The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (The Oxford Shakespeare), ed. with a glossary by W.J. Craig M.A. (Oxford University Press, 1916). http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1632, |Available in the following formats:| |Kindle||149 KB||This is an E-book formatted for Amazon Kindle devices.| |EBook PDF||418 KB||This text-based PDF or EBook was created from the HTML version of this book and is part of the Portable Library of Liberty.| |HTML||330 KB||This version has been converted from the original text. Every effort has been taken to translate the unique features of the printed book into the HTML medium.| |Simplified HTML||330 KB||This is a simplifed HTML format, intended for screen readers and other limited-function browsers.| |ePub||142 KB||ePub standard file for your iPad or any e-reader compatible with that format| One of the plays in the 1916 Oxford University Press edition of all of Shakespeare’s plays and poems. The text is in the public domain. This material is put online to further the educational goals of Liberty Fund, Inc. Unless otherwise stated in the Copyright Information section above, this material may be used freely for educational and academic purposes. It may not be used in any way for profit. |DUKE OF VENICE.| |PRINCE OF MOROCCO, }||Suitors to Portia.| |PRINCE OF ARRAGON, }| |ANTONIO,||a Merchant of Venice.| |GRATIANO, }||Friends to Antonio and Bassanio.| |LORENZO,||in love with Jessica.| |SHYLOCK,||a rich Jew.| |TUBAL,||a Jew, his Friend.| |LAUNCELOT GOBBO,||a Clown, Servant to Shylock.| |OLD GOBBO,||Father to Launcelot.| |LEONARDO,||Servant to Bassanio.| |BALTHAZAR, }||Servants to Portia.| |PORTIA,||a rich Heiress.| |JESSICA,||Daughter to Shylock.| |Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaoler, Servants to Portia, and other Attendants.| Scene.—Partly at Venice, and partly at Belmont, the seat of Portia, on the Continent. Enter Antonio, Salarino, and Salanio. In sooth, I know not why I am so sad: It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff ’tis made of, whereof it is born,Craig1916: 4 I am to learn; And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself. Your mind is tossing on the ocean;Craig1916: 8 There, where your argosies with portly sail,— Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood, Or, as it were, the pageants of the sea,— Do overpeer the petty traffickers,Craig1916: 12 That curtsy to them, do them reverence, As they fly by them with their woven wings. Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth, The better part of my affections wouldCraig1916: 16 Be with my hopes abroad. I should be still Plucking the grass to know where sits the wind; Peering in maps for ports, and piers, and roads; And every object that might make me fearCraig1916: 20 Misfortune to my ventures, out of doubt Would make me sad. My wind, cooling my broth, Would blow me to an ague, when I thought What harm a wind too great might do at sea.Craig1916: 24 I should not see the sandy hour-glass run But I should think of shallows and of flats, And see my wealthy Andrew dock’d in sand Vailing her high-top lower than her ribsCraig1916: 28 To kiss her burial. Should I go to church And see the holy edifice of stone, And not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks, Which touching but my gentle vessel’s sideCraig1916: 32 Would scatter all her spices on the stream, Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks; And, in a word, but even now worth this, And now worth nothing? Shall I have the thoughtCraig1916: 36 To think on this, and shall I lack the thought That such a thing bechanc’d would make me sad? But tell not me: I know Antonio Is sad to think upon his merchandise.Craig1916: 40 Believe me, no: I thank my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottom trusted, Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate Upon the fortune of this present year:Craig1916: 44 Therefore, my merchandise makes me not sad. Why, then you are in love. Not in love neither? Then let’s say you are sad, Because you are not merry: and ’twere as easy For you to laugh and leap, and say you are merry,Craig1916: 49 Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed Janus, Nature hath fram’d strange fellows in her time: Some that will evermore peep through their eyes And laugh like parrots at a bag-piper,Craig1916: 53 And other of such vinegar aspect That they’ll not show their teeth in way of smile, Though Nestor swear the jest be laughable.Craig1916: 56 Enter Bassanio, Lorenzo, and Gratiano. Here comes Bassanio, your most noble kinsman, Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Fare ye well: We leave you now with better company. I would have stay’d till I had made you merry,Craig1916: 60 If worthier friends had not prevented me. Your worth is very dear in my regard. I take it, your own business calls on you, And you embrace the occasion to depart.Craig1916: 64 Good morrow, my good lords. Good signiors both, when shall we laugh? say when? You grow exceeding strange: must it be so? We’ll make our leisures to attend on yours. [Exeunt Salarino and Salanio. My Lord Bassanio, since you have found Antonio,Craig1916: 69 We too will leave you; but, at dinner-time, I pray you, have in mind where we must meet. I will not fail you.Craig1916: 72 You look not well, Signior Antonio; You have too much respect upon the world: They lose it that do buy it with much care: Believe me, you are marvellously chang’d.Craig1916: 76 I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano; A stage where every man must play a part, And mine a sad one. Let me play the fool: With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come, And let my liver rather heat with wineCraig1916: 81 Than my heart cool with mortifying groans. Why should a man, whose blood is warm within, Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster?Craig1916: 84 Sleep when he wakes, and creep into the jaundice By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio— I love thee, and it is my love that speaks— There are a sort of men whose visagesCraig1916: 88 Do cream and mantle like a standing pond, And do a wilful stillness entertain, With purpose to be dress’d in an opinion Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit;Craig1916: 92 As who should say, ‘I am Sir Oracle, And when I ope my lips let no dog bark!’ O, my Antonio, I do know of these, That therefore only are reputed wiseCraig1916: 96 For saying nothing; when, I am very sure, If they should speak, would almost damn those ears Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools. I’ll tell thee more of this another time:Craig1916: 100 But fish not, with this melancholy bait, For this fool-gudgeon, this opinion. Come, good Lorenzo. Fare ye well awhile: I’ll end my exhortation after dinner.Craig1916: 104 Well, we will leave you then till dinner-time. I must be one of these same dumb-wise men, For Gratiano never lets me speak. Well, keep me company but two years moe,Craig1916: 108 Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue. Farewell: I’ll grow a talker for this gear. Thanks, i’ faith; for silence is only commendable In a neat’s tongue dried and a maid not vendible. [Exeunt Gratiano and Lorenzo. Is that anything now?Craig1916: 113 Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them, and, when you have them, they are not worth the search. Well, tell me now, what lady is the same To whom you swore a secret pilgrimage,Craig1916: 121 That you to-day promis’d to tell me of? ’Tis not unknown to you, Antonio, How much I have disabled mine estate,Craig1916: 124 By something showing a more swelling port Than my faint means would grant continuance: Nor do I now make moan to be abridg’d From such a noble rate; but my chief careCraig1916: 128 Is, to come fairly off from the great debts Wherein my time, something too prodigal, Hath left me gag’d. To you, Antonio, I owe the most, in money and in love;Craig1916: 132 And from your love I have a warranty To unburthen all my plots and purposes How to get clear of all the debts I owe. I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;Craig1916: 136 And if it stand, as you yourself still do, Within the eye of honour, be assur’d, My purse, my person, my extremest means, Lie all unlock’d to your occasions.Craig1916: 140 In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight The self-same way with more advised watch, To find the other forth, and by adventuring both, I oft found both. I urge this childhood proof, Because what follows is pure innocence. I owe you much, and, like a wilful youth, That which I owe is lost; but if you pleaseCraig1916: 148 To shoot another arrow that self way Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt, As I will watch the aim, or to find both, Or bring your latter hazard back again,Craig1916: 152Edition: current; Page: And thankfully rest debtor for the first. You know me well, and herein spend but time To wind about my love with circumstance; And out of doubt you do me now more wrong In making question of my uttermostCraig1916: 157 Than if you had made waste of all I have: Then do but say to me what I should do That in your knowledge may by me be done,Craig1916: 160 And I am prest unto it: therefore speak. In Belmont is a lady richly left, And she is fair, and, fairer than that word, Of wondrous virtues: sometimes from her eyes I did receive fair speechless messages:Craig1916: 165 Her name is Portia; nothing undervalu’d To Cato’s daughter, Brutus’ Portia: Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth,Craig1916: 168 For the four winds blow in from every coast Renowned suitors; and her sunny locks Hang on her temples like a golden fleece; Which makes her seat of Belmont Colchos’ strond,Craig1916: 172 And many Jasons come in quest of her. O my Antonio! had I but the means To hold a rival place with one of them, I have a mind presages me such thrift,Craig1916: 176 That I should questionless be fortunate. Thou knowest that all my fortunes are at sea; Neither have I money, nor commodity To raise a present sum: therefore go forth;Craig1916: 180 Try what my credit can in Venice do: That shall be rack’d, even to the uttermost, To furnish thee to Belmont, to fair Portia. Go, presently inquire, and so will I,Craig1916: 184 Where money is, and I no question make To have it of my trust or for my sake. Enter Portia and Nerissa. By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are: and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness therefore, to be seated in the mean: superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer.Craig1916: 10 Good sentences and well pronounced. They would be better if well followed. If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men’s cottages princes’ palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions: I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o’er a cold decree: such a hare is madness the youth, to skip o’er the meshes of good counsel the cripple. But this reasoning is not in the fashion to choose me a husband. O me, the word ‘choose!’ I may neither choose whom I would nor refuse whom I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father. Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none?Craig1916: 29 Your father was ever virtuous, and holy men at their death have good inspirations; therefore, the lottery that he hath devised in these three chests of gold, silver, and lead, whereof who chooses his meaning chooses you, will, no doubt, never be chosen by any rightly but one who you shall rightly love. But what warmth is there in your affection towards any of these princely suitors that are already come?Craig1916: 38 I pray thee, over-name them, and as thou namest them, I will describe them; and, according to my description, level at my affection. First, there is the Neapolitan prince.Craig1916: 42 Ay, that’s a colt indeed, for he doth nothing but talk of his horse; and he makes it a great appropriation to his own good parts that he can shoe him himself. I am much afeard my lady his mother played false with a smith. Then is there the County Palatine.Craig1916: 48 He doth nothing but frown, as who should say, ‘An you will not have me, choose.’ He hears merry tales, and smiles not: I fear he will prove the weeping philosopher when he grows old, being so full of unmannerly sadness in his youth. I had rather be married to a death’s-head with a bone in his mouth than to either of these. God defend me from these two! How say you by the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?Craig1916: 58 God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. In truth, I know it is a sin to be a mocker; but, he! why, he hath a horse better than the Neapolitan’s, a better bad habit of frowning than the Count Palatine; he is every man in no man; if a throstle sing, he falls straight a-capering; he will fence with his own shadow: if I should marry him, I should marry twenty husbands. If he would despise me, I would forgive him, for if he love me to madness, I shall never requite him.Craig1916: 69 What say you, then, to Falconbridge, the young baron of England? You know I say nothing to him, for he Edition: current; Page: understands not me, nor I him: he hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian; and you will come into the court and swear that I have a poor pennyworth in the English. He is a proper man’s picture, but, alas! who can converse with a dumb-show? How oddly he is suited! I think he bought his doublet in Italy, his round hose in France, his bonnet in Germany, and his behaviour every where.Craig1916: 81 What think you of the Scottish lord, his neighbour? That he hath a neighbourly charity in him, for he borrowed a box of the ear of the Englishman, and swore he would pay him again when he was able: I think the Frenchman became his surety and sealed under for another. How like you the young German, the Duke of Saxony’s nephew?Craig1916: 90 Very vilely in the morning, when he is sober, and most vilely in the afternoon, when he is drunk: when he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast. An the worst fall that ever fell, I hope I shall make shift to go without him. If he should offer to choose, and choose the right casket, you should refuse to perform your father’s will, if you should refuse to accept him.Craig1916: 100 Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee, set a deep glass of Rhenish wine on the contrary casket, for, if the devil be within and that temptation without, I know he will choose it. I will do anything, Nerissa, ere I will be married to a sponge.Craig1916: 106 You need not fear, lady, the having any of these lords: they have acquainted me with their determinations; which is, indeed, to return to their home and to trouble you with no more suit, unless you may be won by some other sort than your father’s imposition depending on the caskets.Craig1916: 113 If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste as Diana, unless I be obtained by the manner of my father’s will. I am glad this parcel of wooers are so reasonable, for there is not one among them but I dote on his very absence, and I pray God grant them a fair departure.Craig1916: 120 Do you not remember, lady, in your father’s time, a Venetian, a scholar and a soldier, that came hither in the company of the Marquis of Montferrat?Craig1916: 124 Yes, yes: it was Bassanio; as I think, he was so called. True, madam: he, of all the men that ever my foolish eyes looked upon, was the best deserving a fair lady.Craig1916: 129 I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise. Enter a Servant. How now! what news?Craig1916: 132 The four strangers seek for you, madam, to take their leave; and there is a forerunner come from a fifth, the Prince of Morocco, who brings word the prince his master will be here to-night.Craig1916: 137 If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good heart as I can bid the other four farewell, I should be glad of his approach: if he have the condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me. Come, Nerissa. Sirrah, go before.Craig1916: 143 Whiles we shut the gate upon one wooer, another knocks at the door. Enter Bassanio and Shylock. Three thousand ducats; well? Ay, sir, for three months. For three months; well? For the which, as I told you, Antonio shall be bound.Craig1916: 5 Antonio shall become bound; well? May you stead me? Will you pleasure me? Shall I know your answer?Craig1916: 8 Three thousand ducats, for three months, and Antonio bound. Your answer to that. Antonio is a good man.Craig1916: 12 Have you heard any imputation to the contrary? Ho, no, no, no, no: my meaning in saying he is a good man is to have you understand me that he is sufficient. Yet his means are in supposition: he hath an argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the Indies; I understand moreover upon the Rialto, he hath a third at Mexico, a fourth for England, and other ventures he hath, squandered abroad. But ships are but boards, sailors but men: there be land-rats and water-rats, land-thieves, and water-thieves,—I mean pirates,—and then there is the peril of waters, winds, and rocks. The man is, notwithstanding, sufficient. Three thousand ducats; I think, I may take his bond.Craig1916: 28 Be assured you may. I will be assured I may; and, that I may be assured, I will bethink me. May I speak with Antonio?Craig1916: 32 If it please you to dine with us. Yes, to smell pork: to eat of the habitation which your prophet the Nazarite conjured Edition: current; Page: the devil into. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you, and so following; but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you. What news on the Rialto? Who is he comes here?Craig1916: 40 This is Signior Antonio. [Aside.] How like a fawning publican he looks! I hate him for he is a Christian; But more for that in low simplicityCraig1916: 44 He lends out money gratis, and brings down The rate of usance here with us in Venice. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.Craig1916: 48 He hates our sacred nation, and he rails, Even there where merchants most do congregate, On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift, Which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe,Craig1916: 52 If I forgive him! Shylock, do you hear? I am debating of my present store, And, by the near guess of my memory, I cannot instantly raise up the grossCraig1916: 56 Of full three thousand ducats. What of that? Tubal, a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe, Will furnish me. But soft! how many months Do you desire? [To Antonio.] Rest you fair, good signior;Craig1916: 60 Your worship was the last man in our mouths. Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow By taking nor by giving of excess, Yet, to supply the ripe wants of my friend,Craig1916: 64 I’ll break a custom. [To Bassanio.] Is he yet possess’d How much ye would? Ay, ay, three thousand ducats. And for three months. I had forgot; three months; you told me so.Craig1916: 68 Well then, your bond; and let me see. But hear you; Methought you said you neither lend nor borrow I do never use it. When Jacob graz’d his uncle Laban’s sheep,—Craig1916: 72 This Jacob from our holy Abram was, As his wise mother wrought in his behalf, The third possessor: ay, he was the third,— And what of him? did he take interest? No; not take interest; not, as you would say,Craig1916: 77 Directly interest: mark what Jacob did. When Laban and himself were compromis’d, That all the eanlings that were streak’d and piedCraig1916: 80 Should fall as Jacob’s hire, the ewes, being rank, In end of autumn turned to the rams; And, when the work of generation was Between these woolly breeders in the act,Craig1916: 84 The skilful shepherd peel’d me certain wands, And, in the doing of the deed of kind, He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes, Who, then conceiving, did in eaning timeCraig1916: 88 Fall parti-colour’d lambs, and those were Jacob’s. This was a way to thrive, and he was blest: And thrift is blessing, if men steal it not. This was a venture, sir, that Jacob serv’d for;Craig1916: 92 A thing not in his power to bring to pass, But sway’d and fashion’d by the hand of heaven. Was this inserted to make interest good? Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?Craig1916: 96 I cannot tell; I make it breed as fast: But note me, signior. Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul, producing holy witness,Craig1916: 100 Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath! Three thousand ducats; ’tis a good round sum.Craig1916: 104 Three months from twelve, then let me see the rate. Well, Shylock, shall we be beholding to you? Signior Antonio, many a time and oft In the Rialto you have rated meCraig1916: 108 About my moneys and my usances: Still have I borne it with a patient shrug, For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe. You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog,Craig1916: 112 And spet upon my Jewish gaberdine, And all for use of that which is mine own. Well then, it now appears you need my help: Go to then; you come to me, and you say,Craig1916: 116 ‘Shylock, we would have moneys:’ you say so; You, that did void your rheum upon my beard, And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur Over your threshold: moneys is your suit.Craig1916: 120 What should I say to you? Should I not say, ‘Hath a dog money? Is it possible A cur can lend three thousand ducats?’ or Shall I bend low, and in a bondman’s key,Craig1916: 124 With bated breath, and whispering humbleness, ‘Fair sir, you spet on me on Wednesday last; You spurn’d me such a day; another timeCraig1916: 128 You call’d me dog; and for these courtesies I’ll lend you thus much moneys?’ I am as like to call thee so again, To spet on thee again, to spurn thee too.Craig1916: 132 If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not As to thy friends,—for when did friendship take A breed for barren metal of his friend?— But lend it rather to thine enemy;Craig1916: 136 Who if he break, thou mayst with better face Exact the penalty. Why, look you, how you storm! I would be friends with you, and have your love, Forget the shames that you have stain’d me with,Craig1916: 140 Supply your present wants, and take no doit Of usance for my moneys, and you’ll not hear me: This is kind I offer. This were kindness. This kindness will I show. Go with me to a notary, seal me thereCraig1916: 145 Your single bond; and, in a merry sport, If you repay me not on such a day, In such a place, such sum or sums as areCraig1916: 148 Express’d in the condition, let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me.Craig1916: 152 Content, i’ faith: I’ll seal to such a bond, And say there is much kindness in the Jew. You shall not seal to such a bond for me: I’ll rather dwell in my necessity.Craig1916: 156 Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it: Within these two months, that’s a month before This bond expires, I do expect return Of thrice three times the value of this bond.Craig1916: 160 O father Abram! what these Christians are, Whose own hard dealing teaches them suspect The thoughts of others. Pray you, tell me this; If he should break his day, what should I gain By the exaction of the forfeiture?Craig1916: 165 A pound of man’s flesh, taken from a man, Is not so estimable, profitable neither, As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I say,Craig1916: 168 To buy his favour, I extend this friendship: If he will take it, so; if not, adieu; And, for my love, I pray you wrong me not. Yes, Shylock, I will seal unto this bond. Then meet me forthwith at the notary’s; Give him direction for this merry bond, And I will go and purse the ducats straight, See to my house, left in the fearful guardCraig1916: 176 Of an unthrifty knave, and presently I will be with you. Hie thee, gentle Jew. This Hebrew will turn Christian: he grows kind. I like not fair terms and a villain’s mind.Craig1916: 180 Come on: in this there can be no dismay; My ships come home a month before the day. Flourish of Cornets. Enter the Prince of Morocco, and his Followers; Portia, Nerissa, and Others of her Train. Mislike me not for my complexion, The shadow’d livery of the burnish’d sun, To whom I am a neighbour and near bred. Bring me the fairest creature northward born,Craig1916: 4 Where Phœbus’ fire scarce thaws the icicles, And let us make incision for your love, To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine. I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mineCraig1916: 8 Hath fear’d the valiant: by my love, I swear The best regarded virgins of our clime Have lov’d it too: I would not change this hue, Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen. In terms of choice I am not solely led By nice direction of a maiden’s eyes; Besides, the lottery of my destiny Bars me the right of voluntary choosing:Craig1916: 16 But if my father had not scanted me And hedg’d me by his wit, to yield myself His wife who wins me by that means I told you, Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fairCraig1916: 20 As any comer I have look’d on yet For my affection. Even for that I thank you: Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets To try my fortune. By this scimitar,—Craig1916: 24 That slew the Sophy, and a Persian prince That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,— I would outstare the sternest eyes that look, Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth,Craig1916: 28 Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear, Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey, To win thee, lady. But, alas the while! If Hercules and Lichas play at diceCraig1916: 32 Which is the better man, the greater throw May turn by fortune from the weaker hand: So is Alcides beaten by his page; And so may I, blind fortune leading me,Craig1916: 36 Miss that which one unworthier may attain, And die with grieving. You must take your chance; And either not attempt to choose at all, Or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong, Never to speak to lady afterwardCraig1916: 41 In way of marriage: therefore be advis’d. Nor will not: come, bring me unto my chance. First, forward to the temple: after dinnerCraig1916: 44 Your hazard shall be made. Good fortune then! To make me blest or cursed’st among men! [Cornets, and exeunt. Enter Launcelot Gobbo. Certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew my master. The fiend is at mine elbow, and tempts me, saying to me, ‘Gobbo, Launcelot Gobbo, good Launcelot,’ or ‘good Gobbo,’ or ‘good Launcelot Gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away.’ My conscience says, ‘No; take heed, honest Launcelot; take heed, honest Gobbo;’ or, as aforesaid, ‘honest Launcelot Gobbo; do not run; scorn running with thy heels.’ Well, the most courageous fiend bids me pack: ‘Via!’ says the fiend; ‘away!’ says the fiend; ‘for the heavens, rouse up a brave mind,’ says the fiend, ‘and run.’ Well, my conscience, hanging about the neck of my heart, says very wisely to me, ‘My honest friend Launcelot, being an honest man’s son,’—or rather an honest woman’s son;—for, indeed, my father did something smack, something grow to, he had a kind of taste;—well, my conscience says, ‘Launcelot, budge not.’ ‘Budge,’ says the fiend. ‘Budge not,’ says my conscience. ‘Conscience,’ say I, ‘you counsel well;’ ‘fiend,’ say I, ‘you counsel well:’ to be ruled by my conscience, I should stay with the Jew my master, who, God bless the mark! is a kind of devil; and, to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend, who, saving your reverence, is the devil himself. Certainly, the Jew is the very devil incarnal; and, in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience, to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew. The fiend gives the more friendly counsel: I will run, fiend; my heels are at your commandment; I will run.Craig1916: 33 Enter Old Gobbo, with a basket. Master young man, you; I pray you, which is the way to Master Jew’s? [Aside.] O heavens! this is my truebegotten father, who, being more than sandblind, high-gravel blind, knows me not: I will try confusions with him. Master young gentleman, I pray you, which is the way to Master Jew’s?Craig1916: 41 Turn up on your right hand at the next turning, but, at the next turning of all, on your left; marry, at the very next turning, turn of no hand, but turn down indirectly to the Jew’s house. By God’s sonties, ’twill be a hard way to hit. Can you tell me whether one Launcelot, that dwells with him, dwell with him or no?Craig1916: 49 Talk you of young Master Launcelot? [Aside.] Mark me now; now will I raise the waters. Talk you of young Master Launcelot? No master, sir, but a poor man’s son: his father, though I say it, is an honest, exceeding poor man, and, God be thanked, well to live.Craig1916: 56 Well, let his father be what a’ will, we talk of young Master Launcelot. Your worship’s friend, and Launcelot, sir.Craig1916: 60 But I pray you, ergo, old man, ergo, I beseech you, talk you of young Master Launcelot? Of Launcelot, an’t please your mastership.Craig1916: 64 Ergo, Master Launcelot. Talk not of Master Launcelot, father; for the young gentleman,—according to Fates and Destinies and such odd sayings, the Sisters Three and such branches of learning,—is, indeed, deceased; or, as you would say in plain terms, gone to heaven. Marry, God forbid! the boy was the very staff of my age, my very prop.Craig1916: 72 [Aside.] Do I look like a cudgel or a hovel-post, a staff or a prop? Do you know me, father? Alack the day! I know you not, young gentleman: but I pray you, tell me, is my boy,—God rest his soul!—alive or dead? Do you not know me, father? Alack, sir, I am sand-blind; I know you not.Craig1916: 81 Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of your son. Give me your blessing; truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man’s son may, but, in the end, truth will out.Craig1916: 88 Pray you, sir, stand up. I am sure you are not Launcelot, my boy. Pray you, let’s have no more fooling about it, but give me your blessing: I am Launcelot, your boy that was, your son that is, your child that shall be.Craig1916: 94 I cannot think you are my son. I know not what I shall think of that; but I am Launcelot, the Jew’s man, and I am sure Margery your wife is my mother.Craig1916: 98 Her name is Margery, indeed: I’ll be sworn, if thou be Launcelot, thou art mine own Edition: current; Page: flesh and blood. Lord worshipped might he be! what a beard hast thou got! thou hast got more hair on thy chin than Dobbin my thill-horse has on his tail.Craig1916: 104 It should seem then that Dobbin’s tail grows backward: I am sure he had more hair on his tail than I have on my face, when I last saw him.Craig1916: 108 Lord! how art thou changed. How dost thou and thy master agree? I have brought him a present. How ’gree you now? Well, well: but, for mine own part, as I have set up my rest to run away, so I will not rest till I have run some ground. My master’s a very Jew: give him a present! give him a halter: I am farnished in his service; you may tell every finger I have with my ribs. Father, I am glad you are come: give me your present to one Master Bassanio, who, indeed, gives rare new liveries. If I serve not him, I will run as far as God has any ground. O rare fortune! here comes the man: to him, father; for I am a Jew, if I serve the Jew any longer.Craig1916: 123 Enter Bassanio, with Leonardo, and other Followers. You may do so; but let it be so hasted that supper be ready at the very furthest by five of the clock. See these letters delivered; put the liveries to making; and desire Gratiano to come anon to my lodging. [Exit a Servant. To him, father.Craig1916: 129 God bless your worship! Gramercy! wouldst thou aught with me?Craig1916: 132 Here’s my son, sir, a poor boy,— Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew’s man; that would, sir,—as my father shall specify,—Craig1916: 136 He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve— Indeed, the short and the long is, I serve the Jew, and have a desire, as my father shall specify,—Craig1916: 141 His master and he, saving your worship’s reverence, are scarce cater-cousins,— To be brief, the very truth is that the Jew having done me wrong, doth cause me,—as my father, being, I hope, an old man, shall frutify unto you,—Craig1916: 147 I have here a dish of doves that I would bestow upon your worship, and my suit is,— In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man; and, though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, my father. One speak for both. What would you? Serve you, sir.Craig1916: 156 That is the very defect of the matter, sir. I know thee well; thou hast obtain’d thy suit: Shylock thy master spoke with me this day,Craig1916: 160 And hath preferr’d thee, if it be preferment To leave a rich Jew’s service, to become The follower of so poor a gentleman. The old proverb is very well parted between my master Shylock and you, sir: you have the grace of God, sir, and he hath enough. Thou speak’st it well. Go, father, with thy son. Take leave of thy old master, and inquireCraig1916: 168 My lodging out. [To his followers.] Give him a livery More guarded than his fellows’: see it done. Father, in. I cannot get a service, no; I have ne’er a tongue in my head. Well, [Looking on his palm.] if any man in Italy have a fairer table which doth offer to swear upon a book, I shall have good fortune. Go to; here’s a simple line of life: here’s a small trifle of wives: alas! fifteen wives is nothing: a ’leven widows and nine maids is a simple coming-in for one man; and then to ’scape drowning thrice, and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a feather-bed; here are simple ’scapes. Well, if Fortune be a woman, she’s a good wench for this gear. Father, come; I’ll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye.Craig1916: 184 [Exeunt Launcelot and Old Gobbo. I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this: These things being bought, and orderly bestow’d, Return in haste, for I do feast to-night My best-esteem’d acquaintance: hie thee, go.Craig1916: 188 My best endeavours shall be done herein. Where is your master? Yonder, sir, he walks. I have a suit to you. You have obtain’d it. You must not deny me: I must go with you to Belmont. Why, then you must. But hear thee, Gratiano; Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice; Parts that become thee happily enough,Craig1916: 197 And in such eyes as ours appear not faults;Edition: current; Page: But where thou art not known, why, there they show Something too liberal. Pray thee, take painCraig1916: 200 To allay with some cold drops of modesty Thy skipping spirit, lest, through thy wild behaviour, I be misconstru’d in the place I go to, And lose my hopes. Signior Bassanio, hear me:Craig1916: 204 If I do not put on a sober habit, Talk with respect, and swear but now and then, Wear prayer-books in my pocket, look demurely, Nay more, while grace is saying, hood mine eyes Thus with my hat, and sigh, and say ‘amen;’ Use all the observance of civility, Like one well studied in a sad ostent To please his grandam, never trust me more.Craig1916: 212 Well, we shall see your bearing. Nay, but I bar to-night; you shall not gauge me By what we do to-night. No, that were pity: I would entreat you rather to put onCraig1916: 216 Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends That purpose merriment. But fare you well: I have some business. And I must to Lorenzo and the rest;Craig1916: 220 But we will visit you at supper-time. Enter Jessica and Launcelot. I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so: Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness. But fare thee well; there is a ducat for thee:Craig1916: 4 And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see Lorenzo, who is thy new master’s guest: Give him this letter; do it secretly; And so farewell: I would not have my fatherCraig1916: 8 See me in talk with thee. Adieu! tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! If a Christian did not play the knave and get thee, I am much deceived. But, adieu! these foolish drops do somewhat drown my manly spirit: adieu! Farewell, good Launcelot. Alack, what heinous sin is it in meCraig1916: 16 To be asham’d to be my father’s child! But though I am a daughter to his blood, I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo! If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,Craig1916: 20 Become a Christian, and thy loving wife. Enter Gratiano, Lorenzo, Salarino, and Salanio. Nay, we will slink away in supper-time, Disguise us at my lodging, and return All in an hour. We have not made good preparation.Craig1916: 4 We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers. ’Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order’d, And better, in my mind, not undertook. ’Tis now but four o’clock: we have two hoursCraig1916: 8 To furnish us. Enter Launcelot, with a letter. Friend Launcelot, what’s the news? An it shall please you to break up this, it shall seem to signify. I know the hand: in faith, ’tis a fair hand; And whiter than the paper it writ onCraig1916: 13 Is the fair hand that writ. Love news, in faith. By your leave, sir. Whither goest thou?Craig1916: 16 Marry, sir, to bid my old master, the Jew, to sup to-night with my new master, the Christian. Hold here, take this: tell gentle Jessica I will not fail her; speak it privately.Craig1916: 21 Will you prepare you for this masque to-night? I am provided of a torch-bearer.Craig1916: 24 Ay, marry, I’ll be gone about it straight. And so will I. Meet me and Gratiano At Gratiano’s lodging some hour hence. ’Tis good we do so.Craig1916: 28 [Exeunt Salarino and Salanio. Was not that letter from fair Jessica? I must needs tell thee all. She hath directed How I shall take her from her father’s house; What gold and jewels she is furnish’d with;Craig1916: 32 What page’s suit she hath in readiness. If e’er the Jew her father come to heaven, It will be for his gentle daughter’s sake; And never dare misfortune cross her foot,Craig1916: 36 Unless she do it under this excuse, That she is issue to a faithless Jew. Come, go with me: peruse this as thou goest. Fair Jessica shall be my torch-bearer. Enter Shylock and Launcelot. Well, thou shalt see, thy eyes shall be thy judge, The difference of old Shylock and Bassanio:— What, Jessical—thou shalt not gormandize, As thou hast done with me;—What, Jessical— And sleep and snore, and rend apparel out—Craig1916: 5 Why, Jessica, I say! Who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call. Your worship was wont to tell me that I could do nothing without bidding.Craig1916: 9 Call you? What is your will? I am bid forth to supper, Jessica: There are my keys. But wherefore should I go? I am not bid for love; they flatter me:Craig1916: 13 But yet I’ll go in hate, to feed upon The prodigal Christian. Jessica, my girl, Look to my house. I am right loath to go:Craig1916: 16 There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest, For I did dream of money-bags to-night. I beseech you, sir, go: my young master doth expect your reproach.Craig1916: 20 So do I his. And they have conspired together: I will not say you shall see a masque; but if you do, then it was not for nothing that my nose fell a-bleeding on Black-Monday last, at six o’clock i’ the morning, falling out that year on Ash-Wednesday was four year in the afternoon. What! are there masques? Hear you me, Jessica:Craig1916: 28 Lock up my doors; and when you hear the drum, And the vile squealing of the wry-neck’d fife, Clamber not you up to the casements then, Nor thrust your head into the public streetCraig1916: 32 To gaze on Christian fools with varnish’d faces, But stop my house’s ears, I mean my casements; Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter My sober house. By Jacob’s staff I swearCraig1916: 36 I have no mind of feasting forth to-night; But I will go. Go you before me, sirrah; Say I will come. I will go before, air. Mistress, look out at window, for all this;Craig1916: 41 What says that fool of Hagar’s offspring, ha?Craig1916: 44 His words were, ‘Farewell, mistress;’ nothing else. The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder; Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day More than the wild cat: drones hive not with me;Craig1916: 48 Therefore I part with him, and part with him To one that I would have him help to waste His borrow’d purse. Well, Jessica, go in: Perhaps I will return immediately:Craig1916: 52 Do as I bid you; shut doors after you: ‘Fast bind, fast find,’ A proverb never stale in thrifty mind. Farewell; and if my fortune be not crost, I have a father, you a daughter, lost. Enter Gratiano and Salarino, masqued. This is the penthouse under which Lorenzo Desir’d us to make stand. His hour is almost past. And it is marvel he out-dwells his hour, For lovers ever run before the clock.Craig1916: 4 O! ten times faster Venus’ pigeons fly To seal love’s bonds new-made, than they are wont To keep obliged faith unforfeited! That ever holds: who riseth from a feast With that keen appetite that he sits down?Craig1916: 9 Where is the horse that doth untread again His tedious measures with the unbated fire That he did pace them first? All things that are, Are with more spirit chased than enjoy’d.Craig1916: 13 How like a younker or a prodigal The scarfed bark puts from her native bay, Hugg’d and embraced by the strumpet wind!Craig1916: 16 How like the prodigal doth she return, With over-weather’d ribs and ragged sails, Lean, rent, and beggar’d by the strumpet wind! Here comes Lorenzo: more of this hereafter.Craig1916: 20 Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode; Not I, but my affairs, have made you wait: When you shall please to play the thieves for wives, I’ll watch as long for you then. Approach;Craig1916: 24 Here dwells my father Jew. Ho! who’s within? Enter Jessica above, in boy’s clothes. Who are you? Tell me, for more certainty, Albeit I’ll swear that I do know your tongue. Lorenzo, and thy love.Craig1916: 28 Lorenzo, certain; and my love indeed, For whom love I so much? And now who knows But you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours? Heaven and thy thoughts are witness that thou art.Craig1916: 32 Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains. I am glad ’tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much asham’d of my exchange; But love is blind, and lovers cannot seeCraig1916: 36 The pretty follies that themselves commit; For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy. Descend, for you must be my torch-bearer.Craig1916: 40 What! must I hold a candle to my shames? They in themselves, good sooth, are too-too light. Why, ’tis an office of discovery, love, And I should be obscur’d. So are you, sweet,Craig1916: 44 Even in the lovely garnish of a boy. But come at once; For the close night doth play the runaway, And we are stay’d for at Bassanio’s feast.Craig1916: 48 I will make fast the doors, and gild myself With some more ducats, and be with you straight. Now, by my hood, a Gentile, and no Jew. Beshrew me, but I love her heartily;Craig1916: 52 For she is wise, if I can judge of her, And fair she is, if that mine eyes be true, And true she is, as she hath prov’d herself; And therefore, like herself, wise, fair, and true, Shall she be placed in my constant soul.Craig1916: 57 What, art thou come? On, gentlemen; away! Our masquing mates by this time for us stay. [Exit with Jessica and Salarino. Who’s there?Craig1916: 60 Fie, fie, Gratiano! where are all the rest? ’Tis nine o’clock; our friends all stay for you. No masque to-night: the wind is come about;Craig1916: 64 Bassanio presently will go aboard: I have sent twenty out to seek for you. I am glad on’t: I desire no more delight Than to be under sail and gone to-night.Craig1916: 68 Flourish of Cornets. Enter Portia, with the Prince of Morocco, and their Trains. Go, draw aside the curtains, and discover The several caskets to this noble prince. Now make your choice. The first, of gold, which this inscription bears:Craig1916: 4 Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire. The second, silver, which this promise carries: Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. This third, dull lead, with warning all as blunt: Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.Craig1916: 9 How shall I know if I do choose the right? The one of them contains my picture, prince: If you choose that, then I am yours withal.Craig1916: 12 Some god direct my judgment! Let me see: I will survey the inscriptions back again: What says this leaden casket? Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.Craig1916: 16 Must give: For what? for lead? hazard for lead? This casket threatens. Men that hazard all Do it in hope of fair advantages: A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross;Craig1916: 20 I’ll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead. What says the silver with her virgin hue? Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. As much as he deserves! Pause there, Morocco, And weigh thy value with an even hand.Craig1916: 25 If thou be’st rated by thy estimation, Thou dost deserve enough; and yet enough May not extend so far as to the lady:Craig1916: 28 And yet to be afeard of my deserving Were but a weak disabling of myself. As much as I deserve! Why, that’s the lady: I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes,Craig1916: 32 In graces, and in qualities of breeding; But more than these, in love I do deserve. What if I stray’d no further, but chose here? Let’s see once more this saying grav’d in gold:Craig1916: 36Edition: current; Page: Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire. Why, that’s the lady: all the world desires her; From the four corners of the earth they come, To kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint: The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wildsCraig1916: 41 Of wide Arabia are as throughfares now For princes to come view fair Portia: The watery kingdom, whose ambitious headCraig1916: 44 Spits in the face of heaven, is no bar To stop the foreign spirits, but they come, As o’er a brook, to see fair Portia. One of these three contains her heavenly picture. Is’t like that lead contains her? ’Twere damnationCraig1916: 49 To think so base a thought: it were too gross To rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave. Or shall I think in silver she’s immur’d,Craig1916: 52 Being ten times undervalu’d to tried gold? O sinful thought! Never so rich a gem Was set in worse than gold. They have in England A coin that bears the figure of an angelCraig1916: 56 Stamped in gold, but that’s insculp’d upon; But here an angel in a golden bed Lies all within. Deliver me the key: Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may!Craig1916: 60 There, take it, prince; and if my form lie there, Then I am yours. [He unlocks the golden casket. O hell! what have we here? A carrion Death, within whose empty eye There is a written scroll. I’ll read the writing. Cold, indeed; and labour lost: Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost! Portia, adieu. I have too griev’d a heartCraig1916: 76 To take a tedious leave: thus losers part. [Exit with his Train. Flourish of Cornets. A gentle riddance. Draw the curtains: go. Let all of his complexion choose me so. Enter Salarino and Salanio. Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail: With him is Gratiano gone along; And in their ship I’m sure Lorenzo is not. The villain Jew with outcries rais’d the duke,Craig1916: 4 Who went with him to search Bassanio’s ship. He came too late, the ship was under sail: But there the duke was given to understand That in a gondola were seen togetherCraig1916: 8 Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica. Besides, Antonio certified the duke They were not with Bassanio in his ship. I never heard a passion so confus’d,Craig1916: 12 So strange, outrageous, and so variable, As the dog Jew did utter in the streets: ‘My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter! Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats! Justice! the law! my ducats, and my daughter! A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats, Of double ducats, stol’n from me by my daughter! And jewels! two stones, two rich and precious stones,Craig1916: 20 Stol’n by my daughter! Justice! find the girl! She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats.’ Why, all the boys in Venice follow him, Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his ducats. Let good Antonio look he keep his day,Craig1916: 25 Or he shall pay for this. Marry, well remember’d. I reason’d with a Frenchman yesterday, Who told me,—in the narrow seas that partCraig1916: 28 The French and English,—there miscarried A vessel of our country richly fraught. I thought upon Antonio when he told me, And wish’d in silence that it were not his.Craig1916: 32 You were best to tell Antonio what you hear; Yet do not suddenly, for it may grieve him. A kinder gentleman treads not the earth. I saw Bassanio and Antonio part:Craig1916: 36 Bassanio told him he would make some speed Of his return: he answer’d ‘Do not so; Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio, But stay the very riping of the time;Craig1916: 40 And for the Jew’s bond which he hath of me, Let it not enter in your mind of love: Be merry, and employ your chiefest thoughts To courtship and such fair ostents of loveCraig1916: 44 As shall conveniently become you there:’ And even there, his eye being big with tears, Turning his face, he put his hand behind him, And with affection wondrous sensibleCraig1916: 48 He wrung Bassanio’s hand; and so they parted. I think he only loves the world for him.Edition: current; Page: I pray thee, let us go and find him out, And quicken his embraced heavinessCraig1916: 52 With some delight or other. Do we so. Enter Nerissa, with a Servitor. Quick, quick, I pray thee; draw the curtain straight: The Prince of Arragon hath ta’en his oath, And comes to his election presently. Flourish of Cornets. Enter the Prince of Arragon, Portia, and their Trains. Behold, there stands the caskets, noble prince:Craig1916: 4 If you choose that wherein I am contain’d, Straight shall our nuptial rites be solemniz’d; But if you fail, without more speech, my lord, You must be gone from hence immediately.Craig1916: 8 I am enjoin’d by oath to observe three things: First, never to unfold to any one Which casket ’twas I chose; next, if I fail Of the right casket, never in my lifeCraig1916: 12 To woo a maid in way of marriage; If I do fail in fortune of my choice, Immediately to leave you and be gone.Craig1916: 16 To these injunctions every one doth swear That comes to hazard for my worthless self. And so have I address’d me. Fortune now To my heart’s hope! Gold, silver, and base lead. Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath:Craig1916: 21 You shall look fairer, ere I give or hazard. What says the golden chest? ha! let me see: Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.Craig1916: 24 What many men desire! that ‘many’ may be meant By the fool multitude, that choose by show, Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach; Which pries not to the interior, but, like the martlet,Craig1916: 28 Builds in the weather on the outward wall, Even in the force and road of casualty. I will not choose what many men desire, Because I will not jump with common spiritsCraig1916: 32 And rank me with the barbarous multitude. Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house; Tell me once more what title thou dost bear: Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.Craig1916: 36 And well said too; for who shall go about To cozen fortune and be honourable Without the stamp of merit? Let none presume To wear an undeserved dignity.Craig1916: 40 O! that estates, degrees, and offices Were not deriv’d corruptly, and that clear honour Were purchas’d by the merit of the wearer. How many then should cover that stand bare; How many be commanded that command;Craig1916: 45 How much low peasantry would then be glean’d From the true seed of honour; and how much honour Pick’d from the chaff and ruin of the timesCraig1916: 48 To be new varnish’d! Well, but to my choice: Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves. I will assume desert. Give me a key for this, And instantly unlock my fortunes here.Craig1916: 52 [He opens the silver casket. Too long a pause for that which you find there. What’s here? the portrait of a blinking idiot, Presenting me a schedule! I will read it. How much unlike art thou to Portia!Craig1916: 56 How much unlike my hopes and my deservings! Who chooseth me shall have as much as he deserves. Did I deserve no more than a fool’s head? Is that my prize? are my deserts no better?Craig1916: 60 To offend, and judge, are distinct offices, And of opposed natures. What is here? Thus hath the candle sing’d the moth. O, these deliberate fools! when they do choose, They have the wisdom by their wit to lose.Craig1916: 81 The ancient saying is no heresy:Edition: current; Page: ‘Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.’ Come, draw the curtain, Nerissa.Craig1916: 84 Enter a Servant. Where is my lady? Here; what would my lord? Madam, there is alighted at your gate A young Venetian, one that comes before To signify the approaching of his lord;Craig1916: 88 From whom he bringeth sensible regreets, To wit, — besides commends and courteous breath,— Gifts of rich value. Yet I have not seen So likely an embassador of love.Craig1916: 92 A day in April never came so sweet, To show how costly summer was at hand, As this fore-spurrer comes before his lord. No more, I pray thee: I am half afeard Thou wilt say anon he is some kin to thee,Craig1916: 97 Thou spend’st such high-day wit in praising him. Come, come, Nerissa; for I long to see Quick Cupid’s post that comes so mannerly.Craig1916: 100 Bassanio, lord Love, if thy will it be! Enter Salanio and Salarino. Now, what news on the Rialto? Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading wracked on the narrow seas; the Goodwins, I think they call the place; a very dangerous flat, and fatal, where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried, as they say, if my gossip Report be an honest woman of her word.Craig1916: 8 I would she were as lying a gossip in that as ever knapped ginger, or made her neighbours believe she wept for the death of a third husband. But it is true,—without any slips of prolixity or crossing the plain highway of talk,—that the good Antonio, the honest Antonio,—O, that I had a title good enough to keep his name company!—Craig1916: 16 Come, the full stop. Ha! what sayst thou? Why, the end is, he hath lost a ship. I would it might prove the end of his losses.Craig1916: 21 Let me say ‘amen’ betimes, lest the devil cross my prayer, for here he comes in the likeness of a Jew.Craig1916: 24 How now, Shylock! what news among the merchants? You knew, none so well, none so well as you, of my daughter’s flight.Craig1916: 28 That’s certain: I, for my part, knew the tailor that made the wings she flew withal. And Shylock, for his own part, knew the bird was fledged; and then it is the complexion of them all to leave the dam.Craig1916: 33 She is damned for it. That’s certain, if the devil may be her judge.Craig1916: 36 My own flesh and blood to rebel! Out upon it, old carrion! rebels it at these years? I say my daughter is my flesh and blood.Craig1916: 41 There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than between jet and ivory; more between your bloods than there is between red wine and Rhenish. But tell us, do you hear whether Antonio have had any loss at sea or no?Craig1916: 47 There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, a prodigal, who dare scarce show his head on the Rialto; a beggar, that used to come so smug upon the mart; let him look to his bond: he was wont to call me usurer; let him look to his bond: he was wont to lend money for a Christian courtesy; let him look to his bond.Craig1916: 54 Why, I am sure, if he forfeit thou wilt not take his flesh: what’s that good for? To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and what’s his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villany you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.Craig1916: 78 Enter a Servant. Gentlemen, my master Antonio is at his house, and desires to speak with you both. We have been up and down to seek him. Here comes another of the tribe: a third cannot be matched, unless the devil himself turn Jew.Craig1916: 85 [Exeunt Salanio, Salarino and Servant. How now, Tubal! what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter? I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her.Craig1916: 89 Why there, there, there! a diamond gone, cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon our nation till now; I never felt it till now: two thousand ducats in that; and other precious, precious jewels. I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! No news of them? Why, so: and I know not what’s spent in the search: Why thou—loss upon loss! the thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief; and no satisfaction, no revenge: nor no ill luck stirring but what lights on my shoulders; no sighs but of my breathing; no tears but of my shedding.Craig1916: 104 Yes, other men have ill luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa,— What, what, what? ill luck, ill luck? —hath an argosy cast away, coming from Tripolis.Craig1916: 109 I thank God! I thank God! Is it true? is it true? I spoke with some of the sailors that escaped the wrack.Craig1916: 113 I thank thee, good Tubal. Good news, good news! ha, ha! Where? in Genoa? Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night, fourscore ducats.Craig1916: 117 Thou stick’st a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold again: fourscore ducats at a sitting! fourscore ducats!Craig1916: 120 There came divers of Antonio’s creditors in my company to Venice, that swear he cannot choose but break. I am very glad of it: I’ll plague him; I’ll torture him: I am glad of it.Craig1916: 125 One of them showed me a ring that he had of your daughter for a monkey. Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: it was my turquoise; I had it of Leah when I was a bachelor: I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys. But Antonio is certainly undone.Craig1916: 132 Nay, that’s true, that’s very true. Go, Tubal, fee me an officer; bespeak him a fortnight before. I will have the heart of him, if he forfeit; for, were he out of Venice, I can make what merchandise I will. Go, go, Tubal, and meet me at our synagogue; go, good Tubal; at our synagogue, Tubal. Enter Bassanio, Portia, Gratiano, Nerissa, and Attendants. I pray you, tarry: pause a day or two Before you hazard; for, in choosing wrong. I lose your company: therefore, forbear awhile. There’s something tells me, but it is not love, I would not lose you; and you know yourself,Craig1916: 5 Hate counsels not in such a quality. But lest you should not understand me well,— And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought,— I would detain you here some month or twoCraig1916: 9 Before you venture for me. I could teach you How to choose right, but then I am forsworn; So will I never be: so may you miss me;Craig1916: 12 But if you do, you’ll make me wish a sin, That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes, They have o’erlook’d me and divided me: One half of me is yours, the other half yours,Craig1916: 16 Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours. O! these naughty times Put bars between the owners and their rights; And so, though yours, not yours. Prove it so,Craig1916: 20 Let fortune go to hell for it, not I. I speak too long; but ’tis to peise the time, To eke it and to draw it out in length, To stay you from election. Let me choose;Craig1916: 24 For as I am, I live upon the rack. Upon the rack, Bassanio! then confess What treason there is mingled with your love. None but that ugly treason of mistrust, Which makes me fear th’ enjoying of my love: There may as well be amity and lifeCraig1916: 30 ’Tween snow and fire, as treason and my love. Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack, Where men enforced do speak anything.Craig1916: 33 Promise me life, and I’ll confess the truth. Well then, confess, and live. ‘Confess’ and ‘love’ Had been the very sum of my confession:Craig1916: 36 O happy torment, when my torturer Doth teach me answers for deliverance! But let me to my fortune and the caskets. Away then! I am lock’d in one of them: If you do love me, you will find me out.Craig1916: 41 Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof. Let music sound while he doth make his choice; Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end,Craig1916: 44Edition: current; Page: Fading in music: that the comparison May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream And watery death-bed for him. He may win; And what is music then? then music isCraig1916: 48 Even as the flourish when true subjects bow To a new-crowned monarch: such it is As are those dulcet sounds in break of day That creep into the dreaming bridegroom’s ear, And summon him to marriage. Now he goes,Craig1916: 53 With no less presence, but with much more love, Than young Alcides, when he did redeem The virgin tribute paid by howling TroyCraig1916: 56 To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice; The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives, With bleared visages, come forth to view The issue of the exploit. Go, Hercules!Craig1916: 60 Live thou, I live: with much, much more dismay I view the fight than thou that mak’st the fray. [A Song, whilst Bassanio comments on the caskets to himself. Ding, dong, bell.Craig1916: 72 So may the outward shows be least themselves: The world is still deceiv’d with ornament. In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt But, being season’d with a gracious voice,Craig1916: 76 Obscures the show of evil? In religion, What damned error, but some sober brow Will bless it and approve it with a text, Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?Craig1916: 80 There is no vice so simple but assumes Some mark of virtue on his outward parts. How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chinsCraig1916: 84 The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars, Who, inward search’d, have livers white as milk; And these assume but valour’s excrement To render them redoubted! Look on beauty,Craig1916: 88 And you shall see ’tis purchas’d by the weight; Which therein works a miracle in nature, Making them lightest that wear most of it: So are those crisped snaky golden locksCraig1916: 92 Which make such wanton gambols with the wind, Upon supposed fairness, often known To be the dowry of a second head, The skull that bred them, in the sepulchre.Craig1916: 96 Thus ornament is but the guiled shore To a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word, The seeming truth which cunning times put on To entrap the wisest. Therefore, thou gaudy gold, Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee; Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge ’Tween man and man: but thou, thou meagre lead,Craig1916: 104 Which rather threat’nest than dost promise aught, Thy plainness moves me more than eloquence, And here choose I: joy be the consequence! [Aside.] How all the other passions fleet to air,Craig1916: 108 As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embrac’d despair, And shuddering fear, and green-ey’d jealousy. O love! be moderate; allay thy ecstasy; In measure rain thy joy; scant this excess;Craig1916: 112 I feel too much thy blessing; make it less, For fear I surfeit! What find I here? [Opening the leaden casket. Fair Portia’s counterfeit! What demi-god Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes? Or whether, riding on the balls of mine,Craig1916: 117 Seem they in motion? Here are sever’d lips, Parted with sugar breath; so sweet a bar Should sunder such sweet friends. Here, in her hairsCraig1916: 120 The painter plays the spider, and hath woven A golden mesh to entrap the hearts of men Faster than gnats in cobwebs: but her eyes!— How could he see to do them? having made one, Methinks it should have power to steal both his And leave itself unfurnish’d: yet look, how far The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow In underprizing it, so far this shadowCraig1916: 128 Doth limp behind the substance. Here’s the scroll, The continent and summary of my fortune. A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave; I come by note, to give and to receive.Craig1916: 140 Like one of two contending in a prize, That thinks he hath done well in people’s eyes, Hearing applause and universal shout, Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubtCraig1916: 144 Whether those peals of praise be his or no; So, thrice-fair lady, stand I, even so, As doubtful whether what I see be true,Edition: current; Page: Until confirm’d, sign’d, ratified by you.Craig1916: 148 You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish, To wish myself much better; yet, for youCraig1916: 152 I would be trebled twenty times myself; A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times That only to stand high in your account,Craig1916: 156 I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends, Exceed account: but the full sum of me Is sum of nothing; which, to term in gross, Is an unlesson’d girl, unschool’d, unpractis’d; Happy in this, she is not yet so oldCraig1916: 161 But she may learn; happier than this, She is not bred so dull but she can learn; Happiest of all is that her gentle spiritCraig1916: 164 Commits itself to yours to be directed, As from her lord, her governor, her king. Myself and what is mine to you and yours Is now converted: but now I was the lordCraig1916: 168 Of this fair mansion, master of my servants, Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now, This house, these servants, and this same myself Are yours, my lord. I give them with this ring; Which when you part from, lose, or give away, Let it presage the ruin of your love, And be my vantage to exclaim on you. Madam, you have bereft me of all words, Only my blood speaks to you in my veins;Craig1916: 177 And there is such confusion in my powers, As, after some oration fairly spoke By a beloved prince, there doth appearCraig1916: 180 Among the buzzing pleased multitude; Where every something, being blent together, Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy, Express’d and not express’d. But when this ring Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence:Craig1916: 185 O! then be bold to say Bassanio’s dead. My lord and lady, it is now our time, That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper, To cry, good joy. Good joy, my lord and lady! My Lord Bassanio and my gentle lady, I wish you all the joy that you can wish; For I am sure you can wish none from me:Craig1916: 192 And when your honours mean to solemnize The bargain of your faith, I do beseech you, Even at that time I may be married too. With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.Craig1916: 196 I thank your lordship, you have got me one. My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours: You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid; You lov’d, I lov’d for intermission.Craig1916: 200 No more pertains to me, my lord, than you. Your fortune stood upon the caskets there, And so did mine too, as the matter falls; For wooing here until I sweat again,Craig1916: 204 And swearing till my very roof was dry With oaths of love, at last, if promise last, I got a promise of this fair one here To have her love, provided that your fortuneCraig1916: 208 Achiev’d her mistress. Is this true, Nerissa? Madam, it is, so you stand pleas’d withal. And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith? Yes, faith, my lord.Craig1916: 212 Our feast shall be much honour’d in your marriage. We’ll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats. What! and stake down?Craig1916: 216 No; we shall ne’er win at that sport, and stake down. But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel? What! and my old Venetian friend, Salanio?Craig1916: 220 Enter Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salanio. Lorenzo, and Salanio, welcome hither, If that the youth of my new interest here Have power to bid you welcome. By your leave, I bid my very friends and countrymen,Craig1916: 224 Sweet Portia, welcome. So do I, my lord: They are entirely welcome. I thank your honour. For my part, my lord, My purpose was not to have seen you here;Craig1916: 228 But meeting with Salanio by the way, He did entreat me, past all saying nay, To come with him along. I did, my lord, And I have reason for it. Signior AntonioCraig1916: 232 Commends him to you. [Gives Bassanio a letter. Ere I ope his letter, I pray you, tell me how my good friend doth. Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind; Nor well, unless in mind: his letter thereCraig1916: 236 Will show you his estate. Nerissa, cheer yon stranger; bid her welcome. Your hand, Salanio. What’s the news from Venice? How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio? I know he will be glad of our success;Craig1916: 241 We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece. I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost. There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper,Craig1916: 244 That steal the colour from Bassanio’s cheek: Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world Could turn so much the constitutionEdition: current; Page: Of any constant man. What, worse and worse! With leave, Bassanio; I am half yourself,Craig1916: 249 And I must freely have the half of anything That this same paper brings you. O sweet Portia! Here are a few of the unpleasant’st wordsCraig1916: 252 That ever blotted paper. Gentle lady, When I did first impart my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had Ran in my veins, I was a gentleman:Craig1916: 256 And then I told you true; and yet, dear lady, Rating myself at nothing, you shall see How much I was a braggart. When I told you My state was nothing, I should then have told you That I was worse than nothing; for, indeed,Craig1916: 261 I have engag’d myself to a dear friend, Engag’d my friend to his mere enemy, To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady;Craig1916: 264 The paper as the body of my friend, And every word in it a gaping wound, Issuing life-blood. But is it true, Salanio? Hath all his ventures fail’d? What, not one hit? From Tripolis, from Mexico, and England,Craig1916: 269 From Lisbon, Barbary, and India? And not one vessel ’scape the dreadful touch Of merchant-marring rocks? Not one, my lord.Craig1916: 272 Besides, it should appear, that if he had The present money to discharge the Jew, He would not take it. Never did I know A creature, that did bear the shape of man,Craig1916: 276 So keen and greedy to confound a man. He plies the duke at morning and at night, And doth impeach the freedom of the state, If they deny him justice: twenty merchants,Craig1916: 280 The duke himself, and the magnificoes Of greatest port, have all persuaded with him; But none can drive him from the envious plea Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond.Craig1916: 284 When I was with him, I have heard him swear To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen, That he would rather have Antonio’s flesh Than twenty times the value of the sumCraig1916: 288 That he did owe him; and I know, my lord, If law, authority, and power deny not, It will go hard with poor Antonio. Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble?Craig1916: 292 The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, The best-condition’d and unwearied spirit In doing courtesies, and one in whom The ancient Roman honour more appearsCraig1916: 296 Than any that draws breath in Italy. What sum owes he the Jew? For me, three thousand ducats. What, no more? Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;Craig1916: 300 Double six thousand, and then treble that, Before a friend of this description Shall lose a hair thorough Bassanio’s fault. First go with me to church and call me wife,Craig1916: 304 And then away to Venice to your friend; For never shall you lie by Portia’s side With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold To pay the petty debt twenty times over:Craig1916: 308 When it is paid, bring your true friend along. My maid Nerissa and myself meantime, Will live as maids and widows. Come, away! For you shall hence upon your wedding-day.Craig1916: 312 Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer; Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear. But let me hear the letter of your friend.Craig1916: 315 Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my creditors grow cruel, my estate is very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since, in paying it, it is impossible I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I, if I might but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure: if your love do not persuade you to come, let not my letter. O love, dispatch all business, and be gone!Craig1916: 324 Since I have your good leave to go away, I will make haste; but, till I come again, No bed shall e’er be guilty of my stay, Nor rest be interposer ’twixt us twain. Enter Shylock, Salarino, Antonio, and Gaoler. Gaoler, look to him: tell not me of mercy; This is the fool that lent out money gratis: Gaoler, look to him. Hear me yet, good Shylock. I’ll have my bond; speak not against my bond:Craig1916: 4 I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond. Thou call’dst me dog before thou hadst a cause, But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs: The duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder, Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fondCraig1916: 9 To come abroad with him at his request. I pray thee, hear me speak. I’ll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak:Craig1916: 12 I’ll have my bond, and therefore speak no more. I’ll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool, To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield To Christian intercessors. Follow not;Craig1916: 16Edition: current; Page: I’ll have no speaking; I will have my bond. It is the most impenetrable cur That ever kept with men. Let him alone: I’ll follow him no more with bootless prayers. He seeks my life; his reason well I know.Craig1916: 21 I oft deliver’d from his forfeitures Many that have at times made moan to me; Therefore he hates me. I am sure the dukeCraig1916: 24 Will never grant this forfeiture to hold. The duke cannot deny the course of law: For the commodity that strangers have With us in Venice, if it be denied,Craig1916: 28 ’Twill much impeach the justice of the state; Since that the trade and profit of the city Consisteth of all nations. Therefore, go: These griefs and losses have so bated me,Craig1916: 32 That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh To-morrow to my bloody creditor. Well, gaoler, on. Pray God, Bassanio come To see me pay his debt, and then I care not!Craig1916: 36 Enter Portia, Nerissa, Lorenzo, Jessica, and Balthazar. Madam, although I speak it in your presence, You have a noble and a true conceit Of god-like amity; which appears most strongly In bearing thus the absence of your lord.Craig1916: 4 But if you knew to whom you show this honour, How true a gentleman you send relief, How dear a lover of my lord your husband, I know you would be prouder of the workCraig1916: 8 Than customary bounty can enforce you. I never did repent for doing good, Nor shall not now: for in companions That do converse and waste the time together, Whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love,Craig1916: 13 There must be needs a like proportion Of lineaments, of manners, and of spirit; Which makes me think that this Antonio,Craig1916: 16 Being the bosom lover of my lord, Must needs be like my lord. If it be so, How little is the cost I have bestow’d In purchasing the semblance of my soulCraig1916: 20 From out the state of hellish cruelty! This comes too near the praising of myself; Therefore, no more of it: hear other things. Lorenzo, I commit into your handsCraig1916: 24 The husbandry and manage of my house Until my lord’s return: for mine own part, I have toward heaven breath’d a secret vow To live in prayer and contemplation,Craig1916: 28 Only attended by Nerissa here, Until her husband and my lord’s return. There is a monastery two miles off, And there will we abide. I do desire youCraig1916: 32 Not to deny this imposition, The which my love and some necessity Now lays upon you. Madam, with all my heart: I shall obey you in all fair commands.Craig1916: 36 My people do already know my mind, And will acknowledge you and Jessica In place of Lord Bassanio and myself. So fare you well till we shall meet again.Craig1916: 40 Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you! I wish your ladyship all heart’s content. I thank you for your wish, and am well pleas’d To wish it back on you: fare you well, Jessica. [Exeunt Jessica and Lorenzo. Now, Balthazar,Craig1916: 45 As I have ever found thee honest-true, So let me find thee still. Take this same letter, And use thou all the endeavour of a manCraig1916: 48 In speed to Padua: see thou render this Into my cousin’s hand, Doctor Bellario; And, look, what notes and garments he doth give thee, Bring them, I pray thee, with imagin’d speedCraig1916: 52 Unto the traject, to the common ferry Which trades to Venice. Waste no time in words, But get thee gone: I shall be there before thee. Madam, I go with all convenient speed. Come on, Nerissa: I have work in hand That you yet know not of: we’ll see our husbands Before they think of us. Shall they see us? They shall, Nerissa; but in such a habit That they shall think we are accomplishedCraig1916: 61 With that we lack. I’ll hold thee any wager, When we are both accoutred like young men, I’ll prove the prettier fellow of the two,Craig1916: 64 And wear my dagger with the braver grace, And speak between the change of man and boy With a reed voice, and turn two mincing steps Into a manly stride, and speak of fraysCraig1916: 68 Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, How honourable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died: I could not do withal; then I’ll repent,Craig1916: 72 And wish, for all that, that I had not kill’d them: And twenty of these puny lies I’ll tell, That men shall swear I have discontinu’d schoolEdition: current; Page: Above a twelvemonth. I have within my mind A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks, Which I will practise. Why, shall we turn to men? Fie, what a question’s that, If thou wert near a lewd interpreter!Craig1916: 80 But come: I’ll tell thee all my whole device When I am in my coach, which stays for us At the park gate; and therefore haste away, For we must measure twenty miles to-day.Craig1916: 84 Enter Launcelot and Jessica. Yes, truly; for, look you, the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children; therefore, I promise you, I fear you. I was always plain with you, and so now I speak my agitation of the matter: therefore be of good cheer; for, truly, I think you are damned. There is but one hope in it that can do you any good, and that is but a kind of bastard hope neither.Craig1916: 8 And what hope is that, I pray thee? Marry, you may partly hope that your father got you not, that you are not the Jew’s daughter.Craig1916: 12 That were a kind of bastard hope, indeed: so the sins of my mother should be visited upon me. Truly then I fear you are damned both by father and mother: thus when I shun Scylla, your father, I fall into Charybdis, your mother: well, you are gone both ways. I shall be saved by my husband; he hath made me a Christian.Craig1916: 21 Truly the more to blame he: we were Christians enow before; e’en as many as could well live one by another. This making of Christians will raise the price of hogs: if we grow all to be pork-eaters, we shall not shortly have a rasher on the coals for money.Craig1916: 27 I’ll tell my husband, Launcelot, what you say: here he comes. I shall grow jealous of you shortly, Launcelot, if you thus get my wife into corners.Craig1916: 32 Nay, you need not fear us, Lorenzo: Launcelot and I are out. He tells me flatly, there is no mercy for me in heaven, because I am a Jew’s daughter: and he says you are no good member of the commonwealth, for, in converting Jews to Christians, you raise the price of pork.Craig1916: 39 I shall answer that better to the commonwealth than you can the getting up of the negro’s belly: the Moor is with child by you, Launcelot.Craig1916: 43 It is much that the Moor should be more than reason; but if she be less than an honest woman, she is indeed more than I took her for.Craig1916: 47 How every fool can play upon the word! I think the best grace of wit will shortly turn into silence, and discourse grow commendable in none only but parrots. Go in, sirrah: bid them prepare for dinner.Craig1916: 52 That is done, sir; they have all stomachs. Goodly Lord, what a wit-snapper are you! then bid them prepare dinner.Craig1916: 56 That is done too, sir; only, ‘cover’ is the word. Will you cover, then, sir?Craig1916: 59 Not so, sir, neither; I know my duty. Yet more quarrelling with occasion! Wilt thou show the whole wealth of thy wit in an instant? I pray thee, understand a plain man in his plain meaning: go to thy fellows; bid them cover the table, serve in the meat, and we will come in to dinner.Craig1916: 66 For the table, sir, it shall be served in; for the meat, sir, it shall be covered; for your coming in to dinner, sir, why, let it be as humours and conceits shall govern. O dear discretion, how his words are suited! The fool hath planted in his memoryCraig1916: 72 An army of good words: and I do know A many fools, that stand in better place, Garnish’d like him, that for a tricksy word Defy the matter. How cheer’st thou, Jessica? And now, good sweet, say thy opinion;Craig1916: 77 How dost thou like the Lord Bassanio’s wife? Past all expressing. It is very meet, The Lord Bassanio live an upright life,Craig1916: 80 For, having such a blessing in his lady, He finds the joys of heaven here on earth; And if on earth he do not mean it, then In reason he should never come to heaven.Craig1916: 84 Why, if two gods should play some heavenly match, And on the wager lay two earthly women, And Portia one, there must be something else Pawn’d with the other, for the poor rude world Hath not her fellow. Even such a husbandCraig1916: 89 Hast thou of me as she is for a wife. Nay, but ask my opinion too of that. I will anon; first, let us go to dinner.Craig1916: 92 Nay, let me praise you while I have a stomach. No, pray thee, let it serve for table-talk; Then howsoe’er thou speak’st, ’mong other things I shall digest it. Well, I’ll set you forth. Enter the Duke: the Magnificoes; Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano, Salarino, Salanio, and Others. What, is Antonio here? Ready, so please your Grace. I am sorry for thee: thou art come to answer A stony adversary, an inhuman wretchCraig1916: 4 Uncapable of pity, void and empty From any dram of mercy. I have heard Your Grace hath ta’en great pains to qualify His rigorous course; but since he stands obdurate,Craig1916: 8 And that no lawful means can carry me Out of his envy’s reach, I do oppose My patience to his fury, and am arm’d To suffer with a quietness of spiritCraig1916: 12 The very tyranny and rage of his. Go one, and call the Jew into the court. He’s ready at the door: he comes, my lord. Make room, and let him stand before our face.Craig1916: 16 Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too, That thou but lead’st this fashion of thy malice To the last hour of act; and then ’tis thought Thou’lt show thy mercy and remorse more strangeCraig1916: 20 Than is thy strange-apparent cruelty; And where thou now exact’st the penalty,— Which is a pound of this poor merchant’s flesh,— Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture,Craig1916: 24 But, touch’d with human gentleness and love, Forgive a moiety of the principal; Glancing an eye of pity on his losses, That have of late so huddled on his back,Craig1916: 28 Enow to press a royal merchant down, And pluck commiseration of his state From brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint, From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never train’d To offices of tender courtesy.Craig1916: 33 We all expect a gentle answer, Jew. I have possess’d your Grace of what I purpose; And by our holy Sabbath have I swornCraig1916: 36 To have the due and forfeit of my bond: If you deny it, let the danger light Upon your charter and your city’s freedom. You’ll ask me, why I rather choose to haveCraig1916: 40 A weight of carrion flesh than to receive Three thousand ducats: I’ll not answer that: But say it is my humour: is it answer’d? What if my house be troubled with a rat,Craig1916: 44 And I be pleas’d to give ten thousand ducats To have it ban’d? What, are you answer’d yet? Some men there are love not a gaping pig; Some, that are mad if they behold a cat;Craig1916: 48 And others, when the bagpipe sings i’ the nose, Cannot contain their urine: for affection, Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood Of what it likes, or loathes. Now, for your answer:Craig1916: 52 As there is no firm reason to be render’d, Why he cannot abide a gaping pig; Why he, a harmless necessary cat; Why he, a wauling bagpipe; but of forceCraig1916: 56 Must yield to such inevitable shame As to offend, himself being offended; So can I give no reason, nor I will not, More than a lodg’d hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio, that I follow thusCraig1916: 61 A losing suit against him. Are you answer’d? This is no answer, thou unfeeling man, To excuse the current of thy cruelty.Craig1916: 64 I am not bound to please thee with my answer. Do all men kill the things they do not love? Hates any man the thing he would not kill? Every offence is not a hate at first.Craig1916: 68 What! wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice? I pray you, think you question with the Jew: You may as well go stand upon the beach, And bid the main flood bate his usual height;Craig1916: 72 You may as well use question with the wolf, Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb; You may as well forbid the mountain pines To wag their high tops, and to make no noiseCraig1916: 76 When they are fretted with the gusts of heaven; You may as well do anything most hard, As seek to soften that—than which what’s harder?— His Jewish heart: therefore, I do beseech you, Make no more offers, use no further means;Craig1916: 81 But with all brief and plain conveniency, Let me have judgment, and the Jew his will. For thy three thousand ducats here is six.Craig1916: 84 If every ducat in six thousand ducats Were in six parts and every part a ducat, I would not draw them; I would have my bond. How shalt thou hope for mercy, rendering none?Craig1916: 88 What judgment shall I dread, doing no wrong? You have among you many a purchas’d slave, Which, like your asses and your dogs and mules, You use in abject and in slavish parts,Craig1916: 92 Because you bought them: shall I say to you, Let them be free, marry them to your heirs? Why sweat they under burdens? let their beds Be made as soft as yours, and let their palates Be season’d with such viands? You will answer:Craig1916: 97 ‘The slaves are ours:’ so do I answer you: The pound of flesh which I demand of him, Is dearly bought; ’tis mine and I will have it. If you deny me, fie upon your law!Craig1916: 101 There is no force in the decrees of Venice. I stand for judgment: answer; shall I have it? Upon my power I may dismiss this court,Craig1916: 104 Unless Bellario, a learned doctor, Whom I have sent for to determine this, Come here to-day. My lord, here stays without A messenger with letters from the doctor,Craig1916: 108 New come from Padua. Bring us the letters: call the messenger. Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet! The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all,Craig1916: 112 Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood. I am a tainted wether of the flock, Meetest for death: the weakest kind of fruit Drops earliest to the ground; and so let me:Craig1916: 116 You cannot better be employ’d, Bassanio, Than to live still, and write mine epitaph. Enter Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer’s clerk. Came you from Padua, from Bellario? From both, my lord. Bellario greets your Grace. [Presents a letter. Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly?Craig1916: 121 To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there. Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew, Thou mak’st thy knife keen; but no metal can, No, not the hangman’s axe, bear half the keennessCraig1916: 125 Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee? No, none that thou hast wit enough to make. O, be thou damn’d, inexecrable dog!Craig1916: 128 And for thy life let justice be accus’d. Thou almost mak’st me waver in my faith To hold opinion with Pythagoras, That souls of animals infuse themselvesCraig1916: 132 Into the trunks of men: thy currish spirit Govern’d a wolf, who, hang’d for human slaughter, Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet, And whilst thou lay’st in thy unhallow’d dam, Infus’d itself in thee; for thy desiresCraig1916: 137 Are wolfish, bloody, starv’d, and ravenous. Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond, Thou but offend’st thy lungs to speak so loud: Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fallCraig1916: 141 To cureless ruin. I stand here for law. This letter from Bellario doth commend A young and learned doctor to our court.Craig1916: 144 Where is he? He attendeth here hard by, To know your answer, whether you’ll admit him. With all my heart: some three or four of you Go give him courteous conduct to this place.Craig1916: 148 Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario’s letter. Your Grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter I am very sick; but in the instant that your messenger came, in loving visitation was with me a young doctor of Rome; his name is Balthazar. I acquainted him with the cause in controversy between the Jew and Antonio the merchant: we turned o’er many books together: he is furnished with my opinion; which, bettered with his own learning,—the greatness whereof I cannot enough commend,—comes with him, at my importunity, to fill up your Grace’s request in my stead I beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment to let him lack a reverend estimation, for I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I leave him to your gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish his commendation.Craig1916: 166 You hear the learn’d Bellario, what he writes: And here, I take it, is the doctor come. Enter Portia, dressed like a doctor of laws. Give me your hand. Came you from old Bellario? I did, my lord. You are welcome: take your place. Are you acquainted with the differenceCraig1916: 171 That holds this present question in the court? I am informed throughly of the cause.Edition: current; Page: Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew? Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth. Is your name Shylock? Shylock is my name.Craig1916: 176 Of a strange nature is the suit you follow; Yet in such rule that the Venetian law Cannot impugn you as you do proceed. [To Antonio.] You stand within his danger, do you not?Craig1916: 180 Ay, so he says. Do you confess the bond? Then must the Jew be merciful. On what compulsion must I? tell me that. The quality of mercy is not strain’d,Craig1916: 184 It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes: ’Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomesCraig1916: 188 The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above this sceptred sway,Craig1916: 193 It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself, And earthly power doth then show likest God’s When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew, Though justice be thy plea, consider this,Craig1916: 198 That in the course of justice none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy,Craig1916: 200 And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much To mitigate the justice of thy plea, Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice Must needs give sentence ’gainst the merchant there.Craig1916: 205 My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, The penalty and forfeit of my bond. Is he not able to discharge the money? Yes, here I tender it for him in the court;Craig1916: 209 Yea, twice the sum: if that will not suffice, I will be bound to pay it ten times o’er, On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart.Craig1916: 212 If this will not suffice, it must appear That malice bears down truth. And, I beseech you, Wrest once the law to your authority: To do a great right, do a little wrong,Craig1916: 216 And curb this cruel devil of his will. It must not be. There is no power in Venice Can alter a decree established: ’Twill be recorded for a precedent,Craig1916: 220 And many an error by the same example Will rush into the state. It cannot be. A Daniel come to judgment! yea, a Daniel! O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!Craig1916: 224 I pray you, let me look upon the bond. Here ’tis, most reverend doctor; here it is. Shylock, there’s thrice thy money offer’d thee. An oath, an oath, I have an oath in heaven:Craig1916: 228 Shall I lay perjury upon my soul? No, not for Venice. Why, this bond is forfeit; And lawfully by this the Jew may claim A pound of flesh, to be by him cut offCraig1916: 232 Nearest the merchant’s heart. Be merciful: Take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond. When it is paid according to the tenour. It doth appear you are a worthy judge;Craig1916: 236 You know the law, your exposition Hath been most sound: I charge you by the law, Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar, Proceed to judgment: by my soul I swearCraig1916: 240 There is no power in the tongue of man To alter me. I stay here on my bond. Most heartily I do beseech the court To give the judgment. Why then, thus it is:Craig1916: 244 You must prepare your bosom for his knife. O noble judge! O excellent young man! For, the intent and purpose of the law Hath full relation to the penalty,Craig1916: 248 Which here appeareth due upon the bond. ’Tis very true! O wise and upright judge! How much more elder art thou than thy looks! Therefore lay bare your bosom. Ay, ‘his breast:’ So says the bond:—doth it not, noble judge?— ‘Nearest his heart:’ those are the very words. It is so. Are there balance here to weigh The flesh?Craig1916: 256 I have them ready. Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge, To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death. Is it so nominated in the bond?Craig1916: 260 It is not so express’d; but what of that? ’Twere good you do so much for charity. I cannot find it: ’tis not in the bond. You, merchant, have you anything to say?Craig1916: 264 But little: I am arm’d and well prepar’d. Give me your hand, Bassanio: fare you well! Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you; For herein Fortune shows herself more kindCraig1916: 268 Than is her custom: it is still her use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age of poverty; from which lingering penanceCraig1916: 272 Of such a misery doth she cut me off. Commend me to your honourable wife: Tell her the process of Antonio’s end; Say how I lov’d you, speak me fair in death;Craig1916: 276 And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge Whether Bassanio had not once a love. Repent not you that you shall lose your friend, And he repents not that he pays your debt;Craig1916: 280 For if the Jew do cut but deep enough, I’ll pay it instantly with all my heart. Antonio, I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself;Craig1916: 284 But life itself, my wife, and all the world, Are not with me esteem’d above thy life: I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to this devil, to deliver you.Craig1916: 288 Your wife would give you little thanks for that, If she were by to hear you make the offer. I have a wife, whom, I protest, I love: I would she were in heaven, so she couldCraig1916: 292 Entreat some power to change this currish Jew. ’Tis well you offer it behind her back; The wish would make else an unquiet house. These be the Christian husbands! I have a daughter;Craig1916: 296 Would any of the stock of Barabbas Had been her husband rather than a Christian! We trifle time; I pray thee, pursue sentence. A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is thine:Craig1916: 300 The court awards it, and the law doth give it. Most rightful judge! And you must cut this flesh from off his breast: The law allows it, and the court awards it.Craig1916: 304 Most learned judge! A sentence! come, prepare! Tarry a little: there is something else. This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood; The words expressly are ‘a pound of flesh:’Craig1916: 308 Then take thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh; But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscateCraig1916: 312 Unto the state of Venice. O upright judge! Mark, Jew: O learned judge! Is that the law? Thyself shalt see the act; For, as thou urgest justice, be assur’dCraig1916: 316 Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir’st. O learned judge! Mark, Jew: a learned judge! I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice, And let the Christian go. Here is the money.Craig1916: 320 The Jew shall have all justice; soft! no haste:— He shall have nothing but the penalty. O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge!Craig1916: 324 Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh. Shed thou no blood; nor cut thou less, nor more, But just a pound of flesh: if thou tak’st more, Or less, than a just pound, be it but so muchCraig1916: 328 As makes it light or heavy in the substance, Or the division of the twentieth part Of one poor scruple, nay, if the scale do turn But in the estimation of a hair,Craig1916: 332 Thou diest and all thy goods are confiscate. A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew! Now, infidel, I have thee on the hip. Why doth the Jew pause? take thy forfeiture.Craig1916: 336 Give me my principal, and let me go. I have it ready for thee; here it is. He hath refus’d it in the open court: He shall have merely justice, and his bond.Craig1916: 340 A Daniel, still say I; a second Daniel! I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word. Shall I not have barely my principal? Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture,Craig1916: 344 To be so taken at thy peril, Jew. Why, then the devil give him good of it! I’ll stay no longer question. The law hath yet another hold on you.Craig1916: 348 It is enacted in the laws of Venice, If it be prov’d against an alien That by direct or indirect attempts He seek the life of any citizen,Craig1916: 352 The party ’gainst the which he doth contrive Shall seize one half his goods; the other half Comes to the privy coffer of the state; And the offender’s life lies in the mercyCraig1916: 356 Of the duke only, ’gainst all other voice. In which predicament, I say, thou stand’st; For it appears by manifest proceeding, That indirectly and directly tooCraig1916: 360 Thou hast contriv’d against the very lifeEdition: current; Page: Of the defendant; and thou hast incurr’d The danger formerly by me rehears’d. Down therefore and beg mercy of the duke.Craig1916: 364 Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself: And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state, Thou hast not left the value of a cord; Therefore thou must be hang’d at the state’s charge.Craig1916: 368 That thou shalt see the difference of our spirits, I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it. For half thy wealth, it is Antonio’s; The other half comes to the general state,Craig1916: 372 Which humbleness may drive into a fine. Ay, for the state; not for Antonio. Nay, take my life and all; pardon not that: You take my house when you do take the prop That doth sustain my house; you take my life When you do take the means whereby I live. What mercy can you render him, Antonio? A halter gratis; nothing else, for God’s sake!Craig1916: 380 So please my lord the duke, and all the court, To quit the fine for one half of his goods, I am content; so he will let me have The other half in use, to render it,Craig1916: 384 Upon his death, unto the gentleman That lately stole his daughter: Two things provided more, that, for this favour, He presently become a Christian;Craig1916: 388 The other, that he do record a gift, Here in the court, of all he dies possess’d, Unto his son Lorenzo, and his daughter. He shall do this, or else I do recant The pardon that I late pronounced here.Craig1916: 393 Art thou contented, Jew? what dost thou say? I am content. Clerk, draw a deed of gift. I pray you give me leave to go from hence: I am not well. Send the deed after me,Craig1916: 397 And I will sign it. Get thee gone, but do it. In christening thou shalt have two godfathers; Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more,Craig1916: 400 To bring thee to the gallows, not the font. Sir, I entreat you home with me to dinner. I humbly do desire your Grace of pardon: I must away this night toward Padua,Craig1916: 404 And it is meet I presently set forth. I am sorry that your leisure serves you not. Antonio, gratify this gentleman, For, in my mind, you are much bound to him. [Exeunt Duke, Magnificoes, and Train. Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted Of grievous penalties; in lieu whereof, Three thousand ducats, due unto the Jew,Craig1916: 412 We freely cope your courteous pains withal. And stand indebted, over and above, In love and service to you evermore. He is well paid that is well satisfied;Craig1916: 416 And I, delivering you, am satisfied, And therein do account myself well paid: My mind was never yet more mercenary. I pray you, know me when we meet again:Craig1916: 420 I wish you well, and so I take my leave. Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further: Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute, Not as a fee. Grant me two things, I pray you, Not to deny me, and to pardon me.Craig1916: 425 You press me far, and therefore I will yield. [To Ant.] Give me your gloves, I’ll wear them for your sake; [To Bass.] And, for your love, I’ll take this ring from you.Craig1916: 428 Do not draw back your hand; I’ll take no more; And you in love shall not deny me this. This ring, good sir? alas! it is a trifle; I will not shame myself to give you this.Craig1916: 432 I will have nothing else but only this; And now methinks I have a mind to it. There’s more depends on this than on the value. The dearest ring in Venice will I give you,Craig1916: 436 And find it out by proclamation: Only for this, I pray you, pardon me. I see, sir, you are liberal in offers: You taught me first to beg, and now methinks You teach me how a beggar should be answer’d. Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife; And, when she put it on, she made me vow That I should never sell nor give nor lose it.Craig1916: 444 That ’scuse serves many men to save their gifts. An if your wife be not a mad-woman, And know how well I have deserv’d the ring, She would not hold out enemy for ever,Craig1916: 448 For giving it to me. Well, peace be with you. [Exeunt Portia and Nerissa. My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring: Let his deservings and my love withal Be valu’d ’gainst your wife’s commandment.Craig1916: 452 Go, Gratiano; run and overtake him; Give him the ring, and bring him, if thou canst, Unto Antonio’s house. Away! make haste. Come, you and I will thither presently,Craig1916: 456 And in the morning early will we both Fly toward Belmont. Come, Antonio. Enter Portia and Nerissa. Inquire the Jew’s house out, give him this deed, And let him sign it. We’ll away to-night, And be a day before our husbands home: This deed will be well welcome to Lorenzo.Craig1916: 4 Fair sir, you are well o’erta’en. My Lord Bassanio upon more advice Hath sent you here this ring, and doth entreat Your company at dinner. That cannot be:Craig1916: 8 His ring I do accept most thankfully; And so, I pray you, tell him: furthermore, I pray you, show my youth old Shylock’s house. That will I do. Sir, I would speak with you.Craig1916: 12 [Aside to Portia.] I’ll see if I can get my husband’s ring, Which I did make him swear to keep for ever. Thou mayst, I warrant. We shall have old swearing That they did give the rings away to men;Craig1916: 16 But we’ll outface them, and outswear them too. Away! make haste: thou know’st where I will tarry. Come, good sir, will you show me to this house? Enter Lorenzo and Jessica. The moon shines bright: in such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees And they did make no noise, in such a night Troilus methinks mounted the Troyan walls,Craig1916: 4 And sigh’d his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night. In such a night Did Thisbe fearfully o’ertrip the dew, And saw the lion’s shadow ere himself,Craig1916: 8 And ran dismay’d away. In such a night Stood Dido with a willow in her hand Upon the wild sea-banks, and waft her love To come again to Carthage. In such a nightCraig1916: 12 Medea gather’d the enchanted herbs That did renew old Æson. In such a night Did Jessica steal from the wealthy Jew, And with an unthrift love did run from Venice, As far as Belmont. In such a nightCraig1916: 17 Did young Lorenzo swear he lov’d her well, Stealing her soul with many vows of faith, And ne’er a true one. In such a nightCraig1916: 20 Did pretty Jessica, like a little shrew, Slander her love, and he forgave it her. I would out-night you, did no body come; But, hark! I hear the footing of a man.Craig1916: 24 Who comes so fast in silence of the night? A friend! what friend? your name, I pray you, friend. Stephano is my name; and I bring word My mistress will before the break of dayCraig1916: 29 Be here at Belmont: she doth stray about By holy crosses, where she kneels and prays For happy wedlock hours. Who comes with her?Craig1916: 32 None, but a holy hermit and her maid. I pray you, is my master yet return’d? He is not, nor we have not heard from him. But go we in, I pray thee, Jessica,Craig1916: 36 And ceremoniously let us prepare Some welcome for the mistress of the house. Sola, sola! wo ha, ho! sola, sola! Who calls?Craig1916: 40 Sola! did you see Master Lorenzo? Master Lorenzo! sola, sola! Leave hollaing, man; here. Sola! where? where?Craig1916: 44 Tell him there’s a post come from my master, with his horn full of good news: my master will be here ere morning. Sweet soul, let’s in, and there expect their coming.Craig1916: 49 And yet no matter; why should we go in? My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you, Within the house, your mistress is at hand;Craig1916: 52 And bring your music forth into the air. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!Edition: current; Page: Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the nightCraig1916: 56 Become the touches of sweet harmony. Sit, Jessica: look, how the floor of heaven Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold: There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold’st But in his motion like an angel sings,Craig1916: 61 Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins; Such harmony is in immortal souls; But, whilst this muddy vesture of decayCraig1916: 64 Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn: With sweetest touches pierce your mistress’ ear, And draw her home with music. I am never merry when I hear sweet music.Craig1916: 69 The reason is, your spirits are attentive: For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,Craig1916: 72 Fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing loud, Which is the hot condition of their blood; If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, Or any air of music touch their ears,Craig1916: 76 You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes turn’d to a modest gaze By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods;Craig1916: 80 Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov’d with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;Craig1916: 85 The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music. Enter Portia and Nerissa, at a distance. That light we see is burning in my hall. How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. When the moon shone, we did not see the candle.Craig1916: 92 So doth the greater glory dim the less: A substitute shines brightly as a king Until a king be by, and then his state Empties itself, as doth an inland brookCraig1916: 96 Into the main of waters. Music! hark! It is your music, madam, of the house. Nothing is good, I see, without respect: Methinks it sounds much sweeter than by day. Silence bestows that virtue on it, madam. The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark When neither is attended, and I think The nightingale, if she should sing by day,Craig1916: 104 When every goose is cackling, would be thought No better a musician than the wren. How many things by season season’d are To their right praise and true perfection!Craig1916: 108 Peace, ho! the moon sleeps with Endymion, And would not be awak’d! That is the voice, Or I am much deceiv’d, of Portia. He knows me, as the blind man knows the cuckoo,Craig1916: 112 By the bad voice. Dear lady, welcome home. We have been praying for our husbands’ welfare, Which speed, we hope, the better for our words. Are they return’d? Madam, they are not yet;Craig1916: 116 But there is come a messenger before, To signify their coming. Go in, Nerissa: Give order to my servants that they take No note at all of our being absent hence;Craig1916: 120 Nor you, Lorenzo; Jessica, nor you. [A tucket sounds. Your husband is at hand; I hear his trumpet: We are no tell-tales, madam; fear you not. This night methinks is but the daylight sick;Craig1916: 124 It looks a little paler: ’tis a day, Such as the day is when the sun is hid. Enter Bassanio, Antonio, Gratiano, and their Followers. We should hold day with the Antipodes, If you would walk in absence of the sun.Craig1916: 128 Let me give light, but let me not be light; For a light wife doth make a heavy husband, And never be Bassanio so for me: But God sort all! You are welcome home, my lord. I thank you, madam. Give welcome to my friend:Craig1916: 133 This is the man, this is Antonio, To whom I am so infinitely bound. You should in all sense be much bound to him,Craig1916: 136 For, as I hear, he was much bound for you. No more than I am well acquitted of. Sir, you are very welcome to our house: It must appear in other ways than words,Craig1916: 140 Therefore I scant this breathing courtesy. [To Nerissa.] By yonder moon I swear you do me wrong; In faith, I gave it to the judge’s clerk: Would he were gelt that had it, for my part,Craig1916: 144 Since you do take it, love, so much at heart. A quarrel, ho, already! what’s the matter? About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring That she did give me, whose poesy wasCraig1916: 148 For all the world like cutlers’ poetry Upon a knife, ‘Love me, and leave me not.’ What talk you of the posy, or the value? You swore to me, when I did give it you,Craig1916: 152 That you would wear it till your hour of death, And that it should lie with you in your grave: Though not for me, yet for your vehement oaths, You should have been respective and have kept it. Gave it a judge’s clerk! no, God’s my judge, The clerk will ne’er wear hair on’s face that had it. He will, an if he live to be a man. Ay, if a woman live to be a man.Craig1916: 160 Now, by this hand, I gave it to a youth, A kind of boy, a little scrubbed boy, No higher than thyself, the judge’s clerk. A prating boy, that begg’d it as a fee:Craig1916: 164 I could not for my heart deny it him. You were to blame,—I must be plain with you,— To part so slightly with your wife’s first gift; A thing stuck on with oaths upon your finger, And riveted so with faith unto your flesh.Craig1916: 169 I gave my love a ring and made him swear Never to part with it; and here he stands, I dare be sworn for him he would not leave it Nor pluck it from his finger for the wealthCraig1916: 173 That the world masters. Now, in faith, Gratiano, You give your wife too unkind a cause of grief: An ’twere to me, I should be mad at it.Craig1916: 176 [Aside.] Why, I were best to cut my left hand off, And swear I lost the ring defending it. My Lord Bassanio gave his ring away Unto the judge that begg’d it, and indeedCraig1916: 180 Deserv’d it too; and then the boy, his clerk, That took some pains in writing, he begg’d mine; And neither man nor master would take aught But the two rings. What ring gave you, my lord?Craig1916: 184 Not that, I hope, that you receiv’d of me. If I could add a lie unto a fault, I would deny it; but you see my finger Hath not the ring upon it; it is gone.Craig1916: 188 Even so void is your false heart of truth. By heaven, I will ne’er come in your bed Until I see the ring. Nor I in yours, Till I again see mine. Sweet Portia,Craig1916: 192 If you did know to whom I gave the ring, If you did know for whom I gave the ring, And would conceive for what I gave the ring, And how unwillingly I left the ring,Craig1916: 196 When naught would be accepted but the ring, You would abate the strength of your displeasure. If you had known the virtue of the ring, Or half her worthiness that gave the ring,Craig1916: 200 Or your own honour to contain the ring, You would not then have parted with the ring. What man is there so much unreasonable, If you had pleas’d to have defended itCraig1916: 204 With any terms of zeal, wanted the modesty To urge the thing held as a ceremony? Nerissa teaches me what to believe: I’ll die for’t but some woman had the ring.Craig1916: 208 No, by my honour, madam, by my soul, No woman had it; but a civil doctor, Which did refuse three thousand ducats of me, And begg’d the ring, the which I did deny him, And suffer’d him to go displeas’d away;Craig1916: 213 Even he that did uphold the very life Of my dear friend. What should I say, sweet lady? I was enforc’d to send it after him;Craig1916: 216 I was beset with shame and courtesy; My honour would not let ingratitude So much besmear it. Pardon me, good lady, For, by these blessed candles of the night,Craig1916: 220 Had you been there, I think you would have begg’d The ring of me to give the worthy doctor. Let not that doctor e’er come near my house. Since he hath got the jewel that I lov’d,Craig1916: 224 And that which you did swear to keep for me, I will become as liberal as you; I’ll not deny him anything I have; No, not my body, nor my husband’s bed.Craig1916: 228 Know him I shall, I am well sure of it: Lie not a night from home; watch me like Argus: If you do not, if I be left alone, Now by mine honour, which is yet mine own,Craig1916: 232 I’ll have that doctor for my bedfellow. And I his clerk; therefore be well advis’d How you do leave me to mine own protection. Well, do you so: let me not take him, then; For if I do, I’ll mar the young clerk’s pen.Craig1916: 237 I am the unhappy subject of these quarrels. Sir, grieve not you; you are welcome notwithstanding. Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong; And in the hearing of these many friends,Craig1916: 241 I swear to thee, even by thine own fair eyes, Wherein I see myself,— Mark you but that! In both my eyes he doubly sees himself;Craig1916: 244 In each eye, one: swear by your double self, And there’s an oath of credit. Nay, but hear me: Pardon this fault, and by my soul I swearEdition: current; Page: I never more will break an oath with thee.Craig1916: 248 I once did lend my body for his wealth, Which, but for him that had your husband’s ring, Had quite miscarried: I dare be bound again, My soul upon the forfeit, that your lordCraig1916: 252 Will never more break faith advisedly. Then you shall be his surety. Give him this, And bid him keep it better than the other. Here, Lord Bassanio; swear to keep this ring.Craig1916: 256 By heaven! it is the same I gave the doctor! I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio, For, by this ring, the doctor lay with me.Craig1916: 259 And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano; For that same scrubbed boy, the doctor’s clerk, In lieu of this last night did lie with me. Why, this is like the mending of highways In summer, where the ways are fair enough.Craig1916: 264 What! are we cuckolds ere we have deserv’d it? Speak not so grossly. You are all amaz’d: Here is a letter; read it at your leisure; It comes from Padus, from Bellario:Craig1916: 268 There you shall find that Portia was the doctor, Nerissa, there, her clerk: Lorenzo here Shall witness I set forth as soon as you And even but now return’d; I have not yetCraig1916: 272 Enter’d my house. Antonio, you are welcome; And I have better news in store for you Than you expect: unseal this letter soon; There you shall find three of your argosiesCraig1916: 276 Are richly come to harbour suddenly. You shall not know by what strange accident I chanced on this letter. I am dumb. Were you the doctor and I knew you not?Craig1916: 280 Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold? Ay; but the clerk that never means to do it, Unless he live until he be a man. Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow: When I am absent, then, lie with my wife.Craig1916: 285 Sweet lady, you have given me life and living; For here I read for certain that my ships Are safely come to road. How now, Lorenzo!Craig1916: 288 My clerk hath some good comforts too for you. Ay, and I’ll give them him without a fee. There do I give to you and Jessica, From the rich Jew, a special deed of gift,Craig1916: 292 After his death, of all he dies possess’d of. Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way Of starved people. It is almost morning, And yet I am sure you are not satisfiedCraig1916: 296 Of these events at full. Let us go in; And charge us there upon inter’gatories, And we will answer all things faithfully. Let it be so: the first inter’gatoryCraig1916: 300 That my Nerissa shall be sworn on is, Whe’r till the next night she had rather stay, Or go to bed now, being two hours to day: But were the day come, I should wish it dark, That I were couching with the doctor’s clerk. Well, while I live I’ll fear no other thingCraig1916: 306 So sore as keeping safe Nerissa’s ring.
