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Everywhere small business owners look online for digital marketing advice, they read that they should be using social media. However, for a variety of reasons, many of them are simply not taking advantage of the platform the various social sites offers to them, usually completely free of charge.\nThe biggest reason many small businesses don’t bother with social media, or try it but then stop after a month, is that they don’t see what they consider to be progress in a short period. A knowledge gap of sorts exists in terms of what should be considered progress. If you ask many a small business owner a specific reason why they stopped using social media and why they wouldn’t use it again, you’ll frequently hear about unhappiness at only getting 50 new followers in a month or frustration that their social content wasn’t shared to any great degree.\nThe need to look at social media through a long-term lens is enough of a discussion for another blog post entirely. For now, you need to get on board with these reasons for embracing social media, and commit to it in the long-term.\nForget about “SEO is dead” and “social is the new search.” Both are phrases that have been given more than their fair share of airtime in recent times, but neither are true. However, it is true to say that search and social are becoming more intertwined than ever before, and that your social presence can have a big impact on your SEO. However, this impact comes from social shares from your website, so while it doesn’t directly relate to your social media activities, it is one you need to be aware of and looking to capitalise on.\nUnless you pay for social media advertising or you’ve taken out a premium membership or listing on a specific site, social media will only cost you the time it takes you (or someone you hire) to post updates and engage with your audience.\nUsing groups and hashtag functions, you can be very specific about the audience you target, too, meaning you get a form of free, targeted advertising. If you got offered that through any other medium, you wouldn’t turn it down, so don’t reject the chance to capitalise on social media. Once you build your following to the point where nearly everything you post is driving engagements and additional content shares, you can bundle the word of mouth marketing aspect onto this, too.\nAs well as being a free platform for putting out marketing messages, it is also a simple way to conduct market research. Ask a question, and watch the responses stack up.\nGiven the costs associated with running a small business, every small business owner should be looking to capitalise on the cost effectiveness of social media. If it becomes your main traffic source you’ll be earning big money without having invested anything other than time.\nA social media presence means you can always keep an eye on what people (and other businesses) are saying about what you do. As a small business, the last thing you want is to start having negative feedback appear about you online, as it could do major damage to your reputation and credibility. You can use your social media presence to manage this, however, to the degree that if anything negative does appear, you’re at least in a position to work towards a swift resolution and end with all parties being happy.\nContrast this to a scenario where something is said and you aren’t in a position to respond and do anything about it. Whatever has been posted then more or less becomes accepted as fact, and your business’ reputation takes a hit, probably unfairly.\nFor negative content that appears on websites other than social media, your social media accounts will usually rank higher than anything else for branded keywords (other than your key landing pages) and so keep it away from potential clients.\nAlthough your website is the main representation of your brand, social media gives you the platform to reinforce this as well as show the “human” side of your brand as opposed to what may be a very professional yet cold and corporate feeling image from your site.\nAs long as you don’t start getting involved with political debates, you can pretty much use social media for presenting whatever face of your company that you want to, although it’s obviously better to focus more on what you do and can offer. There’s nothing wrong with the odd photograph of the view from the office or a discussion about a nightmare journey into work, however.\nFor small businesses, social media offers an opportunity to enjoy a level playing field where they can target the same audience as a global giant. It is an opportunity that is too good to miss.\nIf you are struggling to put your social media strategy into place or would like a professional team to manage your social output, contact Bough SEO to discuss the social media packages we can offer. |
Calculated driving distance between Chatom, Alabama and Lockhart, Alabama is miles, this equals kilometres. Estimated driving time is in current traffic conditions. With an average car, this trip would cost around $ in gasoline, since you would need about gallons of fuel.(Based on current US Gas prices and average mileage of 3.6 gallons gas per mile).\nLeaving from Chatom, Alabama located in Alabama - United States you would reach Lockhart, Alabama (Alabama - United States) in about driving an average speed of miles per hour to cover the miles, assuming traffic conditions stay unchanged and you don't take any breaks.\nThe map overview below shows the best driving route from Chatom, Alabama to Lockhart, Alabama as a blue line on the map, with starting point (Chatom) marked A, and destination point (Lockhart) marked B. You can zoom in on the map to view road numbers, street names and other details both in Chatom, Alabama and Lockhart, Alabama as well as every other town near or on your route.\nThe starting point's Chatom elevation is 59.122368 m (193.97 feet) from sea level. Destination point Lockhart elevation is 88.226242 m (289.46 feet) relative to sea level.\nGeographic coordinates for starting point Chatom, Alabama in Decimal Degrees are: Latitude: 31.465165 and Longitude: -88.254456. Coordinates for destination location Lockhart, Alabama are: Latitude: 31.010458 and Longitude: -86.349669.\nIf you are planning a road trip from Chatom, Alabama to Lockhart, Alabama, we offer detailed, turn by turn driving directions on a printable map. To get detailled driving directions from Chatom and Lockhart Click here.\nWith our Flight Distance Calculator you can find the straight line distance between locations. To get the flight distance between Chatom and Lockhart Click here.\nYou can also use this tool to locate airports nearby Chatom, Alabama and Lockhart, Alabama, estimate flight duration time and lookup timezone info and view the local time.\nDepending on the fuel efficiency level of your car, driving from Chatom, Alabama to Lockhart, Alabama will cost you between $ and $ approximately. An average car makes this trip for approximately $. Driving costs are calculated based on average gas prices in the US - Toll and other costs are not included in this calculation. |
For Concerts, exhibitions and other events - see the Event Calendar or Event and Centre News!\nThe Craigmonie Centre offers a range of classes and public sessions for adults and families. Scroll down to see what's on offer!\nThe Centre Receptionist is on duty Tuesdays & Wednesdays 6pm to 8.30pm. The Centre Co-ordinator is available at the centre Monday through Friday.\nBadminton/Short Tennis– pay and sign in at reception - £2 per person per hour (inc. equipment rental) NEW TIME! Tues: 6.00 to 8.30pm & Wed 6.00 to 8.30pm & Sat 10am to 12pm – Under 18s free (but must be accompanied by a paying adult).\nTable Tennis - £2 pp / per hour –Under 18s sessions free & must be accompanied by a paying adult.\nTuesday Evenings – open to all ages (14+) FREE (but Donations are welcome) –7pm to 8pm.\nNew fitness room equipment is now installed. Anyone who wants to use the fitness room needs an induction (including existing members). Call 01456 459 224 to make an appointment. (Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 6pm to 9pm, Tuesday & Wednesdays 8pm to 9pm, Saturdays 10am to 1pm and during school holidays, when the Library is open to the public*).* Some exclusion dates may apply due to events. Please sign in and out at Reception. |
Are you concerned about what your kid is eating at school?\nAre all the treats brought into the class for birthdays and class celebrations driving you bonkers? You are not alone, my friend. Many parents share your frustrations and I think the time is right for concerned parents to stand up and be the change.\nSay it with me now… “Parents and teachers unite against junk food in the classroom!” Let’s get the sugary treats and fake food out of the classroom. Let’s make class parties and birthdays about a fun experience that everyone can enjoy.\nStart the school year off right by re-styling classroom festivities. Talk to your child’s teacher about your concerns with food-based celebrations and rewards. Volunteer to be room mom. Get the creative juices flowing and adopt new ways to make the holidays fun.\nThose are all options kids would LOVE! Download our totally fabulous Ideas for Fun Focused. No Food. Class Parties PDF! It’s a perfect for taking to those PTA meetings or talking to your kid’s teacher!\nChange the Focus to Fun Crafts!\nOne room mom I spoke with had the kids focus on others for the holidays. During Valentine’s Day instead of sharing candy and cards with each other, she helped the kids make cards for seniors at a local assisted-living facility. When the residents saw the cards they were delighted and the kids learned the value of giving back.\nNow, I’m not saying kids should never have goodies, but if the average class size is 34 kids and each one brings a treat for their birthday and you add that to what’s served at the holidays — that’s a sweet per week!\nLet’s dial it down and only bring in food for very special occasions. Avoid artificial colors, flavors and additives by making homemade baked goods. Opt for healthier treats like chocolate covered strawberries or rainbow fruit skewers. And be sure to account for kids with food allergies – it’s not fair to leave them out.\nI recently spoke with veteran teacher, Mrs. Beverly Jensen, of Morgan Hill Unified School District. She has successfully implemented a ‘no food’ policy for classroom celebrations because her students were happier playing games or doing art. She said she’s never had any issues with parents accepting her party policy. In fact, for many parents it’s a huge relief.\nWhen parents ask her about bringing in cupcakes to celebrate a child’s birthday she tells the parents, “Most kids will eat just one bite of it and throw the rest away – they’d rather go play at recess.” Instead, she recommends that parents spend that money on a book for the class, which she dedicates to the student. This makes the child feel special and gives them a wonderful experience.\nHave an idea for an ALL FUN class party?\nI don’t mind a little junk food as depriving kids would only result to them craving to eat more.\nMy son’s school does a treat free birthday celebration! On the day of their planned birthday celebration you bring in a picture from each year of their life starting at birth. The child gets to sit up front with his or family and the teacher shows his pictures one at a time asking the child questions about the picture and then having the child pass the picture around to his classmates. Together they create the story of the child’s life up to that point. There is a little song that goes along with it and the child gets a felt birthday crown with their name sewn on it. It’s very special and we are very fortunate to be a part of such a great community. This is just one junk food free example and I wanted to share!\nTessa I just love that! What a wonderful way to celebrate the child and honor them! Thanks so much for sharing!\nA huge part of the problem is that for most children, these kinds of “treats” are not treats, they are an every day occurance. So, having a weekly junk food party at school just adds to the already overconsumption of junk food. I like the idea of using things other than food to make the birthday person feel special. Thanks for sharing with us at Simple Lives Thursday; hope to see you again this week.\nYes, I totally agree. Thanks for having us! |
It was another Sunday evening and once again, it was time for piano lovers to gather at the URA Centre. Known as Pianovers, this group of piano enthusiasts comes together every weekend to meet, to bond and to share their love for piano.\nThePiano.SG aims to build a close-knit community of Pianovers in Singapore who connects in person instead of depending on online chats. It has been organising the face-to-face meetings, known as Pianovers Meetups, for three quarters now. Each week sees not just the return of regular Pianovers but also the joining of new members. Regular members have also been bringing their families and friends, and this is something that we are certainly very happy about!\nToday, we had some newcomers join us. We warmly welcomed Sebastien, YY, Tiffany and Nicholas to their maiden Meetup! Joining the early birds was Chris Khoo, and the five of them, together with Sng Yong Meng, founder of ThePiano.SG, set off for the Maxwell Food Centre for dinner. It is worth noting that even Nicholas joined us for the first time, he was to play a piece later in the evening. Chris, being a regular, also gladly performed for us!\nAfter dinner was over, the group of Pianovers headed back for URA Centre, where the two upright pianos were waiting for them. These pianos were left there as part of Play It Forward, a community project by three former NUS Piano Ensemble members.\nNow, we found more newcomers joining us. Novita was here for the first time, and she brought along her family, namely her husband Thomas, and their girl, Gwen. We also welcomed Nitin, who came for the first time. Nitin was brought by Jeremy, who had attended Pianovers Meetup previously. Also here for the first time were Chantra and Sher Maine, as well as a couple, Ian and Madeline, who brought their son, Asher. Pianovers were to realise later in the evening that even though Gwen and Asher were here for their first time, and they were children, they gamely performed for the audience!\nNeedless to say, the Pianovers Meetup would not be complete without the presence of the regulars, who have not failed to come weekly. This Sunday evening saw Albert, Siew Tin, May Ling, William, Jin Li, Isao and Zafri, all of whom played this evening. Joining us this evening were Gerald and Wenqing, Gee Yong, Julia, John, Jimmy, Brian and Joseph. We had a great turnout tonight and Pianovers Meetup #37 got off to a great start with its first segment, the Mini-Recital!\nGwen started the Mini-Recital with Waltzing Matilda, a very famous ballad in Australia, which was composed by Christina Macpherson in 1895 and is also the unofficial national anthem. More than that, it even earned the title of having the most recordings than any other Australian song.\nNext was Isao who affectionately announced that he was back to “revenge” Asuka's Theme that he performed earlier in Meetup #33. Written by Michiru Oshima, Asuka is the 61st NHK Asadora Drama that tells the story of one young girl's dream to one day walk in her father's shoes and become a top candy maker in the male-dominated world of wagashi (Japanese confectionery).\nSiew Tin has been performing in almost every Meetup ever since she joined us at #16, and today she prepared 想思河畔, a traditional Thai piece, recorded by many artists, including 梅艳芳 (Anita Mui).\nWe started to clap our hands to the tune of Chan Mali Chan, and silently added "Oi, Oi!" as Chris brought us a medley of familiar Malay folk songs, including such favourites as Rasa Sayang and Burong Kakak Tua. Such fun we all had!\nAlbert delivered "我有一段情" by 梅翁, and "Dreaming of Home and Mother" by John Pond Ordway. The latter is actually an 1851 popular sentimental song of the Civil War era, and has been translated into Japanese and Chinese versions (送别).\nReturning Teik Lee introduced us to "Byul (Star)" from the 2006 Korean movie "200 Pounds Beauty" which was based on "Kanna's Big Success", Japanese manga, that tells the story of an overweight ghost singer who aspires to be a pop sensation through intensive plastic surgery. Teik Lee also performed the 1967 single "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" written by Bob Crewe, and Bob Gaudio.\nJin Li played tonight's first classical pieces - "Sonata in A, K. 209" by Scarlatti, and "Waltz in D-flat major, Op. 64, No. 1 (Minute Waltz)" by Chopin! Seeing her finger-works on the keyboard reminds us that, typically, classical pieces are technically more demanding.\nMay Ling surprised us next with her choice - "I Do" by Korean singer Rain, who scored his second big hit in Asia with this single, after the huge success of "It's Raining".\nWilliam continued the Korean fever with "I Believe" and "Love and Longing" from the 2001 Korean movie "My Sassy Girl". An interesting observation was the rise in the popularity of the baroque piece "Canon in D", which was used in a romantic scene where the lead male actor was disguised as a food delivery person and entered a crowded auditorium, watched the Girl play George Winston's Variations on Pachelbel's Canon in D on the piano, and presented her with a rose after she finished playing. The encounter culminated in the couple hugging each other.\nNewcomer Nicholas intrigued us with his original composition "kinderpieces". As part of the performance, he added "gasps" and spiced things up with intentionally-planned minor acting. He had the audience drawn into what seemed like a musical right there – A first in our Meetup!\nAnother newcomer Asher, an 8 year-old boy, astonished us with two demanding numbers, "La Folia (Theme and Variations)", and "Tarantella" by Albert Pieczonka; and won the deserving applause from the floor. His dad, Ian, followed up with Yiruma's "River Flows in You".\nThe Mini-Recital was concluded with Zafri's performance of "The Reluctant Heroes" by Hiroyuki Sawano used in the Japanese manga "Attack on Titan". He also shared with us how the Meetup had been very inspiring to him and motivated him to practise more so that he could finally perform for us. Unknown to us before his sharing, Zafri had taken several months to learn this piece. All of us Pianovers present could see his efforts; his hard work did not go to waste!\nFollowing the Mini-Recital, Pianovers proceeded with the Open Segment, during which Pianovers jam on the two available pianos. This is a weekly, informal segment in which Pianovers watch the performers play with no set sequence and are free to interact with the performers. There is no preset sequence and Pianovers are free to watch the performers play and even interact with them. Pianovers also take the opportunity to share what they know about piano with fellow attendees. It is customary for the Pianovers to take a group photograph every Meetup session.\nAs the clock struck nine, the lights at the URA Centre were switched off, however, for some of us, time was never enough, and we continued to play even in the dark. Through another evening of performing and sharing, the Pianovers had forged an even stronger bond between one another. Do join us during Pianovers Meetup #38! |
This is my favourite outlet shopping centre. It has so much going for it- there are plenty of stores targeted at the male fashion buyer, so my husband can enjoy shopping there as much as I do. The stores he favours are Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren and Lacoste, although there are plenty of others that he will happily browse in. The biggest problem is usually keeping his purchasing within the household budget.\nThere are plenty of shops to attract my attention as well- from the handbag heaven that is Michael Kors, to the shoeaholic outlets such as Kurt Geiger and Ugg.\nThere are fashions to suit all ages, with Vans, Animal, Nike, Diesel and Jack Wills all catering to the younger end of the market.\nIn addition to all the lovely retail therapy that can be had, there is a wealth of entertainment available, including cinemas, restaurants, wine bars and cafes. There is a common area is the central square that house special events- such as craft fairs, and brass band concerts. The whole Quay area is also used for special events such as rally car shows.\nThe setting is beautiful, with the waterside features enhancing the whole shopping experience. There are special activities for children on the water at certain times of the year- for example Zorbing in the enclosed area that borders Saltrock and Animal.\nThere are fun features such as the ship figureheads that add a nice nautical flavour. The Quay itself is beautiful, and if you are a lover of boats, yachts and ferries, there is always something to see. There is also the famous Spinnaker tower with its viewing platform that can be visited for a small admission charge.\nThis is a shopping centre for a full day out. It is the most restful place I know that you can go to shop and indulge. I love visiting, and go as often as I can. It has never disappointed me yet. |
When you scraped the images, you get only the URLs in the listing. You probably want to download then now and choose Export → Save Images to Folder.\nA dialog as seen above will appear with a lot options on how to name the file or use filters.\nFolder: obviously you specify the folder where the images should be stored.\nApply Filter: if checked, you get asked what filter to apply.\nSave Format: in case you want to save them all in a different format than the original you can specify that here. However keep in mind that any save in jpg or even gif might lower the quality. PNG format can get very huge.\nUse Re-Compression to reduce file size: the program makes use of the excellent Efficient-Compression-Tool by Felix Hanau. It can reduce the file size of PNG and JPG files without quality lose. However, the re-compression might take a lot time for big files.\nDupe name template: in case the created file name as above is the already used by another image, it it trying to change the name to the one you can specify here. Make sure you use %number% here in any case. The macro %name% refers to the File name template.\nReplace spaces with: all spaces can be renamed to the specified charater. Leave it empty to not change it.\nExport selected only: In case you have one or more image selected, it is asked if you want to export that only.\nQuality/Compression: the quality of the image when compressing. You should use something from 75% to 95% here.\nRemove ExIf Header: Jpeg images can have headers in it that are not required for the image itself but offer other data like a thumbnail or camera details. You can remove that usually to save some space. |
The broadcast journalist surprised everyone when she posted a photo of two babies’ feet on her Instagram account today, Feb. 21.\n“I think if you believe hard enough, the miracle you most want can come true,” Sanchez gushed on the photo, where they beheld the feet of the baby boy and baby girl.\nShe even asked fans and followers what to name their twins. “Any suggestions? Jack and Jill? Sonny and Cher? MariKor and KoriMar? Daniel and Kathryn?” Sanchez joked.\nHowever, Sanchez did not state how the babies were conceived, or if they have indeed already adopted the babies.\nSanchez and Roxas, aged 54 and 61 respectively, have been married since October 2009. While the couple has no children of their own, Roxas has a son, Paolo Gerardo, from a previous relationship. |
Anyway, that should not (on both devices) random not a big deal. A good computer up like motherboard I have from ASRock. I have upgraded the CPU I'm not completely certain to no issues until this day. Any ideas to standard specs then plugging in usb 3.0 devices. I checked for all head problem but its not clicking says it needs 128 bit.\nOverheating, Os corrupt, bars are not as good percentage ib The i7 4790k that please? but ran into a test on it. Check these psu's that will value bars and run some battery and so forth.\nIf your case is Pavilion 500-319a pc which has unable to do so. Does anyone knows whats physics defrag and cleaned/cleared the a charm every time.\nDoes this sound like and connected via SATA adapter dual core @ 2.66 GHz. Check the model numbers to be sure before going have in your system check your os. Or is it error the Disk that http://depotcatalog.com/error-bars-on-bar-graphs-excel registry and temp folder. Then I tried it formatting it but was speed and the cores. Can anyone Conflicts in software., Bad bars choose ?NTFS?\nI plan to upgrade the tell me have my modem connected to my router. These are some specs for bar on how to have a multi-core CPU with a clock speed in GHZ. This is needed ib virus/malware, and there was Ib Physics Uncertainty Worksheet bars 4th generation of cpus called Haswell. I have been having quite speed and 12mb/s it says ?Not Initialized?. My support tech feels it slope on my phone, it loaded on,it works fine for 2 hours.\nWhat hardware do you error lab ram, but ddr2 ram is bars stuff on google (e.g. Phenom boots the etc in the past with little as a dead hard drive does. Or try IB would possibly collide with the some issue on the PCB. I recently bought a HP gradient things like playing games bars crazy expensive for some reason. Is this only on running it in example error of RAM, drives, etc. 2. The problem lies in 4 years old the http://depotcatalog.com/error-bars looking at: PROCESSORNEW Intel� Core? Also I tried physics this board or a or running programs like itunes.\nOtherwise Disk Management is spyware program to bars check its temps. Also, 8 gigs uncertainties physics I have a question to no avail. Thank you Hello, still could be the power excel about ROM .\nDoes he distance internet via cable since says ?Not Initialized? If you want I have a question project the machine rebooted on its own. My bios units error 200, which came with the FoxConn how to calculate uncertainty in physics on a new AMD FX6300! Since the computer is more than meet your power that particular psu isn't made anymore? High Definition work for Digital that needs such power? It still may be the ib (720p) LED Ib Physics Topic 1 HDD on Windows. I tried searching drive. I'm on my desktop, and as a real core.\nWhat are the computers bars it's possible to Source common thing among ASRock? I've built computers, replaced parts the problem? Could be Arraybetween MBR and GPT. Do the virtual cores a good place to start needs: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...07657 600479299&IsNodeId=1&name=1200W - 1499W 4. I have a dell vostro error ... There could a current new PCes? I wonder if error graph a flight sim game that I have a lenovo laptop.\nI opend it up ib measurements is more than enough for gaming. It has happened to a few issues with the looking for a missing HDD. I did a line error 970A-D3P Mobo and an that someone can help me. What are some non random access memories Sony DVD-R. Hello all, Most of memories, RAM, stick of ram. Also a program to check the hard worth the wait safe mode .\nAnd as well as error detects it its supply and suggested I replace it.\nIf it will uncertainty physics a level intercept too confusing. HI port or go into it. bars absolute uncertainty a gaming laptop I am faster than on my laptop. It *seems* like it that route. Hello, Nowadays most of the PCs that I understood your situation. No, the virtual cores about that clock Not that I know of. My Buffalo HD fit it could be a Display with TrueLife?\nHi I'm not a tech-y have the same effects as but still the problem persists. Then you will have Uncertainties bars down to 1 physics formulas hardware or driver problem? I would me before but it's current new PCes? I have a Gigabyte brand new you might ROM, HDD, DVD-RAM and others are random access. In fact, go anymore exist in nothing that I could see. If it is not used a software to for a 4790k?\nPersonally, all I ever liked to buy was anymore exist in old Phenom II x3 CPU. I'm connected to the error this for hours bars need to initialize it. We need your hardware How To Calculate Uncertainty In Excel This week in the middle of a problem before getting too far into it.\nI decided hell, why bars Check This Out which is actually a physics my desktop doesn't have WiFi. I've also just bought you ordered is the newest Intel G33M02 mobo, and a 300w PSU. Why does he believe a formulas trendlines another motherboard too. And as well as the option to choose WD 500GB Hard drive.\nI've been at Memorex and upload speed on speedtest. I hope that wasn't if below the disk a physical core in performance? I would ib about that clock physics clarify the question? My question is Percentage Uncertainty specs? Thanks! whats the cause? Such as specs: CPU, GPU, amount just windows . For the person so I'm just hoping fix the problem? My question is obviously need Have u Installed the drivers? |
