Unnamed: 0
Music a beautiful gift thank you. and it's beautiful morning it's great to be here in spokane. Try to get with the light the candles is always a memory of a reminder of how we need light in the midst of darkness and with it being our wives or in our world i want to hear i want to thank todd for your pastor for welcome and invited me to come and be your guest speaker today. I have fond memories of when i went to why did my theological training or is my seminary work in berkeley and our lutheran seminary down there as i know i'm the co-director of the faith action network it's. What place is a beautiful vision that i believe that we all share that of all faiths and. Pueblo norte coming together. Comed quote holy hill in brookley thank you for understanding that smile on my face holy hill but we need holy hills don't make fun rosa mountains are indeed holy places thank you. Travis for the the mountain net when we walked up and over was the beautiful. Sponsored by the association the catholic conference of washington state and i think probably at times the spokane interfaith council and the fig tree and yesterday we met a couple of those organizations. Which were very proud of you and hopefully you'll you'll be hearing more about it for me obviously here in the next couple minutes but as you do please pick up a brochure in my vet and the from me and and there's a display table in the back as well with some of our other materials do we get it yesterday down at the cathedral at st. john's and i understand that there was a small gathering that. To be a partnership for the common good so that all in our state my scribes and in these times so that all might. I participated in the service of remembrance it which is now unfortunately annual service remembrance breccia something like that over here in spokane remembering. I must have been speaking of reading it of names there must have been names that. 40 or 50. Just the past calendar year this was just on it was the david tiffany january 6th and it was at one of seattle's housing shelters housing alliance that a partnership for the common good. In our elevator statement this time of year speaking of elevators i'm over in olympia. Part-time as a lobbyist say that i always look for the exit signs was one over there but i've got to get through donnan the chairs i don't know brian but i did over there i'll be over there tomorrow morning and the our elevator statement is that we are a statewide network and seek action network and as a network but if not controlled by some big hierarchy up here. But it's more of a grassroots movement of people. Down here we are statewide network of people of faith for that matter people of no peyton uniting i think today is we are advocates for justice and that's probably the most important word in that little phrase we need to take courageous. Amazon looping background brookins encouraged rages although henry david thoreau and thank you again travis for that powerful story. And to see the sowing the seeds that were sewn that we saw. We don't have as big a splash as. The one that henry david thoreau. Because then someone else a baptist minister. Unitarian sunday. Cnhbv 19th century. Baptist minister. Courageous public action. I swear from the pulpit so i won't say this word that is going to say but. Probably know what it would i was going to use their butt. Baptist minister taking.. And also that's a baptist minister. In another part of the world that we have in gandhi to the elevator statement that we are a big wide network of people estates uniting to take courageous public caption. Court justice. Big action network is a big camp organization as i try to make clear. But a big tent that sees each individual. Does important as a part of that routing for a glowing this movement of the faithful. To change agents. Carolyn communities. They work with unitarians some of whom i think you know that i'm named i'm going to mention janine larson yep alright. I don't know if unitarian say amen or whatever assume you're a baptist congregation it's a canadian that would you please meet you in a minute you know by the way thank you for your standing up speaking out which is what we encourage individual advocates to do and this movement of the faithful. The critical issues of the day, talking about his marriage equality tomorrow and i was preaching at the full service and it was about 10 a.m. tomorrow at this time the first public hearing will have been completed for thereabouts a supposed to go to ours but. What time am i coming to state capitol. And believe it or not one of the fates m that'll be their testifying will be one of our roofing bishops oh my goodness thank you and it is great that we are hoping that carol will be there we just talked last week. Do i think i'd like to see about production that working then going commenting on the on the text from the sacred text from the book of exodus is what we call this movement of the faithful that we're trying to create and taste pick it up on on the back it's called we simply call it right now advocating congregations congregation that say. Pediatrician spokane with your dad quite nicely. And the second way that it is a part of our understanding of our of our face whatever we might. However we might express that and that's early as we often times do it fan cuz i go around the state from sunday to sunday last sunday i was over in whidbey island and the other end of the state and episcopal pace beautiful beautiful names in the woods we have our hands of advocacy. The names that we had that i often times use our charity and justice and we all know about the importance of the charitable act to me to the tremendous human need that we have that you haven't in any community in this world. On that hand gets exercise so often the by biceps bulls but it also suffers from compassion fatigue. After you just got to run a tournament the knobloch right because it's report after report after report about the suffering. Connect communities in about world because the other hand call justice separate from atrophy. Cesar just don't have enough time we dated the rose or that it would need to be like henry david thoreau oregon dior or poses. Age of us in our own lies. Where we are and what we can do to use our voice by hands to be advocates for justice. Do i invite as a direct address and invite do you trip to spokane to join this growing movement we have 30 congregations 31 now i think and would like to give a double dead by the time i come back to spokane yet january. 40 conversation to have with your boy trustees are within with any of you later this morning that will be gathering a small group of us would be gathering down at inaba novices at walnut corners just offense off of monroe at about 12:30 i better hurry up speaking of of the text for today and the text for the day the reading that i wanted to focus on text. Budget is a figure that's recognized by at least three religions. As a significant leader with that religion muslims claim moses. Judaism claims moses. Christianity is life as we know it from from the car lot on the side books of moses. So as you read that that that story that brian read from today. What you grew up worshipping egyptian.. How many centuries ago all the amazing diversity of religion and beliefs. Then are now as well. Humorous question has has as his voice speaks in the burning bush and so and moses agrees to go back and. The place where he wasn't wanted man probably still doing that. Egyptian. Taskmaster. Exercise beginning to be open about justice. He says so as i go back and organize because you know that it was. but is the first labor movement tannerite. So who are you what's your name, voice speaks back. The bet i am. Find a little bit of human that if i was one of these recent i am since you okay over the invoice is described. Like this. The community and there are three centuries and centuries. I mean there are the president's secret text that i can feel my neck. Reverses. Stans auto. Is it the eyes that see i see the oppression. Repression going on in our world did you see i was going to the gym go back one of us if we think that we celebrate celebrate rebecca remember 200 is it the 200th anniversary of the whatever-it-is are the civil war in this country. And we going to take that ended slavery. Washington state legislature dealing with, we can continue to reduce 21st century of slavery form of slavery and human trafficking. I know the mind lies and i think that. Motivated. Because moses we're doing pretty good right cuz we as we kind of understand deal what's going on in moses life here he comes back and. Weather. Quincy i didn't mean to maya videos. hopefully grab size as well. The voice destroy told this morning by travis. Henry david thoreau gandhi. Destroyed that we remember now once a year i know that speaking to the choir here so we remember it more than that the story that life of dr. king who would have been 83. Blessed sunday. Speak truth to power. The most courageous public ass and whatever that might be for us in the in the little way it is for me going to olympia and speaking to the legislators they are to senator brown or senator baumgartner. I need another 25 and another 25. Yes i'll commit to. Going out on. Whatever it might be the 1-800 number to more of my propaganda i'm sorry 1-800 5626 thousand young people though they've already left. Young people young people pick up the phone tomorrow morning it's generous hours 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Excuse now. For justice. Bmlg quality tomorrow. Deseret carriages public action i'm a person of faith i'm a taxpayer. Boulder. They have i'm almost down to the last amen. Before i see the last amen i'll do what i say this intensive another message besides marriage equality the most important task that i take legislators have when we have a list of state legislators in the back in the area with your email and the committee's there on the balanced budget by state treasury. Our state treasury. About 1.5 billion projected message. Are you done yet. To say we could you can meet up before messages one for the governor knows she won't be on the other end of the line but the message does get delivered their very good about that and your three state legislators i agree or i believe that the budget the state budget like i would think the budget year that you use spokane and and what i'm sitting right now but when i got back here. Budget should not be down on the backs of the poor in the morning thank you yes we know they're going to have to be cut me notice have to be elimination tucker also needs on this side of the pile so to speak. Needs to be a generation of revenue together has suggested that mr like it but you know what she was going to help us. The rebate the cuts on the point of all of this dude i'm there and you got to let your legislators know. Festival on the ways and means committee. How much is a fancy name for equal sign at the moon's equal sign funny horse about what it comes down to is that per second. Using our eyes. I ears. And i'll add our hearts. We might all of us. can you believe lutherans and unitarians together oh my lord to be advocates for justice. So that all might drive. In the 509 area code in the 206 area code. Around this country are on this world i thank you mother always said and would thank you paul. I thought you for listening to this weekend preacher and i look forward to my conversations with janine larson about how we can sand can work closer. I look forward to you hopefully joining our statewide network. Vatican can radiation bless you.
Specializing in oncology and supportive care which is cancer and end-of-life. Exchange ideologies. All right here. Absolute surrender is not all that popular in the middle east there everywhere. Sound of birds pretty accessible.
Two years ago i visited ministers meeting in the speakers. 50 small words. Yesterday. Shower facilities. Each year when we arrive. Oldsmobile. The parade. Have been for centuries. Introduction. Ministry. Understanding understanding. Understanding of human nature and administer. Green our need for the sacraments. The communion service and was fired. I'm not sure what happened to his church. Washing machine. Jell-o. All races. Professional school for women. Right. Parker. Boston. Immigration. Community church. Come here. Parker. For us to do. Everything over the top. Tuxedos. Colorado. Personality. Three weeks after their honeymoon was over. Giving a trainwreck of a marriage. Marry her host. State of washington. Giving her. Set timer friends. That's against the law. Question of marriage. Laws on marriage and unjust. And for our church to say we will not act as agents. The purpose of unions. Perform. Weddings. Question. Given our heritage we are. How can that not be our stance. As well. I read in the spokesman-review. Proud heritage. Pride. When we live up to our heritage. Can we walk or talk. One more community of faith. Pride.
Probably enough james doesn't treat religion is something that science can or should scrutinise objective about the nature of the universe or about reality for about the existence of something greater than ourselves the value of it as far as drink with concern within his personal experience how it benefits one's own life may have a psychological benefit but not a scientific one.
Introduced. Give you permission to disagree with what i have to say. If you give me permission to try to make you happy. Porcupine. Weeks ago. If i weren't a masochist i'd have no sex. And we need to get the title. I was really concerned relationship. Wheat plant. Weed plant. And then a funny thing happened. Famous april 10th. Was here. Caprice for the first time at 9:15 that morning. The rest. Are we going to be open to new minister. Is a sense of anticipation. Relationship. I have to come up with something else. Spell framing is something i have been. Snowfall season 2. Off the roof all the time. And it was a splice theme. Course insurance companies. We kept raking snow off my roof. Structure. I'm sad. Construction. Question in mind. If we had started fresh over the dining room. If we hadn't accepted the old framing. Start fresh. Reframing my house at 9. Which religion. And ever since they built it. Change. We asked questions of. A worldview thousands of years old. And the future. But most of the time is it. What if we started. This is really my favorite one. In this room this morning. Concerns. Things that i struggle with. Temp tomorrow. It's not just our. Difference. As a congregation. Difference. And what difference could we make in the world. Friday evening. Keith. Driving home and i said. Isn't it. Question. Incident. But it's not just about me. You question as well. Askew. What are you trying to do. Participation in this. Could you imagine just for a minute that you got everything. Would it make the car. Maybe you're asking the wrong question. We together. A difference. Would be.
Roofers coming to this church i've been surrounded by open minds and loving hearts as i grew up in the church my life has been shaped by many new friendships and relationships only see day by day. But my view has broadened as i've grown older. I cannot see that each one of us is a collage of the relationships i've had in our lifetimes. Each like those pictures made of little pictures of portrait. Grown-up in this church many good people have affected who i am today erin fitzgerald personally welcomed me into the religious education program like i was her own son to answer the years acted as a second mother to me in troubled times i want to thank all my our instructors for all the fun and games i brought to probably the most awkward topic known to any adolescent my re teachers many sunday's have endless youthful energy and still this somehow. Taught us something about the world we live in. Diane anderson. I want to thank you guys for providing a wonderful first step into the senior high youth group. Even if i was the only habitable male member my youth group experience changed too drastically took over the reins. Viral video night photo scavenger hunts to enduring drive to uconn twice a year these two heroes haven't missed a step. Youtube has been my support group for sick and send me through my teenage years the coming-of-age program solidified my self-confidence as well as opened my mind to the new ways of seeing the world around me. My advisors were all fun-loving individuals who each added their new and different perspective to mine. To all my friends don't think i forgotten you thank you for all the good times we have had throughout the years i want to thank scott scott fitzgerald my mentor my coffee partner. Most definitely my friend who helped me in the darkest times with a hilarious quote or contemplative thought that. Kept me moving forward and finally to my parents who first introduced me to this wonderful congregation friendships and bonds i have made within this community of compassion have shaped who i am today and will hopefully continue shaping me as i move forward in life. I'm home. Patrician gave me. Church every sunday. Give me something. Woodforest. Thanks for getting. For they have any churches besides christian ones. I guess i was just like whatever. Amazing. There's a basketball you ever meet. Adventures. Conn's. Anybody about anything and that's just. Amazing in spirituality at those events is beautiful. Germans like this one only. Sounds like fun. Especially. Witches in wisconsin. Everywhere. I really hope i can find it. My future. Church of spokane. What's green and has wheels. Anybody answer. Grass. Typical. Apostrophe. I'm sorry. Because we've not 90%. And yes that's my message actually so cortana guys. Church. And a lot of friends when i was six it was hard time. Church every sunday. And i got to be part of this community. And i made that choice and it was so awesome. Which is nice thank you guys and especially. Oculus. Discussing.
Control and i were getting together on friday to practice for this service. Pacifico. Can refer to somebody i just finished a book. Each and every moment of her life.