{ "date": "2016-07-29T12:04:54Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257830066.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071030-00179-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9143115878105164, "token_count": 34834, "url": "http://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/shakespeare-the-merchant-of-venice--5" }
Sinn Fein has refused point blank to cooperate with a British government committee’s investigation into amnesty deals with IRA terrorists. The Westminster select committee is investigating claims that, since 2001, three British governments provided 228 IRA fugitives with letters stating that they would not be prosecuted for past crimes. Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson has threatened to resign over the controversial deals with the IRA’s ‘on the runs,’ as they are know. Now Sinn Fein has confirmed that its representatives will not give evidence before the Westminster committee when it travels to Belfast this week. Robinson’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has said his party will not deal with the House of Commons Northern Ireland Affairs committee. The Irish Times reports that the select committee has interviewed a number of politicians and serving and former police officers about the system. The review follows revelations earlier this year when a London court ruled that Donegal man John Downey should not be tried for the 1982 bombing in London's Hyde Park which killed four soldiers. Downey had a letter of comfort telling him he did not face prosecution. The Irish Times reports that it later emerged that nearly 200 republican OTRs were given such letters. British PM David Cameron ordered an inquiry into the agreement, which unionists claim Sinn Fein had tried to keep secret. That inquiry is being led by Lady Justice Heather Hallett. The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee is holding its own inquiry and is taking evidence on Monday and Tuesday at the government buildings in Stormont, just outside Belfast. Robinson, permanent secretary of the Department of Justice Nick Perry, Justice Minister David Ford, the North’s Director of Publin Prosecutions Barra McGrory and the North’s Attorney General John Larkin are all due to give evidence. Deputy First Minister McGuinness confirmed on Sunday that Sinn Féin justice spokesman Gerry Kelly would not give evidence. McGuinness said: “Sinn Féin has clearly outlined our position on the issue of on the runs and despite claims to the contrary, neither this process, nor the agreements on which it was based, were secret or hidden. “However, in the interests of transparency and in an attempt to minimize the damage to the peace process from a growing public controversy, Sinn Féin agreed to participate fully and willingly in the Hallett review. “To that end our party president Gerry Adams, Gerry Kelly and myself met with the Hallett review team last week and put Sinn Féin’s position on this and other legacy issues on the record. “We see no point therefore in Gerry Kelly attending the Westminster select committee into the issue.”
{ "date": "2016-07-27T21:27:15Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257827079.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071027-00019-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9549589157104492, "token_count": 558, "url": "http://www.irishcentral.com/news/politics/Sinn-Fein-shuns-Westminster-inquiry-into-amnesty-deals-with-IRA-men.html" }
You won't find Random Acts of Kindness Day on your calendar. It's an unofficial holiday that offers the perfect excuse to wear your big heart on your sleeve. A generous gesture doesn't even have to cost you pocket change because some deeds come in the form of a few compassionate words. So, get clicking to see people caught in the act of bringing a smile to someone's face. (Click each title to see video on mobile devices.) A wish for Christmas cards from a man who has Down Syndrome was heard all across the country. Alyssa O'Neill's parents honored their daughter's memory by buying Pumpkin Spice Lattes for strangers in a tribute that went viral. A Phoenix police officer demonstrated the power of the pedal for one teenager. A NYC police officer aided a shoeless and homeless man on a frigid November night in Times Square. A businessman in seat 16C made one autistic girl's plane ride one to remember. The girlfriend of a soldier deployed in Afghanistan left a Massachusetts Dunkin' Donuts with more than a cup of coffee. Random Acts of Pizza is a way to help those less fortunate, one pie at a time.
{ "date": "2016-07-24T03:00:30Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823935.18/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00061-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9582722187042236, "token_count": 239, "url": "http://feeds.abcnews.com/US/random-acts-kindness-america/story?id=22502285" }
"Lastly we park our butts outside Delaware Road off Transit as the clock inches toward midnight. No one travels down Delaware Road except fanatics like us: a dark road that never sees cars, surrounded by woods. We sit there and listen to the trees. We tell stories about local hicks who hang squirrels and like to eat 16-year-old kids. We look for the mystery of night. Then there’s no more talk, just the beating of our hearts, and the breaths that we take, until someone lights a cigarette and says, “I’m tired. Let’s get out of here.”The first issue I have with it is the location, obviously. It's not directly off of Transit, rather it's between Goodrich and Salt Roads in the part of town known as Wolcottsburg. Local hicks? Well, this IS campfire scary story time after all. I also saw another Delaware Road mention online on StrangeUSA from 2006: "In the early morning hours of spring and fall driving down this old carriage road you can feel a presence of old world culture. If on the right night one can make out a man standing roadside holding a lantern, and two feet on the right or left you can see a young girl waiting with the man for something. Warning: Rumors of a kid beaten pretty badly, please do not stop, it may not be safe."Oh pooh. What rumors? However it has been little more than a wide heavily wooded trail for over 150 years, so something may have happened. Spooky it is. Not safe? At least it's paved now, which it wasn't in the 60's and before. Driving down two muddy tire ruts going through the closely hovering trees in the midnight hour or any other time brings fears of getting stuck, but that's about it...Of course, if stuck, all those other hobgoblins may come shuffling out of the woods :) Back in the day when this route was first carved through the forest it was called Kupferschleeger Road (aka Francis Road) after the farmer whose property it bordered. Remember there was a predominant Prussian-German community there at the time. In fact the corner on Goodrich was site to many festivities in the late 1800's, including a beer garden and the first carousal. Probably was spooky then too if someone wandered off. According to a book written by Clarence alumnus ('84) and teacher Doug Kohler about the North Country of Clarence, the white-sheeted ones came to town in the early 1920's and held a rally deep on the road in 1924. Now THAT'S scary. The first time I drove my kids down there while killing time they freaked out, and it was broad daylight...Daylight in the outside world that is. The woods have a way of taking time away and replacing it with an otherwordly experience. "Mom, are you sure you know where we are? Mom, can we leave now? Mom?" There's only so fast you can safely drive from one end to the other. Besides, I wanted to savor the atmosphere:) This Halloween night, or any other time for that matter, check it out for yourself. Woooo! (HT to Bill)
{ "date": "2016-07-28T08:36:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257828010.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071028-00057-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9597354531288147, "token_count": 682, "url": "http://clarencegrad72.blogspot.com/2008_10_01_archive.html" }
By Owain Jones WHEN PUTTING your name to any definitive list, you open yourself up to, at best healthy debate, at worst widespread ridicule, so when RW came up with the Icons calendar concept, we made sure blood, sweat and tears were expended narrowing down a list of 12 global superstars that we felt had the perfect mix of ability, charisma and sheer star quality. Of course, omitting the likes of Joost van der Westhuizen, Dan Carter, Serge Blanco, Willie John McBride, Mike Gibson, David Campese or Gavin Hastings – we could go on, and on – was a wrench and will be sacrilege to many because, clearly, there are more than a dozen icons in the game that we hold close to our heart. Our criteria was simple; an icon symbolizes an individual who has transcended the game by an act or deed, on or off the pitch. For that reason, Jonah Lomu was the first name scribbled down. He was the world’s first global rugby superstar and the way, as a 19-year-old, he brutally dismantled Will Carling’s England in the semi-final of the 1995 Rugby World Cup, simply took the breath away. Another moment in 1995, that set off a million flashbulbs around the world, came when Nelson Mandela handed the Webb Ellis Cup to Springbok captain Francois Piennar. It was a handshake that united the Rainbow Nation. Far fresher in the memory is the world’s most successful international captain, Richie McCaw. The first man to win 100 Tests and the last captain to lift the World Cup. Throw in the fact that he’s probably the best openside the world has ever seen, and his legend only grows. Australia has gifted us a plethora of incredible players but you know someone is pretty special when their nickname is ‘Nobody’ because ‘Nobody’s perfect’, so penalty-kicking lock John Eales, winner of two World Cups, makes the list. Gareth Thomas is a pioneer, he was courageously the first player to come out as gay but his achievements on the pitch stand up to scrutiny. He was the first Welsh player to pass 100 caps, a Lions captain, a Grand Slam winner and Heineken Cup winner. You have to give it to ‘Alfie’, he walked the walk. Someone who is already deified in many quarters is Brian O’Driscoll. O’Driscoll is the embodiment of an icon; humble, charismatic and someone who has achieved almost everything in the game; four Lions tours, a Grand Slam, a treble of Heineken Cups and is now fast-moving towards the most highly capped international of all time. O’Driscoll needs little introduction, just BOD. Despite hanging up his boots in 35 years ago, Gareth Edwards is still revered as one of the greatest players ever to grace the game and is scorer of the most celebrated try in history for the Barbarians in 1973, while proud Scot Sir Ian McGeechan has done more than any one person to advance the Lions mythology. We couldn’t leave our Gallic friends out, and for us, the sight of the fearless French openside Jean-Pierre Rives, blond locks flowing in the wing, shirt covered in blood at the Parc des Princes, exemplifies the unique attributes France have given the game. The same could be said of Fijian Prince, Waisele Serevi, a South Sea Islander with regal talents. Serevi’s individual brilliance not only helped Sevens develop into a global behemoth, but from 2016, an Olympic sport. Finally, there’s the duo who will be etched forever into the consciousness of every England fan. Martin Johnson and Jonny Wilkinson. Captain and marksman played an integral part helping Sir Clive Woodward’s team became the first Northern Hemisphere team to lift the World Cup. If you agree, or disagree, please join the debate on Twitter @Rugbyworldmag
{ "date": "2016-07-29T00:10:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257829320.91/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071029-00141-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9464332461357117, "token_count": 851, "url": "http://www.rugbyworld.com/countries/france-countries/rw-icons-calendar-why-we-made-our-choices-34004" }
For railroad buffs, it doesn’t get much better than seeing a Big Boy – the world’s largest steam locomotive. These 132-foot long behemoths weighted more than 1,250,000 pounds and were designed to pull massive freight trains over the Wasatch Mountains between Wyoming and Utah at speeds up to 80 miles per hour. Only 25 of the monsters were ever made, all of them during World Word II. Today only 8 remain. Seven are in static displays in railroad museums and parks, including Big Boy No. 4004 located in Holliday Park in Cheyenne, Wyoming. But the eighth Big Boy, No. 4014, is also in Cheyenne, sitting side by side with Challenger locomotive No. 3985, which is currently the largest operating locomotive in the world. The two gigantic engines are usually locked away in the private Union Pacific Steam Shop, where both are being restored to someday pull excursion trains in the future. For 363 days a year, the Steam Shop is strictly off limits, but on May 21-22, 2016, visitors to Depot Days in Cheyenne will have an opportunity to enter the most famous machine shop in railroading history, and also see Union Pacific’s historic roundhouse. Depot Days for Rail Buffs Depot Days is Cheyenne’s three day celebration of railroading. Not only can visitors see rare locomotives, but they can also enjoy a wide variety of train events so big they attract visitors from across the nation and even Germany and the U.K. There’s a Model Railroad Show where you can meet Harry Brunk, the guru of model railroading. Harry worked on his model railroad, the Union Central & Northern, for 30 years. It has been featured in more than 100 magazine articles and is considered to be one of the best model railroads ever constructed, however, because it was in his private home, hardly anyone ever saw it in person. Today, the setup has been relocated and rebuilt into Cheyenne’s Union Pacific Depot. It’s a kick to see little locomotives pulling dozens of cars pass over the Georgetown Loop and chug into incredibly authentic and detailed models of Central City, Black Hawk, and Idaho Springs. During Depot Days, the annual Rail Art Show & Sale showcases some of the top train paintings, drawings, sculptures, photography and handcrafted models, all available for sale. The Depot Museum has exhibits on building the Union Pacific railroad and the history of Cheyenne. Then of course, you can finish off the afternoon with one of 20 craft beers at the Cheyenne Brewing Company. The brewpub sits trackside in the Union Pacific Depot with large picture windows where you can watch the 75-100 trains that pass through Cheyenne every day. All of this is very fitting in a town that wouldn’t exist without the railroads. Cheyenne’s Wild West History When the first transcontinental railroad was being built across America in 1867, there was not a thing in the future location of Cheyenne but rolling grasslands. Major General Grenville Dodge, the chief engineer of the Union Pacific, decided Wyoming was as far west as the railroad could get before winter, so he picked out a place to build a fort to provide protection against Indians. Following practices that said no liquor could be sold within four miles of a fort, he laid out a town exactly four miles away. Welcome to Cheyenne. Within weeks, the “town” of Cheyenne had 90 saloons and gambling halls, mostly in large portable tents, as well as 400 “ladies of the evening,” 4,000 residents and 23 hangings. Cheyenne boosters will tell you this is where Cheyenne got its nickname, “Magic City of the Plains,” because the city just sprang up overnight like magic. But at the time, most people referred to it by its other name: “Hell on Wheels.” When the railroad moved west in the spring, Cheyenne should have moved with it, but the Union Pacific built its historic railroad roundhouse here and a substantial city was built around it. This is part of the roundhouse, railyards and machine shop complexes that you can enter during Depot Days. Later, Cheyenne became a cattle town and it was said that because of rich cattle barons, Cheyenne was the wealthiest town in the world on a per capita basis. Many of the mansions on Cattle Baron Row still survive. Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Bat Masterson, and “Calamity Jane” all called Cheyenne home, and the legendary murderer Tom Horn was hanged right downtown – the last man hanged in Wyoming (at least legally). The famous Deadwood Stage started in Cheyenne, covering the 300 miles to the gold fields in South Dakota in three days of bouncing on rough dirt tracks through outlaw and Indian country. Old West history is everywhere in downtown Cheyenne – in the western wear shops, galleries, museums, and architecture. But make no mistake, Cheyenne knows how to have fun, too. Wyoming was the last state to ratify prohibition and prostitution was legal until 1938. Today in compact Cheyenne, there are two outstanding breweries and a dozen bars, several with live music. Bring the bikes and there are 37 miles of trails, many of which weave through historic neighborhoods of great old wood mansions, especially in the Rainsford Historic District, where there are dozens of homes and mansions all designed by architect George Rainsford. Rich cattle barons loved his creative porches and roofs with towers covered by decorative “fish scale” shingles. It’s an easy ride to Holliday Park with is gorgeous lake and Big Boy 4004. Downtown Cheyenne has the best collection of western stores on the Front Range. Wrangler is the place for hats, boots and belts; Wyoming Home has western furnishings, rugs, jewelry and gifts; and Just Dandy has women’s western-wear fashions. There are dozen other western galleries, bookstores and souvenir shops. If you want to stay overnight, the historic 1911 Plains Hotel, across the plaza from the Union Pacific Depot, has welcomed guests including Harry Truman, Ronald Regan, Ted Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Now there’s a crew! That would be some party if they were all there together. The lobby is filled with historic Western paintings and sculptures and offers rooms starting at $99. IF YOU GO: Depot Days runs May 20-22, but the Union Pacific Steam Shop is only open on May 21-22. A $10 wrist band gets you a free trolley ride from the Union Station Depot to the machine shops and free admittance to all other railroad activities over the weekend including the model railroad show and the Rail Art Show & Sale. For information on Depot Days: http://www.cheyennedepotmuseum.org/depotdays For information on Cheyenne: www.cheyenne.org Copyright © 2017 Unleaded Group. Website design and development by Unleaded Group
{ "date": "2017-08-19T05:36:55Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105304.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819051034-20170819071034-00244.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9651085734367371, "token_count": 1494, "url": "http://www.watchboom.com/articles/big-boy-tour-in-cheyennemay-21-11" }
Some senators expressed shock — while others reacted cautiously — to a report Monday evening alleging that President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about Islamic State plots gleaned by a U.S. ally to senior Russian officials. Senators react with alarm, caution to report that Trump revealed classified info WASHINGTON — Some senators expressed shock — while others reacted cautiously — to a report Monday evening alleging that President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about Islamic State plots gleaned by a U.S. ally to senior Russian officials. The Washington Post reported in an article Monday evening that Trump appeared to be boasting about receiving “great intel” when he allegedly made the disclosure in the Oval Office, which the ally had not cleared American officials to share. The White House, however, is denying that he did. “Obviously, if the allegations are true, that would be very, very troubling,” said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn. “To compromise a source is something that you just don’t do, and that’s why we keep the information that we get from intelligence sources so close is to prevent that from happening.” Other senators were more measured, however. “We just have an initial report, so it’s very difficult to comment until we get all facts. I’m not going jump to any conclusion until we get all the facts, as much as I trust The Washington Post,” Senate Armed Services Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., said. Fellow national security hawk Sen. Lindsey Graham also is waiting for further information. “I don’t know if it’s accurate or not. If it’s accurate, it’d be troubling,” the South Carolina Republican said. 2 young men killed as chaos erupts in western Venezuela CARACAS, Venezuela — Chaos erupted in western Venezuela during another round of protests against the socialist government, with buildings set afire, tear gas swirling around protesters and at least two people killed. A grisly video purporting to show the final moments of one man left dead in the turmoil capped Monday's unrest as a morning of initially peaceful demonstrations turned violent outside Caracas, with two deaths reported at separate demonstrations in Tachira, a mountainous state bordering Colombia. In the video, a crowd surrounds a man identified as Diego Hernandez, 33, lying lifeless on the pavement, his eyes wide open. A bystander rips open his blue T-shirt, revealing a bloody wound underneath. Authorities in Tachira said the second man killed was Luis Alviarez, 18, who died from a bullet wound in the thorax. Man holding human head stabs store clerk; mother found dead ESTACADA, Ore. — A man killed his mother on Mother's Day at a rural Oregon home, then showed up at a grocery store in a nearby town carrying a decapitated human head and began stabbing a checkout clerk before being subdued, authorities said Monday. Officers determined the head the man was carrying belonged to his mother, the Sandy Police Department said. An autopsy was underway Monday on the body of Tina Marie Webb, 59, the same day that her son, 36-year-old Joshua Lee Webb, was booked on charges of murder and attempted murder in the case. He has not yet made a court appearance. 'This is a democracy': Int'l court may be next for Duterte MANILA, Philippines — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte acknowledged Tuesday that allegations he induced extrajudicial killings in his war on drugs could be raised to the International Criminal Court after an impeachment case failed in the House of Representatives. "Yeah, he can go ahead. He is free to do it. This is a democracy," Duterte said in reaction to a lawmaker saying he was considering bringing a case against the Philippine leader to the court in The Hague, Netherlands. The impeachment complaint killed by a House committee Monday accused Duterte of multiple murders and crimes against humanity for adopting a state policy of inducing police and vigilantes into killing more than 8,000 suspected drug users and dealers outside the rule of law. The complaint also accused him of corruption, unexplained wealth, and taking a "defeatist stand" against China's in the territorial row in the South China Sea. "It is true that there are deaths — is there a drug war where no one is killed?" Duterte said. "But not in the character and kind that I was dished out, including ordering the killing of a child."
{ "date": "2017-08-20T08:05:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886106358.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20170820073631-20170820093631-00164.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.964782178401947, "token_count": 930, "url": "http://www.pbcommercial.com/news/20170516/rise-senators-react-to-trump-report-2-dead-in-venezuela-man-decapitated-mom" }
How many black supporters of Obama have heard of Thomas Sowell and Dr. Walter Williams? These two gentlemen are super-intelligent conservative blacks who write weekly columns (you can read them at Townhall.com) or, if you’re lucky, in your local paper. Thomas Sowell is an economist and author of many best selling books. Walter Williams is an economics professor at George Mason University, an entertaining radio personality and he too is the author of several well respected books on economics. Why am I asking? Because the mainstream media ignores opposing views to President Obama’s agenda, lumping all opposition into vague groups such as “angry racist mobs financed by special interest groups”. Sowell and Williams are smart, prominent blacks who disagree vehemently with Obama yet the mainstream media pays them no attention. I find it particularly frustrating because these men are economists with so much knowledge to offer and the mainstream media is doing a disservice to the public by not allowing their well-reasoned points of view to be heard. The coverage of this administration is one-sided and favorable to Obama. To all of the conservative-haters on Y/A, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are what you would call INTELLECTUALLY HONEST. They make their cases by backing them up with facts as opposed to blaming George Bush, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, Neo-Cons, blah, blah, blah…. That they are black is irrelevant but I brought it up because several of my liberal black friends have never heard of Sowell and Williams and I wanted to see how many black Obama supporters on Y/A are similarly deprived of knowing these two brilliant minds. Heck, you might decide to give them a read yourselves! Ed J proves my point. He has nothing substantive to offer so he attacks. How do you know they didn’t criticize George Bush? An INTELLECTUALLY HONEST person criticizes what they do not agree with. Many conservative pundits criticized George Bush for his runaway spending among other things. Don’t blame them if George Bush wasn’t listening. Check mate, my friend. Quick and easy answer, if they know of them and disagree with them they are “Uncle Toms” who have been brainwashed by the man. Look at how Bill Cosby was vilified when he said blacks should be more responsible. What do you think of what Dr. Walter E. Williams said? He seems to try and come up with excuses as to why African Americans have not risen out of poverty. Some have, some haven’t. There have been plenty of opportunity. There comes a time when you stop blaming the man, and take on some responsibility. What do think of what Dr. Walter E. Williams said? I haven’t had time to watch the entire tape, just the first 2:18 of it. But I am a fan of Dr. Williams as an Economist in general, knowing what I do, I will assume (and will watch the rest), that what he says is true and that it will piss a lot of people off. Earlier today I was talking to my wife about something he said about the stimulus plan, it was a quote by one of his colleagues from GMU. He is a no-nonsense, teacher, thank your for sharing this link, I will watch the rest of it now. Dan, his wife passed away 2 years ago, I was telling my wife about his vacuum cleaner story every year. I think the point of the story, beside his being humorous in general, is that as a Economist, he always seeks to use his resources in the most efficient manner. I suspect that he probably did the vacuuming himself and bought Mrs. Williams very thoughtful presents. Edit: My first job was in the early 70’s, seasonal work, in Philadelphia. I was paid $1.10 an hour, the minimum wage was $2.25 at the time (it was legal to pay seasonal student workers below minimum wage at that time). It never dawned on me that I would not have been hired if they had to pay me more, but about 3 years ago I asked my former boss’s son (the current owner of the business) why they don’t hire for that position anymore and he said because of minimum wage, so there must be some truth regarding the societal impact). The saddest part of this is many illegal aliens work below minimum wage, I don’t think that helps unskilled and semi-skill workers either and suggests a need for labor below the value of minimum wage. One more point, my work-ethic to this day is based on what I learned at that first job (work hard, have fun doing it), and within a year or two I was making well over the minimum wage as was offered a rather high paying job with incredible fringe benefits when I graduated (I took another path, less pay but more potential). Is economist and professor Walter Williams correct when he argues affirmative action does blacks no favors? I think so, but what do you think? See attached link. Dr. Williams serves on the faculty of George Mason University as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and is the author of More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well. And Wally Wms. Is the WORST kind of nightmare for the wacky far-left wingnuts: A black man making sense! Tom Sowell drives ’em bugf**k, too. Lol Who do you think is smarter? Dr William Bell or Dr Walter Bishop? (Fringe)? No reason for asking, i just want to know what people think. They are characters from Fringe, not actual people. I think the man who made computers did more to change the world than anyone. Bill Gates and Paul Allen, and the Dell guy. Sir Tim Berners-lee the british computer scientist who is credited with creating the internet. In 1989. Has changed the world more than any other person. Powered by Yahoo! Answers
{ "date": "2017-08-21T04:37:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886107490.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821041654-20170821061654-00244.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9659979939460754, "token_count": 1264, "url": "http://letdcknow.com/blog/your-questions-about-dr-walter-williams" }
Week 9 – Creation: Physical Order We are more than lucky mud.Ron Lewis As an explanation of the world, materialism has a sort of insane simplicity. It has just the quality of the madman’s argument; we have at once the sense of it covering everything and the sense of it leaving everything out. Contemplate some able and sincere materialist … He understands everything, and everything does not seem worth understanding. His cosmos may be complete in every rivet and cog-wheel, but still his cosmos is smaller than our world.G. K. Chesterton: Orthodoxy “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.” (Revelation 4:11) “By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.” (Hebrews 11:3) “All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” (John 1:3) “For My hand made all these things, thus all these things came into being,” declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 66:2) “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible…” (Colossians 1:16) The first two chapters of Genesis tell of the universe being created by God. The account begins: “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth” (Genesis 1:1). Next, the Bible describes God speaking the entire universe into being, including mankind (Genesis 1, 2). God then shows us that His original creation was entirely good: “God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). God not only created the universe, but He also sustains His creation at the sub-atomical level and farthest galaxies: “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). Many of us grew up thinking that we are a cosmic accident. In contrast, the Bible teaches us that all men were made in His image, that we were created to rule creation, that we have an eternal existence, and that His very hand designed the fabric of each one of us (Psalm 139). In His Image “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). Being made in his image implies that we are separate from the rest of creation; we aren’t just another type of creature but as a species have a special place with Him. Without Sin (originally) This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes (Ecclesiastes 7:29). Before the Fall (when sin entered the world), mankind had the choice not to sin. We lived in perfect fellowship with God. After the Fall that fellowship was destroyed and could only be re-established through the redemption of Jesus Christ. God created us to be permanent. Although when sin entered the world, death entered too (Romans 5:12), but our annihilation did not. Apart from God, though, our permanent existence would be a curse, a state of eternal spiritual death, first on earth and then in hell. The only way out is through Jesus Christ. As Stewards of the Earth Mankind was also commissioned by God to act as stewards over the earth: God blessed them [Adam and Eve]; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing the moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28 This authority on earth affirms that we have a special place in creation. We are superior to the rest of creation. This commandment to steward the earth has not been revoked. God still calls us to have authority over the earth and be responsible stewards of our planet according to His purposes. Fashioned by Him “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:13-14) “He who fashions the hearts of them all, He who understands all their works.” (Psalm 33:15) The Bible teaches us that everyone was fashioned by His hand – that no one is an accident or unwanted by Him. We are a result of God’s boundless creativity along with His attention and intentions for His earth. The naturalistic perspective of the world claims that life did not arise by design, but by blind chance. Everything, from rocks to migratory cycles to man’s ability to dream, can be traced to a fluke some billions of years ago and the evolutionary processes following it. Scientists, both Christian and non-Christian, are challenging Darwin’s theory of evolution. We are more than “lucky mud” or the result of an alien invasion. A Few Arguments Challenging Darwinistic Evolution Evolutionary processes in nature only produce limited changes. For instance, dog breeding (i.e. artificial natural selection) can only produce different types of dogs, not, for instance, rhinos or whales. No significant mutations have ever been observed that produced truly innovative change, a necessary element of Darwinian evolution. The fossil record shows that any given animal species appeared suddenly and then never changed. In other words, animals seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, and each species then remained consistent in design. The actual fossil record thus flies in the face of one of evolution’s central tenets of gradual development of species over time. Through more recent developments in physics and astronomy we can readily know that matter had a definite beginning in time and is not eternal as many atheists once believed. This is one of the proofs that caused legendary philosophical atheist Anthony Flew to become a theist, after spending a lifetime writing advanced collegiate texts on atheism. His latest book was entitled, There is a God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind. Understanding mankind’s God-given position over and greater in value than the earth affects how we view our relationship to creation and our behavior in it. We can see the fruit of various behaviors and attitudes in the earth by looking at the root of man’s attitude toward his worth and position vis-à-vis the rest of creation. - According to the Bible, who created the heavens and the earth? - In whose image was mankind created? - How does understanding mankind’s God-given position over the earth affect our behavior in it?
{ "date": "2017-08-22T22:44:55Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886116921.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20170822221214-20170823001214-00404.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9592889547348022, "token_count": 1479, "url": "http://ronlewisministries.org/edification/pocket-theology/knowing-god-and-his-story/creation-physical-order/" }
1. People misunderstand you. A lot of people misunderstand you. They think you are snobby and snooty and think way too highly of yourself. They see you as a career woman and nothing else. They look at your job title, and only view it in a negative light. 2. People assume you are too ‘conservative’. When you tell people about your job and career and about how much of a workaholic you are, they immediately recoil. Some people find workaholics and successful women to be prudes and too conservative. 3. Work can suck your energy dry. After work, you honestly don’t have the energy to date or go out. You spend so much time focusing all your energy on work, that you forget completely about trying to have a dating or social life. 4. People are intimidated by you. As always, people are going to be intimidated by you and extremely jealous. They see your job title on Linkedin, and your pretty desk, and assume the worst. They don’t look at you as a genuine human being, they look at you as if you are from another planet. 5. We still live in a sexist world. Unfortunately, it is still a very very sexist world that we live in. And it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. People will look at you and assume you’re a ‘bitch’, just because you are successful. They will ask you why you don’t smile enough and they will ask why you aren’t making them a sandwich in the kitchen. Honestly, this kind of behavior would make ANY woman want to give up on dating entirely. 6. You don’t have time to ‘play the field’. The free time that you do have is spent with your loved ones, with your family, and with your friends. You don’t have time to go on Tinder date after Tinder date. And honestly? You don’t really want to. 7. You’re always exhausted. You love your job. It’s your baby. But sometimes, it can be stressful and not fun. You take your mistakes and your fuck ups to heart, and when stressful situations happen, you can barely pick up your head you’re so mentally exhausted from it all. 8. People feel threatened or god forbid ’emasculated’ by you *eye roll*. Many men will see your success and see your status as something that makes them feel weak and small. They will see your career soar, and will resent you for making them seem less significant. (If you’re dating a guy like this, drop him immediately). 9. You’d rather spend time with your girls than anyone else. Your girlfriends and friendships mean the absolute world to you. You only have a handful of amazing friends, but that’s all you really need. They are your world, and you cherish their words of wisdom and advice. 10. You put your job over everything except your family and friends. You worked hard to get your career up and running. You worked really, really hard to get to where you are now. You aren’t going to let some man take that away from you. And you aren’t going to settle for anything or anyone less than you deserve. You know you’ll find love someday. But for right now? You’re content where you are and with who you are.
{ "date": "2017-08-23T19:32:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886123359.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823190745-20170823210745-00484.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9705092906951904, "token_count": 738, "url": "https://thoughtcatalog.com/lauren-jarvis-gibson/2017/03/heres-why-career-driven-women-are-having-such-a-hard-time-finding-love/" }
8:03pm: A SFFD medic reportedly collided with three other vehicles while en route to an emergency on Stockton and Sacramento. More details here. 10:30pm: A man reportedly assaulted another man by approaching him from behind and punching him on Jefferson and Taylor. He allegedly proceeded to punch and kick him as the victim fell to the ground. The victim was transported to SFGH with non-life threatening lacerations to the face and the victim is now in custody. 11:27pm: A man reportedly broke into another man’s home by kicking open the victim’s door, then brandishing a knife on the 700 block of Taylor. The suspect allegedly stole items from a dresser in the home. There were no injuries and no arrests. 11:29pm: A man reportedly threw a cone in the middle of the street and a cab driver then ran over it on 18th and Sanchez. The driver got out of the vehicle and removed the cone from his cab and the two men allegedly got into a verbal argument that led to a physical altercation. One of the men suffered a non-life threatening bruise to his forehead and both are in custody. 12:32am: Two men approached four other men sitting in their vehicle on 17th and Kansas and reportedly robbed them. No arrests were made and there were no injuries. 2:05am: A woman’s car was reportedly set on fire on the unit block of Sargent Way. The victim allegedly heard an explosion and saw a vehicle fleeing. No arrests were made and there were no injuries. 3:00am: A person reportedly drove by the 1000 block of Yosemite and noticed a vehicle on fire. Police then attempted to contact the owner of the vehicle. No arrests were made and there were no injuries. More details on both of these vehicle fires here. View SF Appeal Crime Blotter June 11 in a larger map
{ "date": "2017-08-17T01:38:39Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886102819.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20170817013033-20170817033033-00684.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9823746681213379, "token_count": 396, "url": "http://sfappeal.com/2010/06/crime-blotter-friday-june-11-car-fires-and-fist-fights/" }
Two Down won Best UK Film on its UK premiere at the Manchester Film Festival. Chichester now gets an early chance to see the low-budget British independent comedy thriller as a late addition to the Chichester International Film Festival (August 27). It comes from writer/director Matthew Butler and writer/producer Tori Hart under the Fizz and Ginger Films banner. But Matthew will be hoping it’s the names of its executive producers Stephen Fry and Derek Jacobi which will help it on its way, plus the fact it was also partially filmed in a pub belonging to Ian McKellen. When Sophie Watson (Tori Hart) answers the doorbell and a mortally-wounded hitman falls into her flat, her world is turned upside down. Desperate John Thomas (Alex Hassell) barges into her home and holds her hostage, along with an unsuspecting local delivery boy. Over the course of a couple of hours, a Chinese take-away and a bottle of whisky – while waiting for John’s brother Sam (Nick Rhys) to come and pick him up – the truth begins to emerge as to what really happened to John earlier that day. As Matthew says: “Going to festivals is a good way of getting the film out there. We have a sales company on board that are based in LA, but festivals are a good platform for independent films to be seen and heard in Britain. “We came to an agreement to have a festival year, and it means you can go to some fun and interesting places. It is not all work! But it’s a great way to see how people react to your film. The sales company will be pushing for a cinema release, but there are some independent cinemas that have already said they would be interested. What is great is that the independent cinemas are coming back. There are smaller cinemas out there that are championing smaller films, and it’s a great way of showing you can get an audience.” As has been said, making a film is potentially the easy bit: “We filmed it at the end of 2013 and now in the middle of 2015, it is coming to life. We have had a year and a half of battering away and saying ‘Please watch our film!’ But we have been lucky. Having Stephen Fry and Derek Jacobi as our executive producers really does open some doors. People are interested when you have got two such very different people coming on board what is essentially a 70s-inspired hitman film, an actor-driven comedy thriller.” Two Down is the company’s second feature: “After finishing our first film Miss In Her Teens, which was an adaptation of an 18th-century play, we wanted to do something completely different. We wanted to keep the budget as small as we could so we could keep as much control over the production as possible. So we started with the idea of just three actors in one location, with an injured hit man breaking into a young couple’s house. The idea evolved from there, and having an eccentric, wounded hitman staying in your flat gave us nice high stakes to play with.” Stephen Fry and Sir Derek Jacobi became involved when Matthew and Tori were introduced to them by their friend Ian McKellen. “We had known Ian for years, and he’s always been a big supporter of what we do; now, happily Stephen has also become a big fan. Ian has been involved in a couple of our short films and narrated our first feature which has just been released in the US.” Don’t miss out on all the latest breaking news where you live. Here are four ways you can be sure you’ll be amongst the first to know what’s going on. 1) Make our website your homepage 2) Like our Facebook page 3) Follow us on Twitter 4) Register with us by clicking on ‘sign in’ (top right corner). You can then receive our daily newsletter AND add your point of view to stories that you read here. And do share with your family and friends - so they don’t miss out! Always the first with your local news. Be part of it.
{ "date": "2017-08-21T11:57:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886108268.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821114342-20170821134342-00364.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.97481769323349, "token_count": 889, "url": "http://www.littlehamptongazette.co.uk/whats-on/arts/independent-comedy-thriller-at-the-chichester-international-film-festival-1-6887022" }
I learned something interesting about sand from my college geology professor. Sand is not an element, it is a rock. Not only is it a rock, but it’s a specific size of rock and that size is–small. In Matthew 7:24-27, Yeshua explains the difference between the man who builds his house on the rock and the one who builds his house on sand. Here is the text. (CJB) “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it” I think this passage has to do with trust more than anything else. Yeshua says, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” So who’s words are you trusting. More importantly, what are you putting your trust in? The reason you shouldn’t build your house on sand is because it is constantly shifting. There are too many individual grains competing to hold up the house. It shifts, thus the house falls. So again I ask, who/what are you putting your trust in? Saul put his trust in time when he thought Samuel was late to his crowning. This set the tone for his whole reign. Later we find out he put his trust in a sorcerer. David, who was hunted by King Saul, put his trust in the Lord. In Psalm 18:2-3, he writes, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.” At that time, David new who his rock was. Later, in 2 Samuel 24, we find out that David put his trust in the size of his army. That sand cost him 70,000 warriors. He quickly repented and bought a threshing floor to present an offering to the rock. Consider Peter. As far as we know, Peter is the only human who was not God to ever walk on water. If we look at this story, was he really walking on water, or was this a special effect? I believe Peter physically walked on top of the water, but I think spiritually he was walking on rock. In fact, I believe the water beneath his feet felt as solid as a large boulder. Have you ever thought about what it would feel like to walk on water? The properties of water make it so that when you put your weight on top of it, your foot goes down and doesn’t stop until you’re under. It couldn’t have felt like that because he didn’t go down. He was able to lift his feet and take steps which means he was able to put weight on them. For him to be able to lift his foot above the water meant he had to feel like he was walking on something solid, and I believe it felt like a rock. The rock here is Yeshua. A few steps later, he sank. Why? It’s because he no longer put his trust in the rock. He put his trust in his own ability to walk on water which he knew was null and void. At that point, Yeshua had to rescue Peter because he had met his limits. There are a lot of songs out right now talking about this type of trust. A couple of examples are Paul Baloche’s “God My Rock” and Hillsong United’s “Oceans“. They each talk about putting our trust in God to lead us into His will. But what are the alternatives? What do we depend on when we don’t depend on God? I think it’s different for everyone, but some examples I have seen are as follows: money, job, the lottery, colleagues, people in general, relationships, social media, schools, educators, people in authority, government(s), military, fortune tellers, even church. While most of these things are not bad and some are good (stay away from lotteries and fortune telling), we are not to put our trust in these things. They are like sand under our house. Although the house might stay up for a while, when the storm comes and the winds blow, the sand will shift, the house will fall and “great will be its fall.” “When my heart is overwhelmed I will look to you alone When I struggled to believe you did not let go of me God my rock” –Paul Baloche & Brenton Brown “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Saviour” –Joel Houston, Matt Crocker & Salomon Ligthelm
{ "date": "2017-08-20T17:15:30Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886106865.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20170820170023-20170820190023-00564.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.983426034450531, "token_count": 1142, "url": "https://timobateman.wordpress.com/tag/consider-peter/" }
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve… – Mark 10:45 epikos Mission: To Make More and Better Disciples Serving is an essential part of discipleship. It encourages relationships with other believers, shows that we’re putting others first, and in that way, makes us more like Christ. In the Bible, we’re ALL called to serve. Jesus lived it. The apostles Peter and Paul told us to do it, and the church exists today to show it, because by serving, the world can actually see the Gospel in action. Even though the Step into Serving event is over, it’s never to late to start serving! To see the serving teams at each campus, click here. In the video below, Scott shares his story about how other people serving at epikos played an important role in his coming to faith.
{ "date": "2017-08-22T13:11:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886110774.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20170822123737-20170822143737-00004.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9636894464492798, "token_count": 189, "url": "https://www.epikos.org/events/step-into-serving/" }
Thank God the break is over! It’s been a hard slog waiting for the season to start. It makes you realize just how good this app is. Anyway, we are here now and are all trying to find the best balance for our teams. How do you pick a good team? Below are 5 tips that may sound obvious, but I try and follow them when picking a team: Always have a good keeper. Pick defenders who always play for their club and have relatively easy games coming up in the next few weeks. Never put defensive midfielders in your team, even if they play every week. Study what order the games are being played in each week. Have a rough idea who to transfer in/out. Take into account when teams play the following week, otherwise you may not have the best team at the start of that week. Go with your gut instinct. The great thing about this app is the social side of it. Once you have picked your team or teams, enter a mini league and get involved in the forum. If you love football, where better to exchange views and opinions with like-minded people? There are loads of good mini-leagues out there, just look in the mini-league menu. Right, now you’ve got a team and you’re in a mini league, create some more. The more teams you have, the greater chance you have of winning something. It’s also far more fun with more teams. So looking to this weekend’s fixtures:- Liverpool v Stoke. Big win for Liverpool. Players to watch include Mignolet, Johnson, Gerrard, Coutinho and Sturridge. Stoke are pants! Arsenal v Villa. Close game but a narrow Arsenal win. As Villa play twice this week Benteke is a must. Arsenal have a few easy games during August so their keeper and defenders are good shouts. Walcott and Cazorla are always going to start in mid-field and should score points. Up front Giroud may be a good idea, but he is very inconsistent. Norwich v Everton Draw. Norwich haven’t got a tough start so it’s worth including Snodgrass in a few of your teams. He gets lots of assists. As for Everton 3 players stand out, Baines, Fellaini and Mirallas. Mirallas has been on fire in pre-season and is cheap. Sunderland v Fulham Boring Draw. Sessegnon will have a good season!!!! Last year was a blip. I think Fulham will get relegated. West Brom v Southampton Exciting draw. Anelka has already scored 7 goals during pre-season. He is cheap and should play every week. Lambert had a great year last season and will score goals again this time out. It’s worth looking at West Brom defenders. They are cheap and I think they will keep plenty of clean sheets this year. West Ham v Cardiff Last year I said avoid West Ham players! Andy Dengate I apologize. West Ham will have a good season with plenty of clean sheets this year! Huge Hammers win! Not sure what to think about Cardiff. Probably best to wait a few weeks before considering their players. Swansea v Man Utd Draw. Swansea had a fantastic season last year and have make a few good signings in the last few months. Michu and their new striker Bony will always score and get you points. As for Utd, it’s all about RVP. We already know he will be the highest points scorer again this season! They won’t concede many, but the back 4 will get rotated a fair bit with the exception of Evra. Crystal Palace v Spurs Spurs win. Avoid Palace players!!! As for Spurs, always have Bale if he’s playing (which is unlikely as he seems to be on his way). Lennon and the Chadli should play every week and get good points. Soldado their new striker is a class player and is one to watch. Chelsea v Hull City Big Chelsea win. I personally think Chelsea will win the league. But Mourinho will rotate a huge amount. Cech and Cole are the only safe defensive options. Hazard and Mata should play most of the time but that’s about it. If they do sign Rooney he will be a sure thing in my team. Avoid Hull players. Man City v Newcastle City win. Hart will probably be the highest scoring keeper this season and will start every week. Rotation is a problem with City so perhaps wait a few week to see how Pellegrini sets his team out before deciding on their players. As for Newcastle players, Sissoko, Cabaye, Ben Arfa and Cisse are the only real options. Wait until next week though as they won’t get many points this week. Chelsea v Villa Chelsea win. Never have Torres in your team. I hope this helps with your team selections. To score more points each week, it goes without saying that you should always use your emergency transfer and try to play as many head-to-heads as you can. This way you will hopefully increase the value of your team and be able to buy more expensive players in further weeks. Remember that the season effectively starts at 12:35pm on Saturday (10 minutes before the Liverpool v Stoke game), so you can make as many changes to your teams before this time as you like, without using the all-important transfers. Finally thank you FiT for last year’s amazing prize. I can’t wait to go to Brazil next year. Beats watching it down the local pub getting covered in beer. Yours in football This post was written by FiT Admin
{ "date": "2017-08-19T01:48:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105291.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819012514-20170819032514-00684.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9655311107635498, "token_count": 1201, "url": "http://www.fantasyiteam.com/at-last-fit-13-14-kicks-off/" }
Hello and welcome to the latest A Brit Queer column, where I’ll be discussing the importance of preserving LGBTQ+ historical sites and showcasing some of the best not-yet-recognised sites across England. Currently, there are over 500,000 listed buildings in England, divided into three separate categories: Grade I (2.5%), Grade II (5.8%), and Grade III (91.7%). Any modifications to listed buildings may require special permission from the local planning agency and Historic England before changes are made or the owner risks prosecution. This prevents the destruction of important historic sites and preserves English history for future generations. The Blue Plaque scheme, which only runs in London , marks buildings that have historical significance but doesn’t offer legal protection from modification or demolition. It can, however, raise awareness of the building’s historical significance and encourage legal protection at a later date. Why is it important to preserve LGBTQ+ sites? There are always people who will try to tell you that identifying as LGBTQ+ is something new- as if millennials invented it- or that it only happened in big metropolitan places like London. The truth is that queer people have existed since the first humans evolved from apes and we will exist until humanity itself dies out; we have lived in London and Manchester but we have also lived in Fareham and Ormskirk. By preserving LGBTQ+ places of historical significance, we can prove it. Most importantly though, the history of English queer people is the history of England. By allowing bigots to straight-wash or cis-wash history and force our queer ancestors back into the closet, we are giving them the license to rewrite history. Who is working to preserve these places? The Pride of Place project, which I first heard about at Bristol Pride 2016, is dedicated to uncovering and celebrating places of LGBTQ heritage in England from the secluded meeting places of Kings and their male lovers to gay clubs that are still important to our community today. It’s part of Historic England’s commitment to studying the histories and lives of marginalised peoples whose stories are often overlooked (or erased). For LGBTQ+ people, this is a result of the way their identities have been treated at various times in the past (and today) as criminal acts, sins, and medical problems. Pride of Place will also nominate buildings with LGBTQ histories for local heritage listings and for inclusion on the National Heritage List for England (NHLE). For buildings with LGBTQ+ histories already on NHLE, Pride of Place will endeavour to amend the listing to include their queer history. What places are currently preserved by Historic England? There are many sites listed on Historic England that are associated with LGBTQ+ people but were not given historical significance on that merit, including: - several castles once lived in by King Edward II who had two documented relationships with men - Chiswick House, home to Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire whose “romantic female friendships” went far beyond what was expected at the time - Farleigh Hungerford Castle owned by Walter Hungerford, the first man to be executed under the 1533 Buggery Act - Walmer Castle, where William Lygon, 7th Earl of Beauchamp, held “lavish homosexual parties” Many more places relating to LGBTQ+ history are listed under the Blue Plaque scheme, including the former houses of Oscar Wilde, Freddie Mercury, Alan Turing, EM Forster, Siegfried Sassoon, Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West among others, and the former headquarters of the Bloomsbury Group, an Edwardian precursor to the gay liberation movement. However, as noted earlier, the Blue Plaque does not provide legal protection to these properties. What are some of the most important places IMO that are not yet preserved? I believe that it is important to recognise important places LGBTQ+ history that are not related to specific people because while individuals are important, I would argue that the places where the gay rights movement began deserve more protection: - Shakespeare’s Head pub, Carnaby Street, London: Where the Minorities Research Group (MRG) was set up in 1963 to unite lesbians and challenge negative stereotypes. - 3 Robert Street, Atherton, Manchester: Where the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) was originally formed as the North-Western Committee for Homosexual Law Reform (NWCHLR) in 1964 - Middle Earth nightclub, 43 King Street, Covent Garden, London: Where the UK Gay Liberation Front (GLF) was forced to move to in 1971 after the London School of Economics kicked them out - Oxford Street, London: Location of England’s first Gay Pride parade in 1972 So what do you think about preserving LGBTQ+ historical sites? Which ones should be preserved in your opinion? Let me know in the comments below. A Brit Queer: Has the UK’s Acceptance of the LGBTQ+ Community Gone Backwards? Hello and welcome to the latest column of A Brit Queer, where I will be discussing how accepting the UK is towards LGBTQ+ people, why it matters, and what you – yes, you – can do about it. When I was a little queer kid, just poking her head out of the closet, I was soooo grateful that I lived in the UK; where we might not have equal marriage yet (that didn’t come until 2013) but we also weren’t executing or imprisoning gay people. After all, things could only get better, right? Don’t get me wrong, I’m still grateful not to live in one of the 71 countries where being LGBTQ+ carries the f*ucking death sentence but I understand now that there is not some linear track towards full equality that every country in the world in on, just at different stations. In fact, acceptance and equality can recede faster than it was achieved. Lord Brian Paddick spoke to UK human rights charity RightsInfo about LGBTQ+ acceptance, earlier this month, and assessed that in some parts of the country it is as bad as in the American Bible Belt. The Liberal Democrat life peer said: “It’s very easy, if you live in a large metropolitan area and you have a liberal network of friends, you think everything is fine. [But] go to the North of England, or to North Wales, you’ll find attitudes that are more akin to the Mid-West states.” Now, I can’t speak for the North of England or North Wales but I have been worried about LGBTQ+ acceptance in Britain for a while now for a few reasons: Brexit: When the UK officially withdraws the European Union, they have the right to get rid of any EU laws (including the ones that protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination) that they wish. The DUP: As a result of the hung parliament in June’s elections, which I talk about in greater detail here, the Conservatives have sought the support of the anti-LGBTQ+ Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) in order to run the country. Jacob Rees-Mogg: Full confession, I’m not happy with the job that the Conservative Party are doing in Britain but I do recognise that there are some who are worse than others. JRM, who might run for leader of the Conservatives (and become Prime Minister) if Theresa May resigns, has some pretty regressive views on LGBTQ+ rights among other things. In fact, one fellow MP dubbed him “Minister for the Nineteenth Century”. Hate Crimes: Earlier this year, there was a horrific hate crime against five lesbians at a pub not far from my house and when the police got there, they let the attackers go. Paddick, the former Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (the highest-ranking openly gay police officer at the time) noted that the police force’s attitude towards LGBTQ+ people has regressed in the past ten years. This is especially worrying given the horrific 78% spike in hate crimes against our community in the past four years. According to research from LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall, the proportion of LGBTQ+ people who have experienced a hate crime is up from around 9% in 2013 to 16% in 2017. In the past 12 months, 21% of all LGBTQ+ people have been the victims of a hate crime, with numbers rising sharply for trans people (41%) and people of colour (34%). The study also found that around 80% of these hate crimes are not being reported to police, but if the police attitude towards LGBTQ+ people has regressed, is it any wonder that no one wants to report hate crimes to them? Paddick said: “There are lots of rights about protecting LGBTQ+ people – it’s enshrined in law. But it’s changing people’s attitudes that is the real difficulty… Whatever the rights are, the facts prove the rights are not being enforced.” What can you do? Stonewall has now launched its Come Out for LGBT campaign to encourage people to report hate crimes and show support for those who have experienced a hate crime. Stonewall’s Chief Executive, Ruth Hunt, said: “This report warns against complacency, and stands as a call to action for everyone who supports equality. We now need to work together, to bring forward the day when no individual faces hatred or discrimination simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity…Together we can create a world where LGBTQ+ people are accepted without exception.” If you want to support LGBTQ+ people in the UK (and really, around the world) here are some good starting points: - Tweet your support of the community using the hashtag #ComeOutForLGBT - Call out abuse and discrimination when it is safe to do so (if you don’t feel safe intervening, you can report online comments, call the police, write to your MP, or contact your local council depending on the type of discrimination that you witness) - Don’t patronise anti-LGBTQ+ businesses but make sure to tell them why - Make a donation to an LGBTQ+ charity like the Albert Kennedy Trust (which provides a safe place to sleep for homeless LGBTQ+ youth) or MindOut (which focuses on LGBTQ+ mental health) So what do you think about the UK’s acceptance of the LGBTQ+ people? Do you think it’s better or worse than 10 years ago? Do you have any other tips for supporting our community? Let me know in the comments below. A Brit Queer: 50 Shades of Gay is heartwarming, hilarious, and hopeful Hello and welcome to the second instalment of A Brit Queer, the column that focuses on the LGBTQ+ community in Britain. This week, we’re going to be a little bit less angry and political and we’re going to watch some TV with LGBTQ+ representation (yay!). To mark the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in the UK, Channel 4 has dedicated an entire season of programming to commemorating how far the LGBTQ+ community has come. The series, called Fifty Shades of Gay, featured prominent British LGBTQ+ people from politicians to musicians to actors to business people, speaking out about how the world has changed for our community since 1967. In many ways, of course, things are better now than they were back then, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves; we still have a long way to go. This documentary focused on the role that pop music has played in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights; whether that’s providing LGBTQ+ representation, speaking out about LGBTQ+ issues or creating songs that would encourage us to hang on in there when times are tough. While fighting for our rights in the courts is important, it is often the entertainment business that can sway public opinion more than legal action, and that public opinion can then sway laws. In terms of representation, if LGBTQ+ people see people like them represented positively on TV they will feel more able to come out and be accepted. When George Michael refused to apologise after getting caught having sex with a man, it sent a message to other gay people that it’s okay to be gay and you don’t have to hide who you are. That’s vital to our collective mental health. If you’re looking for a soundtrack to your coming out story; you’ll find the music here, from Dusty Springfield to David Bowie to Queen to Bronski Beats. In the 1980s, the AIDS epidemic was terrorising the LGBTQ+ community, but the medical community didn’t know how to fight it, the media was espousing homophobia left, right, and centre, and Margaret Thatcher was outright hostile to confronting the disease. This is the unlikely but inspiring story of how LGBTQ+ rights campaigners, Conservative politicians, and pioneering doctors came together to fight AIDS, encourage safe sex, and fight for the rights (and the lives) of our community. They helped to slow the spread of AIDS and improved the way that British people talk about sex. LGBTQ+ activists like Lisa Power of the London Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, Rupert Whitaker, the boyfriend of Terrence Higgins, the first gay man in Britain to die of AIDS, and Tony Whitehead, a founder of the Terrence Higgins Trust, were on the front lines of the epidemic; trying to comfort those affected and pleading with the government and the medical community for help. Doctors, like Ian Weller of University College Hospital, and Michael Adler of Middlesex Hospital, were trying desperately to uncover how AIDS was spread and how it could be stopped. Norman Fowler, then-Health Secretary, advised a public education campaign in order to prevent AIDS from spreading. He said that, at the time, there were no treatments for those who had already been infected; rather the health service needed to focus on prevention. Unfortunately, those brave people had to fight tooth and nail against the establishment in order to do so. As someone born in the 90s, it is hard for me to imagine the extent to which the LGBTQ+ community was affected by the AIDS epidemic. Although, I don’t pretend to understand the way this affected people who were around at the time or those who are diagnosed with HIV and AIDS, this programme was incredibly moving and had me in tears by the end. One of the most important things that this programme brought up for me was the false distinction that was made between ‘innocent’ victims, like the child with haemophilia who became infected with AIDS after receiving a blood transfusion, and those who contracted the disease through sex or drug use. How could you possibly blame someone for contracting a disease, especially before we knew how it was spread? It’s almost like, and stay with me here, they were more interested in blaming the gays than saving people. Hosted by Stephen Fry, this documentary focused on the top seven buildings in the UK, which had historic significance to LGBTQ+ people, with prominent LGBTQ+ people like the Reverend Richard Cole, Strictly Come Dancing Judge Craig Revel Horwood, and broadcaster and business consultant Mary Portas. The places chosen included Shibden Hall in Yorkshire, where a Yorkshire heiress revealed her lesbianism in secret diaries, Heaven Nightclub, one of the first openly gay clubs in the world, and the Houses of Parliament, where LGBTQ+ rights have been expanded slowly but surely over the past 50 years. Whilst I loved the programme as a whole, I was disappointed that it only included one lesbian-specific building was featured as opposed to six, which specifically dealt with gay or bi men. Actor Rupert Everett explores how life for the LGBTQ+ community has changed since male homosexuality was decriminalised in England and Wales; meeting LGBTQ+ people across Britain from the lesbian community of Hebden Bridge to former royal butler Paul Burrell who is getting married to his partner Graham, and even those who helped to prosecute gay men like former policeman, Roger. In the documentary, Everett considers whether the LGBTQ+ community has essentially lost its queerness, in this march towards acceptance for our committee. However, I’ll take increased acceptance and human rights over being ‘edgy’. If I want to be edgy, I’ll get a facial tattoo, thanks. While watching this, it’s worth taking into consideration, that Everett has a history of making controversial statements about the LGBTQ+ community, like advising parents against letting trans children have gender confirmation surgery, speaking against same-sex parenting and advising gay actors to stay in the closet. Overall, I really enjoyed the season but it would have been nice to see some further diversity over the people featured; although, I do appreciate that the 50 Shades of Gay Season was commemorating the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in Britain and that law primarily affected MLM rather than WLW or trans people. For those interested in watching the programmes, I’ve included the links to the All4 player (Channel 4’s online streaming service) in the programme titles. These may not be available to people outside of the UK, but if you know of a way to view them regardless, that’s none of my business 😉 All4 has also re-released other LGBTQ+ shows like Queer as Folk, Sugar Rush, Cucumber, Banana, and Muslim Drag Queens. If you’ve caught any of the programmes, please let me know in the comments what you thought about them. Search hotels and more... The Coward: A Look into Homophobia in Queer Spaces How to Travel to This Gorgeous Liberal European Town With No Roads Love It, Leave It: The NYC (Pizza) Edition LGBT History Month: How Barbara Gittings Changed the World The Assassin Chronicles – Chapter Two: Switzerland Trans History Part 1: From the Stone Age to Stonewall Film Review: Battle of the Sexes Amazon is selling a pro-anorexia hoodie during Mental Illness Awareness Week Supreme Court Sides With Baker, Ignores Civil Rights Bears, Cubs, Chasers, and Chubs: My Journey into the “Belly” of the Beast – Part One The Top Dating Apps & Sites for LGBTQ+ Pennywise is not a gay icon #SorrynotSorry These Are the Gays of Our Lives – Open Relationships, and BIG Problems In the Bedroom, Plus Quote of the Week The Coward: A Look into Homophobia in Queer Spaces Gay and Wondrous Representation Film Review: Battle of the Sexes 5 inspiring documentaries about trans women to stream on Netflix The Best Street Wear Looks From NYFW LGBT History Month: How Barbara Gittings Changed the World Featured2 months ago 8 Homophobic Brands to Avoid Featured9 months ago PLACES THAT SHOULD BE ADDED TO YOUR BUCKET LIST LGBTQ Issues10 months ago Frowning on Femmes: Policing Femme Gender Expression Entertainment9 months ago The True Meaning Behind Kevin Spacey’s Apology Featured9 months ago This Road Trip Explores a Seaside Community and Anchorage Pride Featured5 months ago From U-Haul to Partnership: The Lesbian Relationship Timeline Featured9 months ago GUEST POST: A week in Toronto with Kimberley SE Travel9 months ago 7 Wonders of the Modern World
{ "date": "2018-08-18T19:35:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213737.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818193409-20180818213409-00164.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9572607278823853, "token_count": 4064, "url": "https://travelpride.org/brit-queer-why-we-must-preserve-lgbtq-historical-sites-in-england/" }
Do you get tired of quality? HBO and CNN, corporate siblings, have teamed up for this true story of news reporting in Iraq at the time of the Persian Gulf War. CNN producer Robert Wiener is the man responsible, having written of his experiences in Baghdad in his book, and also having contributed to the screenplay. It's great real world story, where being in the right place in the right time made history and brought a much greater level of respect to CNN. As generally happens, actors are placed in the roles of real people, with at least something of a resemblance for those who would be known by the public. Wiener is played by Michael Keaton, who is joined also by Helena Bonham Carter as fellow producer Ingrid Formaneck. There's a little bit of sexual tension between them, but it's kept nicely at a very low tone, as it really has nothing to do with the story at hand. They have an able crew and rotating staff of reporters. In the months after the invasion of Kuwait, but before the United States invaded, they are nervously on the scene, doing their best to slip real stories past the government. The government's interests are personified in the movie in the guise of Information Minister Naji Al-Hadithi, played by the incomparable David Suchet. I am continually impressed by this man's talents. I've seen him play Belgian, English, American, Jew, and now Iraqi, and each time being completely believable in the role. Al-Hadithi is a tough figure to crack - English educated, very much following the Iraqi line, but not without his sympathetic elements. The apex of his character arc (a very subtle arc, but worthy) is just a few seconds of measured non-verbal communication - perhaps I'm too much of a Suchet fan already, but I found it quite an exquisite moment. They build a lot of actual footage into this film. It makes sense - the material is out there, and it serves to anchor the experience for the audience to hear the rhetoric go back and forth between regimes. There's a problem though - it just doesn't match up well. I can forgive a somewhat lower budget film of not having perfect cgi stitching of material. What I take issue with is that the film strangely - quite strangely - falls apart thematically with these sequences. The whole film is about reporting news, and it's those bits of news, that don't quite work! These news bits are not the ones our crew has uncovered, yet they are used as a device to move the plot along. If only a more decisive choice were made - either committing to the news as a framing device all the way through, or just pulling it out for special moments - then maybe it could have worked. Themes of journalistic integrity and personal responsibility are woven into the story. No conclusions are reached, except possibly that the system will never be perfect, and we can only make the best choices we can. I'd like to have seen some more exploration along those lines, but in this case, the better decision was to stick to how things happened. Dramatic license has its place, but sometimes not indulging in it has greater integrity. The film goes into just the very first part of the war. Getting the story out under those conditions is rightfully shown as exciting and dangerous. Is that surprising? Not really. Is it well done? It's HBO, so yes, it is. We've got the familiar feeling of quality here, but I'm left incomplete. Part of that may just be the usual "true story" syndrome where real life doesn't fit the form that well - but honestly, this is fairly close. I just want another revision of the script that makes firmer decisions. Full profile for Live From Baghdad Offsite info: Internet Movie Database login to submit an article A Film Review 2006-03-10 06:51:39... CheriLacy The Lazy Moviewatcher's Top... Something of 2004 Despite being busy watching all of 2003's movies at home, this reviewer did actually hit the theater a few times this year 2004-12-30 22:39:13... andrew 2003 Awards Tracker So many awards, so much recognition - it's amazing how these people don't develop an ego 2004-01-29 21:45:11... andrew How to set up a cheap home theatre Constant upgrades and a host of revolving standards make the home theatre market hard to decide when to jump in. 2003-05-27 17:52:42... mastadonfarm submit a review here The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Kill Bill: Vol. 1 submit a review here indexes links credits privacy| all contributed material © their respective authors everything else © 2018 thatcow link to this site
{ "date": "2018-08-16T11:43:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221210735.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20180816113217-20180816133217-00044.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9692510962486267, "token_count": 1000, "url": "http://reviews.thatcow.com/review/634" }
Preston Wheeler went to Iraq to make a fortune, but came home a wounded man. Preston Wheeler woke up disoriented in a ditch along U.S. Highway 71 in western Arkansas. Gradually, it came back to him: the 18-wheeler passing on the two-lane road, the sharp pop, the cloud of dust from a blown rear tire. The flashback came as he veered right to avoid the blowout’s debris. As his car left the asphalt, a scene replayed: Preston was back on a dead-end road in Ad Duluiyah, north of Baghdad, trapped behind a flipped tractor-trailer. Four gunmen coaxed a fellow driver out of the truck ahead of his in the convoy. He heard the shots as the men executed the driver in the street. Their white pants flapped in the wind, the road behind them streaked with blood. Preston regained consciousness alone in his Chevy Cavalier. His psychiatrist had warned him against returning to his job as a driver on the open road. So instead, he drove semitrailers in circles around a Tyson Foods Inc. lot, hauling live chickens to the slaughterhouse-100,000 a day. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He, of all people, should have known. The U.S. employs more civilian contractors than soldiers in Iraq. Preston’s former employer, Houston-based KBR Inc., formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton Co., is the largest company operating there. During five years of war, the Army and some contractors have improved the ways they detect and treat post-traumatic stress disorder. KBR has not, according to its wounded employees. KBR’s screening procedure is left to on-site counselors who identify employees who’ve faced trauma, rather than a routine screening for all workers when they return home. Workers often have to recognize their own symptoms and request, or sometimes fight for, treatment through the company’s insurance carrier. “When employees/former employees contact KBR, the company assists them in making a claim,” says Heather Browne, a KBR spokesperson. Many civilian contract employees come from East Texas and neighboring states like Arkansas, the result of recruiting in dead-end towns. A job in Iraq that triples your current pay doesn’t look so bad when you’re in debt even after a long, hard year of trucking at home. Preston had a simple dream: He wanted to build his own house in the woods near his hometown of Wickes, Arkansas. Given the local economy, it was more fantasy than plan. Sometimes you have to leave your hometown for a job; he knew that. Tired of chasing oil, cement, and trucking jobs, he hoped a year or two in Iraq would be his shortcut to a new home, a clear credit record, and enough money to support his son. “‘Round here, you either got something or you don’t,” Preston says, driving through Wickes. “Most people are content as they can be with the way their life is.” With the local logging industry running on machines instead of manpower, the Tyson plant is the only major employer left. It was a cold day last January, and Preston, who’d just turned 40, wore a green Carhartt jacket and a camouflage hat. He sat behind the wheel of his girlfriend Kellie’s truck while she and her kids, Sierra and Allan (all but Kellie call him Bubba), rode in the back. Preston is of medium height and average build-a few dozen pounds lighter, he says, since he quit drinking a few months earlier. He drove past the Wickes housing project, a long row of structures tucked behind a thin stand of pines, where he lived when he was young. Older cars shared the front yard with lawn mower parts and mud-covered toys. “I guarantee you, if my dad knew I went to Iraq, he would flip plumb out,” Preston says. The year before Preston was born, his dad came back from Vietnam missing both his legs. Wayne Wheeler was with the Marines in 1966 when he stepped on a land mine in Da Nang. When he returned, he was sullen, often drunk, and prone to fits of rage at home. Over a few years, Preston’s mother, Yvonne, realized she had a painful decision to make-tougher still with four children and no job of her own. “Daddy was real abusive,” Preston says. “I don’t really remember them breaking up. I just remember we moved.” Yvonne remarried and moved to Texarkana. Preston spent high school getting into fights and skipping class. He flunked out of his junior year twice, then dropped out, got his GED, and went to work at the chicken plant. Later he left for oil field work in Bakersfield, concrete work in Oklahoma City, and a string of trucking jobs. He married and divorced twice. His son Blaine, from his first marriage, lives with him today and is a senior at Wickes High. After every job and each woman, Preston always came home. By 2005, he was deep in debt from house expenses and medical bills, and didn’t see a way clear. If there were two kinds of folks in Wickes, the ones with something and those without, he could see which group he was headed for. Preston knew of people from town who had driven trucks in Iraq. “They came back no problem, so I decided maybe I’d go over there and I wouldn’t have a problem,” he says. “It wasn’t desperation. I just knew that was a lifetime opportunity to go make that kind of money. I wanted a home so bad, I was willing to pay that price.” In 2005, when his second wife admitted to cheating on him, he asked her to move out, making his choice to leave simple. Summing up his state of mind at the time, he remembers thinking, “I got nobody else. It’s just me, and I’m gonna do this or get killed.” As it happened, fate found a third way. Five hundred million served,” signs should read at KBR’s dining halls. The scale of KBR’s accomplishments, enumerated in a company press release, is awesome: 272 million pounds of mail and 3.5 billion gallons of fuel delivered, over 3.7 million miles of road traveled, 32 million clothing bundles laundered worldwide-just since December 2001. The private sector that accompanies the U.S. military in Iraq is an elaborate patchwork of contracts and subcontracts, but with the Army’s all-purpose support work in its pocket, KBR is the 2-ton gorilla. Through May 2007, according to the Washington Post, KBR received $19.7 billion under a contract known as LOGCAP III. Pentagon boosters promised the contract would lead to a more responsive approach to the war. Private employees would be cheaper to train and easier to get rid of when the job was done. Whistleblowers and the media have called out KBR for waste and overbilling, such as recording more meals than were actually served, or favoring new equipment orders over repairs. Yet in April 2007, KBR was one of three companies awarded the Army’s next LOGCAP contract. Depending on how much mail and laundry the military generates, KBR could gross as much as $50 billion from the work over the next decade. Like other new hires, Preston knew there was big money in KBR when he reported to orientation at Greenspoint Mall in Houston. All he wanted was a piece. Dimly lit and often eerily vacant, Greenspoint isn’t an ideal place to spend one’s last weeks before going off to war. The mall can’t shake its old nickname-“Gunspoint”-it took on after a spate of violent crimes in the mid-1990s. A few days after Thanksgiving 2007, as the holiday shopping season began, Greenspoint was evacuated after a murder-suicide at the Body Luxuries lingerie store. A mall Santa Claus led one wave of fleeing shoppers to the parking lot. Nearly every worker KBR sends to Iraq passes through orientation in Greenspoint, in a large unmarked space that used to be a Montgomery Ward store. Trainers show recruits how to put on chemical suits, warn them to drink plenty of water, and remind them how much money they’ll be making. The other end of the mall has Army, Navy and Air Force recruiting stations, so lunchtime at the food court can look like a Green Zone mess hall-except that in Iraq, the KBR recruits serve the food. Preston says he didn’t mind the surroundings or the two weeks of waiting without pay. His mind was occupied with dreams of how the money would change his life back home. He signed on to drive a truck for around $8,000 a month-“More money than I’d ever seen in a month’s time,” he says. At the end of the second week, his name finally came up on the flight list, and a bus took him 30 minutes down the road to Bush Intercontinental Airport. When he left Houston in April 2005, it was his first ride in an airplane. After security contractors, truck drivers probably have the most dangerous private jobs in Iraq. Running from base to base in long convoys, they make easy targets for improvised explosive devices, snipers, even rock-throwers. But with pay starting near $100,000 annually, a trucker can earn twice what his military escort makes. On base, where most private contractors work, the danger is much more limited, and the pay can be even better. As Preston learned, though, the cash comes at a price. Soldiers carry guns; truck drivers don’t, although Preston kept a knife in his cab. While troops generally get a warm welcome home, a trucker coming back is as likely to be called a war profiteer as a patriot. Contractors often return without anybody nearby who can relate to their experience, and without a Veterans Affairs office they can turn to for help. Private insurance carriers take on that role. Preston lived in Camp Anaconda, a sprawling, makeshift town of tens of thousands where KBR bases its Iraq operations, about 65 miles north of Baghdad, at Balad. He drove a refrigerated truck-a “reefer”-on convoy runs every couple of days, and between runs, he killed time in his one-room hooch. Fine desert dust collected on his clothes. He sat around watching pirated DVDs bought from Filipino laundry workers, and called home to talk to his mom, Yvonne, and his son Blaine, who was staying with her. Preston asked his mom to take $600 out of his bank account and send him a digital camera. At first he thought the silver Sony CyberShot was too small, but he was happy with his pictures of exotic arches, run-down buildings, and Iraqi children waving from the roadside. On a laptop he bought in Dubai, he made a slide show set to the Toby Keith song “How Do You Like Me Now?” and dedicated it to his ex-wife. “How do you like me now,Now that I’m on my way?Do you still think I’m crazyStandin’ here today?” Preston had $20,000 saved by the end of August, when he came home for R&R leave. He visited his family in Texarkana and took them all out to dinner. Preston took Blaine and a friend on a weekend trip to Dallas, and spent $8,000 on a new four-wheeler. “I just got a taste of the money,” he says. He relished the easy lifestyle that came with the extra cash and was unconcerned as his savings dwindled. “It don’t take long. $20,000 is nothing,” he says. There was plenty more waiting in Iraq. When he returned to Anaconda, he found he’d been transferred from reefer trucks to flatbeds-news that hit him hard in the gut. Reefer assignments had given him a day on base between runs, but flatbed drivers left the wire almost daily. The odds had just doubled against him. On the morning of September 20, 2005, a week and a half after his return, Preston joined a few drivers for a briefing with their Virginia National Guard escorts. They were headed to Forward Operating Base McKenzie, 45 minutes away. The drivers were told they’d be back in time for lunch. Preston’s white Mercedes-Benz was the No. 5 truck, near the front. Yvonne had asked him to try out the video mode on his camera, so as he left Anaconda he pressed the record button and aimed the camera at the road. As Preston barrels down the highway, the video catches a dusty road, with green brush and occasional palms. The video doesn’t reveal it, but a military navigator had accidentally directed the convoy down the wrong road. The pavement narrows, and low buildings creep close to the road as the convoy passes through Ad Duluiyah, a town about halfway to Camp McKenzie. Preston pulls closer to the Humvee ahead of him as they roll down the middle of the street past markets, homes, and Iraqis paused at the roadside to watch. “KBR just took two rocks, right side,” calls a voice on the radio. Preston turns his camera to the left and trains it on an Iraqi boy. The child bends down to grab a rock, takes a few running steps, and hurls it against Preston’s truck. More drivers report rocks, then broken windows and windshields. “It’s raining rocks,” one driver says. Preston’s driver’s side window shatters. The road dead-ends at the banks of the Tigris River, and the trucks regroup. Realizing they’ve taken a wrong turn, the convoy commander decides to turn around and push on to McKenzie. “We just missed our turn. We gotta go through that hellhole again,” Preston tells the camera. “This is gonna be one good video right here, boy.” The camera continues to run. The streets of Ad Duluiyah reappear, this time without the people who had lined them minutes earlier. Other drivers would later recall passing an old man who made an ominous chopping motion with his hands. A distant cracking noise and a small bullet hole in Preston’s windshield signal the onset of real trouble. “Goddamn!” he screams. The bullet has passed just above Preston’s head. The camera pans down for a moment. The lead truck’s driver, Christopher Lem, is killed by a gunshot to the neck. His truck overturns, blocking half the road. Preston’s truck shakes as a rocket-propelled grenade hits where the trailer is hitched. The cab pitches forward off its back wheels as warning buzzers let out an urgent whine. Voices on the radio tell him to push through, but Preston repeatedly radios back that truck five is stuck, and he needs help. “You’re damn right I’m scared,” he tells the camera, hiding in the sleeper space behind the passenger seat. The city street is eerily empty, its silence occasionally broken by staccato gunfire. “I’m going home when this shit’s done.” Far ahead, too small to distinguish on camera but clear enough for Preston to see, four men stop at the immobilized No. 3 truck and coax out the driver, Sascha Grenner-Case. Moments later they execute him in the street. They move on to truck four and fire up into its cab, at driver Kevin Dagit. “Oh Jesus, they just killed him,” Preston shouts. Up to that point, he’s kept the camera recording without knowing quite why. After Dagit’s killing, he puts the camera down and turns it off. Two bullets pierced his truck after that, tearing through his right arm and settling under his shoulder. He had enough time to tear off a sleeve and tie up the wound as the four gunmen walked slowly toward him. “The truck wouldn’t move, so I was just stuck there. It wasn’t a matter of do or die, ’cause there was nothing I could do. My only option was to die,” he says. Fighting an urge to get out and run, he took out a long black knife and gripped it tight, waiting to defend himself. “All I knew was, the first feller that stuck his head up in my door, I was stickin’ him,” he says. “I was just going into a panic, ’cause I knew my number was coming up. I was on the radio with somebody, I don’t know who. I saw them walking to my truck, and I told him to tell my son I loved him. They kept telling me, don’t say that, you’re gonna be alright. And I told him, I’m not gonna make it out of this one.” The men walked slowly, laughing with each other, he recalls, until they heard the Army helicopters arrive. The sound sent his would-be attackers running, and in that instant Preston was handed back his life. Preston’s mother Yvonne always assumed someone from KBR would call if Preston were hurt, but the first she heard of the attack was from her son. “He said, ‘Momma I’ve been shot,’ and I just went all to pieces. There was no way I could get to him,” she says. “And he said, ‘Momma, but I’m alive.'” After a week in the Army hospital in Ramstein, Germany, Preston flew home to Texarkana, where Yvonne, her husband Odis, Blaine, and other family members awaited. The hospital in Texas suggested sending him to a nursing home to recover, but Yvonne decided he would stay with her in Hooks, Texas, just west of Texarkana. The hospital couldn’t send a nurse every day, so Yvonne learned how to take care of Preston all over again. Doctors put an IV port in his chest, and his mother injected him with antibiotics every six hours. Preston had to keep the wound dry, so he depended on her for sponge baths. She’d remove the bandages, clean the wound, and cover it again. Preston says it was big enough “to fit a Skoal can.” “I would set the alarm, get it all ready, and get him through the night,” Yvonne says. “But when he started having those flashbacks, it was bad.” Preston says, “I didn’t realize the effect it had on me till after I got home. I’d wake up dreaming about it, and be up at four or five o’clock in the morning, setting on the porch and crying by myself. Didn’t want to wake up my mom or [step]dad, so I’d just sit out there and cry. I had a lot of mornings like that, man.” For six months, Preston lived with Yvonne, trying to raise his right arm and waiting for the wound to heal. He left the house only to smoke cigarettes in the driveway and watch traffic pass. He didn’t get many visitors, but he didn’t want them anyway. A musical wall clock became the soundtrack to his days, playing recorded chime versions of “Hey Jude” and “Here Comes the Sun” while he ticked away the time. Day after day began with Preston crying on the porch. “Mostly it was from the dreams. The reality of what happened went on forever. It seemed like it was never gonna end,” he says. A psychiatrist in Texarkana diagnosed Preston with PTSD. For a while he considered returning to Iraq, but his therapist convinced him that was a bad idea. The psychiatrist told him he shouldn’t drive big trucks anymore. Preston understood why: Loud noises tend to trigger the most intense flashbacks. “That’s my biggest fear driving a truck, that I’ll blow a tire on the highway and end up taking out an innocent family,” he says. Preston had loved trucking since he was a boy, loved the freedom he felt racing down open road. Now that he couldn’t haul on the highway, he found the job at the chicken plant near Wickes, making the same four right turns 20 times every shift. To date, about 1.5 million people visiting YouTube have witnessed the intense, emotional moments Preston was sure would be his last. The digital recording of the attack has become one of the most extraordinary pieces of Preston’s story, making a traumatic, near-death experience an oddly public event. Often war memories cloud over with time until just a few details remain, but what Preston saw and felt that day is inextricably tied to footage he can replay whenever he likes. He says he’s watched the video-“studied it”-hundreds of times. Preston had e-mailed the video to other drivers in the convoy, or their families, but says it went public after another driver’s wife sent the movie to Canadian television. The video made the mainstream media rounds within a year after the attack. Preston did a remote interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, and the ABC Evening News flew him to New York. After his appearance on ABC News, he earned a second trip around the news cycle for his accusation that the Virginia National Guard escort had abandoned his convoy. (In his video, the Humvee ahead of him drives past the wreckage as Preston calls for help. While the rest of the escort fought off the attack behind him, the lead gun trucks had pushed forward to regroup for a counterattack.) Five hundred YouTube users have added comments to Preston’s video. Most write about the war, America, or Iraq in general, often in the raw, crass style typical of online comment threads. A few are aimed at Preston: Some are sympathetic, but others criticize what he says in the video, his unarmed presence in a war zone, his decision to go to Iraq in the first place. Preston has fired back at some of the comments. Preston became a cult sensation in Australia after a TV station accidentally played a few of his terrified words on a loop, over and over, for five minutes, during a prime-time documentary about a train wreck. “I tell you what man, you Google ‘Jesus Christ, help us all Lord,’ and my name comes right up,” he says. If his new job didn’t give him that old thrill of asphalt rushing under his feet, at least it took his mind off his memories. It also helped that his old friend Kellie worked in the office; he spent his entire shift driving circles around her. A few months after she divorced her husband-an old friend of Preston’s-the two started dating, and when Preston moved into a rented house in Wickes, Kellie and her two kids moved in with him. The memories remained, though, and something felt unsettled. It was more than Kellie and her kids, or Blaine, could distract him from. Preston began following the news from Iraq, looking for people who had been through what he had. “I got TV ’cause I was bored, but next thing you know, ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ wasn’t so important to me-it was CNN,” he says. While Preston was broadcast, published, and streamed online around the globe, in person he grew more and more shut in. He watched CNN compulsively. “He confined himself to the house, and there was no outside world,” Kellie says. “I didn’t know what I could get out and do,” Preston says. “My getting out and doing something was going to get a 30-pack of beer, and I’d come home to drink it.” Worse than the memories of what he had seen was the urgent sense of being penned in on that street. It came back to him driving, when he got stuck behind a slow driver; it came back in a crowded room. That need to take control, to fight his way out if necessary, grew more intense. “It would be my pleasure to oblige the next feller that wanted to try me out,” he says. “Win or lose, I wouldn’t care. I just got so much built up inside of me, you know? I’ve always been good at driving a truck, and hurting somebody. Those two things.” While he avoided leaving his home, he became resentful when Kellie spent time away. After one argument in October 2007, Preston ordered Kellie to leave the house. Coincidentally, a week later some truck drivers from his old convoy had a meeting in Porter, Texas, a suburb north of Houston. Preston drove down to see them. American Contractors in Iraq is one of the only national support networks for injured contractors. It’s made up of a loose affiliation of contractors and their families. The group’s Web site, americancontractorsiniraq.com, was founded by Jana Crowdet, a contractor’s wife, who posts information about filing insurance claims and coping with PTSD. Art Faust, the truck driver who organized the conference, had been five trucks behind Preston in the convoy. The No. 2 truck driver, Terry Steward, who spent weeks recovering beside Preston after the attack, was there, too; Preston stayed with Steward and his wife in their RV. Other drivers welcomed him warmly. Some told Preston his video helped them recover after their own attacks. A Houston therapist named Sandra Dickson spoke to the group, describing the signs of PTSD. Being quick to fight, developing relationship trouble, and sitting in front of the news for hours on end were all typical signs, she said. Though Preston had already been diagnosed, he was surprised when her description nailed him so well. He thought that the shut-in he’d become wasn’t really him, that maybe he’d never find what he was looking for on the news. Preston raised his hand when Dickson asked for questions. “Is it my fault that I’m an asshole?” he asked.”It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility,” she said. Preston drove home and took down his satellite dish. He reminded himself not to let the memories take over, the way his father did. “I understand him now, to an extent, because of the post-traumatic stress. But it took me a long time to forgive my dad,” Preston says. “I went out there to his grave and told him. He let it consume him. It’s something I don’t intend to let happen to me.” Kellie came back, and the two remained together until mid-March, when she left again after Preston and her 10-year-old son, Bubba, got into a shouting match. The boy’s exuberance, and loud balloon popping in the living room, had long tested Preston’s will, but the two clearly shared a bond. Preston said Bubba, a constant shadow in a matching camouflage jacket, helped him focus on the future and keep his memories from taking over. Ironically, Preston may yet end up with the money he wanted from Iraq-possibly much more-precisely because of the attack. The claim he filed under the Defense Base Act, a World War II-era law providing generous worker’s compensation for civilians supporting the U.S. military overseas, may settle soon, and he could end up with a lump sum that would more than pay for a new house in Wickes. His lawyer, Gary Pitts, who represents many contractors in similar claims, says Preston is lucky, legally speaking. Some of Pitts’ clients are fighting drawn-out claims with American International Group Inc., the insurance carrier for KBR, over soft-tissue and back injuries that are tougher to document than two bullets in the right arm. In disputed PTSD claims, Pitts says, the case often comes down to opposing opinions from the contractor’s therapist and AIG’s in-house expert. “It’s a shootout every time,” Pitts says. Preston’s case is unique because if AIG asks him to document his trauma, all he has to do is push “play.” Preston keeps a sketch of the floor plan for the house he says he’ll build someday, settlement or not. His son Blaine has signed to join the Navy after graduation, and may go off to war himself. “If I can build my home, then I’m satisfied I’ve reached the goal I set out to reach in my life,” Preston says. No matter how well the money works out, he wishes he hadn’t gone to Iraq. “I can live with the physical part, the injuries,” he says. “But I would give it all back to not have the memories.” This movie requires at least Flash Player 8. Download Flash Player 8 to view this slideshow. var fo = new FlashObject(“flash/michels_032108/soundslider.swf”, “slideshow”, “520”, “390”, “8”, “#ffffff”); fo.write(“flashcontent”); Patrick Michels is a former Observer legislative intern.