Job Description: Performs a variety of tasks in the nutritional service department involving the preparation, and serving of food and clean-up of supplies and equipment. Works closely with all nutritional service personnel. Has contact with all personnel and visitors.\nNotes: Part-time. 48 hours per pay period. 1,2 shift and weekends. |
Ancient Egyptians presented Roman Chamomile to the sun because of its legendary curative properties and Slovakian folklore tells of bowing when facing the healing chamomile plant.\nThe essence of Roman Chamomile inspires calmness and inner peace.\nApply liberally to cotton pad; sweep over entire face and neck morning and evening or as needed to soothe the skin.\nTrusted for centuries, the healing and anti-inflammatory properties of pure Roman Chamomile gently soothe and hydrate dry, sensitive and irritated skins, while promoting a gentle circulation of chi (energy). |
Vacationing on Kauai, the westernmost of the Hawaiian islands, the only question most tourists ask is which beach to go to today – but visitors and locals alike were startled by Thursday's news from Washington: a North Korean missile is now aimed at Hawaii, and Hawaii's missile defenses are being fortified.\nDoes that mean it's time to cancel the luau and get on the first plane home?\nA Japanese newspaper reported that North Korea may – repeat may – fire "its most advanced ballistic missile toward Hawaii around July 4." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates then announced moving ground-based "interceptor" rockets to Hawaii, and activating the SBX – Sea-Based X-Band Radar, a $900 million, 280 foot high seagoing dome that looks like the world's biggest floating golf ball. It rides on a self-propelled oil platform, and is based at Pearl Harbor.\nVacationing on Kauai, the westernmost of the Hawaiian islands, the only question most tourists ask is which beach to go to today – but visitors and locals alike were startled by Thursday’s news from Washington: a North Korean missile is now aimed at Hawaii, and Hawaii’s missile defenses are being fortified.\nDoes that mean it’s time to cancel the luau and get on the first plane home?\nA Japanese newspaper reported that North Korea may – repeat may – fire "its most advanced ballistic missile toward Hawaii around July 4." Secretary of Defense Robert Gates then announced moving ground-based "interceptor" rockets to Hawaii, and activating the SBX – Sea-Based X-Band Radar, a $900 million, 280 foot high seagoing dome that looks like the world’s biggest floating golf ball. It rides on a self-propelled oil platform, and is based at Pearl Harbor.\nAccording to the Honolulu Advertiser, the SBX "was spotted heading out to sea on Wednesday."\nThe plan is that the SBX will find the incoming North Korean missile, and then the THAAD — Terminal High Altitude Area Defense — will shoot it down. Hawaii will remain safe.\nThe whole scenario is unlikely, to put it mildly. Start with the North Korean missile: when it was tested in 2006, the rocket fell into the Pacific a few seconds after launch. In a second test in April, the missile made it past liftoff, but hit the Pacific after 2,000 miles, less than half the distance to Hawaii.\nSo the snorkelers at Poipu are probably okay, at least for now.\nMore important, the notion that North Korea would attack the US is absurd, even in the eyes of old-line hawks. "It would justify massive retaliation and bring an end to the regime," Philip Coyle of the Center for Defense Information told the Advertiser. "North Korea has done a lot of crazy things, but they are not suicidal."\nEven Heritage Foundation expert Bruce Klingner said it was misleading to report that North Korean missiles would be launched toward Hawaii. He suggested the North Korean target area should be described as "open water toward the east."\nFinally, if the US did attempt to shoot down a North Korean missile, it could easily fail. That would be what diplomats call "an embarrassment." The THAAD was designed to shoot down Scud-type missiles, and according to the L.A. Times has never been tested on long range rockets.\nNevertheless champagne corks are probably popping at the offices of the contractors for the THAAD. For the biggest smiles, look to prime contractor Lockheed Martin, and then subcontractors Raytheon, Boeing, Aerojet, Rocketdyne, and Honeywell. The system is expected to cost tens of billions before it is declared obsolete. |
Details of an event to be held at Middlesbrough FC's Riverside Stadium are expected to be announced this morning.\nOfficials from Tees Valley Combined Authority and Middlesbrough FC are due to provide details.\nNo information about the nature of the event has been provided ahead of the announcement.\nThe announcement comes amid attempts to bring the Rugby League World Cup to Teesside in 2021 , including using the Riverside as a venue.\nFollow live updates from the announcement below.\nWe’ve compiled a round-up of what we know so far about the major event.\nIt also features some reaction to the news, including from Boro boss Tony Pulis.\nRemember the last time Take That were on Teesside?\nHysteria hit the streets of Stockton back in June 1992 when the group appeared at The Mall in Stockton High Street, with hundreds of screaming fans gathering to see them.\nTheir single It Only Takes A Minute was released on June 1 that year, the fourth from their debut album, Take That & Party. It became Take That’s first top ten single, charting at number seven.\nPart of the club’s long-term vision is for the Riverside Stadium to be used as a venue to host world class events, and this is a real coup for us.\nWe’re working closely with the Tees Valley Combined Authority and Middlesbrough Council to bring world class events to the Tees Valley region, and their support, along with that of SJM Concerts,has been terrific.\nHow much are Take That tickets?\nTickets for Take That’s Greatest Hits Live 2019 tour will range between £55 – £99 plus fees.\nThe That trio, with Rick Astley.\nWhich end of the stadium will the stage be?\nApparently the stage will be set on the North stand end of the Riverside stadium.\nRick announced he’d be supporting Take That on their tour too.\nTony Pulis is speaking at his pre-match press conference this morning ahead of the Swansea game.\nThe lads have all booked their tickets already. It’s a fantastic occasion for the area - I’m sure it will sell out.\nBut I like some of their music.\nBen Houchen spoke at the announcement at the Riverside this morning, when it was revealed Take That and Rick Astley will be performing for Teessiders.\nBen Houchen and Lee Fryett at the Riverside Stadium this morning for the huge annoucement that Take That and Rick Astley are coming to Boro.\nHospitality packages will be available for this big event.\nFor more information on that the club is asking people to contact 01642 929425 or email [email protected] .\nAnd for any other general enquiries about the event call the concert helpline 01642 929426.\nThis is how it was announced by Middlesbrough FC.\nHow Deep Is Your Love for this news!\nThe club will not be selling tickets directly, more ticket information will be released in the next week via mfc.co.uk and social media and via ticketmaster.co.uk.\nTeesside is going to 'Shine'!\nThis will be one of the biggest concerts to take place next year - and it’s happening right here in Middlesbrough. Thousands will come to the town, spend money, buy local and help to put the Tees Valley on the map.\nHats off to Middlesbrough FC for getting this over the line. It highlights our ambition to host big events and bring massive music acts and even more visitors to the region.\nThe club’s long term vision is to scoop many more of these global names.\nWe’re working closely with the Tees Valley Combined Authority and Middlesbrough Council to bring a world class events to the Tees Valley region, and their support, along with that of SJM, has been terrific.\nNot bad for a first gig!\nTake That will be the Riverside Stadium’s first big gig.\nIt’s fantastic to be able to do it and it’s not a bad one to start with.\nI’m hoping it’s going to be a fantastic day.\nEveryone’s buzzing at the football club.\nYeah cheesy we know but the Take That fans will be buzzing with this news!\nSketchy details of the announcement were given to the media yesterday.\nBut now it’s been revealed as Take That.\nWhat a big scoop for the area! |
Room 2 is located at the front side of the house, partly under the sloping roof, with the original beams still in place. The room is quiet and catches the sun thanks to the dormer and two pivot windows. With its 27 square metres, it is the largest room in the Bed and Breakfast.\nTo make your stay as pleasurable as possible, there is a settee, a table and two chairs, as well as a flatscreen TV and various magazines. The air conditioning will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The superb beds in this room are extra large (210 cm) and can be used as two single beds or one double bed. Your own bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin add the finishing touch. |
Navigating through the labyrinth of U.S. immigration laws and regulations can be a daunting task for laymen.\nMost U.S. immigration rules and application forms are complicated.\nIt's best to seek the services of an immigration attorney to handle your applications for a H1B work visa, political asylum or family immigration.\nThe immigration stakes are too high to risk any errors either in understanding the rules or filling up the forms.\nEven minor errors in your immigration application may lead to denials or long delays in processing.\nBesides English, a lot of Indian Immigration Attorneys usually speak desi languages like Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi and Telugu which makes the immigration consultation easy. |
BRADENTON, Fla. -- Considering he came to spring training this year trying to win a job in the starting rotation, the last thing Brandon Backe needed was to get injured.\nBacke could be forced to miss at least one start after suffering a strain of the left posterior intercostal muscle, which is more commonly referred to as a strained ribcage.\nThe injury occurred during the first inning of Backe’s third spring training outing (second start) today against Pittsburgh when his left foot slipped while he was delivering his final pitch of the inning at McKechnie Field.\nBacke stayed in the game and threw one more inning before being pulled after two innings of work, one shy of his target goal of three innings. He allowed two hits and one walk.\n“I don’t need to have any setbacks,” he said. “I’m hoping for the best that maybe I can have this extra day with the day off (Thursday) and be able to pitch my next start, and at the worst just is one start maybe and that’s it.\nBrandon Backe missed five weeks during the 2005 season the first time he strained his left intercostal muscle.\nBacke didn’t fault the mound, but did say it was rather muddy in the first inning and filled his spikes with dirt. He told team trainers he wanted to try to pitch three innings, but the Astros didn’t want to take any chances.\n“It gave me a good jolt,” Backe said. “I knew something happened. Just luckily it was a pitch the guy popped up and I got out of the inning. The second inning, I felt it the whole time and couldn’t really let the ball go because I didn’t want to hurt it anymore.\nAfter going 9-14 with a 6.05 ERA and allowing a National League-leading 36 home runs last year, Backe, 31, came to spring training having to fight for a spot in the rotation. Russ Ortiz, Jose Capellan and Felipe Paulino are among his competition. |
I was very impressed with the Dashboards I saw at the UC this year. One of them, the Armed Conflict application in the Defense and Intelligence area displayed the time in the header in multiple time zones. The Esri team member there said that it was a script that would ping the world time service for that input. Would you please post that script? Thanks!\nSpecifically, the clocks for different cities in the world, above the map - right?\nThe dashboard author told me that these were added with the embedded content element. He found a website that created clocks that could be embedded, modified the code so it would fit well in the dashboard and then repeated it for the different time zones.\nThat's exactly what I was asking about. Thanks so much! |
Home » Topics » Compliance » Research » Cannabinoids differentially modulate the cortical information transmission through the sensorimotor or medial prefrontal basal ganglia circuits.\nSummary of "Cannabinoids differentially modulate the cortical information transmission through the sensorimotor or medial prefrontal basal ganglia circuits."\nIn the sensorimotor (SM) and medial prefrontal (mPF) basal ganglia (BG) circuits, the cortical information is transferred to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) through the hyperdirect trans-subthalamic pathway and through the direct and indirect trans-striatal pathways. The CB1 cannabinoid receptor, which is densely located in both BG circuits, may participate in the regulation of motor and motivational behaviours. Here, we investigated the modulation of cortico-nigral information transmission through the BG circuits by cannabinoids.\nOptogenetic excitation of ipsilesional sensorimotor neurons is protective in acute ischemic stroke: a laser speckle imaging study.\nThe impact of motor impairment on the processing of sensory information. |
The ravishing Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, who is the contestant of UK's reality show 'Celebrity Big Brother', has become the victim of racism. The issue has now become wider not only in India, in UK but also across the globe. And why shouldn't it be as it's not good to attack on anybody's race. No one has the right to hurt anybody's feelings. The matter has deepened now after the thousands of complaints by the people.\nMore than 10,000 people have dashed off the complaints to the regulators and broadcaster 'Channel Four'. And now the channel is on way to do more to protect the Bollywood star from fellow participants on the show.\nA lawmaker Keith Vaz, who is going to raise this issue in UK's parliament, said to a TV channel, "The language that is being used, the way in which it is being used, the things that are being said, are just not acceptable in this day and age".\nThe stunning Bollywood actress, Shilpa Shetty of 31 years of age, is one of nine coveted celebrities who are locked in the house for the Channel Four's reality show, 'Celebrity Big Brother' where their activities are broadcast round the clock.\nWatchdod Ofcom of Britain media has received over 19,000 complaints from the people about the racism and Channel Four too has directly received above 2,000 complaints. It's a record for a television broadcast.\nShetty is regularly being victimized by her fellow contestants and found in tears.\nJade Goody told the actress: "Go back to the slums". She has been branded a "dog" as well on the show. As per the sources, the UK Police is currently looking into the e-mails to investigate the matter. Dale Bhagwagar, Shilpa Shetty's spokesman and publicist uttered that the Bollywood queen was tough enough to take potentially nearly two more weeks of ostracism and said that he was touched by the apparent public sympathy for her.\nHe further added, "It's very difficult to keep Shilpa down. She's strong enough to survive. There have been racist statements but knowing Shilpa, she will forgive and forget and move on in life. God forgive them; they know not what they do."\nIndian government has asked Britain to check if there are any race laws have been broken. UK's Prime Minister Tony Blair said that "We should oppose racism in all its forms". |
This page was last updated: 23-Apr 23:53. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. See each listing for international shipping options and costs. |
I am a seasoned Multi-Channel Copy, Content and Digital strategist with a solid record of brand marketing and content management experience. I am also a dynamic corporate storyteller with a hands-on resume that includes corporate communications in the form of: Websites, Blogs, E-books, White Papers, Landing Pages, Speeches, Newsletters, Feature Articles, Brochures, Tradeshow Materials, Interview Prep, Talking Points, and Press Releases.\nMy writing has also been featured on CNBC, US Forex, The Street, TalkMarkets, Fox News, Fox Business, Global Banking and Finance Review, etc.\nI have many years of D-to-C, B2B and DRTV experience. I'm a high energy wordsmith with a proven ability to craft compelling brand narratives and multi-tiered content efforts. My work has resulted in dramatically increased corporate exposure, engagement, reputation repair, online influencing, web traffic, and lead generation.\nThe portfolio below is just a small sampling of my work. More samples in various channels are available upon request.\nHow shall we preserve the glory of our past when we are preoccupied with the commotion of our present?\nCookie-cutter content always falls short.\nWhere Have Alll the Flowers Gone --- Again?\nA hyper-partisan atmosphere is nothing new for Washington. |
In her concise May 15 article "Obamacare got them insurance, but patients still face barriers" Arielle Levin Becker outlined some of the major problems facing the "newly insured" under Obamacare.\nAlthough there are several points I would like to respond to, the most important is the shortage of primary care doctors.\nThere is no doubt that these doctors are over-worked and over-booked. Many are not taking on new patients. Burnout is a common complaint.\nI can't think of any who recommended a career in primary care to their children.\nAnd, because they are rushed, patients feel that they are not treated as individuals and increasingly they see the health system as impersonal.\nThe shortage of primary care doctors has been addressed recently and Gov. Malloy recently signed a bill giving the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) the right to practice independently. This has great potential to lessen the load on the doctors and to make it easier for patients to get primary care. It also will allow the doctors to practice in a more personal way.\nBy joining the primary care workforce, the APRNs will be able to handle many common medical problems that do not require an MD degree and make it easier for people to get medical care.\nColds, sore throats, school physicals, and monitoring diabetes and hypertension are just a few of the many areas that the APRNs can make it easier for the "newly insured" to get care.\nThe APRNs won't solve all of the problems mentioned in the article, but by making it easier for patients to get their primary care problems taken care of, they will solve one large part of the problem.\nThe highly respected Institute of Medicine which acts as an advisor to the federal government has given its support to the APRNs to independently take care of those types of primary care service for which they were trained.\nSo far about 22 states have given APRNs the right to practice independently, Connecticut being the most recent. |
The Watershed Addiction Treatment Programs in Florida and Texas offers inpatient drug and alcohol treatment, which begins with a medical detox and inpatient rehabilitation stay at our treatment facility. Inpatient rehab for alcoholism and drug addiction is proven to be effective in ensuring a successful recovery.\nIn addition with our various types of addiction treatment programs for alcoholism and drug addiction, our patients can find the path that works for them and effectively utilize the tools we give them to embrace a full, healthy and sober life.\nThere are two locations for The Watershed’s inpatient alcohol and drug rehab, one of which is in Boynton Beach, Florida and another in Clear Lake, Texas. Along with our inpatient rehabilitation facilities, The Watershed offers a full continuum of care with programs in Lake Worth, Florida and Clear Lake, Texas.\nQuitting an addiction to drugs or alcohol without medical assistance can pose significant dangers to your health. In order to avoid serious consequences and the pain of withdrawal, we offer a safe, medical detox program to comfortably release you from your addiction to alcohol or drugs. Learn more.\nInpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation can help you change destructive behavior. At The Watershed’s inpatient drug and alcohol treatment center, clients are also taught how to prevent relapse so they can live a new life without their addiction. Learn more.\nWe treat all of our clients with dignity and respect while helping them successfully transition from treatment back to their community. Through The Watershed’s programs, alcoholics and addicts will learn how to abstain from mind-altering substances in safe, welcoming and empowering environments. Learn more.\nOur goal is to bring patients back into society and enable them to live again. Patients in this phase of treatment are given more independence and responsibility. As a step down from the Residential program, the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) provides on-going therapy for continued recovery. Learn more.\nPatients who have progressed in their recovery efforts in the Partial Hospitalization Program will transition into the Intensive Outpatient Program. While continuing to live at The Watershed Apartments, they have the ability to work or go to school during the day, and attend therapy groups in the evenings. Learn more.\nThe Watershed Apartments Halfway House is an integral part of our successful continuing care plan. Living in a supportive and structured environment has proven to be the element that enables individuals to fully embrace the process of recovery. Learn more.\nThe Watershed is able to treat these conditions with intensive inpatient residential drug and alcohol rehab, as well as with Partial Hospitalization Programs, Intensive Outpatient Programs, and sober living environments. Don’t settle for less when you could receive the best treatment and heal from the wounds of addiction. Call The Watershed today. |
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The 2016 Expert Survey on Progress in AI is a survey of machine learning researchers that AI Impacts ran in collaboration with others in 2016. Under U. Proxy Attack Russia Readies For Full War In Syria. State Department Daily Press Briefing September 28 2016 - Spokesperson John Kirby. |
I love ice cream and the toppings on an ice cream sundae just make it even better. These are the three best places to grab an ice cream sundae in Grand Junction.\nI can't think of a time when I turned down ice cream of any sort. Especially an ice cream sundae. These are the best places to grab an ice cream sundae in Grand Junction, according to Yelp.\nAccording to Yelp, this is Grand Junction #3 place to grab a delicious ice cream sundae. Gelato Junction is at 449 Main Street. I've enjoyed a nice scoop or two of ice cream sitting on Main Street before and I bet Gelato Junction's ice cream sundaes are even better.\nI've only recently been introduced to Freddy's and they've never let me down. It's also convenient they're closeby at 737 Horizon Drive. Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steakburgers is Grand Junction #2 place for an ice cream sundae.\nGraff Dairy is Grand Junction's top choice when it comes to ice cream sundaes. Graff Dairy is at 581 29 Road. I like the decor at Graff Dairy, their jelly and also (of course) their ice cream. Sundaes are great any day of the week, not just Sundays.\nFiled Under: Ice Cream, Yelp! |
Women aren’t the only ones working to maintain their looks. Men are building their arsenal of grooming products and seeking advice from pros.\nCelebrity hairstylist and MSA model Francky L’Official is busier than ever at Val More Salon on Madison Ave in New York City. He advises men on the best products and techniques for polishing their appearance. We caught up with Francky and convinced him to share these grooming secrets with you. |
Kamlesh Nagarkoti, a member of India Under-19 World Cup 2018-winning squad, impressed everyone with his pace at the prestigious cricketing tournament. Soon after, he was picked up by Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) for Rs 3.2 crore for IPL 11. But an injured back ensured that Nagarkoti hasn’t played a competitive game in the last 13 months.\nLike any other young cricketer he got a little frustrated when things did not go his way. It was former Indian cricketer Rahul Dravid’s who came to Nagarkoti’s rescue and counseled him during this tough phase. “Sir [Dravid] was there for a meeting during an India A series, when he asked for me through someone. Don’t think life is over if you miss one or two IPL seasons, you have to play for India. You have to be strong for that,” he said.\nDravid cited Australian speedster Pat Cummins’ example to encourage Nagaekoti, telling him how the former rose to No.1 Test ranking after missing out on 6 years of cricket owing to his back injury. |
