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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 22,33,025 Units of HDFC Arbitrage Fund - Wholesale Han - </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>113,338,521,352</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 16,099 14,420 </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> For the year ended 31 December 2015 \n Notes 2015 2014 \n F \n Turnover 60,315 46,135 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>111,70,954,167</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> 223 217 </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Administrative &Management </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> farming Create synergies for </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>130,802,611,823</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> SAT \n 1 \n Class \n of \n 2012 \n Class \n of </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> THE LONDON TRUST </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> Sub total(Gross </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>102,383,223,395</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> United States </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 9 October 30, 1988 at Philadelphia Eagles W 27–24 60,091 \n 10 November 6, 1988 Green Bay Packers W 20–0 29,952 \n 11 November 13, 1988 San Diego Chargers L 10–7 26,329 \n 12 November 20, 1988 at Los Angeles Raiders W 12–6 40,967 </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>159,656,840,666</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> to pay to Station and/or Network, all amounts due to Station and/or Network pursuant hereto until payment in full is actually received by Station and/or Network. Payment by Advertiser </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>183,811,798,821</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> nickname </ocr>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Bahamas Bahamas National trust 1,371 11,633 \n Belize BelizeAudubon Society 644 \n Bolivia Asociadon Civil Armonia (ACA) 540 19,432 \n Burkina Faso\" Fondation des Amis delaNature (NATURAMA) 68,176 102,140 \n Canada Nature Canada (NC) 8,237 \n Canada Bird Studies Canada 3,880 \n Cyprus BirdLife Cyprus 38,579 40,493 \n Czech Republic Czech Society forOrnithology (CSO) 2,272 \n Ecuador Aves yConservacion 22,805 15,930 \n Ethiopia Ethiopian Wildlife scNatural History Society (EWNHS) 18,554 47,186 \n France Ligue pour LaProtection des Oiseaux (LPO) 52,696 101,447 \n French Polynesia' Societed'Omithologie de Polynesie \"Manu\" 22,250 113,023 \n Germany Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) 19,222 10,104 \n Ghana Ghana Wildlife Society (GWS) 18,602 30,989 \n Greece Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS) 6,754 3,306 \n Hong Kong Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) 11,596 23,788 \n Hungary Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME) \n India Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) 53,249 28,287 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>120,163,914,403</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 4 592 </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>855,248,897,786</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Total $ 440.00 \n General Manager \n \\):B \\)\\J\\fi—‘ \n Date Submitted: ;ji'Z 0 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>112,565,822,689</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>165,802,679,823</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 7/04/93 20.12 5.98 3.19 </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Justin Holiday 6'6\" 170 F Fr. </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>49,625,529,667</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 1993 (as amended) the Comptroller and Auditor </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>71,280,463,294</bbox>"
] | line_t2bbox_sft | KleisterCharity | KleisterCharity_t2bbox_737 |
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> Ex officio </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>506,401,617,415</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> ORGANIZE FOR \n INNOVATION \n Organize for Innovation \n Rethinking how we work \n In Organize for Innovation, Red Hat \n President and CEO Jim Whitehurst \n reflects on the technological, social, and \n economic forces impacting the ways we </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>117,802,369,823</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Musburger </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Totals </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>128,846,208,928</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> STATEMENTS </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>557,101,659,113</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> the field. Together with the hospital we plan targets and expansion. For many months \n ofthe year there is a Sight For Life representative working alongside the Pakistani \n teams. Each visiting Sight For Life representative \"hands over\" to the next \n representative and all parties report back to the Board ofTrustees. \n Risk to meeting the expectations of beneficiaries and supporters \n The beneficiaries ofour work are patients who are blind from cataracts or suffer from \n other eye related conditions. We have strict systems in place to ensure that they \n receive the necessary care (see above). \n Our supporters donate money on the basis that it will be spent to help restore sight to \n the cataract blind and those with other treatable conditions. We ensure that no money \n donated by the public is used on administration, salaries or office costs. These costs \n are borne by the trustees and their families. \n Risk to operational performance including risks to our Trustees and volunteers </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>121,354,873,592</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Maciej </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> REQUESTED BY: Maura Johnson, </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>140,341,501,354</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> WRAZ F 09/14/12 :30 10:23 PM 2012MRFP110H $400.00 3 </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>55,830,961,844</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 13.3% Directly from national budget </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>139,357,493,450</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>156,802,882,823</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Dalton/Division \n 7 Train Station 30 \n Midland/Gardiners \n Bus Terminal \n Downtown Brock St. / Barrie St. \n 9 20 </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Woodman </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> deadlines, please send us: \n Contact Beth Daley for more information on writing for Europeana Pro News. \n » Approximately 500 words \n * At least one good-quality image that you have permission to share and can credit accurately. \n +» Keep the structure and punctuation simple. \n + Include functioning and useful links within your text. </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> North </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> or 2 is good to knowt 