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/discord; A Minecraft plugin that shows the link of your Discord server. |
/freeze command; Adds /freeze command to the game! |
1.8 - 1.19.3 ⭐ BattlePass ⭐ Unlimited Practical & Customizable Quests ⚔️ 30% SALE; The most advanced quests plugin ⚡️ Seasons ⚡️ Free/Premium Passes ⚡️ Daily/Weeky Quests |
2 players, 1 character; a |
2Devs-EquipmentEffects | Equipment effects on your Server! | 1.8-1.19; Plugin that effects to equipment, on hold, on worn etc. |
30% SALE⭐ Advanced Crates ⭕ 17 Premium Animations ✅ Custom Item Support ✅ In-Game Editor ✨ Lootboxes; ItemsAdder, MMOItems, Oraxen Supported ⭐ Edit Everything InGame⭐Save Items quickly InGame⭐1.8-1.19.3 |
AC - Negativity [Spigot 1.7-1.19, Sponge, BungeeCord & Velocity]; It's an anti cheat ! |
AFK pool; AFK Region Rewards Skript |
AFKSit; Essentials / CMI / AFK+ compatible sit on AFK plugin. |
AIMapArt; Ai generated map arts |
AKConverterEssentials [AdvancedKits Addon]; ❂ Convert Essentials kits into AdvancedKits |
APHub; A plugin that can set up and teleport to the hub |
AVG | Custom VIP Gifts & Sounds Plugin; custom gifts, custom sounds |
AXControl ScreenShare - Ultimate Plugin for SS - Bungee Support; Plugin for SS |
Abilities Addon; This is an addon for Wazup92 PvP minigames! |
Absorption Placeholder; Simple plugin that contains various health placeholders, including absorption. |
ActionbarAnnouncements; Easy automatic announcements sent trough actionbar |
AcuteLoot; Custom RPG-style loot and effects with over 15 BILLION unique possibilities |
AdminChat; If you have minecraft server, and if u need private chat, use this plugin. |
AdsInAdChat; Do something when the player swears or advertises on chat |
Advance Startup for windows -MC-Startup; Fully Customizable Bat file to Start Minecraft with single click. Auto restart Support and more. |
AdvanceParticle [1.5.x - 1.19.2] | Players - Block location particles; AdvanceParticle plugin giving you choise to set particle on blocks location or player location |
Advanced Economy Plus; Economy with Mysql, Bungeecord, statistical analytical commands, and a support for IFH (A Vault++)! |
AdvancedCore; An API for plugins to use. Open Source. |
AdvancedInvisibleItemframes; Give your players the ability to craft invisible Item Frames in Survival Minecraft |
AdvancedReplay 1.8 - 1.19; Record, Replay, Repeat |
AdvancedServerList; Plugin for Spigot, PaperMC, BungeeCord and Velocity to create custom Server list designs |
AdvancedVanish; A fully customizable and advanced vanish plugin made with Kotlin. |
AdvancedWorldCreatorAPI; Full-API for generating new Biomes, Features and more in Version 1.18.2 |
Aggressive Animals; Those cute little animals can kill you! |
Akarian Auction House 1.14-1.19.2; Feature-filled 1.14-1.19 Auction House Plugin |
AlertsPlus; Want to announce something to your server? Do /alert <message> |
AllAchievements; Try to get all achievements with this cooperative challenge plugin! |
AlonsoLevels+ (AlonsoLevels Addon Skript); Addon for AlonsoLevels adding extra stuff! |
Amethyst+ for ItemsAdder; ItemsAdder |
Announcer; Announce messages to all players via chat, actionbar or title |
Annoying API; General purpose API for my plugins. Just contains some utility classes and methods. |
Anti Plugin Stealer; This plugin prevents cheats from stealing your plugins even when the /plugins command is disabled. |
AntiCheat Replay; Watch a recording of punishments from your AntiCheat. Formerly VulcanReplay |
AntiFallDamage; A simple plugin that disables fall damage on player globally. |
AntiRaidFarm - Block cheaty infinite raid farms; Configure a cooldown on raids to break farms that abuse infinite bad omen loops |
AntiSwear+; Very simple antiswear with REGEX support |
AntiVillagerLag; A way to remove the performance impact of trading halls without sacrificing other villager farms |
AuthMeVelocity; AuthMeReloaded support for Velocity |
AuthPLugin; Basic plugin for player authorization |
Authenticator Minecraft; Minecraft authentication plugin |
AutoMessage Plugin | HEX COLOUR SUPPORT | [1.18-1.19]; Customizable messages through the config of the plugin will be sent in-game |
AutoPickup [+ 1.19 Support]; Automatically pickup blocks that you mine! If a block drops XP you get that too! |
