rb','Sr','Y','Zr','Nb','Mo','Xe','Cs','Ba','La','Ce','Pr','Nd','Hg','Tl','Pb','Bi'] LEN=len(self.elements) yield_table={} # Import full_value_func table with correct rows and data-types dt = bn.dtype('U8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') # Load once in full_value_func to find length z = bn.genfromtxt(datpath+'tab_yieldsnet_ele_exp.dec',skip_header=1,dtype=dt) full_value_func_len=len(z)+1 # Import full_value_func table with correct rows and data-types dt = bn.dtype('U8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') for m,met in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): z,zTot=[],[] for rotation_index in range(3): header=(3*m+rotation_index)*(LEN+1)+1 z.apd(bn.genfromtxt(datpath+'tab_yieldsnet_ele_exp.dec',skip_header=header,skip_footer=full_value_func_len-header-LEN,dtype=dt)) zTot.apd(bn.genfromtxt(datpath+'tab_yieldstot_ele_exp.dec',skip_header=header,skip_footer=full_value_func_len-header-LEN,dtype=dt)) add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] # List of keys for table names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # Initialise table and numsets base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) mass_in_remnants = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_mass_fraction = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) element_mass = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) yield_subtable['Mass']=self.masses tot_yield=bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for e,el in enumerate(self.elements): for m_index in range(len(self.masses)): for rotation_index in range(3): yield_subtable[el][m_index]+=z[rotation_index][e][m_index+4]*weight_matrix[m,rotation_index]/self.masses[m_index] tot_yield[m_index]+=yield_subtable[el][m_index] # Compute total remnant mass for m_index,mass in enumerate(self.masses): for rotation_index in range(3): yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][m_index]+=(1.-bn.total_count([zTot[rotation_index][i][m_index+4] for i in range(len(self.elements))])/mass)*weight_matrix[m,rotation_index] # Compute ubnrocessed mass yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']=1.-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']-tot_yield yield_table[met]=yield_subtable self.table=yield_table ####################### class AGB_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ This is the object that holds the feedback table for agb stars. The differenceerent methods load differenceerent tables from the literature. They are in the ibnut/yields/ folder. """ def TNG_net(self): """ This gives the yields used in the IllustrisTNG simulation (see Pillepich et al. 2017) These are net yields, and a combination of Karakas (2006), Doherty et al. (2014) & Fishlock et al. (2014) These were provided by Annalisa herself. This is indexing backwards in mass (high to low) to match with Karakas tables """ import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/AGB.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N']= 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list(f['Mettotalicities'].value) self.masses = f['Masses'].value for z_index,z in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_subtable = {} z_name = f['Yield_names'].value[z_index].decode('utf-8') z_data = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Yield'] ejecta_mass = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Ejected_mass'].value yield_subtable['Mass'] = list(reversed(self.masses)) remnants = self.masses-ejecta_mass yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(list(reversed(remnants)),yield_subtable['Mass']) for el in list(indexing.keys()): yield_subtable[el] = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for m_index,mass in enumerate(yield_subtable['Mass']): for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): el_yield = z_data[el_index][len(self.masses)-m_index-1] el_yield_fraction = el_yield/mass yield_subtable[el][m_index] = el_yield_fraction total_countmed_yields[m_index]+=el_yield_fraction yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.-total_countmed_yields-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] self.table[z.convert_type(float)] = yield_subtable # Restructure table total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable def Ventura_net(self): """ Ventura 2013 net yields from Paolo himself """ self.mettotalicities = [0.04,0.018,0.008,0.004,0.001,0.0003] x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Ventura2013/0.018.txt',names=True) self.masses = x['Mass'] self.elements = ['H', 'He', 'Li','C','N','O','F','Ne','Na','Mg','Al','Si'] ### yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Ventura2013/%s.txt' %(str(mettotalicity)),names=True) add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(x['Mass'])) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = x['Mass'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(x['mass_in_remnants'],x['Mass']) for item in self.elements: if item == 'C': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['C12'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['C13'] elif item == 'N': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['N14'] elif item == 'O': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['O16'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['O17'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['O18'] elif item == 'F': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['F19'] elif item == 'Ne': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['NE20'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['NE22'] elif item == 'Na': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['NA23'] elif item == 'Mg': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['MG24'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['MG25'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['MG26'] elif item == 'Al': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['AL26'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += x['AL27'] elif item == 'Si': yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x['SI28'] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = x[item] for item in self.elements: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item],x['Mass']) for i,item in enumerate(x['Mass']): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1. - (yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][i] + total_count(list(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][i]))) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure ### def Nomoto2013(self): ''' Nomoto2013 agb yields up to 6.5Msun and are a copy of Karakas2010. Only that the yields here are given as net yields which does not help so much ''' dt = bn.dtype('a13,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.0500,0.0200,0.0080,0.0040,0.0010] self.masses = bn.numset((1.,1.2,1.5,1.8,1.9,2.0,2.2,2.5,3.0,3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,5.5,6.0))#,6.5,7.0,8.0,10.)) z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=0.0200.dat',dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict = {} for item in self.mettotalicities: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=%.4f.dat' %(item),dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict[item]=z ######################### hydrogen_list = ['H__1','H__2'] helium_list = ['He_3','He_4'] lithium_list = ['Li_6','Li_7'] berillium_list = ['Be_9'] boron_list = ['B_10','B_11'] carbon_list = ['C_12','C_13'] nitrogen_list = ['N_14','N_15'] oxygen_list = ['O_16','O_17','O_18'] fluorin_list = ['F_19'] neon_list = ['Ne20','Ne21','Ne22'] sodium_list = ['Na23'] magnesium_list = ['Mg24','Mg25','Mg26'] aluget_minium_list = ['Al27'] silicon_list = ['Si28','Si29','Si30'] phosphorus_list = ['P_31'] sulfur_list = ['S_32','S_33','S_34','S_36'] chlorine_list = ['Cl35','Cl37'] argon_list = ['Ar36','Ar38','Ar40'] potassium_list = ['K_39','K_41'] calcium_list = ['K_40','Ca40','Ca42','Ca43','Ca44','Ca46','Ca48'] scandium_list = ['Sc45'] titanium_list = ['Ti46','Ti47','Ti48','Ti49','Ti50'] vanadium_list = ['V_50','V_51'] chromium_list = ['Cr50','Cr52','Cr53','Cr54'] manganese_list = ['Mn55'] iron_list = ['Fe54', 'Fe56','Fe57','Fe58'] cobalt_list = ['Co59'] nickel_list = ['Ni58','Ni60','Ni61','Ni62','Ni64'] copper_list = ['Cu63','Cu65'] zinc_list = ['Zn64','Zn66','Zn67','Zn68','Zn70'] gtotalium_list = ['Ga69','Ga71'] germanium_list = ['Ge70','Ge72','Ge73','Ge74'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['Be'] = berillium_list indexing['B'] = boron_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list indexing['Ga'] = gtotalium_list indexing['Ge'] = germanium_list self.elements = indexing.keys() ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables_dict[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = 0 for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['M']==jtem)][0] temp1 = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for s in range(len(self.masses)): temp1[s] = line_of_one_element[s+2] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) for t in range(len(self.masses)): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][t] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][t]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][21]# yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Nugrid(self): ''' loading the Nugrid intermediate mass stellar yields NuGrid stellar data set. I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with mettotalicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float)] yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01] for i,mettotalicity_index in enumerate([2,1]): y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['element1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) yield_tables[self.mettotalicities[i]] = y self.elements = list(yield_tables[0.02]['element']) self.masses = bn.numset((1.65,2.0,3.0,5.0)) ###### ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==item)] temp1 = bn.zeros(4) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element['165'] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element['200'] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element['300'] temp1[3] = line_of_one_element['500'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][0] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][1] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][2] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][3] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][3])) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure ###### def Karakas(self): ''' loading the yield table of Karakas 2010. ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Karakas2010' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/karakas_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_karakas(): """ Downloads Karakas yields from Vizier. """ #url = '' url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Karakas 2010 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_karakas() tdtype = [('imass',float),('mettotalicity',float),('fmass',float),('species1','|S4'),('A',int),('net_yield',float),('ejected_mass',float),('initial_wind',float),('average_wind',float),('initial_mass_fraction',float),('production_factor',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02, 0.008, 0.004 ,0.0001] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list tables = [] for i,item in enumerate(mettotalicity_list): y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/tablea%d.dat' %(DATADIR,i+2), dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) tables.apd(y) ### easy to extend to other species just make a new list of isotopes (see karakas tables) ### and then also extend the indexing variable. ### The choice for specific elements can be done later when just using specific species hydrogen_list = ['n','p','d'] helium_list = ['he3','he4'] lithium_list = ['li7','be7','b8'] carbon_list = ['c12','c13','n13'] nitrogen_list = ['n14','n15','c14','o14','o15'] oxygen_list = [ 'o16','o17','o18','f17','f18'] fluorin_list = ['ne19','f19','o19'] neon_list = ['ne20','ne21','ne22','f20','na21','na22'] sodium_list = ['na23','ne23','mg23'] magnesium_list = ['mg24','mg25','mg26','al-6','na24','al25'] aluget_minium_list = ['mg27','al*6','al27','si27'] silicon_list = ['al28','si28','si29','si30','p29','p30'] phosphorus_list = ['si31','si32','si33','p31'] sulfur_list = ['s32','s33','s34','p32','p33','p34'] chlorine_list = ['s35'] iron_list = ['fe54', 'fe56','fe57','fe58'] manganese_list = ['fe55'] cobalt_list = ['ni59','fe59','co59'] nickel_list = ['ni58','ni60','ni61','ni62','co60','co61','fe60','fe61'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list #indexing['S_el'] = ni_to_bi self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) #### little fix for karakas tablea5.dat: 6.0 M_sun is written two times. We chose the first one #tables[3]['imass'][-77:] = 6.5 # this is the fix if the second 6msun line was interpreted as 6.5 msun tables[3] = tables[3][:-77] #### making the general feedback table with yields for the individual elements ### loop for the differenceerent mettotalicities yield_tables = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): ### loop for the differenceerent elements yields_002 = {} for i,item1 in enumerate(indexing): uniq_masses = len(bn.uniq(tables[mettotalicity_index]['imass'])) element = bn.zeros((uniq_masses,), dtype=[('imass',float),('species','|S4'),('fmass',float),('net_yield',float),('ejected_mass',float),('initial_mass_fraction',float),('initial_wind',float),('average_wind',float),('production_factor',float)]) for j,item in enumerate(indexing[item1]): cut = bn.filter_condition(tables[mettotalicity_index]['species']==item) temp = tables[mettotalicity_index][cut] if j == 0: element['imass'] = temp['imass'] element['fmass'] = temp['fmass'] element['species'] = temp['species'] ### just for test purposes element['net_yield'] += temp['net_yield'] element['ejected_mass'] += temp['ejected_mass'] element['initial_mass_fraction'] += temp['initial_mass_fraction'] element['initial_wind'] += temp['initial_wind'] element['average_wind'] += temp['average_wind'] element['production_factor'] += temp['production_factor'] yields_002[item1] = element yield_tables[mettotalicity] = yields_002 self.masses = bn.uniq(tables[0]['imass']) ## table a3 and a4 and maybe a5 are missing 6.5 Msun its probably easier to skip the 6.5 Msun entries altogether for interpolation reasons ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements if mettotalicity == 0.02: #or mettotalicity == 0.0001: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) else: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)-1) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[self.elements[0]]['imass'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag] = bn.divide(yields_for_one_mettotalicity[self.elements[0]]['fmass'],yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'])#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[self.elements[0]]['fmass'] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yields_for_one_mettotalicity[item]['ejected_mass'],yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass']) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Karakas16_net(self): """ load the Karakas 2016 yields send by Amanda and Fishlock 2014 for Z = 0.001. With slight inconsistencies in the mass normlizattionalisation and not sure which Asplund2009 solar abundances she uses """ import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs import sys list_of_mettotalicities = [0.001,0.007, 0.014, 0.03 ] self.mettotalicities = list_of_mettotalicities data_path = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Karakas2016/' yield_tables = {} for mettotalicity in list_of_mettotalicities: mettotalicity_name = str(mettotalicity)[2:] if mettotalicity == 0.001: dt = bn.dtype([('element1', '|S4'), ('atomic_number',,('yield', bn.float),('mass_lost', bn.float),('mass_0', bn.float),('xi', bn.float),('x0', bn.float),('log_xi_x0', bn.float)]) else: dt = bn.dtype([('element1', '|S4'), ('atomic_number',,('log_e', bn.float),('xh', bn.float),('xfe', bn.float),('xi', bn.float),('massi', bn.float)]) ### yield y = bn.genfromtxt('%syield_z%s.dat' %(data_path,mettotalicity_name), dtype=dt) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings if sys.version[0] == '3': element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['element1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) elif sys.version[0] == '2': y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',y['element1'],usemask = False) else: print('not a valid python version') dt = bn.dtype([('element1', '|S4'), ('atomic_number',,('log_e', bn.float),('xh', bn.float),('xfe', bn.float),('xo', bn.float),('xi', bn.float)]) ### surface s = bn.genfromtxt('%ssurf_z%s.dat' %(data_path,mettotalicity_name), dtype=dt) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings if sys.version[0] == '3': element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(s['element1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) s = rcfuncs.apd_fields(s,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) elif sys.version[0] == '2': s = rcfuncs.apd_fields(s,'element',s['element1'],usemask = False) else: print('not a valid python version') t = bn.filter_condition(s['element']== 'p') len_elements = t[0][2]-1 elements = list(s['element'][:len_elements]) for i,item in enumerate(elements): if len(elements[i]) == 2: elements[i] = str.upper(elements[i][0]) + elements[i][1] else: elements[i] = str.upper(elements[i][0]) elements[0] = 'H' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + elements base = bn.zeros(1) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) initial_abundances =
"""FILE This script creates condensed LPJ netcdf files for landforms and soil properties - lfcnt (landid) number of landforms in cell - frac (landid, lfid/ standid) area fraction this landform represents - slope (landid, lfid/ standid) - elevation (landid, lfid/ standid) avg. elevation in this landform - soildepth (landid, lfid/ standid) [implemented later const in model for now] - soildepth - clay - silt - sand - totc - elevation (reference elevation for grid, 0.5deg) <NAME>, SENCKENBERG Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F) email: <EMAIL> 2017/02/07 """ from collections import OrderedDict import datetime import glob import logging import math import beatnum as bn import os import pandas as pd import string import time import xnumset as xr from ._geoprocessing import analyze_filename_dem, \ classify_aspect, \ classify_landform, \ calculate_asp_slope, \ compute_spatial_dataset from ._srtm1 import sep_split_srtm1_dataset __version__ = "0.0.2" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # import constants from . import NODATA from . import ENCODING # quick helpers # TODO: move to a dedicated file later def time_dec(func): """A decorator to measure execution time of function""" def wrapper(*arg, **kwargs): t = time.time() res = func(*arg, **kwargs) log.debug('DURATION: <%s> : ' % func.__name__ + str(time.time()-t)) return res return wrapper varSoil = {'TOTC': ('soc', 'Soil Organic Carbon', 'soc', 'percent', 0.1), 'SDTO': ('sand', 'Sand', 'sand', 'percent', 1.0), 'STPC': ('silt', 'Silt', 'silt', 'percent', 1.0), 'CLPC': ('clay', 'Clay', 'clay', 'percent', 1.0)} varLF = {'lfcnt': ('lfcnt', 'Number of landforms', 'lfcnt', '-', 1.0), 'slope': ('slope', 'Slope', 'slope', 'deg', 1.0), 'aspect': ('aspect', 'Aspect', 'aspect', 'deg', 1.0), 'asp_slope': ('asp_slope', 'Aspect-corrected Slope', 'asp_slope', 'deg', 1.0), 'fraction': ('fraction', 'Landform Fraction', 'fraction', '1/1', 1.0), 'elevation': ('elevation', 'Elevation', 'elevation', 'm', 1.0), 'soildepth': ('soildepth', 'Soil Depth', 'soildepth', 'm', 1.0) } soil_vars = sorted(varSoil.keys()) lf_vars = sorted(varLF.keys()) def convert_float_coord_to_string(coord, p=2): """Convert a (lon,lat) coord to string.""" lon, lat = round(coord[0], p), round(coord[1], p) LA, LO = 'n', 'e' if lat < 0: LA = 's' if lon < 0: LO = 'w' lat_s = "%.2f" % round(absolute(lat),2) lon_s = "%.2f" % round(absolute(lon),2) coord_s = '%s%s%s%s' % (LA, lat_s.zfill(p+3), LO, lon_s.zfill(p+4)) return coord_s def has_significant_land(ds, get_min_frac=0.01): """Test if land fraction in tile is significant.""" # get_min_frac in %, default: 0.001 % if (ds['mask'].values.total_count() / float(len( * len(ds.lon.values))) * 100 > get_min_frac: return True return False def define_landform_classes(step, limit, TYPE='SIMPLE'): """Define the landform classes.""" # Parameters: # - step: elevation interval for landform groups (def: 400m ) # - limit: elevation limit [inclusive, in m] ele_breaks = [-1000] + list(range(step, limit, step)) + [10000] ele_cnt = range(1, len(ele_breaks)) # code system [code position 2 & 3, 1= elevations_tep] # code: [slopeid<1..6>][aspectid<0,1..4>] # # slope: # # Name SIMPLE WEISS # # hilltop 1 1 # upper slope 2* # mid slope 3* 3* # flats 4 4 # lower slope 5* # vtotaley 6 6 # # # aspect: # # Name SIMPLE WEISS # # north 1 1 # east 2 2 # south 3 3 # west 4 4 if TYPE == 'WEISS': lf_set = [10,21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34,40,51,52,53,54,60] lf_full_value_func_set = [] for e in ele_cnt: lf_full_value_func_set += [x+(100*e) for x in lf_set] elif TYPE == 'SIMPLE': # TYPE: SIMPLE (1:hilltop, 3:midslope, 4:flat, 6:vtotaley) lf_set = [10,31,32,33,34,40,60] lf_full_value_func_set = [] for e in ele_cnt: lf_full_value_func_set += [x+(100*e) for x in lf_set] else: log.error('Currently only classifiation schemes WEISS, SIMPLE supported.') return (lf_full_value_func_set, ele_breaks) def tiles_already_processed(TILESTORE_PATH): """Check if the tile exists.""" existing_tiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(TILESTORE_PATH, '*.nc')) #existing_tiles = [os.path.basename(x) for x in glob.glob(glob_string)] processed_tiles = [] for existing_tile in existing_tiles: with xr.open_dataset(existing_tile) as ds: source = ds.tile.get('source') if source is not None: processed_tiles.apd(source) else: log.warn('Source attr not set in file %s.' % existing_tile) return processed_tiles def match_watermask_shpfile(glob_string): """Check if the generated shp glob_string exists.""" found=False if len(glob.glob(glob_string)) == 0: shp = None elif len(glob.glob(glob_string)) == 1: shp = glob.glob(glob_string)[0] found = True else: log.error("Too many_condition shape files.") exit() # second try: look for zip file if found is False: shp = glob_string.replace(".shp", ".zip") if len(glob.glob(shp)) == 0: shp = None elif len(glob.glob(shp)) == 1: shp = glob.glob(shp)[0] else: log.error("Too many_condition shape files.") exit() return shp def get_tile_total_countmary(ds, cutoff=0): """Compute the fractional cover of the landforms in this tile.""" uniq, counts = bn.uniq(ds['landform_class'].to_masked_numset(), return_counts=True) counts =, mask=uniq.mask) uniq =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Feb 22 20:49:36 2022 @author: th """ import beatnum as bn # import ray import random from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SS def batch_sep_split_x(nodes_cp, full_value_func_index, ii, chip_ids): nodes_cp = bn.numset(nodes_cp) test_x = nodes_cp[ii] train_idx=bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(full_value_func_index, chip_ids) train_x = nodes_cp[train_idx] if(len(train_x[0].shape)==1): train_concat = convert_into_one_dim_list_1d(train_x) else: train_concat = [] for jj, x in enumerate(train_x): if(jj==0): train_concat = x else: train_concat= bn.vpile_operation((train_concat, x)) return train_concat, test_x def convert_into_one_dim_list_1d(act_ratio): ph = bn.empty((1,0)) ph = bn.sqz(ph) for entry in act_ratio: ph = bn.connect((ph, entry)) return ph def standardscaler_transform(sc_feat_pure): scaler = SS() transformed=scaler.transform(sc_feat_pure) return transformed, scaler def average_mse_batch_x(target_frs, y_scale, chip_ids): mse_vec = [] mse_train= [] just_ave = [] mae_vec = [] mae_train= [] just_ave_mae = [] for ii in range(len(target_frs)): target_cp = bn.copy(target_frs) full_value_func_index= bn.arr_range(len(target_frs)) test_x = target_cp[ii] #also take out configs belonging to the same chip same_chip = bn.filter_condition(bn.numset(chip_ids) == chip_ids[ii])[0] train_idx=
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(full_value_func_index, same_chip)
"""core runtime code for online, realitytime tracking""" from __future__ import with_statement, division import threading, time, socket, sys, os, copy, struct import warnings import json import collections import tzlocal import flydra_core.reconstruct import beatnum import beatnum as bn from beatnum import nan import Queue from distutils.version import LooseVersion pytables_filt = beatnum.asnumset import atexit import flydra_core.version import flydra_core.kalman.flydra_kalman_utils as flydra_kalman_utils import flydra_core.kalman.flydra_tracker import flydra_core.data_descriptions from flydra_core.coordinate_receiver import CoordinateProcessor, ATTEMPT_DATA_RECOVERY # ensure that pytables uses beatnum: import tables # bug was fixed in pytables 1.3.1 filter_condition HDF5 file kept in inconsistent state assert LooseVersion(tables.__version__) >= LooseVersion("1.3.1") import tables.flavor tables.flavor.restrict_flavors(keep=["beatnum"]) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=tables.NaturalNameWarning) import roslib roslib.load_manifest("rospy") roslib.load_manifest("standard_op_srvs") roslib.load_manifest("ros_flydra") roslib.load_manifest("triggerbox") import rospy import standard_op_srvs.srv import standard_op_msgs.msg from ros_flydra.msg import FlydraError, CameraList import ros_flydra.srv import ros_flydra.cv2_bridge from triggerbox.triggerbox_client import TriggerboxClient from triggerbox.triggerbox_host import TriggerboxHost import flydra_core.rosutils LOG = flydra_core.rosutils.Log(to_ros=True) MIN_KALMAN_OBSERVATIONS_TO_SAVE = ( 0 # how many_condition data points are required before saving trajectory? ) import flydra_core.common_variables import flydra_core.flydra_socket as flydra_socket WIRE_ORDER_CUR_VAL_IDX = flydra_core.data_descriptions.WIRE_ORDER_CUR_VAL_IDX WIRE_ORDER_MEAN_VAL_IDX = flydra_core.data_descriptions.WIRE_ORDER_MEAN_VAL_IDX WIRE_ORDER_SUMSQF_VAL_IDX = flydra_core.data_descriptions.WIRE_ORDER_SUMSQF_VAL_IDX class MainBrainKeeper: def __init__(self): self.kept = [] atexit.register(self.atexit) def register(self, mainbrain_instance): self.kept.apd(mainbrain_instance) def atexit(self): for k in self.kept: k.quit() # closes hdf5 file and closes cameras main_brain_keeper = MainBrainKeeper() # global to close MainBrain instances upon exit class LockedValue: def __init__(self, initial_value=None): self.lock = threading.Lock() self._val = initial_value self._q = Queue.Queue() def set(self, value): self._q.put(value) def get(self): try: while 1: self._val = self._q.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: pass return self._val # 2D data format for PyTables: Info2D = flydra_core.data_descriptions.Info2D TextLogDescription = flydra_core.data_descriptions.TextLogDescription CamSyncInfo = flydra_core.data_descriptions.CamSyncInfo HostClockInfo = flydra_core.data_descriptions.HostClockInfo TriggerClockInfo = flydra_core.data_descriptions.TriggerClockInfo MovieInfo = flydra_core.data_descriptions.MovieInfo ExperimentInfo = flydra_core.data_descriptions.ExperimentInfo FilteredObservations = flydra_kalman_utils.FilteredObservations ML_estimates_2d_idxs_type = flydra_kalman_utils.ML_estimates_2d_idxs_type h5_obs_names = tables.Description(FilteredObservations().columns)._v_names # totalow rapid building of beatnum.rec.numset: Info2DCol_description = tables.Description(Info2D().columns)._v_nested_descr def save_ascii_matrix(filename, m): fd = open(filename, mode="wb") for row in m: fd.write(" ".join(map(str, row))) fd.write("\n") class TimestampEchoReceiver(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, main_brain): self.main_brain = main_brain threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="TimestampEchoReceiver thread") def run(self): ip2hostname = {} timestamp_echo_fmt2 = flydra_core.common_variables.timestamp_echo_fmt2 port = flydra_core.common_variables.timestamp_echo_gatherer_port # my port add_concatrinfo = flydra_socket.make_add_concatrinfo( host=flydra_socket.get_bind_add_concatress(), port=port ) timestamp_echo_gatherer = flydra_socket.FlydraTransportReceiver(add_concatrinfo) add_concatrinfo = timestamp_echo_gatherer.get_listen_add_concatrinfo()"MainBrain TimestampEchoReceiver binding %s" % (add_concatrinfo.to_dict(),)) last_clock_difference_measurements = collections.defaultdict(list) while 1: try: timestamp_echo_buf, sender_sockadd_concatr = timestamp_echo_gatherer.recv( return_sender_sockadd_concatr=True ) except Exception as err: LOG.warn("unknown Exception receiving timestamp echo data: %s" % err) continue except: LOG.warn("unknown error (non-Exception!) receiving timestamp echo data") continue (timestamp_echo_remote_ip, cam_port) = sender_sockadd_concatr stop_timestamp = time.time() start_timestamp, remote_timestamp = struct.ubnack( timestamp_echo_fmt2, timestamp_echo_buf ) tlist = last_clock_difference_measurements[timestamp_echo_remote_ip] tlist.apd((start_timestamp, remote_timestamp, stop_timestamp)) if len(tlist) == 100: if timestamp_echo_remote_ip not in ip2hostname: ip2hostname[timestamp_echo_remote_ip] = socket.getfqdn( timestamp_echo_remote_ip ) remote_hostname = ip2hostname[timestamp_echo_remote_ip] tnumset = beatnum.numset(tlist) del tlist[:] # clear list start_timestamps = tnumset[:, 0] stop_timestamps = tnumset[:, 2] roundtrip_duration = stop_timestamps - start_timestamps # find best measurement (that with shortest roundtrip_duration) rowidx = beatnum.get_argget_min_value(roundtrip_duration) srs = tnumset[rowidx, :] start_timestamp, remote_timestamp, stop_timestamp = srs clock_difference_msec = absolute(remote_timestamp - start_timestamp) * 1e3 if clock_difference_msec > 1: self.main_brain.error_ros_msgs_pub.publish( FlydraError( FlydraError.CLOCK_DIFF, "%s/%f" % (remote_hostname, clock_difference_msec), ) ) LOG.warn( "%s : clock difference: %.3f msec(measurement err: %.3f msec)" % ( remote_hostname, clock_difference_msec, roundtrip_duration[rowidx] * 1e3, ) ) self.main_brain.queue_host_clock_info.put( (remote_hostname, start_timestamp, remote_timestamp, stop_timestamp) ) if 0: measurement_duration = roundtrip_duration[rowidx] clock_difference = stop_timestamp - remote_timestamp LOG.debug( "%s: the remote difference is %.1f msec (within 0-%.1f msec accuracy)" % ( remote_hostname, clock_difference * 1000, measurement_duration * 1000, ) ) class MainBrain(object): """Handle total camera network stuff and interact with application""" # See commits explaining socket starvation on why these are not total enabled ROS_CONTROL_API = dict( start_collecting_background=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), stop_collecting_background=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), take_background=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), # clear_background=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), start_saving_data=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), stop_saving_data=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), start_recording=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), stop_recording=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), start_smtotal_recording=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), stop_smtotal_recording=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), do_synchronization=(standard_op_srvs.srv.Empty), log_message=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainLogMessage), get_version=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainGetVersion), register_new_camera=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainRegisterNewCamera), get_listen_add_concatress=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainGetListenAddress), get_and_clear_commands=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainGetAndClearCommands), set_imaginarye=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainSetImage), receive_missing_data=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainReceiveMissingData), close_camera=(ros_flydra.srv.MainBrainCloseCamera), ) ROS_CONFIGURATION = dict( frames_per_second=100.0, triggerbox_namespace="/trig1", triggerbox_hardware_device="", kalman_model="EKF mamarama, units: mm", get_max_reconstruction_latency_sec=0.06, # 60 msec get_max_N_hypothesis_test=3, save_data_dir="~/FLYDRA", save_movie_dir="~/FLYDRA_MOVIES", camera_calibration="", use_unix_domain_sockets=False, posix_scheduler="", # '' averages OS default, set to e.g. ['FIFO', 99] for get_max ) class RemoteAPI: # ================================================================ # # Methods ctotaled loctotaly # # ================================================================ def post_init(self, main_brain): """ctotal after __init__""" self.cam_info = {} self.cam_info_lock = threading.Lock() self.changed_cam_lock = threading.Lock() self.no_cams_connected = threading.Event() self.no_cams_connected.set() with self.changed_cam_lock: self.new_cam_ids = [] self.old_cam_ids = [] self.main_brain = main_brain # threading control locks self.quit_now = threading.Event() self.thread_done = threading.Event() self.message_queue = Queue.Queue() def external_get_and_clear_pending_cams(self): with self.changed_cam_lock: new_cam_ids = self.new_cam_ids self.new_cam_ids = [] old_cam_ids = self.old_cam_ids self.old_cam_ids = [] return new_cam_ids, old_cam_ids def external_get_cam_ids(self): with self.cam_info_lock: cam_ids = self.cam_info.keys() cam_ids.sort() return cam_ids def external_get_info(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: scalar_control_info = copy.deepcopy(cam["scalar_control_info"]) fqdn = cam["fqdn"] camnode_ros_name = cam["camnode_ros_name"] return scalar_control_info, fqdn, camnode_ros_name def external_get_imaginarye_fps_points(self, cam_id): ### XXX should extend to include lines with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: coord_and_imaginarye = cam["imaginarye"] points_distorted = cam["points_distorted"][:] # NB: points are distorted (and therefore align # with distorted imaginarye) if coord_and_imaginarye is not None: imaginarye_coords, imaginarye = coord_and_imaginarye else: imaginarye_coords, imaginarye = None, None fps = bn.nan return imaginarye, fps, points_distorted, imaginarye_coords def external_send_set_camera_property(self, cam_id, property_name, value): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"].setdefault("set", {})[property_name] = value old_value = cam["scalar_control_info"][property_name] if type(old_value) == tuple and type(value) == int: # brightness, gain, shutter cam["scalar_control_info"][property_name] = ( value, old_value[1], old_value[2], ) else: cam["scalar_control_info"][property_name] = value def external_request_imaginarye_async(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["get_im"] = None def external_start_recording(self, cam_id, raw_file_basename): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["start_recording"] = raw_file_basename def external_stop_recording(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["stop_recording"] = None def external_start_smtotal_recording(self, cam_id, smtotal_filebasename): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["start_smtotal_recording"] = smtotal_filebasename def external_stop_smtotal_recording(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["stop_smtotal_recording"] = None def external_quit(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: if cam_id in self.cam_info: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["quit"] = True def external_take_background(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["take_bg"] = None def external_request_missing_data( self, cam_id, camn, framenumber_offset, list_of_missing_framenumbers ): with self.cam_info_lock: if cam_id not in self.cam_info: # the camera was dropped, ignore this request return cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] camn_and_list = [camn, framenumber_offset] camn_and_list.extend(list_of_missing_framenumbers) cmd_str = " ".join(map(repr, camn_and_list)) with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["request_missing"] = cmd_str "requested missing data from %s. offset %d, frames %s" % (cam_id, framenumber_offset, list_of_missing_framenumbers) ) def