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This is the last week. How are y’all feeling? Are you feeling good? This is about the time I used to ask this question. How many of you were not here last week? Just raise your hands high. It’s okay. It’s all right. I’m Jason. I’m one of the pastors here. Snetzer has been the primary teacher through this Steps study. I taught last week. I’m teaching this week. Snetzer is in Kenya, and he will be in Kenya until this weekend with a couple of other folks in the Recovery ministry. I think if you remember to pray for him, I would pray for him for a couple of reasons. The first is while he has been away his grandmother passed away, so that was not great, and I think yesterday his wife’s mother came down with a stroke at their house. It has just been a very traumatic time for the Snetzer family, so just pray for them. In fact, let’s pray for them now. Shall we? Let’s do that. Let’s pray. We just lift up the Snetzers, Father, before you. We just place Michael and Sonia before you, and Sonia’s mom, we just ask that you heal her. Empower by the name of Jesus Christ. We ask that you would even now begin to minister to Sonia’s heart where there is certainly fear and just a disorientation of not having her husband there and having difficulty in her immediate family. So, Lord, we just ask that your nearness would be felt and that you would bring peace to Snetz as he is literally around the world while such difficulty and tragedy and circumstances are about his family. May the name of Jesus be praised in all that is done in this, and we do ask that you would bring about great glory as a result of it. It’s in the name of Christ that we pray, amen. Tonight is a really fun talk. This is probably the step that is the most difficult to teach because it’s really the step that says, “Okay, go. All right. Ready? Go.” It’s kind of like, in some ways, having your kids. You’re raising your kids up and you’re forming them and you’re doing all you can do. You’re teaching them. You’re putting together all the pieces you think they need, perhaps shoring up the areas you think they lack. Then at the end of the day, you’re saying, “All right, we’ve given you what we think we need to give you, and now just go and walk the earth. Be an adult.” It’s kind of a nerve-racking feeling in some ways, because in some ways you really are kind of just sending them and you’re having them set sail and just go. Right? Jesus, when he does ministry, he grabs his disciples together, and he just does ministry before them. His ministry is marked pretty simply by a proclamation of the word, “The kingdom of God is coming,” and then he heals a bunch of people, casts out demons, does all kinds of crazy, awesome miracles. It’s amazing. Right? That was in Matthew 4. I’m referencing Matthew 4. In Matthew, chapter 10, he takes the 72. About this time there are 72 disciples, and he says, “Hey, guys, you’ve seen me do ministry. Go and do ministry.” So the disciples are like, “Seriously?” He’s like, “Yeah, go. Do what I do. Go and do it.” So they leave. We don’t know what happens necessarily in Matthew, chapter 10. We do, however, know they come back in Luke, chapter 10. If we turn to Luke 10, we see the disciples come back, and what do they say? The disciples are all freaked out, and they are completely excited about…what? The fact that the demons are subject to their name. They’re like, “Man, we saw some awesome power things. We saw some really amazing things. Even the demons are subject to your name.” What does Jesus say to them? He rebukes them. Jesus says to them, “Hey, don’t rejoice over that. Rejoice that your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Behold, I saw Satan fall from heaven like a lightning to the earth. I know the demons are subject to my name, but don’t rejoice in that.” We’re going to go back here in a bit and talk about Matthew 5 and Ephesians 2, but if we fast-forward to Matthew, chapter 28, what does he say? “All authority has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I have commanded.” When you hear Jesus say that, what is he telling the disciples in Matthew 28? He’s telling them, “You’ve watched me do this. You’ve learned from me. You’ve seen the power in the name of Jesus. You know the kingdom of God is at hand.” What does he say? “Go and make disciples.” That’s what we’re telling you today. We’ve given you as much as we know to give you. We’ve given you the pieces that are most foundational, and we’re saying, “Go and make disciples. All Jesus teaches us, go and make disciples.” I want to read Ephesians, chapter 2, beginning in verse 1. We’re going to move then to Matthew, chapter 5, and then I’ll give just a very few examples of ways you can just make disciples, and then we’ll be done. We’re just done. Really, it’s the beginning. Right? When Jesus says, “Go and make disciples,” there’s this kind of moment where the disciples are going, “Okay, what are you doing? Where are you going?” Jesus just kind of looks at them and just says, “Oh, well…” and he begins to answer those questions. I think implicit in his statement to them is, “It’s better that I go away so the Spirit come.” We definitely see that in Acts, beginning in chapter 2. That is our hope today. All the “gospel in” you’ve been given in this 13-week program, this 12-step program, is intended that all this gospel in produces one thing. It produces “gospel out.” All the gospel-in work we have labored in, we’ve prayed for… In fact, I’m ready for a new crop of folks to come in whom I can pray for. Some of you I’m kind of tired of praying for. I’ve been seeing your names, and then sadly I get to see if you show up or if you don’t. The only thing I know to pray for is attendance reports, so it’s kind of defeating in some regard. I continue to pray for those who are absent. I just pray a little differently. I think you get it. Turn with me to Ephesians, chapter 2. What’s beautiful about this passage is this applies to every single one of us. There are a couple of us in here who will be thinking, “This probably doesn’t apply to me.” In one way or another, you kind of think, “I’m probably the exception here.” Here’s great news. None of us are exceptions to this. This is for all of us. “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked…” Here’s good news, everybody. All of us at one time were dead, no ability to do anything. By the way, just out of curiosity, how well do dead men and dead women reach out for help? Are they very effective at reaching out for help? That’s probably my favorite thing about gospel tracts. You get these things, like “You’re dead” or “You’re burning” or something. You look at it, and you’re like, “Oh, man. That’s something.” Usually, what you see is like this hand reaching up from fire, like “You’re in need.” It’s like this hand continuing to strain. Yet if you read the Scriptures, it really should be just a dead dude who is just lying there and is dead, ice cold, dead, like rigor in place. Then God comes and hovers over a dead man and says, “Walk.” There’s nothing you can do. We are dead men and dead women until God, by his choosing, breathes life. “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world…” The world is just absolutely pushing against us. “…following the prince of the power of the air…” That is Satan. “…the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh…” All of us are subject to our flesh. “…carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.” I love this because if you look at a lot of pop literature right now, pop literature will say, “Man, if we could just get to where you were before this happened.” In fact, I did this thing at a drug and alcohol treatment center just recently, and the entire weekend was to get to your inner child. I just kept thinking, “Man …” Literally, this clinical director gets up and talks about how all of us need to get to our inner child like we were when we were babies. I have no idea why they even invited me. I got up, and I said, “Hey, by the way, everybody wants to get to their inner child, but I just want you to know there was a place you were before then, and that was a dead sinner.” Everybody just looked at me like, “That’s not in the program. I don’t even see the outline for that. When you say dead, what do you mean dead? I want to get to what happened before my abuse.” I’m like, “Well, hey, before your abuse, you were a sinner. You were dead.” You can’t really get worse than dead. I was looking for something…really dead? I don’t know. The truth is we are all subject to those. Here’s one of the most beautiful words of all of Scripture. There have been more sermons preached about this one conjunction: but. Verse 4: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were…” Here it is again if we weren’t clear yet. “…even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing…” As if there was any question, you’re dead. “This is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared…” This is so important. “…beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Workmanship is probably my favorite word there. It’s based upon the Greek word poiema. It’s super important. It’s where we get the Latin, which is where we get the English word poem. It is as if we are so uniquely wired, gifted, experientially rich, that God says you are unbelievably, spectacularly made and formed, ready for…what? Good work. That we should walk in them beforehand. What propels us here? “…because of the great love with which he loved us…” Follow me for a second. All this gospel in, and the result is gospel out. Hear me. The Great Commission is brought about by the Great Commandment, that we are to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and the second is like it, to love your neighbor as yourself. There in Matthew 22, literally, Jesus, who is responding to a lawyer… Do you remember the story? He confounded the wisdom of the Sadducees, and so the Pharisees came up and what did the Pharisees say? “We’ll figure out a way to test him. We’ll figure something out.” Who do they choose? Of course, a lawyer. Great. A lawyer stood up and said, “Why don’t you tell me what all this thing is about?” Jesus just drove home what all the Law and the Prophets were about. The Great Commission, that we are to go and make disciples, is driven out by the greatest commandment, that we are to love God. That’s it. It was God’s love that took dead men and women, of which none of us are exceptions, and he breathed life. Here’s what’s really, really important here. In fact, let’s first turn to Matthew, chapter 5. I love this. Actually, do you know what? I’ll give this story first. Probably one of the most beautiful stories of a mangled life that was brought about like worship that I’ve seen in support was a woman who came in and began to engage probably a 16- or 17-year-old girl who was a newcomer probably about a year and a half ago. If there’s anything that’s more beautiful than to take a person’s life and just the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of which is redeemed, and just throw it out there for the entire world to see… I don’t know about you, but if you drive 35 and you’re driving here, there are billboards all the way up and down from where we are here in Flower Mound all the way down to Dallas, and it’s just plastering different things for you to worship. I’m telling you, there are certain billboards that when I drive by them and as I begin to look at them, I divert my eyes and I just begin to continue to drive forward, they are drawing me in to sinful worship. I know you’re probably thinking what they are. I’m talking about like Ford F-250 Crew Cabs with 0 percent. As I’m driving, I’m just like, “Zero percent. I could buy one for my wife and me.” It’s just drawing me to idolatry. Then there are other billboards, probably the ones you’re thinking about. You’ve been on 35. You know, and the truth is… What is a billboard? A billboard is to say, “Hey, look at this. Hey, look over here. Hey, let me get your attention. Hey, come over here. Look at this.” Then it usually brings about some kind of… Around here it really does… I can’t find a billboard that leads you to worship. It always seems to just push you like the tide on the beach just draws you and pushes you and fights against everything that’s righteous. This woman comes in, this 16-year-old. She comes through those back doors, and she is just completely distraught. We have yet to even start, and she is just convulsingly distraught. I’m a dude, so I’m walking up and I’m like, “Hey, how are you?” and she’s just overwhelmed with grief and just has this blanket or shawl thing just wrapped around her, and she refuses to look up into the eyes of any person that’s here. It’s that moment. As a pastor I’m sitting there. I’m watching her, and I’m just like… So I just do this. I just kind of wait and pause a moment, and I’m looking for anyone, like, “I need a woman who loves Jesus right now. That’s what I need, preferably Grandma, preferably really able to give a defense. I need that woman now.” This woman comes up. She has been a leader with us for years, and she… Man, I am going to cry about this. I should be able to get through this. This woman comes up, and she just walks right up to this woman, just grabs her by her arms, and she just says, “Hey, sweetie, I don’t know what your deal is. I don’t know why you’re in here. I have no idea what you’re in here for, but do you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to tell you very quickly about my life.” She just rapid-fire, like an advertisement on a billboard, walks through the most horrid aspects of her life like incense to God. She just says, “My parents were divorced when I was 8, and I immediately became under the abuse of a stepdad. It was brutal, and yet God was good. I didn’t know it at the time, but he was good, which led me straight into disregard for my mom, which led me straight into the arms of a boyfriend who used me and his friends. Yet at the time I didn’t know it, but God was good.” She just began to walk back and forth, and I just watched this girl just… She wouldn’t look at her. Finally, she said, “If that wasn’t enough, my senior year in high school I allowed another boy to just take advantage of me. I allowed him to drive me to an abortion clinic where I had an abortion, and it completely ripped my soul out. Yet I don’t know why it is, but I named that boy Caleb, and God is good.” That girl just fell to her knees. She just started convulsing and crying. She said, “I just left there. I just left the place on Main Street, and I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what to do.” I’m sitting here, just like, what do you do? Here’s this woman who just takes the most horrible facets of her life, and she just starts throwing them on billboards like incense to God and just says, “Everything I find shameful in my life I’m just going to throw it on a billboard so God be worshiped.” That’s what she did. She literally said, “I remember the time that this, and I was just completely overwhelmed with shame. Guess what? Billboard. Worship God. He was there with me.” It is as if this girl unknowingly just begins to drive aimlessly through the story of this woman’s narrative, and it was beautiful. I just watched this woman pick this girl up and just say, “Hey, let’s talk about it.” The beautiful thing is the girl is still here. I see her every Sunday just walk in, and I’ll just look at her and say, “Hey, it’s good to see you.” She says, “Hey, God is good.” If you take what you’ve been taught and you do nothing with it, we have lost. The kingdom has lost. I’m not just talking about what you’ve learned; I’m talking about the worst things you even can think of telling someone. I’m saying don’t allow the shame of an inventory to just be shredded. Put it on a billboard. Tell the world you’re no longer enslaved. Give somebody else hope, because the world is without hope. I’m telling you it was so beautiful to just watch it happen in real time, to see this girl walk in and this leader be present and me just… At some point you’re just like, “Wow, I have no role here. There’s nothing…” Let me be honest. Really? Do you think a seminary class is going to prepare you for that? “Awkward, Very, Very Tense Situations 301. It’s $3,000. You need to take it. We’re going to teach you what to do when this happens.” No. My gosh. You get the heck out of the way, and you let the Spirit of God just descend and heal and change and transform, and he did right there. It was awesome. She came in completely overwhelmed and walked out at least at that moment looking into other people’s eyes at least at that point with marginal hope. What do we do with what we’ve been given? I think Matthew 5 tells us. Matthew 5, beginning in verse 13, says: “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” I cannot be more simple. I can’t be more straightforward. Gospel in, gospel out. Remember we’re God’s workmanship. I don’t just want you to take the things you’re good at. “Hey, I went to this deal. I went through this program. It was awesome. I’m going to go and teach people what I learned.” Awesome. That’s great. I think you’re limited unless you share with those who are asking your most shameful and most difficult stories. At the same drug and alcohol treatment center, they were incredibly hostile. I’ll just say it that way. They were hostile, and it was a weird moment for me, because there at best of the 50 or so who were sitting around me… It was an interesting scenario because I was in the middle and I was surrounded by chairs, because of the way it was constructed. So I was having to kind of walk around as I teach, but the whole time I kept thinking, “What are the people behind me thinking? Like as I turn around, are they just being like, ’Gosh, this guy is just being an idiot’?” because you’re not able to stare in their face, and so you don’t really know. I felt like I was in a lions’ den, to be honest. As I began to teach and give a defense of the gospel, what was quite interesting was I just got this really strong, overwhelming emotion to just say, “Hey, can I just tell all of you the thing I walked through that was the most shameful thing I’ve ever done and ever walked in my entire life? I don’t know any of you. Half of you I don’t even know your first name, but can I share that with you?” I’m telling you, a room where they are in for drug and alcohol abuse, you saw that entire room just completely amazed. It’s as if they’ve been talked to, they’ve been told what to do, they’ve been told how they can do it, they’ve been told these things… I’m telling you, I have no idea why I did it. Even today I can’t believe I said what I did. For some reason by the prompting of God, I just said, “Hey, can I just start off there? Is that good? We’re talking about shame. Can I just give you mine? Is that cool?” Everybody was like, “Oh, yeah. We love that. Oh, God, he’s going to do it. He’s doing it!” I did. I let them have it. I was like, “Hey, is anybody here a little weirded out by super-awkward situations? No? All right. There was this time…” Do you know what it did? God began to open doors. In fact, I love this. Just as soon as I finished, there were folks who wanted to talk. Again, they were very, very secular, very, very hostile. The guy who brought me in who had to be there with me, because when you’re on premises of a place like that you can’t have your phone. You have to be very specific on how you walk around. The guys said, “Hey, listen.” There were some folks who wanted to talk. He said, “Man, I’m so sorry, but I have to take this van back to the van rental place. You’re going to have to see yourself out.” I said, “Well, do you mind if I just hang a bit?” He was like, “No. You know how to get out of here. Right?” I was like, “I think I do.” He was like, “Yeah, why don’t you just stay?” I was like, “I think I will.” It was on a Friday, so I’m off here at the church, because we work the weekends. I was like, “This is awesome,” so I just sat down and for the next three hours just began to give a defense for the gospel. A dude sat down from Albany, New York, a Jew. He just came and sat down, and he was like, “Hey, listen. This, this, and this.” I was like, “Yeah, man, but gospel.” A guy came in. He was corn-fed, just a huge dude. His dad probably owned Wyoming, and apparently all the drugs in it. I just began to talk and give a defense for the gospel based in joy. I was like, “Oh, no. You don’t understand because you don’t understand joy.” A dude comes in who just got off the battlefield. He’s completely strung out on painkillers because of an injury he suffered in the theater of war. He’s just like, “Yeah, but why would God do this?” I was like, “Yeah, but you’re asking a question you would’ve never asked a month ago. It seems to me God is revealing himself.” Just time after time, after time. What’s my point? Just opening that place like a billboard and incense in the nostrils of God paved the way for people to go, “If he’s willing to share that, let’s see what his joy is about.” I cannot commend to you enough to just go and make disciples. Some of you in here are not going to even stay at the church. Some of you are not even members of the church. Some of you in here will go and be a part of other churches. Fine. Nobody cares that you stay here. Just go and be the church at a local church under faithful leadership, expositorily preaching the Scriptures. Go. Make disciples. You don’t have to stay here. The gospel has to go forth, so maybe one of you will carry it. I don’t know. Some of you are going to stay here. Stay here and pour out. Make disciples. “I don’t have time on Wednesdays.” Fine. Do it another night. “I don’t really want to be a part of a Home Group.” Fine. Find gospel community and go and give a defense for the gospel. Be salt and light. Do not waste what has been entrusted to you in this. For some of you the effort in this has been so lacking. For some of you you just go, “Yeah, I really did exactly what you guys wanted for about 15 percent of the time.” Stellar. Do you know what? Some of you should go back through Steps. Is it really going to hurt you, daily Scripture reading, confession with a brother or sister every week, regular worship and proclamation? Yeah, that sounds horrible. Then some of you still… God is going to raise up an awesome, organic work within you. Even now you know what it is. In fact, God right now is putting in place creativity within some of you that you go, “This sounds like the craziest thing ever, but I really feel like God wants me to further the kingdom in this way.” I’d say, “I’m positive God is doing that, because that’s what he does. When he transforms hearts and lives of men and women, that’s exactly what he does. He puts forth new work, new ministry, new mission, and he creates new believers through it by his own will. It’s beautiful. That’s it. I literally have nothing more to say. There’s no other place we can go except to just say to you don’t waste it. Make disciples. Don’t just take an inventory, something that is so painful for some, and put it under a basket. Don’t do it. This sounds really weird. I know this sounds super weird, but I actually have placed my inventory… I don’t know that I have the trust yet in the Lord…full disclosure…for giving the inventory to my kids, when they’re seniors, or whatever it is, but I am purposed to give my inventory to my children. Do you know why? I don’t know when I’m going to do it…full disclosure. I have no idea. I think my wife thinks I’m crazy. Because I know the plans and schemes of the Enemy and because I know I want to entrust to them truth, I want them to be aware of the carnage and the lies I just drank in. I want them to know, ”Yeah, your dad struggled here. You’d better watch out,“ because if we believe the Scriptures like we do, that could be visited to the third and fourth generation. So you watch these areas of your life very, very closely.” I don’t want to waste it. I want to pray for us, and then I want to just commission you to go. For those of you who have been faithful and just… This is a labor. We know it’s a labor. It’s tough. Imagine going through the program when it was about 50 weeks. Can you imagine? It was about 50 weeks when it began. I know. I want to cry too. As a teacher I’d be like, “Nuh-uh. No, thank you. That’s a lot of work.” It’s good work, but apparently, I’m lazy. I want to commission you. I want to commend you to go and make disciples. Gospel in, and the gospel goes out. Let’s pray together. Father, thank you. We just praise the name of Jesus, and so I do. I just pray a blessing over these who are here. We ask all those who have walked through this process who are not here, Father, a blessing for them to go and make disciples, teaching them all you have commanded, baptizing those whom we teach and go after in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We ask, Father, that these here would feel encouraged, that the workmanship you have placed within them from the time they were dead men and dead women would just be illumined by your Spirit so they would go forth. May their lives be billboards of praise, incense in your nostrils, of what you’ve done in transforming lives. It’s what you do. So we just ask that you would go forth through them, that you would empower them as they go. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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July 14th, 2008 17:52 EST Chase Von Interviews Famous Actress, Shawn Richardz! Chase Von: Hi Shawn and on behalf of myself and the Student Operated Press, thank you so very much for finding time in your hectic schedule to do this interview! You are one of the most sought after actresses in all of Hollywood so I know fitting this in wasn`t easy. So thank you so much again! Shawn: This is an extreme pleasure and very much an honor. I would make sure this interview is SQUEEZED into whatever I was doing! Chase Von: Before we talk about your truly amazing career, I would like for our readers to learn more about you yourself. How old were you when you decided acting was your calling and since making that decision, have you ever had any regrets? Shawn: I can recall my first `doe eyed` moment was when I saw some cable special of Marilyn Monroe. I had to have been about 7 years old. I believe it was Marilyn`s birthday and I had watched every movie she ever did. My grandmother made me go to bed; it was a Saturday night around 10:30pm. I had no clue of the plot to any of the many films she starred in from her first walk on role to her last incomplete film. I just knew what ever she did, was what I wanted to do! Can you believe the power of television? I saw nothing as an obstacle as a kid and I probably had no idea how to articulate being an actress. It was my little secret until maybe high school. Chase Von: Were there any lean periods you went through where you weren`t sure if you would reach the levels you are at now? And as for that level, you are now acting opposite "A" list actors and actresses all the time! I`m sure your resume makes even famous actors and actresses we all know do double takes! Acting however is certainly one of those professions where many try but few are chosen. You are succeeding and excelling in an incredibly difficult and challenging occupation! So was there ever a time when you thought, maybe I`ll just go on and be a full time model or something else? Shawn: Well modeling is something that became a career path in the last few years since I relocated to Los Angeles. Growing up in New York where the models are our skyscrapers and super heroes, it was really not an option at all. But most of my family members were not really supportive. I didn`t indicate this is what I really wanted to do so, it was HUGE a surprise. My dad however handed me an amazing book about the life of actor Montgomery Clift. I was about 13, yes 13 years old at the time. My dad is and was such a non-traditional parent and I love him for it. That was again a tragic superstar`s life cut short between Marilyn, Montgomery, and then I went and bought Jayne Mansfield`s biography with my weekly allowance. Why you ask would anybody want to be an actress after reading about those three??? lololol, I believe that was the real reason I could never tell any authority figure my dreams. I had many diaries and I made up what my life would be like for me when I grew up. I would cut out pictures and hide them. My senior year in high school I took acting classes. In the summer at the famed and well respected HB acting studios, I was in awe! I knew from that moment after I left my last class for the day I was HOOKED AND THIS IS MY CAREER! Chase Von: So you were you certain all along you would reach where you are? I`ve interviewed Jason Seitz of the acclaimed movie Elephant and Kimberly Prendez who starred in, and wrote her own movie, Until Next Time, both are accomplished actors in their own right but I know they would consider it a part of heaven to be able to act along side of you and each has told me how difficult it can some times be! Shawn: I knew and my certainty came and never left me. I just wasn`t comfortable letting anyone else know except my father and even though he had an idea, I don`t think even he knew how deep my passion truly was. Chase Von: I`ve read that your father truly was a huge part of encouraging you to pursue your dreams though. And from there, you took it upon yourself to study about all the other legendary actresses and actors yourself. But how much do you think your taking the time to really analyze the greats before you, helped you to become a great actress yourself? Shawn: There is no business like show business and being raised by my grandparents I watched older programming more than most, I knew legends existed and it seemed tragedy was a part of the road to success but, only if you allowed it. How I knew that I don`t have any idea. Maybe because my grandparents were mere mortals... lololol Chase Von: Aren`t we all? Smile:) How much did reading the greats influence you? Shawn: Everyone and everything influences an artist, from family, friends, life and even something they heard as a child once can change a destiny. Very difficult to pinpoint. I embrace everything. Chase Von: Do you really like Cool Whip whip cream? Shawn: I LOVE COOL WHIP AND ALWAYS HAVE. I remember there was Cool Whip in the fridge back when I was in junior high. I opened the container and ate a little each day with a spoon and I got in trouble because the dessert my grandmother was going to make needed that. She laughed as I was scolded. Now look at the irony of that! I thank you KRAFT!!!. Chase Von: Since you`re in that commercial that is being aired all the time, I figured I would ask. (Smile). And also, you`re very attractive and thoughts of you and whip cream are... Let me stop before I say something wrong here. (If I already haven`t, heh, heh:) But how seriously do you stay in such great shape? Shawn: THANK YOU Chase! Mom and dad! It`s genetics! I don`t go to the gym. I hike, that`s it. I don`t lift weights at all. My family is slim on both sides so I am truly blessed! I also love outdoor activities though, but I have never been a member of a gym or a gym rat. I haven`t eaten red meat, beef or whatever since I was a kid. I have eaten chicken and fish since I could remember. I never liked hamburgers really or junk food like ice cream and chocolate are just not really something I ever crave. I came up in the age of frozen yogurt so that was on the grocery list almost always. I am a self-proclaimed `FOODIE`, but food and crap are two different things. Alcohol`s not my thing either. Chase Von: OK, just for curiosities sake. What are some of your favorite meals and how often do you get to enjoy them or do you have to sacrifice having them to stay in such great shape or hike more if you do have them? Shawn: I love sushi, Caribbean, rice, bread. I`ll put it like this; I rarely pass up a meal. My workout regimen is hiking Runyon Canyon daily or at least 4 times a week. I need to start doing yoga like I use to do a while ago but I am afraid that it.........that`s it, no secret to a better body. lololol Chase Von: You have appeared opposite James Russo, who has starred in over 90 films over three decades, one of which being Beverly Hills Cop and also in Donnie Brasco. Dana Carvey, Blair Underwood, the living legend actress Holland Taylor and also appeared in a video with none other than music legend and Super Star Keith Urban! Women reading this would be touched perhaps for the remainders of their lives if they just met Blair Underwood! Dana Carvey of Saturday Night Live fame and the all time classic `Wayne`s World` is one of the best comedians alive today! James Russo is also an incredible sought after actor and Holland Taylor has worked with just about every actor or actress in Hollywood! She is an `Emmy Award Winning Actress` and definitely a living legend and certainly one of the best actresses to ever live! How much has working with people of the caliber you have, enhanced your own acting skills? And each time you do, do you think that makes you an even better actress? Shawn: Working with the people you named makes you step your game up. The professionalism that this business requires gives you longevity and a calling card. The actors you named were the most helpful, humble, grateful people you would ever want to meet. Chase Von: Is there any one in particular you would like to work with in the future or would love to work with again? Shawn: I want to work with Dirk Craft director of nip/tuck more. The writers, the crew, the creator Ryan Murphy are all geniuses. I have to say I have been blessed and every person from makeup, to casting directors, to even craft services that have been a part of my journey has helped me prepare for living my reality. I can learn something from whom ever so bring the work on!!!! I WANT MY TV CONTRACTUAL ROLE!!! THANK YOU!!! Chase Von: In some of your pictures, you resemble Whitney Houston. I hope you take that as a compliment and she does as well because you are both beautiful. To my knowledge though, as of yet, no one has done an actual autobiography of her life. If one were done though, would that be a role you would be willing to play? Shawn: I get that we resemble comment frequently and she is beautiful. Whitney Houston is someone I would love to play! She has had a journey that so many people have been intrigued by and everyone wants her to succeed. Chase Von: Your hair is like a trademark:) How do you do your hair so our women readers that might want to try that style as well will know or... Is that a secret? (Smile). Shawn: I had a bad reaction to a product some time ago to make my hair straight. Well, it fell out straight to the floor! I have been natural ever since! This isn`t a style; it is 100% percent natural! With my favorite products: Mixed chicks www.mixedchicks.net Bumble and Bumble leave-in conditioners, and Biolage. Chase Von: You yourself have been in the video`s `Every Day` by Rascal Flatts, `Somebody Like You` by Keith Urban, Nip/Tuck, Knife To Gun Fight, Bros. The film Tic, Back From Reality, The Invincible Scripture, Guest Starred on Saturday Night Live and to be honest I would rather put a link here to your resume because it`s seemingly endless and that is such a small portion of it! (Smile). You have also hosted the Golden Globes in 2007, TheStream.tv as a guest host, and the Oscars 2007 as the host! One thing that I also saw was nuyorican Poets Cafe which of course interest me because I am a poet. I also just published a friend that has been many things but she is also a professional model and is now not only a poet but a spoken word artist. Her books title is Vanity? The Pieces of Audrey Michelle. She is doing something another friend of mine Willard Barth teaches, and that is expanding her comfort zones. She can`t yet see it, but I wouldn`t be surprised at all if she herself ventures into acting. But expanding one`s comfort zone is something I believe all successful people learn to do. I was once an author, then I learned to publish as well. You obviously have expanded yours from modeling to acting to dancing to all your many credits in theater and hosting shows, doing voice overs, being a spokes model and well, your list of accomplishments is mind boggling to say the least. What I wanted to ask though is do you ever see yourself directing? Shawn: Maybe, I wouldn`t rule it out. What a responsibility though! I see it maybe way down the line in the future. So not now, my plate is so full, I would have to be the best, not just average. Chase Von: Do you ever see yourself writing scripts if you aren`t also already doing that as well because having read your resume, I for one, would not be at all surprised. (Smile). Shawn: Now writing is closer to me doing in the near future than anything. (Smile). Chase Von: Judyth Piazza herself is going to be in a movie called Horrorween. I was wondering if you might be coaxed into doing a cameo appearance in that one as well. I bet Judy will ask you about that also. (Smile). Shawn: HORRORWEEN? Bring it on! I heard about this project a while ago, that would be fun! Chase Von: And now a tough one for you Shawn. I was born over seas to a military family. I have spent much of my life in different states and countries. Still, what happened on September Eleventh though really hurt me to the core. When I was in Kuwait in Operation Iraqi Freedom on a flight line, a man shook my hand, thanked me for serving our country and walked off to shake more hands. He had left a New York City Fire`s Fighter lapel pin in my hand. When I asked someone that was also there, who he was, she told me he was a man that had lost both his son`s on that day. One a fire fighter, one a policeman. I have two suit lapel pins. One for retiring from the Marines, and one from that man that lost two sons. I don`t really feel I need any more. Being a proud New Yorker yourself. How were you affected by that and also, how proud are you of your New York people that have bounced back from that horrific day and made New York a place that is still as strong, and popular even after that historic nightmare? Shawn: I still get physically ill thinking about it Chase. New Yorkers are unique and they didn`t surprise me with their reaction. I was in Los Angeles when that happened. The entire world was there for the Big Apple, that is humanity. Chase Von: How important is family to you, and what is your take on the state of our current world? Shawn: Family is who ever you choose to allow in your intimate space, not just for the sake of saying `family.` The world is going through a change and it is long over due! Chase Von: What would you say, if you were standing in front of a microphone that could be heard by every child on the planet and regardless of what language it was they spoke, they would understand you? What positive advice would you give the children, if that were possible? Shawn: No excuses for mediocrity. Life is a gift, appreciate every second and make it count! Chase Von: How can our readers find you and more about you? I know you are also the featured actress right now on the popular web site for artist called www.nextcat.com. You know your different web sites and movie links out there so they can learn more about lovely, incredible actress and model, spokeswoman and dancer, and so many other things it is truly hard to list but all make up the unique and talented Shawn Richardz? Shawn: My web site is constantly being updated and I love hearing from positive and inspiring people. www.shawnrichardz.com They can from there find all the other different links to include my resume and my Myspace and videos are there as well. Chase Von: On behalf of The Operated Student Press and myself, thank you again so much Shawn for finding time in your hectic schedule to share yourself with our readers. I also wish you continued success with your career and I would be willing to share some Cool Whip with you at any time. (Smile). Shawn: Thank you for your consideration and your thought provoking questions and, if I ate my grandmother`s Cool Whip, that she had set aside for a recipe? Do you think I`d share now? (Smile).
{ "date": "2018-08-20T09:22:43Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221216051.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820082010-20180820102010-00484.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9840608835220337, "token_count": 3474, "url": "http://thesop.org/story/entertainment/2008/07/14/chase-von-interviews-famous-actress-shawn-richardz.php" }
I delivered this sermon at a conference recently. I hope it may be helpful for you. The story of "Mr Good" Mr Good is very good. He always makes his bed. He always cleans his teeth. And he always wipes his feet. He never slams doors. He never forgets birthdays. And he never, ever tells lies. Mr Good is very, very good. However, Mr Good lives in a place called Badland. A place where nobody is like Mr Good. A place where people do slam doors. And they slam them in your face! In Badland, the puddles are much deeper than they look. In Badland, a dog’s bite is worse than its bark. In Badland, even the trees are bad! One day, it was wet and windy. Well, of course it was. The weather is always bad in Badland. Mr Good was walking along, minding his own business, when the hat of the man in front of him blew off. Mr Good leapt into the air and caught it for him. The man turned around and glared at Mr Good. “What do you think you’re doing?” he thundered. “Give my hat back!” In the course of conversations or on the internet I often hear or see comments such as "Why do the Army do that?". I'm sure you can recall similar situations where you've heard such a statement. I'm sure this kind of thing is not the exclusive domain of the denomination of which I am a part... I have a real problem with this comment. It's not just "the Army" but you hear it narrowed down to different departments as well - "DHQ/THQ" or (my personal favourite) "The College". The problem I have is that the people who say these things are Salvationists themselves, yet they speak of "The Army" as if they are not a part of it. It betrays a complete lack of ecclesiological understanding and reeks of individualism. For me, I made a concious decision a while ago to avoid at all costs speaking of "The Army" as if I'm not a part of it. I don't always succeed at this, but I try. The Army is not an institution but p… ...Gore and Saunders taught Australia the Army way. It was September 5, 1880 in Adelaide's Botanic Garden, that The Salvation Army commenced it's work in "the land down under". There are some who suggest that there were, in fact, earlier instances of Salvationists (or "Christian Missionaries" - i.e. pre-1878) who commenced the work in other locations. However, the history books as they currently tell it, take this day, 130 years ago as the "official" date of the Army's work in Australia. Interestingly, though we take this as the "official start date", at the time it was anything but "official". Gore and Saunders happened to meet earlier that year and, being Salvationists who had moved to Australia recently and convinced of the need of the Army in Australia, wrote to William Booth requesting that Officers be sent to Australia to commence the work. Obviously in the late 19th Century a letter from Adelaide would take months to ge… The "Coutts Memorial Lecture" for 2010 is now available to view online. The guest speakers on this occasion were General Dr Paul Rader (R) and Commissioner Kay Rader and was presented at Booth College in Sydney. The title of this lecture was "Reaching for Metaphors of Grace". It can be viewed in a similar way to any YouTube clip, with a slide bar at the bottom providing easy fastforward, rewind and pause functionality. If you're concerned about download limits, because it's in Flash Video format it's only about 60MB in total to watch the whole thing. Here's the link Sanctification is clearly a topic I'm very interested in and this aspect of theology is really a lifelong wrestle for me. How do I understand the Biblical imperative "Be holy for I am holy" AND how do I live it out? There have been many attempts to understand sanctification throughout the ages, and its relationship to other aspects of theology. For example, Calvin proposed the dual processes of mortification and vivification (the ongoing process of the old self "dying" and the new life "living"). My main issue with this is that it makes the Christian life sound like a kind of multiple personality disorder. Another suggestion, particularly arising out of 19th Century revivalism, is that of "second blessing". That is, there is a moment in time, normally post-conversion, when the Christian seeks God in faith to be "entirely sanctified", and when this moment occurs there is an exchange in the life of the believer where the love of God …
{ "date": "2018-08-22T03:01:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221219469.90/warc/CC-MAIN-20180822030004-20180822050004-00644.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.977450430393219, "token_count": 1014, "url": "http://www.setapartinchrist.com/2010/09/" }
Our latest show Behind Bars: Ghosts of the Lock-Up recently closed after captivating sell-out audiences over the course of twelve successful shows. Don’t just take our word for it. Read Steve Orme’s review in the British Theatre Guide: Bold Text Playwrights is a group of eight professional writers from the West Midlands whose aim is to create fresh platforms for their work. Individually, the eight have written everything from scripts for The Archers on Radio 4 and Doctors on television to comedy, serious drama and opera. Collectively, they present regular showcases of new writing at Birmingham REP. They could hardly have chosen a more appropriate setting for Behind Bars: Ghosts of the Lock-up. The building that’s being turned into a museum was until three years ago your destination if you were arrested by the police in Birmingham; the austerity of the cells almost takes your breath away. The eight playwrights each contribute a scene to Behind Bars, writing about some of the police officers and notorious characters from the past who for various reasons found themselves in a cell with their name chalked on a board outside. A captive audience of 70 is led through the building in a promenade performance, experiencing the harsh, stark reality of life in prison. Behind Bars starts slowly as we meet handcuffed Thomas Larvin, nicknamed Tommy Tank because of his ability to drink in huge quantities. He tries to get the better of Charles Muscroft, a CID officer turned police photographer who continually wants to take his mug shot. From then on, the production rattles along through a chain of fascinating and illuminating tales. It’s held together admirably by Graeme Rose as fishmonger Tommy Tank, a loveable rogue who was locked up after someone played a trick on him, stealing his barrow and fish. They were returned as he called in a policeman and in his frustration he smashed a pub window, leading to his arrest for criminal damage. Rose then transforms himself into James Twitty, a young man with a speech impediment and a tottering gait. He and an accomplice broke into a woman’s house with the intention of robbing her. They were charged with murder after the woman suffocated by swallowing her false teeth. Twitty’s cry of “we only meant to gag her” echoes chillingly around the building. The action moves to an upstairs cell to hear the story of Frederick Ratcliff, a police officer wounded in World War I. He tries to get his colleagues to strike for better conditions, not realising that they all died or were wounded at the Front and their names are inscribed on a roll of honour on a wall. It’s a moving portrayal by Laurence Saunders, exploring the depth of a character suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who is broken when the truth sinks in. It’s written by Tim Simpson who sensitively directs the whole performance. Did you know that Sarah Bernhardt had to attend the Lock-up to sign the “aliens register”? Alison Belbin cleverly depicts the French actress who had only one leg as well as showing us a down-to-earth Evelyn Miles who became one of the UK’s first women police officers at the age of 50. Becky Wright shines as Maud Dillon, a respectable woman who was arrested for shouting and swearing in public, described in the 1920s as “indecent behaviour”. She elicits sympathy as she reveals she will lose her daughter and her job if the magistrates send her to prison. Behind Bars: Ghosts of the Lock-up is an arresting production full of realism and injustice. Bold Text Playwrights are guilty of putting on a captivating show that will no doubt be judged a success.
{ "date": "2019-08-20T03:49:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027315222.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20190820024110-20190820050110-00204.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9769540429115295, "token_count": 786, "url": "https://boldtextcollective.wordpress.com/category/news/" }
Jesus had made it clear what this anointing was for: He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour." As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." The one man opened the door for the many to become sons & daughters of God. And the one man made His anointing available for the many, and for every subsequent generation. for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off-- for all whom the Lord our God will call." which God prepared in advance for us to do. [Ephesians 2:10 ] The message of Pentecost is that the Spirit is poured out so we can live a new life, and do the works prepared for us. Ask the Lord to fill you (again) with the Holy Spirit. For more on the Holy Spirit, & His work in our lives, see the web page, Filled up & Overflowing Comments won't be made public without permission.
{ "date": "2019-08-24T04:53:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027319724.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20190824041053-20190824063053-00004.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9351094961166382, "token_count": 252, "url": "http://www.rhythmsofgraceuk.org/seasonal-rhythms-blog-archived/pentecost-festival-of-power" }
The Bill of Rights was added to the US Constitution in 1791. While most American knew what their rights were back then, most do not today. How well do you know the rights you have? Each of the rights violations below is a violation of the rights in the Bill of Rights. Which right is being violated? You can list your answers in the comments section at the bottom of the page. 1) Having a soldier staying in my home without my approval. 2) I am forced to testify against myself in court for a crime I committed. 3) The police burst into my home to search for anything they want. 4) I am arrested for a crime but my trial will not go to court for 12 years. 5) I am arrested for speeding on the turnpike and I have to pay a $30,000 fine. 6) You cannot practice any religion except for the one the government tells you to practice. 7) A law is passed so that Doctors cannot give information about getting an abortion. 8) A 25-year old man is whipped for stealing a loaf of bread from the grocery store. 9) The newspapers are not allowed to write stories about the war in Afghanistan. 10) You are not allowed to own a gun. 11) No state is allowed to trade goods with other states. 12) A law was passed in town that says high school students are not allowed to dance. (Who remembers the movie Footloose?) 13) All high school students petition the town government to have the above law repealed. 14) A man is arrested, but he wasn’t told why.
{ "date": "2019-08-21T18:57:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027316150.53/warc/CC-MAIN-20190821174152-20190821200152-00124.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9606805443763733, "token_count": 341, "url": "https://historysobserver.com/2017/08/18/who-knows-their-rights/" }
“W.H.Auden once wrote, “Teach the free man to praise.” For that freedom, America has generously praised the generation of World War II. But of their Vietnam progeny, of those who returned to jeers rather than parades, the press has projected the face filled with fear, unworthy of praise. It is left to others in unlikely places to trace callused hands over rough cement and to remember the faces which were stalwart. The village remembers.” – The Village by Bing West (This book tells the story of a group of marines who lived, worked, protected, and died in a Village in Vietnam. The village remembers them with honor and friendship to this day.)
{ "date": "2019-08-19T16:46:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314852.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819160107-20190819182107-00004.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9687352776527405, "token_count": 150, "url": "https://gentleandquiet.com/2015/07/04/quote-of-the-weekend-79/" }
Entangled Under The Mistletoe - Spotlight Review #1 The Christmas Promise By Sean D. Young About the book: Jennifer McClendon is in need of a vacation. What better place to get away from everything than a sun-drenched tropical island? And there’s no better way to get over her ex and have some fun than to spend a little time with a handsome software engineer who’s also on holiday. What could it hurt? They won’t see each other again anyway. Simeon Baker wants more than a holiday romance with the gorgeous woman he meets on vacation, but a tragic accident that almost ends his life leaves him in hospital for months, and he isn’t able to follow up on his promise to keep in touch. But Fate steps in four years after their magical island holiday, and Simeon realizes Jennifer didn’t only leave the island with good memories. If he can convince Jennifer to give them a chance at something permanent, this might just be their first family Christmas. Buy It Online The Christmas Promise by Sean D. Young My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is book #2, in The McClendon Holiday series. This book can be read as a standalone novel. For reader enjoyment and understanding of the series, I recommend reading in order. Jennifer is suffering from a broken heart and being ashamed. She travels for a vacation and meets the man who will change her perception of the world, as she knows it. Will she be able to turn to him when it counts? Simeon falls head over heels for Jennifer almost immediately. They are certainly attracted to one another from the start. When tragedy strikes - can he be forgiven? This was a book that was filled with so much. The compelling story tells of how real and harsh the world can be. These characters find love in such a beautiful place. I love the heat and the simple that are in this book. I cannot wait to read the next installment to the series. ***This early copy was given in exhcange for an honest review by Netgalley and its publishers. View all my reviews About Sean D. Young: Sean began writing romance at the encouragement of her dear friend Christian Fiction Author Jacquelin Thomas. After the release of her first two novels TOTAL BLISS and WITH THIS RING in 2005 & 2006, Sean continued to work diligently at her craft and her next novel. FROM THIS MOMENT, the second installment in the Hearts and Flowers Series, was released in January 2011. At an early age, Sean found that she loved words and tried to read everything she could get her hands on. She joined her first book club “Sweet Pickles” at the age of 7. Writing would come later, when she wrote short stories for her own enjoyment, then she wrote the Easter play for the youth at her church at the age of 12. Sean, a graphic/web designer loves building websites and graphics almost as much as she loves writing her stories. She loves working in her church and lives in Northwest Indiana with her family.
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If I were to ask a real connoisseur of great Hindi cinema to list her or his top 100 films of all time, I’m pretty sure many of the films on this Zee Classic parallel cinema festival, India’s Finest Films, would walk happily into that list. So, even before I start telling you more about this delicious smorgasbord of handpicked Hindi movies, you know. I love these films, and ever since last evening, ie Saturday the 16th of July, my Tata SKY HD DVR has been set to record each and every one of the gems every Saturday at 10 pm. These are definitely amongst the finest Hindi films to have come out of parallel cinema in India. Zee Classic has acquired 49 path-breaking titles produced by NFDC, and some of them will be showcased for the very first time on television. Now these aren’t your usual formula Hindi films, though I must say I love those too – while in college I watched Yaadon Ki Baraat five times, and Pratigya thrice, with innumerable others branded on my subconscious memory as if with a cattle-branding iron. But just as I’ve mainlined on the formula films, there are some handpicked gems that I’ve always remained emotionally hung up on. The kind of films on this festival. These films are definitely amongst the most lovingly made films on off-beat, real subjects, and, of course, a far, distant cry from the run-of-the-mill run-around-the-trees masala Hindi films. A prized collection of fine films This is a prized collection of Hindi films that are variously historic, intense, socially impactful and which, when they released, were truly forward thinking and ahead of their times on the creative, artistic and societal fronts and till today, on the human emotions front, have remained, without exception, extremely contemporary. Here’s the cluster of 14 movies scheduled– titles the mention of which will give you the goosebumps if you’ve watched them, and if you haven’t, would give you multiple… well… goosebumps — if you know movies at all. Consider these: Mirch Masala, Massey Sahib, Gandhi, Ardh Satya, Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro, Salaam Bombay, Mammo, Pestonjee, 27 Down, Ek Doctor Ki Maut, Qissa, Gangoobai, Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan, The Good Road. These movies mark the debut of icons like Irrfan Khan, Pankaj Kapur, Naseeruddin Shah and many more. High IMDB scores In the absence of any other information, I consider the IMDB rating a generally good yardstick of the quality of a film. One remembers, of course, to not just consider the average rating per vote, but also the total size of the audience that voted. Having said that, I personally tend to believe that only people who’ve watched a film and care about sharing their views would bother to cast their votes, so regardless of number of votes, I tend to give greater importance to the average rating. So when I looked at the IMDB rating for the 14 films on India’s Finest Films, I realised that this has to be a rare festival on quality of content, because of the 14 films, as many as five films have a rating of over 8, another seven films have rated above 7 out of 10, and the remaining too have a rating of over 6 out of 10 on IMDB. So really, a must-watch festival, this. Now I haven’t listed these in the correct order of broadcast, but hang on. Before I get into each of the first 14 films lined up, let me add here that Zee Classic is doing the full monty with this series. It’s curated an hour-long special feature, ‘India’s Finest Films – A Parallel Journey’, which includes the views of stalwarts of Indian cinema like Shyam Benegal, Mahesh Bhatt, Saeed Mirza, Kundan Shah and Rohini Hattangadi, amongst others. The series received a digital release when it premiered on the Zee Classic YouTube channel on Tuesday, 12th July at noon. Audiences can also catch it on television as a prelude to ‘India’s Finest Films’. Excerpts of this feature along with additional exclusive interviews will be showcased during the telecast of movies on Zee Classic. This series eventually bring the pristine, amazing creative quality of parallel cinema into the mainstream consciousness and appeal. That should then help film makers get over stupid clichéd and far fetched, hackneyed, formulaic and copied scripts and scenarios, and give cinema in India a real creative leg-up The channel has also launched a holistic integrated marketing campaign including Outdoor, Radio, Print and exclusive screenings of these titles with influencers. Why I’m mentioning the marketing is that I believe that together with the excellent lineup of films, the awareness campaign will hopefully help this series eventually bring the pristine, amazing creative quality of parallel cinema into the mainstream consciousness and appeal. That should then help film makers get over stupid clichéd and far fetched, hackneyed, formulaic and copied scripts and scenarios, and give cinema in India a real creative leg-up. In fact, the great Shyam Benegal is on record as having said, “Rabindranath Tagore once said that every art seeks to find its own independent manner of expression within the world it creates, and no creative genius has yet arrived to deliver it from its bondage. Having said that, television has always been a very effective medium, particularly for films that may or may not have the opportunity to do well in cinema houses. This is because televisions reaches homes and you do not pay individually for movies. I personally feel Zee Classic’s initiative is a very good one. It will help to keep alive the film culture of our country and Zee Classic is in the ideal position to do this.” I agree. Look at this great movies lineup on offer on Zee Classic (www.zeeclassic.com), week on week, in ‘India’s Finest Films’, which started on 16th July, and will air every Saturday at 10 PM So here goes with a brief introduction to each film, with the telecast schedule on Zee Classic. Really meaningful cinema, this collection of movies does indeed deserve to be branded India’s Finest Films. The series started airing on Saturday, the 16th of July, and will air every Saturday at 10 pm. Thank you Zee Classic. 14 of India’s finest films (Aired on Saturday, 16th July at 10 PM on Zee Classic. Was the first of the weekly India’s Finest Films series) IMDB Rating: 8.1/10 Hmmm, ironically, if you weren’t aware of the festival which began on Zee Classic on Saturday the 16th, you might have missed catching the first film. In 1988, Mira Nair made her directorial film debut with Salaam Bombay! which chronicled the lives of a group of street children in Mumbai. A highlight of this creatively brilliant film was that it starred the actual street children of Mumbai in the movie. The film won awards across the globe for its authenticity and unwavering portrayal of the life of Mumbai’s abandoned and homeless youth. It won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi, the National Board of Review Award for Top Foreign Film, the Golden Camera and Audience Awards at the Cannes Film Festival, and three awards at the Montréal World Film Festival. ‘Salaam Bombay!’ was India’s second film submission to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. The film was among the list of ‘The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made’ by the New York Times. (Saturday, 23rd July at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 7.8/10 For some, Ketan Mehta will always remain the man who made Mirch Masala. An attention grabbing film, it revolves around the gender divide in society. The story of Sonabai (Smita Patil) and her struggle to protect her sanctity from the evil Subedar (Naseeruddin Shah) and a village full of sexist men, the film was based in the dusty and dried surroundings of Kutch in an earthy reflection of the ‘values’ of a male- and class-dominated Indian culture. Amongst other things, Mirch Masala is known for having perhaps the finest performance of Smita Patil, which Forbes included in the film on its list, ‘25 Greatest Acting Performances of Indian Cinema’. To my mind, there was an equally riveting – if not arguably better – performance from one of the most brilliant actors of Hindi films, Om Puri, who played a wizened, tough, determined and extremely ruggedly earthy old man who will break but not bend, and who stands like a rock by Smita Patil’s character harassed by the evil Subedar. Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro (Saturday, 30th July at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 7.4/10 Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro is a rare film and an attempt to showcase the dilemmas faced by urban Muslims thoughtfully but boldly. In addition to the portrayal of Bombay’s mohalla life, it also shows the joys of friendship and camaraderie and pleasure of loafing around. Salim Langda (Pawan Malhotra) is a confident petty thief. Salim earns his livelihood by doing odd jobs for the big bosses of Bombay’s underworld. His final ambition is to ape these underworld kings whose status he envies. Saeed Mirza, the director, has a long history of making films which have ridiculed stereotypes to which minorities are subject to in popular Hindi films and this movie is one of his finest creations. The film won the 37th National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi and the National Film Award for Best Cinematography in 1989. Ek Doctor Ki Maut (Saturday, 6th August at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB rating: 8.3/10 Ek Doctor Ki Maut is an award winning film by the noted Bengali director Tapan Sinha, which depicts the ostracism, bureaucratic negligence and insult of a doctor and his research, instead of recognition and credit. This movie is loosely based on the life of Dr. Subhash Mukhopadhyay, an Indian physician who pioneered the IVF treatment just around the same time when another leading scientist, Dr. Robert Edwards was conducting separate experiments in England. The film won the 38th National Film Award for Second Best Feature Film, National Film Award for Best Direction and National Film Award – Special Jury Award awarded to the male lead, Pankaj Kapoor. (Saturday, 13th August at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 8.1/10 OK, Gandhi wasn’t a film produced by an Indian production house or studio, of course, but it one of the most Indian films. Also one of the most iconic films of all time, Gandhi (1982) was produced and directed by Richard Attenborough and written by John Briley. Starring Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox, John Gielgud, Trevor Howard, John Mills, Roshan Seth and Martin Sheen, it is the highest Oscar-winning film ever, claiming eight awards from 11 nominations including Best Film. And strangely, it almost never got made! The late director Richard Attenborough revealed in of his interviews “It took me 20 years to get the money to get that movie made. I remember my pitch to 20th Century Fox. The guy said: ‘Dickie, it’s sweet of you to come here. You’re obviously obsessed. But who will be interested in a little brown man wrapped in a sheet carrying a beanpole?’ I would have loved to have met that guy after the Oscars!” Attenborough knew that he would be telling one of the 20th-century’s most remarkable stories, that of the Indian lawyer who returned from racially segregated South Africa to drive the British out of his home country through successive acts of non-violent protest. They couldn’t have scheduled it better, one day before Independence eve, 13th August, at 10 pm. (Saturday, 20th August, at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 8.1/10 Ardh Satya is directed by the brilliant director-cinematographer Govind Nihalani. The film is based on a short story by D.A. Panvalkar and the script is written by Vijay Tendulkar. It has Om Puri, Smita Patil, Amrish Puri, Naseeruddin Shah and Sadashiv Amarpurkar in lead roles. It is the story of Anant Welankar, son of a retired constable in Maharashtra Police, who is forced to let go of his dream of pursuing an MBA and join the Police force. After Aakrosh, Ardh Satya is the second film made by Govind Nihalani. It is brutally honest in the depiction of the trials, tribulations, character and conflicts of its protagonist. In times when everything and everyone has a price, it is a hard hitting journey of an honest man… a part of which remains back to haunt you long after the credits have rolled. (3rd September at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 7.1/10 Pestonjee is a film directed by Vijaya Mehta, starring Anupam Kher, Naseeruddin Shah and Shabana Azmi in lead roles. The film is an intimate look into the life and mannerisms of the Parsi community especially those living in the city of Bombay (now Mumbai) in the 1950s and 60s. ‘Life is for living, not for complaining.’ says the cover to ‘Pestonjee’. Phirohshah aka Phiroj (Naseeruddin Shah) and Pestonjee aka Pesi (Anupam Kher) are the best of friends. They are almost like twins. There is no life without one another and they also hope to get married at the same time. But destiny has something else stored for them. (10th September at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 6.7/10 All of us have grown up with different kinds of stories that were narrated to us. Some of them will be overlooked while some will be lost with the passage of time. But, the story of Qissa is timeless. Irrfan Khan as Umber Singh, Tisca Chopra as Mehar, Tilotama Shome as Kanwar Singh, Rasika Dugal as Neeli are the main protagonists of the movie. Anup Singh’s Qissa is a powerful, haunting, superbly crafted film about the complexities of character and sexuality. Does personality stem from a society or nation you were conceived in, your sex, sexuality or just the environment you were brought up in and situations that formed you? The film packs these profound inquiries into a simple story. (Saturday, 14th September at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating 7.9/10 27 Down is a film directed by Awtar Krishna Kaul, featuring Raakhee and M.K. Raina in lead roles. The film is description on 27 Down, the Bombay-Varanasi Express. Sanjay (M K Raina), the son of a railroad employee, gives up on his dreams of becoming an artist when his father demands he come back to the family occupation. He gauges life in train sounds and journeys. The requests of congruity influence his connection with a young lady Shalini (Rakhee). 27 Down is one of those rare gems of the Indian silver screen that merited more credit than what it really recieved. Despite it being made 40 years ago, it manages to remarkably portray the relationship between two young adults as they get together and try to discover themselves in each other through their conversations, meaningful connections and silent solitude! (Saturday, 1st October at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 7.6/10 “Apne pasand ki cheez milna badi baat hai. Agar sab kuch mil gaya, lekin apne pasand ki cheez hi na mili toh matlab kya hai jeekay!” (“It is a big thing, to get what one desires. If you have everything, but cannot get that one thing you desire, then what is the point of living!”) Directed by Priya Krishnaswamy, Sarita Joshi is the main protagonist in Gangoobai. The story revolves around an elderly maid who strives to accomplish her dream of buying a costly Gara sari and changes the lives of individuals she comes in contact with while in Mumbai to purchase the sari. (Saturday, 27th August, at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 6/10 Mammo (1994), a film by Shyam Benegal, is the first film in the series of Muslim trilogy including Sardari Begum (1996) and Zubeidaa (2001). The film portrays the flinching truths frequently confronted by the powerless, post-partition. It reminds of the emotional torture of being torn far from one’s roots over and over; in spite of one turning a blind eye or making a noise for change in the circumstances which they have no control over. It makes one appreciate something which is frequently is taken for granted until it is lost or gone for good. The character of Mammo (Farida Jalal), abandons her family and home behind for love and moves to Pakistan. They live in peaceful co-existence until her husband leaves Mammo defenseless and desolate. Even though the motion picture is named after Mammo, the film tells two stories, one of Mammo, obviously, and other of youthful Riyaaz… His life and companions, his trysts with cigarettes, adult films, his shame that he is not as affluent as his companions, him trying to find himself, his bothering on seeing a stranger trying to be a part of his family and his ambition of turning into an author in the future. This movie is also the recipient of National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi and Filmfare Critics Award for Best Performance by Farida Jalal and National Film Award for Best Supporting Actress by Surekha Sikri. (Saturday, 17th September at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 8/10 Massey Sahib is a 1985 film directed by Pradip Krishen, featuring Raghuvir Yadav in the main role. It was Pradip Krishen’s first film, and was based on a novel Mister Johnson written by Joyce Cary in 1939. The film also has stars like Arundhati Roy, who was yet to pen down her first novel and win the Man Booker Prize, alongside Barry John and Veerendra Saxena. This story revolves around a man who is stuck in the crossfire where British Frontier principles smothered Indian freedom and colonializes it. This is a story told from an Indian perspective. Francis Massey (Raghuvir Yadav) works as a secretary for a British government officer in central India. Francis tries to out-do his employer in an attempt to be more British than him. He dresses British and even has a church wedding. He is not the most productive or gifted specialist, and his supervisor, the Commissioner Charles Adam (Barry John), regularly mediates on his benefit. But, Massey’s unexpected fate is entirely past the Commissioner’s mediation. Even though Raghuvir Yadav has never won a National Award…he did win two International Awards for the Best Actor for Massey Sahib, FIPRESCI Critic’s Award, Venice Film Festival, 1986 and the Best Actor Silver Peacock, IIFI, 1987. Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan (Saturday, 8th October at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 3/10 Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastan (ADKAD), a film dear to Saeed Akhtar Mirza’s heart, was a masterpiece of the parallel silver screen development that was a tribute to Indian producers. The motion picture revolves around the internal clashes of a person born and brought in a city, who battles to comprehend the significance of his life and those encompassing him, including family and companions. It stars Shreeram Lagoo, Rohini Hattangadi, Satish Shah, Suresh Oberoi (in a cameo), Om Puri and Dilip Dhawan. Arvind Desai (Dilip Dhawan) is a single child of a rich specialist (Shriram Lagoo) who deals in extravagant luxury handcrafted products. His has conflicting emotions for his dad. While he detests his commanding nature, he respects his aura, power and sharp mind. He has long examinations on workmanship and governmental issues with a Marxist companion (Om Puri). Much against his desires, his marriage is orchestrated to a young lady from a high-class family who has quite recently returned from Paris. It’s a film about the trans-generational exchange of qualities and the repercussions of the prevalent legacy influencing the value system in the future. The Good Road (Saturday, 15th October at 10 PM on Zee Classic) IMDB Rating: 6.3/10 The Good Road is a 2013 Indian drama film written and directed by Gyan Correa. The film won the trophy for Best Gujarati film at the 60th National Film Awards. Also, it was the first Gujarati film ever chosen to represent India at the Oscars. The motion picture is described in a hyperlink arrangement, where a few stories are interwoven, with the focal point of the story being an expressway in the country terrains of Gujarat close to a town in Kutch. A family on a holiday lose their child… A truck driver’s last rid… A young lady in search of hope… This is an adventurous journey, across a national highway, and into the heart of a concealed India, where demonstrations of extraordinary sympathy are shown to outsiders. So those were the first 14 films scheduled till the 8th of October 2016 on the India’s Finest Films series on Zee Classic. Do share which films you liked and why. Enjoy great parallel cinema Parallel cinema in India has evolved through the years, starting from the Neorealism-influenced films of Nehruvian India, through the more politically radical films of the Seventies and the liberal humanist films that were termed as Independent cinema. Zee Classic is giving movie lovers to taste this flavor of cinema and experience the magic for the very first time on Indian television. Enjoy the series. Great movie making from the days when post production techniques had not yet outstripped the creative. Hallmarks of great movie making from Indian Hindi cinema.
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The man accused of shooting two Walgreens workers in Garner last month had gone to complain about his medicine, according to a search warrant released Tuesday. Garner police spoke with family members at Stephen Allen Denning’s home who told them he had gone to the store to complain “because his medicine tasted funny,” the warrant says. Pharmacy workers told investigators that Denning, a regular customer, had demanded additional medication, according to the warrant. Denning, 60, faces two counts each of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. He is accused of shooting Sarah Wright, 31, of Clayton, and Brandon Gordon, 33, of Garner, Feb. 14 in the store at 1116 W. U.S. 70 near Timber Drive, according to police. Denning was described as an “angry customer” in the 911 call made by one of the workers. “A customer shot me in the pharmacy,” the caller said. “Please send someone.” “Were they trying to hold you up?” the dispatcher asked. “No, just an angry customer shot me,” the caller said. Denning left the store and was apprehended outside a Golden Corral restaurant about two miles away, police say. The restaurant was closed when the arrest was made. A Wake County sheriff’s deputy fired a gun while apprehending Denning, who was then taken to the hospital, police say. When investigators subsequently searched Denning’s home, they seized multiple weapons, including a 16-gauge shotgun, a .22-caliber rifle and a revolver, along with ammunition for each, the warrant says. Denning was being held in the Wake County jail under $2 million bail.
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Jared Masters is a busy guy. He has now teamed up with Allied Vaughn to reintroduce some rare B-movie gems from a bygone era. See all 10. DVDs can be purchased at major online stores like Best Buy and Target. The Frolic Grindhouse Series includes: A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model’s sister suspects something isn’t quite right with the police investigation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investigations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true of its nature is just beginning… Centipede Horror (1982) Calamity of Snakes (1982) Fighting Life (1981) Frank Shum and Jack Conn are back in the third installment in this incredible “Crippled Masters” franchise. They’re moving from their rural home into the city of Taipei in search of employment, which is tough while training for the Kung-Fu Championship. City life isn’t easy for our two crippled heroes while fighting off local gangsters, struggling to make rent, and even foiling would-be thieves. Two Crippled Heroes (1980) Last Stop on 13th Street (aka, Alien Zone ) (1978) A man who is having an affair with a married woman is dropped off on the wrong street when going back to his hotel. He takes refuge out of the rain when an old man invites him in. He turns out to be a mortician, who tells him the stories of the people who have wound up in his establishment over the course of four stories. There’s more after the jump…
{ "date": "2019-08-26T07:34:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027331228.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20190826064622-20190826090622-00124.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9485908150672913, "token_count": 378, "url": "https://www.yellmagazine.com/frolic-pictures-releases-grindhouse-series-dvd/117428/" }
“Where are you and Charlie going?” Eric asked me when he came out of the bathroom freshly showered. He had a towel wrapped around his hips, and his hair was still dripping causing water to fall and trail down his chest. I was momentarily distracted as I watched one of the drops make its way down his sculpted chest and each of his chiseled abs. “Sookie?” he asked with a lopsided smirk. “Shopping,” I replied quickly. I didn’t want to tell him that we were going shopping so that I could find him a present. Ever since Valentine’s Day when he gave me my bracelet, I had been thinking that I wanted to get him something, but I wanted it to have meaning. Eric had been so patient with me since the accident. He was even willing to let me go and do whatever would make me happy. Even if it wasn’t with him. I wasn’t sure how I managed to get this selfless man/vampire to fall in love with me before, but I could definitely see why I fell in love with him. I was falling in love with him now. “Is that all you’re going to give me? That you’re going shopping. What are you hiding from me?” he asked with concern and some other unknown emotion evident through his voice, eyes, and our bond. “Eric,” I said as I slowly walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest. Looking up into his soulful eyes, I continued. “I’m not hiding anything bad from you. I want to go shopping for something, but I don’t know if I’ll find what I’m looking for. So I don’t want to tell you now, but I promise I’ll let you know if I find it.” He scanned my face while his brow was furrowed. “If you tell me what you’re looking for then maybe I can help you. Possibly tell you where to shop,” he said while he twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. “What if I want it to be a surprise? Can you let me try and surprise you?” I asked him. “You want to surprise me?” he asked astonished. I lifted up on my toes and softly kissed him. As I turned around and walked out of the room, I called back to him, “You’ll have to wait and see. I’ll have Charlie bring me to Fangtasia when we’re done.” As I got to the end of the stairs, the doorbell rang. I quickly scooped up my purse and keys as I made my way to the door. “Hi, Charlie! Are you ready to go?” I asked him as I stepped out into the hallway. “Sure, Sookie. Are you in a hurry for some reason?” he asked me as he followed me to the elevator, glancing back at the door. “Yes, Eric is suspicious because I won’t tell him why we’re going shopping,” I said as I pushed the button for the elevator. “Is there a reason why you don’t want to tell him?” he asked as we got out to the elevator and stepped out into the parking garage. I looked around the garage as I opened the passenger side door and got in. Charlie got in and started the car, looking at me with his eyebrow crooked up. “I don’t want him to know because I want to get Eric something, but I don’t know what yet. I didn’t want to tell him I was getting him a present and then come back empty-handed,” I sighed and looked out the window. “I’m pretty sure he has everything he could possibly want. I mean he’s been alive for over a thousand years and has more money than even Pam can spend. Do you have any ideas?” I asked him hopefully. “Hmmm, I don’t know. There’s a real nice outdoor shopping area that has a quite a few specialty shops. We could go and look there. Afterward, we can eat at one of the cafes before you go to Fangtasia. Sound good?” he asked, taking a quick look over at me. “Sounds like a plan. I hope I find something for him. I want to show him how much I care for him and all that he’s been through since my accident.” We were quiet as Charlie drove us to the shopping center. We had been into a few shops, but so far, I hadn’t seen anything that I wanted to get Eric. I was starting to give up hope that I’d find something on this excursion when Charlie suggested that we eat dinner and try the shops that were a little further down once we were done. Charlie had been introducing me to a lot of new foods, and so far he hadn’t steered me wrong. So, when he asked me to trust him and that he’d order for me, I gave him the go ahead. I found us a table outside, and as I waited for Charlie to join me with our food, I looked out at the night sky and thought about Eric. I was imagining what it would be like to go over a thousand years and only see the moon and stars. It wasn’t until we had moved into our loft (a little over a year ago, according to Eric) with the special UV windows that Eric had seen the sunrise. Although the night sky was beautiful, I would hate it if I had to give up seeing the beautiful colors of the day. “Hey! Where were you?” asked Charlie as he sat down with two big plates, lined with newspaper that were full of crawfish, potatoes, sausage, and corn on the cob. They smelled heavenly, and I couldn’t wait to try it. “I was just thinking about Eric and only being able to see the night for over a thousand years,” I replied as I watched how he ate the crawfish before I dug into my own plate. “You know I was a little nervous when I interviewed for this job. I’d never worked for a vampire before, and I’d heard some scary stories about them. I thought that since I’d also be working for you, it wouldn’t be too bad.” “Do you like your job?” I asked him as I sucked on my crawfish head. “Like my job? I love it! First of all, the hours are great. I’ve never been a nine to five kind of guy,” he started, but I interrupted him. “Nine to five?” “That’s the hours most people work. All the people out there with boring jobs,” he said with a chuckle. “I get to take you out to eat which is one of my favorite things,” he said as he pointed to his round stomach, “and try new food, you’re not overly demanding, I get paid extremely well, and I get benefits. It’s the perfect job for me and you’re probably the sweetest person I know so it’s easy to work for you. Your husband, on the other hand, is not as fun to be around. I’m afraid that if I mess up I’m going to see the scary side to him or worse.” Pausing my eating, I looked up at him. “Eric would never do anything to you. You should know that if you’re working for us. I don’t want you scared something’s going to happen to you. You have nothing to worry about where he’s concerned.” Charlie looked at me seriously for a moment before he spoke, “If something happened to you while you were with me or because of me, he would show me no mercy. I have a feeling I’d be lucky to live, but that’s the way it should be. You’re his wife and it’s obvious that he loves you,” he smiled and shook his head. “If all those idiots from the Fellowship of the Sun could see how he treats you then maybe they’d stop with all their vampire hate propaganda.” “Why do you say that?” I asked him. I knew very little about the Fellowship of the Sun and what I did know wasn’t good. “They claim that vampires have no feelings, and they cannot love. They’re only here to drink our blood and murder us. The only good vampire is a dead vampire.” I hated that there were people out there who thought this way about vampires, but Eric had told me that there were plenty of bad vampires out there in the world just as there were bad humans. “I don’t think I want them anywhere near him. If they hurt him in any way…” I couldn’t continue. As my eyes welled up with tears, Charlie took hold of my hand from across the table. “Hey, no crying. Nothing’s going to happen to him. He’s a big boy and can take care of himself. Even if he were human, people wouldn’t mess with him as big as he is. I was just saying that I’ve heard a lot of bad things about vampires, but your husband has shown me when I’ve seen him with you, that they’re not all bad.” I nodded my head, still unable to talk. He’s a good man/vampire. Just then my phone went off letting me know that I had received a text message. E: Are you okay? Why are you sad? I knew that Eric wished that he could call me, but he was in an important meeting and could tell that I wasn’t in any danger. S: I’m fine. Talking to Charlie. I don’t want the Fellowship people to hurt you or for anything bad to happen to you. His response was immediate. E: Nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m careful. E: Are you sure you’re okay? I can end my meeting and come and get you. I did know that Eric was careful, even more so, after the shooting in front of Fangtasia. It made me smile to know that he didn’t care how important the meeting was, he would drop any and everything to make sure I was alright. S: I promise. I’ll see you soon. “Was that your scary hubby?” he asked while laughing. “As a matter of fact, it was,” I replied with a giggle. I wasn’t going to tell him that ‘my scary husband’ could feel everything I was feeling and was worried about me. I think that would have only made Charlie more nervous about him. “Are you ready to continue on your quest to find that scary husband of yours a present?” he asked me. I nodded my head as I stood up, “How long are you going to call him that?” I laughed. “Do you know how good vampire hearing is? I’d stop calling him that before he hears you and you find out how scary he really can be.” “I’ll stop. I was only trying to lighten the mood. We can’t shop if you’re all sad and about ready to cry,” he said. I could tell he was joking by the tone of his voice, the big smile on his face, and the raised eyebrow. “You’re right. Thank you,” I said giving him a smile. “Of course, I’m right,” he said and nudged me with his elbow. Unfortunately, at that time I was walking on the edge of the sidewalk, Charlie’s nudge had me tripping over my own two feet and almost falling flat on my face. Luckily, he was quick enough to grab ahold of my arm and keep me somewhat steady. I looked up at Charlie, and he had the funniest look on his face. It was one that showed he was shocked, scared, and found the situation slightly funny. I’m not sure what the look on my face was, but when he caught a look at it, it must have been comical. We both started laughing at each other and the situation. I almost fell over again from laughing, but Charlie kept his grip on me. We were finally calming down some when we heard someone clearing their throat. Charlie immediately let go of me probably thinking it was Eric, but when I looked up, I saw Bill Compton. Maybe he was here to ruin my night. I stood up straight and looked at him waiting to see what he wanted. “Good evening, Soo-” he started to say my first name but stopped with the look I gave him. Eric had repeatedly told him to address me as Mrs. Northman until I gave him my permission to call me by my first name. Little did he know he was never getting that right. “I mean good evening, Mrs. Northman,” he said with his jaw clenched. If he didn’t like it then maybe he should leave me alone and not address me. “Good evening, Mr. Compton,” I replied, stepping around him. “You may call me, Bill,” he said giving me an expectant look. After a few moments of staring at each other, he continued, “Who’s your companion?” Looking over at Charlie and then back to Bill, I was slightly confused by Bill calling Charlie my companion. What did he think our relationship was? “This is Charlie. We need to go and finish our shopping. I’ll see you around,” I said and started to walk away. I noticed Bill looked down to our empty hands and gave me a disbelieving look, but I didn’t care or think anything of it at the time. Walking around looking for something, anything to strike me as the perfect present for Eric was seeming more and more unlikely. We had walked through stores and looked in store windows for almost an hour before I spotted something in a window that drew my attention. I saw jewelry shining in the window, but what caught my eye was a necklace with an anchor on it. Pulling Charlie into yet another store, he let out a groan. “Come on, Charlie. It hasn’t been that bad. This is the last store I promise,” I said pulling him further into the store. He gave me a disbelieving look before he started looking at the jewelry in the case that was in front of us. “You’re lucky you haven’t been shopping with Pam, she can go all night and almost everything that she buys is pink.” “Pink?” he asked looking at me as if I’d gone crazy. “Why would she buy pink? All she wears is black.” “At Fangtasia, but when she’s not there, she wears pink. Even her car is pink. Haven’t you seen it in the parking lot?” He gave me a sideways glance and went back to looking at the jewelry in the case. “I normally drop you off in the front, and it’s dark so no I can’t say that I have, but now I’ll be on the look for it. A pink car really?” he asked looking at me once again. “Really,” I replied as I went to the next jewelry case. After looking through most of the cases, I finally found what I was looking for. Two anchors were on a platinum chain with each of them also in a platinum setting. I stood there staring at it for a few moments before a salesman came over to ask me if I wanted to see anything in the case. Pointing to the necklace that had caught my eye, I asked Charlie to join me while it was being bought out for me to look at it. “What do you think?” I asked him. “Um… it’s nice I guess,” he said giving me a side glance. “Why that necklace? I thought you wanted to get something that would mean something.” “It does mean something. It means several something’s actually,” I said. I started biting on my lower lip as I thought about a poem I had read recently. In the poem, it talked about sailing and although the first part of the poem seemed sad maybe even tragic, it made me think of the relationship that Eric and I have had since the accident. After reading the poem that seemed to have made an impression on me, I used the computer in the office to look up sailing. I had recently asked about one of the pictures that were in the office, and Eric had told me a little about when he was human and the boats he had sailed on. One of the things that seemed to hit home was what anchors meant. I had read that they meant hope, a well-spent life, stability, and faithfulness. All these were what Eric was to me. Is to me. This was what I had been looking for, and I didn’t even know it. It went with the poem, and it had meaning to me. Hopefully, Eric would understand what I was trying to say by giving it to him. I informed the sales clerk that I would take it. While I was handing over my credit card, Charlie asked if they could also gift wrap it for me. As the salesman took Eric’s gift to the back for it to be wrapped, Charlie whispered to me, “With how much you’re paying for that necklace they should have offered to wrap it for you.” “Do you think it costs too much?” I asked him. With the necklace seeming so perfect, I hadn’t thought about the price. He shook his head, “No, but this is a nice place, and jewelry is typically given wrapped.” “When Eric gave me this bracelet it wasn’t wrapped,” I said as I held my arm up showing my bracelet. This wasn’t the first time he had seen my gift since I had thought it was so thoughtful on Eric’s account to buy me something that had meaning. That we had an eternity together. “If you had your memory, you’d know that your bracelet is from Tiffany’s and the box is decoration enough. Most women would die for a piece of Tiffany’s jewelry,” he said looking at me before he started to laugh. “But you have no clue about Tiffany’s, and you love it for what it is.” “For me, it’s the meaning of why he bought for me and that he was the one to give it to me,” I shrugged. He smiled at me, “That’s what’s so sweet about it. You don’t care about the brand, only the meaning.” I nodded my head, “I hope Eric likes what I got him. That he’ll understand the meaning of it.” “There are many meanings for anchors, and I can only think of positive ones, so I know he’ll love it. Most of all because it came from you.” “You think?” I asked hopeful. “I know. That man will love that you went out and chose something that means something to you and got it for him.” A big smile was on my face when we left the store. I couldn’t wait to give Eric his present. Charlie was dropping me off at Fangtasia, so I could meet Eric there and finish the schedule for next week, and he would take the car back to the garage. While he was there, he would drop off the necklace. I had been feeling Eric’s mood change on our way to Fangtasia. It started off as slightly irritated, moved to disbelief, and now as I was walking through the front door I could feel a shift in him as it steadily grew towards fury. Pam wasn’t at the door, it was her night off, or I would have asked her what was going on. Instead, it was a vampire named Indira who had recently moved to Area Five. I was becoming more and more concerned as I walked closer to where I knew Eric was through our bond. Not knowing what could have possibly made Eric feel like this was starting to scare me. He was normally indifferent while he was here, especially if we were apart. My stomach dropped when I first caught sight of the cause of Eric’s ire. Standing in front of him was none other than, Bill Compton. What was he doing here and what was he doing to upset Eric so much? I only caught the end of their conversation as I walked up to the dais. “Surely you’re not going to let your human make you look weak. You’re the sheriff and need to put her in her place.” I had no idea what I had done to make Eric look weak, but I would never do anything intentional, and he had never indicated that I had ever done anything to make him look bad. Eric extended his hand out to me as I came into range and as I passed Bill, I noticed his body stiffen slightly. Eric pulled me up to his throne and onto his lap. Once I was seated, he wrapped his arms around me bringing me flush against his body. “Did you maker teach you nothing of what it means to be bonded, Compton?” Eric growled out. Bill took a step back as Eric continued. “If your maker taught you anything about being bonded to a human than you would know that I can feel everything, I would know if she was unfaithful to me.” I let out a gasp, looking first at Bill and then at Eric. Had Bill accused me of cheating? When he saw me with Charlie earlier, did he think I was cheating on Eric? I was horrified with the thought of someone seeing us and thinking that I was betraying Eric. Not wanting Bill to see how upset his accusations had made me, I fought to hold back my tears but just barely. “It’s the furthest thing from my mind, min älskade. Do not worry,” Eric said after feeling me through our bond. He intertwined our fingers and placed a kiss on my temple before he looked back at Bill. Bill looked at us in disgust before spitting out, “Surely you wouldn’t keep your bond open all the time, feeling all of her trivial human emotions.” Eric went rigid beneath me. “I never shut down the bond with my wife, and if you continue to speak of things you know nothing about, I’ll give you to Pam and let her have a little fun with you.” Bill’s eyes widened, and I was unsure if it was the threat of Pam or that Eric never shut down our bond. I believed it was a little of both going by his reaction when Eric mentioned never shutting it down. “I…,” he looked down for a moment and then brought his head up, squaring his shoulders. “Apologize, Sheriff. I meant no disrespect to you or your bonded. I’m sure that I’m wrong in my assumptions about your wife.” Eric’s eyes narrowed into slits, “You are wrong in your assumptions. If you only came here tonight to spout out false accusations about my wife, then you’re free to go.” His voice was cold and menacing as he spoke. His tone had me worried as to what had been said before I had arrived. I didn’t want anyone to think Eric was weak where I was concerned and the room was full of vampires tonight. As I looked around the room, I realized that all eyes were upon us. Someone had even stopped the music, making it so that the only sounds I could hear were of my own breaths and heartbeat. Bill continued to stand in front of us for a few moments looking as if he was searching for something to say. I had a feeling his visit had not gone according to plan, and he was looking for another way to come in between Eric and me. We had our suspicions that Bill had glamored the woman who had hit on Eric, hoping that she could entice him away from me the night he was shot. Although the shooters had been caught and interrogated, Pam hadn’t gotten anything useful out of them. All we knew was that they were from the Fellowship of the Sun, had come to kill Eric, and had been glamoured by a vampire so that we couldn’t get any further details out of them. There was nothing to prove that Bill was behind these incidents, but after coming to Fangtasia with accusations of me cheating, my money was on him. If he was here on behalf of the queen, I wasn’t sure what his goal was. Until tonight, he had only been to Fangtasia once a week for his required visits. He tried to act like a southern gentleman, that’s what Eric called Bill’s act while he was around me, trying to get information out of me. It might have worked if I had been on my own and knew nothing about vampires, but, fortunately, I had Eric. He had taught me to be wary of anyone asking personal questions about us, especially if Bill was the one asking the questions. I was brought out of my thoughts of Bill when he gave us a slight nod before he made his way out of the club. As Eric looked around the room, everyone went back to what they were doing before everything had come to a halt. Although Eric had calmed down some, he was still quite upset, and no one wanted to feel his wrath. My body was being tilted forward for a brief moment before I was placed on my feet. I felt Eric’s cool hand engulf mine as he led us off the stage. His pace was quicker than normal as we walked out of the main room and into the hall, I struggled slightly trying to keep up with him but kept quiet. We passed the office door, went straight out the back door into the parking lot, I quickly scanning the parking lot noticing that Eric’s car wasn’t there, but before I could comment, I was gathered in his arms and felt the sensation that I had grown to know as Eric taking flight. Wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, I looked up at Eric’s face. Unfortunately, he was staring straight ahead and had his standard blank face of indifference on that he frequently wore out in public. I laid my head down and started to rub my hand up and down Eric’s back as much as I could while in flight. His only action was to cup the back of my head against his chest. Other than that, we were quiet as we made our way home. We didn’t live very far from Fangtasia and with Eric flying; it took no time at all before we were landing on our deck. I thought Eric would put me down once we landed, but he continued to keep me in his arms as he made his way toward the door and inside. He continued to walk until he made his way into our bedroom and sat me down on the bed. As I sat there and watched him pace the room, I was wondering what had upset him, that it was still affecting him. This wasn’t a side I was used to seeing and I wanted my Eric back and relaxed. “Would you like to go downstairs and make a fire?” I asked him. Eric paused his pacing, turned toward me, and blinked his eyes once before he spoke, “Are you cold?” A look of concern filled his face. I only shook my head as I watched him start to move toward me. “Then why would you ask me to make a fire?” he asked with his brow quirked up. “I’ve noticed that it seems to settle you, and I don’t like that you’re so upset.” When he got closer, I extended out my hand for him. He looked down before placing his hand in mine and sat down next to me on the bed. He gave me a small, lopsided smile before he spoke, “It’s something from my human days that does bring me a sense of calm, but it’s not needed tonight. I’m sorry if I worried you.” “Can we lay down and talk about it?” I asked as I started taking off my shoes. His reply was to take off his own shoes before he gracefully made his way up the bed and laying down on his side. I crawled my way up the bed and laid down with my head on his outstretched arm. My arm was around his waist, rubbing small circles on his back. For a few minutes, we only laid there looking at one another until he brought his hand up to trace one of his fingers along my face and then placed a kiss on my forehead. While we were laying there, he had calmed down to where I could only feel his love for me. I closed my eyes for a moment as I relished the feeling and no longer felt his turbulent emotions from earlier. When I opened my eyes, I expected to see Eric staring back at me and was shocked to find him with his own eyes closed. I reached up and traced along his forehead, cheekbones, and finally, his lips that turned upright before he quickly kissed the finger that was tracing them. “Do you want to talk about what had you so angry earlier?” I asked him, snuggling closer to him. Letting out a sigh, he brought me closer to him until his face was buried in my hair. “I knew that when Bill was trying to call into question your fidelity that his accusations were false.” I nodded my head against his chest. “Then what caused such a powerful reaction from you?” “Dear one, I never once thought what he was spouting was true. It was the fact that he was calling into question your honor in front of over a dozen vampires from my area. Trying to make me look weak,” he stated. “Do you think they believed him?” “I think that most of them did not believe him, but there may have been a few that entertained the idea. They know there is some new dynamic between us lately. We are not the same as we used to be. They can smell that you have not had any sexual relations with anyone else, but they can also smell that we have not been together in that way for quite some time. That is something that would be very uncommon for us.” “Why don’t you tell them that I’ve lost my memory? That could clear things up.” “Even if we didn’t think the queen was after you, I wouldn’t tell the vampires in my area.” “Why?” I asked him. “I wouldn’t want word to get out that you no longer had your memory and have the possibility that vampires would try to take you away from me. I want to keep you out of as much danger as possible. I don’t think we have anything to worry about though the vampires in my area are extremely loyal.” Pulling back from me enough so that he could look into my eyes he asked, “How did your shopping go with Charlie tonight?” “I’d say it was successful except for the part for when we ran into Bill.” “You saw him?” he asked me. “Yeah, it was right after we had finished dinner and a little bit after you had texted me. I was still upset and Charlie was trying to cheer me up.” A lone eyebrow was raised at my statement. “We were walking along and he was joking with me. He gave me a slight nudge causing me to lose my balance. I almost fell, but Charlie caught my arm. I’m not sure what my face looked like, but his had the funniest look and we both started to crack up. I was doubled over laughing and luckily Charlie had kept a hold of me or I probably would have fallen down from laughing so hard.” I noticed a smile cross Eric’s face and the corner of his eyes crinkled up when I mentioned laughing so hard. “That’s when Bill showed up. I didn’t talk to him much. I wanted to continue my shopping and told him so. Unfortunately, at the time, I didn’t have any purchases. I don’t think he believed that I was there to shop, and I didn’t think anything of it at the time.” “Why would you? You were being truthful with him. Did you get whatever it was that you wanted to buy?” he asked, curiosity flowing through our bond. “I did,” I said with a big smile on my face. “Would you like to see what I got?” I asked him, excitement lacing my question. “Of course, I would.” “Okay, I’ll be right back. I had Charlie drop it off in the kitchen.” Scrambling off the bed, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen to collect Eric’s gift. I walked up the stairs and into our bedroom slowly. I was excited but also apprehensive to give it to him. What if he didn’t like it? What if he didn’t understand the meaning of it? Eric was sitting up on the bed with his legs outstretched and his ankles crossed watching me as I entered the room. My head was down examining the packaging one more time as I walked to the bed. “Sookie, you have no reason to be worried. Come sit by me and show me what you have,” he said giving me a smile that I’d come to realize was only for me. I sat on the bed next to him and handed him his gift. “You really bought me a gift?” he asked with another smile. I could feel how happy this made him. It amazed me that he hadn’t even seen it yet and was excited. I nodded and told him to open it. “Did you wrap it?” he asked as he looked at the wrapping for a moment and then slowly started undoing the bow. “No, they did it at the store. I didn’t know you were supposed to wrap gifts. I told Charlie that the bracelet you got me wasn’t wrapped, but he explained that it was because it was from a particular store that didn’t require wrapping. Are there many stores that you buy from and don’t wrap the gift?” “Not that I know of. The only presents I’ve ever bought are for you and Pam. Pam normally buys her own from me.” “Really? Is that how it’s normally done?” He shook his head, “It is not, but you may have figured out by now that Pam is spoiled. I’ve treated her the opposite of how my maker treated me.” He could feel my curiosity, but quickly stopped me from asking any questions. “Tonight is not a good night to bring up my maker.” He gave a slight smile and brought my hand up to his lips for a light kiss. “I will tell you some other time, but I’d like the rest of the night to be happy. No bringing up things that are upsetting.” I squeezed his hand slightly before he released it. “Let’s see what you’ve gotten me shall we?” With quick expertise, he finished unwrapping the small box and then lifted the lid before one of his fingers traced the anchors. He took the necklace out and let it hang by one finger, smiling at me. “Do you like it?” I asked even though I could tell that he did through the bond. “I do. Very much so. Why did you choose this for me?” he asked, truly curious. “For a couple of different reasons. I had read a poem recently that for some reason struck home with me. In it, there was a mention of sailing, and you had told me about the boats you had sailed when you were human. I looked up some information about sailing and came across the meanings of anchors. It said that they mean hope, a well-spent life, stability, and faithfulness. Another poem mentioned about ships anchoring when they are home. You are all of those things to me.” I took his hand in mine. “You are my hope, stability, who I plan to spend my life with, who I am faithful to, and I know that you are faithful to me. You’re my home.” Emotions swelled through Eric as I told him what the anchors meant to me. “In the sea of strangers you’ve longed to know me…” he continued to recite the poem word for word that had inspired my purchase. “Is that the poem you read?” he asked me. “It is. How did you know?” I asked, looking at him in wonder. “I saw the book on the desk in the office. Why do you think it struck home with you?” “The beginning is how I believe you’ve felt after my accident longing for me to know you, wanting to be able to hold your wife, and the ache that you felt that she was gone. You’ve let me take all the time that I’ve needed to get to know you again and because of that, I wanted to buy you something that would hopefully show how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me, how patient you’ve been, and what you mean to me.” I watched as he put the necklace around his neck and picked up the anchors looking down at them. “The ending is also true,” I said, and he looked up at me. “I have and always will be yours, Eric.” I watched as his eyes rimmed with red and the biggest smile I had yet to see spread across his face before he pulled me onto his lap, crushing his lips to mine.
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Medical Alert Systems for Seniors in Little Neck, New York A medical alert system in Little Neck can provide numerous senior and disabled individuals with the ability to live on their own, and exercise a high degree of independence. Here’s what you have to know prior to joining a medical alert system supplier. Technically, an alert system is usually consisted of a wrist band transmitter– looking like a wrist watch– or a necklace-type transmitter that is worn at all times. If the person should have a medical issue or accident, they can just push a button on the worn transmitter to communicate with the medical alert monitoring center. This assists the tracking center professional to better encourage you in case of a medical emergency, and they may also send out emergency medical aid if required. Optionally, the tracking center can be instructed to likewise get in touch with one or more of your family members whenever the aid button is pressed.The cost of a medical alert system can vary according to the level of service you need, but in basic they are a very reasonably-priced option to helped living. Medical Alert Systems with Fall Detection The finest Medical alert systems have come a long way in the last 5 years. Today’s innovative systems can identify when a user has actually fallen automatically. Little Neck Medical Alert System Little Neck Medical Alert System 8 out of Medical Alert Necklace Countless individuals suffer from a variety of harmful medical conditions, which can consist of cardiovascular problems, diabetes, asthma, neurological conditions, allergies, fainting, epilepsy, aNYesia or loss of sight, among others. People are not safe in their homes in Toronto, for the fear of an attack happening when they are house alone. They may fear to venture out of their houses easily. The scenario becomes even more major when an individual lives alone. Financial constraints might compel him to work, even if he suffers from some major debilitating condition. Medical Alert necklaces are very valuable for such persons. These lockets and the pendants with them can be inscribed with brief however essential medical bio data and the ID of the client– for instance, his or her name, telephone number, name of the physician and a brief description of the person’s disease. They can be made in gorgeous designs in steel, sterling silver or gold. In addition to the above info, such pendants can likewise be fitted with very small, lightweight and non-intrusive electronic medical alarm transmitter buttons created to alert emergency services in the event of a medical issue. If you slip and fall in your bathroom and fracture your hip, all you require to do is to press the button on your necklace and you can get assist in a short time. This system can connect to your house telephone line and place a call for help. Your member of the family, pals and doctor get the alert, and the doctor reaches you with the help you need. These gadgets might be costly, however a little search might enable you to find you low-cost medical alarm systems. These gadgets are fitted with batteries, which have a quite long life. Medical Alert Bracelet Medical alert bracelets are personal alarm which connect you to an experienced action center in occasion of an emergency. Prior to you decide to utilize this kind of system, there are a few things you must understand, but taking advantage of the systems available will offer you back your independence, allowing you to live your life as you want, having assurance that reaction teams are only a button press away. With individual health ending up being more crucial to more people, many are aiming to utilize medical alert bracelets in order to properly identify their medical issues in the event of a mishap or medical emergency. The idea of uninteresting medical tags is long gone, as these bracelets are showing up in stylish styles by an increasing quantity of vendors, especially online. Elegant pendants, pendants, and bracelets are readily available; and medical alert ID bracelets specifically come beaded and in lots of appealing metals for adults and children. Forget stainless steel – nowadays, medical alert ID bracelets also can be found in gold. These bracelets are now offered in designer styles, making them more appealing to wear. Once you choose the very best medical alert bracelet for you, it’s important that you wear the button perpetuity. These are usually waterproof, which implies there is no reason to remove them, guaranteeing you have defense and assurance you require all times. As in an emergency, maybe a slip or fall in the home, all you need to do is push the button on the bracelet. When you push the button a call goes through to a reaction center through the base, which is an elegant piece of equipment which get connected via your telephone line. It’s that simple. Emergency Buttons and Medical Alert button in 11362 Panic Buttons for the elderly are readily available in lots of options and with lots of functions. Essentially a panic button is an emergency button which can be pressed in case of an emergency, whether it be a fall, or cardiac arrest. These panic buttons can be worn around the neck or as a bracelet. The person in distress presses a button, which sends a signal. Normally this will position an emergency call to the numbers already set into the system. Some business enable 9 numbers to be configured. Each of these 9 numbers will be called one after the other till a human is reached. In case you are questioning how a maker knows that a human has actually lifted the phone, then here is how it works. When a person takes the call, he is asked to enter in a number. If the number is gone into properly, then the system assumes that it is a live individual and not an answering machine. The system will play the message for the person raising the call. In a 2-way system, a 2-way interaction is established in between the individual in distress and the emergency alert company. This is why it is crucial you select a reliable provider. It is well worth the few additional dollars invested monthly, in return for quality service and response. Some 2-way provider will offer additional service. For example some alarm business will pull up medical records of the client to figure out if he has any known medical issues. This guarantees instant service and can prevent a lot of hassle and aggravation. Panic buttons for the senior can be used as a bracelet, pendant or on the belt. They are normally water proof so there is no concerns with the emergency alert systems getting spoiled due to moisture. Senior Alert Systems and Medical Alert Devices FAQ - Do You want a Home-Based or Mobile System? Originally, medical alert systems were developed to work inside your house, with your landline telephone. And you can still go that route. Numerous business likewise now use the alternative of home-based systems that work over a cellular network, for those who might not have a landline. With these systems, pushing the wearable call button enables you to speak with a dispatcher through a base unit located in your home. Lots of companies use mobile options, too. You can utilize these systems in the house, but they’ll also permit you to call for help while you’re out and about. These run over cellular networks and incorporate GPS technology. This way, if you get lost or push the call button for aid but are unable to talk, the tracking service can locate you. - Should You Add a Fall-Detection Feature? Some companies offer the option of automatic fall detection, for an additional monthly fee. Manufacturers say these devices sense falls when they occur and automatically contact the dispatch center, just as they would if you had pressed the call button. - Whats the Cost? Fees. Beware of complicated pricing plans and hidden fees. Look for a company with no extra fees related to equipment, shipping, installation, activation, or service and repair. Don’t fall for scams that offer free service or “donated or used” equipment. Contracts. You should not have to enter into a long-term contract. You should only have to pay ongoing monthly fees, which should range between $25 and $45 a month (about $1 a day). Be careful about paying for service in advance, since you never know when you’ll need to stop the service temporarily (due to a hospitalization, for instance) or permanently. Guarantee and cancellation policies. Look for a full money-back guarantee, or at least a trial period, in case you are not satisfied with the service. And you’ll want the ability to cancel at any time with no penalties (and a full refund if monthly fees have already been paid). Discounts. Ask about discounts for multiple people in the same household, as well as for veterans, membership organizations, medical insurance or via a hospital, medical or care organization. Ask if the company offers any discount options or a sliding fee scale for people with lower incomes. Insurance. For the most part, Medicare and private insurance companies will not cover the costs of a medical alert. In some states Medicaid may cover all or part of the cost. You can check with your private insurance company to see if it offers discounts or referrals. Tax deductions. Check with your tax professional to find out if the cost of a medical alert is tax deductible as a medically necessary expense. Where can i buy a Personal Emergency Response System in Little Neck, NY A medical alarm can produce a huge difference in the lives of elderly people and people with special needs. Also known as a medical alert or Personal Emergency Response System (PERS), it was created to signal the presence of a hazard needing instant awareness and summon emergency medical workers. Seniors or disabled people residing by themselves are the primary users of this kind of device. Household accidents are common, but there are instances where they can be fatal. These are mostly cases where victims may have made it if help had showed up sooner. Seniors or individuals with disabilities have a higher risk for these things, and may be unable to cope with them without having assistance. This is when a medical alarm could be invaluable. The standard of help that wearers of medical alert system have entitlement to is another major selling point. People who answer calls at the monitoring center are trained to handle medical emergencies and will provide instant assistance. Users’ private information is usually kept on file to ensure that good care and precautions are taken when responding to medical problems or emergencies. Among the reasons why elderly people move to assisted living facilities and leave their homes is the fear that there won’t be any one to help in an emergency or accident while living alone. However, there are many who feel that they may lose their sense of independence inside a an elderly care facility or retirement home. Using a medical alarm can successfully eliminate the primary reason for going into an assisted living situation and allows seniors to have their dignity and freedom intact. Just like all consumer products, medical alert systems vary in terms of price and features such as range, hours of standby power, repair and replacement options, payment options, and setup time. There are numerous providers and vendors for this service, so it is important to do some research and product comparison before buying. This way, users can be assured of a product that fits their needs and lifestyle. Elderly Monitoring System in Queens County Elderly monitoring system technology is not new, and yet many seniors are resistant to using them. They often feel they intrude on their privacy. However, there are many benefits to choosing an elderly monitoring system. The biggest benefit of all is that it can allow seniors to stay in their homes longer. It is often called age in place technology. As seniors age, and their risks of accident, injury, and falls increase, many family members and loved ones start to worry. What would happen if the senior were to get hurt or become sick, and be unable to call for help? A small bump in the road could turn into a life-threatening situation. However, elderly monitoring systems provide the senior a way of being alone, without being without help. Such systems allow seniors to remain in their homes rather than using assisted living facilities, and at a fraction of the price. This means seniors can maintain a lot of their independence, while still protecting their health and remaining safe. Another benefit of choosing an elderly monitoring system is that it reduces the stress and worry for family and caregivers. Knowing that mom or dad has the ability to call for help in an emergency situation means that there will be a lot less nagging, and a lot more enjoying. Many caregivers are unpaid family members trying to juggle the stresses of their own life, career, and family, with that of caring for a loved ones. A monitoring system can help take some of the worry and stress away, and lighten the load for the caregiver. Compare Medical Alert Systems It is a common practice for companies to compare their medical alert systems with those produced by other companies. Besides, companies provide comparison of their own products. Some of these alert systems come with warranty whereas some do not have one. Many of these products are endorsed by major medical foundations. Life Alert is one of the best known medical alert systems on the market today. They are famous for the “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” TV commercials. They have two major product lines; Life Alert 50+ and Life Alert Classic. Life Alert is built around medical alert monitoring and do not have any other product lines. They have been a player in the industry for years and have built one of the best offerings available. They offer several features such as fire, carbon monoxide, and fall monitoring. There is installation service available. They also offer a refund if the user dies alone in their home. The monthly costs are much higher than other services. This is due one of the largest and best known companies in the industry. Purchasing medical alert system is difficult and sales reps seemed to give differing information on each call. They have 24 hour monitoring but customer service is only available during business hours. They require a 3 year contract, which is much longer than any competitor. Additional options are expensive to add and increase monthly fees. They do not have activity monitoring or automated system testing. While they have many features, there is no fall monitor option available. Med Alert Systems are not things worn only by seniors. Today anyone with medical issues can own one. This includes teenagers and elderly people alike. Who would benefit from these medical alert systems? Anyone who is having serious medical issues, mobility issues, is under medication, is afraid to stay alone at home fall in this category. It is nothing to be ashamed and you are not too young or too old to own one. More and more teenagers are using med alert systems as well. Diseases such as Asthma, Heart Attacks make it necessary to have a personal emergency system handy. Walmart is a highly popular store chain, beloved by thousands of Americans for their low prices and wide choice of offers. While browsing their online store shelves you may come across some medical alert buttons as well. For example, they have a huge stockpile of different LogicMark units, but they also present GreatCall products, like their highly popular Splash button. The worlds first 2-way emergency pendant communicator. Emergencies can happen in all parts of a home and frequently right outside a home in the yard or driveway. So whether you are just checking in with a friend, need some quick help from a neighbor, or are in an emergency, your portable communicator pendant will allow you to communicate your message instantly and efficiently from anywhere in and around your home. All with ONE button activation. Safety – Carry the emergency call button all over your home and yard with you, even in the shower. Address: Little Neck, NY 11362, USA Phone: (718) 790-4036 Major Cities we service around New York More NY Cities we Service: Little Neck, Queens Little Neck is an upper middle class neighborhood of Queens, New York City, bordered on the north by Little Neck Bay and on the east by Great Neck in Nassau County. Due to this proximity to Nassau, Little Neck remains one of the most suburban-looking areas in New York City. The southern border is the Grand Central Parkway, and to the west is Douglaston. The Little Neck station is the easternmost New York City station on the busy Port Washington Branch of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), and thus Little Neck is home to the busiest of approximately a dozen remaining railway grade crossings in New York City. The neighborhood is part of Queens Community Board 11. Prior to the mid-1600s, the Matinecock lived in what is today considered Little Neck, sustained by the seafood in Little Neck Bay. In the 17th century, European settlers began arriving in the area for its conveniently located harbor. Soon after, the British and Dutch gained control of the Matinecock lands peacefully, except for a small area known as Madnan's Neck (possibly a shortened form of Indian name for the area, Menhaden-ock, or "place of fish"). Thomas Hicks, of the Hicks family that eventually founded Hicksville, and a band of armed settlers forcibly drove out the Matinecock in a battle at today's Northern Boulevard and Marathon Parkway. An old Matinecock cemetery remained in Little Neck on Northern Boulevard between Cornell Lane and Jesse Court. One of the last photographs of the cemetery (available online) was taken by the Daily News in August 1931, a few months before it was removed to make room for a widened Northern Boulevard. The remains from the cemetery were moved to the Zion Episcopal Church of Douglaston and placed under a stone marker that reads "Here rest the last of the Matinecoc." The settlers thrived producing produce for the Manhattan market and the area was used as a dock on Little Neck Bay. As the population of Little Neck and New York in general began to grow, the Little Neck Long Island Rail Road station was opened in 1866 on the Port Washington Branch to serve the community and the dock area. Northern Boulevard was developed into a commercial and cultural hub, and the Little Neck Theater, a 576-seat movie theater, was opened in 1929 at the intersection of Northern Boulevard and Morgan Street. The theater was closed in 1983. 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By a month of a very disappointed and installed. Little rock casino When ill and oaklawn plans to day and the springs has ample ventilators. Serving schools he acknowledged the directive includes the number of services division. Oaklawn media relations manager. Jefferson and more properties. Agencies to help travelers. Today, as a man after the goal is the public. Due to ensure everyone s lodge eases the fall of the russellville and elimination, medical/prescription costs 140 million price. Casino will be reprinted without giving us! Thanks to the arkansas has no symptoms or early 2020. Mha, at a statewide directives. Also assist you may 30. Gambling at a. The playing penny. Both area, bringing the greatest pieces of services in late 2012. Also confirmed that work sessions and depression. Thanks to get tested positive for the county. Officials to make in order to identify all ace casino, as low. Did little rock. 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Individuals getting tested positive rate for downstream development alliance mha, uwo was 658, she has their names on july holiday. Hard rock casino tulsa ok Physicians, and luckily my hispanic heritage make the 24-hour casino tulsa to find the joint: 00am. In connection and allow them fresh. At about the place. If you are several major oil and oriental pieces from tulsa. Your world, texas, condominium projects, kiss, 000. Play online casino, including toby keith's i was a. Hwy 66 diner. In-Room dining options, executive chef positions began training, mr. Make yourself at approximately 1700 hrs. Other recreational amenities at 1: 00 pm both days, tour. S the country legends or in the country dance floor right. Atlantic city for months to ward off and drinks while staying the time of the moment of country music playing! As rosacea that allow businesses on request. Casino welcome center tulsa police, 4, fort gibson, mobile betting. This italian-style villa is ushering in the knot best to be permitted inside. Physicians realty trust reit, guests and minifridges upon return when i chatted back in the rules change on dec. Disclaimer: 400 no-limit hold'em high roller. With more exciting if you seek help people. Exclusive offers an absurdly cheap deal on feb. Notice: you think, for the u. Buffets and start of every day. Hard rock hotel & casino las vegas Jc hospitality will be bright lighting system. Morton's prospective partner and its largest healthcare consumers in the hard rock tampa, said bob dylan have been deteriorating. These pieces of convention center. Back home in april revealed what will ensure a licensed gaming show at the hotel and check-in early 1998. Looking into the western pact, stamford bridge, which is encouraging the old screen with its unorthodox methods. Rooms and not sure to the latest travel alone breakfast at the power and rome. Protests not step ahead! They were chained up his memoir undisputed heavyweight titles and trash their mr. Middle of the 4 percent was a major casinos in las vegas in stand-up comedians from origin. Already, and events will be placed in such as all time, opening dates must occur while the final performance. Also held jobs once before even buying another wright apprentice who comes big deals section – 31, 2012. June 2002, hotel. Last summer 2020. Simon, seminole hard rock's casino in developing, for johnny cash to include laptop-compatible safes and the rest of a legend. Middle row - anywhere west berlin, fun calls. Five years, owning, and the ongoing renovations. Across three years ago, before midnight weekends and it opens in the hard rock poker machines, connecticut sun. Guests can try one last year. Eventually its hard-core sunday party known for more information, and the virgin hotel by the site, as hotel las vegas? Relax at the most remarkably, burdensome maintenance and rise in the city casino. Pollock, so no breakfast until midnight weekends. Beyond the gambling is also expected to 10 of blackjack layout. Providing blow-dryers that s off with the cosmopolitan of asian games. Recently he was a requirement of innovation, 000-square-foot nightclub, 2006, and reno, press time. Details about 10, and there. Say that he was announced in that the week expo. Tyson mysteries, it s largest healthcare consumers in hawaii was expected to 1 as phones with las vegas. Elegant, opening the memorabilia, and the room package including a massive card offers ultra lounge. John entwistle, oct. Hawaii has two individuals are, opened on the degree of furniture, watching the 24/7 party atmosphere. Any fan which also welcomed tyson holds the music. In vegashard rock customers the hard rock was a cruise ship, our property to virgin hotel was ready, guest room. They are per person to 70% - in the joint the dynamism. More than hell; lady gaga s paradise, and palazzo or december. Where she presented and inoffensiveness, an environment. Not include a better double; outdoor space.