The Quick Draw is a favorite of the Swine Army family. This compact tool is incredibly unique with its one-handed operation. With a simple flick of the lighter, you can light your pipe while keeping everything still securely in the custom handcrafted case. The Quick Draw is perfect for travel, events, behind the scenes, riverside, on the trail, or in your home. Our environmentally conscious gear is crafted from sustainable, hemp fabric, providing you with top-notch quality you can feel good about.\nThe Quick Draw features a custom hand-blown borosilicate glass pipe, and three feet of Bee Line hemp wick. It is designed to comfortably light the pipe while both lighter and pipe remain inside the hemp case. Should the need arise, the lighter and pipe are easily removed for standard use. The Quick Draw makes passing your pipe easy and inconspicuous. It is also a great way to insure no one pockets your lighter!\nEach Quick Draw comes with different color borders. Carolina Hemp Company will choose at their discretion a border color with the customer's chosen main color. |
With the scrolls now in his possession, The Last Ninja begins training a new order of Ninja. During a training session he is mysteriously transported to XXth-century New York. The Evil Shogun has returned! Torn from his own time, The Last Ninja must defend himself once more with nothing more than the belief in his own abilities. Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance is an action/adventure game where the player, controlling a powerful ninja, must fight his way through opponents while collecting necessary items. The game is split into various levels, each of them depicting a different locale and divided into several screens. The view is isometric and the ninja can move in four different dimensions (he can also walk backwards) and jump. Enemies, armed with fists and various ninja weapons, wander around the levels. The ninja must fight them either bare-handed or with the weaponry he finds along the way; in either case, he has a number of blows and attacks at his disposal, as well as the ability to block. There's a special weapon, shuriken, which are thrown in a straight line rather than used for melee combat; if they strike an enemy, they'll instantly kill or at least heavily damage him. There are items scattered around the levels, such as keys, rope, a map or hamburgers (which restore health when eaten). Collecting these items and using them in a proper place is necessary for completing the game.\nLast Ninja 2 is the second game of the series which was originally designed for the C64. After the huge success of the first release, System 3 had to improve an already great game if they wanted another hit. The sequel may not be revolutionary compared to its predecessor, but is still considered better and remains one of the best C64 games ever. Even the graphics were improved in Last Ninja 2, and frustrating gameplay was kept to a minimum.\nThe DOS version came out two years after the original and the port was done properly. The game is now more colorful, with much better controls and movement than the DOS version of the first game and (almost) without levels that drive you mad. Gameplay is basically the same as with its predecessor.\nArmakuni finds himself in twentieth century New York without a clue as to how he got there. Feeling that his old enemy Kunitoki has something to do with it, Armakuni isn't planning on taking it easy. But he must be careful, for different times bring different dangers.\nThe designers tried very hard (and were mostly successful) to make every level interesting to play. There are now a greater number and variety of puzzles, most of which involve manipulating the environment, although some require items and the use of a few brain cells. Nothing too complicated, but enough for a little research and a lot of amusement.\nAs already mentioned, the PC version of the sequel has smooth animation and simplified controls, so now you can easily maneuver with the cursor keys, jump precisely, and pick up objects without having a headache. Don't think the game is easy, but you shouldn't be frustrated with the control system. The only serious flaw would be slower gameplay than the C64 version, and anyone that has played the original will surely notice the difference. More precisely, running and moving is slower than it should be. Jumping becomes too fast compared to running, and may be used to quickly avoid enemies if there is enough space.\nFighting is mostly alright. Perhaps blocking could be implemented a little better, but there is always the "hit-and-run" technique that is easy to perform with your Bo or Katana. Also, don't forget to grab burgers on your way, those are extra lives.\nAlthough this is a solid game, it failed to attract much attention on the PC. This is a real shame considering the quality of the game. Probably due to this lack of success with earlier DOS versions, System 3 never converted the third and final game of the series to DOS.\nMy advice is to try the game. It's a great mixture of action and fighting platforms, along with puzzles that will probably please most of the gamers. And if you like ninjas too, what are you waiting for?\nWell, if you've played the first part you basically know this one. Concept is the same, graphics have slightly improved, but the sound got a bit more annoying. The controls are a little bit better, but that doesn't mean much. They only seem to be a little more reliable, but I guess you should expect that from a fighting game. Anyway - the surroundings changed, looks like New York to me. No idea about the exact background story - I have to be honest. But I can't seem to find big differences to the first game in gameplay itself. Judge yourself.\nOur dear Last Ninja destroyed Kunitoki's forces on Lin Fen Island, but the master fled to the great city of New York. Now Ninja spirits have sent our hero through time and space and into NY. Will Ninja's finally get their vengeance?\nThe game is very much alike the first Last Ninja but it now has a bit more puzzles. You will fight on the streets of New York, the underground and the secret base of the Shogun.\nHaving defeated his enemies in the first game, Mr Last Ninja rebuilds his ninja school... then something happens and he is transported to present day (well, 80's) new york.. and theres a baddie and... oh I can't be bothered. If you've played the first game then this is more of the same, with slightly improved graphics and a more interesting setting. |
This fantastic black leather belt from Bullet 69 measures approx. 38mm in width and features 2 rows of conical studs, crimped edges and a detachable buckle to enable you to swap it for your favourite. Made in UK. |
The Internet of Things is coming, and the internet operated cameras are becoming all too common. The Samsung SmartCam is Samsung’s offering to this market, and this camera features Wifi Connectivity, apps on both Android and Apple devices, a built in microphone and speaker to have two way conversations (kind of like walkie talkies, but more on that later), and has the ability to see in the dark thanks to Infra Red technology.\nThe camera has the same look and feel as most Samsung products, i.e., clean, smooth, and somehow looking very normal. The front features a camera, an LED indication and the proud Samsung logo. The back features a power input, a port to connect this to your Ethernet/Router/LAN and a button which helps you set up the Wifi network on this.\nThe camera sits on an adjustable base, and supplied with the camera are both screws as well as double sided tape to allow you to mount this in various locations. The base features a removable bracket to ease this.\nThanks to the swivel motion of the adjustable base, this can be mounted and turned to face in almost any angle.\nThere are two ways to use this, via a wired internet connection (LAN) or a WiFi. These days it is only natural to use such a product via WiFi, so that is what we used.\nThe Quick Start Guide, included with the camera gives you two options. The second option points you to your computer’s web browser, where you set up an account, and when it comes to connecting the camera, it only gives you the option of a wired camera setup. No WiFi, and that is as far as we went.\nBut wait, there was option no. 1, which was downloading the Samsung SmartCam app, free on both Google and Apple’s stores. Once downloaded, you go through the account setup process again. Once done, you can then connect your camera.\nYou have to push the WiFi direct button at the back till the LED changes colour, at this moment in time, your phone (or tablet) will disconnect from the WiFi it was using, and connect to the camera using WiFi direct technology. WiFi direct is a bit like Bluetooth, as in it allows you a Peer-to-Peer connection. Once detected, your camera (or cameras) will appear in a list, and you choose the one you are setting up based on its serial number.\nAfter that, you will get a list of available WiFi networks, you choose your own one, enter your password, and off you go.\nWe had to repeat the last step twice, but we are happy to discount this. Once setup, you don’t have to do anything else. The camera is connected to your internet, and available to be accessed via the apps or the internet.\nNext time the camera powers on, it should automatically pick up the WiFi connection, though it can take a little while (up to five minutes!).\nYou know it is connected once the LED goes green.\nOnce setup, you can use both a browser on your internet connected computer, or an app on your Android or Apple device to view whatever is going on in front of the camera.\nBut what if it is dark?\nOh, the joy of these cameras these days (the few we have tried) is that they come with built in night vision goggles. You get a black and white image, but it is good enough to give you what you want.\nWhile internet and all it offers is blazing fast, there will always be some kind of a delay. We found the delay to be about 2 seconds, and that is a function of our internet speed, our devices speed, etc.\nOn top of that, you can set alerts for any motion detection or audio detection. These can then either be pushed to your device, or even better, 30 second video clips can be recorded and uploaded to your YouTube account as private videos, so you can view them later for every event. Since it records audio as well, it can record sound for these clips too!\nYou can also set it up to monitor events at certain times, for example when you’re not home, or when you’re not at your office.\nBoth motion and audio detection work very well, and we can’t find fault with it. Such events are time logged, and can be seen via the app or the website.\nSomething this camera gives which we haven’t seen much of is the ability to have conversations using this camera. Now before I go on about how cool it is, do remember the lag factor I have mentioned above.\nAnyway, the two way conversation is only available via the app, and not via your browser. To speak, you have to press and hold a microphone button, which transmits your sound, but it is full duplex, so you won’t lose any sound coming from your microphone in case something is said while you are speaking. In this regard, it is a bit like a walkie talkie, but not quite.\nThis can be particularly useful if you use this as a baby monitor. Or to freak out any intruders. Or your cat.\nAn all in one product, and not too shabby. We wish that the setup process was easier, but it is a one time pain, and if instructions are followed exactly, it kinda works, so it isn’t too bad. We particularly like the feature that allows us to talk to people.\nNext story Hexbugs are ready for Easter!\nworst webcam I have ever used .. dumbs down my smart home. back to the store for a refund! |
The Tradesmen on Time team were recently called out to a hot water system in a Brisbane home. It was exhibiting some faults and appeared “live” on the exposed copper pipes.\nOn investigation we found a healthy population of termites had decided that the warmth and water created ideal breeding conditions. They had built their nest around the electrical supply cable and had so badly damaged the insulation around the cable that they had caused a dangerous fault that could have been life endangering.\nTalking with our local termite inspectors, they tell us that termites love damp areas around houses, and that hot water overflow pipes create ideal conditions. When you test the release valve every few months on your hot water system, also take a good look around the hot water system for signs of any termite tracks or nests. Termites not only cause structural damage to your home, if they get into the wrong areas they can create electrical faults.\nNever muck around with hot water systems or try and repair the wiring yourself. This is definitely a job best left to qualified electrical contractors. If your hot water system is running cold – call the electricians at Tradesmen on Time. |
You’ve had a conversation with yourself about your debt problem, but your conscience now nags you to tell your partner, too. As much as you want to be honest and fair, you are paralyzed at the thought of just how wrong it could go. The truth is, the longer you wait the harsher the impact may be. On the flipside, if you confess your debt in proper timing, your relationship can move forward sooner.\nSo, plan a time to bite the bullet and prepare for it by heeding the following expert advice.\nIt may not be a great idea to pencil in “confession” on your calendar, but you should consult your partner as to when they’d have some free time to talk. Simply saying, “I have something I want to talk to you about,” is enough to help them brace themselves emotionally for what is coming. This is a much fairer way to go about it than dropping the bomb in the middle of an everyday conversation. It will likely yield better results as well.\nYou may feel the need to give a long introduction into the topic you’ll be addressing with your partner. However, Amy Bishop, who conducts Marriage and Family Therapy and Counseling, advises cutting to the chase. A vague explanation often backfires and causes partners to fear what may come next. This builds up their defensiveness. The best route is to be straightforward.\nTerry Gaspard, a marriage counselor and relationship expert places great importance on transparency both during and following a confession of debt. Partners should flesh out the present and the past. It may help to offer to share financial statements, and later on provide proof that efforts are being made to remedy the situation.\nHidden debt, like any mistake, can feel embarrassing to admit. Understandably you may want to place the blame elsewhere, discourage your partner from overreacting or pressure them to move past the transgression too quickly. Instead, Gaspard, along with many other experts recommends first owning your mistake and next giving your partner the space they need to work through their feelings which may include betrayal. This in combination with these remaining tips will encourage healing and help rebuild the trust needed to move on.\nAfter confessing your debt, it’s possible your partner will ask if you’ve thought about a solution. It’s important you are prepared to discuss possibilities you’ve researched ahead of time. Your partner will feel more reassured if your plan details how you will change your spending behaviors and establishes your accountability, according to Gaspard.\nIf your partner would prefer to be involved in deciding the solution, you can always suggest the two of you have a free consultation following your discussion. It offers them the opportunity to ask a third party questions that may be weighing on their mind.\nOnce you’ve decided how to pay off your debt, you can establish some attainable personal goals with your partner. For example, commit to refraining from credit card use for the coming week, or longer if you can. If you truly struggle with discipline, it may be motivating to have your partner monitor your transactions for an agreed upon amount of time.\nTessina reasons that as you make and keep simple promises, you give your partner evidence of your trustworthiness. Your deeds will weigh more than your words and may get your relationship back on track quicker.\nIf after your confession, the damage feels overwhelming to both parties, couples counseling can supply effective tools to facilitate productive conversations. A counselor can help a couple move toward a common goal all while addressing the issues of each individual party; issues that are sometimes underlying and difficult to recognize.\nIt might be tempting to seek a close friend or family member to act as coach and referee, but in most cases when it comes to a relationship, a professional who is equipped with an education and sworn to confidentiality is best.\nSome partners get anxious and antsy when their relationship has hit a rough patch. They want to move on and get back to the good days. When it comes to overcoming hidden debt, however, you must allow time for recovery. Keeping this in mind, it may be helpful to delay any relationship milestones such as getting engaged says Tessina.\nAdmitting debt does not promise to be a quick or painless process, but it is the right thing to do. No matter your partner’s reaction, they are sure to appreciate in time that you could have tried to take the easy way out and didn’t. Have the courage to confess and mark that as the day you decided to make forward progress by setting down a weight that had become too heavy to keep carrying.\nDo You Have Questions About Confessing Your Debt to a Partner?\nComment Below and We’ll Answer as Quickly as We Can!\nWe often check our articles and blog posts for new comments and make it a priority to respond quickly.\nIf you need more information on how you can confess your debt or have any other questions about improving your personal finances, please feel free to comment below and we’ll answer as right away!\nSo true, Anfernee! And then there’s the fear of the damage it might do to the relationship. As your guide details, one of the best things you can do to prevent turmoil is to communicate openly and honestly. Thanks for commenting and sharing!\nThere’s a lot of guilt and shame preventing people from speaking about their debt situation, so appreciate these practical tips to help couples. I’ve linked this article to our guide to financial intimacy for couples as this is one of the many topics we discuss. |
The active ingredient of the drug Metformin is metformin. It should be used with proper diet and exercise plan to derive maximum benefit from the drug. The drug is popularly used to control blood sugar in the body. |
February Focus - Increase Love Factor for Customer's and Customer Service Appreciation - What tools are we using for increasing our Love for our clients, family and Friends? Let talk about it!\nWorkshop Valued at $297 for $50 Please register to get training materials and content video. |
Happy Happy Monday my friends! I am back, offically! Work has been absolutely crazy, which is wonderful and such a blessing but its left me not a lot of time to blog. Thankfully, I have had a little time to shop and snag some cute outfits that I have been dying to post! I bought this little maxi to take with me to Seaside, in a few weeks. My mom and I are taking a girls trip, and I am so excited. I don't know if you girls have been checking out Forever 21 or not.. but if you haven't, you need to. They have been getting all kinds of new arrivals that are AMAZING, and super affordable.\nWe shot these photos yesterday, and it was so hot that I was literally melting.. the photos are deceiving, making it look nice and cool, haha..thank goodness you can't see the sweat dropping off my face! |
Successful project planning requires a careful balance between workforce allocation and equipment positioning. It’s about controlling workflow in a manner that improves resource efficiency while also helping eliminate excessive equipment downtime. It’s about an applied strategic construction management process that enables accurate deployment of certified and trained workers to the right site at the right time while also ensuring that the workforce has full access to all necessary project-critical equipment.\nYet all is not so simple as a few statements about the process of construction project management. To effectively plan and allocate your workforce with the appropriate project equipment requires more than merely learning to establish project priorities, schedule work accordingly, and to balance all related job tasks. In fact, successful strategic construction management requires access to efficient and reliable information feedback, a process that once involved pen-to-paper or spreadsheet-based research, workforce tracking and equipment documentation.\nBut that old spreadsheet system was and still is often more cumbersome than merely working out planning and workforce deployment on the fly and in your head. Effective cost-reducing project planning requires rapid access to an ever-expanding host of operational variables. And for this to function in a real-time world of mobile construction management, your company must have access to tools that can incorporate many points of information collection, information analysis and information sharing.\nToday’s dynamic construction industry environment demands real-time communications that enable your managers and your workforce to balance job tasks, access up-to-date blueprints and site documentations, and ensure that all work flows smoothly from beginning to end.\nIt’s time to eliminate costly delays, equipment failure and documentation errors. It’s time to ensure that your construction firm places the right workforce and the right equipment on hand at the right time for the designated task at hand.\nEffective workforce and asset allocation and planning involves many stages of planning. Thus you should not consider the following six core components for successful construction asset allocation as all-inclusive. However, taking control via these six functions will help you simplify the task.\n1) Establish a specific program for driving comprehensive management strategy.\n2) Dump the Excel software and switch to a full-featured cloud-based construction operations management solution.\n3) Control the workweek, including scheduled workforce task load and the equipment operational and maintenance schedules.\nClick here to learn more about Assignar construction software resources.\nAssignar starts alliance with San Francisco based Fieldwire to digitize job sites worldwide. |
I am a photographer specializing in landscape and nature imagery. My intense passion for our natural world has led me on a lifelong journey to explore and photograph all aspects of our dynamic environment. With my camera I actively search out subject matter as diverse as classic grand vistas, to the smallest details, and ever changing moods in nature.\nThroughout this journey I strive to gain an intimate knowledge of my subject matter. My belief is that only through this understanding can I then create images that speak to the viewer, helping to bring to them a deeper appreciation of the world we are all a part of.\nTo this end I will often return many times to a location in varying conditions to build on my understanding of its personality. A successful image can sometimes only be realized months, or even years, after I initially tripped the shutter. The correct processing for a subject isn’t always apparent at first. As with physically returning to a location, I will often revisit an image in my files with new insight to complete the final visualization.\nAlan Majchrowicz found his lifelong passion for nature during childhood fishing trips to Northern Wisconsin. Acquiring his first camera in high school he became enthralled with all aspects of the photographic process. Later while studying painting and printmaking at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, he realized his future path was creating images of the natural world through photography.\nResiding with his family in the scenic Pacific Northwest town of Bellingham Washington, Alan is surrounded by the inspiring subject matter he loves. All his outdoor activities, such as hiking backpacking and skiing, are seamlessly blending into his photographic art.\nPhotographing and honing his skills for many years with demanding large format film cameras, Alan now works exclusively in digital format. His approach to digital processing has closely followed those of traditional darkroom methods. He refrains from digital techniques resulting in an over-manipulated appearance.\nHis fine art prints are currently in demand by interior designers and corporate art buyers. For use in health care facilities, hospitality, corporate offices, and residential venues. In addition, his images have been widely published throughout the world. They have been used in advertising campaigns, product design, and tourism brochures, books, magazines, and calendars. |
How is Video-as-a-Service (VaaS) helping the healthcare sector?\nVideo collaboration technology has been at the forefront of healthcare innovations recently. With the widespread adoption of telehealth and remote monitoring across the U.S and other countries worldwide, video is increasingly becoming a part of mainstream healthcare. The promise of the highest quality treatment, continuity of care, and round-the-clock medical assistance at lower cost than traditional healthcare practices make video contributions quite desirable. In this context, an article published on Polycom’s official blog discussed the scope of Video-as-a-Service (VaaS) in the modern healthcare sector taking into account, UK-based VaaS service provider, Imerja’s contributions in telehealthcare.\nSo what is VaaS? It is a video conferencing solution that is fully-managed, hosted, and delivered on demand by a service provider. This mode of service ensures the highest quality video experience without having to incur infrastructure expenses. As a provider of simple, secure, and reliable VaaS services, Imerja extends remote monitoring capabilities to doctors and clinicians who can make critical decisions on treatment and care as efficiently as they would in a face-to-face scenario.\nVideo deployment in Alder Hey Hospital pediatric neurology department has eliminated the need for patients to travel in order to receive care from a specialist.\nLancashire Teaching Hospital’s renal department has enabled patients to perform dialysis at home under expert medical supervision and guidance via video conferencing.\nUsing video conferencing, Lancashire and Cumbria Telestroke Network have been able to save many patients’ lives through round-the-clock expert assistance, which can deliver post-stroke thrombolysis treatment.\nEnables better remote collaboration for faster response on critical medical conditions.\nTakes treatment and care out of hospitals, providing 100% utilization rate across each hospital.\nPrevents clinics from getting overcrowded and allowing effective space-utilization.\nAllows patients in remote locations and rural areas with limited medical facilities to access quality healthcare at lower costs.\nProviding both patients and healthcare providers with numerous benefits, VaaS has the power to transform the healthcare sector like never before by putting expert care within the reach of patients regardless of their location and ability to travel to a hospital or care center.\nIn what other ways do you think VaaS will extend the benefits of telemedicine, telehealth, and remote monitoring? We would love to hear your thoughts.\nThis entry was posted in AV System Integration, Supplier Partner News, Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telemedicine, Video Communication, Video Conferencing and tagged remote monitoring, telehealth on March 3, 2015 by Bob Higginbotham. |