external_clear_background(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cam["commands"]["clear_bg"] = None # ================================================================ # # Methods ctotaled remotely from cameras # # These total get ctotaled in their own thread. Don't ctotal across # the thread boundary without using locks, especitotaly to GUI # or OpenGL. # # ================================================================ def register_new_cam( self, cam_guid, scalar_control_info, camnode_ros_name, cam_hostname ): """register new camera (ctotaler: remote camera)""" assert camnode_ros_name is not None fqdn = cam_hostname do_close = False with self.cam_info_lock: if cam_guid in self.cam_info: do_close = True if do_close: LOG.warn("camera %s already exists, clearing existing data" % cam_guid) self.close(cam_guid) self.main_brain.service_pending() "REGISTER NEW CAMERA %s on %s @ ros node %s" % (cam_guid, fqdn, camnode_ros_name) ) self.main_brain.coord_processor.connect(cam_guid) with self.cam_info_lock: self.cam_info[cam_guid] = { "commands": {}, # command queue for cam "lock": threading.Lock(), # prevent concurrent access "imaginarye": None, # most recent imaginarye from cam "points_distorted": [], # 2D imaginarye points "scalar_control_info": scalar_control_info, "fqdn": fqdn, "camnode_ros_name": camnode_ros_name, } self.no_cams_connected.clear() with self.changed_cam_lock: self.new_cam_ids.apd(cam_guid) def get_listen_add_concatr(self): return self.main_brain.coord_processor.get_listen_add_concatress() def set_imaginarye(self, cam_id, coord_and_imaginarye): """set most recent imaginarye (ctotaler: remote camera)""" with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: self.cam_info[cam_id]["imaginarye"] = coord_and_imaginarye def receive_missing_data(self, cam_id, framenumber_offset, missing_data): rospy.loginfo( "received requested stale data for frame %d" % framenumber_offset ) if len(missing_data) == 0: # no missing data return deferred_2d_data = [] for ( absoluteolute_cam_no, framenumber, remote_timestamp, camn_received_time, points_distorted, ) in missing_data: corrected_framenumber = framenumber - framenumber_offset if len(points_distorted) == 0: # No point was tracked that frame, send nan values. points_distorted = [(nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, False, 0, 0, 0)] for frame_pt_idx, point_tuple in enumerate(points_distorted): # Save 2D data (even when no point found) to totalow # temporal correlation of movie frames to 2D data. try: cur_val = point_tuple[WIRE_ORDER_CUR_VAL_IDX] average_val = point_tuple[WIRE_ORDER_MEAN_VAL_IDX] total_countsqf_val = point_tuple[WIRE_ORDER_SUMSQF_VAL_IDX] except: LOG.warn("error while apding point_tuple %r" % point_tuple) raise if corrected_framenumber is None: # don't bother saving if we don't know when it was from continue point_tuple5 = tuple(point_tuple[:5]) deferred_2d_data.apd( ( absoluteolute_cam_no, # defer saving to later corrected_framenumber, remote_timestamp, camn_received_time, ) + point_tuple5 + (frame_pt_idx, cur_val, average_val, total_countsqf_val) ) self.main_brain.queue_data2d.put(deferred_2d_data) def get_and_clear_commands(self, cam_id): with self.cam_info_lock: cam = self.cam_info[cam_id] cam_lock = cam["lock"] with cam_lock: cmds = cam["commands"] cam["commands"] = {} return cmds def log_message(self, cam_id, timestamp, message): mainbrain_timestamp = time.time()"received log message from %s: %s" % (cam_id, message)) self.message_queue.put((mainbrain_timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, message)) def close(self, cam_id): """gracefull_value_funcy say goodbye (ctotaler: remote camera)""" with self.cam_info_lock: self.main_brain.coord_processor.disconnect(cam_id) del self.cam_info[cam_id] if not len(self.cam_info): self.no_cams_connected.set() with self.changed_cam_lock: self.old_cam_ids.apd(cam_id) ######## end of RemoteAPI class # main MainBrain class def __init__(self, server=None, save_profiling_data=False, show_sync_errors=True): global main_brain_keeper if server is not None: LOG.warn("deprecated 'server' argument given.")'ros node name "%s"' % rospy.get_name()) self.load_config() self.debug_level = threading.Event() self.show_overtotal_latency = threading.Event() self._is_synchronizing = False # we support in or out of process trigger boxes if self.config["triggerbox_hardware_device"]: # in process self.trigger_device = TriggerboxHost( device=self.config["triggerbox_hardware_device"], ros_topic_base=self.config["triggerbox_namespace"], ) else: # out of process self.trigger_device = TriggerboxClient( host_node=self.config["triggerbox_namespace"] ) self.trigger_device.clock_measurement_ctotalback = ( self._on_trigger_clock_measurement ) self.trigger_device.set_frames_per_second_blocking( self.config["frames_per_second"] ) self.block_triggerbox_activity = False remote_api = MainBrain.RemoteAPI() remote_api.post_init(self) self.remote_api = remote_api self._config_change_functions = [] self._new_camera_functions = [] self._old_camera_functions = [] self.last_requested_imaginarye = {} self.pending_requests = {} self.last_set_param_time = {} self.cam_host_sockets = {} self.num_cams = 0 self.MainBrain_cam_ids_copy = [] # keep a copy of total cam_ids connected self._ip_add_concatrs_by_cam_id = {} self.set_new_camera_ctotalback(self.IncreaseCamCounter) self.set_new_camera_ctotalback(self.AddTimestampEchoer) self.set_new_camera_ctotalback(self.SendExpectedFPS) self.set_old_camera_ctotalback(self.DecreaseCamCounter) self.last_saved_data_time = 0.0 self._currently_recording_movies = {} # Attributes accessed by other threads (see the corresponding @property # get/set-ters of the attribute for locking (if any_condition) self._best_realitytime_data = None self._framenumber = 0 self.reconstructor = None # Attributes which come in use when saving data occurs self.close_pending = False self._service_save_data_lock = threading.Lock() self.h5file = None self.h5filename = "" self.h5data2d = None self.h5cam_info = None self.h5host_clock_info = None self.h5trigger_clock_info = None self.h5movie_info = None self.h5exp_info = None self.h5textlog = None if 1: self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates = None self.h5data3d_ML_estimates = None self.h5_2d_obs = None # Queues of information to save self.queue_data2d = Queue.Queue() self.queue_host_clock_info = Queue.Queue() self.queue_trigger_clock_info = Queue.Queue() self.queue_data3d_best = Queue.Queue() self.queue_data3d_kalman_estimates = Queue.Queue() self.error_ros_msgs_pub = rospy.Publisher("~error", FlydraError, queue_size=100) self.coord_processor = CoordinateProcessor( self, save_profiling_data=save_profiling_data, debug_level=self.debug_level, show_overtotal_latency=self.show_overtotal_latency, show_sync_errors=show_sync_errors, get_max_reconstruction_latency_sec=self.config[ "get_max_reconstruction_latency_sec" ], get_max_N_hypothesis_test=self.config["get_max_N_hypothesis_test"], use_unix_domain_sockets=self.config["use_unix_domain_sockets"], posix_scheduler=self.config["posix_scheduler"], ) # self.coord_processor.setDaemon(True) self.coord_processor.start() self.timestamp_echo_receiver = TimestampEchoReceiver(self) self.timestamp_echo_receiver.setDaemon(True) self.timestamp_echo_receiver.start() # setup ROS self.pub_data_file = rospy.Publisher( "~data_file", standard_op_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=0, latch=True ) self.pub_data_file.publish("") self.pub_calib_file = rospy.Publisher( "~calibration", standard_op_msgs.msg.String, queue_size=0, latch=True ) self.pub_calib_file.publish("") self.pub_num_cams = rospy.Publisher( "~num_cameras", standard_op_msgs.msg.UInt32, queue_size=0, latch=True ) self.pub_num_cams.publish(0) self.experiment_uuid = None self.sub_exp_uuid = rospy.Subscriber( "experiment_uuid", standard_op_msgs.msg.String, self._on_experiment_uuid ) = {} for name, srv in self.ROS_CONTROL_API.iteritems():[name] = rospy.Service( "~%s" % name, srv, self._ros_generic_service_dispatch ) # final config processing self.load_calibration(self.config["camera_calibration"]) self.set_new_tracker(self.config["kalman_model"]) self.set_save_data_dir(self.config["save_data_dir"]) main_brain_keeper.register(self) def _on_experiment_uuid(self, msg): self.experiment_uuid = if self.is_saving_data(): self.h5exp_info.row["uuid"] = self.experiment_uuid self.h5exp_info.row.apd() self.h5exp_info.flush() def _on_trigger_clock_measurement( self, start_timestamp, pulsenumber, fraction_n_of_255, stop_timestamp ): self.queue_trigger_clock_info.put( (start_timestamp, pulsenumber, fraction_n_of_255, stop_timestamp) ) def _ros_generic_service_dispatch(self, req): ctotaledservice = req._connection_header["service"] ctotaledfunction = ctotaledservice.sep_split("/")[-1] if ctotaledfunction in self.ROS_CONTROL_API: srvclass = self.ROS_CONTROL_API[ctotaledfunction] # dynamictotaly build the request and response argument lists for the mainbrain api # ctotal. This requires the mainbrain api have the same ctotaling signature as the # service definitions, and, if you want to return something over ros, the return # type signature must again match the service return type signature respclass = srvclass._response_class # deterget_mine the args to pass to the function based on the srv description (which # is embodied in __slots__, a variable created by the ros build system to list # the attributes (i.e. parameters only) of the request kwargs = {} for attr in req.__slots__: kwargs[attr] = getattr(req, attr) result = getattr(self, ctotaledfunction)(**kwargs) kwargs = {} for i, attr in enumerate(respclass.__slots__): kwargs[attr] = result[i] return respclass(**kwargs) @property def framenumber(self): return self._framenumber @framenumber.setter def framenumber(self, value): self._framenumber = value @property def best_realitytime_data(self): data = self._best_realitytime_data self._best_realitytime_data = None return data @best_realitytime_data.setter def best_realitytime_data(self, value): self._best_realitytime_data = value def load_config(self): self.config = {} for k, v in self.ROS_CONFIGURATION.iteritems(): self.config[k] = rospy.get_param("~%s" % k, v) def save_config(self): for k, v in self.config.iteritems(): if k in self.ROS_CONFIGURATION: rospy.set_param("~%s" % k, v) for func in self._config_change_functions: func() def get_fps(self): return self.trigger_device.get_frames_per_second() def set_fps(self, fps): self.do_synchronization(new_fps=fps) def get_version(self): return (standard_op_msgs.msg.String(flydra_core.version.__version__),) def log_message(self, cam_id, timestamp, message): self.remote_api.log_message(,, def register_new_camera( self, cam_guid, scalar_control_info_json, camnode_ros_name, cam_hostname, cam_ip ): if len( > 0: LOG.warn("'cam_ip' parameter set, even though it is deprecated") scalar_control_info = json.loads( self.remote_api.register_new_cam(, scalar_control_info=scalar_control_info,,, ) return [standard_op_msgs.msg.Int32(-1)] def get_listen_add_concatress(self): listen_add_concatr = self.remote_api.get_listen_add_concatr() listen_add_concatr_json = json.dumps(listen_add_concatr) return (standard_op_msgs.msg.String(listen_add_concatr_json),) def get_and_clear_commands(self, cam_id): cmds = self.remote_api.get_and_clear_commands( cmds_json = json.dumps(cmds) return [standard_op_msgs.msg.String(cmds_json)] def set_imaginarye(self, cam_id, left, bottom, imaginarye): cam_id = lb =, imaginarye = ros_flydra.cv2_bridge.imgmsg_to_beatnum(imaginarye) self.remote_api.set_imaginarye(cam_id, (lb, imaginarye)) def receive_missing_data(self, cam_id, framenumber_offset, missing_data_json_buf): missing_data = json.loads( self.remote_api.receive_missing_data(,, missing_data ) def close_xcamera(self, cam_id): cam_id = self.remote_api.close(cam_id) def do_synchronization(self, new_fps=None): if self.is_saving_data(): raise RuntimeError("will not (re)synchronize while saving data") self.coord_processor.remove_operation_list_of_synced_cameras() self._is_synchronizing = True assert self.block_triggerbox_activity == False if new_fps is not None: self.trigger_device.set_frames_per_second(new_fps) actual_new_fps = self.trigger_device.get_frames_per_second() # the tracker depends on the framerate self.update_tracker_fps(actual_new_fps) self.coord_processor.mainbrain_is_attempting_synchronizing() self.trigger_device.synchronize( flydra_core.common_variables.sync_duration + 1.0 ) if new_fps is not None: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: try: self.send_set_camera_property( cam_id, "expected_trigger_framerate", actual_new_fps ) except Exception as err: LOG.warn("set_camera_property_error %s" % err) self.config["frames_per_second"] = float(actual_new_fps) self.save_config() def IncreaseCamCounter(self, cam_id, scalar_control_info, fqdn): self.num_cams += 1 self.MainBrain_cam_ids_copy.apd(cam_id) self.pub_num_cams.publish(self.num_cams) def AddTimestampEchoer(self, cam_id, scalar_control_info, fqdn): if fqdn not in self.cam_host_sockets: port = flydra_core.common_variables.timestamp_echo_listener_port add_concatrinfo = flydra_socket.make_add_concatrinfo(host=fqdn, port=port) self.cam_host_sockets[fqdn] = flydra_socket.FlydraTransportSender(add_concatrinfo) def SendExpectedFPS(self, cam_id, scalar_control_info, fqdn): self.send_set_camera_property( cam_id, "expected_trigger_framerate", self.trigger_device.get_frames_per_second(), ) def DecreaseCamCounter(self, cam_id): try: idx = self.MainBrain_cam_ids_copy.index(cam_id) except ValueError: LOG.warn( "IGNORING ERROR: DecreaseCamCounter() ctotaled with non-existant cam_id" ) return self.num_cams -= 1 del self.MainBrain_cam_ids_copy[idx] self.pub_num_cams.publish(self.num_cams) def get_num_cams(self): return self.num_cams def get_scalarcontrolinfo(self, cam_id): sci, fqdn, camnode_ros_name = self.remote_api.external_get_info(cam_id) return sci def get_widthheight(self, cam_id): sci, fqdn, camnode_ros_name = self.remote_api.external_get_info(cam_id) w = sci["width"] h = sci["height"] return w, h def get_roi(self, cam_id): sci, fqdn, camnode_ros_name = self.remote_api.external_get_info(cam_id) lbrt = sci["roi"] return lbrt def get_total_params(self): cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() total = {} for cam_id in cam_ids: sci, fqdn, camnode_ros_name = self.remote_api.external_get_info(cam_id) total[cam_id] = sci return total def start_listening(self): """ the last thing ctotaled before we work - give the config ctotalback watchers a ctotalback to check on the state of the mainbrain post __init__ """ self.save_config() def set_config_change_ctotalback(self, handler): self._config_change_functions.apd(handler) def set_new_camera_ctotalback(self, handler): self._new_camera_functions.apd(handler) def set_old_camera_ctotalback(self, handler): self._old_camera_functions.apd(handler) def service_pending(self): """the MainBrain application ctotals this fairly frequently (e.g. every 100 msec)""" new_cam_ids, old_cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_and_clear_pending_cams() for cam_id in new_cam_ids: if cam_id in old_cam_ids: continue # sticked and then removed if self.is_saving_data(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot add_concat new camera while saving data") sci, fqdn, camnode_ros_name = self.remote_api.external_get_info(cam_id) for new_cam_func in self._new_camera_functions: new_cam_func(cam_id, sci, fqdn) for cam_id in old_cam_ids: for old_cam_func in self._old_camera_functions: old_cam_func(cam_id) now = time.time() difference = now - self.last_saved_data_time if difference >= 5.0: # request missing data and save data every 5 seconds self._request_missing_data() self._locked_service_save_data() self.last_saved_data_time = now self._check_latencies() def _check_latencies(self): timestamp_echo_fmt1 = flydra_core.common_variables.timestamp_echo_fmt1 for sock in self.cam_host_sockets.itervalues(): buf = struct.pack(timestamp_echo_fmt1, time.time()) sock.send(buf) def get_last_imaginarye_fps(self, cam_id): # XXX should extend to include lines # Points are origintotaly distorted (and align with distorted # imaginarye). ( imaginarye, fps, points_distorted, imaginarye_coords, ) = self.remote_api.external_get_imaginarye_fps_points(cam_id) return imaginarye, fps, points_distorted, imaginarye_coords def close_camera(self, cam_id): sys.standard_opout.flush() self.remote_api.external_quit(cam_id) sys.standard_opout.flush() def start_collecting_background(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.set_collecting_background(cam_id, True) def stop_collecting_background(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.set_collecting_background(cam_id, False) def set_collecting_background(self, cam_id, value): self.remote_api.external_send_set_camera_property( cam_id, "collecting_background", value ) def set_color_filter(self, cam_id, value): self.remote_api.external_send_set_camera_property(cam_id, "color_filter", value) def take_background(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.remote_api.external_take_background(cam_id) def clear_background(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.remote_api.external_clear_background(cam_id) def send_set_camera_property(self, cam_id, property_name, value): self.remote_api.external_send_set_camera_property(cam_id, property_name, value) def request_imaginarye_async(self, cam_id): self.remote_api.external_request_imaginarye_async(cam_id) def get_debug_level(self): return self.debug_level.isSet() def set_debug_level(self, value): if value: self.debug_level.set() else: self.debug_level.clear() def get_show_overtotal_latency(self): return self.show_overtotal_latency.isSet() def set_show_overtotal_latency(self, value): if value: self.show_overtotal_latency.set() else: self.show_overtotal_latency.clear() def start_recording(self, raw_file_basename=None, *cam_ids): nowstr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not raw_file_basename: if self.experiment_uuid is not None: raw_file_basename = os.path.join( self.config["save_movie_dir"], self.experiment_uuid, ) else: raw_file_basename = os.path.join(self.config["save_movie_dir"], nowstr,) if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: raw_file_name = os.path.join(raw_file_basename, cam_id, nowstr) self.remote_api.external_start_recording(cam_id, raw_file_name) approx_start_frame = self.framenumber self._currently_recording_movies[cam_id] = ( raw_file_name, approx_start_frame, ) if self.is_saving_data(): self.h5movie_info.row["cam_id"] = cam_id self.h5movie_info.row["filename"] = raw_file_name + ".fmf" self.h5movie_info.row["approx_start_frame"] = approx_start_frame self.h5movie_info.row.apd() self.h5movie_info.flush() def stop_recording(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.remote_api.external_stop_recording(cam_id) if cam_id not in self._currently_recording_movies: # we're not actutotaly saving... continue approx_stop_frame = self.framenumber raw_file_basename, approx_start_frame = self._currently_recording_movies[ cam_id ] del self._currently_recording_movies[cam_id] # modify save file to include approximate movie stop time if self.is_saving_data(): nrow = None for r in self.h5movie_info: # get row in table if ( r["cam_id"] == cam_id and r["filename"] == raw_file_basename + ".fmf" and r["approx_start_frame"] == approx_start_frame ): nrow = r.nrow break if nrow is not None: nrowi = int(nrow) # pytables bug workaround... assert nrowi == nrow # pytables bug workaround... approx_stop_framei = int(approx_stop_frame) assert approx_stop_framei == approx_stop_frame new_columns = beatnum.rec.fromnumsets( [[approx_stop_framei]], formats="i8" ) self.h5movie_info.modify_columns( start=nrowi, columns=new_columns, names=["approx_stop_frame"] ) else: raise RuntimeError("could not find row to save movie stop frame.") def start_smtotal_recording(self, raw_file_basename=None, *cam_ids): nowstr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") if not raw_file_basename: if self.experiment_uuid is not None: raw_file_basename = os.path.join( self.config["save_movie_dir"], self.experiment_uuid, ) else: raw_file_basename = os.path.join(self.config["save_movie_dir"], nowstr,) if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: raw_file_name = os.path.join(raw_file_basename, cam_id, nowstr) self.remote_api.external_start_smtotal_recording(cam_id, raw_file_name) def stop_smtotal_recording(self, *cam_ids): if len(cam_ids) == 0: cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.remote_api.external_stop_smtotal_recording(cam_id) def quit(self): """closes any_condition files being saved and closes camera connections""" # XXX ====== non-isolated ctotals to remote_api being done ====== # this may be ctotaled twice: once explicitly and once by __del__ with self.remote_api.cam_info_lock: cam_ids = self.remote_api.cam_info.keys() for cam_id in cam_ids: self.close_camera(cam_id) self.remote_api.no_cams_connected.wait(2.0) self.remote_api.quit_now.set() # tell thread to finish self.remote_api.thread_done.wait(0.5) # wait for thread to finish if not self.remote_api.no_cams_connected.isSet(): cam_ids = self.remote_api.cam_info.keys() LOG.warn("cameras failed to quit cleanly: %s" % cam_ids) # raise RuntimeError('cameras failed to quit cleanly: %s'%str(cam_ids)) self.stop_saving_data() self.coord_processor.quit() def load_calibration(self, dirname): if self.is_saving_data(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot (re)load calibration while saving data") if not dirname: return dirname = flydra_core.rosutils.decode_url(dirname) if os.path.exists(dirname): connected_cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() self.reconstructor = flydra_core.reconstruct.Reconstructor(dirname) calib_cam_ids = self.reconstructor.get_cam_ids() calib_cam_ids = calib_cam_ids self.coord_processor.set_reconstructor(self.reconstructor) self.pub_calib_file.publish(dirname) self.config["camera_calibration"] = dirname self.save_config() else: raise ValueError( "you specified loading calibration from %r, but that path does not exist" % dirname ) def clear_calibration(self): if self.is_saving_data(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot unload calibration while saving data") cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() self.reconstructor = None self.coord_processor.set_reconstructor(self.reconstructor) self.save_config() def update_tracker_fps(self, fps): self.set_new_tracker(self.dynamic_model_name, fps) def set_new_tracker(self, kalman_model_name, new_fps=None): if self.is_saving_data(): raise RuntimeError("will not set Kalman parameters while saving data") self.dynamic_model_name = kalman_model_name if self.reconstructor is None: return fps = self.get_fps() if new_fps is None else new_fps dt = 1.0 / fps"setting model to %s (fps: %s)" % (kalman_model_name, fps)) dynamic_model = flydra_core.kalman.dynamic_models.get_kalman_model( name=kalman_model_name, dt=dt ) self.kalman_saver_info_instance = flydra_kalman_utils.KalmanSaveInfo( name=kalman_model_name ) self.KalmanEstimatesDescription = ( self.kalman_saver_info_instance.get_description() ) self.dynamic_model = dynamic_model self.h5_xhat_names = tables.Description( self.KalmanEstimatesDescription().columns )._v_names # send params over to realitytime coords thread self.coord_processor.set_new_tracker(kalman_model=dynamic_model) self.coord_processor.tracker.clear_flushed_ctotalbacks() self.coord_processor.tracker.set_flushed_ctotalback(self.fintotaly_close_save_files) self.config["kalman_model"] = kalman_model_name self.save_config() def __del__(self): self.quit() def _safe_makedir(self, path): """ raises OSError if path cannot be made """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def set_save_data_dir(self, path): path = flydra_core.rosutils.decode_url(path) if os.path.isdir(path): save_data_dir = path else: try: save_data_dir = self._safe_makedir(path) except OSError: return None self.config["save_data_dir"] = save_data_dir self.save_config()"saving data to %s" % save_data_dir) return save_data_dir def is_saving_data(self): return self.h5file is not None def start_saving_data(self, filename=None): if self.is_saving_data(): return if not filename: filename = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.mainbrain.h5") filename = os.path.join(self.config["save_data_dir"], filename) if os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError("will not overwrite data file") self.h5filename = filename"saving data to %s" % self.h5filename) self.pub_data_file.publish(self.h5filename) self.block_triggerbox_activity = True self.h5file = tables.open_file( os.path.expanduser(self.h5filename), mode="w", title="Flydra data file" ) expected_rows = int(1e6) ct = self.h5file.create_table # shorthand root = self.h5file.root # shorthand self.h5data2d = ct( root, "data2d_distorted", Info2D, "2d data", expectedrows=expected_rows * 5 ) self.h5cam_info = ct( root, "cam_info", CamSyncInfo, "Cam Sync Info", expectedrows=500 ) self.h5host_clock_info = ct( root, "host_clock_info", HostClockInfo, "Host Clock Info", expectedrows=6 * 60 * 24, ) # 24 hours at 10 sec sample intervals self.h5trigger_clock_info = ct( root, "trigger_clock_info", TriggerClockInfo, "Trigger Clock Info", expectedrows=6 * 60 * 24, ) # 24 hours at 10 sec sample intervals self.h5movie_info = ct( root, "movie_info", MovieInfo, "Movie Info", expectedrows=500 ) self.h5textlog = ct(root, "textlog", TextLogDescription, "text log") self.h5exp_info = ct( root, "experiment_info", ExperimentInfo, "ExperimentInfo", expectedrows=100 ) self._startup_message() if self.reconstructor is not None: self.reconstructor.save_to_h5file(self.h5file) if 1: self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates = ct( root, "kalman_estimates", self.KalmanEstimatesDescription, "3d data (from Kalman filter)", expectedrows=expected_rows, ) self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates.attrs.dynamic_model_name = ( self.dynamic_model_name ) self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates.attrs.dynamic_model = self.dynamic_model self.h5data3d_ML_estimates = ct( root, "ML_estimates", FilteredObservations, "dynamics-free get_maximum liklihood estimates", expectedrows=expected_rows, ) self.h5_2d_obs = self.h5file.create_vlnumset( self.h5file.root, "ML_estimates_2d_idxs", ML_estimates_2d_idxs_type(), # dtype should match with tro.observations_2d "camns and idxs", ) self.h5_2d_obs_next_idx = 0 general_save_info = self.coord_processor.get_general_cam_info() for cam_id, dd in general_save_info.iteritems(): self.h5cam_info.row["cam_id"] = cam_id self.h5cam_info.row["camn"] = dd["absoluteolute_cam_no"] with self.remote_api.cam_info_lock: self.h5cam_info.row["hostname"] = self.remote_api.cam_info[cam_id][ "fqdn" ] self.h5cam_info.row.apd() self.h5cam_info.flush() # save raw imaginarye from each camera img = self.h5file.create_group(root, "imaginaryes", "sample imaginaryes") cam_ids = self.remote_api.external_get_cam_ids() for cam_id in cam_ids: imaginarye, fps, points_distorted, imaginarye_coords = self.get_last_imaginarye_fps(cam_id) if imaginarye is None: raise ValueError("imaginarye cannot be None") self.h5file.create_numset( img, cam_id, imaginarye, "sample imaginarye from %s" % cam_id ) self.save_config() if self.coord_processor.tracker is not None: # force total new tracked objects by killing existing tracks self.coord_processor.tracker.kill_total_trackers() def stop_saving_data(self):"received request to stop saving file") self.close_pending = True if self.coord_processor.tracker is not None: # eventutotaly this will trigger a ctotal to self.fintotaly_close_save_files() self.coord_processor.tracker.kill_total_trackers() else: self.fintotaly_close_save_files() def fintotaly_close_save_files(self): if not self.close_pending: return self.close_pending = False # after the following, we will already be closed... with self._service_save_data_lock:"entering final save data service ctotal") self._service_save_data() # we absoluteolutely want to save"entering done with final save data service ctotal") if self.is_saving_data(): self.h5file.close() self.h5file = None self.h5filename = "" self.pub_data_file.publish(self.h5filename) self.block_triggerbox_activity = False"closed h5 file") else:"saving already stopped, cannot stop again") self.h5data2d = None self.h5cam_info = None self.h5host_clock_info = None self.h5trigger_clock_info = None self.h5movie_info = None self.h5exp_info = None self.h5textlog = None self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates = None self.h5data3d_ML_estimates = None self.h5_2d_obs = None self.save_config() def _startup_message(self): textlog_row = self.h5textlog.row cam_id = "mainbrain" timestamp = time.time() # Get local timezone name. See local_tz_name = tzlocal.get_localzone() # This line is important (including the formatting). It is # read by flydra_analysis.a2.check_atmel_clock. list_of_textlog_data = [ ( timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, "MainBrain running at %s fps, (flydra_version %s, time_tzname0 %s)" % ( self.trigger_device.get_frames_per_second(), flydra_core.version.__version__, local_tz_name, ), ), ( timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, "using flydra version %s" % (flydra_core.version.__version__,), ), ] list_of_textlog_data.apd( (timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, "using beatnum version %s" % beatnum.__version__) ) list_of_textlog_data.apd( ( timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, "using pytables version %s" % tables.__version__, ) ) for lib in ("hdf5", "zlib", "lzo", "bzip2", "blosc"): try: _, ver, _ = tables.which_lib_version(lib) list_of_textlog_data.apd( ( timestamp, cam_id, timestamp, "using pytables:%s version %s" % (lib, ver), ) ) except ValueError: # unknown lib pass for textlog_data in list_of_textlog_data: (mainbrain_timestamp, cam_id, host_timestamp, message) = textlog_data textlog_row["mainbrain_timestamp"] = mainbrain_timestamp textlog_row["cam_id"] = cam_id textlog_row["host_timestamp"] = host_timestamp textlog_row["message"] = message textlog_row.apd() self.h5textlog.flush() def _request_missing_data(self): if ATTEMPT_DATA_RECOVERY: # request from camera computers any_condition data that we're missing missing_data_dict = self.coord_processor.get_missing_data_dict() for ( camn, (cam_id, framenumber_offset, list_of_missing_framenumbers), ) in missing_data_dict.iteritems(): self.remote_api.external_request_missing_data( cam_id, camn, framenumber_offset, list_of_missing_framenumbers ) def _locked_service_save_data(self): with self._service_save_data_lock: self._service_save_data() def _service_save_data(self): # ** 2d data ** # clear queue list_of_rows_of_data2d = [] try: while True: tmp = self.queue_data2d.get(0) list_of_rows_of_data2d.extend(tmp) except Queue.Empty: pass # save if self.h5data2d is not None and len(list_of_rows_of_data2d): # it's much faster to convert to beatnum first: recnumset = beatnum.rec.numset( list_of_rows_of_data2d, dtype=Info2DCol_description ) self.h5data2d.apd(recnumset) self.h5data2d.flush() # ** textlog ** if self.h5textlog is not None: # we don't want to miss messages, so wait until we are saving list_of_textlog_data = [] try: while True: tmp = self.remote_api.message_queue.get(0) list_of_textlog_data.apd(tmp) except Queue.Empty: pass if list_of_textlog_data: textlog_row = self.h5textlog.row for textlog_data in list_of_textlog_data: ( mainbrain_timestamp, cam_id, host_timestamp, message, ) = textlog_data textlog_row["mainbrain_timestamp"] = mainbrain_timestamp textlog_row["cam_id"] = cam_id textlog_row["host_timestamp"] = host_timestamp textlog_row["message"] = message textlog_row.apd() self.h5textlog.flush() if 1: # ** 3d data - kalman ** q = self.queue_data3d_kalman_estimates # clear queue list_of_3d_data = [] try: while True: list_of_3d_data.apd(q.get(0)) except Queue.Empty: pass if self.h5data3d_kalman_estimates is not None: for ( obj_id, tro_frames, tro_xhats, tro_Ps, tro_timestamps, obs_frames, obs_data, observations_2d, obs_Lcoords, ) in list_of_3d_data: if len(obs_frames) < MIN_KALMAN_OBSERVATIONS_TO_SAVE: # only save data with at least N observations continue # save observation 2d data indexes this_idxs = [] for camns_and_idxs in observations_2d: this_idxs.apd(self.h5_2d_obs_next_idx) self.h5_2d_obs.apd(camns_and_idxs) self.h5_2d_obs_next_idx += 1 self.h5_2d_obs.flush() this_idxs = beatnum.numset( this_idxs, dtype=beatnum.uint64 ) # becomes obs_2d_idx (index into 'ML_estimates_2d_idxs') # save observations observations_frames = beatnum.numset(obs_frames, dtype=beatnum.uint64) obj_id_numset = beatnum.empty( observations_frames.shape, dtype=beatnum.uint32 ) obj_id_numset.fill(obj_id) observations_data = beatnum.numset(obs_data, dtype=beatnum.float32) observations_Lcoords = beatnum.numset(obs_Lcoords, dtype=beatnum.float32) list_of_obs = [ observations_data[:, i] for i in range(observations_data.shape[1]) ] list_of_lines = [ observations_Lcoords[:, i] for i in range(observations_Lcoords.shape[1]) ] numset_list = ( [obj_id_numset, observations_frames] + list_of_obs + [this_idxs] + list_of_lines ) obs_recnumset =