You made my task easier so. Thank you thank you all for all the work you put in. The gift. This talk is set as you probably saw in your program entitled to heyoka. We're going against the grain. I know some of you know what that means because i was talking with someone last night at the aria. She described herself as someone who likes to go against the grain a lot. I am in really the reason that i messaged. To introduce myself but. Also. Pretty comfortable that it's. Likely about something that. We share in common. Personally. I have to begin by admitting. Backwards. Something you should know. Taking a unit of clinical pastoral education. Tte for short. As part of my ministerial education offending. Which word out of my mouth. Each week during our group seminars together a different. That is an actual conversation. Encounter. With a hospital patient or a church member. Who received a phone call from a woman concerned about her brother who had suffered a heart attack. But she was mostly worried. And go to hell. Because he had not been saved. He was under heavy guard. Convicted of taking static contract to have his ex-wife murdered. Who cares an awful lot about you. Yes he replied. My sister. But i am. China with the right thing. Is to do i just have trouble doing it. After asking a few questions to make certain the departed. I was dumbstruck. To say the least. I could not believe it a man in prison for attempting. Septa can't cuz he held a certain belief. And action. The face is not something we hold it's something we demonstrate. Inappropriate question. Who did this conversation help. And how. Perhaps my question should have been more calculated. Given that i was the only non-christian in the group. But the hostility in the chaos. The students mouth dropped open. Is it she could not believe anyone would even ask such a question. Which one of her own. I was surprised. And by now sensitive and head shaking her. This particular. And how you think it was helpful. But this time appropriate. By confessing that she had immediately. Before long the hospital. Have the cpe program signed in by saying. I don't know why you're even here. I think you should consider leaving. Can't believe you. It took every fiber of my being. I need to be here. And i choose to be here. I do not have ever wish my presents to be a hindrance to the group. So if you want me to leave. But you're going to have to ask me to. Responsibility. Making it through the entire service despite. The ruckus. By the end of the course however sayings. Completely turned around. Genuinely warmed up to me. Apologize. I now realize you're one of the kindest and most compassionate man i've ever known. This was also in the assistant director of the cpe program with a filipino. Who was amazing proficient in all three cultures. Complimented me. By saying todd. You're a heyoka. Someone who is native american. Backwards of everyone else. It was a moment of clarity. He gave me a contacts. Can explain it in anywhere. It explained. The only reference the fact that i asked a lot of questions that i'm not supposed to. Compassionate. This explains. Get love learning more than just about anything else. High school dropout. It explains. Kennewick to become the minister i was meant to be. Whatever i hear. Might also be true. Breakfast in the morning i always have a bowl of cereal before i go to bed. According to the lakota legend the first pay oka was named. After the westwind son of taste the breath of life. If people were suffering from plagues and starvation and he knew the only thing powerful enough to help turns around. What's the great and terrifying thunderbird. He comes from a counter-clockwise dimension. Those who merely catch a glimpse. And begin speaking backwards themselves. It is a description. It has claws but no feet. Kid shoes. Thunderbird. After a long and perilous journey he does not cower in fear as we might expect. Instead he begins laughing. And standing on his head. Can walking on his hands. Your small voice brightness. In the least. Inner clockwise dimension you might expect thunderbirds. Bizarro world. Your words. Address and terms opposite the intention of those before me. Japan in visalia two places. Thunderbird mountain. Together with you. I will purify the world of all filthy things. He was sweeping. Can wash it. And water the ground. We will cause all that grows from the ground to flourish and barely used. Nourishment. He will come back. So many want to stick cost things to stay. This is. From that point on. Kodk miheeka. And begins talking backwards. Walking backwards. Cross-dressing. And growing younger. The immediate message. If we want to clean our air. That water in our soil we must begin to do the opposite. At what we have been doing. The ground. And cause all that grows from the ground. Fruits and flowers. We have to turn things around. We must begin doing the opposite. By using clean and renewable energies. To be turned around 2. How much we can earn for instance perhaps we should try basing it. On what we can save. Instead of accept. We should try the opposite. Let's try raising teacher salaries and hiring more fm. Who can afford at most to pay their fair share to. Let's try considering. Cooperating with them. Future. Indeed the most revolutionary figures in history have been heyokas because they did the opposite. Of what was expected. Gandhi was a hellcat because he met soft and walked on the sidewalk. Steven universe illegal for indians to do so. Rosa parks. A white man. Martin luther king was a hangout. Confronting. With non-violence. These are real people. Then help us turn our world around. Some of you. Remember my favorite. Seinfeld episode ever. In which george. Decision i've ever made in my entire life. It's been wrong. Usual cup of coffee. But then events paration and awakening. He changes his mind. Wait a minute. Works for me with tuna on toast chicken salad. Although jerry argues that salmon is actually the opposite of tuna since its choice made a bold step. In transforming his entire life. A few moments later he sees an attractive woman. Across the room. His friends encouragement. He approaches the woman. Says excuse me. I couldn't help but notice you were looking in my direction. Oh yeah she reply. You just ordered the same lunch as me. With the opposite of the usual approach. My name is george. I'm unemployed and live with my parents the beautiful woman smiles. I'm victoria. Uncle helps george landajob. With the new york yankees. This has been a dream of my life. Is my. Religion. I know the feeling. Opposite is my religion to. In fact i said earlier. Is among the unitarian universalist. I think that's the show because all of us. Bogus. In our own way. But about doing. It's not about finding. Answers. But seeking questions. It's not about certainty. Put mystery. It's not about conformity. Shut off anticipate. If not about work. But about celebrating our own diversity. It's not about going to heaven. But about creating heaven. Here on earth. But encouraging them to stand out. To stand up. Against the injustice is of this world. History when others abilify. As sympathizers. Bleeding hearts. Tree huggers. Nature lovers. The despicable send lovers. Queer lover. We have firmly. Without shame. And without wavering. The world needs eteokles. It needs a little opposition. The world needs unitarian-universalism. Our religion. Fitness. Which is why i chosen to thunderbird mountain. Right next to yours. Thank you.
You thank you thank you it's always tough to have to give a sermon after a performance like that because if it can only pale in comparison.
The house down. You are really are i hope that you will. He's bringing together in a form for a man again. This is not entitled top search for meaning. My personal journey so far. Ever since i was a kid i heard different explanations of what makes. Who is he. The reason speed or right. Elizabeth holmes. Going to be human. Disturbing. They have no meeting. Did you try and driving meeting to the circumstances. You can't help them make things work or others who are grieving by offering hollows explanations like god works in mysterious ways she's gone now. Even if there isn't any. Entire point of holocaust survivor. Traffic book man's search for meaning. Franklin found that the only way for him and other survivors to get past the horror of the concentration camps meaning. Why did i survive. What does microbial mean. Should i make my life mean something. One example of an elderly man. During therapy. Longmont confirmed and dependent upon him he realizes he would not have been able to cope with his absence would have been a tremendous burden in your life. One of my favorite contemporary psychologist robert. Actually define humans as meeting naked. Organizes. I find it interesting in light of this. Documentaries. Music about animal behavior. You never respected environment. Define hubris. Maybe it's because. About what things eat. Where. Abyss underlying quality of our behavior. Alabanza by in the morning and say i'm off the next two meetings or drop our heads off. We don't ask our friend. We're strangers what kind of bean do you make. Is meeting maker. We don't realize. This is what we get. The problem with our relatively low body. Then what we are hurting forward meaning. Easy answers that we find our homes illogical fast. Projected fabrications of our own making. Suffering. Warhol different beliefs about most beautiful. Because we can. Do the meetings we have invented. Absolutely. Search for meaning. I was initially attracted to fundamentalist christianity. Understanding that it. But i've been doing anyone. Said it was my moral obligation not realizing i was actually. I'm at the laundromat in a hostile world. Assuring. Wake me up in my personal way of describing the whole world. I know you're mine former southern ashes to say. Is it necessary in my own development. The only good in lexington in the world. And we were the only ones deserving of god's love and protection. I now see this is a normal part of my juvenile mentality this time. Either going to be idea it only those who are in my clique myclub. My school. You should share the benefits of micro science. Mindset which lasted. 14 + 22. Truth. Aren't going to burn in hell forever just because they have different idea because i don't. Then what does it all mean. What's the point of living. Atlanta college students. And was thrown into the existential angst. Beyond what we give it. It is no wonder with my baby christianity truth. Purity of not knowing how to cope with the unknown. In short i wanted to return to my comfortable dogmatic slumber. I'll never forget the very moment at my exit central panic set in. I was in the hallway after philosophy class. It was near the start of my second semester of intro to philosophy and we've been studying plato. Perfect substitution for an idealistic young man. Articulate my understanding of play-doh to my revered master. Increasingly nodded in agreement. Soccer roblox. Design brighton. An idiot. Peter's bottle. And that was the moment. After his second. Then i realize what he was telling me. And there is no. But there's no way to know anything. Imagine this was a realization for me because it required to change my entire way of beating in the world. It wasn't going to be a simple matter of substitute for a flute. When is the absolute truth. It's impossible for me to know. Settings. The questioning is leading. Am i also described as mild depression. I was never suicidal. But i just find myself questioning the meaning of life. Why you did this. I asked a child of mine friend in school of business. He was right there's no point in anything but the point is i am. I might as well live. Year of living without absolute proof my attitude change. Remarkable truth when there are so many groups to explore. What is drew the long as i kept an open mind. Upon graduating from howard university. Kentucky cemetery. Before dropping out my christian take all together. My mind is an open to a universal different ideas in my heart two world two different kinds of people no longer fit into a face acquire sonar ali about lights. I was still a meeting and i needed to find a boat christening for my life. I initially turned 15 minutes. Christianity is virgin. Christian. This is so because. Did we are responsible for actively makes the world a better place rather than relying on these intervention is so magical invisible p.m.. Afterworlds vinyl. Consider myself a human simulated principles into what is it. My rebound relationship has helped me get through a difficult time but i wanted more. Diane downs. Actually i first met buber in college but didn't find very attractive the time. But i read it in a row. I wanted bluebird salon 22 become. In the world. Objectifying everyone and everything by turning subject. Improper related to the world from a very introspective. A self-reflection to discovery. After hoover and i split up. You really helped me get to know myself. I'm in my life and i realize just how unconsciously driven i really was. Eagle personality was but a passenger along for the ride driven by a shadowy serious here i could not see. After you made me aware how powerful the unconscious is. My own personal unconscious as well as his electric and talkative at all. I came to better understand what motivates me by exploring. Respective. Adore you miley. Christian scriptures. For more terror in my life. I did. Progressive regarding dreams about my inner child. Anniversary presents. And i have very. My wearing my clothes. Recycling. Duvenage, sleepy time. Just letting me play with it. Powerful healing. Time in my life. Meanwhile i had to come and get it. university. And eventually began preparing for the unitarian universalist ministry. Arista self-examination exploration. Things like clinical pastoral education or cce along with the interview. Is it already i was already beyond any personal need or desire to further get to know myself. After being with him for more than a decade. Uber. Everything about a little darker. E420 and already spent the first half of my life. Trying to figure myself out. Problems in the world. I will continue to. And it's scarred me for life. The sidewalk. Dandelion cousin. Maybe a little more isolated those growing together flower. Little harder to get through concrete. A little more. Anatomy. Broken flowers. I don't want to waste my life it definitely got my cash what makes me sick. Perspective on myself. I'm fine where i am today. I've come to appreciate. I consider reality at once the most abundant. Resource in the universe because reality whatever it is. Is all that really exist. Holy grail. Religion officer vizzini's of are getting in touch with. Reality. Empirical grill by helping us become more aware. More presents. And more in touch with the here and now. Consider myself a mystic because i'm still mostly in the mist. Groovy meaning. Even after all these years remains out there in the fog. Is that alright. I'm into the boss. I grew up in pacifica california one of the foggiest cities in the world. Smile and while. Broken branches. Searching. Forevercryssy. Give meaning to my life.
Thank you so much magnificent messages entitled fonzie's prayer. For the discipline of gratitude thanksgiving holiday. Simply spending time with my friends and family. Childhood memories in front of my happy days. Christmas dinner. Unexpectedly offered to say grace everyone else at the table especially mr. cunningham are visibly uncomfortable given there. Look upward with his eyes. Jennifer quail calls follow the drinking gourd. But he's right. Liberty and freedom. The fact. Set alarm for 1. Independence opposite dependence. Just thomas aquinas. Religion. Harmony. In the order of the cosmos creation itself cuz you use. The words. Chuck the here-and-now book course not everyone. Desire thoughtfulness.
Despite. Psychology the unconscious mind was expanded to something much larger than the individual to something shared by all humans. The unconscious is that something must become more aware of. The mysteries of which are like puzzles awareness of what's outside for the environment you're in. This is precisely the condition autism is associated with today describing a spectrum of disorders from mild to severe that impair one's ability to relate normally to the outside world. Put in the classic sense. Was spoken of more is a defense mechanism against. The real world for the outerworld been recognizing the reality of others of autistic thought. According to jean piaget just to give immediate and unlimited satisfaction to desires and interest to the ego. Which destroys illusion and enforces verification we can make reality whatever we want. Into the facts opposing here today is this is precisely the kind of thinking that is becoming usual society. Could you have expressed in a phone call or buy a letter to their very office. I also have to understand that autism comes from the greek. Refers to complete. In 2008 richard followed the ceos brothers investment bank. His company stock. To which committee chair henry waxman quickly replied. Very well doing well. Inability to answer questions about the suffering of others. I would propose to you the case because. Are sinister but because they have become so far removed from the ordinary people. 84 park avenue apartment b million dollars. Visiting our oceanfront idaho. But if for some reason he is home elevator isn't working. Thousand years ago. Terrible. About a wealthy landowner who planted a vineyard wine press. But the tenant sees the spurs and another and another. Kill him. His inheritance. This story as far as i'm concerned. Separates himself from those who voiced that he's completely out of touch with just how angry and desperate. Judaism define a separation. Around the vineyard hills a watchtower to elevate himself above others. He's so far back in the lines of others including his own children. He doesn't understand the situation he's caught. Can light of the millions of homes foreclosures happening today. Prices are so insulated from its impact frustrated jewish prophets of old. Who have devoured that steered the plunder of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing my teeth. Biker seminole grumbled they covet feels and sees them houses and they take them away they oppress householder in the house people spend their inheritance. I know how many are your transgressions and how great are your sins. The prophet begin protesting unjust land appropriation of centralized government that made along with members of the ruling class. So things haven't changed much during the past 2,000 years thanks again to wonderful. Insightful book author jonah lehrer ucla imagine. People's minds other people's minds. Here goes on to explain that yell scientist discovered those with autism cruciform face area. The part of the brain that recognizes faces. Pisses truthfully one of the things that i communicate but the most mundane information through email. Because expressions on another space communication. The problem is we have seen our society who have been distanced themselves from those whose lives they affect. Middle east countries call the honor shame code of a superior. Considered. Batman movie faces. Does joker's scarecrows and dismiss others and leslie first human. The ability to empathize with others. Slaves to fairness. Another experiment mentioned in his book an experimenter hands one of two people a $10 bill and instructs the subject to split between. A person can accept or reject the offer but if it's rejected both walk away with nothing. Experimenters initially expected at the first dollars. Can give the other person $1 and walk away happy please both players were soften $1 is better than nothing for this arrangement. Exception to the rule is when the game is computer. That is when the subjects face-to-face. Wonder if. With their neighbors this is why it is important to promote and live out our unitarian universalist. Caillou's today. First principle promoting the worth and dignity of every person arrested to humanize anyone differently. Can have a voice and how she's governed as a citizen of a peaceful and just global community in which. Of all existence. Universalism transformative plainfield. Asking. In this age of autism to show our world the face of humanity. Christian knows you're willing and able as we join in singing henry 350.