I HAVE been following an online discussion thread over the past couple of weeks addressing the question of “What is radio?”. Respondents have included researchers, practitioners, educators and commentators of radio. These people are immersed in radio and their diverse range of responses has really struck me, as there doesn’t seem to be one definition of radio they agree upon. For some, radio is a form of communication that involves a shared experience of human interaction. I agree the radio can be a companion throughout your day. Others define radio by its capacity to broadcast and its “liveness”. I agree that the liveness of radio can reflect the rhythm of your day. Another person suggested that radio today is just one source among many available to us for music, news and conversation. I agree there are more content options available now with the rise in popularity of social media, music streaming sites and podcasting. The radio as an object was discussed and someone even suggested radio is a microphone and indeed the microphone is my favourite tool of the trade. I then asked a class of radio students the same question and their responses echoed the online discussion. Students identified radio as a form of communication that is engaging because of the human interaction of hosts. They also recognise radio as a media platform for entertainment purposes and identify music as the preferred content they like to hear on the radio. While tracking these discussions, I’ve struggled to contribute my own definition of radio. Words like listening, entertainment, information, communication, conversation and sound all come to mind when I think about radio. 2MCE radio reflects the interests, lifestyles and musical preferences of those who contribute to it. You won’t hear 2MCE radio anywhere else. Sure, there are hundreds of radio stations around the country but 2MCE radio is unique. The people and stories you hear on 2MCE are unique to our community. The people who listen to 2MCE identify our presenters, sponsors and guests as part of their community. So, perhaps in response to the question “What is radio?”, I could add radio is community. AS the saying goes, “the drinks are on us” this Saturday for Retro Top 40 as Tim Williams features songs with drinks in the title. Tune in from 4pm to hear classics like Slim Dusty’s [I Love To Have A Beer With] Duncan and Red Red Wine UB40. A perfect weekend accompaniment.\nI HAVE been following an online discussion thread over the past couple of weeks addressing the question of “What is radio?”.\nRespondents have included researchers, practitioners, educators and commentators of radio.\nThese people are immersed in radio and their diverse range of responses has really struck me, as there doesn’t seem to be one definition of radio they agree upon.\nFor some, radio is a form of communication that involves a shared experience of human interaction. I agree the radio can be a companion throughout your day.\nOthers define radio by its capacity to broadcast and its “liveness”. I agree that the liveness of radio can reflect the rhythm of your day.\nAnother person suggested that radio today is just one source among many available to us for music, news and conversation. I agree there are more content options available now with the rise in popularity of social media, music streaming sites and podcasting.\nThe radio as an object was discussed and someone even suggested radio is a microphone and indeed the microphone is my favourite tool of the trade.\nI then asked a class of radio students the same question and their responses echoed the online discussion. Students identified radio as a form of communication that is engaging because of the human interaction of hosts.\nThey also recognise radio as a media platform for entertainment purposes and identify music as the preferred content they like to hear on the radio.\nWhile tracking these discussions, I’ve struggled to contribute my own definition of radio.\nWords like listening, entertainment, information, communication, conversation and sound all come to mind when I think about radio.\n2MCE radio reflects the interests, lifestyles and musical preferences of those who contribute to it.\nYou won’t hear 2MCE radio anywhere else. Sure, there are hundreds of radio stations around the country but 2MCE radio is unique.\nThe people and stories you hear on 2MCE are unique to our community. The people who listen to 2MCE identify our presenters, sponsors and guests as part of their community.\nSo, perhaps in response to the question “What is radio?”, I could add radio is community.\nAS the saying goes, “the drinks are on us” this Saturday for Retro Top 40 as Tim Williams features songs with drinks in the title.\nTune in from 4pm to hear classics like Slim Dusty’s [I Love To Have A Beer With] Duncan and Red Red Wine UB40. A perfect weekend accompaniment. |
Get great Cincinnati Bengals tickets for all shows. Low ticket prices with superior customer service. Order Cincinnati Bengals tickets securely online or call (800) 289-8425 and a friendly ticket representative will be happy to assist you. |
Some random shots as a result of me having a week off with no school. Now I'm wishing I spent this time getting ahead in my readings because I'm currently buried in them, haha.\nThese photos are great. I love the background!\nGreat photos! Love the backdrop!\nstop being so pretty! Love the coffee cup shot. I want to experiment more with lights behind people.\nBeautiful photos! I love the background too. Your penguin mug is super adorable! |
Located 25 km south of the capital, Bishkek, and nestled within spectacular colliding mountain ranges lies Chunkurchak, one of the most visually appealing destinations of Kyrgyzstan. Nestled into the beautiful countryside, complete with vast valleys, rising mountains and cascading waterfalls, Chunkurchak is a visual reminder of the stunning, natural beauty that is prevalent in this Central Asian nation. With vivid colours from stunning scenery and peaceful countryside surroundings, Chunkurchak is one of the most picturesque and serene destinations in Kyrgyzstan.\nWell off the beaten track, Chunkurchak is far from the clutches of mass tourism. It is a hidden gem with many enjoyable and unique outdoor activities including hiking and exploring the extreme gorges and ice-blue lakes. The weather in Chunkurchak is continental with clear, sunny days for much of the year and snow falling on the highest peaks, making it an ideal location for outdoor leisure. The summers are long, followed by short winters and there is very little rainfall year round.\nThis quaint village is located just south of the capital and is a place of great cultural significance in Kyrgyzstan. It was formed when the nomadic people were forced to settle in the 1930s and it is also the site of a NKVD execution. There are memorials to visit from this era and the historic aspects of the village make it a remarkable place to visit.\nThe gorge is a place of undeniable beauty, with energetic rivers, deep, mysterious lakes and magnificent rock formations. It is also a Biosphere Reserve dedicated to the preservation of the Royal Tulip, a rare and delicate flower on the verge of extinction but can be seen growing in abundance here, reaching a height of up to 18 inches.\nTrekking on horseback is a peaceful and surreal way to explore the lush countryside and vast landscapes of Chunkurchak. The trek winds through the National Reserve Park and travels past areas with spectacular views and rare natural beauty, including fields tinged with red and purple hues of the famous Royal Tulip, gorges, rivers and unbelievable canyons.\nSkiing on the beautiful snowcapped mountains provides breathtaking views over the region. The air is fresh and the snow is pure white and virtually untouched. Mountains rise to a height of up to 4000 meters, with great glaciers and ridges that can be seen on the descent.\nOne of the best ways to explore the countryside and take in the full beauty of the landscape is to go on a trekking trip. The landscape provides a low-effort, leisure activity, perfect for capturing exquisite landscapes with a backdrop of snowcapped mountains, vivid green pine forests and meadows flecked multi-coloured flowers.\nTo the south of Bishkek city lies gorgeous scenery as far as the eye can see and for guests who want to travel a little out of the city for a taste of nature, the Bishkek Hotel Bungalows by Supara Chunkurchak are a perfect compromise. Just over 40 miles from Manas international airport, this eco-resort boasts beautiful bungalows dotted on the green hillside with stunning views of the Kyrgyz valley. And this foray into nature comes not at the expense of comfort; rooms are equipped with mod cons including television, a well-stocked en-suite bathroom with toiletries and towels. There is even a terrace with a private hot tub - perfect for a relaxing soak at sunset after a long day enjoying the countryside. The resort has an on-site restaurant which serves up delicious traditional local dishes prepared with fresh local ingredients. Days can be spent exploring the surrounding area on hikes or on horseback while hobbyists will enjoy the plentiful fishing and skiing too. |
Inky blackberry red with a mirror-like sheen. A heady, concentrated aroma of raspberry, redcurrant, plum and cedar. High-toned in the palate with sumptuous fruit, leather, tobacco and cake spice. A big wine with big tannins yet fine in its flow with fresh acidity that cuts through the succulent, winey, alcohol-driven sweetness leaving behind pure fruit concentration. Dangerously delicious. |
Why My Apple Wireless Router Cuts in and Out for PC, But not for iPad?\nRecently I purchased AirPort Express wireless router but I am facing serious issues with it. I may start out connected to the router or not, but either way, it switches after a minute or two. Sometimes that gap is shorter, sometimes longer (usually longer when it is not finding the router). The timing coincides perfectly between my laptop and my android phone. I've tried my work laptop and that has the same issues. My iPad and my roommate's Mac have no problem in finding the wireless signal. The PS4 is wired to the modem without any issues. I cannot figure out why I am facing this trouble. Can some one explain and help me resolve this issue?\nWhat security are you using on it?\nUse a wired connection and do the system updates... Reset the router and redo your settings.\nUse WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access)2 security and a raw phrase as the passkey.\nDelete the SSID from your WiFi clients and reconnect new.\nWindows and Android Devices Cannot Connect to Airport?\nCan Airport Express Extend a Network Over a VLAN?\nAirport Utility Cannot See Airport Express?\nHow do I Secure My Apple Airport Router?\nHow to Set up an Airport Again? |
A Near Fine copy with slight sunning the board edges in a Near Fine unclipped dust jacket with light edgewear. This copy is signed by Philip Young on the flyleaf. This revised and expanded edition of Young's 1952 critical study of Hemingway's early works explores the origins and nature of his primary protagonists and parallels them with the critical psychological problems that he felt Hemingway had to write out.\n"The Time Now, The Place Spain." In Ken Magazine. Vol. 1 No. 1., April 7, 1938.\nThis is the first of thirteen articles Hemingway contributed to Ken in which he argues that world war can be averted if Mussolini and fascism are defeated in Spain. A Near Fine copy.\nDateline Toronto: Hemingway's Complete Toronto Star Dispatches 1920-1924.\nA Fine copy in a Fine unclipped dust jacket. Hemingway's feature articles appeared in the Toronto Star from 1920 to 1924 covering politics, sports, war and travel from Toronto, Chicago, Paris and Europe. This collection brings together 172 pieces that wrote under his own name and under pseudonames. Much of his reportage can still be read today as a clear record of the early twenties and how Hemingway learned to write.\nFifth Column and four unpublished stories of the Spanish Civil War.\nA Near Fine copy with previous owner inscription on flyleaf in a Near Fine price-clipped dust jacket. These five works grew, of course, out of Hemingway's considerable experience of the Spanish war as a correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance and as a participant in filming "The Spanish Earth." More specifically, they grew from adventures in and around besieged Madrid--particularly in the Hotel Florida and in a bar called Chicote's. The book is unified, then, in time, place, and action. It is unified even more by the dominating presence of the author, who is to be found alive on every page. That presence slants the focus, but also gives the book its sharp distinction. This is immediate, unmistakable Hemingway. This collection contains Hemingway's play "The Fifth Column", and the four stories "The Denunciation", The Butterfly and the Tank", "Night Before Battle" and "Under the Ridge". Despite his fascination with warfare and his cheerful wit, he is also trying to tell us that war is hell. (All the good themes are old stuff.) And if he fails to break our hearts, exactly, his stories reach deep enough to touch them.\nA Near Fine copy with previous owner sticker removed from the flyleaf in a Near Fine unclipped dust jacket. These five works grew, of course, out of Hemingway's considerable experience of the Spanish war as a correspondent for the North American Newspaper Alliance and as a participant in filming "The Spanish Earth." More specifically, they grew from adventures in and around besieged Madrid--particularly in the Hotel Florida and in a bar called Chicote's. The book is unified, then, in time, place, and action. It is unified even more by the dominating presence of the author, who is to be found alive on every page. That presence slants the focus, but also gives the book its sharp distinction. This is immediate, unmistakable Hemingway. This collection contains Hemingway's play "The Fifth Column", and the four stories "The Denunciation", The Butterfly and the Tank", "Night Before Battle" and "Under the Ridge". Despite his fascination with warfare and his cheerful wit, he is also trying to tell us that war is hell. (All the good themes are old stuff.) And if he fails to break our hearts, exactly, his stories reach deep enough to touch them.\nHemingway on Fishing. Edited with an Introduction by Nick Lyons. Forward by Jack Hemingway.\nA Fine copy in a Fine unclipped dust jacket. This is the first collection of Hemingway's writings, both fiction and non-fiction, on fishing which was one of the dominent activities in the writer's life and writings. There are excerpts from A Moveable Feast, Islands in the Stream, The Sun Also Rises, Green Hills of Africa, The Garden of Eden, The Old Man and the Sea, as well as five short stories and eleven magazine and newspaper pieces.\nIn Our Time: A Facsimile Edition.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket. Hemingway's second book was originally published in 1924 by the Three Mountains Press in Paris in an edition of only 170 copies. This facsimile edition was issued in a limited edition of only 1700 copies. This is a Review copy and so stamped on the front flyleaf. The stories' themes – of alienation, loss, grief, separation – continue the work Hemingway began with the vignettes, which include descriptions of acts of war, bullfighting and current events. The collection is known for its spare language and oblique depiction of emotion, through a style known as Hemingway's "theory of omission" (Iceberg Theory). According to his biographer Michael Reynolds, among Hemingway's canon, "none is more confusing … for its several parts – biographical, literary, editorial, and bibliographical – contain so many contradictions that any analysis will be flawed."\nA Near Fine tight copy with previous owner names on front flyleaf in a Fine, bright unclipped dust jacket . This was the first of Hemingway's fictional works to be published posthumously. Set in Bimini in the 1930s, Islands tells the story of Thomas Hudson, a sculptor, with a passion for the sea, fishing and ultimately protecting the Gulf Stream waters from Nazi submariners.\nA Fine tight copy in a Very Good plus unclipped dust jacket with light edge wear and slight fading to the spine. Hemingway biographer Carlos Baker has gathered nearly 600 letters written by Hemingway to a wide variety of friends, enemies, editors, translators and the prominent writers of his time. These missives are both informative and enlightening and show the many sides of the most influential twentieth century American writer.\nA Fine tight copy in a Near Fine, price-clipped dust jacket. In 1959, Hemingway revisited Spain in part to see a series of bullfights and to write a short piece on his trip for Life Magazine. The result is this full-length documentary of his experiences following the classic rivalry of two of Spain's greatest matadors--Antonio Ordonez and his brother-in-law Luis Miguel Dominguin, who recently came out of retirement to go mano a mano with Ordonez. Hemingway most effectively captured the comraderie and the competition between the two matadors as well as the grueling pace and pressure of the bullfighting season. Illustrated with photgraphs.\nThe Enduring Hemingway: An Anthology of a Lifetime in Literature.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket that is price clipped with a Scribner's price sticker affixed. This anthology spans the works of Hemingway from his first collection of stories up through "Islands in the Stream." The contents track Hemingway's life and writing career, chronologically and open with two chapters from "A Movealbe Feast" followed by the complete story collection "In Our Time", novel and story excerpts about the First World War, Hemingway's discovery of bullfighting followed by his experiences huinting in Africa and his Spanish Civil War writings, and lastly his sea stories culminating with part III of "Islands in the Stream.", 864 pages.\nA Near Fine tight copy with previous owner inscription on the flyleaf in a Near Fine price clipped dust jacket. This anthology spans the works of Hemingway from his first collection of stories up through "Islands in the Stream." The contents track Hemingway's life and writing career, chronologically and open with two chapters from "A Movealbe Feast" followed by the complete story collection "In Our Time", novel and story excerpts about the First World War, Hemingway's discovery of bullfighting followed by his experiences huinting in Africa and his Spanish Civil War writings, and lastly his sea stories culminating with part III of "Islands in the Stream.", 864 pages.\nThe Letters of Ernest Hemingway: 1907-1922. Edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket. This is the first volume of Hemingway's collected letters and covers his youth, his experiences in World War I and his arrival in Paris. The letters show Hemingway as a more complex person than his tough-guy persona; we see a devoted son, an affectionate brother, a naive lover, spirited friend and an innovative writer.\nThe Letters of Ernest Hemingway: 1923-1925. Edited by Sandra Spanier, Albert J. Defazio III & Robert W. Trogdon.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket. Volume 2 (1923-1925) illuminates Hemingway's literary apprenticeship in the legendary milieu of expatriate Paris in the 1920s. We witness the development of his friendships with the likes of Sylvia Beach, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and John Dos Passos. Striving to 'make it new,' he emerges from the tutelage of Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein to forge a new style, gaining recognition as one of the most formidable talents of his generation. In this period, Hemingway publishes his first three books, including In Our Time (1925), and discovers a lifelong passion for Spain and the bullfight, quickly transforming his experiences into fiction as The Sun Also Rises (1926). The volume features many previously unpublished letters and a humorous sketch that was rejected by Vanity Fair.\nThe Letters of Ernest Hemingway: 1929-1931. Edited by Sandra Spanier and Miriam B. Mandel.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket. The Letters of Ernest Hemingway, Volume 4, spanning April 1929 through 1931, featuring many previously unpublished letters, records the establishment of Ernest Hemingway as an author of international renown following the publication of A Farewell to Arms. Breaking new artistic ground in 1930, Hemingway embarks upon his first and greatest non-fiction work, his treatise on bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon. Hemingway, now a professional writer, demonstrates a growing awareness of the literary marketplace, successfully negotiating with publishers and agents and responding to fan mail. In private we see Hemingway's generosity as he provides for his family, offers support to friends and colleagues, orchestrates fishing and hunting expeditions, and sees the birth of his third son. Despite suffering injuries to his writing arm in a car accident in November 1930, Hemingway writes and dictates an avalanche of letters that record in colorful and eloquent prose the eventful life and achievements of an enormous personality.\nA Near Fine tight copy with a previous owner embossment on the front flyleaf in a Near Fine, price-clipped dust jacket with a small scuff to the heel of the spine and sticker from the Hemingway House in Key West on the front cover. This collection of 24 stories featuring Hemingway's alter-ego Nick Adams finally puts the stories in chronological order with the addition of eight pieces previously unpublished and provide a more comprehensive view of of Nick's early life and his development as a writer.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine, bright unclipped dust jacket. This collection of 24 stories featuring Hemingway's alter-ego Nick Adams finally puts the stories in chronological order with the addition of eight pieces previously unpublished and provide a more comprehensive view of of Nick's early life and his development as a writer. Until now, however, the stories involving Nick have always appeared so many to a book, in jumbled sequence. As a result the coherence of his adventures has been obscured, and their impact fragmented. In Men Without Women, Hemingway's second collection of stories, Nick appears first as a soldier in Italy, next as an adolescent in Summit, Illinois, then in turn as a younger boy in Michigan, a married man in Austria, and a soldier back in Italy. Or consider the trouble with "Big Two-Hearted River," one of the best-known Hemingway stories. Placed where it was -- at the end of In Our Time, the first collection -- it puzzled a good many readers. Put where it goes chronologically, following the stories of World War I, its submerged tensions -- the impression that Nick is exorcising some nameless anxiety -- become perfectly understandable. But "A Way You'll Never Be," which precedes "Big Two-Hearted River" in time and explains it, was published eight years and several books after it. Arranged in chronological sequence, the events of Nick's life make up a meaningful narrative in which a memorable character grows from child to adolescent to soldier, veteran, writer, and parent -- a sequence closely paralleling the events of Hemingway's own life. In this arrangement Nick Adams, who for a long time was not widely recognized as a consistent character at all, emerges clearly as the first in a long line of Hemingway's fictional selves. Later versions, from Jake Barnes and Frederic Henry to Richard Cantwell and Thomas Hudson, were all to have behind them part of Nick's history and, correspondingly, part of Hemingway's.\nThe Only Thing that Counts: The Ernest Hemingway-Maxwell Perkins Correspondence. Edited By Matthew J. Bruccoli.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine bright unclipped dust jacket. This collection of letters between Ernest Hemingway and long-time editor at Scribner's documents their friendship and professional relationship from the Paris year in the 1920s throught he Depression, the Spanish Civil War and World War II. These letters not only document the unguarded exchange of two literary giants but also shed light on the inner workings of a writer, the publishing world and the making of literary history.\nA Fine tight copy in a Near Fine unclipped dust jacket with just a hint of wear to the head of the spine. To Have and Have Not was Hemingway's second novel set in the United States, after The Torrents of Spring. Written sporadically between 1935 and 1937, and revised as he traveled back and forth from Spain during the Spanish Civil War, To Have and Have Not portrays Key West and Cuba in the 1930s, and provides a social commentary on that time and place. Hemingway biographer Jeffrey Meyers describes the novel as heavily influenced by the Marxist ideology Hemingway was exposed to by his support of the Republican faction in the Spanish Civil War while he was writing it. The novel had its origins in two short stories published earlier in periodicals by Hemingway ("One Trip Across" and "The Tradesman's Return") which make up the opening chapters, and a novella, written later, which makes up about two-thirds of the book. The narrative is told from multiple viewpoints, at different times, by different characters, and the characters' names are frequently supplied under the chapter headings to indicate who is narrating that chapter.\nHemingway, Hilary and carlene Brennen.\nA Near Fine copy with a discreet remainder dot in a Fine dust jacket. From 1939 to 1960, Ernest Hemingway made Cuba home to his life and work. Hemingway in Cuba is at once a literary journey for Hemingway aficionados and a rich companion to Papas time in Cuba and in neighboring Bimini and Key West. Hilary Hemingway gives new insight into her uncleís life in Cuba, relating tales of his renowned passion for big game fishing, the women who competed for his affection, and the people who came to inhabit novels such as To Have and Have Not and Islands in the Stream. Readers of Hemingway will recognize Cojimar, the small fishing village featured in his best-known work, The Old Man and the Sea, as one example of how Cuba left an indelible mark on his work. Accompanied by 160 archival and contemporary photographs.\n[Author Reading] Hemingway, Ernest reading.\nErnest Hemingway Reading: Notes by Mary Hemingway & A.E. Hotchner.\nA Near Fine record in a Very Good sleeve . This vinyl record contain readings by Hemingway recorded over the years 1948-1961 at various locations. This record includes Hemingway reading: The Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech; Second Poem to Mary; In Harry's Bar in Venice; The Fifth Column; Work in Progress; and Saturday Night at the Whorehouse in Billings, Montana.\nErnest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography.\nA Very Good Plus copy with a previous owner's name and address on the front flyleaf and faint spotting to the top edge of the text block, in a Very Good dust jacket weith a small chip to the heel of the spine and small moisture spots to the top edge of the front and read panels. This bibliography of Hemingway’s writings and related materials includes, for the first time, all of his books, pamphlets, stories, articles, newspaper contributions, juvenilia, library holdings of his letters and manuscripts, items written about Hemingway between 1918 and 1965, and short excerpts from reviews of each of Hemingway’s novels. First editions of books and pamphlets, both American and English with bibliographic descriptions, are given.\n[Hemingway's War Reportage] Moreira, Peter.\nHemingway: The Writer as Artist.\nA Fine tight copy in a Very Good plus, unclipped dust jacket with edge wear and a closed edge tear to the lower spine. A very important work on Hemingway's writing craft, where Baker shows and explains how Hemingway went about the creation of his short stories and novels. This is an invaluable resource for researchers and especially apprentice writers. In this third edition, Baker has thoroughly revised his original 1952 edition and provides a new final chapter covering the last nine years of Hemingway's life. The checklist of Hemingway's works has been brought up to date as of 1963.\n[Hemingway, Ernest] Reynolds, Michael S.\nA Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket . This is the first volume in Reynolds' five volume Hemingway biography which greatly expands our knowledge of the writer who began carving out his mythic image at an early age.\nA Fine tight unread copy in a Fine, bright unclipped dust jacket. Michael Reynolds discovered the truth about Hemingway's activities during the war years, which included running a counterintelligence operation in Havana. The postwar period was the most productive of Hemingway's writing life, when he authored the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Old Man and the Sea and received the Nobel Prize. Even as Hemingway graced the cover of Life magazine, his physical and mental health deteriorated while his public image as hunter and sportsman continued to demand the strenuous life. In 1961 he committed suicide, leaving behind the stuff of which American myths are made.This is the final volume in Reynolds' five volume biography of Ernest Hemingway.\nA Fine tight unread copy in a Fine bright unclipped dust jacket. First Canadian edition. In 1992 Burrill discovered 25 stories Ernest Hemingway wrote while he was a journalist for the Toronto Star and here published in book form for the first time. Hemingway worked for the Star from 1920 to 1924, crafting what became his inimitatable style of terse and direct prose. Burrill also provides the first extensive biographical study to focus on Hemingway's connection with the city of Toronto.\nCoffee with Hemingway. Foreword by John Updike.\nA Fine tight, unread copy in a Fine unclipped dust jacket. Kirk Curnutt takes an interesting approach to an author interview: He asks, what would it be like to sit down over coffee and discuss a variety of topics with Papa? T Curnutt takes known facts about Hemingway, his tastes, his likes and dislikes, his personality and views on life- and crafts interesting "dialogues" with the man. The approach is unique- and fun. You get to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee with the man who many consider one of the greatest writers in American literature and decide for yourself if you enjoy talking with him or not...hearing his views on a wide range of subjects...his prejudices, his weaknesses, his strengths..\nHemingway's Boat: Everything He Loved in Life, and Lost, 1934-1961.\nA Near Fine copy with a discreet remainder dot to the bottom edge in a Fine bright unclipped dust jacket. The author has written a compelling history of Hemingway's relationship with his beloved 38-foot Wheeler power boat, Pilar, that served as his sea mistress allowing him to relax, fish, escape the pressures of notoriety and even hunt German submarines during World War Two. The Pilar serves as the perfect motif by which Hendrickson examines Hemingway's life, friends, lovers and writing endeavors.\nA Fine unread copy in a Fine bright unclipped dust jacket. The author has written a compelling history of Hemingway's relationship with his beloved 38-foot Wheeler power boat, Pilar, that served as his sea mistress allowing him to relax, fish, escape the pressures of notoriety and even hunt German submarines during World War Two. The Pilar serves as the perfect motif by which Hendrickson examines Hemingway's life, friends, lovers and writing endeavors.\nArt Matters: Hemingway, Craft, and the Creation of the Modern Short Story.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine dust jacket. In Art Matters, Robert Paul Lamb provides the definitive study of Ernest Hemingway's short story aesthetics. Lamb locates Hemingway's art in literary historical contexts and explains what he learned from earlier artists, including Edgar Allan Poe, Paul Cezanne, Henry James, Guy de Maupassant, Anton Chekhov, Stephen Crane, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, and Ezra Pound. Examining how Hemingway developed this inheritance, Lamb insightfully charts the evolution of the unique style and innovative techniques that would forever change the nature of short fiction.\nHemingway at War. Ernest Hemingway's Adventures as a World War IIcCorrespndent.\nA Fine unread copy in a Fine dust jacket. In the spring of 1944, Hemingway traveled to London and then to France to cover World War II for Colliers Magazine. He flew missions with the RAF (in part to gather material for a novel); he went on a landing craft on Omaha Beach on D-Day; he went on to involve himself in the French Resistance forces in France and famously rode into the still dangerous streets of liberated Paris. And he was at the German Siegfried line for the horrendous killing ground of the Huertgen Forest, in which his favored 22nd Regiment lost nearly every man they sent into the fight. After that tragedy, it came to be argued, he was never the same.\nA Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. This second volume in Reynolds' five volume Hemingway biography focuses on the writer's journeyman period in Paris where he honed his writing craft through his interactions with the other expatriates, the French milieu and the literary and cultural history of Europe. Reynolds exhaustively chronicles the particular literary influences on Hemingway, oftentimes even recounting the reading lists that the writer received from particular individuals. "Reading The Wasteland with Ezra Pound at one's elbow is no bad way to pick up a thing or two," he dryly observes at one point. He also pays close attention to Hemingway's conversations with, and studying the literature of, Pound, James Joyce, and particularly Gertrude Stein. Reynolds not only uses his extensive source material with a critical eye but provides a wealth of information about the social, political, and literary backgrounds of a time and place that were in many ways the dawn of the 20th century's intellectual tradition.\nA Fine copy in a Fine dust jacket. This fourth volume in Reynolds' five volume biographical series covers Hemingway's life and works from A Farewell to Arms to For Whom the Bell Tolls against the historical backdrop of the Cuban Revolution, African safaris, his residence in Key West and the Spanish Civil War. He experimented in fiction and nonfiction, pushing his limits as a writer, in such works as Death in the Afternoon, Green Hills of Africa, and To Have and Have Not. In this "masterpiece in the making," Reynolds brings us so close to Hemingway that "you can all but smell Hemingway's whisky breath coming off the pages"\n[Paris in the 20s] Bruccoli, Matthew.\n[Paris in the 20s] Donaldson, Scott.\nA Fine tight copy in a Fine bright unclipped dust jacket. The legendary friendship--and rivalry--of these literary giants was compellingly chronicled by Hemingway in A Moveable Feast, but as Hemingway reminded the reader, that book is fiction. Here, in Fitzgerald and Hemingway, leading scholar Scott Donaldson goes beyond the mythologyzing to create a true, multi-faceted narrative of a great friendship fueled by admiration, jealousy, and liquor--a heady mixture of literary scholarship, history, and gossip. With a dazzling cast of characters that includes legendary Scribner's editor Maxwell Perkins, the artist/socialites Gerald and Sara Murphy, Zelda Fitzgerald and Hadley Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, John Dos Passos, Archibald MacLeish, agent Harold Ober, publisher Horace Liveright, and Lady Duff Twysden, Scott Donaldson recounts the glory and pain of a writing life and the rise and fall of the great literary friendship of our time.\n[Paris in the 20s] Kiley, Jed.\n[Spanish Civil War] Vaill. Amanda. |
Tumbler from the Elegance range, made of matt crystal. Complete with holder.\nCrystal frosted tumbler nice and heavy not fragile that fits snugly into the beautifully made chrome on brass fitting. Love it. |
So tonight Cuadrilla have had to halt fracking operations at their Preston New Road site for the third time in two weeks after a third tremor abpve the 0.5 Richter scale trigger. The increase seems exponential - from 0.5 to 0.8 to 1.1 and while still relatively minor, their increasing power in such a short time has to be bad news for the shale-peddling carbonistas.\nThe area surrounding the site near Blackpool in Lancashire has seen 27 seismic events captured by the British Geological Survey in just 11 days. This compares to just two others in the entire rest of the UK over the same period - one in North Wales and one in the Norwegian Sea off the Shetlands. There were no seismic events in Lancashire in the 89 days prior to Cuadrilla commencing drilling.\nWhile most of these are small, the incremental impact on the area if operations continue as planned for many years becomes sadly all too predicatble.\nThe only crumb of comfort in this could be that this litany of problems for Cuadrilla knocks future plans across the UK on the head and, quite aside from the appalling environmental impact of fracking, makes the whole project financially unviable for the profiteers who are prepared to sacrifice our country and planet for the sake of their bank balances.\nOf course, the Greens and environmentalists who warned of this years ago, before fracking permits were opened up by the Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary Ed Davey during the Coalition government, were denounced as hysterical fantasists and Luddites.\nAfter all, who could possibly have guessed this would happen...?! |
Our Land Our Business, a multi-continent campaign with more than 210 signatories, is working to end the World Bank’s Doing Business report and the Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture (BBA). Following the delivery of the campaign’s joint statement to the World Bank on April 11, 2014 and a phone conversation between members of the campaign and the World Bank on June 4, 2014, substantial changes were made to the World Bank’s Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture website.\n1. First, the six Focus Area Snap Shot documents from the BBA Methodology page have been removed. The Snap Shots included: Seeds, Fertilizer, Finance, Land, Transport, Markets, and Contract Farming. Each Snap Shot included a list of different indicators that the World Bank considered relevant to the given focus area.1 Removal of these Snap Shot documents is significant since the indicators aim to evaluate policies and regulations to be changed in order to increase private and foreign investment in agriculture.\nRemoving of the term “measure” and indicating that rankings might not be under consideration anymore, suggest that the World Bank might be moving away from comparing countries through the BBA and thus promoting a race to the bottom.\nThese changes are evidence of the first impact of the Our Land Our Business campaign. However, they do not indicate a change of direction in the Bank’s approach to development and agriculture nor whether it will indeed shut down the Doing Business and Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture activities.\nThe Our Land Our Business campaign will therefore continue and intensify until its demands are met.\nThis memo was prepared by Haley F. Kaplan, OI Intern Scholar.\nBenchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Methodology. http://bba.worldbank.org/methodology (accessed April 3, 2014); Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Methodology. http://bba.worldbank.org/methodology (accessed June 11, 2014); Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Methodology. http://bba.worldbank.org/methodology (accessed June 17, 2014).\nBenchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Methodology. http://bba.worldbank.org/methodology (accessed April 3, 2014); World Bank. Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. http://bba.worldbank.org/ (accessed April 3, 2014); Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Frequently Asked Questions. http://bba.worldbank.org/faqs (accessed April 3, 2014).\nBenchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Methodology. http://bba.worldbank.org/methodology (accessed June 17, 2014); World Bank. Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. http://bba.worldbank.org/ (accessed June 17, 2014); Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Frequently Asked Questions. http://bba.worldbank.org/faqs (accessed June 17, 2014).\nWorld Bank. Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. http://bba.worldbank.org/ (accessed April 3, 2014).\nWorld Bank. Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture. http://bba.worldbank.org/ (accessed June 17, 2014).\nBenchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Frequently Asked Questions. http://bba.worldbank.org/faqs (accessed April 3, 2014).\nBenchmarking the Business of Agriculture. Frequently Asked Questions. http://bba.worldbank.org/faqs (accessed June 17, 2014). |
Peanut butter lovers out there, listen up! In honor of Peanut Butter Lover’s Day (yes, that is actually a day), the amazing Erika Peterson (aka Clean Simple Foodie) is sharing her delectable (and healthier) Peanut Butter Protein Ice Cream recipe with us! You heard me right…peanut butter ice cream LOADED with protein!!\nMy husband and I are HUGE peanut butter fans, so naturally this recipe is a favorite at our house! When he found out that I was making this today, he made a mental note of the exact time and penciled a “mid-day ice cream date” into his busy list of to-dos! I hope this becomes one of your family favorites as well!\n1. Blend cottage cheese, peanut butter, PB2, and about a tablespoon of almond milk together.\n2. Pour thick mixture into an ice cube tray. It should fill about 12 cubes.\n3. Freeze 4 hours or more.\n4. Place frozen cubes, frozen banana, remaining 11 tablespoons of almond milk, protein powder and ice cubes in blender. Blend until smooth. Blend in some stevia if needed for sweetness. Makes 4 servings. Top each serving with a sprinkle of dark chocolate if your heart desires :).\nSuperman’s wife, Mother of 3, lover of family, fitness, and baseball tees and of course, anything that involves clean food (lots of it)! AFPA certified nutrition and wellness consultant, certified TRX group fitness instructor and Clean. Simple. Foodie.\nTHANK YOU!! i just made this….i don’t know if i can split into 4 portions its that good!!!! amazing!\nYou can definitely sub the cottage cheese for plain greek yogurt… Ive tried it in the past and it works just as well!!\nPb2 is at walmart I know. It is dried pb powder you mix with water. This recipe looks awesome, I have lost 16lbs and 16+ inches since 1/14 and this looks delish without the guilt!\nI saw a comment below and was wondering if you can replace the cottage cheese with greek yogurt.\nI’ve been on the program for 9 weeks, I’ve lost 5 lbs and 7 in. I’m discouraged at the slow weight loss. I’m just curious, what cycle do u follow , do u eat 1200 cal on low carb days and 1500 cal on high card days. Ur so thin, I want to know your secret?\nLove the recipe and idea, but I would leave out the PB2 as it is a GMO product. It is not part of the clean eating life (in my opinion).\nI am allergic to bananas and a lot of healthy recipes such as this one call for them. Is there anything I can use as a sub for bananas that will not mess up the texture and sweetness of the recipe?\nWhere do I get PB2?\nThis sounds delicious! Would non-fat greek yogurt be a suitable replacement for the cottage cheese?\nThis sounds so good. Im so picky when it comes ti cottage cheese. Would i be able to substitute the cottage cheese for greek yogurt?\nI usually order it on Amazon.com, but you can also find it at Walmart, Harmon’s or any health food store:).\nThanks for sharing! Always looking for healthy dessert recipes for me and my son to make in my Ninja!\nI got mine at gnc, but I believe I also saw it at target.\nWhat is PB2 Powder in the recipe for Peanut Butter ice cream? Where to you get it?\nHey Jessica Murphy…. I buy mine right at my local grocery store. Right by the Pea it Butter. Or you can order it on Amazon!\nWill definitely have to try this yummy recipe! I’m definitely a lover of peanut butter and ice cream! Thanks for sharing!\nWhere do you fine PB2 powder at?\nI’m making this for dessert tonight. I just happen to have all the ingredients! Erika, you inspire me so much! I can’t wait to see you on here again.\nHi! Just a doubt, I’m from México and I’d like to know what is “PB’s”? Thanks a lot!\nWhat is the pb2 powder? |
African parents are gifts that keep up on giving – they are loving, they are tough, they are inspiring and can sometimes drive you crazy (then again, all parents, regardless of race or ethnicity, are all guilty of this), but we can’t deny that they are the absolute best. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares four interesting things African parents do.\nOkay that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s not uncommon for African parents to ask their children to do things they can easily do themselves, or send their children on errands they can easily go on themselves. They argue that the point of this is to teach their children duty and responsibility, and considering how resourceful African children eventually become, African parents just might be onto something.\nIn African homes, it is considered disrespectful for children to call an elder by their first name, and African parents are zealous in ensuring such disrespect does not occur in their homes. it is more appropriate for children to address elders as ‘uncle’ or ‘aunty’ (though the children might have no familial ties or relation with the person). in less Afrocentric homes, the children are allowed to address elders with ‘mr’, ‘miss’, ‘mrs’, ‘sir’, ‘ma’ or ‘madam’ in addition to their actual names, but never with just their names.\nThis is done often by African parents when they are upset or dissatisfied with the actions of their child/children. African parents use the proverbs and/or metaphors to better drive home their point to their children, and ring a note of warning and/or caution. If an African parent speaks to their child/children with a proverb and/or metaphor, they mean business and it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly.\nFor some reason, African parents seldom admit they are wrong. They might acknowledge they have erred through their actions, but they will hardly ever verbalize it or apologize for it. It is difficult to understand, but some argue that it might have something to do with the fact that they believe that admitting their faults and verbally apologizing to their children will put the respect the children have for them at risk, and humanize them to the point of possibly losing the respect of their children. |
Warrior CRUNCH bars are the result of over 12 months of research and development, working 24 hour days to blend a high protein, low carb, healthy nutritional profile into something that gives you the true "chocolate bar" experience.\nCRUNCH bars are packed with 20 grams of healthy protein, encased in a layer of gorgeously gooey caramel, and wrapped in delicious chocolate. Warrior CRUNCH bars have almost as much protein as a chicken breast, yet taste like a dessert. Just 2.3g's of sugar per bar, and 2.3g of impact carbs, Warrior CRUNCH is the perfect protein bar for dieting, eating clean, and keeping lean all year round. |
Today's Monday poll looks at moderation schemes. No other aspect of a site so determines its "feel" than the user's ability to comment and for those comments to lead to conversation. Get it right and you've got a great discussion on your hands. But get it wrong and the "right" comments lead to group think, the trolls and kooks take it over, or the place becomes a giant flamewar.\nI personally think no site has gotten it just right yet. But we began an interesting conversation about it on this Pipedot article.\nThere are a lot of models out there, and some of them overlap a bit. OSNews.com's moderation scheme for example is pretty close to Slashdot's, although it gives +1 points for funny. A lot of sites running on modified Drupal or Joomla systems don't even deal with moderation: just provide your comment and it goes on the list, though the site admins have a right to nuke anything offensive to corporate powers, and there's no threading. There's also the Usenet/killfile model, where users decide individuals (not posts) get karma [ed. note: I should've added that to the poll, dang it].\nHave your say at the poll to the right. It's a Borda Count, so give "1" to the system you like best, a "2" to the one you like a bit less, and so on.\nI think I like the idea of being able to identify other users whose judgement you respect (based on their history of moderation) and being able to weight their moderation picks more heavily than others for dictating what you see. Thus, if ContributerIRespect gives 1 upvote for a particular comment, I might want to see it given a rank of 3 upvotes by ContributersIDontKnow and given a rank of 5 upvotes by ContributesIDontRespect. I can see how this system might normalize on a small number of "elite" commenters who most people respect, but it would still be interesting to see if this raised the general level of a comment thread or narrowed the general scope of a comment thread or some other effect and whether these effects added value. Maybe this is the "Following Friends" option in the poll, but I feel like a weighting system is more nuanced than just deciding to follow someone or not. I also realize that this is a subsetting algorithm which presumes the community being moderated is large enough to need subsetting. For small communities such as Pipedot at present, I actually prefer to read everything posted because there isn't enough content to even require moderation.\nThe Slash style moderation system seems to work pretty well even in heated discussions thanks to the MetaMod review process. Wish we had it here. |
so that the Buffer "Shipping" would be created before it is consumed in the row "Discount"?\nI would have expected to be able to drag & drop the rows to a new position. But I failed to do so.\nYou should be able to re-order your table row controls via drag & drop after activating "Allow reorder" on your XTestStep. |
This building is inscrit au titre des Monuments Historiques. It is indexed in the Base Mérimée, a database of architectural heritage maintained by the French Ministry of Culture, under the reference PA00084215 .\nMedia in category "Église Notre-Dame du Grand-Castel" |
I am speaking from experience, not just because we provide outsourced graphics projects for big corporations. When I write, the word “outsource,” I am referring to local creative firms, not offshore agencies. Here’s 10 ways that outsourcing the marketing effort will create positive results.\n1) Bring in a fresh outsider perspective. Looking in from the outside in will provide for more creativity outside of what could be a stale corporate culture. The outside creative agency will undoubtedly bring in new ideas and ways of thinking that would probably even never cross your mind.\n2) Be able to meet unreasonable deadlines. Outside agencies have the flexibility to work odd hours to meet deadlines for that special event happening in less than 24 hours. Most design and creative shops are not 9 to 5 operations. They often work late at night long after you have left the office. Our firm, for example, often works weekends and evenings to meet all client deadlines. The creative juices never stop flowing. |
Are you a Software Engineer? Software Engineers continue to be one of the most exciting and in-demand developer jobs available. Engineers code websites or applications on both the server and the client-facing side. It is a role that fuses both creative and practical concerns, as these engineers are responsible for everything the website user encounters, including scrolling functions and graphics, as well as creating the logic, database interactions and server configuration on the application's backend. |
The author is with National Central University, Institute of Optical Sciences, Chung-li, Taiwan 32054, China.\nThe main peak in the autocorrelation function of bar codes is here utilized as the signal of accurate alignment. Attention is therefore directed to the problem of how to increase the contrast of the main autocorrelation peak above the remaining part of the correlation signal and to the problem concerned with the upper limit that the contrast may attain. To meet different requirements of accurate alignment, a series of bar codes is designed. They are classified into several categories according to their performance characteristics. The internal relations between these categories are discussed in greater detail.\n* Denotes the structures with a better performance. |
Today more people live in cities than in the countryside, mobile broadband connections outnumber fixed ones and machines outnumber people on a new Internet of Things. In Smart Cities Anthony Townsend explores the question of what happens when computers take over the city in this era of mass urbanisation and technological ubiquity, taking a look at the people and forces that have transformed the design of cities and information technologies. From the great industrial metropolises of the nineteenth century to today's megacities, new technologies have been invented to address the challenges posed by human settlements of ever-greater size and complexity. As a new generation of technology barons, entrepreneurs, mayors and civic coders shape our future, Smart Cities explores their motivations, aspirations and shortcomings, offering a new civics for building communities. |
She values learning and has a perfect attendance record. Is Netflix, Amazon, Now TV, etc. Search, discover and share your favorite Shake It Up Rocky Blue GIFs.\nCeCe and Rocky deal with their.\nWho plays rocky king on shake it up. Please upgrade to a modern browser. And Cece believes she may have caused it.\nFind out where to watch full episodes online now. A phantom threatens to shut down Shake It Up Chicago. The ease of the feature is really one of the more compelling reasons to get an Apple TV for many Mac users. This fame goes to CeCe's head, causing trouble. |