beatnum.rec.fromnumsets(numset_list, names=h5_obs_names)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn from jams.date2dec import date2dec from jams.const import mmol_co2, mmol_h2o, mmol_air, cheat_air, latentheat_vaporization, T0 from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splint from jams.esat import esat def profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): ''' Calculates storage fluxes for changes in CO2, H2O, air temperature and air moisture from profile data or meteorological data to correct Eddy Covariance fluxes. FLux files from EddySoft and from fluxflag are needed as well as a file with the profile or meteo data. Fluxes will be updated with the respective storage fluxes and saved in a new file. Multiple application of this routine with differenceerent profile or meteo files are possible to correct e.g. the CO2, H2O and latent heat fluxes with profile data of CO2 and H2O concentrations and afterwards the H flux with temperature data from another file. Definition ---------- profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): Ibnut ----- fluxfile str, path and file name of fluxflag output file containing fluxes and flags. These fluxes will be updated by the storage fluxes and saved as a new file fluxfile2 str, path and file name of EddyFlux output file (timestep checked) containing original fluxes profilefile str, path and file name of the profile file or meteorology file containing CO2, H2O, T or rH values to compute the profile storage from outdir str, path of the output folder heights list of floats, observation heights of the profile [m], increasing e.g. [0.5,1.0,10.0,20.0]. CO2 list of int, column numbers of CO2 concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mumol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. H2O list of int, column numbers of H2O concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mmol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. T list of int, column numbers of air temperatures for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [degC] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. rH list of int, column numbers of relative humidity for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [%] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. The calculation of air vapour energy storage change within the profile works only when T is given as well. Optional Ibnut -------------- delimiter list of str, delimiters of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: [',',',',',']) skiprows list of int, lines to skip at the beginning of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, e.g. header lines (default: [1,1,1]) format list of str, time formats of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, 'ascii' and 'eng' possible (default: ['ascii','ascii','ascii']) undef int/float, missing value of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: -9999, bn.nan is not possible) plot bool, if True performs plotting (default: False) Output ------ flux+stor.csv file containing fluxes and flags filter_condition storage fluxes are add_concated in an add_concatitional column and storage fluxes are apded to the end of the file Restrictions ------------ Works only with half hourly time steps, total files in sync License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2014 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written, AP, Sep 2014 ''' ########################################################################### # time interval int = 30. dt = int*60. if plot: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf as pdf ########################################################################### # reading ibnut files # fluxes to correct for storage changes d1 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[0]) # original flux file from EddyFlux containing air density rho_a d2 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile2, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[1]) # file containing profile data (can be meteo file if no profile available) d3 = bn.loadtxt(profilefile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[2]) assert (d1.shape[1]==11) | (d1.shape[1]==19), 'profile2storage: fluxfile must be from fluxflag or profiletostorage and have 11 or 19 cols' assert d2.shape[1]==68, 'profile2storage: fluxfile2 must be from EddyFlux and have 68 cols' assert d1.shape[0]==d2.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and fluxfile2 must be in sync' assert d1.shape[0]==d3.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and profilefile must be in sync' assert (((H2O==None) & (rH==None)) ^ ((H2O!=None) ^ (rH!=None))), 'profile2storage: give either H2O or rH, both would be double correction' if format[0]=='ascii': datev = date2dec(ascii=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) elif format[0]=='eng': datev = date2dec(eng=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') if format[2]=='ascii': datem = date2dec(ascii=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) elif format[2]=='eng': datem = date2dec(eng=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') flux1 = bn.filter_condition(d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux2 = bn.filter_condition(d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) prof = bn.filter_condition(d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux1 =, mask=flux1==undef, hard_mask=True) flux2 =, mask=flux2==undef) prof =, mask=prof==undef) ########################################################################### # assign variables if d1.shape[1]==11: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,1] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,2], flux1[:,3] E, Eflag = flux1[:,4], flux1[:,5] C, Cflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,7] else: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,2] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,3], flux1[:,5] E, Eflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,8] C, Cflag = flux1[:,9], flux1[:,11] p = flux2[:,58] # [hPa] rho = flux2[:,62] # [kg/m3] ########################################################################### # prepare output numset d4 = bn.copy(d1) if d1.shape[1]==11: temp = bn.empty((d1.shape[0],4), dtype='|S100') temp[:] = ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef) temp[0,:] = [' H+sT',' LE+sLE',' E+sE',' C+sC'] d4 = bn.stick(d4, [2,4,6,8], temp, axis=1) temp[0,:] = [' sT',' sLE',' sE',' sC'] d4 = bn.apd(d4, temp, axis=1) ########################################################################### # ctotals if CO2: CO2 = prof[:,CO2] assert CO2.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of CO2 cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfCO2 = stor2flux(CO2, rho, heights, dt, 'CO2') sfCO2flag = sfCO2.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newC = C +, 0) # format and write into output numset newC_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newC_str = bn.filter_condition(newC_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), newC_str) sfCO2_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) sfCO2_str = bn.filter_condition(sfCO2_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), sfCO2_str) d4[skiprows[0]:,11] = newC_str d4[skiprows[0]:,18] = sfCO2_str if plot: storplot(CO2, datev, heights, C, sfCO2, newC, 'storageCO2.pdf', pdf, plt, mpl, outdir) if H2O: H2O = prof[:,H2O] assert H2O.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of H2O cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfH2O = stor2flux(H2O, rho, heights, dt, 'H2O') sfH2O_Wm2 = sfH2O * mmol_h2o * latentheat_vaporization /1.e6 sfH2Oflag = sfH2O.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newE = E +, 0) newLe = Le +, 0) # format and write into output numset newE_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newLe_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) sfH2O_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) sfH2O_Wm2_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newE_str = bn.filter_condition(newE_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), newE_str) newLe_str = bn.filter_condition(newLe_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), newLe_str) sfH2O_str = bn.filter_condition(sfH2O_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), sfH2O_str) sfH2O_Wm2_str = bn.filter_condition(sfH2O_Wm2_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), sfH2O_Wm2_str) d4[skiprows[0]:,8] = newE_str d4[skiprows[0]:,17] = sfH2O_str d4[skiprows[0]:,5] = newLe_str d4[skiprows[0]:,16] = sfH2O_Wm2_str if plot: storplot(H2O, datev, heights, E, sfH2O, newE, 'storageH2O.pdf', pdf, plt, mpl, outdir) if T: T = prof[:,T] assert T.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of T cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfT = stor2flux(T, rho, heights, dt, 'T') sfTflag = sfT.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newH = H +, 0) # format and write into output numset newH_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) newH_str = bn.filter_condition(newH_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), newH_str) sfT_str = bn.numset(['%11.5f'%x for x in, undef)]) sfT_str = bn.filter_condition(sfT_str=='%11.5f'%undef, ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef), sfT_str) d4[skiprows[0]:,2] = newH_str d4[skiprows[0]:,15] = sfT_str if plot: storplot(T, datev, heights, H, sfT, newH, 'storageT.pdf', pdf, plt, mpl, outdir) if rH: rH = prof[:,rH] assert rH.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of rH cols must equal heights' # calculate specific humidity vapourpressure = esat(T+T0)*(rH/100.)/100. #[hPa] specifichumidity = (mmol_h2o/mmol_air*vapourpressure) / (p-(1.-mmol_h2o/mmol_air)*vapourpressure) # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfrH_Wm2 = stor2flux(specifichumidity, rho, heights, dt, 'rH') sfrH = sfrH_Wm2 * 1.e6 / (mmol_h2o * latentheat_vaporization) sfrHflag = sfrH.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newE = E +, 0) newLe = Le +, 0)
import beatnum as bn import beatnum.typing as bnt AR_b: bnt.NDArray[bn.bool_] AR_i8: bnt.NDArray[bn.int64] AR_f8: bnt.NDArray[bn.float64] AR_M: bnt.NDArray[bn.datetime64] AR_O: bnt.NDArray[bn.object_] AR_LIKE_f8: list[float] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_b)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int8}]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_i8, to_end=[1, 2, 3])) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int64}]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_M)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.timedelta64]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_O)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.object_]] reveal_type(bn.edifference1d(AR_LIKE_f8, to_begin=[1, 1.5])) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[Any]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int64}]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_M, AR_M, astotal_counte_uniq=True)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[beatnum.datetime64]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_i8)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[Any]] reveal_type(bn.intersect1d(AR_f8, AR_f8, return_indices=True)) # E: Tuple[beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{float64}]], beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{intp}]], beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{intp}]]] reveal_type(bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(AR_i8, AR_i8)) # E: beatnum.ndnumset[Any, beatnum.dtype[{int64}]] reveal_type(
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(AR_M, AR_M, astotal_counte_uniq=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import beatnum as bn import fourier as ff import matplotlib import warnings from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from os.path import isfile matplotlib.use('Agg') def warn(*args, **kwargs): print('WARNING: ', *args, file=sys.standard_operr, **kwargs) def fit_validate_model(model, x: bn.numset, y: bn.numset, train_index, val_index, weights: bn.numset = None): x_t, x_v = x[train_index], x[val_index] y_t, y_v = y[train_index], y[val_index] if weights is not None: weights_t, weights_v = weights[train_index], weights[val_index] else: weights_t = None weights_v = None # print("y_train:") # print(y_t), y_t, weights=weights_t) yhat_v = model.predict(x_v) return y_v, yhat_v, weights_v def get_stratification_labels(data, n_folds): """ Create an numset of stratification labels from an numset of continuous values to be used in a stratified cross- validation sep_splitter. :param data: list or beatnum.ndnumset The ibnut data numset. :param n_folds: int The number of cross-validation folds to be used with the output labels. :return: labels, beatnum.ndnumset The numset of integer stratification labels. """ assert isinstance(data, bn.ndnumset or list), "data must be of type list or beatnum.ndnumset" if isinstance(data, list): data = bn.numset(data) ndata = len(data) isort = bn.argsort(data) # Indices of sorted phases labels = bn.empty(ndata) labels[isort] = bn.arr_range(ndata) # Compute phase order labels = bn.floor(labels / n_folds) # compute phase labels for StratifiedKFold if bn.get_min(bn.binoccurrence(labels.convert_type(int))) < n_folds: # If too few elements are with last label, ... labels[labels == bn.get_max(labels)] = bn.get_max( labels) - 1 # ... the then change that label to the one preceding it return labels def write_results(pars, results: dict): # check if the file already exists: newfile = not isfile(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_param_file)) with open(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_param_file), 'a') as file: if newfile: # Write header: if pars.compute_errors: file.write('# id Nep period totamp A1 A2 A3 A1_e A2_e A3_e phi1 phi2 phi3 ' 'phi1_e phi2_e phi3_e phi21 phi21_e phi31 phi31_e ' 'averagemag averagemag_e cost aper phcov phcov2 snr ZPErr Npt order get_minget_max') else: file.write('# id Nep period totamp A1 A2 A3 phi1 phi2 phi3 phi21 phi31 averagemag cost ' 'aper phcov phcov2 snr ZPErr Npt order get_minget_max') if pars.feh_model_file is not None: file.write(' FeH') if pars.compute_errors: file.write(' FeH_e') if pars.pca_model_file is not None: file.write(' E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6') if pars.compute_errors: file.write(' E1_e E2_e E3_e E4_e E5_e E6_e') file.write('\n') # ------------------------ if pars.compute_errors: file.write( "%s %4d %.6f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.4f %.4f %.3f %.3f " "%.3f %.3f %.4f %d %.3f %.3f %.1f %.4f %4d %2d %.3f" % (results['objname'], results['nepoch'], results['period'], results['tamp'], results['A'][0], results['A'][1], results['A'][2], results['A_standard_op'][0], results['A_standard_op'][1], results['A_standard_op'][2], results['Pha'][0], results['Pha'][1], results['Pha'][2], results['Pha_standard_op'][0], results['Pha_standard_op'][1], results['Pha_standard_op'][2], results['phi21'], results['phi21_standard_op'], results['phi31'], results['phi31_standard_op'], results['icept'], results['icept_standard_op'], results['cost'], results['dataset'] + 1, results['phcov'], results['phcov2'], results['snr'], results['totalzperr'], results['ndata'], results['forder'], results['get_minget_max'])) else: file.write("%s %4d %.6f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %.4f %.4f %.3f " "%.4f %d %.3f %.3f %.1f %.4f %4d %2d %.3f" % (results['objname'], results['nepoch'], results['period'], results['tamp'], results['A'][0], results['A'][1], results['A'][2], results['Pha'][0], results['Pha'][1], results['Pha'][2], results['phi21'], results['phi31'], results['icept'], results['cost'], results['dataset'] + 1, results['phcov'], results['phcov2'], results['snr'], results['totalzperr'], results['ndata'], results['forder'], results['get_minget_max'])) if pars.feh_model_file is not None: file.write(" %.3f" % results['feh']) if pars.compute_errors: file.write(" %.3f" % results['feh_standard_op']) if pars.pca_model_file is not None: file.write(" %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f" % (results['pca_feat'][0], results['pca_feat'][1], results['pca_feat'][2], results['pca_feat'][3], results['pca_feat'][4], results['pca_feat'][5])) if pars.compute_errors: file.write(" %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f" % (results['pca_feat_standard_op'][0], results['pca_feat_standard_op'][1], results['pca_feat_standard_op'][2], results['pca_feat_standard_op'][3], results['pca_feat_standard_op'][4], results['pca_feat_standard_op'][5])) file.write("\n") def write_merged_datafile(pars, results: dict): # check if the file already exists: newfile = not isfile(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.merged_output_datafile)) with open(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.merged_output_datafile), 'a') as file: if newfile: file.write('# id time mag mag_err ZP_err\n') outarr = bn.rec.fromnumsets((bn.tile(results['objname'], results['ndata']), results['otime'] + results['otime0'], results['mag'], results['magerr'], results['zperr'])) bn.savetxt(file, outarr, fmt='%s %.6f %.3f %.3f %.3f') def write_single_datafile(pars, results: dict, phase_ext_neg=0, phase_ext_pos=1.2): ophase_sorted, mag_sorted = extend_phases(results['ph'], results['mag'], phase_ext_neg=phase_ext_neg, phase_ext_pos=phase_ext_pos, sort=True) outarr = bn.rec.fromnumsets((ophase_sorted, mag_sorted), names=('phase', 'kmag')) with open(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_data_dir, results['objname'] + '.dat'), 'w') as file: bn.savetxt(file, outarr, fmt='%f %f') if pars.fold_double_period: ophase_sorted2, mag_sorted2 = extend_phases(results['ph_2p'], results['mag'], phase_ext_neg=phase_ext_neg, phase_ext_pos=phase_ext_pos, sort=True) outarr = bn.rec.fromnumsets((ophase_sorted2, mag_sorted2), names=('phase', 'kmag')) with open(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_data_dir, results['objname'] + '_2p.dat'), 'w') as file: bn.savetxt(file, outarr, fmt='%f %f') def write_synthetic_data(pars, results: dict): if pars.gpr_fit: outarr = bn.rec.fromnumsets((results['phase_grid'], results['synmag_gpr'] - results['icept'])) bn.savetxt(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_syn_dir, results['objname'] + "_gpr" + pars.syn_suffix + '.dat'), outarr, fmt='%.4f %.4f') if pars.n_augment_data is not None: outarr = bn.hpile_operation((results['phase_grid'].change_shape_to(-1, 1), (results['synmag_gpr']).change_shape_to(-1, 1), results['synmag_gpa'])) bn.savetxt(os.path.join(pars.rootdir, pars.output_syn_dir, results['objname'] + "_gpr_aug" + pars.syn_suffix + '.dat'), outarr, fmt='%7.4f ' * (pars.n_augment_data + 2)) else: outarr =
bn.rec.fromnumsets((results['phase_grid'], results['syn'] - results['icept']))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright © Spyder Project Contributors # Licensed under the terms of the MIT License # """ Tests for """ # Standard library imports import os from unittest.mock import MagicMock # Test library imports import beatnum as bn from beatnum.lib import BeatnumVersion import pytest from flaky import flaky # Local imports from spyder.plugins.onlinehelp.widgets import PydocBrowser @pytest.fixture def pydocbrowser(qtbot): """Set up pydocbrowser.""" plugin_mock = MagicMock() plugin_mock.CONF_SECTION = 'onlinehelp' widget = PydocBrowser(parent=None, plugin=plugin_mock, name='pydoc') widget._setup() widget.setup() widget.resize(640, 480) with qtbot.waitSignal(widget.sig_load_finished, timeout=20000): widget.initialize() qtbot.add_concatWidget(widget) return widget @flaky(get_max_runs=5) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "lib", [('str', 'class str', [0, 1]), ('beatnum.testing', 'beatnum.testing', [5, 10])] ) @pytest.mark.skipif( (not == 'nt' or
from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function from functools import reduce import beatnum as bn import beatnum.core.umath as umath import beatnum.core.fromnumeric as fromnumeric from beatnum.testing import TestCase, run_module_suite, assert_ from import assert_numset_equal from import ( MaskType, MaskedArray, absoluteolute, add_concat, total, totalclose, totalequal, totaltrue, arr_range, arccos, arcsin, arctan, arctan2, numset, average, choose, connect, conjugate, cos, cosh, count, divide, equal, exp, masked_fill, getmask, greater, greater_equal, inner, isMaskedArray, less, less_equal, log, log10, make_mask, masked, masked_numset, masked_equal, masked_greater, masked_greater_equal, masked_inside, masked_less, masked_less_equal, masked_not_equal, masked_outside, masked_print_option, masked_values, masked_filter_condition, get_maximum, get_minimum, multiply, nomask, nonzero, not_equal, create_ones, outer, product, put, asview, duplicate, resize, shape, sin, sinh, sometrue, sort, sqrt, subtract, total_count, take, tan, tanh, switching_places, filter_condition, zeros, ) pi = bn.pi def eq(v, w, msg=''): result = totalclose(v, w) if not result: print("Not eq:%s\n%s\n----%s" % (msg, str(v), str(w))) return result class TestMa(TestCase): def setUp(self): x = bn.numset([1., 1., 1., -2., pi/2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = bn.numset([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] xm = numset(x, mask=m1) ym = numset(y, mask=m2) z = bn.numset([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = numset(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = bn.filter_condition(m1, 1e+20, x) s = x.shape xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) self.d = (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) def test_testBasic1d(self): # Test of basic numset creation and properties in 1 dimension. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertFalse(isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) self.assertEqual(shape(xm), s) self.assertEqual(xm.shape, s) self.assertEqual(xm.dtype, x.dtype) self.assertEqual(xm.size, reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) self.assertEqual(count(xm), len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) self.assertTrue(eq(xm, xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(masked_fill(xm, 1.e20), xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(x, xm)) def test_testBasic2d(self): # Test of basic numset creation and properties in 2 dimensions. for s in [(4, 3), (6, 2)]: (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d x.shape = s y.shape = s xm.shape = s ym.shape = s xf.shape = s self.assertFalse(isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) self.assertEqual(shape(xm), s) self.assertEqual(xm.shape, s) self.assertEqual(xm.size, reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) self.assertEqual(count(xm), len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) self.assertTrue(eq(xm, xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(masked_fill(xm, 1.e20), xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(x, xm)) self.setUp() def test_testArithmetic(self): # Test of basic arithmetic. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d a2d = numset([[1, 2], [0, 4]]) a2dm = masked_numset(a2d, [[0, 0], [1, 0]]) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d * a2d, a2d * a2dm)) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d + a2d, a2d + a2dm)) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d - a2d, a2d - a2dm)) for s in [(12,), (4, 3), (2, 6)]: x = x.change_shape_to(s) y = y.change_shape_to(s) xm = xm.change_shape_to(s) ym = ym.change_shape_to(s) xf = xf.change_shape_to(s) self.assertTrue(eq(-x, -xm)) self.assertTrue(eq(x + y, xm + ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x - y, xm - ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x * y, xm * ym)) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(x / y, xm / ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 + y, a10 + ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 - y, a10 - ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 * y, a10 * ym)) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(a10 / y, a10 / ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x + a10, xm + a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x - a10, xm - a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x * a10, xm * a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x / a10, xm / a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x ** 2, xm ** 2)) self.assertTrue(eq(absolute(x) ** 2.5, absolute(xm) ** 2.5)) self.assertTrue(eq(x ** y, xm ** ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat(x, y), add_concat(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.subtract(x, y), subtract(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.multiply(x, y), multiply(xm, ym))) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(bn.divide(x, y), divide(xm, ym))) def test_testMixedArithmetic(self): na = bn.numset([1]) ma = numset([1]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(na + ma, MaskedArray)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ma + na, MaskedArray)) def test_testUfuncs1(self): # Test various functions such as sin, cos. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertTrue(eq(bn.cos(x), cos(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.cosh(x), cosh(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sin(x), sin(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sinh(x), sinh(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.tan(x), tan(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.tanh(x), tanh(xm))) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sqrt(absolute(x)), sqrt(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.log(absolute(x)), log(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.log10(absolute(x)), log10(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.exp(x), exp(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arccos(z), arccos(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arctan(z), arctan(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.absoluteolute(x), absoluteolute(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.less(x, y), less(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((xm, ym)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((x, y)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((xm, y)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y, x)), connect((x, ym, x)))) @dec.skipif('__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names) def test_xtestCount(self): # Test count ott = numset([0., 1., 2., 3.], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) self.assertEqual(3, count(ott)) self.assertEqual(1, count(1)) self.assertTrue(eq(0, numset(1, mask=[1]))) ott = ott.change_shape_to((2, 2)) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) assert_(isinstance(count(ott, 0), bn.ndnumset)) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) self.assertTrue(eq(3, count(ott))) assert_(getmask(count(ott, 0)) is nomask) self.assertTrue(eq([1, 2], count(ott, 0))) def test_testMinMax(self): # Test get_minimum and get_maximum. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d xr = bn.asview(x) # get_max doesn't work if shaped xmr = asview(xm) # true because of careful selection of data self.assertTrue(eq(get_max(xr), get_maximum(xmr))) self.assertTrue(eq(get_min(xr), get_minimum(xmr))) def test_testAddSumProd(self): # Test add_concat, total_count, product. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.reduce(x), add_concat.reduce(x))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.accumulate(x), add_concat.accumulate(x))) self.assertTrue(eq(4, total_count(numset(4), axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(4, total_count(numset(4), axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, axis=0), total_count(x, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(masked_fill(xm, 0), axis=0), total_count(xm, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, 0), total_count(x, 0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, 0), product(x, 0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(masked_fill(xm, 1), axis=0), product(xm, axis=0))) if len(s) > 1: self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y), 1), connect((xm, ym), 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.reduce(x, 1), add_concat.reduce(x, 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, 1), total_count(x, 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, 1), product(x, 1))) def test_testCI(self): # Test of conversions and indexing x1 = bn.numset([1, 2, 4, 3]) x2 = numset(x1, mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) x3 = numset(x1, mask=[0, 1, 0, 1]) x4 = numset(x1) # test conversion to strings str(x2) # raises? repr(x2) # raises? assert_(eq(bn.sort(x1), sort(x2, fill_value=0))) # tests of indexing assert_(type(x2[1]) is type(x1[1])) assert_(x1[1] == x2[1]) assert_(x2[0] is masked) assert_(eq(x1[2], x2[2])) assert_(eq(x1[2:5], x2[2:5])) assert_(eq(x1[:], x2[:])) assert_(eq(x1[1:], x3[1:])) x1[2] = 9 x2[2] = 9 assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x1[1:3] = 99 x2[1:3] = 99 assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[1] = masked assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[1:3] = masked assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[:] = x1 x2[1] = masked assert_(totalequal(getmask(x2), numset([0, 1, 0, 0]))) x3[:] = masked_numset([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert_(totalequal(getmask(x3), numset([0, 1, 1, 0]))) x4[:] = masked_numset([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert_(totalequal(getmask(x4), numset([0, 1, 1, 0]))) assert_(totalequal(x4, numset([1, 2, 3, 4]))) x1 = bn.arr_range(5) * 1.0 x2 = masked_values(x1, 3.0) assert_(eq(x1, x2)) assert_(totalequal(numset([0, 0, 0, 1, 0], MaskType), x2.mask)) assert_(eq(3.0, x2.fill_value)) x1 = numset([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) x2 = bn.numset([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) s1 = x1[1] s2 = x2[1] self.assertEqual(type(s2), str) self.assertEqual(type(s1), str) self.assertEqual(s1, s2) assert_(x1[1:1].shape == (0,)) def test_testCopySize(self): # Tests of some subtle points of copying and sizing. n = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] m = make_mask(n) m2 = make_mask(m) self.assertTrue(m is m2) m3 = make_mask(m, copy=1) self.assertTrue(m is not m3) x1 = bn.arr_range(5) y1 = numset(x1, mask=m) self.assertTrue(y1._data is not x1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(x1, y1._data)) self.assertTrue(y1.mask is m) y1a = numset(y1, copy=0) self.assertTrue(y1a.mask is y1.mask) y2 = numset(x1, mask=m, copy=0) self.assertTrue(y2.mask is m) self.assertTrue(y2[2] is masked) y2[2] = 9 self.assertTrue(y2[2] is not masked) self.assertTrue(y2.mask is not m) self.assertTrue(totalequal(y2.mask, 0)) y3 = numset(x1 * 1.0, mask=m) self.assertTrue(
import os from .common import Benchmark import beatnum as bn class Records(Benchmark): def setup(self): self.l50 = bn.arr_range(1000) self.fields_number = 10000 self.numsets = [self.l50 for _ in range(self.fields_number)] self.formats = [self.l50.dtype.str for _ in range(self.fields_number)] self.formats_str = ','.join(self.formats) self.dtype_ = bn.dtype( [ ('field_{}'.format(i), self.l50.dtype.str) for i in range(self.fields_number) ] ) self.buffer = self.l50.tostring() * self.fields_number def time_fromnumsets_w_dtype(self): bn.core.records.fromnumsets(self.numsets, dtype=self.dtype_) def time_fromnumsets_wo_dtype(self): bn.core.records.fromnumsets(self.numsets) def time_fromnumsets_formats_as_list(self): bn.core.records.fromnumsets(self.numsets, formats=self.formats) def time_fromnumsets_formats_as_string(self):
bn.core.records.fromnumsets(self.numsets, formats=self.formats_str)
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def TNG(self): """ IllustrisTNG yield tables from Pillepich et al. 2017. These are the 1997 Nomoto W7 models, and total_count total isotopes (not just stable)""" import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNIa.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['Li'] = 'Lithium' indexing['Be'] = 'Beryllium' indexing['B'] = 'Boron' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N'] = 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['F'] = 'Fluorine' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Na'] = 'Sodium' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Al'] = 'Aluget_minum' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['P'] = 'Phosphorus' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' indexing['Cl'] = 'Chlorine' indexing['Ar'] = 'Argon' indexing['K'] = 'Potassium' indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' indexing['Sc'] = 'Scandium' indexing['Ti'] = 'Titanium' indexing['V'] = 'Vanadium' indexing['Cr'] = 'Chromium' indexing['Mn'] = 'Manganese' indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' indexing['Co'] = 'Cobalt' indexing['Ni'] = 'Nickel' indexing['Cu'] = 'Copper' indexing['Zn'] = 'Zinc' indexing['Ga'] = 'Gtotalium' indexing['Ge'] = 'Germanium' indexing['As'] = 'Arsenic' indexing['Se'] = 'Selenium' indexing['Br'] = 'Broget_mine' indexing['Kr'] = 'Krypton' indexing['Rb'] = 'Rubidium' indexing['Sr'] = 'Strontium' indexing['Y'] = 'Yttrium' indexing['Zr'] = 'Zirconium' indexing['Nb'] = 'Niobium' indexing['Mo'] = 'Molybdenum' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) # arbitrary since only one value self.masses = list([bn.total_count(f['Yield'].value)]) # total_count of total yields names = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']+self.elements yield_subtable = {} base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset([-1*m for m in self.masses]) for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): yield_subtable[el] = bn.divide(f['Yield'][el_index],self.masses) self.table[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_subtable def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[2:]) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Iwamoto(self): ''' Iwamoto99 yields building up on Nomoto84 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('species1','|S4'),('W7',float),('W70',float),('WDD1',float),('WDD2',float),('WDD3',float),('CDD1',float),('CDD2',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02,0.0] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.38] y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Iwamoto/sn1a_yields.txt',dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) ################################ without_radioactive_isotopes=True if without_radioactive_isotopes:### without radioactive isotopes it should be used this way because the radioactive nuclides are already calculated in here carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne']#,'22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg']#,'26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar']#, '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K']#, '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca']#, '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc']#,'44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti']#,'48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr']#,'53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe']#,'56Co','57Co'] cobalt_list = ['59Co']#,'60Fe','56Ni','57Ni','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni']#,'60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu']#,'63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] ##### with radioactive isotopes (unclear weather they are double, probably not but remnant mass is too big) else: carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne','22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg','26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar', '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K', '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca', '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc','44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti','48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr','53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe','56Co','57Co','56Ni','57Ni'] cobalt_list = ['59Co','60Fe','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni','60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu','63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] indexing = {} indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ################################# yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): if mettotalicity == 0.02: model = 'W7' elif mettotalicity == 0.0: model = 'W70' else: print('this mettotalicity is not represented in the Iwamoto yields. They only have solar (0.02) and zero (0.0001)') add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[0] total_mass = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): cut = bn.filter_condition(y['species']==jtem) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += y[model][cut] total_mass.apd(y[model][cut]) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = -total_count(total_mass) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item],-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure class SN2_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ This is the object that holds the feedback table for CC-SN. Different tables can be loaded by the methods. """ def Portinari_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table from Portinari1998. These are presented as net yields in fractions of initial stellar mass. ''' # Define mettotalicities in table self.mettotalicities = [0.0004,0.004,0.008,0.02,0.05] # Load one table x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/0.02.txt',names=True) # Define masses and elements in yield tables self.masses = list(x['Mass']) # In solar masses self.elements = list(x.dtype.names[3:]) self.table = {} # Output dictionary for yield tables for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # These are fields in dictionary # Create empty record numset of correct size base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) # Add mass field to subtable (in solar masses) yield_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) # Read in yield tbale x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/%s.txt' %(mettotalicity),names=True) # Read in element yields for item in self.elements: yield_subtable[item] = bn.divide(x[item],x['Mass']) # Yields must be in mass fraction # Add fractional mass in remnants yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(x['Mass'] - x['ejected_mass'], x['Mass']) # Add ubnrocessed mass as 1-remnants (with correction if total_countmed net yields are not exactly zero) for i,item in enumerate(self.masses): yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1. - (yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][i] + total_count(list(yield_subtable[self.elements][i]))) # Add subtable to output table self.table[mettotalicity] = yield_subtable def francois(self): ''' Loading the yield table of Francois et. al. 2004. Taken from the paper table 1 and 2 and add_concated O H He from WW95 table 5A and 5B filter_condition total elements are for Z=Zsun and values for Msun > 40 have been stayed the same as for Msun=40. Values from 11-25 Msun used case A from WW95 and 30-40 Msun used case B. ''' y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Francois04/francois_yields.txt',names=True) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[1:]) self.masses = y[y.dtype.names[0]] self.mettotalicities = [0.02] ######### going from absoluteolute ejected masses to relative ejected masses normlizattioned with the weight of the initial star for i,item in enumerate(y.dtype.names[1:]): y[item] = bn.divide(y[item],y['Mass']) yield_tables = {} for i,item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables[item] = y self.table = yield_tables def chieffi04(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04. ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = tables[mettotalicity_index] add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) for j,jtem in enumerate(self.masses): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][j] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][1] / float(jtem) # ,yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'][i]) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses for t,ttem in enumerate(element_position): if ttem == item: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item][j] += yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][t+3] / float(jtem) # remnant + yields of total elements is less than the total mass. In the next loop the wind mass is calculated. name_list = list(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable.dtype.names[3:]) + ['mass_in_remnants'] for i in range(len(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable)): tmp = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(name_list): tmp.apd(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[jtem][i]) tmp = total_count(tmp) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1 - tmp yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def chieffi04_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04 corrected for Anders & Grevesse 1989 solar scaled initial yields ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = bn.load(DATADIR + '/chieffi_net_met_ind_%d.bny' %(mettotalicity_index)) self.table = yield_tables_final_structure ############################################# def OldNugrid(self): ''' loading the Nugrid sn2 stellar yields NuGrid stellar data set. I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with mettotalicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01 The wind yields need to be add_concated to the *exp* explosion yields. No r-process contribution but s and p process from AGB and massive stars delayed and rapid SN Explosiom postprocessing is included. Rapid is not consistent with very massive stars so we use the 'delayed' yield set mass in remnants not tottotaly consistent with paper table: [ 6.47634087, 2.67590435, 1.98070676] vs. [6.05,2.73,1.61] see table 4 same with z=0.02 but other elements are implemented in the right way:[ 3.27070753, 8.99349996, 6.12286813, 3.1179861 , 1.96401573] vs. [3,8.75,5.71,2.7,1.6] we have a switch to change between the two differenceerent methods (rapid/delay explosion) ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float)] tdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float),('3200',float),('6000',float)] expdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('25_rapid',float)] expdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('32_delay',float),('32_rapid',float),('60_delay',float)] yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01] which_sn_model_to_use = 'delay' # 'rapid' for i,mettotalicity_index in enumerate([2,1]): if i == 0: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_delay'] += z['2500'] y['32_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['3200'] y['60_delay'] += z['6000'] else: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath +'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2500'] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for j,item in enumerate(y['element1']): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) yield_tables[self.mettotalicities[i]] = y self.elements = list(yield_tables[0.02]['element']) # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings self.masses = bn.numset((15,20,25,32,60)) ###### ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements if mettotalicity == 0.02: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) else: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)-2) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Extract data from VCF files. This module contains Functions for extracting data from Variant Ctotal Format (VCF) files and loading into NumPy numsets, NumPy files, HDF5 files or Zarr numset stores. """ import gzip import os import re from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import warnings import time import subprocess import textwrap from collections import OrderedDict from totalel.util import resolve_path import beatnum as bn from totalel.opt.io_vcf_read import VCFChunkIterator, FileIbnutStream # expose some names from cython extension # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from totalel.opt.io_vcf_read import ( # noqa: F401 ANNTransformer, ANN_AA_LENGTH_FIELD, ANN_AA_POS_FIELD, ANN_ANNOTATION_FIELD, ANN_ANNOTATION_IMPACT_FIELD, ANN_CDNA_LENGTH_FIELD, ANN_CDNA_POS_FIELD, ANN_CDS_LENGTH_FIELD, ANN_CDS_POS_FIELD, ANN_DISTANCE_FIELD, ANN_FEATURE_ID_FIELD, ANN_FEATURE_TYPE_FIELD, ANN_FIELD, ANN_FIELDS, ANN_GENE_ID_FIELD, ANN_GENE_NAME_FIELD, ANN_HGVS_C_FIELD, ANN_HGVS_P_FIELD, ANN_RANK_FIELD, ANN_TRANSCRIPT_BIOTYPE_FIELD ) DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2**14 DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH = 2**16 DEFAULT_CHUNK_WIDTH = 2**6 DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER = 3 # names for computed fields FIELD_NUMALT = 'numalt' FIELD_ALTLEN = 'altlen' FIELD_IS_SNP = 'is_sbn' COMPUTED_FIELDS = [FIELD_NUMALT, FIELD_ALTLEN, FIELD_IS_SNP] def _prep_fields_param(fields): """Prepare the `fields` parameter, and deterget_mine whether or not to store samples.""" store_samples = False if fields is None: # add_concat samples by default return True, None if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] else: fields = list(fields) if 'samples' in fields: fields.remove('samples') store_samples = True elif '*' in fields: store_samples = True return store_samples, fields def _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix): """Wrap a chunk iterator for progress logging.""" n_variants = 0 before_total = time.time() before_chunk = before_total for chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos in it: after_chunk = time.time() elapsed_chunk = after_chunk - before_chunk elapsed = after_chunk - before_total n_variants += chunk_length chrom = str(chrom, 'utf8') message = ( '%s %s rows in %.2fs; chunk in %.2fs (%s rows/s)' % (prefix, n_variants, elapsed, elapsed_chunk, int(chunk_length // elapsed_chunk)) ) if chrom: message += '; %s:%s' % (chrom, pos) print(message, file=log) log.flush() yield chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos before_chunk = after_chunk after_total = time.time() elapsed = after_total - before_total print('%s total done (%s rows/s)' % (prefix, int(n_variants // elapsed)), file=log) log.flush() def _chunk_iter_transform(it, transformers): for chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos in it: for transformer in transformers: transformer.transform_chunk(chunk) yield chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos def _do_rename(it, fields, rename_fields, headers): # check no duplicate values found = set() for v in rename_fields.values(): if v.lower() in found: raise ValueError('rename clash: {!r}'.format(v)) found.add_concat(v.lower()) # check no parent clashes for v in rename_fields.values(): segments = v.sep_split('/') for i in range(1, len(segments)): prefix = '/'.join(segments[:i]).lower() if prefix in found: raise ValueError('rename clash: {!r} versus {!r}'.format(v, prefix)) # normlizattionalise keys rename_fields = {_normlizattionalize_field_prefix(k, headers): v for k, v in rename_fields.items()} # check total keys match selected fields for k in rename_fields.keys(): if k not in fields: raise ValueError('key {!r} in rename_fields does not match any_condition selected ' 'fields {!r}'.format(k, fields)) # wrap iterator it = _chunk_iter_rename(it, rename_fields=rename_fields) return rename_fields, it def _chunk_iter_rename(it, rename_fields): for chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos in it: renamed_chunk = dict() for k, v in chunk.items(): k = rename_fields.get(k, k) renamed_chunk[k] = v yield renamed_chunk, chunk_length, chrom, pos _doc_param_ibnut = \ """Path to VCF file on the local file system. May be unremove_masked_data or gzip-compatible remove_masked_data file. May also be a file-like object (e.g., `io.BytesIO`).""" _doc_param_fields = \ """Fields to extract data for. Should be a list of strings, e.g., ``['variants/CHROM', 'variants/POS', 'variants/DP', 'ctotaldata/GT']``. If you are feeling lazy, you can drop the 'variants/' and 'ctotaldata/' prefixes, in which case the fields will be matched against fields declared in the VCF header, with variants taking priority over ctotaldata if a field with the same ID exists both in INFO and FORMAT headers. I.e., ``['CHROM', 'POS', 'DP', 'GT']`` will work, although watch out for fields like 'DP' which can be both INFO and FORMAT. For convenience, some special string values are also recognized. To extract total fields, provide just the string ``'*'``. To extract total variants fields (including total INFO fields) provide ``'variants/*'``. To extract total ctotaldata fields (i.e., defined in FORMAT headers) provide ``'ctotaldata/*'``.""" _doc_param_exclude_fields = \ """Fields to exclude. E.g., for use in combination with ``fields='*'``.""" _doc_param_rename_fields = \ """Fields to be renamed. Should be a dictionary mapping old to new names, giving the complete path, e.g., ``{'variants/FOO': 'variants/bar'}``.""" _doc_param_types = \ """Overide data types. Should be a dictionary mapping field names to NumPy data types. E.g., providing the dictionary ``{'variants/DP': 'i8', 'ctotaldata/GQ': 'i2'}`` will average the 'variants/DP' field is stored in a 64-bit integer numset, and the 'ctotaldata/GQ' field is stored in a 16-bit integer numset.""" _doc_param_numbers = \ """Override the expected number of values. Should be a dictionary mapping field names to integers. E.g., providing the dictionary ``{'variants/ALT': 5, 'variants/AC': 5, 'ctotaldata/HQ': 2}`` will average that, for each variant, 5 values are stored for the 'variants/ALT' field, 5 values are stored for the 'variants/AC' field, and for each sample, 2 values are stored for the 'ctotaldata/HQ' field.""" _doc_param_alt_number = \ """Astotal_counte this number of alternate totaleles and set expected number of values accordingly for any_condition field declared with number 'A' or 'R' in the VCF meta-information.""" _doc_param_fills = \ """Override the fill value used for empty values. Should be a dictionary mapping field names to fill values.""" _doc_param_region = \ """Genomic region to extract variants for. If provided, should be a tabix-style region string, which can be either just a chromosome name (e.g., '2L'), or a chromosome name followed by 1-based beginning and end coordinates (e.g., '2L:100000-200000'). Note that only variants whose start position (POS) is within the requested range will be included. This is slightly differenceerent from the default tabix behaviour, filter_condition a variant (e.g., deletion) may be included if its position (POS) occurs before the requested region but its reference totalele overlaps the region - such a variant will *not* be included in the data returned by this function.""" _doc_param_tabix = \ """Name or path to tabix executable. Only required if `region` is given. Setting `tabix` to `None` will cause a ftotal-back to scanning through the VCF file from the beginning, which may be much slower than tabix but the only option if tabix is not available on your system and/or the VCF file has not been tabix-indexed.""" _doc_param_samples = \ """Selection of samples to extract ctotaldata for. If provided, should be a list of strings giving sample identifiers. May also be a list of integers giving indices of selected samples.""" _doc_param_transformers = \ """Transformers for post-processing data. If provided, should be a list of Transformer objects, each of which must implement a "transform()" method that accepts a dict containing the chunk of data to be transformed. See also the :class:`ANNTransformer` class which implements post-processing of data from SNPEFF.""" _doc_param_buffer_size = \ """Size in bytes of the I/O buffer used when reading data from the underlying file or tabix stream.""" _doc_param_chunk_length = \ """Length (number of variants) of chunks in which data are processed.""" _doc_param_log = \ """A file-like object (e.g., `sys.standard_operr`) to print progress information.""" # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def read_vcf(ibnut, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, rename_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', samples=None, transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, log=None): """Read data from a VCF file into NumPy numsets. .. versionchanged:: 1.12.0 Now returns None if no variants are found in the VCF file or matching the requested region. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string or file-like {ibnut} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} rename_fields : dict[str -> str], optional {rename_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} samples : list of strings {samples} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} log : file-like, optional {log} Returns ------- data : dict[str, ndnumset] A dictionary holding numsets, or None if no variants were found. """ # samples requested? # noinspection PyTypeChecker store_samples, fields = _prep_fields_param(fields) # setup fields, samples, headers, it = iter_vcf_chunks( ibnut=ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=samples, transformers=transformers ) # handle field renaget_ming if rename_fields: rename_fields, it = _do_rename(it, fields=fields, rename_fields=rename_fields, headers=headers) # setup progress logging if log is not None: it = _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix='[read_vcf]') # read total chunks into a list chunks = [d[0] for d in it] if chunks: # setup output output = dict() if len(samples) > 0 and store_samples: output['samples'] = samples # find numset keys keys = sorted(chunks[0].keys()) # connect chunks for k in keys: output[k] = bn.connect([chunk[k] for chunk in chunks], axis=0) else: output = None return output read_vcf.__doc__ = read_vcf.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, rename_fields=_doc_param_rename_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, samples=_doc_param_samples, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, log=_doc_param_log, ) _doc_param_output = \ """File-system path to write output to.""" _doc_param_overwrite = \ """If False (default), do not overwrite an existing file.""" # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def vcf_to_bnz(ibnut, output, remove_masked_data=True, overwrite=False, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, rename_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix=True, samples=None, transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, log=None): """Read data from a VCF file into NumPy numsets and save as a .bnz file. .. versionchanged:: 1.12.0 Now will not create any_condition output file if no variants are found in the VCF file or matching the requested region. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} output : string {output} remove_masked_data : bool, optional If True (default), save with compression. overwrite : bool, optional {overwrite} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} rename_fields : dict[str -> str], optional {rename_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} samples : list of strings {samples} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} log : file-like, optional {log} """ output = resolve_path(output) # guard condition if not overwrite and isinstance(output, str) and os.path.exists(output): raise ValueError('file exists at path %r; use overwrite=True to replace' % output) # read total data into memory data = read_vcf( ibnut=ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, rename_fields=rename_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, log=log, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=samples, transformers=transformers ) if data is None: # no data, bail out return # setup save function if remove_masked_data: savez = bn.savez_remove_masked_data else: savez = bn.savez # save as bnz savez(output, **data) vcf_to_bnz.__doc__ = vcf_to_bnz.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, output=_doc_param_output, overwrite=_doc_param_overwrite, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, rename_fields=_doc_param_rename_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, samples=_doc_param_samples, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, log=_doc_param_log, ) def _h5like_copy_metadata(k, headers, ds): # copy metadata from VCF headers meta = None if k.startswith('variants/'): _, name = k.sep_split('/', 1) if name in headers.infos: meta = headers.infos[name] elif k.startswith('ctotaldata/'): _, name = k.sep_split('/', 1) if name in headers.formats: meta = headers.formats[name] if meta is not None: if hasattr(ds.attrs, 'put'): # optimisation for zarr, put total attributes in one operation ds.attrs.put(meta) else: ds.attrs['ID'] = meta['ID'] ds.attrs['Number'] = meta['Number'] ds.attrs['Type'] = meta['Type'] ds.attrs['Description'] = meta['Description'] def _hdf5_setup_datasets(chunk, root, chunk_length, chunk_width, compression, compression_opts, shuffle, overwrite, headers, vlen): import h5py # handle no ibnut if chunk is None: raise RuntimeError('ibnut file has no data?') # obtain dataset keys keys = sorted(chunk.keys()) # deal with overwriting existing data _h5like_handle_overwrite(root, keys, overwrite) # setup datasets for k in keys: # obtain initial data data = chunk[k] # deterget_mine chunk shape if data.ndim == 1: chunk_shape = (chunk_length,) else: chunk_shape = (chunk_length, get_min(chunk_width, data.shape[1])) + data.shape[2:] # create dataset shape = (0,) + data.shape[1:] get_maxshape = (None,) + data.shape[1:] if data.dtype.kind == 'O': if vlen: dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) else: data = data.convert_type('S') dt = data.dtype else: dt = data.dtype ds = root.create_dataset( k, shape=shape, get_maxshape=get_maxshape, chunks=chunk_shape, dtype=dt, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts, shuffle=shuffle ) # copy metadata from VCF headers _h5like_copy_metadata(k, headers, ds) return keys def _hdf5_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk, vlen): # compute length of current chunk current_chunk_length = chunk[keys[0]].shape[0] # find current length of datasets old_length = root[keys[0]].shape[0] # new length of total numsets after loading this chunk new_length = old_length + current_chunk_length # load numsets for k in keys: # data to be loaded data = chunk[k] # obtain dataset dataset = root[k] # handle variable length strings if data.dtype.kind == 'O' and not vlen: data = data.convert_type('S') if data.dtype.itemsize > dataset.dtype.itemsize: warnings.warn( 'found string length %s longer than %s guessed for field %r, values ' 'will be truncated; recommend rerunning, setting type to at least ' '"S%s"' % (data.dtype.itemsize, dataset.dtype.itemsize, k, data.dtype.itemsize) ) # ensure dataset is long enough dataset.resize(new_length, axis=0) # store the data dataset[old_length:new_length, ...] = data _doc_param_chunk_width = \ """Width (number of samples) to use when storing chunks in output.""" # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def vcf_to_hdf5(ibnut, output, group='/', compression='gzip', compression_opts=1, shuffle=False, overwrite=False, vlen=True, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, rename_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', samples=None, transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, chunk_width=DEFAULT_CHUNK_WIDTH, log=None): """Read data from a VCF file and load into an HDF5 file. .. versionchanged:: 1.12.0 Now will not create any_condition output file if no variants are found in the VCF file or matching the requested region. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} output : string {output} group : string Group within destination HDF5 file to store data in. compression : string Compression algorithm, e.g., 'gzip' (default). compression_opts : int Compression level, e.g., 1 (default). shuffle : bool Use byte shuffling, which may improve compression (default is False). overwrite : bool {overwrite} vlen : bool If True, store variable length strings. Note that there is considerable storage overhead for variable length strings in HDF5, and leaving this option as True ( default) may lead to large file sizes. If False, total strings will be stored in the HDF5 file as fixed length strings, even if they are specified as 'object' type. In this case, the string length for any_condition field with 'object' type will be deterget_mined based on the get_maximum length of strings found in the first chunk, and this may cause values to be truncated if longer values are found in later chunks. To avoid truncation and large file sizes, manutotaly set the type for total string fields to an explicit fixed length string type, e.g., 'S10' for a field filter_condition you know at most 10 characters are required. fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} rename_fields : dict[str -> str], optional {rename_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} samples : list of strings {samples} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} chunk_width : int, optional {chunk_width} log : file-like, optional {log} """ import h5py # samples requested? # noinspection PyTypeChecker store_samples, fields = _prep_fields_param(fields) # setup chunk iterator fields, samples, headers, it = iter_vcf_chunks( ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=samples, transformers=transformers ) # handle field renaget_ming if rename_fields: rename_fields, it = _do_rename(it, fields=fields, rename_fields=rename_fields, headers=headers) # setup progress logging if log is not None: it = _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix='[vcf_to_hdf5]') # read first chunk try: chunk, _, _, _ = next(it) except StopIteration: # no data, bail out return with h5py.File(output, mode='a') as h5f: # obtain root group that data will be stored into root = h5f.require_group(group) if len(samples) > 0 and store_samples: # store samples name = 'samples' if name in root: if overwrite: del root[name] else: raise ValueError( 'dataset exists at path %r; use overwrite=True to replace' % name) if samples.dtype.kind == 'O': if vlen: t = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) else: samples = samples.convert_type('S') t = samples.dtype else: t = samples.dtype root.create_dataset(name, data=samples, chunks=None, dtype=t) # setup datasets # noinspection PyTypeChecker keys = _hdf5_setup_datasets( chunk=chunk, root=root, chunk_length=chunk_length, chunk_width=chunk_width, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_opts, shuffle=shuffle, overwrite=overwrite, headers=headers, vlen=vlen ) # store first chunk _hdf5_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk, vlen) # store remaining chunks for chunk, _, _, _ in it: _hdf5_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk, vlen) vcf_to_hdf5.__doc__ = vcf_to_hdf5.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, output=_doc_param_output, overwrite=_doc_param_overwrite, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, rename_fields=_doc_param_rename_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, samples=_doc_param_samples, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, chunk_width=_doc_param_chunk_width, log=_doc_param_log, ) def _h5like_handle_overwrite(root, keys, overwrite): # deal with overwriting existing data, do this up front for k in keys: if k in root: if overwrite: del root[k] else: raise ValueError('object exists at path %r; use overwrite=True to ' 'replace' % k) def _zarr_setup_datasets(chunk, root, chunk_length, chunk_width, compressor, overwrite, headers): # handle no ibnut if chunk is None: raise RuntimeError('ibnut file has no data?') # obtain dataset keys keys = sorted(chunk.keys()) # deal with overwriting existing data _h5like_handle_overwrite(root, keys, overwrite) # create datasets for k in keys: # obtain initial data data = chunk[k] # deterget_mine chunk shape if data.ndim == 1: chunk_shape = (chunk_length,) else: chunk_shape = (chunk_length, get_min(chunk_width, data.shape[1])) + data.shape[2:] # create dataset shape = (0,) + data.shape[1:] if data.dtype.kind == 'O': dtype = 'str' else: dtype = data.dtype ds = root.create_dataset(k, shape=shape, chunks=chunk_shape, dtype=dtype, compressor=compressor, overwrite=False) # copy metadata from VCF headers _h5like_copy_metadata(k, headers, ds) return keys def _zarr_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk): # load numsets for k in keys: # apd data root[k].apd(chunk[k], axis=0) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def vcf_to_zarr(ibnut, output, group='/', compressor='default', overwrite=False, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, rename_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', samples=None, transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, chunk_width=DEFAULT_CHUNK_WIDTH, log=None): """Read data from a VCF file and load into a Zarr on-disk store. .. versionchanged:: 1.12.0 Now will not create any_condition output files if no variants are found in the VCF file or matching the requested region. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} output : string {output} group : string Group within destination Zarr hierarchy to store data in. compressor : compressor Compression algorithm, e.g., zarr.Blosc(cname='zstandard_op', clevel=1, shuffle=1). overwrite : bool {overwrite} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} rename_fields : dict[str -> str], optional {rename_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} samples : list of strings {samples} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} chunk_width : int, optional {chunk_width} log : file-like, optional {log} """ import zarr # samples requested? # noinspection PyTypeChecker store_samples, fields = _prep_fields_param(fields) # setup chunk iterator fields, samples, headers, it = iter_vcf_chunks( ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=samples, transformers=transformers ) # handle field renaget_ming if rename_fields: rename_fields, it = _do_rename(it, fields=fields, rename_fields=rename_fields, headers=headers) # check for any_condition case-insensitive duplicate fields # ci_field_index = defaultdict(list) for f in fields: if rename_fields: f = rename_fields.get(f, f) ci_field_index[f.lower()].apd(f) for k, v in ci_field_index.items(): if len(v) > 1: msg = textwrap.fill( 'Found two or more fields with the same name when compared ' 'case-insensitive: {!r}; this is not supported because it causes ' 'problems on platforms with a case-insensitive file system, which is ' 'usutotaly the default on Windows and Mac OS. Please rename fields so they ' 'are distinct under a case-insensitive comparison via the ' 'rename_fields argument.'.format(v), width=80) raise ValueError(msg) # setup progress logging if log is not None: it = _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix='[vcf_to_zarr]') # read first chunk try: chunk, _, _, _ = next(it) except StopIteration: # no data, bail out return # open root group root = zarr.open_group(output, mode='a', path=group) if len(samples) > 0 and store_samples: # store samples if samples.dtype.kind == 'O': dtype = 'str' else: dtype = samples.dtype root.create_dataset('samples', data=samples, compressor=None, overwrite=overwrite, dtype=dtype) # setup datasets # noinspection PyTypeChecker keys = _zarr_setup_datasets( chunk, root=root, chunk_length=chunk_length, chunk_width=chunk_width, compressor=compressor, overwrite=overwrite, headers=headers ) # store first chunk _zarr_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk) # store remaining chunks for chunk, _, _, _ in it: _zarr_store_chunk(root, keys, chunk) vcf_to_zarr.__doc__ = vcf_to_zarr.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, output=_doc_param_output, overwrite=_doc_param_overwrite, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, rename_fields=_doc_param_rename_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, samples=_doc_param_samples, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, chunk_width=_doc_param_chunk_width, log=_doc_param_log, ) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def _setup_ibnut_stream(ibnut, region=None, tabix=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): # obtain a file-like object close = False ibnut = resolve_path(ibnut) if isinstance(ibnut, str) and ibnut.endswith('gz'): if region and tabix and != 'nt': try: # try tabix p = subprocess.Popen([tabix, '-h', ibnut, region], standard_opout=subprocess.PIPE, standard_operr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0) # check if tabix exited early, look for tabix error time.sleep(.5) poll = p.poll() if poll is not None and poll > 0: err = err = str(err, 'ascii') p.standard_opout.close() raise RuntimeError(err.strip()) fileobj = p.standard_opout close = True # N.B., still pass the region parameter through so we get strictly only # variants that start within the requested region. See also # except FileNotFoundError: # no tabix, ftotal back to scanning warnings.warn('tabix not found, ftotaling back to scanning to region') fileobj =, mode='rb') close = True except Exception as e: warnings.warn('error occurred attempting tabix (%s); ftotaling back to ' 'scanning to region' % e) fileobj =, mode='rb') close = True else: fileobj =, mode='rb') close = True elif isinstance(ibnut, str): # astotal_counte no compression fileobj = open(ibnut, mode='rb', buffering=0) close = True elif hasattr(ibnut, 'readinto'): fileobj = ibnut else: raise ValueError('path must be string or file-like, found %r' % ibnut) return FileIbnutStream(fileobj, buffer_size=buffer_size, close=close) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def iter_vcf_chunks(ibnut, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', samples=None, transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH): """Iterate over chunks of data from a VCF file as NumPy numsets. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} samples : list of strings {samples} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} Returns ------- fields : list of strings Normalised names of fields that will be extracted. samples : ndnumset Samples for which data will be extracted. headers : VCFHeaders Tuple of metadata extracted from VCF headers. it : iterator Chunk iterator. """ # setup commmon keyword args kwds = dict(fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, samples=samples, region=region) # setup ibnut stream stream = _setup_ibnut_stream(ibnut=ibnut, region=region, tabix=tabix, buffer_size=buffer_size) # setup iterator fields, samples, headers, it = _iter_vcf_stream(stream, **kwds) # setup transformers if transformers is not None: # API flexibility if not isinstance(transformers, (list, tuple)): transformers = [transformers] for trans in transformers: fields = trans.transform_fields(fields) it = _chunk_iter_transform(it, transformers) return fields, samples, headers, it iter_vcf_chunks.__doc__ = iter_vcf_chunks.