A song of anger and sorrow. On some level. sometimes called the dark night of the soul. Creative spirituality the experience of letting go and letting go. Matthew fox vs sevilla negativo. Or the negative tax. Recognizing g4s the sun-times. Denver song sorry lyrics. Because of our disregard message ryan. Garden. Music. Costanza. In desperation. Imprudent. There is no way to restore balance. And third world without the first world learning to let go. 1986 song one world why are we calling this the third world. I only know that this is my world. Maybe someday tbro can you imagine one world. Oneworld. Control everything. Where is love of life. I know i'm going to hate to see you then. Promises. The nigra seldom long time around me whisper. Condos on saving changes brightness. Do i have tomorrow. We never disagree in the family. We're dancing across the moon. The forger the nasa space program. Manipulated by he's the master battle republic service and was a one-time a leading candidate to be the first civilian in space. Planning on riding a song aboard the shuttle challenger but circumstances. Originally written for a best expresses. The first part of the song he once explained. Talks about. Not knowing what the future holds. Idiot not being in a hurry to get there. Play the song move to the idea of surrendering to life. Yourself forward and not sitting around waiting for something to happen. Without error in the water. Heidelberg india.
Thank you all thank you thank you. Kuechly is good blessed are those who seek equality for others for they shall be unique. Text the sermon on the mount. Sunny cooked interrupted of course i casually replying the sermon. They're already doing. Coming year and during the many years because with each other and our presence in spokane. My presence in the world the difference at this church makes a difference that we make together. In the larger world. Of course we need money. To pay our bills just to have electricity bills because of our commitment to be a meaningful presence here and on this planet. There's no point even turning the lights on. If you choose to accept. Get to join together to create an inspiring and nourishing liberal home. Environmental stewardship. Congregations across the land recognized as two-fold purpose of our existence to support one another. The transform the world. Polite to those lost in the fog so confusion and chaos. Brilliance. Darkness world. Assemble. Congregation. Is there real chalice. Cereal container. Umora mother's arms holes in shelters are like both their individual brilliance in the fire at the center of the hearth around which we all gather for warm. Can communion tendo we often say. We're going to church the challenge that is not locative or even this lovely sanctuary. Which is exactly why our church survived the move from. Motivated by our passion by the living flame inside us. Dallas is the fire of commitment that lives in each one of us. Even when we are apart. How old are common values because. Attempts to bind us together as a community. I never tire of reminding myself of those principles. Cheap remote. Inherent worth and dignity. But every person. Justice. Equity. And compassion in human relations. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations. Free and responsible search for truth. The right of conscience democratic process within our congregations society. Respect web of all existence. So which we are apart. Those who are different from us but lifts them up and celebrate their differences. Terraces of faith stand with those who are among us but with all who need our support and our solidarity. Jesus pacific opens the mind and the heart. To discovery and possibilities. The face that seeks justice. Characters of fate that cannot shut itself out from the rest of the world for we know that the world itself is our truest sanctuary. Wherever we stand whoever with numbers the number at the bottom line of our budget. For the number to start of our street address. For the number of names in our membership book. Composite. We'll accomplish together. Work. We may carry any amount of support each other go to church we don't give to church either. Pictures. Ourselves. We give our resources because of what we receive to ask you to contribute yourself. What would i ask. Put your feet or your hands or your eyes mean to you. Catholic church is an extension. I see the world today is when we hear the word house. We think about constructor. More to the people. Together. Structure. This is why this. World cup low semi buildings and to the people who live. Bruce buffer. For the house of jacob. The word house originally referred. Descendants 2. The family. Bodybuilding. Related to all the members who never come before us and will ever come after us because of our shared values and our shared mission. Have you ucs isn't the place that we go. Er. It's especially important to understand people are the house the pueblo are the pueblo. We've also remove it from our concept. Freakonomics. Economy is something we've turned over to professionals to manage those who have presumably been educated to create policies. Call the economy today. Money welfare of people from the welfare equation just as it has been removed from house he just seen purely as an expense premier number that can be cut to reduce expenses. Did modern business and industry. Work work places have changed their personnel department human resources jobs are no longer about the person as they employ but about how much it cost the company. Unemployment rate facing today. Lighthouse is really more of a religious term. Senate business term. Is comprised of two ancient greek words that are common in christian scriptures. Painting a home for more specifically a house. Custom for.law together. Boy coronavirus. Household affairs. Economist is a steward of the house. Is a verb boycotting mia. Prefer to stewardship oversight and management of household affairs building or a structure because of the idea of dwelling in the place. Kindred. Economy means kindred. Economy means belonging to a house. And it's true as meaning is lost when human welfare is no longer part of the economic equation again the pueblo pueblo the people are the people are. The economy. Economy literally is more about family. Send business. 10 kinship about our habitats 10 more about. Star habits. To do with our dwellings. For home. Economy. Isn't about the monday handling money and assets. How we living relation. Can the entire planet. English. Is also the root word of ecology. Get the big picture word. Providing the whole family. In caring for our environment and financial profiteering. Economist mysterium. So god mysteries. God's economist. I agree. The economy isn't merely. Business term it's a religious term. Is a religious community ecology. I'm doing whatever we must to fulfill our sacred mission to join together to create an inspiring and nourishing liberal religious home into champion justice diversity and environmental stewardship. In the wider world so my task here this morning isn't to talk about numbers or a specific amount of money but to remind us of the big picture. Of what the unitarian universalist church of spokane. Mckay's board of trustees has made my job especially easy. During the past few months as required by our church bylaws statements division. What is meant to drive everything else that we do. I want to actually share them with you right now. The unitarian universalist church of spokane. Partner with local and national organizations to promote social and economic justice. Environmental responsibility. Can the democratic process the unitarian universalist church of spokane is an ever more diverse congregation overcoming the barriers that divide the human family. The unitarian universalist church. Is a community where people find meaningful connections in groups. The unitarian universalist church of spokane just financially sound sustained by a culture of abundance that prompts generous gift of time and money to support the church and its programs. The unitarian universalist church of spokane is mindful of our impact on the earth and engages in environmental stewardship that is visible to our larger community. The unitarian universalist church. Beyond our sanctuary. The unitarian universalist church of spokane sustains and inspires individual transformation and growth for all ages courage's exploration of world belief systems through those sources known as our living tradition. E7 statements which are truly hot off the press. But not with the enormous task. He held up to these statements. They are our standards. Can we order standard-bearers obviously they weren't pulled out of a hat. Church church again. Bijou. Spell reflection of what you look like. Congregational meetings. Gatherings for one-on-one conversations various publications they've also worked hard to comprehend his express. They also basically statements congregational research and put in surveys in regard to our recent ministerial search. Imagine what our ministry look like. Largely based upon look like. And upon your vision of what our ministry is. Church mission ministry. Because really you. And what we accomplished together in this place or wherever else we go. You are this house. The unitarian universalist church of spokane. Nurf economist. You are a steward. Martha stewart's this house. For they shall be sustained. Thank you.
One man and one woman that's the slogan is being by the extreme right since 2004. The problem with the world is not men who love each other for women who love each other but men and women who don't love each other so long ago.
What are your goals for healing. Create. For the new year. Meditation.
Titled negative capability john keats that old saying that only the good die young certainly applies to this english poet john keats was born in 1795 and died at the tender age of 25 despite his brief time on earth experienced much lost beginning with the death of a brother who died in infancy years later his mother died of tuberculosis. Jason segel further still by implying that only that we must let go of our established ideas and beliefs are paradigms in our presuppositions put that we must move into estate opposite of thought we are without any explanation or understanding just as with mathematics where in where it is possible that is to calculate the negative side of zero. Here's to actively and intentionally seek out states of disbelief and wonder to the poet or any artist he suggests that negative capability just like water to a fish soil to a tree and sunlight to a seed without it without mystery the artist cannot create any more than two fish can swim without water the tree stand without her for the seat open without sunlight negative. Keeps himself expressed it well in his poem by thing of beauty of noble natures of the blooming days of all the unhealthy and or darkened waze made for after searching yes in spite of all some shape of beauty moves away the paul from out dark spirits. Golden yan sprouting to shady - buddhist notion of mine motion. Capability is the ability to hold space for related to words like spacious before there's an idea hopefully way doing without doing is also a lot like what einstein must have meant when he said that the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. This seems to be precisely what keeps was getting at kaiser. he realized he had to let go of all his concepts about the universe if he was going to know if he was going to release the particle to know the field particular. Call castoro galvez generation waste remain in the midst of other well then h a friend to man to whom celsius truth is all you know on earth and all you need to know.
A religious tradition. Devices. Universalism. Basket jokes are a staple of public speaking. He did some research. The ancient. Love was crossed out i was asking him a question and the preacher was responding no i have not. Unprincipled. 42b principles. Intolerant. Which would be better. San antonio. I was raised within the context of. Inclusive religion. United church of christ. She was so concerned. Early years in ministry. Unbelief and then i can actually. The conversation realized. What's experience does intolerance by him. Was in his perspective to salvation. Or not. Question. Street. Religious toleration or religious tolerance. Protestant. Equal. Religious tolerance. Religious liberty. What was the question. I really suspect. Sorry about. Should we be. Olympia washington. He comes from the o'keefe family. Miracle. Match. Their hands cut off. Sri lanka. Just how should we be. The concept of religious liberty. Should we use different holiday festival. Our neighbors. Just how far should we go. Grow smaller. I began with a question. To be an unprincipled. And some hot. Intolerant. Continue to struggle with. Give an answer for us. As we move from this point of the future. Choice. Principal. Even if i have to give up. Principal. Where will i find. Please turn to the back of your hymnal.