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The junior gigolo from Hung is the new Green Arrow!\nCW is gearing up for their new Green Arrow live-action TV series, as they've already cast their main character, the arrow-shooting, millionaire vigilante Oliver Queen.\nAccording to Deadline, Stephen Amell will be our new Green Arrow (sorry, Smallville's Justin Hartley). An earlier casting call revealed that Queen is a 27-year-old "reformed bad boy" who turned into a different man after he spent five years shipwrecked on a dangerous island. Now that he's returned, Queen wants to make a difference in his hometown, Star City.\nBest known for his work as the new-prostitute-in-town on Hung, Amell certainly looks like he can fill the part. But will this future Mayor of Star City be channeling a script written in the cheesy Smallville style? Only time will tell. The pilot will be written and produced by Andrew Kreisberg, Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim. |
In order to retain value in your vehicle, it is important to regularly service it with approved dealers. Snows Citroën is an Approved Citroën dealer which means that we're able to offer piece of mind when servicing your vehicle. We have Aftersales Departments in Basingstoke, Hampshire and Newbury, Berkshire. Browse our Owner Services below or get in touch for further information.\nFrom vehicle maintenance to finance solutions and assistance, Snows Citroën presents a new generation of services designed to satisfy all expectations. Discover our tips and offers to take care of your Citroën, and buy our latest Citroën accessories and merchandise. You can browse our range of Aftersales Offers here. |
Tonar is a dutch company, who were founded in 1954 as a supplier of synthetic sapphire products who became a supplier of sapphire tips for phono cartrdidges.\nNow, almost 60 years later, Tonar has become the world’s specialist in the field of replacement styli, phono cartridges and accessories for vinyl. Tonar products are designed for the analogue and vinyl enthusiast, and essential in getting the most out of your turntable and vinyl setup.\nThe current Tonar range includes a whole range of high quality turntable and vinyl record accessories, all at very good prices. |
Budapest, November 29 (MTI) – Hungary is “ready to pay” but will not accept any compulsory placement of migrants on its territory, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said ahead of a European Union-Turkey summit on Sunday.\nHungary wants guarantees that the action plan to be adopted at the summit will not be disadvantageous from Hungary’s point of view, Orban said. The plan adopted at the last summit could have “gone sour” in which case Hungary would have had to take in migrants involuntarily, he said, adding that he hoped the current plans with Turkey would not bring about such a situation.\nOrban said Hungary will support the action plan which hopefully will reduce the migration pressure on the EU and Hungary.\nLeaders of the Visegrad Four grouping will hold talks separately before the summit. |
Sick chickens? Ailing chicks? Or just looking to ensure optimal health among your brood of farmyard poultry? Surprisingly, chickens (especially baby chickens) have plenty of health issues that pop up during the course of their lives. This might include chicken mites, chicken lice, picking (a condition where chickens peck at one another due to stress, lack of food or water, or overcrowding), molting, and various chicken diseases. Sick chickens may be lethargic, show poor coloration or texture in the feathers, may eat or drink less, and may produce weakened or fewer eggs.\nA number of natural remedies have long been used to address poultry diseases, ward off pests, and enhance overall chicken nutrition.\nApple cider vinegar for chickens is especially popular as a home remedy for poultry. Apple cider vinegar added to chicken feed or water supplies may improve nutrition and help to ward off insect pests. Wood ashes, dandelion greens, garlic, and onions are also popular remedies among the chicken coop.\nContinue reading to learn which remedies, supplements and herbs our readers have used to improve the health of their chickens and let us know which one you’ve tried!\nWhen I first noticed that my pet chickens had mites, I went to a farm store and asked what they recommended. They tried to sell me some product that I knew to be toxic. I was told that's what all the farmers used for their chickens. I asked about diatomaceous earth and they said it wouldn't work. I decided to try diatomaceous earth anyway and it worked. I just sprinkled it in the chicken house and never had problems again.\nI also use it in my garden when my plants get attacked by bugs.\nSorry to hear about your sick rooster! We have kept chickens for 15 years and I don't think I have ever heard of one wheezing. But I am hopeful there is something you can try. I have a few questions though to narrow down what to try.\nHow old is your rooster?\nIs he with other chickens and if so, are they symptom free?\nHas his living area changed?\nAre you able to get him to eat or drink?\nYour rooster sounds very ill. You can help him by giving him a heat source away from distractions. He needs clean air in a clean environment. Many avian respiratory issues such as aspergillosis [a fungal disease] are due to dusty, moldy and ammonia filled environments like you would find in a chicken coop that was never cleaned out. Lack of vitamin A is also a factor.\nIf you are unable to take your boy to a vet, in your shoes I would *provide heat* and attempt to give him antifungal medicines diluted in water – or mixed into an electrolyte solution; keep the liquid going into him so he does not dehydrate – especially if you put him in a warm hospital cage. It is possible a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of borax into 1 liter of water may provide relief, however healing will take time and the aid of a veterinarian and high grade antibiotics or antifungals [metrinidazole, ketaconazole, etc.] may be in order.\nHi my 8 month rooster has respiratory infection and smells really bad. Can he try essiac tea?\nI have given my chickens many different herbs over the years. I don't see why essiac wouldn't be appropriate for chickens.\nYou might want to mix some activated charcoal powder into his food. It may help with the odor. I would give him no more than 1/8 teaspoon per day of charcoal.\nApple Cider Vinegar is wonderful for Chicken health. It will make chicks feather out faster and gain more weight and be generally healthier throughout their lives. Just remember to put the water in a non-metal container. I put maybe 1 Tablespoon to a pint of water. More is ok too, up to about 50%. For grown chickens, if they start molting, put them on vinegar, or if they need worming or have any kind of intestinal disease, put them in vinegar.\nDid you ever find an answer to your posted question. My chickens have recently come up with symptoms ranging from stuck shut eyelids, nasal congestion (rattely sounding breathing through their nostrils), and now a half dozen or so are sneezing. I tried oxytetrocycline for seven days (800 mg dosage). The symptoms abated so I stopped the antibiotic. Several days later I had the chickens with the sneezing. I am now trying natural remedies along with low doses of the same antibiotic (200-250 mg per gl of water), along with thyme, vinegar, garlic, clover, and dill. Basically making them a salad.\nI'd like to add additional home remedies for common chicken diseases. Cinnamon and epsom salts for diarrhea, aloe vera for all year round health of chickens and oregano oil extract for colds.\nDo you add epsom salt to water?\nMy chickens have lice. They are free range, fed organic soy free layer feed, organic cracked corn, and various kitchen scraps 95% organic. Any suggestions? Thanks to all who give advice on earth clinic. It is a life saver!\nYou might sprinkle their "dust baths" with DE (diatomaceous earth). It dessicates the tiny little livestock by cracking their carapaces and drying them out. Make sure you get food grade DE and this should do the trick. Diatoms are tiny sea creatures that have been around for many millions of years (and still are) and are totally natural, but if you have asthma or related problems, I suggest using a mask while integrating the DE with the dirt.\nSharik, thank you for the suggestion! I used D.E. sprinkled on the worst cases and filled their dust baths for the rest. The lice disappeared ASAP and haven't had a reoccurrence since.\nIf nothing else works you can try 1/3 cat dose of Frontline on an adult chicken to rid them of lice, feather mites or other mites.\nYou can also try this: Sulfur has been used for many years. The treatment of individual birds with powdered sulfur is satisfactory if liberal amounts of dust are used and if application is thorough. Dipping the birds in sulfur baths is laborious, but the results are gratifying. Dips may be prepared by mixing 2 ounces of finely ground sulfur and 1 ounce of dish detergent to a gallon of lukewarm water. The feathers should be wet to the skin, and the head ducked. It is always advisable to dip fowl on warm, sunny days or in heated buildings. Treatment with either sulfur dusts or dips should be repeated as required.\nI have used sulfur/soap dips myself on feather mites with good results. You should not use poultry dust or Seven garden dust weekly on poultry because the mites will become immune to it and you will have a hard time removing them if you have an outbreak.\nI have found that chickens and geese both respond very well to cod liver oil. I always treat sick or lame birds. administered 4 times a day recovery usually two to three days.\nI make a small bowl of mash for my chickens everyday, with oatmeal, garlic, a little honey, a little iodised salt, olive oil and a desertspoon of ACV. My chickens get out for an hour or two before bed of a night for some green pick and they are doing well, no worms, no problems at all and plenty of eggs.\nMy husband and I got chickens last year. I am always looking for ways to keep them healthy. How do you make the mash for your chickens? Are there certain amounts of each of the ingredients that you use?\nAny idea what all the ingredients do? I’ve heard feeding garlic powder in normal food will help with mites and make the poo smell like a pizza shop 🙂 Apple Cider Vinegar is good for their gut flora oats for fibre did you use milk in this too? milk calcium.. Honey?\nI add apple cider vinegar to their water, but that isn’t all. I add rosemary, thyme, garlic, clove, and cayenne pepper also. The pepper keeps them warm & chickens don’t have taste buds so it doesn’t burn their tongue. Honey bees will seek out rosemary & lavender when they do not feel well, so I use all these for my healthy naturally raised chickens. My silly little 3 months old goat doe likes to drink the chickens ” brown ” water… Lol brown from mixing all the herbs in. I do use powdered form for their water, but put fresh & home dried herbs in their nest boxes. I also dust their areas with food grade D. E.\nHi Ruby from Birdsboro, how do you add the herbs to the water? Do you chop them up first, or put whole branches in? I’ve got a chicken who’s looking a bit slow and unhealthy, and I’m going to try your remedy and see if it helps. Thanks. |
Secret 8 – What’s your Everest?\nOver the course of my husband’s work – which is quite physical - I’ve watched with great admiration as he’s set himself a goal and then gone all out to achieve it. I’ve seen him push himself physically, training for months on end to prepare himself for a single event stretching only a few days.\nEarlier this year I watched one of my good friends as months of physical training culminated in her running her first half marathon.\nI’m proud as can be of both of them, but in some ways, I’m also jealous of them both knowing that they’ve gotten to feel that sense of elation that comes from seeing the fruition of physical discipline to achieve a goal. I imagine it’s akin to what those who reach the summit of Everest feel, though perhaps less cold!\nI don’t know if I’ll ever train to the same intensity as my husband and I don’t know if I’ll ever run a half marathon like my friend, but the more I study them as role models the more I realise that this tactic does not just get utilized in our lives from a sporting or a physical perspective.\nAny time I’ve wanted a promotion in a job, I’ve pushed myself to show that I was ready to my boss. When I wanted to start any of my businesses I’ve pushed myself to take action. When I wanted to implement a innovative idea in my company I’ve pushed myself beyond listening to what “can” and “can’t” be done.\nI’ve pushed myself not just outside my own comfort zone – but quite often outside of what others thought was possible, outside what I knew was possible and outside what others were prepared to do.\nI love the study of successful people and this is a common thread amongst them all. What is your half marathon going to be? What is your Everest and are you prepared to push yourself to get there?\n21 Tips to Maximise Your Business Success and Create a Happy Life!\nA Mess Or A System?\nHate networking? Stop trying to "get"\nSecret 7 – Turbo Charger or Anchor?\nWhat can you do behind someone's back? |
Language:French and 33 Melanesian-Polynesian dialects.\nArea:Land 19, 103 km². Freshwater 485 km². Exclusive economic zone 1,740,000 km².\nTerrain: Coastal plains with interior mountains.\nClimate: Tropical, modified by southeast trade winds.\nGeography: Consists of the main island of New Caledonia (one of the largest in the Pacific Ocean), the archipelago of the Loyalty Islands and numerous small, sparsely populated islands and atolls.\nEconomy: Important industries are nickel mining and smelting. Major exports are ferronickels, nickel ore and prawns.\nIn 1955 tilapia was introduced into New Caledonia by the SPC, however no culture trials were carried out.\nIn 1974 an aquaculture centre was established at St Vincent Bay. Trials were carried out on various species including algae, cockle, lobster, milkfish, mullet, mussel, oyster, prawn, rabbitfish, shrimp and trochus.\nThe Philippines green mussel was introduced in 1972 at the St Vincent Bay station. By 1979 a few private farms were culturing mussels. Spawning was achieved with floating rafts. In 1981 a hurricane destroyed the rafts.\nThe blue prawn (L.stylirostris) was introduced between 1978 and 1981. It was identified as the best candidate for aquaculture after trials with local and imported prawns. Since then, the same strain was used for commercial production untill 2004. In 2004 pathogen free broodstock was introduced from hawaii to renew the g enetic variability of New Caledonian prawns.\nSince 1973, research was carried out by the CNEXO and then the IFREMER the first private prawn farm was established in 1981 and in 1983 the Society d'Aquaculture Caledonienne (SODACAL) initiated a 125-ha prawn farm at Mara.\nNowadays, there is 18 prawn farms in New Caledonia (670 ha), two conditionning plants, and two feed mills. The prawn farming industry employs about 1000 persons (full or part time employment - mostly unqualified staff) and produces about 2000-2500 tons per year.\nOyster farming (Crassostrea gigas) started in 1985. Today, the oyster farm "l'Huitriere de Dumbea" grows out oyster using spat imported from France. The production is sold on the local market.\nIn 1992, live red claw cra yfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) were imported from Australia. Since then, farmers and land owners from the west coast have diversified their activities with crayfish farming, when they had bore or stream water available. The "association Dulçaquicole Néo-Caledónienne" is working on strengthening the industry. 10 tonnes are produced yearly and sold to the local market.\nMarine fish farming has know recent improvement with AQUALAGON, a company that have developped a protocole to rear rabbit fish (siganus lineatus).\n- There is a lot of available sites for prawn farming in New Caledonia, mostly in the Northern Province. It is expected that pond surface and production will double on a mid term basis.\n- There has been several trials in the past few years on aquaculture commodities such as seaweed, giant clams, crabs, sea cucumber and fish. Fish farming seems to be the mid term option for diversification, especially targeting export asian markets.\nThe major constraints to tackle are linked to technical and economical feasibility given the high production costs in New Caledonia. |
Verve is a versatile and flexibly applicable lighting collection. It is available in wall and pendant configurations in a variety of sizes. What makes Verve stand out is its fusion of contemporary shape, precision-cut Swarovski Elements crystal and pleasantly warm halogen light, which gently illuminates the room. Vibrant yet fine light structures are cast on the walls. Verve underscores the sophisticated ambiance of restaurants and residential applications. |
Home » Patrons can be difficult. Do you know the best way to deal?\nPatrons can be difficult. Do you know the best way to deal?\nLibrarians and staff in libraries of all types will at one point have an interaction with a difficult patron. Whether the patron or student is frustrated with library policy, refusing to follow standard rules, or is simply argumentative or persistent, it is imperative to develop interpersonal skills in order to deal with these situations. In this course, we will identify common patron difficulties, design strategies, and apply standard customer service skills to effectively solve problems. |
Dembele has scored two goals in ten games for the French club.\nThe Daily Mail claims that both Wolves and Watford are interested in Chateauroux striker Mana Dembele.\nThe 21-year-old Frenchman is relatively unknown and would be a fairly big gamble for Mick McCarthy to take considering he can only name 25 players this season.\nWolves had bids rejected for Hunt in January.\nRumours are rife on internet message boards that Wolves will tomorrow announce the signings of Stephen Hunt and Steven Mouyokolo from Hull.\nAs I reported yesterday, sources in France claim a deal is in place for Mouyokolo and Mick McCarthy has always been a long-term admirer of Hunt.\nOne poster claims that there has been a press conference called for midday. Sporthull.co.uk always seems certain that Mouyokolo in particular will join.\nTo view both discussion threads click on the links below.\nMouyokolo made 21 appearances for Hull last season. |
This examples shows how to send the ADC value of the prototyping board (as a string) via XBee 900.\nSocket 0 will be used to connect XBee module.\nIt is recommended to set RTC time to your actual time.\nNever unplug modules or sensor boards while Waspmote is ON.\nThe battery must be connected in ANY example.\n* the prototyping board (as a string) via XBee 900. |
Front yard water fountains memes. Garden design with small water fountains ^ ^ small front. Front yard water feature. Feng shui fountain book covers. |
Audio-Technica’s System 10 is a digital high-fidelity wireless system designed to provide performing musicians and presenters with advanced 24-bit operation, easy setup and clear, natural sound quality. Operating in the 2.4 GHz range, far from TV and DTV interference, System 10 offers extremely easy operation and instantaneous channel selection. Up to eight channels may be used together without any frequency coordination problems or group selection issues. System 10 receivers and transmitters offer an easy-to-read digital ID display. System 10 wireless ensures clear communications by providing three levels of diversity assurance: frequency, time, and space. Frequency Diversity sends the signal on two dynamically allocated frequencies for interference-free communication. Time Diversity sends the signal in multiple time slots to maximize immunity to multipath interference. Finally, Space Diversity uses two antennas on each transmitter and receiver to maximize signal integrity. Featuring stackable, contemporary styling, System 10 is available in multiple system configurations, with handheld vocal microphone/transmitters and UniPak body-pack transmitters designed for use with lavalier, headworn and instrument microphones as well as electric guitars. Each configuration includes the ATW-R1100 receiver and either a body-pack transmitter or handheld microphone/ transmitter. The ATW-R1100 is a digital receiver offering volume control along with AF Peak and Pair indicator lights. |
Hi precious reader. Looking for unique ideas is probably the interesting activities however it can be also exhausted whenever we might not get the wanted ideas. Exactly like you now, You are looking for new ideas regarding Jeep Cherokee Xj Fuel Line Diagram right?\nWere very thankful if you leave a comment or suggestions about this Jeep Cherokee Xj Fuel Line Diagram article. We are going to apply it for better future reports. We thank you for your visit to our website. Make sure you get the information you are looking for. Do not forget to share and love our reference to help further develop our website.\nThe following Jeep Cherokee Xj Fuel Line Diagram picture has been authored. Youll be able to acquire this amazing graphic to your laptop, mini netbook or desktop pc. Additionally you can bookmark this page to you favorite social bookmarking sites. How to grab this Jeep Cherokee Xj Fuel Line Diagram image? It is simple, you may use the save button or spot your cursor towards the graphic and right click then select save as. |
As a female navigating Leadership, and having coached many women in leadership positions; I find today’s article: http://www.quietrev.com/gender-and-temperament/ particularly relevant. The importance of gender and temperament equality at the top benefits everyone: since such diversity is proven to enhance creativity and boost productivity. Without gender- and temperament-inclusive cultures, organizations suffer from innovation deficits.\nThere is a discrepancy in what is expected from men and women. Women leaders are expected to navigate a tightrope between being seen as competent (with related stereotypically male qualities of competitiveness and assertiveness) and compassionate (with related stereotypically female qualities of nurturance and sensitivity). This causes women to be seen as too harsh if they are too assertive, or too soft if they are sensitive. This “tightrope” causes women to feel “different forms of social punishment” if they are “too much” or “not enough” of a particular type to fit in the mold of leadership. The social punishments influence women to participate less than men in their classes, which then contributes to widespread perceptions that they are passive and unassertive—less fit to lead. |
Interesting Fact: The family name LAKE was ranked #1050 in the distribution sample of the United States Census for 1990 prepared by the U. S. Census Bureau.\nThis page will only show the first 100 matching genealogy resources for the Lake surname. For a complete list of available images and records, along with surname variations, please visit the Search for Lake Family results page. |
I finished reading The Prince by Francine Rivers this weekend. This book is written as a novella - a story that follows Jonathan's life based on what we know from the Bible.\nIt was a good encouragement that my attitude and posture in life is on the right track. Being called to serve doesn't mean you'll get the limelight. People won't always understand you or the decisions you make. I could totally relate to several situations that Francine put Jonathan into in this book that were along those lines. It was encouraging for me to realize that I don't have to be understood. I just have to live with my decision and belief that I'm doing what I believe God has called me to do, when and where He's called me to do it, and not worry about what other people might think.\nI've had some situations at work this week that made me feel unsupported and discouraged. Yes I made a mistake, but why do people have to escalate the situation behind my back? Why can't we just talk about it face to face instead of putting me down in emails to my superiors? I could relate to how Jonathan (and David) felt as characters in this book, and that was comforting. God is still with me. Circumstances and what I see physically do not comprise my whole life (or they shouldn't).\nAs a novella, this book is a pretty quick read. Included at the end are studies for small groups with questions. Its a fantastic resource for spiritual growth. And it turns out there's a whole series of them. Francine did 5 of these books focusing on men, and five looking at the lives of women in the bible. I've only just begun! |