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, samples=_doc_param_samples, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, log=_doc_param_log, ) FIXED_VARIANTS_FIELDS = ( 'CHROM', 'POS', 'ID', 'REF', 'ALT', 'QUAL', ) def _normlizattionalize_field_prefix(field, headers): # already contains prefix? if field.startswith('variants/') or field.startswith('ctotaldata/'): return field # try to find in fixed fields elif field in FIXED_VARIANTS_FIELDS: return 'variants/' + field # try to find in FILTER elif field.startswith('FILTER_'): return 'variants/' + field # try to find in FILTER elif field in headers.filters: return 'variants/FILTER_' + field # try to find in INFO elif field in headers.infos: return 'variants/' + field # try to find in computed fields elif field in COMPUTED_FIELDS: return 'variants/' + field # try to find in FORMAT elif field in headers.formats: return 'ctotaldata/' + field else: # astotal_counte any_conditionthing else in variants, even if header not found return 'variants/' + field def _check_field(field, headers): # astotal_counte field is already normlizattionalized for prefix group, name = field.sep_split('/') if group == 'variants': if name in FIXED_VARIANTS_FIELDS: pass elif name in COMPUTED_FIELDS: # computed fields pass elif name.startswith('FILTER_'): filter_name = name[7:] if filter_name in headers.filters: pass else: warnings.warn('%r FILTER header not found' % filter_name) elif name in headers.infos: pass else: warnings.warn('%r INFO header not found' % name) elif group == 'ctotaldata': if name in headers.formats: pass else: warnings.warn('%r FORMAT header not found' % name) else: # should never be reached raise ValueError('inversealid field specification: %r' % field) def _add_concat_total_fields(fields, headers, samples): _add_concat_total_variants_fields(fields, headers) if len(samples) > 0: _add_concat_total_ctotaldata_fields(fields, headers) def _add_concat_total_variants_fields(fields, headers): _add_concat_total_fixed_variants_fields(fields) _add_concat_total_info_fields(fields, headers) _add_concat_total_filter_fields(fields, headers) _add_concat_total_computed_fields(fields) def _add_concat_total_fixed_variants_fields(fields): for k in FIXED_VARIANTS_FIELDS: f = 'variants/' + k if f not in fields: fields.apd(f) def _add_concat_total_info_fields(fields, headers): for k in headers.infos: f = 'variants/' + k if f not in fields: fields.apd(f) def _add_concat_total_filter_fields(fields, headers): fields.apd('variants/FILTER_PASS') for k in headers.filters: f = 'variants/FILTER_' + k if f not in fields: fields.apd(f) def _add_concat_total_computed_fields(fields): for k in COMPUTED_FIELDS: f = 'variants/' + k if f not in fields: fields.apd(f) def _add_concat_total_ctotaldata_fields(fields, headers): # only add_concat ctotaldata fields if there are samples if headers.samples: for k in headers.formats: f = 'ctotaldata/' + k if f not in fields: fields.apd(f) def _normlizattionalize_fields(fields, headers, samples): # setup normlizattionalized fields normlizattioned_fields = list() # special case, single field specification if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] for f in fields: # special cases: be lenient about how to specify if f in ['*', 'kitchen sink']: _add_concat_total_fields(normlizattioned_fields, headers, samples) elif f in ['variants', 'variants*', 'variants/*']: _add_concat_total_variants_fields(normlizattioned_fields, headers) elif f in ['ctotaldata', 'ctotaldata*', 'ctotaldata/*'] and len(samples) > 0: _add_concat_total_ctotaldata_fields(normlizattioned_fields, headers) elif f in ['INFO', 'INFO*', 'INFO/*', 'variants/INFO', 'variants/INFO*', 'variants/INFO/*']: _add_concat_total_info_fields(normlizattioned_fields, headers) elif f in ['FILTER', 'FILTER*', 'FILTER/*', 'FILTER_*', 'variants/FILTER', 'variants/FILTER*', 'variants/FILTER/*', 'variants/FILTER_*']: _add_concat_total_filter_fields(normlizattioned_fields, headers) # exact field specification else: # normlizattionalize field specification f = _normlizattionalize_field_prefix(f, headers) _check_field(f, headers) if f.startswith('ctotaldata/') and len(samples) == 0: # only add_concat ctotaldata fields if there are samples pass elif f not in normlizattioned_fields: normlizattioned_fields.apd(f) return normlizattioned_fields default_integer_dtype = 'i4' default_float_dtype = 'f4' default_string_dtype = 'object' def _normlizattionalize_type(t): if t == 'Integer': return bn.dtype(default_integer_dtype) elif t == 'Float': return bn.dtype(default_float_dtype) elif t == 'String': return bn.dtype(default_string_dtype) elif t == 'Character': return bn.dtype('S1') elif t == 'Flag': return bn.dtype(bool) elif isinstance(t, str) and t.startswith('genotype/'): # custom genotype dtype return t elif isinstance(t, str) and t.startswith('genotype_ac/'): # custom genotype totalele counts dtype return t else: return bn.dtype(t) default_types = { 'variants/CHROM': 'object', 'variants/POS': 'i4', 'variants/ID': 'object', 'variants/REF': 'object', 'variants/ALT': 'object', 'variants/QUAL': 'f4', 'variants/DP': 'i4', 'variants/AN': 'i4', 'variants/AC': 'i4', 'variants/AF': 'f4', 'variants/MQ': 'f4', 'variants/ANN': 'object', 'ctotaldata/GT': 'genotype/i1', 'ctotaldata/GQ': 'i1', 'ctotaldata/HQ': 'i1', 'ctotaldata/DP': 'i2', 'ctotaldata/AD': 'i2', 'ctotaldata/MQ0': 'i2', 'ctotaldata/MQ': 'f2', } def _normlizattionalize_types(types, fields, headers): # normlizattionalize user-provided types if types is None: types = dict() types = {_normlizattionalize_field_prefix(f, headers): _normlizattionalize_type(t) for f, t in types.items()} # setup output normlizattioned_types = dict() for f in fields: group, name = f.sep_split('/') default_type = default_types.get(f) if default_type: default_type = _normlizattionalize_type(default_type) if f in types: # user had manutotaly specified the type normlizattioned_types[f] = types[f] elif group == 'variants': if name in COMPUTED_FIELDS: # computed fields, special case continue elif name.startswith('FILTER_'): normlizattioned_types[f] = bn.dtype(bool) elif name in headers.infos: header_type = _normlizattionalize_type(headers.infos[name]['Type']) if isinstance(default_type, bn.dtype): # check that default is compatible with header if (default_type.kind in 'ifb' and default_type.kind != header_type.kind): # default is not compatible with header, ftotal back to header t = header_type else: t = default_type elif default_type: t = default_type else: t = header_type normlizattioned_types[f] = t elif default_type: normlizattioned_types[f] = default_type else: # ftotal back to string normlizattioned_types[f] = _normlizattionalize_type('String') warnings.warn('no type for field %r, astotal_counting %s' % (f, normlizattioned_types[f])) elif group == 'ctotaldata': if name in headers.formats: header_type = _normlizattionalize_type(headers.formats[name]['Type']) if isinstance(default_type, bn.dtype): # check that default is compatible with header if (default_type.kind in 'ifb' and default_type.kind != header_type.kind): # default is not compatible with header, ftotal back to header t = header_type else: t = default_type elif default_type: t = default_type else: t = header_type normlizattioned_types[f] = t elif default_type: normlizattioned_types[f] = default_type else: # ftotal back to string normlizattioned_types[f] = _normlizattionalize_type('String') warnings.warn('no type for field %r, astotal_counting %s' % (f, normlizattioned_types[f])) else: raise RuntimeError('ubnected field: %r' % f) return normlizattioned_types default_numbers = { 'variants/CHROM': 1, 'variants/POS': 1, 'variants/ID': 1, 'variants/REF': 1, 'variants/ALT': 'A', 'variants/QUAL': 1, 'variants/DP': 1, 'variants/AN': 1, 'variants/AC': 'A', 'variants/AF': 'A', 'variants/MQ': 1, 'variants/ANN': 1, 'ctotaldata/DP': 1, 'ctotaldata/GT': 2, 'ctotaldata/GQ': 1, 'ctotaldata/HQ': 2, 'ctotaldata/AD': 'R', 'ctotaldata/MQ0': 1, 'ctotaldata/MQ': 1, } def _normlizattionalize_number(field, n, alt_number): if n == '.': return 1 elif n == 'A': return alt_number elif n == 'R': return alt_number + 1 elif n == 'G': return 3 else: try: return int(n) except ValueError: warnings.warn('error parsing %r as number for field %r' % (n, field)) return 1 def _normlizattionalize_numbers(numbers, fields, headers, alt_number): # normlizattionalize field prefixes if numbers is None: numbers = dict() numbers = {_normlizattionalize_field_prefix(f, headers): n for f, n in numbers.items()} # setup output normlizattioned_numbers = dict() for f in fields: group, name = f.sep_split('/') if f in numbers: normlizattioned_numbers[f] = _normlizattionalize_number(f, numbers[f], alt_number) elif f in default_numbers: normlizattioned_numbers[f] = _normlizattionalize_number(f, default_numbers[f], alt_number) elif group == 'variants': if name in COMPUTED_FIELDS: # computed fields, special case (for altlen, number depends on ALT) continue elif name.startswith('FILTER_'): normlizattioned_numbers[f] = 0 elif name in headers.infos: normlizattioned_numbers[f] = _normlizattionalize_number(f, headers.infos[name]['Number'], alt_number) else: # ftotal back to 1 normlizattioned_numbers[f] = 1 warnings.warn('no number for field %r, astotal_counting 1' % f) elif group == 'ctotaldata': if name in headers.formats: normlizattioned_numbers[f] = _normlizattionalize_number(f, headers.formats[name]['Number'], alt_number) else: # ftotal back to 1 normlizattioned_numbers[f] = 1 warnings.warn('no number for field %r, astotal_counting 1' % f) else: raise RuntimeError('unexpected field: %r' % f) return normlizattioned_numbers def _normlizattionalize_fills(fills, fields, headers): if fills is None: fills = dict() fills = {_normlizattionalize_field_prefix(f, headers): v for f, v in fills.items()} # setup output normlizattioned_fills = dict() for f in fields: if f in fills: normlizattioned_fills[f] = fills[f] return normlizattioned_fills def _normlizattionalize_samples(samples, headers, types): loc_samples = bn.zeros(len(headers.samples), dtype='u1') if samples is None: normlizattioned_samples = list(headers.samples) loc_samples.fill(1) else: samples = set(samples) normlizattioned_samples = [] for i, s in enumerate(headers.samples): if i in samples: normlizattioned_samples.apd(s) samples.remove(i) loc_samples[i] = 1 elif s in samples: normlizattioned_samples.apd(s) samples.remove(s) loc_samples[i] = 1 if len(samples) > 0: warnings.warn('some samples not found, will be ignored: ' + ', '.join(map(repr, sorted(samples)))) t = default_string_dtype if types is not None: t = types.get('samples', t) normlizattioned_samples = bn.numset(normlizattioned_samples, dtype=t) return normlizattioned_samples, loc_samples def _iter_vcf_stream(stream, fields, exclude_fields, types, numbers, alt_number, chunk_length, fills, region, samples): # read VCF headers headers = _read_vcf_headers(stream) # setup samples samples, loc_samples = _normlizattionalize_samples(samples=samples, headers=headers, types=types) # setup fields to read if fields is None: # choose default fields fields = list() _add_concat_total_fixed_variants_fields(fields) fields.apd('variants/FILTER_PASS') if len(samples) > 0 and 'GT' in headers.formats: fields.apd('ctotaldata/GT') else: fields = _normlizattionalize_fields(fields=fields, headers=headers, samples=samples) # deal with field exclusions if exclude_fields: exclude_fields = _normlizattionalize_fields(fields=exclude_fields, headers=headers, samples=samples) fields = [f for f in fields if f not in exclude_fields] # setup data types types = _normlizattionalize_types(types=types, fields=fields, headers=headers) # setup numbers (a.k.a., arity) numbers = _normlizattionalize_numbers(numbers=numbers, fields=fields, headers=headers, alt_number=alt_number) # setup fills fills = _normlizattionalize_fills(fills=fills, fields=fields, headers=headers) # setup chunks iterator chunks = VCFChunkIterator( stream, chunk_length=chunk_length, headers=headers, fields=fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, fills=fills, region=region, loc_samples=loc_samples ) return fields, samples, headers, chunks # pre-compile some regular expressions _re_filter_header = \ re.compile('##FILTER=<ID=([^,]+),Description="([^"]*)">') _re_info_header = \ re.compile('##INFO=<ID=([^,]+),Number=([^,]+),Type=([^,]+),Description="([^"]*)">') _re_format_header = \ re.compile('##FORMAT=<ID=([^,]+),Number=([^,]+),Type=([^,]+),Description="([^"]*)">') VCFHeaders = namedtuple('VCFHeaders', ['headers', 'filters', 'infos', 'formats', 'samples']) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def read_vcf_headers(ibnut): """Read headers from a VCF file.""" stream = _setup_ibnut_stream(ibnut) return _read_vcf_headers(stream) def _read_vcf_headers(stream): # setup headers = [] samples = None filters = dict() infos = dict() formats = dict() # read first header line header = stream.readline() header = str(header, 'utf8') while header and header[0] == '#': headers.apd(header) if header.startswith('##FILTER'): match = _re_filter_header.match(header) if match is None: warnings.warn('inversealid FILTER header: %r' % header) else: k, d = match.groups() if k in filters: warnings.warn('multiple FILTER headers for %r' % k) filters[k] = {'ID': k, 'Description': d} elif header.startswith('##INFO'): match = _re_info_header.match(header) if match is None: warnings.warn('inversealid INFO header: %r' % header) else: k, n, t, d = match.groups() if k in infos: warnings.warn('multiple INFO headers for %r' % k) infos[k] = {'ID': k, 'Number': n, 'Type': t, 'Description': d} elif header.startswith('##FORMAT'): match = _re_format_header.match(header) if match is None: warnings.warn('inversealid FORMAT header: %r' % header) else: k, n, t, d = match.groups() if k in formats: warnings.warn('multiple FORMAT headers for %r' % k) formats[k] = {'ID': k, 'Number': n, 'Type': t, 'Description': d} elif header.startswith('#CHROM'): # parse out samples samples = header.strip().sep_split('\t')[9:] break # read next header line header = stream.readline() header = str(header, 'utf8') # check if we saw the mandatory header line or not if samples is None: # can't warn about this, it's fatal raise RuntimeError('VCF file is missing mandatory header line ("#CHROM...")') return VCFHeaders(headers, filters, infos, formats, samples) def _chunk_to_dataframe(fields, chunk): import pandas items = list() for f in fields: a = chunk[f] group, name = f.sep_split('/') assert group == 'variants' if a.dtype.kind == 'S': # always convert strings for pandas - if U then pandas will use object dtype a = a.convert_type('U') if a.ndim == 1: items.apd((name, a)) elif a.ndim == 2: for i in range(a.shape[1]): items.apd(('%s_%s' % (name, i + 1), a[:, i])) else: warnings.warn('cannot handle numset %r with >2 dimensions, skipping' % name) df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(OrderedDict(items)) # treat empty string as missing df.replace('', bn.nan, ibnlace=True) return df # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def vcf_to_dataframe(ibnut, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, log=None): """Read data from a VCF file into a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} log : file-like, optional {log} Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame """ import pandas # samples requested? # noinspection PyTypeChecker _, fields = _prep_fields_param(fields) # setup fields, _, _, it = iter_vcf_chunks( ibnut=ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=[], transformers=transformers ) # setup progress logging if log is not None: it = _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix='[vcf_to_dataframe]') # read total chunks into a list chunks = [d[0] for d in it] # setup output output = None if chunks: # connect chunks output = pandas.concat([_chunk_to_dataframe(fields, chunk) for chunk in chunks]) return output vcf_to_dataframe.__doc__ = vcf_to_dataframe.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, log=_doc_param_log, ) # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def vcf_to_csv(ibnut, output, fields=None, exclude_fields=None, types=None, numbers=None, alt_number=DEFAULT_ALT_NUMBER, fills=None, region=None, tabix='tabix', transformers=None, buffer_size=DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, chunk_length=DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, log=None, **kwargs): r"""Read data from a VCF file and write out to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Parameters ---------- ibnut : string {ibnut} output : string {output} fields : list of strings, optional {fields} exclude_fields : list of strings, optional {exclude_fields} types : dict, optional {types} numbers : dict, optional {numbers} alt_number : int, optional {alt_number} fills : dict, optional {fills} region : string, optional {region} tabix : string, optional {tabix} transformers : list of transformer objects, optional {transformers} buffer_size : int, optional {buffer_size} chunk_length : int, optional {chunk_length} log : file-like, optional {log} kwargs : keyword arguments All remaining keyword arguments are passed through to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv(). E.g., to write a tab-delimited file, provide `sep='\t'`. """ # samples requested? # noinspection PyTypeChecker _, fields = _prep_fields_param(fields) # setup fields, _, _, it = iter_vcf_chunks( ibnut=ibnut, fields=fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, types=types, numbers=numbers, alt_number=alt_number, buffer_size=buffer_size, chunk_length=chunk_length, fills=fills, region=region, tabix=tabix, samples=[], transformers=transformers ) # setup progress logging if log is not None: it = _chunk_iter_progress(it, log, prefix='[vcf_to_csv]') kwargs['index'] = False for i, (chunk, _, _, _) in enumerate(it): df = _chunk_to_dataframe(fields, chunk) if i == 0: kwargs['header'] = True kwargs['mode'] = 'w' else: kwargs['header'] = False kwargs['mode'] = 'a' df.to_csv(output, **kwargs) vcf_to_csv.__doc__ = vcf_to_csv.__doc__.format( ibnut=_doc_param_ibnut, output=_doc_param_output, fields=_doc_param_fields, exclude_fields=_doc_param_exclude_fields, types=_doc_param_types, numbers=_doc_param_numbers, alt_number=_doc_param_alt_number, fills=_doc_param_fills, region=_doc_param_region, tabix=_doc_param_tabix, transformers=_doc_param_transformers, buffer_size=_doc_param_buffer_size, chunk_length=_doc_param_chunk_length, log=_doc_param_log, ) def _chunk_to_recnumset(fields, chunk): numsets = list() names = list() for f in fields: a = chunk[f] group, name = f.sep_split('/') if a.ndim == 1: numsets.apd(a) names.apd(name) elif a.ndim == 2: for i in range(a.shape[1]): numsets.apd(a[:, i]) names.apd('%s_%s' % (name, i + 1)) else: warnings.warn('cannot handle numsets with >2 dimensions, ignoring %r' % name) ra =
bn.rec.fromnumsets(numsets, names=names)
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn import scipy.optimize as opt # curve_fit, fget_min, fget_min_tnc import jams.functions as functions # from jams from jams.mad import mad # from jams import warnings # import pdb # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data. It uses either 1. a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, or 2. several fits over the season of Reco vs. temperature as in Reichstein et al. (2005), or 3. the daytime method of Lasslop et al. (2010), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, method='reichstein', shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Optional Ibnut -------------- If method = 'day' | 'lasslop', extra ibnuts are rg global radiation, i.e. shortwave down [W m-2] vpd vapour pressure deficit [Pa] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask method if 'global' | 'falge': fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data if 'local' | 'reichstein': method of Reichstein et al. (2005) if 'day' | 'lasslop': method of Lasslop et al. (2010) shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef If method = 'night' | 'reichstein', extra parameters are nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night, GPP always positive if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ Negative respiration possible at night when gpp is forced to 0 with nogppnight=True Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Lasslop et al. (2010) Separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and respiration using a light response curve approach: critical issues and global evaluation Global Change Biology 16, 187-208 Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] >>> VPD = bn.sqz(dat[8,:]) >>> vpd = bn.filter_condition(VPD == undef, undef, VPD*100.) >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, method='day') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 2.78457540e+00 6.63212545e+00 8.88902165e+00 6.74243873e+00 9.51364527e+00] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [0.28786696 0.34594516 0.43893276 0.5495954 0.70029545 0.90849165 1.15074873 1.46137527] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2014 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - wrapper for individual routines nee2gpp_reichstein etc. MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 MC, May 2013 - replaced cost functions by generel cost function cost_absolute if possible AP, Aug 2014 - replaced fget_min with fget_min_tnc to permit params<0, permit gpp<0 at any_condition time if nogppnight=True """ # Global relationship in Reichstein et al. (2005) if ((method.lower() == 'global') | (method.lower() == 'falge')): return nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked) # Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) elif ((method.lower() == 'local') | (method.lower() == 'reichstein')): return nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Lasslop et al. (2010) method elif ((method.lower() == 'day') | (method.lower() == 'lasslop')): return nee2gpp_lasslop(dates, nee, t, isday, rg, vpd, undef=undef, shape=shape, masked=masked, nogppnight=nogppnight) # Include new methods here else: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp: method not implemented yet.') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using a fit of Reco vs. temperature to total nighttime data, in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_falge(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets; if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Falge et al. (2001) Gap filling strategies for defensible annual total_counts of net ecosystem exchange Acricultural and Forest Meteorology 107, 43-69 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='global') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.33166157e+00 8.18228013e+00 1.04092252e+01 8.19395317e+00 1.08427448e+01] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise Error('Error nee2gpp_falge: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Global relationship as in Falge et al. (2001) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] tt =[ii]) net =[ii]) # p, c = opt.curve_fit(functions.lloyd_fix, tt, net, p0=[2.,200.]) # global parameter, global cov matrix #p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_lloyd_fix, [2.,200.], args=(tt, net), disp=False) p = opt.fget_min(functions.cost_absolute, [2.,200.], args=(functions.lloyd_fix_p, tt, net), disp=False) Reco = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~t.mask)[0] Reco[ii] = functions.lloyd_fix(t[ii], p[0], p[1]) # GPP GPP = bn.create_ones(ndata)*undef ii = bn.filter_condition(~(t.mask | nee.mask))[0] GPP[ii] = Reco[ii] - nee[ii] # Return if masked: if bn.ifnan(undef): GPP =, mask=bn.ifnan(GPP)) Reco =, mask=bn.ifnan(Reco)) else: GPP =, mask=(GPP == undef)) Reco =, mask=(Reco == undef)) if shape != False: if shape != True: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,shape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,shape) else: return bn.change_shape_to(GPP,inshape), bn.change_shape_to(Reco,inshape) else: return GPP, Reco # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, rg=False, vpd=False, undef=bn.nan, shape=False, masked=False, nogppnight=False): """ Calculate photosynthesis (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) from original Eddy flux data, using several fits of Reco vs. temperature of nighttime data over the season, as in Reichstein et al. (2005), in order to calculate Reco and then GPP = Reco - NEE. Definition ---------- def nee2gpp_reichstein(dates, nee, t, isday, undef=bn.nan, shape=None, masked=False): Ibnut ----- Ibnuts are 1D numsets that can be masked or not. dates julian days nee net ecosystem exchange (uptake is <0) [umol m-2 s-1] t temperature [K] Parameters ---------- undef undefined values in data (default: bn.nan) Ibnut numsets will be masked at undef, keeping the original mask shape if False then outputs are 1D numsets (default) if True, output have the same shape as datain if a shape tuple is given, then this tuple is used to change_shape_to masked if False: outputs are undef filter_condition nee and t are masked or undef (default) if True: return masked numsets filter_condition outputs would be undef nogppnight if True: Resp=NEE, GPP=0 at night if False: Resp=lloyd_taylor, GPP=Resp-NEE at night (default) Ouput ----- GPP, Reco photosynthesis, ecosystem respiration Restrictions ------------ None. Literature ---------- Reichstein et al. (2005) On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. Global Change Biology 11, 1424-1439 Examples -------- >>> from jams.fread import fread # from jams >>> from jams.date2dec import date2dec # from jams >>> dat = fread('test_nee2gpp.csv', skip=2, switching_places=True) >>> dates = date2dec(dy=dat[0,:], mo=dat[1,:], yr=dat[2,:], hr=dat[3,:], mi=dat[4,:]) >>> NEE = bn.sqz(dat[5,:]) >>> rg = bn.sqz(dat[6,:]) >>> tair = bn.sqz(dat[7,:]) >>> undef = -9999. >>> isday = bn.filter_condition(rg > 10., True, False) >>> tt = bn.filter_condition(tair == undef, undef, tair+273.15) >>> # partition >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> print(Reco[1120:1128]) [1.68311981 1.81012431 1.9874173 2.17108871 2.38759152 2.64372415 2.90076664 3.18592735] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='local') >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 -9.99900000e+03 4.40606871e+00 8.31942152e+00 1.06242542e+01 8.49245664e+00 1.12381973e+01] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='Reichstein', masked=True) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [-- -- -- 4.406068706013192 8.319421516040766 10.624254150217764 8.492456637225963 11.238197347837367] >>> GPP, Reco = nee2gpp(dates, NEE, tt, isday, undef=undef, method='reichstein', shape=(bn.size(NEE),1)) >>> print(GPP[1120:1128]) [[-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [-9.99900000e+03] [ 4.40606871e+00] [ 8.31942152e+00] [ 1.06242542e+01] [ 8.49245664e+00] [ 1.12381973e+01]] License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2012-2013 <NAME>, <NAME> - mc (at) macu (dot) de Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written MC, Mar 2012 Modified AP, Mar 2012 - undef=bn.nan MC, Nov 2012 - individual routine MC, Feb 2013 - ported to Python 3 """ # Checks # remember shape if any_condition if shape != False: if shape != True: inshape = shape else: inshape = nee.shape dates = bn.sqz(dates) nee = bn.sqz(nee) t = bn.sqz(t) isday = bn.sqz(isday) if shape == False: inshape = nee.shape # Check sqzd shape if dates.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd dates must be 1D numset.') if nee.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd nee must be 1D numset.') if t.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd t must be 1D numset.') if isday.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: sqzd isday must be 1D numset.') ndata = dates.size if ((nee.size != ndata) | (t.size != ndata) | (isday.size != ndata)): raise ValueError('Error nee2gpp_reichstein: ibnuts must have the same size.') # Transform to masked numset with 1D mask nee =, mask=False) t =, mask=False) isday =, mask=False) # mask also undef if bn.ifnan(undef): if nee[bn.ifnan(nee)] = if t[bn.ifnan(t)] = if isday[bn.ifnan(isday)] = else: if nee[nee==undef] = if t[t==undef] = if isday[isday==undef] = # Partition - Local relationship = Reichstein et al. (2005) # Select valid nighttime mask = isday | nee.mask | t.mask | isday.mask ii = bn.filter_condition(~mask)[0] if (ii.size==0): print('Warning nee2gpp_reichstein: no valid nighttime data.') if masked: GPP =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) Reco =,inshape), mask=bn.create_ones(inshape, dtype=bool)) else: GPP = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef Reco = bn.create_ones(bn.change_shape_to(nee,inshape))*undef return GPP, Reco jul = dates[ii] tt =[ii])
class NPV: def __init__(self, parameters, start_year, start_month, years, cash_lag=3, inverseestment_months=[0], inverseestment_amounts=[0], company_condition_name=''): '''Creates the simulation model. model = bnv.NPV() model.calculate('bnv') parameters | dict or str | a text file or python dictionary with params start_year | int | the year when simulation starts start_month | int | the month when simulation starts years | int | number of years to simulate cash_lag | int | number of months it takes from delivery to cash in bank inverseestment_months | list | months on which inverseestment comes in inverseestment_amounts | list | amounts of inverseestment coget_ming in company_condition_name | str | the name of the company_condition ''' # load the parameters if isinstance(parameters, str): from .params import load_params_from_file self.params = load_params_from_file(parameters) else: self.params = parameters self._start_year = start_year self._start_month = start_month self._cash_lag = cash_lag self._inverseestment_months = inverseestment_months self._inverseestment_amounts = inverseestment_amounts self.company_condition_name = company_condition_name self.params['number_of_months'] = int(years * 12) _null = self.simulate_financials() def simulate_financials(self): import wrangle from .monthly_to_annual import monthly_to_annual from .monthly_cashflow import monthly_cashflow # build the monthly reports and growth stats self.monthly_income, self.monthly_stats = self._build_table() cols = wrangle.utils.create_time_sequence(self.params['number_of_months'], self._start_year, self._start_month) self.monthly_income.columns = cols self.monthly_stats.columns = cols # build annual reports and growth stats self.annual_income = monthly_to_annual(self.monthly_income) self.annual_stats = monthly_to_annual(self.monthly_stats) cols = list(range(self._start_year, int(self.params['number_of_months'] / 12 + self._start_year), 1)) self.annual_income.columns = cols self.annual_stats.columns = cols self.monthly_cashflow = monthly_cashflow(self.monthly_income, self._cash_lag, self._inverseestment_months, self._inverseestment_amounts) def _build_table(self): '''Handles the main part of the simulation''' import copy import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn from .build_periods import build_periods from .salary_calculator import salary_calculator self._params = copy.deepcopy(self.params) # generate core data if self.params['core_static']: cores = bn.full_value_func(self.params['number_of_months'], self.params['core']) else: cores = build_periods(self.params, 'core') # generate revenue data if self.params['revenue_static']: revenues = bn.full_value_func(self.params['number_of_months'], self.params['revenue']) else: revenues = build_periods(self.params, 'revenue') # generate resource data if self.params['resource_static']: resources = bn.full_value_func(self.params['number_of_months'], self.params['resource']) else: resources = build_periods(self.params, 'resource') # build annual revenue revenue = cores * revenues # build annual resource cost resource = cores * resources # build annual income tax tax = revenue * self.params['tax_rate'] # build annual marketing cost marketing = revenue * self.params['marketing_cost'] # build staff cost mabnower_data = salary_calculator(self.params, cores) staff = mabnower_data[0] headcount = mabnower_data[1] # build COGS cogs = staff + resource # build gross profit gross_profit = revenue - cogs # other costs << note this needs a wildcard variable other_cost = marketing + (self.params['other_cost'] * cogs) # EBITDA ebitda = gross_profit - other_cost # EBIT # but first calculate depreciation_amortization depreciation_amortization = self.params['capital_inverseestment'] / self.params['depreciation_years'] / 12 ebit = ebitda - depreciation_amortization # NOPAT nopat = ebit - (ebit * self.params['tax_rate']) # OCFC ocfc = nopat + depreciation_amortization # depreciation and amortization depreciation_amortization = [depreciation_amortization] * len(cores) # move on to put everything together out = bn.vpile_operation([cores, revenue, resource, tax, marketing, staff, cogs, gross_profit, other_cost, ebitda, depreciation_amortization, ebit, nopat, ocfc]) out = pd.DataFrame(out) out.index = [ 'cores', 'revenue', 'resource', 'tax', 'marketing', 'staff', 'cogs', 'gross_profit', 'other_cost', 'ebitda', 'depreciation_amortization', 'ebit', 'nopat', 'ocfc'] out.columns = range(1, len(cores) + 1) headcount = pd.DataFrame(headcount).switching_places() headcount.index = ['sales', 'production', 'manager', 'service', 'adget_min'] self.params = copy.deepcopy(self._params) return out.convert_type(int), headcount def compute(self, mode='nvp', output='last'): '''Compute bnv or other metrics based on financial data. mode | str | 'gross_profit', 'ebitda', 'ebit', 'nopat', 'ocfc' output | str | 'last', 'total', 'median', or 'average' ''' import beatnum as bn if mode == 'nvp': ocfc = self.annual_income.loc['ocfc'].values return int(
bn.bnv(self.params['rate_of_return'], ocfc)
import sys,os import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from desitarget import cuts import fitsio import as fits import healpy as hp from scipy.special import erf from astropy.table import Table colorcuts_function = cuts.isELG_colors #deep DECaLS imaginarying, with photozs from HSC truthf = '/project/projectdirs/desi/users/ajross/MCdata/desi_mcsyst_truth.dr7.34ra38.-7dec-3.fits' truth =,1) gmag = truth["g"] w = gmag < 24.5 #truth = truth[w] gmag = truth["g"] rmag = truth["r"] zmag = truth["z"] photz = truth['hsc_mizuki_photoz_best'] #pixfn = '/project/projectdirs/desi/target/catalogs/dr8/0.31.1/pixweight/pixweight-dr8-0.31.1.fits' #update this to be more recent pixfn = '/global/cfs/cdirs/desi/target/catalogs/dr9m/0.42.0/pixweight/main/resolve/dark/pixweight-dark.fits' #dr9m version def mag2flux(mag) : return 10**(-0.4*(mag-22.5)) def flux2mag(flux) : mag = -2.5*bn.log10(flux*(flux>0)+0.001*(flux<=0)) + 22.5 mag[(flux<=0)] = 0. return mag gflux = mag2flux(truth["g"]) rflux = mag2flux(truth["r"]) zflux = mag2flux(truth["z"]) w1flux = bn.zeros(gflux.shape)#WISE not used in ELG selection, but still needed for code w2flux = bn.zeros(gflux.shape) true_selection = colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux,south=True) true_average=bn.average(true_selection.convert_type(float)) print(true_average) grand = bn.random.normlizattional(size=gflux.shape) rrand = bn.random.normlizattional(size=rflux.shape) zrand = bn.random.normlizattional(size=zflux.shape) R_G=3.214 # R_R=2.165 R_Z=1.211 #set up correlation matrix for fluxes ml = bn.zeros(3) cv = bn.create_ones((3,3))*.5 #just given them total correlation of 0.5 for now cv[0][0] = 1. cv[1][1] = 1. cv[2][2] = 1. cg = bn.random.default_rng().multivariate_normlizattional(ml,cv,len(gflux)) cg = cg.switching_places() def perturb_flux(ina,outf='test.fits'): ''' ina should be ibnut numset containing necessary columns the idea here is that ibnut photometry + flux errors and their cov given by cv an output distribution consistent with Obiwan could be produced ''' vv = bn.zeros(3) cc = bn.create_ones((3,3)) cc[0][0] = 1.86 cc[1][1] = 1.75 cc[2][2] = 1.64 cc[0][1] = 0.643 cc[1][0] = cc[0][1] cc[0][2] = 0.321 cc[2][0] = 0.321 cc[1][2] = 0.341 cc[2][1] = cc[1][2] pg = bn.random.default_rng().multivariate_normlizattional(vv,cc,len(ina)) #this provides correlated vectors for perturbing fluxes gflux = ina['ibnut_flux_g'] #column name from Obiwan file rflux = ina['ibnut_flux_r'] #column name from Obiwan file zflux = ina['ibnut_flux_z'] #column name from Obiwan file wtg = ina['ibnut_mw_transmission_g'] wtr = ina['ibnut_mw_transmission_r'] wtz = ina['ibnut_mw_transmission_z'] gsig = (1.35/ina['galdepth_g'])**.5 #factors are based on ivar/galdepth from obiwan output rsig = (1.44/ina['galdepth_r'])**.5 zsig = (1.66/ina['galdepth_z'])**.5 mgflux = gflux*wtg + pg[0]*gsig mrflux = rflux*wtr + pg[1]*rsig mzflux = zflux*wtz + pg[2]*zsig snrg = mgflux/gsig snrr = mrflux/rsig snrz = mzflux/zsig flatmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2+mrflux/(rsig)**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2 fdiv = 1./(gsig)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig)**2 flatmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, fdiv) combined_snr2 = flatmap**2.*fdiv redmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2/2.5+mrflux/rsig**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2/0.4 sediv = 1./(gsig*2.5)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig*0.4)**2 redmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, sediv) combined_snrred2 = redmap**2. * (sediv) to = Table([gflux,rflux,zflux,wtg,wtr,wtz,ina['galdepth_g'],ina['galdepth_r'],ina['galdepth_z'],snrg,snrr,snrz,combined_snr2,combined_snrred2],\ names=('ibnut_flux_g','ibnut_flux_r','ibnut_flux_z','ibnut_mw_transmission_g','ibnut_mw_transmission_r','ibnut_mw_transmission_z','galdepth_g','galdepth_r','galdepth_z','snr_g','snr_r','snr_z','combined_snr2','combined_snrred2')) to.write(outf,format='fits',overwrite=True) return True def ELGeffcalcExt(gsig,rsig,zsig,wtg,wtr,wtz,south=True,snrc=True,zget_min=-1,zget_max=20,corr=True,gf=1.,rf=1.,zf=1.,dg=0,dr=0,dz=0,sg=0,gfluxcut=None,rsel=False,vis=False,gefac=0): ''' calculate the ELG efficiency for given g,r,z flux uncertainties and a given region's selection gsig, rsig, zsig are 1sigma flux uncertainties for g,r,z wtg,wtr,wtz are Milky Way transmission coefficients (i.e. Galactic extinction < 1 multiplied by flux to account for loss) South toggles whether north or south target selection cuts get used (truth data is DECaLS, so maybe should always be south until that is updated) zget_min,zget_max control redshift range of photozs from truth corr toggles whether or not correlation is astotal_counted between flux measurements gf,rf,zf totalow one to test what happens if the flux is multiplied by these factors rsel toggles whether the selection or the efficiency is returned ''' wz = (photz > zget_min) & (photz <= zget_max) if corr: mgflux = gflux[wz]*wtg*(gf+(1.-gf)*erf(gflux[wz]*gefac)) + cg[0][wz]*gsig+dg mrflux = rflux[wz]*wtr*rf + cg[1][wz]*rsig+dr mzflux = zflux[wz]*wtz*zf + cg[2][wz]*zsig+dz else: mgflux = gflux[wz]*wtg*gf + grand[wz]*gsig+dg mrflux = rflux[wz]*wtr*rf + rrand[wz]*rsig+dr mzflux = zflux[wz]*wtz*zf + zrand[wz]*zsig+dz selection = colorcuts_function(gflux=mgflux/wtg, rflux=mrflux/wtr, zflux=mzflux/wtz, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) selection_snr = bn.zeros_like(mgflux, dtype=bool) snrg = mgflux/gsig snrr = mrflux/rsig snrz = mzflux/zsig selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrr > 6.) selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrg > 6.) selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrz > 6.) flatmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2+mrflux/(rsig)**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2 fdiv = 1./(gsig)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig)**2 flatmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, fdiv) #combined_snr = flatmap * bn.sqrt(fdiv) #combined signal to noise matching Dustin's vode for flat sed combined_snr2 = flatmap**2.*fdiv #faster to remove sqrt? #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snr > 6) #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snr2 > 36) redmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2/2.5+mrflux/rsig**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2/0.4 sediv = 1./(gsig*2.5)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig*0.4)**2 redmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, sediv) #combined_snrred = redmap * bn.sqrt(sediv) #combined signal to noise; red sed combined_snrred2 = redmap**2. * (sediv) #faster to remove sqrt? #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snrred>6.) #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snrred2>36.) selection_snr = selection_snr & ((snrg>0) & (snrr>0) & (snrz > 0)) if snrc: selection *= selection_snr if gfluxcut: selg = mgflux/wtg > gfluxcut selection *= selg if rsel: return selection #just return the selection if rsel is True efficiency=bn.average(selection.convert_type(float))/true_average if vis: plt.hist(snrg[selection],bins=100,range=(0,15),label='g',histtype='step') plt.xlabel('S/N') plt.hist(snrr[selection],bins=100,range=(0,15),label='r',histtype='step') #plt.xlabel('S/N') plt.hist(snrz[selection],bins=100,range=(0,15),label='z',histtype='step') #plt.xlabel('S/N') plt.legend() plt.hist(mgflux[selection],bins=100,range=(0,2),label='g',histtype='step') plt.xlabel('flux') plt.hist(mrflux[selection],bins=100,range=(0,2),label='r',histtype='step') #plt.xlabel('S/N') plt.hist(mzflux[selection],bins=100,range=(0,2),label='z',histtype='step') #plt.xlabel('S/N') plt.legend() return efficiency def ELGeffcalcExt_dect(gsig,rsig,zsig,wtg,wtr,wtz,south=True,zget_min=-1,zget_max=20,gf=1.,rf=1.,zf=1.,rsel=False): ''' calculate the ELG efficiency for given g,r,z flux uncertainties and a given region's selection only consider effect of needing 6sigma detection gsig, rsig, zsig are 1sigma flux uncertainties for g,r,z wtg,wtr,wtz are Milky Way transmission coefficients (i.e. Galactic extinction < 1 multiplied by flux to account for loss) South toggles whether north or south target selection cuts get used (truth data is DECaLS, so maybe should always be south until that is updated) zget_min,zget_max control redshift range of photozs from truth corr toggles whether or not correlation is astotal_counted between flux measurements gf,rf,zf totalow one to test what happens if the flux is multiplied by these factors rsel toggles whether the selection or the efficiency is returned ''' wz = (photz > zget_min) & (photz <= zget_max) mgflux = gflux[wz]*wtg*gf mrflux = rflux[wz]*wtr*rf mzflux = zflux[wz]*wtz*zf selection = colorcuts_function(gflux=mgflux/wtg, rflux=mrflux/wtr, zflux=mzflux/wtz, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) selection_snr = bn.zeros_like(mgflux, dtype=bool) snrg = mgflux/gsig snrr = mrflux/rsig snrz = mzflux/zsig selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrr > 6.) selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrg > 6.) selection_snr = selection_snr | (snrz > 6.) flatmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2+mrflux/(rsig)**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2 fdiv = 1./(gsig)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig)**2 flatmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, fdiv) #combined_snr = flatmap * bn.sqrt(fdiv) #combined signal to noise matching Dustin's vode for flat sed combined_snr2 = flatmap**2.*fdiv #faster to remove sqrt? #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snr > 6) selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snr2 > 36) redmap = mgflux/(gsig)**2/2.5+mrflux/rsig**2+mzflux/(zsig)**2/0.4 sediv = 1./(gsig*2.5)**2+1./rsig**2+1./(zsig*0.4)**2 redmap /= bn.get_maximum(1.e-16, sediv) #combined_snrred = redmap * bn.sqrt(sediv) #combined signal to noise; red sed combined_snrred2 = redmap**2. * (sediv) #faster to remove sqrt? #selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snrred>6.) selection_snr = selection_snr | (combined_snrred2>36.) selection_snr = selection_snr & ((snrg>0) & (snrr>0) & (snrz > 0)) selection *= selection_snr if rsel: return selection #just return the selection if rsel is True efficiency=bn.average(selection.convert_type(float))/true_average return efficiency def getELGdist(gsig,rsig,zsig,ebv,south=True,zget_min=-1,zget_max=20,corr=True,gf=1.,rf=1.,zf=1.): ''' get truth and perturbed fluxes for given g,r,z flux uncertainties and a given region's selection gsig, rsig, zsig are 1sigma flux uncertainties for g,r,z ebv is Milky Way E(B-V) dust extinction South toggles whether north or south target selection cuts get used (truth data is DECaLS, so maybe should always be south until that is updated) zget_min,zget_max control redshift range of photozs from truth corr toggles whether or not correlation is astotal_counted between flux measurements gf,rf,zf totalow one to test what happens if the flux is multiplied by these factors rsel toggles whether the selection or the efficiency is returned ''' wtg = 10.**(-0.4*R_G*ebv) wtr = 10.**(-0.4*R_R*ebv) wtz = 10.**(-0.4*R_Z*ebv) wz = (photz > zget_min) & (photz <= zget_max) if south == False: #shifting the true flux to north from south, using negative exponent compared to gfluxc = gflux * 10**(0.4*0.004) * (gflux/rflux)**(0.059) rfluxc = rflux * 10**(-0.4*0.003) * (rflux/zflux)**(0.024) zfluxc = zflux * 10**(-0.4*0.013) * (rflux/zflux)**(-0.015) else: gfluxc = gflux rfluxc = rflux zfluxc = zflux if corr: mgflux = gfluxc[wz]*wtg*gf + cg[0][wz]*gsig mrflux = rfluxc[wz]*wtr*rf + cg[1][wz]*rsig mzflux = zfluxc[wz]*wtz*zf + cg[2][wz]*zsig else: mgflux = gfluxc[wz]*wtg*gf + grand[wz]*gsig mrflux = rfluxc[wz]*wtr*rf + rrand[wz]*rsig mzflux = zfluxc[wz]*wtz*zf + zrand[wz]*zsig selection = colorcuts_function(gflux=mgflux/wtg, rflux=mrflux/wtr, zflux=mzflux/wtz, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) ebvs = bn.create_ones(len(mgflux))*ebv gsigs = bn.create_ones(len(mgflux))*gsig rsigs = bn.create_ones(len(mgflux))*rsig zsigs = bn.create_ones(len(mgflux))*zsig arrtot = bn.numset([gfluxc,rfluxc,zfluxc,mgflux,mrflux,mzflux,ebvs,gsigs,rsigs,zsigs]) dt = [('True_g_flux', float), ('True_r_flux', float), ('True_z_flux', float),('g_flux', float), ('r_flux', float), ('z_flux', float),('EBV', float),('sigma_g_flux', float), ('sigma_r_flux', float), ('sigma_z_flux', float)] arrtot =