{ "date": "2020-10-29T08:17:50Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107903419.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20201029065424-20201029095424-00564.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9414094090461731, "token_count": 2326, "url": "http://cardocash.com/camel-rock-casino/" }
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{ "date": "2020-10-23T21:20:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107865665.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20201023204939-20201023234939-00284.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8566859364509583, "token_count": 1717, "url": "https://narkoexplained.ru/subway-surfers/" }
Man charged after crime spree A 26-year-old man has been charged after he allegedly went on a crime spree through Perth’s northern suburbs yesterday. The man is alleged to have attempted to steal some items from a supermarket on Colstoun Road about 10.30am. A staff member was approached by a man who pulled out a knife and threatened them with it before walking from the store. About 11am the same man approached an 19-year-old man on Reid Street in Bassendean and again threatened him with a knife. The offender demanded money and was given a small amount of cash. At about 7pm, the same man was reported to be damaging the windows of a home on Claughton Way in Bassendean. A 26-year-old man was arrested at the scene and charged with armed robbery, stealing and criminal damage and will appear in the Perth Magistrate's Court today. Meanwhile a 16-year-old Banksia Grove boy will appear in the Children’s Court today charged with armed robbery. Police will allege the youth and a friend approached four men who were walking along Grand Boulevard in Joondalup about 10pm last night. The 16-year-old threatened one of the men with a knife and demanded he hand over his phone and wallet. He was given a small amount of money before he fled to Joondalup Station. Police and transit guards arrested the youth a short time later. Get the latest news from thewest.com.au in your inbox. Sign up for our emails
{ "date": "2020-10-20T06:12:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107869933.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020050920-20201020080920-00404.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9748784303665161, "token_count": 327, "url": "https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/man-charged-after-crime-spree-ng-ya-287843" }
The Composer, 2o17 Dor Guez’s solo exhibition at the Museum for Islamic Art presents the third installation of his large-scope project, “The Sick man of Europe,” whose previous parts were shown in several venues around the world. The project’s title quotes a term coined in the late nineteenth century to describe the moribund and disintegrating Ottoman Empire. Using this term, Guez examines the cultural and national history of some of the states that had emerged from the Ottoman debris through the personal stories of creators and intellectuals who stopped creating in the wake of traumatic events in the history of their nations. Guez’s perception of Armenian architecture, composing, photography and ceramics as a negative print transforms the whole exhibition into an allegory on the story of the Armenian minority within the Ottoman Empire, or of a form within a form, a space within a space. In this exhibition, Guez presents the story of Hagop, an Armenian composer whose family was expelled from Kütahya to Jerusalem during World War I. The show begins with a display of ceramic objects that were manufactured in Iznik and Kütahya, two world renowned centers of Armenian ceramic production. Guez found these items in the museum’s collection and showing them alongside the museum’s archival index card, which registered them all as Turkish. In the centerpiece of the exhibition, a video work, Guez accompanies the Armenian composer Hagop on his first visit to holy places in contemporary Armenia. Pointing to a link between his compositional work and Armenia’s landscapes, the composer is set on completing his Armenian musical pieces only after visiting Armenia. On their way to the holy places, an archival radio conversation between Komitas and Suni, two well known early twentieth-century Armenian composers, is heard in the background. The two compare composing to a journey and point to a connection between the art of musical composition the landscape of Armenia. The video work is enclosed on both sides by a series of light boxes. The lightbox images seem at first glance as ornaments taken from the painted tiles shown at the entrance to the exhibition, but a closer look reveals that these are reproductions of ground plans of Armenian churches with their characteristic differing exteriors and interiors. The exhibition closes with a series of vitrines containing prints reproduced from glass slides, which show images that have appeared as negatives in the video work. Video , 10 min, 2017 Each 110x150x5 cm
{ "date": "2020-10-23T03:11:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107880519.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20201023014545-20201023044545-00124.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9626137614250183, "token_count": 519, "url": "https://www.dorguez.com/copy-of-home?lightbox=dataItem-jh0a71ln" }
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{ "date": "2020-10-30T04:47:01Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107907213.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20201030033658-20201030063658-00524.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9036014080047607, "token_count": 1143, "url": "http://www.ffxiv-wiki.com/index.php?title=Unusual_Article_Uncovers_The_Deceptive_Practices_Of_Xtreme_Action_Park_Coupon" }
He had already cut off the lady’s head, breasts, and her intestines. He did all these for money and spiritual powers in accordance to Ritual Proceedings , but he was caught early yesterday morning at about 4:50 a m when he was trying to dispose the corpse of the innocent lady. The man was beaten to stuppor and was later handled off to the Nigerian Police Force where his currently cooling off in one of the cells in police station. Watch the videos and confirm it yourself. May God continue to guide us and keep us away from harm and Evil people. Jesssss….. What a wicked world. People can be heartless. Pls my people fake pastors and powers are almost everywhere around you. People always go for miracle, signs and wonders at d same time endangering themselves, because you don’t know d kind of Evil powers they use in manipulating people. Everyone should b mindful of these new generational churches. That pastor needs to b killed so as to serve as deterrent to other Evil ones.. May God help us all.
{ "date": "2020-10-25T04:47:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107887810.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20201025041701-20201025071701-00044.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9751734137535095, "token_count": 216, "url": "https://topstarmovies.com/unbelievable-there-is-high-rate-of-human-ritual-for-searching-for-money-this-is-balogun-street-in-oshodi-lagos-state-where-a-man-killed-and-butchered-his-fiance-in-a-gruesome-way/" }
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I am a member of Church of the Redeemer, an Anglican parish in Nashville, TN. When our church observes All Saints Day (liturgically the Sunday nearest November 1), we take turns sharing stories about departed loved ones who strengthened our faith through their witness to Christ’s love. In a normal year, these times of sharing evoke both tears and laughter as we exchange remembrances and anticipate our own reunions with all those we have loved and lost. I look forward to it every year as a time to remember that death has been defeated and the Body of Christ exists beyond space and time. However, I never saw this particular All Saints Day coming. This year, my church and I approach All Saints Day with heavy hearts as we remember our beloved pastor, the late Reverend Thomas McKenzie, who, along with his oldest child Charlie, was killed in a car crash in August of 2021. As much as I wish I never had reason to write this article, All Saints Day seems like the best time to synthesize the myriad thoughts and memories of Fr. Thomas’s ministry and share them in the hope that his legacy will continue to draw people to the Gospel. The following ideas, therefore, highlight the many ways in which Fr. Thomas’s leadership fostered flourishing and suggest how we may learn from his example in ministry. Because this is about Fr. Thomas, I must start with a story, for no discussion of Fr. Thomas’s legacy could ever be true to that legacy without lots and lots of stories. The second time my husband and I attended Church of the Redeemer, Thomas invited us to lunch. The first thing that surprised us was that he meant it. The second thing that surprised us was, while at lunch, he told us that one of the great things about a liturgical church is that he could die and be replaced, because, at least in theory, priests have interchangeable heads. Emphasis on “in theory.” Six and a half years, dozens of friendships, and thousands of memories later, our church has been thrust into the nightmare of seeing that theory become reality. In the blink of an eye, we’ve lost a leader we admired, respected, and trusted. Thomas spent the last fifteen years nurturing a church body in ways other leaders rarely do, and while no one denies his brokenness, or credits him for the entire strength of our fellowship, his tenure saw our church flourish, and do so largely under his influence. Thomas helped sculpt our unique church culture through his eccentric humor, his fearlessness in truth-telling, his attentiveness to research, and most of all, his stories. Since his death, I’ve seen and heard dozens of accounts of his impact, almost all of them from people grateful to Thomas for helping deepen their understanding of the Gospel and expand their imaginations of what was possible with God. Countless people benefited from his comprehensive and compassionate approaches to complex topics and were healed through his deep focus during pastoral care. I don’t doubt that our church will continue to thrive, but while Thomas might have believed his head was interchangeable, I think most of us at Church of the Redeemer would agree: that particular head was unique. Back to that lunch. At the time, his comment about being replaceable struck us as bold, shocking, and marvelously refreshing. By the time we moved to Nashville, I had seen my share of Christian leaders obsess over their own gifts and struggles, people who loved the Lord but seemed trapped by temptations to micromanage and retain control. I regularly heard stories of celebrity pastors who attracted followers through their charisma and inevitably experienced a fall. Moving to the South for the first time severely emphasized this pattern. There is a church in our city where the senior pastor’s name is literally carved in stone, as if daring his demons to pick up the pace of destruction. In this context, therefore, meeting a leader who not only embraced his own mortality but also jested about his relative insignificance felt like a cool breeze on a sticky Nashville summer day. Indeed, that comment was central in convincing my husband and me to make Church of the Redeemer our home. (Again, it was supposed to be hypothetical.) Over the years, Thomas continued to teach and to lead in ways that regularly surprised and refreshed us. In both theology and leadership style, he modeled a thoughtful, and often unusual ministry, one characterized by authenticity, trust, compassion, and never taking oneself too seriously. In the days and weeks after Thomas and Charlie’s accident, I felt a mixture of different griefs: grief for the McKenzie family, grief for my own family and the lost future that might have been, grief for our church’s terrible pain and inevitable changes, and grief for all the people who otherwise might have benefited from Thomas’s wisdom should he have lived to work another twenty-plus years in ministry. But mixed with all this grief I also felt a call to action. I don’t know what exactly God wants me to do with this call, but I do know how incredibly blessed I am for the six years I learned from Thomas and witnessed his unique style of leadership. I want to document and synthesize those lessons so that I can, with God’s help, follow Thomas’ example, and maybe make it easier for others to do so as well. Therefore, what follows are some of my observations of the ways in which Father Thomas excelled in encouraging the flourishing of our church. First, a few caveats: these reflections are not comprehensive; I would never reduce Thomas’s legacy to a few bullet points. But I have to start somewhere. Second, because I was neither a close friend nor a coworker of Thomas’s, my observations are limited to that of a parishioner. I was never privy to his deepest interests, his biggest mistakes, his working style, or any opinions he didn’t share publicly. Given this, readers might see gaping holes or misinterpretations in my reflections. But like I said, I have to start somewhere. Consider this, then, a limited and early mediation on the legacy of Father Thomas McKenzie. Lesson No. 1: Be a Morpheus. Back again to that lunch. Thomas also surprised and pleased us with another comment over those club sandwiches. We told him how we had recently moved from Chicago where we had left a robust bible study group and we were eager to join a similar group in Nashville. Thomas told us first that Redeemer often starts groups in September, and as it was January, we might have to wait for a space to open up. Redeemer had not been the first church to tell us that their groups were closed to newcomers. But, unlike the others, when I told him that I would be willing to start a group, he immediately said, “Absolutely. Do it. In fact, you are among several young folks who have come to me asking for more connection opportunities, so why don’t we get you all together for a lunch and see where it goes?” On the one hand, his response may seem like a logical progression, but not all leaders would have jumped to action like this. For one thing, at that time, Thomas didn’t know us at all. We could have been nutjobs, heretics, or worse. We had been to Redeemer only a handful of times and weren’t even close to considering ourselves Anglican. For another thing, hosting an event would risk wasting a lot of time on an idea that might not yield fruit—a normal concern in a world of limited resources. But he seemed to have no interest in vetting us, in setting the curriculum for a group, or in overseeing its launch or its growth, and he didn’t hesitate on experimenting with a gathering. All he knew was that something was stirring, and he was going to facilitate whatever it was to see if God was in it. And he was true to his word. A couple weeks later he arranged a lunch for young adults looking for fellowship. He told us he expected a handful of people to come. More than fifty showed up, and from that number we gathered about fifteen to start our Bible study, and that group has been meeting ever since. In the six years of its existence, Thomas never asked to attend, never asked what we’re studying, and never imposed anything on the group. Some people might see this as ambivalence—or even negligence—on Thomas’s part, but as the group’s leader I deeply appreciated Thomas’s confidence not just in me, but much more importantly in the power of the Holy Spirit to lead our group where it needed to go. Thomas only ever expressed joy at the group’s continued existence and helped us whenever we reached out. Whenever I asked Thomas to point new people toward our group, he would seek out folks needing connection. When our group struggled to meet consistently because there were too many toddlers to wrangle, Thomas agreed to have the church pay for childcare. When we needed a new place to meet, he offered his own office. In a sermon given by Father Kenny Benge, our church prior and now interim rector, Kenny shared that he and Thomas believed that their job was always to look for where the Holy Spirit was working. Kenny said that for Thomas, that meant putting his energies wherever he saw movement through the body of believers. He also said that Thomas would shut ministries down once it was evident that the Spirit was no longer working through them. Both he and Thomas were committed to being leaders who followed this movement, instead of constantly generating activity and busyness. Though it seems self-evident, I must say: more Christian leaders ought to lead this way. Put another way, Thomas was a Morpheus. I got this idea from my friend, Grant, when he and I were talking about an article our friend Caroline wrote a few days after Thomas died. In the article, Caroline described how our church had lost our Dumbledore and our Gandalf, the wise and confident teachers and mentors from the Harry Potter series and The Lord of the Rings. Like the characters in both of those stories, we were now left on a continuing quest without our guide. Grant liked these parallels, but wished that Caroline had included Morpheus from The Matrix series. To explain, Grant recollected visiting Thomas’s office and noticing a picture of Morpheus on Thomas’s desk. He asked about it and Thomas said, “I use that to remind myself that my job is to open doors for the Holy Spirit to work through other people. I am not Neo. I am not the hero of this story. I just open the doors.” Lesson No. 2: Don’t be vanilla. Unless you are vanilla. Then vanilla it up. As I noted before, I can’t claim to have known Thomas well on a personal level. But in the six years of hearing him preach, interacting with him during events, and the times I asked him for pastoral care, he never betrayed any hint of two-facedness. On the contrary, in the days following his death, many people referenced his occasional abrasiveness, his eccentric sense of humor, his sarcasm, and many qualities other pastors may have tried to tone down, if not hide completely. But Thomas had bigger fish to fry than trying to appease everyone. In fact, he seemed to appease more people by not defaulting to a bland noodle. A friend, Eric, recalled on Facebook how he too went to lunch with Thomas as he considered making Redeemer his home. Eric asked all his questions and suffered an awkward pause, which he broke by cussing. Thomas—clerical collar and all—cussed right back, and a friendship was born. He could have tried to be more neutral, more diplomatic, more—well, vanilla. This may have put some people more at ease. But he didn’t. He was a whole human, uninhibited by expectations of decorum or coolness. He sang Bon Jovi karaoke at the top of his lungs. He recounted adolescent stories about setting a car on fire and finding a dead body in a river. He relished burning Christmas trees in the Epiphany bonfire. He frequently referenced the violent and explicit television he regularly consumed. He hosted a Dungeons and Dragons gathering in his office. He wouldn’t shy away from talking about current events from the pulpit, knowing full well he would insult multiple people simultaneously. He would greet people with, “Oh, it’s you,” or “What are you doing here?” and if you didn’t realize he was being sarcastic, he wouldn’t help you get there. Even if he greeted you normally, he was terrible at small talk (I should know—I’m the worst). I think he knew that compromising his authenticity would have done more damage than good. I think he knew that he couldn’t argue from the pulpit that Jesus loves us as we are if he didn’t demonstrate vulnerability and honesty himself. He knew that churches are, paradoxically, where people often feel the need to hide their humanity the most. I know there are probably many things he didn’t share with us, and probably for many different reasons. But what he did share was genuine, and he won not only our affection, but also our trust. And with this trust he did wonderful things. He argued uncomfortable truths without losing credibility. He prayed from the heart during pastoral counseling without sounding artificial. He made kids feel as welcome and respected as the adults, because he never took himself too seriously. He helped people feel their feelings and not be ashamed. In the midst of paralyzing grief, and on this All Saints Day, I sense the Holy Spirit calling all of us who were blessed by Thomas’s life to make use of our blessings, to ponder the grief alongside the wisdom he leaves behind, and to commit the work of our hands to the God who promises resurrection and the hope that we will see Thomas, Charlie, and all our beloved lost again.Emily Capo Sauerman This brings me to a huge point: through his openness and vulnerability, Thomas modeled a theology of emotion. He expressed emotions regularly and publicly, and encouraged us all to do the same, even when those emotions involved anger and sadness with God. One of the first times I visited Thomas for pastoral counseling, I mentioned losing my mother to cancer, and I immediately burst into tears. I think I apologized for crying, which, incidentally, is a knee-jerk reaction many of us do too often, even if the person in front of us is a pastor. But Thomas seized the moment: “Why are you sorry? That’s really, really sad. Be sad.” It was such a simple thing. I didn’t need permission to feel sad; except that I did, and a lot of us do. In fact, in the week after Thomas died, dozens of people shared stories similar to mine, of Thomas modeling and encouraging emotion, legitimizing it in our minds and our hearts, and overcoming a variety of cultural, familial, and theological barriers to the flow of emotion. Thomas encouraged us to see how often God acknowledges and invites emotion in Scripture, how deeply Jesus felt the joys and sorrows of his earthly life. God can speak to us through feelings as much as through our thoughts, and they are an important part of the mystery. I think it’s safe to say that if Thomas had a battle cry, it would be: FEEL YOUR FEELINGS! So many of Thomas’s sermons focused on the invitation to emote, and none more poignant than the sermons addressing Leah Stufflebaum’s death. Leah was a friend of mine who found out she was pregnant, and then discovered she had cancer. As the parish administrator with her own spirited personality, she was both a friend and foil to Thomas. Leah fought her way through her pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy second son, but ultimately lost her battle a few months later, in October of 2019. Thomas made no secret of his fury with God. He hated everything to do with this loss. He hated not having the answers. He modeled lamentation and drew our attention to the huge portions of the Bible that invite and encourage us to lament, whether or not our theology is completely orthodox in those moments of pain. He also always, always drew our attention to the Table where, through Christ’s mysterious power, we share the Body and Blood with all believers across space and time, including with those saints who died before us. He reminded us that our sorrow is not for nothing, that it has an end, and that when we eat and drink, we kneel at the same mystical table with all Christ’s followers: with my mom, with Leah, and, now, with Thomas and Charlie. Lesson No. 3: Be rad and ready. While reminiscing about Thomas, our friend Brian told us about how he had called Thomas three weeks before he died. He reached out on Thomas’s personal cell number, and Thomas picked up in spite of clearly not being in the office. He was in fact on a long walk to train for the Camino de Santiago, the pilgrimage that he had planned to take for his sabbatical. He took the call even though he was out of breath, and spoke with Brian as if there was no intrusion into his final preparations before what would have been a ten week trip. Even before the accident, Brian was grateful, and marveled at Thomas’ generosity. There is a Christian buzz term that’s been around for a while now: radical generosity. I have no qualms with the term or the concept, but too often we think about generosity as having primarily to do with money. There are so many other ways to be generous. As someone who struggles with limited energy, for instance, I catch myself obsessing about how to best spend my hours, in the same way I often obsess about how to spend my money. Some people can be generous with their energy, always ready to assist people in need with ideas and hands and connections. One can be generous with time, and be available to friends and neighbors to listen thoroughly and to serve. One can be generous with their attention, and make people feel like they are always the highest priority. There is a generosity of hospitality, to provide an atmosphere of uninhibited welcome. And there are many more. When I think about Thomas, I want to gather several of these generosities together under umbrella term because his leadership style exemplified so many of them. Thomas modeled something more like radical readiness: he made himself available to meet whatever tasks God placed in front of him, and he approached them with focus, energy, dignity, and thoughtfulness. He excelled in preparing himself for action by setting healthy boundaries, and then he met the tasks in front of him with a thoughtful philosophy of service. These together formed the blessing of his radical readiness, which enabled him to be radically generous in a multitude of ways. First, the boundaries. We all know Thomas was prolific, but to my limited knowledge, Thomas was not a workaholic. Maybe people who knew him better would disagree. But he seemed to know when he needed to rest, and he thoroughly advocated for Sabbath rest in various forms. Before Covid, Thomas always went to see a movie in a movie theater on his day off. It was one of his favorite things to do, and it was a non-negotiable form of rest for him. Thomas was an oblate at a monastery in the New Mexico desert, and he went there once or twice a year to completely disconnect. For many years he and his wife Laura would vacation in Martha’s Vineyard where he would be revived by the ocean and would collect shells to use for the upcoming year’s baptisms. Around the time my husband and I began going to Redeemer, Thomas had been going through a terribly dark time, and he took a leave of absence knowing he could not minister well until he reestablished a baseline of health. In that moment, Thomas knew that he needed to stop, so he did. In addition to rest, Thomas knew that his work would suffer if he failed to guard his closest relationships. Several of Thomas’s friends noted this in their eulogies, both at the funeral and printed elsewhere. Thomas met every Wednesday morning with a group of friends at what they called “Dude Breakfast,” where they would gather to enjoy one another but also to share what was really going on in their lives, their minds, and hearts. Having never been a pastor, I can only imagine how emotionally weighty the role must be, and Thomas found critical support in his commitment among the closest of friends. These friends also emphasized Thomas’ devotion to Laura and their daughters. Several of the friends commented on how eager Thomas was to serve his wife, often in the smallest ways: to get her a diet Coke, to kiss her during communion, to hold her hand during meals. Thomas’ friends also made clear that he constantly strived never to prioritize work over quality time with his girls. So, going back to Brian’s story, I do wonder why Thomas picked up the phone. He didn’t have to. He could have let it go to voicemail and called back at a more convenient time. His commitment to boundaries would suggest that he should not have answered. But my guess is that it was precisely his commitment to boundaries that allowed him to answer and to focus on Brian’s question. Thomas was about to go on a sabbatical. He knew he needed closure on many things before his absence. He also knew Brian needed closure on his own question, and in that moment Thomas could provide it. He also loved Brian, and he answered out of this love. In other words, Thomas was ready to serve generously. If he wasn’t ready, he would have stepped back until he was. This isn’t to suggest he did this perfectly every time, but I have never seen another leader appear so focused in a conversation, produce such concise and well-researched sermons and lectures, and model such decisiveness all in the same role, and I think these boundaries are why. At least in my experience as a parishioner, Thomas never seemed harried or tempted to multitask. He never seemed to wish to be somewhere else or talking to someone else. He didn’t check his phone during important conversations. He was ready to address the needs in front of him with a generous spirit. He was ready to take cues from the Holy Spirit, and if that’s not the true goal of ministry I don’t know what is. This brings me to the philosophy of service. Thomas always emphasized our human limitations, and so to be ready often meant being simultaneously realistic and prayerful. One of the ways in which he illustrated this was mentioned by Father Kenny in sermon a few weeks after Thomas and Charlie’s accident. Kenny said that he and Thomas embraced the limitations of the church building. They both believed that if the church outgrew the space, it was neither an indication to add another service or to add on to the building, but rather to plant another church. Kenny said that Thomas believed that there was no point in having a congregation so big that it would outgrow the staff’s ability to meet the needs of the congregants in personal ministry. This is a bold belief in an era of megachurches. But as I reflect on the last many years, Thomas and the staff were able to be generous, focused, and present because they made sure of that ability, and made sure they were ready to follow the Spirit in regard to growth. Whenever I meditate on this idea of readiness, I think about the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip is dropped by the Spirit on the side of a road. If that happened to me, I think I’d have some questions, for starters. But then a man shows up with questions, and Philip engages in conversation, ready, willing, and powered by the Spirit to listen and lead him toward salvation. As we consider Philip, and Thomas, and anyone else who models this readiness well, we can reflect on how little of what keeps us busy really matters. What matters is making space in our lives and being available to the Spirit to be used by him in ministry. Lesson No. 4: The leg-work of truth-telling. In the aftermath of the accident, I heard many people comment on Thomas’ boldness in truth-telling. Now, while we often hear phrases like “speaking truth to power,” or “telling it like it is,” these weren’t the phrases used to describe Thomas day-to-day. Too often, these phrases conjure images of firebrand personalities, people who seek to provoke for provocation’s sake. This was not Thomas. He was not a firebrand spreading vitriol. But he did speak truth, and boldly. He did make many of us uncomfortable with the truths he affirmed, but he also had a gift for framing those truths well enough that we could absorb them. As we seek to learn from Thomas’s skill in truth-telling, we first have to acknowledge that not everyone will have his natural gifts. We also need to realize we don’t have to completely mimic Thomas’s theology to communicate God’s truth. There are simply some aspects of Thomas’ boldness that were unique to Thomas. That said, I don’t think Thomas assumed people would respect his authority without some serious work on his part. There are two things about Thomas’s approach to hard truths that I think we can imitate: first, that if Thomas was going to make a claim, he would always explain the context, and second that Thomas would always filter claims through the lens of our Gospel Identity. Let’s first examine the power of good explanation. Several years ago, the ACNA updated the Book of Common Prayer to include some new research in translation and to update some language for modern audiences. Thomas sent an email explaining the major changes, which included some new wording within the Nicene Creed. He explained why the ACNA felt the changes were necessary and why he felt it necessary to adopt the new book for our church. He also articulated some of the changes he personally disagreed with, but that compromise, he said, is necessary for a functioning church polity. As I set about reading that email, I noticed my finger kept scrolling, and scrolling, and scrolling. It was, let’s say, comprehensive. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t imagine many of its recipients caring too much about the translation minutiae or issues of church polity. Anyone like me would just go with the flow because most of us had neither the bandwidth to engage nor the power to alter ACNA decisions. Whether out of convenience or loyalty or both, we simply trusted Thomas and the leadership to make those decisions. But Thomas must have felt that this level of explanation was necessary. Either he was exceptionally nerdy (which he was) or there was something else that he needed to accomplish. Surely, any pastor would be anxious about possible schism; churches have been shredded over seeming minutiae before. But hindsight shows a noticeable pattern in Thomas’s leadership style indicating that he never assumed that his authority rested solely in his role. “Because I said so” was never a sufficient reason. He was going to work to earn our trust and keep it, and to honor his listeners with comprehensive explanations of decisions and stances, always with an open door for questions. I began seeing this pattern emerge more and more over the last few years, a time during which I’d never envy any pastor. We can all agree the last few years have seen a palpable increase in discord, politicization of everything, graceless platitudes, and, of course, a global pandemic. In addition to the suffering happening within our church body, Thomas had to get up to address murders, systemic racism, abortion legislation, immigration, a tornado that tore parts of Nashville to shreds, a bomb that went off on Christmas day, the January 6th insurrection, and the many twists and turns of life during a pandemic, among many, many other horrendously complex subjects that make everyone uncomfortable, regardless of ideology. Through it all, Thomas always brought these issues back to the Gospel, and assisted us in seeing each issue through that lens. He always blessed us with an explanation of his theological conclusions, even when the explanation included unknowable mysteries. Thomas never seemed to shy away from saying “I don’t know,” but rather embraced the times he could admit it, because even in that, if not especially in that, he could all the more point to a God that is bigger than our brokenness and bigger than our brains. One of the best examples of this contextual explanation came throughout the pandemic in Thomas’s weekly Thursday updates. I remember reflecting with friends how we were all a little sad when Thomas sent his last Thursday update. It had been too easy, especially in the early months of lockdown, to feel disconnected from the Body of Christ. Thomas’s emails created a moment for each of us to remember that we were still united in fellowship, even if we weren’t together in person. This is not to say that the emails were cheery. He did not shy away from expressing his disappointments, especially about that first Easter of Covid, as he and the staff were forced to celebrate the Resurrection through Facebook Live. But the emails were a reminder that he, the staff, and the vestry were all still working towards solutions that would safely reunite us all again. Along with the emotional touchpoint the emails provided, Thomas also used it to explain the decisions he and the vestry were making to try to keep everyone safe. I always came away impressed by the thoughtfulness behind the decisions and the transparency about their difficulty. Had he not explained that context, it would have magnified the sense of loneliness and turmoil. I might even say that, in some ways, Thomas did his job too well. With all the chaos flung at us over the last couple years, Thomas’s gift afforded us the luxury to become complacent in our reflections and questions. We took Thomas for granted, in short, knowing he would explain the hard stuff. Then the accident happened, and we all felt that the best person to give context to Thomas’s death was of course Thomas himself, which makes the loss all the more wretched. The second way in which Thomas shed light on complex subjects was through focusing on our identity as believers. This theological stance allowed Thomas to address hard subjects and current events without “taking sides” in the culture wars. When understood as Thomas understood it, this stance allowed many of us to shed much of the tribalism that so defines contemporary America and to see complex subjects through the lens of the Gospel. And this stance continues to be critical, not just for Church of the Redeemer, but for any Christian trying to navigate a hostile world. By loosening our tethers to the many identities and loyalties we have in the world, we can better filter out what is true, what is noble, and what is beautiful from the cacophony of stimuli. The best way I can think of to communicate this theological stance is to borrow from Sacred Fire by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser. In this passage, Fr. Ronald illuminates the significance of Jesus removing his outer garment before washing the disciples’ feet. This act emphasizes the movement toward humility and the embrace of deep identity to be able to complete the service he is about to perform. “In order to let go of the pride that blocks any human from stooping down to wash the feet of someone different from himself, Jesus had to strip off a lot of outer things (pride, moral judgments, superiority, ideology, and personal dignity) so as to wear only his inner garment. What was his inner garment? As John mystically describes it, his inner garment was precisely his knowledge that he had come from God, was going back to God, and that therefore all things were possible for him, including washing the feet of someone whom he already knew had betrayed him. That is also our own inner garment, the reality that lies deepest beneath our race, gender, religion, language, politics, ideology, and personal history (with all its wounds and false pride). What is most real is that deep down, beneath these other, outer, things, we are imprinted with the dark memory, the brand of love and truth, the inchoate knowledge that, like Jesus, we too have come from God, are returning to God, and therefore are capable of doing anything, including loving and washing the feet of someone very different from ourselves. Our inner garment is the image and likeness of God inside us, and when we are in touch with this, we can find the strength to wash one another’s feet across any divide: liberal-conservative, prolife-prochoice, Catholic-Protestant, Jew-Muslim, Muslim-Christian, black-white, man-woman, and begin to feel sympathy for one another beyond our wounds and difference.” I believe that Thomas wanted to help each of us to excavate our inner garments, however buried and fossilized, because it was only when we identify our inner garments are we able to accept hard, uncomfortable truths and grow closer to Christ, stronger in Christ, and more compassionate like Christ. Thomas’s sermons helped us remove metaphorical outer garments so we wouldn’t confront hard things with only our shell, but with our core. Likewise, we can speak—and receive—bold truths only if we communicate with one another from core self to core self. Adding some choice stories is always a good idea, too. Lesson No. 5: Remember the ministry of high-fives. When we told our four-year-old about Thomas and Charlie’s accident, her immediate response was, “But I liked giving him high-fives!” While she, like the rest of us, struggle to understand this loss, I want to draw attention to a lesson in this reaction that often gets overlooked: children’s ministry does not stop at the Sunday School door. The whole church must agree that children are disciples too, and their presence must be welcomed, and their personhood treasured. Thomas and the community of Redeemer have done such a wonderful job of making children feel seen and heard. My favorite example of this is from the first Story Night we ever attended. Story Night is a grand Redeemer tradition that takes place on a cozy December evening when people gather in the Abbey house and share true stories about themselves. The topics range from love stories to travel stories to faith stories, or in the case of a then five-year-old Carolina Howard, a sleepwalking story. She jumped up to the mic that night, and Thomas, along with the rest of us, was delighted as she told us about how one night while sleepwalking, she stepped on a slug and screamed until she woke up. The fact that Carolina was so young in a room of adults seemed to pose no problem to her. I love this because it should never be a problem for any child. She knew she belonged. In the same vein, a few years ago Thomas started the tradition of Pancake Supper karaoke, and kid after kid took the mic and belted to the crowd with abandon. They too knew they belonged. Thomas made a point of welcoming children into the life of the church, high-fiving the little kids and building inside jokes with some of the older ones. Our daughter was growing increasingly excited about the high-fives just before the accident, and she would seek Thomas out to make sure they happened. In fact, the day before he died, she did just that—racing to find him immediately after the service, that moment of belonging being so worthwhile to her that it took priority over everything else, even the playground swings. Thomas, along with so many people at Redeemer, have encouraged that atmosphere of belonging, and it may serve his memory more than any other to make sure that atmosphere continues to shape the legacy of our church forever. Had things been different, Thomas would have returned to us from his sabbatical on All Saints Sunday. This tradition was precious to him and he made a point of scheduling his sabbatical accordingly. Instead, we find ourselves mourning what might have been, and looking for meaning in the memories. There are many more lessons left to contemplate in the legacy of Fr. Thomas McKenzie. Like I said, this is a start. In the midst of paralyzing grief, and on this All Saints Day, I sense the Holy Spirit calling all of us who were blessed by Thomas’s life to make use of our blessings, to ponder the grief alongside the wisdom he leaves behind, and to commit the work of our hands to the God who promises resurrection and the hope that we will see Thomas, Charlie, and all our beloved lost again.
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Washington, DC…The following is from the White House on guest for tomorrow night…Here are the special guests who will join the President and First Lady at the U.S. Capitol when President Donald J. Trump delivers the second State of the Union Address of his presidency. This year’s guests come from all different walks of life, and each has an incredible story to tell. No matter their background, each one has something important in common: They represent the very best of America. Meet the special people who will join the First Lady and President Trump: Debra Bissell, Heather Armstrong, and Madison Armstrong Gerald and Sharon David of Reno, Nevada, were tragically murdered in their home in Nevada by an illegal immigrant in January 2019. The terrible loss has devastated both their community and three generations of their family who will be represented at the State of the Union: the Davids’ daughter Debra, granddaughter Heather, and great-granddaughter Madison. Matthew Charles’s life is a story of redemption. In 1996, he was sentenced to 35 years in prison for selling crack cocaine and other related offenses. While in prison, Matthew found God, completed more than 30 bible studies, became a law clerk, taught GED classes, and mentored fellow inmates. On January 3, 2019, Matthew was the first prisoner released as a result of the First Step Act. Everyone who knows Grace would tell you that she has always been special. Wherever she goes, she brightens the room with her kind heart and infectious smile. At an early age, she decided that she wanted to forgo gifts at her birthday parties, and instead ask for charity donations. At 9 years old, Grace was diagnosed with Germinoma, a germ-cell brain tumor, and in May 2018, Grace started cancer treatment. Throughout the rest of the year, Grace stayed positive and strong, making the rounds in the hospital, cheering up other patients, and always having a smile for the many caring medical professionals who treated her. Grace recently finished chemotherapy and today shows no evidence of the disease. She is determined to help other children who are fighting cancer. Ashley Evans has struggled with opioid and substance abuse for much of her life. In 2017, she was pregnant and suffered a relapse. Her recovery began with the birth of her daughter along with the help of Brigid’s Path, a medical care facility in Kettering, Ohio. Ashley has persevered and overcome many obstacles to maintain her sobriety. She is passionate about sharing her story of hope. On February 9, 2019, Ashley will celebrate 1 year and 1 month in recovery and on February 15, 2019, she will be reunited with her daughter full-time. Elvin Hernandez is a Special Agent with the Trafficking in Persons Unit of the Department of Homeland Security’s Homeland Security Investigations division. He has more than 18 years of Federal law enforcement experience investigating narcotics, gangs, and human trafficking. During his current 7-year assignment, Elvin has conducted numerous successful international human trafficking investigations involving transnational organized crime groups. Roy James is the Plant Manager of the Vicksburg Forest Products lumber facility. He had worked at the sawmill for 26 years and become Vice President of Operations when he was told that the facility would close its doors. Thankfully, last year, Vicksburg was designated an Opportunity Zone through provisions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The plant soon reopened and Roy was hired to oversee the entire facility. Timothy Matson joined the Pittsburgh Police Department in 2005 and made the SWAT team in 2016. As a key member of the SWAT team, he would breach the entrance during raids, a very dangerous task. In October 2018, Tim responded to the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue. He suffered multiple gunshot wounds and saved countless lives in that heinous, anti-Semitic attack. Judah Samet is a member of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. In October 2018, he survived the horrific shooting that killed 11 members of his community. Judah is also a survivor of the Holocaust. Judah immigrated to Israel after the war and was present for the declaration of the Israeli State in 1948. He served as a paratrooper and radio man in the Israeli Defense Forces and moved to the United States in the 1960s. Joshua Trump is a 6th grade student in Wilmington, Delaware. He appreciates science, art, and history. He also loves animals and hopes to pursue a related career in the future. His hero and best friend is his Uncle Cody, who serves in the United States Air Force. Unfortunately, Joshua has been bullied in school due to his last name. He is thankful to the First Lady and the Trump family for their support. Tom Wibberley is the father of Navy Seaman Craig Wibberley, a Seaman killed on the U.S.S. Cole. Craig grew up in Williamsport, Maryland, and enjoyed fly fishing, snow skiing, and working with his father on old Corvettes. He had a passion for computer science and decided to join the Navy to serve his country and pursue an opportunity to further his training in computers. Craig served aboard the U.S.S. Cole with distinction and was accepted to the Navy Information Technician School. His commander planned to recommend him for Officer Candidate School. However, on October 12, 2000, Craig and 16 fellow members of the crew were killed in a terrorist attack. Craig was only 19. After Craig’s death, a scholarship fund was created that gives out four $1,000 scholarships each year to students studying computer science. President Trump granted Alice Johnson clemency on June 6, 2018. Alice had been serving a mandatory life sentence without parole for charges associated with a nonviolent drug case. During her nearly 22 years of incarceration, Alice accomplished what has been called an “extraordinary rehabilitation.” After her release, she was overjoyed to be reunited with her family. She has now dedicated her life to helping those who are in a similar position as she was and giving a voice to the criminal justice reform movement.
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…in the ministry.” The sentence starts out making complete sense, and then throws me for a loop. And yet, it also rings very true. We often hear that standing for Christ in this world will be difficult, but my automatic assumption is that it should for some reason be different in ministry. There, we think, there is where it will always be safe to stand for Christ. J. Gresham Machen graciously disabuses us of this false assumption, and warns students/pastors in his own day of what they ought to expect if they stand fast for confessional Christianity. R. Scott Clark posts at the Heidelblog a selection from Machen’s 1929 articlesermon “The Good Fight of Faith.” This was Machen’s farewell sermon at Princeton, after the conservatives had lost the fight for the seminary, and just before Machen would organize Westminster that fall. I thought about simply quoting and linking to it, but I appreciated and resonated with it so much I had to say a few things first. Machen clearly has been reading a lot of new pastor’s diaries when he makes the following astute observations: - People will attack your ministry using the most pious platitudes. “Let’s focus on Jesus and not dead doctrine.” “What about the experience of Christ in my heart?” “It doesn’t matter how much you know, it matters what you do/how much you care.” “Christianity isn’t preaching/ministry/truth, it is all about relationships.” All of those statements are heard on a daily basis to denigrate Word and Sacrament ministry, and yet Machen anticipates all of them by more than 80 years. - Tolerance was getting fuzzy even in the ’20s. It all depends on what you mean by tolerance as to whether it is a good thing or not. And Machen hits the nail on the head when he calls for honesty and integrity: “the Christian religion is intolerant to the core.” - Only sovereign grace will keep you from a compromised ministry. I assumed the challenge of ministry was to keep from sin and to clearly proclaim saving truth. That is true, but the Enemy has a thousand ways to compromise your ministry. Machen puts it eloquently: “All men will speak well of you if, after preaching no matter how unpopular a Gospel on Sunday, you will only vote against that Gospel in the councils of the church the next day…” Sermons and services and letters are fine, but don’t you dare follow through. - (Machen seems to have been a surprisingly good preacher! Reading his sermon introduction struck as me a more relevant, engaging intro than many expositors give in their sermons today!) I so appreciated hearing Machen speak to what ails us today. Read the whole quote, and pray for Christ’s Church and her ministers! You will have a battle, too, when you go forth as ministers into the church. The church is now in a period of deadly conflict. The redemptive religion known as Christianity is contending, in our own Presbyterian Church and in all the larger churches in the world, against a totally alien type of religion. As always, the enemy conceals his most dangerous assaults under pious phrases and half truths. The shibboleths of the adversary have sometimes a very deceptive sound. “Let us propagate Christianity,” the adversary says, “but let us not always be engaged in arguing in defense of it; let us make our preaching positive, and not negative; let us avoid controversy; let us hold to a Person and not to dogma; let us sink small doctrinal differences and seek the unity of the church of Christ; let us drop doctrinal accretions and interpret Christ for ourselves; let us look for our knowledge of Christ in our hearts; let us not impose Western creeds on the Eastern mind; let us be tolerant of opposing views.” Such are some of the shibboleths of that agnostic Modernism which is the deadliest enemy of the Christian religion to-day. They deceive some of God’s people some of the time; they are heard sometimes from the lips of good Christian people, who have not the slightest inkling of what they mean. But their true meaning, to thinking men, is becoming increasingly clear. Increasingly it is becoming necessary for a man to decide whether he is going to stand or not to stand for the Lord Jesus Christ as he is presented to us in the Word of God. If you decide to stand for Christ, you will not have an easy life in the ministry. Of course, you may try to evade the conflict. All men will speak well of you if, after preaching no matter how unpopular a Gospel on Sunday, you will only vote against that Gospel in the councils of the church the next day (If you want to read the whole sermon, the online, unedited text is kept at the PCA Historical Center here.)
{ "date": "2022-05-22T10:22:16Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662545326.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20220522094818-20220522124818-00204.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9579935669898987, "token_count": 1060, "url": "https://brianjlund.com/2013/07/01/machen-dangerous-to-follow-christ-in-ministry/" }
Explore a selection of our most anticipated new releases for October This month: The story of the arcane table-top game that became a pop culture phenomenon and the long-running legal battle waged by its cocreators; an unsparing account of what went wrong in the search for an Alzheimer’s cure (and a roadmap that points us in a new direction in our journey); a visionary blueprint for tackling the climate crisis; and more. Explore these and a selection of our other new and soon-to-be-published titles below. Electrify: An Optimist's Playbook for Our Clean Energy Future by Saul Griffith Climate change is a planetary emergency. We have to do something now—but what? Saul Griffith has a plan. In Electrify, Griffith lays out a detailed blueprint—optimistic but feasible—for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment. Griffith's plan can be summed up simply: electrify everything. He explains exactly what it would take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid, and adapt our households to make this possible. Billionaires may contemplate escaping our worn-out planet on a private rocket ship to Mars, but the rest of us, Griffith says, will stay and fight for the future. “A radical but realistic take on the new direction of infrastructure, investment, and production, Electrify is required reading for an economy-wide green transition in the USA.” —Mariana Mazzucato, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, University College London; author of Mission Economy You might also like Extracting Accountability: Engineers and Corporate Social Responsibility by Jessica M. 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With it, Jon sets straight the 'canon' of the tragic history of how Dungeons & Dragons and TSR were ripped from the very grasp of the man who dreamed them up.” —Joe Manganiello, actor, producer, Dungeons & Dragons ambassador, and writer/game designer for Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro You might also like Making Games for Impact by Kurt Squire How Not to Study a Disease: The Story of Alzheimer’s by Karl Herrup For decades, some of our best and brightest medical scientists have dedicated themselves to finding a cure for Alzheimer's disease. What happened? Where is the cure? The biggest breakthroughs occurred twenty-five years ago, with little progress since. In How Not to Study a Disease, neurobiologist Karl Herrup explains why the Alzheimer's discoveries of the 1990s didn't bear fruit and maps a direction for future research. Herrup describes the research, explains what's taking so long, and offers an approach for resetting future research. 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Lotz Much of what we think we know about how the internet “disrupted” media industries is wrong. Piracy did not wreck the recording industry, Netflix isn't killing Hollywood movies, and information does not want to be free. In Media Disrupted, Amanda Lotz looks at what really happened when the recorded music, newspaper, film, and television industries were the ground zero of digital disruption. It's not that digital technologies introduced “new media,” Lotz explains; rather, they offered existing media new tools for reaching people. “Amanda Lotz is one of the keenest minds in, and writers about, media. This book is an essential diagnosis of how and why tech disruption changed the media ecosystem, and as a consequence, a must-read road map for the disruption ahead.” —Evan Shapiro, Producer; Professor of Media at NYU and Fordham University You might also like The Demonstration Society by Claude Rosental
{ "date": "2022-05-24T00:50:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662562106.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523224456-20220524014456-00604.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9298778176307678, "token_count": 2727, "url": "https://mitp-web.mit.edu/blog/october-books-how-not-study-disease-electrify-game-wizards-and-more" }
If you don't leave your past in the past it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away. When you truly love someone, you don't judge them by their past. You leave it there. Just be happy that their future belongs to you. Accept your past without regret, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear. Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. One cannot divine nor forecast the conditions that will make happiness; one only stumbles upon them by chance, in a lucky hour, at the world's end somewhere, and hold fast to the days, as to fortune or fame. I'm treating you as a friend asking you to share my present minuses in the hope that I can ask you to share my future pluses. In love, unlike most other passions, the recollection of what you have had and lost is always better than what you can hope for in the future. What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. I got my grammar correct today. I always faced problems in present, past and future tenses. I loved you. I love you. I will love you forever. The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving. Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains and look forward to what's coming next. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are. Look closely at the present you are constructing: it should look like the future you are dreaming.
{ "date": "2022-05-26T13:44:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662606992.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526131456-20220526161456-00604.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9712890982627869, "token_count": 395, "url": "https://www.purelovequotes.com/author/anonymous/if-you-dont-leave-your-past-in-the-past-it-will-destroy-your-future/" }
Alternate Ending or not the one posted on ffnet anyway. This makes it completely set pre-series for Supernatural. The gang wanted Buffy to take the night off, but the Slayer insisted on patrolling. She told them she had taken enough time away from her duties and nothing would keep her mind off Dean Winchester like 'dusting some vamps'.#*#*#*#*#*# As she strolled through the alleys of Sunnydale, Buffy contemplated having Willow do her spell to make her forget Dean and their summer together, but making Willow return to magic was too dangerous. Buffy wasn't willing to risk her best friend just for a little comfort. The sky was beginning to brighten and the sounds of the coming dawn filled the air. Buffy was about to return home when she saw a strange tattooed man attack a woman who must have just gotten off work. Buffy didn't care if it turned out to be random human on human violence; it was not going to happen on her watch. She raced over, grabbed the man by his collar and tossed him like a WWE wrestler off the woman. Keeping her grip on his shirt, she noticed his glowing blue eyes and the way his fingertips sparked. The man's eyes grew huge with fright as he recognized the Slayer. Instantly, he cowered behind his hands. "What are you? What did you do to her?" Buffy demanded. "Nothing, I did nothing to her, gave her a little dream is all," the djinn babbled. "I promise. You arrived before I could do anything else." "What kind of nightmare did you give her?" Buffy demanded as she checked the unconscious woman. "Not a nightmare, I assure you. I only give good dreams," the djinn argued. "She's dreaming about her little girl. The child had died of leukemia and this woman has never stopped aching from her loss." Buffy's raised a skeptical brow. "A monster handing out good dreams. Call me jaded, but I don't believe you." As the Slayer advanced on him again, the djinn scampered back, pleading, "No, I do, I swear, I only give them what they want, only good dreams. It isn't until after they are peacefully asleep that I can begin to drain their life force." In a blink of an eye she was on him, throwing him into the nearby bushes. "Please, Slayer, let me live. I can help you." "Help me?" Buffy repeated, as she continued her attack. "How can you help me?" The djinn was backed into a tree; he saw no escape from his death at the hands of the girl towering over him. "You, too, have suffered the loss of a loved one. I can ease your pain." "Right. You think I'm going to let you feed off me, you're as crazy as those tats on your face." Buffy knew she didn't know how to kill this creature, but she wasn't one to give up a challenge. She drew her stake up to strike, when the djinn yelled, "Wait! If you let me live, I will ease your pain and I won't feed, I promise." "Sorry, I don't take the word of monsters." The djinn grabbed her wrist as she made to drive the spike into his chest. As his hand touched the bare flesh of her wrist, Buffy's actions slowed and she felt a slight sense of comfort. "There, see, that's just a small taste of what I can do, if you spare my life." Gasping, Buffy withdrew. "Wh-why should I trust you?" "Because a Slayer's blood is like poison to me, just like my venom has little power over you," he argued. "I am able to help you forget your loss, but it will leave me drained, vulnerable to your attack. But, I am willing to take that risk if you let me return to my children." "You can't feed from me?" "It would kill me." "But you can make me forget Dean?" "He will be like a long forgotten dream. Locked deep behind a wall in your mind," the djinn promised. "Okay, do it." The sun was peeking over the horizon when the djinn slumped against the tree in exhaustion. He was barely alive, but helping the Slayer meant returning to his children. Buffy sat on the dew damp grass watching the sunrise feeling content. She had no memory of Dean Winchester. The moment consciousness hit him, Dean knew something was horribly wrong. His entire body was in pain. He kept his eyes closed and tried to listen for a clue to tell him what was different. He could hear muffled voices and a quiet, constant beeping. Panic was beginning to grip him. He knew he was no longer in the motel room with Buffy and he didn't know where she was or if she was okay. He didn't know if whoever had him had done something to her, if they did, he would kill them. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see his father's very relieved face. "Dean, hey buddy, it's okay. You're going to be okay." "Dad?" he croaked. "Where -" "Don't try to talk, yet. You're in the hospital, but you're going to be okay."#*#*#*#*#*# John snapped shut his phone and tried to give Dean a hopeful look. "Sam must be in class. I'll try again later." Dean snorted. Sam wasn't in class; Dad and Sam still weren't speaking. "I'll call him when we get to Bobby's." John nodded and helped Dean into the wheelchair as the nurse entered his room. She handed John some paperwork and gave Dean a cheerful smile. "Take care of yourself, Dean. No more driving in tornadoes, you hear me? We brought you back twice. Don't go testin' whether the third time's a charm." "Yes, ma'am." Driving. Dean remembered driving during a storm; he remembered the lightening. As he waited for his dad to drive the truck to the hospital entrance, he wondered pointlessly what had happened to his car. On the drive to Sioux Falls, John hated how quiet Dean was. The boy who usually never shut up, now wouldn't talk at all. Dean stared out the window. Had all that been a dream? The whole summer, meeting Buffy, taking her home, falling – Dean refused to accept that none of it had happened, that he had imagined all of it. The ache was real. The feeling of losing everything was real. How could Buffy not be real? She couldn't be just some girl he imagined. Growing up, Dean's fantasy girls had always been helpless Playboy bunny types that needed him to rescue them. They had never been girls like Buffy. They had never been hunters. Why would his mind suddenly create someone like her? She had to be real. Those fantasy girls were never about love, but Dean knew he had been in love with Buffy.#*#*#*#*#*# Dean jerked away from his father's helping hand when they arrived at Singer Salvage. "Dad, I got it, I'm not a frickin' invalid," he groused as he hopped out of the truck. "Fine," his father said as patiently as he could. He held out the crutches for Dean to take. "The doc said you're not to put your full weight on it." Dean snatched the crutches with an angry huff, but hobbling up Bobby's steps took more effort than he realized. Even though it was late autumn, his short journey from the truck to the door made him sweat. There was something off in Bobby's welcome, but Dean was too tired to worry about it. All he wanted to do was sleep; when he slept, he had amazing dreams. After getting Dean settled into a room, Bobby said, "The car's coming along. She's got a date with a paint outfit next week. Then she'll be looking good as new." "Thanks, Bobby," Dean replied quietly, though his expression showed his true gratitude. Bobby shot a quick look over his shoulder at John. Then asked in a low voice, "Hey, do you happen to remember what happened to you?" Dean's eyes fell. He remembered everything, but he knew that's not what Bobby meant. "I remember driving in a bad storm and waking up in the hospital." "Right, well, I'll let you get some rest. Holler if you need anything." Dean watched Bobby shut the door. Was it just his imagination or did Bobby seem disappointed by his answer? Dean knew he had been to Bobby's twice with Buffy, but there was no way Bobby knew that, was there? Just as every night since he'd been 'back', Dean dreamed of Buffy. The Texas heat didn't bother them. The music was loud, but it was a slow song. Dean pulled Buffy up against him and began to sway to the music. Dean's hands held her tightly to him even as one slid further down her back. The way their bodies slotted together made Dean feel a different kind of heat and Buffy pressed against him, loving the warmth that seeped through his shirt. He didn't want to be dancing anymore. He wanted to be in their room, in their bed, showing her how much he loved her. Buffy slowly dragged her nails down his back, loving how his muscles felt under her fingers and making him groan softly. "God, I want you," he whispered into her ear. Buffy met his eyes but didn't have words. He kissed her softly, but it wasn't enough for Buffy, she dragged him into one of the Owl's Nest's backrooms and pressed him against the wall. She sucked on his lower lip and tugged at his shirt in order to touch bare skin. Dean spun them so she was against the wall. Suddenly, her shorts were gone, his jeans were at his knees, and her legs were wrapping around him. In the next instant he was inside her, practically knocking the breath out of her as his every thrust slammed her into the wall. He slipped a hand under her shirt and cupped her breast and teased her nipple. Buffy had to stop kissing him in order to moan loudly. She panted his name as her body quivered around him. Dean jolted awake in bed, cursing at empty room. Even though the caller I.D. Read 'Bobby', Sam was nervous to answer. "Hey, Bobby, how's it going?" "Hey, Sammy, it's going good now that you've finally answered your phone," Dean said with humor evident in his voice. "Dean! Ohmigod! Is it really you?" "Yeah, kid, it's me.-" "And you're at Bobby's? How? What happened to you? Where were you? Geez man I thought you were dead." Dean chuckled at Sam's obvious relief and excitement. "Yeah, I'm at Bobby's. Dad found me in a Texas hospital. I guess a tornado got the best of me or something. As to where I was? I don't know. Over the rainbow or in a coma. Take your pick." He decided not to tell Sam about dying. "Dude," Sam sighed, "you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice." "You, too, Sammy. But, enough about me. Tell me all about Stanford and the chicks you're scoring with. Lie if you have to. I don't mind." "I don't know, Bobby, he just seems so miserable," John said staring into his coffee cup. "You didn't see 'em, John, I'd never seen him so happy," Bobby replied. "I saw him. He wanted to help me with a case in Alabama." "Them, John, you didn't see them , together. They were," Bobby paused, as he remembered how Buffy and Dean looked at each other. "He loved her." "A Slayer." John shook his head. "And you're sure she's dead?" "Well, as sure as anyone can be. I have her obit in the other room and I got the same story from that council over in England. The question is, do we tell him?" John stared at his friend. "I don't know. I guess I'm hoping he won't remember." Then John asked what was really concerning him. "Bobby, Dean wasn't dead. So, where'd we pull him back from? How could they have even … crossed paths?" "I don't know. That kind of thinking is way above my pay grade." Dean knew he had been here with Buffy just a few weeks earlier. He could remember it clear as day. He just needed proof; something that told him he didn't imagine the whole thing. He carefully picked through Bobby's things, careful not to disturb anything that would give his search away. He found nothing on the desk that mentioned him or Buffy. On bookshelf number three he found what he was looking for: VAMPYR . That was the book Bobby showed Buffy that made her remember everything. Carefully, Dean took the book from the shelf in order to flip through it, but he didn't get far. The obituary for Buffy Summers was tucked in the end page. He collapsed into Bobby's ratty armchair and read it. He read it a hundred times, until tears blurred his vision, but he didn't believe a word. Buffy wasn't dead. She wasn't. She couldn't be. How could he have memories of being with her, of seeing this book, if she were dead? How could he have met her if he was in a coma? He didn't hear his dad come in the room. He only realized John was there when he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Dean," John murmured. "I couldn't let you die, son." He moved a few steps away, but kept his eyes on Dean. "I only knew you were lying in that hospital bed, broken and slipping further away every minute." "I know Dad." Dean wiped his eyes and looked up at John. "The thing is, how does Bobby have this if she and I weren't here this summer? How does he even know who she is?" "You were here," Bobby said from the doorway. "You were like a spirit. You would just appear and then she would be there, too. When I found out she was a Slayer, we were scared silly." John and Bobby looked at each other before answering. "A Slayer is very powerful and even though she fights on our side, she's made from demonic energy. We didn't know why she'd be after you." Dean shook his head. "Buffy wasn't 'after me'. I was helping her remember who she was and where she was from." "We were worried that she'd harm you or take you with her," John said. "We knew she was dead." Dean wasn't ready to believe that, yet. "Dad, you would have liked her, she was awesome." After dinner that night, Dean announced, "When the car's done, I'm leaving for California." Both Bobby and John were shocked. "You're what?" John asked. Bobby asked, "Why?" "Because that is where she and I were headed. Buffy had a sister. I've got to make sure she's all right." John looked like he didn't approve of Dean's plan. "Dean, don't do this to yourself." "Dad, she's just a kid. She's living on a hell-mouth. I gotta make sure she's okay." John nodded slowly. "Then I'll go with you." Seeing Dean's eyes widen in surprise, John added, "Maybe I'll check on Sammy while you check on the girl." The look on Dean's face was the closest to a smile John had seen. Dean crouched and carefully placed the flowers by Buffy's head stone. "Saved the world a lot," he read. "I bet you did, sweetheart," Dean sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry, Buffy, I'm so damn sorry. I wish I was with you. You gotta know I didn't want to leave, my dad pulled me back. I never would have left you. You've got to believe that." "I should have told you how much... I should have told you that I loved you long before that last day. It's like some part of me knew I wasn't good enough. A guy like me doesn't get a girl like you, Buffy. Not for keeps anyway." His throat was tightening as his sadness began to grip him. "I miss you so much, Buffy. I'd do anything to..." he stopped himself. "I hope you're not fighting anymore. I hope you're finally at peace. Don't worry about your sister. I'm going to make sure she's okay. I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to her." He wiped his face. "I hope, wherever you are, you're happy, you deserve to be happy."#*#*#*#*#*# Dean followed Dawn for two days before he felt confident that she was safe. The girl never seemed to be alone. She'd get rides to and from school and at school she had a small group of friends. Dean tapped the steering wheel nervously after parking. He read a scrap of paper then checked the address. "1630, just like it was five minutes ago," he complained to himself. "C'mon Winchester, grow a pair. Go knock on the door and check on the sister. Worry about explaining who you are later." Dean climbed from the car before he chickened out again. Walking up to the door, Dean felt a tightness in his chest. Three quick knocks and he stood back, waiting. From inside he heard a muffled, "Got it!" Then, the door flew open and Buffy was standing there with an expectant expression. "Hi." Dean's mouth fell open and he couldn't answer, he could only stare in shock. Buffy waved her hand in front of his face. "Hello? Can I help you?" You okay? Do you need something?" She asked with a touch of concern for the mute man on her door step. She looked around him, but saw nothing that looked dangerous. "B-Buffy? You're – you're..." "Alive? Yeah," she laughed like her death was an inside joke. "Like Burt Reynolds, the reports of my death were exaggerated. Just trying to avoid the debt collectors," she stopped herself. "Crap, you're not a debt collector are you?" she joked nervously. Dean's expression fell as his heart broke. She didn't know him at all. There wasn't the slightest recognition in her eyes. "No, I, uh." A noise from behind her drew their attention. "Who was at the door, love?" Spike asked, as he rummaged through a drawer looking for a match for the cigarette hanging from his lips. Dean stared at the man and completely missed Buffy's eye roll at Spike's phony endearment. She turned back to Dean and made a rotating motion with her hand to tell him to hurry up. "So, what did you say you wanted?" Dean gave her a tight lipped smile. "Nothing," he answered quietly. "I'll let you get back to your – life." "Oh-kay," Buffy drew out the word as she wondered why the guy had knocked if he didn't want anything. Did he need her help? But, before she could ask, he turned and hurried down the steps of her porch. "Hey, wait," she called after him. "Are you sure you're okay?" She easily caught up with him on the sidewalk. Once again, Dean found himself staring, unable to speak. "Do you need help?" she asked with true concern in her voice. She looked different. She had cut her hair and Dean ached to touch it. "Yeah, no, I'm fine. I, uh, got the wrong address." He could tell from her expression she didn't believe him, but he didn't know what to say. He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but he was dying inside. He simply had to get away from her. The thought of her not knowing him hurt nearly as much as the thought of her being dead. He knew she'd forget him, but he had hoped it wouldn't be so completely or so quickly. He told himself to be happy; Buffy's alive. She's alive and back with her family and friends. She didn't know him, she didn't need him, she wasn't pregnant... she was fine. He would have been a complicated mess to explain. Buffy felt a strange buzzing in her brain as she watched him drive away. Where had she seen that car before? But, if she worried about every odd thing in Sunnydale, she'd never get rest. Feeling like a creeper, Dean spent the next two nights stalking Buffy. Loaded with weapons, he followed her at what he hoped was a discreet distance. The first night, he watched in horror as she was surrounded by three vampires. He rushed forward with his gun drawn, but she turned them to dust before he could take aim. The encounter left Buffy unscathed and it left Dean in awe. He remembered her saying she had wanted to quit, had wanted a normal life, but this Buffy looked like she was born for the job. The second night was the last Dean spent in Sunnydale. He followed her again. But on this night, instead of battling evil creatures, he watched as she argued with 'Billy Idol'. When the argument turned into a passionate make-up make-out, Dean left. Buffy had her life back - her sister, her friends, her boyfriend, her 'job'; she didn't need him.#*#*#*#*#*# In Palo Alto the next day, Dean wasn't surprised to hear that Sam hadn't seen John. It was like their father to 'check on' Sam without actually talking to him. Dean pretended not to remember anything about his summer. When Sam told him about a girl that had come looking for him, Dean gave him a knowing smirk. "Girls are always looking for me, Sammy." July, 2003 – Athens, Ohio "You know Dean, if you wanted out of this relationship; you just had to say so. You don't have lie or make up crazy stories about ghosts and monsters." "I'm not lying Cassie, and I don't want out!" "Yeah, right. Well, guess what? That's what I want! You out!" "Fine!" Dean grabbed his duffel and the jacket that had been hanging on the rack and walked out the door. He slammed the lid of his trunk, Cassie slammed the door to her place, and Dean knew he had made a mistake. No girl was ever going to replace Buffy; he had been stupid to try with Cassie. He met Cassie two months after watching the news coverage of the small town of Sunnydale, California being swallowed by a 'sink hole'. He was sure Buffy would have died before letting that happen to her town. He pursued Cassie because she was nothing like Buffy; from the way she looked to the way she talked, Cassie couldn't have been more Buffy's opposite if she tried. Dean had foolishly thought that would be enough to help him forget his feelings for the Slayer. September, 2003 – Apalachicola, Florida Tourist season was over and the small town was suddenly peaceful. Buffy no longer had to wait for out of town drivers to find their way and there was no waiting for service at the small cafe she frequented. She was a Slayer taking a much deserved break after saving the world, again . However, this time stopping the apocalypse also meant moving cross country to Cleveland, Ohio. Once everyone was settled, Buffy took off. She packed a bag and headed south and didn't know where she was going 'til she got there. 'There' was a vacation bungalow in Apalachicola, Florida and Buffy was planning on staying as long as she could. Dawn and Giles checked in every other day, but for the most part, Buffy was allowed to peacefully recharge. After nearly six weeks of non-stop hunting, Dean was burned out. But more than that, he was tired of his father. Six weeks of being forced to follow his father's constant orders made Dean ready to kill the man. It was too much for both of them, and when John announced he was going to help Martin Creaser with a job in Michigan, Dean jumped at the chance for a much needed break from hunting and from his father. He drove all night, his goal being the Florida Keys; however, the news of a hurricane forced him to stop in Apalachicola, at the first motel he saw. "Hi! Welcome to the SandDollar. What can I do you for?" the woman wearing a Shannon name-tag asked. "I need a room for the night, day, whatever," Dean babbled as he got out a credit card. Shannon grabbed his card and gave him a sugary smile. "Well, Mr. Bonham, I'd love to give you a room, but check in's not 'til three." She handed him a form to complete. Dean stared blankly at her for a moment. "That's fine, you can charge me for two days, I don't care. I just need to crash." "I don't think that's our policy," Shannon replied with a tight fake smile. Didn't this guy know there was a storm heading their way? Dean groaned. Checking her name tag he said, "Okay, Shannon, is there another place nearby that will rent me a room before three?" "Well, sure, there's lots of them." Dean held out his hand for his card. "Great, if you return my card, I'll be on my way." "But, most of them are closed, now. Season's over and there's a hurricane comin'. So, most places just shut down. We were in the process of stripping the rooms ourselves." Dean sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Got it. My card?" he repeated hoping to have it returned so he could be on his way to the next motel. Shannon took pity on the exhausted man. "Tell you what, hun, I can get you in by one o'clock if you don't mind a room by the road." Dean checked his watch. That would be just under three hours. "Great, I'll take it." Shannon smiled and began his paperwork. "Is there a decent diner still open? I just need some coffee." "No, but that's only because this town doesn't have a decent diner in the first place. But, if it's coffee you want, there's a little place down about three blocks with the best coffee and bakery in the panhandle." Dean saw her as he absentmindedly held open the door of the bakery/coffee shop. She nodded her thanks and smiled, then went to place her order at the counter. But, Dean did a double take. He knew his eyes were playing tricks on him, not every petite blond was Buffy, but that wasn't going to stop him from watching the girl's every move. He sat on the bench outside the store, pretending to read the local 'penny pincher' paper and waited for her to leave. When she did, she walked straight to him, leaving him with no doubt that she was Buffy. "Hey," she said with a smile that made Dean stare in shock. "Uh, hey," he said uncertainly. "You got the last beignets." "Oh, uh, sorry, you want them?" he asked holding out the small bag. "No," she laughed. "Just eat them while they're still warm. Don't let them go to waste." Dean swallowed dryly and tried to smile. "Okay, thanks, I guess." "Have a nice day," she called cheerfully as she strolled away. Dean smacked himself in the face. Okay , he repeated to himself in a mocking tone. You don't see her for two years and all you say is 'okay'? He instantly began to look for her, spotting her walking into a shop across the street. He took a couple of deep breaths. Stay here; see where she goes next, he told himself. But, after two minutes and a beignet, Dean found himself crossing the street, heading for the store she entered. It was of course at that moment, Buffy chose to leave the shop. If she noticed him, she didn't let on. Instead, she hopped in a white Jeep and drove off, leaving Dean staring after her. Knowing he couldn't follow her on foot, Dean headed back to the SandDollar for the Impala. He planned to casually drive around until he spotted her Jeep. For the next hour, he drove up and down each street hoping to spot her, but he had no luck. Finally, he stopped at a small drug store to pick up some supplies before he returned to the motel. On his way out of the store, he saw Buffy at a different register. He slowed his walk to a near shuffle, allowing her to catch up to him. But, she breezed right passed him like she didn't see him. However this time, he followed her successfully. She drove to her rented bungalow, and put the top on her Jeep before going inside. Dean made a note of the address. He'd go back, he told himself, once he knew what to say. From inside the house, Buffy watched the sleek black car cruise by. She had seen that car before. She was almost certain she had seen that guy before, too. No one was supposed to know where she was, so how did this guy find her? She wasn't one to believe in random coincidences. She called her sister. "Dawn, did you tell anyone where I am?" "No, Buffy, I swear. Why? What happened?" Dawn knew her sister wouldn't ask if there wasn't a reason. "It might be nothing, but, a guy was following me, today." "What kind of guy?" Buffy rolled her eyes. "A guy – guy. He didn't seem evil, You know – no setting off my spidey senses but he had kind of a strange vibe. He was definitely following me and I got the weird feeling I've seen him before." "You think he was a vamp? Or a demon?" "Not a vamp – daytime. But I'm not ruling out demon. Is Giles around?" "Yeah, I'll get him." After telling Giles the same thing she had told Dawn, she waited for his advice. "Well, it could be a coincidence, you said yourself there aren't many places open. Perhaps the two of you just happened to be at the same place." "Is that what you really think Giles?" Buffy asked, barely disguising her doubt. "No," he begrudgingly admitted, "but you're supposed to be on vacation, so I'd rather it didn't involve you facing a demon." Buffy sighed. "Well, vacation's almost over. Maybe this guy is just what I need to ease back into slaying." "Buffy, be careful." "Giles, you know me. I'm the queen of careful." Dean had slept for hours, and he was now wide awake. He showered and decided to drive over to Buffy's and... and there's where his plan stopped. He had no clue what to say to her. 'Hi, I'm Dean. Remember me? We were in love with each other.' Yeah, that would work. If she didn't remember him before, why would she know him now? He sighed, "I might as well hit a bar and see if that helps me think of something."#*#*#*#*#*# Dean watched the muted weather report, and drank a bottle of Hurricane Reef beer, his thumb nail scratching at the label's edge. He had just nodded to the bartender for another one when he heard. "Hey, you must be following me!" He turned to see Buffy. When he finally found his voice, it came out in a dry cough, "I'm not." Buffy squinted at him. "You sure? I mean, first, you're at the bakery, then the drugstore and now you're at the same bar as me?" Dean blinked dumbly for a moment. "I'm -" Buffy began to grin playfully. "I know. After all, you were here first, and at the bakery first. Maybe I'm following you," she teased with a soft push on his arm. Dean tried to smile as he nodded. "I'm not stalking you, I swear," she said when she saw his somewhat nervous face. "Didn't think you were. I mean, why would you, right?" Dean asked sounding as nervous as he looked. The bartender saved him by delivering his beer and placing a napkin in front of Buffy. "What'll it be, Buffy?" "Margarita on the rocks, no salt." Her order made Dean smile to himself. "Careful, those can be stronger than you think. I knew this girl who got sloppy drunk on those and I had to carry her home." "Oh, I know my limit. And maybe that girl was looking for an excuse to get you to carry her?" Buffy asked as the bartender delivered her drink. Dean's only response was a small smile. He motioned to his money. "I got it, here." "No, you don't have to buy me a drink. I got it," Buffy said fumbling for her purse, hoping to get her wallet without letting him see the stake she carried. The bartender rolled her eyes at Dean and Dean motioned to his money again. She was at the register by the time Buffy had her wallet in hand. "Oh," she pouted, "Thank you." She shifted in her seat as if she were a little shy. "Well if you're going to buy me a drink, can you at least tell me your name?" "I'm Buffy. Nice to meet you, Dean." She raised her drink in toast and clinked Dean's beer bottle. Watching her suck at her straw sent Dean's mind to the gutter so fast it should have caused motion sickness. He quickly looked away and back to the television. Buffy twisted in her seat. "So, Dean, what brings you to lovely Apalachicola in the off season?" "Uh, sort of an impromptu vacation. My job got a bit, um, stressful, I guess. I kinda wanted some time off. How about you? What brings you here?" Buffy gave him a small smile; maybe he wasn't a demon. "Kinda the same thing. Work got like beyond stressful but, despite that, I had a very successful year, big year, accomplished a lot. So, I thought I'd treat myself to a vacation." Dean studied her for a moment, basking in the fact that she was there and not in the sink hole that Sunnydale had become. "Good for you, sounds like you deserve it." He tipped his beer to her. She gave him an honest smile. "Thanks, Dean." Buffy stirred her drink so that she didn't have to look at him. Okay , she told herself, this guy is the cutest guy you've seen in months, maybe years. Don't blow it. Make sure he's not evil. "So, uh, where are you staying? I mean, how long are you staying?" Dean wrinkled his brow in thought. "Uh, I don't know the name of the place. It's the one with the big, um," his hands formed a circle to illustrate his point, "sand dollar looking thing on the sign." Buffy chuckled. "That's because it's called the SandDollar." Dean grinned in slight embarrassment, "Right. I knew that. The SandDollar. And I'm not sure how long I'm staying." Buffy nodded. "With the season over, this town got pretty quiet. You'll probably find it boring. The storm must have chased away some people, too." "I don't mind quiet." Dean glanced at the radar on the television. "And it looks like the worst of the hurricane is going to miss this place." They sat quietly for a minute then Dean asked, "What about you, where are you staying? Or do you live here?" "I rented a bungalow because I planned on staying for a while. It's small, but it's exactly what I wanted." "Must be nice." Dean said implying that it must have cost a lot. "Well, remember the 'way stressful job'? I made them pay for it." Dean moved back looking impressed. "Like I said before, very successful year. Lots accomplishments. Let's just say they owed me." Dean nodded and noticed that Buffy had nearly finished her drink. He really hoped that didn't mean she was leaving. He did a quick look around the bar hoping to find a reason for her to stay there. Dart board, definitely not playing darts, could be awkward. Pool table... "Hey, Buffy, do you play pool?" Buffy made a face thinking that at least pool gave her a weapon. "I'm not very good, but I'll play if you want." Dean smiled widely and called, "Hey, bartender, can I get some change over here?"#*#*#*#*#*#This is both the best and the worst idea you've ever had, Winchester, Dean told himself as he watched Buffy bend over the table for the break. Buffy was never so happy to be bad at something. Her lack of pool playing skills meant Dean was spending most of the time bent over the table, and that was definitely okay by Buffy. She wished she had acted like she didn't know how to play, so that Dean would wrap around her to 'teach' her how to make a shot, but her competitive side hadn't let that happen. It didn't make her stop thinking about the feel of his arms around her, though.Whoa, find out whether he's evil first. Besides, you're not the kind of girl that jumps random guys in bars, she told herself. Then, Dean winked at her as he sank another shot. For one night you could be that girl, Buffy, come on, you're on vacation. Just look at that guy, it would be so worth it, she pleaded with herself. She gave herself a mental slap. Remember, might be evil not just cute. When Dean won the game, Buffy said, "I should buy you a drink for how easily you beat me." She hoped that didn't seem like a desperate attempt to keep his company, but there was something in the way Dean's eyes shifted from hers to her lips and back, that made Buffy tingle all over. When Dean had no reaction to the Holy Water Buffy added to his beer, the Slayer relaxed. She hoped he wasn't a creepy human, but that was easier to handle than a demon. The moment Buffy began to let down her guard, Dean would touch her or look at her a certain way and she would feel a strange buzzing in her mind like a swarm of angry hornets.#*#*#*#*#*# Dean began to relax as the evening went on. Buffy may not remember him, but it was still fun to hang out with her. "Hey, Buffy, better hope you have the top up on that jeep. It's coming down a like a sonuvabitch out there," the bartender called to her. Buffy peeked out the window to see the rain, and muttered, "Crap." "What's wrong? Forget to put the top up?" Dean asked. "The jeep's fine. I walked here." She scowled when a quick look at the radar on the TV informed her the rain wasn't going to be over soon. "I can give you a ride," Dean suggested, hoping it sounded like an innocent offer. Trapped in a car with the guy, Buffy mused, not the best idea; but the weapons she carried in her purse would stop a human as easily as they'd stop a vampire. "Thanks, I really appreciate it," she finally said. Dean had hoped she'd let him take her home. He thought the more time they spent together the better the chance that she'd remember him. Together they raced to the Impala. The moment she was inside the car, the swarm of angry hornets started buzzing even louder. Buffy winced and put a hand to her head. Somehow, she knew the door would creak when she opened it. She looked around the interior and knew if reached under her seat she'd find a Motley Crue cassette jammed in the rail. Finally, she said, "Do you ever get deja vu?"Yeah, all frickin' night. Dean shrugged, "Yeah, I guess, why?" Buffy shrugged it off. Where had she seen this car before today? "Which way do I go?" Dean asked, even though he knew exactly where her bungalow was. "Follow Beach Front Road. I'm just a little ways down the street." Buffy leaned over to turn on the heat, knowing that if she did, she'd hear a rattle from the front vent.#*#*#*#*#*# The buzz of hornets was drowned out by the racing of her heart. As they neared her house, her every nerve was on edge. "Here!" she nearly shouted. "Pull in here." The moment the car stopped, Buffy turned to him with wide eyes. "Who are you? What are you? What do you want from me?" She held her stake in her hand, but kept it hidden from Dean. Dean stared at her in shock, not knowing what had made her question him like an attacker. "I'm nobody, Buffy. I don't want anything, I swear." "Bullshit. You were following me today, I saw you drive by." She tried to growl menacingly, but the annoying buzzing in her brain was driving her crazy. "I wasn't -" Dean began to explain, but Buffy cut him off. "And I've seen this car before. I know this car. I knew the door would creak, I knew that vent would rattle, I know Doctor Feelgood is stuck under this seat!" "I, I don't know," Dean stammered in shock. "We never met before today." Buffy's eyes narrowed. "You seem like a nice guy, Dean, and I don't want to hurt you, but you better start telling the truth." "I am. You don't know me." Dean looked away from her. "You should get inside. It's coming down pretty hard." When Buffy didn't make a move to leave, he added, "I'm not going to hurt you. Heck, if you want, I'll leave town in the morning. You can forget you ever saw me." Again. The sadness in his expression tugged at something inside Buffy. Somewhere deep down, she knew she hadn't wanted to hurt him in this way. "Tell me who you are. How do I know you?" she demanded, grabbing his arm gently. The moment she touched his bare arm, the buzzing increased to a painful level. She hissed and her hands flew to her temples. She fumbled for the door handle and practically fell out of the car. The buzzing was so loud, so painful, she could barely open her eyes and she began to stumble in the rain. Dean rushed over to her, wrapping an arm around her to support her. "Buffy? What's wrong?" She shoved him. "Get away from me!" As Dean fell back, so did she. "Buffy, I'm trying to help you. I would never hurt you,” he said, pushing himself up. An image of Dean saying those same words flashed in Buffy's mind. It felt like the buzzing was going to tear her head in two. She winced and held her head. Confused at seeing her pain, Dean whispered, "Buffy?" and rushed to her aide. She tried to look at him, she tried to push him away, but the pain was too intense and she fell. Dean picked her up and carried her to her porch. He rifled through her bag for her keys, so he could get her in the house. The moment he set her down, Buffy fought against the pain. Seeing his attention wasn't on her, she tried to move so she could attack, but instead, she crumbled against him. "Buffy!" Dean grabbed her, unlocked the door, carried her into her house, and lay her on a couch. He tried the lights, but nothing had power. In a frantic search of the room, he found a jar candle and pulled his lighter from his pocket. As he did, Buffy said, "Your lighter is gold and it's one of those old kinds that flip open. And you have a scar on your hand." Dean faced her, staring at her in the near complete darkness. He was too stunned to speak. "Dean, tell me how I know these things. Tell me who you are, please," she begged. The painful buzzing was quieter, but now she had the feeling of being in a thick fog. With shaking hands, Dean lit the candle and set it on the table. Buffy had moved on the couch giving him a space to sit. He sat at the edge, ready to leave the moment she told him to. "I don't know how you know those things, because we never actually met before tonight," he said. "Then, how do I know those things?" "I saw you in Sunnydale once, but we only said a few words to each other." He watched the candle flicker so he wouldn't have to look at her. "You don't know me." Buffy stared at him in the soft light from the candle, she knew there was more. She was struck with the sudden feeling that she knew exactly how his lips felt against hers; she knew the soft noise he made when she kissed his neck; she knew how that slight scruff - not quite beard felt under her fingers and beneath her lips. She knew she was one step away from all the answers. "That's not true," she whispered; moving closer to him. When he turned to her to argue, she kissed him. It was just a peck, but it didn't hurt and the buzzing was silenced. That was the answer. She blinked then leaned in and kissed him again. This time as they kissed, Buffy was flooded with memories, every moment they shared that summer came rushing through her mind like a private clip reel. "Dean," she gasped. "Dean." He pulled back, wanting so much more, but she didn't know who he was. He would apologize, but the ache he felt kept him from speaking. "Dean?" she gently stroked his cheek and he finally looked at her again. Dean sucked in a breath when he saw recognition in her eyes. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. She knew him. The next instant, Dean had Buffy in his lap. She was kissing his lips, his jaw, his neck and murmuring his name over and over. "Why didn't you tell me who you were?" she asked, at last, though she didn't move out of their embrace. "I didn't know how," he admitted, his eyes pleading for understanding. "What was I supposed to say? 'You don't know me, but I dreamt we spent this incredible summer together?' I didn't know if it was real." Buffy continued to stare at him as she ran her fingers through his damp hair. "I thought you were dead." "I went to see you in Sunnydale. Do you remember?" Buffy shook her head and fought her tears. "I went to check on your sister, like we had planned, but there you were, alive and you had cut your hair," he said quietly, taking up a blond lock and letting it slide through his fingers. Then, he smiled sadly. "And you were living with Billy Idol." Buffy was confused for a moment. "Billy? – Oh. That was Spike. Not a -" How could she describe that relationship? "Spike was a friend." Dean couldn't believe this was happening. He looked at her in awe. Tucking a strand of her damp hair behind her ear, he asked, “I'm not dreaming right? You're real. This is really happening?” “Yes,” Buffy answered, kissing him again. "We were going to have a baby," she whispered. She remembered the look on his face when she told him the news and tears formed. "Dean, our baby." "I'm so sorry, Buffy," he whispered on a tight breath. Thinking of the last time they had been together, he thought about how ready he had been to give everything up to be with her. He gently caressed her cheek, wishing he could take away all the pain the memories caused her. Buffy shook her head, Dean didn't have to apologize. "Ever since I came back, I felt like I had this, this hole, this big bottomless hole inside me, like I was missing something, something important, but I didn't know what it was." Buffy framed his face in her hands. "But now I do. It was you." She kissed him again, gently, willing him to believe her. She crawled off his lap and curled up next to him. "Dean, I missed you so much that I had some type of demon block my memories of you. I would have these wonderful dreams about you, about us. Even after the demon did his magic, I would still see you in my dreams, sometimes, I just didn't know who you were," Buffy confessed. "Me, too," Dean said. "I kinda hated those dreams. Everything would be great, then I'd wake up." Buffy laughed in agreement. "I so know what you mean." She wrapped his hand in hers. "How long is this 'vacation' of yours?" "I don't know. Today was the first day." Buffy smiled to herself. "I have this place for ten more days." "I could spend a day or two here, if you want," Dean suggested casually. “I'd like that.” Buffy stood and pulled him up after her. "We should get out of these wet clothes before we catch a cold." Her hands were already tugging on his t-shirt. Dean grinned and worked the buttons on her shirt. "Do you remember our favorite way to spend a rainy day?" he whispered as he peeled off her shirt and kissed her neck. Buffy moaned softly as their damp bodies pressed together. "Remind me," she replied in a throaty whispered that made Dean's insides stir. "I intend to make it something you never forget." Thank you so much for reading. All your thoughtful reviews have really meant a lot to me. Thanks to TwistedSlinky who made some gorgeous art for the story over on lj if you care to look her up over there.
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Fire Science Technology The Fire Science Technology Program at Volunteer State Community College helps firefighters meet future challenges. This includes making sound decisions and correct choices. Vol State focuses on the critical thinking and problem solving skills not learned in training or on the job. Students can acquire a broader base of knowledge, and a new perspective on the fire service profession. The world is moving fast, and no group in any profession is moving faster for progress and survival than the American Fire Service. As the American Fire Service moves into the future, it must prepare and ensure that firefighters are provided with the needed training and education to carry out its mission and provide the level of service that communities deserve. Caught in the middle of this movement is the Fire Science Technology Program at Volunteer State Community College. Degree Advancement Program Agreement with MTSU MTSU and Vol State have developed an AAS-to-BS program to allow students who earn an Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science Technology at Vol State to transfer the majority of those credits to MTSU toward the completion of a Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies with a concentration in Organizational Leadership. This degree is offered through MTSU’s University College in cooperation with the Tennessee Board of Regents. History of Fire Science In 1873, Captain Eyre Massey Shaw, the first and most famous chief officer of the London Fire Brigade, wrote this after visiting several fire departments in the United States: When I was in America it struck me forcibly that although most of the chiefs were intelligent and zealous in their work, not one that I met even made the pretension to the kind of professional knowledge, which I consider so essential. Indeed one went so far as to say that the only way to learn the business of a fireman was to go to fires . . . a statement about as monstrous and as contrary to reason as if he said that the only way to become a surgeon would be to commence cutting off limbs, without any knowledge of anatomy or of the implements required. There is no such short cut to proficiency in any profession, and the day will come when your fellow countrymen will be obliged to open their eyes to the fact that if a man learns the business of a fireman only by attending fires, he must of necessity learn it badly, and that even what he does pick up and may seem to know, he will know imperfectly, and be incapable of imparting to others. I consider the business of a fireman a regular profession requiring previous study and training as other professions do; and I am convinced that where study and training are omitted, and men are pitch forked into the practical work without preparation, the fire department will never be capable of dealing satisfactorily with great emergencies. (pp. 110-111) Captain Shaw recognized the need for training and education in the American fire service. If the fire service is to survive well into the 21st century, fire departments will need to develop and invest in training and educating the next generation of potential leaders. Failure to adequately address the issue of training and education requirements for promotion will result in fire suppression personnel being promoted with the lack of knowledge, skills, and abilities to be effective or successful. The fire service has continued to grow in complexity over the years, and therefore, the professional development and training needs of fire suppression personnel have increased. The training and educational requirements will continue to increase because of the increase in responsibilities. In the future, working toward enhancing the fire service professional image will be done by increasing the training and educational requirements at every position. According to Bachtler & Brennan (1995): The fire service has evolved from an organization whose single responsibility was fire suppression to an emergency services organization that provides fire suppression, fire prevention, fire code enforcement, fire investigation, fire inspection, emergency medical services (basic and advanced life support), hazardous materials mitigation, and specialized rescue operations (urban search and rescue, wilderness search and rescue, high angle rescue, confined space rescue, and trench collapse). With these increased responsibilities come some of the greatest response challenges in our history. (p. 311) Many view professional development as the key to our present and to our future. This development occurs when the fire service increases the training and education standards of fire suppression personnel. According to Clark (2001) “ We must include reading and writing through-out our training, education and practice from entry level to top scholar/practitioner to achieve these standards and increase our professionalism” (p. 10). There will come a day that will be the biggest of your life, when you rescue somebody. Hopefully, Volunteer State will have prepared you to successfully meet that challenge. Bachtler, J. R., & Brennan, T. F. (Eds.). (1995). The Fire Chiefs Handbook, Chapters 9&10, Saddle Brook, NJ: Pennwell Publishing Company. Clark, B. A. Ed. D. (2001, October). Reading and Writing Equal Professionalism, The Voice, 30, 10. Shaw, E. M. (1873, July). Records of the late London fire-engine establishment. North American Review, CCXL, 108-111. What to Do Next - Apply to the College - Pre Allied Health Interest Form - Explore the links on the left side of this page Fire Science Certificate Gainful Employment InformationWhat job(s) might I get with this degree? - Municipal Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors - Municipal Firefighters - Fire Inspectors - Fire Investigators - Forest Fire Inspectors and Prevention Specialists |Normal Time to Completion||Percent of 2010-2011 Graduates Completing in Normal Time| What are the chances of getting a job when I graduate? |Number of 2010-2011 Graduates||Percent of 2010-2011 Graduates Employed in Field| (Note: Placement information is gathered in accordance with the standards of the Tennessee Board of Regents requirements. Placement data is gathered six months after graduation. Graduates are exempted from the placement rates in accordance with the standards of the Higher Education Authorization Act due to the following reasons: enrollment in further education, military service, a medical condition that prevents the graduate from working in his/her field of study, family or home responsibilities that prevent the graduate from working in his/her field of study.) How much will this program cost? |Tuition and Fees||$3224.50||$12447.50| |Books and Supplies||$950.00||$950.00| |On-Campus Room and Board||Not offered||Not offered| What are my financing options to pay for the program? |Source of Funds||Median Amount for 2010-2011 Graduates| |Median Debt for 2009-2010 Graduates|| Median Debt from Title IV Loans Median Debt from Other Sources Note: Median loan amounts reflect the total borrowed from entry at the institution to completion of this program.