AutoSellChests; Provide your server with automatically selling chests |
Autorank; An automatic ranking plugin that allows you to set automatic rank-ups with special requirements. |
AuxProtect; Data Logging and Inventory Recovery designed to suplement CoreProtect |
BETA | Advanced Rules in GUI | Everything in Config | [1.16 - 1.19.x]; Rules, Advanced Rules, Important server plugin |
Back on death plugin for 1.19; Adds /back command |
BackInPack - Portable Backpack ✨ [1.13.x - 1.19.x]; BackInPack is a plugin that will give your players additional space and opportunities. |
Backdoor Detector; #backdoor-detector |
BadAppleBoard; Bad Apple but it's on Minecraft's Scoreboard |
BallBattles [1.19.2]; An intense, action-packed minigame about throwing snowballs at each other. |
BanAnnouncer [Discord]; Announce the bans on your Discord server. |
BannerBoard compatibility for InteractiveBoard [1.17.1 - 1.19.3]; Load BannerBoard board configurations through InteractiveBoard [1.17 - 1.19.3] |
Battle Bits KitPvP; #kitpvp |
Battle Gem ✅ 1.8 - 1.19.3✅; This is a gem that can spawn mobs to defend you. |
BeaconWaypoints; Use beacons as fast travel points |
BedWars1058 - Per Group Stats Addon; Stats for per group, like Hy the big man. |
BedWars1058-AdventureMode; Gamemode change utility for BedWars1058 |
Better Hub; A plugin with mixture of different codes for providing better experience in one plugin. |
Better Mending; A plugin that allows players to repair their items with experience points or a specified item, with |
BetterBoard; A simple scoreboard plugin that is not dummy |
BetterChairs Remastered; BetterChairs allows you to sit on chairs – Every block can be a chair |
BetterChat - Revamp; Revamped, with better messages, this is not an addon. |
BetterConcrete [1.13.X - 1.19.X]; Transform powder into concrete by throwing it into a cauldron. Smelt concrete to get powder |
BetterEconomy; A simple economy plugin |
BetterFight | 1.8 | Editable Rod!; Fast rods, Cleaner fights | NBTC |
BetterGUI; An animated menu, a simple menu-designing tool, or just a better GUI plugin |
BetterKeepInventory; Optional configurable keepinventory |
BetterPVP; PVP |
BetterPrefix; Get Prefixes to display in multiple places automatically! |
BetterSecurity | ✨ The best security for your server!; Your safety is the priority of everything! |
BetterStaff; A simple staffmode skript |
BewareLiquids; Teleports player to secure place when he falls to lava (or water). |
Big Doors; Big, ANIMATED doors, drawbridges, portcullises, and more! |
Bingo Reloaded; Play Bingo with kits, different modes and a Card Editor! |
Bitcoin Plugin; With this plugin, players can buy, sell, and give Bitcoin using the Vault plugin. |
Blacksmith; Adds a Blacksmith trait to Citizens NPCs |
Blast Proof Glass; Make glass blast-proof like a famous server. |
Blep Fishing; Fishing Improvements including custom fish, tournaments, and quests! |
Block Item Drops; Prevent people from dropping items in specified worlds |
BlockEraser; Essential for BuildFFA servers |
BlockManager; A simple solution to control the interaction of players with the game world |
BlockProt; Protect and lock Chests, Furnaces, etc. with a easy to use GUI. |
BlockRegen; Great for Prison, RPG and many more servers! |
BlockReward; Allows players to earn in-game currency when they break blocks in the game. |
BlockSounds - ItemsAdder; Adds more custom block sounds to ItemsAdder |
BloodFading [1.8-1.19]; First-person blood effect without mods. |
BlueMap Residence; 3D Residence viewer integration for BlueMap |
BlueMap-Essentials; BlueMap integration for Essentials |
BlueMap; A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer |
Booster | Spigot unterstützt MySQL; Drop-, Break-, Mob-, XP-, Fly-Booster |
BowSpleef; MySQL/QLite | Bungee/MultiArena | Achievements | Shop | Leaderboards | 1.8-1.19 | |
Build Battle | GuessTheBuild [1.8.8-1.17]; [MINIGAME] Solo/Team/GuessTheBuild | MySQL/YAML | BungeeCord/Multi Arena | Voting GUI | Super Votes |
BuildBuddy; A set of tools to help builders |
From Spigot/Bukkit plugin titles and description, extract plugin names. Main repository: https://github.com/pluget/services
GPL-3.0 for code ODbL-1.0 for data/models
Maciej Błędkowski - Founder, Lead Developer