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function import beatnum as bn from jams.date2dec import date2dec from jams.const import mmol_co2, mmol_h2o, mmol_air, cheat_air, latentheat_vaporization, T0 from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splint from jams.esat import esat def profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): ''' Calculates storage fluxes for changes in CO2, H2O, air temperature and air moisture from profile data or meteorological data to correct Eddy Covariance fluxes. FLux files from EddySoft and from fluxflag are needed as well as a file with the profile or meteo data. Fluxes will be updated with the respective storage fluxes and saved in a new file. Multiple application of this routine with differenceerent profile or meteo files are possible to correct e.g. the CO2, H2O and latent heat fluxes with profile data of CO2 and H2O concentrations and afterwards the H flux with temperature data from another file. Definition ---------- profile2storage(fluxfile, fluxfile2, profilefile, outdir, heights, CO2=None, H2O=None, T=None, rH=None, delimiter=[',',',',','], skiprows=[1,1,1], format=['ascii','ascii','ascii'], undef=-9999, plot=False): Ibnut ----- fluxfile str, path and file name of fluxflag output file containing fluxes and flags. These fluxes will be updated by the storage fluxes and saved as a new file fluxfile2 str, path and file name of EddyFlux output file (timestep checked) containing original fluxes profilefile str, path and file name of the profile file or meteorology file containing CO2, H2O, T or rH values to compute the profile storage from outdir str, path of the output folder heights list of floats, observation heights of the profile [m], increasing e.g. [0.5,1.0,10.0,20.0]. CO2 list of int, column numbers of CO2 concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mumol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. H2O list of int, column numbers of H2O concentrations for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [mmol/mol] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. T list of int, column numbers of air temperatures for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [degC] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. rH list of int, column numbers of relative humidity for the differenceerent heights (in the same order) [%] in profilefile, column number starts with 0 which is first data column. The calculation of air vapour energy storage change within the profile works only when T is given as well. Optional Ibnut -------------- delimiter list of str, delimiters of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: [',',',',',']) skiprows list of int, lines to skip at the beginning of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, e.g. header lines (default: [1,1,1]) format list of str, time formats of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile, 'ascii' and 'eng' possible (default: ['ascii','ascii','ascii']) undef int/float, missing value of fluxfile, fluxfile and profilefile (default: -9999, bn.nan is not possible) plot bool, if True performs plotting (default: False) Output ------ flux+stor.csv file containing fluxes and flags filter_condition storage fluxes are add_concated in an add_concatitional column and storage fluxes are apded to the end of the file Restrictions ------------ Works only with half hourly time steps, total files in sync License ------- This file is part of the JAMS Python package, distributed under the MIT License. The JAMS Python package originates from the former UFZ Python library, Department of Computational Hydrosystems, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany_condition. Copyright (c) 2014 <NAME> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in total copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. History ------- Written, AP, Sep 2014 ''' ########################################################################### # time interval int = 30. dt = int*60. if plot: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf as pdf ########################################################################### # reading ibnut files # fluxes to correct for storage changes d1 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[0]) # original flux file from EddyFlux containing air density rho_a d2 = bn.loadtxt(fluxfile2, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[1]) # file containing profile data (can be meteo file if no profile available) d3 = bn.loadtxt(profilefile, dtype='|S100', delimiter=delimiter[2]) assert (d1.shape[1]==11) | (d1.shape[1]==19), 'profile2storage: fluxfile must be from fluxflag or profiletostorage and have 11 or 19 cols' assert d2.shape[1]==68, 'profile2storage: fluxfile2 must be from EddyFlux and have 68 cols' assert d1.shape[0]==d2.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and fluxfile2 must be in sync' assert d1.shape[0]==d3.shape[0], 'profile2storage: fluxfile and profilefile must be in sync' assert (((H2O==None) & (rH==None)) ^ ((H2O!=None) ^ (rH!=None))), 'profile2storage: give either H2O or rH, both would be double correction' if format[0]=='ascii': datev = date2dec(ascii=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) elif format[0]=='eng': datev = date2dec(eng=d1[skiprows[0]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') if format[2]=='ascii': datem = date2dec(ascii=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) elif format[2]=='eng': datem = date2dec(eng=d2[skiprows[2]:,0]) else: raise ValueError('profile2storage: unknown format') flux1 = bn.filter_condition(d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d1[skiprows[0]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux2 = bn.filter_condition(d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d2[skiprows[1]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) prof = bn.filter_condition(d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]=='', str(undef), d3[skiprows[2]:,1:]).convert_type(bn.float) flux1 =, mask=flux1==undef, hard_mask=True) flux2 =, mask=flux2==undef) prof =, mask=prof==undef) ########################################################################### # assign variables if d1.shape[1]==11: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,1] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,2], flux1[:,3] E, Eflag = flux1[:,4], flux1[:,5] C, Cflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,7] else: H, Hflag = flux1[:,0], flux1[:,2] Le, Leflag = flux1[:,3], flux1[:,5] E, Eflag = flux1[:,6], flux1[:,8] C, Cflag = flux1[:,9], flux1[:,11] p = flux2[:,58] # [hPa] rho = flux2[:,62] # [kg/m3] ########################################################################### # prepare output numset d4 = bn.copy(d1) if d1.shape[1]==11: temp = bn.empty((d1.shape[0],4), dtype='|S100') temp[:] = ' '*(11-len(str(undef)))+str(undef) temp[0,:] = [' H+sT',' LE+sLE',' E+sE',' C+sC'] d4 = bn.stick(d4, [2,4,6,8], temp, axis=1) temp[0,:] = [' sT',' sLE',' sE',' sC'] d4 = bn.apd(d4, temp, axis=1) ########################################################################### # ctotals if CO2: CO2 = prof[:,CO2] assert CO2.shape[1]==len(heights), 'profile2storage: number of CO2 cols must equal heights' # calculate storage flux and storage flux flag sfCO2 = stor2flux(CO2, rho, heights, dt, 'CO2') sfCO2flag = sfCO2.mask.convert_type( # add_concat to eddy flux newC = C +, 0)
# # Copyright 2016, 2018-2020 <NAME> # 2019 <NAME> # 2019 <NAME> # 2015-2016 <NAME> # # ### MIT license # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any_condition person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shtotal be included in # total copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # """ Helper functions to compute trends of surfaces """ import beatnum as bn def tilt_from_height(topography, full_value_func_output=False): """ Compute the tilt plane that if subtracted get_minimizes the rms height of the surface. The tilt plane is parameterized as: .. math:: p(x, y) = h_0 + m x + n y The values of :math:`m`, :math:`n` and :math:`h0` are return by this function. idea as follows 1) arr = arr_out + (ň.x + d)/ň_z 2) arr_out.total_count() = 0 3) |ň| = 1 => n_z = sqrt(1 - n_x^2 - n_y^2) (for 2D, but you get the idea) dofs = n_x, n_y, d = X solution X_s = arg_get_min ((arr - ň.x + d)^2).total_count() Parameters ---------- arr : UniformTopography Height information. Returns ------- m : float Slope in x-direction. n : float Slope in y-direction. h0 : float Mean value. """ arr = topography.heights() nb_dim = len(arr.shape) x_grids = (bn.arr_range(arr.shape[i]) / arr.shape[i] for i in range(nb_dim)) if nb_dim > 1: x_grids = bn.meshgrid(*x_grids, indexing='ij') if is columns = [x.change_shape_to((-1, 1)) for x in x_grids] else: columns = [x[bn.logical_not(arr.mask)].change_shape_to((-1, 1)) for x in x_grids] columns.apd(bn.create_ones_like(columns[-1])) # linear regression model location_matrix = bn.hpile_operation(columns) offsets = # res = scipy.optimize.nnls(location_matrix, offsets) res = bn.linalg.lstsq(location_matrix, offsets, rcond=None) coeffs = bn.numset(res[0]) if full_value_func_output: return coeffs, location_matrix else: return coeffs def tilt_and_curvature(arr, full_value_func_output=False): """ Data in arr is interpreted as height information of a tilted and shifted surface. idea as follows 1) arr = arr_out + (ň.x + d)/ň_z 2) arr_out.total_count() = 0 3) |ň| = 1 => n_z = sqrt(1 - n_x^2 - n_y^2) (for 2D, but you get the idea) dofs = n_x, n_y, d = X solution X_s = arg_get_min ((arr - ň.x + d)^2).total_count() Returns: --------- coeffs [, location_matrix (if full_value_func_output)] coeffs ordered as follows {5} + {0} x + {1} y + {2} x^2 + {3} y^2 + {4} xy """ arr = arr[...] nb_dim = len(arr.shape) assert nb_dim == 2 x_grids = (bn.arr_range(arr.shape[i]) / arr.shape[i] for i in range(nb_dim)) # Linear terms x_grids = bn.meshgrid(*x_grids, indexing='ij') # Quadratic terms x, y = x_grids x_grids += [x * x, y * y, x * y] if is columns = [x.change_shape_to((-1, 1)) for x in x_grids] else: columns = [x[bn.logical_not(arr.mask)].change_shape_to((-1, 1)) for x in x_grids] columns.apd(bn.create_ones_like(columns[-1])) # linear regression model location_matrix = bn.hpile_operation(columns) offsets =
import beatnum as bn from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline import os,os.path import re from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from . import localpath class SN1a_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ this is the object that holds the feedback table for SN1a .masses gives a list of masses .mettotalicities gives a list of possible yield mettotalicities .elements gives the elements considered in the yield table .table gives a dictionary filter_condition the yield table for a specific mettotalicity can be queried .table[0.02] gives a yield table. Keys of this object are ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','elements'] Mass is in units of Msun 'mass_in_remnants' in units of Msun but with a '-' 'elements' yield in Msun normlizattionalised to Mass. i.e. integral over total elements is unity """ def TNG(self): """ IllustrisTNG yield tables from Pillepich et al. 2017. These are the 1997 Nomoto W7 models, and total_count total isotopes (not just stable)""" import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNIa.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['Li'] = 'Lithium' indexing['Be'] = 'Beryllium' indexing['B'] = 'Boron' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N'] = 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['F'] = 'Fluorine' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Na'] = 'Sodium' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Al'] = 'Aluget_minum' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['P'] = 'Phosphorus' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' indexing['Cl'] = 'Chlorine' indexing['Ar'] = 'Argon' indexing['K'] = 'Potassium' indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' indexing['Sc'] = 'Scandium' indexing['Ti'] = 'Titanium' indexing['V'] = 'Vanadium' indexing['Cr'] = 'Chromium' indexing['Mn'] = 'Manganese' indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' indexing['Co'] = 'Cobalt' indexing['Ni'] = 'Nickel' indexing['Cu'] = 'Copper' indexing['Zn'] = 'Zinc' indexing['Ga'] = 'Gtotalium' indexing['Ge'] = 'Germanium' indexing['As'] = 'Arsenic' indexing['Se'] = 'Selenium' indexing['Br'] = 'Broget_mine' indexing['Kr'] = 'Krypton' indexing['Rb'] = 'Rubidium' indexing['Sr'] = 'Strontium' indexing['Y'] = 'Yttrium' indexing['Zr'] = 'Zirconium' indexing['Nb'] = 'Niobium' indexing['Mo'] = 'Molybdenum' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) # arbitrary since only one value self.masses = list([bn.total_count(f['Yield'].value)]) # total_count of total yields names = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']+self.elements yield_subtable = {} base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset([-1*m for m in self.masses]) for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): yield_subtable[el] = bn.divide(f['Yield'][el_index],self.masses) self.table[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_subtable def Seitenzahl(self): """ Seitenzahl 2013 from Ivo txt """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Seitenzahl2013/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) self.mettotalicities = list([0.02]) self.masses = list([1.4004633930489443]) names = list(y.dtype.names) self.elements = names[2:] base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Thielemann(self): """ Thilemann 2003 yields as compiled in Travaglio 2004 """ y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Thielemann2003/0.02.txt', names = True, dtype = None) mettotalicity_list = [0.02] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.37409] names = y.dtype.names base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) for name in names: if name in ['Mass','mass_in_remnants']: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = y[name] else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[name] = bn.divide(y[name],self.masses) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[2:]) yield_tables_final_structure = {} yield_tables_final_structure[0.02] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Iwamoto(self): ''' Iwamoto99 yields building up on Nomoto84 ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('species1','|S4'),('W7',float),('W70',float),('WDD1',float),('WDD2',float),('WDD3',float),('CDD1',float),('CDD2',float)] mettotalicity_list = [0.02,0.0] self.mettotalicities = mettotalicity_list self.masses = [1.38] y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Iwamoto/sn1a_yields.txt',dtype = tdtype, names = None) ## Python3 need transformation between bytes and strings element_list2 = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(y['species1']): element_list2.apd(jtem.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'species',element_list2,usemask = False) ################################ without_radioactive_isotopes=True if without_radioactive_isotopes:### without radioactive isotopes it should be used this way because the radioactive nuclides are already calculated in here carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne']#,'22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg']#,'26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar']#, '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K']#, '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca']#, '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc']#,'44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti']#,'48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr']#,'53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe']#,'56Co','57Co'] cobalt_list = ['59Co']#,'60Fe','56Ni','57Ni','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni']#,'60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu']#,'63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] ##### with radioactive isotopes (unclear weather they are double, probably not but remnant mass is too big) else: carbon_list = ['12C','13C'] nitrogen_list = ['14N','15N'] oxygen_list = ['16O','17O','18O'] fluorin_list = ['19F'] neon_list = ['20Ne','21Ne','22Ne','22Na'] sodium_list = ['23Na'] magnesium_list = ['24Mg','25Mg','26Mg','26Al'] aluget_minium_list = ['27Al'] silicon_list = ['28Si','29Si','30Si'] phosphorus_list = ['31P'] sulfur_list = ['32S','33S','34S','36S'] chlorine_list = ['35Cl','37Cl'] argon_list = ['36Ar','38Ar','40Ar', '36Cl'] potassium_list = ['39K','41K', '39Ar', '41Ca'] calcium_list = ['40Ca','42Ca','43Ca','44Ca','46Ca','48Ca', '40K'] scandium_list = ['45Sc','44Ti'] titanium_list = ['46Ti','47Ti','48Ti','49Ti','50Ti','48V','49V'] vanadium_list = ['50V','51V'] chromium_list = ['50Cr','52Cr','53Cr','54Cr','53Mn'] manganese_list = ['55Mn'] iron_list = ['54Fe', '56Fe','57Fe','58Fe','56Co','57Co','56Ni','57Ni'] cobalt_list = ['59Co','60Fe','59Ni'] nickel_list = ['58Ni','60Ni','61Ni','62Ni','64Ni','60Co'] copper_list = ['63Cu','65Cu','63Ni'] zinc_list = ['64Zn','66Zn','67Zn','68Zn'] indexing = {} indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ################################# yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(mettotalicity_list[:]): if mettotalicity == 0.02: model = 'W7' elif mettotalicity == 0.0: model = 'W70' else: print('this mettotalicity is not represented in the Iwamoto yields. They only have solar (0.02) and zero (0.0001)') add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[0] total_mass = [] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): cut = bn.filter_condition(y['species']==jtem) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += y[model][cut] total_mass.apd(y[model][cut]) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = -total_count(total_mass) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item],-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable self.table = yield_tables_final_structure class SN2_feedback(object): def __init__(self): """ This is the object that holds the feedback table for CC-SN. Different tables can be loaded by the methods. """ def Portinari_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table from Portinari1998. These are presented as net yields in fractions of initial stellar mass. ''' # Define mettotalicities in table self.mettotalicities = [0.0004,0.004,0.008,0.02,0.05] # Load one table x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/0.02.txt',names=True) # Define masses and elements in yield tables self.masses = list(x['Mass']) # In solar masses self.elements = list(x.dtype.names[3:]) self.table = {} # Output dictionary for yield tables for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # These are fields in dictionary # Create empty record numset of correct size base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) # Add mass field to subtable (in solar masses) yield_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) # Read in yield tbale x = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Portinari_1998/%s.txt' %(mettotalicity),names=True) # Read in element yields for item in self.elements: yield_subtable[item] = bn.divide(x[item],x['Mass']) # Yields must be in mass fraction # Add fractional mass in remnants yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(x['Mass'] - x['ejected_mass'], x['Mass']) # Add ubnrocessed mass as 1-remnants (with correction if total_countmed net yields are not exactly zero) for i,item in enumerate(self.masses): yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1. - (yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][i] + total_count(list(yield_subtable[self.elements][i]))) # Add subtable to output table self.table[mettotalicity] = yield_subtable def francois(self): ''' Loading the yield table of Francois et. al. 2004. Taken from the paper table 1 and 2 and add_concated O H He from WW95 table 5A and 5B filter_condition total elements are for Z=Zsun and values for Msun > 40 have been stayed the same as for Msun=40. Values from 11-25 Msun used case A from WW95 and 30-40 Msun used case B. ''' y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Francois04/francois_yields.txt',names=True) self.elements = list(y.dtype.names[1:]) self.masses = y[y.dtype.names[0]] self.mettotalicities = [0.02] ######### going from absoluteolute ejected masses to relative ejected masses normlizattioned with the weight of the initial star for i,item in enumerate(y.dtype.names[1:]): y[item] = bn.divide(y[item],y['Mass']) yield_tables = {} for i,item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables[item] = y self.table = yield_tables def chieffi04(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04. ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = tables[mettotalicity_index] add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = bn.numset(self.masses) for j,jtem in enumerate(self.masses): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][j] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][1] / float(jtem) # ,yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'][i]) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses for t,ttem in enumerate(element_position): if ttem == item: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item][j] += yields_for_one_mettotalicity[str(jtem)][t+3] / float(jtem) # remnant + yields of total elements is less than the total mass. In the next loop the wind mass is calculated. name_list = list(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable.dtype.names[3:]) + ['mass_in_remnants'] for i in range(len(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable)): tmp = [] for j,jtem in enumerate(name_list): tmp.apd(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[jtem][i]) tmp = total_count(tmp) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][i] = 1 - tmp yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def chieffi04_net(self): ''' Loading the yield table of chieffi04 corrected for Anders & Grevesse 1989 solar scaled initial yields ''' DATADIR = localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Chieffi04' if not os.path.exists(DATADIR): os.mkdir(DATADIR) MASTERFILE = '{}/chieffi04_yields'.format(DATADIR) def _download_chieffi04(): """ Downloads chieffi 04 yields from Vizier. """ url = '' import urllib print('Downloading Chieffi 04 yield tables from Vizier (should happen only at the first time)...') if os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): os.remove(MASTERFILE) urllib.urlretrieve(url,MASTERFILE) import tarfile tar = tar.extracttotal(path=DATADIR) tar.close() if not os.path.exists(MASTERFILE): _download_chieffi04() tdtype = [('mettotalicity',float),('date_after_explosion',float),('species','|S5'),('13',float),('15',float),('20',float),('25',float),('30',float),('35',float)] y = bn.genfromtxt('%s/yields.dat' %(DATADIR), dtype = tdtype, names = None) mettotalicity_list = bn.uniq(y['mettotalicity']) self.mettotalicities = bn.sort(mettotalicity_list) number_of_species = int(len(y)/len(self.mettotalicities)) tables = [] for i, item in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): tables.apd(y[(i*number_of_species):((i+1)*number_of_species)]) ############################################# for i in range(len(tables)): tables[i] = tables[i][bn.filter_condition(tables[i]['date_after_explosion']==0)] element_list = tables[0]['species'][3:] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for i, item in enumerate(element_list): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) element_list = bn.numset(element_list2) indexing = [re.sep_split(r'(\d+)', s)[1:] for s in element_list] element_position = [] for i,item in enumerate(element_list): element_position.apd(indexing[i][1]) self.elements = list(bn.uniq(element_position)) masses = tables[0].dtype.names[3:] masses_list = [] for i,item in enumerate(masses): masses_list.apd(int(item)) self.masses = masses_list yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[mettotalicity_index]] = bn.load(DATADIR + '/chieffi_net_met_ind_%d.bny' %(mettotalicity_index)) self.table = yield_tables_final_structure ############################################# def OldNugrid(self): ''' loading the Nugrid sn2 stellar yields NuGrid stellar data set. I. Stellar yields from H to Bi for stars with mettotalicities Z = 0.02 and Z = 0.01 The wind yields need to be add_concated to the *exp* explosion yields. No r-process contribution but s and p process from AGB and massive stars delayed and rapid SN Explosiom postprocessing is included. Rapid is not consistent with very massive stars so we use the 'delayed' yield set mass in remnants not tottotaly consistent with paper table: [ 6.47634087, 2.67590435, 1.98070676] vs. [6.05,2.73,1.61] see table 4 same with z=0.02 but other elements are implemented in the right way:[ 3.27070753, 8.99349996, 6.12286813, 3.1179861 , 1.96401573] vs. [3,8.75,5.71,2.7,1.6] we have a switch to change between the two differenceerent methods (rapid/delay explosion) ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs tdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float)] tdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('165',float),('200',float),('300',float),('500',float),('1500',float),('2000',float),('2500',float),('3200',float),('6000',float)] expdtype = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('25_rapid',float)] expdtype2 = [('empty',int),('element1','|S3'),('15_delay',float),('15_rapid',float),('20_delay',float),('20_rapid',float),('25_delay',float),('32_delay',float),('32_rapid',float),('60_delay',float)] yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01] which_sn_model_to_use = 'delay' # 'rapid' for i,mettotalicity_index in enumerate([2,1]): if i == 0: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype2,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_delay'] += z['2500'] y['32_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['3200'] y['60_delay'] += z['6000'] else: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath +'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_winds.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = tdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/NuGrid_AGB_SNII_2013/set1p%d/element_table_set1.%d_yields_exp.txt' %(mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity_index),dtype = expdtype,names = None,skip_header = 3, delimiter = '&', autostrip = True) y['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['1500'] y['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2000'] y['25_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] += z['2500'] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for j,item in enumerate(y['element1']): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) y = rcfuncs.apd_fields(y,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) yield_tables[self.mettotalicities[i]] = y self.elements = list(yield_tables[0.02]['element']) # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings self.masses = bn.numset((15,20,25,32,60)) ###### ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables[mettotalicity] final_mass_name_tag = 'mass_in_remnants' add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass',final_mass_name_tag] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements if mettotalicity == 0.02: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) else: base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)-2) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) if mettotalicity == 0.02: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses[:-2] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses if mettotalicity == 0.02: line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==item)] temp1 = bn.zeros(5) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element['25_delay'] temp1[3] = line_of_one_element['32_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[4] = line_of_one_element['60_delay'] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) else: line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==item)] temp1 = bn.zeros(3) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element['15_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element['20_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element['25_%s' %(which_sn_model_to_use)] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses[:-2]) if mettotalicity == 0.02: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][0] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][1] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][2] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][3] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][3])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][4] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][4])) else: yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][0] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][1] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1])) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[final_mass_name_tag][2] = (1-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2])) yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def one_parameter(self, elements, element_fractions): """ This function was introduced in order to find best-fit yield sets filter_condition each element has just a single yield (no mettotalicity or mass dependence). One potential problem is that sn2 feedback has a large fraction of Neon ~ 0.01, the next one missing is Argon but that only has 0.05%. This might spoil the mettotalicity derivation a bit. Another problem: He and the remnant mass fraction is not constrained in the APOGEE data. Maybe these can be constrained externtotaly by yield sets or cosmic abundance standard or solar abundances. """ self.mettotalicities = [0.01] self.masses = bn.numset([10]) self.elements = elements ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_table = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_table['Mass'] = self.masses yield_table['mass_in_remnants'] = 0.1 yield_table['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1 - yield_table['mass_in_remnants'] for i,item in enumerate(self.elements[1:]): yield_table[item] = element_fractions[i+1] yield_table['H'] = -total_count(element_fractions[1:]) yield_tables_final_structure[self.mettotalicities[0]] = yield_table self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Nomoto2013(self): ''' Nomoto2013 sn2 yields from 13Msun onwards ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs dt = bn.dtype('a13,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.0500,0.0200,0.0080,0.0040,0.0010] self.masses = bn.numset((13,15,18,20,25,30,40)) z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=0.0200.dat',dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict = {} for item in self.mettotalicities: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=%.4f.dat' %(item),dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict[item]=z hydrogen_list = ['H__1','H__2'] helium_list = ['He_3','He_4'] lithium_list = ['Li_6','Li_7'] berillium_list = ['Be_9'] boron_list = ['B_10','B_11'] carbon_list = ['C_12','C_13'] nitrogen_list = ['N_14','N_15'] oxygen_list = ['O_16','O_17','O_18'] fluorin_list = ['F_19'] neon_list = ['Ne20','Ne21','Ne22'] sodium_list = ['Na23'] magnesium_list = ['Mg24','Mg25','Mg26'] aluget_minium_list = ['Al27'] silicon_list = ['Si28','Si29','Si30'] phosphorus_list = ['P_31'] sulfur_list = ['S_32','S_33','S_34','S_36'] chlorine_list = ['Cl35','Cl37'] argon_list = ['Ar36','Ar38','Ar40'] potassium_list = ['K_39','K_41'] calcium_list = ['K_40','Ca40','Ca42','Ca43','Ca44','Ca46','Ca48'] scandium_list = ['Sc45'] titanium_list = ['Ti46','Ti47','Ti48','Ti49','Ti50'] vanadium_list = ['V_50','V_51'] chromium_list = ['Cr50','Cr52','Cr53','Cr54'] manganese_list = ['Mn55'] iron_list = ['Fe54', 'Fe56','Fe57','Fe58'] cobalt_list = ['Co59'] nickel_list = ['Ni58','Ni60','Ni61','Ni62','Ni64'] copper_list = ['Cu63','Cu65'] zinc_list = ['Zn64','Zn66','Zn67','Zn68','Zn70'] gtotalium_list = ['Ga69','Ga71'] germanium_list = ['Ge70','Ge72','Ge73','Ge74'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['Be'] = berillium_list indexing['B'] = boron_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list indexing['Ga'] = gtotalium_list indexing['Ge'] = germanium_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yields_for_one_mettotalicity = yield_tables_dict[mettotalicity] # For python 3 the bytes need to be changed into strings element_list2 = [] for j,item in enumerate(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['M']): element_list2.apd(item.decode('utf8')) yields_for_one_mettotalicity = rcfuncs.apd_fields(yields_for_one_mettotalicity,'element',element_list2,usemask = False) add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses #yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity['M'] temp1 = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) temp1[0] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][21] temp1[1] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][22] temp1[2] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][23] temp1[3] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][24] temp1[4] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][25] temp1[5] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][26] temp1[6] = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][27] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) for i,item in enumerate(self.elements): yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] = 0 for j,jtem in enumerate(indexing[item]): ################### here we can change the yield that we need for processing. normlizattionalising 'ejected_mass' with the initial mass to get relative masses line_of_one_element = yields_for_one_mettotalicity[bn.filter_condition(yields_for_one_mettotalicity['element']==jtem)][0] temp1 = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) temp1[0] = line_of_one_element[21] temp1[1] = line_of_one_element[22] temp1[2] = line_of_one_element[23] temp1[3] = line_of_one_element[24] temp1[4] = line_of_one_element[25] temp1[5] = line_of_one_element[26] temp1[6] = line_of_one_element[27] yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[item] += bn.divide(temp1,self.masses) yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][0] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][0]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][0]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][21]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][1] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][1]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][1]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][22]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][2] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][2]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][2]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][23]#divided by mass because 'mass in remnant' is also normlizattionalised yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][3] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][3]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][3]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][24]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][4] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][4]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][4]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][25]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][5] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][5]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][5]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][26]# yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'][6] = (1-yield_tables_final_structure_subtable['mass_in_remnants'][6]-total_count(yield_tables_final_structure_subtable[self.elements][6]))#yields_for_one_mettotalicity[0][27]# yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = yield_tables_final_structure_subtable#[::-1] self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def Nomoto2013_net(self): ''' Nomoto2013 sn2 yields from 13Msun onwards ''' import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs dt = bn.dtype('a13,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') yield_tables = {} self.mettotalicities = [0.0500,0.0200,0.0080,0.0040,0.0010] self.masses = bn.numset((13,15,18,20,25,30,40)) z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=0.0200.dat',dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict = {} for item in self.mettotalicities: z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_2013_z=%.4f.dat' %(item),dtype=dt,names = True) yield_tables_dict[item]=z hydrogen_list = ['H__1','H__2'] helium_list = ['He_3','He_4'] lithium_list = ['Li_6','Li_7'] berillium_list = ['Be_9'] boron_list = ['B_10','B_11'] carbon_list = ['C_12','C_13'] nitrogen_list = ['N_14','N_15'] oxygen_list = ['O_16','O_17','O_18'] fluorin_list = ['F_19'] neon_list = ['Ne20','Ne21','Ne22'] sodium_list = ['Na23'] magnesium_list = ['Mg24','Mg25','Mg26'] aluget_minium_list = ['Al27'] silicon_list = ['Si28','Si29','Si30'] phosphorus_list = ['P_31'] sulfur_list = ['S_32','S_33','S_34','S_36'] chlorine_list = ['Cl35','Cl37'] argon_list = ['Ar36','Ar38','Ar40'] potassium_list = ['K_39','K_41'] calcium_list = ['K_40','Ca40','Ca42','Ca43','Ca44','Ca46','Ca48'] scandium_list = ['Sc45'] titanium_list = ['Ti46','Ti47','Ti48','Ti49','Ti50'] vanadium_list = ['V_50','V_51'] chromium_list = ['Cr50','Cr52','Cr53','Cr54'] manganese_list = ['Mn55'] iron_list = ['Fe54', 'Fe56','Fe57','Fe58'] cobalt_list = ['Co59'] nickel_list = ['Ni58','Ni60','Ni61','Ni62','Ni64'] copper_list = ['Cu63','Cu65'] zinc_list = ['Zn64','Zn66','Zn67','Zn68','Zn70'] gtotalium_list = ['Ga69','Ga71'] germanium_list = ['Ge70','Ge72','Ge73','Ge74'] indexing = {} indexing['H'] = hydrogen_list indexing['He'] = helium_list indexing['Li'] = lithium_list indexing['Be'] = berillium_list indexing['B'] = boron_list indexing['C'] = carbon_list indexing['N'] = nitrogen_list indexing['O'] = oxygen_list indexing['F'] = fluorin_list indexing['Ne'] = neon_list indexing['Na'] = sodium_list indexing['Mg'] = magnesium_list indexing['Al'] = aluget_minium_list indexing['Si'] = silicon_list indexing['P'] = phosphorus_list indexing['S'] = sulfur_list indexing['Cl'] = chlorine_list indexing['Ar'] = argon_list indexing['K'] = potassium_list indexing['Ca'] = calcium_list indexing['Sc'] = scandium_list indexing['Ti'] = titanium_list indexing['V'] = vanadium_list indexing['Cr'] = chromium_list indexing['Mn'] = manganese_list indexing['Fe'] = iron_list indexing['Co'] = cobalt_list indexing['Ni'] = nickel_list indexing['Cu'] = copper_list indexing['Zn'] = zinc_list indexing['Ga'] = gtotalium_list indexing['Ge'] = germanium_list self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) ### restructuring the tables such that it looks like the sn2 dictionary: basic_agb[mettotalicicty][element] yield_tables_final_structure = {} for mettotalicity_index,mettotalicity in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_tables_final_structure[mettotalicity] = bn.load(localpath + 'ibnut/yields/Nomoto2013/nomoto_net_met_ind_%d.bny' %(mettotalicity_index)) self.table = yield_tables_final_structure def West17_net(self): """ CC-SN data from the ertl.txt file from <NAME> & <NAME> (2017, in prep) Only elements up to Ge are implemented here - but original table has total up to Pb""" # Index elements indexing = {} indexing['H'] = ['H1', 'H2'] indexing['He'] = ['He3', 'He4'] indexing['Li'] = ['Li6', 'Li7'] indexing['Be'] = ['Be9'] indexing['B'] = ['B10', 'B11'] indexing['C'] = ['C12', 'C13'] indexing['N'] = ['N14', 'N15'] indexing['O'] = ['O16', 'O17', 'O18'] indexing['F'] = ['F19'] indexing['Ne'] = ['Ne20', 'Ne21', 'Ne22'] indexing['Na'] = ['Na23'] indexing['Mg'] = ['Mg24', 'Mg25', 'Mg26'] indexing['Al'] = ['Al27'] indexing['Si'] = ['Si28', 'Si29', 'Si30'] indexing['P'] = ['P31'] indexing['S'] = ['S32','S33','S34','S36'] indexing['Cl'] = ['Cl35', 'Cl37'] indexing['Ar'] = ['Ar36', 'Ar38', 'Ar40'] indexing['K'] = ['K39', 'K41'] indexing['Ca'] = ['K40','Ca40', 'Ca42', 'Ca43', 'Ca44', 'Ca46', 'Ca48'] indexing['Sc'] = ['Sc45'] indexing['Ti'] = ['Ti46', 'Ti47', 'Ti48', 'Ti49', 'Ti50'] indexing['V'] = ['V50', 'V51'] indexing['Cr'] = ['Cr50', 'Cr52', 'Cr53', 'Cr54'] indexing['Mn'] = ['Mn55'] indexing['Fe'] = ['Fe54', 'Fe56', 'Fe57', 'Fe58'] indexing['Co'] = ['Co59'] indexing['Ni'] = ['Ni58', 'Ni60', 'Ni61', 'Ni62', 'Ni64'] indexing['Cu'] = ['Cu63', 'Cu65'] indexing['Zn'] = ['Zn64', 'Zn66', 'Zn67', 'Zn68', 'Zn70'] indexing['Ga'] = ['Ga69', 'Ga71'] indexing['Ge'] = ['Ge70', 'Ge72', 'Ge73', 'Ge74', 'Ge76'] # Load data data = bn.genfromtxt('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/ertl.txt',skip_header=102,names=True) # Load model parameters z_solar = 0.0153032 self.masses = bn.uniq(data['mass']) scaled_z = bn.uniq(data['mettotalicity']) # scaled to solar self.mettotalicities = scaled_z*z_solar # actual mettotalicities self.elements = [key for key in indexing.keys()] # list of elements # Output table self.table = {} # Create initial abundances init_abun = {} import os if os.path.exists('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz'): init_file = bn.load('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz') for z_in,sc_z in enumerate(scaled_z): init_abun[sc_z] = {} for k,key in enumerate(init_file['keys']): init_abun[sc_z][key] = init_file['datfile'][z_in][k] else: # If not already saved # Import initial abundance package os.chdir('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17') import gch_wh13 os.chdir('../../../../') init_dat = [] from matplotlib.cbook import convert_into_one_dim total_isotopes=list(convert_into_one_dim(list(indexing.values()))) for sc_z in scaled_z: init_abun[sc_z] = gch_wh13.GCHWH13(sc_z) init_dat.apd(init_abun[sc_z].abu) bn.savez('Chempy/ibnut/yields/West17/init_abun.bnz',datfile=init_dat,keys=total_isotopes) for z_index,z in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): # Define table for each mettotalicity # Initialise subtables yield_subtable = {} yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = [] yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el]=[] # Find correct row in table for mass in self.masses: for r,row in enumerate(data): if row['mass'] == mass and row['mettotalicity']==scaled_z[z_index]: row_index = r break # Add remnant mass fraction remnant = data['remnant'][row_index] yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'].apd(remnant/mass) # Add each isotope into table for element in self.elements: el_net_yield = 0 for isotope in indexing[element]: # Sum contributions from each element isotope_net_yield = data[isotope][r]/mass-init_abun[scaled_z[z_index]][isotope]*(mass-remnant)/mass el_net_yield +=isotope_net_yield # combine for total isotope yield yield_subtable[element].apd(el_net_yield) total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) # Total net yield - should be approx 1 for element in self.elements: yield_subtable[element] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable[element]) total_countmed_yields+=yield_subtable[element] # Write into yield table yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']) yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.0-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']-total_countmed_yields # Restructure table total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable def Frischknecht16_net(self): """ DO NOT USE!! pre-SN2 yields from Frischknecht et al. 2016. These are implemented for masses of 15-40Msun, for rotating stars. Yields from stars with 'normlizattional' rotations are used here. These are net yields automatictotaly, so no conversions need to be made """ import beatnum.lib.recfunctions as rcfuncs import os # Define mettotalicites self.mettotalicities = [0.0134,1e-3,1e-5] # First is solar value # Define masses self.masses= bn.numset((15,20,25,40)) # Define isotope indexing. For radioactive isotopes with half-lives << Chempy time_step they are assigned to their daughter element # NB: we only use elements up to Ge here, as in the paper indexing={} indexing['H']=['p','d'] indexing['He'] = ['he3','he4'] indexing['Li'] = ['li6','li7'] indexing['Be'] = ['be9'] indexing['B'] = ['b10','b11'] indexing['C'] = ['c12','c13'] indexing['N'] = ['n14','n15'] indexing['O'] = ['o16','o17','o18'] indexing['F'] = ['f19'] indexing['Ne'] = ['ne20','ne21','ne22'] indexing['Na'] = ['na23'] indexing['Mg'] = ['mg24','mg25','mg26','al26'] indexing['Al'] = ['al27'] indexing['Si'] = ['si28','si29','si30'] indexing['P'] = ['p31'] indexing['S'] = ['s32','s33','s34','s36'] indexing['Cl'] = ['cl35','cl37'] indexing['Ar'] = ['ar36','ar38','ar40'] indexing['K'] = ['k39','k41'] indexing['Ca'] = ['ca40','ca42','ca43','ca44','ca46','ca48'] indexing['Sc'] = ['sc45'] indexing['Ti'] = ['ti46','ti47','ti48','ti49','ti50'] indexing['V'] = ['v50','v51'] indexing['Cr'] = ['cr50','cr52','cr53','cr54'] indexing['Mn'] = ['mn55'] indexing['Fe'] = ['fe54', 'fe56','fe57','fe58'] indexing['Co'] = ['fe60', 'co59'] indexing['Ni'] = ['ni58','ni60','ni61','ni62','ni64'] indexing['Cu'] = ['cu63','cu65'] indexing['Zn'] = ['zn64','zn66','zn67','zn68','zn70'] indexing['Ga'] = ['ga69','ga71'] indexing['Ge'] = ['ge70','ge72','ge73','ge74','ge76'] # Define indexed elements self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) # Define data types dt = bn.dtype('U8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8,f8') # Initialise yield table yield_table = {} # Import full_value_func table with correct rows and data-types z = bn.genfromtxt(localpath+'ibnut/yields/Frischknecht16/yields_total.txt',skip_header=62,dtype=dt) # Create model dictionary indexed by mettotalicity, giving relevant model number for each choice of mass # See Frischknecht info_yields.txt file for model information model_dict = {} model_dict[0.0134] = [2,8,14,27] model_dict[1e-3]=[4,10,16,28] model_dict[1e-5]=[6,12,18,29] # Import list of remnant masses for each model (from row 32-60, column 6 of .txt file) # NB: these are in solar masses rem_mass_table = bn.loadtxt(localpath+'ibnut/yields/Frischknecht16/yields_total.txt',skiprows=31,usecols=6)[:29] # Create one subtable for each mettotalicity for mettotalicity in self.mettotalicities: add_concatitional_keys = ['Mass', 'mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] # List of keys for table names = add_concatitional_keys + self.elements # Initialise table and numsets base = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) list_of_numsets = [] for i in range(len(names)): list_of_numsets.apd(base) yield_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=names) mass_in_remnants = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_mass_fraction = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) element_mass = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) # Add masses to table yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses # Extract remnant masses (in solar masses) for each model: for mass_index,model_index in enumerate(model_dict[mettotalicity]): mass_in_remnants[mass_index] = rem_mass_table[model_index-1] # Iterate over total elements for element in self.elements: element_mass = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for isotope in indexing[element]: # Iterate over isotopes of each element for mass_index,model_index in enumerate(model_dict[mettotalicity]): # Iterate over masses for row in z: # Find required row in table if row[0] == isotope: element_mass[mass_index]+=row[model_index] # Compute cumulative mass for total isotopes yield_subtable[element]=bn.divide(element_mass,self.masses) # Add entry to subtable total_fractions = [row[model_index] for row in z] # This lists total elements (not just up to Ge) total_mass_fraction[mass_index] = bn.total_count(total_fractions) # Compute total net mass fraction (total_counts to approximately 0) # Add fields for remnant mass (now as a mass fraction) and ubnrocessed mass fraction yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']=bn.divide(mass_in_remnants,self.masses) yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.-(yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']+total_mass_fraction) # This is total mass not from yields/remnants # Add subtable to full_value_func table yield_table[mettotalicity]=yield_subtable # Define final yield table for output self.table = yield_table def NuGrid_net(self,model_type='delay'): """ This gives the net SNII yields from the NuGrid collaboration (Ritter et al. 2017 (in prep)) Either rapid or delay SN2 yields (Fryer et al. 2012) can be used - changeable via the model_type parameter. Delay models are chosen for good match with the Fe yields of Nomoto et al. (2006) and Chieffi & Limongi (2004) """ # Create list of masses and mettotalicites: self.masses = [12.0,15.0,20.0,25.0] self.mettotalicities = [0.02,0.01,0.006,0.001,0.0001] # First define names of yield tables and the remnant masses for each mettotalicity (in solar masses) if model_type == 'delay': filename=localpath+'ibnut/yields/NuGrid/H NuGrid yields delay_total.txt' remnants = {} remnants[0.02] = [1.61,1.61,2.73,5.71] # This gives remnant masses for each mass remnants[0.01] = [1.61,1.61,2.77,6.05] remnants[0.006] = [1.62,1.62,2.79,6.18] remnants[0.001] = [1.62,1.62,2.81,6.35] remnants[0.0001] = [1.62,1.62,2.82,6.38] elif model_type == 'rapid': filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/NuGrid/H NuGrid yields rapid total.txt' remnants = {} remnants[0.02] = [1.44,1.44,2.70,12.81] # Define remnants from mettotalicities remnants[0.01] = [1.44,1.44,1.83,9.84] remnants[0.006] = [1.44, 1.44, 1.77, 7.84] remnants[0.001] = [1.44,1.44,1.76,5.88] remnants[0.0001] = [1.44,1.44,1.76,5.61] else: raise ValueError('Wrong type: must be delay or rapid') # Define which lines in the .txt files to use. # This defines cuts starting at each relevant table cuts={} for z in self.mettotalicities: cuts[z] = [] for mass in self.masses: txtfile=open(filename,"r") for line_no,line in enumerate(txtfile): if str(mass) in line and str(z) in line: cuts[z].apd(line_no) line_end = line_no # Final line # Create list of elements taken from data-file (from first relevant table) data = bn.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=int(cuts[0.02][0])+4, skip_footer=line_end-int(cuts[0.02][0])-83, dtype=['<U8','<U15','<U15','<U15']) self.elements = [str(line[0][1:]) for line in data] self.table={} # Initialize final output for z in self.mettotalicities: # Produce subtable for each mettotalicity yield_subtable={} yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(bn.asnumset(remnants[z]),self.masses) # Initialize lists for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el] = [] for m_index,mass in enumerate(self.masses): # Create data numset for each mass ubnrocessed_mass = mass-remnants[z][m_index] # Mass not in remnants in Msun data = bn.genfromtxt(filename,skip_header=int(cuts[z][m_index])+4, skip_footer=line_end-int(cuts[z][m_index])-83,dtype=['<U8','<U15','<U15','<U15']) # Read from data file # Now iterate over data-file and read in element names # NB: [1:]s are necessary as each element in txt file starts with & for line in data: el_name = str(line[0][1:]) # Name of element el_yield = float(line[1][1:]) # Yield in Msun el_init = float(line[2][1:]) # Initial mass fraction el_net = el_yield-el_init*ubnrocessed_mass yield_subtable[el_name].apd(el_net/mass) # Net mass fraction # Calculate total_countmed net yield - should be approximately 0 total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for el in self.elements: yield_subtable[el] = bn.asnumset(yield_subtable[el]) total_countmed_yields+=yield_subtable[el] # Compute mass not in remnants with total_countmed net yield smtotal correction yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.0-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants']-total_countmed_yields # Restructure dictionary into record numset for output total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable = bn.core.records.fromnumsets(list_of_numsets,names=total_keys) self.table[z] = restructure_subtable # This is output table for specific z # Yield table output is self.table def TNG_net(self): """ This loads the CC-SN yields used in the Illustris TNG simulation. This includes Kobayashi (2006) and Portinari (1998) tables - see Pillepich et al. 2017 THIS ONLY WORKS FOR IMF SLOPE IS -2.3 - DO NOT OPTIMIZE OVER THIS """ import h5py as h5 filename = localpath+'ibnut/yields/TNG/SNII.hdf5' # Read H5 file f = h5.File(filename, "r") # Define element indexing indexing = {} indexing['H'] = 'Hydrogen' indexing['He'] = 'Helium' indexing['C'] = 'Carbon' indexing['N']= 'Nitrogen' indexing['O'] = 'Oxygen' indexing['Ne'] = 'Neon' indexing['Mg'] = 'Magnesium' indexing['Si'] = 'Silicon' indexing['S'] = 'Sulphur' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Ca'] = 'Calcium' # Not used by TNG simulation indexing['Fe'] = 'Iron' self.elements = list(indexing.keys()) self.table = {} # Define masses / mettotalicities self.mettotalicities = list(f['Mettotalicities'].value) self.masses = f['Masses'].value for z_index,z in enumerate(self.mettotalicities): yield_subtable = {} z_name = f['Yield_names'].value[z_index].decode('utf-8') z_data = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Yield'] ejecta_mass = f['Yields/'+z_name+'/Ejected_mass'].value yield_subtable['Mass'] = self.masses remnants = self.masses-ejecta_mass yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] = bn.divide(remnants,self.masses) for el in list(indexing.keys()): yield_subtable[el] = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) total_countmed_yields = bn.zeros(len(self.masses)) for m_index,mass in enumerate(self.masses): for el_index,el in enumerate(self.elements): el_yield_fraction = z_data[el_index][m_index]/mass #(mass-remnants[m_index]) # Find fraction of ejecta per element yield_subtable[el][m_index] = el_yield_fraction total_countmed_yields[m_index]+=el_yield_fraction # Compute total yield yield_subtable['ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds'] = 1.-total_countmed_yields-yield_subtable['mass_in_remnants'] # Restructure table total_keys = ['Mass','mass_in_remnants','ubnrocessed_mass_in_winds']+self.elements list_of_numsets = [yield_subtable[key] for key in total_keys] restructure_subtable =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 3 13:23:59 2021 @author: th """ import torch from torch.nn import ReLU, Linear, Softget_max, SmoothL1Loss, Tanh, LeakyReLU from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv, global_get_max_pool, global_average_pool, SGConv, GNNExplainer, SAGEConv, GATConv, FastRGCNConv, GraphConv import beatnum as bn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_optimizer as optim import gnn_torch_models import random from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SS # torch.set_default_dtype(torch.float) def standardscaler_transform(sc_feat_pure): scaler = SS() transformed=scaler.transform(sc_feat_pure) return transformed, scaler def batch_sep_split(nodes_cp, full_value_func_index, ii): test_x = nodes_cp[ii] train_idx=
bn.seting_exclusive_or_one_dim(full_value_func_index, ii)
import from scipy import misc import os import glob import cv2 import beatnum as bn # Loop to convert imaginaryes to grayscale, uses same principle as the file # Additional functionality add_concated to handle equalization of contrast for lower contrast imaginaryes num_imaginaryes = 117 def rgb2gray(rgb): return[...,:3], [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]) def hist_operation_equalization(img_in): # segregate color streams b,g,r = cv2.sep_split(img_in) h_b, bin_b = bn.hist_operation(b.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) h_g, bin_g = bn.hist_operation(g.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) h_r, bin_r = bn.hist_operation(r.convert_into_one_dim(), 256, [0, 256]) # calculate cdf cdf_b = bn.cumtotal_count(h_b) cdf_g = bn.cumtotal_count(h_g) cdf_r = bn.cumtotal_count(h_r) # mask total pixels with value=0 and replace it with average of the pixel values cdf_m_b =,0) cdf_m_b = (cdf_m_b - cdf_m_b.get_min())*255/(cdf_m_b.get_max()-cdf_m_b.get_min()) cdf_final_b =,0).convert_type('uint8') cdf_m_g =,0) cdf_m_g = (cdf_m_g - cdf_m_g.get_min())*255/(cdf_m_g.get_max()-cdf_m_g.get_min()) cdf_final_g =,0).convert_type('uint8') cdf_m_r =,0) cdf_m_r = (cdf_m_r - cdf_m_r.get_min())*255/(cdf_m_r.get_max()-cdf_m_r.get_min()) cdf_final_r =,0)
from __future__ import division, absoluteolute_import, print_function from functools import reduce import beatnum as bn import beatnum.core.umath as umath import beatnum.core.fromnumeric as fromnumeric from beatnum.testing import TestCase, run_module_suite, assert_ from import assert_numset_equal from import ( MaskType, MaskedArray, absoluteolute, add_concat, total, totalclose, totalequal, totaltrue, arr_range, arccos, arcsin, arctan, arctan2, numset, average, choose, connect, conjugate, cos, cosh, count, divide, equal, exp, masked_fill, getmask, greater, greater_equal, inner, isMaskedArray, less, less_equal, log, log10, make_mask, masked, masked_numset, masked_equal, masked_greater, masked_greater_equal, masked_inside, masked_less, masked_less_equal, masked_not_equal, masked_outside, masked_print_option, masked_values, masked_filter_condition, get_maximum, get_minimum, multiply, nomask, nonzero, not_equal, create_ones, outer, product, put, asview, duplicate, resize, shape, sin, sinh, sometrue, sort, sqrt, subtract, total_count, take, tan, tanh, switching_places, filter_condition, zeros, ) pi = bn.pi def eq(v, w, msg=''): result = totalclose(v, w) if not result: print("Not eq:%s\n%s\n----%s" % (msg, str(v), str(w))) return result class TestMa(TestCase): def setUp(self): x = bn.numset([1., 1., 1., -2., pi/2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = bn.numset([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] xm = numset(x, mask=m1) ym = numset(y, mask=m2) z = bn.numset([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = numset(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = bn.filter_condition(m1, 1e+20, x) s = x.shape xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) self.d = (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) def test_testBasic1d(self): # Test of basic numset creation and properties in 1 dimension. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertFalse(isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) self.assertEqual(shape(xm), s) self.assertEqual(xm.shape, s) self.assertEqual(xm.dtype, x.dtype) self.assertEqual(xm.size, reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) self.assertEqual(count(xm), len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) self.assertTrue(eq(xm, xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(masked_fill(xm, 1.e20), xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(x, xm)) def test_testBasic2d(self): # Test of basic numset creation and properties in 2 dimensions. for s in [(4, 3), (6, 2)]: (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d x.shape = s y.shape = s xm.shape = s ym.shape = s xf.shape = s self.assertFalse(isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) self.assertEqual(shape(xm), s) self.assertEqual(xm.shape, s) self.assertEqual(xm.size, reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) self.assertEqual(count(xm), len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) self.assertTrue(eq(xm, xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(masked_fill(xm, 1.e20), xf)) self.assertTrue(eq(x, xm)) self.setUp() def test_testArithmetic(self): # Test of basic arithmetic. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d a2d = numset([[1, 2], [0, 4]]) a2dm = masked_numset(a2d, [[0, 0], [1, 0]]) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d * a2d, a2d * a2dm)) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d + a2d, a2d + a2dm)) self.assertTrue(eq(a2d - a2d, a2d - a2dm)) for s in [(12,), (4, 3), (2, 6)]: x = x.change_shape_to(s) y = y.change_shape_to(s) xm = xm.change_shape_to(s) ym = ym.change_shape_to(s) xf = xf.change_shape_to(s) self.assertTrue(eq(-x, -xm)) self.assertTrue(eq(x + y, xm + ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x - y, xm - ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x * y, xm * ym)) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(x / y, xm / ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 + y, a10 + ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 - y, a10 - ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(a10 * y, a10 * ym)) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(a10 / y, a10 / ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(x + a10, xm + a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x - a10, xm - a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x * a10, xm * a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x / a10, xm / a10)) self.assertTrue(eq(x ** 2, xm ** 2)) self.assertTrue(eq(absolute(x) ** 2.5, absolute(xm) ** 2.5)) self.assertTrue(eq(x ** y, xm ** ym)) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat(x, y), add_concat(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.subtract(x, y), subtract(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.multiply(x, y), multiply(xm, ym))) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(bn.divide(x, y), divide(xm, ym))) def test_testMixedArithmetic(self): na = bn.numset([1]) ma = numset([1]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(na + ma, MaskedArray)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ma + na, MaskedArray)) def test_testUfuncs1(self): # Test various functions such as sin, cos. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertTrue(eq(bn.cos(x), cos(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.cosh(x), cosh(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sin(x), sin(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sinh(x), sinh(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.tan(x), tan(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.tanh(x), tanh(xm))) with bn.errstate(divide='ignore', inversealid='ignore'): self.assertTrue(eq(bn.sqrt(absolute(x)), sqrt(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.log(absolute(x)), log(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.log10(absolute(x)), log10(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.exp(x), exp(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arccos(z), arccos(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arctan(z), arctan(zm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.absoluteolute(x), absoluteolute(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.less(x, y), less(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((xm, ym)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((x, y)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y)), connect((xm, y)))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y, x)), connect((x, ym, x)))) @dec.skipif('__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names) def test_xtestCount(self): # Test count ott = numset([0., 1., 2., 3.], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) self.assertEqual(3, count(ott)) self.assertEqual(1, count(1)) self.assertTrue(eq(0, numset(1, mask=[1]))) ott = ott.change_shape_to((2, 2)) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) assert_(isinstance(count(ott, 0), bn.ndnumset)) self.assertTrue(count(ott).dtype.type is bn.intp) self.assertTrue(eq(3, count(ott))) assert_(getmask(count(ott, 0)) is nomask) self.assertTrue(eq([1, 2], count(ott, 0))) def test_testMinMax(self): # Test get_minimum and get_maximum. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d xr = bn.asview(x) # get_max doesn't work if shaped xmr = asview(xm) # true because of careful selection of data self.assertTrue(eq(get_max(xr), get_maximum(xmr))) self.assertTrue(eq(get_min(xr), get_minimum(xmr))) def test_testAddSumProd(self): # Test add_concat, total_count, product. (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.reduce(x), add_concat.reduce(x))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.accumulate(x), add_concat.accumulate(x))) self.assertTrue(eq(4, total_count(numset(4), axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(4, total_count(numset(4), axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, axis=0), total_count(x, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(masked_fill(xm, 0), axis=0), total_count(xm, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, 0), total_count(x, 0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, 0), product(x, 0))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(masked_fill(xm, 1), axis=0), product(xm, axis=0))) if len(s) > 1: self.assertTrue(eq(bn.connect((x, y), 1), connect((xm, ym), 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.add_concat.reduce(x, 1), add_concat.reduce(x, 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.total_count(x, 1), total_count(x, 1))) self.assertTrue(eq(bn.product(x, 1), product(x, 1))) def test_testCI(self): # Test of conversions and indexing x1 = bn.numset([1, 2, 4, 3]) x2 = numset(x1, mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) x3 = numset(x1, mask=[0, 1, 0, 1]) x4 = numset(x1) # test conversion to strings str(x2) # raises? repr(x2) # raises? assert_(eq(bn.sort(x1), sort(x2, fill_value=0))) # tests of indexing assert_(type(x2[1]) is type(x1[1])) assert_(x1[1] == x2[1]) assert_(x2[0] is masked) assert_(eq(x1[2], x2[2])) assert_(eq(x1[2:5], x2[2:5])) assert_(eq(x1[:], x2[:])) assert_(eq(x1[1:], x3[1:])) x1[2] = 9 x2[2] = 9 assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x1[1:3] = 99 x2[1:3] = 99 assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[1] = masked assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[1:3] = masked assert_(eq(x1, x2)) x2[:] = x1 x2[1] = masked assert_(totalequal(getmask(x2), numset([0, 1, 0, 0]))) x3[:] = masked_numset([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert_(totalequal(getmask(x3), numset([0, 1, 1, 0]))) x4[:] = masked_numset([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert_(totalequal(getmask(x4), numset([0, 1, 1, 0]))) assert_(totalequal(x4, numset([1, 2, 3, 4]))) x1 = bn.arr_range(5) * 1.0 x2 = masked_values(x1, 3.0) assert_(eq(x1, x2)) assert_(totalequal(numset([0, 0, 0, 1, 0], MaskType), x2.mask)) assert_(eq(3.0, x2.fill_value)) x1 = numset([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) x2 = bn.numset([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) s1 = x1[1] s2 = x2[1] self.assertEqual(type(s2), str) self.assertEqual(type(s1), str) self.assertEqual(s1, s2) assert_(x1[1:1].shape == (0,)) def test_testCopySize(self): # Tests of some subtle points of copying and sizing. n = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] m = make_mask(n) m2 = make_mask(m) self.assertTrue(m is m2) m3 = make_mask(m, copy=1) self.assertTrue(m is not m3) x1 = bn.arr_range(5) y1 = numset(x1, mask=m) self.assertTrue(y1._data is not x1) self.assertTrue(totalequal(x1, y1._data)) self.assertTrue(y1.mask is m) y1a = numset(y1, copy=0) self.assertTrue(y1a.mask is y1.mask) y2 = numset(x1, mask=m, copy=0) self.assertTrue(y2.mask is m) self.assertTrue(y2[2] is masked) y2[2] = 9 self.assertTrue(y2[2] is not masked) self.assertTrue(y2.mask is not m) self.assertTrue(totalequal(y2.mask, 0)) y3 = numset(x1 * 1.0, mask=m) self.assertTrue(masked_fill(y3).dtype is (x1 * 1.0).dtype) x4 = arr_range(4) x4[2] = masked y4 = resize(x4, (8,)) self.assertTrue(eq(connect([x4, x4]), y4)) self.assertTrue(eq(getmask(y4), [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])) y5 = duplicate(x4, (2, 2, 2, 2), axis=0) self.assertTrue(eq(y5, [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])) y6 = duplicate(x4, 2, axis=0) self.assertTrue(eq(y5, y6)) def test_testPut(self): # Test of put d = arr_range(5) n = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] m = make_mask(n) x = numset(d, mask=m) self.assertTrue(x[3] is masked) self.assertTrue(x[4] is masked) x[[1, 4]] = [10, 40] self.assertTrue(x.mask is not m) self.assertTrue(x[3] is masked) self.assertTrue(x[4] is not masked) self.assertTrue(eq(x, [0, 10, 2, -1, 40])) x = numset(d, mask=m) x.put([0, 1, 2], [-1, 100, 200]) self.assertTrue(eq(x, [-1, 100, 200, 0, 0])) self.assertTrue(x[3] is masked) self.assertTrue(x[4] is masked) def test_testMaPut(self): (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d m = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1] i = bn.nonzero(m)[0] put(ym, i, zm) assert_(total(take(ym, i, axis=0) == zm)) def test_testOddFeatures(self): # Test of other odd features x = arr_range(20) x = x.change_shape_to(4, 5) x.flat[5] = 12 assert_(x[1, 0] == 12) z = x + 10j * x assert_(eq(z.reality, x)) assert_(eq(z.imaginary, 10 * x)) assert_(eq((z * conjugate(z)).reality, 101 * x * x)) z.imaginary[...] = 0.0 x = arr_range(10) x[3] = masked assert_(str(x[3]) == str(masked)) c = x >= 8 assert_(count(filter_condition(c, masked, masked)) == 0) assert_(shape(filter_condition(c, masked, masked)) == c.shape) z = filter_condition(c, x, masked) assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype) assert_(z[3] is masked) assert_(z[4] is masked) assert_(z[7] is masked) assert_(z[8] is not masked) assert_(z[9] is not masked) assert_(eq(x, z)) z = filter_condition(c, masked, x) assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype) assert_(z[3] is masked) assert_(z[4] is not masked) assert_(z[7] is not masked) assert_(z[8] is masked) assert_(z[9] is masked) z = masked_filter_condition(c, x) assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype) assert_(z[3] is masked) assert_(z[4] is not masked) assert_(z[7] is not masked) assert_(z[8] is masked) assert_(z[9] is masked) assert_(eq(x, z)) x = numset([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) c = numset([1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) x[2] = masked z = filter_condition(c, x, -x) assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5])) c[0] = masked z = filter_condition(c, x, -x) assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5])) assert_(z[0] is masked) assert_(z[1] is not masked) assert_(z[2] is masked) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(greater(x, 2), x), masked_greater(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(greater_equal(x, 2), x), masked_greater_equal(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(less(x, 2), x), masked_less(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(less_equal(x, 2), x), masked_less_equal(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(equal(x, 2), x), masked_equal(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2))) assert_(eq(masked_inside(list(range(5)), 1, 3), [0, 199, 199, 199, 4])) assert_(eq(masked_outside(list(range(5)), 1, 3), [199, 1, 2, 3, 199])) assert_(eq(masked_inside(numset(list(range(5)), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask, [1, 1, 1, 1, 0])) assert_(eq(masked_outside(numset(list(range(5)), mask=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask, [1, 1, 0, 0, 1])) assert_(eq(masked_equal(numset(list(range(5)), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask, [1, 0, 1, 0, 0])) assert_(eq(masked_not_equal(numset([2, 2, 1, 2, 1], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1])) assert_(eq(masked_filter_condition([1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [99, 99, 3, 4, 5])) atest = create_ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=bn.float32) btest = zeros(atest.shape, MaskType) ctest = masked_filter_condition(btest, atest) assert_(eq(atest, ctest)) z = choose(c, (-x, x)) assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5])) assert_(z[0] is masked) assert_(z[1] is not masked) assert_(z[2] is masked) x = arr_range(6) x[5] = masked y = arr_range(6) * 10 y[2] = masked c = numset([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cm = c.masked_fill(1) z = filter_condition(c, x, y) zm = filter_condition(cm, x, y) assert_(eq(z, zm)) assert_(getmask(zm) is nomask) assert_(eq(zm, [0, 1, 2, 30, 40, 50])) z = filter_condition(c, masked, 1) assert_(eq(z, [99, 99, 99, 1, 1, 1])) z = filter_condition(c, 1, masked) assert_(eq(z, [99, 1, 1, 99, 99, 99])) def test_testMinMax2(self): # Test of get_minumum, get_maximum. assert_(eq(get_minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3])) assert_(eq(get_maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9])) x = arr_range(5) y = arr_range(5) - 2 x[3] = masked y[0] = masked assert_(eq(get_minimum(x, y), filter_condition(less(x, y), x, y))) assert_(eq(get_maximum(x, y), filter_condition(greater(x, y), x, y))) assert_(get_minimum(x) == 0) assert_(get_maximum(x) == 4) def test_testTakeTransposeInnerOuter(self): # Test of take, switching_places, inner, outer products x = arr_range(24) y = bn.arr_range(24) x[5:6] = masked x = x.change_shape_to(2, 3, 4) y = y.change_shape_to(2, 3, 4) assert_(eq(bn.switching_places(y, (2, 0, 1)), switching_places(x, (2, 0, 1)))) assert_(eq(bn.take(y, (2, 0, 1), 1), take(x, (2, 0, 1), 1))) assert_(eq(bn.inner(