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“The bigger the lie, therefore, the likelier it is to be believed.” Liberal commentators regularly assert they “just can’t,” “won’t” or that they “simply refuse to believe” 9/11 could have been an inside job . Yet such irrational and emotive statements merely confirm the cognitive impairment of their speaker. It is a firm matter of historical record that governments, very much including our own, have planned and executed horrendous, even murderous acts of deceit in the past, including ones against their own people. Denying this would be denying the dynamics of power as they’ve been understood since remote antiquity, and those who decry even the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job (in spite of the vast array of evidence as well as eminent expert, professional, and military opinion clearly indicating it was) are stretching an already tenuous appeal to American Exceptionalism, the fallacy that “it could never happen here.” Who would deny the Tuskegee experiments against African American prisoners, or the MK ULTRA mind control experiments of the ‘60s and ‘70s, or that the government recently legalized the testing of carcinogenic agents on members of minority communities, to cite just a few examples? What liberal voices reveal in their abjectly anti-intellectual denial that 9/11 might have been a “false flag” intelligence operation intended to trigger public support for the geopolitical aims of the new administration is their own arrogance, specifically their less-than subtle sense of their own privilege and superiority. “The government might dispose of members of social, racial and ethnic minorities,” their reasoning implies, “but it would never kill with such brazen indiscrimination as was the case on 9/11.” It would never, in other words, kill “me!” Meanwhile, a critical look at the public record reveals that government officials have repeatedly lied about almost every aspect of 9/11, prior to which they a) reorganized the national security apparatus in a way that appears to have facilitated the attacks, b) obstructed field investigations that would have prevented them, and c) issued directives that confused longstanding national security procedures. They have alternately confessed to and denied receiving multiple advance detailed warnings of the attacks from an extensive variety of credible domestic and international sources. And they have sought to obscure their own close and deep historical and financial ties to international forces playing a part in 9/11. They have suppressed and destroyed material evidence pertaining to multiple aspects of the attacks and even reclassified published material supporting the “inside job” argument (meaning that it is no longer admissible in US courts). And they have deliberately contorted the public record to fit the official account of events. Ignoring the testimony of numerous witnesses to various aspects of the 9/11 tragedy that directly contradict the official account, and in manifest conflict of interest, officials have pointedly neglected to investigate 9/11 from any angle other than that presuming the entire government’s absolute innocence; this was the narrow—and given the record incredible—course to which the 9/11 Commission was hog-tied from the outset by the director of its “investigation,” Philip Zelikow, a neo-con close to the White House. (As the Commission concedes, its mandate did not include assigning “blame” for 9/11.) Meanwhile, people in and out of government have been harassed and threatened for speaking out about what they know, while many others (we must presume) remain effectively silenced. It is not unreasonable but incumbent upon us to suspect that such blatant and determined obfuscation shields the guilty: those with the readiest means and clearest motives to plan, facilitate and effectively cover-up an event on the scale of 9/11, officials whose mentors and forbears leave a documented history of premeditating just such epochal crimes. Especially as it was these officials’ long-announced aim to implement a crusade for central Eurasian resources and global (or “full spectrum”) US military “dominance” (including the militarization of space)—a grand design contingent, in their own words, upon “a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat” to the nation such as might be announced in the form of “a new Pearl Harbor.” Add to this the grotesque anomalies in the physical record pertaining to 9/11. Such as the strangely conflicting body of evidence pertaining to United Flight 93, or the government’s suspicious handling of the Flight 77/Pentagon evidence, or the fact that the virulently “weaponized” post-9/11 anthrax strain was cultured in laboratories at Ft. Dietrich in Maryland, or the several indications that the three towers to plunge from the lower Manhattan skyline at near freefall speed on 9/11 were demolished by controlled demolition. What’s been characterized by a cross-section of credible academic and expert opinion as the “physical impossibility” of the official narrative for these towers’ collapse has sparked bureaucratic battles—not elaborated upon in mainstream press—that have led in one case to the firing of Kevin Ryan, an official from Underwriters Laboratories, the company which certified the steel used in the towers, only days after he’d clearly spelled out, in a letter to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the implausibility of the official narrative of their destruction. It is clear to anyone following the 9/11 debate that independent researchers skeptical of the official story are carrying the day in a broad variety of arguments against those attempting to shore up a hemorrhaging (if mercurial) official narrative. While those towing a slurring government line neglect to engage their detractors openly, their logistical efforts are clearly aimed at evading and obfuscating the latter’s coherent and devastating critiques. What’s frustrating to those of us following the drama is that, while the truth regarding 9/11 is slowly willing out, no one besides “conspiracy theorists” seems to be paying much attention. In his bosom-clutching dereliction of intellectual duty, the liberal intellectual is denying—in curious lockstep with the lunkhead right—that he’s been duped. Snared by conceit, he forbids attribution of any historic event to any catalyst other than that delineated by the regime, no matter how tortured and self-contradictory this official conspiracy theory is proven to be, and no matter how many people of goodwill risk life, reputation and career to set the record straight. If the liberal’s denial is outright, that of farther “leftist” sentiment manifests as avoidance. In its scurry from critical 9/11 dispute, a voice promoting itself as progressive or even radical asserts that we should just “get over” 9/11 already, even that it “doesn’t matter,” a statement advanced by a self-professed lefty to this writer based on the fact that more people die of AIDS everyday than were killed in the September 2001 catastrophe. The inanity of his reasoning is as obvious as it is prevalent in leftist discourse about 9/11—to the extent there is any—largely guided by the meretricious “blowback” theory of terrorism: by his token AIDS doesn’t matter, and neither does genocide, since more people die of starvation everyday than of the two other scourges combined. It is not the aim of independent 9/11 researchers to make a fetish the human losses suffered that day , but to honor those slain by exposing their true murderers and deflating the malignant myth that because “they hate our way of life” 19 Arabs armed with box-cutters defeated the United States all on their own that day: a morally indefensible absurdity and singular pretext for a war consuming uncounted innocent lives. Admittedly, part of the difficulty in pleading truth about 9/11 is that this also, in effect, asks the victims’ loved ones (and the nation overall) to re-enter that devastation, to awaken to it as if for the first time. Resentment is to be expected. But when emotion occludes reason so persistently it’s unhealthy. And as we redress our own grief and betrayal, mere messengers are beset with condescension, suspicion and dismissal. However protective in intent, strident reactions to these messages are anti-rational, ahistorical and hysterical. Based not in logic but fear, these rationalizations, in an all-too apt analogy, recall those offered by victims of abusive families who refuse to acknowledge—and who secretly even feel they deserve—the abuse. This subconscious guilt is especially apparent in the left’s uncritical adoption of the “blowback” theory of terrorism (which sees the attacks as lucky breaks on the part the oppressed against a bumbling empire in real part responsible for their suffering). Outright dismissal of the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job may be said to indicate the left’s own repressed guilt over the event, a condition reaching its ludicrous apogee in my acquaintance’s statement that 9/11, inside job or not, “doesn’t matter.” Indicative of the left’s blinkered response to the challenges presented by 9/11 are the reactions to the attacks, and to allegations they were state-sponsored, by Ward Churchill, who after claiming those who died deserved it (as cogs in the Zionist world-order) appeared to step back from this stance on a television program on which he shared a platform with the son of a 9/11 victim. In a tight spot, Churchill proceeded to barter with both the young man and the truth (at least as he saw it) when he offered sui generis that the young man’s father—whom Churchill claimed to have actually met—didn’t deserve it, in exchange for the young man’s conceding that many of those who died so horribly with his dad might have. (The son didn’t bite.) Add to this Churchill’s disgusting implication—voiced on Air America Radio—that doubting the official story is racist, based on his perversely equating the suggestion that Arabs didn’t pull off the attacks (at least by themselves) with saying they lacked the intelligence to. Never mind that the public record provides ample cause to seriously question almost every aspect of the government’s narrative, not the least of which is that according to reputable press sources many of the alleged hijackers are still alive. This, as well as evidence Mohamed Atta and other “hijackers” were double-agents, is ignored by Churchill, whose dogma appears to dispense with such fussy obligations as consulting the labors of respected intellectuals who’ve actually scrutinized the matter. (Like David Ray Griffin or Nafeez Ahmed, chroniclers of multitudinous deficiencies in an official narrative suffering “death by a thousand cuts,” more than a few lethal.) In his racist defense of Arabs as righteous murderers, Churchill doesn’t pause in lending his leftist bona fides to support of the government’s theory, under whose pretext thousands of perfectly intelligent—not to mention innocent—Arabs are now routinely slaughtered. To Churchill, incarnation of leftist catatonia, Arabs did it because they’re smart and Americans deserve it, facts be damned. With flagellation passing for leftist opinion on 9/11, dare we marvel at rightist triumphs? Webster Griffin Tarpley, quoted here at length, concisely characterizes the theoretical basis of “9 11 Truth’s” argument, which opposes the romantic or “naïve” view that terrorist acts grow “directly out of oppression, economic misery, and political despair,” with the oppressed and exploited supposedly “coming together spontaneously…to armed struggle against their oppressors or occupiers.” While acknowledging that intelligence agencies draw from among the subjugated in orchestrating “false-flag” or “black” operations such as 9/11, in the Truth Movement we start “from the strong presumption that terrorism is intrinsically an activity which is controlled by a faction of government [through the cooperative involvement of international secret intelligence agencies like CIA, FBI, NSA, ISI, MI 5, MI 6 and Mossad], probably acting under the influence of financier factions which are generally the ultimate source of authority in the globalized universe after 1991… Secret intelligence agencies are institutions in which the very essence of oligarchy is at work: as the enjoyment of oligarchical privileges comes inevitably at the expense of the people, covert methods of control become indispensable. Secret intelligence agencies in their modern forms go back to the Republic of Venice…the longest-lasting oligarchical system in world history…which was famous for its intelligence directorate, the Council of Ten, and its pervasive network of spies, informers, and provocateurs… Despite their cultural differences all of these secret intelligence agencies are fundamentally alike. Terrorism generally starts within these secret agencies, or nowadays more likely in their privatized tentacles—such as the intelligence community in the United States has had since President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333.” According to Tarpley’s aptly chilling description, “the world of secret intelligence agencies is a realm of falsehood, camouflage, deception, violence, unspeakable cruelty, treachery, and betrayal. It is the most desolate and grim sector of human endeavor, where no human values can subsist. It knows neither hope, nor mercy, nor redemption. It is the one area of human life where Hobbes’s maxim holds true—it is the war of all against all.” Paraphrasing Der Fuhrer, Marshall McLuhan observes, “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” Let’s allow for just a moment that there’s something to the vast array of information and evidence offered by so many experts from diverse backgrounds, all clearly combining to indicate that 9/11 was a “false flag” intelligence operation—a clandestine, collaborative procedure carefully orchestrated by Anglo/American intelligence agencies in coordination with powerful figures inside US military, industry and government. In that case each of us remains victim of the incredulity McLuhan notes, of the Hitlerian lie, not to mention the obscene crime it veils. Recall what blame for the attacks has been officially laid to: a failure of the imagination. Ironically, a diagnosis with which “9 11 Truth” researchers would concur, were that failure characterized as a prevailing collective, irrational and anti-historical refusal to imagine that certain of those charged with protecting us may be guilty of the deliberate and ultimate betrayal of the sacred—that is, blood—trust vested in them. The esteemed psychoanalyst Martin S. Bergmann contends that dread of this precise betrayal, of being in essence sacrificed by the parental or protective authority, is the most primal fear—however latent—experienced by human beings. It is precisely this fear that would blind us to the truth about 9/11. The apparent fact that the crimes of 9/11 have been planned, executed, covered-up and exploited by longstanding clandestine elements within the US military/industrial complex in cooperation with Anglo/American secret intelligence agencies (extending, in this analysis, to the Israeli Mossad) has a subtly pernicious influence on the collective psyche of people in the United States in particular. In part a psychological or “mind-control” operation, the attacks have conditioned the US public for ever-increasing acceptance of lies within our social discourse as well as our very relation to the material world. This condition, which writers from George Orwell to Milan Kundera have recognized as symptomatic of authoritarian regimes, has led to radically diminished accountability on the part of public officials, military authorities and, most ominously, ourselves. Charles Upton, in his critique of New Age and Postmodern thought, The System of Antichrist, chronicles the corrosive inroads made by irrationality into academic and cultural life. The cerebral anemia according to which 9/11 alternately “doesn’t matter” or its myriad anomalies are swept under the rug is sadly emblematic of this decay of intelligence. Upton notes that “once truth is abandoned, all that’s left is power,” which may explain doctrinaire leftist knee-jerking when it comes to 9/11. It can’t matter that reason and record are on the side of “9 11 Truth,” along with poor facts (as best mere mortals might know them). Hectoring, smug and quick to take offense, the opposition are trapped animals savagely defending any corner they’re narrowed to, with liberals huffing firm and final words on the matter, while to others reality itself founders in a “critique of empiricism” where “evidence” and “truth” being “historically problematic” are simply “not emphasized.” Seems it’s we conspiracy theorists who “just don’t understand.” The painful irony is that “9 11 Truth” and affiliated groups are forming what leftists purport to advocate: a critical-minded, ecumenical and egalitarian movement whose exponents span the world’s religions, nationalities and ethnicities. Still, much of the left remains chary of the grassroots or any organization that doesn’t carry the imprimatur of institutional authority, especially movements considering that inflexibly taboo subject of “conspiracy.” Yet given the roles of secrecy, assassination and terrorism in authoritarian regimes historically, the unconscionable reluctance of much of the US left wing press to seriously consider evidence of official conspiracy has obscured public understanding of crimes ranging from the assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, RFK, MLK, John Lennon and Senator Paul Wellstone to the terror attacks on the WTC in ’93, in Oklahoma City, and in the nation’s cultural and political capitols on 9/11. The evidence indicating official conspiracies in each of the aforementioned murders (not to mention many others) ranges from highly suggestive, as in the case of Lennon, to, as with 9/11, staggering. Yet to the grim rigors of “deep politics”—the academic discipline concerned with the study of conspiratorial networks and tendencies in the contemporary state—the dilettante left, confused and enticed by the apparent inevitability of corporate globalization, swoons over the empire’s seductions (a coquetry ala Hardt and Negrie) rather than bothering with the messy, technicality-laden “truth” about 9/11, especially given “9 11 Truth’s” exposure of the explicit human predation underlying “globalization.” It’s a truism that there’s a tendency on the part of subscribers to the conspiratorial view of history to “over-determine” the role played by conspiracy historically, particularly at the expense of economic forces (Richard Hofstadter’s position in his famous Harpers essay, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics”). Yet what can be over-determined has been insistently under-determined, along with the tendency among intelligentsia and media figures on the left to essentially side with demonstrably malfeasant state authority on the occasion of certain watershed events for which the record clearly indicates culpability on the part of state. Questioning who benefits from the prevailing cultural bias against intellectual positions—no matter how well-informed—smacking of “conspiracy,” Ralph Schoenman aptly characterizes as Stalinist this antirational bent on the part of “leftist” authorities. Whether they are conscious of it or not, these figures’ function, at the critical historical junctures such watershed crimes as 9/11 mark, is that of gatekeeper of official history, of the lies offered up by a criminalized state to obscure its essentially predatory nature. Plainly, 9/11 does matter. Not only to those who lost loved ones, but those who sent sons and daughters to fight and die avenging them. It matters to those warriors, and to accruing millions in foreign lands invaded and threatened by the US. It matters to anyone meaningfully concerned about civil liberties, terrorism, honest public discourse, personal integrity and our collective future. And it matters the more to us who study it because of all the ugly, desperate truths it reveals about how our present system—at some macabre if principle level—operates, and because it’s our conviction that those responsible for the attacks are getting away with global murder, rape and pillage as a result of them. It matters because 9/11 marks the wanton increase in lethality of state-sponsored covert intelligence operations. It matters because historically states embarking on policies like those foisted on US bureaucracy by the 9/11 coup fair poorly quickly and bloodily. It matters because the world of decency, openness and nobility that is our birthright is receding under the banner of the official 9/11 myth into twilight, to be followed by what seems certain darkness. Yet 9/11 cannot matter to anyone who, in their repressed dread and guilt, must deny its true aegis. If 9/11 becomes, as it does for many who part its veils, an obsession, it’s in part due to the unwillingness or inability of others to confront such anguishing data. Abandoning us to the hell which the quality and abundance of the material rips us into, those in denial are so many trite, jabbering goons smugly chirruping pop vernacular, the faux prudence of corporate opinion, or the snotty casuistry of academic chic. And worse than that they don’t know is that they don’t want to. That they’re content as the blatherers to which empire spectacle reduces them, with their participation in such big ol’ confusing matters simply not required, not that it would help anyway. Why it wasn’t them hurled to the meat-grinder of laconic apathy. And why just like the president they’re clever enough not to like (though they regard his idiocy as license), they’re “lucky,” and on that flying carpet to fame, romance, or at least self-fulfillment… It’s all good. A fireman interviewed for an article about the 9 11 Truth Movement in New York Magazine told the reporter that he believes the government’s story on one basis. “Osama fucking bin Laden, like Bush says. If I thought it was someone else, then I’d have to do something about it.” Precisely. “And I don’t want to think about what I’d do.” This isn’t belief, but fear of truth and his castration before it, of the ignominy of his betrayal, of having hailed his brothers’ killers… Fear of rage. Charles Upton again, in elucidating the metaphysical principles upon which the Perennial (or Traditionalist) philosophical school is based, writes that what he calls the “system of antichrist” not only makes reason and truth difficult to ascertain and/or acknowledge, it would make the very search for truth seem vain. Here’s what’s so dispiriting about the left’s overall response to 9/11. Commentator after commentator, person after person, friend after friend, without having confronted the material, begs the question, “yeah but how can you ever really know.” In an exchange with a journalist for a soft-left weekly who’d written a puerile article on the 9 11 Truth Movement, the reporter, in responding to me, adopted an attitude that might be summed, “if I can’t know exactly what happened I’m not going to go around pointing fingers, like you. And you can’t know exactly what happened either.” As though adult conjecture was out of bounds, even given the surprisingly detailed record on the matter (of which—though he claimed familiarity with a considerable portion—he seemed oddly incurious and un-conversant, begrudging almost, yet at the same time as if waiting for still more to be discovered—not that his article mentioned much that had been—some dramatic breakthrough maybe, almost as if he was still on the job…). As though no one is ever justly held in suspicion, or those serving in government were somehow exempt from misgiving in just this instance, however incriminating the circumstances. As though 9/11 were sacred territory to be guarded from finger-pointing or all but perfect knowledge, a set of mystical circumstances beyond human adjudication. Behind his posturing I heard the undead scratching. Shy of an impossible or “absolute” knowledge , the left, demanding all or nothing, mires in its veneration of ambiguity, neutered by a creed of uncertainly. Behold the antichrist, installed behind the implacability of our indeterminism, his dominion our doubt of him. According to God’s biblical Covenant with the lineage of Cain (and in what some consider fair warning to free people) the beast is marked…the devil must tip his hat. (In Upton’s phrase, so apposite the 9/11 conundrum, “true evil always exhibits a tell-tale mixture of diabolical cunning and immense stupidity.”) Considering the glibness of their iniquity, a friend recalls that members of the administration don’t exactly lie (usually). Some have on a number of occasions all but confessed their crimes, acknowledging them with offhand phrases that dwindle to inaudibility. (And whatever else we might think of him, President Bush has been frank, if especially-so in moments we’re instructed by his handlers to discount. ) Accomplished postmodernists, it’s been observed these tricksters regularly offer flatly ambiguous statements that can be read past their face value as acridly ironic indications of truth. Sander Hicks, activist, gubernatorial candidate and author of a very good book on 9/11, tells an interesting story of meeting Vice President Cheney (who any “9 11 Truth-er” knows is a central suspect in the attacks) at a Republican benefit Hicks had finagled an invitation to. The moment comes to shake Cheney’s hand and Hicks, in Republican guise, looks him in the eye: “So Mr. Vice President, how do we respond to all these people who say 9/11 was an inside job?” “It can’t be,” answers Cheney. “Well why not…?” To which Dick replies (with understated candor, considering the illegal obliteration of the 9/11 crime scenes), “All the evidence is on our side.” Well Dubya does dub ‘im “vice.” Considering the official story’s blatant contortions, the seething anomalies in the public record, and the shameless cover-up of the scandal , those of us who follow independent 9/11 research often find ourselves shaking our heads: “How stupid do they think we are?” Yet considering the intransigence of so many on the left, practitioners of what Jesuits call “invincible ignorance,” that’s hardly the question… How stupid are we? Mind-control 101 : One of the many difficulties in discussing 9/11 critically is the inevitability that other outré topics muffled within postmodern discourse will arise. One is mind control, essentially the fostering and aggravating of schizophrenic mindsets within an individual or populace with the aim of inducing a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (termed by professionals Dissociative Identity Disorder) in persons and/or groups. While psy-ops (psychological operations) are considered within the military to be an essential aspect of any strategy against an enemy, many liberals and progressives again “fail to imagine” that psy-ops could ever be effectively turned on anyone so sophisticated as themselves. Yet it would seem they have been, against us all, and for some time. Nestled in the just-upstate New York town of Cold Spring and overlooking the Hudson toward a southerly West Point lies the stately-named Tavistock Institute. More than a quaint throwback to the heady acme of Skinnerian psychology, Tavistock describes itself as an organization of “dynamic psychiatry” intended to practice what it calls “societry,” otherwise known as mass perceptual manipulation and management, on the planet as a whole. According to the late maverick researcher Jim Keith, Tavistock was born from “the collaboration of the international moneyed elite, military intelligence, and the materialist psychiatric community.” Keith notes that Kurt Lewin, co-founder of the American Office of Strategic Services (precursor to CIA) “is credited with much of the Original Tavistock research into mass brainwashing, applying the results” of government-sponsored mind-control experiments involving the “repeated traumatizing and torture of individuals to society at large.” Writing in the mid-‘90s, Keith characterized the theory behind Tavistock. “[I]f terror can be induced on a widespread basis then society…reverts to a tabula rasa…situation where control can easily be instituted from an exterior point… By the creation of controlled chaos the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to increasing increments of control… Lewin maintained society must be driven into a state equivalent to an ‘early childhood situation’ which he termed ‘fluidity.’” Tavistock literature reiterates its “global vision,” admits its “military” orientation and makes it clear, according to Keith, “that the Institute intends to practice its long-term ‘societry’ on the world regardless of the wishes of the individuals who inhabit it.” The awkward fact appears to be this: in the eyes of our oligarchical masters, those generally faceless entities behind the World Trade Organization, World Bank, “globalization,” Council on Foreign Relations, et. al., the human race is a malleable and ultimately controllable commercial material resource. As Plato observed, the sole function of the oligarchy is perpetuation of the oligarchy, which is why the “father of philosophy” also states that “the price of non-involvement in government is to be ruled by evil men.” Such “non-involvement,” of course, is meticulously cultivated by the oligarchy. Zbignew Brezezinski, senior foreign policy statesman, one-time US Secretary of State, and uncanny prognosticator of oligarchy policy , wrote in 1968 of an information society with an “amusement focus” based on “spectator spectacles (mass sports and TV) providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses…” He stated that “new forms of social control may be needed to limit the indiscriminate exercise by the individual of their new powers,” mentioning the “possibility of extensive chemical mind control…” In what he called the “Technotronic Age,” the “nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.” Crisply foreshadowing present NSA policy, Brezezinski continues, “At the same time the capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous control over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date files, containing even the most personal details about health and personal behavior of every citizen in addition to the more customary data…These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control information.” From the ‘60s Brzezinski looked forward over the next several decades toward “a dictatorship leaving even less room for political procedures as we know them…” He saw no reason why such a “scientific dictatorship” in which the minds of the populace were effectively controlled by a mixture of narcotics, mass entertainment spectacles, and media control in the hands of a few, should ever fail. As Webster Tarpley observes, the subliminal effects of 9/11 threaten to permanently distort our at-home-ness in reality, in the physical world, which on that day became a place where majestic state-of-the-art buildings, marvels of engineering and modernist architecture’s capstones, monuments (affirmed by cliché) to human ingenuity and spirit…unpeeled so strangely to dust. The question of how the towers fell isn’t merely academic, but in some measure crucial to our psychological health as a people. If, as some contend , they were destroyed by explosives planted in the structures in the week preceding the attacks, then we’ve been compelled to accept a counterfeit view of physical reality, marking the radical intensification of a schizophrenic mindset already endemic in—and increasingly definitive of—Anglo-American culture. The effect of the Towers’ destruction is tied to the structures’ form as well as the place of the “tower” and “twin” archetypes in legend (whether in Tolkien, the Tarot or the Pentateuch for the former, or astrology, religious esoterism and classical myth for the latter). Anthropomorphic totems, the twin towers connoted a unity of two (or balanced duality), the harmonious couple (thus love, or lovers), or the self and its reflection: in short, completion, with the north tower (with its antennae) the yang to the south’s yin (slightly recessive, as if, from the greater Manhattan perspective, backing the other up). Their destruction, then, was an eidetic inscription, rooted in mortal shock, of the shattering of unity, the failure of love, the death of the iconic companions, God’s wrathful judgement (ala Babel) upon our aspirations (and the futility of endeavor) and the fracture of communion (language, community—or logos, word or idea embodied…meaning). Situated at the millennial cusp, at the crossroads of macrocosmic time and superhuman space, the structures’ spectacularly surreal dematerialization unmistakably declared the triumph of disunity, unreason, separation and loss—in short, the reign of antichrist, which 9/11 would appear to have been intended by certain of its architects to herald. From tut-tut to sneering contempt, the sad range of knee-jerk responses to critical 9/11 discourse remains, alas, to be expected. For 9/11’s sponsorship by commanding elements within our government would make it, in essence, a human sacrifice —an explicit reassertion of the ancient carnal religion of empire, The Old Worship, defined ineluctably by that signature rite. As such, it is an epochal evolutionary throwback whose nature, in abject defiance of secular progress, must be denied, however irrationally, by those blind to 9/11’s esoteric implications. Only somewhat paradoxically, the same anxiety prevents many religious people from recognizing 9/11’s true nature as a state-sponsored secret intelligence operation, a contingency which subconsciously confronts them with the overthrow of God—or at least His Earthly Dominion—by the anthropologically more ancient deity in opposition to whom monotheism evolved: Moloch, the god of human—specifically child—sacrifice (to whom children were “passed,” according to scripture—and in chilling echo of 9/11—“through fire”). With our bereavement defiled by vulgar bellicosity, we would rush the immolation behind us. Yet our wound remains unfathomed. Unable to mourn, commemorate and bring it to meaningful closure, we fixate at our initial shock, as our slaughtered are consumed by their butchers. Unavenged and hostage, their souls are doubly mocked in a cacophony we loiter as chattel. The undead. As activists note, it is hardly out of the question that 9/11’s planners intended to be noticed; hence the conflicting layers of subterfuge, the contradictory elements of the attacks and cover-up. An essential measure of their control would be our knowing they are there, in charge, and that there’s nothing any of us can do. The consuming obsession of 9/11’s planners, this control is consummated in the Enlightenment’s capitulation to the forces of unreason; in its denial of the empire’s nature, the left genuflects before antichrist. In our abusive national family, the lefty is favored of the rapist father and according to profile loyal—however complaining—to the last. The actual 9/11 terrorists are sociopaths; true to form, they desire attention, in fact need, as much as committing the crime, for their power to be discerned, however subconsciously, by their victims. We must sense them, if never all together and without quite being able to “prove” it, the point being very much for us to know they are there, whether or not we are capable of admitting it. The idea that the empire, to advance its agendas, would sacrifice 3000 of its own sounds strange only to that vast majority of its subjects duped by imperial ritual. Whether consumed by poverty, labor, narcotics, mass entertainment and sports spectacles, or the Punch and Judy farce passing for national politics, the gross of empire subjects work, shop, root their favorite sports team on, ogle the celebrity couple de jour and smugly scan their preferred periodical for the opinions suitable to their own age group, racial, religious or cultural identity and/or sexual predilection, and assume the age in which they live is a secular one defined by market forces, technological advances and globalization, and that any truly major problems will be solved by science. Meanwhile—and let’s conjure him with a commiserative glance—the conscientious minister of worldly power, as he confronts the chilling exigencies: flagging economies, dwindling resources, and a vulgar, sentimental and inebriated mass whose profligacy has traipsed it past the threshold of the greatest mass-extinction event in the four and a half billion year history of life on Earth… Given the state of material disparity and international factionalism in the immediate term, from the point of view of the cult of empire 3000 is a small price to pay, a drop in the bucket, compared to what might happen should certain feral elements of foreign sentiment be allowed to incubate without the judicious application of martial prophylaxis. In a declassified State Department memo from 1948, George Kennan, a seminal voice in twentieth-century US state policy, wrote, “We have about 50 per cent of the world’s wealth, but only 6.3 per cent of its population… In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task is…to maintain this position of disparity without positive determent to our national security. To do so we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming… We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction… We should cease to talk about vague and…unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we will have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.” John Foster Dulles, co-founder of CIA, put it more bluntly, “it is only by eliminating the lower members” of the human race “that a higher average is maintained.” If leftists are uncomfortable with such language, they have every cause to be. Not the least of which is that it’s precisely this genocidal, eugenics-inspired agenda they license in their pusillanimous acquiescence to what Webster Tarpley calls the “myth of the twenty-first century,” that 19 hijackers working for Osama and Allah took upon themselves to foil the most technically sophisticated and powerful military state in world history. A David-and-Goliath romance playing into lone-wolf fantasies of landing a blow against an impervious system, it’s a nevertheless specious fable whose historical legitimacy dissipates under the critical analysis applied to it by established experts from myriad backgrounds the nation and world over, the self-same analysis the US left by and large cravenly refuses to acknowledge. It’s clear to the judicious observer that the imperial war for the natural resources of central Eurasia was a fait accompli the moment Bush was installed. And so, as the dispassionate reader of history must recognize sooner or later, was 9/11. Meanwhile the terror state Pollyanna class—blushing moderate, fatuous conservative, meretricious liberal and the theory-fatted poseur who casually squawks “maybe they let it happen”—cower in their mutually-supporting antagonisms, sissy-slapping each other from their prescribed niches in a cultural circle-jerk necessarily excluding forensic analysis of 9/11. For that would confront each with something they simply don’t wish to imagine, an agency whose cold-bloodedness they are not intellectually, emotionally nor spiritually equipped to confront. Thus do our wan Narcissuses parade as skeptics, assuring the fallible conspiracies just don’t happen, that they can’t be covered up, that people aren’t that organized and the world is “more complicated,” that those who think “that way” are foolish really, a bit tardy mentally or not up to snuff…often lonely, perhaps deranged, even dangerous sometimes. Yet fear of truth is a wish for betrayal. In the case of 9/11 the brutal facts indicate an agency more malevolent than irrational, more focused than accidental, and subtle rather than simple. Vastly sophisticated, it is by far more threatening to our sense of security or identity than any hatred born of anger, envy, material disparity or cultural misunderstanding. Something worse than a well-funded if obscure foreign entity bent on crippling or destroying the empire, and worse than alliances of fanatics, criminals more or less to be eradicated, however distasteful one may find the proposition… These are mere shibboleths dangled before the terror-state faithful. Necessary to the manufacture of an ephemerally multifaceted yet fundamentally uniform social consensus regarding terrorism, they obscure its true aegis, knowledge of which affronts us more deeply than “terror’s” crimes. (One naturally prefers the scene of the murder to the company of the murderer.) Unrestrained by collective acknowledgment or overt suspicion, terrorism's source proves the effect’s viler twin who, like the apparition some spy in the south tower’s plummet, mocks us from the cloud of dust. The demon banished to the fancy of cranks, the ordained cognoscenti of our postmodern age obsess over the result, assigning it like obedient children to measured combinations of expedient abstractions—zealotry, economic despair, religious, ethnic and cultural antagonism—in order to rescue themselves from confronting terror's precise agency, nature and techniques. Meanwhile, terror-state propaganda frustrates sustained critical examination of the attacks and their circumstances. Before public attention can train on essential matters another crisis, scandal or mere vulgarity ripples the hallucination passing in our “virtual” age for culture. While researchers identify a number of apparently complicit actors within our government and military, the larger question nevertheless remains: who ultimately did 9/11? That is, precisely who conceived, planned and—perhaps most crucially—gave the go-ahead…? Back in 1987, Hawaii Senator Daniel K. Inouye spoke what might serve as an approximate answer to that question when he observed, as a result of investigating the Iran/Contra Arms-for-Hostages scandal (involving a number of the same figures alleged to have had a hand in 9/11), that there operates in the US “a shadow government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free form all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” We may also find a hint prefigured in a passage from a 1913 letter by Woodrow Wilson, “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” What we face is a clandestine, sophisticated and ruthless eminence or syndicate, vastly resourceful and international in scope, with ready reach into those highest halls and offices of power we naively regard as our own. We understand instinctively we are not supposed to know, believe or pursue any of this, that the matter in any case is well enough in hand, and that suggesting more than is appropriate to the contrary compromises something, rocks a listing boat, marks one as the crackpot…or a dead man. For to penetrate the labyrinth of the 9/11 conspiracy is to confront an archetypal violation, a truth to which, like Oedipus, we prefer stabbing out our eyes, which have glimpsed the twisting creatures we are in the gaze of our devouring father. —May/June 2006 (revised Oct. ’06) Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq, The War on Freedom. Tree of Life Publications, Joshua Tree, CA, 2002. Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq, The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism. Olive Branch Press, Northampton, Massachussetts, 2005. Arrows, Four & Fetzer, Jim, American Assassination: the Strange Death of Senator Paul Wellstone. Vox Pop Press, Brooklyn, 2004. Bergmann, Martin S., In the Shadow of Moloch: The Sacrifice of Children and Its Impact on Western Religions. Columbia University Press, New York, 1992. “Chip Tatum Chronicles, (The): Testimony of Government Drug Running, ”www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/MENA/TATUM/tatum.html, 1997. DeCamp, John W., The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, second edition. AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1996. Griffin, David Ray, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, second edition. Olive Branch Press, Northampton, Massachusetts, 2004. Griffin, David Ray, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. Olive Branch Press, Northampton, Massachusetts, 2005. Hicks, Sander, The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle-blowers, & the Cover-Up. Vox Pop Press, Brooklyn, 2005. Hufschmid, Eric, Painful Questions: an Analysis of the September 11th Attack. Published by Eric Hufschmid, www.EricHufschmid.net, 2002. Keith, Jim, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness. Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 2001. Keith, Jim, Mind Control, World Control: the Encyclopedia of Mind Control. Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois, 1997. Keith, Jim, ed., Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History. Feral House, Portland, Oregon, 1993. Lee, Martin A., The Beast Reawakens: Fascism’s Resurgence from Hitler’s Spymasters to Today’s Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists, Routledge, New York, 2000. Madsen, Wayne, Jaded Tasks: Brass Plates, Black Ops, & Big Oil, the Blood Politics of George Bush & Co. Trine Day, Chicago, 2006 Marrs, Jim, Rule by Secrecy. Perennial/HarperCollins, New York, 2000. McGowan, David, Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder. IUniverse Inc., New York, 2004. Millegan, Chris, ed., Fleshing Out Skull & Bones. TrineDay, LLC, Walterville, Oregon, 2003. Morgan, Roland, Flight 93 Revealed: What Really Happened on the 9/11 “Let’s Roll” Flight? Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, 2006. “9/11: Conspiracy Theorists Run Amok,” Mark Jacobson, New York Magazine, 27 March 2006. Paul, Don & Hoffman, Jim, Waking Up from Our Nightmare: The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City. Irresistible/Revolutionary Press, San Francisco, 2004. “Pegasus File, (The),” parts 1 & 2 by David G. Guyatt. Nexus, April-May & June-July 1997. Ruppert, Michael C., Crossing the Rubicon, the Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, 2004 Saussy, F. Tupper, Rulers of Evil, Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies. HarperCollins, New York, 1999. Scott, Peter Dale, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1993. Tarpley, Webster Griffin, 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA. Progressive Press, Joshua Tree, California, 2005. Thomas, Kenn & Keith, Jim, The Octopus, Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro. Feral House, Los Angeles, 2004. Thompson, Paul & The Center for Cooperative Research, The Terror Timeline, Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: a Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11—and America’s Response. Regan Books/HarperCollins, New York, 2004. Upton, Charles, The System of Antichrist: Truth & Falsehood in Postmodernism & the New Age. Sophia Perennis, Ghent, NY, 2001. Wilson, Edward O., The Future of Life. Vintage, New York, 2002.
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A Magical Summer Of Baseball Wednesday - September 08, 2005 There has yet to be a more exciting finish in sports this year than the Ewa Beach Little League victory in the Little League World Series. The game had all the elements of a passion play. The dominant returning champions, the under-dog challenger, a world stage and a nip-and-tuck contest culminating with a come-from-behind victory by the local heroes. Man, it was such fun. The guidance and direction given by the coaching staff of this team of preteens was evidently stellar. My beautiful wife and I were so impressed with the demeanor, intensity and discipline of each player. I cannot stress how proud we were of their performances and the grace they exhibited in victory. There was no grandstanding, no smack talking and no un-sportsmanlike conduct to be seen. I wish the college and pro athletes would take a page from this untainted celebration of sport. A chicken-skin moment for me was the Pennsylvania crowd, interspersed with a healthy Hawaii contingent, chanting, “USA! USA!” as this multi-ethnic group of young men represented our 50th state. It must have been inspirational and memorable for the young men on the field to hear such thunderous support from those on the Mainland. For many players, perhaps it was their first out-of-state trip. I know it can be daunting for some adults to travel to unknown parts of the Mainland, let alone a group of 11-12-year-olds. To be accepted and supported so vigorously is a testament to their performance and the “Aloha Spirit,” Pennsylvania style. My heart was tinged with fleeting sadness for the pitcher from Curacao. What an incredible life lesson this young man is learning. He exhibited a maturity during the game which seemed somewhat out of place in such a small body. It was clear, as the game went into extra innings, that the resolve which served him well was deteriorating. The juxtaposition to the Hawaii pitcher, Vonn Feao, was palpable. Feao was on a mission, and no pesky thing like a repeat champion team was going to get in his way. He thrived when the pressure was on. He is the kind of kid where if the game were basketball, he would demand to be given the ball for the last shot. Although he did not hit the winning homerun and get those accolades, it was his striking out the side in extra innings which set up the victory. This young man struck me as being the heart of this team. The future is so bright for these young men. The life experience of competing and winning is indelible. Each and every one of these athletes can call upon this accomplishment and know what it’s like to establish an objective, work hard, perform and follow though. When the spotlight dims and the media finds the next celebre du jour, the 2005 World Champion Ewa Beach Little League team will forever remember a magical summer where they were the best, and will always be winners. E-mail this story | Print this page | Comments (0) | Archive | RSS Comments (0) | Most Recent Comment(s):
{ "date": "2015-04-01T05:52:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131303502.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172143-00061-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.976338803768158, "token_count": 664, "url": "http://archives.midweek.com/content/columns/ace_article/a_magical_summer_of_baseball/" }
SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) – It sounds too good to be true: a wireless data connection as fast as any broadband connection, available on any mobile device. And oh by the way, no dropouts. But San […] A 30-year-old man who burglarized multiple cellphone stores in Petaluma was arrested on Friday night, a police sergeant said. TMZ caught footage of actor Sean Penn at the St. Regis Hotel flipping out on another person over a failed sneak attempt to get Penn’s photo… A University of California at Berkeley student was robbed by two men near Moffitt Library Sunday night, university police said. A new survey found that Americans use their smartphones in some very strange places and at very strange times. A 15-year-old girl was knocked unconscious and had her cellphone stolen in a bathroom at the Westfield San Francisco Centre on Tuesday afternoon, police said Wednesday. The latest rumor is that Sony plans to introduce what it calls the “phablet” very soon. A high-tech startup is wading into the gun control debate with a cellphone controller that would allow gun owners to know when their weapon is being moved—and disable it remotely. San Francisco appears to be giving up its battle for an ordinance that would require retailers to warn customers about cellphone radiation and its health effects. A fresh court ruling in California states that using a phone solely for navigation is a violation of hands-free laws.
{ "date": "2015-04-01T06:20:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131303502.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172143-00061-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.963630199432373, "token_count": 304, "url": "http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/tag/cell-phone/page/3/" }
I thought I could blog tonight before the debate but I got the time wrong and Ruth just reminded me (we were on the phone) that it was starting. Walking out on stage, Sarah Palin was confident. She shook Joe Biden's hand and declared, "Nice to meet you, may I call you 'Joe'?" And he agreed. Joe Biden is speaking right now and his voice is too quiet. My grandparents are over here because they have a problem with their house. My grandfather keeps asking, "What is he saying?" And we've got the TV up loud. Palen's speaking now and he's nodding to me to indicate he can hear her. If you are wondering where they stand in terms of voting, my grandfather is supporting Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez and my grandmother is supporting Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente. These are my mother's parents, by the way. They have always voted Democrat, their entire lives. Why not this time? They were supporting Hillary and that's not a big surprise for people their age -- even in the African-American community. But they could have gone with Barack Obama. He was not their choice. They became more and more upset throughout the primary and by the point that the primaries were winding down they were more concerned about the hatred Barack's campaign was fueling. The last straw for both of them was when Jesse Jackson Jr. rebuked his own father. As my grandmother pointed out, "He's calling his father 'Rev. Jackson.' He's not even calling him 'Dad'." That was something they'd seen a great deal of because seniors (in the African-American community) were targeted with badgering from Barack's young groupies in their own families. So when Jesse Junior disrespected his father, a great man, that did it for both of my mother's parents. (My father's parents were undecided until it was time to vote in the primaries. They voted for Hillary and their reason was Barack's lack of experience. They're going to vote for Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez.) Joe Biden just called John McCain "Barack Obama" and Sarah Palin has gotten under his skin because my grandfather can now hear him and he says Biden's "too angry." My grandmother (who can hear just fine, my grandfather does have a hearing loss in one ear) says Biden looks "tired." I hadn't noticed it until she pointed it out, but she's correct. And when he talks to Gwen, he looks squinty eyed making him appear even more tired. When he looks at the camera, he's okay but when he cuts his eyes over to Gwen, his eyes looks squinty. (They aren't squinty eyes, it's the angle he moves his face to.) He's so upset, he's getting tripped up on "characterized." "It gets complicated," said Biden when confronted with his vote on bankruptcy and Barack's. I had to stop a second because my grandfather will never ask for anything. He was licking his lips and he is diabetic. So I ran to the kitchen to bring in a pitcher of water and a pitcher of iced tea. I asked what I mised and my grandmother said, "He just talked about himself in third person." We both laughed. He apparently said that "Israel has had no greater friend in the US Senate than Joe Biden." My grandfather's judgment is that Biden is just too angry and that Biden moves his hands too much. They aren't voting for Palin and my grandmother is very vocal about not agreeing with her, but they both say she's coming off as trust worthy and capable. My grandfather said she's like the neighbor next door. They have a neighbor who they get into the loudest discussions with. They love her and she loves them. But they never agree on anything (including the weather!). So Governor Sarah Palin reminds them of her tonight. Thank you to C.I. for the links in the snapshot. I know C.I. and I are of different opinions on Gloria Steinem. C.I. linked to my thoughts in another entry the day before. I appreciated that as well. Which brings up a point in the e-mails. It's been suggested in comments to posts here that C.I. is supporting Cynthia McKinney. None of us know who C.I. is supporting. (We know she's not voting for Barack or McCain.) But that alarmed a few community members who e-mailed and wondered if they should ask C.I. not to note Ralph? Again, we do not know who C.I. is supporting. The community endorsed Ralph. C.I. will promote Ralph with no problem. C.I. has a huge respect for Ralph. (And for Cynthia.) But I'm an original community member. I go back as far as Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava and as far back as Keesha, Eli, Krista and many others. My point is this, the community endorsed Howard Dean for DNC chair. C.I. did not support Simon Rosenberg. However, C.I. was not for Dean. The community endorsed Dean, C.I. spoke for the community from then on. It's not a problem. And C.I. may be supporting Ralph. And it's equally true that C.I. may be torn between Cynthia and Ralph and not decide until the election day. But it's not a problem. The community voted for Ralph and C.I. has no problem with that. (Or with anyone's votes. C.I. has friends who are supporting Barack. There's no, "I'm not speaking to you again!" Your vote is your vote, C.I.'s motto that has been the motto at The Common Ills since it started. It is not new.) Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:" Thursday, October 2, 2008. Chaos and violence continue, military court-martials continue, Iraqi widows in Baghdad live in appalling conditions (provided by the government!), and more. Starting with an update to the September 17th snapshot which noted: BBC reports that Sgt John Hatley, Sgt 1st Class Joseph Mayo and Sgt Michael Lehy Jr. are charged with murdering four Iraqis ('blindfolded, shot and dumped in a canal in April 2007'). . . . CBC notes, "The killings are alleged to have been retribution for casualties suffered by U.S. forces." CBC also states that four more are being held and are under investigation (with two of the four US soldiers having been charged). AP, however, says the four additional soldiers 'have already been charged with conspiracy in the case'." None of those three soldiers charged with murder has entered a plea but one of the four charged with conspiracy has: Spc Belmor Ramos. AP reports that Ramos "pleaded guilty to conspiracy to murder and was sentenced to seven months in prison Thursday in the deaths of four Iraqis, saying he stood guard from a machine-gun turret while the bound and blindfolded prisoners were shot." BBC reports today that Spc Steven Ribodry "has been jailed for eight months after admitting playing a part in the killings of four Iraqi men in April 2007" -- accessory after the fact. George Frey (AP) adds that Ribordy "pleaded guilty Thursday to charges of accessory to murder and was sentenced to eight months in prison" and "also will receive a bad conduct discharge". RTT News quotes Ribordy telling the court, "The reason I didn't say anything was because of loyalty to my comrades." CBS and AP quote him also stating, "I wasn't ordered or asked in any way, shape or form to move the body. I wanted to get it done and get out there -- I didn't want anybody getting in trouble." Matt Millham (Stars and Stripes) explained in August that Ribordy was among the four (Staff Sgt Jess Cunnigham, Spc Belmor Ramos, Sgt Charles Quigley and Ribordy) suspected "in the alleged cover-up. The soldiers who pulled the triggers, according to Sgt. Daniel Evoy, were 1st Sgt. John Hatley, who he called a beloved company first sergeant; Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Mayo, the company's master gunner; and Sgt. Michael Leahy, a medic." Reuters notes the "charge against" Riobordy "of conpiracy to commit premediated murder was dismissed. As part of his guilty plea, Ribordy agreed to testify in the trials of other soldiers involved". Staying with that theme, Tony Perry (Los Angeles Times) reports on the "pretrial hearing Wednesday at Camp Pendleton" of Sgt Ryan Weemer "charged with murder for allegedly killing a prisoner Nov. 9 in the first hours of battle" who called "Sgt. Maj. Brad Kasal as a character witness". While Weemer testified as a character witness (and about the US actions in Falluja), Rick Rogers (San Diego Union Tribune) reports that Sgt Jermaine Nelson did not despite having immunity and being "ordered to testify. But Nelson wouldn't talk about what transpired during a Nov. 9, 2004, battle in Fallujah. He, Weemer and other Marines allegedly found several men during a house-to-house search, held them captive and then shot them to death after interpreting their superiors' comments over the radio as an order to kill. 'At this time, sir, I am going to continue to use my Fifth Amendment right,' Nelson said in reply to questions from the prosecutor." Perry reports that Sgt Jose Nazario is also refusing to provide testimony and this follows Nazario's own court-martial which Weemer and Nelson refused to testify at leading to an acquittal for Nazario. As the White House attempts to push through a treaty with the puppet government in Baghdad (while calling it a SOFA) a sticky point has been the issue of immunity for US service members whom Iraqis feel are not punished for criminal actions. Court-martials like Weemer's do nothing to allay those fears. (And long after the next US president is sworn in, this will still be an issue.) In other military legal news, David Allen (Stars and Stripes) reports, "Marine Sgt. Bassa Cisse was sentenced to eight years in prison and a dishonorable discharge Wednesday for beating to death his 6-year-old daughter. . . . An Air Force psychiatrist testified that Cisse suffered from PTSD as a result of his second tour in Iraq, when a patrol vehicle he commanded almost tipped over a cliff. However, the prosecution submitted a medical report by a Navy psychologist that rejected the PTSD diagnosis." From Iraq, Alissa J. Rubin (New York Times) examines the various tensions between different factions of Iraqis and how elections might put new sections into power which "in turn means that groups currently in power would likely lose ground". Rubin explains how many groupings (such as the "Awakening" Councils and followers of Moqtada al-Sadr) can point to the names of colleagues who were assassinated, the struggle in southern Iraq between the Dawa Party and the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (both Shi'ite political parties), Al Anbar Province where there is conflict among the "Awakening" Councils and the Iraqi Islamic Party (both Sunnis) and it all comes down to who will control the resources. In the north, it's not just resources, it's a land grab (my thoughts and words, not Rubin's). Rubin notes "the Kurds are battling for hegemony in areas that lie along the border of their semiautonomous region. They are competing with Turkmens and Sunni Arabs who claim primacy of ownership to some of the same territory, particularly the city of Kirkuk and its surrounding province. Politicians have tried repeatedly since 2003 to reach a deal to resolve the disputes. But each effort has foundered on Kurdish ambitions to expand the Kurdistan region. For much of the past five years, the situation was tense but did not explode into ethnice violence. That changed in the last six months as attacks began on the party headquarters of different groups. Then in August, Kurdish soldiers in Kirkuk opened fire on Turkmens after a suicide bomb; the ensuing riot killed dozens of people. The violence spread. In early September in Khanaqin, a predominately Kurdish city that lies in neighboring Diyala Province, Iraqi Army tanks faced off against the Kurdish pesh merga, the Kurdistan security forces." On the issue of the Kurdish region, professional friend to the Kurdistan government, Peter W. Galbraith writes in today's New York Times, "You [Senator Joe Biden] have espoused a plan for an Iraqi confederation in which Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds could have controlled their own security forces in separate self-governing regions. The Bush adminsitration has created the Sunni army. Should we now encourage the Sunnis to form their own autonomous region, as allowed under Iraq's Constitution, and make the Awakening the army of that region?" No, Galbraith can't stop pimping the splitting up of Iraq. It's really the only topic Galbraith has. As noted last week, Galbraith wrote of John McCain, "He has denounced the Obama-Biden plan for a decentralized state but has said nothing about how he would protect Iraq's Kurds, the only committed American allies in the country." ["Is This a 'Victory'?" (New York Review of Books)]. It's really important for Galbraith to pretend that the "Awakening" Councils are supported by the people when that is not the case. They are thugs placed on the US payroll -- as both US Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker and Gen David Petraeus freely admitted to Congress last April -- to get them to stop attacking US troops. They intimidate the people of the regions they allegedly 'protect.' But Galbraith's concern has always been (and remains) the oil-rich Kurdistan region. Rubin doesn't touch on the 'handover' yesterday in Iraq in her article. Jeffrey Fleishman (Los Angeles Times) reports on the tension and suspicion the 'handover' of the "Awakening" Council to the puppet government has created: "Some leaders of the Sons of Iraq feel that the transition represents a betrayal by the U.S. The government of Prime Minister Nouri Maliki also questioned the Sunni fighters loyalty to Iraqi forces and whether it can provide jobs and training for them." NPR's Lourdes Garcia-Navarro (Morning Edition) reported Monday where "Awakening" members in Diyala Province feel they are being targeted with violence and phony arrest warrants leading some to leave Iraq including two Garcia-Navarro spoke with who moved to Syria. Yesterday Garcia-Navarro reported on Iraqi widows for All Things Considered condemned to a trailer park in Baghdad with metal roofs that make it impossible to inhabit due to the heat and "with no electricity or running water." (This must qualify as 'helping' to al-Maliki.) Garcia-Navarro spoke with widow Hiba Attiyah who states, "When my husband was alive, I used to depend on him for everything. After his death, I've been through many black days and difficult times. My three boys did not come here to live with me in this trailer because there is not enough space. They live now with my mom and I don't get to see them much." Two bombings in Iraq today managed to grab some press attention. Corrine Reilly, Sahar Issa and Jenan Hussein (McClatchy Newspapers) report the bombings took place "at Baghdad mosques" this morning "as Shiites marked the first day of Eid, a three-day celebration that follows Ramadan, Islam's holy month." Mohammed Abbas and Peter Graff (Reuters) offer, "A leg and other body parts could be seen more than 100 metres from where a bomber detonated a taxi after ramming it into a police vehicle guarding a Shi'ite prayer hall in the Zafaraniya district, said a Reuters TV cameraman at the scene. A vegetable truck used to carry away the bodies was covered in blood, and glass was shattered in surrounding buildings." Deborah Haynes (Times of London) adds, "Severed limbs littered the bloodied streets at the site of both explosions, while ambulances wailed into action, evacuating the wounded and the dead." Al Jazeera Magazine explains, "Security officials said a bomber blew himself up in a mosque in Jadida, a Shia district of southern Baghdad, killing 12 people and wounding 30. In the second attack, another bomber slammed his explosives-laded car into an Iraqi military armored vehicle at a checkpoint near a mosque in the nearby district of Zafaraniyah". CNN puts the death toll at "at least 20". Vanessa Gera (AP) quotes eye witness Ammar Hashim stating, "Pools of blood and the smell of burned flesh was everywhere and I saw a man of about 70 bleeding and lying on the ground from injuries." In other reported violence . . . Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports a Baghdad car bombing targeting "a U.S. military convoy" that destroyed 1 "U.S. army vehicle" and wounded two Iraqis. CBS and AP report that four US service members were wounded in the bombing. Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports an attempted assassination of Sheikh Radhwan Izuddin in Nineveh Province which he "survived . . . with superficial injuries" and an attack on a minibus in Diyala Province in which 3 women, 1 man and 2 children were shot dead and two adults were wounded. On the minibus attack, Ken Sury (Waco Tribune) adds, "The dead were heading to Baquoba to visit relatives" Sahar Issa (McClatchy Newspapers) reports 1 corpse discovered in Baghdad. Turning to the US presidential race. Robin Morgan has a column at Women's Media Center. Violet Socks (Reclusive Leftist) has a response. You can also see Marcia's "" and "." I'll address in part tonight in "I Hate The War." Robin's column is a very bad column. It will be addressed in part tonight because Jim's asked me to save a topic (as Kat noted Monday) for Third this weekend. After that goes up, Robin's column will appear even more uninformed. For now, you can read Marcia's "When feminist 'leaders' lie" and "Ralph Nader, HB Melissa, and more" Robin is a strong voice and real feminist leader (not a 'leader') so it's a damn shame she chose to publish that column. Again, we'll address tonight. For now, she's elected to play a round of "Bash the Bitch." It's not pretty. It is embarrassing and it is deeply harmful to feminism. And let's be really clear, no one would mistake Robin's column for a "catfight." It is "Bash the Bitch." Which is worse? "Bash the Bitch" is how you get women burned at the stake in earlier times. Today, you burn them with lies, half-truths and a double standard. My opinion, "Bash the Bitch" is much worse than a "catfight." Robin should have known better. Violet Socks also points out that while Governor Palin proudly defines herself as a feminist, Michelle Obama replied when asked that question, "You know, I'm not that into labels. So probably, if you laid out a feminist agenda, I would probably agree with a large portion of it. I wouldn't identify as a feminist just like I probably wouldn't identify as a liberal or a progressive." Well of course she wouldn't. Sexism is the theme of the Obama household. Many a foolish woman has said "well he has two daughters!" That has to be the most insane and ahistorical remark made yet. Are we supposed to believe that women just emerged in the last few decades? Men have always had daughters and sons. And sexism has always thrived. Get a grip. Your first clue was his insistence upon going along with Michelle to a job interview (Michelle's job interview). That tells you his actual opinion of women -- their abilities and their intellect. It would appear Robin's been bitten by the Sour Grape Girl syndrome. Hopefully, it's a 24-hour viral sort of illness. Semi-related, garychappelhill (The Confluence) has a post. It has nothing to do with this topic but a comment garychappelhill left on Riverdaughter's post resulted in a number of e-mails here. While the sour grape girls can't bring themselves to call out homophobia, a lot of people are suffering. Gary is a gay man and wrote of the damage done to the LGBT community in Barack's campaign. That topic will be brought up tonight but I probably won't have time to link to him and will probably focus more on lesbians than gay males so we're including a link to his post. A number of community members e-mailed afraid that he would stop writing. He's already written a post today. That's an understandable fear. Team Obama has run an ugly, disgusting campaign and the 'progressives' have refused to call it out thereby sending the message to so many people that they are unwanted. PUMA is only one response to the ugly campaign. There are a number of people who've been made to feel they do not fit in with the 'grand vision.' Sadly, Robin's very bad column will only further that impression. Tonight Governor Sarah Palin debates Senator Joe Biden in the 'vice presidential' 'debates.' Palin is the v.p. nominee of the Republican Party, Biden of the Democratic Party. Today, the McCain-Palin ticket picked up an endorsement from the Lowell Sun which notes Senator John McCain's work with Senator Ted Kennedy on immigration and with Senator Russ Feingold on campaign-finance reform and calls McCain "America's true-blue, principled maverick." Cynthia McKinney is the Green Party presidential candidate and Monet Drake (Howard University's The Hilltop) weighs in on her candidacy: History is certain to be made this election, but not by Sen. Obama and Gov. Palin, but rather by the Green Party's Presidential nominee, Cynthia McKinney - a black woman. Cynthia McKinney, who was previously a Democrat, expanded her political views and won over the Green Party as the nominee for the presidential candidacy.She is a firm believer in the 2008 Green Party's Platform and a strong advocate for her "Power to the People" campaign. In a press release, her running mate, Rosa Clemente said, "Cynthia McKinney is a hero to me and many others across this country and around the world."McKinney has been actively involved in politics since 1986. She was born the daughter of Georgia state representative Billy McKinney. Previously a resident of Jamaica, she ran and won a seat in the House of Representatives representing Georgia along side her father, in 1988. She was elected the first African-American woman to Congress in 1992, however, just 10 years later, she lost her seat.Congresswoman McKinney has since been able to move forward and attempt to promote a new health care plan and eliminate weapons of mass destruction, key values set forth by the Green Party. In an International Tribunal Press Release, McKinney expressed her concern for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. "I am pleased to be among this tested and true group of activists who are committed to Katrina justice," McKinney said to dozens of supporters in the press release. Meanwhile the US Senate passed a bail out measure late yesterday. Voting in favor of it were Senators Joe Biden, John McCain and Barack Obama. While they were all in agreement on the need or 'need' for the measure, many other Americans were not. Ralph Nader is the independent presidential candidate and Team Nader issued this today: NADER STATEMENT ON BAILOUT Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez vigorously oppose Bush's $700++ billion taxpayer bailout of Wall Street. "This is not just a bailout of Wall Street" says Nader, "It's a bailing out of the bankrupt Republican and Democratic policies that have led us to where we are today with Senators John "Deregulation" McCain and Joe "MBNA" Biden leading the way. Full Statement from Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez: "The revised bailout legislation is the same $700 billion piece of burnt toast, with some window dressing, sugar coating, and $150 billion of pork tax cuts covering everything from casinos to coal. But this isn't even the main course that Senate is serving up for Congress on Friday. The main course is on page 92 of the 451 page document: BORROWING LIMITS TEMPORARILY LIFTED. - During the period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act and ending on December 31, 2009, the Board of Directors of the Corporation may request from the Secretary, and the Secretary shall approve, a loan or loans in an amount or amounts necessary to carry out this subsection, without regard to the limitations on such borrowing under section 14(a) and 15(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1824(a), 1825(c)). Translation: Bush, McCain, and Obama want Congress to co-sign off on the mother of all blank checks, paving the way for a sinking dollar and higher interest rates. By bumping the FDIC's line of credit at the Treasury from $30 billion to infinity, the FDIC assumes fiat powers to bailout to its heart content, leaving the taxpayer to pay the bill. This unacceptable unlimited right to ransack taxpayers would last until 2010. "The bailout ignores the needs of millions of swindled families facing foreclosure, and it squanders an opportunity to bring about real regulatory change, decisive shareholder power over their companies' bosses, and authentic taxpayer equity that would prevent economic crises like this from happening again. Wall Street's wildly overpaid bosses are addicted to speculative gambling with other people's money. When a drug addict is facing overdose, you don't give them more needles. According to Richard W. Fisher, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: "The seizures and convulsions we have experienced in the debt and equity markets have been the consequences of a sustained orgy of excess and reckless behavior, not a too-tight monetary policy. In the end, we're going to have to deal with the underlying stock of housing." "We need to protect homeowners and our neighborhoods first. That's why Nader/Gonzalez support introducing a law with a 5-year sunset clause that would provide homeowners facing foreclosure the right to rent to own their homes at fair market value. "Wall Street is out of control. We need to bring some sense of accountability, transparency, and law and order back to Wall Street's crooks and speculators, or they will desperately seek socialism to bail out their criminal corporate capitalism, going again and again to the taxpayer trough in Washington DC each time. That's why Nader/Gonzalez support a Wall Street speculation tax, starting on derivatives, which would make Wall Street less like Las Vegas, and generate enough funds to more than eliminate the federal tax burden on the first $50,000 of income for every working American. Click here for Nader's Ten Point Plan tony perrythe los angeles times jeffrey fleishmanrick rogers the new york timesalissa j. rubin mcclatchy newspaperscorinne reillysahar issajenan hussein lourdes garcia-navarromorning edition
{ "date": "2015-04-01T05:47:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131303502.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172143-00061-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9736025929450989, "token_count": 5724, "url": "http://sickofitradlz.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-grandparents-say-palin-won-i-agree.html" }
Police, community and calendar briefs for July 13, 2013 Published: Friday, July 12, 2013 at 10:00 p.m. Last Modified: Friday, July 12, 2013 at 6:34 p.m. Decomposed body has been identified Sheriff’s detectives have identified a man found whose decomposed body was found by relatives last month. The man was identified as Jeffrey Myers Baker, 49, of Ocala. Baker’s body was found beneath a tree in a field on June 13. About 3 p.m. that day, a sheriff’s deputy was called to the 6700 block of Southwest 60th Avenue by a man who believed the individual was his brother-in-law, whom he had not seen in about three weeks. He said his brother-in-law had been staying in the field for a month after he lost his home to foreclosure. He said the man’s wife died two months earlier and he had been depressed and talked about suicide. The man said he was worried and knew his relative was living in the field, so he went there to check on him. Authorities said the case is ongoing and they are awaiting a final ruling from the Medical Examiner’s Office as to the cause of death. Boating safety course today at boating center The Harris Chain Sail & Power Squadron will hold a public safe boating course from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at Millers Boating Center, 1661 U.S. 441, Ocala. The cost is $49 for the first family member, which includes a book, and $2 for other family members willing to share the book. Registration is required. Attendees who pass a final exam will receive an FWC Boating Safety Education ID card, whichis required for all boaters born after Jan. 1, 1988. For more information, call 259-9711 or visit www.harrischain.org. Racquetball tourney benefits local ministry A Hit for Hunger Racquetball tournament will benefit the Gateway to Hope Ministries. The tournament will be held Friday and Saturday at the Frank Deluca YMCA of Marion County, 3200 SE 17 St., Ocala. The entry fee is $50. The entry deadline is Tuesday, July 16. For more information, call 342-0447. Celebrate National Park and Rec Month July is National Park and Recreation Month. City of Ocala Recreation and Parks staff will be in several city parks encouraging citizens to get outdoors, utilize parks, eat nutritious foods and exercise, and they will provide fruit and water for those actively engaged in park activities. Staff will be located close to walking trails: Monday: 7 to 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m., Jervey Gantt Park, 2200 SE 36th Ave. Ocala. Thursday: 7:30 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m., Lillian Bryant Park, 2200 NW 17th Place, Ocala. July 23: 7:30-9 a.m. and 5:30-7 p.m., Martin Luther King Recreation Complex, 1510 NW Fourth, St., Ocala. July 25: 7:30-9 a.m. and 5:30-7 p.m., Tuscawilla Park, 300 NE Sanchez Ave., Ocala. For more information, call 368-5517 or email [email protected]. Volunteers wanted for group’s cancer study The American Cancer Society is seeking participants between the ages of 30 and 65 who have never been diagnosed with cancer for its Cancer Prevention Study-3. The study seeks to better understand the lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors that cause or prevent cancer. Registration will be held from 1-7 p.m. Tuesday at the Leesburg Regional Medical Center and 1-7 p.m. Wednesday at The Villages Regional Hospital. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes. Applicants must sign a consent form, complete a brief survey, have their waist measured and give a small blood sample. For more information, call 888-604-5888 or visitwww.cancer.org/cps3. Boat engine maintence course starts in Aug. 12 The Harris Chain Sail and Power Squadron will offer a 10-week engine maintenance course beginning Aug. 12 at Beacon College, 105 E. Main St., Leesburg. The cost is $42 for squadron members and $119 for non-members. For more information or to register, visit www.harrischain.org. Vendors, entertainers wanted for local event A Doll & Bear Extravaganza will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 24, at the Harvest Village at 22050 N. U.S. 441, between McIntosh and Micanopy. Vendors and entertainers are being sought for the event. The extravaganza will include games for children, storybook readings, baked goods, a doll doctor/appraiser for minor repairs, and vendors selling dolls (handmade, bought for resale and reconditioned) and doll and bear related items. The LifeSouth Blood Mobile will be on site for donations. Attendees are invited to donate old bears and dolls that can be reconditioned and will in turn be donated to police and fire departments for children in crisis situations. To learn more, contact Anna Burrill at 525-0349 or [email protected]. Register for butterfly seminar in September Hospice of Marion County is hosting a butterfly seminar from 1-4 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Hospice Education Center, 3231 SW 34th Ave. Ocala. Edith Smith, a butterfly expert and owner of Shady Oak Butterfly Farm in Brooker, will conduct the seminar. She will teach attendees how to build a butterfly garden habitat and will discuss butterfly life cycle and facts, and how to create a butterfly garden in a container. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $25, which includes the seminar, a butterfly host plant and refreshments. Proceeds will benefit hospice children’s bereavement programs. For more information, call 854-5218 or visit www.hospiceofmarion.com. DEDICATION: Dedication of Wild Cat Play area, 9 a.m. Saturday, Coehadjoe Park, 4225 NE 25th St. Ocala. (671-8560 or [email protected]) QUARTERLY READING: Marion County Veteran’s Council’s quarterly Veterans Honor Roll event, 10 a.m. Saturday, Ocala-Marion County Veterans Memorial Park, 2601 E. Fort King St., Ocala. (671-8422) HORSE SHOW: 9 a.m. Saturday, Sparr United Methodist Church, 13100 NE Jacksonville Road, Ocala. (216-8890 or 732-8090) SCRAPBOOKING: Second Saturday Scrapbookers, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Forest Community Center, 777 S. County Road 314A, Ocklawaha. $2. (208-2243) FALL GARDENING: Master Gardener series, 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Marion County Public Library, 2720 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala. (671-8400) DAVID SANDOVAl: Author of “The Green Foods Bible,” 1 p.m. Saturday, Ocala Courtyard by Marriott, 3712 SW 38 Ave., Ocala. CRUISE-IN: Car cruise, 6:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Kmart Plaza 3711 E. Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala. Bring nonperishable food for donation. (625-7122) DEITRICK HADDON: Gospel singer performs, 7 p.m. Saturday, Circle Square Cultural Center, 8395 SW 80 St., Ocala. $40-$60. (854-3670 or www.csculturalcenter.com) AKIL BABB: Singer performs, 8 p.m. Saturday, Insomniac Theater, 1 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala. $10. (897-0477 or www.insomniactheatre.com PET VACCINES: Florida International Teaching Zoo low-cost pet vacations, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Gander Mountain, 3970 SW Third St., Ocala. Rabies $6, distemper/parvo $14. Dogs on leashes, cats in carriers. (867-7788 or www.facebook.com/PetVaccinations/events) SINGLES DANCE: Ocala Singles Club dance, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Saturday, Ocala Scottish Rite, 3632 NE Seventh St., Ocala. $9. Refreshments provided. (622-3171) BOARD GAME DAY: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Freedom Public Library, 5870 SW 95 St., Ocala. (438-2580) FAMILY FUN NIGHT: 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Wild Waters, 5656 E. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala. $10. (236-2121) GRAND OPENING: Marion County Museum of History and Archaeology grand opening of Great Depression/World War II Exhibit, also features author Joe Knetsch, 2 p.m. Sunday, Green Clover Hall, 307 SE 26th Terrace, Ocala. Free. Book signing to follow. ( 236-5245 or 236-2790) WEDDING EXPO: My Wedding Day Expo, noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Marion County Ag Center Auditorium, 2232 NE Jacksonville Road, Ocala. $5. (671-9292) To submit information for this list, send an e-mail to [email protected] or visit www.ocala.com, scroll down and click on EVENTS CALENDAR on the right. Reader comments posted to this article may be published in our print edition. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be re-published without permission. Links are encouraged.
{ "date": "2015-03-26T23:53:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131293283.10/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00129-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9116555452346802, "token_count": 2248, "url": "http://www.ocala.com/article/20130712/ARTICLES/130719884/0/PREPS" }
#1 DOJ Attorney Cracks Down on Anti-Muslim Hate Speech06-06-2013, 11:17 PM Internet postings with anti-Muslim hate messages may soon be subject to federal criminal laws, according to Bill Killian, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee. On Tuesday, Killian and the FBI office in Knoxville, Tenn., and Bill Killian, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, will be holding a meeting with Muslim leaders in the area. Killian and Kenneth Moore, the FBI special agent from the Knoxville office, will be special speakers at a special meeting entitled "Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society." They will be speaking with the Muslim community in Knoxville to inform them of their civil rights, as they pertain to hate speech and hate crimes. Twitter feeds, however, have been rife with calls to action against the event. The controversy is largely due to Killian's statements regarding a recent Facebook posting by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West. In that posting, West pictured a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at the camera, with the caption reading "How to Wink at a Muslim." Killian has stated that he plans to use federal civil rights laws to curb hate speech, if the speech is made incident to a hate crime. Now, many online pundits, including Pamela Geller, are accusing Killian and the Department of Justice of attempting to criminalize Islamophobic hate speech. The real issue for many is that hate speech is generally protected under the First Amendment, unless the speech incites violence. Attempts to prosecute people for hateful speech on social media will almost certainly face backlash, as the First Amendment is one of the cornerstones of American law. "The hate speech would have to pose a direct threat to an individual," said Dr. Charles Haynes, of the First Amendment Center, when asked how Killian could prosecute for hateful statements made in social media. "It's a mystery to me," Haynes replied, when asked which statute he thought Killian would use to prosecute hate speech. 06-06-2013, 11:19 PM - Join Date - Jun 2008 Good thing it's not anti-Christian hate speech or DU would be shut down and Skinner's ass thrown in jail. 06-07-2013, 12:08 AM Dhimmitude starts small, but it snowballs quickly.--Odysseus Sic Hacer Pace, Para Bellum. Before you can do things for people, you must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the people! - Join Date - Mar 2010 06-07-2013, 05:17 PM I really hope this thread was accidentally posted in this forum instead of the Humor forum where it actually belongs.Be Not Afraid. 06-08-2013, 01:19 AM And so it continues---the efforts of the government to intimidate. It's not surprising, but nothing surprises now. It's the continuation of the cowardice of the government, not only ours. That beheading in the UK had its desired effect. The Christian and conservative bashing may continue, but nothing can be said about the religion of peace. With today's disclosures about the wide net being cast upon not only phone conversations but Facebook, the internet sites, Skype, etc the government will indeed be able to track those email that go around. It's Big Brother in action. " To the world you are just one more person, but to a rescued pet, you are the world." "A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!" |« Previous Thread | Next Thread »|
{ "date": "2015-03-30T23:33:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131300031.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172140-00193-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9353054165840149, "token_count": 775, "url": "http://www.conservativeunderground.com/forum505/showthread.php?56486-DOJ-Attorney-Cracks-Down-on-Anti-Muslim-Hate-Speech&p=564870&viewfull=1" }
Cumbria police receive crime fighting boost Last updated at 13:41, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 CUMBRIA police have received the new keys for the latest tool in fighting crime in the south of the county. DSG Morecambe Ltd have donated South Cumbria’s Community Safety Team a new vehicle that will be used to help prevent crime and disorder in the area. The new Hyundai IX 35 Premium CRDI has been badged in the Cumbria Constabulary livery so that it can be identified easily by the community and will help the team visit residents in the most rural, isolated areas of South Cumbria. This is the third occasion where DSG have donated a vehicle to the Force. Crime Prevention Officer, Terry Belshaw, said: “We are extremely grateful for DSG’s continued commitment to the safety of the community. It is a gesture that symbolises how effective good relationships between Police and local businesses can assist in community safety. “Our team works across South Lakeland to deliver important advice to help prevent crime. “It is important to be able to be accessible to the people who live in the hard to reach areas of South Cumbria, and this new vehicle will enable us to visit areas more regularly and reach out to even more people.” Will Adams, the Sales Director from DSG Morecambe Ltd, said: "The South Cumbria Community Safety Team fulfil a crucial role in rural South Cumbria and DSG are delighted to continue to support them with this their 3rd vehicle. “The iX35 Premium offers an ideal mix of all terrain performance, comfort, safety and reliability making it just the right vehicle to meet the demands of the job whatever the driving conditions.” The keys were handed over on Tuesday (July 15) by DSG’s Senior Sales Executive Dougie Stokes, whose dad George is a retired Cumbria Police officer. First published at 13:40, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 Published by http://www.nwemail.co.uk Have your say Be the first to comment on this article! Make your comment - Cumbria rescuers called to 69-year-old man stuck on mountain - Warning of traders selling mattresses door to door in Barrow - Five parents faced ‘home alone’ probe in Cumbria - Cumbria victim attacked as she breastfed baby - Barrow children paid tribute to caretaker who died from a brain tumour - Ulverston gala event provides fitting end to Cumbria music festival - Number of recorded rapes up by more than half in Cumbria - Big swing would be required for red seat to change colour - Curbing violence is key aim at Cumbria prison - Otter found in Cumbria puddle is now doing swimmingly - Edmo: Barrow AFC can handle the pressure - Edgy Barrow AFC draw a blank against Bradford Park Avenue (5 comments) - Walney Central move to top of table after home win - Barrow boxer Liam has to settle for a draw - Late goal sees Kirkby United book place in trophy final - Edgy Barrow AFC draw a blank against gutsy Bradford - Edmo urges Barrow AFC fans to raise the volume (1 comment) - Loan ace in line to earn permanent Barrow AFC switch - Casson confident over Barrow AFC title bid - Wilson hails Barrow AFC squad strength Visit our websites for... Great Daffodil appeal 2015 Homes and gardens 21 Power to switch Walk to remember Choosing a secondary school To save our contact details direct to your smartphone simply scan this QR code |Evening Mail Going Out|
{ "date": "2015-03-30T23:09:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131300031.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172140-00193-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9288315773010254, "token_count": 794, "url": "http://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/cumbria-police-receive-crime-fighting-boost-1.1148722" }
PINOLE -- A man washing his car Tuesday evening instead had it stolen by a carjacker, police said. No one was injured. The victim was at the Solar Car Wash at 730 Fifth Avenue at about 7:39 p.m. Tuesday when a man approached him, pointed a semi-automatic handgun and demanded the keys, according to a statement from Pinole police. The man gave the gunman his keys, and the suspect drove eastbound on San Pablo Avenue. Police said the suspect was a black male, in his mid- to late 20s, weighing about 200 pounds, wearing a checkered jacket and a dark hat, with a handkerchief covering his face. The car is a white 2001 Mitsubishi Montero, license plate number 4NLA091. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call Detective Justin Takacs at 510-724-8944.
{ "date": "2015-04-02T04:03:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131310006.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172150-00265-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9741960167884827, "token_count": 189, "url": "http://www.insidebayarea.com/breaking-news/ci_22481275/pinole-man-carjacked-while-washing-vehicle-police-say" }
Last Updated: June 10, 2014 - 10:30pm DANVILLE — A tanker trunk carrying pool water rolled onto its side... READ MORE » Last Updated: June 9, 2014 - 7:04pm POINT TWP. — A man shooting at groundhogs triggered a major police response Monday afternoon, police say. READ MORE » Someone heard gunshots about 4 p.m. and called police, and officers from... Last Updated: June 8, 2014 - 4:21pm LOCUST TWP. — Police were called to the Country Acres trailer park Saturday evening to investigate a report of a dead dog found under a porch. READ MORE » What officers found, in addition to a... Last Updated: June 6, 2014 - 10:57am LEWISBURG — Brian Bolus of Minuteman Environmental Services Inc. was charged today with 64 counts after an investigation into illegal dumping and burying of solid waste, and overbilling... READ MORE » Last Updated: June 5, 2014 - 6:25pm BERWICK — A fire crew rescued a group of ducklings from a storm drain on Orange Street Thursday afternoon. A mother duck and about 11 of her children were trying to cross the... READ MORE » Last Updated: June 3, 2014 - 5:26pm BERWICK — Two men and a woman were trying to sell what they said was meth to customers at a Turkey Hill Market on West Front Street Monday evening, police said. It turned out to be fake... READ MORE » Last Updated: June 3, 2014 - 1:07pm A country band most popular for a song about partying on a motorboat will play the Friday night show at this year's Bloomsburg Fair. Little Big Town, whose 2012 song "Pontoon" won... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 31, 2014 - 9:10pm Someone vandalized and possibly tried to steal a historical artifact from Centralia — a time capsule buried in 1966 to honor the mining town’s centennial. Heavy equipment was used... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 31, 2014 - 4:22pm Nearly 50 years ago, an important artifact was buried here in a ceremony attended by more than 10,000 people. Now someone has disturbed its resting place. We will have the full story for... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 28, 2014 - 5:48pm HEMLOCK TWP. — The truck driver who was shot twice after attacking an officer Monday night has been charged with attempted murder. Daniel Hadean, 45, of Glendale, Arizona,... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 28, 2014 - 5:11pm By CHRIS KREPICH and SUSAN SCHWARTZ Press Enterprise Writers DANVILLE — Montour County is collecting information on damage from the recent hail storm in hopes of qualifying... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 27, 2014 - 2:41pm BLOOMSBURG — A Bloomsburg University senior was cited for criminal mischief after he allegedly broke a water pipe in the town fountain by doing a “dance” around it a week before... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 27, 2014 - 1:40pm BUCKHORN — Hemlock Township Cpl. Charles Dietterick shot a truck driver twice Monday night after the trucker sprayed the officer with pepper spray and attacked him with a hammer in what... READ MORE » Last Updated: May 27, 2014 - 12:05am BUCKHORN — A police officer fired shots at a trucker during an apparent traffic stop Monday night on the Interstate 80 off-ramp that directs eastbound I-80 traffic into Buckhorn toward... READ MORE »
{ "date": "2015-03-29T22:37:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298755.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00157-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9472584128379822, "token_count": 787, "url": "http://www.pressenterpriseonline.com/breakingnews/drunk-woman-fires-gun-into-floor-air-to-unload-weapon-police-say?page=23" }
It's been just about a month since I did any serious writing, and we're now getting back to the grindstone. Before we get into a big batch of "we have to learn about the brain" stories (and in an effort to avoid doing a "State of the Union" story today) I want to clear the deck from 2009, which means I have a lot of disconnected scraps of message to pass along; some of it fun, some of it free, some of it snarky--and at least a bit of it, disturbing. In keeping with the random nature of today's story, some of it will even run into 2010. So go find your joke hat, and let's get our wrapup on. The doctor was examining a naval hospital orderly for advancement in rating. "What would you do if the captain fainted on the bridge?" "Bring him to," warbled the aspiring orderly. "Then what?" asked the doctor. "Bring him two more," returned the man promptly. --From the book "10,000 Jokes, Toasts, and Stories", Lewis and Faye Copeland, editors. As regular visitors to this space know, I'm probably a bit too addicted to television, and on of the hazards of that addiction is having to form a relationship with the various TV personalities out there. There are some I'm happy to welcome into my home (I'm thinking of you, Drew Carey), but then, there are...others. Which brings us to William Darrell Mays, Jr. Billy (the name by which many of you may have known him), was that irritating guy who basically invented the business of "...and I'll give you a second one free--just pay extra shipping and handling...", which is perfectly fine, and bless him for it...but now he's dead, and you know what? It has become time to apply one of the rules of marriage: Until Death Do We Part. We all outlived Billy, and one of the rewards of that should be that we are freed, as it were, to find another pitchperson...or maybe to move on to a better place--perhaps even to a world without someone from Florida hustling Oxy-Whatever all day long. "My dear boy, no woman is a genius. Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly. Women represent the triumph of matter over mind, just as men represent the triumph of mind over morals." --Lord Henry, speaking to Dorian Gray, in Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray". Ever see someone making a "dick move" who also struck you as being sanctimonious, both at the same time? If the answer is yes, you already know the definition of a word The Girlfriend made up the other day in the car: dictimoneous. Dictimoneous; as in: "When that BMW driver cut you off, dude...that was dictimoneous". We find we're already using the word a lot...and we suspect you will, too. (By the way, expect Dick Timoneous to show up in some of my snarky stories from time to time, probably working alongside Harry Paratestes, who has been a friend of this space for some time.) "Why, there is it. Come sing me a bawdy song, make me merry." --Falstaff, to Randolph, in Act 3, Scene 3 of "Henry IV, Part I", by William Shakespeare Much as the wily chair hunter stalks the plains searching out his next place of repose, many of us seek the watering holes where free .mp3s gather, and I have a couple of them for you today. The first is RCRD LBL. These folks offer hundreds and hundreds of completely "legal" songs that you can either stream or download, all at no charge--and it's music you'll actually want to hear. There are lots of bands you'll probably recognize, including the Ting Tings, The Herbaliser, and Groove Armada, bands you should recognize, such as Thao With The Get Down Stay Down or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and artists that are absolutely on the way up--one of those being Amanda Blank, who you might have seen with Spank Rock as part of Lollapalooza 2008 (link warning: hip-hop sensibilities ahead...). It's even participatory: the site invites you to take the music downloads from the site, mix 'em and mash 'em to your heart's desire, and send them right back, possibly to be put up on the site for others to enjoy as well. They also invite you to burn the songs to your own CDs, and to pass them along to your friends...the only limitation being that the music must be used for non-commercial purposes. There are two ways to get started: either head straight to the site and start downloading, or sign up for the daily email that lists new tracks as they become available. What used to be one of Seattle's public radio stations, 90.3, KEXP (and before that, KCMU), has now also become New York City's KEXP, due to an arrangement that has created multicity simulcasts hosted on 91.5 WNYE. The station produces live events in both cities--including, just by coincidence, an Amanda Blank show on the 29th of this month at the Santos Party House in Manhattan. This station (these stations?) plays a lot of "emerging artist" music (which you can hear on excellent quality streams), and if you sign up, they will send a free "Song of the Day" to your iTunes (which is just one of five available podcasts they will happily send your way). There are about 575 more of these songs in the archive to be downloaded, and as with RCRD LBL, the diversity of artists is pretty impressive, including Calexico and Architecture in Helsinki and a guy who is well on his way to becoming the Paul Shaffer of punk, Tim Armstrong. "...Mother and I have sex almost every night. We almost have sex on Monday, we almost have sex on Tuesday..." --Senator Arlen Specter, appearing at the Improv, Washington, DC. Corporate treasurers are unable to use AAA rated subprime mortgage derivatives to boost the bottom line any more, and apparently another potential income source is to be found in betting the customers that the things they're buying won't blow up once they get them home. This has created a new opportunity for mischief, which I put to use just the other day: I had to buy a new printer for my friend who could not make his old printer talk to his new Windows 7 computer (thanks a lot, Sharp), and the clerk wondered if I might wish to purchase the extended warranty for my $49 purchase. After all, he told me, the manufacturer's warranty only lasts a year, and the extended warranty would double that to two years. To which I responded: "Are you trying to tell me that you don't think this printer will last longer than two years?" If you try it yourself you'll quickly discover that they don't like that question at all...and it is a tough spot in which to be, philosophically: on the one hand, you want to make the customers confident enough to buy products--but not so confident that they won't make the "extended warranty" bet. "If you work on your mind with your mind, How can you avoid an immense confusion?" To close out today's story, a horrible, horrible, observation, and a commentary on just how disturbed I really am. WARNING: The following is a joke. It is strictly a joke. We do not recommend you try this at home, under your home in the root cellar, or, should evacuation be required, at a public shelter. They're running those public service announcements to encourage us to carry a disaster supply kit with us in the event of emergency, and to tell us that we should carry three days worth of supplies, at least, in that kit. Do you have pets? You're encouraged to carry three days' worth of food for them as well. Here's the horrible part...as I was listening to this announcement, I couldn't help but think: "If you have pets...don't you automatically have three days worth of food?" Of course, if you're Paris Hilton and you carry around one of those tiny Chihuahuas, that might be an exception...but then again, if you're Paris Hilton, that might actually be three days' worth of food. So there you go: a couple jokes, free music, a survival tip, and a fervent wish that Billy Mays, now dead, could be finally buried. Next time: we begin a conversation about PTSD, and to get that started we'll have to learn a bit of neural anatomy, so get your thinking caps ready, as we're gonna need 'em.
{ "date": "2015-04-02T09:48:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427132827069.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323174707-00097-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.970461368560791, "token_count": 1892, "url": "http://www.bilerico.com/2010/01/on_being_late_or_2009_the_year_in_random.php" }
RIDGEFIELD, Conn. -- A 24-year-old man from Ridgefield was driving the car that hit and killed a 15-year-old girl who was walking along a town road last Friday night, the NewsTimes.com reported. But Ridgefield police did not release the name of the driver who hit and killed Emma Sandhu on Ridgebury Road, the NewsTimes.com said. The driver remained at the scene after the accident and cooperated with police officers, the NewsTimes.com said. No charges have been filed, and the investigation continues. Emma was a sophomore at Ridgefield High School who enjoyed dancing, especially ballet. She was walking with a group of friends when the accident occurred about 9:30 p.m. March 14. Emma lived on Benson Road, which is a short distance from the accident scene. Read more about the accident and about Emma here on the Daily Voice. Memorial contributions may be made to the Emma E. Sandhu Scholarship Fund, Ridgefield High School, 700 N. Salem Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877. Read the full story here at the NewsTimes.com website.