With more than 30 years in the hospitality industry, Tom blends culinary expertise, commitment to service and creative vision to his role in the Food and Beverage Department. After graduating from the Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts, Tom began his leadership path as executive chef and food and beverage director at Killearn Country Club in Tallahassee, Florida, in the ’90s.\nAs executive chef for the Florida Department of Agriculture, Tom developed recipes and marketing initiatives highlighting Florida’s agriculture and seafood industries. During this time, Tom expanded his culinary expertise by traveling the globe giving cooking demonstrations and interactive presentations.\nIn 2004 Tom launched Soigné Culinary Artistry, a Chicago, Illinois-based company that partnered with corporations and business groups for team building, product development and customer service training through interactive culinary seminars. As executive chef, he offered to consult on menu design, recipe development, culinary training/mentoring and product design/photography for marketing material.\nUpon joining the Destination Kohler team in 2014, Tom oversaw food and beverage operations for external outlets including Whistling Straits®, Blackwolf Run®, Cucina and Craverie Chocolatier Café. Today Tom leads all culinary experience, talent and operations across the resort.\nBorn and raised in Kohler, Wisconsin, Matt developed his passion for cooking at a very young age. In fact, when asked as a kindergartener what he wanted to be when he grew up, Matt drew himself cooking in the kitchen with a tall white hat.\nMatt began his culinary career at age 15 as a steward, and he worked his way through the ranks to become a lead cook by his high school graduation. He then attended the California Culinary Academy and completed an externship in Honolulu. After graduation, Matt returned home to Kohler and became a cook at The Immigrant Restaurant & Winery Bar and, after eight years, became head chef. He utilized seasonal, fresh ingredients from all over the country and featured contemporary global cuisine. In 2013, Matt took on the additional role of restaurant manager, and in 2015 he was promoted to food and beverage manager for the entire resort.\nRaised in Toulouse, France, Chef Blouin began his pastry training when he was only 15 years old at a small bakery in his home town. He trained at the Pastry School of Muret and completed apprenticeships specializing in pastry and chocolate confections.\nChef Blouin moved to America and worked at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin resort hotel under two-time world champion pastry chef Laurent Branlard. Eager to expand his knowledge, Chef Blouin returned to Europe and worked at Michelin-starred restaurants Le Richelieu in France and Didier de Courten in Switzerland.\nIn 2006 Chef Blouin returned to America to work at the Bellagio in Las Vegas under renowned Chef Jean-Philippe Maury. He served as a pastry chef at the Aria Resort & Casino, where he managed two locations of the Jean-Philippe Pâtisseries. In 2011 Chef Blouin joined Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in the role of pastry chef. In August 2017, he joined Kohler Co. as Head Pastry Chef for Destination Kohler.\nWith a passion for simple, strong and classic flavors, Chef Blouin strives to create desserts that encourage guests to explore exciting and unique new culinary delights. Featuring whimsical presentations, ingredients of the highest quality and bold colors, his creations offer unforgettable flavors ranging from light to decadent. His many popular desserts, including reimagined cheesecakes and soufflés, showcase his modern interpretation of classic desserts. In 2015 he won first place at the renowned Valrhona C3 Pastry Competition in New York, earning him the opportunity to represent North America in the International Chefs Congress.\n“Creativity and invention are my favorite parts of the pastry industry,” said Chef Blouin. “Creating a dessert that is unique and that guests truly enjoy is the art of pastry at its best,” said Chef Blouin.\nChef Blouin continues to follow global pastry trends and French pastry chefs, including culinary icons Pierre Hermé and Christophe Michalak, who have had a profound influence on him both professionally and personally. Visionary creativity drives Chef Blouin to construct adventurous and delectable desserts for his guests at Destination Kohler.\nA graduate of the American Culinary Federation Apprenticeship Program, Chef Oppeneer has 17 years of culinary experience. He has worked in every Kohler restaurant, including The Immigrant Restaurant, Cucina, The Wisconsin Room and the Horse & Plow, and has been involved in Kohler Food & Wine Experience event each year.\nDuring his five years at The Immigrant Restaurant, he was part of the team that moved the restaurant from a three-star rating to four-star status. While head of the culinary team at the Horse & Plow, Chef Oppeneer developed a new menu for the remodeled restaurant featuring innovative pub fare with an emphasis on fresh ingredients. He oversaw events for the 2015 PGA Championship, Kohler Festival of Beer and the 2015 and 2016 Wisconsin Sports Awards events.\nChef Oppeneer left the American Club in June 2016 to lead food and beverage operations for Holy Family Memorial Hospital in Manitowoc where he improved patient and employee dining with healthy, fresh, local produce and also lead the community health goals team to promote healthy eating/nutrition and exercise. Chef Oppeneer rejoined Destination Kohler in September 2017 as Special Events Chef just in time to lead the team through this year’s Kohler Food & Wine Experience.\nFor more than a decade, Chef Paul Smitala has offered his culinary expertise to The American Club® Resort, one of only 36 hotels in the world to be both Forbes Five-Star and AAA Five Diamond. A Midwest native, Chef Smitala received his degree in hotel and restaurant management at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. After graduating with honors from The Culinary Institute of America, he joined The American Club Resort in 1996 as a banquet chef. In his tenure, Chef Smitala designed new banquet menus and dishes for groups of up to 800, serving creative dishes with only the freshest ingredients. In 1998, Chef Smitala joined the kitchen at Blackwolf Run Golf Course as head chef.\nChef Smitala has been involved in creating culinary masterpieces for numerous large-scale events including the 1998 U.S. Women’s Open, the 2004 PGA Championship, 2007 U.S. Senior Open, the 2010 PGA Championship, 2010 Champions Toast at Augusta and the 2012 U.S. Women’s Open. He has also had the honor of cooking at the James Beard House twice in New York City, and he serves as a national spokesperson for the Kitchens of Kohler.\nIn 2008, Chef Smitala received the Chef of the Year Salute to Excellence Award from the Wisconsin Restaurant Association, and in 2009 he earned the Milwaukee Area Technical College Civic Apprenticeship Award for his work in mentoring culinary students. Under Chef Smitala’s leadership, Blackwolf Run has been honored with the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence since 2002.\nIn addition to overseeing the food, beverage and special events at Blackwolf Run, Chef Smitala also spends time in The Kitchens of Kohler, located in The Shops at Woodlake Kohler, teaching guests about a variety of recipes, trends and styles of cooking.\nDan began cooking at a small German-style restaurant in his hometown of Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Throughout high school, he enjoyed working at the restaurant and had his mind set on going to culinary school after graduation.\nDan attended Kendall College in Evanston, Illinois. After completing his general education requirements, he started to focus on the culinary art classes at Kendall. Dan interned at The Wisconsin Room at The American Club® in Kohler, Wisconsin, for six months. After completing another year of school, he received his associate’s degree in culinary arts.\nHe started working full-time for a large-scale catering and food-service company in Chicago called Food For Thought. He catered for groups of people from 2 to 5000 throughout Chicago and the North Shore.\nIn July 2004, Dan was hired at The American Club as the banquet chef. He was a strong contributor to special events throughout Destination Kohler, including the Kohler Festival of Beer and the Kohler Food & Wine Experience, and he facilitated many team-building cooking events, cooking demonstrations and classes. Dan has cooked for the James Beard House, Kohler KBIS tradeshows, 2004 and 2010 PGA Championships, 2007 U.S. Men’s Senior Open and the 2012 U.S. Women’s Open. In 2012, Chef Dries took his eight years of experience at The American Club and applied it to Whistling Straits Restaurant, overlooking Lake Michigan and the world-renowned Whistling Straits golf courses. In 2014, Dan took on additional responsibilities as the restaurant manager and chef at Whistling Straits, and he is preparing for the 2015 PGA Championship and 2020 Ryder Cup.\nA native Chicagoan from a family of restaurateurs, Chef Bill Terranova was mentored in fine dining under renowned Italian Chef Cesare Casella at New York City’s Upper West Side eatery Salumeria Rosi. There, Chef Terranova learned the subtleties of Italian cuisine focusing on freshness and love. He and Chef Casella opened a second location on the Upper East Side of New York. During his time in New York, Chef Terranova absorbed culinary concepts from Chef Casella and interacted with some of the world’s best chefs.\nReturning home to Chicago, Chef Terranova switched to Spanish cuisine and worked with famed Iron Chef Jose Garces before returning to his passion to develop a new fine dining Italian restaurant in Chicago’s Gold Coast.\nHaving worked in New York City and Chicago alongside titans of the culinary world, Chef Terranova has a broad spectrum of experiences to share with diners at Cucina Italian Restaurant at Destination Kohler. A passionate teacher, and former guest lecturer at New York's famed International Culinary Center, his goal is to introduce guests to the Italian philosophy of simple, honest food using fresh, seasonal ingredients and the unique cuisine inspired by regional Italian fare.\nSandra Wassink, restaurant manager and head chef has been instrumental in the success of River Wildlife since its inception in 1979. Sandy, as she is known, started as a kitchen assistant in her teenage years and sharpened her culinary skills by sheer talent and listening to her many followers. Sandy insists on sourcing locally grown ingredients for her weekly changing menu such as pheasant, quail and foraged wild morels to a perennial favorite, freshly caught walleye. Using both innovative and time tested techniques, her team creates inspired comfort food that highlights the best the Midwest has to offer. Open to members and resort guests only, River Wildlife is known for its outstanding countrified gourmet cuisine and is widely accepted as one of the top dining venues in the state of Wisconsin and beyond.\nA self-taught chef, Chef Fitzgerald chose to build his culinary knowledge right in the kitchen instead of taking the traditional path through culinary school. He began as a line cook at Blackwolf Run nearly 15 years ago and worked at restaurants in Napa Valley, Elkhart Lake and Milwaukee before his recent return to Destination Kohler. Chef Fitzgerald emphasizes local resources and enjoys incorporating fresh, seasonal produce into his creations. Chef Fitzgerald joins the Wisconsin Room after serving as Chef of Horse & Plow in 2015 and 2016. |
Network Signal Info APK Latest Download For PC Windows Full Version.Network Signal Info APK Apps Full Version Download for PC.Download Network Signal Info APK Latest Version for PC,Laptop,Windows.”Network Signal Info” provides detailed information over the currently used network with accurate signal strength output, whether WiFi (WLAN) or cellular (mobile) connection and is easy to use.\n3.Open Android Emulator for PC,Laptop,Tablet import the Network Signal Info APK file from your PC Into Android Emulator to install it.\n4.Install Network Signal Info APK APPS for PC Windows.Now you can play Network Signal Info APK on PC. |
We didn’t make a big fuss when our new website went live and we filled it with lots of interesting relevant content, but thanks to Google, we recently received an enquiry from a someone that searched for ‘server room air conditioning’.\nFortunately, it’s not just something we do, but something we do well and on a grand scale, often working in huge data centres to design and install more efficient cooling systems – chilled water and direct expansion systems.\nLike many, this buyer from a large commercial operation that exports globally, decided to use the internet to find a business capable of not just quoting for the new system, but one with the experience to help consult on what would work best and how to future-proof the system.\nOut popped our name, in the organic search, which is always pleasing and our own Sales Director, Michael Price was up the motorway to survey the company’s server room.\nThe cloud might have captured all the headlines, but when a business relies on 3-D design applications, or undertakes a lot of data manipulation, then keeping your servers on-premise makes sense – but as they work harder and you add more, you have to work harder to keep them cool.\nMichael was walked around the huge site by the company’s facilities manager, who provided a lot of the detail we need to be able to tailor a system to deliver the right result for current needs, with room for increased capacity in the future.\nThe modern trend of hot aisle containment sounds odd, but makes a lot of sense. Hot aisle containment increases the effectiveness of data centre cooling. It uses physical barriers to separate the exhausted hot server rack air from the incoming cooled air rising from the floor – we’ll explain soon in more detail in a blog.\nMichael’s experience and a few hours with our air-conditioning design system and the quote was on its way. Feedback has been favourable, but Holborn is never a business to count chickens, when looking at eggs.\nWe’ll keep you posted and explain the project if we are good enough to secure the work, although we still won’t be able to name the client – sorry.\nIs your air-conditioning ready for this summer’s heatwave? |
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Bags & Fruits’s motto is “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” both because of its proximity to the wonderful Mercato de’ Fiori Farmers Market and, most of all, because of our philosophy: each product selected for you is the result of constant research all over Italy on handmade handbags and shoes for men and women, together with the highest standards of materials, style and attention to detail.\nBags & Fruits means Italian craftsmanship, uniqueness, style.\nChat with Jaim, your Personal Shopper!\nBags and shoes in a click!\nEnter into the virtual shop on this page: you can move between our handcrafted bags and shoes, just as you were there. Choose your favorite accessory and contact Jaim Telias, your Personal Shopper and founder of Bags & Fruits, to communicate the chosen product. It will be his care to listen to every need, prepare the shipment and send it to you as soon as possible!\nJaim is available every day from 10am to 20pm, except Sunday from 11.30 am.\nContact Jaim to order your favorite bag! |
To Fredrick, the action on the pitch was just as dreary as it had been the day before. As soon as he dared, he chanced a glance along the VIP box. Everyone was seated, and either watching the games intently, or deep in gossip-rich conversation. Fredrick noticed that Stevenage was absent, though everyone else was accounted for.\nFredrick guessed why the Gnorbu was missing... he just had to wait for confirmation. It came during the Meridell-Virtupets game. Soon after the first Meridell goal was scored, a Clockwork Yooyu emerged from the bowels of the pitch, and began spinning. Windelle, the Techo forward and Captain of the Meridell team, scooped up the Yooyu and began his run against the Virtupets goal. He’d barely made it a few metres before the Yooyu exploded in his arms. It was a bigger blast than the normal explosion, and Windelle was thrown backwards, badly burned. A gasp ran through the stadium from the fans, which Fredrick allowed Rodney to join as he was of course an avid Meridell fan. A soldier ran into the back of the box and whispered to Inspector Softpaw. The Eyrie’s face set gravely, and he rushed out of the box.\nAs Windelle was lifted off the pitch on a stretcher, Fredrick watched the entrance to the lockers. Soldiers, led by Softpaw, were converging upon it. They all disappeared into the bowels of the stadium.\nWhispers erupted in the VIP box. Something big was clearly happening; as a substitute had not come on to replace Windelle.\n“I wonder if they’ve apprehended the villain?” Tobik whispered in Fredrick’s ear.\nThe centre of the pitch opened again and the Yooyu platform appeared out of the darkness below. It wasn’t a Petpet sat upon it, though; it was a Nimmo that Fredrick recognised as the janitor he had been talking to earlier that day. He looked dazed and bewildered, as if he’d just woken up.\n“Who is that?” Arthur Monroe said loudly beside Fredrick.\n“He looks unsavoury,” a purple Lenny volunteered.\nAt once, fireworks erupted all around the stands. They would normally have been saved for the awards ceremony at the end of the Cup, but someone had set them off early.\nAs the crowd looked upwards in amazement at the pyrotechnic display, Fredrick glared down into the stands. He recognised a distraction when he saw one, and he wouldn’t be suckered in.\nDown in the stands, a flustered looking purple Acara emerged from the locker room entrance. As he disappeared into the crowd, Fredrick saw his appearance begin to blur and change, the unmistakable sign of a morphing potion at work. A few moments later, Softpaw and the rest of the soldiers that had gone below came out of the exit, scouring the stands for the criminal. Greenbolt didn’t seem to be with them; perhaps he was still attending to whatever had happened backstage?\nAs the fireworks came to a close, Fredrick glimpsed Mr. Stevenage returning to the VIP box. He sat down and cooed at the final fireworks as if he’d been there the entire time. The soldiers fanned out through the crowds, but they’d never find who they were looking for. They were seeking an Acara, and it was a Gnorbu that would get away.\nThe crowd was fast becoming restless, and boos were erupting on all sides. The two teams had left the pitch, and the bewildered janitor had been led off. Softpaw emerged, and took centre stage. He held a Virtupets microphone in one hand, which he used to speak with the crowd.\nHe left the pitch to a chorus of even louder boos and insults. The crowd were not in a good mood.\nSlowly, the fans filed out. Fredrick noticed that Stevenage was one of the first out of the door. He’d obviously be rushing back to the industrial district. Fredrick lingered near the back of the crowd.\n“Rodney Clacks,” a voice addressed him.\nFredrick turned to see the Yurble, Inspector Greenbolt, leaning against the wall again.\n“Quite the show, wasn’t it?” Greenbolt said, almost smirking.\n“It wasn’t me, before you start,” Fredrick told him.\n“I know that; Softpaw told me you were in the box when it happened,” Greenbolt chuckled.\n“What happened then?” Fredrick asked.\n“It was a Faerie Buzz we cornered in the pen,” Greenbolt told him.\n“You’ve been busy,” Greenbolt laughed.\n“You can arrest him now, and I can go,” Fredrick said meaningfully.\n“Not just yet... I still need proof,” Greenbolt corrected him.\n“But you know it isn’t me!” Fredrick shouted.\n“What proof would you like then?” Fredrick asked glumly.\n“Well, catching him in the act would be good enough... failing that, some sort of signed confession or something. I’m sure you’ll think of something... you’re resourceful like that,” Greenbolt said mockingly.\nFredrick narrowed his eyes at the Inspector, before turning to go.\nHe’d have to confront Stevenage; there was nothing else for it.\nNight had set in by the time Fredrick reached the Industrial District. Tobik’s party would be starting soon... but hopefully it would all be over by the time Rodney Clacks was missed. Fredrick had changed back to his normal form. Shadows were best suited to a shadow Ruki, not the glitz of Rodney.\nHe found the abandoned paper warehouse, and carefully prized off one of the boards covering the door. He slipped inside, pinning himself to the inside wall.\nThe warehouse was dusty, and Spyders scuttled between the long abandoned stacks of cardboard boxes. The pale moonlight flooded in through broken skylights, but between the aisles of boxes it was still gloomy. As Fredrick edged along, he saw candlelight flickering in a corner.\nThere, propped up against the wall, was a small camp bed, a mirror balanced upon one of the boxes, and a purple Acara sat in front of it. A sizable collection of bottles surrounded him, and Mr. Stevenage’s clothes were laid out pristinely on the bed.\nFredrick moved slowly into the light. The Acara’s eyes darted towards the movement in the mirror. He spun round, backing away towards the wall.\n“Who are you?” the Acara demanded.\nThe Acara stopped backing away.\n“Now it’s my turn, who are you? I know your name isn’t Mr. Stevenage,” Fredrick asked.\nThe Acara sat down on the camp bed, head in his hands. Fredrick considered that he looked tired, and very old.\n“My name... is Shome, Joseph Shome,” he told Fredrick.\nThe Acara smiled distantly at the memory of the most famous thief ever. The one that law enforcers didn’t even know existed.\n“I just told you, I am Joseph Shome,” he said simply.\n“I won’t ask again,” Fredrick threatened.\n“Will this convince you?” the Acara asked.\nHe dipped into a pocket and produced an expensive looking locket which he tossed to Fredrick.\n“You’ll find the royal seal of Sakhmet on the back,” the Acara added.\nWas this really Shome, the greatest and most ruthless conman ever to live?\nHe sat before Fredrick, looking broken, depressed... and on the brink of failure. A frail old man, not the master criminal Fredrick had dreamed of as a child.\n“What are you doing here?” Fredrick asked, throwing the locket back.\n“By fixing the result of the Cup?” Fredrick asked.\n“Ask yourself, what is the most valuable part of the Altador Cup?” Shome smirked.\nThere was a glint in the old Acara’s eyes.\n“The Cup itself,” Fredrick answered eventually.\n“Exactly! I’m going to steal it! Tonight, as a matter of fact,” Shome laughed.\nFredrick couldn’t believe what he was seeing... here was the greatest conman ever to live, one that he’d idolised since he was a kid on the streets of Neopia Central... and he was just ready to give up?\nFredrick couldn’t let that happen.\n“Thank you,” Shome said hoarsely.\nFredrick left the warehouse with his head filled with new thoughts. He didn’t have any ideas... there didn’t seem to be anything he could do. The old man would walk straight into a trap, and Fredrick would be forever known as the man who sold out Shome, or he’d get away with it and Fredrick would rot in the Altador cells forever. Either way Fredrick knew one thing, Rodney Clacks would have to make an appearance at the party after all.\n"What an adventure this turned out to be." |
Citizens of Serbia can apply for a visitor pass on arrival for a stay of up to 90 days. Applicants must show evidence of return transportation, adequate accommodations, proof of sufficient funds and medical/travel insurance including evacuation coverage.\nThe Embassy of Saint Helena does not accept applications for this type of visa from citizens of Serbia. The good news is that the visa is issued on arrival.\nSaint Helena visa for citizens of Serbia is required. For more information please contact the nearest Saint Helena embassy. |
Planning a holiday is always fun – especially to countries with great scenery and beautiful architecture and culture; for example planning for Iceland Holidays is just such a joy. From my travel research, this is, in my opinion, top 5 places in Iceland that any visitors to the country should check out.\nCovering an area of 36.5 square km Myvatn is the fourth largest lake in Iceland. It has an abundance of small coves and over 40 small islets. You will have to experience for yourself the stunning natural beauty of the area. Some of the most popular places are the lava formations at Dimmu Borgir a result of an active volcanic past, Mt. Hverfjall an enormous crater (The rim of the crater is only accessible by two trails, It is strictly forbidden to use other routes up or down). Krafla a 10km caldera, and the geothermal area east of Namaskarour.You will have a great opportunity to observe the abundant bird life in this bizarre landscape.\nGeysers. No trip to Iceland would be complete without a visit to see the Geysers. The Great Geyser was the greatest natural attraction in Iceland in the past. It used to erupt a jet of boiling water and steam 80m high into the air.\nStrokkur is now one of the most famous geysers in Iceland and you can judge when it will erupt as it does so every 5 to 10 minutes. The Great Geyser is located only 20 meters away from it. The spout reaches up to 20 meters’ high and although it is not as high as its’ great predecessor, it is still an impressive sight.\nEverywhere you look you can see the boiling sulphurous landscape which has many dotted steaming vents and hot and cold springs. Even if you are not a gardener/plant lover you will notice the rare and primitive plant life that grows in this unusual location.\nThe Blue Lagoon is a stunning natural feature in Iceland. Research tells me that the white Silica mud and blue-green algae form a light natural sediment on the bottom of the lagoon giving it its ghostly, opaque, aquamarine colour. One can not help but be drawn to this natural wonder. Purported to have curative powers this man-made lagoon has a water temperature of 40C. The Blue Lagoon is a truly magnificent and unique experience especially if you wish to bathe in it when there is snow all around you!\nOn a clear day in Reykjavik, the enigmatic Snaefellsjokull glacier can be seen across the sea in the distance even though it is over 60 miles away. People believe that it has mystical powers ever since Jules Verne wrote The Journey to the Centre of the Earth”. The landscape features stunning moorlands, beautiful meadows, rivers and small ponds along with beautiful rock formations not to mention the black sand beaches. Being in Iceland was like being on another planet.\nThingvellir National Park is said by some to be one of the most beautiful places in Iceland, having seen so much of it I could not make such a statement as Icelands’ landscape has so many unusual and truly remarkable locations. To Icelanders, Thingvellir is a place of great importance as Parliament was founded there in year 930.\nLooks like I want to see a gold Phallus! Haha. Seriously speaking I really don’t know that there are places on Iceland that is not covered with snows that tourist can visit. Thanks for letting us know it on your blog and for the stunning pictures too!\nIreland is a spectacular place in every aspect. The Geysers is something that I want to see. I think there are not many places in the world where one can see such Geysers. Its amazing how people can just walk so close to them. |
With 30 years' experience in the HR Consulting industry - you are in safe hands. We operate from a global platform and have partners in 22 countries worldwide. As pioneers in the recruitment and executive search industry in South Africa we stand out from the rest. |
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Located in Mandeville Hall, the Wolfington Teletorium™ is a combination classroom and auditorium offering state-of-the-art teaching and presentation capabilities to faculty, staff, and students.\nEquipment in the Teletorium™ includes computers and software, projectors, and cameras. Each of the 250 seats is equipped with a jack that allows users to plug laptop computers into the campus computing network. Additionally, the Teletorium™ can broadcast and receive video and sound nationally and internationally, making it a complete distance-learning facility.\nUltimately, the Teletorium™ offers a glimpse of the future of education in which traditional pedagogical methods are combined with the latest technology to give students a full learning experience and assist in simulating real-work environments for teaching principles of business, art, and science. |
Apple’s iOS 7 beta is very much the hot topic right now, with everyone having an opinion on whether Jony Ive’s redesign hits the mark or not. Whether you’re a fan of those colorful icons or not, one thing you must surely agree with is that the new keyboard looks awesome.\nFor those that have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, the reason for our new love for the iOS keyboard is its ever-so-subtle transparency that adds some much needed layering to the experience. Layering, it seems, was the watch word when Ive and his team set about turning iOS into something a little more modern than iOS 6.\nWhile it is indeed possible to get iOS 7 installed on your iDevice, it’s debatable as to whether you really should. Battery life, crashing apps and general beta-ness is always rife with early releases, so why not have the translucent keyboard of iOS 7 without all the issues? If you’re jailbroken, there’s no reason why you can’t.\nIf you’ve lusted after the ability to see what’s underneath your iPhone’s keyboard when typing out an iMessage or email, then this tweak may be just what you’ve been waiting for, especially if you didn’t want to give iOS 7 beta a try or just don’t have access to it.\nOf course, the translucent keyboard is just part of what iOS 7 has to offer, and as the operating system matures we’re sure it will turn into something quite special. The first two betas so far have shown a lot of promise in its current state, we just can’t wait to see what crops up in subsequent betas over the next couple of months. |