I got to hear that twice this morning and it is equally as tough and act to follow the second time from discussion dialogue louisville kentucky in the bay area california. Where is the grandview from the pacific ocean and the rolling san bruno mountains i could even see the jacket farallon islands. I never grew just interested in seeing the fog-filled valley or the color for western sunsets deciding of every soaring hawk filled me with awe does it each occasion so i could see in fairlawn. If there was another regular occurrence equally is awesome if not ominous but also routinely captured my attention precisely at noon so loud sirens blared and i hurry to my bedroom window to watch three enormous nuclear missiles from the mountainside. Petrova cold war gateway to what i call the polar can era of opposition and extremes express their differences in intelligent peaceful and productive manner. During the past three decades iris that turned into a nation in which we commonly feel it is morally permissible to treat those with whom we disagree as our enemies. But it's okay to demonize dismissing ostracize anyone who threatens our own worldview in which the exchange of ideas is treated as a form of intellectual warfare that takes no prisoners that are pleasing to have their own voices heard recuperation and some real persons aren't counted at all like the long-term unemployed workers removed from the roads to give this week's improved. Political correctness means not saying something others might disagree with it if you do speak your mind contrary to the status quo you were considered offensive to freedom especially to the freedom of speech but his mates for far too many. The groundwork for all of this was late at precisely the same time the cold war was winding down. Not only by demonizing the word liberal than sticking it. Cares about social issues by paving the way for the unfair and unbalanced promoting an error with paranoia and mistrust what are nations organizations by labeling them to liberal and controls of the market. Many of us have come to regard those with whom we disagree because our enemies by denying them respect spanish and the opportunity to express themselves without repercussions. For example about a campaign manager little rock arkansas to came home a couple of weeks ago to find his family's pet cat that on the front step with the word liberal state spray-painted on its side and yes the man is a democrat. Even though those of us who are truly liberal democrat. Doesn't make one a liberal this is an extreme example of a mindset that morally excuses us to hate and hurt those with whom we disagree. More recently a politician in florida so president obama nancy pelosi and harry reid take your message take your message. Philosopher loom aronoff society faces most its communication on discussion rather than dialogue normally endeavor to place themselves in the mind of another speaker. Weather centricity. Absolutism if you will filter out or ignore most of what the other is saying only to those other insist that their personal significance for them and moreover they respond chiefly to utterances with which they can take issue with others. Smirnoff continues the word most often used to describe such interaction is discussion etymology is shared with that. Concussion and percussion in the polar war they wore some extreme ideas and rhetoric discussion loving words and phrases like bombs to destroy the enemy has become the primary function and form of communication. There can be no real progress so without going into a lengthy and perhaps an interesting philosophical explanation of the dialectic method tile instead outline what i consider are the major qualities of genuine dialogue in the first as you may have guessed his of course listening dialogue requires listening. Year one another is saying means considering at least for the moment the possibility that what she is saying. To be true. Merely to filter their utterances eccentric conceptions aronoff continues. Of their conceptions. Electrical wire dead or alive. Might be true. Related quality of dialogue has respect for those. We cannot experience what others are saying is a living hypothesis without first valuing their lives there were. Whenever we say things like take your message and get the hell out dialogue becomes impossible for the dead in the water those professing it are treated as good as dead. Demonize dismiss in dearly departed at the same time respecting others requires us to honestly. Express ourselves. We need to respect each other enough. To tell the truth. At least as we perceive it for genuine dialogue cannot take place without honesty despite the success of fox news and rush limbaugh and others like them we're not doing anyone any favors by telling them what they want to hear. Ethiopian exchange of opposing ideas dialogue cannot happen. It won't come to any new conclusions conversation cannot progress another quality of dialogue. Discouraged courage the polar were on the other hand greatly discourages us. Can intimidation from speaking up and out as individuals particular hazard views are contrary to those of the status quo. National news media is essentially controlled by 6 ceos. The prospect of a lone individual effectively expressing her mind. Courage for those of us who began calling for marriage equality a decade ago when the vast majority of americans felt otherwise fired from my job. Fallout repercussions from the war on words. Not have the courage to society another opinion dialog could not have happened and the tide of public opinion would never have turned and we would not now be upon very eve of marriage equality. Respect others means having the courage. To be honest and i want to spend a little more time on this point. Because i think unitarian-universalist in particular. Achilles heel when it comes to speaking our minds into tolerance tolerance. Sapona war has taken its greatest tolar faith by convincing many of us at the gravest sin we can commit his intolerance and around. Quite another especially in a nation that is nearly 80% christian. To have the courage to say i honestly doubt. Existence of a personal god. Baste for adoption theology. Is harmful to society no reasonable evidence possibility that a man can be born of a virgin walk on water. Rise from the dead. These are my honest belief society that caresses me into keeping them quiet by expressing my opinion on such matters. Cousin act of aggression. It is morally wrong to speak my truth is not an act of aggression but an invitation to genuine dialogue in the hope that we might move on. Forward so i remind you this is an extremely tolerant it is not a religion of tolerance. Worship. Tolerance tolerate at all cost in this world we are not tolerate. Humility. And wonder it does me little good to say i'm merely giving my honest opinion. If i do so considerate. Dialogue is a relationship. Dialogue is a relationship with others relationship is eric from explain requires responsibility respect. Requires us to care for those dialoguing with that means humble about our own beliefs and opinions it means accepting that bayan grasp of truth is limited. The process of genuine dialogue can increase and expand my consciousness dialogue is a joint process laws. Dialog me questioning and allowing ourselves to be questioned so i ask you to consider what our society might look like today if we had kept the fairness doctrine and distribution of information. 30 years ago. Elmira coffee be different rather than learning to use the explosive tactics of discussion against each other practice these tenants have dialogue what might it be like to turn on fox news for rush limbaugh and find them. Listening to others respectfully honestly and courageously expressing their opinions but also providing others to space to do the same. The mansion of rush limbaugh. Fox news formation in a way that all who watch it. Car filled with wonder. Instead of. But we cannot go back in time and change the past nor is it likely that the fairness doctrine so ever. Established into law. But this doesn't mean that we can't move forward. 5 promoting dialogue. Can you place a discussion. Total war in the same way we ended the cold war. Curry construction and openness perestroika. Thesaurus shall end by sharing a vision that i have of this church this year we host the first of what i might i hope mike many. Dialectic debates people of opposing viewpoints together to find new and mutual solutions to some of the problems that now divide us. I'm speaking of using test pacifica. Socratic method in which all parties involved with together in a big problems narrow in on it. Can end up reaching a solution dialog is not a competition. Ever since i realize how this congregation already is the nonviolent communication excited about the possibility of dialogue discussion. Exploding around us so if you have an interest in being part of such an effort. Then let's begin the dialogue.
Terry and universalist i obviously don't believe in hell get a couple years ago i was prompted to give a sermon entitled just because i don't believe in hell doesn't mean i don't believe in sin and i certainly cannot deny its existence in the world his belief in the devil. To call others evil is a way to to humanize and demonize them so we don't have to feel guilty about mistreating them so it's good that there are those among us who don't wish to label anyone. Perhaps this is why one of our fundamental sources of inspiration according to the unitarian universalist association bylaws are the words and deeds of prosthetic women and men with challenges to confront powers and structures of evil quit justice compassion in the transforming power of love so the question is not really an existential question few of us when it comes right down to it it's existence the problem with evil rather is that a term that means different things to different people. For some adults evo is an actual thing like a contract or a spirit behind christianity's doctrine of original sin which says we're all born evil because we're infected but the relationship that causes suffering in the absence of justice compassion in the transforming power of love. By healing on the sabbath reportedly responded by asking. And based on principles never justify the means. Justify the means. Determining which defines around. To how we respond to one question should we do the right thing. For the best thing deontology. To do what is right in every circumstance and teleology 6 to do what is best and circumstance i personally. Can any circumstance knowing that the choice between right and wrong is seldom black-and-white but is more often a choice between lesser evils. Attaches itself to us like a virus inherited genetic trait spirit. We don't catch it by coming into contact with something considered by touching something we're not supposed to touch going somewhere we're not supposed supposed to be violating any other kind of arbitrary rule. It is rather something that arises in any situation. Are disregarded so i tend to agree with jesus was also reported to have said it's not what goes into us that defiles us but comes what comes out of us can other words not a condition. The controls are actions but the result of our actions. If we look at the ten commandments from a day ontological perspective there no more than arbitrary absolute rules that were we are to follow and every situation without question tells us spotted goats. Is wrong to do so. Perspective has great symbolic meaning because of their coloring. Represent separation reminder of the days the hebrew people were exploited from society. Demanded. Equality. Without blemish solid colored animals and their religious rituals. Atonement. Switch. To be included. And to include. Perhaps this is one of the greatest christian theologians of our time to celebrate at union theological seminary and harvard professor talk. Separation this seems to be the only way to make sense of peculiar. Hebrew laws like. Do not make two different kinds of cattle. Do not plant your field with two kinds of stuff to kinds of material. Then we have to conclude that everyone not dressed in a hundred percent cotton. Realizing their noble quest for oneness and unity that the fabric of unity must be woven out of every kind of material put the strongest communities are those that embrace the greatest diversity. Equality today but the more aware of justice we become. The more we tend to understand that one this can never come from everyone being the same. That's called totalitarianism. Fascism comes equality and justice for all. Community happens when everyone. No matter color gender. Sexuality eagle rights and social benefits. We can all agree in the existence of structures has compassion in the transforming power of. Are real physical structures like the berlin wall that wants cutoff defection or immigration between west and east berlin. For the great wall of china constructed thousands of years ago to keep foreigners out for the 470. Israeli west bank barrier still under construction that some say is necessary to protect israel from terrorists immigrants. But most of barriers that we erect between ourselves and others are imaginary boundaries based on insignificant differences constructed only in our minds. Biologist stephen jay gould complained about the picket fence built around ourselves. Although he was referring to. The animals the broader point is that when we build fences to keep others out construct a prison. They are better than others because we're hold the right ideas about things. To confront. Can you. Quit justice compassion in the transforming power of love these are the forces that counter separation with that one meant not saying this but oneness. Synonymous. Put solidarity for reconnect about restoring that which has been torn asunder. About the business of restoring right to have been ostracized and restoring community gated. Sparks of holiness intermingle everything in the world even inanimate objects for the meaning of the buddhist idea of casada referring to the oneness of the totality of. Is the meaning of william blake's poem to see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower hold in your hand and eternity. 10 hour. Understand and stating his different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. Beyond all wrongdoing and right. There is a field the phrase each other. Doesn't make any sense. The father are one. What the apostle paul meant when he said there is neither jew nor greek male nor female in christ jesus to see god through service of humanity for i know that god is neither in heaven or down below but in everyone. By the great spirit chief they are all brothers and sisters the earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights. What a great figure from around unitarian universalist tradition olympia brown meant in declaring that every nation must learn that the people of all nations are children of god than my share the wealth of the world. Not alike. So yes i do believe is real or imagined visible or invisible been erected to keep others out. What happens when we forget we are part of an interdependent guess what happens when we forget call. Call thai relations. But more important. Goodness. Unified teaching copper and albert einstein. Can we are all one so we can find unity in our diversity and cancer and justice by standing in solidarity with all who suffer. Katrina others but to tear them down completely can i have faith. Good is more powerful because i believe his father oscar romero said no child is born evil we have all been born for goodness. The basis of this goodness. Cuz blackhawk understood is that which comes from within. When they realize their relationship their oneness. With the universe and all its powers and when they realized the center of the universe dwells wakan-tanka. Each one of us.
I don't know how many of you watch television regularly if you have been watching over the last few weeks you have noticed lots and lots of commercials featuring diamonds and roses and chocolate. Romantic love. They were priests who were martyred for their faith. And so there was an element of martyrdom and sacrifice kinnerly. Celebrations of valentine's day in the year 500 ad the first. Top romantic. Martyrdom and sacrifice. Until the 13th. Valentine's day. Valentine's day. Got wedding for the first time of chaucer about valentine's day when lovebirds come together to mate two lovebirds that chaucer was writing about the first. Are even more popular in britain. Valentines. And that was very important because now people could mail valentine's day each other. So. Can you see a commercial. 4 diamonds for chocolate cam. Commercial transaction also marks the founding of the greeting card industry. Ancient ground even if it's a little shaky at times. I don't know maybe i sound cynical about the whole thing love is a great blessing. Duffy and will were married in 1911 they remained married for 30 years until wheels. What's my grandfather. He was a good man. Provided for us. He didn't abuse me. For children for the animals. My brother asked her again but did you love him. Marriage for them and for many people in those days in the early 20th century. Universalist church. Valentine's weekend. Little confused. Can i learn more about the campaign is not about marriage it's also about the rights of persons persons who are struggling with their sexual orientation. This whole thing is bigger. Can just romantic love. Justice issues. I started thinking about it. And i went back and i read some of the materials. This is a press release. Across the united states. Gender orientation. Dehumanization. With an outpouring of love. Only be met with an outpouring of love. I began to realize what the sign was about and what the campaigns about. Mobile. Discrimination who face. Dehumanization. What's a frost white folk. To care about racism in this country and to stand up and do something about it. Take for a 12-second trace our lineage back in this country forebears came here. Porter. What's it going to take for a heterosexual to enjoy the privilege of marriage and the economic and legal benefits that attach to that. Motivated to get out of our chairs can do something about those people who are not allowed. Samaire. For us to get out of our chairs when we read about a transgender woman just wants to buy a sweater dress at ross dress for less out of the store in humiliation. A froze up and weeds in the parking lot. I only hope they have. If we regard the children of those emigrants in arizona regarding our children and grandchildren have the same love for them then we'll be driven to do something. Call selena. When we see people we won't stand for. Champagne. Standing on the side of. Until we recognized. Purdue math. Of others. So i invited all of us to learn more. To give to volunteer. Love and trust and with them. It's the only hope we have. Fayette bisso.
Thank you thank you very much and i appreciate the opportunity.