5cmks. </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>634,897,898,903</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> YES! FM 91.1 Boracay DYYR 91.1 MHz 1 kW Boracay </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>23,502,888,574</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> 5 YEARS </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>739,269,875,287</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> Pubs </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> O WEIBO </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>259,211,368,233</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Fixed asset donations </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>209,307,355,319</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Debora Niche Daniela Nedeva Erika Medveczky </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>157,579,749,608</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> and pledged to proceed </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> K-11 process \n Kodachrome film 35 mm and 828, Type F (ASA 12) 1955–1962 \n Kodachrome Professional film 35 mm, Type A (ASA 16) 1956–1962 \n Kodak Color Print Material Type D (slide duping film) 1955–1957 \n K-12 process \n Kodachrome II film 16 mm, daylight (ASA 25) and Type A (ASA 40) 1961–1974 \n 8 mm, daylight (ASA 25) and Type A (ASA 40) 1961–1974 \n S-8, Type A (ASA 40) 1965–1974 \n 35 mm and 828, daylight (ASA 25/early) (ASA 64/late) 1961–1974 \n Professional, 35 mm, Type A (ASA 40) 1962–1978 \n Kodachrome-X film 35 mm (ASA 64) 1962–1974 \n 126 format 1963–1974 \n 110 format 1972–1974 \n K-14 process \n Kodachrome 25 film 35 mm, daylight 1974–2001 \n Movie film, 16 mm, daylight 1974–2002 \n Movie film, 8 mm, daylight 1974–1992 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>19,152,980,608</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Wales as amended to reflect the requirements of the Charities Accounting Regulations and \n the related Statement of Recommended Practice. \n 1. Voluntary Income — Planned Giving \n These represent amounts received by envelopes, Gift Direct scheme and Standing \n order s \n 2. Bank Current Accounts \n This represent total of all current bank accounts held by the parish including section \n accounts \n 3. Bank Deposit Accounts \n This represent total of all deposit bank accounts held by the parish </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>126,241,870,437</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> cigarettes? Mark (x) one D </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> MORE INTEREST IN THE </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>409,274,729,282</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Locate the postion of the text <ocr> INVOICE </ocr>"
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"content": "<bbox>446,33,553,53</bbox>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> MORNING SESSION \n Dr. J.A. Halsted \n Albany Medical Center \n Albany, New York \n Chairman \n Deficiency of Zinc in Man and Its Toxicity \n Dr. A.S. Prasad \n Wayne State University \n Detroit, Michigan \n Deficiency of Zinc in Infants \n and Pre-Adolescents \n Dr. K.M. Hambidge </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>183,182,749,423</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> 1998 Yong Yudianto Karolina Ericsson Michael Keck Christian Mohr Erica van den Heuvel Judith Meulendijks Michael Keck Nicol Pitro \n 1999 Oliver Pongratz Zheng Yaqiong Quinten van Dalm Dennis Lens Britta Andersen Lene Mork Chris Bruil Erica van den Heuvel \n 2000 Xie Yangchun Xu Huaiwen Michael Søgaard Joachim Fischer Nielsen Claudia Vogelgsang Xu Huaiwen Michael Keck Erica van den Heuvel \n 2001 Niels Christian Kaldau Michael Søgaard Michael Lamp Neli Boteva Elena Nozdran Chris Bruil Lotte Bruil-Jonathans \n Pi Hongyan \n 2002 Chen Gang Simon Archer Flandy Limpele Mia Audina Lotte Bruil-Jonathans Nathan Robertson Gail Emms \n 2003 Dicky Palyama Michał Łogosz Robert Mateusiak Nicole Grether Juliane Schenk Frederik Bergström Johanna Persson \n 2004 Niels Christian Kaldau Simon Archer Anthony Clark Kamila Augustyn Nadieżda Kostiuczyk Rasmus Mangor Andersen Britta Andersen \n Xu Huaiwen \n 2005 Kasper Ødum Tony Gunawan Halim Haryanto Nicole Grether Juliane Schenk Vladislav Druzhchenko Johanna Persson \n 2006 Ronald Susilo Michał Łogosz Robert Mateusiak Jiang Yanmei Li Yujia Robert Mateusiak Nadieżda Kostiuczyk </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>11,207,978,629</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Paulista </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Season Playoffs National Cup </ocr>"
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"role": "user",
"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Sheridan Sheridan Blackhawks 29 Hamilton 1948 2000 1965 2012 \n Southwestern Lafayette Wildcats 79 Tippecanoe 1958 1966 \n Western Russiaville Panthers 34 Howard 1958 1965 </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>20,503,978,660</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> \"World Clean Up Day\" in 51 countries in September </ocr>"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "<bbox>65,375,702,391</bbox>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Alzheimer’s </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Predict the bounding box of the text <ocr> Access Monitor No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> Recently a TV show accused tobacco companies more than three times what the average is today. \n of somehow 'spiking\" the level of nicotine in our According to the 1989 Surgeon General's Report. \n products to 'addict' smokers. since 1957 \"tar' and nicotine have been reduced by \n As the Chairman of a tobacco company and a over 60%. \n smoker, I want America's 45 million smokers to Please rest assured that there is no truth \n know that this is sheer nonsense. At R.J. Reynolds whatsoever in these accusations. They represent \n we do not increase the level of nicotine in any of yet another tactic in the anti-tobacco lobby's </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> facebook ... What employers like to see \n Looking For A Job Just received my letter of Confirmation x \n of Membership from the Board of Accounting Experts !! 80% Professional organisation membership \n Comment - Like . \n Looking For A Job Vouinteer work on the 15th of July! Cant X \n 66% Charity work/Volunteering \n M wait to get my hands dirty. \n Comment . Like . \n What about referrals ... \n 1 out of every 7 people referred has been hired. Only 1 out of 100 general candidates (not referred) have been hired \n So how many have made successful hires through social media ... \n 73% of those surveyed admitted to have </ocr>"
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"content": "<|image|>Give the bounding box of the text <ocr> PLA 1.46 [14] \n Acrylic glass 1.490 - 1.492 \n Polycarbonate 1.584 - 1.586 \n PMMA 1.4893 - 1.4899 \n PETg 1.57 \n PET 1.5750 \n Crown glass (pure) 1.50 - 1.54 \n Flint glass (pure) 1.60 - 1.62 \n Crown glass (impure) 1.485 - 1.755 \n Flint glass (impure) 1.523 - 1.925 \n Pyrex (a borosilicate glass) 1.470 [15] \n Cryolite 1.338 \n Rock salt 1.516 \n Sapphire 1.762–1.778 \n Sugar Solution, 25% 1.3723 [16] </ocr>"
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