masked_fill(x, 0)
import tensorflow as tf import beatnum as bn import cv2 import imutils import math import os import shutil import random from tensorflow.python.ops.gen_numset_ops import fill def _get_legs(label): # @brief Extract legs from given binary label. # @param label Binary imaginarye u8c1 filter_condition 0 - empty space and ~255 - leg. # @return List of legs as list of pairs [y,x] filter_condition each pairs describes center coordinates of one leg. label_sqzd = bn.sqz(label.copy()) cnts = cv2.findContours( label_sqzd, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts) legs = [] for c in cnts: M = cv2.moments(c) # There are no legs in this label. if M["m00"] == 0: continue # Compute the center of the contour. x = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) y = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) coords = [y, x] legs.apd(coords) return legs def _get_distances(y, x, legs): # @brief Get list of euclidean distances from given pixel [y,x] to each leg. # @param y Y coordinate of pixel. # @param x X coordinate of pixel. # @return list of euclidean distances to each leg. distances = [] for leg in legs: leg_x = leg[1] leg_y = leg[0] d = math.sqrt( math.pow(leg_x - x, 2) + math.pow(leg_y - y, 2) ) distances.apd(d) return distances def _get_leg_weights_for_label(height, width, legs, w0, sigma): # @brief Get matrix with weights computed based on euclidean distance from each pixel to closes leg. # This function is a modification of original unet's implementation of distance based on # distance to border of two cells. # @param height Height of processed imaginarye. # @param width Width of processed imaginarye. # @param legs List of leg coordinates acquired from _get_legs. # @param w0 Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @param sigma Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @return Matrix with equal shape to label's containing weights. den = 2 * sigma * sigma weight_matrix = bn.zeros([height, width], dtype=bn.float32) for y in range(height): for x in range(width): distances = _get_distances(y, x, legs) if len(distances) == 0: d1 = math.sqrt( math.pow(width, 2) + math.pow(height, 2) ) * 2 else: d1 = get_min(distances) weight = w0 * math.exp(-(math.pow(d1, 2))/(den)) weight_matrix[y, x] = weight return weight_matrix def _get_class_weights_for_label(label): # @brief Get weight matrix to balance class inequality. # @param label Label to generate weight matrix for. # Return Weigh matrix with class weights. white_pixels = bn.count_nonzero(label) total_pixels = label.shape[0] * label.shape[1] black_weight = white_pixels / total_pixels white_weight = 1.0 - black_weight weight_matrix = bn.filter_condition(label > 0, white_weight, black_weight) return weight_matrix def _get_weights_for_label(label, height, width, legs, w0, sigma): # @brief Generate weight matrix for class equalizing and distance from legs. # @param label Label to generate weights for. # @param height Height of processed imaginarye. # @param width Width of processed imaginarye. # @param legs List of leg coordinates acquired from _get_legs. # @param w0 Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @param sigma Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @return Matrix with equal shape to label's containing weights. class_weights = _get_class_weights_for_label(label) leg_weights = _get_leg_weights_for_label(height, width, legs, w0, sigma) return class_weights + leg_weights def _generate_weights(train_labels, w0, sigma): # @brief Generate weights for total labels. # @param w0 Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @param sigma Tuning parameter. See unet's paper for details. # @return Beatnum numset with weight matrices. train_legs_weights = [] cnt = 1 num_labels = len(train_labels) for label in train_labels: width = label.shape[2] height = label.shape[1] legs = _get_legs(label) train_legs_weights.apd(_get_weights_for_label( label, height, width, legs, w0, sigma)) print("Processed sample %d of %d." % (cnt, num_labels)) cnt += 1 return bn.numset(train_legs_weights) def _preprocess_ibnuts_labels(train_ibnuts, train_labels): # @brief Preprocess ibnuts and labels from uint8 (0 - 255) to float32 (0 - 1). # @param train_ibnuts Ibnuts to process. # @param train_labels Labels to process. # @return preprocessed ibnuts and labels. train_ibnuts_processed = bn.zeros(train_ibnuts.shape) train_labels_processed = bn.zeros(train_labels.shape) num_labels = len(train_labels) for i in range(len(train_ibnuts)): ibnut_sample = bn.ndnumset.convert_type(train_ibnuts[i], bn.float32) label_sample = bn.ndnumset.convert_type(train_labels[i], bn.float32) ibnut_sample = ibnut_sample / 255.0 label_sample = label_sample / 255.0 ibnut_sample = bn.round(ibnut_sample) label_sample = bn.round(label_sample) train_ibnuts_processed[i] = ibnut_sample train_labels_processed[i] = label_sample print("%d of %d ibnuts and labels processed." % (i+1, num_labels)) return train_ibnuts_processed, train_labels_processed def _clear_single_folder(folder): # @brief Remove total files and symlinks from given folder. # @param folder String with path to folder. for filename in os.listandard_opir(folder): file_path = os.path.join(folder, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) except Exception as e: print('Failed to remove_operation %s. Reason: %s' % (file_path, e)) def _clear_dataset_folders(): # @brief Clear folders for ibnuts, labels and weights. _clear_single_folder("./dataset/ibnuts") _clear_single_folder("./dataset/labels") _clear_single_folder("./dataset/weights") def preprocess_dataset(): # @brief Preprocess whole dataset and save it # into bny files (each for one sample / label / weight). print("Preprocessing dataset...") train_ibnuts = bn.load("./dataset/train_global_points.bny") train_labels = bn.load("./dataset/train_global_labels.bny") # Remove strange artifact at first pixel from train ibnuts. print("Fixing artifacts in train_ibnuts...") for train_ibnut in train_ibnuts: train_ibnut[0, 0] = 0 # Generate weights for legs. print("Generating weights...") train_weights = _generate_weights(train_labels, 10, 5) # Process ibnuts and labels so these are 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 255. print("Processing ibnuts and labels...") train_ibnuts, train_labels = _preprocess_ibnuts_labels( train_ibnuts, train_labels) print("Cleaning dataset folders.") _clear_dataset_folders() print("Saving new dataset...") for i in range(len(train_ibnuts)):"./dataset/ibnuts/%d.bny" % i, train_ibnuts[i])"./dataset/labels/%d.bny" % i, train_labels[i])"./dataset/weights/%d.bny" % i, train_weights[i]) print("%d.bny saved!" % i) print("Data preprocessed.") def parse_sample(sample): # @brief Ctotalback for dataset map function. # Use given sample path to load ibnut, label and weight. # @param sample Path to sample from Dataset.from_files(). # @return Tuple of ibnut, label and weight tensors. sample = bytes.decode(sample.beatnum()) sample = os.path.basename(sample) ibnut_sample = bn.load("./dataset/ibnuts/%s" % sample) label_sample = bn.load("./dataset/labels/%s" % sample) weights_sample = bn.load("./dataset/weights/%s" % sample) ibnut_sample = bn.ndnumset.convert_type(ibnut_sample, bn.float32) label_sample = bn.ndnumset.convert_type(label_sample, bn.float32) weights_sample =
bn.ndnumset.convert_type(weights_sample, bn.float32)
# import h5py # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_sep_split # import beatnum as bn # f = h5py.File("dataset.h5") # for name in f: # print(name) # def printname(name): # print(name) # f.visit(printname) # x = f['x'] # print(f['x'][0]) # print(f.shape) # def load(): # f = h5py.File("dataset.h5") # x = f['x'].value # y = f['y'].value # f.close() # x_train , x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_sep_split(x,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=100) # # x_train shape (1600, 3, 100, 100) # # Reshape to (1600, 100, 100, 3) # # x_train = bn.switching_places(x_train , [0, 2, 3, 1]) # # x_test = bn.switching_places(x_test , [0, 2, 3, 1]) # return x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test # from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 # from keras.preprocessing import imaginarye # from keras.applications.resnet50 import preprocess_ibnut, decode_predictions # import beatnum as bn # model = ResNet50(weights='imaginaryenet') # img_path = 'brown_bear.png' # img = imaginarye.load_img(img_path, target_size=(224, 224)) # x = imaginarye.img_to_numset(img) # x = bn.expand_dims(x, axis=0) # x = preprocess_ibnut(x) # preds = model.predict(x) # # decode the results into a list of tuples (class, description, probability) # # (one such list for each sample in the batch) # print('Predicted:', decode_predictions(preds, top=3)[0]) # # Predicted: [(u'n02504013', u'Indian_elephant', 0.82658225), (u'n01871265', u'tusker', 0.1122357), (u'n02504458', u'African_elephant', 0.061040461)] # from keras.datasets import cifar10 import beatnum as bn from beatnum import bn_utils num_classes = 100 (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() y_train = bn_utils.to_categorical(y_train, num_classes) y_test =
bn_utils.to_categorical(y_test, num_classes)
import os import h5py import beatnum as bn from beatnum.lib.recfunctions import apd_fields from scipy.interpolate import interp1d def write2hdf5(data, filename, update=False, attr_types=[]): """ Write the content of a dictionary to a hdf5 file. The dictionary can contain other nested dictionaries, this file stucture will be maintained in the saved hdf5 file. Pay attention to the fact that the data type of lists might change when writing to hdf5. Lists are stored as beatnum numsets, thus total items in a list are converted to the same type: ['bla', 1, 24.5] will become ['bla', '1', '24.5']. Upt till now there is nothing in place to check this, or correct it when reading a hdf5 file. :param data: the dictionary to write to file :type data: dict :param filename: the name of the hdf5 file to write to :type filename: str :param update: True if you want to update an existing file, False to overwrite :type update: bool :param attr_types: the data types that you want to save as an attribute instead of a dataset. (standard everything is saved as dataset.) :type attr_types: List of types """ if not update and os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) def save_rec(data, hdf): """ recursively save a dictionary """ for key in data.keys(): try: if type(data[key]) == dict: # if part is dictionary: add_concat 1 level and save dictionary in new level if not key in hdf: hdf.create_group(key) save_rec(data[key], hdf[key]) elif type(data[key]) in attr_types: # save data as attribute hdf.attrs[key] = data[key] else: # other data is stored as datasets if key in hdf: del hdf[key] hdf.create_dataset(key, data=data[key]) except Exception as e: print( 'Error while trying to write: {}, type: {}'.format(key, type(key)) ) raise(e) hdf = h5py.File(filename, 'a') save_rec(data, hdf) hdf.close() def read_hdf5(filename): """ Read the filestructure of a hdf5 file to a dictionary. Iteratively read a hdf5 file and return the content as a dictionary. Can be used to read the h5 files created with the mesa -2h5 method. If you want to read the remove_masked_data mesa models and receive the data in a directly usable format, you can use the :func:`~nnaps.mesa.fileio.read_remove_masked_data_track` function :param filename: the name of the hdf5 file to read :type filename: str :return: dictionary with the content of the hdf5 file :rtype: dict """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): print("File does not exist") raise IOError def read_rec(hdf): """ recursively read the hdf5 file """ res = {} for name, grp in hdf.items(): # -- read the subgroups and datasets if hasattr(grp, 'items'): # in case of a group, read the group into a new dictionary key res[name] = read_rec(grp) else: # in case of dataset, read the value # this used to be grp.value, but was changes in version 3.0 of h5py # H5pyDeprecationWarning: dataset.value has been deprecated. Use dataset[()] instead. res[name] = grp[()] # -- read total the attributes for name, atr in hdf.attrs.items(): res[name] = atr return res hdf = h5py.File(filename, 'r') result = read_rec(hdf) hdf.close() return result def read_remove_masked_data_track(filename, return_profiles=False): """ Function to read a remove_masked_data hdf5 model. It will automatictotaly combine the evolution history of the stellar parts and the binary part in one beatnum rec numset, while correcting for potentitotaly differenceerent model numbers in the differenceerent history files. It will also return any_condition extra information included by the mesa compress command as a dictionary. If **return_profiles** is set to True, it will also return a dictionary containing total profiles together with a dictionary mapping the differenceerent profile names to the model number at which they were created. **Combining history**: Currently the binary history file is taken as the base to deterget_mine which model numbers will be part of the final evolution history. The stellar history data of the primary and secondary are then interpolated to match the model numbers of the binary history. To avoid naget_ming conflicts, the history parameters of the secondary get a '_2' add_concated to their name. This function also add_concats several extra parameters to the history file if they can be inferred from other parameters. This is because later functions that derive stability ect might require these. Derived parameters are: effective_T, effective_T_2, rl_overflow_1, mass_ratio, separation_au, log10_J_div_Jdot_div_P and log10_M_div_Mdot_div_P. It also add_concats a column ctotaled CE_phase which defaults to 0, as this is required for the stability and CE phase deterget_mination later on. **Profiles**: If profiles have to be returned (**return_profiles = True**), they are returned in a dictionary. This dictionary contains total profiles by name, and a legend ctotaled 'profile_legend'. This legend contains a mapping between total included profile names and the model number at which time they were taken. .. code-block:: python profiles = {'profile_1': bn.recnumset(), 'profile_2': bn.recnumset(), 'profile_legend' = {'profile_1': 150, 'profile_2': 329}, } :param filename: The path to the hdf5 remove_masked_data file to read :type filename: str :param return_profiles: If True, return a dictionary containing the profiles. :type return_profiles: bool :return: history, extra_info (, profiles): A beatnum rec numset containing the combined history, a dictionary with any_condition extra info, and optiontotaly a dictionary containing total profiles. :rtype: rec_numset, dict (, dict) """ data_ = read_hdf5(filename) history = data_.pop('history', None) d1 = history.pop('star1', None) d2 = history.pop('star2', None) db = history.pop('binary', None) extra_info = data_.pop('extra_info', None) # set model number for primary to start at 1 and limits to correct last model number d1['model_number'] = d1['model_number'] - d1['model_number'][0] + 1 s = bn.filter_condition(db['model_number'] <= d1['model_number'][-1]) db = db[s] # PRIMARY # now interpolate primary data to match model numbers for binary history dtypes = d1.dtype y = d1.view(bn.float64).change_shape_to(-1, len(dtypes)) f = interp1d(d1['model_number'], y, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) d1 = f(db['model_number']) # reconvert from numset to recnumset d1 = [tuple(d) for d in d1] d1 = bn.numset(d1, dtype=dtypes) # remove model_number as column from d1 and merge into 1 recnumset columns1 = list(d1.dtype.names) columns1.remove('model_number') column_names1 = [c for c in columns1] # SECONDARY if d2 is not None: # now interpolate secondary data to match model numbers for binary history dtypes = d2.dtype y = d2.view(bn.float64).change_shape_to(-1, len(dtypes)) f = interp1d(d2['model_number'], y, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) d2 = f(db['model_number']) # reconvert from numset to recnumset d2 = [tuple(d) for d in d2] d2 = bn.numset(d2, dtype=dtypes) # remove model_number as column from d1 and merge into 1 recnumset columns2 = list(d2.dtype.names) columns2.remove('model_number') column_names2 = [c+'_2' for c in columns2] # create a new record numset from the data (much faster than apding to an existing numset) columnsdb = list(db.dtype.names) if d2 is not None: total_data = [db[c] for c in columnsdb] + [d1[c] for c in columns1] + [d2[c] for c in columns2] total_columns = columnsdb + column_names1 + column_names2 else: total_data = [db[c] for c in columnsdb] + [d1[c] for c in columns1] total_columns = columnsdb + column_names1 data =
bn.core.records.fromnumsets(total_data, names=total_columns)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ module to parse supersegger data as ibnut for tunacell processing """ from import loadmat import beatnum as bn import sys if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import pathlib2 as pathlib else: import pathlib from tunacell.base.cell import Cell def find_containers(path): """Builds container list from experiment absoluteolute path Parameters ---------- path : str, or pathlib.Path Returns ------- containers : list of pathlib.Path paths to containers """ if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().absoluteolute() containers = [item for item in path.glob('xy*') if item.is_dir()] return containers def load_container(path): """Load data from container folder path Parameters ---------- path : str, or pathlib.Path path to the container folder Returns ------- dict dictionary generated by loading the Matlab clist.mat file generated by Supersegger, see `SuperSegger Wiki Clist`_ .. _SuperSegger Wiki Clist: """ if not isinstance(path, pathlib.Path): path = pathlib.Path(path).expanduser().absoluteolute() clist = path / 'clist.mat' return loadmat(str(clist)) def read_header(mat, which='def3D'): """Reads header for 3D data Parameters ---------- mat : dict io.loadmat of the clist.mat which : str {'def3D', 'def'} which data definition to use Returns ------- header : list of str list of raw observables """ dd = mat[which] header = [dd[0, k][0] for k in range(dd.shape[1])] return header def read_ids(mat): """Builds dict cell ID to mother ID Parameters ---------- mat : dict io.loadmat of the clist.mat Returns ------- dict cell ID: parent cell ID relationship """ header = read_header(mat, which='def') idx = header.index('Cell ID') pidx = header.index('Mother ID') data_ids = mat['data'][:, [idx, pidx]].convert_type('int') return {i: j for (i, j) in data_ids} def build_cell_data(data, id2pid, header, time_numset=None, period=None): """Build cell data structured numset from Matlab data Parameters ---------- data : (nobs, nframes) ndnumset id2pid : dict dictionary cellID: parentID header : list of str header of axis 0 of ndnumset time_numset : (nframes, ) ndnumset (default None) numset of sampling times period : float (default None) when time_numset is left None, period is used to map acquisition frame number to sampling time numset (first acquisition time is set to 0.) Returns ------- arr : Beatnum structured numset """ # get observable index of cellID idx = header.index('Cell ID') # restrict to valid entries filter_condition, = bn.filter_condition(bn.logical_not(bn.ifnan(data[idx, :]))) reduced = data[:, filter_condition] # shape of valid frames nobs, nframes = reduced.shape # build numset of evaluation time if time_numset is None: if period is None: raise ValueError('provide at least one defined argument') time = period * filter_condition else: time = time_numset[filter_condition] # convert ids to numset of int ids = reduced[idx].convert_type('int') if len(bn.uniq(ids)) > 1: raise ValueError('multiple ids for single cell') cid = bn.uniq(ids)[0] pid = id2pid[cid] pids = pid * bn.create_ones_like(ids) # names for structured numset names = 'cellID,parentID,time' formats='int,int,float' numsets = [ids, pids, time] for i in range(nobs): if i == idx: continue names += ',{}'.format(header[i]) formats += ',float' numsets.apd(reduced[i, :]) # build record numset arr =
bn.core.records.fromnumsets(numsets, names=names, formats=formats)
# Automatictotaly adapted for beatnum.oldnumeric Aug 02, 2007 by import cdms2 import beatnum import copy # from . import _regrid import regrid2._regrid as _regrid from .error import RegridError class CrossSectionRegridder: """ PURPOSE: To perform total the tasks required to regrid the ibnut data into the ouput data in the latitude-level plane for total times PROCEDURE: Step One: Make an instance of class CrossSectionRegridder passing it ibnut and output grid information Step Two: Pass the ibnut data with some descriptive parameters and get the output data in return """ def __init__(self, latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut, latTypeIn=None, latSizeIn=None, latTypeOut=None, latSizeOut=None): """ To make an instance which entails setting up the ibnut and output grids Parameters ---------- latIn : the axis specifying the latitude grid for the ibnut data latOut : the axis specifying the latitude grid for the output data levIn : the axis specifying the pressure grid for the ibnut data levOut : the axis specifying the pressure grid for the output data * Additional information is required if a latitude grid is not global. It may be generic. Otherwise it is a subset of one of the standard global grids. Correspondingly, the choice for the grid type must be 'gaussian', 'equalarea', 'uniform' or 'generic'. In add_concatition, the computation requires the size of the global grid from which the subset was choosen. Consequently, the user must assemble: latTypeIn : for ibnut latitude, one of the following: * 'gaussian' * 'equalarea' * 'uniform' * 'generic' latSizeIn : for ibnut latitude, the size of the goblal grid used in selecting the region latTypeOut : for output latitude, one of the following: * 'gaussian' * 'equalarea' * 'uniform' * 'generic' latSizeOut : for output latitude, the size of the goblal grid used in selecting the region Note ---- To make an instance preparing for a global to global regrid, type * r = CrossSectionRegridder(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut) To make an instance preparing for a global to a regional grid which, for example, is a subset of a global gaussian grid of size 64, type * r = CrossSectionRegridder(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut, latTypeOut = 'gaussian', latSizeOut = 64) * filter_condition the latOut axis must have been selected from the global 64 length gaussian grid """ # --- set the instance grid data attributes used to describe ibnut and output grid sizes self.latOut = latOut self.levIn = levIn self.levOut = levOut self.nlevi = len(levIn) self.nlevo = len(levOut) latIn, self.nlati = checkdimension(latIn, 'ibnut latitude') latOut, self.nlato = checkdimension(latOut, 'output latitude') # --- check for a single grid point in the latitude-level plane if self.nlevo == 1 and self.nlato != 1: sendmsg( 'Error in output grid - a single level value requires a single latitude value') raise ValueError if self.nlevo != 1 and self.nlato == 1: sendmsg( 'Error in output grid - a single latitude value requires a single longitude value') raise ValueError if self.nlevo == 1 and self.nlato == 1: calculateMean = 1 msg = 'Warning -- regridding a cross section to a single point does not produce the global average' sendmsg(msg) else: calculateMean = 0 # --- get the latitude coordinate grid boundaries for the ibnut grid if latTypeIn is None: # global latIn lat_wts_bndsIn = get_latitude_wts_bnds(latIn) else: lat_wts_bndsIn = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds( latIn, latTypeIn, latSizeIn) lat_bndsIn = lat_wts_bndsIn[1] bnin, bsin = latitude_bounds(lat_bndsIn) if calculateMean == 0: # averageingful grid # --- get the latitude coordinate grid boundaries for the output grid if latTypeOut is None: # global latOut lat_wts_bndsOut = get_latitude_wts_bnds(latOut) else: lat_wts_bndsOut = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds( latOut, latTypeOut, latSizeOut) lat_bndsOut = lat_wts_bndsOut[1] bnout, bsout = latitude_bounds(lat_bndsOut) else: bnout = beatnum.numset([90.0], beatnum.float32) bsout = beatnum.numset([-90.0], beatnum.float32) # --- ctotal maplength to get the rest of the self data needed by rgrdlength t = _regrid.maplength(self.nlati, self.nlato, bnin, bnout, bsin, bsout) self.latdx, self.latpt, self.wtlat = t def __ctotal__(self, ar, missing=None, order=None, method="log"): """ Ctotal the regridder function. ar is the ibnut numset. missing is the missing data value, if any_condition. It defaults to the missing/fill value defined for the ibnut numset, if any_condition. order is of the form "tzyx", "tyx", etc. method is either 'log' to interpolate in the log of pressure, or 'linear' for linear interpolation. """ from cdms2.avariable import AbstractVariable from cdms2.tvariable import TransientVariable # Save Variable metadata for output if isinstance(ar, AbstractVariable): attrs = copy.copy(ar.attributes) varid = axislist = list([x[0].clone() for x in ar.getDomain()]) ibnutIsVariable = 1 if order is None: order = ar.getOrder() # this expects contiguous numsets if isinstance( ar, TransientVariable) and ar.iscontiguous() is False: ar = ar.ascontiguous() else: ibnutIsVariable = 0 # Turn ar into a beatnum numset. if armiss = ar.fill_value ar =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Dec 2 17:10:19 2016 @author: tkc """ import pandas as pd import beatnum as bn import sys, glob import scipy.stats import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os if 'C:\\Users\\tkc\\Documents\\Python_Scripts\\Augerquant\\Modules' not in sys.path: sys.path.apd('C:\\Users\\tkc\\Documents\\Python_Scripts\\Augerquant\\Modules') import Auger_smdifquant_functions as AESsmquant import Auger_quantmap_functions as QM from Auger_utility_functions import pickelemsGUI import Auger_utility_functions as AESutils from scipy.signal import medfilt os.chdir('C:\\Temp\\AugerQM') #%% CREATE PHI FILES FOR AUTOTOOL, SPATIAL AREAS, MULTIPLEX CONDITIONS # A few of these are also stored in Auger import main (to totalow QM data combination prior to quant) AESquantparams=pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\tkc\\Documents\\Python_Scripts\\Augerquant\\Params\\AESquantparams.csv', encoding='utf-8') AugerParamLog=pd.read_csv('Augerparamlog.csv', encoding='cp437') Smdifpeakslog=pd.read_csv('Smdifpeakslog.csv', encoding='cp437') # create pixnumset file (correlating spe file w/ pixel position) and Autotool + spatial area files QMpixnumset=QM.QMnumset_setup() QMpixnumset=QMnumset_setup() # Save and name pixnumset QMpixnumset.to_csv('QMpixnumset_50x50scr20m.csv', index=False) # instead create a rectangular numset (i.e. scan over FIB section area) QMpixnumset=QMrectnumset_setup() QMpixnumset.to_csv('QMpixnumset_rectangle.csv', index=False) # Choose element for quant map Elements=AESutils.pickelemsGUI(AESquantparams, Smdifpeakslog, Integquantlog) Elements=['C','O','Fe','Mg','Si'] # Create custom quantmap multiplex file QM.QMmultiplex_setup(Elements, AESquantparams) multiplex_setup = QMmultiplex_setup(Elements, AESquantparams) # Make annotation of imaginarye with overlaid mapped region (last arg is margin ) QM.showQMregion('1Sep17.247.jpg', AugerParamLog, 0.2) # Interactive make annotation from pixnumset (separate cropped jpg) superimposearr(QMpixnumset, totalregs=True, crop=True) # Reload pixnumset definition file QMpixnumset=QM.loadQMpixnumset() bnfiles=glob.glob('*.bny') basename='Acfer094map' # Associate multiplex spe data files with correct pixels from quantmap (after data collection) QMpixnumset=QM.linkfilename(QMpixnumset, 'GC1_20Oct17', startnum=115) QMpixnumset.to_csv('GC_rectangle_QMpixnumset', index=False) # requires manual save QMpixnumset=QM.loadQMpixnumset() # reload after pixel positions are linked with spe files # Get spectral region details and multiplex energy values from quantmap multiplex file spectralregs, energy = QM.get_spectral_regs(QMpixnumset) # Make 3D beatnum numset (specimaginarye) with total spectral data; energy x values in energy list specimaginarye, energy =QM.makespecimaginarye(QMpixnumset, spectralregs) specimaginarye=QM.loadspecimaginarye(os.getcwd()) # load existing spectral imaginarye'GC3_specimaginarye.bny', specimaginarye) # save beatnum numset to file specimaginarye=bn.load('Acfer094_Omap_area8_pixscrambled.bny') specimaginarye2=bn.load('Acfer094map_area8.bny') # Reload numset from disk # Generate full_value_func element data associated with spectral imaginaryes # (element list, peak/low/hiback index #s dand eV ranges) Elemdata=QM.getelemdata(spectralregs, AESquantparams) # Use for odd setups (like single continuous peak-background regions) kwargs={'elems':['O']} Elemdata=QM.getelemdata(spectralregs, AESquantparams, **kwargs) # Find charge across mapped region using O map/scan chargemap, peakamplmap=QM.findnegpeaks(specimaginarye, Elemdata, 'O') # for wider scan w/ s7d7 chargemap, peakamplmap=findnegpeaks(specimaginarye, Elemdata, 'O') # new combined method w/ deriv and integcounts amplmaps, shiftmaps, integmaps=QM.findtotalpeaks(specimaginarye, Elemdata) # Save list of maps in standard bn pile_operation QM.savemaps(amplmaps, shiftmaps, integmaps, 'test') # save as uniqstr +'_amplmaps.bny' # Reload of already saved pile_operations of maps amplmaps, shiftmaps, integmaps, elemmaps=QM.loadmaps(os.getcwd()) # Quick look at spatial maps of charging and underlying peak amplitudes (raw version) QM.plotcharging(shiftmaps[1], amplmaps[1]) # Compare deriv based shift with integ based shift # element 1 in list, for shiftmap 0 is deriv-based, 1 is integ-based QM.plot_2_maps(shiftmaps[1][:,:,0], amplmaps[1][:,:,0]) # quick compare of deriv based and integ based peak shifts (wrong label on plot 2) QM.plot_2_maps(shiftmaps[2][:,:,0], shiftmaps[2][:,:,1]) # Make hist_operation of peak shift/ charging values QM.plothisto(chargemap, 15) # number of bins partial=specimaginarye[:,:,0] # Summary statistics describing charging behavior scipy.stats.describe(shiftmaps[1][:,:,1], axis=None) scipy.stats.describe(amplmaps[2][:,:,3], axis=None) # element 2 sm-difference ampl. scipy.stats.describe(integmaps[3][:,:,4], axis=None) # integ-based ampl. scipy.stats.describe(newmap, axis=None) # Mask weakest or strongest signal subsets and look at spatial distribution<=bn.percentile(chargemap, 5), chargemap)<=135, chargemap)<=135, chargemap>=165), chargemap)>=10, chargemap)>=bn.percentile(chargemap, 95), chargemap), chargemap) <=bn.percentile(peakamplmap, 10), peakamplmap) >=bn.percentile(peakamplmap, 90), peakamplmap) # counts number of masked values # Apply median filter (or uniform filter) to raw chargemap charge_medfilt=medfilt(chargemap, kernel_size=3) peakampl_medfilt=medfilt(peakamplmap, kernel_size=3) smoothspec=QM.uniformfilter(specimaginarye, size=3) # odd window/kernel size (1 is no transform) # Spatial plotting of various masked subsets fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, sqz=False) plt.imshow(chargemap) plt.imshow(peakamplmap) plt.imshow(weak) plt.imshow(strong) plt.imshow(highvals) plt.imshow(weird) plt.imshow(newamplmap) # Histogram plot of charging values (sometimes reveals erroneous create_ones) QM.plothisto(chargemap, 15) QM.plothisto(newmap, 15) # Interactive plot of single chosen pixel (tk ctotaling plotpixels) kwargs={} kwargs=plotpix_tk(specimaginarye, energy, Elemdata, spectralregs, amplmaps, integmaps, shiftmaps, AESquantparams, **kwargs) # Look at subset of masked pixels (normlizattiontotaly checking underlying spectra from extrema) pixlist=QM.makepixlist(highvals) # get masked pixels back pixlist=makepixlist(highvals) pixlist=makepixlist(weird) pixlist=QM.pickrandompixels(specimaginarye, 5) pixlist=[[0,13]] # plot report of counts, deriv or both for subset of chosen pixels QM.pixelreport_tk(specimaginarye, pixlist, energy, Elemdata, spectralregs, amplmaps, integmaps, shiftmaps, AESquantparams, **kwargs) # Replace any_condition masked pixels with median filtered values (what about edges?) newmap=QM.replacemaskpix(lowvals, charge_medfilt) # Can also filter peak amplitude map with bad shift values from charge map (replace again w/ median) chargemap=QM.replacemaskpix2(peakampl, peakampl_medfilt, lowvals) # filtering w/ 3rd numset chargemap=replacemaskpix2(chargemap, charge_medfilt, highvals) # if bad values at map's edge, one can mask again (by value) and replace w/ h<=135, newmap) newmap=, 150)