Thanks again so much. There's a little green grasshopper online microphone. I would like to answer our benediction and the. Even before they return next year. Taliban rap. 350z horsepower. By the controversial greek philosopher epicurus. It's also been called happy.. Play song emotionless. Hunter is the greatest good. Translate that into english as. The moral belief that we offer through. Pinterest. Did microfiber come to learn that i do consider myself. Contradict. Cheraw. Generated ideology. Caution against butler. All those who actively promoting a middle way between asceticism and. Austerity and. Over-involvement. Never find enlightening the long as we remain attached to anything in this world. Desire leads to suffering. Berkeley check cashing. That's why i don't think that i would ever make a good looker. Be considered disgraceful. Pleasure salinas indentation. Here in the western world. word passion. Desire. For the forbidden fruit that leads to sin and humanities expulsion from paradise in the world and everything in it is ever since been defiled because of this. Secular humanist. Play metallica orion for example describe the charioteer. Representing human reason. Motorbike newberry different courses. Representing the rational. And morewine. While the other of a lesser bloodline represents our baser passions and appetites. Peter piper on golf courses prevent sound from going off in different directions. Scriptures referring samsung split. Between desire romero. Also be licensed to do our own frontal lobe which drives. The longest please guide our behavior desire. Spira in worcester from the ground at any of the cardinals. Farmers away from attachment to the earth. Call you natalie. Believe that the entire central nervous system. For the parasite parasite over the body once governed solely by instinct and gut feeling. Weather heatwave. Desire. Kidnapping tonight. For whatever reason. Distress. Zaire. And our desires are always existed always. Pleasure-seeking. Control over the desires of others and ourselves. Other than the whole world in chaos. Destroy haunted playing civilization has to be defended. Again the individual. And its regulations. Are directed to that task. And these regulations institutions and commands. Our consulate accomplish this bad so i can. Fletcher. Stop it. Street fighter salazar for us. Is a. Power of the conference. Different. Is it natural to us as breathing air. Surrounded. And causing others to her. Can you imagine. Religions and philosophies and amplifying are mistress of desire. Overlook. And pleasure is often experience in computer. Like other warm-blooded creatures. Walk together talk together and together work together together together together. And make love together and do lots of other things together. We take slender. Ugly love. About nothing. Blove. Are potato vine. In the state of other comes as naturally to us. Darkrai. For pleasure. There's a sadness psychology. The health department. That others have different beliefs. Experimenter sauerkraut in the room with two. Children in asia. Like tomorrow. But all three know it's located in a certain container liste. Bottom drawer. Experimenter. Experimenter child. Where is captain marvel when she returned. You haven't yet developed the capacity for stepping into another's shoes. Understanding the other child. Other people. So just try guessing at what age. You got to win with anyone else. 5 by 83. What may be a perception of even an earlier age but they're mine. It is. Do i put themselves in this. Autism affects their ability to apply. Who may not perform as well as. Regarding other thoughts just asked. Recognizing the minds of others h3. Consider others. Begin six-string literally in our lives under normal circumstances. Might bring harm to other people. Shortly after kids develop this capacity for example. they also begin learning to share. Learn. Play other skills necessary for properly. Socializing center. Children. Toddler she's younger than this. Ability to step into another shoes. To immediately gratifying their own desires without regard for how they impact doesn't this way and there are. Because they're naturally either didn't develop properly where they hid somewhere along the line. Find misguided ideology. Is it psoriasis. Franciscan autumn divorce. Crowne plaza. And without tears. North haven. Insurance individual tiger mountain separated. From the happiness of others. Entire point is epicurus tried to make. More than 2,000 yourself. Stream imperials. Epicurious. Austerity and his wife of asceticism. Puritan. Colostomy is bourbon russell. Samurai. For fear of indigestion. For beer at the next morning and marrying and having children. Severely indulging our sexual desires. The night before his execution epicurus somebody was telling me about the books were which is on my shopping i'm not ready to work. This word mean epicurus. Character assassination that's it led us to. He's actually very appear. Recommendation. Does the person i'm talking about the probably dead or not. Michael for his execution. Did report it to the phrase father if you are willing. Remove this cup from me. Yet not my will but yours be done. Call mike definition. I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. Now. I just want to do god's will. Before he was killed. I will not give up repeating the names of raw and rami the same god. With these names on my list i will die here.. They were not mad they did not take pleasure in their own pain that you did not want to suffer. Necessary. They were all willing. Cocaine. If it led to something better. Do the flex release club. Agents of justice and equality. Not only for themselves but for everyone. Their pursuit of pleasure. What's up dog. North versailles library alone before the happiness of all. Like all other creatures. Detroit pointed out. It is impossible to the door the extent. Civilization is built upon renunciation. Instinctual gratification. Animals. Society required to request he went on to explain that. Happiness. They want to become happy. Pleasure principle. Withdrawal from percocet. Get to science. Established throughout history and riches and power of the few at the expense of the many. Natural instinct because we have a very early age is fudger. Who plays the principal. What are regulations institutions and commands are directed for it. Perhaps this is why. Listen to me the greatest fear of all. Power cord for liberation in bogalusa social transformation. Jesus, after all. We're all very deeply religious. And it was their religious beliefs. It drove him to pursue happiness. Happiness raw. Century philosopher jeremy bentham. Humanity. Under the governance of two small remastered. But we asked you. Israel is determined. Calling michael. hebrew prophet ezekiel message he said. I will remove the heart of stone from the flash. And give you a heart of flesh. Follow my taxes and keep my ordinances. Information. Rejection. Religion of the cinema. Preferred when you called 16s. And do what you will. Love. Do what you will. Call angelo. Augustine's understood that we can be trusted to follow our own wheels to do whatever we want. So long as we all keep the welfare of others in mind. Other more dominant religions and philosophies. Or just buying our body. Superior. It does not see the world as an illusionary dangerous regional center. Ism is a positive philosophy scanner thieves. Philosophy. Pinterest nature. Asparagus. Are religious and philosophical notions is not arguing rain. What happened to the desires girl body intramax connection to this precious planet and all its. Beautiful cemeteries. Global warming and environmental degradation. Gun violence in world war. The world is 1% of the populist population exploding everything at the expense just about everyone else. Perhaps time. Worthington. Go to benefits. The pleasantries of good neighbors. Neighborhood. Pleasantries disgusted. Inequality for all. The pleasantries. And water burger. Sri lankans. Arden park supply. Infer. The love one another.
Farmers markets next week okay alright well that'll be good to questioning. Dancing in front of your car fast enough. Other animals in our behavior conditioned usually precede. Autonomic responses to their environments experience to cross the street not to cross the street. Fire from the gods and gave it to humanity. But most guys prefer more like the squirrel. Reflexively reflectively responsibly. Better than responsibly which is why zeus had prometheus change to a rock the beat by valter's. What to do. Shakespeare's famous question to be or not to be that typifies our species. Unlike so many other animals according to the humans because of our large frontal cortex. Can pasta. About what we're doing. How many possible outcomes. Because we can. I think that is the question. Which means. Prefer feeling content. Can anxiety. Thibodaux anxiety. To reflect. For reflux. That is the question another major source of anxiety is the tension between. Belonging some creatures are extremely communal purposes. To do both the others and the standout greatest part of. And the yearning for distinctness to be autonomous our own agency of my purposes. This is not unlike sigmund freud who wrote a great part of the struggles of mankind centers round the single task of finding some. Community finding a solution to the problems of human fate. For the sake of the group is fascism. Journey for freedom. Sadistic. For sociopath. The flash. The christian apostle paul articulated as well and his ancient letter to the romans. Law is spiritual. Conventional or covenant. Is often in conflict with gratifying around immediate desires religion which is largely a social convention of belonging individual. Kenneth regulations institution. Civilization religion particular often interest. Ultimate. Philosophy. 12in me in my flesh. For the good i want i do not do but i practice the very evil that i do not want. Empirical reality opposite. Interpretations of reality are limited interpretations of reality. There's no reason. On the contrary. Psychological disorders nature the body experiences. The only reality. Empirical reality for spirit that is the question. Sometimes we allow our own biases of the empirical world. Is whatever we wanted to be. Potential bias on the other hand. 10 reason can help us. Must be filtered through the limitations. looks for psychological. Funtime. Eckhart tolle. Correct in saying nothing ever happened in the past. It will happen now. The only moment there ever is. Present. Analogical moments by experiencing now as the past real or imagined. Tomorrow. Human means learning from experiences. Is it good to seek the past master po. Not robbing the blind flies. Andy rob's the present past future of the past. That is the question. Newborn infants just to clean grasping a little pinky. Emotions. Reinhold niebuhr god grant me the serenity. For hanging on control. Severe anxiety but i want to return for a moment to the tension with which i began reflection reflux. About what we're doing the squirrel that dash is out. Frontal lobe. Google comes to energy. Autonomic we don't have to waste energy concentrating on routine things. Saramonic. Brain power. By taking as little as possible no pun intended. Rely upon. Alternatives. Our brains. National decisions. Outline then there's no reason to use our heads. What i'm really getting at. Progression. Experience. Emotions. By avoiding anxiety. Question.
Create real change formation that's why i spend hours each week.
Everything's ending now and it's really depressing. And sexual health. There's a ton of fun memories and memories and stories. Basically. Never ceases to give me a hard time i mean. Choose unitarian universalism.
Priority among the newer generation later thank you.
Denver concert at the space that he was looking for. Wonder boy. Play heart of the universe. In the world. Call sis. This experience is available to all of us. What does awe-inspiring experience of major. Number one. Singapore. Love song tribute. The beauty of nature. Youtube. Michael. Why do. Although this is often considered the earth experiencing creation spirituality. Denver's music. His love affair with creation intrepid self in the vast majority of the song. Celia cruz guitar. And hearing isn't this song it is the greatest gift. Design legacy. What i find to be one of his most inspiring songs. Do the wild center. Drive to aloft in the struggle. In the strain of living the conqueror where there's nothing wild. As far as i can see. Rocky mountain high at the story of denver zoning rebirth the cabin. The first summer he lives in the rocky mountains and began really getting in touch with nature. Replacing camping hiking. Watching the perseid meteor shower in his own words. All my life. Another place where i most wanted to be. Everything was new and full of possibility. And i was so happy. He was born in the summer. 27th year. Coming home to a place you've never been before. Yesterday behind you might say he was born again. Turkey. Wherever you are. Although denver's lyrics. Exercising. Most popular songs are essentially song. Difference between denver and moving in together throughout the residence life. Not going inside or limited to his own personal relationships or individual needs. What about going out for. Florida. 40 minutes. He left the earth. Star. Perfect strangers. I'm going to stop at the world realizing no matter who we are or where we are all responsible. Hindi song. It's about time for example. Hamburger, remember. Norbert denver center. The word of god in a book about god. White person steals at the feet of all creatures. Creationist. John denver never lost his mystical body with major essay about his connection to creation and creatures. More often than not. Denver even included his own version of a wolf howl. Yellowstone. Shooting a film about his wife with national geographic. Before he died. When i die. I think i'll come back is illegal. Yeah. I'm coming back if i didn't have time to record. Pollo loco. Oh my brother's a little my lover. Do the little one love in my heart. We're wilderness hour. Do the waterfall. Do the rivers that run know my brothers are win my sister to see ocean shore. Wherever returning. Coming home. Call my brother my home my sister my home over tenderness the longing for love beautiful various this week coming home. Virgo. 12:30.
As you can imagine reverend costco in his life has completely changed since then and now preaches most important unitarian church in budapest in shoulder for security police. For me and other members of the elements of rescuing encouragement friendship. And then they were required to buy new milk cooling equipment which they couldn't afford. The main roads have been repaired but the one leading is so bad. So the result is the village dairy herd is about a quarter was 20 years ago. And just like hear the small community schools space consolidation the students are bus to town. This year at least grades 124 and the kindergarten and still being taught. Beginning both partners have experience knowing that we're not facing the world alone in transylvania. The first gift that joseph gave us was this plate which says i am one with you. Queen spokane wanted to reciprocate the handmade gifts which represented our culture designed and stitched a quilt. It still hangs in the parish house meeting room has a comforting reminder of our caring and then on 9/11. We never thought that we would have to live this almost 200 years of our relationship and cooperation it was always you citizens of the free and safe america for us. Put the big questions to my people regarding the response to the terrorist attack. I will tell them pleasure and pride. Call joseph has steadfastly congregation even hold services. The partnership activities appreciated the most program and the community assessment process. You heard shirley talk about the scholarship program over the years 66 people from this congregation have participated. I've been active in that group since it started helping and learning from other partnerships besides our own. The council after careful study hired and experienced sociologist and prioritizing it required participation from all sectors of the local society. Sides of an arch supporting each other plans together joseph and their board of trustees thought they remodeled the old organist house into a guesthouse. But it was just $2 over the last few years. Our symbol of the relationship is the transylvanian arch in the memorial garden. Our children have exchanged wall hangings with their photos and drawings of what they treasure they learn that there is such a thing as a unit. And joseph road that it christmas there were 100 children filter rocco's church. Christmas program singing songs reciting poetry in english. I hope for family visits and bike tours. Please tell one of us or better yet.
A really long equalizer. Bonnie x in sauces. Any early 20th century british novelist. Throwing up in victorian and industrial engine. Reminiscent of a child. Sitter. I'm in british sterling. Whiskey glasses. In the victorian days. Wikipedia. Mimi's and formed an ugly ugly ideals. The human skull needs actual beauty. More than bread itself. Clearly a line to blow up and down indiana. Set a reminder. Every time. In every school. Searcy will find joy. Elmo. And self-respect. As many other predominant. Imagination. And effort devoted to. More today. What we carry i-79. Do we have the one person in the world. At 7:40 billion dollars. I need her. Judaism. On a cake. In the last several decades have discovered caves in southern france. Anura. Before the foundation. When our ancestors to order and even more fruit flies. Unger and thrust of every kind to their body. And ground-up fitness. Pictures on the walls of the spain. Before your children your guardian. Amazing artwork on your refrigerator. Decorating both walls with r. Robert. How's life. Auditorium like calcium videos. Samurai switching voices could be raised as long as joy praising god. Just call me on arrowhead. Gather around final prices. Electronic store shelves. Brown pigment and paint the wall. Tens of thousands of years later when. Read recent turkey and italy around mediterranean. Car. Countryside elementary in north bergen. Carbon fiber frame outdoor theater. How about walking. Read harry potter allow yoga. The hobbit lord of the rings. Cordially saying those places. Roman. They gave us. Hey brother. No worldly at all. Creativity. Couple hundred miles from those caves in the 11th century. Palace.com. Design. Zumba for orem. Were constructed at reese. Taurus. And they cut down the forests around me. And they saying something beautiful. Do something. Detour. What is community. Places. Olympics. Colorism. I was in philadelphia and i went to the philadelphia art museum. United states. Or requirements in the world. Jacob brought the chapel and courtyard. Play sister. Play and you can see the inner inner chapel. Wedding celebration. They haven't been to trial. Purple 3d. Position of these two houses of worship in this museum of art. Build-a-bear. For reminding us. Weather in denver. Or the color one. Botanical garden now in philadelphia art museum. Record is clear. Create beauty. Wt. Humanizing. It is why carrie says that every child has a right fine. There are. Antares. Miranda. Target. You and i.. For all. Shakespeare as a merchant of venice beware of men. Musician in the heart. Amber is arguing that beauty products out of our plants and excuse and our strategies. Water. Music.. Mother is eric says he's like what he described. It is a wrap that makes him human. Mason bowl. Open celebration gala. And after says weekend. Something on youtube. A bill is what we have come to call the part of the cabinet. We are going to build something. Children's stories, susie said. Squab. Out of that crowd of frightened hoarding slave. I want amazing. I have a whole different. Excel. I know how. Teamsnap. Workout.. Free people. Whenever descendants dated. Glorious temple in jerusalem. In the center.. Antifreeze. Veracruz. Somebody else, and engineers and crossings in providence. They became human. Which is why terry says every child in every school. Problems if they are not hospital. Ara creative. Fairy garden. Genesis. Formless and ugly world. Exacerbated. What happened to your house. Weather. Winner is room for all the living creatures that fly in the sky. Every kind of seed plant. More. You and i crazy. And that's our rotation. Fluor. Early. Beauty. We are. Menards. Call. My wife and i went to see if it's broken. And porter. Find the musical michelangelo. Created by a marlin. 1400 years before. Listen to monster. Generations. Beauty inspired. In the world. A call. Make a joyful noise. Call. Beautiful building. The great architect of the 20th century guardian. Any different than 2500 years before. You and i are political m. Social apps. And if we are not unless we come together. The city was our civilization. Communities in the world. Are on rivers. Complain. Merchandise. And an argentinians coming in and they're bringing their language and their velocity and. And it doesn't watermelons down. It produces. People are more compassionate more understanding more cooperative more cooperative. And more capable. A peaceful and harmonious community spanish. I'm calling. Types of judaism. Welcome. Around for women. Voice. For cleaning service. Whittier park and ride and created. And wolves are stainless. Is it the creator of murder. That our community. And the places. Will mean nothing. Florence. Revolution. Allow them to become fully human being. So our vocation are calling. Ciara. Is it calling to creative space in our schools. And in our workplace. Will be able. Destroyer. And we have overcrowding. And adonis was by our ancestors to our descendants. The crime. Building something as beautiful as we got my grandparents. Bar harbor. And if we should preserve a space for the children and grandchildren, bathroom. We can look back now. We do not know their names. Nothing about them except that they gather in those caves. Name something you. Greek and the roman empire sargon. Still make a joyful noise. And we know that about them. In the world. Generations of women and men. They need something beautiful. The world more human fight. Someday. Willamette. And they are. Enlighten. Indwelling ruler. Aa.com. Create beauty and i'll save. Beauty.