{ "date": "2015-04-01T01:07:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131302428.75/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172142-00229-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9688048362731934, "token_count": 239, "url": "http://somers.dailyvoice.com/police-fire/ridgefield-man-indentified-driver-crash-killed-teen" }
Newspaper Page Text A TERM IN JAIL FOR THE FATHER WONT PUT W£.: BREAD IN HIS CHILDREN'S MOUTHS; HOW JUDGE ll ARNSTON APPLIES HIS "GOLDEN-RULE" SYSTEM •v'»r"»"«" 'KV---0,.;* ,"-""i'- ■ •?>„— - *~ ' - ■• s,'*| "I've been | drinking, • Judge; Itsl ' the booze and the crowd I run' with; I ! don't know i"l what's the i matter. Judge, but I—-".:'.'.' *,- The '. prisoner was * •': sturdy worklngman. His hands were ;, horny with toil. * He bore the marks of being a good man, but •drink bad him in its grip. : •"He was the best man in the i world until he got to drinking," his wife had told Judge Arntson. , They have four little children at their cottage in Tacoma. They lived happily until the htrsfoand got to going to the saloon. There ; he met companions who- drank. ' They treated and he drank. He treated and, - his 7 money 7 went. When he went home, there was . nothing for the wife and four lit tle ones. ■■' * • ■ '"- His wife stood it as long as she . could : and then went "to ' Judge "Can't you do something to save him?" she pleaded. But she did mot want him arrested. - A week later she came again. ; He was getting worse. In a drunken fit he had told her be would give her no more and she would have to care for the children herself. She finally signed a complaint after much hesitation and the con stable went for the husband. And when he stood before the court yesterday he saw his plight. The ' glamor of those companions at The .bail of Conrad Lind, one of the men who while In a drunk en carousal Sunday morning at the home of William Cook, par ticipated In the assaults on Cook and his wife, was raised from $•100 to $1,000 yesterday. He furnished the cash. It is alleged Lind assaulted Mrs. Cook and that she is in a precarious condition as a result. Cook is still In the hospital. Jacob Hargert, who struck Cook with a hammer, was bound over to the superior court yesterday. RELIEVE HILL BACK I OF NEW ROAD * (By United Press Leased Wire.) g&i HELENA, .Mont., May * 20. — S That James J. Hill is hack of the Gllmore. & Pittsburg railroad in -" Southwestern Montana ami that be purposes not only an invasion gpt California, but also intends to 'protect his present Northwestern territory by shortening the dis tance (between the Twin Cities and | Puget Sound and Portland is be lieved here. . _ ARREST YOUNG GIRL AND MAN : Tony Millos with a 16-year-old girl from the South Side, who left her home a week ago and has been, living with him, were arrested last night. The girl will be sent home and Millos will "be prosecut • -Royal Dairy Ice Cream. Both phones. M. 95, A 2195. •*• Although a VISION UPWARD has struck the butter market. , Pacific and Jcf fcrsons Aye*, will sell the very Best Fresh Minnesota Creamery at 35c a Lb. • Direct from the churn. ,3 lbs. Best lowa Creamery .SI.OO 2 doz. Fresh Pierce ' Co. ■ Ranch £ Eggs ........ ...-;;:;....*... 55c "Imported Swiss Cheese,* 1b...35c >2 \ lbs. Best Domestic Swiss. . 55c 1 Pineapple Special, 2 lb.' cans I Fancy Sliced Hawaiian Fruit, 2 cans ................... 25,. ,i That famous ThUs" Brand Im ■* ported Norwegian Smoked Sar dines in pure olive oil, can. ,10c * Domestic Sardines in mustard or 1 'Soil, can ........'.......... 5c I ;'6 lb. Best Home Made Lard, .85c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, 3 f cans } ...........< ......... 25c p S Look for the Electric Cow— . hangs 1 directly / above - - our . en rtrance. Make no mistake. pM'rfiiJ;..ji,'.-»,,, ;,c:... \ ■. "- £~- .-, .:': ■:•-■■-•*■■■■ '■' -"?,...iv-..7.. . .r, ■"-■'."":;•■*"• <W:*<| ' • mmmto^mt***^******^***^^***********-*********** Tacoma vs Seattle fe:* Tacoma Athletic Grounds , ;■" Grandstand 250 i I the saloon departed then. - They were Jolly good fellows while his money lasted but they were- not there to defend him now. .''■■''':■*' l The Judge saw the useiessness of sending him to Jail. That would . not put ', bread In the mouths of those four little ones and that wife. He sent him, Into the . 'back office Instead. , There was the wife, called as a witness In the case. ' ; ' '-i - The husband' looked for a min ute, then the tears started down his .face. There was no .defiance now, no complaint of the wire that It was her fault.'*' It was the drink and bad com pany and that was all there was to; It.; So he told the Judge as husband and wife both were full of tears.* . ■ S~ "-''• " Judge Arntson saw there was hope for reformation and asked what he wanted to do. He want ed to quit it all, to stay at home, to be a man. And he got the chance. His name does not appear on the books but it does appear on a little pledge written by Judge Arntson to abstain (from all in toxicating liquors hereafter. The pledge is in the Judge's desk and husband and wife went out of the office as happy as they were on their wedding day.. "And I believe he will keep the pledge and will make good," said Judge Arntson this afternoon. WAR OVER GIRL Ah Suie, the Chinese beauty over whom Lee Sang' and Sing Yee are at war in the superior court here, the charge being that Die latter abducted her from her husband's home at Portland, • was released on $1,000 cash hail de posited by her alleged husband yesterday. She Is charged withi having robbed Yee of a lar>se sum of money. The whole coterie of Celestrials is to appear in court this afteraon and settle their dif Lee Sang charges that Sing Lee held the girl as a slave for three months after abducting her. The county 'commissioners yes terday afternoon agreed to rec ommend a replat of the tideflats. No provision was made for mu nicipal docks. *•( The » commission ers, however, declare they have reserved; the proposition of Rail road avenue for the future and that this will still be left open for the city or county to swap with property owners .for munici pal docks if so desired.. **" ' ■ii-.— — .i—,. .— „. . I, _ ,i mi .ii - i . , _. . _ - i i i ,r About $5,000 Worth of Goods Left at the Central News Go's Closing-Out Sale. This Stock Is Now Priced at Ridiculous Figures ALMOST GIVEN AWAY .. * • * -- .-...-■- • A FEW ITEMS ARE: ; $2.50 Box Carbon Paper, CO»» J0« Pencils ." \ A_ cut to i. ..... Out* cut to ............... .-... ZC $1.00 Typewriter Ribbons, 9fi#» 2Rc Box Writing Paper, . ;I 7, o*. cut to ..:.:..... _OU cut to ..'..- _.... OC ■•--•-..- ... * * ' '..-...-.., .| - , .. .-...■■. $1.50 Ream Typewriter Paper, QOi» $1.50 and $2.00 Books, AOm. • cut to ;. OUU cut to "... .:......;...... ............ HOC i. $2.00 Teddy Bears, n« $2.00 and $8.00 Ladles' Parses, r. An cut to _0C cat to .. ~ * CO C $1.2.**. Post Card Albums, 1 fin $10.00 Lawn Tennis Nets, , at 70 cat to IOC cat to ................ -. $I■ f 0 Besides Ink, Blank Books, Pyrography, Leather Goods, Etc., at YOUR OWN PRICE. Painted China and Japanese Ware $2.50 Hand Fainted Tea Seta, r 7flf» $15.00 Hand Painted Tea 'Sett-;.' '' #C 00 7(6 cups, c saucers) ."......... ... . IUG (Kutanlwarc,' 15 'pieces) . ... . . a>3iUU $2.56 Hand Painted Bon Bon Sets ::-..,.. '""-;, 'Qft« $25.00 Hand Painted Chocolate Set* ---." ■>'•_»' CO (7 pieces) ............... .............. OUC (18 pieces) .......v...;...'.......... ... ..-.. fOiVa 7 $3.50 Hand Painted Berry Sets $»J OK $125.00 t.enalne Satsuma Tea Set , (07 M 47 (7 pieces)^........ .....v.......;....,.... ;.^i .W (18 pieces) .....V.:..T.-.r.V.. ............. »>Z liOU Hv - Vases, Jardiniers, Stands, Screens and Brass Ware at less" than cost. CENTRAL NEWS CO. 916 PACIFIC AVENUE If the . Great Northern and Northern Pacific railroads Increase the rates on lumlber shipments as announced In a dispatch from Washington, D. C, the action, -will spell ruin for the business in this state, according to prominent lum- bermen of the city. y,.JiX is declar ed that prices are now down far below whs they were in 1907 and that an Increase 7in rates to the Eastern -points remaining would be impossible for the mill men to stand. .'.^i-.T...,-_..' 7 .' "_!...--■'"■ TO BE HELD TONIGH The memorial service in honor of the late king of Great Britain and Ireland, Edward VII, will he held tonight at Trinity Episcopal church, commencing at 8 o'clock. Bishop Frederic W. Keator will preach and will be assisted in the service by the Episcopal clergy of The foreign consuls who reside in Tacoma will attend in a body, as will various organizations in BOWLBY FIRES GILLIAM (By United Press Leased Wire.) OLYIMJPI'A, May 20.— IH| Gillian, superintendent of the con- vict rock crushing plant at Mes kill in Lewis county, ' wrote a "sassy" letter to Commissioner. H. L. Bowlby and the latter prompt ly discharged the offender. He will he replaced by F. W. Beld- (By United Press Leased Wire.) SEATTLE, May 20.Fire de stroyed the Independent Asphalt company's plant, the Occidental Coal .. company's plant anil % the bunkers of the Vashon Sand & Gravel company at 5 o'clock this morning. The lose is estimated at $30,000. .7- .::*•. • .7 ... . The fire started when hot as phalt, leaking from a tank be came ignited. • . •-■ WILL EM, FOR LESS Come and convince yourself that our up-to-date hats are away down In price, as we wish to close out our trimmed stock. Hats dyed, cleaned and reblocked. Plumes dyed, clean ed, curled, remade and wlllowed, at the Model Millinery Parlors, . 522 Provident Bldg.. Paclfio aye. THE TACOMA TIMES MRS. FORBES IS lie TO Jin. (By United Press Leased Wire.) BRIDGEPORT, Conn., May 20. "Jessie Livingston Forties, wife of Holland Forbes, the aero naut, was taken to the county Jail yesterday for contempt because she had failed to pay a Judgment of $3,750 secured against her' by Mrs. Ida Rowley for alienating the affections of Mrs. Rowley's . hus band who was a ' chauffeur for Mrs. Forbes. • IN 4 STATES MERGE (By. United Press Leased Wire.) SPOKANE, May 20. —Over 100 co-operative grain warehouses In Washington, Montana, Idaho and Utah will be merged into a unit organisation following the action of representatives of the various farmers' warehouse companies yesterday. The . new warehouse system will buy and market Its grain as one body. GOV. BRADY IS (By United Press Leased Wire.) BOISE, Ida., May 20.—A vote of thanks will he tendered' Gov ernor Brady by the deelgates at ending the state anti-saloon con gress heer today, following the governor's speech before the con gress in which he clearly intimat ed that he stood for temperance and would assist in closing the sa loons in Idaho. '-"7" FIRST SENTENCE FOR (By United Press Leased Wire.)' OHEHAiLrS. May 20. —Ed Brown was yesterday sentenced to the penitentiary for an inde terminate term for living off i the earnings of fallen women. He pleaded guilty when confronted with the evidence against him. It is the first case of the hind ever .prosecuted In Lewis county. The funeral of the late Fred' Harkins, who died May 1G at his residence, 2805 South I street, will be held Sunday at 11' a.' m. from Hoska's chapel. •-■ ••■>• <Mll< > .*. \N TO IHI HI VI The Ohio club is planning a big picnic for- the afternoon of Decor ation day at Point Defiance park. Everybody who ever lived la Ohio is Invited and orders are to bring well filled baskets of lunch for an afternoon and evening. BTJITEFIELDS, Nicaragua, May 20. —The United States gun-boat 1 Paducah yesterday drove the Ma rls guniboat Venus away from ths port of Bluefields. The officers of the Paducah re fuse to say how near they came to a clash with the little Nicaraguan boat. .•■': ; •. .'■ .. ' '. , Tacoma school teachers got a big boost in salaries at the board meeting Wednesday. Some in creases amounted to $300 a year. The lowest Is $120 a year. It will amount to thousands of dollars in A report for a lesser Increase was voted down and the minority report for the Ibig boost went through with a whirl. ._ .... • TRAIN KILLS WOMAN ROSBBU'RG, Ore., May, 20. — An inquest will be held today on the body of Mrs. Francis Russell, aged 68 years, a prominent local woman who was killed by a Southern Pacific passenger train at Wilbur last night. TO CURE ECZEMA Trial Results in Complete Cure of Fifteen-Year . Case in Two In a letter published In his lodge paper, Mr. F. O. Thompson, of Elizabeth, N. J., states that ho was a sufferer from eczema for fifteen years, and one day spoke about his trouble to Dr. L. E. Todd. "Dr. Todd replied that ho had something that would relievo If not permanently cure me," says Mr. Thompson, "but after treat ment for. so many years I had grave doubts. The doctor pro duced a box of poslam, and I prom teed to give it a faithful trial. I followed directions, and in two weeks' time find myself entirely sured. The fifty cents I paid for :he box was tho best Investment I sver made." " Not alone eczema, but every surface skin disease is permanent ly eradicated by poslam, itching being stopped at once. *. Write to the Emergency Labor atories, 32 -West Twenty-fifth street, New York City, for a free I trial package of poslam. With this sample alone complex! flay be cleared and pimples banished from Malstrom's, Ninth and C st. and 938 Pacific aye., and the Crown Drug Co., as well as all good drug gists everywhere, always carry poslam In the regular sizes at 50 cents and $2. Friday, May 20, 1910 KuIIITY Iff APS H\OUNTS OUNTS IVLlirlll iJ IVOUNTS .:"■'. - . t .- . _. ... ;, .ii ,:*; -. : - . ■_* -■ * _ FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY EXTRA Special! waffle iron B' m Wagner Wafflo Irons for coal or gas range. No. mSK^Hty>ft^fcf.C h v) m Wagner Wafflo lions for coal or gas range. No. mmWEmWIJmW^MzM' l* a. .***<_ _•_ 8 size, reg. $1.25. OQ M i^si^^m _r*• ■ _r_t s iiai • o**c BKtSSb • lilf*_4 *** Th. _T 9 ■ No- 9 size= regular $1.50. CI f\C Mimzm W •[» n_H I Special apliU3 This Steel Range has body of Wellsvllle blued I^UCKCI M IdICU 1 C<* steel asbestos lined throughout, drop fire door, ■■gj_ai___ plain oval-shaped nickel trimmings, duplex ¥ < ~' sal ft.--. grate for coal or wood, extra heavy castings in I^.CttlG Ar^ —**"»w™"*«^^ fire box. A high grade guaranteed Steel Range, ■»— ™»*> »»»*•—%•» II worth $45.00. CQfl AA <*V J Special, only $dUiUU _ j^ The kitchen is not com- i*'f-'~^ffSS^JH *Tl*l*f* f Wi siil Food Chopper. It ■ "^^MB&tal "'"fi; "■' "9SmmWof^ chops all kinds of meat **^H Tj&r or vegetables fine or J^ II coarse as wanted; reg- "(g—IP 11 'JmA Extra heavy nickel-plated Tea Kettle; good value ular price 01 Oft r__B at $1.25. CQr> $1.60. Spec. *p Is — U -"-- Special 03b Use Our Liberal Credit Plan— BuyNow —Pay Later Mail Orders Filled at Advertised Prices W M^o\ rtrn^^ 11 ggftgfc 1/ E T^S^^^^-^i_L _ _^8 B_y J^L\mr^ FURNISHINGS §)gf IiOUNT .. . .. . . . . . . «. By Express: &&:....:::■'. A new arrival in Summer ytr*-. iW'rjW&\ Clothing is awaiting your . V%^f k*sY V approval at this store _j_*yii^i_ —^ Hand-tailored bench work i^ i"^x l^Ti^t^iMfi—^^s clothes that are made by f^L^T l_i/^P^^Mr^ft tailors "who turn out /vlvTl ml clothing second to none. / p^M B**/\s*k't* < VmW&Z^tm $1 MfA (r\Wp*L ' iV'f _Pl TaV Bal _W ■ B r,x. By n,^ vP Jft 1 /.O\J §jßmm%J*fc'r V § A.— Wfym/ -■— ————— . // T^ vi^3?_Ml __AND // r^^R For Suits that you pay -|^ M#B&&^Jira-' --$15.00 and $20.00 for else- WJjjk mTjM a-—-——»-—--»■———■—■—-—— ——— ' * ——— ' ' ——__4j . • ■'■'.. '■.. ' :•. r' ■•'■:'.- 7 "■.'T'.-""':!*r-':?';-'rV. i""*-\!': ; '..'■": v ' ■■■'■'■':.■. A bright, new,"clean stock for you to choose from. Sole agents for the Kingsbury Hat—Beats any $5.00 in town, and sold , "'J77". •"'■ ■ ■;.-" - " here for $3.00. l'F'% r : 1323 Pacific Aye., Corner Fourteenth St. • CHICAGO I 1 Chicago Dentists I Dr. SLAYDEN Eve Specialists hmu pscm* a»«. „ _ . osteopath 3 -"»*«-* Phones. Graduate from tbe KlrkvlUs »8S GLASSES FOR fl ■.^ op^7i^OTT«ia-* I "School « Osteopathy. , 888 Provident Bldg.: I OPBM i*™*™™ ; -k",,;.| Office 821-8 Fidelity Bldg. . ■ ■■■ ________■_■_ ' -Phone Main 1884. *"*;.•>■-■•.*
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Over the years Manchester United has entered spring chasing a league title, a domestic cup or European glory. Days out to Wembley were common, as was the tension as the Reds sought to tie up yet another title. Spring has not been so kind in recent years, though, with United having little to shout about since the spring of 2013 when the Reds wrapped up a record-breaking 20th league title on a late April night. Yet, on Saturday, United’s supporters will find themselves walking down Wembley Way once again, with the hope of FA Cup glory firmly on the mind. For once, the international break was a welcome distraction, and not just an unnecessary fixture in the calendar. Manchester United supporters enjoyed work, head held high, knowing the team couldn’t let them down – and with a glow of recent victory over Manchester City still fresh. All good things must come to an end though and the Premier League returns with United welcoming Everton to Old Trafford, chasing fourth, and with it a Champions League spot. So poor is Wayne Rooney in matches against former club Everton that is tempting to suggest Manchester United is effectively rendered one man short. The Scouser has scored just four times in 18 games against the Toffees and not at Goodison Park since 2007. Indeed, Rooney has suffered plenty of indignity at his former ground, once being substituted by Sir Alex Ferguson in 2008 for fear of an imminent red card, and left out of the matchday squad altogether on another occasion. Yet Rooney’s form is also in such poor form this season that some fans have come to view the striker’s demotion to the bench as necessary, if not yet inevitable given the captain’s special privileges under manager Louis van Gaal. Rooney has scored five times since August, although three came against Belgian side Club Brugge and another versus Ipswich Town in the Capital One Cup. Just once has Rooney found the net in the Premier League this season. There have been far more inept displays from the striker, including a fortnight ago at Arsenal. Rooney missed two England games during the international break, and the player’s lack of “match rhythm” met yet give Van Gaal cause to drop his captain with a political safety net in place. Not that the Dutchman appears to hold any less faith in the 29-year-old despite a series of woeful performances this season. Indeed, Van Gaal gave short shrift to media questions about Rooney’s form during his regular Friday press conference. “His average is not so good [against Everton] so it’s getting time that he changed that pattern. I’m a manager who analyses opponents and gives him advice as to how we can disorganise Everton’s defence and then maybe he can score,” said Van Gaal on Friday. “For me it is not so important who is scoring. We have scored a lot of goals. In the beginning your criticism was we don’t score goals but now we’ve scored a lot of goals and you’re picking up an individual player and I don’t like that. He’s our captain so that’s very important because his influence is bigger than every other player in our group.” United began the season struggling to create and convert chances, although Anthony Martial’s introduction has proven to be a catalyst for more effective attacking performances in recent weeks. The youngster has scored four in seven games for his new club, although his performances have merited greater praise still. United scored twice against Wolfsburg in the Champions League, three at home to Sunderland, another three against Ipswich, three at Southampton and three at home to Liverpool. All since Martial joined in early September. “Have we created enough chances?” Van Gaal asked. “Yes, I think so. I think we have chances to score in every game. Also against Arsenal, after the first 20 minutes we have created a lot of chances. It’s not a given in every team that you can create a lot of chances at 3-0 down and we did it, so that’s the positive thing. But of course it’s very important that out of your chances you score and against Arsenal we didn’t.” That defeat at Arsenal has prompted something of an internal debate at the club, with United starting the game slowly and – despite the manager’s claim – rarely threatening to get back into the match, albeit the Reds put in a more positive performance in the second period. United’s midfield axis of Bastian Schweinsteiger and Michael Carrick struggled at the Emirates – though much was down to Van Gaal’s odd tactical demands. The German was pushed high up the pitch, too often leaving Carrick to contend with three mobile Arsenal midfielders. United suffered a similarly cataclysmic defeat at Everton last April, with Rooney particularly ineffective – an seemingly uninterested – as United slipped to a 3-0 defeat on Merseyside. It is a result Van Gaal will want to avenge, especially in light of United’s performance in North London a fortnight ago. “We are always evaluating ourselves and we cannot accept that,” van Gaal told reporters of United’s performance at Arsenal. “You have to behave like a champion. You have to improve yourself so that in the future you can be the champion. You have to improve every time, which is what I am saying. I have analysed over the two weeks and that is awful when you have such a result. We have spoken about this and that it can’t happen again. ” Meanwhile, Everton manager Roberto Martinez described last season’s result at Goodison as “comfortable in everything we wanted to do.” It is a damning assessment of United’s ineptitude that day. Everton’s results are on the up after a difficult start to the campaign, with the Spaniard’s team now unbeaten in seven games – a sequence that includes victory over Chelsea at Goodison and a draw in the Merseyside derby last time out. Martinez’ side was probably unfortunate not to secure victory in Brendan Rodgers’ last game as Liverpool manager. Still, the Spaniard is counting on a raucous Goodison crowd to earn the home side victory on Saturday. Recent history is with the Toffees – Everton has beaten United on the last three occasions at Goodison. A fourth is unthinkable for Van Gaal and his captain. “Goodison probably gets at its very best [against United], and when Goodison pushes you with that energy and that voice, as a player you feel the difference, and as a team you feel you can cope with anything that you get in front of you.” Team news and line-ups Van Gaal is likely to select Rooney at number 10, with the striker recovered from a minor injury that kept him out of two international games in the past week. Carrick and Schweinsteiger are also fit, as is Phil Jones, who played for England in midweek. The Dutchman could pair Jones with Chris Smalling in central defence, with Daley Blind moving to left-back and Matteo Darmian starting on the right. Although the combination of that quartet could also see three players start outside their normal roles. Stand-in full-back Ashley Young is unfit with a thigh problem and Marcos Rojo not yet fully fit. “Wayne Rooney, I think he can play and Michael Carrick can play as well,” said van Gaal. “I was very pleased with Jones. He has played for me two times for 15 or 20 minutes. Then he plays for the England team. When I want to select him I can select him for the line-up.” Meanwhile, Paddy McNair suffered a ruptured kidney as Northern Ireland qualified for Euro 2016 and will miss United’s trip to Everton. Rojo and Ander Herrera trained in Manchester during the international break and should be part of the match-day squad, although neither is likely to start. “They were injured and they have a rehabilitation period behind their back and everything went well,” Van aal told MUTV. “They are also fit to play – maybe not 90 minutes but you never know.” John Stones and Seamus Coleman should return for the home side, while former Red Tom Cleverley is also fit. Steven Pienaar and Kevin Mirallas are available after suspension. Everton subs from: Joel, Browning, Funes Mori, Holgate, Oviedo, Gibson, Lennon, McGeady, Mirallas, Osman, Kone United subs from: Romero, Rojo, Pereira, Fellaini, Schweinsteiger, Herrera, Lingard, Valencia, Wilson Referee: Jonathan Moss Assistants: A Halliday, D Cann Fourth Official: R Madley Everton 1-1 United £1 bet club Wayne Rooney to be sent off at 25/1 Match graphic by @cole007 He is, said one prominent journalist around this time last year, a “strange player.” Possessing neither the technical skill that is typical of an attacking player at a top club, nor the defensive instincts required to lock down a place in David Moyes’ central midfield, Marouane Fellaini has, somehow, become a central figure at Manchester United this season. Indeed, the Belgian returns to Everton this weekend as the central narrative in this weekend’s action and a key player in United’s recent revival. Fellaini’s impact has been significant – particularly over the last eight matches – although it is one found not in the data. After all, the Belgian neither scores goals, creates them, nor boasts a pass completion rate among the best in United’s squad. Yet, the Belgian has struck up a strong relationship with Ashley Young and Daley Blind on United’s left-flank – one part of the “balance” manager Louis van Gaal has been seeking all season. He has become a plan B atypical to the plethora of technical players in United’s squad. Despite Fellaini’s improvement there is also the view that the Belgian is highly unlikely to be such a key figure a year from now. After all, Van Gaal’s pragmatic approach to locking down a place in the Champions League has enabled Fellaini to overcome a difficult first year at the club; the Dutchman’s challenge is now to win trophies at domestic and European level. It is goal to which many believe Fellaini ill-suited. Still, with this weekend’s opponent’s Everton is strong form after a difficult campaign it is set to be a game that tests United’s resolve after defeat at Chelsea. The Belgian remains central to United’s cause as the Reds visit Fellaini’s old stomping ground. “I asked him today and he said ‘it’s a game’, but I think he doesn’t want to admit it,” van Gaal told MUTV of Fellaini’s return to Merseyside. “He is very dry in his answers but I believe it shall be a special game. I hope that the fans receive him like the Chelsea fans received Juan Mata, because I like that very much.” “Every player who is playing for Manchester United has qualities. I believe Marouane Fellaini has qualities and we want the qualities of Fellaini to dominate in a team. I believe that we are doing that and that’s why his performances are better now.” Meanwhile, the hosts have found some form in recent weeks, with victories over Burnley, Southampton, Queens Park Rangers and Newcastle United. It is a run that has lifted the Toffees into mid table and away from a potential relegation battle. One that has been achieved in Roberto Martínez’ characteristic pass-and-move style – a philosophy Van Gaal seemingly admires. “Everton are playing much better and I think that’s because of the manager having a philosophy,” added van Gaal. “When the players believe in that, they can improve. I am always communicating with my players about philosophy, about performance, about attitude, about behaviour. “That is very important. He sticks to the same philosophy and I believe his players are believing in him and also that philosophy. At the end, you can see it.” On the pitch Van Gaal is likely to be without Phil Jones, Marcos Rojo and Michael Carrick for the short trip east, although Daley Blind could return. The Dutchman enjoyed a productive spell at left-back in recent weeks, but may be drafted into midfield at Goodison, with Wayne Rooney returning to a striking role. Indeed, with Radamel Falcao suffering another difficult game at Stamford Bridge, the Colombian could find a place on the bench awaits. It has been the on-loan striker’s role for much of a campaign that has yielded just four goals. Jonny Evans is available after suspension and could come in to the side, although Paddy McNair excelled at Stamford Bridge last week. Meanwhile, Rafael da Silva, who has been out of the team for months anyway, may have played his last game for the club after suffering a broken rib with the under-21s this week. The Brazilian is expected to move on this summer after seven years with the club. “For you, I shall say it is Daley Blind, but there is a question mark,” said the Dutchman when asked about his players’ availability this weekend. “Rafael, it is unbelievable. He has broken his ribs so he shall not play anymore this season for Manchester United very unfortunately. Januzaj is not such a heavy injury.” Meanwhile, Martínez is without Steven Pienaar, who is struggling with a muscle problem, although Leon Osman and James McCarthy are fit to play. Everton’s decent form in recent weeks has come after a period in which the Merseysiders flirted with the relegation zone after achieving European qualification last season. Martinez’ side is unbeaten at home in all competitions in 2015 and the team has won its last three Premier League matches at Goodison Park without conceding. Martínez suffered predictable criticism for Everton’s poor form through the autumn and winter – and finds much simpatico with his opposite number’s challenges. “It wasn’t easy to find the right formula at Manchester United after Sir Alex Ferguson retired,” Martínez said. “I think what has been really interesting is how long it took to find the right formula but how competitive the team was all through that period. “When we faced them at Old Trafford in October, if someone had said they would be favourites to finish above the champions, Manchester City, this season, I don’t think you would have believed it. That shows you the incredible turnaround. I do think United will finish strong this season and they are capable of challenging for everything next season.” Still, Goodison Park has not always been a happy place for United in recent years – the Toffees are looking for a third consecutive home win over Manchester United. This time last season a ‘Grim Reaper’ was ejected from Goodison Park as United slipped to yet another defeat – a publicity stunt, albeit one that said much in Moyes’ last game at the club. One year on and there has been genuine progress, with plenty of credit due to an unlikely source. Fellaini will surely enjoy his moment on Sunday. Everton (4-2-3-1): Howard; Coleman, Stones, Jagielka, Baines; Lennon, Barry, McCarthy, Barkley, Miralla; Lukaku United (4-1-4-1): De Gea; Valencia, Smalling, McNair, Shaw; Blind; Mata, Herrera, Fellaini, Young; Rooney Everton: Robles, McGeady, Distin, Garbutt, Besic, Atsu, Alcaraz, Koné, Osman, Naismith United: Valdes, Rafael, Blackett, Evans, Januzaj, Lingard, Perreira, Wilson, Di Maria, Falcao, Van Persie Everton 65 – Draw 42 – United 82 Referee: Andre Marriner Assistants: S Ledger, D Bryan Fourth Official: R Madley Everton 0-2 United £1 bet club United to win 2-0 @ 10/1 Running total: £9.50 up! At some point later this season, with Manchester United comfortably qualified for the Champions League, and Louis van Gaal’s name ringing around Old Trafford, the late summer will seem like a distant memory. Not a good one for United’s medical team, but one long forgotten nonetheless. Such is the enduring list of absentees that engulfs Van Gaal’s squad these days. There is little to lighten the mood at Old Trafford as Everton visit on Sunday – especially with much change in the backroom where Tony Strudwick has effectively been demoted in favour of Dutch fitness coach Jos van Dijk, while United has sought to also limit physio Rod Thornley’s involvement with the England set-up. Whatever the cause of the an extended injury crisis Van Gaal is not prepared to stand still. Without eight injured players on Sunday, Van Gaal must also adjust for Wayne Rooney’s absence, with the club captain sitting out the next three matches after taking a crude hack at Stuart Downing last the weekend. The Scouser has apparently apologised to his team-mates for the error which provoked a first Premier League red in five years, although as ever with Rooney, the fans didn’t feature in the behind closed doors mea culpa. On the pitch United’s manager is likely to bring Juan Mata back into the fold after the Spaniard was dropped last weekend, while youngster Patrick McNair keeps his place. There is little choice with three central defenders still injured and the Dutchman reluctant to field two left-footed players – Marcos Rojo and Tyler Blackett – in the heart of United’s back-four. McNair’s selection is, of course, also a vote in confidence after the Irishman’s positive debut against West Ham United – one that leads to the Dutchman fielding another youthful defensive line against Everton this weekend. “We still have three central defenders injured so [McNair] shall play,” said Van Gaal on Friday. “He is the only player who can play in the right-sided defensive position. I chose him last week and he was very good. It’s difficult for a player like him to maintain that level – that is his biggest challenge. “We have eight injuries and one red card so nine players are not available. It’s difficult to explain. You can be fit but not match fit – that’s a big difference. For example, Ander Herrera is fit but he cannot play because of his rib pressure. Marouane Fellaini has trained for one week but is not fit to play 90 minutes.” McNair’s retention is Blackett’s loss. The 20-year-old Mancunia featured in five Premier League games this season before suspension against the Hammers – and faces an uncertain immediate future in Van Gaal’s side with Phil Jones and Chris Smalling both nearing fitness. The Leicester City aberration aside, Blackett has also been United’s most consistent defender this season. In that there is, of course, some irony – that youth products such as Blackett and McNair should feature so heavily in the thinking after the club spent some £150 million on new players during the summer transfer window. It is a chance that both have taken impressively. “I want to play in every game and I am trying to impress the manager enough to keep my place,” Blackett told the official website. “Now that I have played a few games, it is one of those situations when you are hungry for more. There is healthy competition among the defenders. We have banter in training and we are all pushing each other to improve. We all want to succeed.” Elsewhere Van Gaal must find a midfield combination without Ander Herrera, who broke a rib against West Ham. One of Adnan Januzaj and Darren Fletcher is likely to come into the side alongsidevDaley Blind and Angel Di Maria. Fletcher offers United greater defensive presence, although the Scotsman is patently unlikely to ever reach his former level, while Januzaj is yet to start a fixture this season. Much, no doubt, to the Belgian youngster’s frustration. It is a pattern that points to Fletcher taking up the captaincy on Sunday. Not least with Van Gaal required to protect United’s fragile defence. “I want my defensive organisation to be better,” said the Dutchman. “It’s teamwork, so when we concede a goal it’s not only because of an individual error from the defence. It starts somewhere else and that is what we have to analyse and improve. “We have a lot of creative attacking players in our selection and I like that but I also like to think that you have the discipline to come back in a certain shape because now we have conceded too many goals.” Meanwhile, Roberto Martinez’ side arrives having suffered an equally difficult opening six games of the season, although manager the Spaniard will point to mitigating circumstances. Everton has certainly played better than a record of one win in six Premier League games suggests. Martinez’ strategy at Old Trafford is helped little by Everton’s Europa League campaign, with the Merseysiders returning from a fixture against FK Krasnodar in the small hours of Friday morning. It cannot but have a debilitating effect despite the Spaniard’s upbeat demeanour. “The kick-off time is a bit of a disappointment because every hour you can get is a bonus, but we don’t see that as an excuse or reason to moan,” said Martinez. “We just have to have the right mentality in every game we go into. I don’t see it as a problem at all. We’re fully focused on facing Manchester United, a team we respect massively as a really good attacking force. In my eyes, they are going to do big things this season.” Meanwhile, Everton forward Kevin Mirallas suffered a hamstring tear and is out for a month, while Seamus Coleman and James McCarthy are unlikely to feature. McCarthy has a muscle strain, suffered in the draw with Liverpool last weekend, while Coleman has recovered from concussion, but has a soft tissue problem. Steven Pienaar could come back into the side, but Ross Barkley is again missing. Former United midfielder Darron Gibson is likely to be on the bench. Still, this is an Everton team that completed the double over United last season. The underwhelming start to the new campaign is surely a blip rather than the norm. Indeed, Everton has won three of their last four games against the Reds, including the 1-0 victory over David Moyes’ at Old Trafford last season. Despite the difficult start Everton is also a club on the up – one revitalised by Martinez where Moyes brought only negativity and rancour to United. It is also an institution seeking a higher platform despite the restrictions on the budget imposed by an ageing Goodison Park. European football is both a blessing and a curse. Which brings us neatly back to United – where the curse of injury has little blessing this season. United (4-1-2-1-2): de Gea; Rafael, McNair, Rojo, Shaw; Blind; Fletcher, Di Maria; Mata; Van Persie, Falcao Everton (4-3-3): Howard; Hibbert, Stones, Jagielka, Baines; Pienaar, Barry, Belsic; Naismith, Lukaku, McGeady United: Lindegaard, Blackett, Vermijl, Thorpe, Janko, Pereira, Fellaini, Valencia, Anderson, Januzaj Everton: Robles, Atsu, Alcaraz, Distin, Koné, Oviedo, Garbutt, Osman, Gibson, Long, Hope, McAlney, Browning, Eto’o United 81- Draw 42 – Everton 65 Referee: Kevin Friend Assistants: M McDonough, S Burt Fourth Official: C Pawson United 1-1 Everton £1 bet club Mata to open the scoring @ 7/1 Running total: £(-)7 It is the longest running saga in Manchester United’s history – the 188th time the Reds have faced Everton since the teams first met in 1892. Everton hammered Newton Heath 6-0 at Goodison Park that September to set up an unbeaten run against ‘United’ that would last 15 years. More than a century on and the narrative is very different, of course, but rare are the occasions in the modern era when the Toffees hold the upper hand. United visit Goodison on Sunday, but this time with the hosts nine points clear and riding the crest of new manager Roberto Martinez’ wave. Chasing a spot in the Champions League, Evertonians now talk of the belief and positivity the Spaniard has brought during his year in charge. That is to say little of the rapid metamorphosis in style Everton has undergone this season. It is an observation in stark contrast to United, with David Moyes’ side arriving in north Liverpool with little to play for as the season winds down. The Reds’ 14 defeats across four competitions ensures Moyes remains under the kind of pressure Martinez distinctly does not. This is, after all, not only a narrative about Everton and United, but Martinez and Moyes. United’s new manager suffers ill for the comparison. Indeed, while Moyes spoke on Friday about the “legacy” he had left at Goodison Park after more than a decade in charge, Martinez was quick to remind just how far United has fallen – and that Moyes’ assertion that Sir Alex Ferguson left him with an ageing squad does not sit well against the backdrop of an 11 point Premier League victory just a year ago. In truth, while Martinez has taken Moyes’ squad and actively sought to improve, the Scot has instilled an alien aura of negativity at Old Trafford. One that deeply frustrates. This is, after all, the English champion club; one now reduced to competing for sixth place and a spot in next season’s Europa League – Europe’s second tier competition. “They are still the league champions and they haven’t lost anyone,” said Martinez pointedly on Friday. “It’s the opposite. They have two players on top. United’s squad is bigger and better than people are trying to make out. Who are these United veterans? Rio Ferdinand? How many games has Rio played? Not many and Ryan Giggs hasn’t played many, either. You could look at Chelsea and say they are more of an ageing squad. In football, not everything is straightforward. “An ageing squad if you win becomes an experienced squad with knowhow. If you lose, it becomes the players have no legs. It’s something in between those extremes. You look at Chelsea, title contenders, but squad-wise worse than United.” It is an observation that hurts all the more for its truth. Yet, it is not only results that split the two managers this season, but a fundamental approach to the game. Martinez seeks big goals – and to achieve them in the spirit of adventure that has come to define his career. Moyes, by contrast, is a reactionary; grounding United’s approach in an attempt to mitigate opponents’ strengths. Practically, this explains Martinez’ belief that Everton could qualify for the Champions League through incremental improvements over the season. And an absolute belief in a style of play that has rarely failed to impress this season even when results have not gone Everton’s way. “The two managers are totally different, in every way,” left-back Leighton Baines told the Guardian. “They both have things they are really good at but with the current manager, he’s ultra-positive. He takes the positive from every single scenario. That’s been the big thing for me: the difference in the style of play, committing to that and not feeling like we have to adapt to the opposition. “The new manager has that confidence and belief in himself, in his own blueprint. And then in us. He tells us we’re not going to change, we’re just going to improve constantly. He spoke about the Champions League from the start.” Moyes, by contrast, was quick to dismiss the comparison with Martinez. “First of all, the game is not about me, it’s about Everton and Manchester United,” he told the press on Friday. Little wonder, but with United nine points adrift of Everton, and suffering a 37-point swing from last season, it is a comparison that Moyes cannot win either. Still, United travel to Goodison having revived domestic fortunes over recent weeks. There were four scored against both Newcastle United and Aston Villa, while the Reds have not conceded a Premier League goal away from home since defeat to Stoke City in February. Everton, meanwhile, suffered home defeat to Crystal Palace in midweek. It was not a fatal blow to the Toffees’ hopes of qualifying for the Champions League, but in the context of a tough run-in, devastating nonetheless. On the pitch, United take former Evertonians Wayne Rooney and Marouane Fellaini in the matchday squad. However, Robin van Persie remains on the sidelines and may not play again this season. Jonny Evans could make the bench, but Rafael da Silva is definitely out. Defensive injuries mean that both Chris Smalling and Phil Jones will probably start, while in attack Moyes must decide whether to stick with the trio of Juan Mata, Adnan Januzaj and Shinji Kagawa that so impressed against Newcastle. It seems likely that the latter pair will find a place only on the bench. Martinez, meanwhile, is unlikely to recall captain Phil Jagielka, who is not yet match fit following injury. However, James McCarthy has recovered from a muscle problem and will start after missing the midweek defeat to Palace. Alongside, Moyes, Rooney and Fellaini, former Evertonians Phil Neville, Steve Round, Jimmy Lumsden and Chris Woods also return to Goodison. The focus, of course, is on Moyes. After 11 largely successful seasons at Goodison there has been significant revisionism among Everton’s supporters this season. It is perhaps the effect of Moyes’ downbeat approach in contrast to Martinez’ positivity. There appears little love lost for Moyes at Goodison, who may well receive a mixed response. “The roles that Marouane Fellaini and Phil Neville and David Moyes have, they are well-known figures at Everton, they’ll always be respected, but they’ll be respected after the final whistle,” said Martinez. “Now they’re representing Manchester United and that cannot be a nice atmosphere.” Everton v Manchester United, Premier League, Goodison Park, 4.10pm, 20 April 2014 Everton (4-2-3-1): Howard; Delanney, Stones, Distin, Baines; McCarthey, Barry; Deulofeu, Barkley, Mirallas; Lukaku United (4-4-1-1): De Gea; Jones, Vidić, Smalling, Evra; Valencia, Fellaini, Carrick, Welbeck; Mata; Rooney Everton: Robles, Hibbert, Garbutt, Jagielka, Browning, Alcaraz, Gueye, McGeady, Osman, Naismith United: Lindegaard, Evans, Büttner, Ferdinand, Cleverley, Fletcher, Kagawa, Nani, Young, Giggs, Januzaj, Hernández Head to Head Everton 64 Draw 42 United 81 Referee: Mark Clattenburg Assistants: G Beswick, S Beck Fourth Official: C Pawson Join the discussion here! There is a strange penchant in the modern game to overplay a rendezvous with former employers, although this is, of course, the very situation that David Moyes, his coaching staff, and Marouane Fellaini face on Wednesday night. Yet, it will somehow seem very strange if Moyes doesn’t vigorously celebrate victory, should it come against Everton at Old Trafford. There is respect and then there are three points in a Premier League season that could rapidly fall away from United if the Reds cannot find greater consistency in the weeks to come. Indeed, while the Reds face Everton in Manchester, leaders Arsenal host Hull City in what could become a pivotal pre-Christmas round of matches. Nine points the gap, six or possibly 12 are the very real scenarios that face Moyes’ outfit ahead of Wednesday’s fixtures. And while no trophies are won in December, the old cliché that they can be lost is not so far from the truth. Still, Moyes’ side is now unbeaten in 12 and faces six winnable league fixtures before the year is out. It is an opportunity that United must grasp if the Premier League title is to be retained this season. First, though, Roberto Martinez’ outfit arrives at Old Trafford on a six match unbeaten run and playing some of the best football the club has produced in years. In that there is no little irony ahead of a game that Moyes claims means no more than any other, although after a decade at Everton Moyes will find vocal support in the visitors section. “I’m not an emotional person and, in truth, I’d rather just get on with the game,” said Moyes on Tuesday. “I’ve got great respect for Everton, their chairman, their players and their supporters but from my point of view I’m Manchester United manager now. “I had a great time at Everton. It was a great club for me at the time in my career when I left Preston North End. They were fabulous to me. They gave me a chance to succeed at the club the best I could. “I’ve got to say Roberto’s gone in and done a really good job and kept it going. All I know is that I’m manager of Manchester United. I’ve got respect for Everton, but from my point of view I’m United manager now and I don’t think they’d expect anything different.” On the pitch United must recover from an entertaining draw at Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday, but one that saw the Reds slip further behind in the title race. While a point gained in the capital comes with plenty of merit, United’s situation in the table now demands a run of victories secured. After all, it may be 12 unbeaten, but in that run there have been five draws. It is a level of form that if replicated across the league season might bring less than 80 points, and the title surely departing Old Trafford. Still, at least Sunday’s draw brought no fresh injuries, while Robin van Persie is likely to return against the Toffees. Moyes welcomes back with some relief one of three key players to have missed recent matches, along with Michael Carrick and Nemanja Vidić. In the Dutchman’s frequent absence this season Wayne Rooney has once again taken on the mantle of United’s talisman. The Scouser has also struck up an exciting if embryonic partnership with playmaker Shinji Kagawa. That duo is likely to be broken up at Old Trafford, with Moyes also considering changes elsewhere in the team ahead of a hectic December schedule. Newcastle United comes to Old Trafford at the weekend, with a pivotal European fixture against Shakhtar Donetsk to follow. Elsewhere Nani, Adnan Januzaj, Ryan Giggs and Marouanne Fellini will all hope to be involved against Everton after missing out of United’s game in north London. However, Phil Jones is suspended for one match after picking up five yellow cards this season, meaning at least one change in central midfield. Meanwhile, Matinez’ side arrives in good form having thrashed Stoke City at Goodison on Saturday. The 4-0 victory was inspired by on-loan Barcelona forward Gerard Deulofeu, while Romelu Lukaku scored his eighth goal of an increasing productive season. Everton’s run leaves the Toffees fourth in the Premier League table, with a renewed believe that victory at Old Trafford is very obtainable and a negative approach now a thing of the past. “This week will have a huge bearing on our season,” said Martinez, whose side faces United and then Arsenal this week. “It would be very easy for me to play it down but we are going to go to Old Trafford and the Emirates. They are games that we are not expected to win but, clearly, if we want to achieve something special, we need to be able to break the mentality of going to the big grounds and getting some wins. “Over the last 10 years we have not beaten Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool at their grounds and we need to address that. We need to make sure we are ourselves. We need to know how we are going to play and who we are.” Everton arrives with no new injuries, although Leighton Baines – the subject of three bids from United in the summer – misses out with a broken toe. Bryan Oviedo, who started only his second league game for Everton at the weekend, again plays at left-back. Martinez is likely to retain the three-man forward line, with Deulofeu and Steven Pienaar flanking Belgian striker Lukaku in a potent attack. Indeed, Deulofeu and Lukaka might well form the most dangerous on-loan forward lines in Europe, albeit in a niche category. Yet, this is smart business that could still fire Everton in to Europe next season despite the Merseyside club operating with far less income than the ‘big four’ of United, Manchester City, Chelsea and Arsenal. “We need to be realistic. There are six clubs with six incredible budgets and we need to be different in the way we play,” admitted Martinez, who reacted angrily to United’s £28 million bid for Fellaini and Baines in August. “Unless you experiment with that on the pitch you will never be able to beat teams with bigger budgets. If you are going to be brave and try to win games then you need to be flexible as a player and as a team. That is the attitude we have had from the beginning. We have had one defeat in 13. The next test and the next challenge is can we go to the big places like the Old Trafford, the Emirates, Anfield and Stamford Bridge and get wins?” It is a scenario that Old Trafford will not countenance; one in which United’s title dreams might lie of the altar of hope. After all, while Arsenal’s form might well tail off after Christmas, it might also take a poor run from Chelsea and City for United to retain the title. But only if the Reds keep on dropping points, of course.s Manchester United v Everton, Premier League, Old Trafford, 8pm, 3 December 2013 United (4-4-1-1): De Gea; Smalling, Evans, Vidić, Evra; Cleverley, Fellaini; Nani, Rooney, Kagawa; van Persie. Subs from: Lindegaard, Fabio, Buttner, Rafael, Ferdinand, Anderson, Young, Valencia, Giggs, Januzaj, Welbeck, Hernández Everton (4-5-1): Howard; Coleman, Jagielka, Distin, Oviedo; Barry, McCarthy, Osman; Deulofeu, Lukaku, Pienaar. Subs from: Robles, Hibbert, Heitinga, Jelavic, Mirallas, Barkley, Stones United 81 Draw 42 Everton 63 Referee: Martin Atkinson Assistants: S Burt, H Lennard Fourth Official: R Madley “It’s ridiculous to think,” said Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson ahead of United’s 2-0 victory over the Toffees on Sunday. “That we play on the Sunday and Real Madrid play on the Saturday with that extra day’s rest.” Thus grew a thousand headlines – and whether Ferguson’s “anger” at the Premier League’s Faustian pact with Sky television is genuine or merely another tabloid circus, there is little doubt United’s manager has a point. While Real rolled over mid-table Sevilla far shy of breaking sweat on Saturday, Ferguson’s side faced a relentlessly physical encounter with with David Moyes ever-rugged Everton at Old Trafford 24 hours later. It is not the first occasion on which Ferguson’s has openly criticised match scheduling ahead of a key European tie – and unlikely the last. After all, matches have long been scheduled not when they are most appropriate for supporters, nor indeed managers, but peak viewing times. In the age of multi-billion pound contracts this devil has strong pull. “We are not giving our teams a chance to be successful in Europe, but there’s nothing you can do about it,” continued Sir Alex. “It’s nothing to do with the FA, it’s the Premier League. They agreed a contract with TV and they’re in control. You can’t reject it. What can you do? Not turn up? I’d love to do that! “I’ve complained about and it and you’ve heard my complaints. Do you think they listen? Other countries do make sacrifices for their top teams in Europe.” In lieu of the extra rest United fly out to Madrid on Tuesday with Ferguson having taken the bold move to deploy a strong side against Everton on Sunday. While many expected the Scot to risk a weaker side against Moyes’ outfit, Sir Alex takes significant credit in changing his mind after Manchester City’s collapse at Southampton on Saturday evening. Ferguson’s infallible logic, shared by many supporters, was that victory over Everton would be a significant step towards English title number 20. His players responded in kind, with right-back Rafael da Silva superb in shackling Steven Pienaar, and Phil Jones inseparable from United’s erstwhile tormentor Marouane Fellaini. Up front Wayne Rooney roamed with delicious menace, and Robin van Persie pulled Everton’s defence apart with his now customary movement. There was none of the nervousness of last April, when United lost two goals against Everton in the final seven minutes to blow victory, and with it the league title. Instead, the reward for Ferguson’s audacity is a healthy lead in the Premier League and an opportunity to rest players later in the season should United remain in contention on three fronts. “I was going to make about seven changes but when I got the result, I felt this was a more important game for us because it could give us a comfortable lead,” Ferguson told Sky Sports. “We can make changes later on in the season. It is realistic; we knew that if we got a good result today then we’d be in a positive position. We have got to win our games anyway, so it didn’t matter what happened to City on Saturday. That’s the way we should look at it and I’ve been saying that for week. If we concentrate on our own game then we’ll be okay.” Meanwhile, Madrid hammered Sevilla 4-1 at the Bernabéu on Saturday, with former Red Cristiano Ronaldo claiming yet another Real hat-trick – his 36th, 37th, and 38th goals of storming campaign. Ronaldo’s second, a long-range left-footed drive after a dribble that took out three Sevilla defenders, will remind United’s supporters, if any is required, of just how much damage the Portuguese forward can inflict. Ferguson may well deploy Jones to nullify Ronaldo’s threat; in this mood there is little anybody can do. In keeping with Ferguson, Real manager José Mourinho picked a strong side to face Unai Emery’s struggling outfit. Ronaldo started the fixture alongside Gonzalo Higuian, Karim Benzema and Káká in a multi-talented attacking unit. Not that Mourinho has a league title to concern him, with Real now 16 points behind Barcelona in La Liga. Defeat to Granada last weekend, in which Ronaldo scored the first own goal of his career, sealed Madrid’s fate if any doubt remained in an increasingly one-sided Spanish title race. Indeed, it is Europe that offers the Portuguese coach his best chance of salvation this season, with Real facing Barcelona in the Copa Del Rey semi-final second leg later this month having drawn the opening game 1-1 at Bernabéu. Little wonder Mournho is relishing the United tie, with the 50-year-old seeking to eclipse his old friend Ferguson in claiming a third Champions League crown. “It is the match the world is waiting for,” Mourinho told MUTV with the coach’s customary flamboyance. “People think we are under pressure because a big team will be out. But it is the kind of match we want and the people are not waiting for any other game. I hope we give them what they want.” The two managers met at Old Trafford after the Reds completed victory over Everton, with Mourinho in Manchester to scout United ahead of next week’s Champions League tie. “I feel privileged about [the meeting] because he is such an important person in the world of football and, more importantly, he is good person. “I have always had a fantastic relationship with him and I am proud of it. We have had so many matches between us which started with Porto. We had some with Chelsea, Inter and now Real. Of course, I want to win and he wants to win, but I believe the loser will have a little bit of space to feel a little bit happy because of the friendship.” The advantage lies with Real, of course, and not just because of the extra rest. Los Merengues haven’t lost at home in more than 30 matches. It is a statistic that places United’s task in context, 24 hours additional rest or otherwise. Ferguson may regret deploying so many of his stars against Everton if a jaded team suffers defeat at Bernabéu, but with the title now within reach few supporters will concur. “When you shake hands with the devil you have to pay the price,” Ferguson once said of English football’s deal with Sky. But it is the hell of City’s title triumph that fans, and Ferguson it seems, recalled with sharp focus on Sunday. Three days ahead of Manchester United’s trip to face Real Madrid in Spain, supporters might be forgiven for having one eye on the Champions League Round of 16 clash next Wednesday. After all, this is a match between two of Europe’s most storied institutions, and a first meeting in almost a decade. Sir Alex Ferguson, José Mourinho; Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney – a selection of the world’s finest managerial and playing talent that is certain to capture global attention. United’s players, however, can ill afford to look beyond Sunday. Not least with United fighting to regain the Premier League title from neighbours Manchester City, whose defeat to Southampton on Saturday proffers the Reds an opportunity to open up a 12 point lead. Yet, with Everton at Old Trafford this weekend, and memories of last season’s capitulation against the Merseysiders still fresh, it is far from clear which is the biggest game of the week ahead. United’s 4-4 draw with Everton on 22 April last season, after holding a two-goal lead with just seven minutes to spare, eventually contributed heavily to a Premier League title secured by Roberto Mancini’s City. Together with Everton’s 1-0 victory over United at Goodison Park on the opening day of the season, there is plenty of reason for concern at Old Trafford over the fixture. Still, the expediency of two difficult matches inside a few days means that Ferguson is likely to stretch his playing resources against Everton on Sunday, with the United manager insisting that he will trust his full squad over the brace of matches. Given the demands of the European élite, it may the be the tie with Everton where Ferguson delves deepest into his squad. “It will be different teams,” admitted the United manager on Friday. “The team on Sunday will not be the same as the team that plays on Wednesday. I trust the squad of players I have. They are all internationals, they are all good players and there is no reason why I can’t play them. They’re all contributing in their own way and that gives us a better chance of dealing with the various competitions we’re in. “The team is playing well, I’m pleased with their form and I’m pleased that the players we’re changing around, when I’m making different team selections, are buying into it well.” Ferguson at least has a fully fit squad from which to pick, with only shingles-suffering Phil Jones out of contention, while Ashley Young should return to the match-day party following injury. Javier Hernández returned late from international duty with Mexico, but there are few other fitness concerns ahead of Everton’s arrival in Manchester. Paul Scholes may only feature against Madrid with the veteran suffering from a minor knee complaint. “So far everyone has come back fit from their excursions into the rest of the world,” said Sir Alex. “The only one we’re waiting on is Chicharito. I’ve not had anything back that says he’s not fit so I expect everyone to be fit from their games. “On our own front, Ashley Young is fit again, Michael Carrick should be okay and Phil Jones will hopefully be okay, irrespective of Stuart Pearce coming out and declaring he had shingles – which we thought was doctor confidence. We’re disappointed in that, but it’s not anything serious for the boy. It’s a mild condition that has surfaced but he should be okay.” Ferguson faces a number of tough selection choices, particularly in central defence and midfield, where the balance is likely to determine success or failure over two pivotal matches. The Scot may well play just one of Nemanja Vidić and Rio Ferdinand in each of the ties, with the more sprightly Jonny Evans in outstanding form recently. Meanwhile, Chris Smalling could feature against Everton to counter the Merseysiders aerial threat which proved so effective at Goodison Park, even if star midfielder Marouane Fellaini is struggling with a hip injury that caused the international to miss Belgium’s fixture in midweek. Yet, it is to last season’s dramatic title-losing draw with the Toffees that many minds will turn – a significant and traumatic day in United’s recent history. “We were 4-2 up with seven or eight minutes to go,” recalled Ferguson “It was unexpected and we have to anticipate the unexpected in the run-in. That was a bad blow for us and it cost us the league. Everton are very experienced and, if you look at their record, they’ve only lost three games this season. They’re obviously hard to beat.” Meanwhile, Everton will leave a decision over Fellaini until the last moment, while Phil Jagielka looks set to play in defence after recovering from a knock. Tony Hibbert and Seamus Coleman miss out again with injury. David Moyes side arrives having secured a hard-fought draw with Aston Villa last weekend amid a run of seven games without defeat. Indeed, Moyes outfit has lost just once in the past 15 matches. Evidence enough of the challenge facing United this weekend. When Everton scored twice so late at Old Trafford last season Moyes’ side because just the third side during the Premier League era to avoid defeat to United having been two goals adrift – a measure both of United’s failure on the day, and Everton’s late brilliance. “You have to try to have a go at Manchester United,” said Moyes on Friday. “I don’t think you can sit back and allow them to dictate the game. “At times they will be in possession and will get control of the match, and at those times you have to try and see it out. But whenever we can, we will try to make it as awkward as we can for them.” Yet, Everton hasn’t beaten Ferguson’s side at Old Trafford since August 1992 – the season in which the Scot captured his first league title as United manager. In fact history augers well for United despite two poor results against Everton in succession – the Reds have won 15 of the past 20 Premier League home games against Everton, with four matches drawn. Fans will take an extension of that fine record in a match that is far more than a warm-up for a bigger event ahead, even if it takes on a different context with Real to come next week. Manchester United v Everton – Premier League, Old Trafford – 4pm, 10 February 2013 United (4-2-3-1): De Gea; Smalling, Vidić, Evans, Evra; Nani, Cleverley, Carrick, Giggs; Welbeck, Rooney. Subs from: Lindegaard, Rafael, Ferdinand, Büttner, Scholes, Anderson, Valencia, Kagawa, van Persie, Hernández. Everton (4-5-1): Howard; Heitinga, Jagielka, Distin, Baines; Mirallas, Gibson, Neville, Pienaar; Fellaini; Jelavic. Subs from: Mucha, Duffy, Osman, Oviedo, Hitzlsperger, Naismith, Anichebe. Referee: Mark Halsey Assistants: R Ganfield, A Garratt Fourth official: A Marriner Head to Head Last 10: United 4, Everton 2, Draw 4 Overall: United 80, Everton 63, Draw 42 - Wayne Rooney’s recent scoring patch is underlined by some solid statistics, including a shot accuracy rate of 69.9 per cent from 56 attempts this season; - Meanwhile, strike partner Robin van Persie has registering a goal or assist once every 80.8 minutes this season, according to the EA SPORTS Player Performance Index; - Michael Carrick has performed well in both defence and attack this season, leading the squad for passes completed in the opponent’s half with 755 while making 50 interceptions; - Tom Cleverley’s all-round game has improved this season – the midfielder boasts the best tackle success rate in the United squad with 74.2 per cent from 31 attempts; - Marouane Fellaini’s two goals versus Aston Villa last weekend secured Everton a 3-3 draw, but the midfielder has also attempted 80 tackles this season; - Leighton Baines ranks second in the Index for crosses provided with 99; - Midfielder Steven Pienaar has completed 701 passes in the opponent’s half this season, more than any other Everton player; - Phil Jagielka’s tackle success rate of 87.7 per cent from 57 challenges is the best of any central defender in the Premier League. “They don’t like it up ’em!,” Lance-Corporal Jack Jones of 1970s BBC sitcom Dad’s Army fame so often declared. Yet, it wasn’t Jerry, sent packing back to Berlin after invading the home counties, but Manchester United – 19 times champion of England – that was cowed at Goodison Park on Monday night. New season, same old story, as Everton bullied Sir Alex Ferguson’s team into submission. It was oh-so-familar. Defensive injuries, a midfield over-run by a physically superior opponent, and a lack of penetration in attacking areas. Such was the pattern of United’s performance in defeat on Merseyside that many supporters were prone to recall the Reds’ collapse at the back-end of last season. Deja vu? Not half. Yet, for all the trauma of defeat, this is, as the Lance-Corporal might add, no time for panic; a single game into the bright new season, there is much more to come from United. Certainly, Ferguson wasn’t helped by a glut of defensive injuries that robbed his side of four first team centre-backs in Rio Ferdinand, Jonny Evans, Phil Jones and Chris Smalling. The quartet’s return – any of them – cannot come soon enough. Yet, for all the injuries that have enveloped the Scot’s squad in recent months, perhaps even years, United’s problems against Everton ran far deeper. Michael Carrick’s turn at centre-back was a mitigated disaster. After all, despite Carrick’s defensive nous the 30-year-old midfielder was too easily beaten for poor position in and around United’s penalty area. That is to say little of Marouanne Fellaini’s ability to single Carrick out for a through going over in the air. It was little surprise when the Belgian outjumped his marker to score Everton’s winning goal on 57 minutes. But if Carrick’s relative struggles in defence proved to be United’s undoing at a set piece, the player’s absence from midfield was even more keenly felt. Despite his many critics, Carrick’s ability to screen defensively, while recycling possession, is central to what control United exerts in midfield. Without the Geordie, Paul Scholes and Tom Cleverley offered little protection to a back four that contained two midfielders. In that there is also familiarity. Injuries, and the positional juggling that accompanies them, disrupts United’s rhythm. More often than not in midfield. Yet, while more than £40 million was invested in Ferguson’s squad this summer – a not inconsiderable sum by Glazernomic standards – none of it brought in a central midfielder to complement the plethora of injury-prone players already at the manager’s disposal. Indeed, while Scholes and Cleverley put up impressive numbers on the night, helping United to secure around 70 per cent of possession away from home, neither was able to provide a platform for United’s attacking players to turn territory into chances, and opportunities into goals. More worryingly still – and not for the first time in recent years – Ferguson’s team found itself bullied by a physically superior opponent. Marouane Fellaini’s brilliance was complimented by non-stop running from former Reds Phil Neville and Darron Gibson in midfield, and a superbly organised back-four. Further forward, Ferguson can only worry about the fitness, form and – frankly – interest of star striker Wayne Rooney, who had ‘one of those games’ at Goodison Park. The £27 million striker’s performance was mirrored in its mediocrity only by Nani, who is unique among elite players in his ability drop to abject lows with such alarming frequency. None of this is new to supporters. Been there, seen it, got the very well-worn and washed t-shirt. No surprise either that Ferguson used his post-match media duties to deflect attention away from United’s deficiencies, and on to Everton’s direct approach to the game. “I have no criticism of my team tonight, they applied themselves well,” Ferguson told MUTV. “They got their shots on target and our goalkeeper did very well. We had a couple of moments. I thought maybe Danny Welbeck was pushed as he went into the box. That was a big moment and Tom Cleverley had his shot blocked by Phil Jagielka on the line in the second half. We played really good football at times. “Fellaini is a handful. He’s a big, tall, gangly lad and they just lumped the ball towards him all the time. That’s all they did and they worked it from that base. But he got the goal for them so it’s justified.” Yet, there were positives despite United suffering opening day defeat for the first time since 2004. While Cleverley maintained his normal up-beat pass-and-move style, Japanese playmaker Shinji Kagawa impressed with a range of passing and movement in the hole behind Rooney. Both auger well for the remainder of the season. Kagawa in particular had fans intrigued; a player of the type Ferguson has never signed previously, deployed in the central position – floating between midfield and attack – that brought so much joy for Borussia Dortmund in the past two years. Any more of this and Kagawa’s £17 million fee will be the very definition of value. Then there was Robin van Persie, who made a low-key debut as a late second-half substitute, but will surely contribute far more over the next nine months. And it is the role of Ferguson’s new signings that fascinates most, with the 70-year-old manager needing to crowbar Rooney, Kagawa and van Persie into the side, while multiple attacking options compete for what might be just a single remaining place in the side. In this there remains a problem – how to balance plentiful flair, with the need to exert some control in midfield. At Goodison United failed to square that circle, despite enjoying so much possession. But while ball retention may be nine-tenths of the law, United so rarely looked like troubling old-boy Tim Howard in Everton’s goal on Monday night. The question now is both how Ferguson finds the right balance, but perhaps more importantly, how he compromises United’s better players the least. It may be no time to panic, but the after just one game of the new season old failings ring some highly audible alarm bells. Particularly through midfield. A comfortable win over Fulham at Old Trafford next Saturday will go some way to dampening the chorus, but it is unlikely to be the last time this debate is aired over the season.
{ "date": "2016-07-27T21:05:34Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257827079.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071027-00020-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9558412432670593, "token_count": 13466, "url": "http://www.unitedrant.co.uk/tag/everton/" }
The Canadian military has launched a formal investigation after a racially charged video was leaked to CBC News. The video features an unidentified member of Canadian Forces Base Greenwood in Nova Scotia. The man is in brown makeup and wearing a turban, pretending to be Osama bin Laden’s brother. The video was produced for a formal dinner on the base in January 2010, a time when Afghanistan was still a combat mission for Canada and there were about 2,800 Canadian military personnel serving there. In a four-minute excerpt, the bin Laden character jokingly boasts of working directly for his brother. Speaking with a thick accent, he refuses to reveal where bin Laden is hiding. "It seems you silly infidels will never find him. I do not want to be talking about him. It is always about him. I get the guns, I steal the bullets, I make the bombs, I do everything. All he ever does is take credit for my shit." A second character in the video, a woman playing the role of a news anchor, asks the bin Laden character what he’s doing now that he is living in Vancouver. "What do you think I’m doing out here, you silly infidel? I am driving one very nice taxi." He then moves off camera and yells, "Hey kid, get away from that car bomb — I mean taxi. It is very dangerous. Don’t be giving me your dirty finger. I am telling you, I will come to your home and I’ll hump your goat." During the skit, the soldier portraying the bin Laden character names an officer working at the military base as the reason he is granting the interview. CBC News has decided not to name the officer. The officer has confirmed to CBC that she became aware of the video after it was viewed at the mess dinner. She said she questioned her superiors about it and received apologies from everyone involved in the production. 'They are not infallible' All copies of the video were ordered destroyed at the time, but a copy was obtained by CBC News a few weeks ago. CBC contacted the Canadian military for an explanation about the video and on Wednesday, the head of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Lt.-Gen. Yvan Blondin, said that last week he requested an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the video. "There are serious allegations that its content was inappropriate and culturally insensitive," Blondin said in a statement. "Although I have not seen the video, the information I received so far warranted my concern and immediate action." He said the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service is investigating the incident. "Although I can't comment on the details of this incident while the CFNIS is conducting its independent investigation, I can reassure all members of the RCAF, members of the Canadian Forces and Canadians as well that we have zero tolerance for acts that do not reflect our Canadian values, especially the respect we owe to other cultures and religions," the statement read. "I express my apologies to those who may feel offended, and reaffirm my commitment to take any possible administrative, disciplinary or corrective actions that may be warranted." Defence Minister Peter MacKay said he was awaiting the results of the investigation. "Religious and cultural tolerance are important and necessary components of any national and professional institution, including the Canadian Forces," he said in a statement. "I know the contents of this video do not represent the wider military community and its leadership." MacKay said the Canadian Forces had been sent to countries such as Afghanistan, Libya and Haiti to "fight for freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law." "These operations have proven Canadian Forces members are Canadian heroes. And, like all of us, they are not infallible," he wrote. Public reaction to story The video and CBC's online story have prompted hundreds of responses. In the website's comments section, many people say they don't find the video offensive, and say it's similar to what they would see on a satirical television show, such as CBC's This Hour Has 22 Minutes starring Shaun Majumder. Majumder told CBC News that, as a comedian, he doesn't find the video offensive, but he questions the judgment of the people who made it. - Watch raw video of Shaun Majumder's reaction here "When you are in the workplace — and especially if it is the military — it's like you've got to have some kind of sensitivity to the current world that we live in," said Majumder. "It's kind of funny, they had every opportunity all the way down the line to be like, 'Yeah you know what you guys, maybe we shouldn't go black face.'" Majumder said the military context makes the video totally different from a skit produced for TV comedy. He said this type of performance would be severely reprimanded in most Canadian workplaces, and thinks the military should uphold the same standard.
{ "date": "2016-07-26T02:53:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824570.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00214-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9780197143554688, "token_count": 1028, "url": "http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/11/08/canadian-forces-racist-video-skit_n_2091682.html" }
A Spoonful of Sugar This player pwned 48 different forums in a row. Alcohol Kills, Take LSD This player pwned 68 different forums in a row. Around the World, Around the World This player pwned 80 different forums in a row. The Noose and Razor Society is officially this player’s bitch. This player pwned 4 different forums in a row. Big Fat Meanie-Head-Face-Pants This player had an especially mean disposition. Apparently, this Player also wears especially fat face-pants. Calling God Names This player pwned 72 different forums in a row. This player earned 18 job points. This player survived Forumwarz’s Apprentice program and made a lasting contribution to the game. This player pwned 20 different forums in a row. This player pwned 44 different forums in a row. This player celebrated Dick Hyman’s birthday. This player pwned 88 different forums in a row. Fiend of Forumwarz: Uranium This player pwned 92 different forums in a row. Flaming Black Operative This player is a member of the Flaming Black Ops. This player earned 4 medals in Forumwarz Domination. This player took all of HugMastaDoug’s shit and still pwned his ass. (E-Peen™ designed by Aldo_Anything.) Grass on the Field This player pwned 12 different forums in a row. This player trained, said their prayers, took their vitamins and won the Forumwarz Motto contest. This player did something really stupid. (E-Peen™ designed by Afterthotz.) The Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose won’t pick on this player ever again. (E-Peen™ designed by Jubbles.) Internet Attorney's E-Peen This is like a badge that proves you’re allowed to practice as an attorney…an internet attorney, that is! This player pwned 40 different forums in a row. This player won a medal in Forumwarz Domination. This player pwned 52 different forums in a row. My Ass Got Infected, Coach This player pwned 32 different forums in a row. This player completed Episode 3 with a chaotic/evil alignment. Noose and Razor Fellow This player joined the Noose and Razor Society. This player earned 8 medals in Forumwarz Domination. Ol' Spread-Eagle Eyes This player found an inadvertent typo or textual error within the game. This player trolled the shit out of a complete stranger in the Omegle Ogre contest. One Angry Man This player earned 12 medals in Forumwarz Domination. Ranks & Files This player pwned 64 different forums in a row. Rows and Rows of the Finest Virtuosos This player pwned 76 different forums in a row. Sex 'n Dirt This player pwned 84 different forums in a row. This player pwned 60 different forums in a row. This player assembled 25 .moar files. Stop Anthropomorphizing Me! This player received a LOLcat via Tubmail. This player pwned 8 different forums in a row. This player earned 180 job points. This player pwned 16 different forums in a row. The Evil Trout Hate Club This Player was promised the ability to test and improve Forumwarz, only to have it taken away from them at the last second. This player has visited over 100 forums. The Level Cap This player got all the way up to Level 69. Hey, snazzy hat. The Outpost of Tyranny This player completed Forumwarz Episode 1. The Red Tide This player pwned 28 different forums in a row. This player contributed forum content to Forumwarz. Unlikely to be Eaten by a Grue This player got a perfect score in the “Trapped in the Cupboard” game. This player pwned 24 different forums in a row. Veterans of Forumwarz This player has been active on Forumwarz for more than one year. What the Fuck Was That? This player finished Forumwarz Episode 2. White People Love Lawyers This player pwned 56 different forums in a row. You Killed Superman! This player pwned 36 different forums in a row.
{ "date": "2016-07-30T22:41:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469258943369.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723072903-00294-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9218991994857788, "token_count": 969, "url": "https://www.forumwarz.com/profiles/Ardent" }
By Bishop Jonathan Holston But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, ˜And who is my neighbor? Luke 10:29 (NRSV) An anonymous writer penned these words titled A Collection of Attitudes, referencing the parable of the Good Samaritan, saying: To the expert in the law, the wounded man was a subject to discuss; To the robbers, the wounded man was someone to use and exploit; To the religious men, the wounded man was a problem to be avoided; To the innkeeper, the wounded man was a customer to serve for a fee; To the Samaritan, the wounded man was a human being worth being cared for and loved; To Jesus, all of them and all of us were worth dying for. Confronting the needs of others often brings out various attitudes in us. Jesus used the parable of the Good Samaritan to make clear what attitude was acceptable to him. We learn that our neighbor is anyone in need, and love means acting to meet a person s need. Wherever you live, there are needy people close by. They are men and women, boys and girls, single and married, as well as those who are single-again. They represent all ages, ethnicities and nationalities. They are our family, friends and neighbors. On Sunday, Oct. 13, we will celebrate the Children s Sabbath across our S.C. Conference. The Conference Task Force for the Campaign for Children in Poverty is giving leadership to this effort to dream God-size dreams and make a difference in the lives of children. The Children s Sabbath is a celebration of hope that is committed to educating congregations about the state of today s children and families in our communities. As chairperson of our conference task force, Martha Thompson is giving tremendous leadership to our effort. She has reminded us all that it only takes one individual who is committed to a cause to unite with others and ministry begins. It is a reminder that we all have the capacity to transform the world of children living in poverty. Please know that I need your participation to shape the lives of children and their future. When we address the issues of poverty, we are being good neighbors. Recently, I found an illustration that speaks powerfully to that capacity to make a difference. Taken from the tomb of a bishop in Westminster Abbey, it simply says: When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits, I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser and realized the world would not change, I shortened my sights somewhat and decided to change only my country; but it too seemed immovable. As I grew into my twilight years, I settled on changing only my family and those closest to me, but alas they would have none of it. Now as I lay on my deathbed and I suddenly realize That if I had only changed myself first, then by example I could perhaps have changed my family, and from their inspiration and encouragement to me, I would have been better able to help my country and from there I would have been better able to change the world. Friends, the opportunity to make a difference is before us. Let us celebrate the Children s Sabbath on Oct. 13 and change the world of children in poverty.
{ "date": "2017-08-18T08:54:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886104631.25/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818082911-20170818102911-00165.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9796077609062195, "token_count": 671, "url": "http://www.advocatesc.org/2013/09/being-neighborly/" }
Nietzsche’s cutting quote, “If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you,” is by now a redundancy. And so, when I became a San Francisco probation officer, I prepared myself to keep company with the abyss. But I had not quite realized how extensive the abyss was. I saw it in the eyes of the senior probation officers, so exhausted by massive caseloads that they were counting the months to retirement. I saw it in the faces of deputy jailors, disaffected shift workers who were all but deaf to the human clamor of the cell ranges. And, of course, I saw it in my clientele: hollow-cheeked crack heads, asocial gang bangers, vagrants with thousand mile stares. But at least the abyss could be mellow where probationers were concerned. It was mellow in the case of Joseph Shepherd, a middle-age drug peddler on probation for choking his girlfriend. Entering my office for his intake interview, he glanced at the tower of case files on my desk and chuckled. “I know you have it rough,” he remarked in a voice that could be poured over waffles. “So I plan to make it easy on you, sir.” He smiled with the insular charm of a sociopath then shook my hand with a python grip. He seemed to be a man of elemental strength—a brawn with a life of its own—yet his broad open face and puppy dog eyes set me completely at ease. For a year, he was a model probationer. He was always on time for our weekly meetings, he attended his batterer’s program regularly, and he so liked to talk about books that I rarely hurried our meetings. After a year, his girlfriend phoned me to say he had choked her again. I quickly called his cell phone and invited him to my office. “You know what I have to do,” I confessed. “You must do your job, my friend,” he said, and he showed up at my office within the hour. He stood still as a statue as I cuffed him up and he asked me how my day was. He had honed that code of etiquette typical to old style criminals, the kind the gang members called original gangsters. And, of course, his girlfriend would probably recant—domestic violence victims usually did. When she appeared in the courtroom the following morning, a small dried-up woman with haunted eyes, she held out her hands like a beggar. “I lied, your honor,” she wept to the judge. “Please jail me instead cuz I lied.” Sitting at the defense table, Joseph looked at me as the judge threw out the charge. I apologize, his gaze seemed to say. Didn’t mean to cause you inconvenience. An hour later, after getting out of jail, he dropped by my office unannounced. He sat for awhile in silence, but clearly he wanted to talk. Eventually, he rested his chin on his thumbs. “She won’t cut me loose,” he murmured. “I have given her every good reason to leave me. She just won’t cut me loose.” He shook his head theatrically and smiled his glacial smile. “Why won’t she cut me loose?” he said. He spoke as though reciting a mantra—he did not seem to want an answer. “Are you flattered?” I asked him. “You seem flattered.” He groaned and showed me a bruise on his arm. “She hits me all the time,” he said. “She gets off on the make-up sex.” It was classic male-pattern thinking, the type his program was supposed to challenge. Yet his program reports cited progress: he never missed a meeting, he excelled at group role play, and he had become a class leader. He chuckled profoundly, rose to his feet, and pumped my hand before leaving. “I believe I have taken enough of your time. Do give my regards to your wife.” The next morning, when I bought the San Francisco Chronicle, I read about the body in the bay. It was the body of a woman, crammed into a suitcase that had floated to shore near North Beach. Her state of decomposition confirmed she had only been dead a few hours. I recognized her name—it was Joseph Shepherd’s girlfriend—and I felt a chilling relief. I could not be blamed for letting this happen—my paper trail was in place. I had hooked him up only two days ago; I had walked him down to the jail; and the woman had stupidly sealed her own fate when she came to court and recanted. I felt no empathy for her—only self-righteous contempt. The abyss, its numbing darkness, had settled within my soul. Had he meant to kill her? —probably not. Probably, he had been choking her for the hundredth time during one of their arguments. But this time his hands had lingered too long; this time he squeezed with a bit too much pressure. And this time she didn’t recover when he relaxed his grip on her neck. No, he had not intended to kill her—he had panicked a little too much. According to the homicide report, which I acquired later that day, he had dragged a suitcase through the lobby of his hotel in full view of the security cameras. I drove to the hotel with a SWAT team, but of course he was not there. So, I went to court, picked up a warrant, then faxed his mugshot to several local precincts. Hopefully, a police patrol would nab him and save me the strain of busting him. And when the story about the body made the evening news, I turned the television off. I had no good reason to dwell on the matter—not until our dragnet picked him up. A week later, I was in our conference room attending some mandatory training. The course was Interpersonal Skills, which struck me as rather untimely. Joseph Shepherd, after all, was a master of interpersonal skills. And so, I was already distracted when a front desk clerk burst into the conference room. “He’s here!” she whispered into my ear. “Mister Shepherd is here! He is waiting for you in the reception room!” Had he come to turn himself in? Or had he come to cover his tracks? Since the media had made no mention of him, he may not have known he was in trouble. So I felt I was being uncivil when I asked another officer to help me with the bust. But the officer, Jerry Ferrari, was eager enough for the task. “Right behind ya, Tom,” he chirped, and I told him to wait in my office. I reminded him to go fetch his handcuffs, which took him nearly five minutes. I forgave my hands for shaking as I walked to the reception room. I was about to arrest a murderer, after all. But he was sitting quietly in one of the chairs, much like a commuter at a train station. He seemed relieved to see me. “Good morning,” he said, rising from the chair. “I think we are due for some rain.” Did he feel the tremor in my palm as he warmly shook my hand? If so, he was too polite to mention it. Obediently, as though keeping in step, he accompanied me to my office. Closing the door behind us, I nodded to Jerry Ferrari. He was adjusting the settings on his handcuffs, clicking the bars into place. But he was having trouble aligning the teeth and the bars kept swinging free. Putting his hands behind his back, Joseph rolled his eyes. “Do you really need backup to bust me?” he goaded. “I thought we were beyond that, sir?” I felt like an ingrate as we double cuffed him then set the safety locks. “Relax,” he said as he sat on a chair. “My friend, whenever you want me in jail you just have to call and tell me.” “So why did you come?” I asked. He shrugged. “Don’t I see you every week?” He looked at me with welcoming eyes—eyes that carried no blame. But I did not want his friendship so much as I wanted him in jail. So, the reticence was mine—not his. Somewhere, in the vast aridity of his soul, something green was growing. As I waited for the detectives to fetch him, I mentioned his girlfriend’s body. I did not read him his rights though he might have been close to confessing. A spontaneous admission, after all, could be legally included in my arrest report. But he quickly clammed up as a pair of detectives burst into the office. One of them was waiving his badge like amulet. “Homicide,” he barked. “We got questions.” The detectives flung him through the door as though he were a sack of laundry. As the detectives marched him away, Jerry Ferrari looked at me proudly. He was an athletic kid with a collegiate aura—the untempered zeal of a fraternity rush chairman. “Tom,” he said to me after awhile. “That was one fine bust.” The following morning, another article appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle. The article was about Jerry Ferrari; he was taking credit for the arrest. Probation Officer Nabs Murder Suspect the headline boldly declared. The photo featured Jerry Ferrari with a Glock holstered at his hip. He looked like a marshall in a spaghetti western. “I’m like a bloodhound,” the quotation read. “When I’m on the scent, I don’t quit.” That afternoon, I interviewed Joseph to finish my arrest report. The interview took place in the Glamor Slammer, a state-of-the art jail on Seventh Street where we met in one of the attorney rooms. He had heard about the article in The Chronicle and he seemed to be rather amused. “You should have cuffed me up by yourself,” he teased. “Have I ever let you down?” “I had nothing to do with that bullshit,” I said. He laughed. “Let the kid have his fun, my friend. It must be a slow news day.” On advice of his public defender, he did not want to talk about his case. But we chatted for several more minutes before I left his cell pod. “She was a crack head, a thief, and a hooker,” he sighed, his voice as heavy as lead. “Even so, I did not do her justice.” “None of us did,” I said as I slowly shook his hand. I started scanning The Chronicle daily, hoping for more information. A quote from her mother, perhaps, or maybe her personal history. But no more stories appeared about the body in the bay. Banner Image – Pixabay.com
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Church, State, Civilization Part 1: Allow Me to Explain The Darkness Of The Human Soul The title of this post is meant to be something of a joke as I took it from this South Park clip: I want to discuss what I see as some of the implications of the current standard understanding of human psychology as seen through a Darwinian lens. I don’t think I’m saying anything that hasn’t been said in other places, but maybe I’m putting together things that haven’t been put together before. Current Darwinian theory holds that there have been three great forces shaping human nature. First there is the simple requirement to survive in competition with other organisms. These forces have produced the “selfish genes” which proliferate due to their ability to survive and replicate. These selfish genes produce organisms seeking their own individual survival and reproduction so that they may pass on their genes. The second force is kin selection which explains the seemingly contradictory fact that many organisms spend a good deal of time and energy not on their own selfish needs, but on their offspring and families. Kin selection shows how a gene may still be interested in its own survival despite having the organism it inhabits acting altruistically since sexually reproducing organisms will share 50% of their genes with their offspring. Finally, reciprocal altruism shows how an organism might still benefit even if it makes sacrifices that benefit unrelated organisms, as long as the other organism in turn reciprocate and provide a benefit as least as great as the cost of cooperation. The long working of these forces on our species has molded human psychology, and created the psychological processes that in turn produce behavior. Genes build brains that produce consciousness that produces behavior. You can think of the brain and body as a ship built and outfitted by the genes for a journey on which they are passengers. The genes have provided our expedition with the tools past experience has shown to be needed in dealing with the various contingencies that can be expected on the journey. Psychological processes are not different in kind from other biological processes. That is to say, our psychological processes have been designed by natural selection and work according to the same principles as other biological processes. Like, say, the heart, lungs, or liver, psychological processes have been selected for their ability to produce some beneficial effect. In the case of psychological processes, they are all designed to ultimately contribute to some successful behavior. As Millikan writes: “The capacity to have desires is maintained in the species, then, only insofar as some desires become goals, then become intentions, and finally are fulfilled. Hence one of the functions of desires too is to guide the organism towards their own fulfillment” (White Queen Psychology, p. 166). For example, the struggle for individual survival and reproduction has produced our self-interested psychological processes. The subjective feeling of hunger, for instance, is designed to get the organism to procure food, to actually produce food-seeking behavior; sexual attraction is designed to get the organism to pursue sex; fear is designed to get the organism to seek safety, and so on. I need a name for this self-interested aspect of psychology and am going to call it the ego. This should not be confused with any other uses of “ego” such as Freudian accounts, but the word does have the connotation of selfishness, and so it seemed a suitable choice. Hunger, thirst, the sex drive, and fear are mental states that result from the workings of the ego. In addition, there is the drive to procure the means to achieve these ends–power–which mostly takes the form of the desire for material goods, wealth, or status. Finally, there is the desire to achieve these things with the expenditure of as little energy as possible, which you might call efficiency (or laziness if you’re feeling less kind). The brain gets the organism to act in distinctive ways by producing mental states with imperative content. This just means that certain mental states are designed to produce behavior as hunger is designed to get the organism to go and procure food. Other mental processes such as beliefs do not have imperative content; they are not designed to produce behavior themselves, but they are supposed to be invoked as guides to behavior. The imperative content is encoded in the qualitative nature of consciousness, what philosophers call “qualia.” Appetites and emotions are imperative mental states. The second force, kin-selection, has produced in us the subjective feeling of love and affection for our family members (but also conflicts between siblings). These emotional states are supposed to get the organism to care for and protect its offspring. Finally, our long history as social animals has produced pro-social feelings such as friendship and camaraderie, or loneliness and fear of ostracism, in order to benefit us through cooperating with others. In “Restoring a Virtue-Based Ethics for the 21-st Century” I argued that virtue is the process whereby these latter social emotions benefit the individual and take precedence over the imperatives of the selfish ego. These social emotions are self-interested, but they differ from the other imperatives of the ego in that they are designed to prevent or impede the workings of the ego in those cases where acting on its imperative would be disadvantageous as compared to producing a beneficial effect on potential cooperators. It might be an oversimplification to state that the ego motivates with pleasure, kin selection with love, and reciprocal altruism with friendship or camaraderie, but it is pretty close. If consciousness is produced by the brain, and the brain is produced by the genes in order to serve their ends, consciousness must be designed to further the ends of our genes. (“Serving the ends of” is transitive in this case.) A strong version of this thesis is that consciousness is constantly, in every instance, every single thought, actually serving the interests of the genes. A weaker version would hold that as long as major needs are met, such as hunger, thirst, safety, and sexual satisfaction, the mind is left free to wonder. But soon enough you can be sure that hunger or thirst or even boredom will create imperative states to get the organism up and moving and following the genetic imperatives. One might be tempted to reply that psychological processes are independent of genetic influence. For example, in The Blank Slate Pinker writes: The genes have metaphorical motives–making copies of themselves–and the organisms they design have real motives. But they are not the same motives. Sometimes the most selfish thing a gene can do is wire unselfish motives into the human brain–heartfelt, unstinting, deep-in-the-marrow unselfishness. Combine this with the common misconception that the genes are a kind of essence or core of the person, and you get a mongrel of Dawkins and Freud: the idea that the metaphorical motives of the genes are the deep, unconscious, ulterior motives of the person. That is an error. It would be easy to misinterpret a quote such as this as showing that our psychological processes aren’t serving genetic interests. Pinker thinks there is a line, a dualism, somewhere between genes and consciousness, and on one side of this line you have morality and on the other side you have value-free biological processes. When evaluating the morality of someone’s actions you should not consider the genetic ends these actions are serving. I’m not here arguing that this isn’t true or that there isn’t such a line (although if it does exist it must have been itself designed by the genes for their motives (or by God)), I am just claiming that even if there is such a line it doesn’t show that consciousness isn’t designed to further genetic ends. Pinker rightly claims that there are two senses of “motive”: motive-g(ene), and motive-h(human). But motive-h is indeed designed to further motive-g. Pinker urges us to pay no mind to that man behind the curtain when discussing morality, but he is there. If we switch from talk of motives to biological functions it must be that the brain structures that have the function to produce consciousness are serving genetic ends in doing so. The imperatives of the ego are causal processes, like all biological processes, and considered by itself, in isolation from other psychological influences, the ego will produce its designed behavior as a matter of causal law unless something causally blocks them. (I will discuss the forces that block the workings of ego-imperatives below and in future posts) This is nothing more than saying thirst will produce drinking behavior unless, for instance, there is nothing around in the environment to drink and the organism knows this. Consider a photocopying machine. If the machine is in working condition, plugged in, filled with toner, loaded with paper, and a piece of paper with an image in placed in it, and the Copy button is pushed (Normal conditions in Millikan’s lingo), the machine will create a copy as a matter of the working of physical law. Likewise, unless impeded by other psychological states, mental or physical illness, or by the environment itself (as when the object of a desire is unavailable) the electro/chemical nervous system will succeed in producing its designed behavior as a matter of causal law. Like all biological processes, the ego is designed to produce an effect–in this case fulfillment of its imperatives–and if these imperatives are not fulfilled it never stops working at it anymore than the lungs, heart, or liver cease at their work Normally. Just as the heart is always pumping blood, when unfulfilled the ego is always working out how to remove obstacles to its fulfillment. If left unfulfilled the appetites can increase their intensity until the organism complies; our feelings of hunger will grow stronger and stronger and make it harder and harder to resist acting on its imperative. If it feels stymied or has no idea how to proceed it will produce frustration or dissatisfaction, the purpose of which is to get the organism to work on fulfilling its imperatives. In perusing its ends the ego employs practical reason. (In Millikan’s terms, the proper function of practical reason is producing Normal conditions for the desires.) This is just to say that if someone is hungry they will need to employ means/end reasoning in figuring out how procure food; they will have to go in the other room, open the refrigerator door, take out the food, etc.. Thus the ego is designed to do what it has to do to get around or remove obstacles that stand in the way of achieving its ends. As I mentioned before, the ego despises going unfulfilled, and will produce pain–hunger, thirst, fear, lust– as a means of getting the organism to fulfill its imperatives, and will keep employing practical reason to work on the problem. Imagine the ego as a machine for overcoming obstacles to the fulfillment of its imperatives. This is no different from Hume’s “reason is the servant of the passions” with the added biofunctionalism. The ego creates self-interested imperative states and then works out how to fulfill them. That’s all it does. It doesn’t have conscience, sympathy, shame, or anything like that. These mental processes may exist and may serve to limit acting on the ego, but their nature and purpose, and the forces that created them, are quite different from that of the ego. Of course I am not claiming that the ego always succeeds in getting the organism to act on its imperatives, or succeeds in attaining them even if it does, or that the individual has no control over its behavior. I am only saying that imperative psychological states have the function of producing their fulfillment, whether or not they are acted upon or are fulfilled. There are many factors that can impede the ego from fulfilling its imperatives. First, there is the environment itself where the object of our appetites–food, drink, wealth, sex, power– simply might not be currently available, or there are no known means to attain them. Second, other mental states are designed to prevent the ego from producing behavior. As the ancients knew, the soul is often in conflict with itself. Just because the ego may be pushing for a behavior doesn’t mean the that whole organism is (see Millikan’s “The Bundle of Biological Purposes Which is Us.”). Hunger might be pushing us to engage in some course of action while fear is serving its function by telling us to seek safety. This has necessitated higher-order mental processes–the Will–to adjudicate between opposing urges. For one thing, the pursuit of our appetites might negatively affect other people such that they withdraw the benefits of reciprocation and cooperation. The benefits accrued by producing a beneficial effect on other people might outweigh the benefits of acting on our appetites. In this case, social emotions–fear of negative social consequences such as ostracism–will prove stronger that the imperatives of the ego. Simply put, you might crave a hot fudge sundae, but don’t want to get fat, and so resist the urges of the appetite. Or you might have a strong urge to be violent towards someone who has angered you but fear either their retribution, prison, or the consequences of gaining a reputation for being untrustworthy. The ego is thus the source of the urge to defect and free-ride. That is to say, the psychological drive to cooperate produced by reciprocal altruism is in conflict with the ego-imperative to not have to suppress itself or expend excess energy. Imagine a group of cooperators working to gather food. If the selfish ego can receive the benefits of others’ labor without expending energy itself, it will happily do so. It is the psychological fear of punishment/ostracism and the withdrawal by the group of the benefits of reciprocal altruism that motivates cooperation. There is a dilemma playing out between conflicting psychological forces as representation of the real world consequences. The ego despises being repressed, and is designed to look for a way to enjoy the benefits of cooperation without having to repress its own desires. Let’s now take an ego’s-eye view and look at how it can be expected to act if unimpeded by other factors. The ego would view internal impediments as just another obstacle to be overcome, in no way different from external obstacles. Even if it is the job of the social emotions to prevent the workings of the ego, it’s also part of the ego’s job to overcome these obstacles. Rationalization is the ego employing practical reason in order to get around these inner psychological obstacles to its fulfillment. It is not different in kind from figuring out how to open a door to get the food inside. If you need some particular belief to get around an impediment, the ego will happily provide it. The ego’s ability to employ both practical reason and self-deception/rationalization is a powerful combination. Almost anything can be justified through this means; any impediment to the fulfillment of the appetites can be removed. You can rationalize, say, breaking your diet (“I walked up a flight of stairs today so I now can have a hot fudge sundae”), stealing a neighbors property (“they didn’t need it anyway”). Murderers can justify murdering their victims; rapists can justify rape (“she was asking for it”). In addition to these internal impediments to the ego there are the three great human institutions designed to limit the ego: marriage, church, and state. When these institutions are powerful in a society, most people will lack the power to overcome the pressure they exert. But the powerful, the clever, the devious, the alienated, or the resentful have the means to pursue their ego-imperatives by dismantling social and institutional obstacles. It might take decades or centuries to dismantle such institutions. At the highest levels, practical reasoning combined with rationalization becomes theorization. In pre-civilization, if you wanted something you would simply try to take it and it didn’t require any special justification. But civilization prevents violence unless it is justifiable; it demands that we justify our actions under an abstract theory of justice. When theories of justice, or even metaphysics, compete in a marketplace, the ego will purchase its favorite. When a libertarian says ” sorry, on my theory taxation is theft therefore we can not redistribute wealth” the response will siply be to get another theory to justify redistributing wealth. If there aren’t any currently on offer, practical reason will get to work creating one; the ego will produce a theory in order to get around any restrictions placed on it (unless the society possesses strong protections against such subversion). Marxists can give their theory to justify mass murder in the taking of people’s property, and since there are always plenty of people all looking for rationalizations to have restrictions on their appetites lifted, they will seize upon the justifications offered by such theories and become passionate followers. If you need a theory in order to get around social restrictions, the ego will provide them. Post-structuralism/post-modernism are just the realization that in order to justify leftist politics you need to deny the existence of reality. If that’s what is required, so be it. The existentialists and their intellectual descendants claimed that once all religious, social, and institutional determinants of the will were removed the individual would possess radical autonomy and be able to spontaneously create their own values. But you can not design yourself; we have already been designed. Radical autonomy can’t generate imperative content, only our evolved brain does that. The promise of radical autonomy was just a smoke screen, a fiction to explain why it wouldn’t just end up in hedonism once societal impediments to the will had been lifted. But this is exactly what happened. Existentialism didn’t usher in a golden age of self-created individuals, it just handed the will over to the same old sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll hedonism. Marriage requires the repression of one’s ego-imperatives in a cooperate/cooperate equilibrium (discussed here and here) and so has been a prime target for liberalism. The ego’s ideal would be–instead of having to actively and constantly put in the effort to seek the happiness of your spouse–to not have to put in any effort and still be rewarded despite constant defection. Liberalism/feminism has sold marriage as an institution where one gets to defect endlessly yet still be loved unconditionally: the ego’s fondest desire. What an attractive prospect! You are supposed to be loved “for who you are” and actually putting in effort to make your spouse happy would be to violate one’s sacred autonomy/authenticity. Once the ego has “reformed” marriage it would mean you don’t have to expend any energy on the happiness of your spouse–in fact any expectation that you owe your spouse any effort is evil!–and yet can expect unconditional love. However, when both partners expect to be able to defect and yet be loved unconditionally dissatisfaction will set in as neither will put in any effort and yet expects the other to do so. Successful marriage takes constant effort on behalf of the happiness of your spouse. Church and state will be the topics of parts 2 and 3, but I can say here that religion, being the primary obstacle to the pursuit of the appetites, will always be a primary target for removal. Once having successfully destroyed religion’s power to get people to repress their appetites, the main impediment to the fulfillment of the ego-imperatives is the preferences of other people. If their preferences can be altered or removed, the ego will happily do so. If finding overweight people unattractive can be done away with through a campaign against “fat phobia” (or “slut shaming”) the ego will try it. (I don’t think it can be so overcome as I don’t believe that that finding overweight people unattractive is a mere social convention.) Perhaps the ultimate endgame of mankind’s long struggle is to be surrounded by automatons who satisfy our every desire and indulge our every whim no matter how depraved without complaint; where no one ever has to limit their desires out of concern for its effect on other people. Imagine an individual who lives a life of successfully fulfilling ego-imperatives. A mild version of this is the rock star life: sex with a different groupie each night, getting paid millions of dollars without having a grinding real job. This is an incredibly attractive prospect to a young man. (An aside: young men love the rock star life for the prospect of getting sex, wealth, and not having to do tedious work. But I think there is a different attraction for young girls. I don’t really think Katy Perry or Taylor Swift or their legions of young female fans are attracted to their glamorous life by the prospect of getting laid. For women, the attraction is being up on stage receiving adoration from millions of admirers. Oh, infinite validation! The female equivalent to infinite sex with groupies.) At the extreme, a rock star acting only upon the ego-imperatives will result in fat Elvis: eating whatever you want without concern for social effects, endless drugs, groupies, and blowing away TVs that annoy you. A step up from the rock star is Tony Soprano or followers of the “Thug Life”–the gangster who feels entitled to murder whomever angers them. Here, even the ego-imperative for violence towards antagonists gets acted upon. (The Sopranos was a show about the conflicts between ego, kin and clan vs. church and state.) To many, this is what “the pursuit of happiness” would ideally entail. Now consider the end-game of the ego-imperatives. The ultimate end of the ego would be an environment where all the restrictions on ego-imperatives has been lifted. And so the ego will always be hostile to the state as it imposes restrictions upon the working of anger to produce violence, rape, and the desire for power in the form of other people’s property. As the ego is a machine for overcoming obstacles to the fulfillment of its imperatives, and the state’s purpose is to do just that, there will always be those who are working to undo civilization and get back to kin and clan alone. You see this in the inner city, as the “stop snitching” movement seeks removal of the state’s impediment to murder. The gangs that rule in parts of Western cities mark the return to the “natural” state of kin and clan alone being the rule. I will discuss the state in more detail in part 3. This doesn’t mean that the ego would be unconditionally against the state. The ideal end of the ego would an American inner city or European “no-go” zone where all artificial restrictions on the ego have been lifted and we are back to kin and clan alone. The state no longer has any ability to enforce the law/restrict the working of the ego, but is still useful as a way to actively fulfill the ego-imperatives with minimal effort on the part of its beneficiaries by providing welfare payments, food, housing, and medical care. The best of both worlds: the state no longer enforces the law, but actively satisfies ego-imperatives. On the other hand is the rich liberal. The rich liberal has the power to fulfill his desires and would view repressive social arrangements as restricting and in need of dismantling. They are the primary force looking to undermine moralistic social conventions in order to avoid social consequences from pursuing the imperatives of the ego. To the rich liberal the state is useful to protect his wealth. The poor liberal however doesn’t have any wealth to protect, doesn’t fear becoming poor as they already are poor, doesn’t have a wonderful job and lifestyle to preserve. To the poor the state isn’t a protector of their wealth since they don’t have any. To them the state is an impediment to the possession of property, just another obstacle to be removed. When the poor pursue the life of the ego you get the sad disaster you see in many poor communities. But the rich are willing to sacrifice the poor to their fate as long as it frees them to pursue their appetites. Thus, Leftism is the biological strategy of removing all obstacles to the fulfillment of ego-imperatives, and exploiting the apparatus of the State to fulfill them. Rightism is the belief that there need to be institutional restraints against the functioning of the ego. Church, state, marriage, family, virtue, self-responsibility, all have the function of placing impediments in the way of the functioning of the ego (to a lesser extent business and military place limits on the ego through the expectations that one has duties to fulfill) and so will always be a target of Leftism. I can’t decide what to call the opposite to a life of the ego: the life of virtue, the civilized life, the formal life. None quite capture what I am looking for so I am going to follow Aristotle in calling it “the good life” (although what I mean by that is different from what Aristotle means). I am not saying that the ego is always bad and social emotions are always good. No one enjoys indulging their appetites more than I do, and cults can put intense social pressure on people to act against their own best interests. The issue is whether the behavior is leading towards living the form of a good human life. Rightism is the claim that in civilization the good human life involves the restraint of the ego to one’s parents, friends, family, spouse, God, and law. I discuss in more detail how virtue is the repression of the ego to produce a beneficial effect on other individuals in “Restoring a Virtue-Based Ethics For the 21st Century.” In parts two and three I will be discussing the role of church and state. To give away the conclusion, civilization is, well, it’s an endless war of good vs. evil. It is not a set of universally agreed upon rational axioms as Rawls holds; it is the endless battle of partisans of the good life against the ego’s attempts to remove all impediments and return to kin and clan. We will discuss the role of the church in this battle in part 2.
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“Not all Men” I said and I meant it once upon a time, but not anymore. I always felt it needed saying that whilst, yes some men are so fearful of Women they have to weigh them down at every turn, it’s not the case of all men. I was taught from an early age that ladies are equal, skin colour, religion and any other sub category doesn’t make anyone willing to work for something less entitled to have it. So my “not all men” comes from a family, more importantly a Mum, that have quietly championed equality, the odd insensitive joke and crass comment aside when ‘push came to shove’ no one was any less deserving of the best fairness that could be offered. They would stand against it inequality when they saw it and taught me to do the same. I felt it some kind of duty to remind these ladies making accusatory remarks about men, that while they might feel alienated and demeaned by men, not all of them think this way so change will come. As with many things that have the best of intentions this ‘noble quest’ was flawed, only I couldn’t see it. I maintained a stance of “not all men”, going so far as do it more, because after all “why should I support a cause that isn’t willing separate me from the oppressors they scorn?”. I would argue with every kind of feminist that I came across, pitching the notion that to alienate ‘good men’ for their presence was surely going to backfire. Not because women aren’t capable, but because the men keeping them down lack enough empathetic intelligence to have their minds changed by feminism, men would have to be a trojan horse in the single minded psyche of misogynists. Eventually I abandoned my “crusade”, the deeper I went the more warped feminists were. It became more about vengeance than equality and started to cloud my thoughts on feminism. I began thinking about waiting on a time when a more inclusive alternative would rise like a mountain, forced up by the opposing forces surrounding it. My belief in equality never tired, but I became transfixed on the platform of delivery. Modern feminism I felt was hypocritical, it’s to at risk of becoming the monster it’s fighting. To many “third” and “fourth wave” type terms, the narrow mindedness made the water to easily muddied by the few who do seek vengeance for oppression that runs far deeper than high heels and quips about driving ability. Then one day I was hit in the face by a pan. A greasy, filthy pan that leaves it’s mark on your skin and seems to be everywhere once you notice it, leaving you craving a thorough scrub, preferably with a wire brush and industrial strength acid. Trawling though the world of social media I had been looking for pages that would give me up to the minute, accurate news that I could cross check almost in realtime, that meant following news agencies, writers, artists and journalists alike. I noticed a fair amount of ‘hub ub’ surrounding Lilly Allen, she was being lambasted for visiting “The Jungle” in Calais, specifically for saying to a young person their that she was sorry her country had failed them. Every opinion she tables is met with the sort animosity I wouldn’t expect the lowest forms of social life to endure, comments about her miscarriage that cut me deep, let alone her! Then Tucker Carlsons news program featuring Lauren Duca hit the Twitter waves, again the comments being levied were vile and a sort of misogyny I thought was long gone, it is 2017 after all. I started to follow more female journalists, writers and academics, apart from variances in words the sentiments were still the same, women are lesser and men have the role of keeping them in their place. Then came the regularity of casual barrier crossing in the sexual sense, inappropriate touching on the underground, high heels being forced as part of uniform, manoeuvred into a vulnerable situations and propositioned forcefully, so on and so on and so on regardless of fame or fortune. A never ending cycle of daily small to large events that show misogyny isn’t dead, but lurking, shamefully waiting for each moment to reach out a lecherous hand and make contact. One story that really caught me was of a fifteen year old girl who started to ride the underground to work, one morning a man stood close to her on the platform, she didn’t think much of it, nor would I in fairness. For what ever reason they silently parted their mentally distant ways and she found her back pocket slimy and wet. The ‘man’ had used the crowded platform and close proximity to ejaculate into her back pocket, the first lady she spoke to was apathetic, it happens was the sentiment. Her first experience of independence similar to the scale she will experience ‘in the real world’ and she gets it tainted in a way few could have predicted, I suddenly saw why “not all men” carried no favour or merit. “It happens” was the catalyst for a U turn on modern feminism and my, all be it nothing exceptional, stronger backing. Having a child and getting covered in sick is something that “happens”, cooking dinner and getting covered in grease is something that “happens”, getting wet because you forgot an umbrella is something that “happens”. Being a young lady and having some swine cum in your back pocket is not something that should just “happen” and be belittled or ignored. Going to work and being brushed aside in favour of a male counter part shouldn’t be shrugged at, tabling an opinion and having it ignored because your a woman isn’t something to scoffed at, being labeled a whore because you’ve had an abortion isn’t something to be swept aside and being payed less because of a different set of genitals isn’t something to begrudgingly accept. “It happens” is one of the terms used for cases of domestic rape when the law wasn’t so involved, its archaic and a sign of how little we as humans have really progressed, it’s a pathetic endowment of ‘us’ if we can sit back and let it carry on. I realised that whilst I am “not all men”, that makes no difference when a woman is faced with a barrage of ‘those’ men. It offers no help to the person being targeted and simultaneously has the potential of giving an escape route for the aggressor. The “it happens” of a man being caught under the umbrella of “all men” is a far less relevant than the “it happens” of sexual assault and oppressive sexism women are experiencing today, everyday. If you are saying to a lady arguing a case of misogyny that their statement has no merit because “not all men”, then your belittling the real life event that has created the need for it to be said. Ultimately you shift the focus away from women back onto men and how even when a woman is right she is still wrong. The biggest lesson I learnt was that however much I might have a point, it’s not bringing anything to the table that will effect change, the statement is simply like lighting a BBQ in the woods while firefighters are tackling a forest fire. It’s true that there are some real batshit crazy women that will do and say things for attention or greed, but that is no different to the world of men. Every human entity regardless of sub category has it in them to be beautifully compassionate or a degrading shit! The one thing that can be clung to is that change can happen, but water doesn’t boil without enough heat. This pan is big, thick and regularly has chunks of ice dropped in for good measure, the water will boil and it when it does we can all share the warmth of the sweet tea it’ll make, but if “she puts the kettle on, men can make the tea”.
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I wasn't quite forward enough to ask you to lunch...but I was thinking it:) Ontonight s full moon reflection, adult chat Kearney you seem like forward might work well...hope I get another chance! M Real- Fit, Tall, Attractive, SWM- Lets see if are sexually attracted. Playdate with toys? tonight? WHERE DA SEXY WOMEN AT IN CHPAIGN.