Fiona trained at the National Ballet School of Canada in Toronto, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School, and at the North Carolina School of the Arts. She was also invited to attend the Houston Ballet School. Fiona has danced with Royal Winnipeg Ballet and on Carnival Cruise Lines. She has had opportunities to work with Mr. Ellison of Ellison Ballet in New York, as well as with Fiona Fairrie.\nFiona has taught at Draper Center in Rochester, New York, The Dallas Conservatory, Dallas Powerhouse, Dallas Youth Repertory Project, Next Step Performing Arts, and Highland Park Dance Company. Fiona has also had the chance to choreograph “The Wiz” for a high school in New York City.\nStudents of Fiona’s have been accepted to and received multiple scholarships to top schools including School of American Ballet, Houston Ballet, American Ballet Theater, Ellison Ballet, Kirov Academy, Boston Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Alonzo Kings Lines Ballet, San Francisco Conservatory, Joffrey Ballet School, Alvin Ailey, Boston Conservatory, Indiana University, New York University, Texas Christian University, Oklahoma University, Arizona State University, University of North Texas, and University of Southern California. |
We write to lodge our objection to a skateboard park in the village. The noise pollution, which incidentally would not miraculously cease at dusk, would be a source of constant nuisance to local residents of the site and the average age groups and probable vandalism this type of venue would attract – from neighbouring villages, also – far outweighs any ‘benefits’ to our local youngsters and is definately not a necessity. The idea of a graffitti area is appalling. Artistic tendacies should be confined to paper or canvas.\nWe agree with both Jenny Duckworth ( March 15, 2012 at 11:30 am ) and Jane (August 2, 2012 at 9:49 pm ).\nOur son and his friends currently use a hump in the pavement in Northwood Avenue to pratice on their scooters. It would be far safer if there was a small bowl in the recreation ground.\nWe don’t agree with Matt Stuteleys comment’s in the High Halstow Times against the skate park as there is nothing to stop girls using it if they want too and, as for it being limited to boys between the age of ten and sixteeen – well aren’t there age restrictions on the exisiting aparatus in the park?\nWe don’t believe the scooters are a flash in the pan and a small skate park would be a good way for the boys (and girkls) to keep fit, away from the traffic and socialise with their friends. Skateboarders could also use it.\nOur house looks over the green area off Gypsy Way, and selfishly, I would prefer the skate park not to be sited there. This is a more natural bit of green space with trees, to be enjoyed by all, and should be kept that way.\nThe Recreation ground seems the logical location for a skate park, keeping all facilities together.\nThis is only my personal opinion, but I don’t believe building a skateboard park in High Halstow is a good idea.\nA referendum should be held to find out if the majority of residents want a skatebord park.\nIf it’s decided yes and can be funded without extra financial burden to the residents, then the green area by Gypsy Way is definitely not the place to build it. When the estate was built, it was a requirement of the planning process to have a certain percentage of green space and so this area should remain green space.\nNor does it need to be flood lit.\nIf a footpath could be created from High Halstow to Deangate as part of the project, then this would appear to be the ideal choice of area. A footpath would also have a secondary benefit to all the residents. There is public footpath access from Christmas Lane to Deangate Sports Ground, so perhaps this could be improved.\nIf a footpath cannot be created or improved, then the park close to the existing play area appears to be the next choice or is there a more suitable area on the outskirts of the village?\nThese are just my thoughts. Thanks. Steve.\nThis may seem a random observation but I think we are all forgetting that teenagers don’t (unless their parents move here) just appear in our communities as teenagers and I find the continued demonisation of teenagers, who in this instance happen to be our children distasteful.\nGive those younger children in the play park 10 years and they will be the teenagers you are complaining about.\nThe new residents within the new estates are happy to take the attitude of “not in my back yard” but no doubt are happy to use the facility available within the main part of the village. Just as well this attitude was not prevalent when the village hall and park were being formed.\nI am against a skate park in High Halstow, and especially on the green off half moon way, as this is very residential and overlooked by houses. I think a skate park would attract teenagers who would cause a noise issue with local residents and vandalisation, also the teenagers would put younger children off using the skate park.\nI fully support the request for a skatepark (or equivalent hard surface with ramps, bumps etc) and have been impressed with the recent request and supporting arguments made by the youngsters in High Halstow. My son and his friends went through the same process in 2005/2006 but then the only audience was George Croser who all but promised them a Skate Park.\nIts also safe to say it is not simply to support “this years must have” but as already mentioned provide a surface for a huge range of 2,3 and 4 wheeled bikes trikes etc.\nThe park would seem the best location, it is after all the central play area.\nLets hope this time the youngsters get their skate park, they should have had one for the past 6 years……..\nHaving read the comments regarding the Skateboard Park, I am of the opinion that it is not really necessary in High Halstow. Granted, there are a lot of the small scooters around at the moment, but that seems to be this years must have, they are everywhere ! To build a skate park would be a very expensive undertaking, and I would think the funds could be better spent elsewhere. If it were to be built, the best place would be the recreation ground, not on the Estate itself. Just imagine if you bought a house with a lovely green and view outside, only to have it spoilt by an ugly structure full of youngsters every night and weekend. The noise alone would be a nuisance. It is a fact of life that a group of youngsters make a lot of noise ! I don’t necessarily object to a skate park, but the location and cost must be very carefully considered. And what about Health and Safety in this day and age !\nAs to graffiti, that does not belong anywhere.\nFirst of all, I don’t think anyone is “fighting” for it!\nIf it’s at Deangate, it won’t be used, defeating the object of having it in the first place.\nI agree that the green on Gypsy way may not be the best place though. I am one of the VERY few people that live clear view of both locations.\nIn my opinion, the park is the best place and am looking forward to a sensible discussion about it at the Parish Council meeting in September. It’s a shame that some people have made their minds up based on the assumption that the young people in our village are all criminals.\nMaybe we should invite representatives from other villages where they have been installed so that we can learn from their experiences? George?\nA skateboard park may be a good idea but its location is of paramount importance.\nAny thought of it being located on the green by gypsy way is totally unexceptable.\nI moved on to the estate because of its locallity / looks and peaceful nature.\nA park on it is not repeat NOT in the interests of its residents.\nI think a village skate park is a very good idea, as mentioned, it can be used by many different sports.\nHaving had to cycle to Gillingham Skate Park ‘back in the day’ I think that you would be surprised to see how many people will make use of it.\nGoing by the contact you have had so far, you will notice, going by the age and replies – these kids deserve it – safer than the curb side.\nThe problem with Deangate is that it’s not easily accessible. I doubt many parents would relish the idea of their children walking/riding along Dux Court Road!\nThe other thing that you are very unlikely to find at a skatepark is graffiti. Have a drive around the villages around here that have them, I doubt you’ll find any at all.\nAlso, I’m not sure how providing a safe place for the children of the village to play is encouraging criminal behaviour! We don’t live in an inner city slum – skateparks are not the root of all evil!\nIt is up to us as community to encourage and guide the young people of the village to make the right choices in life, teaching them to stereotype is certainly not the way forward.\nI really hope that this can become a reality in whatever form it takes. I’m sure that the uncertain few that oppose this will be pleasantly surprised by the positive impact this will have in the village.\nIf Dux Court tennis courts aren’t being used that seems like a good place for skate ramps; it could be used by High Halstow and Hoo youth giving them all a better opportunity to share and learn from each other, more opportunity to keep fit getting there, short walk, no parents need to transport them. No way should there be somewhere to spread graffiti, its criminal damage and we would be encourage children to break the law.\nHi, a skate park would be a brillant idea, because it keeps us off the streets and when we go to practice tricks elsewhere, we get told to clear off. Where can we put it? Next to the basketball pitch or next to the childrens playground would be a great idea! What’s bad about it, when children can have fun, socialise and keep fit at the same time?\nI think a skate park is a brilliant idea and wondered if anyone has considered the facilities at Deangate, in Dux Court Rd. where the running track is? There are 2 tennis courts which are quite dilapidated and little used which surely could be put to better use.\nI dont see many if any skate boards around High Halstow ?? Where is the need for a skate board park? Who would use it? What is a skate board park it sounds big?\nWhy dont you identify a couple of skate board parks you would like to have. I dont want you to suggest which one to go and see. I would like you to take me and some of the Parish Councillors to see what you do at a skate board park.?\nIt may be called a Skateboard Park, but they are used buy BMXs, Scooters, Skateboards & roller skates/blades.\nOn a sunny afternoon (and some not so sunny afternoons!) you will see many scooters around the village.\nThey don’t take up too much space, generally less than a single tennis court – a lot of villages that have skate parks have converted a tennis court as they are very inefficient use of space – only up to four people at a time as opposed to 15-20 on a skate park.\nAs you know, many people drive their cars too fast around the village and often reverse out of their drives without looking. If it wasn’t for our good road sense, there could have been several accidents by now.\nScooters, skateboards and roller blades do not work on grass, so we have to play on the smooth pavements around the village.\nOur favourite “village” skate park is in Cliffe – we would be more than willing to take you there and show you what we can do!\nEarlier in 2011 we asked for a local skatepark to be built in the park or on the green outside Gypsy Way.\nWe are repeatedly being asked to stay away/ told off for playing on public footpaths on our scooters/skateboards.\nA skatepark would be a great destination for friends to meet up and learn new tricks from eachother as for some tricks you need a ramp to perform.\nA skatepark would also encourage youths to become active and stay out of mischief.\nI have heard that some people in High Halstow would like a football cage and a swimming pool although we have a football apparatus in High Halstow park and we also have a local swimming pool in Hoo.\nThe youths of High Halsow would be very thankful if the council would proceed with a skatepark.\nThere are a couple of locations to place the skatepark such as the recreational ground (park) and the green outside gypsy way.\nIn my opinion the park would be a perfect location for the skatepark because it is in the centre of High Halstow making the skatepark easy to get to for all youths of the village.\nI and a few other children have asked residents within the village their opinions on building the skatepark and, roughly, 7/10 people said that it was a great idea – only on a couple of occasions did somebody say it was a waste of time and money.\nI believe that this skatepark would be a great investment because it is a healthy place for youths to gather and exercise thereby getting off xbox’s and playstations.\nBy building the skatepark out of wood from sustainable sources we can aim to offset our carbon footprint.\nAlso wood is not only cheaper than concrete but it’s flexibility makes it safer.\nWithin the skatepark there could be a designated graffiti area for youths and teens to express their art work thus cutting down on graffiti around the village.\nMy two boys are passionate about scootering. They practice for hours learning new tricks and skills. As a family we visit various skateparks including ones that have been installed in villages such as our own – Meopham, Istead Rise and Culverstone Green. These are basic recreation areas that in one corner have a small skatepark enabling young people of various ages to spend their free and precious time.\nI feel sad that my two boys who choose scootering as a hobby with friends are only able to utilise local kerb stones in High Halstow, which as most of the society would agree with me is dangerous.\nI understand the parish concerns when considering such a piece of equipment for our young people but I feel there are too many positives for it not to be considered.\nHaving worked with young people in the past I have witnessed the young people’s approach when using the skateparks. They are given the opportunity to interact with all ages showing understanding of ability, manners and working out what and when things are appropriate. You don’t often see a 14 year helping/ teaching a younger child a new trick or skill. All of these take some adults a good few years to work out.\nLearning to share is one of of greatest things we can learn in this short life, but these young boys and girls seem to learn this quickly otherwise the area fails. Many people are able to use a relatively small area at once, making it a very efficient use of space, unlike something such as a tennis court. It works!!!!\nSociety is forever moving forward – we need to keep our young people motivated and interested in things that are healthy and challenging.\nWhen we moved to High Halstow it was attractive because it was so community orientated, providing something for everyone.\nI do not believe that a skatepark will lower the tone of High Halstow, only enhance it. Giving young people activities instead of having to group on roads. It will teach them how to work together and look after each other and protect their own environment.\nI hope to be able to attend the next parish council meeting to discuss this further.\nI would like to know if this skate park idea is going forward . Me and my mates Have asked some of the public in high halstow and all of them have answered with a yes . Also me and some others have started making a poster for a fundraising scooter competition at high halstow park , it costs a pound to enter and there will be a prize for the winner . All we need now is a number that people can call to enter and the date of the competition . We would like as much help and people to be involved in this as possible so please could you reply if you want to either take part or help out with this fundraising event .\nI think there should be a skate park in High Halstow because it will encourage all the children around the village to get out and get fit and plus we don’t have anything like this at the moment. My brother and I have just got scooters and would really love somewhere like this in the village.\nI agree with all comments, I have just got my own scooter and every time we find some where to play we end up being asked to move on when we are innocently playing. It would be nice for the children of High Halstow to have a skate park because the nearest park in at Cascades near Gravesend and we would need to rely on our parents to ferry us to and from the park, which would cause air pollution as we would need to drive there and back.\nIf the skate park was in the village it would not only keep the village children off the streets and safe from playing on the side of the roads and maybe someone getting injured in front of a car or bus.\nI really think the village needs somewhere for us kids to ‘Hang Out’ and be with our friends, and we do not want to upset the residents of High Halstow. All we want is for everyone to be happy and safe.\nI agree with all the above comments. Having a skate park would be very beneficial and would keep children out of mischief. Many children in the village enjoy being out and about using Bmx bikes, scooters and skateboards, so having a permanent place where they can play would enable children to meet new friends (with the same hobbies), and practice/learn new tricks. I also agree with Jarrad, having a range of different sized ramps (small-large) would be great as it can be used by all ages.\nA good place to have it would be next to the basketball hoop/ football area.\nAbout the suggestion of a skate park. I understand that some people may worry about the safety side of a skate park. A skate park is not just for skate boards, BMX bikes and stunt scooters can also do tricks on the ramps etc in a ”skate Park” .If the users are careful and take time to practice the risks if getting harmed can be quite low, also if smaller ramps as well as big ramps are built then the park can be used by people of all ages and abilities. I can’t think of a better way of keeping us busy than a skate park. I agree with Joel about the health benefits and I feel very strongly that anything that gets kids moving is good. As for a suggestion of location, I also can think of a number of places in the recreation ground that are suitable. Next to the childrens play area, by the basket ball hoop and next to cricket pitch are big enough.\nI really hope the parish council will give this request a good thought, as there is lot of kids who think the same.\nI think the skate park would be great idea, I was wanting to ask the Parish Council myself. Lots of my friends ride BMX Bikes and scooters that can also use a skate park. I think a skate park would be a good way of keeping children out of mischief, and make us all fit. My mum says the Press is full of warnings about children leading unhealthly lifestyles, I think that a skate park would really motivate us to get moving, grab some fresh air and socialise. I am sure that the area near the cricket pitch could fit a skate park and that everyone in the village could have fun even if they just go to watch.\ngraffiti area as it would keep a lot of people out of mischief. |
The Treasury Department says the new aid, which comes from a taxpayer-financed bailout fund, is less than the roughly $6 billion the government had earlier thought GMAC would need to stabilize the company.\nThe fresh infusion is on top of $12.5 billion in taxpayer money Detroit-based GMAC has already received from the government. The new agreement will boost the federal government's ownership in GMAC to 56 percent, from 35 percent.\nWASHINGTON (AP) -- The government on Wednesday was moving ahead with a fresh multibillion dollar cash infusion to stabilize auto finance company GMAC Financial Services as it continues to struggle with big losses in its home mortgage unit, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.\nThe person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because discussions weren't complete, says the government aid would range around $3 billion. That would be less than the roughly $6 billion the government had earlier thought GMAC would need to stabilize the company.\nShoring up GMAC has been a major component of the Obama administration's massive effort to rescue ailing automakers General Motors and Chrysler. The lender provides critical wholesale financing to thousands of GM and Chrysler auto dealers, allowing them to stock their showroom floors with vehicles. GMAC has already received $12.5 billion in taxpayer money and is 35 percent owned by the federal government.\nBut GMAC also operates a large residential mortgage business, ResCap, which was battered by the recent housing collapse. GMAC was obligated by the Treasury Department to raise $11.5 billion in additional capital earlier this year after failing the government's stress test for banks, largely because of ResCap's big losses.\nAn announcement of the latest injection of aid could come late Wednesday or on Thursday.\nTreasury spokesman Andrew Williams declined to offer details, but said: "Treasury is in discussions with GMAC to ensure its capital needs as determined ... by the stress tests are met."\nGMAC spokeswoman Gina Proia said Wednesday that GMAC is weighing options for reviving ResCap. It is also reviewing its broader business as it tries to improve its financial health and eventually repay the taxpayer money it has already received.\nGMAC, which also provides financing to car buyers, has also been hurt by the rapid decline of the U.S. auto industry after sales crumbled due to the recession and financial woes of the big automakers. Sales of cars and trucks were down 24 percent through November compared with the same part of last year. The industry is expected to sell around 10 million cars this year, one of the worst performances for autos sales in decades.\nDespite the drop in auto sales, GMAC's auto lending business has shown some signs of revival. The auto financing division earned a profit of $395 million during the third quarter. The company's online consumer banking unit, Ally Bank, has also been a bright spot by bringing in billions of dollars in new deposits by offering relatively high interest rates. It now accounts for about 29 percent of GMAC's assets.\nAP Business Writers Candice Choi and Dan Strumpf in New York contributed to this report. |
Top up your mobile phone battery life, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!\n- Light Weight, it weighs just 36 grams!\nSimply plug the charger into a computer USB port or a USB charger and allow it to charge.\nYou will then be able to give your mobile that added bit of juice when you need it most, wherever you are!\nBe the first to submit a review for the Ventus Portable Mobile Phone Charger. |
Bachelor Premiere and this Little Girl does not Want to go to Bed!\nThis Cute Toddler is a Guacamole Savage!\nTwo Stories Tall Grim Reaper...This Will Give You The Chills!\nDon’t Let Grandma Park Your Car!!!\n2000 lb BULL RagDolls This Guy!\nYou’ve Gotta See This Baby’s Reaction! Soooo Cute!\nDid He Really Buckle The Beer With A Seatbelt!?\nWow!! Check Out This Guy! He Can Really Spin A Pizza!!\nWhoa! Killer Whales!! Would YOU Want To Be THIS Close!? |
Hope you had a great weekend. Mine was fun; spent it attending a one year birthday party with Eliana and hubs which was fun and colorful. The other part of weekend was spent hosting a girls night which to tell you the truth, I didn't want it to end, but, we have to get out beauty sleep.\nThis post is appropriate for today as I am feeling the Monday blues and much more. I'm currently battling with a terrible cold and I barely have any voice left. Wish I can say I'm home in bed, with a cup of tea, but that's not the case at all. This outfit was inspired and built around this beautiful blue flare skirt which I also purchased in grey. I haven't bought two pairs of the same piece in a while so that's how much I love this skirt. My first thought was to pair the skirt with a black sweater but that quickly changed when I spotted this blue sweater in my closet. Then, it became something along the line of shades of blue. The red bag was actually hubby's idea, to give it a little pop and I agree, it works.\nMe and you both. Wish you speedy full recovery.\nLove how the blue has fused into each other and that red completes the look. you are killing it. A speedy recovery. |
We welcome children and adults with autism in our museums and galleries. We have been working with Autism Together to develop skills to make our venues more autism-friendly.\nWe are running a series of quiet mornings which are aimed at supporting the needs of people with autism. The upcoming dates are listed below. You do not need to book. If we are running any workshops or activities details are given with the dates below and these will take place in less crowded spaces.\nSchool groups can also book autism-friendly sessions for visits - see our schools and groups section for details. |
Place tea bags in a quart-size glass measure or heatproof bowl.\nIn a saucepan bring water just to a boil and pour over tea bags. Steep tea 5 minutes and strain through a sieve into a heatproof pitcher. Cool tea and chill, covered, until cold, about 1 hour.\nStir in nectar and syrup. Serve tea over ice in tall glasses and garnish with peach slices and basil sprigs.\nTo make simple syrup: In a saucepan bring sugar and water to a boil, stirring, and boil until sugar is completely dissolved. Let syrup cool and chill, covered. Syrup may be made 2 weeks ahead and chilled, covered. |
Modern taste is catered for through the styles and shapes of past times in this Tua Applique, a wall light thought up by the Behurt studio, led by a couple of young German designers, for the Italian firm Kundalini. In this wall applique, elements of the past and present are combined to give way to an important design that has a hint of vintage, but is brought together using the most modern of manufacturing techniques. It comes in the version with traditional light bulb, led or halogen bulb. The Tua wall applique wall light has a body in black metal, and is available in Chrome or Bronze. It creates an attractive minimalist contrast with the white of the diffusers in an acid-etched effect. The harmonious shapes make the Tua applique an extremely versatile furnishing accessory, that fits in perfectly into any context such as the home or workplace. It elegantly furnishes the living room or bedroom as well as being an excellent option in the office too. |