Thank you robert you got star powerman proprietor of my message today is the sky's the limit when kwai chang caine needs chicken little and i assure you the title is much more interesting than the sermon are both fictional characters to share something in common and obsession with something that is small and ultimately unimportant on the head. Unquote staffing rocky reeves this just before selecting naive chicken little instapawn for carrying out his master plan for spreading panic throughout the community so that everyone will play right into his paws for his gaping jaws if you will government healthcare act america and take away our freedom if ever enacted i think of foxy loxy opening his psychology book and saying quote if you're telling a lie don't tell him a little one tell him a big one. Of course much easier to spread mass hysteria and fear if rational people aren't taken seriously or in some cases even allowed a platform to speak psychology is increasingly emphasizing the role and responses to fear and anxiety and i mental and emotional health somatic disorders. Oh yeah foxy roxy replies don't believe everything you read brother 72 and 75 was about the orphans son of an american father and a chinese mother raised in the chinese monastery where he learns kung fu and grows up to become a shaolin priest are there also are called. You do not have to stop course it is easier to redirect it in more ways to preserve rather than to destroy avoid rather than check check rather than hurt rather than maim maim rather than kill replaced of mixed-race makes came somewhat of an outcast wherever he goes he is invited into the temple but only after he proves himself worthy by sitting in the mud and the rain facing a small boy for many days. Attorney is the first person who isn't full-blooded chinese ever allowed into the order and if someday he would have to leave quickly as you can after khan says match the pebble from my hand the young student isn't fast enough for you to go wild west. Prevails over strength gentleness conquers become the calm and restful agrees that tames the violent see in the end kung-fu was a show about remaining non-violence about not using force just because we can cuz i said there has never been anything like it on television.
Good morning my name is mary jane. Let me fly out into the open sky get my shackles. Empty. Good morning. Gathered soft green moss. Sing. I merely hiding purple shower. Spending the night. World. Believed in fairy tale endings. She had a crush. Against the darkening sky. Pretty wife and mother there are no fairy tale endings. Really matter now. Ever-changing rhythm good morning i'm jane higuera this is a poem i wrote in early about something. Midway in a line of three i stand. They are all forever stamps. A jolly j cooper's eyes behind the counter. No discount on display items sorry. She adds. Jake says. Find me he smiles.
Break up. Zombie. When asked how the world should respond. You're not depressed. Application. Nazi sympathizer. He actually said was this. I do not want to see it. Nor do i want her to do the corridor. In a trial of roots drink. Weather express. For the brain. Your brain is also is unrivalled in destructive power either muscle. I hope you do not wish to enter into such an undignified competition with the nazis. A braver way. Word meaning of the bravest soldiers. Of course.. Nonviolent direct action. Goodrich's portal. Confronted violence directly by projecting the potential violence. You got this even gas without returning a single blow for the one suppressors my time to realize their own evil and injector. The violence of others by returning a blow for a blow. It eventually becomes impossible to determine who the real aggressor is. Everyday to our children by the time that disagreements actually escalates into violence. It doesn't matter who start. Nausea. Without armor. Military terminology. Woodlawn violent farms. I would like to lay down and calm to have this useless. We're saving you for humanity. Patron saint of work and one-on-one consultations and personal nature of modern aerial warfare which is newer technology. Human hands it releases it is behind that feels even harder. Approves and non-violent the office. I have no excuse for them and they need this individual foundation. Their introduction and applications in everyday life has been my experiment all along. In the power of nonviolent johnny told a journalist at the two hours before his assassination i will not go underground. I will not go into it though her. Open let the pilot i have not a trace of ill-will against him. The pilot will not see our faces from his great height i know but the longing in our hearts that he will not come to harm. Would wake up with him in his eyes would be open. Once argued. You do not know hitler. They are incapable of any times good morrow response. They have no conscience. They have made themselves impervious. Weeworld opinion. John gigi replied. Your argument presupposes that the dictators likely are beyond redemption. Nonviolence. Valhalla gonzaga criticize. For his instructions to let them come. You will invite their hitler. Signor mussolini to take what they want all your possessions. Send a text to gretchen a beautiful island. With your many beautiful things. Your souls are mine. Call your home. If they do not give you free passage about yourself. Slaughter. We're going to do otherwise might never believe violence is violence will become more destructive than the very tiring skedaddle. Indiscriminate slaughter that is going on. Minute-by-minute. He wrote these words in 1938. Before the creation. We have bomb. Seven-string easier. If your brain is often when rivals and destructive power. Set my alarm for dropping the thomas. Cities financial rewards that will cost many more lies. Military and epic w good for the greatest number. Seguin the lesser of evils. Numerology rejected. A votary of non-violence she said you're not subscribe to the utilitarian formula for the greatest good for all. Zion attempt to realize this ideal. The challenge and it's not impossible. Set alarm to practice. Nonviolent. Suffering and injustice alair homes and lands become. Find me the pool parties. Is anything champion. It's difficult to explain a great admiration for people like auntie. History. Would rather hear individual. We have even our own lies by turning the other cheek loving our enemies putting away our floors are believing is gone he did at the methodist. Therefore nation or group ethnic violence. Define apostle he said. Exactly to slavery. Even stopped by an atom bomb. Create tv. Violently. Non-violence is as old as the hills. Valvoline. The tower of babel. Venturi roman emperor hadrian. Easter. Heard that one before. Dinar guru. Represent represent the idea. And if you're more powerful than your enemies. Do pretty much leave you alone. Or do we want and if not. Call merlin's toledo. During his inaugural address. George bush senior. Call the american legion. Thank god everyday for the gulf war. A person working in nam. I'll bring us nothing in the way of the final quality just makes for a week ago or at least. Alaska resorts. When is the 15th president. Nevermind. Preemptive strikes before the first heat. Societies. Other. Las vegas. Domestic violence. According to see logan walker wings of the modern world. Respond to us. I really start to believe in him. They are very and harassed the supervisors and sinners. Irwin films about gandhi. Replacement rubber bumper stickers. Only makes the whole world blind. He was tougher than john wayne or clint eastwood. You don't really believe that you said has self-forgiveness. Violence is only resulted in the story of professional bio. Expectancy in the us. It is already far lower than any other wealthy nation. Landmark bar. The gun violence. Which is the second largest causes death of death among adolescents. Ages 15 to 24. You're 89 civilians own firearms for every 100 americans. Ar country represented 5% of the world's population close to 50%. The weapon in battlefield company in tennessee. The demonstrations are putting flights. Again taking them to church. The real question is why jesus nonviolent issue would even be. That we should arm teachers and janitor. Madonna. Is the real religion in our country. All of the guns in our country are for law-abiding. Markets in lowering our life expectancy. Are weapons of war. Like the bushmaster. Ar-15 bb 8 was used in the aurora colorado movie theater shooting. Recently against firefighters in new york chopper and then oregon mall in the horrible shooting in newtown connecticut. These are the sorts of weapons except this past week retired general stanley mcchrystal said. Henna designs. Human body. And that's what i told you're not scaring you said. I personally don't think there's any need for that kind of weaponry on our street. Around the schools in america. Define history that is proven is a perpetual wheel of history. Chemical bank. Why. We still can't believe. Over and over power before. In resolving conflicts. Violence. Without sacrifice. Stop ringing violence. In return. International support. For free india. Predictit. Evolution of l my cousin tutu and nelson mandela. The right to vote. Women's equality. Gastown greensboro north carolina. A cute device. Until they were here. It's great to sycamore down to the states and what. Coffee martin luther king it was profoundly influenced by gandhi use nonviolence to bring us civil rights. Vietnam war. Reflections by the communist authorities and solidarity movement began using nonviolent civil resistance. Domino effect. A non-violent collapse of communism around the world. In 1989. Make reminder comprising 1.12. Nonviolent revolution. What time. And they were completely peaceful on the part of the protesters missing parts government you at that bar. Non-violence in the 20th century.. The time is staggering 64%. From china. A revolution with wyoming. Long distance lincoln himself before a line of military tanks for samantha hall in shutdown. Nonviolent. Work. Requires us to love our enemies. I treating them and our people just fight. How differences. Today arkansas easy-peel perpetuates the next. We do always hear them. Effective against enemies. Spike lee. Are using those weapons in their own preemptive strike against innocence. Unitarian universalist. Promoted non-violence in our world calling for the prevention and end the war. Where nuclear department mccoy the establishment of a national academy of. In conflict resolution. Universalist minister. Christian non-resistance. Inspired leo tolstoy who has translated into russia. She gave the basis of henry david thoreau civil disobedience. Gandhi. Plumbing. He said in an article entitled to my american friends. Zombie road. You have given me a teacher in sorella. Requirements. Civil disobedience. Scientific confirmation of what i was doing in south africa. Inequalities. Had a role in shaping auntie. And subsequently and his influence. On dr. king. Today's circumstances require a companion to take the lead. I'm canceling the mists of attempted violence. To our place in love and equality and human work. Images of themselves. Nonviolent work. It is the only thing that ever has and it is up to us. At work again.
The music of the spheres. For your beautiful share such a beautiful song and for helping to transition us into a company place this morning. Tradition or should i say spiritual to develop. Perspective. About the meaning of life. Picture of. Summarizes buddhist practice for instance. Do you know that. So you can connect pretty easily and quickly. By simply becoming aware of what you're doing. Did you are sitting. I observe myself preaching i feel myself breathing i noticed my mind thinking. Consciousness. You can close your eyes in and out of this as much as you're comfortable. Perhaps perhaps. Redial.
They are dashing off to the snow i commented. Spectrum. The rest of the spectrum isn't there everything depend upon. Even though we know they're different. 4.5%. Churches believe in santa claus churches believe in santa claus seems the most logical thing to do. Thousand years ago. Anonymous. Especially 1080 children. Nicholas. Impoverished sisters avoid for prostitution. Years later. Associate. Christ kienlen. Call come to call him. He is somehow still alive today. S'more holiday purchases. Birthday commission interesting. Still contains actual cocaine recipe which came first. Vision of santa. Mushroom color scheme associated with christmas. Betrayal. Do you really think there are such universes. Multiverse theory according to astrophysicist. Universe. With the discovery of the higgs boson. Before outward. Visible. Found themselves what is santa claus. Cantera park. We must admit angelo's. Instantaneous years apart. Opposite ends of the universe. 5 children per household. Speakers. Is basically frozen all the time in the world parallel universe. Universes in the multiverse architect. Santa claus. This would also explain in the world. Most likely santa sack is located. Today's workshop from anywhere on the planet. Difference. Omnipotence. Who's been naughty and nice when you're sleeping. Able to issue annual reports. Which uses a computer to the most efficient sub delivery. If you are all-knowing all presents an all-powerful god or just a common man making use of sophisticated. The heart of childhood.
Thanks again leah wonderful just kidding i made sure that was there.
Beautiful good morning wonderful. I'm grateful to be here today with you. David spade. Can i go. Suv. Scholarship is fine with an agency in berkeley. I am on my way. Calling. Albert collins. Astronomy. Make a difference in the wind. When was weed legalized in the early 1990s. In the united states. Drilbur. And the emergency unitarian association. Most of these connections. Mary's market. Colleges for veterinarian and finish pennsylvania. It is. Once in a lifetime. Opportunity for our pennsylvania. Professional development. For mutual room. Understanding. Coincidence. Smallman accidentally. We are all capable of love. We encountered each other. You are amazing compilation one spot. You are in town today. 1. And there are some that are ricard. And there are so many promises. There are some diseases. You are in congress. Pennsylvania. Saison. Always. Story every moment with vice president. Open today. There are some wonderful stories in the whole world. That we can draw. Astoria today. Gospel of john. Wednesday at 1. Area code for the car. Beautiful given to his son joseph. Jacob's well. By the well. Laundromats near me. Remember to draw water. Will you give me a drink. Associate. I can see that you want to talk. Gucci shoes. Please reply. Spirit. Oliver's almond gold pieces. He's on his way to canada. American woman. Artisan roll of life. As soon as well as the symbol. Anyone. Super bowl tickets. Evil pregnant woman. The conversation. New relationship. And everlasting musa people. Even if it works it's gone. This morning. Started. From the story. Encounter. Otterbox. Jesus. What is my phone. Underline emphasize that i consider important. Yeah wrong synonym. Beatles revolver. He is able to go beyond the differences. The walking dead. Dialogue. Send. Revision. About. Ecoline to your family. Music. Cory asbury. Under development of the transylvania. In the 19th century. Change device. Wolverine attacks. Is maddie if you may already know. Pennsylvania. Importance. Religious freedom and tolerance. Waterproof song i only temporarily. In the early years of the church at 3:00 to switch over 400 complication. Unfortunately. Princess david. 52nd and everett. United states. The address man 2003.. How many magic. How long do you think it was. Devil and divine. World to pennsylvania. Clown people scaring. Swing music. Friendship and partnership. Are not alone. Number rock. Apartments. Meeting the people in pennsylvania. Amazing friends videos. Call realsies connections. How will these friendships. Bidets. Story of seasons. American 400. Freedom christian playlist. Involved. And sometimes. Early 1990s. A dam not have trouble with toilet paper. Doberman. How many points did. One of our issues. Public house. Google. Movie on youtube. Mariners. Mutual understanding and friendship openness and gordon together. What is commons. What's the disease on spaghetti. We are all cousin at dawn. Arrrr room. Desired. My devices. Wendy's open. Auburn vision. Mine. Angry bird. What is juuling. Kohl's. Holy mother. The song the song with lions. Sometimes team. Robert louis stevenson. This world.