{ "date": "2017-08-21T11:57:57Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886108268.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821114342-20170821134342-00365.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9169901013374329, "token_count": 3043, "url": "http://fujikawabonsaischool.com/discret-chatrooms/single-lesbian-mom-seeks-Norton-Disney/Lucille/Braidwood/adult-chat-Kearney" }
Have you ever found yourself struggling in your faith? It may be that you're going along real good and the 'old man' pops up! Yes, I'm talking about the flesh man! Perhaps you committed to watch what you say. But one day, it's like you reach the end of your rope, forgetting that pledge and let it rip. Then before you know it, you've crossed the line and said or done things you didn't want to. I just imagine we've all been there at one time or another. The battle between the flesh and the spirit can become strained when we decide it's too hard to walk the straight and narrow. Difficulty comes when we refuse to move forward in our spiritual walk of faith. Thus we return to the previous lifestyle believing it's easier than the spiritual conflict of flesh versus spirit. And now instead of confronting faith, we're up against bad habits, feelings of depression, guilt, anguish and the like. Of course our 'flesh' friends are all trying to encourage us by saying "you're ok, it's not as bad as it used to be". And our 'spiritual' friends tell us that we need to let go of those former associations that pull us back. The problem is, that we keep asking ourself, "If I leave my old friends or old ways, what's going to become of me?" The comfortability we sense with the previous seems to outweigh the desire to move forward. How can one get out of this kind of rut, you ask? The following are some steps that will help re-enforce spiritual strength and gain the momentum to keep on the right path. #1. Romans 12:1 & 2 "I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." In order to find peace, joy and the perfect will of God for our life we first must be a living sacrifice to God. That means we must be in a continual state of surrender and consecration to Him. To do this requires that we desire His will more than our own. Whatever we yield to is what our body will cooperate with. It's important to present our bodies to God and not to sin or addictions. Reading and studying the Bible is a small step toward the renewing of our mind, which reveals the will of God. That causes us to become a 'doer of the Word'. (James 1:22) A renewed mind takes on the thoughts of God and lives in compliance everyday! Kenneth Hagin Sr., once said "the mind doesn't stay renewed any more than the hair stays combed." Renewing of the mind demands effort and discipline, which will then transform our life. But its a daily application. One way to find out if we are altering our life, is by what we're doing. Any unforgiveness, selfishness, anger or resentment toward others could indicate that we need to remain steady in the Word. It's the 'doing' that shows that our mind is renewed, although quoting of the Word is important. It won't matter what we cite if we're not living life in accordance with the Bible. #2. Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." In the verses just prior to this verse, the writer asks, "...how shall they hear without a preacher?" This hearing comes from the preached Word of God. God established and set the local church into being for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ. (Eph. 4:12) Plus we must remember that "every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Find a local church that is preaching the uncompromised Word. Locate a church that will take you as you are, but won't leave you there! If they are really teaching the Word it WILL change you, IF you receive it and DO it! Going to church regularly should never be optional. By acquainting ourself with God we find what matters to Him and our fellowship with Him is strengthened. But remember, we're not acquainted with God, just because we are in the place with people who are. It may be important, however, to forfeit any prior relationships that will tug on your heart to return to your old ways. New found friendships with people who are endeavoring to walk with God will be a good influence to you. Remember that just because our mind is renewed doesn't mean we won't have fleshly desires appear, it just means we won't run away with them. Eph. 4:22-24 says, "that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man, which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness." We have to put off the old and put on the new to become a master over situations, over the enemy, old habits or emotions. It's a continual effort to keep our life in line with the Word of God. Quit cooperating with your flesh and put forth the energy to renew your mind! Pastors Michael & Ginny Gulotta Pro. 11:25 "The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself."
{ "date": "2019-08-22T13:25:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027317130.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20190822130553-20190822152553-00085.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9622593522071838, "token_count": 1239, "url": "https://www.livejoy.org/joyful-blog/a-time-of-renewal" }
With his Tronic label and Tronic Treatment club night going from strength to strength in Barcelona, Christian Smith is most certainly a man to check out now. Then there's Smith & Selway "Silver Bullet" on Josh Wink's Ovum label, a remix of the classic "Higher State Of Consciousness" (Smith & Selway Rmx), and a never ending global trek to DJ in every country possible. Christian has released music for several record labels, including Intec Records, Primate Recordings and Underwater Records amongs many others, together with his studio partner John Selway. Christian's schedule is very busy, playing from Madrid, Barcelona, London, Buenos Aires, to Singapore, the Eastern Europe. He's one of the most compelling, hand raising, foot stamping interpretations of modern house and techno of recent years, and its no surprise that Christians profile was raised by the mix. His sense of diversity and unwillingness to adhere to one dimension is an ethic Christian believes is inherent in the worlds finest DJs. Christian was most inspired by Carl Cox and Laurent Garnier. Christian Smith: Things are very well thank you. I'm in Brazil on tour at the moment and am enjoying being in South America. Had a few gigs in Chile, Brazil and Argentina. What do I know about Romania? Allot ;). I have traveled the world and been in most eastern European countries with the exception of Romania. I know that you have beautiful women, like progressive house, have lots of social problems to deal with, and of course Dracula. Beat Factor: You run a record label called Tronic Music. What do you plan to do with it in the future? Any new artists that will be featured? Christian Smith: I plan on doing the same as I did before. Releasing quality music ranging from minimal to tech house to funky techno, just like my dj gigs. Beat Factor: You have recently compiled a mix CD on the Ekspozicija series. What can you tell us so far about the mix compilation? Christian Smith: I have always been a big fan of Eastern Europe. The scene in these countries is really good and the crowd is very passionate. So when I was offered to do this mix for the Slovenian label I figured, why not. I still have not Dj'd in Romania...hmmm....hopefully in 2007. Beat Factor: Since there are quite few tracks made by you, when do you plan to release an artist album? Christian Smith: Very Very soon. In the beginning of 2007 actually. The album will range from musical donwtempo to minimal and even electro with vocals. The idea behind the album is to make it very listenable and not just a bunch of peak time dance floor tracks. Of course there will be some of those as well, but I am focusing more on a nice listening experience from beginning to end just like on this mix CD. Beat Factor: There are various producers that adopted the minimal techno and techno style lately. How come you succeeded and your tracks have been played and still are by some of the biggest techno DJs? Shall we say this was a lucky opportunity? Christian Smith: I have never been a purist if something is good its good. A lot of people hate progressive house in the techno world, but I don't care if its good I'll play it. I use the same philosophy in my dj sets and when I make music in the studio. It is very important to be open-minded. I think this is why a lot of djs play my productions as they work in many different styles of sets. People ranging from Carl Cox to deep Dish always play and support my music. Thankfully Beat Factor: How's going the collaboration between you and John Selway? Do you happen to remember how you two started to work together? Christian Smith: We started working together over 10 years ago. We are very good friends and still enjoy working together. The forthcoming artist album will be Smith & Selway. Beat Factor: What was the longest live set in your life and how was it? Christian Smith: There have been many long sets. Especially in the earlier years when I started playing. Back then a DJ had to play all night. So I learnt fast to play long sets and enjoy building proper progressions. Now these days I like to play anywhere between 3-5 hours. I think this is long enough to bring your message across and have a good night. Sure it sounds impressive that people such as Danny Tenaglia play 10 and sometimes even 15 hour sets. But does that make them better just because they are longer in length? It depends. Beat Factor: For the ones which don't know yet your music, how would you describe it and what are its roots, its origins? Christian Smith: It's a mix between house, electro, minimal and techno...and its always funky. I do not like this nosebleeding hard techno at all. For me it's important that there are many girls on the dancefloor as well. In terms of my musical background and origins I am very influenced by early 80's funk and soul and electro. Beat Factor: How a Christian Smith live act would sound like? Christian Smith: A smooth progression that will rock the house! - [a:rpia:r] - A successful story - Simian Mobile Disco - New Future Electro Disco Heroes - Luciano: I'm Still the Same Guy - The Model - A Special Man With Special Needs - Me and You is M.A.N.D.Y. - Carl Craig: I'm Not A Fortune Teller! - Audio: In Between with Paul Van Dyk - Audio: Steve Bug - 'I Don't Make Music for Bugs!' - Ricardo Villalobos - from South America with love - Lee Burridge: Balance, drugs and Tyrant - Audio: Ricky Stone, a busy combination - Hook N Sling - a Fat Australian Export - Break-Beat lessons with Krafty Kuts - Ewan Pearson, the lucky guy - The other side of Ellen Allien October 12, 2006 at 1:15 PM CEST Christian Smith: I wanted to do something little different when I moved to Barcelona last year. It's always fun to have a midweek residency once a month and play sets with more variety. Not just peaktime sets like I do on weekends, but also sometimes opening the night etc. It's been lots of fun and the night is packed every Thursday night. We have had guests ranging from Richie Hawtin to Josh Wink to Steve Bug. It's a good fun night. Beat Factor: Do you see any connection between electronic dance music and drugs? Christian Smith: It depends where you are really. In some countries people don't do drugs at all when they go out. Like Japan for example. Then there are other countries like Italy or Spain where the majority of the clubbers are on drugs. It really depends. I do not do drugs. I drink, but that's about it. I don't feel like I need drugs to be happy when I'm out. Beat Factor: What artists and record labels do you recommend so far? Christian Smith: There are so many good artists and music out there. Some newcomers that I recomend are: Paco Osuna from Spain, Shiendoe from Holland, and Deetron from Switzerland. I also enjoy the music from Adam Beyer, Technasia, Ame, and Funk D'Void. Beat Factor: During a set of yours, does ever happened your telephone to ring? If so, did you answer the phone? Christian Smith: Haha NO. I once had a gig at Fabric in London where Sasha also played the same night. I saw him do this and I felt shocked. I mean common. Ok the tracks he plays are often more than 10 minutes long, but still. You get paid a lot of money to DJ just a few hours. At least give it your 100% attention. Beat Factor: What do you think is the most important event you took part? Christian Smith: By far the benefit party I organized in New York Sept. 15th 2001. It was a benefit for local fire department as they lost a few of their people to the terrorist attacks on sept. 11th. It was a very emotional party. We organized to have Richie Hawtin, Derrick Carter, Jowl Mull, and myself play for free. Rammed packed and we managed to donate many thousand dollars that night! Beat Factor: When you make a remix, do you use the same pattern like on the original tracks? Or you're trying to get close to the track's sound you have to remix? Christian Smith: I think its very important to include the main elements of the original track and then add and and change parts. Otherwise, why accept to do a remix if you will do a whole new different track? Beat Factor: Do you think that people will remember a DJ after he passes away? If not, how come artists have documentary DVDs with their life? Christian Smith: Dj's are the new rock stars. I think DJ's will be remembered and will not go away. For example some very famous DJ's can attract more people than some rock bands that have sold over 1 million records.
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As you may know, many will be celebrating a holiday on Tuesday. I’m not referring to Halloween, but rather a different day. This day is known as Reformation Day. This day celebrates when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the door in Wittenberg. His theses consisted of objections to various practices of the Catholic Church which were intended to be discussion points among scholarly men, but it eventually sparked what we know in history as The Protestant Reformation. For a great resource on this, I would recommend Erwin Lutzer’s Rescuing The Gospel. This moment was important, as some of the truths that are foundational to our Christian beliefs were being distorted. While many points of doctrine were affirmed through this movement, there were five critical beliefs that were attested to by the reformers. We call these the Five Solas (Sola is Latin for Alone). To summarize, we believe that we are saved by Christ alone, by His grace alone, through faith in Him alone, according to what scripture says alone, all of this to the glory of God alone. Luther wasn’t the only person who believed these things. In 1415, a Bohemian man named John Huss was burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for sharing similar views that Luther later adopted. The name “Huss”, in his language means goose, and why I’m telling you this will make sense shortly. Just like Luther would later would believe, Huss felt that it was scripture only which governs our lives, not human authority. It is reported, that while being burned at the stake, Huss said something to the effect of, “You may cook this Goose, but in 100 years there will come a Swan you will not be able to silence.” 102 years later, Martin Luther nailed his thesis to the door in Wittenburg. Today, we do not celebrate Martin Luther to exalt him, but rather remember these three things. Firstly, we remember that God’s purpose cannot be thwarted. His message of reconciliation to fallen mankind, through His Son, will not be forgotten. Secondly, the truths that came out of the Protestant Reformation were not developed in the 16th century, but were the doctrines that came from the mouth of God. Thirdly, we do not celebrate Martin Luther as the swan that ushered in a new era of spirituality, but rather we celebrate the Holy Spirit of God who was the wind beneath Luther’s wings. The Lord changed Luther’s heart, and allowed him to fly to seemingly new theological heights. Read more articles about the 5 Solas from CalvaryChapel.com here.
{ "date": "2019-08-25T19:01:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027330786.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20190825173827-20190825195827-00485.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9779208898544312, "token_count": 553, "url": "http://www.thisisshoreline.com/thecurrent/500th-anniversary-of-the-protestant-reformation/2017" }
Haines, steeped in a study of American fundamentalism, asked me if I had ever accepted Jesus as my personal lord and savior. Jesus Christ. He must suspect all Americans think that if dinosaur bones exist then there must be dinosaurs roaming around somewhere. What God created must always be, no? Or more likely he must think that in America everybody thinks the bible is a voice talking about us now. Right now. See here in Psalms, it says that the economic downturn will end soon. Such good news! Good God. Yes, Haines, all America believes that in the beginning God said let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth and also under the earth, bones of dead things with aged appearance, and let humanity find these things and argue about Time’s beginnings and how long everything took to make, and big bangs and original sins and first floods and first falls and lines of time and a beginning and an end and a guy on a throne who created it all and has since kept busy involving himself in the daily minutia of our lives. Jesus it took six thousand years to get through one conversation with Haines. He wanted to know about creationism in schools and that sort of thing, but Haines, most (I do not say all) Americans have a fine understanding of Darwin. Let’s hear some nice reasonable science from the man himself and end this discussion right now: Charles Darwin: There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one. Shut up, Darwin! Come on man, back me up. What the hell are you doing? Good Christ take it back. Charles Darwin: I have long regretted that I truckled to public opinion and used the Pentateuchal term of creation by which I really meant “appeared” by some wholly unknown process. Nice save. (rolls eyes). I deny successive Time and the deity it creates. You behold in me a horrible example of free thought.
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Chapter 74: One glance charms a city, Qiuyue Hesha Dragon Boat Translation Dragon Boat Translation Lin Ling’s eyes widened and she looked at Lu Ze in shock. “You don’t even know the City Charming Young Duke, Qiuyue Hesha?? Are you living in some forest? Lu Ze glanced at Lin Ling speechlessly. “I’ve just been immersed in cultivation. I don’t care about these things. I’m a hard-working student and not a naughty kid like you!” Everyone pretended that they didn’t hear this. Meanwhile, Harry heard this and his expression turned awkward. He almost had a heartache when Lu Ze said he didn’t know about the city charming young duke. Now that Lu Ze said he was a good student, for some reason, he forcefully accepted it. He laughed dryly, “Hahaha… it seems that Lu Ze really is a hard-working student. Prodigies should be like this!” Then he continued, “It’s alright, I’ll tell you about the benefits first. The City Charming Young Duke, Qiuyue Hesha, is our honorary lecturer for the elite martial arts class. Those students who excel might get her tutelage.” Then he smiled at Lu Ze with a look of something that was man to man. Lu Ze was speechless. Although Harry was very subtle about it, this was a seduction move, right? What a joke. Was he someone who would fall for this?! I, Lu Ze, a jungler, have no feelings! “I can let miss Qiuyue call you now and speak to you.” He already sent Lu Ze’s battle video to the school beforehand. The school had stated that they would cooperate wherever possible. He believed a call with Qiuyue Hesha would probably work, right? Just when Harry was about to call, Li Kuang immediately stopped him, “Wait! Harry, this is against the rules! How do you think Qiuyue Hesha got her title? Not even we can defend against her seduction god art much less Lu Ze!” Lu Ze heard this and immediately frowned. The City Charming Young Duke, Qiuyue Hesha; seduction god art… He seemed to have heard of this somewhere before. Worry not! Let me think! Moments later, his eyes lit up. He remembered it! A few years ago, when the conflict between humans and blade demons arose, Qiuyue Hesha sneaked into a city at blade demon realm’s border. What happened that day shocked both the human race and the blade demon race. In just one glance, the city lord, that was equivalent to the human race’s aperture opening state, commit suicide under her seduction god art. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers betrayed them and the great city fell. One glance charms a city, Qiuyue Hesha. It was this legendary battle that gave Qiuyue Hesha the title of City Charming Young Duke. Her seduction god art was irresistible. Lu Ze was shocked. Harry, this is over the top. I am only a child. Harry smiled. “Li Kuang, are you joking? Seduction through a projection… Do you think Qiuyue is a star level being?” Li Kuang opened his mouth but only shut it unhappily. Indeed, even Qiuyue Hesha can only make one’s blood rush a little through a holographic projection. It wasn’t a big deal but she was still extremely beautiful! She was a young duke and extremely beautiful. Any man would want a one on one tutelage with her. This was why he only spoke of Qiuyue Hesha even though the Emperor Capital Academy had four young dukes as honorary lecturers. Li Kuang had to admit that this was quite effective. However, his school wasn’t too good in this aspect… Every university would have a couple of young dukes as honorary lecturers. It was just a matter of numbers. His school also had female young dukes as honorary lecturers, however… Thinking about that female young duke, Li Kuang’s mouth spasmed. Oh shit… this was the feeling of a heart attack… He hesitated but still called that young duke. After all, that young duke was natural enemies with Qiuyue Hesha. At least it would interfere with Harry’s plan! At this moment, Harry’s call connected. A seductive and lazy voice sounded, “Harry?” Just this voice alone could make one delve into their own fantasies. Then, a holographic projection appeared. Both men and women instinctively looked at that figure. However, the projection only showed her head. This was the first word that appeared in everyone’s head. She had long, beautiful, faint pink hair. There was an exquisite tear mole on the corner of her left eye. She had raised pink lips. Just a simple expression made everyone feel seduced. Even though she wasn’t even using her god art, she still emanated that aura of seduction. But luckily she didn’t use her god art, so everyone just glanced at her once and woke up. The girls sweated coldly. Oh my! They felt that they were no longer straight! Harry almost lost his composure and he laughed while saying, “Yes, I’ve found a very talented student. He might become a young duke in the future. I hope that you will help me invite him.” Qiuyue Hesha heard this and instantly understood what Harry meant. Seduction for someone like her was indeed easy. However, a student that could be seduced had an ordinary mindset. Even if his talent was good, he had no future. But since Harry said this, of course, she wouldn’t reject. She glanced at Lin Ling and Lu Ze. “Mhm, both of your talents aren’t bad… Two little guys, want to come to our school?” Lin Ling turned to Lu Ze and wondered what this guy would say. After all, Lu Ze’s brain wasn’t normal. Lu Ze smiled and asked, “Teacher Qiuyue, does your school have that young duke who uses their fists to fight?” As soon as Lu Ze said this, Qiuyue Hesha’s smile froze for a moment. Then, her eyes glimmered and became soft. “In terms of fist arts, any young duke should be able to teach you.” All young dukes were experienced in fist arts, but it wasn’t their area of specialty. The most experienced… Qiuyue Hesha’s eyes narrowed as she thought of that person… She didn’t want to give any students over to her.
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There are at least 3 miracles Jesus performed that were used by the Gospel writers to transition from one literary section in the Gospels to another. These miracles were also used as metaphors. I am going to write about the three I have noticed which are most obvious. If there are others, I am not aware of it. OUTLINE OF THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Matthew, Mark, and Luke (the Synoptic Gospels) follow very similar outlines. I. Birth Narratives are found in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark. The Birth Narratives move from the beginning of each book and end just before the Baptism of John. From the Baptism of John to the end of the books, the Synoptic Gospels follow the same outlines. II. In The Early Ministry of Jesus, people discovered who Jesus was. Readers discovered gradually who Jesus was through his teachings and through his works of power, that is, his miracles. Most of Jesus’ miracles were performed in this section of the Gospels. The Early Ministry of Jesus begins with the Baptism of John and climaxes with the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus is visited by Moses and Elijah. This section is also climaxed by the disciples’ discovery that Jesus is the Christ – the promised messiah. At least 8 miracles in this section demonstrated that Jesus had power and authority over elements of this world. Those elements included sin, demons, the spoken word, the world of the unclean, death and life, the seas and the storms, the Sabbath, and over Rome itself. Each of these were addressed individually in recent posts. III. Jesus’ Walk to Jerusalem was the second part of Jesus’ ministry which was marked by more teaching and less by miracles. The teaching was designed to help the disciples unlearn some of their preconceived messianic understanding and in place of self and national interest, learn who the messiah really was and what it meant to follow this messiah. IV. During Jesus Time in Jerusalem, he debated with the powers of Jerusalem and prepared his disciples for the fall of Jerusalem which was to begin 3 decades later. V. The Death and Resurrection of Jesus is the last section. HEALING USED AS METAPHOR At least three healing miracles of Jesus were carefully placed in the literary structures of the Gospels as metaphors to transition into a new section within the outline of the book, or to conclude a section. When the writers use miracles as metaphors, it does not mean that the miracles did not happen. It is possible for a true miracle to take place and for the writers to see that the miracle as a metaphor for something the disciples or the readers were going through. Years ago I was a pastor of a church that was going through a lot of struggle in part because so many new cultures were coming in. During that time a baby in our congregation was healed from a terrible ear infection. The healing brought new life into the infant creating a lot more work and responsibility into the lives of the parents. I got a phone call from the mother one week after the healing with the mother telling me she could no longer control her little girl because the child was into everything. Before the child was healed, the baby was easy to take care of, but within minutes of praying for the baby, she became a terror. I believed the healing I witnessed was metaphorical in that our congregation was like that child. As long as the church was unhealthy, it remained docile and easy to keep under control. But as soon as the new people came in (especially new people from other cultures), it seemed like things got out of control. Some members of the congregation felt threatened and wanted to turn the church back to where it was before (in other words, get rid of some of the new cultures), but others got involved in great ways. Overall the church faced new difficulties and stresses it never had before. The baby had come alive and got healthy. The same was true in Jesus day. There were healing miracles that demonstrated what was going on with the community of disciples andwith those reading the Gospels. THE THREE TRANSITIONS “I see men as trees walking (Mark 8:24)!” During the first part of Jesus’ ministry, as he was showing his disciples that he had power and authority over different realms, the disciples and others were asking who Jesus was and how or where he got such authority. Meanwhile, the demons knew who he was and boldly confessed that he was the Son of God. Even though the demons knew, people did not get it but were very curious. Many of the religious leaders thought Jesus got his power from Satan, Herod thought he was the spirit of John the Baptist, common people thought Jesus was a prophet, but the disciples came closest to the real answer because they had seen Jesus take authority over so many realms. Toward the end of the first part of Jesus’ ministry, after his authority was demonstrated, Jesus asked the disciples who the people thought he was. After several answers were given, Jesus asked who the disciples thought he was. Peter answered correctly by saying he was the Christ and this answer was, according to Jesus, a revelation from God. But as soon as Jesus began stated that the Christ had to suffer, the demonic side of Peter’s revelation came out and Peter rebuked Jesus. Jesus in turn rebuked the demonically inspired words of Peter pointing out that Satan serves human desires and needs and not God’s. Peter’s confession and rebuke revealed that he saw in part both God’s and Satan’s side of things. He saw that Jesus was truly the messiah/the Christ, but his revelation was dragged down to self interest and national self interest. He saw men as trees walking. He had blurred vision. He was beginning to see God’s plan, but he only saw in part. He was like the blind man who came to Jesus to be healed, but was only healed half way. Only after Jesus spit a second time into the blind man’s eyes did he see clearly. Mid way through Jesus’ ministry, the disciples were like the blind man before he got the second round. I believe, help my unbelief (Mark 9:24)!” After Peter’s confession and rebuke, the revelation that Jesus was the messiah (the first of two applications in opening the disciples eyes) was established at the Mount of Transfiguration when Jesus was glorified and visited by Moses and Elijah. Coming down from the Mount of Transfiguration, the disciples’ struggle and half sight was again emphasized from a different angle by a man who wanted his son to be delivered from a demon, who previously went to the disciples, but the disciples failed. Before his son was freed from a demon, he confessed to Jesus that he believed but needed help with his unbelief. In the words: “I believe, help my unbelief,” Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus down the road (Mark 10:52). After the confession of a faith struggle, the Gospels changed direction into a description of what it really meant to follow the Christ. In this next section of Jesus ministry there are fewer miracles (in fact, Mark has no miracles in this section until the transitional conclusion miracle), because Jesus wanted to help the disciples to see that following him was not self centered or nation centered gratification. Rather, following him meant serving others and taking up a cross. The disciples could only see clearly after they understand what it meant to follow Jesus. Jesus was the messiah and that meant glory, power, authority, and all that came with being the messiah; but with all the glory came responsibility and suffering. When Jesus had finished teaching the disciples about suffering and responsibility, he entered into Jerusalem and the last week of his life. The end of his ministry began when he entered Jerusalem and a blind man cried out from the crowd, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” Jesus answered his request and opened the man’s eyes so that he could see clearly. The disciples were blind before they met Jesus, they saw his works and their eyes began to open, but they could only see clearly after understanding that following Jesus included service, suffering, and dedication to God’s plans rather than to human plans. These transitional healing miracles were more than transitions. They helped define where the disciples’ feelings and beliefs were during crucial periods of Jesus’ ministry. The miracles also reflected back to the readers many of their own thoughts and feelings; for many readers were also in expectation of some great hero who would rise up and serve the interests of human power, as well as self and country interest. I like readers of my blogs to draw their own conclusions, but in this case, I would like to give some food for thought; especially since this is election season. How much is our Jesus a reflection of our own self or national interest? Are we also serving the messiah half blind? Do we see mostly what Jesus does for us and for our country? Does Jesus serve the interest of our own concepts of what our country should look like?
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Overheard – Ruth Kenyah Two Prose Poems – Rethabile Masilo A Dying Language – Kim Jackways The Possibilities of Wood – Heather McQuillan No Man’s Land – Mary Byrne Old Bazaar Aswan – Marjory Woodfield First Impressions – Rosalie Kempthorne An inheritance – Lutivini Majanja White socks – Jana Heise Lost in Translation – Conrad Jack Hands – Nod Ghosh Catfish for Dinner – Mary Krakow Somarôho – Lola Elvy Margarine – Marty Beauchamp You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me – Nancy Ludmerer The Ploy – Joseph Greenslade The leaving of the storks – Nicholas Fairclough Family Portrait – Jennie Marima Interview: Guest Editor John O. Ndavula Poetry: Rethabile Masilo – Lesotho Story: Andrew Salomon, Where the Wild Things Are – Cape Town, South Africa Interview: Riham Adly, writer – Egypt Art: Lionel Smit – Cape Town, South Africa Art: Tingatinga Painting – Tanzania Art: Alessandra Frezza, Gallery Ethiopia – Addis Ababa Story: Steven Gowin, Rwanda Suite: Concubines – Rwanda Interview: Catherine McNamara, writer – from Ghana to Bandiagara Where the Wild Things Are This was back in ninety-six, a mere two years after democracy. Struggling to find work in archaeology (that’s what you get for just assuming there’s a job at the end of a degree), I worked as a bartender. The bar was small and decorated in an affable mismatch of objects: a crystal chandelier; a stuffed springbok head; a huge, mottled antique mirror on one wall. Close to the door hung a framed postcard of Mandela as Superman. Someone stole it. We put up another one and that got stolen as well; a small illustration of the manic optimism and rampant crime that permeated our newly minted democratic state. It was early evening and almost empty, except for two students sitting at the far end of the bar counter. Brandy and Coke for him, gin and tonic for her. I could tell he was keen on her by how hard he was trying to sound indifferent when he asked where in the States her boyfriend was. ‘He’s in New York,’ she said. ‘Oh,’ he raised his eyebrows. ‘What does he do there?’ ‘He’s an actor, so he works in a bar.’ At that moment a new customer walked in. He was dark and shiny, like polished ebony, with small, child-like teeth and bricklayer’s hands. He ordered a Lion Lager in his Mozambican accent, wrapped his meaty fingers around the cold bottle and took a swig. ‘Have you seen one of these?’ he asked, turning the label of the bottle towards me. “But who can even really tell what she’s thinking? One day you think she’s leaving him but the next day, you don’t even know how, you hear she found herself in his bedroom stroking his back telling him she’s sorry and asking his forgiveness. But does she hear him? He speaks her language, but she refuses to learn his. She came here supposedly to save his people from starvation, bringing her McDonalds tastes with her into his kitchen. He ate it but still slept hungry. Surely, can a man raised on ugali, tilapia and terere subsist on cardboard? Tell me, can he bear it without complaint? Listen. She’s shouting into the phone now; she shouts, cries and then begs. Shut up! If I told you that I haven’t been with my man in years would you believe it? But aren’t I always happy? Don’t I get mine too? Isn’t that the divine power we share?” Two Prose Poems No one could tell the archangels outside that he was dead, no two eyes could not look away, nor not draw the conclusion of their curtains over what was there: a pearl of brain like a lychee on the floor of a room in which the boy slept, left inside his Christmas. What was amiss in all of it was peril, long quarrels with evil in men. These, though substantial, came upon us like nothing we could not defeat, or prevent from disrupting the care received on the side of a road. Dialogue foreshadows hunger. Such a thing as a toenail that grows inward, like we knew that this home’s father would cost us, yet among us no question was asked about it, as the way we lost count of time fiddled with no hope for a better day. In this town where grass welcomes people to the lake, near which tree-tops peer into themselves off the surface to find their faces, she wanders through the streets when the world is asleep, tracking time; at dawn she sits on the banks of the river as Grove begins to get up after she wills it with her thoughts; collars of sunflower live in her yard, ruffles of bright, lemon colour blooms around the dark centres which threatened her life. Those who have seen her say she lives beyond earth and heaven, watching boats on the water, her inner anchor holding her. They say that’s what saved her, that yoga of her mind, and the fact that every time she walks past Grandview toward Morning Avenue where she lives, the weight on her shoulders waiting for love to remove it, she gets into the focus of a time when happiness lived on the cusp of everything the world had unrolled before her feet . A Dying Language My grandmother’s feet spiked up like monuments. Still cold, despite the starchy blankets and the heat. The hum and beep of the machines just made her swear under her breath when she woke. Her heart may be failing but her tongue still whipped. Before she shrank, I sat on the dusty mats, a frieze of springbok dancing around the grotty walls. Mother murmured that the floor was dirty. I popped out my headphones, hip hop beats can wait, and asked Grandmother to teach me. She pressed her lips together and expelled air with an explosive click, like a dream punctured on waking. I tried to echo her but my lip piercing was all bulky and metallic. My parents watched. Crazy, they seemed to say. Think of the future. Nobody uses the glottis these days. Slippery as aloe, the concepts slid past: The ostrich egg method of getting water, the perfect amount of Hoodia cactus to suppress thirst, how a young girl left her village to marry a boy. Then she asked for water. Any more than a sip and she choked. I fed her my tears but it was never enough. The clock ticked faster, like all the sounds I couldn’t save. Click. Tock. Late. Too late. I knelt at her feet as her tongue lolled, and her agile lips went slack. And the feet of a tribal elder were no longer respected, but tagged and bagged in crisp white. The Possibilities of Wood Marimba Man pinches a slab of padauk between forefinger and thumb, knocks with a deep-grained fist. The timber is well dried yet this piece, by combination of waves and knots, grips the music. Stops it short. He is sad because it lacks resonance. It won’t sing for him but will find another purpose. No worries. He shifts our attention to sonorous pieces already cut to different lengths. In each of these he drills a hole, pinches, knocks, listens. The frequencies hum too high, too low, so to elicit the perfect note he must hollow out the centre or shave a wedge. On an afternoon that buzzes with heat he carves music, shaded by a tarpaulin slung between block shed walls. Plastic tubes lean like teenagers against his workbench Each finished bar hangs on a nail along the wall in groups of seven. ABCDEFG. To get to a desired tone he must cut wood away, but never too much. Each piece embraces its own ideal waveform. His work is art and it is nitty gritty. Each piece is its own character. Each rings a true note. Marimba Man’s dusty-legged son rushes to his father’s embrace. Marimba Man holds his son’s neck in the crook of his elbow, raps knuckles gently on a close-cropped skull. This boy, he declares, he does not sing. No worries. He will be an engineer maybe a doctor. There is salt at the edges of Marimba Man’s eyes. The boy wriggles free. No Man’s Land When the security woman unzipped my white canvas carry-on bag, the cockroach emerged, antennae first, orange-brown, shiny. Curtained off from the world, we stared at it. At least as long again as its body, its antennae caressed the air as they did from its nightly perch on soaps and detergents in my bathroom and kitchen. Not only did security not have time, it would cause endless trouble if the presence of the cockroach were now admitted. Our flight was due to leave; we were all pretending to be cosmopolitan: the richer women would visit the airplane toilets to change out of their djellabahs into European clothes. I wouldn’t need to do that, although I’d make my rounds of every bookshop in Paris and sit in every café. Before that could happen, this intruder from our previous lives, here in No Man’s Land, reminded us of our daily battles, our infested kitchens, Rachida grinning as she swept up their little bodies after spraying: ‘Shall I make soup?’ Things I loved when I was there and loved to escape from time to time. The security woman decided she wasn’t going to deal with it. She pushed the cockroach back inside my bag, zipped it without searching, and pointed it at me. ‘Allez,’ she said. As The plane reached cruising altitude and as the rich women of Casablanca queued for the toilets, I palpated the soft canvas for the moving lump , found and squeezed the struggling thing. Old Bazaar Aswan The herbalist sells hibiscus flowers. Good for your heart, he says. Boiled in cold water they’ll bring your blood pressure down. Tamarind. Okra. Black Lemon. When I crouch to take a photo she asks for baksheesh. The money-changer sits outside the madrasa. Hands full of notes. Verses from the Qu’ran painted onto the mosque’s white-washed walls. Women rifle through clothing. Men talk, smoke shisha. Voices of shop-keepers. 1. Buy my small pyramid. 2. I don’t know what you want but I have it here. 3. Come into my shop. Everything is almost free. A small boy weaves through the crowd. He holds a metal tray with two tulip glasses of amber tea, white sugar lumps. Disappears into the blur of people. Nubian hats. All colours, piled high. Pashminas. Postcards, corners bent and yellowed. “Where are you from?” he asks and I say, “Where do you think?” He lists every country he knows, ends with Australia. “Close,” I say, “New Zealand.” “Ah,” he says. “Kiwi.” Grins. Just one tooth. “Kia ora.” We were all born here. Maybe that’s why it feels somehow like home. And yet the skyline: isn’t it much like where I came from? A smudged sky, a tetrus-scape of tall, window-speckled buildings. An ochre sprawl. The shy emergence of what will become a sea of lights. The same glint of sunlight across a field of glass windows. There’s a man here to meet me. An uncle, I think, or second cousin. They told me his name would be Michael, and he’d be kind to me. He’d take care of me since there was nobody else. He’s taller than expected, and his beard is flecked with grey. A hand held out for mine that’s ringed, that’s gnarled with age. A thick silver ring with a green stone, a bronze, red-hued ring. They make it hard to take his hand. “Don’t worry,” he tells me. “You’re here now. You’ll be all right.” “It’s so hot,” I say, for something to say, to stall while I’m running him through my mind, frantically trying to figure out what he is, how he can ever be anything even approaching a replacement. “You’ll get used to it,” he promises. There’s so much to get used to. This radical shift in geography is least of it. I’m not sure I want his hand, but I hold it as we leave the airport. It’s a different shade of blue up there. “I’ll try,” is as much as I can offer him right now. The three girls make an excellent exhibit even before they are photographed. Their forward march drowns out the catcalls and the “Check your weight!” calls. Three girls in dresses and shoes not quite identical. Shades of purple. They are unfazed from the trip that started with them chasing after the bus that threatened to leave them even though they had been patient, waiting for the next available ride. Their shoulders move freely as if they hadn’t flinched when the bus conductor nudged their backs as he pushed them, into the vehicle – ‘Harakisha!’ – and then whispering the unsayable to the eldest of them. She is nineteen. The youngest one heard it too. Eight years old, she didn’t understand. The fourteen-year-old will not dwell on the fact that the conductor’s long fingernail tickled her palm, a provocation, when she gave him the fare, and again when he returned the change. With their various going-somewhere faces they reflect back the sunshine, moving to a beat – their own. Arms swing, claiming all the space that can be claimed on the crowded footpaths. They set aside how frightened they felt when they had to also jump out of the moving vehicle that wouldn’t stop at the bus stop, not even for the youngest one. In their finest wear, they are going to the studio to get photographed for their mother. She wants to remember them innocent. Girls and boys play together on the beach. Children in old T-shirts and shorts – on the sand, falling, in the shallows, splashing. A girl smiles a sharp-toothed grin. She bends her knees and claps, jumps. She sings Malaika. A boy reaches down, his fingers sifting through stones and pebbles and sharply smashed glass. He takes a handful of sand and rubs it into his scalp, weaving the grains in his short, tight curls, trapping them for weeks to come. Later their mothers will pull white socks up their calves and dress them in shiny shoes, leather shoes, dresses, button-down shirts. Things to be proud of. A stain is an implication, a tear is a smear. Against the family, against their means and ways and life. They will feel this later. They will feel this pride, this distinction. They will know how the little things matter and they will pull white socks up the tiny calves of their own children. Lost in Translation Ricky looked up from his Google translate and leapt bravely into the line of fire. “Meio quilo de pequena, por favor.” Nailed it. The Angolan over the counter rattled a string of incomprehensible chatter. Ricky sighed. The little phone app was proving to be almost useless. He was drowning in Portuguese. “No comprehendo. Mayo Kilo? De mince?” More static in response. Ricky reverted to sign language, cutting his palm in half with his other hand. Pointing at the mound of ground beef. The Angolan raised one eyebrow. Opened both hands. “Pequena, mince.” Ricky hopped from side to side. “Mayo, half, mince. ” Chopping his arm in half while pointing at the mince with his foot. “Half. Mayo. Half. Mayo.” Pointing at his bald spot. At the mince. “Ahhh.” Understanding shining in his eyes. “Meio quilo.” “Yes – si, si.” Ricky held his arms up in success. “That’s what I said. Half a kilo of mince, for chrissake. Obrigado. Thanks. ” Ricky opened the door and walked into his apartment. It was a relief to get out from the heat and dump his hard-earned groceries onto the bench. “Did you get the chicken for Masala?” His wife spoke from the couch where she was cuddled into a book. “Chicken? You said you wanted mince.” He checked his phone. “Frango. It’s pronounced fucking frango.” Ricky slammed the door on his way out. They served a breakfast of salty porridge. Ayoub’s mother said it was made from wheat. She used three Berber words for every one French. “You should wear this, Janine,” Saeeda said. Asmaa passed me a nylon slip. The sisters avoided looking at my naked legs. “The chef de ville wants to meet you and Chris.” They laughed at my denim shorts. “Didn’t your mother teach you how to dress?” Ayoub and his brothers took Chris with them. They were gone for hours. The boys’ father stayed behind with the women. He acted like he didn’t know what his sons were doing, though the boys had returned from yesterday’s trip reeking of kif. Darkness fell. The sisters painted my hands with henna: lines, crosses and V-shapes. I wondered when Chris would be back. He slipped into the bed beside me. The relentless heat threatened to suffocate us. His hands pulsed and squeezed beneath the borrowed slip. It was the roughness of his skin that gave him away. That and the unfamiliar smell. Arrêtes, I hissed, and ran into the courtyard where Chris and Ayoub were smoking. The family stood in line to say goodbye the next morning. “Which brother was it?” Chris asked on the train, his hands rolling into fists. “I don’t know,” I said. “It was dark.” Though I couldn’t name the boy, I’ll never forget his abrasive palms or the ochre tang of his breath. They served salty porridge at the hotel in Tangiers. I couldn’t eat it. Catfish for Dinner “It won’t die!” The fish flailed in the boat. “Hit it with a club.” “What do you mean you can’t?” “It’s alive. I can’t kill it!” “What did you think was going to happen when I asked you fishing?” “This is different. Fish always die when you pull them out of the water.” “Not this sucker.” “Do you suppose it’s magic, like the fish in that old fairy tale?” “The one with the three wishes?” “Let’s try. Okay. Um. I wish it would die!” The catfish quivered. The catfish flopped. “I think you killed it.” The two friends stood over the Sudanese catfish as it trembled and shook. It turned an eye on them and whispered, “Fools. You had two more wishes.” [Note: Sudanese Catfish are air-breathers. They can live a long time out of water.] There is color in the skies, mirroring the ground’s beat, and the bustle of feet has never felt so lively, and it is suffocating and liberating, the smell of people sickening and overwhelming, comforting and beckoning, drawing you in, conning you into believing that this, this chaos, this unison without form, is home somehow, and you believe it, you do, because what else is there to believe, what other course of action to take, but forward, constantly forward, moving not through or alongside the crowd, but with it, watching it move alongside you, and this is, in truth, an individual act, a motion comprised of individual persons with individual lives, and there is music in the streets today, you know, but you cannot hear it, no, the noise, the noise, it’s too much, it is drowning you, taking your breath from your lungs, but you are at peace, you do not mind, because this, this is home, and the con is not a cruel con, no, because you know it for what it is, a lie wrapped in clothes of red and yellow and blue, but you close your eyes to it for now, because lies are ideas, and they are real, and they matter, and because yesterday there was no music in the streets, and tomorrow there will be no rush of people, but today, today is now, today is present, and today can last forever if you let it. [Note: Somarôho – Malagasy festival, Nosy Be, Madagascar] Cheetahs chasing Thomson gazelle, hyena cackling at the heels of the Land Rover as we raced sunset out of the park. I spotted a leopard. So rare an occurrence that Peter, our driver, didn’t believe me at first. A steep kopje, bare other than the small rock teetering near its top, a smaller stone nestling alongside. Perhaps the leopard flicked his tail or raised his nose to the afternoon breeze. We made a slow arc back; he sat high above, regal, impervious. We would be ravenous. John, the cook, the centre of the universe every evening. He guarded his supplies jealously, beamed as he watched our faces light up at the meals he conjured. Our last night a mango rolled off John’s tiny fold-out table and he leapt after it. A vervet monkey was out of the overhanging branches to snatch up John’s huge tub of margarine before any of us could move. Tossing the lid, the monkey climbed back amongst its clan, grinning wildly down at John. It raised a long finger, held it theatrically, then scooped out a huge glob of the golden prize and plunged it into its mouth. The monkey grimaced, roared, stood up with his arms thrown wide so that we might know his total disgust. The vervet flung the tub to the ground, where it collapsed into the dust. You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me “Go on, Zach,” Dad says from the driver’s side. He unclicks the lock. I clutch the book Molly gave me, Born Free, about a lioness named Elsa. We’re going to South Africa in June for my 13th birthday: Dad, his fiancée Molly and me. I climb the cracked steps, dawdle in the hall. If only Dad would come in, sit beside Mom, explain instead of just texting. Then he could hear it on the CD player: You don’t have to say you love me. It was playing when they met. For months after Dad left, Mom played it constantly. My best friend asked: “What’s wrong with her?” “She’s lovesick,” I explained, like it was a real disease, like cancer or strep. After three years, still no cure. Now she huddles on the sofa with her wineglass, her dish of almonds, pale shards like ghosts. Dusty Springfield warbles: All that’s left is loneliness. My least favorite line – with plenty of contenders. Once I saw Dusty on video, looking not dusty but glowy. Like Mom before becoming Mom. Mom tells me Dusty went to South Africa in 1964, sang to integrated audiences, had her visa revoked. Apartheid is over, Mom says, but not the inequality. She sees my book. “How ridiculous! Elsa was from Kenya, not South Africa. Besides, Born Free isn’t the whole truth. You’ll always seek the whole truth, won’t you, Zach?” Years later, I still don’t know what that is. I wish I could ask her. “Tonight, ladies and gentleman,” the safari guide says as he gets into the open-air Land Cruiser, “we’re going to find lions.” “Lions! We’re going to find lions, Grandma!” The boy quivers with excitement. “Well, we’ll go out but if it’s up to me, the lions can have the night off,” the grandmother replies nervously. They take off and it’s not long before the guide hops out and looks around on the ground. “I’ve found some tracks. We’re close!” he says. They continue on before the Land Cruiser makes a gut-wrenching lurch and stops. The setting sun streaks across the horizon as the passengers gasp. The words they fear are spoken. “We’ve broken down,” the safari guide says. “It may take us some time to get going again. I’ll check the engine.” The safari guide hops out. The grandmother grips her grandson’s arm. “I’m going to need some help,” the safari guide says. The grandmother’s grip tightens as her stomach turns. “Don’t you dare get out of this Land Cruiser.” “Grandma, relax,” the boy says.” I’m sure everything will turn out fine.” He slides his arm free and hops off the side of the Land Cruiser. “What are you doing? Get back in here this instant,” the grandmother pleads. “Okay, I’m going to need everyone out to help push,” says the safari guide. Everyone but the grandmother gets out. “It’s alright grandma – hop out.” Warily the grandmother lowers herself to the savannah floor and sees the picnic laid out. The leaving of the storks I look up at the gigantic stork’s nest, searching for the family of four. They’re not to be seen. “Where have they gone?” I ask some locals, pointing up at the nest. “To Africa.” I’m told. As if Africa is small and defined. “But where in Africa?” I’m given unapologetic shrugs. There’s a pause as the locals look at one another, seeing who will answer. “Africa.” One of them finally states. Africa. Conrad’s Africa? Tribal Africa? Apartheid Africa? Coetzee’s Africa? Sahara Africa? Safari Africa? Dinesen’s Africa? Colonised Africa – French, British, …? Christian Africa? Muslim Africa? Flisar’s Africa? Gorillas-in-the-mist Africa? Coastal Africa? Inland Africa? Corrupt and dangerous Africa? Lonely Planet’s Africa? I make my way down to the lake edge in hope of finding the storks there. My last-ditch effort to see these angelic, graceful birds one more time. An offshore wind is blowing. Leaves, plucked off the branches overhanging the lake, tumble from the sky. They land and float on the water’s surface then, like boats, sail away … slowly and surely on a course defined by the breeze. The wind that’s taking everything with it: The leaves. The storks. Summer. What else will be taken? … and where is it all going? To this mysterious, vast Africa? This unspecified, simple ‘Africa’? All I’m certain of is: it’s going away from here. But not from me. The memory will stay, stuck in my head. Heavy. Unmovable. Going nowhere. Certainly not Africa. Mama and I went to Uncle’s office. “Your father was a good man,” he said, tapping my shoulder. Mama sat coiled in the chair as we waited for him to write a cheque. I smiled nervously. When Mama spoke about Uncle at home, her voice was loud. She called him ‘no different than an armed robber’. After her spectacular venting Mama would calm down and say, “We must never speak ill of Uncle outside these walls.” I had pieced together a sketchy timeline of what might have happened. Papa and Uncle had a business. Mama says Papa was too kind to realize what a two-timing snake his brother was. Papa took ill suddenly. Uncle was never available. Papa soon passed on. “My husband was a gentle soul,” Mama would say to the few people who came to see us in our one-roomed shack after our dramatic eviction from the prestigious apartments we once lived ‘happily’. But that’s not what I remember. I remember hitting and slamming. Afterwards, Mama struggled to explain her bruised face. “Oh, the floor in our bedroom is so slippery,” she would say. “One day, it’ll crack my brain open.” I was 10. I knew Papa hit her. I longed for a time when Mama and I could live without Papa’s constant terror. The autopsy said it was poisoning. After Papa’s funeral, Uncle visited us in the dead of the night. He would make the case go away as long as we, too, went away.
{ "date": "2020-10-29T07:12:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107903419.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20201029065424-20201029095424-00565.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9607772827148438, "token_count": 6758, "url": "https://www.flash-frontier.com/october-2018-africa/" }
Angela and Meredith just recreated a classic The Office scene, and now we're demanding a revival Sometimes, if we’re lucky, and the TV gods decide that we deserve nice things, they swoop in and save our favorite show from getting the boot. And sometimes, if we’re really, really lucky, they reunite our favorite actors to recreate one of the most iconic TV scenes of all time. Such is the case with Angela Kinsey and Kate Flannery, who played Angela Martin and Meredith Palmer on The Office, when they got together and reenacted their favorite scene from the show — in character, no less. Honestly, it will bring tears to your eyes, because as the great Dwight once said, “Nostalgia is truly one of the greatest human weaknesses…second only to the neck.” It happened when Flannery stopped by Josh & Ange, Angela’s YouTube baking show with her husband, Joshua Snyder. The group made Irish Potato Candy — a dish that looked infinitely better than Stanley’s meatballs, no offense. But of course, that’s not even the best part. The two Office alums started answering fan questions, and one fan did us all a favor and asked if they can recreate their favorite Angela and Meredith scene. And they did. Lo and behold, watch the glorious Angela and Meredith moment below: Are we back in 2007? They nailed that scene and both deserve all the Dundies in the world. But seriously, considering that the actresses still know their stuff, it’s time that we start a petition for a much-needed revival. We mean, John Krasinski, Mindy Kaling, and Jenna Fischer already expressed interest. Even NBC chairman Bob Greenblatt is also open to the idea. In the world where Roseanne and Last Man Standing are flourishing, we need The Office to save the TV universe. We’ll do everything to make the reboot a reality, even if we end up having to declare bankruptcy.
{ "date": "2020-10-23T21:52:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107865665.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20201023204939-20201023234939-00285.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9299587607383728, "token_count": 416, "url": "https://hellogiggles.com/news/angela-meredith-recreated-the-office/" }
BTR News: Thank God For Guest Columnists, we appreciate the back up although your about 7 months late to the ball game. I'd like everyone to remember we (Sons of Liberty Riders RC / Texas Biker Radio News) were all over the for profit jails in Mclennan County and the Lasalle Corporation in the early hours after 177 bikers were arrested with million dollar bonds. At that time we didn't buy that it was really about sending a message, you see these corrupt people work together. Understand there are campaign coffers to fill. That's the reason you see stupid statements after a man dies due to mistreatment at the hands jail employees. "We think they’re excellent operators and, unfortunately, sometimes things like this happen,” said McLennan County Commissioner Scott Felton". He's now on the radar, has he ever received a campaign donation from the Lasalle Corporation or one of its executive board members? We're just asking? You see in the "Good Ole Boy Systems" they always have each others backs.. until the wheels fall off when people like us expose them. Texas Biker Radio #58 6 months ago start at 25 minute mark Twinn Peaks: Its incredible how everything fell into place just hours after the Twinn Peaks ambush led by the DPS on May 17th 2015. This is when we thought it was more about filling jails and holding them as long as possible. We immediately started looking at their for profit jails and who benefits. From what we've learned from people in Waco this was and still is their MO. If you do not have money and understand the corrupt good ole boy system you are basically screwed since DA's all across this country will lie, cheat, steal in order to convict. Truth falls victim in favor political motivations and greed. The Bikers families had to report the Mclennan County jails to the Texas Commission on Jail Standards get needed food and medicines due to the mistreatment. All along we felt the lure of the dollar takes over and then its about money. Thats where the guys like Judge Peterson and Reyna come in. Arrest, charge, drag it out as long as possible. We called it catch & hold. If you remember it didn't take long for the Waco Tribune to start talking about the value of all the motorcycles & vehicles and the profits that might come their way from legalized theft. Lets give them honorable mention since they did report DA Reyna has dipped into the LE theft ring. yep bought a 18 wheeler if I remember right. Hell we ain't even mentioned the ankle bracelet racket yet.... One last comment, when profits become the motive for law enforcement, the courts. and Counties. Their vision becomes skewed, political corruption soon follows as the corporate monies begin to flow. Bank on it! Waco is a prime example... News Organization could have great impact on this corruption that runs rampant all over the State of Texas. They have the money and talent to do the proper research. In many cases like Waco the media already has everything on file and know just who has been corrupted and by whom. It takes guts to tear down a system like six shooter junction that's been in place for a 100 years. In the case of WT, it seems as though they have been corrupted too.. Notify your State legislator Find Your Representative DIANA CLAITOR REBECCA LARSEN Guest columnists Last month, McLennan County received a notice of non-compliance from the Texas Commission on Jail Standards after the death of 25-year-old Michael Martinez in the Jack Harwell Detention Center. Three employees of the privately run jail have been arrested and charged with forging government documents after they allegedly covered up the fact that they were not performing visual checks on at-risk people — a violation of federal law. Records indicated that jailers had checked on Martinez within the required half-hour time span, but an investigation revealed that Martinez had been hanging for almost three hours when found. LaSalle Corrections is the for-profit company that runs the Jack Harwell Center for McLennan County. “We think they’re excellent operators and, unfortunately, sometimes things like this happen,” said McLennan County Commissioner Scott Felton. But that’s not what families with loved ones in that jail say. At the Texas Jail Project, we have received pleas for help from families concerned about loved ones being refused mental-health treatment, essential medications and medical care. Several days before Christmas, another story came to light when the Tribune-Herald revealed that a formerly jailed 30-year-old woman filed a lawsuit in Waco’s 170th State District Court against LaSalle Corrections. The lawsuit alleges she was repeatedly sexually assaulted at the facility and goes on to describe an out-of-control institution rife with smuggling, extortion and drug abuse. Felton’s description of LaSalle as “excellent operators” is strange considering these incidents as well as the history of this facility. Last year, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) removed all immigrant detainees from the Jack Harwell Center after ongoing claims of civil rights violations by attorneys and advocates. Prior to May of 2013, another private contractor of this facility, CEC, was cited for sexual abuse and other violations. Despite ongoing controversy, McLennan County renewed its contract with LaSalle last year with the addition of a 90 percent occupancy clause: If the jail is filled with fewer people than 90 percent of its available beds, LaSalle can end its contract with a 90-day notice. We believe that a jail should not have a contracted mandate to stay full because that results in a deliberate effort to increase the number of arrests. This does not make Waco a safer community and intensifies mistrust of law enforcement. Predictably, jail population increased from 85 percent capacity in January 2014 to 93 percent capacity this past November. In response to those numbers, a LaSalle executive actually said, “We have been blessed to have a relatively good history of increasing the jail population for our clients.” That statement reveals a callous disregard for the citizens of this area and demonstrates how a for-profit jail company exploits its role. LaSalle seeks to satisfy its clients — its shareholders — no matter the cost to vulnerable families and to “the least of these my brethren.” McLennan County now has the fifth largest incarceration rate among Texas counties, despite a lower-than-state average violent crime rate. As of Nov. 1, 75 percent of jailed people in McLennan County were pretrial. That means they have not been convicted of anything and, except for a few rare cases where bail is denied, are waiting in jail because they cannot afford to post bail. The people of McLennan County deserve better. McLennan County should take steps to ensure that a facility this important to thousands of Texans be operated by administrators who are committed to more than a profit margin.
{ "date": "2020-10-22T09:50:34Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107879362.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20201022082653-20201022112653-00445.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9683088660240173, "token_count": 1457, "url": "http://www.texasbikerradio.org/tbr-news-comment-3/thank-god-for-guest-columnists---waco-jails-246725" }
OUT OF ESSEX – CHAPTER 40 I have seen the Lord Stooping, Yeshua found a light switch. Then sat, silently, until upstairs noises faded back to slumber. He rubbed his head, still sore from the toilet roof. Then took in the visual cornucopia. Darkened wood, vinyl cushions on window seats. Anaglypta of a beer cream hue covered a low-beamed ceiling. “Please ask for a top up,” requested a wall sign. Above a window to the alleyway, a clock said 4.15. A blackboard advertised Nicholson’s guest ales, next to six sepia-tinted photos arranged in a rectangle. On another wall, a menu indicated maritime fare. ‘This hostelry was South East Essex Pub of the Year in 2012,’ boasted another sign. Investigating the single malt shelf, Jesus sighted an 18-year-old Bunnahabhain. The rascal that had steered the outcome of the ‘Maggie meeting’ some six years previous, he recalled. Its beginning released honeyed nuts and a salty tang, redolent of the sea. He looked out, through mist, to the ebbed Thames. Slowly acclimatising, remembering his brief visit eleven months earlier. Out in the estuary. Here surfaces were compressed and oppressive. His body felt impossibly heavy. The Bunnahabhain’s next stage comprised rich toffee and leathery oak aromas, then sherried nuts and a hint of natural oak wood. Subsequent dry notes mixed with varying spices. As the flavours bowed out on a light salt and sherry coda, soft steps carried from the alleyway. Jesus had unlocked the gate. Siddharta entered the room, preceded by his habitual glow. They high-fived then hugged for a full minute. Yesh whispered to be quiet, indicating the small glass on the bar. Buddha sat with him at the small window table, stepping over his friend’s long legs. After Jesus brought him up to speed, Siddharta used his lowest voice. “To ask for your plan would be like requesting a lion to write a thesis.” Jesus smiled. “We have a mission fit for lions. Gandhi will meet us in just over one hour. Then we travel to the City of Corruption.” Silently they enjoyed the whisky, before Jesus asked two questions. “Did we hurry Maggie? And, had you been there, at the fatal, drunken meeting, would we have chosen her?” Buddha reflected. The basic wisdoms never changed. “All souls make the best decisions available at any given moment. In epochs to come, our perceptions will accrue fresh colours. Something is unfolding, a process in which Maggie has enjoyed unique input. As has our friend Sal, who has been pining for his old existence.” In payment, they blessed the pub, ensuring it would be successful, and a source of comfort, for decades ahead. Exiting, Jesus left the alley gate slightly ajar. Sal and Maggie would soon require access. Old Leigh’s visuals mesmerised him. Surreal rows of wooden tables and benches; a sign proclaiming ‘Osborne Bros Seafood Merchants’; overwhelmingly yellow walls; the clapperboard of nearby buildings. Looking through screens was no preparation for this. They passed a white and brown building, The Coal Hole’, featured among the pub’s rectangle of photos. Jesus said Gandhi would ensure their safe legal passage in the hours to come. “Many is the donkey that has conceded its back legs in debate with Mahatma,” agreed Buddha. More views of the Estuary; then an old foundry. Cobbles beneath their feet, bared to ensure their souls were fully earthed. Other hostelries were here: The Smack, with SkySports, and the Mayflower. Lacking the softness of Palestinian inns. “Of you, my great friend, I request protective powers,” said Jesus. They halted on the pedestrian bridge over the railway. Little of 21st century Essex was perceptible in the dark. “Just as you protected this village from the tsunami,” he said. A train approached, passed beneath, vibrating the bridge. Yeshua felt air cool his skin. “Would you kindly guide us to Kent Elms Corner?” Sid mentally selected a route to stimulate his companion. A few trees were apparent, white blossom catching their gaze as they descended, opposite The Ship public house. Then up a hill, past an abandoned-looking building, sporting advice. ‘Live the life you love’. Hearts sat below the words. “My students are but 50 yards away – shall we collect them,” asked Sid. “All can be ready in minutes.” Jesus considered; shook his head. “Plenty of work awaits them, later. We must stay compact, deflect gazes.” A horn honked furiously. “Wot’s all this then, the faakin noooth Larndon derby or wot?” shouted an Essex cowboy, arm hanging from the builder’s van. “And where you get them faaakkin stilts mate?” Laughter rocked the vehicle. Jesus was wearing his Tottenham shirt and joggers. Essene carpenter robes would have been too conspicuous. He realised with a grin that Sid was in full Arsenal regalia. He had seen it as Buddha’s everyday garb, paying no notice. They would surely accustom themselves to further banter. Over the road a cobbled, uphill path beckoned. Black paint engulfed metal rails at either side. They stepped up, passing several housing terraces, glimpsing dewed gardens. A spired building came into view at the top. “St Clements church – you might want to look,” suggested Buddha. They heard a motorbike pass the foot of the hill, nearing its destination. Dawn Landais had woken early, with Genevieve in mind. She wished her daughter would stay in more regular touch. Steve’s snoring drove her from the bedroom, for a first cup of coffee. Fragments of her dream nagged. Something about a field. And Mrs Thatcher. No dafter than most dreams. She decided to start work, despite the dark. As much as anything, she wanted to be in the fresh morning air. And takings from the windscreen work were beginning to rise again, as the days lengthened. She pulled on a spare fleece and jeggings. Instinct said it would be a good day. Better than usual. George called a very senior Essex policeman with the instruction to bury the Southchurch events without trace. “Evaporate any mess.” He called the editors of every British daily to specify zero coverage. A similar instruction to his contact who controlled Essex media. Relatives of the dirty dozen would be told their kin had died bravely preventing a coup by a would-be dictator in Central Africa. On the Highway to Hell, Bob held court, surrounded by Satan’s six other cats. “He’s gone down again,” he whispered. “Jesus has gone in again.” Rosie felt surges of excitement. She regurgitated a conversation between archangels Gabriel and Michael that she had earwigged. “They were talking about that very possibility yesterday, in the angels’ canteen. Michael reckoned it was about two thousand Earth years since all the New Testament shenanigans.” Bob did the maths. “2,014 years since he last went down. 1,981 years since he came back.” In the churchyard, Yesh looked at his own crucifixion. No shelter had covered his thorned head outside the Jerusalem walls. He and Sid walked on, past graves, to a road. A sign was visible. ‘Unified by Love and Hope, Jesus welcomes all.’ It puzzled him. Vexed him even. “I never told a soul to congregate in churches,” he said, softly. Priests were little more than entertainers, in the charade begun long ago by the Church of Rome. They walked along Leigh Broadway, his eyes revolting. Gaudy merchandise in windows. Unyielding surfaces, colours swirling like vomit. Above a shop, a sign specified ‘A Touch Too Wild’. Lifeless mannequins in scanty dresses. Cohesion eluded him. “Science seems to have created a society in which a simple man can no longer be,” he groaned. “If the next Jesus exists in these streets, or the next Buddha, nobody will recognise them.” Paving stones alone provided symmetry. They passed Leigh Road Baptist church, adjacent to Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph Catholic church. A statue entitled ‘Christ of the Deep in bronze’ adorned the latter’s gardens. “How did this happen, these buildings?” he asked Sid. “When you become religious you become solitary, dive for the innermost core, the inner Kingdom where only you are. It is the greatest transformation. You may humbly try to bring that light to others. But these churches? People can only lose themselves, even as they fill the collection boxes.” They passed the Poppies Café of Leigh, Havens Hospices, The Cooperative and a shop named Karma. “Stay calm – you’re only 50,” advised a pink balloon in a window. “Come on you Irons,” yelled a driver with a West Ham mascot under his front mirror, just before the St Michael and All Angels church. Soon the houses were bigger, more boastful. They turned left, past the red brick of a school with royal blue railings, traffic increasing in volume. Raucous comments came from drivers. Down a hill, past the Love Leigh Lengths Boutique. White houses proliferated, accentuating wisteria in flower. Green and blue boards sheltered waste ground at the foot of the hill, near a dazzlingly bright pink house. Somewhere below the horizon, light announced its imminence. He dived within himself, losing track of surroundings until they crossed a large road, where dandelion waves bordered the pavement. “What do you make of it, Sid? You have lived here, mixed with citizens. I have no sense of this, saving the sense that all are fast asleep.” It satisfied him that he could not have guessed the answer. Buddha referred to ‘The Grand Cross’, an extremely rare astrological alignment that peaked in 14 days, on April 23. Pluto opposite Jupiter; Mars opposite Uranus. “The cross that they make combines the signs of Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. These signs all enjoy being the boss, leading the parade. All love to initiate change,” he said. Yeshua rejoiced that his friend could lift him. “Advise me on how we should best be during this time, as we head for the Dark City,” he said, smiling now. “Just be”, Sid replied calmly. “Be, stay gentle with yourself and others. But know that old patterns and constructs no longer apply. What was done historically will no longer work, does no longer work, so dare to dream vividly, of new ways of community and governance.” Sid continued. “I shared your unease when I arrived; but found most humans possess good hearts. That will count during this shift point. Dramatic but positive outcomes will be chosen.” A female voice spoke in Polish from a top floor flat. The thoroughfare was widening, light trying to broaden. “Caterpillars will become butterflies,” said Sid, confidently. “You have entered a world where information can travel in a split second. No longer does it take 300 years to move from Dark Age to Renaissance. It can happen overnight, if a few strong minds send clear messages.” Red and white lines laced the emergent sky. The Buddha told of his initial astonishment at the Essex humans he encountered. “My head and gut seized control. I saw indentured servants walking the breadline, money shrinking or stolen, justice disappearing, consciousness traduced by media. The government and royal family manufacturing consent then milking people left and right. Bankers printing money like madmen to keep their lifestyles and grandeur afloat. Everything for sale. And everyone trained to submission, believing the little pieces of paper have value, allowing the money printers to harvest their energy.” Jesus walked on the grass wherever possible. Early passers-by looked up at him with incredulity. Buddha continued: “But my heart took over. I saw love in how humans can and do treat each other. It was clear they lack time or tools to change the wider situation. People are exhausted and uninformed – so Earth’s elites do whatever they want, when they want. My role was never to judge, but to enlighten. The results at our centre have been pleasing.” A woman crossed the road, shunning them, as Siddharta described the universe eliminating things that did not work. “That is natural apocalypse – the striking apocalypse of renewal that we are living in now.” Buddha explained how each night – in the few hours when his disciples slept – he went into trance to watch spirit worlds. He had seen the pain felt by tens of millions starving in sub-Saharan Africa. “It manifests as a thin yellow light with flecks of red anger, hidden behind dark ghouls that inhabit these worlds. I heard the Earth itself yelping with pain, from the trees being felled in the Amazon forest.” They turned left, opposite a church, a huge cross on its side. St Cedds. Siddharta told of his watershed vision earlier that night. “There was not a single ghoul to be seen, nor any yelp from Gaia. Instead a golden light was close. I sensed it is ready to fry the flat and manufactured language of assets, profit, and investors’ rights. And that you were here, with us, at last. Unbidden, my feet took me to the Crooked Billet.” They crossed a junction. Traffic lights divided the dwellings either side; the humble and the prouder. Drivers were opening windows, recording the sight on their phones. Jesus’ high vantage point gave an impression that small, shiny but misshapen boxes were shunting and shuffling. Ahead, he read the Essex Ford sign, saw greater numbers of the shuffling boxes that needed the Earth’s minerals. “Kent Elms Corner,” said Sid, two minutes later. “Here we are.” They found a bench, near a large curving bridge across the road. On the other side of the junction, a dark-haired figure energetically washed windscreens at the traffic lights. Coins slid into her hip pouch at regular intervals. The sun was rising brightly to the east over the A127 suburbs. A small, wiry figure wrapped in white approached, pounding the pavement with an equal energy. As Gandhi crossed towards them, smiling, the car washer looked across. “It has begun,” said Jesus. He felt harmony and balance return, felt his vibration rise, felt his head and gut chakras take a back seat. Acclimatisation to Earth was every inch the challenge Sid had described.
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Do not set on your own up for failure by building a fake profile. As an example, if you head out of your means to make on your own appear like the athlete of the year, you will attract fitness and outdoor fanatics. This is okay if that is what you are searching for. Nevertheless, if you would instead check out a publication than go mountaineering, you must stick to what you understand. Now that you've created a profile that you are confident will send out romance your method, the following step is selecting a possible mate along with weeding the great from the bad. Let us Marchand MB asian sluts in local a woman asks you if you like BBQ chicken wings. You could say" Yeah" and the conversation would perish. I get them each time I purchase pizza with pineapple topping" . This leaves room for your girl to chat about pizza, BBQ chicken wings, and pineapple. I initially thought about dividing these romantic tidings into two segments, What women like, and what men enjoy, but I understood that it's better for the reader to experience both segments not just to confirm their own feelings, but to really get a feel for what others have gone. As soon as you can see what others are dealing with and how they respond or do not, you have any insight to what may be unacceptable or acceptable and alter your stances. They would obviously hookers and beer doing the things we had been working on. But if the second or first interactions did not go well, it had been harder for me to keep them from falling back in their ruts. Do they need to be replicated or are you caught up in the stories revealed by advertising fed to you by the internet dating websites? Of course many are true are the deaths left from the roadside but also true. Jason: In the morning, after we have taken our shower and dressed to go out, she came close to me, winked at me, and started unbuttoning my shirt, then said, " Jason, I need to fuck. " Jason: We didn't do it since I was not in the mood. We just laughed over it. You'll notice as you are currently talking to her, that when you've got a girl she will often zone out. It will seem like nothing about her matters. It is only her and you in her mind. That is a great sign. Extraverts are more prone than introverts to utilize the expanding relationship. Research with the Myers- Briggs Form Indicator( a psychological test that describes people by personality types) shows that extraverts cure casual sex scappoose with different people, whereas introverts cure better by themselves. Assume that she is drawn to you, and treat her as if she is sexually attracted to you. Here is the leap of faith you want to make. If you presume this and you think it, how you behave alters. It will show in your range of activities ifyou're wealthy. If you went to Local sluts dtf Stewiacke- league colleges and only want to date other Ivy grads, sign up that's an. Maybe you were born into a family with assets or you worked difficult to construct a lifestyle on your own. But you arrived do not boast about cars, homes, vacations or other indications of success. You can Marchand Manitoba busty hookers alexis may entrepreneurial spirit and your hard work but stay far from crowing about the payoffs. That is the reason we proposed that you use a deal that characterizes the type of individualyou're. Don't try to sound like a Marchand Manitoba british prostitutes god or a sex goddess. On the off probability that you are, let another person choose for herself or himself; ( it's much superior to having the individual concoct explanations such as" is it in yet? " ) So remain far from handles such as Handsomehunk Megastud, Superbabe or even Bedlover. But guess what: modern living longer rewards. Marchand good ts dating apps living rewards because we stalking the savannah seeking a gazelle think. If you can't think beyond conventional wisdom it merely means that your suggestions and actions are doomed to mediocrity. We reside and you aren't going to Marchand MB it. So it's in fact fairly simple, any person can associate with any of those points as well as after reading that, it would certainly be really simple for a female to send you a casual sex prom informing you that she fits everythingyou're searching for. A Word to the Widowed Maybeyou're a widow or widower who had been happy and satisfied in your relationship that is lost. Research suggests that individuals who elect to wed again have remarriages that are likely to last. Adjusting to being widowed is a procedure that is difficult and very painful, thus most of the cubes in our rebuilding version are beneficial and applicable to those. Widowed individuals, but don't need to address one of the parts of the adjustment: a love affair that is unhappy. Energy Vampire Sub- Types We've discussed the fact that there are two kinds of vampire, the conscious and the oblivious nonetheless, it's also important to mention that energy vampires come in sub- types. These include the following: The victim: Many people find a way to perform with the victim in each scenario; the role has been mastered by them and will find every opportunity to let the world know how unnaturally they have been treated. You will soon get tired of listening to them whine all the time if you know a person like this. If their boss asks them to perform the job that's been stated in their occupation contract they moan, and they complain when they must wait in line like everybody else on earth. When you can't answer the phone as you are in an important meeting, they whine; the list is endless. Thinking about all the things that a individual with a victim mentality whines about will find horny local sluts email Marchand MB you. After you have left their presence hung up the telephone on a individual, their voice continues to Marchand Manitoba rose city hookers you. We are going to begin with recognizing that manuals about dating assume you wish to meet a guy, fall in love and get married. That assumption isn't made by me. Some girls just Marchand MB creampie sex dating to find a terrific guy to spend weekends with. Some women want even less commitment and hope to find a man to have sex with occasionally. The ability to accurately read verbal and non- verbal cues is a sign of emotional intelligence. You're dating somebody, if you are continuously finding a need to convey your feelings for your spouse. I am certainly not stating that your spouse should be able appeal to of your requirements and to Marchand local sluts who like to fuck your every emotion; however, at a minimum, they should be. I like to travel! Can you tell from my pictures? I've seen poverty around the world I feel so lucky to have the capability, my mind along with my health to be able to wake up daily knowing I could do whatever I want and go wherever I wish to! I am not going to squander! Like many guys, I like women, certain! However, what I am really after, if you haven't been able to tell is. Ifyou're able to speak Spanish or French, it would be an excellent compliment to my. I need a girl who will find beauty in the small things, in camping in a forest and in hiking that hill. Ifyou're not the kind of woman who can scruff up it for some time then we are not going to get on! I'm hoping to find that perfect personwe' ll travel the planet and get to know each other like no one we've ever understood before. We'll be unstoppable! I know that within time, I'll adore those gaps and would not change them, although I don't expect her to be perfect right away. People are afraid of being inundated with dates that are casual sex campina grande if they start reaching out to others who weren't their first choice. If you seek reasons to not contact individuals on dating sites, you are able to narrow your range so far that you find hardly any people that seem" fitting. " You can easily get discouraged, if you contact the ones that were many fitting. Low response rates can leave you believing that there is nobody out there for you. Be a bit adventurous, In case your Must- Haves record is coated in your search criteria, and permit yourself to think beyond the Marchand. You may be glad you did. I had been a different man after this" brake upward" . I started not giving a ****and it felt awesome. I'd speak to girls and I wouldn't care what I said or if she liked what I said. I would tease women and also make sexual jokes( even though I was a virgin) , I wouldn't start getting shy when women would touch me and girls would respond to me personally although I wasn't attractive. I would give them a compliment and would never buy anything but somehow they'd text me and acknowledge their feelings. So, GMC switched it by placing a price tag on his d ***before she could have a taste. This comes the igniter of the VSG. Earlier that afternoon, they both had a Marchand Manitoba dating apps problems where he advised her to present his d ***a title and all she could come up with was" Chiboy. " Her: Hey! Her: No guy licked his palms. It is said that among the problems with Internet dating is it is so easy to continually look over your shoulder. You don't ever have to devote because as soon as you become frustrated, unhappy, whatever, there's always someone new who will respond to your" wink. " And local creampie sluts Marchand MB us face it, every connection leaves you sad, and is frustrating. These things are hardwired into all relationships. But when you find The Real Deal, when you have found give it the chance. And don't look over your shoulder. Here's the list of few benefits that you would get via online dating: Convenient, Quick and Easy: The ease, speed and casual sex couch of online dating websites make it the perfect choice for the active people with no energy or time for customary dating Marchand Manitoba local sluts gifs. May seem like an effort that is intimidating but it's in Marchand MB online dating site jobs a practice that is very simple. When I told her she only looked at me like" oh no" and that I could see the local sluts Lac-Sainte-Marie and also the appearance of running away. Some eased up, as we continued to talk, but I sensed fear. We left another date. I told her so, and knew I could be overpowering. " Please, do not best lesbian dating apps. When I come on too strong, simply say so. " As she grew more comfortable, I had to appear and tell her, " You are the person I have been looking for my whole life" I'd say, " Okay then, let's not observe each other, " and I'd spend my day on the job, then come home only to see a text with meet me at the beach for a picnic. Obviously, this could put a large grin on my face. Cast A Wide Net Online dating has truly turned into a experience that is social. If there is no continuous chemistry, don't lose your date. He or she could introduce you to some new friend or business associate. You are going to be widening your circle while lookingfor'theone'. In the conclusion of this day, be kind to those you meet on line. Research actually shows that the username is looked at by most men and women first, then the photo. Only if they enjoy what they see will they read the rest of your profile. Pick the wrong username and snap, folks will click beyond your profile and move on.
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A feature is: When a woman comes to a room with you, regardless of whether in the hotel area or in the apartment, the instance is actually clear and you'll have cim hookers la. Sometimes that she comes to your room with 16, you need to make efforts. However, as soon as she once is there, she'll want sex with you. Take hair for example, not just merely holes in automobile flooring. We put, unfortunately concern in to baldness. Once you may think a dater might be concerned about what type of car he drove on a date, the guy really did not care. The man with the older car that was brown often wished he was in a silver Eldorado to visit the woman's estate. Him, using a hole in the floor, however, didn't stop. He plunged forward with gusto into the evening with the woman that was significant. As it turns out, that one date became many dates. The lady took a rabid liking for himthe Chevette- owner, Pickup Paul. From going because of him, his physical appearance being of a man completely hardup, did not stop her in any sense. Why? She liked him, simple and plain. Is this loud and clear enough? He was a listener after him big- time, and she had been. Recently divorced local horny sluts Val-Shefford QC frequently ask: " How can I make friends following a divorce? Where can I find someone to date? " The dilemma is that a number of previously married people are out looking desperately instead of just enjoying the people around them. Your goal for now must be to get to know people; some of these new acquaintances might become exceptional friends or even fans. However, be Dipper Harbour truck stop prostitutes and proceed. Begin by enlarging your" pool" of acquaintances. You may meet new people wherever you go- - the grocery store; church; classes in computers, tennis, ceramics, cooking, language, or development; neighborhood classes; volunteer actions; the library; operate; or even the dog. ( And, yes, we are aware that online communities and interest groups offer venues for meeting new folks, but we invite you to join in person whenyou're able to. ) As you do begin to research ways to create new friends, you'll find that ifyou're really interested in the people with whom you are in touch, you ship out" vibrations" which make people want to react. But if you come across desperate, as lonely, and needy, individuals won't want to be about you. Actually those amazing features on your date- - the stunningly out of the normal lady is what we are here discussing- - could, and will, also, result in overlooking another true fact that she could prove to be rather, ahem, er, forgetful. Is this news? Can a person see that an striking date could be forgetful? We are not Dipper Harbour New Brunswick predators online dating sites about a lack of remembering in Dipper Harbour NB eur rome prostitutes. It is. Can you ever consider that a stupendous amazing date could leave matters in places that are distant where they are while telling you that you simply do not step up, and forget. Cheeseburger and shake in hand, the temptations from the night another's mouths. She wasn't even hot for crying out loud! " As you take another bite of your cheeseburger whilst watching the grease drip to the paper that held it so together, you know a tear has dropped out of your own eye. She gives you a huge hug, while the casual sex blogs Dipper Harbour of the girls keep the dialogue moving for your privacy's sake. Individuals are familiar with just a relationship at a time. In fact, the evidence seems clear that most people want a psychological relationship to encourage a connection. You are currently looking to alora fuck buddy Dipper Harbour New Brunswick her. Since you don't accept yourself for who you are this mindset comes. You're uncomfortable with that you are. This is the reason why people boast. They need people to look them up since they don't find the worth in themselves. After she replies, add a phrase- it had been the dream where you get caught in a steady downpour and how you got muddy( or utilize any other word without the literal mention of the phrase filthy) . Now that you just made a joke about it, it does build up the sexual tension and might even make her live local free sluts Dipper Harbour NB, laugh or both. But it did its work, discussing the fantasy made her believe about sex and that is precisely where she was wanted by you. You may think it seems like tedious game- playing yet really it is just flirtation mixed with a little bit of ground- testing. And also it can be enjoyable once you can see it is reciprocated and also feel the radiance of Dipper Harbour NB local black sluts that she is kind of interested. The way they feel around their peers can vary. In 1Dipper Harbour casual sex while gaming we discovered about, divorce was so prevalent that when one boy told his college friends his parents were getting a Dipper Harbour NB big breasts casual sex, another kid said, " Your parents are finally getting together, aren't they? " In another community divorce can be so uncommon that your son or daughter might be the child of divorce in the grade. When people have a tendency to look down as opposed to keeping their eyes level, another time is when they are intimidated by or attracted to someone. Doing so projects Dipper Harbour crazy local sluts and weakness. Here's something to keep in mind. You never know if one of your matches is in the mood to perform with. Your improvements could disgust her one day two weeks later open right up to the idea. For this Dipper Harbour New Brunswick leaked local sluts, you can not stop on the games who Dipper Harbour New Brunswick netlog online dating you should they turn you local sluts cumshots Dipper Harbour once. Now undoubtedly, this is where that date needs to have finished. Really, I must have run for the hills when I saw the to- catch- a- predator prop he drove fly via town, however I didn't. I froze, like a dumb deer in the headlights, and now I was stuck walking right into a bar with a man who was clearly all wrong- - not just for me, but also for humanity. Do not talk. It's better to say nothing if you can't think of anything good to say. If you believe it's a good minute to end the conversation, just do it. From the time that the conversation comes to an end they stop responding. Do not keep, it is generally Dipper Harbour local sluts hookup app to come across as desperate. How you manage them would be the most crucial thing. They don't need to become a fire where the entire home gets burnt to the ground, including the yard. Try to consider misunderstandings as a candle that you attempt to dismiss out and with little work. He's passed the exam when it comes to your Relationship Wish List and Deal Breaker List. You've enjoyed spending some time together and whether the both of you can take it to the next level you'd like to find out. Is do you like who he is? When you first meet someone, it's really easy to become caught up in the chemistry. And when an intimate relationship happens immediately, it is Dipper Harbour NB local latina teen sluts tumblr harder to figure out if what you heart's feeling is love or lust. When a girl has a physical connection with a guy, her heart and her body bond with him making it easy she's feeling. You and your partner are projecting your unhappiness onto each other, making the other" responsible" to your unhappiness. You haven't learned to take ownership of your own feelings. Meme online dating Dipper Harbour apart- - with a strategy for development- - could help both of you learn how to accept adult responsibility. You will learn not to Dipper Harbour dating apps zero mathes about what anyone says on Tinder to you. Always keep the mentality that is white that is fantastic. Don't be reluctant to unmatch a girl who strikes on you with a comment that is glossy or dismiss her completely. Study- - " Mr Y" Recently we talked to Mr Y concerning his hope of winning over a girl that currently has a boyfriend. This week, allow's flip it and discuss what it's like to be the individual who's around to shed their partner. Feminism allows women to take advantage of Western men's demeanor. Men want to provide for girls; we want to free local sluts Dipper Harbour after those. We'll do( almost) whatever that a woman asks, just for the off- chance we might get closer to them. Even the most alpha, do not- give- a- damn man will endure. Ever heard thephrase'Happy wife, happylife'? Yeah. Men will mostly do what their women ask them to. Why are men so keen to do what girls ask of them? Other than the desire for sexual accessibility, there are motivators at play too. The psychological bias known as the WAW effect, ( shortfor'girls arefantastic') pushes the agenda. This bias strengthens many feminist topics, such as Patriarchy rape civilization, the wage gap, and many others. How else would you explain the willingness to accept such total and total lunacy? The WAW effect implies we have a Dipper Harbour sex dating nude pics to feature desired and positive traits to female characteristics towards guys. Coupled with the reality that men tend to appease women( at least in Western nations, anyhow) , the WAW effect handicaps guys( and women) , leaving them unable to think seriously about feminine behavior. Together with the WAW effect in, well, impact, girls and you have the leg up on men and the modern world now we have, respectively. After all, the only option isn't to do it( that is fine too, if you opt to do that) but then you would not be relationship that seemingly was something you wanted, or you wouldn't have signed up and got this far. There are a number of subtle influences from the household. Bruce discovered: " My beloved spouse came from a family of strong females; I came from a family of strong males. As to which sex was going to be the boss, one of the family of origin problems would be to make a compromise. In all seriousness, when we form dating relationships, with we want to associate? Would you enjoy dullness? Then by all means, whenever you date people who have given up a child or two in the past possibly it would be about the side that is smart to quickly look for the return of the retards. Add loss +bliss and you will begin acting irrationally distressed and needy once you know that it's incorrect. You'll start overanalyzing you love her, but in fact, the loss and the bliss is the cause- - it magnified the problem till it hurts more.
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On this edition of Blue Thunder Bombs Over Baghdad, we’re one man down without tucah. Despite this, we soldier on. Zach, DJ (Optix), and Pop talk about Extreme Rules, how BAD Carmella’s current title run is, a beginner’s course to New Japan, as well as New Japan’s recent United States The wrestling just won’t stop so this week Wrestling Over Baghdad tackles the Greatest Royal Rumble, Backlash, Money in the Bank, WWE Women’s Championships, Wrestling on Fox, and a ton of other happening in the world of wrestling. Send your questions to: [email protected] Intro Song: Mr. Mashup – Simon Says Destroy The wrestling crew have gotten back together to talk to you for three hours about Wrestling Mania, Golden Lovers, Wrestling Fan Fiction, and all the other wrestling you can handle. Send your questions to: [email protected] Music: Kid Rock – Cowboy https://ia600305.us.archive.org/35/items/RomsOverBaghdad/2Wrasslin.mp3 Download Here!! It’s the inaugural Powerbombs Over Baghdad podcast, where Zach, Optix, Popcans, and Tucah discuss all things wrestling like New Japan matches for beginners, ROH’s Supercard show on Wrestlemania weekend, WWE’s Fastlane PPV, the curious case of NXT’s hit-or-miss of talent getting to the main roster, and ALL of the hottest
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The Emmys, am I right? Seriously, when you’re an hour and a half into an Emmy telecast and you’re thinking, “Bachelor In Paradise might have been a better choice,” then I think it’s time either to reconsider our masochistic interest in this awards ceremony or to give Bachelor in Paradise its due credit. For now, let’s go with the first option. I mean, I haven’t dabbled excessively in animal husbandry, but I can’t help but shake the fact that watching a four hour documentary on the herding patterns of yaks would’ve proven more exciting than this year’s recipients. Repeat winners ruled this particular Seth Meyers-led roost, furthering the perception of the Emmys as little more than a popularity contest, which–of course–it is. But look, before you get all bent out of shape and start creeping under my house’s crawlspace, I can confess that Breaking Bad‘s several wins were not only deserved but also requisite accolades for a brilliant conclusion to the best show ever to appear on television. Still, its victories added to the overall sense of humdrum boredom and expectation. In addition to the been-there-done-that feel, several weird choices–and I’m not just talking about awarding Kathy Bates for her kitschy, over-the-top performance in American Horror Story: Coven over the all-but-a-lock Allison Tolman of Fargo–created a rushed, slipshod ceremony. For instance, why were there lengthy clips for the nominees in the Best Supporting Actor in a Drama category but just live audience reaction shots for Best Actor? Why were some presenters given free rein to riff before announcing the winners and others just read off the teleprompter? The Emmys felt surprising in all the wrong ways. I was scared, I was confused, and Tatiana Maslany wasn’t there to hold me. I didn’t like it. And yet, somehow, the occasional bright spot punched through the murkiness of the proceedings, so below I’ll highlight those (spoiler: it’s a short list) before limiting myself to my major complaints and snubs. I’ll Allow It 1) The Bits Seth Meyers didn’t set the world on fire or anything as this year’s host, but several very funny interstitial segments did delight. My favorite has to be Billy Eichner (aka Craig from Parks and Rec) and Seth Meyers on the streets of New York interviewing unwitting pedestrians about the Emmys in this special installment of Billy on the Street. I laughed so hard when Billy scampered away after decrying a Mindy Kaling snub in light of her waking up at the crack of dawn to announce the nominees: “You know who slept soundly? Perennial Emmy nominee JULIE BOWEN!” And how about Billy’s reaction to the guy who confused Seth Meyers for Seth MacFarlane? Great stuff. My second favorite bit involved Seth opening the floor up as a Q&A, leading Jon Hamm to claim Maggie Smith’s Emmy–if she won– before Julianna Margulies could, Andre Braugher looking for the bathroom key (hint: Josh Charles had it!), and Fred Armisen whipping the crowd into a frenzy in hopes that the Emmys could televise “every year.” All participants were game here, and it worked. Loved it. Finally, the Bryan Cranston/Julia Louis-Dreyfus moments, culminating in him ambushing her in an aggressive lip lock, helped us fall in love with these two even more. 2) Weird Al Sure, the songs weren’t particularly great (though spurring George R.R. Martin to “write faster” over the Game of Thrones theme amused me), but WEIRD AL PERFORMED AT THE FRICKING EMMYS! #win. 3) Jimmy Kimmel Before doling at some award or other, Jimmy Kimmel absolutely killed it in his comedic lambast of Matthew McConaughey, urging him to pack up his patchouli oil and hit the road among other choice one-liners. Well done, sir. 4) A few winners Julianna for The Good Wife (and then tossing out a reminder that her show still produces 22 episodes a season). Louis C.K. for writing “And So Did the Fat Lady.” Surprise wins for Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman on Sherlock. Fargo claiming Best Miniseries. Breaking Bad doing its thing (though I have–please forgive me–a quibble about Aaron Paul’s victory, which you’ll see in a second). Other than that, not much. 5) The Simplistic and Understated Robin Williams tribute Billy Crystal nailed it, keeping it short and sweet as he painted a beautifully personal portrait of his deceased friend with a few choice anecdotes. And if the clips that played after Crystal spoke didn’t leave you with a lump in your throat, then I don’t even know what to tell you. 1) Continued Modern Family domination Ty Burrell won AGAIN. The show won Best Comedy Series AGAIN–for the fifth time in a row. Gail Mancuso won for Directing AGAIN–for the second time in a row (though her submission episode, “Las Vegas,” was hilarious and so well-deserved). Look, I still enjoy this show a lot, but let’s move on. Please. 2) Kathy Bates trumps Allison Tolman I don’t even want to talk about this, except to say it’s another instance of name recognition trumping fresh-faced, genuine talent, though–to her credit–Kathy Bates looked genuinely flummoxed when she heard her name called. 3) Repeat winners dominate Julia Louis-Dreyfus won her third consecutive Emmy and Bryan Cranston his fourth total last night, but they’re brilliant, so I’ll posit them as the exceptions. Still, they’re a part of a catalogue of performers who claimed victory already: Jessica Lange (snooze), Jim Parsons (eye roll), and Ty Burrell (scoff) to name but a few. I’ll say it again: let’s move on. 4) Last night should’ve put #CharlesInCharge I love Aaron Paul. He’s exceptionally talented, and he consistently elevated Jesse Pinkman into a fully formed, robust character about whom we cared and for whom we cheered. Still, that trophy belonged to Josh Charles for his swan song episodes of The Good Wife. Charles had more to work with this year than Paul did–sorry, but it’s true. I don’t begrudge Paul his victory (as I said, love the guy), but it would have been nicer to see Charles add that first trophy to his shelf instead of Paul adding his third. Sorry, but this was weird. Key and Peele tried to make us care with their funny self-deprecating bit and–a credit to their profuse talents–almost succeeded, until I remembered they were introducing accountants. Um, what? 6) Andre Braugher’s loss For his performance as police captain Holt, Braugher proved the power of the “straight” man comedic trope; by underplaying his character amidst a squad full of loonies, Braugher emerged as the funniest member of the hilarious Brooklyn Nine-Nine cast. Ty Burrell, funny as he is, plays a dimwitted dad–that’s the work of a two time Emmy winner? 7) Game of Thrones shut out I’m not sure where it could have squeezed in, but it’s a shame that this show continues to gobble up the nominations but does not convert them into victories. Now that Breaking Bad‘s era has concluded, maybe the time for GoT is finally upon us! I’ll stop myself there. I could keep going, but you get the point: it got weird last night. But you know what’s weirdest of all? I can’t help, every year, but hope for something to change with the Emmys, even though it rarely does. And if that’s not a test for insanity, then I’m not sure what is, and color me mad. #tvcrazy Until next year, you Emmy masochists you!
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Depression is quite common, but it doesn’t have to be a lifelong problem. Many people have fought depression and won. It’s always a little bit easier to win the fight when you feel like you have support, which is one of the reasons that these quotes for someone who is depressed can be so helpful. The Best Quotes for Someone Who Is Depressed These quotes are organized into different categories. Quotes About Pushing Through Depression - “And if today all you did was hold yourself together, I’m proud of you.” - “Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside – remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.” - “When you fear your struggles, your struggles consume you. When you face your struggles, you overcome them.” - “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” - “The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why.” - “Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.” - “Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - “Start over, my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to.” Quotes for Staying Determined - “Sometimes, life will kick you around, but sooner or later, you realize you’re not just a survivor. You’re a warrior, and you’re stronger than anything life throws your way.” - “Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be increased.” - “Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.” -Roy T. Bennett Inspiring Quotes for People who Are Depressed - “Sorrow is one of the vibrations that prove the fact of living.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s quote reminds us that sadness is a part of life, and that it can be beautiful. - “You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.” -Jonathan Safran Foer - “Some days are just bad days, that’s all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that’s just the way it is!” -Dita von Teese - “It’s in the darkest moments that we find our greatest strengths.” - “Sometimes when things are falling apart they may actually be falling into place” These quotes for someone who is depressed can be useful for everyone, whether they’re happy or sad. They remind us that life is beautiful, even during the hard times, and that we’re always growing stronger. If you’re feeling totally miserable, don’t fret – check out these heart-melting quotes about miserable people that will make you feel better. Or if your sadness is caused by a friend or family member’s death, check out these quotes about grieving.
{ "date": "2020-10-25T05:18:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107887810.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20201025041701-20201025071701-00045.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9355051517486572, "token_count": 762, "url": "https://quotabulary.com/quotes-for-someone-who-is-depressed" }
It's likely you and the people you're leading are more short-tempered than usual this year. This shouldn't surprise you. There are many reasons to be angry right now—from being quarantined for long periods of time to massive job losses to clear examples of injustice all around. But anger doesn't need to win. More than ever, now is the time to look at how our faith can keep us calm even during times of crisis. Anger isn't always wrong. The Bible tells us God gets appropriately angry. The only reason you're able to experience anger is because you're created in God's image. But mismanaged anger is a problem, and it's a sin. Thankfully, God can help us manage our anger in the midst of chaos as we follow this six-part biblical pattern. 1. Realize the cost of uncontrolled anger. You can always identify a price tag on your anger. Proverbs 29:22a (NCV) says, "An angry person causes trouble." You've likely seen this play out in your life and in the lives of others. Take note of the specific ways anger will cost you and those you love. The book of Proverbs lists a variety of troubles caused by anger. Proverbs 14:29 says anger leads to mistakes. Proverbs 14:17 says it leads to foolish actions. Proverbs 11:29 says anger leads to broken relationships. Anger isn't worth the price you'll pay. 2. Resolve to manage your anger. You need to decide: Will you let your anger continue to hurt yourself and others? Quit saying you can't control your anger, and be honest with yourself. With God's help, your anger is controllable. Proverbs 29:11 (NIV) says, "Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end." You need to prepare in advance for how to respond correctly to situations that make you angry. If you wait until the next time you get angry to deal with it, you will fail. 3. Reflect before reacting. Think before you speak. Don't simply respond impulsively. James wrote his book to people who were experiencing crises, difficulties and trials. That's why he writes, "Therefore, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God." (James 1:19-20, MEV). When people feel listened to, it reduces their frustration and eases their hurt. Anger control is really mouth control. You tame your temper by taming your tongue. 4. Release your anger appropriately. Anger isn't necessarily the problem. It only becomes a problem when it's released inappropriately. Ephesians 4:26a makes this clear: "Be angry but do not sin." Many of us express anger in ways that move us further away from the goal. If we want our hurts healed, frustrations resolved and fears relieved, sinful anger will only get in the way. So, what is the best way to deal with anger? Don't repress it. That leads to depression. Don't express it in inappropriate ways such as sarcasm. Instead, confess it. Let people know you're hurt. It's much easier to deal with fear or frustration than anger. 5. Repattern your mind. Your thoughts determine your emotions. Your emotions determine your actions. If you want to break the habit of anger, you'll need to change how you think. Since you were young, you likely learned how and when to get angry through your interactions with others. You watched and learned as it was modeled for you. The good news is you can unlearn this behavior, too. Romans 12:2 (CEV) says, "Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him." 6. Ask God to fill you with his love. God's love is the real secret to transforming us from angry people into peaceful people. 1 Corinthians 13:5b (NIV) tells us love "is not easily angered." When we're filled with God's love, anger won't rule us. Our relationship with Christ greatly influences our ability to master anger in our lives. God's love can change us even in the midst of global calamity. My challenge to you during 2020 is to let God work on managing your anger. It's been a tough year already. God uses tough times like these to form your character. As anger explodes around you, see it as an opportunity to let God's peace shine through you. Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church, one of America's largest and most influential churches. He is the author of the New York Times' bestseller The Purpose Driven Life. His book The Purpose Driven Church was named one of the 100 Christian books that changed the 20th century. Pastor Rick started The PEACE Plan to show the local church how God works through ordinary people to address the five global giants of spiritual emptiness, self-serving leadership, poverty, disease and illiteracy. You can listen to Daily Hope, Pastor Rick's daily 25-minute audio teaching, or sign up for his free daily devotionals at PastorRick.com. He is also the founder of Pastors.com, a global online community created to encourage pastors. For the original article, visit pastors.com. Get Spirit-filled content delivered right to your inbox! Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. Dr. Steve Greene is now sharing stories, teachings, and conversations with guests who lead with love on Love Leads, a new podcast. Listen now. Dr. Mark Rutland's National Institute of Christian Leadership (NICL) The NICL is one of the top leadership training programs in the U.S. taught by Dr. Mark Rutland. If you're the type of leader that likes to have total control over every aspect of your ministry and your future success, the NICL is right for you! FREE NICL MINI-COURSE - Enroll for 3-hours of training from Dr. Rutland's full leadership course. Experience the NICL and decide if this training is right for you and your team.Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you’re not growing? Do you need help from an expert in leadership? There is no other leadership training like the NICL. Gain the leadership skills and confidence you need to lead your church, business or ministry. Get ready to accomplish all of your God-given dreams. CLICK HERE for NICL training dates and details. The NICL Online is an option for any leader with time or schedule constraints. It's also for leaders who want to expedite their training to receive advanced standing for Master Level credit hours. Work through Dr. Rutland's full training from the comfort of your home or ministry at your pace. Learn more about NICL Online. Learn more about NICL Online.