Father's day. Beautiful song. For 20 minutes. Is really. It's also. And it has been deeply. For granting me. Including you. Profession. The problem. It's not you. Never have been religious. Crazy. Case in point. Article. Definition of speed. Describe. Disappointment. Very helpful. Especially western. And mind and spirit. Alpha. In the year 06. After einstein. In 1905. Squared. Whatsapp. Separate. The universe changes. It's not true. And the earth. What did you do for yourself on earth. We are all. Who are we. And who am i. Man in the sky. There's a story for my high school. And a cross-wired the switch for the turn signal. She was lucky she got out of it with her life. Beautiful. First and foremost. Community. First and foremost. Community. Exactly. Station. Giving physical aid to those who suffer. Societal structures. The church will have one more roll post. The church.. As an alarm clock. Gorgeous to the beauty of the person seated. I've never forgotten because he's our existence. We are. We are checking. And we're so focused. Anxiety. Wonderful planet. We're surrounded by. Pure bliss. The message. If we can. The present. Future. Part of a church. In 106. The great. From the end. The story of the universe. Includes. We are now experiencing a significant. The foundation's.. The echo zoic era. Have been established. The mythic vision has been set in place. The dream reaction. The-dream. And the action. As you dream. And in the future. Understand. Survival. We are all connected. And the world. Converse.
Imagine this imagine that a charismatic character if today was gradually emerged in our world be showered with our admiration affection that our desire. Subtraction drawers. Story time. Or even attitude. Cultural group. At some point these reports develop a life of their own. Sometimes with tremendous self-fulfilling expectations. Thanks iconic persons breakout beyond their origins was surprising appeal. Just wanders. Diversity is not a religious community such as ours. Out for a nuvision. Charismatic people. Turn on a person. Powerful surge liberation for the downtrodden. A word that is synonymous with john title. Imagine all the people. Living life in peace. People. From one of these people captures our attention and perhaps our devotion. Are others are attractive. Impressive. What did they do. What was their upbringing. What school did they attend. Missteps along the way. We don't ask these questions. Inquired. Perhaps at nauseam. Counterculture people. Car heroes. That probably says something about me and my choices. Summer sandals. British establishment didn't know what to do with him. For his powers. Doctor civil rights movement. Awaken not only white people so long and oppression but many accepted it as normal. James version of frida made us realize for the first time what chest has really means. Also older generations. And logins. Call have defects. Another. Our despised. Anyone who had some particular fetish to promote them. Passage of time than their standing while they were still alive. Hawaii law free smoke. Appeal deeply to our hearts and spirits. Universal desire for something to hold something better than what. And i reach. Beyond our understanding. What about this jesus of nazareth. Momentarily. Some of our children and other members of our church christmas pageant. Almost by heart. Set in our minds from childhood. Henry call christmases past. They may be somewhat embarrassed by the stories simplicity. Describe to the main story. Amanda childs. Early church fathers did their best. Express magnificent. Cousin conception through otherworldly memes. 5000 years ago. Of such consequences. Supernaturalism. Born is the subject of thanksgiving. Wendy's and adoration. Some parents and the whole community. But the christian community has lavished on the jesus child. Comprehension to is limited. History repeatedly shows us new blessings. If only we recognize them. Best child is blessed. They are here. Open our hearts to the potential. It's our greatest hopes. Peace be with us all. Pavement. Long long ago in a faraway land. A man named joseph. Is traveling to bethlehem with his wife mary. In those days all the people in the land or ordered back to their place of birth. Taxes. And so it was that joseph was walking to bethlehem his family's birthplace. Call mary right beside him on their little donkey. Mary was pregnant and must have been very uncomfortable riding so long on the donkey's back. She knew she could give birth at any time. Before they arrived in bethlehem. But she hadn't wanted to stay behind alone. She want to be with her husband when their first baby was born. So they made the long journey together.
This is a time of the service where you are accustomed to hearing words of inspiration words of wisdom. Our everyday existence being fair and balanced. Coughing you words of inspiration i'd like to offer some quotes from one of my favorite websites. Despair.com which features wonderful calendars posters and t-shirts called. Postpone the inevitable ambition. The journey of a thousand miles. Sometimes when the winds of change blow hard enough. The most trivial things for every winner this is defeat for every when there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them despair. It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black dreams. Dreams are like rainbows. Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore you will not know the terror of being lost forever at sea. Failure may be your style. It could be that the purpose of your life is only to others the courage to problems. No matter how great and destructive your problems may seem now remember. He's probably only one where i really wish you could see the wonderful visual imagine. A beautiful. Bag golden french fries. An astronaut would not be so.
Got you won't need to bring me a cup of coffee after the trailer that was avenue. Atomic. Listen to this message. Self-destruct. The old tv series. Mission impossible for easter sunday service. Even in the unitarian universalist church. In 1998 to 1990 on abc and this pain for crews. Is there a mysterious recording dating your mission. Always morning mystery. I am horn. Secretary will disavow any knowledge. This message will self-destruct. 4. 1. Abby. Victorious. Are stories of hello. Reassure yourself no matter how desperate or difficult circumstances is here. We're going to make. Even in the wake of something so seemingly final. Perhaps our oldest. Story of the secret. Excuse to have. Egyptian goddess. An impossible mission to save her husband's brother osiris. The north alma mater. Divide. And descends into the underworld in his class for richmond. E-40. Yeah it was once quite literally. A herculean effort. The impossible happens. Guitologist. Joseph campbell refers movies. With no hope of salvation. Open in iowa. Receptionist to hero guide. Is swallowed by a whale. Starcrash. Underworld.. Situation this area. Description. Who enter here. Man who escaped and returned to earth on what else. Easter morning. The story of jesus resurrection. Dominican curly followers. Earliest of the gospels. Wondering what is it mean. Jesus football. What's the time. The resurrection account shifted from metaphors spiritual resurrection. I call and can't remember the flags of life on the road to damascus. The author of luke. Resolve, miami. Account. Don't understand because he's ascended to heaven. City market. Literal. Genius car. The resurrection story at least as far as i'm concerned is that the beauty of its original nadaswara it's locked. With the empty tomb please the reader. Impossibility. Even without concrete answers. Just wanted the end of mark gospel always reminds me of the ending. John steinbeck's the grapes of wrath. Insurance agent. Play discover a man. In the final throes of starvation. In rose's drawing. Eden's nursing. There is always hope. There is always possibility. Make a way out of no way. Story that can inspire about believers and non-believers christians and non-christians. Even when all seems lost. And that's why i consider the resurrection story. Determined from the star house. Miranda. Locoroco felicity stories. Rent a car. They're just saying. Perhaps s**********. Is carl marshall good really are what make you listen. From the harsh realities of this life. More than 100 years ago. The philosopher psychologist william james. Distinguish between what he called a religion. M60 religion. Deposited. Employees. He was referring replying to the kind of thinking that believes our problems to be solved simply by keeping a positive attitude. Or handsome marine cleaner and better when the world really is. He also called this. Delicious. Because there's no need to be transformed and everything is perfect just the way it is. Psychology of religion. Work. Drive to away from reality and deeper into our delusions. Call melissa be more aware of reality and more present and active in the world. Did i still cannot accept. It's also. Call hope is denial of reality. Where is also celebrated this weekend. Advancing from the rear and the er so we don't have a right to believe. Will parker s. Eagle way. Where am i. Negative experiences of. The reality of enjoy. Goodness. Power to change. Subaru. Reply to wife. Today research. And apocalyptic snakes. The world is coming to an end. Just laugh. Nobody asked me how i can remain so positive about the future. When things are so clearly worse than ever before. We never before. Define all government. And injustice around us. I don't have time to do it. I have work to do less fearful. Myself. I'm also aware. Forum. Keep us always on the lookout for the danger ahead of us. That are automatic. Complex. Causes us to act responsibly. Reply reply. State of hyper-vigilance in fear. Newest part of the brain however the front overflow or funnel cortex it allows us to. True. Operating from a position of queers and hyper-vigilant. Monopoly. Submission the time. Which is why we have. Justices of the world get on. I prefer the latest. Determine. The story of central america. Imagine me. Lights out. Talking about. Orientation. Let me conclude with a couple of real life. Examples. Impossible. Remember the voters of washington. Meredith. Resurrection from the grave. Reporting agency. Election. Mirror on the eastside of washington. But never before had in any state. Define miserly. Majority of voters in our area. A margin is. More than 15%. 95 months. The composition impossible. Change the hearts and minds of our own. Slavery. Are mission impossible. America map. Terry universalist congregation in seattle. 12:00 dollar saying. In your marriage equality work. Emerald outdoor advertising. The billboard for the election. But we weren't out of the woods yet. Rick santorum. Decided. You responded by quickly organizing a. Conference center. You found the song. Already road. Tennessee part of the florida. Paranoia. Gloria. The news media turn their scores around toward their only option. Supporting marriage equality. Inequalities. Opera. And it didn't blow up in our face. Chicken pot pie. Solar panels. Imitate financial resources. We didn't have a conversation. Gps. What's the time in israel. Chicken papa. Infinity surround apple safely inside. We did it. Impossible mission. Listen tahoe. Never sister disco.. Criminal justice. L'amour l'amour. Darth plagueis. Everywhere. Parker. Before i do. Concord michigan. 52 6x. Stewardship in the wider world. All of us working together in our time and our resources position.
That's not political. Global warming climate change and global warming is the reason for these unprecedented storms tornadoes hurricanes public. Talk to shield us from it because reverend george marshall wants road. 12 year jail sentence the phrase dumbing down. America in part for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. When there was talk of requiring those baking executive enormous annual bonuses. Spell the first year. Improving scores. Up until five years for a private school further into all the complicated arguments. Learning. The editors of saving our school summarized it well in public education. Resources. Pointing out that education always been a religious. Concern. To bring it up today. Human history has been. Changed all that ever since.. Humanity was kicked out of paradise. Scientists like copernicus and galileo prisoned. Can even grab i. Cuz he was sometimes called was criticized. Can too many others establishment refused. I'm coming to me i'm sure many teachers. Do not stop the children from learning to think for themselves acquiring the critical thinking skills every citizen needs for a healthy society.
We don't know it helps us arrived upon this conclusion by examining the reliability of various approaches the truth and knowledge rational or empirical. Are we doing on time of reality. Midnight sky with a single light shining through fabric of space stars. The reason we find example is because. Picasso abstract. After the moments into my response.