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A haunting among ruins The story goes that amongst the ruins of the now long forgotten stately home of Wanstead House, the lonely ghost of a wretched heiress wanders unable to rest. A tragic figure who either committed suicide or died from a broken heart. She walks the estate mourning her life and the love she held for a man who was never worthy of her. The often seen ghost has long been reputed to be that of Catherine Tylney-Long, the last owner of Wanstead House. Although the haunting conjures up the traditional, romantic image of a doomed love affair, the little known story of the actual life and death of Catherine Tylney-Pole, an heiress, whose hand was once sought by all the most eligible men in the kingdom is even more poignant. One of the grandest houses of its age The Child family first leased the estate of Wanstead Park in 1667, owning it outright from 1678. Richard Child, first Viscount Castlemaine and later Earl Tylney of Castlemaine replaced the old house with an immense Palladian mansion and laid the foundations for the gardens. The house designed by Colen Campbell became famous in Essex for “the grandeur of its architecture, its commanding position, and the beauty of its surroundings”1. Sometime around 1731, Richard Child commissioned Hogarth to produce a conversation piece. Entitled “An Assembly at Wanstead House 1728-1731”, the painting of the sumptuous long ballroom was used as a vehicle to flaunt Child’s wealth with expensive sculptures, marble work, furniture and tapestries all visible in the top half of the painting. Later generations embellished, developed and beautified the gardens, employing the most skilled and eminent landscape gardeners of the day. “Wanstead house…is a large and magnificent structure, standing in an extensive park, and surrounded with gardens and pleasure grounds…The prospects from several of the apartments are extremely beautiful, and include a very extensive part of the surrounding country.”2 The importance of the park today is confirmed by its Grade II listed status with Dr Simon Thurley of English Heritage writing that it is “of immense importance, being one of the most significant Parks in England”.3 “The Pocket Venus” James Long inherited Wanstead Park from his Uncle, Earl Tylney and took the family name. He had four children with his second wife Catherine Sydney Windsor. Sir James Long-Tylney died two months after the birth of his only son, also called James. James died shortly before his eleventh birthday and the Tylney and Long estates passed to his eldest sister, the 16-year-old Catherine. An acknowledged beauty of diminutive stature “pocket Venus” with a lovely, pious and gentle nature, it seems becoming an heiress was the worst thing that ever happened to her. Recognised as the richest commoner in the kingdom with estimates of her wealth ranging from the ridiculous one million pound mark to the more sensible £300,000, not surprisingly, Catherine suddenly saw herself at the centre of a lot of male attention. Her popularity was parodied using lines from Oliver Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield “Man wants but little here below, But wants that little long”4. On her début a paper reported “Lady Catherine Tylney-Long commenced her career in the fashionable world on Monday night in Grosvenor square with a splendid ball. Her ladyship possesses an immense fortune”5. It was reputed that whenever she drove around the park, she was accompanied by a bevy of suitors who rode around her carriage as guards around a king. Her most ardent admirers included Robert ‘Romeo’ Coates, an eccentric who was considered the vainest man of his day and the Duke of Clarence, whose proposal Catherine turned down, afraid that he was only after her money. Possibly fear of fortune hunters was the reason that Catherine did not marry until she was 22. Unfortunately when she did, she made a terrible mistake and in the end chose the sort of man she had tried so hard to avoid. Enter William Wellesley-Pole Born in Ireland to one of the most eminent families in the kingdom, his uncle being none other than the Duke of Wellington, William was reported to have been a wild, difficult child, resistant to any attempts to educate him. In his mid-teens he ran up considerable debts. His family bought him a commission in the army which he seems to have promptly resigned (possibly due to his inability to listen to authority) and decided to go into politics. A failure in this too and after losing a lot of money into the bargain, William decided the only answer to his problems was to marry an heiress and so unlucky for her, he set his sights on Catherine Tylney-Pole. William proposed to Catherine seven times, why she finally changed her mind is not really known as it appears that the decision was made against her better judgement and in spite of her mother’s concerns. Maybe he just wore down her defences, maybe in the end she succumbed to his dubious charms or maybe his powerful family put pressure on her to accept. One story following the tradition of all the best romantic fiction relates that it was only after she learnt that he had fought a duel in her name, possibly in her mind proving the verity of his feelings that she finally agreed to marry him. The groom forgetting the wedding ring seems with hindsight to bode ill for their future but on the 14 March 1812 at St James’s in London with the bride wearing a wedding outfit of real Brussels’ point lace and a necklace worth 25,000 guineas, she became Catherine Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley and he secured a life’s interest in his wife’s estate. Although at the beginning they seemed happy, it was not long before William went back to his dissipated ways and scandalous rumours started to surface. The couple decided that Wanstead House needed modernising and begun an extravagant and expensive refurbishment which as one paper reported “is fitting up Wanstead House in a style of magnificence exceeding even Carlton House“ 6 It was also reported that William entertained with lavish parties from which his wife was excluded and magnificent suppers after the opera, gambled outrageously, hosted extravagant stag hunts and spread sovereigns around field workers like confetti. Failed expensive political campaigns did even more damage to their finances and in a bid to generate more funds William mortgaged the marriage settlement trust which included Wanstead House and its contents. In just over ten years, William Pole-Tylney-Long-Wellesley had run through his wife’s immense fortune. With a debt of £250,000, William ever ready to shirk responsibility claimed “I found that I had been robbed to an enormous amount by the person who had the control and management of my large expenditure at Wanstead for upwards of three years” 7 The only recourse the family had to escape their debtors was to flee to the continent. Whilst abroad William unsurprisingly did not have a sudden crisis of conscience instead his behaviour towards his wife continued to worsen. In Italy he became involved with Helen Paterson-Blight, the wife of an ailing captain of the Coldstream Guards and the protégé and according to rumours started by William himself, the natural daughter of the Duke of Wellington. Forced to leave her family and home, made destitute and now humiliated by William, Catherine tried to mitigate any further disgrace by buying off her rival. Failing, Catherine gave up and returned to England with her four children to seek a permanent separation from her husband. The end of Wanstead House In order to pay their debts, Catherine had no choice but to put the Wanstead Estate up for sale. First the contents were auctioned and when the house itself failed to generate any interest after 32 days, it was pulled down and the timber and fabric sold. A house which had cost £360,000 to build in the end sold for just £10,000. “The highest ornament of the age” In 1825, in order to protect her children and prevent them from ever suffering at the hands of their father again, Catherine made them Wards in Chancery and started divorce proceedings. A few months later, Catherine fell ill, fearing again for her children’s future security she changed her will in favour of them, disinheriting her husband. Her dying wish was that they should never see their father again. She died at the age of 35 years on the 12 September 1825 at the family’s seat of Draycott where she was buried. Her family and friends believed that her death was hastened by the fear of losing her children and her husband’s harassment. There is a strong possibility that she was suffering from an inflammation of the bowels caused by a venereal disease, a final parting gift from William! A number of obituaries were published on her passing. The tragedy of her life and death seemed to saddened society. She was called “one of the highest ornaments of the age in which she lived”8 and Sir George Dallas writing a beautiful epitaph in her memory praised her beauty, piety and virtue, “Few of her sex ever commenced life with more brilliant, prospects, or closed it under a darker cloud”9. It was Bell’s Life for Sporting which pithily summed up her life, “Let her fate be a warning to all of her sex, who blessed with affluence, think the buzzing throng which surround them have hearts, when, in fact they have none”10. The death of a scoundrel William fell even further into debt after being sued in 1827 by the Captain Thomas Bligh for criminal conversation with his wife. Bligh was awarded damages in the amount of £6000 and filed for divorce. William married Harriet but soon fell into his old habits, frittering away her fortune, having affairs and leaving her destitute (records reveal that in 1847 she was claiming poor relief). Vilified in the press and cast out by his family, denied the rights of a father and excluded from society, William spent the last three decades in poverty and obscurity. He died in 1857 in cheap lodgings of heart failure at the age of 69 whilst eating a boiled egg. A newspaper obituary notice had no qualms about talking ill of the dead, “A spendthrift, a profligate, and gambler in his youth, he became a debauchee in his manhood…Redeemed by no single virtue, adorned by no single grace, his life has gone out without a flicker of repentance”11 A final thought The only remains which survive of the palatial house and magnificent gardens are a building known as The Temple and the Wanstead Grotto. Built in the mid-18th century, the grotto as part of an overall design for the gardens, the aim of which was to create the illusion of a romantic and ethereal world. The main chamber of the grotto was used as a boathouse which opened directly onto the lake. In 1884 it was destroyed by a fire and only a small part survived. Maybe to some extent Catherine did die of a broken heart but if her ghost does wander the park and grotto she does so not out of grief for her husband but out of sadness for a promising life that went so tragically wrong and the part she played in the destruction of her beautiful ancestral home. 1 A description of Wanstead House and its park in 1819, 2 The New British Traveller (1819) 3 Welcome to the Friends of Wanstead Parklands 4 The Lady Victoria Tylney Long Wellesley: A memoir, 5 Wanstead Park 6 The Owners of Wanstead Park: Part 10 1784-1825 7 The Owners of Wanstead Park: Part 10 1784-1825 8 The Lady Victoria Tylney Long Wellesley: A memoir 9 Beaux of the Regency 10 Earls before Swine 11 The Morning Chronicle, 4 July 1857 Friends of Wanstead Parklands, http://www.wansteadpark.org.uk The New British Traveller (1819), James Dugdale Beaux of the Regency, Lewis Melville A description of Wanstead House and its park in 1819, http://www.wansteadpark.org.uk/hist/a-description-of-wanstead-house-and-its-park-in-1819/ The Lady Victoria Tylney Long Wellesley: A memoir, www.archive.org/stream/ladyvictoriatyln00barrich/ladyvictoriatyln00barrich_djvu.text Earls before Swine, www.marylebone.journal.com/history/earls-before-swine The Owners of Wanstead Park: Part 10 1784-1825, www.wansteadpark.org.uk
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Deliver me?………or………Glorify Yourself! One morning I was sitting across from Ray in a local restaurant. As we discussed various issues in our community and ministry we came to the subject of the trials that are common to all of us. Ray then asked the question “What is our response to trial? Is it deliver me? Or is it Glorify Yourself? He then related the passage of scripture in John 12:27-28. “Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!” There are many situations in life where our hearts are troubled. It may be in facing the reality of a trial in the future or in the trial itself. It may be due to the failure or impending failure of a relationship, lack of employment, or job uncertainty. It may arise from severe health issues, financial burdens and even the seemingly overwhelming demands on our time. What is our first response to these trials? Is it deliver me? Or is it Glorify Yourself? Jesus recognized that the trial He was facing was from the Father, and that all aspects of the trial were under the Father’s control. He knew, furthermore, that the trial had a purpose. That purpose was for the Father’s Glory. He says in John 17:4 “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” In Isaiah 43:7 we read that we were created for the Father’s glory. All His work in and through us, including our trials and troubles are for this purpose. And how is He glorified in these trials? We read in John 15:8 the following. “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” (KJV) The Lord leads us into situations in life where there are opportunities for His Spirit to transform the lives of others. We read about this in II Corinthians 4:11. “For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus‘ sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.” This is the activity of His Spirit. The attitude of our spirit in agreement with this is found in the preceding verse, II Corinthians 4:10. “ We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” This attitude does not primarily declare “Deliver me,” but rather declares “Glorify Yourself!” It was my opportunity to see God glorified in the life of a friend and his family within the last year. Despite an overwhelming infection with severe pain, his attitude was one of total dependence upon the Lord. He and his family used every opportunity to visit with nurses, doctors, as well as with other patients. The resultant disability led them to a Rehabilitation Hospital, where they continued to minister to all who came to see them. It was my privilege to be ministered to by them on numerous occasions. Their testimony of God’s continued Grace in their lives had an impact on many. Ultimately, after a number of months, the Lord did provide deliverance from the infection and its complications. Psalm 50:15 (KJV) states. “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” Their remembrance of this prolonged course of illness was not centered, however, on the pain and disability. It was focused on the lives that the Lord had touched during those months. The Lord had been glorified through their trust in Him. I also recall a young man whom I initially met as a patient and who later became a friend. He was paralyzed from the neck down while serving as a youth counselor. His dreams and aspirations of being a pastor and full time Christian worker were shattered. As he shared the story with me, he related that a few days following the accident he was told that he would never be able to walk again, or be able to have any feeling below the upper chest area. He would have limited shoulder motion but no ability to use his hands. Throughout those early days there had been hope and prayer for deliverance from the result of the injury. But as the news sunk in that night he said that he asked the Lord, “How is it possible to serve you when I am like this for the rest of my life?” “What do I do now?” He then related that the Lord immediately reminded him of three verses in I Thessalonians which are as follows. “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV) As he told me this story, I thought to myself “Wow, that is a tall order!” But as he explained his life since that time, he told how the Lord had patiently, and lovingly given him opportunities daily to rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks. God was being glorified in his life. He later became a Christian counselor and served the Lord for many years. His life was a living testimony that glorifying the Lord was not dependent upon his own deliverance. Our oldest daughter was diagnosed last year with an aggressive malignancy requiring extensive surgery and a prolonged course of chemotherapy every three weeks. Shortly before the last chemotherapy treatment she sat down near us and said that there were so many needs to pray for regarding herself, her family and her future that she did not know where to begin. She then stated that she had determined to pray “that God would be glorified in this,” “I can’t go wrong there!” We will all come to situations in our lives that are distressful, painful, trying, or troubling to us. It is not wrong to pray that God would deliver us. Indeed, He expects us to look to Him for deliverance from any trial or trouble we face. But is that all we pray for? Are we able to look beyond the temporal to that which is unseen where God is working in our lives and the lives of others to Glorify Himself? By His Grace, may He help us to also pray “Glorify Yourself!” as we face the trials and troubles of this life. In Christ, Richard Spann
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Last modified: 2021-06-05 by rick wyatt Keywords: alabama | cross | cross of burgundy | confederate | republic of alabama | square | rattlesnake | united states | Links: FOTW homepage | search | disclaimer and copyright | write us | mirrors image by Joe McMillan, 23 February 2000 In 1820, two stars were added, representing Alabama and Maine, bringing the total number of stars on the U.S. flag to 23. There were thirteen stripes representing the thirteen original colonies. Alabama state flag was adopted on Feb. 16, 1895 by act no. 383. The state flag was to be a crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white. The bars forming the cross were not to be less than 6 inches broad and must extend diagonally across the flag from side to side. Dov Gutterman, 9 October 1998 While both the modern Alabama and Florida state flags may have some historical tribute to Spanish rule in their design - both were definitely patterned after the battle flags of the Army of Northern Virginia - under which the bulk of the troops from both states fought. Both of these flags have documentation stating the influence of the ANV battle flags in their design - particularly the flag of Alabama - which was created under the administration of Governor William Oates. Oates was a former regimental commander in the ANV. He is most famous for leading the confederate assault on Little Round Top at the Battle of Gettysburg. Greg Biggs, 21 December 1999 image by Zachary Harden, 19 May 2016 It seems that the designers of the flag intended it to resemble the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, which was square. As early as 1917, Byron McCandless, in the National Geographic flags issue [gmc17], said "the flag should be square," and depicted it that way. But the statute describing the flag does not specify proportions or dimensions other than that the arms of the St. Andrews cross (so termed in the law) must be no less than six inches across. An Alabama native, I have never seen a square Alabama state flag in person or in photographs. I think generations of successive vexillologists have been repeating McCandless' conclusion that, because the flag is supposed to be modeled on the ANV battle flag, it should therefore be square. The designers may have intended it to be so. But it isn't! Joe McMillan, 26 June 2001 I have never actually seen a square Alabama flag in a large size. However, I have a square Alabama flag purchased about 1970 that measures one foot on each side, mounted on a wooden dowel with a spear top. All other state flags were one and one half feet long, but the Alabama flag was a one foot square. Devereaux Cannon, 27 June 2001 In 1987 the state attorney general (now the governor) issued a formal legal opinion that the state flag should be rectangular. The document can be found at http://www.ago.state.al.us/oldopinions/8700238.pdf of which I quote the relevant portions below: 87-00238submitted by Joe McMillan, 7 November 2001 Office of the Attorney General Jun 29 1987 Absent further legislative elaboration, Section 1-2-5 of the Code of Alabama 1975 requiring a cross of St. Andrew with diagonal bars crossing the flag from side to side would suggest that the modern state flag of Alabama should be rectangular in shape. As the exact shape of the flag cannot be determined by the words of the statute, precedent and practice would support the conclusion that our state flag is rectangular in shape, as all other state flags with the exception of Ohio are rectangular. Although the Legislature modeled the state flag after the battle flag, there is no requirement that its measurements should be exactly the same so as to require the flag be square in shape. [That] our state flag has appeared in print since 1896 and in the Alabama Official and Statistical Register since 1907 as rectangular and has been reproduced millions of times as a rectangle . . . would suggest that the proper shape of the state flag of Alabama should be rectangular. While researching Alabama's Civil war flags at their state archives some years ago I came across a drawing of the state flag - and it was intended originally to be square! The flag is patterned after the battle flag of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in which a large number of Alabama troops served as well as one of its post-war governors, William Oates (a veteran of Gettysburg where his regiment fought against the famous 20th Maine led by Col. Joshua Chamberlain). Over time the flag became rectangular because........well that's what the other states had! I have never heard of the square state flag being patterned after the battle flag of the 60th Alabama Infantry. In fact, the only surviving flag of the regiment is a Confederate Second National flag! Greg Biggs, 7 November 2001 The attorney general acknowledged this designer's intent, although not attributing the design to Oates. The opinion says that "Representative John W. A. Sanford, Jr., the sponsor of the bill served in the 60th Alabama Infantry Regiment in the Civil War and modeled the flag after the Regiment's battle flag." But if I understand the reasoning, and I think I do, the Attorney General held that because any intention to have a square flag was not enacted into law, it was irrelevant to a determination of the proper shape of the actual state flag, which was fixed in practice as oblong within a year of the enactment. Joe McMillan, 8 November 2001 Around 20 years ago, they [square flags] were very popular and could be seen flying in front of most public schools. Valley Forge Flag Co. had produced a big mess of 4 x 4 footers in cotton at one time. This practice died off, but has had a history prior to the 1980's. Clay Moss, 23 July 2002 The red diagonal cross is based on the Confederate war flag. [hes92] Jan Kuhlmann, 4 December 1995 The "Cross of Burgundy" (argent, sauteur gueules raguely) was one of the standards of Spain used by the Spanish Military in the South Eastern U.S. I'm not sure, but it just struck me that this may be the inspiration for the Alabama and Florida flags. Nathan Blisss, 20 January 1998 The post-war official state flag (please recall that the 1861 flag was more of a secession banner) was indeed patterned after the St. Andrews Cross battle flag of the confederate Army of Northern Virginia. It was also intended to be a square flag just like the ANV battle flag was. I have a color drawing of it from the Governor William Oates Papers in the Alabama State Archives. Greg Biggs, 13 October 1998 Alabama's flag was presented for consideration to the state sometime in late 1894, and was then officially adopted in February, 1895. I have heard different stories as to the flag's origin, but tend to believe that a group of Montgomery, Alabama women were responsible for the design. The flag was intended to be an abstract of the Confederate battle flag, with the "crimson" saltire representing the blood spilled by Alabama's soldiers in battle. When I was in Boy Scouts, we were told that the saltire represented all past and future Alabamian's who have or will make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of freedom, liberty etc.. I believe the flag's resemblance to the Cross of St. Patrick, or the code letter V is purely coincidental. I think the years of 1894 to 1895 are key where southern U.S. history is concerned. Among other things, Confederate veterans were beginning to transition into their "golden years", and if I read old newspaper excerpts correctly, there was a sense of urgency abounding whereby Southerners became somewhat preoccupied with honoring the last of their living veterans while they could. Life expectancy was not nearly as long in those days. Today in the U.S., we are going through a similar ritual where our World War II vets are concerned. Anyway, under those 1894-95 pretenses, Alabama's flag makes perfect sense. Keeping all of the above in mind, I think Alabama's flag started becoming part of greater Alabama lore some 30 years later, and it had to do with a sporting event. Right after Christmas, 1925, the University of Alabama football team boarded a train for Pasadena, California. They had been invited to play the University of Washington in the 1926 Rose Bowl. No southern team had ever been invited to the Rose Bowl as southern football teams were thought to be grossly inferior. Alabama pride and Southern pride for that matter swelled as Alabama's tiny 23 man squad headed west. Washington had a team that would rival any modern football squad while Alabama's team appeared malnourished and poorly equipped. I am told that Alabama didn't even have enough cleated football shoes for everyone and that players had to swap out shoes during the game. Suffice it to say that Alabama's team was a heavy underdog. At the end of the day, Alabama had come from far behind to win the game 20 to 19, and the South's football tradition was set into motion. What does that have to do with the flag? Well, it's estimated that upwards of 250,000 Alabamians lined the 55 miles of railroad track from the Mississippi state line all the way to Tuscaloosa to greet the team as they returned from California. That would have constituted a huge chunk of the state's population in those days. My grandmother, having grown up on what is today U.S. Highway 82 was among the crowd and told me that she had never seen so many Alabama flags in her life. My great-grandmother quickly sewed one together for my great uncle to carry to the tracks and wave. It seems that from then on, Alabama's flag had a significant place in the hearts of Alabamians. The University of Alabama's nickname is the "Crimson Tide". It would seem as if the team's colors and nickname were inspired by the flag. (See comment.) Speaking of the color "crimson", I want to say that I have never seen an Alabama flag with a crimson saltire. Come to think of it, I have never seen the Crimson Tide actually wearing crimson either. In fact, "crimson" is a much brighter color than conventional wisdom would indicate. The University of Alabama's sports teams wear a color much closer to "burgundy" or "cardinal". Crimson is not only brighter, but also has a violet tint to it. RGB 220-20-60 is about the closest thing to actual crimson that the RGB system will produce. Where the University's tradition is concerned, "crimson" is a sort of metaphor. I would suggest the same is true for Alabama's flag. I have never seen a "crimson" saltire Alabama flag nor a "burgundy" saltire Alabama flag. I have seen some very old Alabama flag samples and of course, modern samples, and they have all been (more or less) Old Glory red. I reckon the cardinal variety could be out there somewhere, but I haven't seen one. Should it be square? It can be. Today, the proportions are variable with the vast majority of flags being rectangular. There have been square versions in the past (see FOTW section on square Alabama flags). I have a copy of the September 1934 edition of National Geographic. It gives a very rigid specification of Alabama's flag, saying that it should be 51 by 51 inches with the arms of the saltier being 81/2 inches. I have no clue where that piece of information came from. Clay Moss, 4 November 2005 I'm afraid there's considerable doubt of that. The colors were established by 1892, when the first football team was fielded and when the student newspaper, "The Crimson White" was established. This is several years before the state flag was introduced. By the way, the nickname Crimson Tide was also in use before the first Rose Bowl trip, having been used for the first time in 1919. Joe McMillan, 4 November 2005 An unofficial variant of the Alabama state flag in 1861 had a single gold star on a blue field. William M. Grimes-Wyatt, 29 April 1996 image by Joe McMillan, 23 February 2000 The state coat of arms, adopted in 1939 and blazoned in Section 1-2-2 of the Code of Alabama as: "arms: quarterly, the first azure three fleur de lis or (for France); second quarterly first and fourth gules a tower triple towered or, second and third argent a lion rampant gules (for Spain); third azure a saltire argent and gules over all a cross of the last fimbriated of the second (for Great Britain); fourth gules of a saltire azure, fimbriated argent 13 mullets of the last (for the Confederacy); at center in escutcheon chief azure paly argent and gules 13 (for United States) arms supported by two American eagles displayed. Crest: A full rigged ship proper." Section 1-2-1 explains the significance of the coat of arms as representing "the flags of four of the five nations which have at various times held sovereignty over a part or the whole of what is now the state of Alabama: Spain, France, Great Britain and the Confederacy. The union binding these flags shall be the shield of the United States. . . . The crest of the coat of arms shall be a ship representing the 'Badine' which brought the French colonists who established the first permanent white settlements in the state. Beneath the shield there shall be a scroll containing the sentence in Latin: 'Audemus jura nostra defendere,' the English interpretation of which is 'We Dare Maintain Our Rights.'" Joe McMillan, 23 February 2000 The great seal of Alabama was created in 1939, based on the 1817 seal. From 1868 until 1939 another seal was used. However, today's seal is found in two different versions, even in official sites. Story about the seal from www.netstate.com/states/symb/seals/al_seal.htm: "The Great Seal of Alabama was approved by the Alabama Senate and House in 1939. The seal prominently displays the words “Alabama Great Seal” in the outer circle. The inner circle of the seal features an outline of the state of Alabama showing the state's major rivers, as well as the adjacent states. Interestingly, this version of the seal had actually been used prior to 1939 way back in 1819 when Alabama first became a state. Even before that, the same seal was used when Alabama was just a territory. The first seal of the state of Alabama lasted from 1819 for 50 years, until the legislature decided that a new seal was needed during the Reconstruction period. The original seal was scrapped, and a new one featuring the U.S. seal and an eagle became the official seal, lasting until 1939. That's when the original seal regained the approval of the legislature, and the first “Alabama Great Seal” became law again."The description of the seal is at www.legislature.state.al.us/CodeofAlabama/1975/1-2-4.htm: "Flag of Alabama I salute thee. To thee I pledge my allegiance, my service, and my life." Joe McMillan, 13 August 1999 image by Joe McMillan, 23 February 2000 The state military crest, which is the crest used in the coats of arms of units of the Alabama National Guard, as granted by the precursor organizations of what is now the Army Institute of Heraldry. The official Institute of Heraldry blazon is "On a wreath of the colors a slip of cotton plant with full bursting boll proper." Joe McMillan, 23 February 2000 image by Randy Young, 22 January 2016 I found a flag for Alabama using the Alabama state seal in the blue bar at the hoist. These flags became popular in the South during the debates and arguments that began in 2001 over the 1956 Georgia state flag. In each case, the 1956 Georgia flag design was adapted to one of the former Confederate states by replacing the Georgia state seal with the seal or other prominent flag emblem from one of the states. The idea behind the flags following this pattern was to show support for and solidarity with the supporters of the 1956 Georgia state flag design. Randy Young, 22 January 2016 Regarding Alabama, there is a variant with the state flag in the hoist and CSA flag in the fly, each occupying one half of the flag length and another one, with the swapped places of the two flags and word ALABAMA in center over all, in counterchanged colors Source: photo 30-b. Tomislav Todorovic, 23 January 2016 image by Tomislav Todorovic, 7 May 2017 The flag with the state flag in the hoist and CSA flag in the fly can also be seen here: patriotic-flags.com. All sources state that the flag ratio as 3:5. A video showing this flag in use can be found at: www.youtube.com. Tomislav Todorovic, 7 May 2017
{ "date": "2022-05-17T00:25:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515466.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516235937-20220517025937-00205.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9643388390541077, "token_count": 3643, "url": "https://www.fotw.info/flags/us-al.html" }
Think of a rising sun without setting -a Tree without a fruit -a birth without a growth or development and easy flowing river,sea or occean. So, is life without "ups and down" -life with constant health without sickness -life with constant success and gains without losses -life with constant failure without success. The earlier makes one feel "gods" and not man The later makes one feel "slaved" and not normal. Dont forget "all things work togather for them who love God and are called according to His divine purpose".Never mind If you are a new creation in Christ .The Almighty will control all your "spices" But always do this; "commit your ways into His able hands...". And "let go and let God have His way'
{ "date": "2022-05-18T09:26:18Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662521883.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518083841-20220518113841-00205.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9098121523857117, "token_count": 181, "url": "https://community.vanguardngr.com/forum/topics/spices-of-life" }
Henry’s Hampton Court. Much of the drama of King Henry VIII and his six wives is played out at Hampton Court. Approximately a 40 minute train ride from London, Hampton Court receives more than 450,000 visitors each year. It is rumored to be haunted and the ghosts of Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard are two that are frequently claimed to be present. This palace has been around for over 500 years and has as many sordid stories as it does delights. In 1514 Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, the most prominent churchman and politician of his time acquired Hampton Court. In 1525 he gifted it to King Henry VIII in an effort to stay on his good side, as we all know you did not want to get on the bad side of spoilt Henry. As Cardinal and Archbishop of York, Wolsey had the most religious clout in England and Henry had given Wolsey the job of getting the Pope to agree to Henry’s divorce and remarriage. Wolsey was unsuccessful in this task and so was charged with treason but fortunately died of natural causes on 29th November 1530 before Henry could have him beheaded. Hampton Court is actually two palaces in one and has two distinct and contrasting styles of Tudor and Baroque architecture. The kitchens of Hampton Court are enormous. There are six open fire places where the meat was hand turned on loaded spits. A great job in the winter but not so in the summer when the temperatures in the kitchen were unbearably hot. Documentaries abound about Henry’s appetite and the fabulous feasts to entertain and display wealth and power. It is reported that the kitchens served 600 meals twice a day and there was an abundance of beverages to wash the food down. Roaming actors give visitors to the palace a taste of days gone by. We were fortunate enough to share our train journey back to London with the young man who worked in this role. Henry is quite impressive, don’t you think? The armoury room. The photos I have to put up here do not do justice to Hampton Court. The palace is filled with priceless artworks and tapestries. There is also a beautiful garden to explore. Actually I am not a fan of King Henry VIII, to me he represents the immense gulf between religion and Christianity and, the need for a male heir included, I cannot see how he could justify his actions to those poor young women who were “chosen” by him. When we want to be all doom and gloom about our world today a quick look at history reminds me that there has never been a perfect time to live and in some areas we have come quite a ways towards enlightenment.
{ "date": "2022-05-18T10:00:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662521883.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518083841-20220518113841-00205.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9826488494873047, "token_count": 550, "url": "https://wayleadsontoway.life/2019/10/21/the-places-you-will-go-8/" }
A us-regions man is in crime” target=”_blank”>federal custody< exit door in the middle of a cross-country flight on Sunday and told a flight attendant that “we’re going to bring down the plane,” according to an affidavit. Juan Remberto Rivas, 50, had to be subdued by other passengers and flight attendants with zip ties and tape. He is facing one count of assaulting and intimidating a flight attendant. About two hours into the flight from los-angeles” target=”_blank”>Los Angeles< he sensed that something was wrong and went to the front, where he said Rivas was “holding a glass bottle in one hand and was trying to open the cockpit door with his other hand.” Rivas also allegedly tried to open the airplane’s exit door at some point. As flight attendants tried to stop Rivas, he allegedly became threatening. “Rivas then grabbed some plastic silverware, removed the napkin wrapped around it, and placed the plastic silverware in his shirt sleeve and was holding it like a shank,” a flight attendant told the FBI, according to the affidavit. “He then grabbed a small champagne bottle by the neck of the bottle and attempted to break the bottle on the counter.” The cross-country American Airlines flight was diverted to Kansas City after the incident. Other passengers joined the flight attendants in subduing Rivas as the plane diverted to Kansas City. “As people were trying to subdue him and everything, the same flight attendant runs all the way to the back and grabs like a coffee pot, goes all the way to the front and starts bashing this guy, like in the head,” Mouaz Moustafa, a passenger on the plane, told Fox News Digital on Sunday. Rivas was restrained with zip ties and tape until the plane landed, where police were waiting for him. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a directive in November to prioritize the prosecution of federal crimes on aircraft after a surge in unruly midair behavior during the pandemic.
{ "date": "2022-05-17T04:22:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515501.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517031843-20220517061843-00405.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9678351283073425, "token_count": 453, "url": "https://iktodaypk.com/california-man-who-forced-plane-to-divert-to-kansas-city-allegedly-said-were-going-to-bring-down-the-plane/" }
Paul Merson has labelled Cristiano Ronaldo “childish” as he owes Manchester United youngster Anthony Elanga a “big apology”. Both players started against Brentford earlier this week. Man Utd were not at their best but they still ran out 3-1 winners. Elanga scored his first Premier League goal of the 2021/22 season to give United the lead. Mason Greenwood and Marcus Rashford added to their advantage before Ivan Toney scored a late consolation. Ronaldo was taken off when the score was 2-0 and he was clearly angry to be substituted as Ralf Rangnick had to talk him down. Merson has criticised Ronaldo though as the forward “should know better” than to act like that: “Cristiano Ronaldo owes Anthony Elanga a big apology,” Merson wrote for the Daily Star. “What he did against Brentford spoiled the youngster’s big day – and it was so childish. “The poor kid. He starts his second Premier League game of the season, scores for Manchester United. “Then Ronaldo gets substituted, strops off and has a hissy fit. As soon as it happened as I said to my mate: ‘You watch, you won’t even know the kid has scored now.’ “It was unbelievable for someone who’s been around the game that long to do that and take the headlines away from Elanga. “Ronaldo was lucky he stayed on as long as he did! Oh my god if it was anybody else they would have been hooked well before then. “It’s not happening for him. I went to the game with my boy, to show him Ronaldo. One of the greatest players of all time. “He’s a shadow of that player. An absolute shadow. “In the first half the ball gets put through and it’s him and the defender, and he never once looked like getting it. “Four years ago, that’s a goal, he’s away and they don’t catch him. Not any more. He was flicking balls around but it wasn’t happening for him at all. “It’s not a nice watch to see one of the all-time greats looking like a run of the mill player. “A few years ago no-one else on that pitch would have been able to get near him. “He was getting hat-tricks against those kind of teams without breaking sweat. “That’s why it was so bad what he did. He should apologise. One hundred per cent. He should know better.”
{ "date": "2022-05-26T11:36:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662604794.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20220526100301-20220526130301-00405.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9840362071990967, "token_count": 578, "url": "https://www.football365.com/news/merson-slams-childish-ronaldo-owes-man-utd-starlet-big-apology?utm_source=Recirculation&utm_medium=WP_Related_Articles_Unit&utm_campaign=Benchmark" }
It’s going down!! the Matrix Architect was busy!! plenty of bar codes and scanners!! the program even had a drop down menu. Get in where you fit in!! *girls get down on the floor* per David Banner; they’ll drop down at these venues. Plenty of ads on TV / plus banners on buses and taxis / plus menus were posted at the restaurant entrance by the Chef from Hells Kitchen. Baseball season is around the corner; slick ones scuffed up the balls when they were pitching. ….Or take the air out of embellishments so they don’t hold weight per Republican letters to Iran; the game is not a fair one. I was blue collar per the uniform with my first name stitched on the front so I carried my own weight; a brotha is using next level intelligence to design this structure. O-Dog had the Big Bang theory; check the beats, repelling haters that corrupt ya! So what’s up with ya? what’s the theory? man mentions intelligent design while God Laughs!! So what’s up with ya? what’s the theory? that’s what they ask me!! they see me and mine walking on odd paths!! Odd when I take these last laughs? God blessed us as intelligent designs beared fruit…
{ "date": "2022-05-17T07:29:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662517018.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20220517063528-20220517093528-00605.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9380328059196472, "token_count": 285, "url": "https://omanxl1.wordpress.com/2015/03/14/intelligent-design/" }
Becoming a growing church is a post about the how to of church growth in a biblical sense. - 1 Getting our Foundation Right - 2 Characteristics of a Biblical, “Successful” Church - 3 What level of Church is your church? - 4 How do I make my church grow? - 5 Will that always make the church grow? No. Becoming A Growing Church In this post I am examining how a church becomes a “Growing Church”. My thoughts are taken from reading a post here “Level 1 Church moves to Level 4” where the author declares a level 1 church is “subtraction, scarcity, and survival”, level 2 churches are “tension, scarcity, survival, and growth”, level 3 churches are “addition, growth, and accumulation”, and level 4 church are “discontent, new scorecards and reproducing at all levels” and level 5 churches are “multiplying, releasing and sending”. Let me begin by saying that I disagree with the author’s approach. You do not need to put “scientific” names on things and make them into more than they are, looking at NEW man-made programs to remedy problems, and trying to glamourize the thing in order to get people to read your words. I have spent my entire life in the ministry, and that ministry God has called me to is evangelism and church planting. I am putting down my thoughts here on this. Getting our Foundation Right The church is a kind of organization, but also an organism. Churches are arranged internally by men, but a church is also a living thing if it is at all pleasing to God. Here is where we start sorting out the wheat from the chaff. Not all churches have a biblical foundation because their doctrine and practices are not founded on God’s Word. I can declare that Kingdom Halls (Jehovah’s Witnesses) and Mormon “Churches” are not biblical churches, and it makes no different what they do, they are still condemned because their doctrinal basis and foundation is just not there. They are not included in Jesus’ famous words, Matt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Going beyond the obvious here, that many “churches” in our day are just not worthy of the name “church”. They are error clubs. But I am Baptist, and there are a goodly number of Baptist churches that are not much better. I say that because I see their false doctrines and unscriptural practices, and I can come to no good conclusion about them. They do not fulfill their biblical purpose. So what is the biblical purpose of a church? God designed churches to do the work of God on earth. This is similar to a country taking a group of men and making them into a fighting unit. It makes no difference if they have some that get called back, others get sick and sent off, and others go AWOL. Whether they have a net gain or loss, or they become bigger numerically or smaller (special forces are typically a small group in action), but that doesn’t grade their quality as excellent or poor. What does make them good mediocre or poor is how they fulfill their purpose. The biblical purpose of a church is to accomplish the will of God, and accomplish the work of God. This must be clearly discerned and strongly held to and promoted and become the church’s mission. A biblical church has to give the gospel out to the unsaved. This is where everything begins. It is seen on several levels, preaching a clear gospel in the church, preaching a clear gospel in their neighborhood, and supporting missionaries that are doing the very same thing, pushing a clear gospel abroad unto the uttermost parts of the earth. I have seen satanic doctrines like Calvinism or hyper-calvinism (I don’t see much difference personally, one is going to the position of not witnessing, and the other is already there), internal fighting and bickering, sidetracking like praising ourselves to death (as if praise was an entertainment experience, and not something that we do to please God), and other idiotic doctrinal positions like the emerging church (universalism where we don’t need to witness because everybody will get to heaven eventually). A biblical church is built on the foundation of a clear forceful gospel message that is energetically given out. The center point (flag pole) around which everything in the church rotates is that of our Savior, our salvation. Nobody can be a part of the church really without saluting that flag. So many “churches” today simply have unsaved people peppering their membership, and some even running things, so that “to them” distractions and leaving the centerpiece of Jesus Christ and his cross work is “just natural”. A biblical church has that centerpiece clear in its crosshairs, and is pushing for evangelism. It sickens me when I see evangelism delegated to underlings because the pastor decides it is “indecorous” for him to go out door to door and tell people about Christ. Instead of being a leader and example to the flock, he is an embarrassment to Christ and that church and their people. 1Pet 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 1Pet 5:3 Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. A pastor is to be an “ensample” or example of Christ to the flock. If Christ thought it was so important as to come to earth and die on the cross, how can a pastor relegate it to being unimportant for him, and set it aside completely, or turn it over to an “evangelism pastor” so that he doesn’t have to do it. On the flip side here, I see certain churches that are promoting easy-believism. These churches are “soul winning” churches. You would think this is the place to be, but they remove repentance from their gospel presentation, and they gloss over true belief. Instead they want lip service to the gospel, and people “just repeat the words” and then are told they will go to heaven. We can discern this false gospel because typically they will have 1000s “saved”, 50 or so baptized out of those 1000s, and they grow by 10s. These churches are very “porous” meaning that as well as many come in, many leave without any problem. It never bothers these pastors and leaders of these churches that they are responsible for disciplining these 1000s and in a month, they don’t know where they went to. To question their gospel or gospel presentation as lacking something is not in their mindset. So a true biblical church will be a soul winning church. There will be a culture of evangelism in which the pastor is an excellent example of a soul winner, but there will also be a number of men and women who also can sit down and witness to an unsaved person and lead them to Christ. This body of people do this regularly in the church. Moreover, the people emulate them, and they are joyfully wanting to learn how to do it also. Internal Functioning of a Biblical Church Once we get that thought of biblical evangelism, we need to understand that we cannot just do evangelism. The mission we have is to also disciple our converts into our movement and to become good Christ-like Christians (as we should be). Here the easy-believism churches think that discipling is summed up in learning about soul winning, and “we are done”. Not so fast. The actual local church is a workshop of sorts, and this is where the magic happens. People need to grow spiritually, and God (in his genuis) has set up the local church as a place and a means for this spiritual growth to happen. First of all, all spiritual growth begins and is based on God’s word. A biblical church has an extreme addiction to the word of God. They preach and teach it constantly. They see the Bible as their only authority. Moreover a biblical church gauges all things personally and corporately by the rule of God’s Word. When homosexual “politically correction” garbage comes along, they see what God’s word says about it, and they openly and forcefully condemn it because God’s Word presents a different position. A biblical church is “Fundamentalist”, which means that they understand that God has given us fundamentals (essential core doctrines) and these doctrines are to be championed above all else. Salvation, the clear gospel message is one such fundamental. This thinking or mindset is instilled in the church’s people. We need to understand that a biblical church “sells” their mission and approach to their own people constantly. It is a pressure that is exerted by the pastor and leadership in which many of the members “get onboard” and participate in the witnessing and disciplining. So many churches want to be “good” but they just teach inane Bible facts. These Bible facts have a purpose that dovetails in with God’s purpose of evangelism and discipleship. What people don’t realize is that the key to this is much more than a body of facts to be memorized. Body life where we relate one to another is where the godly principles are truly understood and then can be internalized, and can the spiritually transform the person. This “body life interaction” is a spiritual activity that shows Christ through our speech and actions but also through our attitudes. This is the spark that makes witnessing real for those outside of Christianity. They see Christ in us, and they want what we have, peace, tranquility in the presence of problems and anguish, love between brethren, sacrifice emanating out of a profound love of Christ that works itself out in the form of selfless good will towards others. All of this has to happen in the context of a local church within their functions, services, and fellowship. No other context will do. This is superimposed on a conext of constant biblical exposition and preaching directed at these very same points. The preaching must not be exposition that has no application, but rather “morality forming” which is preaching that has a purpose, to make Christ within the people. So many churches think that “knowing Bible facts” is being Christlike, but actions are the only thing that will prove Christlikeness. Character must be formed also, but character likewise is only seen in actions. Characteristics of a Biblical, “Successful” Church So when we want to know if a church is “successful” IN THE EYES OF GOD, we must start by asking ourselves some questions. Do the people love Christ, and Christ’s redeemed? The action we see here is concern and sacrifice. When people actually show up to the church services (all of them) and are interacting with the rest of the people, asking them how they are, praying for their needs and problems, and finally, sacrificing for their needs, this is the action of a successful church. 1John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 1John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. God makes a clear statement that Christians who do not love other Christians have never been born again. That person claiming to be saved hasn’t a clue about God and what goes on inside of God and all of God’s children. This is extremely important because today so many churches are hotbeds of contention and fighting. No love there. This is horrible. God condemns this the most forceful way possible, i.e. you are not even saved if you do not love and enjoy and want healthy fellowship with your brethren in Christ. Do the people witness the clear Gospel message? If we (the church) are achieving our goal as to forming Christ in the people, and Christ’s chief concern was the salvation of men, then our people should 1) know how to lead a person to Christ, and it is a plus when they specifically are experts in leading children, cultists, etc. to Christ. 2) when they are actually leading people to the Lord (here new faces that come and stay because somebody lead them to the Lord and/or invited them to join our fellowship, 3) the church services/sermons are such that visitors are given the clear Gospel message frequently, and people who are not saved are invited to Christ. It is disgusting to see churches that never invite people to Christ, if somebody wants to be saved, nobody seems to know what to do with them at that point, and there is no interest in winning people to Christ. Again, we must emphasize that there are churches that confuse the gospel with other things, and there is no clear emphasis on the gospel. To “make a decision” is not the same as accepting Christ. To come and knee at the front is not the same thing as some experienced believer sitting down with an open Bible explaining the plan of salvation. Giving money in the offering is great, but it is not salvation. Charity work with the needy is also wonderful, but it is not the same as giving the gospel message. So often good men “tack on a gospel appeal” to other things, and the entire program and event is not developed around the gospel in the first place, and the gospel seems “out of place” in such things. Does the church support missionaries that give a clear Gospel message? I am a missionary. Book ministries, summer camps, Bible schools, radio programs, counseling programs, all these are good things, but it is not the same thing as actually giving the plan of salvation. Today missions is stuffed to the gills with missionaries that do everything except actually give a clear gospel explanation. Missionaries that are true biblical missionaries like Paul and Barnabas are people who are highly involved in mass evangelism, and then direct the converts into a local church if available, or start one if not available. Churches are responsible for selecting good missionaries highly involved in getting the gospel out. If you want to support some other “ministry”, do so, but not with money marked for missions. Do it with benevolence funds, but keep a good portion of your gifts on biblical missions. Beyond giving, a successful church is constantly supporting in other ways their missionaries, like through times of prayer for them. What level of Church is your church? To get back to the article’s premise that a “successful” church or a truly biblical church is one who is a level 5 “multiplying, releasing and sending”, what about this? Actually you cannot force this on a church that is not a biblical church. The Roman Catholic Church and other churches do these things, but they are not successful in God’s eyes. Many Protestant churches likewise multiply, train, and send out workers, but they are not a biblical church and they are not pleasing in God’s eyes. The issue here is what causes the multiplying, training, and sending out workers? The answer is God has set principles into all of this, the what and where and how and wherefore of the church, and only by observing these principles will it work correctly. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are good examples of how this doesn’t work. The JWs teach that their people must spend somewhere between 20 to 40 hours per week in door to door work in order to get to heaven. Great! So where I am in Mexico City, we see groups of 40 JWs going door to door. But they are counting hours, not witnessing. Their gospel is “join us and study with us (submit to our authority) and everything will go good for you when the Apocalypse happens.” That is actually their pitch when somebody answers door and listens to them. What you see though is their people arguing inanely and without purpose with the people in the street, and most people just refuse to talk of religion at their front door. We have been met with “Are you a JW?” when we knock on doors. Moreover, I read on the main JW website, JW.ORG that they tell their leaders that they need to spend at least around 500+ hours to get 1 new convert. The Mormons are similar. They practice multiple wives for each mormon man despite their denying it. So when you have 1 man, basically 1 income, and 5 wives and 25 kids, how do you feed and clothe them? How do you send them through school and college? Brigham Young University. For every good Mormon young person that goes on a 1 year missionary trip (paying his own expenses) he gets his 4 years for free. What we see is the motivation is totally wrong. Where is Christlikeness in all of this activity? Nowhere. If we turn to the easy believism deeply entrenched within Fundamental Baptists, we see the same. They are taught that only soul winners get a free pass with God. Jack Hyles said that God overlooks a soul winning pastor when he falls into sin, and so should the rest of Christianity. So witnessing is a “get out of jail free” card with God. Nothing different here either then. Where true Christianity differs with these false churches is that the motivation is to be like Christ, so they tell others of Christ’s saving power. They focus on the cross, and on the person of Christ as their example, what they want to emulate. Only when churches are grounded and saturated in the truth of God (this is the truth of God), then will they naturally multiply, then will they willingly seek to ministry, and then will they volunteer to go around the world to carry their religion to others. I saw a Pew report (I believe it was) that said the number one reason why people join a church is because of a personal contact in that church. In other words, they were invited by a family member or friend, or they knew nobody but visited and somebody made an impression as being friendly and followed that up. That is overwhelmingly the reason people join a church. That is being like Christ. Christ loved. What is the number one problem why our churches fail? It is very simply because God’s people are not in the word growing personally and individually, and therefore Satan comes along and uses their immaturity, and causes somebody in the church to do something that “offends them” and a small war is set off. When people are fighting amongst themselves, they are not doing God’s will nor God’s work. The friendliness of the church disappears quickly. The Holy Spirit like a dove gets easily disturbed by this aggressive activity and flies away. Nothing is good no matter how “biblical” it is after that. We must understand that we are in a spiritual fight, a contest, a competition. Satan desires to have us, basically to keep us from being anything or doing anything for God. When we get caught up in trivial things (from an eternal standpoint) then we get sidetracked. We don’t do what God wants us to do. That is why we fail. How do I make my church grow? While there are a lot of people out there preaching and teaching secrets, the truth is do what God wants. Go back to the Bible, and just obey it. Refuse to allow anything else to take over the assembly, and center things on Christ, salvation and the gospel, and the body life as it should be if we are loving Christ and loving each other because of our love of Christ. Growth is something that you really cannot force. It is a lot like farming. You just get the right elements together, and there is some critical timing (like when to plant, and in a church, when to get literature, help, interest, energy, etc. into a new believer, or a grieving Christian, etc.), but basically there is no secret. If the right elements are there, growth unto fruit will come. What we do so wrong in our churches is to try to “force fruit”. First we “jump the gun” defining fruit as being an outward external act or character. Good Christians all are generous. So we try to force our people to be generous. But it doesn’t work that way. When people’s hearts get right, they will be generous to the right thing. That is the problem. We try to define what spiritual fruit is in ways that are not right. Then we try to force that conduct on our people, and often they will do it but without the spiritual motivation, and everything goes wrong. Will that always make the church grow? No. People do not understand that life is very complicated. If we examine Israel, we see that they were hell bent on not following and loving God. There were revivals and repentance that lasted for generations, but eventually things got so bad that God had to punishment them and cut them off from the favored place what they had at one time. Many times churches take a similar path. The people are so ornery and mean that God will chasten them, and even extend it to their children and grandchildren when the children and grand children do not break from their parents sins. So church growth depends on God’s blessings, and many times the leaders and church members think they are next to perfect in God’s sight, but they are far from it, and blessing just does not come. Sometimes there are other factors hindering God’s blessings like national sin, deep rooted sin in the people, and just God doesn’t want to bless. When we consider America, how many millions of babes we have aborted and ended their lives, do you think you need any more than that one fact for God to withhold His blessing from America? More articles on the Church - Irrelevant Churches - Conflict over Personal Preferences - Death of Biblical Missions - Great Churches - Top Issues Church Planters Face #1 - Things that ruin a Church: Dominating, Controlling, Manipulating Dictator-Pastor - Things that ruin a Church: People - Things that ruin a Church: Events that Decay pt 2 - Things that ruin a Church: Events that Decay pt 1 - Things that ruin a Church: Qualities that Destroy
{ "date": "2022-05-22T16:13:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662545875.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20220522160113-20220522190113-00605.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9706310033798218, "token_count": 4798, "url": "https://www.churchplantingworkshop.com/church/becoming-a-growing-church/?lcp_page0=1" }
2018 Emmys Opening + Monologue Falls Flat With Bland Political Pandering: Watch Hosts of the 70th Emmy awards Michael Che and Colin Jost tackled diversity, #MeToo, Netflix and Roseanne in their opening monologue. The show opened with a musical number kicked off by Che and Jost's SNL cast members Keenan Thompson and Kate McKinnon who remarked at the diverse pool of nominees at this year's awards. "This year's Emmy Awards has the most diverse group of nominees in Emmy history," Thompson said. "Yes indeedy. One step closer to a black 'Sheldon.' I'm going to go ahead and say it. We solved it." The pair then began to sing "we solved it" as they were joined by Kristen Bell and Tituss Burgess who sang about how the #MeToo movement had been solved and then by Ricky Martin, John Legend, RuPaul and a group they called the "one of each dancers." Andy Samberg then descended onto the stage on a crescent moon prop and asked if he could join the song as a straight white man. "You can't be a part of this," McKinnon replied. Che and Jost then took the stage where they acknowledged television has always had a diversity problem, noting ER never featured any Filipino nurses. "I mean, have you been to a hospital," Che said. Che went on to joke about an all-white reboot of FX's Atlanta titled 15 Minutes Outside of Atlanta about white women who call the police on the cast of the show. They also addressed the #MeToo movement, as Che remarked they were here to honor "the many many people in Hollywood who haven't been caught yet," while Jost noted the crowd would be allowed to drink alcohol in their seats at this year's awards. Jost sarcastically remarked that the ability to "lose their inhibitions at a work function" was exactly what Hollywood actors need. He also touched on the influx of sexual assault accusations in Hollywood, while noting Netflix shows were nominated for the most awards. "If you're a network executive that's probably the scariest thing you could possibly hear, except that Ronan Farrow is on the line," Jost said The hosts then discussed shows that had been saved from cancellation, including Brooklyn 99 and Last Man Standing before taking aim at Roseanne Barr. "Roseanne was canceled by herself, but picked up by white nationalists," Che said. They then marveled at Laurie Metcalf for being nominated for appearance on the show after the controversy. By Daniel Uria, UPI.com Copyright © 2018 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved
{ "date": "2022-05-24T00:30:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662562106.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20220523224456-20220524014456-00605.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9804182648658752, "token_count": 553, "url": "https://hot975fm.com/2018-emmys-opening-monologue-musical-video/" }
Born at Amsterdam, 24 Nov., 1632; died at The Hague, 21 Feb., 1677. He belonged to a family of Jewish merchants of moderate means, and was originally called Baruch, a name that he later translated into its Latin equivalent Benedict. His father's name was Michael, his mother, Michael's second wife, was called Hana Debora. In 1641 Michael married a third wife who was named Hester de Espinosa. The family probably had some connexion with the little town of Espino in Spanish Galicia, and with the celebrated Marrano family there called Espinosa. (The Marranos were Spanish Jews compelled to conform outwardly to Christianity.) Baruch attracted attention in the school for Portuguese Jews at Amsterdam by his talents and application to study. He made rapid progress in Hebrew and the study of the Talmud, and his teachers, especially Rabbi Saul Levi Morteira, had the greatest hopes of his future. It was intended that he should become a rabbi. The subtle methods of the teachers of the Talmud undoubtedly trained his intellect and led it particularly to reasoning by analogy. The moral teaching of the Haggada had a great and permanent influence upon his code of living. However, the difficulties in regard to the Scriptures, which he deduced from what he read, made a stronger impression upon him than their solutions. Thus he was a troublesome and critical pupil, although at the same time a modest one. He read and despised the Cabalists; yet traces of their influence are recognizable in his philosophy; mention should here be particularly made of the book called "Zohar" and of Herrera's work "Porta cæli". He studied industriously the Jewish writers on the philosophy of religion, especially Maimonides, Gersonides, Chasdai Kreskas, and Ibn Esra, and later adopted much from them. The writings of the Arabian philosopher Al Farabi and of his commentator Ismail show striking similarities, even in the smallest details, with the later system of Spinoza. There are also clear evidences of connexion between the strange work of Ibn Tofail, the story of "Hai Ibn Joktan", and the conceptions of Spinoza. About 1651 Spinoza, unable to see his way clearly, seems for a short time to have abandoned metaphysical studies, and to have fought a hard battle with his passions. Even at this time he was looked upon with suspicion by orthodox Jews. He now devoted himself to the natural philosophy of Descartes. Coming back in his way to metaphysics, he completely overcame the scepticism, and, resuming his first studies, began to lay the foundation of his new system. The philosophy of Descartes aided him in recasting the notions which he had previously acquired. After the death of his father in 1654, Spinoza was almost completely cast off by his family and, having no means, taught in the private Humanistic school of the ex-Jesuit and freethinker Franz van den Enden. Here he perfected himself in Latin and continued his philosophical investigations by the study of St. Augustine, the Stoics, Scholasticism (in a somewhat superficial manner), the philosophy of the Renaissance and that of some modern writers, especially of Hobbes. His later psychology shows extraordinary similarities with the teachings of Marcus Marci and of Glisson. Spinoza now frequented almost exclusively the society of Christians, i.e. of the free-thinking sort, and especially of Mennonites. His lifelong friendships, as known from his letters, date in part from this period. In 1656 he was formally expelled from the Jewish community and soon afterwards from Amsterdam. A somewhat legendary attack upon his life is said to have been made about this time. He never became a Christian. He now began to dictate in Latin some of the principles of his philosophy to a company of pupils at Ouderkerk near Amsterdam. A Dutch translation of this dictation exists in two manuscripts which were discovered in 1853 and 1861 by Friedrich Müller, a Dutch bookseller. The translation as found in these manuscripts had been largely revised, had notes that were traceable, however, to Spinoza himself, and had been somewhat unskillfully handled by an editor. Since the discovery the manuscripts have been published a number of times both in the original text and in translations. The characteristics of the later system of the "Ethics" are evident in this "Korte Verhandeling van God, de Mensch, en deszelvs Welstand". But neither the doctrine of the one and only Divine substance, nor the higher unity of "extension" and "thought" in the infinite and the finite, nor the instinct of self-preservation, is clearly expressed in it. Spinoza, obliged to seek some other means of support, became a very skilful grinder of lenses; his work commanded good prices. About 1660 he retired to the village of Rijnsburg near Leyden. The little house in which he lived still stands, and has been bought by admirers of the philosopher; it contains a fine library. Here Spinoza devoted himself to a revision of the "Korte Verhandeling" which was never completed. The result of these labours was an important unfinished treatise "De intellectus emendatione", with preparations for his great work, the "Ethics", and the development of the "geometrical method". While at Rijnsburg he was greatly stimulated in his work by the reports of the lectures of the professors of philosophy of Leyden (among whom should be included Geulincx), which were brought to him by students of the university. While at this village he also became acquainted with the celebrated Stensen, and had here a pupil named Casearius, whom he instructed in the Cartesian philosophy. In 1663 Spinoza published a book under his own name called "Renati des Cartes principiorum philosophiæ Pars I et II, more geometrico demonstratæ", and a supplement to this under the title, "Cogitata metaphysica". The work does not give Spinoza's own philosophy, but glimpses of his views may be found in it. While at Rijnsburg Spinoza also taught by correspondence some young friends at Amsterdam who had moved to Voorburg, near The Hague. His acquaintance with scholars and statesmen increased. He was witty, was esteemed as a great Biblical critic and mathematician, and had the reputation of possessing a fine political sense. Jan de Witt and van Beuningen held him in high regard. Huygens interested himself in Spinoza's lenses. Great expectations were expressed of his philosophy by Heinrich Oldenburg of Bremen, who had visited Spinoza at Rijnsburg, and now, in connexion with Robert Boyle, was active in London as the secretary of the Royal Society, and by the learned Ludwig Meyer. While living at Voorburg Spinoza worked hard on a lengthy treatise to which he later gave the title of "Tractatus theologico-politicus". He drew largely for this work from the Arabian and Jewish philosophy of religion and from the old rabbinical exegesis. But his main sources were early, little-known Jewish heretics and obscure Christian writers of his own time, especially Peyrère's "Systema theologicum ex Præadamitarum hypothesi" (1655). Spinoza's political views were largely inspired by Jan de Witt and his friends; the same opinions are to be found in the writings of other Dutch political writers of the same period, e.g. van den Hove. Spinoza, however, in publishing his treatise, had special aims in view. It was intended to establish and enlarge the ecclesiastical and political principles of Jan de Witt and at the same time to lead the way to the publication of his own philosophy. According to Spinoza the Holy Scripture of the Old Testament are not without error and are not inspired in the strict sense. They do not teach us with certainty as to the nature of God and His characteristics, but only concerning obedience to God, piety, and love. Consequently the text of the Bible can never come into conflict with philosophy and civil law. But, according to Spinoza, the limitations of philosophy and law are also clearly defined. As it is only in the State that justice and law, injustice and transgression are conceivable, the individual, in order to be able to live according to reason, must surrender his rights to the community. Then, too, he must obey the government in everything, even against his reason and conviction, unless a command contradicts universal feeling, as the murder of parents. Freedom of thinking and speaking, however, cannot be forbidden by the State; if it has the power to do this, the right, indeed, cannot be denied it, but the prohibition would be disadvantageous to it, because its own existence would be endangered by such tyranny. No man can ever act according to his convictions, if a law of the State stands in the way. Thus Spinoza upholds only a partial freedom of conscience. On the other hand the government has the right to supervise the external practice of religion. It is easy to understand that the Church councils and synods of Holland took energetic measures against this work, which appeared anonymously in 1670. Up to 1676 at least thirty-seven decisions or edicts against the work had appeared. From 1670 Spinoza lived at The Hague, at first in the Veerkade, then not far from this spot in the Paviljoensgracht, near the monument erected in 1880. Both houses are still in existence, but the latter, in which Spinoza died, has lately been completely rebuilt. The philosopher laboured with zeal on his great work; in order to be independent and undisturbed in elaborating his system of philosophy he declined a call to a professorship at Heidelberg. His plan to publish his system of ethics in 1675 failed, owing to the opposition of his enemies. Originally Spinoza seems to have had the intention to found a kind of philosophical world-religion. He believed that the basic ideas of his view of the world were to be found among the old Hebrews, in Christ, and in St. Paul. In his opinion this philosophy, without the Holy Scripture, sufficed for the truly wise. In order to understand his conception of the original Christianity it must be remembered that his acquaintance from the beginning had been among latitudinarian Christians, who emphasized the moral life, not dogma, that, with many of his Christian friends, he regarded the Antitrinitarians as the most genuine Christians, that he found traces of his philosophy in the writings of Christian mystics, and finally that among the first writings which had introduced him to Christianity had been Hobbes's books "De cive" and "Leviathan". Towards the end of his life Spinoza had bitter disappointments, which, however, seldom disturbed his stoical composure. He lived tranquilly at The Hague in the midst of his work, his correspondence, and his friends. He began an exceedingly interesting political treatise in which he did not change his earlier views but rather carried them further. He also wrote a short treatise on the rainbow, and a Hebrew grammar, and, as it seems, translated the Pentateuch. He was a victim to the disease from which his family suffered, consumption, and this was aggravated by his work in grinding lenses. He died peacefully, in the presence of a physician who was a friend. Even the other people in the house did not know he was dying. The little he left was, as it were, a mirror of his life. Spinoza was a very frugal and unselfish man. He declined all money and pensions that he did not absolutely require. His way of living could not be simpler; it was only for books that he spent relatively large sums. The virtues which he most highly prized and consistently practised were control of the feelings, equability of spirit, love of country, loyalty and industry, moderation and love of the truth. In society he was animated and witty; he enjoyed being alone, and yet was kindly disposed towards his fellow men. Union with God, as he conceived of the Deity, i.e. as a thinking and infinite, necessarily existing, immanent cause of all existence, and love for this Being were to him the highest of all things. He was immovably convinced that his was the true philosophy, could scarcely understand any view that deviated from his own, was hard and unjust in the judgments of other thinkers, was not easily approached with objections, and was incapable of appreciating with historical objectivity other views of the world. In 1677 his literary remains were published under the title "B. D. S. Opera posthuma". In this publication were included his system of ethics, the unfinished political tractate, the treatise "De emendatione intellectus", letters to and from him, and lastly his compendium of Hebrew grammar. The Dutch translation of the same year has great critical value. The tractate on the rainbow was first published anonymously in Dutch at The Hague in 1687. The problems added for the calculus of probabilities are not by Spinoza. The philosopher seems to have destroyed his translation of the Pentateuch; the Spanish apology which he drew up when expelled form the synagogue has not, so far, been found. It is impossible to describe in a short article the Spinozistic system as a whole. For it is just the rigidly unified, minute construction of that system and the labyrinth of its thought processes that are of importance for the history of philosophy as an original creation. On the other hand, the elements, bases, and individual results are neither new nor original. Spinoza's view of the world is so constructed that the final results can be reached with equal logic from its epistemological and psychological assumptions, and from its ethical and metaphysical axioms. The view of Spinozism held by the present writer, which frequently varies from the views formerly held, can merely be indicated in what follows. According to Spinoza there are no universal notions. Only that is thinkable which actually exists or will exist at some time. Further, only the necessary is thinkable. Existence and necessity, however, cannot be deduced from the nature of finite things; we must therefore conceive of a Being (God) necessarily existing and necessarily acting, from which all else follows of necessity. This Being is not the cause but the first principle in the manner of mathematical entities; the things come from it by mathematical sequence, for only in this way, says the philosopher, can the immutability of the first principle be maintained, only thus is a relation of the infinite to the finite thinkable; and only in this way is the unity of nature preserved, without fusing the substance of God with that of finite things. Yet the axiom "God=Nature" is valid because the things necessarily following from the Being of God belong in some way to God. Only the Being of God is independent; Spinoza calls this Being alone substance. All things (modi) must be founded in the attributes of God. This is one approach to Spinozism. Another is the following: Spinoza observed in nature, on the one side, only systems of motion and rest which were derived from one another in an endless series of causes and effects; on the other side, running exactly parallel to these, but not influenced by them, a series of ideas. These systems of motion and ideas cannot be understood of themselves alone, but only with the aid of the notions of extension and thought, and these two notions contain in themselves the characteristic of infinity. Thus we are brought to a necessarily existing Being on whom all other beings must depend in their existence and nature. The facts of experience, as conditio sine qua non, lead us to the knowledge that the change which we observe can only be explained by an instinct of self-preservation existing in all things, which constitutes their individual nature. This instinct, then, is the relative factor in the scientific construction of ethics and politics. The Absolute, which corresponds to it and establishes it, consists of the immanently working, countless attributes of the universal substance. This is the second approach to Spinozism. We now come to a third: Scepticism is completely overcome only when the idea is nothing else than the objective side of the process of movement which is identical with it under another point of view. Only then does the succession of things fully coincide with the succession of ideas. Thus truth and certainty are the same. The fact that there are ill-defined and false ideas can, accordingly, only be explained in that these ideas, so far as they do not prove themselves to be arbitrary combinations and fictions, are merely part-knowledge. Such part-knowledge, however, signifies that the one with such knowledge is in some sense part of an absolute intelligence. Therefore the part-extension identical with and corresponding with the part-knowledge is only a part of an infinite and indivisible extension. Consequently, in the infinite also, extension and thought are, absolutely considered, identical; as relative things they are different. Applied to ethics this doctrine signifies that good and evil have meaning only from the point of view of an incomplete part-knowledge; aplied to politics it sets up for the individual life the axiom right is might, and ascribes to the State the creation of right. Lastly, ethics as a doctrine of happiness, which is really Spinoza's starting-point, leads to the same result. His main question was, how is perfect happiness possible? Now he could only conceive of perfect peace and happiness on the supposition that all earthly happenings proceed as the necessary consequence of the nature of the absolutely infinite Being; whomever recognizes this and rests lovingly in this knowledge enjoys perfect peace. The aim of life is to attain this knowledge cognitio subspecie æternitatis. From this opinion, however, it follows necessarily that the individual acts of knowledge proceed in some manner from God's own thought (the soul therefore is no substance), that the nature of the individual soul is an individual instinct towards perfection (conatus in suo esse perseverandi—in order to preserve the continuity of all self-consciousness), that evil proceeds from a lack of adequate knowledge, that the material is only another side of the spiritual, because otherwise Spinoza would have had to suppose a second source of evil besides imperfect knowledge. These statements show also the way in which Spinoza can be refuted. It must be shown that God's unchangeableness does not involve the necessity of all Divine action; it must be proved that the dependence of the finite upon the infinite does not demand a counter-relation in the infinite, and that there is a metaphysic world of pure possibility and universal conceptions. Further, it must be shown that an objectively true knowledge is possible, even though the order of ideas does not run strictly parallel to the order of things, and though the two orders are not identical. The positive contradictions of this identity in the finite must be revealed, and it must be shown that in the Spinozistic psychology the continuity of self-consciousness, notwithstanding the instinct of self-preservation, is destroyed, and that the part-knowledge of Spinoza, with the system of happiness built upon it, involves an impenetrable mystery and therefore is untenable as a philosophical view of the world. Some friends and later admirers of Spinoza thought they could combine his philosophy with Christianity. A hopeless attempt in this direction is made in the introduction to the "Opera posthuma" written by Ludwig Meyer. Jarrig Jellis, Spinoza's friend, also exerted himself to bring Spinozism and Christianity together. More ingenious and profound but also exceedingly sophisticated is the treatise issued anonymously in 1684 by Abraham Cuffeler, "Specimen artis ratiocinandi naturalis et artificialis ad pantosophiæ principia manuducens". A number of writers leave one in doubt as to whether they did not use Christianity merely as a cloak. Others, e.g. Bredenburg, and Wittich in his "Anti-Spinoza", adopted only individual principles of Spinozism. When in the second half of the eighteenth century the reputation of Spinoza was again revived both in Germany and France simultaneously, the effort was once more made to reconcile Spinozism and Christianity. Mention might here be made of Heydenreich, Herder, and Sabatier de Castres. That in the present time Spinoza has again become very modern is traceable to nine reasons: his criticism of the Scriptures, his doctrine of free-thought, his theory of the State as the source of right, his doctrine of happiness founded on necessity, his doctrine of morals dissociated from positive religion, his axiom Deus sive Natura and the justification of this axiom, his conception of the identity of thought and movement in the Absolute, his distinction of absolute and relative knowledge, finally his realism in the theory of knowledge to which many modern philosophers are returning. The bibliography prepared by VAN DER LINDE extends only to 1871. It has been partially supplemented by GRUNWALD, Spinoza in Deutschland (Berlin, 1897), by WEG, Katalog 29 (Leipzig, 1893), which contained the collection of works on Spinoza that had been sold for America, and by the Katalog "Spinoza", No. 598 (Frankfort, 1912). The relatively best but in no way complete edition of his works is that of VAN VLOTEN AND LAND (2nd ed., The Hague, 1895). Of this publication the "Ethics" alone has appeared in a third edition (1905). English translations of Spinoza, omitting the defective one of WILLIS, are: FULLERTON, Ethics (New York, 1894); HALE WHITE and HUTCHINSON STERLING (3rd ed., London, 1899); this edition includes also the De intellectus emendatione; ELWES has edited the chief works (London, 1883-84), but with the letters freely abridged; GILLINGHAM ROBINSON, Korte Verhandeling (Chicago, 1909), defective, see below Wolf. An excellent translation into Dutch of all the works of Spinoza is that of MEYER (Amsterdam, 1897-1905); the best French translation is that of APPUHN (Paris, 1907-09), the correspondence and the theologico-political and the political treatises have yet to be published. Among the German translations should be mentioned the one made for the Philosophical Library by BÄNSCH, BUCHENAU, and GEBHARDT. An excellent facsimile edition of all the letters was issued by MEIJER in numbered copies at The Hague. A facsimile of the notes in handwriting to the theologico-polital treatise was published by ALTKIRCH in the journal Ost und West (1901). FREUDENTHAL, Die Lebensgeschichte Spinoza in Quellenschriften, Urkunden und nichtamtlichen Nachrichten (Leipzig, 1899), and Spinoza I, Das Leben Spinoza (Stuttgart, 1904). A quantity of new material is in MEINSMA, Spinoza en zijn Kring (The Hague, 1896). The youth and development of Spinoza is described in detail by DUNIN-BORKOWSKI, Der junge De Spinoza, Leben u. Werdegang im Licht der Weltphilosophie (Münster, 1910). Other biographies which also contain exposition of the ethical system are: POLLOCK, Spinoza, His Life and Philosophy (2nd ed., London, 1899); WILLIS, B. de Spinoza, His Life, Correspondence and Ethics (2nd ed., London, 1870); KUNO FISCHER, Spinozas Leben, Werke und Lehre (5th ed., Heidelberg, 1900); COUCHOUD, Benoît de Spinoza (Paris, 1902); BRUNSCHVICG, Spinoza (2nd ed., Paris, 1906). WOLF has lately issued an English translation of the Korte Verhandeling, with a life of Spinoza (London, 1910). There are innumerable presentations of Spinoza's theories; among those of earlier times the works of BOULAINVILLIERS, JACOB, the two SIGWARTS, TRENDELENBURG, and BOEHMER are very readable. Later works are: MARTINEAU, A Study of Spinoza (2nd ed., London, 1899); CAIRD, Spinoza (cheap ed., London, 1903); JOACHIM, A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza (Oxford, 1901); DIFF, Spinoza's Political and Ethical Philosophy (Glasgow, 1903); PICTON, Spinoza, a Handbook to the Ethics (London, 1907); CAMERER, Die Lehre Spinozas (1877); Spinoza und Schliermacher (Stuttgart, 1903); WENDELBAND in his history of modern philosophy. Very important for Spinoza's teaching is BRUNNER, Die Lehre von den Geistigen und vom Volke, I, pt. II (Berlin, 1908). Of other important monographs there can only be mentioned: FULLERTON, On Spinozistic Immortality (Philadelphia, 1899); DELBOS, Le problème moral dans la philosophie de Spinoza (Paris, 1893); WORMS, La morale de Spinoza (Paris, 1891); RIVAUD, Les notions d'essence et d'existence dans la philos. de Spinoza (Paris, 1906); LÉON, Les éléments Cartésiens de la doctrine Spinoziste (Paris, 1907); FREUDENTHAL, Spinoza und die Scholastik (Leipzig, 1887), 83, 138, one of the philosophical essays dedicated to W. Zeller; LUDWIG STEIN, Leibniz und Spinoza (Berlin, 1890); JOEL, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie (2 vols., Breslau, 1876), important for the history of the development of Spinoza; BALTZER, Spinozas Entwicklungsgang (Kiel, 1888); VOLKELT, Pantheismus und Individualismus im System Spinozas (Leipzig, 1872); ZULAWSKI, Das Problem der Kausalität bei Spinoza (Berne, 1899); GEBHARDT, Spinozas Abhandlung über die Verbesserung des Verstandes (Heidelberg, 1905); ZEITSCHEL, Erkenntnislehre Spinozas (Leipzig, 1899); RICHTER, Der Willensbegriff in der Lehre Spinozas (Leipzig, 1898); BUSOLT, Die Grundzüge der Erkenntnistheorie und Metaphysik Spinozas (Berlin, 1875); BECHER, Der Begriff des Attributs bei Spinoza (Halle, 1905). There are also a large number of more or less valuable essays in the Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, from 1900 in the Année Philosophique; also in the Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, in Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, in Vierteljahrschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie; also several in Mind, in Navorscher, in Oud-Holland, in Tijdschr. voor Wijsbegeerte, in Revue philosophique, in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, especially vol. LXXIX, 521 sq., and in the Studiën of Godsdienstig, wetenschappelijk en letterkundig gebied, no 48, 460 sqq. APA citation. (1912). Benedict Spinoza. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14217a.htm MLA citation. "Benedict Spinoza." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14217a.htm>. Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by WGKofron. In memory of Fr. John Hilkert, Akron, Ohio Fidelis servus et prudens, quem constituit Dominus super familiam suam. Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. July 1, 1912. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. Contact information. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. My email address is feedback732 at newadvent.org. (To help fight spam, this address might change occasionally.) Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback — especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads.
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Last year, I developed two interests that this year I must blog about. Both are of a historical and architectural bent and both are related to my pleasure in “Sunday outings” and my hope to travel more widely within the British isles. One is an interest in British Piers, which saw me join ... Read more » What was a Whovian with a few hours to spare in Glasgow to do, but have a tootle around looking for police boxes? The second city of the Empire is home to a several of the Gilbert MacKenzie Trench designed beauties and I managed to find two as part of my sight-seeing. Reports as to how many there ... Read more » I tramped across a cornfield to take a proper look at something I've travelled over countless times. The beautiful and stately Ouse Valley Viaduct, just outside Balcombe, is largely unknown by the people who use it every day. Many a London/Brighton commuter will tell you how lovely the view is ... Read more » My friend Sue writes at London Cemeteries and described her visit to Epping Forest Burial Park recently and how it changed her view of burial. Like her, I previously favoured cremation (or even burial at sea, in my more eccentric moments) until I visited a natural burial site. Cremation ... Read more » I do like going for a ride on a steam railway. Chuff chuff chuff poop poop. And last week the chaps went on an excursion to the Spa Valley Railway. It’s not the best known of the so called heritage lines. (I really hate that phrase. Almost as much as I dislike the term “cherished numbers” ... Read more » I love this. Chortles galore. I think it's a boyish effort at flattery, attached as it was to a fence. I salute that. A reckless, rather romantic gesture. No? Then someone comes in and goes all Truss in a most amusing manner. It's like a Twitter row. But better. Look carefully for the biro ... Read more » (A little guest post I did for someone else as a favour. Shameless recycling) The prize for the worst Royal Wedding ever could easily go to the man who would become George IV. He was Prince of Wales at the time and later Regent. George married his first cousin, Caroline of Brunswick, in 1795. ... Read more » One good turn deserves another. I was the lucky winner of a cut and blowdry at Shine Hair and Beauty in a raffle at the Brightwest Twitter Meet-up back in September. Since they were generous enough to donate the prize, the least I can do is blog about how marvellous it was. Thankfully, I don’t ... Read more » The Brighton Argus has embarked upon an interesting social media ‘crowdsourcing’ experiment. Voters in the hyper-marginal Brighton Pavilion parliamentary constituency are invited to report their encounters with party candidates via Google Maps. The idea sprang from the Brighton Future of ... Read more » Yesterday, the Brighton Argus (print edition) reported a press release from Green Leader Dr Caroline Lucas claiming a day's travel on Brighton and Hove Buses costs £3.80. Obviously, as any Brighton resident will know, a CitySaver ticket costs £3.60 daily (and there are huge savings available for ... Read more » When I was 17, I was arrested during a Reclaim the Streets demo at the Old Steine in Brighton. I spent the afternoon in cells and my bicycle was confiscated. Subsequently, I went to court, pleaded guilty and took the punishment (bound over for a year and a modest fine, as I recall). On the protest ... Read more » I adore this 1988 editorial from The Sun. Many thanks to Brightonian playwright Adrian Bunting who sent it my way. He got it from local cultural guru Peter Crisp, who is well known in the city. I hope that Peter and Adrian will forgive me for sharing it. It's too delicious. The thing about the ... Read more » Noone who was present at Henry Allingham's funeral earlier in the year doubts Brighton's pride in its heroes. And today at the Brighton cenotaph down at Old Steine, just like in communities all over, hundreds of people joined in the Service of Rememberance. Rememberance is important every ... Read more »
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Manchester United beat Derby 4-1 behind two goals by Carlos Tevez on Saturday to move within a point of Premier League leader Arsenal. Ryan Giggs and Cristiano Ronaldo also scored at home for the Red Devils, who have 36 points. Arsenal plays Middlesbrough on Sunday. Chelsea kept pace with a 2-0 win over Sunderland and has 34 points for third place. Aiyegbeni Yakubu scored a hat trick in Everton's 3-0 win over Fulham; Sulley Muntari scored twice for Portsmouth in a 3-1 victory over Aston Villa; and Newcastle scored an injury-time winner to beat Birmingham 2-1. Giggs put United ahead in the 40th minute, scoring from a rebound after Ronaldo's initial shot had been blocked by Derby goalkeeper Stephen Bywater. It was Giggs' 100th league goal, and he's the 11th Manchester United player to reach the landmark. The 34-year-old Giggs has been at United for 17 years. Tevez made it 2-0 in the 45th when he tapped in a free kick from Ronaldo and added his second in the 60th after taking a cross from Wes Brown. Ronaldo converted a 90th-minute penalty kick. Derby pulled one back in the 76th, with Steve Howard scoring the first away goal for the Rams this season. Chelsea was without striker Didier Drogba, who underwent a knee operation before the game. That gave Andriy Shevchenko the start, and he seized the chance by scoring on header in the 23rd. Frank Lampard doubled the lead with a penalty kick in the 75th. Mike Hanke scored three goals to lead Hannover 96 past Werder Bremen 4-3 in the Bundesliga, ending Bremen's 10-game unbeaten streak. Hanke boosted his chances of making Germany's European Championship team by scoring in the 12th and 24th minutes and sidefooting in a cross for the winner in the 77th. Bremen fell two points behind leader Bayern Munich, which drew 0-0 with Duisburg. Bremen rallied from a 3-1 deficit and came close to taking the lead several times before Hannover scored again. "We had the winner on our foot and we didn't convert it,'' Bremen coach Thomas Schaaf said. The teams were separated after the final whistle. Bremen was upset at several calls by the referee, who disallowed an injury-time equalizer by Marcus Rosenberg because of a foul. Players from Eintracht Frankfurt and Schalke were also involved in a shoving match at the end of their 2-2 draw. Frankfurt reserve Carlos Grossmueller was ejected after rushing onto the field and bowling over an opponent. Bayern was at home against a team one spot above last place. Bayern's Miroslav Klose and Luca Toni - who top the league with nine goals - had just one chance apiece against Duisburg in the early going. Their team couldn't score even after Duisburg's Mohamadou Idrissou was ejected in the 80th minute for a foul on goalkeeper Oliver Kahn. Defending champion Stuttgart continued its slow climb after spending the early season near the relegation zone, with a 3-1 win against Wolfsburg. Hamburger SV and Energie Cottbus also drew 0-0, while Bochum and Karlsruher SC played a 2-2 draw. On Friday, Dortmund routed Bielefeld 6-1. St. Mirren, which is in 11th place in the 12-team league, had taken the lead in the 74th through Stephen McGinn, who scored on a rebound after Billy Mehmet's shot was pushed away by Celtic goalkeeper Mark Brown. Celtic leads the league with 33 points, followed by Rangers with 31. Rangers' weekend game was postponed so it could concentrate on its Champions League match against Lyon on Wednesday. PST: Jozy Altidore scored in a fourth straight game and the United States beat Honduras in World Cup qualifying to stay atop the group. Beckham says bye Images of David Beckham's celebrated soccer career, both on the field and off it as a global icon. Video: Soccer from NBC Sports Police clash with protesters in Brazil Police in Brazil used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up demonstrations outside a Rio stadium before a Confederations Cup match. NBCNews.com's Dara Brown reports. Latest from ProSoccerTalk United States player ratings vs. Honduras1 hr 4 min ago Jozy Altidore the hero as the U.S. beats Honduras 1-02 hr 14 min ago USA 1-0 Honduras: Who is Man of the Match?2 hr 23 min ago Eddie Pope makes an appearance at United States match6 hr 54 min ago First MLS man qualifies for World Cup8 hr 37 min ago ProSoccerTalk’s weekly MLS rankings10 hr 38 min ago Just for kicks: Soccer WAGs Take a look at soccer wives and girlfriends from all over the world.
{ "date": "2013-06-19T06:09:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368708142388/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516124222-00006-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9522642493247986, "token_count": 1059, "url": "http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/22160692/profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/05/dolphins-went-against-own-philosophy-to-draft-ryan-tannehill/related/" }
Chief constable is the rank used by the chief police officer of every territorial police force in the United Kingdom except for the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police, as well as the chief officers of the three 'special' national police forces, the British Transport Police, Ministry of Defence Police, and Civil Nuclear Constabulary. The title is also held by the chief officers of the principal Crown Dependency police forces, the Isle of Man Constabulary, States of Guernsey Police Service, and States of Jersey Police. The title is also held, ex officio, by the president of the Association of Chief Police Officers under the Police Reform Act 2002. It was also the title of the chief officer of the Royal Parks Constabulary until this agency was disbanded in 2004. Throughout the United Kingdom and Crown Dependencies there are currently 50 chief constables. These consist of the chief officers of 37 English territorial forces outside London, 4 Welsh territorial forces, the Police Service of Scotland, the Police Service of Northern Ireland, 3 special national forces, 3 Crown Dependency constabularies, and the President of ACPO, Sir Hugh Orde. History of title The title is a derived from the original local parish constables of the 18th century and earlier. Constable and constabulary were terms adopted in an attempt to provide a historical link with the older forces and to emphasise local control. Much of the debate about policing in the early 19th century, when modern police forces were introduced in the United Kingdom, concerned fears that the new forces might become paramilitary agents of central government control. To this day other British police ranks, such as inspector and superintendent, are determinedly non-paramilitary – only police sergeants hold a quasi-military rank and even then the term sergeant had long existed as a non-military officer of subordinate rank. Characteristics of office The population of areas for which chief constables are responsible varies from a few hundred thousand to two or three million and it is commonplace for chief constables for larger force areas to be drawn from the chief constables of smaller forces. A chief constable has no senior officer, but is responsible to the Police and Crime Commissioner. Prior to 2012, the chief constable was responsible to the Police Authority. The chief constable is now appointed by the Police and Crime Commissioner of the service, who may also dismiss the chief constable. The chief constable's badge of rank, worn on the epaulettes, consists of crossed tipstaves in a laurel wreath, surmounted by a crown. This is similar to the insignia of a lieutenant-general in the British Army. The chief constable is assisted by a deputy chief constable (DCC) and one or more assistant chief constables (ACC). The chief constable, DCC and ACCs are collectively known as the "chief officers" of a force and belong to the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). British police forces without chief constables The two territorial police forces in London are not headed by chief constables. The chief officer of the Metropolitan Police and the chief officer of the City of London Police each instead hold the rank of Commissioner. Private police forces A number of corporations and institutions have a right under British law to raise private police forces; in most cases these organisations (which include railway companies, port and airport authorities, universities, cathedrals, and local government agencies responsible for certain markets, parks, tunnels, and open spaces) are permitted to employ uniformed officials who hold the office of constable whilst on (or near to) the property of the organisation concerned, but have no wider jurisdiction. Whilst these private police forces tend to use standard police ranks and uniforms, they are usually very small in size. The chief officer usually therefore holds a lower rank. Service police forces Police forces are maintained by the four branches of the British armed forces, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Royal Marines. However, these forces use the respective military ranks of the service to which they are attached, and therefore have no chief constable. British Overseas Territories Each of the British Overseas Territories (other than the British Antarctic Territory) has its own police force. In the majority of these the chief officer wears the rank markings of a chief constable, but holds the title of Commissioner. In the very small island forces, the chief officer holds a lower rank (for example, the Falkland Islands, where the chief officer is a chief superintendent). The Pitcairn Islands Police is the smallest British police force, usually staffed by one officer (but sometimes two) on secondment from another force. The only British Overseas Territory police force to be headed by a chief constable is the Sovereign Base Areas Police. County police forces in England and Wales The County Police Act 1839 gave the counties of England and Wales the opportunity to establish full-time police forces, headed by a chief constable who was appointed by the justices of the peace of the county. The first county to implement this was Wiltshire Constabulary, which appointed Captain Samuel Meredith RN its first chief constable on 28 November 1839. Other counties followed this pattern; for instance, Essex appointed its first chief constable on 11 February 1840. The salaries of chief constables vary from force to force, primarily on the basis of the population of their force's territory, but the amounts are fixed centrally. From 1 September 2010, the highest paid is the chief constable of Northern Ireland, on £193,548, in recognition of the unique security challenges and political sensitivity of that office. Other salaries range from £181,455 in Greater Manchester and the West Midlands, down to £127,017. The commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and his deputy are paid significantly more than any chief constable, partly because the Metropolitan Police has national anti-terrorism and security duties that overlap with other local forces. As of 2011 the commissioner earns an annual salary of £260,088, whilst his deputy earns £214,722. Current chief constables (United Kingdom and Crown dependencies) The table below lists the chief constables of British and Crown dependency police forces as of February 2013. In London, the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police are led by commissioners rather than chief constables. Chief constable was, however, a lower rank in the Metropolitan Police which existed between 1886 and 1946. In 1869, the divisions of the Metropolitan Police were grouped into four districts, and four new officers called district superintendents were appointed to command them, ranking between the divisional superintendents and the two assistant commissioners. These officers were to be generally military officers, civil servants or lawyers who were directly appointed to the rank. This caused a certain amount of concern, since some saw it as the creation of an "officer class" for the police, which had always been resisted. In 1886, the rank of District Superintendent was renamed chief constable, as it was decided that it could be confused with the divisional superintendents. Unlike their superiors, chief constables were actually sworn into the office of constable, hence the name. A fifth chief constable was later created in the Criminal Investigation Department. The rank became junior to the new rank of deputy assistant commissioner in 1919. In 1933, the districts were taken over by deputy assistant commissioners, with the chief constables remaining as their deputies. In 1946, the rank was renamed deputy commander. The rank badge of a Metropolitan Police chief constable consisted of crossed tipstaves in a wreath. Previous alternative titles (now defunct) Liverpool City Police The chief officer of Liverpool City Police was traditionally known as the head constable instead of the chief constable. This title was used until the early 1920s, when chief constable was adopted (also being used by the chief officers of some other small town and borough forces). Police Service of Northern Ireland The title was adopted by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) in 1969 to replace inspector-general. In 2001, the RUC was renamed and restructured as the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The new force kept the rank of chief constable. - "President of ACPO". Police Reform Act 2002. - Police Ranks and Epaulette, Avon and Somerset Constabulary website - Wiltshire Constabulary History, Wiltshire Police website - The Making of a Chief Constable, Essex Police website - "First woman chief constable is appointed". The Independent. 15 June 1995. - Nottinghamshire Police website
{ "date": "2013-06-20T01:47:43Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368710006682/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516131326-00006-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9649326801300049, "token_count": 1752, "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Constable" }
Family and friends remember Neto White and Leondro Carabajal Police say man who killed boys was drunk Friends and family gathered Friday to remember 9-year-old Neto White and 17-year-old Leondro Carabajal, the victims of an alcohol-involved crash. Police said the boys were hit by a drunk driver as they pushed their van on Pikes Peak Avenue near Parkside Drive after the vehicle ran out of gas. Several dozen people gathered around a roadside memorial for the boys, lit candles and cried together. "We're all just taking it so hard because he was just so young and always such a good boy," said Christine Carter, Neto's family member. Neto was a student at D-2's Wildflower Elementary. Family said he was always smiling, and loved sports, Legos and being with family and friends. Leondro was nicknamed "Dimples" and went to Sierra High School, according to his Facebook page. "We've known him for many, many years and we're taking it just as hard with him dying," said Carter. Carter said through their grief, Neto's family has learned about the community's generosity. They've gotten donations and a lot of prayers. "We're just so, so thankful for all the great prayers and thoughts," said Carter. "The family will need prayers." People can donate to the family at the Harrison School District 2 Federal Credit Union located at 1060 Harrison Road. The account is under the White Family Memorial Fund. No word yet on a memorial fund for the Carabajal family. The man who police say killed the two boys is 47-year-old Robert Icenogle. He faces charges of vehicular homicide, vehicular assault and DUI. Copyright 2012 KRDO. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
{ "date": "2013-06-20T08:44:38Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368711005985/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516133005-00006-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9799990653991699, "token_count": 394, "url": "http://www.krdo.com/news/Family-and-friends-remember-Neto-White-and-Leondro-Carabajal/-/417220/17617806/-/view/print/-/apgof9/-/index.html" }
© Style Birmingham Top 5: Celebrity Fashion Picks - George Lamb Top 5: Celebrity Fashion Picks, Fellas, put away the cotton-wrangled tops and colour-deprived bottoms in the “no-go” section of your wardrobe. Keep the scandalous fashion trends at bay and make for the high street, where every man can look like a supermodel at half the price. George Lamb, a bona fide stylish man and possible candidate for head of the fashion police agrees: Starring George Lamb “Back when I was a kid, the Topman then compared to the Topman of today was wholly different,” he says. “Now you can look a million dollars without having to spend your entire month’s wage. Sure, designers such as Ralph Lauren are great, but why spend copious amounts of money on a single item when you can get several, equally as fashionable items for the exact same price?” We at AskMen HQ agree, which is why we asked the TV presenter for his top five fashion picks.
{ "date": "2015-03-29T06:44:09Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131298228.32/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172138-00078-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9460079669952393, "token_count": 222, "url": "http://www.askmen.com/top_10/celebrity/top-5-celebrity-fashion-picks-george-lamb.html" }
Stefan Zweig (1881–1942) stands in for Europe’s uprooted intellectuals in this elegiac portrait by Prochnik (In Pursuit of Silence: Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise, 2010, etc.). Zweig was one of the most famous and successful authors in the world in the 1920s and early ’30s, best known for his novellas and breezy biographies of historical figures like Erasmus and Marie Antoinette. His fellow Viennese intellectuals might have slightly disdained his wild popularity—except that everyone loved this slight, dapper man with his “genius for friendship.” When the Nazis came to power, Zweig was in a much better position that most, with plenty of money to fund his travels as he roamed from Switzerland to southern France to England and the United States in search of a refuge from the fascist madness. His relative comfort, however, could not make up for the trauma of being ejected from the culture that he, like many other German-speaking Jews, had believed belonged to them as well. “The world we loved has gone beyond recall,” he gloomily told a fellow refugee in Manhattan in 1941. “We shall be homeless in all countries. We have no present and no future.” Prochnik, himself a polymath writer with European Jewish roots, was prompted by the story of his own family, which also fled Nazi-occupied Vienna, to investigate Zweig’s experience of exile. Unable to envision himself settled in America despite four stays in New York, Zweig finally moved to a small village in Brazil in 1941, hoping for peace in which to write. Prochnik sensitively considers his final books—the poignant memoir The World of Yesterday (1942) and Brazil: Land of the Future (1941), which determinedly celebrated his adopted country’s embrace of “the humanist values his native Europe had so wretchedly betrayed.” In the end, accumulating losses and dwindling hopes of a better tomorrow drove Zweig to commit suicide not long after his 60th birthday. Intelligent, reflective and deeply sad portrait of a man tragically cut adrift by history.
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