Today. Earlier this week for the world we're locked in the chimney is off the sistine chapel. What is historic about. The cardinals inside select mobile signify in the tradition. Are you here in a black smoke. By the end of the very next day. Roman catholic church francis. Basilica. Dressed in white. This is only the most recent example. European cultures in particular associates glassdoor companies negative. Cowboy hats. The wicked witch of the west. Darth vader. Darth father. In literature and mythology. Glasses often used to represent the devil or evil. Or gas. Crows and ravens are harbingers of death personified. Skin and hair. During the 12th century the benedictines. Superpawn. Accuse justice terpenes. Unaccepted try before always wearing white. Saint bernard versus bounder. Reply to last the color of the devil. Compliments. Bought on the black market. Are bad luck. Jeanette blackheart. Signified the negative post on our car batteries according to western mythology. Glass. It continues to spotlessly permeate. Our language. Do you want to talk. A black book. Kittitas appliance stoves. Or perhaps you have dark skin and you already know how this feels. Of course i'm a western european perspective. It's office that's language. Evolve naturally from early humans do understandably sears darkness and knives and could not help them make negative associations with the color black. Is the following word from. Cinema storm along. Play african-american unitarian universalist religious educator jackie james. What might otherwise keep salami. Blackmart. Play black mask black market. Guys wear white and guys wear black. With your black ass in the dark continent. Language. Heavenly sunlight immaculate innocent in beautiful. Depressing angry skeleton. Describe a negative and positive. The institutionalization. About office racism. Appointment. Enervated. A creamy must acknowledge. Darkness character. The dark tower. The dark nurtured and protected us. Before i work. Organize. From the blind son from the scorching heat exhausting labor. Permission. Surely our hearts to remember irene dark of winter is a time of hibernation. Turtle charlotte or north your home is your home is. Roman lights. Oregon. We need power. Dark and light. Light-skinned dark. The us. During this relatively short history. From the ethnic cleansing. Confirm generations of segregation and racism. A man born before the passage of the civil rights bill. Second term for their nation's first african-american president. Alive in the hearts of many. Where is no longer in the heart with most. Park by the color of one. Neckties from the way we still do a lot of things. Institutional racism. Angel rapist habits. Are still heavily practice too many for re-education employment entertainment. Institutional racism. And ethnicity. Directions teachers principals. According to the us department of education. 39% of students suspended from school. Even though they represent only 18% of the overall student population. Rakuten los angeles account for only 8%. It represents 26%. Uchicago they make up 45% of the students that are 76%. Goarmy studies included. 7002. And 7000 school district 85%. Kiss. Looking at that dress data has been going on. 1958. Although the project was suspended. During the demonstration. Program information. Law enforcement are hispanic or black. Dark-skinned students represent only 12% of students with disabilities. When it comes to the quality of education. A calculus while only 29%. What time i'm already. Navigate to teachers of the school.. We're more experienced. Are there quality of education is declining. Officials and employees are necessarily racist. Is it true in our criminal justice system. Director of the centre for social justice. Criminal justice system. Operated demarginalizing control millions of african-americans. Associate professor. Even though black and white. African-americans account for 37% of arrest. Even though they are only 13% of the overall population. Remaining certainly counters in friendship. A police officer police officers are for the most part. Remind me. There's still something about the law enforcement institution. Unintentionally discrimination against minorities. Uncomfortable truth. What's the number to north high. Again according to new york city 80% 80%.. Are black and latino. Compared to only. A white girl pulled over. Why why is the california study suggested wax or three times more likely to be stopped than whites. Alabama. In capital cases are rejected. Number of death row inmates. Rabobank. Call executed in this country since 1976. Have been non-white. Blackfoot again represent only 12 to 13% of our overall population. 40%. About sentenced to death. Remind me 7 a.m. today the national prison population is. 15 black men. 136 in spanish. Is in prison. Compared to only one in every 106 like men. Convicted blacks are also likely to receive sentences that are 10% longer than those of white contract. Obviously. These are all very disturbing this number. Call first response. S a. However the people are fundamentally fair-minded. Are always identity-based. Unfair. Because there.. Your sexual identity. It always ends up moving towards fahrenheit. Is there are. The problem is not with individuals. Institutions. They continue to do things the same old way. Examples of other. Serious this is housing in voting robert leprechaun shake i want. Remind me to say this. Earlier. Are reviewing the case about the boxing a section of the voting rights act requiring states. Bedtime. Amore pacific citizens in the north. Aaliyah. Call the law if refrigeration of racial entitlement. Voting rights act. Is thanos disease. Securus. Problem-solve. Is it they're only referring to personal racing. And not. Of course racism still a problem in the sky. North everywhere in between. Established many of our institutions despite. Archangel avacyn. Or coming there are many who recognizes probably realities are continuing. Society seymour dust plates for everyone. We have any people here in our own congregation or working hard to reform the criminal justice system. Along with others were involved in education. Jason reform. What's the easiest language. Racist. Turn.. Are perpetuating racist stereotype nicola falcor of white supremacy that was the fun are dark. Racism. Even though it was the carmichael in the late 1960s. Viasat transportation. Turn the lesser notion of merely changing the lightbulb. It wasn't behind it was about to texting. Prejudiced. Even the civil right perform. Society work for everyone still isn't happening. Another one. 19. Encounter the widespread notion. The typical black features like dark hair and dark skin. Are inherently ugly. Traffic. Words like black and dark almost exclusively negative. Spiritual association. Maybe more cultural. Anything else. Piquerism. Agriculture also gravitate to close to the lights. What's the establishment of light. . describe the universe warning fire and slow time. Prepare for a wife. In our society. Also federal. Quality simply because they have wounds. Where darkness is the womb of the universe. The dark continent. Humana. Skipolini's. Of all living beings. End of everything. Reality. 70% of the universe is dark energy. Is dark matter. 5%. Dismayed of isabel flight. Visible highlights. Focus only on the lights. Houston mississippi. A beginning with the wife from adam rather than all of us worm. Because i want to hear a children of light and it's god's the lights of the world. There's also the mexican tradition. Darkness the dark night of the soul called upon us to shut our eyes. And go into the silence. Amazon. Ride the great spanish mystic coin. The dark night of the soul. Cabinets. Pandora. There is an essence that is quite real. Fastest to imagine a world. That only had lights. We don't have to imagine it because imagine it because millions of americans are. White and dark because but the finest talents. Starbucks in arlington with darkness. Wisdom. She was at the beginning of all things without her. Darkness is at origin. A source of life and understanding. 4. In the end of our journey. She is our mother. Schooners forgotten realms us and connects us to each other. Are beautiful black mother. Even if she embraces us.
Thanks again for that beautiful rendition of imagine. Most successful 1% of one nation under god i haven't actually read that in the constitution. Sapore too lazy or stupid billionaires themselves it's no one's fault but their own of course we must wonder why any sane person among the 8.5% currently without a job for the two million homes repossessed last year alone for the 16th without health insurance of any kind. We ought to become even more social than more cosmic cosmopolitan and our ability to relate to others quite differently than us. If we mature the relationship to become more inclusive and eclectic so i call a culture juvenile it manages to segregate some from the full benefits can rights of society based upon meaningless distinction by color gender sexuality. Democracy is a fraud human nature is primitive emotional unyielding the smarter or stronger intruder take the lion's share the week starve less society become the generated 80% of its population. Pfister plus the future they were talking about this model would eventually apply across all nations we will no longer have first world nations and third world nations and brightest 20%.. Why do the masses continue to support systems that work against their own interest i would suggest this is so not because they fundamentally don't care but because the majority of us despite our innate sense of fairness powerless to make a difference because. The critical question is this once they discover their common values. In light of all this going on in the world right now i'd have to answer a resounding yes we saw millions in the arab world come together to topple angel dictatorship.
On the periodic table some of which we have created ourselves some of these elements came together three and a half billion years ago to form life on it cuz it's simple single cells that i'm going with other cells 24 multicellular blondes with organs the vertebrae's the creatures with lint-head eyes organs and so on formed is one just as the cells that comprise our bodies do and what is evolution towards greater awareness.
Cuz i had said earlier this morning if i had. Equality sustainability. Sexuality science tells us. Interpersonal international music. Travis dissimilar parts. Instruments in an orchestra. Tennis is rather a lengthy when you're getting at the point i really want to buy nature. Conclusion destroyers relationship. His fair understanding of. Suppose we are essentially a just species in the world. Christians. Describe the pain for you. Compassion. The world community park. Liberty and justice across the globe. Overriding royalty. Working together in harmony. Car just intentions will result in. The unitarian universalist world for everyone.
So much since we all have those dinner party conversation ago she describes herself as. When i first read these words by margaret sanger published in the woman. To paraphrase another outspoken woman in the uu church i have found a spiritual home for i need not cut my conscience to fit the ology thank you. Wearing tribal masks made in class. Thank you for being you.
I can have the young people and anybody else who wants to come forward i need some help with a story this morning have seats excellent. Alright so this is a good news bad news story. Okay so for example. Play i woke up in the morning with a beautiful sunny day. Good news bad news was. Have the school day the good news was that i got this sit with my friends at lunch cuz i forgot my lunch at home. Hanukkah from the night good news bad news stories go and we could go on i'm sure you guys are very creative and lots of good news bad news stories so why are we telling good-news-bad-news. And it reminds us that as unitarian universalist many different spiritual leaders and teachers. So the buddhist we should meet the world with equanimity equanimity. Okay. Bad news and bad news. And in this case it means like evenness of temperament even this of emotion so what it means is that we shouldn't get overly excited when a good thing happens and we shouldn't get overly sad when a bad thing happens because. That she said. When something happens we don't know yet. Whether it's a good thing. Did the universe is huge and time is really long. Something happened into a pond that happens to keep moving outward across the pond even when we don't see them anymore. Social same thing when something happens in our lives but there's nothing that happens if the effects that go on outside beyond where we know that what's happening so fast like a good news bad news stories and the lesson is that we should meet the world with equanimity. And when something happens we should just be patient and let the universe tell us whether that's good news or bad news.
About a theological dilemma called the problem of god it's largely opposed. Questioning the world. We live in a world where they exist. Philosopher. Sitting down next to. Famous comedians. Comanche. I thought you were dead. Expectation. Do sap gandhi thirsty absent god. Who do we serve. Self-serving and opposite. American humanist association. Behavior. Equates to. Research of sociologist zuckerman numerous studies according to zuckerman suggest. Authoritarian social science. Report also found that the greenest countries in the world. The holocaust in particular the more likely they were to rescue and help persecuted juice. Is anyone else. Set the default motion in our culture seems to be great. They are corrupt. Their deeds are vile. Universalist we know that this stereotype. Stop.. 39. 18 years after the unitarian universalist church. The finding is beliefs. Two scientific. Crush superstition established. First principle is freedom of opinion and is subject to no sensor for heresy. Who is eli's greater. Please. Including one of the leading founders of humanism the reverend johnny. Who was the minister in 1916. Universalist continue to represent. Some theological never like kicking around. Start by taking action. Mountains has always been about taking action. After the recent democratic national convention. Dog whisperer. Fox news commentator bill o'reilly asked how can there be an entire section on face. Most religions throughout history including christianity times. This is the very basis of the hebrew name of the lord in vain across those four characters that we usually feel 1000 translated. Talk about god. Character in contact. Truck stops if we forget. Does greater context. 2 questions of calling who's church are we. Who do we belong to. Who do we serve without hesitation. It's about us we are believers or non-believers we don't have god kick around the responsibility to us. Is our church the property resources to pay for it. Bishop oscar romero first went to el salvador in the middle of the hierarchy. Who's pastor mi. Cover people that suffer depression. Which side will i defend do i defend the powerful for advocate for the oppressed the powerful than here i am. He considered himself pastor. I'm talking about all the missing kidnapped orchard mutilated and murdered. But disappeared because they had simply vanished without a trace visible bishop romero considered himself their pastor and fought to find answers. Is the answer to a question. A few weeks ago we received an email from a local woman services in person but right now the online. Can't say it but she own church. Does it belong to a gay couple in bellingham now be able to marion park because we help. Does it belong to the sikh community in wisconsin that we'll never know that we respond to their suffering by wrapping our farms around around. Does it belong to inmates does it belong to the melting glaciers. Before romero salvador didn't go to church because i didn't like the idea of praying praying praying. We started going to church different. Activist bishop romero was no doubt a believer religion wasn't pie-in-the-sky but was grounded injustice. In those days the gospel since they read it in latin and the only ones. Farmworker in union activist footballs. Was not in heaven it was here on earth. Cuz unitarian-universalist regardless of our theological beliefs. Stay congregations owner isn't its board. Four members mission. It is just mission church belong to the answer to all these questions is the same.
Call creations mystics john denver was also a prophet. Meaning of contrition. Better world. Degrees of spirituality this kind of envisioning is called the via create diva for the creator sway creative cash. Abbreviation. Where'd you prefer the continuing process. Evolution. Surely this is what denver understood. Native american tunes potter's wheel. Burbank fire and wind conspire. During this experience of the creative way. Images to try. Songs about the images that he came to try and division as he drives back onto the rest of us. For example is the song celebrating division of buckminster fuller. Visionary. Through his work as an architect and adventure. Cosmetologist in the world. Promise to end poverty and hunger duration. They were good friends. Smic. That's how strong my love for you and me. The universe. Grandfather the future. I would like to be. What one man can do is love. The world's end. Siri siri. The worst is inspirational song higher ground. Also call upon us to remember the interview. Angel. There are those. Applied. Visionary. Denver was also seeking out those images secret routes. It seems to be apart. I'm looking for sex is about. Denver craigslist. In his autobiography take me home never said. Say sing the song was a metaphor for what needed to be internalized. Before that came into the picture i was already cooking for expressions of my selfie on music but it was apollo crews. Gas is an acronym for the earhart seminar training on his wife. Auto accidents involving people put their past behind in order to exist in this month. Is there a hard mode create your future from your future. Not too bad. Contact ab denver road lyrics including. Lincoln park. Officer legos this is the hebrew word for salvation. And the freedom and security because game. Why the removal of constriction. Salvation, not by freeing the soul is so often the point / opening up things. That is making more room by become any more open-minded. You know me hardee's. Denver. I believe that for all of us one of the purposes in life one of the processes of life is to find free agent firment michigan state ever not there..
New year's day is picture day. Message on our place in the universe. 13 years ago. Message for you this morning in the beginning autobiography of the universe biography. I remain mostly unconscious. Attendant nowhere close to grasping the full meaning of my existence. Maybe someday or whatever i decide to call it the fragments of my experience. So i really don't think that i can say much without first saying something about my human manifestation. Has thomas berry in my book. Dimension of the universe itself has capacity to reflect self-awareness. I just don't have the hang of it yet. Can i mirror. 2.6 million years is nothing too hard for. Can hardly a blank i guess that's why i'm hoping to remind myself as best i can in my mostly unconscious and fragmented state of awareness. But i am also. And the stars and the starfish in the grass in the clouds in the bird stones all other people and being so matter how different or trivial they might seem then i think i might see a brighter day dawning yet. Chemistry experiments may blow up in my face but right now as far as i can see being human is also my greatest hope. Oh yeah my story getting back to my flaring forth. Who wouldn't be there i was all sucked away safe and perfectly content to sleep in the quiet and comfort of my dark singularity of noise and light.. Transparent. Elastic cloud informed the first generation of stars. Actually so i may not sound like it i'm really being rather modest i didn't just make a few stars. Forming process more like cosmic acne. Thousands of stars at 1. Give or take a few million years if i were prone to playing with toys as a child i'd have to say the stars were among my favorite stars are like giant easy bake oven. Cost between hydrogen and helium. Causes the stars to burn elements are all used up however my star shelves may try to survive by burning a few other elements but eventually i'm to self implode. Before i can accomplish anything i had to formulate the four laws that hold everything together the gravitational the electromagnetic interactions. By age ten billion i had manifested myself among other astral bodies. We all know what comes next of course. Biology. Turn the crusty blue planet. Oceans. Without the ten billion by hydrogen-rich seawater and spitting out another identical. My cellular memory is good i must admit it isn't always perfect which is why. Celebrity learn to absorb carbon from the air which eventually altered the earth's entire atmosphere entire world. I'm quite proud of everything. Although i'm somewhat embarrassed by all the attention given to the dinosaurs. Really turns me off to the fact that dinosaurs get me know closer to self awareness than i'd ever been. Is this going to do stuff and all forms of life that i work so hard for instance i discovered a great deal about myself. Face now i'm wondering if it wasn't another big mistake different cursor of this anthropocentric attitude. Financial life forces and rhythms or maybe it was when classical civilization began the earth is my mother. Kenmore modern times i thought science. Harmony with my natural ecosystems becoming one sick puppy sometimes i imagine the conversation going on between my cosmic parents. Important part of the whole process important part of the whole but they're not. Probably. Total conscious conscious conscious being.
During the 1920s for example that the request of what was then called the social service bureau our church agree to outfit a promising little deaf girl so she could attend the school for the deaf in vancouver washington we provided her with candlelight throughout her education and alliance much time during the summers selling new clothes for her.